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J V IldKAi i I , I’KIN i j i o i m. i m\ i khi i .


iBuppit of iSrtat Britain anti Urrlanfc

Empress of Hn&ia







iNaupati jftnan&a ^ajapati iRa? antujfrf&frirft jplajr UHuIIrr











, * BH/A


Since the publication of the third volume of this edition of the Rig-veda,

the age and authenticity of the sacred writings of the Brahmans have become
the subject of new and animated discussions, and many points in the history
of the ancient literature of India which seemed almost beyond the reach of
reasonable criticism, have become overcast by doubts and surmises. Although
it would be impossible to examine every objection that has been raised,
there are some which deserve a careful consideration; and 1 feel that it,
becomes part of the duty incumbent on me, as the editor of the Rig-veda,
to state how far the convictions which I expressed on former occasions as
to the age and character of the Vedic literature in its four divisions, the
AVandas, Mantra, Brahmana, and Sutra periods, have been either changed or
strengthened by the researches and arguments of other scholars.
The first question which requires to be considered anew is,
Can the age of the Vedic hymns he fixed by astronomical- evidence J
In my ‘History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature’ I have endeavoured to
show that it is possible to distinguish four great classes of literary compo¬
sitions, corresponding to four great periods in the growth of the Vedic
religion and of the theological system of the Brahmans. The most recent
of these four periods extends to about 200 B. c., and from the peculiar style
in which all the works belonging to it are composed, it has received the
name of the Sutra period. Several of the most eminent among the authors
of Sutras or aphorisms lived prior, if not to the origin, at least to the
spreading and the political ascendancy of Buddhism, and hence the date
600 b. c. was assigned as the most probable for the beginning of the Sutra
It is, I believe, admitted by all scholars, that the Sutras presuppose the
existence of the Brahmanas, another class of Vedic writings, which together
constitute what I call the Brithmana period. As that period compi’ehends

the first 'establishment of the elaborate Brahmanieal ceremonial with its four
classes of priests, the composition of separate theological treatises, the so-called
Br&hma«as *, their collection, and again the schism of sects which were founded
originally on the basis of the great collective Br£hmanas, it would seem
impossible to bring the whole of this literary ^and theological activity within
a narrower space than 200 years. I therefor^ assigned to it a duration from
800 to 600 b. c.
The Brahmawas, again, presuppose the existence of a complete collection of
Vedic hymns, such as we now possess in the ten books of the Rig-veda-SamhitA
Seven out of these ten books belonged originally to separate families or clans,
and each contains a number of hymns, clearly the productions of different
generations of poets. Some of these hymns are written in imitation of others,
and the more modern assume a decidedly ritual character. As Mantra is the
technical name of a hymn employed for sacrificial purposes, I have designated
the period during which the latest sacrificial hymns were written, and collected,
together with tire older hymns, at first into separate books, and afterwards
into a complete body of sacred and liturgical poetry, the Mantra period.
Several generations of modern poets, and probably two classes of collectors,
have to be accommodated in it; so that if we allow 200 years to this period,
this is hardly out of proportion to the work which had to be performed
in it.
There remains the last and most important period in the history of Vedic
literature, that of the ancient poets or Rishis, who, by their songs, gave the
first impulse to the religion, the poetry, the worship of the Aryan dwellers
in India. Their forefathers were strangers in the land of the Seven Rivers,

1 I differ from Professor Westerguard (Abhand- 2. Brahman does not occur, at least in, ancient
lungeu, p. 57), and still prefer to derive bruhmana works, in the sense of the holy elemont in the sacri¬
from brahmin, ' the priest,’ not from brahman, which fice;’ it means ‘prayers,’ ‘offerings.’ In later works
is said to have the §ense of ‘ the holy element in the it is used for Veda or holy word, etc.
sacrifice.’ (Roth, Nirukta, p.xxvi.) My reasons are. 3. Tho Br;\hnianas treat chiefly of the outward cere¬
1. It is not correct to form a derivative like brSk- monial, the karnmn. They give tho vidhis, 1 rules,’
niaita from a neuter, brdhman, in the sense of treating or the kalpa, ‘ceremonial,’ together with tho artlia-
of or concerned with tho brdhinan. We should not vfidas, ‘ comments.’ The hrdhmau is treated of in tho
find a work, treating of nfhnan or sainan, called nfl- Aranyakas and Upanishads, which constitute the brali-
inana or sftniana: at least T know of uo analogous tnakft/trfa, as opposed to tho karmakfimfa.
formation in classical Sanskrit. It would certainly he 4. The Brahmanas contain just that kind of in¬
against I’anim, for l’uniui allows the suffix ail only after formation which tho Brahmins, as overseers at sacri¬
words which have not the udhtta on the first syllablo fices, would want, nay, without which thoy could
(IV. 2, 44). He would allow btahmana to be formed hardly have exercised that ministerial function which
from brahmin, ‘priest,’but not frombrifhntan, ‘prayer.’ was peculiarly their own.

and some of the thoughts and accents of the earliest Vedic hymns may point
beyond the natural frontiers of the great Indian peninsula. To assign any
definite date to the first or the last of the old Rishis is clearly impossible; yet
looking at the numerous relics of that early age, I ventured to suggest 200
years as a minimum, which few, acquainted with the early history of mankind,
could consider extravagant. I Jihus arrived at about 1200 b. c. as the latest
date at which we may suppose the Vedic bards settled in the Northern regions
of the Indian continent. I pointed out repeatedly, that beyond the frontiers
of the Sfitra period (600-200 b. c.) our chronological measurements must
necessarily be of a merely hypothetical character; yet I felt convinced that
those who from an intimate acquaintance with the Vedic literature are most
competent to form an opinion as to the time required for its growth, its
maturity, and its decay, would allow that the minimum durations assigned
by me to the Brahmana, Mantra, and Kimndas periods were below rathe)'
than above the average durations of similar periods in the intellectual and
literary history of other nations. I may be allowed to quote the concluding
words of my History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature, as I find they have
given rise to a curious misunderstanding. 1 The chronological limits,’ I said,
1 assigned to the Sutra and Brahmaaa periods will seem to most Sanskrit
scholars too narrow rather than too wide, and if we assign but 200 years to
the Mantra period, from 800 to 1000 B. c., and an equal number to the
AV/andas period, from 1000 to 1200 B. c., we can do so only under the sup¬
position that, during the early periods of history, the growth of the human
mind was more luxuriant than in later times, and that the layers of thought
were formed less slowly in the primary than in the tertiary ages of the
I should have thought that the meaning of this paragraph could hardly
have .been misapprehended, and that the expression ‘layers of thought,’ was
sufficient tc show that the terms ‘ primary and tertiary ages of the world,’
could not refer to geological periods and to the growth of the crust of the
earth, but were used metaphorically of the periods in the historical growth
of the human mind. I was not prepared therefore for a question addressed
to me rather bluntly by a distinguished philosopher. ‘ Is 1200 b. c. a primary
age of the world except in Biblical geology?’—a question to my mind entirely
meaningless, unless we ascribe to it a meaning unworthy of so intelligent
and liberal-minded a writer.
With this single exception, however, my anticipations of the judgment of
VOL. IV. b

all competent scholars with regard to the minimum durations assigned by

me to the four periods of Vedic literature have not been deceived. On a
question so purely hypothetical as the chronological system on which my
History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature was built, the assenting votes of in¬
dependent and fair-minded scholars are, of course, of great importance, and
T shall therefore quote the opinions of some who have a right to be heard on
these difficult problems. Professor Wilson, in his Review of my History',
says :
‘ Professor Max Muller thinks it impossible to assign a shorter interval than
two centuries for the origin and accumulation of the mass of Brahmanical
literature that must have existed. We confess that we are disposed to look
upon this limit as much too brief for the establishment of an elaborate
ritual, for the appropriation of all spiritual authority by the Bnlhmans, for
the distinction of races or the institution of caste, and for the mysticism
and speculation of the Aranyakas or Upanishads: a period of five centuries
would not seem to be too protracted for such a complete remodelling of the
primitive system and its wide dissemination through all those parts of India
where the Brahmans have spread. There seems no reason to question the
general accuracy of the lists of teachers preserved by Brahmanical tradition,
and which, as Professor Max Muller remarks, would extend the limits of this
age to a very considerable degree. These traditions are preserved in different
supplementary works or Va/rtsas, also regarded as Brahmanas, several of which
are extant. There are several of these in the >Satapatha Brahma/ia, which
Professor Max Muller quotes, and he concludes that from their extent it is
possible that the limit he suggests will have to be extended. We quite concur
in this anticipation, and think there can lie little doubt that, instead of two
centuries, we may venture to conjecture four or five, and so carry the com¬
mencement of the Bnthmana period to the tenth or eleventh century u. <’.’»
The same scholar, after stating his reasons for treating the Mantra aiid
AVtandas periods as one 1 complete in itself, though extending over a long space
of time, and in some instances to a very remote antiquity,’ hints at the twelfth
to the twentieth centuries n.c. as the probable limits of the age which gave
birth to the poetry of the Veda.
M. Barthdlemy Saint-Hilaire2, in his articles on the same work (January,
P- 53)> has the following remarks as to the approximate durations assigned by

1 Edinburgh Review, 1860, p. 375.

2 Journal dcs Savant*, August, September, October, December, i860, and January 1861.

me to the four periods of Vedic literature: ‘Ces considerations m’amcnent natur-

ellement it la derniere question que je voulais traiter, en rendant compte de
1 ouvrage de M. Max Muller, et que j ai dbjit plus d’une fois indiquee ; c’est celle
de la chronologie. L auteur ne pouvait guere se borner it diviser l’histoire de
I ancienne litterature Sanscrite dans les quatre periodes distinctes cpie nous
avons successivement parcourues avec lui; il devait aussi tenter d’assigner it
chacune de ces periodes une dur-ee approximative. Mais c’est lit qu’est le peril,
quand on songe it quelles incertitudes est encore lHree presque toute la chrono-
logie indienne, et de quelles tenbbres elle est couverte. Cependant, en s’appuyant
sur quelques donnees gbnerales, qui sont actuellement admises par les indianistes,
et dont j’ai parle plus baut, M. Max Muller dtablit que les quatre periodes re-
pondent aux dates suivantes ; la periode des Soutras, qui dure quatre siecles
s ctend en remontant de 1 an 200 avant J. 0. it 1 an 600; celle des Bnihmanas
I'omprend de l’an 600 ii, l’an 800; celle des Mantras, de Fan 800 it Fan 1000; et
enlin la periode du Tchhandas va de lan 1000 ii Fan 1200 avant l’ere chretienne.
II est bien entendu (pie ce ne sont lit que des it peu pres, et, malgre l’apparente
rigueur de ces cbitfres, i! est clair qu’on ne peut arriver en ceci it aucune deter¬
mination precise. Aussi M. Max Midler aurait-il peut-ctre bien fait de ne pas
ebercher it fixer des limites aussi arretees et de ne pas circonscrire si nettement
les cboses. Comrne il y a necessairement toujours beaucoup de vague dans les
appreciations de ce genre, i! est bon que la forme donnee it des hypotheses suit
mdecise elle-meme autant que les assertions; et, comrne il n’y a rien de moins
flexible qu’un nombre une fois qu’il est cnonce, il eht mieux valu, je crois, rester
dans une demi-obscurite, (]ui est, d’ailleurs, bien excusable en ces matieres. Tout
!<• ln°nde reconnattra, du reste, que les supputations de M. Max Miiller sont
tres-moderbes, et, s’il a failli en quelque chose, c’est plutbt par un exces de
reserve. La duree de chacune de ces periodes est bien courte ; et, comrne les
Samhitds, telles que nous les possedons, sont redigbes un millier d’annees au
moins avant notre ore, on peut faire remonter sans la moindre crainte la periode
du ichhandas fort au delit, et 1 on en revient ainsi aux calculs de Sir William
Jones et de Colebrooke, qui reportaient la composition du Rig-Veda it quatorze
ou quinze cents ans avant J. C.

‘Dun antre cbtd, cette duree uniforme de deux siecles donnee it la periode
des Br&hmanas, comrne it celle des Mantras et du Tchhandas peut egalement
prbter it la critique. Si la periode des Soiitras a pu remplir quati’e sifecles entiers,
il parait peu probable que celle des Bnthmanas, qui sont beaucoup plus longs
et tout aussi nombreux peut-etre, n’en ait pas remplit davantage, en y compre-
b 2

iiant les Aranyakas et les Oupanishads. II y a certainement aussi beaucoup

meins de distance entre les Brahmanas et les Softtras, qu’il n’y en a entre les
Mantras et les Bnlhmanas. Cependant M. Max Muller ne compte que deux
siecles entre chacunc de ces deux classes. L’analogie semblerait autoriser it
mettre bien plus d’intervalle entre les unes qu’entre les autres. 11 y a une
immense difference entre l’epoquo ou l’on eonstitue les recueils de la po<Ssie
sacrde et l’epoque ou on les conmiente ; il y en a moins entre cette dernihre et
cede oft l’on reduit ces contmentaires diffus et obscurs it des regies claires et
methodiques. truant a la periode des Mantras, elle semble, de son cote, trop
developpee, si celle des Brdhmanas ne Test point assez. En admettant qu’il ait
f'allu deux siecles pour la composition des Brdhmanas, la simple collection des
Samhitds n’a pas du en exiger autant. Ainsi done, sans contester la duree
absolue des periodes reunies, leur duree relative ne parait pas trds-acceptable,
et cette proportion pourrait etre etablie d’une manic re toute differente, qui se
justifierait non moins bien. Quant it la periode du Tchhandas, la premiere de
toutes, et la plus feconde puisqu’elle a enfante tout le reste, il est bien it pro¬
sumer quelle a i$te la plus longue ; et cette inspiration, qui a vivifie, durant
plus de trois mille ans, toute la croyance rcligieu.se d’un grand peuple, n’a pas
pu etre passagere pour (pie ses effets aient etc si durables. Mais je quitte le
champ des conjectures, et je m’empresse de resumer cette analyse que j’ai faite
avec taut de details, et taut de satisfaction du livre de M. Max Muller.’
Like Professor Wilson and M. Barthelemy Saint-IIilaire, Professor Whitney
too, the learned editor of the Atharva-veda and of the Sitrya-siddhanta, has
expressed his conviction that the chronological limits assigned by me to the
four periods of Vedic literature are too narrow rather than too wide.
‘We may next follow Professor Max Muller,’ he writes, ‘in his attempt to
establish a chronological groundwork for the Vedic literature. IIow extremely
delicate and difficult a task this is wont to be in matters affecting the literary
history of India, is sufficiently known to all who have had any occasion to deal
with the subject. What wild and baseless theories respecting the dates of
events, and the periods of works, or classes of works, in Hindu antiquity, have
been built up and accepted, oidy to be overthrown again and forgotten ! But
also what learned and cautious conclusions upon like subjects have been drawn
by critical scholars, to be proved fallacious and set aside by farther research !
It can scarcely be said that there is a single Sanskrit work, not of quite modern
authorship, in existence, whatever be its prominence and importance, over the
period of which there reigns not an uncertainty to be measured only by cen-

turies. The one reliable date which we possess for Indian history, until
times long posterior to the Christian era, is furnished by the Greek accounts
of the Indian sovereign “ Sandrocottus,” contemporary of the early successors
of Alexander. That this is the king called by the Hindus Chandragupta,
the founder of a new dynasty upon the Ganges, there can be no reasonable
doubt; luckily, the prominence* of his grandson, A6oka, in Buddhist history,
as the Constantine of Buddhism, the first who gave that religion supremacy
in India, has led to the preservation of such trustworthy accounts of him as
permit the satisfactory identification of the two personages. This datum is
well styled by our author the sheet-anchor of Indian chronology; without
it we should be, even respecting the most important eras of Indian history,
drifting almost hopelessly at sea. If there has been, besides this, any date
in which nearly all students of Hindu arclneology have acquiesced, agreeing
to regard it as satisfactorily established, it has been that of the death of
Buddha, as supposed to be fixed by the Buddhists of Ceylon, at h.c. 543.
But, in the work now under consideration, Professor Max Muller attacks
with powerful arguments the authenticity and credibility of this date also :
he points out that the Ceylon data, if compared with and corrected by the
Greek era of Chandragupta, indicate rather 477 than 543 is. e. as Buddha's
death-year ; and he argues farther, that the data themselves contain an arti¬
ficial and arbitrary element which destroys their faith; and that back of the
great synod under Asoka, about 250 B. c., we really know nothing of the
chronology of Buddhism. From this conclusion we do not ourselves feel inclined
to dissent; the considerations adduced by Max Midler as the ground of his
scepticism are not easily to be set aside; and we have been taught, by long
and sad experience, that a Hindu date is not a thing that one can clutch
and hold. But while we pay our author homage in his character of Siva,
the Destroyer, we cannot show him equal reverence when he acts the part
of Brahma, the Constructor; for the basis of evidence on which he founds
his system of chronology for the Vedic literature seems to us far less sub¬
stantial than that which had been relied upon to establish the date of Buddha s
entrance upon nihility. Let us briefly review bis reasonings. He begins with
laying down as strongly as possible the marked distinctness of the periods
represented by the three principal classes of the Vedic literature, showing
that each class necessarily presupposes the existence and full development
of that which precedes it: as regards the two later classes, he dwells upon
the native distinction of them as sruti and smriti, “revelation” and “tradi-

tion,” respectively, contending that this implies a recognition of the latter as

of notably later origin than the other. He farther divides the period of the
Hymns into two, that of their composition and that of their collection and
arrangement: the former he styles the chhandas period, the period of spon¬
taneous poetic productiveness; the latter is the mantra period, that in which
this poetry had become invested with a conventional and adscititious charac¬
ter,—had become mantra, “sacred formula.” To such a division no Yedic
scholar will refuse assent; the wide difference, in time and in character,
between the singers and the diaskeuasts of the hymns has long been recog¬
nised, and has only failed to be marked by a suitable and happy nomenclature ;
that proposed by our author will probably henceforth be generally adopted.
Professor Max Muller thus establishes four chronological steps, or separate
and successive epochs of time; and, save that we may regard it as still
uncertain how far these periods have interlaced with, or even slightly over¬
lapped one another, we find nothing in his method to criticise.’
Professor Whitney then proceeds to state some objections to the dates
commonly assigned to PAvini and Kdtyayana, and he continues (p. 263):
‘Adopting 600-200 b. 0. as the period of the sfitra literature, our author
assumes that each of the two which preceded it may have lasted for a couple
of centuries, and accordingly suggests as the epoch of the composition of the
Vedic Hymns the time prior to 1000 B. 0.; or, if to it be assigned the same
length as to the two succeeding epochs, 1200-1000 b. c. To this date for the
beginnings of Hindu history and culture no one will deny at least the merit of
extreme modesty and caution : it stands in this respect in most refreshing
contrast with the theorizings of many others who have had occasion to treat
the same point. The era of the Vedic poets is more likely to have preceded,
perhaps considerably, the time thus allotted to it, than to have been more
modern.It is, upon the whole, clear that a final positive determination of the
controversy, if ever attained, must be arrived at, not by following any one clew,
however faithfully and perseveringly, but by carefully combining all evidences,
whether literary, historical, astronomical, or of whatever other character they
may be. Professor Max Muller can by no means be blamed for adhering to the
general methods of his work, and refraining from entering upon those other
lines of inquiry; but we should have been better satisfied if he had guarded
against misapprehension by at least referring to their existence, and their
indispensableness to the full solution of his problem.’
I need hardly say that I agree with almost every word of my critics. I

have repeatedly dwelt on the merely hypothetical character of the dates

which I ventured to assign to the first three periods ofVedic literature. All
I have claimed for them has been that they are minimum dates, and that
the literary productions of -each period which either still exist or which
formerly existed, could hardly be accounted for within shorter limits of
time than those suggested. Like most Sanskrit scholars, I feel that 200
years, or about six generations, are scarcely sufficient to account for the
growth of the poetry and religion ascribed to the 7v7<andas period. There are
vistas opened to those who are able to appreciate the perspective distances
ol thought which seem to reach to a much more remote past. But unless
such general impressions can be clearly defined, so as to force conviction
even from the prejudiced and the unwilling, it is worse than useless to
express them at all. Nothing has brought Oriental studies into greater dis¬
repute than the constant attempts of enthusiastic scholars to claim an exor¬
bitant antiquity for the primitive civilisation of the East; and the equally
unreasonable scepticism which rejects all history previous to 500 b. a. as
table 01 forgery, is but a natural reaction called forth by the over-confident
assertions ot the students of Egyptian, Babylonian, and Indian antiquities.
It has been pointed out, however, that although on the evidence of lite¬
rature alone, no higher antiquity could have l>een claimed for the earliest
poetry of India than the thirteenth century b. ft, I ought to have strengthened
my argument by additional evidence, and particularly by that of certain
astronomical data which have long been brought forward as establishing
the existence ofVedic poetry as early as the fifteenth century b. c. My
reasons for not entering upon a discussion of these astronomical questions
in a history of Sanskrit Literature have been rightly guessed by Professor
Whitney. My object was to show how far the literary productions of the
Vedic age could by themselves be made to bear witness to the antiquity of
the Vedic religion and poetry. I was writing a history ofVedic Literature,
not of Indian Astronomy. Nor could I have supposed that my not alluding
to the trite arguments of Bentley, Colebrooke, Laplace, and Biot on the chro¬
nological meaning of certain astronomical observations preserved in certain
Vedic treatises, could be so far misinterpreted a.s to expose me to the charge
of either disregard for ignoring, or ignorance for disregarding the theories of
those eminent scholars and astronomers. That I was not ignorant of their
researches, I had shown by what I wrote in 1846, when first announcing my
intention of publishing an edition of the Rig-veda. ‘ With regard to the

antiquity of the Veda,’ I then said, ‘ the most striking remark is that of Cole-
brooke, bearing on an astronomical observation of the position of the colures.
That observation is to be found in a small treatise appended to the Veda,
which, partly by its position as a Vedanga or member of the Veda, partly
by its general style, belongs to an earlier period than the great scientific
astronomical works of Varaha Mihira, Brahmagupta, and others. These
astronomers refer to that observation as one of earlier date, and we may
well believe in its reality, if we bear in mind that the Brahmans themselves
never make use of it as a proof of the high antiquity of their sacred lite¬
rature, nay, that they could not have done so, because, if used for chrono¬
logical purposes, the date derived from that astronomical notice would stand
in direct contradiction to their own system of chronology. Brahmagupta
who lived at the end of the sixth and the beginning of the seventh centuries,
as proved by the position of the colures at his time, and who knew the
observation of the earlier position of the colures, declares against the admis¬
sion of a precession of the equinoctial points ; and although other astronomers
admitted a precession or vibration2, yet they, too, were not in possession of

1 ‘ Kn effot, Biuhmagupia n’a pas eu l’acantnge declination, exactly in the equinoctial poiut. Its actual
d’etre un personage mythologique. On sait qu’il a right ascension in 1S00 was 150 49 15 . This, which
existe ties-reelleinent vers la fin du vie on an com- is ttic quantity hv which the origin of the Indian
niencement du vnc siecle de mitre tie, et qu’il ap- ecliptic, as infeirihlc from tile position of the stai
paitcnnit au college d’Oojein, celebre alms dans l’lnde Kevati, has receded from the equinox, indicates a
comine un centre de science astiouomique.’ Biot, peiiod of 1221 years elapsed to the end of the cigh-
Joumal des Savants, 1859. Etudes sur l’Astiononne tecntli centuiy; the annual precession of that star
Indicnne, p. 31. Colebrooke (Mise. Essays, II. p. 463) being 46”, 63. The mean ot the two is I2i8i years;
established the date of Biahmagnpta by Hie following which, taken fioni 1800, leaves 581 or 582 of the
process- ‘The star Chitra, which unquestionably is Chiistian eia. Brahmagupta, then, appeals to have
Spica Viiginis, was refened by Brahmagupta to the ohseived and written towards the close of the sixth or
103rd degree counted from its ongin to the iutersec- the beginning of the following century; for, as the
tion of the star's circle of declination: whence the Hindu astrouomeis seem not to have been very ac-
star’s right ascension is deduced 182° 43'. Its actual curate observers, the belief of his having lived and
light ascension in a.d. 1800 was 198° 40’ 2". The published in tho seventh century, about a.d. 628,
difference, 150 55’ 2" is the quantity by which the which answeis to 550 Saka, the date assigned to him
beginning of the first zodiacal astcrism and lunar by the astronomers of Ujjayinf, is not inconsistent
mansion, Asvini, as inferrible from the position of the with the position, that the vernal equinox did not
star Chitid, has receded from the equinox: and it sensibly to his view doviato fiom the beginning of
indicates the lapse of 1216 years (to a. i). 1800) since Aries or Mesha, as determined by him from the star
that point coincided with the equinox; the annual llevatl (£ Piscium), which he places at that point.’
precession of the stai being leckoned at 47", 14. The Biot (Journal des Savants, 1843, p. 41) gives 572 as
star liovati, which fqipears to be C Piscium, had no corresponding to the equinox of £ Piscium.
longitude, according to the same author, being situated 2 ‘ L’autre notion quo Colebrooke presentait encore
precisely at the dose of the astensm and commence- coniine propro aux Hindoux, e’etait le mouvement de
went of the following oue, AiivinI, without latitude or trepidation plriodique attribute par eux aux points

sufficient observations to prove, still less to utilise for chronological purposes,

a regular periodical precession of the equinoctial points. This is an argument
which, as it reaches back to the fourteenth century b. c., may he used with
advantage against those critics who cannot he convinced of the antiquity of
any work except by figures and dates.’
Though much has been written in the interval on Indian astronomy, and
in particular on the possibility of deriving certain chronological dates from the
astronomical observations alluded to before, I still adhere in the main to the
opinion which I expressed sixteen years ago. But I do not intend to deny
that many and very weighty objections may he urged against the use which
Bentley and Colebrooke made of these observations, and I doubt whether an
appeal even to the authority of a Colebrooke, the greatest of all Sanskrit
scholars, is sufficient to silence the opposition of astronomers and historians.
It may be as well to state some of these objections in order to warn those who
allow themselves to be guided by the authority of even so eminent a scholar
and astronomer as Colebrooke, against the dangers which this kind of au¬
thoritative belief invariably entails, namely, a tendency to shrink from the
trouble of examining all evidence to the contrary, and to speak with greater
certainty of the results obtained by independent inquirers than these inquirers
themselves have claimed for their discoveries.
'fhe first time that Colebrooke refers to the date of the Vedas is in the
year i8or, in the seventh volume of the Asiatic Researches (p. 283), in a note
to his article on the Religious Ceremonies of the Hindus (Miscellaneous Essays,
I. p. 200). In describing the offerings to the manes, Colebrooke mentions a
prayer in which the six seasons, the hot, the dewy, the rainy, the flowery,
the frosty, and the sultry, are enumerated; and lie adds a passage from the
Veda, first quoted by Sir W. Jones (As. Res. III. p. 258), in which these six
seasons are each identified with what he considers two lunar months. He
then argues in the following manner: 1 According to the Veda, the lunar

eqniuoxiaux et solstieiaux tie 1’orbe solaire. Itctrou- fairo soupyonuer qu’ello avail dej«\ fours an temps do
vant plus tard cette idee dans Albategni et chez les ce grand observateur, puisqu’un inouvement d’oscil-
A ratios d’Espagne, il la croyait deiivee ties astronomes lation suppose propre a l’orbo solaire produirait, en
Hindoux paries communications qui s’etablirent entre effet, dos variations loriespondantes dans cotte duree.
eux et les Arabos de Bagdad an temps du calife Al- tfi l’on admet une transmission direete ou indirecte
inanzor.’ (Biot. Journal ties Savants, 1845, pp. 383, des theories grecques dans l’Inde, coinino oela parait
385, 447.) ‘Mais nous vojons aujourd’bui dans les impossible a meconnailre, l’idee de la trepidation, qui
tables manuelles deTh^on,quo cette idle etuit pareille- en faisait partio, a dft y parvenir en memo temps.’
merit Alexandrine, et les doutes d’Hippaique sur la Biot, 1. c.
Constance do duree de l'annle tiopiquo pourraient


months Madhu and Mildhava, or Chaitra and Vai sakha, correspond with
Vasanta or the spring. Now the lunar Chaitra, here meant, is the primary
lunar month beginning from the conjunction which precedes full moon in or
near Chitni, and ending with the conjunction which follows it. Vais&kha
does in like manner extend from the conjunction which precedes full moon
in or near Vistlkhd to that which follows it. The five Nakshatras, Hasta,
Chitni, Svriti, Visakha, and Anur&dhd1, comprise all the asterisms in which
the full moons of Chaitra and Vaisdkha can happen ; and these lunar months
may therefore fluctuate between the first degree of Uttara-Plialgunf and the
last of Jycshthii. Consequently the season Vasanta might begin at soonest
when the sun was in the middle of Piirva-Blnidrapadil, or it might end at
the latest when the sun was in the middle of Mrigasiras. It appears, then,
that the limits of Vasanta are Pisces and Taurus, that is, Mina and Vrisha.
(This corresponds with a text which I shall forthwith quote from a very
ancient Hindu author.) Now, if the place of the equinox did then correspond
with the position assigned by Parasara to the colures, Vasanta might end at
the soonest seven or eight days after the equinox, or at latest thirty-eight
or thirty-nine days; and on a medium (that is, when the full moon happened
in the middle of Chitni) twenty-two or twenty-three days after the vernal
equinox. This agrees exactly with the real course of the seasons; for the
rains do generally begin a week before the summer solstice, but their com¬
mencement does vary, in different years, about a fortnight on either side of
that period. It seems therefore a probable inference, that such was the
position of the equinox when the calendar of months and seasons was ad¬
justed as described in this passage of the Veda. Hence T infer the probability,
that the Vedas were not arranged in their present form earlier than the
fourteenth century before the Christian Era.’
It will be clear to every attentive reader, that the object of Coiebrooke in
these remarks is to protest against the received chronological notions of the
Brahmans, who place the Veda at the beginning of the Kali-yuga, 3102 n. <'. -
He wishes to show that it could not be older than the fourteenth century.

1 This statement is based on astronomical cousidera- ami p.358. I kIiouM have thought that (JyoshMS
tions, anil is quite independent of the statements of would ho more likely as the fifth Nalcshatra than
later Indian astionomers, such as the author of tho Ilasta; hut all depends on the nature of the months,
KQrya-siddhaiihi. As long as the Nakshatras are whether synodical or sidereal, a distinction which has
taken in theii original sense, as twenty-seven equal been completely overlooked by late writers on this
divisions of the heavens, two months, or two-twelfths subject.
of the year, correspond, not with foui, but with four 2 SQrya-siddhSuta, ed. Burgess and Whitney, p. 29.
and a half Nakshatias. Sec Weber, Nakshatras, p.348;

This he states distinctly in what follows: ‘ If the Vedas were compiled in India
so early as the commencement of the astronomical Kali-yuga, the seasons most
have then corresponded with other months; and the passage of the Veda, which
shall be forthwith cited, must have disagreed with the natural course of the
seasons at the very time it was written.’ But even if wishing only to fix
the earliest possible date of the Veda, Colebrooke has taken many things for
granted which would not be granted to him at present. The passage of the
Veda on which he builds his conclusion is, as he says, taken from Apastamba’s
copy of the Yayur-veda, usually denominated the White Ya/yush. There is
no copy, i. e. no s&kM, of Apastamba for the White Ya/yush. But be that
as it may, no such passage identifying the twelve months with the six
seasons occurs in the Rig-veda; and the Yaryur-veda, both the Black and the
White, in which such passages1 do occur, belong to a secondary period of Vedic
literature. This objection, however, applies only against Colebrooke as wishing
to prove that the Veda could not be older than the fourteenth century. It is of
no importance for our own objects.

But, secondly, the course of the seasons differs in different parts of India,
and because in Central India the rains begin generally one week before the
summer solstice, we are not at liberty to conclude that it was the same in the
Aorth of India, where the hymns of the Veda were composed.
Thirdly, the months and seasons would not at once have changed their
names, even though they had ceased to coincide with the time of the year from
which their names were originally derived, to say nothing of the different
systems of counting time in different parts of India. We know from the
Nhnayasindhu (Calcutta, 1833), that South of the Vindhya the lunar month
begins with the moons decrease, whereas in the North it begins w'ith new moon
01 the moons increase. It is said in the same work that a Brahmaaa begins his
month with the new moon or Amavasya, a Kshatriya and Vai.yya with the
tSamkranti or Jie entrance of the sun into a new sign. In more ancient times
we are told that the number of the seasons varied from three to five and six
and that different castes began the year with different seasons1.

1 The earliest passage is Taitliriya-Samhita IV. 4, ^ fTfijfW I rfSTT JPf: ^ SPaTT^t: |

wrfg.i mfwrfsj i ffftripnfir qft-

7TWg il VI II For other passages see Biiht- :f Gyotisha-bhfohya, p. 3b. IflJ

lingk and Roth, Sanskrit Dictionary, s. vv. SPFTrft 3TRDT ITO

“ Gyotisha-bhashya, p. 5'-. Ui*(TpT»nfWVT^|(^ ||


Fourthly, the observation of the colures by Para,vara and the calculated date
of that observation as 1391 B. c. are taken for granted.
This argument therefore is, as Oolebrooke himself has freely acknowledged,
‘ vague and conjectural,’ and, in the present state of Sanskrit scholarship, it
ought no longer to be quoted.
Oolebrooke, however, again touched on the,same question in the year 1805,
in his Essay on the Vedas, in the eighth volume of the Asiatic Researches,
p. 471, Misc. Essays, I. p. 108. He had then met with the passage in the
Cyotisha, so often quoted afterwards, where the solstitial points are mentioned,
as at the beginning of DhanishfM and the middle of A.slesha, and he maintained
that this situation of the cardinal points was true only in the fourteenth century
b. c. Here two points have to be considered, 1. the character of the astrono¬
mical treatise, the 6'yotisha; 2. the astronomical interpretation of the solstitial
points as there mentioned.
The 6'yotisha may have been written, as Oolebrooke says, in the infancy
of astronomical knowledge, but that it is later than the Rig-veda, later than
the Yaqur-veda, later than all the Brahmawas and all the Vedic Sutras, no one
would doubt at present1. What Oolebrooke meant by infancy of astrono¬
mical knowledge, may best be gathered from the following facts? ‘The 6'yotisha
is adapted to the comparison of solar and lunar time with the vulgar or civil
year. The cycle there employed is a period of live years only. The month
is lunar, but at the end, and in the middle, of the quinquennial period,
an intercalation is admitted, by doubling one month. Accordingly, the cycle
comprises three common lunar years, and two, which contain thirteen lunations
each. The year is divided into six seasons; and each month into half months.
A complete lunation is measured by thirty lunar days ; some of which must of
course, in alternate months, be sunk, to make the dates agree with the nycthe-
xnera. For this purpose, the sixty-second day appears to be deducted -: and
thus the cycle of live years consists of i860 lunar days, or 1830 nycthemera,
subject to a further correction, for the excess of nearly four days above the
true sidereal year: but the exact quantity of this correction, and the method
of making it, according to this calendar, have not yet been sufficiently investi¬
gated to be here stated. The zodiac is divided into twenty-seven asterisms,
or signs, the first of which, both in the 6'yotisha and the Vedas, is Knttika,

1 M. M.’h Ilintoiy of Sanskrit Literature, p. 2ioseq. third day which was deducted. Perhaps this Hindu
Uio Athenian year was regulated in a similar calendar may assist in explaining tho Grecian system
manner ; but, according to Getmnus, it was the sixty- of lunar months.’ Colebrookc.

or the Pleiades. The place of the cohires, according to these astronomical

treatises, will be forthwith mentioned: but none of them hint at a motion
of the equinoxes. The measure of a day by thirty hours, and that of an
hour by sixty minutes, are explained, and the method of constructing a
clepsydra is taught.’
From these remarks it is clear, that though in one sense all this may lie
called the infancy of astronomy, the method of constructing a clepsydra and
other scientific processes of a similar character are not exactly what we are
prepared for when we speak of a knowledge of the stars and seasons in the
fourteenth century B. c. in India. The most important point, however, is this,
that the passage which, according to Colebrooke, oontains the statement of
the solstitial points, such as they were, according to him, in the fourteenth
century, does not occur in the Mantras, the age of which is certainly anterior
to the tenth century b. <;., nor in the Bi'Mima/ias, nor in the Sutras, but in
a treatise, the (Vyotisha, which no scholar would place higher than the third
century b. c.1 This treatise was written, not for astronomical purposes, but
to explain the principles for fixing the hours, days, and seasons of the ancient
sacrifices. Even if it had been written but yesterday, the writer would have
had to accommodate himself to the primitive ideas on the motions of the
heavenly bodies, as prevalent in the liturgical traditions of the Brahmans,
just as a scholar who writes on the festivals of the Greeks would have to
speak in the primitive astronomical language of Greece, not in that of Coper¬
nicus. To make this clear I shall quote the introductory verses of the Uyotisliat
The only MS. which I possess is that of the E. I. H. 1510, containing text
and commentary. Colebrooke says, that the commentary is the work of an
unknown author, and that it is accordingly assigned to a fabulous personage,
/Seshanaga. This is indeed the name of the commentator as given at the

1 Tt is curious flint no Sutras on astronomy have as nianas and Kalpa-sfttraa, as wheu the .Vafapatha Brail-
yet been discovered. Prose quotations on sacrificial Diana and the .STihhhayana Biahtnana speak of tho full
astronomy occur here and there in commentaries, but moon in Phfdguna as the first in the year (^rr %crr
they soem extracts from Kaljm-sfltra* or Brahmiuius. ffidforeH fid (ft UWt XTfa:)> »
Thus Somakaru quotes Laugakshi as having said: passage which shims as clearly as possible, that tho full
'' '■ • TTrlI 1 xi q i qVtdTcf fi^tcfTTT^T qjV moon in Phalgum is meant as the first in the year,
four days before the full moon in Mftgha, they not the Phalguna month, whether sidereal or synodical,
sacrifice to the year,* i.e. to the new year, lie like- Professor Weber (Nakshatra, p. 329) takes a different
wise quotes Garga, sometimes in /Siokas, sometimes in view.
prose; for instance: Tf^TT ^ I ffaT ^ * [The whole text has since been published by
’HIW I. But Weber, Uber den Vedakalender, Nanicns Jyoti-
these are passages such as occur frequently in Brail* sham.]

end of the book (tfn afmrwtgHi wftfrlTnWTTO SW). But I believe we ought
to read, ?fn tw«TTTOH5*frf*:trr^«Tiq, so that ySeshanaga, sometimes the name
of Pata/V/ali, would be the author of the text, whereas the commentary was
composed by Somakara, as stated by himself fmjlflf*! KfflsrT).


vwn fern nil


*NrT II ^ H1

‘ Having bowed with my head to the lord of the universe, the overseer of
the quinquennial Yuga, whose members are days, seasons, half-years, and
months, 1 shall explain in order, full of purity, the whole course of the celestial
luminaries, as it is approved by the chief Brahmans, for the accomplishment
of those objects which are dependent on the times fixed for sacrifices.

The next verse explained by the commentator does not occur here in the
MSS. of the text2; but it is found towards the end of the (Vyotisha, and is quoted
also as belonging to this Vedanga in liadhakilnt’s Sabdakalpadruma :

1 As I differ in the translation of these two verses uwrt ftrwr urrum^TUTUT mtoitY i
from the explanation given hy the commentator, I urraren? ii
subjoin his own wouls: tjtPi srwt^T- "Having bowed with my head to Kala (time), and
Tt s i fit *inhjt4i ^rct- having saluted Sarasvati (goddess of eloquence), f

f7t i rreraT i i «rT^:^ra*pPt shall promulgate tho knowledge of time of the high-
minded Lagadha.’ This would he important as
^TJTZJ«T ^eH^^WT TO WTf*r I ’Sfrzrftt-
giving the name of the reputed author, Lagadha ; but
^Tf*r i wi i i wrafttrartf: i sfhpi i
the whole verse is ignored hy tho commentator. As
T® i mu? i men mtm Magadha is considered tho birthplace of several of
i unmTmruTmfHmf i tho exact sciences of the Hindus, and as particulaily
%'^t ?fn i i i Mugadha-measuies weio widely used in India after

i fa i they had been first introduced or regulated hy the

physician ATaraka and others, ono might bo led to
utot i i i wrofir i wrt i i
suppose that the original leading had been Magadha,
farm i ts=Hfiijfsj i ufcpf i i
meaning a native of Magadha. But all the MSS.
flm^TqfT?mY;^TU?FTTTgumTmtTTT3lUi | fn?T
agree in Lagadha in this as well as in another passage
ISSrTTsffat ?T^JITUT =? ^fBTt (^HTt 'O I of the Gyotisha, without however giving any more in¬
rim I UtTUnumUT formation about the author. [See Weber, History of

wfmrfa ii Indian Literature, p. 258.]

Othei MSS. have fUUTWf *jWT 5ffa instead of 2 On tho strength of this and similar differences

# l$|%sTTUrf ; the commentator reads in other scholars admit two Gyotishas, one for the llig-

the first and tp!?i m the Ihiid line. Between the first veda, another for the Yagur-veda. See my History of

and second, the following stanza is inserted: Ancient Sanskrit Literature, p. 211.

ft 35fi*T^T ftftHTO K%\: \

HWTft^ SRT<*fw^sn*i ^ ^ ^ ^ I, ? ||
‘ The object of the Vedas is -the sacrifice, and the sacrifices are instituted
according to a certain order of time. Therefore whosoever knows this
Uyotisha, imparting the doctrine of the regulation of time, he will know
the sacrifice1.’

The next verse, according to the commentary, is

w fwr wcnst ctotrt T?*»nrt w i

Hltc^H^TT^HTii rjfclrT H%rT II8II
‘Like the crests of peacocks, like the gems (in the heads) of serpents, so is
calculation placed at the head of the Ved&nga doctrines.’

Then follows in the commentary:

' lhe.7 teach the knowledge of time of the quinquennial lustrum, which
begins with the light half of the month Maglia, and ends with the dark
half of the month Rausha-.’

Then follow the verses on which Oolebrooke founded his chronological


1 Comm. fast wrwr- 2 Comm. tFrffi? aftWigH TTr^r^-

i ^rfinrum: wwlm ^rar: i rnrRruT^T *Rjf?r i w i ginsr i #fs^r i
wn ^ffi: i ’srf^T^Tf^spa' ^ ^ w- i ^fwu^hrr %^IiTar i ^rr^Tft;
^ i -q Id sii i »n«rrRt ^wrnjnrfsr i ^ftw^^^iyi^iftn i
<r^rr ^rrg^T w: i ffiri ^ ^T^tfref i upt;
f%«r?BT: 3j<n: i w qwi| i «rall sfftRr- rrerafa tra f^Tf% spi?f *tr-
swt i ^r%fi srraqifa vWt i <tot (m. ) mRr tifwmiT-
iRni i < sdfi i WTf^ i MTT?rr^% i ^iwr sft «*ra: i ?} ^ gjrr
fi tottot i *ft sjfrRra ^ srn^r i %oijwtw?Twr5Tff^,«gfir3r?R-
^ I Wtfirfl'STT^: Hj^^^T^^TWPRn: i %:
^nfhin^tnrawTw^riflaf^: i «r % ^ i mf: «^fn i
gfTt: i ctot ^ qfU^agKt i gw: nff?rfw? i wrogMn i fl^Tf^Tspra-
%sp^: i TftfT ^ srprrfw: i »nwn *frtjjrren"sr-
tfift wrmfdf«Ns(Ji- gn: ftroimra CNtr ff?i t tjsrRt tr-
fnrr: ii snwrrftH: n

toto i

snTOf3. *twr: ^#ts*R 15^ iitfii1

‘ When the sun and moon ascend the sky together, being in the constellation
over which the Vasus preside, then does the (quinquennial) cycle begin, and
the (month) Mag ha, and the warmth, and the bright (fortnight), for the path
(of the sun) is north.’

uutrff ^fwfr i

wufif TOramrat: to 11 $112

‘The sun and moon turn towards the north at the beginning of »S'ravish<M;
but the sun turns towards the south in the middle of the constellation over
which the Serpents preside; and this (the turning towards the north and towards
the south) always (happens) in (the month of) Magha and (S'ravanaV


f^'crwr 3 111114
‘ In the northern progress, an increase of day and decrease of night take
place, amounting to a prastha (or 32 palas) of water: in the southern progress,
both are reversed (i.e. the days decrease and the nights increase), and (the
difference consists), by the journey, of six mulnirtas.’

1 Comm, vxfksrm *r«nt 1 1 *rre*n% x*Orerwoi?i

^ ^ fWf^TT% I Wt: mw. 1
^rrrf^rf^ 1 ri^Tf^ *pnrrtHt 1 xtwt taft: qrn?c (MS. E. I. H. p. 288, 2). ‘ The animal

*mft *rra 1 crert * xc* rnrt sacrifice is either obligatoiy or voluntary. The obli¬
gato] y one must ho peifoimctl every six months (luring
*rret 1 ?un3 i xmT ’pt:
life. The time for one is in the month of Magha,
q-g Tf7t 1 <r®rr ntV when tho sun has gone to the Nakshatra Dhanish/Afl;
irfTmT 11 *ig wgg»iT ’TOtft tho time for the other is tho month Ash3r/Aa, when
^rr^rfT 1 i '3^ 1 <n^j tho nun has entered into tho second half of Asleshft.’
xrfrn: 11 4 Comm, rna ^TRffST-

2 Comm. xfoftfix xrr^at^; 1 ^ 1 wf

qqqft 1 1 ttot xfmfa^i^xx- XTfiTrf 1 rPSTT W$TO: I
*r«t xJWfo gif? ^fwr xnrenl 1 xrq ?T^rrxm Trfw* 1 w iHcffTT xrfWng qf^i i
jrTWramxft: *rfoT5T thrsrfq ^wtft=nxn$: n xr^TngfT! fiorrOf 1 Trfwq^tefr 1 xn-
‘5 How this beais on the proper time for certainxrcr ^fwrrroft (row 1 farERft ffafcwiTf 1
sacrifices may he seen from passages like ?T^ qqspnff 1 x[?m^ ffsyrot i <tot ^ *rrfq
f$w: ^rr«rg 1 <tm xrrg m%g mqwfa fawftarrf 1 w: 1

It is, however, only in the first year of each quinquennial cycle, that Sun
and Moon are said to be together on the first of MAglia, in the Constellation
of the Vasus, at the winter solstice. For the intervening years their relative
position is thus given:

1st Year (called Samvatsara1, sacred to Agni).

Winter solstice : Sun, ) t jj, | j in the beginning of <S'ravish/A;i.
Moon, j (in the beginning of Nravishf/ut.
Summer solstice : Sun, ) ^ ^ gr£vana I in the middle of A.desha.
Moon,) 7 *' ’ jin A’itra.

2nd Year (called Parivatsara, sacred to Arka).

Winter solstice : Sun, ) ] ^ ^ yj, |)a (in the beginning of Nravish/Aa.
Moon, ) I in Ardra.

Summer solstice : Sun, ) h of SrAva»a (dark half), \!" ,ni^le of

Moon,) ' (in Pfirva-Bhadrapadii.
3rd Year (called IdSvatsara, sacred to Vayu).
Winter solstice: Sun, in the beginning of ,SVavish?M.
ioth of Magha (dark),
Moon, in Anuradha.
Summer solstice : Sun, i in the middle of Aslesha.
| i st of (Srfivana,
Moon, (in the middle of A.slesha.

4th Year (called Anuvatsara, sacred to Indra).

Winter solstice: in the beginning of »S'ravish/Aa.
mU 7tll,,fMagha’ in A.s'vini.
Summer solstice: Sun, ) (in t he middle of A.slesha.
13th of Sravana,
Moon,) i Pfirva-AshtWM.
5th Year (called Idvatsara, sacred to Mntyu).
Winter solstice : Sun J 4th ofM;%ha (dark)> j j" the beginning of Smv'ML
Moon, , in u ttara-Jrnalgum.
1 in the middle of A.slesha.
Summer solstice: Sun,
ioth of /Sravana
*• !in Rohini2 * *.

1 On these names see Weher, Naxatra, p. 298; that therefore 12 such months + 12 days are uecessan
Taitt. S. V. 5, p 3; 4. V&j. Samh. 27, 43. Taitt. Hr. to fill a lunar year of 372 days fn older to bring
III. to, 4, r. KaM. 13,15 ; 39, fi; 40, 6 (five). V;ty. the winter solstice, which in the fluid year falls on the
S. XXX. 5. Taitt. A. IV. 19, 1 (six). Patfiav. Br. ioth of MSgha (daik half), in the fourth year hack
XVII. 13, 17. Taitt. Br. I. 4, 10, I (four). Taitt. S. to the 7th of Magha (light half), a month of 30 days
V. 7, 2, 4. Ath. Samh. VI. 55, 3 (three). Taitt. A. must have been intercalated; and in the same manner
X. 80. Kaus. 42 (two). Seo also Bohtiingk and another eavana month must have been added at the
Roth, s. vv. end of the fifth year, in order to bring the winter
2 This would show that tho months are to be con¬ solstice, which fell upon the 4th of Mttgha (dark half),
sidered as sdvana months of 30 AborSlras each, and back to the 1st of MSgha (light half).

VOL. IV. d

These extracts are sufficient to enable astronomers to form an idea of the real
character of this treatise, which altogether consists of about thirty-six verses.
I t was clearly written at a time when more was known of astronomy than was
required for the ancient calendar of the Yedic festivals. The general notions
which its author lays down for fixing the beginning of the year, the months, and
seasons, and the proper times of the Vedic sacrifices, had been handed down by
the tradition of priestly families ; they were not invented by himself. He was
forced to suirender the more scientific astronomical notions current in his own
time, and had to adapt himself to the more primitive notions of those who had
composed the hymns and BrMimanas, and had settled the sacrifices of the
Vedic age. He may have reduced those primitive astronomical notions to a more
systematic form than they ever had in the minds of the early Rishis ; but in a
ease like the one which occupies us at present, the beginning of the year and the
position of the solstitial points, we may fairly grant to (Jolebrooke and others,
that there was a real tradition which fixed these important points as they are
fixed in the (Vyotisha; nay, we may believe that for sacrificial purposes these
points were still supposed to be in the same position even at a time when, by
the laws of nature, they had considerably receded from it.
The next question, then, which arises is this, Does the traditional position of
the solstitial points, as recorded in the G'yotisha, point back to the fourteenth
century n.c. as the only time in which it could have been the result of actual
observation ? (Jolebrooke does not enter into details. He simply affirms that
the position of the solstitial points at. the beginning of DhanishtM and in the
middle of Aslesha could have been a reality at no time except- in the fourteenth
century u.c. He depends, in fact, on Davis, who, in his Essay on the Astrono¬
mical Computations of the Hindus (As. Res. 11. p. 268), recorded the position of
the colures, as observed by Paraxara,—this being identical with that of the
Gyotisha;—and on Sir W. Jones, who, in a Supplement to this Essay (As. Res.
11. p. 393), touched on the same subject. After fixing the date of Varilha Mihira,
from the observation of the solstitial points at his time, at 499 A.n„ Sir William
writes: ‘By Newton’s demonstrations, which agree as well with the phenomena
as the varying density of our earth will admit, the equinox recedes about 50"
every year, and has receded 17 55' 50" since the time of Varaha, which gives us
more nearly in our own sphere the first degree of Mesha in that of the Hindus.
By the observation recorded in older &lstras, the equinox had gone back 23 20',
or about 1680 years had intervened between the age of the Muni (Para.4ara)
and that of the modern astronomer : the former observation, therefore, must

have been made about 2971 years before the 1st January 1790, that is, 118r
before Christ.’
In the fifth volume, however, of the Asiatic Researches, p. 288, Colonel
Wilford published the following new Supplement to Sir W. Jones’ Supplement:
‘It has been stated,’ he writes,‘that Parasara lived about 1180 years n.<\,
in consequence of an observation of the places of the colures. But Mr. Davis
having considered this subject with the minutest attention, authorizes me to
say, that this observation must have been made 1391 years me. This is also
confirmed by a passage from the Parasara-Sanhitil, in which it is declared, that
the Udaya or heliacal rising of Canopus (when at the distance of thirteen
degrees from the sun, according to the Hindu astronomers) happened in the
time of Parasara on the tenth of Kdrttika ; the difference now amounts to
twenty-three degrees. Having communicated this passage to Mr. Davis, lie
informed me that it coincided with the observation of the places of the colures
in the time of Parasara.’
Thus vanishes the fourteenth century ; and a fact which was spoken of as
beyond the reach of doubt, dwindles down to a statement made by Colonel
Wilford, the result of a private conversation with Mr. Davis! With all possible
regard for Mr. Davis and Colonel Wilford, we cannot accept such assertions in
lieu of proof.
The astronomical interpretation of the position of the solstitial points, as
recorded in the H'yotisha, led Mr. Bentley to the year 1181 B.C. Archdeacon
Pratt, who lately re-examined the whole evidence, arrives at the same result.
His calculations may best lx*, stated in his own words, from a letter addressed
by him to Professor Cowell, March 21st, 1862’.
4 In reply to your question, How did Colebrooke deduce the age of the Vedas
from the passage which he quotes from the Jyotisha or Vedic Calendar in bis
Essays (vol. i. p. 110) ? I beg to send you the following remarks :
‘ In that passage it is stated that the winter solstice was, at the time the
Vedas were written (?), at the beginning of Sravishtha or Dhanisbtha, and the
summer solstice at the middle of Aslesha.
‘ Now the Hindus divided the Zodiac into twenty-seven equal parts, called
Lunar 3b1n.si.0ns, of 13 20' each. Their names are

1. Asvim 3. Krittika 5. Mrigasiras

2. Bharani 4, Rohiiu 6. Ardni

Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1S62. [>. 51.

d 2

7. Punarvasu 14. Chitrd 21. U. Ashddhd

8. Pushya 15. Svati 22. Sravana
9. Asleshd 16. Visdkhd 23. Dhanishthd
10. Mag ha 17. Anuradha 24. Satabhishd
11. P. Phalgunf 18. Jyeshthd 25. P. Bhddrapadd
12. U. Phalgunf 19. Miila 26. U. Bhddrapadd
13. Ilasta 20. P. Ashdclhd 27. Revati.

‘ The position of these lunar mansions among the stars is determined by the
stars themselves and not by the sun, and is therefore unaffected by the
precession of the equinoxes. If, therefore, we can determine their position
at any one epoch, we know their position for all time. The Hindu books
furnish us with the requisite information. Tn the translation of the Siirya-
siddhdnta, published in the Bibliotheca Indica, Ohap.VIIl. p. 62, you will iind
that the conspicuous star Regulus, or a Leonis, is placed by the Hindu astro¬
nomers at 4 signs, 9 degrees from the beginning of these lunar mansions (or
asterisms, as they are there called). As 4 signs equal one-third of the whole
zodiac, they equal 9 lunar mansions. Hence the position of Regulus is 9 in
Maghd, the 10th lunar mansion.
'But by the Jyotisha, the summer solstice was in the middle of Aslesha, the
9th lunar mansion, at the epoch of the Vedas: therefore Regulus was half
a lunar mansion +9 , that is, 15' 40', east of the summer solstice at that time.
‘By the Nautical Almanac for 1859, the position of Regulus is given as

‘ Right ascension, January 1st, 1859 ... ... 10I1. om. 53 s.

‘ North declination, ditto ... ... 12 39' 12""].

‘ From this I obtain, by spherical trigonometry, the following result:

‘ Longitude of Regulus, January 1st, 1859 ... 147 52' 3°"-

‘ Hence Regulus was east of the summer solstice at that date by 57 52' 30".
The summer solstice had, therefore, retrograded through 42' 12' 30" = 42 -208
since the epoch ol the Vedas. As the equinoxes and solstices move backward
on the ecliptic at the rate of 1 in 72 years, it must have occupied 72 x 42 -208 =
3°39 years to effect this change.
‘ Hence the age of the Vedas was 3039 on 1st January, 1859 ; or their date is
1 181 b. (., that is, the early part of the twelfth century before the Christian era.
‘ Tins differs from Mr. Colebrooke’s result : he makes it the fourteenth century.
Two more degrees of precessional motion would lead to this ; but where he gets

these from, I do not know, unless it be by taking the constellations loosely,

Instead of the exact lunar mansions. Thus Dhanishtlui being taken to be the
lunar mansion above which the Dolphin occurs, it is possible that he may have
considered the first star in the- constellation Dolphin to be the “ beginning of
Dhanishtlia” alluded to in the Jyotisha; and similarly he may have taken a
star in the middle of Hydra’s head to represent the “ middle of Aslesha.” But
even this supposition will not carry us into the fourteenth century. If we take
the first star e in Dolphin and the opposite star ( in Hydra’s head to be the
solstitial points, the processional motion will only be about 40' more than above,
and the date will be b.<’. 1229 or late in the thirteenth century. But then ( is
not in the middle of Hydra’s head ; it is about 2 east of it; and therefore I have
no doubt the lunar mansion, and not the constellation, is what the Jyotisha
refers to, and the early part of the twelfth century is the correct result.’
This lucid statement of so careful a reasoner as Archdeacon Pratt shows
clearly that the position of the solstitial points as recorded in the Gyotisha,
belongs to the twelfth, not to the fourteenth century B. c.
It is not my wish to invalidate the conclusions that have been drawn from
the recorded observation of the colures. But I feel bound to remark that unless
there was internal evidence that the Vedic hymns reached back to that remote
antiquity, this passage in the f/yotisha would by itself carry no weight what¬
ever. First, it might be perfectly true that such an observation was really
made, as recorded in the O'yotisha, but where is there the slightest hint that at
the same time a single Vedic hymn had been in existence, or, as has been
asserted with greater boldness than discretion, that a collection of Vedic hymns
was completed ? As well might we say that because the Prayer-book contains
a Table to find Easter-day founded on the Gregorian Calendar, therefore the
Service for Charles the Martyr must have been composed, and the collection
of the Prayer-book have been completed before the year 1582. But, secondly,
the manner in which the observations of the solstitial points are recorded, is
so vague and unscientific that any astronomical critic, at all unfriendly to
the pretensions raised by Sanskrit scholars in favour of a high antiquity of the
Vedic hymns, could dissect them tvith.out difficulty. What is thought of the
accuracy of Indian observations even when, after the model of the Greek, they
had framed a system of scientific astronomy, may be seen from the remarks
of Professor Whitney, Shrya-siddMnta, pp. 212 and 220. It is not too much to
say, and every practical astronomer I have consulted has confirmed my opinion,
that, to judge from their much later performances, the Brahmans in the twelfth

century B. c. had no means for observing witli astronomical accuracy the

solstitial points, a task by no means easy even at the present day; and
in deducing any chronological dates from observations so loosely recorded
as those of the tfyotisha, a margin of several centuries ought to be left on
either side.
The truth therefore is simply this, that the dates derived from the observa¬
tion of the solstitial points in the fifyotisha are welcome as confirmatory
evidence, after we have from internal evidence established the existence of
Vedic poetry in the twelfth century n. c\, but by itself this observation would
be of no use for establishing the age of Vedic literature.
As 1 have been obliged to enter so fully into a controversy which most
Sanskrit scholars would consider as closed long ago, l may, for the sake of
historical completeness, mention one or two attempts of the same kind which,
if too much importance has been attributed to Oolebrooke’s speculations—not,
however, by himself, but by his indiscriminate admirers—have been treated
with perhaps greater neglect than they deserved.
Bentley, in his Historical View of the Hindu Astronomy (Calcutta, 1823),
a work which has been justly criticised by Professor Whitney in his Surya-
siddhAnta, has the following remarks. After treating of the position of the
solstitial points, the same as recorded in the fifyotisha, and deducing from it the
date 1181 b. c., he states that at a still earlier period the autumnal equinox
was, not as in 1181 B. c. at 3' 20" of the asterisin Vi.sakha, but just on the
middle of it, and that lienee the name of Vi.sAkhA. According to Bentley,
Vi.silk ha received its name from the equinoxial colure cutting it in the middle,
and thereby bisecting it, or dividing it into two equal sections or branches.
Although the meaning commonly ascribed to vi.sakha is ‘ branchless,’ yet vi.sakha
may mean, and originally did mean, ‘possessed of two expanded branches,’
'branched,’ ‘bisected,’ like vidala, ‘opened,’ ‘split,’ vidruma, ‘coral,’ i, e. ‘with
expanded stems,’ and other adjectives in which vi, before a substantive, is not
used in a privative sense. So far nothing could be said against Bentley’s view.
But that the asterism Vi.sakha was so called from the equinoxial colure bisecting
it, and not from any other cause, is a mere'conjectm’e, which may be right or
wrong, but which requires stronger proof than Bentley has adduced in support
of it. He maintains that the original name of the asterism was RAdhA, and he
takes the name of the asterism immediately following, AnurAdha, in the sense
of post-RAdham. He then proceeds to adjust the other points in accordance
with the autumnal equinox bisecting VixAkhA, which gives him (page 2)—

The vernal equinoxial point in the beginning of Krittika ;

The summer solstice in io of A.sleshsl;
The autumnal equinox in the middle of Rddha, thence called Visdkha ;
And the winter solstice in 3 -20' of Dhanishf/A.
He then proceeds :
‘In order to ascertain the time when this observation was made, we must
find the precession from the position of some of the lixed stars at the time.
Thus the longitude of Cor Leonis (Rcgulus) in the lunar mansion May/id is
always 9 . The vernal equinoxial point was found by the observation to be in
the beginning of Krittika ; and from the beginning of Krittika to the beginning of
Maghd is seven lunar mansions of 13 20' each, and therefore equal to 93 20'
Add longitude of Cor Leonis in Maghit . 9 o
Their sum is the longitude of Cor Leonis from Aries.102 20
Longitude of Cor Leonis in a. l>. 1750 was.146 21
Difference in the precession . 44 1
or the quantity by which the equinoxes fell hack in respect of the fixed stars
since the time of the observation. Now to find the number of years correspond¬
ing to this precession, it must be observed that, as we go back into antiquity,
the rate of precession diminishes about 2", 27 for every century. If we assume

that the observation was made 1450 n. <’., then I‘^° + L75?_ jgoo; from which

subtracting 1450, we get a. ]>. 150 for the middle point. Now in the first cen¬
tury of the Christian era, the precession was 1 23' b'q, to which if we add 2''2^.
we get i 23' S"6j for the mean precession; that is to say, the precession that
corresponds to the second century of the Christian era, in which the middle
point is found. Therefore, as 1 23' 8"65 is to 100 years, so 44 1' to 3176 years ;
from which subtracting 1750, we get 1426 It. c. for the time of the observation,
and the formation of the lunar mansions.’
It cannot be denied that the same objections which apply to Colebrooke’s
calculations, apply in a still stronger degree to this argument of Rentley’s.
But, with these necessary qualifications, Bentley’s statements are certainly
deserving of more attention than thyy have hitherto received. Though I know
of no passage in Vedic literature1 where the vernal equinox is referred, by
astronomical observation, to the lunar mansion of the Krittikas, it is true that
the K/v’ttikds occupy the first place in all the ancient lists of the Nakshatras.

1 The vernal equinox is referred to the first degree of Krittikd in Liter works; for instance, in the Visluw-
I'urft/ta, p. 224.

even when it is distinctly stated that the winter solstice was at the beginning
of Sravkhi/d, and hence the vernal equinox at the last quarter of Bharani. For
sacrificial purposes, in fact, the Krittikas are always to he considered as occu¬
pying the first place among the Nakshatrasl, and in the fryotisha itself,
though the vernal equinox would fall, as we saw, at the end of Bharani, Agni,
the presiding deity of the Krittik&s, stands first in the list. The same applies
to the lists of the Nakshatras contained in the Taittiriya Samhita IY. 4, 10, 1;
and in the Taittiriya Brahmawa T. 5, 1, 1. In the Taitt. Br. I. 5, 1, 7, it is
distinctly stated that the Nakshatras of the gods begin with the K rittikas and
end with Visaklul; whereas the Nakshatras of Yama (so called because Yama
presides over the last of them) begin with the A mi rad has and end with the
Apabharanis. In the third book of the Taittiriya Brahmaua, the Krittikas,
with Agni as their deity, occupy again the first place. Even in the Atharva-
veda (I. 19, 7), in a passage of decidedly modern date, and in the Law-book of
Yaquavalkva (I. 267), the Krittikas continue to occupy their early position.
Although, however, the Krittikas retained their place even in later works
which treat of sacrificial and astrological subjects, they were supplanted by the
lunar mansion of Asvini in the later astronomical literature. At what time that
change took place is difficult to determine with exactness. It could not have
been till the vernal equinox actually touched A.svini, having receded from the
Krittikas and from the intervening mansion of Bharani. It must have been
before Varaha Mihira (499 a.d.), at whose time the equinox fell in the beginning
of Asvini. All works in which the lists of the Nakshatras begin with Asvini
must be later than the first year in which the equinox touched Axvinl, and this
would tend to fix the date of the Amara-kosha (I. i, 2, 23) and other works *;
hut it does by no means follow that works in which the Krittikas are mentioned
as the first Nakshatra are therefore prior even to Varaha Mihira, nor has it ever
been proved by Bentley or by others, that any actual observation took place
when the equinox coincided with Krittikft.
The Krittikas, as has been shown by Golebrooke and others, are the same
stars which are familiar to us finder the name of the Pleiades ; and it is curious
to observe that the same uncertainty as to their number, which in Greece gave
rise to well-known legendsexisted to a certain degree in India. The state¬
ment in Bohtlingk and Roth’s Dictionary, that their number was six, is, in this

1 wf^mrr: ir*m*rr- 3 Sir C. Lewis, Historical Survey of the Astronomy

I Gyotisha-bhashya, p. 3». of the Ancients, p. 65.

1 Of. HemaAandra-ku'-ha, ioS.


general form, hardly correct; for though that number is given in later astrono¬
mical works (see Colebrooke’s Miscellaneous Essays, II. p. 331; Stirya-siddhanta,
ed. Whitney, p. 184), the earliest authorities speak of the KUttikas as seven.
Their names are mentioned (Taitt. Sawdi. IV. 4, 5, 1, and Taitt. Rr. III. 1, 4, 1);
as, 1. Am ha, 2. Dula, 3. Nitatni, 4. Abhrayanti, 5. Meghayanti, 6. Varshayanti,
7. A'upumka1. It was therefore not a numerical fancy which in Greece fixed
the number of the Pleiades at seven ; but it is more likely that one of the seven
stars, which Hipparchus still affirms to have been visible in a clear moonless
night, lost its primitive splendour,—a fact by no means without a parallel in
the history of astronomy.
The next calculation of Bentley’s shows his ingenuity as much as his want
of critical caution. The names of the planets on which he builds his theory
are believed to be of very modern origin2, or, at all events, they have never
been met with as yet either in the Vedas, or in any of the early productions of
Sanskrit literature. Nevertheless, if his calculations are right, the coincidence
between these modern names and the ancient astronomical facts to which they
owe their origin, is all the more interesting, and requires an explanation at the
hands of experienced astronomers. Daksha, says the legend, gave his twentv-
seven daughters, the lunar asterisms, to the moon. From the union of the
daughters of Daksha with the moon, the ancient (?) astronomers feigned the
birth of four of the planets, that is to say, Mercury from Rohim ; hence he is
called Rohineya after his mother. Magha brought forth the beautiful planet
Venus; hence one of' the names of that planet is Maghfibhu. The lunar
mansion AslnV/nt brought forth the martial planet Mars, who was thence
called AsluV/nxbhava, and Purva-phalguni brought forth Jupiter, the largest
of all the planets, and the tutor of the gods; hence he is called Purva-
phalgunibhava: the moon, the father, being present at the birth of each.
The observations here alluded to are supposed by Bentley to have been
occultations of the planets by the moon, in the respective lunar mansions
from which they are named. They are supposed to be occultations, because
they are not made in the time of a single revolution of the moon, but take
place in the space of about sixteen months, from 19th August 1425, to
the 19th April 1424 n. c.; and this idea of the observations being confined to

1 Their number is staled by the commentators on Puiaiia to tiro Nim/ti, in support of the legendaiy
Tnitt. Br. I. 3, 1. Tho thiid name is NitatniA in the derivation of the names of the planets. See Vishnu*
Taitt. Samh. Panina, p. 223.
2 The Vayti-Ptirana appeals to the Sruti, the Linga-

VOf,. JV. e

occupations is supported by Saturn not being included, because that planet

was then out of the moon’s course. These occupations would refer us to the
years 1424-5 n. c„ thus corroborating the result of the observation of the

The planet Mercury and the Moon in Rohim, 17th Apiil i424 1 •
The planet Jupiter and the Moon in Purva-Phalguni, 23rd April 1424 u.e.
The planet Mars and the Moon in Piirva-AshiWM, 19th August 1424 n.c.
The planet Venus and the Moon in Mugful, 19th August 1425 n.c.
All within the space of about sixteen months; and there is no other year, as

Dater Names. Names of presiding Deities.

X.im« of Xaksliatras.

iSVavisk///a, J )hanislu!//a A asava/ (8)

1. ,SVa\ ish//za/z (foiii.) 4
iS’atakkiskak lmlra/z (Yaruzza/z 111)
2. .Shtahliishak
1’. Bhadrapada Aya Kkapad
5. Puna: Prosh/'/zapada/z (unisc.)
lr. Bhadrapada Aliir Budhniya/z
4. rttare Prosh//zap:ula/z
Bovati l’udia
5. Uevati
A-v vim' Avvinau
6. A-waym/au
Bliara/zi Viuiw/t
ApahlmnuzR, (liharazz'i/z 111)
K n\t ika Agni/z
8. K/zltika/z 7 (feni.)
Bullion' (Brahnu, Horn. K.) l’rn//apati/i
9. Rolibd
10. Invaki/z (M/vga-vu-sham HI; M r'ga.s'iras. Agrahftya/zi, A.K. Sonia/z
Ardra Iludra/z
! 1. Baku (Ardra 111)
I’unarvami (Yamakau, II. K.) Adili/z-
1 2. Punarvasii
1 p Tishya/4 j Pudiya (Sulhya, A. lx.) B/zhaspnti/z
14. A.vleshn/ (.Wesha/z. tern. Til) A dosha Sarpa/z
Ma glia 1 Pitara/z
15. Magh.i/z (frill.) (Aglia/z, BA .)
16. Pune Phulguni (-lii/z 111) (A lv/unt, R.A .) P. Plulgum Aryaina (1 7111)
| U. l’halguni , Bhaga/z (16th)
1;. rttare Phalguni (fern, dual)
: Hast a. ])eva/z Savita
18. Ilada/z
Ait l a, I nil rat (Tvadi/a III)
19. A itr.'i
20. ACidpya. (SvatI, T. S.) Svat i Vayu/z
21. \ i.\akho ! A"i.v,i,kha (Badlia, A. Ko»h.)
Anun'ulha AT it ra/z
2 2. Anuradka/z (niaso.)
2;. Bohizzi, (/yi-‘di//zaglnu (f/yosh//za. Ill) *7\ oshz7/.l Indra/z
24. Mulahnrlia//i (Mfilarn 11T.A i/'z ztau/l’. S.) AI i'il a Niivzl i/z (Prayupati/. Ill), Pitara/z,

25. Burra Aska'//z."t/z (l’eni.) P. AduV/za Apa/z

P. A duo//,a Vi wo Devil/z
26. Uttara Asli.V/zu/z
Ahhiyit (11 1) A1 >li i>/i t, Brahma (III)

2 “. Arozza Nravaz/a ! Vislizzu/z

I Nnines given from T.iiltaiy.i Kndunrtla I. 5, 1 & J. ! Jlo.li in names hs colleeleil by I'm!
I Important variations .« enniiu. mT.uttii.va lir. Ill 1, 1 Whitney, Surya-snldli. p. 183. A.K.
1-0, marked III : others fmm T.nttiiiya e.iu.liita IV. 4, 1 means \mara-koslia j H. K., llema-
I 10, m,liked T. S. I lamlra-kosha.

Bentley affirms, either before that period or since in which they were so placed
or situated. Saturn is not mentioned among these births, probably from his
being situated out of the moon’s course; but was feigned to have been born
afterwards from the shadow of the earth, at the time of churning the ocean,
or the war between the gods and the giants.
Finally, Bentley maintains that the names of the twelve Indian months
could only have been formed in 1181 n.e. llis argument is this:
The position of the twenty-seven lunar mansions at this period would have
been as follows:

Asterisms in which lull

Si\ Seasons. Twelve Months. mouii may occur, according TWtion of the Sun, 11S1 n. (
to Km^a-rdddh. p. 270

1. Maglia/, Tapas XIV. XV. Winter solstice, beginning of ,S'rn\ i>h//<h U dag-a).•main.

I A’i.vinti 2. Fhalgimu/, Tapasya/? XYT. WIT. XVITI.

[ (Thaw
(Vernal equinox, coinciding with Tleva.ll (( I’iseium),
3. A'aitra//, Madlm/; XIX. XX. time of I'.rahlnagiipLi, A. b )
(Vcinal equinox, beginning of Asvim, time id Yardlia
Miliira, 499 A. 1 >
\ asanta/; 4. Yahaldia/;, Mudhava// xxr. xxii. Vernal equinox, hirt quarter of Idiarant. 11S1 it v

5. //yais]i//;a//, A'ukra// XXIII. XXIV.

(Irishman 6. AsluVMa//, i/f XXV. XX M.


14. 7. -S'ravaW/, Nahlias XXVII. I. Summer solstice, middh of A>lo4i

YarsliiW j <S. bliadrapada//, NaMiasya// II. ITI. IV.

Uam) j p’rausli/Zapada//)

9. A-vvina//, 1/ Y. YT. VII.


A'arat j JO. Karttika/, 1-rk VIII. IX. Autumnal equinox, second quaitei id \ isakh.i


11. Marga.s-irsha//, Saha/ X. XI.

It (‘manta/; 12. i’ausha/, Sahasya/; XII. XIII.


There can be no doubt that the names of the months, MAgha, Phalguna,
Aaitra, Vai.sakha, f/yeshMa, Ash;W//a, *SYavaua, Bhadra, Asvina, Karttika,
Margasirsha, and Pausha were derived from the names of the twelve lunar
mansions, Magha, Phalguni, Kitra,Vi.s-akha,, GyeshtlrX, Ashad/ui, Aravana, Bhadra,
A.s1 vini, Kn'ttika, Mr/'ga.siras, and Pushya. But it is at first sight difficult to
explain why the succession of the months is so different from that of the lunar
asterisms. When the sun stands in Nravish/M, with the Vasus, the month is
called Milgha, but Magha is not the first, but the fifteenth Nakshatra; and
when the sun is in A.vlesha, with the Serpents, the month is called /Sravana,
while A'ravana is not the fourteenth, but the twenty-seventh Nakshatra.
Bentley offers the following explanation :
‘In the same manner as the lunar mansions were fabled by the Hindu
poets to have been married to the moon, and that the first offspring of that
poetic union were four of the planets; the Hindu poets feign, that the twelve
months sprang from the same union, each month deriving its name in the form
of a patronymic, from the lunar mansions in which the moon was supposed to
be full at the time.
‘Let us therefore, in the case before us, apply this principle. At the above
epoch, 1181 B.e., the sun and moon were in conjunction at the winter solstice ;
and as the months began when the sun entered the signs, the first month
therefore began at the winter solstice. Now to find the name of that month,
the moon would be full at about 14,'- days after the winter solstice, and would
then be in the opposite part of the heavens to the sun. The sun would have
advanced in 14! days about 14 and therefore would have entered the second
lunar asterism, Natabhisha : a line drawn from the point in which the sun is
thus situated through the centre, would fall into the lunar asterism Magha,
in which the moon was full, on the opposite side, and consequently, on the
principle stated, the solar month was from thence called Milgha in the form of
a patronymic. At the next full, the moon would be in Uttara Phalguni, and
the solar month from thence called Phalguna ; and on this principle all the
months of the year were named.
‘ Hence it is very easy to demonstrate the utmost possible antiquity of the
time when the months were, or could be, so named: for there are certain
limits beyond which the line cannot be drawn : and these are the termination
of the lunar mansion and the commencement of the solar month which
determines the time, because it points out the commencement of the solar
month in respect of the fixed stars at the time. Thus, at the time of the above

observations, the summer solstitial point was found in the middle of the lunar
asterism A.sleslni, and the solar month SVavana then began; for in the ancient
astronomy of the Hindus, that month always began at the summer solstice.
Now the month h'ravaaa derives-its name from the lunar asterism »SVava/ta (the
twenty-seventh), then in the opposite part of the heavens. Let, therefore, a line
be drawn from the solstitial point, or commencement of the month, cutting the
centre, and it will fall into the very end of the lunar asterism Nravami, from
which it derives its name Nravana; which line is, therefore, at its utmost limit,
as it cannot go farther without falling into a mansion of a very different name.
This position of the line, therefore, proves that the months received their names
at the time of the above observations, and not before. For if we wish to make
it more ancient, let the solstitial point be supposed more advanced in respect
of the fixed stars, say one, two, or three degrees, then a line drawn from the
solstitial point, or commencement of the month >SVavana, cannot fall into any
part of the lunar asterism $rava/u\, from which it derives its name, but into
,Sravish///a (the first). Therefore the name which it possesses could never be
given to it till the solstitial point, and commencement of the month, actually
coincided with the middle of the lunar asterism A.desha (the fourteenth), being
the same with the observation which refers us to the year 1181 u.and this
is the utmost antiquity of the formation and naming of the Hindu months.®
I have recalled these speculations of Bentley and others, partly because
they show considerable ingenuity and open some questions which have not yet
been solved by either scholars or astronomers; partly because I wished to
convince my critics that if I do not always enter into all the controverted
points, the theories, guesses, doubts, assertions, and counter-assertions of various
scholms, it is not because I shrink from the trouble of examining them, (much
of what is here printed was written twelve years ago,) but because I believe it
is our duty, as Frederick the Great1 said, to learn to distinguish between what
is important a..d what is not. We only retard the discovery of truth by
entering into every by-path on the right and on the left. The straight line is
always the best, the simplest machinery the most perfect. If we can prove out¬
point without a great apparatus of so-called learning, it is our duty to do so.
He sweeps cleanest that makes the least dust.

Are the Indian Nalshalras of native or foreign origin.'

Another controversy, most seriously affecting, not only the age of Vedic

1 (EuvrcN, vuJ. i. p. 264.


poetry, but the whole history of the growth of the Indian mind in those remote
ages, has been revived of late with so much vigour and acrimony, that, though
it has hardly yielded a single new result, it cannot here be passed over in
silence. The <|uestion is, whether one of the simplest and fundamental notions
of Indian astronomy, the division of the heavens into twenty-seven equal parts,
commonly called the twenty-seven Nakshatras or AVkshas, was indigenous to
India, or borrowed from without. As one allusion to these Nakshatras occurs
in the hymns of the Big-veda, and as the twenty-seven divisions, with their
asterisms and presiding deities, are known in the Brahma/tas, the principal
charm of Vedic antiquities, namely, its independent originality, would be de¬
stroyed, if it could be proved that even at that early time, the rays of a foreign
civilisation had influenced the growth of the Indian mind. If so important a
subject as the division of the heavens into twenty-seven sections, a division
which is at the root of their sacred calendar, and without which none of the
sacrifices enjoined in the Brahmaaas could he conceived, was borrowed from
without, what security would there be that the gods worshipped at the sacri¬
fices, and the hymns repeated at the annual festivals were not borrowed from
the same quarter? If at first the movements of the sun, the moon, and the
stars suggested the fasti, or festivals of the ancient world, the regulation of
these festivals soon gave rise to a more accurate study of the periodical returns
of the heavenly luminaries ; and what we call the ancient calendars is hut the
result of this mutual action and reaction of astronomy and religion. And if
that quarter from which the ancient Indian astronomy is supposed to have
been borrowed was China, would not all our received ideas on the earliest
history of mankind be upset? Would not the national individuality of the
Aryan race be tainted in its core, and the Turanian man rise superior to his
Aryan and Semitic brothers? Where so much is at stake, it would be wrong to
trust to convictions, however firmly rooted ; and when the arguments proceed
from one of the most eminent men of our age, and are repeated by him, after a
lapse of twenty years, with increased warmth and vigour, it is necessary to
meet argument by argument, however strong our feeling that the conflict arose
from a mere misunderstanding, and ought never to have taken place.
Uiot, one of the most eminent among living,—I may now add,—one of the
most eminent among departed astronomers', published a number of articles in
the Journal des Savants in the years 1839, 1840, 1845, and again in 1859, i860,
and 1861, in which he endeavoured to prove the Chinese origin of the Indian

1 S.-B. Biot died the 3rd of Fehruaiy, 1862, eighty-eight yearn of age.

Naksliatras. He maintained that the number of the Naksliatras was originally

twenty-eight, and afterwards reduced to twenty-seven; that originally they did
not represent the twenty-seven equal divisions of the Indian ecliptic ; that they
had no connection with the course of the moon, hut were single stars, near the
equator, the intervals of which in time had been carefully determined, in order
to refer to them the positions of other stars and planets coming to the meridian
between them.
Such was the authority which of right belonged to the opinions of so great
an astronomer as Biot, and such the learning and ingenuity with which he
defended his propositions, that Professor Lassen allowed himself to he swayed
by Riot’s arguments, and, in his ‘Indian Antiquities,’ admitted the introduction
of the Chinese 8ieu into Northern India before the fourteenth century n.c.
I quote from the first volume of his excellent work, page 747: ‘As a primitive
intercourse between Hindus and Chinese, never suspected before, is now firmly
established, and as the latter employed their Sieti at a much earlier period, it
is impossible to use the Chinese origin of the Naksliatras as an argument
against their employment by the Hindus at the time of their own most ancient
and still preserved astronomical observations. These observations belong to
the fourteenth century 1;.i\, aiid it follows from them that the Hindus were at
that time settled in the north of India.’
These early observations, however, which were supposed to point to the
fourteenth century, presupposed, as we said, the employment of twenty-seven
Naksliatras, (otherwise the solstitial points there mentioned would he at
unequal distances from each other,) whereas, according to Biot’s own state¬
ments, the number of the Chinese Sieu was only twenty-four, and was not
raised to the number of twenty-eight till the year tioo n.<This dilliculty did
not escape so careful a scholar as Professor Lassen. He admits (p. 745) that
the Hindus could not have received the division of the heavens into twenty-
eight sections b fore 1100 a0.; but, in order to save the early observations of
the fourteenth century, he adds (p. 746), that though the complete number ot
the twenty-eight Naksliatras was not known in India before that date, their use
may have been transmitted there at an earlier period.
I doubt whether even the authority of a Lassen was strong enough to give
currency to Biot’s theory among Sanskrit scholars; but it soon became appa¬
rent that historians and jihilosophers were attracted by its novelty, and used
it as an important help for determining the mutual relations ot the principal
races of the East at the very dawn of history. Tim late Mr. Hardwick, in his

learned and thoughtful work, ‘An Historical Inquiry into some of the chief
Parallelisms and Contrasts between Christianity and the Religious Systems of
the Ancient World,’ 1855-58, had the following remarks on the supposed
intellectual intercourse between China and India:
‘ Before the name of the Middle Kingdom had been ever uttered in the
learned halls and avenues of the Athenian Academy; before the eagle of the
Roman legions, thirsting after universal sway, had tried its earliest flight
across the Central Appennines; before the English of that ancient world, the
colonising merchants of Phoenicia, had unfurled their sails upon the waves of
the Atlantic, and trafficked in the precious metals on the coasts of Albion and
Ierne; large communities of settlers, stretching far across the plateau of Upper
Asia, were already living under the patriarchal rule of great and powerful
princes. Chinese ports were even then frequented by adventurous traders
from Ceylon, from India, from the Persian Gulf. A knowledge of Chinese
astronomy found its way beyond the mountains, and took root in Northern
Hindustan.’—Pages 7, 8.
In a review of this work, which I published in 1858, I felt it necessary to
protest strongly against treating the Chinese origin of the Indian Nakshatras
as a recognised fact, and thus disturbing, without sufficient evidence, the early
history of Eastern civilisation. I may be allowed to give a short extract from
my Review :
1 Now, in stating that a knowledge of Chinese astronomy found its way
at that early period beyond the mountains, and took root in Northern Hindu¬
stan, Mr. Hardwick has the authority of Professor Lassen on his side, or rather
that of M. Biot, whose views on this subject were adopted by Professor Lassen.
But did Mr. Hardwick consider what is involved in such an admission, and how
violently the true relation of these two ancient races, the Aryans in India and
the Chinese in the Middle Kingdom, would be disturbed if this admission was
well founded? Astronomy—at least that part of it to which Mr. Hardwick
more particularly refers, the Nakshatras, or the twenty-seven lunar mansions
of the Brahmans—is most intimately connected with the religious worship of
the Veda. No Hindu sacrifice could have been properly performed without
a knowledge of the lunar mansions; no month could have received its present
appellation without names being first given to those constellations from which
the months derived their titles. Now, Mr. Hardwick would never admit that
a Chinese or Turanian race could have exercised any very definite influence on
the faith and worship of the Aryan settlers of India, and he would scout the

idea of tracing Sanskrit words back to Chinese monosyllabic terms. Yet, if

a knowledge of Chinese astronomy found its way across the mountains, and
took root in Northern Hindustan, the event must have taken place at a very
early period, previous at least to the composition of the Vedic hymns. The
Nakshatras are mentioned in the ancient songs of the Veda. Thus, we read,
Rv. I. 50, 2 :—“ Like thieves, the Nakshatras (the stars) depart every night,
before the sun who illuminates everything.” Here it might be said, that
Naksliatra, signified stars in general, and not the twenty-seven constellations
rendered important by the passage of the moon. But it is in connexion with
the moon, and therefore with an allusion to an equally-divided lunar zodiac,
that the Nakshatras are mentioned in the Veda. “ Soma, or the moon,” it is
said, in a hymn of the tenth MaraMa (X. 85, 2), “ is placed in the lap of the
Nakshatras.” The moon is called the month-maker, m&saknt, in the first book
of the Rig-veda, at least according to one of the ancient commentators; and one
of the principal sacrifices, mentioned in the ceremonial portion of the Veda, is
that of the Full and New moon. The exact time of these lunar festivals is
fixed with such minute accuracy, that the Hindus, at the time when these
public sacrifices were established, or at least when they were regulated by the
sacred institutions of the Brahmanas, must have been considerably advanced in
astronomy; and the base of their ancient astronomy was the zodiac of the lunar
‘ The gradual growth of astronomical knowledge in India is intimately
connected with the whole intellectual and religious history of that country.
The primitive division of the year into lunar months must have taken place
previously to the first separation of the Aryan family, for the name for moon
and month is the same in the dialects of nearly all of its members. The proper
names of the months, however, are peculiarly Indian. They exist in Sanskrit
only, but not in Greek or Latin. Now these Indian names of the months were
derived from the names of the Nakshatras, and the names of the Nakshatras
again were derived in several instances from the names of ancient Vedic deities'.
If, therefore, we find the same names of the months in Sanskrit and Chinese,
and if these names are inexplicable in the Chinese dictionary, surely the
conclusion is evident, that they were borrowed by the Chinese from the Hindus,
and not by the Hindus from the Chinese. The three winter months are called

1 Prof. Whitney points out the Vedic character of the deities, Silrya-siddh. p. 203. The important point is.
that some of them are exclusively Vedic.

VOL. IV. f

in Chinese, Pehoua, Mokue, and Pholkuna; names which Dupuis 1 has compared
with the three Indian months, Paushya, Mdgha, and Phdlguna. These Indian
months had received their names according to a definite system, from the
corresponding Nakshatras, Pushyd, Maghd, and Phalguni. Shall we suppose,
then, that the Hindus borrowed the idea of the lunar Nakshatras from the
Chinese, but that the Chinese borrowed their names from the Hindus? In
order to defend such a supposition, it would be necessary to establish the
antiquity and genuineness of the early literature and civilisation of China on
a much firmer basis than that on which it rests at present.
‘Mr. Hardwick, who is at other times so sceptical about the early dates
which Oriental nations claim for their literature, seems to have lent too willing
an ear to the assertions of the Chinese scholars. It is true, that many of the
most distinguished “ Sinologues ” speak with perfect confidence of Chinese dates,
going back as far as three and four thousand years B. c. Such dates occur in
the original chronicles of the Chinese, and they are given there as if they had
been written down at the time by imperial historiographers and astronomers.
But has their value ever been tested by the same critical tests which have
reduced the mythical chronology of Greece and Rome to such small dimensions ?
In Roman history, the destruction of the city and the burning of the Capitol are
generally considered fatal to the genuineness of any dates previous to those
events. Now, in Chinese history one of the most indisputable facts is, that
between 480 and 206 b.c., that is to say, after that period of Chinese literature
which is marked by the labours of Confucius and his collections of. the ancient
written and oral traditions of the country, China was devastated by revolutions
and civil wars. In 213 B.c., the famous emperor Tsin-chi-hoang ordered all
books to be burnt, except those treating on medicine, astrology, agriculture, and
his own family annals. The punishment of death was threatened and inflicted
on those who should venture to conceal books ; and all Chinese authorities
agree, that, during the years 213 to 206, this literary crusade had proved
completely successful. In 206 a new dynasty, that of the Hans, came to the
throne, and every effort was made by them to collect from written documents or
from oral tradition, the remains of Chinese literature. But whatever the Chinese
may relate of the miraculous escape of some of their old classics, and however
' plausible the arguments may sound by which Chinese scholars have defended

1 Memoire explieatif du Zodiaque, par Dupuis, tioned by Dupuis have been authenticated by Chinese
Paris, 1806, p. 15. 1 cannot ascribe much importance scholars. [Professor Legge assures me that they are
to this argument until these barbarous names men- mere inventions.]

the general fact of the high antiquity of Chinese civilisation, it would have been
difficult to recover from oral tradition minute astronomical observations. M. Biot
feels this himself; and he tries, very ingeniously, to save “ a little of ancient
astronomy.” Speaking of the emperor Tsin-chi-hoang, he says, “II ordonna,
sous peine de mort, de brftler tous les livres, a l’exception de ceux qui traitaient
de medicine, d’astrologie (consequemment un pen d’astronomic)'.” This language
shows sufficiently what the claims of the Chinese to genuine and accurate
astronomical observations, fixing the days and hours of historical events, about
4000 b.c., really are; and we cannot bring ourselves to admit that, either in
language, religion, or science, the relation of the early Aryas to the Turanian
inhabitants of China was that of pupils to their teachers. On the contrary, we
believe that the relation of India to China has always been the same which we
find at the time when Buddhism was introduced into the Middle Kingdom ;
and we know of no fact, even in later times, which would lead us to suppose
that China had ever repaid to India the debt which it owed to that ancient
cradle of Eastern civilisation. If this relation of the two countries is once
established and well kept in mind, it would require stronger evidence than the
hypothesis even of so learned an astronomer as M. Biot, or the admission of
so careful a Sanskrit scholar as Professor Lassen, to induce us on a sudden to
invert the relative position of China and India, and to admit a civilising
influence, exercised by the former on the latter. Such exceptions occur, no
doubt, now and then in the ancient history of religion and civilisation, as well
as in the ancient history of language. But, a general rule once being estab¬
lished, the exceptions require very strong evidence before they can be admitted.
No one would allow an ancient Sanskrit word to be derived from Greek. But
if words of decidedly Greek character have found their way into the Sanskrit
dictionary, it becomes more necessary than ever to determine their relative
ages : and we shall find that, in every instance, those Greek words, such as the
words connected with the solar zodiac, are of a very late date in Sanskrit; in

1 A still stronger admission has been pointed out and practice of the astronomical calculus became
by Prof. Weber (p. 300) from Gaubil (Observ. II. gradually lost. When the emperor Tsin-chi-hoang
3seq.). Gaubil says that according to the unanimous ordered the great burning of books, Gaubil continues,
testimony of Chinese astronomers, astronomy had been * suppose qn’il y eut des livres oh il se trouvat des
almost entirely neglected after the time of the Tchun- observations celestes et de preceptes d’astronomie, on
tsieou, edited by Confucius (died 480 B. c). Eclipses les perdit:.il ne restoit que des traditions con-
were no longer observed, their calculations were no fuses, des catalogues d'ltoiles et de constellations et
longer handed to the emperor, the tower of the mathe- des fragmens de quelques livres caches.*
maticians was but seldom ascended, and the science


fact, not anterior to the well-established historical intercourse between India

and Greece after the time of Alexander.
* We have dwelt rather long on this single question about the Chinese
origin of Hindu astronomy; but it will be seen, we hope, that, though it seems
to be an isolated fact, it involves important consequences with regard to the
organic structure, if we may say so, of the whole ancient civilisation of the East.
We do not blame Mr. Hardwick for having been swayed by the authority of
such men as Biot and Lassen ; but we thought it right to point out how, in
travelling over the unexplored and unmapped regions of the ancient world, he
might have guarded himself against ever missing the right direction, if, instead
of trusting to partial guides, he had clearly impressed on his own mind the
great watersheds of thought and language which divide the principal families
of the human race. Mr. Hardwick mistakes the place where the currents of
Chinese and Indian civilisation effect their first junction.’
Shortly after these remarks were published, Biot renewed the controversy
about the Chinese origin of the Indian Nakshatras, and he succeeded by his
learning and by his eloquence to win the approval of at least one more Sanskrit
scholar, and one eminently qualified to express an opinion on such a subject, 1
mean Professor Whitney, the editor of the Atharva-veda, and of the important
astronomical manual, the Shrya-siddhanta. In his Notes on the Shrya-siddhanta
the Professor gives a most careful analysis of all the information that could be
collected on the Indian Nakshatras, the Chinese Sieu, and the Arabic Manzil.
He determines the situation of the stars and groups of stars, which, under their
Sanskrit, Chinese, and Arabic names, are referred to by the astronomers of
the East, and he arrives at the conclusion, that 1 after the exhibition of the
concordances existing among the three systems, it can enter into the mind of no
one to doubt that all have a common origin, and are but different forms of one
and the same system.’ (Page 201.)
He then enters on an examination of Biot’s hypothesis, according to which
the Indian Nakshatras are derived from the Chinese Sieu. ‘According to Biot,’
he writes *, ‘ the Sieu form an organic and integral part of that system by

1 SQrya-siddli&nta, edited by Burgess and Whitney, journal memo : Lo trait distinctif de l’astronomie des
p. 201 soq. I add tho last statement which Biot has Chinois, c’cst l’observation assidue des astres quand
left of his views on the Chinese Sieu: ‘ Je vais signaler ils passent au m&idien, en notant, au moyen des hor-
a l’avance lo but unique vers lequel nous allons mar¬ loges d’eau, les instants oh ils se trouvent dans ce
cher. II est tout entier compris dans la proposition plan. Yingt-huit etoiles, r<: parties sur le contour du
suivante, que je me borne it reproduire d’apris les del, et toujours les monies, lenr servent comme autant
e'nonces que j’en ai plusieurs fois donnas dans ce de signaux fixes, auxquels ils rapportent les positions

which the Chinese, from an almost immemorial antiquity, have been accus¬
tomed to make their careful and industrious observations of celestial pheno¬
mena. Their instruments, and their methods of observation, have been closely
analogous with those in use among modern astronomers in the West: they
have employed a meridian-circle and a measure of time, the clepsydra, and
have observed meridian-transits, obtaining right ascensions and declinations of
the bodies observed. To reduce the errors of their imperfect time-keepers,
they long ago selected certain stars near the equator, of which they deter¬
mined with great care the intervals in time, and to these they referred the
positions of stars or planets coming to the meridian between them. The stars
thus chosen are the Sicu. Twenty-four of them were fixed upon more than
two thousand years before our era, &c.’ (Pages 201-203.)
After expressing his entire concurrence in the views of Biot, Professor
Whitney proposes nevertheless another theory, according to which the know¬
ledge of Chinese astronomy was not imported straight from China to India,
but (p. 205) ‘ was carried, together with the Chinese system of division of the
heavens into twenty-eight mansions, into Western Asia, at a period not much
later than b. 0. hoc, and was then adopted by some western people, either
Semitic or Iranian. In their hands it received a new form, such as adapted it
to a ruder and less scientific method of observation, the limiting stars of the
mansions being converted into zodiacal groups or constellations, and in some,
instances altered in position, so as to be brought nearer to the general planetary
path of the ecliptic. In this changed form, having become a means of roughly
determining and describing the places and movements of the planets, it passed
into the keeping of the Hindus—very probably along with the first knowledge
of the planets themselves—and entered upon an independent career of history
in India. It still maintained itself in its old seat, leaving its traces later in the
Bundehesh; and made its way so far westward as finally to become known to,
and adopted by, the Arabs.’
Though I had hoped that some one better qualified than myself would vin¬
dicate the Indian origin of the ancient Indian astronomy, and though I consider
Professor Whitney, who, to an extensive acquaintance with astronomy adds a

relatives des astres ainsi observes. Do cette seulo merits d’un ealeuilrier luni-solaire suffisant a tons les
pratique, invariablement suivie depuis un temps im- besoms publics; et aussi unc ample provision, incessu-
memorial, ils ont su dtduire par £ux-mtmes les durees ment rououvelto, do pronostics astrologiques, ce besoin
moyennes des revolutions du soleil, de la lune, et des primitif et universal de l’eeprit humain.’ Journal des
plant!tea; les ptriodesdetemps qui rarniSnent ees astres Savants, 1861 (p, 9).
eu conjunction ou en opposition entre eux; les tie-

scholarlike knowledge of Sanskrit, an antagonist even more formidable than

Biot, yet, as I protested against the conclusions of the one, I feel bound to
oppose the arguments of the other. I do not see that we gain anything by
assuming an indirect instead of a direct importation of Chinese wisdom into
India, particularly if the intermediate stage seems to have no other object than
to bring the scientific discoveries of the Chinese down to the level of the Indian
understanding. Nor do I see that we fare better if, as Professor Weber1 pro¬
poses, we admit a spreading of astronomical knowledge from a Semitic centre,
and assume the fundamental notions of chrononomy to have been imported
from Babylon to China on one side, and to India on the other. I differ toto ccelo
from every one of these theories. I feel as strongly to-day as I did when, in
the year 1846, I read at Paris the articles then published by Biot, that the
Br&hmans cannot have borrowed the idea of the Nakshatras from the Chinese.
I maintain, 1. that the Nakshatras were suggested to the Hindus by the moon’s
sidereal revolution; 2. that they were intended to mark certain equal divisions
of the heavens ; and 3. that their number was originally twenty-seven, not
Though the custom of beginning a discussion with verbal definitions has
got into disrepute, I think it best to adhere to the old rule ; nay, I believe that
its observance would have shortened, if it had not prevented, this long con¬
troversy. What then is meant by Nakshatra ? Nakshatra has three principal
meanings. Originally it meant stars in general; secondly, it meant the *
twenty-seven equal divisions of the heavens, constantly referred to in the
Br&hmanas and Sutras; and thirdly, it meant the twenty-eight asterisms, con¬
sisting of either one or more stars, which in later scientific treatises served as
‘points de depart ’ for astronomical observations. In order to avoid confusion
I shall in future use Nakshatra in the second sense only, translating it by
1 Die Vedischen Nachrichten von den Naxatra ; ments is that he has not made it clear to himself in
erstor Theil, i860; zweiter Theil, 1862. These Essays every instance whether the months ho is speaking about
are very creditable to the author, and did not deserve are sidereal or synodical. Their relation to the fixed
the withering contempt with which they were treated stars (Nakshatras) and to the seasons would be much
by Biot (Precis de l’Histoire de l’Astronomie Chinoise, affected by this difference. At Rome, in spite of inter¬
p. 9). I differ from nearly all the conclusions at which calary months, January, at the time of Caesar, occupied
Prof. Weber arrives, but I admire his great diligence the season of the year which ought to have been oc¬
in collecting the necessary evidence. It is not neces¬ cupied by October. (Sir C. Lewis, Surrey of Ancient
sary, however, to enter on a discussion of all the Astronomy, p. 237.) Much greater confusion must
problems touched upon by the learned author, and I have existed in ancient India, where the standard
have tried to confine myself as much as possible to the measure of time was simply nycthemeric, modified on
main issues of this already but too complicated con¬ certain occasions by lunar, solar, or sidereal time.
troversy. What vitiates many of Prof. Weber’s argu¬

lunar mansions, while I use T&r& instead of Nakshatra, if employed in the third
sense, translating it by asterism.
The coincidences between the Indian and Chinese systems of astronomy
which struck Biot, and which before him had struck Anquetil and Bentley,
refer entirely to the Indian TiliAs and the Chinese Sieu. I can understand how
an astronomer who for the first time perceives these coincidences, should be
strongly inclined to waive all minor differences and assume that the conceptions
shared in common by Indian and Chinese astronomers were derived by the
Indians from the Chinese, or by the Chinese from the Indians, or by both from
a common source. But now that the novelty of the discovery has well-nigh
passed away, a more sober examination of the case would seem to lead to
different results. I cannot agree with Prof. Weber when, in the beginning of
his Essay, he asserts that ‘the thorough analogy or even identity of both
systems necessitate the admission of a special relationship.’ The Sieu were
originally twenty-four in number, they were afterwards raised to twenty-eight.
There is no trace of a similar change in India. The Sieu throughout are single
stars 1; the Taras are, for the most part, groups or clusters of stars. The
system of single stars, Yoga-t&ras or junction-stars, is of so decidedly modern
a date that Prof. Whitney places its introduction in the sixth century of our
era (page 212). But as to the coincidences themselves, taking it for granted
that the Sieu stars are in all cases rightly identified with the stars of our
globes, it should be borne in mind, that the identification of the Hindu Taras
is in many cases extremely problematical. Al-Biruni, who, in the eleventh
century, attempted for the first time to authenticate the Indian T&r&s, relates
that the Indian astronomers were unable to point out the stars to him. He
was obliged to leave seven or eight as unknown or doubtful2. Sir W. Jones
and Colebrooke, who, in more recent times, undertook the same task, com¬
plained of the same difficulty. But even in the astronomical works of the
Hindus there is some discordance as regards the stated position of the junction-
stars of the asterisms3, and with regard to the number of stars comprised
in each asterism the opinions vary even more considerably4. But if we waive
all these objections, nay, if we allow a still further latitude, and count all
Sieus and T4r&s as identical whenever the Sieu star corresponds with any one
star of the Hindu asterisms, what is the result5 ? Out of twenty-eight Sieus
there are seventeen only that can be identified with the T4r4s. Now, if a

1 Whitney, p. 207. 2 Whitney, p. 181; Journal des Savants, 1843, pp. 39-54.
3 Whitney, ]>. 182. 4 Weher, p. 380 aeq. 5 Whitney, p 200,

scientific system is borrowed, it is borrowed as a whole. When the Hindus

borrowed the twelve zodiacal signs, they did not borrow one-half of them only,
but the whole. Unless therefore the discordance of nearly one-half of the Hindu
and Chinese asterisms can be satisfactorily accounted for, I, for my part, must
confess that I do not see so startling a problem that requires to be solved. If
certain stars suggested themselves as particularly useful to the Chinese
astronomers, some of them, not all, might have recommended themselves
for the same reason to the Hindus. Under the supposition that the Hindus
were the pupils of the Chinese, the coincidences arising from this cause
would be far less startling to me than the differences. On a point like
this, however, I shall be inclined to defer to the authority of astronomers,
and I am quite prepared to find that sooner or later the differences between
the Sieus and T4r&s may be accounted for. What then? Every Sanskrit
scholar will most readily surrender the whole system of the Taris and
Yoga-t&ras, or junction-stars, whether twenty-seven or twenty-eight in number,
as of foreign origin. It never occurs in the ancient literature of the Brah¬
mans, it is not mingled with any of their ancient rites or traditions. It
comes in at a time when India was no longer shut out from the rest of the
world, and when a scientific study of astronomy had succeeded to the homely
rules of the Yedic priests. That the system of the Shrya-siddhanta points to
Greek and Alexandrian models has been proved by Prof. Whitney, and before
him, by Colebrooke. Let us hear what Colebrooke said on this subject1:
‘ The Hindus had undoubtedly made some progress at an early period in
the astronomy cultivated by them for the regulation of time. Their calendar,
both civil and religious, was governed chiefly, not exclusively, by the moon
and the sun : and the motions of these luminaries were carefully observed by
them, and with such success, that their determination of the moon’s synodical
revolution, which was what they were principally concerned with, is a much
more correct one than the Greeks ever achieved. They had a division of the
ecliptic into twenty-seven and twenty-eight (?) parts, suggested evidently by
the moon’s period in days, and seemingly their own: it was certainly bor¬
rowed by the Arabians. Being led to the observation of the fixed stars, they
obtained a knowledge of the positions of the most remarkable; and noticed,
for religious purposes, and from superstitious notions, the heliacal rising, with
other phenomena of a few.

1 Miscellaneous Essays, II. p. 447-


‘ Whatever may have been the period when the notion was first obtained, that
foreknowledge of events on earth might be gained by observations of planets
and stars, and by astronomical computation, or wherever that fancy took its rise,
certain it is, that the Hindus have received and welcomed communications
from other nations on topics of astrology: and although they had astrological
divinations of their own as early as the days of Par&sara and Garga, centuries
before the Christian era (?), there are yet grounds to presume that communica¬
tions subsequently passed to them on the like subject, either from the Greeks,
or from the same common source (perhaps that of the Chaldeans) whence the
Greeks derived the grosser superstitions engrafted in their own genuine and
ancient astrology, which was meteorological.
‘ Joining this indication to that of the division of the zodiac into twelve
signs, represented by the same figures of animals, and named by words of the
same import with the zodiacal signs of the Greeks; and taking into consider¬
ation the analogy, though not identity, of the Ptolemaic system, or rather
that of Hipparchus, and the Indian one of excentric deferents and epicycles,
which in both serve to account for the irregularities of the planets, or at least
to compute them, no doubt can be entertained that the Hindus received hints
from the astronomical schools of the Greeks.’
At the time at which Professor Whitney places the selection of the junction-
stars to represent the asterisms, namely, in the sixth century of our era, there
were Chinese travelling in India, and Hindus settled in China. An Indian
religion had been imported into China, Indian festivals were celebrated in that
country, and an Indian calendar had to be accommodated to that of the Chinese.
At that time it was not only possible, but almost necessary that some compro¬
mise should be effected between the astronomical grammars of the two nations;
and I have little doubt that the distinguished scholar whose works have thrown
so much light on the intellectual and religious intercourse between China and
India in the seventh century a. d., will be able to solve the problem, how it was
that some of the Chinese determinative stars were identified with the T&r&s
or Yoga-t&r&s of the Hindus, and a twenty-eighth asterism added to the
twenty-seven heretofore in use. If the Chinese had been acquainted with
India at the early period implied in Biot’s theory, would it not be extra¬
ordinary that the name of India should never occur in their ancient annals ?
It is commonly admitted that India was unknown to the Chinese before
the expedition of Tchang Khian, 126 B.C., and its usual name, Thiantchu
(Sindhu), is in the Chinese annals mentioned for the first time in the eighth
VOL. iv. g

year of the emperor Ming-ti, 65 b.c.1 The name of ‘China’ has commonly
been supposed to imply a date. If it is derived from the dynasty of the Tsin
which came to the throne in the year 246 B.c., then no work in which ‘ China’
occurs as the name of the country, could be older than the third century B. c.
I confess that I feel very unwilling to give up this view, and the fact that
the name of China occurs in the so-called Code of Manu and in the Mah4-
bh&rata, so far from invalidating the date of the name, would only tend to
confirm the modern origin now assigned to these works by all critical Sanskrit
scholars. The difficulty is that ‘ erez Sfnfm ’ occurs in Isaiah xlix. 12, and that
the passage in which it occurs is considered by unprejudiced scholars as beyond
any reasonable doubt more ancient than the third century B. c. It has been
pointed out, however, that the dynasty of the Tsin, before its accession to the
imperial throne, had been reigning for 600 years in the province of Tsin (now
Shensi), in that part of China which was the most likely to be first visited
by travellers either from India or from Babylon. This would entail the loss
of a most useful date, but it would help on the other hand to establish the
possibility of Chinese astronomy being carried to Babylon, or Babylonian
astronomy to China, at an early period, at least at the time when the second
part of Isaiah was written2.
Leaving the problem, if problem it can be called, as to the coincidences
between certain of the Chinese Sieu and certain of the Hindu T&r&s, to be
settled by scholars and astronomers who take an interest in the medieval
history of India and China, we now approach a second question, namely,
whether it is possible to identify the Chinese Sieu with the Hindu Nakshatras
or twenty-seven lunar mansions. Bentley declared decidedly that such an
attempt was useless. ‘ With respect to the lunar mansions of the Chinese,’ he
writes, ‘ they differ entirely from those of the Hindus, who invariably make
theirs to contain 13 20' each on the ecliptic; whereas the Chinese have theirs
of various extents, from upwards of 30 to a few minutes, and marked by a star
at the beginning of each, which makes them totally differ from the Hindu.’
With the more accurate knowledge of the Sieu, which we owe to Biot, the
difference between the two has become still greater, and instead of wasting any
more time on attempts to compare the two, and trace them back to some common
origin, we have only to describe the original character of the Nakshatras, in
order to show how from beginning to end they differ from the Chinese Sieu.

1 Foe Kuue Ki, p. 14. ' Cf. Gesenius, ed. Dietrich, s.v. sinim.

First then, the twenty-seven Nakshatras were suggested by the moon’s

passage. But though suggested by it, they were by no means confined to the
one object of determining the moon’s position in the heavens. Nothing was
more natural for the sake of counting days, months, and seasons, than to observe
the twenty-seven places which the moon occupied in her passage from any point
of the sky back to the same point. It was far easier than to determine the sun’s
position either from day to day, or from month to month, for the stars being
hardly visible at the rising and setting of the sun, the idea of the sun’s con¬
junction with certain stars could not suggest itself to a listless observer1. The
moon progressing from night to night, and coming successively in contact with
certain stars, was like the finger of a clock moving round a circle and coming in
contact with one figure after another. Nor would the portion of about one-
third of a lunation in addition to the twenty-seven from new moon to new
moon, create much confusion in the minds of the rough and ready reckoners
of those early times. All they were concerned with were the twenty-seven
celestial stations which, after being once traced out by the moon, were fixed
like so many mile stones for determining the course of all the celestial
travellers that could be of any interest for signs, and for seasons, and for days,
and years. Any circle divided into twenty-seven sections, or any twenty-seven
poles planted in a circle at equal distances round a house, would answer the
purpose of a primitive observatory. All that was wanted to be known was
between which pair of poles the moon or the sun were visible at their rising
or setting, the observer occupying the same central position on every day. Our
notions of astronomy cannot be too crude and imperfect if we wish to under¬
stand the first beginnings in the reckoning of days, and seasons, and years,
and I doubt whether a profound knowledge of modern astronomy is not an
impediment rather than a help to the historian of the early days of astrono¬
mical discovery. We cannot expect in those days more than what a shepherd
would know at present of the sun, and moon, and stars, and seasons, if so much.
We cannot expect any observation of heavenly phenomena unless they had some
bearing on the practical wants of primitive society, and if we meet with any
records of these we must not expect them in that scientific form in which they
are said to have been recorded in China, but rather in the forms of myths and
legends, the only language possible in those days of intellectual awakening.
Thus we find the earliest allusion to the connection between the moon and the

1 Thus it is said in the Tnitt. Br. I. 5, 2, 1: ‘ Let him determine the Nakshatra about dawn; for when
the sun rises, ono cannot see the Nakshatra.'

S2 %'

twenty-seven Nakshatras, in a legend preserved in several of the BrAhmanas.

We read in the K&fAaka, II. 31:
‘ Pray&pati gave his daughters, the Nakshatras, to King Soma (the moon).
He dwelt with Rohmi. Those who were not visited by him, went back ; (there¬
fore does a wife, if she is not visited, go back.) He followed them, he asked for
them again. He (PrayApati) did not give them back. He said, Dwell equally
with all, then will I give them back. He dwelt with Rohmi only. Therefore
consumption seized him upon this falsehood. (The King Soma is the moon,
and as consumption seized the King, this is the origin of the so-called royal
consumption.) He withered like grass. He prayed to PrayApati. He said.
Dwell equally with all, then will 1 deliver thee of this. Therefore does the
moon dwell equally with all the Nakshatras.’
It is unfortunate that the number of the daughters of PrayApati is not
given in this passage, but it is nevertheless important as establishing the
fact on which I insisted, namely, that the Nakshatras represented originally a
division of the heavens into so many equal parts, and that this division was
suggested by the course of the moon.
In another passage where the same legend is told (Taitt. Samh. II. 3, 5, 1)
the number of the daughters of PrayApati is stated as thirty-three2 3, which
may possibly be explained by the fact that in the ancient lists six of the
Nakshatras are spoken of in the dualIn the later literature, however, in
the MahAbliArata, Manu, the Vislmu-PurAna, where the same or similar legends
are related, the number of the daughters of PrayApati or Daksha4 is given
as twenty-seven.
But we need not depend on these legends only in order to convince our¬
selves of the intimate connection between the twenty-seven Nakshatras and
the moon. The sidereal, or, as it is sometimes called, the periodical month,
i. e. the time during which the moon makes a revolution from any Nakshatra
back to the same, though it was not used by later writers for astronomical or
historical purposes, is nevertheless described by Garga and others on account
of its importance for sacrificial purposes. I give the following extract from

1 Weber, Iml. Stud. III. p. 467. Prof. Cowell’s valuable edition) explains the number
2 The Tiirmva (27) and Trayastrimsa (35) Stoma are by counting the KWttikfts as seven, and the other Nak¬
mentioned together, Vay. Samh. XIII. 58. shatras each as one.
3 These are 6, 11, 12, ifi, 17, ai; all the rest are 4 See Bohtlingk-Roth, Dictionary, s.v. Daksha;
spoken of either in the singular or in the plural. The Weber, Nakshatra, p. 277.
commentary to Taitt. Samh. II. 3, 5 (just received in

Garga which occurs in the commentary on the Gyotisha (MS. E. I, H.

p. 6) :

rTTT ^ I

TO ^ finWW* I

^rf^rUfc rTTfa ^ n rT^HTT II

hur ^rrFcr wii ^ nraRifa ^ i
TOffimfa HTHTfn Hf»T Rf<R-J^ IISII
^ftWwNi HR ^ HUR HTri I
3sm%TfH HTHTfn htrt^ h » h
ww: 1

fTOHTOTO <*b?o f^7RT ^ I$h HJrf II?II

?o ^ftTR:3 treftsv C|q ^,
7RTHT fj *800 rTT^i II 8II
HT^gjirU ^TVt H4 UFIT n^frl IIMII
f^SRUT f^HfS^T: II tf ||

frrt *rf<pjG frt: 11911
fHTO^T^SJ^rT fTOTlf^: H^rTH b II
^f^*n«rf HHrf HR7 ff ^W: |
FH <rRH*TR*T fHWRU mil
m ffeH^TRtfrT H Hfft HTH I
rTWKI RT^Vj: XT^^THTtrCf^ft ffrf^: moil
WT% FF^TRT $ llf^’af I

1 iftw MS. 2 H|^ |fif ? •,rr: ms. * H deest in MS.

5 MS. « Ms. *rre ms.

Htrorer^wrft u$o n«ni

*TRm *ra*f i
jj* % h wsff htwwr II ^ II
^TI^Trq^Trq^^ I
JWT%r c5^THt jj *Tf^T ^rT*f^ri IIS?II
5TTOT Htf ^fTO1 3R ^TWrqfl FRJ l
^flrn: % HtTH ^J?T II II
‘ And so says Garga,
“ The time in which the moon enjoys the circle of the Nakshatras, consisting
of twenty-seven, that is a Nakshatra month, and its half is called a paksha.”
‘ For there are four measures of time, and I shall propound them in the
words of Garga2, viz.:—
“ The libatory (savana), the solar, the lunar, and the sidereal (nakshatra),
these are the four measures, by them the lustrum (yuga) is divided.
“ The measure consisting of day and night is called the vulgar and the
libatory (s&vana)3; and thei’efore these measures do here proceed from the
libatory measure.
“After it the nycthemera are fixed, and their beginnings proceed from the
sun; and a lustrum is said to consist of 1830 such days.
“ The month consists of thirty nycthemera, and half of a s&vana (month)
is called a paksha. A nycthemeron consists of 2400 lavas4.
“ The solar computation is derived from the sun while Bhaskara (the sun)
travelling round goes to the south, having first gone to the northern region.
“ This is a year in time, its half, the Ayana, consists of three seasons ; half* of
a season is a month, consisting of thirty parts; the day is made by the sun.
time. Wilson’s Dictionary gives a lava either as the
" ‘ Of four modes, namely, solar, lunar, sidereal, and 60th part of a nimosha, or as two kfish/ASs, neither of
civil time, practical use is made among men.’ Sfirya- which would correspond with-j-rtrir of a day and night.
siddhknta XIV. 2. I day and night = 60 ghaiikds (n<Wi) = 24 minutes.
! It is called savana from the three libations or I gha(ika = 6o kalds (pala, vinlldi) — 24 seconds.
savanas, at morning, noon, and ovening; it is the 1 kal® = 60 kashM3s= 24"'.
simplest conception of the day, extending always from 1 kSsh<AA=i8 nimeshas.
sunrise to sunrise, without taking into account the I nimesha=30 tatparas.
different lengths of tho year. Cf. Sfirya-siddhUnta I. I tatpara = 100 trufis.
36; XIV. 18: udayAd udayam bhlnoA sftvanam tat pra- Other divisions are given by Bohtlingk-Roth, s. v.
kirtitam, sAvan&ni syur etena yayflakSlavidhis tu taiA. truth Frof. Weber takes for one
4 A lava would thus correspond to 36 seconds of o-ur hundred and twenty-four.

“ Half of it is a solar paksha, and a day is the fifteenth part of it; this
fifteenth part (one day) consists of 2600 lavas ’.
“ A lustrum (or yuga) is said to consist of 1830 solar days *.
“The lunar measure is derived from the moon by its increase and wane.
When the moon step by step, every libatory day, increases and wanes that
is called a lunar month; half of it is a p&rvana paksha, and the fifteenth part
a tithi.
“This (the tithi) is said to be 2200 lavas in measure, and in the lustrum of
the moon there are said to be i860 days3.
“ The time in which the moon enjoys the circle of the Nakshatras, con¬
sisting of twenty-seven, that is, a Nakshatra month, and its half is called a
“ The fifteenth part of this Nakshatra paksha is called a Nakshatra day :
this is said to be 3200 lavas in measure.
“ A yuga is said to consist of 2010 Nakshatra days4.” ’
Another account of the different computations of the year is given in the
Nirnayasindhu, written by Kamalakara BhaMa, and printed at Calcutta, 1833.
There it is said, that ‘according to Madhava’s opinion, five ways exist of cal¬
culating the year, and that there is a savami, saura, Mndra, ndkshatra, and
barhaspatya year. The Barhaspatya year is regulated by the planet Jupiter,
and is known in astronomical works only. North of the Narmada it may be
used for ceremonial purposes. Hemadri says, that there are only three different
years, because the two last are not employed in the Dharmasastra (law-books).
Each year consists of twelve months, and if there be intercalary months, sixty
days must be considered as one month, as Vyasa said, “ Sixty days are called
a month by the BMarayawas.” Five A'&ndra or lunar years make a yuga, and
each of the sixty years has its own name. The same names apply also to the
Barhaspatya years, which begin with the month of Magha (winter solstice),
while the /find’ a years begin w7ith the bright half of A'aitra (vernal equinox).
At sacrifices and on other solemn occasions the /findra or lunar year is to be
used, and no other, as Arshfishena says.
‘An Ay an a (sun’s road, half year) consists of three solar seasons. There
are two Ayanas, a southern and a northern one, the one beginning with Karka

1 There is some mistake in the MS., which will have 3 must he taken ns a feminine, a sum
to be corrected with the help of other MSS. The con- of eighteen hundred.
struction is that the 26th hundred of lavas is the 15th * The first line is not clear, and throughout the
part of the paksha. whole extract both text and translation must be eou-
2 One line seems to be wanting. sidered to rest on the authority of one MS. only.

(Cancer), the other with Makara (Capricorn), and different sacrifices are to be
performed, according to different authorities, either in the one or the other
‘ A season consists of two months, but here too an intercalary month is
not counted by itself. A month is of two kinds, lunar or solar. The first lunar
month is ifaitra in Yasanta, the first solar month begins either with Mina
(Pisces) or Mesha (Aries), as Baudh4yana says: “Yasanta (spring) is in Mina
and Mesha, or in Mesha and Vj-isha (Taurus).” For srauta and smarta cere¬
monies the lunar seasons ought to be used, and, if this be impossible, the solar
ones. There are six seasons, lunar as well as solar: Yasanta, Grishma, Varsha,
/S'arad, Hemanta, and Sisira.
‘ There are four kinds of months :
i, S&vana, 2. Saura, 3. A'&ndra, 4. N&kshatra.
1. The s&vana month has thirty days and nights.
2. The saura month goes from one conjunction of the sun to the next one.
The first is Vais&kha in Mesha (Aries). Although there are two Darsas (days
of new moon or conjunction) in Mesha, the first is reckoned as belonging to
Mina (Pisces), and goes to the solar month Aaitra.
‘ Some ghadkas before and after the entrance of the sun into a new sign are
considered as sacred :
1. In Mesha 10 gha^ik&s are sacred before and after the conjunction.
2. In VWsha 16.before the conjunction.
3. In Mithuna 16.after the conjunction.
4. In Karka 30.before the conjunction (ayanam dakshinam).
5. In Simha 16.before the conjunction.
6. In Kanya 16.after the conjunction.
7. In Tul4 10.before and after the conjunction.
8. In Yrisiika (Annaki) 16 . . before the conjunction.
9. In.Dhanus 16.after the conjunction.
10. In Makara (GAasha) 24 ghadkas are sacred after the conj. (ayanam udak).
(This is according to Hemadri’s opinion. M&dhava considers 20 ghadk&s
as sacred after the conjunction.)
11. In Kumbha 16 ghadk4s are sacred before the conjunction.
12. In Mina 16.after the conjunction.
The equinoxes fall in Mesha and Tul4.
The solstices in Karka and Makara.
3. The Mndra month consists of two pakshas (halves of the moon). This
lunar month either begins with sukla (the bright half) and ends with Am4
(new moon), or it begins with knshna (the dark half) and ends with full
moon. South of the Vindhya they begin the month with the moon’s increase,
but north of it either with its increase or with its decrease, though the former
is the more usual. The first Mndra month is /laitra.
4. The n&kshatra month consists of one passage of the moon through all
the Nakshatras \
‘ A BrAhmawa ends his month with the new moon (AmAv&sya), a Kshatriya
with the sun’s entrance (SawkrAnti) into a new sign, aVai.vya with full moon.
Garga says : “The saura month is to be used at marriages &c., the s A van a
month at sacrifices, the Mndra month at annual and obsequial rites. Other
authorities however give different rules.” ’
Having thus established the first point, that the twenty-seven Nakshatras
were suggested by the periodical revolution of the moon, we proceed to con¬
sider the second, namely, that the twenty-seven Nakshatras represented so
many equal divisions of the heavens. This was clearly indicated by the legend
of Soma being ordered to dwell the same time with every one of his wives, but
it is likewise implied in almost every statement in which the Nakshatras are
used for chronological purposes. No one in the present day would think of
employing instead of the equal segments of the zodiac, the single stars of
the Greek constellations, the Lion &c., for fixing the time of the year; nor
would an Indian astronomer make use for that purpose of the single stars
of the Nakshatras, instead of the twenty-seven equal divisions in which these
stars are scattered about, Unless the Nakshatras meant the twenty-seven
equal divisions, each consisting of 13 20, how could it be explained that the
summer solstice falls in the middle of A.slesha when the winter solstice is
in the beginning of NravishiM, thus giving thirteen and a half Nakshatras
to the sun’s road north and exactly the same number to its road south of
the equator?
The passages generally quoted to prove the inequality of the Nakshatras2

1 Thus it is said in the Grammar of Panini (IV. 2, ahorfttra (day and night). Thin is said expressedly by
3), that certain adjectives are formed from the names PatajS</ali: qt; qrpsrt gwnt i
of the Nakshatras, to express the time connected with II The day and night therefore during which
them, i.e. the time during which the moon is in con¬ the moon passes through the Nakshatra Pushya in any
junction with any one of the Nakshatras. If therefore month would be called pausha, pausham ahar, paushi
the passage of the moon through all the Nakshatras rStriA.
corresponds to one nhkshatra month, its passage 2 Of. Weber, Nakshatra, p. 309 seq.
through each of the Nakshatras would be a nSkshatra

VOL. IV. h

are all taken from modern books, and, as far as I can understand them, they
refer to the T&r&s or stars, not to the Nakshatras or lunar mansions. It is
perfectly possible that, as Hindu astronomers maintain, the moon or the sun
may be in conjunction with one of the stars belonging to the T&r&s, before
they have entered the Nakshatra-segment to which that T4r4 has given its
name. Nor would this in any way disprove the equal distances of the Nak¬
shatras, for it is only in comparison with these equidistant Nakshatras that
the stars or clusters of stars could possibly be called either deficient or ex¬
cessive. Tf the coincidences between certain T4r&s and certain Sieus are so
startling as they are represented to be, they may possibly find their explana¬
tion in the intercourse between the Buddhists of India and China, whicli
dates from a period anterior to the first occurrence of the non-equidistant
TAr4s in Sanskrit literature.
The only passage which for a moment made me doubtful as to the equal
division of the Indian Nakshatras, is that quoted by Prof. Weber from a
Hebrew translation of Majriti (p. 323 seq.). Majriti (died 1007 A. i>.) speaks
of the lunar mansions of the Hindus: he gives their names, twenty-eight
in number, and their degrees on the ecliptic. These degrees, to judge from
the translation supplied by Dr. Steinschneider, vary considerably. I therefore
requested Dr. Neubauer to collate the original text of Majriti, preserved in an
Arabic MS. of the Bodleian Library, and I was glad to find that the apparent
inequalities are due entirely to the Hebrew translation, the Arabic original
allowing about 12 51' 26" to each of the twenty-eight manzil1. This therefore
shows again an equal division, though it does show at the same time that the
Arabs, in other respects the docile pupils of the Hindus, divided the heavens
into twenty-eight, instead of twenty-seven, equal segments.
Finally, as to the number of the Nakshatras, I maintain that it was origin¬
ally, and that, in one sense, it always remained twenty-seven. Let us first
examine Biot’s view of the subject. He maintains that the number of Naksha¬
tras was originally twenty-eight, because such was the number of the Chinese
Sieu ; and that2 ‘the omission of Abhu/it from the series took place because the
mansion belonging to that asterism was on the point of becoming extinguished,
the circle of its junction-star being brought by the precession to a coincidence

1 Majriti begins: Now I shall mention the effects of from a Leyden MS. in his learned essay on ‘ Paeudepi-
the moon within tho limits of their stations, as agreed graphic Literature,’ p. 76.
upon by the Indians, &c. Dr. Steinschneider has 2 Whitney, Shrya-siddhSnta, p. 208.
lately supplied a more correct list of the lunar mansions
with that of the junction-star of the preceding asterism about a. r. 972.’ Prof.
Whitney has pointed out some mistakes which vitiate Biot’s calculation, and
which would defer till several centuries later the date of coincidence of the two
circles of declination. He' himself, however, believes, like Biot, that Abhu/it is
as originally and truly a part of the system of asterisms as any other constella¬
tion in the series, which is properly composed of twenty-eight members, and not
of twenty-seven. ‘The analogy of the other systems,’ he says, ‘and the fact
that treatises like the Surya-siddhanta, which reckon only twenty-seven divisions
of the ecliptic, are yet obliged, in treating of the asterisms as constellations,
to regard them as twenty-eight, are conclusive upon this point. The whole
difficulty and source of discordance seem to lie in this,—how shall there, in
any systematic method of division of the ecliptic, be found a place and a portion
for a twenty-eighth asterism? The Khanda-ka/aka, as cited by Albiruni, in
making out, by a method which is altogether irrespective of the natural posi¬
tions of the asterisms with reference to the zodiac, the accordance already
referred to between their portions and the moon’s daily motions, allots to Abhiyit
so much of the ecliptic as is equivalent to the mean motion of the moon during
the part of a day by which her revolution exceeds twenty-seven days. Others
allow it a share in the proper portions of the two neighbouring asterisms: thus
the Muhurta-MAla, a late work, of date unknown to us, says, “ the last quarter
of Uttara-Asha///ja and the first fifteenth of Sravana together constitute Abhir/it:
it is so to be accounted when twenty-eight asterisms are reckoned; not other¬
wise.” Ordinarily, however, the division of the ecliptic into twenty-seven equal
portions is made, and Abhir/it is simply passed by in their distribution. After
the introduction of the modem method of dividing the circle into degrees and
minutes, this last way of settling the difficulty would obviously receive a
powerful support and an increased currency, from the fact that a division by
twenty-seven gave each portion an even number of minutes, 800, while a division
by twenty-eight yielded the awkward and unmanageable quotient 771-i.’
In answer to Biot, who fixes the date of the suppression of Abhir/it at
a. r. 972, we may simply appeal to Albiruni. He wrote a book on India, and
particularly on Indian astronomy, about fifty-seven years after the supposed,
disappearance of Abhu/it. He had been in India for several years, learning
Sanskrit, reading in the original the astronomical works of the Brahmans, and
consulting living astronomers on the actual position of their stars, and asking
their advice on any points of difficulty. Yet nothing can be more opposed
to Biot’s theory than the view which Albirdni takes of the Nakshatras.
h 2

‘The origin of the lunar mansions,’ he says, ‘amongst the Hindus is analogous
to that of the zodiacal signs, for in reference to these mansions, the circle of the
zodiac is divided into twenty-seven equal parts, each mansion comprising 13 20,
or 800'. The planets enter and leave them, moving through them in latitude to
the north and south. The principle of this division in twenty-seven parts lies
in the moon’s moving over the whole circumference of the heaven in 2 7 4- days,
which needs correction. The number of twenty-eight, admitted by the Arabs,
has likewise its origin by counting from the first lunar phase in the west to the
last in the east. They reckon as one of the mansions the falling Eagle (a Lyra;,
Abliiyyit), so that they get twenty-eight, which has been the reason why some
of our Arabian astronomers and almanac writers have been mistaken, asserting
that the Hindus also had twenty-eight Nakshatras, and that they suppressed
one which was always covered by the rays of the sun. But this is wrong, for
originally there were only twenty-seven, and one has been added afterwards.’
Nothing can be clearer than this ; nothing more in accordance with all we
know from other ancient sources on the same subject. Yet Biot sees in all
this nothing but a proof of Albiruni’s ignorance, and remains unshaken in
his belief that Abhi^it was one of the old Nakshatras, and disappeared in the
year 972 a. d.

In answer to Professor Whitney, who though differing from Biot’s argu¬

ments, agrees nevertheless with him on the original number of the twenty-eight
Nakshatras and the later suppression of Abhiyit, I beg to propose the following
theory. We must, from the beginning, distinguish between two things, the
Nakshatras as the twenty-seven equal portions of the heavens, and the Naksha¬
tras or Taras as independent asterisms. We have to do the same in Greece
with the zodiacal portions and the zodiacal stars, and it is well known that the
Greeks for a long time admitted only eleven constellations, though they always
had the twelve equal divisions of the ecliptic'. I hold then that the names
given to stars or constellations, such as Krittik4 &e., existed before the trisein-

1 Lutrnnno, Journal dos Savants, 1839 (P-52®): La Cleostrate les asterismos n’etaient pas meinoau uombre
sphere grocque est originals; la formation en a ete suc¬ de neuf; et bieu qu’il n’y ait aucune preuve que l’iu-
cessive ; l’ideo de la division zodiaeale, etrangero & sa troductiou de la Balance no suit pas due a Hipparque
premiere constitution, y a 6te transports apres coup ; lni-memo, il est constant quo les premiers textes "it
mais les figuies et les uorns des signes sout d’invention l’emploi de ce signe est clairement euoned, sont ceux
grecquo.—Des textes existent, qui attesteut l’introdue- do Gemiuus et de Varron, appartenant au milieu du
tion successive dans la sphere grecque de trois au ier siccle.—On sait que PtoMinde dans son catalogue,
moms des figures zodiacales.—Belier et Sagittaire par conserve \ri\ai pour la constellation (drrrcpio-fior), et
Cleostrato de Tenedos. (6m« sieclo.) Plin. II.6.—Avant (vyoi pour le signe (ftoSiov et ScoScuarijpopiov).’

adic division of the heavens became fixed ; that the most interesting, though
not always the most brilliant stars were selected to serve as exponents of the
twenty-seven divisions; and that in this selection Abhi<?it was not comprised.
Abhiyit, however, being as its very name declares, a star of good omen, con¬
tinued to be observed for sacrificial purposes, and was invoked between the
twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh constellations, between Uttara-AshiWM and
►SravanA where its real position is to be found. This is clearly shown by a
popular legend, repeated in the Taittiriya Br&hmana I. 5, 2, 3 and 4 : ‘ There is
a Nakshatra, Abhiyit by name, above the AsLWMs', below SronL The gods
and Asuras were fighting,.the gods conquered under that Nakshatra. Because
they conquered, therefore it is Abhb/it, the conqueror. Him of whom one wishes
that he should conquer an invincible enemy, one ought to stir up to fight under
the Nakshatra Abhh/it. He conquers even the invincible, and as if he (the
enemy) were defeated by his own fault.’ When in later times the Hindus
became acquainted with nations using twenty-eight instead of twenty-seven
determining constellations, Abhk/it would naturally be thought of in order to
bring their own system in harmony with that of their neighbours, and Arabic
astronomers, in particular, would naturally, though wrongly, as pointed out by
Albiruni, adopt the theory, adopted by Biot, that the Hindus did not under¬
stand their own system, and that Abhh/it had at all times formed an integral
part of their elementary astronomy.
If with this view clearly before us we examine the earliest as well as the
latest notices of the Nakshatras that can be found in the literature of the
Hindus, many difficulties will disappear. The number of twenty-seven, though
not to be found in the AVtandas or Mantra periods, is of frequent occurrence in
the Brahmaea period. Many passages containing the number of twenty-seven
tor the Nakshatras may be seen in Prof. Weber’s Essay, and in the Dictionary
of Bohtlingk and Roth. In the Taittiriya Samhita IV. 4, 10, 1-3, where all the
names and the presiding deities of the Nakshatras are given, Abhh/it is not men¬
tioned, nor is its name to be found in a similar list in the Taittiriya Brahmana
1- 5, 1. It occurs for the first time in a second list of the Nakshatras, in the
Taittiriya Brahmana III. 2, 1, 6; and it occurs there, what is important and not

Hie commentator states tliat Abhqfit occupies the is becanso the other twenty-seven Nakshatras had
fourth quarter of UttarkshUdA®, and the first quarter been mentioned before in proper order, whereas Abhi-
of SravasA. There is nothing to show that Abhiyit git, not being comprised in that list, had to be re-
was a new Nakshatra; on the contrary, the Brithmana ferred to the two Nakshatra divisions with which it
connects it with ancient legends, like all the other coincided.
Nakshatras. The only reason why its position is given

favourable to my theory, as the sixth asterism after Full moon. Nevertheless

I cannot bring myself to believe that it here enjoys an equal rank with the
other Nakshatras; or, if it does, it does so only because certain popular super¬
stitions had attached themselves to this asterism, and because certain libations
were offered to it at the same time as those destined for the twenty-seven
Nakshatras. The passage from the Atharva-veda (XIX. 7, i; 8, 1), so often
quoted by Biot and others, is more decided, and certainly proves the connection
of twenty-eight Nakshatras with twenty-eight days. But the Atharva-veda
stands by itself, and its last books particularly contain very doubtful passages.
Unsupported by the genuine literature of ancient India, nay, opposed by its
almost unanimous testimony, the charms and nursery rhymes of the Atharva-
veda can carry no weight.
That an attempt was made to foist in Abhf/it as a Nakshatra in places
where it was not intended to be, is shown in a curious way by the MSS. of the
< ryot is ha and its commentary. The names of the twenty-seven presiding deities
are given in the (/yotisha in three S'lokas :

=srfa: RUTR-fa: i
*rftrarira HnihcpNifa ^ irmii
sfarTT Frero ^ l
sgt 1 ^ n 11

^ITt S-ST xr I 1

vyn i
When these verses are repeated in the MS. of the commentary, Brahma, the
presiding deity of Abhiyit, is inserted before Vishnu, as pointed out by Professor
Lassen, but in violation of all the rules of metre.
The very name given to the Nakshatra zodiac, namely Trinava£akra4, shows
that the idea of twenty-seven was foremost in the mind of those who fixed
that name5. At the time of Amara6 the word nakshatra was used almost

1 Comm. ’8T- fl Of. Bohtlingk-Rotk, s.v. trinava, where Triiiava-

2 Comm. ’«mt I^VITISM. Afterwards Aakra is not given.
^fT II 3 Comm. fjfll. 6 Cf. Amara-kosha, a, 6, 2, 8. nakshatramklft syfit
4 See also Taitt. Samh. VII. r, a, 2. saptaviroratimauktikaift. Cf. Halayudha II. 408.
- •

synonymously with twenty-seven, and a necklace, Consisting of twenty-seven

pearls, was called Nakshatra-mAlA, Nakshatra-string. In like manner the
Hema&andra-kosha, when enumerating the Nakshatras (vv. 108-115), gives
only twenty-seven names, and does not include Abhiyit.
Lastly, in astronomical works, the Nakshatras, if used as chronological
elements, are always twenty-seven in number.
SAkalya, the reputed author of the £Akalya-SamhitA, when speaking of the
supposed motion of the Seven Rishis, says, ‘their motion is eight minutes in
a year;’ and again, ‘moving in the North into different positions, the Rishis
employ 2700 years in revolving through the assemblage of asterisms1.’ This is
possible only under the supposition that the number of asterisms is twenty-
seven, not twenty-eight. For eight minutes a year would amount to 800
minutes in one hundred years. Now 800 minutes is equal to 13 20'; this
again is the twenty-seventh part of the ecliptic, and therefore the stars called
the Seven Rishis would require 2700 years to pass through the twenty-seven
asterisms or the whole of the ecliptic.
VarAha Mihira again, when speaking of the supposed movement of the Seven
Rishis, states on the authority of Garga, that ‘when king Yudhishf/iira ruled
the earth, the Rishis were in MaghA, and the period of the era of that king is
2526 years. The Rishis remain for a hundred years in each asterism, being
connected with that particular Nakshatra to which, when it rises in the East,
the line of their rising is directed2. The same position of the Seven Rishis at
the junction of the DvApara and Kali-yuga is confirmed by quotations from
Vri’ddha Garga and KAsyapa by the commentator EhaMotpala.
Now although this movement of the Seven Rishis is but imaginary, it was
used for chronological purposes, and as the PaurAnic tradition gives 1115 years
as intervening between the beginning of the Kali-yuga and Nanda, the pre¬
decessor of Aandragupta (Sandrokyptos), the BhAgavata-Purana says quite in
accordance with the theory of the movement of the Seven Rishis, that ‘ when,
from MaghA, they shall reach PhrvashAc/M, then will this Kali age attain its
growth under Nanda and his successors ; ’ for as eleven Nakshatras pass from
MaghA to PArvAshArfM, 11 x 100 years must have passed between the beginning
of the Kali age and Nanda.
A single allusion to Abhiyit, as one of the chronological elements of the
BrAhmans, occurs in a computation proposed by Lalla, as quoted by Muntsvara in
his gloss on the Skomani (Colebrooke, II. p. 358). Lalla says : ‘ If the number of
1 Oolebrooke, Miscellaneous Essays, II. p. 358. * Colebrooke, Miscellaneous Essays, II. p. 356.
years of the Kali age, lestf fourteen, be divided by ioo, the quotient, as the wise
declare, shows the asterisms traversed by Mari&i and the other celestial sages,
beginning from the asterism of Viraw/d (Brahm&).’ Here Lalla is generally
understood to mean the asterism Rohmi, which is sacred to Prag&pati (or
Brahma). But Munisvara remarks in another place, that Lalla may here intend
Abhiiyit, which is sacred to Vidhi or BrahmA
But even then, what is the conclusion of Munis vara ? Not that the
movement begins in the Nakshatra Abhiyit, as one of twenty-eight Naksha-
tras, placed between Uttar&shA/M and ,SVavan&; but, on the contrary, that
the movement would then begin in Sravani, of which Abhiyit forms a part, and
that thus the statements of Lalla and <S4kalya would be reconciled. Abhiyit
therefore, or BrahnA, would be simply a synonyme of »S’ravana or of some
part of (S'rayacta: it would not be one of twenty-eight equal divisions of
the ecliptic.
I conclude with two extracts from the Shrya-siddhanta ’. We read II. 64.
WHpff 1 the portion of an asterism is eight hundred minutes,’ i. e. the
twenty-seventh part of the ecliptic.
We find afterwards (1. c. p. 177) from VIII. 2 to 9, the position of each
asterism in the arc of the ecliptic to which it gives name, and which is styled its
‘portion’ (bhoga), the resulting polar longitudes and the polar latitudes. The
stars of which the text thus accurately defines the positions, do not, in most
cases, by themselves alone, constitute the asterisms ; they are only the principal
members of the several groups of stars,—each, in the calculation of conjunctions
(yoga) between the planets and the asterisms, representing its group, and
therefore called the junction-star, yoga-tara, of the asterism.
If therefore we find, as Professor Whitney writes, that in the former passage
the ecliptic is divided into twenty-seven equal arcs, whereas in this passage we
are told of twenty-eight asterisms, very unequally distributed along the ecliptic,
and at greatly varying distances from it, the natural conclusion is that the
word nakshatra had two meanings, quite distinct from each other, as distinct
in fact as Leo, when spoken of as a fixed star, and Leo, when spoken of as
one of the duodecimal divisions of the sky, and that these must never be
The original meaning of Nakshatra2 was of course the natural, not the

1 Sftrya-siddU&nta, ed.Whitney, p. 91. European scholars, there is not one that carries oon-
2 I say nothing of the etymology of Nakshatra, be- victinn, or does not violate some of the laws of Corn-
cause though many have been proposed by Indian and parative Philology. The most unobjectionable deriva-

scientific. It meant first, star in general, afterward^ certain stars or portions

of the starry heaven. In the Rig-veda, Nakshatra does not occur in its
technical sense except in one passage, which I pointed out in my History of
Ancient Sanskrit Literature (p. 212)1. This passage I communicated to Biot,
who referred to it on several occasions. That I was right in speaking of it as
the only allusion in the Rig-veda to the Nakshatras, in the technical sense of
the word, is now admitted even by those who at first were sceptical on that
point. Nor should I have ventured to suggest the technical meaning of
Nakshatra even in this one passage of the Rig-veda, if it had not been that it
occurred in the last Manrfala, which contains a mixture of very ancient and
very modem fragments. I agree, however, with Professor Weber, that even in
this passage there is no absolute necessity for taking Nakshatra in the sense of
the twenty-seven Nakshatras, the stations of the moon. The word nakshatra
may even here be rendered by star. But the probabilities are in favour of the
translation which I first proposed. There are several allusions in the hymn to
times and seasonsa, nay, the only two names of particular Nakshatras which
have been traced in the Rig-veda occur in this very hymn, AghdA for Magha//,
and Anyuni for Phalguni. The text, as repeated in the Atharva Samhita XIV.
1,13, leaves no doubt that the two Nakshatras MaghaA and Phalguni are here

i 1h1 sfam i ^ i
1 1 11 1 ii^ii
‘ The wedding procession of Sfirya (sun, as feminine) went forth, which Savitn
sent off. At the Aghfts the cows are killed, at the An/unis it (the procession) is
led back.’
This is evidently intended simply as a symbolic sanction of some ancient
customs, the marriage of the sun being the type of every human marriage.
That the Aryurn stars were favourable for marriage ceremonies we can see from

tion in that of Yaska, who derives nakshatra from then Soma, the moon, is placed in
naksh, ‘ to come,’ ‘ to approach.’ Naksh is used of the the lap of these Nakshatras.’
light of the sun filling the sky, Rv. X. 3, 5 ; and in a 2 Verse 5. Hl^Ji I I ifVflt I I
similar sense it occurs IV. 43, 5, and I. 95, 10. The , ‘ ySyu is the protector of Soma,
idea of comers or goers is certainly not a very striking the mo(m (month) the type of the years.’ Why-
one, but the ancient poets actually used iarishnu, VAyu is montioIlcd „ protector of Soma is not clear.
‘ going,’ as an epithet of nakshatra, Rv. X. 88,13. See Ev x 2I> IOi the Maruts aro called nkkshatrasava.-,
Bohtlingk and Roth, s. v. but here nakshatra seems used in the sense of ‘heaven,’
1 Rv. X, 8S, a. W I WTmrt 11PU I ^1# I and the compound would mean ‘of heavenly strength.’


the Taittiriya Br&hmawa I. 5, 1where the first Phalgunls are represented as

flanked by a husband and wife, the second Phalgunis by a dowry and those who
carry it away from the father’s house. It would be a mistake to think here
of solar time, the time when the sun stands in MagM and Phalguni being
considered in India as anything but favourable for marriage ceremonies. If
the expressions here used had any direct reference to a definite system of
chronology, we could only take ‘ at the AgMs ’ and ‘ at the Art/unis ’ in the sense
of ‘ at the Agln't and Argruni full moons,’ and this would correspond with the
month of M&gha or the winter solstice, the beginning of the year2, the time
most auspicious for nuptial ceremonies. The killing of cows at marriage feasts
may seem strange to those who are accustomed to modern Indian ideas, but the
old Rishis had no scruples in killing the sacred animal. In the >SYauta-padma-
nabhi (MS. p. 107k) a Sutra is given afbPj: fafw:, ‘the cow as a sacrificial
animal is prohibited In the Kali age,’ which implies that in former ages no such
prohibition existed.
In conclusion, I have to say a few words on an hypothesis according to
which the discovery of the twenty-seven Nakshatras was originally made at
Babylon, and from thence communicated at a very early time—the date is not
given—to the Indians in the South, the Chinese in the East, and sundry
Semitic nations in the West. Such an hypothesis seems almost beyond the
reach of scientific criticism, though with the progress of the deciphering of the
Babylonian inscriptions, some facts may come to light either to confirm or to
refute it. At present, however, all that can be brought forward in proof of
such a theory is vague and uncertain, and could not stand the test of the most
forbearing criticism, much less the attacks of that uncompromising scepticism
which has lately been directed against all that is called ancient Babylonian
It is certainly striking that the Arabic name of the lunar mansions, manzil
(plur. menazil), should be derived from the same root as the Mazzaloth men¬
tioned in the Bible. In the Second Book of Kings, xxiii. 5, we read how Josiah
(624 b.c.) ‘put down the idolatrous priests, whom the kings of Judah had
ordained to bum incense in the high places in the cities of Judah, and in the
places round about Jerusalem ; them also that burned incense unto Baal, to the
sun, and to the moon, and to the planets, and to all the host of heaven.’ The

1 ’wfcw: 35 wapft 1 mm mrfmfaT 1 *UiO mRTwr:

2 Tim ^ sftmfm 1 »mm:
The commentator adds:

word here translated by planets is Mazzaloth. The LXX do not translate it,
but render it by yafavpwO, the Vulgate substitutes the zodiac ; Rabbi Jona Ibn
Djanih suggests, as Dr. Neubauer informs me, the twenty-eight rnanzil. None
of these translations rest on any tangible evidence, and all that can be said is,
that the Mazzaloth may have been the lunar Nakshatras, but that we have no
means of proving it. Flow dangerous it is to trust to mere plausibilities in
matters involving such vast consequences, is shown by the word Mazzaroth,
which occurs in Job xxxviii.^i, 32: ‘Canst thou bind the sweet influences of
Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion ? Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his
season ? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons ? ’
Here too Mazzaroth has been translated by the twelve signs of the zodiac;
but as this is impossible, it was certainly tempting to take Mazzaroth as a
dialectic variety of Mazzaloth, particularly as the expression of bringing forth
the Mazzaroth in his season, seems so appropriate to the stars being, as it
were, brought forth, and following each other in the succession of the seasons.
Nevertheless, Professor Ewald declares such an identification as inadmissible,
and is in favour of deriving the word from nozer, ‘crown,’ as the name of
a constellation.
The fact that the Harranians1 2 offered sacrifices to their god Sin (moon)
every twenty-seventh or twenty-eighth day, proves nothing whatever as to the
existence of twenty-seven Nakshatras.
Lunar chronology seems everywhere to have preceded solar chronology. The
Psalmist (civ. 19) sings ‘ He appointed the moon for seasons : the sun knoweth
his going down;’ and the Vedic Rishi (X. 85, 18) when speaking of sun and
moon, says, ‘ The one (sun) shines upon all creation, the other establishing the
seasons is born anew.’ Ibn Esra observes in his Commentary on the Pentateuch
(Exodus xii. 2) that the Hebrew word for month, ehodesh, can be intended for
lunar months only, because it is derived from a root meaning to be new,
whereas shanah, year, would imply a solar year, because it expresses the idea of
annus or annulus3. It is known besides, that at Jerusalem4 the Synedrium
used to sit till two or three witnesses came to announce the first appearance of
the new moon, and that the event was signalized all over the country by

1 Ohwolsohn Ssabier, II. 37, 256, 258, 295, quoted Gesellscliaft, II. p. 344. Prof. Seyffarth endeavoured
by Prof. Weber, Nakshatras, p. 316. to show that the Jews, before the destruction of Jeru-
2 Humboldt, Kosmos, II. 47 (Germ. Ed.). salem, used solar months only, but bis arguments are
3 Ideler, Handbuch der Chronologie, p. 489. not convincing.
* Cf. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen

bonfires. And a similar custom prevailed among the B&hikas, where, according
to the MahabMrata, an old witch sang out the new moon, beating a drum
during the night, while the town of S4kala was feasting1. I could mention
fifty other passages where festivals are mentioned at the beginning, the middle,
or the end of each lunar month, and I believe even that the Sabbath was
originally a holiday connected with a lunar chronology2. But it serves no
purpose to bring forward evidence which does not prove the point that has
to be proved, and of which all that can be said is, that it is consistent with our
theory. •
More important are the passages where the manzil are mentioned in the
Koran, X. 5, XXXYI. 39; nor can there be any doubt, after the evidence
collected by Dr. Sprenger3, that the twenty-eight lunar asterisms had been
observed by the Beduins of the desert long before the time of Mohammed.
Yet, after all that has been written on the subject, and I would particularly
call attention to Prof. Weber’s careful reasonings on p. 320, I still hold to
Colebrooke’s view, who derives the Arabic manzil, at least in their scientific
form, from an Indian source. Whatever view we may take on this point, the
fact that Mohammed knew the twenty-eight lunar mansions, and that they
were known to the Arabs before his time, could under no circumstances be used
as an argument to show that they existed at Babylon in the twelfth century
before our era, which is the point that would have to be established. The
passage in the Bundehesh in which the twenty-eight divisions occur, is no more
pertinent to the establishment of the Babylonian theory than the list of Coptic
names4 *, neither of them going back beyond the time of Mohammed. Why, finally,
the latitude6 to be discovered from the difference between the longest and
shortest days which, according to the Gryotisha, amounted to six muhfirtas,
or 288 minutes, should prove the Babylonian origin of Indian astronomy,

1 Lassen, De Pentapotamia, p. 65, verse 25. naissent quo les jours des mois d’apres le calcul ct
2 Dr. Neubauer has quoted a marginal note from d’apres la tradition ; mais elles ignorent la semaine
the Cusari which is remarkable. It states that the sabbatique. Ces paroles sont citees au nom de
hebdomadal chronology is found nowhere except where Fayoumi.’ Journal Asiatique, Dec. 1861, p. 462.
the Jews have' introduced it: ‘ J’ai trouve une idee 3 Zeitschrift der D. M. G. XIII. 160-165. Dr.
dans le livre de Salem ben Rou’he'im ; il fait observer Sprenger’s remarks on page 161 are very important,
quo nous ne trouvons pas de nations qui connaissent and confirm the view which I have taken of primitive
le sabbat (e'est-4-dire qui sachent le determiner par le lunar astronomy.
calcul), h moinsqu’elles n’aientune notion de laTorah; 4 Weber, Nakshatras, pp. 326, 330.
par consequent elles ont emprunte ce jour de repos 5 Weber, Nakshatras, pp. 362, 400. A difference of
aux Israelites ; mais colles qui connaissent point la 4 h. 48 m. between the longest and the shortest days
Torah, comme les Indieus et les Persons, &c., ne con¬ would really correspond to lat. 350 24'.

I am at a loss to understand. Exact observations on such a point are out of

the question in the absence of any exact time-pieces; a large margin therefore
must be left in drawing any conclusions as to the latitude of the place in which
such an observation could have been made. But the rivers of the Penj&b are in
about the same latitude as the rivers of Mesopotamia; the observation in its
crudest form could hg,ve been made in the Indian Penj&b quite as well as in the
Babylonian DoAb; the whole argument therefore dwindles into nothing at the
first touch of criticism. In spite of all, however, I am quite prepared to take
into serious consideration the Babylonian origin of Indian, nay, even of Chinese
astronomy, whenever the decipherers of the Cuneiform inscriptions shall have
supplied us with evidence that deserves to be considered. No hypothesis,
however repugnant to received notions, should on that ground be treated with
contempt; but it would certainly be wiser to let certain questions remain in
abeyance on which no new evidence has been forthcoming since they were last
handled by sound and sober scholars,
I have thus, I believe, established what I wished to establish, namely, that
the Nakshatras owed their origin and their successive growth to the Indian
mind ; that Nakshatra, meaning originally stars in general, was fixed upon
as the word to be used, kcct t^oyfiv, of the twenty-seven equal divisions of the
starry sky, marked out by the periodical course of the moon; that they always
retained their original number and character when used for chronological
purposes; but that in later times certain stars, twenty-eight in number, and
vaguely corresponding with the twenty-seven ancient Nakshatras, were selected
for the purpose chiefly of fixing the movements of the planets, but likewise
for other astronomical and astrological purposes. How it came to pass that
some of these Tank and Yoga-1Ark coincided with the Sieu of the Chinese,
is a problem which will probably be solved when the history of Chinese
literature has passed through the same critical ordeal which has destroyed so
many illusions in Greece, Rome, and India. But, whatever that solution may
be, it will never affect the springheads of the thought, of the language, and of
the poetry of India, which rise from depths inaccessible to foreign tributaries,
and whose earliest course we may follow step by step in the literature of the
Brahmans with greater accuracy than is the case in the early history of any
other nation.
The two points of which I have here treated at some length, namely, the
value of the astronomical dates, and the origin of the Nakshatras, are by
no means the only points on which objections have been raised tending to

invalidate the views which I expressed in my History of Ancient Sanskrit

Literature; but they are the most important, and they alone involved con¬
sequences compromising the antiquity and originality of the Rig-veda. If
the astronomical data on which conclusions as to the age of the Veda have
been built implied all they were represented to imply, the earliest periods of
Vedic poetry would have to be rearranged. If it cquld be proved that
China had exercised an influence on India, previous to the establishment
of the Nakshatras, one of the principal charms of Vedic literature, its native
originality, would .be lost.
As to minor objections that have been started against some of the con¬
clusions arrived at in my History of Sanskrit Literature, they must wait till
more evidence has been brought forward which may tend either to modify or
to confirm them. Many of these objections were not new to me, and had been
carefully weighed before I wrote ; others were groundless, and must have arisen
either from want of clearness in the writer, or want of attention on the part
of the reader. Thus when I maintained that, previous to Panini, no terms
occurred which implied the existence of a written literature, of books, paper,
pen or ink, I was perfectly aware that kilnda, was used in ancient works in the
sense of a division of a literary composition, for instance, in the Taittiriya
Samhita, and in the Aatapatlia Brahmana. In fact I had mentioned k&w/as,
kaw/ikas, k&nd&nukramams, &c., very frequently in my History. But how
these words could prove the existence of books, i. e. of written books made of
paper, I cannot see. K&nda means a section, a division, whether of a tree or of
anything else ; it is almost synonymous with parvan and pari/cMeda. As 1 had
shown that even such a word as grantha did not necessarily imply a written
book, I thought I might safely pass by such terms as k&nda, parvan, or
paril'Meda. Kanda never means a book, but always a section of a work, and
there is no proof1 as yet that books in India were originally made of ‘the part
of the trunk of a tree whence the branches proceed, a stalk or stem.’ I had
myself expressed some doubts whether the word pafala, which was said to mean
originally the covering or bark of a tree, and which is used in the Rik-
Pr&tis&khya in the sense of chapter, might not point to books made of liber,
the bajjk or rind of a tree. After Prof. Weber’s remarks, however, on this word,
1 This vie* that kSnda meant a book was advanced simile of the Manava-kalpa-shtra. Some objections
by Professor Theodore Goldstiicker, in a most learned of the same scholar are answered in the next pages;
and painstaking review of my History of Ancient others would require a fuller examination than was
Sanskrit Literatilfp, which precedes his valuable fac- compatible with the limits of this preface.

as used in the Aitareya Brfthmana1 (I. 21, 22; Asv. S. IV. 6, 7), these doubts
are nearly removed, it being most likely that the original meaning of pafala was
likewise section, division.
Another instance where my meaning has been misapprehended, and where
I have been refuted2 for opinions which I never held, occurred with regard to
the dates of Yftska and P&wini. Because I said that on certain points Y&ska
holds more advanced views than K&tyayana, it is argued that I must place
Yaska after KAtytlyana and after Pftmni. I see how the wording of one
sentence in my book could have given rise to such a misunderstanding, but no
attentive reader could have failed to see that I place Yaska before K&ty&yana,
before Panini, nay, even before (Shunaka. T believe I was the first to point out
that Yaska, not Vaiyaska, was actually quoted in the Rik-Pr&tisakhya, and as I
still hold that this Pratisakhya was anterior to P4nini, I could not have placed
Yiiska after Panini.
It would be impossible to answer all objections of this kind, particularly when
they are of a personal rather than a scientific character. Why I write, unadi
instead of u?rnadi would seem to be a matter of very small importance. That
1 know the rule of Ptbiini VIII. 3, 32, I have proved, I should think, in more
than a thousand passages of my edition of the Rig-veda. But the phonetic
rules are not applicable in their full strictness to the technical terms used by
grammarians. Thus means all vowels; gen. (PAn. I. 1, 57). Whenever
■q becomes final, it ought to be changed into a guttural. PfLnini does not so
change it (I. 1, 10; 3, 2), nor have I ever met with the form or
which would be analogous to Wff^, but only with vsrrf^ and ’SfstTT, in apparent
violation of Panini’s own rules. The same applies to fa#3, which as a com¬
pound is generally spelt with one ty, whereas, if it occurs by itself, followed by
a vowel, the final ^ is doubled. Thus I have always printed fiigrfrts:, but
The eighth class of verbs is commonly called a*nf<3, of which there is the
derivation awrf^: (Rv. Bh. I. 138, 2), both written with a single n. The fact
is that in the real Sanskrit there is not a single instance4 where in a compound
the first pada ends in a nasal, which nasal is doubled; and hence there was
no analogy to be followed in such artificial words as ^nsjTf^r. Besides there is

The commentator gays, paiulasabda/i samdhavati; which Bdbtlingk alters to Weatergaard re¬
he also explains it by bhfigaA. tains
Neither pftrvapaksha nor uttarapaksha could be 4 The only instance which has been brought foi-
correctly rendered by ‘ refutation,’ in the souse in ward, vrishanasva, is an exception to the rnle/exceptio
"kick that word is used by English writers.
prohat regulam.’
3 The Caloutta edition has iTOTf* (P. II. 4, 79).

a natural reluctance to apply the ruleB of Sandhi to technical terms, the very
meaning of which might sometimes be completely changed if the changes of
Sandhi were observed. Taking all this into account, and being unable by the
help of MSSL to satisfy myself as to whether Pa/iini’s Sfttras gave '3nrrft£ or
(the editions vary), I determined to retain the usual form, and I was
strengthened in my determination by the fact that in metrical works too
is used with the first syllable short
Witli regard to one of the most important questions which have of late
occupied Sanskrit scholars, namely, the Introduction of Writing, some new
evidence, which deserves careful attention, has been brought to light by several
of my critics, Professor Bohtlingk, Benfey, Whitney, Goldstiicker -, and Wester-

Svaramaffr/ari (M»S. E. 1. H. 98, p. $oa, 1. 1): fessor Weber does not yet seem to be aware that his
efforts to prove that Yavana may mean Greek were not
wig vig^mfui ngpsrua im: vr 1
necessary. The important point was to prove that
Yavana need not always mean Greek. This point was
2 A few points which can he settled without enter¬ proved by Professor Lassen. But Professor Lassen,
ing into details may here be touched upon in a note : as well as most Sanskrit scholars, was fully aware that
1. When I said that writing was not known before Yavana may mean Greek, before Professor Weber in¬
P&nini, I meant to imply that it became known in formed us of this fact. To determine where Yavana
India about his time, but that the literature known moans Greek, and tohere it means Semitic nations, or
to him, which had accumulated before his time, was even nations of black complexion, k&layavaua, this is,
oral only, I thus tried to account both for the absence and has been for some time, the roal problem for
of any allusion to written language in his grammatical Sanskrit scholars.
terminology, and for the appearance of grammatical 4. Ever since I have quoted Pawini for historical
terms implying a written language (vindu &c.) in later purposes, I have tried to distinguish between text and
grammarians. commentary, but as I have never based historical con¬
2. Lipikara, which I myself pointed out as occur¬ clusions on words occurring in the commentary only,
ring in PHnini, is never used for wiiter, still less for I have not distinguished between PatniP/ali, Kftsika,
author; it means a man who makes lipis, i.e. public See. Professor Goldstiicker deserves great credit for
inscriptions. See Westergaard, Abbandluugen, p. 33. having pointed out the necessity of such a distinction
3. With regard to the meaning of Yavanfmi lipi, a where the intellectual horizon of Pataityali has to be
w ide field is open to conjecture, because we have no fixed. When I write ‘in Pftnini,’ I moan the grammar
means of exact knowledge. The two points, however, such as we have it; when I say ‘ by Pftnim,’ I mean
which I maintained, have never been shaken; namely, the man, the author of the Sfltras. Professor Gold-
1. that if Yavanani lipi means the Greek willing, it stucker is right about P&n. IV. 3, 108; I am glad,
does not prove that Pdnini was later than Alexander, however, to find that I do not stand alone in my

because the Greek alphabet might well have boen opinion of the traditional character of the udftharanas
known in India before Alexander’s conquest. This and pratyudUharanas, (See Westergaard, Abhand-
has been confirmed by Westergaard, Abhandlungen, lmigen, p. 66; and Prof. G.’s very pertinent remarks,
p. 8r; 2. that Yavandni lipi is most likely that variety p. 24, 1. ai.) In other instances where Professor Gold-
of the Semitic alphabet which, previous to Alexander, stiicker has suspected me of want of accuracy in quot¬
and previous to PSnini, became the type of the Indian ing Pttnini, he will find that there is a Cf. added to

alphabet (Hist, of A. S. L. p. 521). The numerous my quotations. Wherever this is the case, I wish the

changes of opinion of other scholars on this subject reader to compare Pknini, but give him to understand

may be seen in the * Indische Studien,’V. p. 8. Pro¬ that P&nini, the author of the Sfltras, does not himself

gaard. Not one of the facts, however, on which I based my argument, has been
invalidated; on the contrary, the evidence has been strengthened, particularly

use the word in question. Thus, on page 369, the I10 uses varna of vowels only. In Sfltra VII. 4, 53, I
only quotation from PSnini with which Prof. G. finds divide yivarnayoA into y (yakflra) aryl ivarna.
fault, is marked with Cf. The same applies to p. 361, 9. Tho expressions flrdhva, udaya, &c., apply to
where I refer to Pfl». IV. 3, 101, and IV. 2, 64, in memory even better than to hooks. Books might ho
confirmation of the name by which Pflniui’s own work turned topsyturvy, hut in the memory the beginning
was familiarly known in later times. Here too Cf. is of a book must always bo bottommost.
added. Thus again, Pits. IV. 3, 108, is marked by Cf.; 10. Though I have never denied that Paniui may
and tho same caution is added to Pita. IV. 3,66 (p.362), have been one of the first BrShirians acquainted with
to PS«. IV. 3, 102 (p. 371). The names mentioned on the art of writing, I did not think that this could be
page 369 I did not intend to restrict to Pflnini. proved by the employment of accents in his Sfltras.
3. The fact that Sfltra in tho singular moans a com¬ Tho Svarita, which was intended to show that a rule
plete work, confirms the opinion which I expressed, extended its influence over certain other rules, was
that it meant a string of rules, before it meant a single actually pronounced, nor could a more convenient
rule. The German ‘ Band’ does not mean a book in method have been imagined for distinguishing the
general, but a volume, originally a bound volume. 'Hie head-words or head-rules than the prolonged intona¬
word was used in that sense since the middle of tion of the Svarita. It is nowhere said that these Sva-
the eighteenth century (see Grimm, s.v.); and gram- ritas were not pronounced, but only that they were not
maiiaus distinguish between der Band, die Bande, part and parcel of the rule (na tu prayogasamavayi, lit.
‘ volume,’ and das Band, dio Bander, string,’ sfltra.’ 'they do not enter into the effect produced by the rule’).
6. The Sfltra which Kaiyya/u marks as not composed 11. As I always distinguish between the existence
by l’Jnini is IV. 3, 132, not IV. 3, 116. SQtra IV. 3, of an alphabet and its employment for literary pur¬
1 Hi, is merely marked as not explained in tho com¬ poses, I should he quite willing to admit that the shep¬
mentary. Sco IV. 3, 106, ityfulini fciturdasa sfitr8)ii herds at the time of Paniui marked their cattlo with
himshye tu na vyakhyfltflni. To this fact, that certain letters. The Greeks knew the alphabet, and used it
Sfltra* aro not explained iu the Mahflbh&shya, I attach for commercial purposes, for inscriptions, for public-
little importance, and quite agree with Professor Gold- registers long beforo they dreamt of reducing their
st ticker’s remarks. To any candid mind this subject poems to writing. (See this point well argued by Mr.
is disposed of by Profossor Aufrecht’s romarks, Cata¬ Grote in answer to the late Colonel Mure, Appendix I
logs Bodl. p. 160. and IT annexed to the third edition ofGrote’s History
J. The passage from tho MahSbharata (Sflntip. v. of Greece.) Numerical figures, totems, &c., are known
1 '339~I:I342) can only be understood of the weight of to American tribes who have no alphabet. But I must
niemoiy. No one would suspect YudhishMira or any¬ confoss that Pan. VI. 3, 115, does not seem to prove
body else of being intent on carrying about a book; to me convincingly the custom of using either letters
or if he felt tho weight at all uncomfortable, he might or figures for branding cattle.
easily debarrass himselfof it. The weight of the Veda 12. On the use of dm- in tho sense of perceiving in
(vedabhfira) is spoken of in the VusishtAa-smriti general, see Bohtlingk-Roth, s. v. dars. The expression
(History of Anc. Sansk. Lit. p. 55), where thero can ‘ na drisyate’ is synonymous with ‘ na vidyate,’ nflsti.'
be no idea of heavy folios. In grammar, adarsanam is explained by aprayoga I, 2.
8. If varna means a modified sound, there ought to 55; and prayoga, according to Prof. G., would mean
be, as Prof. G. says, something of which the varnas are pronunciation. See also the passage quoted fromYfljiiu-
modifications. This is perfectly true. In the Ilik- valkya III. 191, and Rig-veda-lMshya, vol. i. p. 30.
PratisAkhya, XIII. 4, we read, ‘ the breath being one,
assumes in reality, as it becomes varna or letter, many
and the commentary,
sounds.’ As far as I understand Prof. G.’s further
discussions on varna and kflra, they seem to prove to xpis:
me simply this, that Pftnini never uses kflra, and that


by Professor Westergaard. The conclusion which I draw from these facts,

namely, that writing was never used for literary purposes in India before the
time of P&ttini, is certainly startling, and I have never disguised this. But
I confess that the explanations which have been proposed by some of my
critics, in order to save the character of an ancient written literature in India,
seem to me too artificial, and based on historical theories rather than on
historical facts.
I ought perhaps to add a few words on the delay which has occurred in the
publication of this volume of the Rig-veda. For a time it was doubtful whether
the funds necessary for the completion of the Rig-veda would be provided.
This caused uncertainty and delay. When I resumed my work, my time was
no longer my own, and there were more urgent occupations which left me but
scant leisure for the prosecution of my Sanskrit studies. Had I been allowed to
devote, I do not say the whole, but at least one half of my time to the study of
Sanskrit and the carrying on of my edition of the Rig-veda, the present volume
no doubt would have been published long ago. Or, if I had been satisfied with
printing the commentary of Say ana such as it is given in the MSS. at our
disposal, ■without attempting to verify the numerous quotations, to authenticate
scattered allusions, to correct evident blunders of the copyists, and to supply
omissions, as far as possible, from other sources, my task would have been
a very easy one, and would have required far less of my time. But though
a rapid reprint of a few MSS. has its advantages, and though I by no means
share in the sweeping condemnation of the manner in which the text and
commentary of another Veda have of late been edited, I feel that I should have
ill requited the confidence of those who entrusted me with the editio princeps
of the Rig-veda and of its commentary by S4ya«a, if I had not done my best
to make it as perfect as it could be made in the present state of Sanskrit
scholarship, and with the materials now available. How many imperfections
there remain in spite of my best endeavours, no one can feel more than myself.
Though greater familiarity with the style of S&yana has enabled me in the later
books to remove the blunders of the copyists with more readiness and certainty
than at the beginning, yet the MSS. of the later Ash<akas are much inferior to
those of the first, and the number of passages hopelessly corrupt and imperfect
is constantly increasing. The few Various Readings which I have printed give
a very imperfect idea of the battles which an editor of S4yana has to fight
against the perverseness and carelessness of the scribes. Where the right
reading could be restored with perfect certainty, little or nothing has been said

in the Various Readings; but there is many a short line in these notes which
represents the results of hours, nay, of days and weeks of hard work. Nor was
one single passage surrendered as hopeless before everything bad been tried to
render it correct. - ,
I have stated on former occasions how much I owed to the assistance of my
learned friend Professor Aufrecht, and I am glad to say that in the present
volume also I have to a considerable extent had the benefit of his co-operation.
Though I regret his departure from Oxford, nothing could have been more
beneficial to the interests of sound Sanskrit scholarship in this country than
his appointment to thq Chair of Sanskrit at Edinburgh, lately founded by
Mr. J. Muir, D. C. L., the munificent patron of Sanskrit philology. Professor
Aufrecht’s transliteration of the text of the Rig-veda in Roman letters,
now in course of publication, will be welcome to all students of Sanskrit.
I look forward with confidence to many valuable contributions from his pen
towards the elucidation of the Vedic language, Vedic mythology, and Vedic
Another friend whose name I always had to mention in these pages with
admiration and gratitude, IT. H. Wilson, has not lived to see the completion of
a work which owed so much to him. Without his strong recommendation it
would have been impossible to secure the patronage of the Court of Directors
of the late East-India Company, and afterwards of the Secretary of State for
India; and some of the most valuable MSS. on which this edition is based, were
procured through his influence. How deep an interest he took in this work he
proved by undertaking the ungrateful task of preparing an English translation,
a task which on other occasions ‘ he intentionally left to younger and more
enterprising study1.’ Wilson had lived through almost the whole history of
Sanskrit scholarship, and had taken part in nearly every important work that
marked an epoch in the study of Indian literature, history, and religion. Every
one of his own works represents a new conquest. He never followed, he was
always first; and though he was sometimes blamed for want of accuracy, he
might well appeal to the rough work which he had to do, while others followed
in the paths which he had opened and smoothed. Where any useful work was
to be done, where a dictionary had to be compiled, manuscripts to be catalogued,
coins and inscriptions to be deciphered, where new texts had to be edited, new
works to be translated, Wilson was always ready to undertake the task which
no one else was willing or able to undertake, and he never undertook anything
1 See the Preface to hie edition of the Dasa-kumkra-iarita, p. 31.

k 2

without finishing it with unflinching perseverance. His was not the scholarship
of a Colebrooke, a Burnouf, or a Lassen; but if we look at the works which he
left behind, we shall see how much we owe to him, and how much we have
lost in him. , Though the scorn with which he spoke of those who had never
ventured in translation beyond works that had been previously translated by
English scholars, and who were not even familiar with the native grammarians1,
provoked at the time angry rejoinders from Continental students, he lived long
enough to see himself regarded as the revered Nestor by all who belong to the
small but brave army of bond, fide students of Sanskrit; and his memory will
long be cherished in India as well as in Europe, as that of a real benefactor
to India and to Indian literature.
I am glad to be able to announce that the translation of the Rig-veda
which Wilson had undertaken, will not remain incomplete. He worked at it
till nearly the last moments of his life, and Professor Ballantyne, his worthy
successor in the Library of the India Office, has undertaken the task of editing
his MS. What I think of Wilson’s translation I have fully stated on various
occasions, and particularly in the Preface to the third volume of this work.
I consider a literal translation of the Veda, in strict adherence to the explanation
of SAyana, as highly valuable and interesting, and I hope that that principle
will be rigorously observed by the editor of the remaining portion of this
translation. But though I regret that the opinions which I expressed on this
subject were not approved by Professor Wilson, I cannot but repeat my firm
conviction that if we may learn from Sayana how, after a lapse of thirty
centuries, the ancient poems of the Rishis had been misunderstood by Indian
theologians and philosophers, we must proceed in quite a different manner
in order to learn how these simple hymns were originally understood by
the Rishis themselves. This point has of late been so frequently discussed,
that I will not here enter again upon it; but I hope within a short time
to be able to lay before the public the first volume of a translation of the
Rig-veda, based on those principles of interpretation on which nearly all who
have worked in this new field of Sanskrit scholarship are fully agreed. A
difference of opinion like this, though it may have caused pain to my departed
friend and teacher, has never in the least detracted from the esteem and
admiration which I shall always entertain for him. His loss I, more than
any other, feel to be irreparable; but the true way to honour the memory

’ See his ‘Memorandum respecting Sanskrit Literature in Eugland.’


of our departed generals is not to halt where they fell, but to advance to
new conquests.
The vigour and enthusiasm with which the study both of the modern and
of the ancient Sanskrit has of late been taken up, the continued activity of
such veterans as Bopp, Lassen, Benfey, Brockhaus, Stenzler, Westergaard, the
original investigations of Aufrecht, Ballantyne, Bohtlingk, Foucaux, Goldstticker,
Gorresio, Hall, Kuhn, Muir, Regnier, Rber, Roth, Schiefner, Weber, Whitney,
the excellent work done in India both by Europeans, such as Cowell, Griffith,
and Haug, and by a most important class of independent native scholars, such
as RMh&k&nta Deva, Ixvarachandra Vidys'tsagara, B4p& Deva, Knsfmamohana
Banerjea, Nilakantha Gore, Rajendralala Mitra, Bhau Daji; lastly, the constant
succession of new students, among whom the names of Breal, Bidder, Fausboll,
Haas, Kern, Pertsch, Siegfried, deserve to be distinguished—all these hold out a
hope that the study of Sanskrit will not become stagnant, or lose the position
which, thanks to the genius and honest industry of Sir W. Jones, Colebrooke,
and Wilson, it has gained in our Universities by the side of Greek and Latin, of
Hebrew and Arabic. The work which still remains to be done, however large
its proportions, will not suffer from lack of labourers. At the present moment
the most pressing work is, no doubt, the Veda, and new hands are wanted
both for the edition of texts, not yet published, and for the critical interpre¬
tation of the relics of the ancient poetry of the Rishis. It is impossible for
one scholar, it will probably be impossible for one generation of scholars, to
bring the deciphering of the hymns of the Rig-veda to a satisfactory con¬
clusion. My own contributions can for the future be but small, and very in¬
adequate to the great difficulties that have to be overcome. With this volume,
however, the most important portion of the Rig-veda is before the public.
The ninth Mandala contains nothing but the Soma hymns, the tenth and last
offers a mixture of ancient and modern fragments. Every scholar is now able
to take his share in the elucidation of the difficult language and the still more
difficult thoughts of the ancient poets of India. Much has been done already,
and a most important advance towards a right understanding of the Rig-veda
will have been made when the Sanskrit Dictionary of Bohtlingk and Roth,
published under the auspices of the Imperial Acadenry of St. Petersburg, and
supported by the enlightened liberality of the Emperor of Russia, is finished.
It is a work of which I feel it a duty to speak with the fullest acknowledg¬
ment of its great merits, because in this country its defects have been criticised
with extreme rigour. Still further progress will be made when the Sanskrit

Dictionary at which Professor Goldstucker has been working for many years
is completed. But with all the light which the labours of these and other
scholars have shed on considerable portions of the Rig-veda, the dark and
unintelligible passages have still a decided preponderance over those that have
been made out to the satisfaction of impartial critics. .$raue portions of the
Rig-veda, I confess, I consider as hopeless, and as h the n> resist all attempts
at interpretation. But there is no reason why we should despair. The Rig-
veda is the most, ancient book of the Aryan world. Every hymn, every verse,
every word that can be deciphered in it is a gain. The sacred hymns of the
Brahmans stand unparalleled in the literature of the whole world, and their
preservation might well be called miraculous. We must be thankful that any
authentic imago of those primitive periods in the history of mankind which
can now be studied in the Rig-veda, should have been handed down to us.
These ancient hymns represent the lowest stratum in the growth of the human
mind which can be reached anywhere by means of contemporaneous literature.
And if in putting together the petrified remains of a primeval world, the
geologist must often rest satisfied with fragments that tell but half of what
they might have told, the historian also in gathering up the threads of the
most primitive thoughts of man, must learn to make the best of rags and
tatters that once formed part of the splendid webs of poetry and religion
woven by the early fathers of the human race.

Tenby. October 1862.

I add a letter of Biot’s on the Nakshatras, together with some interesting notes on some
parts of my essay, which I owe to the kindness of Professor W. P. Donkin, and of the Itev.
It, Main, Radcliffe Observer.
Biot’s letter was written about two months before his death. It was addressed to Professor
Benfey at Gottingen, and printed by him in his Journal, ‘Orient und Occident,’ vol. i. p. 747.
It completes the evidence, as far as Biot’s views are concerned. Although we learn from it that
the eminent astronomer had slightly modified his opinion as to the exclusively Chinese origin of
the Indian Nakshatras, it is impossible to accept his explanation of the original character of
these asterisms, which would reduce the primitive elements of Indian astronomy and chronology
to mere astrological contrivances.

‘ C’est moi qui me trouve trds-honore, et trds-heureux, de la lettre que vous venez de
m’ecrire. J’on suis, on no peut plus, reconnaissant. Dans tout le eours de ma longue carriere
scientifique, je 11’ai jamais eu en vue quo la recherche de la veritd; ct je ne m’en suis cru en
possession, qu’aprcs avoir vu les resultats de mes efforts sanctionnes par l’autorite des personnes
qui en etaient les juges legitimes. Votre lettre me donne cctte assurance pour le precis de
l’histoire de l’astronomie cliinoise qui m’a occupe toute cette an nee. C’cst ma recompense.
I/opinion des gens, peu ou mal informes, favorable ou defavorable, m’est complettement
indifferente. Meme, dans le premier cas, je dirais volontiers, comme Phoeion a ses amis, apres
avoir prononce un discours qui avait dte fort applaudi par le peuple d’Athenes; est ce quo
j'aurais dit quelque sottise! Pour les travaux de l’intclligence, comme dans les decisions
politiques, je ne fais aucun cas du suffrage universel.
‘L’interet bienveillant que vous me temoignez m’enhardit 4 vous soumettre une idee, qui,
4 die se trouvait judif.ee par les epreuves que l’erudition pourrait Ini fake suhir, terminerait, il
I’amiablc, toutes les controverses aujourd’hui dlevdes, sur la nature et l’oiigine des Nakshatras
primitifs des Hindoos.
‘ Prcnons d’abord le texte repute le plus aneien ou on les voit mentionnes. Dans un passage
du ltig-veda, VIII. 3, 20, cite par M. Max Muller, il est dit:
‘ Soma (la June) est dans le sein de ces Nakshatras.
‘ Comment cos Nakshatras primitifs etaient-ils constitues ? C’est la premidre question qu’il
faut se faire.
' Or je dis que ce n’etaient pas, que ce ne pouvaient pas etre, des divisions du ciel, marquees
par des etoiles prises sur la route mensuelle de la Lune. En effet, le plan de 1’orbc lunaire n’est
pas fixe dans le ciel. Il tourne continuellement auteur de l’axe de l’dcliptique, en conservant,
sur le plan de ce cercle celeste une inelinaison moyenne d’environ 5", qui dprouve de tres-petites
variations pdriodiques. Ainsi dans son mouvement revolutif, qui s’aeeomplit en 18 ans juliens
et il peu pres 7 mois et demi, il contient des etoiles sans cesse differentes, entre lesquelles, par
consequent, on ne peut pas etablir des intervalles fixes, qui soient toujours situds sur la route
changeante que la Lune parcourt mensuellement. Les chinois, qui rapportaient gdndralement
les positions mdridiennes des astres h 28 dtoiles, toujours les memes, auraient pu, s’ils l’avaient
voulu, considdrer les intervalles equatoriaux compris entr’elles, comme autant de Mansions
passag&res, appartenantes specialement ft la Lune. Mais les plus minutieuses recherches, faites
a ce stfjet, dans les textes originaux et les traditions, par M. Stanislas Julien et mon fils, ne
leur ont pas decouvert le moindre indice de cette pensee. Les Chinois considerent leurs 28
sieou, comme les demeures momentames, du soleil, de la Lune, des Plankton, des cometes, en un
mot, de tous les astres qui se meuvent parmi les 6toiles, sans les attribuer particuliftrement ft
aucun d’eux.
‘ Si les Nakshatras primitifs des Hindous, n’dtaient pas des divisiofts stellaires prises sur la
route mensuelle de la Lune on pent leur concevoir un autre mode de formation, qui aurait 6te
bien plus simple, et plus naturel. Ce serait, qu’ils eussent design^ dans chaque lunaison,
eertaines tipoques, ou certains intervalles temporaires, auxquels on aurait attribue des
influences favorables ou defavorables, comme S. Augustin nous apprend qu’on le faisait, de son
terns, chez les Romains, et comme bien des gens le font encore de nos jours; n’osant pas se
mettre en voyage, ou entreprendre eertaines operations agricoles, ou commencer un traitement
medical, quand la Lune est en decours. Los Hindous n'auraient-ils pas, triis-anciennement, sans
aucunc science, sans aucun eehafaudage astronomique, attache des pronostics de ce genre a
chacun des 27 ou 28 jours de chaque mois, pendant lesquels la Lune nous est visible, ce qui
aurait produit leurs 27 ou 28 Nakshatras ? Ce ne sont 1A, sans doute, que des conjectures,
mais si naturelles, qu’elles semblent meriter qu’on examine si les aneiens textes Vediques n’en
offraient pas quelque indication.
‘En supposant qu’elles se trouvassent ainsi justifiees le reste s’expliquerait de soi-mome.
Quand les Brahmes ont voulu remplacer leur astronomie primitive par une science abstraite et
mathematique, comme nous la voyons etahlie dans le Surya-siddhanta, les 28 sieou chinois,
regulierement d^finis par leurs etoiles determinatrices, leur oiiraient la matitire, toute preparee,
d’une substitution savante A faire aux Nakshatras primitifs: ct, ne voulant les employer qu’ft
des applications astrologiques, ils purent, sans inconvenient, les adopter pour eet usage, eon-
trairement ft leur destination originaire; de memo qu’ils ont denature l’emploi des exeentriques
et dqs epicycles grecs, quand ils se les sont appropries.
‘Si les choses se sont passees comme je viens de le dire, les Nakshatras primitifs des
Hindous, et ceux du Surya-siddh&nta, seraient des institutions de nature et d’origine entiere-
ment differentes, l’une indigene, l’autre etrangcre; et tous les efforts d’erudition que I’on a faits,
que I’on voudrait faire, pour deriver les nouveaux des aneiens, seraient sans fondement, comme
sans resultat. Mais dans tous les cas, ceux qui pretendraient etablir cette derivation, auraient
pour obligation premiere, de nous faire connaitre, d’aprfts des documents positifs, en quoi les
Nakshatras primitifs eonsistaient.
‘ Je m’excuserais de vous avoir entretenu, avee tant de details, d’une simple conjecture, si la
question qu’elle concerne ne m’a vait paru devoir vous interesser, comme etant un des juges les
plus eompetents, et les mieux prepares, pour la decider.
‘ En vous reiterant etc. J. B. Biot.

‘P.S. Si vous pensez qu’il y aurait quelque utilite ft publier cette lettre, ft cause du
desideratum q’on y signale, disposez en, comme vous le jugerez ft propos V

1 ‘ Fur die in dieseui geistvollcn Brief ausgespro- Schol. Mahfdhara gewiss rpit Recht mit den Nak-
chene Hypothese lasst sich vielleieht schon jetzt gel- shatra’s identificirt (man vergleiche damit Bhigav.
tend maehen : 1. Vftjns. Samh. IX. 7, wo sieben und Pur. IV. 29, 21, wo gesagt wird, dass die Gandharva’n
zwanzig Gandharva’s erwabnt werden, welche der die Tage, die Gandharvi’s (Femin. von gandharva) die

Note of Professor Donkin on the Vedic Calendar (page xxvi).

‘ The calendar at p. xxvi professes to give the days of the month on which the solstices
would fall during a cycle of five years, and also the moon’s place at each solstice. It is supposed
that the moon is in conjunction with the sun, and the sun in a solstice, at the beginning of the
cycle; and that the same thing happens at the middle of the cycle. Hence it is easy to find
the ratios which must have been assumed for the lunar months, both sidereal and synodical, to
the solar year. Five solar years namely have been considered to be equal to 67 sidereal or 62
synodical months.
‘ According to the former of these assumptions the moon would make 6.7 sidereal revolu¬
tions in half a year; hence at the end of the half year it would be of a revolution in advance;
of its place at the beginning. Now of a revolution is (XVX a7 = ) 18.9 nakshatras. Hence
if for every half year we add 18.9 nakshatras to the moon’s longitude, and reject multiples of
27, we get its place as follows: (the names of the nakshatras are taken from the table in
p. xxxiv.)
Time Moon's longitude Name of nakshatra in which the
(in Bolar years). (in nakshatras). moon’s place falls.

0 0 beginning of NravishiAii.

i 18.9 in A'itra.
1 10.8 in Ardra,

it 2.7 in Purva-Bhadrapuda.
2 21.6 in Anuradha.
2| »3-5 middle of Aslesha.

3 5-4 in Asvini.

3'I 24-3 in Purva-Asharf/ia.

4 |6.2 in Uttara-Phalguni.

4l 8.1 in Rohinl.

5 0 beginning of $ravish(/»a.

‘ This agrees exactly with the calendar, and leaves no doubt as to the way in which the
moon’s places were calculated. But it does not settle the ratios of the month or year to the
solar day. We find it stated, however, in the extract from Garga (pp. liii, liv), that the lustrum
is said to consist of 1830 solar days; and as this lustrum is evidently the period of five years,
the year must have been assumed to contain 366 days, the lunar sidereal month 27U days,
and the synodical month 29!, days.
‘AH this is clear, and agrees with the statement that a yuga (or lustrum) contains 2010
nakshatra days, that is (X£J-2 = ) 67 sidereal lunar months.
‘But an apparent difficulty arises when we compare these results with the column in the

Nachte des Jahres sind), 2. die bekannten beiden Hym- als Bezeichnung der “ Sonne ” (VII. 81, 2. X. 156, 4,

nen des Atharva-veda XIX. 7 und 8, von Regnier iiber- und hochst wahrscheinlich auch VI. 67, 6), und ich

setzt in den 1859 in Journal des Savants erschienenen glaube desshalb, dass Max Muller in der von ihm

Artikeln (im bosonderen Abdruek, p. 86, 87 Anm.). citirten Stelle (Asht.VIII. 3, 20 = M. X. 83, 2), pine

Diese Stellen sind jedoch verhaltnissmassig jung. Im Beziehung auf die Nakshatras im spatert Sinn mit.

Rig-veda finde ich nakshatra nur in der Bedeutung Unrecht erbliekt (History of Ancient Sanskrit Litera¬

Stern ” (M. I. 50, 2. III. 54, 19. X. 68, n), selbst ture, p. 212 n.).—Anm. d. Red.’

VOL. IV. 1
calendar which gives the days of the month on which the solstices would fall. For since inter¬
calations seem to be implied amounting to 60 days, the cycle would consist of i860 days instead
of 1830. The discrepancy will disappear, however, if we suppose the i860 days to be, not
solar days, but “tithis,” of which 30 make a synodical month; for five years, being assumed
to be equal to 62 synodical months, would contain i860 tithis. And this also explains the
statement (p. Iv) that “in the lustrum of the moon there are said to be i860 days,” which is
unintelligible on the supposition that solar days are meant/ (See the extract from Colebrooke,
p. xx.)

Calculation of difference of epochs for observed precessional motion 42“ J of Regulus (from
1859), given in Archdeacon Pratt’s investigation (p. xxviii), by the llev. It. Main, Rad-
eliffe Observer.

‘ The general expression for the processional motion reckoning from the year 1800, is

30".2401 f + o".oooi 134 f?, when l is the number of years, and, reckoning from 1859, it
is 5o".2,545/ + o".oooii34/t2, and this is equal to — 42°. 12’.30" = — 151950". As a
first approximation neglect t'z. Hence 5o".25451 = — 151950", or t = — 3024 years.
Substituting this in t2, we get 50.2545 t = —152987, or t— —’3044 years, which is
equivalent to 1186 b. c.’

(Archdeacon Pratt uses for mean annual precession 50", instead of 49".899.)

Making a similar calculation for Bentley’s investigation (pagexxxi &e.), wo have for 1750,
5o".2298f + .0001134 iz = — 158460", whence, by exactly the same process, / = — 31 77
years, which is equivalent to 1428 li.c.

After this Preface was printed I received, through the kindness of the Itev. It. Main, the
Radcliffe Observer, some extremely valuable calculations, which had been made, at his instance,
by Mr. Hind. Though I never placed much confidence in Bentley's speculations, I certainly
felt, as I said on page xxxiii of my Preface, that ‘ the coincidence pointed out by him between
the modem names of the planets and the ancient astronomical facts to which they owe, or are
supposed to owe, their origin, required an explanation at the hand of experienced astronomers.'
Much would depend on the correctness of Bentley’s assertion that the occultatious of the
four planets by the moon took place within the space of about sixteen months, in the years
1424 and 1425 B. C., and that they took place respectively in those Nakshatras from which
the names of the planets are derival. If Bentley's calculations should prove incorrect, his
whole argument in favour of the date 1424 would at once be disposed of. But if they should
turn out correct, then of two things one: either we should have to allow the reality of the
observation and the reality of the date implied, or we should have to admit that the Brahmans,
at the time at least of the Purawas, possessed sufficient knowledge of astronomy to be able to
calculate correctly the longitudes and latitudes of the moon and of four of the planets according
to the equinox of the year 1424 B. e. The one result would almost be as interesting as the
other. I feel convinced, therefore, that all Sanskrit scholars will appreciate the important
service rendered by Mr. Hind in undertaking the troublesome calculation, the results of which
1 am now able to lay before them:

Nautical Almanac Office, Nov. 21, 1862.

My dear, Sir,

1 send you herewith the places of the moon and planets about the times indicated in your
letter. Ecliptic conjunctions appear to have occurred in each case, but the differences of latitude
show iliat, according to our best tables, Jupiter is the only planet that could have been occulted.
The astronomical and not the chronological method of reckoning seems to have been adopted by
Mr. Bentley, as you supposed.
Yours, &c.,

J. R. Hind.

The llev. R. Main, M.A.

1 2

€ ¥ ¥—d d ?

h. 0 / O / 0 t 0 t 0 / O /
— 1425 Aug. 18, 0 69.12 97.28 -+ 28.16 ~4-5 + 0.2 + 4- 7
12 76.21 98. 4 21.43 3-39 0-3 3-42
19, 0 85.30 98.4O 15.10 3- 8 o-5 313
12 9039 99.16 8-37 2-35 0.6 2.41
20, 0 97.46 99-53 + a- 7 >•59 0.8 2. 7
12 104.51 IOO.3I — 4.20 — 1.22 -+0.9 + 2-31

Venus therefore in Ecliptic d with the Moon, about Aug. 20, 3* 56“, but differing from her
in Latitude, + i° 55'.

<r 5 ?-« d

h. 0 / 0 / O / O P ‘ 0 P
— 1424 April 16, 0 12.43 31- 9 -j-18.26 — 5-o + 1-5° + 6.50
12 19.49 3115 11.26 5- 0 1-45 <>•45
17, 0 26.58 31.20 + 4-aa 4-5*i 1-39 6-35
12 34- 9 3'-a4 — 2-45 4-5<> >33 6.19
18, 0 4123 31.26 9-57 432 1.27 5-59
12 48.58 31-27 -.7.11 — 4-*4 -+ 1.21 + 5-35

Mercury therefore in Ecliptic (5 with the Moon, about April 17, 22m, but differing from
her in Latitude, + 6° 25'.

d V %—d d 1/ %—d

0 p O / O / O P

— 1424 April 22, 0 98.56 112.35 + >3-39 4-1.27 + i-53


12 ioS-59 •12-37 + 6.38 + 0. I 1.17 I.l6

23. 0 112.59 112.39 — 0.20 0.38 X.I7 039

12 119.56 1 12.41 7-15 1.14 1.17 + 0. 3
24, 0 126.50 112.43 14. 7 1.49 1.1? — 0.32
12 13342 112.45 — 20.57 -+ 2.22 + 117 — i-5

Jupiter therefore in Ecliptic (5 with the Moon, about April 22, 23h 26®, but differing from
her in Latitude, + °° 41'-


d $

d (?— d

h. 0 p O P O P 0 p O P 0 /

— 1424 Aug. 18, 0 217-54 224-53 + 6.59 +4.40 - 2.42 — 7.22

12 224. 6 225.12 ■f 1.6 423 2.42 7- 5
19, O 23013 225-31 — 442 4.4 2.42 6.46
12 236.l6 235.50 10.26 3-42 2.42 6.24
20, O 242.16 226. 9 16.7 3-17 2.42 5-59
12 248.14 226.28 —21.46 + 2.51 - 2.42 — 5-33

Mara therefore in Ecliptic d with the Moon, about Aug. 18, I4h 17®, but differing frolh
her in Latitude, — 70 i'.

In reply to some further questions, whether such near approaches of the moon anil the four
planets were likely to occur again within the same space of time, and whether, reckoning from
the equinox of -1424, the longitudes of these conjunctions coincided with the longitudes of
the Nakshatras from which the names of the planets are derived, I received the following state¬
ments from the Rev. the Radcliffe Observer:—

‘ With regard to the first of your questions,—it would require an enormously long period
to bring the four planets in question into the same relative positions, so as to produce, within
an equally short space of time, near approaches of all of them to the moon at ecliptic conjunc¬
tion. I think therefore we may consider that this set of conjunctions can belong only to the
epoch —(1424-5); and there seems to be really some foundation for Bentley's interpretation of
i,he legend of Daksha’s daughters. •
‘ This seems confirmed by a comparison of the longitudes of the planets in question with the
longitudes of the beginnings of the corresponding Lunar Mansions at this epoch (Mr. Hind’s
equinox being taken for — 1424).
‘ Thus from the data at page xxviii, it appears that, for the epoch — 1181, the beginning of
Asvini, the first Lunar Mansion, is in longitude 23° nearly, and, reckoned from the equinox of
— 1424, it would be in longitude 20° nearly.
‘ Hence, for —1424, we have the following table for comparison of the planets’ places with
the commencements of the Lunar Mansions from which they are supposed to have derived
their names:—

Planet. Planet’s Longitude. Longitude of Lunar Mansion.

Mercury 2oc Rohini.

Venus IOO° ioo° Mnglia.
Mars 2250 2 3 30 P. AshatMa.
Jupiter 113° ) 13° P. Phalguni.

‘ 'f he agreement is certainly remarkable, and probably as close as it could be, considering
that the Lunar Mansions must occupy equal spaces.
‘ On the other hand, it is said that the names of the planets are most probably of modern
origin. If this be true, it would appear that the modern Hindus calculated correctly the con¬
junctions in question, and formed the legends and assigned the names of the planets afterwards
from the Lunar Mansions which they occupied.*

It will thus be ,een that the statement of Bentley as to the dates of the four conjunctions
of the moon and the planets is fully borne out by Mr. Hind’s calculations, and that the
coincidence between the legend quoted by Bentley and the astronomical facts determined by
Mr. Hind is a real one. Bentley, it is true, does not give his authority, but Prof. Wilson,
m a note to his translation of the Vishnu-Parana (p. 225), speaks distinctly of the legend as
occurring in the Yayu and Linga-Puranas; and he mentions that these Purawas appeal to
the authority of revelation and tradition in support of the birth of the planets in the Nak¬
shatras AsMiWii, &c. This appeal is, of course, unfounded, for in the early Yedic literature,
and even in the Laws of the Manavas, the very existence of planets is unknown. If, how¬
ever, at a later time the planets were fabled to be daughters of the Nakshatras by Soma,
the moon, ecliptics! conjunctions of moon and planets in each Nakshatra would certainly

offer the most natural explanation of such a legend. There is only one other explanation
that might be suggested. The Liiiga-PurM/a specifies the position of sun, moon, and planets
at the so-called Great Equinox, and the Vayu-Purft«a mentions the same position as having
happened at the end of one of the Manvantaras, the A'akshusha. At that time the sun is said
to have been in Vi.sakha, the moon in KWttika, Venus in Pushya (13th Naksliatra, instead of
Magliti, 15th), Jupiter in Purva-Plialguni, Mars in AshiW//a, Mercury in Dhanish///a (1st Nak-
shatra, instead of Rohm, 9th), Saturn in Revati, Ketu in Atfleshii, and Rfilm in Bliarasi. This,
whether a real or a fanciful configuration, might have given rise to the names of two of the
planets, Jupiter and Mars, but it would leave the names of Venus (Maghabhu) and Mercury
(Rauhi/zeya) unexplained. Now Rauhi«cya, as a name of Mercury, occurs in the Amara-kosha
(I. 2, 27), and in Ilalayudha; and in the Hema/tandra-kosha this planet is called Rohi/zisutaJ,
‘ the son of Rohizzi,’ and Saumya/z, ‘ the son of the moon.’ (See Indische Studien, II. p. 261.) In
the same Koslia, however, Mercury is also called iS'ravish/'^abhii/q 1 born in zSravishf/zii,’ i. e. the
first Naksliatra; and this, as will be seen, agrees with the statement quoted above from the Vayu
and Linga-Pura/zas. Among the names of Mars, Ilemafandra mentions Ashi'V/z&blnVz; among
those of Jupiter, Phalgunibhava/z; among those of Venus, Maghabliava/z. IIema£andra likewise
mentions Revatibhava4 as a name of Jupiter, Bhara»ibliu/z as a name of Rfihu, and A*lesha-
bhti/i as a name of Ketu, all in conformity with the description of the Great Equinox given
in the Purazzas. Whichever explanation of the names of the four planets we adopt, it is
certain that the names are of modern date, with the sole exception of Rauhizzeya. None of
them occur in the Surya-siddhanta (see Surya-siddhanta, ed. Whitney, p. 378); nay, at the
time of the Surya-siddhanta, and with the astronomical views contained in that work, their
positions, as far back as —1424, could not have been ascertained correctly by calculation.
Whether subsequent astronomers in India possessed the knowledge necessary for such calcu¬
lations is a question which I feel not competent to answer; but it seems to me almost as
incredible as that an observation of the planets which could have been real but once in the
history of the world, namely, in the fifteenth century B. c., should have been preserved for
thousands of years by mere tradition.

When in the Preface to the fourth volume of my edition of the Rig-veda

I felt it my duty to state that for the future my contributions to Vedic
literature could be but small, I hardly imagined that it would still fall to
my lot to bring out the remaining two volumes of this work. 1 consoled
myself with the thought that T had placed the most important portion of

the Rig-veda and its commentary in the hands of Sanskrit scholars, and I
felt certain that no one would blame me if, with the new direction which
my studies had necessarily to take, first as Professor of Modern European
' Literature, afterwards as Professor of Comparative Philology in the University
of Oxford, I could not, as before, devote all my time and strength to the
study of Sanskrit. For some years I had indeed to allow Sanskrit to become
a mere Tnipepyov, partly in order to be able to keep pace with the advance of

two most progressive branches of learning, the history of modern European

literature, and the science of language, partly in order to fill those gaps which
an almost exclusive devotion to the study of Sanskrit for the space of fifteen
years would naturally leave in the general knowledge of any scholar. Life
is meant for more, at least I think so, than the mere drudgery of collating
MSS. and correcting proof-sheets, and those who know what it is to publish
a Sanskrit text for the first time, particularly such a work as Sayaaa’s
commentary, fuil of extracts from works unpublished, full of allusions to
authorities but little known or lost altogether, will understand that the
printing of six volumes like the present is enough to occupy the best part
of a man’s life.
If now, after the lapse of ten years, I resume the work ot my youth,
intending, if life and health be spared, to complete it without further inter¬
ruption, I do so not without an effort. What I myself wished to learn
from S&yana, I have learnt, and the critical restoration and editing of his
text will involve a sacrifice of time which I can ill afford. My own plan

wag to go on with the translation of the Rig-veda, of which the first volume
appeared in 1870, and to> finish some other works which are even nearer to
my heart. But the extremely kind way in which I have been urged by
scholars, not only in Europe, but also in India, to complete this edition of
the text and commentary of the Rig-veda, left me at last no choice, and I
only hope that I may not disappoint my friends in spite of all I have done
to comply with their wishes.
It is but too true that as we advance in the commentary of Sayana,
the difficulties in restoring a correct text grow greater rather than smaller.
The MBS. become move and more faulty, the omissions more numerous,
and the really useful variety of readings, represented before in different
independent families of MSB., often dwindles away into the most perplexing
uniformity. This, as I suggested on a former occasion, is probably due to
the fact that the later portions of this great work were less frequently studied
in the schools of India, so that the MSS. which we possess, either in the original
or in copies, did not receive the benefit of those corrections to which as
editor I owed so much in the earlier portions of the commentary. I have
spared no trouble and expense in order to find out whether MSS. of Sayan a
could still be discovered in India which might help me over desperate passages
or fill up gaps which occur in all our MSS. My friends in India have really
scoured the country, and I have to return to them my most sincere thanks
for the trouble they have taken for my sake and for the sake of Sayana.
But the result has not been encouraging. No MSS. have been discovered
anywhere which do not belong to the three families, A, B, and C, none to
supply deficiencies that run through all the members of these families. Only
a few weeks ago I received a letter, dated Tanjore, Dec. 27, 1871, from Mr.
Burnell, to whom 1 had sent a number of test passages for the last Mandala.
His search too has been in vain, and though of one MS. which the proprietor
w'ould not let out of his possession, Mr. Burnell has not yet been able himself
to make a collation, yet he received trustworthy information that it was in pre¬
cisely the same condition as the MSS. in my possession. If, hereafter, new and
independent MSS. of Sayana’s commentary should come to light, I am quite
prepared to find that in some places they may convict me of faults, and
supply lacunas which I was unable to fill. But the same fate awaits all
critical editions. All I can say is that I have done my best to make my
apparatus criticus as complete as I could make it, and with that apparatus
I doubt whether on the whole a more correct text could have been produced

than the one which I have given. There is not one doubtful or difficult
passage in the whole of this work where I have not .myself carefully weighed
the evidence of the MSS., not one where I have not myself verified the exact
readings of the MSS. even in those portions which were copied and collated
for me by others, except where the originals were out of my reach.
I am well aware of the opinion more or less openly expressed by certain
Sanskrit scholars that a work such as Sayana’s commentary did not deserve
a critical edition, that the time and care bestowed on it were simply wasted,
that a mere reprint of one MS. would have been sufficient for all purposes,
and that we, the scholars of Europe, may dispense altogether with the
assistance of native scholars and commentators. On these points I decline
to be drawn into any argument. I have repeatedly expressed and defended
my own views on these matters during the last five and twenty years. My
own convictions with regard to them have never wavered, and though 1
hope I can surrender a conviction even when I have held it for a quarter
of a century, I do not think that scholars who simply repeat old and, l
think, exploded arguments, without even supporting them with such skill
and learning as were employed in their defence by former scholars, have
any right to insist on a new reply. The evidence is complete, and I am
quite prepared to await the verdict.
1 cannot, however, leave this subject, without entering my most earnest
protest against the language used by a scholar for whose learning, and 1
ought to add, what is far more important, for whose character l have long
entertained a sincere respect, I mean Professor Spiegel of Erlangen. In a
discussion lately carried on between him and Professor Roth on the question
as to what weight we ought to attribute respectively to traditional interpreta¬
tion and to modern criticism in translating the sacred hooks of the ancient
world, Professor Spiegel tries to show that my views on this subject differ
from those of Professor Roth. He says: ‘ Max Muller in seiner Ubersetzung
des Itigveda aussert sich folgendermasscn (I. XV): “The word translation,
however, has many meanings. 1 mean by translation, not a mere rendering
of the hymns of the Rig-veda into English, French, or German, hut a full
account of the reasons which justify the translator in assigning such a power
to such a word, and such a meaning to such a sentence. I mean by trans¬
lation a real deciphering, a work like that which Burnouf performed in his
first attempts at a translation of the Avesta—a traduction raisonnde, if such
an expression may be used. Without such a process, without a running
vol. iv. m

commentary, a mere translation of the ancient hymns of the Br&hmans will

never lead to any solid results.’” Professor Spiegel then continues: ‘Wollte
man diese Ansicht in aller Strenge festhalten und nur eine solche Ubersetzung
als eine wirkliche gelten lassen, welche mit einem fortlaufenden Commentare
versehen ist, so wiirde man auf die Frage, oh Luther die Bibel ubersetzt
babe oder Schlegel den Shakspere, eigentlich mit einem herzhaften Nein!
antworten miissen, denn keiner von beiden hat seiner Ubersetzung einen
Coinmentar beigegeben.’
Now this is not a fair way of arguing. I did not say there was only
one kind of translation: I said on the contrary that the word translation
has many meanings, and I said this, as will appear from the sentence
immediately preceding, because, without such a limitation, it would have
been extremely presumptuous on my part to call my translation the first
translation of the Rig-veda. The sentence immediately preceding the one
quoted by Professor Spiegel runs thus : ‘ It may sound self-contradictory, if,
after confessing the help which I derived from these translations, I venture
to call my own the first translation of the Rig-veda.’ If after that I continue,
‘ I mean by translation not a mere rendering of the hymns into English,
French, or German,’ every unprejudiced reader will see that these words have
a very different meaning from what they would have if they stood by them¬
selves. They do not mean that there is but one way of translating the Rig-
veda, but that the translation which I intend to give is meant to be a
traduction, raison nee.
As therefore I did not say what Professor Spiegel makes me say, I
cannot admit that my views and those of Professor Roth on the proper
mode of translating the Rig-veda are opposed to each other. There is ample
room for such a translation as Professor Roth shadows forth by the side of
my own, and there is hardly a word in Professor Roth’s remarks on the
subject with which I do not heartily agree. ‘ Eine richtige Ubersetzung,’ he
says, ‘ ist der beste Commentar. Ich kann mich darum .,vat it \r Ansicht
nicht einverstanden erklaren, dass eine Ubertragung If, hernia nur wenig
Nutzen bringen konne, wenn sie nicht von einqtl come tirlichen Commentar
begleitet sei, und wiirde, wenn ich daran denken .xonnte, ein solches Werk
zu unternehmen, mich vielmehr bemiihen, nicht in die Noten, sondem in den
Text den Schwerpunkt der Arbeit zu legen. Die Ubersetzung muss fur sich
selbst reden, eines Commentars bedarf sie in der Regel nur da, wo sie nicht
unmittelbar uberzeugend, wo der Ubersetzer seiner Sache nicht sicher ist.

Vor denjenigen Lesern, welche nicht nachrechnen konnen, auf welchem Wee
der Ubersetzer zu seinen Combinationen gekommen ist, hat er nicht noting
sich im Einzelnen zu rechtfertigen, fur die andern kann er sich kurz fassen.’
All I can say is that there ife much force in these remarks, that I feel the
truth of them probably more than any one else, and that I have myself fre¬
quently pleaded in exactly the same sense. But I cannot disguise from myself
or from others that there is considerable danger in these principles of translation,
so boldly enunciated, and that all depends on their application. As applied by
Langlois and others they have proved most disastrous, in the hands of Pro¬
fessor Roth they might produce the most valuable results. No one would
rejoice more than myself if Professor Roth would publish a translation of the
Rig-veda, even without any commentary whatever. The public at large would
receive such a translation most gratefully, and for many years to come it would
answer nearly all purposes. But as far as Sanskrit scholars are concerned, 1
doubt whether such a translation, however striking and brilliant, would render
the more tedious work which I have undertaken altogether useless. No scholar
will be satisfied unless lie has the complete evidence before him on which
a translation is founded. If a meaning is assigned to a certain word, and
we do not know that that meaning proves satisfactory in every passage
where that word occurs, if we have the slightest misgiving that one single
passage may have been left out, the requirements of true scholarship are
not fulfilled, the work is imperfect, and each successive generation will have
to go through the same process of collecting and collating again and again.
Besides, the argument which has been urged so strongly by all Sanskrit
scholars against the assumed infallibility of native commentators and trans¬
lators cannot surely be warded off from ourselves. If Sayaaa is infallible, it
has been said again and again, why does he differ from Y&ska or Mahidhara?
why does he even differ from himself ? Does not the same apply to ourselves,
or is there any scholar likely to submit to the ip.se dixit of another? Let
any one compare, for instance, Professor Roth’s translation of the Vedic
burial-hymns in the eighth volume, with my own in the ninth volume of
the Journal of the German Oriental Society, and he will find that both
translations are intelligible, and so far might be said to carry their own
conviction ; but he will also find that in some very important points they
differ. Again, in some of the commonest words Professor Roth’s interpretation
as given in his Dictionary differs considerably from the interpretation proposed
in his earlier essays. To give an instance, we find that in 1846 he translated
m 2

apdsam apdstama, an epithet of the river Sindhu (X. 75, 7), by ‘das wasser-
reichste der Gewiisser,’ as if apds were derived from ap, water. In the Dic¬
tionary apds is rightly rendered by active, and derived from dpas, opus. Yet in
his Original Sanskrit Texts (vol. v. p. 345), published in 1870, Dr. Muir reverts
to the old interpretation, rendering apdsam apdstama by ‘ the most abundant
of streams.’ How are such differences to be settled except by proof, i.e. by a
comparison and translation of every passage of the Rig-veda in which the same
words and the same ideas occur ? Even when this has been achieved, many
passages will still remain where that laborious process does not lead us to satis¬
factory results. But we may honestly say then that all that can be done has
been done, and that every one is henceforth left to his own resources. If we
keep our 'pieces justificatives to ourselves, no conscientious scholar will accept
our conclusions without feeling it his duty to collect the same evidence for him¬
self, and to go over all the passages again as we have done ourselves. Even
though I might mistrust my own judgment, the concurrent testimony of the
best Sanskrit scholars would leave me no room for doubt on this point, and
will certainly not allow me to deviate in future from the method which I
have followed in the first volume of my translation.
Having thus, as I hope and trust, made it clear that, if there is any
difference of opinion between Professor Roth and myself, it is simply with
reference to what at the present moment is likely to be most practically
useful, but none whatever as to the principles which ought to be followed
in the translation of the Veda or Avesta, I must next complain of the
manner in which Professor Spiegel contradicts me with regard to Burnout s
principles of interpretation, and tries to enlist that eminent scholar as a
supporter of his own views on the paramount importance of the traditional
interpretation of the Avesta. Professor Spiegel thinks it becoming to say:
‘ Es ist daher “ ganz falsch,” wenn Max Muller (Essays I. 124, der deutschen
Ausgabe) den Standpunct Burnoufs als verschieden von dem meinigen darstellt
und sich folgendermasscn aussert: “ Em Gelehrter wie Burnouf jedoch, der
zum ersten Mai darauf ausging, von jedem Wort des Zendavesta Rechen-
schaft zu geben, jede grammatische Endung zu erklaren, jeden Satz in seine
Bestandtheile aufzuldsen und die wahre Bedeutung jedes Ausdnicks durch eine
etymologische Analyse und Vergleichung verwandter Wbrter im Sanskrit zu
ergriinden, vermochte aus diesen liberlieferten Ubersetzungen nur geringen
Nutzen und Rath zu ziehen.” Bekanntlieh hat Burnouf gerade das Gegentheil
gesagt und seine Arbeiten liber das Avesta sind eine fortgesetzte Widerlegung

der eben angefiihrten Behauptung. Man schlage Burnoufs Schriften auf, wo

man will, wo er ein neues Wort erkliirt, wird man ihn stets von der Tradition
ausgehend finden, die Billigung der traditionellen Angabe bildet gewtihnlicli
den Schluas seiner Untersuclnmg, die Abweichung von der Tradition ist
Now these are strong words :—but what are the facts ? I shall not appeal
to those who attended Burnouf’s lectures at the College <le France, and who
know with what ingenuity and irony Burnouf delighted to dissect the tradi¬
tional interpretations whether of SHya/ia or of Neriosengh or of Anquetil, and
how he enjoyed every opportunity of explaining the Veda by the Zendavesta
and the Zendavesta by the Veda. I shall appeal to his own printed words
in order to show that, from the very beginning, Burnouf looked upon the
traditional interpretation of the Zendavesta as, no doubt, extremely useful
in a first attempt to disentangle the words and to guess at their
meaning, but as of no authority in itself. Whether the tradition was
right or wrong, lie held that under all circumstances it had to be confirmed
by an independent grammatical and etymological analysis of the original
In his Commeiitaire sur le Yapia, p. xxvii, he says: ‘Le problcme <pie
j’avais a resoudre ctait celui-ci: etant donne un mot zend auquel les Parses
attribuent une signification que la comparaison des textes et l’etudo des
langues qui appartiennent it la mcme famille ne confirment ni n’expliquent,
justifier le sens donne par les Parses on en trouver un autre.’
Thus he asserts from the very beginning the independence of his criticism.
Again, p. xxxii, he says: ‘Je fais suivre la version de Neriosengh de cello
d’Anquetil, parce que e’est une autre expression du sens traditionel; et, apres
avoir mis sous les yeux du lecteur ce double moyen d’interpretation, je me
livre it la discussion de cliacun des mots du paragraphe, comparant entre
dies les variances des manuscrits, et terminant par un resume <jui con-
Jinne ou rcctijie la traduction de Neriosengh, ou celle d’Anquetil, on l’une
et l’autre it la fois.’. . . ‘ Car, de trois choses l’une, ou je pense que la tra¬
duction de Neriosengh ou celle d’Anquetil, ou 1’une et l’autre a la fois, sont
exactes, et aims la discussion a pour but de prouver cette opinion; ou, ce
qui est beaucoup plus frequent, je rectifie la traduction dAnquetil it l’aide
de celle de Neriosengh ou de l’analyse du texte; ou enfin, je trouve que la

1 Chips from a German Workshop, vol. i. p. 138.


traduction d’Anquetil et celle de Ndriosengh sont inexactes, mais ni l’une ni

l’autre ne me donnent les moyens d’en proposer une nouvelle1.’
All this was written in 1838, and before Rosen’s edition of the first book
of the Rig-veda had been published. When Burnouf had discovered what
assistance might be derived from the Veda for a correct interpretation of
the Zendavesta, he spoke with even greater precision. In the introduction
to his Etudes sur la langue et stir les textes Zends, he writes (in 1840): ‘La
plupart de ces termes sont obscurs, et Anquetil en a rarement saisi le veritable
sens; sou vent memo la tradition des Parses, qui a servi de base k son travail,
se tait sur leur signification precise, et l’analyse philologique peut 'seule en
faire soupconner l’origine et l’application. Ici, comme dans mon Commentaire
sur le Yayna, je ferai amplement usage de ce dernier moyen; mais j’aurai
l’avantage d’y joindre les secours que fournit la connaissance plus avancde
aujourd’lmi du dialecte vedique. Grace aux travaux d’un savant it jamais
regrettable (Fr. Rosen^ nous pouvons maintenant etudier une portion assez
etendue du Itigveda, et mettre it profit, pour l’intelligence des livres zends,
un texte qui n’etait pas accessible an moment oh j’ai publie le commence¬
ment de mon Commentaire sur le Ya§na. Les analogies nombreuses qu’offrent
les Vedas avec ce que nous possedons du Zend A vesta, sous le rapport du
langage et des iddes, ne seront, je le pense, meconnues de personne
Still more striking than in the case of grammatical forms is the complete
independence with which Burnouf treated the Parsi tradition, whether embodied
in Anquetil’s or Neriosengh's translation, when discussing questions of doctrine.
Thus, to mention but one instance2, the dogma of the resurrection, which,
according to Anquetil’s translation, would seem to be mentioned again and
again in the ancient Zend texts, was completely eliminated by Burnout’s
analysis and though he gives Neriosengh credit for not introducing this
dogma, yet he adds at once, ‘ l’inexactitude manifeste de la version de

! See on the true character of Burnouf’s system all. Visvayuk, too, must frequently be taken in the

of interpretation the words of Darmesteter in the Veda as an adverb, meaning ‘ always.’ In passages

Sacred Books of the East, vol. iv. Introduction, like I. 27,3; 67,6; 68,5, &c., the sense forbids to take

pp. xxi seq. visviiyuA as a nominativo, the accent shows that it is

2 Etudes sur la langue et sur les textes Zends, not a vocative of visv&yus. Professor Beufey rightly

pp.1-82. translates it by ‘ Lebenslang; ’ Professor Roth takes

3 Though Burnouf’s explanation of vispai yave, visvilyu everywhere as an adjective in the sense of

for all time, and of yavaS ka yavafit&tae ka, for ever visvdkrt'ehfi, dwelling among all people. This is a

and ever, seem beyond the reach of criticism, it is case in point where a translation of all the passages

curious to observe the expression visvSyave in the in which vixvayu occurs could alone show whether it

Veda (X. 23, 14) used in the sense of for ever, once for should be taken as an adjective or as an adverb.

Ntkiosengh infirme gravement l’argument negatif que je me crois en droit

de tirer de son texte.’
I could add many more passages to show that Burnouf, though never
neglectful of the assistance which the tradition of the Parsis offers for an
interpretation of the Avesta, always asserted the supremacy of European
scholarship, and that he did this the more strongly the more he advanced
in his study of the Avesta and the Veda. But the extracts I have given
will suffice to show that what I wrote of Burnouf was written deliberately,
more deliberately, I trust, than Professor Spiegel imagined. That it would
have been almost impossible for Burnouf to decipher the language of the
Avesta without the assistance of the Parsi tradition is well known to all
Zend scholars. As a preliminary step that tradition was as indispensable
to the students of the Avesta, as SAyana’s commentary was to the students
of the Veda. But when the time came ‘ to give an account of every word
in the Zend texts, to explain each grammatical tern^iation, to parse every
sentence, and to establish the true meaning of every term,’ then, I repeat,
again, Burnouf found that both Anquetil and Neriosengh offered him but
scant assistance. More than this I did not intend to say, and I doubt whether
on calmer reflection Professor Spiegel would say again that in this I was 'quite
wrong.’ The sincere regard which I have always entertained for Professor
Spiegel made it impossible for me to allow such expressions, as coming from
him, to pass unnoticed and unchallenged, nor do I stand alone in regretting
that in their crude, and my friend Professor Spiegel will forgive me for
adding, in their somewhat rude form, they should ever have been allowed to
appear in the pages of the Journal of the German Oriental Society.
But allowing even that people might differ as to the real value of the
Veda and, more particularly, of Sayana’s commentary, I feel that a work
which is the oldest literary record of the Aryan, if not of the whole human
race, together v ith that commentary which represents to us the last result
of native traditional exegesis, deserved to be edited once for all with at
least the same care as the love-songs of Catullus or of Walther von der
Vogelweide. Nor should I have consented to be the editor unless I had
been allowed tc follow my own judgment in these matters, and to apply
in editing SAyana’s commentary the same principles of critical scholarship
which I had learnt to respect in the schools of Hermann and Haupt.
Some years ago, on receiving two new MSS. from India, I gave a short
account of their relative position and value in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic

Society (December, 1866). I here subjoin the more important portions of

that article.
Having lately received two new MSS. of Sayana’s commentary on the
Rig-veda, I thought that a few lines on the character of these MSS., and on
the proper use to he made of Sanskrit MSS. in general, might be of some
interest both in England and in India. I owe these MSS. to the kindness
and enlightened generosity of Dr. Bhao Daji, who is well known to the
members of the Royal Asiatic Society, both as an intelligent collector of
Indian antiquities, inscriptions, and manuscripts, and as a careful and suc¬
cessful inquirer into the history and chronology of India. I had explained
to him and to other friends of mine in India the great difficulties I have to
contend with in editing the two final Asffiakas of the Rig-veda. Whenever
1 heard of the existence of an old or otherwise promising MS. of S&yana, I
always sent to my correspondents in India a number of test passages, in
order to find out whether the MS. in question contained any independent
readings. A collation of three or four passages in which all my MSS. shared
exactly the same mistake, was generally sufficient to establish whether or no
the new MS. represented an independent family, and a comparison of some
other passages in which one of the three families had its peculiar faults or
omissions, sufficed to show to which of the three the MS. belonged.
It is well known by this time that a mere collation of MSS. and an
accumulation of various readings are of little use for critical purposes. MSS.
are copied one from another, and if we have ten MSS. all copied from the
same original, the various readings of these MSS. are clearly of no documen¬
tary value whatever. It is quite possible that here and there some of the
more intelligent copyists may have been struck by the palpable errors of
the original before them, and the corrections which they introduced may
carry conviction to every reader. Yet, according to the principles of diplo¬
matic criticism so well laid down by Lachmann, and at present adopted by
all classical scholars of note, these corrections can claim no more authority
than the conjectures of any living scholar, unless it can be proved, and this
is very difficult, that the copyist had before him more than one MS. at the
time. The object of diplomatic criticism is not to restore the most correct
or the most plausible text, but that text, with all its mistakes and omissions,
which a comparison of all the MSS. at our disposal places within our reach.
Hence our first object in examining and collating MSS. must be to establish
their respective worth and weight as witnesses. We ought to be most careful

not to allow ourselves to be swayed either by the beautiful writing or by the

age of any MS. Though the age of a MS. is always a matter of considerable
importance, it happens not unfrequently that a modern copy possesses greater
documentary value than an older copy, for the simple reason that it was
copied straight from a MS. of greater age than any which we have access
to. This is the case, for instance, with regard to the Ca MS. of S&yana,
which, although the oldest, is of far less value critically than the modern
MS. A Colebrooke. Let it once be established that out of ten MSS., B, C, I >,
are copied from A; that E, F, G, H, I, can all be traced back to a common
source; and that J stands by itself:—then the office of an editor is simply
to establish for each doubtful passage the reading of A, the reading that
will account for the variations, if any, in E, F, G, II, I, and the reading of J.
To give one of these readings in the printed text and the others in the
notes, is all that can be required of him. After confronting in numerous
places the evidence of three witnesses, it will, generally, be possible to arrive
at an estimate of their respective value, and it is no doubt the greatest
triumph of diplomatic criticism if it is possible, by conclusive evidence, to
establish the paramount authority of one among three or more apparently
independent traditions. In classical philology, where we have mostly to
deal with MSS. which directly or indirectly must be traced back to the
original MS. of one individual author, the establishment of one supreme
authority is an object never to be lost sight of. In India, where the
individual author is frequently merged in a school, and where oral teaching
opens, even in modern times, so wide a door to disturbing influences, we
must be prepared to arrive in the end at several independent authorities,
generally localised in the principal seats of Bnihmanic learning. Thus,
although there may have been one original text of the Ramaya/ia, it would
clearly be in vain to attempt to restore that text by subjecting the two
traditional texts to an eclectic criticism. All that an editor can do, is to
give either the one or the other text according to the MSS. and to the
commentaries, belonging to the one or the other school. The same applies
to literary works which are ascribed to individual authors, as the play of
»S'akutitaM, ascribed to Kalidasa. Here, too, the two traditional texts or
‘ recensions ’ must be kept apart, though, in this case, it is less difficult to
decide which of the two is the original. With regard to the text of the
Vedas, the Brahmans themselves recognised the existence of independent
traditions or branches (s&khis); they chronicled the various readings of the
VOL. IV. n

hymns and even of the BrAhmanas, and this at so early a date that we
cannot ascribe these variations to the negligence of scribes, but only to the
influence of oral tradition, kept up in different families and schools. What
applies to the text of the Yedas, applies with equal, or even greater, force
to their commentaries. Although the commentary of SAyana was composed
as late as the fifteenth century of our era, and although I possess one MS.,
written not more than about a hundred years later, yet that MS. (Ca)
cannot claim the supreme authority, which, for instance, the codex Lauren-
tianus A claims among the MSS. of Sophocles. The MS. of Colebrooke (A 2),
although of a much more modern date, about 1761 A. D., represents in innu¬
merable passages a less corrupt and less mangled text; at all events a text
which could not possibly have passed through that phase which is exhibited
in Ca. I have repeatedly, in the Prefaces to my edition of the Rig-veda,
explained the principles by which I have been guided in restoring the text of
Say ana. Having to supply a text that should be practically useful, I have
now and then had to deviate from the strict principles of diplomatic criticism,
so far as to place manifest blunders, even when they were supported by all
the MSS., in the notes. I have chiefly done so when none of the readings
of the MSS. would have yielded any sense whatever, or, when I was enabled,
by consulting the originals from which SAyana quoted, to support my cor¬
rections by independent authority. I have on two or three occasions allowed
an explanation, though it appeared in one or two MSS. only, and was clearly
a marginal note due to the hand of a later student, and not SAyana’s own,
to form part of the printed text, simply because I imagined it would be
useful, and might be passed over if given only in the notes. Deviations
like these from the strict rules followed by Lachmann, Haupt, and others,
have always been noted in the Varietcis Lectionis. I do not wish to defend
them even in the edition of a work like SAyana’s commentary, and I have
tried to avoid them in the later volumes.
In order to show the position which the two new MSS. of SAyana, lately
received from Dr. Bhao Daji, hold in the well-established pedigree of Sayana’s
MSS., I have chosen a passage where SAyana gives a long extract from a
BrAhmana. Such extracts are generally full of blunders, and unless they
can be verified in the original from which they are taken, they are very
troublesome to an editor. Their usefulness, however, for determining the
relative position of our MSS. is all the greater, because the scribes, who
had little difficulty in correcting blunders in the uniform and business-like

style of SHyawa, found it more difficult to deal with the antiquated words
and grammatical forms of the BnLhmanas, and therefore contented them¬
selves generally with copying letter by letter the original before them. It
will be seen at one glance, by 'comparing the texts of the various MSS. in
this passage, that of the two MSS. lent to me by Dr. Bhao Daji, the one
which I mark CB belongs to the B class, the other which I mark AD
belongs to the A class. The first MS. (CB) is written in a beautiful hand,
with large .and distinct letters, and contains both text and commentary.
It has no date, at least not in that portion of it which I was able to
examine. The other MS. (AD) is likewise written in a very distinct hand,
hut the letters are smaller and less carefully formed. In the centre of each
page, space is left for inserting the text, but it is only in the sixth Ashtaka,
and in the seventh as far as fol. 51, that the text has been added. In
the eighth Ashtaka the commentary occupies the whole page, no space being
left for the text. At the end of the eighth Ashtaka a date is given, 1813,
as it would seem, of Samvat, i.e. 1757 a.d. The name of the writer is not
clear, but it may be meant for Saddsbn, the son of (?agann4tha. Whoever
the writer was, he lived, like the writer of Colebrooke’s MS., at Benares,
and this so far confirms my opinion that the A class represents the Benares
text, in the same manner as the B class represents the scholastic tradition
of Bombay and Punah, and the C class, at least in the earlier Ashtakas,
that of Calcutta. In order to explain the arrangement of the following extracts,
I have only to add that the first class of MSS. comprises, besides the MSS. of
Dr. Bhao Daji and Colebrooke, the two C MSS., which, as I pointed out in the
Preface to the second volume of my edition (p. viii [see now vol. i. p. xxxii]), are
in the later Ashtakas derived from an A source1. Taylor’s MS. too, which
in the earlier Ash takas belonged to the B class, and was therefore marked
Bq, belongs in the eighth Ash taka to the A class. How this came to
pass is easily explained by the fact that these MSS. were copied from
different originals lent to Taylor, Mill, and Wilson by persons residing in
different parts of India. The second, or C class, is now represented by one
MS. only, the oldest hitherto known in Europe, which I continue to quote
as Ca. In the third, or B class, B 1 is the MS. of Stevenson; B 2 the MS.
of Burnouf, as copied by me (I hope, correctly) in 1846; B 3 is the new

1 Dr. Mill’s MS. (C 2 or C Mill) and Professor occasionally they supply independent readings where
Wilson’s MS. (C4 or C Wilson) were both copied the other A MSS. are either corrupt or imperfect,
at Calcutta, but not from either A or Ca, so that (See Rv.VIII. 91,3; 90 4> tor, *4, &c.)

copy mentioned by me in the Preface to the second volume, now in the hands
of Dr. Goldstiicker, and kindly collated by him for me; BM is a short
fragment of the last Ashfaka which I received from Dr. Haug; CB is the
MS. lent me by Dr. Bhao Daji. The last line givfes the text as it may be
re-established from an intercomparison of the three families of Sayana’s
MSS. I do not maintain that it represents exactly what S&yana wrote,
•still less that it gives the correct text of the $£Uy&yanaka. It is simply
impossible, with the MSS. at our disposal, to restore a text that might claim
to be identical with S:\yana’s own writing. All that can be claimed for
our text is that it represents Sftyana’s writing as far as it can now be
restored with the help of our MSS. It gives what is obtainable with a
strict observance of the rules of diplomatic criticism. It is not only possible,
but extremely likely, that if to-morrow we obtained S&yana’s own manuscript,
whether from the ruins of Vidy&nagara, where a complete collection of his
works is said to have been buried, or from the MS. which Dr. Haug saw
at Ahmadabad, and to which he assigns the date of Samvat 1526, a.d. 1470,
we should find slight variations between S4ya?ia’s original and the nearest
approach to it that is within our reach. It is still more likely that if a MS. of
the (Saiyayanaka were recovered in India, there might be between it and our
own restored text, considerable discrepancy. The students of Sftyana’s com¬
mentary know that this is frequently the case when Sayana quotes from
Br&hrnanas and Sritras, of which we possess both MSS. and printed texts;
and we have our choice between supposing that S&yana quoted from memory
and without caring about minute accuracy, or that lie quoted from a .sakha
different from that which is before us. It would be easy, no doubt, to improve
the text of the Br4hmaraa, as here printed, by conjecture. But those who know
the mischief done by conjectural criticism in classical scholarship, will depre¬
cate, most strongly, any countenance given to it by Sanskrit scholars. It may
he truly said that the chief business of modern critics is to cleanse the text of
the classics from the improvements introduced by the ingenious editors of
the last three centuries, and we ought not to neglect this lesson in preparing
jpur own editiones principes. Let an editor give what there is, and let the
Commentator and translator say what might be, or what ought to be.


{C2 ^fR?Ni '^HHlffi TT^TT^tg


b4 WipRWmrfff TT^ritte
Ca ^wirrfiTTTra ahi

Bi (T^t^WUH i TT5*nrfre

B2 rTfr^HSITH *FTZ5P*tc4 II TT^TTrqt^

■< b3 iritaren^ ^fHHtfrf TT^Tfm?

BM ^TZifT^ ^WTftfTf TT^TrRTR




AD TffaizRT ^Hjmw H^HTHrn^T ^THHTRT

- c 2 ^«rnTH# *Hrammu ^thhirt

c4 ntRURT ^WirriH# ^3% HWHrTTg fTHHTm


The B MSS. differ from the A and Ca MSS. by B 4, which has been corrected, and C 4, which has the
putting instead of TfM. The repetition of Iff slight variation of ,’ while the B MSS. sup¬
®TT?J*l is a slip of the writer of A1). port throughout at all events the vriddhi vowel of tffh
All B MSS. have 4M4gmi*I right, while the A MSS. third syllable, which also appears in the faulty reading
have the mistake ■’SP^T , which reappears in the still of Ca: B 1 and 2 are more closely united, and so are
more corrupt Ca tj ft I <{)*!.
B 3, BM, and CB; the former giving I or
All the B MSS. blunder in the third vowel of
#B, the latter ^TWTTSfrs or #tfVs i see Rv. X. 60,3.
*****, the A MSS. are rigjht; Ca blunders in
On Asamftti see Lassen, Iudische Alterthumskunde
leaving out the anusvftra. The patronymic name of
(first edition), vol. i. p. xiii. note 31; Colebrooke, Misc.
Asamftti, which I suppose to be is corrupt Essays, I. p. 25.
>n all MSS.; the A MSS. agree in^TSirnfttf except

{ca srarrrcretar dtsd hwhcttsi

' Bi ntxnw ^jwFmrer swdddT fTHHurr

B2 fftxn^HT HdHTH ddT ^THHTdT

< B3 xfrxiT^I^TT dfed HWH dTdT

BM ifrtfzjrTT h^hth wm


Text in
M. M.’a
ifrqTiFrr1 swiddlr2 ^thhtitt

A TT5*riit% ftc7T'Hl$7ft d ^ dTR^TT

AD tT5*mt% fctfdTfdft d ^

-< C 2 TT^mt% fdid*TdTfdft d I WR^TT

C 4 *T^I%f4dJTdTfdft ^*S*ftdT d ? WTOT

vB4 n^qidtd teldlfdft d (h) 1 WT^HTT

I Ca *T3ddt% fetfdTfdft ^<|WftdT d ?

