Productivity Improvement of Bucket Elevator by Modified Design

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International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2013)

Productivity Improvement of Bucket Elevator by Modified

Snehal Patel1, Sumant Patel2, Jigar Patel3
1,3 2
Research scholar, Assistant professor, U. V. Patel, engineering college, Ganpat University
Abstract—These are powered equipment for conveying As new materials are developed and quality materials
bulk materials in a vertical or steep inclined path, consisting become more readily available, then changes in design
of an endless belt, or chain/s to which metallic buckets are have been made to adapt to these materials. New
fixed. With the flexible belt/chain, the buckets move technology has improved both design and manufacturing
unidirectionally within a casing and collect bulk materials at
procedures. Computer technology has helped reduce design
bottom end of the equipment and deliver it at the top end.
A range of different research methods have been used to time, reduce rework and understanding the behaviour of
determine the productivity improvement of elevator. The materials under different loadings. New technologies in
present study shows the productivity improvement of elevator manufacture have reduced manufacturing time, costs,
for granular materials by changing in parameter and weight and increased tolerances.
structure affecting the efficiency of elevator. These changes have allowed increase discharge height
Current work deals with the design and analysis of elevator and greater capacities to be obtained.
for conveying granular materials at 2 tonnes/hr output and An elevator is ideally used where the product needs to be
lifting height 12m. Modeling of different components of elevated and consume only a small amount of ground area.
bucket elevator has been done using 3d Solid Modeling
Conveyed products are mostly granular solids, which range
software based upon the dimensions obtained from analytical
design. The new modified design of the bucket elevator is from powders to rocks. Limitations depend on how easily
proposed and validated using CAE tools which are well within product can be loaded into and discharged from the bucket.
the safe limit. Large granular products create difficulty loading and sticky
products discharging.[1]
Keywords— Bucket elevator, Material handling equipment, For products that are fragile and easily crushed, slower
CAE tools, Bucket conveyance speeds are used. It consist of
1. Bucket to contain the material
2. A belt to carry the buckets and transmit the pulley
A bucket elevator, also called a grain leg, is a 3. Means to drive the belt
mechanism for hauling flow able bulk materials (most 4. Accessories for loading the buckets or picking up the
often grain or fertilizer) vertically. The bucket elevator is material, for receiving the discharged material, for
probably the oldest known form of conveyor, Its history maintaining the belt tension and for enclosing and
can be traced back to the days of Babylon where wicker protecting the elevator.
baskets lined with a natural pitch and fastened to ropes A bucket elevator can elevate a variety of bulk materials
operating over wooden sheaves turned by slaves, were used from light to heavy and from fine to large lumps. A
for the elevating of water into irrigation ditches. centrifugal discharge elevator may be vertical or inclined.
The Concept of the elevator has been around for many
years. Variations that have changed to the elevator are its
method of manufacture and types of materials used.

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2013)
Early bucket elevators used a flat chain with small, steel
buckets attached every few inches. Current construction
uses a rubber belt with plastic buckets. Pulleys several feet
in diameter are used at the top and bottom. The top pulley
is driven by an electric motor.
The bucket elevator is the enabling technology that
permitted the construction of grain elevators. A diverter at
the top of the elevator allows the grain to be sent to the
chosen bin. A similar device with flat steps is occasionally
used as an elevator for humans, e.g., for employees in
parking garages. (This sort of elevator is generally
considered too dangerous to allow use by the public) [2]


Power P = (1.15+K2. K3.V)

From design data book we find value of K2, K3 and V for

given capacity. After the apply the value of Q and H we
find the power is equal to 0.8068 Kw.[3]


Fig 1 Bucket Elevator[2]

A bucket elevator can elevate a variety of bulk materials

from light to heavy and from fine to large lumps. A T=
centrifugal discharge elevator may be vertical or inclined.
Vertical elevators depend entirely on the action of From above three equations we find the torque is
centrifugal force to get the material into the discharge chute 102.724 N.m. For the shaft we choose the C40 or En8
and must be run at speeds relatively high. Inclined material. Shear stress for C40 or En8 material = 230
elevators with buckets spaced apart or set close together N/mm2.[4]
may have the discharge chute set partly under the head
pulley. Since they don't depend entirely on the centrifugal d3 =
force to put the material into the chute, the speed may be
relatively lower. From above equation we find the value of shaft diameter
Nearly all centrifugal discharge elevators have spaced is 25 mm. After the finding diameter of shaft select the
buckets with rounded bottoms. They pick their loads from a bearing, gearbox, and motor as per requirement. Then
boot, a pit, or a pile of material at the foot pulley. The design the casing, buckets, and fixing arrangement as per
buckets can be also triangular in cross section and set close standard. [5,6,7]
to on the belt with little or no clearance between them. This
is a continuous bucket elevator. Its main use is to carry
difficult material at slow speed.

