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Appendix 1
Dear Sir/Madam
This is to bring your kind information that this is an attempt to identify the dividend
policy of Nepalese commercial banks listed for the partial fulfillment of Thesis required
for MBS degree, TU. You are kindly requested to fill up the following Questionnaire with
the best answer in your view. I would be grateful to you for the contribution of your
valuable time and effort.
Name : Sex M [ ], F [ ]
Questions A B C D Total
1. 9 12 6 11 38
2. 20 11 7 0 38
3. 8 17 4 9 38
4. 23 9 6 0 38
5. 24 5 9 0 38
6. 7 7 8 16 38
7. 0 32 0 6 38
8. 0 32 0 6 38
9. 8 19 7 4 38
Appendix 3
Calculation of Mean, SD and C. V. of DPS of sample banks
Year EBL(x1) HBL( NBL(x3) (x1-x1~) (x1-x1~)2 (x2-x~2) (x2-x~2)2 (x3- (x3-x~3)2
X2) x~3)
2012/13 20 20 15 11 121 -12.3 151.29 -15.5 240.25
2013/14 20 31.5 12.58 11 121 -0.8 0.64 -17.92 321.1264
2014/15 25 35 55 6 36 2.7 7.29 24.5 600.25
2015/16 40 30 30 9 81 -2.3 5.29 -0.5 0.25
2016/17 50 45 40 19 361 12.7 161.29 9.5 90.25
Average (x¯) 31 32.3 30.5 640 325.8 1252.126
Std. Deviation 11.31 8 15.82 128 8.072174 15.82504
C.V. 0.3648 0.2499 0.5188 11.31
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Year EBL (%) HBL (%) NBL(%) X1-X1 (X1-x1)2 X2-x¯2 (x2-x2)2 X3-X2 X3-x3)2
2012/13 3 2.38 1.6 1 1 -0.22 0.0484 -0.4 0.16
2013/14 2.3 3.37 1.62 0.3 0.09 0.77 0.5929 -0.38 0.1444
2014/15 1.8129079 3.18181818 3.60793651 -0.25818 0.066655 0.581818 0.338512 1.607937 2.58546
2015/16 1.64609053 1.70454545 1.735107 -0.42499 0.18062 -0.89545 0.801839 -0.26489 0.070168
1.59642401 -0.47466 0.225303 -0.33 0.1089 -0.32653 0.106622
10.3554224 1.562578 1.890551 3.06665
2.07108449 12.9 10.23 0.312516 0.37811 0.61333
2 2.6 2
C. V.
Year DPS (x) EPS(Y) X- X¯ Y-Y¯ Y¯) (X- X¯)2 (Y-Y¯)2
2012/13 15 51.7 -15 -2.3 34.5 225 5.29
2013/14 12.58 39.31 -17.42 -14.69 255.8998 303.4564 215.7961
2014/15 55 59.35 25 5.35 133.75 625 28.6225
2015/16 30 62.57 0 8.57 0 0 73.4449
2016/17 40 57.87 10 3.87 38.7 100 14.9769
152.58 270.8 462.8498 1253.456 338.1304
30 54 92.96 250.69 67
x¯= 30
sx=15.8 sy=8.18
Year DPS (x) NWPS(Y) X- X¯ Y-Y¯ Y¯) (X- X¯)2 (Y-Y¯)2
2012/13 20 246.93 -12.3 1.33 -16.359 151.29 1.7689
2013/14 31.5 239.59 -0.8 -6.01 4.808 0.64 36.1201
2014/15 35 228.72 2.7 -16.88 -45.576 7.29 284.9344
2015/16 30 264.74 -2.3 19.14 -44.022 5.29 366.3396
2016/17 45 247.95 12.7 2.35 29.845 161.29 5.5225
161.5 1227.93 -71.304 325.8 694.6855
32.3 245.6 -14.68 65 138.9371
x¯= 32.3
sx=8 sy=11.78
Appendix 12
Calculation of Correlation between DPS and MVPS of EBL
Simple regression analysis of dividend per share on Earning per share of EBL
Simple regression analysis of dividend per share on earning per share of EBL
year EPS(X) DPS(Y) XY X2 Y2 X-X¯ (X-X¯)2
2012/13 45.58 20 911.6 2077.536 400 -2.504 6.270016
2013/14 37.54 20 750.8 1409.252 400 -10.544 111.1759
2014/15 45.81 25 1145.25 2098.556 625 -2.274 5.171076
2015/16 57.22 40 2288.8 3274.128 1600 9.136 83.4665
2016/17 54.27 50 2713.5 2945.233 2500 6.186 38.2666
Simple regression analysis of dividend per share on Earning per share of HBL
Simple regression analysis of dividend per share on earning per share of NBL
Simple regression analysis of dividend per share on Net Worth per share of EBL
Simple regression analysis of dividend per share on Net worth per share of HBL
Simple regression analysis of dividend per share on Net worth per share of NBL
Appendix 24
Testing of Hypothesis
Let X1, X2, X3 be the DPS of EBL, HBL, And NBL respectively
Year X1 X2 X3 (X1-X2¯)2 (X2-X2¯)2 (X3-X3¯)2
31 32.3 30.516
Appendix 25
Testing of Hypothesis
Let X1, X2, X3 be the DPR of EBL, HBL, and NBL respectively
Appendix 26
Testing of Hypothesis