1 BM stands alone in furnishing the right reading of R.] B 4 seems to give *w*rre%, and this is the

*ft"5P5r®rt, the correction probably of an individual reading of Ca. Tho B MSS. add to it a new mistake

copyist, unsupported even by the nearest MS. CB. ^p*nrra%.

a The A class and Ca have throughout the right
The short vowel in the second syllable is equally
reading HRW, followed hy ^13J, which I think is
peculiar to BM.
meant for Bi and 2 have taken fl*ll as one
2 The right reading w*r«% is nearly preserved word, and left ^JDJ without the ?T, thus rendering it
in A, Other MSS. belonging to this class, C2, C4, unintelligible. B 3, BM, and CB have all the same
and AD slide into WDUBtfl. [This is the reading lacuna.

Bi TT^Tr^Ti rTH?

B2 TT^ITrtn% ffft TO? WTHUt

^B3 U5%ml fejiril^ rR? WTHm

BM TT^FHtt ?*?

' °B ^iwn^r% fefirTTfT^ HHf W^I

SSi VmSUk1 firWTfr^ H ?5

1 The patronymic has again puzzled the scribes. T*n% *rr% ^faurftfvi
The A and Ca MSS. now agree in TT3*nfl% or
'rfrvfaf irsrtt wtf^n i jqfa-
<(3t(MVS. B4 brings in the long ’3ff in ^T5*ITWl%,
1 |s ffw vrrg: i ?ra% ^mi
which seems to come from B though accidentally only.
w *ft ^7R g^wrfwgwrtrtfgi
B 1 and 2 have <J«t (?WI% and °%, to which they
inclined before; while I!3, BM, and CB approach to
^rejqfasw 1 ThfriRi^n^: Trcrrfr?gq\i<<n-
their former blunder TTarrefte.
*rRf*igp!=r^ 1 1
2 The anusvSra in f®is is the characteristic mark
fra irsnmgwfsrsrtf: i % ^nprrafw*wEr
of the A class. B 1 and 2 arc held together by their Bgfanwn i sunrofw wni^ i
common lacuna; B3, BM, and CB by the anusvara Here then fSBTTflgraft would have to
on the second syllable.
he taken in the sense of ‘of the race of, or similai
3 The spelling of TW- or f*g: seems to point to to liiratas,’ it would he a feminine, corresponding to
grag:. The verb *rv> to dwell, may he coustruod and tho singular in the feminine would
with a locative, in the sense of ‘ to dwell with.’ therefore be masc. . In out
4 is probably intended for ^gw«Tu passage, oil tho ■ ontiary, must he a
The readings of tho different MSS. might seem to masculine in the nom. dual, and would therefore lead
suggest or wfhft , but I prefer us to suppose that f%J[T0l and were the names
becauso this word is used in tho Tdndya BrShmana of the two sorcerers. They occur again as male
XIII. 12, 5. There we find two Maya's, evidently demons in tho Satapatha Bifthniarm I. 1, 4, 14, and
heated as females, but actiug a similar part, to that in the Brihaddevatft. Sfiyana in his commentary on
assigned to the two priests in our legends. I subjoin
the -S'atapatha BrShnia»a explains f^TTmgiwt by
tho text and SSyana’s commentary (MS. Wilson 396,
fqsvrwrff^ ^g: 1. in
p. i6i»): afttmnrrwt ^ *w€Ntwt fwngi-
another passage, tho TtMya (Xill. 7, 12) uses the
,*rrag^»n% ^
fem. termination of tho dual for for the
masc. Here, however, the commentator calls it fwn-
*rro gi: araro:. [R roads siag: fmrat]
11 Comm.
5 The A MSS. agree on ?T i.e. W for the JI
*nrrer*i f^TrrgwNrnFfg^f-nrr- of B 4 is from tho margin. The B MSS., on the con¬
1 facifii i ^rg- trary, all point to TIB?.

a ot *f?r tr
AD f^TT^t^ ^^rft ^ W^TT TT ^
*1 c 2 ffi uwt^T xrant ^t hw t^Tsgtr tr ^rhr
C4 fa «T$t^Fi TRHt tn HTH M^TT T1 ^
b4 faMTq^H tRBt ^ Hfa H^rr^TT 3R
| Oa fanfat^ri *Rirt *fa *rm*|TT m ^tt wh:
B X fallT^T^ tRHt HtHHyT^TT TR ^H^TWR**
B 2 fa*rraM TRm ^T ^TOWnn^CT TR
■< B3 fainfr^T qwT sfi HTHRingU KR
BM fainqt^T ^wt ^ HTHHyT^TI TR
, CB faurqM TRBt tfT HTHHm^TT TR
!3 fa^RT^1 trefasOT HTHH^l^TT 3R ^s^TRq:
A q*R>J|: rRWlfa TROT? JTtqR?!Hf|rfqt
AD TTCRH^: rRHHTfa TfaSfa HtqiqHTHT^rf^
<j C 2 tn;i^H^: rDTOHTfrr TR wr£ »TfaT*RT HI |7Tqt
C4 tnpf>Jc£: RHRHTfR TR SR HT |?T^t
B4 Tnppgcqj: RHH^TfrT TRIlN fanT*RRmT|rT3?l

{ Ca q?R^t rRHHTfrT TRITTC »TP*Hfa *TT frT fa

Bi UTT HHfrT TTqfRT? *TfaTq*TI*n§rTfa

B 2 HTT HHfrT Tjqfare jfatire5TRT§flfa
< b 3 xra OTfii trqmT# ntaTwfa f?rfa
CB TR HHfrT TRrifN faqT'WRT |rRt
SH W*PJ|: I rRflWfff TTWM *fTTlT*RRRT§rTfa
1 fTVn*ft^M marks the A and Ca MSS.; f»Ps|T- 3 In the lacuna after IK,I and in *l+tffl we have
the B MSS. marked features of the entire B class. B 4 has its
2 The A MSS. agree in JfNr ^TOT, instead of own peculiar mistake, , which could only
*M<WOT which is intended by the B MSS. B 4 has refer to the two Aeuras, while it is meant for the Iksh-
the B reading, and alone of all MSS. supplies the vSkus, i. e, Asam&ti and the RathaproshfAas,
reading 1R9. In Ca the two readings are mixed.

A wmtPT HT H 5RT ^ HI ftfar-

ad wrhh hr ftfi*T?nfFft sht t ht *thn-
4 C 2 wjrPR HR ^ftf^Ht fattlrflflcvft 5HT 1 HI RfrlT-
C4 rhhh hr fenrrTfTft sht % ht nfar-
b4 wt gpftffo^ g?n 15 ht ntm-
{ca ?cr rPR Hi sR^HT f^5 t cTT TTfoft *HT ^ JTRT-
B i RUTR Ht ^ftfcRt felril$c»ft 5HT % HT ntHT-
B 2 Wjrm^ faFTTHTf oft 3HT 1 HT UtHT-
< B 3 VJRHH: ^ snftf^Ht f^c^TrTTficft TRT ^ HT *fPH-
bm wtxutr; h1 H^tf^Ht fenrnfoft sht ^ ht hRt-
CB VEfTTrl^ Hi EfioSIWIfloft SHT ^ HT *ftm«
S! SVRffR^1 HtSH^Hf fqioyunfoft ?HT t HT hIhT-
A 2RIrrTHT|rTqt fHrRrftfff rTR^rTT WHT HT SR^H
{ c 2 HHTRTHT|iTHt farRrftfff TTRHHT WHT HT 3RHH
B2 HHT ^rfHRrirftrft WRfHT HR HT 3RHH
' B 3 HHT HTf*RHrftfH HR|HT HR 3R^H
BM HHT HrfHHHrftfH riMfrlt HR 3RHH
CB HHT ^ftRrrrftfw WTH^WT HR HR^H
The A class is again marked by retaining the and again by instead of Vfit-
correct liiqqi)^ though not always clearly written, fliifft, and the short vowel in <tl(\tqqL
whereas the B MSS. have clearly 4 The omission of^T shows the close relationship
The B MSS. again agree in the mistake *TN|t(»H. of B 3l BM, and OB.
[Rhas^% jpf jfftn..] 6 The original reading was probably cf. Sa-
The*B class is sharply marked by the lacnna of tapatba Brihmana I. r, 4,15, KPrfirfjf
VOL. IV. 0

a Srift wn sr mrofafiRR ttot HifrwRt w

AD Rift ^T 3R URfaflRR WWT TfiPw^t W
I c2 HWt RT 3R HRfafiRR HWT HtfTWRt
C4 H^rt RT ^R H*TT HifRJRt WT
r> 4 ftre^rt r ^tr tn^fwf^TTH trt w
[ Ca Rtj^t *W IITTRTfafsRR rRT HifRTTft *RT
B 2 HWT R 3R URf^fwTR rRT ^rfr*Rt HWT
I B 3 RWT R 3R nRfafaTR rRT H«IT
CB »RRT R 3R HRf^f*RR rT^T TfiftW^t *RT
m.m:" far*HTl R i?7R HRfgfw^t HWT ^TWl^t w

A ^WT HTfaHTTrftfH Ht TRW ^{ftRfaRRR RTffi:

< C2 %rr VTlf^rT^^lfw h! TRR ^HRHtTnHHR RPTH:
B 4 t%HT HTfHTTRrftfw HT TRW ^:^3TniRHR Rrmt


bi wm it rftfn m trw rrw.
■< B 3 %H rfVfrf HT TRW ^HHRRRHR RIH!
BM 1%H rftfH «ft TRW ^VRTTrRHR RMH:
1 The mistake Sfcft in AD, A, C 2, and C 4 iudi- 3 gWTT° is a mistake that distinguishes the B
cates a closer relationship between these three MSS. MSS. from the A and Ca MSS. in ('2 is a
■ The lacuna after iu the B MSS. is important; mere lapsus calami, repeated in C 4- iy *rfm° in
likewise the coincidences between Bi and 112 on one an(] jj4i alKi again Xtlljl in AD. Is ^lHW
side, and between B3, BM, and CB on the other, [11 intended for tUTfTO ?
has $*T.]

a vfrfv n

| c2 xrfrfv 11

c4 TR^T^T|SHW: irTO II
b4 BHiwrgHi|^rrrT: xrfrft *ro*RfaanfSt 11

ca n

b i nHffOT^TgHmr: ^ramftfRrrfi' 11

B2 iwrTWTfRT|Him: vfufv II
' B3 TTFTrr^n^RI|RlfrT: T?ftfa II
BM HUrTOT^TfarirD vftfa ^WTfHrqif^ ||

OB HHrTFn^IT|HltfT: irftfa ^H7rTftl^Tf< II

52! *twfa’*nfs II
1 publish in this volume the first portion of the Index rerhorinn, and
shall publish the second portion at the end of the sixth volume. This index
was made before I began the publication of the Rig-veda and Saya/ta’s
commentary, and it was by its help only that I was enabled to make my
way through the intricacies of that work. I had at first made a separate
index for each Mandala. These ten indices were afterwards copied for me,
and arranged as one continuous index. Lastly, in order to remove any
mistakes that might have happened during this process, I secured the
services of a young Sanskrit scholar, who once more carefully verified every
reference before the MS. was sent to Press.
So many scholars engaged in the study of the Veda have seen and
consulted this Index during the last quarter of a century that I need hardly
say what it is, and what it is not. It is an index rerbnruni in the strict
sense of the word, so much so that in the rare cases where two words
happen to have the same outward form and the same accent, they have
not been separated, although they differ in their meaning and in their gram¬
matical character. The words are given throughout in their Pada form.

The A MSS. agree in instead of sionofoneTT* B3 has <dJVUflT°j where the long <i is
*rcrni. Oa stands alone with firmrwfa0, while a blunder of the copyist. [R has
•he U MSS. just miss the right reading by the omia- Hf\crl ifdf.]
O 2

I had intended to omit all the real Galitas, but I found, after the printing
had progressed too far, that they had been left in the earlier MamMas, and
I was therefore obliged to give up my original intention on that point.
I believe that all that can be done to secure the correctness of the references
has been done, but I am not so sanguine as to suppose that all mistakes
have been avoided. I have myself detected several in the portion now
printed, and if any of my friends will kindly send me such errata as they
may discover while using the index, I shall not fail to publish them at the
end of the sixth volume.
Parks End, Oxford,


When I had written the last line of the Rig-veda and S&yana’s commentary,
and put down my pen, I felt as if I had parted with an old, old friend. For
thirty years scarcely a day has passed on which my thoughts have not dwelt on
this work, and for many a day, and many a night, too, the old poets of the
Veda, and still more their orthodox and painstaking expositor, have been my
never-failing companions. I am happy, no doubt, that the work is done, and
after having seen so many called away in the midst of their labours, I feel
deeply grateful that I have been spared to finish the work of my life. But
habits established for so long a time, are not broken without a wrench, and
even now I begin to miss my daily task : I begin to long for some difficult
and corrupt passages to grapple with, for some abrupt quotation from the
.SYUyayanaka to verify, or for some obscure allusion to PAnini to trace back
to its original source.
It was in the year 1845, when attending the lectures of Eughne Burnouf
at Paris, that for the first time my thoughts became fixed on an edition of
the Rig-veda and its voluminous commentary. I still see the eager faces of
a number of young scholars, sitting round the table. where Burnouf was
lecturing, with a vivacity, a keenness, a flow of knowledge which I have never
seen surpassed. Most of those who then attended his lectures, have since

become famous in Oriental literature. I need only mention the late Dr.
Goldstiicker, the late Abbate Bardelli, and of those who are still among us,
Gorresio, Neve, and last, not least, R. Roth. I was the youngest of them all,
and though I had published my' first book, the translation of the Hitopadesa,
my ideas of Sanskrit literature did not reach much beyond Kllid&sa’s poetry,
the epic poems, the systems of philosophy, and the Upanishads. Nothing, I
thought at that time, could in beauty of thought or expression surpass the
Upanishads. I had translated some of them for Schelling, while attending his
lectures at Berlin, had copied some of the commentaries from MSS. of the Royal
Library there, and was thinking of devoting myself to that branch of literature.
Well do I remember my surprise when I heard Burnouf speaking of these
Upanishads as works of small importance, compared with the older portions of
the Veda, the Mantras and the Brahmanas. Burnouf was lecturing then on the
first book of the Rig-veda, prepared by F. Rosen, and published after his death,
in 1838. I still possess some of the notes which I took at his lectures, with
extracts from S&yawa’s commentary, of which Burnouf possessed a complete
copy, with passages from the Nirukta and the commentary on the Nirukta,
works at that time hardly known in Europe. After a time, Burnouf lent me
some of his MSS., and encouraged me to copy certain portions of them. It
was hard work at first. I often despaired, and but for bis encouragement,
but for his frank acknowledgment, that he himself, too, could not always
make out the arguments of S4yana, I should never had the courage to
My own ambition had not yet risen beyond an edition of the text of the
Rig-veda, with extracts only from S&yana’s commentary. No more was really
wanted, I thought; and I had Colebrooke’s authority for holding that opinion.
‘ The Vedas,’ Colebrooke wrote at the end of his celebrated essay on the Sacred
Writings of the Hindus, ‘are too voluminous for a complete translation of the
whole; and what they contain would hardly reward the labour of their reader,
much less that of the translator. The ancient dialect in which they are com¬
posed, and especially that of the three first Vedas, is extremely difficult and
obscure: and, though curious, as the parent of a more polished and refined
language (the classical Sanskrit), its difficulties must long continue to prevent
such an examination of the whole Vedas, as would be requisite for extracting all
that is remarkable and important in those voluminous works. But they well
deserve to be occasionally consulted by the Oriental scholar.’
But here I met with the strongest remonstrances from Burnouf. Not only

the text, but the commentary, too, he maintained, if they were to be published
at all, should be published in their entirety, and after a careful collation of all
the MSS. then accessible in Europe. Extracts could never be depended upon,
for the most difficult passages would, as usual, be left out, and after a time the
work would have to be done again.
At that time, I confess, I was hardly able to grapple with Sayana’s com¬
mentary, at least with the most difficult portions of it, nor was there any
prospect of my being able to collate the most important MSS. of Say ana,
which were in England. Burnouf therefore advised me to try the Yar/ur-veda,
1 copied the whole of Mahidhara’s commentary from a MS. which I owed to
Burnouf’s liberality '. But in the end I arrived at the same result, viz. that
without a collation of other MSS. it would be impossible to carry out a really
scholarlike edition of that work.
My disappointment was great, but I determined not to be beaten. I saw
that it was absolutely necessary for me to spend some time in England ; and
1 secured the necessary funds by working hard for other Sanskrit scholars,
copying, among other things, the complete text of the Aitareya Brahmana in
Roman letters for the late Baron Eckstein. When once settled in the library
of the old East-India House, surrounded by the MSS., not only of the Rig-veda
and Say ana, but of the numerous works constantly referred to by Sayana, T saw
that the plan, first sketched out for me by Burnouf, and 1 ought to add, by
the late Dr. Goldstlicker, was the right one, and that it could be realised.
1 worked on till a portion of the work was finished ; .and after obtaining the
patronage of the old East-Tndia Company, I was able to publish the first
volume in 1849.
We are now in 1874 ; and in writing the Preface to this, my last volume,
the words used by another scholar return to my memory, and seem best to
express what I wish to say : ‘ Adolescent manum admovi, senex, dum perjicerern,
foetus sum, ut videtur.’ And again : ‘ Habes hoc opus absolutum serins quam
/nxmiseram, et expectabam. Nosti conditione.ni rerum humanarimi. Multa
soepe accidunt quae non sinunt nos ad amussim cwjitata perjicere.’ Twenty-
five years are certainly a long time, and when I saw how some of my kind
friends clamoured against the delay that had occurred in the publication of
Sayana, though I could not but feel gratified at their impatience, I began to
fear that I might really be to blame. I therefore tried to make out an account

1 [This copy I lent to Professor Weber for his edition of the Yoyur-veda, and it is now deposited in the
Uoyal Library of Borlin.]

of my stewardship, and the result was as follows. In looking through my notes,

I found that since 1849, there were only three years during which 1 was pre¬
vented from going on with my work ; one year, when I was out of health;
another, when I had to wait for the renewal of the grant at the time of the
extinction of the East-India Company ; and a third, when expecting a MS.
which had been discovered in India, and promised to be, if not the original,
at least much more ancient than any of those on which I had based the
critical restoration of Sayana’s commentary. I cannot deny that during the
last twenty-five years, I have also done some other work, in the science of
language, mythology, and religion, and that 1 have not thought, that a man
can live, or ought to live, by Sanskrit alone. But after deducting the three
years, when it was impossible for me to print, I found, to my own surprise.
1 confess, that I had published in my two editions of the Rig-veda, the large
one with, and the small one without the commentary of Say ana, what would
amount to an annual volume of nearly 600 pages octavo, during twenty-five
consecutive years. If my friends in Brahma will- kindly take into account,
that during that time I also published two editions of my History of Ancient
Sanskrit Literature; two editions of my Sanskrit Grammar; the Pniti.s’akhya,
belonging to the Rig-veda, text, translation, and notes ; and the first volume
of my translation of' the Rig-veda, I think they will admit, that I have not
been altogether faithless to my first love.

But though on the score of mere quantity my conscience does not smite
me, it is far otherwise with reference to the. quality of my work. During
the last twenty-five years Sanskrit, scholarship, particularly with regard to
Vedic literature, has advanced so rapidly, that I myself feel most deeplv,
how much more perfect an edition of' SHyawa might have been, if begun now,
instead of in 1850. I believe, however, that I did all that could be done at
the time, and l fear, or rather, I hope, that an edition begun in 1875, by one
<d oui young Sanskrit scholars, would probably share the same fate in the
.yeai 1900. What I did was this. I tested all the MSS. which 1 could get
access to in Europe, in order, first of all, to find out their true genealogical
relationship. After I had discovered that out of the three clearly marked
families, none ceuld claim to represent the original text of Sayana, I determined
on onty course that, under the circumstances, seemed possible : I selected
m every doubtful case that reading towards which the thr ee families pointed.
01 from which their divergence might best be explained. In following this
course, however, I met with two difficulties. In the first Ashfaka, more

particulaxly, but also in the beginning of some of the other Ashtakas, and
again in the commentary on certain very popular hymns, many of the MSS.
had been so much used for private study, that they were not only full of
marginal notes, containing corrections and additions, but that some of these
had actually found their way into the body of the MSS. themselves. While
this facilitated the process of restoring a correct, or at all events, a plausible
and readable text, it disturbed, for a time at least, the exact genealogical
position of the principal MSS., and thus rendered a strict adherence to the
only true principles of criticism impossible. In the first Ashiaka, therefore,
I contented myself with giving S&y ana's text, chiefiy from the A and C
classes; and I feel it my duty to warn future editors of Sayaaa, if there
ever be such, that with the new MSS. that have come to hand since my first
volume was published, there will probably be ample room for critical gleanings:
partly by a more strict adherence to the principles of diplomatic criticism, partly
by a more careful examination of the originals from which the numerous
quotations in the commentary are derived. Some passages which seem to
require emendation in the first Ashiaka, have been pointed out by Professor
Weber, Mr. Muir, and others ; and I gladly avail myself of the opportunity
of examining these more carefully, partly in order to avow frankly, where I
have erred; partly in order to show, that in many cases I was not unprepared
for the objections that have been made, and that I chose such readings as
I have chosen with a full appreciation of all the difficulties by which they
seem to be surrounded.
Professor Weber dwells chiefly on five passages in the Introduction to
S&yana’s commentary where, as he thinks, emendations are necessary. The
quotation on p. 12, 1. 8 [now p. 7, 1. 2], can now be verified from the Taittiriya
Brahmana II. 1, 2, 12. It ought to be, ftfa
7T7t, ‘ to sacrifice after the sun has risen, is as if one brought food to
an empty dwelling for a departed guest.’ Here I see that the A class, then
represented by the old MS. at Paris, collated for me by Dr. Goldstiicker,
gives the C class, represented by C x, equally at Paris, gives tpjn;
; while B 1 has the right reading, ’jarpsrwsrertf. This is also
confirmed by my own MS. Ca, which at that time I did not possess. How
little the other MSS. in India would have helped, may be seen from the
reading, adopted by Dr. Roer in the Bibliotheca Indica, vol. i. p. 13, 1. 8,

On the same page, line 29 [now 1. 18], is no doubt what S&yana


ought to have written, and I see that Dr. Roer has adopted it. If I retained
jOTTipjjt, it was partly because the best MSS. give that reading, partly because
I did not know then the meaning of pram&yuka. It is one of the words which
Wilson’s Dictionary did not supply. In the course of my reading it occurred
to me for the first time in the Nirukta III. 5, a passage not mentioned in
the Dictionary of Bohtlingk and Roth. From its frequent occurrence in the
Bnihmawas, we are now all familiar with the meaning and the origin of the
word. That it was not easily intelligible, however, even to Indian readers,
may be gathered from my own MS. Ca. Here the passage is given in
manjine, and correctly; but after writing wpp:, the writer himself adds a
new marginal gloss, fptTfSS:.
On page 21, line 23 [now p. 11, last line], I should have separated HT*r®rfn,
if I had known the passage in the Taittiriya Saudi ita VII. 4, 19; but in that
case, I should most likely have corrected •vlV't to
which is the correct reading there (see Taitt. Pratts’. XI. 17), whereas the
reading of the MSS. of Sayana, as adopted in my edition, is supported by
the Ijisimma verha of Pauini, VI. 1, if8; Siddhanta-kaumudi, vol. ii.
In the other passages, where the reading which I adopted has been
challenged, it will be seen that I was right, and that my critics were wrong.
Thus with regard to on page 34, line 15 [now p. 18, 1. 33], Professor
Weber has no doubt discovered, since he pointed out the various reading ot
as one of his five necessary emendations, that in writing I had adopted
the right reading, the passage being an extract from the Pauiniya S'iksha,
published by himself in the Indische Studien, vol. i/. p. 271. Why are not
such technical terms as gitin, siraAkampin, etc., given in the Petersburg
Dict ionary ?
There remains the fifth passage, p. 35, 1. 6 [now p. 19, 1. 6 seq.], where
it was thought, that I ought to have written instead of Trm fc^ffb
However, here, too, Professor Weber will have since discovered that I was
right; for the Taittiriya Aranyaka II. 16, from which the quotation is taken,
has not Kir^il. fp-gfit means, he is left behind, he fails, or, as the
commentator explains it, he is deprived of glory, a meaning which does not
belong to
So much with regard to the five necessary corrections, for such asuddhas
as p. 31,1. 28 [now p. 17, 1.18], for and p. 41, 1- 6 [now p. 22,1. 5],
*T| \jt for Trf f, need not be noticed.
von. IV. P

Mr. Muir also had suggested a correction in the Introduction1, viz. the
addition of on p. 4, 1. 3 [now p. 2, 1. 28], after %<T_. In a later edition,
however, he withdraws his objection, having been informed, as he says, by
Professor Goldstucker that is often omitted, though understood after fin
I need hardly say, that it was on the very ground adduced by Professor
Goldstucker that, much against my own wish, I decided not to insert the n,
which was wanting in the best MSS. then accessible to me. But I must
state at the same time, that seeing the n in Roer’s edition, and likewise in
my own carefully-revised MS. Ca, I should certainly insert the n in a new
edition, and likewise put a stop after
These doubts and difficulties carry me back many years, and though I well
remember how I did my best with such a knowledge as I then possessed to
overcome them, yet I am perfectly aware and ready to confess that on many
points I ought to have decided differently. All I can say is, that those were
the days when other scholars wrote of Etendhras2, or could not distinguish
between and ’StrefiTO 2, so that heie, too, the Indian
maxim might be taken to heart:
<nar: trofri 1 want tnirfa 11
Many of the difficulties I had to contend with at first and single-handed,
have disappeared during the progress of this work. The MS. Ca, which I owe
to the kindness of Professor Wilson, was of considerable assistance throughout.
The Index variorum, once made, enabled me, in many a difficult passage, to
confront the numerous explanations of the same or similar words in different
parts of Sayaua’s commentary, and thus to discover the drift of his arguments.
Many of the books, too, referred to by Sayana, and which, when I began my
edition, I possessed in MS. only, such as the Nirukta, the Aitareya Brahmana,
A.s'valayana, the Taittiriyaka, and other works, have since been published in
more or less critical editions; and last, not least, PAnini’s Grammar, which in
1847 was still a book with seven seals, has been rendered more and more
intelligible by the combined labours of native and European scholars.
But, on the other hand, the MSS. of SAyana in the progress of my work
became worse and worse, so much so that a scholar who was best acquainted
with the MSS. at my disposal, declared that a critical restitution of the last
books of SAyawa would be altogether impossible. Nor were the editions of the

1 Sanskrit Texts, vol. iii. p. 61. 3 See Preface to the first volume of the first edition,
2 Itoth, Zur Litteratur und Gesehichte dos Weda, vol. i. p. xxiv. note i.
F- J33-

works to which S&yana referred, always a help. Before they were published,
1 felt obliged to restore the text of each passage, as well as I could, partly
from the MSS. of Sayana, partly from the MSS. of the works themselves. After
their publication, I had often the additional difficulty of finding out whether
the text as receptus was to be accepted or to be rejected.
This is a point which will require some elucidation, and I shall therefore
give a few instances to show how dangerous it would have been, if I had in
every case surrendered the readings of Sayan a’s MSS. for the published text
of the works to which he refers.
I begin with Panini, the text of whose Sutras might seem to lie the least
exposed to critical doubts. Yet it will be seen that I have in several cases
adopted a reading different from that of Bohtlingk’s edition, and that I have
done so for some good reason. In the commentary to I. 9, 2, 1 adopted at first
the reading of B.’s edition, (Paw. II. 4, 34), but in doing so I was
wrong. I ought to have followed the MSS. of Sayana, which consistently give
fspfanTt:^:, a form which is not correct grammatically, but supported by an
irresistible weight of evidence. I therefore restored that reading in I. 105, 19 ;
HI. 9, 5 ; X. 125, 8. The Mahabhashya (p. 4021') has the same reading. [In the
second edition, 1887, Bohtlingk reads
When speaking of the two possible forms and wrf^ (Preface to vol. iv,
see above, p. lxxi seq.) I explained the rules which Panini and most grammatical
writers seem to have followed with regard to the final letters of technical terms.
If what T stated there, is true, and I know of no one who has controverted it,
then I could not in X. 68, 7 adopt the reading of Paw. II. 4, 79, as given by
Bohtlingk, but had to write instead The same rule applies fo
Paw. III. 1, 79, as quoted by Sayana, I. 19, 8; I. 30, 14, etc.; to Pan. III. 2, 168,
as quoted I. 25, 14; to Paw. V. 4, 11; to P:\n.Vr. 4, 156, as quoted I. 36, 6 ; to
Paw. VII. 1, 2, as quoted I. 6, 4. I was wrong also in 1. 3, 1, in adopting at first
the text of Bontlingk, Paw. III. 1, 32, VTrT?:, and I afterwards followed
the authority of the MSS., in writing HMTsfaT VRPf:, Rv. I. 8, 4, etc. [In the
new edition, Bohtlingk has adopted the spelling ?prrfgr<> etc.]
With regard to Paw. III. 1, 80, I was doubtful for some time whether 1
ought to follow Bohtlingk’s text, fvf^Ptrafty or the reading of the best MSS.
I saw there was no support for S&yawa’s reading either in the
Calcutta edition, or in the SiddMnta-kaumudl, or in the Mahabhashya (p. 45ft),
yet the MSS. of S&yawa were so consistent that I wrote in I. 6, 3 ;
I- 10, 7; I. 92, 1; I. 117, 25; HI. 11, 4; IX. 91, 5; X. 101, 2; X. 128, 5.

It may seem to some critics that I went too far in altering the text of
Panini IV. 2, 43, by inserting This word, no doubt, falls under the same
rule, but it forms the subject of a VUrttika. Sayana, however, may have mixed
up the Sutra and the Vitrttika, and if he did so, it would have gone beyond the
duty of an editor to correct him in such matters. [See Varietas Lectionis to
Rv. Bh. III. 60, 1.]
In Pan. IV. 4, 117, Bbhtlingk writes ^jqft ^ instead of The how¬
ever, is here not merely euphonic, but marks the accent of ^f, as we see from
Rv. I. 13, 10, . I therefore had to follow the authority of the
MSS. in writing ’epsft, Rv. I. 13, 10; X. 120, 8. [It is corrected in Bohtlingk’s
new edition.]
I was misled twice, Rv, I. 93, 8, and III. 41, 1, by an emendation introduced
by Bbhtlingk, to write Panini’s Sutra VI. 3, 92, It
ought to be and I adopted this afterwards, in accord¬
ance with Sayana’s MSS. The Calcutta edition of Pamni and the Siddhanta-
kaumuili (vol. i. p. 179) give rightly, and Bbhtlingk also in his Notes
inclines towards it. It is the only possible reading, because there is no such
woi'd as [Bbhtlingk has now corrected it.] The reading of is
more doubtful, because the Calcutta edition of Pamni and the Siddhanta-kaumudi
give and explain the Shtra accordingly. Sayana, however, preferred,
as far as it is possible to judge, the reading , which I therefore adopted
in IX. 93, 4. [See Varietas Lectionis to Rv. Bh. I. 93, 8; III. 41, 1; IX. 93, 4.]
More serious mischief has happened in the case of Pan. VII. 1, 47. Here
the text of the Sutra is quite right, but in the commentary, both the Calcutta
edition and Bbhtlingk’s give instead of This ungrammatical form,
I am grieved to say, has found its way, by an extraordinary accident, into my
large edition, for though I corrected it in the Pada-text and in the commentary
(X. 85, 33), it has remained unaltered in the SamhM-text. The result has been
that it crept into my small edition of the two texts, and likewise into the
Index verborum. I know, of course, that it could be defended as a license
allowed in writing (see Bbhtlingk, Notes to P4«ini VIII. 4, 47), but I should
be sorry to avail myself of such an excuse.
In Pan. VII. 3, 57,1 believe the right reading would be or ,
as in the Calcutta edition and the Siddhanta-kaumudi. I adopted at first the
reading adopted by Bbhtlingk, but changed it afterwards for .
See Rv. IX. 65, 9, seq. [It has now been printed throughout. So also
Bbhtlingk’s new edition.]

In Pdn. VIII. 3, 66, Bohtlingk gives The Calcutta edition has the
same, likewise the Siddhanta-kaumudi, vol. ii. p. 37. There may be some
reason why P4«im wrote and T4ran4tha distinctly explains it,
JTWT arT4% Sayana, however, was evidently not aware of
any sufficient reason for so ungrammatical a proceeding, and as I had to edit
Sayana, and not P4nini, I wi'ote throughout See Rv. Bh. I. 5, 1; I. 22,
8; III. 14. 2> [See Varietas Lectionis to Rv. Bh. I. 5, 1.]
I hold by no means that we are justified in altering the received text of
Bimini, or even of his commentator, according to the authority of the MSS. of
Sayana. Sayana is not even consistent in his own manner of quoting PAnini.
rllius instead of (\<i, VI. 1, 185, he sometimes writes ; instead of
the dual, in Pam VI. 1, 173, he sometimes writes ; instead of
Pan. VI. 4, 76, he allows himself occasionally to quote the other reading.
, Rv. Bh. X. 130, 5.
Frecpiently, too, Sayana expresses himself with a briefness which one feels
at first inclined to correct, but which one becomes accustomed to in the course
oi his work. At first I always corrected into r?lf%3j*rTit^TEf, which is
the only correct form. But as Sayana knew this perfectly well, it became clear
to me after a time, that lie considered sufficient for all practical
i imposes. See Rv. Bh. X. 116, 7. In the same manner he sometimes says
for So again in X. 136, 7, Sayana explains the genitive of as an
accusative, but having done the same again and again, he does it sometimes
more briefly, and says itffsqfJTffT ®R5RW: wb This, at all
events, is clearly the reading of the MSS. in this and in other places (VI. 49,
12), and I saw no reason why I should alter it. What was in his mind was
evidently to appeal to the Varttika, I. 4, 32, 1, for giving to the Sampradana
the meaning of that which can be reached by the action of the verb, and then
to quote Pan. II. 3, 62, for showing that the sixth case can stand in place of
the fourth. He might have said, tn^Rjrq^rr ; cf. I. 4, 10;
^ HI. 96, 17; IX. 74, 8; IX. 97, 15; and then have continued,

Such .passages in which an editor abstains from treating his author magis¬
terially are, as I know from painful experience, the very passages for which the
editor himself is afterwards treated magisterially by perfunctory critics.
In PAnini’s Grammar the text is generally as firmly established as in the
hymns of the Rig-veda, and therefore there could be but few passages in which
I felt doubtful between the authority of the MSS. and the printed text. This

was more frequently the case with the VArttikas, and it will be seen that these
glosses, as quoted by SAyana, differ frequently from that form in which they
appear in our editions of PAnini.
When, however, we come to other works, such as the Unadi or Phif-sfttras,
the difficulties increase immensely. At first I had only Dr. Bohtlingk’s edition
of the UnAdi-sAtras to consult, and with the help of Uyr/valadatta’s excellent
commentary, I could generally arrive at some conclusion as to what was, if not
the original reading, at least that which SAyana intended to follow. Afterwards
Dr. Aufrecht gave us an edition of this very commentary, and thereby reduced
very considerably the labour of determining the right reading. Still in many of
these SAtras, SAyana constantly either adds or omits a verb, which does or does
not suit him, and an editor of SAyana is bound to be guided, in each case, by
the respective weight of the MSS. Thus in SAtra I. 3, SAyana inserts yfa after
, see I. 10, 2 ; III. 52, 5, etc., while in the editions yrsi: is treated as a
bahulaka derivative under Sutra I. 1. [See Varietas Lectionis to Rv. Bh. I.
10, 2.]
Sutra I. 23 Bd. (24 Aufr.), SAyana adds fflpjf: at the end, Rv. Bh. I. 5, 2 ;
I. 11, 4, etc. It also occurs in the MS. of Uyyvaladatta, but I doubt whether it
should have been added in an edition of the Sutras. Uyr/valadatta himself does
not explain it in his commentary, the reason being that he gives it in Sutra
I. 27 Bd. (28 Aufr.), where he derives pasu from it. At all events ought
not to be in both Sutras. In I. 51, 5, SAyana brings fira: under the same Sutra,
I. 23 (24).
Sutra I. 30 SAyana reads yfaj, in order to explain yg:. See Rv. Bh. I. 52, 5.
Sutra I. 40, SAyana reads qtiBiyyr v: faiW, and when he explains ffqjy: in
I. 87, 1, he particularly adds ’t *T?rfn I. The MS. of Uyyvaladatta
has the same reading, sjfa: siimytlj vi faw 1, and at the end fargysftyy^rilt:» i- e.
SAtra I. 74 is sometimes quoted by SAyana ^ see Rv. Bh. III. 61, 3.
As the same reading occurs in Uy/yvaladatta, and as in III. it, also, SAyana,
III. 34, 3, reads ^ yr instead of yyf, I did not think it right to make any
alteration. [That the spurious passage, mentioned in the Varietas Lectionis to
Rv. Bh. I. 27, 11, has tyre: far., only confirms its spuriousness.]
In SAtra I. 139, SAyana changes the last to qfpyt, Rv. Bh. I. 5, 1. This
seems right, though the ordinary reading can be defended.

1 Aufrecht’s edition is to be understood henceforward, except where spocial reference to Bohtlingk’s

edition is made.

SAtra 1.151 appears generally as gfagflauffoiT instead of 1.9,1; 11; 4;

III. 9, 6. Another peculiarity in SAyana’s quotations of this Sutra is that he
inserts Tfa after gfe, in order, as it would seem, to explain ^3. Yet, where
that word occurs, he explains its etymology differently, I. 65, 5 ; I. 66, 3. [See
Varietas Lectionis to Rv. Bh. I, 9, 1 ; 14, 2 ; HI. 9, 6. The yftr is very
SAyana is not always guided by the exact wording of the Sutras. Thus he
quotes Siltra I. 153, in order to explain the formation of and, as that
Sutra explains not , but , he simply changes fxxg into and
substitutes g for gg, Rv. I. 64, 2 ; III. 32, 7.
SAyana quotes gspjHrr gzg as a Sutra (cf. Uyyvaladatta on Un. I. 156), in
order to explain gg, but as in III. 7, 1, he assigns to gjr the meaning of gqirr^HTg■
he allows by bahulakatva the substitution of grg for gg, and remarks on the
irregularity of the accent which, if the suffix be kanin, ought to have been on
the first syllable.
lie likewise quotes a Sutra for the formation of «rg*f and viz. III. 9, 9,
(this is the reading of Ca too), adding afterwards gurg, which applies
to g, while ^g would teach the substitution of for which Uyyvaladatta
accounts for by Soon after, however, III. 23, 3, SAyana again quotes
tins Siltra, but in a slightly different form, viz. g^lfh§gg (thus also in Ca).
which is better with regard to gg^, hut not with regard to ^irg. [See Varietas
Lectionis to Rv. Bh. III. 9, 9; 23, 3.]
Sayana does not consider that when a number of ready-made words are
given after suffixes which differ in accent only, as, for instance, ^ and yg, they
are all to follow the accent of the suffix mentioned ia the Sutra immediately
preceding. Uyyvaladatta, no doubt, puts this interpretation on the Sutras, hut
not SAyawa, nor, if we may judge from I. 23, 1, the ManoramA. [Spurious
passage, see Var. Leot. 1. c.] Thus in II. 28, he quotes the AdyudAttas, like
*£'•’ as formed by gg, I. 2, 6 ; I. 3, 5 ; III. 10, 9; but the antodAttas, such as
gg, ^jgr, also ?fbr, he quotes as formed by yqi; cf. I. 1, 6 ; I. 23, 1.
[The latter passage spurious, see Varietas Lectionis.] In III. 26, 5, several MSB.
have ^fsTT^ftr , or jJTTBTg: (Ca), and I believe THWg: is what
Sayana really intended.
SAtra II. 60, SAyawa quotes either as jrg: 2jgg, I. 12, 6 ; I. 58, 4, or as
in in. 31,3.
According to SAyana I had always ipioted SAtra II. 90, as *}fagfisrfi|: fag
Instead of fag. [Bohtlingk, II. 87]. SAyawa explains ggpt: by it in

III. 43, 6 ; III. 57, 4. I see that Dr. Aufrecht has but not gf%r, and in
this he is supported by Uryyvaladatta. [See Varietas Lectionis to III. 57, 4;
IV. 2, 3.]
In II. 97 (92 Bbhtlingk), too, I am glad to see that Dr. Aufrecht has
adopted the reading instead of ; S&yana’s MSS. are unanimous
in I. 71, 1; and Uyyvaladatta’s reading, twice repeated, viz. is of course
In II. 105 (100 Bohtlingk), I see that Dr. Aufrecht has changed
into Tsj:, which is, no doubt, in accordance with UVyyvaladatta’s view.
Sayana, however, differs, and refers to the Sutra in explanation of See
III. 37, 4. [Also I. 17, 2, see Varietas Lectionis.]
In Sutra III. 2, S&yana omits f%t, while Uyyvaladatta admits it, a fact not
without significance, as I pointed out in my History of Ancient Sanskrit Litera¬
ture (1859), p. 249. I also pointed out in the same work, that the Sutra III.
140, which explains the formation of so modern a word as dinar a, i. e. denarius,
was distinctly mentioned by UV/yvaladatta as not explained in two of the
earlier commentaries, and that the etymology of tirifa, as given in IV. 184,
is left out, according to Uyyvaladatta, in the Nytisa, and, as I showed, in the
Mahabliashya also. Dr. Aufrecht has added to these spurious words which I
had obelized, one more, viz. mihira, the Persian milir, in Sutra I. 52, but much
more remains to be done before we can hope to obtain a really critical edition of
the Arsha-text1 of these ancient Siitras.
It is quite clear from Rv. Bh. I. 4, 1 ; I. 25, 2 ; I. 92, 10, that Sayana read
Siitra III. 30, as srgfMwri g>:. I do not say, that this was the right reading ;
all I maintain is, that I should not have been justified in altering it.
Sometimes Sayana’s commentary gives Sutras which are wanting in our
editions of the Unadi-sfitras. Thus the word dharuna is not explained, but
Sayana brings it under Sfttra III. 49, by adding \jfyftjggrsr, see I. 121, 2. In
order to explain sjfaT, he adds, III. 38, 8, after qrftf in Sfttra III. 62 ; in order
to explain ’srer, he adds, I. 66, 9, before in Sfttra III. 86. [See Varietas
Lectionis to Rv. Bh. I. 5, xo. Also I. 18, 3 ; 25, 9 ; xoo, 15 ; III. 35, 10 ; V. 9, 1.]
In Sutra III. 96 seq. I had altered into on the authority of
Sayana’s MSS. This has been accepted by Dr. Aufrecht also; but on the
authority of Uyyvaladatta he retains ajff, which I had printed in I. 27, 8, and
afterwards altered to *rff, I. 91, 3, on account of Pdn. VI. 1, 16, and similar
1 See U^valadatta on Un. III. 91,

Sfttra III. 99 was given by Bohtlingk (III. 98) as in support

of It was clear that this had to be altered into in order to
explain the Vedic form But U^valadatta, and with him Dr. Aufrecht, read
the Sutra as in order to explain the word That there is
such a word as in Vedic literature, has not been shown; it certainly does
not occur in the Rig-veda. But there occurs in the Rig-veda X. 120, 6, the
word as applied to Purandara, and Sayana quotes our Sfttra in support of it.
We must therefore partly return to Bohtlingk’s text, and read
the reading which I adopted as at all events the one approved by Stlyawa.
Sayana I. 66, 5, obtains the words fsffo by modifying Sutra IV. 17;
IX. 72, 1, by changing Shtra IV. 73 [see also Itv. Bh. I. 14, 12 ; 71, 1; 72, 10;
and Varietas Lectionis to I. 71, 1]; in I. 31, n, by changing Sutra IV. 75;
in I. 31, 11, by enlarging the same Sutra; in I. 62, 3, by adding to
IV. 84 ; VTJlftt I. 105, 6, by changing IV. 107; 100, 1, by changing IV. 116.
Thus he gains III. 29, 11, from IV. 147; I. 50, n, from IV. 148 ;
III. 34, 2, fi’om V. 23, etc.
In order to obtain ^ in the sense of tnsra, Rv. Bh. IX. 74, 4, SHLyana changes
Sittra IV. 101, into supposing that which is a conjec¬
tural reading, is right.
I had ventured to alter Sutra IV. 141, by changing to ^fx;, Rv. Bh. I.
18, 6; and afterwards '*f% also to I. 85, 3 ; I. 116, 12. I am glad to see
both emendations adopted by Dr. Aufrecht, though U^valadatta reads ^flr.
Strange mistakes have arisen from Siitra I A7. 207 (Bo. 209). Dr. Bohtlingk
separated the Sutra and placed part of it in the commentary. Yet he was
light in the main, and all that was necessary was to suppress one and
lead ^ 'W ^T. This was the reading I adopted where had
to be explained, I. 112, 24; I. 113, 20. Sayana does not always quote the Sutra
at full length, and often leaves out the *tt, where it is not wanted for his
unmediate purpose, as X. no, 8, compared with X. 132, 7. But whether it is
to explain or to:, there is always the proviso gz ^ yr. Strange to say,
Uyr/valadatta, at least the only MS. of U'/yvaladatta which I know, takes an
independent line and writes ^ TL The Sandhi here leaves no doubt that
33 is meant, though in the commentary the n in to: might be taken for an
Ih. Aufrecht adopts the reading of instead of and what has been the
result? A word Tom which nowhere occurs, has found its way, first as a

Some MSS. have ^PSf instead of . [See Varietas Lectionis to X. 120, 6.]

various reading into the Petersburg Dictionary, then as a real and independent
word into other Dictionaries, and while the Un&di-sfttras are made to lend
their authority to this sky-lotus, the old Vedic word disappears from their
list. Only one Dictionary, which is not infected by the ordinary sequacity
of Dictionary-makers, the V&&aspatya of T&r&n&tha, does not recognise the
word ’VR:, but refers to our S&tra as the warranty for 'STr:.
With regard to the text of the Nirukta, I shall confine my remarks to the
first six books of Y&ska's commentary, which Professor Roth, though not quite
correctly, calls the Naigamak&no?a. How much I appreciated the edition of
that work by Professor Roth, how much my own labour in restoring the
numerous quotations which S&yana gives from the Nirukta was simplified by
it, I have already declared on several occasions. Yet what applies to P&nirii
and the TJn&di-s&tras, applies also to the Nirukta. I could not trust myself
to quote from the edited text, I could not correct S&yana’s quotations, even
when they seemed less trustworthy than the printed text, and I had in each
case to satisfy myself from the evidence supplied by the three families of
S&yana’s MSS., whether he meant to quote the text, such as we now have it
in our edition of the Nirukta, or whether he did not.
I. 94, 7, S&yana quotes from the Nirukta III. 11. He writes RfjfTrat XX
and this seems better than in Roth’s edition,
I. 115, 4, S&yana in quoting Nir. IV. 11, writes RTRT instead of the read¬
ing of the MSS. adopted by the commentators and by Roth. I have little doubt
that is the right reading in the Nirukta1, but judging from what precedes
the quotation, I feel equally certain that S&yana wrote RTRt- Da also reads RTRt*
Quoting from Nirukta IY. 15, S&yana IX. 75, 5, writes instead of
which is the reading of the MSS. of the Nirukta, of the commentary,
and therefore rightly adopted by Professor Roth. however, is men¬
tioned by him as the reading of another recension of Y&ska (p. 108).
The same remark applies to Nir. IY. 25, where S&yana IX. 64, 30, reads
ypnHfrqtaiquqreit, instead of the simple RR*T»T which was used by Y&ska. In
quoting, however, from Nir. V. 2, S&yana VI. 70, 2, is right, I think, in writing

1 Devarftja, p. i8», says, W f^TwWw'fr- m»*t faWWt

1 yfapafforrcufa- wt w i tw RTRgrt f»t«u«(qfi
f%d ?nrrft!i qcmfn 1 RTRTTfw Rinrwrt fawrwrf Tfhftwwt

Then follows a more curious explana- Tftrf* it

tion; i*l*l ,JfTR I <1*11


WT instead of as printed in Roth’s edition. I am quite aware

that Durga reads but S&yana does not, and to judge from the meaning
of he is right.
In I. 54, 5, Sayana quotes Nir. V. 16, and it seems quite clear that he meant
to read qqpflfh TT TT. The MSS. admit of no doubt on that point, and
Sftyana himself refers once more to unifa, when he adds Wwtfa
Professor Roth, however, edits w# *T TT, and, as far as the
authority of the MSS. of the Nirukta is concerned, he is perfectly justified in
doing so. Durga also refers as distinctly to as S&yana to \prrfa, for he
says tr% |

There are numerous differences between the printed text of the Nirukta
and Sayana s quotations which in themselves are of small importance, but
which, nevertheless, required in every case very careful consideration. When
Sdyana I. 190, 1, quotes Nir. VI. 23, he puts '^rn^nsj for '*1$; when I. 39, 10,
he quotes the same passage again, he puts fa*ni for fajjfi; when X. 5, 6, he quotes
Nir. VI. 27, he puts qrjpffa for gnfa [A 2 reads TmfafTffa, which may stand for
T or *3*]; when I. 5 r, 14, he quotes Nir. VI. 31, he puts for qpifa-
spn^:, this being likewise the reading adopted by Durga.
Several deviations from the printed text of Yaska have been observed in
the passage Nir. VI. 32, quoted by Sayana III. 53, 14. Sayana reads T|xq^r ’Tt
instead of "ip^T TT- Here is decidedly the better reading, and if spelt
according to the old fashion it would easily account for the reading
which is now found in the MSS. of Y4ska. Durga explains fa farenfirfagpj-
[The MS. B also has ^T, which has been accepted in the
new edition. sfajfarT:, not ffa JfarT, as printed in Roth’s edition, means the same
as .]
S&yana reads instead of Here is no doubt the most likely
reading, but it was for that very reason that I did not like to reject tryui, a
purely etymological equivalent of ^jif, such as Y4ska not unfrequently gives in
his glosses.
What is the exact meaning of the next passage, ^niTr^T# ^ qfazjfa
I confess I do not see, nor do I wish to question the reading of Yaska's MS., sup¬
ported as it is by Durga’s commentary, and by the use of sftwfa in Nir. V. 16.
Yet with all this, I cannot doubt that S&yana wrote TfTii, and again Tpft, and
that he understood these words, as they are understood by Durga, viz. Tlffiqf-


I need hardly say much about the text of the AsvaMyana-sfitras. It

was not published till nearly the whole of my edition of the Rig-veda was
finished; and though I do not wish to say anything hard of its editor, R&ma-
n&r&yana Vidyaratna, particularly as he died before his work was finished; yet
it will easily be seen, that even in so simple a matter as the restoring of a
correct wording of the Yedic hymns, proper care has not been taken, and that
in quoting from this edition, no more weight could be assigned to it than
to a good MS. I cannot deny that the quotations from the Sfitras of AsvalA
yana have often been a great trouble to me. At first, where Sayana gives
some indication as to the book and chapter from which each rule is taken,
to find the exact passage was easy enough ; but in the progress of the work,
the finding of the references became sometimes a matter of great difficulty.
Take, for instance, the rules quoted in X. 131, 1. The first and second cases
were easy, because the verse ^ ttr: is actually given; but in the third
case, where the initial words of the hymn are not quoted, nothing but a know¬
ledge of the system followed by Asval&yana and a good deal of patience were
of any avail.
It is different with the Grihya-sfitras of Asval&yana, of which we now possess
a really critical edition by Professor Stenzler. In some places, where I thought
I should have to deviate from his text, I always found in the end that he was
right. Thus in quoting from the Grihya-sfitras I. 7, 17, I thought at first that
Sayana gave the right reading, by adding but there is no
authority for it in any of the MSS., and I cannot but think that, for once,
Sayana must have referred to another Grihya-sutra. [He refers, Rv. Bh. X. 85,
24, to Asv. *SYaut. I. 11.]
Again, when Sayana X. 103, quotes from Asvalayana III. 12, 13, the Sutra
f:, I was surprised to find in Professor Stenzler’s edition
dTUrif:. I see, however, from a note to his translation,
that the mistake had not escaped the careful editor, and that he himself proposes
to read . But if that is so, then why is the translation retained,
‘ while he recites the hymn of Apratiratha, the hymn “ A killer,” and the
Sauparna hymn?’ whereas the correct text can only be translated, ‘while he
recites the hymns of Apratiratha, Rv. X. 103; of Sasa, Rv. X. 152; and of
Suparna.’ That this is the right translation becomes quite clear by the next
Sutra, where it is said that the hymn of Suparna, which is here intended,
is that which begins u a remark which, as the< commentator adds,
was necessary, because Suparna is the author of several hymns.

So much for the method which I followed in the treatment of published

texts, when quoted by SAyana. There are other works, however, which SAyana
quotes, and which have hitherto not been published; and these again are divided
into two classes, works of which I-possessed MSS., and works of which no MSS.
exist, or at least of which none could be obtained in Europe.
When Sayana quotes from works of which I possessed other MSS., I had
in every case to determine first, whether Sayana quoted freely, without binding
himself to the exact words of the author j secondly, whether he followed a
different recension of the author; or, lastly, whether the difference between his
quotations and the originals from which they were taken, was due to the care¬
lessness of the copyists.
To take a case of the first class. Having not only the text of the SarvAnu-
krama in different MSS., but likewise an excellent commentary by Shadguru-
sishya, and another by 6'agannatha, I had no difficulty in determining the
original reading of that ancient Index, but I was by no means enabled thereby
to correct all the quotations occurring in Sayana. For instance, Rv. IV. 3, some
of the MSS. of the Sarvanukrama have 'sjpsrr ; in others, these words are
inserted at least in the margin. The commentator Shac/gurusishya distinctly
calls the first verse but in doing so he contradicts himself, and forgets that
he is explaining, not the Yar/ur-veda, but the hymns of the BahvWAas'. In the
Yayur-veda (see Taittiriya Samhita I. 3, 14, 1; Taittiriya BrAhmana II. 8, 6, 9), the
devatA may be Agni, qualified as Rudra; but if the Bahvn'Aas recognise as
the devatA of our verse Agni, ywr et simple, then the first verse of our hymn
cannot be called and it would be wrong to alter the introductory remarks
which SAyana makes to our hymn. I am not able therefore to adopt Professor
Aufrecht’s correction, who assigns the first verse to Rudra. [In the second
edition, Aufrecht gives Agni alone as the devatA.]
In assigning the deities to the first hymn of the fourth Manc/ala, Professor
Aufrecht and m3 self are both wrong. I had put Agni A, 2-4 Agni A or Varu/mA ;
Professor Aufrecht puts Agni (1. 6-20), Agni and Varuna (2-5). The text,
however, gives ^T, and that means that verses 2-5 are either
addressed to Agni, or to Agni and Varuna. Shac/gurusishya says,
Tf^T II A similar mistake, arising

1 ft m: 1 gtg ng 1
fiwncwr i wn* g fsni wrofr ufirnTf^T i %ut
1 ^ *n*urr: smimfrr 11

from the neglect of the v<4, occurs V. 31. Here I had given the deities for
verse 8, as 8ud- IndraA or KutsaA and Usan&A, 9 IndraA and KutsaA; Professor
Aufrecht as Indra, Kutsa or Usanas (8cd), Indra and Kutsa (9). [Altered by
Aufrecht in the new edition.] The Anukramanl says, qfawtaT'reft 3T
and Sayana explains this rule by WTOi # f ^nsjRrfri
far^^ ^TfT, i.e. for Pada the do vat a is either Indra or
Kutsa; for Pada * ? ^i, Indra or Usanas. Shae/gurusishya says, <3TOWm*?-

Again, the v4 has not been properly explained in VI. 28, 2 and 8d. J had
put GauA or IndraA, Professor Aufrecht puts GavaA and Indra. [Corrected by
Aufrecht in the new edition to Gava/i. or Indra.] That I was right is shown by
Havana's remarks, and likewise by Shadgurusishya, who says, W *tT.
In IX. 67, a proper attention to the use of va will show that verses 25 and
26 do not belong to AgniA and Savita, or 27 to AgniA and the Yisve DevaA, as
Professor Aufrecht stated, but that verses 23-27 are either all assigned to AgniA,
or 25 to AgniA or Savita, 26 to AgniA or AgniA and Savita, 27 to AgniA or the
Vi*'ve Dev&A. [Corrected in Aufrecht’s second edition.]
There is another divergence between the Anukramam and Sayana in VI. 48,
22. The Anukramam says, m^sfriaTT 3nTF»pfr4T which shows that its
author assigned three (20, 21, 22), not two (20, 21), verses at the end of the
hymn to the Marutas, while the last verse would be assigned either to the
Marutas or to Dyavabhumi or to PmniA. The style of the Anukramam is
here peculiar, and possibly the two va’s may have been intended to show that
in the first Pada the Dy&vabhftnu are optional; in the second Pada, PmniA.
However that may be, it is quite clear that Sayana takes an independent
view, for he says at the end, *m?TT I ?Tf<m-
35’! I ^Tfu TT; i.e. because it has been said that the
whole hymn is addressed to PmniA, therefore the 20th and 21st verses belong
to her, and the 21st to her or Dyavabhumi. The writer of one of the MSS. of
Shac/guru.sishya’s commentary has evidently been struck by this divergence,
for he first of all puts a marginal note to ’935^ viz.
?fffm»rr§r trre: I, thus admitting a various reading of Sayana’s for the Anukra-
ma/ti, and then continues, quoting the very words of Sayana, gf?PgTB-
*rrm TO TOPfo 11 The state of the case therefore
is this: we may either follow the Anukramani, and in that case 20-22 are
assigned to the Marutas or to Dy&v&bhftmi or to PmniA (in succession); or
we may follow S&ya?ia, and in that case 20 and 21 belong to Pn’sniA, while 22

belongs to Trisnih or DyAvAbhflmi. [See, however, Varietas Lectionis to Rv.

Bh. VI. 48, and Anukramanl, ed. Macdonell, p. 23.]
In VII. 104, 23, the Anukramanl says, mr
The commentator explains this, *rr Wt TTff
giu'sH ^rapft ^flrewnfI:irr^iT 1 vuv gMt m: This,
at least, is the reading of MS. W. 379. But MS. E. I. H. 1823 reads in the
text of the Anukramam 'Tfr^U'W: , and in the com¬
mentary '3fT<3 *jfxT4t Dyau/t, however, is
not invoked in this verse, and cannot therefore be its devatA, nor does SAyana
support that view. The mistake must have arisen from the occurrence of the
word divyat, but this is not sufficient to admit DyauA as tlie real devatA
of that verse, as, I see, Professor Aufrecht has done. [Corrected in Aufrecht’s
second edition.]

It is, however, not always so easy to determine whether SAyana is rigltt,

or Shadgurusishya, or the author of the Anukramam. In X. 59, for instance,
the question arises, whether the first PAda of verse 10 should be assigned to
DyAvaprithivyau or IndraA, or to DyAvApnthivyau and Indra/n SAyana takes
the latter view, for he reads the end of the Anukramani as and
in his commentary assigns that Ardhar£a to IndraA, after having first assigned
8-10 to DyAvAp/v’tbivyau. But the MS. of Shar/guru.s'ishya (E. I.II. 1823) reads
once at least TT instead of while MS. W. 379 had originally ^ in both places
where it occurs, but altered it twice to ^j. In cases of this kind I generally
follow SAyana, while I see that Professor Aufrecht reads ^t, and therefore
translates rightly DyAvApnthivyau or IndraA.
In X. 167, SAyana takes no account of the vA in his introductory remarks,
but he fully explains it afterwards, by saying jpffaT %fW I
g BtMIflJTrar TTSI^^n^:. I have, therefore, left the devatA of the
last verse optional, while Professor Aufrecht assigns it definitely to the
T AngoktadevatAA.
No doubt, this conflict of evidence between the text of SAyana and the text
of the works quoted by him is frequently very perplexing, yet it is better than
when we have to deal with SAyana’s quotations from works of which we have
no MSS. at all. Here it became frequently impossible to restore a readable
text, and all that could be done was to apply most strictly the rules of
diplomatic criticism. SAyana’s quotations from the NA/yAyanaka have become
almost proverbial among Sanskrit scholars, and those who wish to know the
straits to which I was sometimes driven by them, may consult the Preface to

the fifth volume. It is curious that of this iStUyayanaka which Sayana quotes
so frequently, no MSS. should have been obtainable. Another Brahmana
quoted by Stlya?ia of which I had no complete MS. is the Kausliitaki Br&hmana
VI. 46, 3; while others, such as the Aitareya (asmad-brahmana I. 164, 31),
Taittiriya, T&ncZya, and Satapatha Br&hmana, though not accessible at first,
have all been published during the last twenty-five years.
Of his own woi'ks Sayana quotes the Dhatuvntti, I. 42, 7; I. 51, 8 (asm4-
bhir dhatu vritttlv uktam) [see also I. 82, 1], and the Nyayam&lavistara.
The latter work is quoted frequently in the Preface, as Sangraha&lokas (pp. 6,
10, 11, etc.). The commentator speaks of it in the third person, pp. 11, 12;
and in one passage, X. 125, 2, he speaks of its author as Bhagavan Bhashya-
kara, a title which he could hardly have applied to himself. When speaking
of himself, he uses the name SayauaMrya, S’risayana/airya, Sayanarya, Saya/uV
matya, Srimatsayanamantr Isa/t (IV. 58); once he calls himself the son of
(Sfimati, VIII. 46, init.; once the son of S’ri may ana, VIII. 68, init., and the
pupil of Vidyathtliaguru1 2 (IV. 58). In one place, of which I had to speak
already, the commentary is ascribed to Sangama, IX. 13, init. [See Varietas
Lectionis.] Another curious passage in which Sayana adopts an explanation
different from that of Madhavabha^a, has been discussed by me in the Academy *.

1 The predecessor of \ idyftranya at .S’ringeri is, as veda, edited by A. C. Burnell. Mangalore, 1873) Mr.
the author of the J’aiiiadasi, called Bharat!tirtha- Burnell has tried to solvo a problem which has puzzled
vidyaranya-munisvara. A picture of him is given in Sanskrit seholais for many years, viz. the mutual rela-
tho edition of the Atlluk.iranamiUS, a work which is tions of the three commentators 011 the Iiig-veda,
called Srimad-hharatitirtha-munipranitS, though the Vidyaranya, Madhava, and Suyana. I had myself,
author in tho introduction expresses his reverence for twenty years ago, corresponded with some of the
the l’aramatma siividyatiitliarflpi. Both these woiks Pandits at Benares on the subject; hut though, after
are also ascribed to M.tdhava. what they wrote, I was satisfied that Vidyaranya was
2 I subjoin two letters on tho subject from tho only another name for Madhava, I never could under-
Acadetny, without entering hero more fully into the stand tho connection between Madhava and Sayana,
disputed question whether Sayana is hut another name and therefore abstained from expressing any opinion
of Madhava Vidyaranya, or whether Sayana was the on the subject. Now Mr. Burnoll has solved the
brother of Madhava ViilySranya. Without denying problem, or at all events proposed a solution which
the weight of Mr. Burnell's aiguments, I still hold to would remove many difficulties. Ho maintains that
the opinion that Sayana was the brother of Madhava, not only Madhava and Vidyaranya, but Madhava and
the latter living retired from the world, the former Sayana, too, are all one and the same poison, that
beiug his literary representative. But as moro evi- Sayana was tho ordinary, Madhava the more sacred
deuce on this question is expected from India, it would name of the Guru of S'ringeri, and that the peculiar
he premature to say anything definite at present. nomenclature which allowed Sftyana to speak of him¬
self as the younger brother ofMadhava, though being
Parks End, Oxford, Jan. 26, 1874. one and the same person, has to be explained by a
In the edition of the Vamsabrfihmana (The Vamsa- reference to Vedanta theories,
brahmana, being the eighth BrShmana of the Sama- I confess that this explanation would remove many

It appears likewise from Sayana’s preface, that before he attempted the expla-

difficulties, yet it does not remove all. What shall we there is little hope of recovering it, yet when the exact
say when SSyana, after having given his own intoipre- extent of the work is given, we can hardly doubt that
tation of a Vedic verse, quotes a different one of it onco existed. (See my Introduction to the Science
MSdhavabhaHa ? In the hymn X. 86 there is con¬ of Eeligion, p. 109.)
siderable uncertainty as to the persons to whom each
verse is to be assigned. The first verso is explained Parks End, Oxford, April 6, 1874.
by Suyana as being spoken by India. But after having In answer to my letter of January 26, printed in
done so, he adds, MddhavabhaHfls tu vi hi sotor itye- the Academy of January 31, Mr. Burnoll writes to me
sharg indrSnyS vfikyam iti manyante ; tasmin pakshe from Mangalore, March 10, telling me that he has been
tv asyA riko*yam arthaA, ‘Idle MadhavabhaHSs think unable, as yet, to visit the College of .S'ringAri, of which
that this verse is the speech of Indiani, and according SSyana, the author of the great commentary on the
to this view the meaning of tho verse would be as Eig-veda, was once the Warden, and where the tradi¬
follows, etc.’—Who can this (or these) MSdhava- tion of his teaching is still kept up.
bhaMa’s be? ‘ I hoped,’ he says, ‘ to he able to show you how
In his commentary on the Baudhayana-sfltras, Sdyana highly I valued your kindness, by getting some more
calls himself SayanaASryupndabhishiktu, and Srisifiga- information from Sringeri, hut in this I have unfortu¬
nSAAiyasutagragiwyaA, i. e. the best of the sons of the nately not succeeded, owing to the prolonged absence
A/tarya of Sifigana, while in the Yaynatantrasudha- of tho Gum on a begging tour.
nidhi, when he is no longer the family Guru of Bukka, The passage you quote about MSdhava BhaEa is
hut of Harihara, the son (tanftya) of Bukka, ho calls very interesting. I have no doubt (as Bhatta is used)
himself tho son of Mftyana, and speaks of MSdhava as that this man was perhaps the rival of SSyanna, for in
his real brother, sayiug, Upendrasyeva yasyasid indraA South India this title is by no means complimentary.
sumanasuApriyaA, mahSkratdnam Sharta MadhavSryaA I hope to find some traces of him, hut must wiite to
sahodaraA, ‘ He whose brother was MadhavSrya, the you again on the subject. MSdhava is so common it
offerer of great sacrifices, beloved by the gods, an name in .South India that it is impossible to suppose
Indra, as it wero, to an Upendra (i.e. to myself).’ I any Vedantist allegory in this case; nor, if SSyanna
',0 not mean to say that even those passages would had a real brother eallod MSdhava, would he have
resist a Vodfintist explanation, but I should like to spoken of him in this way.
know how, according to the Vedantists of Sringeri, it Gayatirthabhikshu’s gloss is not uncommon; the
is to be applied. The question is one of great import¬ author was a monk of Anandatirtha’s (i. e. Madhva’s)
ance, and Mr. Burnell, living so near the monastery sect, and lived 8. 1190-1234. He was the fifth in
of which Sayana was the head, is probably the only succession to MadhvSASrya or Anandatirtba, There
porsoh who could clear up our doubts. are six MSS. of the whole (?) or parts at Tanjore,
I here is little more to he said about Mr. Burnell’s but I did not mention it, as it seemed to me purely
valuable Introduction. As Mr. Burnell is engagod in sectarian.
searching for MSS. of t nnmentaries on the Eig-veda, It is very uncertain how much of the Eig-veda
anterior to SSyana’s, I may mention that, besides Anandatirtha commented on. I have only seen a
those which I referred to in my History of Ancient small tract containing the beginning, and it is always
Sanskrit Literature, and in the Prefaces to my edition spoken of by the Brahmans of that sect as a small
°f Sttyana, I possess a considerable portion of Gaya- work. One, however, at Coujevcram, some six years
tirthahhikshu’s gloss on Anandatirtha’s Rig-bhAshya, ago, told me that he had seen a MS. which wae as big
a>id AtmAnanda’s commentary on the VSmiya-sflkta. as two volumes of your edition of SSyanna, hut I doubt
[See Academy, June g and 12, 1880.] I should also this much, as he never could produco it.
like to call Mr. Burnell’s attention to a statement ‘ For tho same reason I doubt the report of the
made in 1846 by the Pandits of Benares, that MA- Benares Brahmans to Dr, Muir about an Atharva-
Ihava wrote a commentary on the Atharva-veda-sam- veda commentary. I have so often had tales told me
WtS, and that it consisted of 80,000 lines. Although quite as precise which I have ascertained afterwards
VOL. IV. r

nation of the Rig-veda, he had explained the Taittiriya Sa?nhitd, the Taittiriya
Br&hmawa, and the Taittiriya Aranyaka *.
S&yana refers but seldom to former commentators on the Rig-veda. Those
whom he does mention do no longer exist, or, at all events, no MSS. of
them have ever yet reached Europe. It is more than doubtful, even, whether
any of them were real commentaries on the Rig-veda. S4yana mentions
Bha((a-Bh&skara Mkra. In I. 63, 4, he quotes him for his explanation of
; in I. 71, 4, he refers to his etymology of Spq: by means of an aun&dika
suffix; in I. 84, 15, he gives his explanation of Tpjfan; and in VII. 1, 7, he
appeals to him for the meaning of tsnrfw. These quotations2, however, need not
refer to a commentary on the Rig-veda. It is different with the quotation
which occurs in VI. 1, 13. Here he contrasts BhaMa-BhCiskara Mkra and
Bharatasv&min, both explaining the word vasutd, the latter as having the
termination of the locative, the former as one word, used in the vocative case.
Still even this does not prove that Bhatta-BMskara Mkra wrote a commentary
on the Rig-veda. There is a commentary by Bha«a Kausika Bhaskara Mkra:i
on the Taittiriyaka still in existence, and S4yana, who used it largely in his
commentaries on the Taittiriyaka, may likewise have quoted from it here.
Devara//a, who mentions Bhaskara Mkra, ascribes to him a VedabhAshya,
without, however, restricting it to any Veda in particular.
Bharatasvamin is known as the author of a commentary on the Purvakika
of the S&ma-veda \ written, it is supposed, at the end of the thirteenth or the
beginning of the fourteenth century. He also is quoted by Devaraqa, but again
only as the author of aVedabhashya in general, so that he, too, need not be
considered as having written a commentary on the Rig-veda.

to be untrue, that I am very little inclined to believe like MSdhavabhata, that one can hardly suppose they
mere assertions. were, at the time, not complimentary. The great
‘ The best Pandits all accept my view of the Mftdhava Bhatta, Kumhrila, is perhaps more correctly called
Sflyanna question. There are no Pandits, I hear, at Bhata KumSrilasvdmin, but in Anantabhata, Arya¬
.Sring6ri, and very few Brahmans there who know any bhata, and other names, bhata always stands at tho
Sanskrit at all. end. In the Bdhtlingk and Both Dictionary Bhata
‘ When the Guru returns I shall visit the place, and is mentioned as commonly meant for great scholars,
do my best to get you a transcript of some of the Big- and as distinct from bhata, a mixed caste, chiefly
veda commentary there, at all events.’ occupied with composing panegyrics.
I have only one remark to make. When Sflyana 1 See Burnell, Vamsabrahmana, Prefaoe, p. xviii.
speaks of Mfldhava, he calls him generally Mfldhava, 2 See also note to I. 189, a.
Mftdhavflrya or MSdhavftkSrya, not MMhavabhaMa. 3 Burnell, 1. c. p. xxvii, and Catalogue of Sanskrit
But if Bhafta or Bhattfls (plural) is now in South MSS. p. u.
India a title by no means complimentary, was it so at * Burnell, 1. c. p. xxviii.
the time of S&yana ? There are so many names formed

Another commentator mentioned by S&yarJa is Skandasvamin. In I. 88, 5,

S&yana quotes his etymology of var/thu ; in V. 12, 3, his view of the origin of
navedas. Neither passage would enable us to assert that SkandasvAmin wrote
a commentary on the Rig-veda, particularly as both these words would most
likely be treated by him in his Niruktadkil. To judge from other passages,
however, it is not impossible that the Vedabhashya, assigned to him by
Devarftya, may have been a commentary to the Rig-veda1.
Udgitha, too, who is quoted by SAyawa X. 46, 5, is most likely the author
of a commentary, and spoken of as such by Atmananda2.
There is, lastly, a work by Kapardin, quoted I. 60, 1. Kapardisvamin is
chiefly known by his commentary on the Apastamba-stitras3, and though it is
not certain that this is the book referred to by S&yana *, yet we see from other
passages that S&yana, living in the South of India, where ‘even the house-
cats know the Ya^ur-veda5,’ was most familiar with the ceremonial of the
Taittiriya-schools. Thus when in I. 97, init. he quotes Bh&radv&r/a, we can
hardly doubt that he refers to the Nrauta-sAtras of Bh&radvtV/a, belonging to
the Taittiriyas 1 He quotes Apastamba’s Sutras, IV. 9, 5 ; IV. 58, 3 ; V. 56, 9’;
the Haridr&vika, a Brahmawa belonging to the Maitr&yanlyas8, V. 40, 8. We
saw already that he quotes the Taittiriya-pr&ti.s&khya, and in X. 50, 5, he
clearly refers to the Pada-text of the Taittiriyas, and to Yaska’s Nighanfu III. 12.
The passage given in MS. C (III. 20, 3) has already been discussed.
Instead of quoting his predecessors by name, S&yana more frequently refers
to them in a general way. Thus I. 161, 6, he quotes without saying who
they are, and expresses his dissent from them3. In III. 20, 3, one MS. at least
quotes tjf The remark is intended for the various reading VT*T in the
I aittiriya SawdiitA III. 1, 11,6, instead of *TPR as in the Rig-veda. The reference
to the might be to Apastamba, whose commentary by Kapardin was
mentioned before. Sometimes Sayana introduces various opinions by ,
, etc. For instance, VI. 42, 2 ; VII. 87, 4 ; VII. 57, 3. Sayana
also quotes In III. 55, 12, he cites their authority in support of

See History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature, p. 240, 5 Burnell, VamsabiUhmana, p. viii.

note 1. 6 History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature, p. 199.
See History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature, p. 240, 7 [See also the long quotation from Apast.-Grihy. 9,
note 1. 5-8, giving the Viniyoga for ltv. X. 143.]
History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature, p. 380, 8 History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature, p. 370.
note : Burnell, Catalogue, p. 21. 9 Sometimes corrections mado by the copyists on
[He refers to Kapardin’s commentary on the Apa- the margin are introduced by vastutas tu, ' but in
stambiya-Grihya-stitra 12, 24.] reality.’ Some of these find their way into the text.

the meaning of ; in VI. 9> 2, he quotes two of their slokas in answer to

the questions asked in the hymn, and contrasts then.- view with that of the
Atmavida/i. In I. 88, i, we find him, though at second hand, appealing to the
VrtRdhAnusAsanam', in opposition to the Pauranikas (see also V. 52, 17); and
in VIII. 33, 6, he says ^fw. In the same manner he appeals
frequently to the Nairuktas and AitihAsikas, I.64, 8 ; to the /SAbdikas, IV. 58, 3;
and to others, Apare.
There are still a few books quoted by Sayana, which may here be mentioned.
He quotes the Mahabhashya by name, VI. 66, 9, but not for the purpose of
grammatical analysis. For that he quotes PAnini and the VArttikas.
It is interesting to see that, once at least, SAyana quotes the KAsika,
X. 115, 7. There is a verse mentioned in the /S'abdakaustubha and the
ManoramA, stating that MAdhava re-established the reputation of VAmana,
the author of the KAsikA, a reputation which for a time had been eclipsed by
Vopadeva. 1 i *SV<t Hti «i*i <Rrr*4%*f 11 t,fa
iRifa^d-h 1 ^h1 u;-

1 This means the teaching of the old people, for expressed in it (eeil.bhftsha),” (alter Gebrauch des das
I* is only used of persons, not of things. I mention Auszudriickendo Ansdriickendeu in den in ihr (niim-
this, because in the Zeitschrift dor Deutsohen Mor- lichin der bh8.sha)ausgedruekt werdenden); or simply,
genlandischen Gesellsehaft, vol. vii. p. 599, I find the “The common language is that in which, for that
following ‘Correction' (Beriohtigung) addressed to me which one wishes to say, such words only are used
by Professor Weber: ‘ I have seen with great interest as by traditional practice are fixed as expressions fur
the beautiful communication of our M. Muller with the objects which they are to signify” (die gewbhu-
reference to an edition of the Mah&bhdshya, prepared liche Sprache ist diejenige, in wolcher fur das, was
at Calcutta.It is all the more painful to meet in man sagcn will, nur solche Worter gebraucht werden,
this communication with a passage, which, being mis¬ welcho durch hergebrachte Praxis als Ausdriicke fur
understood, as it seems to me, by our friend, might die Gegenstande, wolche sie bezeichneu sollen, fixirt
serve to lower our opinion of the value of the gram¬ sind).’ If Professor Weber will consult the Mnh&-
matical speculations of the Hindus. On p. 168 we bhkshya, and the translation of this passage by Bal-
read, “The language of society (bhash4) is explained lantyne, he will see that I was right, and his correction
by Nagesa as that which is used in the transactions wrong. It was known, surely, even in 1853,
of grown-up people, receiving or giving orders.” The vriddhavyavahftra cannot mean old custom (alter Ge¬

Sanskrit text is I
brauch), but only the usage, tho conversation, the

THi « In this passage, how¬

practice of old, and therefore authoritative people.
See the article on Indian Law-books by Professor
ever, prayuj means to use, then to name. Therefore
Steuzler, published in the Indische Studien, 1849,
we ought to translate literally, “ Bhkshtt is old custom
where the titles Vr»'ddha-Y%itavalkya etc. are dis¬
of him who uses what is to be used in those which are
cussed. In the Petersburg Dictionary this is ren¬
there used” (bhiUhS ist alter Gebrauch des das zu
Gebrauchende Brauchenden in den darin gebraucht
dered by Yftysavalkya senior.’

werdenden); or more clearly, “Old custom of him who 2 See BtUasfistri’s Preface to the K&jikk, Pandit,
expresses what is to be expressed in those which are vol. viii. no. 94.

It is of importance, therefore, to observe that SAyawa, though never quoting

Vopadeva, does quote the KAsikA, and likewise two of the most famous com¬
mentaries on the KAsikA. I see no reason to doubt that Haradatta, whom
SAya/ta quotes, is the author of the Padamawyari. He is quoted in a passage
I. i, 5, which, it is true, rests on the authority of Cl only, and is absent in
A 1. 2, B 1. 2, also in Ca, and which by itself would carry little weight. But
it is known from Westergaard’s Preface to his Radices Sanscritae, 1841 (p. iii.
1. 18), that the author of the DhAtuvritti, whether SAyaaa or MAdhava, quotes
Haradatta Misra, the author of the Padamawyari, which is an exposition of
the KAsikA Vn'tti. And I am still further confirmed in my opinion that the
Haradatta, quoted by SAyawa, is the expositor of the KAsikA, by the fact that
he is again quoted by SAyawa (I. 82, 1) in company with the NyAsakAra, i. e.
(tinendra, the author of the NyAsa, or KA.sikA-vritti-pawyika, another exposition
of the KAsikA Vn'tti1. If Vopadeva, who lived in the twelfth century, is the
author also of the commentary, the KAvyakAmadbenu2 3, the fact that he quotes
both the KAsikA and the NyAsa, would place G'inendra at least before the
twelfth century ; while with regard to Haradatta, the author of the other
commentary on the KA.sikA, we may at all events place him before SAyana,
i. e. before 1350.
There is one very startling quotation in SAyana’s commentary I. 62, 3:i.
In explaining the formation of gflrsnf he says wnt®fT7^rTsf UHWq
fkvjwrei. That passage occurs in all the three families, and yet the quo¬
tation is in intention identical with what we read in Devaraya’s commentary
on the Nighaw<uka (MS. E. I. H. 1134, p. 7011): <i *j: 1
It is well known, however, that DevarAya in the preface to his
commentary quotes MAdhava, and quotes not only other works of his, such
as the NAmAnukramani, the AkhyAtanukramani4, the NipAtAnukramam, the
Nirva/mnAnukramam5, but also his VedabhAshya. He calls MAdhava, the son
of /Srl-VehkaiAAArya, or in the MS. E. I. H. 1134, of Sri-Venf aka/carya, and it
is just possible he may distinguish this MAdhava from MAdhavadeva, as he
calls him afterwards. What the Anukramanis are we do not know; to judge
from quotations in the body of the book (p. 5ft), the Nirva/ianAnukramam

1 Colebrooke, Sanskrit Grammar, p. ix. cult to distinguish, we expect akhyllta, verb, by ths
Westergaard, 1. c. p. v ; Aufrecht, Catalogue, side of nkma, noun, and nipftta, paiticle.
P-176. 6 On the Anukramanis, see History of Ancient
3 [See also Varietas Lectionis on Rv. Bh. I. 30, 1.] Sanskrit Literature, p. 216. With legard to an Anu-
I write dkhy&ta, for although t and n are diffi- kramani in slokas, see Rv. Bh. I. ico, 1; X, f t, 7.

seems to have been a kind of Nirukta. Certain it is, that they have never
been met with among the works ascribed to Madhava or S4yana of Vidy&nagara.
If this distinction, however, between two Madhavas should seem inadmissible,
nothing would remain but to admit, that Devanu/a knew the commentary of
Madhava, but not in that form in which it was edited by Sayana. We might
quote some passages in support of this view. On p. 6, DevanV/a quotes Ma¬
dhava as giving an etymology of Pilshan, while explaining Rv. I. 23, 13. That
explanation, however, does not occur there. Again, DevanV/a quotes MMhava’s
comment on Rv.VII. 87, 4, but the words do not agree. The case is different,
however, in other passages. Thus on p. 2oa, where DevarcU/a quotes MMhava’s
interpretation of W1 in Rv. X. 68, 8, he says, ’?r?rrfuw? I
; and in Sayana we read, ’srertWlT With
regard to Devany/a says, WSTt I
aan fa® 1 Tnfr 1
»rrarr fqgqqiTfriift *rr strnrtm *fa %f?r 1 ffareffarcr: 1 »ravr 1 irapfr
^iTOT: I suavffcret I «rrz: l ll This would supply the
lacuna in S&yanaVIII. 66, 10.
With regard to metrical matters, Sayana follows the excellent treatise at
the beginning of the Sarvftnukrama. He once or twice, however, refers to
other works. Thus X. 130, 5, he quotes the A7i,andovi/dti, i. e. the Shtras of
Pingala, with reference to the deities with which certain metres are supposed
to be specially connected, the extract being taken from III. 63; and in I. 169, 1,
he quotes Pihgalanaga by name, quoting his Sutra, fayraft f^:, III. 5 ’•
Sayana quotes from both Mimamsas, and most largely from the Pfirva-
mimannsa in his introduction, and elsewhere. Here, too, the text gives rise to
critical difficulties, m. was it always easy to find the Siitra to which Sayana
referred- To qu ite but one passage. In X. 129, 7> none of Sayana’s MSS.
except *CB give:; the correct text of the Paramarsha Stitra I. 4, 23 ; yet after
finding the original, I could have no hesitation in giving the words such as
they stand in the Vedanta Shtras.
Apart from these passages, however, in which the authority of the MSS.
of Sayana is more or less checked by the independent authority of the texts
quoted by S&yana, I have throughout followed those principles of criticism
which I had laid down for myself from the first. I did not undertake with

1 The readings fjrWrWt and fa% ^?T i^PIT are confirmed by MS. *Sf; see Pandita Yisvanfitha
Mstri’s edition, p. 37, note. See also Big-veda-prStisakhya 957; IndiBehe Studien, VIII. 257-259.
2 Cf. Rig-veda-bh&shya I. 115, 1.

the MSS. at my disposal to restore in every case the original wording of Say ax a;
I only promised to give in every doubtful passage that reading which seemed
to me presupposed by the various readings of the three families. This is
what I should have done, if it had fallen to my lot to carry out the editio
princeps of a Greek or Latin author, and what would have satisfied the claims
of classical criticism. I do not deny that I was somewhat disturbed, when I
was informed, on what seemed to be good authority, that a MS. of S Ay ax a
had been discovered in India, far more ancient than any which I possessed,
nay, almost contemporaneous with Sayana. I naturally waited for a time
with my edition, hoping to receive more exact information, but in that respect
my hopes were disappointed. It is not impossible, of course, that such a MS.
may still come to light, but, as far as I am concerned, I should hardly regret
it. I feel certain that the critical method which I have followed, will stand
even that severest of all tests; and though I may not in every case have
restored the original wording of Sayana, I believe it will appear, that I have
given that text from which the three streams of our MSS. started1. I have
myself pointed out again and again, that accidents have happened to the
text of Sayana before it reached that stratum, if I may say so, which contains
the three sources of our MSS. Whole sentences have been lost, which must
have existed in Sayana’s original work; nay, the very fact that they were
lost, has sometimes been marked in our MSS. In X. 123, 2, for instance, a
lacuna is actually mentioned in the MSS. belonging to the A class
Wllfa); in the B class there are dots to mark the accident; while in the
0 class only, the commentary goes on as if nothing had happened.
Wishing to know whether the present Guru of .SVingeri, the successor of
Madhava, /Sri Nnsimha Bharat 1, was in possession of materials to supply such
lacunas, I asked Mr. Burnell to use his influence with the head of the wealthy
College of /Sringdri, in order to obtain an answer to some of my questions.
I cannot thank Mr. Burnell sufficiently for his great kindness in assisting me
in my inquiries; and the result, though far from satisfactory, will certainly
be interesting, and, I hope, encourage other efforts. Writing from Mangalore
on the 29th of December, 1873, Mr. Burnell says:
‘ I have lately sent to /SVingeri, and the passage on the opposite page is
said to be the commentary on one of the test passages you sent me. It
appears almost impossible to get information; the Guru is on a pilgrimage,

[All the caseB in which my conjectural readings have been confirmed by later MSS. are mentioned
m the Varietae Lectionis.]

and everybody there is too rich to care for money, nor is there any way to
influence these people.NringSri is at present very unhealthy, and every
person from the low country who visits it, gets a bad form of malarious fever.
I must, however, try to visit the place, and I am going to send again.’
The verse of which I had asked to have the commentary, was X. 27, 9.
The commentary is left out in all my MSS., and in B there is even a note
trftnfrjt wn5:1.
The authorities at S'ringeri supplied the following commentary: tjfitffl
tgngr 1 <^<1 ’to sr*rr»ri
ar»rpif wwrfr ,3^% fwlW
«rrer7fr *£m src.^rwnnt wrttw *ftwsrf*PSFr<i 1 1 Wr ,*rfu
fgrarc 1 1 ^vrf*r 1 gwiara: 11
This may, of course, be the original of Sayana, but we must not be too rash
in our conclusions. The comment, as given above, was not copied from a MS.,
but dictated by the agent of the SYingeri-ma^a, Subrahmanya Somay%igal.
Supposing the same lacuna to exist in the old MSS. at »SVingeri, nothing would
be easier than to supply a comment, like the one given above. Nor would
there be the least mala fides in the matter. A scholar at Sringeri, being told
that an explanation of Rv. X. 27, 9, was wanted, and finding the lacuna in his
own MS., would at once supply the required article. Or, suppose the MS.
at Siangan had been used for educational purposes, then again the teacher,
on discovering the omission, might long ago have supplied it on the margin,
and the marginal gloss might long ago have been incorporated in the body
of a new MS. I do not wish to be over-sceptical, but I am as yet far from
satisfied that Sringeri possesses MSS. of S&yana, independent of the three
families known to us. It may be, or it may not be, but till I hear more from
Mr. Burnell, I should wish to remain entirely neutral on that point. Mr. Burnell
says, ‘ I am going to try again, and you may rest assured that whatever infor¬
mation I get, I shall at once communicate to you.’ The last I heard on March
10, 1874, is that ‘the Guru is still absent on a begging tour. When the Guru
returns,’ Mr. Burnell writes, ‘I shall visit this place, and do my best to get you
a transcript of some of the Rig-veda commentary there, at all events.’
By dwelling so much on the difficulties in preparing a critical edition of
Sayana, I do not wish to produce the impression that the text was corrupt
from beginning to end. It is with S&yana as with other Sanskrit authors :
there are long passages which, if we are once familiar with the style of S&yana,

present no difficulties whatever; passages where I knew beforehand almost every

word that was coming, and where no regard for the authority of the MSS. would
have kept me from restoring the text, such as I knew it ought to he, and
such as Sayana could alone have'writ ten it. Any one accustomed to Sanskrit
MSS. knows the accidents that may happen in copying. Instead of ^ we find
■jj* ; instead of ; instead of ’Sfu ; 3 instead of s; TT instead of ;
instead of ^r. Owing to the more ancient system of writing the diphthongs,
rTTUT appears for rptff, <!T% for mft for <rfr, JfTt for iff. Again, there are
many passages where was intended, but wtsprfw written ; where the
Sutra to he quoted from Pa/tini could only be ’SRpgUfq lmt where all the
MSS. write There are hundreds of accidents of that kind which, in so
large a work as Sayawa’s commentary, occur again and again, and which 1 cor¬
rected without a moment’s hesitation. Such corrections I have not even marked
in the various readings, except when they seemed to throw light on the mutual
relationship of the various MSS. I should not wonder if to a casual reader
some of these mere routine corrections might seem too bold ; but after copying,
collating, and correcting Sayaua’s commentary for thirty years, I have not the
slightest misgivings about them.
And here I may he allowed to make a personal remark. I believe 1 have
acknowledged, without stint, whatever assistance 1 have received from other
scholars during the progress of my work. They themselves have assured me,
that I had said more than they deserved or expected. I have never liked
the rule, followed by nearly all scholars, of not acknowledging services for which
payment has been accepted. But as it has been broadly hinted, that for certain
portions of SiVyana’s commentary, I had parted with my editorial responsibility,
1 take this opportunity of stating, once for all, that there is no page, no line, no

word, no letter, no accent, in the whole of the commentary, for which 1 am not
personally responsible. Nothing was ordered for press that T had not myself
carefully examined and revised; and though for certain portions of my edition,
as [ stated in the Preface to each volume, I was relieved of much preliminary
labour, the decision in all critical passages, whether for good or evil, always
rested with me. In an edition of Sayana, as in an edition of Cicero, there are
whole pages which require little or no editorial labour; but the real character
"I an edition depends on the treatment of critical passages, the more or less
frequent occurrence of which constitutes the difficulty of an editor’s work.
It should not be supposed from what I have said of the state of the
1 See also Uiunell, VanMabr&hmaua, p xxxviii.

VOL. IV. s

apparatus criticus for an edition of Sayana, that everything could be settled

by diplomatic evidence. I have already spoken of those regular corrections
which, though to an outsider they might seem conjectural, are really self-
evident to an editor familiar with his work. But there are other passages,
and they are not few in number, where nothing but conjectural criticism
would avail, though founded always on the evidence supplied by a proper
arrangement of the various readings. Sometimes the mere question of an
Anusvara required the most careful consideration, and the MSS. on such points
are naturally of little use. Whether Silyana, for instance, wrote snj or
cannot be settled by diplomatic evidence only, but rather by a close attention
to his general style of interpretation. The word is derived by Sayana
sometimes from the root ug ff^THTT (Ithatu-pat/fa 17, 78), sometimes from the
root (T)hatu-p;W<a 17, 79). Unfortunately is not written in Sayana’s
MSS., as it ought to be, with nr, but with Anusvara, ung, thus making the
distinction more difficult, particularly as some authorities assign to the root
too, the meaning of Rfcrraf.
'fhe word though derived from ^pff, has the meaning of impre¬
cation, and lends itself therefore to the interpretation of srrt as well as of fprr.
Thus we find, Rv. VIII. 19, 26, explained by ^(f»npH5T, and this word itself
rendered by or ff*JT. This being the case, it is all the more curious
that Say a//a, in explaining should quote once only the root
(I. 91, 15). This would, in fact, lead us to suppose, that we ought to read
and were it not quite clear on the other side, by the employment of
such words as (V. 3, 12), f^T (VIII. 66, 14), that Sayana admitted
both derivations, that from tpij Sjpft as well as that from (I. 76, 3 ;
VIII. 89, 2). Taking all the twenty-one passages, in which is explained,
together, we find there is none in which, either by the character of the expla¬
nation adopted by Sayana, or by the authority of the MSS., we are obliged to
admit the use of or as equivalent to ^sfircif^. The mere fact
that ipT, to kill, is not in ordinary Sanskrit joined with the preposition
would not have sufficed to show that, for etymological purposes, such forms
as or could not have been introduced; but I doubt whether
there is any but etymological or grammatical authority for the admission of
such words as Trf*rcr?PT and into our dictionaries.
Sometimes, however, the changes required for a restoration of Sayana’s

commentary are of a much bolder character. I shall mention a few, in order

to justify my critical proceedings. In Itv. X. 121, 4, the passage occurs,

^ STOT Sayana’s first idea was evidently to take in the sense of

f^jp, the principal regions or four points of the compass; hut he saw that he
had to explain w independently, and wishing to assign to the arms of
Piw/apati the place of the principal regions, he recollects himself, and assigns to
uf^i: the meaning of fqf^p or aifarf^tp, the intermediate points of the compass.
I do not say anything here about the correctness of such an explanation, I oidy
try to explain to myself what was passing in Sayana’s mind. Now the state
of the MSS. is as follows: A gives mtm: ^arpsiP €Psf^p tfsprap; B 4 agrees
with this on the whole. The B class gives WTt«T t*pn*IT:- The
independent authority of Ca is missing, except the last word As the
MSS. are simply unintelligible, I had to ask myself, what Sayana could have
written, and the mention of made it clear, that he had attempted a
distinction between Ttf^ip and faf^ip. The points of the compass in Sanskrit
are ten, and they are given in the following order: 1. xpifT. 2. 3. ^fwr,
4- 5- ’rfW, 6. 3rnpft 7. srfTTT, 8. 9. 10. W. As the Eastern
point- is called not only tj$t, hut also Trpft, I supposed that the first explanation
given by Sayana must have been w %*TP Jn^TTTHP , i.e. to whom these
principal regions, beginning with the Eastern, belong. Then, seeing that in his
explanation of TO WT*?, he had distinctly assigned to the arms the position of
die principal regions, qqranrawgfflT: Uf^T TO it seemed to me to follow
that he must have allowed another rendering for nf^p, by identifying these with
the faflpip or the intermediate points. The first of these being the
and the last the TjjriMk I now ventured to restore the text by reading
tsrnnm:. I should have preferred Tflrnro:, but i^lppjjp would
hardly support so violent a correction. Lastly, I was driven to add a at the
end, in order to get a proper construction, though I confess that the absence of any
trace of such a particle makes me doubt, whether, after all, my correction is quite
right. [Professor Peterson considered these conjectural emendations too hold, and
1 ried to defend tlm reading of the MSS., unsuccessfully, it seems to me. He retains
FTtHT: and $^7j3|p. His own friends, the Editors of the Bombay edition, however,
have adopted my conjecture to a grea,t extent, unless they actually found the
reading in some of their MSS. They read WTWTtHT tuiTSWlT: l]
In X. 106, 11, the MSS. stand as follows :
A aftSTr:
B jfosr?r:
I leave out the minor differences of the individual MSS. belonging to each

class, which may be seen in the various readings. The A and B classes still
have traces of what must have been the original reading, viz. ;
but suppose we had only MSS. connected with Ca, how would it have been
possible to restore the text 1
Tn X. 178, 1, the MSS. give the following readings :
rrra f xr A.
TIT^f ^ V3J C 2.
wn# f# «pr trt gmf 5 Ca.
rpigi gnf B 1.
mi f if fin tj tpi gnif *TJTTf^cPS^ CB.
gwgi gutr w B 4.
It is clear that this passage has been misunderstood by all the copyists. The
corruption must have begun at a very early date, for we see that the com¬
mentary to the Sama-veda, too, shows signs of it. At first sight that
commentary seems rpiite right. Tt reads (p. 672):

rTP3T gW'pt gurr I

But is there any authority for calling Carga and others the son of TWksha?
The only thing which Carga shares in common with TWkslia is that their
patronymics, according to Pan ini TV. 1, 105, are formed by the same suffix,
viz. *rsp I therefore have little doubt that we must restore the original reading,
as I have done, I I or
I have not thought it necessary to give all the extraordinary corruptions
that have crept into Sayana’s text, particularly when they occurred in passages,
the wording of which admitted of easy restoration. Thus, even without Say ana,
we could easily supply ourselves what he says at the beginning of each hymn
with regard to the deities, mhis, and metres. But in order to give an idea of
what is possible in Sayana’s MSS., 1 shall give at least one specimen. In X. 132,
initio, this is the state of the MSS. :

Ca agrerrftnft smterr irsisinl ^ *r?T*raI s** f? st^i-

M. M. HpfOTTfrwI 1

A lilrft dl

Ca liiil irarncwl flRT4n

M. M. ^ inarch fg^T^;^r'R3rssfi^r<ft11 WOTifsirfwnft i

1 [It has the rest agreeing with M. 5i.]


A ftraifljusft fw^rr i
B ftraTfwt f^T^n w^vt^fwnt srgrrnjrfw: i
Ca f%rsr f?rtfr fw? w: ngrr^f?tw*fr ^gsrafgm: n
M.M. fursTf^refr fw|EiT w^ftrw^tissR%f?T ^w«rfw: i

Let any one read this passage carefully and compare it with the original text
of the Anukrama/d, and he will see that my alterations, however violent in
appearance, were inevitable.
In many cases, of course, a familiarity with the style of Sayaaa is the only
means of restoring his text. In X. 177, 1, we have :

A cTfTT 7TC3I xft I

BI f^T l?%5fT TtTrWT I 3T I
CB t??% rfrlT TT tl^fTTTSF5^
I have altered this without any misgivings to f^T $?%?( 1 ^TPtarrfrTW®^, hut
I could only do so because I knew that Sayaua is accustomed to use the
expression wrr^sgTOTOF^, as, for instance, in IX. 74, 7.
The same remark applies, of course, to thousands of quotations from Pii/dni.
They are almost always inaccurate, but with such exceptions as I mentioned
before1, they could almost always he restored either from Pa/iini or from
analogous passages in Sayana. In X. 116, 7, I must confess that I did not for
seme time recollect the Sutra by which Panini fixes the accent of <jwj, though
the Sutra had been quoted often before, ef. T. 23, 15; 1. 135, 1; III. 21, 3.
But any one who will look at the various readings will see, that they did not
render much help.
In X. 121, 8, Sayana writes ^vnrffcfl' TrRxp What does %<ft mean here |
Biihtlingk does not give it in his Index to Pa/iini, where he gives the other
passages in which occurs; yet there can lie no doubt, that it refers to
Pa/!. Ilf. 2, 126, where it is said, that participles in and are used to
express either a quality or a reason, irt^rg. Thus sprHT qgh ggwr:
means, the Yavanas * (Greeks) eat while lying down; and means,
be dwells there for the sake of gaining a livelihood. In this sense, therefore,
Sayana wishes ^TRT: to be understood; and he does the same in other places,
for instance,VIII. 7, 16; X. 122, 2; X. 135, 3.
I trust that these remarks, though they touch on a few scattered passages
only, will serve to give to present and future students of the Veda some idea

1 Pages cxv seqq.


of the way in which I have tried to discharge the trust which was committed
to me, of editing the text of the Rig-veda and of the commentary of Sdyana.
Mr. Burnell', when speaking of S:\yana, says, ‘ S&yana’s position is almost
precisely similar to that of the Alexandrian Neo-Platonists, and especially
Proclus. Like him, he was a theosophist, and hoped for the restoration by his
mysteries of what was fast passing away. He was also, like Proclus, the
representative of all the older science of his race, a philosopher, astronomer,
philologist, and mystic. Like him, too, he was a laborious, painful compiler,
whose industry supplied to some extent his lack of originality. The works
of both, therefore, possess only an historical value, and are the best records
of the last efforts of an old but decaying form of faith. As such, they call for
editions which will preserve them for future enquix-ers into the history and
philosophy of religions; but the work can be done only once for all, and editors
must therefore neglect no precaution to publish these difficult worics in as thorough
a way as they can with the materials available.’
I feel the weight of these concluding remax-ks as strongly as any one. All
I can say is, that I have devoted to this work the best part of my life, and the
best energies of my mind. It was often a most tedious work, but feeling, like
Mr. Burnell, that so large a work would not be likely to be published again
(though who can tell what direction the studies of futui’e generations will
take ?), I have edited it as if I had to edit Plato or Aristotle. I do not think
that the editio princcps of Sayana will altogether escape that fate which has
overtaken the editions of the Scholia to Homer, though entrusted to such
scholars as Villoison and Bekker2; yet I trust, that future generations of
students will not forget the state of Sanskrit scholarship at the time when I
began to prepare my edition, and I may add, the age of the editor, when he
first resolved on this work. Were I to depend on the judgment of my con¬
temporaries, even of those who have been most opposed to me, I might indeed
be satisfied ; but my own mind tells me that, in the eai’ly volumes, in particular,
future gleaners will find that the edge of my critical sickle has not always
been so sharp as it ought to have been, and that it would have been better
if the editor of the last volume had been the editor of the first. All I can say
is, SeiXol jipoTol voXvitovol ! and let those who may hereafter discover single
mistakes in my edition of S&yana, bear in mind, that in carrying through
the press so extensive a woi-k, it is simply impossible to attain to the same

1 Vamsabrfihmana, p. xxxv. 2 See Academy, July 18, 1874.


degree of exactness as in publishing an edition of Horace or Catullus, of

Kalidftsa or Bhavabhflti.

One foretaste of what future editors of Sityarea may say of me, I have
had, and I am glad of it, because it enables me, while I can reply, to show
that I might possibly have something to say in self-defence, when I shall
no longer be able to do so. The first volume of my edition, in particular,
which has been most frequently studied, has been already subjected to a
searching criticism, and in such a way as to test, once for all, the soundness
of the critical method which I have adopted. Knowing that I had not been
able to collate a valuable old MS. of the first Ash taka, now at Berlin, Professor
Weber has published a careful collation of that MS., and we may trust him,
that he omitted nothing in order to detect flaws in my text. Here, therefore,
is the desired test of my critical principles, and I may say at once, that I
believe that, even if the original autograph MS. of Saya/ta were hereafter
to be discovered, the test would not be either more severe or more damacdn"-
& O*

I proceed, therefore, to an examination of the passages in which Professor

Weber has thought it right to mark the various readings of the Berlin MS.,
and I shall endeavour to show, how little they affect the text as constituted
by me twenty-five years ago.

P. 48. 11. 7-11 [see nowVarietas Lectionis to p. 25. 1. 31]. Professor Weber'
says that the passage from ’Jpqfq to f%f%: is wanting. It is wanting, not only
iii the Berlin MSS., but in all MSS. except A 2. I retained it on account of
its intrinsic value. 1 he MSS. used by Dr. Roer must have contained the
same paragraph, but he failed to restore it, because he could not trace the
extract back to the Pratisakhya.

P- 4b. 1. 19 [now p. 25. 1. 39]. x;gprf«f This is a mere blunder in the

Berlin MS.; it can only be as I had printed.
P. 48. 1. 21 [now p. 25. 1. 40]. The Berlin MS. reads ^rnrspft. Ai and B 2
give C I Kfxnff. BI has but rr^ft in margine. The only MS.,
theiefore, which supports the Berlin MS. is A 2. Hence xrf%ffr must be retained.
P. 48. 1. 27 [now p. 26. 1. 3]. The Berlin MS. leaves out tjnjfH: and .
I added the words in both cases from B 2, not as necessary, but as useful. In Ca,
" I not possess at the time, they are likewise added in margine.
P- 49- 1- 2 [now p. 26. 1. 5, where read see also Rv. Bh. I. 19, 7].
I he Berlin MS. reads instead of was well known to me, for it is the

Sue Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlimdischen Gesellschaft, IV. 265; and, more lately, Indischt-
Wroifen, vol. ii. p, 9. lS6g.

reading of the MSS.; but the passage is a quotation from the Dh&tu-p4^a, and
in it no root is recognised in the sense of ; hence must be retained.
P. 49. 1. 7 [now p. 26. 1. 9]. From to is wanting in the Berlin MS.,
but added in marr/ine. This is exactly what I expected. The original reading
was probably *X4'STS^^? £ fqfgq:. Then the question
arose, what was meant by this Mah4v4rttika, the general title of K4ty4yana’s
V4rttikas? I can find nothing like it in the Mah4bh4shya (p. 77k). It was
probably for this very reason that another commentator added the usual
explanation, viz. sjF’itfsITq That explanation is wanting
not only in the Berlin codex, but likewise in A 1.2, B 1. 2, and Ca. Professor
Weber is wrong in thinking that S4yana requires and by referring to
other passages, e. g. Rv. Bh. III. 32, 13, he would find, that Sayana forms
though 4dyud4tta, by <T*T4. In fact, I know no authority for the existence of
a Taddhita <T*T*y except the so-called Mah4v4rttika, here quoted by S4yana.
[The correct reading of the Varttika is and the suffix in question is
neither rr«xy, nor 7T«r*t, but tpt; see Varietas Lectionis to Rv. Bh. III. 32, 13.]
P. 49. 1. 13 [now p. 26. 1. 13], <33Trr^ta, and 1. 19 [1. 18], BfvwrnJ, are both
the right readings, and ought to have been inserted in the list of Corrigenda.
P. 49. 1. 21 [now p. 26. 1. 19]. is the reading, not only of the Berlin
MS., but likewise of B 1.2. A 2 has C 1 the right reading is probably
that of A 1 ^urarsi®.
P. 50. 1. 3 [now pr. 26. 1. 26]. The reading of the Berlin codex
is not sufficiently supported against A 2. B x. Ca.
P. 50. 1. 9 [now p. 26. 1. 30]. I purposely rejected the reading xj^Tf^tTT^rft^T0,
which occurs not only in the Berlin MS., but also in C 1. A 2. Ca, in favour of the
fuller text of the B class.
P. 50. 11. 15, 16 [now p. 26. 11. 35, 36]. The passage from 5^ to ufttuvi: is
wanting, not only in the Berlin MS., but likewise in A 1. 2, B 1. 2, and Ca. It
may have been originally a marginal note, as it still is in A 2, but being a useful
one, I retained it on the authority of C 1. The same applies to p. 51. 1. 4 [now
p. 27. 1. 9], which is absent in Ci, but supported by B 1. 2. Ca, and partly by
A 2, which reads f*rerr<n»TPft
P. 51. 11. 13, 14 [now p. 27. 1. 17]. The passage tnyj: to fnUTfTffi: rests on
the authority of C 1; it is not in A 1. 2, B 1. 2, nor in Ca. It is most probably a
later addition, but it does not belong to the same category as the passage from the
Manoram4. When I allowed a passage from the Manoramft to remain in the com¬
mentary, I felt it my duty to give notice of it in the Preface (vol. i. p. xxiii. note 1).

Professor Weber asks: ‘Is Haradatta really a predecessor of S4yana, or does this
addition belong to the same category as that from the Manorama ? ’ Unless
Professor Weber has some very weighty reason to suppose that the Haradatta
here mentioned cannot be the same as Haradatta, the commentator of the
Kdsik4, I do not know what to reply \

P- 5i- 1- r5 [now P- 27. 1. 18], The omission of after in the Berlin

MS. is not supported by the other MSS. The same applies to 13 before uare on
p. 52- !• 5 [now P- 27- 1- 30], and to on p. 57. 1. 23 [now p. 30. 1. 34].
The only various reading of importance is in A i, which writes TOfTHST: i.Tfirfir-
yCOTJTt etc.
P. 60. 1. 2 [now p. 32. 1. 4]. is right, and supported by A 2. B 1.
P. 60. 1. 14 [now p. 32. 1. 12]. On I have spoken on p. cxvii.
P. 61. I. 24 [now p. 33. 1. 4]. The reading of the Berlin MS. for * is pro¬
perly marked by Professor Weber with his own sign of exclamation. If*S:\yana
says TJV( WP* he quotes the Su class, and he can therefore speak of y
only. The only various reading is 15, instead of *j, in A 2.
P. 62. 1. 11 [now p. 33. 1. 14]. The same wrong quotation from Panini, which
I)r. Weber quotes from his Berlin MS., occurs also in B 1. 2. It was impossible,
however, to admit it into the text, because the root ffa does not occur in the
Sutra. If Dr. Weber appeals to a passage in Mahidhara’s commentary on the
Vayasaneyi-samhita, where he finds ffv written instead of 3ft, this is a state¬
ment 1 cannot allow to pass without considerable qualification. Dr. Weber
quotes as the authority for this reading, M.M., i. e. a copy which I made at
Paris, and which I gave him on the distinct understanding, that it should never
be. quoted as an authority. All scholars will understand why I did this. I had
copied the MS. as carefully as I could, but I never collated it with the original,
and therefore should never have ventured myself to appeal to it as an authority.
Put besides this, my copy does not give fxftsn0 but fwftsrT9, which is, of course,
meant for fifW0. The whole quotation, in fact, is as much out of place in the
Samluta, XII. 77, as in our passage. cannot be explained by Paw. VI.
3, II5* but should be accounted for by Pan.VII. 3, 53. The explanation of the
mistake in our passage is probably this, that what happened in Ca, happened
also to an earlier MS. In Ca we only find fgrq | Then some
cue added on the margin to be inserted after fgnp; and, lastly, a
more careful reader added nffffTTf*
Urrcf n
See Preface, above, p. cxxxiiL
VOL. IV. t

P. 63. 1. 1 [now p. 33. 1. 27]. ^nrrfSrf?! was the reading of C1, As A 1, how¬
ever, gave the correct reading I naturally accepted it.
P. 63. 1. 3 [now p. 33. 1. 29]. There is no authority for the ^ of the Berlin MS.,
not even in Ca.
P. 63. 1. 5 [now p. 33. 1. 30]. The reading of the Berlin MS. was
well known to me from C 1. I preferred, however, 'ItfaTrramt., because it rests on
the authority of A and B; likewise of Ca.
P. 63. 1. 20 [now p. 34. 1. 1]. is the reading of all the MSS.; « was a
slip of the pen, as well as fng for on p. 64. 1. 5 [now p. 34. 1. 10].
P. 65. 1. 7 [now p. 34. 1. 32]. The mistake in the Berlin MS. was
well known to me from Ci. The reading has the authority of
B and Ca.
P. 65. 1. 9 [now p. 34. 1. 33]. after has the authority of A and B; C 1
has Ca has
P. 65. 1. 28 [now p. 35. 1. 9]. The Berlin reading ’jftrr ^[T0 was known
to me from C 1 and A. I preferred the reading of B as clearer in itself, and, at
the same time, as accounting more naturally for the mistake which had hap¬
pened. In Ca also, the omission had taken place, but the right reading was
P. 66. 1. 21 [now p. 35. 1. 25]. has the authority of A. C. B.
is a mistake; but I should now prefer to write which is supported
by Ca.
P. 66. 1. 24 [now p. 35. 1. 27 seq.]. I changed to according to the
Bahvri/ca system of spelling, and retained on the authority of the B class,
which is supported by Ca. [But and have now been restored in
accordance with the text of the Taittiriya Samhit&, from which the passage
is quoted.]
P. 67. 1. 25 [now p. 36. 1. 11]. The reading of the Berlin codex, whether sraur
or ^ppsj, is impossible. Between and s|tmj the choice is sometimes difficult;
in our passage, however, the authority of the MSS. is decidedly on the side
of jsrenr.
P. 68. 1. 1 [now p. 36. 1. 14]. ftvuwwrqm. is again supported by B,
but might have been preferable, as it has the support of A and Ca.
P. 68. 1. 14 [now p. 36. 1. 24]. The reading *TT rests on the authority
of the Nirukta, X. 8 ; and though there are other various readings there, there
is none with regard to The MSS. of S&yawa are, no doubt, in favour ot
3^ or sppf, but in passages like the one in question, where the copyists hardly

understand what they are writing, they are of very small value. I corrected^
in the same passage, in Professor Roth’s edition, to because it is well to
distinguish the third from the first person, but I saw no reason for changing
SP5*»rf into which has no authority except the Berlin MS. The same
applies to for nrfa, p. 68. 1. 21 [now p. 36. 1. 29]; to for
p. 69. 1. 6 [now p. 36. 1. 39]; to tym after p. 69. 1. 7 [now p. 37. 1. 2 ;
is also in G, and has now been adopted]; and to instead of the only
possible form For in the same line there is indeed the
authority of Ci, but the other MSS. have again the reading, which I have
given, viz.
P. 70. 1. 26 [now p. 37. 1. 34]. sraoSTft instead of WWatT?T. would be wrong.
No MSS. support it, nor do they support for p. 71. 1. 2 [now
1>- 37- 1- 36].
P. 71. 1. 28 [now p. 38. 1. 15]. On the possibility of omitting after
see p. cxiv. In our case, as C and A give, and B inserts it, there would have
been no excuse for omitting it.
P. 72. 1. t [now p. 38. 1. 16]. is the right form, and although C and A
have the u, the B MSS. haveifc, as well as the Berlin MS.
P. 72. 1. 8 [now p. 38. 1. 21]. The mistake wrrmfVJliTW instead of
was known to me from C t, but I corrected it on the authority of A and B, also
on account of the words immediately following. The same applies to the omission
of %^on p. 72. 1. 13 [now p. 38. 1. 25].
U 74- k 5 [now p. 39. 1. 21]. The reading of the Berlin MS. for ^
would be impossible. It is a quotation from the Dh&tu-p&f/ta; would mean
the very contrary of and no MS. supports it.
Professor Kuhn, in quoting a passage from Sjiyana I. 65, 1, sjzft ^ I
f^fTOT I ^(nfr SWT, says (Zeitschrift, I. p. 451), ‘ Instead of vwt ^4 5T54T we
must read either or I thought so too, but as the MSS. agreed on
and as I could not find the passage, I retained Even now 1 have not
been able to find the passage, but from such passages as Taitt. Samh.VI. 2, 4, 2,
Brarr, or Taitt. Brdhm. I. 2, 1, 5, xsn^f Bn?rr, I have
little doubt that my text is right.
Though the process of examining in detail the value of the various readings
culled by Professor Weber from the Berlin MS. was rather tedious, yet I hope
>t will serve one important purpose. It will show that if we follow carefully
the principles of diplomatic criticism, so long recognised by the best classical
scholars, it is hardly possible that we should go very far wrong in restoring
t 2

the text of an ancient author, however illegible or corrupt. The work itself
of copying and collating MSS., and eliciting from them the original readings
which they presuppose by their agreement as well as by their divergence,
requires, no doubt, considerable time and labour; and as I have sometimes
been assured that by adopting a less laborious process, I could have finished
the edition of S&yana in a much shorter time, I think it right to show, by
a few instances, what the result of this more expeditious proceeding would
have been, or, at all events, might have been. Professor Weber, who has on
several occasions shown a truly motherly solicitude with regard to my edition
of the Rig-veda, has again and again complained of the delay in the publication
of S&yana. His complaints seem to me, and not to me only, unfounded, his
language not quite worthy of him. He has himself edited the Yayur-veda, and
he has done so on principles of criticism which he, no doubt, conscientiously
prefers, but which I could not bring myself to follow, even if they had enabled
him to get through his work much more rapidly. But even this seems to me
not quite certain, as the following facts will show.
The first volume of his edition of the Yar/ur-veda appeared in 1849, the
third and last in 1859. One volume only of the three professes to give a
complete commentary, the other two contain extracts only, and these so
incomplete that Professor Kuhn and others, when they wished to make use
of certain passages in the *Satapatha Brahmawa, had to write to India for new
extracts. Some scholars think that the time has already come for a new
edition of the S'atapatha Brahmana with the complete commentary of Silyana;
and if we may accept Professor Weber’s candid account of the nature of the
extracts from the commentaries on the Siitras, that work also will sooner or
Jater have to be done again. Far be it from me to say anything unkind of
so laborious and so learned a scholar, but as he has so often contrasted his
own velocity with my slowness, may I just say in self-defence, that if he will,
according to the rules of Adam Riese, to whom he appeals, divide the number
of sheets contained in his three volumes, by ten years, and the number of
sheets contained in my large and small editions of the Rig-veda by twenty-two
years, he will be surprised to find, that the difference between his speed and
my slower progress is not so very great after all.
But this, in itself, is of little consequence, nor should I have said one word
about it, had I not been so fiercely challenged. The only thing that is of real
importance to scholars is, whether it is possible to carry out a critical edition
of Sanskrit texts on different principles from those which are followed by Greek

and Latin scholars. I say nothing of the texts of the hymns and Brdhmawas.
They are settled, and require little editing, in the proper sense of the word.
With commentaries, however, the case is different, and I still hold that they
do require the same amount of critical editing as any classical author.
In order to substantiate this assertion, I shall beg leave to follow Pro¬
fessor Weber’s example, and to examine a small portion of his edition of
Mahidhara’s commentary, by comparing it, not with a MS. which he has not
collated, but with one which he himself professes to have collated. This
is the- old MS. belonging to Mill’s collection, and marked by Professor Weber
as M. The first fifty-two pages of this MS. ought to have been invaluable
to any editor. They ought to have been collated with the minutest care, for
old MSS. of Mahidhara were then, and are still, scarce. What is Professor
Weber’s apparatus criticus ? As far as I can see, he has copied one MS. (A)
only, and this is not quite complete; and I believe I am correct in stating, that
the only other complete MS. which he possessed for the purpose of his edition,
was the copy I had made at Paris of Burnouf’s MS., and which I gladly lent
to him, and eventually, at his request, presented to the Royal Library at Berlin.
This copy, however, can in no sense claim the authority of a MS., because,
though I copied it as well as it was possible in the time given, I never collated
't with the original. I therefore, as I said just now, lent my copy to Pro¬
fessor Weber on the distinct understanding that it should never be quoted by
him as an authority. Instead of this, it is in most places, if not the only, at
least the most important independent authority for the critical restitution of
his text. I do not think, that I can be mistaken in this statement. If I am,
it is not my fault, for Professor Weber clearly says that he collated the third
MS. (0) for the defects of the last twenty-five Adhydyas only, while the fourth
MS. at Paris (P), of' which the beginning, from I. 8. to II. 4, was copied by myself,
was collated by him no further than the end of the fourth Adhyaya.
there remains, therefore, only the MS., formerly belonging to Dr. Mill,
and now in the Bodleian Library, which contains the first twenty Adhydyas,
and has in the beginning those fifty-two old leaves which Professor Weber pro¬
fesses to have collated. By them I shall now try to test the critical state of his
edition. I do so simply to test two systems of editorial criticism. Professor
Weber knows these various readings, for I showed them to him as soon
as his first fasciculus had been published. So many years have since elapsed,
that I feel I can now speak with perfect freedom, without fearing to give
offence by my remarks. The question itself seems to me one, the importance

of which cannot be exaggerated. The whole future of Sanskrit scholarship

will depend on the decision which our leading Sanskrit scholars shall take
between the principles of eclectic and diplomatic criticism. In India the same
question is now being agitated, and the scholars of Bombay and Punah, under
the auspices of Professors Biihler and Kielhorn, have made their choice. No
personal considerations should be mixed up with such a controversy, and the
editor of the Yayur-veda will feel, I hope, that, even if judgment should be
given against him, which it is not for me to anticipate, he lias by his Herculean
labours, during the last twenty-five years, raised to himself a pedestal, that
would not be shaken by such a decision.
Before I begin my critical examination, I must say a few words on the
observance, or rather, non-observance of the rules of Sandhi in Professor Weber’s
editions. Any one at all familiar with Sanskrit MSS., and particularly with
such as are written by scholars, sv&rtham, not par&rtham, must know, that
there is a certain system in the manner in which words are either joined or
not joined. Different authors vary, and even the same authors are by no
means consistent in their use of Sandhi, as little as we are in our interpunc-
tion. They are guided, in fact, by vivaksha, i. e. by what they wish to say.
In my edition of Sayana, I have, as much as possible, followed the Sandhi of
the best MSS., and I may at least mention a few cases, which might give rise
to misapprehensions. After a vocative, Sandhi is optional; it is mostly omitted,
except in cases where the writer perceived a certain continuity between the
vocative and what follows immediately after. Between a question and the
answer, there is always a break of Sandhi. Verbs of which the one explains
the other are without Sandhi, e. g. But if the verb
occurs in the first part of a relative sentence, the Sandhi is generally observed,
e. g. ft ft.
Again, we find frequently in commentaries, where it is desirable to keep
the words of the text distinct from the explanations, that Sandhi is avoided.
For instance, in relative sentences where, as we saw, the verbs are generally
joined, they are still kept asunder, when it can be done, by employing the
Virarna. We read, qqisejn. Here the use of the VirAma is very
convenient, for it acts as a stop in such cases also where the absence of Sandhi
could not otherwise be marked. Frequently we find the VirAma where we
should use a small stop, e. g. fane: ‘the voices, the poets, or their
songs.’ Rv. X. iio, i, yaiffta: ft: gwwnr ^T, ‘thou, the worshipper, or thou wor¬
shipped by them.’ Rv. X. 113, io, ft yHTWff ^ TFtft

‘0 war-maker, maker of fights with enemies, and therefore thou of real strength!’
If the Vir&ma is used, the last letter is not modified. I can hardly remember
writers of Sanskrit MSS. putting, e.g. 'trfa g, but generally, either s«prfij g,
or g- Nor is it right, I-think, to write xjRrfqppnfiT, but swjgi faxnfa.
Vag. Sarah, p. 25, 1. 19. After a participle, which in itself represents a sentence,
the Virama is very common, e.g. irsrrgw: ^ff, ‘being endowed with
wisdom, give to us; ’ ’ITJWt etc. I11 all such cases, I have, as a rule, followed
the writing of the best MSS., but I have never allowed a hiatus to remain where
it would have destroyed the structure of a sentence. Thus in X. 165, 1, I write
gfJTT^Pnw HTiflrt etc., ‘ columba quod
malum cupiens, desiderans, banc nostrum domum venit, assecuta est, huic male ’
etc. Rv. X. 166,1, tr % xrfa ’sftr g *#rerf»rsrn ‘ wishing to
say, not only lord of one cow, but of all cows, he adds gavftm.’ Ilv. X. 191, 3,
^tTT: , ‘the former half-verse is in the third, the latter
in the first person.’
In Professor Weber’s editions I have in vain looked for any definite system.
If he had disregarded the rules of Sandhi altogether, that would have been
intelligible. But as he sometimes observes them, and then, without any
apparent cause, neglects them, the effect is not only bewildering, but actually
misleading. What reason can there be for writing, p. 2. 1. 22, xgrair-
w; p. 4. 1. 21, ipri; p. 4. 1. 25, nfmirre: ;
(p. 44. 1. 10); and the same in innumerable passages? I hope Pro¬
fessor Weber will not think, that I doubt his knowledge of the rules of Sandhi.
What I do not understand is, why he should disregard them in his editions.
I shall not attempt to give all the various readings of Dr. Mill’s MS.,
but only those which serve to determine the relation of this MS. to other
MSS., or such as really furnish a correction of a mistake. Professor Webei
sometimes gives the various readings of M, sometimes he does not. This
ugain is misleading. If we are told p. ii. 1. 9, that B z’eads and P
we conclude that M agrees with the printed text; but it agrees
with B. The various reading, under No. 17, which Professor Weber ascribes
to B, belongs to B and M; No. 18 is supported not only by P, but also by M ;
No. 33 by B and M; No. 36 by B and M. In No. 37, M has not
but and so on.
B- iii. 1. 25. Xj( W. Not only B has UT»4T?PT, as Professor
Weber says, but M also, to say nothing of O and P. Besides, M reads
| |^r, which is right.

P. iv. 1. 21. arrerw W. M (twice), i.e.

P. v. 1. 6. W. ^fv^g^Ti M.
P. v. 1. 13. irrafiwt:W. *rref?r«iT: M.
P. v. 1. 21. W. f;qi(3<*e (M, which is right.
P. v. 1. 22. wt^t: W. M, which is right.
P. vi. 1. 6. gwf ^<aHHa»»*rK<«HrfaPH.W. M; but read 'arif arenrmpnqt: 1 WTf?SPtl.
P. vi. 1. x 3. sq'ivi |faia W. Br^rnrrf%# M, which is right.
P. vii. 1. 2. tg*rf7f W W. M, which is right. If the Sutra had been
quoted in full, it would have been necessary to add
P. vii. 1. 6. <*. This is a false quotation, arising, as I have shown,
from a misunderstanding of the whole passage ; it ought to be tn° tz. q. «)(>.
P. viii. 1. 3. M, which is right, as may be seen from
P4n. VII. x, 15.
P. ix. 1. x. Tnft: w. wmt: M, which is right.
P. ix. 1. 13. after '^pn^gWRIT is not found in B only, as Professor
Weber states, but likewise in M.
P. xi. 1. 12. After M has on the margin *ngrfq:.
P. xi. 1. 13. '511^1 f^«5L|ig^W. I ^7^3 M, which is right.
P. xii. 1. 6. W. M.
P. xii. 1. 11. From wrf*rf7I to qnHH deest in M.
P. xii. 1.12. g*rf *infrefW. ^rt M.
P. xii. 1. 15. ogqulWunTK W. ®f*rfWPTTTT: M.
P. xii. 1. 23. ?UfV V*r«rT »T We are told by Professor
Weber that is wanting in all the MSS., and so no doubt it is. But why
was it put in ? The sense is clear: ‘ The enemies are burnt, not the vessel,
i. e. the instrument with which the sacrifice is accomplished.’ Did Professor
Weber think it meant, ‘ The enemies also are burnt, otherwise there is no
accomplishing the sacrifice ? ’ But this would have been . U vafa
makes it still clearer : giftf 7TH I W g *lWPiPTf*rarfwrPT:'.
P. xiii. 1. 2. f^Rt W. M.
P. xiii. 1. 5. w. M, which is right, as '9W is neuter.
P. xiii. 1. 14. ffffrgqqm: W. M.
P. xiv. 1. 6. tftTO W. ^TTT^ fiPP* Wrfa M.
P. xiv. 1. 11. 9(44^ w. 9p*4tsnflflliri M, which is right.
P. xv. 1. 4. qnwrmfanfcfrinJitW. suthtt i ^Rt^nrwTT M, which is right, for

1 , which is here inserted, was omitted by Professor Weber in another passage, viz.Vftp. PratisSkhya
I.90. (Indische Stndien, IV. 127.) We ought to read ^p*TWI, instead of et'eti.

there must be a stop at the end of a question, and the answer begins with

p. XV. 1. 21. wr I w. *jt sn which seems better; the

same on p. xxxiii. 1. 12, and elsewhere.
P. xvi. 1. 19. After M adds <3 <41% 'jffrwrf*, which is left out by
Professor Weber, as well as a in the next line after ^4*3-
P. xvii. 1. 16. The Vftrttika is not PAn.VI. 4, 68, 1, but VI. 4, 77, 1. The
ought not to be without Sandhi, otherwise it would be taken for %.
P. xviii. 1. 4. After 0t«yifa»tHy(MI<{l(4, M has wrftr, which is left out by
Professor Weber.
P. xviii. 1. 17. Tjf7t?rn TPWTWUfa UTfWTT: W. M has Trrfnfi, which is right, as
may be seen by the preceding instrumental and by the immediately
following UTfiffiT:.
P. xix. 1. 8. W. f^TH M, which is right.
P. xx. 1. 6. gvjfaswRi W. a^f^arrflr M.
P. xx. 1. 21. agcWfra W. dsifl'ifftd M, which is better.
P. xxi. 1. 9. W. JrrftpnnfyW, not only B. P, but also M.
P. xxii. 1. 22. q»|fcic(wwH> *t W. r ’mfmwrrnit *rr M, which
is right.
P. xxiv. 1. I. W. dfrqadnd. M, which seems better.
P. xxiv. 1. 8. 1 ■gqfCTHfiw & W. 1 ^ M, which is right,
P. xxiv. 1. 10. WPSH^mW. aWWTCSJTT M, which is better.
P. xxv. 1. 21. fqgqqqifon W. fMCTqqqfaT, not only B, but also M. On
see p. 26. 1. 9.
P. xxix. 1. 10. fa W. fag M, which is right.
P. xxx. 1. 8. famuftia: W. faarrftfa: M, which is better, see Petersburg
Dictionary, s.v. 1. 24. fa: arrefaa W. fspgrRfaa M.
P. xxx. 1. 13. wfahaftfa ma: 1 W. g$giwTwggfa na wrat
ma: M.
P. xxxi. 1.14. fafag TTrfn gfnftfa fwsff 1 art wr fw:
mfaft W. Here, first of all, is not supported by B. P only, as Professor
Weber states, but also by M. Secondly, the passage, as printed, does not
construe properly, for qr^tfa requires the complement of either an:
or faurj:. We might read tfa fSpfwift grp, or continue ifa g% Trnft
1^*^:. The latter seems Mahidhara’s intention, for Uva?a, from whom he quotes,
writes, fa^foatafa 1 gmfaa i maw i * a ¥^«iw i * ff
mfa **frfa i.
vol. rv. u

P. xxxi. 1. 18. Wr w. Xiwft M, which, considering the gender

of , is right.
P. xxxi. 1. 19. xrpft'W. M, which, considering what goes before, seems
P. xxxvi. 1. 18. W. xprt M, which is right.
P. xxxvii. 1. 2. w. M, which is better.
P. xxxvii. 1. 16. wW. ^rfTWnqr, not only B. P, but also M, which omits
g?f before *^7T.
P. xxxviii. 1. 21. After M adds , which is omitted by
Professor Weber.
P. xxxix. 1. 14. 'Srfwf^nfa w. ^f«rf*l^rrf?r M, which is right.
P. xl. 1. 19. qfygWfafTT W. xrfWPTfirtn, not only B, but also M.
P. xliii. 1. 16. M reads MTStTfil I ssft: ftjm I ftHTT Vimwg
f7*rrf^ flmxni, which seems better.
P. xliv. 1. 7. *rf sst^rnjpnr *TP5re I W. I vrera M. Uvafa has only
1 trrero.
P. xliv. 1. 23. wr: mgrWTif W. nw: 9T, not only B, but also M. Uvafa says,
w ^ nyn mgwni.
P. xlv. 1. 3. mifmftqff ^ w. ^ qnftpfftrfg ^ M, which is right.
P. xlvii. 1. 2. w. M, which is right.
Uva/a also has
P. xlvii. 1. 20. M has neither ntrf nor the reading assigned to all the
MSS. by Professor Weber, but simply 71.
P. xlviii. 1. 11. f%% w. ^ M.
P. 1. 1. 14. Here M has really an independent reading, which, whether right
or wrong, ought not to have been passed over. We read, % «u<JPx^l ^u^-ruCt
^xit Tngfwwr 1ith 1 i *isi<04t ’TO Tfa vrar 1
^tr 11
P. li. 1. 22. M also, like the other MSS., has and there was no necessity
for changing it, as Professor Weber does, to to:, if we only read with M gfwg-
xmfi 1 «i i *wi**1 ^1 aftg iraNs 1.
P. lii. 1. 1. t^OTgtifftW. M, which is right. Uva<a says,
STWri: I g«HIUTOfil |.
These are various readings1 selected from fifty-two pages, and they must

1 I add a few more in a note: On page 56, line 2, ; 1. 18, it adds aftor
M repeats ; 1. 3, it adds after *pTP«; l the u from i. e. ^1, 1. 21, should
1.5, it reads TOWT71T:; I.9, it aildalJlT after ftf- go to TOTTT, h 16. P.59, 1.21, WtW- P.60,1.8,
for the present suffice to show, how much might have been gained by a
real collation of this valuable fragment, and by a genealogical classification
of the other MSS. It is not for me to exaggerate the importance of these
various readings, but what I think cannot be exaggerated is the importance of
a truly scholarlike spirit in editing our Sanskrit texts; in fact, in doing every¬
thing we have to do in life. I know there are Sanskrit scholars whose labours I
highly appreciate, who totally differ from me on this point. They look upon this
kind of minute scholarship as mere waste of time, and as pedantry inherited
from classical philology. Let them but read the history of classical philology
and the history of the editions of Greek and Latin authors, and they will find,
that the neglect of these minutiae has always proved most fatal, and that,
what one generation considered as minima, the next recognised as maxima.
Anyhow, even if I should be mistaken in these opinions, I hope I shall be
absolved from any blame if, by trying to apply to Sanskrit the same critical
method which I had been taught by Hermann and Haupt for Greek and Latin, 1
have edited every year a hundred pages less than 1 might otherwise have done.
1 also trust that in thus endeavouring to vindicate the critical principles
which I have followed, by contrasting them with those of Professor Weber,
I shall not appear to have unfairly depreciated the labours of one of my most
^teemed fellow-students. lie has, no doubt, by this time discovered many,
possibly all, of these mistakes himself, and he has altogether done so much
useful work that no one would wish to be hard on him on account of these
little accidents. With scholars, and with all true men of science, who care
ler truth, the question, as 1 said in another place, is never, who is right and
who is wrong, but what is right and what is wrong. The life of a scholar would
not be worth living, if, in return for many things which he has to surrender, he
did not secure for himself that one inestimable privilege of owing allegiance to

i?JT¥fn; i. ii. <T»RT<>; J. 13, i. 16, p. 64, i. 3. wT*t; 1.7, ’STft Urio. p. (>:„ 1.14,
after ; ibid. ; 1. 20, WTf^ai:• r.67,1 7,*tfTn.iw. v.68,in,
p. 61,1.18, ffTTgjpn0; i. 20, m adds Wjfawfa> and hence, 1. 12, etc. left out.
‘far irrfustTVTR 1 rremnren- P. 70,1 16, fasmurni;. p.71, i.,-„ m^rr. p,74,
?r^r jjjJq: gqfyfa q^T^r- 1.18, 1.24,
The same accident, from a Tf^T. p. 75, 1. 15, again a hornoiolelenton has caused
mere homoioteleuton, has happoned on p.62, 1. 11, after the following omission after %fd:, gwv-
M reads

; 1. ai, ^rftrnfq m- P. 77,1. y, »rr, etc.

P. <s3l 1. 2, !• ia,

U 2

no person, to no party, to no school or clique, but being able at all times to

speak the truth, and nothing but the truth, about all things which concern him,
convinced that all who deserve the name of scholars will thank him where he
has pointed out any of their mistakes, will forgive him even where he may
have spoken rather freely or bluntly, and will defend him against the clamour
of those who seem to think they are nothing, unless they are infallible.
T may take this opportunity of replying to some of my own critics.
In the Preface to my reprint of the Rig-veda, I had stated that although
in order to have the Samhita and Pada-texts corresponding to each other,
page by page, the words in the Samhitd-text had to be spaced very considerably,
yet, even thus, and printed in the largest De van Agar i types, that text occupied
a smaller number of pages than the edition printed with Roman letters.
I went on to say, ‘No one who knows the peculiarity of the Sanskrit alphabet,
would suppose that a Roman transcript could ever occupy less space than the
original Devanagari. We have here used the largest DevanAgarl types, we have
lost much space in having to print the accents above and below the letters, and
had thus only twenty-four lines on each page against twenty-seven lines in the
Romanised text (exclusive of notes), and yet the sum total of our pages is only
S44, against 920 pages required for the transcript in Roman letters.’
The facts themselves are patent, and known to every beginner in Sanskrit.
It is true that our ordinary founts of Devanagari are very large, and that
the complicated character of certain Sanskrit letters will render it difficult
ever to match the smallest Roman types. But what can be clearer than the
fount of the Royal Printing Office at Berlin, used, for instance, in Professor
Kielhorn’s edition of the Phb-sutras ? Yet, even smaller types than those would
still be perfectly legible. The advantages inherent in the Devanagari alphabet,
as such, and quite independent of the different sizes of different founts, are these.
According to the peculiar nature of the Sanskrit alphabet, we save nearly
all a’s, e’s, u’s, in’s, and they are many ; we save final and medial m’s, and
they are many too; and we are able to combine sundry consonants so as
to form more compact groups. Hence the saving of space. But as this
has been denied, I must now try to give geometrical demonstration.
In the three columns on the opposite page, the first contains the largest
Devanagari types, with accents, these accents necessitating larger spaces
between the lines, which would be saved in printing ordinary Sanskrit.
The second column contains the smaller Devanagari types, again with
accents. These types are cast on the same body, as printers call it, as the

Roman types used in the third column, and we have therefore between the
second and third columns common ground on which to institute a real and
rational comparison. The system of transcription is that adopted by Professor
Aufrecht in his excellent edition of the hymns in Roman letters. The spaces,
however, between the words have been reduced, and another saving has been
ellected by removing the unnecessary, and rather objectionable, break at the
end of each Varga, otherwise no alterations have been made, excepting the
change of n into n in yajua, and the addition of a c in gacchati.

Agm'in lie purdhitam

^ i ?'mti truths iis ii vrfjj: %?- yajndsya devdm ritvijam i
hdtaram ratnadhatainani
mu rMwrwtw? mu agnih pdrvebhir n'slii-
i 11311 4 bhir fdyo nfltanair utd i
ftrsnir: tifr^rfri i « jjprij sit devan ehd vakshati
II *11
»rafii ii a it 'm'tjffwT nsfa-gig: *j*r- n 2 n agnlna rayfm acna-
i Hwu umn vat
pdshain evd dive-
^ ?nijd sstf xy ^ftvrfa i rtv- dive i yacasam virdvatta-

*iii3ii3nN*g*terifa- nmsiHiTrr: nin mam 11311 dgne vain yaj-

fjunmerfvin 1 hh"! hth w'h nsu iidm adhvardm vicvatali
TTsHnsarnnr gtfgft i *r- paribhdr dsi 1 s;'t id de-
vsr K^iifciifTTT: frjk# s ij veshu gacchati 11411 agni'r
*n? i u: ^i| litn hdta kavfkratuh satyac ci
trdcravastamah 1 devd de-
vebhir & gamat 11511 yad
aiigd d 11911 she tvdm dgne
^fHlrT%Wr?l4fHT:il6,ll bhadr&m karishydsi 1 td-
vdt tdt satydm aOgirah

^I HTH U- 11611 lipa tv ague dive-dive

ddshavastar dhiya va-
ydm 1 ndmo bhdranta ema-
si 11 711 rajantam adhvara-
nam gopam ritdsya d'ldi-
vim 1 vdrdhamanarn sve
ddme 11811 sd nah pite-
va sundvd ’gne sdpdyand
bhava 1 sdcasvd nah sva-
Istdye 11911

Each column measures exactly i inch and TV of an inch in width. The

small Sanskrit type occupies 3 inches and -pV of an inch in length; the largest
Sanskrit type 5 inches and -A- of an inch ; the Roman type, without reckoning
the last line, 6 inches and TV of an inch. No doubt, if we compare a
Sanskrit text, printed in large Devan&gari types, with another, printed in
small Roman type, the advantage, inherent in the Devanagari alphabet, is
somewhat reduced. But if we want to find out the relative merits of two
alphabets, we must surely give the same start to both, or inform the judges
that it is a handicap race.
What follows, is still more curious. In comparing the two texts, the one
in Devan&gari, the other in Roman types, I have been accused of having
suppressed the fact, that in the latter edition, there arc about four lines of
notes on each page, reducing the number of lines from thirty-one to twenty-
seven. This, however, is the very fact which I make a point of stating, saying,
‘ Thus we had only twenty-four lines on each page against twenty-seven lines
in the Romanised text, exclusive of notes! ’ These were, in fact, the very four
lines which I wanted for my own argument, as a make-weight against the
exceptional spacing of the Sa/whita-text and the accents below the line ; my
object being to show, that what in our case was exceptional on one side, viz.
the wide spacing and the accents below the line, was matched by what was
exceptional on the other side, viz. the four lines of notes at the bottom.
Let me add one word more to my critics in general. No one, 1 can honestly
assure them, is more truly grateful than I am to those who have really taken
the trouble of pointing out mistakes which I have committed; no one, as
I think I have shown sufficiently, is more indifferent to any hard words by
which it is thought that such criticisms can be rendered more emphatic.
During the whole of my literary career I have always availed myself of
whatever was really good in the remarks of my critics, and have given
them the fullest credit for it. But I have not been able to bring myself
to waste my time in idle wrangling. If in matters of opinion I find that
another scholar differs honestly from iny own views, I am not so diffident
as to fear that everybody will think me wrong, and him right; nor so con¬
ceited as to imagine that, even if my own views are right, I could always
convince him that they are so. I have spoken, and he has spoken, and, as in
Parliament, I do not claim the right of reply, except when matters of fact
have been misstated. We both stand before our judges, and trusting in the
indestructible strength of truth, I have never declined to submit to their

verdict. I know I have sometimes been blamed for not replying to my critics
but such blame was most unjust. The fact is, that I could not possibly do it.
When books are reviewed, as they now are, not only in England, but in almost
every country of Europe, nay, even in America and India, what are we to do '
Many of these reviews never reached me at all, but even if I had attempted
to read and notice those only which I happened to see, I should have had no
time left for anything else. It was not want of respect that made me silent, but
simply want of timeNo author, when he publishes books, containing new
facts and new theories, expects that the whole world will at once say, A.men
If it were so, the book would probably never have been written. An author
must be prepared for contradiction and censure, and we all know that from
certain quarters censure is more flattering than praise. After a time, every
author becomes a target, but fortunately, not every shot that is tired, however
loud the report, hits the mark. As far as my own experience goes, I have
felt much more frequently inclined to protest against unmerited praise, than
against unmerited blame. There are few things written by any scholar of my
name, for which, at some time or other, 1 have not received the credit, though
1 did all I could to disclaim those equivocal honours. There are few languages
which I am not supposed to know, though again and again I have protested
•gainst the laurels of a Mezzofanti.
These are old perplexities of which those wlto came before us have com¬
plained, and of which those who follow after, will complain likewise. Let
me conclude with the verses of an old Indian poet.:

1 venture to avail myself of this opportunity to I cannot tell. It is generally said, that Humboldt
fvplain another apparent neglect on my part, for acknowledged all books, and answered all letters.
which, I know, I have been Illumed, if not in public, That may be so, but not every man is a Humboldt,
at least in private. During the last ton years the and Humboldt died before the penny post attained
number of hooks sent me from all parts of the world its full development. When 1 tell my fi lends that,
has become so great that I had to give up the attempt though most letters are now penny letters, I spent in
1,1 acknowledge them al.. When I was a young man, one year ,£18 for postage, they can easily find out the
it was generally understood, that no acknowledgment number of letters I have to write, and I feel sure they
was expected, when a hook was sent, without a loiter. will forgive me, if I do not always write by return ot
1 o that rule T have conformed, both as a sender and post, that ‘ I am looking forward with (lie greatest
as a receiver of presentation copies. There are, of pleasure to reading their hooks. Nothing gives me
<ourse, exceptions, but Urey should lie treated as such. gi eater pleasure than reading books written by men
It should also he publicly stated, that books sent with whom I am personally acquainted. But if a friend
through friends or booksellers, are apt to miscarry. sends me a book on Comparative Mythology, while I
A frieud of mine bought a volume of the Itig-veda at am in the midst of work on .Sanskrit accentuation.
1 sale in Paris, and when he opened it, he found, that I must put his work aside for a timo, and cannot ex¬
’: was the very copy which I had sent him years ago press an opinion till 1 find leisure to read it carefully.
as a present. How such accidents can he avoided. Soyons ratsovnuUes

What care we for the praise of him who lauds

In ignorance of where our merit lies ?
What painter values at a rush applause,
However loud, from him that lacketh eyes ?

Nay, blame itself wo’d rather choose to hear,

If that the judge discerns the fault ho shows;
And censure pleases the judicious more
Than floods of flattery from fools like those.

1 have still the pleasant duty to fulfil of thanking my many friends, both
old and young, for the constant help which they have given me during the
many years that I have been engaged in this edition of the Rig-veda. Some of
them are no more amongst us, but the names of Burnouf, Bunsen, Wilson, Mill,
Trithen, Rotir, Bardelli, Goldstiicker, Ballantyne, Bliao Daji, and I must also
add the names of two most excellent printers, Peinbrey, whose son keeps up
the reputation of his father, and Hickman, a truly noble soul, will always he
remembered with gratitude by one to whom, each in his own way, they have
shown so much kindness, and rendered such essential help. To those who are
still living, and who have assisted me by their advice and by their active co¬
operation, particularly to Professor Theodore Aufrecht, Hr. Fitz-Edward Hall,
Professor Haug, I have in the Preface to each successive volume expressed my
deep obligation. With regard to the last volume, I have to add the names of
Professors Cowell, Eggeling, Thibaut, and Mr. Burnell. My old friend Professor
Cowell, though fully occupied with other work, has never grudged me his time,
whether for reading proof-sheets, or for giving me his opinion on difficult,
passages. Professor Eggeling has rendered me most useful service in the same
manner ; and to Professor Thibaut I am especially indebted for the assistance
he has rendered me in reading revises and in preparing the Index of the
Uttarapadas. That Tndex is founded on the Index vn-borum, printed in the
fifth and sixth volumes. It is arranged alphabetically ; first, according to the
Uttarapada ; then, according to the Phrvapada. It will be seen that it contains
all the words, actually divided by an Avagraha, except those in which the
second part was a mere suffix, *nr:SWK-, or a termination, It
also contains other words which, though, according to the system of the Prati-
silkhyas, they could not have the Avagraha, could easily be divided, and were
thought to be useful to the students of the Veda. The principle followed in
the selection was that of practical usefulness, not of systematic completeness.
If, as happens frequently, the same Uttarapada occurs with different accents,

then it is first placed a? ddyud&tta, afterwards as madhyoddtta, as antodatta,

and lastly as anudatta.
Mr. Burnell’s readiness in helping me to obtain information on some MSS.
in India, has been acknowledged ; and 1 still hope, that his researches may
produce new and important results.

Oxford, 14 September, 1874,
Tie first day of the International Congress of Orientalists
in London.


After the account given of the MSS. in the Prefaces to the earlier volumes,
I have only to state here that no new MSS. of S&yana were available for the
later MancMas, except a few fragments in my possession, viz. fragment D, con¬
taining AslVaka V, Adhyiiyas 3 to 5 (= Maru/ala VII. 20 to 80), fragment Bf,
containing portions of the ninth, and Af, containing portions of the ninth and
tenth Manc/alas.
The fragment D is related to Ca sec. m., as will be seen from such passages
as VII. 20, 10, where Ca, in the second explanation of g, reads jnpstT with
q jjjfdg added in the margin, while I) has VII. 40, 6, instead of
fqqT'd «RT TO Ca writes fWPWTWWT:, which has been misread by the writer of
D, who wrote ’FPSTH- VII. 43, 5, D reads with Ca sec. m. *psrr gwr fsrwgwi.
VII. 67, 7, Ca reads by mistake for 1) corrects to in the
The fragment Bf is related to B4, Af to A and Ca, as may easily be seen
from the Varietas Lectionis.
But though there were no new MSS. to be used, there was a new edition of
the Itig-veda with Sftyana’s commentaiy, published at Bombay, which reached me
in time to be consulted, at least for the tenth Mandala. This edition, I must say
at once, is very favourably distinguished from most editions of Sanskrit texts
published in India. It is neither a mere reproduction of a manuscript, with
occasional corrections, nor a reprint of a text as restored and corrected by a
European scholar with all its mistakes and misprints. It differs in that respect
most favourably from the edition of the text of the Itig-veda, published at
Bombay some years ago, which was so completely a reprint of my own edition
that I had to take legal advice on the subject. It is well that it should be,
known both in India and in England that to reprint a text with its misprints*
and accidental mistakes is considered piracy by English and Indian law and!
is punishable as such. A small number of misprints is sufficient to convict!
the offender, but in this case the number was by no means small, and I am''
glad to say that the publishers at once recognised the bearing of the law,
and printed a new title-page in which my name was given, as it ought to have
been from the first.
I have great pleasure in saying that no such blame attaches to the new
edition of the Rig-veda with S&yana’s commentary. The editors, Boc/asa Raja-

R&mas&stri and Gore Siva-IUma-sAstri, both well known as men of considerable

learning, did not simply take my old edition and send it to be reprinted with
a few corrections and additions here and there. They made use of my edition
throughout, but I believe they made a copy of the commentary for themselves,
and collated some MSS. They also inserted some of their own conjectural
emendations and supplied some lacunas. In fact this edition reflects great
credit on native scholarship, and I hope it may serve as a pattern for future,
editors of Sanskrit texts. To me it was a matter of considerable interest to
And out whether any of the MSS. which the editors had used represented an
independent text, different from the three families of MSS. which I had
established from the materials at my disposal. I shall say at once that this is
not the case, and my impression is that even in cases where lacunas have been
filled, this has been done, as it easily might have been (see Preface to the
Sixth Volume of the First Edition, above, p. cxxxvi), by conjecture, or by consult¬
ing commentaries on the other Vedas, on the Nirukta, or on other similar works.
In order to prove this once for all, I have asked Dr. Winternitz to put together
a list of passages from the seventh, the eighth, and the ninth Maw/alas which
will show the true relation of the editio princeps and the new Bombay edition, and
will serve at the same time as a supplement to the Varietas Lectioms for the
third volume. The whole revised copy of my new edition was in the press
before the Bombay edition reached me, and as far as IX. 90, 6 all was printed.
From IX. 91 onwards, however, the Bombay edition could be consulted during
the reading of the proof-sheets, but in very few cases only were readings of
h (the Bombay edition) inserted in the text on the authority of U alone, as, for
instance, in IX. 97, 12; X. 27, 7; X. 27, 14; X. 30, 7. I)r.Winternitz has
already published an article on the true character of the Bombay edition in the
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of London, vol. xxiii. pp. 173 -182, and the
following notes will serve to confirm his judgment. The first class of passages
given in list A below, is intended to show that the two native scholars had no
access to MSS. which represent an independent text, or a text differing in
essentials from that of my three families of MSS. A great number of mistakes
which run through all our MSS. meet us again in the Bombay edition. This
x 2

fact is of great importance, and it naturally makes us doubtful with regard

to another class of passages which are given in list B, where the Bombay edition
offers a different, and sometimes better reading than that found in our MSS., and
more especially with regard to passages collected in list 0, where lacunas which
are found in all our MSS. have been carefully filled out in the Bombay edition.
Again, though the editors have not stated that they have made constant
use of my edition for restoring the text of Saya/ia, there are certain coincidences
which hardly admit of any other explanation. Such passages will be found in the
next two lists. List D contains a number of passages where the Bombay edition
has adopted doubtful or even erroneous readings from my first edition which I
myself have now rejected, while list E gives a number of more or less certain con¬
jectural emendations proposed by me in my first edition, and 'found also in the
Bombay edition. I should, of course, be very much pleased to learn that the
editors found some of these readings in their MSS. Nothing is so gratifying to a
scholar as to see his conjectures confirmed by the discovery of new MSS.
Conjectural emendations of my own which had the good fortune of being con¬
firmed by the discovery of new MSS., will be found in the Varietas Lectionis.
But [ am afraid that in most cases this is not very probable, seeing that the
MSS. used by the Bombay editors are on the whole not very different from those
on which my own editio princess was based.
List F gives a number of passages where the Bombay edition has real
improvements, which either confirm my own readings adopted in the new
edition, or seem to me preferable. Whether they are conjectural emendations
or rest on the authority of MSS., must again remain an open question.
Appended is a short list (G) of palpable mistakes and misprints occurring
from Rv. IX. 91 to the end of the ninth Maw/ala, in the Bombay edition, which
may be useful for a new edition.
Mi = My Editio Princeps.
M 2 = My Second Edition.
R = Bombay Edition.

Passages in which R shares the mistakes of our MSS.
VII. 5, 5. After ^wi*rjrf, A. B. Ca add nfifi. This has been retained in
M 1 and in R. But it is clear that a lector male sedulus mistook ®TT$rr i. e.
^siji for tt^t, and added Tin;hi. The same MSS. have in the same line the
addition ^TjjT^r after fffrfl;. This was rejected both in M 1 and in R.
VII. 6, 7. R has qfaf^« the reading of the MSS., for
VII. 7, 6. R, like all our MSS., has Jn^rrcrf, where we should expect
VII. 18, 5. R, like our MSS., has qlvmTq We expect qraqR.
VII. 18, 22. R has i%: for with our MSS—R reads with A. Ca.
VII. 22, 6. R reads qftfq with I).
VII. 27, 5. R has with the MSS., for qfqNnSb
VII. 34, 24. R retains of the MSS. instead of (qqq^) fgrfhri.
VII. 35 introd. R has qq^crrg like D, for ijq - - g.
VIT. 35, 6. The explanation of SNim, given by Ca sec. m. D grq^q:, is
found also in R. It may be right.
VII. 36, 1. «rrarer fqq R with our MSS.
VH. 37, 5. R, like all our MSS., reads fqqq aniftfq. The text has fq%q:.
ft is hardly possible that Say a//a read fq^q. If he had, he could only have
explained it as a third person.
VII. 39, 5. R reads with A. B.
VII. 43, 2. R has qr^qi like the MSS., not the emendation qraqi (explanation

VIT. 43, 4- MSS. omit qfq q, and leave it unexplained. R simply

.inserts the words q from the text. Surely no improvement.
VTI. 56,9 and 10. R agrees with our MS. D in verse 9, and with B 4 in verse iu.
VII. 56, 18. R also has like all our MSS.
VIT. 57, 2. ^ flqq: R like our MSS.
VC. 57. 3- E has for , like our MSS.
VII. 59, 8. R, like our MSS., has q SR:.
VII. 66, 3. II reads sqfn with the MSS., not gfx:.
Vi I. 67, 8. For TT^^rrgfWr:, R has cf^rraT: like B I and M 1.
\1I. 69, 6. R reads JTT fqqg with A, for rrr
VII. 70, 1. R has v«snq like A. Ca. D and M 1. Corrected to qsf qrq in M 2.
VII. 75, 4. R reads °qq«Tq|<qift qqfT: with B4. D, without adding rnq
VII. 82, 2, R also has qf gqt, like our MSS., where it should be gqr«lf.
VII. 92, 4. R also has gqq: like A. B. Ca, though gqq: is quite
VII. 98, 4, R has the reading of the MSS. qjfqgvrer (which may be right),
not the emendation qtfhgqfq.
VII. 100, 6. R also has Trerra where we expect qqr <RTR.—R has qqtnr qpajq
hke A. Ca.

VII. 103, 7. R reads ?RT which seems to be based on the reading

of A
VII. 104, 12. is the reading of the MSS. R reads qwnfqifl,
M 1. 2 W*WTW-
VII. 104, 25. R copies the mistake of the MSS. and of M x *n;: for
Rt TTTW' •
VIII. 1, 26. R has q ffgr®, like A. Ca, for *
VIII. 2, 6. R has with the MSS.
VIII. 2, 27. R gives the same commentary as our MS. B 4; see Varietas
Lection is.
VIII. 3, 1. R has with the MSS., for #f^:.
VIII. 3, 22. R has nt with B4, for ?Rn:.
VIII. 4, 3. R also reads for
VIIJ. 4, 6. R reads 1 showing the same omission as our MSS.
VIII. 6, 33. R reads thr, which comes much nearer to the reading of
A. Ca, rra?4, than our emendation wt f^r: 1 TRR.. Yet the latter yields a
better sense.
VIII. 6, 43. R has with A. Ca, and M 1, for
VIII. 6, 47. It has vpfljfiHfllfil with the MSS., for ^3°.
VIII. 7, 21. R has with the MSS., for it^w0.
VIII. 7, 29. TtflRfa R with the MSS., for flrtRfafa.
VIII. 8, 2. R also has ^PtTffSr: for ^rtgwr:.
VIII. 12, 12. It = MSS., for irNtfL
VIII. 13, 6. R also has the mistake o^rflNh': ^
VIII. 19, 33. It has like MSS. and M 1, for
VIII. 22, 11. •^ffVRT: R = MSS., for
VIII. 22, 12. ^wTWrf*: R = MSS., for jrrerfiT:.
VIII. 22, 15. It reads with the MSS.
VIII. 23, 25. R = MSS. and M 1.
VIII. 24 and 25 introd. Instead of It has the reading of B 1
VIII. 24, 4. Instead of R has with A. Ca. M 1.
VIII. 25, 17. It, like M i and the MSS., has gmftf for
VIII. 25, 22. It has for gf^rret, like A sec. m. Ca.
VIII. 29, 1. gqwfem: R = A. Ca, for
VIII. 31, 16. R = A. Ca, for ^rRT
VIII. 37. The Viniyoga in It the same as in our MSS.
VIII. 41» 7- The lacuna is supplied by R in accordance with B, xj: to
after which it continues etc. This may be right.
VIII. 45> 38- Here also R supplies the lacuna in accordance with B, see
Varietas Lectionis.
VIII. 46, 33. xjfar R = A. Ca. M 1, for xftwi.
VIII. 48, 5. xrxer: R = A. Ca. M1, for xn*t:.
VIII. 61, 2. R reads with the MSS. !%:.
VIII. 66, 3. R reads ftiM ^ arm yf?r ^ ^ etc., undisturbed by the
lacuna after xf (jfH * - “ MSS.).
VIII. 67 init. R reads with the MSS., but immediately after¬
wards against the MSS., which have ^ntT.
VIII. 69, 2. R has the difficult reading of our MSS. fqqgfjffi tjjjq yftt.
VIII. 71, 3. R adopts the reading of B xftjxjw nn#,
which agrees with the text.
VIII. 79, 6 and 7. R supplies the lacunas in accordance with B. See
Varietas Lectionis.
VIII. 89, 1. The lacuna after is also in II, though R does not mark
it, as our MSS. do.
VIII. 91 init. R reads with our MSS. t£$Tfwf<Tptrt: sr^i.
VIII. 93, 13. R inserts without explanation, like B.
VIII. 93, 24. R, like B, gives the second explanation only, thus avoiding the
lacuna in the first explanation of fffi.
VIII. 99, 3. R inserts before Jrm, like our MSS.
IX. 7, x. R changes the spurious {fafrlT of our MSS. to «^r*n: and reads

TX. 10, 6. It is clear that Sayawa read fyxx: against the authority of the
Rada-text, yet R has ?y% fTW: ; compare B 1.
IX. 14, 4. R reads viTCffi 7TR7 etc., without marking a lacuna before h^t.
IX. 30, 2. R leads qiy, the MSS. - - <*jy.
I-^- 43> 5- H reads with B xj: for and with tiie MSS. for

IX. 61, 23. R agrees with the MSS. in placing the words from % jftj: to
IX. 66, 28. R agrees with our MSS. in giving a second grammatical explana-
tlon after
IX. 91 init. R has the same mistake, for xn?, as our MSS.
IX. 91, 4. R, like our MSS., has xftri for faf.

IX. 92, 4. R reads the reading intended by A. Ca.

IX. 96, 1. R reads for sr?rrf*T with the MSS.
IX. 96, 13. R reads with A. Ca.
IX. 97, 4. R reads JT»J<lwr«r with the MSS.
IX. 97, 19. R, like A. Ca and M 1, reads and f»rfiT%.
IX. 97, 23. R reads y’Sjfqvn with the MSS., for .
IX. 97, 36. R, like our MSS., reads snrf^i for wfa.
IX. 97, 58. tpranranr R = A. Ca.
IX. 98, 12. The reading of R, ttb wj valin*lvaT*T is almost the same
as the reading of A. Ca.
IX. 99, 6. R reads with B and M 1 ^RI^VTfw. But cannot
be the explanation of the participle.
IX. iox, 1. g^:f%7ret R = MSS.
IX. 102, 3. R has the same corrupt reading ’3WaDq<(l f%W as
our MSS.
IX. 106, 9. R reads, with A. Ca, ffHfipsrf: t>:, IX. 107, 5 fwjH, and IX.
107, 7
IX. 107, 11. R has the same interpolation after f?R3?f*N.as A. Ca. M 1.
IX. 107, 14. R reads Htdfd iJ4rt ; compare the reading of A. Ca.
IX. 108, 7. R reads (sic), for wPnsj, A. Ca have rpsj.—R reads, with B 1,

IX. 112, 2. R, like A. Ca, has wNfTfwJrfw: and n titi:.

IX. 112,3. R has the reading of the MSS. ogfSBiT 53JT9H3QT.
IX. 114,1. R = A. Ca.
IX. 114, 2. R has the same mistake as A, in writing JJWT gam.

13 .
Passages in which II has independent readings. Compare also ltst F.

VII. 1, 23. M I had like A. B 1. M2 has i^ifa like Ca. The

reading of R, is better. But has it the suppoi't of any MSS.,
or is it simply a conjectural emendation?
VII. 55 init. In the quotation from the Bril). R reads IftpPPt-
VII. 56, 8. R reads qmfqq: for . In the Varietas Lection is
and %qf?nn were suggested as possible emendations. Does the reading of
R rest on the authority of any MSS. ?
VII. 60, 3. R reads for
VII- 61, 2. The MSS. have One expects as an explanation of
SffSTT. R inserts the words of the text and reads *r??pp *T No improvement.
VII. 71,4- Our MSS. have WTTf and tot 'STf, R reads WT only.
VII. 90, 2. Our MSS. read inm, and this points to S4yana’s reading
instead of in the Pada. R reads, however,
VII. 98, 6. The MSS. have 7^ ?m, as if Sayana had read instead of
3%^ in the text. R throws out the 37^, hut retains the xt<f, reading 7^ TT^T.
VII. 104, 6. R has for
VIII. 4> l4- R has *rf7!0, which may be right.
VIII. 5, 23. Our MSS. read ftd-J , which was corrected to tpj
Jisft (in M 2). The emendation rests on Pan. IV. 4, 98 (tht *T^:). In R we find
war *rr*pj *rart.
VIII. 17, 13. The MSS. have <re, corrected to in Mi. 2; R has
^7? only.
VIII. 20, 1. R reads % WPTPt: TWIT: HWtT: W*TnT, quite different
from our MS. B, the only MS. which has the passage. Is this a conjectural
reading ?
VIII. 20, 2. Here again R differs in the passage as given from B only,
it reads sp»ra*rpTT: ’Hjsj *nj etc.
VIII. 24, 6. It reads rm nfN jRt VRTf^fw:
VIII. 25, 6. R avoids the difficulty at the end of this verse by omitting the
last sentence altogether.
VIII. 29, 1. Instead of (s^P A. Ca), R reads
VIII. 31, 1. R reads snjn ppftt. But S&yana read ww for ^rr.
VIII. 40, 6. R has tfdiqi for argzn.
VIII. 44, 3. Our MSS. have for R reads in accord¬
ance with the text.
VIII. 46, 15. R has with the text and with A, as corrected. All the
other MSS. have w.
VIII. 47, 6. R has mnro (Sayu/ia’s reading) also in the Pada-text, for
I a: 1.

VIII. 64, 7. R reads ?H?n TSfftTT This is in accordance with the

text of the Rig-veda. But our MSS. point to a reading of S&yana’s, wf
instead of if,
VIII. 67, 13. The MSS. have which had to be corrected to
R reads ’gpftp:.

VIII. 77, 9. R reads was suggested in the

notes of M 1. The MSS. point to "vnTflTO or either of which may be
right. But there is no evidence, in our MSS., for °VKi!|if*t.
VIII. 80, 1. R reads srasT TOlPlit- Our MSS. mark a lacuna, W36T
VIII. 83, 3. R avoids the first lacuna by reading *TT %
^nr:, the second lacuna is supplied by fqfsnrrf»f as in M 1.
VIII. 91 init. R reads like Prof. Aufrecht, for ^ sp*rr. In the
same passage R reads TTfdl’gruvf^flf taking as a fern.
VIII. 92, 3. R has aj$tas[T instead of '«mT fcm MSS.).
VIII. 93, 6. The grammatical note, which is corrupt in A. Ca, and has been
omitted as spurious, has been put after f$*N*rpTTO: in R, and corrected, it seems,
as follows : sii^fw fttfz ^ ^HTT: etc.
VIIT. 93, 7. R again gives the grammatical explanation with some cor¬
VIII. 93, 23. R reads simply TFT gi^hwtaj’Si, as if there were no
lacuna at all.
VIII. 98, 9. R has in accordance with the Samhita MSS., but our
S4ya»a MSS. read
VIII. 99, 6. R has **fw. ( = text), while our Sayana MSS., differing
from the text, read 3f°.
IX. 33, 1. R has (?) for eft. The MSS. are corrikpt.
IX. 41, 2. R has ^ for fCTfn *(. I
IX. 48, 3. R makes the commentary agree with the text. It read*, like
A. Ca, % but omits the words sjpijg: gmj: which stalid in
all our MSS. \
IX. 53, 1. Sayana seems to explain trft | ?p4: (rendering trfx; by
instead of R (against our MSS.) gives for ^n, the rest of the
commentary being the same.
IX. 63, 4. R reads sraef*nr, but our MSS. read If Sdyana
wanted to explain ’srftf, he would say 'wftoi, or something like it, and
not simply aNfftf.
IX. 65, 4. R gives the fuller commentary of the B MSS., but it begins rW!
fswm etc., and explains ^rn*n by jfttwqrfld!: gywTPrtrft «rr. In a foot-note
the commentary as printed in M 1 is given, adding at the end xpawnft-
Does this refer to another MS., or to the Editio Princeps ?

IX. 69, 10. The reading of R, (A. Ca have xpurpta *.),

may be right.
IX. 86, 21. R reads tfasfn'JlfH m instead of xnsf^fw arr m°. No
IX. 86, 27. R inserts tj% between and
IX. 86, 33. R reads after mrt gsft, which is not in our MSS.
IX. 88, 3. R reads f% not in our Sayawa MSS., though it
is in the text.
IX. 89, 4. R reads W Sfa. This would be better than
the readings of our MSS., if TT were added after ajTtf.
IX. 91, 1. The MSS. have y# and TEt R reads alone.
IX. 91,6. R reads Tfarr xforR..
IX. 95, 4. Instead of rffit f^: (irwt Bi, A. Ca) R reads
IX. 96, 15. Our MSS. read the reading of R ^353 ’S’S
is no improvement. in R, for , is possible, but not necessary ;
see also IX. 96, 23.
IX. 97, 2. For R alone has »xfT*tgw:.
IX. 97, 16. Our MSS. read gwrf*T and gjrr, R, with the text, gt^r gtrmft
and g^nf*.
IX. 97, 32. R reads xuntJjg with the text, our MSS. give nrforfH.
IX. 97, 38. For gfTWSTO etc., R reads *r*TT ?«TfX% ^ SnWHT gfw
IX. 97, 44. For *tt ^ ng*rt of the MSS. (*rt *ig*fr M1. M 2), II
has ^ WT *g.
IX. 103, 4. R reads for
IX. 108, 2. R reads taking from the text. But our
MSS. read which seems to be Say an as reading. If he had read lie
would probably have given the explanation found in B,
IX. 108, 4. R reads Wlft arrg^.
IX. 109, 22. The MSS. read =sfri!R. hut cannot be an
explanation of hut only of fynp^. A lacuna ought to have been marked
alter ’>ftnjnJ which may be supplied in the following way: «n«UA ^
tX3P(.^CTf*T R is content with writing ’TO
IX. 111,3. B reads qfrrq W
IX. 113,10. For rnr (MSS. have ftroil *Pt only), R reads . ■
y 2

List of lacunas, supplied in R.

VII. 104, 6. R reads qfrirrfgT ftRffa W , thus supplying

the lacuna of our MSS. This seems spurious, even if it should have the authority
of some MS.
VIII. 6, 23. R explains the words ^r?» Tract by wft *T HftW»l4WfyTf
Tnri WTfrf ^T?j TITOI. Very doubtful.
VIII. 14, 13 and 14. The words at the end of verse 13, are
left out in R, and the lacuna of verse 14 is supplied according to B from \
to after which is added.
VIII. 19, 37. R borrows the commentary from the commentary on the
Nirukta IV. 15, adding at the end of the verse (not in a note): ■’5TSTT agTWR
f»HUIi <4I<T1I<TT ^Pipi, which might give the impression, as if S&yawa, not the editors,
had copied from the Nirukta-dka. At all events, this throws some light on the
manner in which lacunas have been filled in R. :
VIII. 21, 14. Ii supplies a commentary for the second half of the verse,
which is wanting in A. Ca, and supplied by B. But R differs fromVB. tj^t
^ ^ <i ^fnrrt etjlft *r<(V<ft<iOTrd <i^t *rnrsrf% wf^i
1 wfipr. ^frrr ftnta <mrf<nn ^ptoi *r«i%
11 R.
VIII. 66, 10. Our MSS. offer three lacunas in this verse. R gets rid of the
first one by reading <R3rTf*lf<jrwp5: etc., of the second by reading. ^rnNI
etc. In the third place R reads simply wt»T etc.
VIII. 69, 12. R adds at the end : <|ST«n: ^ <ff<H;Tf*r<T w nfn TfVTSTTsr
TTB^H Cf. our MS. B. ^
VIII. 103 init. The omission in the second Viniyoga is supplied by R, which
has SNt^w® n*if?Tn<>fh <a*tf<i<T<g!<T: 1 ff^nt ^ 1
arr<m it ^ 1 WTrfPiTqrcTjfrcT^nTt: (read qngqriwffil Tiri
<rrffwiTr i ^ i <tt etc.
IX. 21,5. R supplies the lacuna after by riw ^PT., not at
all in Sayana’s style. Cf. the reading of B 1. 4.
IX. 47, 2. The first part of the commentary which is defective in our MSS.
reads in Ii quite smoothly : w <T#W *PT*TO <<g^5jr '<^»n<Tq<JgU fl^Ultfn »rni-
<T5Tf»T <IS#t ^S^Tfilj ^KHlf+Kq BiTTlf*! etc. Is this supported by any MSS. ?
IX. 67, 22. R adds after ?fererr, <i: Utm trf<PC: ^ *r, which is not in our MSS.
IX. 85, 11. Our MSS. are deficient at the beginning of the commentary,
gqqf being unexplained and wrfjPrre being not fully explained. No such defects
exist in R, which has »ri% RJWlfai TfpPlwRiiT WRi;
etc. Yet R, like all our MSS., reads ^mansfl as if Sayana had read
gxj I qfflitmf for
IX. 89, i. R adds the missing explanation of the last Pada : ?rm: ygwfaw
^ *rr <?<t% wn ^ 11
IX. 89, 7, R has a complete commentary of the verse, our MSS. have none at all.
IX. 96, 11. The explanation of the last Pada is deficient in A and Ca (as to
B 1, see Yar. Lect.). R inserts before and jpprr
jjzjt: after ’STSTPR. Doubtful, whether in MS. or not.
IX. 97,26. R has gjrfH ifrsnrafn w«r*i Ppstcttt:
a good explanation of the third Pada., wanting in our MSS.
IX. 98, 4. After ^ vpf R inserts I\ ^TpFT W SEf^f^TBT
Ufa >pj iprrarpl
IX. 107, 18. R inserts '3’wr: 'gpjrsR'R;: after
See also X. 12, 6 ; 14, 3; 18, 14; 19, 4; 27, 9 (here R gives a different com¬
mentary from that supplied by the authorities at .SVingcri, see above, p. cxxxvi);
30, 8; 45, 12, etc., which shows again how easily lacunas are filled by native
scholars in India.

List of doubtful or erroneous readings in the Editio Princeps (M 1)

VII. I, 3. inrwirprilw is the unobjectionable reading of the MSS.

^nTtf^ffarsn in M 1 was wrong, yet we find the same reading in R.
VII. 5, 7- the reading of the MSS., was corrected to in M 1,
to wrra in the new edition. R has
VII. 39, 1. %*rrct, wrong form, in M 1, but adopted in R, instead of the
right reading of A.
VII. 39, 3. The explanation of is now given as Tjfaari h^t: in accordance
with Nirukta XII. 43. The emendation in M 1 was 'gf^fart, which is the reading
°t It. S&yana would hardly explain as a locative. Besides, the reading of
the principal MSS. comes nearer to TjfRPST *T4T than to tjfwr.
1 • 57> 6. Jflippspi:, the reading of the MSS., has been restored in M 2 ; in
M 1 it was corrected to rniTWfi:, which has found its way into R.
VII. 88, 3. the reading of A. Ca, has been restored in M 2. It was cor¬
rected to in M i, the reading adopted in R.

VII. 104, 19. of the MSS. has been restored in M2. The reading of
M 1, flWofigd, has been adopted in R.
VIII. 2, 12. ^ *n: the reading of A. Ca, has been restored in M2.
R has adopted the erroneous emendation of M 1, ^ .
VIII. 15, 10. R has adopted the readings of M 1, now rejected in M 2. See
Varietas Lectionis.
VIII. 22 introd. After ^gj^R has the mistake *rqjft 9*ftf?TTt (compare
the leading of B : 411# If wftfftqf). This was printed in M 1, but in the
Corrections at the end of the volume (iv) was corrected to 141ft
The editors of R have not observed this.
VIII. 24, 17. The unintelligible of the MSS., which is now corrected to
*PH, was changed to in M 1, and this is adopted in It.
VIII, 24, 20. R has with M 1, for
VITT. 30, 3. As to etc., R agrees with M 1, except that it has
?rg: wt ftraT for wrf irg: ftmT.
VIII. 35 introd. now restored according to A. Ca. It was
corrected to ^nfT° in M 1, and this has been adopted in R.
VIII. 45, 40. Instead of fff>* Mi proposed another emendation:
ftpgf =3T <TTHT, which is the reading of It.
VIII. 70 introd. 1°, the reading of M 1 (according to B),
is adopted in R. It had been corrected already in the Corrections to vol. iv of
M 1. This has not been observed by the editors of It.
VIII. 71,13. R agrees with M 1 in reading I which has now
been corrected to dRiM'l.
VIII. 76, 12. gjftPTOT was corrected to gjfH *r*n in M 1, and this is adopted
in R. M2 has the reading of B, gjftrHf.
VIII. 96, 8. R has 7nnf4 with M i> the MSS. (A. Ca) have 7R which
is now changed into TiTTf^i: -
VIII. 101, 14. <rsrr awui (A. Ca) has been corrected to ?r«rr siHRi 'n
M 1, which is adopted in R. It is now ^f^urr®.
VIII. 103 introd. R reads with M 1 iH*ft ftnCTipn and
See Varietas Lectionis.
IX. 72, 8. (now corrected to °tj%) had been corrected in M 1 to
which is the reading adopted in R.
IX. 74, 6. ‘ WTfw:, the reading of C 2 and very nearly of the other
MSS., is unobjectionable. It should be remembered that is one of the
in Ngh. II. 19- ’TPft IT* was, therefore, a wrong conjectural emendation in
M i; yet it has been adopted in R.
IX. 87, 8. ht* 3TOHT7P9 is the nearest approach to the readings of the MSS.
Tirr JTCT TfTTR of Mi and R is 'against the authority of the MSS., and no
IX. 101, 13. TTUTi“ in M 1 was an unnecessary correction for TWPira®. Cf.
Dhp. Tiv TffwI. Yet R also has TTW.
IX. 103, 1. Compare: qfafnfonqft Tfowmnq ?i?et iffiffir: 13ft* M 1.
ifomroro w R.
IX. 112, 1. (MSS.) was at first changed in M 1 to sn°,
but afterwards corrected in the Varietas Lectionis. R has adopted sn°,
a wrong emendation of M 1.
A few curious passages of the tenth Mawdala may here be added :
X. 13, 5- which was corrected in the Varietas Lectionis of M 1 to fopfr,
is retained in R.
X. 20, 10. R reads with M 1 *ftg*j?r?r instead of the correct reading
of the MSS.
X. 66, 5 and 7. The MSS. have all f%rgw. The conjecture fspajfH is against
the MSS. , as stated in the Varietas Lectionis. The Anusvara of in verse 5 was
lost by a mere misprint. R has, like M 1, from in verse 5 and in verse 7.
X. i2i, 4. The passage discussed above, p. cxxxviii seq. Here R has TTT^nt*n
etc., my own very bold conjectural reading, except that it substitutes i35Tai?rt: for
tsiNifU ^T. How does Prof. Peterson, who criticised my conjectural emendations
m the Academy, account for this ?
X. 184, 1. R has the (now rejected) conjectural reading of M 1, jpfanTPnre^T
for ^rrw.

List of emendations, with or, without the authority of MSS.,

VII. 1,1. (easy emendation). VII. 2 init. MSJlfaSTfa^. VII. 2,11.

WTi for 'TOT**, VII. 3, 4. VII. 3, 8. ■*%:. VII. 5, 2. rn before
VU. 5- 3- ^fwrwr:. VII. 5, 6. ’srHtt for %*m (easy emendation). VII. 11, 5.
for f«Rt%e. VII. 15 init. jrfjpfp VII. 16, 5. VII. 18, 9.
YU. 18, 11. etc. (easy). VII. 18, 17. VII. 18, 21.
XII. 20, 8. before $ by conjecture. VII. 21, 5. and VII. 22, 2.
VII. 23, 6. qTWWWTli. VII. 24, 1. JTT^rer. VII. 24, 3. *Tlf. VII.

3i, 12. qiftTft. VII. 32, 4- W VIL 34. 4- SjNrrfiqpsr. VII. 36, 4.
VII. 39. 7- ^sTT to ^g. VII. 40, i. VII. 41. 5- IT before **}.
VII. 43, 3. «*nff and wft- VII. 46, 1. VII. 48,1. *g**rft?i. VII. 48, 2.
^ VIL 55 init. ^nrr Jmrft etc. and agwqfrng. VII. 57,4. ft jmft:.
VII. 60, 6. *jg qnfTt- VII. 60, 12. VII. 61, 3. *ra: ft^qrn*; R
omits at the beginning. VII. 61, 5. g^T»9T and *ftft. VII. 66, 15.
^ *ftft. VII. 67, 4. ^nfr *f. VII. 68,6. w *srr#. VII. 68, 8. v»rftft
and nt. VII. 70, 2. ^rr before ^ri by conjecture. VII. 71, 4. by conjecture,
and m for ^T. VII. 72, I. VII. 72, 3. qftpifr. VII. 73, 4.
VII. 76, 3. ^ ttfW nftww etc. VII. 82, 5. 'StTftflft. VII. 93, 8. JTT before t|ft
by conjecture. VII. 95, 6. gg: for *}g. VII. 96 init. • VII. 98, 3.
^siftran R. VII. 100, 6. gs’stfUft- VII. 104,12. f^T ^rf%re%f7f w. ^i.
VIII. 1, 24. VIII. 1, 27. ftg*ft. VIII. 1, 29. sft. VIII. 2 init.
^ after VIII. 2, 2. VIII. 2, 37. ^rggrcr:. VTII. 3, n. ft^i-
gnng. VIII. 4, 8. <nfa<nrfowi. VIII. 4,13. wsrftft VIII. 4,20.
^arr»rr. VIII. 5, 6. vrrer:. VIII. 5, 7. ajrft!):. VIII. 5, 35. inwi#? *rnRf*i
VIII. 7, 5. by conjecture. VIII. 7, 24. ^sjrpr^l (easy). VIII. 7, 28. *WR-
VIII. 8, 5. TI%. VIII. 8, 10. Is ftWWT in It a mis¬
print for ftwWT ? VIII. 8, 12. 4lfi<HlHI4^gi- VIII. 9, 5. VIII. 9,
17. after fm:. VIII. 12, 12. gjwgir for gjWTgir. VIII. 12, 20. after
tnxrf^Tt- VIII. 13, 4. *r«rcr ft TT^fa- VIII. 13,20. Trraft VIII.
13, 25. ^gftft^if<mft:. VIII. 15, 3. VIII. 17 init. VIII.
17. 5. VIII. 17, 12. and VIII. 18, 10. VIII.
18, 14. VIII. 19, 8. *nrHfti: %*mPr VTWP*tft- VIIT. 19, 14-
ftsjT’nsTvru^n. VIII. 19, 25. jfttjftft, VIII. 20, 2. VIII. 20, 9. ftfft?h
VIII. 20,11. ^Rn^’*rrf«rrft. VIII. 20, 14. fft:. VIII. 20, 19. inuft.- VIII.
20, 22. *rr. VIII. 21, 5. jfrfwr VIII.
21, 7. ^ ^TPTTfr H^(TT WT fft « VIII. 21, 16. and
VIII. 21, 18. 7rm.and VIIT. 22, 1. 'ammftmC VIII. 22,
2. g%g. VIII. 22, 6. It has adopted the conjectural readings given in Mi,
except that it adds after VIII. 22, 7. WT*b VIII. 22, 18.
VIII. 23, 7. *npft. VIII. 23, 8. ?nrqfii, VIII. 23, 15. *rrwft?nsr. VIII. 23,
17. gf for VIII. 23, 24. «nftfftnr- VIII. 24, 24. «fttwrni,
^rrftrar, and wrmfww- VIII. 24, 27. ^ wg^rra; and ft
VIII. 24, 28. Hlftanwft and qrffft. VIII. 24, 29- Tt^Wt- VIII. 24, 30. K%1-
Henceforth some striking cases only will be noticed. VIII. 26, 5. tfUransft etc.
VIII. 27, 5. gjgigflWT myaftaft: Trqrr, ‘ the reading is very doubtful.’ VIII. 31’ 3-

‘ very doubtful.' VIII. 32 init. wr<nm«n% tfijjVqauungfl. VIII. 61,

16. trro; MSTSWTJt etc. VIII. 77, u. *rr%* ^TwraT ftngft. VIII. 91, 7.
K begins m % TWrarff^, the rest agreeing with M. M, VIII. 94, 5. 1
‘ conjectural and very doubtful.’ VIII. 100 init. R has adopted all the
emendations of M. M. IX. 67, 32. ‘different emendations
might easily be proposed. IX. 73, 1. Is iT^T^TSI^PI^T in R a misprint, meant
for the conjectural emendation of M 1 ? IX. 73? 7* H retains
of the MSS., but follows M 1 in reading g^r »nw: ijnft wit*. IX. 97,
7. WTWf. IX. 97, 20- 'SWT ijarf.\ IX. 108, 4. WTTOtifarT. IX. no, u.
swu- IX. 112, 3. sra: IX. 112, 4. wifcrflFn.

List of passages where R has better readings than Mi or M2.

VII. 15, 14. the correct reading, instead of nraiTTlfe: (MSS. and
M 1), is also in R.
VII. 23, 3. ^hhsj: R = M 2, for sstoj: of the MSS. and M 1.
VIT. 48, 3. fSpjRf: of R seems better than as follows im¬
mediately, and fir^ may be both first and sixth class. The various readings
jjoint all to fit®.
VII- 59, 4- wm ff«T Sf<T R. This is better than * as all
our MSS. read.
VII. 83, 1. R gives the right reading and the reference to TBr. Ill, 2, 2.
V II. 93, 2. R has grr, not gq grr, as our MSS. read. In any case it might
have been better to omit as there is no justification for it.
VIT, 103, 8. It reads n4^H!T, which seems to be the right reading for irwif of
our MSS.
VIII. ij 30. ^91%, the same emendation in M2 and R, independently.
VIII- 2, 37. The reading of R, is decidedly better than firo-
^VT ^fu:, or , as suggested in the Var. Lect.
VIII- 3, 13- corrected to both in It and M2, independently.
VIII- 3, 24. For %vnt, as our MSS. read, R has ^T7TT 7f, which
would be preferable even as a conjectural emendation.
VIII. 4, 20. R has Jrffljjffanfa, as suggested in the Var. Lect. (of M 1).
it in a MS.?
VIII. 6, 40. as suggested in the Var. Lect. (of M 1) for #f%n, is the
reading of R.

VIII. 8, 4. for the same emendation in M 2 and R, independently.

VIII. i2, 31. R reads W*
VIII. 19, 32. R has the same emendation for
VIII. 24, 14. grw for the same emendation in R and M 2, independently.
VIII. 26, 20. R reads which seems better than
VITI. 41,1. for WtfiC*, both in R and M 2, independently.
VIII. 44, 9. R has for
VIII. 67, 12. For the unintelligible H ^as ,
hut. can wnn be used as a masc. ?
VIII. 76, 3. Instead of R has the correct reading ^JPT. Is it
supported by MSS. ?
VIII. 92, 2. the reading of R, comes nearer to as our MSS.
read, than *rpart°, and seems therefore preferable.
VIII. 96, 13 (p. 575. 1- 2). R has for the unusual <33^1 of our MSS.
IX. 64, 11. Note in M 1 : ‘one expects R has it.
IX. 66, 28. TTWST 'STTfH is at all events a good emendation for nfimw
ft would be still better to conjecture nfH
IX. 77, 5. R has the right reading for which is the reading <>t

all our MSS.

IX. 86 init. Our MSS. read wtarcft, R has the correct name as in
the Anukr.
IX. 88, 2. is perhaps better than as it comes nearer to

the reading of A and C.

IX. 91, 3. R reads for osurcftw "StT*:- This seems better.
IX. 97, 12. fulfill V^rftr ^^rrf% of R is mucli
better than the reading in Mi. It has therefore been adopted in M 2, except
which is not supported by MSS.
IX. 97, 13. W is good, on account of the following ^ ^>e'n^
the explanation of ’ST. But our MSS. omit the TIT.
IX. 97, 16. R reads ^ wanting in our MSS.
IX. 97, 40. qqgqfa of R is better than the unusual
IX. 97, 55. R has trfw for the first trfwfa, as our MSS. have.
IX. 98, 4. R has with the text *ufor for JTTtfal •
IX. 107, 7. the same emendation in M 2 and R, independently-

IX. 113, 10. f^hl> which is in A. Ca, is left out in R; it is really quite

superfluous. „ ,
S&yana, as a rule, repeats every word of the text in his commentary.

it often happens that a word is left out in all our MSS., and was so probably by
Ha vana himself. Sometimes also a preposition or a particle of little importance is
omitted altogether. It, in such cases, frequently inserts the missing word from the
text. Thus, IX. 91,4 our MSS. omit the fa of the text, and read only gjrffa, while
It has fafasf 'Sjfftf• IX. 92, 2. It has Alfalfa, and ^ 3'HWg||4iT, while our
MSS. omit and ?tH. IX. 94, 5. It has flifa fa^nfa, inserting <nfa from the
text. IX. 95, 1. It reads IX. 96, 1. It has ^rr our MSS.
only Will. IX. 96, 12. It inserts ipj before tpf. IX. 96, 14. It inserts
UTM: from the text, before ; it is not in our MSS. IX. 96, 20. It inserts
before ^nfa; IX. 96, 24. before ; IX. 97, 32. tfaf before xfafa ;
IX. 97, 42. nrrrr^nfl before ^rrarjfaafl; IX. 101, 8. JT^nr before ; IX. 107,
17. before ; IX. 107, 24. Rpin before faanfa.

List of mistakes and misprints in R, from IX. 91 to the end

IX. 91, 1, 1. 4 of the comm, igsifa It for

IX. 92, 2, 1. 4 of the comm, ^rfircn; R for <-*ptfa. 1. 5. R for »fa<>.
IX. 92, 6. Pada-text #1^ R = M 1 for
IX- 93, 3. Pada-text sfarfar R for ’■farfaf.
IX. 94, x. Pada-text R for ^Tfafa.
IX. 94, 2. Samh.-text wxtsTPIT: R for fasum:.
IX- 94, 3. ^falfa^Rlfa It for #Jirrfa. A. Ca. M 1 have wrcfaqrrfa.
IX. 94, 4, 1. 3 of the comm, gpfant ^ R for «ir ?n-
IX- 95> 5- Samh.-text rpn* R for iprPT.
IX. 96, 15, 1. 4 of the comm. <3^fa R for 'gtffa. 1. 5. ^ fa^ftdff It = A. B 1. Ca
for W4#.
R for «>anir:.
IX. 97 init. gefanarr:
IX. 97, 8. PllW'tjiO R = A. Ca for faxnrfab •faswfa R = A. Ca for
R = A. Ca for imn#. R for ^yg:.
IX. 97, u beg. ’if^p-rr: R for
IX. 97. 23. i It for TpiWT^Tfa: It for Tjjrarerwrfa:.
IX-97. 27. q R ~ A. Ca for ogfifa.
IX. 97, 29, 1. 3 of the comm. R for gwfafa.
IX- 97. 33- ^ffff R for
IX- 97. 45 end. aftfajfr R for irtfwf*.

IX. 97, 46, 1. 2 of the comm. R for

IX. 97, 47, 1. 2 of the comm. TjfWHT R for tjfw:.
IX. 97, 49. Pada f^plwr R for
IX. 97, 53, 1. r of the comm. nfw?ft R for Hfali. 1. 2. ^jh: lt = A. Ca for
IX. 97, 54. R has for in Sawih., Pada-text, and in comm. In 1. 3
of the comm. R has for wg.
IX. 97, 56. R = A. Ca for f^f7».
IX. 98, 6. Pada ^rh;: R for ^rnc:.
IX. 98, 7. Pada fsfrw: R for
IX. 98, 8 end. R for
IX. 98, 9. Pada R for hw
IX. 99, 5 end. R for irnfcl%.
IX. 100, 7. R for o^m:.
IX. 101 iriit. Wl0 R for •gH’tivK
IX. 101, 1, 1. 3 of the comm. R for
IX. 101, 2. jnr^fnr R for
IX. 101, 3, 1. 2 of the comm. R for
IX. 101, 9, 1. 2 of the comm. ’qqiKWPTT R for ofT-
IX. 104, 2. Samh.-text “HTtfa. R for
IX. 104, 6. Sawih.-text R for
IX. 106, 3. JjftTTO R for wsH
IX. 107 in.it. qfTTi: R (p. 301. 1. 4) misprint for
IX. 107, 5. Sa??ih.-text R for
IX. 107, 5. R (p. 303. 1. 7) wrong and against MSS. for Hr^Twrqft.
IX. 107, 11. Hfwft R (p- 306. 1. 2) for
IX. 107, 15. Pada for ^74 and also in the commentary rmH tor

ix. 107,17. T®srt^?rt3 it i°r

IX. 107, 26, 1. 3 of the comm. sHs^rRT. R for
IX. ro8, 8 (last line). HfTHWT0 R for WfPt I TOP,
IX. 108, 9. Pada waw. It for *n*m*T..
IX. 108, 9, 1. 2 of the comm, R for f^f?.
IX. 109, 7. WITH R for wpri (wrong and against the MSS.).
IX. 109, 14. R for StH (wrong and against the MSS.).
IX. 109, 16. R ( = A. Ca) for
IX. no, 5, 1. 1 of the comm. Hlfinp&HTH.R ( = A) tor °?p&0.
IX. 110, 7,1. 4 of the comm. R for (MSS.).
IX. 112, 4 beg. sth R for snsf.
IX. 1x3 Anukr. qxnpi R for wj,
IX. 113, 7> 1- 3 of the comm. R for «nf wfti.
IX. 113, 11. *nt ^ R for (A. Ca).
IX. 114 init. i:<fri,Rf R for
IX. 114, 2, 1. 2 of the comm. ipH R = A. Ca for ]. 4. R, like A. Ca,
has tmra: « (tX is impossible).
IX. 114, 4, 1. 2 of the comm. ftsnfTTCT: R for fStxrrfTra:.
Besides the complete edition of the Rig-veda and its commentary, we have
likewise received from Bombay a Selection of Hymns of the Rig-veda, edited
with Sayawa’s commentary, notes, and translation, by P. Peterson, Professor of
Sanskrit at the Elphinstone College, Bombay, and from the same author a ‘ Hand¬
book to the Study of the Rig-veda.’ What applies to the complete edition of
Sayana applies totidem verbis to Prof. Peterson’s extract also. He has collated
some MSS., and he may have had access also to the MSS. used for the complete
edition by IHya-Raina.slstri and S’iva-Iiama.sastri, but none of their MSS. contains
what may be called independent readings, none of them stands outside the
circle of the three families of my own MSS. Prof. Peterson has not used either
the Bombay edition or my own new edition of Sayana, The following list of
passages will show on what grounds Prof. Peterson either follows the Editio
Pnnceps, or differs from it. I have mentioned such passages only as are of any
critical importance. There are many more on which a difference of opinion is
possible, but of very small interest to scholars.
I. 19, 7- Mi had 1 iraiW<:■ Prof. Peterson
corrects (?): #GrTf^ft cF^Trarw*:. The only possible explanation
of 11% with the accent on the lirst syllable is flarqgxy:, which is
also supported by the best MSS. There is no suffix nor is u4n formed by it.
I- 25 init. P. adopts from M 1 the mistake ^fH5T4iprrfr*nf*rf7T for "fpftfa
It is right in R, which Prof. Peterson has not consulted.
f' 25, 10. for °3rr$J® was a mere misprint in M 1, but we find
it again in P.

!• 143 init. P. prints from M 1, ttoT ^3iTf%3U»<XM'ii<jl, though

and are impossible forms. R also has o^uftr^I, but writes correctly
4*3^1111. The reading of the Grantha MS., would be possible, but
of A. Ca is quite unobjectionable.
^ t43» i. was a mistake for R has here again the right

I- 143> 7. Both P. and R have adopted the readings of M 1, ^njurfxft and


(R The Grantha MS. gives here the correct readings ’wmiiTJft

I. 154 init. The palpable mistake for wfi?0 is simply repeated
in P. and R. Ibidem, 3m has been corrected in R (to ^«), but
not in P.
I. 154, 1. It would have been easy to verify and correct from Rv. I. 108, 9,
to (right in R), yet P. prints from M 1.
II. 12 init. The quotation from Ait. Ar. Y. 3, 1 is introduced by the words
*3% Here both R and Peterson repeat the misprint in M 1 ^

II. 12, 3. Is there any authority for as Prof. Peterson writes?

II. 12, 4. Peterson prints from M 1 f^Pjppn jpi, R has Prof. Peterson,
according to his system, ought to have printed ?f.
II. 12, 5. P. has the same misprint »?t33STf»l for Mf<!| as M 1. It is correct
in R.
III. 59, 7. igf%r«rt*rf»r ’«rf3wrf?r in Peterson is better than of
M. M. and It.
III. 59, 9. Peterson and R copy M 1 in quoting ^«Tf4*TI. The right
reading 4% ^3%° was intended by the writer of Ca, which has 'Gncrrf^T.
III. 61 init. Peterson (sic) M 1 had 'ot with A 2. B. So
also R. But Ca reads ^33 with the Anukr. MSS.
III. 61, 3. Peterson and R retain the mistake of M 1 for ,sr^
If there could be any doubt about the reading, it would be dispelled by
the grammatical explanation following immediately afterwards, ulNraaW •
III. 61, 4. R agrees with Ca, from which the zfT after qftwmiyin has been
inserted. P. = Mi.
In the same verse both P. and R have taken two false readings from M 1,
for and fjpj for tpi ’sird".
III. 61, 5. P. and R read «|«g: with Mi, for (Ca reads
the other MSS. have ^pfar:).
V. 26, 3. Both P. and R have copied the mistake of M 1, >1
can only be The gloss ftPST^ni, inserted by P. and R, is also in our
MS. Ca.
VII. 28, 3. P. inserts *f after ^*4. R, still better, reads »f?f ^
supported by MSS., this would be the best reading.
VII. 68, 4. P. * corrects ’ to Why ?
VII. 68, 8. If we retain of the MSS., has no object. The reading

of C. Ca, supports the conjecture w«£t' m, which is adopted by R, and

certainly yields a better sense.
VII. 75, 4- It would have been better to write with B4. D and Peterson’s
MS., fanfB I 1 TtTt, since the nominative is in all MSS. R=
A. Ca. B 1.
VII. 83 init. P. shares the mistake of the MSS. and M 1, fhrTCPWf for t^-pT^Trf.
It was corrected in R.
VII. 88 init. If P.’s MSS. read VsOflTW, they are wrong. It must be trut,
according to the Anukramam.
VII. 89, 5 Viniyoga. Why does P. insert TT between and ?
There is no occasion for it.
VII. 89, 5. in M 1 for fiFftfarnr: was a mere misprint. It is corrected
in B, but copied by P.
VIII. 30, 3. P. adopts the reading of B in the second half of the commentary.
'I he difficulty is that the explanation following after JTPHTTft ftrenft. belongs to
*0*1414. only, fx^rrat. remaining without explanation. Nor is there any sense in
the two clauses : ‘ Lead us not away from the distant road, but even far beyond
that: lead us away from that road’ (??). The emendation now proposed rests
on the readings of A. Ca. Sayana explains inWrt by ipj: sr^trr fum
real by ftm *T»pf ^ TTWt,; so we get: ‘ Lead us not away from
Manu s road, from the road which father Manu has made.’ Now in order to explain
the last Pada, Sayana inserts the clause to mpf i. e. ‘ Lead us always
on that road where there are Brahma/.-arya, Agnihotra, and other pious acts.’
and goes on: ‘ But lead us far away beyond that distant road that is different
from Manu’s road (i. e. from the road of piety).’ The words
are the explanation of UTjqfl;.
VIII. 30, 4. P. reads ’jrrftffl with our MSS. and Mi, for ’jurrfn ff°.
B has the right reading.
X. 14 init. P. ietains the reading of the MSS. tpff {ft
^ (sic). But what would be the construction ? R adopts the emendation
STmrprt *ft ^nft ftjnft
X. 14,2. The MSS. read , gwfrn&mm:, and imwn:,
which P, corrects to ^R^rnh^rrimT. But how is this to be translated? R
reads with M.M. ^«jfaT%]Tr which was of course a conjectural reading only,
but at least a possible explanation of q«rt:.
X- 14, 6. Our MSS. A. Ca, like Peterson, read The best
reading, however, is that found in R, 'jtT’flPJftfTt0, which should be adopted.

X. 90, 6. P. prefers the reading of B r, but jthe reading of A. Ca is better.

X. 119, 11. P. writes for qrqrnS MSS.). qjqrpf is a better explana¬
tion of the aorist. That Sayana uses the imperfect afterwards,
floes not prove anything.
X. 119, 12. P. and It repeat the mistake of M 1, wt for
X. 121, 4. See Varietas Lectionis and Preface, p. cxxxviiiseq. P.’s transla¬
tion of tfipT3iT: is impossible.
X. 121, 5. P. and E give the reading of B 1 ’STT- There is
some corruption in these words, as may be seen from the various readings. As
a rule, Sayana would make the adjectives agree with qprrfTW, hence the emenda¬
tion. However, P.’s reading is not impossible.
X. 168 init. The MSS. (A. B 1. Ca) read *n^'3<Ttq>, and the Anukramani has
nor is there any mention of Indra in the hymn, yet Peterson alone reads
xjj^rrg^?rNs, a wrong form, as it could only be either'If or

A number of passages of the seventh Mandala have been discussed by Prof.

Peterson in his Preface to the forthcoming edition of the seventh Manc/ala.
Some of his remarks are useful, others require considerable qualification, as
will be seen from the following list.

VII. 2 init. Instead of of the MSS. (trenfqgTfw^ emendation of

M. M., also adopted by E), Peterson proposes which is better.
VII. 2, 4. Peterson may be right with regard to tjr^t
VII. 2, n. P. s explanation of : qnSFWr is possible ; compare Ev. I.
142, 7.

VII. 3, 5. Wiq'«fV<J!*tfcT P., is possible, but I doubt whether it ‘gives a better

sense.’ comes near enough to the readings of A and B, and qjT*nT®>
corresponds better to
VII. 5, 2. S&yana takes from the text, and explains it by qvfaTM:.
If he wanted to explain it as ‘growing in glory,’ he would say qiqVT*K
not ?f3r*rr ^TTfSTR: *r&rrc:, as P. reads with the MSS. To supply 4T before
is certainly not a very bold conjecture.
VII. 5, 3. qrfem is ‘dark,’ ‘black,’ not ‘white,’ and therefore not so inappro¬
priate by the side of XJ3W. P. prefers to read with the MSS. Slfalffquhb which
might, no doubt, be taken as an etymological explanation of qifuaO:, but what
would it mean ?
VII. 5, 6. I doubt whether Sayana or P&nini would ever tolerate so un¬
grammatical a form as He may have written or qfaqTf.

■ • , seconp edition. okxxy

( ,
VII. 34, 4- P.’s conjecture nguwiu. is better than gfenfagta *•.
VII. 41, 5- P.’s explanation of ftu *jSm ^ joput: is possible,
though m seems better on account of the following R reads
*T without Possibly'the best reading would be wpr ^ ^
erm, assuming that V»N was inserted by a copyist from the margin,
VII. 57> 4* ftJPJTO the reading of B 1 is intelligible. But what would
j^PST mean ?
VII. 59, 7* I doubt whether Pdnini or S&yana, for any reason whatever,
would tolerate so ungrammatical a form as for nor would SAyawa
ever explain f*T "^T by and for Sftyana does not mean to say that
^ stands for but if he had added a grammatical explanation he would
have explained it by a va&anavyatyaya, or purushavyatyaya. The reading of
Peterson’s MS. D, i. e. «f?f^ ‘ ‘ g, shows how the mistake in the
MSS. arose.
VII. 60, 12. S&yana explains ffrT etymologically, and therefore he can only
say g:%*l 3T?t<*ufa (so also R), as he says X. 56, 7. Sdyana might render gjjrfu
by g:*rrfR, but he would never tolerate an etymology explaining g: as
In our verse is rendered by and f:%ir is only an etymology,
and as such cannot ‘spoil the sense altogether.’ Compare I. 41, 3, g:%ij
J'RRi, and X. 85, 32, »i<j upsi- It is, therefore, needless to consider
the question whether fitrrf'T afranfiT could mean ‘ evils that have to be faced.’
VII. 69, 6. f%dg is as impossible as fspbspj.
VII. 70, 2. Sayana explains as UPPf^T7WT, evidently on account of
l)hatu],a//(a 13, 17 gpft or as on account of Nirukta
VI. 16 ^»r l^JTfprw. Hence UT is necessary. Where we have a combination like
some mishap will often happen in the MSS. Accordingly we find the
various readings g*TT, gUT gift, and ajarf gut It also has the 4T.
VII- 73, 4- g^rt, as Peterson reads, is better than *ffjrr:
and (so arso R), and ought to be corrected.
VII. 88, 3. Peterson is right with regard to ^5, as he will see from the
new edition.
VII. 104, 23. Peterson is right. (so also R) ought to have been
retained according to P&w. V. 4, 77.
In a great number of cases not mentioned here where P. differs, it is simply
a question of opinion, whether it is possible to retain the readings of the MSS.
°r not. In other cases P. will find that his text agrees with the new edition.
In ‘Rig-veda Handbook,’ Part I (1890), Prof. Peterson gives text and trans-
lation of S&yawa’s introduction. The text of this introduction has been so
much altered and, as I hope, improved in the new edition, that it would be
useless to enter into details about Prof. Peterson’s text which is based on a
collation of the old, not of the new edition, with one MS. of his own.

In conclusion I have once more to express my sincere gratitude to H. H. the

Maharajah of Vijayanagara, Sir Pasupati Ananda Gajapati Raz, K.C.I.E., for his
enlightened and truly patriotic liberality in bearing the whole expense of this
new edition, and in enabling me to distribute copies of it to my many friends
and fellow-labourers. After the latest researches into the history and chronology
of the books of the Old Testament, we may now safely call the Rig-veda the
oldest book, not only of Aryan humanity, but of the whole world, and we may
hope that

And if so, he who as a liberal patron, like one of the Vedic Maghavans, has
inscribed his name in golden letters on this ancient monument of human thought
and faith, may hope that his memory will be honoured for ages to come, like
that of the famous patron of Sayana, Bukka, the enlightened ruler of another
Vijayanagara, nay, like that of Sudils, the patron of Vasisld/ia, or that of G’ana-
mer/aya, the patron of Yth/wavalkya.

Oxford, 20 April, 1892.


A, Colebrooke’s MS., India Office Library, Noe. M 1, Editio princeps.

2133-2136. [Prof. Eggeling’s Catalogue, P 1, Pada MS., Bodleian Library, Mill 155-158.
Noe. 27-30.] P 2, Dr. Taylor’s Pada MS., India Office Library,
AD, Dr. Bhao Daji’s MS. belonging to the A class. Nos. 2023 A, 2023 B. [Prof. Eggeling’s
At, Fragments of Sayami’s Commentary, con¬ Catalogue, Nos. 25, 26.]
taining portions of the 9th and 10th Man¬ P 3, Colebrooke’s Pada MS., India Office Library.
ilas, belonging to me. Nos. 20-27. [Prof Eggeling’s Catalogue, Nos
Hi. Dr. Stevenson’s MS., India Office Library, 17-24.]
Nos.3126-3129. [Prof. Eggcling's Catalogue, P 4, Pada MS., Bodleian Library, Wilson 439-
Nos. 39-42.] 442.
1! 2, Burnout'a copy, taken from Stevenson’s MS. IJ 8, Pada MS. of the 8th Ashtaka only. Bodleian
11 :. A modern copy, taken in Bombay, from B 1. Library, Wilson 360.
It4. Dr. Taylor’s MS., India Office Library, R, Borfasa Ragarama Nastri and Gore Sivaramu
Nos.1861-1864. [Prof. Eggeling’s Catalogue, Nastri’s edition of the Rig-veda-samhita with
Nos, 43-46.] Sayana’s Bhashya, Bombay, 1888-1890.
I' 2, Mill’s MS., Bodleian Library, Mill 24-26S. S 1, Sambitk MS., Bodleian Library, Mill 147-
('4, Wilson’s MS., Bodleian Library, Wilson 78- 150.
86. S 2, Samhita MS., Bodleian Library, Mill 151-
Oi, My own MS. of Sayarta’s Commentary, the 154-
original of the C MSS. S 3, Colebrooke’s Samhita MS., India Office
• 'll. Dr. Bhao Daji’s MS., belonging to the B class. Library, Nos. I29-I321’. [Prof. Eggcling's
M, Another B copy, sent to me by Dr. Haug from Catalogue, Nos. 3-6.]
India. S 4, My own Samhita MS.
Brill., Aaunaka’s Bnhaddevata, MS. of my own. Sv., Sama-vcda.
For other Abbreviations, see vol. i, Varietas Lectlonis, p. 1.
2 VARIETAS LECTIONIS. [P.i.l. 5-(i.)


P. i. 1. 5. (i.) *f?| A. B i. Ca; not in Asv.—1. 6. Asv.

A. Ca. C2.B4. B l- 2- CB.—P. 2.1. 23. (1, 4.) ^
MSS. Cf. TS. VI. 1, 4, 7.—1. 32. (1, 5.) wftfn A. Ca; lacuna in
B 1. Cf. TS. V. 4, 8, 3.—1. 33. C 2. A. Ca. B 1. 2. 4. CB. R.
P. 3. 1. 26. (2, 1.) After sffg B 1. 2. CB add ?fffq P. 5- 1- 3- (2> 5-) After
^fsr^n:, A. Ca. sranmfa B 4. *ra7raTf?r?w C 2.* wnrprsff^r
B I. 2. CB.—trr^T B I. 2. CB. A. Ca. B4. C 2.—1. 26. (2, 7.) A. Ca.
B. C 2.
P. 6. 1. 29. (3,4.) it A. Ca.
B I. ^q^qgqggpg^R. Cf. Rv. Bh. X. 23, 7. 25, 1.— 1. 31- Wrt
A. Ca. gpsnfr B I. wft?—P- 7- 1- 5- (3. 5-) A. Ca. B 1. 2. 4. CB.
Another explanation of must have been omitted by the earliest copyists.—
1. 22. (3, 7.) irff w?m.A. Ca. C2.B4. irff »rfcft B 1. 2. CB.
P. IO. 1. 5. (5, I.) *r»parer A. Ca. C 2. inFt % ^rr B 4.
^TT JT^rnsn B 1. 2. CB. Cf. Sat. Br. II. 1,4, 1. —1. 15- (5. 2-) ^ ^ A. Ca.
*fansn*iBi. *fNr*ftWRMi. Cf. verse 6.—P. 11.1. 14. (5, 5.) A. Ca. C 2.
B4. B 1. 2. CB.—1. 25. (5, 6.) 'a^rti: A. Ca. "3iprn B i. R-- dlit;
first enumeration of the seven forbidden things is taken from Manu VII. 50
and 51. After enumerating eight sins which spring from k&ma (kamar/a), and
eight which spring from krodha (krodhar/a), Manu selects four of the former
and three of the latter, as the seven most dangerous. Dam/a stands for
danc/asva patariam or danJaparushyam, whereas parushyam is more specially
meant for vak-p&rushyam. Instead of vsKfMiii Manu reads twice '• (‘-
Sayana, no doubt, intended to write > hut
the MSB. agree on (A. Ca. B 1) or —1. 26. «JW Bi. ^
ajvro A. Ca. B 4. fm 7T° Nil'. BS. Nir. Roth.— Nir. after ^n«rf-
A. B 1. Ca. Nir. SB. "trnsf Mi. Nir. Roth.—P. 12. 1. 4. (5, 7.) A
Ca. C 2. B 4. B 1. 2. CB.
P. 12. 1. 29. (6, 2.) B 1. 2. CB. nmqi44*TR. A. Ca. C 2. B 4. ewW
R.—p. 13. 1. 2. B 1. CB. A. Ca. B4. C2.
B 2.—1. 17. (6, 4.) ftfr B I. 2. CB. fq: A. Ca. C 2. B4.—
B 1. 2. CB. A. Ca. C 2. B 4.
P. 14. 1. 28. (7, 2.) *<rlgpnnBn: B 1. 2. CB. '3PWT: A. Ca. B4-
1 'a?q?n: C 2.
P. 16. 1. 28. (8, 2.) '35WTfn A. Ca. C 2. CB. 'asnUTf. B 4. sec. m.; the com¬
mentary on this verse is left out in Bi.—P. 17- 1- 4- (8, 3-) ^ * 'WTa*
1 f*ntaw%ifa 11 ’htct: 1 ^ i A. Ca. tt
P.31-1-13. (13* 5-)] MA2VDALA X. 3

B4; lacuna in B x. 2. 'srffit; f*nfaTCt%4fo CB.—P. 18. 1. 2.

(8, 6.) OTftyrf* a. B I. Ca. R, with TS. II. 4, 10, 2—1. 8. (8, 7.) „
^flwfA. Ca. t^^JiifBi. ^^Mi.R.
P. 19. 11. 2 seq. (9.) The words from t^TT if?! to jrfrreT, and again from
>Mt to nfsnffd were left out in all the MSS. and had to he supplied.
P. 21.1. 8. (10, 2.) The end of the commentary is wanting in all the MSS.,
also in R.—P- 22. 1. 21. (10, 7.) B 1. 2. CB. falTUT C2. A. Ca.
B4.—P- 23. 1- 7- (IO> 9-) After CB alone of all MSS. inserts —^raTOF-
WTflT CB. 4|4||R| y Idl A. Ca. B4- R ; deest in C 2. In B 1. 2 the commentary
of verse 8 to 10 is left out.—1.14. (10, 10.) *1^34 A. Ca. M 1.
P. 24.1. 25. (11.) g Anukr. g ftj® A. Ca. M 1. R. ■fafsrjoBi.—1. 30.
(11,1.) B 1. fatJlM® A. Ca. |%(sic)R. grft gwt P. 25. 1. 26. (11, 4.)
^fH7WwPi sra<ft 11 JrffwidYqdi wrmf (sprat C 2) A. Ca. C 2. ^ ri (ft
B4. 'afdiWdlwi afidt CB. The commentary of this verse left out in B 1. 2.—
1.27. TTrfTOT A. Ca. niwnra C 2. jrarsw B4. imtan CB.—P. 26. 1. 16. (11, 6.)
ggBrafrn B 1. 2. This is meant by S&yana for the desiderative of g ; but A and
Ca. C2 have rT^pt^ffT; B4 corrects this into 7rf4^ ; Trat%uf?T CB.—P. 27. 1. 13.
(11,9.) ®3n5T^i® 11 °3rsrrw A. Ca. C2. CB. ®<arejw B1.4.M1.R.
P. 28. 1.8. (12, 3.) vircdOf A. B 1. Ca. R.—1.22. (12,5.) n
raPffNit S 1. S 4. ^rr ^t«Kt s 2. ^ixftsfit S 3—P. 29. 1. 2. (12, 6.) The com¬
mentary to this verse is wanting in all the MSS. B 4 adds on the margin
^ TTfrf<ft . R supplies the following commentary: ^474 qyrnvr
wTfirT^r w g fawr ^irwtargw^iTf^ sflrer 1 (Rv. I. 19],
10 ) m w gfw fag^rr *rprnpi *PTTf?t arafg 1
?rr f^rc *f?j *r% 1 (Rv. VII. 49, 2.) ?st^i ra;
jjs^wrracra;1 g»r: gitf’ir wgrr Jrgr^^rspjjYra 1 ftra st: *ferfa-
tprgj gWHuyni *r=r^?f ^ wf y*nf: 1
* ?nT*r *pN wnitw »npj% ’ssrag^mumR. sr UTff *ii*fdn<pta
'^srarr^niF HTvNft ll It would be interesting to know whether
diis is taken from any MS., and from which.—1. 8. (12, 7.) WPraffT ^ I A. Ca.
B I. M I.
P. 29. 1. 26. (13.) fTfavfrij B 1. Anukr. M. ffa\Sr*i A. Ca. M 1. R.—P. 30. 1. 4.
(l3.1.) f® h tr^hrTwi^ f® A. Ca. C2.B4.M1. R. ufllmrary® Bi. 2. CB.
*ee Rv. Bh. X. 36, 8.—1. 18. (13, 2.) tc HT*! wtfif II Wir*!iRKfW A. Ca. B4.
lnT^r CB. imtfw C 2. jot^ Jnstffr B1. 2.—1.24. (13, 3.) *f|nri B1. 2. CB.
A. Ca. C 2. B 4 sec. m.—isrpTT® B1. 2. CB. vprr® A. Ca. ^\jt® C 2.
B4 sec. m.—1. 25. I II W<tnfw *P*& A. Ca. C 2. B4.
^OfTftr *p*% Bi. 2. CB. igrtgrfft *pwt: R- may have been
^ *prat:.—B 1. 2. CB. A. Ca. B4. R. C 2.—P. 31. 1. 13.
*A 2
4 VARIETAS LECTIONIS. [P.31.1.15. (13,5.)

(13, 5 ) II A. Ca. C 2. B 4. CB ; deest in B1. 2, which

omit the whole commentary from 13, 4, to 14, 10.—1. 15. From ^TOT?T3f to ^
xysiTf: left out in all MSS. except CB.
P. 31. 1. 20. (14.) *T*T*pff ^ ^
A. Ca. C 2. B4. CB. See above, p. clxxxiii.—1. 32. (14, 1.) n^xi^iwi 1
C2. Tmwjrrn A. Ca. B4. CB.—P. 32.1. 3. (14, 2.) ofnfirri 1 C 2. «f»rfinT*nr
f*f%^ A. Ca. B4. CB.—1. 5. xjf ^rr: Xi'an: n
^igm: xiarr: ^raiJta'tfnwwir: (°inraT: B 4 sec. m.) ag 1 A. Ca. CB. B 4.
»J7rr: xiarr: gf*B»$*n*iil*n*im: a»l *ra£f?r c 2.—1. 14. (14, 3.) The commentary to ^fa-
frntfarfMTfanr: is left out in all the MSS. R adds naT f^rfir: ’aarfa:
*lf ax5»IT>fr »rafn.—P. 33. 1. 6. (t4, 6.) Read *J® with R. A. Ca have xj».
See p. clxxxiii.—1. 9. (14, 7.) «r% n m *r^ 1 A.
Ca. C2. na *rSt irxa B4. CB—1. 23. (14,8.)
faq*H«H<31 A. Ca. B 4. la'*11*11*11*31 C 2 ; deest in CB. The dental n shows that
the mistake lies in fa, but I cannot amend it properly. It may be T*nn*n«sS,
or it may refer to the same idea which is expressed in the varia lectio of
the TA. VI. 4, 2 (7), where we read *ra *j4f |Hj*| ?r4 *1^5-—1. 26. (14, 9.)
A. Ca. B4. CB ; deest in C 2. See M. M., Die Todtenbestattung bei den Brah-
manen, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenliindischen Gesellschaft, vol. IX. p. iv.
note 5.—P. 35. 1. 27. (14, 16.) 11 ffn; ^r*I*rsr A. Ca. B 4. CB.
B 1. 2. sj*r*iq C 2. The commentary to TA. VI. 5, 11, affords n<>
help.—1. 28. aqfgjivnfn 1 A. Ca. C 2. B 1. 4. CB.
P. 37. 1. 7. (15, 4.) From gywiqi begins a long lacuna in Bi, extending
to the last verse of the hymn, where it continues again with %art- The same
lacuna exists in B 2. 3.—P. 39. 11. 1 seq. (15, 10.) A. Ca. C2. B4 and R have
and gurr: ; CB. njftf’m and gun:. From xj^: the adjectives are to be referred
to fqgf*r:.*-l. 12. (15, 11.) 11 *jf»r A. Ca. C 2. *jf%r B4. irs^T^r CB.
’T'ftfn R.
P. 40. 1. 20. (16, 1.) JTX^fjjrf A. Ca. C 2. B4. Bi. CB, i. e. like ink.
In the commentary to TA. VI. 1, 4 (20) we read sjrn# m^x^x).—1. 30. (16, 2.)
A. Bi.Ca. *mfrr R—P. 41. 11. 5 seq. (16, 3.) The last portion of verse 3 is
imperfectly explained. R inserts before and adds Jlfflfflgf?! after
nfflfire. Sdyana in explaining the same verse in TA. VI. 1, 4 (22) says:
?1 ffli 7R *T<?ftxiV|tq nfw ITfTTT nfsiW IT? irfb
fwf*i ’sfarra trGv: nfnftiTt »rar«—1.12. (16,4.) xfargw A. Ca. C2.
B4. CB. B 1. 2.—1. 21. (16, 5.) B4 sec. m. ^nifir: A. Ca. C2. B4-
B1. CB. S&yana, TA. VI. 4, 2 (6), has 3^«Rlf^fH: , and another MS. xgr^rr-
srflrfw:.—1. 23. S&yana, TA. 1.c., explains tfx|: by jffa}.—1. 31. (16, 6.) Sftyana,
TA. VI. 4, 2 (8), in explaining the same verse takes fwnf as an ablative of f*W>
i. e. from. —P- 42.1.10. (16,7.) fwrcsrft B4. CB. A.
P.44.1.17- (!7-)] UANDALA X. 5
Ca. C2. f^fil Bi. Sayana, TA. YI. 1, 4 (19), gfyft tfe
jpfTWTOT *fT ^iftg 1.—1. 12. (16, 8.) The quotation from Asv. is omitted in the
MSS—P. 43-11- 7 to 13. (16, ix.) qsamnn: ap^f A. B 1. Ca. wararff: m« C2. It.
The SawhitA and Pada MSS. SW.--1. 15. S&yana reads ffag instead of _
1.17. (16, 12.) From m: B 1. 2 leave out everything to 17, 6.—1. 25. mf
CB. irerg A. Ca. B 4. ggf C 2.
P. 44. 1. 17. (17.) CB; A. Ca. C 2 and B 4 have arramf %t ; B 1 is
missing. The following extract is from the Nltimaw^ari (p. 68 a): ysffr^m
yrc jrmTgrnPu wnreifimpJ amr 11 »t$t wrsfrgTTSrti ^rraaj 1 ftmam. ff gfpst
*7fT I) arof f fT in giranft 1P!H% fSSTTg ytaftfiafilfclf
rtn ffrt v. ’irPsfNi yafq^fc ft»t h^t »rtTpft%a wrfrgfnm wtot-
y^ar *smr*r 1 ttw fgt^g fgqfTt 1 ff wrofT gTffi<hMfln3T wn'fMwfl
ti^t ffwmcre^ft yafg^n. intfrftuUTOt qfnAm’Dm ya giaaif.
wrwTTjfy^g m^Tya mum mpt 1 n g^wr: - gyn: 11 a%f?i-
gre: 1 c4f*rmarer mfTjmawmuarfmiyf. 1 amsagT
gaf faa^ m^mpf 1 ftmijm: arrn% 1 tttt: fifTftfTanafWT
srftmrm: f%m: wfa Tryjaram fwra mmrpf apq fmrr amra 1 ana
faatsi'iat fan* *H«gf+»ni ai*K41< 1 wi yj^m 1 thtY
wfrftfa fafrm jjwt flmg^fmgY 1 gfftf*nmftgRft*^t:
ifW mim 1 am m mtamT nfqfim\n 'srmft 1 rnmnsn: 1
a%fafTfwi^nf wsft ^v^Rfn m%g msryf 1 amff*ng4 wgfffvt gffmftw 11
The following extract from the Bnhaddevata was given me by Dr. Thibaut,
wi,o is preparing a critical edition of the whole work. He has divided the MSS.
into two families : the one comprising B. b1. b- all MSS. in my possession, and
h1 a MS. lent me by Dr. Biihler; the other comprising h, a MS. lent by Dr. Hall
to M. Kegnier, H a MS. given by Dr. Hall to the Bodleian Library, and K the
Mb. at Berlin, copied by Prof. Kuhn.
1. ’mmfaryr taj: arygfsrfarcr: *r? 1
2. o\
3- 7m: gT7P*rr artn% mmwft fmmm: 1
4- mnyft *mf%g wrmmrmrT g ^ am: 1
5- ^9T »nj: ufftr tj atya: fsm 1
6. fffma fgyi Tmrm’ST yrnmmfa 1
7- Tmrm^mmg 1
’■ H.h^j:. K. h°an;B. 2. k. h. h <t^i. h. h grai®. 3 h. 1. gr^Ni*.
^Igft. . H wanting. 4. K. H.htfajTft. 5. K. H. h TJfT. K^R^:.
6 h. h 7r^g®. k Tmrm®.
2■ B- b. b2. b3%f. 3. B b. b . b3gyyir» 5. b. b2. b3 gjfr.
b- B. b. b2. b3 #fftim#. 7. b. b2. b3 ®fsrf im#.
(5 VARIETAS LECTIONIS. [P.45.1.1. (17,a.)

8. flutter *r*jt^wrf^r ^snn 1

9. « frtrra muniri 1
10. ufaaMH+n^ *rnft Jjm wtxro: 1
xi. *rT*?reifawxifarrro1
12. m ^ fT^T^rtf w. 1
13- JnreraVg %jftr ^pir 1
14- Hamf^rw^ m ^nfapsnn i
15. ^raTTmrei^nn’s ynrt 1
16. yrewilN ^?rer *rt 1
P. 45.1. 1. (17, 2.) Tf^Tq^sjaf CB ; B 4 had the same, but struck it out. A. C 2
have , Ca • The meaning is ‘ for the sake of men,’ i. e. that men
might be born, all men being the descendants of Manu, the son of SavarnU, i. e.
Sarawyft-sadWsi strf.—1. 2. A. Ca. C 2. CB. B 4.—1. 23. (17, 4.) xrfrmg 1
qftmfa A. Ca, B 4. ufyxmt C 2. CB has qftynftf, leaving out xif^lTOflT. In
TA. VI. 1, 2 (7) S&yana says, ?ff ^71 ^ft
mf^TT I-—b 25. 5fwiA. Ca. CB. C2; deest in B 1. *f*mB4. It may be
meant for iftj or h41h, but as all the MSS. agree on the short i, TrfflTT: may
possibly have been used in the sense of urftn:, or WffJ'sjqpMri:- See again in verse 5.—
11. 31 and 33. (17, 5.) weffti: P. x. 2. 3. 'Sjp^ftsn S. 1.2. 3. 4. TA. I. 6, 1 (5) reads
and S&yana explains it by —P- 46. 1. 2. ufix^ A. Ca. C 2. B 4. nf*Hd
CB ; deest in B 1.—P. 47. 1. 20. (17, 10.) *rt etc. Cf. Sat. Br. III. 1, 2, 11.
P. 49. 11. 5 and 9. (18.) The name of the Rishi, according to the author of the
Sarv&nukramani, is ti^ns:, not tjqRjqi:• MS. S3 has India Office MS.
Colebrooke 1636 Sharfguru.sishya (India Office MS. Taylor 1823)
and Afflict, (MS. Bodl.) sgwjqfr. All Sayana’s MSS. (A. Ca. C 2.
B 1. 4. CB) read dgwpft repeatedly, the only various reading being 4igi*jqi: once
in C 2. In his commentary to the VS. XXXV. 7; 15, Mahldhara gives the
name of the Rishi as Sankasuka, a word explained in Un. II. 29. Prof.
Aufrecht supposes that the author of the Anukr. took the name of the Rishi
from the Atharva-veda XII. 2, 11; 14, where Agni is called both sankasuka
and vikasuka, and he proposes therefore in the Anukr. also to correct Saiiku-
suka into Sankasuka, I retain the reading of the MSS., for it is more easy
to explain how the name Sankusuka was changed into the regular sahka-

8. k oigrrfipq. 9. h w*. h fwnrr *r°. h. h 10. h. h °*n^

xrrfat k HfnainmT^. I*, h. h fa*rr*ft°- k $g*tr«rpi® «3- k v *-

14. H.unfii. 15. h. h '^irnn®. k gwnft- »6-h

wanting. K ^T». h ^9t° ?p!T0.

8. B. b. b2. b8 fa®. >o. b. b2. b8 ^TO®. u. B. b. b2.1»8 «V*g5’ **

fqffoqi. 12. B. b. b2. b* 3qw»®. 13. b. b. b*. b8 ^ar. 14. B. b. b2. b8
15. B. b. b2. b8 ®«rHJ. 16. b. b*. b3 ®«fc*.
p. 62.1.13- (22>8-)] MAAtDALA X. 7
suka than vice versd.—P. 50. 1. 19. (18, 5.) 1 g* MSS. M 1. R. One g* out
of three immediately following might easily have been omitted.—P. 51. 1. 16.
(18, 8.) nqwra* suggested by Prof. Aufreeht, adopted also by Windisch, Zwolf
Hymnen, p. 85. TT»J*rw Bi.Mi.-R. TppTTT0 A. Ca. C 2. CB. tr^u® B4.—
p. 52. I. 12. (18, 11.) A. Ca. B 1. 4. Miratarotrt C 2. grxfrftp
JT^ft CB.—1. 13. ^trsnfw CB. ^nWTfw A. Ca. C 2 ; deest in B I. B4 had
the same reading as A, but altered it to TTfTOlf<«H.—1. 14. Instead of juft* and
ifft^WTOT (A. Ca. C 2. B4) B 1 has snftro and iftTOftTOT, which seems more
appropriate, because JTTft^T is generally used in the sense of deceiving, over¬
reaching, instead of simply reaching. But it is difficult to see why gq® should
have been changed into it®. In rI A, VI. 7, 1 (3) S&yana explains by
wr: m. CB has '3wro TfftroisraT.—l. 24. (18, 12.) ft
wn^i^nnA. Ca.B4. %xtt^tCB. ^nr tot C 2.—P. 53. l. 2. (18,13.) qfoi 1
A. Ca. C 2. B4 pr. m.; CB. In TA. VI. 7, 1 (1) the published text gives
and S&yana explains 7* xsrfti Tfftift fW 7ft ^fNlt xfrtr:.—1. 9. (18, 14.) All
the MSS. leave out the commentary. They write tot II mftqft yfa 1 A.
Ca. C 2. CB. B 4 adds in the margin, to qftrfr to: n It supplies the following
commentary : TO2JT WPlft: TTT^ % WflUlB UjfHft Hftg# TTfft TOWVIflft
^ ^rr: 1 ftifro ttot: tttot tnsffro qqfro trq tot
^ 3% ^praftf Traft to*3% wft *t qnHftqw TOt jftHf garf tot gftw
*3* 1 TOfwfgft to w^nfin to ttitot to prfs?j qn$T*n TOnri
11 <1811
53- 1- 25. (19,1.) %to<t 1 TOn?w 1 n %to<t titotto 1 *fr^tro° A.
witto 1 *rt^tTO° Ca. Itoi 1 tttotto 1-C 2. fcqro towi
b 4. titot? *r B 1. wn7*i^HiMiMift° CB.—
It 54- h 8. (19, 3.) S4yana seems to have read tot: for tot:.—1. 9. qrqnftwftTT n
A. Ca. TTgnfoftta c 2. B 4. qqeiiftHdftl B1. CB.—
!• 18. (19, 4.) The commentary to tTSfft TOTtft is left out in all the MSS.
ft, however, inserts before the following explanation: dT|lM sfrft: TftfflW
*if TO#T TT^ftr in^.—11. 30 and 32. (19,6.) A. B1. Ca. R have
'r i 7ft: antl sffrnftft: instead of to?0 and aft®.—1. 31. |ft B 1. §ff A. Ca. M 1.
It 55. 1. 26. (20, 1.) The words are not separated in the Pada MSS.— P. 57.
!• 31^ (20,10.) 11 ftift^r «mftr A. fcjft^ TOftr Ca. ftift^xrroftr C 2.
B 4. B 1. ftift^roftfCB.
f' 6o-33- (22, 3.) Willis'ni 1 tit wnfr: d w titoth: 1 A. Ca. CB.
to*ith: C2. B4. tit tit tot%: Bi—P.62. 1.13. (22, 8.) At
e end of this verse there is great confusion in all the MSS. A has TigAHa-
1 ^ TlfiniTO trfnrf fiftrot «%W, running on from verse 8 to
verse 9. The same has happened in Ca and B 4. C 2 fortunately supplies part
VARIETAS LECTIONIS. [P. 63. 1. 13. (32, 13.)

of the lacuna. It reads: I tfjfT I#

mmfaTigra TWf: f?»T Uf flftl H B 1, on the contrary, breaks off after
awnTTW'. and continues fm Wv 1- OB gives the text as I had
restored it, only reading fffq for fffv. It has T^^fr rf«, inserts W before IV:,
and reads fwfwr for fffv—P. 63. 1. 13. (22, 12.) S4ya?ia seems to have read jjiwj.
This is the reading of A. Ca. B4. C 2. In CB v is inserted before B1
has VfWf —1. 20. (22, 13.) vfa f^Wrf^WTrtll A. Ca.