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2013)
A. FEA Analysis of Head Pulley
Applying the Loading Condition:

Fig 2.3 Total Deformation of head pulley shaft

From the analysis we get the maximum deformation is

2.2381 mm. Maximum deformation occurs at right end of
the shaft. From right to left deformation is reduced.
Minimum deformation occurs at left end of shaft and head
Fig 2.1 Loading condition of head pulley shaft pulley.
Apply the belt load on the shaft and head pulley. B. Modification
Directions of the all load are downward. For the rotation There are some reasons for modification
part apply the rotation velocity 76 rpm at direction of the 1) If the break occurs at the inner edge of the pulley, you
rotation of the shaft. Apply the frictionless support for the might consider fretting corrosion.
bearing. 2) If the pulley is not tight enough on the shaft, micro
Von Mises Stress: movement of the pulley on the shaft can cause fretting
corrosion which creates stress risers and finally a
complete failure of the shaft from fatigue. This can
happen unbelievable quickly.
3) Bucket elevator tail pulley shaft keeps failing. the
shaft is made of mild is always break closest to
the bore of the pulley.
The change of material from EN-8 to EN-24 gives a
marginal reduction in stress due to the change of property
of the material. [8].EN-24 has more fretting corrosion
resistance than EN-8 material. So, we proposed new
material En 24[9, 10].
Table I
Properties of EN8 and EN24[11]

Properties EN 8 Material EN 24 Material

Fig 2.2 Von mises stress of head pulley

Young Modulus 2.05 * 105 N/mm2 2.07 * 105 N/mm2
From the analysis we get the maximum stress is 199.11
Poisson’s ratio 0.3 0.3
MPa. Maximum stress occurs at the shaft which is near the
head pulley. Minimum stress occurs at end shaft and head Yield stress 465 N/mm2 550 N/mm2
Hardness 207-255 BHN 220-280 BHN

Density 7800 Kg/m3 7840 Kg/m3

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2013)
C. FEA Analysis of Head Pulley After Modification IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
Von Mises Stress: A. Stress (Von Misses stress) comparison
Table: II
Stress results of existing and modified shaft

Maximum Minimum

Existing Shaft 199.11 MPa 0.0088239 MPa

Modified Shaft 182.02 MPa 0.0088556 MPa

•199.11 MPa
•182.02 MPa
Fig 2.4 Von mises stress of head pulley

From the analysis we get the maximum stress is 182.02

MPa. Maximum stress occur at the shaft which is near the
head pulley. Minimum stress occurs at end shaft and head
Von Mises Stress, MPa

pulley. 195
Total Deformation:




Existing Shaft Modified Shaft

B. Displacement of head pulley

Table: III
Fig 2.5 Total Deformation of head pulley shaft Displacement results of existing and modified shaft

From the analysis we get the maximum deformation is Value

1.9412 mm. Maximum deformation occurs at right end of Displacement
the shaft. From right to left deformation is reduced. Maximum Minimum
Minimum deformation occurs at left end of shaft and head
Existing Shaft 2.2381 mm 0.0003841 mm
Modified Shaft 1.9412 mm 0.0002884 mm

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2013)

A general design of bucket elevator has been proposed.
Static structural analysis for different components of bucket
elevator has been done with FEA tools under standard
C. Factor of Safety comparison operating conditions. Bucket elevator mainly fails due to
For existing design F.S = design stress / induced stress breaking occurs at the inner edge of the pulley, it consider
as fretting corrosion. So new material EN24 has been
= 465 / 199.11
suggested for the shaft. From the analysis, it can be seen
= 2.3 that for modified design has higher FOS than existing
For modified design F.S = design stress / induced stress design.
= 550 / 182.02 The aim of this dissertation is to improve the design of
bucket elevator. The obtained modified design serves the
= 3.0
purpose of design. The analysis results for existing and
Table: IV modified design both are well within the safe limit under
FOS of existing and modified shaft standard operating conditions.

Shaft Factor of Safety REFERENCES

[1] Material Handling Equipment by Rudenko, MIR Publishers.
Existing Shaft 2.3 [2] Bulk Solids Handling: An Introduction to the Practice and
Technology by C. R.Woodcock, J. S. Mason
Modified Shaft 3.0 [3] PSG Design data book , pages 9.24-9.26
[4] Belt conveyor elevator design by Mike Sondalin, Second Edition,
Pages 7-8

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2013)
[5] IS code 6833-1973, Reaffirmed 2011, ―Specification for buckets for [9] Optimization of burnishing parameters and determination of select
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[7] IS code 6832-1985, Reaffirmed 2010, ―Specification for fixing [10] R Ramesh, R. Gnanamoorthy (2007). ―Artificial Neural Network
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