R. I suppose it means, the final 4 of t4 and saty4 must be taken for the nom.
plur. fern., because otherwise (sati, as it is) there would be no predicate to the
proposition, i. e. t4 and saty4 would refer to nothing.—P. 64. 1. 2. (22, 14.)
II B 1. M1. It. In A. Ca all from fWTVt to fWTV^ is missing.
P. 66. 1. 13 to 16. (23, 7.) From mgnfl to all is left out in A. Ca. B 4. In
C 2 there is a longer lacuna from VV vfHt ifN etc. to the second verse of the next
hymn. The text is preserved in B 1 and CB.—1. 13. B reads TjjrtHdtvjJlV <|y<*|^K^ij
grf^cCB. tifl^Bi. R.—1.14. After imfifCB and It insert TOHflfri.
P. 70. 1. 1. (25, 6.) A. Ca read ^*TT VWN»pT:iTfTi etc. In B 1 verses 2
to 7 are missing.—1. 25. (25, 9 ) nfVPl ll ifVPSfl A. B4. CB.
vfrr Ca. C 2. ifvrotrfw B
P. 72. 1. 29. (26, 7.) Sayana seems to have read VfVPt. for fvftc R, however,
reads JTfafvfac
P. 73. 1. 20. (27, 1.) W3H % etc. See Kaush. Up. II. 11; Asv. Grihy. I. 15, 11;
Nir. III. 4.—1. 31. (27, 2.) II WfTlflW A. Ca. Mi.
W3;Tff*l<t Vftl R; from verse 1 to 3 lacuna in B 1.—P. 74. 1. 18. (27, 4.) nOc

CB.—1. 22. it ftpui C2. B4 sec. m. Jl^fauii A. Ca. B4. CB. B 1. R

reads Mffvmt nffrtlTHfVl ifwfiT.—1. 27. (27, 5.) % v II % v A. Ca. R.
%Vf$rbrC2. ^ITS^tBi. % vtfvapft tpr B4 sec. m. ^ fSftw CB.—1. 30.
^rranr;0 A. Ca. C 2. B i. 4. CB. wnn;:? or ?—afMMlfw«nif^T:fq C 2.
fcmifaTfq A. B 1. Ca.—P. 75.1.18. (27, 7.) ini jjrresnnsrP from R. upjiisra
M 1. ^TTJTT. vsnmrt0 A. Ca. VTfi *5PT B1.—1. 25. ll °Hlb then
lacuna to Mg;u: in the next verse, A. Ca. C 2. B 4. In B 1 the lacuna begins after
i^rrmra:, after which it has D V?T Vf ajm: etc. o»P*lTV lift (»Nft R) ^
v$vr iwf^nr (siftun^T0 R) ‘Xnwfv: 1 CB. R.—P. 76. 1. 2. (27, 8.)
fft H flff A. Ca. ff B 1. ft R. fH M1.—1. 6. (27, 9.) The commentary is
left out in all the MSS. In B4 there is a note xrfTnfGl R supplies the
following commentary : WIVT ’flfvftsGTCnfsra# lT$T?Ri TPRTSprfH I SHUT
vwif: gm«i7uc im: t wf*rfa v i«iiftn ij*
v wf: ifVTtrfi wfvfi 1 iijifj
1% v^ vi: lin^Tfir^i snjr ifgifqr wftw T^ntt fir. unft^ ^
P. 90.1.30. (30, IX.)] MA2VJ9ALA X. 9

fq?p wwTtjifiPi: wint qmwnqwfl 1 qqt qft q qg*

qqarrq WflT qq*rq qfqq^q fqqqrq. Iqqrn gqq gqqq gqfq qqft; q^f.
gqfqqqT HTq: mu See also Preface to the Sixth Volume of the
First Edition, above, p. cxxxvi.—1: 22. (27, j 1.) fqfj B 1. qpi A. Ca. C 2.
B4. CB.—1. 28. qtfSig B1. CB. qitfqg A. Ca. C 2. B4. R._p. 77.
11. II to 13. (27, 13.) From ff^TSTW^i to ffeqq(ng<»qi all is left out in A. Ca.
0 2. B 1. CB and B 4 (in marg.) give fqqfS instead of fqrf*. To raft, R adds
the following note: Traft q§q fqq^qKqr qqq mqfqqnq
^1—1- 22- (27. H-) q^nr^iqf^w: from R. tnj^q^qqf^^ A. Ca. q^qqfr-
fiWt C 2. WqT3ftqfifc?r B4 sec. m. B I. CB. qqftqqftqt M I. Cf. Nir. XII.
29, and var. lect. in Nir. SS. vol. iv. p. 294.—P. 78. 1. 4. (27, 15.) fttfq # q* A.
<k B 1. qtf* M1.—1. 6. fqffq 11 qtfn A. Ca. B1. M 1. R.—1. 17. (27, 16.) fqqft
CB. qfqfqqTO A. Ca. B i. 4. R; deest in C 2. It would be better to read
<rq fqqre. 1. 24. (27, 17.) «ftHI from ^q gambler? A. Ca have ^qrqT, B4
|qqf, Bi ^qftT, CB ^qqT; deest in C 2.—1. 26. qT II qqT A. Bi. Ca. M 1.—
P. 79. 1. 13. (27, 19.) gqT gqTft II gqT gunfa A. Ca. CB. B 1. 4. R. gqrfq C 2.—
1. 2t. (27, 20.) gj gfqqt MSS.; gj qlfaflV—1. 22. "TnqnMmq 8 •trr*t WT qqq A.
(’a. B 1. 4. oqrq qx qqq C 2. ®qjftqT qq CB. oqrq qTqqq R.
P. 82. 1. 5. (28, 4.) qrordq 8 qranq. A. Ca. Bi. R.—1. 6. qrfqqqq^qTq.n qfq-
qfqtUTq;B4. Mi.R. qr^rqq^qTfi; A. Ca. C 2. fq%q^un?tBl.CB.—1. 31. (28, 7.)
A'a. C 2. CB. B4. gt qqif B1.—P. 83. 1. 17. (28, 9.) qqqr<H,g» n qq-
g° A. Ca. qqqgr^qi g° C 2. qqqyiju^g® B1. B4 sec. in. qqqg^g^go OB.
qvfq?^t g° Mi. The passage is corrupt. Prof. Aufrecht suggests qqq$r?grt.—
1 30. (28, 10.) qftqqT A. Ca. C 2. B4. CB. TftqqT Bi.—P. 84. 11.1 and 4. (28, 11.)
In this verse the Pada MSS. (P1. P 2. P 3) read qtqr:, probably in order to avoid
the hiatus. In the commentary A. Ca. B4 have aftVT:, B 1. CB qftT; lacuna in C 2.
P. 84. 1. 26. (29, 1.) The commentary begins with q% q qftt *IVl41fq in A.
Ca. B4. CB. In Bi the commentary on this verse is left out; in C 2 there is a
Icng omission from X. 28, 11 to X. 29, 7. The commentary here, and X. 30, 11,
•s the same as that given by Durga on Nir. VI. 28. See Nir. SS. vol. iii. p. 257
setjq. p. 85. 1. 21. (29, 2.) q xq: graft 1 gs<qft 8 q Tft: JJlft A. Ca. B 4. q Tq: fSft
*• Tq fiqt R.—1. 24. (29, 3.) All MSS. have twt, not —P- 86. 1. 25.
(29, 6.) qft%q A. Ca. B1. 4. qs&q CB.—1. 28. qnsrfiftT: 8 Wlfq^qT: A. Ca. B 4.
',Wr^TT: B r- wr^m: CB. R reads qrrqq, qrrarTq: qnfgsr: wqg qqnfqfqT: qg.
P- 89. l. 21. (jo, 7.) •qrfqfqqqrq. from R. ®qT tfqqiq. M 1. «mfq: frsqqrq A.
a. B4. C2. “qrfir: fqqrq CB; lacuna in Bi from verse 3 to 13.—1. 31. (30, 8.)
Bie second half of the verse is left unexplained in the MSS. (A. Ca. C 2). R
^Pphes the following: qftgq qtq*g q% gqgq gqqrw qqr <T W|qqTfqqfqqft: 1
^ ^«f i fqq ^ qnq: qq \qrft: ^qw: qqrwj qrfq qqrfq ^rqqrfq %^qq*i: % q^ft
^rr*in ’SI’1 P- 90- 1- 6. (30,9.) qqftf 8 qqft A. Ca. M1.—1. 30. (30,11.)raizm
vol. iv. *B
10 VARIETAS LECTIONIS. [P.90.I.31. (30, u.)

Durga on Nir. VI. 21. iroawi A. Ca. M r. R.—1. 31. wmswrf^UF Durga. ®wrm A. Ca.
M 1.—1. 32. ftrowiVqiTOT wsri B4. C 2. pTOWtDwTOi W|F A. Ca. CB. The commen¬
tary is taken nearly literally from Durga’s commentary, see Nir. SS. vol. iii.
p. 233 seq.—P. 91. 1. 25. (30, 14.) WTTO»UI wnTO. a. Ca. Mi; deest in Bx.—1. 27.
WT<qTO Tfn II WT^TO Tfrr B1. A. Ca. M1. R.
P. 93. 1. 12. (31,4.) After *rrfw: CB alone has gjn:.—P. 94. 1. 15. (31, 8.) Tprra-
gmBrfn w 1 wffi g 11 ttoto^wto gw ff* 1 wfq g A. Ca. C 2. B 4.
xjm: *tt wra wror^w git 1 iptwfr B1. ttm ^rr wm srw® * gw xprr CB.—
P. 95. 1. 7. (31. 10.) wiTftti A. Ca. jroralfn Bi. qgqftfn R. *ro% TBr. 1.1, 9,1.
P. 95. 1. 19. (32.) The deva£& is Indra.—1. 26. (32, 1.) WTOT^nff Bi. WTOT$q;ft
A. Ca. M 1.—P. 96. 1. 5. (32, 2.) twitt^t^w ’STOTT: H Tw: TT^T w ’Stott: A. Ca. C2.
like a marginal gloss inserted in the text. The intention was most likely
to take tsst for Twifw.—1. i4- (32» 3-) g^iPST0 Bi. garwTwrr® A. Ca. Mi.—1. 25,
(32, 4.) <4^13 A. Ca. Bi.4. CB.—1. 27. wh wrownwTTTWTfUw wttwwt* 11 *ra: stow
ttoth^ws wtt^ttt? A. Ca. C2. B4. R. stt: stow ttwttt^ww B1. sir: stow
SWTSTSWW TTTTWt? CB.—P. 97. 1. 23. (32, 7.) The explanation of ipTfTZ ;s
found in C 2 only.—P. 98. 1. 11. (32, 9.) After % want A. Ca. C2 have WWTTTH., CB
STOTTTO. It is struck out in B4, but is not found in Bi. R has WWTOW..—1. 18.
fwsm ttototo: gigwwr: 1 gwrof 11 fww: fwwwr: gsrst suswi A. Ca.
C2. B 4 ; from iTOTOffT: to SSSgg lacuna in Bi. fitSTW WSTO: paw gWTOi
ssTOwi 1 Tti CB. fwwrot ttototo: wwtott: gwTst sirowi R.
P. 99. 1.12. (33, 2.) msbreftfi 11 ST^wnfw A. Ca. C 2. B 4.
ur’lwrfw B1. ttp£t-
CB. Cf. Rv. Bh. I. 105, 8.—P. 100. 1. 2. (33, 5.) HfHSTfTTO TW II SfTTOSTffi
n tw w A. Ca. sfTresrfipt tw s C 2. sfiresTtfs tw w B 4. sfrrewfwi tw B1. nf*-
Wrffi TW CB. The emendation sftTOTffi was suggested by Prof. Aufrecht.
P. 100. 11. 24 and 27. (34.) gw*nr: Ca sec. m. Bi. 4. gwsw: A. Ca pr. ni.
C 2. CB. One Shac/gurusishya MS. writes gwstf, all the rest gw®, see Anukr.
M. p. 151. The name of the second supposed poet is Mauyavan Aksha
(India Office MS. 132 writes Moyav&n, by mistake). The commentator of the
Anukraman,} explains Mauyavan as Muyavatputra, and he is quite aware of
the irregularity in the formation of the patronymic, for he says that, although
the patronymic suffix has been omitted, the Vriddhi of the first syllable has been
j(reserved. Hence Mauyavat, instead of Mauyavata. Roth in his Dictionary
gives the name as Mauyavata, but this is wrong, for Shadgurusishya quotes
Sauvishtakrit as a parallel case, clearly showing that the name he wished to
explain was Mauyavat, nom. sing. Mauyav&n. The name, no doubt, is irregular
even thus, yet we have no right to change it.—1. 25. ww giT^TBWTTOftfa etc. Here
all the MSS. are at fault, and possibly S&yana himself or whosoever wrote the
passage, I shall first give the various readings :
P. ioi. 1.6. (34, i.)] MAiVDALA X. 11

A v* str^rrern. gfffir jiwtot m % manafow: mnft mfnpft g ^ gftfa i

Ca grtf* JimsroT m mnua^w: mnft g «fg ^,
B4 m v^in^nn. ^fn »imm*rr.*Rtro: i muft i
C2 ^rtf7r Jimm*rr ^3^ mnft grtfir i
Bi ■** grtfa «m«n m <t gn?m®r: mml ggfoft g wf* gfffin
B2 di^m^iq. gfffii *r - wm * ^to: muft g srf* jsrtfn
CB *m ajT^wni sfrm mnm m n gmatra: mnft ^ wf* gftfTi

A ^<i<a<D«ii ^rr i gg fig *rm: f5rsrf»r^rf»r: ffiimrt J^rrg fn^Tt i gmm gffi ?r|^w: i
Ca gTigrsftwr ^gm i gfi fig mrr: flrsTfSi^rfvT: ffiiggt wrg fmpl i gggrr grffi m^gai: i
B4 ™«*\m ^gm 1 ng fig wr: fsrmfMgfJt: fgsggt ^rrg fg^rt 1 nggrr gffi ?$gg: 1
C2 gmmPngrr^gmigfi fig gm:BmfHgffi: fgimftgmg fmf?t 1 gtmm gffi g^gsn: 1
BI '«m:grgt:m^g<fti gg fig Jim: fwBTfitfgfg: fwgTgig igsni 1 gmsfr gift *t<gm: 1
B2 m'gtgbmtgghtrg figgm:fspmfa^gft: ftggt mg gsr?t 1 gragPr gft ggimn: 1
CB gmgrot: m ^gm 1 ift fig mrr: ftjmfMqfg: ftKtgf mg fmft 1 gwr grft g|g<ii: 1
Now it is clear that the seventh verse does not praise agriculture; nor would
it he gftft in the singular, if two verses were intended. Nevertheless we have
^fitf a dual, as if two verses were intended. Sha//guru,sishya in his commentary
lo the Anukramani says : Wlft gg«nm g gjml gqt^aft Sift gftft
ffiffifi mgmfgf fiprrfir^gfiiwm: ftigg%g fggft 11 This is clearly metrical, and evi¬
dently taken from the Brdiaddevata (VII. 1009 seq.), where the following verses
occur: jtr<?t %ft gTT^mgftmml 1 grmm»mfgT grtfa gg^rrm g mml 11 ggt^T
2ft gfft ftift (read ®tft) | gm^J ^rn fg^ft II If we look at this, we see
what has happened. Sayana has taken the Br ill add evatii, quoted it, and inserted '
after each paragraph some words of explanation. In doing this he seems to have
drawn mnft and ggftgft together, without altering the verb gftft, but putting,
when he speaks for himself, the dual as referring to the seventh and thir¬
teenth verses. What he ought to have said was this : gig JTWRn
^ 1 giwra^mm: 1 ggt^sft wfg gftfn 1 gmgp®T: m ^mrr t This is, no doubt,
a greater alteration of the text of Siiyana than would be permissible according
t<> the critical principles followed in this edition. But both grammar and sense
icquired this deviation, and the various readings as given above will enable every
leader to form his own opinion. E reads gpi gftfH ^1^4511:
^ wf*i ’sftfw m w mn: 1 fgaTfu^gfw: etc.—P. 101.
*■ '• (34, i-) fmftmireB A. B. Ca. Ca sec. m.—gipsrfi; A. Ca. B 1.—1. 2.
»t!Af: B1. a. Ca. E.—qrarnfarr: A. Ca. B1.—1. 3. fmftggi®
^r- fWln^V fmfhWi® A. Ca.—r gimpt A. Ca; deest in Bi.—11. 4, 7,
<U1^ 8. JjmrffT (twice) and ^ann*l. A. B. Ca. Jjg® Nir. E has g® in the first case,
but afterwards ^«—1. 6. fmftmRR II B1. fmfh'Rra A. Ca. Nir.
g^n, 1. 8, A. Ca read (in B1 the word is left out), while Nir. has fwt-
*B 2
12 VARIETAS LECTIONIS. [P. 101.I.8. (34,1.)

—1. 8. Instead of fag’sra R reads —P. 102.

1. 3. (34, 5.) H B1. Ca. A.—1. 5. Bi.CB. A. Ca. C 2.
B 4. One expects but as the next sentence seems to depend on this word, it
can only be in the sense of attentive.—1. 20. (34, 7.) ^grapnft
11 ^igrapiiff f^rr (RvdtRpft Ca sec. m.) si'ft w<fai%
A. Ca. ^gre^rt C 2.
sret ir^<f5BTW B 1. •^igraprat fa?frf^rt sec. m.) ^ srft
B 4. fading suit Tnnfan% CB. Hjjgraj^ft
fsnfrf^r^rg srcT irofaiw M i. ^gra^ifr f^nfrfspfr ^ w*ft
R. If the emendation in the introduction is right, and we are justified
in assuming that Saya/ia did not take our verse as a Bifirgffl, then the words
3itft Hqfon^ret must be an interpolation inserted at the same time, when
the mistake in the introduction arose, they have therefore been omitted. The
corruptions in all the MSS. justify such violent critical proceedings.—1. 28. (34, 8.)
WWK II TTWn: A. Ca. R. wWTTf Bi. In 1. 30, A. Ca (and also R) have w^frnc
Bi ■STTOT corrected in the margin to wwfth In verse 9, Bi has again qjHHilfh
A. Ca. R ’SiTOift-—P. 103. 1. 7. (34, 9.) Tgqgim: A. Ca. B4. C 2. Bi. qpn w: CB.—
P. 104. 1. 8. (34, 13.) Jrfd 3^ A. Ca. B1.4. CB; deest in C 2. Prof. Aufrecht
suggests the plausible emendation xltj gr* |, which is also the reading of R.
P. 106. 1. 28. (35, 9.) frre A. Ca. C 2. Bi. 4. CB.
P. 108. 1. 16. (36, 1.) ^r: ^ mrar 11 ^ 'srg^j A. Ca. B 4. *4 ^ *r?ai
C 2. ^ Bi. ^ CB. ^a} ^ R.—P. 111. 1. 15. (36, 14.) After
TSPI: fws B1 adds wrr?t fw?r: TO f^m: «fw.
Cf. Rv. Bh. VIII. 61,16. R has W^rxlld. ^fWT-
P. in. 1. 28. (37.) The Viniyoga of X. 40, 10 is inserted here in A. Ca. 02.
CB. B 4. In B 1 it is added in the margin.
P. 114. 1. 31. (38.) (Th3*rr: wnamrrarr 11 m^stfhrnsiTsi^rr A. B4. *riwr m-aimw
Ca. Ttf^^rr irwpswr C 2. m^rr ^wrsprarr CB; deest in Bi. TTt^duii'V'rew'
Jri^jirro R.— P. 116. 1. 7. (38, 5.) 11 mftnRfa Bi. R. A. Ca. In
1. io, A. Ca have ^Tf^fw:, B 1 asrrfvrf»T:, R Tlfwfw:; and in 1. 14, A. B 1. Ca and R read
qfvnpPr See Tanc/ya Br. IX. 2, 22.—1. 10. R omits ?f before gift.—The quotation
from the $4ty4yanaka could not be verified, as in spite of repeated efforts, I have
not succeeded in finding any copy of that work in India. Sayaita’s quotation,
however, from the <$4ty4yanaka agrees very much with the passage in the
Tshw/ya Br&hmawa IX. 2, 22; in fact, it does so to a greater degree than the
extract given by Sayana as from the AVtandoga Brahmana.—1. 11. jwjq^dU
A. Ca. 5*Rr^<t Bi. See T4ncfya Br. 1. c.—1. 12. TTTf^rf?f7f II A. Ca.
B I. WTf^qf^fTt R.—1. 13. msnWTft II WSTTOfr A. Ca. B1.
P. 117. 1. 10. (39, 3.) S4yana seems to have read TOTO for vr^f- A. Ca. CR
B 4 read qnng, C 2 B1 wro —1. 17. (39, 4.) gq ^nrR A. B1. Ca. gm ^
I>. 137.1.10. (45>12-)] MAACDALA X. 13

R, like Nir. Roth and SS.— 1. 18. yijqft Bi. A. Ca. C 2. CB. B4.—
P. 118. 1. 1. (39. 6-) A. Ca. C 2. Bi. 4. CB. S4yana has evidently
used ’3IT5T*T as a masculine. He may have intended to write mfTfi- See Vin.
III. 3,115-—L 8- (39, 7-) B1. B 4 sec. m. CB. A. Ca. C 2. B 4 pr. m.~
1. 19- (39> 8.) The commentary to the first line is left out in A. Ca. C 2. B4. It
is given in Bi. CB.—P. 119. 1. 20. (39, 11.) CB. C 2. A. Ca. B4.
fimmiB1; deestinR—P. 120.1.4.(39,13.)srnwf£ 1B1.CB.C2. mqRijj A.Ca.B4.
p. 121.1.14. (40.3-) fitter! *mrl mm nrm 11 fi^lfii A. Ca.
^urtmmTim C 2. mm mm B r. 4. R. mwl rnmam CB.—1.17.
yTSijflTTTPre CB. B1.B4 sec. m. A. Ca. B4 pr. m. Trafmflffiq
C2—1. 22. (40, 4.) gw 11 gfi gw A. Ca. C2. B 1.4. CB.
P. 126. 1. 17. (42, 5.) 11 gfin;: B 1. CB. B4 sec. m. *%; A. Ca. C 2. B4.
H —P. 127. 1. 26. (42, 10.) P 1. 2. 3 read wm:, S4yana leaves it free to read
5TO or iwn:-P. 128. 1. 5. (42, 11.) A. Ca. C 2. B 1. 4. CB.
P. 128. 1. 8. (43.) 055ft A. B 1. Ca. <>5** g Anukr.—1. 15. (43, 1.)
fruity A.Ca. C 2. B4. ^ fiYfiws CB. % filwnsr B1.—P. 129. 1. 15.
(43.5-) tJWT’rt CB. C 2. myJMi A. Ca. B4. w^mm B1—1. 18. gfiuffi 11 gfilffi
A. Ca. C 2. B I. 4. CB. grmifitffi R.—P. 130. 1. 11. (43, 8.) mmft 11 tftffi A. Ca.
fnift B1. ntfft R.
P. 132. 1. 12. (44, 5.) o^Tftr 11 A. B 1. Ca.—1. 23. (44, 6.) wSjSft ?1 A.
B. (’a. wft ?} arfmft var. lect.) % Nir.—1. 30. (44, 7.) n wm; „ All
die MSS., its well as 11, read % mf^.— P. 133.1.9, (44, 3.) ^x^r; ftlgr ^luWi^ilmaiW
sft 11 fit* film ^ trft gw: fitrnn. film ^ sft A. Ca. C 2
lias the same, but it omits <3^ *lft and reads B 4 had the same
as A, hut sec. manu it inserts %mt, and for B has
film gw: %?gft film ^ *ft. CB reads gw: fil^r mft
film 5jft. R has gw: ^finnfNrft fitmt etc.
P- 133. 11. 29 and 30. (45.) The name of the Rishi of this hymn, and of hymn
IX- 68, is called by the author of the Sarv&nukramaai Vatsapri, not Vatsapri.
Shadgunwishya in IX. 68 has mftTi: twice, in X. 45 5fwffi: thrice. S&yawa in
BX. 68 has the genitive and nom. mtrffi:, supported by all the MSS.,
and likewise in X. 45 the gen. mml: and the nom. wtrffi:, without any various
reading. See BR. s.v. q<yfil; Aufrecht, Iiig-veda, vol. ii. p. 494, note ; Anukr. M.
IT- 34> 38, 146, 152.—P. 134. 1. 9. (45, I.) gjrcrrm C2. gjpfil iftr A. Ca. gmft
*>iTT CB. R. gwwt%m B4sec. m. Bi — P. 135.1. 11. (45, 4.) W VtfWWUjl II
1!mTUn ^ A. Ca. mm B1. mn % mfafr TPuywql Sat. Br.—
• I3fi-1. 19. (45, 9.) ^53 || pBi, gpfi A. Ca.Mi.—P. 137. 1. 10. (45, 12.) The
commentary to the first line is left out in all MSS. R supplies the following:
*Tt gm g$w mffifa: wrft gpr: 1 firtfip m1*wilm:
14 VAMETAS LECTIONIS. [P. 139.1.11.(46,1.)

Asiistaka VIII.-—MSS. for the Eighth Ash<aka.

1. A. Colebrooke’s MS.
2. AD. A MS. lent me by Dr. Bliao Daji. It is an A copy, but more care¬
lessly written than Colebrooke’s ; it offers no original readings.
:5. O 2. Dr. Mill’s MS. which was copied for him at Calcutta from different
originals, represents in this portion the A class. The copyist has
occasionally been enabled to supply independent readings, either eon-
jecturally or by consulting other MSS.
4. Af. Fragments of a MS., belonging to the A class. It has been consulted
for critical passages in the new edition. Though generally agreeing with
A. C2, it occasionally offers independent readings, or helps to restore the
original reading of the A class.
5. B4, Taylor’s MS. This MS. has been much read and corrected in the last
Ashtaka. In its original text it agrees with A ; the corrections and
numerous marginal notes come from a B source.
<i. Ca. My own MS. Though very carelessly written, it is of the greatest value,
as containing not only readings independent both of the A and B classes,
but as supplying passages which are omitted in all other MSS.
7. B 1. Stevenson’s copy.
8. B 2. Burnouf’s copy, taken from Stevenson’s MS. I transcribed the tenth
Ma/n/ala at Paris, and finished it on the 30th of May 1846. As T traced
the whole of it, my copy is, I believe, perfectly trustworthy, even at this
great distance of time.
9. B 3. A modern copy, a mere repetition of B 1. (See vol. i. p. xxx.)
10. M. Another B copy, sent to me by Dr. Haug from India. It was derived
from Bx. directly or indirectly, but before B 1 had been corrected with
yellow ink. (See X. 56. 1 fin. Here B 1 has surya iva iti hi sruti//, but
iva is covered over- with yellow ink. M has sftrya iva iti hi .s-rutiA.)
This MS. is afterwards replaced in my edition by
11. CB, a MS. lent me by Dr. Bhao Daji, beautifully written, agreeing generally
with M, but here and there supplying corrections and marginal notes.
In the passage quoted before, it has sfti-ya iva iti hi .sruti/n
The three representative MSS. for the eighth Ash/aka are: A. Ca. andBf-
Of these A is generally supported by C2 and B4 prima manu; b‘a
stands by itself; B 1 is supported by B 2, afterwards by CB, sometimes
by B4 sec. manu. In difficult passages the A readings were checked by
AD ; the B readings by B 3.
P. 139. 1. 11. (46, 1.) before in M 1 and K, but not in A. Bi-
Ca.—1. 12. 3%: gun: A. 3%: Ca. 3%: 3^: B1.2. M.—Wt It ^
Ca. irnn A. B I. 2. M.—1. 13. A. Ca; deest in B i. 2. M.—1. 14. W l ^1
P. 141.1. «• (4^. 8.)] MA2VDALA X. 15
« ’'rot wfar qspfc [tot in marg.] Ca. qpwnfqttuS: A. B1. 2. M. R—
1. 15- from Ca.—1. 16. w TTTBfrj: A. B x. 2. M ; tpr: deest in Ca.—B 4 gives
the following independent commentary on verse 1 : fYm w:
to: toUto; tototo ww to: tori. towt! grta:
3^133 *3^3 1 ftgr^^wfrTO top 1
53%sx TOfa 1 Wfit ,«ffi: to wr% 1 i qqroUfq: xjfroiftqrig in^fT 1 ^fvj:
VTRfi^qrfq q v: 1 q to qgfq fq*ft 1 qgqf am 1 qt from TOf?r 1 *
TO Wtfa 1 afro 1 <T$*rr ^qragqrTf^TOtrrcrf wr ^toi: qtqiwi ipctrofa-
qrrf^ qgfq fTOVTg 1 11—1.23. (46,2.) qv# to*¥U*I Ca sec. m.; deest in
A. B 1. 2. 4. M. R. f*RJXs Ca; deest in A. B 1. 2. 4. M.—xrf^T^T Ca. A. B4 ; deest
in B 1. 2. M.—1. 25. faftii A. Ca. B4. fwNlf B 1. 2. M.—1. 26. Ca; deest
m A. B 1. 2. M. B 4 has —toto toto1! ii Rfafroqt Ca.
A. B 1. 2. M.—tpstbito Ca. qwro A. qqtTg B 1. 2. M. wiqjrra-
^ B 4.— P. 140. 1. 5. (46, 3.) qjwr gfa: I (TOT fRH I gRrrfrom: I TOTfS»TO
Sfajqm; 1 wUfa: Ca. TOTWT g«JT *Jj£fq grofaTO: 1 TOTfqqq torto. Tfrxfq: A.
qjjrar: ggrr: gifq gwjTfTOnf: TOTfa<(g TOTOiq TTtifq: B 4 ; but altered into ^jfq^fT
q-rq to:, writ qt^5f«r Rfq^fT WR to: B i. 2. writ ifrtvfq qrfqro hthto: M.
^TOssnqr gTO gsSfa grofrora: TOTfqro TORJTq qTfq: R—1. 6. gw q^fTOT TO Ca.
A. B4. gwq: B4 sec. m. B 1. 2.—1. 7. TOrTOf^W qrr Ca. TORI qt A.
l)i.2. M. gxq^iqr B4.—11. i3seq. (46, 4.) Ca leaves out the words
• “‘tween WRftq and WW—1. 14. XTPlfTOTTTOfti TOT* II *faTt WTOfTOTT
* a. TOR TOfa TOR A. B i. 2. M. B4 had qRf?T TOTt> but %rrt added sec. m.—
'■ — (46,5.) 1 qffa: Ca. ^ qtrr: A. B 1. M 1.—%qan»ir|aTO 11 %TOnqCa. B x. 2.
M- l;' %TOi A. ^ITO B4.—1. 23. g^TOfixrffs# q^ tor gTTqVitqnsrTOfqfq
^nTOTR It g^TOfirfq (TO q^fitfft marg.) ®rt etc. Ca. g#rofqfq qqiqBlbT TOR etc.
A. gwTOqfq tor grr^H M) qrofqfw tototr: B i. 2. M. qqt% gjTOfqgt-
^ TOR etc. B4. In his commentary on Sv. I. i, 2, 8, 2, Saya/ia adopts the
same division of words, and the same construction as in our verse. But Satya-
vrilta remarks, $SRj wTOfa?TOq TOVxfqqqj: g: qqtianqqqfq? WRt
b 27- qNrqXfjfrl Ca. A. B4. qRrogfq B 1. 2. M. As to TO = qlTO. see
A‘r. III. 9; Dhp. 15, 84. qkrTOTOfN in the commentary on Sv. I. 1, 2, 8, 2 is
better.' P. 141, p y t 2> ]yp ajj au explanation of TO^:, viz. TOTpft
ifqqTTOi: 1 ^qRnr^: 1 qrfTOiRTt ^nrr tot: froroTfq to 1—1. 13.
A6. 7 ) frolTO: %fTORWTO: II fqfTORr TOTf Ca. %fTOTTOTO: A. %frorqTOTi:
*/ 2' %f?WRRiq7r: B4. Although the substantive %fxrqq does not occur in
ikon, nor in BR., it is correctly formed according to Pita. V. 1, 123. (It is in
'ihtlingks smaller Dictionary) —qqq: is left out in the commentary.—1. 21.
(46, 8.) TTOTRT A. Ca. B4. ■TOWTfq B 1. 2. M.—1. 22. qp«i A. Ca. B4. ?i^;
^*^1 B1. 2. M.—Instead of qipro TT Ca reads TOffT^T VTgfTOT pr. ro., but it has
uen corrected in the margin.
16 YARIETAS LECTIONIS. [P. 142.1.17.(47,1.)

P. 142. 1. 17. (47, 1.) fwrfftWT A. Ca. B. Of. Pan. II. 1, 3 comm.; Rv. Bh.
V. 4, x.—1. 31. (47, 3.) (<rMRTW marg.) JTffxi Ca. A. B 1.
M 1.—P. 143. 1. 14. (47» 5-) from Ca.
P. 145. 1. 10. (48, 3.) Ca. ^ wrf^rni A. B i.—ll jto to 13.
From irfa to the text is given from Ca, where all from stands
in the margin. A. B 1. M have after nothing but
(g^vnf^o B 1) ^tjrr ’■sir^fn 1 JnSfinlffratfr M) 1 ^ ^ t^rt gnffa 1
B 4 gives after mnf^TTTK., «lt^I f^Tf^Wrf^^IT ^SH I ^t:
?sg ^fti 1 1 *nt ’*r*fr* Sta *n3 wr *ri
^iffn 1 gnffTf« R has ^rfxt *r ^rr: *3
*nj ’wfsm. gpffTr *m ^ wrf4 f^nr i*at fr**rr? 1 f^r wfa fwanf^
3WWT 'asHf^dd *rt *11416 *ra5f?T ll—h 30> (4^. 5-) Ca. % A.
Bi.—^ before from Ca. — «r A. *n Bi. Ca.—P. 146. 1. 14. (48, 7.) *§raf«l«m4*l
w 11 ^5rf*mrr^ sn^ijiTffoflwrre. Ca. dudsfaunspl teraf^mn^ n
B4 sec.m.) Cigala 1 14«i»r»rre, A. B4. xasrrfwr^ «i ^uSOtsif^WM-Ri; Bi. ^
*nrr faHmslkiNl® R-
P. 148. 1.14. (49, 3.) gmi4\wq^f?i A. Ca. ^r-
wtim adi^^fn B 4. f^m B1. n«i4I*l* R—
1. 24. (49, 4.) B I. A. Ca. B4 pr. m. R. Should it be P. 149-
I. 1. (49, 5.) T(t A. B4. -H^w^tCa. xjw 5St B 1. xqj; ^ TfflWTTOTC
’52Bt R. As all the MSS. of S4yana give *1^*113^4*: it is clear that S&yawa
read WK- The MSS. of the Pada text, however, give wt
P. 152.1.9. (50, 5.) »i«nt^g 1 *fNnf4qi *n*«n«w i h *i«nfire
^tmif^m 'spnrawra: (®3iW*T° B 4 sec. m.) s?i<^R (^rt^jt: B 4 sec. ni.)
A. B 4. 41 *111114** 'o*R I^W Ca. ^ll I sf.sfl1?*^?sf4.
art^r ^5^: M. HSusnf^g 4aunf4**V*»iH«rq: l B 1. Cf. Un. HI.
105. R has stnRTwra: and
P. 152. 1. 32, and p. 153. 1. 3. (51.) ♦Tl^ldit B 3. A. Ca. ♦TlRoit B 1.
The MSS. vary in the same manner whenever this name of Agni occurs. The MS.
of the Anukramanl (Ind. Off. 132) has JffNta:; the commentary (I. O. MS. Taylor
1823) has likewise *fNfai:. The MSS. of the Bnhaddevat4 vary. MS. B reads *rfw-
^Tirw Xtn^lMfTfTT ’Sjfa: I. MS. H (a fragment) reads
I. in the sense of tailor, is given by Wilson, R4dhakant, and
in the GanapMa, with the short i only. In writing xaNfa: I am guided chiefly
by the authority of the Anukramanl, though unfortunately the commentary
does not in this case give an etymological and grammatical explanation.—P. x 53-
II. 3 seq. m to Ca. A has only ®3fw4wTf4 I, B 1 ®4*Hfll*l«nf4 }■
Cf. X. 53, p. 157.1.16.—p. 154-1- 7- (51 = 4 ) u ^franem A-
B 1. Ca (where is left out). R.—1* 17- (51 ’ 5-'
fhTOT A. «f*TWT B I. «fwi Ca, ^fdTW R. It would be better to write a*
P. 164.1. 6. (55,5.)] MA1YDALA X. 17

ifflWT.—P. 155- L 8- (51 > 8 ) TOTTO A^t A. Bi. 4. AATAifAA*UTt Ca sec. m.

TTKTT^% probably Ca pr. m.—1. 14. Afk<l«l f AT AAA* Ca. AffrflAKT ? AT
APIATB4. *iO'«rai«l I ^ wit A ; deest in B 1.
P. 156.1. 7- (52. 2.) AgATTO A. B 1.4. AgrrmA Ca.—1. 8. at a B1.4.
Ca. ATAfrotf: A. at a Am xorti: R.—1. 9. a^aIaa »ranft1?T 11 a^ataa AArftfA Ca.
AGATHA Affi! A. % ^AT AAiftfA f? B 4; deest in B 1. AfoflAAAftfW R.
P. 157- !• 15- (S3-) <pj TOfasilAI Ca. Tf^isii A. Bi. Mi.—P. 158.1. 3. (53,3.)
sfcrfA jprai^t ata?! to 11 ^tafA AfA a atatatI tot: Ca. AfafA AfA ynmCt atat!
to B 3. R. AfafA a ^rronr atat! tot B i. AtAfA * at ataa tot: A. ^taa aa
Afwft »nnpf: Asv. a AifimrfAAf^ tot ait aa ATAfApAfcfft Ait. Br.YII. 9.
Cf. Rv. Bh. Y. 1, 6.—1. 23. (53, 4.) ^p4 %rofafW aa AirArnm AfAAfAfA aa |at
B 4. A. fro fin 1 aa ajt arm AfAAfAifA a^ 5|at Ca. gpn4 ^fA aa atot-
*n% AfAAfAfA AA ^AT B i. R adds fAAT&TM after ftA- The text is corrupt, and
requires emendation.—P. 159. 1. 3. (53, 6.) atoATT% A(fAAiA% a AfA *rfr %*ATfA-
nftw A. AfA *ncT ^AfAAm% B4 marg. toatt% ATfAm% Ca. AfA Afr ^fA AfAAm%
B2. AfA Aft%ArfHAm% Bi.—1. 25. (53,7.) gm^hrraroi A. B4. M. wffAmAif
Ca.—fimTOPt Ca. froroim A. B 4. M. R.—P. 160.1.26. (53, u.) D aaaI A. B.
^TAf AAAt Ca. A ^AAt? R has ^ AJAAf, but is it supported by MSS.?
P. 160.1. 32. (54.) AT % to Am^aj: Anukr. AT g A^ fffAAt AT ATA^AI *fA Ca.
Aig Af%WTfl[ A. Bi. AT g iR P^aT ATAfot^fA MI.—P. 161. 1. 9. (54, 1.) |aTAT
ta%a B 4. Ca. ojjfm A. fAAT^fA B i. M.—1. 27. (54, 3.) aft: fAAT A. B1. aM:
ftlAT (Rv. I. 191, 6) R. Ca has only AAAITA ATAt AT aft: miATgfAAIlfAftlv}: etc.—
P. 162. 1. 1. (54, 4.) TOTTjAt WATAf^lt fT ATmtWTf^g 0 TOATf Af^Tfg fT
TArrt^g M. TOAfif Af^rtg fiATf^g B1. WAAA^Tlg ft ATOt-
wTfcg Ag4%g R.
P. 162. 11. 24 and 26. (55, 1.) AAt§ Si. S2. S4. S3 had AAf§:, but the
Visarga was struck out. The Pada MSS. have AA:4§. It is the same in X. 67,
n. Here, too, S 3 seems to have had AAt§:, though this is not quite clear. The
other MSS., S 1. S 2. S 4 and P 1. P 2. P 4 have again AAt§ and aa:{§. But P 3
and P 8 have AAIitt: |.—1. 30. aftATfAf II AtIai0 M. ai|AJ# A. B 4. B 1; deest in R.
Lacuna in Ca, extending from jft^ to sftAATA in the next verse.—1. 31. fAVTAT«i
fiAir* B 1. B4. M.—1. 33. At the end of verse 1, B4 adds: R[fA fA^fAf
TfA A ATAAMAAi AfT A^TO TpmTf TTfTAt Aig^’f Al HTATAAAAJ: II R has a similar
addition: fA^fAAT TfA ATAA%AAI I AfT AfTAt ATfT^-
ATATAAAPA: ll—P. 163. 1. 6. (55, 2.) JjAWAlAATAATA ^ftiTOTfffl: II ^AAAtAAHA-
^^^TAArTffA: A. ^AAaTaAI-AAIA 5 7t Al4AITff%: B4. C 2. AAT3[AA^M. JJATOt-
,l1n^AA^ Arm. B i; Ca is wanting.—1. 8. After firA*JA Ca has AAftA AT Apif^fA
^ 1 ^ ATflJjfAg etc.—1. 27. (55, 4.) AArta?:. One expects AAffA?:, but the
relative is left out here in all the MSS.—P. 164. 1.6. (55, 5.) AAAAA: ATAA II AAA
vol. iv. *c
18 VARIETAS LECTIONIS. [P.164.1.7.(55,50

uTisni A. tr: jffapr M. B 1. B 4. *nt: jtfqr Ca.—A. w*nt-

M. Bi. B4. Ca. *1*1^71 R.—1. 7. SPCT Ca. B4 pr. m.;
deest in A. B. C 2, struck out in B4. R-—!• 27- (55, 70
Ca. A. B1. 4. M. C 2.
P. 165. 1. 23. (56, 1.) » ***£& Ca. ^ A. B 1. Bee verse 6.—P. 166.
1. 4. (56, 3.) *rr: 1 *rri: i 'wg^rs* i Bi. *rr: 1 ^wg*!^ 1 M. *ig »nr: 1 1
jpB? l A. B4. Ca. R.—P. 167. 1. 4. (56, 6.) shifts A. Ca. B, instead of *hrfa, an
inadvertence, it would seem, of Sdyarm’s.—1. 7. A. Ca. B, instead of
The same form in the editions, and in Ind. Off. MS. 1980.—1. 13. (56, 7.) *n
A. Ca. *rerr B1.M1. The words jrfs[?r: gfvjgn: are omitted in A. B. Ca.—-1.15.
f3[§tgA. ^%gg°Ca. fJrf^Bi.Mi.
P. 167. 1. 24. (57.) Saynna does not notice a passage in the Anukr. at the
beginning of this hymn. The Anukr. says, tnorfw ^jfT gWRJWT
«qf%iT3%, i. e. * The Rishis mentioned in the Dvipada portion in the Atrimaw/ala
saw the next four Suktas.’ This refers to Mandala V, Sukta 24, where the
four Gaup&yanas or Laup&yanas are mentioned as Rishis.—11. 31 seqq. (57, 1.)
The extract from the ,Sa/yayanaka has been fully discussed in the Preface to the
Fifth Volume of the First Edition (see above, pp. c to cvii). It seemed a useful
passage for proving the existence of the three families of Shyana’s MSS., which
had been called in question, and for showing, at the same time, the result that
can be obtained by a strict application of the principles of diplomatic criticism.
It has been objected that, according to these principles, I ought not to have
restored ^repffg, because none of the MBS. have it. This would be true, but for
the fact that we have here to deal with a proper name, which can only be either
right or wrong, and where therefore the authority of the MSS. must yield to the
authority of independent facts, rfre, by itself, is impossible, and could not be
connected with Again, if the first syllable has a long vowel, we cannot read
yRTfftj, but must admit a patronymic yTvnff%. Tfpj: is a word of doubtful
meaning. It occurs in the GanapatAa (.vivadi), where it is followed by hITs^
The commentary to Pda. V. 4, 120, explains tpre: by aff:, ox. See also Ph/u VII.
3, 18. Wilson gives the meanings of carp and ox. The Amara-kosha gives proshMi
as the name of a fish, and the commentary adds proshf/ia/i. as a masculine in the
same sense. Radhakhnta gives the following extract: \
*rt: *t^ *ft: (cf. Hema/.andra, 1257) TRPf tTR[ rTTWT I ^ ^

f1?l I Vfa HXTj: |. In the Rig-veda occurs once more in

VII. 55, 8, in Tpfinnrn, which S&yana explains by irNtftf fn5fTTT:. In X. 60, 5
is used as another name for Asatnati and his family. Again, the
passage from a f to is evidently corrupt, and it has been
remarked that I ought to have restored it conjecturally. But my object was
P. 174. 1. 32. (60,5.)] MA2VDALA X. 19
the very opposite of conjectural restoration. It was to show how far in a
passage, where we could not hope for external help, a strict adherence to the
rules laid down by Lachmann and other classical scholars, would lead us. I
ought, however, as pointed out by Professor A. Weber, to have given more
weight to the reading vgry* in Ca. Though this is not the reading towards
which the three families of Sdyana’s MSS. point, yet my own MS. Ca frequently
holds an independent position, and would suggest the reading vgrra, which has
now been adopted ; It reads 'irgyT TW—P. 168. 1. 7. (57, 2.) jrnjUTU II A.
Ca. B 1. 4. M. srrjprm R—1.14. (57, 3.) See Katyayana Arauta-sfitra IX.
13.35—L l8- (57.4-) etc.« murcreirrart%
A- ^ inww vmtwm Tnnfr % Ca. w-
xmfr ^ wgftfn Bi. ^ winrre jrrwrm etc. R. See TS. II.
5, 2,4.—1. 22. (57, 5.) S4yana seems to have taken fxrerc as a nominative, and
to have read spt: instead of nsj;,
P. 170. 11. i seqq. (58, 7 to 10.) A has no commentary, but simply states
*T% ttfmfafn *1% fAgfafa vfr fiURfllrcn: |. The same in
B and C 2. B 4 has the same, except its reading 5WfXf?T etc. Ca
reads: | yf?r | ssretft | tptnTftfn I int ^Rf^frT | 1
1 w: ^TT^r 1 ^r: f«Pi^l*w u^rt Tyr: ysiri ysra: 11
WI ’pi ^ H3j %wr%iT etc. The text as given in M 1 was taken from M, which
liaa ; 7. % *T% inftitl ^ JTfi # 8, 1 ^
m: ini 11 9,1 g*N1 nwt |?<r: trtmn; ini 11
I0.1 *r% w*fr f^rfsrfn ira 11 frni^fasr: 11 The last words
show that the commentary in M is a later addition.—1. 21 seq. (58, 12.) The
separate mention of the must be supposed to lie in the words WITH?
^4% I. All the MSS. give mrsf as a neuter.
P. 171.1.8. (59,1.) fSrjffTr: A. B4. fin^fn: Ca. f^f^irT
B 1. M. 1. 9. fatten Ca. trftf^fpTT A. B1. M1.—1. 16 seq. (59, 2.) gpTT I
11 A. B 1.4. sfrtfr ^fr<rr m (’a. ^itt
R.—P. 172. 1. 8. (59, 5.) 11 «*i^3}iT A. Ca. B.—-P. 173. 1. 5. (59, 8.)
11 UT wirajg M. u wir^g B1. A. C 2. Ca. % B 4.
R 173. 1. 25. (60.) ^vfr^fafTrgTit^utim ^wt A. B4. aftfaimn
l^fTT I Ca. B i.—1. 26. °»pfr Bi.
0)prr A. R. o^ff Ca. «g?fr ^nn?—P. 174.1. 7. (60, 2.) after *rg:
deest in A. B i. 4, and Ca, which reads TpfWR^Rt^^fg Possibly
"iay be a marginal note which was intended for fwififii, and meant to be
inserted after the first B4 has indeed (sic) between
and 22. (60,5.) ^uti1# wn i »n \
• ^*r«rTOinrfiig ^^raTTWvf M. wnwnrrfng ^ B1. 4. van
^ 71 wnif?f tptt wfij etc. Ca. ^irrar^ $ R.—P. 175.
*0 2
20 VARIETAS LECTIONIS. [P. 175.1.4- (6o, 7.)

]. 4. (60, 7.) The extract from the SUtyayanaka is again corrupt. mi 1ft A.
B4. B1. C 2. M. mnsfrmfpi Ca. isra ’gwSfq1 R.—h 5- W-
mtrftratmrnftft ^ m *raf5rf?r <rfmy? 1 mi mm Ca. rrm^4f*Tf?T <tf&Tr?
fra mm A. CB. C 2. g*ft«ftRramt wm ’rfT am^fiift frfwTT?^ mm
B 4. nm^fafn 1 nftrrTi mi mm B 1. mrr^rfjrfir 1
HfwTTf rtmi mm M. gmfgfjrargmt. mftm: mn^f*rtn fmcnrmi mm
II.—1. 7. jfturam^t 11 afrm° A. Ca and Bnh. MS. qimrnt B 1.—mrrfmi 11
mtfmj A. Bi. B4. Ca. The two MSS. of the Brthadde-
vata read mrrfag. Cf. Rv. Y. 24.—1. 9. jfpTTmf: A and Brih. MS. aftm® B1. Ca,
P. 176. 1.12. (61.) mjrftf^wft Ca. mm^f^m A. M1. m*ftft« B1.—
1.13. qaiftrarc mm^ffoft mmft %m^i Trftfw 11 miTfmKWTft B1. CB. T^wrf^ A. C 2.
mnfmtrr m«ftft#r *nmft Tift Ca. mrrfmm rnm^f^t mmft %’s^c
B4.—1.15. ^im ^Crra B4. ^3|<i A. ^|rr fit CB. <3| *r Ca.
^mi ^ ^mi C 2. ^ * gfw B 1.—mtmyimfsrw 1 A. Ca. B1.4.C2. m*
msrw CB.—1.18. ^gsrra gmfri 1 CB. B 1. ’srg^-ft migmft gwft A. B 4 pr. m. •-qggg-
mgs-ft ggjfd C 2. ^gj mgm% Ca.—1.19. ifti Ymi % 11 *ftr ^ mi A. ga?
B4. Ca. ^1^0 2. H CB. ma li ^ B I. mns? ^ B.—^fmn m:
m 11 qfmn: m A. Ca. C 2. qfriBr m m CB. B1. qfijHi: m B 4. It reads qftrcn:
m ^TmmtfTr.—1.21. msj mt mrnar 11 mspit mt mram A. C 2. q-sjui t tto
Bi. mmrt mt irpra Ca. msimt uro CB. ?nriT mt jhtm«zj B 4- mrnarlt.—
mg: 1 3 ^ rnffaw 11 °«m5T mg: ?t ^ mrrergm A. ®uffi mg: % ^ mfrtiw Ca.
B4. mg: % ^ mrragm C 2. rnlgtfmi B i- CB.—1. 22. rn^PS B i.
Ca. sngiTnmmfoi A. mwmmgto It.—1. 23. ^g-rara mm A. g^imra mn Bi.
Ca.—1. 25. mwftfgtf Bi. srprftfgtf ^ mmi A. Ca. M 1. Tt.—1.33.
(6r, 1.) maHgft mimm A. ^ fto: Ca. mmr^i% n^mmm C 2. B4.
m»r nm^Tm CB. B 1.—jftmmrrmr^’r B4. jftmmrrmi^m A. ailmHmmr Ca.
jftmmrrmi^m C 2. muTmw mvmt B 1. CB.—1. 34. tPi mrn^f^s: 11 ^ ^rmrn° A.
C 2. wrm° B1.4. Ca. CB.—^ A it. Br. % A. B1. R. Ca.—
P. 177.1.10. (61,2.) w mi: 11 mart mi A. Ca. C 2. mrr mi CB. B 1. mrr B4 —
P. 178. 1. 6. (61, 5.) qY^^^rl (MS. has ^fl) from Ca. R also has it.—1- i°-
After f%fu B 4. Ca mark a lacuna ; not A. B 1. CB. C 2. It should have keen
w firfli ^if? f^rf^m g*fm: • Cf. Rv. X. 149, 2. R has ^ret:
ftrfq ^.__p. I79.1.2. (61, 8.) Timt %mim A. cimt^mnmCa. %qm^ B1.
mim^t M 1.—1. 3. As Say a would hardly refer ^¥r%m: to V4stoshpati, he must
take it as the subject of a new sentence, connecting it with m ^ie
reading of the MSS, seems corrupt in the passage which follows; and after
ofjfjpq, should either be added or understood.—1. 4. m *
?i: nrfmt «[tmuT*iim Bi. fi A. ^fmur R. Ca reads 1
^raimrgi: 1 « ^fmsrr ^fwr^nrr.—P. 1B0.1.1. (61, u.) ^ ^ ^ C,a- ® 4- J
jra A. C 2. B 1. CB. —m^qregj A. C 2. B 4. Tratwmi! B 1. CB. Ca.—k 2-
W51. ‘ ''-■•■
P. 187.1.38. (63.)] MA2VDALA X. 21

Before all the MSS. (so also R) repeat TOi If this were kept, it
would have been necessary to write i 1. 11. (61, 12.)
A. C 2. ’TPWPW Ca. B4. Bi. CB. R. Namakarana used in the sense
of nominal suffix.—1. 12. ^S|%fT Bi. Ca. ^j%fT I WI A.—1. 14.
CB. srrc Ca. * wnifn B4. A. C2. v*i amrefa Bi.—P. 181.1. 13.
(61, 16.) Wfti etc. H SAyana seems to have written *{ thtRj: and to have
continued in the nominative sftprnOTSnii: Thus we have *
jnniR A. C 2. « TFrrm: ffatffRw: CB. B 1. 4. qfenpnft ffafr*
^Ca.—1. 29. (61, 18.) Ca. <4f\*4IT A. B x. M 1. It. ar^j^rr occurs in Garni,
prckshadi. But in p. 182, 1. 1, Ca also has ^fa4iT.—P. 182. 1. 11. (61, 19.)
ffsrT Pnrr irowr: Tremsrn swgro srspj: xm*fr?qm: 11
I f?wr: f%UT: hwsit: st^pn: (sec. man. tn:) B 4.
Lfiwr wnw Tnmwn arrww: Jramtorar Ca.
rflfSTT: just wwi: *rcr iramsrr: sapjTPBi tr^pa: JT«pfr<*raT A. C 2.
Ifim: tort: sspu *jan?t ?Rtrer: i?wT?tnrr: CB. B 1.
f?wT w^rrswr ^<n?r aww: xwftrum R.
—1.18. (61, 20.) fip3: -jMIa: 11 Itfuj: a ftpj: affta B4. %ftp ^ f^:
wm A. C2. Stftra fipj: CB. Bi. %ftjr *n Ca. ftpj: irgsfhqt
Mi. R.—P. 184.1. 5. (61, 26.) A. ^arntw:
Ca. B. One expects
P. 185. 1. 6. (62, 1.) airaaa I. This is the reading of all the MSS., instead
ot what we should expect S4yana may, however, with regard to the
immediately following verses, have considered the second person plural ('^•nj)
irregularly put for the third person plural, and in that case, the reading of
the MSS. might be explained. All the MSS. have tttrt: but B 1 and CJ>
have W*t7ffr. B 4 sec. m.. which reading occurs also in the Nitimafu/ari.—
P. 186. 1. 26. (62, 7.) ffrwre ^ B1. CB. Ca. Hripsn*) A. B4. C 2. J!.
1 he passage, though apparently taken from the Brihaddevata, is not to lie
timid in any MSS. of that work.—Ca. A. i;f<x4H^Tft B 1.
Tf<T It.—p. 187. 1.13. (62, 10.) jftfw: II *Ttf*T: A. C 2. nfc-
ii’pj jfrfw: B 1. B 4. CB. Ca. tjftwi’j tfrfw: R.
P. 187. 1. 27. (63.) II TfPrTW A. tfpfTW Ca; lacuna in Bi. See
Anukr. M. p. 40. — 1. 28. iTpTWTfi RrPriPf II
| yrurm 1 Ca.
I f*tf#rP! B 4» tt<T^TW in marg.
f ^srrfH34^fr: A.
1 Tprww C 2.
| wrfiRfwt; xtwmm Rrf^vnr B x.
g7ft%^f»r 4^% xpr^m RrPnn*! CB.
_ ^ R.
I injtiijjte <* ruLTune 1 1 '
f_ . UftffASY
22 VARIETAS LECTIONIS. [P. x88.1. 3. (63,1.)

—P. 188.1. 3. (63, 1.) A. C2. Bi. CB. B4. irft: Ca.—P. 189. 1. 22. (63, 6.)
Ca reads etc., omitting all from «< at 4411ft to Sayana
seems to have read *TP3t instead of xft —P- I92- 1- i- (63, 15.) With
regard to the Viniyoga, see Itv. Bh. I. 189.
P. 193. 1. 25. (64, 3.) MSS. —P-194- 1- 2- (64> 4-) gfw^r
fr A. C 2. Tmftft: B 4 sec. m. ffirsn? ft wrofa:Ca. <>rocf
CB. Bi. Cf. X. 64, 16 ; 99, 6. S&yana takes tuvirav&n either as de¬
rived from tuvi by means of two possessive affixes, viz. ra and v4n, meaning
‘ possessing many,’ i.e. praisers; or he takes ra as a possessive affix, attached to
tuvi, tuvira meaning ‘possessing manifoldness,’ and referring to the gods, to
which a new possessive suffix is added, viz. vAn, giving to the compound the
meaning of ‘united with those who are possessed of manifoldness.’ It is not
possible to read pratyayavriti/i; first, because the MSS. are unanimous against
it; secondly, because iivritih is never used as a technical term for loss or
disappearance. See also Aufrecht in Zeitschr. der Deutschen Morgenl. Ges.
vol. xxv. p. 232 seq. — P. 195. 1. 29. (64, 10.) y 4ft M *4: Ca. Mi. 4ft4*^
A. Bi.—1. 30. 7m: iwnw ’^ftgruwmng h 7m: ttwtw ^rtg *it-
w»rrg A. 7m: ifwin ’sftg ^iftrmrrg B 4. 7m: ;4*4M«3 *n

wmng C 2. 7m: ^ftg *ftw«ng Ca. 7171: Tramroi *ftg

Tpmrrg B1. CB. 7m: wrnm ir^nrm Tsftg *fftrm. trig R. It might be ifwnrm:, or
ajfl4iM^l ^ig:, if governed by if^r:, but the corruption begins even with 7m:. As
it is, would be first explained by the acc. sing. iftfrm, and this after¬
wards by order to have a plural for *1:.—P. 196. 1. 11. (64, 12.) % etc.
There has been a misplacement in all the MSS.: A begins with 7? ^4T:,
A sec. m. and C 2 with \ ijT- % Ca. B4. CB. Bi with % i£l<<ft ^T5, and
they all continue Tfi ftffi ^mir4 % Wgi ^TgfTOF*r 1 WH 1 Ca) iftt: \
% f*m ^r?j ‘Tl^m etc. There probably was a lacuna, which was supplied in
a marginal note, and this note was afterwards inserted in the wrong place.
P. 197. 1. 29 to p. 198. 1. 4. (65, 1 and 2.) snfttra: etc. || No pratika of
verse 2 is given in A. B. Ca. A. Ca read gTTTft 7*1 etc.; B1 reads
4T3fara: gglfn %g etc.; R reads TrftTTO: TmTTT: ^77: ’SmfTO wnf&n
mil and begins the commentary of verse 2 with g%S W
ipftt immt f^fwr ginft ?ig etc.—P. 200.1.4. (65,8.)
pii;44 from R. *1'tTimTt M1. 5liq4!4F(. A. C 2. B 4. CB. B1. Ca reads
ftrg^Tt ro: '3^ii ft *m: The same MS. has instead of
the -iHlof the other MSS., and ftn: instead of ftpm:.
P. 203. 1.16. (66, 5.) from. Although all the MSS, read either ft^aw Ca. B4>
or f*: Tina A. C 2. CB. Bi, and though the same reading from occurs again m
X. 66, 7, I have ventured to print from as the nearest approach to what would
otherwise be unintelligible.
P. 227-1 20‘ (73. 5-)] MAACDALA X. 23

P. 207. 1. 10. (67, 3.) npfl A. Bx. Ca. C 2. xrpft Mi.—1. 28. (67, 5.) *N
This is the reading of all the MSS.; either »hi should be omitted, or at least
added after
P. 209. 1. 24. (68.) ^ A. Bi. nrf (!) Ca.—P. 210. 1. 1. (68,1.) w by con¬
jecture.—!. 19. (68, 3.) B4. A. C2. juf^wr; Ca. Bi.
CB. CB sec. m. P. 211. 1. 23. (68, 7.) Ca. Trfxrfiirm A.
Bi. Mi.—P. 2x2. 1. 7. (68, 9.) qipr qfcj; JIT f*nf»TTT I Hhr MfTT 11
1 wp HTm A. q$qp >mn fN»m; q%q fq^frr C 2.
fa^*nr ^%*r fa4<5i< B4. xtwpt fq^farpc q%qg?fT Ca.
f^HTT wrq.f»r^fr CB. Bi.—1. 23. (68,11.) A. fpsmj Bi.
^lumqrai Ca.
P. 215. 1. 28. (69, 10.) Unroll A. C 2. «xqpB4. Ca. CB. Bi. It may
he TOT% but it is more likely that it was meant for Ji^p.
P. 216. 1. 19. (70.) qwfq A. wsfa Bi. It. qfaqjfq Ca.—P. 217. 1. 18.
(70,4.) n Ca. A.Mi. °tp^T*rfqfq Br. See
Paw.Yl. 4,154 and 157.—1. 19. ^SRTT^UTt etc. || mn^nTT ^tTRafT A.
“iIut: C 2. ^tw B1. prpff Pf snwr q^psrtq:
*raK#qrrft PNraTPTTOTpflq: B4 sec. m. qrarrc^r i^rrcl qnfsrrwr wrprTu:
CB. Uiy Mi. All the MSS. clearly point to the read¬
ing adopted in the text, whether the explanation be right or wrong.—1. 24.
(?o, 5.) tjfTOT Pada MSS. xjftren: Sayana.
P. 219.1. 23. (71.) guftfn: qp A. pftfq: qpr Ca. jpfrfa pt Bi. qq?qlf?np
and oy^rt Brih. MSS.—1. 24. qsprvnq B/'ih. ^r^fYir Ca. *ft*rp»n A. Bi.
Cf. Anukr. M. p. 154.—P. 223. 1. 6. (71,10.) qfqgxlq A. C 2. B4. CB. Bi. qfpxfa
Ca. Though qfqjpTq might be defended, yet it would be more unusual even than
Saya/ia probably wrote qfTf^gip, or simply *rfq|^?ta?—1. 18. (71, 11.)
TOtq ll Wl% A. C 2. B4. Bi. Af. qql% Ca. qwfqj CB.—1. 22.
^ fPnq: 11 fpira: A. C 2. B 4. B1. CB. Af. nfriMM: Ca.
P. 224. 1. 14. (72, 2.) qiTf^Wtfqwra: A. C2. Ca. CB. Bi.Af. qqfi^wwrfqarq:
B4.—1.20. qrfwrw u wrt: A. C 2. wrt: *t° Af. qrfasp Ca. qrfwr-
ifRff0 B4. ^rftreTKT(^i0 CB. *n 7TO<> CB sec. m. ^r'gT’Tf (TO0 Bi. The end of
Bayawa’s argument is not clear to me.—P. 225. 1. 30. (72, 8.) In the TA. I. 13, 3,
where the same or a very similar passage occurs, the list ends with fqq-
^f^%|.—P. 226. 1. 8. (72, 9.) JpmriT^iTrt 11 *prr ~ 3T^3T?t A. pTppTOT. Af.
9*Tfm?3TCa. pp^pT^spBi. Cf. llv. Bh. II. 38, 8.
^ 226. 1. 15. (73.) fqfpjq A.Bi. Ca. Af. flrwfai Ait, Ar.—1. 29. (73, 2.)
°fT^’ fP%f*T 11 #n pr fPretfa A. Af. fqq%fqCa. °ri q fnwrfn B1.—P. 227.
■20- (7 3.5-) w xren: qqxjip MTuftjftfJift pi: xnwf qqnprfprtf: 1 ?mtf%.A.
9 tot: 'qqxfo? q qrrqfqqlfilfr pi: qTWt ai«iTsjqfpr*?: 1 TOifa.Af.
* tott: i^rrufw ftnft pi: mrw gprRTtrfprnJ: TOtf% C 2.
24 VARIETAS LECTIONIS. [P. 227.1.26. (73,6.)

xr f ^ twt: qql%q TsPtqfqqlfSit fsrr tot: wqqffrwmqf^wfr 1 Ca.

xr ^qj: tot: qq$%q jqrqfqqftqft fg\: JTTqqq. fwjpsrf^nJ: 1 qqifq B 4.
xr ^qj: rnsTT: qq^%q jqTqfqqffSft frl: qrqqq<t qrqTqqf^inS: 1 qqffq B1.
xi ?pg: tot: wq^q iqrafxrfttfft fft: inqqTTXTTfq Rfqniqf^qq: CB.
qtfw qqi^q TOnqfqqlf^it qrqqq qxnfq q tnwu qqniqf^aixi: M1. R.
—1. 26. (73, 6.) q^'j^qf n qqj^: <q A. Af sec. m.? (It is not clear in Af, whether ^4
is corrected from something else, or crossed off.) qq^qq Ca. Mi.R. qq Tq
Bi.—P. 228. 1. 8. (73, 7.) xRq Bi. toA, ijq Ca. 3gq Af.—qtsrni qi<ft A. Ca.
Af. B 4. CB. qrifq C 2. qsffrff B1. In M1 qifan q?rt *rrti: was left out; it is like¬
wise omitted in R. But the explanation seems to be, ‘ Quick goes the way,
lovely goes the way.’—1. 20. (73, 9.) The commentary to verse 9 is left out
in all the MBS., it may be seen in Sftyana’s commentary to Sv. I. 4, 1, 4, 9:
qtfcqi qqqT^qq^qfxq qT Xr$qt fWri fqwqTqT^ETqqqTqgTTf TT^fq w T^Tq
qRq^qrafq q^srrq 1 qq qqfq 1 tjfqqrqfqftra fqxpi? qfqq^qqfq qrmsft qpqWftg
qT^vr: 1 qr^qrfq 11 R gives trcrqTfq^ ?*hiv} wtfqq qfqqT qqrt T^rq qf^mq
q^qurfq qqgqrrn; ^fqqrqfqfqq fqgirr q^qiifqi q^qqfqr q qnfr qr^qT *fq 11??
P. 232. l. 4. (75, 4.) fqqt fqqqpfl tcI qqqj^qii< xra^T 11 fqqf ftr-annA wzl
qqfq q^qgrqqq^r A. fqqT fqqmT*ft hzT qqfq q qq^T C 2. fqqf fqqsrqiqt
wzt qqfq q^qgt qq^T B 4. fqqt fqqrqTqf q^t qqfq 1 q^qgx; qq^r Ca. fqqf fqq-
qpfr nq qqfq q^q ^xq qq^T CB. B r. fqxfr fqqmrqt qrf qqfq qq«[T R.
P. 233. 1. 24. (76, 1.) qqT of the text is left out by Sayana.—1. 32. (76, 2.)
Ca.—*pfrjq II ^Trf: qq A. C 2. ^qrq Ca. qq B4. CB; deest in Bi.—
P. 234. 1. 1. fSJjfftft Ca. 5jffq> A. Bi.—qqqrq. II qqtfq A. C2. B4. Ca. qqTffi
CB. Bi. qqynight be a technical term connected with horsemanship, in which
case Say ana may have written qq?|.
P. 235. 1. 24. (77.) On the metre of this hymn, see my Translation of the
Iiig-veda, vol. i. p. xcviii.—1. 31. (77, 1.) qqqqq A. C 2. Ca. 15 4. CB. B1. Cf. verse
7 —B. 236. 1. 1. q tpnrPTORta: 11 q qjqffqr syr: ^ A. C2. CB. Bi. q *f?ftfq
Ttt: xk B4. q ^qfr qrrfq Ca.—1. 26. (77, 4.) qf<«qt<$r< 11 ufxqTT ^ A.
C 2. B4. CB. Bi. trftTJT xq Ca.-—After qyr there begins a lacuna in A and C 2,
extending to q^fqqrctin X. 78,1.—P. 237. 1. 4. (77, 5.) qfqqqrqT: B4. qfq% qt
q: Ca. qfqrrqTqr H^aqr^i Bi. CB. qfqqqfqT Af.—1. 29. (77, 8.) qrqqroiqxpl»
qpl qrqqq% Ca. qiqq qiqqqq Af. qxqq qrxrfq qxr% B 1. qTqqrqfq qq^ M1. R-
P. 239. 1. 31. {78, 7.) fxT^rqlqT 11 fxraTfqqt A. Ca. Bi.
P. 241. 1. 16 seq. (79, 4.) From q q^m: to q q%qt: deest in A. Af. Bi.—1.18.
WTrfq II qqrfq A. Af. Bi. Ca. — P. 242. 1. 1. (79, 6.) qqr$ fqfqq qr^Tfq. As all
the MSS. give this reading, there can be little doubt that the mistake is due to
Say ana himself, who mistook qqqf for qqr$.
P. 242. 1. 12. (80.) Shac/gurusishya, too, says, qfqNft qqrqrtifq^fq: I qtfqft'
qwra qfq: i.
P. 249- >• 8- (82» 7-)] MAJVDALA X. 25

P. 244. L 4. (81.) H i$f?T qRfPni CB. H filfn faxtoi A. C 2. B4.

Bi.Af. 5.5^fT^^jg:A.C2. B4, q^rr ^ Af.
(’a; the passage omitted in Bi. CB. Weber’s edition gives 9Rgf % See also
TS. IV. 6, 2, 1; VS. XVII. 17.—1. 1-2. (81, x.) fq^rofr A. Ca. C2. B4. Af.
wfaq: Nir.—1. 24. qy: A. Af. qjr Ca. B1.—1. 26. w« 5ffA.Af.Bi. Ca.—P. 245.
1.5. (81,2.) After B1 adds Tpft: xgt?cr%: gfaqT^iqiq&qifawg}: i
ffif Hv I. It should be but the whole is clearly a mar¬
ginal note, and there is no trace of it even in CB. It occurs, however, in B2._■
1. 7- Instead of the simple fa faffrotfafa in A. C 2. Ca. B 4, we find in B 1
fa ^ 11 irar^: 11 q fafe®, in CB fa q^rif ^qt irsrrsJ: fasn q
fafa“- It was probably meant for faq^T^fti^fafa qqfa: l q fafap* etc.;
or we should write q fafan^ftf^fa |.—P. 246. 1. 7. (81, 5.) The comment to qqtq
is left out in all MSS.—1. 9. q^r; A. Af. Bi. «nr Ca.
P. 246. 1. 33 and p. 247. 11. 1 and 6. (82, 1.) qqpqfa Si. S2. S 3. S4. P1. P3. P4.
P8. A. Bj. Af. Ca. Aufrecht.—q% Pada MSS. ip| Mi. R.—1. 2.
Pada MSS. ^ ifi Aufrecht.—P. 248. 1. 1. (82, 3.) ?TTO?qq Ca. qjq^ A. B-
C2. Af. grTrq^ B4. XfrTfqtH CB- B».—h 2. q* A. Af. Ca. Bi.—1. iS.
(82,5.) qfc qwratfmq q qq. B1. ^ qfqy; qqqnxpkH a. m i. R.
qw^mq Ca. —1. 30. (82, 6.) The quotation from the Smn'ti seems to be taken
from Manu I. 8 seq., but it varies from the received text, having qrqTfarq for
Wtraq , and ^q^rfa® for qfXiriy. In Mahidhara’s commentary, VS. XV11. 30,
which agrees very much with Sayawa’s, but follows nevertheless its own way, we
have qfaqqrfqqq, and P. 249. 1. 6. (82, 7.) The same is
the reading of the MSS. of Mahidhara, VS. XVII. 31, for qthq^l'q is only the
very common Bengali spelling for qqqqfq, which Professor Weber has changed
to s^rqqTq.—1. 8. “qiWRt qrora qq qTWtngiifaqrdqV^qWiiiqtq 11 The state of
the MSS. i; s as follows :
A ®qswfa; qrrwTqmnf^qfqTqr gurefaraiq.
C2 #^Tq qrrqqiqwrfq qiqym qgqqq’lintqiq.
Ca "qfmxqrreqTqTWTfa fiyw qqqqqfrq<mq.
B4 **• ^rr qiiaMiMnitifaq^aTw qqq: qtqfarcqTq.
B t °wrq qqjrsrnwfq qrsmqqq
f;H «qi<q7q trq qrreqTqTnrrfq qTffyW q
It i.s only by a reference to Mahidhara’s commentary on VS. XVII, 31 that
Vt) a?/,a s wording can be restored with some kind of certainty. The general
conception in both commentaries is evidently the same. Nihara, fog, is meant
toi ignorance; and as fog is not altogether nothing, for it impedes the vision,
no1 '^together something, for it cannot lie perceived like wood and stones, so
'M a nance, too, is not altogether nothing, for it covers the essence of the supreme
J0U ’ nor Is it altogether something, for it can be removed simply by under-
VOL. iv. *u
26 VARIETAS LECTIONIS. [P. 251. 1.16. (84, x.)

standing. Supposing that Mahldhara wrote qrreTTqTf^qsftqfqipircftqraT?!, not, as

Professor Weber prints, 1 7et felt unnble to make
anything of the which is, however, supported by all MSS. There may
have been an addition, to express that fog could not be perceived without
something else to which it adhered, possibly Sayana may have said, that it could
not be perceived except as clinging to stones and wood: anyhow, we can go no
further in the present state of our MS. materials, and must wait for help from
other sources. In his commentary on TS. IV. 6, 2, 2, Sayana says: oqqTct
wrereifi qq qq'gqq~V«K«nq. This is better. I retain the
neuter qq and qqq, because all the MSS. have it.
P. 251. 1. 16. (84, 1.) In some respects S&yana’s commentary in TBr. II. 4, 1,
10, where this verse occurs with slight variations, is better.
P. 253.1. 30. (85, 2.) qt*ft qqqqtntmf 1 q q qrqq *fn qqqT q$qqqr^q: n
A qWif q*nnn«lqi q q q-rtm *fq qqqT q? q% etc.
C2 qtqt qqqmnUqi q q qtqq tfq qqqT qq gwtu etc.
Ca qt*fr qqqrwr q q qrqq *fq qqq qfqwr^q: 1
B 1. 4 qWt qqqTWPri q q q-pjq *fq qqqT i
CB qmt fTOiW q qqrwTq q tfq qqqr qqqqqT^q: 1
I doubt whether the text, as I have given it, is right. I have not been able to
trace a similar etymology of nakshatra anywhere else ; at all events, it is not
more absurd than other etymologies of the same word, proposed by native
scholars. In the commentary to the Sankhavana-sutras (MS. meum, p. I24l>),
at the end of the fourteenth Adhyaya, in explaining the Nakshatra-stomas, it
is said, qqqTfq I I Ifq qf P. 254. 1. 3. (85, 3.) q: qftqTq^gq-
sfiTOTtf fqf^cTnqtf 11 q: ufuq-R % g qrmT$ A. q: qfqqrq % *f g qrmrtS C2.
q: qfqqtq q qtqqqTqrS Ca. q: I *n5*t35T*n$f fqfqRqTq*J B 4 sec. m. q:
fwpt q’d^4ii*n«J P4facMi<sivj CB. q: ftRTq. q\Jq 1 qrrqnJ fqfqmrqpJ B 1.
uftprrq %$q arrm€ fqfqqnqq R—1. 26. (85, 5.) qq wrw qfqfrt jrrq:qq% A. C 2.
Ca. B4. qrr tsrrq^r qttfq B 1. CB. Cf. Ait. Br. YII. 33.—P. 255. 1. 14. (85,7.)
°fqqgSiTT*Pl$% I qgq^ qrfqrt 11
°ft fqqfWTqqqrt 1 rPr ^frqrq^q qqcft^q qrgqri%q B 1.
®?t TTTT TrPT qqmt Tqq q^pitqT TfT Ca.
fqqgswrwhr: 1 A.
1 %q %tgi^qfq% wmttm q^qt q%q M1.
fqqgsqrrWm: %q %q$^qra%q qqr<fl3q qgqt qrtn R
See also TS. VI. 1, 1, 5; Nat. Br. III. 1, 3, 12.—1. 22. (85, 8.) ¥ qW»
qwr q^ qfq q qpnf: A. C 2. Tqr Tq: gqfq q qpnr: Ca. q qftqq: B 4-
q q g q: qqq: CB. qgq: B 1. Nothing remained but to restore the text con-
jecturally, and chiefly with reference to Rv. Bh.VI. 53, 9.—P. 257. 1. 19. (85,16.)
fqfqf^t # fqfqq% A. Ca. fqfq I q% C 2. fqfqq% B4. fqqq% CB. fqtqqfcBi.—
P.265.i.3o-(8<55i.)] MAAifDALA X. 27

p. 259.1.8. (85, 22.)5wrfir^qRitiiA. trrmfa ^ Ca. *rmf*

3 *raf B 1.—1. 9. fsfmfaT Ca; deest in A. C 2. B4. B 1. CB. The lacuna is
indicated in A. B4, the position of Ca is very exceptional here.—1. 17. (85, 23.)
^rr^m Ca. ^4i w ^ A,- B1.—-1. 19. (85, 24.)
RHrki ii wr :;njr fafft A. C 2. w^rr *rtajr Ca. gftjffqgffo B 4;
deest in B 1. CB. Cf. Indische Studien, vol. v. p. 384.—P. 260. 1. 2. (85, 25.)
WTOT TT ^SWfTT A. B I. JTP3J Ca.— 1. 13. (85, 27.) “TjifSjift || A. B I.
M 1. 1 Ca.—P. 261.1. 1. (85,29.) ■siTjpsi Ca. ifT^i
A. C 2. CB. ^rr^i ’arng^rf^mr^: B1. in*Fsr mra apckT® etc. B 4. srrggj sippdfaaivli;
M1. R.—’sr^r^rer A. C 2. fmw CB. B1. irfp
TTTiTO Ca. SlOcfaifl*si B4.—1. 17. (85, 31.) ^ p I# 0?rraT
W*ITft *T?t ^l*sNIH A. °HI^( *j|*dr(, C 2. °i(i^i 3t*JT ^WI<sMI4.Ca. W*n?^ ^+II<^II4
B4. tou CB. R.—P. 262. 1. 8. (85, 34.) 1
B1.4. Ca. C 2. CB. -srgwtor A.—1. 14. (85, 35.) Tprrapr B1.4. Ca. CB. gjmrpi
C 2. ^rrrVTR A. The commentary is difficult, but it is quite clear that S4yana
takes a.sasanam, vis as an am, and adhivikartanam as parts of female dress._
11 0*rra A. B 1. Ca.—1.15. *mfr 11 A. ^
gTt c 2. •jrf^VT Ca. CB. *rft4VT *TT$ B 4. *rf*n*T B 1. This I do not
understand. P. 263. 1. 1. (85, 37.) SJyana’s explanation is very extraordinary,
Imt the MSS. leave little doubt. All would be right if the word g^;, apparently
used as a feminine, were simply left out, except where it is the dual. Even
alter ^djd*i4<!t*pn, most of the MSS. have inserted this gr^:, reading gf gj^, ^
to* A. fit c 2. m ^ ^ Ca. m^w
TfXiM B 4. wf gn* ipr CB. In B1 all is left out between gf and
^ One might conjecture ^:, like but such a word would be
loo unusual for Say ana to use. I have left the passage as it is, because it is
just possible in yasy&m iirau to take urau as an independent locative.—1. 30.
(85, 42.) xft%: n A. Ca; from xft%; to ngj-q wanting in B 1.
R 265. 1. 13. (86.) A. C2. Ca. R. B4 ; deest in B 1.
IB: cf. BR., s. v. The Bnhaddevata makes VWsMkapi the setting sun, Vri-

diakapAyi the gloaming.—1. 20. ^fqsVw: One expects stows: ^n?[.

* Ini, MS., A, reads uBnffar which may have been meant for an adjective of
^RosW. 1. 30. (86, 1.) As this passage is important (see ‘Academy,’ 1874,
31st Jan.), I subjoin the readings of the six principal MSS.:
fa f? gitoifijlmi gifir^TOiT nmifaf?i »rant 1 ttot ■g
^Plgmil q l<tt I to Pi* I T^TT ? g^to^f® 41 fcqq ffo:
a f% fij ^jfrfySl^T nrotoft 1 gm ^ ff%:
Rf fil r<®M 1 ^msfirfTr ?wf 1 gm g gtosfrel gifem ffa:
f| ^rpgrf»rf?r gaffi 1 cm ^ grf%m ft?: 1
ft ff «rrofirfTt mm ^ ffq; 1
28 VARIETAS LECTIONIS. [P. 266.1.7. (86,2.)

fwr f^rSt ^rr 11

^ f«rr q^*uqqf%y f*i§cnirY q<^fd qtqpt q% «
1 ^mqPiffq^f q<f+f[*ra%5^f*i5^1 ufl q<fii «rfwp?% wrsito it
*fiSil*^3W j«lTft^ ^ITR: 7P^ W* 7rfqRU% vRIT qpftwfc II
qif^*g»iYffqd, 1 f^T^ft^ q<$*ii*r. rRs^Wsip# @rerr ^qtaw}: n
qi Ha ^ aft 3 4 £Hr( r s*; 4w fMiqtq: qtfmw^srfRTgrrqrt q^fq qfqrqq^ ^rit q^tqr*^: r
—P. 266.1. 7. (86, 2.) ^nr: A. C2.B4. ^f%m: Ca. qraq: CB. B 1.—P. 267.1. 17.
(86, 7.) A. B 1. Car—1. 23. (86, 8.) tftr RJ^qft P3 Pr- m- p4- P8.
P3 sec. m. xj^t R[fq Pi.—1. 2 7. After ijqi: fqraps^: something
is left out, w^T"P$: or .—P. 270. 1. 5. (86, 17.) The last para¬
graph qjq <qfqqq|f<;% T^TWt' q?rfq is left out in all MSS. except Ca. I have
inserted it, although it is against the Anukramam. The Anukramani, however,
has been several times disregarded in this hymn, and there is no other way of
removing the vyatireka, and establishing the avirodha of the two verses.—
1.13. (86, 18.) qrrrq 11 ^qq A. qrfqC2. qrpi CB. Bi. ^pr Ca. JjqqB4. ^nr is
explained by Manu III. 68 to comprehend five pasuvadhasth&nas, the kitchen-
hearth, the grindstone, the broom, the pestle and mortar, and the water-pot. The
question is, which of these is meant here by Sayana. The MSS. are ot little use,
but as Kulluka explains the first s fin ft, the 1’ulli, by urlvfthani, this might seem
to be the word intended, though not in the senses ascribed to it by the dictionaries,
but in the sense of Arulli, hearth. There is, however, another word for hearth,
which comes nearer to the MSS., viz. uddhftna or uddhmftna (Am. KoshalT. 9.
29). Still nearer would be uddhava, if it could be proved that this word, too, was
used in a technical sacrificial sense. Even musalam would be possible, for this,
too, is one of the five sfinfts.—1. 27. (86, 20.) *pfrqTO° || *pft m: q° A. Ca. C 2.
jpffqro0 B 4. CB. B 1.-—P. 271. 1. 17. (86, 22.) o^»Wrf B 1. Ca. Nir.
A. M 1. It.—1. 23. (86, 23.) At the beginning of this verse the MSS. have % t?
fqtqifn^npql lA.C2.B4. CB. B 1. \ fWRTR
fHiqifM<jnn$ Ca.—is explained as a vocative; *sHfd»f0 A. C2. wsifdfi0
Ca. ’Ipw *mf7W° B4. ^ R wfwfq %° CB. B 1. Now (S'arabh a is the name of a
monkey in the Itftmftyana, besides being the name of a strong fabulous animal,
and this might refer to the animal mentioned in the preceding verse. But bhala
does not lend itself to this interpretation, whereas by taking bhala for bhalla.
Sayan a might explain it by sara, arrow, and derive it from bhalati bhedane, if
in Dhfttu-pft</ia 32, 66.
P. 271. 1. 29. (87.) II A. C 2. B 4. WTTfHITW Ca ;
the passage left out in B 1. CB.—P. 272. 1. 12. (87, 2.) KHIMKI*! II *TPR* (?)
B 4. *mqi qprrm. A. JrTWRTfn. c 2 ; from fqiq ^ to wncf^mT left out in
B 1. CB, from to JRqrPt in Ca. *)K<*iqfKI»f? See verses 14 and i9-~~
P. 274. 1. 19. (87, 11.) xft qi0 11 w *n° Ca. Rqrr° A. M 1. It; from qjw. to TT^'-
p. 295.1.18. (91, n.)] MANDALA X. 29
left out in B 1.—P. 275. 1. 4. (87, 13.) "iprat Ca. •uprvt A. B 1. o„j p4,
CB. ouhret C 2.—1.12. (87,14.) A. Bi. nrtfwrm. Ca. R.
P. 278. 1. 8. (88.) ffnuririJtfnfraT A. B 1. Ca. Cf. Rv. Bh.VI. 66.—1. 31. (88, 3.)
nflMlPH Ca. *sTN|frr A. C 2. GB; lacuna in B4 and B 1. Probably some¬
thing is left out by which Sayawa would have traced the theoretical form
hack to nrtfa. The form itself, an imperative of the aorist, was probably un¬
known to him. R reads ^fPITfttr nftfa.—P. 279. 1. 17. (88, 5.) Ca. fr^-
flRn: A. B 1. M 1.—P. 280. 1. 3. (88, 7.) mrfirgi^n girg: 11 C 2. Ca.
B4. 'nTfwg#* A. njrfHgiin gir: CB. nrfugiinTgir Bi. In verse 9,
A. Bi. Ca read 1. 27. (88, 10.) i f* f^fn Ca. f? |nT A.
ff 4 B 1. See Nir. SS. vol. iii. p. 429.—TW» A. B 1.
Ca.—P. 281.1. 23. (88, 13.) irepirfirwT^ 11 rramflrgniCt A. innwreff B 1. ipnrfi?-
vr^t Ca. See Var. Lect. to II. 5, 1.—P. 282. 1. 17. (88, 16.) 'sm II
n<r A. 'nn C2. -an 3ft *ro rnfrft Ca. ^ nsr
*l*nftff B4. r3-rt?) ui<fpt B i. CB. I cannot find the passage ; if metrical,
there are two syllables wanting.—1. 27. (88, 17.) After nfrT one expects tfn.
P. 284. 1. 11. (89, 3.) n: before by conjecture.—1. 17. (89, 4.) wfyw R.
nnfipi n MSS.—1. 18. ifwfn MSS. Mi.R. See Pan. VIII. 5, 30.—
V. before i%: by conjecture.—1. 30. (89, 5.) fjptHijTfl A. fnnfiyf B 1. Ca. fnn-
HfTyl M 1. R. Nil-. Roth. See Nir. SS. vol. iii. p. 66—P. 286. 1. 6.
(H io.) nrsrPTt 11 wmt A. Ca. M1. R. wnri B 1.—P. 287. 1. 6. (89,14.) n*r^T
lan—n pn 11 w lacuna n ijwr A. n C 2. CB. n ^miT
H4. n^TT n JPRWPt B i. Ca only has the passage, and reads TPSPTT^aiT t4*KI*jl
fafare wf 1 f*m?t fwn^: nsr^r n utot.
P. 288. 1. 8. (90.) As this is a hymn which has been much read, owing to its
hearing on V edanta doctrines, the MSS. are full of corrections and marginal
notes. Sayana's text, however, is not afiected by them.—1. 26. (90, 2.)
A. Tn® niptH Ca. nnjnr B1.—P. 289. 1. 25. (90, 5.) *rra!jnfn 11
B1. CB. ^fn A. ipfafn C 2. Tpfl n^lrfn Ca. 11 ^ n^fn B4 sec. m.
M1. R.—P. 290. 1. 2. (90, 6.) ^wn^rwprrf^^0 A. Ca. onTf^nTmwr-
B i.
B- 293. 11. 25 to 30. (91, 4.) The.lacuna at the end of verse 4 and the begin¬
ning of verse 5 occurs in all the MSS. The fifth verse occurs in Sv. II. 3, 2, 7, 1,
hut the commentary there affords little help towards restoring the original
reading of Sityana. R supplies, ipn UTUrffm fanm TPint 7T3^T
^IVliqin 118# ^ nft rm f%pfT TfWWT fngnnfijnTfnfa% tfSTTOnt (sic) | nn
etc.—P. 295. 1. 10. (91, 10.) nrfnOT® 11 ’nfan m° B 1.
Ca. Mi.R. nrfn: nT° A.—11.18 seq. (91, 11.) 'an nT to ipr: 11 nw nT mfu nr
Trcnwqnwflfffl $n: Ca. ^ *rr nrfir m ftn^rfn ffnnf wnrnrw (an
CB. B1) nfnrn n ffn^rn nfnr^tr f^ffn (^rrftfn n ff^rn
30 VARIETAS LECTIONIS. [P. 296.1.6. (91, 13.)

*rf%PX. CB. B 1) xxsjtixxgBxBflVfix ipx: A. C 2. B 4. Af. CB. B r. R inserts xrejxx

?TSTO*igfnB7xVf7T after —P. 296. 1. 6. (91, 13.) W^fix A. C2. Af.
*rgf?x Ca. ^ryH^at w^fxx B 4. -xigMRixft w%f?i CB. B 1.
P. 296. 1. 28. (92.) xpxfaxpx^ ii Trgffhi^T g° A. Ca. ^Tgf§?i%«r g»
B 1. See Anv. VII. 6, 6.—P. 299. 1. 22. (92, 11.) wt ^ ete.11 ngft TXnSff
^ jnpfr ftrw'g xjt B1. ^5^ tjgft utsIt ^ h XFf Ca. From
w(ht) to TFT} left out in A. qgft Ursfr <rr i|*rpi Rrwg iptMi.
t?»rf ^ *xwr j^xrg R.—o^Tgw: ?ifwi *rrrcixprm^ xnfft
wrfw: xrhjfH: A. ofH^wn xxfwt etc. ^nrfu: g=ant B 1. °fw^?tfwfWTTxf¥t
sncrcixr*TT»rcfa *1% fwwrfwrfif^ (“xjrrfw: xsfojfwrfft R) Hysaii Ca. R.—1.30.
(92, 12.) fwr 11 gwr A. Ch. fwrr Bi. R. g%xt MSS.—1. 32. After
g*rr A. Ca insert gvTT, B 1 gwr—f%X I ^PX*r^<lfiT0 11 g^?x 1 ^*rafiT0 A. °?rr
Ca. °fft ^rcmwmfa0 B 1. cfrtra f^xx 'spOT^fir0 R —P. 300. 1. 7. (92, 13.)
The same lacuna occurs in all the MSS. I have only changed afiT*rtrtn*l into °5i,
without attempting conjectural emendation, though it would he easy to do so;
w?rfH 1 wwm?x qsT*rq*rr*xf*xf?r xpx: 1 ^r3<x 1 ’gxx 1.—1.14- (92> H ) ^Twra^n011
z??qyttrift^in° A. tngxTirm^’n0 C 2. Tjxgtw^XT0 B4 sec. m. tngytixsm ti^et CB.
q^Tiff^no B 1. UfgyqarcN ^«n° Ca. U'ffCHrqn^srr0 M 1. R. H13"51
P. 300. 11. 27 and 30. (93.) As Sayana evidently took the name of the author
to be ttp^: UPS: it has been left so. He derives Tfp$: from gg:, and even in the
last verse where 7TF4: UTsi: occurs, he takes Erpsfr as a separate word. The
Anukr., however, reads tm&, and the commentator explains *®rf.
See, however, Anukr. M. p. 156.—1. 30. T|7«Jg»ft Anukr. M. 'CTgjpft A. Af. M 1.
ggjft Ca ; lacuna in B x.—P. 302. 1. 17. (93, 7.) qigxy A. C 2. Ca. B4 pr. m. Af.
B4 sec. m. B 1. CB.—1. 24. (93, 8.) ^rfTnftW B4 sec. m. B x. TTfTfjftaj A. Ca.
B 4 pr. m. Af. R. It may have been TrfH 3ftsx, hut V for is a very common
mistake in MSS., and is appropriate on account of the intensive form.—
P. 303. J. ^ (93, 9.) ^ pra ^ *T I XTOT Wfl^s II ^ Tfw
wrf^'^i rr^fgwsk 1 A. C 2. Af. ^sr ytrtu ^ wrf^i Cl1-
^ T^T*?T Tftd wrf^ii Tf^apJ: B 4 pr. m., ^ inserted after sec. m.
^ yw ^ xftii ^ Tftflfirar wrf^xt wtf^is B r) ?ra[f^ar$: CB. B1 —
1.24. (93, 12.) 7i?f?[?*p5:11 7r?f^<*p5: A. f^j-
txtm; TTjfN C 2. Af. Ca. Rreprre;
B 4. f^7n«t B1. CB. The text is corrupt.—
h 30. (93, 13.) 11 xma A. ^fn: xtttt wxf Af.
^f?x: ux wit ^ %3rr Ca. ^Rx: B 1. ^fxx: "srp?^ xRrt R-—P- 3°4-
1. 2. ’qt^rmwrwx A. Af. qjfyurqxfaxXBT Ca. B I.—1. 16. (93, 15 )
imrf A. Af. taw? Ca. Mx. R. trrwf B 1.—g^pfrra^rmw B4 sec. m. CB. f®-
«XT»I^I A. Af. B4 pr. m. gxj ^siurei C 2. Ca. ajjW’iKI+l’Wg B 1. The text is
corrupt.—Ca. gg: yn: A. Af. ggg’si: B 1. g^n Mi. It.
P.310.1.14. (95.4-)] MASALA X. 31

P. 3°5- 27- (94> 5-) tffa after gg and tggi must be taken as an independent
gloss.—P. 306. 1. 3- (94, 6.) *jft St HTt Ca. ^ gfa fWcr: VTT A. Af.
B 1. HTt M 1. Cf. Rv. Bh. X. 102, 10.—1. 27. (94, 8.) ggg A.
Af. B r. irer*rer wfar tfn Ca.' ggggj itfaft; gfa R.—p. 307. 1. 1. (94> 9)
gifal A. Ca. Af. gnmfat B 1. R. It may have been ggrfg
Y. 308. 1. 16. (95.) gfrfamg A. Ca. Af. gfffafa B 1 and Anukr. M.—1. 20.
AT wffafiT A. C2. Ca. B4 pr. m. CB. Af; deest in Bi. g gjfa; B4 sec. m.—]. 21.
A' ^ Ca- sr^ Af- 13 1-~•• 22. ITH^ft ggggfan l| *rF4rft gggfajfa
'i|3,4fit Af. gggrft •Hgwrrg B 1. Ca lias <n gg&rt ggggfan
Hff ^.—1. 23. Ca. B4 sec. m. CB. A. C 2. B4 pr. m. B i
ppg Af.—^gfastg A. Af. Ca. B1. M1.—1. 24. gg A. Af. B 1. gg Ca.—
*^fag Af. Ca. B 1. ggTfagg A.—grfagg A. B 1. grfagg Af. Ca. mfagg
M i.-L 28. *t*gmgA. gtgggrg Af. Ca. Bi. R.-g^tf g ,, g^gtfg A. Af. 11,.
Ca. 1. 29. II ggrtgig^ A. rtgnggg C 2. ggpcig g Af. Ca. B 4
sec. in. B I. g CB.—ggrgg Ca sec. in. B 1. jranm Ca pr. m. ggigfa A.
Af.—ggT gTTTfa A. Af. Br. gmw Ca. ggrggnjqft R,—ggfa A. Af
flrfRi Ca. ggg B 1.—1. 30. ^rcwsfi^j 11 ggurg° A. Af. Ca. B 1.—1. 31. ^ Af. Ca.
J* 13 '• A.—mgTgg^g ggpgfatg: Af. grgigg^g (°%&g C 2) giggrtjgg; A.
( 2. g T4T V T^4 W T4iT gtrr Ca. fTRTg%^ ggtjggfarg B 4 sec. m. gTg%gg
CB. g^igg gtrfara: B1. fa gTg%igg g*gfafgg: M1. giggriggigg ggjfa
f7’ B. rngNi^Siq cpgfaj gg: ? See Anukr. M. p. 157.—l. 32. gr^sgggT fr° B1.
A. Af. g^gggT ^0 Ca. m gggggT w° M 1.—1. 35. gig 11
«Tq ATTOpfiT A. gpfa C 2. gpgriTTO|« B 4. gig: 4{TWf3iT Af m
atw Ca. gra: B1. CB. gig g-m^rgm R. ifafauigggg sell, rfa-
?Tfl.. Hie same Itihasa is also found in Shadgurui'ishya’s commentary, see
Anukr. M. pp. 136 seqq. The story of king Purhravas and the Apsaras Urva.si
<is told in the Brdiaddevata Ad I. 1120-1126 is different. The passage; there,

though very corrupt, may be restored conjecturally, as follows: A^~f £52-

gTgfagiggngfait htt i gggfafag srgr fagpgii ggry g n ^011

<rm ngj g farTggggsgTggTgg: 1 gTgcRfggggifa <r^r g 11 111
*< «-41« ffafuii4 gHN£ gi*w4H 1 fafa ffai' gfa#g gg %fgggfa fag 11 ^ n
rfat: fafa ggUfag?*ggrggT 1 rm^tgr faffag wffarrT4fg: 11 =311
,4T5tfTfa «ti1 faqf1 gifffayfa^tiTfa: tfafa: uT^fit frri 11 s« 11
T^cr^grr: starr figwr f4441«M 1 ^nmarfa wgT%f im^ffa fa ipt: 11 n
4Sff5fa Ufa gmigfarfarri-jftfa^ , ^faT?r ^ g u \\

* ■ 309. 1. 2. Professor Weber’s edition has gfajiistead of sfaip.— P. 310. 1. 14.

95,4') 11 g: ggcgr A. M1. ggjg^^i Af. ggr ggx;gf Ca. g%g\gr B1.—

This lino is unintelligible. 1‘aiternahn may refer to Mitravaiuwan. giamlfather of l’urflravas who
1,1 >ove with Uivasi.
32 VARIETAS LECTIONIS. [P.310.1.26. (95,5.}

1. 26. (95, 5.) rfam faifafa mroft Ca. CB. xrrmxgu T** fafafa nimr! A. C 2.
Af. trowm; faifafa B4 sec. m. xr^TOt fafafa x*T***ft B I.—
P. 311. 1. 2. (95, 6.) wsparnf Ca. ^trftnrr^ A. C 2. B4. CB. B 1. Af. R.—1. 29.
(95, 9) fa^farrarfarT: ^irr (wn B4 sec. m. B 1) mwr: C 2. B4. B x. Af. fa$r-
fiKIdflqsjf wxsfan: Ca. CB. fa&lfiKIdflqifa: W »TWr: A. I cannot guess the
original reading.—P. 3x2. 1. 16. (95. 11.) II A. Af Bi;
lacuna in Ca.—P. 313. 1. 13. (95, 14.) mm xifa^m: Ca. mm ufafm: A. mm
Af rnmufampriBi. mmxrfamm:Mi. Cf.&at. Br.XI. 5,1,8.—P. 314.1.18. (95,18.)
All the MSS. read wrf%; in B4 only it is altered sec. raanu to mstfd.
P. 315. 1. 28. (96, 4.) ?x5f»: CB. mjfWTm: Af. ?xifa: mjffaum: A.
C 2. ffam: mfwfa: B 4. ^xr: Ca ; deest in B 1.—1. 29. m«ITf#nft mT CB.
It is difficult to say what Sayana wrote. B 1 writes simply WfArrt xrr, but all
the other MSS. show that there was originally another derivation given. A. Af
read mrrnmTIF^TTt mt- C 2 intended to give the same, but the writing is indistinct.
Ca could not make out the text, and has the corrupt reading mmrmT xrr. B4
strikes out whatever preceded and puts in mi, like Bi. I have given the
reading of CB as the most difficult, and therefore the most likely to cause mis¬
understanding, but I am not certain whether mx^TfAnC is quite correct, and
whether xjjyx*4T?<$TT' may not have been Saya/m’s explanation.—P. 317. 1. 13.

(96, 9.) xjrxf: w^r #rei iffaiT mmm: 11 3771: rr^i dfamr famr wrr: A. xjttt: nmm
mfarmr famr rnmn: Af. qyxr: ummr mfamr ftm'mmm: B 4. CB. B 1. gxyr: xrfr^ *Tl+i^ fkxrr
mm*: C 2. ^371: TOm mfami famT Ca.—1. 21. (96, 10.) % <mT. These words
seem to have been added afterwards, with reference to B 1 has % W-
P. 318. 1. 34. (97, 1.) rnfan mlmmm mfax-p n mtmn m^vrar: gw Ca.
mfan mtumm: A. Af. mtmrr itro: B 1.—P. 319- U- 1 seep From splTd: tu
^rr wnrr left out in A. Af. Bi.—1. 3. Nir. A. Af. ^ B 1. xfa Ca.
Hyxrrrxrt fwrxrrfirfx! A. Af. xrxTrrprr qyxrnxnfafa B 1. ’pTrrRTfafa Ca.-—rrp %fa Ca.
XETR m Af. B T. XETR A. See Nir. SS. vol. iv. p. 45.—P. 320. 1. 2. (97, 5.) wfafam
A. Ca. C 2. B4. B 1. CB. Af. — 1. 3. wt etc. n xet^t mcmfam: W
fwrwcrr A. wr mlrmfam: mt|fa fa0 Af. msrr mftltfam: d m^fa Bi. W1
xwtrgfxfor: fa famxTpn Ca.— 1. 10. (97, 6.) mrffaT B 1. TO A. Af. mmfal Ca.
M 1.—P. 321. 1. 13. (97, 11.) xTT^^rnmmrxsn mfar wifa a grarmfafa* xrrf-
mrmTmTmmT mfaT m xr^rfw A. mtmTxrrmTmprr mfaT mwfa B i. mgi*»fafat
mTwrm “ " wl mmr mfaT Ca.—1. 14. wfafaf]pfa Ca. rnfaTuirfa A.
B x. R.
P. 326.1.28. (98,11.) f^fwamrofxr a JjTfTf^^Purfu C 2. CB. Af. jjmTfmrnrwmft
Ca. ^rrrgmwnsmfxr A. B4. gTrrgwmTmrfa Bi. 'smgs^psrTTWfxj?—P. 327- '• 5-
(98, 12.) $:%m mTfaTtmTfa Af. f^faifar 3:%mTmfarmmTfa A.
gpfrfar rnTfamanfa B 1. «pfar fmiTfar f:%m arrfa Ca. Cf. Rv. Bh. IV. 18,2,
V. 4,9.—f?r xmrcr am A. Af. B1. f% xrrw fa rpftfa Ca. SAyana omitted
P.337. 1.23- (IOT.II.)] MASALA X. 33

P. 327.1. 27. (99,2.) ^ A. Af. R. jttot ^ BI.

*rrm Ca. Sftyana must have read »nr*rr instead of *mrr:, for though
some MSS. read ^tigOb which is of little use, they have wrarfji.—P. 328. 1. 3.
(99, 3.) Wft by conjecture.—1. 32. (99, 6.) A. Af. B1. *T^TfT®Tt Ca. M1;
deest in R. See Nir.Y. 4.—1. 33. 3^ MSS.—P. 329. 1. 17. (99, 8.)
A. Af. B1. Ca.—1. 18. n tfw n tfrt A. «r ^ Af.
Bi. Ca. M1. R.—P. 330. 1. 24. (99, 12.) «twqfgij[ A. B 1.
Ca. “qftfs! Af. °qf*is( M 1. Sayana seems to have read for
l3- 332* b 24- (I0°> 7-) VNfl hi ft *rrf^: *n *pt *nr A.
HTft *rt fa: *rr in; »rr ^ *rr gf^rsptf: C 2.
Mift«Sifa: jtt gg ut *ng4 ?rr B 1. Af.
mfH Hnfr ut *rrgif *tt CB.
HTftsiiTfa: «t ?tt: ut ?rrgrt ^ jtt gf^gv}: B 4.
irrfH *nfaift nt wpjrt ?n gf^sp$: Ca.
I have restored the text according to the MSS., but the reading seems to be
corrupt in all of them.—1. 29. (100, 8.) qfagfomiqifa A. iffarfa Af. Ca. Mi.
R. sfag^ffarfaBi.—P.333.11.ioandi2.(ioo,io.)^%S2.S3.S4.Pi.P3. sjrrtl
Si. P4. M 1. Aufrecht. Tfafa P8. See Rv. IX. 5, 10; X. 156, 3.—1. 15. ^rf^ii
Af. A. 3rn4 ^ Ca; deest in B 1.
P. 334. 1. 25. (101, 2.) is not explained by SAyana— P. 335. 1. 3. (101, 3.)
A. Af. Ca. *rfa^ B 1.—1. 16. (101, 5.)
°V?t jfWpreTV^T I M 1.

°^T[^T!rr^ iftxrRwrwr»i A. Af.

then lacuna B 1.
—f 19. The explanation of rt *rm ^vm*T is left out in all the MSS.—P. 336. 1. 21.
(101 > b') This would seem, according to the dictionaries, to be the very
opposite ol but the MSS. give no various reading.—P. 337. 1. 13. (101,10.)
Sfa 11 n Ca; deest in A. Af. B 1. M 1.—S&yana seems to have read 3jft. Ca only
lias 4fjT, but for the rest agrees with the other MSS.—1. 19. (101, 11.) gTT^Tft®^-
^ 11 Ca. gft m wfu^HT*i:
A. Af. gft ^rr B 1. gift wPj^tr:
R. YI. 46, 6.—fa3rrfaff3n*i: 1 Trait
Cf. Pv. Bh. 11 fiprrfa: ftnnw
A. C 2. fasrrfa fwran. tHTwrgrfa B1. fawrfa fasrra ^ Tmfarmfa
. 3- ^ntn: ?fara?rgft; Ca. fagrrfa: fastra^qraTraTfa B 4. fawrfa: fasrpra
Af.—l. 22. «?rre*rt » #n 1 wi A. °?r wr C 2. om « u CB. ®?r «3rt
1‘ °HT Ca. ®n * art B4. «gi ieNt Af.—1.23. grT^rrrti^^rpftjfqn^n^r n
rtnr^jTT^ Ca. ^ 3Tft3^nifr A. ^rtnr^rpft Af. gft ^rfirapsft Bi.
VOL. iv. *E
34 VARLETAS LECTIONIS. [P. 337.1.33. (ioi, 13.)

R.—1. 32. (101, 12.) ygvnre is not explained by S&yana.-~

P. 338.1. 1. oqlyf^fTn A. C 2. Ca. B4. CB. Af. B 1. ?
P. 338.1.4. (102.) wgferyft 11 Ca- A. Af. Bi.
tpff Sharfgurusishya. R.—1. 6. HgtptW A. Af. B 1. gremt*
Ca. Mi. R. g-'Ef%*f w Anukr.—1. 8. {STB ^yJTT^T^0 II °s«rr ^ A. °s*r l ^
^ftyupTiy Af." ««nr B 1. «5*n» Ca. ^ ^w*JT*r> M1.
See Shac/gurusishya in Anukr. M. p. 158 seq.—^t^TT Ca. ^TPIT A. Af. From
^4T° to the beginning of verse 1 left out in B 1.
P. 344.1. 11. (103,8.) Ca. B1. wrrentf A. Af. wwrirairtJ ?—
P. 345. 1. 10. (103, 12.) incff is left unexplained. On Apv&, see Weber, Indische
Studien, vol. ix. p. 482.
P. 346. 1. 29. (104, 4.) *nsjws5fa*m: 1 n rej re^rwfSr* A. Af. rer
rerfa0 B1. rei Ca.—P. 348.1.12. (104,9.) ofarnri wi u
A. A sec. m. C 2. Af. »psnr«it *1 ^
qiftft Ca. oftarT^i - ~ B 4. «?wr£» rer<5 gsfrf^ B 1. »?nrn? % 1
qrftft CB.—f*rmf«: *r#Tf*n w A. Af. fwf*t: rerf»m «T3 B i. fwrfn: rerfw
?m 7T*J Ca.
P. 349.1.10. (105,1.) ?n%5ip2i^ A. Af. fjsmaft real C 2. quHiBiwt Ca. jfarorl
B4. ^ B 1— P. 351.1.4. (105, 9.) ?T3<ft % n Ca. % A. Af. *r[t
%° B 1. reT V M1. R.—1. 22. (105, II.) *«Tfre*nfreP$: B 4 sec. in. amfaf?Pnfaw'$:
A. C 2. CB. B 4 pr. m. ^Tf*!reTfrer& Ca.
P. 352. 1. 21. (106, 1.) xftrnf^i: Ca marg. Ca pr. m. A. Af. B 1. M 1.
R. See Dhp. 33, 56.—1. 26. (106, 2.) re: Ca sec. m. Af. re: A.
tfn 1 reft*r qrnrcft Bi. ^ Ca pr. m. re: Mi.—P. 354. 1.7.
(106, 5.) fiprraT fipnrft II fw flim^T A. ftf^T Af. fwnT fw?fr Ca.
flf^Trn ftf^Irfr B I. etc. || Wfl aiTHfafa ftlf f*njPl
WPI flf^fjrfrT fa0 A. f HHPlt 7Tg^%«I %^T 30^"
f^rfTT ftf f*rarr»> fit^rfaffr rep^raiT^Jisrat *pp fM° Af. $ f:wRt TPfaytr*
Ig^rr ^ " frrsrH w ^Tin^rresRfr ga? fa° Ca.
%g*rr 3lTTrf»if7T etc. B i. The derivation of fsfa
may be referred to Un. IV. 95 and 96. DevanV/a mentions frefrefsfcfii^firrefa'
WTtpi *fw ftr*fl%4Tn*r^fl I, and he adds Wfshqi f Haifa See
Nir. SS. vol. i. p. 314. I had to change Igrer into ^gwrfact, taking ‘^rrfre as a causal
participle.—1. 8. ^nwr^TT: A. C 2. wsrr^ip Ca. B 4 sec. m. Af. CB ; deest in B 1.
S&ya/ia frequently uses this ^n'SiT^^j:, although the ordinary explanation of
Part. VII. 1, 39, gives no authority for it.—1. 14. Devar&t/a quotes, as coming
from M:\dhava, a sentence which is not in our commentary, although it expresses
the meaning of S&yaria. After explaining ftfann, bjrhj, and as g«a*T'
«rrf«i, he says (i. e. g^cifq) ?rrre: i
I• He then quotes Bhattabh&skara: HJWT^PV
P. 358.1- 5- (I07> 3-)] MAIVDALA X. 35

f»reig fiddT ^preTidg. 1 ^ 1 wr 1 g<snrft 1 nmum i wft 1 wcnnft

jrrtf^iTTTt: Cnf^) gda^xf^re;I—1.15- pwra fdxfdxsre n fdrdm^t
Ca. M1. gpsrendd fdrfdr^re C 2. gxawwrex^fdrdre^g B 4 sec. m. B 1. ^5-
x^m fdxdm^ A. wf*d: xprapt^rex f*redd ^ 1 CB. Af. —
1. 22. gfd gwd: (t^: b *• *wd: Ca) dsraMT A. Af. B1. Ca. gfH gxrd: 4d-
dtd M 1. fard: gx^T Nir. II. 22 ; Rv. Bh. III. 22, 4.—1. 28. (106, 6.)
5W ^fH A. wht *f*x B1. w xgd Af. Ca. gjd R.—wNnffohlfr;0 Af. Ca. ®<RTft®
A. reft T° B 1. ®difx;0 M 1.—1. 31. xreT gxfcftg^ gftfcxrd Af. ?m ^4r<df nf4.cn <1
A. g^dgg ‘ - md Ca. cm gwdg wfdrd B1. gin gW gifcdmft M1. R.—
1. 32. firem A. B I. Ca. R—g* gw A. Af. gum gi* Ca. gw B 1. Cf. l)hp.
28,27; 11,10-17; 28, 24.—giidmxjfanpsr B i. gwfdDdrfrei A. Af. *wrr-
Gprei Ca. g^dg. ?—1- 33- ^ ^ 1 wg Brew 1 A. Af. <srw %are drew Ca. un
1 ?R fdsw B 1. ww ’nre drefc M 1. R.—1. 34. ®f%3rdg° Bi and Nir. "Brena g®
A. Af. Ca. R— 1. 36. gird II gwd Ca. giid A. Af. M 1. gwdgi B 1.— °f^RtfT°
A. Af. Ca. <>f^fd B 1. ofddjfd M x. If °wtfd here and in 1. 28 were meant
for ®«fUfd at least one of the MSS. would have wBc®, as in 1. 33 all the MSS.
read wftgg®. See also verse 2 (wid-—^ A. Af. Ca. ww ^ Bi.
M1. R— B. 355. 1. 2. wTd^dt 11 wrf^fn A. Af B1. wfd[dr Ca.—wdb B1.
Af. A. Ca. tfi%: Mi. R. In A w and ^ are much alike. See verses 2 and
7, and cf Blip. 15, 67-68.—1. 3. A. Af. g^re- Ca.
B1. M 1.—1.4. 'a^wT^tr: 11 's^m® A. Af. B1. Ca. Ii.—srd fg 11 wd
B 1. ^rd x;% d* A. Af wd Xd Ca. sngTfgg M1. R.—P. 356. In.
(to6, 9.) The reading of U«. IV. 207 is supported by all the MSS. The
reading in Aufrecht’s edition, must he wrong. There is no such
word as'aptas, while apnas is a common Vedic word, and ought to be explained
in the Shtras. The SiUra is rightly given in Bohtlingk’s edition, yet in BB. we
find aptas, and the same word is repeated by others. The Calcutta edition of
the Unadi-sfttras repeats jp?Rg2 g, but Taranatha rightly omits the word in his
great Dictionary. See also Rv. Bh. I. 2, 9; 95, 4; 110, 1 ; X. 132, 7.—1. 20.
(106,10.) ®on^w.Ca. ®wr^: A. M1. «?n B i.—P. 357. 1.1. (106,11.) ddggr^-
't^re® 11 daxt: xfretmsre® A. gdg: dM C 2. ifrdn: dx?<red® CB. dncrdi
're dm: xgg® Ca. ddrt: d^rerd® B4 see.m. ddg: d VJ^xd® Bi. ddg:
dwmrd:® R. See above, pp. cxxxix seq.—1. 5. f^fpd means within a short
compass, alpamatre; cf TAntnatha, Sabdastomamahanidhi, s. v. i
P- 357- 1. 9. (107.) g;fw Ca. gdld A. Af. B 1. See Anukr. M. p. 42.—
P- 358. 11. 3 to 5. (107, 3.) uxfwd A. Ca. trrwd Af B 1. R. If greid could be
taken as a nomen abstractum in the sense of uxm, ggrren would yield a
better meaning, and it would be possible to retain the reading of the MSS.,
^ *x *dd, id would refer to the three things, grad, i^TPi:, and ^dpiTT.
We should then also have to read ^fw W with A. Af. B 1, instead of ^fw *1
*E 2
36 VARIETAS LECTIONIS. [P. 358.1.5. (107,3.)

which is the reading of Ca.—1. 5. II tpl A. Af. C 2. Ca. B 4,

Bi.CB. tppgt *r arefri It.
P. 360. 1. 31. (108.) «fs?»prr *tt 11 °f^jreT >it Bi. of^frr *rr A. Ca.
an Anukr. M.—1. 32. *rr Ca. Anukr. M. > A. B 1. M 1.—P. 361. 1. 28.
(108, 3.) grtfgi MSS.—1. 31. The commentary is very imperfect in all the MSS.
dljjMi is fern., like TIWH- fWfffWt refers to apri afpjfTr:. Cf. Itv. Bh. X. 47, 1.—
P. 364. 1. 3. (108, 10.) Before *rr the MSS. add possibly meant for
Ca reads arr*T TOT?.—1. 6. ^ ViqT<Ji| II W%- A. ^ wn° B 1.
P. 364. 1. 30. (109, 1.) This refers to Prdt. 139.—P. 365. 1. 31. (109, 4.) fjWPnft
A. Ca. B4. C 2. Af. B 1. CB. M 1. It.—P. 366. 1. 5. (109, 5.) ipi
Af. tr ^ xifri: anflaremfrffl A. xrfn: amp-rwtfn C 2. B 4. ^ ^xrfH
pqifyRT*mH%fTT Ca. arm%fn B 1. CB. pxgfptfuRwtfTT M 1.—1. n.
Ca. A. Af. B 1. M 1. See Itv. Bh. I. 108, 6.—%f?r
A. Af. Ca ; deest in B 1. Cf. Itv. Bh. III. 31,3; IV. 4, 2; Pan. and K&a\ HI.
2, 178, 3 ; U«. II. 60.
P. 367. 1. 20. (110, 2.) II A. Af. B 1. Ca. Mi.R. See verse 10,
and Itv. Bh. I. 119, 2 ; IX. 67, 31; 68, 2 ; 105, 1.—1. 28. (no, 3.) Ca.
A. M 1. ^raraff: Af. B 1. See above, 109, 5.—1. 32. TpTP*t MSS. instead
of TRT«t.—P. 369. 1. 26. (no, 9.) The MSS. have ’■Ml'gj^ra: instead of ^rfl^m:.
The mistake is probably due to the w^^TtT: immediately preceding. See Itv.
Bh. I. 52, 14.—P. 370. 1. 7. (no, 10.) A. Bi. Ca. Af. igrrf M 1. Cf.
verse 2.
P. 370. 1. 17. (in.) The poet is called the first time in A. C 2. CB. B4.
Af, in B 1, f^p in Ca. The second time, Wl^xj in A. C 2. CB.B4. Ca.
B 1. Af; yet the right form is Bit. give the wrong form, so
also Anukr. M—1. 24. (in, 1.) ^rg« 11 gwig® A. Af. B 1. gsng<> Ca. Mi.—
P. 371. 1. 3. (in, 2.) xufaraft A. Af B 1. Ca. It. Dhp. 24, 31.—1. H-
(r 11, 3.) The end of the commentary is left out in all the MSS., but the omission
is not marked. After ffteTf^s: a little space is left in B 1, the other MSS.
do not indicate the lacuna.—P. 372. 1. 15. (in, 7.) TfsTRl II A. Af. Bi.
Ca.—from Ca.—1. 23. (in, 8.) xmarTuftr 'xsr; Af.
M 1. R. n^Rif*nippprr^r B1. xRoSffpfH ,sn; A. sranq wnre ^ Ca.
See P4n. III. 3, 56-57; Itv. Bh. 1. 113, 1.
P. 377. 1.10. (113, 3.) JRtri A. C 2. Ca. B 1. CB. B4. Af.—P. 379. 1. 3. (113,10.)
Jilr fg° s2 sec. m. S 1. S4. ptlff*}® S 3. S 2 pr. m.—1. 5. l fg° P 1. P 3- p4-
jilf: 1 fg° P 8.
P. 379.1.25. (114,1.) Ca. A. Bi. fvg vrcrt
y|RVli: Af. See Itv. Bh. III. 8, 6 ; VIII. 96, 6 ; X. 63, 1.—P. 380. 1. 31. (114> 4-)
Ca reads ^rcft n?ft anR ^upr
p,388. 1. 1<5. (n6,7-)j MAW.DALA X. 37

| *rau% HTW lf^^<0 ^JT 3: fro. This looks more like part of the original
commentary than a marginal note, though it is left out in all the other MSS.
^ A.C2. B4. CB.Bi.
4IWW Af. What is intended in Ca is evidently a distinction between
the Paramatma and the mere V&yu, frequently discussed by the Ved&nta
philosophers: cf. Yed. Sutra II. 3, x seq. For that purpose was explained
as *$xft | <!^*r xmwnTOTfWPU. Wtf?[ might seem better than
or because the Paramatma is never bahya, the bahya
world beginning with HkiLsa, which itself is still vibhu: llka*klisarvaprapan£a
etc. See Yed. Sutra II. 3, 7 : xpfa JtTXlfw I U?*l I 44^01 flfxnn<»PT TT^T-
I ^ranrrfTgfyfn gxt: 1. But in that case we should
expect w, and not «(Tljnf2[-—P- 381- 1- M- (114. 6-) The number of Grahas
given by S&yana is 33, not 36, unless we take the trayo d v i dev a t y ag r ah a/i,
as six. Other Grahas may be seen in YS. YII and VIII.—P. 382. 1. 6. (114, 8.)
Here again Ca has its own independent reading, Xf^TVTt^*T

"Tjr!. 11^5, i.) 11 wreixnsr 1 *: *r rnfawTsp

A. Af. '9fl •! ^lTf«S<3T3[# C 2. flflTXJTXT ~ f*f ^3 l^° Ca. H*rretxi-
fwifaggny B4 sec. m. *r *nfas^° CB. B i.—1.13. <rf$
xr^xftfxx 11 <rf? 2sr*UM«n*i h Af. stf? A.
wff insaftfxt B 1. xxff xsfswpnttfxT Ca.—xtot ^ «^fxr 1 Ca. xmr g 1 A.
xtct g wx^fxi Af. B i.—1.14. xxmfa * vrf?i 11 adrift *mtfn A. Af. xrmft B i.
xrxrtfa g *rrfxt Ca.—1. 23. (115, 2.) txft A. C 2. Ca. B4. B1. CB. Af. Cf. Pan. III. 2,
126.—1. 27. MSS.—P. 384.1.19. (x 15,4.) U fipm: ftTW 11 J^^ir r^rf:
fti« A. B1. Ca. xf fipra: n^w fiikxx: ftj° R.—1.26. (115,5.) 11 h^t-
A. Af. °'3T^rf^r#t° B 1. V Ca. See ^v> B'*. ^ 9> 11 U«. I.
151.— n ^xxt® Ca. spJX° A. Af. M 1. ’gs'px® Bi.— P. 385- b ir- (Ir5> 7-) ^
clear that S&yana read as he could not otherwise have quoted Pan.
VIII. 3, 106. The Pada MSS. read *r*h lift, but the Samhita MSS. ^ **,
which, however, may represent both *fxj: and ^g xsi% I. Though I have
always given the Visarga, even where the MSS. omit it before xjT etc., yet
in this passage I felt obliged to make an exception. Cf. Fan.VI11. 3> 3^> T-
1-18. gfyxu^i^vyvir ^ Ca. o,5f A. Af. °*rt ^f?r B x. I he
quotation is not in Kas. VII. 4, 45.—1.19 seq. The words from sftxmTCT to 3t*rp>p
are given by Ca only.
P- 386. 1.10. (116.) Shar/gurusishya gives Sthaura, the son of Sthura, Cole-
hrooke’s MS. of the Anukramani gives Sthauva ; Sayana, Sthaula in A. C 2. CL.
B>- B4; but Sthaura in Ca.—P. 388. 1. 4. (116, 6.) ntfs A.Bi. Ca, as in X.
L',2. Cf.Itv. Bh. I. 13, 2; 18,1; 31, 8—1. 16. (tx6, 7-) ^qTXXqftUTUTUt^l-
A. •UfX3TPsRT Bl. hMIqT*JT<PfflBM^a-
38 VARIETAS LECTIONIS. [P. 388.1.17. {1.16,7.)
See Paribh&shendu.sekhara 85.—1. 17. ^ifllSj^l-Hcsj n <| fa tfawi^n'U^ A.
^wr^prm c 2. g%(€Tr^Trf^ Ca. f: fa%T*lT?pcm3r B 4. f: fq % ^
CB. faq^nqT^Trnq B 1.
P. 389. 1. io. (117.) °3|*rfa ll °sfaT ~t Ca. «ij^rr A. B 1. See Anukr. H.
p. 43— P. 390. 1. 15. (117, 4.) ajRffaiirr N^Tmf ll fa^PRTf Ca. qrfw^qrRr-
^WT*m A. C 2. CB. B 4. qfa® B 1. Cf. verses 1 and 3.—1. 27. (117, 5.) »i
Ca. n TOt» B 1. f*rf?re<fl0 A. M I.—1. 30. °Mqf7tqiT%glT0 B 1. #rrfnqs^%WT° Ca.
0*i«lfl«IK3)WII0 A. M 1. SAyana evidently reads with the Kas., °^faqrwfirftar^i!i-
qfarfferfH, not with the MahAbhAshya, Wt:. The reading of the K4.s\ is
also mentioned in the Mahabh. (apara aha, etc.). In X. 119, 4, Ca. B 1 read
A again ®*bra4N;%0-
P. 393. 1. 31. (1x9.) qpsfaq 11 A. ^-^jiCa. qrani^Bi. w M 1.
R.—1. 32. qpfW’ A. Ca. qpr« M 1. R; left out in B 1.—1. 33. qp* B 1.
Ca. Anukr. M. *rq A. Mi. R.—P. 394. 1. 29. (119, 6.) etc. 11 qiqqTT%
=frr^Tfirw^^errrt wfa gfa Bi. wrqy% ^^NTfagR^gcr^q
A. 1 ^Tq^Tfafn wnerr^rsi^rn^fa Ca. Cf. Rv. Bh. III. 9, 7;
12,3; X. 108,10; Dhp. 32, 41; 34,27; 35, 80.—P. 395.1. 25. (119,11.) qrasril»
’^qrr^MSS.—P. 396.1.1. (119,12.) *rwt n qn^Bi. *wtA. TnfrCa. wlMi.fi.
P. 398.1. 3. (120, 3.) nwrarr Tfa11 m^nrwr Tfa A. Af. Ca. M 1. R. irsnarrei
B 1.— P. 399. 1. 1. (120, 6.) and i#wq<*ra II and
%sm° A. %sr^fa and wren*0 Af. W4 qfcpq: W^fa and qqirare: Ca.
SS^fa ^unf^r ttenraw B 1. %W° etc. M 1. R. The Un. has %5j, if indeed
the reading there, as explained by the commentary, is correct.
P. 402.1. 5. (121, 4.) irpsntm qrtwfair t^rrsrtriT 4T 11 irrt*nt qftwreT:
gstwfa^: tfafisn: A. C 2. Af; Ca leaves out all except ^Bprarn. urt^T ^n^rraT:
^luiRuj: ifarren: B 4. rnt*rr qrtiirri^ trpi^rn B 1. m^n 4;wt
R. See Preface to the Sixth Volume of the First Edition, above,
pp. cxxxviii seq., and Prof. Peterson’s remarks in ‘The Academy,’ June 23, 1888,
p.434, and Hymns from the Rig-veda (Bombay, 1888), p. 247.—1. 11. (121, 5.)
,3sjPoJ 4T II °T§fq^qT ^rr Bi.R. Peterson. urn A. Af.
°i$T faSjq'Rf^qT Ca.—1. 33 to p. 403. 1. 1. (121, 7.) The words *nr9TT<T. to TffT are
given in Ca only, which reads ’fcnT^hsr: wit ? Xf4i 4 faWT^Pt
^ wnpft: tq’prt iTr^fai wit Trrftprr ^ TronTpr: uqs: OT^i;
4j|*tair<|cf 1 *ra"T 1 ^ 7i Tpf ^*rprr: ^ipft. I have adopted it in the text,
because it seems required by what comes before. A. Af. B 1 have \mfa3T: 4fpit
f ■qrnnjq <*Nisai^H.*r<i;*i *r*f ^mrr qmft.
P. 405.1. 31. (122, 5.) siUwTfa: MSS.
P. 407. 1. 22. (123, 2.) There is a lacuna between ^srqrfa or q||qiui<£| and TV 44
in all the MSS. In A. C 2. B4 the lacuna is mentioned in the text,
amrfw ; in B1 there are dots to indicate it; in CB and Ca the commentary goes
P. 427-13°- (*30» *•)] MA2VJ9ALA X. 39

on without any indications of an omission. So also in It, where we read

^ etc. P. 409.1. 5 seq. (123, 7.) *rft A yft and jrt« 11 »ift
i ifft n ffn *rnr pr. m.) and JIW Ca. tfn and jjHT9 R.
uf* V iffft * ftn and 3WT* A. tpft * *;fiT and afar* B 1. See Rv. Bh. I. 22,
14; HI- 38, 6.
P.411. 1. 28. (124, 7.) ^ratcftn A. B 1; lacuna in Ca.—1. 31. %jj ^$wr: A.
B1. Ca. wsjrnrr: R.
P. 415.1.16. (126.) srarereffro Ca. %Mq4<g A. f^-
B 1.—1.18. fpsre: Ca. A. grareprfiHt
B 1. See Anukr. M. pp. 43, 162.—P. 4x6.1. 17. (126, 4.) %3r CB. Bi. B4
pr. m. «5t%° B 4 sec. m. A. C 2. Ca.
P. 418. 1. 17. (127, 4.) ipft gqs. See, however, the explanation in the
next verse.
P. 422.1. 4. (128, 8.) 3ftsiJrPT: A. Ca. Mi. ^in*f:Bi. Seeygi^,
Dhp. 24, 27.
P.422. 1. 21. (129.) ^flrf%f?raw^NT 11 A.C2.Ca.B4.
W*rr^t»ri Bi. CB. may have been originally an explana¬
tion of w^T^f.—1. 29. (129,1.) ip> A. B1. Ca sec. m. Ca
pi'.in. ddNrtl U° Mr. R.—P. 423. 1. 1. ssmsnrrfiplTtT A. tot B 1.
m ^nfTft^Emf Ca. gn^TftiWrqta 1 Ti^Tfu ^iqqirwTfT
MI. R.—1. 4. ^Psffift9 Bi. m^C9 Ca. <ntT° A. Mi. R.—1. 7. 11 ^T^l-
H%5J Ca. A. C 2. sfft’gTTpt’T B4. B1. CB. Both by way of
objection or irony, and by way of disdain or dissent, would be ap¬
plicable. is confirmed by Sayawa’s commentary on TBr. II. 8, 9, 3.—1. 38.
(129, 2.) 33* » A. Bi. sp* Ca.—P. 424. 1. 8. jrafmrerarWT. I can only
explain this as referring to the prakriti of svadha which was given before, and
to the pratyaya, the instrumental, as implying both union with and dependence
on the real sat.—1. 31. (129, 3.) TlftmT cT^ranri « up! W5[T3mt A. B4. Ca. Bi.
rl<^lfH 1 HT C2. ri^iiai Tf^nipri CB. I do not see how this sentence comes
111 here.—P. 425. 1. 18. (129, 4.) ^r: wr A. ^rf Casec. m. ^thtt Ca pr. m.
-OI-—1.19. TfW It yfn wraKT (written °t?tttt) Ca.
^ 1 <rafr A. yft h Bi. yft 1 ^faciar*!!
<7^*1 faff*? R.—p. 426. 1. 34. (129, 7.) iratTRr CB. wfn tri
?ST'tr»pr(t\rft A. C 2. Hatrai^aifiT^Owft Ca, with in marg. srarfinj nuTf-
B 1. E4. See on the whole subject the commentary to this Sutra.
B. 427. 11. 27 to 30. (130, 1.) The passage from *;ad»sBT to trra^n: is preserved
in CB only, which MS., on the contrary, has its own lacuna afterwards. For
a^er fwrtftft it adds qiiwNft ^T*r: ai arrq:, while the other
MSS. give all from tnrerarr: to 3rrq:. I have added ftTft: conjecturally, as the word
explained by tnQf«t:. Though the passage in CB is far from correct, I have
40 VARIETAS LECTIONIS, [P. 437. 1.30. (130,,.)

given it as indicating at least how the words of the text were taken by Siyana.—
1. 30. igqqi|q H A. C 2. Ca. CB. B1. qqq% B4, with q in marg.
—P. 428. 1. 11. (130, 2.) Bi. CB. B4 pr. m. add after ®»jqT^L *ri% ’Sfffilfit Tfhq
wt^twr tt.—P. 429- b 3- (130, 4) ^T*i qrfir A. C2. qpq ^q Ca. Bi. B4.
qrfq CB. Cf. Pan. IV. 1, 4, and Gana agadi.—1. 20. (130, 5.) A. C2.
CB. B1. B 4. qjtqarrf^fl Ca.
P. 432. 1. 23. (132.) On qqrerrfwt etc., see Preface to the Sixth Volume of
the First Edition, above, p. cxl seq.—P. 434. 1. 15. (132, 5.) From qrfqppft to tfq
irerfTT^TW all is left out in A. C 2. B4. B1. CB.—1. 17. finfr qqqft qT ll fqqiq^qt
lap A. C 2. fSTCPTWl *tT Ca. fqq-rawt B1. CB. fqqTWlfl (marg. qi) B4.—P. 435.
1. 9. (132, 7.) Again from qq$3; to qqqq all is left out in A. C2. B4. Bi. CB.
P. 435. 1. 20. (133.) °oETrfrig° Ait. Ar. ®<*rg« A. M1.11. «fq Ca.
Bi.—1. 29. (133, 1.) qppjqj A. -tffiT Bi. Ca. It.—P. 437. 1. 12. (133, 5.) qpn®
Bi. qprT° A. Ca. M1.
P. 439. 1. 24. (134, 5.) fwrr A. Ca. C2. Bi. B4. CB. The explanation is
unusual, but not sufficiently so to require conjectural emendation.
P. 440. 1. 15. (135.) f*rfq A. Bi.Ca. f% Anukr.—P. 441. 1. 19 seq. (135, 3.)
From to srOvraNi Ca only gives the text, viz. qigj ^gBURTai^ qrm fqqTf
q xi *wr 'Jrdw t ^tfhcraHi. It
has for gwrqwr0-—P. 442. 1. 7. (135. 5-) 11 f^nrrf° A. Ca; deest
in Bi.—1. 8. H fWrf0 A. Bi. Ca.—fq^tfqrPTO ll fqqsfenqqj A. fqqqf-
qrra Bi. fqqTfaqrrqqr Ca.
P. 444. 1. 28. (136, 7.) In explaining the q^t, the reference to P4». II. 3, 62,
is taken for granted. See above, p. cxvii.—1. 30. qjrqftqqfq II ’snrwtawfW MSS.
P. 445. 1. 4. (137, 1.) The first half of the commentary is imperfect in all
the MSS. A. Ca begin qmfq qi qnr: etc., Bi 'grrrfq i^rr: qqffq qwrft
q ^ i^rr: qrq: etc.
P. 448. 1. 14. (138, 5.) qpnq%q: 11 qq[q%q: A. C2. q^q%q: Ca; deest in B4.
B 1. CB.
P. 450. 1. 31 seq. (139,6.) From qRTfW to wrqTfq lacuna in all MSS. except Ca.
P. 451. 1. 5. (140.) The quotation from the Araayaka is here, as elsewhere,
omitted. Bi. 4 give q?fr fqfqqfa: ||—1. 32. (140, 3.) yqfqr II One might con¬
jecture T[?qq.—P. 452. 1. 6. (140, 4.) A. C2. Ca.
^ftgfrr: Bi. 4. CB.
P. 454. 1. 12. (142.) ^qp A. Anukr. ^rfqp Ca; in Bi the quotation from the
Anukr. is left out. — A. Ca. qiftqii: qr» Mi. qTfCggs: qr° R- See
Anukr. M. p. 44.—qwq fq® A. Anukr. qwqf%(® Ca. M1. It.—fjq | snft fqfaqW
from Ca.—P. 455. 1. 29. (142, 5.) Lacuna in all the MSS.—P. 456. 1. 7. (142, 6-)
qrqr %*TT Ca. qpsrr: qpn: A. C2. CB. ^t?T: B4. Bi. In the old writing
(Tqqr:) and qr*rr: are nearly the same.—1. 11. qqT II W qiiN: A. qqT
p. 469.1,20. (150,4.)] MAADALA X. 41
Ca. W ite: Ca. Bi, 4. qnfai: CB. Cf. PeU.VII. 3, 78, where the
change is made dependent on sit.
P- 459- !■ 3- (J44-) The poet’s name is given as by C 2. A (once), Ca,
as <3T4sraFJ in CB. Bi. 4. Colebrooke’s MS. of the Anukramani has long A, and
so has Shadgurius-ishya (once). But as the text of the Rig-veda has the short a,
the name must be spelt with short a.—1. 23. (144, 3.) ^ from Ca.—P. 460.
1.19. (144, 6.) etc. 11 m p: tfarf: % 3 fyapsre: A.
wrr p: W71: wgfasprsr C 2. urarr ww: gw: tfaw:
Ca; deest in Bi.
P. 460. 11. 24 to 28. (145.) From *fa WTWfa to wnfafawfafa there is a lacuna
in B1. CB ; B4 adds on the margin the words from wTWfa to wtxqT»ftf7T._
1. 26. sjaiTWt A. C 2. >t/qnct,iSt Ca. Mr. R.—1. 27. ^jfjorqqj il #*ht% A. C2. Ca.
p. 462.1.27. (146,2.) wrefa etc. 11 wqrqfa u^fnc^rcr tHhr-
5^y% m^nifa wt A. wqrqfa gqnfa wqw^sfa
^Ifa rrwqfa B 1. 'dMMfri WT Ca, omitting everything else, wqtwfa gqi^qm
Mt^TiA^ur ’sfHH^fun '3° M 1. R agrees with M1, but has
The emendation °S{'»y«GKtn seems to be required on account of h^tTA^*!! . It may
bo cjtyK«ii«i or pryw or °w, the reading of A seems to be meant for ^■qryytWPSr
1.28. ^ivifAfufy^ 1 ^reftrarr: 11 w'errfefafyw 'srrefawr: A.
^rtw^t ^rarrf%^RT: B 1. wrftfwlywqs ^strerre Ca.—P. 463.
1. 3. (146, 3.) ^srwfa Ca.—1. 4. 'uyrji) ^fi B4 in marg. wp^T l A. C 2.
Ca; deest in B 1. CB. ^ry# ^Tff Mi. R. wfqfaw would be the easier
reading; see also TBr. II. 5, 5, 7 (p. 624. 11. 13, 14).—!. 10. (146, 4.) The com¬
mentary is deficient in all the MSS. except Ca; but there, too, it is incorrect.
A reads w#rtw: WT B 1 *nfaT»t: ^mis^ifw «TOT mnl. Ca
gives firm wrsrffa^w. *nft ,sat after W3»*rfw; this I cannot restore. The com¬
mentary on TBr. II. 5, 3, 7 is far better.
P. 465. 1. 29. (148, 2.) f*nj: Trarr; a fa*p iwt: Ca. fan: srnu: A. M1. R. fan-
^Tfi: B r. P. 466. 1. 6. (148, 3.) After mur, the MSS. insert ngs^T A. C2. Ca. B4.
Pi. n g «: CB.
P. 466. 1. 31. (,49.) nfa n A. C 2. Ca. nfa B4. B 1.
CB—1. 32. Anukr. A. C 2. B 4. B 1. CB. %<■ Ca. nfawt
f° twice, Sharfgurusishya, Ind, Off. MS. Taylor 1823. See verse 5.—P. 467. 1. ir.
(:49i i.) After fanwi:, WTnl A. C2. B 4 in marg.; lacuna in Ca. B1. CB. myfa: ?—
32. (r49, 3 )’SWt %jff: A. C 2. Ca. Wt B i -CB. $<jgw: B 4 sec. m. nwY
^3: M 1. R.—p, 468. 1 (14^ 5.) ^ nt A. nfa Ca; lacuna in B 1.
P. 469. 1. 18. (150, 4.) rjy^M A. B 1. "wnfam (meant for «wnfinft) Ca.—
■20- fat^TWfawrfa n*rre: n ft^rraTft wre: A. farSfa^reufa
9Trm: C 2- fa$tW STtqmifa »nj^f CB. B 1 adds «*mn. faffan nfaw-
^ P 4- fat faifaur lfan<aifa wyi Ca,
VOL. iv. *F
42 VARIETAS LECTIONIS. [P.473. L18. (I54,,.)

P. 473. 1. 18. (154, 1.) !& in the text, not mn, which ia the reading of P2
only.—1. 24. ti4iq$(niPK*Tl II iparg.]$qnflrT*it A. B x.
Ca, where a whole leaf (from 153, 2 to 154, 3) is supplied by a modern
hand. For the $ruti passages compare Asv. Grihy. III. 3 and <S'at. Br. XI, 5, 6.
P. 474. 1. 22. (155.) Ca. ftFfon gwtaT A; lacuna in B 1. The
same var. lect. in Anukr. M. p. 45.—P. 476. 1. 1. (155, 5.) # nftlMa
B 1. Ca. M 1. It. A.
P. 476. 1. 20 seq. (156, 3.) S 1. 2. 3. 4. P 3. P 4. P 8. 'lf%r P 1 (where the
last Adhyaya is written by a later hand, and unaccentuated). See RV. IX. 5,
10.—1. 23. irf|: r Ca. *rf?p A. -xifniBi.
P. 478. 1. 3. (158.) The second Yiniyoga, preserved in A and Ca, but in frag¬
ments only, had to be supplied from Rv. Bh. I. 2 7, 13.
P. 481. 1. 21. (160, 4.) 1 ia left out by S&yana.—1. 24. (160, 5.) IT gi tflii
tg£t A. C 2. CB. M 1. R. ^rrgiT Ca > iacuna m B 1. B4.
See Asv. II. 20, 3.
P. 482. 1. 10. (161.) Instead of mgw the MSS. have urfwret A. Ca. C 2. CB.
In B 1. B 4 the Yiniyoga is left out.—1. 29. (161, 2.) nit isftf* ^ TftflWPit: A.
tnm gj Ca. B 1.
P. 485. 11. 11 and 16. (163, 1.) n npnfil A. Bi.Mx.R. y*<;*llRt
Ca in 1. 11. BgHTtnfa Ca in 1. 16.—.1. 13. II fU*KT<l A.
ggirrar C2. gfirr^0 Ca. 53«rt?c B 1. B4. CB.—1. 32. (163, 3.) »T7p?ft as
masculine, clearly the kidneys, the form of which in man corresponds to the
mango fruit. Is xri% different ?
P. 488. 1. 6. (165.) II BTlHgH Ca. M 1. R; lacuna in A
and B 1. See Anukr. M. pp. 45, 223.—1. 29. (165, 3.) ?n(T deest in A. Ca; lacuna
in B 1 from yftfi to irctfit.—probably with understood.
P. 489. 1. 19. (166.) mmnwe) etc. 11 trmqtwgl fiafairo * Tpngfii tr 1 ww *n
**t«n»»rfwafwir*r[% A pr. m.)fwfn A. C 2. jrtrnpr*fa *rf5r sfar gfii ^ 1 vui
*TT XBTTTlTlTfagtfHlTClfafl Ca. The other MSS. have no Viniyoga. One might
conjecture something like mmtt gfTTfHlsH&liJPii;. R has

P. 490. 1. 30. (167.) %fl etc. A. Ca. In B 1 all after iftanj git is left out. See
Anukr. M. p. 45 ; Aufrecht, Rig-veda, vol. ii. p. 505, ncte 2.
P. 492. 1. 12. (168, 1.) gfasrr A. gfaarr: g-ft: B 1. Ca. The Pada MSS.
read Cf. Rv. X. 70, 5.—1. 20. (168, 2.) S&yana seems to have read
Ca. A. C2. gggj B 1. CB. B4—1. 30. (168, 3.) in *fi B 1.
tui fli A. M 1. R.
P. 493.1. 20. (169, i.) BTtufxHl: A. Ca. jftiqfqf): B 1. Cf. Rv. Bh. X. 30,14 ’>
I. 80, 4.
P. 495. 1.19. (170, 4.)'snfnT%B4. CB. vx$^t%A.C2. mfcflfoCa; deest in Bi.
P. 505.1. a4. (180,1.)] MAiVDALA X. 43

P. 495- 1- 31* (i7i» 2.) After TOfTOT«lfi)^qrt, A. Ca and C 2 add a quotation,

which I cannot find, ff TT^rjft vgwmrfsf V*J xtfg
1 n nmronr TOf^f* A. wrrof* to gr % g > graft fin; gfUfig etc. C 2.
ff nff^r tot to^ g ftf: fin; gfaftg « TO^fr toi^
Ca. The story is told in different Br&hmawas, but not in this form. We have it
in the Sat. Br., at the beginning of the fourteenth book; in the Taittiriya-
aranyaka, at the beginning of the fourth PrapMaka, with the explanatory
portion in the fifth Prap&iAaka; also in the TAndya-br&hmana VII. 5, 6; and
Aitareya-brfthmana I. 18. I have restored the text conjecturally, but I feel
doubtful about Rudra. •
P. 498. 1. 28. (174, 2.) The commentary to this verse is wanting in all our
MSS. R gives the following commentary (on what authority ?): ^
rfpsfHfar TOfrorr to totto: tot: sift m raft gf*i fire
grom ^tot: %ro TOrogfropf g gfir fire rjTOTOTOrreHft qwwKyTOj&tro-
wtu: to rfurewrfawfa HfT yytt t^rof ^fTf^: TOurfvflre tot Jrenft TOPPjrftyrorofc?
Thito: 11—P. 499. 11. 13 and 15. (174, 5.) Si. 2. 3. 4. P 3. P4. P8 (P 1 gives
here no accents), yui Aufrecht, Index Verborum of M 1.—11. 16 to 18. A
(thrice), Ca (twice), gjjrr B 1 (thrice), Ca (once). See verse 4, and X. 159, 4.
P.500. 1.10.(175, 4-) 3TO I TOngCa. hjjto A. wgroBi.
P. 500. 1. 13. (176.) fipftaT TOTOroroHt Anukr. frofa rgpiroHI A. f|pft?n
’ITron^f TOflr Ca. froft TOTOTOHT M i; deest in B 1.
P. 501. 1. 30. (177, 1.) TOT I?#* I mT^WTTTT^TO a rggft TOT TOT rff TO A.
* mror ’rft ^ sr C 2. tot tttwt to wsj 1 Ca. tot toSto m?wr 1 m w
^ B I. fr% TOT TT TOTTTOTO CB. f^T I# %TO3ITO B4 sec. m. See above,
P. cxli. p. 502. 1. 3. ffrortroro A. Bi. B4. ^ftsrrTOTO C2. i^ttototo CB;
deest in Ca.—1. 18. (177, 2.) See Manu I. 21.
p. 502. 1. 35. (178.) rn^JTOT A. Ca. C2. B4. Bi. CB. Cf. Shadgurusishya
in Anukr. M. p. 165.—P. 503. 1. 8. (178, 1.) On mgf to itfnf^: etc. see Preface
to the Sixth Volume of the First Edition, above, p. cxl.—1.18. TOTOTO II ftgUSITO A.
C 2. B4. B 1. CB. torto: Ca. Sv. IV. 1, 5, 1, vol. i. p. 675, to^T

P. 504. 1. 12. (179.) A reads ftft:, Ca ftft:, in B 1 the whole introduction

1S eA out. Anukr. M. reads fljft:. S4yana read yfff^^:, Shadgurusishya
See Anukr. M. pp. 165, 223.—^fro^ a Ca marg. ^fqqwf Ca
Pnm. A. Mi.—1. 17. (179, 1.) gTTOTf0Bi. giTOf0 Ca. to TOmf0 A. Mi. R.—
• 32- (179,2,) gfrorrerrflft: A. ’’afron0 B1. gfHjwrrerflflf: Ca.—P. 505. 1. 8.
079, 3-) TORfsjrSl Ca. TOTOft^A. Mi.R.
P- 5°5- 1. 11. (180.) yfn A. Ca; introduction left out in B 1. gf^: Anukr.
24- (180, 1.) tototo A. Ca; deest in Bi. See Kas. VI. 1, 176, 1; Rv.
^ 79, 5; 92, 14; 95, 11; 116, 18.
44 VARIETAS LECTIONIS. [P. 508.1.4. (183.)

P. 508. 1. 4. (183.) 11 wr A. CB. w C 2. Ca.

B 1. B 4 sec. m.
P. 509.1. 3. (184.) a. «|o B 1. Ca. Mi—1. n. (184,1.) gmnrnnwn 11
A. C 2. <ammmn4i4i Ca. ^rT^mnrcrcrT B4 sec. m. *rrw*nreqr
B 1. wT^rTRimT CB. ar»fanntmw M*• B.
P. 513. 1. 14. (189, 3.) 11 A. C 2.
Ca. $3 *snr?T *<*r$: B 1. B 4. ^ T«n$: CB.
P. 513. 1. 18. (190.) 11 °mfi; A. C 2. Ca.
B 1. B4. CB.—1. 27. (190, 1.) o^T^l^-R0 II 0 A. B 1 pr. m. ®%UT'«ITt0 Bt
sec. m. In B 1 the whole verse stands in the margin. Ca has Jn^nfwrTTJfTr^ ^
etc. R reads °^tna^n^T»T^7n?t.—P. 514. 11. 4 seqq. (190, 2 and 3.) From fSroft
in verse 2 to the end of the hymn, lacuna in A. Ca.
P. 514. 1. 17. (191, 1.) A. Bi pr. m. Ca. ’?r$: ^rren^ri Bi marg.
Cf. liv. Bh. I. 33, 3; 71,3; 121,15; III. 43, 2.—1. 19. After fqr?r there is f%w:
A. C 2. *r B 4. f^w: CB. ^ B 1. It may have been meant for 3 or
<PT fwtifq, as Ca reads fqrq f%riPfr3Tm: 5° etc.
rM 4h^Nhnnvi4ifkHi

*fl ftpftsftrH oW^UJ PrMlf^^ | ^^o*T>^T ^T^tfVHT


grr^nrFT^rr: i nwr^i qY'iuj spirts i tith* pfafa *tft€ irara pi i

wpnsi f*wn51 w^rfwraaT fag^ i i naT aT«piiw<;| i
11^ imirpT^iai^l <m m\ $pl<*ii<1.qg ptr^n^TOTf^
i psn! f? i ^ fffamTsrrgrmTf^mTf^rer ^Ar<r?t %g»r i w 8- i tf?n
JlTWTPT^T^M Wa WraT^rei *WnTW?f^ft: I ^|T0 $. i). | tfw a || ffartif wfa
HiigtuT’fMYiiff arrfaf^fg: i rr*TCrr arm i pni a i *fs-
pw^rcnprf iw°?.^.i
i p*Kii|H ii

srfwFpu ^ht ^7 m *nflt fw attain: II <\ II

i i straf i i srennj f^:s^RT^; i w^ta: 1wrfrto i mi

I Hppt IWT i qswi: i ^n i w: i ftrat i srcitfa i sim: mu

ffW^ifaiwroa <3*4: Jmfsra: ^T^n^mnsiK i frrefa t ?ra-
i Trf%*TT^rn^ i TT%f^wrflnim: n *tti: awTf^Hi^ ii f^nft f^ir^Tn.
^rar ^rr: «dHii<i i ailwrfstffww nsn^r^fn i ^int
fnr^msm?m7 wra: awlTf «*jws inftiift wrr ii xi ^ ii wffa-
^*11 w i ^irMpmit: i thtot ff i ht^tt ^rar *Rinf*r s4Ttft^ a^r 9^*rrf*f
*r*r*rernsmiT: i wg^tifTt« m i fart f?T^pt wratta fan: h ^ i ^
^wwwr^lf wrfpi^ tm p^wr^lrwfn i f^Ji^rnsntwt Jtftfanwiifefd fPraarren-
afrfTftfa i ^rfajfrpT wit ^r Twf^#r Tfsi HTpr ntnn ^r wmt fro
^inmt % #sjx f^rar wrft arm wgr^rf?r npr° §.'$. $. qo. i «^rn

* 5nwt 3lfa ^T^n$fT #thfr| I

f^: trft rTTlT^WH TTTTJWTt sifa IRH

1 i w I i i ^f i ^k- \ f^s^n: i ^nhft1! i

f^Jif^jtTiftirn^i^^iiiiTqijs^i^i^Ni^i7!!: irii
^ ** «nr ^rararr^: wninp? ^«vntJmfHP>^i\Mi#a f^rpt »rf?m wi^-^v
q II ii

jftamrapn fafara fgww jgnnfrs afarc * w 0 < «*i> r«n<gfn fa i *wT «nvf% i
qrfa^q sufqm^sfafa i ftw fa^faywh *«nft rf^Hfajnfa4i«ii*w
^STOCT faaai<I‘fta: fa>!]<favfaT fa^fa**l^irq4t^|t^*«l nf\ *qfa i ^fifajinfa-
w^rfa i * w Jrrgwt rng^BT*? ^afarsfar: i ^ifa: *fa*rw7ra: i irw: trtfa%^«i:g*r:
3i$sr jit: i inraefa i Tj*rntf& 11

f^fp^T ttwlw fVlTOTrft ^ifrT i|rft4 I

^TIHT 3STsfcrT W*i'5npi II?II

f^: i i w?i i i feTn[ 15qw: i i 3<rfa i mfw i qrftf i

I TRr^l ^ 1vrf: I ^nfciT 113 I HS^fiW I Slfa I I W* II?II

faqiswuft arm: 3g«wn. wfaw fa«u4m»rcft^ tmnf^pi-

gwfafar^r % girfa a*rrurr ^rai frt *?T*if*T Trrffi i ^rf*nra3 i farrfanr Tfa TOt
ifa<*g. §. | nf?r nnUfatw i fwren^: TOTwfa to ^wpht^r ^<<ki*m fffa *ra-
*TPrr w&l famt: *$rfan;: *faro: *nmn*i*T*gKT $$«mwnffa i *fapfa h

^ rf ^3 rTT faffljat *rfH Wl% I

m t TT^tfcr ^ * fasj itwt ii 8 ii

^Ti: i 13T i I srfsHfc i «vtt 13tfw i sr: i
rTf: i^iTrfrt i irftri 33:1 snustem: i siftt 131 fk% i i itat 11811

% ^sra: i ^ i;wi^vr^5l i ^ren^f q»K*i!i< fM?j»!<!: fagMufa ^Jiift ^n.fq**:

^tMfe<«gft ti aifaql^faai %TOjfriWTftrFra^i m ^rolrfijfa: nfa ^rtfa i trfaatfai
qifaafaefa i mi<y<«n*Hren ^twl: n^fa i nfa»pajfa i y*n<uj^^r
ar^fa i farg jngwtg w^wifag fa^j tottj i ji$t i fa^fatfNif^faqi^fafqfajifll^
♦iqmanfag i ftm fonnTgnn gfafami<«ft *rrfa i TOfa i wgsrg ^ arrspi
ffa Jiwfaifa it
anfaarref faregaUqqwi tfMpfafifar i ^fari ^ i ftrrrt f^RpiWTa Tnrnmf^c
tto ^ ffri w# i w 8- 4-1 TTfH II

itffft WT I

Tlr^-ni f^in IIM II

^mtt I f33S^ » ^TOli I 3^5SH^II I \i I I

irfHs^rfv i HfT i f^T i g i i wfiifti i ii m #
iwn jiw frmr^WTJTT*r?f^r w gt<rrt ^w*n£T?fTt Mi^Mi^nrM-
jps TO spNi to %a vxsrm tnrrarr®TaH m wi %rra^
^ep^f TlfTI »TO 1 Wlflffl STgptf 1
anrprr aaunm*nqfftpimf«fa|q^wrofif 3 fan? ftraT ^ apr: #
ii ii

h g wtrv *rerftt tjMn: i

UTrT: ^ 53eNt: ii^ii

w. i jj»wtftr I 3W i i *rafa: i srfa: i »n>tf i Tjfirsn: i

'wf^: i snn: i ^ i 535taT: i ^:s%: i i *rfsr i nin

% TT^^wm^ n^wrt5T^rTf»i faifa wft *r ^rrrfn %ert ¥&rat qrrw&rta*JT-

ftf*r wfw i i ’wpjfTT "^wR1 ^ Tfa ff^WTR i ajif*) wT^rrftr
Tfaift i w»»jw^T<q«i gfw »twt srnfr *rrf*nsmfta rennq<[ wa$*ri t ipran w
,?lST°<’-’f-1 ^r^Tym; i jn?ri wttt:
^{ftu.3favUf% w ?* g<\R<i: ‘Knl RRa: fjferi f^rri^ftaTOrR wtfro: *rfafTf^raj%
%<nR'gl<(V*lfq | *p» I II

m ff wx ^ H THrTTt rnfat I
u 4fa*reT ^rr^ nsii
h i *nff i i ^w: i *rf^nr i $r»t 133T i «n| i i 3g i n$n
1 ^TT^nft srrorgfwr ^ ?m I wrtfro I ^grtfHf#<aKiiR ^ ii
Krt^frT ^ f*raTf?m: ii m TST*: Igfr * *m gfr toti mwiftflO tftsrfrfn
*l?u gro* s *r*rsm: ^ittwimh^iEw^t it *nf? i rafoq-preg i wrot
I *rwt ^fTTTra^ *r% t«nf*is(i<(l»iT *t$ i to ii ii*<> n
*w$ ftpfaj gw i ’««ii<sjt: g#*g i ftnftftargsirTiT a nT7i<;gq i q ifm*rm?n <ft qa:
^RR^nii^(ikw^'Ki-nrf^resRfugqronigf*ra^i wrf^reanr: ftiftf? ^rf’snpft
^%w^TrwT i w q. $. nfrni
^f qfey faif i

^ %*ri r ii g ii

1i T&m: i i fWr^ i ^Wrj; i ^jjjsTr^ 13nn p i

^ i ^*rt: i ^ffM: i ftfi?: i i fi i ft^roi i i ^nsiftre: iis ii
X ^pnnrft ^ipr: ^tg ^mwprr^TRrotff i iftnrq i % ^gro
^rmraT»rt *aiiig^iT>i4iwin«i^i$ii*ii«i^fii^ir<ii<ii% tthto i ^pst i Rpw ^
|%g *nn: Tfffq^rrtiRi*tm«t| wsniflRi'ti wnrrr i %° •’jt0 ?. i ^w^twr v ■nfisx:
^ sen ^Turar i *t$t i ^an ^%g htt mf^t ,<Trawmi«>^«inai(«n WTta^wti1^:
^ i ^rp g« <r. c-<i. i %: tbtw TOf i *rerm flwr *w wpirfars ^nRgi§l^ ^ptt

^ 5RMf iTOTWTf^ Wn^f I

a II II [^ov9.^°M.^o?0.

i jW i ^ i *N i i *f*jpn i ssrfa i i ^iws^i i

^rrit i =R i ^pjRlii i 1i *nfi| i s?fw i ^INt «**
^ ^ MRi qawnrrff fH wtg: fwrmf <sfni W i wnft i ^
xftg: ^ ?R fiiRnwt gf?f srr»m% i f*fr*r *fr*Tm ^vp*nr*rr ««iqi*?<< Rtflt i
ff^Tm «*rflr i im qft^rem: i ^i I^Yft ^TOT snjprm i ^TfT i iiwi i
HTfr iftaftTnUf^ inf^ft ^nwT^frnfr mft^rRnsrg i ^fafw: g^rag n
^^-hri^mwi^ f*rf»r?t xrrfwtftfH: sirNt i ?rt ^iwrft^rr m*rr i gf*ri ^ i
ff rt«r w ^RRft wm»nw i ’w0 $. qo. i n imrtftemrmSfor ^i«Ti<«4*f\-
^tett tNig^ren i fPra ^ i ^ ^ fcnanr tt^ wn ^<u*rwfi w*w*f i w> 8. t Tf* i
fanffara «iT«n*j«n«i»n ffir ii
^n ^TRrafa iv^fa h%^ i
ssrftrPtiFfs isn^ ftm tt ^*OTTfk h?h

W I ^TT*rf I I *Wf I 3&*T*T I ^1 *IsMN | rTr^l 3J«j I I

sjftr: IfwtI w. I W^I w- i^i^sjfihitiitiwi wcr^i wi

I ^^q^nrfTT II3II

^rsn ^q^iffoTreynra ^trt trot wpi ?wrfa *rw*nw i

w%* i ?h ^qwisw i ttot qr»4ig«Tg w»w ’aian*: *wm *nrm: nr=i»4i*j»^m TRtaji
wrfn HTTf^rg ««v}t i wtat f^arra wr ^trr: wti facial. i ^RRg i
tmpj ^ ftm wg^nrari i ?m: ^ triImoki^w**.sm^i'wRtfa i
| gnctg II
■miffrmt srramftfE: birNt i tr v$t wfirifr*T etrit i gfm i sn# wnn Rtfit
*ra Hfinm ^mfst i ^i° <^. i *fn u

^it sr sraTftr »

^rfa^fi^T TJ^TfH f^iT^i^f ^f4: ii II

^1 m I ^ I TTSf^TT^R I cTfnf^t I f^T 1^- I ^fN^SHTW: I

^rftr:i rr^if^f i ^n i^orfkif^T^Rf^: i^r^i^sf^: i^Rtfrf i^«

% ^tt: RtfafETTHfafa^rPa RranTO^T^nfr ^ ^fMf^7frf*T ^rfti

irafTfi grr*T7n%^ irfw*rw nffftmEm: i fq^r^flw f^: |
gWTfTT I ^T5ig I W^rfwn irttfaw ■
%*rrgT?5g <ttr i ^T^gfH^TJr^: gT*foi»«WTOTft ^raRfn ^^hwttr

jjrqk-in h TTr^te: i

^^rrfrr »i m ii
II wmtSF*: II M

^1 I I ^TS^T: I *T I ^*11 Wf* I I

■qfa: IW^lftrltl^FSf^l^SlTpT7|-Rrij: i^T^i^qs^iqiTTfw IIMH

fNwr m y«Swt ws$t ygsrr wRarar: trmr yfty it yyyypn<-

yrT?fy gjftyr^ yw«y: n yt%y yysSty fyftretrryrff%yT*^y yr *ptot gyrr: wrl ytryyfy
gfsif^ y y^ y arprfif ifiytf fyyiyy, ffaT ^rrywr^rm ftofyirraryt yT ygfyy ynfifyy-
flret ^nyT*rfyir*}y *m yUfa: fenssfgn yjmfyT § # yTyyfc% ytr% SfrTWft i
yyg l ?fyf»i: gyyg #

ftarow»wNi 5rf^m fit *n*pf i

s m xfcrsr ^t: wrfr stf: 11^11

i i ^qcnot i i fM i q»ij i srfthn I rf[ I 5HIT^ i
W-rn\ I i ^ i ^t: i OTtr: I i ^jS xfift': i fasten: ufjii
1 y§ fy%yf Htypfnywt yvnyiwflyi gyr yvrn fyy yiy^fty yRTyri %?j yyrryyi
m <yi yfym yyfywT wryfy^wnyt yr yyR i yyyryre i yfyif^y: y <y gy<fl<jitHr<-
fST: yT: i TjfyyV*ni}fiy i yydfafir yT gfy: i yyT yyyr i ypyyjj i yyr t gy^ffir:
ytfmfy yT yg gfyyf %f^rwwgyyrfy <tyr*nyif^!Hify yrr#T: ^tsytytfa gn?ft:
^fyyyyywy^yty fyyyan: y^yffWTfy garaifgyTy HTytytitnfy iMwfy yy*y i
^y«t: yy^ it

i *n gratxjMt ^ r*Twm H rrt ^irfrtaT i

xrfqiTfafcpirc! fxj *tf| ii $ ii

xi i ?^T i grefijfMt ^fH i ^ i «^T i ^Tpt: i i^rt i xi i srr i i si^m i

W i srrg ni s i faij i a s m{\^ i s Ǥhr: i fai ii s ii

*f y% y yrr ^f yrryrjfyyV yfyyysfr yrf^yrrapTTRrraiyT yr i ttot y yryirr yyry^
ym fy^TyyT f^m yfyyyy: t yyr i yro TsmfwrTy i yryttjfyyt yyfry yy yyt artyiT y
yurylyyy i ftry gyfym ijtyyyyy^sT yyiyfy^ yarry yyyryro % y^ Rgyry
fyyft %y yfjfy ywfy y yyf ffySiwiNg yfyyty. yypM yfyyry: yfinyyry: yy
yyr «yfy yyt fy mff i fylryw 11 113011
T*ft TTyfwfy yyif g?fty gy 1 ^T2rrarr: ^yyy 1 ?y ^ygyriy 11 wmgywiftysi^tyiRt
fyfyyty: 11

^t^ffr. l

nifw nii
1 1 i HS^s: 1 11 \ 1
W^| ^ ! vqf^ , | | | ^ts|rft‘| || c| ||
% ii H [3t
1 srf*m fcsn;: *Hrer w*f® i to i ^rfnffaw* »nu
5fffjr^: Tjftjft Tt?;: TTf^ri hw;: gs*T* i ^wranrr 1^
Tf^Pl ifw^nreret ^t *ftifM^rra ■^nnrprpn i Rffan, ^
*T»rc«pRf<rf* JTrf?r i \ ttot pm «wr ^tot ^Mi«l«nftrff'TTRftf* i
*nsefn i fl f^i i wfr %*ra$T »r^t7i i «t«4t-
^tN qftw^qfi irrafNRranf 11

^T qfeffafa ^fflT gfrT* farjfr I

w mg gro ^rm*i^ fa^t ^^fWfafa *rtfrr imi

i ^i inft isrfa i i gjii 1 ^igfi %[• 13ti i

^ i *ng i gttei i *am^ i fag: i ^sfa: i ^rcfa: i fa i mfa irh

sftjfcrosrgnr srwr ang-quh^f *i^<ff ttN *n5*rraft%r ^wra^%*r ^nrrfff ^ ^fw-
jr*fn i fa grk i ff?ft JTfTT: ftg: sS’or 'sum: maRig: 1'" fttggiiwfrwTwrt
’ 'd O' atiw^i
«riHH d^l -I I’l \|'1-CI 1^.-., . ,,,^ .. patera
^.'■ ^jfMroRi^fHTraeT^i:
X# a ' ^anwn-
vni «Tfa i fWsr vm«

g£t ^Ffamg ^FTTr^ratt md i

gifat^f^fafafa^g^fa^rfa ii 3 n
i >qr^rt i i ^tt i ^htt^i i wr:: i ^fa i gfa i traigi
gsifaiff :i gsfa: i^ifa: i fasfatg; i ^fasfa: i ^8: i ^rfa i vm i gjwgn ? ii
w^t jprRt: aanwt w^rr ifteftwr *rr *»wpr. %^iwm: *rrfa-
i ^ii^wiitt i >n4li'*ii'ri "T^fwrfr ^Tf^rr ii^*m
^WTRtSY wfanft ^rai?n*lTO*T^fTT I ^rfJNI'd’fd I <WT ♦JH^: *pfl ^
Rf^^Tfr ^tt^t: ^Ufw: TT*i *m
^T^tfRr^rr%ifw^? fwBtw ii

uraifa ^ i

gf?r: m^itfa mTR^fafa»% mUh

I ^rmfa: I g|H: i ^ i ggg i ipfav. i ^f: I ^ I I

i ^jt: i g|w: i gs^: i i i *w4: i fafa% i^»

*Tfffti^T%: ^NRr i>rr*TT ^5*rwr ■srroro: t ^ ^rrm rrw-1 *

^fxPBTfiTift snrra ^tv?i i w:
^TTwnri ,®lnc«i<st ^yu:
’wvftft: ^mT m wtttto: y hut ^ « ^t ^
^rnT*T i ^rpsrffi TTthrn? ^rrfTf ^rr ip i?w®*n*n^iffl *n*n ^rut i 1
JS$ft i irfenTr
it wmts^R: ii s

^prr ?! tm *r?!ft: frfanra «[gr!: i

^ffn^f^fl: srt iimii

^rmi i r i 1 vnirki: i xftft i *Nhtcfi i ^tt: i $sfM: i

^ft: i v. i ixft^p^sft: i ^rfttft: i *q^sft: i R#rT i ut iimii

^ww fitft *npi: gf^n: gtangiTtfi *ngm m*rre:« ht gftrt n
^it TT*ra: ^ht n nrntft *mn nn?l n$fl: gs? *nsefw i fan ntif*ra%f»TTapt
siiSqfWtlSinfera^: *fasnfy af*)^flil4i*jnTTT3n^^f»T#T gsifa nnfa
srrsftHVfH i n t^nr^ffnTir nnv:«
3TW ^rt#l ^prft#Ri?fl3r l
iraftqT ft>tftof?WTft ft**t ll^ll
WR | *rortw-1 ^pjRStft: I I I ftg^sft: |
xn?ift: i ir: i ft: i ft ft^sft: i ^rfrr: i *ift i ft s**t ii % ii
^Nfti$4flq',*nw'fo i w i trfSNhr nngv i murpngw 13H*n*ra i frffirtnwiih i
wftTT^m ^rrafTT nngnUnrft: ^rgm: gnmr: ifrw fagfir: i fagnt mntfrfa wTt^t
fag*: i ngMtgfa: ngm wn: ^prag i gaonfl i fan ^rwT ^nmi fwr
fwronfaft ngm. ntifa: ntfa: HTT% mrfa: %ni THfa: iT^mT^frW^ mfn
fafan ^fafa n

s sit *fi£ * sit M aft? i

sift: ^fcft*% ui ilnn: ii$ii
■R: i Wi^31Rft i r: i snI^I sfar IftR:^ft% Isatf?!: Igsart: i
^:i^S^:igs^^:i^ftf:R^^sft:i!:4^P!:i^ni?||iIT«ij: m\
% n% n mg?M nUnrgfa n% nfa ^rm nfa i nm? i nm i fan gnsfr

Wfa msnuft^ i *nr ggm: i gfa4ai4: i gnn: nftgfn4|f»TO gin Twr^rrnrfn-

^nf^fsrgiM g^ifir: gnt Tn^falnnf^r^ ftfagniJ: ntfmr^r ne w n«n: i
|| || ||
s n ’tf* nrrn ng4 gw i nmrpjn: g4n* i n n fnn*in ii nrargnwrfanwnfanit

* 3 *rftr n ri s*rft r*? gft w ssif ft ^ i

v^rftre irm stft R?ft gareft mu
* i ih i m ^i i i i W i i ®r: i i

l^s?c| i ^sxn i sarft i r i srci i i fft i xw i inn


%^ fft: IT mwrf»ni *m toii TOPtori igf* ft , '

ftTTOfft i H>mc<nf*r i *Nn dUw^ftg frg *ptt ^ *rfftf!pfr
iidfft tott ffft: ^f*r ^ i ft ira HTTO TTTOi 'rora: *3if+i*ift ^ * ^fft*r»i%
*rgf*T^ft gift i ftfrfft *rg«i*nn i *rgwii«T TOTOTwra wt^r^f*rr,i^r% tottct v^ifwd
Tnrrflr i tott v*ro TOifft to^ fros^inn?ft mrr i Trfroaiftfft toit i to ’srtft^ror^Tftd siftvr.
g^r^T TOrfft ?sf v»r«(T*>*T n# g^rm *r=rf% 11

7? FTT SRtflt wfa H^tfk HT^ SHT I

|flt II * II
^IFIII 3Rfa: I wfa I 13r7T^: I ^dst5! I *31 I I
|?t: i%-3fT^rr i i ^t^t i ^m: i *[fT^ i i n*n

ft *TfdB ^rWT^ cBT BIT TOlWt TOTT ^rTOTPTT: WJTT^I^Tfw BTOfd ^m: Bf^ltfd
ftdft i tot fBiTT: i »tt*t ^uyfad tott to: ^t<n#r ^srr i h*Tl <*i 1 ^ «si m
jfrBirf« n^f<r rT^ i ser ^ ft*u*nWs(;T^TO m*frro toftoto ^ f/fUftr ffwTBwajTT i *mt
*TMfcgi«TTO$TTOgfft3?ti^ f^rr^T^ T^^%«Tf?rft%w TOtfft i TOsefft i ft ^t bjit
Tfft ^r: ii

ftj*j rTT ^4ift HTrfT fiwfw I

W^rft TTTfa II ? II

f*F5 I rf I r«IT I I I TTTrfT I I I

V^\f: I Sift I TTS^rTt I *lTfa I | I tpg:si^ I 3T3S^: ll?H

1 'sift %:?? TOTifl'ft bit bit ftpj *r tprfTOr TOJroft toto ittoptotpit
TOP$fTO^<ft TOTt fTOlfd I TOT*rfft I B B? fTOT. drPTTOTTWfftrlflfti TOfTrf^T I ^Tfa:
froftdft i ftdimfft i TOrfroc t tpg^T tott f^rpr: B^prre <tm ii .

«TT ^TWC ^ ^ -Nf^i^t *7%^^ ^T[ I

^ fq^Trfq: ii 8 n
wa: i ^rw: i «71 i i *[ffs«^ i ^ i ^ i i i
iv i qfk: i i i i\fw?r i |^f?r i i w\ ^
1 'TOT U*T fdfdi<3%d«TTOl % ^ JJ^T ^TT ^ TOfTTKl *T TO^*T: I ^
^ Bitot i TOrfir frorm tott^ i td^i irff^ toutst f^ i Bu*nf% i bt?t:
%f^rpR?fd I fdrd *Tf5T5pNf ^Tbv^toi: ^ I ^ I fTrefd i w i TfafTfd ^rorm totoStwttt-
wldBc^n I TOf^tro^T ^.tJTO^’JI^ | 'dTfd I f%5TO WlWraiTO^f^
HTOT^rfd II <TI«N*T<l<f*TTOTi: II tdl^ fwrfdf^in ^T»ft «tTfM^dfd*T'l<JT1'<Tt
WTTOTT f5T5TO^ftir% I I '’WT^TfW II I ^ ^11^'
d^TijY wtro^rfw yf«l PITOTS T^TfTT II
*o«|o.3M.$?q.] II II

^55in^ tt^t ufawt y*%: i

^TiTT^f *T H ^ffa ^fT^t ^ WO^iT Tfift: HMD

$sfanj ^ I *FfaT$»I ^ I Hwl i tt%h: I i

^TTTTI I 1 * IH1 %fw I SS^ffW: I *11 IT Srfafl I TTift: II q ||
mf%: to?I i gr* i qqqiq HTnftg gfhfT^ftwt-
t?Wt: i twtt 'Jf%7r: TOftm %srwr ^g*£*nrrotifa$% q4r<tid*,& ?nsft i fireft i ^i
?nt *N<kI R«ki<«hi frTSffl ^ i wrm <n H+tjjiqs»i"qf^^^T^: ii
gsam: ti v? irtartf n Wi i misfit i m ihtct: i gwt *r *tot fw^m^nr^rr-
&K«9»n*i«sii •*(<«* iR «nit i *nfr *)*jxir wriWH4$i: to*ih^wt:
wft 5# w*ra jfcpiR a
flrffqifa TO^T t^lf4f^f^WvtrTT I
^ ?f sfa vtf\w ^tt rq ?r h^u
rT^fs^ I iiw I WT ?fa ‘ ^tS: I I qrfa | ^vtrTt I
^i^i^i I *fafaT i f^n ^ I ?r i i #i: ||£||
\ ^ *»r£ wiR^fl Tf^farwr ^ «g srafingsft ^ tott w ufa*
M ^ SFRffq^t itto: rraft 17naT ^m^r: i yfgsrf wfaranr ^nf*?«rnrR-
*Mr to TOTTHJTgqRwR iR<>?.'i8.i TarrR- i n fHt ^
»ra*fir <m w^wg^'fr l^ro^ifRftan;: a rnft % ^ ^vf *rcVr
*3fofon ftnsft i w^twt <%fwtfHrran?t ^rsr *rfa
Wi i i ^ *r w Traft ii
WP^l^TO^sifJywt TOTT w ^ f! I fRrf ^ I sf^T tT ?| TO^ft
HW ?ror i to° a. <*. i tfn a
. ^ ^ ^ 3TTrfa% 5=PFt%^t ^ J^l
^nt w?hnfa ^ nsn
^ l ^ l ^ i ^THst^: i i^l 1 ^ i rft: i ^ i ?j^i I ^i
^I I^I l Ht^fiT l l xpn l H5#: l 3lif h^ u
% WTft^t gronrrnfo H s^^rrfH^fwR ?n5*r ^ i w^g i to
^ ^ i h*pj i <tot^
^ th^tR g^Wtsirr ^rtg i ^twst i Wr ^frf^rNi

^ ^ Ttn ¥frt jp i wnsrr: gjNq i faf*nfcra i tf^s iiwffm a

V^Tnt T^WH^fr JjftsWT fa ^ I
^ || c| H
vOL. IV. " c
<*0 II II

vjki i *35:1 i pfttor 1 ^sm^\ 1^: 1 »3fts^T 1 fa 1 1

fa^i^:ifa^:i3T*s$i^^i^ifas%iiTJ<i^ftfw^: ii<ui
*rg?[: wnprra^rtftr tt qgfqalfa mfirt Tafftri w*ri *npfr anrftrcNUwnft
$twr ayfavsm^ft ^Twr^^T^fHrrt^n^t airsmvK «Uftr<qrai 11 *pri fgftrfa tot
it w? i^mrf*raftmftr ft aft 1 ftroft 1 str-nfa 1 •sm ^ nwt % ^ agrot
arftrftft 1 ftm fwt: 1 araff Tnrftp 1 amffflq>^ft«^wnTTT^Tft7nTt: inrrwnwrwfr-
bwi^ *r*fft arfarmg^ft ttN f%T=rFw 1 %aft 1 ^roftft i w i ftafttaffwmftro
*mft *nfrrrcgaft %aft 1 am nam: 1 % aft ^«^<atvnr<ffig Rftmg ^nrt t?tr
ftftri 1 wmiftmiT arm %: 1 *rs? 1 vv 1,3an?i *»w jt^ ftfta ^ ftng^r® p ^namtn
»re? n 1 tI *rarrf^g 1 taftp ftft 1 11

jfrtr ^fait srefai: stfw; *fpT ^fafftfa: 1

^E?ffa ^ 3iW fa mfr *|?T ^TTRlf^T ^fat tfafa || * ||
JRHpT 1 7^351 =pfa: 1 ^flfai: 1 1 *rffa\ I Hf|*n: 1 sfarftfa: 1
^|rr^l I tf^ I 35sfa:1 fa I TTTfw I I ^Rtfa 1 I Trtfft! II * II
ftfw mremftf %wtt: wmirft aramT ^aa a»r3FRr*nfr ^rftaT
awrar aft<flf»ft3*rrfw: *t ^fi*n; 1 *m*N?w 1 amft{)j<m; 1 w 1 arftftaraftaarsr amuitj
ftff^TwrfH^rr^t: *mftftn?pm: i am aimft avifta aswt^a^r ^Tare^n»wfq ft
afft 1 ftrnj aaift 1 fftftf: ajMamm'mjatsm: 1nat gm gmmaafrft ftjarft ftarrft
aTamr^arrft ^ftn; 1 arrcajft 1 aau gar at agt i^a maftr amamrft^TfftaT Wm
?an^Vft araTfa ^rftrc; 1 ffft 1 *paftnJ: 11

*?lfa?ft farIT fa*J 3T^iff34rft I

TjTfn ^tirt T^m ^^fafarj *fa*n fapra: 11 ? 11

^fa^ft S^TTSfaql I *Tjfa*ft Sfaltfl <^JTfl SfrT I fartt I fa*f I STs!**’ I

Wlift ifrT I
fWw 1 ^Tf^i 1 ^t«r: 1 iprei 1 1 f^i r^j 1 1 n?«
««aaft am trt *nftr41 wraaff *rr armTgfti^
aiwt' 1 1 arftj g^mmT ^TOrnnmmT m n 1^
aiigiqftmiij Bwr W TTMfcf^aj ftrg ammftt atajg: 1 smam: 1 *nfcr?
aiTaT^ftt^r t arerr ga ftmff 5mrrara?c 1 wft ftw
pi ar at^nfr ■*ttW ?rrfwg?T »r«r TT^mgrr ar aftmt ^T*ITT'
jrtot ftrsmt ftrftra n^rfr argiszrr: gsim tfa ^t: i a am *rrro ffti #

fl ^prhrfrr^ ^twN ttT^: «^f?r 1

srofaw ^^fr^inw wjrti 11811
ii *Trotsqq«: ii

qjTrsi if? i qfo* i gs^rtrf i i qrafa iqsf^i: i ^ i

Sfifapi i i qqqR # i q?h 15?1i: i q^m* 3$ I T^rri II8II

^7rsr ^p?: im^irf irfqt: grr?prr ^f^rsrsrenpn: ggrnmr-

vrwsr gf*ra*W thtrt wrawmf *n *N?» f? i %*i!t ^ i ^
«I I <t I ^r«J^ IWpJTM«^ AT f^PTOTi i *n*T i i
wuri H^rr«ngTi^rf%g^Tf^maHT fawi i *r^rrg^rnrr ^n®r%*r ^Nfvfw^rll:
tjfrrnrrf^fa-g «rrf**nt i ^Jart =^Rg: i ^Npt: i rwfiwfwf* i;g|fiuiTq: 11

qq fqqwq q^qrcT ^ q» i
^TrfjR qirTfiSJ ^TTUT ^qfq^fq^rqqqi^ IIMII

qq i i 33^fc i qTqsiTq: i fqiiq; i q?4: i q^i qqq i ^iqn

m: i qq i drifts! i T|qs^n: i i qfq i sifag^i 11 m ii

scptcth: srm*urpft TremT'j: ^rtgfa: gwrpft *tT fa^R. *3 ^thr: ^ifqcvtTcifl-

trrt: rr fluwro: fr: Rwfi;#: *RT^ ^wl %^Tf^ST: *r tarn wf n^fTR-
’gTfsWTT i ^ffTT i r^'irtri '*rt R?ta?nr mf^r i ^ g%»t ^n5R
q^pfou ^RT*f I HTTan: qTRTrt: tfUft ^RT^faRtt^^i Hfr% f^TWT t
f*RfarRR i ^ THtgwt *nfa tsr: i %^raifT^T^iTira*rpfrif?: i ^trr gfa-
^snw i trrf^w srtw wfM wi i ttr^ i *rt i gjft gft »Rf?T »rawfircrc:
fST HT7PRR l^otIO. rc. £. | Tf<T JT^TTR ^f*n^Tf?[atT3RTfa: gRPt I RiTJRRR:
fRsnft: strwrtr rs wH w: sgsff^TgstRR i hr: i fag^RTR fwt
ffw^TiT ^tj ^fa^rr: it

m qqr^b

wi Tftie qqt fqqq q^h§ iiwt n |u

qq i qqT<tf: i qsqq: i qqia: i mqif i qqtf i sjr^i srfq t snp;: i np^i
Wf41: i f i i qqs^ i qfpE i qqi i fqsq^f»i hI
%,«Tf4ir ^tpa: ^ *mr^T: i ®irw%«f: ft^ft g*PTT
^ tt^t^t: i i %q ^rranftpf w?arr gTWPt ^:g*t:-
^i ’ttfftifrtter i f*t» §. i tfft fsr^t M^t: ^ i viftpinf i ?r?rfn: «nft-
i gj i Bma?r i trrei w^T^^rt^RT^wr:
^i i aj^j gtfrf?t«trnwPHn^pS: i ffcrpffaret *igw iw: #»rf^n
whtgfrerr«iW§5 wi% ftreSf
^n%g i fag^T3t«n frrefn i ^pPi wt^W^rftfn it

qq q^ qaqqf^qw I

q: qqqqi ^ 3n*jfq II ®H
H w

srcfc^i ^ i ^ i ^ i fas#*F* i i i srf^h i i

safa: i f i i wsmsiTT: i ^?w*af i ^r i i ^w: i ^ i §g: iisii

awyaigni *ra srreni i ara^^fro i wi° '3° ?• a<i* a. i

^|St: i q^q^Tare <sni<««I wt an»rafirl #Nt#i atTwrarfa arrawjR^T i arf^:
gfqsrr aw awft wft wra%: i w i i * ^vrarR awwffsi «pfW ^
gvftafafa aft: i qa® qo. $• m- ?. i gaYw a^arerrf^gan^Tf^ansr i araranafn i aa ipj
afa agarei arg*RT^afafTfaR?Sar wSmuw atoprf *fUwfi ir*rt: iwmra: agam: i
jfcsrt Tat fara&rrfa: i aa° <)o. $. m. *. f° 'a® q. 4. * 1 *fa qwra 1 wraaRT% aat a*jaT
wr*ftfa aaaa tr a^apftTfaffaarra: araat ^ 1 aarffet^t g$ar 1 aagfa aft
iaafara faaqTata 1 vrgqTwaa 1 ^ftrjaaa; aftgaTrapftsaaftantf: 11 113311
"%«[T^Nr wrR aat fT^ faarraa. 1 ga%q<jTr ^aTfaaftHalaT: it
Tfa ata^TaTfqr 1 mq^aT^ffoaRBafagfiql^as^qTaaRTasrqt^ *nwre'i«hn
ftTftft aTVTft ^TO! «HWTS^i tftat JWR:

w faiqfaa at %5|afr$faR staa; 1 fa^ft aa? *ft faqTatajftqi. 11

aaaanga#ft atraireTftaa gvt: 1 toiswi: agawra arrfaaftfa 11
azft aa% jR^gaft ataq ^arrfa 1 aara a a#fa a?nf ag far 1 aitaai faaarn?
%5aafta 1 aafa«g«i<i 11 maTfaRTfaawataait fafaata: 11

^ ^fTrTTf^fl1 I
xwib 11 s 11
m 1 w. 1 1 tu*N; 1 sre:sfa: 1 1 ijift 1 srfpflrc 1 ^fatr 1
sftfa: 1 V i *T^sfch 1 ^|rrit l 1 xifts^rf: l f^TTS^t \\V\
aftar aitarfa^t aft gft aarftTatft: msft: arf? ir*ft a*ft ft{aaf*ftT'
aftaanfaTtaa Tfa $a: 1 ftaRT ^tfnaR qtifq^wt ^%fw: nqflitTgtHt-
^rfH: trf^q: qftfrt: q^ffa q^?ft *r^fa 1 qq qq am^j qq aTrafafaqfn^^ar^:»

^^ ^r *fb'< 11 s 11
n: i *p3sf4:1 1 f^SHTfpr 1 ^ftf: I ^ris^f 1 1
^11 I f^r^T4 1 We*TT 1 ^SW?: 1 ^rtficssiT: 1
— — ^
1 «T I 1^"
qjarr qwai^gqi^qT^T^i^pq^^fffirgfr arr 1 ^wfq^rfwjn v^: •
fafav ?fN^ flq qtifq: ’frerT q^rrf’f
ii ii

afgfw jfflfarrFr qnftfir ffarr^f*! i i *1%wr: sf^rref ^iw^Twnr^nrrtrft-

i ^ri?> 175^: i ^i frero wf^g«5l«r »r^f7i i ?r* ?sm: i i
^gy^: i xKtft * *wt xnrwwxw^^{Trfw<lft *raeft i ^*refawrMi»n<i*yTga
ffH B

Ot fofam ^ I
sn II $11
ftf»v i f^rten: i^s3!ft: i f$ i i i i

3!T 13jfafa[ I ^T i I I siftesw I I *n|: II5II

xfUM*hrcn t% i ^ fwrg: 'arrot ^
f%p^T?r*i <3^rarr% ftxrrxr <y<**fi«u*t'rat5t i *$t: ari^Tftsx^ifffxraxrcrw xni tre
wit srfw^fr **rr ?^t ^rarftr w^r;w iffn^rttn wf%qf?r i xfUxmfow-

^fS^vt ^*rnot srart Tf&d fainfa i

aOt tmT tfftNft 3?falT f^fir^T^ II8II
vwfa: \ <|ii: I ^qng: t ^ i^pj; i l I fsrnifrT I

I ftrif I w-1 i nfite: 1tfsftfe: I I ^TI fWw H 811

fut wf&fufa: i *mf^3i|fqf$rfrsivi: I *rai: wt^"g aprrw: %3WT*i:
s* ^Tffi^T^nssTg sy^m: aftinmft fw»rrf?y i xrasfn i w ^ ftm
^mjTTjrrm *tt xrfayfr bsiwi xifxra: WTxpit: xftift^rrerfft
ff^TT fWtf i w^fn i

trg^rTf^ *r T*nxFrirftr i
m i fWflt 5Rfwf4^fft 5TTrR^T H^T?xf IIMII
rt i i ii i ^ I'bror?! i i *ft: sfa: i ^:sfa: i ^n i ff^ i
w ni i fkvfcr. i *rfrfsf& i i sttws^t i ^ i iimi
\ xjqjptr «WiMT^WTfro ^Tmt x^mpi ^n*rraw qraxrre furfafii^ ngliro
’ffnfMxftfwffaljfeT ®ft£i i ^r^fwg^ i fxroret %VTf^i: ^mc: xifTsri ar^-
t^rpft igmgTmt anTjvrn arrmrij wt xmRun f#r i
'Wr sap^rf?r ^ny *ftv: g
^ -mtfk ^rgfrt rn^j; 5ErrfNn i

^ ^ffH^^TrfrTOT ^T^?7T ^ ^T II €f II
^I I f^f I cr^fH I I ^ i ?r I ^9i: I ^S^H: i ^f: i
^ i ^nl: i ^xwshht: i wtNtar: i ^ i W i n % ii

t^ fwrfa s#t « *rp *Ni*ifa »rafa i *nr w*: i

5aifW7i: ^5urta: sft'sn'R’nera^T ^raT ^r% *» w wi# *t«ifli»adw. 11 ^ ^f^sT^nrarn
f^rr^niwT ^f>?ft w ^ w^t^i 1 gw u

3?VT HfT fawd RSlt ^ ^ I

rt 7#^m&t 3R %7J*ttWlfa§rT WH1H ^t: IISII
wk i f^ i ^ i ^fT i ftrs*ret i srer: i sr^pT:1 S«k i i
rf I ft I ^T*t: I ^P=j I ftift I I 1
I 3p|3»T I WW W- I ^3Wt: IISII
wmwgfr ff *wfrt% ^ ^r *rc^*i wsn^t ^twrr’ft ^n*rfawrxrf^ ^retf3Rra*i-
wi^f ipr fs^r wirf^n^nsnff *Rj«r »wf% wwrw|*rnft ifw so^n: ^fa«i-
wr*rr% r errant %i irsrT’ra^iPTWT^Ri. i ^ig’ralfn i i^tfa
ai^: i awwH'^tifcwr^Qi n^wre: f^ryTfw^nrfW^rnj^t^t^rsT sjmnsiyi tPwt* ^nfti^trr i
*n5?l ii ii <\ n
igftr ^ ffn *nr3 *rt*t f?fi i ^rnsrr: g^fi. i ^«sTlrtt^*M‘ it ^srar: 11 ^u-
y:OT tpotw ^rf% «! I ^ I *rf*r: ^rf%«rr^ f^fr ^ gfw;
111° 9. <\0. I flH II

tr ^ wr^ri 4 w n r ii
F[% i m i %: i ^ I Tjf^n: 1 I i *prafa i^r I
i ire i ^ i ijsftift: i i m i ^sf4: \\^ i w iiR h
^ ^nf^gwMn^ w f^r: gfwr «mgflralr: *rarrwU*iw fwrg: *pfoi qfa
grrf^ ^rtpit^ $ff 1 inr^ 1 w^^Tffrm ^Twg^pirrw *Wt ^ *t*it wwt
*r%*r Tj^rwiFgif'tfH 1 ^rf*i ^ 11 ^ ^vfw^yfH: #:
3|4i*n^^ ^Nfyrfw: Ti%%: Tnw*ftmywr%3fiW*PFsi 1 »

^rt w% mm Rtfn^kfR ^^nfw tiv: i

VJZ ^ Hrfr ^tRt HfrTfR: ^TrT II ^11
^tu: 1 ^ 1 *ra4:1 ^41 mm: 1 *itfH: I 1 i ^fir 1 Ti^: *
^T1 ^ 1 tth: 1 ^ 1 >rrn i^n^i ^=Rt ^ 1 ^ihR: 1 ^sf4: i ^smn \\W
1 ^ ^cm »RfBr: q«q<g«r vrm w^rf^ggiTiwm: 1 <5reTftm r^: 1
^tffrt *jyt^yT ef|y«r»i f?T«®Tf^s ^isifTf 1 1 ,wr^®rg^n1^
ifflpi «tot 1 ;®r^T «0*4<Hr*» «W
«TT^ TTTjftfn 9WVt TT^T ^ Wt TTW^»l I W • ^ ^T \ f*1*
3frw«iwT%«mT^ ?q ^rnfti^w ^T »rf^«w^rr^: $«n »
H ii

srftf ^ fanfaftmTftmfa ^rrfft ^fa*natt i

^fw: Aw fafa *1* ^TWfT || 9II
srfa i h*i i fort i srfa i ^nfii i srfa i *mt i *rc[i s?u flTsrfa i
i i ^|rr: i wm i f^fa i ^ i ^r?r i ii?ii
m qftm fqqqqWlq q^ i qi^i 'qrfq q^rfq^q q3r i *rrqqqfq5»q q$r i q^fqq
q^qrfqqqrf^q qqnqqfqStq qrqrfq i ffwt iTirfri^^fq^tw pi qqf i qftq-
trfq i <rq «pfm*r%Wc^ i f^fq fqra qqq qga? qqqlq pfet qqfv ^ ^tfqqqiqq
qm qrfg^fqqqMfqgq wqtvqfq qqq u

fan srcr fiwt ^sm ^n faHifan i

^HT^T q ^f^: Sl^fatpfa^ II8II
fan: i^i fort: i’sfnin^ft: i*iiq\i%i^iwifarisfani
% aft qqqt: qqfqts# qqfaait fqq: gqq: fmrr: f%iT f^rarr: i o^qqnfq:
Tmq: i qq arr wJnjqt qqTqqqTqfqrq<qi fqajqrm qqq itqfwr^qf ^mmsTm
qT qq q qiq% ^qw^qfq qts? qq: q^qqr wnq qarqrq qr
qrrfqfir %q: i frf?^t ftf??sqRiTg: gqqqg?rg qri i fqrqrqn t?qjmq gqr ^fqfffr*?-
fHTf:g f^q%q qtq qqqfa ffqqg II

ffaff?r fa^fifa nfaf int I

3T|wrfafanpift s *fa n fas? ftntt *fa^irT iimii
^sfa: i f|?t i ftNs^ i nsfaif i wr i ^jfrfa i i *nt i
^t|s«it i i ^rnfa: i ^sr^n i fasi i farti i fa 1sronfar ii m ii
^fwffq ^HqTf^q fqqfqq fcnqfqq qqrq qqtqrq wsi qqroqfqrq frgq^q i qfaq
tqrci frarqtf^fq q?i: i wq qrt qmqfqqit gqqqqfwq^r qqqrqr qqsnr qr^wrt-
*raqq i qfqqqq: i fqq fqq qq$q i q^raf^q ^fqrar$: i fmTqqnrSTqTt areT^m i fqq%q
qrr^qqq: i ^qrqf q^T# fq^fqqqq qatf: ii

i5ri fafa% ^ upfc i

^5i^r w^r ^th ii !f ii
i ^^31 f^fa \\qi fai ^ i i ’fw^i ^nisfarn: i
^ i snfa: i ^sfa: i^»i qq i i tpA i n €f ii
^ glnqutfl ?q f^fq fwr^qrfq^T^q ^qqT3T%q i vmi qqwnft
J1^*T ^hrereinqY qqw% m fl wum i fx qndfq i qraiqfwftn: fqfq^fq q i
ii w^: ii

OH 1 w*njfw *i<if<flflRfr<i«wwg: TOTPifo ^ 'sjfcnrarcntft n^rran-

toOi ii

^sfafltrT ntm *nt TOfJI ^TNT: I

TT^t ^ *'• $*Tlt f*T^tf?T ^l^rT ^11*1^; II $11

Vjc( | *7: | 737^ | ^[fam I ^rT I %?i: I *RI WSfll '3fT I «Ti i ^:sut: I

1^1 1 gs*Tf: 1 f^rs^K* 1 1 ^TTI 1 1 ii$ii

% ^ ^fri^rrawOmT wtfr h*c 1 jjett: i 'amOt =«r tfnrr ^rfw^r ntm

*re 1 wOi ^ **3t *r* 1 ^frtrr w^r ^nrr w 11*pr?: gj £5t*tomr *}
^?rf i*re[Tfff fftfr ^Tfii Tra ^ 1 irerae 1 ^rrfti ^ ^rti^TRi ^jm^n ir^na-
xrg^fnroHw^ 1 trrera 11 11 ^ 11
JT %g%f?T «f*NNrg*T ^5Ti %g»T I tSgy^OsfSJTT ’TTRfl: I Wf^H: tia: 1
?f«n MTg?Rf7t 1 u %<prr ^r Otfwwr^pff iw xt% 11 wf^t:
faOrotn: 11

u %rj?rt ^rtrqfTRT ffafcft Ti^frr 1

1%-^f^ar^wT ^npn ^ff^t wi 11 <\ 11
n i%fprt»^fWT 1 *TTfiT 1 ^fti: 1 ^n 1 1 i 1
f^n I fkj[[ I^TSTTT^ I ^1 WKl ^ I^*53t I *rfp: I ^7$lltyl

qfqjgm »Tff!T %pn «^i%«r giw: *ra^ff *nfn 1 in^ur *ngfn 1

OH ^qT»imTST*WH^ fw 1 ^ W4. 3yftfn 1
tram wftaH gfornn. ^^Tsr^Tf^srnjnTT *rr Oim ^1*^ 1 gsr^ srnftOi 1 w ffHiw-
«nq3;qn*nqw sjxnsn%ifrfr% ^^rrar*n wf^fr 1 vfil h

wrfc *wt qi^faw w ftrtfNf w*faL 1

sr ^msjshnfa W(% w*mt f^mfrr 11911

hhH; 1 T$: 1 1 ^fr^sTTH 1 1 ?m: 1 farffs^; 1 srcpfru
w. 1 l^swtffT 1 ^s^wifa i *p?r; i ^ i 1 ipw 1 f^nrfff 11 s 11
ajHT «{|i<ngf^^rt^wt fw: ^rwpri ^nTOr: ^ffr^ 1 1
#»n 1 ui^prHHfi: 1 ’i#
msT^rf^qi^qT^fM W^tl 1 ^rfrOr 1 €tiOr^mTf7r ?r*r
#rf% fiH. #7 ^t^Tgrt^^<r^Tf^^n%3 f^gm: im»fr ^mn
fa*rrft 1 ara^fW 11

^IrT^ ^t€i rf^f 11? 11

u srafasqqi: ii

3U i V' I *[$fa I faqfc I i fa I 3^1 I I irf|: i

fid I qwfa ‘ i ^S^m: i qjqd I ^ I«fq: I ^qq n$n

ftrfr^uvT^ *i*i*n^»r i i wr*r i f%4w»rr%ifq

^ w$: i 3*: gfhfenftw ^ f*r 1 *nnfr Freiht vtt^t i
TjaptS%i^<.i0^^iin wtt?i qw wUqf»T arogsTT qipnfw *rr i
TOf^HT *BT& I 1 ^ri: 11

qq^fa fa wmfk r* qqqfavRt faHT^t I

qjrnq m qqrfa qq^fcrq ^rfa 11811
qq:sqq: i fa 1 qfa sfa 1 qd1 1 ti 1 qqqf: 1 i famsqt i
Wili I H* I zfw I ^Tfa I 3R*fa; I faq I ifafl II8II
1 «f*rt ?*wr mrer qft wp qq: tnftwtjq gq%fq 1
vraWi 1 qft q ^faqnwr: 1 nqfq 1 ^
j^t^t qraftqT^vKTf^qrft^ 5TH tj^Tf^r ?W!T#I
*renf 1 vrnqfa11

qfwd faqT >§fa qdit q^TTTq qfa I

^ qrat TTtrbsnrfa^ $qf qd fd fqfq: «\\ »

$q: 1 q*§: 1 *r^: 1 qjwd 1 fam: 1 $q:1 qdu: 1 qqj qjffd 1 qfa 1
gq: 1 qrat 1 Trotyl ^THS%: I $q: I <j?t: 1 qd I fq 1 ^wfq: 11M11
*rfr nfri q?<R?r ?iw 1 ^ w qfftq sennit gq: 1 nqf* 1 jfcrr qw w#?
qqfa 1 *ra^Rj 4tR^w<?wt^WT?[T»rnf qqq ^rrf^wt %fq *p3ef% tj^t «q%q gq: 1
qqfq 1 % qrraq^r smnrsrft w ffs^npp’rrg^BRrf qqT<t q^wrflq gq: 1 nqfq 1 qrsft ff
^ qrqxl SRrr^rfqfqigfqt ’srran vtspit qtqsrgqft 1 q® qq*n«uy qai qfq^qtq: %qq w
Vh gq: 1 nqf% 11 11311
^«w4Ki*u-*i qrwT gft qfQftq'i 1 gfqq q 1 m^t ^rrsrrgmwr ^r|4t gfr
?r^i^ioti.^.i Tfij 11 ^TfM'<*Biw|fg: 1 WtW^i ^rrsin 1 gf^n ^ 1 ’str^srr ^?n: f^
g>Nfi: iw^. <10.1 ’cfTi 11

xim hht qqf fa^fa: faqifa: 1

fafa ^rmt^ sfaq ^qr fa^nfa ^qT j II If 11

*$' i q^i 1 1 q 1 fan i i fa^sfa: 1 1 faqifa: 1

fafq I I ^fqq l ^[:sw I fa^t I ^ 1 l f^sqfa ll % \\

vol. XV. D
* *wt «imRwt g*: i w^f% i #tjr ^ $$
sjH: i f^rar f^f% ^5r wwiK*uf^w k
i ^ ^ ^ f^f rrt w ?f*nfr fr^f twi i a

mu fan: ^7T ^ smfaapftffi fa^: I

q"-«rerafa: ftpTtew snfa ^najmfa %fa u o u

^ i faff: i i ^ i ^fa: i i tftft i fag: i i i

awnfa: i fafa: i ^qsfa i snfa i ipiroj: i ^n^rtfa i %fa »«u

nf^^sar g^f?r i % Rm ^^mTgwfsr %rrr *c WW ?m
*mrn4 giffcrf^N fsf^nr: «a^*if3itf wrt ^ i * mfimwNRitf t ^ ^nsRrt
^ ^wri *r*R ^rsnrrSm u'aw'Tw *r^r vffii
wT»rfwra^&'<a ftg: *HNi ^m: *rraRr*j^^i ^rr fafiiK+ft *w wn5 4ugi«n^ta
aft4^i f«rf»T%^r i wni f<RR i f^R fRl^RTftg^Trsff^RT^f^l^# *t%
*w*r ^rfw: %awRfR7ft mf* <n«if*i*«aig^ wW g^ns t%m ^ji<WH«wi-
g\rrR R^aifa i ?t|^R *ra wr^*rnr^fH 11

^ fq^WpnjuifH faufatfaff I

sstfa* <»njHK fafa: ^ fafa nr: 11 bn

s: i fcratrif^! i w^*nfa i faiFt i s^ssfaff: i ^nw: i srfai3f*[«nu

fassffafal1 Hflstfan i sro^TT^ i Fqsfa i faff^i fa: i *r^% i fan: i »n: util

wrei ^fU<ri ^fr tt n iwOm****^?»*f^r: Rranm^igw^n^i

RgiaiMfri^fMdfiflfaHqi *RT fiT^fii^ur ^f*R ^wwrfaRU ^ifa*j*SH g^TRi^rat
€HT^ tijr<m»im»f fian’aff^T i *rerr i i i f^nfHmf f^RiC^^t
auM^R i fTRR i ^f%t wthttRisp*: i fws fRRTRQi fRpw wnft *n: vgfw: ^»

Tqftt ^%lieil

i^ft I ^ 1I ^S^rf^’rT I m3: i i ^Sitfa: i jpfanN1

vtrgm i i rfm? i ^nswasi: 13\f31 ^r i vri i

^faffi ii <iii

srprfTK wri UTTO t& ^

«irair«i f^rot i w i *(«fafffyqi^T ^nws^T ^t i <(\«wr fwi *r i
Rr^rfwRi f*R[T^ wt^t ^pwift w i rtfm tfn i (
■jfHr ’^HwnRrnir w gnN. w ^ i ’rtt^sw g«HKi*l i ffe«?i^:-;1 1
tfir htR rj Rr^^q: s&qi'V» ay a
II 9*9*S99i: II

^ wi giiri *ii<lw tto: p: fthpfr ■gr^g^fiafiKi wt i

,^nf^i \ ’sgjpft i ijrm tf* *nfrmn i tito: pfftf* wfireT i fwt *nw: i i
^ srrprra i wtfr fi wp »rrini srgpft ^ nfidfo 11
jih: gftRPiqfrr ii w^t f? %arr*rrf*!rer: i gfart ^ i w*fr fw %f?r f^fr fwwi
gq*pPU W m.

^nft fs *t ftftg^ar ft ^ ftnra i ft* *ft9 9ft% inn

snft i ft 1911 wsgft: i m: i 9: i i ^mpr i ft* i i?ok i 11 s 11

ff *rr g*i *rcftga: gw m^ra: *?r »m aranfigt g4
iwro ^VTTm i w i ^i*i«rrH'it«nwi*i gr*w i upwi ^%wn5: i *r| wra pnftaro
=^?% ^rm ^ *m i wm. minin' aft q>an>jpftgpS; 11

ft ft fft^ftft T9919J 9T3iftft ft I 99ftfbl 9THt: IISII

q: 19: I frpfSrta: I ift IH9t I 919991 1 9J I 191rlt: IRII
^ fro ^tgnt t*: fwro: pw roftfifti ^ft^^rm. htto i
%aaa i ^^frsrsiTiam: i TP* gsft: i wftftatana p gaagtlr irrom am;: w t*
a*rr maaft amft wt. ii
hw 31919 ft 99i ^ft9 fftft*? i ^nft 99^91 9 9:11? 11
riftI Wt 13T9T9 19:199$ II fftft9 I 199ft9 19 I 9: II? II

~i aa w <itw wa ftaTmrrarrfwa aftrn tt% mfirra ammrrt faa

at pk aara 1 aaara 1 aa ftrtfa afaaftsnf: 1 w 1 wrw wa ftamni gaaft-
vftftfcm ctf aa ^agffog qaaa;aa a*N aar Haft aar at pro 1 aarra 1 fta
\ ara: atmsraaa a 1 gaataTftar«ft aataanfarS: 11

9 ft ^kf9^9 ^nft 9ftj 9hft I ft ftftl ftftj 9: II8II

ft 19: l\ft: I Sffaftft I Wft I Hft^ I ftflft I ft I ft: I 19ft| 19: IlHll

Wi xnqT«^n^ t ’pr w. 1 ,«rfH^iwtn^r *rag 1 ^rumT^at

^ 1 tfta^ nT*rnEi ^ wg 1 ttot ^g?wn»it <l*n«ui wi parpi
^ J^g 1 ^ attanawwpfi ^ig 1 ganf ftHg n

lft9T ^iftftjT ^ftflWftt9T I ^ft ft9Tf9 ftp* || MII

tft91*. I 9Tft9ri | I ftNftft » ^9: I 919if9 I 999 IIMII

^twt aTtrwwaini alffqqi«(l»fr ^ q<;gj1^n*ri vaiaiJfhnaT t?g<i^W*rf Kgwrt
^r^Tref^fV^ '3^RTf»r >p3t 1 gwSlwt. 1 mvrq*ftp g^ 1 h
^9 9 ftft 999T I ft fft^ftgft llSfll
^5^ I ft | ftftJ | ^I9ft?^l ^ri: I fftftfft 1999TI ^Tft\ 91 fft9Sft>jft llftl
*0 II H
» * u *

mtil TjqftH q%q q*fr I sqf^q ^ ^ IISII

wt: l T|#rT I $qq I q^ I W^f I | 5q^ l^l^l^HSII

s^Rfa: q q?nT qfNi ^ ^ft qfq i qqTffifapte q^t %q iitii

^ i wq: i q i ^!«t i qi^i fqj i ^ i |:s^ft i nfq i qr^i qj i i i
qr^l qT I I qW I ^rf llbll

^nqt WFqqrfiq *$q q^qqrff i

q^ternro m ^H% «r jtt q *pr q%r 11e.11
i qren srg i qjqTftq i i q i ssprofl i
q*terF( i^iqqiqffirriqjMjri^qi qqqT ii en
'srcj ^ sfofr qaflffoiif^ftiqa^ iwn^i ftft*fmgT:*ri; smsmrr:
i^oq.^.^o-^.n n mi
# ftftft i *Riq*h*i?t i 'st RfM<&»n *m-
gfwNft fag*rrsf *m iffaR ^ <ri wrs *ft i tfw: wi TRtrr§?ft*nsi-
<jg f^TORr: *pft iw « ^fmfr *rr ^ftft ssrnsrrec i w
«iw ft?rftn^g’tfft*ffts n %^?fr *m ^rm i ’sHT^tf^nwr ftgR. 11 ^nfr
ftftqft: ii

w fqPR^tq q^TT q^TT %: ^ N^qN 5FpqTq I

fqrjqqtrrqT ^for qm qifq nat qtofq: 11 =i n

sfH i fqqj qqtq i i q^qj i fwt: i 'p i fqqj qrdN i sppqiqi
fqg: 1qqM i m i ^for i qqi: i qifq i ^fq i qsnt 13Mq: n <* 11
: sfcrrq ^aft i tot^ *m Tift *nft tFitr i ftfrinff*-
fmainrere i m*ni^mraro: i g* ftrersft ft^Wf ^-miH «l»i«qR
amrnft *nft i ftrftft £*T*f i ffireftg i 3»gfa«n5: i wm apfcnwi^n;** s<#ftn
wro ^ i Tjjr^nft i i*snf»tg«§J«T ft^rr ami if#
c^Nft i «ntei ^ft?n qftftft 5*rft*i wmm ^rft^rsrft i ^ift ^ fqjrro^'
t^nssfff: gw ftgffiqi aqi^raTfa wfti yft*ii i Tjftrfftrrwft i[srtr: i Jmt *rere i
^tpffqnftw^i i TOi *n?aroii*raw %vrr fttrnn saimft^TwR ht#T5WI W*
^ninftirrm wnrnr ?jRft i Tnrnift^nn ^ qvig % i w qo. <*. i ijjtoth; #

q ^ qqf qx^r 4iMq^o^^TT qf^qj qqtfw i

wpqqrat q^q %t %qt q^tt qNqT qft ^iq; irh
n wnftstfBfi: ii &

* I ft \ I Wm I I TJflr^l ssoten i mjj f^s^n \ vtstHtt i

qg: i iircjT$*J i 3far: I %: I qftit: i I x?fti ^ u*n

^i(fl-R sO^lsst *nff sugars i % sf* % its wt irfwnlH Tftfrjsfr ss
ssstrir qftgiw* w s sft I S SSTOTft i «wfwwrt wd Turnnfrft-
ftgw nftflisiftnsiqqT J^rrtn «sft i ttstts sfrm: i s^iff ftr: gs* ft^s
si»i«qiftgrei nPiqssqvfl i »ffr TUsUgs^r mro: iroft st w^: gsro: gsgsT
^t: i 4Uvaifts-M7ftT ssTsrftsrfaft sksNi iftoq.'s. i tf* ftsw i irpt ftfsn-
fftrf^TTTt vfrft vHftrmfr f^Pt ystw i sn^fsfrmr i ’pgiftsf sfftn«nfiian$: i ~ ~ ~ 11

m ft wrjrfifl f^mr i

fa ft JWt *fafa rnrnsft m3: ufammW fafasm: n?n

gsifft I q I ft I SRJPftW- I *ffiU I far^l aptf I I

^ i ft 1I I VTfqI ^ ^fft I i xri^: IWI ^n I fftfw: II ? II

gsrrft spft *m ingsTS i %fn fasnfri^ i % *m ?t sfwi sngms:

^rr nn^'^ii s}i^*api«i^Mtss wss i swift st# T[ft swre fftjTHftsnftwtwifi i
<rjff7T i sswnft i tjw f^5^n?r ^r*mt g^renfj ssmraiT^: ssiftgsftssuOsf s*frfti#ft
ift: i sra: snwft *s TisftrTmft wra i sftsp$: i *rsfsi fsft ft *rrft i ftvfast i sft
susft <s Trraft i sift sc i srajftft i sRfts w stsfam
swift: sft&fr ^st trftt TmftsTftesTs sst <s*ift *m sftsfwr sr
wctw ftfw: i wfSftrftsr i sftft swra%sftrossfasTf^ sit »

H %*TT ^ ^JfT^rTT SRfrT \

qmrf ^ ^faT AT fa mfa: mfa aft II #11

*i ^i i|u i mfR i ^i f i ^ i mm i faim i i fa* i

fafa: i mq[sgi mwtR i ^Hi m r: i mft: i ^ i mfai tt^i m 11811
wt *uff g*r^l i g^T ^ smiM^<si«ii»i*i*i«Mr<fii<i+n*i'wrilrt^Tt^fi srqr s^i «r wsi i
*ngrt i ssig?nfit wrfft s^sfr gssfrigTurow srar si^t 35 ftf^si i s|st i * si^t-
ft^sni: 1 w«usw»i ’i Tft ^msrc 1 sift srr'g 1 smftspnfm^ 1 smft% ftisrt jNst
^ x^fftr^srrst st vn:ftiTnf^T<aiftftswT st sifsnrr sftTftisrer wt^t *wrg st
^STSst^TTftsrsftinns' i »mrrft7nafti*nii 1 'flwwTisnTiii misis^^ifii «rivs*pfi 1 tft
^nss^MiwiisTis^isiisifngTii srenfow si'dtflwftsrs: ti
^ ^ 'srfqm t'trft ^fftm fftwi: i
?if%^ ir fVNfft ^wTfft ^ ?rto ijfMt mr n mi
^ i'^ 1 ^ 1 ^fqm i ffft ^sxtftt i 1^: 1 1 1 1
1 m fmrmfH imrift i i^ i sro i imniimii

wst ^msrt ^t Tftft g*rrg*n?r Tttftfr ftwi: Ararat ^fr <*i»nf^pigi«>

^ftm ^Rftnrr rapififtS? g FTTRi ^rnrnnft w. i iraifR
qgVtfiigug i w Trauftjmft ^rf%: ji i f ^ftwrfstfft i * ftft«rfiw'$: i
qrrwnr»?T5rwrcn^R5?t: wpiftsft spiftft *rft wft gsftwnS: i 'vfo »n5rR5fK§ft
jrrgF^r Ff^mnsiftra ^iftft gftpft gf*ra^ i srrrrft i 'amft ^ fth§ftftStift ^RTft i »|»

srer^w*nrenf: *r1.^ i

^ ** W^Tt *pT «$«

w> i i i i 3t$r: i i f 155$ i^:ipiui

*pr^i fa^i 1 ^5911 vrri i ^1 3. sfir 15R: 1^(1^: I 3Ni 1 *pt 11 $11

irawTj: wjrtt^Hftftre5npi «ft ^ 1 wRTfn 1 jr^-tfft ^rfftrsft 7T^g*rTwrftn*r »r

Trrg 1 wftraffi w?m: *fi £fir^ *5m*i 1 *raft 1 m * 1
H<3im*ifn i »f 5fUift<*ft}: 1 finra ^ppsj f^rr^giij^tff^frnT ^T^wftrN 5t^ftr ?rr
n5ffgiznn. *fh*rr FTftrar % 'sjt^t ^i^44t^t ftftra: 1 Jig^rrf^infw
5fwn^*r ^*nrR%*r ftmrTgw^: ^fw5:1 tftg? % *R ft ?r: 1 fa ^r ?fttft 11

imd tu *pi^ ^ra wfamT^ ^T^t sfjNfa 1

STT^R ir4 f% W II $11

I HI I ^4 I SRT*T: I W I SPpt I W*T% I I I

*ipnsi^ 1 ^ 1 w41 frfr^r i fk 1 f^i 1 i*5rts3=r 1 w ii$ii

5rnrer tr ^TjftifHwTPfr 51ft ft ft wtf^ i wF5$g 1 FFftft; tr ipr ffIf^t
FTFmfFspfc 1 faF3 1 FFft FRftRfaR wft fsn# F?rftrR «?a{F«M«f 1 Tt^mt ff*t-
Ftwr *nft wftF tj# *rt jtpSt qtgr^TF 5rrt iftarr f%wr 5nft TfiRRT to-
5Tf?r tr imaW irH f^ftwr i ftf^t i n5finj^«fH«^: 1 f^R 1 g^w: 1 ft
ffcr 11 wrt 11 wST^edTHTngftvg^^R: 1 fR ?hr: 1 T$*r 'srit ttoh# ^
5RT ||

*T fH^fff ^ f^ f^^Trj \^\ WSJ p k I

3fn^r in% ^ ^ ^ ^t 11111

* 1 fkirfiT 1 * 1 fa 1 ftrifk i ^ i^^Fiif i 1 ^ 1 ^ 1 ^tfa 1

^r%t 1 rai\^rnpn i 1 1 tH i f^n ^ 1 ^tsscr, '^r iibii

wr mgntft 5r: pj? 1 ^fTftitffti %tptt ^Nftpft % ^^ifrrnn^WTra^ft

5ft«ri gpngiror^bTO^wr^ qft?=r*{fH ^ ^ttt: wmmft ^RRRKTftm »f ft^ft1
5! ftr ftftft 1 %5wr * f^fn 1 gwrg« 5rr *r: ’vftfrr ?i ftr^vl %anJ: 1 % ’wvff
g:<aftiftr ft wfftift’r g? ftni ^rrft 1 «5ri i »twt ft S*1
^T^T*rr»pR5 I 7R gHTTT: I TBft TOFT W TTTWT^ ^ # '
a«So/*0S.$°So.] II WFRtSW. II

%r fi^rn fa^pn^rtfa lien

TT#h: i ^ i s^sfa: i ^snsn^i I i I ^i ftfafaTr^i

f^T I I ftnpIT | *R^frT SS^I *pft: 1 TO^lfopn^l ^ffa IIQ||

*wra ^st%m hut wrf wrnft i innseg i wrfa
gi^srrH *wi*Tlfa*fl«iKi. i w^g i flprr gfer^rr ^rrrr^nrWf s* fSrg^rr ffryft
^wnwt^’WFHr* ^ wu i Tpmn^i *pft4*r«amumqia< ivt^rg i ^rthr
: n

fii w WT Wsangricr ^nfa *N 5iprt: i

nt sr$fa ^T|*r*rf*f^r ^j[ ^fff ^ ii so n
sn i v i wt i 1 ^sikr i ^nrfa i *ri i *mre: i i snriftr i

^ I ^fff I I ^T| I SN I 15|SI Hftf I TTf^ll so II

^ ^3 ^rmt Mfawti^TwmTfTt qifceifa m marepcifti gwfa

wifasjur w «i^Tn. i w irfii«ifti i ^frT i f^n% gwr grfa^rsff
trfff wfirfirajijr i *t*to i r^rat fwro <ra ^tt: %tjr pminaflii wygq *rff? 1
wra gi^ 11 n^n

fa ^TrTfcra^TR fai*| ^T*TT I

^*3*t ^iwjinfii WTt $ W*4 || SSII

fa I *THt I STOr^l ^1 SSRTO I H^ltffT I ft I ^ I I ^I

fa:s^sfa: 1 fas^r^i

sn^s*m 1 w§ 1 ipn^i unfa i «pqt i ir i w$ i i ftnjfai iissii

*pft*rttorn«nmiru 5W! 1 wufawmlT gwiffoMwni *nrfn u arrm

1 fij wtftr 1 sr wnffaHr: 1 f*fa hwt JTf^prf wirt f^ro. f*n#»i
uruftf?! w ^nu f%g 1 fl srr wtfn 1 iwt %Ffwprftwro
^r^rfwrir: 1 wri *rrr%F gf$m wft *tf w*n«qn^n<0i3i»pfi wwnrf f wfa 1
1^wrftr 1 wtjr^T % ?m wet ^<tX'nr w4 ip(tt « frgfh* 1 wr^r 1 wfft*r ^nr 1 *rt
5tw*7’j%nJ: n

^ ^T ^ ^ «T^t t&[ W Ttrj^TT Hpwt|3: I

m^{: ^ ^?ri ii ss ii

^ 1^ 1^^ ^ 111 H*qt l ipsf I ^ | ippn I wi I W|: R: I ^ratt I

1 *n^i i 1 * 1 ^ 1 *mt i^snn i ^ i Tmuji ssii

*8 H i

^ Trti i1 *rf* 7l *ra **rr ’arflf^nj <M*nrfV*l ^ i * ^jqpiri i %*

^qsjqtfit | wftwf*i-<^i4Y«F5: i ^ft wtat ^rarr *rf*pTt fwrog. f*ra?rtta’r95sf?r i
5H»j<i5 i ?! *rni mqtfiiHsUWn: i fwaT *i«(ffl i tpitotto ^ g»r^ gj »rsr*f^ ^
?T^rffti«r*r tj^qxn ing^: ^pfrrawwpsrf^TO^ra^ i i % iw
TjrT^fw <?nn ¥f wij n ^ifs i *r gnwq?i i %s^fn h
^Tflt ^ T* ^ f^q ^nfe*l I
3?*JT fey rtf f?R -qft fefe ^ MW
*nr: i w?r i wftf i *m1 ^ i ipu fl[ i : i ^ i ^r i safem i
w*n i fey i «tf i Wt ss=c i fii i vft i i fe^srr s 331 ^ 11 11
*pft xt^^r- 11 ^ft ^<ft 1 *Rtf7i f*nmi: ^igwst: i ^*pw^jiftr i %
?r»ft *pfr*ra wsi 1^9 ^ gf3pra»rera*nnsi ^ %*nfa^T*T i *r$ «t ^rnffa tt* i wu*tt
?irrf^r^ to ufr; *tot?I ftnr i tr Trsms^tgrol i gw w to T«j4**i««*ir
qqratra xif^-gt^ <r%<i 1 f%jgira f# *r«rr f^gwt srafrnih* fw i w^reri
npiqmv^ffi^i *ri qfww %^ftam: n
3 tf fer^q ^ rtf lift tqwi^ ffejfe 1
fe Vr ri S W fTSfT^t ^21 tffe n8ll
wtf |gj sfn I$ Itfnifty I wai: I'^ tf?T 1 itf Inft I IfofSTTS^I^•

TfW I ^IT In* I IfW IW-1 ^T ITT^ I I *§^1 tfsW1 gS*ftf HS8U
*w g^rrro? i% afii wrog g 355 qfc^^t i w wt^fq qft
I ?r 1 fwg%^r tifreraTl i ?rar *rf?f 1 nni^: 1
cE* ?n?i ^ ggw ^ r®? 1 wrnro 1 ^ w «%<*p$: 1 « ^ ggw^r *t* 1
wvnr q^^’c^ni^f^Tqnt ^ ^ ^ g^f gw^rniff tn^^wt*rg^f«rffT 1
II ii^ii
f§f?r «ra^irT^r gwi»tffg>5Twnl?n^i 1 ^rgwrnnfwf^s^: f^si <*,i«: • Tf5r’
'qrrgwTTT 1 f^T wi^i g f^f^7Tf»rf?r 11 ^m: gwfgt^m:«

fe: ^t% 1

fe ^ ^ ^ feT n mu

^rt 1 ^ 1 1 1 f|^: 1 i 1 \ i

gm^raf^r ft’W^rr v&t wrmqr«i: ^>!TOf^^fM<,f^<^ui<<i<if9h!ti^i ^

iff^r ^<ft*rt ft^ft tt qrflg^NwpiwHh^i qtiwr
gra^^nmni^Tfir ffl ifl^v 1 mi^fa ilw w tpt wT^ firarrarn^rr nW
m ^ ^ ^jfTMTfn ttot ^*i*<rMa}i«ii^w^: 1 *rfrr*ft ^nnff i«rfwn: '*mi|igg?^91
g?rag« ♦
ii h

ttfeMfast ^ ^N*rr ^ trft *tttj h i

to ^fkHt ui<j *rat ws: itaflt fk thrffr irii
^ i ifytfF: i srot I ^»^h*?UT i ^ i ^i nfti TOi*h wr: i
^rMflflflftgqTgiwfl mftTifoNr wnft: mfm gin i* Amur
affcrmftft i i ^jftgmSfta; i *atg»f *m grgg ggt ^ qft mg i
gft: gwmg i M mrrfmmm gm mm? gjf?f i ftq\ft w«0m) ififtf
rnfas^ ^ wSf ft vTg i ft^ng i ftari wmg i sgg: gfm mmnnni gwf
ati’Sfti HTm ft aftft i ft^nr mftft i grftftsft: i arnpft %*srt gmnfft: fttg g$
^wwOft i^: N

st fa* *5J ir^iyn ^ro *fa% i

^$i|smspmTO frwit fa^*fa sftsfa*; h$h
^1 f I *TO I *TOT I I 3\f I | ffatt I I *Nr*c( II 5 II
»t^t gmfan v«fl si^qiTi #ftj=rft m *rt ft?t. %*r wftrfaT »ft%
mimg gmnmg ^wTf^nft mft g ftwgrra i gftmnft i gffomflwfr i aiiftftwyflft
^ i *ra«(hifl *gft iftg ang«im«rggm mi wramroi mrftni ftmt ^mrnmjrrmt
?ftfw^s %%miftgg arg gjftgiNr: wfa^rrg mmtong srftgg t ^ftraamim
mrmrtaft: i *^rf3ftmftft ggm n

*W *f ^ fa"t fa*3TC! faa4tf%fan: TOt ^ten; i

^ fast ^rfa ftwkw tftfanm 11811
^ i ^ i ^ i fas*t1 fas*Ercl i fa: i $n» sfair: i to: i i
^i M: i i i’snth i i ftrrtt'i I *ft: I TOTO ii8h

J^ftTrt; fft: $»rreft ft: w«ft *ftgUft$ft?ft ftft g?ft ftgmrf

i^rt H ufty ^tg mam nftww gftm»n7T.i 'miamg.i gft gft <r<i4t
1yfinm>n*i a wmrr ftsfr gwm gg^n giftft gfnng^g»iftai< m ^mcqfM gaft
^ vWT»nf<fa*iian*m i gsift: mrrmr faft: n

sq fspai4 mpn jjflfH: ii m ii

^I I m* I 1I ffatft: i ^ II i
i^ti^i srto: i i i i i ijftsft: im n
VOL. IV. ' E
it 11 [sr° $. <!• lo.

% w?tw ^wfufa i t*NWC i *w J*n i H^^T^iwrPi

gnrrfn ■er gfs gpfa fw^fwff^Tf^^^ra ^uilWifn Wt1 ^ ^ ^
?r»j^t *t*j«p® i ijFtfw ytutflM. i iT\«ii«nri ><5ffl frq: i f^nr® nr
qftgfr w^ ww*nw tt wngwgwnr mpnw: «ii«*l wtw ifawwm hw*i wro-
jrr»n3 «iftwrf%r w*nrw?fw i »e. #

faiTTt *TR ^T I* »

fa^fw *rf|f: *TOwfV4r) 3T^t 11 $11

^1 I fcTrTTt I 5ITC:: I ^T I H*11 I f^rF I If*: I I
U^R rarfft: I l l fff^l i wjp l ^ i jrf\«%h
\ ^ ar^tf wjffir: ftTOTT ftmft wSirrftmT WTfq^ ircp*ro i *w **ra: i
wr wmf i TiMwf^ri w ®<r«igwiwnT 1* w wwgfWt uft wf
*nnfoi ^frfw^rfn mi I qnt wwwnwHftwwfii i wn^stfrgft i rfrt
f?^T %wf* i *ran5: s^r-1 wratafn ^«n*is*M^f?i i f^fiii i
frnrfrr i www: i wfjrwfa ^Tftwt ftm w i
w4 I W I WnfftRi; I WW Iw W 1 'T^‘
for^Er^: \ ^ ^TwivnsffffWM^N i *j<jf^iwf« t wftwwwt: i wgr.
Trrwn. w*n*n t aft* fr* i wft wwt ?pT i ww%3wnfi[«n®pft i \ "#* wwt wm:
«4fi4ww w?J ?nwwwft wwi 11
^TFffw F7TT *rffT * * I
^it^t ^RT^t WT * ?pf ^N^qfiT ^ IISII
^ i^skt i^snfiriTiff: i w^f[\ I^ 11*rfH i1 q i1
^i i ^ft: i i ^n i w* i ssTn^: i i ^f?r i ^

% W fwt ^rej w^rt gwfci i^w^nfw ^

i *gnftfNi ®f ifH^^: i « wnwrifw ir ^ i ®qiwl-*wnir
in^ur vm i wr?fr w^fhrt: i ^W-1 *w ^rnft^f^wi: TO ^fw: i m ^

f^wtwT i wif<flw4«T«®nfw i wrwsn^*^11 1 tt

®fnnl wftp?t t^ww ^irw. i wtlw 'iwn^ 1
w i^° wt° m. q. q. i ifini

^ TjqT ^^ I
TRt ^ ^rfwrif^ ^ ^1*th Htil
q^i ^ i iw i ^rsifH: i H^tTfT |\^ I ^rm i ^rj
?wt i ^i^i fts*ratfa i sws’i: i «T>i i si: i ^nt i ^swi i *m«,»i!"
ii wnftsw ii

\ w gs^T?! gg^f gfi»ft\gmnfr« ^fNffinSmn gqfts g*$g jt^

(ftwu grot* i ^t wft: grgg i\ ^vrfr ifgdguii«qg*i ^ gg^r
g wfg Twj^rrfSr wf% qfrgwrt gfwrg fwnft fgggfg irq tott *Pr
jqrngffl ggroi gflgn *n*iig»iKqqij7T HTronr gfawg ii ^ *n*nft[5 • 3tfl<oi«;jnfl|Ki<*ifl-
x^ri hit#'Q.<i.?m i %: grft grog; i TOnffggrtfgro j^sg: i qgg i gpmg i tohwt
inr%w^: 8

^ f8§r i
sn Trrftrej^TTwt ijftf ^ajf: iiqii
^fin 5t: i ^ i i ws^l i ^r i 1 lifter i $f^ i
i *: i ^nf i sffi i^% i *Tfcfc: i^TOf i i
\ ift gg% fling i»i fl^srmflTVTT% gga/t fgro: amhqi^g wi ?jfg i ^ i fg
g^roi totoI i garogr ^vr*tfli mpfr jr*m ^wt4Y«i i ngwit ^grorfjr gg-
*rraT%: a'^t i flgftq a$q tot qUqrrg gg nfn ^3% ^ ngnfllfirofl g*r ^rr:
PT qqt% Tt^flt groTTjfggroT qg 1 grog 1 |rori *ret gftf^friq Jj^wfgmgra^qro
flTfa: gro. 1 w ^fTfgpq% gn: t flfaffcrft tot 11 #1011
gftffl gro? fT^rr ^iffltahffq^Twr^ 1 gT^gro 1 arot fifing: 11

f ^w. wccm^d i
*pr^ tffiftnt *r; mu
ST^t 1 ^ i Tgmt 1 sft 1 1 ^rfas^ 1 wn 1 flsrs^ret i
1 ^1 i 1 i #^1 ttrrt 1 1 ^ 1 ^ 1 ^ 11 «i 11
garoror flarqrgt fl(ronf<qft gg% qgroa^ tot gnrr qjqralf giqi^fg^if^fl gwa^m
flfTfjTOT% 1 grfgap^q 3jgg fTqfggro wro 1 gfqragiggfqffl^ST: flqfggT£T%
flro: 11 gftaf w%. n «w 1 gg^r ^ft gtflflTfltifg^ggTg gp Atfigsgro. »*w4Kgq.
TOrersrarrtf ^rrof qwfgm taflqfl'i'afl<i ^arrrraqw imr tot. ttt^tot. ftm ^qronrrsroT
farfi^ffl 1 fl^mraroT^T% grro^froft q^titwEgfwH: v

?rft ftrq f^wf ^rt ^fhn^; mu

i^R; 1 ^Irsij: I 1 ^ I h: i I twr: i 1
i ^s^if i m:s^3faR: 1 %»itnt i f^ni: 1 1 *nfNR; 11 ^ 11
gtrornfritg^t ^gTff^T^^nc^gTflffq^ggyftg 'rftfRjUg flf
1 TTTtjg i a\^n^g 1 qrofr ^toto gro: fgfgwrg. fl^ totot.
ii n O»$.sioM0<K.

di#r m «tt vpnm^ft *rr wf*rw «fiiy%*i ^W%n *rre^di ^^(h: i

i[w4: i jjj[: qjw: Cidi&idi f^rsft vjdT qro wtaTdfini%d tot ^ 11

^T^^rcrpiiT faiflt 5nmHt vrfaw ^nflf i

fa^f I^TT fT% *1^ f%5*T ^7T ^r: II? II
^tt^i i 3**jw mfai fa: i i ^nmfa i tnpfa i ^pff sfa i
^laNd^d^di ^sre: wruraR d^r^wTft^drrwrrm
*?qm ’Stwi ^ff gntn^gfr vrrqfd i fa% pn: ditdK% to TOfM tors^ii^
g: i qr»prrefd i tr*ft %m Rfa to ^ ^tctoi ffe^rw «*$<<« $$ ^tf«T ti

^ttfa fa fafanfa W^lfa^fa *2$rT tfcfa H I

W ^€jTfa s gfafa* Wfa fa ^r4 ffafa fafam 11811

^rfafa 1 fa 1 faifa i 1 ^*TS^1 sfa 1 ’TP 1

t^fa sfa 1 3 1
1 ^1 mfa 1 ^gsfafa 1 snfa; 1 1 *} 1 wi i ffarfa i fafam 11811
% scro* wpl ditf d^far 1 dtarffa *fd \ fw^roi TOfroft \
?rnrnjjfl qurgfHt di gdropfifd n drd *§rft 11 drtfw i ^ fRfa srrdTsRpdt gdi % d^d
53^pi i *i-*if<*irit?i 1 ^iirs^TR^T^txTwng wNft n gqt ^gf*ifn TO^diddwr-
qrn^p 11 ^n;^^TT^T«T^ftr ?m: dfmRUgdtfd i '■srcj: tott i ddrr *ftro TWfnVfn:
qjfd: 1 dT*rro TOsfd wrfdPdtffw fadTT d#^r »mrrftg^ ’uwrgf^h’ dRdTPdBj^id
fljsjVdi 1 wprnrrf^rr d^ddi n

fa fatfa Tifa srqf ^fi^nfa ?ra fajTiT fa fa 1

fa^fafa xfa *rrarafa ^rfa ^rfat 11 mi
fa I fafr^l ?T. I Tlfa I 3Rj| I ^11 ^rfa I *fa I ^pT I W. I fa I fa*1
ffar 1 farjjfa 1 w 1 i^T^i^t^: 1 * 1 wri 1 ^ifa 1 i |,MI1
fq-d^ 1 t^r*rr wr ^jmfd ifffd '^pfN ^
f«ftt»njii^^fd dddfd^d ’prfT^currei ^ wt ^ fwif 1
gtn5 1 ^Tirni dfmjRi^ 1 fi 1 i ^<w:
Rm: f^«ft *m*r%d; tot i »rfd wn*r^ i ^tdw»noi^rr^n-
1 arasg 1 ’wft nr^r iRno^i to 'sr^Rr d^fq ^qrofd i ^n: ^
ffro irfd^cRro^: 11 # qq #
5T1H *ckWl H^tfrT I
2TTRJJ 11^11
n®qo,$r° ii ii *<»
|:s^ I l | ?rpt I ^SrTOT I nqi f^S^xn l vretfr I
ivi i qs*qj i $r$h hi ^eh i xqff i ^rcisq^q ill'll
fq$[ ?q^ fqn^q: ^ urc^ i
q^ ^fwstq^Tsi 4 wAm n$n
I^r: I I *p$fhfqH^H: | , i|j^ |
i wtf^: i i *qfa i qrqiq; i i i \ ^sj-srr nsn
Jj^rft ’Bfn ^tt t^*fi f^ *r% jit^* gfwanii nM* gnjm
^r i +**i>*i<a «w*»i i«« r»J?i '%^rnlf wi% vtt^ i ^irarni ^nqqfa ^ i
f»? i wifMflw: i *nf% ^nfqyRfl: i TR^Rn^rsi"
sTftnfaft <sftnf*i ^fn nfi; wn i qf<j»i^: i mu

wAfa q^wfW H Tpri-m faa I

ftrat Ht ^RTf^fq^JTPr^fqrn H^STTH II b II
\\m: i ?^|f% i qs^tfa i ^nfrar i h i hh i i f«rcr i
fiw i q: i wi i «rfijflr: i 3rcfj|iq i qfqm\\m i n^nro i tNqii tii
^t t^«i) *rfw*ft wf*r itt^ Trrw*r#nrarci% sfw *hrtft Rifwi; strt^
^rt^iTrff^ f*a#Hi?l: ^ *r f^rar 17m<ft *i ^rnfor: i wrfanu%i*nrrrra qforRt
wwre €^rr wrt f’RTTfsfti^ *ft«rqrRWTW*iFfRRi. i sr^j i wifffiufon*T
*fa<n ■frRrf ^ns sprig ii
^ ^ ^ ^ qV$ f^TT T^fanjita 5fqR |
^ ^ ^1 ^q Tnf^qsnrTTutt qf^ "^f: 11 e 11
^ i q: i ^ i i qns$ i i ^ i wqrta i i
i q* i qf i sfif i^^q # i mfAn i ^hth? i srt i
f i p i *ht: lien
^ <1 T^TT »Rsft fS$(t ^TWmT H I^K
^ fili i Kf^: gw ^ i ffq^T»rr^ S| K wfe
_51 17tm i g% tm ftwRTf^w> fTf^rn wsraf^tn #
i ^rtiriNT i ff^i ^ i vttt ht su
I w 8. q. i xfi[ n

^T ^1 ^Nf ijij q^N I

T^qf^f qppter q'TT w ^ qq|i nciii
30 II «

<*h ?nsh 1 **i:$fa: 1 U1 T^Nk l 1 wtST* I I

ito I I ^fT:»sm % I *tofa i toto 1 ircg: mi
% ifq4r»msi2 si yrraf g$fspsrr% ^ 1 wfi^rnrof,frfw«nt: 1 nsaj?i sir *N 1
wmfTT 1 sjftfH: «~1mr<gMsfl<a# i gsfr* • gs^wft ailan^wft* stfhiT-
^ itsaS™ act* gst sst^bp^; 1 trsajsari^safr: aft*: spsfr Sig 1 fssn^srorfar fsfav
ararm 1 ?r* fans: 1 s§r* w sr% ^rgm tot mR* i«** wiwflifNi^SMifii
f*rfs*i ar^far arsar 1 srgararnarTwvaSw: arrraai: H*r f*% ^rr T^I ^
f^rrfaj f^far aranf* arrant* wtrtt ar^j: srfajrfsarsar: 1 at n
sft* gf*aft*«*ffir sat ^St*T 1 gfam * 1 sat ** sararnt scarfs tsH^arr wi *s
!7*nH sirtaiai 1 sir0 8. <£• itfat 11
?m ^ ^TTT% n H^RT^T ^fit: I
3TT tfM ^ 77t^ to*t ^rTf^% *: IRII
^rfH *7^si=5 I *T7lto ^ftT 1 ^1 T^f I m^T 1 tos4rf: I
1 itep 1 ^ 1 3» ?f?i 1 <to« 1 sfit 1 ^qto sfit 3 si »to 1
i£%l*r II *11
a# x?n w sitassl sisSt ajarcs: at*T sararpt sflsifi»a5i\U! if<a?nfs*K*4fi!i ssafanat
ffsaSisssis gsi ss^ar ffaraSTSwraf sfaiarsgaT: ar^r «|*saft <^**rrarr angsT s*r*rran si gsr
ar an*. 1 amtfar 1 fsrs gst ^ftswrafts^s ifsafrprrei *rr* fs^f*T srtaiaft sir 4t^ai 1
anft aPrisrrsrfai^ aftarraf ^rrai# stararfirsTsasrfat ssar 11

tH Ttr^rfH SFiTtf ^jtofa^rfa 1

nfrr to inn*jrrei ^nRptfv "^rifa 11? 11
xH \ TrsrfH i ^q: 1 ^j i 1 ^:sn 91 1 to 1 *to 1
^^5 1 to i to 1 1 ^7n?i 1 1 1 ^ 1 *pnfa n?n
ssi areuri <a»itin Osfsgaitreifor^ar Califs s^^ignsrifai anarr^raTO^Hftamrrwranfs
xR^Tfs frelgSar ^rpsfn argftr issl^asfti 1 srgfrfTfar 1 aamssfjsiswt srw
^flaftar^: i fsrs ’sgfai: st^wt fsgsTf^^^ai fsrari s^n «*naisi4«i^^r * ^9'
ji^gifar 1 amsrrw Hgs<^ftw4: i srsrw wsT#%mgsf%m HfirsTfwsi star faiar 1 f»i4^ •
srfq ar4^r aiw 1 sivif?T aiH«i«iigsT^ 1 sra^ *rrf»ra^ ^srrai wl 4 gsTfar 1 srfwan^n
afTai aiaaiftaftw^: 11

^%vn: ^^sftrT 1$% TT5TR ^ppT ?TT^rT I

tot Hlf^Ntr^ II %II
^to*. i ^51 1^1 1451 ^njw«?r 1 1
^fiFlflT I ^ I 3[®[rOT 1 1 tot 1 w iff^i n 1 ^ttr^tr^n^i1

Imuf xnrffrnt * <gyw«n^«i i yrfrft i nyfc i fan mnH fowftRwm

j^arf^n: ihitot npxwi^i«<ft»nxfa* nr *irjfot i n i gftvhviifaxuqi
Hl^rt Hwt gfflwTnf faflKaxfrnftwra nfax^ft fanrafa *wt frnWftwfr i
arfq n giatfa fffri ^xnrwf iftr$n3l *n*fa 51m *ftm»ri ^Tfan nfa ?8Tfa<*«i«a
j^rt nawa^a* 1 artwwnm: jffa 1 nft n *m: fsr^rr ipftt mffoftfr 1
viyn^nifraiQ[fVva *rfwrf3f ^ 1 if<.nnfa i gw*: aantwRtHffr •
^ftHTBT^arfa 41Riiri 11

wa wfa fa% 1
3$ TT^TtT ^ lift ^7T: H MII

wa 1 skfa 1i 1fa% i tj^rei: 1 sift 1 i^i

11 mi
wtzft i *npt: Mftrc: 1 ^fast^r Haft fro nrffcni faggrrm finfa Tfa^fomr ifatfpt-
Tjngrft: q<ai«fl«i%mn nfaro xth ^tftr ntfa 1 nnefa 1 nft n gargUft tfmgi
fxgm ^fanUtgri W9ji nPfaMtann 1 gxronfw 1 axpnnfiHflf ^fH gtfwfani: 1 n*l <|
^ ^rarro 5Rf8WTW n TP»ra: 11 ^ tft nrfil 1
ajfrggft gina: 1 awrsr ^nanre gysirro n H«ra: < ff*^TTWTT!i faa
Tsrf: X »1$ X
«Hfqqfgfafii ntouf n#ii f» faroa: hw nwnl 1 nfarat a: Raft aw tfa
tot fa*flranr 1 Hflsnanfarcft faifrar^naTar: firg^aixii nT i
nfa ^r 5ffn^nfTOTf^i^: arar^Tl at nrat a^alTOT^afaa: fanft Ti^nrra: 1 faar
an^an: 1 a*na atafafa aal^sawT ng^a: 1 aaro n^narafaSwr pat t anRat TR*r
faja: 1 anT mpaa 1 tRfanfn ntaeir ant ara wt fnafa^naT wa fro: fron bt ga:
wi tot nggat pqm’afa x aa: gnrfnfanta: x agiRgagi Tmrrr»nwr btwt 1 gPrt b i
nwf^n f? 1 vrf^fvi Tnrrft *nftrg 1 ^ w-11^ x
wafU ^|«t: i

srrrfai w ffW 11 *i 11
i ws^ri: 1 1^I i wt i ^STOTjpi 1
^^frr i tijTjibi 1 *RfriT 17m 1 traH 1 fkint 1 mi
\ B^Btrnrani totx bt sr wi ftgwt ^TfSm if*raT gO^miR^ 1^*'
T’t^r 1 aftfif 1 inra: frgftqrcffiHfrigra* Hrorgfgwi: HWxr^rwtifrfBa-
»rwf^ Tnfnww bbt tox: ^^Tf^wr: y^aw: y*w*flf^
^ xn4iH*iM<Hxt!«»n«uwiB 1 mfro na hwx. ^nfrrnfanw ^ TrruBfri b g
H^aa twS: 1 fawa: T*i «r»nwt mfrot a»nrn *ia«n«na^i x
«rt »TT^ T^# ^T ^1
^ i$l ftnit: 5tgpn: ^ W mi
II *5^: II

to: i i *rpj i wto: i froi i *71 TOT i nsjfw: i sntsnwt i ^ 75fH i

^|5pi^if^:iTOS^:iTOTi3[gp7T:»TOlt: 1^1 ^TT: u*n

ww ¥^fi g^fr f*fr ft* fnfi wft frg ’gHTjgffff»m fff^ i ^nmfn i w *r$frrir-
wffT f i <11 ftwtoi*tf>ir«r*»fi *r W TO^: i *if ^fwnir^f ftifiTf
gif ftmr: Tprnlf »rf3rai f^rt sruifT ^rnrr: ff w ^jrrn tot: ’gfufanfgjn
fwkgf^eff a

'fTfqfTffr fTf# f&f^SfT VW I ffff f Iff 'TO TOW ff ft^ fTfff fltlfff
fffoOfffffwfff w<w: i w m. *o. i ffri 11

*ira ^ ^r^^niTO viffi 11 ? 11

HTri<W i tot: i TO: I wf»TT:sfif: l I ^pfcsfa: I i

^ i ^ i^: i i^ i^ i Writ i ^ i55TO5?t i ^ i ii 9 ii

vnm\ i fTfff: i ni}ft£[ mm\ i f fs% frwfro: ffgfa: ff fffTft

g^rr^r fffa i fwrfnftff: ffgffTtf: ff f^ffRfr «ffn i i err ftf
^^wir^Pr^g^: f\Nfw ?l f «n*q*»T»iT<1«i: frart ^fTff ^T^teRWff ?lff »nf $fr t^Tff:
frrfT «r^f7i i wnfiTtfr TOfn i f^rar: ^wt ^fTfriw TOfn ii

fflfagfU W$tf ^ I ff ff tow ft ft^ff \ i fr® <i<>. i ffn

fi gfff a TUfiftf ifSUff ftwr i $f g^ft^Tff ii

pr -fo Trmru fi farjftt: tffaipr: i

^T rTT TOt: ^WT ^#57T TtWffrot II8II

TO i to i jtsto; i i fi i i sifrfcsfa: i fiTcjs^t: i tfsfaTOr: i

^TT i ?q i TOt: i i ^151 TOT 1 ttto; 1 ffrot 1 *n<pro 11 #»

% ff ^ffgfrfiT^gi^: ftnjff: ^f^nr W fffprfff TOt frof^ «iuft»lTO
ff^ 1 fTfwtffff 1 ff wr^f nqnwfaTOT ffffififfTfTf: ngnrr wtrt fig 1%
TTff.f3|fff ffffT gft fTfffl I fffTf f$f II

^f^TTfau nfl I

|% 3r: ftm ?ts%5q% wf|«n HM «

^rfH^:sf>7:1 *T% i 1 *nt 1 ipi TWQVG i

f^cj^Tf 11% 1 n: 1 firm 1 ^ i 1 *ri| 1 ^f|f^ 1 $n i f57S^ hmh

fffTO ^fTfqimfr fTfW I fPWf f^N I ffTOt% ff fwffl fiRn«a^ f fff^W ** 1

^wrgTnff 1 f fiffffif ffiKr fff^tMfro wrrf ftfg n «18»
r° q0. <$.] ii ii $$

R' fmrci msfcfniit itwiT^: i

dmf to $rm *5 sfrro rAr ii $n
sifTO: I RJ I farrt: i tos^t: i mrorci: 1 \ RtRRR: i
dm i to i $swft i *rf^l?rr i mft i *%i to*to i *u~m n^„
’wf5rr^if5nfm*raT toWkvJto™ grot ggrorasTO frofr xw *fiR-
appprgjrr: i TOT i gTOroftfflWTOrr i<*iv}: i % ^r ^fTOr: i
’enmlTxsrt ^t groTTOTOg»ni fit to i min i 'srftt ^ tftrot ^»mw
s*TTt *5% TO I fW%* II
toot^ <Ofro^i to% ^tarrarr: TO^vflTOf^m fhrr TO»fVqi: i giro ^ i irf?
pferfw: TOTCf fiftrogr^ i w° $.<*o. | ^ II

dff dff Trfaftf: Rj tjf f^t: xftg: i

tot ttstMt ^ttot Rim rr xfrmfa ^ ^ ^ h$ii
m ?f| i m ^ i TTfasfth i t^sffrt: i ^ i r: i i farrt: i xrersfg: i
tot i ivxfai i awn11 i to i rmfR i stair i r\\i h$h
to *ff*rosn% *ft,r*TOi gW htttot: fro^ froTTOT^f: «j^fn: fifrowrt vft: i
TOlf^ctiMH^TlR.W'i: I ^fMHJTTTO *fiTO TOW*T Wf I TO^> I ifhi TO? I TOT ^ ^TOT-
JT^rft rphfr ■totrt sfrroR toci ^ wrf% i tot ii
r r^ri fa^fa: r tor^^to ^ i
ffr*Rfasi R tag^T JRR\ §sptt: II til
R 1 *??*?1 ft^sfif: I R I TO?T l SST^TR I TO I f^rsWR^ I
ffFTR I I I I ^111% I R I I rFTt I ^smdf: II til
1 Ji^ht ftm: TO^f wt totS sfm^frf^r J?t*fn§ ^rr*» ftigfir: to « toto i
^ftTOITTOTTOi^m a 1 TO rSTifro TOTTOTTror TO ffW trfTOWTRr fWTOT-
• wroe i to: g^^T: i gwtafsf ittot i to^to TftTOfflfKgTN tott
^ TOra II
%%f^j ^ftr TmrRRTO iftroftn fftfn i gfro ^r i tot^t ^ift^T^reT f?: toto-
^t^ito qftwror irtroft^ ^ f% ^ ^?rm: i wy S. <^o.i i^r u

^«t %r fk ^ ^rndts-^n mr fcmrt i

^farfsrc^R^i W ii^ii
^tfi?ifti?TTifTOi miff i W: i to i mr i fmrt: i i i
i^sfti: imfsft: i^s^Nk i rr: Kmfi! i^ras^T* im^ iieii
& H 31^: H

ynTiffr f^m % frerm^r: '^^i^rr^T^nrm’f^f’rw'rr^Tt i ''bw^jt i i

fBf^Trr I fa srfcr ’g I WPT Hpvrtjsy *IT*ITHt%*I f^TTT ^ fa*r^u^
^dq^ldtgfl^l^ld ¥ffafai^ 1 «<*I^IIT|'tH«^5l'*$^l. I «l*Tli«(^(«in|*(rl<rfl<*^^-
TTfafa^ ^THTT | ^jfafafa%: nflfaSlfaSI'4: I ^fWR ^«itsn-
snrH ^(Pmr»raT#ra «ifa i ^rnrfa ii
$aft Mi^-<'WPwnBnft i mgsw n^P^wwfli ^ *TT*faTfafa
iwf i *jfa?t ^ i faigsra m«sY^«iT3[fii ^ ^ft ii*30 8.9. *0.1 ifa 11

^rfTT <& srto ^cjw TO^f «pprt TO I

^rot to? ^ no 11
^rfH 1 1 rrto i ^t€t 1 ^:s^t 1 i «pprt i to i

1 for^? 1 qsfa^rtR i ^41 iff i i ^ 1 *ras*ni 1 ii 'ion

% ^ myn w u*fNfa*r m3iw ^nigwnfa sT* • **fa**^ ^ 1 *ft

ift ^fearer wJtsr^Tt *faanJ: 1 ^irr irmt 1 1 «w
*rm diifawfairr ^rgpft 1 wr: g#r ^gr*rr ,^fw»r g*Tiaifarafa ^r^rrfifr 1
m^nsr qiHfaat % fanfr ^r srsmR wf *r^fa jrnyifa Trrcjfa^rfa gtjfavifiMfjgUff 1
wr? 11 h emti

4t w ^trt *w tfrswitf 1
rnwiriwT ^ *tff msii

^r i h 1 1 *n? 1 T%rfRT 1 ^rps^reft 1 sf?t irf^s^l 1

iJS^Rf 1
7HWIT | TT*t \yrft |^% | TRTR I I ^ I ’STOI 3?R*N I ^ l vff II W II
1 xjsfa % m -trrft fa$?l ttwt ^ w *nr xni ifa xifa ^fa 1 t*t$
15#r?*fr 'irrtt 1 Tfarmrt ?w^pi t^pkt *nfer tw
**1$: ^itbrtt^ 1 ^^fagrwrfavt: gw’srt 1 wwt w
^ ^ fNTHTWftJ I II

^^cfT ^ 1
mw^l £5jir n^n
^STO 1 3*$Sf[^T 1 1 » 5^ * TO][i I I ^ 1

#t I ^n?r4 I pTil 1 I I TOT I ^ I TO I p I «i «w

v*m vrnt 5Rrf xuf^Pr w^Rw ^ ^T7T:i5f5i^iS
mftr^rrgwT y^afl^iHiiung ^wn topfaft Pufl^^l 1 ni5^| ^
l^r ii^wv t^i *Z*i vffrft* vm yirw ^nn 11
ii «

*mr>? ffa: i *pi it H^qPu^it ^%r: in?n

imi i i ^tt i w\i i ^ i ffa: i ifi i *psrf?T i ^faf s^r: i
sitsfrr. in? II
\ *t*r g*pi i snrcap* i ?m w*f i
^rf^wfr i w$£?jW*rara™ i wfy^wi fn WTtftg i %•#>*. q.c. q. i
~ ‘ k: mf*ft ^ to f 11

TJTT^sfafitiT H ^ fr^W IH H ifawII =|8 II

*P?t4 iVhs^?U ffo i litw mni firera i *?: i h: if^ i ^ i to^i
% ^f^r: gs toto ^7PR[T#^ sgw ffa: tfCtarcnfl[* gfm i gro i h ^ fnro i *m
^agxrfrwt4 ^ T ¥ to! %n: it sfoi% Jranffstronf Hs-wr* <0toi«j<j to?i i
tra^g n

ui f *r fftwH i
55 ^3«i: ^fwi: xifofsh h <w »
I TTVflr^Srm I Tlij I f1aj | ^fjrR I
5^.1 ^: i ^faswr: i i ^ter: i wfafr^swi: mmi
U rnf^t: tot^t tt% »f^irmmffni%«i »rgt fat f^mrrf^i i i !$%«r:
TOn^rg?qiwj: to to 'j^ti’snfr: gTOTfroi: qfrow: iftHTOTfarifw ^fw w«t
tot toHt ?rm toYt^ ii

f^%fa: T7HfiT I
^t% wt w ^n%r min
f^s4|%fa: i TTrrfir i i ^T: i ir* i ^ i i
I rnrt | i *rtt i m i ^»^IS%T mill
i flpfarr^ gwl^rr i froispiTO i «flRi*Tugfttw TOt TOrfataTf^rerg'aiT
i mrorroTOTO ¥^wt^ ^ TOfw i toitpt. irnfifa i ^rerwrr TOf^ft: Sfrramro-
unfit?? i nrstei: TOaiTO^ wrarmr: i wfrattiwnj gftret ^i^Tw-
gg?rr %fg i TOiffrffifa %qn%&iyw$ vfTOrrota: irnftfn i mPr f^js’rnran-
^f% mfn ^tflr *m ’wffmfn i ^fafw: ^f«Q*ii«if^rrf*r n ii ii
infill!! qti^ai gw i wngw^ i ^Itwt q^rr f^ ^-iSl^i^^Tli
^rwr^pn: tf*; q%f?r ip?rn?r i wImmiwt «<i'Tl RiaiiRaji^: i
»*nv. gwfnf^fm: ii W8fl»i^ig<0<.«ii*i^ isiw wpt <I^i^t; < ^ i ^
7rr*^^r«ncTw iiry^.8.§■ i ^^Tgrr^t-
n ^5^: H [3l0$.^0M0{te.

i gfg?i ^ i fwdsf^rrrc *m ^ktw^ wrcre: i ^i° *. «*q..1 ifn u ,*n1q-

’utwt 1gf^r ^ 1 jrr<"r*ft atf»n!tfwg^in««i,<; •3^: iht*m^o.i ijwa

^TJfVR^k ^rqd^ ^UFRV fawt: I

^ * fgt^T ^S^rJ ^ nil
^1 tprt 1 1 ^1 i ^ 1 *ymt: i ftwt: 1 *Ht**n*i: 1
sraj1 % i tf: 1 ^fiT: 1 ^ts^t: i ^ 1 1 ssrew 1 ftmi: 1 ^ 11 g 11
f^faVT: ftmr TOT JTO3FTT ^rv?TTtfrT I ?TOTf%V ^TTT SRlfrgaTO TTTHT TOT! |
srcfoifrnqw »ro*n: 1 wrftt %f%??r^nf«hswr 'rvat; i xpr^nfir&w % ^fitqren %
«;aiT(^*i^ w^m: 1 ftrerer ^'km 1 ^fto ffg: mgqg 1 trcm ^rrmr:
f*rag 1 ?t3rt: 1 % « Wf?^ tfr*rra: tftwn\gwiTr: *g 1 %
ftTn^if^T f^r^ww^Rrg qsrneT w^gfari *ni m^fugwrcrrrpftg:
cftjg htkt: <* fwO ^fUTfmrag 1 xrsrg <
*iTft<pr$ fimft Tfo f?tftaTg*rroT 1 gg g gS^fr^nn w?.
qo.. u xi fagwr T?it*n vr«n 1 gftri ^ 1 wi f<ra*?gfa^rT f%»9t
^TffGRqT^fflfrT q?TO: I W° 4- ^0. M[f7T H

*5 7T#t W&TSi ^ *T ^TTS : I

^ T^T 3T^t$ II S II
53. 1 fRrjsver: 1 tth: 1 ^ 1 1 ^ 1 T^ifa: 1 ^ 1 srfcw: 1fg: 1
^ 1 titTO 1 1 fas^hn: 1 ^ 1 ^J1 ^ 1 f S^SRtg 1 f%s§ II *11
*T5mT*Ft7q% g#gr«rm #a**Tgftrar*TiT^fr n ig: fqg^Ni tttft: i % ^tr» 'stotts*
■?T5r»n*r3P*pT qw^qwr: ^rwrg^TT^ tg: frg^Ni stht: i *rrf^% gfwt^Nfvft
T^rftr ^gw’SfifgTOrfrarr fawr ffa: 1 n ^t
ftmft fag ^gwg jttot fawn ^^f^:?ffarrraTwrofasT: 1 ^Rtfiftg f^g 1 gfsrmg 1
grol '<if<,aw%frT fw»i 1 iftJrt ^rret ?n: ggw: 1 mgjflg 1 wigsn
?rnnf^^^af^R*n}: 1 ^Tfewr: ftg«Ttswtg; 1 *<r+rijfdH<P^W
^rnwrft »wg 11

^rqt?T ^ fwN ^ f^iwt: 1

^ ^rrpf ^rT fq^^r pptfvrer: 11? 11
1 1 1 ?jsf^Th^ 1 1 ^x?fw i ^ 1 i^1 •
1 ^ I ^fv^qf I ^rf^l i vnfar i f^: i ^ 1 p 1 ws4fii^r ll?H
^5 ^nwpr: gfg^rm. gj ^rr»m: ftTg»nfq^ 1 *«fi»g4iN
Pi«at*lTtqq1 ^nrer wii ^ f^nmrwT^ ^ f^npmf ^ ^ aratnrmftJ 1 $
ii snwtsTO ii

qffq^ qf$f*r qf^fq n nTffrHwfaiTqnrgi: i qfqsflqinm: i qi«^ wnnu toi

gfrqnnqtq *f gqqrrfqtpnq qtaqrqw fqw fqq^aqj wt*j whr i %q?i i qq^ft k

s#T^: fxffi* ^^Tfh^RT tf f*TT ^Tc| I

h nr ittttw m *r ^vttt iigii
iff s^: i frrrrc: i ^?ft i i ??rt 11: i f*n i ^p? i ^qssr i
ft I HT1 nrT 1 3PWT I SJSrfTR I H*T I 5T: I *j I Vt: \ WW IflTrT II8II
f i q% qffq^: i qrqrfq ^ % qwp!% fwfr qffq^ ^[hr ynqrqTq
wr qffq^r: i mfWTl fw*: wqfr^qiqi^i^O w Hqf^: ^nt%m
^n: i qt fqri$f*nn ?%nfq fqVft qam i qnroifq iro1 ^ gfq-jgqqt *jq ifq?tq g»qq-
tnTwr cq«Uq fqfire^qT qq i qrrf*rg^qTqrRrora i wrqqt qtjqpq if gqr qtTf:qrfqqt-
Wi: qmffa q «[W i ^fr h

qfifqgq^l fqqr: *ftqqq pnsr qTqftq^qr: fqqr p^qr i gfqq q i qqyqi: fqqr::
starred afar n fqfaq't q*forr i w# * q<>.1 qfq ii

^t|m: ftrnt: if|3fg fafi^ i

rT HT TOrf «T fg ^r?fv SJ1H WsirlWT; II q II
^fsfrn: i fart: i stentf: i i ftrsf^ i ftrotj i
^ 1 ^ I W I ft I p I I Sffit I liij I I Sfig 1 || q II
qfarre: €t«n qqrigqiqTT: *fpn«mf^qt qT fq?nft qff§g qprnfij fqqg gfqqr^
ftfag fqfvqftg ffq:? fqtrpfr^H *nqq*qT qwTf>rwqT% fqqq; qq qqg i qrq^g i
qiqqr %ITfqpq»fc8iqrrf*r: wgqrr: ’gqt: ^jqg i ’jqqg i qqrr qTfq qqg i qTgxq wnq
pn^st qrqqg i B nrfin: fqqfuqnqqg i pig n ii q'a n

«rrj fSrafri v&f* ^tt i

*T f|f«^ fUrR: f^ *11 in3!: ^IHT IIill

i it^ i i i |*t i i ^[fvi i jjTsfhr i f^f i

^t i f|fai i fcnrr:: i i f^i ?r: i *1^11:1 wt: 1 1 11 in
fqqwrqq i^mrfqqhr v^S: qr%q fqqr: Tnq^rrflfqq: qn^qm np0’-$■ =?■ ^ i Tft
1 % fqq^: fq% wr^T^r gift fqqTsr ^fqur^r ^iimi fqqqftqfqfr»Rqj^q
gqftq 1 q^Tjq I fqfitggfH^qifqpiT T^STT qjT^Tiq *nj Tfq qiNtw^: I qrfq q
^ ^*rrqi qfqqfq^tjiaqrfqqqTjftiqpq gwr qgqrftq ^prr juttr qq anrqq: 1 fqqx;:
^ %q fq^qqx;rtm qtiqrrqrr fgfqg n

1 *h®l rT liti ^MTrT ll^ll

n M [^?° $.^r°Moclb.
sntffare: I ^rwtoif i i Tft i v* i i i

t§%4: i fan*: i cn?i i i n i *jnsjT i~?h p i ^raf i ^nw 11$ 11

■<nv<in«tmi Owr'rt wwT*rr tt ^rcrprr ^ftwi^ %^rrar wafarw 'arnfarr:

fq?pt;: *T<«l«MR Tfa V*T VM I ^T I % ftflV grcj
w g%«rt wt vpf it ^t^tt i % HTiwr qnfag$ ^
a^'trnf i t^Tf n

^ tv ^5 ftmt: stents *|fft ^ftreT: i

Fffrtfm: nfrT^T^Ti^ II b II

^ i *V I ^f i fxmt: l #ran^: 1 i ^TSifai I I

i Tm: i *rsrq*o: i i 1 ^sn^sfrh i Trfirs^pr i ^ hbn

fftwrre: ^mqPTf^ft ^fwr q^cmr. srarwr^rr vr^trt ^t % 55 four;:

«Y»nfN €t*r<TT*w$f^ ^wrg f^*re irorw i ^ *ar$: 1 frg^r: s*
fcftiTT'quT^r ftrprfflttsj 4^*r *rw *nft*i qrupswi^sfw^T^i^ti: (M^fir: «iift
'^awraPt ?4YwrfH^Trrf% irffRTii utr irarg 1 *rrf*r *rrf»r **T*R7t ?rrf*i mfn
wrrsw ^ <rrggf^rr wm^n^rr 1 ^ 1 *t fngg^T %w*r-
qrran ^rpfWr: 1 ^t° <r<>. 1 atfTf 11

t\ Tftijf^nn ^ti^tt wMrnn^rf i

xnff 11 <111

^ 1 w«p‘ ip^s^t i i ffaisfM;: i ^farsrrero: i i

131ft 1 ^qrff 1 3 sfa^ifa: 1 1 11 farjsfrh 1 *nronsft|:11 qii

j^RT ^TlfJITaT: ’Nert: I SfflW 5W T<^: l £NlPl«{t

rrrfUqM^Tlt): ^fr%: ^TRcrero: *jft*rRT ^ awstfrct ^ f^mwrgg: ^ ^ tO;
fqgf*M,jji^<f*i*ii>si *rrfw 1 1 1 gfa«0*f*r: gfa^h ^rtrTf^RTf^: 1
wt( aw ff%: 1 ?r^ftrf«: i w 1 -*tl: # *<nf^ m. n ifo
f^wf^r: 11

% w*mi ^ ^ ^it^n: i

mv ■% f^rffi=t^efi«: 11 ^0 n

3i 1 i ffa:s^ 1 f^r:sxn: i i^t: i hst^[ i i

^n 1 ^ 1 ^nf| 1 i*^[s^: i % 115:1 ftnjsfti: i ^^5^ i^011
twtc wr % ftmft ff^t jRnn^fmrer iftfti'fnfr ff^n:
ffTrr: iTT?rn: ^ryi <wm*Hi g^i ^t t* ^rr*rr: it mr% arn^»;,w,rrq ^

^ ftgf*n wr *nft i w*m i *ftr*r: i ^ i gtftaftf ttstot i (

^fwfTW# I I tiwwffi: g«f:
ftoiftaPwin f*rar t^tt immqqimr i sgfm ^ i ^ftr-
sfTrn: f*rar n? ^ %I ft*fr % ^ %? i w# * q<>. itfn r

^Ntit: ftrTT ^ SP5.H I

^T p¥fa TT^HTf^T |f|W flfMH 3*nrR II II

3jftrs^n*i: ifarr:: mpitohii*t|»tiqswftiro i

^I I HS^falfa I I Kfq | S^t I |VT1R IIWII

^f^wtrTT ^ft^pn ^rrftpn liaaw^i: fw^: ^rfiri.i fa) T-m g b4 <su 4*s>?< i ^niai ^ 1
fH^fsrTTh «n q«u: ^ ^j^rwwnr i i m wi%
atf: i ^tfw ^fNwrf^mf^r nWf*r ^fsr i*frsm i uro i ww *3Nft:
^r ^vnrc i ^igr«r ^fr h
n?Tfa?F% n^TTfw^rt <wr tfasTt *$xrr ftjrewfr *rrwrr i gfri ^ i *?Ufa: wn-
msm tferft srra^ Tfn w# i w> * *&. i T^t it

ffto ffknt ^ i

TiT^i: ftr[«i: ^ «q ^ n^m m*ii

i i IfoETT: i 5ims%^: i i f snftf i i i

\ ^mr^: i gml arm%?rr: i TTOTfav ? wt tfasTrU^ntw: f^TRw-
ftffa gr»ftftr fjjvftfa i BcT*rrcfa i mt sr ftgwr: tti^t: i W ^
ft<!T: ^TtnBTTW ^tT ffawt. I I ? ?mft TOT TTWTOTf^nrfa f4Y-
^fi i *nr«r ii
*nfag^% % fg^ftargrre«n i h

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * itf^rar i
^ ^ *rfk ^ ^rtri^: n?n

^i^i i f^ rrt: i ^ i ^ R i p Rn; i ^ i f^ i ^[ i # i ^ R i ^ sffsii

^ i %*r i ^ifrl i ^ i ^ths%|: i ^uTf^: i i gs^?r i h ci?ii

^ ^ ftmx: Rifjpift ^ %f »r «fn i fqnf^?r sf*rereeRTssrrota: ^rf ^ ^
f^ruBawTgii *r famnffa: t ^rfir 1! wfir
w ^r i amrrft i ^vTfH#T^f%rt: gant my ®?t ^ni i
go » H

it* ^ *nwr i gf*ni h i % ^rfin^n *r *uf*n«n t* in

TT5H?RT f? ^ ^^1 ^ ®
^ ^ fipi: ^wt i
^msBq^frrqHf to w^r 3i^rc^T HSgll
^ i ^fas^nn: i ^ i 3Tvtf*r$^n: i i i i i
?rf^: i ^stT^i ^sHtfw i qwT i q^isq^y i w41 11 *igii
% firarfifa^n H’wlaTfr: i T-RstPi irnprr i ^ ^ ftmfU»rftR[rcn: t^njr-
«r Trrrrr f^fr ?^re Jm *jnrarr ffa^^rrt’r g^fn \ ^ Jjrcre
^BHTWt^Fi ftgfw: ^rffrt: *rag<flfa ht^ftt f*n*%g MTrrr^R^r^xran-
«l5)rfT cT^rt^rlTTlfN: ^PRUT I *wfw I II II SQ. II
lNf*rf7f '(?t;sni gw i ^twpI i wf^;<fr i
^firefocrr i <twt ^rg^stfT i *N ^gs;g§K?ff**f?t H ^n«rr: 'rp:
ij^nfhn: i fPm ^ i tnra^ fa *nfw iffar Tfa ^ S*rr ^rernreg w fw i w §■ so. i
*fa n ^ir*TT^i ^?r^iwr^i3mT: TiMhn: 11
jvfrm fa ^it ^nfa *itfi ft# fafa^ *t sitft i
q^T *|rT mrfaflrS^ffa H f^mffar[*T: |l«|ll
ttt nr* i ^ i fa i <£: i *n i s&fa i ^tq: i *rr 1i ft* i fafenr: i
*n i i
3?3T I *JW I ^»fa: 1 ^TTrTSqq: I sM I ! iqq IH I ff^rTTr^l f^S«?: mil
\ xfa j»<t *n fa : i fa$^w w^ri wt gn i *rrfa i ^f*m:
HmqsT piTpi fafaro: i TWHt fafarai *rr gs^ i TiftT^fa fafari *n g* i
% 3rnfa«ff^ ^t ^ ^ ^ g^rti snip*: ’W TRntfWfaM ifa ftgwr: n i
fqg^jffa II
^rf q^T sfitfa 5TTfl%§TS^q xrft ^rfr^wi: I
q^T II * II
*pi q^T i i ^ths%: i i |i qq i ^fi: i ^^i fqijs«i: i
^ i rnadfH i ^gs^ftfw i qwt i i^ithI i i q^Tfir 11 ^«
% ^-m^: ^T TlTi’qflt vm *RTt% ,<faf %i frgs?: ^ ^fTT^1
TT*F35 I ■&7T ^WpT^I ®*n*Tf*ftfn TTTW »T5R TTHtf^TTlf fl^lTflmjfttW ^
^T«n ^m«n^f«iT»rt *ni w^tn 11
qq HT M *T&1 qfq^f q hHt5T I

^t -jrf^ TT’sf ^ ffrTJTt^q nfit f?T0T II ? H

jMo.sM.gfSf,.] ii tnpftsro ii m

gzj i xrej: i i *Tfl i ^nwT i gi i^i >t® i Tjfinfti xt i \r^xgr i

m: I ^T I Jp®: I *rfHl rT# I ^ iffrT I ^phfi^ I I fw^T I II?II
1 im % <*i<{N *r^g i iroftg i ^iran irnff «rm ttit Trg »r^g i ’*fa ^
v^jtt g@ita 7r?qw >ffw 'bt i M5i*<0 i gw’Ni *rr gftr^r ^ tjRtcT *rr
ip$ i mgff i *rat *hiPpwWi ^ i mwff 17m<Tfr% ffi *nft* % <n
yxtX: TTfrT frra it

mt HTn^erx^n rf fl ft SJtfa^qrT w W srf#: I

*IT$ faw5#! ^lrt%^lf##1N ^j?T% hN> llgll
m' I *7f7: I rnt^TT I W i I if 111 *itf#: I iffT I rT I # I srf*f: 1
^t: 1 ^ 1 fw i if#: 1 snffs#^: i mft: 1 ^ 1 *#’1 gs^if 1 1
*nfr 3R’trf??f: rniffiRr 1 ^ % ?r<(\^*i
rnwr * mf^r ht*t i «th gns i to % w ifrRr: ifr^gsfonfafttrcj xing i
wsflg i ’sft ^ % 7t^rrf^TH9st wrarRt'ro «T»r ?PTg i wgrftg i
wruraKH^r i^ ^ ri*r *rra«fr g<fa: f^r: «f g itim^i:
agfa ^fi gsrarf ^»raxfarrfw ’efNi wr*i *r? i irm i '3^: g^nr: n

J^t fiTH^t W ^ifStfiT ^fVTf#: I

Wpflig #H W # W^rTT ifs# 3TTH%^: IIMII
^I 1I 3ft l f^S*#: I n: I ^ i ws^rT: I i ^TVifrt: i
i maim i i %w i $#: i i jt*wtt i W i snws#^: iimh
^ ^ *n tTct: gwiTJMfqrii *%w *rc. ^rmfw: *?
^Tfw n M fxigwt: ftnprn®r*f i g^r: int^ i ^ Jen -sng^PM i
,*TW gu i fwmtRfwro ^ifRgq ”%g i <3w^g i ^ ?nr
tot^twt ^fRut aj^n i ^rrrfr w^g h ii ^o ii

^ ^7T ^T ^T#^: I
#t wl^jt ii % ii
^i^iym: i^|¥f: i^nsw#t^i1**#: I^Hi^TI^T#^: I

i Wi[\ ^s^i ^»t#i i i i I wsf### ilffil

, ^l7nKR ^ ttt *htfa ^i wmr: tjgw: vr«im?i ^irgifr^ t nr^^T i trgw^T»t. i inn
MtftRiT «5f ^tn mfv tt ’jmwTR: i gumfro^: i
H^i^ifM«flijif’nwjmi|^ wnftg i .OmtRH iffg i i ttot
nj Wffg i *r: ^Hfr iininaftw^TPiTm vfwm. s
a* ii m [^°

i ffini *r i ^nw wqffare finctyt

»ragif3l<jftfa4 Tift; *ftfM«r^fa i w® f° 8- ?• <»<m ffa 11

srcfrg* qfl ntW^ *r ^i

%W ^thrift ii 9 ii
i i xift i ntft: i arro i tfi m i tJHst t i ^i

*r i gjgj i^T i *$*§: i gtsn i srfjtTO i fas i vji s^?refa ii $ ii

^ 'tfa: ^j7i *m wrremrqrt *infa *rft 1*rffa»: i
fa^r vtem ^%*i *tf*rr *mfa jft^r i nfa sfa ^afa fw %wr ^«s}4W
sffaflr ^rl^rnsftiw^ f'frefg: w?h: ii *ififlfSi«nffwi ^'tii«{\ f»nrrfsTcT: u faw»i.
fafar* Tfaf*?fstwn wf *lfl*Nwfa i »fa ^r4<rt fWmfa u
arrprR: ii
fjtu% *tnqfa«i«rqT TOtminir^rR^fN^ i ffa* ^ Xjmft xr*re jtt fa fasr *fa

i w 5° 8- $. *8-1 ffa»

*fT fa f^r: fifat %^FT^rT B^faT I

TTZ 5?Wt^RT^STfa^T SPPpt *TT^ II til

g?i i ^ i ^rh i *tt i fa i fag*: i fira i ^fafaf i grr i i

trqt i n: i ^h: i^rs-qfa: i rffafa; i *fa*: 1 i «til

%^ n#nif!ni m fa faf^r: i wr fa*nwl: i *rpmt ^TRTfayrffai fifa

^mfa ^ ^fanrfnfft fafWT faq: i fai^r ^ ip* ,wPt ^w*r: i I’tt: fatwfaifafa i
^wwnfoft H^fa 7ffaj-g*i%i^TT JHTn^fn %nx: fan^ *rf*fa i ift »fafa»

^ajT^rfti n <|t fbrejg: i

^jfamfarift ^fj TRIpT^ II ^ II

m^rs^i i safa i n i ff •dftfa i i *msafa: i *1^ i fors^g: i

gg i i?g i wr i gjfc: i i^«?: i g^r i i ss3ipr?t n<iii
wffmfanrrw 1 fafa^wt i ^ mrowr:
f^fa Ti^mmi^i^MHinifM far^ifa i yvK<u mifa^i^Tg^ i^ht®8- $• b «««ik i
ftfa i wnn^Tt tffaflfa ft farrare^ v fajfrfa i H«i*i«nfa n fa ^ ^rff: i i fa*
mq i 7n?r ^rfaT ^ifa^nmat T^rr ?wf i wratj i ^
uiir^^i^gtrre^ x*K'- ^TrfafT *mmi "^ffTTr ^rr Tr^r^^nffatn^n-
»ififaftt^ ^«fr f4 fTfntfmr ?fa^fg i imrog ii

^fti: ^Tritf^ -€t I

TT fqrp^T^ ^ H ^f^Trqt^ II <\° »

II swftSTO H

i i ^s^i i i i pi i i i ^ipTS^ i
Hif^J%sw^i^iwi^i^Ki^iws^ non
v 5gtf¥f gi ufW^ir strong. s swrai infa i gmfrffffimrr-
anmftenfc i fswf i ftjww ^ i fa grfg. i Tgfro; wr^i ^
^rtwiiwT gfa wgratfuft: ro* wpifa *rif itfwm, i mstg i
ftgfaSIft: aftfa afa: i #^»
sfrftfsr^ ssfirfasroT sift: wmrt i$far faresnft anwrr i gfs* g i st nrfa:
ifaaft gfa ufa ■

it 9*fa: ^pn^f: fa^rejpTT^ii: i

v^fanfH 'It^fam \mu
w. 13ffa: i i fir^ i *re^i ^hs^i: i
m sflj 3i sfii i pmfa i %rf?r i^wf:1 ^[ i fatjswj: i wm<) 11
gggTfs: swgi ifast gtST gtifa: ftmgmgv *g?rm st *n$fag^ gStg
frr^T |sTg. i TRfmgfa^sw ’rrg i m*rgg ^rsrfn ii faroro ii *ftifs$5rrfa
?#ffa s gfag i faggij roftg i gR^f sgFfarrctfa i Tf i %wr: i ^wp* fqg*rg i
gpura;: wpft»
wrftjfjnr ,3im^^rr iTfaSri* i g-aft ff i ynj^r fa vto^Srm m:
«Tfn^u: iw°^. *»<a.. i ifa a

piri^T fa iffa^sm: i

^n fayfM \m ii
pH: i f^t i fa i tjfaff i pni: i i pjfa%1

i pm: i w i \ fa^j; i fW i ^ra% m* n

1 ^ ^afa: srmwHT *r*i wt wf fa vfafa i srtffa ^nfam: i grafat gg qfavffaff i
wftarm: i gRig^n atmq»u»n gfroffogafa gpigqiT*nfaig»ifa|.iiiB w gi i ffagjgrrfa:
Sri ffarrftiTT ii Tfagrara: i fwsmr gnfafafa gffoj: ^'m<ii-hvi h

* fa^fam I feM SJ^flSJT II «|? II

*» i Pi i w* i iH i gfa i fa: i i i fpri^ i i

1 tpssf^T i fas^fairan n?«

^ ^ ^ : 5TT qRH<ttHRfa u f?rfr ^nrnftfw wft

# Tig ^ gnfWm i f*irartg fwwwi ;srftR uTT^sRfwfpi

,|Wwi ^O^ii ai«nnn<g<ii fa: ire*j iRut’rnm jfhifn tffwqRnfhamT i


^ i iROmiqqr fw: w xrfrww^ftwfiT jfM?ntwftf?! i,w,^«

8. m- 3. i ft* #

jRfwri q k to pi ^ m8ii
I ^VfTr^IS^ffT I |pf?S! I ^Tf^RTS^fH I

i g i k i to: i fk i $ i safk i ffo mtfii

$ wtfsfo tsr^fc % ?ftf?rerrefa i Tfttrranr: $mgntT ^twr: i fnf+wgfn ^ 5pnf^«

fafrl gfwfa tt§«rt «^*sfisraT fMirjrtn g « to: i
w»r^?r ii ii to *rofM g gs rfa h u ^ 11 m 11
TOt^n ^rrfM i to <tot fffw jrto f?ii i TOgft ^wn
*rmf3: i wrf^fr ?T^tr fw§*r: i i w i TO^rfl HTOUfTO* i wflpft
TOt: wt^tot i tjwt sran^TTOXT: g^TOrr: i TPRTOf ^wi *T*rranfw *T*?ra%-
wwi: i ’wnft wwnfasrrwT: TOwfs^TOrarr: i to s(^^8iT*nfarer: ^tn^wr wt i to
WT*piira i ^rar 1 rp^wror: wirrostw: TOT«rt s^ftrer: sfteft
^*}gw'igmwT gwifroT ^f?r ii to: frufafrofRi: n w^fTOTwrro?* i 5TO*titot?i
Tn^gf^fircrtfa w\i* ifnwm^wffi; i jrwt w^TOTfroit grt' i
tttow faTOra: wwnn^TORff fwsn% i tttt: ^<Tfa<M¥?wr ^TOfroRn: frro: TOlfa
7l<q<glTO fTOTRI WTOT3T ^ ’KcTtrTTR^P^fSrfTOWTW I TOI fq«l<5U«lfli fTTO «WI
TORTO^ I TOIT R^^TR TT^W^m I TTrfr ftWI% TOfftfa fWT WTOt
jjwt cHRW^fwt' utoto^ i fra: wtwra^fr^Rfr: rajjff^rr: *jfTOif *rara i tot to to^tw-
«tto TOTfro'ro TOwsft i tort^it: TOunrraTrort <^%«iTOwfwto q * i «l ai fflfa n

rret f^ 5H^f?f |

inwT iterator ^fr mm ^rsj mil

Fret i 5%% i ^3 i ^^tfw i sfrr i ^i f^ref i i k i irfa i

■m&ti i wtttt i 1 1 ^I^111 1 T^T?11 ^11

^%fT?rr*raFr ^fr fff% i w? =^f i ffig: ^cwnfijam^n ftnmi #
■gg: i^8 <».'oql. i ^^giram: n ?t sniftfri i ssTtfa i ^ g'®ra
i n f^ramj i 'rf^Rn^rr f^^Tft^ts^rr ^nra wrar »rft *npft fw?(7fi

wnt^wpit f^ I
^TT \ wrpi i m^wi i i i SS^3T«i »

X3fT I I SWSrU ^1 rTr^l ^T#ll ^^fTr^l ^ Sf# I HI ^ff711

TOEj: ll^Tl

^rgwr <n«t^ *n*Mt xrg^wmigrMwii mTgfmrmi: i i

irm ’arnfarmT <t<m$: i ftm mrtfT xrmfaigtam f^ni mt tt$ foqxmi ^m i
'37rrf^ ^ m^^Tmul XKxg^Kifammixig i *3ft<X mfgTft mfmimft i m«r^T
ft^rrm^wwwTTWwr «wfcm% ttt: trfJTTraw^ TOmlrt i 7m xr^g:
TfTTiR&Hmfim m fagm ft xnwan'wmg i anumft i *fm7mflw4: i xim i ?r^-
trrmfam Jwwm ^mn *n*m*rfx7 mrnfxm tr ^TqTf^mft n
^f%7wr% gm %tt mgmrrgTrff: i gfmi ^ 1 gm ^TrsrrcxTg 17 fmrrfaft
mm IW §• <70. H^TTII

^eit h f%sratf^i7^ȤtfTO tftfn: i

sftwr: Tqrft gf^faifwj: h$h

I «MT I frf: I ^R*TiJ 117 I I I I rfrin: I

s: 1 Fq 1 TjTter: I nft I <^l fa«js*tf: I ssrftf: i^vtf: 1 ^s%Wvn: 11311

^T !ifraf7l^7twmff 2WU <mPf<iUmi$:illWl<*lrf? m^Tjg I JIHqg 1
1 fWrmm xmrnTgTfgW^gpt: 1 ■srfgro^ *r g mg-
«lto4: 1 gmmr grmTrer mtm xftmfmrT 1f^m mswar ^ g^wn ftgwi^m 7m *rft ^771
qfmr^g 1 Tmfmg 1 gfm[^ trr»T vp»t m i tt^t: gfa^fmn: 11 wi^it ximmi:a
afrmrsrFta: gv%wfr m |mm<m mm^g 1 ?tm «ffts xgnmifciwv?: a

3n#T9Tf HWfa «37 ^T rtf TTTW ntf$ qwfr^l

tf r*i\m tflW ty 1$ II8II

I fa^S^rig: I vft I XTOffT I FiT I |^T I rq I HT^ I TfStf^ I ^fffqi

^1 1 ^Sftf: 1 ntf 1 ^ 1 qg: 1 rrtf 1 ftt 1^: 1 qfqm 1 ^rrq 11811
mim xm mmftert mg: 11 11 mg: 1 xrm 11 jigmiaft
1^ ^ ^711 jtTTT mg: 1 w <m *ifx: mxrfTj 1 qftmg 1 gmg*m ^ft x^rg 11 m
1 %fe fmjrmrnr: a to% m3f smf gwraf^m TrmT^xr mf*rR: gm fa m m
Trfmi TRinni mg 1 x^rg 1 gsra: gm^wt ^ xrfm^ir fTrefg xi^r m ^ g?nfr xrg:
htht: 7m TTfwm^ ^tuwm: xjfmrT xrfo ^g^4Rn ^ unai^ *xt
^rng 1 f%^vTg a
W^fai«i*a g^rr margmmrr 1 wxrr mg mJr: g* ^ mmmi
^ xjitt^ 1 mT° 3. '0.17[f7i f? gfmi a

|5ht ^T w*i ^ «t[: tfl w&\ tf^i

^itffrg: ^tf^istf^fi: tfg nnpn^ 11 Mil

|^T 1 ?ttt: 1 ^nif: 1 ^ 1 i 1 tt: i i sitfusW^T 1 ^f^i
1 i ^s^t: i $itf 1 ^c: 1 in| 1 i7S«n^ 11 mi
gjrr ^ T*rr «4t w irnuror ^ i ’■srnnj^w ^srrmfn i t*it: 4irt
BiRirffa^: i tt* wwi i nOft *R*rr»ft *4tfn *rnwq%»t
*rr i wr<rw**i«4 wntffTOi oritur i »r*nj i **f i wtor? ^rt^o
anfftfagw; *440;: *4fir BwtWr«fld<frTfUgg^g*rem iramumi Wt*%
Orrr: tig i wpb gwnnssg i brtwb »r n «*rfa to *r**fiaw4: i »>$i
'fNrer ^nfr: gClmai«a src% wrfwfd 1 gO*?i ^ i wft wmftH
urn™ <rft^Or tot i ^tt» 3.^. i n

1M*n*kfare ^t jpJ% f^r. wfa Tjf^n: i

^ sarfa firarft sn ^ ^ ^nifw Tnrpi^ ii^ii

nsxfti i im i ^snrfSrc i ^ i ns4^ i f^r: i ustfa i Tjftrsn: i

^ sfft i ^srfa i ftnriir iff fi!Rs^ i wm sjfrf i ^n i ^ i
rpct I ^ I I TJS*lpFC H % H
Buflugi tth^ w nsre: wrOa tr g^raOre i jn$rg<i t
tjtotwt yiRwrearrewqiwi tOt hr: i H*rt f^r g40fi^r ^ *r$ mrfa sra%
ht4 ^rm: i tpstt gfwr: tr% to% *rf3f ngiqTWT d-H«*4fw ir4ht4 jng»|a to4: i 4U4
grrr fimft n4#,eri4 hvj% nfqr HfRWRgTt ^ qRi’jfr^iqOrar'grT '*nOr i tiiTh*^*
■ a^fa i gr?rffT^rt gadWdH^iJaRTgj'* M'<4lw4: i wr tnrr ^fa i g**4ari sfagw aresfa i
Ob ^pK i imRa.^^ ai4 ®a»rsr ^4w xi wfawfa^ir birr: n
ajy?^ ^httw <j4fa w^74 trhit^ *TWnpra hw4¥ T$aRrr i graft tf i
* BfTlt ’BiOlWt *n*a vw4Y ta*iat i w c- «w.1 *fa»
qfrsnflf ^ra? trtarfta*^ HT*mt% i

^terfV ^q'iT ^ ST^IISII

I^S^'h: I *pm I «t^nf)f I I rTRTliH I

«t^nflf I $Sfr|: I I I I ^Ft I ^ II911

^rofr IpTHij ^frg ^ BBRtunm btstort: ^wtfftroTORi *f«m<?n*i^^7ri i

^RBnronsnsBjOr i n*rr m^wO* ^jfrtfwtOr^^J ^tr BRrlf Bwfttd
yeramTw: i ^u^rr 5^1 i ^ trwt: ^Twrox^mt xvfi
fffft bhrrr xt$ ^rtOj ^s4^r ^ i irwg it

fl7<wi^i^^T ^ ^n it b ii
^it^ffT I ^TI I I 1^ i l T&jft i
ws*ra i i *rftf^ i ht^^[ i i i w i 1

3W libII
*oqo.3P II WVnftSF*: II

t V* *t ftf ftff*n fi FmftF t^r g* fft HFft fft fftf i ffr(W

ff flTFTfir i f* f$*ft i ftgfw F* ’FFTfMfF^Ffftfhi^Ft *rr*nft Ftr fff: i ft
<* FfihifF^fi[FP<ft ff FiwtFfFFi ft*f«3 i ff^f^FT wiTO»i f4f ft i fffift
ift WFF^FT: I FlftFT TtFJ I F^fsJm!*nd*«FFFI*nFlim5F# FFWFT *}ff j f^TH FF^ I

fltCTff ^T tolt SfejT -MsJ^r^^fTTWT: I

srt to *pitoi qto3g vff lien
tonff i *ri i tot: i rt* i i I tosto*nw: i
sf^s to i 335: i to i to i ttc: 1 to l toitoif i qf| II <» II
Ft Wt FT^Ff ffiFft FF?t FTJFfF I FTtflTf: I fl[fFWT R ^fFW^lfFflUFHWF: I FT0
q. f & R ^fWl FPrar FFPTfHFFFTFrT FfFFt FFgFt FTJJW I FFfftwH FFFTT^ FFfa:
fa(5ftFgFF>5FfF35ti FTF TTFt FW tffF tfF F FFFT%*J FT 'Iff I FTTFF R


IFT®$<^I TfF R ^F?UffF FFTFT^i^FT l ^fFF F I ^FTF: F FtftFtFFlT: FTTF Wtt
WTFTF^ ^gFFg I FT® 1 ^fF R

tof ^WT^TTTt: ^ ^ I

toff to tofttofttoto ^totom on

to: i s[m^ i Tn?rt: i i i i ^iTS^: I ft«| i

to i ff i to ms^tTrr itot: i ^i ^i mw i *jf^: i w i y: i to moil

^:« R^l
l^iffF 3[FTFFi^Frrf^i 1| fFFjtFTF I $fFF F I ^FW^fF FWT fFFfVr FFT
IFI»q. q. | | Firaitowr^ifF ^5 R$tFT I FIFfF^^FtXfF Ff^ #1 F^TFtFTFtwt

itof ^ gto ^ ^af: i

totct v* ^ tto H ^ii

1 i ^ i ^ to i ^ i to m: i ^ to: i
i i i *totri i i :ptf« i ^ i w* i ft*rt: m«i ii
«b ii ii

inform i wftfi ffftfi f^ft?i *f Fft^FFTF FtfF fttf^f f“tfi f fftfit7*jft

if^r ff»jf?ifif i fftf FTFnFr iftfn FTFrgfFFtFFF FiTFFg fftf fwnf^f ^
FtF^F f^rg^Rf ff fNrr: fffwtfit f*rgfrw Fnftft ftTp^FFt FFFFTTFg^F i
I^f: i fit i fm: FFflff«: fFFFTFT FTFfFFT friT: i ft f*i FFT^'wrgTi ijfrfF i fit i
gflFifrrtTgm wfiRi ffh* i f wfFfTar: tjfFFt F f^r F F^efF fftf FtftmFftR FFtsw i
F*F15tF F ^WFTf^Wgf^Ff FF ftFT: FFFWTFiT I TO f^faT fFT F^Tt FUtFfRrr;
ffffttft f^n: i Fg FFmfrfF i ff ff ff% ft ft f^rf ^f^f FFFfrfF i FfFUMFTFt-
FpJ: I FF FTFF%FF I FFT FT Flfc(«i> ^Fj: F f^F F gfFFt F Ffi^FtF F FtfFF^J FF $
FF ftFT TTllXt FT Flf^Wt ^^Ft f^F: FF ftFT Fjg F^Tf^FT ft^ TtfFBTFFfF I FF° F.«.
«|. *0. |T[fF II

^ w fwofrrc ^treqfr^ i
spreftr qft «rr *r: W fftfa ^|rt ii«r 11
v. i ^ i i m: i ^ i 3fhg: i ^nfs^tt: i famuhn: i ^swf^i
wwf: I ^TI uft I 3TI I ^R+r^l rfl^l I wfclT I ^^SffT imil
1 fYf % FT^Ft Ft 5F?t TF: FR^fF FfFFFFF^FtiFF FF?fF I FF % FT^Fti*[

^rif 5^: ^rif w i

W$\^t 4 Tf X}T& ll«|?II
q: i ^ l i ^pi: l m l W l I I ^ I m MTt: l ^T l
wi i^r: i i ^ i ?f i i n?n
% FtF % Ft ^iFt TFtiFF Fat FFt FF wflFFlF FmtFngFti q^FlFFt TFT-
f|[FTt FFfF ^FT FTFfF^F 55ftF: FtFtiFtiFFn7^«^ VK- FWTFTRttFft HFfF FfFF

^T xni^rf^rqw^ HT ^ ^VrT II <\$ II

xnterrft: i i i wrii i wii i
spr i n4^i ?^i xr4: i i wi i Wuh inijii

asrwar i \ arra: ^Stava: trqn^nfY: aaanrfr ffawa«|a1nfoa arrcaraV aafa i aTaa

»(^j aaf aaa ffeaTrNaaa aaaroTTagafa i ft aim i ati ftfa^aTgqami aa: afr-
^nrf?T a^ftr Mf aarawna^* i ?l*ft^«is«iXuj a? aT ai gaa i ga ifrvaa i anaf
^rp^Tfr^l i ,«ko q- r^fn fwafrnfT 11 iumi
at gsfr afa ag^af fgafa gar 1 aagaar agigawif 1 qarranft aannjft: 1 attar
snant aat ft arr^nft 1 aamafar: gta: ifa®?. 80. 1 tfa 1 aal^iD aaaf agfergga.i ftgT-
f^fjw: 1 aa'nft aaat gtg^a«n: 1 aaaT %rrgt^*T 1 ^ srg^aarr 1 agarm: ftrsT:
fag^aTfaaTfaa: 1 ata^amam i arsnr ?ff*twwT7!TT3nMRiT ar i aaT atgnrra 1 at gaff
ajgaaaat g?gtam: an vrff an arr^t an: fagifvr aainff wr^faf^ngqfaftarTgyi
irmam aT aTfankfa 11

tti ^ w 5?ffi ^rat?^ 1

W wr *h hut #«t ^tF[ 11 *\ 11
nt l ^ sfH l I xrct l fff 1 ttaf i n: 1 ?* 1 i Sjfc: l

| gat wit aTtWTaas |a anaa w wraanrggaa atf? 1 ang^ aae 1 wn-
aTf^fa tra: 1 ’tfriaf aar: 1 % aa ar: nga: ^anara. 1 |rr at%a af3Nr waffa ^anat
1 aanftatT a: aarer aa^ 1 a %aaraa: w arfa g agatt ^aa?t gnat gif 1
asTfapaff^afa^Tar^anJ: 1 t gwr staffa 1 aiwrfa 1 atigrft aari gfgg^rffgTfarart an
ftfta: 1 ht f^gf: 1 aaTfa a atn^aatarffiari f?gf: 1 a<a<jag*)g t^anf: it

*pt: v_i ^5T STHfa imt ^ifaT: 1

ipreT ^wt *N?t HfgHTa: 11 eii
1 ^1 1 Hrft ibf 1 ^refa: 1 ff^[: 1 nswt 1 3>ifaT: 1
^nsxzn^TTn: 1 nssrot 1 v?Nt i ^st: i ^m: 1 i 11 * 11
I gan arm: gafr: anaaewai a^ 1 aa^ifaifefa a^ fagara: 1 a ataarfr taatgaa:
afra&iat awi^a ^aarra^aaaT aaaa: aarrgTEffat ^Hawgafaa aat awaaraam
^aiar vigaaf aaa 1 fara 1 afiarat atrafT aawf^it aaaraT: aaar 3aa1aTf<aar
^a aa^f^ha aTarraaiaT aviarar: aa: grr aanaraf^afftaaaT^rr aaa 1 gar

ai^araTan #ar fa gafgfa aarrfat aafa 1 gfaa a 1 afaT fa grfftfa

^^ngaf aafa 1 an® g® 8- 8. n-1 i^a 11

!^ sfclT I
1*Ht ^inm 5.iifN W*j: mrt ^t?n: 11? 11
1 aNr: if^i ijh: 1 $n 1 1 *W i^rsjfw: IV1 wn 1
v^' 1 i 1 15TEfl^i 1 ^nt: 1111 ? 11
Mo H II [^°

1$ sfrm: g^arr *ft: tfprcf^rfH: i tor *w4: i«rntf*»u anfWT «*g nft »r fiWm-
f*rf* »rre: i f^iyifljif^'ii 4ti*wwRafffi fto% ^rarfTT: fonnwT&rt w ^rarfii:
fagtouaft unit wsp- wntrti^ i *rag i ?ra wax «ni irN: m^j<ah«ii "vmr i »r%* t
nw^ Tf?r wrre: i 3^ *4»nq mqfttow i gHi4iq«T»n5|fft *rre: i wm jwm
H^Tf^fH: ?rf iifti»n«i i wi i jvftn ^wg: imt ^n*n:a

pi xrftfv ^nfa Sfaf g TO4k i

sm 5ft'^g ^vm 118 h
pi i i Trftsfv i pnftr i *n i to 131 htt^i snk: i ^ nm i
TO i sfHg i i i to: i pmT \ u8it
vran 'crmrtrj wnift i wftot g^MNifemOmi ^ggn^H
*rftfv gaft: gfwrgga gronsr i f^\nfa i ** gat *fonn xprfinws} 11
afifftt ^ a »rto flw^i *rnf g f*ra *n »rra; mrr wg i ipipf gfilv Tgn^^n*ftf?i 4wv: i
ON g^fHjw ^yjnrrr: *pi g*<tongrpg4T5ffag i ^rwrwwTT^g 17nrr
g?g 4Nt 5RTT^TOT»rawn^nri i gratia g*fg i *m gro^fa pt fNifaM: a

TOfir to to^ to i
TOT *T ^Tftro \rfrTTT^fk ^SMTOT IIMil
TOt i TOtfa i ^js^f i TOfa i TOtI ^p7$: I ^sf>4:1 Rfsf I rtv i
i * i ^f i ^rik: i nftfaito i to: i i i to iimii
w %*i ggriwr$T*rfrTTgTmgrrfa fpn*igg4 Nfn gfNifa i *psn gfcrt
wn^i ^gf*r: *f *rnj ?n«sT«f^rqT%^ gfg *Nfcfa i *r«n ^ gf gNrrafta f*mr*roTt
gfr x ^?Tfg *r gftosfa g4uT%a i g%4 ^^Tijih^kw % vrm: 4Nt vttOi-
tfTTranro Tf'nw^wt^rnt ^tptprt^ #wfg airaro i i ff4w^: a n^a

^TT kfrTT^^ ^MJTHT ^rfk W I

p MRtfk ^r: iitfii
wiTtfff i itoi^tot: i i*wtot: mfH i ^mi
p i Fret i ^sirfro i Rs^t^f: i ^ i wfc i MRkfr i i w- ii^h
1 fro ^nrm: ^n?4 w ftirm: 4h^«(t»it ^mg^Tq*t»rr ftf* 11«fM-
f»iw» i ^^igy^r i I g^r On: i wrr«rr: iro# ffifr fi
«TO^rr«irr *nra u ^«<i^i<»4t a girfwr ifm’snr^wrerm^r ^r:
4jht: nfMT*rt ym* whnrro ^HS H^Tg: i «<tg a
TO fnffkRR^: ^TfOk^^FT f^ i
TO^S5TT?kn: ^TOT Wl ^ ,5R^[ USII
H II «n
$rt: i i ^f^i: I gstnffl: I I «f4*t 1«1i
ippsrc: i i $stRt: i $n i Ttf| 1i ^tf^r i ii$ii
i to: *if?j: i 'wft»MqfTOm i i^nl: i gwt: ift«TOp«ii w *iiOW
^A* ^friapprerv^ stfim ^i: «w « Mg usy wfin(g i TOTropfaTOfftn
^j^wUtoNt: i to^t tTO: i i in»rag:TOf$HT *wri: i gw: ’jflTOtjrofw
sot: i wnTOwfgfn writ ht$t: i m *flr «*Ni toto to ^f»t gw i ^irosg #
^Ttfw frTOBftgft<4 »h<1«toi *»£««» iungwftg. i gfro ^ i mg*nm3$TO: *rfwr-
TOgufr wH* i ,ut* g° 8. * <\«. 1»

| rn4fa 3fi4«*t4i ^^i

fqmvrcjf ^i^f^nrfa ^35 utii
^1fst I ^TTlXI wfa 13ffa$c*t4il >TrTS^ I TTfT I ^41 $4f! 3TI1 I
fwswwt'i f^ift: I *41 f£i ‘ *fas«4 i I 4 i ^ util
% *rrft gw ^ aftwWi «l<n*ii g'wHi^'rt ’sfNs irt grofTOTO^fri i tottwt-
sngffre n t* toV «wgwiriTnrnptf ufagq ^ i w ’aftfa i wra-
^ff i i wrs towtw mfwrf gnWr favTgwp?r *??g: #^w-
Tif^ wfsw qma«tfiw»a *j w* ’fjggrtg ^g»T^?5if*rwwrff: wtw^*
vgjwl<«»WT vg: i gfro ^ i *g<«KiW^ g*§f* vg: iwg#
8.7 *0.1 tflt II

?*fa? ^4 g^rr fw: *|4f ^nRhO^H imn
v^: i f^sti^i ^ns^t^r: i i|rrc4 i i Sprr4 i i '^Trfa i
3*411RI 4l*g ll ^|s4W: lf4*st: l *j4: l3rf*S*4rft*‘l ^4*1 HQH
gw 'qfirw f^rrsgxjw^- • i^ wi <*<
?ta% wre <mmwq ^ 5ft: i fafaft i ^
%?rfgi|f1% gftrr: ggigwT H^?fr frorr: «#ni^mT7fVi«1wwn»ri^v: ^^■•fl^iTV-
^gg^sr i h
^fwrror 'to ^ri wftww: wFt^rr: i gtro ^ i to *n*rc ^*iflif*iTn
TO^f: ^TJn^w: i ^t* §. qo. ntg« to toww ^frotwlig *nf iwg#8-H-M-»

^4 ^ TTTrTt yNl I
^frf^gjRrf ^En wt II *10II
^41 ^41 *nwt i ^ i wr i i ^Wt* i i
^ s^t: i ^rfk: i ^ijjt s^ i^n i st i ^ »^;s^w ^swf^ii ii

mat mggnf gf*r+wfwj*ff f»r*n*i*n»i<sagi mS i mpra? i ^rgirfmfartf: i i

winmfjratT gfmfr fwftfr g^m gg»iT i wit i mfro^ i
"wfensft vrmr?t ^iwprrtfrtfa^T: i ’a«Fqir«hg|i
X* g0 mrfTi i ggimm mrfn i *\ i %m gftpft f»r«^g^TT«n mronmftii-
^rpimr gimfigM ^Hmra mg i x?*g 11 u^ii
mgmrf^Rt^ i ff i w^rt Mig^^Rng. i w* g° 8.4. $• i Tf*»

ijfafa w fa ^tn*n: gtn^Ri^i ^tNri i

that fa^fafa ^ ^rdlfa 11 w

^ i i ^jfafa 1 *tt i fa i *nv*n: i *js^rtw i ^srfa i «r i

WHT I yi I W I 1 3Tfa nfa 1 1 ^3><!jf| ll«WI

% gfafa i ^fmft«g>ra»N gs^ i tiwut w *snf: m*roT: i m

mfara i mrr# qmmm$ gmrniT iftmfrqmrm gwrfw mlsrS: i grow i mrami
wm i sftmramn gwfim wr t ^rf*j ^ mm gmrrafN mrmis fmnr wi^i
?r$t gfir Tpmf^n^ m*wnf i u

yfwft $ fH^j ftra f? i

^ *Ifrat r^tj fa^ififa tfrfa ii^ii

i ijftpft i ^ i fircrj i s^ir i ftri: i 1 fa i ^RTTf i

ft I *Jffa: I ^fTS^fct: I *pth i fa^t i I m*0T: i i wi ii wi

mgfw u^nHaf qarRf i 'g^gmrrmf^mmsfNi gfmft g fireg i Jrfafwrr
mrg i f^r mn# fmr: irfwr: ii quifitr fififq gm*m: i mft stci.ii
W i i grftm% urerm it f*m ft?r fwtn sr i aro^i wwi#m?*i i fmf^wT-
f^*i: ii ^rf%nr «fmn wmsmrr: i mfiim: mm* mi wrt i TprgmNm i mrfrm4
firef^nmS: i ffrmiTT% i <rm % mmfti# gfT^t gu *rmft m
qrcRmpft mrg i 'mrrftii^i f^rmrr ^m^:g w ^iw: «g i wmigm mig #

i gfmi ^ i ^3% ^wnftfn «Rm%mfmmi 1 w T

8. m. c. | h

^wnftr Tjfipff ^PR^-R ^ fN I

^rft fRrRt VTt3^ RH: ^?TT ^ faTCt<J in?ll

^1 ^ 1 *J**Tfo 1 ^Mfisj^nifti^Ri T^i

1 fpr 1
llrff I *pf I fWHt-* 1 1 ^ 1 TOM I P[ I H^11
*• <*o.ii wif sto n

^ WRft i ^fru^al »Mt i trcfrrft ft grcftftw qrcrfrt sffrftqrqqilft i nftre-

^ | w ^rft rt^mfr *rr an*fft fl«iifM<Mi*n«vS: 1** wt*r wrafi^ srts ft^nfc
^Ttrawi »ff ft* i wr ftifft* i fliftm ar*rr fftffm a$nri ft st^taf ijfw ^r^rff *raw-
^rt ftmft *nr*g i fftw f% j tntfT ts^ftifftp-srift *ro: ffttptfft: sa[»nfft wrrrfft

wNt* TOf*fa3t: tv: \

irtHft' wit a^ret w 11 «i8ii

TfTlHft i ht i Wfa i spfc i 'rcts^i i w i $$: i

^^|3TO*I^I^I^T*ltlTO m8ll IIII

mfr fft*n w i y««Ti^gO

f<HfMft amrcVft ft^Tfororrct wwfimwr^ anwrafti wti«rr«r:

w ft^r *fr ft^witifftra i f*n5?t rmi *t fftamRtoftaKa

atsft to ^rrwm i arrownfatfl't^n* sh* artfMMfft a
tw fipft5u^ri% ^ft^ir ajainfft i art fn *ntef*rars3
tpfai fi i w ampf wfft?rP3r agfro^qft #w m*TOsnw i to* arnnrt ftrsrr
i aftform* m i wffmr Tsr^fi'fWm^rRi: i mn *nf«M i
fft qfl«wgf wf^nft »jg#r TOatfMTfa®nr*t *rro »N TOJswpfWtafofr wt
armffft h infr fftftrcfoi: a

^^rtt qtro Tf^i mi

fir I IHT I 15TTH I I fam I pTift: I

17rRt 1 ,?niff «rr fft arftM i WTRsrnrapt i artg arnr i wirfftftw *ra*n* art
ar^<t i tbpto ^ \wt wrwt ajanwtfapro i ftwt i i a^lrrawai-
ftarafftar*: t % ipi*^ xpntprfamft ralrari
wq Tfft fhBTf^awtt vTT*m i wnreft a
fa ^5TT *tt ^ I&TO fa 4**HI ftfaT nil
I TO: i fa i ^#*r i i to: i fa i ^n i f5 »ft: i to: i f?T i
i safti: i to: i ii ^ ii
Mg ii wkz;. n [*?°

’VW *lli^gT ^TTSrrW Hfftgft I % «<0«lT!U»l W*I*T 1PIT V^it*T»N^T VTt *T f»rf$
*nfa i i Hpur^rr tptt: ^ ^ 9* * from 'wanwn f* t
fq^fsfufa ^ *stPn urn Pi *rssg i w^rwr: <*03 • ipn ^tt vrt
^n^rrj i mwf«q i ^Prog *r i ^aravlsn: e*Ofaw4: x

tprxrfT ftr ^TfrnT^w-^'^ i ssNift fa fa*| ^rrTf^i: ii^h

tpi: i trt: i fa i ^trri i i i fasxtwt i p up 1i fa i

VJT^ I p I I ^TT I Tf5l: H ?H

ipn icm *rni wff tt g»iPf i g^ft ^ft *rt n«u*Nfeg 1,,rpiw ^ ntaift
%»pri gfammumqf *rra%sPira\i1r *tPi ^j i wrr^rfr^i Paw yzt
wag i grr: *nftw 1 aft wfH^aifaiiN wPi Pi vnrr^ i Prafaa *ama i «rr iftirr-
f^i v*urfor Tf^ft wi ataf^afafTfaita aPrat afa Preg i Piaag #

irf^pfa *nfa ^TT^fai i ^rrefar faRrfa nfaT ^rfa W^% 118II

^ I fas^lfa I fas^pfa I I ^ I tTTTS^TH I pS^TR I

fas^flR I W- I ^T: I 3lfa I rT I |% llgll
Praia * arfaaiT% ar^ i Pia*Pr aianaakfa aTati%fa P»*n*i wi i ag anflfii
fja: i a^^aPn'Ti^at'iwisfei: i ya gfa f#aTV3( a4aTga«Pl I a^N y% I anaTfa i
au&Tawfwg^aiT»ii %a ara yrrgPrarr wtvNt wa% i atafga aW ar4a *®4: » aaan
wfa aj^r ii Pr?Pfa gg afa arfFreaw aaa a^fai agfa ht4^ i Pia4*i a^ aft
trgTaaaaf% agfa jtp$^ i atifa atar aai arwartifai aafa y% i ar4^ i ar:
irNJa gw4: x

v ^piv^anM n ^faztTTFfai i w5!^ fa^'pfcmfa f^i ^rrt 11 m ii

i i 'fasspH i w-1 i vrqs^tt i isns^ i

i i >itnT: i fn i ^pht ii m ii
^ sfrm afrm^r am^i »»gini <i^Tn^nmn^ f^Pna *re*rg^T*rz «n>TlPi
xrcnro ^Trfrfn i ’spj irf?r *nri ^rwr*! *m*if««i4: i wr^Pr
ifttw: n^4»i*i*pT^ i 4UPi afmr Pr»nS»f 4tPr: ^ n»iwi J»fn f*r»Nn»w»pi^fn i
jfmreft Pf i ntPr: *r? vfn ^trt^j i

f^-sm fH p Jrn’^% 15ft^h|^5TTO| nin

^rr I fHs'si# I f?T i ^ i ^:15T: IPI nt: i%ff i STfalfif: I H^11
% ty wwt Pro* i ■wPiqfra i 'w$V*wi* »m i irntt^nit Pi «rf*r i
grfr: gi^npiwwT^tpwyi: wwt^N *n ^Pf i *ro i ^TnPnrKrPiy
^ <»n<iP(^PT^T 4^»n5n^ i ^ »r*taff i W i i
~ *- ..
ii ii MM

TO ^JIT iTOtf ^ ^T ipT TTWT I

^ ^t: % M tfgnpit v*n tf ^3T| ?r: 11911
Tift 1 1 frock 1 ^ I 1 1 wn 1
^ i^srr: 1^ 1 ^ i 1 ?* 1 vm 1 tf 1 1 *v 11911
% ^rr: fann: *nft: fSRTfjiT ntaNfipn ^fwntnrtn asplm#* ^wt ^?r
* irft ^ 1 n>nwfn 1 gnrwr vn^ifa 1 n frwnnma gwnftwaf: i TwnrwT ^
% * |nT nftnrr ancmfr: nfn % ^wt nUnmjpnT atmfrn v%n n a?sig i tfqtang a

sir ftN^r -anfa ftr ftfaftr ^ 1

ijpirarta: wftTOTWT IRT ftr tWh 11 tn
w 1 ftrs^r 1 i ftr I faS^iR 1 1
jjHit: i ’qite: 1 ir sftsh i cn4: 1 tot: i fa i ^ 11111
aht^afl: *narrn nro #*frwn? 1 % an ncr nfa 1 1
n^fHg#: $n i fjsrr nnrn n m: iranfrw^nJ: i % *rra: nnnfa wnranini an fnntfn i
mftwfec 1 9ii(5fg«§i»ini^fl 1 4<k«ih 1 \ *i<{l*n«»in sc tn nfa i aNn^tainKM^fliiT
pUfwNT: gm 1 f^rafa % nro: fnaaianni: nafir fnntfn i fnnfei i ^rran nnrafS
irfa sait i ^ nfa ar? $<?r »n fnafcrraftft gsnt nn fnafaroi jarraprr afrfam fa: wr? i
fRn: ffwnro: af^ip&g: wrgarr: nacar m f^u: nfn mwft f^r«r um m fn *nfcr i %
nrama^fng^t: $ni% nro: fn«fa m«rt f^roft fSpnHafnfn mWnjra inrr i aj4|*ma^
eft ginff w naft w ntw anNi» m
H^fafa ^ ngtf p? r snSNa^T ^rmn fnrr^ 1 gnrfntaTfjf nwt
faTT^ 3[ircft faff ar^ a|iqar: 1 t<pniflni nH^TnTfiiffn: amafnffr nr aif*r$-
PHnt ngar^nafr m 1 T^gnrt 1 am mgartri i arfmaj^r fn*^: mwwft nr
’nfiit nptfT «st spnMn g <imni8inmqi itn nr ?rtar^: fnTT^fnjanfnfi! 11
fafn^tn: a

H5 5% M HMH
H5 ^ifti ^niR i?5t: iimii
1 ?f ntinrrai arft iq^ ’jngwnfa nmn i nfarn viw^igai^ i ainwn i snNfM-

WWI3E ^T ^pTT TR^T |VtTg I

to wnffl irii
THftl i fife I »jiri I TlftW I 3JTST I fM I ^Sirtfij I
TOl i v#!g; i 1 1 l^rofit 1 Tqg: 1 11 * 11
ftn^nt ^nrot irfit nftCTf«tiiailSiCinif^«i4Tit an«i*na«T^tWn^n gwtn urorg-
Ml? H «

did%d fdd i ddnf<<( drtfdfd3j d dferfdfd h**»um4^ fdd»jdfddpJ: i

M ^foffidivdld ddqjwPmffis1 dPtfd i dfd d
^^aRTnf^w df ^wra ^dRdr: dfddd Wdd: ^ddd dd^ Mfwft i
d^T i dr: ddifdtaiddt: dmidifd^Tdi 1dd «aR<dd fddTd: i dr: d^ ^dT u«TK<w«i:
dfd»N*wdt: dpftd ddiffd %d% i dmTNffiw^: i dd fdfd: i gjitadildd; i diijdi^d:
^0*wgTW*t dfd w tot dd^Nffr d^d. i <wMte dfd i?d ddd:ii

^URTT ^ipfYsS ^TCTT^iij I m^l% II? II

dj I ^T I ^S^isE I HTOTS^ij I ^Wfif I I WVjis<^ II?II

^mTft dgtwdT ^?fd^d%dfdTd%d ddfd d>Wfd i diffd i Bddtae duferro i

*<$idn;fd3PS: i Jrrar^j qUMiddddiTd* d>#rc; dT i ^r^^ra^tiwrfT^: i dfjft:
{• ^Tjjwft wduifwdifr dr dd*jd: dd. draft i draft i

fort ^Trjtfa U ^TrTN: I II8II

sr: i fori i »tt^: i itfri i m ^ 1i f^: i i **fo i wr i

II gii

fsnri d^dH^qdwmdf dddf dnplddifldf s didf ^temraf ddf|fd drt3 d^Td

d^T Rdf ^^^idTsq^dpaRfddvrrdl dtsfa: nroz i ira% dTjfrfft i dN SNtddfddd-
dftd d dT?hfd II

i fo^** ^ rifir im n
spir^ I ^EIT | I 1W9H I I I I I ^1

irfrT IIM II
dTgddT dddTddT d% dddf^ dTft fdT fdTfd gdffd SJdtddd'Pft£ fd^Ttd^dt dJT^T-
Tsfftd drwRrafr i dfddfft i dr&f dronfRnS: i dfd diddfa: uradT^ndJ dd d^d dtfddt
fR fj^dddfffd^d.HT: 4<<difdi;^iaidi^*<idi<inwd: dtfd i ddifd n

* |f^: nr^f?r i ^nfNw iitfii

W. i ff i i 13?sj: I I ^1 I ^TT^: I Jjfir i i^: 1

■^rrafifSTTTT lltfll
d dwprfdfirdYifd: 105)dg[ddrTOt i d TTdTtd: %d: fddlg: i d’idr gRMid^gRd^: i
if* s^mrrRd d d ttd ffdwfdfddTdTd. i drfr drot^fq d tjd ddnrft dtgddd i Rd
ditd fdu*ldTdn^»li^*idnndt^fd8TdT5lfd i IdPrrdTsnrdTif ddffd i dwr d wdrd^H
dnftJtd ^RddddT qi^ddfd ufd ^dT dft d^Tftfd td: II #^n

^ s^sfir'^tei i ii^ii

i <5^: i ^ i ify i i *ntei i i ^31 wi1 51,511


'riujwrA i vrcnH: fit smira: i ^ frmwuanuU fg^

gmt fyncre pnj: i w r. q- q. i Thrr *nff?r i
*m*i ^rnra ^t*Tt i VT^mrrf*w^: i TraftrofHW i rafTfir i fawif i
gta i *rc wfwnO i t^r n

5=rcJ ^ % *trm^ ipi ^n *5: i ^ftr ffw ^h: ii tii

ff^rati w: iitii
s(fr%mft^■%^^*ii««fii^R^rra fjfwmrtn;:g^: 1 %ynfhn^ grft
q^Tf^VPT If II ^THI^f: I I fgi
yfa: 1 grf^*mTffprfaftre ^ ifw q<t3imr<fln i*r%hft gr&iw: n

yu: ;*rmf to =m ^rfcif i

^33^3 srf^rTT 3HTR nail
f*o: 1 %w: 1 toi: 1 *n*l: i to 1 snj: 1 ’to: i 3w i ^d: 1 zttot^ i
fft^S^XT I STfcrWT 1 nail
v? *?N 1 to: 1 trrftr RhRitsi *rnft ttst: TOmftm f*rf^: 1
1 srajfrifira^t: %h: faftwri^ wftromit ?rvft *t?Tfa ^anwpnft ^ sfnjrt
T^swr *fwr*#fifaT*f. 1 w 1 *nr ffn torto 1 sfafogfa v*R gw: 1 ff^ga^i
a ^nroT^ro ^mT *pNj TOmt smfam wrofinakR 1 anawni 1 fwftgpfr 1
w wwrffwnm^g^ WRffYfa %?i; gft: TORifh*p$: 1 gRTf 1
fwi^ifafw TWf^prr grf ?rm»rrfwwT<;fwr^r^T gfoirr: 1 vr
if: fra* 11

pT ^ ^ f^t tHtagift ^xn^ffa: *ratat: i

% M ^^Trftftxn^ ^%frT fWTTHt: W ||
^1^1 ^t_ 1 faSH^: 1 wftai 1 ^rK: 15Txn^l I as^fat: 1
f*lfc I ^T 1 ^r^l §S*Tift: I fUT^: I 3$ I ^ I I Wf I W I
toMw moil
^wn^Kur ^ grwf »WTfW>^wfMtif^rra^f tfhr % gfftfHT#ff*f^r%rt:
farofr sn*rfW*nnf jraref 5ft atmro: g«r f^rr: ^rni w
^ 1 ^gs^frtm*f. a tfj 11 afurroiw
^rf^gi t?h ^ fW?i aftH^Tfgrre 1 w 1 fvrat »npn: 1 iftw^i-
1 7rf^r ^nf ^nrwnr: 1 fg^fT^Trc 1 |fir 11 «? 11
ffiffrRn^f»^<<ai 1 ’’roft trrft fnft it sroft ^WRTifw: 1
, toj ^rgpirm 1 gfrftr *iTgWTOr[T<»fwftffi # i«ref
VOL. IV. 1
Mb n n
fwnw tfn ii ^fT?m mfofl'nft «iq^^n^doi< 5rm n^T^nf^n-
m*m ’^i^prr^T: i ^ i qifia-sfg gwtg ^pftrrrfv n irrofR-
l^»WM. 3. *. i ft* 11

Wf^T *T ^fafaifrltt «MT I

*rgfa fa ^ *fa *ftt ^teirofW faW 11 <\ 11
^n 1 qfa 1 ^ 1 ^^fasfa: i ffatt i fq i ^q| 1
i *fa§s^fp i fa 1 q: 1 *fai sftt i qq*sirtfa*i 1 fa^$ mu
%^ f*w^ Tnrsrrer *ffw: ngwRu^fw W1 nwt *rcrf5^Tfi
^@mfa<T*raf*ifnf*T: ^Rfwrffmt ^rnrmwTrrt fmfwr^i Trf^r wr wr*n
f*lwi i *nfwgǤm w3th| 1 Rw^f 1 11 11 wrtf i qfcpf i
^ftr?frwrRg ^ngirRnr trprorefrRrt sfiv^fn 1 1 1 % ^ sr»?ft
?TfT^nf% 1 w 1 f*rat TO *hrftw qiwgftfqw^t<E wmufrRf Tft ^efrasi n

rW$ ?* ^fV^4: 1
%fw fa ^ ^fafa^qs 11 * 11

«mt 1 ^ ^fa 1 ft 1 ^sqppi: 1 q*ifa 1 sfasmwr: i

ftfa 1«MT i 1 fa 1 q: 1 ifai^sfffa: 1 1 ^sns^fa: 1 fa^faft irii

*3h«*uh qwrm wcro^r strrRwr^ wrnrr % ^ ^rg wt*ta 1
jffwift 1 *r% 1 f^rtTj^rpft n*ftqRq <qnfl*f *ffr« 4^u fa «fl iwto-
fifif ^ %fw 1 1 fqwf 1 to m \ *r^Rrfjr% i gyenJfwq*}: i f%q TOrfq i
JT?PW^f% 11

^ ^naft fffa: ftfanftffa 1

^HPrtq fa ^ *fa fa^T ^rfa fai*if faft fa^re# 11 3 11

^ *fft I qftrct: I qqft I ^|fa: I fifarfrsfa 1
f^TT 1 ^mfai 1 srifcn 1 fa 1 q: 1 i fa^st: 1 srfa«fafa: 1 faft 1 fa^W 11 ?«
v^rat *naw VTTRr?rnc '"Bfroft qg^TsrfafwqfcqT^l^ wiilqreft i %*rft i **
I^tfT: 1 RhnftR** ffswrr: gfM¥ RNar wi ^smT ^|qgQr*t <rg^ 1 ^ftrni
^WTqt ftgw 1 w 1 iwRr: ft^nn»n 'winrar v* v^^twwt vHNtwt
tw« wmicffl 1 f^rrafn 11 ^ wwr %n^Tfn ^rTOtn^nprrf^
^ fro: f%m: ^ft*rr differ Rft i ,*rfMi ^rr wrtn w vrr^rfa i f®«^ i gwrrfi
^n»rr f^ 1 *m Tpnnfr f^% 1 w »ifT*wraf% o

HHT 57t ^fasirfa fa ifa ^ fwn 4q fa^% 11^11

qo.sf® w.] n HTwts**: ii MQ.

if i ^ i i *fa i sr&ns^ i i

HI SIT 15T: l^faSHTrfa I fa I W* l^l^lfatf I^T Ih*i fa^%|l8(|

1 1 ^ ^ t^I wr qfXgfaft
grprrf^r f*ni <t mwnftiawRTOT wr 1 wit 1 irara? 1 fawij 1
gran* *$«ri ^rmf 1 «rft*§ mmHasTiifafi^ 1*
afarftBnJ: 1 smft fa*nj% i JTfTwrfa 11

srfa^Tirt ^fawr fanfWfa «RT^rt i

^H|wf fanfafa fa fa wt fafa wm H»nfa fafa# 11 mi

sifa: i snw: 1 snfaioT 1 fa^i fafafa 1 Hitfa 1

g^i |H: 1 ffarefa: 1 fa 1 1 1 fin?: 1 HRfa 1 Httfa: I fafafa 11 mi

^raltTfWT^rflwT ^srrrfr ^arfwfufa: 1 m 1 ?ttr$ tpsTr^Wn fir4wi i^° i.

<i§.<^.i Tfn JhrraTTri: 1 fwrfa *twrfa ww wwfa wt<3«*4ifq 1 %f?r 1
*n>wpn?i fat ^rnmJfT5T*rnf *prat. 1 1 f%r wpfcmTW fire *i: «*i. iiw
qwnfa: nTshfafr 1 flis ^re 11 11811

fa wfa^HSSf TTORMt I

a ^jfa fa fa fafa ^nfa fafa# ii^ii

fa I HtP§ 1I I HSfaiT 1 sr«n; 1

?? 1 H*jfa 1 H?nfa 1 fa 1 h: 1 fai. 1 fafa 1 ^nfa 1 1 fafafa 11^11

? wt TT^rf^r iwfrrfti'aft; *mt *rtTg 1
^f^fWPTT: I ^fq Tf 'f Wt ?q fwr fwfl liTWT SRTWTfa wretarf*i IffI wft
4tmf^f^fonjFT *wt ^rrfa 1 w$?f% 1 ^ra: ww-
1 ^ 8

fa xtrfafa fa fa'fa; 1

*pitrffa n^fa fa fa fa* ^PriH^faffa^ 11$ II

fa 1 *fa«j 1 ^fafa i ^vk 1 sfa i fa i nf§ i

^sfaffa i n^?: 1 fa 1 h: 1 fat 1 ^ i i ^sfa: 1 fans# 11 $11

^ ?rt *rgBfT wtrt *i%g 'emrg f% , f*n#ir wnrtfn 1 #fir 1 ufsro

T*ndW ’Jljf
’*nmt 1 1 fa ^ ^ Tnr 1 wr^ WT^rsit 1 »rfpwnf% u

^ fafafa^ 1fan% I

^N^pnifa fa nt ifa ^rfa 5irfa^ fa^^ iib ii

II ii [u°

i i i ^ i WBpm i fS?U
safasi^ i °pr$*ra»fa \w. i t^i ^ Mprrfa«^nfal i fats$ n bn
% aft ffw^j ^rar ^fta ifrfaar %aata aaa% i faarNf w aafa aan wnft
»raf% i faaTfaai^fag^ girr^ srfarsaa. fara% i fa aarax^a i gaaft s[f$afa *a
<taaaaal«ft: i w aTarfaai: aranfwg wfM^jaTaftaatf a»f ataww ^arrfa i ffsff^l
**TT*rf% I IJWTW^: ^7i!T'^fl^^J«^Murt4TfW^gq^% I asfaTOfa I fa at a^ aa
fafaaataTf^ffafcaat aaft afa i aa^a sraarafa aarrar faaaft i agrarafa n faW
Tfa apua aftfr apt$r aaw ^afafa» 11 m ii
gilfa aa^jpf at i aa^ft taja aatftarialaaarfareiUgga: farsr: gwpw: i
HTanpft i g$affa: i aar aTgarra i f? aatar gwrarrfa fagaa a
arr fa^r wi at$g§a afa ii aga-r^fa fa%w i gfaa ■a i fi ga gwrar a
*fa fa%w larr®^.^.! ifa ii

ft ^ir ts* sfa fWr ^ i

*q *i: *jst *q f»TO n ii
ft I 1S& I ^ifeht i sra i ifa i ftp*: i 711 i
^fNit i ^ i i ^ i >j?t i ^it i i ftncT in ii
aianfarf^a i^: f? gra ^rft a?fr foam: msrra: i arfaraft snrora w$a ajar^atafata:
gaft i wrnft i aa f^ta: i faat a g*r *a a%a ar a^a i a ts[ safari *parafaf a^
faara arraft gfT aT gparar^i ar fw ajfaaraw arar atft araftarraaft i arsft
^aa lanfc i a a?;: ff aja Tfa ^fnr aaa: ii

1^ igf 'sm i
ftfat 7T tft ^%EciT ^FTTRn IIRII
IS i ^rr: I ii; i sftti ’srcii I fsft I I
ftre: 17n n: i *fai| i ^n i i ^ i ^natfa i ^n irii

**t%w t%: aa: awra: i amfarf^aa ar# aarrfa: ar% i i afcpi: t a#

atrara wlaa: i aura i$ % aa aa gataa a m afaa. iv'.w a i awi^ar
ajarr aaiagai a«n5: i a tsft faat a aa tana aa ar ahga^g aatia aT
a% aifrfa i atfa i aarwiaivrraa i a t^^arrfa: to i^a ^ar aav: ii
Trft wrfir: wpn wwf^: i
tpsft: ftin ftrt ii 311
*r. i m 1 xrfiif: i 1 ircrtftr 1 w 175s: 1 1 i
1 1 ^t: 1 f^T?T 1 gtsi?r i 11311
a aft afa: ajaat aw afa^ajatfanar 1 aifjii^iai 1 air aai^: 1 araaga

**qo.w> *.$?**.] ii srotsqqi: ii

awtf: i afit aqwt grorer vw g ?jgf%i: aStgair: ^i: i faro ^agt: ggarrf xrfagr wro
»nh ^ tiff vv^fli i ar t^wqTfarfa Ste i aro ism: i faan
faai arm ftarfwai gar arrfat nsft ii

^inHt qraT qrrta ^ff qfaq: i

*zmt f^fsrwr ^siT^r: #tq«iq: iigti
i qret i qrrta i # i \m 1|q^f i qfasq: i
^rTt I *m I fq^hirtl I ^3fR: I *sftfq i qi«iq: II8II
% qfast ^qfii5( n apart amnffgt'japTiaai: n ^fr gfmauqa<3 |apg qtararmag arraror
xrait^rt iMt J Wrrft ^ti^nfit*nrq(t|vj: I xrsrrgt ar^tart ifaanaraft garro: a-raxT
arafTOam i afitiift i favwatr farrfaaroan 'tot anafg gjm graft aNpft i xrmst aj% anro-
an^farro wr^ain. aitfa i amar asrot it

f? *n faiTwsnwrt w^rr ^rt qfHli i

qqffqt q wq¥ qWT qf^f^Rl: IIMII
r i sn i fq^i qTrta i wtf i ^n i wn: i qpn i «qqt i q^ i
*raf: i^q: l q I q$: I qrTTI qf%: i fq^Pq: iimii
w*iajwfTTft{>H: $f qraroffi i argU^araMdi farom farorrfw ^ * ^rrorr
gfalfa ^ft »rrftr amff ar^rrurt ar^ arfxr^ft arrfw arfaaf gfaifii f<i^ua\ %rrr i xrogr
*t*rtfari%^amror armfa%*rafts g apr[Tfg<jinfa<fl an Pnnmwi ^t*rr-
^ »TOTBj^f i aHcfafa<Wi]«n$: i gf§ a^^rref i xrfafflafonTOqriiw^; i snarr: i w^rg-
#*1 aroefa ii n $ ii

m_ qf q?$T q qn i
$rj\y. qwf^qqr nra iiiii
^ I *qqi I qqqt 1| qi; I qBtsqtiT I q: I m1 I
^TIq*q*j: Iqiqq;t?^i f^n IqI*q:»qI q$ n-oii
war anjarar iw*ifli<j?j»iT anam agfaf t^TOV aarm ^grro xrfn ar^pft grr i
w i Wi wlflt ftartwamra: i wrefai^r arf^ajar arrafarfa}^ ^ ^rf arof aroanro:
i^pr i fa pmfafar xroj^ i garr qi^Sr faTrotsmaft ajaft afti^aj i xironr: anflw-
^ i ^ Trfa trajamar; i f<«u^rr<t, i far^r asrrarg: i xrranfaafT w-1 artaffa i f^rg ^gfarm
^farw an§ argw art n«iwiflaiafi i apart: gm^<an'<ariam*i*rgr<*i«<[i^^ *r ^nJfafa
5^wftnpf: it

^55 q^rf i Hyrt qiqmlsq; *m qq^t^l u s u

^ I Hi I is MJB^I wHi I q*i I q^S^TT I rTr^l «3T I qi^p^ I^N: I
^i q^i fq; i qmtgq n$n
ii ii [*SC#®.W0«.V t.
$ tar i w giftmvf vi\ i i i w$r
tfluilwHri i wfr^T^nn i w gTlRwnt i *ni% i *h<*wt wfa it ^ vnft ^ a
^pr«iW: i f^ wfq <3T ^ i t flw^fwraa^iii *
i i ttot to vnngq «*i«n$[**i mtoiR*# 1*1 if* ^
i *jfr it ta; ** g^wm*rpmwt^ *»*j«i<*if?iR;w«igt f*u «nqHfc» i iwr ^r 3tr»t
qifroTOrft Mi»*iM^<*n«ii«fM wtftft wt *rm*n ijn ’tpstt^: ii

ri W IItil
wg$\ i i i ^} i str^: i ^pis^tt: i sratgq: i

r* i tiM i wtosp[ i i i i** ii tii

^Tf^nwmt^T <^p$TO3f*nrp*fTf*T*psi'®r «a^-mfl ^ifRT^ro^’OTfrr 11 i
•*MR<qM«TOT tottoWt ^e^i: i i totto: ^ffl^ffl*ifflR»«ii«$nt^
ngwj+i=ij4(^i i ^ly^uftfdRw^: i w.<i*jd’tiftt t ’’Rfrofa^fjin ts'dfi^ <4
tifinro TM^m i n 'sri fffa «

^ ^ ^ ^ pf ^rt i

t^^TT ^ fa ^rn^T R^rT to^f w II eil

rh h: i is IVI I ^TT i rns^RW I I

^SRl1 ^ I fa I ^#4:1 *farf I I 3TOT II0.H

t ^ froi% ^ ^34^flr *fvr- T*Tfffir Hv i ^

33 3|wt tuft^wn irfwt R*n«if to^t i fro t «<0<ii:
^<iu«nNdi^V^R gw 3g*d^Rr wr i Rrfro *ni^ft i ■ «ni»MttoR i
JTgstT: ^TTfTO %3T$ TOT c*ll^fw <T^l. II

tj*JT ^fatHt tot R^SRflt moil

ri i WTp; i i ^q: i ^ i i ^35 * ^tosPi: i
xj^t i nf<i i ^fi^rt i tot i h^swrt ii «io ii
t 5Tf%^ft Win: ’5T? <3 3TT^rar i 3rf%: ’gnmit: i ?m gw ^rui \ "Ri j^
i;^33Tvf i i ^T3f% i *nrr w ^«it

’jiftflftt ^3: i ^WP^m: # n 'Q #

m ?t ^ ^fto: i

"tm ^TTft ii w ii
Tpqo.^i0 *.$?**.] ii *rsn?is^: 11

hsj i in i ft 1351 ^rs#to: i w^ttsI i *nc i ^fes^r: i

V^\ ? I 1 I affif i fire i *RH$ft: n<nii

* ^ Rum nfmt vim% ^rnTJmt grafts: i sfrgwr: mnwTli^H^ifr i n

?W fW^PwftfllRj RniqiKm<iWMlftl^: I *frgfMTwR mwfa-
mfn nr nifn nufrfw ’tTldx: <gq«flfn ttn: i ^npngfwinflp ^an^ig^
Pra sm i i fffmnmfn i w i irwiflft *nfn ^ nnfaw nfn
mfn npintfn g*Nr «

WfniW* ^ i
iwii rT ^WT ^R: 11 II

*Tl ^fyj^l *51 *JU ^ft: I I iM i

^ras^N i ^ i ^rai i ^ i *Jim i ii «kii

$ ^ ^jnr vaWfwtifns^i ^nRy<g}a«i | ^ | ^jf^g
nwlfMoijn; i fwf jfinnr: i fnw *nni: i wt gnn. i ftmff % nflrnt qflrftg ^
^ i fn#wtf?rsrrniR$nni i '3rrairi(i«ii«iifii^i*iT m mfvfn
g^-infwr: ^rra i wnn i wrfHfmrSm fnrfBg%n gmr: iftei m%«rnmqig *t®t& ii

^ rTT rf ^ ^ ^Tf^rf^TOTjf: 1
f^SIW 31TOT iiyri ^ «rfinR; || <1$ II

^ ^frf I rTT I ^ 11? I W% I WQl I 3lfftfrft: I ^TSWRJ: I

£ren*r I to! i >pf: i ^^rit i ?t i ^rs^r: ii s? ii
^11 % wNi ^tgnr. ii rTT n#}?gmn nw3?^w wmrr;: nfn fngw^T-
ii m nuaigsw i oig<4«i«< njipftaprapj: gpre: i % nn mrr:
^^ 1 ^ Tnni: i ’nfn mg i n?n}fntmRgtfo-
^ mT<W: i $ itftp* ^ gpffaf mfvnt gwt ^TfST»»fUnf^mr m witaf? i
^ fnrn: i n w ^hrrfl[»itnRWT nl¥n*fl ?ra^ i m: mrr mf^f?r ^qip^'q: it

^t: ^1f»#aT7nf i

T*i ^ fa fibre: m8ti

^f¥T i ^i i ^rf i ^t: i Rj’sffPr: i ^nTr! i
*F*3 i vfk \ f^is^i^R i fk i fwi: it ii
rr< ^ ^in^rr Tnftrrfgm^ mTJRftlm ^ i ^wgmn^ian}: i %*trt
^ni^yQnf ^prt mfvR: an^Rr«hi?r win i vnvmu^R: sgtnni: i
^ ^fRl^ftr^gnt gfirfY nfr%*sr n^fmr w mfn nm f%n ^j«!i*ig< fwm% i
7fT^ i n^nuirflfniiiRn Trn^raroW^ncnitf^m f*r ftrsra: i fnnrt mRinninffi i
- H ii [S5°

^ i^qr^iffhn ^Rpwwraywrt *4f*»:

^ua^~< Tjfi^ar w »nft *r*rraftsnrr^sNi *m*II ?it *u*I\rml4fli fft^t
^j«mmna »rorarer Jftw$ ft fSnw 11

firetfa%% *TC StH HI fifawt ^RTH 1$: HT I

Sri HfTO H1^5 tRt H: IISMII

ftpfrsftR i s?U i ^S51 i ht i fpppp 1 W&l1 1 ^1

^ i HRHT i TJWft: i H^b i i ^ I tr: iRlcb I ffa I h: ii ii
11 4ft *fft ft*T I WP*TWTf?TOTrft
»^srft aiq^ti 4ft Wd: i Tf^ft HR: i ^ wtt*t ^rf v^T^rmftft: st
irepjt: wr ftw: i qwq>i<*iift»MTsnyft «(ftnnwn®RT ft4t: i *rerera ffft-
gqgwftwpfc i vimft ^ 11% ^ *ppre?rr ^pm: i
i fts^ i *nrs Tft *?g*m yftaf^ ^ i »»pt Tftr
^%h ^ 4U*irr^ra: ®f4 t vro: » 11«#
*ft *r?ft g4r I ftjH^ I ’ftwrfiWTfftft i
arfwjTfwtcg^n* i ftgreTreft *nrw: i ffofft^ft i wm ^Tgwm i wra% ftj4t
q^rfiraifttiflft ii ^g^ifft «ivjfi(*i«q*i g^ftrrft*jfiTT^*t,t “fl^i*i.fft^rr Tt^i! <pwr-
^T*U *jft4 n i wwf t% qy^ftsiftft I ^ft 11

^nrt^ ^ ^rateftpo twri f^Hisri i

n w§ agfs fk tufan 11 q h
nsitati i&\ H5*s^f^d i itNt i i fassfrrRT i
n i thsj i %^^i ^4s*rt i ^i fa i §Htfa: i ^4hr: i fa i Tpfcn 11*111
trafijg; qgn4% 14t*p?psj%ffaf4: ^rtw: i i W(ft»d *rt4 toY ^ft^
?% w a ftwr*rr x^r?*rrf^ftft*arai4wf T®wft*nt i ^
T?rg ^fttft T*rgftr tt ^ i i
^nrnft ftftsi 'JTff^^rrwr i yfftT i ttv! v* i
^w^^W^faqraTfTT: 1 ftftti ^s[Tft 11

^T '*& faft H^Rt ^7 ^^1

's&tsk ht4 f^ 11 ^ 11
I^13STCTI ^TI I 1 ^ IS& I 1 H^S^tl^S5TI
^>3:1 anrsn 1 ^^r: 1 1 ^r: i 1 1 1 1 f%«t h ^11
Tr^STssr «n ^ frV 1% 1 w*ffiiftr^n ift inf J^V
Hnwwi<|^nM»a^mi vM ’^rewiTO ^rr *j ftir ft^ ft^ 1 w 1 ^ ^
wsnrnf <ai*u^i ftrt h*pt fft 1 wwt iftwt ’^5%4^rrwwft^l' f^T
II *nwts*qi: H $q

?*i™*** *T TOt gro I wTOr i ^ nTOT HfTfn?: to:

qritTO*ttnTOi i$i toti nfwt TO jffinrafti nfroTOi to^tt,^ft,TO
TOtfr* fro: 1 TOtfUTOfTT m* fro; , ,
ftHJdlTO’T I TORT I *rreTOmft *TTWf*T f^pl ^ ||

^ f%tm_fa&i vi fq ,
w fttfH ^ tst II?||
w 1 ffrefir 1 1 ft^s^w: 1 1 '^T^r^r i ^hts^stew i qfw: 11311
f?xT0 f?roiiW TO TTOtanTO ^rproro p^ffi* TO: ( ^f?r ttw: i to
^T vryj ptt: jjp^j fTOTOr tow: tort vrrorrf^;: nfrfw:
TO ^ TO**'» fTOfrr 1 ^rfTffn 1 *rT^h: 1 TOTOfTOmgmr: 1 toTO rtoto
^fwr7T 1 TOnfiTOTrorensr trfrt: TOmOgfliTO: 11

*\F*a ht w*
nr^fiir If*mfe ^ i
m %f?f fq4 ^ ^THt w ^ h8h°
^ 1 tfw 1 1 mr^ 1 ^1 ’grtfff 1 ^Trf: nrtf 1 11V11
d^^^^iwifTO: I to toptT ffBTftr ttT to fro 1 f?fTO[m<ra 1 tot to*
rm^: rt y tfd prc ^iiR TO^Tf^rrprwrf% tot to ^nf*r ^rof% n ft^rr
wR w & frPfifria^ftiriT VTg: II ^^1 fro fTO frofin
™ TOJ^lfTT fq^fTT %TO: l^l^pri llTTOT TOfpTO^f* I ^TTOffir I TOH ^ g?t
lfTO* «f?T toj ^?i tfrtf TTtwT I tot: tfwfrr TO: i ^rotfrr 1 RTOV^mrd 1 to
?ws: 1 tpiT to<j4to TO fropgRrrofw ?rs[?T n

^ f^Ht f* ^I
?raf^^ fM fqfo wfW ^T«t: II mi
*1 I I iprsqhr: i 1 1 i^1
rHr^Srlr^l ^1 I IIJ## | fW S^qiq:i rffW I I ^rq: II q II
T ^ qiyfTONt Tsu-jn, pmft fffroro^: i wtWti i
1 i ^rr TTfurt TO^rfw tor ffir i
^ W ^ ^ 7,f^ WTOWTO^ftl ’^erfn tot ffrof^ ^
. tot to! ^ ^rfir TOtf5[TOT^n TO TOTflfii i TO to: i TOT TO TO
^ ’iTffir tot totTO TO grr 17TO: 1
^ ^5 f&KJ ^rnt I
^T TO Ht^^rftrTO H^T q^‘ ?r qtqr: ii^ii
VOL. IV. " ' „
#i=l i % i i?: i fas*3T: i grefaffR; i snttfr i ^s?nt i i
faa i f? i i i i *mj irg i g i %n: i ?rcre| n^,
^ t?r * g«r W1^ faa^r ftpwpum^l aa aft* aPmOulnaalguai
afaaaa: i afTraa aarfc n ara gataKaT^aiaiwaV. yrwaw n I argaiNgfcft:
S$awa i a?grsfa«pJ: i gaaa ayaw i iTHM^n^t^wflrwrtf: i fir arcnwumfr a^ aaSrax;'
^ntiw aa awtaa vimwlfii faar aa amta: aaumcmi'fl^la aaaaT atrkl i
aa«ai^fa*j<«i fa? i ?ni fata: i ag a ataT w atamt ^qaigan. anaifaqqY aiftfa a?a.<
*nf%g xt^t h^tt fa gf^^sfa %. fa*r^ g i
fasn fa ?t irnfa ^ *nfag^ W *fa *mj ftnTfa 11$»
*Tfsfc: 1g: i trt i tren I fa i %: i rfa i g i *g I fasH^fa i g i ag$;,
faro i fa i Ft msxtf?rfagi ^nfas^i 9*# sfa ii| itf^ isremftpnfa m
^ a faw<a$4a a a: n w^t aata i ar° % * mi-1 >tfa yft^imaa n anaat^-
*kTfa wt srerTfa ^i*ra1g#5irsTfwnprrf7» afawn$Tfm arfaf$ atg: i ssfa«[fa a faa-
a^g: i afa a f? wnanrwt ^a afrrrofW^ % 7m aataaqaifgai gfa f^rar aa amk: i
7m fCTi: i arfaaaaT »rrm mafW %?giri afa aTatfa Tam. i aarnarrw^# wra ft
7m a a*gn awrfa fipnft ag i aa?rrfa aag i amamn»fi«r$: y bqj
t% atafafa a|aaBa fw i ag^Taiffts^gsTfUfataarr: i anf^afara 7&a ’amn??-
fam^arr: i wf^ft at aiaaT aat at aTa7ft aTarrmfw: i arta: flag. i ttot gigam 11?
ata aaoTOTram mfa*?uanfareUgsa afa u aTft fafaata: u
35 fakfak ftfa H^TFT g* ^71 I
sw* xfa fa vta fa fa # fa^% it «i ii
^I I # I f^ I T^S*TW I zf# I ^rf I
#♦ ITfi? I fk I UTtX[ lf^l^:i#l I lfH^S#l
f^h# nil
\ t% *Pni ftm i TBtfii 17T*pm ^ a*<t<.fvaa<HMiam^t: ?tw-
firga i a^aai; gaaaft ayvm ^ aara faa^ fa^rw qt7mwm% ?mmt amng ata va ft
vtttt i f*raat im i ««tfit i w^anp i aqafawtj: i amnr ^%a v%a aama
gaafa ^rra gk: aan^ig va fa^nfkr^: i am; ytwfaaaH i aamSlaa i »
Tnrmmftr i
Fit f ^frKfat I
xNf# xr^^ft ^ # ^t| vff #1 irii
r^fi i I i i |#>t: 11# i
snffs# i ^^*tt i fg i i #i ^i mi gf| i i «*11
ii n
\ tsT HMWt: tfrwirrf^fH^I: wrrt: qPftjltHA; gfinmf^q ,
ifii vntflAift i vri *nrra* i vft * iHftSl wfat
tnsrfan: i %sitPi«i|«5f urnsrat n * fig ipft’ri xffat *#urf tnW i
^ toW %? nwm wrf^pr Stfi i i firs ws»
prcaj ^tf|rTT I
H ^rpmfarn fk % ^ fWt #: *n#Ht f11311
V 1 qft: I I ^ I vmt I ^%T I
id 1 13sf*f ?TT 1 fa R: 1 Tfiij 1 faq: i q: i tqff 1 ^sf^r: 1 fMrejfl 11 3 11
\ t% ^r Trunin «t<tiTl«4i»ii wri tifintfir ^rnft »r*f% i x^rer ttmw ^tgg
^ttwq^jwig tl^wr ^ >wf€i fl^ ^ t% wi HtyqwPnH Trotifir i« rfft
^ ^ wfir fifr %j: xrarnrwtiwrRrrf? i i l?*r: tmnw i
wr^rg^i% 1 wra finrott ffgrmqfif n
*hw wnfa^rt fafafari 1

faqiq srretar fa**faff 11811

pi TOI^5fWlwM^H^sWlf5i:i WWJHl’
fasqfcf 1 ^1 ifsEin 1 i fatssnfaw 118II

^ wt wt irgwrf^t^g ^ ^Hs*n #ir<nfl*TT *rrtnfa»n jrcnstft

Tt gq g^T *nfHf f^<*i«i?t 1 *rfti fira^fW 1 nrfwqurfit£» srt# «t. «t^-1 ffir
| q^Tfipft firdfiTCWift ’SWft I *T«B^T »TTOWT wrawft
grr gpff Pi<*i^<i fSn^fw w^ilY g*rf *rwt *r»nft fitffinrift ^ u
W *faT =?Tf*fa I
^frTTfafa IIMII
W i^it: 1 1 sf*ift: 1 fa:$xnfait: 1

i \\*\: 1 xpf: 1 ?sn i qqmqj sfaim 11

^ xreWr: swll *igm«nfafffr$-
^rr wm i grogprc; i fl^ ^rr *n««n^fw*^
1 1 f^flfw 1 tpna 1 g*r:gw<fgTnfl ^Tfl
f^wmfn 1 *rajT i g^iT*ingH<n>nr«»: g*n>TO»BifMW«Oqtfl nflfsiwffwfw

^n^UT 17TT ^fd^T^rhlTfi ^^TRfrt 111,11

I ^ | qTTSW^ I TT^S^I rtfl I WS?T^ I HU *} I ^sq I
^rfciT i ^ i ^s?m: I $q II ^ II
ii H
\ % ar^tj vxjvti yitmuwN «r^ i va ^Wtwf^iT ar^p^ar mrm
i faraft: uui^iflfHngffi amftrft aft: i T’^Ttam wmam ar^arn ^RtRrgTir
*mg i 'wft -O ^fr «fm*TT*fl afu*rmrajam: jftft*ptn»«ii i J^i i^%f*
'a^iH i ^iran i aaftauf<3qiN44ft»lw$: a a <io a
argftSmi^ to flit i ginft^ati^^iqn;^* i iYarfom* i ^ftvMmi^fn
uf^TTwr Trnrniwli^r m ftar^r an *Taptft arpra[ft: i mrr ^Tfwni i arg^T^u €farftft g
amt ftftarft: n

3ffa ^TrPI ^*JfT ISrf I

<m\ ^ ^ fa Tt *rf fa^« ii <\ it
1 m \ ^rfa i i *fa: i i ^?n ^ i
l H i ^ i ^hfa: i fa i I *Rt K^fa: I *lfa: I *11 I fa^fl 11 «| 11
% aftar 13 afrj^ft amt V(t arrant!! amm i aram i wrt am: famw fftartf: i narr
^api u ^r firt ii f? ^^nfrmai?TTrarmaTfq famrrfwsrartf mw i wmam-
Tiarra famrrfrnr fftaft: i ^inft ^ arrtj wm *r% ^»nwwrwar?f trm i ’^arnamartfati
$fti?p$: i asrvntr aatanrasr im at# *rf%roiftr TTsm i Katrm i in
ipnn: i armt n am% w Sm*rt an% a;*ft f3ft iftn. i tnftmrftr i to: afrantiWTW
atwfvfar war ftaa£ ftftvnataiwar^ftfarft arft i w^i i WTftam% armirnfar a

^fl^H fa^*| I
3TUT TTO fa fa fa^ fa^$ II * II
ifas^: I ft I ^wft I fa^ I flfa I I
sfa i I ^ I *m I fa IW. I I fa i fifaft i i n*n
1 gtar it «m asjftfti^ai fppr agf^-ft ft%g vtarf a$g a5tf*trarra?l i
fjqitftreft i ^naftfafirn ^Tarr ^rftwmT ft 3t *r^ ?m ^tarrmwftfwar^ftft% atft i
art*rmainif»rw*i: i arfanfr 3f3rnn amfwgift am i i^anftft $3: i ft ft^l t 'aftreft i
wr^i i n^rroft a

3rT ^TrTTfa ^ IHf fafalfaf XTRili I

W ~fa^4 fa ^ ^ *£357 ^rt ^fa H? II
i ^?nfa i fan i ^ i m i fa^nfa i nmt i
^I I I ^ I ^[‘I ^1 *l«51 ^ I I ^Tr^l fa^^ II ?l!
’airrft ^ % #a» *nj % f»4 anrrft atTanfl^ai^Tftr wsrr Mfttratan urani
arg[T i tn^tft tmftaft<u*rnn. i amft MfcManft i nftftftm^w^: i n famrfar i irtrtft1
w^nr aifrafftni: i wm armiatut ft ar^ im ftftSt ar^ arft afugn^ i f’sft i
ftfl[VT^Tftfaii»i ftrm siwif<{w*iw«n«?ift ift: i ira f^ft: i ft?ft f^ ^ ^
*oqo.ST*$.^0SM.] II HWRhTO II ^

grrf prafa trrcrofa irafti wn^nrrn: qrwn»nifa *Ftw*i

wrrtfw iremrt pra %anJ: i i wm f*m% i inrnrg
warnprafa 'nsrofa ^fa «rre*t n

ng w Mfo tf?w imtsts^rf t? i

?4 *'• fa ^ VR*it ^WTT t? faM^S lltfll
IT I ^ sfit I H I TTfir I MM: I ITjfe | sprm^S^ I
^i^:i%i^^if^i^:iT^iiiTR|i^reR[sisriW^ ntfii
% «fa vtaft ^wpmptfa firitfn fftro: ipfU^rffaT: ^ * *jfa {jnrgr*nr
*n*rt wt *N?fa i fsfa* i *i4i*fUqflifa«i i fwa^TT ^pwnrnJfafa wh ftpr ^Nwr
tc*Nt m i % wn i i ^mff\ imsfa ^ i ?nfa-
nstrmr wg *n>nfaf mji wr fuw* tffa% fat«fl<wr*i vn?51 *^<0^ 5®m i tt*
fgftr. i ^waifa* w w=t faifa fafaMqt*ii*.«w3 qnfafan fafirapt j jfatSfa pm
^ wnnfUmHifa iwift <raft i wfa^rpfa i <i<rM *fT»pfa i pr i
vfcra: i fgfamStmu vffa ftfanfafafar ftafttpra: 11 ffa *ri *ig it ffa i *fa?i
jrftf wf BTpfa i f^uf^rn i pmfmt i sraTNHmivT fmpmr xfii mft i w fqrmfn
m$fa rraft i mip fumfa fatffrprro *ig ^ vtt*t i w f$of mtfa mrr i
fafp i prr Ptcrera p*tf% pg ii

rT^ ^ 5R1Nt I
ipM MKterat fa Mt ^ *ni faMrrofafa faM^ir 11 m ii
«T3 1 $ 1 M I Sjfisfa: I fasWuTOJ 1 fa I ^|faR I
IpM i MW: i iraM: i fa i w. i nX i w% i nt sm i i faMs# ii m ii
fa*T*n«ft gm?CTi% f»rmw*iwfa ?t nfarm ffaT ^VTfmr ijfafMTmfpitffa:
$ ft* prm StVTfamjrmrt prrere ajfan; i fafwr: *g?Wrof fa i irm<ifa i fMwf: i
^iwf? ft ^ 7W ?rmwj frwi ft^ffTOtwra’ErffH
^ fra i «i^i4ii^i 5r»^ i »t5tt ^ |ftff i i wrf^w% *rap«-

M: MtR l^fl! ^^TT f¥W ^Mr^l

s*n^rrtfa f^ \ ^ fW iwgw nidi
VI1 *?: i %! i p5f% i ^s^r i f^sf^hr i 3ft^i
Msfu^otf^ i i f^r i i ttX i fW i Mstor i $4*11 ii % ii
^ f^r si ^ ^y«nirifgMTi« i m^ratlt i * ^ ffg tw wmaT
«pto T^rf% i f*iw ^ w wnwuftft i vnft gfn i«rt-
jd#srf: i fauf i ftwf i fa gif^i fart jpnn fwtfa pwrfa gn^tflifa fwii
q^fa ^r*a?j i fa fft gurfa ffsrt fafavffa^wigwf t^rtr fa i
$o N II [ll«
Tn:m*mgn fm m* ^ftgfn nrgnrg^Tn *ygT *n *Wfln*«*•9.*.<i.'0.itffi*ntm*
f%*ro% 1 nnmqfli 1 *^7iw*W$yNflfaw<$: h
ri to towf »to *w 1

«if TranPT tot fa ^t *t| W ^ gsft f?mT fa^S# 11x911

w 15?: I to I tori: 1 toi: 1 ^t*r: 1 >W \
iW1 ttsr; ito1 to: 1 fa 1 m i 1 *rr r: i 5: sto 1 to i 11 $11
% nYn nj^rwr: %np*rfi^P$i fan/i: snSnt *ftswrii ntm Tfmrr mt 1 nrf*r ^ f tiwiw-
mn ntn si ftr*?r{w**F«nrf^re %*j 1 nwnrUnnmi 1 mrofi m i nUwra
fqqtmmmqfqqmmm nrfari tffmrr n^rpjfmrr %nn 1 tfapn m *j<t 1 nn umiT^Hnw-
mnm sif^fq m yfi&ti: 1 fim'SHmml iro^ 1 fa nt nn fafaT*ntmffifmfargwi} 1
mft famj% 1 si nfrmnfa u
r* to ^[3toto ^Fjfl 1
tofasftt *rpt fa % ^ fit *i: to^st toto IItn
Ff I *TJ I to I qSSKrj: » TOS$to I ^pjff I
shifts ifc: I I fa 1 1 ^ I p: 1 *1} 1 tor 1 1 fa^S 11 till
f srtn gwg: iftmnm: WfK: %WTfan^n mrosa nYsnrfai n4\Q«i*H*miin
m*rfi 1 fan ^ft »0*q4ffft wrumtiWT^Tff 1 Tn 1 ’ip: >ito ntiwnff 1
famf 1 f% ^» tt*t «flmf<gfa4^fMfagi4: 1 fannft 1 si nmnnfn r

* to: to 1

tot* to$ fa ^ gtol^TOttom fa^to lien

5^ 1 «7:1 i ijjw 155$ to 1 to: 1 to 1

^ 1 *ff 1 to 14 s1 fa 1 1 to i : 1 tos s to i fato 11 e 11

% gmpm RTfrirnTfirs^T inf ift 1 nfa wrfn^i fan*. wr ft^ntifa n
w ntinn«rnflfn 5fa: 1 *ffn nnfa 1 nfamnY 1 nfa «.«mn<n«i n mfa: 1 nsj va^ifauft
y ffrfltefqmqwfnfn nfarnfa: nnmfn^nw 1 nfnm 1 nrfiwfniwf: 1 nf^f 3^'
mm gn gifrun: irfnm: n4nY ma'<( fml gm^hrRBTmsnf?! 1 n^mrrii \fnm n^mi; 1
<*r<«fgfn% 1 fn nY nf nn fnfwifn^^fn^ 1 1 nt n^T^untn 1 n?nt fi ^

^ ^ ^?T to: i
fa ^ ^ ^rfrf tow h^ou
wi 1 ^r i w. 1 i *^: i ^iw 1 i to: 1

toi i?Tf: 1 f^ 1 1 ^ 1 *rfir 1 tow I toNP m^011

ii mwts^R: ii
m*Nri% miinfaft *refr wa^: ftu
itffimT I TOi<Wi mfTnnMr. I to mtm: TPT^TOM: | I *ft
jjfift ftw ^VTfro: i »rtn jmt i toMj: i mfiwqifcfymi: i fire *m»
m faufa ^T3ff *qfi? 3it^?r: i
m ft ft *1 HTii ^ M mftgfiHqft n^„
m i ftflfa i i 3Rft; i ftfw i nts^hr: i
m i sns*4: i m i ni i fa i 3: i ^ i m i ^ i ^ i mfr^i
^ra 4l*ft fq«i«< %vi W 4*^ ^T^nRrr»rnar ^ymPi mTTOnrWWfft i
Jntfn i TO'Mta* i sta: mnwfr ^ m i srosf* \ to
MW mWr m qj wf^W * mfMu
TOwtEri fms *$re 11 #^ii
v ftft »nrf fw^TgjH tj^raWi i mun^gutfigfUjifl i wft: 1 wt mrqitti i
sff^ 'ftwmgsTOT^rr^T rnfaurfaf* ii *n?t fafrota: u

h srat wrtT ift ftgrf: i n ^a7 ft$q: -gn slft^ wrft?r: mu

m ff 1 ^ 1 h^t: i ^htCt: 1 i ftsgri: 1 w i ^n ift^sft: i
^su 1 imfihf: mi
J* ^nwr#n to^Wt: igftromT Mtjme pmwflm * *rfm
Mm 1 mnfi: m<yfftiWTT^i^«ii: Urg*: # ffwwim froWnl^gM i
wrfHWmfimT tt fn^TT mr 1 wftm *«r$: i iptmii*Om«»k«« mgwt ^nr ^fNt
vnirm Mp^fronrot f»p^ m mTffmt mfr^m f*r. niftf i TOtmwfm
1 w 1 Mf *R4<sii*j,wfafliO 1 xiftm*nwR(dT\if<i«j4: i wtro-
^ijn TOfwfn mWf n

^ HBtffri shifts 311 safari 11 $ 11

^ l Sfijj *T%Si* I 3TWT4 13PT1sft: i ftij: 1 rn I 1

ftftfTi$s*|rftoT rii
tM trvTTO TOt to*tpt: 1 tot f8?: M mfW mnrra #i%
^f?tf»i4Maf<m4fflTT Me mroU m fjmWt Mmr: tflror: i

*1 wfn ^^T*rf?r m ^ ^n*f?r w 911

1 % > ^s^ift^T 1 i$ i * i 1 1 vfa 1 ^t: 1 ^i^rfff i ^ i
h: 1 sin ^uprfir 11^11
H ii [«P9.W0.q«qg.

v 'sirpr: *r ggxffal sn*t*iwfaw i x^qfafn *Ft: I i «rr*rrf?r i ^*fa *rfa

TTJrro gtrr *pn ^wth! nffon w*tfa i qjft ^^1*1. * w^mffwrar xrqntfa 1 fan fit 1
?r«n *ttwrfa msr *rr 1 fiNrft 1 w*i fawrarf^ts «[^rafar$:»

ran qqyqn^q xjqq; i Hrfcri q fqnfari qroq ii tf it

I W I qq 1 WT^i 1^ I ^R; I TTrfcri I q I *T*H I fqqfalt I

% 35*1 wt «*ftwft i *pt: i i wn**TO^tarnf mfonT
■«nf*iigifBim^rr ^ xmfa sarotwt fairrcrf %\rrf^»nsT*fa <4f<Mi«w qrcfamt#

ft i ^ftr. q qt fqita qiqqwq: ii \\ u

qfHssffS: i 1qrasfq: i *qtat i mfrfc i w. i q: i *#$%: i
fqifcq i qqq^sqijf: ii M ii
,^f^: xs ^rr wr^ft Jiwf^ix^tmwprnTW*!: • q«<fa^fci*4i»T^rmr sifa-
»refa i wgi'is’t ^t *r^w^: i ngfftft xfr faro %vifaii:
T^iwf ygasfo wr w*rfa « xfn gtxsr xfav:« in? it

^TifhfaT^TqT: qfft: ^Rrcfa? ^rq^i q I

^feratSTfareT wft lltfll
qnsiffafruqnqr: i qf?t: i *|qTqt: i q i 'gqFi i q i
qTOISqTq: I^RI^ni^Wlf^l^R^^llffH
■qfrvfaxrrwTxrr *»<iii«f vrtaxrprrart: ^prrxrra «OHT*n wrers qfa: ^rnft i *»
safari fag <(1h^ *pnfn? qfafwJ: i xr^: gqT ^fvpft
gnTqfaVr£tfa nwfa Jtwi. *rretfa T*'«iffanfa mfa wwr
tji ^RxrrxqqrnTfwwt iftvxwxtfa i

gqt qTqfqt qfqftq: ^tqt i

q w^J £frfi ^n qt ^i^Nr: n$n
*q: i qrqtqt i qfit: i sq: i ^stat i qqft i
qi wsJi f*m: i ^ti^ifq i ^qti q: i qrqtor: n$n
T’x t*rc: «rwnft ffarT^fat ^mmrwf qfa: ng: gffaf xsPNt mflprt
^rgxrnrt qlmuiqi *bt% qsnsrr fimgn: i ^^Iqqnfawrg. i farw
fqqftrfa i T*rq t^fa fx*T»rraT%»niroft* it mrhtr fafav ww*
^ej: ’cpT^w: ngfarfa^t: « ffa «wv: *
*« go. wm. ii ii $$

sn i* vtet ^W5n gt ^5:1 fW«Tf^: *rat afasn wtoga: 11111

^1^1 I ^ I w I $ I 1 f^fai I I *ngt 1
*r:s3Tt: i^tts^jt: lit 11
1 tto gr*TTT wi^t ^5: 1 ^nnWm i TOfitorf: , ^
ftW sterflWt ^ i *H«*i 1f*nrf*m*i ir^ig w i <y fisign: gift m flit arTnUTOpr ijnflwm-
^m: to ft xvifftfft sqv: u
ht%i: 1 gwsrfai pr mu

1 'f^h 1 t# 1 tj^t 1 wfai| 1 ttt%t: 1 $^fr(j ^rsrirri i is*n

^ 1 TTOU ^,ia"
inff^it uingjmn* ^n^T^Tjr^nt^ qrfftg i *rag i T^g i fvm TOrrwffluf
fwt 1 jt^tj 1 ^TOftafftwfrFgft inwr^Tq i jgifrg 11 man
JS.!*" gftu t^gro qgwn? %j»r?f^ i tot qipiq i awig
^Rjf’HrfiTT^ qgqt 1^71 II «?l«r| TfTOTft^TOT UfldHw I Tlftq 'foRTT5®^ gfaft ^ | q|TO %
qft*: 55TfH%7j: fq^T *fr*mf*r *rgq tt^: iT|o q&« m. <\. q. 1qft h

^ srffa: ^urtc ftm 1

ufm ^fsnrnirfapj in 11

$ 1^ 1 ^farfafa 1 w 1 ssrfastn: 1 ^1 1 *rstaFrro 1 fagj 1

1 1 $rffa 1 Jtjimi i 1 inn
#5 qrinifiig;: gffi i ^i^f^sQ qg* qitggqm gq ?nfrvr iqsurol qrcmfft
foi fqtuflfojuv>: *q,g%q qftqnftfft i *nrr i ^qiTTqi^^M^Kmdii % grownTIfft
qgqi qirarrq qftfft i gfaygsfqr^ %fft i ft qjfftn: qfm: ft *m g
'ft** * qTfifrifftftiftjfftwT *r»rat ffvrfqftqUqq; i qrftn i fqqjft i qftqifwftftq g*?ft
^ qWr^rqq grift qwiMT'if sjsqft ftrq qif»mfqqq«f ^gifft i ffrrnpiqnDfo i qrnflTqq
Tf g umriiMif^ft gfqq^ift i TRnruggH qrft i *iqT i qniflfcft qfruqqq ^ujqjft i
^KTmt i qrata«nf«4ip<aii$: i irtmfqr i iramr ffftrm irqTft i ^gif i wertyi wro
"K*1 %w$: i gftqiTnl to qi^r^pmTg qngqri u

*** ^ 1$ ^f?I l|rf fa fW mu

^1 ^I I ^S?wffa I I W^t I ^STHFlt1
^TI ^ I gif I I ir^rfa I iffa I I tfas^ I fa | fifa II ^ II
^Jrfo|3.|v|q gv^ gn^qgg. ^qi^qfq^TfUTOq: TOenfq tototISt i *ftgirtg. t
^ ^Ol<u ggyiqiqi^r^wiwra^quiqi ^H*n gwm.i grnf«iw^: 1 wgT % t* ’RfTW-
vol. iv. L
$8 II H [sio$.$io$.'S[ocR

f$jrrfffq: qfqq% g«r gq *ttqs qfq* i flqrqftw* « f# %qqqqtf ^rg ^ i #q

<foj grmfi^ i ardM^faMH^q^nqig fqfqg 3*^ q^TiVjWl ^tlft
btp# i a«cj^% g qqfwffa% i qqgq<?<irM''t<q: #** 'd'*# i q > q^T i
- ' i fq f*H i sO^qrat qqqq#{qt qT f%r^Tf*r i qf^qrow:»

?t ^k» ^ sfif i
^i^Tigij iwtuppri^rffor $ ^rit s *Nfif ii?ii
5f i wi i h i i w-1 sfH i sNITrf i ^rs^; i i i
s^t*d i^^f^i ^1^1 fmi^MT i m l^fir h?ii
q*f qq^i^q^q. i*t«M*raq ki^qfqqt Trwr^qnTT^ qq# *<Miq qf fqqTfqtq
qq^fq qffq q crnpi qarfqftqi qqqf q I q qTnrfq i irqtfqj: #r# ^rfjff im
«rr^w^: i fqsq q^T qf#*qi# qqrq qqrqqqngrq w*q *ifqqi wr# i gfryff i w-
q^qTqq tpcqit ff^igw I q«ia$T#qw: I qpqfTqf ^fllfq fq^T fW«qr#fq ^q-
ftm#q fqq>iqqi4Tfqr q ijqfq i fqq^mT «# ttq: i '■K^W3t r

*r^srm^ ^sr^rra f^j HHt »pr^h?t *f i

faTnfrr %sm ^n *ntaT$ u rt f^i ii £ n
^i i i i Wt i *ra: i Tres^ta: i h i i
facnfa i-srr i^t ^ i^n i^jwi^ipi ie I rf I fSHP i ingi
«i«i<rRHfrg qr^Tqwwfqrrf^fqrqf^qi^ *p#g qqi^rre q? ^ai^gsfajmfg <^T
fq% qq qqqT# f fy$q q? a iftqqurqqqq 'eqq: qq qq q#nqqt % ^l^1
qqfqwfq i qq qfqfanf qf qpiqfqrecfto#: i qft q ^ qqqTra% fqfqq qq qq»qiwrt
iHtomff q*» t q^qfqqqqqrg qqiq qg fqqrfq qr i fqqrqqr#q i qiq fqqnt qq* •
ffffq i q q^iq irg Mi^fr qT^f qq^ Pivt q fqqn i wfqqfqi i qfqqrfq #

ri =rr ^3 "nr ^ i
rfI FTRJf^^R^r H^riH ij%^3 ii M ii

5f 111i JfT i <p3f i i * i Trttiws i ^ i i 1

tr* i ^Riff^i ^ s^: i *raT7[ i ir i i^i ^ i OTiii111
% q i^q i fqft qq# qt g^ivjgqngq qq q qr^ i ^sfqfqqTT#g
qf q?qtq qq# qqqT qijfq^Tfq q^fn#ifqqTWn ffqqfTf# U\^mA qqqT
qqiq#q#: Ifqiq q#?qi qqi^T^q ®^qwf *T*W' W ,
qfvr: ^iq<rM<nfqq>if<Tfq qq# i WHn > qfq %q^q^q w^qi^q^i
fipTtr: i qmffqqwfcqn i #tqrsnqrfqqqrqTf^w: #im,» qqnfcqq* i q«'" 1 ^
qqtqfqpfr R R R
II II $q

^ft% tiwrapri^; i
^t ^ fHfo$ war^f ^P|rj: n€,n
#T13' i ’p?*^ i ^%fi: i ^T|S^: i ^ i i
l 3TI 3 I I I Slfii I sfH i «| i ^ t tt'«ph i : H § ||
^ifa;a«iR ^H*<i»|p<uR WrR Wtalfyj<fY«WfW fqTOtiffi^TRfw JWT qffong
^nrr^f wryfir^^mwi^iwtg^: aj<% ft^nJ ^amT^ifinmfti^T^ faq ^rsfg i
WTf^ i wit >r^hrT=*iT^Tfir qftg: i iffi \ qn^: i gg
jfffn q wra qRRpqq ffTCRf qnfrt *rt % f*rfnf: f*i^fW i ^ i teg qfaft;
j^taTarrgtnft f^nt qift it

i trw ^ vt ^ T^it ii$ii

3P& i ^ i ## I fa I ^ ^frh w*j: i ^i *31^:1 i
3‘5*1 ■
i sfa i ttw sfa i xrR: i p i * i ^5: m: 1 1 nft 1 xzw. 1 fa^tf 11.9 n
. I * *7*RVTT% * % tS[ I TOfa UTf^-
*fa j i *n^ wr flRfa 1 •trj top$: i qtrefWq> q$q qftqfq^t
Bsnfhrwr^ *r«mgqftty qaratm^qRRsrpn^ g^^nrprraf >Rra^riwrf^5f: i f% i;fa
1 'sjrgtffftragqsft i t^r »RTfRftwmg^pra i smfrft i w g?resRT-
i fro tf: fcro»rt wiRjO g fail 3ck » f f^tr% i PraiRi %fz u ^
1 ynctre: ug$ ?M 1 g tf* f«ftvnf 1 itotWs*; * f^i^fn i jr^ «3
wggtra f^*i<rilw4; i qrfir g tfr >RTf»r^U%fip?r T^rat i : t ^ q^: i
^S^’nrg^r ^flRiTwann fisr^fq $q: i ftftq tnfcft arum* * wrf*i | *f?t «m-
^TsjRT^fqaffr ji nfx ^r;, ^ irfxiTsm: i ’srfwfng n ^ i i xr% d q^fer-
^T 1 W^nf^ftiwrara: i ’tmUwRnrm. iqT#8.q.8.i 3nfq ant iremT^qq^
Hqfq | trfl?ITfwmTO ||

^ injwr ^if ^7fTT P^TTmtrft: I

f^T ^tff ^rw: ?mhfN5i^T| isrifdHfopnft 11 b 11
M51 ^ 1 hs^ttt: i *fi: 1 1 m: 1 ^nm i Hf s^t: i ^trfl: 1

1 ^1 1 ^f>^: 1 1 ^n^i; 1 %h^i m§ 1 ^rs^: 1 11111

sw^tr ftftrm: qwtTtr «f gtn ?rt *igraaiR'mTfj[m<m^«i. t

1 ^nr«rf m an to i wrfiT i qitf^: i «f»ftqT: qgqi^n
ngthft: 1 iwgmqm ^tot t^wt TOtufM: t f*N m ^it»i«Ot«ti^i-
*1’nnP *rnfr qnfc i jttot i snfaw iraRn: i «WWft«T% i
9% ii h

u«flflai»iagft i Tftft fmn i awinarg »Ftg aaaft: *nai arat armt ftwHH *n*aft (
arrartft i ar^ij «fratflwft: i ana arftt ^ffc iv«. §q, $. i aft aaaraj
inri srcfaroi *pjTi ^91 w: i
spit ^s^^TTTTtfirarr^ iiq.ii
I ^1 ^ I *R*TS^: I IRt^ri I I I I ^ifftfrl I

I I ^S^THTt I l^apu wh Sfa I 1 TOTPJ n«

^eftftref W ^ffal ifTSU^t ^ fa *farfa no II

^fal^l3»sf?tl*l IflHTR^I fas^l ^1^1^: S^l S*pufa |
mtfa: i v i wi ii tjttothj 1 i fa i »pnfa i M} non
% n«mftw>i aa amr afta aaftaaTaj?fta am% i *f aratft i a^ai^vim %n^-
a*n<tftflgmftafr i a Tft gja: i fta ftam a ag*na aarfta ^ aranara-
narnsa awdaaaTft i afgrnT^aTartft i aaiftramft mtft: aaftgSHafftift: gal: a? a:
ya4t aat fawaftaftaai aftmt an i afftrftft $a: i ga*na ga ajftagft afat-
%^w *a*ja a^t aaargaata galmiatai aa: aaftaia ft aaTfa i aftpat afaa
^paftatf:11 * ^ *
wrfa^T ^f|fTT *m\ fansT srfa *fanW wn i
ufa H ^ f. ^ 1 WTr^ II n II
^i i gffm i ^f i wd i *n: i rri i fa*R; i i wsnft i ^roi i
ssm:: i 3fH i ufa i rh i n: i |i i *; i *ti ^it i ^fts^ii mi
aiftag am «na<q^aTaf^waima»ftaf^m ^nftstar i aftaftan}: i fftnrc raartarT
arrTj a^rfagrm « aaftWta ftfz ^a 11 HTamSTafrwsft a^a atar *at aia aft at
irerft ftara. aftm atai araa. arntiat |a: ait Haft i a aitinftft: i arfa aivt ^afftT-
ataat marft amrft i aaamnaaa^fta at ^atiftgaaft i afT i atfftaaa aamnnaa
aran a%at^at ananftg^ia ait araift i an*5ft aln: ^rrapaTaaa^ftarftgaaTft i **aT
arfat^at at aiaati^a araift t aro aft i fta airrat ^at %ft aa n afta faiftai
aft gaft i gaft i aaaata aagan^ftf aft^t i at |a i^a ai aift aaft i aft ai a
i^a aftrra. arfagfta^ft»a anjata arat awf^Iti^ftft: #

fanhft ^ tR^fa Itgiii vf&ftm tpfcn i

wsr ^fafa *n^ojt: ign Ft ^ fan^ n^ h
fantift i ^torf i h^tt: i ^s^t: i xrftstftrn i xfj^t i *cf*N i

ii wnftswi: n
fliwftjrw jfNT ^forrfrnWnl flq«i«'*f*r»Pr Animal wg*ft:
^w<»«ifl4rfS^wfqMi8*<<i trfxTftm i ^nrrwrr i nmfManfc i i nr;-
<wst wt%^r ^pra ift mf*r ^ «wt v^srr wit^ gtarr: ^
arnflr *t tgqmsffiq *% fwm^qftimfarfl f*rt finmfrnwiT-
f^j ufS ^*pt 11*n^l i imNf* i h ^r rfftnrnirt i ^pi
wflr^ft ^51 v §• 8^. qc. i ffr ^fq^iiaiqiqiRR u

mft ^ftk w*Nfaft sjHt nfii ^ I

sn#r ftrcnfa ftproiTT^fft ^ m? ii
w%: i *rttt i w*H i sift i sjfa$T i fat: i lift i ^ i i
^n#r: i i i faW?f i ^ i 13n?j nrfa i *jT4 in? ii
wRarranr^: a^wra; i 'snf^w^tffsc: <r?fr \will: qi^^T i
ftrfa prrfa **t i »j?l<?n ^ Jt^romni ■nf^Wg^mPn i nrrqfh i #a%inwTwftwi^: i
TT^nrt ^ ^Ht flrcwft^r fin:: ^<N? <itw *reNi
Trfn «p#r i ^Tfn i TrfTiflRfffw^: i vm ’srrefa 'srefro: *r£s4t-
paf ^ffrf fwrfW i f**rf% i wmtmxwTQ wfaMiiW: i arf »ft3tftnn
wr sgro»ri ferepiT gfim^fw i ^r»pracf?i u

’sftt hwt HTrfi f^ffehft srft vfti i

sRsst ftfrft ftfaro ft ^ mtfii
i srsgw i snrTFrc: i i i titwt i ftsfaw: i sift i *$: i
wood: i i ftfrft i f^TTR 13i*rt i )pn i ft i ^i^g: i ^ft: m8n
^ti»raTr<«ii«i»if*i^ wtf* i
• ' •

^nn: wstff*: wir^nffth: i fawnnftw f®n$: i *r$T WTrouft wt i firefn i ftrsr jtt^t
ffsH^H^jsr *nNr mnft f*n$TWT f^f^ft f^rgw: i ftwn tw$: i »r%?i
^wiSfjOxftr i H^rafn i *n*T i fronnr *n?ni i qmTfa *rnmt7f i fi«w«T
^sn^i«n ^jkropil^i ^mf Rmm i i
^8T I^ HT%»ITf»nn%W I HyRTT %w4: I
f*r i wnmfTi i w i to «^Rw
^frvr^rfTT u

1 »» *» VI \l \1 » • >« "1 ’ ~*"X »* '

^ ^Tnifr^r^vi ^n<3i ft ftt^: mMii

^i i ^tn^i ^i wipi i wz i ^cnrftj h i ttfafpl > ^ i
’ft i rft^i feft swt: i i ^ i ht^i i ft i fttft i w&i mmi
138H gywpr 4Rra: inm^: H^r R^nffl^q'i i\n;r«i^T-
$b II n

ti^v:aiFi^iFF. i ^rM#n Fgg: i FrcrnjFFHTFrr% irf^rsrr FrwfrgFrrc[F ,<*'n\i'ni<|Lrt\i<»irr-

FH%TUftl«<FP*<TF. I #3fftft I falfaWH: WTFFFt FF FFFWtFTf gaIFI ^l^F, t
m^rar: i frft >n*r$: i fft ^rr «[Tr?renFiT ■wPkf: m«Nfl ftfwt: FFti^tiTfaFFt *l*ftU«a
TnggFFfof fa fatfa i f^SfIf h fpjt ftp? i toitJ*#IWT «fl<j iTFFtTFTTf^^ ^fa*u«n*rT-
i^amn i ng<j^iT'<BT% fff FfKFHndfa^ i wnfarff ’iropsret fff: ^wnrr^nr^fir i
^ifaxgrTFiTFUFfiTiFFF rs^Fi htfh^tI Hum: tIfT ft fa fatfa i *faFt nfaf^-
3R<ugH*is^r ^T?T«r gtfrrfafa: n n «vo n

^5!WtM sfapT rf fffserfa wfa I

t\% TfTrTT $ftfcf ^OT^nftw rptfiff f^rfH ll<£ll
^5JTrft | ^ l SfifVTft I tRpf I rf I ff^TT I WR I ^R+^l I
J\% I TTTrIT I ^Sfllrf I I SR^frf I ^Rrft I fiwfW II <\% II
^HT ^fawRTRt i*u*IfifaT/rri»r«rxra g*si Ftfa^om^w f Hfaa^fa i Ftgrn
fnrrn *rfrf i %f i FTFFfrFRrrFfaFT i fa«rfa i FiFfasT FrfarF: FTFfa i fa*fa»ff% ftjt-
f^FFwiFi$FFi4il! i fft i y«NTT<^i*q«!Mti!»iTq i rftgmiF i ft^tf FftFFTFfaFFTF i Fifa-
ft i i ftft rreraiwr f ^cwrg i fwt Tfa ff FFfa i mfw-
^rrnft ffP* i FFfarirrg fFreng gfafa gfaF i FFTFfaFT FufaFfasfa: i f^ff i forfa:
FiifaFifr i ff fa*mw4iWF*nF FTfri FFrafatf gFFF* gFtft F**«Fi*n$F^f FttstiFfafF
Ffar *nft Pmfa i JMi4?ir44faTvrc^rfa #

xifaN wMit %t *t*t ?m ^ i

^T trfwirfT ^Tjf: ^ffft MSI1
TjfaM i ^ i ^storw i ■sfar* i fas^sT: i i^i i i
^T I ^ I ^|rff I ms% I ^TTf^TT I T^Ms^T I W- I US$11
Ftrn JRrpfa: hft FifaTF: Ffafa ftf i %^faFTfagF?faFfa: i ♦^♦i^tHF1 lgyr^
FiwfUFFF i F^JFTF $3f *Ffa: l fa^ t gHfarfaFF: l ^qj,»u«iMT ^
<|*fa ^Tngtgifa sgFT fafaFr: «^*iT*faU^iWiv<sttv,rn ™ ^
ifax?rr: mrrt^^pim »fafa i aiifaw sfafar^l vg i vg:^«*«3i^ ^
!4«<m4t^ ft i vg^n Ftrertfa nFTFWif^FwrvF \nrWlfaFt; ft i «*fM^fawF: i gyn
tWI^^IFFT F>5faTFt’ HafaH^F: WfaFTIFT gWTOITg^fFiTFT FTFI 1 M<wiM*lRFy
TTVFFI I qHfTft I FfaFFFT FfaFFF^ I FF: FfaFg^fa | V||*l«|V4*IHI!R*iFFcft T^T ^ 1
mUFWfaFTFTTF «<§l<lfl lfaw^: N

ftf f^r^N ^nwdfw *

vri ^ tfkm rf^tf mbii

i %sRrtf: i fro^r: i i ^^tffr i ^f: i ?rff i t&!r\ ^51
wi i ^ \\m i tffam i tt^i wf i ^s^bN: i ^i ^renj ,1<,tl1
n RRtsTO ii «Qi
fa wfapmPt fafav TOrrcfH frowsrot frohft wnwmft toh^tot m guffaw
nm i 'WTOeg. i toto*: toiht$tot i H*rM-sim»Tr jfaroT mg to! toi:
trcrfTT i TOTTOrtf TOfa i WTtrfr mft gfa TOn; i gfa wfa i Ttront TOronfa
tojtI i mt^lgsfl gfa*u«i: *jfroi *i4*a ^RTf?[wt m TOmft4r tot top! mftnt-
?rrf i fro gflfarf fw toto. i gfa$faq TOrofn i wd«
x?m ^RRiiifaiwI rirt ^tirr i
ftnhaw *prr sRfai hsj: fwT RffaR[ mqii
I R* I ^*R I WCTr^l WRRt 1 RRlt I ^RR I
ftwfa; i i n i iht i srMt i sr: i ftren i ss^rr: i rfafaR mu
vni i ggsfrsi pipifti i jjffjTf i mg mggH to ^rprm
^Tf^ri i mrofrorf: i fw: i WTTfTTfl i TOT^TTOTwrarafro i^«n$: i totot groflfroT
TOffroT *?n*m ^mTOrrc vrrwr %tot qflmTOi<r<ro i TfagTOrorfrorf: i fararrf: g$gr
TOT*!T TOTOTOT mf#»T *Nfmft gm f»Ttfa flTCfat | TOW
i *frpj: i ^^rnft^ar firm fgmfa i flra fo^ron ifg»8-q<>.i gfagfii
mTrfmtfg ^Ntnf^i^ifa Hf*Mi«i: to% ffroftaTwf^igTOffarowfafHgtoto 11

^h! ir *nfr irotst <pFT *T g n jHftflgfRfofa i

^ntif^R fa *r# ^r; ii ^o ii

^ht i ^ i nrff i it s wid i i *t sfa i g i u i M: i ^: i r i Rrfa i

wb l fa^i l fa i R'sjfrT i sfa l ^t: l ^ l f[i i Rk: l ^R IRoh
>« 14<% i <,«q «Ti wT^T^nnT % Hgsrumftfa gmrrer^Sjrnrf^TOf tow to^ut Trfgt
to Tsrgm^mVmgft gjrf gj gfmff mff TTfrorig nfn gruff iff ff n %vf: i

^Mr^|f«^TW gfa fa TOfa ( farofTOTfrofT i 35Tggfa I TOT fW

f4g ^rrrftfa i i to! m#£nrr gw Tfrvfgrfnrfr %rofrfr ggmg; wro, i %gro^rr-
gfii: gfrofa: u n w h

^ ^ -^: ^ht f^^ts^i: ^i'r ^h: ^'^ri

^ Rt Triwft ^fbn^rtfh ii ii
^iWi I i fasi ^r: I I ^|fT: i f(faRi
^ I Rl I R: I ^RR| q 1 iRl I ^ftTFT^i: I rftfa ll^ll
r.--.^^ ^ g4<aif^w grot tott: g^fgroTOrTOT^TWT^vtmSi
’^1 farf TTfrn gfro: i i TOP^If^ftiwnrr4: i vj.: gwrfgfa:-
f^t grfrfarit i mr twtout i gtRPf^* ^
wrf TOTTffm gRgrm: gfrmft TOfw i
totoMPi «
bo H H

fMflt w H 4rii-ijw^: i
fW WTTW ^ f^r^ II II

“l^s^ i fas^im i »fh i Wit: i H*i: ih t hht^ 1 1

iri i ^ i M i^W ih^ i isN i f*nu i * i fiSiuiwi
g% f% ^fati^a^ Vtgftf ftwU WfT aftaTTaRfaxft ’STT^fl afWT «Tl*m^ i
i aiianwnn anft tK x«ftf* i wiw’p: HW^= aryroanamTr;: i arn^mn:
i amt aimft to: h wu argent* uxrafw i '^mj^T^^rsT^ l^t-
?nrR gHr^r g fg WNrt ^ ^ifT «^fw tW ***
ajTrsrni *mnl i t^Tfar^fn i ’TOf^raph^: #

1TO wt wm ^rirc-flRftmyta RhiR i

ijRrtW^n *t rip y-C1'*4 u «
^nr( t Tn^t i tptoti i ^rfirxR i ^ri^li^i ^1i i> i r,i rr i
^pt: i jntfa i ijfirfl:- l ^t: i W11 l Ri?: l fCM ii^?II
^rrm ar^hi to» f^r% i atf^rrar i «Mir^P$gg*Mng«<tarai4ftr
iman ^Tmy\ tzviyn^ ft fmm: i anpli a*n: i gw i vrfw*ri$ rm*wt-
amu ^it ff I ^T ^ MVZftm ^TTOT wfit Ifr^l Um^maTT *CTI^-
Rtnj: i 4vhi*I^<t. i ar^wr rtj ^«sf^ i %tott T3^m*ii ^mr: i ffsarr%ai gaft f«<Mifiroi
i trrfnm^fM^wsmr x^t qig<;if%w ^ft ^rn i^nff gf4 i nwr
ftwrS: i «xjfa i gfg^Tfr#: ahnxrafn i xnxmfftenS: i #iht* i
JWTarfamTT: t TT^HK T«Pfc I *T «Wll^rft film 4Waig *T
^i^qiarrf^warw xxfa xp: i *ng: u

m rf rfdt fafn m i

itr^v: ^ #t f* s htsN ^ ■«*>

^11^1 : II TT^f IIflTI w I ^HTt^I^xtI’Jf: I HI
^nfa: I I i ^ I fft»HJ i ^ i W?«f^tsfH^: i

?T I want II II
ti^iflumifg[: w m nitwiRwinm ^rn ^Nryafff^iT
i wrftr ^ ^api ^ i aHrrw«fl ar*n5^U^
fm I *Taftf* i agw^ i an ainxi apt i *n M^ixfi: i m Wx^t ****™£\
rjfymm * *vs*m xrr^af anm TfWTan ansr xs: ah* i
, ^nfrfTi I aqr^TT aM: , ^ nw<«ii^irt an atant *»
i aj («4ifx(rnriW«m *T«r5:» i^ai
frtft ?|T9[tr ^ i t3T^|^it: fannrmt: TOnffi^ flm?l i W*
*oc|o.3ro*.$?*t.] ii ii
f^Tt wftg;: 'wmrm t n ng^al*iJi^i«iiif«ifln ffrmfiRnmqfKi ^m-
unsrT: sf$ ^rm i vzr wr: ift& ^nsr i fyOqif^^TXfsBr:
tM tj^Twrfn i ’*wref«^eft: t w?rrg ^reW^i^T ironfi m ^ qtffoj
ftfswtnrarr <5'f*i»ra*ui<i i ^pfNrflm: firgugfliini ^giqumft i *w: *
tft i^rr 1 ttct ^*T*i?i 1 fa^f? fT^tr^gwf: gw Bswtigm gjrn vfrq-
g^r: ^rr %f?f 11 amt faf»rtita: u

fa4t srfbfanm *4^ wffi_ ?tt spit* i

^rT 4t4 ^ftweiR.ri: TJrf^ SPTTOTr^ II «| II
1 % 13Pi: 1 3Tft? iws^pit*! i h4 i 3^1 ^ i 1 «r 1 1 sptto 1
3TEjfaTr{j *n«Tr: i 1 #41 ^^Tr^i ^s^ftfsjir: i^4:i ssrci 1 «i h
wn qg*M4T£; wtfn 1 tri is^rAfttoWf^ t^ft f*rat f? *Hr i^r ^nrar ■smsrarra 1
W*TO TOTWt-1 Tt^WWTTt I I W*Rt Sfo JT?|«t ^JT tsff Wt m |
« wm^k <rft VT*rr ^fro^rd, 1 1 ^rrft ^ mflqiq. 1 fq%^ t
(fw: ^rrftm: gj gur^rr: ^gi irfTT wrar^ 1 11

a ^Wrmj ^ft^T 4iw: i

info 4 ^rf^N: T^nift IRII
W' 1 Ttanj 1 %irs4n: 1 37^ 1 iro! 1 1 ^11 ijfw 1

^11 Vi 11 ^ I ^ I ^ 1 fsft sftl grTSfltw I TpjTft IRII

|w: ^rr«i*ti fw^r^HiiRR,^: *r gfwr ’smfrw Wn. ^4Rr 1
^^5^ ^a?)q^n: Hsk<m^ i Figjf T^vrpr sp^hwh: *m
^ 1 ^rfTreTftr 1 ipgwti? f%%g fsftg ^rg* ?iwi qifa 1 Trrfa 1
^r^rR: grraWUfwgiroWir % »m fnft ^ t?T^f gimta yt^T'gyOl^T^
1 W^lfW *ftv: 11

H 4f^4
■• —•
C\ v — —. —
^hf I
^f?r 4 ^4t ^rfm 11 ^11

1 h 14fM: 11 v\bi 1 11 ftRfa 14 mt^t 1

xr^r 141 1 yrfm 1 fof 1 13^1 v*zVi1 "?»
^ % ^i$ Jif^ft infs(l ifimqti|6t!n g^tn I ?rnT«IT
1 W»i^Tf^snr*n^Fn ^Nffew: ^1nM fwf%r 1 gwprg.^ w w
^t: ^rfvrsft if^nrag^ftr 1 iwft 1 ^ m w g^w iftr^l-
^nw^r inr*n»r. wn^iiN% #4^1: ti

1 ^ wRcttTT f4f%f% Hfft4 ^t4 57^t 3fffH I

f4i iTRT^rn^n: Itim 4tti f^rtfrw iitfn
it ii

i $ i p i *rffa: i mT i fafafa i pfasfri i i p’ri: i pffa i

<*fapj: i fafa i w*Nf i msnftfa i ^KfaT i mfa i fa: i ^«T^s i ;?rarfa II II
% wfrTi: srgqrt qqfqqfi^ qr ?t qq g sfrqqqqt^qt?Tf ^q *iwuNt fqfqfir i qr q*|-
qmTqtf? i qiVfiT i qsft w^n: qf^q: inftq qfqf*i srrow* qqfn i qrfq q ’wVqrrax: i
pw^nflfw wnmft ^q: i *rm qfqq: qq ireiqqTanq qfn qqfcq fqgqqrr: i qtqrrf\q i
qifqgǤq qq^fq i wt tfitsrr ^n^rt q^r? qqq?mfq $*ist qrqT^qqq^tnfinFnG i fqfa-
qfq i qq«[fq q$ qtqsJ qr?q% qfq wnrcn^Tirsmfa qrpftftanh a

pm rt fa%r[ TniPHTTOlf l
FT mf fait ^fcr|m fa mfat TO ^ UTRSgpn V: IIM II
pm i ^ i p?ripi mi i mn fap?r i i mi: \ wm»: i prcfai i
ft ip: i fplT^im^sm ifa l ifa: l *il m‘3 fa i ppsppiipm i nmi
\ i% qrai: nwqinfu^ »pqqr %VTfqqqfqqt gqqt % qq qqfrrf ’sjfq i q^Jfqfq $q: i
TTr^fTf <q^tq qTq«i qm qq %q qqirwT fq^q t w qqqmTqrfq i ^q|it fqqr q
wt*n*flsw: i wimwrfw't q$*tqqi*q qUqi«r*njqT qrr% qrr% fq qtq: i fq^faw gf? i
% JTWqqqffisC ^ q^TM q qjmqq gw: qT qjfq>5: %Wr %T» qqT tf’HTt^T qtf wrfq I
wrqq qjajqqqTlq qqqlijq qiij q nqnfliqrrqi q^gfqqnq qqrraitqiqw qrarqq? qjfa-
wrt q gq^fq qrq%sn$: a

IpTT fa *?T H^TT pV^fa fa^ffafa pfW ^mT I

^ pf^T fa fa^rifa m^nfap fa m irfam *nrfa ii ^ ii
IT* I fa MFTt 1 ipra I pifafa I fam I fapl p 1 pfw: I ^pSTRT i v: I
I ^¥t I fa I fa*nfa I ?TR51 sppj I fa I *T I 5ffaHT I II $|i
qqq qfq qf ^qir: ^fnfq: ’gqqt q^qqr q^Nfq qqimT-
wrfqrfr qq<ft % q'q'^qf fprfq^qtqrrpq qjfflqqftaqq^fqqtrra i fqq gq gqft
q^fq qpn qgqrt qwrfw qNi gqqfw fwrfq i qfqndfq i ffq^W^: i ff qqrnqrrwr^r-
fqqT q#qi qqfqqi wrqfq^r qifq^qmgqrqqqiqqg q^nq qfqqqrq. a a **o a

pm fa ^RT rpfa \-3fj: I

^ ^T»T pqf iifam M IISII
xpr i fa i *t i i i i i ptfai i isi^m: i
mff i pi i ^(to i i i pi i pfam i i p n««
fq qqn^rc»»n^qq%q^nqqif<:w % ^rr qq^T^q ^f^qiqqTqT qr qqq «npq wgq
qrf^pqf^q qq qgq qf q4»q4q gqqvrfq^qTiO' q^tqpq^’^q yc«q^ qT gqq qf^^
ffqqf ^Tqrt q^: qrqfir qnit q^qint qt^qnftif q%qtg^rq fq Sivift q^’ < 1
II ll
fliw iMwft wmw nt|*rr t i ^, w
HitfH n

Viral ^wt srf* fafpfa^ i

fk §ji ftffeirg H^ffT iito

^rafe1 ^F?*l1 1 ^rf*Pf«T1 ^*rl • i wfi? i i 'sjnraj i

fn i $ s$i ^hr: i i *4 i ^1? r«41 ffi^i ^fir iibn
^rat ^r x%*ff *fVR(ai: vn ^h, i *)^fn i %^trr^ ?r^«Hi«ifq»^ i vrcqpt ^ i
n^mt «f?<TT f?jtfl' i)Mir^^<fr ^rr ^rrf*f |
^g*im iraef* i tttj: ff fejr* *rwg ^ ft ft^ift ^m^fr m
wifli i *<«Mi5ft^ i ftsft n ^ forWmiM*>q wfterar ^jft i

WV W*H WTlTlfi c*t%7 I

’tWtr: ii dii

tot: I I W*H I 3THR I 3rf? I ?$F\k I fa I | 3TTCT^|

I far(J I fa^irfa I ^far^l ps: I i iiq.ii

^’ps t? i *nr TiHwftpfr mrr *pPnft: irchr wnsnant ntw *ree?r it

yjJ* f^^ivnft^ i i wc i ftrft prrft «rt i ftw
^Y5HiG( fW<wft aii^ i ^ f»rsrf%r i fit ft*w%t?wfq
w^rrf^i^ i^rrmwra nwt^nr*? twft i *rer ^m^ift i ’gyrnft tf^ur ^rnfr
^ fw *?W ^ i ww ,r^fd i b tz «f ^wmi<i<f qsttiffapfc«
^ p*TT *mm nfv*i R %: i

%uf^f|TO^T#nt^T rRfrt ^rTf^ mo II

|s^: i p*n i rr i i faspi i ^fas^s: i xrfcsxrei i r i faf: i
ftrsfs: i fp^i Rff^: i w^ts^i %n i w^f i w*fa i ^i ipm; non
yrct; ^fWm ^rrsrtfarppr ^rwraftwr twra i i
wr^rffft i pw: i ^rrt: taj\uii|d: qfftfga: fiif: vfKVi «t i
^ ’’T^wrft i ftrg i ftrft^wT^ i w %»nft ^iqr<fl ftufl frff-
^m^JKTJTf^ g*rreT*raf?f Tgqifii^: ^wfv*nidp? ¥t»rwi% gftwqt»i^fd i^ i
nif®! ^?pff | jnpra gPm^fs^i^ t^rr i >nrafw ^^f*ifd ;»fNN tht finfttwnromnn^
^1 ^ i ifvf^^ftnrr^: i fSnf^TOt^prnflvr i i i Tpn^t-
^ i ^»8«i!ft i f^: ^PiTWi^THPP^\«i^: u
x^in ^r®( w&4: nfWN^ill: i
% ^fx? ^FyifJT n*l: ^psipTT: ii W ii
M 2
ta n ii [m° $. s?° ®.^r°

^: < %it: i wm 1^i tjh^i ^ i w*roi: ii i

f^w i ^jj: i i sSRfw i i i w*4: i ^oprn h^ii
% «<mP>%swr sir: sftfs%’3^l sTst#: i fjn: ss ffa ts: i JifflMVqfs i
m1cMR*4T^4t i igifoirassrcartfrfiNft t«r%ST ^wm*u*Mis sTw gmsrMn *1*4^3-
qm i^s<irtft*iSTS spIs. i snsress7 i fsrs fss: fssr^STS. i SfT i fssnpsf: i
*$ts. i sss: fTRHUswrfsstw fs^gisgnwfts^v^^ini^siffs i^ssfrn fsi gifs: |
^qirra^ ssrrfs irjprt Sfarrfs tps: ^ftnftr s ’gsrrsr ffss: i ,nss7^Trit%«r: sTs-
snssaTsnJ: ii

TTF* fTTft'fa: ^S?*f i ^W: ^ I

rprs^f<* Tnff ^ ^3k: ii«km
^ i i gssrrff1 i ^ i ffM:i fN: i i i
^fjs^i i W3 1 rf: 1 *77% RT^rbt 1 %f3 1 ^3: 1 1 *77*+ 1 3k: m*n
*1 ^sshfssns: nfTriftF s7% sTssts ss% ^i#fitf*=R s^Nfs st ^STfS t?rn^3n?s7s
ssi^ sfn ssTfn: *ftsswsr#f«: gwt gsmwU’jss. i gssigsrsffs. ri sst
fsts srarr sis^kss. s7isr«njs STff i STSTSwrfs ssifs st t tsl" ^
I sjs: SiliUll^ft fTS’JP'SS fffS ^»7ti ^S7 fTSSfaRfS Si7f&l STS STSVTS I
s% s tares sstfii f* sqwrt %fwr£ i srgsit* s i st sreifsfs 11 sgtitfs
*SfRfff7 STfRTSgfSS HfirtjSRISTSTg I ffSS S I SlTt S^Slt Si7 SR SSf St S ST Sj
I STT° 'O. S*.1 ffn II JTfTS^ fS%*SJ SS^Si I ^fSS S I H St S| SfSTSTStSW fft fsfSITS
St S ST S7 SRTfS STSiS. lt# SIT0 M-?• <T-1 ffS »

^ ri C|7 ^ *taTfa ^7^N% ^rtnf ^707^^n: I

ftrrt \w W 7[im: wtvfci n n
^ I «71 ^71 f* I ^ITftl I ^Vfrl \ I ^T I ^§t^: I lI

^ i ^i i& i i ttrrt i i i *|sto: i m#

* sr7 siwsTfn i s^ s ss fs fS TS irgifs: % ^t% STwafH
\nts fti^aiMSTSssr i sr w tts fsftEWispssrs. wRTf^{7 fsfTwsr sitsTs: i
srRS*iissi^swm simH i i^s*isss^ fW sT^g ^grfsT^- *Mssrra^
^ss7: ts^s: ^7s: % grsfl- »(^Kisf%*ft ifT^t st i fsn«ii*lfs i f*re
sir^i:f^7 ff^isnsTm wsfs »RTS sf7*r: s?TRfs i fsilww:
s7 ?sn s’psRT jtr: nqsiiuiRts s^jsrr: i ^wnafs i _±
si: wstg uPssftftg sTwrrs: i nsgm^is v: sfm i^«UTfs wi^isrrg srt*ns:
ssrsTs: i fswsnsfts i wis^ai^m^ffiift w*n sn^l i
ijp trjRs ssfs i tw gs: stiffs stT^ s^srt stsifft ssft stspht^tss.
ii aaatssa: ii bM

fitfingwft i % gpft gtfrrt tgrgf gift g ft *atgt«grn| W*g: gffggg ft

^ 4jtt^ ft gTgRgrffrg «top v* i ggr gfmgi fgifgHr i g^;: ggfFts
?nmf:^T3ET7n^i^ »tr gT*ftg grftg agftft i fgriNg: nwm i ggif^ ^f?t pri
3**fr ggg wgtg ggigag^nnag i gWi^: gr$g?t g ft gftggr gwgtg: i gg$iftar$: i
*ggT g ft ^t^fgrrf»n^HvTwir^i prT*prnftfg grrg i fWfrj&inigffft a* i f%“
|.c. i tjggg gTgifswgi grgfwfg gT gnrgggTg Tftr aftwt fggfFsngrpg^ gs^grw
^TfwfrvTg i Frfgrfgga g^fwnnnr. gifgf^grrtifa i ggn tott: i %fg g g gfg g
^grr gragi gfg i ^fg g gftr g ^ ggrrc: grggi: g^isTT: i g^gfggpjgigr g gpj ggfg i
fg grrw i g^nf ^ggmnmgfg’gg i utfl«flu-q<$?| gftr g^ugig sFrRftfg gy<nig-
gfggg i g^wncgi fgwgugrggr fggT«ft w ggrftfg gggfg^t ggrt i g %^qyw wgrro
fin ^ g|rf fgRrff grg Fbgftg i fgg i gpgiHgi'fc i gpgg: i Ft^g gfgpg^g% gfg
iiwTgTigg*nTfr ggfg»

a W aren aaa: antesT *jffl ;ata ?jrfarea ^jari i

^ fasfcfc: ^rWHl^sf^N rat *ft archroaFt ii * ii
a i ?h area: i aa*l: i a i anksai: i sp! i sna i a sttasa 1 vjnri i
ai-j ifasafa: i *m i ani^apj^a;i$afci^: i a: i arcfyaasaia[ ir h
ggnr g^gprrgT t?gnr gggt pit ii g g^ ii gg% mg% i gpigius F«tf: i pit %prt
w% pggiifgiflg %g% gg^gr ’fsn gf3|g g g grrg i gg toft ggg i ggT% inw
gigifggnqtggt frft mg% gg gf»rg g gg ggrerr g^awungil i fgsg fgifNrt grgffi
ij mmTTBt «gg»gT^Tg?g g^gggg^gTggpngrgwg. i mfgggxg i gaargTfggt^: i ggT
gg jiggr g gggrg gfgm ggq^g wm gt Tgpgg gf% g gg: fatg i $<gt g®rgrfgfg
tg: i ggT g ggfgt: Tjgri i grfg fcf*g grggggj: i wB-g^-gg. i gfg i ggn^g gguwmn-
FFi g*5T gg%rS: 11

^ t«a1f fn^f ^*a4at fa ata i

asT^f m aalai an «at ^i^mjr uaT af^: 11 ?n
a: t ^ i i i tM: i i fat: i srfa i aa: i fa i via i
^laT^iaf^iaxl'iaTiaa^aTianiaTiWTiaasaiti^ia^: ii?ii
t tf % g^ggpggVwngi gtgggigf *Rpgt git wfr tsrt ggfggT gtftgtft W*
"gfg i g^fggi<.g^gt7ggtg^TgTfggT^gng gg: i gg gtwt gr ffr ggpirofg fgT=
Itggggr grggifa fg vrrg i gHngg? i fgrg gig g^T gr?: 1 1£ wpnr Tfg gar:: «ta
i ggpftifrgs ^ftigi^i<g>g^igigigi^fg^gft gfgggtfg ^g: i gfg g gsF ggtgr g^p}-
^gi ggjx ^jfg^r *t gt wnmT^pfggfgggtfg ^g: i grap \ gjf grr wt i gg
Tpg^^gt«nl<*i«jif it;: i gpcag ggg%: gf xrrvt ggpg ggwtg gggf i gfgsrg ggraf
tg^Tfgggp}: | u

^4 iaTawt ^aiat faar ana wN; i

^?at a a?a ^aara ar^ aaw a^i’a^ftaT: 118 n
i! Wkz: H

^5 1^i I ^TS^H: I I ^rt I I i i i i

fto: i *r i *??*?: i ^s*tp? i ^ i to i wre? i ^\\to^ i toto: n8n
% t3f wf ^t ^t ap* ffa: i aim fmrr %a ai4m
<wi^iqd^<fffm»aK;% i «sf^«if« i aia; ai^rt ^fuwi^wia^i. i wraftroflr i ma: i amaa
i[aftJ: i ftnft *r *f%*r ?w 11 wi ^ *j£l hw? 'ftwra $a: i mnft
mnft$& sRfmftifaftrrr aunt arofarr wrftrarwr
wag: i w$^r ^wra ?r wawter^: ii

to ^ct to * to ^ to? to to^rr i? T^. i

fnt* ^ ?f ^toirT ss tofwto: n m ii

m to t ^t: i to i ^ i to i ^1 ^ i to i i^i
fnt: i ^ i *? i ^ i rjf^sum i 1 ^ i is i tosf^tor i to: n mi
ga;: fqfis? w msmftt mrrt ^ftfmmggf^i. rnt mmfw fmr \ i$ r
gramnNwr^ftf lr*r i mrc i mmrm arej na^r aro wlwm^asi ma i
afwaa fagarimlTfamsftN ??raj: i famrafa w?m ^«m*l»im«i<ifa i aa ?ma: i afaat
*a watat aimar a»ftaarr% wrg mrfaaTr: Trrrefr w agafw1taw<i*M ftg%^?Twaaaf?i
aaa i fara afr % aanrraT % gfwra aran§a i afwft aga 1 w°$.
8'o.«)c. 1 *fa aaara; 1 a^TarfwsC ^ «pa gfN^rrf^arrsnTfrn fara ajfaarwr araait:
gftannfs?faf4: a? afafaafa afaaiTw mraefa a Taai^maiarmaTant aw^fa
warn 11 n^ii

to ? f* ss ^ tofeto Tjfto tote i

to? ^ ^mw. :etotog t?to tofH 11 %»
to to i ? i ft i toft to ^sftft 1 is 1 to 1 to 1 *pto 1
?fto1 tota i
to? I ft I ^rTSto: I fto: I ^toI to? 1 1 to^7 ,l^11
% t?; ^ ?w «i«*u irpit «r^%*r arr%*r arfan aft: gfti’ft angi^ftf^ !1 ^
1 1 1 irr^ R4m1 ^T?aft 1 gw: iwt
iftrgwni m wft m ^iflii«i4gwi: gtotiftigm: itmr
^rrena: »njg 1 wi^nf^m: 4g 1 faw^ 14ftnr 1 *gftr jrg«.«raiasTfti
ur^«*iaifti fffftf wwrS ^rnftr *rag n

^n tr**\ ^?¥rt to^tototo * fl ^?to: i

q tof* tora?T to7 ^1 to: ns 11

ii snrRt$**R: ii ts

%n i i i i i ssN i i s; i ff i asrsthn: i
m I ^ i ^fr; i stt i Tjfw: i srfa i ^ i Mi: i tr^(: i ^ 119 n
w *r«ft »npxw gymuiifo* qTwfqqq 1
r^mT Mrjfx M!Whb«0«u qrf^r*: faqraq: 1 vfr qfqqqq: i ff BBii^K<rf^r ij' qqrmrr:
qaroq: 1 qq*rpt»tfT 3nrwa?^BTfB«BRv*r ?qpj: 1 qqn^fqqfqfq qqw 1 qrenqifciihq ?iq
m%w w- * tj: itw wrfrra qfwfqsftn faqfW 1^ ^ranTw ^ 1 qfqq# t
jftfir i^: 1 tot *pjft f?q: 1 im pBVTf^R^rr q\n%q m qf#q pr tfq tq: 11

sqkffe *=TRt *rnff TOT*i |4f: 1

m m vi * ^*13 fir? i ^t h t11

fa 1 l \t l iJFRT: 1 $s#3rt; i ^r 1 srcfr i *nfa 1 1 ^ff: 1

^TI R 1 T$ I * I i£HT$ I f?TC \i I I l^STm 1 || tit

^n: Tdroro t^;: tjqqT: qg%qT arr^ 1 qrrsftfq 1 q t%- TOtrlg frqqqqfqqqmTq:
1 fro g^f: 1 to 1 qqprr: ^t3%*tt qnmqar: qqftiqn
BWTB qfaiTOWq Bf%?TTOT TOt I Bfv qijjfq%t>q| Bp}: I TOft{>H: qqjTOq-
^ifa« w 1 % *r q Tv h^tt wwr gq<m sfiHTOr ^Tig^TOi fart ^fR^rt%
WPCTfTT iftqfq q ttowit w>ig qfqT^WT fqq 1 wctw 1 to fsiq: 1 sqsrrg tot%
iv v tot Tjrrq ?r??JT^wrf^fir waft 1 $fq qs^gpr: u ii^it u^ti
TOt^q fWTfB I TO q |q%fq TO* ^ I **|qgTOf qiqwp} %5»T-
*t%qar«qi?rqT|qHT# qT i ttot qTg^iq 1 q ^r to^t qsqq qsjq qqqwftqgfri %fq 11
^srafaqi ftiifRw: qqiftm q |q%arrqn TOquggqTq; i gfqq q 1 q\rqr q^ qTgxfgrfq
qq ffqVm q> TOlt ^qqgqfq ^jq¥ t qq» q. q. 1 ^ u

IT X^TT ^^T% ^T^T ^ I

*fi vjftr thrift tk*n 11^ II

^ >1^S^T 1 i HTg: 1 *3"i ^i?: 1 \ *riw. 1571 irsf% 1
^71 | ^SPEJJ | VT^T I I I f 5^ II «l II
^T% 1 qgqf i qqrwT i ww ^fq tR: t jng^qTqql qr wfaqqinO^:
wfi |qqr IqNffcmrqT qpfr qqq^qiwqrwr’g^qsrqr^Tft 1 qq^r *r^g 1 qq
S^i1 ^ w ,nra: ^fq: q^fq q?q 1 qq q1%iq: qfqq?t
^n? *^rrarq qnqqf bt qff VTfq qqqrtqqqqwq fqw qqw qT^ra ^gqq%
Tqqr^qg^ | qqrj^f^^j ^T^qnS: t ftqq 1 qqrqq i wq 1 ^rqqW giq 1 ggfqs gj
^mf^qf ^fq q jq *

f f^qqfnt ff JJfTT'^T'R ^KRrf^^m: t

tot; ^^grTTigj^flifttFRT ^fWT; iRit
tt [n°s. ar°«.a°*8.

^sHia: i i ff I ^jjw I ar*® i affa*. I pr I aarft: i aaw: i

^ \ tjt: i ^ i ^ar: i gsaal: I tti an i arw*a i arf*f i aj[U I irh
1 ^5 ffronft gif*pftr*igar aPtanroSia* ffafT apirr: ^ ^iwra i f^r%f*pr:
ssfwrfim asij ast firearm rewi^ar: ajsjajinfr ^anf»awai»nTOf»TO^^aTOarrare^ ^nrt
i ar^f i reapfr TTi^nt: gvt: g^rro: retart $ to* «di<^r<^ reT tr^pm
rereg% resprfn 1 ajffrr: retarrfirererf^i?treTO4«*ir<mTT. ^rnUfireMfrerofiMam: i w i Tftwt-
fWT: i urtr**aN: yin<i^nff ?t nifnajfif #RNmi mfreafiP arnrerre i retfreaj#ai %sn
atf T^ntfa^ ^ft^r*iTvf Jiflm #

^utfiatsa im ^^?tTT ^Tutw ffaat aa*4 i

« at St* rT# 5Rt4 ^atrT II? II
?5J«H*a: \ \ 3jT 1 *T*|t I 3TaT I aatcT I ffaat I a*N I
w. | a: I fff I aifi I 1 ^STJrT I wl I Stai aa$*ffl I ^atf II3II
% ^h4^t: fun i w?^f*Tfn : i fiaj^g^fwrretre rereirptfam i
ar^Tt I T^TaftgrT^'fV^f reTWPmt retfl I mfrifft'ire f*re: | re3<(l»n' fitim
apn^T ^rrenpt irRrn^t *prewt afgn <******$ • <^<d 1 tot
w arm?* arepra argwTf^rt retai ajntrr i refapjTjpt i refregtre ret*n#re ffmrnri tot*
ffg^srfvsm ^ ream ii

at atfrot <*Kafwsrt7i3 faata f^sit \

^raf rftn^Riiarft^at aiftrix^f ai^a atata 11811

a: i srfaw 1fKanj sra: i a i faaftn i tsert i '
3?af i aa^i nasanfft: i ^a: i <q: i aift: i i a^ i aetata 11811
rerncNNi irm^^«m^RTrTOrrt> reartrerreT htot^tnm5*4: i ^
htoptt fim^varearei ar«t atrererTtsfror: rereff^n atre fmrret
fjfarorreanret rer%g a? armraftao^ ^frr % w* aprnr; a* ^ ^
frgM^T ^t: i w»4 |ff i arrfaT^anfl^wTanwfw: «^n farf^nrr^rrWt^
f^TOTf^jar^% *1^ «n "^pf* ^rTlfr! ii

aTfn: #r^t ^ a a^ar^rt^|afafw[^ ^a: \

rn ^i«aaf aiat ai^T atff a^tf^aT ^ataTr^ iim ii
aift: i Btit: i ^t^ \ ^ i a i a^arotft: i ^afasfit: i a i *$*•»
ttt: i waf \ ^?a: i i a^t i iff i a^i ^nsfaaT: i 1
^tat^ II Mil
aR^rgr*: aPtafu amfManf^^*varp®Tfwrfw: ani afr^^ gt^rvt ararfn f it ^ i garffi®^
II SratSTO H b<»

tt^Jt i l^nfanf: i tr few: Mwrnfftfw aw^anfa^qrflflmqftfaa: ^

* nrn aagsit afr^al Tfm; i % *rera? w arrernNk^a^rfanrrjj iiTft i gwnni nfa*rae i
ftar ^r^Ti?rr^TWrfir^TTfw: w «rim?q'WuftMRi wsfMtfar: afft: srjnrg yUant i
^rrofar^r k u^a«

3FT irMif *?fcn fl^^UTtN l^t: ll&ll

HI ^ipfff i wftTT I I i *stfN: i faW i ^]tt: | ^|^: ,|^„
gqtf*i«w f^srat ^ T!W^ 'Rhr w h^h^Rt i^N wflat^mimi w^t: *tarra
ns^f?r i w i g^ffsr: #t*R *r? farsrfaRr ’srnft gfofamtf^4aiiaiidRT
*f*m I irstorera I uv h*t i w<nwpin«ig wfcrfh m:
afa: artanfaw «jf ajtaR ws_ tHhuwfiwiffriliiiwTj * ssTaro-
an^n t$*n ^rrti^? m^fa an^fa i fvwr a^tarr ^firaaupT ^
»TTOT ftfJIS^T fSTT 4 WPT^ I gaaf73||«ifa I aj farfqj% I ^ qmffeHK ^ft-
Wt af 'TJpn wfTT II
% ^ snjwfts ^ *rsn srf
wwt tsfa *r^RfTnfil tt f^Tfa^nti: nsH
V-1 ^ i ^m4: i ^ # l (ft* r: r: i wi: i srfas^: i sn^i
h#I 1tsfa i *^s*m i ^fil i h i ff^tipi i ^\w. \\9\\
v tsft fmwfr at^Tfmwi: trfa^fsmwrt *it 'yawamit ^Ni fr^ajfa^aHanfaaqt^
i * *f<r gjw: i aft *ft apsnanft ansrr *rfWT irfarci$yMC<3iRif4niaHKg^
anf^TR 11 a# a^am argwffw fonquBiail^ni artaR
fataftajar ?c5T<ldl\^r4*tnjtufi JJ ffWtTPT I WWTj Jlfw amam I qtarctatawi4iawi<<l«l
wnrenr n

^ ff%T ^Tfalffit ITHT % flhrat ^i: I

Rrft: *ppT ^ ^ IItil
*I i ff^tiT I i wfil i »ih: i i: i m i ftru^: i w%: I I

1*ST? i tir i wzj§ i i \ i ^ ii t u

^ an«5)'*j: i % fihw: ^rn: ft f«*TR ait arnf
^ 'JP^ar: iwm: i ai^^tan’fra^tiwrfi^: i ?r argairi arga^ftc!^-
‘*^^ifi i ^rrfawj^: i w u ffafm | jrf^pr n

if Tir^Tf^m^HpR U ^1 ^ ^4f?f I

xrft ftrfg II ^ II
V0L. IV. ~ N~
^0 it II

a \ 1WXT. I JTSEft i I ^ I m fW i *: i ^ sft I v\f$ i

TT^S^Jtf I #^n«T I *WSWT I ^ft I fwSrT^i l fwSW^ft I IIQII

% <jigr?rcftetT '*rro: ^fr ^ w«i ggiggqft jprrr *=rfintf?$

TTfinrant wt Jrr^f^nrfji^ii*ii rn5f^vn<,f*i^trr»i %^mi irg%^w ^rpftej <i
JT %TT I H<l«<Jrf | ^SfW^T^f Ttfa I •Kl'SfSi I
«i fjnsfarre wuix'iq ^THt^rt ffs^^ ami *tfx: *r$rrfwT<j -^rnuf ^t^pit
wf*nm; fwrrfamt *rsprr%g *r^T*p?rg?^t^i i <if5«rrt ^qi-asnif Jimrfw^: it
’^nrtsi^i ti^,*iTtaif"HiMH|a<flf\iti?iT i *T«« ^ i ■anqfddK'* 3 f^rrcrt TWTf,wn§i-
r*T»n. «m Tfn i «*N fW5r * v$m i ^ i^TS* II

^ fwtf nt^T *T Wtrft: I

^ 1161011
I^I^I fesuTCt: i i ^r i fts*re i i

^ i wf^rwt: I I qieft: I wq: I I HS^i: I SS^Nft: non

^vwpmt aftfjpfr *f i fsrfirfTJjmg i ^ ^

ffwwr 'snrt f^vrnj: i i ^^reurr: i w^wttt tspS: i
SHfigrTt W^|(TfftTT|TlT faSR irfH f^^T ^ft^l
^irftpft: wt: m^fqfha *fq: «? *n$f*nft: wztft: «? W’lWi 1
*<<{l*iidVi4»«i ^r«nJf *rr w*N»jm ^rfr 3 f^m i 11 11 ii

f^TtHt W*at ff^trT ^TWtWT I

■^JrTW iftn ft ^V^fjRTWfara: imil

fipfft I I I^WSWWTT I ffifft I ^ I I *wftT I

I I ft I I I 'W&Sltil I iJipT I Wm*$ I WT: MVW
% ^f^w: Trf%TcpT mro*m *ro ^mr >
f%^ jrf^oj7i afi ^an^ei ^r«fT^i^s*i+U!i *i»i4| ?ftsurras vmimi i
#?fr5i ^^fTf'qfx^ i '*w
?l^ifvj»<w^4Tg ’SRV^Uv^T^fgi^fff ^amT^fr f^nwrft sraWrr *rr% Ttn ^ 'J*°
§. i i q^flq^rawprerriqf*; TrfVwiM imf? ^ i i
^fr f^cK: #^r^^«i*irvmwif^ro: i <rf^ ^
^K(*n^T^t ^ i Tnr^f^t ^3>t^ «t«#Rn vfr i ^
f^iarpn: ^hrft: ^ i totw i 1^ra?rr
wtw^ Tnisfr^vm^: nt^ptfn i 1 Tpirert ^
arrei'N f^wrtwn ii
i ^ I ^ wfl: atw ft w ^
i ■^rr° a. i n

^rft: Spl*IT f? TO: ^ ^ *2 f^pn^il ^ I

tpto w ^staro to*!: *rts?rft ^ \n^ ii^ii

3fltt: ipnfh i ^ i f| I *ref: 1 ^ i ^ I i 3pjw i ^ i

tw i^ 19ii gs^w«f^i i to!: i flt^nfti ffi^i i ^: i toji^ii

* ’snYx?nft^Taft wro: ^ wt ^fr *nnsr wr ft i ift^t *srg i m »nr»fft

<5g ^ ^raKTf^^w ^Tjpi ■qunmM TpapqTspsr ^ fa»re i *nr*ro i *pffa m i am
u?ra w ^ ’suransf wf*rc*prer ^ wt: 4rnr: Trains: i i wr swift n^ftsT-
ftst grift spft sw sf^i ^iw^rsrw ^nr vt??; i ^rg ii

sftsifft sft s^tts i^t i fftri ^ i irft s<uTr v?ssiqrnf<r?i Ttfinpprprpg i w

M<|.l *ft II

nfw ^ifa ^TO^r^rT TOffs I

3t*ref>p|rftfT sf^RT igfa #*? ^ II II

Aft i u?^i wd: I «WSArft: i ^TI xrolfa i f^[4rft: I ^^71

misfit: I TTriHT I S%RT: I isfa I tfpl I I Htrft: IIWII
% ws: wsskwrej wnranfaft. n *pri ggfafa ftwtj^gi ii st gBni*Ji«i?«i irfttisrrfs
gn srgfs s^sfinft fswft sst^snfs s sgs ftwNhwt vMdl:
*sr^fMssft:qpc%s sft^r*rr: swrwrnrr: ggs gj g<f stffHfrwft:
U^ttot gsnwftftft II
ssftqfa tfrt wrftrft ^ i gfts s i wi rsrm^ftWNvsn *ft ? WTfrrwr itfwre
IWM.%1 TfB ||

TO *«KN: sT^im toa: i

ft ^f|f^ it?r ^ afttrorci to: m#n

3H i TO: i ^fTO[ »TOff: i sfas^fcn: i sroft: t 3RT^rT i TOA: i

ft I ^f|f^ I TO7 I ^t«TTO: I wti \ I HSf^TOT^: I to: II <Vl II

TWt vmigt wlwsrr ^rpri mqRiai: Tftwf^wt %n wu ^wr: i

wnr^R. i tpmrmT ^ wra: % vs^nfa: ^qmf *tgT ffs«^tVw?N
^ «<NmiT tpit um *re: wr^m i wwi i gr* «i<«it*t TfW i
^,?ito «n5^: "^rmT^lW graj««l ft vth i ft*^ft wiwt h

M**k TO<^nirf!: i

^r: ^ ii sm ii
N 2
ii h [w**.*^.*0*®.

3n i i w't 11 *• i ^fit ? isni^ifai 5?^ * 1 IS5 ^: •

I g^rl I ij[N I *M I ^ ^fit1 5: 1 I^SOTT H^MU

Wft q^idlq^iWWT tT^frpf ,«TWM 1W*I^|

wro w *xvm ^4xsw^( ^ ^flfoimiwunuT: i *rif*gf*ra?w T*m: i*ra^i
wfrs: tfm W»' ’'rf’W' * «•<'»$» m
^ |q?Pi<i^jfl[P ffwn ^mrfw qw ^ ^ Wi i 11 «^n
^r *r f,a«*K*rff fat %»* %g^ i '^a*l*ta ^i wrc * it
^n: ^hf^r«t^t»r: n -crafr: HfTrrwT *» i ^ i fa%
*rsr ?r^r f¥g sran nt ^rrcup sfa: i w° ?. 'o. i Tf% 11

itf^i ^Witt ^ rrtfft find Fit* ii ‘in

W i vt: i^VpA i ^41 %h i *&: i f¥8fa: I rft: i i »

Wt: i\pf i qsFFFi: i i atr. i firot i ^ssm i fir nil

^trt ,sr: '<fllfl3Tt w^f ^b«w T^gr^cTWt%f3%fa: *rol-

*Yr^W«rcwrfcfa ^ i i wif*i *i gwm: tfmwinft
*&m i *srm i f^r ffrm f*raTfw str^Tf* vmfa miv wm 11
trft f^rff $N*d TFRlT|WFf TRT HFFT f^T^ I
^ H^TT H ^iT S&fa ^ RfclT IRH
^ftif%^| Tffi": I #N I TOTOn^l ^rTFI I *RT I I ^11 f^T^I
^3w i fH i i f i 5^! i 1 1ffft i f*j«ithji ^11
?mr tow: trft f*i%m ^*trt *rrrof vM *m*rt?u
«R^T I WTTT^TT I I VW W^T ^T TO wfifo »WRT lf?RJ#WTtWTWm •
qf\<<7^ i ^ wgwr ntn^ i i^ i «^ii<(!tiw ^umqRti^1
sfajjfterr «h«n*iflt ^
trfTn^r wai«a*<id<R ^ Ttft ^NnftR ^nror ^i*Hn^in:qr^H wyrnu

HHtfiV ^T ^t: I

^fvqirlR gf^rfFt *25 w*jrilHTWJJ! II ?II

i i «stak i i ^ i i ^ 11 1

i ^h*tr i i *|5 • i ^i5tHT i ^pr ii?h

vffifgq<j|wif{|i^iM'if^ i f*!ff*T i ^TTf*nn i WTf»r: irafiftatf: i
ftmrftiin wf^wn ff^w #5
dH)|*lf*lgI^: I ^q«vi*jM ’tjfW I I ?T^ ?SW I rf JpnfTt^nT«l
ii wmts^R: ii

wifen ^wagmi^ft irapu ii gr«m*a g rra g§ mm grfitffong ^

yfjiMrnTTH i RfwroRR i f*ire wrgnRi ^trI ii »t ^ftiitimflf
Tfn fwfn*: 11 * n ^mrt %tttt ir i wrr t$bp$: i ,
«^an»u^ *

f^rlt^l^lTr^tfH^TT *!Rt ^ tffafTT aRT^T I

VT»?f ^T Rtr^ II# II
faM: i Rstffr i ^fn: i ^ i ^ ^ i^r: i sfam i hih i

M: i ^T rntWi tor i |i TORT r^i H: i spr rt& i ^jt^i rt i rt t^ii% 11

f«rar: wt?«tI wreft^Rrarig i <t$ fSTfOTR grig **i*i«im i ^ru: i Rafn:
h^trt 'tmtrRt^r ^tt ^rw: i ai$ aiRwifMPi \* ^ ^
*hrrr *nr %r**T ^T 5rw arfatw^ g8Tf8api g^fRTfSrarfr i
«g*% i <RT iRt ^n? ntPrw^nfH: ^fnw^TfRrw ^%*ftfigg vmgimw-
asng i isiilf^R i <??rrf^3n$: i ^mfa ^ *?rrg aft ^iwuf% a^nrNr: tftjft
wtrr *ir i ?ht?8<jr ^ wwnfitSitmumft n
vi m ^ratfro ^t ^ toh: Mw hhfN; i
to *§fir ^n ?*: totr ^w ^Rt: ii m ii
\i i m i ipq: i *praf s?r i ^t: i^i f i i i hstoN; i
TOH§fii isrftij: ifa^RR: 13f?i R i RR*i: I RTi^ I TOt: iimii
g*m: I giFifriiRTaft *t i afiRrt: ffTHR: asffifarfr %sr$: i iNggr ^n: iprt
^ ^ trfTT wran. wrt: %ai gjfjrfrRT utot garr: i gang i
«gg i smifiR ^t: ^rt gfangwr sip ^rt utot »Rf?i ngg i fasar grftg: gfrgTSt am
^ ftroir ^rRRT»n: wrq: i ^Rf*rfW g^rw i g*rr: g^iTT arRn: ftnR:
i'ggfNr tr «fti^RTf»rg^fR *ig i ^n^g n ii

^Hfw: »}^T JTi: I

W^35T ^jTR %?T m f^iRPOT: II ^11

^nrm i ^STrfir: i tot i ^Nn^i i i nt: i

TO I flS^fei: I I I *RR I ^!11 I f^^HPOT: liftII

^iRWfftRRt g*ifK: «nRRPRg i fro^wwTgg i wrfH:

i i ga^T g^RT g^rr gwfn i «^w‘fti«i|if
,)n^^: i ’ftx^Rrfrnrhft i ^ Rgr^r niRwroftR »m >Rfvf»i Wi%
?r%^mnr% jr% «^ri ^rt gfs^Rc anjT# ?rT3ot: wir^irt ftwnm
gsriaqR vrw ri ii
II ii

^ ^ a ^*3 *rat srRtijftpft ftteir^: i

wirwik sjrarft ^ifa ^t?r 11911

f^51 f^i sr 1 1 ^f?r i w-1 1 ^rm i *ra: 1 sirefrifMt 5ft 1

-— o 1

tfrTWR ^SrTWT^ I ^3R ^f?T I |if3irft SrftrfJS^irft I |

jfii I 1 ^tw 11 'S11

snft ^nmgf%r'4l faa<i*j: ^rr ara*ra: *r m?»rt f«r:* *
w* i ^5 1 TT^rrs^i w*TOT««i f*fc f^ 1 wpl q^fagamsft; qpcwfjfo
T* xr^wrt ^*?r ^rt% i fwrrf* f^rrt»r gfft&Kwq ^rr f»rs7rg: i n^jn-
1 ^Rux;: *pfn u

^TTT^^TT 1T% 3pq<iRpT H URhjftpft f^Hf# I

rraf ^rorara$[ ^5 * ffrnt ^tfk 11 b 11

571 tjht^i irt 1 tp i sra^i i 1w1 tft 1 fWtf 1

fr i xrM 1 ^«ri ^[ins^i ^11» ^51 ?T 1 ffrrr: 1 ^fir iibii

wrW’H «r 1 ^srfti ^SnY»#f ^wi: vx wst

ff^suwfiftr 1 w %wt 1 inrnri ^rtanJ: i fwarm:
HfW ^TTTffwt SITTPjfiiJ^T fW3 I ^TRT9rf?T I * f?WW
*rf*nt uftwi H^*nan?i Tiftt «ftn *H ^t gropr i srrfrfa i i m
*r ^ifw v irnmfn i w&: HTfastf: 11

w*Tt tt ^i^fk faf rf srcwt fa ^ ^rfw 1

fa5^ ^TOt ^RRtfasftTR ^ II <»||

#»t: 1 1 1 ^rfa 1 irfa i ^*jf 1 fat 1 ?r 1 i fa 151 -sofa 1 *$ 1

f*pr: 1 *fa 1 i ^5?Rfa: 1 i gfa 1 ?n fa 1 1 nan

%*r: 11 ^ «l ’Ji^wmft: 11 Tforomarrf^w: *j^Y fw^T wr gf* ^rar »rrSrfn i *rfir'

7iwf?r 1 fWnYSm*rrf^i*i: i qnft isrrgrfq
wmfift ^ f%fro »r n*rgfir i jjfn ufn ^HhsrfrtfYr *rra: i ^
fYrrr ^rismrmt i wwRm f»n^: i tfNi ^ft’sn ^Yfti
?TOT ^PT9 f%f^Flf7I I 7R fgtn: I f**‘
^ ^Wh 7R[^ I Tfppi WRfTi ^ft*fYfw II

^v^n#fTT ^ptNt i

spit a^^inTT ^ >^oH

ii wmtsssR: ii

tip i ^ I *ra: I i *qfa: I srsi*ft: i i ^TsnfaT i

l ^l 35:1 ftrat: l srfate l *priI >f!: I 3FTTTI *1^1 fl mo 11
’JiTWfc <*K<H«}Hi m*Ti *fiS*i ^M*ifn i ^rOf^pnwTr *rt: ift5nm?rr»rr fnfirenn-
*l^raiT g?r sgVl ast^nfuarm mvtMt ^rnpfnftgsirr
(ilwl4«ir<,r?fli: wr: arp 1 iftfa 1 ^ tr»f| ^ t^t^t-
T^Tfwra TfTftnrwr^w^f^m^w srofSnft nift g^sitgifoftap}: 1
wi^v4t ’*nnS3l 1 tf 1 i|«Wi4i<R ^'iJiflfrt 1 Trfq ^ g$: g^inn: gw: 1 gmwft »nwtT-
vm 1 w*r 1 SWPfafufw: 1 fqwW*ifii4H<.<0V: remraq^T wf*rs »r!ftw wTgjfcrfn
*ft: ^r^'Cl «i*n<<^4ig^it wwwwwtfT m 11 g»ri ggfwfa gift ^jt^tt: ii
min; 1 wfwrfw 1 ^ *ri <irg *nfi gweiw; wifsrw: gwfcfn whsfw 11

sh w aj<: ^rof|§rT mkt flTsft \

it fun^ qfalrcw 11 =1=111
3W 1 w 11 ^ 1 ^tt|: 1 ^rn snpn 1 1w 1 ^\ cipft \
1? 1 ysN 1 ^^1 srftpfH 1 ^ii: i to 1 sN 1 1 src* i 11 <w 11
^rrft w qwggft gwgr: gwrF: 1 %s[WTf^fr 1 wmfa w wTwt ff^wwm»TO:
srra: waxwic^: s^rnnww^wr 1 ’wgssnt 1 snasnrw wrmwnfrw wt%tw qngrnrrfrw
1 mflhra: 1 wftwJTfaarfaftw: *pjmn? *nsr wfar-
^ 1 wrofcm; 1 gs wmrm wfta^Tr 1 v % «i^. *. 1 i^pir 11 11 v= 11
v g Tj^fir ww# g?fW g*r 1 wf^?r: ws wwsn 1 ww ww^njw: 1 gfagfwfoH 1 wwt
^Tfsiri 1 w g ?g?n ww qwrerT w»nsr *f?t 11»nfr fafNto: 11

fl 3 ^rfa g tttftI^w: 1

Wlchfifi ^3^4 fwr^fk ^ifyfrT II <\ II

^ I § I ^Tfft 1 I I I I I g 1 TTSfl^w: I
1I I I flflj | ^r: I ^tfvfrT II ^ II
*J' ^g<ft fwn^rw ^rwrw »m #^f^r
^^ wm# g gj 1 rm: * t^r ^fx^rw^rlf: irat^fft ff^TT^T^-
T<ig<^8T»?farf^^T^ w^lsrar g gwT*rwg 1 r% ^T»m:
^f?t^g|7tfq gwNfrf 1 %w 1 »r^ig ’jcftg %sni: 1
»raiwr{fp*TO 1 1 gfrvfn gwr f^rs^n fwRTfw 1
1 rt^r ^iWoftfii ^nr ^N^i: 11

% anfTT f^nf^ fk xrrfcT^rrf% ^tt i

^ ^1 ^Ifk ^ «(T^rTf irii
<>% ii n

fk i i *nfa i f^rfa i dw i fa i tnfifaifa i i i

^ i nq i ^ffk i i i ^ i k i g i q*ri| 1 i wtpx& m
% i% f^^TTfn f^rfa HTrf*i ft^*u ft^rrfn ^tfHRHRarrfH *rar f^rr^rarrf^
*rrfH i souftfa i ^ gnja *nrfH: *g%X trrf^rf^ gftrari »RTfH wwt^i *frfiim fap*
i *rt ii t^ski^h ^ritt:« mf^rlrtaR. i Hrrsfrfa i ^ w *psr: gnign^M-
TRH»<V<iHW’Hffl m *rr*p nifH irnrafw fU’ar a*Ri«*R*R hjwt hh*r^r^
v*Kflgdnmin.q gg a^g i *rh5;rt$ hhwht ii

rif^ ^nsrfa i
mv\ tifw ^t^fk Mw%: ^t^rr: n?»
HT^I ^i k i ^fi^i I s wt i i ^i srfa i fWt: i ^fvs^fk i
i Trfk i qffk i I gs^ixna: I Sr^i I \ ^s^h: ii?h
I ^q I miriNft I dURdUft dg^t ^Rrtwi fRlRnt % HIT $<H5U
t^: dit*Rdt i gat arra aarRR aRpa ftrfr^RTfaaV. Harnrr^tafn Rfttfaafw-
fvjir^fd i qafl<aigRaiT%{gaRHT?p gat aaa <.«naiHt arnj H#rfafa i *rt i a*siaai<(iw
\r fcnrt: HarrcrrR^sfwstd a^a H!5ifH*a?g i aRT a# afti *rhth gHRiarr%H aaar
a ijjtiuf sjs^a agfa i amaanta tnaafd i H^t nar»fta: aft'did: g+iatid: ga frp i a^gr^api: i
agg^Rfll a<ifla»: i nf7ir i gHs[Hat aRa f^ i ar>c- <*■ ?8-1 *fa i a?T i g^if^jrai^-
^if^ha w^t waratat afg^ga’shafr ^aTarfa h atn: af^Ra: H^pft nafa i <f^: annam-
tawa: y

rffarqu^fafa JTRt ^ V?fa: I

Hprr ^Tfa ^twI TOroinfasiri: iitfii
fT7^i^i^is^ti^fki^i^^im^:i^i ^^i^i^i$Hk:i
TTTrTT I ^ I *Trj: I I ^TI I I SHTS^: I ^ I ^ II#>
df<Tf^a saw i m f^anrfn wr ■*r*rrw i ’aR ^^wf« i 11?
i *ir: ^fsrarann ar«r t% w»r^ ifra 'htt^R ^
<d<Nm*i*in{T^ 17R fFra: i *ranj ^ ?Ra: w ^R^fr *RHf?n »tr: «n«i«tvr ^awra^"
rra^ i ^Rwtrarnrwri^ arrTwrf i i ?r«ifaT'4fdai^T i ir&m *R
jrRrr ^nrnpmf fimn^firft ’ffinfw ^Tf^frpw nwHTfa^ft i ^rre
vrr^ far^Tt attjT^ftafd m i «^as: ^rg^rraN’r aR «•”
amn?f ^np^rrfH a^r i aqu^ wR^fa hr: i w i ^wMirrt ^RH^w-
fHMTT^i i i iir^^ ^m: tr:h^t*R HTat i '3H^ 3*^^
aagrw i M^^di^iqyiiHfw i h nnw^f i v^fn i trt «iR«nigilHan
HRlfHH^fn WTW *rRP?l ^ftitHJRftn iR-n^aitW ’R«T"
hr: y
*0*10,31° h mmtSTO ii <*s

* ftflR ^pkrrI Rsft^rfTT ^frb i

5TU RT RtRR?f| ^[R% trft R R$f«i: ftRflT IIMII
HIr:1 wzk 1 ftftli^Rsg: i r^ 1R& iIHTfw 1 1
RniRTi^i^^i^iRftiR: iRiWifitfRWiR^ IImi
% ^3WT*rr: ffm ft g*Rmi wpt nfn n 1 nftwti^t 1
m tt3*n win^frt *p?r t^t *i? gfftn fqpnrret ^rttRi i nwff
g^rfhi *ro i^rr ^t 1 1 ^fsrrff %**r*ptg
«*fr J^fit 1 WTft 11 wr^i: n ss5twrt Tfag*rt ^ *^it ftauft:
qft; fq^f 11 11 11


0 faff 3?^ ff i^t RRE[ FRTRR*t 3T^fw 3TlITTf liftII
td‘I fRlR; I ^ I ff I t^T RR^I I ^ I ^ | ^ 131^ Sftj3:13n I ^RT II ff II
^ f^mtWRtl f*TTf«vta?t I TIT^UaM-
?trt wn: vsn* s^t *t ftar*r 1 irprrfta; 1 % ^ ffw^ ij:
^TfwTWWWrrr ^t wr wrag f? 1 ’s^m: 1 *lRs£wr*jfl[Bt{f»Pta wr

^ff ffjsq WRt 1 wfagig}^ »r^f n

^%fR*r^Rf^ 3JRT? R Rfr! §RfR3J5jfe!3: I

RHf H^RR^TRRRtrT ^ffff fR^RRSfcri IISII

R^Nsf^l TgRSfR*'I ff 13TRt^l WIRI Ijfw I sNsfR^t 13l^sfRT^: I
%*mgqmro^jf?i: rnffrot 1 ^rf^t 11 ff fwtwaff: 11 fta% tjqr: 1
%rsr HWnrcz 1 <ja*iK. i € ^t ^ngfirs:
^ ^f?T 1 ^Ji *ra?fw 1 ^tprrew *nff*i^wr#lfl?T
^nspst 1 rr?c 1 wrff ^risrefaRHprr *rr»Nr fa^WAMf »nf fwrftrcr: 1
^i^i ^wfarfRfa 1 ^j?rffe^Rwr%n *nf wwt »

RT^^Rf^RTfT^Rt 3NR^^: I
R^RRTR Rf^RT ^RtRR^R^: ^RRt R»JR IItil
SfljRi ?fH 1 r 1 ^rpftrjj ^rr; i ?rt i 3?ft 13rT^s^fr: i ^rr^i
RTij: i R5\i: I

^n • |l RR 13HR I Rfw I RrM 13^obR I R$ I HSRRtj IRRR IItil

VOL. IV. 0
eb II II b.^o %

iy<iqfq<.3Rflmfq<Fft irrtftn; i *R*i,t ^ffenFaro* # w nwi vn %f*r vtjj: n iRrft-

jfflmwyfrft *npR>i«q*ren, i %gw*m »*m trr*l i 1 ft* «
^pftgwtNPrfir: Mf\f ft: *ng: gFRn '3t^r *n%R<vt<Ri^ftNfn i ?rcrr
^rnf ^*n*n I*i-»i4d ’Vtflf^f n «gfn*ii4i i ti<*n^uiif^<fl
fir^H *rRf»r: fw^nmn agfam* i ^mfrPr i g^ar: i
qgjmfqnT *r$ri ^R^pRragRfam ?twrfw: stiwt *rr g*RT: jfR»wwrt »

innfH rgj ^5^ f^TF* $W<F!! i

^ st stesro ^ ^PRf ^ fMfifr ii <111
ijfnfH i hsj i i f^FipR i s i i i
3FT: i itfis^: i w- I iI *[ I 1^ n<Mi
^ itfjrsi I W I qiRgrefa: I 11 i gr^r Rpra: i
^jjfrnit ^tf^rt ^fraf t5 ^ ^ttI^t *sftg*^r «<<^wq^nv$?lflift
w^t H^RVmf^f ’sfRrftu ^ firm* i fir$m*i it ’r^ffirnftf^f^ f^f rto
'Q. 8. **=. i rfii ii ** RtgwwR i \ flwit ^r ,gts*rrai i <^r
i *mj i ^rei * *ff finm *t*ft «*rm*i irr ^injf^ * ’fta vtvi Rwfi?
%rrT*rrPT ii <3*pi vnTSRt^rcRt: i * ^rrPrf^wR^w i q^TWn^fiRTaN ii ^t i
1 manyirmt ^ swQtmnwi T* ^
flrfTftr fw« i mamm gswwr: i gmm *jrwr i m*i*#4 f^TW aro^t wag i
** *fir* mnfii mraig n »?o it
mrrct* mfr fiRK<R i H*nfr*gft ii

f?ncf^ ^<i4mwn it

w fSr.’gfR ^fr ^^wfTif^i ^R. i

^ fWrnH^rt #
wrswt'JwnT i fR w WR i ^cwni i ^itw J
i fst<n«tig^ i w; wi: i ^
gw gi^qm*n^r Tmt ^pt g^R i nd^gnft i w jtrrh
fTrfepnPsr TTfaf v^~t^ ^ ^fRTfwjg w ^ePr. ^g,,Itl^|^
i ’gyptrref Ti^mT^ i w 'ugwni i v wpst ««nw ^
\ gr<pRiw tsmtWf xjfrr fi«*n*rivwm<
RsfRrqfl[f?» n 5Rt Rfn41*j: a
TX Tit TTCpt 3Rt»lt m\fn ^R 1
W ^T«1[ W ^ 11 ^11
innwtSfU » fa

ui HTii irsgsl: ismkii iwi^Sisfofa!i

fftfthVinfr i urn wro«{i 3: ssn$ i ?m wmii # 1 vti: 1 w^h^ueui
TOrrro <KWT*iwt n^»s Jratwrct |ro *n *t nw^W * i fwraf ufa pura: i
*rnf grotf qfn tostoto? qrofa to i TOTOrrcfro i tott i^tb^to^*-
xttw M^TOiroftrofingTORTO *fW wrg !*•*•** q.fci i totto TO»f fa%
^ro to ottwi \fww 1 v*W ^rft ynTirfl<^fiPCT*im> TOro^pflfft *fm;
to$ qtwta: 1 ’*rg?c. b
st rPwfari: ^fffbr tHN: i
fft *itoft srdft^wr si^f fthfaft irfw: imi

H 1 *t 1 irifft 1ssrfaft: 1 ^xn^ffis^ar 1 tHN: 1

fir i ^rraft 1 wtfk: 1 ^rcrat 1 w^i i ft: i ^ i ftftfaft 1 *rfft: irii
to to ^rornrar^tfroi topt TOfro ’n^T^Nrnmrn^rnfWTO q<wflffo tott
TOrrorera^fror <3rom: s 7nrf?r i ^i fw^^Tftan^rr ftffro BtrSfrorro to
^mUfq to f*i toto* 1 f^r ^ w irfrofr Bfro TOffaqiTOWTOcqrqTOl tott 5t *rf?r:
llfftfaft I *nf TOTCRl II

wft * ftroT ^sfft *m4: ^tmt ft 1

^pg Tro^fftis fftftft »T3f 11? 11

*5: r 1 ftm 1 fft 1 inj 1 1 1 ft 1 *nremt sfft "srassRflt 1
*W$,5?: i^ST^i^nj^i^iifftrns^n^ i>t^ii?ii
$wn ftnrremnft ^rnsrafW toto i fafrom^fTT i ttto ^ totot: i TOtqft flmfim:
tottsj <%ro: tnf^r: fronfqt *jfw wrwTOft grofft TO^f^r TOTTOfroroq to TOTf^roft
5Ri<ftf?T TOTTjfTT TOVf: TOTOT I fTO° 8- 1 Tf^T I 7TTOT TO TOf?l *fUTOTTOW(^ £35^ I TOftSW^T
**f3j 5pra i wn bUtori frota w frorr <r^fron tot ii

TT^rN I *$££ ^Rripjf^: II till

fss'snN i ^rffor i TT^rt^r i i • ^pmT i 11U11
•«i"i\nn^qq^ms»g| TOTfTif TOB^R TOT^t: *TffB VTOTOBf?I3I^*r ^TTOT
i g** TOfara: i TOf^TBf qpftro ^trot jwi btoto* totob TOrorr^fBraro^T-

^ *IT f ftftt frot ^nifft 1 H MII

^ i *tt i fficft: i ^( i fk^r: i ^|ffr i HT^fs^n i ^ 1 iimi
<106 II i« [3T0$.^°t.^03,
THS! ^JTTTfw'r *n *TT 58T^<IT
^if?r \ism*w% i arfl'fa i J4fs4uf^*i T®j
tht%ii n#
^m: trt ^ws)f^<!F fit^iPRt TTftJ ^ ^nfV<WF!?«? <iip:
f»nrnRf?r ii

*rcj| TOi^et fnt fajj: i €N *T S15^!^ 11 ^11

^ l HS^lt^H: I fnt: I ^trasl %p l isHf l ^11 TWI llftll
^ tjpt.^wsr^reR fqg*h?r fiRif^fnfr nw»®ii!l «ai^f<i'^i; i <R i
%?r*TT=rr«r ^fr^ra irerf^ra w Twta <rsf^iri: i
wpr ii
^rRi xpffqnTSRt rjqtf^qnfff^f? i fqft qsrfp? qf^wi ii $ ii
srfii i ^ iwrs^rq: i ^rqtr^i f^s^frrq: i fff ifaij: i h i srfai i q%T iisii
\ gflmrepft snretfi i *i(«fllunjra5 i % <R ftgw f*RTf?i%Ti
«jf^n i nr^i ifr^un i^ ^ 11

q^1qT*JrTNTi|rT ^T uttti I 5rW<?TO^T W IItil

^1 I I vn I qT I TOT^T I ^*^1 $FU TOS^I I **t lltll
’3?rrF<t ^ *nrsr*pn*rr ^T*rf *i<4i«ii «^«n«!T «rr jrft
jpr gp?<P3 <uaiTi jmrr vMqifaRTfsRt trt wt^?u htwt^itt^ i rRT ^ ’rr? *H«!&<ft-
<Wt: wt?^ Ttwt *m H
* ^Hinfa WH vnmi vi I irat far ft #^r II dll
^ i\ai*T' *fii1 wii'i vissrisn i vi'i ^Wh iWii i ft i ^«««

^<rprt sng<i<0^f wti *i^i<i^<Ri ^Tsifaw pran ptot: *5^ 1^

^arr -Hgivgnf^gfT f% ^ i i f*rp?t wwtfir Tim ifNi *rr ii iu#
in%tn <tpi ^ 1
f%5«: i fliK^r^tflfa ^fWRT ^ i ^Kiviv^^rr-J ^
^tfn i ’Vrreren: «t ^rrr i p p pt: i
i^wr: i tRT TrgantTi i hm: ^n *fl s qsftmivr ^ «S*T
^annftfTT u »nft ii
ufqqr Tit ^fft Tri^qfri iRT^in qfm^T: i
^ fqRH% ii ^ ii
ui%qi: i ttt i «p7r: i TiT^i^ i qqTfl[swT: i i q^jrn*n' i
\ ^^TS^rf^t i i fqstft^: i WF[fq; i to i ,l<,ll
ii mnrts?^: ii <*o<*
*rffft tmTfan: jr% ^ srrarr i^xtu ’sitojtt;
^jnsnr: xrf%m: 4wifNn w *n «rt i ?<Nf?r i f**R
f&fWW ftiiT’TRT WRTW ^ fM^St W *U«*i>l*l I 1
^ Trr^rfn i istti: i *rtfr ¥tw?r sforora i tf$I *rnft ssfanm: i
j^r i ?R ?nw ^r wral i hr: hth HRHm^rrg HRHft cr^cf^ren}: i ttot r hthr: i
n^flrcff ht fRH^RRr wrfn HT^Rfo i jrt?Irt: ir%rt ffr% ^tptt tfrw f*r€w-
HRBrcrm wt^rr tfn rt h^rto arefr HTwft gsiRfit grnft
flRRrojRt fagRra iRHRfan;<ft§riRrr^R fontaRl'

t\ Tit faMr «r wm fsmi TiirmaX1

wj^n^Nw^t fitT'pmmt mm*tdv IRII
ti i m I faM I Tf I i i farm I TTf*sts«i: i mn Mh ^pX»
31^1 I ^ I ^STO^t IflTt: I ^Siffii I M I mm I 3JRt*i imi
w#n rtht ht ht fatR h fn?tH h h gwR h faffite h h HfsiaRift i ^rf%^Pr
f^>W%«r: fw prctfTHfa. i rjjr. i Rmfa h h?t fw*frl i TRHgimTHgfHT
rthtIrrt#r: trc: irar*r hri hritw l^r: RTWlprorffti i *if<wtpn*i^w$: u
if? mm 57 MmSt HfiriK i
M#7 Sltfft ?ui f^r^Tf^T feim >iH II9II
if? I W$: i M i mm I ^Tirf% I rf I mfam I f^ I Hftmt I
iws!71 mtm i ^Mtzi i ti 1mi i fmtfi i famM i $\A 11311
h^ththt htht fsfirR %fH i i fan htht hp$tr HRfw i fwtjf^ i nft
R «rrf?ffY hthhth: fR?n?r vh Hfimt vh^i%h fiftrmt h i h hhh i ?r g^T
wfrfrRzi^r i w^i ^rrr*fmi«rtm »

mm xrft i
f?m mm mAx u^ht|^ Mm iitfu
^ i mm i nft i ^fnl ^i^i wfan i iT^ft i wq: i
firm i mm i mix: i M i wf i ^ i mitm \ Mw i M i Xll^11
f^rRR *rrsft ^^rhrt ^rrtf?T <rerrR fwra ^f
JrfilfaSrRT: trfr ^ijfTT I I f^R f*RT ^ HTiTC:
fts?R^Ty: i i^fn i »i ^T»fR: i t^rt ftffR % ftRRr: ^
^i Tn^'^fa it

57 5ifmnT^f>7: xinxirots^ Tif^m: i

^Rt M%t fm^rt mWN it m ii
w II wkZ: II t.■*<>#.

irqi i ^i i qfq: i qnquswh i \ ^q i i

f?r$%r: i q i q*^: i ^rraf I^nta nifaisqiq*qi %$*$?* i nmi
*l3J^TSflTt£l^ UM'«nfi| JCrtllft I * I *f » ^racr I i| '
^fffnfii i *r i q\T«rn: *rf^rwr: i
vrffffr wrrfa i *mj im*mMnrf«rw3rnftf7f i w'ft’wntT w j*pfTT:
*nft I fffW I <T^T Ararat ^
grrf^rto ^tt ^r«<*re*t'*nfwjw5iT mfa Tra^H< h 130

qHT^fir famm qsa^ftt qwrotfft q^n| i

ssfw fa faifa m* nfq$% q*iq w fmfti \\%n
aqi 1 irfq 1 fanra: i 1 q^nrfi41 zfa i q^rt i q^aFT: i
qr^rci: 1 sfcq 1 'fa i fqtfq i ^11 qfqs^f i qvw: i ^n i fmfH nf,n
cfrefT 'gi'^T^w ’g^fSTPr: ^\ootr: farcra '*ftrarei 3«*(i*fU<i ^ptr:
'g’^Pl WfT I JI^efTl I ^ ®nif«i ^-riM^iri
grfTOT ^nfr Tf^T^n *tt fw^i wrfir^m^wtim ft
ftftftt i ^iftr ii

ftratf^qt fqq^N^^nwrfqssrt: i
fHT^qur spfa: qqf^jft ti^t tf^T: qt*nt iish
^T^: I sqi qff^: I fqsntf^i: I fqsqFrta: I Tnfrn: I qrqftrcnf: i
q^RsliqjiT: i *nfar: i TpTts^f: i i s^wn i fqqq^i i qt^t nan
wre i^rr wffli^tignp<flr ftnrtftprt ftrwtf^Traw’s ftrerecpn tnjaftf ft««A*uOw-
^•rrrfr ^t ttht: ftimw wrWwnjftroA: ^nwrr^ft^ <j«iM«»ruw
jpfftf i *rqr?: ftiTTO fi*»K^«Ln VT«mf M*ra<T: gwncwr <tiirCt i^ift
^ jnarr *r^rr #cpirn utwftRj^ ^|wt ‘iftfi'i ftraw ^SjoiO 11

f^xNrs?: sfefq tt*t ^ 4q *fam *Mfa \

^^4 f^s*r^% »tt TT^i ^q ?«^r*otfiT 111 n
f%sxiq[^: i ^^fq i wt?I: i w i^q:s^ i qfqm i qsrs^lT i
^^if^iq^^i^iq^i^ifqqi q*q: I^:i^if^tfq|lbl1
um*t^r<gf iwm: jeN: wlaEfti i ^ihhPc » ,r^plT:
irftftr ff i ?nr jzvv i ^m: rtr*'
«ftmT ^ ^iftr rqfrfn TR^rmrt ^ ^rwfr: ftnp^ftw^: i fwfnmS
sfrt'tn^nU^n 5T i «f TTsftnrfTT i ^ ^ i *i 11.1^1 ftwpnT
»m Brafrffi 1 •n^^i •<
ii wmtsTO n R03

^ wfk i
feT wta ift% ^n: sfe: tfwt ^ fegfa uq.ii
i i sqft i i 3TfW*i: i i^i
f^an: i ^rntrr: i sftql i fas^q!: i sftm: i *nt: i ^ \ fa: \ ^f?i iiq.ii
^rftr *TMi *fKtw% i fl«iiujM(\ w^nEfTw^rnrt ^rarnsri f%?r^T»rr i^i-
^nrft *Rtfa i ^nwret ^r«m f *pra sn^t i Tnjsroirt^*^ i
f^an *nn imarai wtt wr^rfHT w tftw wwft sjft: sftm: iffa-
?i^t: srfrift 4<*4 fwj<iHi*id:^W i 'r^^raf’nrorftUi n

WT rfe few #TT TTTWT ^W qtfl: i ffe^l

fw*^^*i^sfeTO?jq rnfcfe non
WT I ?fe I fewi I lt?TT I TffiTT I I ^trr: I * I fe^l
i fenj *rc i i 1srer i stt i tt4 n?fk no h
at ffcq anft =src7ft fW^nrsgw: fa<ra*?? ^rrerr ht^t ftm *rat ?ra?t i f*rafa-
*ra?rr »Q[ffi i TJT7TT ^»ratft gw irrft fsraw *NvrifaT i
wr i ^Bwrar^w^rrpRT^ ftwra: ^Wt fw«i ^rmwrat
4ii^«ji<{l«ii*i^f »pg i ^rer M^fiifd gf^rmg htst^ i *ra TTTrgqfrT i <Mr$gqar-
^ li u8 II

fe |^r4 feq TTmqfeT WT q Vtfa I

fq%j sretqjp ff ^i€t ^tw ife n<m
fai I |TJl4 I feN I PTHR I I WT I $S^jrT I q I V\fa I
i i ^ i f^ i ispgi \ w> \ 3^: i ^f i qq<*: i n«m
farcra: n f*mfrp*sra: 11 Br*rai ^arfatwraf y^ccruft wrsn snrarrgm f^ni
^ ^**i*ir gsra gj wn *rtf*i gi ^ f?ro *rarraT f:fwr ^ ^re^rfirfn wt n?rrc i
^1i^; 'srT7f-Trr% gi Hyj i i ynfw i g»n? fwt ^
wt^T ^ft<rr^: it

^ ^ fe^Rfrfl iTTO^q ^T^fF Wife q^Rt I

^ *r ^qrfwr ni^ter^H ^jfa n^ii
q: i fes?ft: I q|?r: i rmk \ WI qrfe I q*W i q>J51
^i^fqi^iii^i^Tsfei^i^iin^nrT^ifeiq^rfq n*n
^T: ’ft jhirt «Ni %^rr^5fm ^ wrTO ^ i *nprrarft-
^ • TT%^x;: jranft g^ff arg^ twrt ’Brarnsr safari i Biftfir i ^ra: vt vpit
gog H B

*1 TOTfaT I *1 I ^fafa 1^ R g*W<«u««i w'gtfh Jrpft:

TTTC’ft: ^Ctfa I rf^TT^ign gHSI?fa n^Tfa I 5'*^*^'?:'^: 11

SSftffa ^N*. ^fafarjRR fa% t*R *RfarR: I

rR *lfa: farR rR 3TT*IT rT^ fa SrfarTR*R: 11*1? II
3?§: I *TT I <£far I iffa I 'fcMR I fa% I WS I I *RfaR: I
rfa | Tlfa: I faifR I rfa I 3IRTI rRJ 31 fa I #mi?RI ll^ll
1 farm TOT «RHTRt faW ffa: I iTT I ®Wn!fft^ BTOT,
i fa% BngT *fa TTO i *Tfa gm i ?m smT nfat »fafa i nn jrmr «nfa i ^
\i3tto ^fwfncfi^T nfanr *KNi infa^ gfanfafu^ t^ft fa ^ i fafromrennTOu
x V* d

fM ^4 J37§ *J35flt ^RTfa I

fa -^t ^ ^fasmprctfapqt ^t>rcri ufawt man
ftfa i ^5^ i *a <§ i ^3EH i *: i R i *r* i ^itR! i ^[R i ^fa i *f*& i
fa \w.~\ ^ I w$ i fasnri i ^fafa: i sri: i ^jjst i usfafl! i ^ i ii^ii
% ^rnr: gm fai wrjjfa i ■'srang 9fa¥ g^m i ^ffafa $<ic i ’TtRTPipan i gwro ^ i *ft
gwnT i gnfat^ towt i vYwnffa *rrf« mrn i *n *raen i fam nt gwras
wtvUTTfawfa wtf* fatpri i t?reg i wg: <*Pag,*3511
qmfa Ttfarfr inofa g fanmgj i »mg n # m ii
gigwfafa ^sfa to gw 1 vmwg^r gwfa i T^fajr ^9^* i
faggft fasT 3Ri3i: i tpst ■tug*in i wgw gift ’trRTWt 3 ™
gwfafarftn:«TOffaTOnTWTgnT^rr fa% w%nfar i gfan n t fa% ^
gr^wt fa^ «w ^nrmg^ ^g ifa: i wt° ^•'O-1 Tfa *

^tfrTHR ^RHt I
^Ri^fa^ %7ipRtSR IRII
i ^ ^PfT i ^ i ^s^rw: i mii: i ^tfa: i »rtw: i **&: \ fas^l •
sfa i^t^fa^t i ^HHi i sarin sra i^Rif i i ^n i ^oY^r%hci|1
tzint wiyfafaT^fr^ 'awt gfag «g^g 2^
nwfag atTrfat^r Htnt vi^nt^gw i nfiT wii^ jrfnfr ^Hiyfa^TTO:
ffa w4wmg xrram: i %nm i wfafat i wrfaraffa ^inif*is{.i<(lni*fat T^mr ’fW

^T *iI ^ P#jn i Nwi I

ga^TRfa »T5 3fa:~^fat ^IT w. II

ffniJMt: i i i ^#r| i i i t$ hr; i i

^nnT:SRi^li^i|R|i^i^:i^T7T:i^?ii^HR: ,Rl,
f^Tjfvrtttrcrgfvrtt: stapft tttct **rt fwft$ i fNrar f*nfrgf*t
^iro tffiw xtfmfseirtlw^ ttot g4g*R shihiM qsffigqraPramiKift-
amfaS i to i ^RTf<««tr*» *fli^rra gTOtffHjron*: tuft wf qranw

grat gt sra ^Rinst Hfl Rw*f i

^T ^RFR ^RT^fg *tfg*IR*fNf || ?||
grqtR: isrg njM sf?f iSRtng: m® ifit i gRrni^farrrt i wnxi\
3W i’psiflf i i ^trctt i sr1r% i ^sfgi gssjiR i ir?| 11311
^ft *n<jft *rrw *rnnct *r$sn snggit arrarr gf%r*ft arrTr^ranwrfwfsjprnret
i^TTvrffmwti nfiiti i v guro i x%m i TOiftr ftrereqigm
tmwra *rtvm i vmj i ^ ^ *firtnt ««p<(lmnm{fM qftrerpqfTOi*i*ri«ft i TO
*irtr$ n

\i ^ ^t tHrt i
W *ftaff RR^fg tifaiiRifNI iigii
R I g: I 'zm ITRR I K^l gfg$vq: | \ fa | ^ij |
iifgi|:sfg^teri*iW|iRfarissrfgigssvRifj^ 11811
vrowt tttot g#?fg^T Tmrpn^rrfTw^r: g^j tR-s^nf ’TOg^qwivTTOK-
sfTOfr tuqw irn^ft sp^g i rmtf% fTOrrog i f*TO gf$f«ng
W *TO trwft: ft: *fRfs i fTOfRf* i ftra««i<i»

H ^T: I
^ wg ^sNg RRrifg hm ii
* i to i fggft i i fforsfrh 1sitfa: i >roft: i i fas^feg i

■3TO i g: i ^rsr i i fa i Tf&a i r% i srfg i gs?HR i fW| iimi

^ to*: *{3*r TfTOfa: * ftra^ tTOgft ^fsg *g^ti to*t fTOre*rarr%g stflfn-
Wt *trft: ntfii n m gt tli^iRRRnf^mff»r ?ra%i5rni w?[t ^rarthrr «^r i ^pr t
^ i f%iRSd^ n u ^ ii

^TCT ^ fafrTT WffHWT ^ I

H liftII
ii ii [^r°$.s?0t.'3io$.

SWfNTJ I I^T l^tg I I ^1 I %WT I l^|

^TSjrwi i srftRt i i i ^ftsr 13jftr i i f?ft ii^ii
^w*f*ftwr 0»rTff<TT ,3Wt nUgn*n ^tg i wNpg i *nm wftfWsrT 5^tot gxrr
t ^ir^g i ggfsi twnfM Twifroi i WT^nemig tt*-
juwri gmf i gstrfi^srer Trewref^fffrffT gisrg i n

m httot ^ *t ft ftroi ^rf¥ i

TT^t sifSW fttnonjtf ^ ^reRnfti sf*nrR*ft’jft nsII
m i *: i ^rar i *rftw: i WOT i *n*T i w i yn w i ft i twsvr: i srft i
ttv i wfi ftw i i ^ i ^rftar i i tfs^Jpr i f*ft nsa
1 ^TR?TTfW?f% Transom HTO ^WT 5p I
I I ff war: ^rt w«rt ^fgnwrftj *nif% i tt^t ^ fwrigti
fqjTTfit iprrat ^nfrfgrg^ grnw: ^rfg?ut; «prgre i^soti-^ 'Q i Tfg i TTsft grf’rft
fvw q^qgjfwu gi^gq g% 1 gifggspftfa 1 w 1 fawr w% 1 'areraftiftwri: 1
■Mf W rT^rTW IpH^R 3T*Nft I
fw ^rt w^fw ^5: FrcRnftj util
ftrtf I in I rfr^i ^rnsf i I I ^1 H^t: I sirtoft I
fsrat: ilr^i ^¥t: i wz 1 ^1 xrfa 1 ^t: 1 1 ^rftr 1 s^ift 1 i?ft »t»
*rfw ■eto^t tisri gr *Nftj ^tptt ggTg*i ggngf gngg iW *rggjT wnnitf
gig gnrgfa: ntgrrgg *rr *tt fgg^ 1 trrsrgg 1 fgrg ggff fwr: wr ^r: ^
1 f*rw*gjg 11
wl% m ^fiN: ^rftWftr jjt^t ^ twt: lift i
'sjTiftF wa ^Rrtftr 11 <111
1 sra 1 1 1 sn^oif i ^ i i *mf i f??t •
wftfqraT 1 i i i wf^sr i i nspn^T i h
sftfg: wf^rfw%^rr ^5*nift grerei ?tt^ grrv^s ^t^t-
jTt5rwnwn»rf €1^1 m ^ 1 *m#r£ 1
% gfm: w ^gmif^wwt ^trt ^ft? 55% x?n% gn g?rr: 1 f?re 1 ipift 1 gnNTf«t
farwf^ 1 g^gf% gn 1 fas«*<g 11

m ^f|: W lie ^ 1
it fM non
TT>qo.3?®3.S?3M.] ii H So®

3TI | I ^fff: I WSTfft I f^4I^T^IpEI II

i fa41 ^11 to4 i M1 i srftr i 4spn4 i ^ mo ii
Ifpfa*Sf* i *r? *mffn ^rr *r* afgp* i srff^fffa ?r%
*m «H«wrwCi^^4;ffst^ fir* ^ ^ wi ^ ^nfiraTPift ^ m*n
m?n Tiro^ sri ^fifrr *T^*n wr i^«<i. 8m. <>.i
i a* WTr!% wrwT%§s1 ijrtfiT I || It'S#

H wf^IT ^1 ^TTT MrTtrR cj4 4f ^MrTT I

^fFlfrT |TOHfTO TO 4fTO5T4fa4 ||«tf||
4 i 3n%*n: i w i nw i flfrTtfR i i i^i i ss^to: \
^fwfw i xjrol i srfaM i Mr i i ^44 i 4s|*jt4 i f4| ii m ii
I wf^ctn: %iwrf»iTTinTT% ^?rr?t% ^r^mS^rr »ra i i ^tnrar ^ % n^Xw.
?j)inT: nara^r i sr^Tj i a% ^ tjauf ^TfipnfipfT ^ «*i
wra ^ sfirtna ^ 3$iHtn,<>iR«im41*$ i ?im| u

*4f *^t $irtto sftrtf^sn: $M ^t4 i

m HT^iR rTMlR 4fa4 4fTOTOl*7f IIS* II
TTff i m i \m: i zr^tT i ^stoto i i wf^q: i ^sM i 5jsxir4 i
^ I 4fal4 I wMtR I 4fa4 I I ^44 I 4s*Ht4 11*7| II S* II
% wf^sn ^t: ^ ginrrwram nw gnt fer*ri gtmai *pn t^s ai^fimfea
ii% wrarafra afiirre yrre crtito tfrrngr ^ <*ta% wfcnrrif *ra?«r i ^rt i
f<T^IRJ?t II

W TOfft f44 ^rft f44r tosto sftter: i

W M ^t ^sttot 44* f4w§ sfMri *r*|[ 3TO II s? II

^1 ^ i TOT: i f<*4f i i f4^ i Mq i ^rcr4: i st^i: i
W r: i^: i ^Mtt i m\toj i fW i \ sfMi i uw. \ # iis?ii

nvmT»rf^r% ft% ^ «n^r f%% ^ w^niwfuPcyn ^mjtwSl

^r\ ^3 1 ^fq 'g R% ■3nr?**ftaT^t: ^rfwr: ^tjn *rag i ’sft ^ R%
^t iftiWTamw t^tt »mg i ?p%g i faim% wrg R% ^f%tj vri
^ | »T*?J #

^ ^T#rs4w toItot 4 4 fij^T44:»

% 4! ?f >toii % ^jtR ^^44 pra: n ii
«*0b II H

^ i^«rw: i i ^rnissnwt i ^ i i ^ i fipp? i ssfft i wfc i

*i: i Vi"ntsift3r 15T i i ^ i ^ i wpr i^s^flfRt i man

\ TJTTOtiH^TT^ fw ^stoV ^ ^TWTpf wit ^ h^hw -mV's W*
Tnft: xrraw v ^tf: VTm»«ra«ftq fxrg^r wt: ^ T3*™ *it^
*h*fv*f*r afrt^r ww wi *t * srprrfti % ^ pi ,®t* i «%*« ««n
snwrNftffr qgfoi-3 *?m fw i vrtw fM i wf^wt st^ii ^ ffprti
fa% ^tt ^anrr i g f^f^rt f^TgTprr^ i '3Ni*n*ifc#ifsiiiri»’snfwsrfafo
xi i gfpi ^ i pttt i 'o.'Q. nf?r n
3SH3RfRt ^rft STRT^RT ^Nft fi^t I
i& p w: n^wt sro: mu
^fKTR^t I ^frft ?f?f I ^S^TST I ^FlT^Rt I I ftf* I ST^TT I
ii 11% i w&: i xRrTT*^ I wq: i I *n^jMt ?fH l m* I
fimt *isft g^w ^qTOT«rwT Tra^ «ii«nn*n mmijflNt *r wit
fiHt fwwft ^ faf?m ^rr: ifftmftZ wra M^nfw W*rfr ’Trf^rre
■gnsiffiiqt qrnrrgf^r^t ^ i i ^nfUrrftTR ^ rp! ^
^wm ir% i s^rrfw h
SlN V7: ijfoift ^ J^trR ^rlTR^^t fan I
*H f?m ff^TRpRlf ^IT i$t*k » * »
I^R: 1^^ I^IPS^rWll^^^Jff s^ft lOTTTI^IMfT^:i
*n i ^sfa^rt if^:s^f?r: r: it^rn i arjj^Tftf i^n^rei i ^dfaf irii
gg^t ia?H*rd wreft Rnwsrt *rte trfpft ^ srnrrgfwgSt
fifoqiTgpr: Trnrnff wiiifw gf$w gsfsratrreT f»r^tw^gtwm *fuqn* itw
*n gg i fapr ^r ^TPrt Twwrfw^ nvi»i«u«ifi|^ fwt*t? 1
f^RRRt ^frr: wn i
*Hhiff r^Rpnt ^ar ll?ll
f^^Tr^i I i i i 1 1 !*^: 1
s^i wifi*: 1I i Wr^l^^T I l I ^?Tl ii^11
"wit \rwft f«w WPS if vwftf#rrwPit^nTT ^«i«*it4fji^qt
$qn^pr. qim^ng i i f^r wif* wrarffri ^ wfifa^rat ’rrftwff i
qqii««i^T i wppt n tfttrwi i iftri m^R i fbpns^ n
*oc|o.«i*3.^3$.] . ii ii «\oe

nxm |esznrf fa^fa fipfefaiij i

^ TT^FTTR^f w ^X«ffa| II8II
xn^t i ^ i wk1 xspfa i i 1 fa; $ *Bfw i fa^sf \ i
snf^i i sm i TOif i ^sffcrff i m^i^faf i wN: i ^rsn fxjfarl iigti
TOrrfr*nmqmft ^ grfroTfo *wftinn(Um Stag i ftPraireji i
f:^w f:<*»WHTO<#<(ta*(f«iB toi Stag i froifii tp? Stag i ^(fTO*R(TOfar f^P9
fw-'llR-* ^*g i tpi FHlviSH troll ^srrSt TOJilRtfiwTRwtaT ^t^ffti «nnn w
*ftta f'Pnftafw i nTH*im i froro<i ii
vSi ^ff: fxr?4rfTfag5T ^rfw: sfafNpit I
|B%iT tfarff r%FTm^f W ^Xjffaf IIMII
i i& i ^ff ;i tfHjj i fo^rm i i i *rfasfa: i i ^Irj i
fsra I I ^ I *faff I rH^faf I ^ci: , *rq , ^#r|Vmh
T^r «f$ii ifag i i*i wtarfroT msrifii from i fag rorfwfNnrpi
w ^rrofiwfaTOrtg i wf^rag i fro to gjfa?r girfrpi ro mfata *h ^fN m
vtoff 3ffa% sftmrra i frorog.u net*

¥^*P 5far?4t ffif l

HT^TftHXTT^rf Tgfr r^reW^f 3TSIT Ilf, II
f^rs i i sfft31 i ■sfassteri; i i 3* i ^ i
ST^MstM I ws^w I Tjfct I rfr^ll^TTf! I 3FH I 3T3 I ^fta| II$II
*nj Rfa^'4 fgfa ^reri mrrt otjtt i fro i tot sftgrort fan
fprr<:fmi g *nj *fti3rfa sngri i fro i g^ grj g giro i fag yfaiai-
WJrofq nrfNrf^i ^rrfSc*fa fTOfro# i fairogii
^ ^ HTfcf *rct i
*ftaf| c^T^mtf wr ns it
^I I I HT^rT I XF5 1 tq^l I I I 1
^•1^1 I I rTr^l^Frf I wi'. I I IISH
,?tto ^rv^N ^ ^srej HT^nnt Trot ^ ifMs *npi
*^T Jnj *TSHT*J ^f^HnqT^>q I WR 5^fi? I TO iffTOT-
l^nresw m to ^kff i fft i frowro ii

^ ^ ^xq4 i
fiWftifM xfafaff ^^i| it bn

srat i ^ i srNsiW i htth| i ^7ssNI i i wztsM \

^STftrf I I Afcv I vfotf? I fT^I^RT I ^N: I 3TSII II til
^•q-rg^iaf ^ aiaas ataart i a*n afar afaraaT’ i a Ifana ^aTarr rrta g^j
^ftaarirra sftaaajfn ar*arfaa g^faa sftaaig *Ha arrat i anrara: i aafaTarTat gt%-
*5fa art aTaarat aT i ga a afafaf^a afa aafaff i aa araTal i faa?pag ti
*N*T rTr5R^f57rTt flfarrfatTi sfbn sfN^tT ^FftW. I

ararfftr N^fNf h^th NNRT*Ni sren mi

srim i rfr^i i TrfaNsfa: i i sffar: i sfNs^: i srNs: i

srasf^h i NN^i »*t*H I rnn ^77? i sN: i ssrei I ii <111

^fNT afarft Wt^TT afaaaajaTaTaTaat S aTTaaf^aTa aa WIT ^T: afwrfa:
aaarfa: gaataTfafw: af gafaaT 'sffa’fa asfaa a^asna a%a i ajarr a aa%-
fv »—• *s_ _ • ^ ■ ■ ■■ ■■■!**&' TV » J\ ■ i art
■ m i "vi ■ ■*■ “■ ii arafs?
■_■■■ ■ i fT ■
at? i faa affirm awsrraTaarrai a^rnj acrtr
arrag i afaag i faaaag 11
* rtn W rtTHIrT^ Tiff *^T f4| I
IN MRti tot non
tji ^ I Tr^rt: 15|f^rt: i ^ i *|#»pT i *irjj I tNt: I I4f I W?^i I
^l^flTN^I^S^TTI W. I rTr^nNTTTTl^N: I^TI^TgVflt II70H
1 tfaT: % aafagana afwaT awrir: >m ft gisfraa i anNfat^ ajfa gga i
fsfa 1 |aT; at ararat fnsfa aastfar arg atrrt rtw^aaaftra<aaTgqfT
awa ^r^raa i afaaw naaga i faaaaia. u n qo n
77|<^J ^ffTTOT ^wNlS^f ^7^7 HTTN^Tglf I

W ^ ^T^rtrT 5T5tNS W^757T77^t WT IIWII

77^1 OT I 77|?Ti I ^T I I ^N: I^T57lf I IfrTT I ^Nto! I
Tl^t I I ^S^TT7 I W*f| I fTrTL I I^FTT > 1 ^ 1T5!*! 1111
aaTfamffa a?at 5rtraf fw fnaTaa^ui lanfaaaRt ^qi»»if«<s(i«(7at aala af^rt-
aaat TaaiaT fw\a% i artarat i rt»a aa aar ag aa artarnaaraart a aart% argara
aar % ^aT: grtfrtfa ^a: n
77ft #fJTOpT^ ^HUiRTrtnT f7T% I
^T77 TtN?J: 77#Rf57 H^n57T77^f ^T
77^: 1 1 1 1 ^f^rhrr: i ft7% i i i
4ii i i i^PflW^r 1 rif^i^w 1 sN: i OTi ,l^11
*«<*o,$r<» it ii
sf*wT»rer sf*n*pn*n?r nft irfflr nn* t «%*» i
inrnw # wjrosra: h ^rrwr i ^f?rar f*r% fjnrewfr: i ^nr*fr i jjfagg
ire% TRI^ «$H«*TTlfa*INm*! ^T*T I II

it M fwmt srFt h^w ^r: i

ft #l"*T ^ifrR 5pN fp*p~ II ||
I psdTO ii fans* i ^ i i^t: i
ft i i %s^i ^st^i i gutmr i tfm ifMi^sfwii <\$n
% prog* qftgffrro nwa f»™^ ^ wra nriftr
ji^fri % ^sj ^ft^T’t f^r gunfaj vn ^tpt: nr»?
»iff ^mre t n

H^HT ^Trrtmf^m ^wh^f^fft^TT^Tf^rn^TT^K •

nfmn h: jpg ^tfrf sfam nt w nBn
g%T I pTrrii^l tffHWT I gwfr^l JRf^rTT I pUHt^l flfHHT I
afam IT I f?g I iTtfrT I S%T I m i pm i <§S i ^:"n <t$ h
wmTwf^m: f^m: Trfnm pir^^ fi?ra: qf%a>fr<;iTii$-tHn: f%rag sfam «fr
i^ira JET^rTTfH ^*rfwnrftra wif<4 g^g i Trrrig i f^rn sfu^ ^3 ^*RT#Jwrg[
Tram i ^tij i =tf*jt ^gq^«fi!i«nifi*rr^TTjf 11 it u
^ faWn ?[T^iHfrsJt f* i ’sfwrei «nw i T^n^fn ifa ganfa *nr-
1w fty* i g^f i rTOT ^rgnire i *nfr jftffmrreT: jtt*}
n wf%*rcni g^^rrf^ vH*t* Trereifc • gfrn ^ i |nret *wt
^ i^t°^m-i Ttw ii f%g*rf?i wsrepfUg^r: i gfra ^ i fwfpfnreg jftre
^^ Tf?r i i»c. §. i Tfn n ^ttrmwrew^ jrfn ufTfi
%nrr imT'ifn g^r 5*frfnramf^f»r: tf^-fSr: g^ ^tj%^i: i gfiri =n i ^rrfvn %?gqnjnfffsft
i «rfirfjr?fTgirerfrigiifcj ^ ^ i f%%4 gwr ^ftfnm mv% ?m Tfn 4,nf»mf^nigtrfrre?i i
^yrewft^ ^ % f^%arrf^r?[frefw: i gf%n ^ i wt^nt^^^rinjrefir^w
^rnrem Tf?i OTTnprrft^#iTWn i^t° g»^.a. i\f?r ii i^T^fiprre jfHre
^T3HT I gf^T ^ Iff jft *R TTTt it *ft ^T ^TJft ^ gf^TT: I 3- <=• 1 tfn II
^^ren nnRmn% *ffr ^t iw^-^^-ii fnnft nwrft«rftij ^t
1 g° c. 8. N

^ firp pt \?TH rf^TT ^rf I

*j*m 11 «i 11
^ i fpsJ i i i p: i rfr^i p i p4g i
|TS^ I ^S5ltaTlI | %rrif I fgcf: I pT^ I pfa I pH H «l II
ii H

% mfsnn: ^ fsss? swa fmn<apfais% j$ sit s*a ttmim

ft: wn?ft w?t ^ssnciTS 3%g mars ^ST^yrsaTS %ia% fsssr stsitssts f^s: gsre ^
ajms i f^fa ^w^rr?rmw^tTi: i ss: «<st statists srsTf^ssur «$
Stpfo I fSf^ITT I WSS I SjfSSfS fSS II

$TT TTt HFTtfa: *?ft fawt SH^t ^i *pt WrR^ftfa ^ I

fa'WFffa silfafa fa*37fl^t fa^Tff^fa II * II
3RI i m i ssis^fa;: i trfi i ^»faw i i^ ii tpr^H i^iftfa r i
Wr I spiral fa I fwt I ^1 v^fk I fa^ft I m4‘. I fa*SIft I ^1
T?fH i ^}: II * II
ST s«itfftm<s«reaa st ST fssa: s$a: aft mg i sfrrsg i w saffian assffr^
STST S STSTgfmmSfTfS TTSSS SSSS. SS^SS, SS f%S S$S*S^flST* fa faTfit I fSSTPSf?l I
s^rfnsrs%sfa asm* ftwr s$^tss fwnrr s^t y4*Pi^fa i st scatfmfr str-
tnf^m: ii

5T ?T wfa^t fa -Sli^ ^ift fa^fa I

^ ^ ^%T ^tfHwr *Ilfa ^ H? H
rjiir i ss^r. i wsf^: ifa ii ^iTnfafa: i*THb ip^fai
ht^ft i i^i x^i i ^i i i *nfa i ft«?«
^ % as ssft sfipr: ssn was: srfs^aUgft ttss^ st s fs srs% i sjfoaafa i
sizars stn i ss^r ar sa^ssitwaltfsT^I \s<5fs ts stss% stm i tass STstsaafiS-
^tS SSpTfft TS S^SSy S$7t I s^s ?ts sitfsafanfs 1 S^fS 1 S?T I BTSlSS’S^SS^n®
stftfaaarsg a3?l aaass^s satfasr sit^stari: ii

ifa ft sqtfTTOT fffa *pfa fa^gf^lfq HTfrt I

f* ii $ ii
^s|| f§ I ^tili^T I ^mfa I rfa: I ^far^l ^1 fa^f l^spifa I
I STWf^l fa^T I ^fau I ^i?fa I ^ I SfafaT I ^ I I ^ H^11
% «s ?»s aTrfssT %wr sstissrrt sts% fssrcsfs ^s s srgm ?lssr
<jui^is*igf^sft ssssfs t«i «T>fd»<i<«<msft^fs<mi<isiqssnif«stVR sistst
sts gs i sn*iss i |:sw g:msssssfss srs gs »

fa^W fk ^fafa T^fa ^T I

Fit ^rfasr^tTtl ft ^ ^t ^ ^wffaT ^ n mi ,
*oqo.II II

fsptei i i i t^q i qw i ^36n^ i qqs xrtfa \ ^n: i ^,

qqi srai nq I ^ I qqssrafat i h 155: i^t: i sig i sfakw i iimi
^gaafaa: W7^r*J^^vTf^rg^ re*re toto aa ari Trefre f? i rearfarerefoft
tra*w: ararefre i grer i5aY«<grercfre i rerratfre re i arafftr fag% afa areTfa^alanfr i
im re rere^Tsrrfreragfn rer rergaarewl reagre: tt^t retiwn a arg aretf j^retig
iraKa i regrereaf«

H OTtqfqrit Hq wq &: qsnt & T?r: i

*T ^ qq q^ q£ sfHfft it ^ ii

*T I ^ I qq 1 fffel I qS'zfi i q£ I *rHr tt: I qiqrt I iwtefk II tf II
rereTgfre^ ^fTOTt^ rereare refirenai a iwsra ^r^asrNi aare: *gfa^i
retrei re i re Tfa f^refwtqTrreT i gpreg i fare are #ff?r a^i *j% Trjrrre firerre art
ga i ta a%a i faig retaafret aTOTreTTreat are arerrar rew fy^reaxre renflaff i
M ii ii isx n

fit q*T#?T: ^rn: qsn^Ft ^R^fNfT ^jto: i

qsnr ftt fro?ft fq%f<q ^nfar: Tffrr wn q3 iishi
fw^t i Fq i qs^vfcr: i qsxrefcr: i qsns^rr: i sprataT: i srctng: i
l ?q l foqsqf: l 1I *fhn: l wftf 1 qngT? I qq HSll
t rer ref grerea: affagrearererT: grerere: g^frei: areTaa: grereftaT areatar tfrer;-
%n reaTaatiarrreaf^aTre are farem a%r re§t%fa $a: i fare % fareaft faremrf grefrea:
ffaftre afaftregreagare arreaa rer ref refgj fret rehrr refaat are afa a#a n

*% ^frTft^rT PTT fsRSiq ^T^trT Fiqj^Eji* *W I

^KTIW qfrf: qxj ^T; vf% WH ^ util

^ i ^tfa: i f^4w i fit i fqs^srq i ht^tt i i u4: i

^SKtlrT i ^tt: i i xrfi; i wt \ affaT: i nfw i q^q i qq ii til
^ farereai fa^s: reff refrafrfa%ref farea renrea m^a ^ff?aa reg% reg^ re^ai
rere: grerat giref reia: rerreret rearaa: aft i re^af rereaa: reg^T^aratatfanS: i
^ ^ ref refarfret refaaf are afa afaf^re a^re u

^ q f^regi u ^ fir ^ fq^jW I

^pqqre^ if^r q^Tfffr h^h

VOL. iv. Q
«l«i8 ii n [sr°$.si0b.i0^.

toIi ^ i i jpbnfa i%jpit i H i ^ i i fa i ^i fwft i i

^TTHT: S ^ 1 fffcs^JI ^TI ^Ifft S^lfTT I *Ti I 1 S’afWHT I ^1 ^ || <i||
% ff^nr w % tpt %g*rr wt[f>m four nwPr »j^Tf*r *j7nmrTft *
mffur anajf* ^r*rt TTf*rf*rftf fwt ^ farsnrwff* *r I i * <* ’PriWT^nm-
^mrrrvqfif«t^t n^psrraraftew^Tii’ignTO^n qi^igi ifa tN i ’srs?«

*j ^ Wfl SJ HFJPTT ^ f^HT *j I

W Hrriq 3^*5 foji H ^0II
sn qn i qq i i ^ i ?r: i i ^ i *n^t i sj i ffJTi i sj i ^d?h
W 1^1 I *j | ^r^l | rn^l ^ I I $ff I f*TO non
^ ^ w tot %3rar wU^rNi if ipsn*fr i ^rjn f3^%*r ^ if wt i
«T»pn Tfwrr ^ if »ren n<tu4 groRft «*r i f?*n ^ if i ^HViym ^ ipRft w*n
w ^rrf^r nr3f if »refw fft% ^ ^ if g<3W*nt *nifn nftR fjrcft
’ww vrf? i w«r «

?sm& *^IT ^^rT f%t^ |

^fHN^^AT^pnfthr *j ^fttprt ^ttih h n ii
^twt^r i"^tt: i qmifa i i ^ i *r*jOT i fksult i s^ i
^qi ftRrJj T^W?} I I rfr^^sfft 1 *hSt: I ^TTT. I^TiW U^SU
1 \ir. ^Ttrn^’gTm ^pwNi f^ *rgwrararra wrararre
gmj% jjwmTq inr 3*3 snapr 1 ^tt i f^ irsrrw^tTf^m^sn^ »rsra^fwrnft?i ft*-
qlsfownt ^sraTTffl^idjr«r«m1 furi gffri ^ Jrefn ?r«rr if O^mirnfifa1^ I’i <Tif^^-
Jl^m >3^ ^TTTfti’T'ni ^ ^TTrT«T I TTST^fT II

fkgvi ^ ^t i
^rt^T St mf»r <^TT*m fTfwn^ f^r vw^r 11 ^ h
^1 ^r: i^q: 1 1 1 ^1 1 ^rr 1 ns^rft i^sf^T 1
^T^cfT I^l: Itt: I1 s^?f I rlfwtIH?tl v?b\^WR: If^r 1^11 ^?l11
% wft ^it: Tt *pmii iwr **m: irgifT u^wt inflow 3^
*Tf^f|3o^ ^bTv»t ^ er^gsu ’ir^rr^ ^fri^r^^ffiwrfH Trarrrrr inr>mT^T f^'
MT'fli^ trnrrwrm mqHqltawffr ^r vrr^a^-^ft <^fr«^nf»r: si^ft *&m 1
f^ra f 11 11«!?»
’irfw ifH *nnf f* qrraaft^; 1 g^rfirs tsT^ ^rf*i: 1 twt
^ 11 >mt fqHi-efTJi: h w*; 3 iriwr: UTarT^wr w g^rf^T
^11 ^WrffT *nNf?r n
imo.sp?. $•?&.] ii ii

^ ^nferfw in^i r
HI JTtwIrff ^Tf^| faspqwfw %Rf pT^f II <7 II
srffc^i 57:1 ijsi 1 n^rfiT 1 1n1 i

ip* I >7ts«fm I I I fa*5I xrafrT 1 f^N: I pqif nil

\ i% wsfTT aftfifafa fipforfw trw^?TW?n!r^nwfw^^ ^<fr *fafa
*^fa 1 fai*rrai ssttfa 1 srrffa wnm uro «fr«w?H^flr ^ i qfqifirwq'ig i m qfaiwft-
urm afrtrnft sn*r*rg^ *prc& g*irraf*raTg% ^ *refa xsnfag tiwwr^%g ^ *rfag ^ft%g
^tg f^*ra mgvifa *pfa: xrafa u

* ?*: mi *j$ff vtmti tfiifiRfe mm 1

i snm: ^5 *rf^7t *rot pp*r% rdst s$fa h * h
w. I 57: 1 2TST7W I I fk I p|f| I ntS^T 1 Tf^T 11 \

m* 1 ^ 1 ^nm: 1 p; 1 Hf^r: 1W1 p 1 1 pi pt 1 <$fa ir ii

$ t? * *$T*pnfsfi^T Tfftrw^ nU^rfa ^ g$ f*nmtnr?j *rpi m nfarcN i

$4 ^Rfir? TfffT *ffarg. 1 ft mm wrfa Tfa \fa sgjjfa i fafawnsrt^i i f^r ■% wt
ifas; 3t*m: ’irg ?t ^ wrejTt^ %f^ft prr ^mr 1 »fa* i fa ^wr 1
*m x^grflfa wtot*! <n*nf ®fv 1 gs^ 11

*t PT ^T ppfp 35 WirTfrT I

pnfl% port: tfw sNprat p ?n*7pm prc ii?ii

v.\*:\ yiw. I ^nH: 1 «tt 1 ps*|iT I 11? 1 p^ 1 f^rtf* 1

pnftf: 1 ^ 1 gssut: 1 #h 1 *pN: 1 ?wt 1 p 1 i pp7 1 pp 11 ?ii

\ ^S?i *ryffig *fr ^ra: *5^;: ^r |*rTptjgft xn sfrjuTTsg'tfa

grni grmfa % *nf mrftmyreft m wr^r^nfa: fenpr: ^fa»m: 1 w^g 1
^^ sfT?m t®n% ^g?rm 1 f*rm 11

fT p iitfii
1 pW: 1 pi: 1 w. 1 ^ i Jjfts'^T: i v: \ 1 ^fr^isf^i 1
*1 1 1 srai p 1 1 srtrt 1• *N$ 15wpS-n*J n
gxrmfajfrg^i fa^w »fa%i»ffa wfa ^fc^fai*ra mift ^ tsff ^fa:
STTfat trg jjftf>fairfH^: n ^far gfa fawm mt ^mrfagwrfami-
^ 1 ^WTTrfa'm^fHg^ ni^l 1 gwi: #
Q 2
n n

*iref^ri i
V trfT f*rt%fT Wff faw wptf^wttw IIMII
^r sf* i fs i *ri i ^ i i i ^r%si«Tw»Tvs^t^ i
ni i xrf^ i ^mii^i p i ^sn i *Tff i fa 1?,fa i I |
" vm: i ii m n
^ fw irrrrrfT fiifi^ Tfff wfatf -^wvwgfflfqfffffiT*JHfN Wftff Trvifj
ftffi IfTfi frTff gu: gff ^ ff WTf. wnf gw I JilTf frofaRtfifft^irinf
fffTtfgf i ff iR wfa: fRffwi giisn^mTfflifiRf ifWf W ’iff I fiRfe i fig
imfigawfiftssf: ifia^pNi' frrert i f ffaSrarfift i ?nr
Hiariffi i $<*ri gsiW^; =ss%ff f f wtf iraffSnjf^rKfwi^f gift
jwrfff grgi ff wmfRt^ gffTfTgf ff*r TWftff f gwf fR fWTfffT »rff fig
WTfTyi^tfo fran iff m: fit: f gif gffff UTjfrifffi i witff TfPPrff i ftff gm
gf MR*s(fTT?<R<ft ^ ft ffj JtsrffTfTf ^rf^Tff^: fl<f Tiff f $ ff <tRwi<«}fit
f toRtH i ffRf ^Rff ll II H8II

it frffff f gi*rf ggi grit 1 ftftfft gfffT itf t fro wgpnf^fi: 1 ihfT fi§i i
firzt iri: i nRrit ^nrr i ott f tgiif i ft it fasfr frritfft ftfrfif ff ffjfffffi 11
h if ^guiTfi «i n tsritirffr ^itgfT^tff fYftt gwrff i gfif f i it ft fR^Ri ftR
fffiit im m° 8- <w- i fff ii

^T Mft^TT V$t SfaT^Wt ffa^rTT I

farp f^TR| IISII
n: i ^t i nftssiTT I gsf^i ^ifaRT i T^: i ^T i ^5R: i l4: i fforirn i
tjj^shht^: i ?f i ^ i ^ i ^ i ^R i i ^r i i g s^ i f ^prf ii ^ii
% -hiRhiRkI it gfir: fRwrr fRft arm ggwg fifTft it Tir cftii TrRrgwf i
ftfUtfitRfti: i fR^m ^nmRw f^jft sttt^t ft gift: ^grt gfi ift«fT5Tf fg
T«r ipffWTT?Uftrct%f fftffT if Rg4 ffT RgRf *rm ffr ffwl i £fw ii

^T^rT ^TrTT: fq^H ft*! I

wm HTRT ^ q^rT II * II
^t^trT I t: I f^Trt I foil I ^1 ^ts^ff: I f j^rT I Hi^l I
^i^i^Hi5T:i^r^i5RNi^i^iH^^sgi^:if! u*"
1 ffffifir^ gft ggwr fTf ffft it ftfff i ^Tff i fffrri fff: ^4tRt f !
i^ff | ^! HUljtftTff I fsHTff I TTTfTT 1 frq-Tfffffratf: I
f,mfin^ i fif ftiUTfi fgf gvftni *rri Hfftf wRi wgri i gign i fti ^171!T m
f €mfif ftTfrmrff<g fffrg wn i gsff ii
flogo.ST® II TOrRtS^R: II W

^ru^t fa*rm*n ^wt h 311

qmsffc I w: 1wi: 1 *Rp5t: 1 f^i qfontf 1 1

1 «ii+i«*it *tt*i<*fl gg. gqi*n*ii^<JqfrH9»ift g*farr g4»tftt sfhrnsrr *wt wm: i
ifiwivnaian*! iRiw 'trfn ^fwft ganf: i ?m ^ fa*wi7Tt i srtaft fgfyqgq^ gft%
Tjfrf g*far •’sfa’nngM ivq. wq.i Tfa i wiftf^^TOimRatTT Tfw^ g*rf
im- 1 wmg f^Tgrrfafagg^Tfq Tfwnft »m: i TfWrft
w: 1 srcrsr Tfwrft *m: i f^rq gqTfirg~<n«M<g f%pnwrfa fwrr
^nw%ra: n

f* ^irf T? w vv qwfa rT^: I

fw^T ^t vnvad 11811
fT I ^rf I 1 Tm\ 11$ I ^f: I ^trf I qrafa 1 rang: 1
fa: 1 hM 1 ^Rf^: 1 ms vq: 1 xrft \ fare! 13^1 m 1 *q 1 1 is^narf 11811
% ^rf%*ft g4 g^f httw ^raT^ftl w T^r €rtf yrfrrii c^sr ^inr
?Hg: 1 Tm^g: i 'srjgafasi'fc i <nrr g *rrw: i g^ ^nn*i wi ^ii *mr t^t
^T»m *mg§gT TmtfTT ^Tftr ?mf?T: ^iftf?rai^T i f*r° 8. q<>. i gf* i fa^r g*ri
fM g^ gspm: f^rasig: i f^sr m g^frfi^T fa^fa m mfa ^Tftr
*rt^ htpsct wnroift tpsr% ^rw^nf^ 11

^T ^Nt$ IT sfaj *fas^ fTTT^fa^ JT^rf I

wt ^t q 5nqpr^ ^\mi ^ 11 mi
fq^T v^t 1 ^ 1 v 1 m 1 sfa 1 $fa 111 wo# 1 forsrt i *ra: s*prf 1
% tt g*PTt: gwr ggnpfn fhfcftr ^ ^1% n m i i wf ^ ^r \ m-
^wt *nfrg^r g^ra »rrafwft fimr fwaft^T^rreg: i ^g?g: i m ?ft gm^^
*1^ ^aff asTTsrl i gnS: i wift%T trf^mT^ ^t?t i ^wrf^f?t n h <hm ii

^ ’JlrT Sf ^57T fqrTq TT®T fa^rT I

^^TrmHfTT: ^T TWf ^*J?f II ^11
> ^T I | *£jjrT I q I ^T%?TT I ffT^S^T I fVfTTi I TT^f I fWrT I
^t: i mmm\ i ^f?r: i ^t i iTFit: i^^rfassNin i i 11S, 11
«|C|t ii ii [^r#t.-ai®s€f.

1 ^Pg«nfq*t m ^nfM i i% *m 94fWwraT,5i«i ^t^

‘sitsw *n?i tpn^r w fmrr wraTfirnTt i ^rt i *n»nf*r<4yc*T ^ra*.
’grrwrarnfffTtr^arr ^Tfinjf%4nrnr^fw i ?psit ^rfmi%: grr *n*iTPT *pf i t

wzi Tjsfaw *rH*!if i

*pi £^ ^rn^rf ^ iisii

i i$fa i i i fa i ^£*t: i ^sfasrei i %*Nn i

*pi I £^ I ctfysTOT: i ^PT^rT i ^ i $s*jf7T i I *jts*ro 119 n

^ H*f*nr*rm$w *?twr *rr*r ^msri

fq«<«u*ivwrer§5 ^%«rnrfti^T T$»» ^5^: 1 Jrm*m 1 f^Ff^r »re m tw4: i
ttot ^ f^nwrat 1 *n^»rro ^tett %*rrg*tT *nfg^*T 1 r. rr$- r- i Tfn i
gm 5*fwrarr: wft srjf^wswnn 1 wsr'wwri 1 w»rar ^ h# fs wra irnrapt 1
<rm ^ f^nwint 1 wtiftwram *tj m toptofit gtfv: ^ Ti^rgfx?? ^fwmT
f?w?wfg»n^Ti 1 ^° r. rr$. R3-1 Tfa 1 *p *prr gtv% wtou*
gwi *rr i P# 11

*pi faito ^r^Qi^q^: ^t: *pTf*J: 1

3pT TOt fa*Rc*farfa II t II

*p 1 faita i *rpot 1 ^rsfftf: 1 *p7faft 1 ^w-1 ^ryrjii 1 f^i w 1

^ 1 1 ^E*aS£Tr|j^i 13pi 1 to: 1 fa^c*t 1 *£rfa l $*T lib 11

% ’rM *pi ^f faw 5tvTf*nft nw ^wr*ra: s*%: <*RMi«vm«4fci:

tprtfq 1 'srjxpi 1 ttstt ^ fwrret 1 1 wi.
RR^. R4.1 TtTTI *pj *pri ^T Wr^Tf%^re<rm^ fR^fHrl 1
^^£ra 1 Trzrr t^rowt 1 >^4t 1 ^a° R- rrr- m. i Tfn 1 ftrsr ^ few 1
%srer tt*t: %^rrat fwren «n*i ^rrf^ wt 1 <Tf ^1%
irf^rr^r sro: 1 1 wr *r fwrfTit 1 ff ^nn^n^T %^re? 1
wnffTEreV ^ iram 1 <\. rr$. rm. i Tfn 11

3pi ajli ffTT^^rT I

1T?W5R #rHrf lieil

^ I £ II ^^OT I »|£t I f|rT I ^1 I I 1

1 ^Wr 1 ^3?r 1 fT?T 1 1 ^pr^s^h 1 ^5: i tos^ lien
% f^UT qf$flKiqfynf%»ft ^ ffT 5fr^n RpW f^nnr ^
1 ^■fiTfrw^ ^r: 1 ^ twrifit 1 ^r TT^rf^*n m
1 ftmi \n^f»r nfm*jla!«ig: ^>rf^ i^° r. rr$. ^8.1 Tfrn ’ot f*iw ^ ^
d «*i fMf41 *i ^ i<f|n«(>n^T47i 1 ^®rr fRUW ifW «r?rt7ft ^r ^
«r fMwnrt 1 f^rrftl ^dqiA^’Ri ftripnfl^TOT wi 1 ri41%
ii ii

afrrcr e.i ?fa i far? g?i ??rrcfai?sret? Tjm *re???-

faftwjwfa?iJHQw*«Mi<j ??g: i w txt$- i <tot ? fa*-
srat i fa faffa* ?»r?fa *frfa: g?srr ?? i ?ri % ?fw ?? wrfvr ? »pfa i^b«m.
'OC. q. I '{fa II

f* ^rf M -snrf^r^f i
*r 7\ «r*irt non

P i %rT I ^ I srfoRT i sro1 ?rcsft: i I *vti\ i ^ i ,

I ^ I 3^5^ I vnf 1 rT | ^swi: I , *ra;S>ftII go ||
* g*r W TTt %ri %wt ?Tfafa ?fafa *n*fa^
*R«rT%: ?ff?f ?&? wwTTsrnm^ ?#rt trpt %mt m ?g?refaf ^rafa-
mt ?? 5T?? *r?T»fa gw HT*rf?riK«? |jwfr ?g3j*fr wt ? wsfafa v?rfa? i
imrafa n u <i$ i

* rT tfsTFIT^ frT^T STOtfrT I

•ti tti Jprp^ i srf^ i ftf: i xr i ^ i i 1§:S|H i rrf^: i m \
^i i |spT i i i ^pr: i W i
^ ii w ii

^ 50<n«iqflVq w H? ^hn: ?rg?: $??: cf sfa jrf^j f<fr{??: ufa n$lfa i ?

*mftfa i ffa? fnfaifa ?T?rfa i *ifafa ? h? ? mrfrfa n
W ^rnf *nfNflT TW ■*? I
^ ^ 5%WT W[T$ % ^ fa^jrf: IIVII
^nii qrwi tfto: i *NfasT i ^i i i ^t i ^pvi: i :issrfam i

fa^rT: ii v ii
^ ?i g*r?tif ■<?*[*»? ?*: ??r$ w tw zffa ^ ?rfa faft ^ffrifar
^l^^fa w ^ ?ffa fawwt tr?mT ^rffafa gf?% ’jfwfa aifan Tfa xfa?
^fhsrer ^i{n\iii 5rm i g?mi»ragri h

HT ^fBq f<S[ trfiTTTfthqTT W& I

<^0 II1%:ii [^0S.^°

HT I I *ITW l ^pit I fa I *farf I 3lfa*R I *pfa 1 ^ I Slfa^T I

I fa^ll^rT.I^TTRtrt 1I>*fa*T I^f*rT IIR$||
% mteHiftft)' ht at gat agaT araatam T$a aaaafg; aft aftaft ft aft i ftfta
i 7rHrr a ftaatat i ft agar T®n aTaaft a<t ga fWf gfa+<rf<K i a?° $. §?.'o. i
ift I ftia gat aaftftia ^tgaftfft I ftfrnWRT gsSI ■'it agaai : vtt ^tTvft Slflejflt
^r gaft: i aar a ftaatat i ga $g aaa aif^Taiftad^fgaT gama i v* <\vz- c-i gft i
ft^ ga gat gareriaggaftat afaat wt aftari i aftarr ara aaarr i awn?n|aiai
garnsNtft: injTfw: a4f*ftigaa i -a4taaa i aar a ftaatat i aatgaftfarar aftarr
qimaft acaftqaa fw i ^° <\- w®- «»$•1 gft II

tr «it i
^fa*0T tr fro *r ^3 rfa** ^ifai: ii Rtf ii
^rf 1 ^T I Wt4 I 3jfaRT I I I *Ffa: I ^ I ^ I
fa I I ^5T I 7r 1 *R l farfl I * I ^ I 7TTO I ^T: II Rtf II
% aat at gaa¥ta aaftr afra artaaaft i ajf 4 i a^aTg i gaat a gaa ga
gaaaaia i aa afta aapraa: i aftaftTfaat gaa aaft i aaar gaanrr gaa^ i fta *N
ftai 'irpft aaa aTat^ftt asaari aftart gg atga T^fta arta ^nai a>n <<ial aa a-ft
*^rm 1 gaat: *gft ftagt *fcfaaa: 1 aa fata: 1 aftarr a 1 aaT arrat agftaft: 11 ifti
T^j ^rfaftfa agg wranga gar 1 arraftarr ataraT aft 1 aTaaarfaa 1 Ta aiaftarg-
sjita ii aTar^aiai iPa*ni <#('4fta?t ftft^fta: 11

^ ^TiT 35 SRt ^ ^T TO nfTT fRH »JpfrT I

jmitofa fM fWN% fw HRII
T^fl TO1T I I ■*: I f I ^T I TO I PfH I ^JSR? I ^TT^ I I
PTrTJS^Rt^ I f^S>41 faijsfaR I I I fa*H I ^ ^11
^ w aftart %araafaat at gaat: aafaa ^fta ^ftaa jnaararci aa aft ara:aft
aaTt ftft ft»j arrfta ftt m a4g agaft aa anftaala a^^
fg afr g as: arg aaaia: afa ar«a^ aftftf fw ^fta^w aftarr ^ft^Tarwga^
TTft jjgfa 1 ajaarflft 1 asftr^ a% aitiftt aaaftt gat ^ftfa$ftf4a gftaaft^aT^ft
aft fta^araaaat- ^ gwfaaTa: 11

^ fR^Jm ff ^ibWrri ’fcor: fif^g: '

^ ^TT f^iR^I ?R * ^TRt *RR ^1 HRH
^i: I ^TI ^[ S^TT I fwit l^t I I^I I ^5^ 1WXS^ I *n11 ^11
ii 11

* af*arfa»Pt jffrea: attain nVt aaa tfa ta: i ff aaiT: at aT fgn waa: i ga
g> aTfflfareafaaTfH WT I $aa: I ff at atag: i w?: i f*ire at gat at qamin:
aireft Garret ar sgft i aigtvl i aftann^awrfHg^atftfa i ?ra ggnft fufarfa i ggai
^ qft fot wfoTTVWfiiq^ikOfiT 1*3 * W a *$ JT^ ^T
?Htr reft *^a«i%{f*g<sn«#'Ofa agffapfc i aaT a amt: i at fn'sfia't *aa: gt fqrr grrf*-
mffi grea: a? aw: ait at aa% faafta ^at tar: arenfg.flqt ax aam faaaT faaTgatT
waft faaaaw faararetfa a3ftm arta aT aa *fw agare* afggtrefaiaaT i*aft ^taj-
ftasift wt agret an&awT afar a*t?tregrett aareft ifa<>f «m.i *ft n
BTH^ *TC% ^TthlT Wlfwt^lTHT *Jf I
^ ^ ^fT ^T flprH XT5CT: II? II
uth: i qtq ^ i qpnsi^ i ^it^t i ^:swt: i pirn i ppr: i qs i
^I II ^ 1 ^TI | ?I^T 15HCRT I ^ I >T55^: II ? II
\ an %rereafaat gar am: aTa:arr% afni i aPrgfa: i aa fata: i ar%a aar
awr^aaw fft rereat aiTaar 1 reresataaire affat arot arm t wt re33 i wffpri: i
faa q«sTi<5«jfK*i? aam aaar gat ga aanrrere afft aaga: 1 oti: i aT°ggt are aaar-
aaafaat ftare w reaatt faanifareft aaa: i are aaaiaafaare aarefa nag%a
najamfaa gaiaa aaea: i arga: 11

pi ^ipn *Jqi^ %^t ^ratffw fa i

P lN*Ipn qqi 3Rfa ^ tig II
pi i q^TTsi^ i ppn i 1 i wt: i ffirat i fa i ^qqf i
PI 1 ^S^TT I q^Ti I qq I ^ I aRk I qfp | qq: I *fit II8II
I afaat gat arw amfr g?ra w arrf^ gareat gwaa: ag*a <fm xrxt aaft-
Tffa a ffare fa saTat i faa^a sara: i fare t an *ftTngfa*t ga gatggai atT% arr%
ffamaf^gg?} i gifa i aaaraT tfa ta: i fare gat ga: gare fanfare aaf reTfaar aat
aare aarafaaaw afa: i araaa: ii

pi f trcf^Tn qrfi ^ ^|ht ^ ^f htt i

P *[ ^ ^3rT ijrrq^s^t^ ifafa IIMil
pi 111 ifat I Tflft I I ^ifi I w I I ^%rTT I pa I ^TI qq |
§i1 ^i si| i iwiii ixfafa iq# iiimii
^ an ^tmnaRiaf gat reg aft afnft aat a^at nat ffare awtaaf gffar gat
gat aHysn^ i afaffttref g%re aatawfre i fare at gat i garatfaffma. ’ftfirra-
^aTfafa g^Tfa i aar afa % aarj f^aaire ffaafa^ma^t ga i aaa i aarfa anit% n#
^*afaaaj^% ^ i aaa i aaraatfiagarra nra^ ara^ aTgara aar i fans^ awt
II w^i II

f^ -qiif^T fM5t *t frof i

f ^tf TTC5T xi^fVg^TT *T«qST *fciT fa^frT ^ II % II
yr i sfft i w i i ^fa?rT i tH i f*nd: i *»ffftf: i srftf: i from: i
f%if i^i^fti^f^^iHii^wi^i^sfiTi^i^t^n ii in

% gfia+iifrot TOt ThTTfrot g*i ggf to *rfr s: i ^rfr^ft hto: i to gftg: gflrgshi ufa
totot totto: i to *ng*r: i to grof: i gn*ft *t tot fcrogg TOrofafaro: i tot g
JTftTTt I *TTf% f<^«T TOWTO^rr^t TOW TOTffalW I W° 8. <)$. IT-1 ifa I fTO t ,<rfTOT-
fgaft gfrf grot: *ig TOgg *rg tot mfw*rW«j trfr *tto i frof^ i to germ: i fropi *
tot fropt Tj^n mg rntw *rrfi: i ngfgTO: i tot ^ totto i to to mf mgrofTOrnrot
mtwtfggft yTOifrr i to % ^^o.. o. i gfnii

yr ^ gsf fsntf»ro f^ \
fit Ift TOBmfeft fitT3*nfclT ^PRT 11^911
f151 >Pf i f ^ i i *r$ i f *ii fti^nt i ^sRif i i ^Rf: i
fit: i TT.t«rr i *Tft i i i fit: i ^i i i ^ i sn i
\ mfmmTfrot g* f gmf *§g gpj mg^rn^ frorom grrgr g®pmrg: 1 wntfmggm-
toftV hto: 1 fro gr g*ti to ffroim ’srgfw: TOrromm to*iw^t TOrm TOWnflroig: 1
fro g«i gmi fTOTTOfrofa^Ai^iTfqdq^W TO^hrf gfn g mtggm^g: 1 tot ^ toto 1
fiprrTOfTOT 1 to *=. q. ^q. i i fro gfr^rot: tot fromr tow ffw h<itii to-
mmt tr#ra^ 1 tn5r% 11 tototo: 11 fro toHto^ttot TO%mT? *fw to pm 1 mifo»

f^' ^ ^ f^^^TT *Tf f^ ffMlf 1

^cf iitii

f ^ I f I *p I f^ I I *Tf 1 f'i I flvw I ffy^f I ^3Wf: I

f41 *rfas*h i 1 ^rfaFTT 1 wti 1 f^r 1 : 1 11 tii
’^rfwfrot gg s g^ ^tg wrj g^r sttottoiw ^trora: 1 tto: i f*ro g^ g^ ng
?jg*iT«T»rgftggiTO: 1 fro g^ w from »rpi from TOrfrot ^fwwft'
^ror«n 1 fTO ? ^rfrorfrot gn grr ’toto gag tow to 1 TOf^-
fttg iiTOigg wrg 1 gfrot ifrot gTgwritfrgir: 1 fagrrarn; wrorfl gi f^: 11

'zfcte f ^rt mi 1
ffaft fn^RtSW fTr*tf?Tr|^ IIQII

I it^lt I frRr^l I f^TI f I I I 1

mi 1 ^ 1 *N?t 1 f5Tf?n$tl r1 *^ i ^ rHffii rrfc^rtrfnsiffi i'1M
^ ^qifro wtar *far ^rfapfr^rr groT wfro i tott i wr:
^ 1^1^ *pr^TOT wg ^jfa^^iiiim qtfrfm
^w*ft wroniffrftft | TTTyNg I to! froi* Tnrtl^T fror
^qrran wl i m i frolf %wto*totot# toItoto ffirotwrorj ufoww
TOai to?J it

5(H w* ft ^ ^ <§%F| nWrT $fkqjfc ,

*F ^ ft *w srii; xrfpc^ ii cjo „
i *ift i i i i i i Hsfflfif i ^fli^: i ^ i
*F I %S«f: i if i ^1 i *ri: I uftswj:, ^non

1 ^iff grop^Wfa to ^^rsfr totrt wfa srtTOqffog ^gfn i wttott

^^miTOTT to* i m wtot wi; wir ft top* m^m
towhj gtfag: wg^im ** ^ TO*famsr ftg*r: w %wr: nfrort
ai*m wtwt: v(\m3 to: gi§ fifwtfn t1?:« Mail

* f^[ rf| ^ If ^iNrH pt f 3??NRn: Sjfa [

f*T>TOf Tfw^f JJf rffowfa || <\<\ \\
* ' ^ ^ I rfr^l ^ Sffl | g | Tl| I *pft I f I ^ I fSfSn: |

%rs^f%^911 ^^3? Kf?T#: I *]f I JpTfl I wf^fTTT | rTr^l ^3T5H% II«f<| II

I nRriiRi«n to tow to w fro i w smfta: i *<gw gg g gj w *fcnr i *toto

■PIJ i grr f tow: wg TOf^w ^ffTOTtwroiT to wtftg g|g ^n^fn froroffii i fro
mtfwTO frog^frowr %gr \frot TTrfwwt to%$t »i?ta i i to TOfgroft i

m *iftrcT |rg <*mt SnWW I

%rc f%n ^^rft ftjn ^wot ^1 ^ndfafs n^n

^1F1 ^pT i ^s^rfw: i f^f i i
ft.Sg 1 ^I^f: I 3R3WH I

1%^ni ^jfH i fan: i ^r^i^nJj>rff \\<\* n

«fwl ^ronft wroiwr ’OTfror % wfwfrol' fwgwT fwg»ft xrrot
% ?rrf J3! ^^l<1^1 f^g wtwt wtroror toto i frowfm i
f«rr tot to wtmftRTnrogn i tot i wft w froi: tott toto»w: ^j4i«jni«iTn<Tft i
MI«?TO u
S*8 11 ti [n#$. hi° b,n»ss;
ht ^T5! hh vm jfi hhjp$ i
fw ntn ^hhtht *wFTrft w*j 4hhth4 ^fw ^ ns?ii
HT I H^HTHT I I §*JH! I 3TTI HH I tfH I Hf SH^t I ^ I
^ II ^SITHTHI I Hrft I ^Tjj | T^s^ri I ^Ttt I SHfw I fff II s?||
% atfaaT a^rrar a^apft m at gat agaT agana amtyf'0% g$ aaafa garnjftTO-
aT$ a?j HTTf^ffri xfa 'T*WT \rt i iwi i fara % arfaat gw# a^agr
anfaaT gat ^ifiifi aaeart aa aftf arara gwa mi i gign i fara gat a%8T art*ha ang
ga l^fH fifa afxafaa arc ga i aqaaaa n

* sfeHHT^f^Hf fHS| <$TT ^RFTrft' I

Hi f fn *(h Huron ht h^tthsh ht 11S811
^ I %HJ HTSJ 1 HitTO^} I HstfW I fHTg I ^STTI HT^HT* I ^ I Hift I
Hi: I |l fa I HH I HSHTOt IH^:ifajfal I HT I HsfaTHSJ I HT I II Ml
? ifwM fm «p$aNT gaamT a^isat aaT anfaa* wft at faro farwt aaxt
-sarrfatwifa anaig mg fag asrrg an^?l i ararta a$aa: i fan aft amrra t^ft fa Sft i
faaagfa i fan aatft arcaat famgr Wfaa: aftg4aaia<a gg at mag: i wftft a n^ou
aarcrfafa fa ana gw aYatai: gw gawarfa awunf^i i agamt a i aan fa
gawt nfaa Tfa it mmgaiq>ifamtfl4faaft fafaafa:«

TT*TIH*| iH ^flTpfSzrt *H faHHi HHHT nfa*HH I

HftTOH fa^H f^jfaifaHH *pT HHHt ^HTHt IISII
H^RTH I ^ gfa I FEf | t^SJH I I T^f I faSHHi I HHHT I HfaTO I
nfassroi i fa^n i ^jfasfa: i hh i fas^T i hh*J: i|hth| iisii
^ afaat gaat: aarag arcrrwfa at a ppi aafarraragaat iw faaa aa»n
aaarfa aarrrcfatarf afaaafca aft^aia aftft amt fa^at attfaa aagaaT gal’ gffafa
gj <fnafa?nfa: ’gfafala fmal i m^ara: 11


fH^[ HH H4ft#T!T ^HTTHf^HT II * II
IH^ I H^H: IH^: IHTTI Sfift: I fHr^l H^ I ff^SHTT I ^3HT11^**
arean wrearg?^ aarer a%mtt at art ^mtTafanPl gat ara^r aTa:atT%i^*^
anfarawi awfai< agarga agaUgaat ana n Taafat faaa: i aiOtafa wfr i
^aaifWr fag: am %a x^ra a^a: i ^a a ^fii^gtfa ytgaagfaga aa aaa:«
ipqo.sprite.] ii wnfis^j 11 ^
^F*fafai$ ^t ^«TO |
faifai wr *ranfaifa rreretsir w ^tM *^fafaar 11311
imi i gsg*# i sifatf i m~\ ^«rs^ i i
fajm i ^t i ^i ^Naifa i n^ra: i ^irt: i sn i *mi i ^ 1 An 11 3 11
\ ajfaift ^ai *T^nftf ^fprrftproij aT gf^sj ?ri
aftffaift mrsm i tt^t ^fafn i inrarfq fanrom<a irnTtw wrrf*
atrpapsea: daiuid^^ aifwft if^marNi sffrrraiai ^wr *rni i awm^d n u^ti
^miPKtua Bwrererr^ %jw^ i ^tr*pri?i ^ i afSflm^n wan
Tft 8 TnrfJT$rfW%3^g ^rirffTf^ $w mpwta w«rnrr^ i ar i u% f^r tfn
^r ai%^ g imt i w'o. a. i «

i riwt n I
fawwiff ^i^rt fa ifa^j ^ffa: fan mu
wts^ i § i wsnt i i i i u i *t i ^ffa\?sm i
w i fam: i wpr i afa 13pi: i fa i xmi wffafrfvt ifaSt i i£mu
hth: nfgflt wm sRfraw lit g gjp3in.faRw%a w %ht vn^ft gafjre w
w«>tot tzv; u «r i irnw 11 irawi ^Tftrfw i|a: i fwn %
W«rrf^^r: armT igarnff/t: nft#H <tTn i f*maj ?nc7T i faaig^wfr i \ wftn:
sr *rt% *?|ii«u*f t$ fa i sfitea n

fa^T mti h ^rfarcfaj |

^ ^TpIT ^TTT ^R TTO^lfa *jt mil
§f*r i nf i ^ i ftrcr i m\i i n i i siffa: 1sqt i i& i
I 5T I Xj^ i ^tt i fas^t i ^n i ^rr i *ros^rfa I ^IRII
1 ^ftn: *j wnnai ^tsarif art ^Y^xt wra faafa^ga fira i air aa i fir* anrt
’TTO jcfi)dKfiis( tr i ^fTTfir: nf? gm i fwn iftn aN a mafwa agrn
f^nfftiT v%»t ^t aW*t?t ^r^arm va^msrr aw i arflrgar jffapf: b

fa*rn Rt Tm^n#if3Rt|: fasftff Tit faxpi at ^fa i

TW ^ >fafa5.T itu a: II 9ii
t^i^faiari i fa^t i *ng: \ fasftf^ i ?q i ftr*m i sn[ i "J#fa i
i art i xft: i ^ i ^ i agsfa?i 1 is i ^11 *K \ w h?h
^nrRnsnf iahn^ nataaiaasulf mnift fawiJ jfni a?mart ntwwhf-
JTrr: ^ farra: i a ^t^wuiiik: i dan^i^la wtgwt v*rnftw^: unarr artn ht
n *5*^: n

ijfttTt firiftf? i i sn wt fiptf xalHuri wtfrt >aitfrf*r i f*iw *r xft$-

OKwaffl qifoapg i »reg i vw wr*ii whjwt *tc i h

pTT Hitf WWiBf*BS *TrTBUTBT fa ^BH I

3RT Bt ffWT^Tg^HT Bfa ^ II8II
F?t 1snrh i i is i tf SiTOTBT: i fa I I st^s i
bt4 i $41 i b: i ffawi*t i *t i w^bht i w?r i Bfe i utiii
% sri wft *nra$g tfn#g f% 1 f*rfawr£*if*f FT?raT*J i xp^ t
xnflft g% wfxwn: «i f?re<fr w fa acfa 1 xmftran^ ^ ^rt ^fhr g* xmfa
araj?* graft xfr ffww*rfft 1 xfmTfaF^mgsftm T5ftm f? w?r sfarec *r *fe 1 n
arnreft 11

ifa H ^5 B|<* % wfalB^faft ^ITfBtfa BB^X 1

ww ^r^-^inw^t fa ^i»(^fff ffa «[B 11 mi
BBIBI^IB§c*IB:iB^I rjbnB;i^afafal^S^|%falB*b^TB’l
wfa i ^rjfc 1i btb: i i fa i g s^sfa; i ^Bfa i ifa i ^ 11m h
Hq^fa^fampgt ^TfTR: wt, FTmfafti FjN TfJjft Vft *T XJ^T
■QTFJJiTRI ^Tcj xiwftfF 714<9U ftfafaffaT’FTOfaTFTgfttfft ^fa^urtfa i ^?^rr#n
xfarrtw «<»<fa1gp$: i w% wrprra Trrxfaf: ggro^w^^Fg^rffTn^T W
^frwFTgvrssrffw g^rfft i *r i%: i fafF fft ifa i farafar » ii^ii

BfafarB ifa^r *mfas b: ftrafa hbbt Bn*fafa i

^Tfar^BmBW 3JBIT ^t *TOWT lit,II
Bfafa IBB I Sfa*l I ,sfa I SSIB: I fcpBTB I HBSBt I I# I
WUr^l far^l FB: I *BBT I BTCBI STB: I fa 1I ^T I wti IBBrTT 11$#
*fa ^ff^n: giwr: ^jf7i i v*r*rrf»i3ffi$ ^9
^TtuHfix^rrq flpm ^rnsRrfn i w£*?i n^iwi: xpr kw i i
<^tei ws*rT ^rarrfF ^>^#1 ^1 fn wri 1 ixstwg 1
w^spS: 11

^TBg^Rxt BTB^ ^ I
^Sm \if| B^H^t^fSS %*ft fBB BT^TRt II $11
^i^ibto^[ 1 i bb: i b: 1 *N: i ^?s|fTiMi
gfrt I ^ I BBSflr^l ^tSTlr^l I IWI I BT^StlW It'S”
*»<|o. sprite.] ii ii

$ g*sm <¥f*vw«% ni v w tpft wv i tot -? *nw. i ^ tf?r ^nrra

,pri?tfT WTTra^T if*f»M-^.i Tfin ?m ?tv^ i n*w-
jrira i fi?Tt wrg *m*nnpf jfmrtg* ? v? i fWf i ft? arf^ ?Pr% m-
x$\ tttw^ith ftre wfa i gs?»
u W*frrfon: 3|c?lrllq t? I
r{\t ^[HT*7 *R3T fa 3qfa ^ ^VR || t II
m h i m: \ ^s^T^t: i i ifan: i 1 i i& \
?! i M i i *ras ^t i fa i iwi i fa i q*# i ^rffir i # i ii t ii
f^rerawr fwt €rw cfoganal*i€1 *m»i *nmi-
HTOt %wr% ?y*rrar: *rtsrr: w??. inraefn ? *?w v^rtf^jfr
^utit pn»i mti %? f? sreg i fw$f? i f^g gsft €mTfa?*i gri?t *hwt?t?
*rra ???t? vt f*i ?ff? i f*rfnj irrcrsrRf #

3H Wffafo^Nt srarffl fw fafafaft Wft i

k ^Rifat *T W ^Jlfa flfaii mi Tpfa ^raFffa IIQII
^rf i irsfT i ssfas^H i Wa i f*r i ^s*ft i fasfaTftfH I I
V Ijfrs^ita: I*I HTft I TjTqfa I I 3^1 ri ITRTI q^rfw I ^TOTS^fa IIQII
3<rrftf tt?t Jri?nTTTf?T^Ni i i i ■^srfirgfwTf jhuRj^i
wfit i ^Rfn i f*N ?w i ?nr uii^ffwaisra wt?t ^sa»: i ^ ftrci?: sra awwi
W??? fawnri ?rer faf^Prf? ?ffar »HFTf? ?rrt gin*T% ?*N? trg trd^r
’JWrftatf: i farf Jrgsfr ^¥Rt ^2iT^i ^frg TrfHWTWFH^fTr Tiw^ni w v*nf»r «r
^wft i ^Tftfrfn i wggryqftgrft i ^vrraT^r^rmN^r Tjm vftn 4 wxfn i

’Ttf^KJTT^frT *raf7T ^ ^|H f^^T I

^r x\^fv{: itot ^t?rt sth* non
I I SRft I |:s^ I I I ^S|H t fW I
^i Tjisfa: i nmi: i ^t#7 i i i snra ii ^o ii
^ Wt ^yfHTTgn^ iwn^Tp:?! 'prnnmt ^Tfwt^nnrwnfS fift 'sff^n:
^ *WSk i f*reftTR i % # fw sunt ’gv i f^ »wnpji
XT^KuT^Hfl^: i siitafffir i vw i toi i
^?r i srjftftf It?: ii

1!^^* Trft xnf i

^ ThqSt qj w ^N*‘ n^ii

^pgfri: i ?r: i nfit i hth igrroj sw i ^rtsrfc^n^i 3ras% i

*£: i g*wfct.i ^rrr i H^ra: i i wrt i ^s«i: i i gpotg ii^,,
’trwrf^*mt «rti*ng^Tm^fa msrr^rsft: mrnrre^t*fri*iri*ff^fa: **fa mg i ,
Bmfa ’srmwrfTpn^iw^wrar ^imgpcwrasfa nmT«p?fafa:uw'Tfa mg i '3^
gwngtftfr *rtmrg ^fttmgrpr^fa wr^^ffaTJ^rrmfr mg 1 far* wr sfar*^;
«far«r: fifa«hjgiwi *rfMt *fa ^amfirg 1 wfrg 11 11 ^ 11 11311
^gSfjgm^usT^r *jnrrfa 1 rnrreeT * mmr gw 1 ^irfrqrrefaft fajwt 1 f^
srmn: 1 y4*r?fa^mt 1 ?rmr ’mgwfa 1 w^rr % fafajwrffafa 11 '3^ miwn^flrogpftmra*
rniww 1 gfrni ^ 1 ^rarr * t% ^ ms *fa 1 wr° $. <t. ufa a *<%itfarei§-
1 gfrni ^ 1 wt * i^fafa fawffarfaw 1 w 3.1 ifa 11

^ i£ ^rT^j: %il I
xtft sstsik *fk*k w tifk rf *pg *rW?n|k*i 11 g 11
1k 1 1 Hint: \ ^:sf^: I wJHlf: 1 f^t: I ssnk: 1 i
1 ^rkk 1snfo: 1W i xrfiT i *ro i * i ^pg 1 *res^H 1 ^kk 11 <111
^lifaT^ sn*rsi % *NNi wwfaRr: wW: smrr fwr ^rrrn <5npft: mrn-
mm mro: gjmi t^r^Tgmr 1 Wfir§#f?r 1 fan* srmfr mm mm *ifa «<ht n mn ^
*rf«* T*j ’jw ^farfan jotw mpfagffa wm^ *rft mm* wrfafafa % gpra:
t?fa mm* 11
^ kfk k T&y&l f*P5TO I
tfNi fk g^sfk #sw^ k imi
571 g^i »gf^i ^nt i kfk 1 k 1 ??#: 1 ^ ^fk i ?^i ^ 1 g^s|iT 1 f^ggi
tnrfs^i i i fk i W£ i ^rfk i i srfkr^ 13 i klk i sresuTk i
^ i k it* ii
t few ^fHTT^Ti ^sH^'s?; mrfa^ <m?fag*# ^ *t^fa mflr ** ^ ^ ^'
i ftrw ^ wiw WT^rntwR fipro 1 imrfir 1 ftp* wftwfy
fa 1 fafl^ 1 far** ^ 1 »r^g n
fkfgf^t ^rkk^?T t§w. ^ x<zy$\ t^k i
rT^kk item htt fkvkt ^fk sfwk nftFr^: h^ii
fkgsg^i i& 1 irkk: i ^ i ^pi: i w. i ??^i i ^rs^rt i 1
137ij 5k i irg^ i mr i i ^ni: i gwfk i i ^fkr^- "911
t^r^mtwfa i^%: HTn^fTfa^m: fmrrerm mr fa^gfam»3^^r *rag i ^rrfa ^ ^
gg^rar fagginrg i fas? «r ^ « tpt *nmn wrrfasft ^ft mrefafg. xnk ^
31° II STOtSS1*: II <^<»

fiw S*** nfror: ’Em wsnrn: ffiv’fr m: im5} ^ ^,

?nWfw ii
^ ^ H rrftfwmii: l
VMfrtfo sHWT 3T%t| II8II
Hi ^T l 3T#* 1^im I ^pmi'fi^i I isntfH: I ,itf„
^ ^f framt f’smra^m
wmr: #mre; ’fffrn i i ^fafirentanJ: i ipnfii^TTfyfjrem wmrnf
fwr <yn^«TI«a*ifi n ffaf?tg i usfra?! i
*T^»^r fas[g I TTSf^g II

fr * fa fafatfa mt* hrhht ^ wi^ i

* ffa SRR Tfa^rtFT ^Jrfa: IIMII

^ ’iwm im frrafr 1$ wi *r *m w* ft f^frm h^: ^}
^1 ffgftwnMtswi'U'i
it^fir 1 ^ nar^gffi: 11 nwni% % <m ,?nf^ra^w fit? «fw
H^r^tf * WC1 * WtfW 1 httut: fififtj e^fhfag’sg «t ipng 1 «r uwtfn 1
^mfii g ftrrr ^rmqrr^rhftifTT ’ft^rgsug ^ wtf* 11 11 ^ 11

fasrfas? ***[ 'H^rfTTT \r\ I

WHi: *fa^| Wfw H rftt: 3Rt% ^ TJrT^TrT: II $11
I JRSHt I ufa | ^JTHiT I STrffai | Vcrf: | ^RS^^I f*\ I
^1^1 srsi: 1 *fa^i| 1 Tnsfa 1 w. 1 iffa: 1 fatf: 1 1 ^rRirr: 11 in
f*!T qfi'RTRi ^f^?J r «V|qT VWfTjft f%I[faw S’?Ts>?g«rw4sjm<T I I fHm Sf’TT’ft
^T?m*rr»rr $«rr: ’g?ftx;^srrareig 1 ^rfaTOf?r 1 ’ins i^r wri ?rim wttto ?m%g
T*i% « ^rwrwIt’g^RT: u^ta»n%: gTRra: *rcrnfff»r5^ci: ™ *t??t i
’rf’Wfft ||

ii f^HT $? fi 1
fHHT Tiff mi* II511
1 ^I^I^I^IHS^Tr[|^j?fif:i^||RHT:S^sri^|
1 fHHt: 1 1 mm i *i% i i ^»^fe: t f^%r i iisii
Xinr ^
«!3o ii W*fc} ii [3!T0

*fT*rra: vUtt i^nfn ’srfiTOtft i ’Sftrar^ffanJ: i ^ ifeiflt 3[*Nft i

,?mfr «r w<i: i grarr w ^r gran t
TT^T^JT^ig;^ JTft JTfr* ftRT ^VJlft^ft ^Sft I 7R ?5tfHTT? I *f ^TT *nj
m ffs: ii s*«?r<; ?Tfi ii ^ftwr u^4t ftft *ft*r ^T*prr ^f*ft ^r>5^rfn
TT^ftaft: II

^E(T H 4rTO£5T:^TT *tT OT: I

Jff IItil
i 1 I tm^i T^:s^ i w IR: I ^Sttr^t: i ?rn: I ^n:i

r: i i^ras^t i i ^r^i wrfrh i *rc% i 11 tii

T^r:g wftg f^T *r w |w. ww- *rg uftgwararo tra1^ *i^fd fR[^T T3P wr:
s%wn*i qfreft ?wr ^ snra: *?rrft*i trrsrftfrarc xm: sfa*T
’snft f^g^rRrrwt^ wwtft w^twg^ *sftft *r *m*rr wwfM?: g«ft jfmrfim
gi^% fttr^T*rrE? i ^^ramn^nJ: 13^tft%^tift^. i Trre^u

^nffafri Rpgwfrm >pIT I

fH tNhtr^ ht^t ^ l1^11

^1 -WT^HT IPR^: I I I *pn: I I ^S^t I ^TOS^I
fa I RfarfT I I HT^Tt I ^N: I I ^ I ^ I ’5’H^ftrT I R^Sttfw: II (ill

wt ^sftfTnrr ?ft*rr witwnsmt i +ftq*l ^ anft^nnftsft: i

ftnrfer *an?i ggwr wmftrarr *rr^ httw^ Tn^^rt% g?rn i gpft. 11 gv(^<*Ki;»fty*
jg*r wftwftt Higsrr gfa^Nra. ft fftrm i ■R^Tiifrf i ftra ^rMft: w nfnft^;*
^Tftw xjx ^f ^ra**H^n i w?i ^ftmi«

<£fai ^|tt fN'^rir i

spi *fafa: r*trt iRfaron^R ^Hvrt ww non
faft: I W3T I ^wfw I |:SU^T I *rafc I ^ I ^SfrT I fw I
^ i RT^sfR: i wrt: i i i i ^ran n w«
trft; HTg xpgT^r^TFTT^Rr^RT^t: I
^RaiffT ^vn?t r^t sfW nsii
^fwf?r: 15* i nft i tqg i itot^i ^ \ ^SrfcwTrfj ^rr^i ^_s^: 1
i^} i ^i^rir^i i i i i Rfttswr: i i 11
T[nf7^i iriSft ^rrerni n u^m ii
floqo.3Iog.3f8g.] n || q^q

^ jfif&wsHfira fr4^f ?rorerr^f^ i i <t?t: i

wft H ftyft ^ *Tg fii^i<nrd a ^rfr9fiftg*5g jmjrwT^R: ^r-
fiTfapnraRTtf i gfw ^ i w ^Tf^: pnftfw fvramfW angimi^ iv«. q.-i Tf^r n

3TT ^5: flt V*r*0T ^^TT?T^fWTfl; |

3lffT fl|flT || q II
«n I nig I ti: I *rs*Hfc I I v I vHm i i
flSt^TH!!: I 3lfft I fft’Sft I flffffl I 3ftm;iTf | | |, q ,,
^ IjuqpwI^fo«< fa* r f^aito sfifa 'irgwsroTpr ^ngriifM%*r
|t^if Tf^rn: WiW | Jl^rfUrt 3}*: | Rqfavbrnfrfft^ft ?T^R HfR? VnfrjTT
^Tg i w^rsr uarrara^ ii

ffTHT ft ijqft fl4^T I

TR^W ^4tfl ft flTjftt II * II
3 5 wm\ I vt: 13 s *mt I sfft I ft I fiprej i ^}: 13 s flft i n4w 1
sftft 1333 13Sflflt 13iT I *nf| 13?%^ I I ft 1 tpgft: i nqh
IP^ pit *rra%X % cR pr: pun sftwwrreV f ft wrefo gw pmt i gwf%-
"* 1 ^ ** aw^V farm 1 jRfTi 1 im *m% trr *3#^ ft* ifcj
g<RT «T5fwT#r^i^f»ip§ w *rrff i w*r^ i w*ra? qp: ffti ft?iqa% ?re gwnfq
^srcft wm i ii

^T|f 3^fw ^T§3^3^3TfftflTO irft I

*hroT§f ^13 u 311
m I t?S^: I ^TSflfft I ^5[s^T| I I 3flW I njkwW' I ^3 I
1 ^flfl i flRjsfpr 1 w 111 ^pws^t i susth^: 1 11? 11
pf?i pt %prf mii4 m? ^pipigpf wm 'irpraT’ri wiw ap^ii gw
^wmf *rfnmt *ar^R^rwffpj%Pri^ i w tfafa gpft i prre 'apirafwre: irprr:
«WT^: Sf Jnarjrj fTiafU^TTOTRT f?g ||

^T ^fft tt^I3 ^jfl 11^3 3TI I

^ ^ ftifftfllflffflfll 3ft II8II
^ I tfft I ^SflH I SS^fiTH I 3^: I | | 3TTI 33S*?ft I
^ trff tiRifi ^tw^^rw %fwrt wxwgi- wrer vtpi
*^ «r<R: w pra« 1 1 vttwIbi^: i f^ npW wr i fpar i
W II II [^T°

^ sRRjRfa h jpror i Hpro ^ i %f*nrpTf %vrf^rwwii i %f»rc 'sftp* ^ %vrf^-

*rmg i ^Nr w rt*w i »Rfn»

1% sjfifN htW «pu l

mforen ^f^rr^T ?re xn^tfiq wtcit 11 m ii
i sfH i ^3% i ^n i f^ i sjf*H i mt i ^n i *nf| i
*rtfM: i
ft i ffa% i sr: i i ^n i *rfw i ^f|f^ i ^?rppn i rH i xn^rffrji,
*itNt it mi
% >rri# *rarr n*R i i ft wrwrp iffini htHh 1f%
HffwH: *m RTfipi wfinfr nfHRi nt wst *rrff i i f^ smttTft i
i tpifov: h ‘qsrn^ ^rffwT Hfar i ^ i tr ^trnnti
*ihwt x;rhrt sR^urT^Tprrfw v^fHgnwrfH m # *i«

<^lt I
rf ti %|r§f^f h 4f^nm %fa: II % II
ih i i ^ht: i^sito: i ^«jrc?ra i ’'sresrtftr i i
^ i ^ i %f: i ^fWl i ^fT^f i ^ns^i i f^i i tpi i ft i fa i ^rfasm ift*N: 11^11
% *3- tr wt^t% hpr ^ trht: gwi *rr ^trt-
rnirtmT;: ii sr 11 fan f^TT^t^iTTfw ^WTfn ^wtHTfa ww*rh ^fj$T i
% erewr^;f?7rr ^rt ^rPei^rt i *rspRtfH3PJ: i ’irmpT^ n : h nrf1ifn
^ %r: gtfaffi$Erarfnr. tn^^Tufr srt t^N HtfaiR i *ft%x;fPnT i ,*vfmfri Trrjn
s[3pJ: i crt ^ hrr: i pr^ hrr Trent: urwr ^wrqt ^ ^<u*n'xvngtf?r ^mrntarft
wft fT? W’SRRi ^gRsgflRT ^T^TTfY^m % HTTJspRlflRT HRm<tSg*ft*fa ^ 5^-
if<T ^%%«r n ^fn m i fM° m. i Tfri it

^cfrqTTTxti; *ttj |^ts^T W I

fPSTT ^ HT^4t «5T^ ^ ^?IT II v9 II
tri tm i ^trf^i srqft i ^hi ^:s4: i ^rat*. i mi \ 5:5^: 1 sns^fa'
f?an i ^ i nr*i 1 ^fn i i im1 1 $t&n "'Sl1
jigft 1 W5TR 1 wto#it ^nfutmr: rig h^I ^
Irrm^n' gart i % «wftf ^rm®f * .
hr: i fqR&R r\ H^fn h ^ ?rw mniWi#!i
HfH H^tH I ?R H HfTTfH JWRTfH ^tmf% HT HtHHT

smnTrqt: ^wf^fto #tn^ i

fatrii! fa faw^ifa ifon -*i sfafa n t u
fitffa I l*fafaRP[ I €t: I ^ I ^rT%Tft! I
Rrifa'fa sfa sfsft?r i fw| sfaifai ^m^fir i ^1: i xftrn 1 ^ i
3^fal Wflllbll

far^^rrwp»i»r^wr^wr«rp^iW’rRvrr^r^ i i^r vTfr^R. i

fira ^farafinntf *nr tfta: m w^rgi w^fa i igmaqaiidH: qft^r-
urnf i f^fjffi«Minif i ctTiM^fci i i xaifH^ xrwt ftra%
wigfawt fa x^wrefa i 'sh’rfr^w wwrfa i ww<ffar^: i gwr:
nwfaT *r^ wg*raifa Jtu^nf*! TOift ifafa i infa^fa 11

fa*fit ^ ^pj ^rfauTfa jprsstct^: i

srfapag ?* *fa?i ^fr imii
fR | filHfit l gS^jrT I ?* I I ^r} I ^TS^nfa I TO S^| TOiS^ir: I
i g I i *fa$ 13P|i^Nf I ^ 13ft1 tos^; i^fa iws^N:
% \m

t *re*n*mfti3r ^ gsm fawfi? i *rrwfa i w^igrcw^ Siwwgxsr-

xjfrn?*jfaxs^rft i gfa vnrw*ftsnJ: i ^ xgffnrwigrafa xspi: wr numi* wifaygfa xp^r-
^ ^rrem^*«Twr*rrwfa WTfaqxt*T i xfrg^refafa: i farxr ^ <rrrfw^% *m
faxrraUxg i H^g i f?N% w g?t g<wfa ?ft xq%
*ftfa i w^terr: gpj^vrer »

^T ?PR'm ^|H 1w I
T* ifafa: mm v^rfaroT^r urn inon
W: I ffa[ I ^mfrT I %smt I *fa*T I I ^S|rT I fa^RT I
^ i ifasfa: \ mm* i TOtfa i i *j3pfa i mu ii «io h

-qft xn<j iraT^ftTO^ Wifal: i

fWrf|iT *fajrft m *H3T flfawt ^ffa: II Wl

^fH: i h: i tfft nnw i tot^i m i ^s?i^i ^tfcn^i TOS*ft: i
*4: i ^rtr^i m \ tor: i m i ^rat 15Rf^sr: i ^1%: i it W
•\c ^ -> 39Twra^t ii. n

^^!<Vf7f 5[T^ grft^j J|W HT^*n5r I WT ^TgwtTI I f^Wft

^ ^rfrrcr%9 n BT7f^ w® gwwriwrr xr^rarr i
c|$g Hii ii [^°$.^°b.,si0*b.

ff^c! ^ I fwsrftfw fsrift: i^Vwn^TC I’SPtf-^i jfn II

^rmn i ^i <d*mfirf«i ^fr: i w $• <*$•1 Tfa h
fi&wft. IPW 5T^ vft ^TTrT^^T: I
Tjrftvvv* ot ^ntefevte ^ m?* mi
%: I "nft iWi I I I Wr^l fliftv I ■qft I SITrTS^: I
i i ^sn^rt: i i ivfe: i i i ^sw*ft: mu
^rfq: jtow g3 f^fr ^wf^isnamr i wm: i mffeT ^nnmt
TrMi<f^nr^i^rrai ngrrfT; trrf^rnw^rr w% i gwr gg *rg$ n gn i ^ $f*n|rft-
%^7rrar*n i xnfwli«wfM mvt: ^Wtravi i
^fttn i w i tfwraf i ?i*m i f^wfr *«m ^r% 'sfaftf*
•RTtsfr % sff: nmrrart in jrepwwniwTOf|[<fFi *rnT%^T Tfrt g^nfavt

xpi wt m^frfw *ft nr * n*i weft w?^. 8- 1 ^fvr 11

fen TT %VT VVlfe ferr H ^rm fv^rTT Tg&\ I

ffeai FT Tffe -qtTT *J^T Vfli^n rT^r^ Vrf II * II
ffea l ^ I ^ I W I wfri I fell ^ I VT*J 1 fas^HT I I
feT 1 ?* i ?tM i vpi 1 >3^t i v?ti fvsi I HI ^fl Vfj: I ^TS^fM 11*11
% ^ % ?re %vr fng wr*»g gfMdR^^g fwrfa wrofwimfeOTwrfa
^xrrftr fw 1 air^: 1 fan t ^ 3 ?m vt* ^rr*rrf«r fagm fagrrrf*! gw wit
wFt *rr »ii^rfii^e)^€ii^T^ttw^T fw 1 fan ?t m g?T g^^faftTfarsrm wr-
gjcirt ^ irftfa nm»rrfar <rfa?r 1 *fa fawfata: 1 fan n nrfr nnw-
«rf% 1 ^r^rrf«ra^: i n*jtyyrt<i^fntni^faidit «»T<.*iii«*ii*t fa?i 1 w^tw ii

*r*s% M ^sunt sf^rtrrf^ tv ftvr i

IfAv FF TTftqVTWVT^V^t ^ffVT #3V^ II? II
1 f^TT I ^S^t: 1 1 ^w: I ^S^t: 11$ 1 f|v: 1 ^ 1
1 «vt 1 *5rfa 1 irfe?svw 13fVT i ^vs^t i *t%vt: i «?«
% ^ «R3l: mwwntw ^ ^wranr f^m m nt gwnjT gg
^nwranErafnrft w 1 1 fw g^rr gwt ^siif^wt f^rt
^i i i 5*^^ nimn
nt ?rfw
^qunri 1 1 W 1 ^ra^nstwwfrwT^n
H^mr 1 ^ngt; wr gwr uwnf?n i^hjit
^rv^f?t gw m Twf% Trfwwfafn
jqi^l jrfw ’s^tafn imsiT % wfw f^r ^ wtwt w $■*>■ 8-m-i wi
Hoc,0,SP>#.$?8m.] II II e,?4

TrRxJf^ srr: i
ast 5i^Rt fa ^)fa€t sh^t^t HT^frt HT*iff: ii 811
snfcft i s»fa: i i sit: i ^ i^^i ^ii: i #s^; i
W i *^r: i fa i fa i t i p: i STtafai \ *fai ht^ i
HTfa 1 Sfcffafa II8II
Tgtft ijsfr^Tff: WTfrre sM*t ^ ff^r: iHNft ^ ^
[ TTftW ^ ^f?r i fg; ftetHtxf row ^rvt^
xpm i xnmrarfwarf: I f^ xreiwit nr% ^rrt ststt^ sttiiti Twt <£* ifa*
^ ^,'1 1 1^ i fx*t ft^ ^mrrgt%rTt srnTT^ff-
^^ftt HTfn i Jrarnjf i ifr i ^n^i^ifitsmefr i ?nm i
,fnrf^ ***** ff *nfa: liwfrrfa ismTt % ^fTWTrft
wmfw wt *w*i> ff fWlrat wf^fw *refr it ipt srgn if fWRiart
ft^ HTfprr % sniptrffft fRrft f TT? JrrgiT irsra: nn0 $.a. ,.| ^ff
^|ft: i w i Ti ^ptt%: ijfffrfn 11
*ton*<qd vwt vftm *Hfanof htw aNfam: i
# p: *<st ip$ TTRT fa *t*r ^ffaupr: ii mi
^T i ^s^r: i ii^ii: i i ^^tuti i irssnfan i flrtsfaxn: i
*i: • I sts: I msq l TRt I fa I HTfff I SR I sxrt 1 ppr: IIM ii
J-^^1fc*}fV«u<j^R; ^ si i fq (iT ^T7rr T^ftwf wti vn^ifT iffaTunifrfi ai f h i
l1i<iWr: itlir ftlT itj: ifn itisr: ifiY m
ttit iftir: ^uro WT<T^ TVTftifff^rf ifiwtrrctifff* mff I *«#H$ II
STI ^nj?0p5TT^TT«T: i
^ fa*fa*fiRrqRWRT ^fajfasfff xfa ill'll
1 | qirfW \ r$; I ^11 ^ , ^njxnTr^l 5TRflR: I
% I %l ^ I ^ftRf^l 13Rt: I ^13Sf*i I ^5TH nH II % II
WT ifjjrftTftfTWi: ITTfjf^T
W^m I ittii: trcprs^ ^efe I fSnrftr ^ i
1 w ig^T ^fftrnfi ii iuc n

^^Thplt ^j^frT: WRm f^ utft I

^ Hf(;4j^af^TT| sftfW ii $ ii
-^i ^3-1 i gsw: i rW| i ^ftr: i spiff: i f?r i xnfir i
^1^I^| t I gj I Srj-^ IISII

qnsreww qrfarer sHviafU^fflifaT *Ufn*rwTTf^nn ^t g^vr:

*prtpu»pff {fin¥7fg ^*j®>3 f*f vtPi i firffrKj i
f«wmMHiTtswrj ^i »rfx?^¥TT,ar3^J%1tn ’jftf^r Of^MT sri f^qf*<*m*^ijjqn. *n$-
tftf* Ijq: n

*prc Affair Wt ^pn i

^TT^trrt: II tn
jr: i ^pt: i if^n i fa i sreNj ^stt! \ i ftfa i ap*pr: i

srfa: i sspjrt: i ^ppp^i ^bsfa: i ^» ifa i €t: i ipfar^i gsfat: ubii

^r*: Tmr%x!T <ggi»n*ft wt f**r^^fW#*fr$sra ^mr. i fwm% i f^Tgifm «
^ wqfa <mr wr^r ftw’ft «^rfir i
^frf*TT^^«i*afMwTyfr zrawt^rn^T^TOf^i ♦j\«tt: ^ft: uti
^BTf^afr TT ^T^mfTT II

^ srei ysnNR^syi % TpfarTRft i

U rT *fa HiTt W5$Tfa ^ *jfa* «*«

I ft I OT I «J;<!ptr^l p^ssifa I ^5 I ^ I S^irT I 3TC* I

m fti wiirsHti wi: Iir^!iifeni afas*Rirtn i*^11
% gwmffi % t* sfowre ^Pre ^ g«i TOn*t**rftraft*i
,g?^m ^«r gftTni snprft qrfrffl nat «©sd< ^nwH *rfn h ^1
^ itpto I <m ^Wi wwrt %fqmt n wn* 3*
nfn tt it

^n ft *fa W »fa I
ftw ^ ftprt ’spn ifarspipfa fips^rftfa: n so it
^n i tt i *Tsn i in* i i ^n i *nn i
fire: i^iftra: ispni>p*Tffti^isipfa ifip^i^sw. n^°«
^ <3 *rtaqtlg iifwrrfq wwift fflft <nf^
?i 5epwr ^rmt qi w^r i TOte>w«<flM i ^ ^1^,
H3TI wlswi^ %w i ^SV ’rtm ^r yf fiwr «^Tf7i i **3 1 "^TIL
fqiTt »mf?r i fqrq iftw gn^rqt«i gSuTl^ci i ^flT^<i^g i w -

wrrft ^ ^ <fVr i
FPlt rftlfofjfwt II 11
ii ii w

aii^i *ntaRr: i ^ i ^ i f^t i i i ^t^! i

I HI i I i ^5T i i ^farsn i f^r i ^r|: ii «|c^ |,
* ^ m vf* wtttt fwrm ^
i i ^tst *n ^npr^TWT *fM \Hf»r5^n»TT: qiTnemw ^Rr^t
^nftrnt sfora x^pra wi fa *nj: i faf?ra[Tt btoi: ii

STCErfssfoRU et^ifltn: I
sjt^i ^%R[ W *rw ^4Ht ii ii
TOtft 1 I «TCj 1 fS^: i W I TqfUzU: \ ^nfax:,
l^rahjWt ?f7TI|%Hl^t: IVWITf^i sf?T I^S^tllS^H
^ ^rra-rgfenft *%* i xfa ^ i farsr ^ |^r: ff^gTpg^ xfa
v*m# wtg vm i vrx^nf u it ^o. n
%^p^t wrifa 7m> ?Tf f»rcn;^ i tffrtfrsgft n
*fa ^ffajfWrfavSUM v)-aH+)IMTS^^tvt^r )fimT^I!
»mfafa ^ttoti! wwffmwr^ wrs: n

vol. iy. T

ii ^npcrr >3^11
u qftrofcnq RR: II

w farifTO tot*. i f*rx5# to* ^ fTOriviHxftnK v

TO#*5**WT*i ^rreTOrnnWro: i to% xtttotw^ wf^xi qm'flTO»
to xt Tfa f«rr# i to tt f#fn ^ ^ f* i tt frm ^w^prttt i
<?<xtjKi<S i TOifrofTOmT ^jxt i w^»xrfrart fafrofa:«

tfqqf qifq r ^ toWr qwT q$R favfl i?gn: mu

HI itrft I RTTT: I R^TR; I RR:sfa^| 5J$R*t I R^ftl WU I RqS$ I
<fq: I q: I Rlfq 1R: I ?h qqffR I TOT I R$R I fW I IpfS^n: mn
# gm'ifM^i i TOfwnxlTO i ^rftwtw w*# Sfflxsfar f*nrepu$?* s tot#
ftiTT toxtptot fWwr^fr tot: m^«ft xnro 3% gaft *nfff^rfrw W t wro-
irro: wi to ii stot 33 1 *#: arfro. to^tx;: ii m #^t* i %*rr jt#^# i w
p# xrfror wpTO i w° §. c. 8. i Tft f? from: i xsracT i ^nrr i wwrTfxrcr# i wfangw to-
to# ^xrrswrow: to. i to i w^totto^ xt# xjtifxr^fro^TOfin^ #3*;
9 to jrrfifa TOfro: to. W i xrUfa^f^rraT tow vttoi: TO wfa %xrt
#i#n? to# fro# xrfron# % to wwrft ^3# w^fa ’* #tt i frofroT
i #r? ngm# tot: tnm x* toMtt a#: ii

fR fqqRjf ^qf Rq$ q*| R TO q^j I

Rmnjfqqt RRtftrfc®qt *ftq ^qtsfroR; irii
|R I fpiri: I 35TOT I RRS$ I q^ I R I TO I I I I
IRTOI gfW: I RrfcsfR: I pro: I vfab I ^fiq: I »*"
TTOftTTOT^TOf’ri' TO# TOW# XT# #2? tTOTi: trfTOtH TOClt TO# W$TO
#x.if^fi(T.TOci ^frorg tto i xig^ig; n xftxffi? xi% wlf* s #3
3fraf tot! i ^#jffft»n4T i toj #tf#rfxTBr*f: i 'afro: wtoxtot *i#f*i4*n^K:
Effiro wro TOg# vhi vW# 1 ^wTO: i x#tfWTOTOxrmw
P# ^T«ii*i#nq ’q^^en wrrrmr ito icttto i tM° x- §• i *i#TO f#rt xr#
^ W^KSim ^ fSflftft vn to# fTOro^ro tot#w i w° x- 8- x-ii
«i8o ii wkz} n
fR fRHt RR-tlTUlRT: I
?rI f^rr: i qft i saff^i f^R; » %srr: i i|RfH i ^1r: i
r: i i rtr: i 1i rtS: i i Rffir i TTRRRi ii?ii
gfr %m?r f^re: h^Iwt i wn gfa: i
gs-rr i g*nfm*n$: i ?nrrf^. i srarcrg i €ufm $f**: fmsr w f^g *ni-
jTr«f^|^T *»*n?r wra: ngfri: Ttwrw t^T’ew *rci*£iif^«i^r
m «nfw4wrt «*rfn ii

r£ frrfTTRftr^t RRffRt rH RWltR^RUT I

f^^TR^^fTT RtfRi ^RRTf ^Wt RT^ II 8 II
R£ I ftrltt I RM: l RRIsfa: I rH I Rsj I RRlt I 3T«RIR!T I
<3frr3r: grt^rsOTprr mf^ft *rr^*fta ^rmt fWwT^i nN »u^M<*ii«(i^*fl%t Ufa
imr^fT *nj ■g^Rt^rwr'ntrt ^rt’nnf %mt urufaraTWCfw *faTt ^rrorgt uro
^Ni w *ng*»g *rgfag ^rcft ^rrm f<rsn ?wmTrotii i
W i fanri iRT*rRTf?w^ i ^Tf*Rffrar$: i mfrf«4*Twn;: i gjfarf*rfw$: i 1’ugtfgi
umm?: ii


R I Jg: I RRrf I RIT I ffRlSRT I RR: I I ^R I fRRO I
RRif: I RR I RRT I fRR I R: I fffts^R^ I R I I R^S^pf IIM H
% ^fm: *r*m %cT3iTS9j|5niri w up fmftvri %VTfwr v^TT^far * $? i wu i mm
i *jfrgfarf?r tm i wfarej g^refarfaurc^ *mT g^^urrenmfarfar ^twt i * %**
t^R gu gW srusfu gw *n*5+ig* w # ^Sfarrfa?ft
rt: ii mrws&ttfgg w ii m i mo q.qo^-qo'o. i i^r q^mi^fiT jfany1
f?f^wg m$TW i %?gwT^f^: i ft*wranwwi: i
n^f?R i*i«HTNrn^fn n Tfwrf^rm^ ii vr%~
j^fct •raift ff^ff^: Jiramft fwi ^ m i htw4Ri ii f%^t ’ggs" "^*

fR RRRig fRR: RtRi R^R- I

^R:"R^vqi fam ^RT fRRR^TR%lRR RR II ^ II
fR I RRRi^ i fan: i ^gsRR[ i Rfts^fta: i ^tRf i Rt^.i 1
!5Iri: I RS3]Ri I fR*ri l ^RTt I fRSR^R!T I ^RRJ 1I ,l^11
mf&g *srftg yfgwtfinf top: ’urgent. jwmwfui iswfljgfinsn. 11 p{%
H^flr^rrft ^ ii ’tfx’fai: ^ftat 'saisnfMrH: ^n, <oreing
*srft ft ^51 ft^ft i w^Rjfw trrf wtftfn *^rfa s^ht
iRTft ^nyO'ilill'C'ft ^5?T ^TWIT WTTRR ^TfiW7fH^inJR*1T f^InTT
affif fafa^f ftf*Rft 3[T*f*RT ^%wft ^TRM% ftftWR^far ^WTO%: ITfWt fiR-
jt^; m i JT^ft ii

TOnrcNit ^rrof^rt 3rc?4: xn^^nr: i

fatfM: ^~^rt: u s u
W31 3?*^: i m i srf^rt: 1 i mi: i tjt^st: i
MM: i i gp?H: i i i^t 11911
m mrzfr *g*ft i w ^rurrt Btrncffm ^rr ^^inf x^ni^-
«ftf # taift «t%gr *ft ftii^nra ii ftwifVRi«iK«r ^rt
RRT m %RT % *retm: rtw: tftVRiT: f%7fcro: n fgfw: %*: i
#iTf^Ri x ii wr: i ftuMiStan. i f^nv^rr gTRrat RTWterr ^p$^t n *f|-
flRt W II TT*ftt R StUT RffTT: *fRT X? I ¥f^TgWn^RT ifhn HRlftft II

H f^f *T$ %qf s ^f?#T ^T Tjfw: 1

rmpn: ^w *i stiff* ^Rft *fite u til
H i fainit i *Tpt I %tf: i ^rftf: | y \ ^pjffa i I Tjfq^n: |

tt i mri: i tg^fcr i i t% i ttrrft i ^ i tfsfc iifcn

^"UfafagRr wrrt %i: i snfcrra?t<t i w *n$ <rt Rtifa%RTft nnpift
?ftRT RP %7RTfmrsp*R ?R*T R JWfPT# JT*pn: pun
^ tftvR ^ ipj ftfTR^TSTRTt fRfwnpi TT *rgai rant ?TT ?fa> |
VR*ift ii z

^t^t ^nrftf Tjf^ irf?T?T^T^?T i ^fiff^: i

^trTf^T Il<»||

i i i wfir ^fir i wfN^f i mb \ ?ret i ^^Nr: i i i ^:sfn: i

I HXfTT | FTTfffbgt I \m: | HrT^: I I IICII
- - -N -*0
?trt srprrgfaaft ^ftst n ^i%^f%: Risi^n # wr
rbt ^ ^ RfRrf^RTwtatm: i ^ipfV
TiJkjf^- ^ |5®#<,°- ^ 1 *3=^ ’Pf ^ R*i RWfW ^ ^TR »nft TT%
^rs<«k«ifxt 7f?rg: i fwrfp^n: ii
^ ^ jj*T HiH I
^ ^f vt: II# ff non

*hmi^n: isfifti I ^sa$: I wgtro: I ^nW i

Wl I^ l’ri: l W •" ll^s^ l'TO’ft: IK l ^ 1«<|0||
% ^ gwg at wt *rf ^tt gfMt: vTffcrw anaprot TOnang
arsH area* gfalt; vrftflW ^ ^ ai *4 armr. aji«f*r aj% ajj'R?! *fW *t^*t *n: i
^f? i t aft mft ^ran, ^wrnft amrarpt: ^5T4*14*f»! anmrt wft i« ftgpw4^4w-
fimmiTtrc i sftroftfTT ^ ii «*«
«rg**rr ?r ganr4 *fa*i apsarifara^aar *r?r*p!T5f arcii ^5*t i ftjrarr •u*u^\«?ri i ht ^fs^nni
tam*wn »^fe^is(i«miR4i amfft I n^gafri^: ^ifwr -lasT gar?miT:
gafu^rram i arrgifr %j<r g^t ^nn i nan *ug*m i ^nprret *fi
amt f*rf»retai: U

*PJ«TT ^ ^5^ ^MTt_ ^T I

fen fe~Fq fetfn ’TT nt^tw*d fe xfti 4: mu

snpn i ^ i" <tftsN i i i i i i
fe? 11% i «5fT i nlstffn i ^i nfer i 1 fed i i *fe i ^r: nn

g^arf *nspi?* wiprt vmRt Mifafii^ % «m ^f*mi w <i^4t naprran aft *ap*nf£ta:i
am aranmaifaNt ngn^'w n anmrfarfn g^t firfn 7nm. 11 ^ srr *rr 4tat
affttn i ~%m g-rtigf^wri mifami anrft ar jrfnarmft i amt afmftj fagr i **r4Y«r. i anft
faft armfft ftps! aft4i gfaj aft gT: i ^fg it

^rnpi ^Nn gnfe fefari i

w ijfencn^T^f fe ^pfcd <cfe 4: 11 s 11

i i gsnto i ^f:swg£1 1 1

^ndi i toI i ijfts'snt i ^wNI i fed i ^d i Tfei i ^t: m«

majft *ft»mnrmrngft asm* ’jftamftw apnft an apfft apiaft arjjmip^ ’argr:
anm amftfn ri wn \mft i %RT i a^turr wri i ^f#w : ^
jjOairt f:^rprr arra^i ^M^uitat arr mt f^ftfar tm: i Trnnft^^wtaTWTf^ g4«m.i W?
tz; ^irajagfaftrs Tf«i gt: i ^fg »

^rfe ^fri i

agrt4n^rnn^fHniftrqTd^^^f fed ^d Tfe 4: «?»

g"s?rarN i^rsdlrf i ^iH i ^ i n»^t i i is >

^?rs^f^ i i ^fenfesn? i i fe i ^d i ^cfef»^[: 11911

% tsr *4 lamrmr 1 argr qftf* gjftmmtf «b4 i dt^’^ftmrfimni: 1

fimfWf amt^g^rgfHaTraat m* W "*** ^ gfTqf^
*o^o.si0 #.$?#$.] II OTRtSTO II 'I#?
wfenrtrrn *nr TtmRnrrflmfi^mtTf^n nynPwft<u(; f**
gw |W Ti ^ ^ i ^ff i fqit’roiftrafaHTq: i ^urepirar p^r ^t: a

wwm*# f^nf-ftfad -eft ii #n

i fsits^t i nki i *rcssjdf i i 1
i igsUi 11? i m i i ftnfi i tf* i q: iign
^nr^ra *f»rni fwftr %vTf^i <pi tpt* *rnp vwipr v*nqf *rr n gqfffi:
n jpro T(kT*f g^j ifrnraw ?rpi ^ #* trjuri pi
?tnar saratfut i fipgi* i

sraHii sffa*d ^Rr ^rfa's. i

wt* ^rimRwt fii ^tfcd tft? ^t: imn
srts^f i i iksin i 1 *Rt3 i mi \ 35 i
^S^trT I I ^:SHT I W*4 I fzi 1 | ~*ft | ^t: |IM||
wNfi *rF^rx%^r <fa*i tto ‘fk^’n ^rf^nt *rprq?i iif?ro ipra?! 1
^TOrawf<gT»fi(«* 1 h^st* Wsprcr w%: %*% qkp ftjrfH ftWTtfftoi st%
^ prnt p* w*ri % t3[ 1 fiisyw h 11 ^ r

h giror *fnx^ f^fnrfk i

* snfrrcat rR#Tq^€tsR«qf fas ftfai ifa <tf: ii^ii

* I HSS^f I SfrTSlfffrT I I I Hfrf: I STO I faSTfa I

1 1 1 ^f^siprsj: 1 str4 i fas 1 «pfaj nefa i h^h

^ *i *f*: S^^N^rarseT fwfn 1 qftfii ?rKj 1 wniRfit *?qqi4mi g%vi
ft«ft *iw yifij*i 1 ir. snp i fp^i fpt^Vrati ^ »m€T «W9ift.Qi %qiqq*ra: 1
^m: * W 1 *nrertwtq*ro w^*nn: 1 ^^Fnn 11 mr>rraw># *mi fN ptf
Tfq^: 11

*m |sw ii wti=it^tfw ^ftffapn: i

l%T*t s^rIhi str4 fas tfs 11^11

1 iri \ |?n^: 1 it 1 ^tRt: 1 ^stfir i 1 yn^: i
i nim \ ywfrn! i i i ^d 15^ 1 ^} hsii

^Wr’i ^r»rtn: i »rf*ni. n »ro l^f^n

mmCN ^^wT^nn^Tq^m: ^ftm: w: g*nftwlf3RT-
vni*i ftflf^mn qiwqr tst 'itfn i invpfn i h*w n tw fq^qpl i if^fr
II «
i ^jsrei frnnjTrr fwnfr u *sj*« i fing^^y i ni^ ^ <^jms # ^**^1 ^nrnrr
q<n«rnT; i w^rfasrrf^ ^ n

TC&T UTf^ 7T^ ?3 ^’rf I

^rfa Hsji^rfrifapft tfa »t h

Ur^l rlT I I I rfr^l W> I I I I I *^fat I

=3lfa I TTr^l ^ I ’J^rfT I 1 fM I ^frd I I 3J: IItil
*rrfa ^n^rf^r 11 n *rn*mT»i ^r^fs i
*fffz «jn*r^5T tri^t^ i yysi ^rtfn wt ggs n Pf^f?r *iwrh i fp
jT^ici Tsri fi^ro ^sn^pr^w^prorarnOT ^f? i ^tt <su<uijp!i4l yfa yjftTrt i
*ran it U H
*nj i gjffiw «Hg*rr ^ is: 5Bf^»rrf^pni^w *?rcwi<Jiro-
qi-wmw Trai * xrf^rn^ Mffs: i 3$!%^ i
Trfrzft m th i i f^T%g-
4dvf<*ore*n y*iw: i wr ^pprra i *r wcm^frftf^fH^T^r? »rafa*T^tnt
jfrjnft %fn it wfrnr^ fitftawST^ ftg: W Ufi<«*» i ^ i
zrrsin i ^n° $. 8. i ?[WW <nft^ ts%yiti8ra<^iit i fi
TTtT if^rfsrfa f*J%w i w^.'Q i if* H

9ff ^ WTtf«5 ^ sfalfH I

TIT ^ f«T7Tt ^ ^rRtS^ fa ^falfa fa^N H ^ »

«rt I i|cf I ^?r: I I xrfH: i i xretfa i i ^rarfa i 1

ttt 1rfa i farrt i * i i m i i fa i *rsnfa i n4*11

’tprej g4rr g^jsrtrrrw: sfn: ^nft g41 11 ynnfrSfriyw

ipfr ggs i ’anrrg^yrfir^wi^ir: i ,*rawqj‘:«p^r: 11 pt! pri: i 1 ^
tnff: wfy iV?w^«f% i u? ^t^Tf»T i ftar yny: infinfr nrnmvR1
i fgrtt y t^Rrdw9r gyr: i ^pjq ^rawr»rra wtspnra f% vmf* i ^rm u

^fa?t *1T ^^7T5[HfT.fM I

wi ^wt: ■qft ^xn^T C^ xfr^T TitwW%

^ i d& i d^i: i i ^i^xo: i f^T^ i nr: i ^nnrxt i «S: < ^|t4 s

^rrw^fnfTTOry: i wm «5^
firamw^i ^ p^rr^i ftift ^tpt^tptpu ^ ypr4nfrify»r^^ i v( *
y^nrtifwrgyry iV m- m- «»^*i w^i ttHt tt i *• <h- 1 ^ ,
^ ^TsT ypn«r ^hr: fsKT'tfT^f^ yftyjTl i t?[Tif;*Pr4wTiy4ni: ^nyi

ftrr fi <^r ^Tvt i^iRr i ttrt P^nitloriT^^mivm^

jjr$*$?nrcrngRf^ »rr '^RiTORPrc i i fRW fqtrfTra^ ngpnjmnjii r *n frtw-
f»m: irp^o.^.i Rfinntai i *mi ^pr mr«nif^«r: *rg«r: Rwn^iq+q \nmr
3t I RR^TtqHfQT I f$T. I JrNT RRig^RTHTT I r>3m I fjRjnJ | 5RT?rf^g%
jnrrft^f: grra Tprnm^rrer^r Rfomra RR^fqgfii^ u

m mi *?ftl i

jwt5#« pt |?ta ^Nt ^ h 9 h

*te i «;rd‘ i i ^irtHjf^i ^rros i irf^t i ^tate: i i ^srfs i sKjj i

** I fPflft I I ptf I *T I ^T'4frT I zgtf r^irT I * II91,
w?j 7r%$ ptst RnwrotaR RwrgwreRg i Rtrrf^?fRTR i ^rr »rf%t faR% Rig
gf«pftfvsR»n*R RuiragRR i ^nrr^sR, i rrtrNi %*rreg^ ^TRfafaR fst i rt^r <r^g-
*nr^i i w^r SiB'i rr5ru Rt rt<53i*i g^wrf^^iiii«ff?T i ira^fg i RR^fTtitfirai^T i
R3T I WRRfat fR% II

nronwl ipj flte^RT %xnr4 l

p Hf¥T f?i ftterfa *trt te*rte ^ftesst n n

i tr I *7*13 I i ^ I Tjftteirr i i i

?$ l l fc l fwfo 1I Ui^i rn 1 state: I I ste% IItfII

7r^ 5fm^jn^i?Twi taTsra f^wr^Rrrf^ gftf*rci i gClMfK«* rH^r i tt^tt
qg ’irgRRfaR i srn&RiRRR i Rg*rafiranl: i H RTR%*n<ftpiaiR i ttsit gR gi*fw iipn
^rf^Tfir wrfur f*f fwf*T RRfifrfa' ^rgR ffa^TWi RremRTR i %ft«nin?la>^: i Rt^fn
^i ?rr *i #mro: ^Prt 'afRRH: wftm: *ra: wrr #5*r rrrtrt
^Rif^g: (T^Rfa n

^ trct ftita ^ ^ ^ ^vn

^teteRt srttt ^ 3 ^i: a mi

I I ^ Wl\ \ Tw\ I 3rU I 77 I I I I I rR I

I ^1 ST I ^te: I I tai I ^ I ^ I I ^ir I ft’TT'^T IIMII

T3TR: I fRIRTi Rnfat JrrTRiTR Ri?[T ’RR Ri^TfR RTR n# I RTRf%<fr JTRTfiT I
^Tirr r ggwT^ «TRfg faw fajg ggfRTl i RRrrmtw g^Rift %
?WRrRT: g’Sf^rrnt v»i *Irii*Ir ^trr i ^ gxTft ^Tgwr: % R Rrtwr i ?n f^T
^1’Twwr*ttfRRTinm« iihii
^^TTT'SStaste 1T1? ^ ^ I
<sr ^5|T iitfii
ii wsn^. ii

^ i tor; i stpsJrh: i sTsit i i£ i r i *41 ^ i i

WS^rrtrtr; i i i 3TfR i |^T i r^r; i ^rrj: i rr%r: II ill
xffarg nflTWf^nTOTwjnflwfi api wmnr: wfi^wT^^ri^. stst ft i gaaiajflifaxafc i
m»if*if*)fa aWv: i tnnf*nfw wrf*nirrf i % ttw i£ argarr sprmi i t?C- trjwt fKfaftft
faixm i qo. c. i tjfif to arfapr ^rar w?7t gv*i girrarrgasrci x$4*t i fli%fljf*i«iv}: i ^
afrprp i wwm fff ’JTf’l «wftreT aiarwft Mxtmaifawiai+i^jiJirfo.
TtfNr: ap i3?T giTfai wn^rarrf«T f^nrrfw TO*rrf»i ffWfar i f Trernfm R

SwU^RRW^t ^rftR fRtRraptft IT f^R RR: ^itffT I

R R^TR nfM ^R jjft f^i Rt fR^fiT ^Ntsf^T: II 9II
Rrfa 1351 \T&: i i :
I R?fa 1rt i f^j I R> sfii i R*i i ^tfw i

R lRRTR;i aft I ff*T I ^ I fi I RT I fRRfff I 1us II

Xf fa<^fa^r»f\+l«i s}ga*«*UarfTar m araa^fm i xfamxrfaT i fxx faimtf awsitf^nfanit
if fT fmwfft 111 i fag fa ^t to: xro: rntfa i gtffa i TTrarmfimrorfav!}: i fa
to^tt i atr% *r arofwrf^ w m\4*0gnf^atiqTTOT3rrat«T arfaffa a*$x: w^rt^TpgfT
^XTOI^rfa ffa i *n awfM^T t^rffm f^aprpiw i^faftfro: TO*rt anfai^ fa faffn i
ft’ffymwT fw^: i xTtfamqTaftsrrff trow i fa® $• w. ii
^ >P3^ wfafyqfRrafcfRR r ^RTjt f^ vtTTT i
rtt Rt r*to? mi R§ ^RRiR II t II

rtr i a^jswt: 1RrfwfasRr i i ^ i r i ^jRS?jt i f*rcj i rttr i

RRJ q^si I RWI RT 1 RvCRSTT 1 IT 1RTt? I R^ I ^RS^t I RTTRfR Ubll
xffa^t ajapr Tnrmafawft ^r*ra|«fr TwnrrfHfwaTfnfejaft: gx
famnftt fxgt Tirfurr fa afa fag iprraj arm to ansfarar manaa« ararr afrarrar wmfar
wfoi vrraj i ^iTfTTnrrarfm i aii^fai i ara^r Mulaj^ trihiarrara«mTga?m fanr^fai ’^Tfq
^ mt^rf tprarraraiim fanft^ aff arffa ahnati-^srfar ^iarf n

H RT^T Rian ^JrT f%7TT I

f^ RfR^ RI^RTf?^R W ^ li<ill
m R I RTft11 Rpr: I # I # I *(iU ^ I ^ I R^TT I I 1

I Rr^l ^ I RS?R^ I R^R I ^l»l« 3RJ ^RI TOl I ^ lie"

% am amrahft anft i anaranmigat: mti i d^mua^Ri »nft mtm arrm: ar^TTam^ ^

iinar g% aftarm v ^ i wmfn i ?r arrmtart argmT apn^i^^mm arert ^rarrai f ^
fffrfej ffoqnarq frgar i gaaft i aift ^rmt aram m i w i apnafa ^
tvTa? anmm ^><Km %fwrar x arerra i xxn» i aurora amnifam:
*o<*o.3!0 ii n

1 ^f4'lf*««4: I *iI^viflvtA»i ^PlTTTt fynf<tmqq.qf3

*t i **t i n

fl St*f ^nfqT %^?T[f^T.^n f^tfrT I

*r fan^n «pf>=i ^£t sm: non

wi i i wt4* i ^snr: i ritar i %?f i i | gg^tfn i
W I fipTS^ | ^ | I p: I I ^ I TO I lino’ll
^fm\i TOTO j fr wft I ^WiWBOwfr i *%#*:
sWr i fw* i h jfWr %wiv£>m qfrrnftpqi^fi t i
JT^fwy’ifwfi ««0<iW: i « m »r Ts?ft ^ fwnrgi Tfhwrgvj ^ ww^mfii^Trn-
3#* "ft ffV ^VT wx w%iwn;i?nsn?j ?rwt i firefn i
W ijw *n^ i %^n*ir«st*^ti7T: *t*rt i ^jt: *<m*rTTO j^UtgT q^Tfi-
i wfawtVfrr i **%*? <Tl4^nlw4: i m %»ft ^ff^iiu^j} ywfii^ g^Ent i firi wpi n

mf^l ^t ^faikri ^rei h frrcifa vm i

ff flt *5TO II w II
wf^riwi \ i T&riw\\m i^rif i * \ ftmfa i un*\
h i tit i i ’sj^b i wren i snftisfsm i ^rejrr i sretai it <n ii
^WHi ^tt ^f^iwr ^Tit *rsn ^rmrt w >er trpri vm w*i tsft »r
farfa i * tl’ffti i * *if*wi«^ m *rr *r^m tn*% wrg: i i ^tTfawfpmfffa-
^^wrapHfjTjjTt n n$H

¥?m fir i *fi infirm i fyft3>qu<mfl i fwr i

^r i ^t«rPivi% %f?r ii fs^ tifi'i4i<l l?5 • ffti ^ nnj ^ mm
^srcj tfW i^®^. & i tfn n

*$ ^ ^ i
^ ^nbrTTO inn
i i i ^ i ^ i ^ i W i ^tr i TT^f i i
1 ^ i *T*taRSH i i i i i ^ n»

^ wwi i «mfrf»r i mftg: ^ vi inrapt m«^*r r»<W1w’i: i wrnf

^rm^r ’ftf^m irt^T fi i *nrrf»r i wwrmh^rj: i in
«4r<««ftr wr% wrfi i a
^ ^{\ f^| TTTOTXlt ^ 3TrH: I

^ ^ ^ot fMm ^ni & irii

» ii

i i i&\?frrt i^Tit i %: i ^ i i ^ i ssrai i ^i sttN: i

tst im^mnR ni ^rrei ^ flpfr g*itTO i htt gfmunftRfiR i tftg ^
gfTRt mm in imR ’g: i i VTT*ffir iftffr qjfafmg i *r? umiumnjammmmg ^
fft ff^fTwr fwr g^Tqffr fmrm f^n^nnt fmftmrrfq i
TT^nf ^cj vjtNi «raiTTg^ *p*% wrt ^ i u

ww f^T^TnfHFJffrr^: i

^i p: wji nm 11 ?n

i 1 i fw i ftf: i »f^r i w# i ^nfa: 1 ^frrsft: i

i i i i *pt 15ii *r: i d: i ^ i i 33ft 11311

*n* ww 'w^l to g^rraf i^snrern;: qyw<wivHKT-
gCrm firm* 1 mfomnufai 1 1 fwn? gro^?rarm^?ftin^T^f?Tf»T^vTf^q: i
gtwra f*i qff: i^S. g$. <*•!TOTt^ ^ i T«r%TR i i
wiH^Rtfire gm^grgq^fTT 1 ftnnf ^w#?imnTOTgTO #im fffarn i to
*mf: 1 mi 1 n?wm fmrfiram*rfwi i qrfq miirnSirrmNf'* i qn^nsri ^qfnsw i
mfii m*? 1 ^mrmrig 1 ^r% n tt i n ^rreRfaf i m[T i ^
^ftirtKnvnT;1!! btu m i 'BR^rrang^fi jpwws:
qfijmiqsq. iw^.^-i ^ fw $mi T3^^; c.i ^sror qqfmii
wt$q qsrfrormrra u

wi fcfiN i
rfc fr^ri^ TpfiA ^ tv*i I

wz ipfonro TprfR h ?r hg h

iSfi I ftrHTs^ I I I g41 fiflta 1 wns^r i ^ 1 t*ra 1

^Tf I >f* I I TT5lfH I H I ^1 H* I f5R I rT | ftrer I II8«

fmfa fmn grr^^ n w rr# f*tli\?i^nf«itfi wranfiT T^f^nnmn-

^q^TirfiR%i*iN^ gn ^ir <w tmi i qmnw i
tt^t^ ifi i mrq i rfa i ^ grr^q fmn n# wrnrrm^ ^T
v^Trrrq fmn finrrfn q me q«rrfiT torttotto gqfnfq 11

tw TJ3!^ ^wrrf^fT 'Zfjpti I

t %^^T5nRT^S^T?Ti IIMU
i i*ni i ipW i i ^i w i ^r^rr i i ^r i

i ^'5| i rfij i i i i R,arh£i i i 11M11

qjffji^r mnSw Tpramqrm tmi i *r

arTOT^ffr m muffin n ^tfT^ mh- if t Tf^qt^nl i qgm ^'^•‘
*oq0.3r° ii ii

yraU^l i £W i its «rt i w<t it gq^v|m*pr-

*ftf?T §rf i ’unmT^TR^r: n *? v^iwiwti tr|fwtwTPwrtPi n ii'on

w4rT HTOHT^ XTR t^Tsfet II $11

^ I ^?T I iprfrT I W%?\ I ft I UTt \ TSfa: I ^TT I ipfct II $ II
,*lf*ii[: *tJfw *wrr^f ^ |%«r pfinr fW3M^niflKfi<<i wit^
|f^i *mr* i wnro ii pft ii prfr piNtf pfrrnr prim nwi pf.
^•ppfl'iw: «prn»n tVpto «?ftw ft mtisut gpnrcft; n
M g?ter ^ft *n«n*jfa: wzm \

mi fafiiN; ^£ir$% ^^ 119 n

mi 1 1 xrff 1 xjTfn 1 1 v 1 Tnreft: 1 i 1
^\w l *rpj: 1H^n: 1 snt I f^:sf^ l ^^1 l ^ 1 *fs41 11911
yi ffer prapraftfot #i
rofor qft pfa 1 qft*i^rrftr fjEtoprr i fpr »rr *rc pjift pprcr ppj: ptmfHPi
w # 1 wpsnftsr^: 1 i f%fH% i fafrffafTt i i
^stM 1 f7js£ifjT(*i^: 1 fregq’spjfamt pj i yraEttfa i ,*Hvf*r-
awi tjpref 11

m in'stM yim 1
M ^ mxiflt ^tstItt ^ iitn
1 htts^t 1 ^*r: 1 ?i|:str: i it i sspsrcxi 1 ?jxrcn 1 H^r i 1
^ I fal wi I ST^TT I TT^: I 3K I 7R 1 SfTlirr: I S^ftT 1 ^ I ^SHT II til
spNrrarrsri ftf pfsri *rr im i pt ppjt: pi prfl: i ^° q. ^8- ?• i Tap* i
^i M^^iTfKpnnpi f*N ppft sfawrft »rarpt ^v^Rrnctif prarr a%«i g#sf
^ irrerrpi i P3^NtPraTffHfi^*r pfpnrwf^ i ?fr ptt prt hpi: n«iF»T$f*rstf: i
pw^frmt ^wr nft ^Pi ^ i wl 11 |Tf i
ii f^ pt iR^T^rr »raf?i ^ i pfrnrnqftfaw& i PPjrn: i
^*rpn: i i prf i sqppjftarsi: it
^ ^ Wafift VHR ^r^[: TjfwRT #fT mft I

f% ^Tftr nTjjfirc^ lien

^ < WH ^n+: i vtttt i ^t i ^tr*f: i Tjf^rart i ttKt: i i

^1 ^%f« i fi i fiipqfa[ i gs^: i ^vt i f% i i mi i ^ nan
II ^1%^: II 0 t.

gw f$fU$ fh to: i fvttf i ^rtgnrarn i sC^^Ft sT^ft: i ^

s$ffi?H£Htftf: n #tt: fmihAft: i jf i jfiprt i fwg: TfmFroNwfrFjFFTft
f% fFTiPM i nWTft i Iff *r*r% fft ffftf *rnj *rpf gw wnrf^n i f*rfrv^.
i Iff i to i FTF^fimfr n fF^TFrfer g«crf^wn* i ft0 3. <\. nh. i u

^ rf^g *iTnr *r r^*4x^4t^i

xn't ^^OTXTr *T*frfr| *3r4 moil

3S[f I Hr^l ^l*n^l^l^l?Tl^sr: l^prirretl3T*ltx^l ^1

FiTf i ^ i ^4: sg i i ^ mirt: 1i i ^txr i ^irsf4t ii'loii

*d TnirRrt ff Fig »frg wii i ^fftf^t ii gg wt% i wra srf* ^ n f?ff fhj
fft?* i Frrf gnprtF i ^ i wrrgwg ffffts fft ffIfttf-
i fFF f^^fi fwhj i f^ft^f^ i FfFjftFrrg F^tg wrwFtmgFwjTt i Fggmuqg-
^i^PM^-rovl i w FvlO<^fM?»: i FiTFTfFF$FFFwfFfFFP$: i sstf’Ji Ff«rfF f^f^ i fr* i
WFfafF fwr*TR i fWiwrrf i f^t i FFaft i ^ gFrrFi Ft* wt
ftrt wtf«

^r ^4t itt ftt srarchn: i

f4w ?f ^ft^r: *r#itsftr rp4: iivni

iptii&: if^4i^im^t?N1*ros*rtisrasrhn: i

f4^t i Srti m i ^ i ffls**: i sN^s**: i 3[fa i rnjtf: i xf s*pj: i *pnf7T linn

wtff^ t^ht^ qf^arof ^Bfwf^rr? i T^gwrofr^i ^FTFFsft |f: f fF§» i Trarai

FFFfF I WTrFTTFt: WH TT FtFF FrftFt^TFTt l^° F° $• ?. F 8-1 ffF FTIPSf I faFFFfft*
%WfTF I Fft^F Fft^F F§TF t qflfF tg;: I FFFT WTFTF.FFTTTW: FWWi: I FJF FW%FT? \\
iftFt fft«rt FFwnrtF: fi4ff.% ftfu: TOFrfFtrmarF^; ft FTfF fwr F^rftt Ftfrftr H
ff ffuHf ^f^rtifw gnjfF Fj^rjFfF n u e»
F Ft FI TWF^FFF fW I Flf^Ft ^ FFFfT I % % FT fFnfl^i ^ FrfHFTfT^ I
Ft ^rnsrrt fft Ft ftff^ FTfirWrwt i Fgrit i ftff^ Frfiwrfwt i Fg° e- ^
fFfFTTTF I^°FIT#4- ?• 4-1 FfF N

u 4t 44*TJTpri^4ts4t fw4xni i

^ *sr4t *jwsf ^ in h
HI ?[: I I fT^JTRTO I ^Nr: I I I f4^SJj4 I
t&Ji i ^ i gs*tei i i i^^4:»*|w»i i ^ i xt4^ ^»**¥: ,,<*11
% WtF: F^t D fFT^ F1TFFF H F| FfftfFF: I FV%W^: I €l?lF FFFTFTF fIF^^
noqo.3T*&^#Mo.] H wvftsm. n

fTOTTOW «$*& ^ ^ «fwf»ifii Kfronrg* tot#* , ^,:

gfro^T i i toi »r*fs^ grot gg »npft?i *rfr to *t# gwj g^j ^
ft<?# «iiqi<jn<»art wrfa: grom: i vt^srt tsSTroftn toto: «
m% w %w. igt *n^r ^ i

M% y! ^ ^ Tfc$ it»i!

W. i %(i 31 wart I*3: I frr: I ^fr: i *$4: i & i ?ns^ i ?ft i

1 i i r^ i ^t i i i i irii

^T fro ^ *sf%r?[: WT«^I f*rfrol*i *rar f*rt ff?r q#qnr<; ^<r: i

TOIT g<T 4# TOTOMJtro^ TOTftTO TO TOTO TO^pET: i ^t:^: snfo: i tTOto*?# tw$‘- i
to twtot^: i ^ to# tot 'TTTOi^' q ?r fwrg Ti^Tg itg ^T^tgaig ^
zaftig ^ f* TOg *>% ^ ###g \ to TO% i n

*» % 35 ^ W 3$ ^ W ^ |
% FT ^rafalfqfa fffrft % ^ ^TT^f| ffSf II 3 II
% I ^ I ?rt: I is I ^ l FT l 3$ I ^ I T* I ^ l frs*TO I 5^T?( I
^51^1 3T3lfa I I f|f^ 1% I spjsg I I I ff^f II3II
\ t% % % TO: T^STT tfff to: I % TOTTft TOT ’OTTOT TOTfiTimc I UTOTOTf I %
TOT% TWTOtfTT ^(: I ^ ^ ^ g^r gg ST^N TTV*T TOgW^TTOTO.TO5f?r I TTOfH-
ftwfrt i t^Vtow g*i to ^ $ sr»# % % TTfraro «# i fro*» % TOTg4T^ng<TOfq%?taf
toWtoto TO3TO «tto^t f?## i Ttrofn 4#r# ff%: i *i TOg ^rg ^fi#|ffigfeTg
^^nsng g#g ft# %fn ?tg fafrorgrtg ?#: HTTOtagqfa i TOrtror *?t?fr fsbu
T#tot: n

TOTOftr^f?! g^gjjTOTO'»4f|[j|*a ffrot toto i gfTO ^ i tot tsfr n ^Ttot gwfn?;

WIT TOtg i w° <\- $. i rf?t ii |«ig^f ffa:fw5p?r towt i gwt4^ swtot tot^t-
^^ttt TTOt i to° 8- <n-1 Tfrt ff gfro u t^N gro^^rf? grig^«n i gfro ^ i
fWfro%»r^grt: irfronrgfwrgrowth;srpr*rfigiw>t.m.ii^h#

^4: I
^ #T3| f^i II8II

^j: i * 11?»?#^5T i i i f^h| i i if^w. i

1 i ^rter:»i i i ^ i #4: i ^s,s[^ 11811

^ ^ TOnrwr^n ^t%m TOT»gn: i wi: «TO^ffe ggntf%#frr gipi-

« tot fa%g ?rtg ?nr%g «rftpft ireafrg^: inw itotfrof^TOto#
s^111 1H?rt 11 ^Nr sreft* »Nt #tottto:
TO^t ?r§t g
r[ s^rnit^ w w*iNt i

^ ^ 3
* t« tt\m vfcn jcpn ^ imn

3rc i ^ i ^ i i ^s^bw i *rfF i ft i ^NHt i i i

l ^ i ^ i ^nrt: l ^t: I ’S I f^t 13H l OTl l sntaTI ipJHT I *$ft im n
1 ^5- ^ grrqiq. qwqr^q qirqqq: qftqq ^ fanraq 1 Tqr 11 qr§?n^
g qifjrfq q^qq fiffn qqTfq f?q> gqrf*rarr^fq qqtqnqfw q^vq't?fn q m 1 4
1 :1 %° 3. s*. 1
qm: ^qqrrqf ff* gqifq^qm^qf ^rnn»n5: q qq fqfwqrqfq 1 qterwlq ^
gsffq 11 qj%?gw 1 t<<aNnnftfir ^ifqfq 11 t* ** frcftrnri w vff
qfftf: graft ^
^qqi: 11 ^tmqf 1 qw qarrf^j 1 qftrrf^qi qwrara: 1 w^sr: 11 fqrq smqft wr-
ff?fti«: i wq 1 g q> fqnri q^frq 1 q&q q ifqTTwrift[qT 1 fqsq fq%q q^TnsSrmfq qw
qqqrrfq grpn gjifTfq grq 1 qiTtfq 11 1 wr^% fqrf^ ftr^qq'nnq: n

UHT f^9T HT^TH ^ift ^T ^*Tt 5HI^t I

^ ^ tirft nSwTinit wr sr^ft n%«

I fW I 1 H^T Ifft I^RIfftTSfftl I 1 sfvq I

I i* 1 nr41 frPrf 1 ig:» *H: II 1 nf,II

% q?taTfq fqqr qqqr qfrfqr qqqrfq ggm gjfrfq gft 1 qtftfq 1 qqrqtapi> qnqlf?i
thtt? 1 't toPt qqro fqt gq 1 qqqfqsm: 1 ^ qrfq vTrqfq i % * *<re **
Trqqit q-rrqiTq % qq qt*jq qrq tw wqmqrrqs 1 fqrq qtft qnqnq qqT qq wf^fn 1
fqrq g* qnfr qq: I q^qr^qT^q^fr qq: 1 q^fT^q: 1 qw qtri« 1 wfqsm; 1
q^wrraiqi qq «qqtfq ^q: 11

ij rf f^H rt: ^ 'St^TT ^ I

it ^ ^t ^«wrWra: n ® h
^ 1 ^ 1 fan 1 ^sfii: i ^ 1 1 ^^frt 1 ^ 1 ^r. 1 ^ 1 ^1

IT I ^ I I ^T I I 1 wtl ^rT^i I I 11511

1 fan SmTfqffis; ^ g«r % sp?i: qftqrenfr ffqqs^Tfr qT ^rmr: ^ *$^T!fS
q^ifqyi q^qt q^qt qqiqt qgqfqra fqqT« lJwi 4 r^JL^
^q: | qq qwqimfq qirqq^%f?qq>qqrqqTfq qqTqrfwImfq I gqjqqqi^q
^ri^f qqqfwmfqqqqqq 1 gqrer qrrmq qqqT qqT qmqTqqr 1 *rr
1 q ^qq 1 wqg 1 qqtqg^rqTq qtnn wqfqw^: 1 qs^fq qq^ 1S 7*^1 **’1^
qtqqqfqqtiqq’r^qqi q^ q^q11 "^
qirTf^fq qq^ qqq ^qr I q^q 7
<WWt qmiMM^Kf^gqTqrT «*Wt fq^WTq: qTfTOiqqq^q^q
qrrq^^: ql^RTf^wq^W qqrg srqqTq. 1 qqi ^wqj fqqtqrf^gqq?raT _ _ ^.'.mpTi q
qfq ^rqfifqqm 1 qrgq: qq^wr: qqqf q^nr qq^qt^rq^" ^

nro i *n w^r *n^r: mro i ^nftifw^g |*rr fonfM^fa: i

^trW^^nn ^t m i ^ It fa$rn*rmvT»mi; i *m
^Tg^iTfT I *PTfT^r ff%S »JT^ *WWt«fTO Jlfalff |%! NfTOI 7R
gmUfipn^i fw T^Tit TT^T^fTt W^sii TT^fTT g \irat
ii SfMfamsmr i ®rrarc?t »*T7n: wi % ^
unfaia sUfarfa^f^r *n*f ^ ^nfifailXwitflfi! s f*wroi *rUq: uiftnivi ^rm: itaftar
ffjarrf? iff0 *. §■ $• ii TTfrw pn ffiftmir: 11

IT^I^ wNt W^ftfttPTTNfSrT: lri%^f^lTXT: |

fW 3TO*q¥|MT W ^ ^ nil

*I*U Wr^l ^#1 mfHi I rTr^l wtfifj ^' WSf^far: I lT$fq%ftta \WV.\
fW: I «TOi^l ^f*JT I ^ I ^ I 5TTrfs%^: I iN: i \w, I infe: n II
ff?ff*r in^f ?r?ct, wfarffsiff ^ Ti^TO^^fr^ffTffffsff ’w^feff:
uffffff^rro: nfrg^Rf% 11 srmmjTff fwT: qfrffitffmg: s#r-
<gffTfff ffirm ffinran?^ ^rt JTO3; i fOTin. 11

# *ri ^ ^»th: s ^ % *f w^f ^t i

w\t frpTRW f^?»q$f^: nn

mrt i ^r i qiw i w> i^q: i n: i ^ i q*r i qgw \ irfts^xrazrf^i

i\Mi fa^Tq^HT I fspjfiT I ssfr i fW: 1qss*h i ^qsiiral: n * 11

I TE^r I silt *T *T I I « ^ff! ffiffff! Tit %
m ff^ro^FVT ^rrff^RTt f%m: q^mff nftfsffTff 11 fireTqw
ff$T: *fa*ft ^ht ^n^^rnrgTVTTijrire^r f^r ^cpt *tf^ ^T%rift a? fWff n
g^fr fffoTfft f^T^wRTfTf^: u

Wfa F*T «T|UT 5TtrT%^: nf#^ 1

^ ^Wt II? II

i rq i q|UT i i nsf^re i ^ i i 1
^ I ?q I qn: |'^| fqq^pit f^smrft I ^TS^rT^WTr^ I
_^^rf^rr ^nr ^rr ^r i % 3rm%^r ^nrwt^ ^t i #f?f i ^re^i-
f ^rmET irf^ns i ^rf^r ^ * mfif afts m *ri wmar«i1 fra-
^ ^T7nfY?n^ i ya fism tnwftfa i w<i i gpmrrewpi ?m
^ i mfw wrsmf^wn*nfh!i wjprn'f i ^nf*i ^ ^rnufM «^fn
^rr t^rr w? #^wi> iamw7r®r: PTftnrfW^
ll ll

*?t *pT*pspi I
rT^i H rRff Hg*lT faN^T T?rTH^ H fM%r!T^fVi: II8II
^Tr^l ^l^i I fa*bfj I HI I HTI f?iHH:i wi I^TII
TT^ I HI FRT: I HgtJT I fHSf^T: I ITrT I W% I HI f%%?T I 3*11 ||tf „
w*n ^rwr wr ’srraxm xr*frwn? i % to t*r M frrnrm^i
?fsr4?*rrftp*pJ: i wrfir*nrra i wipprorfsci^mY *rr *n%^f gfoqiu»mTffr»trq43»iH<^
vtmiin ^rc: i tpst tjtiw ft«mt % wt *nr*rr fafasT i xpm^?ra1%#|-
«l*hl4*lfM'C^ *1 f^T MT I ’Tfrffaftfa »

TJ% stf«IT H*tfH I

$ht*w fsnfSt ^HH^min: iimii

wi i iff i h<3* i^sg: i i srtsfjrtf i unfa i %ftr i i

gsnTH: I TO 1 1 ^SHTHtn;1 ^ 1 1 SSHHHJHfn: IIMII

^ftHqgffiT ^t: i \ ^ irfw i ^nr^e i JrjFgwt *rer »t$ tot
*rr %qfftn*igfa^g»t.qumure TOfn »^ttff ifa TOpnnfr TOiftfTr%<*.<3^13itaw
%P5i ^rtggt^T^k i wej% i <«m'ii«TiTiiiu^n: TW^'tfTgmj^ivrot
i finrefa i % ^ ^?niw ^ ^rafa 34q«q! *fa?fw *rrrofr *tt»to g*rrercjf? i
<jp* r srfa fa*rraiTO*?fa i n TOn *ft gqsrt H*ift i
*n igctii«ii<ti<\^if*i qm'wut: ^np^rratro # mo it

HTrlk ^Hrt pfknsrfWHT^f^: I


I I HmT: I =?r4 I IJ7T I Tuftsin I I ^ IW I I
ffwh^i firei i h^o i fi; i i nk: i h i srat: i srffH i wrot: n$»
^TWfa 11 ^rr: ^§4*r g$g?mr *rratt *jTTfa^rofH?fa
qfiift.fii wU^rsrr ipnnf .„ I. „. . fTOTH
. II tt*
%^gji^4V i i v4Pi w Tr^i^
f4<fr fm: i ««!^K«niffl«ii ^ to ft i twr
^rnn: 4inT«n'{fttt «r f»r v* € w fvtfn ^«f?r wr i u »ra^rw: i
n: i 3T^ri% ^4 u

f^ar ^n^prt ^ W ^6t htk^J h frarf: i

int H?TfH HTH ^HTH 11$ II

I ^ I I I Hf^l ^ I HHt I f*: I HTiTSH^ I H I 1

sp* i i gsHHS?Htn: i hth i^«f: i f£ph i gsnm n$»

Hoqe.VfcSfM*.] 11 I'
^ * wltratlB *% jfrinwr%»n^n gw*?* %
g(T-^ grtTnnr w * fwr: w f*ra% itot ffr i ww **nfa W gw^wiw: wRwsi $*w
^ Ttfn. i *R* ^Nf* i fflnft oamrewr* *rrt i tor: i ^*r: i \ f*T* ifar'npiraSt 11

tph5tt^ sr^srra %4<*pj*tenr ffa^f ^r hth i

TnHqtri ^ util

lis^T^ I ^ I I ^ I ^c7Tn[ I ^f^rT I ff^: I »«FT «

^wi^i^Ti^i^i^t^!7Ti^:i^i^i^:i^|i^: util
w^wrfic$Rr#ssi ^nwiwpwr ^%f?r *flnn*nf?r 11 |wr: % *n?r wwtc: *vtw
*rean^?nrmvrn. sfwWrwWrTFTwrc»j i
jra^Tt i nwRfem n«f+nm.<ai«Mivi*i ffw: «4wfM ^frrnrr^ni f^sw^ «T»i
^ i vrWNW ffwr Jrnr mmnqqurwt zyift i fwm *nr$rt m«r ^ bt
ywT^HiMiM^MMl^i41qvtwr ww wi \*rt i f^4»f i
qrercwaBvwi *tt %Rw«?: i wgfaRira ^Rftafawrsra i wr^rwr^n: w^i
^n w*j,btwt wRtewrwnrRRn yO^i^l ^Ri i m'OvOfli f wr ’B Jninsr
UTOfii# fjrwfaRi ^ n

ni WITT -'ShppTFSf |W: mnr: I

rrai& wi wf^irk: ii^ii

*i I iistot: i ^sipn: i ^ i i i ffofc I W% i hftt: i
id i ^ \ qg: i 3PT I I *HI: 1 i •TRHT i H$f^: I ^JS‘ lien
twuRni <ii-»tmi*Ti ^n: nfag^% i ^ wrpsrr w^iisim %b%{«i«h<bii
Bsrwft fRrat hwt: i^ *ra w W wt?j i <twt uf^r: jtsbt <j«wi«iflyT
wim i wn tf? n ii <w #
R% ^*tt: tr$w fint $w VRn ii vir. fwRRrefa: # t'R|M‘
wM«nfaRi bR RRigwr i ¥Rni ’sr i Rr% irra’i *n <^HKifv frm <<4T*iK.
l^Totl. 8-1 lR II

W \m: ttt ttrrf ^wt i

IT ^ ^W VTFTW ^ TO f8!^! ^ltf% II ^ II

W I^T: I WH I ?TT I ^wt I P I itrrt I ^ I I f?TS^ I

m i? i i wis^ i W i v 15|?t i to i f«i i w i i ^ftfa i,ei ii
WWW I ^ Rr% ^t: m wt nrww i wgtrf i ^wim-
5tw |7ft ftgSw fntiij »m% lwTfw wwi: i WBUfiiw ntwi^m*i i % *w
^ |ni ^twt tft fa HT»i wfwnRw 7iwT!tHWiTffHit*rwwrT^ iw WtR
^ drTF ■zb&A ^nft'^ipT ^wf HT f kfk I
ajf WQl flfrrk^fk *?T^fk% II * II

I ttirt I fa I wftt I irffam I fa^f\\w I TOt: I **T I aptfk I

i i 3n«tfN i ^T i w&l 1 >ftfk i *tt i ^ns^fk: i ^f irii

anpratj? fmr arere^ i i n f*mw fa% w ar^ft ^

3j«ffn i ffMf’rrar i % ^fw *tt gp*aiVa;m#*aTf^: TifTtf^n «*farf«fn Sfa: i ajp*r?fe
w«rwT*'gin7mf»m^: i snjrr »mf?T w^g i as: i arfar^ *f*nr^n: i aj^arr wt wrg 1
*TT I * 17^: I 5EJ af ajfaT<t ^T g^TtffjTT^ *TT apTWTT fa^WilTVnfallfcjj
wyfwafcrfsiapfc i tftarranft f? af^an ?nit i am % afuft ai^ftaaai wnftf?! f*
^qlaiamui i arm^n i «ii^rnTr^^^gRrfl*i«if f^mrr gwt^rwt sraft i
amg i arrfararlta f^fXTuW*^«

s*k fa fam ”fe * *rrTO TO^f ^t: i

3i^fa*ik *qfaT7TSlfa ^T kfa*t %armi h ?»

wv m: l^trrt i fa: i^ ?fk I fliifwi i ki i ^fa i^| i ^jm^bifkik^: i
^:S3Tf: I STT^rk I TTjfasfafa I I\^V- I favk I f^TS^ril II311
aftiaj fYm ar fas: i aft arnfa i «^f?r i cm ait srnrn; *7*ni: t TOt’wrg^ i
am^ ajaftaffa: arf?rfa it1*: i afwfq yaapt i nffw i wr i atfarf^prsrni farqarsrnffiT anft
amirm: i w graft wm$ i gift i^arrraft i anaraftift araft: imnft i fwftrw:
TrftftgaTfafftft Wrap* I OTfafaft I cPSTT aflft anft Jlftaift WPSRt ftfjamft I 13^1^1-
fmi gggipftargganasaiwrN^ i gftt gaf^jrrar: i anr?: ^ram snap* »rrf% *nfa
ar^-reftft i asm rrfaarafti ^ftnc fami ffw gftTt i Tnw^rrarni agaftgftgft»

T?f k.^7 kfsft nfa<$ki f^r ^trT I

k: ^nrrfw waw% 118 n

Trt i \m: i i f^s<n| i ^ksT^k? i ^f i ^^571 ^tn i

^ftr: 1 1 1 1 1 k^s^m 1 f^s^fk i HTiskf 11^1

ffTarfai i w?rh: i airhni *rt i ’«rap^7iramw«rPrm

wwfa» w^riftr wprrfn ar^ri 1 w anftwr '3^ 1
sw* aitf «o^imf7T 1 aStfif ant 1 amarm tHrfWmai i tmirt ff am: t faryi
nrmg ^f?rf»rf^fi«

^tt n'QPfffi W k^T ^ft^j ^dfki i

w i^qTi^T fw: Tjk^T ^r^rfk 11 mi

h TOfts**: II W9
Sir i I ^1 spjiTSri I I I 1^: i trffa: I i
^Ii^7?t: I ^ I t&s i \m I 1 wt: i fW: i i srajfa nmi
% ^rr: nt g*n*rr *rfw i ^rr% i ft i wgwjfror^ g^K gg^ * i % ^t: *t
gum* *rfro: ’rfrofr v**tw wrrfii wroTfiu i f5*%'^r
i OTiTOffartf: i ^tigwimre t,s(^ tovtto wlmwl i
^ ^rr^rnrtsnJ: i wtaT fwr: h4t: ^tot: ?T3%*rr TOTfif i ^rafn i TOg wr u

iM w&rtmfv fcfrm *4 TO*r% i

^r^irq^_f4t9TT ^rf^trrtt 4ai^m ii^ii
4tT4 iron i *ft i w&itfk i srfa i from ^ i'^t: i *41 ^ i i
i : i srcppi; i ^fa: i to i ^i ^i ttait i fa i TO<?ra i^n
ftfw tot ^tfw ’prwrftr Nipt to ^ TOrogrtwr ^rr wfti jnmmmKi i^hro t
tohI i g^: TOfTOT^Ttro. i farror: i tort totci tot ^ 3rf$T,gTO i wmj-
tto: i T«(^<w<*SjTTOt ftmwsrmt tot^to i f»wlmwf^«*R!: n ii ^ ii
gw i trori wtwi^t^t w*t: i <r^fw gw *fNfa*fafa-
i rig TOfsmsiT TOmfaMm tow i wrol froT^ fajH: i wr TOgwtft i figmraT
TOaftjsrlfa^faft! i frog*? ii to: gwfafroto; ii

3R ^ ^I^TTirTT ^ffajfa fa TOfap f ff m II
41 i *fa*n i e: i w41 ^n i TOr[ i i fair^ rtfaq: i fafasn^ i
I'sr: I ifaSWtrfTI *nfNp( I fa I fa I W*fal Sfifa I ^r: I TOTrljl SII
TOfaflwgrn wfcrerot to toht ffmmRWfsrr i *nir ffa: Jrmfafn gilTOf: i *fr
■f^mfw>iTrc i tototjt i whpftifa: i tjw tot fror^ tot wt: wft TOrrroTTOrrfa
r^ftRTirfwrarg i ^{frohffarwgTOt ^i^rr^wm troTTfl to: i tokj i f% ff
i ^ra^rog ^WTfjrfw i wlgir: to i wto ^efroif towto ^ w ato’t.
'S’Hfgmigrrft ^%w to i '*rW «froi wrftr wito^ ii
groj(ft#fr to i g^g^rro u
^ifa ftrft fa^q ^5l1?rRfa ITOTfa gfaHTfa fa 3^1
^f^n-farr\^f t^sn h^ii
i Itrrt i fas^i i srsfiraT^ i ^fa i Jrairfa i ^sfarnfa i fa i ^i
i ^%rfa i ^ i^T^ i fsef^fa i t^jfa; i n * ii
furfronroft to^toj|tow «I*i^t %wt fwe^nrrf^ i ftnfrigg *
^finrnffigf^u^: , ^wTg?it{*i gfvmf*r g$ f*ifimt*i TOift TOgTtinnwflwQ? ft
Wb II it

^rn; i nfnnt i nin: wfn i ftfrt i w firfn i nftnt^g*ini*f?WTnt ^r

in ,aftTOT#n nnrii nt^nn; ^jfwr^t ^rm. njntaoTnfT i;fn $irfn In: n
nfrotTOrt ntnfn spninft urot w fTfrorffti: nim i yrvnw«>r<.8>«n' nn nror i
ffin n i nrfqfnrr nitinntnTn. nTntn»Rfnitfn it to i nr* «^. i *fi»
art g^ fg^r^ft^rg i
sr g^ti^tfhffl ait ^ra ii ? ii
i i ^s-sfffH i g: »ggitf i fg^r i agft^rg i gstf i
W' l wj: 13?T I ^HTgi gift: l War: i g^t l ggi: I ajgs^ft l g: i ^ n?u

TOnfnrn nUnnis inntfn inmmrTOnin inrof ffninTtftin m *rtj nT*4tro: \

^Tgrofm i nn n nror fnsf jirf ^htt fnsrofniTO i narin: nr i nrfnfif nw f*jT
tn ^rnni TTRTf^rsrmtwn:: i n Trr^aftsSf^r: grfn: ’si'? nrg’fftijTOrqnr nrot nra?^-
nirtnin. i njR^fn i nrnw n nUnM twfn %qntwi&ini<i n*j n^nns: i n^rri
srnrnn i nir^rnf»
i^fnTwt: nrfivmt tfntn itnr n^n nrn Tr&nr w i ^nqimi^infi g^r i
ffnn n i n^n to jtto nittfn toto i nn# <t. i *fn 11

v ri^r ^rt: iftg srft ^t ^rft i

g?r *if^ng: *rt *r*i iH 11811

rut 1 ^n ir: i ggar i gtffa 1 i ^rgiig 1 ^rft i^n: 1 ^rafa 1
1 gw 1 g%ng: I *N 1 stag:»*ft 1 ftw 1 gwg 11811
mtiR*fnrgi? 1 nft^nff nni i g*TOTtnn i rnni gigr mint nnt nni wfar i
^ 1 tot cm In 1 tn nror? nnnfcmnmn nfnitn i fis nnroi nntfnfa
wit 1 nf^T^t i wri nmfi n nfromfr nirrir 1 in tot iTOgntin: »m fH
1 tnnfnfn 1 iii nTrron^Tftm^nfn it |m ^nrfwTnn: i to n^n nro fwnfi f^ro
1 fn° ?. 1.11
^ 5RT it’T Wff y I
gft^t g: tnftf^iiqiitsttW 11 mii
^isRt: 1 ^ 1 ft’t 1 ggrrt 1 fts^tm:»grit^ 1 gftnft:»
gftgt i g: 1 tnftNTgi tqg i 1 i&irfitsf i f^ngi ■’mth i gajng hmh
in tot ^nT^fr to fN ynmsTi ^inf i tint i nfi n ntrorr ^wii^«**mT: i
ntn^n ns* qnnif<^gn»t i ftnrt mf^nT T«rt: i nr?nT t ifn i nmfi n t
writ: ifn t to iti ^pfnt i fin gfnit mfviqiHjfiitiinTntrnrrif^1
^wmig 1 Tng t nni<ir^n«itif^n^qwt finninRniii^: Mimwmiitunrg» ,,,,?"
, w*w*4t mpf&rft I^nr*q. <w.i xfr»urfuftuffoiumtn-
UUTTT ffl#n I ^TOT^f^gT^retTTt fftfg PTOPt mpfaf* iw
,.,.i Tfn ii *rfirc.wfcuuT,w jwp»n«i<n4«r nffrr winn wf^i
u i wfuanp*fapfttut wn<i«Plpnj«n u ppp i mr# $■ <io. i tf* u wfumf^emT
vmr I i$fP ^ I HTjnfJeTfriT U jgrt WfUT fu^sfl | 'WO M. ^0. | II

flf m^TTfNff Wt fqjm fWT^ I

w irt^qn^t hA ii^ii

flrjfl 1^1 1 1 ?ff»HWiraifotJTI ^r\T^ I

wxm i w i srt^ri i srt: i i *r i i^i ii^ii
? uj mi u^fjprn^raruft t^iriw ntu^i ht^ muwfpmf:uf? i urp<$ i
Tfr*r?TTr ffciPi nfu^Bi^: i fum sfrfwwi: wriprat uw wft nwnrtfiTu, nuur sftfit-
umt ftfFmu: nnNr u*ft w^tt^uututu. tu i urau i ufti’anmi^m i fwt mwr p-ru.
wnfpTu. i furu ^fn€ipr uft?piTnu: i uunrrttp i furwrr urnu ^Tpwpnrfnfpi
i urdg i u^u *rn nuwj fpret utforn ntfu: ft***?.8.?.<s.i tfu ff w?mr i u ^
ugtfu i uuurt hu i uptft i fan ^ ^ ^uuu urn i nmpi i utrrfwmup
$f*iapfc ii

W$l*%t ^TrT^trT ifrm T?RT ^TrT ferf I

-arfmfawt r* M ^^^i fH n$u

stbts^: i *r?m5T i 'Sfr i st^n: i i pRT: i w i sw i ftfom i

^?IS^fut I ^TiT I \T$ I ^T I^T^J 1 I 3lfa I M HSU
ura unfpfauut ^rr: uwt pft i % ften: utmir ^ut: uuuuTwU^g uittu
uwftmuwin'nr i phi i uvta i nrnfu u tw nnuPuwfu'fTpi i i
’BRf^ u^rp» wr^rq^i^i: h nrnfu wr fup ii fun pwi u i w-
i UTTfnfwnwnr i ure^TUiu^KVW Tu fWuf^nmfim: n^nt up i
^ PTi(lUHU!-«in ufu i ^uwT ^ut: fimwrwmu urfHPUfa ?r t«w-
^ upfu nun: i w i u nuf ufu ui^fu ufw u
%UTff^i wr% nfl[ utut up5t u^I nrnf pTufnwpfun^u u^«uumftf«l?f ^K-
fT^,» P^punRfnn: | u I UfRWft n THMfPT^^fu
^ •’ut0 y i. *. u-?. i ffu ii

SWRift ^3^ ^ t»W5gfto H ifcrTT mW I

^ 3T|iH ^ iitn
i i ^ i i ^3i^ i firon i m tot i *TOT3i: i

^ipTfu |ur unfaufpq: trcurt ijuH i uwuift um pt i »ra?fir i ft nfnf-
<)€fO ; ii H [31° fr. 31°

w^: ii m *roTOmvtmOggf?re?i • w^r i to wot v nrrr i m i ^ manft

WWW*l«a Wf^WT Tfa I ’WMTWlf wf mrm I trfTWWT*? I OTftftf ,
^i^rr: i tr^furfa g*imn i ^{*p^jm wmt ,swmt. wrmfsrw mflF mw* I mn b^t
flPTR. ^rwrrfw mmmrrf«T f^rf« nT^frft* 11

ht^t ^^mfcr^nswt ftramret *hfrrr i

farsflft ^fr 4tW ^r mi

Fret i *rt: i %c^i i ^re: s ita: i xn^f i^sqFrtfn i ^rs^ i

fsrsft'ff i ^ i xRvi i i %?r i ^Tr^i Urrsj: i srefra: i xrfrr: wn

ot* wsj t^fwl otot: i w4otHh?i i wafrfw m^f^TOfmnEnfw ^cr i %fm i ^rr»rrf?r i a
w gremm ’sfrmn*u5mrf ar^jwafUfmi^T *ftmrarj?T ^mmf*r i ^m: ftmfw ^ rnf^t
mm ^t?nmTftT xfn i * 'sr wsj f«rf*r^-pftmrt ?fmMTmaftw?t afa
OT^TO WtwmmWTqjtf ftnfffi I ^NiprfH I ^ST mOTnrnprrtf %T Umproff
BBPtrcrfmfapirr »tw mm mmf^miT^n^^ wafts: a?mft ot f ot?f f^fn u

xjr| ftjsrhr ^raTWfrfiipiafa w^r I

iWtfc TT^T *J3Ttfa ^R^T ^ F^wt II So ll

wr: i ^ i snra: i h i fipjta i ■srrxsft’f^r: i xjrf4: i ^pjTrfa i rrefa i

f^reTO: I xr^T 1 sjSftfa I I i\mw I ^JfTSFi 1 ^T^: noil

% cjrr?fr ftmfmrj^igaftT fwr wrmt: mr: i mr i^ar’^f: i ttoot: ^ ^ finfa i

afMftf mr ^rraft: i mfwSnftfw amiTOiaprre ^ftrre i mmmW$: i wsj i pw?-
jtot*i i <r^J mro i i ~t wmft fwm gwrfw aftmfNrrfw ^rt% ftrare^T-
mf*r w3w i fmr i wrarc^i <^tt: ^m^ciOTrprg: htht i Hi ^fW’iTf i

*7* ^xqH^^Tnfl^xftxiR TF^^trT f^Xlt I

*T f^T£T %TX|T ^ ^5ff«T IISSII

*TH I ^T I 1 ^ I I STifHfcT I I ^»T I I

w. i i f SH^rt: i ^tixn: i i fwn«fH: i -*&$ i ^stt: i ?ri fw ii^^i

?r Ji^rfr mf fTrrm ?ft^ m^i m^ftr ^rrm art: w^fVfar afrm i VT^‘
ttott: i fargafwt airwR^ftn vtfw^r: i
<\. <»^.'o. i i mrref*r 55mm w# 1
^1 arra^sf 1 OTft^ar ai^rm w fwim t m^wsrniUai 1
toh 1 w i fasOT W aftmfarf^ 1 fmrralar: mroanfNr- ^
fTmm *r?OTF:g m^r ^rr: ^rfmn: gmn: ’fcftrfar mrcl 1 w w **
wtt T?f ^f*r 1 sigww««?N 11 11 s811
m7i Tf?rxpf^rm^rmwtwrwpfiwr^1 mrr '•rnswWi^?^
fffwt *rm^i *fn 11 xngjro ^ww f?^ mrm* 1 ffrnr w 1 i1!
Tfta*fT** i^ inf g %
jnEr^wf^rr ’rarri^ ^fhSr^r i^;« tjit® m. q. i u

mg3 *fcR*tf|sn *mt ^ i

HT^f^f ^snfrsi: ipri^i fir fe mu

h i w^: i^t^i ^n i ^rfirp i ^ i nrssri# i r^ i in^i irfarejr: i i& i, g h
1 Ts[ ¥*f*nflr irfi^TT wSHmfli ^fj? g gs sftfcmftfiF i ftfa
wr ^rc st?f Hft ng<.«fc ftf$ *rr*Tyf«i<>ni<i,£<|di ^3i|ii i TT^Tsft' ^rnimn i
»fw > Hyr ^re %<n*Figm>qj*flK«<qvnl'fl<.: i stctjpj: i ’Fjgij^f^T ^rnif strt-
|f«i«n*rrrd v*t?t ft? ^bt ftbi# ?5n?Twn% irra^?: i m
<*ifif sfcfanfapJ: 11

irewt i
mmi ?r ^nf# TpTRi|3Tsr ^ yr f#f#r§ 11 * 11
^1 I IR# I ^ppn I I I TTSepng: I 51^11

^ Ts* fl*?T stOtw ?t ?i3vii*it ?%g WTftrg «r*FTf? Trw^mft g?*rarf%-
^nfw ¥l¥t4lf*« «<**?<!! TOFBfPBT ?fiF ^l^'lR ®rTBTf»rfH «T^f«tl ^ TF? ¥T ?f?»iul*U$q I
I ft? ?Tf? fanf? ijgfarwwry: grTf?^ ?re?: m*rf? mtl? i gi? ifn ?if i
TTg frrei ? f?f?(t I ? wr% I tot ¥T g<F;gt fcrei«iqTUd ^ %srrf i ?fs?m
^ i ft HTT ?g¥«3¥?T: i ?!^fq %bi3: ii

^ ^ rj ?* *%*#: *RRRRr^«t 'SjppitSrtaTTj: I

^TrTt ^ far!t ^ R^#qgW*i4: rr|: II? II
^I^ \f$ I rj I ft I Hf^TR.* I *RR I Tg( I *sxfa: I I^I

"mii ^r i f*r?rt i ^i i wfcwm: i ip#: i ^Rt: h?h

^ t% % m ¥ff¥*Tr ¥ff^: to ^nt^rnw mi;¥¥i<¥i-d: m i mg^ i *f
^Fi^fhPBrsf: i ^rofxi manrofn FF^nrfq »f BiTd^fd i tr i ^¥iidn«F<: ft?Ft
^i^ft: ftwT gf^nfl ¥TMn ff sm i ^nft ?rm^fwrf%sr^: i B ^ ^r ¥T#
i ^m<«r i ^nfr mgfrf^F ¥^f: #

# ^#tf% ^mRT^[«Tif?r nf|^ tff?r i

^rn mf^r f#r^ ^fn: ii8ii
^i i ^ i ^wnf^r i i i
^i i mf# i i f^»% i i i i u^h
VOL. IV. y
% ana: garar ^ aa •3<*i4g4i<i«g<.RMiol^<i**ir'a3i<>r?au^j1Ti<.tjw
af*fa fT aaffiwTf^g HftmfraTfa aTfa am awaifa jCTTft afa aa a%
fcaifa ^HttRst faat i a<j«n**iR{*5nfa afar i amTfa 14(W*T4wPn a4ifln fararaTf^arfii
aart grt$ ^ aaan. aTfa'%rttfa n

r4 1W ^RFrrfa ^ «
qjTTjfj^t TR^JRT f^l 'rfl'ftwit^Tin rrf^lstffa 3THT IIM II
rsi i fW I I %4rTrfH I *rrfH i wPi: i *n »^ i *jft i ^f?r i
^i^mmtis^iTnif^iHT^:i^i^nsgTmi^i?si^%i^ffT imn
%^ (4 f>m a^Tfn "^q<fli«t(«t(m*ittiyKU!in'I aaTfa I VT^ft I fa*yi^|fl|*[
art faa^yfaam an i ai^ifa^ifH7*1^ ^ ^rf^rfa a$a ’m-ratarrfa wfa ^ gr a
3fT grraf fg»r% a4«i«nft a^fa afa aTfa fwrfa gfa i aarr^a agrr% a*
am aiifaa ? aaaa. aaafs^; m fa arft: i ar flat: i Tf^fa • a4^fa $g:
^aivnmfa grafaamrfaafga aa i agT 1 ts[ rt ^raTfa»

i(t sqtfHtirtf * Tr^T 1

fire *re4 srenjift ^IT^Tf^ II $ II

m I ^iTr^i retfrift 1retft: i srn: i w i ^srj **pn i *h *#n

^ I fW I *2* I tsfil I ^ I ^Sfri: I ^Rtf^ II ^H
v isft rttfafa qtagia arf^arrf^i ?tarta5gTfa%^s^aT3; aTfraam. i a<if<<anai-
fgg TrtUfai afg^rataart: i aa *rgar agaa T%a a^fa <a*nfy<«uiaTflr aaaaa
gagfaaa. i aspr i agar i aa a^ir^a aa: taara aTf^a aant i ?ta a? g^^qnfa
aaqaa i ana aafg ggrr t?ra ftm atfanaa ’ga aa wfat ataaflarfararc; aa aaata
gfta awartt aaartt gfiaaTaa^aiM^ai^^w^i^TfriaTfa i amqgu nmi
fi tjftmJ aat^ij gar i ■ aareanr: g4an. i f? im*™11 ^ "

w^m rrq^W ^a^wt i

Tfaif vupffij srnj: ii^ii
I Tfr^l 57Tff I TJ^r I *TU^: I ^1 HT I ?fTT I ^^TTT I '
^i ^t: i TjfMT i ‘at i i *nj:«^na:»WJVI»i^1
ajaar asnR: % arg4rfa ai*l^anai am ar*r?t i^ t?[ % aa ayaHaro ara^
aiaas afft arr%: a'iJ^4*ifi|: i a^arnrrfwart: i ajar ^M«flg«i»4qrrfaa ajT aal (
fT^t a^a Tfa?ra: i aa^Tm m fr^af aTarjfaafr »fm aaf as^aiar%wgaTira«^
aatvn awa» faarar^ i aaatsaar arraaTilart: i a?nrtf %a yffrapaftu artaanna^^
aafa aa ^faaf at at^ n^^Paga aar aafa aaTatarr: i aifaaaiafa i Ri 3^'?
afgg; **rg: asfar® gaTaHaanatapj^art^aTatf^fwaTat ^taaa.»

ttr mri fp firm: 44 irii

^1 fTf^l m* I ^ I 44 I jjrf I prt: I mti [
Tnfi i «iTrf 1i *1^1 ,qm i fire i firm: i i i iH irii
\ aa aj[sf «rh^Nn5Kfani<i Ha^reafafajflJfa: ajiafawTainrnaa are ipftt
wga %a araT ga aaj a gjf w: aanf^aaiafa i gaaafirererere 3+>g|<jii<jfM:
^ta i anarnnatarrfi’ aT^awwgaaarrare aagraaB i anaireniqf^Hif^ffi: i fisa a<a
gw g^arrata arff^ar fire firega aia aragfag firer:
irtaareT: ata%af afa afaa%a%maqt i faai5aaaiqstT<t acfr:
aafaia i afaipf i arfa#r?rlJ waa aar*f: u

sn ^njroT^rw m4 44 ^t ^p: mrcta i

^%num ^t f4 4fc 5%fKm n?n
mi zf41 ^rppi sn i ^ct i m41 44 i ^gs^r: i psas i
^:sfwi i ^ i f41 p i ss^a i i f^si^N ii ? h
arefa?- waf^ia ^wr aT fr^at arraTgfaarcaT a^fugana; i grrefa i aarfa a
*n4 aar aafgaaafwrgwTf^fa a#f i a^fa wCRar ^wrr aT grrefa i fare are
tare;taagrefarefrrereaasrerra;areT an *fi f?wnagarercarrfa areirareftreifre#fn
arfa afinpjrt i arrfre areffa an wf^aiwfH are ^refre aa refrerewiafa
rerarerfaaTfgrn arr% arft rergf^hcrm regfanrensriftre tare%re a* gw wrert fa re% i
faaarfa i a^re% i to tot w^ir w rerenTftan: warfare aa^rere firere %fa
agfrernre laraf i ft%fa agreft i ar^rw relfaaT aarrcftre faarlre fafa^re atfan n

^ #*h pm %n5Tm5FRt 44 pi
^ mfpMt tlt^T TTf^TfSTT II8II
p: i i pm i fasmmf i wsbw: 1441 pd i p i
H1 \ > mftrsr? i w4i \ titmi: i h^i mpn: i w$s41 ii8ii
aaaTO^TaftjprfijpjaT: i % aa aat^a^ fireraf taaiaarraf afaw^fat
,T,wr aaagai aafN?: i faareaaaift: i aj% ajaa: aTf^afii aai<ajifa ^affa i %a a
H^at afagararrfa a^raai gaafinj^a afagarerf^areaaa: a^ar?[a: i aa aai % aa
afvaaaraar^ i nai^fiigaifaw^: i asffanat%fa aafit i aw: i aafic fipirei
i afaa agarrere aa^aaf^aia^mi\ai^a%a argaar aasawaia i aa a%a
®afaanJ: u
fa%a% fag ^rmfaftaT i gfaa a i w amtifa agxrr fag ^3TTaf \\* att°
q' ?• ^ Ufa n
II II |>H0t.3l0

^TT tfit *frlTC I

-q^i <*f4 xrf^nrren *prrc *? ^r: *?*tN n m ii
fa$>j i ^sitst i tpft i ^|?rt i ^rf i *ra i xrfarn i wm. \
^0^4 I TTSSTI I *lff SFIT I ^ I *PRlt I W* I fi: » I IIMII
’*r*rarr toi^i i%‘- ’stgr* i f*nj ftvnrrt firr^: ^nfrt i fafS? ?fvrfn: ifW: t
cm i ’btsrtr: Trnspf i wn^ wri irfwr ^srm $\*<* tfwrmirr^
g=rR #?i *rfsr?ft ^na wpc i f*rf*n7ffgTfpn i ’Brawrarcreroj ^ ^
^ff^rr qrnq *rra«5 ^rwt: i rrerr Tnrftjp mt^i
i ir ip: wr i snqtret i i ^wrf< «u*+ifa p%t-
^TBTf«» II it <*$ II

^o: : *gt: ^TT^fe: I

^f^%rT tfqfcra^ Tft^r wt^TT ^WtrT ^mt II €f II
SJT^T I TXT*»: I 3^: I gs^: I ^n I W I I ^ I H^l 3P?ff&: I
^1 WirT IWQ I ^1 rTr^l ^ I I ^ I WT*^ I <3rTI iffit I ^rfl ^rft II $11
PT3*HT I PR5T I pappn PTCi: W: II Pjg P# II W$ PW T<^: I
n qgrat<!TftqT#l'%gnfoc i '^rwu^rt^rof: gtuif: t>wr ^r^ftw^n-
fTr: i i *fr ^ wu^gr5! fwta: p^rm: gnwti,^35ti^>
iftgqnqrciT i *f gi^f^fq *r% f^Trn *rfrfn 1 tr fnirt^fapni 1*
WRTfH TWrtlfa^ Weftl *T ^ »T*ffl I P ^Tlf ^
^rpf7i ?p|«r: ,3<nfq ^mr w^i ^ ’tfRpr: 11 n ^Rrpp^WTf^n *nffarf^v: 11

% ^ur: fewhrjw ^ ^t: ii «n

^11 ^f5qr: i ^ i ^^nrt i frWfa I I #^r^i ^siT*ifa I ^ •
^ i ^tjt: i fai*iiTO i *fT i i ^s^t^tNit i ««»
i$ p* fwrf% ^^rrftr ^NiTf% wn*rr ^ i i Wrfrfz-
f^fwrp i ynwq^K^f«i ibtr i f^rnr i qqmim 1 ^
wt ^nprrf^sc"#^1 7sr^f * ^ l^rr Pfn|-nr ftKwnw
?rwa ffsH<i*i^ Hii5K^r*in ^**j^it bttpSI ta^Bi ^

xM ^1^1 % w ^it5t: nbii


guT i ^tfta i i tos^to i ^srfasfT i tos to:i httwj

xfaft I «t*N*r»IW i ^n*r: i i to i i ^nmj^i ubii
n gwT ?nfT^ wtrfw Tra<kT^tf»i wwm^^f*nrtaT
f«r9n?»iT ^jrnm^T waitf stwt g<jq»^ gjjNfwrfrm trprf 1 n«i*ntg«T*r twj
^ tfoft tftar gwtaii^ww wW Tt?rr gvnrt g^ng*** irif^jr m
1 fwvftrft 1 gf’rrgrTrwqri tsp$: * »<m
i£ n Ttn W*f gw 1 fff^r 1 ^rg'ff'MIWr grow: 1 wrf^w-
f^r: HHift w 1 fo% ^t ^nn 1 tot srrgiM 1 x% % to g 'rg*$T3nfto
kto Tft 11 to: gwfafroto: n ws*pft% Trenffor^r<iTOififl<*tm
3$ fNw% srfn TOfroror grorTOft ^ 1 gfro ^ 1 wTiTOlro^tarowriT^ wn-
n Tf^i *n: gf n nwfafa to^ 1 wt# 3. so. 1 *fiu
S£ H H T& ijrfto 1$tfto to^f I
irtototfa tottoto to n_to mil
li\ft I Tt# I wc. I ^ I I ^ifto 1sJtfto I I toH l
tfsto I to: i to 1 to 1 to: ifto 1 to 1 irto m 11
mfro *tr Trgi f* 1"% g* gr % ifoi 1 TOfr aqffiiWi tot-
impscT^u^f stftfrofwfrn* 1 sstfrororej^w^wtiii: 1 WTOraft to ^iTOTrejSr'f
TTHjufti * 1 1 tot 'ir w w^ifa ^ tit5* TTcrngrtin: 1 % to uttotot#-
st^i « fraro 1 «ro: i tot grft^r wtfn-
tttot TOraprr ^ faw 1 f^m«^!W^TOaT«%JWTftr^T?{aiw 1 toU*
?fr>STfr *tTi g$ wan TOiw^q^fa gftrraw ffrftaft gw: 1
Ttfarei^ «faw ^Trtfv 1 wnrt «r 1 'fitful t f'nai%»r rftW'Ji: 1 nfgin. 1
^TRt tjT»? ^=a% 1 ^rpri ffaWT* wi Tfn ff u
^T*mwi ^ ^ g4 i

^fnt TTft foitofa ^fk: f34ton: 11 * n

w^ I ^ I ^Tto; I IpMf I I 'ZVR I 1 I ^ I »J*t I
^|»r: 1 : 1 u^to i^^T i f^si^ 1 ^tfrr: 1 ^ i sn 1 toto: 11 ^ 11
^ TTfgilwr»ra % tr as* tttH inwft agM 1
^^myTr men wrerr iiOi.^ gw 1 'gf^nft tw T*rfai
vTg 1 ^trrg 1 gwr vrg 1 ^rrg 1 w ^nrjpfuwrffra: ^ wt
wr#*rnr ^1 1 n ^
^ ^ ^wn tin^n: 1 wrf^ni 11
^to: gtot to w 1

l^wt vM inTOT^ *m ^tot vri 11? 11

ii ii [spb.ST0^®^

^[pft l srfa i i i gfaw: I i ffafl: I WI »n: i

: i ^ i wi11 ^ i Hsn i :i i ^?r: i ^ i ii $ ii
% 3P* sf qiKflmwflm *r%H ’TT nrafa i ngrrwtfH i i gf *rf*: # $
wrf^g ii gf«m: g$ jrfrwr snrr ®t» d<fHHif»i3qH»j ht: i xn^rr:,
?sr*prw i H*rr gfant f^r ht: i trt *nfa*rr fRTf^dTfn i *St^srrfn i
jrht gwfn hstt HBiwfn i ?m gf*nfr t^rrfH^r^Hi nm gfan: *rar
jgrng ht: ii

T&T fTTrrt^^fwl: I^T 35$ I

H^fw^TT ^RifN^rir fT^| fn f^f^r: 11811
i w I farlt: i xR i ff%il^rr: i^ i i ^fxj i ^|

i^f^: rh i *rrftf i i ^n i w i w^j i f?i i 1 iitiu

fimT^Hrerfwaft s tpri ^rm nfiHft Jrrf^twt i tw wpi i % ^TT *fi
^rec wr ^wt ^ HWH^g: i i wfj ^ *nf% fryfeifcis: ^
<rrfH HHfwg: i hhht i trt ^rr®rt ngg Trff^g f»i i faf^ntfri ftdfriftri: i

xrft: ^^vx: ^t in*n*rftwT f^irt^n: i

fw $^FTT fa *lfat HWtoirT tJ^*T W5TT 3FJ IIMII
*r^:sfa: i fW i irfi: i h: i t$: \ i yrotfa i srfarn i fa*fai: i
w^i i fa*qt i gw i f*r i irfi n i «ito i i *ssn: i sfj iimh
h^Vstt: fawr: HfrfMSl: Rl^fN *nf T^t i wtarr wr^nr Tfd f^nsrw i ffr
5#rftr wnfn wRRrfHHT%fHriTfH fwrnrr: tiftf^Tr: xrf^ i vj5«tjr i Pr ?tct
gr^wt fwr ^Tfrii gw gwraTfH fa %f*fa i fSparfimw i faR HW ^
^ «ftnfaj5Rifa ^r irrer^m i mnfafRd: i wfarcn;: g^ifaTH: ^ettoSN ^ ^Ni aiw
yTTd*nf»r «i^^^i<ird trf^f^gr f^TRr wr ^rtftr m wrfr<^
i ff’tfrr hr: ii

firat ^T^ts^t IJrff^T I

^t IpTT ftrR: faai II ^11
fivt i ^=N: i i i i ^[^>_ i i i
^?T I VS-m I fTTrrt: I ftNf I I I I rf^ I ^SnSrtrf IlM
^rf^THT TTT I ^TTHT flfldHH SR£$ ffit
f*R ffn hhj% i vgt wm wri Ri^rr I
wjrwirf^t irtot ft^nr: i%°h° $■ ?• w. m. i ^frt w«\fMi<*nif

aurfgw RnTwren i fganiwgireifi! i nfgn vrerfin a giifn i nsri a fami g **r

|*t aritfgg. i%#i° a- a* a- i gfn iro *nir%$it ar anfgg ggqaia ga faitaftrew
,%®i®M.a. $.$• i gfit ^nw^aTaTnrfgarer iR<m «mrit i fare fangt
arfar*: art Tret i nanaira Spr: i fare ng: faggTfgaTO «ifwnmSnmjf re-nrer-
sngg: i ftsnig **3$^ wrfaann: i gar fare va greg afggre reg^wr: xrsNffn
war wfW ng§g 'gg^ftaii: i_fig ng irarroi fann wain gfa $g: i gn-
trtaTfg^wTaafgeaf narfiaii: i are mnarigire^fa arsti i Trerag nr areWft: i%«w°
'o.<\%<m gfa a i ntf wii’’H"t°- m$- $• i garer areri irer% ng: i$® arr® ?. $c. 1 gfg #

?mi * #<• wM: Tjf^nan: tfhfk fW i

W tni tf^ 11$ H

vTpfl 1 * l ^ I BSfW 1 Tjfom: 1 1^i |:s*TTf?t 1 fort 1

*ri 1 ws^T 1 ^.s^for: 1 *0? sftt 1 i i ^mt^i w i us»n
arer atgitregwreriig gtg agi gm ngarr gretgarefnntfn ggi re nrfirfn:
Wire nirftr girfar g:%a inrerrefinifn ngpgare: art Tret refia gi gg nfgrer
1 *nreg 1 ngi a*tg fgatg gftfgreTgvrg 1 gggrtffi regia
ar reT<rea afr%nrre a ii^ a
nr a a#fg apt nggg gar area %g^i i i/grratjgwfnim wr 1 are gg: gig:
^7Tsrgf#nTrg%fn wp gftfgnT reran 1 i a atareni: i a a rear ait^wrret reaTfare-
yrt g^aarepta 1 ant irergg: fin: in gi TTgrenfngfgnin: i gn^WT nrertnit
ytf?arire*Hrai gig retfiatfanrert 1 garerer wait ig: renigfirregfx^irfrerrer-
refnlggafig ggr ^rifn nr i am%$nr gwnr^r: i TTfimamT^reinTi nit |a?(T i ttot
aTpti 1 are Writ <T^re«ir«Jn'rrnnTH^T^frffnTn*i3rrit nrerfait %nit nwr
Htr^r nfflit fn arfi^n: are it nrerfait gW: TroreTfifiagTre ?rer nrewit nr
a mifH aj nrai ^rerei n^fn a arfinitaT^ntnrnnnnfre fi gar i gfii n i ire%-
^mwit nr n nrifn gir anreian®^. q.i r^fn a n?Tftgn^i^nff^freiri i gfii n i m
rr aret^ ^ n itn nin: i air® <r<>. i *fn a fifig: nrreTfnwtfii gar wt giafit. fafar-
^r^rreT 1 gfai n 1 reri %fwf%gtifnftnrr a arifn gwngar wrr 1 an® §. §. 1 itn a

^t n trot ^ ht ^tfn^: 1 T?ra: mu

*t 1 m T\m 1 vf 1 1 ^t^i t? 1 «tf^: 1 trt i 1 1

i ^thro: mu

■natiHsMi^ Tffrerreai 1 aremfi crewta itmrear ar»rei% nrtn^ arrerenre frenrit

farereifit nragTgi.nr^ i f wait ftreritga naitrit ntanargrri gn^-
^raia: arragg: i ananrfn TTaifti aftareaiarnTireitiwraan itraitfgit fwrerfit
^% *tt atainalarereaitrfiaiitfa rnagat aar m arreria faait ar arret arefiRr-
^ ^ asftarret w ^nr aifinaatfa 1 it itnr givtafareaar ww: Tm’frwgnnr-
areanfirenfg 1 i gait^gmgTg artwgnnrfi afna^it atnreai agfa 1 ^
H ti

^ jHmi^hi: trt: ^nfHHTOT^wr n *tr i *rr >iimw i ^rwrfirp^r i^^

glfirftigwiyl^iatw amn i *n ^pfr frog ^i^rrawn^T^m^iTnr^: sppi: i ^rar i ^htMf;
qfrnnfr *mrn*rr n *rm»

^ IWl^TOg^NTrirr: I rRT^W ^TaftlT% II * II

*t: i i JTS^mfrr: i?r^: I’^i^snsrtw: iHi^ns^rTi?pi^T%iRii

^qw^Tigrag^Tfsrffaifq^gr fSnspft *rw wra*r: n*R$!r STvfam
f^fwf’iwfT'fr ar4t t*rf Twnni «<5^t ??wr*T ^nffaft i irnjarra i ,fnifn4if?i^4i i
fti'gfMfq^ Jr4t ^r smranr ffa gtn frsrtwrf^i: f^rn; i gf^nl ^ unft ^
fft ^Tr^n^nHPTTf^ i r. 'Q- i Tfd u

*T#t *TT j^TT^ *TTTT3re»T Stifa \ faff Tilt ^ TFRfa: II? II

i ^ i ^Tli pp*| 1*mwt i I faff^T i ^ i *Rtsfa: II?II
■ini *r*r 4*rftj «i*uPif*KM<i<i f ftwr irrrat i tw
i ^fKHjt'n «<<i»i*N*i*Hi<M 4l+H I «fa w?r fft «i<iii+n: (Md<: i t*ri
£t*n i ?r«nf^f *Plt*T ftrgnrrRf^rw *wfM*i4t<l: h

W rt T&1 *R: tpr: ^ l WTf ^ $$ 11811

W1 ^»i 1 Tprfafa 1 1 i 15^1 ^ 1 111811

t g^fr % ?r*n g*faj 1 ^wr: ^rnnf^W'r^g 1 fdw4f4ft 'areit 1 ^ anfft srtfa-
•snsrre ^ 1 w 1 ar^*rreT*i farra sro 1 imift % f^U’rre: aigfift
ff ajfw: 1 wta^rra ^ 5*fn? f^iwa ft ^ 1 11

tpr^: fawrt *F*t srfa 1 srfa wnf 11M11

gfa 1 ?f: 1 fawp i *fa: i i1H:1 sfa: i 1 1 S%faf nim

w* f^Pdr;: ftrggdr ara: 1 tai *m tw4: i *r ^ *rra ^TWTfff^wnH

f«T^fTg 1 Trm 1 n^npf: 1 ^rprt sun ^ ffTg 1 m ^
Htnf? 1 Hig«n*i u

^ni ^ 1 «Sf 11
^ i ^ 1 ^ i ?N 1 tr: i rr^ 1 f^4n: i -Hins^fr: 1 n^11
1 ^•wrrfW'i at qs4fw 1 ^4*n« 1 <sfg ^5^
^ twnjrTftnJgwl ffi vrn?JitT: wPTd: ar^Tfar: f'^fHrfffH^urr: 1 w11
stttt %fn # 11^#
ai% amftfTi fTfir4 ^wrfSH 1 *vrn?n wr.
»nra: ffTaran. 1 am%i^r4ar: 1 HfflMHHfli<i«i4«T^ ^ ^^
?m ^Tfaitd 1 apfr fft fTfir^TTfSH ^natfia4»l tgtTfn ti amt #
II ii ^

7$ ^T%^rTT *Rf ^TT*! f£S1 W1 ^it*ITO*ftf 'QZfk lie,II

^ i ^ i *F* i i *?*n*t i f?R i *fU ^ i w i i |f i
## nn
S*ro ftuunro to*tot TOf* wn ftnM wf?r i to h^tototo^jh* i ‘t
fipwif *r% %rom faro*: *ur f^wsm ft tot TOfa tot tout ?j to
hto w <»A«rwfa i wnfaur: i frof i *f tot%? ^fi% frournr sfcur i f%rorw#l-
TOUiartf: n

m fQ *Rt wri <£*fii hw sn ^ifa iffae it * ii

^1?* I'M I ^1 I *RI I W^ I Ifl^l ft I ^TR#3nTT%|
If i i ^flNH irii
? f^rronfr fttf tout to ffroT fr^ i f^nfimr fronPuimg i nffs frouro
#rora TOnfaur: ii

^ Sf* ,#if? |T3i I cR ^T sfafl || 3 ||

,^i ft i iff* i ^:s^f¥ i tr: 13RT*i i i TTr^i ft i sn i ^Nmfa i
If i sfqfa i sfN*t ii $ it
? Tphft wft ajf*t ’srg^fs i wfr tot: *rr i m tout TTfiqfoim: #

*i% ^nte: *f<^t T?^t srtc <*Rn tr ^rta ii a ii

^1 ft I rfifa: | Jisf^: | 7R: I SPIT** I rT^I ft I W I I
If i ^rN 1sfai ii 8 ii
\ frot *r% to: TTtro: tost TOTfeTO*reft tout Hfunfaur: ii
s*jspi*iN m^\f\ 1w #*TR*ftf sfcR n m ii
ffj ft i i srriN i ir: 13TnT*i i |T3M irj ft i i i
|f I i sfcw IIMII
\ frot ?r% toUto i snili^'fiTOr i to* *rg^ m tout TTfrofaur: u

^ ipnat *Rf sritI ^ i tr sn ^*mwftf wfa h$ h

H1 ^ I I TIS^rT: I tr: I 3RT*t i fRH HT^I ^ I 3TI1 ^ffoprfa I
If i ^*ik i srNl ii^ii
^ f*Wt tt% to: tott: TO^rf^tWffjf^’iur TTfffn to a # ^o #
vOL. iv. Z
II W**: II

wink ^ i W9 ^n ^ ^rhi 3fo$ n$„

^i ^ i sp: i ^i ^nfcft: i tft: i i ^ i rR^ifh^ni ^#*n*rfg i
sg i i sffai iiv9 ii
^^ TRf ^ I HW W ^*lfa libII
^ i ^ i ^i ^rel i tft: i w*t i ^ i rfr^i ft i ^n i ^pmrfa i
p i i sfcrei iibii
^ mrnti I rHT 3TJ 3^$ \\n
^1 ft I *l«frTT«^ I ^rT: I TFT: I 3PTT*$ 1fFfi1 rfr^l ft I ^TI ^TOfft I
sg i spfa i ifas lien
*T% WfTT<WXlti I^n wtiv moil
^1 ft I f^Sf I fS. I spiral TFT: I SFTTTi I I WrfJ ft i ^cti ■arforafa I
p i T^TiSn 3ft?rel non
f»m^f%Tr: it

Tiw vxj: HTT^Wt Wlri ^ITTW^T Wlbl IWII

h i xrrt: I iros^ft: itf*: i ww* i i ttt^i ft i w i ^raffti
p i i sfr# n«m
^ g*j*ft *r: vrv- wwtiwl h%«usrhm crf^fa *ra a
3FTIT$ ITHJ W wtiv 'sfN* II^H
Tlr^l ft I T|rT I ^ I I ^[ I TFT: I WJV& I p3i I TTr^l ^IWI pTlFTlft1
P I S^fal 5rfa*| IIFMI
t gwvt *rft *r*ft Jjft ^ H3Ej %?«pt»T ^w^rrarawfTu^rar qraP^wRurt+ffrer ^r^nft-
vtwrh sm Trt^m »Rf?r i tr thN *m **fr *fta*rr*r fRTOTO srreforw: a a ^ a
n aiOffl ^jt€ tr^iJ g*f «Ni<(lMi wwi 3fmT*RT*n?ntf i ^arflpt: ^tft f^jw: i
'Risw 4fm: i vss^rr TTfnifw: i ^rptfl trorarr i ^rrcft ^quqgqu^aw i^°<i 1
T^rtsttptirt^ i n«*i«hi fvi«n^f?:f«ia)nS3*i %f^Rn i ^fTwwrf^-
fwr Pi^rtfwjaf ^enr^ft^^nft g w: ^f?i ^Pignq<f 1^
^(Trawt f*nlfH^sim ^g^r: i ?m ^fn ywmg’nlfiRT^nf
«t i gntf ,igftmn®T: gfwn*n fwftwT 1f^grfw: qfn*tniCiini^
TrfMRTyfsi«iir«ifn ’siRTgf^ ^rminvr ^rrgwm i it
wftf^nnmt^rnf %a^g«iT ^T’gq«§wiKM»i*<iTni<H:T»qt^K«n
m1 flRTtw: q|^4l *rf*f%?fTi( ^T^'^fTT a ’Tff »
h rTT^: imt vmifoi 35jjnm i
HTTfft $ f?r^[frTf^m II «1 11
HI mft I W$‘> I TISHt I Mfa: I W\nkjSS$ I Sfijjsflrri I TsfcjT I
i i ^i ipftfff i 3$ I HTTSHt i § i faster: i ftritwf n h
g^vTi^ig<I^J«i IT AiR * W^nd^fnW*!!^! I gg TT^vJfnfiif^ ^Ent I JT7T?;
Uflflt WTt I | f^q^TfT^WTfWm I ?R |w | *7pgr
weft*! TW wrafr? T% %mf*pr tt^c i wg w»ft
**< ^m^f^WT^TIT^nTVm I tnfafa I f^TTTWTOFif f%^: mqfodt WTH^W*
fT*t f^ftrri i trf^snrg i »r?tj h

HWf TT^ Hufaf $ I

m ~*t f^dtfr ifpn wt $ h * ii
I *J l*pn fHfasWJJ ^1^1 HvCfat I § I ^1 I ^RTflf I
mi i f^tfa i sriftm i tow i HTTsnt i § i fa:sw£fa: i fsr^m ii * ii
f ’EfTW*li ^ ^i tt% f%fvnfamdq<a ffrg ^tt*^ i
grf: i 'srcfafw *riW i gjfri ff?njtwr gnt i^: i tr^tt? i g gj tpre gmrarrt
wwrfa Mi*^ i m mfw gtjgrNs g*hftf*r fwrfg gfrftr gftrrr srNfr
wt i gjf?r: i f*r° <ro. c. i »T?rg i i w^r g f*re§f?r: qwr^am
firflai i jr^nt ii

WT^RTO >jfd f*K$t •TTssrh^ I

ht wt fw^dfa wf^HT Hirat $ 11311
i! i I tfS: 1 hto i #: i ?r i Jjfri i fiptf: i * i wr5fN[ i
«tt i fWfa i wftm i f^H i nusrrt i g i fosnifa: i ii?ii
3<$^: 3 g?f*T h%?t i *fhf ^fri ggf *tot ^TfT*Tfw#mfiwrfTT
i RnRt wr* i Wc^g: i ^ qgigi«r^?Dgi4)viHfwRfg ^ i m mf^r mfg »fr
ggrfg gfRrfij mfg fwrfg g^rftr gfrrn ^pn tg^fTifg%?r i m»nf7r i ftregw n

^ I d: #ra iJrH^ XRt ^t: vM* 3 I

^T ^ 1TOfft g f^frrf^^ffT lltf II
^ dH I g 157: I 1I Htt I ^T: I IgI I I
^sfrf: i %: i 1^1 1 ^ 1 HTTS^t 1 g 1 f^:s^f?r: 1 f^tat 11811
1 ’SS ft w ^r: 1 ^?r gtg 1 imvtWrigrpin vrT: i
jrgnrgfgrf g^sr 1 ftwi 1 gfar»n% f^n^rrf^w-
h n

finro: i fro ajfSr: i an^aa. i ,*rtx*rr anomat wti^rts g

gqwO*^ i ftrwgw #
STOrffr WTO W* 5faTrl% ^ H fHTT * I
utfv 5*: WTO II MII
i i OTg i wro i i ^ i n i fiR i *t: i w&' i
ttfa 1 ?r: I ^TOJ I I I r* I ir4 I ^TO HMil
1 ^rFpfffi aqmmimgwi ^f% wrg »m: g*rtfrTO i fro #tot% *ftfag g a far gj
tkN atjaRRwrg: i TTtfa wrro atjami grot agfti 1 w ^ ^Rrarrft-
^ftn tot uftt 1 TsfriR il 11 11

wfft ^kwt% w Sff *tA i

5qt^ xtwi ^j^trTO^flH *$35*rt *: II % II
1 fwrciiw|: 1 iwrciip 1 ?r: 1 Off 1 1
^ITOT 1 $5| 1 ^SW1 I *J36^ I *: l llfill
% unuqtfqfa WTg 1 gTOifaw^: 1 grog: mmms]|4 aro i t^i-
*rnrolf*rai3: 1 fro ga: suaTOng *rf? 1 *srrro 1 to ^ *ftfiRT3iqtaw^ gjf ^ 1 \
argrnl *d^froT*i tot ^Ttt^t *fu<«i-gae^ar 1 gro 11

^tott TjMt <&rg i

Tpro: ^h: ^T TOT? HI il$n
S*' vt: I 3n| I TjftrSft I ^ttt 1 xpi: I €!: 1^ i *pr: I 3smW 1
ipr: i rf: 1 i rNf i ^jw I TprftfH 1 ^T1 TO? 1 *IT1 n®11
gfrot ^ft atiimrog ttto ^g ga: 1 artfrorg ^Tg 1 TOiafTroaft^wg ^t|'
tot tfmt tort irdt ga^Tg 1 tot g*rr aTaTfamfrot ^ptt tott i tot aiafta ^
w. 8m. 1 to to! ara 1 m^rraRi: T^ssfr iTRrnuTffTOi^ 1 at ^^4<ig 1 fro *n ^5^1 '
^ Rftnrant araftr gar na^?g 1 w 1 grn ata TO^g 1 m Rfaitrtrr^t ^tts
xrerf aro TO^g 1 ar# toit Rf%: 1 to0 ?• 1 Tcfa argnii 11

^ ^ TTTrtTt I
vrt?rmtT ^^-qt Tjf¥% w^j ^qt g ^ fqi h tii
’jjI^ igs^I ^I^|rl^i I UTrrtf I
vrbrt 1 msh*iq?tj vt: i1 Tjfaf^ri^niT4:i^t#i,S,^,^il
^1 ^nwTi^iibii
^ „ f: ^f?r: dTdigfirdfl fddft if g*j dd^dt i dSYfuft
^ i djft wfwt wrai ddN^didi dT dTd^T f%*h^fr i d^d: did xwzfm ^ hw i
^tnfrnt i dudddf 11 1 ffdfd ^ «siMi^«*n w d»rrdf ddri i d?cr i wr tjdd-
^ i wnwg i dd^drr ^ *r«n^dt *d?l i $ gd*ft TMdTdTgStoggsfddd
ttfTu: a^dnwuffd^ja
Wi 1% fw f^tfrT H^T I
OTT Xft$\ Ct: tjfaf^ SWT T^r ^ H f^5 ^=fT*
4*7^ II an
11% sfft i sN i fw i %: i ^fir i $ipn i
suT i i tj^ i >rtm i wt i ^i vt: i i Tjfafa i smr i xA: i
^ ?fit I g I ^ I f*fi I ^T I WTO^IIWI
flpfr ’pftdrrtddT %ddifd ^ fddrr fddi dTd dtfd i ddTfddi redded: i ^asi
dwtft *nr^ft fddidddtfd i w wdt dft1^ dx^dftdi Jiimfawfwnw? i dtfd
#rfd gddf: dTW T^fdtfd $d: n

tfAixv *n*N|Tf n wA: i

ntcrpre V5$t #: sprt 3 A £fi non
A1 fe«tw i *TT 13SM|T^ i *: i m i sNfr^i ^sjfarfTjin: i ^A: i
HtiTT I 1 I ^T: I ijfafa I SWT I vb I 1 ^ I 7* I f^51
I WfTRfl II <*o ||
U t?[ ddHd i fdi i dt ddTwrfnRdt^wrS i dfjd$TdTd?d; dtTdfatdtTdtfd i
fa i vi: w i dust i daftdTTdrr wrfadiTdT dfd^: i ddnfagfddfd dtarfarnift i H^m-
tdarrf^ dd ii n ^ n
^t ddfdfd i ifrtrrw d«rr^d drdd: i wwwd ^fdf wmfw i
’’Jrf^d: dd didd*: i dre*fNd«ft d# ftiBT d^ipt: i wfipradWdwrrfddTOt TTtr.
^rwrd. d dd ^ddT I dwr ts[: i w drorcdTfd: i dd: ddrnf gwvWffdmiTd^jft
^ i dtd it *dt Tdrert dtaratrer ^nn i mn dT^fd i w
^n^drggd ^d^fdicmifdd^d^wi'^ q»nd<jBng wr dT^dt '
^vfrffddTSddmdTdT larand^Td. dWPdT dldailiOTfT^ ddft ^fd

3R i ^T=i: nil
^i i s#jvt i Tn^i^TT i ^ts^iT i i fw: I II s II
T<Tdlf^(i{r<flWT TTdTd dfdfd I dd dMT^dt dd ddtR^dg^lfd^ddTdd? | drfdddT: II
d% d%fd f^d! I «fWd ddiTW ddSTT’ II dtfd dd I ^ddfir dTftdTdT
?npn^pgddd^fd a dT^t ^fd d7l: H»rd<a<: a dtfm dd i ddt iddRTC fwdt VTTdd: i
u ii

vri- i i s»w*wfafaw'$: i finr i ’nft fwi jfa twill c*^.

*h<,«r i^p5: d

sre frfafarj T$ I flrctfff H ^ II

^I^Tfw I fSTSWfrbr I ^ I faS^faiT I I I ^TrtNSxtfrf IR||

crrrmfc ttcr fantaR ’JTfwf w?rrt i f*Rftrfe$ve47 i ^ i fcefec
wr*ft fcfsr: i ^<i<«4Trk*iiHjliifH«ivR w%TR#7RPRRf Tnft e$ *r i *rt i
snj: 1 w fcefec 11 ic«rr 1 trr° $. 3. a. i ifn «h»it egei 11 crefc cm erce u

*lt IRWfm ^nfaiTOT 1 ^(TlihO^lFpT 113II

v- 15Rhx 1 ^fftn^s^r i s&fwsirot i 1 sh 1 ^nhfh^ i

f*TT Ill'll"
etiwrfmfcrR Rfeftf^j<TRf?ra^ ertTrane fwfe 1 m;urRq<ftwfr 1 c *c t *fpT»i
fe? VI l *R I cetTCR l wftx: etc: 1 erjprR I wrfe eiqcUqiURflqy: ^,
WWRRft ei^TfwftcTf rspJ: 1 fe 1 W etvftc 1 ggrq^: 11

I tH 5^: || 8II
^i^^:i^l^R^lHi:pftlir#l^st2liiix[|^ii: 11811
W srsm^^Tfs trt erf R»5ftrr trw^i ir\5% i ctftr: *r 1 TTTRfwn;
*rrnft ii^Tsrf *r i feftwa^r crrt «[RTf^^nr vcrr: PTTTWt^^yrvf^^tan
*r*ffif 1 tr eftr frfc^sn: ee ccet fw^iww^ ccfr f^ctc ’jsfft w w^ifg^:
*ra: gfRct «Rfff TRRf^^rt »R<flf?i IR: 11

ii VTO I ^ ^ II mi
ii 1 mr 1 1 ?tfsirt%3 i f^rs^n gif 1h mi
ij^rref 11 TRcf&iwnft- vtxr i ft^ffa ^ f^rfc wr ^ ^ ’Erect ^nfM#iei*rf?r
(R^e esi trrre 11

tow 1 *ntswf: 1 srcft ^frt 13*% i ttf^m i insffa; i fa i snpfr

srfa i 1 1 ^rqtfa: 111? 11
si*itiHimuaRCT comfort »mtTTrerR eftfir 1^ Tww<wfll (wwwKift ’ffiHP**
eRTf^#t fefjRr^wrfmt vRTrrrr^ c?ft cfarewRRqt ftf*m <tfg<i^«dT gefe 1 ****
T% 1 wr crt feerR e#RTTvet't^*Re*rT»ii»M<inRnnari g^Rrrfe f*rwc f*nrrt *i*‘
ewt: 1 r^rc d
it n

m W fVrTRT ftffaTgTT^I ^ TH* IfltfM ,IS||

ifa i m i fttff I %: I IISII~
** 3ft ! ^fa'i *rfft: ^pf 'smspnw i ^nrar w f^inrr
jiiii^ftfft i *pv1rwT$ i iwfa:iifftvtRr5fftHr*rra[5ifftfa i wflujf i ^ra
ffltni ftftfa i i
W- w tt*t gifansnsft *fhmpmrfH i ftxipwfft ftuft* n
i ^rvYr^f apt ffmSrn«
g4vft wlft^T *r wm: I gjfr ftftrcft: 4Wr fftfft* sfft #
*nftfft ist% ^vtr^TTi^: i iKUnfrPiffoi *ph?r: itfftft $fft it
^p5TTO ftWl VTWR ft i 'a. <^oa^-^o'S§. i i;fft u
I to* ftm I wi ^ggPNfw^i i *fttft ^ 4*nf^rr
^4*11*1 ^ ** *nftt w*f M4i<S«ii m^**Tui ^rfowrvft i nftff i nr*r*BE i fftfftfft i fft*N?
ifift: tott*. i v*r t* ^N'nft i ft fftftmrrnr gftvt ’sft ii ii ^ *rr?mj fm*
#n<j^fft*n5,5pj?r: g^rnrufftfft TO*ift i 4ft m*rnmT <£:fftrm: 4n: i fftft s*nft n

*rai y* ^?wt ^r^f?r wrfa ^ i

pT ft wft *Nrftft ^ *pfts^ ^fT?rTtrT% libII
*rari i gn i i ?reifft i irs*fa i ^ i
‘sfcnftft l^np^fl ftfft»3SrfT?SfTtrTft lib II
,wr *pr *rw mft*r *nsifft wvfft vwra i ssfftfft trr^rw: 14ftft ft
flftl nfftvntfft: i fftwft i sfhrrftft 4**rre *r »nsrft *rwro *r wt ^rfq ^nfTsmuft
iftinifni ii ^rfftwrfft: u

^ Hft ^pIRTn^WrO'^ I
^ ^vr ft ^ * *pfts^f srfTSrrtiTft lien
*{Mt i i i i -sRWrfN; i
pI I ft I *?ft: 1sfcnftft | rT | *pft I wit 'Sfft I S&fTCSflfaft lieil
I ftrsgw II
^l4t 15fHTri% * Tp%S^ 11^01|
?*TrU ^ I I ^S^t: I Tpt: I HP 3Wt I I^I I
^nqt ftfrf i srfmrrfr^ 11 ^o 11
^^iftflRrT it

*nf?r ^rsrafir 3$: i tfHfrfow 3t ft vh n^,,

^TH: I ^ I *qflT I 4^1 wtf* I 3*1: I HHM I WW\ \ ^ i sfo,
H*rg i ijh rtf: ii <m
^TTirt qi^wlnTwin'^wm mfn i Jregffr i ffer ^ Trefn i ^gni»r«n<iT ifRffffr ^,
f i tpt ^ T*»: vxi srcrhfrn w*§ n

sp? 3 pat h4^T3*t 3 wptptc:: i 3 f*ra*N^ts*i fwfrbrcN: n^u

srh 3 i ptf: i *Ff s*n3 i w*i 131 H*t^SrR: i wi i $ i fp^s^: i
i tos^lfwsN: ii «K n
’>?»r?n 5n4T?r*ft *wqi*i wwsffa ^pjfa
7T^n?r i Trerra % usPr wrar: i *rareT*u ttoto $ fsfr Rrsftro* qFteftjfa^ mw-
^^Hnw^T^rRWPrWr ^nr i'm fSFrrfwnN’r tfnw*N: i ^nfr sfara *pj7*nr i^pS: n n^u m
ifcRttpfo^ i Jarrfnnf^ n*ro f* *trw •*nwT^f^rr^ i
^ ^wtRc ^^tRi i ctot i ^r»wT ^rrrrfw »n*n%f<8> *rmt
7rt^f?Ta tpag trgsgRr wt wre v( ’t*i$faUi
<3pr ^frrro frtft^RrwT ft^faPr i w *=. <*• i fpr # ’^i^cftwww i % »rm
ggreff wt *=rmfr PrcTpsrafUsrft^ai f^ ?n?r*mT%73m*m fwiwqqffon^firaflqfawife
i^« m° M.<t8- ii rm »rrm%f^t Prrrem: fqg^mftwmw fa »nsr *rfa »r *fa?raT-
i sr *r fa*Pfa »n»fa i ,*rPrw- pjfn 1jitP-
^Pr&fa ^j?*r ?n?Rf *rrft *rfwr an: qigqqisHit«T^T<ji?fiPT Pnrr itf*7TtiRrw *nflw-
araar 3&r. ^MfXqmsi jffai^ngraffa qR;qw»i i % *r aajjiwnntfm
trrt Jmra *ffaw vrr§: i * *r n^i gftyiwi wr W
^tT^t ,3*rre sttww *nj$WT*i *rr HfijfSwMftu * *r niffafa sws^i
?rff ST^nn ^ fw^ *if# *tr: fMfl«4flM*u<i« ftnn »rra |ft
»rm i^?r »m fwraftf^f?r tnifm i Tnfr ^rarWrt p: pfr »rr«T%f^T^
^ »rm wi^Tf^igw 11 w^rrw%^ ^ %ri s^amr s »rnn%fp i^#*?■<
^arrf^rnm*? 'anr: i n

fS%5n ut ^ srarWrreml i
^ROT *T^2I ■Pnrtl *TI%ST: tjilrq^ m II *1»
^ i ^n i fli i 3^s^tt: i ^ \ ^ i *r*arf i ^h: i i
^r*nr 1^nn)ited i^i^tr^i^*pf$ i i ^n 13* 1
vi<na^^ w ^pn fr^
hh^«i fwro ^fH ^mfw w?r«i nn^T«iRi\«t ^ *?
»mt gifrrcnr *mr RrnrT 1wrr^> ? p%?T yrRm?^ y^mrr htwt^
i tRi vnfo w^ifinsfn i i%
iMo.VM.vW ii sroftsT*: ii ws

q^n ipk I I gmwri wnt towtwiW; H

h ?5T7n^ 3*rfa i
^turait J|Nw*[: sjt^t h \h prifff ii * n
W i ^ I ^pn4 l yqfc I i : l $: i 3[fa?ftF i %f^ I
i ’gN^rSrm-1 i rT \xti: i fFrs^ifa i fi^ii^u
« *«jiiTO#t *3wft ^Pr^rjrt toh^tto ^wrra iruft to n
ggVfsfa: wfq wp^¥^W^ i qftftraqTnj tot^-
fafefmTfronfc i* «H!nmitp<.fl arfaronii^TO qre}ifrm\fyi ?rmprr i>m-
m. <«n utro i g^TOipsniNaTafr ^w*ftism^*mwr i w w.
fiiTO «*r T*f«5f«itfwftaVw *mm «jt *mfw wr fthm. i itfwrf»rar^: i w i a#frtr-
wrtTTTWT ^ TOfararfrot: agfn: frrcfl i
sfr^rcr X7f 'SfqT^wnmrW am iTRrffl Ufa*, i TOTOrrcnfaaft i

*Ft rf ^ fw^T for: srart cR'qt 5FFT I

m *t: II? II
M: i?ri^i1f?pri%t: i^rtiy^m i^rrn\
inn stftfa: infas^: ii ^'»sfNta I wsf?^ i«? 11
\ *pri *nft n am ^ tot amfaaai iftnpn^ wrfn TOraefn v? ?^^t-
iftg froi: ^frg: wr nxp%*i amsifTO prr ^fanr grot at^ft aigai: toto: 1 ^{*r§TT
gfaap?ip arror qtfftf ngw am anhft sr$Tf*Ttg#f*r^Mta
1 fa *srr 1 w«rt f% ^ifguj 1 tgarfwtfaifn faf^tsnfc1 mfii ar^am*^
f*^3 *rg*r: awro: gait to ^ftrc^ tow 11

f*5i ^FTf^HT |% «ri 1

^rf S| ^RT iTW ^4 ^prWT ^W^rT^ll8ll
f*in 1 *n^i rfti 1 1 ^H»ti 1 ^rtm 1 11% 1 ^T1
%T I ^ I ^ I ^n IJTHI ^ I ^r 1^^Frist I ^TI ^ I ^^p*f#T$%ll« H
crajrr ^n<4q<T^M^aiqiifiq iftg f»mf?t 1 ^t fwiro T^nTfvf7r?7fhir^: 1
to 'awrfTO fnrw 1 w^iT% 1 f^rt wrm ^nrrro ^r«Nr jrarrarraniRr tori
TOtw^^ TT Jft I ^qpl I TOttRi %iW ff^TO I ^ *> ’STW mj

VOL. iy. A a
qst « it [n*b.u» *.*•**,

nftte 41<4i4^faug<^fOT *j srof

f^W^T ^fa $%TT ^^fTTR^T IIMII
Ufa* i i ^ks^ril i f^i ^sfiwrf i g i i sri i ^nf?^i
i rn^i w i i ^i i i ^n: i i ^tIt iiqii
w i<ri$d *r*PfT^g[: Tnrmfafr^tmfd i *ro Jreruft.
r<.«g^c((!.m^<^i? ii fa*raw*r: n dfadrtf i*^d tsp}: i ^"^d^rar 4Ht »fafa mi%n: *%
ufadwrafa. dt;d>{gfad iRmfimtranf f»rf^rm »raf wft fad* w ffd“r ^
i Wffw i Tf^m i gd^d w fffn i *4d yf^<fS i w*rofd gwdrfaw ^pra:
dd; i dft?ir t*: i dl^r: dfdT*n: dridTOT ffarj: iag«u: i ddirfadfa: i dd HsmrfddTgjpwr;
Rfafa ii r%: fafa —« i R«i4TRfWn!g*: i ra^f iffdrwrvrraf^i-
fawpd Rnrdprefadfaf is® wt® 3.^.1 ifa msntf # ii^ii
JM faifft $W I
^^f4^*ffi Hfarr fafaik 4t^r ii % ii
wt i *n^i ^ i ^d4^i i i i ftnrft i i
*RRSR |\H: I I faS^rTt i *n^if i fasftfa; I I fa#i[ II III
drm acdfa gi^T% fadfa irsmnft fwi ffad^dfa fafa dT i f^dfawiR ifa f?
ststo i *r«n dah^Sridfadd^ dfafa *nffa ^rwdf ^twt?c fa^pfomugj w^rfi
»nn*m^T x;dt ^r?g: i Rdiqdt i fa gtfwrfafa ddT$ i fa*nft i Jnrrofw
^rr^ft dgfa^l wt ggsd^i drr^i 4t»rt fafaaw^fawfa: i ddt d?[ '3dm *dfa:»

farTT W^\ c^t^pfr^T #5F?n^t fa fafai^ I

^jwfs^FT^^t giTxri fafa^ II $11
firm i ^rt 15%?rt i srfas*^ i Tsrpn ftrt: i tfssRRra: i fa i ftNj
^ s^n«i: i i i^t: i ^nwf: i tcfa i ^Hsx?f i fa: i whb^ ii«#
fam mrmrM'q^i ^rf ffadt f^ngpre drfwd. d^fafad w ffa*rr «i
daumd: 4*i^*n*r: irarprfdTfariRfa Ttfadt fa fa^<l I faftdnroffa i di^w’f ^
frfad %dm$fafa stot i^°dT° ?• i d^faV ^tr: gwrwr: gds4wt *rr ^
i fa d$$fa n^Tf i dWfarfa warr^rfad ?nnrt uro ^
fardel i i i*rcrdT^rrf*m ^wr di^rsw^d fafaww fwfa: n

mzj i
«trq^T * m ^5 ^ spp* Hbit

i ii ^ i r i i ^wi^i i w^i ^sn i ^ i ti^i ^ • ?,s^fTT: 1

«t?^l I *T l^f^in I ^TTS^ mi m: I g I H I I ^ lltl'
»TOHtswi: n
^fin^T ’cmfil jtt f»rdv*W g^r: 'mwpfii i * f pr
„ yfa i% i? g *rg%frnfrnry| #n% %»wto:
I a3q<r*pn*ftg**fo i^TTOrot
sjf^ftwr ^fwP$T»ri »raf wg®5 tr^rfa «r i * stflr i w^-
I i »> *n» *frrfaron *rr ’sfipCtfa^m: pa»: ^fr »r
| ^i * guflftwiirrti h

^ff: irarot * to *%**: i

qftkta to s utIt s&n IIQ. II
rajihiiTrs^rr^t: iisrftiihito:i^ttii
sfam i |»t i sftrn i ^?t i ^ i s: i v^t i sri i i ^rfas^ n eii
qmtmf^rr ^i ai1w«n*»* ?N i
*rnr^ffi i ^ ^fg: jw*it wsrfn *nfff*r®rprpforpr»sgffl i ’BfTOTf?piw*rn
sttoit *r tfrsf «Ow?f»r i irftv: i TTfrorStacp; i TnrFrofrf tori fa*ra»fr Ttwfffiq
ft^c i TfWT «t?T ^tiftrftwT *rf*raT i '37'rw: i ^ WTO tfa: sf»nn
5r% i g v<h to to *pt vtto ^rcw: ifUft: hwt *1%* *pftg*rerfTOf*npn x^:wg-
ifcri *fftrr ii
TOR *i*n TO ^7T ^flip^ I
fe#Tt H ^TO^TO!!# ST^iTT IISoil
*rej i ^Ri*rt: i tor i to^srt: i to i i tos^R i RTO; i
fis^TO i^ i ^4i nfa i$!T i«ij: isrefTOirci: iTOjm i§gro: non
*rwr ^nc^: i »r«nTO»n*i ti-anqfaHai*iPiw *r^ % m%g tototo *ra
'3fem% to: i n wi TO^ft ^ Tftei totot: wforraT: TOnnf-
i ^qfrrcffowpflwwpi i htrt: i w i ,«*gfw ^ ^jfS
{fro: wnsm gw: w^rofarfa i wraHTrrgfawt: *rfrf®T 3
ifTOt jfW ^mf«im'< »TT«ri|ffof^ ^img: ^im: ^fwrtffiT: i
^i«n«ii#r<Rr tip to tp «iaun»ma ^Bf^psr Tfl» i % ^iHjfl1<w«i^WTf*i <raift ^
!Wl B^ll

^^Rt: tRt TOffl|OT^ I

^ TO^rNjt vi ii *1*111
^ 1 ^rot: 1 *n?r 15^: i xpii 15T I'trf: 1 TO 1 1
^ nn^i ^ f^si: 1 ^ns^nHtT 1 ^‘.s^n: 1 ^ 1 ms 11
r ifhi toi«t: ^<t<WT *i4l«it *rot w • mWr 1
^ ^^p^rnj | TOPTt TTvt firroiT'fyT^i gv^l i i
a. a 2
Sto II II [lPb.VS.*o%.

^ isT ^ wumqwijif 'wgjron.i *t*xf t*w:ji xrw$mn:,

«rcft«r*j?mT*r i ^ft^tivn 'aftmmT *rt: tro: *rpntflro i «<£><«* i vwt^-
snsm i ,vf»n^ft ^ ?rat 'i4TO«ii<ftaiiSUym. «n% *j TOn^ ^
i^T #wW «h«iu? ffn ?l fipft ffCT^In i^° srr® *• ^ <*• <*•1 Tfa n
xp^T xjfq^T ftxjrTT pfrft sfxftft pitf T^N: I
xraftgrn ortt^s^t ft^ ft%fe ^ft-q^r sj ussu
xt^t i xn^i xrai i fts^m i «fxra i sft i snftfir i wztft i Txhtui i
xmt: i ^gsnu i *nrc^: i ssr^t i f¥sr i ft^ft i sftxii i ^ i sj 11 <rh
^sntr^r ajrtmx;: wr ^prr i i %*r frgm f*rg*rrf*r afusrprrfw ^
tj^TfviTi wmn. ^rr^: i armfrartf: i fffT ?nftfw I TWfti fafaf* i nwfr
TTPfr T*wrrd n#rtwwi^ynfini»T arafsnu i w i xrfjiW arr *rm*rw i %-
mm^jfufrrer^r i aftfr anrni f*ra ’fr^ qfirftTMtf ^ i
i ^ifi ^fg i 'arwrrftfa i wtf: i *^spsi ^nTfUgrxwmTafa
aftv«i ^TRfTf ?ra: nt»i<n*i®s[^i *m*rf^f* n
cffty^ trftwRt OTRapg ftft^ I
ft xpTR H^ftrTTR^T ft^BSTTrTCT *J^T ^ US?II
rTrfL i 3?U ^ I ^3J i xrftssifa: i ^PJpT 1p i w: i xrres. I ftfaw^i
ft i vjuij^, ^sxrftm i i ft^i ^s^nrT^i i jjit i xj^n?n
af%T<Sa 3 trft^ipr: trfrtff aifcrRT: ^iw twjUwpu JWJprf
jttps?*u g* g^frti ^rrf^TTjTftrr *ar^a: xrt^fKgrT «rr^i 1%f»T<i3»u 5^«^i fwm
^#<iwr»rarerrgw piranra wftni *n$ f^i i %far i asmfii^r
*ro jj?t 3fT*rt afrftm <rf^ n
wl f XTTftrT xift \^n: ^<Wj ^ ftxuro frft^: I
^ftf ^Tfltrf ^trTTV^ IlSBlI
H#r: i|i rTp? i 'SirT i x^'i^t: i i ?Ti ^ i ftrswft ifts^i
^rft: 151 xrrtf i i wrrrs^r^j: i ^ft i i ffa: i ^?T^i i ftnt i
^rrifq ^ jttjt ? ^rm 7T%^r: fsRW Trflnr ’TOr ?Pre ^n%rer ^
trr: «f?r % ^ ^n Tithf f»T%f: i ^
^Trrfq ^ an^^T wnnnj^ armT*rr ^ «rnr i

wfw m mia^Tm^ j(>Tx:fg^ »fr« wiwtarm *f>* i ^«

HIT H ^5t«rfxtxTHT ^??nft5 xjift *rsH^ I
Wx!!T % ffrfliw ft^ *11^11 W
it it

3HIWTI * I f®r I ^ s *nrt i i 3g i i^i

I TStnjT 1 | ffrTSfl^^T I f^J I ||<W||
gaTft ^ % fs[ *rr if! flfwft i ’ftcff *i iTrerflt i w qo. $q. i
tf?r f? i ^r4*i<ii »rrewT^f%^ 5* *pr$ *rnmr *r
U* I RsrftNff* *ng wun wwt
mr *renfjrf?rafa: n a^c#
m ^rTt TT3lt ^ W wm f^ltefiT |
$ ^^HcTWWt $f*T VT ^ II ^11
sra i ^r:»THri i ^ i ^ht: mot: 1 ^ 1 fid: i wpfr i ^s% i
W I ^TCfHrT l\^^l W' I wfif I tftr I ?TI 1 I II <^ll
tw ^rr: frwn wr ^m: i ^iwrf*: I f#*J f*nft f^rtr f^Rt
farnnfsfr tt ^%g^f wr?fr ^matv^r: «fn m ^ Trtfn i snroft
ufirf^i i * sta: *?wt3 jr! w. s tprrf^f sftqforcnw m
sstrarw i iNto( i ibttt: i %ft wnfW sr*pwr wr^i^Tfr
i^T Tnarr’^sj^ h gwpp^wT^: ii

fl^fHT^t puj |
*lfr^T^T!!T ^ IIHSII
w i fis^: i %W i OTt i i *nj i sref»pizf i
i ^i fMrar^nT i ^ i i ^rifa: i ^m41 ii wii
sfWw mrfam i w i fqflwfT ffw^T-
’’Tf: i *nrr t?rRt srrsrafufa: ^^wwjnt fafrnmf $?$

^ €tf?t i ^t « ir^ffl’srnrwr^Rnt mttfn ^ ?mmT^tiifMr«i|T!TO«rt v&-

5^*raftt^tri ii

*% W fWVT ^tifH H %5=hl I

ST 57TM: Tipi flfq^T mtll
>Hs^: i i f^j i ^ i fini sin: i i ppfw i n i ^N; i
^TI I TTl1>J: IXTtHT I I ^TI Til I rTr^l ^TI I f^l II ^ t II
I ^j^fqTnlvi8i»»^»t wr^t TTgpg: I wr<f»i pi^: 15ff^:
^ ^rm^r ?l ?r* ^jtt i^w ?pa: i ^qaayt ^fn i imWt i
2^^ *T^: *fTJn%f^r P^wf?r i wiwm^
^ii^ia^fvwi y»irtvtt^myprf^fr«inrtRi^TiHm*^turan.v
Sbe u il [m° b.^°e,3<>$o.
Tqfn i imqlw i gftflapfl: i qifq %wn$: i an *frquqrTqs qqaTt^gT wrfwfffenqrr qmrTf^qqn-
fwtgmf% i §fq few: i gf a-rHaiffomi *m qqrr^mt qifim qrfTnmqt gjqr
i 'm \

qmq i vrt amTfjffiq qqmqqpnq: ahta: qfqsre T?fm *rqfw u

*4 it 3 3ra*tfa? sf: i
fonsn ^ v^t^fwrwFn11 sen
f4i it I *TTfrt: i sg i it i ws^sf 13$ i $ i^3t: i 3*4 i safe* i *$: i
ftssn: i ^ i irimssn: i 311^4 i3Si4g: i sr^i *t4*i*t iiemi
arrerfam qn*l *rrf»r: qq-rfipft i wf^wr^r amq qnqfvm
srqtTi i rm q stout i *t m qmrt q qiif^w tfq stout i usTfqrsiqfr % *m umgqnui
^ |rr q>7mm wst 51 am ^tjttt: i qmnpflfqi art: i fafer qqrf^rn^rw-
f ttt qfrtasigi i qrg i fqurr fqsT wrqr suram: arsmr wm: aroqdta a®q:
qq*i1fqm: i 3g: ffi^qTTT arrHrfarqrr sTreman^ *f<5«$nq i ^<fr? i q^q^qf^nfr #

snitg *$t ^frr f33^f*^*ST^ i

$hj4 *Tm neon
3t4 i w§ i *£: i srcfa: i fprrs^t i ^?4 i etfiT i i 34to i
i ^1 vfiH: 1* i I ^urcj i fwi I %S*[4 I I *Tr!T neon
wmaj q7T¥g firs *fsff fwm <\fw*nq faMfM«ftqtuiqf*faT
q^MTg^ qinnqmfamfimifqqq agfs i srswt wsfn qwnS i *ra q*rffque»STqjqT
firg: tMHi: %%q *ri ifter qf*w fart fqqra apaag q«Ni anTnrfq:
$7T I qfT UPTOmTO II R *«. R

^T3T *TT3 ^TTTfif 3RT3T ^ W*I 3*4 I

^3 f? **4 ^(dbi^^i 3Hft g-frrtfif: n *e n
^t41 Tire: i i 3*1rot: i ^ i 13*41 f%f^i tni 11^: i
Tgfii i r41 i *r: i i413T^i 13^ i |R<il1
qw qqfa qra f^qglw^ qgg«a arttrer qT i qnwqt fqlfsr: i tfW qiwiSl^sr q^n-
qqqlqiqr: ’^Tqt qm: i qqr i qiq: qprq: qiqrn: qw<1wn: ^^l^MWfTT|^1^
tn^: i qr^ vnnqqgfq i ^ ggfqqr: *jv»nft w i ^ i q’tiqnqfwnfiisl; qT^iqqr?1
w qrorer i qra^i^vqrsFt i tto gw am fjmfq: qjfqfH^ i q^%»
qrqqrq q*5n ffq q'Of^qi f*i^sis R

sro rtffy firgr^wi^ tt4 ^ 33bn§: i

3 3T% 5^3t wftfflf neeii
ii ii

sni i ri 11? i i TOI^ i qg: i TT^ i qsqi* i ^Ns^T|: i

V& I q 15?: I I I ^^:~i ft i ffpq: I wfoff 11 ** 11
11* w^rr amm fafir i amftff i% t* «nWV iftror
3<h qflfinwnfoinam *r i % fftat ffw Tn^rsC * WTP>»nPwft<%fft<nwT:
amift ^ #
m ^^t^TRTT Htmnnj: *FTTft ipg: i
faq: fa: s fttoi qqq vxi q mb^t fafanq ir?ii
m i ^i uro i ^s^fr i *rtgj qpg: i i qpg: i
f^rri: i fa: i w> i ff i ipi i qqq i tni i q i Mv qw i qftgj qmq ii *311
1 ttsthtt '<w*n*ft ftrmwt w^ir qawnjft amqugftBt wn^ammi wart ancasj:
wtj## am: aRTt w^fn arr<% affafir gr^tfnw mrrm i fating i antTgremn atfmmt
aim ajfrrfm^n. 1 WTm fmft *rmi%f^ wniifwwf %: ftanmt a^a1 aag 1 ftfn gmn: 1
fat mN w a aa<r 1 anaig 1 amfn %aiafaa:«: afa amafaanaia Tmnrr% 11

m\ fata ^It q«n \4rr f*| ri^g 1

qpgtm ^pCHlt wbwz ApS IR8h
1g1 1 fato 1 gH1 gut Kfa: i fq| i w^i 3i sfft i g i
qpg: 1 TO I I *F*: 1 fak 1 q 1 wft I *fau 1 q I 5IH! 11 *8 11
wn aaui ^s artfn 1 arom *j fvnra %ami sraiNi *prr iraamr tt mwga
wrf^rsT 5#r tfi% f«rf?r% afa aw ganf an faTamrta'Xan: ’ftfft g famfrafc 1 arramt 1
man ^fWranfWtiafri^ arnna fg: ga: 1 wirara anra: 1 am iranraw: 1 ^ aaw
forgifa 1 fiom^wr: ^ft aT «af% 1 aaammar mat a^tirotiiTO n|im wafa11

mguqreft ^iq gqft 1

*Wr -rfmjsi fot: mRhfr mg^?qq«rft irmh
i 1 1 1 1 1^i 1
fwi 1 iwifatt qsf^: i ^fsi^ 1 mg: i gi^i h ii
? fflaia^uft ^<ft^aafr: ipSro wrts warm 1 wjt 1 gwfr: wan an^ wm
*nim to ^ | ^ anmrmwaT*r«r§: «taaiT»ftm w wtat %aft 1 arfam. w# ft%
ftw fwafww»m^ fSnctifarw wrW: wftm air ampftftr
3* ^ ^fT%^ ^wr^: 1 ar?T 1 a»T*n*i3T^art ajftf*nc 1 ’jjffa
^ vpft art amr immt wmcftr xvi 1 w 155T 3^ nftwr Hmrnta mg:
m arm ammt apa namsftnnpi. 1 ^ntl fimwap^n?l ^fflai^ ^nm,i mmcg #
U8 n « [3T° t.3t°

^rf ^q§rfw »
s: i"»pOT?f: i m$U: i^fS^ \ i ^s^j: I \ gs^: i

%qmf*Kqm*i fqg: sftaWvm w msw mft<«r®HHwfa;w »wbt awwirw aj%w ^i:

^rwarnr: ^r^rtN. i mim i wifthNtf»rwm*n%: mrftft ft q fa ^ i ’rasfwfn Sft: t
?tfa fw i m?r mau4qfwarrm aft: mrat jam arrarf ^fa i wnrrftr wtrftotf: ti

H ^ tnf *T3RT qjr ”^W ^rT^I I

% ^rrsrf ^fNht fMwt ^ tot f*i^ni<J ^h^ct: 11 11
?* 13i if# 131 I^ I i *gt i^W i I i
^ i ■*&&*( 13?#*th i f^is^rl: i \ i to i f%s%mt: i snjjt: 11 *$ 11
wqqfaifaaw ^twt% i % wwm wswt ^mwt |m: ft i w tfft few: i wft *rtf
aftjqUWffift TWWTW WWtm: *faraT fT I W*TrT i ft W ’fUfPlTWt Wlf TJTWm
fmfa: <amrq*ymw fftfmi apsfcm am: i ft w fmrajTT: i wrmmftaraftertffm i sipi
fftft7nrt arm fftfftarn;: m »rmr i ft wwtm ftfft wa^rm it 113011
ft^Tftwr wwnfa mfr mf famwu
^fTT mmUTmftf
far;fftft qmqtft ft^Tftm*Tjr M*«wf^aT*n^i8*n8wwi Hwwtjamw: u

trm fmwfftft ft^r ftt ft^*?Ufftrw warn; 1 fafaft mnf Mt »

anagnw nwi faniMaarwnswwi w: 1 wamft arrwrarrwt fmftft wTfftqMfft 11

?nr ft qftft&m^afatgmqiTftwm fmftft fir 1 armwf manftffomTtf 1

warm: 1 ftmmifi 1 mft fmft 1 araaft anfr^mft 1 wwaffamrnmRpft 1 ^fat WT*rft ‘ 1
fftguj wrf^r: wf fftft ftfaTwt m ^mrr t mraft 1 ^g^nwiq wnwq
^Kisu^i ^pt agftft 1 wflMHtafomwT: 1 ?rm Miqw^ 1 ^ q^wi<snwT: ^*r«i^i
RggjTr*er^wrmwt»ta|gjft armaft wwtim: wTM^T»i^fnftf?T 11 ^ ffw lfn(^f 1
^fmr w 1 'Ogfwft mrapftwrwT ^ 1 wr# *. i-1 tf?r n

ytsffircqt wfH h ^ 11
^1 i ^f^rrnn 1 ssran: i \ *u?r 1 ^*frs«# 1 ^pp? •
\ \ ^ifnw 1'%} f i nfff 1 i TfpT^ i ^s^3?5 ”^11
Tjoqo. 31° M. II

»rr»rpifgr: «gwwgui?iJ *vmnm*ifiiMru»lw *ri nfirgi^a *nf jhjt-

ircnftf* *T**nt_i Tfafraf^tgfa^^g^ ’TWRtfgs spifn % jtptc-
fj?f7t aigcjllfl+iRw *HF B^*ft ^iMO^’nlUMli'jtiKm ^ WWTfHffTr: i ircrr
vmT i ^tpf wfifrr ff^r ^TOurn toit Suffarr*-
irmftr ytfcig^ w rfaqni ^ TTTffiRRmwJif «^rw«n»isi ^Trcfir^ ittht: ^ h
jtr*I 3iw?m srarrsN i **ift%f* g*nm: i ^wh'iKRuia: o * *f3n*: ^
fr g*t«i l|rerrr|i ^=ra: gTOT $ rf*irr: 5t gWgnliJNifl imr* jpft: gf
*ri uffl gwifta i Trf^gin^i i *rfa rfn *nj rTg ifKsii4)f?i tr$ i

T\ ^T^qrTlf %ft ^ |

^ irfrT ajwjfhr *n?re grow «* h

^ i ^sw^N; i ftrrt: i i «p^ i i srf4^ i ifami i ^ i
i saftw: i ij i i aft i i *pft i ^swro: irii
t rffircr: fwfu^rNi ftgg?u ^ ffaf ^irrara ''TfiofHT'nrt **g vRi^nu^
TKf^flTr^m^nrc^ i rargjfa i sw *rof: i
qw w*n*H»i «w*iMttfK*<g^f*ign. wwi ft g^w mj?rf^rjng i

v ?n?K ft i

^ nft Jjwsfhr m*4 ii 311

*I I 35 I ^TI I ftft I 1 Tjftftf I JITrft 1 ft 1
^Jnrpsfg 1 sjflro?: 1 1 1 aft 1 i wnr i g$Thm: 11 ? 11
^ rftrr: % wn wtr *nug?lr *r%*t fgfa gji gj jR^fnrf^nftf^.
Wnnnt f*N *rr?rt ^f«nff Htwnfrgrfn. ^ g^r«f
n ^rarnf^c 1 *qninqnw<: 11

m Trmt ^ ff i]| \^\ i

lift >]«dft HT^ft ffimi 11811

**1 1 ^ft 1 1 t 1 jj| 1 ^s1^: 1 1 ?n^i 1
1 siftw: i t. 1 wq 1 nft 1 ij«^w 1 uprr i ^s^w: 11811
^T*rt grr gm ^nrati^ff^n^r grift ^ ^nr-* *ti »nm »rn:n%fgT.
rt fwrrt ^ p»j5i ^ wnii wft ngfit i <rrm ^ gflw i rgmff®
^, “ g ^ 1 Jirm?mwTWi r»iwTtr: * ^ g^w gwin® **rcfg*| i Tgnft-
^ ’’t1^ *»t Jifn g«iftiT 1 rfn^iftiT»
TOL. IV. B b
H n
w w i ft srfft W ^re# *rft srflft a q n
ffts^rw: i fr^i ^pk: i ft i ft^Ksftxw i ft i i ^rft: i

ft i ssft: i qfti ii M ii

fafa^faciif i ^zr: fafa ^rn: tp! wfat fwrre arfat *pnrs

JTsrfTr i n m ipmft farcst faHfaq: i fa Tfa *»4*tro i faftfaroft fafa i * fajfa^j;
gw grr: i nfar* i n fa$fa<.«U^: »rfT i arnn: nrffaT: i
wfat ifafaunfa13°*t°?.?8.i *fa arrfa i ^ fro* ^ ?rfa ifa°?• <^. # mu

ft saft: irft fftWftt i

cfftT^t tj #iw^: ftft*| ftfft n %n
ft i‘ mfh srfat i ks^trm: 1 f^c: i vft i

*ks*sr: i ^ i ^ls^: i ^f*fc:srrn: I i ftftg I ftfft 11 If n

f^^qual ftftwn ffafat fafarre^: gfa ^rftft trffat amn: i ^t i

ffapgfa i trft: fafaqfaaB: i fafam ^uwreuffifan: i fat ^ w«ft ^r*Tfafafat
ifiiw arffa: i *rsmfafaT«rmfaw *r^ fam 'reg mgj fa fare
' ~ '' i i famffaNrerg ^sreu^fta: i mfifr fag w €freffa: tfuffa^i
Hfr fa w-stjfa i

fft: *pffi -srT^ftt W* fttftd'flfftft I

^f ft ^wt ^faWgh: ftftknw II'SHI
i ^5tt i fft: i i ^rreft: i sk i fttsftw i \
i ft i ^ft: i ^ss^rcft: i i ftft^ I ^rh US ii
Tran: fa^ri ffa faT ^fafar arfa1 garr *reifa fa: fan i fayi*i«re.i ft1
jftira 'figa^ffanfaii nfurffanfa fa i % Si *ri ufa nfa mfausrn* 'fa tcwsf^w-
sfai: ii ifa nfat ffarerr 'fa»ffaprfar: i wrfafan. i anrHfarew nre
»nsr ^%Nj(Tfag ^fat sfa'fa'Pra 'flfS 'rnsw i 'srerw « ifafa^fa ^ ^
n fa 'Twfaf^'tifa^: fa vt%: i afar iftfaro i 'wfatifaTfapr faf*‘
g i TTryerni ^ fafa ^ h
*ii'iyifa^ ^rnrffaT ^faf w*ifafa i ^T^fai ift'tfa i *
»TR^nr i ?rfaf spsifaur m fa wramfafa u

H wkrnnft I n: ^rTPSf WOt ^pTI* 11 *;11

n r^ft I 5TRHT I sift I I ftkitsfar I I V' \ I 1
~ mrn^Tftift^ftiibii
fa ?tTgfiS4gfa ffa it BTRfat i swfat w®rg v»nfafa: grrfafa^ Otg •irr^^1 ^
flogo.3T0M.*J?$?.] II SITOtSTO II

i rfNto i *m aarftirtf fW srjtfnfa tr «n4«wniqi: * *3: grrf^ft fr?g 1

?pnw w wrer^ffa* ?t*nn lift wr arfa ^rg »

h imwTfiT wi fg* ^m-Rrrtf I tfsNj fa fshjffa xrcfa m\

^1 rTl^fHI^:i^l%:S^l^l^nst4l?n^ail^wi
n *nrafif *nj wr ^^TTwrn^ R^nfarr *rreftfa 1 *t tgnftfn 1 w *rg: im^fn
*vrrct ^Tg a wMW: 1 ^rf^m 1 ftp 11 <g*atw vrg agfqH tw^fa^sR^wf^-
srfiRfani 11 ^tiT« 1 ^ i<n°?.8. <\*\ ifa ^gsr 11 w sr»sNi wff-
^ftrciT fatjfr* at^rprr »r^fa gfasri tnfa 1 fairett 1 f%^#r jRfa h

m ^wt 4ftfa$ nftflTOTn 1 *tto| II «|o ||

3TTI zim I ^ftsf^ I *fa ■STr^fatf1 fasxtffalST 1 I ^i: I

^rrfti a Rfasft wnrrtfipft ^rrq-O^^i afaftTrrat *ftfa: ^innrrf^gwt ^tot

j»T«q$siqf7^j?ft Tmfvfs?fr g$%*?rra®Rt Traaf afafara$ai ^T^f^rtwf^prra 1
Tj’pwin: n hrR*W'Sjt^**«rm 11

flfa^faT: IT ftt^Wsi?7TT STSfam ^ IIVIII
«f¥s^r: 1 srms*ft: i tit iffanj ^ i^Nn m* nnfaraT i \^m i
at#: I'rfar: 1 tt 1 fatg 1 wfr 1 *ifafa; 1 spstfrn: 1 sirfaTO i ^f uww
wr^faf agw 3pnrr awgMwRn tm qnfr ai*nr<i*iT«Ki *hj4t faerg 1 «i
fast fffamT wsg 1 *rt 1 aufttymnn ff^ fag wrfa^R g<srag 1 w *mwwt
^fw g^i? «tg 1 1 fag wfag nftir nsfaRfa: 1 wn?r *tr?: *R«fgw
,R%t t^T^r wipffyi s fatg 1 iR&ig 1 wm: «b&s»w«t: ^ *w? gtffft «rc afar-
^ *rrer ^ffa^om«4Hinw w%nfa 1 swfafagfafTmn ysmn% 11 «*»
Wntfr v *fa gtffa gw at: gw *rwnJ 1 faf»fl 1
^S^nfl ^t 1 fagrqgfo wir: 1 Rfar w. wrfRfa 1 WRfa^mfa 1 fwr %^b: i
^ aigaft 1 wawfar am: smfr fafajsft g Rfar *if^ggi ws 'frwn TOTRfai^a-
11 i«iTfaaa'<n<g^fgfa ipnay fafwfa i ffat a i a*ret am: irraft
^ tft 1 w's.'s. n^n 1

'praat ^ f^fiNiT ^R^fTT^ srf^Nn f^^w-1

^r ^ *'• 11 ^11
bb 2
Sbb II

I^I I I TT^STftrTPFT: I srfifa I I

*nnft: i $ i Hfster i ■qftfi* i^t: i i^i i ^ i *: m
^ ^t: ucrqcft ■f^snsjmwT^ tnfr*i **l§: to *n\*if?i i tot i |f^
n<!giMg$: to tos gs4 xft iwt ip^ttoI 11 fro ir^ shftwnf^s: i (
fTO vrtrw *f?r a wn4%^ f^rftnrfe i to$: 4Wr ftronft
f%ror?gw TOt^fro TOnfn TO^^TOf* i fro $ ^rr totot »ty**3W ’^nW^mn^
TTsr^iffft tot *ro5l 'OTf^ntf^ % ^rr fig i TOif<TOi%*r4n^fMi 1

fw f? ^TOFrifa izn TRtfa ^T ^TT m I

^ *u mm ^ ^fasn# ^ p ^ ii*h
fW 11% I I 5re*Zltfa I ^irt I 'TTfltfcf \\mj I '3TrT I I q: I
^ 1WI ^m: 1 1 wr: 1 1^1 1 ^ 1 "H1 p I ^ 1irii
% ^rr t%t^t: i f?Trorc% 1 wt mtotRt TO«n*Nf*t fronr vlTftr irfkift
*T*ngrnjtTfw «if5r wt totR ^rtTO*Tf% ^ TOfrr 1 % fswfl^T^twripftqrrcpfr: 1
toRtot^TO 1 toR^'iec. 1 t»R: TO^nfaftros: 1 gfrorrs wrrrr: irr^n: wro 51 *J5fa|T-
fwroj totst % toW ?wrsT*i to 1 ’yp u
TRfcre^t toPt *n%«m vmr 1 ffro 1 to Vi^TOjfrotfT %«Pr *m
1 w>h-tiffin

zrxft mm mfrrfm^fo ti4: 4^1 1

^^qwj^n^WP^nNraff w%*rt ^ 11? 11

i mm iTqjsTn^i ftn^ 1 mt: 1 xft^r 1 i zrf^frr: i srf^ti: 1

mm f*nfrnft ^jRnft 3r*ft ^%«Pr *i^r?rr^5r^f to: ottto
toRt i TOifrfimO«nfjr*iT *fgr ^rftirotaj to *TRr ftp^iynn^
tftvMKTO Tw4= 1 ^w’i TOtwr? 1 '3TOf*rc»rf5iTOT»i. fTO^fficufe» ^J
itn h: n ^sre: ^4m^HT«nfi(WT»if<5l: ’sn^ifronrraTg ^ 1 ^
ifffir to^i hh.1 ^n^TfWrrroirrTORTfn pm: #

5*ftrftt*iT ^HTirr ^ar^l «Un

1 srf^sfireri: i ^t^it i 1 3pj«!$r$ 1 1
5stfa:st*n: 1 ^ifts^n^T-* 1 i fp: 1 i i 11
f*rro: ^45|f5t ^gsrnjrt spnr: to f*forogi4prn ’srpniwr
hIXmw^ tfnromr fgaffoiTg^Tw^v^inq: i wr i ^
f«n: i WR^ilg I v* ipr aftiftw 4\mm«Ki1H><ii iarfi*rpn: %f^-
tfffTT^nrtrT vrnra: MmRfli ^nf^wT fifirare ^mr »rrfwpi qgftftii ^ir
ifanmn^ ifrtw ^niwS *rcnt i i ^t i gfaqi^i^Ri n

v ^hfdrcpi ft'fa 1
HT m f^w *nfcn ^pqfT wfijfif ^5$ || MII
tisrji' i ^ i i i i srtftsjpi: i i f^r i sp i
iHf: i^T%Rn^i^ffTi^^ iimii
5Erenw: srsfar tt^pt: trerarcuuvi: gfq: fjyT ^ ^rr wrpng: w®rtf?r
sfaTf^wf^wrtf i ^f^arfffwrr ^ ^t Rfa *3^ f^nmi
f^vrfTf gsiffTT i ^f*iXT3iT*»«Tf i Hfr farrfv^rr^rpif^: ^wjrflnrr^rpif^fW
T^t inn'^flW'if^^Rt ^ PRPUf^rnrPT *ptot g^farfn: Tft*r*rrf«: *gfBf»rq7
fans i qifag^ trf^T i fa*ref?i: nfV«iw4i h a ? b

% w. wr*t uufa ftfw f^ \*m\ ^rfw ^ i

^fs«*t jfeTrlT II $11
I T. \ #4 I Tplfa I ^ I I f^ I njfi} « I I

^ref^Rrfa »rr«n fWtaft i ^ |*rt: «ft w. ^rtm f^fri^inf^Pnir

Ttvft i q^rerafr i »t i w i n^*i: vr ^ g**r«i qsfrfa i * ’sfant
ffr^r ii i %fe ipc: ^r: i wr*m: ii f^ % *g*ff »im<t Tsrrmft \
fa% |rwt ^tt: <fsj w^t: w* jppt 8 «i^«<i<fy tfTf^rsa: n ^ gfawT
vrrrRfwT'ipt ~<ty% ^arr: g«R^vf afr arc ^»rpffi^t *r*prt i
i jj^ i ?ft W ^ft'JVR: ^ra^if%*nnpnf: ttr^ jrr#R^iwtn
^ vf7!vii<,<int n ^ni qfr mwfnftfn n

^ W* i
h ^if^n ^ ^ht #: ^nf gW »®n

& ‘wf^n: \qtfn i^f i *nsiT i i hj i ^ i gsW \ \m

^ ^^finuRnjrqr^: «igqngf iraw# ^vp»*i jprh wiwi-
JBf %wt g'ww m irent g^ w n^i<nm^ r*«*iim-
fW i ipft fpn ?nr: 111 w i siiipft ^r; i * wnwiWk
a ^I fnj i nft wtw sum^ffetf* mt* \ ^roW^I
^ !«[•$.8. „o. 8.1 iRt »% wf^WT *ft$: H^T 1 ^t: S
«, H II [saob.^®

ntf ^ gr=j vwm i f«ire ^ifi4 %*rr*f gwr gwrf* ...

nwm: 1gnpr n qrCftqfffe «ifi g*51 it
V ff^T Turret tfrN: I
ft H: \mw. fft^rTT ^mft IItil
ft 1 ifftr 1 iptaFl 1 nsftiTH: 1 fft'stel 1 WV$: 1 wfa: \ ^ 1 Hifa: \
fti^r: ifrm^i^^mr^i xHw i^i^i^w if^i^ftiib,,
n%mr: wsvpn *rew *nNr ^f^rrfr $ WTg: nnw ^nft srsurnsr
jfTW w^s^fifT t’sn *raf7r 1 '** wusra: 1 % ^*mfr -q g*i wUqmflror-
^tr^^rrMiMifi: f*«g *rrwrFrnrwTOTfarf^% ^raSufSprnrr-
*iT*pfUfHf5^ f^rgTT 1 i

m pft ^nnifs^af 5T5T1

fftN ^Tti HTflft HIT HT^tTjfft^ H^ft: ^rtft II Q.II
HT31 tt 1 1 f^pr| 1 1 gsfft il^f i stf i
safir 1 f*N 1 ^%id 1 STrrft i h*1 i sfft i i ^nsrft hqh
’^frg^RiH: tuw gs*i TftwsTMfiis?' »ng 1 g^ifn *nWfw f3r*m*tft
jttt: *Nn*rr: 1 1 Twnrrs^rm: 1 f^ g®7i g^Tnr ^ fora«ifimn*t w
■*rnRf% 1 <i ^rngf^tn 1 ^ fM w ^ arnrrtjftpfl qnq^Mi
^ wfaiawwre ^reftifa’Tnrre Twran7n*i% 11
^rfl[f?n^nnw wt: g^wrnifiT^m wrtw urarr 1 ffa* ^ 1 ^rf^fTnfafro gwmi
gftpfY qwfttiti 1 w° 3. 1 Tfa w Jriw^mif^TO ff%*» T^«ng<n«ii
^ettwt 1 gfsra *r 1 grr*rrai gfwt' g mflt gwRi 1 w° 8. ?• 1 ^ n wt
{*r$*f *nw<Yt<i 1 ff^ni ^ 1 gmmr »rre 1 w g° * $. 1 11

yirahd *jMf giNffir i

1$Y HTft moil
gs^rmfrd 1 Trfftif i ^rt i i gssmfai i ^fft i gsir^flfft i
%$t \ ?TTft I I I I 3TTI I II^OH
g^frtrt «ft^wnror 1 gTntrrw gj ir«inT ^rnirfipn
^*»g<agwmf<r«*<«OMi ginnWn gmsrw gj irthFf %ft' ^rfrat

if^rnrra nw 1^*r 1 ^*u<Y§*r u ftrayifli«if|:«^BW^:» 11 a8

fft^ T^nn ^rfft fttaftYaft $?ftw i

w^ri |ft^i ’^jirftt’^T srftft ii^ii
i *prr: i \ %*rT iW$f i ih: i^sif^t: i^rfas# i
mvk i *: i ^s?kn i pH i ^mn: \\^ij \ wfo i ii~«nu °
\ tort tor^tJ* fR% Jrt: ^rgrot TW#J r*to I TOTTRfvro I ’^rnrm
grfjrjpfufRfifTOTT fTOTRT i r%r $ro Rff t ^rt: ’y^:%fhrn?wr-
fjr^ifn Trrfsrr^t gwrrn.*wm TOtfgTOT ^rarsn i ^rt infitfR^fif ^Rifa: Rjfii; i tot
to u^r i rjtsStr i fRR4 i towtr Trg«n rtrt% Wr qftRRTfRgR% r n
STOPffaTHH f^THHi|fHHt?T#rT ^^WWrf: I
l^f ^HR^trT% W. \\^\\
stf i ^TfNi i snt i fW 13mtff?T i $nt i srctfir i |:sf^tf i i
#CI^: I 5^: ISTHTrO pfaH I ^ I h: i'^ITI in?||
% |RTI TOfaT ftRTf^Ri RRT TtRR^TRR ’HflWtTt f^iR fRR I fRgfRR I TOT fRRT
|TOt fftTW^Tfrrt srjRR TO i Rfa rtrtto: RTqfRR$R: ^fhrni fRT
TOT r tRt ?|R Rfr^fRRi^RTi WK f< gRtro I yr^a irr Rfn^ rUrwsr
fwWf riI gR ^rerer RrernuiR h


£ratfa n$n
site IH: i H^f: i fW: i WIHI HSinft: i i vftqi i i
*i i ^nfpqH: i H*ta i gsftfirsftt: i srfif i fWfH i $: $ fjn i 11 s? n
% f%% ^rt: fro Rff r& r Rg^tifro: %f^rfffR7i: Rivft RRTfqfRfrSft i tot
RRWfr; RTTOffiRnftfURRt r r^rt: toIr: gRTf^fR: r rtrS* i TOfunfa^rfr rrIr i %
RtRwtr RTf^n |rt: r r^r ^ftfrrfH: ^R^f^rrfn R^Tftr fft<TT ffwf*r tmnf»r
rto tott*? «m i r twto: ii

^ ^nfcrmt h ^tHTm ff^ i

^ I^W. I I IH1 ^SHTTTTIW: I f|^ I nW I
wtcstoM \v% i ?51 hthIh i ^fb*m i ^n 1 ^|h 1 n8«
1 ^rt: RTareTmTORR^iTOr# m r totor TT01 rto: ’JWmT 1 ^tttot-
N ’JTT: RjfTT f^l^fil ’ITT: M I Rfwgt R TO r^ ftfW
ii fnfRwrr^rofft irt0^. ?•?§•$•! TfR RHRt u Rfffw tor i tor! ^Trat
P^rf^^RTfrowr r^tot^Sr i % ts[ r*N g^r «ifl4iRT«f **r«f<R g? irfn TOTt
TORT R^R | "RTfflR «
n li
3i3ufl<l3af wgi%4T33t n: xmifiggHTqwTwr i 'mr 3raT i ffint * i *rf% *
wrg v^f^fJT It ^ 33 I^t Ti^f wm. i 3T° a. ?• i *fn i 's^33tai3i%3 33 f^%
3raT33T% i $33 3 i ntMvtm^ ^iwr*prrwr lft n

igfa ?t: gszrf^ uM% ^Hfir i

*ff% 5* g*T*$$g ^ITrR IISMII
i : i trorfg i tnrisg i ^r% i i tppf i ^:s^f?r i
^rftar i i tjgsf^g i i i i w: i wg* nmi
1 »npfir fimrrfWt ^tt: ^fti^rnw wrg 3f*nfr%3 tft^3 ^$3 3Pmrof jvt \
w r^^3 |%3 3*ftr 3i3n^3<3W3W3<ti J33 i w^^3 <3f% i 33T
qqfcrgvtffili %3T33% f3% 33*51373^% 1% "3 *ti3wti 533 1 3ti3rNi 33®%$ gmt
^rr 3tf33 3i3mj 33T 34t 3 *mf3 ttot ^3 $33 1 fa3 3t-i3n3
\I3T3 33lf^*l'*W3 %3 ^3133 I 33T I g<33 II

wiv. %tt ?^N^pgfa *n ^TwfH 1

m ?rt w*n tfr ^rt$ fa trig ^51 *Ng1^rfaT n^ii
^ifar: 133^ 1 1 ustfa 1 %t i\^<ifaTrft 1 srfa 1 *?t i ^pr mfii i
*t 1 1 w*\ 1 fa sfa 1 1 fai tgg i |sik i ggg i^isfain m§ii
3T $33t 3333RIT3T 33% 3W3T3 «T«5t3 *3f3lfT3 %33ITfT%3 33f3 %3T 3Wn
VR3$ 3T $3*ft 3T3 33»ft3 33J33rf3 '3tTT%3T<33T 3Tf33T3tf3 3T 2^41
3U3JT35331 I 33«ltHwt I 3f 333 I 33T 3l 3T 3 %3TT% 33% W^i $
3T 3U3TTfW 3T3 I f33$ T3<J I 33T ^Rfl3T ^3T 3t3Tf33Tft Wt: 3f3 3T 'fwm
»3T%3T lft33f33T3T 33g R

Tim sfa: ^gtfayifa fW i

tsjpTi^ ^ f^r nsii
t& 13T?h i 1 ^7^1 i fW 1 wfatr. 1 1
f’an^TO: 1 ^t: I i ^rarffti i 3Ft: I f^r: I 11
^ f33 3iTf^n: 3* ^rr % 3f^t ^wt ^ 3t gwrT^^jnr1 ^
37|^TT?rm3reff: 33: 33t 3^ft I 3jf3t3T3^33 II
33%3 33«OV|4<r^ ^3 tm ^ns%3 3^t 3^ t^RT^ V3%W=
f^r f^fa( JT^fr flrit ^33Rft 3^%33T3%3 33T3TTf3 I 3rfHTJ?fU3?t I RwftT T*
3fff ^q B mR
^^f?I 333ptr$ 33^ 3* 3T7T31 3Wr4 %3^3 13T ^ ftT3f3%3r $T^lft ^
f3f3: 1J3T 33W: I 33T 3T3««W I 3131 3t H fRjfWfTT R 37ft fafatTW I
II II «!<!?

grar ^n*rf *$mi *Rm\ i

4 jjaGifa TO*t ^>rft ^«n ii r it

i^Frif i i *iT*rfa i i rfTTT i ^rTT i jprprl i


^MjiMTWPi frororft i fliflf*! i ’srffw toto top i wfqng^aa m qi i fro*TfH

iifrcrftr ^rori «*<i*i*a ^ror giig gj TOpfai Rftira rto tott tot *r*rm| i tortor: i
wr^r to g<*>ifa i gdofd^M<*ii««*ifn *rreit: i f*f° qo- qq. i srof RiOffl i torY to «?Utors
to: g^ TO<t1 RiftfR i totr* *YhY n ^goh: g^RTOf^: u gran wrci ritto TOitffit i

3^ifw ^rT^t |W iftrT^t %^rf?r wfrn fipf: i

* *ffm ij«?t h srfa *Km\ saw 11 * 11

i snfa: i ff^ i i i %?n: i tprcffa i sn1 f^J: i

*rf£?nifaaft1i w i^i^i *rfy iwri: i wmirii
ito i^g vYrot f%viwr faffro: to: inn: Rig?ifw i rYtoYto^ Rtf R^finasfiY i
^to? i W: Riim: mrr %Rf?r i ^to**[«toY i ^iY ^roY: Rrifrotfin tor*: ifro «io. 3c. i
ato f^iRnfRfift^rRTro: ^nwr: tort to TORfri i ^to^stotorr TOTOgfR i to wr
fNYitfY ^ tot tortto Rffro giufroT r frotfi fa totot i i Rfro^: RR^tf-
^Ytoi: i <$if<g ^g % Rsftro: tort torr i f*ra«i?l n topY: ntfftr gf? ^4 n
?ttNt ^ ^wrt^nrfij ^Nw*Hi% fmi i

^RTOTOt ^fcn TO f^T faff ^Tri^TO§rafTOt II911

TO^rel i «tt i ^ i sprite i srfa i^si^ i srfa 1 sfa$ i %t i

S?prot i M%ptm i to i ffffa i faff i ^Tit i i srf i srfafft ii?h
’Rfa: tour ^hfrwT^ i tour ii r*Y TORRtrrf^g grof^gRTO^TOfron^ i retort
ii to: titoItoItoirtr groi ^atygf vtot^ ^R^iwirr a«n>i\«*igf??f-
*rSft<FTOij ^roj- ^R^if^fi>4r»if*i<(yrM<!*»fM ^ fTOT gprw^‘% i ^i|ff i tot g^wrai
^tot i m ffn TO^wt f^r^nj i jnfn vmf«rft to^rt: i ^ fsfi% froi
’ni ^ fro f%rg wlf%g to TORfgTO fwnr m Tifif^ toi RiggrogR.-TOronji TTfro-

TO f^TTF ^frtll^ I

TO *fwt% iiiiii

TO i ^t: ~\ i i fnul^wfrt: i i ^ssW: i

TO: i i^ssTn^i i ^«sfH: i i i ivt* • n#n

II n
wfainftifit: awT arc Pif^t gfK«n«p^ggwt *rof* # ^tftnrararTfftt:,
w i gfwpst ft jmffa: i quHwqiffi; *rf$ft *r^fn 11 w *t furt *prr amn^ t
fUgfrKamgqfl gffMw: ft*p*rf*T.‘ ^fafwetT arfvit i i TFftjsrtro ^
TnffTi <n*<fta»wm, i mpft fgpfr vrTfwar wminit ftw»nsT3t4spM
m?t ^ ^ ii fwtw *vni i fft i ataft’t w. ^,
^rfffw%d¥TR*ft ^rs fftwr^jsn^grifnj 11
«rrf^ 5P?tf?T tft Tjmfcn f^farerfa i

9T^hn: ^*TT *n#rTT IIMII

\ 'srr i irf^ i srWtfa i ^ i Tjwt^n i"ferrRi%nrr i ^n t firrofin

^sw: i ^st*b i ^*n i srasffrn i i srMsg imn

% arfgr?t tjM% pret gjfet warfn afwRt n^r wr*rr Trsrft farrroirf
i ttcf^ ^*rr^: i ^rar g# *nft ft ^4-m <.: pf*i<i*fl*iun*i<*iil fftfn tjftrft-
*rrarr% i awn fm fwmT gff *»i*n^g wag wteRit*j<n^ 1*
frm i ¥H wrft gfwiwsfg wfwqfrr * tprnpfr wrfa i argtfthn: i ^tar<iMtn: to
w a: i fitaciafagrret arwaft Tpfawrcfrnfafa i ^*pt: i Tft tlf: i sw? qftRt^Tpr-
twt wafa n *ra(T 11 arfgft wia^rfa ^%naif<«i*#i wafa asfftt i aa*nfp
fwg: i thi^: ^aTWzrrpna aT wafa araara aT starta prrf^fa i wpit ftaanff
fnaiawr i arflf fnft Tita#^: 11£° aT® 8-<n>. i tfa wtrftrnft fwrraa¥tf^7l i ft fro¬
nt!? i affarfa i ara i a^gn%!tn i ari5 ff farnrr TjfangafarimNffffa i aancnfc ffat i
naftar i laRftf fawN ^ i arntat nraraT^ft ftrrn:: aTlaK: wftfa i aa«»i anil'fli i
afci+<3aitja?«faafsaT: nrifft nnr ftcrrd nafa aTftn i a?a fnaai i aTfgpt mfc
anSftr art trof i fa® w- 1 prrf^ n 11 § 11
?* ’’l^f ^Tftref fkrT^f: I
^wlrTTf^R fFFrt ^ ^ II % II
^ i *t: I srh: i f^s^ri: 1I ftt I I ^rftr?l: I f^ws^: i
i i ^ i \ ^ \ inf i i n^»

%q»|31fl wstf ’J^ft pf^lft Wlft fimsfft fflTtJtT^T ^n4Tf trfff^fft ^

Tiftm ^fti’gT i^Tft^TT Trpnjm f^rpft figrra pmstf ’yisg i aftiwn i ^WT‘
<nff^ i %vr: 5trra% WaTOitin: i fifatfw^f argrat^
gsvw ^rmr: i % ?tian: «t*r%g i fgmonftag. i frrra^ i ?t3 'era1^ ^
jtp>t 3rf»p ?rg«r wpff 11 pfr»r: n
n ^ wmri 1

^ f^^it ^ qf^H: ««»

ni i ^ i v*s^ i tjtsfti i^hfH: i i *n?n41

^ i 1^.^ i i snffafa i ^41 1 ^sf^: i ll'911
w.vm.vW.] ii srrots^: ii

$ ^PmTT: fr ^ TW xftont stfti wroifrqifiig ywfrwud ^ ^%-

wrc iftratft j? srap4 i ngrw i tot jUto^i TOTf^f*ft 9tto\
w«ft tot fTO i ft W^T^rf^ffr Trrropirr# ^n: *ftro: tr^it TOrefro: to: ijftg: *$-
^rot ^wrfpra TOtaftr TO%jfy nr«j toi wmrj^t4 ;i
f%: RH
WSJ ^Wrfh^'lrrt 3Tftm?TR I
- - C\

sn *4 ?fW ii tii

f%: i ~W* I WSJ: I wA: I W§: IWj:1 qroifl1^ I i *rftf i i

ftii I w^ci fW 1 *ros$ I wi *4i ^ I tfs? I |W lib'll
ft: ^S^rfrofrowrarr: wr: stifoWt «r^: i ffftift *rrg: wwt Jran^n
Twmgm: i w^wr q^4fl4*|iflWTqTq<i(qiift jfftMftTOpj TOTOft^TTOmrosT^ftft-
flTOfaTftronf w«iiUfq gncrrg ^trora^TOraft TOfa^ft^ni ^w^-q-
^ftrowre froi ^ ^ iftwrfro ^%crm4ft tot
qftftg^iTft»i ^ xnrontwt*® 1to ftroftft ’em: i ?rftrc; ^twftg

Rt^rft my H^teRT ^ I

HTrft: 3T#7T IIQII

I m$ I f^: I ^ifiRSfrh i : II ^3w i I^I i

i sirt: i HTwt: i |£fcpr: i Tjrrs^i xni: rn^s^i m i snfH iiq.ii

*nft ^rrtift anffoftrtftjam tow 'afiSftr: sff?n: to*j: ftg^T^n TOftnft-
Wi«#i TOwtfftn to^wt Trofr Igro *jg i w^N tot nwoi^g i rnfr
*roft *rrggrn: f^frow: ^ftTrorrerroft sprciprgw TOFTW^^ffrorrafaj *friwa-

^ RTfTT TOt farTT ?3: I

m3t pa: wipret Rig w noil
^ i msj i ffitsfpn i "jxiftrj i m i ?ret i^ift:»^rftsfa: i fan i ?3: i
im3: i^xtfrt: i mi: i ps: isfa: i wrrf! i rth \m non
'3?rfft ^ i ?rran i ft0 w. %<i-1 ^rwt f^n €T *mn |wm
^^wtstw ’pftg i ttot ft<rr «f<ri wl?«m*rtt
’jqftg i Tm^n ts[t *rm tto
tot TTijfr ^aft Jnpra to: ijwtoi Tjroft i
^J ii ii's n

pa: fx^T mj ^T^nT «W]^*i^flr: i

*ito 33*m \ym s.ak*n

C C 2
ii it

W I i ftfRT^s^r i I *5T I *OTT i i ,

JTtfif: I WTH I Tpsti: \ I I ^ l"^TO: » 1 ^%*Tf| ||<tt|(

wt Twhft jrwff: fi»g*uf*nm*Tfw ^ret f*nrre: ^ftxput *rof?r i

qjrgmsri «viiq,4’gf*K*jwijgf%4^T ^^rrwt wrefn i ot®i^ ^mihI aral *p$ aftfirfoj.
*nrf^pr: ^rm i h%*t i ^xprat % iprot s9'Hi*w<'i «$^fc«iia*T
I *%JT I *m%*T II

^ firo ti^h is ^rr st^tt fare ^ i

rft tft'w vrton ^ ffaRrct ^rfa ^ ms n
\ in fvti I Tf%iT: I \i\\^ I ^STrT I TOG I fa’T I ^ I
rft I Tf[W I I ^ I ff^l f*T& I S&fUl tfh ll^ll
t w?rt ^rrl w»r^ far* *ri fare *n*in? ^
i gfojWi nrswrea*ii <tt fvi iftaara i MfluTwnw i xr* fro: i
qq%* ^g qqqgfqqiT qf qvuu||-qt(fa 71^ I f*r* farfU^farr: gpfN^V *IT<Jift
f*nrro i htttt: w i asp*g anrj *m wnunTra ww #

ffroi sfa W w- wwFfa i

*tt^t u*pt wi ^nfiT^Trf^frr^VTg 11 s? 11
$Rn^i i ufw i W i f^i sap? i 5t: i HS*fi*i^9 i tot: i ^hrai
?rmt i i ippi i stoRR? i rH i nTfasr? i 'srf^fa: i i W
’qqfTt nigift 11 nip: ^ afts w$fa?rir*rr<; irRf i ttot nfxtgvN #
»n<f*rara: ii *ptt afrjw^nxircrrcr <r*n <xi«n«i i
*rif*r^ri% *r* <if^^-ri^f<^^ tt xro*ftg ff^n *r* xiS*
irprt *rnrr ’ft-i^rras nrrf^rct ^rg^: ^ wrara 3T*rrg i f«(<vig n

^ % WT^hjfVfl npnct ^trsp*fcn ^rf^t pr. i

^ RRpT \rffft? firi[frte Rr^rr: 11 h

F? sflA I ■% I 15Rp!^ I ^\^ \\^i I 1

sfii i ^ir. i

^^if^^:i^^iH^sfH:i^i\?RR!iRnjsfy:i^i^i!: ll<^”
jrmrr ^ramt Pi4i«ft 'vtt xr^ *nft «rWt *nrif *
3nanyf«i«fi ^<nrH'^!<^3*il%^?fl fw i isrg n m *nft i f^rft
arfWwMh^T’nf^Iwi ^rog^p f^xr: i vrcan: i Ml««aa: i xnn
^ gg g^snaffrnfo f^nx: i ^RTx: i ww^U viw* #
II ||

fa m ft^T faw^tfa ^rm ^fwfrk^fa: TRfafl i

qi-sq mmi

fa i R I i fk4 i sretfa i ^nf i ^f^fa: i sprrfw: i Tirffatf i

xrmt i i wsfli 1 "pi' sfafaw i nfasfa: i ipftfa^: 11 smi

frrr i rnfiSm^ w^’tot tfai mt MT*mf M *3 wtffofwa *ri

anftft i fafav arnjrt i i fWfwfi?ri m?wt ’nrmf^r^t anwfa: qiiTH^fa: w graro-
giiTm q^reWfi |ttmt «1ihtMV i *nr ^?f ifaraf »rgg^ mRiyn*gf%%inn <H
*firvtaft i *ar& i n ifawri *rei *nrtfwt *rfwf»r: ^fafn: muiWrih i n
gfs mftii w i «pftflnn Mttmr: ^f^rc*rsj wwMHi«yffii n

it^t ^fa^k^nf ^^pjffafajTO^R: i •

pfaftfa fawtSTflxRS^f %nfa Wt Inf'll

J& i ^fa: I Ffast^ i ^hs^t: i I sfaw. I ^SR: i

i ^nf i pfasft: i ^ I fait: I snffair^i M: i fa*nfH i *M mi'll

arfa: ^Tcnrrnffh^T^ n Jm^ffaira^nffn:«M^gfirgat m^htt «rsrer %1^m
it ff^mrriMr^ ^twtotWti fww 11 n%M Pni^m i s^nprw’T Tft i
wrft^VM mii*iswim t f*nft jpft MTWf^agwflifwM fw ^fir:
f^rrfM f^fa smrrfM ^pu aw*wfsi ^mratami ira*Nra;i arernf^wJ: it

^T sfa: fare ^nfa^T 3?fapr TRkft i

fsjRRt ^^^TTWtfa 3P?f fasft *fa?I IIWII

^i i ^[M sfafajpi 1J i fa$ i wfaan: i ^arf^ i *jM i
i i i srarifa i i fa*n I *fafa ii <\9 n
TM ^rpgiTrrr r n c ii
aifaftgr i afaraNnif i ftrsr srora: i
<tot i tH^mt «ngi1 M^uSf^rgMM f^fa«
srfafig* f^fr sip fE(T st^rft mrtw i

^nfa^T ^ ^fafa^wfa: mu

wfti: i i ^in* i ftw: 1I i i i ^s^t^H: i

^!%n: ifa^: nr^rt: \^. \ ^[\ i i ^fafa: i ^5* i ^ mu

^i^m anfj[wi^«n ffffjft ^ msTImm: miw *

fiRt f^pn I

*m ttyktai #Rf tnr^ki'faHfaHM^ mu

set n n [u*b.n»
I I Hrtfrft 3fw WlStflft I %q: I f%*TRT I H^f,
S#*«T I
^ffrff^ I *rft I ^fl IYi: I kukm I I I J7ff*n3 I ii^ii
fffm ffTtn i ?tg f»ro: trw< tt^t ?nn§R *r%*r sifPf-qnT
*mi tint *p?rrt *T*rrwRTfn3T*t 1 ERTfash^r wntfr *rffirpnTrafonft.
T*R ^4^<Uqfl3*m 1 tj7t *m xi »rf? ?n^fTfwTtwr t5R%wr tig: t nn^jf?,,
stt 11

iW ff *TfT TtfrTTTRW *Rfaf S^risjT ^HT^T I

^ starciWN ftrchm# ^ *r^i jgftnm: 11? 11
^t 1 ih^t i *t|ttt 1 ^R't^rf i ^t^rN; 1 1 ^hs^t: I S^lJT 1
^I I 3SrN I fSRsifow I ^ I 57:1 TIHrfT I I Jgsftpsn: 11311
jt^t ^m^tnm^nfraH^fTRT *rai^*j
fumt ^nunnrr^rt ifoTtmfrnHn eiw VRTi «t*nf«iieif»? 1 %wf*T 11 ^ ntnumutit:
gfiftanffoi: 11 f%RTTVwrtRftr*Rtq?n w trgrfl^ntrnirwr % ^tt ^rogtj 1 vg ^
^iht« 1 t^Hrntn 11 ’srcN: wftrg 1 trr° <i. qo<». ?• 1 wwtfhfr n g^iwii Ifti
tr^fn % gfwr: ’jfm^rafw^Twft *i^ tsftg *r§ fsjrtf *r ttottt i ttst^ 11
TTt? <^'l*l II

^g=fafl^Tfig ^t^FTT gT^pjrff TjMt‘ I

tt^t 1
^Tpr^t ^: ## *ny*TO vgA: 11 Jin
^:s*rt i gfafitepfig 1 1 jfti 1 ^kki 1 i ^nfcni
Tj^si^ I 1 ^STpnh ll^r: i wyft l HrpTO I Igk: 11811
gnftt tanNi %fnwf^w»ifffwt% 1 qMTtjfa'<4H*Ti ^ ftnifir
fwftr 1 fRRr <1^r*iT®nf«f %^rff% <URT$*ft «uqigf«i*ft
^ nnT»>Tf<WT^t^ran tSR%g*r ^rr: #*j: 1 tnr# 11 *Mt vt$: i f^rfac ^^
tpn ir wrfn tjtrtNn i[t| ^ >nrtm: Rrt^*RTf^fH: gsrim: fTTtra: l^11
jt^tei »i*prra vrwt Iiw |rr: wft 1 'Eff^Rr^ ^nt 11

fwwv ftrcr *n ^n^n; nkm ^ uj±*iw-1

q^QT 11 m 11
fowl 1 &m \ 11 ^*n i i i * i 1

^ IIMil
it ii <*<><»
^ vmf*r ^«i: firrre *rprro * fire i vnw i i
sotstt 9*T*t 9$9i 9T f*r^i«in1«ih 999T9:9iT%9Tft 9 9 99799: f^ *rrffa
arm^r n T* ^Tf^»: «_vitOlimw^jwwin trOt \9Nrraft%9 9*99979-
9«5qjt i <j*Tw 97V9* 11 tut^ 97iafq9TThn$7ift:’j 11 97991% 9%
f9t 9frn% *99: i 9*7 i 9TV9* ^993$: srgt 9797^99! 199tfcfl
?j^n% 999: i 9^ft% 999 n n<i n

in mt mprlt^TTri: I

m tigmi ^*irre ^^rfw Hill

ht »nl: i i irirsijf^ i fa:sf w i n*t: i <^frr i snrsift: i ssraRtf: i

st i asf^T 1 ^nw i i |^«t: i i ff^nt i u I, h
*N »r^n *9: 9kif<** ffm 99*Ki9W9:7n^i%9 9foft ^ 9tf%*99 97319 qifa-
jnrrwr»t 999977;9U9T%979p$9%9 99f9 qfx^fa 979%9799?f9 939797 99T W9-
flwr 97 9*^73% ffa^rort 9W9 t^Tt^rer ff99i%9 t^rara%
9*j «f 9f9<j i tra: 99^ it 37% i %3i9799: n 9*7 i ntftfa 97wf99rr 9t*i 97
99 35$ $*797 97 9* 9^q$l f*797 I C. qoo. RR. I *OTf^j I 9I9T997 $99*59 II

srftrfk^T ^rrpfi vtfA wti i

tr ^n sjfarft fir w

i srfasfa^i: i ^ns^i: i I ^ i fas^: i i

^ti^fHt^i^i^ni^i^WTi^i^RtiirNif^i^^: n$n

f^999: #twr arr$9: n 99 wt1 9gf% ^q ii 9*71 f^9t 9Wrr: i 9f9f%iT

99*7917: i 9rf997 ?3¥fq fatjgngn^nffit ttwt: i 9i9Tf9* 9*jf*7 to ^fwd |97
9fo* 9b^ti9j to 9*f% wf fqyi^r f^qTw: whmun: 99,9T977 i 9^9 fTrefn 19
7^ ?n 9Rfir^ 9Rf9«R7 9T VTTfWtWt 979%9T^^fWW^9iT*rr 9^: I Wf#f9 I
^ 97T 9^t9H ff?P5f 5|f9^ TOfWT 9f^f f*T 9T^j: I ftfsifa I f99TT99fff9 I
If^99tar^: n

^%rt fnHTt ^rT^l ^t^li WMJ I

^hjfV^ ^TTfR? wfo nrRrq^f T?ff^ ftFffi: IItil

^5%wt I f^rfI rft I I ^ I W: I


?fH I ^UIT^ I sfo I ^rTS^I ^ I I

*00 ii ii [w°b.
qRfaqi trf^Tft ftrirt *HN ^rrft^ f^nm *t^t jrrcrrfqg^ft n«r ^#snr^ ^
*nftwr wwf*raw!r^ tt^ srpngRreiTf?rei *iu*a ^rr wp* ^rtt: i ^srnnsrfvi-
fa^ra: i f RivSi^^ m f^*ni: i *ra?l «+u*i«*4# % wf^rra wt?t tpmi ^
^urra i ri <qj i i wr^rprfa i to 'd<afi ft-rot i fro*: i
trf^TrTt g*WT fitft 3WRT I
^cf ^frT ^n*| ^ tnfSNTOt ’sng ^ it ^11
tr^n^TTrt i ^tht i gftfrot 1 > ^o* i fro i srfor i
^ttj; i i i ppr| i ^ i TrrfSfare: i i ^sg r ii * 11
tnfarpnm ira^rprrrfr tr4«rpro fwr fwt ^rm^f %wn^ gftfw gftfrot i ffa-
i *sf^r ?m\ aiPitoU towt^to *rofrorr *pH ^ i wmt *t
fTm^'rcwr i TpaprrRw i -3. q m RfW fPri »rrat ^ pr^ i ,*far*iit towihiw i
% %ycv> mf^rre: tnRfai: gfrorr *ttt % ^ f^rt f^f*r *iw ^ ^njf^rar:
m^Ts^rwt n

Frett v m&X^i ttrriTT ^ i

^^qfw ggv*if*if^i *rt4 vtot ^ t?r| 11 ^o»
?rett i ^rg i i n- i ## i^i i ftrrf^ i 1 i
^rfqfif i g^rs^i gsgw 1i sW i *prs*n: i ^ i fg| m®#
1 ^»pt: i *ri&*r wfrftappr: i ^ mg? nirftfa *tt i % ^nrfroji:
*prp* n -«nft4ai4: i wtrrf^i: ii '*T^Tf? TOftfa i <w
gSftpi gmcj fwr^ fwpp^i ^ uralf? to to totopit vm^
fST^^g n €twfW| i to *trto| i iro *f? «u^i^4t ii *nft ^tRi: i
w^wlfK Rriw?i ^ ii H *10 ii

*re hr^ ■*rU»rf vrv i

g^T f^ ^pb ^n4i f^mt sifa n^11

to inf ii wfbn: i^nteft: i igPr^*i1
gWi i i gs^rfo: i ^n4ii tot i f^rsgsfct: i ^i^11^11
^ ^wvw i vS* f? ^t: ^ptt ^ i ^
5f%nff fwt#T %m Mjflir*m<aW<u*ii®n vmtjypwimznmi JT:'.3
^rr^m: f*iw Rf% *5^1 f^*rrRw 0^4<i: g^nr: ift»pr^T»rraU»ft ^’ TmTirnTf"
^mTf^^iR*n*iT?iim« $■ 8. q«o. i to#: # wart yfMi*ntir Sre^r ^Tnm*i
^TRT^f»» ft^phsr: jraT^m: i n'M<i v»r ^ *
fqxj^t fatfa^T SBTC ^ ifw&n stf^RW I
sjrcsp f^^RTcf ^pmi ii«rh
^i i fayr: i fa: i *jfaraj i sare i ^ i ^fasiran: i srftRir i
^nsspr i fas*r^i i ^f*j: i fi i fw^l i ftreNna i i *pw ii <kii
% gfpiwfi gf grngpY % ^rY g?g gq^PTfpr: gggT^fli ggp^gm-
jrm f*r: ftp: i fwpg; i ftrarf tp: b | mggpggl: i ^rmf^: i ft^Yrzi http:
i m# q. qq«. $• i Tft fw: i pt gift ffWW’fTm^T p gfagarr WTfggrrgT
^f3P^r i 'dtwi i ^tt i ftwpmfw tttwt I’si"q. qq'o.q8.i Ti*rrf^ fw: i to
sjurp cstjm ^rnff ^gpY ^rrerr ftg^Fft$ pp^: i gmg: i p q$g ftg^rg i *b° qo.
^■'o. i *fa ftgg: i mi ftmifeftpig'ig ftr*re p mpfong *pg: i gpr i
i^j g ggfgg i v q. qq§- q?-1 Tfw ftgg: h

xn^faft %rr ^T fa^: I

W^ffa: ^xnwaifa $ tftfa: ^fan II ^ II
xn^fMi i «rt|: i TcNfS^i ^5T: i fa^n i nh I fa^: I ^n4: i wffl: i
fro i^fa: i *jwi; i ^^affa i * I sfafrft i I tftfa: i *jt$«n ii <i?ii
qTgYpnpggY gmg: grgfirft gmgTmfggiT am fpY pYw v^t vrcftmTg wp
p p pft m^gtftfFT g *rr*ra pfacgpY |g: ftp ggf^g: i gpggfp i gg ggi
gnrg» gq^Hia Tft gtgr^ gmgg: ii ft% ^grg vYft: m4ftn§*rr: pwr gifftwr w*n
gfsm gq;graY g % ggtft ggr*rrfg gfYnft pip i p?fg i gft: TOY Pfn
gfaprfg gTqfawTf^ ftgwgpvft i fg° qq. 30.11

W 03 \ftfa: gfan Tfata^hn ^t^t: i

TrfRfaf sifirefa: ^rf%: ^ f^TTr miJn

fa^l \\w-1 1 ^Ifa: 1 Tgtswr 1 THt: 1 ififai: 1 ^jTrt: 1 ^hs^t: 1
TTfHsnfa: i^rfns^fa: i ^*:sfa^ 1^: ifat: 1 ^ 1 1 ii «itf 11
vY^r: gr^fw: qrf?7rr: gtsn mrr*lg prr ggY^prei gil ami pmr rnffn
^n pnrr: gwtpY TTfPrgt ^Yppi ?fg: %q*n*rr rnifflg^g gm pargg:
^inq’rr: ^jrar f%% ?5(i^g*Y ^t: g#r fgTYi^^gr: ^[^1% g|gifi
^ IS gwm mYm pr >55 g* ^mgg 1 n pY sYfg%pgY-’ 1 1
Ms w^i pr^TOTP^g: 1 w^aYfg ww: n

^f fa^T »j^Trfa iiw^: 1

^ ^ ^m^TWira y x*t?r ^far^r: ^ *'• #w«
VOL. IV. . D d
*0* II it [«p t. sp ^,^0 ^

i i w^wN: i ^ i ^ i ftret i i srfa i itsw^: |

^ I «7J 1 TT^fTT I ^S*Tpi I 3RTI W I ^ffiSTSf^: I I H: H^l
Ffrot FfTOffroft^rM <to mvu wrot1 i % ^ fwr f^p,
TOTOf wNrmf« jhi: ^snaTfwrof?! i ^f»pn nfroiftfF to ii TO$Tfro?rf^ to* i ^
tor: ii % ^ro TOrrf^rf^5! ^r-j^wr^arra n^rRH^ww xjmr i 11 ^ro: ^
Rfwfn: TOrrwtfTOfofTOu qrr^T ^r^T vm i tto ii ii <w ii
^to*ff ffs to TO i ’stototo: t^to. i %qvw* 'irti^i* ii ^wr^TTOTO^ft:
qTOiTOt^ q^^f-rfqifr-i i sgfroi fitI? «r tf?r tout! ^fpspc iw«. m-h^u

33*^33: ireim: i

^ inrt tW^*! i^srot ^wt n =1 n

11% i ^s*fcra: i i ^tfir:s^rr: i w*r*v i tts^hh: i
^1 TIT 1 vs** i f^s^r^r: i i ^rf: i ^?rs^i: mu
F^prrwrsssftfTpqra ■^snf^aipsr^r Btot: wstoto^pTOr^^wpi
tori ^reftifwFPi TOnftwrH^ f% i -wsTOfa i fTO^si: tovto t^Fre: i
igt impfr i t^l^n *ani: i ^rr *wrokf|<n TOmf*?! TOf n^rr % ^it:
toittoto *Tjg: TOil II

istn^HT ^ 35*5 ^ffT^r i

35R *roif% 5^ 35^: ii * n

^sn^rn: i ^asufsreT: i ^ i 1i *m i ^n33:1

3*3s*tfo 11 i 1 *rmf % 15^ 1535513pk 11 *«
Tspr^m firqn% ^fpn FTOPrftrro TOprro*jfw ^ftf^rr $ *TOr
sflronroi ^RRistfftT TOsr wtf TOpfPi ^tottoj: FPifiP
^rnrro: i ^rorfwpi TO* ttTO i irfwr 1?TO *rr^t% prom t^i TOfvft *5^
%to toto TO tot toTOi TO5* 1 ^r-1 fpfr 1 f^ tosh TOmprrertatin^
TOj TOTTO I FF^TffT 1 ff^nW^PITEr sp^fW 11

^ ^3^t: xng ^ w 1
5^1 11?11

i ^sfn: nrft 1 ht^ i 3:1 ^ \ ^nf^: 13:1 ^frr: 1 ^ 1

55:1\\m I 335^fk 13:1 13:1 *ITf*t: I ^f^rfT^ 1 "911
sff* ftfr toi i ht?w
an? ini 1 nfn; tt^ 1 TifTm^j 1 to fU^tw ^ ,r^^1L:,
^fr <0«mT*fr TOft 1^1p: to i i^rg # TO TO*1 ^r*T3P'
ii ii ^
^ mr gfam^t gj wnramiTwr^rra iftiqnftpqg i

TO W.* #p^l

\^i srif^it ito| iigu

^fn: I ifH I TO 1 ^fr^l ^ I *T5fk I t ^^1
I W%TO[ I TO$ I fTOf I ^jr( | I efrot I $s&ter 11811
^f^^TTTffwt' ^TWTgfw *n?ig^;f^t^Tfaw»n^ gfreRgn: ^ruf^w:
|*rr: ^Tff^rr i T^T^Twrf^arr^faj«i*re gWraf *rfa7rn^raT*rpT ^nr%
xtpftc ferret 1 wns^rmt n

*pm: |^T f^WflffTIT ^T^fTOt I

spnfjtTlf spjat sft TO* 11 m ii
1 *ftfa: I ^rNp 1 ^WS^rT: I ^T1 f^j: 1 p%rn I ?r$ 1 srfrot 1
^sfriu^wt: i^s^^TJi’sjHi^M^^if^s^Ti^i^: 11 mi
vffir: mjTf5n§*r: ?rwf?mgTJn ^rnnFr ft# wsrs *ft?TT gmt f%^r
’ngtfwftKt wsrira: ^r^wTJm^TrTTft *rr ufv^rt ^tthtph *rr?s:
m^wwf Tpi fmfUgm %^t *fUgw f%w«i fw jtf gi i w t f^r^sr i
^tWT^^J^WtFRTfn ^ftr TRTftl W* f^ TRTWVHT g? I Wl, | W^g II
fara^Tim: 11 11 ^ 11

^T *Jsft fkw tfij ^%*tT ^TT I

TNt uret^fMt tot^Q ^Nnt ^$4:11 $11
1 i ^5:1 tfwI q%qt: 1 ^to: i^t: I ^N: 1 ffosfrf: I

1 sfw i TO^d I ^pit 1 Trfcb 1 I

f^rs^;4: iitfii
*rsr gm ^rnrr*ri 1 am *jfw w|t ^rrs gw: *g i fara
gwt wi^ arrwfa ag mggifaaiT%a i am ifa'ftft ffam mfrfr
'T^T^ft g^^f^Tprjr ?|*reTf?$a *a ff^ro^nfta 1 maaart mmgfmft
^^rgfmft gr^rr ?faq<m<ffia mmat a’ftmat w i am i^f T^ri afSm aag i
a%^*jf7tft^pgpia: ^Bfa^ft gwt «^g #

^Hut TOtal?ra pw f^5T I

-^gt WT 5f: ^ fir USII
d d 2

qrcftqfat i i qfassiqq i ^snwi i i qth i

4 I ffa\ I ^N: I^S*T3prt I rTT I q: I *fa I faS^M I fa I q*ffi; io„

fwr ^Hraraftert gpnjPT *irfw: nwrpfritjft prwrfaiPirRPffa i ^nnrraftfo,
i *fr ywr isfspft ^TparsrT i ^rr ^iwt unj:»
firg^f?! fpnflm: u *p3i?f ff%tS: g*Pif?f m *ft irftnff f^rer^P*# f’Nnl ^
j}5 f% vmh: i ft^nr w^rr ii

vjrfarTT: *3faqt qsjfa^rft ^faqT ^^TClfafafant: I

qrfaffaK ^H*nqf q^frs^ ii tii

jjhs^t: i sifaqt: i qgfa:sfrt: i ^sfaqr: i mtraif i wftsftrt: i

irfas^faTT: i qprsafa: i qr^: i wq: i i ^ i ^TSrjq iitii

Y?nr<Tr ^rrenfoit srn*rr ^fwr: i w i ’JN to i ?R[#r: i TOrfpfTt: i *nj nfir foforo
^rsrfst: i tot ^TTt »TfT^r^rr ^roror TOtf**Tf?fTOPrr wrroifHfTOUfattPiT
^ftirrft it^Tmgmr Srtt tttw wi: ii pi toi^ ii m tfPff:
qqfUqrc: i W it fl= *Wl*if^R fiR. ii i pnwnn i fpjrft
f^rg^: wrw: i HfWTOrreroii^rsq ^qrnpwro. i ’ptottto. ii

mqtuMt *faq.afa tmrp; w*fafafaqtfa qfaqt i

ohrfW t^air qq ^qfa^fH fa *rfrjf: iiq.ii
snqfijfaqt ift i qqqq; i q*fa i *m i qni i mtt\: i qfaqtfa i qfN i
ssinf^ i fa :»m i tm: i ^rfa i q*l i^qfa: i wfN-1 fa I WJf ii^ii

TOT PN P^WR: ii g®wra; 11

’agq 'g^rptftTOte PIT ^PgPT ^WT?T*?fTOTf% ^ WTOTOTin^^TfP'ITO. I I
^ ^rr: r: ’EHrTOfrroT pj:1 ^wrg^ifTf 1 fros? 1 'ro^T twpt *nj*?t totttor i
Tsrfg ’sr psj *ttptopt 11 ^farr^wngrR 1 m° 9. ?• to. 3. 1 ptotWt: wn^u'T. 11 a to afa
f*r ^^11= I t%TOT ^5TOS>r! to: 11

\raKf faq qpfa: p^rt qTmqq*n fafqfa T^rifti i

^tixt ##vt: q fatg ^ faQ vpTt TTfaqrfaqf qg h ii^oii
iraft: 1 f^q: i ^»=iq: i ^s^sri: i qr^nfa^rr i nffq^i i iwat: i

^xt:i^^:iqi%^iq:ifat:iH :iTTfH:iqTfaq:iqii^l 4 ^ino11

f^fr ^frtrei ’trSrfr VTTfwx: rnwr^r: gpsrr: ^•ii^i'Mrf^^
^pt *TffW ♦utd^iwnfr: 11 ?rg fwft 1 vr<4^i ^pram: # W* ,
^THR*P[ PTP? PiNns TTRfT^T ^ ^rtin-Oswre f^: q^t * ^
H^TfiTf^: I PTT <JPT<foTT H>ft ^ TTf^RI I ^
^O^wmMi n. <■>.e-1T^ » »T^T fPHgR 1 ^gfw»ngg a n?«.
ii TOftsaai: ii

aa$ ^ ^rf’Nwr i

srf^aw ^yasRT% fa3f ^arci a* ^ m II'IS II

i ftr$ i vh i araf5b^ i to i ^saiftj naffon; 1 srcN: 1
=H^: i pip i *jaraftj aaUfa i ft i fa^f I ?S:aT*l: i aw1 |ra: i aft n<n 11

sg^: otfc'rfta **}<-Hi«ft<aR: ^rnrT^raVtWTT »r$ farrgftm T^ft

jjvpmtwst uromt i i5nun«i vy* T*«r rrcift i i*?Tc*hjaft ^ftjriN ^qwftffrrfrng:
^jftft gvftiaft^r w^fifrarsnspi!: Tift |aT ft *ra wft rnffarrfft rjftrrfrr fm i n$ai
gnfrg i ^mfti ^ gr*t: utot fftft |*mft ^rr ?m rjfnrrfrr ^g 11

awft at aftat ^aftf aH at aft a ftaw m^m \

W%n ^1 afta*. $^Wa fRT aft TOatWTfft ftr^rf ll«Rll
arrft i a: i afta: ilasatrfa i aH i a: i aft i a i aaw i aT*jsaT i
anfftai: i ^5+: i afta: i gs^taa: i sai i aft i wiaiarTa i ftnaw m*n
% ^t: *r^rr ^i *ft grjrsfterpx ftrrftaft i ^rmt rftfnft^rw * msr: i <r$
rrarc r?m? i ^nj^Tfr «ft*r i n?fr *nj *Tg*n n gift *rnrTft?r: ii mg ^tw uH
tt iinm i Trerermf f^r ift wf^arr i ^t ^grr muft ft g^rmr: lft»R^Tft mra:
Tftmfft TO*rnTTPr m s^nftr ^mfnr i Tftrpnr u
ftsrr frarftftniT 'qftmiffarr i gfift ^ i mrr * gft ftm
^kt tot Hftfftftfft trftmrfcrr i w* q.- <w. i Tfw it

ftwkT mrt tjk% ainai waftfa aiaai i

ftftai afw afHaaftta| fa^t%a¥ apjwf aiftf^w: ii«i?ii
%qt i ftwftr i aaar i ^:s%t i ^|rr^r i aVi i sift i afa i amaT i
lafW it^s^ i|a| i fa^ i^aF( i ^jfrfa; i ^sf^rf: in?ii

*fwr graft gfrfftm grftfftftt grTft fftfftrft ftarr ^Nftnft fmrcr

ar^rrf^rra^fft i ffftfftTgrr^Tfft i *m 'mrtm *iw wf rftrn* mgm ai^nw fa^TTff#-
i argir^Tfft i TOftrt irf7T%Tf wftft %w aftr m<al«<nK*lrtrtHia*igfii*ii<i{!-
‘ * ~ ‘ naM *rnrw| 11

afaaia: farjairaaairi ^af f^sfar ^faa?^^ra i

pr?: a»ma«aT#^aTHts^ ag m8n

i f^sar^i ara i tot i^aTa; i tsdai: i arfasa^i i

%t- sta i w*i* i ^ i anssi i to afH i^ara: i aia i i a*i«<vl n
^nt $ wr rr intern: gjvft aftrerot aftregwrnm aw ftg^flrew-
ii ii

qflttfiwTinq *T*f i fSfa i affe ^%fn #1 ^rrafr %wr. *ro-

aT^famre%c9TaT«rrft ^rerrg vtoi f*jar i ^rfaafw **><*4*1 iare gain: i ifhrr
^r«n iforr: «®sr Trnrafr wra: art ara^rf^ntar «<jffl*Hli)*i ^
^rrNre| ^ fw »pRTfa i
ft wirrpnpmg Tito wfiarfa: ^ n- ii <w ii

%sn^ i i spffrfa; i i ^ i fW i i srfa i JTSrrcg: i

TfEj^ 35%<i srngnfa ti n q8 n
*;to f’tr^rfRffT w*r ffsaTTf^wma?n?rr3 %j»t i v<*j-h< ^ i wr
^T^^fri i T^f fv*i ^r^rrarr^r toIw f^fw « wfH5rf*f%^®»g <*ft*Tfift ^1^1 x$
^fin=rrqTn 1 ffw ^ 1 T*n faarfarfn sn^parr^aft Mtg J*f*rfw fife 1 to0 'o. * 1 tfani
\T{t fil^j farTT 3=t ^fnfalrTT I

r|fH f^5!^fw^^tsW IHII

|*T I M I ^S^Mf I %n I 3T: I ^|rrSTT5TTTTT I ^rff I srf^l
htH1 fer^i sr^i f^rossta: 1 ^it^: i ^*i 1 i$)w 1 'srcK 11*111
^%fnfT?mrwra 1 yrx f^rif»nj arraftf?a?rffi g^TOsror 1 ^ g tmri ftnt^nn^i
yftfwrfuww; 1 TOjTfMxra arm: ^rgt wnro f^g i^ri%g <T*royig
wrPiftT totot; 1 ^r*r mTOax^wrentxTr atfrart g^r<n4^nj: toj annarw apn gfT fasraron
g*f srarfarerr ^*f*n*n*wgt ar^gwroiffa isrr an TO**Kfd 1 ai^i 1^
^ w^toto: 1 f\ra toM \rNft anrcftwf arnfirwt anrfw:
a^w^rrt 1 w 1 h<h*if^rc^Ri 1 ^rawrai *r*rp$frw f?aflf Hgiflftnri TtgjfT't^i
ftfrrifnrT 1 wro 1 srfari «nmt ff^rfai 1 ^iarra
jtopt: to^t^t: g^TTWm 'altera npwf^T»wf^fH snro i^°wt° ?• ?8-1 am grtt
jrTTnfg ^tanig Traarag tr^3w: ^HNr«rf^rT fwaw is(i*i ’fnw ijunw-
^n^jt anarft: 1 gwi^ ftaawrrfff^nf 11

^rT ^rT ^tT.V I

fati 3T^Tf»TT#[ ^TT WW ^‘rf || RII

^|rT I TTOfl: I W$ I I I ^TT^: » I 1

f^Br 1 vi 1 1 1 1VT^ 1 wm 1 vrijl H ^ 11
-mil mts*g{ wr. ^ ^wnaj ^*rnn: an^Tfti 'wwft
Htnw?ftj%tfWT*: g^T: I ^farrafr miarf^r TOT vqn 1 wtt^farn: itai^-^-'JJV
afar fTOTfanrirr Tplifan^rl f*nr Jitrnwi arm vm vtt^i M. fWWT^ ^mn-
trra^iff: tot: mifunfipt am anni 1 aaprfn 1 huttoti Hhnut*! «<j,?tsfflRffl n

T«nar *rr»rr f$faft$arr i ^i

am itlft* i ^jt« g. qq. i *f?r n

ftfa ^rf^^T^fiRW»TZ|t% ^^TT |

sn nn%3 fnif h$a

#:si^ l tff^sf*: i nT^sfa: I src^siwtfa i n^TI i
i^s^fiffN^i xn: i^tt i n i ^i ^i f^n^i ^jtt^i,?ii
i f<<T. arfajfar:
am ^N>iMnnq^i««y<n!ji asnmfai smm. ^ an:
* i ?nT i gpf*: asrtjfw: aj? an: ajfm
«nmi qNUT*<nH^qifaq<a^qi<.qn. i '37rrft ^ nwrn. i qwfw irfTfr nf<ifn:
««i41*i: oth Jrrg w^frfTT i f^jn: anf smrrc: * 'snrraT %wHan<M,ifenginqf7T i ^srf»mf?T»

^ ST*rf ^ TT^I in ij^t fnnnk^jn^ wi i

ff frrer iitfa
i n«iT i nr: i i ht: i >jft i fnnrft: i i inr i
T4W^: 1 13^: 1 i ^t: i w i w*: i fn i ff i fiw i
^rfbnFf: a# a
w^r m wsro fatg amftg i ^qpna ?nre: %rfr *?n% gft g^tari
%Hi«ii«j(fiaKi. 17m: nr: ^wr^rfeirr *n i n^mf i
ssftfTi: fwtrr ^wt arr ’s^rai: i i HTf afm wnffa; i
w»m frotjgw srrtr grm: i fagTnn*^ n *% ai%m i
«rm*t: n

^fHUT *PTORi?hff fTT^fUT nr^wtfHr^l

*$§ iTm^ f^ TSRjfiq #: ii m a
^sfnif i i sprorf 111 sraHt* i fa: i ^ftfar i *m i ^sn: i ^fn^i
i i ^ i nf i i f^r ( tser^s^ i sit: ami
* ?Wft: n^iiTm^n f^mrnrnfy fiwTflg^g^V fafarer
^TT^mj ganm; ^agrra $3 an»lrTTf*i ^tftsr f»nc®7!7C i f^TmRrmTfi: t WJrorsftg
ar^TWTfanf gi} ^ qmfqgn ^fwwmf^inJ: I aH i
i wnf«m [ vm »

^^if^rq^ij^^gTn^r s tt^irnftrRT ht a%w

£ob n ii [«• t.*f° Si

i ^ i T%rnt1 ^fai i ^iis^ i fa i if i ^Ni i

fa^irsfa: l^rsf^tl f^Flfa: i mt^i ^ i ^r i ht: i qywnHfyi

^ twfr fwf^rnn «ftrwV*xrr w Tfarnrt wrft ^
fagnfor ir5^ *r*r fW *n?i4 i i f4rg ^jf^rfw: i wi: ^TT^WTWr: i H:
4afrarfan^*rH: *TrmamT*»: nfisi ««mnr^i
TifT^nwT an qqmud; i ,?rr3r?TT 11 11 <w w

s t s^fa: sfafa: ^rfanfataj fa i

W- if i flstfa: i sfasfa: i^^sfa: ifa^fatf ifa Ii^fad^: i

snsfa: i xrf?r: i ^j-sfa: i ^f|: i ^4sfa^fa: i #fto i fa i w*z wsw

ar ffwtn: arSTfinfcrrfot: atfigfn: aTfo#: aro*if«4*r*: an

affvnrai anri i ^imr i ?r?ft sr^nff w^i^Twrai wtara tifta;-
fVtrRr: ar w ^a;-
f^i: i wsTTf i nan *rsr: i 4 irfn a^far: i «^fg£f*nsi n4 snare i snsfld. u

?t TR?fcn %tfif 3rTT i

‘STCJSnT ^Tffat: II b II
?t i i *fasT i fasxfin i >rr: i ^qproi: i prxpfa i *ftfa: i
^qf?T: i fa^:s^fag^fa: i ^i i i 11 bn

arr: n$ar amr^*}^ tot garret arent

n4f4a;4 ffajrfn 4W?i *nri wTPr^t $4 *4twm i ^PT, i fWf^g faretarc-
sftfn: ii m4: smwraTf^si: nani: ii sM<*n^m<g<,is(r«idsn arret %g *re<aj TOit 4d^d
Tfrr 4 rretan: i %: ^refwt: a?r?qare g»4aif3rWnT an i ’q4fitf4Mmqd.il

rt ^RWt flfafa: farrfa: faffifa TTTT^rT I

<jg*qfff ^N[ ^ *T^? fa^ II Q.II

ft i ^rc4rf: i ^fasfa: i fWfa: i faf s^r i ^rfa^ri i *ros$ i

^l^fif i f^fai i ^is^um i i ^ i -%r i fa^ ii <£ii
are# i are fn#*re ^n t# arewaiafrd i af#*l f4^f4*r *ud<?i gar:g»r:
armTarf qfidTt fWW ^nr^f 4 fwf4 anpfr *r4 ^MSTffY *£*.' 4h^4to
ht 4t 4an% fwfw: wniflf4: ^rdf4x.*I ^ i ’sajj*: > 4T 4tm4W»

^ ■sniT^qfs^^TTn gp^^^kTfa ^ i
TffRfrT ^rr^lT fa«mt 5^faTT«T IIS© II
n II

r *rfa i ssrcMj fa^sM i^rigii ^srkifti i *rt i

fprf* i ^fai i ^4?r: i ?n*rt \ tfrf: i fa*rr: i i^tfrt: i no h

h frufinS^T ^rfaroTO fawi »trt^4 tto qtaPOTriWN*!. ^ nnwyt:

«*i *n wftffpf p *rer TgroRnO^fa»|: pr Tywri-
^f*ra: w i^^.q.^.HTr^Tiff fpj *f$mi; -£(s«jif<wwrtm ^p pjpfr
HTft P<fr \mc*nfr i^rrg *pfiT 11

f^TTT ^Rtv sftft fasm ^fwr^: i

TO Ifjxt ^xt *fa?J fawQ^ft PJfrf faW% II ^||

^TI wsftfa i I mv.m I T&fi; i f^i f^ I I ^fa: \ ^f:,

to i *ph i sri i >fan i fW: i mi i sfa i ^ i fogMr ^

fa^sf-% mil

% fwfpi^pmt %p: pfmnr pret WTPPP^termTftpt ^jfH pit prrfr pjh i

pit i ttot Pi ^fwTTafl^j^: atft Tjfrmt rtpto i pm i ftrprmt i pit n to ^
i p° m- $• i Tfw fPTfpt: ii ppfro: «#r pg i *n?ig i irf^n-
^nfjTPf pr ^ fprfu^ fron iR^aft t fr^ pprrfpfT ^ «

i§f HfT show fa i

ufarT w. IIII

i&' I HfT I ^w: I I fa I Jg$fa I ^falTr^l I

t% ipt *Tjrr ^ fwfprpfr ^r«S*r»^Ft^ys«i tfuf^«a i^<g g\5r*i ftrft
^i<RIRT TO | pT I RH^I'M PITOT pt: I WfpTT^ I Wiqpip I PI
ln*Pw i ^ ppgfpfi p ^{^pppi i tort n a <t$ h

^H71 Tfa ?r<(pNs*i ^ i ^tp: $$p i pro prpitri 11 p% snuR^fti^

’Piww i ffPi n i u Jifpmt^gTfri^T »r t% i p° q. I'Vfii»

^r lift ^fatrfa^r fa^i: i

?r^t ^fFTfawr^ ^far^m; nu

^Sffr:»hiii13?ftntas3=ri^fat: i

faf^s^: i ?t i ^4: i nil: i ^fwfa i ^fa i ^st: i wmmi nil

T3^7? '^wtimfprrfr to Rfpr: qgnarerrgwnrr: am to; i r potto i pit
• TO ^ TO^fi: p:p: tfmr: h^t pit pfn i
VOL. IV. E e

fafr^fr %^#r *m f*pfrm ^arfort-s^rr *m wg^: »mf?t i nsrr^

^^t: *sTrmfr fpgrfwwwwm. i n g w» «

h JTtf^ktfnr^t ^Tmot f?Rrq 1

5FT fWr ?T ^FT% «[^WT ^W*ffbipft II * II
i ntftf: i wf>TO: i Rsfcnu: i *Ff:s?<3[ 1i %=1R 1
3f^ I f*f*: I *I ^ctrft ifff istfrft I I '^Fm I 1 ^IP^S^l
^f^PC^if^r: g^r *rwnrr: *Ptwr aEm^g. f^ft ^ f%rfr fjj^faXq^wir
gpfc ^fmTt jft^r: *? « f*nrre 1 *refw 1 1 f*mt n f*nfr w sft
ci^'qjfl ^mmnft ,*mfm 1 *i*m^frt 1 *?rcn*rc& w* wnpftenS: 1 \ fi^
1 wtTjg w 1 wnm 1 wgf*m aiTNT*raT*rnft wi*t ^ftiTft
w rf^ 11

^H^fflWru: wr#r: 3Rqtri*m: 1

^fwfw: tjiffiWTt fafftr fo*fT ^ fwfw 11 3 11
^tvs^t: 1 wfkftR?: 1 ifipT: i wit: i ^s^relt: i ^yras^tn: 1
TffFrfw: 1 t|l|^vE[: I fasff*i 1 fa: 1 ht: I I *RSI=1 1 farfas«i: 11? 11
?tt^t: i-mg^ri graiwmT tnsref %^rf?rfwt: «nci tmwtaT: *it|t:
«p<!lY«n: g*rcfr: TftHMggrrf^wf^m '41*1*1 iwhivit tt?h *rr: *n?mfwr
f*rg*l fgfcpzffa 1 f«r#T?f?r 1 *rmf?i 1 rnj jmn: 1 *mf*m *mT f^rfw. gwT^r
wgrro f%4trf7f 11 1 f^rfz ^Ji 11 ■sratT 1 ^rrg^rqHTf^gTugwT *rr *rc: *ft«r
wsar 11

Wm ^tfa*Rfam^rl €t: I

WTnpfafa HT >JRt ^Jlfa fa rNf fa^I II8II

WfSTfiPR I WIT I ^rlfa I ^tfa I ^S%CR; \ ^5: | I Hi''

^IFrfrr: 1 1 ^re*fa: i *tt: i Jjrait: i 1 fa 1 ?Nf 1 fa*i 11811

>• M w —

^rnmT^r: 11 ^d«#Tl<*«*#i *frf*i Tm?r^ffrRn _

fimtwr ^frwrfW g?^w: fi?^*n^M:ir>afB?!i?ii: ^r^TwrmrgfST^
«rrw^ ?mf ’JjW 1 f^fw^TTPRrfffT. 1 »n f^wn ■^miniTf^ai^: 1 Tm ^
*tot gfir?N f^mf% 7^ 11

^nr 5^rf7ftiT imf ^wft^T^r: ^ ^ttw: 1

^lWrkg*j*ii -snir ^n ht: 11 m ii

soqo.^n.^tj H H

I #fffaT I htt: l **: I ^qic^s^ I qiri: I w^\

I^S^iq^l^S^I^MWl^Rl^rixn: 11MII

s fWfnwrfTRT mrcnjft rr^TTf^nfx: @%»r ^wfwfnfr^tn^; i i tr

fsw i w tr^^itTi nrg: tfrrm ihraiwuRfa i tttt:
jTT^re<ftfn fwrS W^w to nftraiMar i
i iwf+iQ wr irr^tHfx^rf^nr»w %^»rrfqiTf7f 7?^ h

f^5T || 11|

*? i 14ttw: i ^ I 3ftI ^pqfH: i 3*ftm4:sfa: i «%• i

i *n fajp i uftsW i m^\ wf4: i fijsifac \Wffi&i

^qhgf n § n

I ffsrere wgr srpryg ^ *rfqrarr% Sfof*Rfai^ ywmi

^mTrfw c faq -h qrfq ^t Ti^fri^fTT i fqR ^fw: ii q^tfmTfamf^rr
T*ftf*rs hw far^T H’SRfr? rffsr qftfas ^ tjf%f5r:
^RnTTJTO KTO[ T^rY ^)|«R|4jfa«ITqt »Rf f^HTfWTifni I qqfq-
^mifrsc.11 ii qa it

Ifff riT^ ^thof ^3 IJST q?t I

fwr^T n^figqj: qifrrer ii $ ii
I 3W7T I f^ 1 rq?tl WHT I 1 I I ajft I q^l
^Tstq I f^TWT I *!«f I 13^1 3%*rf: I qqrTO I WTt I ^STr^ll $II

jirt ■h^ «?iT»t ^0«ii i^itrmrrrt »nrf sttrtRr *ttr ’rm^j

qTTRror^ ii *g qnRY*i% i ^ TRTf^iwrvt: i qT° * a.'oa-1 Tfa f*RY ii
^^wrinsifli qrfrorr ^n^RTSPNTWJ^f ttW fHWT^iw^i i <r ?sttj: i
^ *m qj*rm qfqrcr ^it^Tfq ftw tr fwt »i%^RfW u

^nffcnj m uStmnaWT ^ I
fassforc wr * ^Tf|FrfHf4^Toi f4f4 ntii
^ i ^f4s?nj i 1 qfi i *wi i 113^71 ftnm i
t rn^i i ■qjTW i ^ i ^^rirti ^wfrr: i fqsTqqf i fqsfsi ntn
IWfTT^TTTOT 91TTRT fHTOTfM‘*I4 fqffi JT^ iftTOTUt q^TOTC I qfYTfti^NY^ I Tiq
^?t: i q tnrr ^ ^f?r r^qi^wt^m^r: i ^ fwl frorrot trt
^7 ^ i iwt ^ TnfWqnr ^ fqt^nr f^rfqvm ij^i frow qw fsTm f*Rhrnc i TOfM i
i ^tfn »RRnif%f7f vm: ^wqT# i tt w fqrrfaf'cfTT ?r^ n ^*11 nnrt4: ii
e e 2
n H [w»

ifcnif%H it 3?rfi it fn init wnffb i

^ finnan h H^tit 5WR II <£ll
h: i hht i ^^i h: i ^ i w-1 ^ftr i h: i i fsn«rtv irn=it% i
i itsi^: i h<h^ i fi: i H^ni i H i nf^a: i hhk: ii <in
n fgmfddtd ij^dfdm; inn ^stmxftmgdmrfd^d; i ww i * tpt drmfqpd dtift
qgterffiqn^ifl^iT %mn ddffd fa mn^ i dtsfa rnfadmn. i dd: d iffapY ift^mnO^dt
n^ffwr: dfafddt dw xrftij: irfmw in faaf«TT i d%d fa%n; i dm^TfT% fdfd: i nwni
«r n^nr: mfr marfa nmfdit^iT faftfa w^n: n

ffii w ^wr HHtfi ^FrfwHTf*roSf*t ht: i

«HP3^Hp^i*firc ^Tt^Tirr^t fire HirctrT: non
f|HTSSH i xrch i i HHtfi i -<jf$qfrRT i s^raH^i He*:1 nr: i

3&HHSf*i i i wt: i ^ i *jimTHt i fin: i ^s^rcbr: n so h

faint w farm m^T mfrfa TOnrft ijfwr gfadTfa rntfa d^tfa mrrfa rnnffatfa
jfrmrrfa ijfadTmgdd. i mt iwth^wh fwfaminfa tgm wUamtd, i m§ «n gfadT
in: mn^d. i ^Tr*T^^ii^irwl^iT^:^i<N d ddtn$ mttn; i w ddrmdn^fa *t «dft
urn ytrmntN dmdrfaTfadfa: i fas dfafa mi i fifrmm gxixfawr fam dWTdtfTTTd-
xftwrrd: mr^ *fa md; dmmnc ii mfafa ii

safi toth h ^jinfiri H^nfi: fani ^nifiHH; i


^ifi i'sihth i h i finfi: i ^ri i H^nfi: i font: i stt i ^ffapt i

xrsn i rri: i : i ijtfn: i ^h; i ^firfw: i finru ^srf|i fH33J ht: iissii
fxmr: mmfamft tm m spafai dd^faxiifamfafin^fa'md. i difadt^famt. ii fnr
mnfa i mi ^nrrat *nfa ii dd ?did: i isrfa it dm wnW srafafa: dfadfcTdifcdj-
tffa wt: i dm xjm mfr fafamid: i famfdfa wnfaTTfawndad^j: # d^fa^'dim^51
dm*: mfaffar: i mum nrft «r n^d i mw g mi^T^fdmd: ii u^t fwfdrf^ d^dTfvftd
fintd; dtfddd. fd^Rt =d dd f^rdpm: ^ngtfd^ dtfd^d; dtmtd u »
d3[T |m

^inii nit h: ^fwitiitfw i

^pnf?Ti h f% itir: Ht ^1% h iftfi: h ^jfiif nit htt^ nssn

^i i ni: i i h: i ^H*f: i i wsiiHtfiT i

i.h: i ff I »iti: l h: i IH: l IH: i *|sfi: I h: i i

§.$?$<».] ii H ^

w^ri?rfwm *r«nrra gwro T^gw »m: i wreref i ifr

i^d^u^«*iui i*fl*i4tf?j yapfartf^g#* aritfa * gyijjffoq aftf«T%g
*pri qttfw g^f«^WTf^firg yff*i mfUw *frg»#r vnt i «psrnj i irera^j i n^^t-
ff^TT^JTII in*ll im II
frsn gwrf»i 1 *^r if* mwf jwi gw Bwraiw gfirwS i wrf^it 1
mnmrnr f*j«: i wftifmu i w«n mgw*nt i «^r: gftyt mm fwianffft n
amt fafM*it»i: ii

^t ^ddiinssd d^df ^pft Hdfffd: ^t^ot ddiw i

tfw*\ fddt 3rd ?dd srd* ^fdip^ ii r ii
r^t: i3*d: i 3fds3ra*d i ds^d: i i xis^ftfw: 13 s^: i ^d$f?rc: 1
*nu I1 Isfir^TJ 1 Mi 13rd i ivW i *jdd 1 ^rs^fn 1 irrd i ^fdsjrn^n 11
*in: *fmfr wrafTram^ *m fag4g;T: wwrrcrwffViat »nig 1
m[T 1 wot mmft wtwi^: *i^fr armrtm »reg 1 MuTIftnd^ swi arwt wnrr ^
amg 1 aroftmft m wgmiww: gw: ift^wwrr »**g 1 gfirm wnrcraT fmfrjyt *«jwt
i^awftrR% wi ifaffrffqqffr w ffiny*t ffafilw <^f*g*gTf wtw*:\\
^(ffarrfw fwf**: 11 ytifinhTt 1 mrft: wmt 11

^rfsmwwi ^rTR^ ^J\^m W& I

ffaT^ fd dim gd ^ ifcrd sfddgfrr: 11 * 11
*|d 1 id: 1 ^fds^^d 1 ^rdd i^rfi^rdi^di^?fdi^i d^d 1
^d 1 sns^rr: 1 1 fd 1 rad 1 $d:$^r i 1 flfdts^ffl: 11 * 11
ww **fa*t{$g* ^wr ifNNW w*g 1 w gawr^ffri H*g 1 *yn@npfrf*g
^*i gfswt H*g 1 Sprtfm gst mrf* Tf^t 1 ?t* g?tmy*t{f*^Nt$w* fa mfa 1
fanfdrt «*fa 1 mr yf^rngfa: yflkigmt ufarfwfa ytifa: g3 ** ftml 1^fafa »

^ vt^rfft gf*R: ddtd ssid nfhA *rdfa: 1

^ *r fddf *r 3id ^fd s? p 3idt vt: 11 ? 11
^idiTFj: I^i3idfd5i^sfd3:ids|di^i rn^i^i’T#?: 1
^‘•i>3r^»^i^:ifiTt:ifTOiH:i3ldi5fdm:ipi3id:i^T: 11311
^ ?r^Wi ng<.'TOTy»itt w mft^ ff^: mmftmrftT gfSr*
mftvr 1 ywn«(lM<»in< d fsnc*ft 1 fy^ffw^fw tftt fmwrmft^: 11 ?rt^
TfwNft mrt'ift wjft »r^g 1 y w "^mrng* w mrfn nrn yty i urn 1 ^

» « [w°

RT ^ * 35 I
^ form *Nrr w^t 3R tsjR ?ri%i W srw 11 % n
^ i rq i iff i |fo6w: i qfys^ro: i qsfq i ^ i w-1 35 i fro i
5R: i *t: i ftqsm: i ^tt I I ipjsxn: i 5pr i tor i i 35 i ^ i
3fH ii 8 it
tfasn: n arsi^r gtffr w. n wtriT jr ffim gf to v sit sufft
ffrf»?: sr«R<(liR<t * isflT^TJft' JRT f^mTTtfffl^ JjfN I %W I *RT I ^WW^T fft
4 i jrenr^tfTTRRf^r i jj si j^jurs ftm: 11 g«f»VcTf^: n treat i ttr tto?T *r i ^ i
fron i tor^urt *rerrei trrerfam jr t ’gmft ^
TifTr: RRRi wfr *R i fro ^r trjt tw \r % ?r rjj^r^ wrg frefi 11

#HRtrT n\xIT T?T r*t HT^farrtfiT^faT I

^ 55 qrajrsrevr: qfipr: n ^ ^THTW ii m ii
*re i ^ i ^jfy s^snq i ^it i ^t: i *m rt i TTKfacj ^rfas^tfa: i sr^t i
^:s^r i ijtjjt: i ^cfcr: i gsftnr: im^i i i ^ iimii
% tTVSR$% ^t<tt^ i spi afmrNiTfr *cm tt i trrr i ^rmfr ^ tfrrr
■»Ftx?Tf%4cfT JR I fro RT WT gfg^fT JTT RTfa. I *TT fiR^ I *nft SRRf ^rfWTJTfJTJTrflTf?-
jRjnftwR*pifUf»wfnTr »Rf% i fiR ^ ro RSRTfR 'spsj: srf*fNnfta: ssrreR*T-
%tri ,«tiRfRT JRt% i tto *rrwraRT^R «nnifM<ji*ft3p> ^"^rt rorc^fr Jrwrff g f^i
gfrotii it rH i ira^fJT i WT%43Tf^gwt jr h
jRiparT wi? ^r*?fq ^ret ^nnqrrqt fsFfa \
^ ii % ii
5Fr i i i i T?wt i ^nfrt i ^\ii \ ftijm i
^t:S5^ II^ar^R: I1I ^ IxIiPTIs‘53?T• • W' ,l^tl
^ ^ ^wr i ,?RfT Jr5^<fterwt w*n: i ffmfr it^wt tr?<tJRTf» ^ffr
nrrfr s i ^rg^: sfsRRRft i (RtSt ^Rf%: ®rrn^wr
t%f5R I TTTJfJRRP^n}: II fR R^T 1 t%f« ^T II ^ T* ^TO^TRt WFST P!T'W'
gTJTRfJT Brr: I VfJTJR » gSMTgflW^ ^HTJTR^T^Jf: I WIWTt^mR MlTO«,K|^
3raj%Jf JRfH U H ^Q. II

\^y&i nsn
^S% I I wi I srffr I I ^rTS^i: I k
^si^r; i ^pRS^j I ^js^t: i TpqrriTf: i i '&$} i1^»is^ 11 $n
i #fr^ % 7hr*r: ^>n^n: i i w %^rt ^fru; ,
Wft'i ^q«n«ir<aiRt!i qyfqmm qjwrr
wfr^ng .(IPa^yfr g»TRl7ni?m ^fTPn»wwfMjf»T: i«fu*ifira-
jnwt J^fTT y f^^w'itKiit: y * ««* formal ft g t i
^rfflCffFwfrr a

w w^s*ra?N tmjn i
a litii
s i ^=p i ^s^it 1snws%^: i ^m'srats^ i s*rt i ^:sij^ i
31 •JS’fcf: i ^ft^n^sfa: I ^ i i *sq% i^rojsftl: iibii
t ^ srfa g^tn 555 trofr ^tnft qrrfqiffwroqjjm ^rgrf% 1 efogift 1
<3*^1 fwwTm^pnfti »r qgWfogft wtt qamT war^7Pg?f ^nrr 1
aft^qr *rr«rf*?qiT wansHfa mq: 1 mgwr gfn:
gfH%f»rwf«fT^% 1 tfqffcffaft 11

5TTrm^t I
vmjFk *nrjtffifa lien
\^: 1 fou $ i ^rit: 1 ^mrs%^: 1 Hffrn^f 1 ^rfiissTO i h i 1
^1 ^stj4 1 mffi: 1 for: 1 sifo* i r i 1 ssnnr. 1 Pns^iifa: 11 e 11
% WTffc^t % qiVT'gft ?t Tiq qrfq IT qt’qq, | im^fTT I qqR[T
^t^gqrciqftRt fair: wr: Hf3& *f «Rt m qypj^alflqmffei qnaquiq OTTfaw:
^t ^ ffir: ^fiJfawrf^fa^pyT qfv%^r% q? qnlfTaqiTftWPnn?: 1 fa?iqTqf% 11

fifor tprrtf^w fsn^ ^vpg: I

I^T^t nfof ^fotw gft ^n^Wirfo^inoii
fors^ 1 Tpr 1 srfo*: 1 1 nf 1 ^ 1 ^rfassw 1 1
f W. 1 1 i *rfo[ 1 sw 1 i ^nrat: i smbr: i fot 11 ro ii
^ ^ ^rgq% gfa^rr '3WPT WH’fami Hq^qft^T^r ufaq^rwrift *ro farnfaw: 1
I ffafa: qtfttrarar 1 qrqfaq 1 farfa ^nan fa<rr *iffa gq ^rurefa qfaqfa wr 11
^ 1^^^ f^^JTf^qr faq1! wtq: 11 ^ qfqq gqqm^ ^mfq
qwp^r fqg^T im *rr ?rfj^T gqm: ^nm: g^TqraT^ ivrrf^frwqft irjqq^fr: 1
II q*ifoff*mrr afNTf^s: 1 qjjq^frwq: u

^^IfoTPI ^TT#7^fk: I
^ f^^fWTRtS^ ^TW!foqnfo^in^ll
srorjj i i i ^sf54: i f^rro 13§rT^*n^$fa: i
WFi I f^l ^|: I fWlpft ?fH f^SHT^t I ^ I WTVrf I 33[fa^|
i f^ll'mi
TjUfaterw «<s«fN: 11 3$fil^fwfw: TO; tj%t
'arffsrera i i mr Tmr^r: i \ fTnnrpft ^iwnta^iT 'rrnstfta^tfjmsft sf wni f^ i
Tm^firfa touto i 7tjto^: ^T^rfw: i tp* *sfraT Trvq^r f^r h^tvtt
*tvttr fw* Tnrrfw^ i i i wrrfir^ i w^i ®wrtwi: i
^srfa^r: u jtsutttott^: wrerfafTT n

s ^nrt^rr ^t fasrWtafa f?te ’mw* ii <&. ii

I ^rfa: I I I H^RTr^l us^s: I *r*fon I I
i i i i ^T i i i f?ro i'ajfe i ^rfv ii^ii
fm irfurr ?R^rrfwTT^TT»r wro ffw 3rr. ire^r «ftf?nfr «*rf?T i <prr
rng tot ^irw^Ttr ^jfrwro 'atwtwr wrfTT i \ *rtw3 ’^zr^gs% ?rW*m *g?qfnfa s <3
*frs1 rft»sjfn. '3ri *rrfq *rr ^(fr f|wt fwTTtf^favrsTrra^fiT firs 1
’srfwre 11 11 *011
fwr it ffrfH far 1 Tismi gfrrsremi %w <rgwr$f^m: *r*TTnprr: Tffn-
^t^i: Trap ^nrr: 1 ?m ^rg^iH 1 T[rrr *r w^rraf*tfa 11 ^vqgTft^mrf wfa^rnfrf* 1
gfsra ^ 1 *rfwt «^rf weft *it 1 w 3. *• Mcfrni

^rt ^ qfiro xrfrr ^t Tjrn^ff i

■cn^^fir^T; *N gwr %i*n*n 11 s 11
^Rf i ^ 1 ^rc* 1 i fro i ps:1 ^ i nfrr 1 ^ 1 ^?n3f 1
cTO^ I Tjfoan: I $f^TS$ I 3Tfif I I RTC I ^SRfft I
^s*pn 11 «i 11
1 ^ ?3o^ IdbWUM^ I TTTT^T «J^i1<^^*nf»T: IT*0 ?TT® <*• *•=■1 •
'3rlT^rT^mt ^ TTcffaf Trfmj I %TP?T I «T®TT ^TTT^ TTfTT ftf I ^fTIW;
jtto 1 fJTPT \ gTir^r girtf tjfwr glf% ^tijrr gR*^ Trfwf*^
^<ih^t ^q-qfiftT wrwrfTT^wfr w 11

^n ^ ^TTTwf i
^TTFi wm \^-w ir ii
^n i^iT^nr i ssros^rRt i p i *qig 1 ^nr^: i f^s^fn: i ‘
1TTOT i 1 1 1 1 ii ft«
II TOftst*? II

TOnnf> tot wnro: II w* WTOwrffc grof^f* gflTO^frw*gr«*a<,w«

^ 1[f7T^^f^^ti^TWT^T% TtfwWT^I: sftyiftiTO WT wrg i wm w
^fr frwt TOfro: gfimWr wr ^r?mt twm gxsr: ^fw$fttfro*?r#ihNi *nra t^r
*rww wtot *tfr%w w? |%wr *^Tf|«r: g^a: i ?ft: ittw?j 11

i^rfq ffa^rwt TT^rot ^rftr i

fF! wn ^n*ffig fa t$? itrrt »?»
1i ^atfn i ffa^Jjj: i Hgntw i sift# i
*f^%: ISP* I g sgat I *ifa I *n Wl I g? i ??, fmt II3II
mnnirin fromfir ttoft: wrotfroiT Jrgrotft totott faro 11 grog httoi-
^f7^1«T^toT <TfafTO4Ut i ^jfn i * ^ wf^f*-
gfTTT gwtftw T%W W Wf |WTRj*T<0*IT Wft I w<^ TO TOTWf I mro 1 TO^f
fm TOtwirfrort ft ^ i frof^»
fk ifam fH^T 5TCRT if* JjjfTO I
^cEm H?THT ^ 4f^ II811
1 iron! 1 s^ 1 ftnc^T 1 3Nt 1 spm 1 §rfa i ^ i gfM i
^loEm 1 TR^n 1 1 ^ff: i i ^w: 13rf® 11811
\ WfiHTTOnt |wgtf *rfro fTPCWT fTTT^H mtt^Tfrrl Wf^ff TOT I ft^TTT
fo§* TOg i tot ;^if t| ^tto ipfTOi 11 foSw^HftR n^rfwrrf^rr ^fror|ir: i
WT^WTft WlfcmmT 1 tottoW: II sfTfTOT pfl^i'Kt wff: grf« wtaTf^f-
93 I^ni It t* t wffiwniwft Wtaem i tw tfn wtroro i
TO4iRflt ftfft WTTOWTWTft^^BTft^TOTWT^rRrfW I TO I gTO II

3T ^tfa: Tjfa^TT =fT HT^rT f^c VR** I

TTffRT H^f^T T$ XJ^IRR 11 M ||

%: I 3T I *TT5| I ^^Trf I | | <q | Trpf^n I f% I ^4 I

1 1 ^%IT I Rfr^sf^: I I T^f I T«TS$: I lITT^ IIVII

TJ7!1TO^rr wt 1 wtw^wiw i f|ro wig wgPga tOw wrt

^ 1 wtot TOtari: a w*hw TOtfn w from: u gfronw wxaat »nwnf% ttttot
^ wTOrRr^nT *rem i wst^«ii»<*i*iii*u*u 11 grit ggfwfa to: g: 11
^KTO» n^n

^ %% ^%rfrt fr^HT f?T I

111 ^T llffll
vol. iy.' ~ ~ F f
ii ii [«• &*!•*.*•**.
4# sfih i i gftr# sft gsfa# I SWTClit i ^?rt i
fa I ## I

^n i «rt i ^n# \ i i ^ i #431 ^ 3s*#1

^piS# II ^ II

^warSt fgrwT q^tarei ^ffTTTT fffnrt *flww^S» '<mmi«>7<rtMiw aar anft-

Trr^ft wtat arret ^ fa *nwf i faa^ai i ^ wwwf wwwft aimwai^ 1 *iwt itfmavft \
^aft at qawtaO fa^Wi wa# «*fta«Il wra arpft ijaffa armwaraT ^arat i^ar wr i
aafaifg ii

#*fa: fanT UTflT^^xj^ i

^dfirrpffasn a*faR fa^^T *fa«ri ii s n
^>«l: I xtt# i 3^1 3*fa: IHS^: I fw^T I *n#fa i I i
3*:sftm i mfen 133 i srfaR \ i ^ 1iisn
nm alaifanaia wfr*t wwrft aafw w^r a fHWfiafw: afaft ffaftf: ««ns£f?ft aaf?r
rren fwrfi ^araT afaifetfaw^a iftatf^ftr wTaTfa ffaaf vnarrfai wuaTararf^:
gfw T3U% w<iair<mfa aafw w^fif 1 ainaaft ftmft ^
faf$at fafsrr ii *sna ananai ii faarmff qqiarat*(3 ?faw waar w%af i wta^aTt i
mwarfagiia Htia*>ii ii

fa# ^t #4* ^npx -si: #fa i

fl^sra^ ^fam |##35t 4# f*fa »t h

fair: 14#: 13f|: i p* i #fa: i in i %31 ’ffR i *: i «
JT^r^l I ^sfVrTT I S#’fa I S35t 14# 1 11#! ,,bl1
% fwafr ^airosTanf^^t aftw aawafa^ af$rr aft^a ii arrereta'ffafw
aram nfinfaft^w i gia awa wan i at *pn*J ^ra faaftiffaa asra i aw «waw: ii atjwfr-
^T^fwwrw: n TcfeaaTfaarr aat ataaiar aratat ^aqt(\<lHM<Cfaar areat %ar
wwt saf«a%aa wa^anVa waj gfwm fafarnfa aaYfa w ^aw i %awf ii
nnjwr atfr#aTWtaai ^a wrefafw wtwtt i *$faw w i §[a «*4a WTa^wraz fatiawa-
gwft awt«n: i wt« 9. c. n^ni

1 wT?: 1HHJ f 1 1 W^\<#Ptert 1 13^Isli:1

w* i^n# i xn# i i m f^R; i ^3^r i 3% 1 1 ?s^: liel1

't wslwm* w TOttot fftf#: ^wmr^wwnRj tutor a TOffiflifc nwro

gg ii wr wfww TOig: «ronft wtto: ig ^fTORt wi ^tr to to gr#:
g*w * 4kN«i*iK to. froR TOlg*i^<f*ifti toir^rrt trnatiwga *rf# i
^uro i ^*a: 11
arorfroft# f#%a# aroft tto^nt gwg#fhrr 1 gfro ^ 1 aroft fffft
aroi?l T5iw gRtg#taT: 1 w <1. q. 1 u

fSr^it *ftT?TT hr ^ ^ ftgr^ i

^MftftgT gTRtrjMi gH i| noil
I tsrrot I f^s^t liftRf I xrrt: 1 gift nfa 1 f^gR; i
^tfw lift: 1 «pftgj ggfft 1 sftwt i gnHtrjfW gfti gn 1 i? noII
$ aroi% TORrfTtfrorn; ga tow T®n f»rgg ^rar trfroR troUw
^i*nWs(i^in*j>4 *f# 1 tor? 1 wto 1 to“t |r#t TO^fa: R^ifii 1 ^faniiM5)»i ^r^g •
*nt topr 1 ^tot «rtg 1 tot % tt^H to foftTOi&i»i arpngfrot

snW ^g fgtr ?RHf i

fltg ^if&l ^T *shr: RTgt iftT ^?rt HTgHrTT II <\<\ II
gn 1 ^ 1 1 1 gg^ 1 1 tg 1 f^g: I TOt: 1 ^gf^Ri
1 "gf|: if^ili hsrt: 1 RTgt i|ht: ignjrlt: 1 Rgfoingo
^ # •ft'i^RT^ifirs^ *rnrigg to# ’r toto frot gaiHiTOfro 15 topti to i
^Tffrrr |to: rt?t g^fafifrftgroT 1 warm arr^Rj it n
from i^T^rf gift# g#r 1 wtroror grorikrf uroft annft firsT to fRjw: 1 ton
TOTOWnfcrrro TOTOHIR TjjTOR i TOTOigrorfiT# i toi ff fg^TORi i gaftfa:
^ TOT TO^rorgrogg 1 nroTrofirgsR grTOro frorta: 1 g0^. «^oto. i tfa 1 totott ^ 1
l^rfN# g^ra uroft tottI 11 gwfafrofat to: ii ^agat ffa:g frortTrSTTOT-
TOfligaiwr 1 gfro ar 1 groi% to# arfr to qf#f«4TTOf?: ito°
«• I tNii

im ^ftrt gft Rmtw fiuw giiftr: i

^ftxr^RfUmgn rf^i ^grft: nil
1 iR*i 1 ^ir: i gftf i *ri m g^ri rjtsv4 i gvfru: i
’RT.iggr 1 ^gi R?^i ^srfbi ign#gi w$u Tf^i iftt if^f s% i ^gt i gnfa: mu
__ gpfrwiti 1 *f s 1 #ttor: ^rrarr# TOtror 1 % gro^iTOTro
,Rw^'i|i,i'i<>r*<fl<«iiggiftifliwh TORg# *itr ^vtto: to^3 fligwro »mrr
ll il [^t°1. ^r° R®*3.

hth^h Hifi i to iTTtarrfiis mi jSHfHHTH unpiT mfr ifpsifit ^

imiiHtiH i w iHTHTHiftiN imihwt® i <i^Ht<fl«tii ththtih HiwTfTTt intfirt
■%pr#rniHrtFti tr^t mrri jit jitht fifii *fni irSnrr ii HnHHlM^asipj: n ttwrrfi*^ i
^IThtthhtH Hnrtft irn^«r: wriHiteJ^: i ii fin% fiutt ihh mft Hifimfin-
frTrRRT *R #k] RFfaj RRRsliiT I
^rt : w^nfa RRi* nb»f c^nf^mN RTfa 11 * n
fTf S3R I frTrRRT I TpTifr I *R I #kt: I *RRT I RR I ^tifa I
W* HERfa: I TOTTfH I RpfTI *SJ I tRTI TfBjft:1 fas%T I ^ffa Rifa no,.
fiinr i trf\j?ni«^%fTT i hit i hit flipTT jihit n%fi fin: n TR^^a: hr^
ih» M.M^., ^ ^Timr: i TPWRTf^r il H»f+ri hit nfiaiii phi g^rrfrr
HI nrfii: iwhih hKt vtiit tipit hi HfHPHT% f^r% it hht
inpjfti ithhhi iwn fifti n ns# hi ii i?t% wth: proim: hthtt-
hpht ith: iwrfi iTifl i insfjinnwpniHrT ihh: i iht^it irfH h^t mmift fifim
iwfetifi i Hfn: 1 mSrrri irfi ihjth ibp5: i fim iftni wifi ihit
jwht fiiiTigafifi it HijfHi fW(f3%arrf^ fiwrjTfaH i fi# 8.so. it
IT^IWWtSlTptlTHHY^I in THTf^i \ H^T HT# 1 jfli 1 I H%I ITU ipft-
HHTHflfl I ^Tf ITHHHIHI ^it: I H° ?• *=• I ifl II

cfR: #^#fa*n3fTnRRfa^|faf uf^t I

HT**T*pn ^v: ^rt ttt sra ^tfa 11 ? n
*t§N I ^R: I 1 ^TT*R; I rTT I I SRfa^T I I nsf^ft I
ITt I ^TTS^FT | fa I I -^S^T I rTT I m IT^T: I ^fa I ^ I »RH ll?H
fif^iTiT vha: i^iVi ii hi. i iwrg^iSHr fi^rfi«i<i i^iuthti: ii iti htih:
IHT: I^I^H: I I ITHt hr? h^ithi. i hrih: I iflST IT ITHHflU i
hhhi i unit it iTHHTjirrps giiT unj i nut: i H^girriHTiHTHTj-
ftinS: i HTpft ith tht: tfithhtht: ifnw: ifwnftl hh ^<inifH i ^1
HfiTi: II
Ft: TOR ^ Ft: |
FIW rf^^' fa *?% 5TT^R TO ^T«f: IItill
^rTI R: I TOR[ I R I ^ I RR I 'ffT I FT: I I R I I CT I
^ I R^ I if# I fa I I RT^TS^ I I TOift I II till
HHITHt I TfH: I HUfatiHH I Wfrfl HUT I^TWtHHHtl ITH H '5^!
HTHTITH IHrfl I Hf Hi: ^»5llt ITH I HHTUHTHTITI. I f.W^IlHII^II’rf’^ 1
ii n
m tjwt *ft ironaftBi irftt ft i Brrfaftv BroBifti
^rarnr ftf# iraniwfarf: 17T? f^ft: i art^r Breftnft wft ittoto grreT: ifcnmm
sfttn tiS »r$ 'Bgwrt wTOb? ^rnwni ftfg^ i wjfn wft grsfift %ft ftft^TBi^
i biSbs: tost wft Tr?fiwnfl[ f’lWR 3^ 1 ft* «t. id. 11

3fl 4 *m f^ffrT*TT|^f f^Fqfa ^lfsRT| |

^TfrT «IT^ ^’spt IIM II
ga 141 1 f^TSxffrr 1 ^[|: i 3 1 ^ 1 f|^fn 1 srfa 1 1
1 1 *rr*rat i 14i41 i tof*t i 3T|ott ii m ii
«rg?Nmft *er# ftfiri #gf31 bit totbit m ^rar^mffngrfwg^i^ 151 ^ trt faBft 1
*<it fisMtai *rg 53^ ftm TO?j i ^ 1 ftriTfft ftronfimw: 1 w 1
afti^MiBNiy: 1 wfti w wimBf gift qftwfaft 1 ftt^i ftwl ^ 1
BTfiftro %bt % BnrfTO bpJt ^tr?Tfn: *ag 1 w^bi^j Brrft ftsift 1 1
Mtyi^ft 1 TOftrf?raft?r froftstf: 1 w 1 «nfaflg ft^wftsf^i n
f^ift 1 1 ^f?: j$ft 1 ipi %3T^ fwwftwri: 1 T«nht: tos: i
f«nft | (Iqlifttndl^! ^BJo^ftBffifWBn' *«l*<l*tl*l^|4bi4t
mwftBSTO *mnrr 'TOn 1 fa j$n. 1 wsnwg«ri 1 BrrBffjBj: g*ro?r 1 wifafam 1 ^ 1
Brnjt^ft 1 Biff »fa trft Bjrsj t^mg M itb 1 ir^fam B&ftflffaBwTOBfat
*jfa gw*gro*u%bbt qrauftfft TOms Brrft 1 w tot fNT »rt: fa ^rfamf Bftt
Ttnffft niqrgrVT^Bitft T^fn btot wnTfagm: ywpgft iwnftft niftg-
fqr^Bjftrsft ?tot qrj wymnycifts^: 1 Brr*snt ftr^BftfawTf^ ftwrgroi
ifaMo-H 11 ^ 11

?T rT^ ^T^sqfxt HTHt ?ifw I

^ik Vfti 4^ II % II
3:1 f?Tr?n^ 1 ^sf^ 1 1 *f 1 rTRi 1 t i hth: 1 1
^l|l I 1 ^TOtfk I I BS^I I W llfrll
1 qfsrn*^: 1 ^f^if%3 1 to ..
^ 1 1 imfHrf wnTn^wt gwif
m<« 1 r<di iru Ngif ^3 bj: girif^WT^ q^TBjf^fsrBffifn ntwaffr 11 ara^^ni^-
,rmT3gfwftprr f»nntira: 11 to pro B^roi wrl
’^bi: »nrfti 1 i?m g^fl Brl^aifirtTw guff ft iT^Braw^fti ^*f>ft 1 ft
^mwr^r^r xftf qBrft »i 1% wuffWT^pTBwft *r BiT*nft 1 TOrn^«i«iBHiflft
f^fET,rat*n^:"i ftifft^n^BftrftriTBi w TOTfm i^« w
^•^•U-i TO ii Bfiigi^rawnftt Bfift JTBRirHTBfr »ifti n^rpprr 1H* bh° b- m- i ?siMgf*rq 11

^_^h: ^4t[: 1
3tn^r^i 3 Sf |^T wsrt ^ ^ ^ n® n
ii ii

^ns^rf: i ?R^S^: i m\*' i wt:s^ I W&KV I I

i ihs^rI: i 3< sfH i h i i wet: 13» i^i iivsu
aaigint'SfaJia: n $<3*afa gara i arat gfafa g^ n ai*ra a$1*<«[fg i
*rerr i Thsrawra^rafrjjrafr aiarat i aarr a aait i wr^l aarift; i$fa i nTfaTfagarr:
?Rif?m: i arcff r»i8WT: i ^hItwt^t^ %*nf^ TanJ:1 aarnrftw finrat ati$
^ at: fi?nt i gKt^fg|«i<i|)gnqiTaiaiTi; 17m aranat i *a % a^aaifafa i arian aana; i
TnTT^f ^rr*i 'srn'f taTfafa wra: i tg ai<ftg aTilfMf^tg JWTaarraT i % Jiata^g t
*pwt a«jt Tfa JrataraT: ir«rm:i%®rwr^^^i: laafaitg *r«tn
anair^ gat<<jf^»ai<i1*r<;i^w: u aaarajrnfrt^arr b^t itfa ,naJnraTari i aa
w x^i ii aSaiJRama: atma: ii otwh: araajftaaJrraft^asT i^t ia i ansft^aT *apj: i
ataremi’tnnra 1aar a% arran: n ant: ararra acanaa: i w ?• 8-18-1 a atf srarfsrcj
i tn° ?. <\^d i T^tr^ a wafa ii m«nii aartwft^aiT y&i *a i gait i #i J^nran-
ar? i a: gxTsr: i aifaifa: asriNa: aarnfufa f«Ha»aa ^sa i fa» a. o.- ii

|^T ^ftercn: woifft *TCtfa: i

iemi nf fa fa ^ Htil
I^T I rT%sj I TrNi: I W^i I ^1 ’snymv. I I I
i ^ 131 f^i ^|: i ^raifa:1 s^rro: i fa i ^tfw i ^ sjfH i ^ ii tu
wm: mapsrr igr ffanat h<*1 n atg f«tfatg MRafatg **at
jintig tgtag aagr aaat aa^t i afara aafaaiwrrat i araTfap*T$r-
mat arafatnanStai gaa taTf^gaaTfaffarfa: w^Fafa^T fa air: i fatta qfraafn i
atfa fafaat i %ipii: i aranna w faargfaJifagfaaara tar % aatarr: i nrpw
ii% faatnt fa atfa i waini agfsfg fafaaanf aaitt i a: afaat i igr atg jurat wat-
fM WTf^% f»rai! i f*l# °l3- ‘i?- it

^ *TFtTf »T 5T I
rT i?^ tnxrtf ii<iii
3$ i ih h i ^t^i *r i qnc: i i i ^rerarrck i ^ i i
^i^i «n^r i i i i ?H i i ^ntswi: '|<l11
^ir?rr %^ivji*if*ran f*N^ i ^ s? *
^tfa % inc; ws «i ^tfti % aiymrat anran %^Jirarrr w JratTi i im vptoxwj
gnJT^gii ffTftfn i^stt *ftw i n «afit i 'ww: «
fanraui: n aifaft«^ vfr Jigm ara ana im anrar araartwr am
fuft: ii ^rafaaTfaataara: i gat ggfafa aa: g: u atfrafr giar aa wfaaaur ^
faarrrafa i gpfiftw^: i a#aT %^raf %a T7af»nrra: h ^
jfrjraait a^TOSlaT i gfaii a i atJT aT% aatga i^r faa: a^ft
i aa° 8- 8-1 ^fa n
ii ii

1%wt ^«tf^ h son

sK1 1 1 ws»ii^ i *wtsh^ i wm\ i *rafa: i

fif^s^li f^ls^fM: i f* i w i i %rr: i i ^rfsrcro ii so h
wra: wnrom: «4<i«iim«ik *af wt argwi: anmrfcar wrt tftti yqun atwrfafor
rtp&tvy wwtjjtN vum arcrfsRT aitfR %g»rr ^ i 1st »rtf?n aTf* * ir afm irt
i v: ^RT^au: Hvr: sdmarspf h »rarf?r Tn*r^» i w tr
ai<HPvftfirra aratTPRi: i *rt i ?nj ^TR^maiRiTtat arfwnfirqM
aiarranf aafr arrtft « i ?m d ftpftr: i fqgfi;wri*n*r ^fwr arr i *«%*
«*«" **** m*n: i i «r tipr. ^ farf**:
i tfin* m anfrarifrri jftafor tr^TT?: *mf
anRR^psrr? *nft ^aftafr TT^anf^fiif^<i S aft a} ^rfawnsr^ ?t# arrftm artqfegsR
i^rj anw*RT»jiS»ar i xfc# wt» <\. ^. ii

spi W- TJ^IPnfad TTrofo I

iit ^frf ^ITrrf^gT *TRT fa frWfa S m IISSII
^f 11^: i -qt^r i wm 1i nm i ?*: i nj^fir i i
^IR:i^HI^HS^I^^IHPT!|ft[|f^^|^^|^: ||<H„
^ tot fftTjftsjql fafaraft*wiai§ i ar tNt ftn#r *fr<r arorfafa sriftr infor
^ ^1zn^wr^1 w ^ *»™t wdg i w: i wf»R§-
fwft aramfigf^fa usui: i «rrg mart ^rm marfa i w lrtft ar^n ^ ^rmf%^if mal
^ *** nT^flrmrfl ^fHT ana* ^fn i *m f? tff %f^j afRft araft ^»anf^fffi
m fnw: ii r TjjfuRgi? anim mm ?mt arm fwrt
^ *n^t *marOt far fmftal iand farfafrftal i anarwrt: <ftqwi% ifmq. c. i
f^n^fanswi^KiyitiitiawTfai i tr gsR ii ii s$ n
%^T^r IRIT^ar Tmt fTf faRTWl. I
^ < i ^ m <^i ^ f^im^ i <mn w n
armaff^ %^iRTir fipffarfivrra:

^ fir.^flm >^t afr aid i w*nf u

Jinr: Kimian«ff arrerrar arc^i^i i v$i fipfWwTaj g^faj amgim: n
^"T*m*TTn aiar^j^arrasT^w argar gw i wrgjH ^arw i anw*rm: gd gidwcf-
^^ gtdfiRifar: i toi gffinf^frratffq; i trt ^rgimf i ^rarf *r wPrwt
^ l^f^T^iwr<ni4T^«r*rTgs*(farfj|»am: yftHnftai: ii
ii ii [^T® t?.3R®

"^T^T ^ ^ ’5n»TT u ^iNra fxnroart I

7T. xt^UT^ft mil
i g i i i n i i fw*nit i
^cfir^ I I *?: I treaty I rR I ^ II S II
i fwwf*rc% «mmn-
i *m gqRum<<wiMi ^thtt wrf^i tt qt*rr*r i wararaw i f%q*Rn
fwn i *fRT*rfn ’fiwni i i *?t ^TRf jtw: ^
*pr ^3?qwtiig^i srrt%s *ri»l g*t *r3*R *?pm ^nnt wr^ trot?, |
g5|^ ^ ^RfR’r ^fT 1^: II

^TUFrfHpn 3vRTt s.^mr^i'^n^T xprsrirr: *t^3tt*iw mn

HW- i nfH: MJHT i i **$it:ss?r i WW^i'I^T i i ^71 ^w: i

^l1 ^*1?! ii * H
qgiuTUg^r qfdTf^i\^flTf*T ^qRi 3|sjnf*r as^n; w w H^Trf^prvRfn jrr»it-
t$*N *wwr i i I^Ri ^ *pt i i ^MTflqT^Rqiiw^rat
MR^Md$dadRirc*RTppg: ^anwa'w^farftiB |<iif<<*«RR* i wrfx^ i wi
X3[*r ^ng>Tftft % *r^rpsm i^ vo. i Tfa f? 3srt?f: i «! «m<*i<*«si TnRwrcnqrrwt
■gurfirfiT nrar *r^r^%r?RmRRRTf?P*r ^ire^anRT-
fXTfwm; i ^t° ^° $. s*. i KiJ+ic^KuiHfdMr^dun^iT^Tt qrr irfnfrfd %<r. ^MR^Tsa^ifwn-
wrd: 7T%^ i sr0 <«J. $. * <w. i *fn i *i%q niJttn*:
?trf%: i Tr^frrf^fTsrrf^cT. ^fasiRqqriTn^fcr^: i i ^trt qrncu^t *ww:
^rarrcrr^Rf’rffl ^aRTfW’ssrRtit^FT^ifq wi tr ii

^7?7lf YT IT^RS^IT: fl^TTO? I rT^T^JT II?II

%^rt i *p71 irem i ^rera: i Hr^i ottot i h?^i ^imt: I ^*3 I ^[TIT^H I
TTr^l ^TOSth;: I xrR ll^ll
S#n5giir i a<«inn f^fuwRTi i w?qft: i i wr^: i vwr^jir ^
f^rr: i TUsnrcn i nrfVR’t ii

^cpr*^ Y* i
^Tif^frr: x?ft 11811

ij: i ira i s^: i i ^l^f: i i

^f#: i <$: i ^!^?T i ^ ^ I ^if^fw: I trft ii B H
%wi«m<{\ f^R»r% i ?RT gq: 4ianyT^nrr wran i i '3^: 1
mS<mqa i »r <a1iw«' arrS anrwRft *Riflfn ^

truantf^nmpsr ito f|i^T?f*f?i:

rrOfTJ ^ n^rer^qt^tm wr*rwr»ft wnTTfawfq ^t WTrnfiifft<Hnaft
ifsj^t). I «Cf?T II
Wtf^nsfsrf^RT sf^reUgwr 1 gfw sr 1 wnumr
1 ^° ?. c. i xfa 11

s^frr^srfcn? ^ *n ^%wt fN i ht ^«tt ^#3trw *?<jj ii m ii

1 ff 13f*ifare 13$} i *it i ^%frT i ?r# i at i^t* i ssr i s^trai
^Tti^fpfs^: 11 mi "" ~
^ 3^ SW 3IT ^ffrlT^ mf<rd^ha ff ijii»nf^«||^ | fT^JT? I Wt <^TT ^«(^inj?t j^-f;
^bttw^wteT ^g^vnfr jarwm'fcRT: a mu

#*T ofajt gaw ^fHirr i

3rct % ^rmfiR wl^t ii^h
i^: 1 w^: 1 *rfoy& 1 ^sten: 1 sif^A 1
*41TI ^Mats^a I rfta: it*j: 1 1waa 11 % 11
^iql-n^iu ^TtqwT: ^jh 1 w^t % <|^t: ^t<rgfwi«ufa3) gai fa^atrr: gj ^iatrran*ft
sfireH fw<wrr: 1 wft tt 33 art i%° w° ro. 1 xpa ara^n^fqffl ^f?rgpft 1 *nrrf3i-
^f5i%^rtrdifi^ fr gwNi *WvV *fofr iiHiY^targn 1 w»rapij ^ nfH *nr
*fa g4Tf*nmr 1 trcr mm^nT^f^ffi a

%I ^ W $^T*rffcTAip^TIISII
3^1 ^rn 1 aaa: i aat i gAATfa i ^tAtaa i aH i i 1r^, ^ 1
^ ^T: ^ 1 fwr *rr amnnftfa *rr annft ^rr: i ft
^3^rwrrf*T aft* gwrfir 1 gfwm: i 'ant argt'iwrr ^ f*ro? f*f
^^rreTwwfa 1 wiw^ra: a

^T ^ATA* 3lf#A ^TfTTO^^ft 1

^T jpft H til

1 ^rrd: 1 sif?^: 1 a 1 atat: 1 a?a: 1 iifi; 1

^T7T l^im AAJ SASfrl: I Xf?i I TITHpj 1 II til
^ g^re: g^r trf^ %<Hi*ht?it ^rm: i
v|T ^%r?r% »rtx7rf%m: i Tmr f? i mqgif»TOT*ft fR^ aw? wt ^*n 'wNnsr
^ ^^WTRTf^*i%fn 1 twt ?i%w R^n<fr:ir^f?i iTRjg?T^T?i 1 rwt ^^^g^iAinn^arr
n 11 [3T° b. 31° -ai° 3.

tiftram *% ^srn: siiffon warn «t r^^^M^r^wgT^ifiTr^wim^Pw^nJlflr

$. M. $. q. 1 ^rrf^m: g%^T»pi ^ 1 vj^tu^ 1 yi mifvi ^ 1 ^

TTTftnrf^wNI: 11

^jj | iptfl( II Q.||

qnsfth 1 1 i ^ i m t^i « yT i 1 i *Rjj
ipt: i jqmi i wi i « e»
wtf: I grraj g*ngn H^i
^qjnrr i ^ HifimigrMWl »iw% ?rtf nwi *n#nr *njfro*rnTPi
PTO i wwt?i i «g*fi%svTT^ i ^ff^Errem^mmm wi i
n# ^wi^arraTtenf^ mgpg i%°4° $• m- $. q- n «*#
^T3T \mT^ <m fW *n^?T i ttot ^Tgiifl i *fim
jHRflfflfcffl ii ’srftre^ gw f»»fa«T*i i gf*m w i ^f»m ’w
T$wg?nft: ^n qnwfart ^rr*11 wt° m- <&■ i Tfo ii *tfawg4i$g to^rttnrc-
f^rrnr i gfsm ^ i ^fwr w ^ntr ^rrwfg^: i wo, *-i 11 **T?nUft
fM%q«g ipn^ir i «ifN fflrt i wfroT <srn: *rg% grr^f* ftfwi i>w
m. q. q.n^ni

^rf^HT ^cr: ^fsift i

^c|vf^ TT^rif^^ Win *IlK WWrMqT II °l II
^TfH^T: I fq: I S# I fCT*t I *T£: l I ^^SS&frrRTq: l
I i& I Tf^: I f^l qpt I UTrTT I ^1 qlt I 3*1^1 trfH’ST HSII
% t% wrar grro *T|WT fl^f'rm ^ng^r sfaBi: i ^t^tt: i ’“frfW i
*t^: gpar wtf^re: i wtw: i wfeni^T wStPt. HirwrPmr^t gf*reTfWTT»ft i tfn
»Trrg^Nf*is(fl^ »riprf^rqr^{qwK i gprr <aigi8i*i *rr qn5«w i V^8T
vTTfMYsprrm 4H wrwiw

pt fa*hn TjsrHi f^: fi* H i

TIT ^TrTTrqfqrlT^tiT »l4t: II ^ II

p: I fVrs^Nn I Tpsjft \ f^^i T^r: I ^ i i I^ I ^I

^rfa^ms^q I WT I *TfTSq^41 «qrnr^l qsfq^Tr^l ^1 WtiT I *l^t: ,RI1
gft fo^ftspi ^ %*TTft finrm i ^ngfiraPl ftwfi i ^4gf44^=
f*n*t^ vciv: i Hsfi w^r. irg^i ui%»r *gvj: i yf f^iwi i
«ffli ^5i»n<ftg^ar trfrgirrnta *i«n<(1t*i 7rrf% anrrarwni’Rl fw»NEf?i fn^iiK^ifa '4T?n^
ft tJT^T fl 'Srf ^ 1
afife «icTi_<|^fiiwfVrr ^rh: h $n
^jraff i ft i iJT^t i n 13j?^i fsprlfij i 3re\j*^ i ^ruf: i ^tt i ^ i f%r^i ^nr i
^ 1 1? 1 **I<5|^R[ I I I |fvft I S^farft I | ojeprf: || ^ ||
\tz* Wfn *w*i i mfTOf ^T f^TTft Wvi^n^ i
wfrn i * % m %W^t: «f* taTOh* i * ^ * ttf ^w,
i vTT^ftt t JT^mjfwrfwnrarT ^gsn: i n
?W*TT ^Tf^T *?sj*lf HT^RTT ^TJjaT|4 ^ftsj |
mw: SfilfW *Tt iitfu
mxi i f[4I: i i *rrfa i ^ i i Troian i ^n41 t
1ig i vtctt: i i ^rfoprt i ^ i <^: i TT^nfir |jgn
^^ ^TSHFR ^Tftl I 'OTJT^ftf | Tf^pff »IUl«|lRl*ft
^ 'J^1^ *5 ^rr *np*f ^rwi vr^?: i vivmnnnw<n i \
IT ^fwfwrft wrg^Tt Wfa v^Tfsr ^g: i w«r irsr^: ii
WfTHfi 3T^TT% T&fafti ,
wfitff *piT ^T ^HinTfs*T§: H TOT IIM II
*W i ^ i srfS1 vsmi i *f¥sfa: i <£: i |f^; i ^,

%n^-sji^4WrfST^*i^5l: «f »T^Jrpfr sfreremiTfr ^mr<iii||^ vh

I g y wfw: inrTf^f^nfMroT ^^fWf^rnrmg ^mkki * ™*r
,^r f^: imroc I aumqffoiv?: i <mffa - - -« «9 u
*n*T fcrspret »4^rt snriffsii vpi^t i
flftftfSfeffi: iHttct |it ii | n
I f%r(J 1 fa I3?fal l I i 1 Trof l ?|rt: i
i wjy&i i *fisfa: i fas^: i m* i irffts^n i fut i sm n^u
Wjfaft g* ig vrnRTprr f^ *ron«rmi*fl f*t i sm^rg i
W*pprmmTPT i naq^tiTi^ft i% tf
^^111*<*,l**l*>: wras fr %r}iww i ^rnrar ^ nfireT nftar^Tfri
WrfH TR^*nPi ,>t^r i fTt^Rftr ii n
^ ^ ^[^4 f^mt41
^ ^rmi^ h$ii
II H * [^T°

fi i i ^n4N i i ^ i ^rh: i i f%s^H i

fi i ^i *4% i i w t^n i sisfcns^ i h*»
% i% «r **i* I ywqfa I i ftvigfiNW ^
sr^taj v*rfamim i f^ i ^Tatajuajqfzmrt ^fct*<*i<^'^ fwra fafamarN ®^t»t:
gp|»r i fjm ^ptt arap* arcanum arajtarrai ■*rr tmt jrnh^wt^nt i flmarmfau
tot ^nrt *r6r arasjTTOarTfarfTi to ahfa: i ^tarrg^wapiftar faptfii i arrom ?rr*n-
fsrfn i ^r^wTTzf i TOTO*aiTOTOarm3i<t: i ^mro anafarrjifzSft* anj^qpj i
tott *rft> ^ter amt an*?: toto amt arraf Tfn anafet argaftrorra;: ats^roft *nap* ^5$ n

rromf^r nftm ftr ht^?t ^ftra *T*t*at i

^ sn^srr: sNrt utn
ft i ^Tf^ i tfire i fa i ^ i fsjfa: i i$ i i *t4w* i
i fit it^it: i ^fa*n i *r^f?r i ^q'fts^TT^; i ^fr: i n til
1t% taatmfat anar arrarrfar arrenro^TOfai f% trfift i fwfa^far 11 tsw ^^Tars
aiamrt vn^rfar ^ am to i f^m to to smarr ^%afftm ^ro: afrog ar^fa i
'qqgqfw i at arfam ^trott ^^^aftmWrfro^fa^t'tanitgTO-g^ i smroarfat«

*ck ^fi^T ftphnRHt rfaw itTh^sif I

^fa^TTHfafafT *T£j: •cRt nfa*^n II <111
FT* I *1^1 TO I I ^TTI fastfal I sfa I rTr^l 3TR I I ^«
■^ftqwr»^fasfaw 1 ^i i xfa: i fa*| i i n«

^tfaqfafa ^TTHHrT TO TR I
TOtffare ffa* rl# ^171: tgjf IISOII
ssrefrlj f*ipi I ?fa I ^1 ^fa I ^T*fa: I 5TT7T I 'STT I TO I 1
TO*: l fqiTO I fTO I toTt I *T7T: l l ifc l TO I H Wl
i^atiat^ ffT %f^r^autTO<Tf^(fl1 fc^ai I <it^^ftT asptRrPt ?T«jT8Tf^,mtmt
atTO^tm amJ I TOTOfar I asj^f fjr ^Ml^rMst atfTT. I ^miat^mr^TT^
^f?t at^r amtiai ^TO^ta?^Tfaiftt I TOmTaj arrot: atftVTf^rrzt I ^f^ftTra^l Tmt
^fvrg ^g%g ^t nmt i farefn i at^tiai n^rtr x?fts[ i TOSfcrfr i ^1
TOTOftt I at ^t TO^artt II

: ^^TOT ^ rniiTTTTIT: |
,. II It w

*t: I $swfa: i ^ \ \ \ ftus^Kn: i i

^ *an tzw
%f: i gg*WT ggggi gftfgr: i fgglhn:
firaw gmt s[BT<t »rrvnrnrn ngf giggign i giggggn; ggjTt i i vnggvgrnw- tj
xfr|ff i gftfT i ^ gf%g: i ggfar gfgg ^ fgg%g gjrg i fggr to
wgft i ™ ’npfi: i grwgg wmi ggfg mrc i gig ggf %*rgggfiranf? fgggr
if^r° 8- ?• n n 8 n
^«nmfn w?n: ffam gggf gfaroggrig ii g<fr fgfggfg: »

^TT 3T ^ S^frraT %^qt: \

^ifr ^T ^ tWri: STiTT ^ -afT % v: || ^ ||
^i I ^T I I Tfal I ftljm I ^T I l^1 I
wfw: I *q1 *f I KftsTft: I sml I *rg I ^t i v 1I i v-
frfk H:<3

TWi wrf^ ^Tgfa^faift g^gf ggigf sttwto gT giig i groins i fw gT i gf: gw
gtfgrgpgTct; i 3vift[wtaT m fgm^gnrai^ i gfgi fgfwrT# srajU i %f^g ggft i
gfHTgpjfggjf: ggfgfg^?g$%sn$: i *rmt gg# %ggi gfg ^$fr gT gg^ft Wnfr
ggfg ^wsranf i % g*j gT frigf gx gggr ggfgiTgaraf^gfgggT ggg: gggg: xrfgrr:
jgfg uwt xrfg u

sri 'shram f^«r ^i i

vi ^f%?TR ^t gH ^rftfa: $*pto #: n *n
I ^TI ^t: 157^gw I 3TT I W3JWT i wim I f?HTW I ^T i
^^rfwr: i Tfi i \\w-1 gr: i g i i i #: 11 *n
wggumujmPKfn' ?g gnsxgis^tigT: frigrt gif f^g ggn i gmfrg i ggarr
*^gfagt ^gr: ggwnrrwfir^m wggrr gf ■jfggf fggg i grugg: i gg ggtf jTto ggraT:
^fHxgfm gr: ggr?fr |gi: gfggTg g? f?mg ^nggfi>g^gTg gftgTf^g ^g gfrfg^cwfg:
’"r: tTfij: gnjf^r ggnrggrj^g, i ggf s^gTgfgggxgrq%<jfJTfff ?rg: i toi i ugf gf^ggiggf-
^ ggf fgfxg?: wwgg i t^ftfrr gfgx;g: gggrgig gffif %gRT gggT gf
^ ^gg i grggr^gri gi: g^fggfgrani: i Tgggwrg ii

?^uT*infat n\: Hfrrim ^ i

^ ^ ^ ^ mvw# irig Wq^T7Htf?T II? II
^1 I ^irtlni I jfl: I ^SrftrTT I ^ I I V# I
^ i ^i i gj i ^rv?r: i ^ i *t: i ing i 1 ii?ii
*30 11II H11 [3t*b.sr*$.s|oqf

nftftqmyniri qgqnqi ftqrqi ’ft: qjfft: fqpsra Tfft ftq: 1 ft ftqr. w$mwT q$wnft q%
qnwrq «q^fft qroft qr Tf? <«<iftq vq 1 fftft qiqi^Vqi qjfft q qqj q qn$q: qrqqq%
qtsqpq qqq qqqW'HqT’qq^qq'rqT’qi qr vrg 1 nqqeg 11

w inr ispra: ^ ^t^rtt fri^mirj; i

fPfir^H ^ p^VTlt rff ^W{ II ^ II

^fl I rHt I ^ 11? I ^TTC^: I *TrfiT I I ^ 1 1 *TtSWT I frfiftflFj; I

Sfr^S^f I ^ I I ^7 I I rft* I 118II

ft ft qqrqqt qgqrr qfqrwrr^T qqq 1 w q4q: qqq 1 ^qft 1 ftifftr^ ’ftq'qgi}

qq qftr^xqift thth fftgwrrqfffftg^qeq 11 g^ffqr^r qqqp ft*ii^i<iq: 1 qqtqr^fftqnr: 1
qqrqrqrc: 11 ft qffftrq: w<^ 1 qr qrenqft *t w<q: 1 <n qsnqqm gqgqf q^Wm-iq-
qfqvmj qji*a<*iq 1^1 i*t<qi'^rqqY ffrft fq^ti *fY gfft 1 qqr 1 gqgqf qjftrfft*-
qqrfq^qrjqt qmnqqfNY qfY qf?ft gwr qT fl<ft' qfTqW^qt f^q I
fpr: 1 ft qqftfft qqq: 1 to qftwrqftBrnpi 1 ^»$. 8c. 11

'sr^fa i$rv4§ f^swrNrT i

jtoctH hht ^t 11 mii

’ST^ff S^j: I i& I I I ^t^rT I c^TOrT I xjrT^ I

1 *ros^H 1 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 11 m 11

ft *r*ftq: qi&nft qqqpn: ii qraiftftqiqqq 11 q^qqft Twrq qrepq 1 giqp 1 qftf^fqt1

qqrqq q^fq^fq qftqnrqqqq frf^fqqqi qrf^qqft qq irrqqft ^qnr wr?tft qqqrq
qqqq gflftf gjfft 1 q: gqgqqiF?; t^r qft qwt fftft 1 qrftfqqTfftroq 1 <rrpi qq wfr
fqqfft qfft^qqft qnspqfftfft 11

fft^qift qqrqTftftqr vtto i ^fqft q 1 qqiqiftfft *mrr fqqr gqp Tfftq Tfft ^rmrnrrq:
1 qr8 m- <w. 1 Ttft 11 qiTsftiftqT 1 qftq qq^TT^ ’gfqft q 1 qqmftfft vtstt ift#qr’
m. s^. 1 l[fft 11

3W35T ^T^f^HT: I
^frT ^5?f% II If II

^i 1 ^stt4 i ^uw 1 w 1 ^;sit 1 ii: 1 1 ^m:«

i us^t: 1 xrfH: 1 1 n^i f 1 11 1 ^t^i ^i^11
qq^T Tffqqq fq qqTq ftfft yTTqi^ trfTCnsrwfftHfqft^: q^i*n«T«m^
fqft^r qmiq^q-pqqr: 1 g^qfq « qqftq q«m: n q’riqffts?;: irref: qn^rf qqqftTfft^ri
qfft: q^Ni Wr*ft gfqwTq. 1 gqtfft qmrro Tnmq^Tipf qftpift 1 q^^q
qmftfft i qlf: wm: 1 q qfTfft^t q^¥ qftTnqwfqqfft qq qnrorrqft nmrji 1 qOSiq * ^
*°go.W>€r.^0$M.] || II ^

^rarol ^er«m xM: i tto^ vxmnt to™

gi.mlfcteWlf^*# smjpjJT^ snssj |tt»*T#$.^.« Mfl
* g * tf* ^ «mi gw, firsT^v^TO f^uTT arrot nttxwti 1 ttot mror* 1

H g ^ W^t *T%*Rg*R WTiftofif ^ I

u thwHt %mt ft? ^r*j: u TjskfagpRfw ii g ii
n1g1 1 w*t: 1 1 ^sipr 1 1 iNifo 1 1 for^hr: 1
% wq: ft *prrai *rffsrre utm wfagrorgifSTOc wr*: q?r<rt
^rw^fr ^wtw ^ g gj q ’fr^Tfn 1 w#i 1 m »rar: jj^rr %*rr gfw-
w!f^ f%:i^Tt ^fig: 1 1 *w<tai*Mq> *r$ ft^ratfawT
TOiSHifil 'FT^T Wfa »l<{Kra«n«< qqipftf?l 3fq: ||

n WsT^i^Tot ^nr% tpg: frrift tutsTt w^ri^r i

Wl ^fii roit ST^IT i^rTlfHT^ 11*11
HIWI : | ITTri% I TO I frKij gfit I T^rf^l «ITwhT[ I srfa I wfr: I ig 1
I wfii I ITS^f^t I ^TTfH I ^tt^ttt I^1 ^ITI1 ^rrfrTf Ill^ll
\ fwr tfej 7> rre fmft tort* qgitfr xreft iTT^r ^1 to ff
m *mt?i 1 tot flayft<H+i<l«fr{Gism f*pp ^k«i^ i tohst% fwt towpwmEnwi
totwtj^: wii: 1 f%* si g*n TOpfi; TOgro sgf^iTO htot *rr5fw TOfa 1 »r^fg 1 t^j:
^3 ; fnf^ftr?r tott i qsm to»Nf TOaRt sniqi s^t nrrori tottoto nrfronror
wrafrowfii 11

^rT^ JfwfalRW WWTff^lfjT I

*T 11? 11
^ I ^*T: I I ijwjf I guft I ^WfT I *T3T I <3r^l ^arfii I I

1 n 1 T*RT?fiT i i fri^: 1 wj ufw i i ?r 1 Tt^nwu

^Frsqft ^ift f^f% ?rn% t ar^frr 1 f^r jrraWT 1 %*i
g^r *rrg«!T 1 ^R«ifn 1 wrf^rorfrwrerOT %&*’• w wrotfa Trai^wr:
’Trg^qfn 1 ?rsi^T ftigf^i fr^pt ij^TOcgwt * fro TOfn ^r^fn tt^ TOrfn n

^ ^ WcT^f slffff tt4^ i

^ 11811
ii M

i rq ifyyt sfft i fy*r i 3^1 y i w?Tt: i yT w. i yqi fir i y^tens^ lifcH; i

Tjyissy 1I yyfa I FI 13^1 f^S I ^1 ^WTI Wl WSy rtf ISy^ffliiai,
% ffl’fcfr m wt fsi^fire *n<n;: garfire *tmr: sryaisr *<ttt «r*fuwnifn i ,
tr%w Sm: *prrr «ranffrqiT *tr i g^rr gaa^ilar f%^
ttzt wrf ^rr ai^tfhmrcuro T^RTfa ^rrcfrfq ^$rat grnt rp^fg g

3y *1 tf tf ^TT^rfrT ^ttf yyiTT W*!?n I

ytfygyT *tei[y fywyTsfitey qyttf yT ii m ii

^r i y i tfq i yyy i ypsrfq i i Wttf i yyy i y^faj i sn i
yrfygyT i y^qs^y i fyyyfyT i ynylMft i i ^n i qsyttfyi it <i«
,snr wr^tt: *nr TO^igp *rerfw: 11 t *t»j% % ^T^fn ^ ^5^ \
1 % ^rfq^n^i^sjrj^n *R|S» % f^freraT ^ ^ ^ ipi ?ra
arsr: ^ % wr* *jfnm<u^Vqm *rw 1 ^jt%^4 i 32*jf$ 1 3jnj?r 1 ^r^ff^hErrar f^rwr
*pfm^T ^ *rrf?w f*nps ,3* 1 farawr *rr^Mfar w ’g^jfi apfarcn %tn 1 afar *w*n-
f^rnf^ f^cat 1 a- =>£• 11 11 $ 11

q^yyT yyy yniy yy: qyyt ^yyi %fyT «yT i

«y fyyt f4yT ylynT ftf yipyT y*y yrfyftyy 11^11
?pr$^rRyT 1 yyy i yTyy i ys*j: i qsyrit i *yyt i ^jt i htt i
y 1 fyyr ^ffr 1 ^4yT 1 ytsyyT i yitf i yfFyi 1 y STtf \ yrfth 1 fyy ii^ii
1 fa'vfr w gt*j ssaniratoi afmtff ^ *jtW% TifrmTg tpicnspnssT irem gpgur^n *rit m}
«*raTf% I xrgTt^^T T^HCT %(5T WT fJRT ^?rS*T ^ ^WT'I
1 ’r^fH 11

yjy^yyt y%yT yfr ■^ryffe i

^^tfT fyy^y^tRy^ryT^T y fyyr y^y ^§ht hsii
1 ijyt 1 1 yf|syT 1 yft i ^ryiff^ i >ro* i i
yr^syT i fy^: i Wt i y?y: s h^t i y?^t i y i fyyT i y^ylssy i ii®#
%rRTttT ^8WT»IT f#Wp^nf% ,g>flli^|<«Mf»f *rft ^ 1
Twrf3[ i J^iwm i w ”
^■3%^ f^RT ’anra^Nr «arf7i n

fy^: ^cyt ^yT«t f^Tyyyl yify^fNrft i

^iyiO -gyfw: ylc^yty^rnfy y^r ^yyt util
floqo.SP* II UTOlSTO II ^

I fttj: i I ^STOi: i ff m$l i 1 ^TfsRls^nft i

gilfffS^iftl *jf4fwi l^rTl^lfv I'^r^l^S^qtlTT^S'^tflltll
fag: ^wt ifm^mffqnT grrarr xftpTrm gfror: tftffwftm ffwift ffr^rax-
htwt g^TT «rir«»n^»m^^i^ i wr: xnf^jt ff xn^fr xrrei xtxrfjr: fifxrT: ftraft i
gfftPfouwft xntfT^Ht^xir #nn# i xrtxrfxr xraftwr x^gntiT w?t xrr xflxftfn
*ftf%: i i *mff f gw fxrgtfggy *rg«n5i f*^crr^fwf%i f% i
futiqffn i wnsStt f*#snftff f*tf xrft g

yi ^ W[ ?ta to afro^farrot i
h%ht *fcTO7*s^TO fofcgrf: lien
s|s^ i v% i i 1srfof1?N ito} i i^pft,
*TO: i ff i 3TO i tffRT i i i i fastftstf:" ii <>u
fxhj^TOT g^ g^jftwnt ^nrfsfxrfff vi gg% i gffiir i %f x$f fTwr xrffff. i
xffeg i xrfwraft wfc *i% fro fxrgxw frffxrt xtfifif ff fft i graft i ftfwif? i
fgaragT%fwfi frarcrar: xfrffratffixlfcsif: t xtfgiUn^ i wr: h g^n
'w f fwre^xrexf git i fxrff: gw fifontfefwntfTfi fpf i xro i ftxnffffi^i %
XTXTW^fw I w fTgfrif i w ftist xr$ w^nfff xrrafrtifftfg-ft gxrrffttf
^igwi gfnifi xrx^if% n ft xnfTWfftgwtiliflOMRgifg^ifT ifrr#4.fx-i fft n
w i tot «jfij[fm srto i
w ^ TOT^T ^fiTOTrt II «l II
sn i m i to*? i i i H i W: i sf?t i i
sft i W i mi gjft i tots^ i ^:sh^: i i
1 wror: it g^ngflfi xnxgmfwafftfi ftfft gf%g fwftg xtot fjf% i fprerv-
i gf fftf'4 wit xtgxrt frrfTgfwt ww i wx i ftifrnjx* wgfT xrftfffc
frit fifTgfwt xrg:xrg: xrfg fifgtg ffxwTf: i ffxwr: i ffg^lif%f ^ftf gxxr-
frffft g

% ^vrtiTRTr^t ^ i^Nmt ^wft i

ffd n|t to TOrT: irii

H1 ^ ^ l i ^ I ^tWiT I *pt: I *71 i i I

%^i%i^:i^SjjfHi^iHf:iTOif^rr;iH^i^^fH: irii
^^fifTfr: gxt it% ?ftf nw wi xrtf g*iftf i xjfirggf i xitlffffTf i frfl^xftf-
Ifnftt ffrwt gfto: xrmft f gwtf’f ff «rfft xrtn#»fffi#«hfff i xt wt
VOL. IV, hh
; |>°

f^rwt wu ^raf ^iwinnfim^w yrgft ^♦uqUfHgfft *H^rmf5fflT]|$

5t^i i 9TH7l q§ig ^«j: i wr i TiRnl ^rrrrfi^jfW qW t%?^.
*rnrnf i fqrq wt tt^ fq^qTqrfq qiqi'tflU^i^ivt wsstn n

Hf^si^ R^N f^_%t W T&J *W&!1 1

nfz ^refafisifsr dfrnsig: ii?ii
rfr^l f^ I 3TW I R^fR I f%%: IW I I ^CT I I RTjj I qi^i
Rtsd^fa i nqt i srotsfafitfii i u i |i i sssrtr; i srfsrag: u^,,
?[f^f% grTir: i qn?r *rtfl*))*n<sH'*w qnl f%%: i srotg «
fag^f | W%^r tt wr^% # TRWrf»rf7T |
q*u*na*;: n w htt *r*T% tt^& »rrg j)*r«r*)S)?t, qrnrm*r *rwrcftg i f*N qfrtnjf*
-nwNfffn: trfq^Tt w^rfifw i M#rfl i qrwt i qrofSKti* *sr$: i tit
g% ?h% OTfffii l i
gq ^psmwr: n

^7T T^Rf R*JTFtrT: WIpRT I

xftl R^t ^RtfTR^RT^ RRT ^HrRSR: II8II
s*nt I frT I T^RJ I I R*RTR^ I %S^f?T I jNrf I ^dfw I
^r i r: i tW i R^fs^K i ^RtwR i^rssw1 rot i ^rt^fii 11811
”| *(3^n 5|wq fTT ttWUPra TWt TTWm: I «flf'3U»l I W^TT^ff *N%*T I
ttstt qgwt*m qft?T7T f*rqtf?r m^^rrt i wng *nj qrq^fH ?tot i f*Nr %vn fttwn-
irfTt ffqnrfti T^iq^fw i f*N qtriW* *pWK ^¥^1^ Tfa 'WTT qpftfPT i ’sfH^
snm^qgw i f^r t^fNpr ^fN( *n7T i *nrr^m 11
f^rjf fad^RRiw \

RTRtfW ^RTR^Rtfq^T^r: IIMil

i f^i 11^:1 i f%s«Rf 1 f^i ^Td^s?i\«n 1
’mvu\ f^i^l ^T1 ^t^JSrftwqr: 1 I f^i ^ I IIMI1
^r^<if^aT^«>*»<iTH,^(gm Tt gcH«j?n^ i wt^: i q^i^wl1^ ^
g^g^^TJrpm^rwfr ^ *HraU^ 1 1#!|TO ^ftwi i fnwrrr f^r<i i
g^: 1 Burmt^q^K^: i aft’s)'<*4«r i fWT^«ri •qqnwf ^wrf^aftsrqi^ ll^RlT^
qftrfq tfrmfiT^T^^nw^ ^»t gwwr: i Tpsftrfq vnrnsft
1 sii^ro^Tfq 1 ?rr^wr: ifN^rra « 11 e

^tr^t ^rT^mt ^T^rr i

^ ^St fw^t: iitt ii
^i I i i i xn^: i w I I f^Fim i
i bb 15£?r i qnrwr i b^ i is^: i 3sfart: i fwrrsgt: 11^1
tm\ TOfwft vnmfr *tg g?mw: stwr ts gtg i *tg i *rn^ig 11
^!T\^i<f«: ii fror f^faararr ^Itwwt 11 froranw: 11 trt *gfnaraT f^fam format
ftf-mwi aiwgtfg i tftawr ffwifwmj: i%m writ, afr %mr ajmaft
aa ^ ^Tftf ^ ^rfari gftt i fi f%: i arr^rwf: ^r^sfufiraw^: aftw^sufevl
ar IK 5tn: i ^f*m: anfcft firaqumfliqi: i st n

ftfH 5Rt4 XfalWt TR^q* fMw TB ^frT ^ I

^li^TR-R BiB^^BB tiim Wtfti: IIill
f*ifi*«• xfTOFi: i ^k?: i fn: I ma_ i ^ i *Tts^: i gffir i ?* i
pfw i 1 ^Tsi^rre 14i **i: 1 1 b 1 Trsrxft 1 mi
Tf^TWt want tiwtj^nt maw: €W g*jfn i mawhni ntma w fnfffa i
fffa nfw *jfnawfmft>a: an: i gfigm w ntnnafmr i faimi i nn%anTm%: i
afafn 1 aft %nTft{f«nnai<iR mfwt fan fat'fa aTrap%anHrumafa: arr#~
1 sfrmifn 1 ^aaa%n gitfffn 1 n?T 1 arcrt ^^iiTnfnannfTnfn^^tnarfa?l:
SlW^Tt 11

sfc: ^>jrR xi ssta \

^pNfcr ft f^ro vt% m xnf^^Tx? ^3^ 11b 11
^ 1 *v I l wg(B 1 $ i itfm I ^ 1 ^ 1 SOT 1
^ps^H 1 bj 1 f|sjn^ 1 in^| 1 i b: 1 mfihnxi 1 11 bn
t *ifr ’tarfl % ai^n: tt^ gn *aantignn 1 ar^mrrfnaaariwt nan i % gnfn^Tn ntri
at gn «u*jqw narfaatn mmfnr narffann vt% ?|ar% jan i nm agag aarfTanfrn
v’TTffa nit ga ait^nm grot nwraro fan n u q. 11
Tarcf to gar ggntaar gracMKiff ng^anTai i awt scant fwr: an faja: i
^ aTgain 1 awga: ^nx^wfpjft nT^f g awl TOnrlfn 11 *mt fafwla: 11

*7 ^T^T dm B XfsIT f^5IT^: I

1^^«T * TfTg^^rtW B nil
1 ri 1 ■srrgr 1 ^ 1 ^ 1 |f^rr: i b i w* i ^sstt^: i
§S*n^ri 157 | I 37t$ I XRi I sratfk I ^T I BI II7II
’i far am gjarr iflm TOnfr ag w ga i ftNfn n
awTOf n fw ffWTTfr w wn ffaf^wT wit fa fa^ngal w?fr fwaf^«iO *Nfn i
^ ^TT^rrf i %ailtat gjrran tftwaTaf to! wtuf Kta awt% gartil arolfa i
h h 2
aTafH i a a}«araafta: g*f1 w ?fiai'$«f>i atari aa araftfn i am t^i*TV $n%n
aTfta aitatari: n

few ^IfH^STrT ^RT^TT ^ f^Tcfw W*: I

f^arW^TO UrfT «T ^Ifwt Jfflf^lW# ^T ^ II * II
few \ vittw I I I ^SHrisTT I ?T I ^T: I I I
i i ijrft: i *T i %fm; i wf^n^: i ^ 1 snKT*-1 *T i 11*11
'afrwrT^ afrat *rrw agaw at aaa: i gjf ag^ar: aa: MaT<ggiaff»lft«j irtt
^siraa.i fti^aa«Himai«»iiwsa i gtffa ifaiatf i faft w«<U*flaat<l i gatari tfraaTamf
aw aai ga’Njr aa: aafw: %at atfa i a aatatnaritta $a: i fam f^at g^aarai: gare:
gar aat riatat a 3}fa^; i fariapfa i a artaarratif^l: gar amrr anaraanftat aaat a ntfg: i
a a3tl i aatiartfari ajnt ara ffa am: u

H ^ fe,?. fjfaan * ^i^!T ^ I

ursterSt ^ nkr: tartst *T srfaste: II? II

m ^ i i Tjfa*rn i *r i nffsit i wrt i ft%%i wnnj i 1
ht^h: i * i hKt: i i fbwfcr: i * i I ssfassN: ii?ii
^ aaa* ffa: gfwr a gfaarra i %fa at^f i a^arr aa^a aramr^a frft% arfrifw
aian^aniTlTaF aratwratffa g?$: i tana aro^at a aftrr awarff rifat fa aaaia: ajfaann
arifa i f%a Rmqat a a^r awafaatft agan fnrfaaatjfaaa^sat arifa 11

$ H: ^IT Wrf II8II

i i ^rqf i *r i HPtfH i P^’4fii 1 ^ i ^ i i

faras^: i I sraTHN I g IH: I intent I ^ Ii 3SI I ii##
^ aaa: ganai g$ M^cfiai^rat a arafa afTrarg^arrat aaa *a aift ag ^
f<ia jfa i a aal i arta aa^fa i a faaWr aafa i iftaaaatifa ga*lai a ataa^afaw . i
ta^raf#a^<ft4a aaft araarva ?faat ganaia#rafag*a g gj_a^fa Mffwa^ ara^
afv^TT fa ganger: aa: aara: agtaar an aa i ana^a i aaiainanaa^w^: i agaar
aaa: i%°a°*?■ h.'o. i afa g^:«

:rq i|| W^ft rf ^ *THT I

*T ftmiw- HHWt * HfttrHH: xtfp^: IIM»

i 'gsq i Hsgst: i ^ i i ^fHHTrr; i h i wm \

i ^i i fbsT^t: i hht^: i ^ i nsfain*: i 11411
*o<!0,*o^o$bj „ TOBtsvBi: n *9$
%*rwr: gi ^ TniifBitg TRnfnntfr trg«r: ngm n*T wn*nfiqp»:xrf^?t ahux;:
w i tt?t airfirwfr n xNtwr nrf<WT<«i xtt *mrr gmr >m *gfsw*:gfn*rg t Tm 3wit
«r v* wmm: nrrarrranm: ^ vm fw^fr f^mnfam<W*»lKW ,
fin *rwnt n wfwi t* nfw *n nfwmi: nftinwi: 1 nwxRT nwr: nfxTjn: xrfwft
jfcnitwi IWI

b bi^ bbb: btjbb^jb **: BBt^Bi B^: 1

f^rsnif bbb) TroteiTOf^t: B^Bijj^B II $11
B I Br^l B^ 1 w: I BTTBJIr^l |B I Bf: I BSBtW I B^fr I
fB^rrei: i bbb: i tMw i menu fB^i W: i b^b: i ^b ii $ 11
% nnw gn wjr(t wcraT^ara <p^snw^ wrnnm nit wiwnrurm narxitn
ttw *kw*fH wt ng vn fagmin: nnwfcit i *ron: gwnwfen.ifo git* 1 gnajnn 1
wfafii wtt 1 ^pn.ngwHlflin. 1 fnwnfnsri: 1 ng«t\«idfi<Min a

B B% bM^BT BB# B BTrfBt B^Jr^l

BB?U B: IB^; I ^ I 1 B: I^BTB^ I I BtSBlft I BTC| toil

n^TBT *n»t nt^irrjfr it nwrit 'am nffn nfn 1 iftngawnft 1 wrni-

ffii% nftr nft ngsfr n ngw fwStirrwgnr ^fsnnf^nrt «im 1 n^T 1 anr
srgwn xt«p$: 17ffnm% nnsr i^tpwt ^rsj^s^^rfa1 * nnnTit \<npw<g«iU
¥tH%rr^f! niui 1 vT^nfif 11 ■<n«BB«uw»i 11 n ^TmfiispfonnfM iriti itn-
ai%i^ 1 nng 11

& ft ^ B%bIb BJBt Bn%BB BTBT ^4fBBi: I

^ BfSBiJ TBB^Bht Bf^ BT^B«B\ ^BHBT: libII
^ 1 ft 1 B§^ I B%bIb: I BiBt: I I BTBt I BS^fBBTJ I
^ 1 BJ I ^B^ | prs^: I B?fNT I Bf: I B I BT^I I BBTBT: llbll
^ff ^ ^ nftg an»lg nfnnre> ntrrfr wsit gmn nf^rnc '•twrf^mfv-
BHtwr: gw rnnfaran;: 1W1 nif^cgnUn *rranf^eprni%n iFfnsT: 1 %
^ ^inrnrng 1 Tngft tw aripmwnw sptfannr: wit wrtart 'gfjwxg 1
^9 • *Stfin% 1 nit n^nftnnTnT: «*mnni*iT: 11 imu
Tws^ ^n gw 1 qwTanfwt flpitnT %fw wmt wrm: 1 ftrsTwrafwfH: 1
1 wr nrgiii 1 ftmit fwton inwnnrn ftraft wrar Tfn 11 wit fnfnitw 1
H «

fantst * ^T^ t5 ^ ^sfcr: i

TT^rhrt fw: f^rftat ^ in 11
fsmfa: i ?t i TR^sfa: i §swar i^s^: i * i *rff: i i
TT^ri^r: I * i f^CT: i I fsnftar I *T I i ^sfarei: II «i 11
faimft *r ftrn srrsrwT % w *Rrf>r: gM»r: rtbt: uft»R(un*n *nif?r ir
s ^rt%: rt«i: *pwt «^f<r i ’^renrr *Rrf»r: ’s^urr f*nmPt »i Sr\n-
f^r: ^fraTT v* rr?T ^ ^wf^t tt gwRT xjtvi: i ?m * ^trt
7nxt % qsreT^n v* r?r: i rs *R4®rnr i tTr^rjItw: i ?* *rerr *rSij «*rrgm
a^lfen^Rif^ainSq s*iiym JRfw i T^TRt *t 3gtfrf*r1wr: Rf?W7ra T*r
fSRtor: i w fwffw: i TO gg ^^ett: i trt fwNt ftw^rr RTfiRt *nh
«r ^r*prr T^f^retitmTr: i w Trf?rcr?T*lw^Rwr Rf? TRTgfrrefft f%^RT *Rfa ?rr?sn
i^p$: i t^rr: ift*tn it

^ strifcn ^Trrt^t 57 *&[$*' wsrirra: 1

ttwk* h ^t: gsrSfrot ^r stot m?r ^ in 11
wfa: 1 ^ i *t*wt 1 Ffqsw?: 1 ^Trrfa: 1 * 1 13 sf*b 1 1
ws^TWTt: 1 * 1 ^f: 1 gs^fori: i gssjittai: 1 * 1 #T*rt: 1 ^ i ^ mi
^ jRTfritwWt^ if *rt htsrt 7^r*rr ifrw* <r^m^n <prr: f^ w^nrot ^R-
SfR^fT srrartfr ^ irawm *r r^t: r^hptrrt: W3kr: *njfR*RT: htimiO *
TTcsqTjr ^RTTt T(Tf*R ^3T= SjRrn gRttR: sgiphwt ’T *fon: ’g’j^rn ^Rr V 3
ERrgfT ^ wn<TO <i^7lfn ti

■sfTrrt^t ^r ^ *j?rct iVn^rtts^f h i

■afimh 5=T ftj^rr: fxTHTUt * ^t: ^TTrT^: ll?ll
^TrTi^i: i «71^[iI fmjxw*\ i^I f^i: I i
^^nns^rr: i ^ i i fa^ft's^rT: i f^r^t i ^ i #Frt: i ^[STTrnl: h?11
% *r^ffr Pierrot *f ^nr?R vf ^rfwfr f^n^r *r*mtwT: i »n^ ^
fRRV»rt *f
wNt ^wt f^frf^fr i fRn *i EfRrr: **
fipfNrf: i ?m ftrprt ^ wr: ftrmsrr ^R^fiRt w ^rt f^Ttra: W’’111
TFTOfTyTRT TOtiw«RR^g it

T^t^T vt ^xj: ^ i

Ti^t ^ ^ $if4: ii8ii

|| II ^

I *n ^ i srcr: i *S7rt>w I fsmtapt: i 77 i *gj: \ srfassR: \

i * i ^t: i ijWS^: i T&fassTmt: I vl i 77 i |s^: 11B11
T^rt *r TywmiiPwqr: H w ^ifg trwi: ssmmt ^ in^t
^fum: *ro™sf*HTT *frn«ii: i >?wt i fgrffcmft u
swiften: yn 7*nt«n<ft {finmfora:' Eret ^pfr »r »h5t gn *>pn
nW i jPTftr ^ ^ f*ra^i i i^ji^t vri: i fwfro-
<5iCu*fi mMJ\v ,sfN+jf*i«g<$iO'tfHfl: *if^f ^ gj»r: w^a^t: n

SRtflt 77 V 3FPRlf 77 p4: i

«Nt ^ faR^RT 51 *n#fa: IIMII
I *71 *h i ^n*R; i f^fiiR^: i 77 i xM: \ ^s^ttr: i
Wif: i *7 I f*TO* i ^sf>£ I fsPT^: i fapg s^ht: I ^HHpr: I 771 wpi sfa: im 11
% *rm v* #st: innsRmT wrs i ttot u ^i
W ^ Wf wiifiw W^: i ^rsmfr ^ f^r%:
*i*pnften: i ?tot ftwn «trtw: yrefirgair gjfinwt ^rif»n^ i «$^t
smr u 11

*TT^0t *T fP^??THT ?T l
ftPTrTT 7j sfe7}: ^TTTrl^ JT^T^t *7 ^Pl^rT fnRT Ill'll
i *71 7|tr: i ^s^nrfT;: i ws^t^: i i ^ i f^R^t i
f^Fjf: i 77 i ^364: i ^suprt:: i t^tsjcir: i 77 i i ^ i f?RT ii % ii
U* *rw Timurt *r 3R v* ffi^rrafr qfffMimg;: i w^cre
*f wr*rrgvmfa faw *t#^t irtjurr stitt fan}: i wjt i Tr^r^rt »r w *«r
*T|!htt<(%tu ^i^nfNrr: i grrrtn;: ^Twmf9rt: flr^T n flniw ^asfr f^w^TT: i
^ ^fruTjfr «r *Tfr^rerj ^ *rm*rwfa »tr% t^^nr *rafn i

3WT ^ ^rTff s^f^: ?rtf3Tf»T^}f^fP[ I

fthRt * TPRRt 77 ^77TfrT TTfjR HSU
1771 %rr^: i s^sfapi: i 1771 ^ftrsf^: if^ i srfaTpr; i
feiR; i ^ i | iTT^s^^: i tprs^f: i tt i ^tsRifrf 177% 11s 11
^ ^ Bust »t %7nr 'Jtref ^rwT^rfwft HgfW 1 rnarr ^r^fr *
^^iTTrr ^t f^tfiTfwTi*r<f ^N?l 11 fw ^tf 1 wfa 11 jt^t f^nrt *r »nr ^
^JTFmrrgvrr: tn^mt n frr^r^n ^rw ^ *ftwrf»r jt.-
1 1 TUiwnww^mfii 11
*80 u ii

^T^pTTJ i

^ mgrel *tth 5R^rrf% tffif iibii

q SHjnrq i q: i^t: i fqw 1q s*??Ttq 1 ’ssrenq 1 i qsw: i q^upn: 1

^ i i q<g»rei 1 rim 1 qfTTr^i ^ i q: i pqstfcrtfa i tfi lib||

tw 1 % *fvft nfvr»n: ^jwt mftrprr ^

*8rf7i 1 1 ttot gw^ftH^rw^pr i w i *hr\pfN i
f^ ^5 srerer ifrW ?rf^7i wtwfa »mt 1 1 *fr TSf^nft
$rfl[wrfir ^n^r faxwiT^n?* ^ «fn 11 m311
’rosrfatf! %f»r 1 *rnm ^rfjpfrs
1 <t*tt ^ngwivi i vna ?ra *rr *tfH#t thwt faf* j
*T«xgqiwfq*ii***?t<&sft 1 1^ 1 vupto *r?rT i^r ^ mr*#.
<*3. itf?r #

^ntwreT *fat itffiwMqi fqqj i

rn?=n ^ ^ ^refrft qSfor: 11 s 11

wm \ ^sm 1 qf?r: i qffSri 1 i Tratq 1 fq^j 1

^TRt i i fojr* sfa i i *n$ ffH i sfH 1

Wift ^frt I qfit 1 11 <* 11

^1^4f7Tt irffW *TfT*RW I WTfa I ^VfW^l 1
jnmj tttot ^iwlw nfaiw i w i wfag
^rrg wmua*)<ti<fl *n^T mptrc?^ 1 1 ftr*t »rrm fa*pt
f^fwt * »n$ 1 *w77fr 1 ?tot swrfiwft ’Nwr^sft ^ftart wft w^rawt *3?
qtTTOT^ q^iwn: i wro: 11

qiT ftrcf fjT%rqv|jT^ fq^T ^RtfH I

^i,?rh5Tw qf§: tftsjipT^sr wwift fk$ 11*11
qit i ftjt: 1 fas% i sfii i 1 ^fqifq^it 1
srsTtfig 1 qr# 1 q^sft: i 1 qtfir i qsTHs^rr: i 1^i 11,11
wft: flrfr ^5t gir«ri f»rfipi ^ 1 wnft wii
^^4i(*i«n 1 fli<|qinq€l 1^: 1 ti^fl q*11^
»r^rf?t ^n^i: wr trf|j: in^nnrrrrtw « «tfn 1
^rer^m: i Trrwr^rnSg^RWRj *i*wr nnanlni 1 spr« ^ ^
*r^ d
o.3T> II H

a *Tf xhft ^fTOr^RI^r * *to i

mf * TO%tof73tf to ott: II ^ii

niin^i vsnti^i^i^:i^i^:i^i^|

wr i * 1to i ’fro i %to% i to i sas^t i araftft ii?ii

^ra*tfq*fg: ?f«n*n: «nn ttct mrt ras7rt gif afh? ?rmf
ifavf fltMfl^Hinnwiti: tt ^ i ra$fn i Jrerrf? i fafinr i n gum: m ^ «m
’ng WgMTT I ^ »r Tig; Tigwgfiig ^|i| ?pj f^tj; gf^T
^inw%inrfo??i; i i gn: i fifrafwu^i^itdKwi i *r?r i g%4nrt
jM¥ WixW i

rrafxff a *ft% *twu nwrf wftr i

*Tf ^TO? T^Wirntoq Mm: S Xf^rTT: II till

rfr[ I o(T I 3JW I Tt^ft I TT I ^ft% I HT^R: I TTTfTCt 1 *1^71 I 3j% |

* I m ito^i i to i fw i 37%: I I %sto I a: I asto ii 8ti
% ?t irfH xr wftfiT T^^wrf inmn wrrwt wf *nNn-
^ftifMTWTW^ ^ «^nrf7T i 5ftn^rr%W#4«H wm *rgrtft{? g f^%n i g
i% y* ^ ^faTWl«u*jrMd> f%%7rr * u%m: nsreirm: i ^nft
* 5iHi*rirti4: i w*T%srrarm$? sitw sftfjr i fa%m uniT aniTf? s *%m: *r
f* ^Tsrrfi i ^nffxrpt it? wtg wqiqlaiq:«

% ^an ^rfrT i
%to URf^% (^ II mi
i 37% i^gi^i ^TS^WfiT i 3nif: i sp: i ^§ft% i i

*% I apT I 3SW%: l % l ^ l arcf i Mnf: l a<af 137% l N ll mi

wnitT^rr ^pq% gg farmwin?*nf?r ^T|ft<CP3$T qfrrcfrffiffit
3^f HWrf? %g Tint: ?$ i iftrcnJ: i n ^i^fi^^\^rHT^^r^^Tfw-<:qfT[ffl7nfw-
i f?m% i fgrwfn i vsr ircrcrera: i $ w fra?: h^i: nsrfrfa i
^1 niitjrnit Hif% it

^| ^ TJW% ^ I
Tntor%: h^h

^ I to I to I I 3$ I Tp8T% I 3 I rri I 3*%^Tr[ I

i ^3^; i 13Ti% i i%I i^i 137%: 11 % 11
wf g f^i fi iot: ttr ^ f^rrfij i ism
I^Tfif i flsi i <<ldbn, atfirltiftm »fa5*i: anf^f ?r?fiiR.<u<|:
V0L. IV. jJ
*8* ii Ttykqi ii

tHN: *hft wff ft i ftftv wfrft i mfowTft: »rf ^Tf%:

igftrft: q^ftgnftr nyr. i

fa|^t Wrt«gf3 ^TT I

fa^t ^r*jfa: $*rfcr: xfafatrfiR: ii$ii
fa^-si: i I i ^RS^n: i ^iflrfwsfa: I TSRifa: i i
i fw i ^fasfa: i gs^riw: i i i ^fasfa: i ^P|*ir: ii$h
_ ^tt u^j:
*nm: srn. i ^ryprarR, i wrnft
fftrftftm»u yrqi^wq ^Pjaifttw: irftsuft
xft *ftft*rrftsri: i aiqwfoflft ^f*r f»rfuw« ft^ift
TftRft: f9tm: gj irfr. ^ifara wrg*t *r$ft: '«iB«sWif wft « m8«
^rfa: «ftftft *?nf *jtr %g»wft*j i ^ift: «ftftw*psini
ftftifft: ii

s*fa: sfit ^ i
fa ^TRR5R[fa^Kf ^k*jrfsi ^tfa H h n

^fa: i tffii 1 ^fas*t I 5qfw 1 ^fa: i i ^ i ^nrfatSRf I

^fa: I sfalfal ^CTU S^Nr" I ^fa: IHT^’ I ^k$*jsftj I ^tsfv mil
’Frft ^urawro tpwt *i$ra(Tirita34 ^rft ^ftg«n i TWTfircft
^ fMggmfo* SR^ftlOT ^rftiTOftrT ^Tft I ^ «141j|ft*ft WW.
qgftMsrftr i ftftv ^ncft • *ftft?i ^tjw^iN gtft ^ ^Ofa»

#far: gfa^$ ft&ft ^n fa%*? i

=qfa\# -^^w^rRfa|^nfa ^ra t^fri ii 9 ii
I I ^S^i i H5TI ^[fa: I Hft ?fa I Iw1 1
wfa: I Tf# I ^fipirU I ^fa: I ^Tfai I ^ I II $ »
*rsre: qs*frnrU%: ^fftw^T^ i wifi# *nr«ft ^rnrrgfwrrr ft%n t
^areT i *fft*rft ^rsrft wftg i g% *w* ^ni ****•
wf*ft «n(V<ffor^: i wftf^Tft g^ftr i fft #

^fa| ^ ^fa: ^HRTfaT# fafa^M I

^ftn:fa tr4 ^n^rrrfa^M n?h
^fa: i f i ht i ufa: i ^11 i ^far* i ^sr: «fa: i *&&&) ^1
^fa: i ^ifa i ^ii i ^h: i ^fa: i *|sM i ws^Rt i 11911
aocjo.^o^.^ofro,] ii crafts**: ii

niii irfa* *ro i tto i TOTrofroirt

g(^JH*lflfll*ll*l*H|t f*l<<*«vI ft^WTTOT,I fl'tnfv^R »Tff$ ^{TOfcft%{arfaT7f*JTO*TI (
ittot Hrrt^w^nrr toto?* i qyftai i

srftn&ft *: *r^t sftft i

srfaftft faniT rhn*ift$ratft f^njrrr 11811
$rfa: 1 ZRJ 5ft^ 1 %:s^t: 1 srft: i ^jft i v* 1 1 *Rtft 1
sift: 1 ftft 1 f*i 1 m 1 Frfpr i 35ft: 1 vr*tft 1 fts*jrn 1 11811
■s'S'T-hru«CTc*i|srr: sffTO to i ^^ifn i jhrgrrrt ya nareg-
iftfrr Tpt: i i v ^fa: «tot tot arrorrfir Wrfn toi?| jflronfti wgft i
n«iiRr<(R TOt to*»t%j?tot tor i ^5 fronrofn 1 TOi^miR apcHifm f^m
fa*mTf* gw totj ^n%«ufq<n<jfviWBiifi'ij Ranfeg ii

ft ^iftm^i: i
vmftw Tfifftsfa: tjft *lTft %!T IIMII
?jft 1 i ^Ffa: 1 ft 1ipft 1 3?rfti 1 *rt: 1 *u*ift 1 ^nrftrrrci: i
1 i srafi;^ 1 hwtt: 1 ift: 1 s^rt mft 1 *qft 1 r! ii m ii
^fM<j+*l: wSI^to: ^ f% 5^ 1 fafro*H£*iffl to| rsrfxj»nct *r*pzrT *rmfa totH 1
*nfd<?*iduiq trfinr: 1 ^Tfrore: ir3«rt ^rrfvm: m^fd tottJ 1 wifii to: ^fwtinft% tott:
^wfir TTftg 1 wrf^ri TOtfa to? «rr«rra^ i%°s#m. $. 8- 8-1i^tt msiur 1 tot 1
flfwrfr^Rrr to: TOfn 1 TOrfrofm «wt srwrfrn ‘tit xrfrot *nfH 1 TOefrr 11

3?ft ft*! Wft ft 5|Tm: I

fttftT II ^11
1 ft*h 1 fo67f 1 *Trpft: I ^t: 1 srft 1 ufa 1 »ft 1 *nm: 1
^fti 1 *mHf 1 tro! 1 ^irraf i 3ft: i *!*jft: i ^ i ?n i fts*hn ii^ii
^ fro: tot ^frowwwi 1 ^prfit 1 m »u*j<il4ni^ *nrzfT5^T'TT: ^ tas?i 1
*nrT^ *»U«rr «rrot tta: ^^rnrwmT: tot ftrfro *pnftf?! 1 ^fM»?Tv?t 1 «nfT?ld?T 1
^ Tiftfd 1 ^ftfrfY JTtvff 1 ^bto TOrer tott xrf%r ffdt 1 fd w»i
^ f*iTOT 59^fr frofr TOfif 11

^ ^r^^rrr^rft ^ft> i

^ nft ^rftint ^ftii& nft ?ft^in ii^ii

^1* 1 4 1 1 ?sft i »7lt 1 1 ^s^fti i
^ < * 13R1 ^fbnt 1 ^ft? 1 1 i ?[PW 1 w 1 n-911
II » [st° t.

air aftaqwft frviRHgmq: i vyKi aa a *rft afnwfii af?r qffift ^Pm^nri

% afire gaH*n$ arfi;?rrt affirrt ara i ara i t aft af? aiffanr wr aw i aa%»n}: |
nffl«u<N*H*sfavrfT aar apaara^afif n man
a tftfir sjr$ aalqa fw gaagaai firaatfar asft %jh faaarf^aaf i aarr argamf i q
fvr faaanfr afiraf %aanfw fata«aa: ^gfafiiata: n ara araaftaai i *an ^ a*«i^aiattaani
afaa a% awraarafar fm? ^rran’i sjsraifa ajnifv aTaraffa aaffg *j?fiaT3na yfforf^
unf^-a. <i-ii

* fRT fw >pbnfH I
s wfw ^Tsjftr^rfar: ww&s4xt m h <* 11
v i ^ht i f^rat i i f^i i frwi i fa i fom i m i
w-1 ^rrsfW i i f>swfa: i iwts^i ^nkF( i m i fa^sr mi
v* faaat i fayan$T a$Sfti vSTftr ’jaTfa ^aaiaarTT a vrarraavaaf piwr i
TT^fH^Tf^^T^fTT a 1VT fWT 5[$fi[fa lfa°qO.*$.| tfa II at fVV^i+f<i*41«V
vfagaagat frm ftafirerr^ai: afiaaT atrfisr gaarfa gtfa. i a3 aaij^y^ i
aaigal aafi^a fiiaT areai: i anarafra arianr t*taT%: i a %w aaraaawTat faaaft
aata%a ad^iaqftasKia. i a aasaT aafa i wt° a° 'a- *$■ * i T^Tf^5t: i * vfiKifiimfii-

xarrfaavwiaT afia n araianamfiraitaft i atfaaaiaT ax^ar Tar fwr ^&rtiaa-

gT% ^r^^i<\r*t+ii4iH «sn<*iH3i<a««HjffflH^Mq(«^<^nKdYfs(*iis(&i a^ait sfi<ir afir^ra
fraar ai#r *rt$anai fiiaT aaast ara faraara. i aav£: i aaraarft aft afa v^riPr-
ariajssnanasafa asrfrr ga: a^T a v$vt a: »aa3ai aaiata; i aarr f? xjaa: i
vrarr ar T^ras ifTTO arrata, i v° w° ^-8-<^. i a^a atft^aa vrata. i wt° a° $• x- *■ i i
* <Tr^Tj: M^ja< vitim ^f: ^ri wil^wn fl^w srfirofvasFTTF: v^lwPw
^R^mTariwrw: gigi fwH MK*nf^g
utft i wf^rr^^ur i im ^ i vtiwnm ^y: wr mnW* « vfliama «
fgy v^it ^’n^rrrfwi. i%° vr° =• §• i ffiu ^^v?n vg»^r^
'33[t?t4t: »
xnTr^tmn v^rnwr fas i $fari y i fas ^rref^fwra €t a: fain
yfa«Tr i vt° ?• c. i ffaii


ajfTRr ^h4N^^ht gT^roNff^T fw%: iru

f3i I %r^l ^fvs^n^ I wst4*d I ^RiT^lf^l ^1
I ^ 1I f^S^mr I f^T I ITT I #^l Hff ^TIf^TS^T: II ^l>
g^tni aavaiaaiT% aiw a<iTf?^^aTaTf vJ v?t im afire fapfr i aa twt
FTaaa^amaasi^aua<iaai<wffeTfiaa^wTfaafn i affSli ff vz fa^: famft
fl#qo.*r°tf.$?b<i.] 11 11

raT»rcfircTq fi^UiK»«^amj flWT^Rl I awqHiWlum-

f^T^ i ft
n i *r ftftfifw* i ttot Ttfmxwit
I WTwfti»l%WTt^l*jm^T»nfiTTTir | Tt^fq , ^fx,
tww i m i i ^^twjmufa:,
*wfq; t(<T(«^4TTr^f\!|=<iKMI41«l|«l^l?T; I f^l^'HTo^.a.^.i {fit 3pt%tt-
fwrsr: i ^ ^grr^fygm^TtHTQT? fww: *$5^ froh t^t
*tt gfn?r?i: ¥g^t. yfyrr wrr^t i fa «

fWnt^T|^w f^rign^ i
s ■5nfwit wf?r tirr^mpjRl <r^V ^ „?„
fwt:s^: i ^?f i f^sm:s^r: i fWr:$?T|: i 3fT I f^9r+:s^Tf^l
H I ^T|S«?T I I | XIri%: \ | |^p i it%: || ^ t|
vrsn qlid^SN ^Nif^f%^w^i<fv<aT»iT^wf%^ft Tpftnfarf i *$ift
^ fa^t*p§: i ?tot fWffaror: i ^ fyga<m^ i *r xRftv:
i ^ i «rrarwn * vwft i i^
1 ^ tjfsnff « v«?ftf?r i smr mvTgrifaura i tn
^ n ifWf ^rm^i^fr ^mnr: xn^c

f% ^ ^3 S f 3f SJRhjMI |
^51 f^i I w. I I *: i IWR i w: i grafqfacft ^ !
— —— o i
Wlfw: I TR^TT | ■q^jri I il> sfwI rTf^l ^1 ^fllS^rfH^I*pRlfa I
^rrf^rn^rf?! i to^«i°ui^«Ti^ iwfo f* irtt vnrni
™™*u<!i: ^rf^tfft ^sfwfiri fwftt nwrf^n i xm g
^■vxtfwt wwrft *mt wraprrer gqmqm gnqigMl frong: ;ro%*r srprrgf^ft
’WE’f f^i fm ’rm w. i ?m ^ ^ *r f*r tjto i miTf»r> i%
)m i^r: n^*ni Jtwr f^rreT^rn i i f4%qft g^rrft vtt^
7^nrurf^ g^en i Tprer ^Hwr*grwt m s ^T^r^ir<^TTt»
jrra^g Vptnfoi tpbwtw m ^ vnwnftSRr ?rr«rr i ff^?r ^ i nt'srflMinrOraT gTfvrrft
51 ^ VT?rrf»t ^(pn ?rnwT i =>«;. t Tf?r h ^ ^mT i gf^ni n i ^rr
^^iHn *rmrT ^ t% ,?rnrr^nft 3rf»nft i w i i^ni

^T ^ VRriftr xrpnftff *rre*n ^t rrwt i

^! ^vnr: fr wfv ii m h
W ' "
*8$ a a [si* b.*r* 9.

m \ ^ i urotfa \ tjpnfri \ st i smi i st i w*n i fa* s ^4^ i p i ^,

fsre} i *rfaswi: i ffVR-15WT5^: \ wA i ^nrer i rari ^vr: ami
aiaaT ataat faaa4! aataiTTa faaai^ta artfa i \ faaranla. m arrfa t na tnartt
VTaTfa irftTTfw afaaT arfa a aaraifa aflTTfar afa amft a aT ar«iama«ifa \n»nfa
aOufa afa a aTatarrfa a4rfa aO’Ufa afawtiamj aj ifafa afa aft
ftra i tf?'t aramt ffa4a»iimq«uaata at am anfta gahir fafaairdt garat
avam: aa i aita tarftafKTfir aaragarfn agmifitiuft-
TTfw firaggmfa wfaateTft*nftTTftr a afcgflmf*! i fa ann at a*r|ma aafa i <g^-
fartrcr fa^qaam a*:«ia\;at faarraTara; a^an ay: art aarta i*i»a»$.^.| ^nf^.
afam: arta^a tarf^ta qjawaaaim #
nfatta taanfapnfr ata 1 agar^t i gfaa a i favaf
»tfaar yrjaTa *fn It faaatT faaaT anfttfTai: i art0 ?. c. i i^a it aTaftvtg tamtam
faaa^fqqffflaTgaxain i ga g y$«Kivi »
^T^lpi: T&A A^ HT I
ssfcrat ^ftw proi4 *TO^t a t? n
f^ssnN; i ffast i ^^uTri: \ ^A i i Tjftnff i p i trf i

$$ffj I 1 srfari: I ^Ql I p I 3TRT# 1 I ^ft* I ^E| 1)1,11

t P»q*4faqfaMq*4aa«mqi artar afaar sta^ta aar fasraftarr wn a
?faar afaraf a>5*rra: i faaa4T atTfm garfa gaaraarR; a ararraamawt gfaTaanft
f? fayar i amta gfaatgmfti a at f^a a mat gnaTgfygft ma aga: aaram i
gay i aj3t yaftj^r aanft aar ax grtjg gnn w^tfaa: a4a: i
am aftaam: t i^rrfaranaiarmi *mamro%a ata4a%a v^a vaara. a gft: «4if<aaa
^rrait'f^ i aag i ara faaras4arfaar a4ara faaawga^a i «io. 11

f^^j^mr|r^t «£%*? i
^irc: i irfW i i ^A \ 41 ^ i i i

jr: i *r: i fulfil i %A*if?r i ^s%: i i ii«h

araaxfa 4ais»y^ aaa: ^rfaa faaw^TRl fqaa^it aatga aattaaaa ait at

iarfarfaca atat xrfana aaa i ansaxa i a ta* aXxanai faaifa a^Tfa aaarfa ataai
%aai i fasat i aratianas araana i a fatpat i faanigftaar g«a«lfMt^a: ax^a4t

a^a afa aa*f agfr fw i ’awTaT: g4ag i aga ^wgiM a aa: gwfafaata: i

^t^t: ftpn *Ffcn f? Tftxt ^ni^^TTR i

yA «s u
^o, b$.] ii n
i firm i i f* i tft: i ^fr i t& *ftf i wmr^t mtf m3 # i
gygUMgrbflbfffrgfrrcmi irfora fr*>ro[fgm myi^ to »b i ggftm-
jftcm i »nraT *r ff ggpftifgt ^r<af^ ’jwr ff ^ tfft f^r^T mi ^rg^ra
w wiggigr^grT^i^g.s.M. i-inw w*r^i»ni*^c.|^wT%fn^
i wr^ qiw*}Mt tot^ gfgi^g ^Kqqsft gt{gggg i m 'ii^mnt:
riffl^nr. # pn ggfggti«[iig f*T gggg i f^ra^JT i*t: Wrfi[m
r^: i wf^iwtg gnTjhrft sn^iyfwnWiT i ggrarng gfg?t ggrri h
%qqiforetqiftffire nmqgiw ifgggfrfgggrgrttyrgr: Pi fc^Hflqfvgn' iif^.i

f^s^T fmtm vtut famm 4rstrr i

flfaHT W WTO#** ^WT|: IRII
fa* s^4t i fa smn: i m[\fo sftm: ivrm\Usvm imm imr m s^ri
M i ?mf*t i i s^t i i mi i i m:: 1 i* i wf: nsn
iN^if^wwrai^frw^r fggr *n#g: i gg to ^gggfgwafrgnt i fa^wnjfKfa-
vtn^TCffgH<Mir<i»4^i gfoffo: g g foggr ftfmr: i gif^sR#*: g$g gr i
ftfwr fgfgggTHT i gfrfgw^: i vtht fanf^ifST g fggTflT gw gitfT g wtt gw g??
g ajrrpri i ?fai gggTgf i aftftgr vMfl«ul*»w4: i -*i<*»«ii% ^rwni \VHfa
wrgrfg gffrTTfg ‘^gt^g i pfa g*Ti<^ m gfgratftfwl *i ^g gH*TKi Pf4«r i
tr^: m <.<a ifoUgif^iBgTyffgfgy n wi<to ggR* i fgg<*4T g: wnarr mw-
gwtrj^g: gg girgrifr wgfg g g fPn f^rfnrr fgftgr ggpft w^T*^^t|7!? fl<*~
wrgr gim fwrm g m,*ftg gf^ gg*rg g^sf^rnp i %gi gpfgt ^fWTfgf^gTWT-
fggrrfg ^%.MiuT>m^*t gg g g^fg ggtg^ gg gfgrararfg jwwm ^ ,
gfargrgT^gpf «tt i^tfwg Ri f$ g i gtflgSta grgginggTirgrafgg: n gg ftg’wrt
^TOi ‘^anfj; i 'to. »
fifw gn ggft g^fTTTO gt g: fMfiSWT groT i ’gfgg g i g5? g: fwr gfPT gt fgvrm
gr ^ grgTfn q^ifg gigyr i va* $. =. i gfg«

% ?f: firm ^m vt Nvim vmH^r % fW i

^twt ^ h 5#ww ii?h
i m i firm i ^rfmn i w i f^smm i i i i ‘
* i^m^ff i mnsm: nr%: i ^ i h i *rsirer i i ^fw i ^p?t ii?ii
gt fggg*fT *ign* ftm TrorfPi i g vm*: ftg gftn^Tq: i fiwftw-
xft ggt%g i gt fgvim g^gr g»m ^ fyggm gugngf^it^
grgtfg ^rf ftaCTurfgginrr ifggT fggrfg ggm ^grgttg gg gtg i
II II [^f°

*rmvT «rrat vTm t^r^tfsr^ra ?rtTf*T^Tft( nra to xtto^

^rurtwr xfx> xr* i * ^x*r*rrarrf*t *jw xjxrormfa xrsi w. wterr *if* i xroptf* i

w ^nlwa *rfr:rnfr * ^*tt i

wqw s$?f T&fa f^T^t % ijmfH II8II
^i wi sprsra 1sPW1 tt 1 1 ^pto: 1 ^ 1 srfbnt: 1 *r i ygn \
1 1 ^fftr 1 fasnt 1 ^ 1 ^mf^ 1 i ^RTfct 11811
% ^ ^nxxfn# fa's*4$ 3[f*nif ''T^^nrnTTf^mw v^r * wnrrwt i s$fr xrgft (
affwrt n *ftt xsfmrft *tot xj^rr *?7rr ^%sr xraft 1 ^ xgxcawffil ^
wMwiaft T^fn ^ f*nr% f*ra% f*rgWrfxim *TFnrf»r >jmf% >j*prrfa 1
Trrf^pt i ^rwr^rTTf^rr^t^ 1 w^TT^nrx}: 1 ^ wpn^iwrafti *nforrcT-
%TP5nf%xi%w «nag?R. ^ ^rat ^rrfr wreUxirr wf<«ii<*wxx fforaujlii ^j
w^nixx 11

xrrr %t in: ipn ijfw ^ 1

^5 f^Ts$ Pfi & *li X^V- TTfllhflff IIM II
in:: I f^ofi I t^j 1 Tjfn I ijfaan I ITS I X^: I 1 ’RU I
^ifiE^m^i wri^iwit: i^i^t: i^s^wrnf^iimi
qft gxjftcBT^fq nwr^xfom ti^itot: ^flpxrn xrx;: xjwi^nxr vtot
q^xgT'^wi»w^: qyqnyforN ^ ^f^r «x*?r*rnraf^ra *x> fx^irtf xr^w^xs xni*
«m*rpx: xr«m ^ 1 xgxprar: i *pr *rfw»i5? ^=rr t^r^fr f%% *ffsfa wwi ^Pirn: xxwt
TOfn 1 xr=i srrctxr ifwsf^ra xuftfH 11

HfHW im Xv *pt X^: Hnn^an i

FnHi'w^fqrr hw: ii!<i»
?T 1 n* 1WT1 1 1 vrt\X*n: i tfswfw i 1
i '*TTHT 1 ^rhi i vXa 1 ^tt i 1 f^n^if^r 1 1 w^: 11$«
xm^trn^RfHvt^ 1 afliffita ^w*»^wf ^ ?r«wrnVq ira?rfwrc^
g^flrnfr ^ 1 1 *nr ^ ^ ^t ijj^sr.
♦rrmqfq ^mft 1 1 T^rrf4ar+i«i«tf«xn*1 xfrw 1 ^r ff um^wffxx1^
fxrefrx 1 qfqidlt fwrfxr ^wf^t ^trfxir ywmwft fxrefn i wrrw ^**Kfg^^:
^j% a;qi*T«a wnrt Rarest*ra '^s xr* ^xfxjxx 1 firs ^rnt 1
xgfxx: 1 ^nx x^r ?rrg xfhSxxxxTfwt. 1 xx^nw^tn ^8BfRr«*xn«f*rfxx 1

^ if fiajm q \w[ ^35 1

^fP3? UT^rTT ^^T^T^NtTff II >9II


h i ?t i m: i pn i 1 srit^i ^*n3» i ^nH: i i

I HT^m: I sRurt I ^i ^Si^t: I I ii$ii

% *nj: 7T_f%^s*?ru! * ft^r * v\^t v gmft ww< wf^nr*!. i

TOnwi frowmr rrtte tfn * wfnw^

fisranfon *rfi t^ig gwpwfff?iRr»r»?TRTt

^^ifl^n41^<fl^an35 i Wn i i ^WTTfr^ft f?fr «r fi?r *fi %<*. ^crm i
’ftff^r Ht^flt ^ ^fn?trf^wrtn%*n^iwr: i ,wft «r wr*fta i w *flgiO wigiflqqfl'^T-
4T^r^ ’rrcni «e* i a mm m tf^qagtfrgq *il «i «m*^ gq*inH*ifi srrafiqqql^Hiqi q <^;gtg
irTft I tlSfaTTTPta ^ ^Nt: JTTfrTT: I *T ^rw VTftTO fig IPTO ^

Hifm: i fipnggti: ^mrgvrr«)«iT^4iiuii«g«ia: i 'agtwjn

Xjttri: i *r g M'K^t ?rfi fireiRyfid: i »r ^nrnft »rmfi\g
wrstfii i $fw *n?H i *nfr^{wt
*fi> Tfa ’R^i g* i ?nre: ipr ^srfi: i ’w^rr snnft fijBTf^|H: i
T^prt ^ i ?wt M(*i*m i *i% JT*ft *tgwrcft to g suraraftfr ii ^fir^rr^-
fiww^t ^r*r xRic^it fifinrm i gfifi ^ i mr to* *ntfr iwft.s. i «

^ ^rfrr fawrps i
i Fl i ?p% sft i i#sj: i^rfa i fMI i w^i^i
I 1 ?pf I FRf I ^5H I fl$S$N I fl^TT I ^RrTT II <\ II
\ TOt sftvTfwrrfir^r i ^sftnitfiift *nrofcift %fi firo* i qo. ^ i *ft
^-hi«i% gwmfiv^ ^ ^ptot^tt tori qnm^gyaf fi*ra> * *rg^:
^Tsnrta: itttH ^ ^rg^ig^B ysifi w^gn^Wuiil i wr^ wra^ ep^g^^TTWT^-
'frntifini ^rj iTirm i ^fwfi*r i%*t ^rraW<t i ?rm gwr ?rfT%*i i
^fT^i i Wimfi%»r «?*rr wn. wm i ^t

?T^ ^ ^^ITHT 3qrl%: I

^ W *TT^*h: ^Tff F?f JERtai: H^ll
I *Rj: i ^li wm i^i: nf?: I €trrt i 15nrTS^: i
P5! > W: 1i itt^: i nv i trrf| i 5jm imt ^ i cT^jrt i ^swtwl: II ^ II
^ ^tsfr »ng^ ^r: i ^ i ?rg^ frm fr*f*r*rr^*ftfir: i ttot
^nt%^r minniV «rws i fefi «g*nrm i m Jng^g^inwgm
m i gqffr i^ TOt mtwv. ^Rra^ni^i
^i Tn u
V0L. XV. Kk
pmo ii H

3*ftR^T ^;^t ^ fe*3T ^*n *ftr n ii?h

3&fa i ?f| i **it sft i w^5r: i rrafrn^ i Trim i ^srr i fa i srft \ i

I ^S^T I <£|S5T I ^ I fW I ^jfa I 3TT I *t I H I 5T: II3ii
% **fr gf^uftff i ^fwan^Twtr i i Tnrot wnftift n^ftrnram wim * $
THmtqtfiw gwr «fT^ TTff^ art* i i Trf*rc^f*»rrer: i ?tot fXfrr
wsm ?m ttot ^n ^ i ^w<wi(l i mp *ng^r sr fw ^
’tt*rrfw nU^THWT wr; i ii

n* ft 3[fa^5n: ^pi^TOf ^fiwiftraT?: I

fw^ftj: ^ft: HffaTWTCffa: vft ntfll
^ i ft i sft i ^fH>|fts#5n: i i ht^: i ^rf5r?rrfws^: i
fa^s^fa: i *^fb1 ssfar?*; i wm^ i w^' i *jrtaTg i $ft 11811
1 ?r^t ^rfir^fTwr: tn^T^rm^r^r: »rm: i
^fwfr ffgTftwfwTfTJi: 1 ^snr wfx;: ^nprcfta: mm
i^w*wrg grT^ng ^rff i ^f? n

rT^ rfftp^at ifarT: I

rf Rt ^ 3PWjf$^o6ft ^T rT#^fa *lft IIMII
3WT*t: m^i^fa ixncts^fr: i^rftnirfa r^rft 1 fffatrei iirtiT sft ns3fl:i
w 1 riT 1 Twt sft 1 ^nsjj: if^ae 1 i ^tt i h^: »TOs’^fa mTi^n*
?ft IIM II
1 n%cr tow *n*fr ?rf%w wf**sP* wi ^wrwrafr »n»n;fi*: ^ i sri
«fin*p$: 1 xftTfrifsr i gt 'n^fwrfwj*: *Pgt »i??rifaT i n mpt wmTp
wr wf 1 *r^t ’snsg: swkfS<fUi faftas i w*r sreraTfronS: i w i
*rr* 1 ^^T^flf ^rr wfifa *ra^rro *w^T*rro %ff i *rf nrgff «

mW ^ 1
HTflT '4y^? ll€fl«
^1^1 ^rft*T I -34 I THI |ft I 95[3t^ I I 1 f^SVTfl: I
1 ^afti mi 1 ^n i 1 1 1 l1^11
^ *rsfic trfwt f^rwnft fw® wfoNt ^ ^r*ftif % nrnfw *IF^II^l^^f|
m i *m*ra51 % ^»ifn*r«rT 1
f^w^wpm^firfTt %7^ ^ERt i »wft ^*ffv i ST8^ *
iMo.vivWJ 11 ii
sifft ^ ftsvt ^i^rfisl sfa^nq \
|ftfa ft q*% 3*4^1 4qrg TkHT ftiqTq ||$||
3[fa | 31 ff| I ^fftrcm: I *q I q I Stli | ^nfqi I qqjrjq I Jgfii; I
$ttf4 I ft i ^ mi: 1sro i qq|1 sqsifa I qqqT I ftqrq n$n
$ «*Tt ^ffn *’ff i ^fiur^ i to gir tot ^ % to to i TOTT*rr*rf i^Tfig urf^fr
injft topto i i*to i ^ <j«fTO %b tott i wf ^ tof ’wtaf^jrarnr tout
TWtft wit front ii ii toii
<^n to?t i to: i gfofrufo1?! i tot
i stot to?t « ^faroi «*><«* TOsnfann^ Mwr i 35
S*|W V^rm II *%g$qrfc^t $5 TO^«ift^wim«n: TOt 1 * I
TOt^fc 1 w e-1=-1 Tf?f n

qqt q^linpft tjfqWT 4q?*: I

f»qft4q $n^n tffonjtoT stfft q 4$ ^ qrftH^qr: h q n
whq%#i qs*41 ^nsqqft: i fqwsnw i i i
fifq$iqq: l qn^i i 4 sfaqtii: l srfa I q 14* i qt i qtfqs^qi: ll <i li
^ to?t ? tow wm sror wrtWh TOwroilffr Sr* i wwf rorot qrotwrat ist
$tot ^Tftn^ro^ftroTOirT ^n*jvr^mOi yfijupn: roffa'ror »rft grot t^r^fr
^rrf^W ’sfaroftrowf^W TOT wvwv- TOfrotifn * *jg gt tottoS i

q*rt fiqfftrT: ftqpftftl: qg?; |w qfn i

7T^ 4qqf #ftt faqf4t fa ^ *J^T im li
i sfft i fafaw: i SfHi m: i i |ir: i qfm
fqiq i sps^ i fa i qqqf I q^: i #4: i faqfa: I fa i *$: i 11 * 11
1 roPr ^firfro fsrfrof wf%?r: tow i ^ifarro irfft: 11 tot^ to
^i^ni tot% ^?i: to i prra tott ?nf^ toto i frofaft
to TTffc? g^t i ^rn^nt: h

^ ft qiwf 5t^t ft h?h

i sfft i ^rsqffft i ^areft sfft i i ^ i qs^R; i q i

^ i ft i qrft: m^| i ?jn i i i to* i qqis^ i iq h ? h

Kk 2
H H [^° b.ST0

% *nj gf^r i gfwre i hbjutc. wi%

ff^^natT wft'rraT gnM i ^ ^ trnft ggqvq^# % R*u i ,
*r ttot w^fn 11 i^r *nft *r arai *nr% Tnw«if« ^ n

tx^ ^|?rfafa TT^fert f^^fcpjf ipm fasnfa i

g^rr frsrcfa «p*l II8II
TXo|f: i ^|fit i ^rfa i *T*it sfa i I%h: i fMfsfa^j i i i fauifti
I FRt I ^5TT I ^R I 3JS*T«T I tit1* I fa S^n4 I *pfa| II8II
t wt tfen: Tprrenrre tr* wri arfcmfR i Rgftr ^Trfr fg i ^?fr fair fnj
rft tot giro * fwfv t tot*? Tftwtfg i fgg ^ ^g^viP^riffa
<tot gsrr wr^r to gt*i f«TOT^TO fTOsrro ftfsjaTOrsf wrot i j$: h

fa$M*jif<& ^rfaqT 4%^ i

ftfa ^ xpdfafa farcn rrgrtf ^nt 11 m ii

Wrs^i i& s^ i i wt41 sfa i ^sfasxn: wi^i

fW i ^ 15=rw i i ijnfoifa i fas i it i ^ i *rt: i ami
? t% to fa3TOf%TOg<fr TOTTOTOtifRfTOTOM: i w^iaatwi to$:
i f*t° §■ ^<i-1 tfwnrorTTOfw ’sfag mcrr Tf^im 11? srsrt Ttrfwt «f«nOw ^
fro *rm whr gnjtafa i gnrta: i Rpr: i ^nft rtw itBTwnBfi grrofa Rfst TOf% <rgw
TO^tirofTOTt fro i wrsft^r:«

^|5fT *TT*ra» Hlf fa*P$faifW I

^ ^ ^ ^frT II ^ II
^ns^niT i **f S5ri: i ^ \ HRsfi i i f^wrfit i safas^ i i
IKrrt 17T: l*f% ?fa II^ Il?fa I ^ITSU^I^SgrTI tfS^faIIIfII
1 qqt <fjaa[?RT^gH % RTRg trfjgTTORqiTTfii^ sTfwrfwngg ^ ^WT^wrr i >
Rf^rr: Rl’fCTg^Tg^TT'f sat Rft i VTT^ftr 11 gw ^
Rti^rTg I f%«ft *T^ I ^ I W«IW I I WBg ggfg ^ 1 ^
gw RirfiT^Ti^fn apgaNtspi n

5FPPJ^ ^TRT^rWwNf ^WT *7^^ I

fw ^rbn ^r4^*. mlf^riT^J ^nr fa ^hmr iisii
i i wi i ws^n^rf i sare*4 i ?m i i^i 1
fa31 ^^ifar: 11^.^ i *nfan i WsfafTw: i ^nt i fa» h^«t! |,5n
^g«fa*HWiMayiiijfa*ifav vri *wrefa wmtiwwi ^nt i ^i: i ^rprs ^fr rag ,
fa* m ^nrr: *rafarcmr: grTfam *ra fa *fam i ^mfawfar
weiga n11 ii$ii
s#,fg4T%*fa fWTfa i <rf saftfa ^F'rarfatfa m* apir gfaggniqt: irfor gjp| i
sjiffa^ Tfafa^jg^TT Ifal gwnuflfalE ^fw ^*mTTfaW ^ t^TTf «Tgfa)ft|qim~U-
i ^ ^ fj^
* **" ^T'ramsmTfarelf «rw: i ftnmsrofanfags*: i *rf*n: ihvn^n afoft ^htt nm
T^ufa: f$T ^mTf i im* ufarjisfa * gg fa^: i *n ifafafa
™ fom i to^t: sforaf npBfafaagr^n: t gfa^fafliiqi
i^T fa*rcf»faT wftfa: flfam^crn: i ^ jrfaqTsrhgr ^ttt i thct irgfafa 1
wt faw«T% tfrfaTOr jres: *Mf?fafa5Eft i Sr w^fafa ^mfr: ggft»rer »nftpft i
gTHsfagrrm i #pri Statin' f$T ^rmi ?m ?T^rmi qgfa iRanarfagw a
gwfafagWr a

^ijftfam €t: i
irfii fa»r: mi
i i Jffii: i i i s?t: i
I Wf^JT: I falffiT I I ^i | \ fasfrT: || cj ||
a$«n«im<JWT i wt wargar: i ifare:f%?fa ^faanrtwn i ^tjfa gffam i
*r Tfaw ^rrfT i w i ^nganifagtfagT v*N ^fararfarntfan tsfarm n#aa: i
^iqfa 9«r g*?rf ’rofaaft *r qfafa i Twr gSfair sffarrfacn i ;gSff fa ^ipfc^rfag ^vnc i
^•r gffaifasn ^sifa^: ^flifaiafa i gifa <i«uii«i^Tfa ^^mrarr ^roaafafa i fafa
^ ^i*ii*iiuii«*h*iO ^gm^rgTfa fam: i grfvfagfa i afa ^qfa gfa
*pn wfa n

^R: Tjfipft I
^^rrcnwgTrei ^j%: ii * ii
i wf%?crr: i ^fr*?r: i i i ^ i
srct ifH i Ttisfamt i jpn i ^ns^f i #fI: i ^tfs%: ii ^ ii
’B^Tfaan ^rfa^: g^rr t?T^ srfafar Jfafa i ^^TrW^TfrifaTifTfafa kt^t: i ttvt
^fawnpmft gfMft *Tf7T> *r^fa i warr ffasfaw i
^ ^tjfr «r«r^Tnn^rt i ^ ^ TPjri afa w?n i TimilmqMil T^rara
i ^ i farPTfa^ hwi fsffa wfa<T: i grffa^nfant fafa
,n?T5rrf^i%ome?. i atanfa^: n i ^famfaau ^rfafat
Jfafa ir#%«qrerT^fa«ifaiTiw fa^rl qfafaiftan fipfa cfafianfaffi: i gfwt
^ i ^^nfa^srfagarr gfanuT i TOirp farfa: Jifair ii

II ii

^ wr Ft# wrawflwrfTrnm^imt ni *H3 i Frf»w i wifm p*l jt^pi

fptn. w $iM *rr*rf*t i ?l nF q«pqj<% "pit
* ttot w^f?i 11 T^f wrofni *nft ^ Fit »rsi% mM^fa wj n

TT# ^|?TT^fe TRHftfert fwfa I

^ spm ^14 fosnn^ fiwl ii 8 ii

TTefe: i ^|riT i ^ i TF$t sfir i tfkrr: i MsM i *pi*l i ^ i fimfvi

^RTS^ I nT^t I giTT I ^TO I SJS*TiT I I ftrS^TT^ I *gT3?| II81|
1 JT*fr tprrwnr ttf Fartf ’srprurf^ i ^TKt $g i Fnfr fast faij
<rf mwftrdfwf rat *p*3 * fiwf^ i nKuftf^ i f*rq %
c*r?rr gwT «fi^ ra *pni ^tfF*m fFprr^pi fra^ira fafttsrranif i gn$: u

^ srfw i
fipi ^ HT*t *pitafa faBT ?T*Jrtf *itf IIMII
t4:^ I 3OTSW I To I I ^BlS^T: I HI I ^I
flpi I Ff I *TT*T I HfT I I fto I rT I ^ I *Trt: I SSlS^i IIMII
t Fs^t t% V* faSraf^arraftr TrerrrapfufFf^rraF: i FtraraUrafsjrrraF Tfa wrm-
I f*T° §. ;><>. I tfH^PWTFOTfVFT FtfaFi FWT TfW | % FI^C fffT FPTjf^t j*
fra *rro fPN fikftt i jpfta: i Fpr: i wt fto: ^rnqFTF^r Ftrrafa nf^t raft <rgw
rangtrafrart fra i wpfta: k

^tt ftwifojH I
^tt ^ ^ *pfff sftfftt 111,11
^ns^T 1 tff ssit: 1 ^n* 1 Hppi 1 1 fsprfii i srfas^ 1 1
sRsrt i ?t: i *t# i^i i ijfa i *prs*JTOi 1 ^sp 1 11M
t «r«F?FrTT^rr% ^rr^ wiWT»iF^TTfH^ ^fTsrTFfwrr^is ’hi^wt i 1
F*r wrsrr: m%*rtr*Twm*i mgcfsiit wt w*r fwnf$ i vim fin 11 m*^rr ^
•ft^^WTFi ^%f%i i f^refr i Ff^ i Fgra»Hji i F>iTF»n^F^ i qVr»rqt ^ 11
y*mn F3rf5r^n^f7» TrapN^’tpr«

«HT^rnTO«} ^UT ^PJ *1^: I

fw ^vtrr ^sr: mTifaffraj ^nr f^i iisii
I VI$ | | *TS^jW I I ^TT | ^Sj: I ^ I W$ I
M i ^vbn: i f?i^g i ^nhr: i sftnrar: 1 ^»fw t mml
ii ii

va amam aaratafaaaraf fni i a: i aynra ^at a^a i

f«a aa 13$ farar: *rai?t«arfaftfaa: amfanTa: wfmrr arc fa yam i arcfatflm
Hqga mo.ii «$n
aFfti^afai af fWTfa i aa aafafa arrawTfpiia aaa $a afagfmai: ffarr afa i
ptaa afa faytifraTT afa'? gwOTatfal; anjrfw yga'mfafilMi gm $at aafaraaTat-c-
tmfaT fyrffiaja: i g gifafa a fr<YftWayfa*i a a«*q^ i %foit arms fta awn
n: ysri yaafaSraTfwt aaar: i ftrmaaafanifjgy: i arfaa: mrraTfar atat ^am i an
tptT^aifa: #t aTfayfa frol i wary atitf: nftmaai) a aa ^am^a fa%a: i an Jtatafa
m |artfa anajfa i aafan |aT ^aar i vsTfan: ataTalf i lfaitafWyf an i qfaqafarinai
snrff faanaaT arfap?: aftaifw: i araara aa afayratiar ^am i an ^spfrcr affafa %
4W faanai# afafaw aiaa: aanffaffyaft i % yvr^fafa frot: aa(t<iai aiftpft i
mrafayaTaT i afafwnrr atwrat ^awr i am yrgarm i a$a arrawfana «l«»paia a
rjaifafaytat %f*ra: a

qtMMfriVT l
nptatf|nnfasfo fnfa ifv fan: ii ^ ii

i ^cfarTT l »jfa: l l l #: l
m?R i wfafEiT: i ffrafn i fan i *N: i ^fv i fan: 11111
aara afonamcgaT i arsnr ^ ^aral a® aargm i flara :fafaa yfayafam i aafa alfam i
wvtaalw ctiwiaafaTfaafaafrfaar war jjfaymfwftim arfym aaatoa:i
aafa ast jjari aarrfat a afafa i am t$w |aa yiyrrfwm i fat fa apmamfay fane i
mta atairfam arfl$: far ^arfafafa i aria yama^ara yyrrasrr tar aaafafa i fafa
fsrfa atat laTaTararraaarr^ awt^at ^am^aaTfar farm i arfarfifafa i afa anrfa ata
rjar afrfa n
Sti^TfanT faflR: ijftpft l
^rnt nnjnTOwmgnw ^n%: 11*11
i ^nfam: i -nfan: i i i i
srnt i n^nrof i w i 'nns^ i i wsfar: 11 ? 11
afaaTfaart atfa%: gar t^T^af afaat aafa i a^qi«qifaMg4r<<r^iR:fa aira: i am
ffaananaiaBn ¥^a ^faat afaV aafa i amrraT ffamra a<?xrfaaa% i a at
^ afa atat aaaTan^at i a a afaa Tfa aaar afaaafaa: i ^afaargaat atat aararas
"rfw: r am t fayrarfra «iaaiuii«jnar aaarfa «gafa ata atfaa: i g?ftaarrfaat fafa ata
aaht aTamarry i%- m- ?• a- a.a. i maTfa^t: n |aanpwtaa% i afaarfaaT afam
aafa a§^wrarfaafai waat faaft afafaatai faa?t ^fafwrfa^i afaa ^faat
^ i arga%%a>awTafapn ^frnar aaaar i afar ayamngw farfa; afarr n

iriW xrf^orian^ffqnsfN'fv i
jRfrr ■$ npfaifn nwn n?n
II «

1I TTfaSTO* I ^1 SftNft I I
iftti i *? i srsn^t: i i ^ i w^i i srenfir i i to n$n
afar am?t i as: i a: qfirara 1 ^gaaaafaf fafwrafaf afar: afafr ^a 1 aarf*nir$: 1 $
aiaaiqfv aafasa afmffa 1 «Ta*$T^TaTafaaT: 1 a a € arawfar: 1 af$ ai: 1 aaft 1 afar f|
a ?n*T7r a aarw 1 a^anfa^ fat g arfa snpa. a# m gar fafmna
*nfa«nn(mftaia.i srnjprt tspJ: i W af%W aaafans aTaaTaaga amrij faj: strata aatfaj 1
W1 a4f% aat 1 a afar araa annfa 1 aifa^ara^fa $a: 1 a^a aafaga^fa ana mam i
trqjfmf*p?% 11 arcr a^aa aant 1 a afar aaat afaaira. xftaaTmaaTat aaafarfaaq afmwfSr-
qarnafw«i«4i<a~l aaaTaa 1 a a a afar: 1 wff 1 a stoiicft angarr afatrr ^aaT ^
^rarsifJT a?[aa a aquaria mw^a* ^afarmt agarrf^: 1 ^aT ar«n^<Ti mrnrat m 1
aart^afararratam a fwtt afar fmaw afarr tfa aaa i annpfritt afair%ar matf^ra 11
aaaa afaar ww afaat: 11

wp: sm tfsnr: 1
^ W ^roifa mfifa: 118 h
W^sf¥*n% I ^ftTTT: i w|w: i I tfsm: I
W«T0T | ^1 *|*TO[ 1 I *T I 7^1 ^nmfH I tnf^cj: II8II
% afar wariavra: i artagT^afa fwraria ^ai fasiTt a arr^favraT: i a^faa: i am
arf%jfaa: i qtHmaiaT^ri^fa: aafa: afaraT% Tfaaqm i ml ar argfatiffo afataraa
irfa a® $. q. qo. q. i tfa aroni i ?rrmrrf*r^0wfwrmTm«arr mfa ^rmiia faafa i % mi qrf$t:
trrfaHt war mrsrrfm i a f? *gara^agatia$: araafaat aafa i asprr % afafr ^maTaa a
atwa%aai n

TOft rTH wi ^utTO Tp[: I

^3: ifem *mtat Tim ^f?r: ii m ii
ifr^l «^T 1^ 1 WSftRffT I rf?r: I ^11 WTO I 1
wg: i i i *mtoi i tu& i ^TS^frr: 11 m ii

% ^r mar^r mT mt nTfiimn^r yrmr_mra% i ^

armm « iwq.1 Tfa irm:^r»l >a ?l wrf% ivq.o.q.s«.i figmrmt! 5aaam-
CTanq^ i ^fw i mn *r ^mfa ttot i mrg: ^frwi: t^
*rre: i ^to: i ar m armat vqmrmwwrerfaTr’mh 1
wart a«aii*rm-re;^ wlail:iwi
firfqaiH^gfliiXiu arg: Tfw *rafa i argatm awanr i ip*
aq% atgr*n n gt #ra aar^r mT mt afmifa anting
gw mral i arg^ #mi aa tfaar i qi*a<JiamT^^a7i: i faa wtai «'imW
afiiaaaa^aa, n anh m arrfa i Ti^aaanaa«ffwi ff ara: ^ in*'

Tfa « ii qo n
\*Ai ^nt ^ftnrnRt xrfb^f i^u

JTT^n I Tjfff I tff^S^rf || ||

i fft snfpft gt i i *rpnf: i^ft: ^
^(it ^ ^^^wn^wm^STwwf%fi«TT ^wr: i^° ot» $. 1 *t ifoiq%«mDq. t
^ii«i*i«(^rT*il^»nOh*i<0^*n»ii ^wre\?r; i ptt ^nTT3|-H> i tthtt Tjsr i<\. % i ^«rr-

^irr Hfsmsrt *gpit pttjNi: i «t PTTpft sfrpft i ^fn: tumuli i wi

^qni*TT ^ttspt^h i ^4i*ji *to ^reft ^^rrf^iwrarr^*ratnf ppf jrrsnrr iif\tji-
fWi^idtiffT i «u«n ’item TT'rrf^mpfrmT *msrr i tt^tt pptt ?ra[TOUH^f^f?! n
f^ ^ju ^«?sH I sniffa: $ntftei<Fifa|^T tifff ns II

tti' \ W I ^TS^fi^l i ^rej: i ^t: I sifassrsR i €t: i >jfck i #*j: i

Wfl^l Ur(J 3*^1 ^T I tffff ||$||
t: i i ^fo?r3r»WT: i i pit f? i vftfroT w^-
f^mprirr i^n ^gi^niamysin^n ’ppft 1Trg^qiW*) nflf^fir i sfrg ffirg
i *g*f i pt^t $4r <rfW »m#rt ym*reTfi, wrag<t ^qq^-
wrarran. n
wfai ^n^PirfHw: fftt ^ #pj: i
fW ^?rt lib 11
i§N: i m&i i Trfws^: i |rc5t i i i
ffalt: i l «R!T l 3*fa: I W^\ *£:s*pi: llbn
^VflTfisif^T^: flfnvw wpt i Hfpfafa wfrivn foiM'nqaqii
st^ej: i ?m grOt w^iPT i * #mt: i mpw:
ffan ’sfwfMt w WPWTfafa i P?rr fpri$ gfPra: yct*im *mT v:
wr^ »r^f?t 7T?wfafufawft. 11 Prnrf?ra Tfrrrni ff?p; imro^T
*rfH¥ ff# ^ ?ru ^pra?flr<*rrf^ f* srnpr ipm°8-'S>.i inmmfrmv: i Jnmfn:
istfzni mum mvw^i wtrrm ^r^inflfn pfNTPisftJT: i h^t wptt^
i pit ^ upfr wiwifsi grrft ptt mpwnfwf^ i
iWt ^ nfpstn i ^%rrf^i^ir i w°<1. ‘I'te- m. #
^ ^TTI ^T T??qST ^rfT ^FWT Hf^rTT^Ir^lKill

I «f^HT 1 ^Tr( II q 11
TfriPr^ i 7rfgr*5R^Tpt PJ'rren i ’t^rit i
pnff m *t*wit i i f#r mm ^ffirra nuv
TnfTn, f«[Wf w II
ii *5^: ii [$T° t.

" 3STFJT 3ntfsffcfcft§?T ^gf^: 1

’g^RNjTfhnwi *i^rtrg% fino 11
*t?t: i swt: i ^ft: I ^pT^i #: i W^1 !*1 i
I 3FT|Tff i ^tot i ^ I i i 11*1011
w: f^nn: F?g»Jg towt vft x^rT *pt w4fa. i *rr trfrigi ^ TOjuftf* jrfrrtf%
ftf 'srotg i m tot ^rWr ^^>^%ffot^fqvTTOPfta: i ^ft g^T^pwra-

^mpn^TfafaftJwt niff ^ Hi^nf^rr: i

^ ftfk xfataRRrc: ii i»

^ssmiwiif i i mf/ i ^ i i -pr: i

^Nr i ^ i ^ i m*tt i f^fa i W: i ^trr: ii <w 11
% ^ ^ FF^m»Fmf»^FtwTFT«fTwW^ «rnft »frwRfcrt g^TF^m m^t
*n*n*ft FrrrfFF: i F^n: i 'FFtrrft ttrgfs Ffn f^t: i % ff ’sfW i f^nS: i
jpprrffwt ttf ftot i *Rtasro tto 3f1% FmFmfFsn!?: i wtwfcf
wr^tvjam FFroroFgFt FTFngF; i wrpt’ft Frota; 11
ft ^ *n*n 3TH! w^tt: i
?R9R Tjfft in* II
sfft I ft i ^ sfft I *ttsit: I i i ^TS^fr: i
3FT: I WWW I ^T I 3T1 I 3TC}fr^l I xrfft II ** II
Fisn araforr# fftw*3% tft% ftot i fittof smit *MfCF: i
^F<FF*Pgji(FirM«fl *TT FSTFT FT *T TW F*f Fit F?fF I €ti^t FJTFtjgg. •
mg ^r Ffn t?tf FfTi ff^ut aj^aanft?^ i Fn«(j3F?ft i Ff?r nfF f^ifa-
Ft4«ftStTO TW F^jtB^nrqgfl TT* FRK FfgFT FJTFt FT"g%CT?ti*Ugf^w4; i

g: OTTfafacTT *RRRpnt I
5*ift nT^tsf% trfsift m?n
g-fart: i ^?j: i h i ssrt^i tffarn i *i i ^s^qsn^i
i i i ^t: i ^ i n <^n
#Hrra nf<fffl7tTOT; f^rar *ig: i qi^nfimTvf FFrfl^^Tm Fig: i« ^ J»T,rT^1
TOT Frftt I 3 *Tfg ’frfFTTTOT: ftmTFW^fT. I Hl^lf^W^: I ^RT FTF^fl
35^t ^iygf<:<gwiq1: qrrw 'totI i wrg i TOTf^w^: i wnm%g vm’. ^rr ^
F'mgi TTtrt i 4^Ftrapl ifwr^ i i wg-^Rw^: i TOt4^ft: nfig:
Ffr 4’mgi Fipjrt i h
*oqo.3T0$.^°bM.] ii ii

^fa*TT ^*rfaR*ltrT f^5r5RT5 ^fij ^^Rt: I

fW^r ^ rrafasn*^: fwh^nt?T ^ man
n^l I I >Jr! ri I f^Srjipi | i ^iqf: I
1^7:1 I rTr^ I «TT I ^HTRi^ I ^ I f4lfff | I WHT II qg||
\ ffwf^t ^t *rf*mt Jis»remr w^i i ¥n#nT^mi i
f^*ur w*npfr*t i f*R i g3m *?g i fnwTffiranJ: i vr^^t^fy m g*rf
TtfafiTC wfw f%% ^ i '«g’srra*ra: i 7m firaft *pfuf%*ft: g^:
^Tflftn I frf^T^ II

^^qtrT ^ 4*4 I %4 ^ imy II <W \\

*RU sreft I *f* I ^ *fH I 4*s4 I ^t I ^41 imr# I ^ I ^TI
4? I ^gT4 I iTR*j: IISMII
1T1^ T3^f ^Tpnft ww?i w^Ti i * ufa i qrnflmqi: f#nam ?i^nf
A^Tfartaj tt i *rfariKfa«w i fannf i g^ign Tig i troft: wfa yiwun^qi
grrtfif^Tr i g ert gqf tyre gfrfr TOgrcwf^^tf^rre f^gfw » ii^ii

m i* *&p* % I iM to ^1 nimjm 3% II <$ II

i sfrt i ^ i ^ ?f4 i ^4 i i ^hs^tt i f^: i i i to i
TOJ i Hr^i srara4: i ^i ftg: n <\% 11
^77 marR nfrr g^r 11 gif ii tr 1; wrI grr f% ^ tr *i%g«hai^
fW^t ^ awTnfr sttwwt fag: i gate taT^ncrai^ pi g?m faf^
agiTTR ^ i TjfT^urf^'srmg trfari i %VTf*R tra fag: i arfafa n

fir^R ^RIR R I 4 ^TR W^TrfR ?4 4rK S^R* ^ II WII

1^4*4: I f*RT4 l ^R I TO 4 I ^4 I H$4rW | 35 l 4«r: l
3Rit I rFl: li W ll
^ ^wriTmf^y fi?Tt77 wni ^ % *r gro gTrsrrTrer H%7re: g*?mi
»raf7f %«j: tetW^t xi Wt mwpcwI: i aiftft #

TrpRjn qfi; -mwt 1

>|4?nftre4 ^4: ntii

i rxit: i Tipi^f i Tjm i i Tfafem i i ’im: i i
H^tfvr I 3JR: | ^4rJT | I i i f^s^h^i 5!T^ |
^rf^frt mbit
vOL. IV. L 1
ii n

qifaTgt »re?fa gt: i TOramprrfa i ifa gtrot tHrtifa *tw ^TTfaStor^-

fasfa^ i *r^fft fafa i tt fang.< ^^it«t?i»itot?i fag Tgr^t i fag *?rt
teWa-raR*) Rftmwt trfr i *ro irfw^n: i «4R*i ^nfawt fwfar prcrofirtfli
^rmfn i ^rg?TOrrfafaJ*fa3;*TT fa^n’jt^sT’fa’TT’rfa gitgprtT’fa i ’Tgpfafaft gi^h-
farfar Trerrfxr gte JTft’fa’fr «rrfw^i: i g iTOgfayflRTrp:pnrrcn ^jfa-
*J?rr i ^*rr % wrat p: i%° st° $ a. m. tf. i twtR^: ii

gsrc% ^fawtfa: i ?m «prfaar Tam tot i gfa* ^ i *pifanft wrfi,

iwi=.n^ II

H^fn ^rtetetS^f %?p^tete*te I

m*T fa ^SHT'R te^teftete ^TU*}: ii 'IQ. II ,

srtes^ra: i H^fir i mwr: i i %$: i ^r^nr i tew i ^te i

*m i^%«r: i fa i <^qfH i ^tsww; i n i ^te: i fate i ste i n<ft«
^ tt^th m^R: TtfBf^f ^rrr ^^^Tfv^Rr?q*RR: ^wtfatt TOfa 1 Trfafp
TT4 TOfH I TR?q$qTrPd»nrfa I WT^T fa^T^Rt %g: ITSTHT^: ITfTW^Nf fatfa
^gRT^fsfal’rerTg 1 toit wrafaTwtfa i TRccpprmmfwm i
m<*nR<w%q«*n5r: i TTfaRfaj^f%gsErg*RT*reRfa^ *ffa% i |%wft *tr ifa»?R fa ^vrfai
;*ifrfa i ’SJR^fa i fa ftg i -^m. Ttrfnfa’j 5T«g«T w?mfa’reeg i TR^fororfaiifa i
xr^-JTT -'3*RWt ^H*TTgfa?T^ 1 ’Pfafa II

wrfc? f^wi fitegteS ffff i

w sppta c%P* tete ^wi " *°11
i wrfc* i ftegste* i fktwten i gs^r i i
^n i Ttf i i ^rt^i i <#* i tete i tr^f i wfrj i u *oii
gfag^i TfpRfagaftf’^faflfa <RT wfa Wfa^rfafj?fT ftwi *IRT«R ffXT®^
tfffT^wRr^# faT^RfaRgsT *rr ggrr gj^nfa pfa tfR*rwfqri xfa % gt 'srr ffa 1
sffa wr ^fR spruit ^ ^fg ^fwrar*r: irnrw 1 1 1 <’!?-c-1
3[SRi 11 11 ?311

^Hth: enter teftelte i

fqip^ ^ ^ ^9**! ^ ftrfi 11 w»

^1 Ite 1 »ff 1 w 1 te^stej i i te:ste: i|^1
^t i i Itejsteii tes^i?Rt i w. i ^ i hth: i -spitei irte ifte*IR<,I!
^ifwjijif farrf: ^spt i ? fa^nrrTr ’wr: ^n^TTt*>wn^*nmfiC^ • '3fa® i
fa #3rraT i Tnr:^t ^ffasr: i fWRg^rfTRTR ’fat
ttfa: ^jfafa^o i i nifai fafRT qit ’ffa gt TT#*rt fag^ fagf^
II mvtStt: II *q<>

m I y^«*iif^4jff«HllftilfHmJ: I ^ TTTfti: ^
Jim: i w 4 wt4 fafa srgm im i 'sw^imf:»
^Tf?h0[ 5TRT W gn || ;^||
*?U141 sri: IM *fit fwzizt I I §35m| I rti \
i ^51 jj st?w i i 51trt i xiRTt i *pr ii ** h
mfti*in^mn% f^nrmt qwnaifamvri -^4 i ii fc* ^ ^[^-. \ *g-
^t%iii m?r ^4 ii fwmffrra >M:5Rnm*fmif?r$rT: i wnfR wfJifw f? mr: i
u ?rr<pi ^ tot '•nmiKt®TJi| i ^p: i « ^mm to4 «jffa4m ansufir^ i mm m
q<?n *? gm 4 ** ii

S^pJTT ™ ^ *#>** 4f?T ^T ^ |

*TCf ntwRT ^pufaNFJ^n: || *31|
snjsiiT: i ^sjpni: i tfw i tfaf: \ ^f*4: i srcifa: i #f?r i tt: i ^s^q i
i 3w?t i i *pi: i 5t: i %fanni i srptrai i i \\w. ii ^ii
J 4m: 4m4r mm i ^rc: m i 4ra:mcff m ’sgmftiffzmg 4g
4f4m 44f4miwfi must m$f4m *M 4mfrfmmi frmt nf4 4f4 ms?f4 4 4m 44 i
f4m4m ^4T 4fi 4fmftmp i ««n$ nm^ i mn wrt 4 fmfarp i \ |m: m4-
’rcwjj tf4$*rf4f4 | rt$4 mwm mrnmtfr^m* gmm^ i gf4g*mg it
tism mtff44tmi u «n gm44irm i gf44 ^ i 'mrrerr 4t4f factor m gmf4 mrnrer
WTcC Im° q. <\<\. | JJCfTT II

* *t ^O^T *IT4T%F[ Flphn^farTT ipN: I

^T c*ft$ft?T rfT W ^Tf»? II ^8II
* I *T I ^Tft[ I I HT^I ^I FIT I ^WTr^l *TfarfT I 1
^IT^i | | I I ^ift^T I rf[ I I xwt 1 yX[fR II *8II
^ mf4N sfmrr warnt^vrfH i wrsmw mmc ^jnsts
?n ^f4m msOTi m^n: g4t^mnac 4v4 i wmt% ^sff ^ffw
i 4mro ^wtifwi^ i mfr ^imm^rtTrmi ijmfiT 4^|w ^rfmiT ^^urm-
T0tht ^ ^f^rmn^mwrri: i 4 *ft*if4?n mlm me^i 4ml- m»rgm girare
g^i% mt w ?n ^mf4 i wrwrf4 ii

^ Tpnfi? ?ngri: g^ramgn^it i iffy: ^t ^nT^tfw irm ii

111 ?«T‘ i i i ^rr: i gsTOT i i ^st i W i i i& i i
<>§,0 II H : [st®b.^l0$.^0*q,
xjv. flgymfti g^Tfii wt *rrg?fr «$pTWirnf*r i ’«r^fr w£gt ^nrr '*m \
tj[ %?r: gw gwrr g| htot ^T?rf7i *mfw wxtt gnmt IU811
fiwuwnynftfiT weng w wf^ron^ i ?gf^t ^ i $n fbb

TJt|T rq P ^ftrtt I
*I^T»T^ Wttff qfajft r? f^HTT ^ftlftlll^ll
yni sniirr: iqqq ipqs*]?ET isrfWiwimqfrri; ii
jjqrq i i jjgsifcft i *rot i i qfrRl1 ri i f^q i ^n i qqrfa irS,h
wgu qTgiw: W m wrfirat *rag i inwi i 'wfwfwl' ht ^t T%^ s ^tt i
Tfirrnmt i jj^t^i. w^affvpft ^ giwt *nrre: wfa i ^ftpft ?tw
jppmT^T *rcr ttrT^ ^trt tt irf^gw ^rftt i i gifimi ym-
firerf?i#trr ^rr gfir%?pft i gfari ^ i ?[f frr*i xr^r^rr % gi
i ’w g° <\.i=. i ^f?r ii

* fini qsnit q 3R^flTqr%r5jjl 3n*jft i

j&n xir*it rn^n *jq^n*q tariff fk$*xi *ftnr. ii*$h
gg i firai irssrat i q i *n qpqwT i qrftrq i i ’itIsxtsit^ i sipjfg i
tjttt i W i h^t i i i wi i ftflft ?ft i fkz$ i w i qqra: »wn
1 ^ ^ 7i%fTf^r'qfTTf% fire inrer *r? i ^fiu^gt *tTf<rarre gg^ifirsrre srrgf? i
i xref*re t?sn *n *<fN ’irdt « i »re i 'svrre fsrsft ^faff wnmnft
W fw$ gw i ^if+i*j<§H w* n
^forfoftrT *Nfl I TJMl ^T^?T ^Tifq: ^frtf iRbll
^=ftc7S<rt%TT i nqft i fr^n i ^nqflR: i fk i i i ^ynj 1
nfit: iq^iTOftustH
gwif*4-«n<.irH*iif«i*ft t^rr ^9iwtff?i w*rfrr i *f^r ^ ^ 191
gwmfffTT^T^rr wrr ^ i am* i^: i wt wmw>m^n t*tt tnara ^1
^i #

uri 1ft ft vhq ^ i

qirff ^T ^TT^T Tqftf II II
11ft I I TOS^j: l fl l qq l ^ I
$?*n i i qqs^nfl11 >jpft i ^n i ^qpn i flq^ i n^n

i sinraRHutf: i qqq Tnftt qq i qflrrqqeaqt »wto vrnqi qq* w ^ff i

nqi<«q i ^nrmfwr^ q$p^ wTfr%»#f qg qq fq qq i qq%qp}: i fqq^ ^^rremf^sn*!
tfs tq '3^ i w ’swt qqrft qrft qrqr aj?ft qffi fqqr* t wwr^qqrq:q%qTq
grsn qrqT ^rr fw’jpr irgqq^l i qraqnqfwft qr$q mm qqqfanfc i qf^ ^rre: ^
ftVT% ^ 1T^5T«.Wlf»f fq^Tflfc II

3WtTJ ipj^f^ffl ^^rft I

TTfirw^H ^T^RT II ^o ||
spsfar i ipj: i *^fiT i ^nft i titt^ i sr*pT i
■qfrr: i ^ i ^j4: i ^tfwt i ^r I stf i safasfiii# ii?oh
qqTft q^qTq:qqnffq^tqi?l i qqfqqqVuqtai qqfa i ^n'er qnfqffi qqn* i
q*pft i qqfgfq ww^ttw i ^T^rr^rpfsn trra^qqT qrann ^>t %qg: i q^qrs i qfHqf^
qqt qTqqT ^Tjjqqfqfv7q?| qffongfq^fq n n ii

% %ij *r$rr ^ifiT 5T7TT^=j i

fTOT*rf^t ^tott *nr wirtt: n ?r ii
^ i ^4: i i i *r$rt: i 4fw i ^Frf^ i i
tptftfH i hr; i arf^ii: i ^t: i vrciij i am: i ^tts^twt: ii?chi
f?w«R q?g ^ wr qnqqtig qfn ingqfq qqrgqrflrdfqq: qqnnq • *W i
qqrqqTWTq i qp?qg qfw qtnii ^qr ^r^q: i qq wqm qqn% qqrt
qurar: qq mqqg n

q«TT: qqr% qr fq^fqqtqT qrwr i gfqq q i qsqn^g ^Tjfqqg^g qr fq^qfqqfqq

Tfq q^q. | qT° g° <\. H[fq n

*T f^qfwftRt ^ ^trft I ^^^l^fft'rTTTItt ^jRT^rT^: II ?* II

*T I I TTftstffa#: I ^ I ^S*ft|fiT I 44rft ?fk ^S4fft I |S*7ft: I
$S*T | ^rfff I ?rTT | I I ^TR: II ?* II
^rfWqq: q^wr^TT: qqqt qT fqqq qT qrqqq% uRiifqqt qwt qisfl^fq qfqq^fa i
S5^1 g:%q qg ^ $ifq forworn i qfqq^m i qqiqqtiqTqnc: qqqti^ ^tg i
q^ra|g ii

^fwf 5RHH trajirT I flfafnRR ^7RII?? II

I I ^w* I sni I ^TS^rl I ^ndrr I I I I
^ i w i f^i nrri i ?rR ii ?? ii
^ qtqqqwr i qw qqt q^ qnfl:q^TT: q^r i qqqpt i m qqq q i m
ii ii

wnrrs i i ^renifVri f% trbr^ i f%f^


Y% vt wm ^IT^wtflT II II
»J? I TJrTr^l ^351 T?rfr^l STOreS^I f^S^I 5=T I ^Hi^l |

^T I U: I TO I fTOr^l W. I SflJ I ^ffk ll?8ll

^^WffTSTR: Hft’TpaRl I XJHW gs I rf^fn^i^i I WTOTH^gi ^TW-
Tifxsra*F*N 1wt i fror f*m<t i i wst i ’srgwfai i ^ wi ampj: gxfrfa^Tifr
mg^rf fwRi ^wwffTi n

faTOpret I
«TOt: to ^Tftj rnfH to g *3*ifw n ?m ii
wssreN i fasTO* i ?f?r i wfasfiraift i
l|TOt: I TO I TOfti | TTTfH I TO I if I ^*lfw II $M II

wwl gjr^T^r i <rwraM& i fajpnr fsp;fa f*Tvf^mr^ i m?ir ^iri^ fiwfa?n*i

^rfsrvnr ^ret f^rerfifa i m^nsfwnftfa *rT*ri^ref%frrf*T g^Rrr wftr i ail*
*m i xi^jcUJUTiTfl^rr^tf^ grr $#renpOr fisrar-emwifa nrofftr i mfa ipnfw
gfofefWT g w if* xjarrcrnfvfa i wrofa 11 n *$»
f^Tf% sRTpni?% gwsrroT^ai i gfaa a i sgp-WTf»r % atoawa i^ffl«igB%*r gffaffii
i ^° g° % 'o. 3-1 *fa 11

*j«srfa h btoitto hht TOt i

H»rt tout ^tfa^r w^Itoh ^t: ii $% 11
i ft i flfans<ro1 i^er i wit i TOt i TO^s^rfe: i iwi i w* 1
TO I TOUT I HfftrTT I ^tsfM: IT^JI FTT IWQ I *nisHiTO I^T: <•
1 ag ^ TP* f^nrf gwrfa i g^fa i 1ataaana afawra i *tot ^ w
^rx^fs: OTTFrnfosrra: aafa i wftiW afam gtfa: gaT an «w*I: • 1
fanaif i arfasiTa i asrri gf^fa: anfafa n

eft 4^^dlTT*TtTO TOT ^Nf H*f*TT$ ^4fft I

HT 5T s*^ ^Tcft 3?W*pri: WITi^ ^4 II?SII

7TT I I f^SHHt I ^T I I TOT I I ^*|Wt: I 1

in I I ^ ^f?T I I f^STOt^ I TOT I I TTS^* • ^ 11 *S"
*aqo.3T®$.$?bM.] II II ^

\ ftr^wnroTRhpi^Tft im i *rnw: i *r^rmrt

*9^ yjfir i *n 'arapft wrnmr f%w?i i wtgrnniTt:

g41siJI I nft I I ^T1I«? I I qfit S «t:'i *rai i
1 1 Iflfll 9b 11

*?!J',T mi*w i ^R<i*Tl«fif %^ qn: trtWttsrwi ^rnrr wirr *n? ^t: i ^f? n

^Tfiw n: trfH^frT W ll ?Q.||

^rftfw i mfff i ^ftr: i i ^ i ^fcn i
#s#|: i ?m\j i w. i x^: i sftatffl i \ ntf u ^,t
H^r: ^5flJTf ^*rf^TTftrr *? *nNrr i i w qfq^m n: trf*: g*Tn *
* ^Tg: *T5-to[: tt* Trrtflwi; i ^rfag it

HW RW f4fV^ W! f4f4^ |
srftre h^iht: n ^o a
i i?*to: i i | j rfc: i
«pft4: i srfti: i ^ i T?f^: i 4: i ?r i t?^t$5tt: iigoii
sum ^s?rf sta: jmwrr*ft i wm»i i ^rtnl ttr;: s*t fafa| • HareT«t i
qf?i% <re i irerrenpraT: nfrrqffa^g^: ii n ii

4tflt ^^4t4 ^5 i *f4 ^ prr ii th ii

^t4: i ^i ipi4i41 *tv4: i ^i wfii i rT41 ^ i i ^ i sr^i
i i srot sf?f i ii ift ii
TTO1T ^ I HT^Tc^ I WTI^ m^Tr| | wfl ^TTftlfW qWT Tfa vM
^ ’simfm; 11

^n?^i*h*nif4i4Wi fa*sr i i fa i ^4 i $35 if! i i
^sfa: i i # i >]1 ii ii
* ^ ^ i i »ram i*n ft ^ im 3?ugH i f^rs*ng4wi i myi if*Mr
3^5fir: tn%: ^ ^ TfY^m^fr H^TTfjrfn H
ii ii
inic.vm ftanfr: i gfw *r i *m w. tot *rog TOraftf^,
^7T¥fw: TOPT 1TOT I ^TT0 g° <1- «• Q.. I Tf* »
<1 °

1ST 4: H5ft JI*IT4f?TOTOIPI *T*tal4bRT I

x?f?Tc*t^RT f4*J ’5J 4lt 4 II #3 H

m i rf: i ussrr i tr^th i PRTstffH: i ^rssTTsn^ i 4 i i ^m\ \

Sii^c^: l xrfk IW l I ^ 15T: Il f% S-qli I ^ i xf^j: SX^ ii^ii
TOPTfrf^fr *fuw« tot*tt gpprg i ^«t ’^T^rra wgnitrt ^topt toptj i sNrog t
?rr <rogtfTOlffi<iHR;fgTTT g*?wl i tot i to tfTOTTOTPgroffl *rr i *riU*rpg4ii<ft i
cfTfift toY xifroNi trfTTHJfhmr fro i ingfs i vtsw™ fro^ *f to i tot ^ t to n

^rs*ai4frnzrfa fapn w^**: ywt: f^4t: i

%£^^t ^7 ^ ^ ** ^ ii ^ii
*rafts^: i ^^frfSTil i trfa i i xt^s4: i i ^s^t: i
fks^t i^s^mT i wtjn I 41 i 1 fesx^ i 4 I ii&ju
% erg wroftTOg: ^yT^rq^r^grfv i to i TOPifroft to i w top*: fw f?ro^
to g«i?n: g^lTg to i *ftggj gTOTO%w TOfrot ^totto Tsstro grosTt ^r to n

F?f% 4t|: 3f*T f*5 i

^sjteif tj^rt xrfrr^^T^j ii8m ii
fri I *h ii I ^|: 15|S^T i gsnnf i f*s i
<*4 | ^T I I ^T I 1 ^f«T I I ffa II tfM II
% tjf tsfrof ^ ggTO grori ^ srg i wfa i wr wi TOT H^rr Wf i
wfvi i gro: qf^TO^rfl toit wtot ®fv i @g ii
JR1*T# *R WTsff 4^ I
>R *rt# ^rfv II2% II
4sTJ^' I wft I «P[ I 45^' I ^T I >TW I
iRhft I 4sW I I 4STT^f I I Vrt « W"
% ng yg<Tf^g ^ wnft i i «
^ m f%f*rgwT i tot ^ gf^i • ^3 ftt
^t Tfa ^v: jtto m*rfr* iTn°y<\-«• ^I*™

^44^. W X^r: i^nf4 4! i

4 TftiTf^T 4 VTrTT ^ ^ ^TTf 4l II £$ If
*oqo.^<>S.$?b§f.] „

* I I MI I I unt: I ^nf* I ^ I
I WriR^i I I UTHT I ^ I ^ ^ |^£f | ^UTW I ^ II8sII
fat ^t: ^tt I^nfa TOrcrrfa ststg i totoj i TOHTf:^fa%uTfa sr?n
wtf^R^fa^ti irasnrprTfar gfafaronJ: i to **fag i <m TOfam *fr i^rrfa 4
;?*ng i m^<i^i: ^sftfarcrS: i vr?n ^ i ^ng i ^ <^rft wmt i *rc^r-
«fafa: i «t *r 4 ^VTg i TOfa *frg n i^ci
iranff wfr irf famwu it
*fa <1^M<*>>U<3ffo*ii^ng^'Jlglxga^l»wmi*)gtVW<H!i\M 14fa<fa?>
TOrftt t^iranr %wfa<TmTtiCTTH% pWriwm: a

to fa:’afara *fr %|»gtifara to*. i

fa4t 7T»fa ?fa faSTTTffarfagt II
aismsTO ^5fiwra TO«fa i fT? fa ftfa anfrfasigpr fatffa ^ i fTOifatffa'TO
W- i* to tott: 4frofa mror: i rnr fa fa fai g*rrft ^far
??TwfaTg *rtfaffafa 1 'srcrrpr fa ti?fa^fa to^ T^rr t^rarrfa i TOareifag
^fa: i to ff|fa TOfafaTfafa t fwt * frorgpi tottotto {troifa tanrwr qr<wifa i
w«s(i4n(ii^i<igfq: i st afa groreTfa *ntfa trot fararefnsrrfa i ^re^wi
ffU'*ft-4ft: i garffa; a^r^mfara^R 17m i fa fa Tsfarag5* frosfaft^T-
sgf^; aiirfafa a ^{ffamwroieftro <3row toto i gfa?i *r i wr yfreft
ffarrorr wgW i w *=• $• i *fa « *ifa TfajfgpFBreifaTft faa^rg *r gpftwro
^TfTfaffa: TOTTO^ft WTUffafa TOT TOHIffaW m$ftnW[W jjtfa*-
f^sffa i to ^ gftn i g#fif frorfa ^ afarefa i ’sn°*. 8. i afa«

fa fa stwtr^H i
W^^pfaifa^i}: ipf| *?*i*jq farawfas H ^ ii
^ I fk I I I ?T I 1^ I SflWiT I
^i ^Tckfn: i^:i^i i f^niwi^i ii-1 ^s«t^ ii <* 11
^farrfaefa aiij aro^m ito aftTO fWCT ug^Tm: ^farfr fafaHsrr: i
^ i^n: 17R ^1<t*M»if*is( *rt *mww i *m tftm: wtifa ^ *i ^nfa: i
pTifat^r ^gTPfa: i Tnr tg tfal Jrf^3 ^nt^: wnft f«ri«*ft4n
*^T *w ^fargn: fating, i 7ra%r Tnmff^Uf faww%TO
1 u TOfaMfTg. fa fa tfxfir<,t«if^i«BT arofafa Tiafa i ?m j Trami i
®*fam ffa: TKfa^-'ifr'tfgafag;^^ gwiafaffat ^(inpr: i <fa?fafawt ^fa i
9t^t i ?Pnfr: 4fanrfafa fa irapmT i ^RRrswm
V0L. IV. / Mm
ii il [w°

i fa^ *m ^f*i^ ^ *it»wt i *r gpift i gftfa *nmi i *m *ifar^% ^

*1^3 *ptenS: isrnft itcspit fay<Bi<qfrHi«wn ^nc: t 's^r^:,

iRT fk vfafa ^fa^fr* **rfa: l

^ 3Tf IT fa^RR Hfaiftrfa fa^SRlfaS ^kt II $ II
irk i fa 11? i VT^f% i ^rfaro: i sifa1 *rfa: i
5Tt?fa I I HIfa^fa I SRfaIkfa$ift rfaIfak^Tr^l I ^Sfk: II*II
1 wraram sifargfarat fm^|®n^rfq ina vrefa i nfa*pgfaT i ^n*r^
^t*raT«rR *fr ^r? *fa ^ n fa^fa i i *fti*ifasFt fawif8^: i«
fa*R ftt ^rfaftra^TT fftrt *jn: i
Wt *tW faWTT% ^fk: 11? II
fa l I FTT l ^ifafa: I wt I fftw: I *fT: i
I f^qfa I 37^1 3fa1 ^ I I 3T 1 ^fesT\l{\ ^ 1 fa^TOT^I &: I
^Slk: il?il
% tst ^rr wfn sfirfr ftwrof g*fr »pig<ft{*i f^rrafa: i gwrfaf^ f*rniifa i fa fir*
*n«TT i wnffa: i f^ratfa gfewfrtgw *rg wrif ^farr t? * rt g farafax^srata;
HCT^^ai i *j T?fr ~

*lfak r* ^faf^T fk^rW5Tf>q[T^f%r I

^t *k*r srfa^fa ^POfgfa^WTfas ^^k- ii 8u
*TI fR I FT I ^ifafa I ftm 1I ^rfaST^fa i

^TI ^ \^m I 3Tfatn^l 3lfa I ^sg: I fafawiT^I i& 1^Srk II8II

% t% sr fanfare gn nfam gnresfanfHwfa nfanmnfar ir&n fnreifa i faprfan^ ^ •
^reg^kffa^wi: g fart 3rfaren;i«n'ngi,nfa*r nraf g®Tfarfafrt:i vfaVff *Kisfa4fti
fare««i?t. n

flRT Freifa k Rifa*nfiT *fa$Rr^ I

fatt XjM ^ T|k ^ fWw% IIMU
flTRT I WSTfa I i* I MSfRt I fas^fan I fa I W$gqT^I
fat: i rj I I qfa^i * i^stt ||: ^r i fa^TTr^i I ^S»k:114,1
% w8Tf*ig[T^ fTSTfa qfammfa fimt ftr?nfnr wr
^ifa|nmit|fati^ ^#Rm: nfu^ffq^ i fqqmui i ir«fii«ifa^f frfa^:
fart Trfaq i g^fat i ftgft gwi ^u: ^ ftmwfai’ft yi »i ,| ^1W
^ ypmFrtrt: i 1<tot *m •crfaftsft faiHTyiii^:» I'm
* h ^n^rfTT >pr^i
H HrJlfri^'hRft *7 f^P^% ^fc: Ill'll
qi T^l 5^ » ^TO^Sita I * I fUT^ScTU I ^1
r? I Tfi^ I BfHS’apfoTCft I * I hM I 1 fa^RTr^ I I
II $11
tnffrft^an ^ *rrft f»raro<;if?nit»i gum u t n wufa i wrefari: i furs urfUurr
g*ii^<HifriH<H ^OTfini^T ggrr ut u unfa i mrr ^ »nmit i ^tRt ttiset grr$0 *rry»f
jftan urn i w°c»-‘^$- £■1 ftt i f*N Wrfusrr irf!ra<ft*Nft g*rre uft nf^Twrt ^t-
f*rft mfur i fm *mU*n uriur i u uttUhtt mftffi
smft tg%xggur ^faprsewtartf: i *m uftftiff ftwrfrrc;: i ’aura: ii

^ $<7Tfa% T&WI I
*N sW *r fatt h tN ^rfn fawq% stfc: 11 $ 11
w ^Nn ^nfcfa i tMs?$ i wi \ irf^jfiT i
mn\ 3 i sfa i hW i * i fat: i 3 i faster I l^lfa ifa^Wlr^l i& I
^Srk: II9II
Tjufu^Twr snft fuiuifu^fw i mYuhwt fSnrnr it ^ utw: gunfiit!
wn *rtu t*r nyrtt^Tff utfa f*ni i »rug i fti#i ur^pftf?mfwr utw
nu HutsR i furu t jth *raiu wpim i turn *w ftg^H ufou i
fan t uu (Mffi^fHs^ ftrrg fTwraitu ufa w uftfuraTft: wt Hf|xsrfH i f^ug i u*r
fuwrfTTT;: it

fa f^fl ^jt ^tt TJ^TT^R I

fa ’^rfcl faWT% II b II

fa I # ^S^Tft I $S#!jt1 ^Wt Vfa 1 1

fa i ^rstrfar r : r i ^ifa i i ^prfafa 1 f^#i^i ti} i ^Srfc: »tu

frrfu^ 'auwrfn it tfsrr^rt Tfruwtt ^ ygtisjHsmi alS*1^
frol4^y*i ^ufgf utrHf^t t^rfur *r *rfi9i<l<i f*rraf$ i i tn*:

^ktfa^ ^rtT.fa ^ i
faniw% ii ^ii
^^Ws^sf | nt I USR I I wfa I I
I ^StTrfft I I W^Tr^l I^Slkj 11*11
ii ii

sreffir i
*rrft i wfq «i4Tft^s[Wl Ttfr# ’twar ggfir^wr grfgr i ,

kfH ^ VJ *nf[ *rnr *r®frr i

w ^wri fk^Tf^ ^*fc: ii so ii
HSit^ I W 1 ftt 15TT<f I *T*R I ^T I I I
w: I 1I iis tnsft I I kPTOTrTJ i&< I ^S?k: II So ||
•rnfl gsrgr fwnft frtrwt grSifcrcft g? ggtfH ^si
wi m wrn i gggfgfa wrwwg ^i1^ vfa grr i i gftgfg; graft
g I TOT im qftfffi f^WffTTT: II II * II

t?nofaT$ ^rf^ i
rr^ten ^nrt ^ ^nc^T ^ffrft^w(% ^k: ii ss 11
proffi i ^nft^ i i^i i
^ i saren; i i i i i nffr i kra^nr^i ii: i ^s «k: im a
gg^wtfg?: grtfa i wg ^ftiTRJTwm gfwrg *iiflg gftg 4fTl«ii gar i^iuff gwri
g i wrai i fqrarrgrr t^wr: gfg: grsraifr fawiggn: gTOsran:
gw ggtgrgnr g ff g<?l i g grg fggft i w i Tt g^rai^tnra i crfa*^
STifafir ggranfagwrr gfar: i gRrcggTg ii

ffa: fori »T«sfH hssii
?t i i l^rkn i 1 ^t; 1 T*^: i ^ i
^ 13^1 ^41 ffa: i fori i^j i ifawicUH} i^rs«fc: hssii
% t^rftr gffiig;: g^afa gfrsrgmfgTgfo^ frrq ggrottg fggT g wa i * <** >
gggf*$T gg^rn iftfggrfg^ggflm ?fg*c%g ^gf g# w gW^gr g*rci g*ift1
qqitfg%: g^Wf^ i w i wri: 11 t^rfui ggroft: gvgft^Tgftii ggrgtfrf ttcw • *
i ggRggjg n

^qfwfa i
ikr ii fori fim. ff¥3kwT% hs?h
«[^qTkl ikkTrl I I TO; i ^ ?fH I I
xrFhti^i^i: i^qb ifw^r i^jrf^s^t iff^: i HHwrij ii i ^si^t; ns?11
^ i inwrot «nWsft f*rn«f*i: i ggr gfw i W i
fttf* ’K>]^ 35ft itoigt 33ft Tfarrot ft tspftr t wqfty ww.
i*T3TS3?nft3 i 'Jftn^wnJ: i 3*3*3331 rang i f33 yrfwi, i 3i gni i wrf^^i: i ?mi
fft: frr*rf»r« f|3: I f*3 t ifilftsO i *3T 3 3T3ff: i framfa T3f3 ggt
33lt3 g*t 3H3f33i3T 3T3T I 3T3T ST*pTf^ftm 3T 3T^3lf33tf3 3TI fW $313 3311333*
ff2r:55^rr?r^;^n::if*t0^.^.n^ii A

g*st ft * xy* tnfffl fgsrfw 1

?§*t fsfl *nfw i* fW^T% mu
1 ft 1 * 1 *Hs^ 1 m* 1 trwfw 1 f^Nrfif 1
gw 1 m 1 srfa m*H: i ^1 to 1 |rejt *fw i Tjtqfw i ir i faronw;i
tk l ^Srfc: 11*1811
^sO ^^1^ I ^ 331*3 fijilfri f33f33*31T3ii'31IWt |W^3T3i
33 hiq<4^ivsi Hftai 3ski 33f3 1 3<riifii 3T$*ifti 1 ?rp*T33Tf3 1 mw 313 ^~«m
113 33T3tfl |3: I f~3i3 If 3*ft3t*lt f*fl grjfTT | *f[33 tj*3f3 VETK.: I 3$-
^TTfrlT: II

x fwr^qt srr|^| d^w; 1

w*v& ^ i W g%fw *Fnjf3wT% g*hc: in mi

^TO l X l fwms^ln: 1 to: l ws1
^i^it?i^i|^Ri^if^f^im^5:ifg^w^i^i^iis^: mi
^ 3133 i«tH spftft 1 far*i«j3*sTHjjpj'ft |3*ft 3 w fwt ,gtg ft333i^
f#3. *n 3fH*33fl 33T t i$ ^ *rr*rfwT*?%f3 |3: i f33 t I 331^ 13313 *nft 33V
333%3T3t 33^ $#53 33pft 33f3if3 $3: i f3i31 gw? 3 3tw wmg^iqfl^dYgmfl f*ftf3
^fwsuprf?? 3tif3 335ft H3f^anJ: i 33 3Mt^t ftraqnyirc: 11 it? 11

* to t#swu i
^ inffii
* I W'\ |% I ^ 11# I TOO I flW I wwjwj
fl:i\w;i|%i^i i fgs%^: i fg$^4w i fW^n^i ii:-1 ^iv mtfti
. ^ ^ 3 33t 1% ^>^[3 3i^ It 3 Wtfl 331 333T 31^3: 33«9T 3f333^ WTTT T3l
^1 %33 33 3#t33 ^ 1^3 H{«1f3 33f 3331 f33f3J 331331 0«3fl33i f3»«|
I 331 3 3fwftsfl f3Wlf3n;: II

TO t#SHTT qnjf¥TOT% ^5 ms II

* i w-1i v&i i Tfak i fkskgi: i i

^r: i'^tC.i i$i 1i i srwt i ^tii f%k^Tru it} i ii^i,
* aat $ga asij »fii aar aaar faS^a: ww ft*rargw fa^jwt fa^a aafa i
a aa ^ra i?r Sl^ aiij wrfa aai ama aga: aaaa wm\ afaapfl aarr t*nl i
faaaaa. i lamafa^afUa s^a: i f$arr*rfa faa^Rs^aff^ a^fa aa arfaaajftf; t^rnff
afaterfaftv: 11

f^T^T: TTt^’rt frT fk^ I

srftr sjfft wn^piR snfkir fk*i^TT% ^refc: mtii
to i is1 ^nkfa: i *rteiw i frf I fa^ti
I ^T I I^I T^ST1 src: I ^TSfkrT I fkWTr(l it l
^sir. ii«ibn
^ xprraifa: awa awmapfr faa^{a<frrta fa fffaa fa^ i fafg i <tot
f?T^i faaaaraTfa w ^argma aTarrcf aa asia ’Ms atfaT^aar^aar arrearTfaa gifua:
aaiz a fa^g i *m afaft^t fawT?arc;:«

f^-srtf^r Wgkktsfa ifta^sk kHwfis n^«

WR I fftr I f^S^T^Ir^l I 3FR I w*i I
fWfa i x?pfisg^: i ^rfa i iftt i i fW*=RT«^i it-1 ^s rk: men
ara^t aaVfa i tamarara. waimrraTa. frogwrf^aT^*Tf»^n^»rff a fafaraaxiaa^a'
aaffii^ iff*? i aaj afa *wf« i afi w a maRfara: i aaaYfa ara: i gataffa gw i
fffft xm: ^a«aTfaatg4<**ua<a af%a faaifca tot ataarrfHatTj#T totoi aafa*
afar faaifa i am vtt vtoa aamaamaTaiil i afirwrfa i aljffasff fawriar:»

nk ^ ^Trjirkf ^ fwwi k* TftstaT I

^ II ^o II
nk i ^ i ^i i ^ i sfifft i f^i ht i fk i i
I I ^ I ^ I ^ II ^ I fkk^TTr^l ii: I ^SfiT: IROII

ma faa^arUwrffa* ^a: i «aa ai<$ala«Pcai i aara wa a #aa ’a aafa i

arrorafaM aafa a tartiafafaa i w n jfaaa^ia<«Oa^fai a »r5r aifa fatm aaa
ataai ataarfa fwrfa i anaa^t aaaalanJ: i arat ^taa'rifan^ia
% fmaia TOtawanai ?f Srflr i fq^mnasg i ajraw a ffTar^fT^aa^ i amiftas-
a^arTf^re: ii
gifrft l^T ^RFl| I
g ^ w ^rf^w% ii m ii
gif: | 3ST11 flff I <|M|«r!M I ^fgwt I 3RFRT«% I
VIWI i inf i fjft i TO i gif-1 f^rTr^i i£, ^S7fc: ma
^tnrw f^rarPrfir^r snftfn i % fviniM sr i wi««wi»Ng i ^
wnpf»r ^fs’WJfffirarrfitr w«n*t i wrorgHt trfrifar
j$ra i ^ «$*sr ht^r: ^rr*rt *nnfq«vf3«:*r im w tun ynfwna-
jfraftw^ra 5*1 Tfa i *i^Ri i *nfU$f#is(> f*rwTfprrT: i <rcn ^ irngr: i gggdifii g;
gi^Tftr 5^^^TJPT MHIrtmq<suf^oy i^ 5^: |fi®<^c.|

JIl%FR7ra I
FI iff: qriTO*i«iH^][ II ** II
^i i i 11& i i

*is(t g*rmra f5T5Bftf*i^: f^f?r i % i% «n$^fcrg. $ fsmfa f^rg^ wt^: wfr
i w*n^ i wnf<i gir^pi fra? i iff w*sm: iitft g^Wgjnri yfrtwrmMT
*** fF ang^ i ^irPTf g»r:i*rr ^151 i sUffrteft fro-
“ W 1 i£i«n«*i'wfa<* 1 ire *rrw: i ^ft firefa ffOigraimm g? ^1
F1*’ g*i: 1 gift wsftfrcriw: 1 wre^ij ire^re: 1 fa0 «*$. ?. 1 tfiii

^| *TTTf FFpaft Fpfi ^ f^Njfrf I

4cT HlFlt ^fipIFlt 3^FfT^gf3WTf% 3lfc: IR?II
111 mA 1 Fppft i,sps 1 1 fgifH i
H? I >TFy 1SI^ 1I ^t: 1 ^ 1 fawir^i ii: i ^rft: 11*311
T?fa^awnra%»i n%w |m^fqrrjrT% 1 % *ref^r fwswn in: i srefnif^rajlT i
Tpt^w gift 1 ^ |XT?r: 1 *n^ ftirfH f^ffrwMwt.giin. ^ wr irp i
1 wr^t <r# norite ntwnpigst. i »reg * h wr *n^f^-
gani4j><( 1 ?m fawrf’tn:: # n 8 ii
y%wf5rf?t tigfgin^ g* i trrg^TO «mnr i grfiifnrT^n^rigsH: i fwr
i TVtfTftr^TT i ttot nrgirm i T^tpr 'Frfvgrr mgViPq tt^it ^pcgji-
11 air: gwf^f»nfpi: u ’rft i^t to i gffn ^ i fqwsngwfa-
^ gt i w m. <»?. *

^Tf5RFT fF^f 3TlfF ^ I

sR^fn: ^ qt %T F ft.^: ^itg mil
i Rrfsrf i ^n i fsrafif i fM i ufate i i ^nrf^r i s?*f i
f^W?r: i i ^ sft: i H s^s: i w 157: i HR: i i xit^ i ii «| |,
T^rfnr tw ?mt Trfgpr m?rmm?nra mfwr 1 ^rngfrfir 1 fini *mrm»rt
wr*j ufsre ggrm *n$ gig*i ,*rrfw 1 1 ftrirn^t wrarwNi^t^iigt^;
*riWt: 5^: *rf*nr: •cpsrrfrmt wrfn 1 f^r fr^t fiwr^ra: mg t
T^rg 1 €t-ff^7R Tnft mg 11

sniltegt s?f^Nt ^TijVTRTFjtf *pi aftte: 1

^T wzn$ 11 * 11
3sro:s^g: 1 i 1 ^ 1 wn 3qws%^ i 1

^IT1 fsi^Tt 1 i~W* 1 ^S 1 11l II * II

\ w%^r wnrtpr ^rnmn m sr srfSnr: *f&ari 1 1
mgvrmyi^srr*Tf*fm ^spr 1 1 ^ *j^e*i*t. :g^m^TT^rnrrTraT«rm-
f^^oi BTrewT T*rm 1 «i ^4|«j^5: i rnTfawr ^ ^»<*nc(t ^riwro^rarwP^PKt fwwrasT^uf'i
v?m 1 ^fmrff 1

^Rt4*nf^Pf4 *tff ^gt fWRtS^t nt ^ I

^Rirffti RtrJMT^K II? II
i wrrf^nx 1 ^ i v% 1 ^gt 1 ffs: i ferfa: 11 1^i
^RI wf^ I Vft I ^Tff I TTZyi 1 I tfl I ^ I ^S II 3 H
% wmfmprrert ^yrerf *prft fwt Trwmf
^rff 1 m*ffg Trmtg Hftrem 1 ^ 1 ^rrrft ^ 1 tt^»i
RgaMiq*u>qfc mf? 1 Trfr*pse 1 Trftms ^ m*rrgvH 1 ^ 1
H 3rf? 1 sfcfrwu 1 »r«r%stf:«
^ ’RTRT ^ff ^rofHfaftgpf: I
mfitfw ^THVRtorft^t ‘RTf^fff H iJ II
1 1 tfsR*fcrR: 1 ^ 1 ^trt i ^irR; i ^srfMsfa: i %I*: i
Hlftf: 1fa«l 11 'RTHSUTRtR; I I 'RTf^; IIT^ I 1 ?*! Il^11
% ^^ I'MM«<l<4*n ^wrr ^«j^*ihi<ui^ ^*'*<*,T?r:
^rret' » >»

yn«n*it #aff^n»r: imWr grra m «f^ 1 wwrw^ h

^ rH f>rfii 'fj^nrofMtsn •
v y»llri|.l^f^ T$m HMII
n"\0,w> $.^°b$.] ii brents ^5: ii

3$ 1 ^4 1 *nijs*niteT 1 ftfa \ f|^T 1 1 ^*tt 1snj 1 ir i

h 1 *N*tft«! 1 ^prs%^: 1 1 srsts^i isfonn: ifa 1 f^tw 1 ^pjj 11 \\ w
t UTTH^t StTTWl W TT^W^f ^ fitfv | | ipr faw?N
^rrTpmr Tnrnrf*^ yw m^r ?g i f?*ng i ttstchst n$Tfur irfoTrftfur
1 h pftft I I twig *rtk*Nfvg *m put f*w«f**%*i ung^r
ufarwraHW^ft pnft[f4 Mlg 1 *rerefsiw4: n im n

3W ^rr ^trT I
^ITrTfl:^ TTftrf^: xmtT fTHWt f^^T W II If II
^ I ssj3? I Wfa Isttws^: 1 fwlw 1 1 sai ^t i ^ 1
^1 ^T I I TtfRsfrh I ■qflfrT I IT I wt I f^ZT I I II £||
\ wamift u? *ru gfw ftreqgmfq ^ w ^3tnfr% vfafJvcr;iiTimtjf:
jf^ft *ng*n*ifif^T4Y ^JTfn wf% rt *rrgvprwr iiwr %rn «* Mm: w^uflgi^ji
^ITTc^T W?5% STTrR^ |
^ ^1 ^tW^lrT ^(PflT^f f^rarerri^ff: II S II
3* 1 w s c£*t 1 15nHs%^: 1 sns^pTRTni sf4:1 wsvmH1
3TOT1 1 fir 1 srff 1 sft^nsr: i wihs^: i f^Nfh i if 1 1 ii$ii
^rrft ^ 1 urra^rj^ snrraa* fg fWTwrmT^ utt^ nr urtmt ?mt ?T%wT^uw*n-
JrrargvHi5(ni«i^rar<H <.i<«15HTg*if*nfa: ?pjf? i trn^i i i M pf ufppre:
^rft 1 *ri ?gjppt urrgvpf *mTJ i M vi *ng*nwr*n^t{ijat^t nfuret «w: f^Nrr:
n^ 11 pt 1 f^nmr *rm trfprf^^PT: i xpftiNfti^g i *rsnig n

!I it sjf^ zjwm at ^ vt zrt^mt v \i jprtfrr 1

**n t*^c HfiRvt Ufa* tv%i lib 11

m I ^I n: 1 zqwsvT^: 1 it: i f^i
P1 m ijff 1 ^tth: 1 1
*»'1 wr 1 ^s?iTf 1 irf^f 1 1 1 iyn 1 ^ 11 bn
t prTnmt ^t mig^T^l ^gmf^rswitl wafr^ft ftuir^r^ ^njpiunf^
^tt?i 1 ?nm: 11 ?nmvrwnf 11 ^iR«^niM«i^wiqi4fti ^n»rra im s ?ft i ?l Tnj^rrftut
^arun 1 fg mrw^ i wr ipl ^re g^wtgurt ^t% twt i
^^i n

itH n ^tN h^h: i

%r WWh TTT wf II ^H
vol. iv. " nn
II II [«• b. 8. ^0

i hH i ^§s*r: m i ^ iir%rr sfr* ns%;,

f|# i T^ffa i sift? i urn srn ^wr; i upgs i ^s^sr: <> „ \\

1 ^ TTt^m fTT^m ^TT Tt^TOT *n»t T1* I <ITfin fa*T ^ S%f: TO^tTRT^
Jri5# irtfwt *m *m«fr ^f^rrw^TEf * *pj i raw *re i ftwr ^ prr Thrift %
ffinrjfNmfa ’sftg^T’mf«Ti3[tK wr sri ^ngtrRT ttw m ^m. i m f?f%g: u

^ejt mj xjft to fasr rrw Trfrr *^!ifarat i

hf# «psRf| w *jt* ^ non
5|S^: l T^: mft l TO I fwa I 7n?f I l lift I 1 WTt I
rTC? I ^ I T|fi: I ftRT I I W 1*7# I ^ffiJS^fttel I ^ noil
1 pit <3 f^U ^JTR ^ irfr w I ^
i ^ w Twtotnnfi ftrcifa nfn ’juftft i i Tnnjra xtjs:
?w ’juflff I WR75T I IF! ^VT *ng\TR^ 7t^ TTORT
'nt fs i fwft u it i, ii

frqtfpiFr: xrf%rf?r ?r ^n^rf ft ^ ^?jfr ift i

rmfftit *pftsnrr^: *]w?* fa n«ni
fa: i ^njsvft: i nsfaft i ^ i i ^rf n?: i ^ i i ift i

tt i ^rfaft i *jftfa i ims^: i s^ i ift i i fa rfff ii w n

1 snrft^t ^TfTTT’sn^ % wCtei irftrfn ^rmwvi mg^pfr Traref^rcftenrnig i 1
*ra<*pr? »n*fn ff i *ft ^rnj'tmfr ttoi ^ram^inrpsrib^ if* f^rf^r n *ntp*T-
*mff t*t Iw i ^fac-c ftStaoiwft i ini ^Tgvni pn* ^fN
nir **rsi Ttar«j f*r gf^p i f^rpr *csfa h

rT^[ lift ftf 1ft ftfiRlT ^ I

^T«mwrfK*q wi ^frTHf^rr ii =i^ ii

rfr^l ^ I I Hffl I Vf| I TH I ^S?pl I ^ I I I

^W#S^I 5^tfjT^T l"|^ I WQ I ^frT I 3f[faif I ffT I ^ II ^ »
t^m u^Twnt xrn?% nfn irf«R ^r W^n*11^
crnjnwrf«g»lm h^s *rrg*mi ttmr xrwf% i f^r *w ff^nrf^'
wni tanr f^fa *r%n srlfn^n ?|grenrsi4Wm i fwci i ^^r#r wi Hl^iw"

^ ’ajxffHt i
w*q^ init fTO ^ i1^?11
ii ii

*$L1 *0*1 1 1^ 1 ^1 1P™1

I I *re*ri I sinft i ^ i rret i i f$ i ^svnt^ ii ^ ii
tpmt: *n^mT*fanr: i to^t t?tt: ^trofr «rrr:
*T TO I TOT * vm'. I i: to^Wt *tt if*f° qo. ^q.. nfin *rro:
^TUWT IKSgaNfr TOT THTTOT fror i mro i *rrr%anJ: u

irct ^ff rTx^n *nw*iHprcfo Tsft ftm *pftfs i

qqfiqT wt^nsfqft^r wf* n8u
XTT+1 *J#ff I fTxtHT I HT^SVRt^ I I ^ I V$' I itflT I *J#ff I
T^t I SrNNlt I wts^STT^ I ppftf| I nx)[ I 3J| s f[«t: I srfa I ^W^crj 11 ^11
\ ^ tngwrMTOT m^r tot ’pftf? i wrro i fro to* fwr tot
spftf? i fro wrcamircRnTOT^^T ?Itot tot ’ptf? i ^Tgg*rt
HyaRI'IW^^HT i TTRft TOT ’jwtfWS: II

xrqsr^T ^fsR ^ i
w^N ^ *r£fcN*% wfafir mmi
q'tf i sra i^?t: i ^fsbi i i wraI i *nrot: i i «j^t: i
^s#t i 1^5515 i*#^ifWsi i ^ msf^fir i ^twsvfi: iiwii
wrfwijfa ^t ^fa^Oro: to ^t gfro irrfw JrnHf^flR TO<jvT»i tot ’jwg i
ttto gro: ^srorr wrfwrwr: wwr: irarnig i fro Tr^T%ro?TOTO^i TOgvro
TOR- tot toN. n4«g^|g i to?<j i faw ^nrort^: Hf%f?f i tot ^ toto: i Jif^fa:

q: q^qqqr Ifcfaqf ^ *n^n^: I

% 3TSTTOT ^tfH FtaT ^ II
q: | qr^^rjT | ^fqqt I IVI I I ^SVT^f: I
I ^WRl: I ^tfrf I I I ffaif I I I ^ I f* II ^ II
^ ^rrgvrot tjto: fro^^ffw ^rfror *ri%^ wnlt ’«rraro TOrofri itoivI-
i tt^*t Tn^mr^: i wro TOrofn i ^t *ngvT»fri*w M^idiR TOrofa i
^ mgVPTtTWTOT art: WTfiT fTfir | ^ ^ ^ »taT ^T*»f^ TTTOTOt TfrnTfW
n*T ?^reT i fif^r ii

^nrnfq^t^nTr f^ i^®'1
II » [«• b.

1 q*n I i TTRii *ti I I *|S^r: (

1 ^ i Wi: i fir**!*! *1 1 »f?*[1 M® H
1 sj^ift ^nrt #g<5 ^ftrawr «rt: i 'af^raT^fa ’ft’rwg irraT^ i ^
^nrg'trpft *rrcfta; i n?q^t m w^msg i f%^ *nwt TT*re:
n fwfw^ara: ii w^teT^n *ft: ^wr wstr rrSPygfa^fa a uara g^r-
*nana jrfaaa *nH *rrerfa*fHi*?n% { ft aT ^fl«H %sreT f*nar i ansa i
jrr^tanJ: ii

fqq qqT qiwq'Rt: fq^T '^Hsirrmf^rTq <^;qt: i

q^n%q: sfam ^tw qtf ^Tn^rqqfai ^q?it h ii
fqq l nqT l qTWSqiHt: I fqq^ I W I T3**! I l £SUqt: l
qit i i^q; i sfqrn i <^Tr$ i qrt i wi i i 11 qbn
% ^ argvrar ttwt aaf Trgaf gt f^ra faa faag i i^ar fw
^ngvRT arc g’stTfT i <s^ *KTg§<siP^^ai i faia ^faaT wgi
g<Hgg I arfq ^ ?){*ft TTW afloat ^ga «H W ^HTT I ^WTTfTOPS: II

^qrftr qT^qi^T^ ?q wfa f^: i

^Fj ^ ht ?f Ipn ri^rr%ntqT: men
*RTqj 1 Tgtf* I qTHSqT^ I ^ I ?q I Wfa I ^*1%« <
snj i i I l tit I ^ i^btt: I *f3m i ^itqT: men
1^ *rsTTf5TT^=rTT«r mg'trraT^nwrowfa i are% i aarfa wt wr gaaig
Wf% ttw a fanr: i ansroa. i f*H a am^prpagafoar a?g5ia.g%a afsara. arraan-
uf^nr garra aiaaaarrerrwpq? i ?|areT a aft fa i f*fa aa aaftnft ^rraT ^rrtw
^ngvn% mgvr’TT *n i *p»rr »n 11

iq wtu^sm q^T^rT t^T I

qfrr ^ 1 ^dwfqqr ^ ii *0 ii
F* I ?r: I ^ I ^iTlr^l «q I q^lf^l I I
qfr! i ^ i § i ^r^rctfl: I fff^qT: i I i ^«*°11

f^rcTEm i-<><^i^fiT,?n3 tuixnf?i'amf^ m^ ^ *i nwifwi:

^?reg i ^ ?ni sfaf%pr% afMWT ^
^Tprfahrr: ifrg^ft a^r: wft TrjrtU'vwi vvnfr* Tm ^ ^ 1
gpfga i^= u
*ogo.3i°$.^0b$.] a siwtSTrs: ii

WI^t^TBifa: °RT^fa trft Tflff R3TR |

^ *faN?pitf siftwsis^ rItt ir«iii
TT^Tr^l ^Ir^l STORr^l ^TT^I 3ifa:I ^fafa I Hft I HTff I R5R; I
^i^raWi wsrt: isrft^isrcfiRiffa;!mtti istitt: ii^a"
1 JRfa: 3ifa<«4i!rT nfan?i: gwi?£^< VTTffotnr-
^^frTfrRTn?TWrfK mtf iufttf T^r wfr ^TTfgTI^ *rf *rai«i
*ft*% *TT^ 3* I W*WT^i m sfanfta* I 11 Tft ’?ROT
«tfnppiwfoft *friJirnsrfT?% «rq% jftft ifa: ii

Flfa yt ^ fa* SfR *lfafa I fifafa^ frTR vpj^rft II S* II

Vft I FCT I I $ I ^ I fa* I HfW I lifaff I tjffS^fl f^sf^ I
fiTRlHJJtS^m IR*ll
% *fl% fffT Jurat srra gt grra» f*ni wi jtjttoit *jgr^-
^prrat TTwi ?mt m wf *ni tmprrcvi^n tw ?to
uft vWf«

fa^ ^TT^fT: IlfH RT pgflt ^ I

fafavj fafaTfl ff^Rnfa*fffeft: II *3II
faN 14^s^ff: i nfrT i w I m4: i ff i
^rit i fafai=f i Tftfxrat i TT^s^RTfa: i *irfasft: n *311
$ ^ *r Hjrnffr Jhsra^^raRirr TrwfN^w ^rr^r fn^m aHSra Ttrarrr
*? i *rartgra i ttot flgwfawnf^^Tfjrs&sfw i wu rarpftitrar: i mfirrft
Ufa <»? u

^ fa*pn ^T^Flt fauftfajtf I

% ?tf fa*nfa faff Tifafa: ii a
i ^ i fa*pu i i *ri^sMTrri i fatftfafa i
^iwiftnuifainpjfaii fasi *fasfa: a**Ja
^ *fa ?r firg^rr fagragmf*! fawtftprr i faf*i«[Hftf*ifW % ratfn ?t famtfara: i mn i <tot
* *r^r; fafw(i*tfJTfa ^ faifansf fafif%T^f*rfw urr ifatt£.<n.i*fai mgvrm
2^T?JTW5Hf7r ^[ I m 1 f^U WT Wt gftfHT? «
i i t«f^t jit i u

^ ifaT ft: fkm: ufa i

^^T5fal *!<* fa II *M II
ii ii

ixf# i ^ i ittfT i it: i i i nf?t i

*ffijsvT*ter i i ^7* i fa i i ^ ii *mi
% wwr wft^n ?kraT i trt ^ vrm-1 iff ftSlwfffii^ ift°8.<N>.i i
^Tg\nw TTW^r ref ?rwNi ufa ’jwtf? i qrreftsrtf: i to ttori ^ ft
^r i n n e. n
t; f^t *m m f*»Sifar %j»t i i * -t? i f»ic^h *r i
^srm'ppfrif^rg «gf^<ft t*nrr i ttstt *nrg?Rm i 3jS*nssiro|*fr m whft-
^snrorfkrfafw 11 *nn?r *Nft«i*nf*r»nvt i ^f«ra ^ i fftpqft.
*rfaif?rr *rgqf>f: ^ ttstt i to° c. c. i ^ u
f^WWT^rT ^*nft I
7TW if^RTC ^u^TW II ^ II
ffa: i xffir i snrt i T&jsftfi i flfaswfs! I ^TS^W I I Snfl I
rTSi I I I \^V. I I 3> I I TTITO1T II «* II
tmi trnfta ^torajqmart ^TKffff ^ t*TRT firc ^irfq: ^f$f^ fk ^f^rfr; f^fosjft
fi[f% wwtormfiT^fi ?rer flrow htwr gq^rnr wprto qr wit
’fcnwnr qs gqrqirfim*rf*r ^rr: Jjrwt* q*wr i irotfn i trt ■q *rras: i ffwrr-
*rta*psrt ^wt tri wwr Jnq’rra ^ vtwr ttwi: wN:
qnfcfr ^rr ^TRfroiwqirem i ft° vs>. ^m. i tfn n

*M rTflHTCm^^Rlf^J 3TCTT I
rlFl ^T: ^HT^St^piWt: II * II
^I I rT*taT I ^rtS^ I wfa: I ^t: I 3W^I 5TT^ I 3TCTT I
H^7 i^t: i Tjftpft i €t: i ^tt i wrt: i 3ft*ipi^ i #*hfh i ^ i ^ n*»
sfNj fq*f\«if Tm^wwrwm^rrf^ *3 jprnJRt «nn
««nrq^q^ ^rfwfafn wrt Wrn^: ^ «f<n«4rqr ^«nr t^x^r: ijfinft
qftrnft ’q^irrf’T qfatftTtqtiR i^hj^ii. i i ifttn ®?k7i ^«n}:»

^rtTOTSft ^iw i
>TFprt ?n^^?n^hTfrR wW a ? a
i ^ i if^rr: i ^^rfir: i srfti i 1 mwt 1 ^iw 1

I *n^t 1 I Sri I ^rT I fRt I ’HTSfTrTpt I I WlW M*

... ^ .. „ f^nfafq<TU!*Rt qrnrfi^ fpt »rfftwW ^
TrW ^frqTfw 1 wtqifa 1 %?rrwf^»?T^n 5tro gf«nfY Jjf*i»jmfq ^n wt f^i
•^rrprsfrm 1 ^ifqrrn 1 fi^rt q>iqTgf<>^ **fmfri*t 1 fwnTnftor^»
*o«|o,3io®.3fbb.] n n ^

4 «pnpn: i
a h8ii
u: i^wt i wm: i vi s^pfcj;i t ^^T:,
w. i i ?r[t i wt: i ^i i i ssr^^i 3qws%.: iigu
^(iu<WfM«f^ifl tfa*: 'R’^nft g^ft fr?rreX ^ ?hwrt
f¥T*rt ^i*iaif7t ynr%^T wrmraft wnmt *rr wmfUfcr: xrrrf^r twnfar qfa-
mnfiwT ^tt: ^rr^t f^Tf^^tj ^ i ^rnit w*w ^ i
wi fafl^rrercfa i wren; i ttot ^ ^nra»f: i s %^t wrot ^
•acrwTTi^T: I ft* M- $■ ltf?t II

rT d^T: IIMil
*RU TOS^: i i I ^rffo: i ^ i jr^ i Ttarft i
w i w i i tfTTsftfi nhsfa: I I W' I i ,
t^ffcsin-. it mi
1 w%^r smnrtrr* *ptw ^ftarsr g*k g\}fa «?Tf?re: f%m*T-
irffl(i%^T5iTjm W\ <st Jr#gTS* i uwrot ii f? jmrfam
vt$ ii * tr^fwn ?n^f^fr: ^ftp^T wrtww i » nou
^ *Nfw ^fr strh htpsr; i
*1^3 *rf^taRrn*rft irt^r; ill'll
1|VT i i >Rfw I r[ik I sfffti: i mf: i i i ht?t: i i
i^ igi i T?ai i ^4: i *Rigf# i ^tfa i wsm^Rr ill'll
Trft gfr ga^mrer gvfr fsrct^murHgffr w^rtn i tt^ s<faTftr*n-
i <r?ft TT%T*rat g^n i mrfa * i^r ggf
’T^snJ: i flrf ^jfsprrei ^wrf^rt |*rr«ri i?T*rrg miT^m rTn i
mErnwpT: g^ijjfiigsTflW ^ra^rintr^ wi ^t ^Tfa i n«n ^ i g^r
gvT to gm»rf H^fn »rawf^^m: g^T imrosiw H’T injf ^rt
^ *rfw^T ^rmt ^tIh TST^rnuf^rfii swj:
% ^%TT H%5tSTlkiT I
$W: i ^r: i \ ^rsi^: i ?r^fT i i i
'^T1i i^t: i ffa: I Wf i fin i ^tiT: \m
*fc© ii n [^T°
aft wf^f i^*r. *tf*Rt: *i«t*(Yfft f^nrtf»r^n^r
fwnrr ^tflrerq aftR^Tafr^ a^rn aCKiwi tw f%% ^
ffiranfci%^ gnaT^raat twif^aWta artawr «-q*N *rr sfatj^isg: t sprg: n

^?RS^ I im i ^i 5?u ssrfti i VXH) ^1 ffa: I sraRWiT I^T: i

W’ I RRT I I 3SWR[^l fPJSRT: I Wl srl: l %^l WI 17TI Sltf: IIbn
■jt®th gf ^«i-!n«*r*f< *t*tot fa^qaifn i wft^acn^rrfq *ra%at-
r*TTg[^tf?r i ^ir<-<-*i7H;*m ^t tsfac^naia i at ^awr anft areaftiwq^i
wafa i a rT^rr: ^•O^ttiit Tfw ^ «afa i a*rfa art^jfRrt ^ i wrarfa i aafa tjftpft
^f*rc;fq a aTaTfa i aafiwpfr safr^ a wmfa u

R ^Wtssbremftj fW I
#r ^rrn^ifl^T mu
^ i^rtr: i ^bnra i%rftr i r%N;i w ii i froti
*t: 1 i Trftpffi ^T i ^3H i fRi I R£f S?mta: I ^nTRf^i nff SRT ii (ill
3 t^rrwifa ^rrert qtaraaia aatTf^aaa: afai^ftrMa %arax;{at fro faraTfa
qaaTfa ^rn^TTif^: 13^: a$5*?t * ^n^ifWlqT ^t ^farafanM i
ana: gf%rafaiaftw*g araia. i art f^a atatfa %*rr »jfa ^wri ^as^t aftarr mp$-
aTaaa. i aa aafa h

^it^T ff ^ fa*T sflaR tt^RT I

rT^^Wt Ri *? W*fcft: R^fif f^^MT: moil
^rfrta i f|r i f^fR i\rtr: i wftr i ^nfN^ i ^rfiksfa: i jfcfasflT i
WI^5?fril^W^;i%RTI^RIRM«i IR^fwifR^S^RT: IIW

^ar€t ^rt: stfarfa: ft^fw

aft?ta ff *prT ^?«n'flpT^: i arfa a ag wto **
HTarnnsraan. i $3fa i a ffirarf atf*rr*?t fa^«u: ^aprr ^m*fl4Ttn«n,SW
aafa i ara urm: i affta * ft ^nwV*Pm©«w^fwft:
TWf^^vrmnrrrBr ^fq-^iT^Ttfr^ f^fn ningj^: i t^f% *prfa ^
HT^TCi I f«!0 'O. 9i=. i « u ^«

^SispRS^fW# I
fTT^RTR^rTTRTf<rH I II ^ «
**«|o.3i®$.$?bb.] ii ii *b«i

I S7U Tpf I 1 1 ty?| I^n: I I ,

^T I ?f?t I fafft I .^HT I TOJ 3^1 U I ^TTO^I I
^ *rfw?fr *rcmfT ^t f^fa
1 ^ %*ft TOW |^*Twnft fii^rgwt mfT^rf i f^rwT
fwTft gwfa ift *wf?i n vq *tmr: i qft f^fa ^n;
ffofsfo W* W STirgrri ^t sirwTrwgqiqifforer i fayft «wnPH*ftft:
?raf^^r g jfa ’n^rprejJSTfr m *ram: tpft *rfMh smTfiwmfl.ii i^t ^fr m i
' ffW 3T I f*f° '9- ^Q.. | l[f7T I)

Wfi srfti >prr ^tt ^Rt %jprgifl<yw^ i

m TOniftaif fwifk^f ^rorffir ?mt Rfw *r n^„
Ww i srftj i »fterrc i ^n: i %*Rt i i w01 i

tsTT^rt fw$ %^rr*rr f^Rrff7m^mjt f^qqnr %g H^mq&^n i

^ i ft fwtflfSfav fowwt ^ fwnc^r i f?N
^NgwriwfT’rf^^nr ffawrot wrfir i ’swrafir n

%Rt ^TT sNrxr^I I

5rcH wf^j win IIS? II
^prt i i i ^rftr i ^u: i ^hr*r; i i
i itr 1^fr*n i i Rfijs^ i hW i m?n
%vTf*pft qrfwst *ren£r ?iwiTf^ff *rr ^t qn^fafanfg^r *rr
^•Kff?t i wnf^ra: i *r ^ |%wrf?p?riftpfani srfwff ssr
Ww ?fv* ^Tjr^fNr *rw i qpqfw: fsrn$: i irowfawr^t ^mq. i q. q. q. i *iw
vTOTansr irsrsj *qTf*H m 7rf*ni fi^t wjm*if*i*r?t. 1 1 faqif^reTfiwfr it

^Pft <*K?rr *%fti 1

J ^^rt^rf II Ww
1 ftreft i 1 ^T: 1 ^ftr 1 ^r i srefr i i
,: i i ^?fH 1 sh i Rwh^i w 1^: 1 ^^11^11
, ^fT ffiffoN flif«f ?uf?nnj Wr#i ^r^m: 1 ^rpq: 1 «fr
^ryfi^qT gn^T^ftafl qfr^r vRwfii 1 ^fTft ^mwr^wrrnrfTT 1
^ ^rartfr ^r: M<<flHMR8iti jpnftarfc 1
V«L. IV. 0 0
us it ^5^: n *r° <19.

% ^rft fq^FTHf ^IT^rT I

rTTvqtfa^ fgpqfljWfffTT ^WTT fafft WT ^ IISMII
i sfif i zfH i sjpypi i i i ^tr! i ^ i *n$tfri i
mvqf i i i ir^1 it ntfn i *n^i stcttt i ftrrt i Rat i^ h «im ii
f^jurt ^rr»ri ▼tmfxi mfmf anyxnxnt ^ It ^pft ft *trT ,
*nsfW i f*mt ingraft*! faggxri «ri *rmt *r VTT^f *rrg»jm ^rnn^fa-
f*nwPnn 4^x1 se^i^frti fqxpfNs ^ ipm. m«ri ^rmfqgrmn-
x?nwrf *rr*Sr«rr ^rfn i *n^fxx i xft ^ *n4f wram ^fifxft i h® ft® <=. i
^aStfxnci: ^ir: wrreT wxcraqi i xr* wrm ansfcfxi w*T ajtfaft sr»rr: u
xgxft TifWm w<st: tow ^fwnw i xnt hto ftMn«
^pran% *rxft $xl ^nm: 'jrrxrxl i tprsn qwHijftwqgi ^ fn: t
xnf gn*«raY»ft g^rfH *ng%fa n ti
t ifaHt fN^ipatw ^hY wth TFtaj faijT? i
IT TRlf|^T R^^l^ra^ftqilTsfrTR: ll^ll
% i imHt irsM i f^»r: i w i sfttrr: i ^pr i iT?fcn i fas*$ i
it: i i i >fTRfH i iriqt * i i OTtapr. ii^ii
*nfHt f qmaffoft ^ *n$xi ftfxi: firrft i nm ^ fawxrt i ^
wSrritmxprtfrtf fsrwt^ jrmufom it* i w i *4fxrx^T<if^wT^TXTfasr$: i jwtt i
=n«ifxre;4fxmi4T t ^441xwt ^pn f*rim jftfvxi wfflflfM fa»m: i vrcsrxr: i wt^Hg^awT-
**i'<sicfui: fwxrrft *rrwT»ft ftenrprUfaf'f^Tf* nw^r^reraft i fxrefxr i xt?t *
^5^ i wr€4 xr *Nxt *ri nwp*nf^fxr n
wm ^ ST^k: xit^ sffikl ^ f^ ^ i
3IT 3ffifr|T*I*n5 inaHt *4* ^ ^ fN ns II
*41 ^ ^ i wsv-1 Vi: I ^ i ^S^f: I ^RT|: I ^ I f^ i %^i
WI : i ?«n ITOSiTTi i i i I ^*: i ^ i ftf i
*nr ^f%i*^T%ixrc.* fr?rr xnc?j *n*nft «r^l firTtf yWl
4xB«a «tft4i<xi^4l4vt siTnct ^re ^ni f% ^ "%f% xn v«rm: «mi*nsii«n ^flw: ^?,15
wit Stgi: i ^nj yfqft i xmT «nt v^i^fTOfxr ? ^ firyrf
^r %^»Rr f^rr^r f*n|xj^*i xrnw t% i wftfxr i
w ^ i xrw fn^xt ^ ’ram: *sxr<t ^ ^ it
a^fxr xr^rm<«> ^*un<«i»n xnj «*r^i»n*it afir »r x$ f%^wfxr i fir® 'o. ?<>■1 v"
^fir *K^ra: ^ f^nY: i
m f*rafi
ii ^r^Rts^n: 11 ^

<sft i srcfa i I $%?: I afifrt i i i5 | ,

rii^sfarir i m i fan:: i^rfa iTj^rfa i m i^r: i i % ntii
ifa fqq<*n*mMi^ f^jRSRfirg: i to »nTOTO5g^fa i wwror; i m wfa wfro-
nsrwr: i g^ra g^ wfawram i ww totot wfawam: i w ^ifn i w ifa gjnp i
PHK<gi4: i ■$ faro: g«U«gMfai$ i TOfajaifafa gniTgw |
^Tfir faTOhprwrTO. 1 wrot %vrfro: ^«hiPki*| fayiwre q g^qg^l-
1 ^fafanrtfar ’nwfararctffTrrar 1 to TOifM4irvT qfro
U*: gff farog sg*: it^wWr: ^f^f%mSrtiWTn^^^iVc.Mc.=*.|

*lpprpr*pit R wfNi ^ RTWfaj: I

Hl^JJHJtf ll^ll
qp[?TS*pi I TOt: I R I HffNi I ^STT^: I ^ I RTiTftR: I
miv ^nfa I ^ I ^ I WS^[ I ?rarcn I ftg: i w. i fas 11 rq.ii
wror faifa w: tow faifowTOT w^fa 1 % nmR-tfl to
m^rfro! mwt wtwr g^: growT ttto tow: inffas g^ iwnrra wt i
^fojj?w 1 to% wr^T^iffT srrsrrfr ftwR^Y fassst ftgwi^srpr^i
to w^rofaro TORTOrpnrop ^rrfa 1 wnjifV wrofa 1 tot w
*tpw: 1 wTwrcgro: www TOfa wtroiNfafa wtwtowtw wuBfa1 wwfa fa^ftfa
growr tot Trrot to% wraft^saflfa^tg mwp^ufTi wnwroampfr
frwr^frgTwfrtTO^flgroTOw^NT*r(WHwf?rifw<»'o.^.ift?i» g^n
it ^%arer^r^ tow gw ^wrfrowr Xwfafa %jw^ 1 wgwfa w 1to ^rr
Qlfafa 11 g^pr^wr? ^ gw fa^iwfafacfa 1 gfro w 1 g^gjm wwrw: trot wfa-
wfafa wtwfro: 1 wr® <£•c-1ifa11

ii mm ?jrfa *rfa faRni tNrt far snt ^rafa; i

W n: H ffajfa ftffajfa tH%*RT ii «l II

ts I ^ I ?|S7in I iM I wp I fafS^RTV I I faj I SR: I ^?fa[ I
1 1
^T m ^rm i R^fas^i ^t:sf»i: i n i fa^sw?: i i r% srt ii s ii

? ^itt: gro %gTOf«i^ 1311 gjfi 1 wjt wr?411 frofwrora; n fiw

fror«^ 1 w^nroftw^: 1 fa 3*t: gfawTWtmrofaTwfiw^fa 1 g^^iWlgw-
tph fa^wg: ufaro ^ fafaww: jppjrony to. TOttrorrorf
^%%ytfaTT WTWTgfaWTO^Wfa W

* TjRns^hi w 1
^f?l^rw«nji4 r R^nf ^srr HRff^ f?rot h^«
ii ii

W. i ^}: | Tjft i ^ i i ^?n i ^*5*.: l Wf^i I ^Kl i

^rfH^FT i i hi ^ i i HHif* t fNwt i wh ii * 11
gaH: a afire t% sre aafa arifa %aifii b^t afana: i a$Tatfafa i aa ^,;,
^sra w arreft rerea'ftfa aarr towiMi astf^anfc i faR atiaafasa atei *Neaaa^
^ qi4<ijifiia i aroa aafiar: i wwrfa aatfa fiaarr ^tpn arerra i ffa n

hhthhw ^rt ureter ?ra hr i

f^r ar: *j%h HfHRiR^ h 11311
SHTH I 3TW I ^frs^|r(l 3P§ I ”^piT I fyr: I ^#FT I HSll I
fal h: 1 tjsts^C 1 wfHHtfH l 3R: 1 1 fw*t l H l HHft l f$ 11311

% ^r: ^ wr *tst mnmj<aaf*ctff»i wr f^at f^a: gfwrarrwram^fMtt 1

1 aai aad<*<^K»a^ m t^raH i wra i a tf t arfirorfa a% ^
aiaTfa *j%a tj««ajaiTfa aftaTaftar^i tV^a'ffR faarra faPdatfa wra a Wa %aefa n

i$)w f*Rt Hrftftnrepfr m: fltn wiv& pn^i

Hf^RT H^TfirHWwsM TjftpftjpT ^TT II8II
igfa \ fnt: i wfHftnrs^ i^:im^i wva 1 ^n^i
an 1 sfi^tssh 1 nRirct i 1 $vs\\\H^r41 Tjftpft’ i i 3T 11tin
■<id»ta"af«w^T aa^aft atfarar aT far;: ajaaartfireffifc ^Rwa-
1 ’aat a*fg; ^Taaftaarug Trar^ i gvm^arr^a y<a»iR ftTa i Jficaifif i a
aatf*: anlf*n ffitalgaTfa afifiaT Tawai^a aat w%w aaflpaa!
ara-arra; 11
'gfa: fWNr>3&HT HTsft*ft 1

JRtH* fW^rTHT HHtfH nfflHTHtfH % IIMII

srntf hs^r: 1 ijti^swwT i *rfR: 1 fact's i s^sttih; 1 *5^1
sH: 1 fWfn 1 wrt 1 Wftr 1 h i 1H1 wfasHTHtfa 1%«1411
anqfaa^^i m 1 Raa^^airwST aiaif^fa: f^nmrncl ^fa: irfwt aafaaTl^ama^
<u^aa 1 arg vRTgaVtg^aara. at*fr fWrfa a^h^aarroaaTfa aaranTSTfa 1Ramfa
%a: 1 wfaaiaTft afnma^nfa i wnarfa i ^n#w %$'• i ^fararaww^
garaT *y\a*uai«ai«ai!*<g^iaai arar^afn i ar|fa i anaa afaf^*<*<raTfa ?^
fH^iaiifa^Hiai^fa %afa^; ffa^fa i fliTfa^; Tar^: i aa:
aaT a arau: i anaTfaa*na^pnnrrt^ faavitft atat "^rsfl aT
aaafttt aiwffljafft aWr asftw afatawf^a *afa
iar^i^t faa*Tr jrawatat aatfa 1 ata: a^iaiaarfa aarfa aT^rfajt ataaraTfa v»q
?fta Hfaraa^ $N atfa ^jafa i fa° >i. i ita h « bi{ »
floqo.3C0$.§*ta.] NW^tSTOn

7[ -m ^Trffisi *n^: st*f ^t: \

vdm ^TfH ^ ^rfir farcify nt,ii

vv TO II I ^Tfif i i ^frf i fWiftf 11 % 11

qHItjftrfl Trf5T5fTR^ H Tm; I IT \ps( | ^mfq WfJWnrg?! ?r
jrcfH i *inrf^i i VTfT^wft irfimt*i«jfT «r *ref?r i in^r: i xr^rarq iififjrRgm n wlfa i
ft^s^j ^frjfri^r: i ^TOfri i flNr ^to^t^sT® nig: ^MtifaiftairPT: ’5r|WT*pft stroinuft
^36 fi ’pifw I ff^1% I f^TTTfcr ’ptfw I fiRf?T ^ ||
*trrt ^i ^fiifw^ ^ f^ i
fwi frft 5F[ftrer fWI *1T ^l^fT ^ijfM: II$II
5TCFTI ^ I ^sfiifir: I tRts^i I ^ I ^t: i sit^i * i f*hi^ i
f^iW:i^fl^lHliMi^Tiyn:iii:i^fHl^pxSf^: nan
f^jt 3PTR I f7RT*T I Uft ^ J^fTH 'RT’ffa p;: ^fTO I
^fit i fwfrr i Tr^Rf^m ^ f^w^hx^n: i i %fw i f^nr faft im
’R *t <p 9raij i f^f^;: ^{far: ff»nn34<ifa4i ^T^ig^TT i
^rfrfrf It

*f Is ^sf^i ^f^iT vyrnfa i

h ^ ftnrer ^to^i nm fw * srct fa^ifft ftrc 11111 ,
* I f 17^1 ^5S^t: i «g I *ftt: 1srfa: i * i ^ i ^jf^RT i i
n i ^ i finreat i i uM i *pr i * i iRt: i f*RfH i fW nbn
t% vk: Jmwi ? ^ ajrffw: ^gfW^TTnn^jRT irnrfamfir i finr smf*R
tt$ q3j»n irfrftr ffw ff^^rf^ ’pnfa i iftn f^r f*rw wrer
fiRT^^fhSTR vtitr ^4 gar *r gunfire ftni %itrc *tirt 3rt: h fiNtw wi f^fn
’jwuTlrfj^: H

w ^ fM ih^h4 ^:^t: it v fH^rfw i

^nfj% ip? HQ.II
n i ^ i fM i n i I ^:s^lt: i n i Hsfht: i n i i frRfrt i
i srfal^ i ^rv i ?51 (P i i i toI i fWff it q ii
^ fWlRT W f*R IT f*RfW Vfm WTO * ^
*TVTO it f^Rfrt wtt ^ it f*Rfrr ?^fw%3 ^31 fli3fi*fi™4:11 f^n. ^Tirprf
^ 3^1 wr^i |wnj 1HTRT ^ihPTOWftwii w ii i ’w Tt?r wrmg
i ft fWff i Tfasftf* b
^ f* Tjf%*TT ^q%RT I
3§S ^rrfcft ?^$kTT5!Tf^: ^ ^*r h <to 11
i£: 1 %: 11£: 11 TjfW: 1 tin m 1 $£: 13^1 1
^'Ifiii ti< I ^1 1 &: 1 i 1 f*j: 1 moil
fspft Jfsrt$ 1it 1 ijfwr it 1 t’srrt M^rft 1
wsrfTT 1 tf^nrr tMPrrjrfty i^rff w^rfn i fMT fsrwnft'sr i tfincTMt irnjTWTff?
•*^0 WMftl i_f*#M3[: WMT MW irfiwit arwaft MltiMaw MW Ml^iffe-
it* £TrT3fr wMfw 11 mmi *

TTT^vzr 55: IT ^irt ^*T: irirff^TrH *t^zf vftr: I

u ^Trter ir*fcr: it 5jtT ^rnm ftft% it ftjf?rwi: II w II

IT 1 w§s«t: 1 t£: i XII fx: 1 ^s«t: i it i ^rfft^i n 1 Wf&i 1 vt%: 1

IT I ^TTrter 1 IT^r: IHI t*TJ I ^Trftr^l IT I I ftft% I IT I ftftswr: imil
iafUwi Trfw: v fM: i nf?: i upt tj fM: i mTmm: i
I NBl* l<fM W£S: I TtW *fTMt: HW BfWift Sfj: 1 5*
I^rr iff?: 1 ftg«Pr MftaM h ftfit 1 Mftfwt i Mfnwftanfc i M
Mf^wrUfq H H

IT ?T ^rjtftpTT W ^TTrTTfift %fa: I

ikm ft ci 5?n ^pr^rft%^ ihteTT m*n
ui i : 1 ?r i ^nj: i WftrarT i 7* I ^#7Ti i ig t |ft: i
^rsutsi^ i i ft^: i i ^^rpr: 1?rfa%?T1 i ^Hsfir^iiw
t is* t rTOTfWT %f7pfcrTM7MT3}M 'jft^MWT ^MWT yN+fl M MMtW %3:
Mfll«*itsl!*n«n H ^TT I f^iM 7tfq8*nfflH«t»» WfUTT %WT H^lRMT
Iwt sOyfa^in, ffrrrfw tMT t ^tMf*niT: i nT^nt^w i m*M i ttm fwi: i 'W
mmtm: i MMrtiRj^ifamnr u

^i^rf ttt^t ^Tf^??TT^iT^t^Tk^ irfnre: i

i ^ i TTinf: i ^ i ?j^i ^ftr i ir^ i i ^ i ^rfW** •
^ i is.»i ^tw% ^fHi^i ^snft: i i mfrn*
^rwrn nT^Ti^t »nw^»<<ru«ifMin i i M^tn i
wfM??i i tf^rfTr grw: i Mi^O»<«fr<i ^rre: xr4m niJY^a^^1 ^
^nn: Hrf4q<tW^yi^<f|ai^: i

*ff feren i& forrclquvj xjs 1^1

?T TTT^f: TjfW WTffcpiT ||^,|
i ^i *j*r i *t i i ijftnsTT: i wstj^i ^ngin i m^ii
1 t?T ^ ^ ^ ^*n 31^3 %a^r sift f^r ^refj; i wfqmfd i
^T ww i ^i f^: ^srfH^ i *r m
finrnin fw ^s- ^rft w: ^fwr: tpiM* *n% fwn<gi«l amfr «r tun
^gim^wrr: intig^TW tjfw ^rm gt *n?» ^»

's^tmf ^ *rf| wrvrT wrcntf i& i

^nfa^PFten mm ^^Jfrrtl snrawf wfa *j: h «m h
^S^irt: i wfa i ^ i «t: i wr% i *rft i i ^prcjrct: i sg i
mJ i srftret: i i mm i gs#f?nf i mum i i srfa i
sj: ii <w it
% t% *n*Wt *in*W ar#in»^TW!T ^twre: 9%?rr % wft »iUw*rf»T mr%
^fw: TRwti^r Tfwr Hfmw^tr wit i i f*N m»ifw»i. fnfrfaift
wfr TTWsrrfH gj: i ,vfiwig ii

^#5 ft m mm *&\m snatftg i

SjtfrT fad fW II ^11
i ff i rt i mm i ^frftrft i sflgtftn i jt^t i ipmi i ^ff^t i
s*f i ^ts'etN^ i ^hai i ssftfft i %: i frofc[i ^T#rr: i ^rr% i srfif rq§ ii
1 tsf m ?ri w*ri wftfa ’PEfw wrt «r#t s^rrftr ^ftrrftr ^
’^rfH m i fjm ^jwfftonfwTT *rarf?i gjf?i 3K<ia1 %*i ^Mrfii

if ^ditg frara ^ntftaT mtim i

%m ^rtT^T fwftkr s«t ?f i& mi 11 wii
^ i ^ i mi i gg i i fasire i ^sTTrfhrf i mtim i
i TOt: I ^HRTTI 3|Wrti I ^Tf^n: I I ^ I tj* I ^ H M
, ?l ^ ^nftiit T^ft: nraT ^ f^nnfST^^
*prmt fmn: tw# ffift fW wt "fw in fwr-
^ ^NlfJniJ^T T«t ftww I
Ut II ii [w° M° u.

^rR ofT^TTHT I
*mr*T *ra ^nfri tffsnr v^tat huh
vpi I jraw\ I I ^ I ^Sffa I ^SSTlfT I

*pnfi r&i i i i i ^nfti i ^sfiiw i *retai 11 uii

?rcm* ft *r^nrR vrot ^tow^wtstw ^dK*jq*j$# ^ wi%g
f5nfw jitwi arjfcnrrqf tfro **i%* %rrrrf^ ^rernuro^r qrnmfto^
twt*t ^ i?%*r i 11 n <1$ n
to f* i MTTrawt TOnf^tnrr fqgq. fpr i
«wWt v: gro: i%tf° q. S- q. I TO ftrfro: i q>°*°$■ qq-1 TWTf^fftf ufinr: *
^TOT I 7TOT TO^pift I TOW^IT ft3ot TOTTTOP qtWTT^gW ftgTO II TOt fafTOfa: #

I I ^WQS^W-1 *Tf¥S^l W-1 I f^d: I ^T i

^rfrl i ^rfa^i ^ssppy h *\ n
^mfwrfa^t wwt^t Uvwtft *: gro’- *ronft$T i TOW^fqrorw-
3^: tw$: i ^nf*r *rt*rrftp'fi twrtft 7rrf*r ^4(fw d^i?id:Miiffl<fli'«<{lqi^fii
I TO TOWT^T ^ I * grot *jf* W#?RITO f*TTO: fW
qf<%^ toh^P* i ^froiwi srof^m: i i tottw-
ft^fq TOrft qiwrqf^rfi ii
T^T* tt^<* *rf *Tf?T TF3 I ^^TfiT^^frT II *11

Tj^; I ^11 ^ I ^ I ^1 »3W I ^1 ^I I ^fT I ^fpTSW^ 11

^1 ^R I ^rfHST^ II * II
zrf|[t qrforR KTOtf gro TO i tow* to* «froTO*TO
qqiHuwii^l qtmwr: nrtw^rr: ^sfq ftrreTawnaw: <i^g\«\ni«nr«i*fl
«fiunfinn*; i TOTftr ^d*ng ^cmamfop*: ^rnft i TOramrown^ wW-
mtq r«irH^^difdOgfH jroftaf qrrwiwrRfTOW qfTTTOTPittoi^toit mjfrft tott^'
frjpn q>4MiqW>TTC ^HI<q^l^qiTTTlt ^ «

flffRWT I
tn^fsR f^t ajrnfH f^T^T^if II? II

iTflT^ i i ^rf%m i ^irt: i i ^i i

W,: i to~i fW" i »^nf^ i f^s^i ?sm i i «?»

■q^di««TTOqt*<iqrronqtf^ TOron^qffqra ^ng*a
«i f ?ret Trerronro i qrqiqqj fro’l’i^’f «if|*fl'ffq <*irraTt.i qrftTpi^rrfsi^ i

Arc?! i w fwr iEr$Tfir »j*Tf»t wrumafft wifUnumft tn^: i i^

g^eiT^ng f^rw^rwni* fwsrrfiw «iYfl«ii<ii% gra^una^ t
iisjftr *w hih*wH i%o^T#c..q. ^°^.<j., ygn«iii<na q^ayur iprwmieiirm^gTi
f^trf%r?pn^ s^^^.Mi"^^^i<wr*iffi Ri4fcn<nirMi^<!<ftii4iTCn n

fani |4 tn^swfT^Nr^: i

(Tift 3Tfa IIII

HTT: I I fa I W^T^Tr^l ^ | iffa || 8II

*t*i i w^rnw^reTTTiff^rft
Hsdqi5!. i nwn?f tjt^t ittr: qxqrqr i
<jfi»d(SKi«rr <pf:8*KM^fd i ’’srer 3j*nf: xjxTrrai^ttpt *wdi«|» i fagwrn?f*i^ gn^-
f^nft ^Td: i*f°*ft®<(o. 8^-1 ’T^t i ’Ttft *rremnTn<irti«iai;
Ww: ^ i w*rr^ i fsi bwt i srwpnni ’irfirer^r i mini wfamfforqsifl'fyi
%tr xrrfiprra ^*npf <r^ffrm%rpf faftwf^i i w ^tw fafa\fr jjw
5ITTT^Tf*f3nJ.' II

rfwtfe^TsbTTOW fau^ Slfi? I

5TTWt t|^;fa*TOf |T: || MII

rTWtf^l fas^ZJ ^TRrT I faSTfa: I wfa I ^*11

w. i urn: i srfa i sifHfl i tpsn^i Jjftr1 ?fa i ^:: ii m 11
fasrf sqnuf^fd *npt ^ I d<«l^ir^pMlf^TT|'f N^fUanqa I '3?qw: I
fttwrf*r *ng*r%fn farra i farroUfa fw|wfaft difa ^<nfv4<w aerr gwr-
^fTfjRT^t qrf^pprRsrrcra i <iwit wta >swtw mw fari^i
^fT ^^3U« nt^TO W^T^TfWT^ ^TIMT I TPTOTO$fW ^<<11-
i s ^rnp* ^rnftf^snftr fam* ^<rr: wr nfw^ ^ r*
^Tm% ly m**q. £• 1 ifa 1 « srnft ftn? gyTUwfT**ra i ’srMT^fUyi; i
^i^fiif^ |^fHff^5srrtl^tig<T: i WT^rrf^whwmf^ gfM *^f?r $n: i Wr
?r*ni%<*ifit %m sfcrrci <pc: i ^ ^RfH^TgfirfTfw srOTTfir 11 11 h

|fqqt ^T ^Tlri^rw I

^i i t i^n: i ^ i i

^*hr: I I ■i'Tjtftaj ^41 acflhqr: i ?wt: i to^i ff^: n €?n

TOftWi ^w?«^rT*pm^i ffttnTTO-
*r^reT ff¥?»r g^nr jwt1! ff*WT *rnra wm^m v?tt7iw.
«nrer i vjd; i i
vOL. XV. P p
*<»o ii it

i Tuftargm sfaifssnra* fatf: i wt t w#* g*tann%f%

xfaRqxN* *an$: i g3 H^w «w: i wt
Tfn j[^ H

w ^ ^fifa otsr^t irnnkw: i ?N^t ft«tt ^*hro ^ iish

tt i ^ i wfffa i n i #3Fi; i fN i »^mr: i fN i^t: i 3swsi?r i
htw 11^1: i^n ^ iisii
*ra n g^ ^ w *rffft *rre% ^ ifNn:i tfrfwm: i
*rfwsnn$ i ’?nm: gf g^tf wni gv^fraw i ipra instg’ttft wrfSTT^sroi ftrnft
^ i ^*1 g^n^nr u*pn 'wmn i *rnro*rpi f*p*rrf^ra<r i % ?t ^
*aprr* i xrrwr: *?fs*nw*ft:nn: wntf*re*pra: fl<u*j«T vwt ^ xfa i %

H^ri^gTr^#|H: r^^jm |

TprrffT^ on^^bnwTT^rp^n^ ^ ntii

W^rtr^l *T^I *rfsgrk I HS^W I TJ^S^pi I
XT^ | ffp I ^ I I ^Rmr^i I *TTWIT: I ^ I ^ II til

5^7f: i sSrara: gvft wtt itui xr^ i mwWTfg^msnww**

^rai ^fvf*ra»rm *r*j<r i #f^?i i ^fa anw ^wrfspftepsrni *3 ^nf^rfiranS: i ttot
hiw^l^li i vwi^Trn. i ^iwr ffw^r: i ^
5tnwn m«rfq ^ i M^uidR^vxr ’srrg^rarsi ^4i$Ii) i
#WTf *ng#r ^dftwramT: i wift^wr: <ig ^ <np?: i thtc n#*n'qR«ifa i%0wr
?. g. <\. ?. i tfw #

HWtq^TrFR|rT Smtfa Wf^C I

srffa ^rf$n: fTw^^ri^wi^ri h<»ii
rf^T+r^l *1^1 *ff Sgrt: I I W&tfk I srf^C I
I irffTC I HWh^l I rnSFTtr^l WSTWff II II
xrmrfa ^ftn: i ^rerr: t wravN^ifa «im~<i-£ft ^irx'

rTOT^t ^FTrT ^ % ^H^T^rT*. I

rrsnwtwm wmirt: non

H^rtr^i ^t: i sppirT i ^ i ^ i ^ i wn^rr: i

jtr: i f i ^f^: i H^Ttf^i Hwir^i ^qrn: i wsn^rts h11
ll WTRtSWi: H

w*m i ^twt: nrar % ^ ’qumPiflu jt^jtt wflviqfrrem^r

3rarvfrm*i4’lHicprm i tot iTOTOrqianq TOfrjt; i fm wrojtrr^n-
^ smrr: a 11<\* n

*Ir^i *H^j: 4fTOT *Nu*q*F( I

^ ^ 3iT ^ xiT^t <34^ II W II

^i t^' i fa i i 4mn i U i ^res-q^ i

ii i ^ i \if # i ^ i ^ # i xn|f i # ii «i«i ii
irefftTT^w JrnTirTf^fs it Jnjrorf^r ttstt ^?l i irerra?!: htwit |rr yur^r mi

r«KT|^T 3r^: ti^qWif^H: TR^pfr ^rfmrr *if?rfw: mTi'fa^ran. i faf*nj i

w Tpr fawrata: i # wtw ^tt i yrr ^i ^t y i irem qrorengq: ira:
jj^pp ftifiranf^rr f^^tf^T: ttot: ii

snrtfs^i ^^TTrFfhT| tHri: ^h: i

'Si^ rT^ *84: TT^rt ^TOrT II <KII

mmi: i I ^4 i w^i ^Tfsfrt i tjw4: I ffl: I

^ ?tf?t I flr^l I ^1 I iTr^SWlt I *$} I SnfTOrf II <KII
^T*fT grhrpri wprrppfTrrft i w srnpr^rsrrfnfafirs: g*pfr
fsumfat i i yhy Tjspy: ^y^rsrTfrorr^w « sns: i
fwf^r: i *rrywnq;*nffo i^n}: i TTfr^nftsTO h^imTi*}^ n^fr %w: i gr^wngwa
pnf: i <r«rra[ ywf tn^rwri ^^rartTwr^n^ti^rom i ^ i y^rf<«fr m^psrr^W
?rf^%:HfffrraT ^7m^T% * q^mRay* facfwtfla iV«°'o. <r-<\. 8. i fwsjrwnn i
^fT: TTtfrrf< ^ ^jfq #

*3*n snrrasft: gjffl i

^rf^TftTS OTJOTST^Pm 11*1? II
i n4w. 13mr: i 1 i snrrcff i
3^1 i£: i ^ i wftr; i ^ i wpsjTr^i ^t$: i srnpra n?n
w ^aTTHnf^aqTfcr tot^j: thr wrf^^r srrusrr^fr *t*j«ihj ttwitott ipa
^?r^fr ^fT ^rfq tT<HT^q\?ygn 1?m i TF*rprc|jfrra: wrcrm^rr mtt: i *ryi: f5t
'j'JWRm i ^ puf^qifyq t ^ Trnrratr^rrom u *•

tu>inf €!: i
vzn c*N¥ h^h
5nwrf: I w$tr{\ ^wft^ i ^4:1 #: i H1*
^pisvin i i f^: 14r4i^i h4 i i 11 «$»
' P p 2
ii ii Or®t.w>8.^o.

w nqiqf^qT^#^iHtqrq^T^Tf<wft q*.
wroq. i w?<nfl[qqn: i ipr^q i qrorn TnrT^T^t^frwm^ i jfNh ftn^ft
^r«r^nS7T i '3?tmr i w q?tri trr^T«n gfqqrqm i ^frrrf^ir w»t: n

w* qjkw. i

^ tt^t^t gnbv^4 11 «im ii

sh i i i i f^r: i i HS^i: i ^m: i
^t: i ^i i if^fpiT: i i ^ i trW 11 n
wqr *iwf%rar!nj*?r qrowT^fn *k qftTjrq fwn;i TEfgqrerrgqqlqqr qq: Trfrv^i
'3W<%f<«Ujii«j qrrf<wq ^nut: trf^nrfTrPTfv^q: i qra tr*nwr*nt i q
f^wt #fr^wr5r«n^Rf!ftfn i ?ra ft wf^sraf?7n: *nr qftwqUw qq ^sftqqi: i tot
gfiraf^n q* f^np^rmFWwr qwfqsifn: srm: i qT^r *mn: qqfa^aq f% ^st w-
nasf^sr: i%°*° m- q w- ?• i qfw gm: q^pfr qqfasi fa<T qywvq^q »nfw: i to:
grot n gqq ^rr: TOnqfninWf^wn ^ni TOn»iT tot n^rnn: gs^rorr:
qyrevqi fro^qwlq qg^q *nf%rnm: i TZH^nfiftw g<N qrqq^j gfqqrpr u

^ ^ HffgT^: ^ span: tff?t \m: n^ii

i *rg i sppfa i !pn: i wift i v^ffriT i ippnfH i i

7h f I 5Tt4 I *T%RT^: I H^«T I*t4 I xj^f I STOT: I HfH I^T: II^€rll

qq^qtusq^ qfwrq ^ffqfw i ^qr: qwnrfTnmppn q%q wfifiq mq^q
*ni qq>ffiqwqq wrqfqqqqq i gfaraqq: i wr^wrnfq qfaFrfq v#rfru TOfqfa-
qrrwt vmc^fir qwrfq gqsnqrcqq i wrm qfgHfTOr<wgw*nJJT«f: qgqta:1 qqt1^'
^fq><<ngqi^^i<n^: qppt 1 qq ^fqifjqrr^irrfq^ qr% gq qiwr: grraqr fwwfwrror
%qr: qfq fqafq Tran^i fqxj^irrfjr^q «q*f % qff?rrw^qTwt qqmrq: qqq 1 qq«*ifa1
mrspifn» m<i« M'Qj
qre%{qqi% qq gmrfq 1 q angqfaftfa qq^irq totr gw
t^qsi 1 w fqjq. fwr ann*r: 1 mr qTgwm 1 q wrgqfw: qqtqrq^r %mrw wr^qf^ #
m<HgqiwTR<qaii^q14m'?l < gfqq w 1 q qtgqfinaq w
arrqq 1 wi° 8. q?. 1 l^rii

I iqjpir^s^: 1 ^TTn: i i ^ 1 ^fn: i 1 ^1

1 ftirt 1 1 1 f^rsg: 1 ^TS^t 1 gssgt 1 "C,H

1 ^ngqlfl^HKuitfltl: wt?^nK»nw: <gq^iq1 ggwr i*m^\ ^iq*>^ ^7T?pn

fWt ftm ^ufafr

ftm*r ^fH*rr*ilTOT ifnmwr *rf*n*ft i a

3 ^kfkk forfktk rnpftfifa i

1R5R sret ?nfk *Rik fksi w ^fk fk*kt£ fk^fk* II3II

w. i ^JTS^t: i srfkfk: i ’jls’jl i ^ks^rk i ftrfak i fl*kt:s^r i

srssr 1spi: i H i 3jfk i *Pik i fksh i w i $fk i fkszf: i fk^sfksj it s ii
^3|«T*IT*IT ^3 ^ ^
I ^rsrfTT I kUf*T$»M tff UR rTgpftf^ •rrfTT *T^ I »r
irapftenfc i gtfsrfw i frort finrot ff?t: *frif%f*Ht it^rt %fn i fS* f*njf«nt
*$t f*nr inn 'sfaftrewffn i

n^nfa 5p«^f *fk: ^RT^t^rrftr fWk?^ i

^kkfri ssjrat ^ *nfk ^ ii?ii

i^|(: i^TT 1 i^SsR^: i^[ i^fk: i^JTi^fH if^jsfkr^i

^ ^ ^ ^%t%: gwtjfa i »Rf% i fws nifprr gurg: *fr»R^Tfa 1 f^
ssraR irnTf^^un *fa**rRrf* 1 f^r ftrafwhfufa 1 fiR ^rt *rrt ’^Nrf^rmftr 1
fw% snRs jfr tr RRf% 1 farefa 1 f*R *rrcnr r ijftpft r ’srranpft mf*i g***:
ffai f^rmt Mifv5«n«rf r wnrnftf^ tsw #

JRR^k rR ktfk^rWfTOfaTWk TJrRrTRTO^ I

^n k ftrfkp ^stfakkktskw 35^ pmk:11tf11
Jis'sqyR; 1 ^ 1 ?rk 1 ktfk 1 i i kk n|?f skk 1 w 1 srcr^: 1
k 1 fkfkik 1 1 1 my*: 1 1 **** 11tf11
1 ^ ?n*f?$-yjpft' wi 'g?nm ^r «ffH ^frf^r fMmsgT*jfa<*>i«ii^«{ ^-n<,q?ri wmwgj-
*ro^: 1 | fjji^ ^ 7m TOir^R *nftwi*ftra: nirn mmnraurT w*imft
^1 —n

fkikf ^f^cj fksjkfaRiWff^ 'stot * kink: 1

^ktkkkfkgtt ^rtfk ^ ^ft Rk fk^k 11 m h

Kk 1 fkik: 1 1 fks^jk: 1 fk^r; 1 fkrfkik 1 i i ^r«r; i
^1 #thft: 1 ^rfks^?: i ^iffk 1 ^ 1 1 wk 1 fk^k 1 siki 1 im 11
"-*m qfS^«a fnyp *m n w vtrot mww*i: msnn:

i i gufur^'fPhpwT q»»T«rc:<gnf«i ’nfw^s: ^ f^.

*r*t qiq«Hfl«u% <suq<^ui vfK i *tftf<rc#sr$: n 11 *o«

irottWftfUt nANjfiw H^T^t sW* Hint: i

fifarfl^R ^{%-FT^ ^iftSc^trffa ^ II If II

?T I #4^t: I I I mfM I rT I I I 3R3ffi I TfT?rt: I

rT i ?^i i ^Sr: i ^ i 13ra:s-5nft: i^i i ^ i faR^t iit,n

itth *r»f ’r^?i n irerrmf^ftTfcflft^ ^f*ft i vn?tif?T i jmrft

mgwftaT w^nsr iw i i fSrar *rf*r»fr toitoi wrn ^»rf^ Tf^.

^rg«i Hf*rr#Tr^r ^mfg i fNrq n*l*iTfy*ia^^T*ft ’*tro*ns f*rarr ^

f*l% I 3H*ifd H

^TflfaVrT ^ftriTt W ^ ij^ I

W W ^ VSQ\$ TOT TJTOSMtelft ^RTtfig V^rT: II $11

^TTrf S-gtlVrT: I \fwni | I ^ I p 1^1 ^Rlt I ^fM^I f^sfrT#l

^n i ^ i zrar* i vab i TOt i 1 i ^ i i iisii

% ^ ^rsRp' ^rmt^cTt m^prr *fifnfr Hfn gg f^rrM^: xrftro
«*iiB!^|*n*iif^ ^warr^r wTWftr %f^w^rfJsrf7re% fWTfr »raeftr TT^pff wi:
afTR^TTfa ^fa% mmiffr WTPtf^fTfa *pSTf% ^WTf% TfaWS^pPTT ^ I
*Nefw it

TRT^RTt f^R ftwtt tfpjTTTT wfif I

rffa^ ffTOT dupTfrofirot *TTR libII

ThlTS^K I I WSflTTO I I itwtt 1 1 ^1

rT 13r^l I^T I TOR I ^1H 1^1 I^C^ I *\ST^I^HtH
%vTmt uTfwr. sitn: f^w *nspsf jotw wN *rtras iWrt ^«n«mn*wrt t^‘
gg*mf?m%*T ^nwf »rf?T ?hnt 4 wroW gitftof *fn ?^r: i nfiniSrtTfb*^
ffafa ^ gftmnf^i ifaft wmfiH<qisqftfo ’w gun* i nT^?t i *t| *if*i «twra»^

RTf^T^4 T*wnt itrri^^ I

zrt^R^t ^ifn nzrfftr ^ n<fcn

rSft I ^i i I rtts^: i ftirtt \ ^ I f*J$% l I

i <^Mfw i trt% i ^ i ff^ir: i ^r: i ,l<il1

^ ^ fnrrt ^rnrt i*^«i wih^wimi fW

11 11 ^

iUTftraffti fa^fs ^rira ^«*nnfaft I i^ami i *tji^t ^n*f§

afifcPWfl* ^f^m: *r*£?T*fw toiu* «^n uifsnrt gwj iraffij rfft *vf„
vT^if?t i iKuMtofc ti

?nd^ fH rd cH %i SmfirfowPT: I
id v*m mMtafa to ^nf# ’j^-ffngr d ^ non

I ^ I |H I »N I ^ I ^ffN4 I I uq | Sfftlr^l ^fTS^Rf: i

frgutf w fwr towt^if%r ifaftfoafl m imnn«M4iH utt
<^ui fuuT TrwnwT^rnr. i (4^ *f|4«? i fuiuiitua wi ^nj ^nr-
unnsr toHiImsw 4f^rc i furu <$u inrRt Jnngjuri i furO aft ^urwrcfafa i mart
*ra i aa %gwrprer<H i fm* ?t%u snsrrf% ?tot fmrr <RrwTUT?t i furu *ruwii
^ g?uf?r$3pflrr»fuftr tott fa»n«fui n n u

*rqd*d ^prk 77$: «fatlT ^T %7 d ff^^frT 1

fW ftflt VRfa |HT^ ipfaurfafa II cjc, ,|

*n i <j «7 i i ^iprfa i *$: i ssd i ^t^i stri ^t i ffas^fii i

rf^t i ftdt i >f|fa i 1141 1 ^ i *id% i ii w ii

1 aft ar^nra jnTrrv^^TrrEf g«r *fr mn *rgm: sfmn *fav h f^ftamrr: gut fg-
ftanarnc: n ^rrft» um^f* btt urfu ut tfWfa i ituut sr^ uiruf ffurapc i
<rfuw% fuffu ^T?ftf<i $u: i tto *rgm?r ftm tuTunmTwr «ufa i fm* st far ^urerfa
f?ra$ uiif mf% t i fuFu at wr gmfwuwftf fRwrfimTfa ?utfu aiwftu ut^rn-
%U |U I mOTOT spftfa I ftrU <3 *Rf% I U^RTUt fOT ^*ft fUffu ^Tf% I f%U Sf tfUT
l^urnwrattafa i mar§ftuTm;fa i mnrou ugfmsEfa«

?* T 7 Trad ^z$t fnt: ^|rR: 5RTin?w i

^ 5% -sniT^^ fstg ^ ^vfRTi it °i* ii

fRT! I | Hrti I I ^ 7^1 ^TI wl' I fnt: I ^S^wi* H 1 1 i

| 1 3lTfTS^ I 1 f%^l I^I II <K II

BfTwirsrR *re% urofn%iw i^rf^rsr *rt urfr ufuutiw^ w-
^Wi: wUwwrft f^^arr w*m i uuf«g#u i atsnmfu ifhpifwari: i art:
i ’jfRunsjfa^orr ure ^UTfaRrr fufr uru: i ?m ^rrg firg fu?i tr
l<5T^fu U\J«i; ym^fq U^prr I T*n TO »,(*M«i: n

pTT T tvfr 7 4 ^|f?T TRfasff ^t^RWT ^ ^ I

1?r ^xj ptei 5n^ ^4 toO ^Td: in? ii

H ii [«!•*.«•

fRT i i i i I i i *1*5^ i i
jj*it: i^tHtt i f ^i^arw i fas^pi i srprTS^ i ^ i i ^s^rot: n^i
ITSTT^ WW WTOWTCTOTOIT VI* *W<W*K*»liftl gjfri $**
gjfH 1 w? *rwrf*r i HUftwftaf gjfw gwtg i ft-<u««Natfl4R Tf’rnnxj ^
fsrep* wsNro i gSKgt^nrfaatf: i g?n: i g?rr« « *nu^i »rum: 11 wrff^gpr? *?nrfwir$: i
wqyr jto gs^rgir^T «%fn *ftw i 4i«tT*i«i4i^ i frr i »*8f *re| g^ren
3fm*iq<3TffoT *rf%m wwrcnft imwn «^tf! <f*r<«»4: n

nfwrota i^wi ^'<ir[ w w ^t^pro in jar: i

^c?Tc?q st*Hjnri l^T nfir *f?re 11 n

3lfW^ I msta: I Ipprw: i : I w: I w: I i ms^n: I
I tftf STJ1TC I I f^T I Hfrf I3FTO I ^ I 1TCPT II <#||
wrw: n tt f*nm 11 l^iwh wr^ri^T
OT»n^ ^ur: i?on*Nwrg ^rsiT^WBWt ^fqrnw^^sii: mRw^i: yvfU^x* wrartn wrfw-
g^i ywr wf?r ^fbrmwr grf ftrsft i ^wTwfaaj3[w*rmg i fwi
tfragw: gs grcrf^tpft ?r# ftr*n% ?pwt w*rq i^t
WTTift' Jrffi gjffi I ^niTfH I SJrMl^Tfa II

ff^TT^ ^fN ^rT I

^rsraf^ ifa*p£f igiti uw W%, ^pa in mi

1 ^ I ffa: I Hp$f I ^ I I ^rT I I I

i i ^sm ifrt i i *sw i $1% i *pra i pw h'*1*11

% ?t rn?T^ g% fft: gflinnRg ffqWTtHTfTf^ i «mi nfwlnr* iET?ft i fi;

HT *f -«rarr i ^w: w ^*r% 5
i <t^f<«iv : i thot w

g^H: nfrw*ig^fW wjf^f g^^JiR** ^nrfe»t «iiir<S4fl g?n*nrfKf*nf *rfi^i ^rr Tf^j
\rc?r$ w«i yff i ^ff n n ii
^rsi#f7T fgpft^i gw ?pfr: trnSrwr^ wr>m i 1
?n?nfr g 5n*mf^fn n ^i<jf4ttr^ ^
%q%qf*»fq!arw i gf^nt ^ i % ff srprrgfwt T^i i wr° 8- w
*rYft*ft^£I5lPft? ^rgfffli^w girhtre^rf»rfn g^anifnf^a^ii'X *

^^4 TT ^ fw I

^t'^a^pr^ %g^wt srr^n^w h q h

1 i t^4 i f^r^rrfif i f*m \ ftiitt t ^mv-1 wfif* i ^TS^1
^i^N; i i i ^^i ^ i%^: i to*: i 11,111
«•&.$?<«.] n srctftSTO ii

\ for: it gpr |^rqT^y: fa^fa *r^mrt nw* ^rtfinr^T fatf ^rr»rt frmw
jtTnT^jn^Tfwftwft^r’j? fa’nag f«f%vftKV»r rrafa MR^vlfn ifa: i gtqrrg ^njm-
’sffa'ftl ifl^wtin. nRjflg fR<^<i<*ai£t<s>nftg ffarci »rrt pt mimar
trfam^g: inrnwt *i*nit TOafrjfaafr flpnnnqn i sft$5* o
qf^RSrT q^Tqtnftf fqq*|$q qTVri |

*§ * rTqqqtrmqqsq f^ )R|,

s*t i q&qrsqf i i «$wif i q^iqi i qrfq i i i

«f I * I I ?wk I y:sfiW I n^sinitii i m«l i ftft* irii
wf 'ifwnTwr w* v^ vnsrfwmfa fa^ra aw arem arofamrw-
toh i i nMnm#tCh*ii*na ga as «nrnt gfiffagaaRrit a ^ncfia-
fai^aaTRwfaa faait i gaafa i aiaa* pr<$: n

q&w ?ffan fq q%q qqr qi^q q^m i

q$ qtrrif wjwFnn^f^ to *^to qf%q; on
^i to 1toT i fa i q% r i to| i qqi: i ^sm i xrs^rn: i wg i to% i

q^r i tout:1 qnjfTsq i ^n*ta i wqj qjjj qto i%to i qf%q; n?n
fa v%wrfafafaa afaraw apaarfasfaT ^VaTaanasatfa mjutfa a^ aarrfa ajfafa
*wt i aa arraaT*$ i faiaraiufaat aarsftaT aaumaUafa wwra asm wg»fagfafa
awawfil i faia a^ ^HflwnT% afaT*ft aRr afasfan agawHfaaifwwaw mgafa aifa-
^H*fai<«i«gfwsft |w ^g aw aamtfMia afatra i faRg: i aat ?a¥fa ufa-
^gfasfa: II

fa nfttfwmM ^*r€j to tojto: qtotft i

tst fto qto fatfafa^to to tom ^ton u^ n
^ito i fa I usfafa: I #: I qq I to I to I to I stom I toto i
i fto i tog: i i ftoifat i to to i to: i tom i ii 8 ii
__ vm ^Nfanrofir nfa iifafufa^m fa^M arat aarnmafa^r
^wr^ifa: qihrcfim *nf^ gfenft ^ »wt a*fa gr^tfa ^r: i *fa %*mfafa^t f*rrq
^*rq >m sfam gaq^re: giw ifa Tpmfa i RfaifaR i ^wira #srr»ft«

J ^ qfqqf qfq ftrqqf^ i

% qfen qf^np qrqt fq d^nsret fq^q#« m «
* I q%qt I qfqqi'l ^fir I ftNq: I fro I qpfTl I
i qftssiTT i qfrsqq[ i qq i qnij i fq i ^q»tJ • Wl i #'m h
Voi,. IV. Qq
n it «t°b.si0

fw: ’writ^TT wtfWfr ^tar ^niiflli^^.

*ti t %i»ft i uniFknfaw* i agffrwifst jfff gfinff f?nit t
i trfx^rr trf^ff ^nf^: m(\*^ T*fT*ft ,raR. ^If*i«f4^^s *iCm ’n^l ^jr^j
i f*Mr $4^*%: smr Rr$ r i^i

^rwr ^ fa**jre*Tt f^: ^lcab4: 1

^run: i ^7:1 i i f^: i *zrt4: i i 1

^f4: i 1 ^n: 1 firw: 1 snfaT 1 *£: 1 1 *r%*. n$r
?t*ro ^ftao^i imuagm fl^i?rtT^Nf%nT: #nra: $»tt: firoistit
^iyw^T ^s[T ^^tt ^ »npi: ksiqii: oiRi^K^inii $4w wbk ’t.fii 1 %f*?%^Ht-
fiK^qfin 4t*raflr$T wHNfa^rrc. tftw^ra^rb 1 wfn 1 fawnfan ^
<ftq<ifll4sfin «f *rofa«

t? wrt^t4 wm $rr fr3l i

H ^ ^n|Ttot rfrTfm ^ ^4^1 W^1 ,,v9'l
i^i *p| 1 ^remrerei: i m*m i $t: i i *pfai: i ^ i *iTst i
m ^ i 3 1 i ^trsjt 1 H?Tf^ i *Nf i i ?m.i' \m

% awwra ttwrt: ^mn: *sjft g* ^rrop ^

*NN^jf*nra HiH^fTi 1 ^mih qfSflOst ^ ^ ^ Trr^Bfi! 1 fa1*!
qftmfKfjfciaijm g*»nP* *j Rni hhRR totbtRi gt^fn ^ «TMi<t ^
f^ ^ ^ ^ ^ myifn «

fKnffeRJ <*N*iJri I

*ftrot 1 ^i: 1 srerfaj wfas'roi: if^sf%% 1 H^jfr. i \ OTtfv^: *bl1

fr: fSfiotffst^ m3«iym ^TTT^ ^mt MRm«f<«g Jwnft
lt^: 1 TKqammt ^T*Rli'’Ri^r^Sw ^nsrfif i v **& WfnjJi
Hg^iR^i(M^nnw,|ft «*n^*i tw^fw 1 itot ^ HRiO<l xrf^ <
twif<*iT 1 fiw fw: *m*n*n «?r^4T*t^ m^i<h»i: f^R^n^ry1” (
wft wrvrffw: «n. 1
ir*t ’ifrtb»

^rt4 m ^GP{ wi^kw »t4ht f^f^r 1

ftr«i: ^RT^fWf^: ^?f4^r f^r^WH; iiqh

^i *m i i faiS i TO^*fta i *nfcn i i

i faftJ 1^rs^fa; i *wtsfa: i fa*: i farcifa;' i ^fs^atn: i
faifasfa: ii <»ii
WMrrRwr^ tonit: finr: p^;:
Tjr^ft Ifit t sfirar: fiqrofiffaiiiifiwT-
qfimq ’rotfrm ftmfit first trt w? iront* umaiXq m «i
*fN f^fi[CT i f^trn i ^nt i TO^fianS:»

jt fa ipfrnn fa ^ ^jptrfafw jaN^niw i

*IM4t writ fa vtofa*T 3%frfa: fafafat moii

^ i fa I *STOt: I sofa* i fa i i ^pqfa: I I ifrissTTO: I

*§: i I ph: i fa i tnr^rU^ i I >ffa: i i fafafr\ ii «|o ii
fi wnsTWfw: qtnrnri *fim frofi: ttaronffit Bfrrofirat fit ^n: mmrr
vrra sfitrw TOfi* fiwtfi ffirfiw «ffitfi Trqnymqnrrcrf irsn»rf *rwfi:
to: irerat? fiiwxHtfi vpto i fon»wH1<*n f^TTWfr^ i bp» finrn: i qSkqfi
BTO BTOt I S° <\- q. | ffi | 3^t: fit jpp* TO? t ftfiififi I V*fiWT
?ni*m tot ipjwnrfi: it n$#

H fa TOrf^ftfa} JjfiftflST *fasfafa: I

sfarcffar ’fagw w fa^tftr imii
Alfalfa rwraf^ftFft ^l^fasfaflT l supfa: I *<J:STOITO: I 3lfafa: I
?*: i ?fw s*T: i IHI ifatf sfa i i fa**g: isrff* mil
^WTgfir^ «nft sm ^finrfiT ^rfig
’sgsur srore ffitl wt *r *wfr ^rrg fi^g ?t fit ^iqgiWgf^fififiTO-
fiwrnjtt wtrrorwtt *nfr HTfit i wrfi: stffi: gait h

^ ^ *jfarfa: S^ffafa •
^TOWt fWcTT f^f^wt ftraT TO ^Vri IIWII.
swiw* i?t: i^fVr^ i ^ftRT i *rfki i wfi[: i ^51 i i
^T^TRt i fawtwr i f|f^sf^?rt i fa?n i^faf1^ i to i^v«f mu
Wrft ^ w’tiSTaigfir^rf TOTTOTTOn^fi^T^fiNfit nif aifitvnft ^vft it
f?fit toj: ftifif^fr prfirfi infi anr f^fi afirot ’pfrg i fififirm fifi
^twr fitter ^tSr*n?TT firaT iwrer wfini i rpfit i
ifinft i inftfi ,TOfi i TO’ft afi: i vr i t ?(«fi trwr xm ^
^fi 11 f*rt sW fw ^ffim bw ftw i w^fjrftwt: #
?00 ii

J? tpr ^ Pyqfeqjstri ^f^rt^rf i

^rpsrm to! ^rfa ^r^it rT^^TT ^js^t *ntffa ^ u^n
m ?r: i ^n i ^1 f^s^r: i stot i ^nif^i ^51 ^rg: 1 ^ 1
^tTWpf II ifwr I ^T# I ^tiT I rTr^l ^fWTT I $ Sf^fT I | ^ ||^„
5^t*src* ’srow i rafcn t^rj i tfta
wacrgfrs^ f»nf ««f m^g i r<i*n<iir*i jj^rrnmgg *nf Trg *rat mrenirstf
*mj 1 www vwunfiirii ?t*r: 1 % ^ft«uf*i*fi frrr ¥nst*ft g^f *rmf* »nft
^fN «Ri 1 =g^pf 11
f^*n*n^*n^faf^w ^r*hw rpjfafq 1
wftffaiE^fa^kiN#f3fa‘ ^tttot ^tt *rfw mtfn
fw i 1 i i sf^: 1 ^ ^ 1 ^ 1 ap^rfe 1
OTft: ikrotftr: i^fffi isreft: if^rH 1 ^js^: i^ri itrfrf 11M1
wnrmi wrr^nlfm^mmrt fw qgwnqnqfof^amfiMa <gqaiqg»jifato«flnfilg-
nft 1 «re gpn i OiPm»'ft!!*3«pri ^g^q<ntflg|»nnft<»u*<R[f<m^nt
^n»w< f*rarf*T: «#rfwJTf*r^’^n#lf*r: *n gpr: i fwmPt ^tot fiwfWl
*r^*re gp*: 1 f^ 5»mn: gg ^rj^gmfwn v: iwif^i gp: i wro qf?j *rter <rw-
^pR* II

1>t^4 93* ^f Jcn^trn ^4t 3&fa ^ten^k i

^faf^^TT ^Wi^pa: RT*t: h «m«

1 snyrt 1 ^f: 1 kf*kr. 1 ^Fcfai: l WT: i I ^j: 1 OTt 1

^fci: 1 ftrsffar: 1 tpkn^i frs^qq: 1 xiT*t: 1 ^s^fi 1 ^rsf^fir: 1
*iPiCi nwflcif&fiH f*: s forraftfft 1 *rg*n «wrt gji: mftifaTT
1 foT»qftf?i 1 vnTmn^T wr: *nfU«n; ww ’trg:1 '•rfwwft 1 ft**
wt 'n^fSfTOT JTfT^m; 1 i¥t$gf^w^ 1
^fvfijqpt qn^ig^tMfd »mf 'TRtifWTV^ girti ?fra»!g^ f*RTRnr^fn 1 «^ a
*r#tfn gtffa gw 1 wm yfr: g* wrf%: •
igp: 1 qqwmq'qgqi tjf^i vri%: i ifX<ag^flii<ai^BanwTft i H^f"
1 ftreT »ra n'gn^fir^wt: 1 wrn?ft «rra^ «t
ft% ^t ^rwr 1 wr ^rnpittn 1 *rf* an^r: wmwni g^nyfwW ^apt^gmir ^rgj«i
^gwTf^ffir a «mV W*ra*W: a
HTTPfMt ajTf^sff ^ *T kkft l
W wsk xTT?r 11*111
h**«.*•*.ii a

ffl: i ?r: iw i wsw njfa: nr: i to i inn

S qiqiyflD'ft vraijAril jg*t *n*ra w «?f?r TrefHf ftriflf gri uroii fiw *i£*
w?sft *HT|fiwy »nft m t^raTfwn »?tf*rp« «w» i fifa ^
tqrri TT3*% wi i t^tt i «w %: tosWtt-
n^TW’rfwf^Tj: jpfirft »m» i n

5§H% s ^TO^Mfri i m fl<*fchpfa ^rcfcn^ro: mu

5§M*HI i s: i i %TO( i sralf?t i h: i gi: i sj^psrfa: i w
sf^^Tfin mil
* mat *»prt tftoil ?r*g ^ *?t <$3«pmhf?ni5m ^hs
ifr- srrcera ^t?rr *r*p*r: g#: re i ft i
BTwft ^ *i *miW; R
% i f*r% ff fwfe# Wf ^ qf&\: ion
*rf^t: Oil
? f^nmwfr gwnrpftw: ^trt qfoHmf^gmgmui wrat a=nfr
^ ^n*r?r tfrr i n^r«j «[%f* wm: i f%®r f%% ftvrftft gnTffi*<au: t fan fa%
^ ^3 nfw tout: a

^t tT## #5j sHht fro ^rfen i

pri ipt Jprh >#: On
^151 rnrM: i ^rpta 1 stst: 1 sresri 1 ftp: 1 ^5:1 -qft;s5*n 1
^ 1 1 *p: 1 w: 1 p# 1 *#: 11811
^rr ^ fjrrg Rfw n$?ft nuft ^^»rgf^fw: sf*ft
1JW qfaftwO Jnarrg wj tpl ^rr w^t: 3jm: wft prr w^nwt
^ ifa: 1 % *ft$»prerT*prcppr3f ffant Tnsrrft n 1 tw: ^ #

# ^n^TOT i[W^ ^TTOT «TOt I

^1 TOT^TOf^^ pit: IIMil
^i 1 *ik i tot r^ywyifit T^js^i $fanqt i qfore iqsv# i
^i*nti*nf^iTOi$ift: 1 1 mm 11

n % ymwiw*w* toput tot^ tot^

f4mwT frorWftg^rg TOfUffjvft ^ft *rrf|r
TOT^fw: to «f gqf tow \iircffn ^flTOKTfafa ^’W*»i5l*i w: n n^$i

q?r ^raPwt vT^tfa^n^w g^tnri i

*f: *T ^ IT^sfH *l^hc ^TrTT II ^11

^hr: i^t«rftFTti*[W itnrJsfa: ifaroNrh^fiT

1 *?: i xpi: 1 ^T11 srft 1 TOS3«I 1 |:spfT 11^11
wfq ^ qtft ^ srfl^TOmm
TOit 1 f*ro H’Otwrai»1 v towt* htoto* ^t TOift « «nf
TOtfn Tj«fr v«n*»q3 1 *nfag«i*r imftfn 1 TOa?fn 1 f*ro ffw ifroTfa ^wwfii^ifiw’y
^ TOfn 1to fstn: 1 v^f *m qfroft nif^w^:»

^3^ vf&U ftrarifep: II su

q?r 1 q: 1 fjr 1 f^i ^HT1 srfa^rt 1 i^rct: 1 Tqmfit: 1 H*t: 1
W$: 1 1 1 vftsmi i fw^R: us 11
to R^fq ^ ^r '^^nrroifrofr *fr«wn535nt 1 f^rant 1 fro Twft w ufle
<pt#nfUTOTwrg qfrwr qfrot tot R% ^rnfr ^rr: *prog 11 froi^
fro^: #mr: ^to *tt^ ^Bgrofr nwift TOrr^ft ^n: froi'a
^ ?* iff i
to wri * wp: 11 b 11
^ i: 1 ^ i fror: 1 1 sn i ?h fd 1 fgrori r^fsniti
i^i^im^ifq^i^^iqg: ihiht^: Hbu
'wgirr totR^ ,*g3%*r htR 1 fro Rtotot qfroTTfr towtw »r«fr
arrfTI 11 ts[ ^ ^q'RHnfircOtl*<ITO8M3 7PT ?"d WPSrft ^TfTOT qrrf^fl’ TOITO*i
*rlfs^ TOfW m* R«V<mi»i :trn»rrfq ^sK T«ftf»rTOTqqfR 1 to *n»pt
fqsrobi! \ TOi^i 11
*rt ^ *rfair: * M ^ q^rl i
qft q ^ im5.ii
^ftn q: 1 1 1 m i q1 1
i q^rf i

qtt ^fH RM^t: i^fjsf^: ifa 1 vyfr^iq’l^ft iq^i ih < ,,Q

% «fro: itroi 1 t fUw « w wV*t-,'rf*?
*»R0.3Pfc. $?*?.] n STORfSTO II

OTfv^nifwfwT: Rf* i rjr% 1 tsfr

jT^nwt f*i 1 *nti Wtoij 1 wn fsiw: 1 to tw to pt* * t ^
^iTf^i ntftpnfc»
^ OTRTijfoft VTTT *5R; |
yj ^ Tprtw 11 Ron

yi I I STcfSt I I U*JT I 3rf I II Ro It

S *rr<ngfR<*h grotl wi gRg factor
TfH ’W VTn I WVTT 15^1 fTO TTTOT WSt STTft W*»TO qiTOtiff ^ff I
sTTTft *r g$nt irfuri jtw^i P*n *ft»r st gro*i 11 i^»

Tm ffeTW S^PRfWl mi tnsifa^ I

mjft %^rft ^ IIRRII
TJjff I I
I wt ^T^ifgm: qgqreq, «mqfrii( TOtqpfli"»w<mi'Hfl ffinig^fq s?vfisra5mf*ra
pi a «n fii <nfTOfrarfqft *rrf*re*i *n*mi ^r tnf? 1 to 1 tro Rpn
*r^r uirpm yTMix »ft %R^ri 1 f«P3 11

^TT $ iPTT »R *j$f ^HWfrlR ^T^VrT ^FT I

^pai rftRl^q^rt IIRRII
^I^I I iPTT I * I ^ I SJHi^fapr I ^spirT I «JT0t I
tfs^Fre 1 ?r 1 ^ i rrets^r i srcus’ara 11 rr ii
*p$i »rturf foirygr toto n ww ««<n?«*ir««n^r^Ri ^ *ifft
1 wraTr pfcig 1 to fsT?i: 1 $$ 9prerr*rr»i ^?pr*rc tot *f
1 ^ropi ^rfnpfPreiwrii pi n%*r tot pfcrt pwnfts «Rpi Pi vwk -

^T^PTft nppp}: h

rtr# tnn ^Rif ftiigpff 1 ^ fasfat 11 r$h

^f i M i xm 1 i itrt i ffiigrtf i ^rsftm i * i trert i
^qtss?r i fros^fm iir?ii
*W ^nrt pmwi fra^f v^r 'gm ^flipprf INffi ^ w<w Rk-«4I ft W*H
?o8 II w^: II

i iro iott: i3Ntt ffarTPr wtPt%^n

*r%rPnft wvft i Pretm •niHmaw w Mfc*i<iw*T n^w^: k

n w§:*fti* *ro^*s i

^ xH vjrnw^ wi fwr^Ni ii ^8 ii
hi rn^i jjs^it^Nt^i^ihi^i^Hi ii

ki f3>r*f i *N i ’spn i i w i fas^rcfM i w mtfii

% H w apnf»r <ii«gwian<$»i<ii««taiwn»n: *n: wr wwi «ra^f?f
^trt PnsrrPr ^ttot ^i ^rpnftf^r ^rnr^prg’m nr^fN giarfo $:afpp*TfiiT i
gw»r: gtTsr: i ’arpj*; T^t ^3 Tncg it *Pht i irHtfiT i wmaiUIUH:,
ttwstSts vw *r «wmwftw$: a

MwtM i

*irt W^_ wM: wst\ f^fts-xiT^: *rert mmi

^ 1^ i sN i srfffrr i ^ i *re i ^ i
i i rTP#: i *ra: I i 1 m-1 i iiw

^g Trog ttt^t qrafftfaf *?r *r «Hfn *r g PH s*r n ^mpTTf«r fttfare i

f%fai4im»tn$: i *tot% i PH mvf m*r ^imto f% g^: ifrjm tft w sjra-
Hfrwfv fqrf^g 1PH jttH^Pt htP* f^ftps a a ^ ii
tPt *Pt ’qgtfo'ff ^gaf grit i ^~r: gw *rHn4a[*3T$ anfnft Mg^afl frg*: ^
xpiiT^ai ^nm: i ^*uf*rw*fr anwrU1* t^nrr i wt ’»rrgsrra i «<*•(( ’Hfi’fo:
xrr^jfti^ftTqwsr fRgwt «rn#t %fn a mWt’a «i<r<w» i gfH *r i Hig-nwn
’srt *r tt wra ipr grHlr: iwM.^.iTftiTnn g*« tjtwH i gft*
*r i it *Pt TTrarnu i w m- <&■ i Tf* a

1ft H ^1<TR lITWt ^HT ^w: I

iftSR: trim: ^pwpR: ^iHi ^ mu

m ^ i i m i i ^ir4s«i: i ^Nf i ^sr i i

^^n^m:i^i^^:i1#t^i^i>:itii^t,J,#^: H<il1

xpt arnrmr pit; it ^srj i g^g i w *rsnrT»TT «r<#Tut»,^r^;

Trrwlr <Ti&fli>fl4m wr it n^PR i PH ■$ ’wf^nt: ’gfrwrawt ^.’
garr ^ann- PnrarrfHn m^ai ^hi<bj^3 g? ^ ^
"iij* i<} ^pii AptA^i ^tRwPrprapsi *rcar tTPrarar TjWni: Til^H 9^ *1^*11

^ ^frr ^fir fft^5rrrerf»+: i

fk^t qyrei ffrobn^nr ii^m

ii ^reiftsTO ii ?0M

sk i i WS^I s^ks^i safk I ki#k i fftkfk: i spsfk: I

w yr ^t: ^J^r<,f*)«i *»pii« ^fir ^^
jfft i w^fii i #r*raf>W*pr i
f*H g**: kl*ro«™ mmrnrft ft# *nj sm ft^i«iNi&ig<,fr
imnmi nT^t?i»
sk W[ ^kk srfk wx wfkfk i

snJjrtefW ^44t ^wt: k*kifk$ ii3ii

^k I 4<ifr[ I i mm mr^i fki kupk I 3lfk i kw i ^nfkfq I
W3* i *n*f i i *refa: i k i $ktr: i i m f i :mfew. h?h
TOWwnN fro urat ^ft «tW $ftIt: ^fm^n=nrr fwi: frrnfty i irvif* i
?m m wfawrfift w afcsnft $$f?r
flunki i ^ f$tn i fire ^ wfomi ^oiint^n. i arafr II

^#k *f^o *tf'<&i ^hSwtsfk^T i

^ kkj: ^r^f%T^^rr: qMVkirfqffi: 11811

^1 ^fk I ^Tf^lt I JTf^Tt I ^1 ^iT: I Srfk^T I 3SRT 1 jt*| 1

ks^wf 1 kkt: 1 ^rqsfk: i^Rfir^ 1 ws^kfir: i^Mt’i^f^sf^: 11811
*rf<V' *^(A*ri tff^rrf«f*mT%*T wftpr wrrs^m ipt vrnnft ff^sni i
^ gtffit 1 ffrn*u$q 1 ^rwr 1 fw iw *rwr ^rr vftj ^ht:
^ tp^: sf%r«ftan#rw: ^wfwtjftrfir: wfT«rf% i prfTi«
I^t ^nk*re>kfa g*rtkt fsnt sfku sfafkf: 1
fk^jk ^\rk ^fk\ $3fkk: 11 mi
f smsh: i mi i sstsrh 1 mt 1 srfk 1 ^rsk* 1 ^srt: 1 ffkn: 1 1
^ifki^Hi^xk^ifk:5fki^i\k: i^Rki^sfkk: 11 mi
fnfa vnrorr ’arftrwrer wwft *Rfaft% 1 gtfft 1 fw«msn; 1
S’Nvri to Tirar: 1 q*»»n»flwT: warn: w*w*pn ** fl$*%Jwih ^nr
1 ?wf?r 1 f»r$ri *rref#r: ’flfvi qyKqftq** *r»nftq<g vW fn ^ 1 f»pnrofn 1
^ ^ *3 \v. ^fv^: 1 vnr^fw» u^eu

i?r it^tt: wki f?RT fkkkt yk 1

’r^THt ^rqflprT mlfkg: ^ ^f vtvil «Kmfkw u€»«
$©f, ii ii

^7T:sij i ws^w: i HS^n^gi i apfc i ^wr: i i fafcr: i gt: i

^i ^ashf: i sraspn: i srcifag: ii i i n$y
yrcr: ITm nttfii fRT tot i TO 'jfr ^jt TO froRt torr tft TOrrcp TOi ^
*nr ^wt: rr: torr* to TO*far *ftro w '3f#r w to TOrag: i RroraaefR i ’*nWr
)TOwtan$: i to^t ^RRtifRTORro TORRfTOTTOrnrTTOWlR Tnprr^renr to f^nn Trnrrcft
3rttot: rTr totott TOTfRg: totr$ r^trISIrt ©iwsri RR'ft Rtrot PT^; ^,
i rr ?btr: i RPhTTfroTrori R^frot *jm uSrir4^ tot it

sHfapn^t ^ ^ ^ ^t ii'SMi
^sjfafaswj: I ^?si i I
•^t^^s^r: i ssNhr i 3Prt*i: i ^ I ^t: i ^ I ^stt: i ii 911
^rrafro: i Rrinrofft r^mtor: 1 %rt rtto^r TOfro% <^rr-
tor: 1 rthitrr: i rtjrT i ^rri*§RK i ririt: tottot Rprjft %rt % ^roran: i
ttpi. 1 ^rY^ri: 1 RYrjtRiiR^ rtto^rt ^RfjRRY $rt wt^t. i ^RRY^Rn i *Tt+H r? <iW
rtrr^rt ^tp^rrY ^rt to. 1 ^rthY^ri: 1 «ti4i«s?if*iai RrraRrftRnrYR^iprRY to
TO 1 tot?#* R<jftRf«hnRre ^sr^fr 1 tjrYrt^ tort i ym 1
f%RYRT>f TOFRT I RfllY TORYTfR*W<§l RoSftT ^rtfRTOnTO^R I RJR I % "RfTO tfR TP: I
rt*rtrr>*Ytom»tort1 Rnfrftr pptpw tow: i Trortro
RTI%R fatfR TO RTTOTY$T I f*T° ?• <1-1 tfR #

h w£v\ -^r^m ^nJW^i^Tpn^r 1cf^rfTT 1

w ^ ^wrcmiwrssit: tft^i bwtrjI ^rftrc ii bit
ft 1 ^1:1 ^s*rto: 1 1 ft*tf 1 ^TSUT^r i trft 1 irfir 1 1

ft 1 ^5 ?fft 1 ^rrei 1 i ^w. i Tsbit; i Tfo$ 1 1 *p&libl1

^cuftin ^jnnr: froRrrftTO tort Trrroff ^tort: i
Tnwr TOf%J R(^|vnR R^qnrRfTORRf»j f^R R^fR I Rf^Rt RR^fR I ^®j8T'^ ^
4jR<aif*<aTO Rt»ro Rtro TOfrotiifr: tiwwR^ i to <J1^rr?r tor 11

^ ^ nW 1
HfiT^v tifiMreqfei hq.ii
^1 11 1 1 w1i 1 1 ^1 1^ '
set: 1 §rv I Tjfts^i; 1 atwr I »t«[ 1 Vi: 1 ^ I 1"c".
H WWIT tft ^TTTTW t^f^I ^nft flrtW I 1
*oqo.9r®l?.$?<Sg.] II STCiftSTO II
afar* i f*N sW ft* wuS i *Pt*r jn*g*
qftti.q|flqT*pfr i gg^flO i ir^ i ntf* i yrnft i ffirretf* >

^ font ftwq<sbt#fl: i
*t*i ^nt*r: ^ no 11

T^sns^ i i ^nt'ai: i wr i *re41 xqro: i ^i^r i h 50»

^3: ^*<1 ^^rra g*T ®i| *f$*T*rf^rfni^nrft if ft mu* fat®i»if^raiir*fhfT
w fa** i WcfaMfifttre* x* trfftf «f®rft!*T ifrftrcu: i Htra i fa® im
i®tisfatT <jwi *f<iffl fff^ffw <fa®T fwnrrr®: wnrr: ^r*r i ar^^r i ^ arnrnu: ip} in®
U3iHi^®T«ft «in«^«t i ’3%®*}a n $o n

^qtS^JT 3T*jfafTT |

3RT«pcT §*fcnat snjfan ii «n ii

ijf^Frn i snjf^ra: i ^iw. i sromnT: i ^jftnn; i 1
?fiT^T; i i i wtftRR: i g s xfatf: i snjfam: i ^^5 s w. n<aa ii
ww: ®*nt®fam trgftnn ®§rf*rf*raW ^laratiwrfw wjtt ®fPn w
morffcn: i h®® i fa®tnfqmiq 1 ®T®nir: gff®T *lf®T
^fttrre: ^^wSturfifsrr: ffora: gwr ®pppf fir:^fT »m a

^T TR farTtf Bf ^ I
sr|wf ffbn^f w sri ?SNr ^WW^: nsii
^T: I ir I » fartf: I ^TS^T i ^4sto: i I ^ I fsn* I
srffrri: i fftstfre: i ffi^n i ^T i ^rt i i i ii <k ii
^ ®nmr: ipfijir iptf ij®t t® faw ®* ®* f®rfa ftirc: *tf*r: 5w®ihth:
^*r®n 11 1«f ifgf3i*T if 1 tryNl ®tif ft*r tftm®: *ftna wwmct
^*rcwfasft*®iifr ®ri ff* gftfaY ® T^wrfHimi^irri?rg: 1 ®T®®f*h

VRT^: ^ ^ fttofiT ^^it: n?n

^l^i^fHi i%^H^ iniTH;i^:tiT:s^m i^iwf^sftt: i
13N$s<r i VRSfrr: 1 1 1 * 1 fWfir 1 n?n
__ ^Min<iT irmnfr ®mn uref* iRiliwr: 1 wr utfif T^(ii«<ni: 1
?0t II wkz: H

wn: «Y* w^Wr ^nrnift fnit vmrrero: giflEEi w yffir

»Nfn »i fMfn i n ff*nftsr$: n

^ srfv st^wst ?fest * *pft ^t: i

fs $^st wtst fa *l3wpifoWHhWT: nil II

^ I Spft I Sffa I ST# I STS5T I sn I ^35^5 I * I *ffift I I

fa i 3 i tfs i ggs«ph i wist i fa i sftm i sr&: i ^rfawrr: man

^ttot: gwmini ’ispi ^riwNrr vnrrufriHTif^ *mrt

?%n ?rnr*m^r w^rt infimrr: gwm: *K w gsiffn Tmiri *r^riraiEra?ifn igggq:
iY»mf»Tg7PniY *rWf w«fNt ^[fn f% 1 1 fwjpft fa vfnt 1
fatfig i «W ■
^pfogf Trarnfa twY T^ fwwu a^unjft ^inunin^Wlsv »

faifaft »mriY% Vufonmi iwifliwiSfwuft 'srg^fiwra: *w: 1

w Set st %f*Y*t^i wn 1 fafo n*nj fasnMSfat»

^qig4fia'%{'MiT!qqig^: 1 vY*raT *rrwr^F 'r^rU*J h<*5^ 11
nrro t,wgT^n^ wi fw 1 ^rrrgiraftrirr 1 ignYftfYtte: y*w:
m wunwyK wiq H=n 7raf*rapfY nwisi f^i i»f$t *#<t g^nYinfr^nri ftra-
3cbn*i fan 'S'fan ifa 11^ wm ig* fafa *rr ggfa: W $3; St^Y WHfwrjraT
^rg ^EflYf»3gnqif<fl<if%fa 136^ g^^cn^Y nwfa 11wwret * ,wfa: 1 fan
jTTwrfa 1 mwig srfanrr 1 w<fYfr<ftg : ufJim^ n |«rm n nfr fafnffa:«
TEdoi^fniraY^ ^num 1 faro Jfw ^YW 11•* #
\n: fafaig: ^rcrargriY i m sijHnY wgwYwn $«ri »fafa nY a * 11
vjtttc xpot tt^t wnt: 1 f»rat ^Wl^rp^r E *?»
*nr ^ fSrf^m 1 wif^gpuT
^n^arr flpwwr 1 wnrnrt Tr^fingw: s^fT ^ *4 M
inrr*r ktw ^4>*naj*r: gEnftraft 1 wfr??T yj ^ft b $>
im: f«: i w^Y fafinrt mftraet a ^1
T^ggrat ^^ga^TTfr ttet gsTET: 1 Trg^hfY gnfflainyY; ftrt «c»
sri eet wnm 1 gm ^waY ^ giE %
ffn m gnm yi 1 ^ tt*Y»^°a
in n^f ,«rfn !g?ir n 1 gjifn:»'iwro f^ren fli«n*(^j®i ^nafKnra:»wa
f^<rr «<nna g^ir: 1 m ^#jfl g
m ^^’nn^TnrT ^[f^<aiftnnn; 1 gi^w^mr nft ht^Y *»i*»isr nt 1 »
fqf<nYn^fYf«T: 1 h«t: 1 ^ TfljigW s H^*n: na# _
«ri *nmay«i «r wrt% n%fn n 1 i^fllcfeiiEiEWH^EYi*<1M *
n ii $01

aw i afcft fn^rr: p^wsSlcfe sail f I W^^wis ft: wt sTjt ^w%w

5%W fWK^THT S* ST ^TTj jpfew% S sfanqMWK fft ST STfttMlflWT-
sTft frsmrftsrrs WTSw*ftTSTftrg*TS i w?fr f iMt: «fftrr swrrfcft sqiteMirtft-
ynrrstw sirs g»r^f%f^Ri ?r§ rrft^wr wi swwits wwt f jMt aswmmr sift: i
ST iftTSTWft *S SW ^JSS JW <rf ftsft wily ST f W^lwftlWTW fTS«ifti W%
m 3 w^stt asss* snasrf srrfsfw a ws TftTgfqqm ftt w%ft ssts: w$vn?rw ?nfr s
■tofa ftgw asst sf* sst W stf ftrftyr yfriftftraOswT a aren
wspfS^f ssst ssTTiswisftfw ftawrft w§ fronts wwts ws wt a»a<.a arwst jjtwt
W ^s as ^ a aywt aftwisquaraft wt ftysSt wt arft-<;ai*irw
S$fW W$ frftTT’P^ STS STWlf+TMOSK Sft SW«l«llf4[ | SW° 44. 4. % D
fw# RTfa f*m ^T5RT^| g |
5T ^ *hq ^ ^'wnk ^rt^; irii
f q i *rnl i Tpftn i i xift i i fW i i3i

^PWt WTSS I STST WSR[ft I ^ sft I SWnS f ISSWSSTW; I SfrslRft Sft

swrsTfs^rrssm swst yirr aw* fws i sws aftsftw ftwa 8 ss sssi Promn-
b fts3 ssrrwfsfw wwts i wsrfa wTsrrfw ss ftw wt
wawiwt i amrst 8 aft fsarawsl: i ft^as^lrtrpws: 8 ftstf wsa: acsfsft %sl
wail i wtwtwsWNt wssrWr Stl ftwftwT a*jf^WTatiSTf)[SSTaT: m^sksssissist
jftm: aw: wtwt ssrsw. i s%fw ftwTwags'iaa^1 a^ftg fsr^%l a?${ssft as: i fswr-
sww; i f# w am. i jffw i aw: aawrwsT sfw 8

WfTT -sq^TT rRTf

igro? ^nxpn xmt imi
f^» i i ^rt i *fm i irt i i w i snsfM i 1 ^fxwTsi^ i
i i i xwi i ?ff i |:swpn i i i ^ft*r ii * i
awwT wf^ myna i s^wwr wtst %wawT yi:s*ft*Kf|[wsi ft aaw i ft amrw i as
^waniKviaftw i afwaiwwaftr i afwa^ fafw: i swraftftw i wjsftTyret
t»zn% swt gwfwT: 'marflasTssiftfw t want* wwn% nam: w yrmnsanrrmr ?s sxft i
i st aaifssN aftf: i wsit $4ftqsii i as wtw sw WT^fm ^ttswt ysm imn
^ 11TRT wt as ^WS?fa Hwjtlfw^twl^w WfWT%fW WT*s%sa i w ttc>- M-^-a. h

^ fVx? ffan: shrsT ?f ^ i

R w% NrPm ^=N: ii?h

I ^ I W I ^|S^: I ^RRT13TtS*m I ^iTSm-1 5T 11% I

^nc I ^jf I fa l‘I ^ I I^I I I • l?N
yew: gra fanmfmt Tft uf?i ^ i *g§: i TWt vNfti^aftgfvrt«l*r. \ ^
qmmf^gajmmnSl n%g m Hmf?r fmfr famrriJ i «f$wg«« wr^twprpt i n«rr
tfiflmnp qywTimftmftgf itiwt tot wrm mm i to mrm: wmrof^fpTiiT
irjwm mm1 fwmf*; 4V<*nft mft Tjmrnlm mf* m fa ^ftgmu * t
m mmmf i f$m gm: mfmmfrjapfan tot mftfr n gm ggPiffr «H«n mfor: n f^f
toI mg i irfwr f^TT mg: n u fmm^ m from i m gvft <
fmft mrft i WTfmfm mng^arer WKf*i««nigMMg^!mg: i ir a

R R| ^bft R^R ^R ^


3RT i «i^ i ^hft i r^tr i R*l: i i *rf^ i ?rf¥ I ^ifHs*j^i
W& 1 «T*T® I I RRP^ I %t I I RfrpTT 1%rH Il8ll
mtjafimasi i mTtm pm «nrg^% i ^ to: %mgW *g ms*
mftisi mgrrc h^: g^re: mN^ mr gt f^nrr mf^ *rfn mfB imft ^tfn-
gfT^ i aftmg? fT^fmgi i tt<Mi£ti<*Pttareri sfagi to% i mjfrft i
mfspgS mromTmm ^nat^W f^rr totto^ ttto i H^r^w fft gsm-
from i ?. i gmimrolm mfroT mfmm m mfn i pg^rrarni mt^sr f*it^r a

f^r: w Hif: r*rt Rr#%iT sr rsr^ -ywifa \

ft %rTRR *T5ft R Rk IIM II

f^f: I R7 I RT lRf: I R*R: l%ffR?4I sni RT I'ftII T£5Tfa1

Tj^lR: I I ft I %ft I WS I ^TRt l ft I I « flfJJ ,,MI1

mm gsp^imm TOVafrmnft 1t g^pr: w m
mt * g'g im°i|. 8-^-n gi i i mrrsm: n ?• ?•
$8. i ,cfw » wrft m i gr^n i mmSl 15Pi<ftfw;
w^w Mfj<*<i4i^n< m mrft i m i % m?r gwrftr i g^mfti t P g^rr 'i g^’
% m %?i ggHmim i g^f 11 ttot ^ ^ ^ mr mm: ^0<*9 n,n^«^: * 1
gmf^fw tfm: i m c« S»m to ftsfmfm rnnft wmmtagmrm n ti q u

*TT ^f<§: RfM-


RT i gs^fra: i Rftj: I ^RSRtf^i: I I ^ I ^^rfj11 RT^: 1

?n: i I IRI W%- \ fR^ I IRI l WT**-11 ^"

i m ggfit: gm^mrfmrrftj to m %fm^T 1

mt’harrmrm i rngt i aifaiim 0^awW i m ggf«5; «t mrfw: «f

ii sTORts**: ii ^

m wmiftm ^mtiwrtfr n *rg: i ^tw i faft wqm ^mfr

ipp^m m*t * *n* w i wwt3 wt mrriwr wt *t wRrftfft
fCTH: ii

*mfwwtaTg ^nsTr w ^Ttepfeg^: ^jm: i

’Twt \m: ion
xtf I wforg; 15Tl^RT% I ^PHT I tit: I ^wi f i gg^g; i gg: I I
g^ 13^1 gj I i T#q i ^N&ig; i ^Jjsf gfa I ^gr: ii $ n
’S'ftmfn: gf tM't'unqgi q^fft i 3rm*n% qfft qr
^j%wt wrw i wm ww i wi wtwI wrrtJ q^nftnft tfft qrr fomtwlifft
smtfft i i WTfft %ft*i g^ro ^#r: wrrfftqfr «rwtrenuwgm w&w; i ftq
\ wirar sri *| **ft ^qfarra wnmr ^wrq \mmi-

W*[ g^ggjggfcyft^ TTT^qt I

id w *TOnft g gigggggjgt grot: ii t n
wg i i sir i i R^tr: i fgsp i
^iwiR^iip[Mi^i^:im:i^H^i^s^:i^i?r5rf: util
rgwif^&*>*H*iTf'i i TTTrf^fr srwffoftwrrg *&? qftfft i w^t wt wragw: H^t
^ w i vm tfft fnim i qfrarwt'WTS'ftg ^rgm^rig *rr*jq:
^rfwrpi wsfft ?v<r*ff <tt w^ wrrfUqman^n. i wfft»?fftqn$T i »N?fft i
tmT^ I^tw: i «n*nft g*r41 nwi *pi: i wr JjafStwra^m w\ g»ft i *t wt
^TWhrr i fw Thrift ^rar x$ fftg»T wr ^ i w ft wraft Tifiwran ifn i
«? ^Jmfprq'R^ftpr: wni% R

g?fif ^prtg r«Rjw sNHh: ^ i

WT ^?rmt g iRT: ^HlT RT g sfe^t~^?TCT: HQII
^*t i i ttW: i ^irtg i fgsgjg i g i sNtft: i sRijsfa: i g i gg> i
*T; i ^4: i g1 hr: i ggg i gg: i gtgtg: i g i ^35^ i #*ngr: ii Qii
, ^iM^flitaqf^»mf*f^s?: f*repsfft:^r ^Aflfft^rfin: qrg^ qnS^r
^ ?% qqf qs^tfft i rik: i ht ^inra qnfft^,fli«<i^ ^rren®r uraf^rrfft
*f Tttt i *r iwm<ifft i v?rwt »rrgr wteq: «'#wim ^sitm ^^i f^sifft-
,wit i ft wr «nrw: *r w^fft TfWm wat^fft f n

^T Weft ^fttgtltift ^ W ^TRtf^ I

g^: ^gjw: fTTTrT non

5T I ^TT I tfifcft I *trft I $ I I ^Twrff?! I

srfcift sf?t i sw i i:gs'3ftrr: \ n i i fror i ^ i » ^oh
*Raft$?ft ^ftfn i aft<hft ftrajw *Npft <faaTm aftaft i fl« j$rft i |
tr iw^rcww i *raN*ftftt anyrftT m asi«(i4i<«5fa*rms^**if»r *rwartrft w^enfti
awrcrryft ^ttk: ar&j ar*rf arac*ft fi*: $arm: g*am: *f»r£t airfare
T&mH TT^pff araftfaft ^NfcrTg: *r ftran i am>faf*r i wsmg mrm% arj % arcftapj iV*t«
v q. M- q. §•1 *f?l ff am: » #*#
^rf^nEr fWT nltfteita ff V*™. rTr*^t% *J i
ureter w fqgft * wq#: faq>pfcrfa 11 «n 11
3rf^ I ^PBH I I ff I fVT«t I ffftj gfp*: I ^ I I
stjtMiFqiiii * i *h *n isp^nt: ifti3^1
ii n
i^r aftflmm i aft: tjfarft i *ftar arrant« mTfafarerfsm: 11 aj^wm *fii% ff i
^ ywgfrrr i nm % ^anatfir *&: 14^i'f i ^ at araft*^ ara^mwftRT^^
<pscw I arfat farffTPTTarfar 1 I amTftl WT7T3lf*Tf7t WTTf I ’Wj fafft Vlfl
grramt arfwi^’a^faraifar wm anfai m wmspai i fttf^rewfaff i sr ar am ^ amyit: i
«r afjftftr i ftii gm^aRftwmmfatm Trf^wn5aniRm^Tf% mvi«
q^fgf^Tam: II f^T% faRTt UTO Tf?araTaraiWNl g*$aj xrf^?cm wtftRT^aroafa Wrfar
»m m q^Tgrai tt^t awtraftSNapft f*m:aiam ^taft ?twi H^a^sftas ? f«i<ni-
aftrm far: ^r arqft ^nam ^%5rnrrfi[ qwftaMKRTfit h

_ ' jwj
Itnf't a| I ri
_ — * — ^ —

<4rft wfcmt fa ^^«Ui^n

^ i ^g: 1 ftwt i sitth * i ft i i '
w< I ^sthft i i i ^%u ^ i ^i 1 1
ii ii
t£ 4^c«iaft amw i «f^Rrr% rj*i«41<^i?r: am. ftmt anfamm
a^srmf i %fz ^Mlgaifamari w Tfn *rtn: i ^iTraTfarwrmar: » *t
armfviai^ar«iiai ii<anafr *rrg i %ftr ^rr^ i ftim m ftfcfw: ^ gg: ***^!
amamift ^nft arnrnnft mf art ^ ftr ap’mi fnt^^i g fimmifimnaft: i

i ^«(<iffl<(Tfjwffn ang: r
iifw qw4^ i
n »nr %rt TOraf ?rf^ #s?h
Tfocjo.Sf® „ *5^5^.. |, ^

i wfw i i ^ i ^ i *r i qsR i sn s$ i i
w i Hr^i ^ i i ^i ^ i ^ # i W i ^ i i ?rff i i jq i ^: ii ^ 11
qqgJqtauh %jppc*r-_ wt qf?r qqTftr i qfqqfar i wgqamq qn*i qfcft i ^mfn i
famfr fli%wr%^f^ qfq fqpm i qqnwif i
ft^rfn ^w4: i d^ggi ftjpg HlfuTlf*? <i<(q«i H qq wiwqt wrg fwffTf 19r q^nqf i
^nafrm pqre i gpnng i j y y qnriq inq; immrtft i ffqfrqq
ffn »rf%^f fqq qimr^q: i pr: i i snr^nmr^fm^: i
w-1 'wg armt i ftrf<r frof fqrt qqftfq q*Pr ipu

JT^^I^riRNif np?t rfa^ ^ j

^TMT f*N|fcq^s1fa ^ut wn^t ^ ngii ^

fls^n I I vsrfm srct^i Tpascrf»^ i rjqt ,

I ^*ft’?r I I qns$ I wh i ^ I ^cBt: I xmrn: i ii<uJn

wr qftfq: h^ptt qqrq i q? g#q: qfqxqr qq?ft; i qftq wrg i wnwr-
f^iffr: qq. m,qi wqq fTT^fq »ra% qg qnqqrrqqqq gr^Tq. i hvtw qqgiqifii
sjg qqqf f*r4%: gfaqT qq$ n*ftq i wi pftq; i qqr i fPifa: qiq^qqT i qqn m
qfwt f%renTrf»T?«nJ: i qrounN pn qirwn ¥iqt qqqrot %qqqUg: i qqqg i qq
*iqq«ltN1 S^tofafT q\ftq q qT qtrT^q pu qT qqqt qrgfrfq fq qgqiq i ipr® p.
m- q. =. i tfq ii

*t ^ m h x^at *n pq ^ i
^ t Wfa *rc?rrfH tffrr srar^ngt mmi
fOT: I*TT lljqT: I *T ITH \ tre: l*T I ?q i ^lik: i ifwra: i $ sfit i W{\
^ 111 i i ^fq i wwi^riI i i q?n nmi
qfqpT wgqrq i ^ ppp: w srr prr: i »rfH »n m^ff u qTf% f^nrpnf^fii
fqfr qtq: ii qqr qq q qq: i qftq qqq *n qnqf: ii ^TqirpT^^nf^qT %n i qq:
gfqfq gq; ii qm m mqfqqwtipTT prret fqrr «t q qqi q qSrqqrrrf«f i wu »nwrq-
i fqfq$qq<«$q4m^ qftfq i »n qtTfffwf: a qr^fr ff«qt^| im°8-^-i
^ i q% q%fq i qq^wif^qtqvTqftq: i trrfqq^mf^qT qw i ^ %fq q# i
^qqT^jTTq; n ^ «a^|<amH;aimTf i #5TTfq ^hrt wqTfq «<§nfq q % qf?r i q qfq
^ i qqf4 qi\uiqiq i qqrfq qqgifq qigiigqmt iprrfq w qqrTflqt Iqqwiqqui
^^rfq qqq, i qrq qiq^q<ii i ?in<i^qi q % #qf qqprf% p^mf»ri^fq ^q flS^iq
'^^•M.q.t.i Tfq n up

TT^f: W3*lta •
w?n fn%%^ rriqmTUT ii^h
V°L. IV. S S
i sNt i ^ i *ntei i rrfk \ ^ i ^w. \
^ftr* i i * ww i ^®n i wijtmmri i*^,,
tsra^T fwrc hthufh tt Hif^
n^rwY Tnft: grtMWra: ht^Rhh i «*toh i f^fhiT i r<t4Y ^fhi
wsrt i «afo«rrifH^ ^rwfw mg^rmiT g?rr H*ft HTTffc»

^qfwri T^wt fa*n*ft*pt i

^ 3T TTfrr: ^<$rTC*l fw^Tf^ ^jf^T *g^? fT^ ^ IIWII
^Hft^sut i icsta: i fasHFff i ^ i f^Tfir i i \
i ftt I qfa: i qs5$irW i fa*Hi fa i i ^ i w*k i $ man
Vrfrxm gfligqiaRra gyftrff hht T’SRpf t^wt^re* ifsv.
wmHt »r3f{fwn%H ^mfimiffpi fiiMifH i nsi w*rrf*f i ^wma *Tl*i»<**4«Jl TTfir^rm
H^t^t *ngn t^rer^i srofirag i * i^i **& i ^ ft Hite i n« TTHtaTH i

*T ?R srfffes ‘
IT^fT W ^TF^fast ^rrfw ^ rmfti II II
i Fq'i ^n: i I mp i &3B I ?wt 111 ^i >refa I •
tts^t i ft r^n^i fftreti wfa i i ^ sfft i * i sift i *T^nft nun
*tt mfw* ^tt *nmr: i sg?g^w^v^r m gi^nnm^
*ra vfavm irsrr raSur Hnuutq* ft m vnft i
*nrf% i hto <3 ht4 tt^ whR ht^ht% i HT^H%$wrrfi*: hi i nq*n»R«i4:154ft<i
IWWfl8wn«l ff?n ygft Hftfft %H TngHTH « I8H
hh * ft hi Tfft hi gifc i h4ihi'Pkh I?C® h4i_R4t ^1 ^
f%pft fHHT W^r HHW: I i^BTHt IT* I HHtTH 1^
HT^tTT I H ft HJ^HT H* lRqfftf$fHP* « ^ ^ 3TfPfT^
TJHfHm I HI Hf Hnft Sl^3W3 4T^S|f3 HTWT iht* §• 8 l » <n«ffWin,T,r
I gRrt h i m * h* hTh4 Tfn fn^r hhw: i xfr ■

^ ^ ur ^ ^ *i i
^fr ?T ^T ^n ffWff fht: m^h
ii^i i r<*<$ i 1ffii i n i ^ i i ,T3^: 1 1
^i^i^:ifftsfH:i^i%^i^ni^Tif^^if^:5^,firrt: ll<,a
* tm I HjW I
flfHTHt I ffHHW ?l HH f*f « ^ WfHHftft: < IIWW1'
II II ^||
rt n% I »if TO* im t$ tot TO
ft t ’j«J*fa *s<HK*W* t^fa n mur ffttfah it gfa i if^q ?n mm
fflraig fafuu^far: ^fanrow mgrt k

lft ^ ^ gffreMfot'ft ^ %*i *rt *t} i

W ^ ?gfa ^ fft^rW^rT II * ||
^ti^i ^dfir i fft sfa: i * i *M: i sjto i *jrn i 11 *«
* ^ «1<iK TOtt *ftfafa^mr wnrft fft*m«fa ^ g^tumrot: i mfa-
i fa fflfn i R**t ^rotfa ^<1 *mft tot tot f^ ff^n: *rot: i
tfa Trofa'sfr Tirofa to mrUjurt ifaiKmm i w i fg*j *g i# *r%-
toit toi ft^ ’^fafafibro ^K*i<i: i tfts( *rot TOiffrot mfat tot fujfa tHTfifa: i
to HWryrerTTUft tott TOrofa: i iftfrjfimjE mtShcr fjfa fxmfa t i tot ftm

m to ^ v gflfifaffi *t4w*: i
fft ffimt ff^^inra ^ fa ^t?t sfan fafafa* ii?ii
W> ito i ’*&: 15%: w. i^toi: i fft: ifas*fifa: i ffa I $n i nfaart: i
^ i g sfait: i i & i fa i f«n i fftm i fafafail ii ? ii

t toT ffavft ffttror t TO^TimiTO^fttfar fafan: i m m gftlfaiTOf

tfi famTifr farot «wfafa: mm fm irfut i mitt wt TO*«l$<rot4$fl gfa *t: i
TOfa^t !fmt i fptf mfaro vt i mnt gfro ttroiflftt^WTO: i tot mf mro:
tfsmfaim m TOfa i tot i tfgm mfa: topto to t mitt mcfa i fa mrm i to
TOTfor gftm gftmfa fa fafafat i fafanrrfa n fa^: #rm#nt fafa n

*T VTft pRr^^j iftat * wt I

^f| n ii 8 ii
* i %g: i wfih VTft i i^h: i fw^i ^i: I i n i t?rt i
|^i srfit i fftste i u: i mmi i ^s^t^r: \ spRfU #sht: ii8 ii
%$: TO^r inrnm mrfam ** m TOfa fafan: uw«jfa3flifa vrfa i
’fayjfa i mtgfarfa faffn: i fa^m ^r ^pffa: h»i faroi i mnfrfa mrym
Wif'afa: igfarftmgfaTO/rrTOTfifTfrtotmrfgwEWfa^: i^to tin tftfa
^ ’•rnjgfa mnfa i mtiTB to ft 5fa mr fit fatfa i mtit «gif-
^ Iftfai: ifaw^«rrftiTOi4l^» fftntt twrifaT tow. *
^ ^»vrftfarnpfa^ift (
8 8 2

miqgw: *T3^fa: i
* m W ifbmT f^fT HMII
i^si^ i i ^s*jj?f: i xj^fa: 11? • 1 ^sfn: i
4i i iv4 i f^rar i ^p41 ^ratfa i i ffts^mr i ftrf 11 m h
3 t% \ ff^rar gftajftmy* ^ ^feNt; i wwrn qfoi fftfr i
i giff»T: ^4afr4^>fM3«uSlamqn: *pt. i ^ tjRaiin iR*to4: wrj^f nrannpfr* *t i
irgrtmJ mfffiwr4:11 mvi% si m i ijar: i fiptf *itf *$
m i w i *ro *rrf% Trrf»f *4¥f4 wsnf *rr i Ji4W«i wwR*rr»wrvrrwm*r brst frm
ami xr^Tia *4f% I *BTO^% II II 4 H

m ?rfm4 4f<^ *5^1 *5 ^wt f§rTT I

^nj^r ataT ittt ii % ii
7TT i wf^ i Hf^f i wfasf i i i& i i i ftm i ^ 3$ i
^fct i i I I isfa I #*t: I ft*?: i Iiffii
wt Tfr irfairt ?4m s4rft *rw<t amPi *rr fft fftwa^Ta^ *rt^n»i afr«i sjw$
aflngfiig *rt f*rfSrtt T^r wt= i wn: i atmanfoi nm<r: i *4% «1m?frp* s*ftr
<nj?r*1 «q*llPl «in<l^lf*l a<4t *Tl*H 3[Vf**fT I f*l*ft4?l II

^rt 5rhtN ^rfcft fcmA iff ij*T i

*Rm iWttrt^ ii$ii
m, t sfiTRfa i its: i <£rNt1 i ff5^1 i S5? ^1 ft11
3T%sfa: m: i fffsfa: i 1i w- \ ^sm i ?RT*h ift s^ ?n 3&FT* m
ar*TT*i ^4ttt *»Tni*isjnM*wi*i ir*ft iRTrarfr: ston i ^ ^
iWTRmf^f^m grr g^ aw^ wt ff^i.i ir^ifn i aiti4flrTTW^tf^^,<4^
4«i*nfoft ar^fH « *t4 ftw 4t*nn w^3? s

ff(^^lf|rt%5? ^T^rl I
f^9t tnftwCf lit ii
I ffis^j: I I I m I |frs^TJ l 1
^^rsf«: i i iftsf^: i i i f^r^t i^:spn i xnft^K1
. iRmntMf\wq4^^|R«iitfr iR^^r i *rgri
UTiTftft v gj} ft^n fRflauJ^m ar«r*fa awwn^T
a sraftsTO ii w

fwT$: 5^I^t i n^wx vjftfn mRnft ftwr i \pi

* *^tnt: i R®r$: i W i qrftnft i v»f ^ i * Tpiqffi*?nra tsft
ffl f**T f^Tf*T JSrflftr lR*WI* Iffoufil ’UTRt^ i ht^hj »
ftt31T*W D

^N vm ffiWt f^: ftm ^nrfa ^tarr: i

u qifft r^t r^ji ^Sh^Nr: h <*n
^ s531 ^ i stfH i fa s ^: i farr# i RTlfa I sft i
sfasffi: i
ni^l^l^R^I^^5Tr^l^?fHlx^TI^^Ill^r!Fil^^: ll<£ll
«<«*i£Si *R«0 gRM4mft Rpftig: vn v^htOuj f^nrwt qwTOcflq i ^ i *nu
ffwt ?R*w5f Rq?rg: *N nfii frot: i n^r ^sttt i i w ’pr ^ft ff*m
ftrf Tuftlpft ^Wii} fwm: tt$<t; i <r*rr *rci ^ iR# ftr^iW fifr tg ^twpi #ww-
fnwnr ^Rwra: wm: gw inra s#t«w ifWr ^m: i ttot ^t sft *hs$% ^% *nbrrt
w?s *$w m7i?hTOt{ir tften tR vst * «$*<*. iwrfS i n^nff ^ n

^w fRTrfa Rwt$R*it r mm tftm i

*1$ fafa fwOTt^^RT ^rTf^T II «)o II
RrH *RI R*l \ fRrfRj I vmi: I ^: I R I m3 I fftSRTR; I 3?fa^l
1fa^i fa i faR# i ^*fai #5fcn i ml: i ^fire i f^rr: i
^nfa ^ qwRqffs^t ^?r qwt«5i«n^Rart: *WRi i *rra
wni fRquqqmfqqRq. i »r^R i mx ff wrt i$ s*f vf\ fvwr ^RRRrcn
^ wteR i RRR i wrt qiawftraspi i ?tot *rfrt f^r: wnwiw
^1*^1 ffqiqqRmn ^ftR i vrr^iRr i i RRfa gpi: 11 Ȥ #

W f^THTOt TTffRT f^ fW I
R TO|R^ f^rT RtTlf^I'^fv li <\<\ II
i ^fM i ifono:«Rff srt i R^fsR’R i ftfa i mM i g i fw^r i
WI tRRT I mpfc\f^wI Rt: i wf^i: I ffy i I II^II
^ ts[ f^*mr: qiTO^wint irffm «rf^m fr^ m^rjf^r^T i gi.qtftfn i wr
*roR firq flrqwt *wr *i*mRi ^rft g Rnr t^Ri i wuratj ^ W
^i tj »mi^fsf »ff:»*rcwm i «wt w gi
wrt gt it* fjiw k H«MuiiR*ff'i i
W ii II

sn Rt irgRt rrIrt T*f i

fw w nfriifT^ wt pW 5*pri| Rfftfiii ii <r ii
SIT I RT I ifRiT I WSf^: I RRtRT I I RfiJ I fftsftm 155 I
ftr^i W i ufHs>jTO i r4: i i ^ i rvsrt^i n<^„
t t% rftftm iforoifipf wt wt ntr *nw<n«i irg^fr xS icgwr wr ^
wwigfwwmwprmffiw i jtr^j i HifPi i w fm w^ar
*n«ft »rg «1wrc;« ?m *n*nrr*pr ^ftfrir i wttir*frigw*i: i fufWgfaRt:
star Tfri. wwtWT»n qn.f<w finrfe qre»n% Wi% *rertf it
w: fflfrffrftm fr*mww *nwn i gfw w nr=rr ff 'spirt wf ff ins ff* arftwnn:
^t ff^r: gmwrfirf* <qwfn

SRT: ^fRT iftT. grfRTRRt ^ R^R %S<* ff I

Tfrf* Rt*T R^Rcff*^ RRT SIT ^SRT ll«l?ll
srot: i ^(rt i fftss: i ^htri i srift i i RRR i i^i
% ij qynmuffrgymi gjfcrf irrn:swprrf^rprr i i wfngTTPJmrfffw-
wfnnf»n*nf: i mw: i wfw i % ffr* i fftTnurawi *f»u w i wrwmra-
wtwtt ffwf gw i wrwi*f tt fff i>?rr#^.^8. *i tott^ fr*ftft
amnif i wt wft *rn*rffw «r«PT %w % T^rwnrrrw i *uui f<»i *ppt %w?t ft ivl.
?m.'o. i ffft ff *hmft i flffiwrsft ft t% *rg?ra *ngpjff$ft *rtfi «mf% i ftp* i wraifftanl: i
^fftrrwn^w^T i f*Ng *fg fftqfwfft w : i wrt ffg. i gfafwt: i ft gfa*
fffaft^ WTC WT 5TO I WTf*W # B'QU
m wmftftfft wtffwapr gw i WNi: gw fwwrw wtf i wrgjwiW^fwri i
?m wrgwfft i *n fww^ff^fftTTgyrfiifft i sftfwmfi wugmfaft
swift {ft* gfttf w i i wt° §■ o.-1 ffn»

^T ^Rt 5TTfTT ^TT I

rr ^ R«t vmtf^r wh ^ n 11
^t: * W^ft: I ^t: I Rpn: I I fRS^T I I
I g I RJjro! | I fm I VTRtfR I Wl I R IIRII
^t ,trwf: ffo grnwf wrm w?qwr: i %wr: wrw. i qmftrfryg: i W1 ^
^m^T»n wnrf: i Rw: i i fwgn fwg g?rg ftlfSrtr
w^Pr i vm fng g3|g fwft nTfft trrff; i wtf fyrf
ftnnsl^nf H7T 5ET7T w wrrwrfn g y
*WTqqi*fi<trft i ww wre^ri i wt wtwl: ^St wrm ^
umf^: grt wrti?i *ra?i irtgft ^xff g wgwTRfftrfii wWr % fPwr '%*** ***
ii TORts'ws; ii
mi vi*u«nffl mrpg: mro& mroH mnfa ito mf*i mi wrrf»i mi m$5t
mi ifl^«Hn«i*flT»nnrii imr#'«M-8.s&i tfin w family im ^rmre: $t mm
mtffc gmft W *1% ^nrnfmrmr mjmtfmi »rw>ri iwnfaft m mi vnrrf»r mi
%fn 1 wftr «H* iBimPi mmfn 1 mirmmrf*ftmf»r RHUfliPi mimi
qmim ift«

SHT ^ SR I wti ^?%T 3 IRII

l^: I I MTRtfa I 13ff 13[: | ^j*.‘ | $p} | ^JrTS'gw: I ^ I ^ I
^ mm unn: #mra: fr gmro vroTft mT*nfn mmflr m mrmiftf»nnft 1 mrrft * ft
gmf mp nfrm tfrtrm mjmmfffim: 1 wrft ^ t mmrw mraitfnir: ^ifmi % m
m mrmwnpnif 1 *rfr fur: 1 nj[fmi ®n 1 gmi»

ufH xp^nfl: ir^ft: 1

sret Vi flfaMfNM: *rrcfa«^: 11? 11
#*Kft: 1 nft1 %«4 1 tjnfssjfft: i iTS^cft: 1
3rat:$?3 1 asfaiift: 1 i tircfW: 11? 11
^ fmftfrmnr: wf* fts^M 1 mi mf Hfn gfmn im mm 1 «ftrs?r 1
finmr: 1 imis^nr gmr mnftmftfn mm: wflr 1 wmrc Pwrm im^mm im <c*
sfasif: fft mmr: *ftwt fffrira: mur gmi mmiitfr ftmn #

HTTTWff^M I nt ^ ^TRTR wi ^ II8II

^nhft: 1 sfH i imp 1 ht^i 1 1 1 1 i ^1 i nt 1 ^ 1
1 nil ^11811
\ ^qvftOmret qlanRamiT ^ mrmd mrrci mg^m: 1 HTgRfimmfw-
^ngwimiK: 1 wit mnr ft gmrni mifim t*r®w flwmnfJnn«p ** 1
's’Mti* 1 f% m^ff w?t 1 fmmfBimti m mtfri*[f f* mnrranmiftr $ fafawmt
^ gwr ir%Tj 1 ^Tf*r u

^ ^ ^[fH^T I
sfrfiHtflR? W^’a? ^ IIMU
I 1 #rs^!^!T i ^ 1 I ^fn: I ^WT1
^SHTst: I f^ \ I an^i ^fT^I I ^ IIMII
_^ ^StRfv^mn: fi fmrmi Prum mW 1 wm Rt g^rra mf wrfi rntfrif^rre:
1 yiinHii(i<tf>i mmif«mm.
II ii

fafTT q. ?■ <*o. i ginmifqgmra mfwHfirfir: i wvsrnFfi«J u <i1 w w i ’M i *i

<r^T*r i fjfar »rt»TT3r *f?qrer mi mmCv*? jpmnr i mv *$<$ i *mf%*m*rm*r# g^f iffi
mvrfrf ii *rw*R7ift t %3T3T*ra: 1I w i ^l«nPN: ir%ft t ici

*r*H*ft: qTTT^H Tmk: i

fkv: fi fa^^^T*ffrgTrT?T: n$ii
nM I wfcft: l I Vft\*: i I
farf: i w- i i i tw:s?t i srifas^Trta: »€f 11
vmrtm i ttstpi: srfamfa* wi% ^rr wn
i msrt ^rprrfwnrr^ftwWr ^*nr»i ^ fw Hitft snrot f»ra»j^nl
T^tgfTT i yft<rercw i wt*rr ^rrfv: i n^r srm*w?if%rm Trufsrm ^ u

^TO'Rrff <»ifl4nl*W I
^nf^fa *RT W*hftWT IISII
I StaS^rft* I I ^S^Nrtf I
W i sjfafm i *nft: i #*hfr i i srfreswtrre IISII
qrarewT^q: irtTpr^rn ^5Nvi*jsr<w: i <rr: ■«n mTTf«»fm i i <al*fl«n$: i w
»’wg tW

#Nt?ri TjT^if IHbll

^ i *rurt: i w^ft^ri i *rR: i 1i i flfawrffai'
I fRI^T II bll
^ftrafori 5gt*n '<R«s!*g<0*$ i w^fii i vtl i ’rr^t i
rr?r: i i 'aW^ i v»r ^rnsre^nro
?f^it i fi* TnfrtTr ^«*nt i svi g^r n*rran»i srftt sffir i w i w*‘
% g^isr cnrrarpr *NSfa<j *m •HfaKMfai rf\®i<*n«nft»rr *f*»n “

-^t Kmrqf ^ ’f^^fft: i

#Tt: ihrfwqff: fWwjro imii

I ?TT*f I I *TrTT I w*it I 1?i I W I fa'S^jrfc 1
#o: i I I ^1 TOrtfiT I fk: I ^ n^«
% Jrrmr <i«i«n»jfi»4nT i ^^rr wurt nimffffr wf^rrr
ftfn i wift ^i i f*ro ^ #tt:
qp i n w*n^tr: r fNw gvft wirrTOfn H f*n^r«r i
srf?T *rfro: #?t i$ TOtaif: \
#Wt: i rp^ t$: moil
3ifH i frot: i ifisw: i i sra \ |
i H i i ^i fi i ^ \ h^: i xii mon
f<rast 5tot: ^bi: f^nn ^sfavBtiarenj: i 3rnfNffl«nf?R3r: i ^ ?n| i ^panr
i twt jfT^psrjj: v*tiiq<if?r *rfw b jRft ynmO'i<9
yi: 3rrfw*irorafBi u hq.ii

tfpRi \
^nWT TOfrT TO II ^11
^i W i i m i thrift: i ^r i ^tts^v i
pit i i TOfir i i \ to www
*t ^tvvtfor Wcfo WBn^Tfa i n gnfcu Trwc^nf 3^1 **: rpj
0‘i^irtn *rerf7f *ret H^fTf wfa»Rt bbt 1 *n«,«ii ^rfsrr^if vn;«inaniviKiqT isfV*rr
,wfir 1 b^t 1 ^fa*pft Jjwt: 1 11

TOfarwi irmtimfe mt iiwi

^1 1 1 s^*i [ t^;s^: i inf: i to i fa i to* i
lIq: l*TO^S^II«Rll
I #whfrw!f: w vw^ii*roJr *r?r^»i iwnfa ireifofraBB ?r?fti»rrM^
*p?i ^rrfvj fa arrvfa 1 bb *r<fafar w ^rsfrtj^raRTfrnr: B*fa?rt
^ 11

W* 3^7 IT 4w tTTbNt fafai^fa^t I

sp* mrta vrs*i ?m to fa^fai <# 11 11

sps 1 to 1 n 1 ipr 1 Tnftuj 1 farfk$f?7ri i

I ^Tr^TO I VTWt I ^rNi 1 » IIH
* W^fans? tfaw *<faTfi<gtP«raret *rfa ^ bto u ^ 1 wafifa iffa aras1
1 Bftmfasflg v?rt qfw «? 1 <tbt ftifa<f)fq»n tfwT w w? 1
^ BfaBT *fof arapfr BT^WT IP#I Bfifaafa Bf JR? I Wf fafTW aftfVW
^ *fat 1 btb Trrcjfa h

^n *t ^xihm 1
W: srtt: ^ ii^ii
^pan i i sfrt i sracj i ^rr i fx*rot: i ^ i i
ht: i i \ 3ti h»^ra?r\ ^4: a««Ja
% t^: gxKrnw *rStt**fl »i fa<-*i ml Mfvw^g i nrjftg i ^wnfc i irTwro^T:
sufluytwr i 'aq*i^« i wi *rr: *rfn f^wi*Tiqw: m: *r#n ^w^SNw?# htht:
wit % »refN irren 15iwin

iit: *taji ^hpn ar4 »

^|wfWngmwT Jff ^rrt^i: ii SM a
*n: i xRf^fl1: i ijt: i i 3f5*n: i ^n: i ^ i ^far^': i
^fFlfHsT^rTT: I WT: I «TI I 44a1 ^TJ II <N II
m: qwreaft m toit: ursrafSffm *rr ,«rym: y«rdim Tjfaqft:
i $imPi»Nif*wrft ifo: iB^rginiu: i m *Uw*it4fl in non
ITT WZqi^qf I
4c4i mrei xrfNnTO^T^f^f^T^ a <\% a
i ttt i snrotr^i ^frr i totr^i gw i
sf?f i i *i<ffrnr^ i I "^S'%f^T?^ II <\% II
*rr *n*ftqvra: ^M^i^qq<frnm%gre: wnn^g i wsfr *rfti ^ *wriwi»raTqrT
ijsig i <anTH»i grmrrrq wrfn i ^a?ffn gw i ’’irtft ^Bfq ^ m^Wwi*-
Wnfawrnpg i m Tmrr^fag *r#5n^*faifaw^: aaifMim^g #

qqRritfk^fcq 14 ?T fNlfk«W11
^TRS^rft: I I %*•* I I 'R'ft I 4 I lN I STO^fal I * 1
w. \ fwnfa i a <\s a
f^-srt <prt®T^qqwqKqmiw '^rtwsr rnS^r^n. i fafarfa i ^ ^rfa «n«j?i*m«rot
ssrrcpfr *r * g**?: gvft fwrft i fWfa i fawfa i

in ■
m^T «3n4^fRHTt ^rafa s? mb a
in: i i i i ^rnsf^gTsn: i
rrrcrf 141 ^rf« i ^sn?n 1 i 1 ^ 1huh
m %qvVflwq: ¥t*ft tt^tt wit nmnftwT ^jO\^i<rr:
% ^mror wg’fnnftr t *w|q thihi<<*i«i«w^
^ tR«IW t M%f7T t^s ■
H*qo. || SrewTSTO II

„T ?CTt^hcn^fWf¥m: tjWNg i
^rfifa^jn ^ ^ no
*r: i 1 #4s*Tj^: i fasfafrn: i ^fWi i
^wf^si^WT: i t i ^ i ^ men
m iltMvtftiw. ilimiV. ffmforg fiftm fifiv firm: ffi: utihumiw gfasri
mm^i firm: ffufmFfm ffirtmn»prrm: mit fmrit mifl^ iti i fi i wft u

HT ^f f^WforTT ^ ^Tf 3jRffa I

ST 1 T* * I *p£I I I ilstfs 1 «[*. |
fess^i ^:s^i 3re*n4 i tfl i i ^ngt: ii *o ii
% it gum fmm i it ffinn: i w. i <srfim rgmtffr 1i# wi mi
m^rrfm it gwn, i fimini iifv fg^r giganf^i igmjftiffiTffir i iffir ww-
•h$miO,i*hs| ii

|t^m: i s#. w\<4 s ii ss»

*tt: i ^ 1i ^s’pfft i w> i ^ i ^ i trtfsqm: i *rtt: i tfsnsi i i
mitmra fi itigi’ysjifi mitwit ft mum: iiT itm*** in iim: lit %
itmr: ill pinst iti i fm it

wf srairer tfspsT^Tsfa iissii

#fora: \ ts \ «r^[ i i si i Krat \
^ i yitfit i wren?!: i if i tf&i i mwsflr«ssii
itmra: iir: ifti mm if i ffW i imi jifi i fififtr mft i lit v«ra mfpn
iMwm#it rniit %m srafrfi ittfi fifimf i mi % rnmimwifir i rnmrw a
*f it ifi: a

^W| sUstNr v\ stcst ns?II

** i i i i wi i ^r: i ^n?-‘ i
suffer: i iw i ^t4 i s: iwi^ i ^fwrs^ifH ns? u
ii w

% i *r* s<it: *$ wi: i wurflro m t ^

*rfn ^ *fri«m«if*i^i^n» i ^* 8^a
wffin ji<id«»B*i f* p^f7rf^fR*^rm* i ,
jm ^kM i 1^ ^nfS^wt ^iPMjft^rot ii *nr: ^^
mi^iH frroirarn;: H<u|<if« i j^rfWrfit^P ^T3ffr ^>J5<j: i *r *prg: ^ft^.
^nftran: wft tt# W ^ ^ ^ i ^iNpn
vfci^^n ^7?r #g wnwrftwTfwrf^i wr% ^fr * ^frtir i «
i ?iqqr? ^fa: yOfffl§lf*rrf*r wnf*! ^ i n^n^iTF^ii if*0* so.i tf* «

xrfri ^t \
Wf^^T^T ^FrR% -apT^ II °i II
I TlfTT I p l^rTT I I ftp*: I ^T I ^1 ^HP I ^T l I |pl
i ^t i ^i ^psft: i Wirfci i w. i 1 sjs?bre i ^pr mu
thi *HP^ 1% *t ** f®r«f irfn wftf? i *f*nn$ i
■qggn ^**t. nfa*rae 1^ f*rft *rfa *r**7 **wtsf* *3[T tjxrrf%
wf^^^^rgtHvrwrrf^m: *? *w*, i ^r. t <rc[T*fin* <a ^ «r^f%i-
«nt *N *r**% tt% f*ra i *nfa« wp% 3rr**4tf?T arw^* u** {ft siiwi^: *

=sn ^ pfa wfrr^spi

UflHto: nfw *n*n ^lifa ^ ^*prp ii 9 ii

^n \^m* t ^?f: i ^if^PC« i i r^fj wp \ prfa i *tf i ^w<mu

vifHfr: mfH I *t 1 1 -*r%m i iSh^suffifunn wn»*11
^f: t wt ww. wuii^wt ^w-‘ *i
HWHI^I’jPTO^ 1^ WT vm 3Tgm I W WR^g I ^ IP
g»nf¥ <(\fHfaiT 3tr ’gfirw a

vff ^rwT anxrmsF^Rft ^T^^TWqTr i

W OTt ^ n?"
ifri i vff i i i ^pr; i i 11^1
ifflt I I ^Sri?T% I ^rN I f^: l I ^ST1R[ I ^T»t2^ "911

1 srcft WTg g»nff ftfswff 1

^fiff 3TT* I <*i*nqwin^T^ffw* I ^i^T^rr »rw w^rf^i: i n^ftTT
<ffiHTfamren ^«nf*isi ipr*t% gfg#i*u<i w^i fft w ^
wqif>at%7t1 jyq *rgwn|i.*rr^T^r ^rt i -wif^aitg *
wr fWMS^uftW ^ i

fa ^ ffW ii 8 ii

sn 1*: i 5*n i ^s*ra: i fa*3 1 $£ i i srfts^ i ^ i

fa n% i tfa i ^s^it i ii^rs^fai ffW i frog ii8ii

gUgrpgqn ffCTwnn *npmt wrgqftm ^ f^ni i^ ^ qx^T ffuft

^ sif^rewNt vq ^ff i ^ff i xtset i XTmfvjqs qq? xrprer Jrrfxf
qtaf* i % t^fq f% ?H i wMt fqq^ i wgg^n qq% qtr% qw qg^i^qrn.
qjwT ffqqr q 1 qftqc n

mfivWt |
H faajT 3lqiri*it ^fa || i| ||
wff ^5** i iH i ifas^ft^i^qs^nfa: i^s^rfrf ifafann^i
W' I fTWTr^l I I ^q: I f^qx: | 3TC£5fi^| q4t: I ^ IIq II
qrrfif'^Tff ^feqqret gqt ^qrfoqifqfqqqf?! qrarrcff qfn qjfH fiifqraTsnqn. fH
tfjj*# qrif fM^q. fqWt nqfq i xr wwTfqfx: a qjfaiq
vrffe qg?*rfH f^arc f^fq h^t q^T qwqT i ^rg i qrqTfSqw wfsftro p
T3nf5[ fqqw i x- <w. i ii

m ^,3TfWN ^T ifaTftfaT qfqffT III,II

i i ^fa i i snth i |qfa: i fas^m: i ^ffapx i
HT: I I wfi§W?t l ^T: l^rs^farn l qs^fam: I Jjf^ol1! II ^11
^fqi-Mif^ tjxisffa qfn i vftfq i qrn^^a^iqfw^ wq qq-
fqqrr qrfrreq. i m qnra qqw ^iTfqqT ^st:
^wt: qqiq%^r tttttt: qrffwr ffqjfhj fsqqtj qfrfSTg ^rsfta^qq; i wifn ii ii <\? it

*farfa: snfa% ft’ffa ^h:

^fqqfrr ^fptfirqr?iw?i ^pt^ii$ii
^i^S^rrfq: Isjsifaq i ^:s%: i ffafa I fff: i f^Pfa; 1
^s^nf t i nfan i i qr# i i ??q^^ii s ii
^TfqTTfS%r: xfqq% ^ ^nw gftffH: xrq f^Txf fq: I
3^JPj 1VQrfm I ?! ?TOT ffgqfq ffsqT^I B ^ TWt
fWfq^q'Ti^ |qmr qrquwq«
« *5^ H [*T°

v 4m T&m: i
fa^ffa^t^IIwN: H tnfcWfaqT "<ff^4rl II b II
^ i ?qT i ^s^rifa: i ^^pr; i ^ i wftw i \ ^s|m i
1i *q?[s?nptta: i ir i i fpq i ^fes*nf ii bn
% i wt wt j3^tr: *sfl%*R **F* ’Wfil^r ^rrOt: M^
Or%fw: <qw<n^Uynwn*u tnfci ffe*m t»Nf i »t»ro ii

n*t Tgi ^qt ^|rT f^ I

m ^ ^Tff II <111
i^T ITJP I I I ^ppT[ I SIT l 31^ l ^S|ff l ftft i
i i ^ i ^t i^t: i ^ i i ^ i *?rff m
^ ^ wr ^5 '36t^ft *Plftf: ^OrOrcro^ i i ttot % gw* wlwwn^ ft%
qami^rr wrg ^|f?rf*ONE<ftft Hn: i f*N ^rg-
q^fva^^nOi <vu{vi4RT4i$ irerNs siflg*n ^fw^i it*: i ^ Cif*<*
*rcrg* ^nrff i ^mhi^ b

^rarfrr^^ $ flfd i
TrfS^V^T rN: ^ ^f%f*lfafft ftftf? M <=10 n
^HTfsT i wit i i <T'^ i ^ TEfrr i ^rs^rnfa i sw i i
nfrh i i rT^: \ i ^flf: i f\m i i i tfarT. i fpftff11 w
% wr *r*f?^ ** ^fli^fiixBnfiT ^n w^nfti *r Tvrfwfir w flwrft ^
^atnyrnfir «*fa iftmOra^i wiycrrOr i w i^ wwnsrcttOr i n^-
g4T4i)*r*tet i *>N i fl[^t ^
ftff ig^ni

tott^h* spffrr u ^rss; ^*q isfa ht*t i

firai^pq ^^^W*T^c*pT *tff « W
rmfH i saft i ^qrfrr i si i i m ^»^1 \ ^1
iw s^j: i^sin^TN; i i^<?5p! i 1 ^11 <1<11

% ^ *raf?i *wm ^yfnt TsT^ ^ 5 ” ^ JJ^

gfwrart ^t? i ON ^nrprr,irOhf^[t^^ni: ’^<n|J,wq
*rOt nOm ^%g ^rff i Oj^ff i ww «
*•<1©II STORtSTO ii ^

^ fa fa ^nnTifaTTTO Tjqrfa i
f^t ^STTT *T: *pff || c)^ tt
WTi^i ^Tr^i ^frr: i %: 15T: I ^xri I ^R|^[ I ^, Jj:, ^, |g,,
I w^ I^r i^fTftr g:%M irrff7RTf% ^TTftr f% to i nrofNt fmro %v i tot
** I WTT*n ^ f^t yfolT^RqiSIMIJK-
*tot ^i*i wjwm f fa w*i^r<M$iIVSftw to ww | hto£bh}: u hc^ g
41 tfn p?inf tor gw I WlTO TOTO«f ITOT angwm I 4 wt TOt Ww
tfn n amt fafrotai: n

^ ^fa^srftraqirfa qra i
^ sfast ^ flrqril in ii
41 y 1 fa^1 frofa1 fafaai^ * T5STTr^1 1 i
^i rT^f i ^ i ©ma: i fas^ret i rrefaj i f^sgt i irfxN^inii
11% rUrttw fro wttoN 4 TOfar!ftfTOwrf% i ftrarfR i f^fcR^pj; atfarr frwtafRfq
^*11 n i gfrarm ggarm irTgro arra JtwfifW agar i fro*? r i «t|vwt wra
1fro n%’^ TORt tort agst Rfa wgTg f4 5ttorh4 »mntf?r ttf: 14 to
1HY fTOTTroror htto f?TO *m tort; toto arrg TOTf^nro wfrom. wfirro i tot
^R9t WSTfafTT TOW I TOT I % Wf?4 TOT TORT TOfa 4 TOf«i%T$ TOfl[fn |
TOT TOT TOTOTOTTO I ag0 <10.8^- $. I TfW TOitTt II

a fa itTT fa^H ^fa sm tp qtfifaqw *feng i

s s^ft%fa: TWfjm *rg3 ^ wnrw w*n: mu
^ i fa i ^n i fas^rt i ^fw i wrt i yj i ^rfW i sr^tspit 1 ^1 wng•
i HS^ft'iefa: i irsflsp*: i i *t^: i ?t 1 qph i *?p?T: ii * 11
* If R aaf^rsft g?n afman%R f^t7r?nrR%RTg*m gw: to. rtr wtrrro arejrofa
^I I TOiq\taiq^ ^%af gw: TO ig trot# afrfaf TOPStmT^W TOf TOR[ I TOTft
^ 11^aftSbfir: i v\-$ froin i ^rfroT^fwgw: TOiTaftifwmTOfn i tot totoit-
^'•ri WTWT^tat angah^wrof amrrg^t ant *» TOrotfn 11

* ^ ii'M^rm trft q^frot i

wfa ^ll?H
I ^11 ^Trrt I W^:SX^T I I ^:SHTrn I *rft I H^l flf*i«l^ I
^T i qi^i i i TFt i farasX^ i ^ i i »j^ii?ii
II 'W^} II ' [^°

ww *rtm s t%- # * <tft*rreWi RRYafiw: ^

^fsnsrent n^vrsnfi wrafir^ Rft; i nfiret^fi i f^fi | re$rm ^nft
*$*rrjfm?i i firerefr tsr imst* *fij[t vimfir ^
*fi«r*n$re R%»rrfH ^ i refwrefi i fii f% i 1 ^*41^3 iTfpsNfv^
*nfar*rre. ^ fi^re.»

9 fftfir nv^itf flf¥: i

SSqT^t ipr f3*t^tS**IT fte*rw ^t: II8II
*: i ^j: i ssr^ff: i 4ti i ^tt i w i fftf* i *swt§ i *f%: i
i i ^TSfta: i 3re*n: i ftfios^taw: \ i *|W i ^Tfrfir ^r: n 8«
* t^r-sfr jfarefwnrr *rfa: iwt? wg^refifirarg vgp i *sm-
Sm^i wftr^: i re^are^raarrc: i m reT ^ftfwI’mWlii *re ^rrg gfirenn^: tj^-
ffm ^ wrfiNrr: i %^r *i^fi i %*rrft 3g«rr sfFsrgrot |ippn
gsirret T$m t%*$ wl wr JNRifw ii
S ^fwftSRTC ^*Tt ffrft nWK?fr&[ Wltr^l
T{^ fa^T fM?ft HMII
W. i ^f4:1 ^hsrs^R: I I ffrft I *W I I ^TI wm,\
i jto i fwiT i ffir fas^sft i ^4 \ i
* *rffrT rei*na. i w^rapg i i jn*t<<reK:
\(W. I *?Rnta -R^W^: I ?TO»3t *TfTC. *m ff^T mRw^RIR I ’"“^J ^
^Ntj: i w^RRft «p7i?re# i fire f»rg»rr firg»ft ftw
fTO^t i i are *raUii irpresnftreTfinrra "
W^fir ’irntreqtagrefi *jr: it: ^[TWt^’ir: II

* 35TO rJ^M nfw|pra?sf c?T*Tr^ l

ww f^irt ^ n t»»
w. i ??^i i ^ST^f i *rfir: i ^ i ^swsj i fws^ftW i

^ iTl ^ inNr ^nft ^T^Rrrf^nTTt g^l^R wirn«^ wn?l

^t. zpvtpi qdo^^rqR^H fwtW fifirw wj: a
iWi # wrf^rreg: # « T’n^rft »
qo.i jfii i ?mt vwm afire ^ ^^l^lrnrt-
ig^i^rr ^vT*ft ^rre’t finrnpsrr i *»lf i®i i re^fireretrefirerfiRnrereT
ga[Rnfi *Ri sinpi. i fiiwn. i i **8 *
ii brents**: ii

a *Tr* ^>%TTT Wl 3$ I
5Jrt^ II 91|
w. I 55$ I ^ I f1$m*c-1 ^t I snf^i \^i
w i *JSriiR; i 57^: i wm{\ gssriir: i gfc i irin^i i \m
a t^f ££«J fsma f i agfairama aga agarra att ^wafTaY«Nrra: i are? af3%a:
aNfrfgfa^tvfaai: aawfa aianaa ardaf?g*ia: i a ggiagg.ii anaaa^mama fsN-
m^raa; n anfcrraTa srpi f?fa% ir^ fga^aTgw aTfaag i arfag#a inftf?,, ,
agr i fl% ag^ ^tmssT^r agwTarcfaTara araarfgfa% aw wn^gwaia: awigaT aTfa-
ijgiaa H^afa i a amfr agwragat agwrwT %gaa: aai?t ggntjf aafagaa: i am i
gmft amfr aaara i aw<wg# gara: gj mmfaf <$#g gw: ag gaffir i gwa gtraafagn::
*r*a: i iftt W faa afgrgrrrgt agrft gg: rr§wi a<Vwwfa>ig I faama. n

flt 3?f*5it 5* ni* 3TTg f?i0 W& \

3TT Tjr^: ^^ts^fqif%|fk ^57; ||b II

w. i ^M: 1571 5?5to i ^r[ i ^q\zi i Jijg i %>ti 57:1 ?f?} I
^ 15jr^i sft^i t| 1 ^Qft: 1 1 w4:swnf%: 1 ifa 1^7; 11 til
a i^sfarat a 1 a rnmUat faanftfa maTf^ 5taT: i ?faT aatsfag: 1 a ga aa%
ggifgaagaTaaTa garratgwrrgai 1 am wa aaaia fgarara arc& agnas
atg mat fagiaag 1 a rfa gp: 1 mg g: an. aa^f ala gfft: wgftmaaataga #gg
WR5fn 11 11 ggT*ft #a: 1 aipraaTatia fagg: 1 gmagg: $aa^a-
afaggaUafaTfa: 1 aregfganrfHar a a^fumfs: arf^: 1 aatagUaTfe mfotfaw a: 1
^p3T|?ffa 1 fggfw 11

a *nta: ff#R *vm ntf^i

m 5gfi|'^Htff^rT 5|Ttji lien
s: 1 ^ri^rf: i i 1 \ ^ i ^ 1 ntf 1 ^^1
wf I qsfN I ^FHffl[l ^9JTlt57 I 15?: I ^sm I frf^rfT I ^rT I 5J50T II Q.II
^ T^r area: 1 aimSlaa: 1 afatifa ^aaaT^fa^raraTf^T^Tai 1 warg 11 wg
1 ww%a awa: h gwiShfliama 8fa% 1 wafa: ajfaas#r 1 gaj uftaa^amaaagt
^^rgi arrga alfaaaTa;i fmia gagaga fa aft: ia*H.<)§• ^ 1 tfa aafat i fama-
%! aifagsraa 1 aifafrfa fugaian gaarrfa unm aaaTTTa. 1 awa ^gaaaaaa. 1 aij
mtR^ar faftfva 1 am 1 aifa apfa%a aftgfa: gwi ^aaaaag it a: aiftr^arraa
^ afam aaarr aafa a a a^afffta: a mnfa a gat fanTf^aTfa^Tgarnm
a: atfa: afaaT 1 aaaaf^fa 1
VOL. IV. u U
II II [n°

^e| <^Rt ?T |
^SHT SFfM ^rJRT ^W*hftrTTT*i ^^afTr^ ||«|0||
i i ^ffa: i ^ i i i i *« trvR i
w* i sriM: i ^ws^: i i ^frfrftrT i ^ i n: i xi<j:s*n^ngoii
aafa^t ^aata nrtgwrt an na^ni ^wfa^Tna^T i naf«3aff?^nf?rTnr i nafaii
ni^afnint atn: i am i nraftn ^Y*c*rar»r: 11 am i*%fnmnnT*l: ani^fn^nit sjifntnt n^nt
a aaw aa i nanpaatanai anf^afr aa*& an ar i a aa arat aTmam i aara antn
aaata argm Wr ann%f^ i wrfa i aaTTnagraamarnataata i afaarg, i atiaras-
ma; m^agsafta: 11 at^ ffmat i afa aira ^^atfa fnaraar g: 11

wt^fnufcr w% ^c*if*>tar ■faift: i

g?q arehmt tfj&rft: ^tpTt ssifa ^ ii <n n
\ wf^rfa: i wfe i ^l|fW i sni i grc^i i firaf: i
i tg[\ *nra: i ^MrU *ft: i gt: I jpvn: I ^rfa i ^iw i ^imii
al^ar nrtnftfaa afaa: ga ^efa%a?rraT fnSftrr n%a gaita m ga rtf
nta fnntTamammgrar anfaa Manual arfaa ^rag i a^rraa i aam gar nma
atm n gaat^fnfnfa afan. i m?rar fnatfa g^ n aaat aarfaat at: njfaarat
^tfqaara i am aa^rrat aasn gm aggTJfw i am i gr: gr aa aatgmfn aratfa i af*»
ga; i afaanfa i %n ara%a i a^ar i ^mrftaa. i a^l^iggfttln i a%qna<tn am an
gnafafa aaa: u

ipn *ft ^*ifa ws: *rof?$ i

s? i?pt: grpjlf ^fefn fawnt: n <t* 11
ip* i *n?: i wpx_ i i wr: i xresfa: i 1 h%i i& i
aam njfagnafcmfaaa am*: an$a?t i % agr aaafa? an^agaraasftTJi aft afat
afan: atw ar aaara agara a?a: ^ht: arwra ar af^: at^aa a5a. i aaraaa.>*
Tam anTmmnn: an.arrfa aftg ^faiafaaiaiaal aaarra i a^raaag^ na gfafa gfa^1
aai^ra a^laTaT: i anrarg ii uaa n ii^y
aa^igat^i aat^agarrfn i a^^frf^ aaag* agagaar ga^trr^
Ttrat fnjq. i faar ana: i am argafa i t% innjfrgnt %a^a wm fajfafff11 ^
fafnatn: u

fe ^ ^ ^w: ^Tttn ^fvi ^ i

^rm ttN§ ^w»n ^rTifkfif^frr 11*111
fl®<*o.3ro<£.g?^oo.] ii H

^ ngm* fir i mri i famf i g%i7jni wtiTi i
fi: ii gun: giinfig7rer itigr ^rrm itfi i i (f^f,
sfrrinii fi i*SiTi if%i fifi^i: i? ^Jfrri ii fiii ?nf ifim s$sr
^i; mif i if^ i$«iifi ii ^ir^ir^ji iir i i^r i mf iTii>Jirrfifi
js#rrfi: ii wifit fti: n 7rrfiftifffiiT§iitir ^nmr*n wW| u

*Tfa_ $ til* TO IT ^ITOf sfi5$TO I

*TTTTO W. TO*: tftffrafaw ffTT fT#rTtfWJff^f?T cpjjfa| |R|l

HTbn g i *toI wi i i it i i i i
*tM I w Iiiftfwi^R^ i wisfsHtfti «fHfirif#n| irii
man iiTiiTfri iiii itwii^Tifsfi mi mi nnresTi mi g i gg mnfii
\ ifai: i liT ffii flit itiir iri iftfsi i mit: yliiii fg mg:
w<P I iTfTR iTii^iTi n in rnififi ii: i it ^ft itnr itmnifa wt: mre: #fii
’imhI mitfi i# iiii i fsiagw n

^1 ^f \W> #TOT TTtfTOI^ ^TTRR I

*mt ^T'lTfw^H TTT^T ^Nit II? II
?t: i ^r: i Hfroi i sifro^ i i s^ i ^utoto i i
W I^TO; I l*f?T S>JTO I Up*S^l 3TTI TTO SrrtfTT I ^fciffT I ^jfa| II ? II
ifim i% ins: gif itiinii iifii ^gii ^piwm gsnUfiii j# iiiTiTi
^itii iTiSig iratii i qeffniSmgi imi i w iTfaif. i irfig<g)i iitfi 11 ifM-
*n%f? ii ii imr ii rrafri foiirfig*)i ifiiii«iiif^fo fmspft i fffinwn u w«
iimg i itiTfgis: ii giiisnJ: h

W§ f^T IT^T I
flT^fihnf^ WQIJ ^fTtfHTrf^fTT IItill
\i}\iffl i ^s*rct: i ^ i iTi^rt i ^t: i |f^i v^ i'^ r*}«
I ft[^5fiTfTlf?r I 1 w I ^STrtfrf I I Htill
tft wii fRiT: gmrESRtigii%HT if ung i fiw ^«mii:gi TTir #Wi
^I'Jfrri gfmrit gfii i ifmraeg i iiTiir ii ii fiifMiufi
^tiffiTfi iiTfi : TTirfii^f iti: 1 fiiT iiii: ii
u u 2

stmat $Ml wrfVinwr^r: i

^t'fT^: TFifrT^: ftrm h ^T IIMil

Hi I I I T^: | I ITSffflffT I SST% I W^l I

i ti s^fir: r: i firm i hi41 $n i satfff i r11 m n

amfE^ ee^e nw gfta e%e ee: e$ EfwtEtfW et ^ i VTTEfa \\ gfEft
jfjTT^rer heOet EEvtffETfE i he i eet Eft ngfET ee!e: wet eIe^ei e e: f^mr etee:
se; f gf inrafg i w i wt aft gfs~g gf eee£<j n

^ Hftsftinl stftm i
^trW ^n *RrTtfimf^fw ^#R| II | II
t5^ I ^ I i 13*ftr i *p I srfan I I *\fa: i

TTsj: I ^ I JJr^l I I STrfo:1 MI ^SHtfff I wf^fw I ll|ll

^etht f?E Eft ee aff^Et g«a i Eg gg EETffa i eset i ejeee
Eft EE EEEttfEEfE aff^Et g I t^Et HEfE Eg I EEET I T^Et g EEfil f»E Eft
fsrrf EEEfE^iEtffa ETH*[t E^E Tfn $E: I f^Et EEVt gj EETffft |ETET EEgftifo-
frfEat: ee. E<fa *<ee: i e ei(m4Ret ^etet ettet ^fvrc;: i *>vt Eft ffEET i am
Elft: EitEinft Eft EEETE I HEfE I $E I fE*«t E% I fEiE EtitMETEET^iEBt

T=I -sft >Jft ijft ^TTf^^r I


tR I m I rj^t I ^flR I ijft 1 $S«p I ?T I ^nf^:s?pf I l^sta^r I

^nf^fe: 1i^q: i i i i *r#Sritf?i I i h«h
^ ^et: ft gEnf g?r gfraf ir^ ^5t gft Ega g^E ete i sfttfiiaif: i e e«e i eet-
fEEtETfE: EgE |E^cfcE |ETET ftVR Ef&fErt ftf E ;EEtEf EEE> ETEEiT ^EK 1 f^E $ t*11
EfiETTEiEgEEf E^Et EEEf ETfE^TfEi: I ET gft. I X*' Ef ETgE ^E ET 1 fE*<l* 11

^wt tstf ^ii^?r: i

TTr^TT Hi IIfell

^i i 15aTf^t1 1 1 ^i ^11^51 1
^T^i i ni i h^s^i faiw i ^i ^n i ^SHtfir i 1,lbl1
Eton Ef© TtTEi: E'ftg^EEignf ftEEE EtfEEtt I
fwwf; I EET EftE ^'^EEVEftt ETE E|lft<ftE*IE ?WEt3pT: E^EtfHElfNt ^
<*»<>.] II STCiftSTO: II
*tt i uronf 3Tf TOfSrfw %?c i to qftwft m ^Pung ^ptt mrr
to *

^ xrrat ifcrfi fw Wfa i

K^ tngfliq m ^iitf?wfi}fff f#i| irii

*4: i **rat i W[: i 3rc§ i stafi; i f^t i Mfa i i i
w* i *t: i^r: i ^f^[WT i tn^: i fin i w i H#srftf?r i sifff?r i ii en
% ^rn ^rrfSm^nffx; *rf*r totHI i twr s$t-
srftlf^^r^T^tri i £*gsv«i i * sf%m «ftiWR mg: TOto 11 TOrmsftmflpfmi
sarmar: 11 * tm: wTrons 11

nt^t Sf^pr ^rf^f *IT: 1

FTijb? s3fltfw*Tfffw non
i *rre: i i tJN: i i ^?rczi i *»t: i ^ i i i
w^: I ^ I HJ5f: I [ ^3T | 3TT | ^SrftfH I SlfffTT I ^#R| II ^0II
% *ro ^rrftrm^T: gg to% frofa arta: spgsf wrw nrai?n airoi tori
to: «tnM iTromg i w i to i wNt TOft i fro ?rgt* ^jufK^r i
agm ?n% Hfw ^*Nr TOT^rg totot?i ii

^rJHT^t 3lftm *NflpR f$ 51[?T *rifrt: ^W^fTT I

fwzw M II II
^sut^I i srfpn i 1 sre: i i& i sjti i ns*tfk: i ffrs^rrf i
^i \ fty [ *n?t i i ^n i ^swtfw i ^rfffw i ^*rt 11 wn
a^rrm anfori gtgj: ii m i ant?r nf^(rfc<nf«?*fi af*nr it ^(Vu a?RT i tojtr mg
ffn ^f?r i ^tst irrof Tf^ u* fin^rt jflrom <i««i*ihi^^i
jt^t ^*tt imfW: i ^premr
TOfii ^ tftpi: ?r ^ imfnftfTt n

fV*if ^nr ^rfw ^rcf^in \

^5n+ tr^ ’sn 5^7^fH men
i ^ i *qrj: i -msin: i ^rf?.* i tffrf i \ ^rf^sin: \ ^?T: i
i T^i i tr^: i ^n i ait: i ^j^fn i t?ft i i ^5: n^en
^ tsT % *ng: 1 tot jnjrrr: Tt wnirorra *s#si
i \ ts[ % TOfTOT: ^^«af vw ^fa^'U^pT ^<n^«en: ^v:
wfw i ^ wr v&rt wt: to: toVto i^: wfTTO*«fW&TOT*ft
Trfr: gg$fw i ii « to it

^rpg^rfflfTf ?ttoi4 f^fhsr ^if i wWjtoi $wnt i ^t *fr frofafw *mt wsgjn:
^ 1 TOSlt I ^g^fTOTt WTTOft I fTOT?TWTfwfW TO»ft f^Wt I fitSiRflg*: I fa% ^T ^ I
^ra^gfTOtfrjWT wt |tot i tot ^rnjwrrw i to^tM €f«r wtfro'igfwir tor|$
jrrTTOfr^ qrot pwtfa n to: Tjwrfwfrotw: 11"*

^^4 *nto: tonto h^36T: i

^firaiwftrywl ^ ^fttototsns fa m mu
^i 1 ss*to: i toh: i i srfn 115^ i TO*: i ^is^ffsCT: i
i srfa i i ^ i^ff i iisTO i ^4% 1 fa11* ■ mn
^gfHixnT ^fn ii toto: wf*s?jWT wif?pr: toto: tottow^i: ptwi-
^renr: i qi^Tgfwr twp$: i wpptt «r«r41 wrwtei i totto
qfrrf^Tfw i TOTft wf*r41 TOrrftroM n ftrft frtnf^i: i ^fz wFK'h'i Tarek ii
TOwk^ TOteoT: TOTwfrowr tjwt^w stpwtwt frown: i TO ^ TEfronTOwTfTOf ^t-
HWfMqTO ^ l^tTT^^qTfii^TTO i$Vi fBTTTOtUWTO! TWI ft ftWTT 1^ 1
reT^WTfa ii

TO to rT^ rTT^TrftoM* f*5«* I

^Epppr^iit ^4 nH ^ n ttrht mu
to \ Yf41 to: i m \ wg®* i to \ ^tos toff \ Yf*1
1 -ai^T i i fto i to i ^ i m tot i tor: ii * 11
TOt TOrrfw ^TOrftT srcp4 i fw*4 \ wra: n ®ft ftWTWirorTO i fvt4®^‘
Tinware: i tottTOwt^ti: i TOT i 95<ft4aiTO re; # tot fro: «4tfai TOTOtTO^TOkr
?i^4 i fq«arcTO i TOifiiMwV ^TiTf^^iWTlT^m 'tn^fro^rt ’to ^totoit i 1
TOTgvrrgvrffi ffi'<gTO<foroTO ?^p411 tt’sTO TOfro^r: jto ttrto tot toto^ w ^1
iT^TO tott i *R^r ttt4 gr<HanS: ii

nkr fk ^ht 4^4 ^ nt€r hhh^ hH i

to "4 T|r^: tor w4% ,2!^* H«totf^ii?ii
^nfc i to i fn i ftt i i^i 1 w i ?5»to i
to i ^ i i *s4tj: i to^i ?t: i i ^i to i 1 f^1'911
^ wra: ^tt ^TTfti ym i grtrorofa: to »
to TOTfqr-wi^^gtq ^wrtqTWFr: y gro ^ i
ftrf 4Urot ? tow i terror i fn«*iimn«ifitwi wt*totoi ^jwitwttot
jjoqo.$T°<£.$?W.] n ii

^ ®S'ia«*ftrTO<ft«ft: i to vtot: at totwi to TOrrroft: i tot

ftTT gp«rr totot TOTTOa gftr?r tott: tototo i TOft i TOg i tot
^f?ft*ft w: i i *gRTO*t afro: i to? qqtTOt i ^nftg«gH ap*g # ^ft:
tott hh w: Ma»3«ttf^fn w^Tgftw*?ft Ti«r*»f?r tow frompro: u J

^wfw 3m ft rftft tj^i ^t ii 811

tfkt i i i f'TT i ft i i i vkt: i^ i §ias*rr 11811

tvTfro «H<i 41<iHu qi>$«i*0TOTf*i gMft i ^ffTOft i g*n gqiaift gro*
PW< ft <T^7l i ftwn^nft gsfft i alf?rn aro: i |%g trot vrtrr ^fora: i ftwij i g*ar*n i
gaftft g’rom i g%^RT n g^ro^Tr^rawft ^ im*nf<«w<.Htti<i: i gut ggftft
ffaroT mwv-11 towt i >*ftr vftrat ^tg g«TOT g%w i ^%g gg g?nftfa 11 gm ggftft
Omtnfrwr^ir: n

^rR 4 TT sftTrR I
fftokfT ^ IIM II
ft: i tfls^pTR; i ^ofiR i i wpn: i ^TiR i
ftNmt I 3R7T I I ?R I f S%^R I IIMII
1 wm: w?reTn. i wspsft ^ TOffitairrPTT ftrorrft i
a&rnfoiVu'i«miv*i^*<toti m^niPTO ft^urtro i ftgro 11 «i£«itifttrr»f-
nrfre: i to $. ^S. i ^ft ftxnfrm: i m«nftroc: i sraftro i <rroftmft’rr TOg i ?ftrft-
wpf: I TTOTOUft'CTW T^T^BTT^ft: II fttftffllfTWCfli ^TWTTO ^f?» I TOftst I TOTOfl-
TO3 fTOm% i ^tfUTOg i ^ffjTTOi gro gf %rp w ’'fg^ftrogroftt a^rftg-
Wtfftf II
3*jirTS^ft I 3RW I I *|S*^R I ^fi4 I I H If H
^ rfroift *l^i<ingi<mqffTOg ^fti ftt i twfa i aftrirot i gro^ TftTOTrftq?t
grotf Tfrroft^taftTi ^aggiqro ’sfrorofti» 11 to w
store RfeTf T'srf^rf»3qj«i i
^WfT I \ ffrT l l I I ^1 I
I I I I I ^JStn^ II9II

? grf*t^f»cmM*inngnwTfti<>4|^l,!^*T 1 '3ft?^rreft,*Tftw^fti!T >Hui*ifl i

irroft tot gs^Hwft: i tot tot fift wrotftn ^i toto i «tro i i
*ftT TTt TOWP^ fwrei ^fT ^ftTTT?ftr<T gTO ^Tf^T i 1i
^Rspfanr itpit^ ^ft<iiiftwigr?t totvtt: ’roft^n i ^ ^ jf^rrot ^roftt w

WT?iw*n!RT*OT*iw wxir *tot ?mi ^

astir «twr^i f^rmi -pri ‘r^fjmi Tnwwfamtpp:ro,ii fth'fl % Riffcra: |
fiwgffff?! tj% i gw tw wt^roT i xftwtn iftoromwm. i wwwfi«n|: wm^.
3?tt^w4: i fW atairo i ffufaft famf^wir i tot arm i jggreft w ffrt ^
ar*re *nrm i gl^nnf i xsnsrtafwiprw i xif^TW?’! *r i Tf^fn ^ t
wpi f ft aw WRJjfir >mT ^twraf*rcnftf^ f^ftaimf* f'n^raxrrafertwsnfii
ftNxfaRfa *hwi i ^mfr jpr*ra: xmptxi WT?ra WTfT*nin^fr w xjxmrer t \ ^,
fqnrftwt. i frt ?rxn3RTiw i Wrt fttirirfr?reTtT^pTirrx;wTgv*m i Rra*rrfa tt %tnrrf%
*rr ^xsTJWTgvfttr^r wf^i. n i wwi wTrninnipm *?t i ^ ’^’It *n$$T iro^fii
fSnnfr 18- ra-i RftnraM vjgft *nwfw ^ ^twmtaTfar *rfw»t t f#rnt i ^
*ifwq~tixT *rr3tt t1 i^pf fwpf *i*rra flranr ? ww^tm xfrrrr: i
ygfowrfr tf^sT fa%*ri ^trt wsn^i i xpj fwir^iwrrf^ gra^tan^
*ror*rexif«mwiw II

WZ ff ^fcTT I
gt: *pj«mRflk^T *tt ^aj wii 111
irsi \ ^«41 w. i ff i a: i ^JS^: i ^R i i ^§<*T i Tj^f# i
ijt: i fg«*1i 3^t: i *n i a: I ^ftr^i 1 ^fn w 11 til
% Rsfsnn war arepi i srsf arts jxp4
^ si \J '
aftWR f^rT
met ff « —

%hx!tt mxrw: i Iw^rartR rfa i wtarpar^w qTfirc^ta tt aft: trawrfsp* ^t:

fiVfw i wSiftr 1 wtfwwrrwfarcm i <<fr<s i w <jt wr^tfai xrpinfax wfanfa
^r^rfwr i mf% *fter*4 i ^nr«4 i i ^pnt«r wrfti i wni^1
iiTfif | mfw f fwh5Tf% I ffxsn HTI HTTfW fV^<JI<lR W5WRT ^®IT*lf TT HTI ’JP^TT"
*Pr ^“gTgjft in wr i wun^Wr^r i *n g€m;i w
^ri^H ^^rftffT xtnx: w: ii ?l ??n I ?ftf^i<T IW fawf w «wf7r J?yr f^»f^
fff ^-?fr wtwrf^i: i ii tct i i
gri i MTt ^mr;. ftifn xmrf^wt jmaiWn ynw: i w irrpft gwraf^x: wg i
mwrvjir: w »ig ii ^wftilP7!!?ft%fn wz ii ^Ttw ^nrf*! Ryarrfa ir*
=i w w^fn xm i ht: i *rr 11,1
11 i ^mgwfwaisrat ^^f?f ii

w W ¥^rr ^ i
m 5?t ii eii
w i \ W i srfi^T i i i^rt: i^*i ^fft i 1P1
«T I 5T. I ^r^l ^IbTS^ \ ^ I Hf^SMTU I trim I Hft I w|iel1
”1 ^wr: wYmr vftr*: ft ym*gxft wfw wfx fw jj^'JSr
b ^ ’Htwai; nt wftiwt fvxi gnrrti anNf^i xNfa^*wi*«jjft TWnrr i^
TO i f ^rr: ft g*n* frra gfrocr «fif i wfacfic i fapf i Turn i
tvf i *rfw tott^t Jf¥ fra*rrat wri gwri t TOT%*n^*sri pft m unit
^fiTOTfsrftni5^ S^: I *T v^ufrrai i#*to i fsrra; i to ^ta: i to%* qqmfa
grots tott i i vwr rowrrr *£1 *i<ft fhfcrr ^«

3!T ^f®hr ?fiWf |

qft isnr^ ^ ^rifaf* Ufa srfjjf noil
^n 13 1 fa^ Ifftlf iffcl^XTS^fl ^Tsftfa: I rT5?rf I ^TOT^STRflfa: I
tift I I <** I srairtfa: I ^gfa I gft I ufai^f I T^m 11 son
£ ■v«rcf stfra ?ft ?fx;TO# fra ^r|»rfw^i ptwtw to$t fro i sn%* jg i
faft pc 1't sroroifpc: ^uw
OM^wj'^it(4): i roj: fEwr^^ra n <rrf*T sroTft! fragsfrff ^ ^Rwrarrf’f qp^rrff:
noft: i fvpn4 i dropra i tot \ to* i
* ^ f*T WTrafcswrarmt Tsrfa: Ttft raW t f5* gft groiff*P*fl srf* *£t totoitto-

^f^Tfa^RT^tsir^frfl ^drr fasnfa: i

^TWfa «R ^n^rtxresj fa ^ ^fae^RTjfafl ^3T# IISSII
^ ^fa l ^ l I WSfa^RTTf: I sfa: i ^fatsg«r i ^rfa l fas^nfa: l
i ^ i w i wm i fa i g 13fas* i snfaw: i ^f ns h

ft*ra: i TOpfWf* i * rogiM *rorf*f*rarn; toec to> **Trofvf*T 3% i SrffgrT tw^: i

TOrawiroi i to[t i mi roffa ^?r 'sirermTO* i *rrorro«i fra g gg f*r ^rffM i pc tot
rot* tot wiwmrsrf i ^ scrim yi^roiaro: fsTTOcWwf: u TOSTrofu ro:
smira: i w scrawlf pi«nfM=<*nftsfqij«(*n£r sfgTOfra froNTfromfi
*rara i mpr srocfw srocrafronrc; srfro toc rofra wct^ ^ctti^i tow i g gj
^ n srfiR f«r ^ftn4 i to %wt*h *c^ finit ^t J^ronro^:»
^iffSr aTcgcuT^fic^^ i qsgicft irr£h^rn^fn i w>c- ?. i

fafant: ’artelfarR i& fa^lrfa ms II

^k\ 5Tp I I ^1 ^ITipf I I ^pfT I ^rfasSTTfa I
fafan^: i i i ^rsni i i \ i |i| i fa^stftw^ ti ss 11
% *ncV %mr ^Bfw^r: to i gw ^c|wt ^tnwt y | ^sficpc^gwm t
^ ^ gw pfV?ir<fiCii( i ^tto i g^r I I #to?t ii >g£ flfHtraf *fanrfroi: i
Sfw^W i\TOPrro^TTOC: ii nfro i rf^r^ I’cmcro^fTO wthr i n^f i£ fra:
w w ii |>° t.

t*Tfgrzr: g* »f*tfij f^fft totoY ftrotfn WHWIffw: \ TO T*f*t tov: i wr ^

TOHB^&: «*^T^THT7r TfVT TOTO I A«ilPW to TO tfUmUM^tuH^rp*
ttoto ’Tf toto n «TO*$#TO*i ii TO^trortartf: 11 b ^q. b

it % TOflrffl g<fH gw i toSto^Y gro wfa: • w*n 5^®rn®rr %fa fro) (

fTOrr *R fsnjw i gviuft toft gin;: i nfowfiKfiig^TO to i tot ^i*S*r<i i u %
»TThNi WlTOrtF j^l%«T TOTf^T fTOT%f7l sO^UI TOTO fjffl^lftll R *)^WI ^fTT N TOTt |
tout: i grow*tot wtto i *t ftrs ’r^* i 3faqf g*|%
«5TO ‘qUHlJhqTOTTO 1 3TOT TOTOT! fTOcCT R^wft ^TO TfTT B TOT faVUliifaj **[
ffTOT i grort »tt*N TOrefw ^ froj ’w gsro tot% TOiarrfw from ifro*. nft i

H ^ T$ ftrpH-fogts^J TJ*pT I
wfwgi^T mi
K I Ttl tf I ftf|S^it I *& I 1 I
i • ^s|it i i i *v t sra mi
1 gror ?* TO fir^Tsm froiwrowre m i tort firjf^frt frorrom i wrfgfn: to sm
TOoro TOt^^g i to<j i w i TO*prr ^xrnf^R ^%w n toto gtf ggPifir fit
qftigtj' i tot^ «ft?r3l i faro topJ: b TO^nfror ito ?• <£$•1 tototo: b TO*ftTOng *t-

TOf ^f?r won i

nf^t «p mi
^i i ^Tct: i i ^rrei: i stot: i 'zftsvi i *nti *ntani •
vft: t^^i^f^^i’Ttsi^i^i^rfif^i^tr^iissiTnii^ii
tott TO^TO^TOn^fn wrnwTO TT?*2rr: wncfro?’^ ^rtfriTO ^
pror T^TTO i wtTOtotoB wIto WTO # ^pTf ^
tgw TrfBTT ^Kfilflj«BW» %WRtTOT TO^ft I TO TO# TO TOTf^Tt ^TTTO aa^l
ttto: TOffl*nft b TO^^rfTF wro frorow to *

T*3tf%fa3FHrT: I
,an ^t ^w^lw vi ii?ii
w. i to \ f^kir: i i i ^fks^hr: i
<i^« i ^t t *ras^c i i ^t i i to[ i ?i *9|1
% frorrTOf ’sHHtotrN? i to^to i n^eni i %
jT^***iqfns( «npit qrr ipfaN i i f*pwnvn
to H»pt: i qfHf|d«uSlfln. i TOff<i we irfrorni to i groq i

fjft f^wsii^TTff: f? r i

« ^ ^T| lltfil

*r-1p i s?fanti i f? i w i ij^i ^rs^tfrf i sf* i

wi i wki i i srfirt i i wrpi\ ii 8 it

to yw:J^qVl l f*W TO -d<(qi*g jj^diyiiyil^qiirQ^iiqtflftiTO *fro: toi tot f£
ttfcrjq ^^fffwnrrf faffci gfT^r i ’jStw fqfffroqrq. i i tot wto^wt-
tTi^fff i ^ ir^fir ig i TOTroron;: i nfror fqror ff gsugfi^ft i tot uf^t
fw: to: i tott tfn toy snn i T^m*i R^ewfro TO»rcfNi *rg qnr ^mrot qnfWr

MlRR^^irT 3TO$lfipfTO TO ^Tf%: I

ftc *rt fsrnre it m ii

fa I i ^S^tt: i Tfa I I fifa I I I

N I I SJiTS^I I *R? I I WStfa I fa*TR IImi

gro wi i T*»tfw d^^fl^^^iwnfrc: i gw toto**. t%nrt TO*rfl$$q, i % i

toto: wftq *Ne?fr to;: i tot TO%q Tirepta Trror affanr: wN% tot^^H i ft i gw qfa
toto gqgfNImi? frown? qnfroro: gw? i wSfrofTORfr i t?Ih-
TO$WTf^«TOi i Trrfift to TOfw tot w#bp?: i tot i wfcrrofttro t yftnr
g?n? gs qrowrrf^ ipnfTOft^ff rot gror tttowti wro* ror$ (row i q&q«

$f?RR ^fa: ^^sfa HIT fa*T?j gSoTRff ll^ll

i i ^r: i qSRfa^X1 1 TO i i

#«i ?<fa: i i ssntefT i w&if# i w i %s^: i ii^ii

qs*f% irfnrt gqnt qftm qireH i ?hnfng!i i^ injfqnw

Tnjt ^ wrrfq: i ^a«aiqlw^: i ^m^rfwn^w 3W«m i qmTw*ftg i frora-
^ ’rgronrois qnrt^n«n<1g i qnm i ^fsr^t i i ’vg
II TO qfTOTTO 17TOI ^TO^rfTOTfTOrsf^ q^g«id*9 TO # TO^T I TOCf^TC
^?Tq^r: qgg^iift fqjfriqTTOtd; t ysi*nK*Kti ^^wrwi TO ^ro:
^rg*^ to vrrot gqror wroTO^q Oi'M^t q^sift tj«Ki,n ga**a
ingpg^fTi i qjTOfftran^: r m?i«if<q4ii^n:» i #
?8o n ^3%^: H

SrT Tfoqfcsm I

is ^sNrqffowfaTTR^H tratfa: |IS II

# I ^ I TOflM tlfrT I TO^T I TO** I TRltfa: I ^fr^ST^R IIS||
■^mfq w fw^ w grnsfUTO tw nfti i qfwrwf^qrre: towr: i« ^ xrttoitoto^-
sttob: i Trororegw?^ i i tW tottoI^: i sartor T% *M toimI^hhr ^
fWswrorensgg wrcapTr^ i ttorR gsuwtaroi. n frofr y?*qiP^«Pm: i ^
TOff^t ^ft{^rRm?7RITTO TO qfTORTqW I TOqigTOTOP I I tTTO?ffTO*m;
qTOf«: «rW«Ttp i W5t^T^TR<t i -tffnartf: u

^s^T^^SfW^r ^TOT ?^rr?Nr: I

3jwrnf^ fsRta *tt: tarepraft^tonr n t11
ifi i tos^ i to;^i -atwff i tor! i <5^ i ms^W' i
i i 15Rfa i jtt: i vjwsm: i ?rf^ft: i tot nbn
pin i spi w H^fn ?ito i wro* i ^r imR: i ?rr n wi^fr ftft:»
wroff ^r^TOSRTn; i TOroft i fa f^t. i ^ttoto toto spR ^ TTO^TOqflmq: q$ft
tou i p: fa gtfw i tobtw TOprjjmf^a wrw fwrofa wrofa wiroi^ftfa frofa *r
srerou to: with: «pru tow qTOrosnfrofr: i wt^Pt fafe qrrow; # tr$*Nrfq^TOTOrai
v% i irw TnrftKVsnS: u

i *ha «ftwi ^ w% sroM i

froi to Tj?if?[T^ ii d ii
S*t i rr i im i i *pr i ^nsfai: i i |swr i srcfa i
MI I *mS^l RfR I I Spfo: I TpRT^ II <111
toer totow trotwrorrawfaw srofrore torto $$tto wfa wrotfro i ttto p#*
TOfa faro^prrow i gf frofr qfiifn: i ww spnrfr TOdft i \ nfrot spror to i ^?^'
TOfrofro xnrol n i to° 'q. q.'oi. i *fa V. # W*«gro* tf* *p? wtot i fwro ’Bftf*1
gwl TOTOW^f TOWwfn totour TOwrorfroroJ: i p: ^fw i tostto ^ i TOront^
#rwn f^roif iqM.i torrto tohi i tottjt itw^: i toi uto ifl=«i*y4i'fTOT ^
Pl4wi^«» TOMTOM | tfW fTOR TOT ’RTTO^: I ^»T fW%»t WTOTOPfr^W TOTT WTO pTO^S
TOn^g fitTOW wfwlR Ttfror xriirfn ^totoi: ii i TOtfWz^frwwrrTOprTO 5s 1
frofr wwva

to ^ rn^T wi^fH i


ii n

i i i g i w»<5?sh *i i ^^f?t m* i ^ sfH i m\ wyjft i

H ii rj^ i * i v*3$i1 3IT\ Htfa i ^s ifc: i Y: i ^rfw i H s^fi^ii <i o h
n atmta miwrm:Pi u^pnfti ^ftfn n i(St *rfl fcm*np<fl<«i i xrgfH i
4 |^nir <rg ttott wrofa i w<tf*nftap$: i ^ <i^r s?r-
jjrHfm ^mrafw i wsfro qirtata'i}: i f^r# grj *tt wrtfW i *n*tfa i Jrot^
*n?tf?r ii *m »t?ifr grow wd gqwsr ^grnc: ^
^rgt *r?fa H^spi srareqr wi nf^pr. trpri *rr wf^r* *rffo u f^r *rf?rcp$»T
i^rarw^^nT^TTfx: ii

Trkvfi $*Rc* 5RTTT \m II

xii^RTSi^ I ^frTSf^ I IR^I | I I
toW i f%?ti tW i w* i $SHnc#i f^s^i sreji mn \\<\v
qagu*i\ ^rrrf^r: i tttt agwnft qftf*ra ii fsfl ii qftsrart w w fagmT
tftftfspi i m *tot ■qfTif^^ i ftsrr Wt *rwta: i trfwwt f*raP3 i qf7rf*n*m-R$ wrf*fa*
3f*rR^ ii w«rs gnfrreifr i ^%f?i i i 'rr° §• 8.^?-1
i ^t ii ttsit *u<.I*iS*ihi#i m\«ihi ^5*n*n
arcfw i i f5%%^ i 9: i ^ra: f^fi: i «i$ojl«i5R f^i
ftfasni qci%q ^ i *j ?r«rmfT% ^swftifo *nrreref7T <ra[f^r*rfii wwtt
qifcfl ^5ft Xjurf: I 7!%^ I TTfETcT^r afKR W-1 itf^ 7TOT W €TTfWj7TOT
^jt jfr^TEi i ft^n: *rni wrsre ^rr g*nra iff#r*r*i<wiq<i i ft*ww i
Tffsrr^ i ait^nraw H^g ii
rj f^?f i
^ f5iT it ii
i fa^ssr i ^WrT: i i i i i
^it i ^i wifm i i i i stem i n <i* ii
gro r<i4^i>y^mgTf^g^t i % t?; w f^rw *»4<a qpnrag^r-
’Tsm: xr^nft tt ^3irrairf% i yrvrTW i wrr
«*Mg i ftp ^trrfg^T gnMi«5i4(iv^fH i w i
wfr zifini ’tnrf% wrft i ^wn|^Tft»nM»w5y< i ^
flqrfl ^ftnsrr g^ri gpft g^ft fwr fqnft ^qrrq^'i ^ ^ftwfqcrr ^33
ftnrref^ wN svwf*HSif% <TOTwgTf9 ii * ^n
tiwm gwfj^wmfriTWii ’wH i f?8iny«
W vft wsmim i ** *? 1 1
nm^m »!TOTt i ttot ^T*pfit7T i wg:
iff*«w<m&( wft wiftwig ^nff **** "«5a V ^,7mT^
II »
gfTO i gfroro tiwrotg: ftiw Tf* ftk ron* i wq.s^.i ff?f i wwmfin^i
llflj.*=.| XfH V « tot3 TT*r: $ro TrSfroai: i ffro ^ I

fasjHt gwt R talTO I

IMtp *m ^ti srsw^fRi: mu
i ■Rd'ajf^f: i gg*: i r[ i 4fa: i ^t^: i sjt4*o: i ^M?rt i
i ^rfasfipi: i g^S^fa: I *m i jfcrt: I spre^i ^pli I s£: hsii
TOfiig; wg: wfrornft sarTOt 1tt fwr*ft f*rf?r<7: i «r£«it wroro toh$: i * to 1 jwt
y nta: i fyifcrorrf^fn »fta: i mroff fw to i « tot iftwrwrr g*rr*ri wfcrt rot* *^|
to*t i ftrsrrrofronf*: ii 11 grot n wta: fwt w ’3*rrwrt htoto: *to-
fun i toito^ tow srpn tot«TOrafg TO^fe i to $. <\- *>^.'o. 1TOt ftfoy-
JWTWTTPTJft tot ^ TOrorrofr: ii TOwTOt i ^nlipft w»pn: i «^Tutf tEront TOwr:
^wfroT i w*to: ««i^<fTOT nrfwTOirf%y wrftw ^t i ^rMro^gfrorrofTO: i
^TOTOygwfTOlftNTOq TtTO: I TFfftftr: I ^TTOrfTOTfaf?! I TOTTOrt ftTO i wr i
TO to front: i totst^i *rnfro ron5: i to %to to* T$**taWlqiW(.i

tf^snfafiwil ^5tN *pjprt i

rlf&O ^f^TiT TT^tf^ ?R 5^5R 11 *11
rssM^t i ssrftsfi^N i fimrti i i 11
rTi^l1 3RRTI rTr^l Rf«i 1 *pi: IW 1 3*|S^R I gSJft ll*»
toj mt^ rofro: TOimqii«* 0*f*TO TO: wf i ro^TOiPifaTO ^tWTOTO r«^l
roiflTO i ’Sfro^.igTOTfw ii TO«toui £*toTOtSWtot^w»gjf
^ftr TOTOr: iw?. ?.<^<i. i TOt gg it ^*rr TOTOr tstf*i^w *gy ron 1 trgro «TO1
yrtwro i % gvt «ftar<f 1 nr> %mr: * frorfro f%lpiro% roron nnoc.«i.'0)j i^
f^TfaTOITO^faftqijjK f*TTORl H TO: 1 ffTOta fWT ^tT ^ «

s ^ i9 i
uftifimfroat n?«
r: i r: I ‘Mfnsf^: I I RS^T I r: I ^ l 1 *1^'
R^sfsn^i RprsTrr: i ^T|s^pff i <pr$*fcn i 11 ?B
yt TOTt^gil I TOs^W TOBTTOTO^i ^Ntfl I * t*
ylhTOFtitot froftfwgw: iterror: i »«%'sfl *P*Pn*:
*: v wr gvf gw^wfiiln TO rot^HTOifNr: i to TOf^fW: ,
grra «w rofit frtf smT i tot yfnrn: ^Pfron rotr» 1^
n li

maft44 *Trmt i y a «renffa Tfm t pt i pj irp4 i mmm ipkittfttpfllffl min^Tt

prarmt ftrf*ren^t^l i m° ?. *.'oe.,t f%f*r: N prakkrmpT ufnffmfir: ^
ft^ftwr *mkrm i *nr prr *t *mkr$: i ti^f^nr wtf* pv: I
-Sf&ft vfr T$?l I

wftrotat: w*tew^«ifarTT rqMf 11811

i 1 1 1 ^:sfT 1 safari; 1 ^ros^mfcn^: 1

i *N: 1 1 ^rr i i srorrai i 1 sffam 1 t*ri?ri«811

% fprct f?m m: ^iwfap^ t^t ’rft 4^ 1 MRjt-'a? 1 ({tank^Pwkrt^rnwr ^

T^tfT wi (?atrpm!f»romrvm: pfr mwt ?r«rr %m: in44fv4t: mm rntrSw
mam mpr. ttsr^ttt ffp. it pr fimm i ^t: n fpn i ■g%»r it P4m
*f4 kPapmk h Pft4 Pi nfPwm: tfwmrNt Tmrmkftfv 1 mr»

^?*fagpr: *ifac: ir^r: w. i

srfWd 3*fa*irn ^rft^T f Tjm\ fire ritfar^ 11 m 11

^c*sfagpq: 1 ifflOfc: I HS^ffc: l 1 ?rnft I fl^JTR: l 3q: l

ifas^fk: 1 wfastfsn 1 ^s^n: i^f 1 ig 1 x$ 1 ^n 1 fire 1 fitsfi^nmi

mNi pm m4 fprrm4tf?r msrfPjTm t pt i ms »mraf»rfn 444sr*kt frtmnt ik
prfpjro t mia?i msp T7?i4: 1 asrfmd flw. mfk: ^44^ 4k: pm. mfwmT*t«im
m4t 4Ptm*»gmn pm: ajpwrafwrfmfra p4k4kfMk: i srfSrmrr 4kr 4t444t
ifmj w «t Tmkr: t ^TOTfkiww pkn: pit msrsrnr: uprjmp % p %4
mnfN apnr fp t *w<prm4«rd<psfffr i k *r 4tf4fpm srarr^km m it

fifafts* fitfiit *N*ng skhresk inpinrokfcn i

ffi irwm *rcnfit ^ t**i n$n

fikrsfi^ i i *Ns*n| 15r4rf i srstf i vsifwi i ^Nst i

?*f i sssrrm: i ^i ii&\mm i 1 tfi w ii§h
4kfp i m p^rrk mu 4kr Hw i w i jfl^Rr: t m mrnr xfz 4tm: 'km: i
Srpt p=nt ^ptit it pwmm t m° ^ $%. 8-1 ffn mkims a
^mt n^fiwmT PT*raft«w5iT *t+Hifki irp^i^tswT ^%*t pht pninRf pmrtPT
>»pM VfMtwmm tfir piqmfpffif t ^m: Pt?«rm 4tmr: pm 4km t tpw-
mr; ermg i 4ks4 pf p4 a p: 4k 1w4t t 4UsKi w<tfir pm Tfit
Rkal pro pt Pkprr: ptfitarffl^ «\*t*tnnp4 x?m a a^a

^ nWrfig «tm i
II ii

srfa1 i sfcnI *TT^r: i I %: I i ^ ,

5:s^rw: i ^ipipn^ i ssrgta: i 1 i i tt i h Sii

»ftmigraTfq %mn. sr?m ^§r»nfH mf*rnr: f^*ft ’ftft ftiin:

ipw^witwr *rangit\?r m n iig^wwcrfvmftin « ^
?r? Tfn f^: i ttf?: * Tf?r *$*11^:« * T* i ^g
%*rt igj mrftg irnrg i miwn ^ n

ii mm ^WT ^wfir^feNT fr iq ^rn: i

ST^rftTlt ^rTO II t II
ii i mm I $WT l ^fwflT: l aftim I i y: I ^ I sN: I

^rs^raf 1 ^s^rttaf 1 srfcfrri 1 *m: 1 ^51 ^ 11 bn

*tm mmfUTg *m rm fwfa; gr ng nw ^fmrr
W *fr*rg gr TtMn n^i mfa: i mrr
gnmfaf n se^wtfw *rro ^r?m mnftaTfmrni *rammnrrer w^fft i t q. <v*m. a ?mmni
*ig 1 »Nsg #

iijm ^*ot ^ ^n%*rRT wt ^ 1

^hu^rt ^ \mm 3j4rn*$RT7t nan

iim I ^t: l l TfsP 1 ^nf^TRT I WT 1 I ^7 I

*TST$*taflT I gW^JFlf I 'qfah l^TR? I H*}rfT I ^1 TOl^ll**

ft»jfr mN%’5[^ mswrf^arrm *iw m3! wto mifafa i^

it ijmp®prpri mrefarpri ^wrg i '8fw^»
nnoi. ?.?8-u


3lf^TT^*ltoT *ntr!T *nj Trftf: 11*1011

^1 1 1 I ^1 I WfffR? I I

^i ^rsf^ i ■anftr^f i i voim i i ^ i ^t; 11,011

1 qvnfa'% w^rpmgvT^^ i fin i niT%f«pirrf*i |T,itt^t^t

^nai «mi wrftrot %mirrm mrtfli i% mfmrmrn’rt ^Tfmrff’i
Msig i urn mmt Tm*rf *frm »

wm\4 i ^r mtm n *1*1«

i &: I i sarStg IWTR! I *n: i I ht: i sni^ i
wHl3 I ^TT* I ^STt^Srfa IH«Tr| 13RWPr( I ^ ?f?| I^TP I ^RrTI |P^ H'l'ill
aanai agrtg t'T%af srnrtg ^3 Maarw ^f^ahfWgO VfaaT wag i aaraii*
aT T^r: «fa araa **13 ir|a. 1 aaronas aKT >m aanc aaft Hag i % ^t: mtf a w
%*Taa Taa f%g wn^311

SSltftaf f%ff llfrTc^Wrft JJIT^T^n^ ttfff I

faife |R ^f^rTT ll«RII

taif I 'ftraf nrfirs <^H4rfluiiT^ i sintftr i w% i W i *f| i

% ar% aTaTf*mTfafa ^att amtai atwr arfwt farf Hfaaftaaa't faatfaaiaifa ifaTaa-
«wr**uanf<*iiwi*ni 1 ^ftja I aifir Irf? I arfHaae I itai WT a f ^Srg 1
faarr aaftja 1 %$fw w^aativta awr aaai i aaaiaT 11

wrn h4wt *rt tsf *: 1 *nj s^^n wv&v 11 <*? \\

HI flT I SRrT I I ti: 1 1 I T®? I 1 ^ I ^ 1 ^T W^- I

■sRiipjr. 1 tw\ 1 ssrcta 11 «*? 11

% aft %htt: nainai faaTarft atarc;: $a 1 na^a 1 w a am aTaifaazTa. 11

fir?: *iwf*T|if?F? i^a faaraTaTa: it at ganafn?;: atf gar aaeg 1 awg 1 at aT?a
wr agriNaT: ag 1 aag 1 arar^aiT a^vafwiTaT aar fiw «fwi aatar ag at
ar?a: 11 11 n
'^wratwarr^ira naa gw i * 1 aaT aigaria 1
^Tfrra ?fn 11 aa: garfafaata:

sratfa sH: ^|H tjr ?ft«n *nf| «J51

l«r f*TCt f^rcNKT ^RT ft fW II =i II
Wftf I *?tf: I ^SgiT I I fftSWTT I I ^ I ^Tf| I iJ5 I

^ I fnt: 1 Ws^fta: I f^Ri: 11 ^ 1M1 |rT^ 11 ^ 11

? HWT air^i: *fltgf*iTTya gwr wr^sf ^firtiaTfa 1 arfHg^gg 11 3^ aifim VTtt-
N wt ffwr ff^aatiii«ii*iWrHrf ga gjtga arf? 1 aanra? 1 gwi
tafriar^hsnr: apiat finrfhnr: 1 farrr %VTfaat atrr finftw 'WamT: wtsr*»faaT<t
^f mamVarr: 1 ?*rprr arraiftm 1 1 ajanfir^mftwa jrnsw ji tr
^ 1 aT^ftftras: 1 faaiTarer gas 1 vfa^w^: 1 Tf^raTg^i 1 *w$fin ^i<at fai^ u
^ W^i: 3Wrf«3?renai ga ata ar faa 11
a^TH annun^faai#'tw ^ra^SlaT an*rr 1 gfaa a 1 vg ^a*a llXa: faWIta
*n*rri'*r° M.i tfaii
VOL. IV. Y y
$$ ' n n«

w* firo i

fafasptoi?! is <f*i 5H»H^ *4*3<WT^: h * 11

Wtz%11 Y- 1 i ?S1 Ys^: i gwFi i mi i tjto i

■ftfftr^: i i i ^q: 1is i $4i fifth i -qfe I i irii

1 ?ft*r: qrrcfa m <r^?r fft i^#*t*^im ?fa *&£^ ^^hi<*rrgqqmRi
ff^wri ^F^raprrf^^g ^w Miftflfq i qrfarjrr^sr^: i gfa: qr4%gfa: qtffafr.
3%c«ps#rf^fir: q«*aifaqfl«a a '3»risni fwraw qrfafafa qpfan ^ff^TWirrat ^
^ftfn wt ii i^ir #rofa?TfaHf^ faq i qfarr ^ «rat *3*rfa '[W i ^ ^ ii ^rrfgift
fanfafa ttwt fafipifar^ n 4 4faro^ j faq wnmft t tf g*i fafa?:
i qifaqq*rf4faan$: h fa? acarer *rfa farsgfa ^si n ^ ^rrr? <3#
apjlw^n^ %fa4fa? *pNt u
fflflYS) p~4i% $n?|i!ji^fa«i: wfanfarafaT «u«<i i gfa4 ^ i ^rer^fa n*w 4fan <31 fa gq?
rqfa priftft *rrar i ^° §. #• i ffaa

ftfai tffrT ^ Vffi T^ $7Vti ^ I

is Tikq^ ^fWfq: W rim*' h?h
U I ^T I iftfTT I I 1 ^qt IITS^T I I ffiCS^PS I ifq I
ii i M?rifH: i sg i t?tsto i »froHw i i *jwn n?n
1 ^4^- qforq g«ppT<g?f wri <ftfa wfaqfa *mfa i Jtwfa i ftwtf i t& ***;
*rn i w q'tf* i gfrenfagrrei iwt^t? w*n pn qwwT tt gwl ^tp:
faTTfa: apfrfa^hrrfa: ^famfwfa’JTrfwfffa: qttffa^fTfaprfa vv?m i gro »^
gfa4fa i ’qrafaq? a
sT^nrNffap: w *nrt inffa T^n- -crntn i <stft trqfaqjq ^
i qr $. a-1 ?fa ffw a

^ ^li«TT I
W5n^%; WTRT^rtw: ii 8 ii
^firft i wftsw* i it* i ^q'qj i i i 1 ^s^t*- i

inns^ i i? i *Tp: I i t&a: i >jqM: I ^11

% irqfa: qfapfa?c ir^gwn T^nfa ^ ^r wfaw^W
^fawrfaq qnr*n ^ i qrfar^: _^5
wft qwfaf^r xnt thtt qrcrefaTijpraw i tl^frifaT^f *<^«Tl arjmftft
guifl^wl qpfa: wjrnofa: *r? ^nqnrero: i farifa a «<<^: ®W'^T
qwmqrS4rf qf?fa ^ i wr^ii: i qnft q^wfa fa^w^S: a
xr^fTrrf^ w** 3Rte: i
rffitWjf* fafift ^vt^T: "^tmt t? rR fgTftfm IIM ||
^fTTsf^: I ^ I i gswt: i I i srcto,
tft*T I ^frT I fasflft I <^tm: I #rTTt: 11? I W* I ^Jrftf^: IIMII
* wsr gj from gg*?*?r ggw gv^r *t gwrt mrffrft
m Mofiraft: WT^m^nn^wifr w: Jfftmy: ggmfn: firormfwwfM-Tfw i xpmi-
wW?rf«fTW%s! *tg€l*rt i fafwyj^wrtiftlwrt Rt?tw*t
gf?t w sfvrPTT ^sirew *f?r %*»: u n *811

STT W^tfTH fficm gft«TT mff tfrR Ignti |

a rfT mi H%: II If II
1 sr^tftT i fft:s^: i ^ftsvqrr i i m% i xft^ i 1
id i m i i wbm \ WR' 1 srffc i i tts^h: \\%w
f g^TfHgrr^i #n <rto^ <trt?t wrfw qftpi*w<(l«ifo swftfiji
^trrftj fm ^Tf? i w*r^ i wf^ i ifwrwrwrf i mwrf gft*r T^tanfc i
W i ffw fttw rfo *wtoi 11 i% wmr wr ^f *rtn *frw*i ’sirs i anstfa 11
g% ^%f?i jjj^gi i s^srfti f^fTT w^stw i tt fsrfs
i pro: w ww *rnrer m s^m str^ i ^mflt qriws 11

^msnrfamfwmg ^t*d ^fifi I

>jifg ^xnftrrfifs m*mT sificg: xfarT ii s ii
^¥s^ni i ^famfgssl i ^wst^n i m?s^?r i i
^ i >3^fg i fnt«* i ^nHrTs^rr i ii i g*rmT: i wftg: i tr^nr ii $ ii
*r$ft f^rarnrf KfmT'*ifwrt%-
*nt g^OT*T^rg% *ft*t wri wni wi ggfm g%{%irf7Pmfii£
fa*: ifTi^rr ^ gyfa i w-ifffW i w^rr? i srfyg: *spre: i *pfn 11

^Tn^f ^fh ^OT ^15T ^Tf^: fHM^TrtT I

^rr ^ ^ mg ^ ^ f^: IItil
i ^l4: i^: I ^smi: i ^t*T: I i ftrg I snk: i gg I f:sf^i
I ^[Rn: I I ^I 1^4: i mg i i ^ i %: ii t u
_ ^ ftr 'smfUf'TT w^tt: gw: g? wmnr: ifWw^T
^iiTfti: I itt» » » Mc- ?• I ^ 3^-
Yy 2

n mgarT mftfaaT: aalatfa it1*: i ^ gf^a. W *fm ar arrfaifaTf|f»i:

^rjpr^VfiT: fag agspraa;: i ma*ia aar& i ay i an snfctaimaT amtfiaun aiiM\
to sa|fa arrfa: f#g mftaay i fma ^ aafa aa a aatnyiqfn«i*giiq>i: mmft: aa|?fy
mtarn i a^mfrag i a^flwft ifa^if agl agmrra atmiJ a mg aaa nun *rnS a f^: (
^iwt: ii

sret v& i
is ^n: 11 <£»
3to: i tt^: i ^sw: i Wf*} i snrtn: i i \\m i ^k: i
i& i *it: i R i i i htW: i I if** i ^n: lien
% ts2r a?fa$?aHa a^ana^ii%T^^«*i^<r<ga: 1 arg garrerg la^lm na tcare-
ftq: asnama: i aHaaft aafa i ay i aatfa anai'Aigm^ i % t% w in aat fa?p
faganaf aari aifrfa ag marta arH gym: i qWl: »xp
gmfaarar aai^a aj: 11

cftor: i: gyfi*n?rnfa I
sst! w ^t ^rPrftr: non

^cnf: I # 114* I i I ^ i \ ^S|W i ff i

*n^l ^ i Vfffin) ^ i C^51 wri I *n«:1 TJrteT: I «'V II

tsft #it afrifaaUfaifta atfr aT mg: auSaTa gafw Tframgfnm: i aarft a i
aataa$m: iiftitmi aTmaaa. t iftafaaf ifaan* 3*pf»i^ i ^fn gaafa an
aa amaaa: aa: aftatarS: i farma |aaTarm^aTamagwt,l‘t1 i jaafo ^
atm i mrtmsm *fa atm: wa: i amanita; i amfta; i ^nvaagi, fan amnr 1*
%aa a%afta afa g irm j^Ufafl: inmTafaaaT gam: urg%m: ami i a«r«aa;ii

vr^ ^Tf TTO#Tfa4^%Mt ifrW ■qT^HTFT I

vnj^xnTrR tfH ^TTfri II«!«! II

^1 1 1 ti i i ^ i ^STfTi i i

fJTJTit I ^I I I im I ^TM i Hsftm I wMt II w11

^ arrernrr # # ^mi .
m^aiT^ al gm i li^grcsgfr mrnr gma: gfaa: ay amt ^
gffa ’9gf%: i fft w ggm am aam Tfa 1 faatfmanr$ ttaayr^ia^aa <3ml«rarin i
fa^a i mnsn arm at aT i ararata aatar atmni! i ftrsnr^r: airfa: -^,.
aiy atafr gfSNt man gfaat gara: gfaat m aiarr gf4at gara mlf^l ^
awSt fajaarran araat %fa i aat fafmfta: n
it sroRts^i: ii

5% W# wrr ^uit: i ^ ^tt ^rarota n r h

^t i ^ *f?t i i i i w*k I TOOT 15^1 cnf^fw -sn; i ,
t qrafagflg, 'H^^*ii*ii<< sirnRW’f stt 11 fis^rnnpii qi?fefiTf?f
^mw: wJ^nTSTTWi^ff 11 ^t i i vr*r«r ^ ^t *rr: i qT^fasifn i
*m: ^rra: ^rirt wf*TO?famn% 11 %f* i mW* yiWMfawfo
^t^j: ^gs i frni ^m5vrgafi?m^<,fiiilfai srlft f^ayi^jr i^w frmta: 11 ?r
fgTrt: i 'srgrf ^ fit fa T*nn gran ignlwilrH i w ^an*prprfir n
^r^tiffT ft*irti4: i f^jfi^rreftv *f?r ?mrf i WPrc^rTOi fTmfirgrf ^ft** ufa i
fa*i4(*ifd n^Tf i ’TTTrram i Tr%»rn^iv^rrfsRT^m nmim»j^4 i «rer H^TsrfaBnfc 11

fit wi fs^rT f^hn ^trf i ^t pft * %ftjvq hrh

fit sfHi^igs^priifasimi%:isrlmi^iI^imitsft
ffH i ^ i i xrfH: i ^ a r H
*r%'s^T sft ?ft<Twr^t gg^rT gj fwr^ i gfirfamfaaptf: i f^nnrr i Jnrfitfn »it* i
W^w'r^iiTOjWt $*rr tjWi i »ravr i yanaffgarfqwfr i w* *r Twt
'arrmgfwrf^ *rarr t^t ^rcr^fr m tgirr'r# 1
t? *ref ^ w i^njrff rr^efr: urfa: *?rr*ft ^ ^ wf»» I ^aiiw^qqiTwqts »
^fwff? ^T7t: ’JJTftr ^^T^wniviTgwr^T^ft tfz %wwrc;^ro: I *rcr H*f *^HT*rg II

wn fr%: xnt^j- ^n *mT ^ stamigt fH>fhcT^ 1

I ^t: I i& I i ^t i *7ff: i * I I fswtaFR; i
^ i *r^i i Tff^s^ ii ? ii
v t%'< trni% i ^ tw^i: i Tft f*: i tffwnimT *r *rg^ l? ^twht-
w%«! ?r? gt jrrRm.f^m»if^«w ii f^n? i ?rer ^ i%\

»r=rf7i ii

wi 1 *35 fS: II8 ii

i mvt: I i& I I ^n i i i *<&t: i i

*3t: I i& II8 ii

,?rPTt: i i nyzm ^rrgw^ i v^T’iT^snS: i w
58ff?n i *ra[T i m4t: «fTW: 1 wwtJ* ii to^i: ihto
nr«^.^.^t:.8, i i^rTufliwre: i vrerrra^wra; i m° m. 8. <ho$. i ffa ii
$M0 II wkt} II [«•&.*•
TTEnf: i *ra*K ^fmt i Wi ^uwra:
3 i gjfaMfafjNf
>* ^«wr»i:
" '»|i
_ *. r. _ rv_ •__ __. „ .
'3wg^f^f5lB: iwt i wwfir i *frp[ ts;: I »R^fff^Tlls^ yfoft.

^rfii ww Astern ^ ^ i ^ftfw f*ret*ri farfircffaT^ n q R

I W' I iTOT I ^’aTS-srrri I ^HflT I *T I I ^tfH I %lt«ri I
faftrcffs^; it mi
^ t%- ^iW!T ai^*f<Tfft ^rrfrwfr I f*IMTr»: I tprra^ %•
wr^sf ^nwTrorapft *rrfv ?rwt ^srfvf?ref7i siiOtffl it ^rfv’ifrfwrat ^ 11(rr# 8- 8§. i
^Tftifv^witrr ii w i %fw i gwt i %an$: i *
fsprrwri ?^t«rr f^fw^mf3-uiTOf*is[: i Tjaft *w«PW^i^n?[: i ^frfn i €ffrRrr^ n ng #
*rarr i *rgsrfnff?n*4T i nff^^r u ii =?$ ii

nnffl|i^Nrt ^frtorsj *t*: *t^t i sfsjfa^rirf^ ii ^ ii

H i ^rcap^1 ^s^5n: i ^f4: i HrT^ i ^t: I I^ i ^i

nsjsfa: i ii€f ii

^e^tt wwr ’hi *n^ift<i i <g«irf4<*

inffrfn i w i ^ftr **$h«w i jt^wj gprt£g^ i ^ t%- ’jft frafait *rnrfT^T flMidii-
7rfr% w*i<frrw ^tsrttot ^gfw: Rh^-Hiw: ^fn: i ’srarr i Bigftffl wtto i
jnnN ?nr* w i to jsm: i n ii gqf ggf*rf* to gn^n»
w h m i fina rtoiv i <,«!! <,TO*renf^f^ i *

I ^irTf^cT *T ^ Il«H
IV I I I ^4% I I I I ^I
^ I *5i: ll$ll
?t f%: g?*rra gg ^w*f wrofa^ to% to tmts to
*TOT»isMeT gfror iij} i fftrom: ii 11 ^'
itpi. ffw^t iri'WTOf tt wrfgr^Tftmfg: i i ^ v*‘-1 1
t^t xfn i »?f3j7Tfr*rf»nf i rRTirr^w^ *rofn TOl ii

^I5TT I «TT^5H 3 II t H

^ i sr i ^rt i fw^rff i ^r*T i i i^i 1 w1

^fwi ^^fri llbll
% rg; ffw ff^nf^r TOT*ra ftiftf? i 1
Ef?i ^t grwT i ff1ror i^wirr i wit ^f* \

i srafa* ^ ^r
^4t ^ %frT^l v| | *PH#R *RT$t: II (ill

SRf I’SfTOt: m
t ty * ^ i I TTfTTt %f?r*fr fw i *t irefltffim j^in ^
ii in: it gna wpt Tfa i arwaii ^rena ai^% i%ftgf?r i ^ *fteisg-
fsrg i H^pff *r^ft#r an iftwnrr *t wt^^itoh^i ^ an m *4
^^arcrai ^Tanranrar arcr:an^«t *rn ^arwarnn h\f*y i -^«iin: 1apa*n an *nwr*r
nratifit wwnl 7i%^ srer arrnnarnfnntsTO: 1 a^T 1 a^r aaqaiamian^urnni w
arm^r: ar5j%3f an iftaannr nra*¥t«nfc 11

ftwi^i*[fcf:i^s*Nrft 1 >^1ftm 1 :Isfon: i W1 ^ 1 tt^ti
1 isC % ?n ahrfan: afmag fn^ narcnn ’gfarm: ffingTiMaml nanf* ftr$\ ^c 1 H^g 1
wr ^TTftrwn wm anft % fsiai ifare: nwrai *j?t 1 »ng 1 amr ?^t # nf%
<jnanvft ajn <3fiafa% <3n4nr«i fxr^t% arr f^ ajf^frf saw a

W ^T xrf?T ??T gfif* fTSTTWl'ffiN W^f«l 1

^nft $*npi mfr grero nwi
w 1 ^t i tmj 1 wfH i peit 1 gsfW^: 1 w 1 sreatrtj §:sfw 1 i
srre: 1 ^i 1 fms^c 1 m sjpf: 1 ^1 1 Y*s?m ms 11

% wqfa^ 1 nnm tq *\ 1 gasatforem, 1 m ni wfn in st marem* *n 1 ^mr^rr-

’rftfani vs st 1 anifanqifoa^: 1 apc^T v ^sjijafa vy*^ grogs ffiassrar:
TfamSTSfar 1 7TOT fTOaTO grogs JTPC miafar Tf*mSTSf% II VS (W^ I W^TWr^rrfn-
armss: 1 trr^Tf^srnfsvTrr: 1 g»r<vf?B'an'arri? » w^T*f¥ gfwnPr »nii)'w*u#fr( 1 to gf3s*
pro (WT^a, 1 an I gfiTTf STTOT ffafst J^rt *f?T *I#I1*I%S 7m1%: I «
*wns%s gp(iuMl,(m<dl< 1 TrerT^c 1 f^rfro: ^niWw^» n^ii
TOTitu Tpfr vi f*pmm 1 y«vJi«<rO ^irrft;?n<MpWc: n
Tfa ^3T^~T<»nfv^m *IT*I l^^*< I ^»l ^H A «0 ^qsb^M111*< I fei wnwi'n'^ui
f?TTf^ *rrsrfl% ^ffm«T$fOTreft q^fr^wra: a
M W**} H

tot fa:wfro *ft wro; i toi fwpfafafaatr

to% TOmwfa wtwitw wfawtfTO: i TOrorpsfanft$wfa to w wifa^ifafa n
toT»tt b yifaSRT^n^mqi gw i wrorwfa w tor gw i %s*rarft^w i toto^
jjTriifr wn*fa: i tott TOgwwfa i w»ft Jjmir: wrro wifrofafa 11 w»fi 4 ftjwto i^iifaf^iPr^
q<r?gw i gfro w i wt w gw ^wt fr?mj tort g<1fa%fa afrsmftro i wr° <t <n. i *fa #

^ rrfa^fTOt fa ri^fa fafa ^wx^fa i

froNfai ^Trrfa wifafa: ^fa?fa ^q ^n mi
Wli^lfTI rTr^l^iq^^ sfa I fa I W^qfa *fa I ftf: I TOlt I
qqtfts^ l
mNt?n Rnfa i n i |i qsfrrfaft i ^farri s^ i i sn i »fa5fasfa in 11
1 wfTOTTOt gwr g*ifa<i«n‘ wfaTOnfroTTOnw ffa: farronni wfa$TO4*fa i ufaro: «
toJ mgra 4ft^Tf^i; i wtot^ i to gw a toit4 w froi: js#rf% gprfaT fa tot% i
fwrTTOj: n Tig twfa TOTOfaroa tot <prfa: i apftwrcffawt ffa^ w w tohfa fa-
irhi: n aram^Tarerafafr fafa: i tot tow 4<41 fa to i mfaM(<*fc^uii<fl<iti: i toto
TO apun;: ii t*fa wrr*r: TOftwfaT totHHt toMT gro n TOgfafrot: faifa tow sfa-
fafa toto^to i faroai^TfafaTOTOfafa w: i to wmi^to ii *ft wnfa u grof Tfawro: ii
wfaTOnrrjrof arafa: i aas^w wftfa i tot i gar Ufa gpfKfaTfa ii g i g faro% w i
TOTWt TOW $<fftfa faWTW f: i tow i <{l4*wi'<TO i g% aH
fgaqtf^TO froft wfa: ii fro gfawa gfa^wrfa TOrrwf^ i tot i gfaro i wftrr-
. TOfr: TO<ft g4i4<TOft TOTfawfMroTO*n?r$aTO i ga: i araroffagi
wgwfa Tfa gwtJfrrfa i wr tor% i wrorn<w$TO: n afa TO wwarfa 4kifaw: ii

^reffa ws infan^ ^raq ^TT^t: i

^h«i fa ft wirT Trfaqqfam^rfa 11 ^ n
i i y^m ^fa i Tnftmsfa i w*t\ i *n^j: 1 ^fn VP1
^HTsfqfifa i w. i i i hti ^ 19?TiT iqfatns^ i q^sm^H11’11
tohttito: wfofr tow ^ufaigaiO hitoiw alaKiTOfiirfagirowirnfawwij*
TOTOTOTfrowaw ii <rt W TOTO: TOfwt^g ^fafa^faf^w
i wfUsn^'cwi^TWTOr: ii w4fa: grnrnS: i wwn?ffanf^wt totww: m m^l^fa
MjrfTfan n irg#r*|%: awfai TOgro*hw i wm^^wiTTfaTw: n tft tott
g fatRTO WTa I TOT TTT^ TO«T: TO^L I TOT I TO1^ TOffalWTWrfTO Wl-^ ,
wtor i to >fat i w»rw TOTOiTfawnJ: i Tfl gTO TTrg: qfag: w^j: ^faw^r: i
TW tot wi<ir<ai: a |TO to tt*p ftroft frfr wro^g
wtfg tort wyffa~»fr ^fr fa i hto: wg a wQirffe to i fawT»ii<faWTT:»
tMo.st0 ii ii
aggaragi^taTgfgg: attarer *na ami i arcana frre?f h fatfi^f* mfn-
#fa faat T*1 n *ragta TagaTa: ii

?n^i|5Tt SJfiT^N W f^n ^T iffo? ,

^prt3P%faj ^ftrJn^ar ^5^: tj^i h$h

spssfsd i i i^t i tt^ts^t i f^prT i ^rf: i ^sn i nfire i

srffrs^ i i Trft35RT5TTs^ I grew i ^s^r ii?ii

'Jigw^r ’=rfnmr ga aaT afaar: gyr gat agy atfarat aganaigaT aragaft agi lagan
atfarat aaa: n 1%: at^fgfytnf<gi fara: y g%y tpj gy « gy yrcnrv: y at wr yTaaiat
agfyar faat gia’fia't gat ag*h*graqi<{tgrc afire i argagH ii grgafw-
wa: i afire i gifgft firanry %ztfa fay i farq aT§g^g i tnr» 'a, *. mc. i
ttiiw:i ggalffgifg^gt gaargyr a^ifafw^aT gfaftf: gifafiry ^tatt aggt-
f^afar ^tf^arat gjfnfayfyt aaa: n ytatf: inft a’^arraTfgfa faaatf^ama: i afa aft
gyrtgan^arraai n afi:5*n%a afx^Brraifaa afyatiaat gaea: a^aw^fafa gfrym-
gra^pS ga fanrt gat gw ayy ^g aaa: i ^angaag: i afyat fg ^aTara^rf ganarr-
aia ig° aT° a. <rc. i agT i afwnta afgat aarft gfr at aareT at aaT ayg ^g aaa:
w^arat aaa: ii aa ^agaTaafaaTa^g i gaar i foagSldnf^gi aroma: y

Wft farfo iptiN SjTTrfa |

^ iw Wfwr ii 8 ii

wft ?fiii?:i srw sfd i i f*n i ^ns^r 1 i *prflf

^tnffsgcj | gif |
i i froris^ i i *§staRts5<* i ^ i in i nfire ii 8 ii

a% ararra at gat i garat airgyg i amJt aryt aggat aaa: i faara faarrfaa aara
faryt afa gar gat yggat aya: agy i agT i gaT n awn wan;: h garwt faavt ag i aat-
^ataTfaa aa^ft taTia^^tia^Tfgwt aaT Oaaiat waa: agjprT gtror gmt ii ft^f%
flR. i at^arra gfa faatfcagTaw ii agr i aaT fraaret aaa: ii ftaitfigaaaaa: a: i ga
anffn;: y garfta aaT gat m<afaan|t wret ^agaitl forfi ^aa^a aaa: ng^ a^rtf wa-
*»TaTttawra# aa^i^l g^iaata^rggtaaaa: iigr^T%iggl<aTnagia»a-^i gat^wa:i
«^aTaTgfaa: t aT° 8- % 8m-* i afa Ttgj agraaat g^Tfgfa faaag^raa y g«t^4ifgg i
Rra i aa *rfi y arat^ ag y a^Mdiargft aiaaaftatanrra aaa: i aggat g^t aartggr^-
’fTana ar^mina aaa: i far%a fawfaa aaHof^wfa^ aaat aareaTtggftar
*?Nia aaa: ag^ft aftgat MRatara aaa: i gitai^a gfaaaT^ra t g€tfa fa«awji
gaaTat afag, y agaiaat aar aaf afa ata gaga: agg i agr t g^tafta i g€tfa
l^ara i agat ggat aaT ^i^aig^ga: aggat gaaargtaaTjTa gan gfag i arga^a i
** * ^igaa^ifa aaangr a«
VOL. iy. Z Z
S'# h h
fwwt wn *mri *nrttm i
«rnt^t^T ^fJht h«tst *Mt^ tpcfar ii m ii
isr#rrs^ i i ftNTTrt i ftrerst^ i ^rn i ^r?ni i ^irlMm i
^T5rts^ I ^TT I Wt I ^SWT I I ^T I wrfl I fchfl UMtl
itfm <wnf*re annfowa«ft fwrf*ra afr w ganfr g*rcf ya% i qgmrrRrci,
fflrtaiaw^ i ftr g&V i ■qqugfNrTffoft wT%iT5*raira: i w^rrwt% ^i
fftraRai aam ftprrarr fiHnft i g*§»ntn?a. i f^i ^nanit n^t^r ^aptTfari nTHfaft ,
fir*l RirP* i WTRanfaf* TrirWtYsnsnfr jpFt fwnni) i ®aft: anftw tr*i i ap ,
gwft »mr: i f*nm f*mfrc i Rmr^r ^futgtwn^ i qgaqnaatWniiuftq&ff
amgafr ammqrj^fiHt »mr: i am ittttt »pi ^prowntrrfn *irfn tj$[ vwrf»r ajtft: arfinft
anftft « aprt <n^ar:aw i apmtaf*f^nm^rR yfa uw *J® i %»»arajfi i
HTflMfiT ’anaroaft aftasigftsit 11 anai afari i ^ i ma^airtimm. I’a* ?• ^iwi ^rnron
irft* arg*a$n ^ Tfa w*m yi * iff ai^cfll i f*rer i arofapuaR apri
ajasniwt «*m i wft ftprrm wrr uiaroWr ^<®fa *j<sMi*nf*< amft ®7*R^narfirct;
apgaga;®*® ftqfinttfrn i ^t%*t Tnrrf^ amatft *nanR^iafl)
ara^am 1 usTfasri: 11 1 'afin^w^ Tr^: 1 ^wf|-
wft'n: # *w?i v4gjft 1 ^Haiarfni 1 arartfvfsr $4iM^*a*Pt ^arnaRnff ww 1
^STa^TTOTfafTT arPSIf: I fn° 44- 4. I I ^ aTT^ *J*jf fR: I 7R ^aan^nflRaft HTO I
fwi iRi fa’f. 1 aapy^r ®far ’amfaafar ainrn r%tfrf^ 1
aft amifo qR^KuiRft ara^prTfarart lata^nnB^ ’er’St *m4T yR*(Mfl*ft «atr: n wik:
^frR: 1 ^nr^frr: mR^^uiMt ii g<WT vn^i^i ^npt m\mRaiO W ft^:
wre: 1 yfW 'fr^nftfn w 11 1 <\ 1

*[#* V%flM I
?^3fa %^TT m ^ «W3lt HTT^ II % H
5^*lfS?31 Sft t I I {prft I 1
^n^nsi? 1 1 ^ 1 m i h 1 *nr§ \ wsrt i
wrRa 1 *ftrtf*r: a an m^Rfa ^ 1 ^gnrrff «nr*nTR^wW
gtfaft 11 w "jfia anR*n^ 1 *w<flnnfffit Rwm: r w 1 1 *nH^'
anrrronRrSrtrr 1’RraTT arvRnt a tt. fire 1 ^° 8- 8a-qo8.1 twHuiiR^ Rwaw: 1
^pir: 1 gRanvi<fi»|n tR i ^ wvtk: i ^ni«aR«<ft^Hf ^^AnTvT
wrfn a»^d 1 am aj4R^ atffaRt ^ryrf a^an^t a
^4^<iaaT^¥nRai *n«q: 1 ware aronT^t^r: 1 gts ajqi ff^nt 1 i
TtRshh aafl^^iRawunlRanT: iWi n^unnami^mRafl^Ogaw^ ^
Rfwr arRrfafai wh ^r ^arr ^ «*nRi*ft *nft
wrR if*t*<^.4.» ^aftKa 1 P»af>»iR«ivii4T 1 RiarttmftfH RafW: 1 awna®
irpi <anff i 1 nau^aqiR^t R«®a «a4 ® 1 iaW,T
i TOUrMiiOw^TO i *•#. <*o. i yift^namint frowft i to i
«ftgro»ri viifrjfflN r g hkm^toN: t toikUEi ftmaft 11^;
??cwT^nn_«rn«roi 8 Wt*mu to $.1.^.1 i^ir^m^-
ii to snrrl to f*i4^n i ^tfTjgurrfwnJ: i %tot %»nft TOaO<ft * flra¥^St-
afafrJPj*Tfn «froi ^ TOrfrotPr *mt Tjaft grittt ft tffw-
iwwflrft V7i to TOg toihN TrfrcTOA totW totoi*
TfTO TO* * *r5ft ftTOtoto *fn to tok<« TOTO^i^Kititq *

snt *rci*[ ^%3t#§ gxn i

^Pjj^xJr^+Ml IISII
I 1*Tt I *rui I ^ts^I I gtfig l Ttfrta: I *mI
I *71 W^nr^l I ^S*}:I1511 trfo^i TON xftwr IISII
% «vNvig^l(S<ta«»iqf%»ft TOTfTO STf^TO^r FtTTfTO f*grfV I TOT I xj%g D t% f%
ii *n<i*9i*»fiw«iifft ^vlifqq rm*\ i ggf Fronftei ft* F*ig» to to y*rg
*H«nn« TO%g frftTTttMTq^rf^g to)4 i i Trfrcta: i
wf ?tt*to: n ?j TOroronrt: i F^g»rmwft to wvvtg^'fi^: i wit
^ up’®. *• ?*•I tf* <^: 11 to i ^Sift4>qwi<TO froro r fj^tot ^
wni <sK*toi *4* fIto F»rfa7rr*t Tftvfromft i tort gFronfqiqfr u gF*ait g*t i
wTfrnrri^r vmv: n TOpfr gw ^*q<aNwa4f?KfW*» amrggfwHt toT gawm i
ii ang ^nrfr i gfe ^f«(T«n|^ u*r **rt argfro g*fcro; i Ftrogronr i fSf anro-
ftrcfr n g*% i writs toto to: g: i wtto tottoT toPTto i istfFTST-
fawmamt n ?m: *r TOt toW v*rmt TOf*r to; i arj«r siiativn. n f*iai4<4tfl: i
Wtt’trffTO^Tt^rrTO: r to i 4^fw^F4ai4T i wrofl% n yf^4ng^tT<t!| i

*pN ^ wit ^ifl-arrt i

^tt ^r4r4f|44»n 57 3Tn^111(711
^Ts^fi i i 1i ^s^im i TfH i wftei i *rt»
1?TTis^r«-^n^5sf^i^i TT^:s#rnrH^iti sf^utw
^ tr^Tftq «ftT4>R;Tf44 TO* R»g[ R^pi: R TOT ^ R 4%^ TOWPCV « TO
^ ^rofl i wi<fl<mffo utoto: r wtfroT i *nfr v»r i wf|Nn*4gg>ift r w: t
WfiT TONlfaHl 4FHITOma[F«nH4»4gq| I TO I TOfi^siTO ^ Tf^ST I TOC^
R TOrof g4r*t arfRit to to mfror i anfrog^ i tot: r gj*tn4-
^T I TOUWqf ITO^«».M8.ITOrT^ I Tl^nf^TOW I R»K«lTOfJ!« I
^t*imfi|RT T>waf<ft 4fTO I gtft TT^Ti: R TOTO TO*TfTO TOTlftaft afwrfTO TO*T
^fv TOf»rt% r fuftifirffl TO*rr»r r gat ggi r i to i to
*rr^Tf^« TOft^h 4?fH I TTTOTOT TOFT TOTTO TONaPi R 4TOf?f: TOWWmSt t TOll'l^
^[ i TOft^jn;:, jptot «r ftotV tot i to% Ftgf i r wtot^pwf Frgf*fii
^ i mgnTftg *wft tot hwwtorD^ tott: r vKtitoto *ftr ftwnro: i
l Z 2
H W&s li

nftret xnlN »roi flta f^r: i

toN ft ^ft ^snr f^snt: hq.ii
^Trts^i n^iT^ftswt i i npii rrtdi%ro: i
^if S3H i *nij: i ^ i ft i i ?Ms$3 i *• I >T3m I I n<> lt
f^r arrjHvft nvr apf^g ^3 ^ nt*nt *W3&5 afaft^ 3*^3
^r%g nrd8i*<<<r^r«<TTg^ aprf far^rar: i srmfa: i m^Tf^r w an$ i araft ar<jff |
?tth: trr^t w ’nv star farw: H$«jai m% sr%ij Jrra fa<w 1 4i*ft«r: 11 t
SigreTam: 11 wr w grafrgw faraft: fl^garT wt^: w Riant ^ grfmr anraij f*
qnr*r: 1 nrajfH grnftai: *?ig 11 ^nTlafsrrnrar: 1 fi5<TMi<rnyw 1 anftanf^%iri anftw nn<>*
$. q^. 1 it?f »n^r<«i55i wi 1 ^ijHimifaa *i'Wtd<i«n anpi anj H^fi dfli^di afu^fa ftt
anarftanra: anl h^th 1 war^Tt 11 ’*tr: i srrrfr 1 wt^r: anfromri inft ajj an i*«sj.
^o'Q-1 wt fSTwar 1 f*R^wf^rw: 11

TR JTftr I
<&ht^ ^jnfafa^RT ^r^ttr non
mfrmsiz 1 1 w 1sft i w 1 nft i ?fHWs*rfti

HfaRtss^ I I ^TSftft^pn I I ^T I f^s^l

s,ft non
f^Rg 11 ^ 1 aiqngre 1 ’srgTrn nann anc: tf^ar 1 w afafapft 1^-
firari. 11 n^aaft ^rrfarg w h^ araj 7k*iw 1 ^rare: a t?c **T% »
ana$a monfaa 1 hw argarfw 1 ht% arpcan 11 innt^n^a. 1 art0m. 8.?«=■« * aaT
«fla1»ref<; n^j^t ng rrat^gai a\aft*rcft *rf*f aftaFvfar ^ ***
tw: 1 aftafta ^rtarrgfaa giPamaigaft w f^ranaft to ary^t f^ranar q",,*,'r^^,fT
ararrranft «aro: 11 fsrffe^T anaiH^a:^ 1 ^rt%u wraet^t fofc i*^',,^:'
^#ar 1 % t *1 1 wr^TTft arf^m. 1 h wm ^Nrr aft:
gfiarn am *u*iif<4i arwft ’^^rtntai ot%7tt arerr Haifa arapjaTajafT I’flvlarr&H^1
Har^fo a Harris 11

^znJT K^Tf[ ^IT^HT 5?t *H ^nw I

^ ^ Hi ?ry *Tt^rTU iJrTTWt ^f^Tt: ^TWTWC IIRRH
i 1 s»prrrt i ^ i ^n i w* i *11 191 ^1 ^1

^:i^i'cri5iH^»ft^i^iT:i^ni^tTS^Nij‘. isrfaHf:i^iPii*nI*ll<,(111
% arfajaft aaj OigfMai^if^iyqTaT i v«rrw i i ^ 1^1
fi^Tftpftfa <naji: fanpf i amf ffWanPH^ g^rnart arganar i nar^H n ^ ^tbnfutrfQ'
ftfvfvf i i aiaRryrt aarw araaft ajaui^fta^f a^anw wm
Tjo Cjo. ^09.] II II ?M9
*n$fiT tUTwfW *H *r»nfW *frayn uth i TOni<*d i to; Trf^utf ^
TO *rg tot* * i toi tottoh? i wi^ i TftTT*nfrowg TOT^iTOtTOT»r»m ^t^t-
TOTOfaft tow i ggni Tnranwf^ftpft: ^rr^fH<am*<i<an*iir*r: ^firfroin: i
wfm 1 «5!$»ranfff^5:11 m w^Tf^: 1 *n*i%u tow 11 wW
TOTfw wtfiNf* 1 to fimwnwnfrputfflft gftrefip&-
inf*f# **«
TwfqRS^Km^a^i fw i ft^ 1 TOrtSfc gm ^frorr *rr *rf$*T i to-
vrt Wjrff TOift firer t*f ftyw 1 #t grTOMrofr j(W*n«m ?[fwr TTfmrft
totott *nr gr*rH 1 to: ^tot 1 tot -m^iri 1 ^ifaf^sfr ^frorr att jrraTrorr ^frori
a$i^i«r\qgtT TOiftfit 1 *mt fafroR: n

wfa%*rf| W sfN fl44t i

*r% ^rf^: to ^ftj*ann 11 <\ 11
1 3^1 1 urolN I TO i M1 1rris: 1 fa: 1 ^RtPar 1
^i5^:if^sft:i^i^i3?nTr^i ^i^i^TOTOns^fainii
it f» *rr T^urr *rr ’snrros 1 ^fwr g totot to*p| Trmr% * firaft i*»
«rrorf% t^TT wgs 'to M.'Q'a. 5?. 1 Tmf^rwrn. 1 wr^r 1 ’sro gtf^wqiTO-
?ftfH gan^t ^JT^ijUfwfant 1 *n*fN 1 toW^;: 1 gtfhr*rT% TTtrfr£ totot; 1
to TOft 4 1 TOflft trarpTRfHff^ rt#$. 8.1 irifrortaT
frorfromti Mw^rcoi 11 rjjtt *f?tot tomtorI ^rniftr-
®t*nf*n;gt1 TOnfroggTOgt1 to fro irt tft TOTOrororoi totow TOrrarTfrottfw 1
fa^rogg; # |pnt' ftftr to u wrot ^ ffTORRTOTO
TOf? Wffranfd: g4><ahHI*n<l I WTOEfil I TOTffTOTTTO TOTOTgTTOT TOpIfR TOT TOtf
j^fif 1 t^TOTT«l|gUgt. 1 tf to*t «<af^TOt ^fw ^rnm TOt: H

TO ^WI^Kt ^i^T: ^ I
%*!TO ^Njw^ 4^ •srnit^T: ifn n 11 ^»
TO I f|f^l ^UTSTO \*Rg i^i^s^t:i«h^i^i
i ^[*|rrs41 1 to:s^t: 14t»r 1 v 1 frrtpf 1 «n^:»*»
5^hhito> ^fwRT TO^r «[fw ^rofr wim TO^t: *srtf: ^ ^
1 frofa 1 ^h4i^*Tiwt <igR»lW ^rf^troTf 1 ^jmfr ^ to-
*trt: % ^rWrf^R %
frof?r 1 ffTW ffW^Tmr: ^groro-
Twv4^ 3f5i% 1 ^ripi % fipc’srfrorRrnrR 1 tot tNr ^ tw Tfa TO 1
^ tt»T ^TT^^Kj^glgHHjaigli tRTft ^ «frr ^ ^RT TO fTOtWl I Tnt ^ ^TgtTTO H
1 to <4 <1 Hr 1 n^r^i<,fafgp}: 11

^fW^TOT ^R5»n ^ ^ 1
wn ?r:: n4rt<r^<sn4tsW4^T n?h
^ i ^fir: I \^ s TOT i * 19rft«*: I *ff I ft I rjsfft i
^ i si: i xnftrs^fipns: i ^nrersfon i i Tjsfft 11311
iTOifvfl' r nn#8.q.«M-i i mfift gf^: natron
t^rwr r fagfffft fTOftnr: n |toto i waj*!>j?nr <fwi w *WTf<wi: r gr TOfaror*
t: i's0 8- 1 fTftgwra: r jfTO*i*ptfti*r|wr: i »i wnqrRi i W i ^rret *pj?n ^
<£tfTOt ?rrf^ ^iw ^frron ^ %*?t »» tot: i tpr %gvg^ i f| *nm%
yf«m»tnT<t wft grjfn »r jftnpjft r gur wtapt iffcphpi: r *%,
^TBKTf %qqmif< RRif RTgfg I TOT* I »TT: qnfart %nTT: IT* yg<f^lRT ^
wtrt ii *rfffn i?.q. w. i «warning ftmflro: r urufini?i
f^rff<n^T% ffcmfn wqfw «ig i TOTWfarr tptifn i 3qwftui*iP! i TOroprt fommin-
*r^ftrorr w^nftartf: r

sprott ^rfft srfa ^ft ffft: i

ft ^rcifft n s *r4fft ssft ft 53ft mmfai 11811

sms*iti i ht§ 1 ^ 1 ^TtsfM 1 ?jss#r: i ft 1 srfa i ssift 1 ffa: 1

ft I ^ I H I H I H^fir I SS*rft I ft I I SHSStiTt U 8 H
wrrt «rarvnTifft?i qiq*)?wiTO to* «*Ni %’mt *
wt ig'w't prt t^ ^wrt i%»#t ^tt| tnefn sTwfiti
^rHfz Rpi Rfa i #n%p i #»Npt ffn n *rif?f»rf^w%wfv*^{'U
«n<nf<<jK: n afqw$ $ rrk: gwf?i ’gfMw: iftnNf* i *t *r %wft nfffa to#* «
toto qgiY<nqf*nua: r % rihuhh; i «H*i*ST«n »ng*jm *ifMH>*nr<TOT tot »refn w i
wr i totowh mro w#rt f^nrrr* *e#rt «fn i m^nft R[fw ^ i «fw-
T»#f IgfTR R

|rT <Rij «J| f’<5| 1^*4 I

^ i^qfH 3Rt?ri m tMi 11 m h
^f^TSHT^ i t^: i |h: i ^ i i i Hwf i

iliF(i^i 15Rfrrt \ h: i Hqn: i i wsf^t hmii

jiw HRRftqn^igTft <fiwn<imai«n»i: to «tMi ^i: I^
^ranwt %m vwg#g 5rti ^t ^fwrwr»i i *r$*f siwrt ^^
wwr MiRiiRtaicfiTfn *ri ’wrnci*i^i|fit iro*ft *
jranf^i i to ftrfi: ^ i * *pjf7iftrft v%\ w i atgTwrfgfH ^<Ri«^»**prf to
JT^rrwt wS> r r3R

* VpK^ w^t ^ fast h: itsst ^NW #M

ii ntHtews n

hi^i i ?r i sfit i mi41 *ng: i i whsttt i i

q: i 1 1 1 fro: 1 v 1 thtr: i 1 ii^h
7^ <Nurar <id 1 <^R*Kfl'f5f^T^rs5H mj wR<taOi|iiffifj|<iiTjr: 1 ?m urg affcr
1 fare afaar ^rtpi»Jrra% 1 fiR 1
*®nti*iTir: fwn: t ^nrei
5mTT*rw^f*mTy: 1 ?i^r «T*mt stot *nar<fiiffl 1 TPstawa # ^ *pft 1 fiR 1 sffcimrr
h y+«m+i wtot ^iftmTt fomjiifl yifaf 1 *n#N: nftqrra r«
^rm ^irer <0«wi*»«a yflufir ^ 1 *Tmfa 1
fsj 1 ’pra <lHHii^Kiw*n<iwiwi»ifJi ftf% trOTTfw TRTfn 1 jro»fr # *ifr ^f*-
jjfTn txp* 11 tts sfrot 1 ftft ^ 1 fw^n;: n
^TOT Hi ?fcrfiT ^UTT I
^*jh ^ w ^ iis 11
^fshn 1 w41 1 ni 1 ^rfir 1 ^f^OT 1 1 *a\ 1
1 si41 ^ 1 *: 1 *j 1 ^rnm i i \ i fossn^ 11 $«
^fw 7ifTg»#ti^ ^rfa 1 <T9T an ar ^Tfn Trarr ^ 3^ ^Tfn 1 ^
Tsnmftjr 1 T^m fjrwftratra-RTa 1 tw ^Tfa 1 f#r *rra ^ 1 ^Tfa 1 vfrfim ^wi^: 1
Ruwtf^Wt ^ '?ratTf^ « *3 fwpR *R3 w^vT*n fWRi n^RmOi «nr*nftfn
fasrT^<fw«^if<<HsD,su 1 'vfniur: aiftft »
* nt^rr ibfi fWfn * 5 Star: i
|S »J+T ^TfrT II til
5T1 %5IT: I *Fg: I ^ 1 fassra l f^: I ^ l frwft 1 *T I sreft l f 1 *taT: l
»^1 f^ra 1 *pbr 1 ^ \^ r^1 1 r^^Ji h ti11
irtsrr HtaififarO vntTf^^T ^rnrd ’n «rg** i *f faraft i *w?r i ^nrr ^»
^st 1,8pifPi»nr4wna*i. 1 '3°8-1 ^f*n% «n«nR(^<: * f^rereT *rf?r %g: i »f Jrr^fif n ri
jpft 1 ^ xm- ftnflfTi 11 Tnsn »f ft# i Vts^rftftrm wifa « ar^fw
11 va tr jft3rr ^TTrrfr *f ^9# 1 h^< ^ wtnr »r tt wfa mi wf+uHj
i?ft;^ia«n«i f»ni >j# aj^Tnrnniftr ipiw4 ^runr
^Tfa 1 w^fa 1

^5IT fwig grf*4 ^fTTK^f *V%1 ^T I

%TT %Tte\ %T_ f^S ^WT: H
^5n: i i ^tfif 1 *rtf^ 1 1 1 1 ^41 *n i ^s^rai: 1
hJ’sit: 1 i ^nr:s^ 1 i^tj 1 1 ^ * ^ht: i u^ii
^mrd4% m&to #fn grf« M ^1 ^
1 tata qqffriraFwwim 1 i'nx^i asw^T^srJ » waT hIwt ^rmfr mt
^0 II II

flng: i ■*rr gqwn fftHqqrqr qrfnt nt fa*g: i *?Wn frjnn 3TTOT ^hf^nrn:^
fsn*: 8 qT tmM HT^ ^ i i ninSvqgwqiffr pr: i *4fl<;q^HWfii«<;st IH ^
i^TTT qqnf^qT3T*r»rnrr: unfa ttwIwt <fq*niqi <{mu'0 fnrr fast; i
qrofn u
*tsT*n^ ^g4iTRT i
W pfibsjiHf*4 IIRoil
i *h J^rf* i m*z i i i W i ’^ttrt i
J^TOi 1 ^1 ^RiM?S33 i wt1 i^wrs^ i ftp* non
»fmrq *n wi aOwmfinffre « falfir i #tw: 8 f* ffhrmrot:«
nwr ns^n i qRrr^rni ♦iRqi^T^fwq fft'q*i M^ttfl i qrtwrq^qqT ’jwnwr ftffajqnqiftTO
qwsriqtKiflwrr *r ifcm*n wt n$ »?P3rre qrr% i nm ^njtq
%T« jjf JTqfq I | B^fWfa I g^RTTftr TOTfq TO fWtfn g«ofc«ft I 37 qqt
Mfltmfef+Hq’sm *rqfn n^ qf^p fq<nqif<(*H.|5i»«i « qfti^r qfprct
fJTJTO: I qftfqfw fin ^ qw i nfiKna'C fin 8 n*TT ^Wlq 8 fri
ggfqf?i qqil«ftq^n«{nqiTT: 8 ^q+unfaq fqn *nfr?t ^t*t w nqfn 8

^Tft ^iffrf i
Ht5f H^wts^nn ^ ntw: ^wf iirrii
I 3PRf: i f|S^: i ^|fTT i $ s^i W i ^ i I
$N «^I*}1W™1 ^11 1 1 1 ^hri h^11
gjqT?: b m qrq% i qf%fn ftpira: 8 sftonqfnintfT w *foi <?mii q?fn i fw
^ir Hiqqfn i nrft ^fwn ^t^swtw gfn; gj qqrrfptfn w ^
qifa i qm qsrq: i i ^rrat % ^nr tsH^q: *ftg i fwm fiigqnlfnf^ViqiikOlft ^
w: i w 8 n n?Pt 8 *roifn wsfrrtn *frcmct j^fn htt: «qim: i %g »frqt qini^qwi^w1
TTift *pnf*r: qWfr »fnfr snini H^rf«tm ftq. fNn^g nl^nr
*iqfn 8 fat nfa i nT^flfqjqi^u nm nq n wtqrra^fn frgfl^w nftnfiftw 8 8tf8
fq>r*<^nl8l«*T^r-i? qnn fw %s» i ‘itnOffn^ qqmwtigw ^
*<^KgV<Miw gfrqf Wfmg fnftg gwfnW^r^qr qqT*n^wnj
%fqmimn»npff n*Ht ww jhw»^Wtm ^iff
|T»in*<q^n tprf firftqi^ qq^ngrin. i ttw qwtg^ftfnfrr njg^iwTw^^Jrj
qrqarfq i nrq n ,wq«n ^ i fqjftqrrqg^Nrr B’*
qrraifj nf§: qqnff ^*mt i nrn^rgqrW i fqifn^ft qRof^^glr^pn m qi^gnTO^
iftf^qr qffnrogfw: qipft fwfWn: tfrg: frt nisg^iwipH^^tfl uwms ftn 1
tort tp^r w$fx.: to^: i
gffre^fm ^ft MRdWRlwP TTOrt ^ttr: «Rn
*1° ^0.n° S? ^ot.] , II SfctftSTO II

fail paifflIIHI l^l^R^i ^:ifl Ii I xro%: i

3iT iqrc^sf^fff: i^i^^w^Rni^T^i^i iwr^if: i^toc: nroifa h«ui
wtttotoY tost ??t wsft • wrr TOSTft^TOTfrorr ^-sft- flrfirapft fw
irp5wr»rr TO^ro^ta wt»t ut*i^ i Tmfrg u wr^gro *rftr4ifH<*4r i to gf* »nt w%wrr-
i *TfWT TOcHifa ajg *» toto TO^: n *[ frorol | wig<mi«lwif%nT frown: i
to* i^ii’n»«. *<»©$. i *<gw h mfifr^WTOT ^ ft i fSnrare: i to? i w%: <rrt-
tfft mf^JTTTO*T*1wm wpt imftfn i <p;{wroT *rg *
TOj ijroft ***<*^i i^ wt i BfUnwIftfli: i aftiWTg w^fw-
tot f*ff?r: i tot i ‘TOTf wViwf to it fwf*i ^j} it wfi^whto wt
sfroroT TTf^wt^ i tot i TOrfrrfartf: t Bfroro ^tfr top* wmi to ?t?w^ i to
* wro: ?r^ra*rnmiT TOfrow ^TOTOfrofthTO: tot^toto?;: i *WNwf% i toto i
to fsRfro^ft «<,*)< TO*f*wrfTOi trow ^ew i fro w- «*m. it

t&ff ^W^rTT Mllfa fSgrff tHJRt fNH: I

fa?TOT ^n^lf ^Trft *Pqtfa II * II
^ l fift: I ^f%rTT I qufq I qf: I I to: I fqsiftq I q: I
3rfw$^: I fifwt I ffqi *TJ I W^qi TT^t I TflFlt: I SfiTt I xnif% 11*11
towt mrow Tngror i % tops TOrrrorr wgrr: fsr® »W toiIwtoto
ii TOfafror Tiro ^frorr to* TOrf* i wtronroeTf* i froif i *fr gro^'
^ifTOTfwrwfr to^ fwt^fw^rof^fro^ totottoto *?ft wfa i
fTOTfro^: ii <j»f^ ^nfrropfr: i m% fare;» wf^<TO^fa*wr«nTi* furo to-
<fofowfar D

^ ^rsaif^^^T ^m=rTTOT ^t *nrrf?r it ?»

i i i ^t i |^5RT i ^ i i frft: i i
l qi ^TtSstr^l ITT5TI ^rrqi 1 ^ I JTtS^frT: iq: l q^Tfq ll?ll
?Nt tob i % to i fTOrroraiTOTO i to frflTO i to wfrpft i
?f5TOT INT frorff I to wri WTO^i<i<f<T.: wtto: i ^
^ i *» ffroro >fr: fwg toto tot ^rrrff TOg i fWffrof ^nfro toto w fro^f o

^ ff jt^t fWT ^ to: ii ^ii

VOL. iy. 3A
II II [!SI0t.RT'>£,R°&,

ri i wi r^ i i r: i rr! 1t# i i wdt i RTOijj

r i hi Jjffn i rtr#: i RRkt: i ffrr: i ^ i TO*, i 11811
a^ft 11 *npr TTfir^; ffiftifafd a t?; i a aiiifn ii ^ a atf i *^
gpnr: i ajraaraprft i ii ^EtHft i «i i *w*i<isf.fn«nTT:» aar g«r^j
mpfi i tsft a ^fiiwT? i aw i a^jj *q:,
ii aHKiR f?R. i g*mr*»: i afa n aroiffaT wtn ^WHt aaafii^ a t
* q^fyr i i fa<*rrft<$3f?r i w aar affarr ag?t nfiwTTO: i WT^ffa*^
wajffifft n gw aar% atarf^a: n wit wa: ^atosta m?a'Ki#ta ?m: aa: aat i
#f i aira ^ ga»na: n

3RT RT#: RTR in Rft f#Rt Rffifa^RT HHift I

?rt: i RT#: IRTR 1 RT: 1 1 Rft: 1 ftR: 1 Rirri^ 1 $SRR»R^ft 1
Hi: l^|l^:i^l^T1ll^^l^l^^l^TI^!lf'TOUMll
gun: wq: *<fg: 11 g«t ?fmaafrwrfa % art f^ft gataarimTOTaft aitf
$a «nfinMWw af^at aaijnt <afaaT: afttwaiaT aT aw # g«awa: 11 m ta^awat
?tt TT'rr art w<{\a: a?fjgvqg*sTa aai^ i aanfatna^ata. 1 fafa4ata 11 attfe atf 1
gt; wiiHait ai**n^atfa famfaa: 1 a±aaia«nwai^inHTa: 1 aa: Hsfaarca #
anTfa arana ftwr iftwnaTgvrrgaTfa afa 1 n<»ti^aiit«^B*(®<si at ara aT ar?-
Tfn » H M N

r: nuT^f RRi^fowrerR: r<j Rpfo i

^€t R TOT *N| RRT TOT R *j3ET^ II If II
snfcn 1 r: 1 rrjh: 1 rrtHr 1 aHfwMRn: i if#: 1 r?j i Rfft: i
gpjh?: 1 r: i RHR1 1 RRt: 1 IfRTf#: 1R: l RRRT1R1 ^TTli^11
wr mflncrf 11 w«n ^ gwra wfft gtfmrft 1 twtirft
%*ith*< 1 %f?r wiw 1 w ww: 1 ^r^nfnrnr^f 1 tn* £• 1
M<ia1«^TrTgr # to wT ir^rnstt^T nN^rnu in ^5 M^m»«i\iftSiiT 11
«ra: 1 ^up im^.8-<i8£-i If* 5m: 1 *?rcs W5«TrrTTRfffaT ^8
MiftfllMiqq: 1 ^re: tj: 11 f*w wt ipit tyr^UW’Sf'tR V*|T| ^
^ Tttmw: 1 tt *riw ’gprat im»£.^.MS.t tft TO *»rcf ’r ^
tg»TTf I *1 3*^ 1 ™
fag artu k ^ gait 1 tarrrro: n

Rfi fRfn: rt^ RTf^Rt 1

R TfO^I % $TtRT^j> RRRc^*KRT #RR »«»
uoqo,^0e.g^ot.] ir ii

i f^TS'Ri: l ST* I I i i^sfa: I fas^: i

rrffw l «TI WPh I ^ I ^S^tn: i^ I ^ i i ^n i WW nsII
* gnTOir: i % *T*r vs firfawCta: qfafUf^gv: n to«j *v% i *^ffag*ft n iv^m.i
tf* TOiwnfr iv naiT^u: 11 vf^fvvt wr m^: i wi^Tff+H^lEH^q ^fHcianel^q
ig£t frorct irrtfr wft n ^ totT i wqaft ’tftftpit froTVTfMteirfW^v: i vf^mr
toi: irafflTOTst 8 *pfnrr: i g<L tv% i VTTOT<*rTOmf?»«i 1 «lnit q<ivHft a gj vtaTfron'O %
qroreugrow fflv Tvfa 1 TOrotfir 1 Tf « t® wto 1 ^JNrrf^v toiwv: a iffa* jftfv:
ajsjfTwv WTTOfH: qrfsni towNi to^to vto? 1 VT*mq«fa 11 n

TTf fltfftniT ^T^qt Slfafaflt W^T: I

W TJ7P|f fa *Nll JTt^TTRrfl^: iTTO^t ^irfa^iifcii

W1 p1 1 ^rfa: 1 strisfarTT: 1 ^wrci: 1 ^TAm- i h^s^t: i

ft 1 isri 1 1 fa i >pnr 1 %rf 1 1 t^i ?nt: 1 wi:1 1 ^11111
vtto gro Higqrv 1 % to: wtvfw: vft* wfartaro: vtrorota tott: 8 fir5! fw% 1
q^ftl 'wrrajv: 1 <j<ftro g^frr fh?Traf?iw 11 ar?in vwr TOrrrav: 1 w 1 vfaw
ammttwrt TOrg TO:TO«rf?m ?t tocto: i TOta i wrfqvT%
ifrov ’vw tIto wfttTOvr wrro v w tot wr vt topt. 1 vm%g: h
g^w^fffria Tfir ^rr^vrrfvrviY gp? 1 11 vmw v ?t *frro 11 vt: m^tn ffir
grow: 11 TOrnjif ft vgj fa wr i favfa $g: 11 vrofa g^wfaqrrfrofr g^ 11 vrorort
qxpfr gqjfafrq: gif <teH$*U*ITOVffa V?T^PRTtV?I TT^T^t TT^T qnfas»fa: mRajsm Tjq totv 8
qg vfarolt 1 unfa gqf ggfafa wt gqj 1 grow 1 ««ni*iurvr wfa: 1 vro i vfa *pi 1
TOT'grsrro 11

T^T ^ ti H^rtfarTT I
^TOtt r|T TIT ^TT ^r\ ft ^ ^ IMill
^ 1 ^i ^ i 1 ^its^ 1 ns^tfam 1 i^h 1
IWI I TIT I ipt: I w 1 I ft I I 1 H5ITH II <1II
fi?rqg% *rfw war: inwrravTir: 1% wfvm vvt
wr qvgt nrv tot fvnn »n ^fr g«t<iq%f7t Sfa infff^rr %^wiv vpm^wfv a
1 f^r#r froinna: 1 vfv^q nn gq?ro v$fw vtJrfq-
«T»rmwre: 1 ftfqF vtajrpFPPftffl JiWfvnr: 1 11 to to TOnT^froT 1
1 1 ff g H’T^t to: 1 i.s5.i<0vT vv? 1 vfq ntf t ^ ^^toto
*wt vgj q^TO^q»mg> tosttv i w v to» v fqrorw 1 fronv vtto^w^: »

'ft^tTTT ^ ^v&<ii'4Kr<q?raTft ^ 11 ho ii
" 3 A 2
art s^t: ii* i i ^\i ^p* i ^sn+: i ?it i i ii^,,
to «m<wh8> i% qror: mt TOft *i im TO*!Tfa i *ro TOrot 'er tt i%q arrotfo t
% «rn»ffn i HT^Tf i tart *ftrn ^rprt wtortt tftrorar ftf: i TOtfrr i fronqnKsmr^
TOtrfrt t^tt^nat irror tot TOft i mft- ta n aft 5t aftro ttroTO f»nf«T^m to: ^
*ttoto t^Tfsr to^^tot. i froftt Hn*i«T^T3[«jfw n wf vwrtl h tot: qrrwr% twr:
wrt tott ft qftwroftw i wwt irfTf to^h i w i aftro TOjro>f«ft tt mroi«
tot i tui totT i tftfe to* i qrttro i <3Wfrttrojft fTOTfrotroffTO qrofr:»

XTTfrqt 3WRf % f*TFnfh&TN I

font: imil

1?1 ?!1 1 1 137U ITT^: 1 1 1 ^|?H i

%¥Tfir: Ri: i ^f^itlfas^T: i wratai: l^fa: R ifaflt: \m\
1 Tjxsr^r: ft Td^ TOcnt ft fTtuftrr i ir^r i frorfrottlTO to to?R fronft-
frorart ur^r fwrroa wi ftwr fffTTtro <3tg i TORTfinseg i w i frorat: ii 3raft*
qitftr Hf 11 ^toto fwrfttrumnrrerT toto 11 g*ro«JTO 11 to to?R
TOrrt*f f^TOf^r ^g 1 M^aiiaatg 1 fronro f*r<rcr wrfron to to profrofmrt wm
ffqi: 1 wr^fRf Tfff^fror i^tt wfqqjfS? ^ 1 it g TOftrofafn groror: 11 11 §11
tot# ft* f>it 1 fptfr* arroTOffrofq: 1WP trs^TOTO to* to 1 TOtTOWT-
TTfjtt 1 ftro: tot ftf*: 1 fa% |ro Iron 1 aro TOgw 1 TttafTOF frofr?n»TTO TO?ft
tt^TOTO STfjtafaf* II TOft ftfatt*: II

Ws^HTO flftTOt TfltfffiRt I

ifai*RT 11 ^ 11
ft 1 1 uro: 1 wsfaferq 1 s^rro 1 1 wfW •
itestxj' 1 wi: 1 TO 1WS^: 1 wt: 1 \^\: 1 w^sitt: i^|^ H*
^%f?ifraTOTOii% 1 iwftfw toto^t 1 to snsrat toto ^ 1
Hitr ^ 1 qitifrit^ t^T^r^TOTOTOif 1 tot tot *r uro q^TOTO^1
TO^roftt froft f%TO^f*rmftft^TO am *ii^f<fd 1
gwr% |to 11 qttrorre: 1 ii wwt ff^: ftifroft to%
1 11 ^TOTTO^nfa TreifTfrororo^r:»1
mrftwtidfTOx: '3^ifTOfr TOrftt fTror: ifro«.^.i ffin flqr^3T7^raX
^fmtti^ron *rwt *rmftro TOftTaefTT: » fT^Tff*r ^ IT ,- *mrcr
nrottfg f^rsr: 1 ^gg^Ra: 1 iw 11 fttroro: g: 11 tort mq^fm ^
matron ttmt ^r: i *atps: 1 ’wtR toit^tR qinuT uronrr mrft^
TOrrafWT TO^ftmTOronrorfrifn to*: a
n«qo.s?°e.^#w.] n ii
tftnt Tjsrt wwt stanraf tpr: jnxtas^gfaiTnxT: 1
^fifm ^srt fire fifare 11 *11
jfN: i *n*t 1 ww i wsupif 1 xprfiftf i n 1 wesson sr^ifimre: i
l^Wifire: i^ttft^isrfii: 1 ftrrf ipars^ m ifirere irii
u^fr ya: «Wt wfufaww t mmtnra^n^RTn: aranSHinfaft^Mi ssnrroi
yifis<s?ret1 wfri^f&na *rHY wg^mtnra gf*r 11 *rf»r-
«g*ft*r«<im'k 1 srfcrr ^ ^ti»i«mmT< 1 ttot f*nrg 1 w?rt ft?n
jig^rnuf fwfwr^rt *rTfaf^pr m f% gfterr f»r»rro 1 w%^r. 1 m^Tf^apfc 11 f^rpj 1
fro ?% Mwgwft im° <*. g.'Q'o. 1 tfw f^m^aii nfTf^mt ^rffWT *wt% ^ 1 w^Pf-
V^a?i<^ti: l W I ^wrawft n

^fr vrd ^nfiitsn ^nq^rfHfir 1

5? |rIT^ W& TW 13RT rT^Tt Xl£ ^farT ^fipfcai ll^ll
1 tfh 1 qifi: 1 ^sn sfii: i ^rr: 1 w»s mwi 1 re 1 1^ 1 5^1 1
?! 1 ^wre 1 qsif i qw 1 to 1 Trot 1 tt i ^fari 1 ^9111 3 11
^rr ff^rfngg: 11 wfa: i wvfa* wHwr^srTfvi: aiftt ii ww* tft:
fa: 1 m° 3. 9. <£* 1 *fa faraani: n w: Tifft ?^fa *rrsft g?faai*fa 1^rr
prei^aMtqY^ 1 areTf^g: a 1 am ^ fwnHarf^fw finfY froro: 1
ararrcf *rrfa 1 gfaF gaY afa: i ^rerfrmfiitwfwt>f%tw jjjw^p i ^faignT’m: i arm-
*f^r: 1 ^gtvT^nt a ipct ag^reT htt ii fa *rat f?t *ri auNfanfaai: fan: i gama-
1 f^fa aangfera fa^faeggnycpna: i a^rmafaaaXfrir Tfa ga: Jafraar a
RfarTTa ST^T afaftTa «TBJT »T <T% I 'STraffa »T TTanrafa II faB%fafe
la? «i. 3. 1 Tsusfa^fa i ■^rjf^rrw 1 *no s- 8- 38-1 tPt *n?^T-
wht a ?m ^rn\ 1 w ^fsi^ TTtft gf^mr Tf^t tt? ttw in% ^rr *r iranr^
^n?rgw7i?rr tt# ^rrarN *r i T^T^tY g ^TffSW H3BTinn%4 auran^s^ga

^t ^T ^TTffl XR^ ^t^r; II ^ II

1 q?T^T 1 sratiT 1 1 Hws^h 1 rnta i ^ i fqsq^: I

1 WTin 1 srarcRjf I^rxts^m 1 |:suf 1 ^ifq 1 xr$ 1 f^s#iR; 11811
iW f%R7i*rr ^rr wf^wT^i ttwr 1 ijwt % ?hw a
a wwat t%wT ^gg: a «^fs
^rre: i ^unJii^r^T^: a i ?nft jftm ugwin vnrnit h^i<Y gwn’wNT
*nmai^r i wrY^ wrfR?n a wYg htm^ i w; • acfn >nY:
p fljfT | tto:wpft f^T g^T’ITflfR ’■Rl ^Y«1 ^vrfn 1 f^^VTfVT
^ 1 ^^nX»iwft ^fliMfX'aiivnaMY^ftan ^nwsrfa a
« u [sr°

^rfrr WN^nr: s "^TRif i

H?f 'STRIH^ R<^^qfcT: *Jt$N ^Vrri ^ *^t: IIMII
anss^*)’ i ^cfw i %f¥^i ftpfc i sn i %^TT^rr i ^wfk i 1 $i»f i
i mrw i i ssrf^i ^fwfH: i i xftm i 1 * i^q: umh

ttt arrfatfraawtfa is: afYaasT a^fa i % ^ar: a ?n?rar(Y STsmT%a wjrerft

^rxrfTT 1 sa as fas: sag srrg ^ffifiTtW^ *nisa^nsT%sia»r asfa t
anarsaY stto^ sra tag usfasa.i f^j artsY afl$l<*iif<ai: i f^rart wsri gw: ^Y itn*^.
8. 'sm. 1 sbwtw gar: 1 s<j3TwraTs?«jfYcfa *prrs*sf?fts: i swrerraTSTf^fwi^Tarer j ?ft
^stst sfYrsrliia fiarfaafrsf issrfasrr aiasfa^a; i sgswnsrwa i sti*^ ssafSf i ^ ^
aY%s sYaf sYaY ^h*#rs i mo. cm. 8m- i *Rnfif»3Y*u sYat is is w awaTg a^-
n is i s <r«n<ssY: i s%aY$fs pn afa fiat. i %fa fg$as i
^I'aam'Y fggftf^fa fwra^Trf^ sf& at^rraYfrfa sfa^s y<i-H*afY7raYaw tfs
*sftaar n

xpflr xp^*rot ^rT i *fmjn 3?% iiin

ipt: 1^ i^t: i 13#: 1 *Pjs?t: I ^?! I Vftfcv I S*i i ^rt:iss

ssrpriigtf: i^|: H If II
sia^gmg i ?st agrsTsf is f?sta*t y*K'<$: i ^S3^: sfafssrsY i aanaft i aw
sfa gat^i*. i as ^aag€r: ant i^rs aar sariJ arasTan gi#twr a^STsYita gas# i
Tj4*^^T^f»rf*rTt tiTwft ^isnrafsfa *rrs: u

TpT^TC W5!piT I ^ xjftpn IIS II

tp^S^? I 6l3TS'3TPli I II fasfafeni I I I I

^SHpq I |W^ 119II

n gst gsY asaYfa sssjaYai^s: ii «^t fafafasa n ^^mAj^wYwFT i *l*<1^’ *

asm fafe<(»mni araft n wMii^s^fs f*tMif«?t: u ai^rr S8nrrat
i gsssst’s^fs tifirearr aat%fw i m# <t- 8- ^o. i gnis^si sfTrexrr'n
^r ^rfa itn*§• 8-$e,i i afirr^narfw^ » ?tw ^
i ?aY si nrr° 'Q. M- 8a. i afn ssrss:« «?irr taamYssrs sinjYfi? ssfs: «ws
^Tfsnii ssiaTS^ i %a?Y ii ii ^»

sfsw TSwnn^s^sT^s ^ai i st»HY ss^faatfa: i ssf 1st

Tfa iwgmt: i st straits? i ’S7r; s^tst: arafaqraY «u,ujti4n<aT:
sriaria i aftnr gn^s sa^fsansaY ar tts srfas lla it 'fft
saTfaiftm afat i sjf^a s i afaaY afafa atat ssft ar i st# ?• a-1 1 ,
htstm^ sjfl afar r*i «i fa un^Tli i ifaa a i aranrSf g arra«pai: «W i ^# ?■
«|0. ST° a.W.] H OTRts** II ^

flfjNrt ^431% 3TT7T%^: I

3TI ^ ^ fa’WffafeFr* |rf: qfatfa ii s h

tfs^r: i sra i i i W. i^fj i *r$t i *jt»ts^: i

sn I ^ I ^i\f*f*s*f: I I I |rr: I "^n i wi% i irs^fm: nit
^ wiring ^tot $mn«34 w*pft u^rm ngffffi i i frn*r
^rnrr%^ ^7^ ^i’srrfw^ftr srfiw s*nflmTftra: q^fonfn^iiOm^fa i ffafaf: ipnq a
«rf»nr: i **ft i ®R^tw w Jalf<<fl f*rergi <fl 4M fiu) *n i nfinTTTPC Tfa *ni: ggftmw u
% tg«<n^«^U!ad fa^dMi ’sftprf Safari: d: g^nrnr *rc$ srm:
mrm ^rnrrrr^T ^tpit *f ^ i ^nrnro n *r? irre% i *ftfz ^ i
TRi^fTT m f»Rmt: a trtt aaf%: ^FRnrsr: th n%m: TtwstjT^ fwt ^tptt ffawmfri
ffrRSTKt a
cnffTHTrCro ^[HF? WHHWt WTSFr^f^TT I
MtferT M II * II
rFJS^TOTi^l W I I *lFTt^ | | tfsSTSR; I I I
TOtfa I iftfa: i ^?n I i^s^t i ^ i i i ?t: iisii
% flg^qid. i «mif<riHd<mflHm*fti i ifh?a <r^3% ?nrr w >ftnT: ^ftr^r fft i
f^n: srra^ trrt ,*m wr^fa: i ^t i ^wft% ?rm ^nreR: m«r #wt^: ?twft
J faftfa I Tfq^q 1 *jf%T£ ’jftH^TSnra w I TTfTO I afURTTPft *IW ^TPqi-
m5ST*^TT^rpjr«rr <%«f w TR^f^r
i ^rr^srer i ii ^ i f«i -«4jqvi12«iHT'<r*$T^»: ii t^a jranfr i *r*rerr3-
ftqtfqr: i ^^qT^qiqf+uirnfo wl^rTfw thit^t: s«ff»r*t?rrfq ^ *TtT *J3RrW ff^g
^vn. «f«if*T gnK »Pu*fl'<Ysw**t *m |w srajfw i gi^ n
Tnrsna: n
t^t ^t^t: i
^ ^ ftrTT ^ *I3ffar^ ii ? II
WSf^?r: i |^j: i iri: i ^ i ^i i ^rff i to* i ^sf^: i ^rs^t: i
^ 1^^1‘f i ^rftn i ftf^t i s: i^rpT1 ^1»^fifin^ ii?h
% ^ ^<Htdi4«Uii mf? I I i « 3r ^i*n^i«fl:
^NWr^s: i wwc: «tir: I tfrraWiT^flT i v$tw. vnfrm: w. nfrf°v:
ift^WTn;: i w>aw ^ \ i i % *<?*l ^ t^naT ifldi^idify i
?nfr ^nahrm. a ^rear^T^^fn ^jWSlvftifii a
1nf^: i tnr i ft^rr fsro a
flpfH ^f|: xrf^5jt Tjf^an ^r^flf^n i
^ f^nrt t1^11
?fi& « H

Hpfcf i *ff: i hsf^jf i Tjfapsn: I : I ^mv i i ^ i vgf,

f% i ^ ?fH i ir§I fasirt I 1^4:1 ^i%^ i II8 ii
af^ imfN jnafan ht^ afftfat af^i gfaarr ^f^rwrm aaft: i aa wa^ i
g^nenEi: i ag*J^ a^a $^atfa as* i a*r i amraar atga^a:aaaHTaT’^irnfaynft
g#i%; irf^rr iraqur f^wf*m a^anarr: aran f*u% i wi i anfia% i aar g f^nr. i
n m aifa am: gwrf^aTf^ i agria afta amt afff>tat faafNhrt w aafa aar ^
i fafaatta W aapi aafa i ?rarT ^araarttl gfa% g gg*t
aafa i fwtW qfffa g*a fagfaffa u

«rferiftefw U '*5RTrrt ?T sr^ra ^urt: i

^ftiKt ^uran: n mii

«r^rft: i *ffcrr i fk i wm i nfHswi: i ^ i *r*i: i ^hrt: i
^fl: i irc: i ^fft: I fwsf^n: i^wj:1 H^r I ^ijsspht: iimii
awsift: i mt aim i agg: it aT ?^ftfa g$gaaf^ft?: n tit «ja$aaT gfSaT # aw?T-
’Tpfftgagg ganfgaTaftgi ajanggaasna i at8 'o. % $1* a-1 n gq^a fa gam i
fWManfmT nag t aa gwa: i aftwt a w aalaia^ia wfraan% ^agrar: qtaaiaT
araaf aiaT faaafa H?^fwatffw faaaai i ^ fiafttfwt 1 fagfajai: a tfa: iftaratf: i
aaRnanfom^ai i qfgiargH i amfa arfa airafawa ayaaaatffa^aTaT anagg a a$g
atqfqgft % grtt ^atfiTifHarf^gt % i^g: ga gWt ^aiaia^ia ffrraan: gaaaaT:
gfagaT aaa a a *= a

^T ^Rift *T5TH ^reRffii fir *lt^T 1

^fnl gw $rfa iifill
WI g^Rift I ^ ^fH I | wpnfct I I fa t^ I
i sfH i ^ i i i ftrf *
^SfTR I ^ IIfill
g^iaal a aia aa aat i ^agqafrg atfl^aa arf^a a gsaa> aaewfl-1 w a w¥imi
aaNfra: a g^maaft i aa^ aaart^ aaaiaaFta^ aai a«^ muTlw ii^-
\ fTgaTHT^n: i ^aai^a, %fa gataTa^^aqaiwfa^TW a asViaffit ^Trarata^
wp> fa faarr faafaa ar a^af i arrat^m a a^f^F aif^wr^Tf a 1 ff*
ata% atfamfaa jflmfei^f) i w i ata# afii?f qw^frif*T^rw i fiaf
ifma^r a w i ftafateaw^ f^ a «?» a ’jarfaii aftaaTa^af faraafv afa
vrrmft a

^?an dwtiT vmm ^t^t ^ i

^ ht^H ii$h
ipd I fmt^T I I[*mT I ^S^TRt I I *9 I T?^: I ^ I
WS^IfTT I I^SfHl BTxfcf | #f?T: I vsf^rt I f^mt II51II
a ^roroTfaf* tobto:« ^rcNfrot ftrn^ fUrfSum^ i^TOTOTOfTOT-
aftnro ynffc^rt i *fcpfr i wtot **paiflg: gfcnfrot p^r mfrort^T *rpt *gror
mpfa'Sl TOrfwfffS* 11 *r%^pr^ sr^ftrro: 11 to fro»fT fgff^TriMi i i
^tro^mflffl Pt^ii tot: i toitfto Tfroft aro gpft»ri
ai#nft ut^H y4*jii f^frr aaftfTT: ■srf^arr Bg'5*nMr<B*<i'if<!i tot
gfeaturefr *j%nr f^w n

*Ttrft I
'ZrfW' *ir$ IItil

W I 5T: I ^ I HTtrft MJ5 I I I H^r^l I %rT^fft I

fff¥: \\^\: i ^f|: i ^n i s^i **N i st^nft i gs^rta: i ii tit

TO*ft i tot wfro: i to ^rr 11 i ar° 8. % *§. i fzjr-

wfafa n to fwfcj i ^Trog i to sigrogtaY to arfofiTfn
TOTfn ara^roft anroteoT ^ %fTfafTOr4wTTO?g i to toto* ^ i ^m: gai^Tur: i to
Tft ^jfauT a to: i to^tot^ttt sr^TOfcgTOJ3[Tf^TTO11
si: sffft*i TORT i wttg i Jnyig ii ai^rfife aft^r-

^ttto ^ jtT i^TO^rnsrr i gfro ^ i ^ t4 TOrrgfM* arfrot TO^mv

Rifats} I TO* $. c. | tffl ||

3 ^IttfTj^bTTfa fret i
rR?i ^ f^ir^ ii^ii

«t i $ra i it?r: i ste r *i*ffarec i^r i nrett i 1 *f% i lien

TOrorr srf*rft f^rro M»ifTOiTfq% *rogfa*ft n to fro* wur^ir: i toj-
^nn: i sfmftTOft ^M«a*ii«tqm: i t^RTTO %fa gfhiTOTOt: h
^jiwWi<i. a f^rar to*i% rfi^ifi^ft: i^t *j^i<{<«ijT^f«
3*n*m: n to fror arfrfw gronrft ^rornfR ^RTOTTOfm; i \ ftn:
#f mnmPrf^swrfir^rftm: mfftr: TTfWfT^P^wrf%f^% ?f am ^ • ffn^r-
tfaf44r to i gro a

^yftrriT ^ 11 *
VOL. IV. 3 »

^rs^’4^pt i mart i s^Nr[ i#rt i ■rM* i ^pjs^n i i

■ *fa*r «# 1 1 ^■T*1 *#*1,,c*°«

^ qmqfr ";‘l <BRTT * WTO^T gft$N*^ *n^P I *r}»qi«i|^<l3W TWPIKih: |
gHaflqjmjigft irft *rr% %qtWftq *rro: '^▼pxpranftf *c fftft ▼®raftg.
I qrcTWT IPT^S R ftMIft I ^T° «. ^•'QO. I fttffarfH: R gq;
3lftfl?ramft ^c: W ▼faft'Jfa'^ft ▼ft *^»rc
igSta i v%[ i n^ft4%*i ftgunm«tfiir^*ift*i ^ i gq«*«ru4 *343 * *^4 3^3 R

TOt 5fmt ^ftrnVrT i

flf^^rf^l «ITfa ffatsjj #T: IIWII
TO: I ^th: i fa i i ^ i 3?fa: i"#Rf i ^m^i fc:sni: i
im I ft<j: I *$fafa I mipk I anfa I ^Tftsfif i ffa: i ^ i W mi
wrf^T: «q**4rft«fr ▼ft ▼w* xnr ▼tr °uf*<ftn i ftx^f i i
irrf ▼»> ^ ^ ftftauffoi: h w\ w*mf^nft gftan: swnft *P«ftwaRl r ▼!%
nara mft ^ gft gpi r xm: sf*ftr raxnft t^ftr Hi^i^*3i43ft^i^3i*M*ai*3 ftgfty-
i ▼f 3i<imq ▼▼ i *rroT% ^nrreni ^Tfrof^m wfan ffa:
^43 I H^jg I Ti fffr ▼%* SWPWVTfa tf*0,c- M-^. I R R<£R
jpprfro ffi( ^ Jt?n f* ^I^wr4w^ *3**t I ™ wwvft i xnftftft
4RITgT4? Tfa r *rft fafaftw r

TOffW H afafaT ^aRT m tffa ^JT I

^ flinfomr fftfa: *? fa aftt* PI4^fa#: in»
aRtfauj: i h i i *Rfai i Wswi i *T?fa: i *rfa i i
i£ i i W i fpipn i W- I fa i %: i i fa#
^ nftfro: ftRTx: *ftft *nro tftpft n wrrM i i 3^
▼rrotnr wra: ftn wrfn xtrtt g«*j«f<x!F ^fxi giw i ^ g^tw: g^: ^
Rsftcqra i H«ijw^r»x r tx 5gft i i ff Hx^ift JXXW^\ iiluim
fitimfg: i ft04»rf7» ftrftr ftftpn xftm^: R 3««^3f*» ^ ^wnT'an^-
xxftTFWi. i r ftroxTOp: *s*51 ▼romfixffn. R

^TrPCT #Rt nff^t ^Wt ’iVPitR^ I

^firedfarew Hftfit fa^r PfaraT ii^ii (
\ f| i #r: i 'ftfif: 13ra#i i »nfan i
^rfwsuj fTfaRni i i TOifa i fa^i 11 fa**H1 l,?

^r: agrereimRaiaa aftfarihr*: ar i afm% i mnft \ f* *fartf R

3* ttft i gf* ^ *Rar: i lahwmm ffSreft a w i vftni
mW w^T^f: i ir^ i refr ffi$faa 3ft: # jrf&i: 1
aremrf*T ^ffft: 1 to aram f*wt afrf«: ararre^ i aNmftfar 1 ar^ftift art rearfiprr
««m I <1^1 ffpfflW I *lgdl*l*H I arfaTT T^W | ^f^gTT I ipj
arftfar w^^rert* *r*»nf*r re ar 1 aren>flfaT a

ft: far* r fw: i

3n^*nf trfw%: *frpn ^rfor: 11 ?n
ft: I far* 1 ^311 TOM 1«: 1 ft 1 faw: 1 trfWs^i 1

arerreretare retro re$ reranSig;: f*a$fs[ are 1 rerefat 1« fw tpt fro: irprr
renftre: ^5m Mf«iaretfarfr »refw i fare^: ^fare*i?i*tfr grenro 3lreanau*i sreregrin.
i% ^1 res 1 atrearet frora grefr 1 re- <». m-<\$. 1 ffn rermt a 'are arfat-
^wt^t%3 aftref^it: 1 —11 f^ft gprtro ^ qf^^r: 1 ^r; a »rre^ 1 rerefl<(Kf*mm: 11

ft RfT *irft 1

rtrTRT ^TOK HWrftm II8II

ft: i ^ i R|?t: i \ i 3if*RT^i isfaftsfir: i ^T^: 1
I fVr^l ft I ITrTpT I Thrift | I V- I ^*5 I W^SitMt II8 H
taffifirftf^rqfH^-pr: ^rerre: are arenU*$ro a reiNr: arretrer 1 ar* m. a- w<i- ?• 1
Tfa remrer: 11 rei**reft amre ren rerTfa refrfir aryr rearfi^refarere; 1 'arfgreht a aft^ f?-
arrre 1 refe aftrefrf*faar tfn ire: a am: g^ftr fiftare rroRrefar f»r rerre 1 afNtrrre-
1 asr i^: arwarmT ari^s^rea* 1 w 1 arre?p^Tif*t retnfarerfarre. j^r. 1 arSr 1 gwfa
vare reare rei irerra: ai’Krrrere a

ftt pfrIHR ^ f fir ’jft I

wff f^TRTTT^t^^i wTNr; ii m ii
ft 1 1 jrfirs*n31 ^f^n: 1 f^t 1 1 1 ift 1 ^ 1
^Tl f^l lit I ^ I ^H^l I 1 ^1 1 11MII
^a^tftag ^Pa^iaa irtarere aii^re ufaRlyRsO ^*wr reSrfnr arearr are*rrfn 1
^arereHf wnrrfn 1 ’g^ retre aflMaaHwremaaft ffar a a atft ^ arft
^npftarftr art 1 jrererswrearertl 1 asre^arre reref^an *r^ Sire: * wi^re
f^lrtOy»reivir*i»i aireaSlq reiagrrer 1 ^staiarenareirt^ a aarfai: ilret vrg: 1 faafz garn^rr-
flaflr i firrerel%«re atHrerert arret*?: 1 regftr a^i: rerewt: ix»r«. 8-§<a. 1 xfn arati
1 t^^air repref*i arefrr resitfrearrere. a a «ao»
.» 3 B 2
H it

fs pro^pi tot: i
fa ^ pm mpretoft TOFapfar: nin
i fa i psm i p i w: i ^Uro i *Fjmro i TTRn: \
f^i^^^f?ri^r4i^?ni^^i^i^[:i^s^-i^T|s^lin: iiin
% ^ fWT fw im f^rer: i qn^uT: i ^rqvft: h ^t^Hf ainj
<*<11*8 t*? i fafa 3^: i firetniffauro: ii % ^nft vfonfter wi^q^nn^i^
T3^ a'frn^rei to ?mn ^wr *ret*r q%wmffpqrni na fa aaar i faarfipi-
^ nfa n aawrertfn j?i n am t *roa,aaaferf aTjtaT gata^aTana: u
*rmr ^fin famifo %?r€t u*$fap i
^T ^ fpt W wf%5T ^ ^ IISll
tot i pi ptf: i i fanrt i to i %rfa: i tj i srfap i

li^ii i fp: 1*1tpf: i p:iwfa: iwwti^iii911

«re<£l«re aa:aiTwr: f^nr f4i<a¥Si£m ^t^tt h *a HtaTffai: n 7i^i»fl*<<g
j^n: %?ta: wnm wafw araratT v TP? ftaafaqn. 1 ap»wa 1 gavput
*refT ffaf ®rga a ftt a jwft 11 ft: aulft ftf 1 arefarfraaia: 11 aftaf aa: n w-
aaaar ?rf% sigcgaf «re*r«(l rfa faaTltafra?* « ata aa? aUar '^alafa^ arfaa ^ i
^rprrf?! I TfrTfTT SWlta II

ft: fam win m: q^m-i; i

A %p II p 3TiTOTfa TO ^ ^ IIbn
ft 1 fa# 1 tott: 1 w^: 1 tot 1 i£m i m: 1 ir$*fa 1 *p: 1 wti 1
A 1 %rr 1 ^ 1 ^ 1 pj:, ^pf 1 ^n4; i <r*41 A 1 m 1 p 1 ^ nt»
w»m *r$ mun: naaaifa««iair atrff ft faa arg: i fata am: 1 m ara iSF
aat trtn f lati aaaat tfa aar^i iaT#?. ?-m§. 8.1 fwaaai%if 1 amwHUMftwt-
atTfp?ncafiffrfrma 11 aarrarraf 1 «tfn 1 ira^fn ^ 1 qm mimaw: 1 \ ,wq: ^
*prp**m at f^. 1 gia atft 1 fvt *jw f a; mfT ft fqrrqi m4 *r a;
iwrt f at 1 ^^awrffa^POTTajmar ^rafawv?: u at 1 f*wpfR ?rji«r^ 1
arnttn atT^ir: 1 fnrnft^t: 1 wr-1 qit4«i^«aifai^gnffaT ««wwa: 11
\w. ftr^c%u ^if^m: n f#fro 1
g^roiT ^3tT ^7 ^^%s%n w f^rfHwr: ii^ii
to 1 fiNw; 1 ^?n 1 iwmwp; 1 spi ?tti t?itt: 1 n 1 1
g^rorr: 1 '3W1 ^n: 1 ^|%i ^ 1^1 pT: 1 h 1 1 f^rsf^*11611
1 tf fttff %ta aT^roaTam.# ’ire aift 1 *»jfT%n 1 ^ *T*rt'1
n° m] it H

tot: ^feWNT *rc: i W*: i f*n?nm: i i i vnr^m '*pft

srcp* ^N * NN% i ^fwm it wnrspraft: i ^t%1 i ftre1\qt t
1 tn°1 ^*rcfo:Ji wrffr *r ^wwt *tw *VC«<]n<mmuir *nr '*n?r gg%
t^n Htf^m ^^*(*1. ii *j%: n f%f^?RT farnj ^yy ’srnft v i Tt^
* i f*tg €#^r totoNt n

wfTrT: I
TO ^ ^rft tg. yff: II <*o ll
fnftel: i ftfv i ^fft: s i i srt^i wi: i wfer: i sfartj i
Wl^l^|TTrf^Tl^^l^W^l^:i^^t:i|5i^T: non
wHt: it *TO ^fwfrft wtert^u: i ^^rtwnrfirfTi i wtq^’erf i
ffcprri^Nt: ii ^fT^rr: ^tott ,srro: fiHj whc^r^ i ’sjprssn. i ?R fro: i
*m f^ra: *<prf?TOf*OT^f?i ngft i wn;: T|WT wtrfro wfiraferraT-
jmrmfrH: *<mft i % i$ ^ w^i ^nf^t mfro qTf^rrfa v^-
nfNfaffrr fsprr ^fa'nwna % »j?*n i ^i»i^g i ^rr i
w^Nt: f? anseg i wra f? ^NtN mf^TTN vrorfwp^j «*n3-
^Tftwr ii ii w ii
i% fw wtnfc^ft *tto f*rapufhr ^eft: i tot ^rffTO% i
r$ faw tow^t Tfw ii *rat f*rf*NN: ii
t? M HfrT^TJT $?r4 HTiTSTW^ I
frR ^ ifclT* IIS 11
?i I W I irfFTSWR I ^rT^f I Tn?T*S5HRi I W^ I f? I ^tStlWfl: I
I ?ri% I I I I ^ I *Ht I H I »Rm II ^ II
^ t% ?r ufa^m Tf %i BrrirreriwnJTfw ii ^ra^rr^^urre: i to ^pc: ii fror^TO
^ 'TOP^g ^TTOW II ■*NI*lf^flWrf%3rWT»lQ'il qT<iri(>m<(r»IV||7i: 11 ^TfTWT^: 1TT^:^«I%
itHfJurrer: f? i g?ffaff i ^^tw: w*m ^ vnw: i w i to:to: i
^ttot: g: i wm:*ra% ^ BTOmr i*^ttoit$ mf^r 11 ?T?^ V^-
^f^WTf^^tift^TTO I w I wWfc « HWt % ’JT ?T TT|^^ ^ T$f I w€\ *PT I
TWT ?t ^T f^tHlRM^Hai^ ^T<f^fTOf§: H#: ^ 5WW I JW II

^ TRT TRit «RflNu^fe ?M ^Tf? I

•J^jWT h ^t3?: n ^*w ii ^ ii
i^i i i 13TT11?1 ^ »’iTff i
£11 *? I ft l ?tn: l H i m l Wl: I ’nftl I T*sfc; 1 ,^: " * "
^ tsT TOtm ann«i«iPm^ »im ?» ^ T^Tiftr IN ^ ^^i«n«<flti

^rnprr ^rrf% i m *n% i *n%i^r to i i ,wr^vig^w^«fi gm: |

^ngtri^T^ « tot 5t wftrn fTO* V* ^grn w^l fTOflifWfci w ^ i tw^j,
girt*: 3yW8PflK%W»n*'t aft^»rpr: TO *nfs TOffa i TO<iir<f« tfW
^Tfafn *f w to totot TO^ninf^TOTOit n4*TO11*°c-<*• »

^ft^rTT T3HT m I
*k*H3l H?H

fft^rn i \ ^ifer i %rt: i i ip41 wstto i

^PFRrft: i fs1 zfiisfo: i pR: I sraWfa: i *q^[ i fasat ii?ii

% T3[ ?fTTOTT u W Tft to» 11 fftlWpTO W«r %tot

mjTO^w^l qfl«jM«uafoi Wtt WH tt i tot i ttito tfw flg4w 1 n Wro 1
5|3Tlga TO 1 f*TO W14W 8 fTOTO%Tfi[^^TOfTTfTt TOTTOt 8 TOfW: TOTTO^ ■Hfafa:
wtoto: sfim ^ fro*£r *jto *n^ror 1 t£r to 11

TO Hri nff to *fitfait trtaT snNftwi i

W ^1 fftfufe ^:"fn^fiWi% flnwwjr^ 11811

^ iiq^i S1 wig 1sfii 1 1 tN?T sfit 1 h 1

fBjj ^tNi: 1 Wl 1 ?ftsfo: 1S51 ^S= l 1 *nff 1 fini 1 TO 1 31^ 11811

^ TOt TOTO ft^ft *nTOgfWt TOl 5* TO *PrTOT*t»! ^
jffTOPT »nftfw n grosro: f**3 ** fro*: b WW
«Wi<^qrt fqfvrcfTOi wm<q prnro: i TOlTO^fTOm: it fftWr. trrrofl W i^ttcfei:
fro tftwroiw tottotot TOff i tot«5 »

TO ^J^rqfrnif 4^ ^T^RI^SIT ^!?rt I

* i* ^ ^T fe *\W- IIMII
to i tjt^i xtRisto; i is i i i wt i 1
m i ^ i TgtsfM i rff4^‘ i siirfit i w-1 ^ i »t^Ni i ^h* i t? i 11
% t$ pfroro. it fro^: a«fl ^TOrrTOTfro^TTO:«^TOTTOTOrTgwro^^nT^
^utototo w ^tTO^mT^f n xm^mx^S nin«<Wt to »^
to «^>ii«yyTOt to>4 TO^rf% ii to ffTOTO i fmfz ^ g^UKTro^ &*?*' ^,.
51 <TO$ TTfroY TOTff Htfv TOV ^t5rfTOf4 l 8 ^ TOt I ^"_t, „
*gm#?T I TOirWTOTOT$ 8 ^ flf gTft'lfTOTT1 ^ ^fTOf «<l^ TOITO
TOT g?r. ^Pm: I g«nro: i ^rgn TOroroilTOfT! b b«*b

^ n to fw *hra«5t i
^ Wit vt%cro W i fVs Ww* W l,s'"
u snorts**: n W
t£ i ft i tn^f i s fa* i *51 fai i i mi i sf?t *m s *rat i
yfo i ^rs^r* I i *«*: nj i Wf i ^s^fn i ^7:11^11
% tsf ** ^*»<iifq4 wPiti 1 wifateKt^q *w k fo| 1 fjrer B ^
^rarnt srar^fa'^i xrrftr ftR 1 ^7fr *rf^cR strong:
xnw*srnftw^f%fr*: s?}: ifrnt^ 11 w>fari 1 fnvmmtpr: iur»f 9.^8.1 fw-
ffim: 1 ^fnfiTwmpn 1 mqif^: n tfirennfTOR ^ ^t
vfwf^fa 1 ^rf*ror*ra?l h 1^ Jifd^irtD: Hfarf^i: 1 f»^nrryi% ^trnf-

fa fa rnftfc ^VT SRtflt ffrTlfast ^ I

^T^R ^ R^TOpftaT FT^ ^ n$„
ftf I ff I FTT1351 ^IIT I Wffa: I ff rTSlfrw: I ^ | ^ 1
1 ^ 1 1 i ^r; i ^hrt i ^ i f§ ion
* tsC iw *rr*rrct f*ra*re: 1 im **ra*mr tftopnircftRR; 1 smrot
w gw ^ITVTI ffTWTTt 1 *n%n f% 5^ 1 ftftvm&qft 11, fire^jfxwt
5 twm%x^ 11 wra *tcrt *nrcTfa % *&{i$ *?mf7i
^r»l 1 vRn. 1 wtr %g sraftg *$ 1 qtmmiTqqffl h

H rt 35 ^s$T% S ^rj ^fa\ I1W frTTf^ I

WftR^^SPm^t Rt IItil
m fh 351 mifTi ^tfit 1 fN 1mm i *gmfR i
*nftas*faj: 1 srospi: 1 ^ 1 ^s%^Rt 1 w^\: 1 sr*^ 1 art 11 bn
% t% % RiflqiPt H«i«if<rt: wmfa ^4if«i H*ra*iTf*i ^ ’tYtJt xftmfq yrf*><i«fT n xfH 1
Ttr^nr ^rfir 1 tri: ini^: tjrw:« 1 gfr *f%: 1 |r^ # srrf»r mf»r 1 sjfNing: 1
**taf*ng^RT*r 1 ^wra: 1 q»nnfg>ft: 1 ?iw% »rt
^wfHTxifm TrrwNTJrwt: 1
fa 1 tifa nwq^ «^TRt|f^li7W I
^ ^ f^s rrt\ Rfmli *frrafcR*H u eii
131 *% 1TTOS^ I *T^ I r^T 1 ^Tf: 1 Wshr I s&ftm 1
^ I ^ I i^l I f% I I I HfT 1 I ^S IMI IRII
t »npi7i r <g7g»»^3 g 55 fn ^ 1 ffn^wr^f f»wfr «* 1 «m: nf?ininnf
^ Rt Rt f%imnnfjim<|»i ^rrfxRfwwnr: 1 f*R R|t 11 xn«n<if<7r^f 1 xn° 1 if*

# Rt fti ^ x«^tt ^ m »r 1 nmifaMT^ 1 wflt »rownqfa^

’’ft «n*n^i swtf 1 fro 1 fx^jf?«

i^nn n
ti H

^OTl I
T.^ ^ifa TO'JfrH'^wftR f%3J ^T TW II **0II
^fas*e«rr i m i *ros Yt i TmmT^ i ^ i ^tfa i ^js^ i ,
I ffa I T^Sfr^l I 3pt% IfarU 3111WT KTOI ||<*o||
% ytpwwyfag; wtvwtwtwn wrg *mr ^wrnm^r^nftig wtwrfro: i ^nj^Tfttu ww-
w iwat s wT^TffftgnfHwn^ %tot gwrpgiw i uflnrFwr gw i % wt^t%w f wpft ^
^rfipt: <ti witwf wtg^w wf^rprrwrw wfwfw wtfa 1 ^pror »spy
wtmf^sR: I wtfe Wt ^ I W^fHrq^f* %TOfoig*3*Tf*TWI<f*fl%f?r ^fvSnrc: t
wn ipr gw: 1 wt$vt<jwt3PT fwwwr^ff^rwnw 1 111 TOTOsgfw w? giwni: ^
uw ^ wspyw TOT^rolrow ?r to wfv 1 giw 1 nrprff 11 wflfoitft ^xpgwi^jftfr
tf& 11 fwwrwnlf fw^wwwt^ wrptTOwnwul wwtwt tot 1 *uPi*i: g^ 11 snfUflftr? ^fir
wftmwf ^txr: 11 11 q? 11 11 o. 11
^irer-sfrf^i wtww gwrfw 1 to Wfl $w*r^ 1 wre wft: 1
wr fwjw fw tow: 1 tot wtto^ 1 wror srrra5^wf^w?tfwf?t h ^wwre^i^
wTOwta tprow 1 ffro w 1 H^r^r wpngfwft wit tsft gwf^fn TOwftw 1 wt° c.'o. 1 1

rTTO ^n^ftjM TpfcfTCrfT I

3^T^T?Tt TRf|Tn5tfTTf|^ tftrft 35^¥ ^VrT II «l II
7TI ^sm I SIT3TTjftnft I I Wlfa: 1^: I 31^ I ^ I W^rTTI
^1 %^i 5fTFirra: 1 1 if& i tfaft i i 3v$s i srafo mn
w%totw? %roaft wroigfawt wprrgfrofT w^fw wrof%: *m?ps b ^«ii^ifi-
^fri^Trr: im0?. a. 3?. 11 ncrir^wi ti gwr ttiwt wtTO wtototot 1^11 to **
gSrornrog wr?^ wfa Twrfwfa mw 11 11 srcwnft fwwrfTO gffirw: 3
f*ifi(<iPU'qTaw xt^tr wf3 w wwt?twmYfi 11 to.’nfr ^fro:' w4«n^l»iTftr«'^f[: “
tt^t « wfTOr 4faft wr*r ^rr^f 11 r*«n'«fnj ^nNf*rf?» ^’n: #jrf ■m'^1
*r?p§W wro ^rotfa wit 1 wMt 1 wrp3JT^w^f?» f^TxrrfTm: n

fTRWI tdJ^ I
^fafi@r 5f^t ^HWinr: IR11
rt 1 1 f^: 1 1 i ^51 1 1 ^1 ^1
I 1 1 1 Yi 1 1 11,11
ftwi>7raTTO: 1 wpfr wt wr 1 w*pit wrow wtrorrg wrow
v%**r^wr ^^ir^rj-^igflpm wti wfw w*m: 11 j<wwjiy*
topi 1 fwfro at^ofn 1 wtfw 1 werwT ^rwtw, wwnrfw: 1 wntroft
gw wwanw. g?iqTf*is(t «iroi: w^Wr^tw: «j«in«n«fu*ran*
Wf ^ 3pt *T^rt: flf WRT^p H%Rp|f^T ||? II
^ I ^1 ^%Tl~f^I ^l^IT|^S^f^T: ip^tl^l^rsf^l
Wf i ft»^sN I H^rf: 15Rf I Writ I i pi srfpn3 I tt|jt II?,I
T** ^T^iwnfi, fTOn^rn'^, |%w ^f^n:
«TRn: 11 fn«%^F wrorfw: *n Tsmjpiq^ 1 igrT^rrfWd ftrc: fqr^qrrc;^Tmt*F: 1
f^rr^iTf5[f<T fWt 1 ^jit^totw: i M* aiTtfftrra: 11 »wanW
%?T3f^: II <Tq f^qVTf«p?i qftf JTOTqfag wi | qfjjq | JjfrfJT n ^rfr I «Tf 1 qTqq-
»*^f*rerra: 11 f^ % T^*fr^t^r ^rqTfapqmq qq ^ <q^fa *f$*nqfjif^i ^ ■g f%% ^
jrnm^nrrann 11 q4srtq*sei^: 11 qpjnfcq; 1 irqrfr ff^ qftf «qfa u

xpr *Nnm wy; wfa fra 1

^psret ^ ugu

^sn^r: 1 p 1 fa t ^rttmw 1 *p: 1 n 1 STTOr^i ■sftr: 1 ^rfa 1 ffai 1 fa! i

^^1 i 1 =3fa i sssfa: 1 ^i[\ ^isfainj 1 gssnrcnrt 1 p 11 8 11

* tsft wrc ijq 11 irrf »It% i ^f^w fmz: qnrqq; n strewn* qq gp*: mymqreq i
wsnfaqtewq; 11 gp*: i ^ *req i fa>^ i qrqgj^qTfmfn fqqre%%qrq wnwrrwgifqT^qTfq
**^fa 11 qm ijq qfa:: ^ tot wrfafwsrar ff^twrafft qq mrod; i qt#mq§[*rfsRfq
imfrf I 5TT*!Tfa | fq>qTf£- qqWfaiq 1 q<5wreqf5g;qq I Wft .* II I
firn i irfa q*rtq: ii *r? ^q^wrqT qrqTiq Pin i w^*ureq?T i f^wrafc i am q tpj qffq
*n^ faNs iqqqreT n gq ware: mrq; i w irareTf^fq f^rerenare: 11 irtqqqjhreTqrHrrg i
fqqqqqTtq; ii wfn: wtq't vttj: 11

^nf^: spit rifcf^xiRnT sn^tTjfore't i

■spfapfa fapTR ^fa*0TO IIVII

sm^i i&:1 spit i i ^_w i w(f^: i wT^rt^r^ ^frt i srepra i

i ^wjfj i ^ i i i i i u m ii

^T^fq q- q %^TI ?RT fl^qTV3TfT 1 II ^ ^TfTT ^Tf^i: I qifcram: «

^?T I qsm I %«TRTfll% I HTOT»ftgfrf«^ai^: I ^ V3 3fTqT^^ mTqT’jfqsfft
^ftq: h g?mmiT: g: n ^?n:w rnff^T^Ttm i qafitqif^m^Tri’aq'ytf^J^: i ^f*ra:
Inf^*n wnRnrat^nr qqwywrfr i i i fSr^nar <i^
^ ^n it q?j ii

%S2?T^ rrf^wfT f#^ I

^r ^rpt ^r^af^sipft *nfcn h^n
VOL. IV. 3 0
II «
i snf i wWfar: i fasTfwfe: i i i w*ft \

i *^i to i fa i sr^i ^i^fer i m: i fa>fe i infer i ^fts^r iiin

amfqwrer inf f3Kf^n«fl *npft f*rf«ro *ki*w»to ■'r^ran: i^i nfinftm,
HSfg^ff i ai^nsjf wgiiumtiiit^a i ■'HImI t xHs4w^: i ^r
^rrfn fwi vrrtnr <r*m <rO|7t ^rf^fr ^fsw n fnfft: antftr w. i tfn |
flffTmrrgro^^r «rf*r i tt° £• $■ <^-1 u n ff «nr%«irra ^twr

HT ^fatfaj wi# ^rtf TTff^Wrf^FTT *fefaij: I

^TrT Tf^ts4 frT i^t *fT USD
tjt i ^fatfai i TT«rmfW i «Ri^t i nfas^fa: i ^rfei^ i rfs^: I
«ffi! 1 7W l ^fa I I I ti: I *?T I 1 3PTOW USII
qH§frmT*ft giro ttobt f*$aifqj(ftf srwfa gfcrpftft ^t i bhuto
^mr*f: # anfanft *nf% fNfrfd wtag: q^qwreg: a Tm »nfT I f*rfz ^ TW faftfo
fhi: h irsfr^m i^w f% sft *fw *ri7mfaf*rfyg *nrti*r ^«rat i vr«rai faWr^a i
r«**Hgqfr: n t^g jW iro*Tj^J<rcm i i ’jjmri itfrflf

fa^ *fawT 3ni ^&ircrrfa ^s^*prHt*fasn ^R^rot i

To ife^TTftR 3|»ff|H|^fenra^ II tii
fa^g i ^ife: i wk i ^grtfa 141 i i i
to i i wf| i i ffein • iftr: i it i ^f: i ^ i ^41
% i% ^rtj fa% ^*rr?fr ^rr wfw«*r: aftawT «t«gann gpR^ f
^f^rrf*T fwgrrfsr wRwfcm.i *rvNfa i **ptt *»rwna%»t fi*1*;
TTsfr: ii fljfinnift g<wm«w3 W gg »D unwrap i i
sroUn^tf^arfr i ’nn^rfTrrffra^T i tpt fsrci: i wfMffiTTarft^TJr ^11

jjft: wmft: n i
Tjf4 ^ ^ \m
>tfk i I i ^pksfe: i i ' rr1 1
i£-. \ jrf% i tti ^tfrt\ y[14*nfe;i ymsy*yn i *pp* • lie"
% ^nrn-: 11 rmujwiflft*
»^htr: i q^wn^r I arr° *1.8- ^0-« *fagw: h ^fn ^tm'ifww (
ft?«i ^rf%: ?n?rrf»r ^w^ftgqrwn*r^PTO gf*
wgpa i TjfKjn i tj^sj inrarmama Tra^% ^ ^[ft tam*NT ?t^<
II sreirts^BR: II ?$<£
p i wrgmm mra t^t ^ i mnfar
’JTjfrfH p

PT ^an ^fwll sjflrf; I

<jfpn f^t ^ ^ nnmg it «io n
n i \ ** i gssrot i i ^ i fqs^^rrffr i ^N; i
i f^t 15:s?jTT i irpr i ^ i ^ i q: i^ziT i ^rrv i ^rano ii
* t* w wt rmsnft mrfat muf* mmn ht i w*ti mn* i
fluromflc fmrri TOTft ^NTftr *w? i *wffrvjr<i«i4i i ^m^rwrfar mfn
tft11 ii&fd r4*i,w*y spu i ftramam: i fire: fti-^Hi^iti*^m iy?rr: u
g»rfw 33 Jj7ft%^: r?Pr%$T fwr strftr $f^n ifrmft pt#i wt* i ^ t% wfr*ni4ftr
mv rromai ftiwnr raV^NU3H mrarnta 3 35 fmft 1 « 1 maft-
^ n n <pm 11
*mf?i Tpr# flpfW 3W 1 *rf*r$ro agft: 1 <nre: 3ft *ott m 1 mnft 1 ftrsT-
fwpr: 1 Tran mgnmi 1 m$T ifiremt *rgarf wftfn 11 mfr fafmftai: 11

vm *nfcn f^rfiT sthtt? i

^T I S^frTT I I fa I ^PTi*: I ifaf: I ffi? I wfotf I STHT* I

%: 1 tfa:1 f^fii^mn: 1 1 fa$: 1 1 flf s*?fafa i in 11
wm *mwt *fcirsf%»iTft 11 ^ » mrf <Owim«um*iift|#fi fappr 1 mft m
fmpft afmrr: 1% m0 s. q. 1 p^wroTwnt 1 srprg: 1 1 arp-rfr-
maft% mfcrrafr ifffii mn* 1 vrarn^ 1 *t^t afprramr 1 amrap^
^wara: 1 ^rofanarffri 1 mf tsr: f Tr^mwnnn: 1 i^mr^nfafoi 3# ^tt
^nrnn: Ararat faf: fafarf: %fHx; m3: tr[t ^fvw *farmr^rft'WT% frpft ajsPrmsr
riwfvi tm '33^jj%mr 1 anmm: 1 ara^fwtf: 11 run wt: Trfrrg^fw rm 1 ^fwnuT: 1
vn^% * m»PT: 1 m*: T-p 1 w 1 fa vrr% 1 mrrrer ^131 mpjmnn mftfrf
^t^r: g mn 1 mr^ft mnft mn ^%^Tt f^frr rnmr*wtgwTf3P«f *narf
^rrog: 1 fauigf«nifl^mi^*i atTTifr’grr M<maiT «mm jftffr mrw 1
^1*11 w ^rr m*if<T 11

finit f^ ff ^p=rfw 1
m«f fW f^: ^| nt IRII
%: \%gil i ftr:ss£rft: \^ 1 W^_ 1 i ftnf? 1 1 ^ffu: 1
•tth! 1 f»r 1 f^r^: 1 sirsnt: i fqs^nt i t ^n: i i h *«
f^ft: 1 gfmfNT^i 1 nmfvftmftnstfam^nn ^ ffmrt
3 c 2
?fco II H

syiaTsfarart i wtrm amaa i aat ?fHaa: sgaartrfcfr ajat sum: mfsanan ^

fa aptfa i t$t: saTgsrasT *r^rr -«psr i ^ra[T i faairft: i fa:H^sr#fa am^atfa fa^,. ,
aTfm«: afafmfa«?a^yyraTms: stfatsyrsTtfraraTt ?t affttaaf aaft ^w?fr mp^.
WTf<M<i’i} maa: i ampaTf^mMaairaa i aa in ays: asTrm afsTrarr a mat?,
ssaa: sria^fsisgi mat amT^arai*n^sT st fa?ra gaariTW swrarra fa fayj: t
famfa aisfa i tfty<f%g ar g^g ar ata*tg si^g aafaaarfyj mtg arc TPras: afa mat
fayra fa fsmj: i arrafa 11 fay as% i fafe faami^flwmTavgmcm aiars}^: i am i
aia^Mfe aro: mt i st° $. a- ?m. i ?fa ^rfa afwi^y:a

f^fw: fFTOfTfaiT W I
TT^f -%im fa vfayi* ii?ii
^:S^T I I |sW; I TJWSltrfcfiT I ^pdfa I W I
H5UT I gSTTTOT I ^ftlTT I fa I I 7fi I^TT: I I II3II
a<j*aiM^T agasfarT gafa: astmsr gtrtn: ytaaraarm gasatarr gaagaifa^mf^ft
atyrgarfs arraaiTfa a^T^araTfa sufrfw sfrarfsr aT a% i arrwysfa i amt w fro
gsaft afaat aftanft gswT gwf gsast aiaraaf awraasrwT aT fa agg: i fawr
aaa: i aa amt aat |st aranyaf ara^ta i mTftfsit ?taama: i mrnars ?fs?fvf i
vrrrafa a ayr i agmro?T araTmrTTftaa^fwaramrT: aia^wrafaT aan: m gafaatmft
fsarr gasafsrr ^tajaraa^Taatafafaayt anagaifa misTfs a% i wsrysfa i amt arf?
gwr gwf ataarararrat faayt aaa: i aa a farrmUfa fata ?fa gatafa aamnss: i
aar ar?T ?st *rra vrcafa a

Tpk: A fa%tsj ^ ^ fayi >pfa fa l

7T tlfafa *faflTW*ifaiTW HTHT *?TrR II ^ II
ifai: i $s*fai: i w-1 sg? i ^it i fafaar i W' i ^ i fare i »pM ifa i i$'
it i tn^r i \ i i rT i Tqm i’tfef i m i^ i tfe'
TnrTt II $ 11
aai: ^^I'amagTa: gaij: gaaaf amamiat |a: agyaafrwr fa%a i arfmtfa •
arfam a a ly faa af gaa gaara fa a% t agarsjaaifaamfa i a^'ya |ajn^r
afcagsa aaatfaa: aaf^i^aam i ayif i fasa araf^aiiai fa^rft aTmfaarr ap? at 1
aimtyafa i aaafaaaraaa arma i a a a mg arat aTa "rfa? i i aittafaafafH"
fa? armr?^ a aar i garf: aaaTfamarTaafaa: aroaig: aTaran aT ag?; i agf^^
iarrf^fa agyaafra i w i agya aaa*f aaa i a^fta aaaaTaarfa^aTa i
faaa ia° ar° c. §. i ^fn ya: i aTga% aparf^tan fa%a i a ay faa a€ afa ^
faaaw ignaafa i afa f? artt a^armfa aT afaa: gaaT atai famrra gstffa i«.
ii ar%a afraanrpta aaaifaa: a afaasymrrafa: i afaarm afa aaf^afat
a i ar° §■ rj- ^8^.i ?fa arrfyafa: a afa% arff^ rniy^riaw i a arai araT aw« 1
aT%iaaaatap$: i arft f? aparaTfr a jHrmami^gi ima ?fa a
II TOTtsro N $t<\

qxm f^nf: 44 ^|HT 4^4% I

a^lfa ^ ^4ift TO*| ^fF4N*4 frre4 II q II
i f4flt: i 3^4: i ^4:sfa: iix# i tfw i ^|in i ^r4fr? i

arffa i ^ i ^4ct: i i *rsfa( i 4t4sr 1 fror i it^st iimii

fauT SNrrfay: ^r: nri?twr tt^sett: g*trf gcrrwNs «?t nx;m3n*i gjftnjrxrTH5*-
*U!m\X i gifftt i f^r ft ^ Jtnrxfrmxg xrtg ^ffxi j||xi^T«(>fxr xif
^fflt «p*xt: xjfr^wrf^rr vrx^mt ^yxrernBrrotxTO xtynt. xtfwrv*nf*f qrTrxgmy-
«t3rx?T^f«r fxwtt i fafifaxt n xr?T*t. i pnx ttfxrftfw wr: i xtfg<gf*rfwr%frT ^ti^nsra: i
xfrn%fT! 3>4fiT I XP§fT I XT° $. $M. I ^fw gfo^UgffltstX'tq II m§ H

trfHsjra ^rrjt: ^4ff*3sjf4 ■? ^4tt ^nn^4 i

^ fro4 ^ra4t *4fa ^w*roi n *4 ^4414 ii^ii
iresfro^1 ^ • ^jjt: i ^4tt: i i ^ i ^4w: \ ^ts¥t^4 i
*t4 I f4s*TT4 I ^4: I *4tHT I ^STOTWTT i ir k4 I ^tf4frT II %II
ft xrrxnSm ^Ttwrg^i^T^fY xifoyrf^Nt *rsfrsfH*rfaxt i *rf3w*u ?TgnrgtnimT i
fg^rctxrct: I €f gnrmfa*ft i wxrew w*t%ftt y*t: i ’XxgxifT ?t^xt i
liSTxfr ^^tg sfr i yxft xtwfan: i tt^r Jtff^-: i wf^txrrfWT i wta?fr
frfx^yy x^?r ^xfr xtyr: i tpt i wftretxt gf *rf^«ta?T srnrg^Twrt ^fvxts:
*t>3xfttn %fft wn:: i Titnwrfty<xNrraTw^as^nt: *fr*m gx^-t: i f*NTST^i ii 'wifSt-
^Tfafawt: i in0 x- 't- 33.1 TarsrataromTxt: i w ii ?T^yxrarair3Jrrf^y^xwtftrt^ri
w^rfxt Trtxran^fit ^sra: xttt: wtf^w vrn^ift: *tytat ii gtftxrraT 'stT^nr: ii
*pfaroT ftw *rsr f^nt x^ i x^m%frt xxt xnj. ni x^t xn3gwmwt it *tNf?t i
^’f xht^xjfii ii ^rgx: ?7Jpr ^gx:: yxftarat^Trrer n

^rj^TTO TO 4 ^ ^T^T IT 44ffT m I

^1^44 4t^ 4f^4 to wf444 ii$ii
I ^I 1 I w I 4fcf: I ^fT^T I IT I ^4fw I WTI
sn*M I cft^ I I p 1 IT 14t^i 441 TO I irsfTOT i ^ hsh
xrsr^q^t xjx:*tT3f«fti% ^g^ir yg^xrxtwr^rr nff*n*ft w^fxt i xi xtrj xth
xflxj vWfft fr^T^fr ^t wwr n tpifn i _»rafii i ii wg
^ttfft i rrr^ftt% sttw^t f^^rx’tr^t stat^f: b ^rnHsftsr <ft^ ^T^-oi<tu««€ ^rarwt-
^T*tvt^H|f*ofrf^tsit% cfi: Tt ^t^ft; i i *t i iwt g^itiT^ttir gw^tT-
Tngtf ^txx xrfq^ ^T ^tfitu^t fiRftt II HT I Mi^Wlf^yf I t
T3XRf’hi wrxt: i ?nffxT^fxin^ fnf^ yt^TrnitftftT ^ixtfn^rRt: u
3b* II II
*N^!F|TOT rTI^f^r^ I
’tf&dk *trpt ftfW ^ iibw
spnn i tr^s^nfri i ^n i srrehiMi i ttN^i ^i tt^i
^qin i ^rf^RT^i: i i TOhu n# i fasfam i ht^ i ^h tii
^praT *srrf^5fa1(tt5?t’i ^5 *^rrf»i
tj^ i d^im^a* inmflnft: sraw^Ranrfo *if*r^^qiMi*iwnfi! JjmfnfwftmTf% t
tpi MH mf%^[ I

3rtTT JHTfTT II *TTTflTO^5«^fNNl<|?l,*n ^tw% ITIT* M- ?C.-1 'ff^TT’?. I ^T® §• 3- Q.*k I

ifrT «^5: IIf*N wtsivjt «l**wn*r j»r*i* 3ra?Kf%^T «*faI
nfTiffli^i uf*p?m ^^srwrf^WTfro^: ii favro vnrara i agf ^^K»a
*rej irrasrmftwnfxii^^Tsr «n^f«TfT»rni gm fafs?i fem *roft arc Must
i i wnfr i **rfw wfa ftWw vKt
«rruTf^ a^ifoq^^TO i ti <n^t *mtaTf^m7®^w^T*i-
|^» ^t° <^. T=. R

gparfjn %iw ^1? vik: # fwpri nft ^Nr i

^ijfkJrkrek ^+m§tft i£w fa fatara v fain.«w
w. i asfai t Wi ^i i %? i vlfc i«i fv*wif i nfil i -grraf i iron i
% i s^finrl i srek i i ^t§: i sfi *fit i ifai i-fa i fitw11'*= i fart'"M
*ftfr vftrrninuyiM^T arrawr^’Tr ^pnrerrar*n f*wf>nn■^i^T^mrrfni
vft ^r fEpsxgit i fvwifar fnrr^Nt *m wrrfa i tr^t *rm ufw i nfnm<qtli i 1
fsjrefifar fNifon ^winmawipi ’gt ^wtf: i ^fn i ^ f^t ^Tsf^
wf* wrwfr sprrr I ne*sm* *ct t** ?ft wwh i m^rt f0 fir f^wrg i finrg
gisrafn i src*nf<r i %f^m jrfbm^m^sng^ra *it •wmv&t;- w

ijwn w ^tfw tAw ^r| ^>wf \

^3T <$A f^C VQ \Al H^frT fwf f|W: mo II
)jHrt: i ^w i vft i ^tHr i ?Aw i ^:sg i prai: i i
’jsrw i ^ni i f^l I i ^«T*. i i TO: i i l«fi 11'I011
Tf% %^rT^rT fRrr: gfw: i ^r i ’ys’rosr ^ vfa ^ ^ 1
n^ff w$t wnzfa i <t^t ^ TW ^gwr^r ^arr: l ^f^'
?*rtj%w ^ i ^ i ^t?i?t T^dJ^rfm« ^ w2?5t5^r
mf!\ i \m; Tw*rfn » ^t ^ f*ra?n ^ ^
H^fw i ^ irntwn}: i ^
fa* Tfn ig?fW fw*rr^i i ^q^pft ^rm gflni^H'W 1
faq sf^rt^*pq q^qt q qt wdqqfrT irraq i
^ sft^vt q 3 qq^ qfg |iq^ q*q[ || g i,
fw '^i Mf: i rT^TH^ i qfgq: iq iq: iisrfqsirft i VTTm i
wr in fT^w^T 55<Tsfwr%^'^r: 11 ^^K'Uaif^qifs inrsrR: h f^nr
v\ ▼nftf^nrfr *Nhsr faitrarf *Tgfagg?t ^'n^fwmrwt *rt vra%
a^ 1g*q H^jJTwrsr: a Tnmrrft *r *nsefw h iq. imt t wmn i firf?
^<iTfq<Hf?r R%ffinT7t: ii wgvn a i qimiia«arn;g; f^tnf*is <31 ^ q ntmq:
i in- m. a. i uararfinwtwRRi a wfoffrtfurt ^Prirm sPrw%»mf* ^ ^t-
^rat ’srwsreift i Tiff witrto r gw i w *r wf* i fig smngfawt rW wnrg^
^tg i amfi * gift i wt^i *far*M fgi i gg ’3fcqwr«i<K«l* gqifqiP<3| q*nr<i»ft*t3
sffrf wff JTfftii a f<n?r marwtfgf Tfar wtffw wsra: 11 grotf qqw i ^rrafn
ffffa Rfft II

qrfqf qi4 *nfq q qt qqt *pRt hwtt ^ftt »

qifaqfd l^t fqt q qWqTqt q^q ^qt II $ II
q*ffr If I qT*i I qifal^iqWSrfo: itf I q: iqqf I ^qW I qqtqT I ^TTT I
q?f*sqgi} 1I gsqfSfr. I ?q: I q I qtqqiq: I qqq I fqt |R h
vrem:a w^rqsgwmfr^ra^r irergT gg wtot! i wm: qnhwraTfgmgfg wti
grg^tg<3*N grig a qnif^aro: w^Tfnftifg^TO a ggfarrgT ggi a *rwr ^r*aRigmi sfam
3T grfg i *r**u?iv3T4ft ^g i g?Pr gg ^mnrt v^grarT a f^Tg gpt i %aft iggarWar
^grnSvTgw^nTWTTwYti: i wai xr*r infUwg: a wrim qrrr
g w ggrgwrfg g g^ gggfw i ggiaftfar great a g fwsrmtfirenqtfl: i wai^g in i
’RnsftRg g i qm i ganr^a t^fwmf^rr g*re: i wfggfafai fiwUKig^rniq a fwfwra-
tfcr a g#T »frpigwpra«ft: i wfhaft wm i^tt ^wkw^: i grc Tw^rrrr faw; i
a wPttt: Jjgf^fHntsr^sr w H#rft ?f%fif: gtirwmi’r qr’ffi-
W^rg w*ck: qtmnnfrfRi^afSl ffafa wftf<r $*r: i <r?r fsiar: 117ft a irtwra:
^tr: gsfnf ftn »r mrr fwt irwtf^g wrfw a

^ % fq rr |q^ ^q*Nq Wit qqqcT^ntq i

qTOT qf| fq^fwjq Hf^qH q H ^ II
q\^\fqvq \\^\\q vV i^\ -WI^ V V ^3 \
«ii [w° b.^°
^ ^mTr: <fr ^ mrfiwmsw i ttsti i ft n trfW** i ff^r: i *rfw»nir 3%
qfttwpi ti ’sffaWTira^ Ir^mrt mtMPaflrc 1 '^ffar^: i'3°q- q?-1 ^gpi-
are: i W^?irgf%TT^TW it tTtwtt u^fcrosnf *r*rt*ri gr?*is ^roN h ^nf«: **fr-
p%f?r iro^fNY n wT*jimfrtT<rt41^i^t ii ’sirerii®^ M^«nf^*ri«m-
%w: i ii w#*r arfy if*nri aftoTt i W i wst i i i^T*ri *nfft
ffam ttttoi *r^t f^in: infg *n*iff#r ^ifT*im°q.«.* q.i*wr^»rfT|f*p*
*TR*J ifrfw ^<IWT ftTf^SI’T I aTfWT^firT I 5T?TH flff^T *f -Ht?I<f«*5Uil-H1 f<oUf*T^T>^fT:
atr^am i *n*h*q% giiM^*r <3nW i x[^pprf^m#fj«T u ^nrara 1 TT»t 11%: tprf*; i qT°
l.«. ?$. i *ralro *?a?r ^ 51^ ^ i w i i wuftimt«
aftqmwH ^rfirfa m i ^w^fVTwr^mi: »

fa Tjfa i* *TCjfa ^THT: Ttf* ^T^rTT: I

W ^ fWrT rfaw TI IIII
fa i to! i ^ i mnapret i 1 ^i mft i tffit i ^wt: i
^n i TTfifa: i fjiw: i ^ i WI* I fa* I *pnr i s i i ^ 11811
f xrax; spcpcfinn^ totoi 11 1 ^rrar^T^RT^^i^n^^nssi^: 11 Ji*M3fN»g
w*t: 11 ^|: 1 fi(*t*r*nraiT% w%ft %fn ans^i 1 m° $. q. c. q. 1 tfn fi^run: 1 a^mfu-
snj: 1 ^ ^jerr wgfaT^r^torr tiwt^t arrrn ^r «rr«r«( ^ fa qfa
nift ii *ft i
*fa xfa<ft farafam i'Vrt^n^f»r*rnt:« ^gv*ft m ii gvj: fa^rare: it fm*.

?7* Wto: 3ftTt lirTR;: tr^rawT^n ajf^sr *n*rra u finfa: Ham fanfa: ftraraTi: to-
flT^rr: *TTOT ^wjqrj f^TtT f^a3TI^Wrf^g ^I#3 7TH f^rt TO*TT MlffT I
^rraqfTT I I WSlfsfrt TOfK^^g qTTT^ II

H ^fa: WrITT: ?mW3lW' TOSTrfc^I I

^rfa: Tit^ *pmt rf: IIMII
i ^1 ?rfa: i ^SfTTr: I ^s^T i i ti^i i i ‘
^ifaj i tjth I jpqn: i ^fa: i I ssifa: i i i i 11M n
antgfTW: II 3H!!^: SFHW^: H ’arfTTC!^ Wtm ^ Tpf 'H'wWT B
qssnf^<qia3*n^i^iwffni: 11 ^p^t: ^tmx;: wrapt w 55 <rr^ifri^: 11 TOf*w^r^TT^
^staj |Tn°? q.qo^ q.i TWJfr^rrm 11 *<rwr ^ *r ^

«ft?Hg|-FqT<J I T®rg II ^ ^ Wtf^i: I 3T3T^[aft ^4I<{1 Tftf jl ffK “

q ix^r 11 HTftrfwra^g 1 fttf aroat ^fr^iwfnfr TWi ^Tf^r^rg 1
wg 11 11 h

^rrf^TiT^ ^ftrai p i
faf^t M^ ^^^^faw^ II €fll

iTfsn^Srim i hsth i ^sfW i p i ^riti: i «nj i nms^ i

i fiu m i Tjirn i it i si i nfli; Srtm i 1N17 i sflj nfinft 111 n

% gfrar i ftgxT«i7f: fro: 11 ftnrfcr nn«8.^ai tf* wnw 1 ifuroftro^ aft Trfar-
fl*n?n0ini|*j(«^iam tt 11 *rw%fn g^ro*:»«ji%
g«r sri «ol<j gg faw*»g ^toto: 'gfqfHrgqq 11 faroiqtmmg
* *«S«n7ra 1 ^11% 1 ^rif^TOsra^T^targfq fw<it<|fiiflqqq tqrrroft-
u arg^ frg^wqHft wr% 1 1 ngfw wifliqmmA| ^nrr 3rgvi$qr*u<Iq
*<fr(r«HN vgWnsft qroqiro ^ II srgrg* xfr fwlr^rrm 11 ?rf?7m TO gsm-
*rra ^TgjTOTO m tiwroro^ *fUf qr ?fq: nq^ifii tfrjf qrfTrofii q$ qsft-
jftsNf: 11

II7fnrff: hi II 7|ltt nft: i

firnHt i ^ §fim umiit i *tfi m^jiTn; iisii
II l irfa: l trW: 1 Hi? l ^ftsfrt:11^:1^11 h^h: i ^rt: 1 isftf: l
^l^rr q*n?r f*r: gj ^TOi: 1W I ^f^TOT q^arero: 1 gga;: gg:1 q%q *remmwi^Ka
ft: 1 arfaffw: qraftgfMlri?g§: gf^JTf$?fwwrfH$g wrtwi^ qfa 1 grift 11 qg bi
U*n ^ffTTTOT q*f ii firqrtft q ^ gfwr: gffmgprr: 11 ^rftf%roi gfvw-
;rgf^f7i f*iMiftm: 1 gfv7rp$T?|?sr$T *fa qiTfaroroigw 11 qjqroqt *nj mwrm: h q
W*§fn flI?TOt: qfqw:»tf^T % graft srnft q *q g#: 1 g** qfnft4yt qro
*t 1 fq» q. q. 1 gfq arnqc: 1 qrfqqgft^TTaftq^iftfiriT mgqi^iqqiaqTqfq qft qfwrqfq 11

IITrH^HTI%frT cftl^int I^I ^IT 17^ I

sri Hrti7H nit ^pftu I7*fli nr»j: nit iiMt: iibii
irir: 1 iip^i HfHjsii; 1 ifi 1 fit i iis^i^ i i<^ i ^it i it^ i
*rf 1 ^tiTHf 1 nit 13S1W: 1 gritffi: i ^nf. \ isit i iifrn: util
'anif •r^Tf^ 1 ^trrf^rcwTOTO tai^i aiw ^t waqftfn «wtowi«li w^ror
l^q^r qTrowr^rwNw^ nn*if<i«»a %f?i qTftqwT^-
V1*** » % w\ mqi<jiI4*i yn ff%qf
^fiprr ^n? 1 ^frf?r 11 fm 1 Tgqvrfrfn qi: 1 wnsR^Tq; n fqw q^i ?qf qfTOw 1 wm 11
^^Ntotok: u wq^TOT gftrr: itwgqT: ww 1 ir^fr ^^nigqpfqq ^itot
vn^m7 wr?m 11
ifrt ^fif^ 317 in|fT7H ^itsitm 1
wH tqfi 7|ftni|if36r|^7#f nr ^r^irnt ir-
^ aen
VOL. IV. 3 D
$btr ii H

*fih pit i snh I ipn: I I ^^i

»n^ i i *nf^ i maw i h i ^fcti i ^j^i ^frf i i i
?rri: i i i i 3prep( HQ.il
% ^ m WTflTSm^mgRKW ffsf^gmro^: t*t 'gmsjm Tm^fmrr»rr
i ^siwr^^T^i ^ Tiff i x^ 11 ■* f*»Mid: n 7rerr
*ppr: trrff i *i%wfs4wt ?fa *m < i *n ^«j^ip^*?rT: wfrxw^i
^mjroi ^rfMTf?rwlT i *mt to f^ra^lra: wtg^gwT vm.i ^ TO^T^»prafTOTO|n
11 ii <iq. ii
ftj%f?r ^ ^ %5«n^ i ^c^rra: tpPufagrosi Tt 1 am
^♦ji^ i fro ^flxtif^rtif^^Y ^f?! n *nft f^f^T^ft^r: n

ftRT HfrT tft*IW ftt ^TR frj% *rfa* I

ftR TR ?T# J^rM^ f*R II °i II
I #4 I *Tf ?E I I ~fa4 I I IrR I I
fxr41 tor i i |r*rafa: i f*R i r4: i rj1^ i is i ^n i *jrr h ^n
Tjajmgf^iT?r^rraj«Tt sjrre ^TOwf^CfroR fa*t n
fw%mf^f^nF<Ct ^irtm froTfrra: 11 \ ’STfarnfa^M w$s |to» fx ig *t*i fa*«
farrorns qnfafufn fw to^tto ii nwr ^«T*fr i *nf »ttt??tot*^ tto w* 11 grf^fa-
srrfarn f%*nlr^T¥m n Tp*%{?rrc i w#: *faf fa* i *r*ft »t^ki-m4i^-
mffa* # *t a?^ftf* ^Nr^t^Tmg: i *rrot % t? «*m fro i *w?frofam-
*nfar* i ii g*<t i g*r grft rft^rf^n: i *ifanroTTO?rra*f»rf* gwrt*: ii

$tr fifa spm: irfRrrRS Ht*TR wri ^[HR i

^tR1 fqq I *gs*m: I HSfRWR I t5. I tft**R I I ^11 1
Frf^s^T: i h^tot i r^tr i ^t^: i trw i st^hr ii * ii
% *5[ 1^: *5jf^*reT W ff^T*rrfrTT%f?f H*airMH«
<jg^TTfHg7ret sfnrei *rwN f^ H TTfWf^r I f^: ^T 1
irfar^TTn: T^r s#: irerfn^T^ it ^n: ^t^r: ^tto ^mr <3 j?wr7t:gr^H »n<w ii^
ng 1 w 1 wntft Tsnpf^ 1 iT^t *ftwR vi^w

girgimfn «wttw 1 W-1 ^Nror 1 ^ *N ^ i

n%f«T ^fwt’rt sie^fy fWgrf^JTOTfi. 1 f^r^wi^^nro 11

FTT f^q: ^ is, W| I

qfUmfl ^ ^T. 11? 11
ii 3re;Rtss*fi: ii
i *T i %: i ktk: i ^ i *ro^ nr: i \ mfftj,
i kk i ^fiN: i i wnj i kk 11%sf?:wf%T i sjk^; 11 $ n
, * ** m ^ ^ *n«I i *>nifoi«Mm^ffin i^
*I*,HI ™ ^lfn 11 TTt*rfz 3: i wWarrf^n nn*$.* «,<>,., ftr?r: wNtsrrm ti
m\ »% ^roftg v. TtrfuwTft: ^ **m ,
m^rg i «m *f*ft <wH v* to« vnmnr s *r **ra h qiffirtsfe i **W
f*9™ f^:: 11 ^ ** wifarfwm f*rfa*rf% i *t<ft , «£ srom » fwf* i ft
*rrrf^: i <*TT^t*rf 5^ n '*

^T fMt 3?fkkt vfriii H*l ^t«TT nf5tfiwnRit: i

^T TRjfTPf *rk: wm || 8II
w i firs^t: i ^srfkR: i 3jth 1i fst i iftswri \ xfftsfkks i i
*r^1 ^117*^1 ws^iT52i i i snn i %<$ i ^rcpjs^T i w i ii g ii
TTfffs: i ^t i swt ^Trwrot ^yfctor:« **f* ^ftr
^rf^: i t^i fm i *tit i mw^i *raf: qiT«wi: i <**
tft fmfjrerfirerei ^ i?: irffftw **rataftf*: Trff*: TfHwmmri tm
?f^i^m^ren*m«rT wr *rr<j i i tto w?*pt: 11 fgr worfT i h^t: ipht: t
«»f tm ii w<i*!iir^ i ■xr*i ??}: far^. ii *rt i *k*jt ^t^: i w«fl% *%
^ ^4fnr gTi^TfH^ wgw m%g ttstto n mjfcf: H tfW *ret
7 ^ ^ f%WRT^rf iqpnTjfN-fl*i TRTfJT^ir»r fw i pt # f^nr-
finr.i 3j(n%rnn%^ i %^t i ^sj i ’EMrH^iifii $4wi+imi<ii,^i^q:«

fH fk^fW rT^ff *ffiT3Rf I

k ??ft ^rf^ w?Fh?ij ^ 11 mi
fk i fflFTnfk i i srrarifk i i ftro i w^f| i ^hs^t! i
iki i to i ^rfk i irfkssM i i fksk^ i ^ iim 11
y **wrf»r iraTwfw fdJflrf*i cfNun^nrgvrfsr f^Trrt »rrs[<j^ ii vpj o
^rr^«ii n ^ *f?T \ng: i wn%!R i^rr»^.^. q'o-o. x {f^f* f^,
T^wif»r g4i«i«i^l<^ti: ii *rrgvrreT»rr f%rt f^mfw h,0<.t<9<t wgff i ^wpttj-
^TFTRrq i ^lift5HM<H<SI<I % <jwf siif: TT^ri’nfn^f ^Ig^i ff^r^TfiT i ^ i
^ • f*rf^ ’t^Rt ii ^fwprfwirf^T% w. ii iif«w<ftwr TTfinw
*ranr f«? i TTff^f^r n ii ii ^o ii

rT^ff fkTO M^qktsfwirft: I

ii ^ii
?bb II II

fm wri:»is i i ^Rrf« i i faro S^r \ n*te: i srfasutcft: i

i ^fvpi: i i i ir4 i 11 % 11
% t% w wsjrf’i i ** Tamm* i w«r fa <Tgfa i fwrr*» i inrc n
wamr^ftr nwi t *n° $. 8. qo$. <\. i xfa ^irn: 11 *xnrfa»rnft: i *rfwft xnfatfa
ftifawm; u^r: i arosita ^ fapnrxfm v*fat vgfa ^ fararrrxf i %;
sifsnHM: i ^ifa ’Trqrapnu^T^srt^r: h faisnfoxfrg ^afarnfawanfoi: iw$. 3.^.1
Tif5^(wttnt^r?T^*T f*nroiMT^ 1 nr° $. $.<>m. <m xfa vrtvKqrc\»ai*Kixiqt
11 *frfHwltfai$TfVT*r wf?: *ra Trrrf%*re: xrgfa\C<;»teffa<?T xrexrraffa xpftt
TTfw 1 1 w 1 ^ 1 ^nr xfa *$$xi: 1 n 1 <a^wr«m fa xrift *nifa u

S3 ffn^NnPrJWSf TTrT nfrT I

rpn ^nt fter ^ ntem^n n s n
S3 1 ffo 1 *ro$nrn; 1 f41TTW1 ufn 1 tfsra i ^urrc: i i
g41 ^n: 1 irosnn; 1 jjwj i xte: 1 safe 1ss 1fnn1 ^ 1 Hstemm iisii
1 irow*re»t; wre xrrcnrrwm xmTxrWrfa *rr x^ tftaTfawsrcr TTTW^rrfH^rf ffaf
ts[ ypjrninrpfti^w^ sfa gmxi 1 Hfapiw n xfawTfe ^f% xrreyftfa xrra-
srfaxr: 1 «xrctf xfa *• 1 «fam7rafx?TNrrcrr ^rfaw?n%*jf 111 gwRfafa xffa: g*: 11
*fa xu <n# $. «*. 1 x^rng^nm 11 gwnfafa gffaTsnfa: tin: 1 i t% * q<faTH«fa 1
H^r 1 faR ufaiw fRn5T»n^TiT^r< ufa wrfari tffa fax h xrrasiifafafaxrm: 1 1
*tmfawifa«iflR*fa fas '3’nwr^i'Erm: #

wi\f& uteftHT pTfa ^RT 3ftlR *R(Tfr I

intern: nf?f fnmte ftt ^mv ^ ^nnnrw nnte: 11 b 11

I S^l S3 1 HSf^EfrTT I fRT I fnffi* I I | tr^WT I fW I I
intern: i nfn i i ?nr i ^nn: 1 tfn 1 1 n»mt: 11111
% t% wf^mT u%mrtj*«<.%f?i n«ft%inf% 11 ■gwnr Trtir: 11 irft'wrtg 1 x^rarct 1
*Txr^^ 1 1^ 1 «^fw 1 uhtt i ^K wfxra 11 *rra
Tfr^vTg^Tf^T»w: h inwfn f^ ^ vtx^t 11 trt^fiftraTf^n
«*S«btt^;iiwxj: r xmft ^ srW f*m 1 ?m: ■sr^ar^m: 1 ifRpnftfa Trxflf*tw 1 fra^t: xiaw wt
nfH f^Rftr 1 1 vxr^ft r iniRj: i x^?ft *fa: R
xmi ftnirer *Tm ’xtfwrr^r: xsn ^rzrnh: xig 11 xrm.im0 ?• *• e)^c-1
xrf?T xi%: xrnrasnsr: 1 fn^i^rg^nr: h

^Tftenr gn^wTfteite tevtfnn wtn vrin^: i

^nrt ^ nft xftfn 1m ^f w«q 11 eii

* I tsrfaswtf I I ^rfft I fa^S?3 I HI I^I »
i vfk i ^tfa i'I'^t: i ^ ii *rs^t: i^sfa<: \ ^ n<>«
^<*gy %mjTqgRi: II gr^TTfT gf?Rf itafjl1 ^

^^i^mT^fTi Trftftw h f*VTf*R flrot hutt *rt hr

Hfinn gpi »k«4 i
■ „ _-s_.„ J *nfV i„.^
. ^ ' ii
<@fl^r ’SRpnRjRrr^sj: n g?n% ^ht
<^1 hrt
q«l ir
^ ,i
^ratn wto H^m«i«ir ,*rfR5r: ^ *rr i wrfr Htfa i WRRTf^pR ^tfw i
% for wwr vh^t vw ^rn: ^fg^^tqiiqaMKq % Hftt n h^u

^ *R^ ^Nw *}Hi i Hrfw: i nwrf?pft% ^rHsff ftrsr: htt fnj»r: i

** «R«dm«s *t ^TH | HTTHfl^rnfa^ 1 TRT ^pBm I H HT <3 firfvSmtl^l»UnjHT%
apiawfafn ii nnt it

^ ^t ^ \^v- spifa^i ^rnfarr*^ *i^fa \

Tfa: 5TTtt ^TrgmTjTTRqffrTTt *T faf^F* 11 s 11

^ i % l ^ ^ I ^T: l ^ l ?^i l l ^7T i ^nfti?! I 1 JT^fw I I

3^ftiTfa:i^m:i^i^i^fai^i^o^i^mtRifa^ mil

t*g: jrh Hrfjfc^^HTs^TH mprfn i ^rr % ^rr: <srg nfnt ^ h : i n HR^n, i

ftig Hvfin^Slq ^rPm: i TRTfirY n^n^ri ^ura^l»r h: wq-fW h ^rt i <3 *f?r
i *rti«r<'n »jft TmrftR j^tth gwrft *RRt nw^ n^fn i njfft ntf* n wfsr?r:
^r nrr° §. q. ?oo. i TWT^rfret ii gw^RT hYwwt h htw hhth i fa ^pr ^ppmr^w i
^ Wf i ^fft i i xppj: nwn: Tfavn hR <^rfn i hRhR3 ii ?g
^ *RtRhi: i hr pro wgrgnt nwrft fHH%rr^r?m u
;?RW*RT^RTt f^rftr i qrforwim^H. srrj nrSHRHRR: grsrfWrt h fa^t i h grhtR
^ I If HVpfUlT^THTW ya^fTT |HT ?fH1W^THRTHTft 11

^ wm^i ftTr^S^^FW^rn^lftfipgg I

fait ^tt#t faro Tiftmt * far^ 11 ^ 11

i wmt i ^Tnro41 fa^: i ^sisro^[ i ^^^ \ ^fawfa i i

%tro^:i5|^i^i^tn;ffft?faifart.i wnrfimtroifa^imii

v: h^h: R^aBUHmituii i wvrtfiu^rrfwrat i h# fro: fagnarfH h^wrih i

WtR: HltfHHI^T I Tf^RR I f;M>fflfij3T«i: I ^rfr#W fftHHI^HON^ sjf HBTRflJHTftR^H
*R Hnafl<uR:qpRRqi% f^rt wg?l gRtf i jr:^hirR 3 Inpiwtw^: 11 i wt% ffprr-
^!Rt: i firf*tgm4Ut<pgre: i hto^h ^r: i fHHTRRrr: ^rf?r fwtift ’snrrfvrg-
^ HRHf I $. <^. «lMt;. <»«). | Xfit 3RT^ig3IR<,: I »I %R 5 HTT 7RT
HWr^n %qtt »fRR i Htift *rriflK«nar»i: g^mi, n i * giTrft nwt n
^<>0 II II [sr«b.W>$

s fittt % *]f% ^ f*n*i i

Slt*W *imfm s*afa II? II
w-1 ^i %*: i v. i *jf^f i ^#h i sres^mR i ^ i f*?nf i
i ^wiH^fw i ^S|m i i 'zwpi i i ii?ii
*FFig%f mfafw i ’tn ^ ti^t jfrsfr ^rm »ag *rt »jf% ii i v q. ?c. i
firare: ii jrfFrfftssnfimrarw ^ p»n*ifFl frarro fiftiI%niWT*rrffsftijr
^rf?i Tr^rsa^fFT» w^iT’nyif^R«n^^TTi^ ii ^rm^fr i *rr*rr *nrrfr ^rr: ii ^ FTttffaj-
pn? rgo q. q?<>.1 fWTf^rr wflwra: ii w w^^ff *rm*ffl4’n: i rifira# ^t%
tj-^tk w*rf?r i nFftanS: i ^3<Trfa F’JTtg n #K i f0 H- % ?o. ii Treng
TtTFftg %*rrg wft ffiipt i i ft wrq tpr *i Tan$: ii
v rf * ;rcq * ^TfcT *N*RR f*R: I
rf^t^i II 8II
?Ti W. I W i f\: I ^ I ^tffT i *H#f I *RTS^f 1*N*RR i fro: I

^pfl^RTTflll l|^R I rfijl#& I3T% npdlt I^N l^t^ l%^l^%7^ll8ll

grfTn^iW fiifunf i * h^: wr *t *ref?r *r: gff: ^JfWFrcftsrrar *re»rr*rre
tqwqTOfffNhflffiro sr# fa**: fag-rarfa »r f^Tfn *r FTOfa i « giw
arcj: i wr^«nU: *P^: SRrnt. I I *T%*i *ifTW3*i ii fm FTT I »
<rff ?r^Nt t^nmr: ^ »rrffr i f Hff?r i ff f *jfw: qfrf?i i * *ra: gff: gwawarff*
Trq^TWWlTT^ f*l<^S I Wl^l II

TJTSjNf^'jmtaT^R ^TOrT ^ I
^T ff frffW U4: IIVII
TJ^qTr^l 3fJ RVHRR I fT^t^ I 3T*ftW I ^ I WH I ^ I
ffif iff i «ihh i vwtsfci i w i i ^ i fatih i Tji: iimh

wm ^f»t i wfj: gvfr wn»mi mw^T^Ttfra^

i v*rrfn ii f ^T^r^wfr: sr^nf^: i «n^t*if F^:«
frroflg\.wTfynT ii »mt wr garf+ii^fl*! • ,r911'
h i m ^tttptt? i wt ff i 1sit ^ i ^rff^ i xt^f * f^^_
wnt: i wf ^tn: i T^tf w wff « TUtm. im#8. ?■ w-1 fRt ^
vff% i1^fwiffi fffi gff v«ii*<im f?ref i
*m%?rTf*T wrf?r h i m° % ?■ q. i # JTfrnmTtf ^nFni
WTf:». l^H

f^ ^rt^m: wi qq IT^f I
*tnijm ^ffw ^ >Rf?T h %h

i ^41 f^ i i wi i i w i ?j^i w. \ iwi \

?T i i faifiT 1sfrf urcrfai i%^c5 s wr: iH^fw u %w
*n%m ^n»gin»i: ^ *r*t *r H^fn h ifN ai^tena
i *wf i Tfr^rf^R: 11 y*M'<f*rir*ifd *pjT»ra: i ij m qvrffiifn xftfo i
wftT? ^Tf*r i * an} fag ^ g*sw « t?v s*rra n wmn-
^nf^twTi^ft»mT i ^rerr twftsR i m* «*. $■ $v. i ¥ ua aslff?! « anm «
av tr *j: gsaU^wsr i 'swRWftrai i garfW «r tfr^ejfn »ft
«TTft wrct wawrwwinnwfaflr ^ «r vttrafrr ii ga g#f ^qrrf^is: i ^^c^ranfT-
rr^fwra: n ’sttt ht®t ^wr^t ii garsrnft i ^rr° ?. *. 'Qc. i f^rta: i ^ www
ffir: # ■%^?nTOTfwra gsrw *r %«wi*ft H*rf?r i %a^'rnrart*H*rf?r i wIr rrer i

wf^frf I

i t*t<*: i ^nfrm i ^jftfw i Hr[ i \ snt i i ^frK: \

i i ^rsf^rr: \ i i wfo i i ^rfa i wr?^ii $ ii

atfa wfwa anNi jfrmt graftfa i anctfw i ?roraT*i aT*r n Tprfr

gam: ii »raFg^^fK%Tr#f’|JT%TT» f% i ^rrf««fr wn^ifii ii <jaft a^% i
ii ^^-irrwnf aaT*rft snsrr mgTWti^f: wTW^aTamaTapftarg i wm?m:
«afn n q*t7)3j<itfp®qgfa gf^ti:f^f7T rpft ^ta: 11 rt ?m tariff*! aa<faT*rr:
'^’npnw: <tot gsra. ^rm ga^ganm^Tmt arawrf«arerrfa: i a^pra?*.»

^^nrrf^f fkq^r fa M~m famffam^r^tfa tt^t^ i

^ijun^fa faq^**fasft iitn

^sxrir^i v^t: ifis^: \f^ i wi i fkstn^if^sxn^\^ i^fir i^th i

^stn^iTxfw ifks^T i^s ^ i^sroN; »^: i ^rsfir^rrfi: ii tii

vsr «wm: i gqnn^qwurtm: g^fr firpraro *1$ w- #

11 $5WT *p%n ^?R% 1 11 %: i^r° <\- ?■ 1 f«iai%i? 11 iwt
f^i»rr^ry*i g^ vmz$tfn 1 ^fw^fTr 1 ^gwwg«T*ro*»g fa^^f 1
in^wT^q 1 gw\rf«^:'Jf«,|w^ ’S’wt. ¥OTf?re-
T*n tjfii 1 ai^tn'Ti *n?f?T 1 *r$ ^ftmw: 1 aira^ vwfM?i »i wSj:
v*rT^f 11

* m Wre: wpr^t f^ wi 1
^nrr gnft f^rem * wt iiqii
*wt i f^i ??sff i «* hewi Wre: i suTrirt i f%f^i ^ i i <pnft sfH i

^fappg^ vremiq^gfq im wrrm ^wnVfn %9 99 ^g*rn i wff Prsrft 9*riqPi 9*

fwpi 9 f9Pre: i siPS 9 srrcra:»P13, ^rnft 9pft9nf^9i: i wn$w f9$TPi9Wi<«iw^
gwurra: 11 tt^t 99T9TT 9<9i9 Wnft *Pt 9iPi *w wrrn yft
9 fjrnt i *r*nfrfg?r
^nfsrnrsft: q9*frrPt wt «htPt tHtPit 9 4f9 i wi**rn¥t Pfi^sfwpgi^ 97ft 9T979P1 99
«f tjrfta: i 9 999?9: i 99rr99l VMflfti 9 t[9 <^if<«^: li iiq?«
^ stftPt 993 to fW99flq9l9<aK999n$ 9T99 i t^httP^tot i 99T 9i«]*«jft i
^ ff^ti ^miiPre TP9tsr 9T99 Ptfw n wswPiTrwwm v^qm«i i ffro
^ i ■*i^t r^qTn% ^9fnfl9T99PU% sfa ^9WT999 i tit® q- q$-1 Tf9 ii irnn^rro-
Ps9ip?n3P(Pj 9T9^ ^ i ^Ptn 9 i 93 f^Pi tf^g 9: i m* 8- <i$-1 Tf9 u ^n*t
fvs^^nrtPrfror111! 9i9T 99rr i 7jf99 9 i MfX «<3 99Pn®'ftw: 9rPu3 $9
i w° qq. i tP* ti

s* ffi; JuAf^S ^israi^T i ^ ^5| inn

^ i ?ftt i fin ^_M i m i ^ i ^ i’jftjw! mn
% Tgfqsfl Tjrrai99. ^Pu9T9^9^> % 93 9^ fl*Tl V4 PtfRI tjPi I fq»uy? II
w^99rrf999T939 Mi<tr<cm^PraTTr: it Pit f$9 i ^ 9^ 999ftM»frg^_fo*t
*4Prar3 9999919: i ftf^PnffftproT i <m *s 9raft3 93 Pmwj<t 9Tf99t9Tf^?n3
<ftm«u9: n 99t Pi9i% i 9T® $. q. qoq. i frsrrg^Trm «

^t|Ht umfk Ufa *t<$ i 1^: wfwrt II^H

^1 firefa 1 $S^rifiT: I ^TTf^ I aft I [\^1WTI :I |R II

1 9i3 *srrT<fU9nf9: ggrg99T9: wsPfrePr i 9T9l9iT*i*3t «9 #

»rra: i t?T® q. ? q8 n 3 ynPt tif^^i»<miif4^y^«ti*nPt f^t'Pt n>Pi i TOt to ii
n? ^Tf^^i: I ^T%fl II ^TOT^T WT ^T ^ TOTTplI 3*fmT3.
^m^nPw: *9 tfn i Wi^irdPi Pr^: PrfqPrasrw^Ttii: i **ai<tir<fii Pw
sfpj: | gRu%ii T9, i fnfT 9t^Tfr99tf9 n

« m^nt fa fan I vifr&ma m

w- i^ns^H: i f^i i Tt^w i i^B^i: i fnn i i wflai i h?h

TOT ’WpT^’T T9I 11 irfTlTTOT Tpt **9WV II P^T ^W^L^S''.

^i: 4tipjps tP^ I Wi ^ I rm mWi ^ ^reproT^
Pr^ it

^ftt: i tNnnit fwN?:»8"

liWi wfti: I # I ^5»I& I n^sinffin: I fn S#a: I INhw: I fiwn^: 11 ^11

*Prf?Pf ffro WuTt i **r*|[ ftrcfr wraf* i i ^vgantiq: ^tirc:
ffwrt ftwrc: fawreg: <a^\yn qfrn-^i^n. i ^t i ^tK^i
*rer «:»
^nfrq# Cifli.faRw’R# wron: «f*n*re iftiqv^M: i ^ i srcrata nfatnfj
srrvnuj: nf*r«i% i w q, <*<l i Tfiu

srtwc. fSRT^ i w wt m§\: nmi

ntHT^j: I I I I f I rf I r^T I f^rf I |l \\ II
$ Wn?R i^rnrt imiPm: n ?3u*m:in^ i vt° ?. *. §§■ i ^ lt gn^mr: wtijfw:
g|W*r: i arvfw: ^fn^T i « ^%*fr ^rc«? sf*rei% i sf%f»t: i H m?si m ?rf
waft *3^3 flwfr ^wrt f4?f i ws^ifn« w* ^eftfW wtottot ii #

rT Tim ^WRI *R*icT I ST^wf lltfll

?r i ttwt: i i Tifct i i mrew i srstm i ^sttfH ii^ii

f jt^t ^fcrst: irg^wkftvflft ^ if*nrc wfa i vftwr 11 qiyrttf:a
I ^R[TWi %f^^rff^j » W3 I HTe $• 1- ‘I?#- $■ I TpMSlff. II 3?^ ^lTf*R
wttwi u Tfa g^vanrafnRv:«

^ i ntm ii $ ii
i srtfmrt i i i ft i i ntm: 1 ^rTST i usII
% ^ sw^ra^nPr©^ *ftfw %wr w i gnm^wnr i uSrenwr^i i i
f^p^r *ftmf*mr *R^fs^f? i ii

* Hrft%7 Hr^fa JlTgirr^: I II b II

W. I FT I ^ I Hrff%?r I Hft I WT I m^SVT^: I ^5^ I ^r^ll bll
%^^ ^ vrfim ^ren 'ercgvwt *rrgvnft tt?r\: wafrc i wfaf* ?? o
'sr HTml^i: i ^rfe i «i<K«\RTOm. i vr# 8.§3-1 Tf^ i
^rfxTM ii P* i ’33^3 fwt^3 Pfrr^T^RNTf^g ^?r^-
’uwpr: o
rT Sit flTffllft I 5qf^ W% IIQII
ri nmi J^isfrr: i i i ^r i ifut i i i ^ iiq.ii
1 ^'awnsrarfsrann wmn wrri ifw *Prrt wg^fvfsr^wr^
^ifsre ^grijj <i ?rr w wftfvT; i
Pwt %fg smttr: u a #
Tfn m '^fr^ wa 3* ’mni i tsfl wiOTira ^nnrni gi^n.
^rrarnnni^ ^Rrerrrlg; i nww tsf ,®T^: • ^ w i a*nr i
Tfn > qtfflfifl' anr flnwrt get^Pi»’nft W*raPi: *
VOL. IV. 3 e
h weRZ it
sfrT u tt Ttfl w$ q^nfafH 1 IISII
jfr m tfK qEflanHWtar % mft mfa I * Jrarrt ^Nf* i^m nftg«i:
■jm^nflfa ii nf ^ rnmfm*: a yfmKt gm i wm. ffmnrmt aftma aftmrm *ftmrr-
■srfoi H fgpsrrapi mS'nOrfa «l+i«s *in^in*i-fli i mrofarffl nnT i m mg i nifa-
%fK frnfr g** i grfmftmgfmrnr:»

U oTTTft ^ ^nt tftrTT | IISII

U i^Twt: S ?31 ^tMTT: i ^hi *t i tftn: l WTOW l ffw^i iNw i sntf I IR ii
aj’jj nmrnnrn mm mmfr w fm^jnNgg na^m: m m toW^-
mm i ii mla§f* mrUaig i m» <\. ?. 'aM. i ««u<«gn< u wrarsmt
nfarom ii

^rot xftm ^trow T**ret s^ipjw: I II? II

^iTj HT ixftwTn^rrow M i wt:s^ii^M: isft ii?h
iftn: m*K*imi i I mr fmn: i Tmrm V* wum fmrmfmft win
nrrjn mm Tmprmitn wr. 8

^ ht TTfatfara wtot ^wftrw fipi i ff^TTOT^TfrrfH 11tf n

^lTniTrfHn^rfWfTisi^i i ■gws^w i fro i ^fwf^i i tot? isfH n % n
nfn: uftgfg: famrrcn njfmn arnjmfasm i mftmifn 11 mrrgngmmrfgm^maigmi a
mnfmr 1 mm gnfwn w mm lKimnm gg: ftra gn m* h

rfew citft w^ifa I^T *fw I ffwr^wfTifH 11 mi

wi 1 rrets^r i 1 xrft 1 srcTfa ii^Tiwfwi ff^^i 1 umii
a%K Km mrr *rgt m^fnrnmnmn i Km^i^g i m^rrn m m^nsftfg mu
nfK njfn i^mtgn mrer m$mf»t i rngniwro a

rrf^ ti ^ftsf^^rri^sTw: xH i 11M

ift 1 * i » ^a%* i tW 1 fFl: 1 1
3ptf I ll€rll
K%fK i mr srmftifn fnrn^fqmrrwpct m§r: *ro ^rr: l^LiS^v
qrn^q: i % Kflmrfmimginmi fflwmt nuwr^: i n WMgnafn i n tg
fnmi Tfn ff i W '&■'*>■ n- ^ mrmrt i ^TTflmWn m nammT* xannn
fniK<nw fit: nn»'s. n- ?■» ’m*Ui|Tm'< a m$h
floqo.sjocjo.^Q^Q.] H II

?rfI $ ^ ^ xp% hr sfif i 119 h

•rff i ir i sfii i i ^ ^ i ^rc i tt5+ i \ *t*R i
srarif isfft ns ii
^ gn?rgfqaft % <rsi *pt inmftj ttRt s»n% »r >m: a

wfa ITT *%TT Hft* l ff^r^t^Ttnfflfrt II til

Sffa I I *T%?n I ^ I I SJRT | TjM)' I *$■’ I ff^l st^R I
3Rlf I & llfrll

uf?w^fn i »rf?^T ^ff^rraft^n srf »pi1 irfwrcnrfii i n*rr »nff jRfrft-

fimt gfspff H^TfSr ii f^cnrer «p i ^frfwtfTr 3% nfnf*ra

IHTi ijfinftftroT fa %£ I ffwfaRTmfafa II <111

frT 1 3Tf 11fWT I fRT I fa I I ?S I ^ I If » ^T I ffar^l fa^R I
i%fK wrai*rr*n*T«j,sn*ri *rr i m 1 fi Tnt: 1 ^nsf*mi
*rr?rfT% f% 1 *? m ^ri ^ f%*r 11 %f4:11

^t 1 ff^HRRTfafa non
im 1 ^1 xrftnff i 1 ^^FTtOr i p i i p i ^it i |rf^i fa^R i
«ra! 1sfa non
Hi gfaqlwfwrsjfH mawifforfint Thrirar x$ *rr 1 *m *tr-
*nf»i 1 tf^fri gw 11 a^tfanfer g*nro sftfz ?rft ’jwrawi^i: a

f^fa ^ wm 1 ffaTfa^Rrofafa ms 11
fafc11 ^ i i tr^: 1 ^r: 1 1 sratfM 1 ffa?^ 1 fa*fR 1 ^rof 1
jjft 11 ss 11
% wr wrf^m: 1 hh: 11 gf4iM,<i**Tfln«tfwrr^*TfSmara: 1 uaft-
TVT^irg 11 ^ndwNmT^-4 tjw’rtam 1 ararrf n ara 1 »@a^j *rfff f»rar
nnw.«. c. 1 ^apirctfo: 11 fat*sr*i *»«ftrqnpr 1 11

^frrfR ^raitif^Rg^fari: 1 |faifa*?RPTTfafa msn

^ 1 1 *5TS*f: 1 1 ^stfaw: 1 ffa^ 1 ^Nr i
?SRf I
3 E 2
II W*?' II

arfSr»n4 amt wi awaafta # ^*r«rrfap#t an nrr° m- q. * i nfft aanan: i n%a

i »gi^iiil*nf5TTint artas# i at® *• <*• <*#•1 nwannamwaam: # aafTawg-
^tfna ,a*a: gfrani arrafufai i aiamfa asTafa i a^T i atanja ^nr%afr i wjtpi-
wt-jfar ii ’wiuf fl nsrm u

jjft ^T«?t<jTTt ^Nt i $fa«*ifasn*nfafa h s? u

jp: i ^jjfa I ^ts^f!: i *§:%*4: i fsrs^T^n i ffarU I spit i
ii W
»pfr ffw aftaTTRat a^aftTaRaU? t?"rf^t laanpft ?faaf fm arofa-
ananan aarrfa i fatfa nrrofti ti ar ma% i a^ i aiuaaim^lafa 1 fsraT^raj-
^Tfv. I aar% a^-rt<M<HgfiT^T::n Tf* ataat ataant tiwnifo i aan^-
n h ^'o n
%^t^i wr^a aat Tif f*i^Twi i ^rrf^n«fhW%^T: n

fat! aivat% a^rsmani '*eaaf?aTaT§{saTC% astiarra: i

aat f^t^f^m at %^a?ufaa wi i

fatf% aa? ^ taaraWalat #
aaiaaTg^ wrarra sarr^gn^r anaTarra wt«i^ i <?sjaaaaar «p^igaps
arrerta i af^fa aaaasra ?jaraa3w: gw fsf^arnf %jaa? i >wr areata i afaaar-
a$nfr fff^r *fa n aigfiftiauffa fa^aai ^ i $aa a i af<<i*tta a pn^re
i an® 'Q. $. i nfa it ^afaaSa^raa^'i fa%wfafaara i *jfaa a i u^mt
aaTWT arar ^jaT af^at%fa aaif^a: iar® a- «• i tfa» Mra*v^i^T^iis4tTat5
^RlVaia i ffaa a i cir*jacra*ita asargataafa^wt^ i ar® <>. «■ i fta ii as'iatl
iSmwar i a%a aaaTrai% ataaia $faa i af^ra ga^g m at g ^ aitfif aaaafpn
ll’W#H. <*. $• I *fa II

rrf^ta ^fa*[ ^ *mt ^ ^^pjho: i

frerr ^pfr fa teifir *r^rg *i fa% JT§*jpt: mu
rTr^l Sr^l WQ I >3pffa| I I *m: I I ^T: 1 I
*pr. i ^gpr. i fa i fanifa \ \ ^ i v \ fa^ \ i ^Ri*« H"
a^iafiBT^Tir^a a^^ianfaa i i >ja%g n ^ ^arat a ^ ^l°glt?
«fl%5 *r% ^aaBTTTg affa #? aai'^aama i aga i aar tn^ma: aurarcwTat ^wtr
arwra i w i fga*i annanrai^a aaawrf^a a»ja u arelftSfic ^<g«i
awT^%i: ,tn# ^ U- 1 Tftr ^nawta: i w i fa a^a sw ^aamraaro i w <'
*0<*o.^o.^<ko.] „ II w

SETS'LL ^ * *" vnjWWWWtll* an w^nyy ^

^ ar^ n^ i ft i nat wmiyso. eo. a? i Tfn nnfahnwft
vtwt iv <10. <w>. ?. i rfw ^ # srfn*$: TOfn: ,tn<<<».«. »0. i Tfn m^rm-
52!3^ 1 I ft4n^nffn mg arTfmnnm-
fr^i^iraaftrd frormrfmN: a a a sr«nnt aronm aa: nronnfn-
ffitfftramaTflr RujiPfi i ftftnftr i n$T i waarmf qTa%ai»5fiftr?fa i mn a arrwa i
^m»mwT i*wa.*.8-i ffn a aam tfn mrMfz amfa ,
fj^rfrr i ^ aftpnrcY: amft: i <m^nT *w tfn maar a m a4 arm: , ngft t^iwt-
mfw^r; a anfrfftnftat amarn: i s^wf^r «nr arz a aa mftpft a
fm'miq^fw^mfiwm a^K'ii'K'iwiiftft »ftfn nffii n ^ ^ i *aftn na» nnr
^ ai^,!M^<1ir*1 ^ ^ ii^rrftfn i^«arr«q.9.a.t *ft ,
*' ~ *" a^mftntfg 1 n*T 1 a <gnnftfmmraag arol mfwnUaft-
m?rr i«ifa a nrg#a% 1 ^n0 q. 8- =8.1 T<mfr: aifonn*fl^i*fl4irqTH~>q<m ?f«T »»
isfr atr i^maa:«

^nvj^: ^5tt: srsrtmrt fires ^infs i

S% S ^ rfcHT H^TT S^[ IRll
^jpr: 1 ^T1 ^fts^rwr: I 1 <?st11 fires l ^UTfff 1
^f^S^Rr^l^lfas^SrJJ^ I sf¥ IS I ^ IS^TrT I WS^TffT I s”^ IRII
jrwr a%n afvrr^t mfrrre: an an ajaTarr mma: urafnSCl
imfaaaatfg ^VTfa 1 fn^aTfn 1 aPctfn 1 aann 1 fnfnaafnfa afanttn ang mananaa 1
?^wrannarrnt 1 nfanafn af% nanrafa^nr aatn^fan nnft a ffn
arar^r arafw f4<M«i«i: a a*T a ’ffn^'TTnsn^^ ftn a fajTftm a*n? annfanT ntafanr
nafa a a afraid fa artffw mm: nf?ftn: a fta: m?: narsretn: 1 % t% ^ aa ^
«fw <gan ^ ^n%g ^?rrf^ ifrf^rrrf^ aT ^Sifw ^a^nmfa «
^ 1 1 ^ ^ ^ 1 ’fafaiifnar^T a 1 fa«W: amfur
^8r 1 sl^^Ri 4*«fiini ^aff<?: 1 *rf?n7irn: ffa ?i^: a

^ ^g»rfxt ^rfff fc|^ 1

^Tft* ^t^t: ^itt g Tr^rrif^ ^Ifift: u 9 N
^^1^1 ^rftt 1 ^fw I f^ 1 ft: i ^ n?ft 1 f^: 1 H^ifff 1 ^wrt: 1
* WnQfrt: 1 1^1 1 1 ^ 1 ^ 1 tt^'TT 13ffa 1 ^tift: 11 ? 11
• •^ ^ ^ «*pt ^ra^BTsrw trw^r: a f%% nzmm: anp^j an
|y^ 1 ijofirei^t aT^nfran^mat *r$nw 1 a^Tfar »prf*i
^?r *r»»if%( ^njataaw an^ nSra ?nr*n%: qf^g»TTgw tw$: i ?m ^ mww 1
H^Tftr gmf*r «4ift! aratfn waatfft f^Tfh&a a^Tf 1 w* <1. 8.1 ^fn 1
^wr^71 ’anms^arr: a aja^ai^ajuSi^ianf^aft ^nwa: 1 g^rman^rt aanrftawft^z a
araarnrt: g^arrfaw: aa: a^if|riaH ^FN^nr ■a ^rrm: an: gnraStn ani
H «

fff^rrt aafa i aa wan ^tg^ar aTatt i araf aT ga wamt aanatfa ant: |

Tfuarta \ aaan % gamatfa wsii. <t 8■*$. i ffa g?l: i aa wfitjfafsn
iw^ af an! aftaaraaatfa i aaT a marw t ft t am fagat wi^t mrt$
iV’WS-ffciffin* i% ai ^rsft: ftaTfarrgta: anfat froww angm
f*T* maTfarra^R a aa i aataa i am i angarr ar^atam afawafa aat-
*a i Tja^aTf i afargaar *g *rgt «gm agtgaT fagafmcnr attar m g gym atvt:,
afaataa i afaa: *tsa # angaiatawfa rgarfmca *rtaf^ arl% a faga % arrg am
aif i a® act0 q. ?. 8. i farrff mfpprfrga^a n

M fVfe t^T nnn srgn^fir fnnt: t

tpd fartm m Fit ^nHvmt ^t: h 8n

i f^i h i st1 nnt i nnri i f^Rsn^fw i fnnt: i

i^ gfH i fmim i \ an i rni^nl^THsvrnf: i $snnt: ii^ii

ffa fa#a^a ag ! a?it| ataaTaa^ fa afa am ugamfa aaa ata argaa

mag wta; 11 ara%{at: ariaaaataar »faaT avTfam afrmfr agfa mata am arragagfa
agaraar gafa i agfa: gfaanfr 11 ff %fa faaTaafata:«1 gwt ^rpri mtfaaft^ » afag-
fagfafaa: f: n atata: « ^fwfTftagfa faamtgfafa faat g^ i %ftfa fmsrta: u
aaaart aa aa fart ji aaaT ag*a i afaatiarmJ fmmTa iwiw^ar gag. m ffag
gtm g*faat aTgvrm mwr: n

Fret nn reig nnssfirt ^rettfn t

nt^ntfn n ^t^vt n ?t ftnnfa sretnn nniffn 11 m ii
Fret i M1 sjprn| i nsw?r: i ^nretfn i ijft i

nt^ntfn \ ^ i ^n^nT i n^:sfn: i n i ^ i fnrsrrfrT i n^twr i nntfn 11 vn

% tg awggftaT aa T%g aarag irnral t gtf Tn^rraara: ti tt| ina% i aarraaaT-
ajffa^g^aa^amiaTga^Tfffrataaatat n fai f^a: i g^arrfa atvarirfaj 11 ®ana
ag%%a?aa ffa g^rif^ aamaa: 11 gft a*fa ayarrfa 11 gat ggfafa nat g^ 11 aaara:
aai^r aiaa: i arfa a it aaigaigararalaamapfa aaTftfa«^»^ffa a#arafa ^afa:»
aat^: gfafaatfarfa i 'jngrfa ^raifa i % afpp a^w gfa^aa affaifa aatfa i
araaftaa; i ffa^awT^WTfa a ftntTfa i aarfWrfa i aatiitatwa: n at agaiT% i wlfat
faarpw g: i aim ^gatanata%a» 11 g it

^nnn^fnnrinnmnmTnTl i
^nm nn ^r^n nt^ nfnmntfn u % 11
1 i m41 ?r!snn i snnr i iwniw! i

1 ^»Mm i nn i i n i nT^ \ nRrsmntfn ugft it^ii

*®S0.5T^0.^;>0J „ „ ?(y,

11 w*: 1 ■3° ?• <M». i Ttfftnfps: a&asntww: h gWai ^jr^m.

WTWrg^Jrf Wfataftft *| WT*IWI *HTT?WRt WSf
^|l|^: ** «H^i^i^[^i*ni^^»i4jr*(j<i«|i^T ^ wrwft f^prf% u
F I wife gwamaftp i %zt^iaiftw4uw: i ftaarsftft faro:» w jft»n-
nftwft gft gftft ayay^ift it arcft v t%: irarft i wst i **ft
HfwmT^w wmft a anft iroftft i arftftaftftwaft amg?: ifn»^.^.« g*
'Sffwr^ i %3srrr*m: i farair«fift fant i i agi?qt ?ft:»

f* JT^faqS^t ^ ^R^Tfw^T I
Wl TITfTTf WTO3JS ^TffV ^fqf || $ ||
fn I Hrjj <faq I i T?t i ^ I q%j^ I i 3jcfon I I
1 1 I %TR sfff I 3Trh I frftfV I cf^f^T I x^fq| „$„
THTf^WT^ a$WTOt *rft ft XTTy^a ftftftftw%t?;roft ?fft I
^VTflT I ftfftfan atfftrfft gtiaaiT I arawft?rc; i Tri^nrri* fftftrtrarrftar War
|T3nir ii ?ft anftrrfftfr ft? i anr atr^ftswrrarwTro' i anrrn-
firwflrfTT ftamnftro: ii aft w antra? aror*a?r garormasr fttrnafr asrnrrgfer^t fft| wam-
rfrem: iaftift ^fttwrtaft i »rftm atanwftSft w giffttaft: i
fWwirerH gfftftn srrftft ftararim-1 a?0 qo. *;<>.8. i ^ t?; ara: gnra?tT7psft aifa fta? i
^faTato?i; i ftTrft ii $*w?far wsrwfaft iftro: ii fttft wftigft"%fftrrft ftft i
■TTJTtffe II T^l aRT? I WSlft ?j: ||

p?T ^ fqqwfefq *7q*tfaq: r% i

Hfl *TtqR ^qfr! RTT^t q^jrt^q RT: libII

im I ^ I tpjs%: i faqfq? i isfa I *75 1 Wfaq: I R:sm: 1

*7f: 1nt^r, T5Rfw IRStni: 1 1 q 1 fq^t: 1 *yjhnj srt 1WV11 til

pfp ^ftftaftft *?r srsrrofftTar *jti gw am Jaarfrr rnrr fpfw 1 TrWflwTTTPT ttt
^fWfpir: «i arw tjfl[jn7% w^rf^: 1 agt^s: ir?: V- 1 ^irw ^aftwrar^rw 11 wfatf<i-
1 wfartft{% «ar: 1 irgw: %a fT*r^: 11 arwlr 7 1^8.8. <t<t'o. i ^wanp^Tinrm
^ # ^"5t: ^aj^r awrr 1 w 1 a3\if<« i$: 1 waft tt wt^w i% i^?i wnrrrw 1 ?rw
«hwt 11 araf await 1 ^arawrwaraiiTaraft ft? 1 fpafta:pTftaitwrf?mw 1
Tft 11 ar t^t arfr ar?rft aftw arfw arW^rjr anrt fttnaift ftf?<rw ^rnr:
?T3mpTO 11 ftmarpt anrfwftft w^nn aTptaTWTqg^af wl 11 ^ Wn w^aj-
Wh n ft war «ftTf?w: 11 ararr 11 arm^Karpft iftnTiamw 1 m» 8. a- M7. i aft aiTnarar: h
aftarpwr arft arfn: warn ajswr»iw ar waft t% 1 wa»f<i\^4^i 11
^Rftpr^Tft: anwfftft far? 1 arfwrpTreft^rrw 11 grw ftaumrft ^ ftwr: W: m
^?rr antrpfft 1 wmtaw araifft 1 ,agft«7iftwa}: 1 ararr 1 $?wigg[ft
fW: aftr: ^r: ^npr wr ftwaft ftanan wwftft 1 Tjftrfr at tsfwan i^rrar ftw-
goo n n

qfFyfiffi *W#T^N?0T I
unrfWfkkHT f^rfH ^ *!^fcn ^Hfri ^ h <»11
IR I I I ^*Ht I ^N^l I wsf I i& I Tpr I
^rok: i *imfi:wnft: 1 ssrfbn: 1 i^i i wfa 1 ^ 11 <i n
*fT*fl$KfoNfU^$T i sprang: i ^mtrr: f?ff*rn3r *rer
f^r TrfTT ^rwr^eit i tftw*rpi b artful |t*t-
%tt: i ^ i m^Tf^rra fSnpaft h ^fq %*tWq^ JjTPmra
fsroran «wt q3*rr*rr: n w?lT*l«rUfq fian Tfw i *pft t %fn #aq?f i "srf% m
gfeMiftfr i igq><cTf^iaT^wm: 11 ’siftm vrpn: ^mc: *tm: qwt
wfirert ^t wrtt *rert f^rfW i *rpm*pi^r ifftprfn n fffa: iftURTtf: i i ?*rafa»r
W-1 Tf^TWH i w i f? *iwt frt ^ i wrf^Hr: u fwii? TrfH'^gq^fa i w ^ toi
?! ^sHfa ^n ii ? u
ffw*ni ^r*f 55W wprfTrgw ffW^wnsren^ %§« 1 w?Tf«^i: ttst-
nf?ff«rm 1 ttot 1 ftwwT qiwrew: sfiT^faffT ii »ra: |B#rak B
irrarprarer qBft$qTgftrrci?fw ?R%WTf^rf%^i*pnw<5S7rf%;5ft *iwr: 1 ffafi ^ 1 ffXTSRR?:
ffJiq&Tm Tfa ^ TTHSTTWr: IW $.c- I lf<f II SfiTW ffa^t ff,*,«8»l*l ?^TT
^T3*n 1 ff^Ti ^ 1 airaT *rfgq ’*rt ^m^nfaru Tfa *ftwrcn g?tto: 1
?■ q'O. I B[f?l II

fjpTCTERH: fpfaffHTO ^Trf: ufTfafe 1

* ^fyn; Tjftref snjjfmi wf ffayt fair* 11 q n
ffTifiTSJlH: 1 H 1 ’SpffiiT 1 ^ 1 >|rTTO I srpT: l 1 l
w. I I TjfMV I ?n I 3W I fRT I W I ffW I M* ll^ll
ffW*!HT fixTw^reit^ ai^jjft: jraiqfirfifw'P*: 1 w*rr ^ 1 ff^s-
»r»f: i%° # q. q. q. 1 Tfn 1 w • ^
jpTWT ffW’Tjf 1 ^ irq^trq%: Trr^s 1 *n?nw«nf^r?^f: tj^wrai^: w-
^TcKFrarem 1 ^rfq bwI? Jrarft wfmfv^TPn fW^T^n sfi
jrqM^imryfrti^g 1 ^ ^ wr«ft ^rmwni ^ fq«hiT«n?rar
^r»m: qfnfNn: 1 v mft «
fwfrrfT 5rt %*rrwTfHtw*rprf 1 *rar 1 1
^TTfr^j f^i *£fa ^Tvnr 1 ukbiRi ii Tf^ ^rr^^Tfw^r 1 g^rrf^7]
^wn^^hS: b «bs# 1 ’=snr f^BT^if^'Bhro^Rrrwwnnft 1w 1 *irm*PT ^ w-1
11 w 1 ^ 1 <i&q<qirqi i
q^iMr<i<5<(\«i *nrw gwi w<Tyry
v. ^sj: ^nfrnpnTT^i h «i: wrfflfn tt^i w 1
Tfir B^rnrffTCTwr^ fw i«41 f^wi>m|n|<<1^
i^#m»?.^. b ^Rft wrap^p q|»n*gn7$mq: ftnr: 1 ^ ^ <fiiRunner
5[s4 1 ^fn wttto n nfiftv: 1 ftwrmur
*ocjo.sr»e,o.^o<^J H ii

wwgaT « a ^ai<| ^ <Hif^«|«»ig* fcfam Jliamsita aift$g(%a)5)q^g| tq |rfjifcii

g^nTta aT i aagfaai: affra*<;a i favfa: afamwwfr r

* ^Tftr^i to ftp* wftft to! i

TO ^BTOUIrT to! ^ X^tA f ft^t ftim ii * ii
*: i ^ros^r: i tos^t: i ^ i ft^f i i itsfirif i ^ i \
TO I ar^T 1 i TOi i i wr i^r i fftret i ftim ii^ it
v: mnaftrojwy warn ^t*t i anwiat f? at aan^mam araat i aart: aarrcn-
amt nsaiaanaiami sfrvfam u^tfrv*! i arrat afaftrf* faa;n aa^T asms
a ^twt atvfam at i a® a afta irons amaaruT fa% irrfjrra wrat m^at %a?r aT ii
irng i am aa.t ar>$. a. ?8.i aajavTm ^ i arrfa«ifamfHi %fa a<a i
srfnmraf i ^T^%wrowT^VTijaiTg^pff^ aigma: i W? alamaaffa nfli^roi r
war arfa aar nwaigmat i arfa avgaafjm i Jnaaarft fafa: i aaT i arga i wrar
areafaiffl’ragri gvT r ainftft aaf ararfaagwT a^arca^i^iaw n a^fa aar aatTa-
?*>rorron *T%a af* «afa i gaffrra nwrafrft *ita *nrfrr i a# ar$ ^n^arrflf sara
faar gfaar gftmrrantfn g fata: r

w. utxpBt ftfawt *gjm ^twt ^»J51

^ ttf 3TO ^ Ito fftret ft*m li? ii

*r: i toht: i fasfiriTrr: i wff sfsit i ^fe: i i»^i tnrf i ^w: i i

i fit i sren i ft%vX} i ^f:s^: i ^ i X?nA i fft*rt i ft*ro ii ? ii

at firwatf: urom: w R aa anot an^Tftpi: i agrga aft faatra^rma r faft-
antifaaaiaaa jaa: r ararfa gjafatafiii'Rupau r aaat aaaa? mfirnrraai «f?<aT arM h
gai ggfafa fifhrraT aimn;:« im ^rarinr aga t^fr »mfa r
fanftfir ww^T^Rat^ra^ r w nftiwr^mi f^fr aT^igami *mraT^
v: HanufflO^ r t*r ,W^f arr^Tf^frr*RT%^ i aftw n^Pm: i ar»RT%-
wramijvnganrernft vTgmr: i w i f^mfrim^rm i ff ^Tff *rcr a f?nnrgi
aT^T*^rfaroPm: q«mm: i «wmf ar^: qfffa wta: i f?fw ai^faSraiT-
taifa»a*9maiwTfai\M<iifty ‘nw i T®mTfa afamt i awfff ireri&fn
i^TrorfnmT: i gfaf ar: wtot: ifai0^m-i farro^rfrcr i fifro ’arawailfiT faafat-
*mr aro r tfift a: aamfiiataf amn larrff gafv ffaai i^rroiTai^wrsma fata: r

Hf|rTT to t?nrt i
tottt: nft^t ^ ^ ^ fft^t ft^^ H 8 ii
TOf»i f^rrs^iT: i nff st^tt i ^ i i i i i
TOi i 3rt: i nsft©f: I TOi~i ^T|?ft i TO i^ft i fftRt i ftw ii8 ii
VOL. IV. 3 *'
go* » li [«• b.si0$.^o8.

ff*T ffmm i ** xnnrxmfiN mf srx?ffi i w nfenift *ra&ftfir i

ffmnft fjxreymfxrm^ fia*n*n: mf 4’faT wnnrtffw *nn4 xfnn<w$^4f**«iiy: i
%xj w^raf^nq^nmyr i xixrr xc**rr i T*Pr i wpft wr ^ n u vnrc-
Hfwrvi i «i *nj£ i i trfmmgTO* murwftww: 4wxffii
^nsffHrn: i xp?r %»rr: Trf^: wputxxtt '’BT^HtT^rr: x*WI[ir i*ji*ii?rr xrt i wr mar i
am: i m?4t g^rr: i ^mcrrvrRrgmT: ^ngm: i xr$ Wi «;«nG[ mnxr gmn n

^ fkm^j wf ftiw »m»

i €t: i i i ^ i ^d?T i ^r i ^rVftfw i ^jftrr i %?i i ^rNf: i
i ^rafifct i vfo'-' i wf i ffW 1 W* iimii
w<m|qf?iin xRHflfTxrxjxftjjxil f^itM wif’f^ m i ^1441 »jf*na <|ojfT x|4 r«40®m i
*mrg ^rf»m ®ri i xrxmft 4 mrfn crxfr^^^wrfWfasj^: n 4R»?nafwratwtfn
fairnmt n 7T4T *nx* xnfgarq ^rfwr: i xjxjTfrfx^r T3ra f^rr^ft f*i4rm i ?i#
4i^T mi« n 3 h

^ ’SPTOT rTC?R1R ^T^^irTT *RflT I

^Trfij 35T f^mfw wi f fW W*r n % h
q ISift 1 ^**7 I TOTOR ifrT I ^[fa I ^HTI ^I
^ I ^fii 1 ^t: | 3r{sirT: 1 f^svnfir I TO I^T*t \ I lltfll
%r<d4i47f<a<nmixft: TnrroftftfH mrpjfWl 1 5£*ft ff 14<0ff-n<4xfr 0«<?a
I $® ST® 9. ?• Q.. 8.1 I ^ 4TTOT X^%4 %<J4T 4Tt4im X^TOT^ fT^WT% HanqfTWT gT*rePI
T?sft v u^mrfiT *t*tot pn»«%m 4«441-ft11
^TtT<4 II 5IT4T^fWr I X^wt^ TT^xn% D ’WWW Igtliq-
vrgmg^rfT^ VTg^x;: 1 wr 1 f?re: w ^ ^rrnri 1 m« £. 8.
\ -1 xS’-Trwrrem^ti

xrmwg^^T^H 1 wamibimw n xj^Tfv xrfwrvrrwt

^4 ^?f mu: xin. f«WTfn irarni^ 11 f*reT 1 *iffl<«i«x; ^ *^-
R 7T$ W TSlTf^ yi3M II

f ^uhTT-^rWWftt \
ffnlf ^t^t ^ ffW Wtt iis 11

'gnTt: 151^1 rft: 1 1 1 ^ 1 ^jtt: i 1 1

Hri: 1*1 1 1 ^1 fftwt 1 11511
n*|fwt w-«^ iM# 1 twfl*M«jw«rfy*
4jfxi I wwmwTKn. I xr4 t^xt^Tf^mr wHfrfrrom- ns?
»r4^f a^iT4f?i ^rr»rr urcxiw ■xsmft fT4 TJ4 fqu*ii4*imf «i*iai«^1 ,f,r"i'?f?re^rra
10. ^fo *)<>. W.] „ „

^ TPfi: n*rraf7i: area** i swsrre* i *nn ,

^vmjynfr .n7ft >r%T7vyi(M^i«0^f imureNt arearerea i m ,
8 *****'.** ^ f^rrrr: aaarrerUir: sarrraart
ifsalaUg: ’nwraw: whiRi: aaatfa i f^r^urrfT i a§ arerr TWTf^ aa n

*ff ?TT ^ifrn I

^ ^ ^ fcRii n t ii
I f^l ^rr4: l *%TT I TTf^sixt^i i ^t^T: | ^,
i ^fw i^: i *fc , unffllt ^ , ff^f, ; tll

^rtr ^W,a f^jrwTf smatw^iat: a<x3 ^ wcrramT af^re *5rT<rf7ramfa

^TinvTTfy: h ^VT?t?nt arm i '*«rerrereTf^an;g<XTTm n T araram aw 1
™ n^i^lin Trff *rr *f?arT n *T^jt aato: 11 arerfiTSre aar qaMa: a^roa uf^Tpr
fg?T^, aa |Wv |^g rrvt ??r%mwfrzx: anfta. aafa 11 a%**Tas> *r? 1
afaireanpir 1 ar° 'o. ?. <>$. 1 *7itaT»re: 11 a$ w *arrf^ a?ni

HT »Tf ff^fNff^rTT T^fV^TT ^TT f^f Shinty 5nTT^ I

^frfNrSTra |f^t f%im n Q. h
^ 1 *?: 1 tf^l wf^rH I *1:1 Tlftpin: I *?: I-3IT | f^f I *Xr?TS*^T I *T5TT^1

5ft I ^ 1 ^tt: 1 ^5x: i ^?ft: 1 snnrl 1 wf \\ani \ 1 W* iiqh

_^_ "WrtWfcwrerr ffsta 1 jtt areaf I V. gfw ^faaT aafaar arn 11 afam *H
Tf?i fwhft faarairt 1 gfaafar^ffaSre^raar 11 ar ar aa aareifr
^ramf%7w aarft vttw aar a aTfaj: aaar-
*TTS II aat miHT% ) fnrfa ftrt aa^M4f<a: 1 vt« se. $3-$^. 1 *fa finmf<Mi ypa tfa
F^irot fware% tar0 3. a. 3M-1 Tf?T W^^TOBnsmrft ffnft wf% fifr f^rntfa naraT?^-
'■^t^ 11 ^ fi7fW?a^T ’w^if^^fl^q '3^arrf»r wpt 9t*rtwto « grf^fwmf^n-
^ ^rfrer 11 tt# wt »m 11
faeT^Hn^r T^rq% irreTtfsi^r ff^: wi^tt 1 ^ 1 irrertmi t3ct^:
wra^ n ^ttrisjj: 1 ^rr° ?. <18.1 afn 11 %apreretjTf^r^Tf*r faYaj^i^err^ HfaRir: 1
^1 jt<3itm^ *t ^%7rrew: i^i°^. qo.i ffa 11 !sftwrfi^wfe$qT frer^T 1 ^fam
^HT’srreTre rer^refft^sr^rr^ qww Tfn f7ref«; *r ^Tirerer afa ^
1 am® g® «i. a. {j. 1 ^fa h

?t r?|m*p*Tt 3qm% ^ m 1

^Ihi^t ws& ^ ^xhx 11 ^011

vx psferTR^ f^n^t wT?nf% trft; m ^351

****faT# ^ =pto TTrT^t T^t!!T II8 o II

3 F 2
808 « II

% mnq^ ppUp: «f%qm<ftqra¥ pfarpfT fpp fprrfa srfTfir »

gimfafti ftpg: 11 ppfc pmfwRTfa m pf»r «trf% Jjnpmf* »r qft; wgg 1 *
qfcg&afa 1 m amfrfn 1 pSftmfa gftw **? Wtflfn htp i gfr^P **tfc nf^W* 1 Pi
^ psimrr ^Pf gtwvppgt jjh? apm: pfflfa h«i^w p<sp *rUgrpppj 1 »ptj i ttp Pi
^ T*ftwi vpp tpr: w 1 hpt 11 pwamwrftrft p*t 'a^rrm h nan
pj Stared qfa«4PSi fpmi* i ptW fppit fpn ptw: i prr
^rr»pirm 1 pj pst fPf*TiT pftre p^i mwiwwi gpflf p$ tfit 11
TT^% W7ft PPl fm I ffPT ^ I ^ *J fpwprfaft PP! I P° «■ I Tf*I B
^ h *pffa ^pr wifrlfa*f*^pr i
s xm% *pift fgrW^sf^ffrrt nn
^m\ frvsitar i jjtqV^ i ^rm i i srfrifii i srfawr i
W. I *TCT?r I I f^isvhw: 1 3Tfa: I itrlt I I 11 «l II
^ *r wii n^fpr f^PTpl pqq|ttf|«u»«fM i *F% i ptfw h ^ ir% %Pfl««: i gg-
puwpei: i xzrrf^p-sp: # w • fpntRfafn uwi^ fpftp i %fn i Pit* ppnwfpnr
ftpppnrn ^rrfR i gitfii i p*i ppfrq tN ^p^fprfnfPT?P«i w ffpfrprra ppp-
fpi ^ifgqgji ^ncff?r n f?T. bwt^ <^%f»if7T ^wwnm: i pit MJffftfi wpjHrrfpg’PT^TTit-
^ro? u *itifp ^jp*: tfranp TtvfMtfiPTfp#tf$Pirnre: ^Un<(Pfi{P f*ra pf pip-
tpMt: ^ xpm i pmnMt ^Tfn n tt ^ i *prt? i %wpt: i
faaswfafa ftn, i suplpspig^ i f^ip^twnpfni^fprr'TT^T i W^wtRptRjt
*F? i PtfVTfppr^p^TW n gitfiftjfp i ftm Ipppitp
p ^jfgf?r^P,T*nn*!rnftaiT: ii Wr? **: i p° ?• *H- *188-1 Tfir piwp i ufljftnnfTpTr
prppir i w%P$ TfT! ^p[srerf7raT^ i ’ifmp ftf ^frfTT ^UTift
^not ^ irfH f^ fq^tf^r i

’Orif^fTnTSra^ rT^ \m pw II q ii
I^rt: i ^ i i f^ i p i i i i i
ffH i
^sf^f^i ?rerci i ^ i ^n i fp? i i^t: i i ^1 ^11
1 ^ ^pnr: niwi^ % w ppt ^frt *fn i iitoi n nfripmft; mjtp
1 ^snt nftmnwK p ^ fwf»r *r$rfar i ttpit^pt. Tf tii^ptti i
trnrpjpJppfM f^psTPP^ n ^tt irgintv »prt ppf% Pit
f ^tfirffj^pwm fMfifwwr* ^PTTOinctT » W%x n wi
^ptt*t i pr% Pinrre pbtwi pg ptt^ ’ffTrr^i p «iu«ll*i i i ^ **
wfN trp^p ^iarpni. i pswtp^ wrf»i prafn i
yainTP^ pg^snJ: n srpm^it: giKUPT’gtpg i «Tifflfn gflfaraptfta*pn ffti fipitP i
sn* i ^r^j'ssrft^t'iPTT^ftT ftrwTfwrt ip ifa ipp »

qf<4*»W ^T5T^r^t| g?gff vriTR^? |

Tfmfo ^t^t to ^fro n ii ?h

1 1 wtt: I ^T^l | I JP?pf i

ITfiHBt I *&l flSWifrt IV I»I *15^1 tfsavt I rfl ^ ll ?||

_* TV* WTf»r WW\U gfwf^^mjrarfi! arf^ft jrap^wr

an^yfl^ afr wnar: HfnmrT^fn fftffft ^npi ftftft*fft ?T$ ^ ™ft waft ara
a™ WTO» mar** i a* ^ . g*aforifonf^

^^V****^ ^TVT ^ptyareTv^%^ar ft asft ft snanare imfrfft ii »nrffta}fft^#r i

wraarr^rr^ i arr*r mrt g** i ^rfvr *a?m pmaw: t srwftar am n

«*4Ai^^«ii ftfafonn a^anm vftar ^pt3)«i arra} ii

^ %g *w ^jt tsB* Bifiri1

ip£*pn3 *|am ?b Hgu

I %3 I B«W I S%T I ffWu: I fafc I BB I BTfH |

”iIWn I wfii I ’JBS# I BSSBhtjjjwi^B I ^B!& I^Suftf lltfll

arra^i ftiaj jnnro Jrcm anfg ftftg ^r ffwnw *t gftffft gr*t ffmf^ (
W i SWtTgftasri f^mnnt^r^r fftffft « sftTvYmfftarc gfoi^fir: mare: i arwfftafiftai
i nQmq i4rffwftiR«i4<i4i« i«i gfrjawfarfft arfftarm i vm: nt^fw f*m i
i 7!tt: anrr% arfftramr Tfn arft: wfw^r n ftgNiianwri an *yiairurq<Hg<ft:
^T”! fh=rtai^arw ftmRm f%: atnurrt w ftamama} garni pjft
fWal: Jftwfaift 'WHn II pt ftN% ftfc^Tfftas: i tfft fawftt^Trm l f?R?nar?Trr
^jfafft anafo: ain<i(T*i«im(j«rr n ffftfaf: iftapm amanar vft: afaraift i ar*T i prfftftT*raafT i
^ft anranarrar ^anft wrfft w^ft i ajftYaf fttararafNnftn ftft aftnarrar ^anf^jmqTR
^ TW*juir^r^B*<fM ffananfr ana ftgu^i ftftfftn: tasft i arrtfft n toi an?ft
’’wr^Tf^i: n

^ I?: iWt tor: *» ^jfrk i

*TT ^r*5^ ajl rfT f^I IIMil

R 1 1 I 'sf^R: I w. I pTO: I ^rlt^ I *ro I

srt i i TOt: i i *p i i i i f^ i hm n

% ^ ^ fift $*n»rr fargw: mjaft g^j: irftm: mwinl arr ft'tasr: arareraflqqtfft i
^ ^rsw^nhnrr^t ft^arrnft an ar»r. arr^r i yaar u ar^ i
^ar^fyaraTTO ga? it ^rfft * asrt arararwrft ^gan^w ftftanar *mn«iawi ^ararun anSar*r t
^JT^ifft i ^rwgiaffft | nan rfffar anratTaraa arfr^a: ajfrft: ^ftft^apfr ggarhn
8o€r II ^5^: »

^Baa^ai far aag: i fa!jftra flaafa # ^prr^T^w af^^Tfaggjatarrffar im* * 8. $m. i

airg i aag: i aa ftat i it it m «

S3TCT ^TTT|fani|rTTfa 3falfa4^ H €? H

^'^i^s^if^sut^i wfii^i^ni»nTOi'^Kat?#H^s^Bti
STsf I S^: I fa: I WrTTfH I ^htr^l ^[fa: I ^ I S^I II%II
% gauft ^wi Tfroaaar aT$ airfa^ ailif¥»^aTafa!fa% aaarraTa faaaraa
a#ai trnlMY gfai «ftrg *{S!<rii7 <rtj*tfaapf *irf*iMf««i*7i»ii aT«t>**!»^M aat f fa. bk*k
aaT aarra: n y irK'Wiff®#: gi««ia: u a?T i ^at «0h; aj‘ aig: agfasat
wrsnagifr aar a aatm: 11 af Tffg wf^Tpra^ i ar° §. <*. i$. s. i Tf^f
^aia: i ayaWi gfafawtaan^r ii tfa^f t%f^*rrwffrT^mf^ aanjarfa tjfaarrftfa
^ftr arrarfa w ariaanftfa anarfa ftaftaa^afrl: af a^sjgt a^agataaTa ara a
afaaa. trfT«ft aa?a. aararerg? a a aaj a aTJjaa. g*figa% I ataa awnaa f^fa i
a?T i ^fw«r: mg$anat gasg^aara: i a faTa^fa i a aaT aaragaf«l aa3?i aa atafa
atafta tito ««ifM«MT»i^ aatfa TsnJ: n

nrfa^T s4fe*| W *t^t: <

fart I^it '^n^vTTi'fafa fa*[3fflt hsii

srt i ??^i ^ren: i i fas^fa^ i I i ^pfafr i *n^*rn i
fit i^^t: i tr^tor i i snstf1 ^ i fas*^: i sppc n$ii
w frraY f ataTaraT awt afisg faata*tg wt^j a<a "t ^rfaaafta faTai fa
g>^T*rr: gpfwr arpr agaT aaaa i aafa i a^ararai anaa aaa*TsnJ: i aaT faT afa ai
agarana n ag fatai i aanftarrff aTa amsrawa: ii anna: garrtf aTf*j: i aaafa i
foR jif?r: i a^n; i tenet ffarfafarr: usim: i affg?t ara arar i aaaaaFiaa; i arataafar!
a3 tr<ir4^d^r<< fa*rraaa: i Ttf^^a fai^: ii

fa FIT ^rT ^Tf3R Jjwf ^ fa^l I

^4 xjtrT ^farfa: iibii

fa i fu i ^tfa^r: i ^tf[ i ^Tffa^r i i i \ nyw> \

tt^t: i i i vrw i ^51 *ttw i ^farsfa: i i «t»
% ^ | f%fwf^na^n^Trfafa faf€r vb: i ^vre: awart favTarfr^a:
^hft nfm afa^far ^rat arfanwwaa aaraa aT ^1 aria i faar.W£aa.i wrfafar h
iat faagafwr 5 farna%af i ana^a^aarrn?srr i ar° ?. a. m8- i ffa 1
aRi8^ir^a<aiMWiv$Mwa^Traggf^WTf^T airg ^ n a af aa»n^^
ata aT^a i aa^naa u arfaffaanffaT Ta^T7a®(T afntw i awrr: afa^fa faaaaraai
^ i aaaaa:i aarfamapft airaaa.ti Ǥ#
<**$.] II TOlitSTO'N 80S

^ flit Jn^ro i ^fr i im *ng*i;i i vq ^ft

^ufafiT ii *nii§jf*re* w^rryrman i gf*m i nfep i ^r 8. %. i *f?t n
%^5T5r^i^T vrnan i ^ | n^^puro i w# n. <p=. i #

T^flt f^RT^f I
R*rci fsj’j * faut Hfrrvft' fi^fa u <\ „
mi I %*: i ^t^i Tjf^S>7^T: I ^fiTJS^T^: I T*ta: I fas*R I

i?T I ^nu I $*r I ^tei I fimj i ?n font: i Hfirsft: i f^fir inn

^it?r iiwsft *p*n?rpfT 3irtf?i#rPj: i wfrfMmmpft %’sft srcrg: i *wt %»r
rrwrrg i <rf^r *r jratair: i %er^ *nf*r^*f^ra ^|: i farrpi i
fa*fl«irl f»wT^ffwr<i TfiT f^n^rtmfT^ i rsm ’a^i^f fwn\ %*i:
gf?Pi»ST: i gfacTf^w: t ^ Jr%?rr: i *rsj g^rq: ^Ht^gpujii: g3rr*rq: i ?Pti *r%m
qraftror wgt^sm^ i ijfereY Ttfn ttrvfn i ^qrg^TqT^fwpiri g^gi ^ *n# wni
i?rft% fiHfrfinFr ^ f%nr %wf*nv nfrmtr trffrfr: gjfwt furf* i fx^fqx^finwST i i
l^ifn 15g*ratar$: i fipg q i -q?n sera gq ^rrmftr^rrsoT qfvqi: ^gftqt^wrsrqfw craft h
-TfwtqTfasq *g£T£f4fartlm 1 g^rfl f? 1 Trg^Tff^gfl^fi? %nt sr^: ^rR»r-
■*rrfW if jj.'s.1 11

^i^T: t%W 1

IrW *T7 tfflM m: 11*11

SR^TT^I 1 ^1 f^fiT 1 %?t: i wsstt: I Tp 11^4 I sfv I

^rFPj I 5RT^T I ^rfii I I *T?J WR I %f7T I 3srf*TI 1 "STT: 11*11

?rg-g?m^nr^ra Tfa wg^jrafrg 1 WTffif %q -af^rfa 1 w^rtrfTf 1 ttv:
1 sr^: i ^ftwr: 1 *w?nsirr% — t T*t q^rofn 11 g gpfr 1 grarrf^: 1
3n<*fr 11

mpi ftfttfo whw^Tfafcrwnpt *qrrc: fffft&T: i

^|tT^ ^-RT^fM R^TTTTITT ftifw wzi ^rwf: II? II

I tpff: I ^ 1 tor: 1 frT^r 1 ^wrc*t I 1 ^S^feT: 1

1 HRf i 1 ^rht^t: 1 ftifn i i i 11 ? 11


^ %^mf»rqspppmrr: i ^w^T^rer %^jn^4infr mggm: ^rnW: ^wprf^pn
wftvT ^Jtfwr ^nuf*m. i firefn i *nfc?fr^w»sr wr*rp»fv ?igf^iwftWT%
^wran: h^ht^tt *wt Jt^wngn^t^^r Tnfl^'n®: ftffW i ^ i ^^rgi-
gob li ii [s?®b.7R®s.q*b.

srprat f^nt *pi^r f? **i^ i

^HVT iih ^fv Spprtfa *TT*t II8II
srraii: i x*q i ssr^tiiT i f^rwt: i i 1 irfp^ i f^ i i
i xjri: i Tsrft i ftr^[ i 1 fa^i *M: 1 ^rftfn 1 mti 11811
four %*nfw ’sfnnTti^ %*n3? arrmfuaran 1 gpfa 1 srttfa: gjfmwfr 1 muro mi
anrmftam mi 1 gmai^qaifaia «ffw 1 1 w^ft *?H nfahmmi fcmgj
5j^ ff wtfmi. atfwraifi mrasjfai mi arrmftartf: 11 »f«i*wii% srfo igtrlfW ipft
^ 1*ro?%spvTwtq: 1 urat sfgmmasjlirj'ifhiriJni: 11 atfa mfi *nn»j^r ’sfr^w arifi m
mm ii *nmt: mgiit atm: f^ mgmftsr atarag^tvi^j: 1 ^rfvftrefn 1 tUtt * a»fr ffg
isfttftiri: 1 n fti ^ mftixt i*tm mng^inm v<ft %^{giT*mri$gg?iTfi
»rm 1 '3^r»rr^n?i; 1 mtmfterrej^iiTfi arrmfi 1 im iff lifa isrf: i mnaimi
ffg: gwr 11

stott ^rc^qfafwnqn fanfit xrh i

x*tfrHTO faq: fP^rq^T %TJ?jq S IIM II
srero: 1 snt 1 3qsfafawn!!T i qfat i forfw i qpt i fas#n^ i
^ti^i fipi^ 1 1 fira 1 1 1 1 11 mu
TW w mrftrang *tarS ffafafmmwT miHuftygmSWuitfl n fir?
tiimi 1 wipft fare 1 im fmz- mm h tgxft *frm w\ figfm mrmri mr-
fmrrt 1 w 1 arm; wjfit: 1 *r fi fmi 1 1* ^T*f ^th afTm*mfr% fiwf^i
PM?: 1 vTTTtfTt m 1 w ift fa «i t <;g m *i«} M«f i 13% gwrfi
armt fqgg*ta iwri: 1 fmren^t mtfmg mi%s 1 fagg^ «i\r«wvfa j»raf* 1
arfHmfwfwr ^rmfa »i^fn t m m %»t: fireU^rr ngfmm: mt, ffT^ ftw-
ffTtrwIm^ m xnr tou: ,p’^^ 1 1 wt mfmfmrfn » 019»
^rf»m% »n% 1 ^fmt ^ 1 m% g^’p mmtnfitfn mrra iroft'iWat*
iwD.'S.i Tf’Hi

rn^ ^xplgq qrtTflftT |^T q^rfr ^T I

fftxiqxra |7T T&m qt#T ^^7 liftII
I ^Sqx§ | ^ I q^l qfhf I I ^77T: I I I WI
f|t7!?TSq^ I | |W 1 qi^it I I ^yf I II ^ II
% *m wt *rf w[T mrm %*m: «mt«tmm: ^Prmft m%i?rfT% yar^Twwmf
Ttfntwfn 1 *wg?i 1 g1^ ifntmtmt PTrmfnft^ qqjp
ffTmt^rwt wwrg^Tt W!i wrfwTf»tnt gj?! mt xtm® tmnmtra ^iSni^^vT
mfrrm gr^ w^rt 1 w 1 ffCTgrmfgm t<4<a *
gTW vncpf^rw^r: 1 i wrafrwrfg’Pi miwat: n
|| crafts TO II #0^

^ ^NffllrHrflf^HI I

^^ 5RH fonfoi n s ii
I wt: I I rfl^ I ^TWTr* l TTFIJ^ I f^CT I f%4r^l I $n3j*rrfa I
i i 1i * net: I * I ^TTT15HH i ffonftii n sii
sn4 *hro Twiqqtini vtfr i irfa to vpfr * aftTOfm^tg^
vttof TW’wmnw^ ^ *pwttoi ii tprt %*: TO>g:<w«iTO‘nmya:
lamt i i fai i wiror: froT f^TTfw ^T3»0<ii«<ii^4+jflifa qigvufii
fwnwi.»froif: TOft ^TTfirf^pjmr#^ i TOTOrcagqfXfa »pirf^v: i TOnqinwif^ft-
WT^Trm II TOT *JTf»T affTOTOTOTflfai TOTT ^ TOTO 3^1*B^TO1 ftwnf I <^rrtf I
?% fa# Mn %Hrtt«iial trorai?) 11 ^rf*rf7T grew: i to fgnr: 1 i to afTOn^i wf^w: i
* W3fo» TpNTO ^rNT^T^lfT! THSft i totot *rm TOtnfar fTOTfir
nf«n»?ggwirf*i to* i arrofn i
TR^ffJTg% £~ro f^PH«tm i ^jfro ’n i ^rfronf* www
I W° S-'O. I Tf^T «

5W *hg$Rfa ^rrtfir waster i

FT^: TSlfa ffl^Tftlt II til

I *%i\l ^t fWfiT I I ’pta I I I
hfj: i i 'sjtftret i w^r: i Tpfftl i ^ i T*ffa i fyuftt 11 tii
frorr ^wifk: i tot i s[wt i tot»i a
TObrrf^?TOg; ii gw *pft TOTafroriTO: g^ro tot ?Ttot to. n«minn1 %*ft tor[t
TO3; %swftr frorfa n^nff *rrg: $$: ^%w aftfroT ?TOrr girTO
TOfa wr»Pr ^rorro: frprrftt «|qT*THlm-<j^^rr*T i TOtfn a a c a
*fr tot to# areat gar i frotaron fa PsisfaTfM^fa^w r totow ^w^f*rarw-
i arcrerrarf ^ ^ i fargifacfawi^an 'areppi; i TOTOsrrrerr w n vro: i
i i firsT^ f^fm^nrr i TO^ft ^nnft farnif^ajH: i ?tot nT^arni i
T*r *ft n^r^aprr f»roftifMfl^«i«l*ii»iTw««n?Pfl fa^^TTarer^: firgr «rm^
a »iwt fafarota: u

|*f f’TffT I
srat j4: ^ ii q h

^r 15T: i ^ i ^ i ^ i ^ir i ?jff i i f^s^f i wisi^ i

^i: i fais^i ^iT r: i SHT: i ^t^i ^11 ^ I in+: i mI ii <* ii

mfj nwfiwT mnwnapj apmai targjretwroan: ^wi^gi^ tot*

iaprrjro: 11 afUw*f*ro anig^ff i wpraa? i m^ff i *n TOTftrar: i tflfif i aroi
VOL. IV. 3 G
too Ha IIH

i w i wm5Rtwrf^f«: irm^T rna i fro*

wiwaror *rr f^jtrj *a<ig *a rT7PTOf*nvn;: ^jrt fwn^-
Trrft ftrrerr: *ra *n?n w i tfrastft *mrfaft,{f?rqft
jhHto 1^1 *htvt f^ft^unij i tfit *rww<*i wcrt ^ti^rN> ytwi|mi»iT iftm afara; i
w*r it n ^rrfa ^ ^frjwNi gfrm: gr<ft »im 11 *»rcrcqq<M<mft ,
f%f^trg>rrf^i^Tf^arr^r 11 ^ f^T^^Twaftaw ^ ?nfr tr^^rant gfnmmr-
farr: i wirra sprwrreT: i tw ^ <renwpn^3n*i w^pS: 11
Tram jjm i

fafa 5fftfa TTTftflfa IIRII

^ma;i *fa: i ss^mt i i ^ i itsw*r: i i i?fa i
ftfa i ^i sfa i ssftfa: i tfa i ^t^i p^i ^ faff i ^ifa nrfaii* ii
’s^rn^aulwifT ^<ftrreT^ n gm ggftfn *a«rr g^ 11 ttw |m*ri w^m
tjpfT *h. ^*hr ^rcfNftsi aro*rpft ^sf%m wrsngtrnrrf^srew
inww fsr^wnj: ^ag<raT}fa i JnTjretfTrftai amtfa 11 fSjgfaforraftv^ n ffH-
f^r#fT: wrf*r?rUTrf^g w*g fags: Trrefarpi#^%*! ffr^Tf ^rw hth^t-
wtm: i ^n*i? gfT<ft f% u^iTW’t: ^ni fa^rfcrrfa <mfa fire sfcft *ra »mi
*re: ^fgremTfire»T% nfTfw afwnfii *rrfw

%?^n|fir i Jroftfa ii
^sfafa ^rrot vm fa fare ^fai i

sfatfa fa% $Niwfa*niifM m»r*fa II3II

i spa^rt: i ^fafa i araiat: i ^afa i afa i fa i frm i i
wffa i ftfa i ^vm 15NI i asmfapn^i i nm i ii?ii
wt wreg?rt *rr gfiret 7nft$»rerr ^renrer *nrerror f^r: sNfipwfafii wwnfire gg
awrere. gfar nfimg^w wnfirenra ^Trre vtr urmf^i ’uftTrfis ft
fwl i faf^ i fwr^rrf*? i ?ra: ft% fqgjjm^t ^^m^TgTrsr
^ g^gf^ ftm gwrig^^rrf^ wrf^ i ift wn*ifTW^N^i^TT^iT«^i«i(a^
^ftni ^nnf g?mr %f« i 11 *rrrftfr«ri w*nftft
^inwra: u
^Tit ^^n?Trrtfa?fa^ ^qpr: fant ^r^Tfa i
^fa: fafa tnNirg n 8 ii

1 i i ^h: i i i& i ^opr: i fant i ^^rfa'

1 l I ^ ll qfas ^n^i irg i Hr^i ^Tfa l W S It ^ ii
^3ft: imr. i ^rnf i t^ww «pm?f i
wnumi: ftTrRF'rr^imwrar* snrfa i MR«5iif*T i ^t sr? f»rfiw girof f*r*j*:
% t*n tftift wra ^Nrt i TTgrsrercrr wpi i Wjrr^ff^sgi^Tn foawm ^
^iwifMfNPRtsi: i ww g»RPree?r? ^T^rgrTW tr4nwu«i g*t^-
«nfar»i TT^nj TT*i i ’*rcR«fr wRr i ii ^wn^RfrwTrifq ?*m tfrr
i TTWtft Rq*iw4W«$f?i ^xrmrr: u

fa^RT ^ R TIT RiT*ref% I

Wt^t TTRR^rT Wifi£ || M ||
f?r:sTThTT: i sfH i r i i i r i r i ht i r^jt1 sfiproft 1
RI^R I I ^jw I fRSf~RRRT | T?Tf I I RfftSRR 13n I ?f| HMII
Sr tRtrt TTsprprnnv! ttR R^rtn *rmTTffm i wrpl: *#r Tmrr w «frcrr
’srreflrar^: i % *rc*rr ^ ^ n ^ ^»rr*rgfwf<T f*m<:rirrt i ^Mnfmrr
*R fwnrsrf^vt: i trr° c. <^. ^0. h 1 ws <3 ^nrr ^TJPrnT ?tt
*irr wrr: wfif % ^%«r ^Swgr^Rr^ ^wrgTm+fssjjS Trnrmwrgt *rR* Rf*m
^w^fRHTWT. w w?t ttttt wtRS ttw n^nfvmsi nffcjqffi^ i ttittR 11 ne.11

^ rtjtor w^rnsT RR^ft^ i

^R+R ^|R ffRTJT RR ffRRt RRTR 11 % II
I w. I *3 I 3j^l RTO I RTR I 3TR l RSRTR: I ^ I I
^r 1 *pi i fvr: s^ I ~Rt*r1 |f^: 1 rt 1 rw 1 f fW 1 rrth 11 $ 11
*tt tpsi 1 % ttYtt Ti W** ifrwrrw: ^5 <.<faR(Rr*r w
^#wra 1 ^51 ireni ^r: w*n8?t 1 ^ ^ RwNf-
fjr^jmR^j % wRr isrn^nf w 1 i^Tfqrwrc ^it^t |S w®rrar 1 1 f*Rff 1
Rwwthi^ 1 fR: *ra «rm^i fRifrra r^marR wr ffaaT wjTtrrcnR’rr wit 11

RifR: «lifRRT f^fR 1

R 'Rtmwt II $ II
RifR: I RifaSRT I I ^ IW1 ^H^l ^TltSJ|rft IlfHil^R^'1 ^r|^l
1 1R5TR: 1R1 ftf^: 1 m: 1 1^1 1 11®»
^sR: TRTTT^ff if^ 11 g<ri ggRfn yfmrw i rr
^ ’srrwr; 1 » v* ^1 wnsR irft wRim*
§■ 8- ^m. 1 ^Hr »rwR: n ^nrJjsrir^WT 11 g’rf ggRR g«i*ii*iT: 11 ymp^rr^R
’TTftjfr f*r: i Rt;*wtr i fWHT^n w*?: frw^: ^r^nf^^rr t^t
^ni?ff nj grpEn ^?r ^nrr ^rnsrn %*r*irrR|wri M<rf?r 7r*ii gRrnn Ts*irtl xr^nir j4hiit:
■grr jft^'nn wrrei ’“rtf ttt^xtft «RHfw 1 fwfir vrx^ifTT 11 ^tw5t-
TTRHRfn f»raTTT«rTfs[»fW^^^WT^ TsrrmHT^: 11
3 <i 2
H wfy H

m m fni isjfk ^*rt i

WT f fro* W *r*tw ^ORT util
in: I strI 1 ifai I srt* I wt: \ %\wi i wtfw i ww\ i n^ft: i
wt: i |i f^4: i w i TTwtw i ^witwt: i i ^ t ^wr?tj srfwww; 11 bn
ttt: gfncr fST wpfu^ twi ^ finwfiif^i wt3 i i sMSt i hM-
ntwnf: i writ toj wiyfafa gSt: i ^r*w i wrrllTtfr. i ff*i«Jw«il*HH*i i
W i flaiqrMi^gP^ ffawT wT^nft: i m v* t*nj www wt i wfH»Pwf?T n f^
f»nnw»rwt: i wftpSt fawwa gw. 11 mW www fawt w f^nr: *rsrr *nrt tj*v*
wnfit wr fBTTm: whwtwt wtwgwt «%n iron: i w*t i tot g^nrrfm: ww: i iTfww^
flrf?f «<m|<u<mnraw i vnR to TOref^ it tot *tto htt®
$• q. $. i tfn ^aww w ^trl: i TOnrafafror vjfcgwiro: i ^f% ^i^et wtot^w:«

wtawwif w*p i*Rt§Sqi f^*nwt rktt i

^*Nrtwf*i£ fw f^*i: *iPRt *infan 11 <i a
^fta^crf1 1 fn i wj: i i f^rnr! i w^r i wtw i
1 ^ i wffoH i i&i fw i f^fg: i i *rwfaT lien
wtorgro whhttototowt tot ^n totwt i ifa f«: i n wgw wttotk: i
TOPTrfapr: wroifn i i f^roi f^f^r HTm^ftTrfT^nrmm w# wro n&roi i
wTtoi i w i 'W55«3I^t Ti^TOt tow: wjfwtr tosttI i w^s^to «uwfl-
^ w|fafTOiM to i wgw wffrrror grogrojro toi*w # w^%www: i m-
>o. 8. w. i fww<ngtiT^T«BTT^w i tottoYw i to® 'a. 8. c'o. i tfw gfw mft TOsftrownror
tottto: * ^gmfqHiigWst wtot: wtn^ftfw ^wt »j^wr »fsrr f*r f^: i i
^i g®r f*r f^^g: i *vnfx » «^i^rg?ton*n: gm ggftrfn ^ i g?nf*T-
flrfic wt ixn«^.^.?M.i ^ wrt: ^t»nw: i u^wtw tfii
ww # h so n
wffwwg’t wwt^r fw i wrjrwt ^TWT*rwtfi:i wm: wfj: i
^fitg^rarw; w^»m: mcwtwt i ^ m^wgwmt «^«Tfvai»>M
^ HwrntfTT ^rarni wtftt i fl^wT w»mt fusr: wtt fagw i im WT*prW i
wTwigtift jgnirfiTM f^srr ^mtf?i«»nit twfwwt»F: t

frrgr^#vn 11 s n
^i i ^sf«: i ^rrftr i ^(i i i i f^rs^l: i
I ftRR^TOT 1 1 I ^FTf I isrtft ^ i srfant i w ^11
wi gwwi ??^t quiyift wgir ^wiri Ttf^n wwit w^ft ^wKWft: i
g?ftwT i w^raptT wTrf*r i Tf*i wgfHfwr^l Tnr^rann wrrrwtfn wW i imr fwrrwn thw
q qqnr q a apt ^irn fyflqm qnwrr:avfwmplq qtftym fwfiS i wwfa i tspaft
VTWfw i qwtwqfqqrfqqTqwlq vtwftt i fif wfaqr«rei
i arm q qqqi«ii\q[ fqqfa i m?wT wm«n qimrftqmreiTfq anpr vr®
qWfqfn: i
wi fw? miu^ h»t i
iynfa sf^N intanroi irii
i^i i fwfit i ^ i ?rett i ^it i i *rc i
i ^nfa i sfN i i ^jts^ i i 11 *»
artaf w ^nwTimt f^rfa qtfanq tfrarnfaq f®-
wftf i am wgKqmfq q fuq »nt wta fqnf3 i ttot ffqqpl gfqf»^Tq garrSi ^tw»i
gfq^nqt wmf^ arifaft a t: i v* wm 1 qg®-
«i®{imaniff«ri4®: gq: Tsftjm a g®al afonfqqq gri?t 1 ng^p
i^r qgi$T qajTq® 11 t^qrq arsmqTq gfavi qq <iM«w^«mis3lq viwfii 1 (tw s?nn:
qw^Tf® w»m writ: 1 3. * ?»=. 1 *wfqqix$r wqm htwxtii amf^ a

m TTfl wvfcft IT^TT -rfwtfol I

rTT ?ft \?\ ^j: ^ JjfW^TT II ? II
I tT^f I *5*1^ I ^i I I WTOT I 1

WT1 *t 1^: 1 fa 1 I 1 ^ftiswna 1 *jft 1 ^ts^?iT 11 ? 11

Tnft 1 iwnfrrcc.i*frg vm t*ft 1 w qgqf wri vmft vmfqgqTamqf
jrrafvft 1 fqftigqt q<qm*q»N qt m amrmnft wranm qmmwft 1 qn qq qf®-
qrqf qqifiqi aw ap®T 1 SlqgujfqfsigTg wt *ri ajfwrqf qinrr%q qqqTamqfarearrqT
»jf\ qjffq gqqTan®T%arqaft qtqanqqrarrq *ri^ \jmi qyg
1 ^qr fq^vjfq 1 gtffq 1 qanm^r %qqqmwr»rr?i; 1 q-sir$$fn w^q «

iwr ^pWw % MiRiifrr ^ i i

WrRt niH^I ftrffif ^ ^ ^rfW ^ ^fTT »?i'1

^Wff^r: l TfT I ^ l 1 l *!|fa l ,|W l l^1 11 #11

^uqqfq q afrnamir^n a^qraqfq 1 ^ > ®mtqivfar$: 1^ ’nftj
qsftfq qtift ^ 11 ^ ^ 1 gq: ^ ^ J^7”1
qmq: a * Uan^4ir«^w f%m m n qrqfrr Ttjjj^iJnw^qqwt fvifqi
J^it: ^r thr «qft . vt^q^:' ^^
gararo: 1 waft q^«nfwg’qrq?nq^pfm 1 gtya^g^vMi ^
yr fq^r ^fv 1 am awri ’H a wMt fq*w?r y* 1 ^ W^:»
ifttf ii ws?- ii
*f* i i *ft: w i mrr g* i snrro^r srMrfirartf: i 3rfo<tywfa|fo f\mfr
nno^.8. M's. *.i 3t^^>rafag$»n»reTT%wf iff: farftfa fanrare: i qw^Nt 3: g
tf^i wot *ng % g«i *n^Tf*t i wqf«5«nfir u

^Tfa fi *nf wfa: i

t m*W ffiM iptfa rf fTOT rffff TT IIMII
i ^ i ft i fqfa i ft\\^TA: i fff i *nf§fa: i
*i i i tsw i i cgtitfa i w i frof1 t i i h i f STtai imn
3Tf ^ I VSMf<^lfi| I ^ %t%?t I Wft ^
myqfMySlTfa ^ i ^rro% *j ysi WTfa n x <j\qy* wnftftr i
sf«rt{f\rei qsfrfif i rft*t aww ’ennt ^ftf* i <i^rf^mff^rr4^5T 3iftfR i *ft* y^f
ifTH^nrst ^ 5*ftfR ii n <w ii

3Tf f£R MfTT H%fa TOfift *?t% ir[1 T t I

^ji *mfa W*i TOtffMt ^T ft%3J II ^ II

i i vf: i ^n i ratfa i srssflra 1 *rt% i i ^ sfw i
i *Rfa i f s*t i f tftfa i i gratffatt sfft i ^Ti i ii % ii
tpcr fayrfasnwsft i w*r wvpff t sirring vy^rnwfjrr TPfrf* 1
sfiftfir i ftwnf 15rwf?q smsnsni ^rrt snft ff *p* fagTf*raTfti*rRgt i?ft ig fffag ii
tft»5j«m Hftft fftTraro: i vr rft i ’j flm^rrfSmwf *|-
ftn^WTflp^yiraw: i furrow ^tftrfrr wfar: ^re^Rerrwg’tff n £T*«: i *w? i
«jtr ^Tsrarfwflrft Twrequr: i Trgfn: OTTWflg^r 2Piftfa i ^frf*r i wr
sjrrergfsnft ^ gftpflf giwf?m*m%*rr f^u i ufas^ral «

^ f«pT*TO fiNm 3Rft 1

fa fat ffrfif gt i?pnfifT iisii
i f% i ffnt i to i fpr i iri i %fM: i sg i ^rTfifH i i
rTrf: I fk I f«T% I ^h=TT 13Jf I f^t 1 frf I ^SHRI ^TI f «it*!!t I ^ I IIS «
^fr: fW<r 3ft: fqm m: i ftirn: t^T*ri i uy% i ^^rrfj? i 3jrar»r 3HW
i%- ^i-c, q. | i gi^fg n^Tf i i nRRfw f^ra?T-
f^^rrwft Tff ^ Tigi ^ i *m ^ ^rf»i: *bttw i
HT^rran i rrfam^ arr^nnfl^rty vtgfrn^Tm^ %n^ rrum «nuiPN«^ i ^
rmwfgi rirfr ?<frfwT fwrfsr y^^rrfg ywirt-Rig irfw f«r frft i fafa** ^
frreTfir n *m«rsrfawr: f7*rraft^ n 'gmft *rrf ?rt ' ^w,_
irftng i tprfrj^ft ftwiwa ^TTwy^T *n«4iai%^T »r^m f■
«iit i Pm^«T«ui y% i *ry!£ gwvrr^^fti^wvr *m ^fif*1-

,wf^% i w i *g^i*f^{TOTO^g ^pfttg *ro wrowg* wir %7rsj

^ i Tmtif >iiTwftniT wft ?r$Tfw *jprmf*r snjftfa i w*i<torto ii

^Trf H ^tenT^fauOT if^HTftf T^T I

xjft %T t-R T&1 ^%TT H ^ II t II

i ^Trf:s^ i s i ^Tfa i ^TST^tansn i g^bnfa i f^rat i
m.: i %t i xp: i xpn i ijfW i imT^rft i i i ^ 11 fen
fWr ftrmft ^rrrftr g^rrfw gTrarnrrfa wt^tottwtwt wrwvkrir** i^qar^sr qwr-
irfvfsm v mfit i *pf?f i m<r ** w *rni: tfirnnWra: sro. inrrfn <n<i i
tff fwrsfn i tift fpT i qr ^ ^RKtfi wtv *<uwr^ i cnfft
^ gwtax *5pH fw?t i fp wtwtw ^wr?i i itot gfwr«fvtomft:#* xfapi tprrtu: 11
w: gfwr: ^r: Twr^ i ^iwgf^^rr^gwsnj i Tpr^W^<TRronfpi i5umr»rwr-
^flTOrg»rt^T^*T^aTO^f%?T^^MTi i ipras^wtw qrnpft i
TffirofrorninFpgiT: n qfw% i to m. * 30.. 1 Tf?r srgq; 1 ^rr toNto *^rrot 11
3TOTf sgmftn 11 wr^rfl[*Tf«rf% 2frfrT fewfa: 1 ?m: g^^rrarg^TTfagf^^ir tttoxt
^rfrer 1 wig^fr w-Pra: n n <^ 11
* ^gfjj gw firrogw graqw’tffwnS ^rw^rgwfrgfT^ *rr 1 *rat*i 1
wsift N§^. fusT q^gTpm: 1 ^gct^wqMfxaTp'ft 1 wwtpfTgTpxft 1 wg» -o.«. 1
xfn ff ?nm 1 <tot ^rgwfn 1 *r tt ftgg: gra?sRff<fr wfgi%^pgqr<eisn£w?an
u ^nfr faf^rofa: 11

* iwfr * jjfbr I
qwt^^t *ra*raT fa^rt ^rofir %#’• 11 s 11
*7 I TT I I «7 I ^SfrT I W- I I I
1 *i 1 ^rttt I f*R: 1 *PTfff I ^nr: 1 ^rfw 1 fctf: 11 «l 11
^ pTTOt ^rr: h wmfrrgqj 11 * wgw*if: w gfra awwt ^ ’nwiw
mxfrfTj 11 ?pft ^fffTT fTO^r ^vv. 1 ww«r*wi<^: 11
f»ro: ^totot ?TT 1 uH ^ ^t: *rom: tiwto
Curran, wr *TO<ft f^rf %|»sj^*if^isBTO ^ ^ft<Trt «marfw*ra Jim4ffl ?i wr%w^j: 11

rrf% ^ I
xrt xtr ^ fl^frT fk4: h * u
Hi^l ff I VTI I I fM 1 1
%rf I f?r: I ^Sf^: I Tjxj I TOT 1 1 1 1 1 11 *11
fpqviKfr ( Trft af* xym gwWI 1 *1^1*$ 11 ^
m# i- °i- w-1 tnx ^tr; f'u^ 1 f? ^ iwn-
I % tot ^ f*nr \ TRttR *nif wjr fir: TO factor
# 'ptt x^% '*n^Tf^s*: 1 f*rannrtiftv! * ^ ^ <.i$l,,tjfrtf **y«q ^font
f^rufn Riftw rto Rwfs mw R|¥taf ijrto:*R*?f ’IF? 1

a ^ 1
rff^rr ^ trfi|*T ^ *t: ^Tsgfff f*4: ii?ii
^ 1 «j*i 1 h: i 1 1 ^g: i Twm i ^n i
i^^i3T:i^f^i^f^wi^^~i^:i1^tft!li^rfitifl'^: 11? 11
^re ^nfr fR^RTforr r ^rr rUvi'**^ trwt y»«H* ^wg 1 1
q^riji^: rr RtiRrrRfRm: 1 rrr h rrr^wir: 1 r$t 1 1 ^ 11
u^nrref rt 1 trff«r iftiwf^if* ofta: 1 ^finnTRR«
r!rrt TfRRTrrfw u
xpq f=pS trf^ X(T®[ ^njjt flTWt I
^Tfrra fift ^n*t gHxotoqtsfH f^- min
I f^T**l I I VV* I I 1 W^*T I

^Tt4 i smfrs1fimI 1^sinfrra: i sift i firt: min

\ ^rt rw^h wift to 1 Rfrtft TRR 1 % gsufaro: rftwilwn
faq^rR; gr*rNi qRnfRffit %% ’IFflftl g% rr fw i *^R 1 fM^
l^RTfR Ri#R 1
Wf^TOt ’Sift favt ^35t ^HpRT I
^ ^r^sfa fW: 11 m 11
^nf^wwt: 1 ’Srfir i f%i: i i f*n*: i wfar i
^ 1 ?T^sf^: 1 11%»? 1 si 1 1 1^1 11 **11
Tjrf?[WTOtif^: ^rr ftnit fij^WiiMi'jwiw^fir RRg 1 r^t: «ffr~
g^ig^RR ^fR^RfM R TOfa %TO 3TC»R I RT*<lRfl » *1**
RTnerTTnf i »Rwinirtmrrf8^ RRg»
^ g 3iifaTt i
^fw ^ficTfT TTiri^^RTTffTT fH: II €f II
Rirk: i ^ ifH i k i 1 1 1 1 *&**1
wfH i f^psriOr i ^:s|HT i i ^Nt i ^«fW: n^ii
%RKt RRRfURT: I R^?l: RT*JRTDtfR fR. * 3W^I ^3
flrrf^nctvtRR^R rrtj i r ^5? i ^W*if *nj*nnt Trwpi: Rnfirft iw^T
«!*$.] II STFRtSW. II .
f^rfvr *#rftr gft*T gfrmf* $»N»rrf* vm«w*Mi«iMRwfi! *nig i first If^nrsTfw
^ a nm^<H<aTt^» *rm ^tw*Ii

wnrjn^^Tf^ fif^t I
ml wf^n^ ^fw fW: ion
virj 1 ^3RV^ I ^Rrnt 1 Tf^u: I I JR#RT I
*rH1srasw i asiri: i wf^n^: I *fiUI i fW: ion
^sn^fr tnr w$ T* g^sw *ftg*r. wssg i <wfi^«fgit:
„$*: f?raW ^ ^g i w*i ^fg i *pss3 Wft*$ i fulfil *rag #

W f ai&ift ^ ftiwfi; fawrR^rar nsw i

wc^^F^rar ^1*- w rrHfa wrt 5T *n$ »b ii
i ^ i wnu i RT^i i “brf^i fRRT i *&*1 1
^ ^ppt ^ t f*r*r^it ^rr:«’^mtanf^n i v 3. scm. 1 '^Ts-
^ani: n tim: ^ wfinn n f«ri ggfirfit 11 w 1 w ^ ftmi jet 11
refiKOTf^n q^i: 1 ttft^Tflwnfipn 1 vfn* 1M w i^ifegi'i
Wtf « *ftft' nt^roT sfanronft' »rt»firfkTfipstfir *K> ^ i? **” ^
rinTNfcrar ’swift ^11 ^ra^n^r ifit mmhHKhw «fbwJJ
ttffW" TO w* T» froTO*TO»tfTOi!i: TOTOWWTO^T- TO*
gwi I PiStoi 1% ift Hit » TO 1 to*b to Tow i TOTOfM-
11 JHKWsg 'S # 111?11
TOPTOf irot 1* sTOroa JftTOft 1 TO I «P1 TO ’TOTOTOTOW;
fTO, wrt TOTOn* 1 to wro* ' to»jf** ^y^” ^.^Z 7
wTOTO . *<ro*< TOMrt TO wTO ftw , ”TOTO ’w"*’ ™*L' ™
ito* 1« n»w wroasTO tos wi*to toto rTOjfc’i “T1 *m
l1° ^T° 3. * 8-1 TfTT II
al^raift ^ ' ft’*! ^ft ftft*sftff “1111
W' 1 ft 13ii?m.i^nsTOifi 1 ii* i^sftt: ifW: ii
Mi i ^fyw 11*111

Tnrrrwfgfg #g.i wi^xwi^ n ^

VOL. IV. 3 H
ii ii [^°
frnj: iftm wfan i « ^n^fr *nratfttnte i faro fanq i ir^rr^nf^fn
fYrqt ii

fa^rm i sqtfifaT wk: irii

^TI^IW:i^F$Tlf5TS^rf:i^l^S^ri:i5qtfntm^T^lrr^: IRII
’srt^t *rrwxf?HT TTf%^ fqqftqiirafwrnrr: i jmJTaqnrcn^qfah m
fT% w^TfapR: i mf? agait|»T *n*w n ?rerr fnq?fr i«<ng*3nftg^n
^HTfrrftfn i fRpifTt nwfi wt wftfam srffnspnf^^w mwi t *ftWa«

fa^ "^qfarft i rfa: 11311

fa: i ^ sfrr i '^rott 13?f«T i i Vt i ws^il i ^ i ^i ^ i
frerl i rfa: ii?ii
annarRraagnt ^^nftan anfn: ^^nrt f%rj?m i f^frf?t i wnn
wfrfa i rnq<fa'<ftaifr i ?n?rrgqf% srraTnf %si mft>s^rre?t i aftq areefn # #fr? *raY i
$i<5nsT*w: i fawirmfmfH tint n

BT fa wa ^ fa % i %fw w ii 8 ii

w i^: i^ i^Fif: i^ ifk i^i^Tk[ i^rT^f^i^»?T i^ffTi-^: iiiiii

wnfqnqrifr *fuqrra> *jt rrf^tw iroY^g w ^^rnr^flfa Brrft wi qq atfqqrf?
M^ttthI g%*r gf wqrt n %f%: i a- 3- 1 Tarrant > ^t^r: ipfr ^ ii aa
jvvn: i qq: qfqorf |% n w qqfn ajqt fro g$fn nan fqqqm *ar$:«

fa mfafa ^rknsm fa trim fa trf^^ii: i fa ^fafa^fafa h m ii

fa i snnfa: i srfasnr i fa i ^sfai* i fa i trfa*»r: i fa i s?knfa i faf^»
^fafa ii mi

qr^rraY amrt: i ana qmir^Y qtarcngY? q^% qarr arm wra Tfn i aiq ^n qrfqqa i <^ri
^Hiqiqaiqi fqfqai?l i Start ii gf5 g$q<i<*ftq^ i am Tyra^Otz: m-
i qi° 3- a. 84.1 qgasnfq 1 qT° q. 3. i arqqfnmtq: 11 am qqn: m^anr qqrqT^qai fqfaii^1
rTOT qfw 1 arNq: 1 ^fwf mni 1 tflvM*Hym: #«nmfY3^^T arfq
a^ri Trasrt fqfwt 1 w TTfa: mttfw ijrrsnmajsfa mqfYm qriaTfm ^wmai »

^ vyd ^fakfa i h: ^ n^H

^2} 1 1 1 1 wk 1 1 ^sfa 1 1 ^snk 1 h«t 11 % 11

\ ^ 1 Trtwf^i tt^ f& fro fwi fas qrqrrf^fqa’m 1 ws: 5^*^ *
wrtfMg qan m imftfq nan 1 frt n^Rt n ^nm \ nremt fqq’lnn 1 wnint ^tinrra
g#n awftrr ^nfY «m 11
*mo.3T#e|o.^><v*b.] „ ii

^4 *n 4f4w4: ^ ^Trf^nr i ^4 ^|%4 ii$h

^4 mT i 4f4sn^i h4: i i fasshfc i ^riw i s4: i toit$4? i 11 $n
H#*rgT*nftrg ?mtiv^rrt arair sraroif sra f%W^r hththt H$*srt^
tis^t ht tfif %ir ?mt rngHTtrsin i wi^ n Hamlin ^na^f «1 ^
^Mj<ni5i^ <Trrifr -ernr^r i Hraimn i ijftroTprrfa w to <ufr
jsiwn;^*r^ »

^ff TT%: I Tjfe W)4 5T fanj4 II b II

^4 i 4 i *it:s4^ i ^T i wti i fujhq i 5%h: i %: i ttN i ^rt4i i
t Trf^r Trf^f^ % *ri ht th trq^r ^T^%fT^wrait i n
|wr%iT: it ftpft ^ffaHfaHTw gifer gfa w ferret
<th% « trc*rfq i ht° q. q. q. §. i Tfa hthi
Hffl^i ^g^rfm ii wrH^T^rf^Tig^ irff^i^r hit ht>h h fftrfti fjfrH i <$
HHHT II sra^fsfe: aig: I TrH^reY^3PTnHTfTTTHf wtthj f^ I H®T^ ngiff Hwirfn ngnt i
HHTH TfcT fTglf gTTOffHTHHI fafWnl I H3TT HHift fWHTf^JH: I ’HgnfHT^
ff I TWT$ HH f^fsqt UHrtiafflfW II HH% f«lfHTig% »JTHtT<^THFHi I TjfflT
h i hht§ rfn ^wr?r i ht° $. £.1 n
fwwrgHT h<|h Hfrr^TVTfraT i gf%ci h i hht^ ffH jtwh HfHvt-fHfT^rrff iw°f
3- <>■ ?• I Tfa II

ort ^4 ■d^h i
w TRwf TjiT^rr mu
*41 ^ i i f4 s f 1i ^41 f*t i vti^v i if41 ^4*r I
T|^f I TfftrTT I usf^4:1 ^Trtef: i *m\ i ^if4s^^j i *jrtar- I II «* II
% I fafawr^ ^5 ITT TfTT fHIHT: HTTRT: I HIT I fHfHH HTHT^ ^TT Hl«<ifl
Tff^frr f%fHT wr: ii £•' htottw h hjt°?. ? ^ i Twfv^iT%TT TfpwrTnf h i
HTHTf<4f-rl <M<iffr^Trm II TTHT^ H^I HT HHT ^fF^gHfTHRT^ I HHJJJ HH H WT
^Tf*iHT«rr: tth uftt i u irr^fn H^TrifH-
hthh ht^^Ttt^ tttk fwnn %ftgHT*n?t: i trtB §. q. qqq. i T^rr^^Trw ii thh
II f^r^JTfim^ II nfa H TTW H^i II hIh II HW: TTf^H:
WST f^li: I H^TfHHt HHT fTTI^: I HHWT I TfH TT^HH^ II ^flS**^fT Htf2 H
HTfHfTT IH-nr^V.* II cTHTHrrfTTffHffr I wi ^ 5) HXfll HWT tptHT: Tf3%HT I II

wi %% ?l| i^wt >i?Ht i

will Jtsi w: ^(rt «rw«v u ^«
3 H 2
8*o H H

i I i HH i i i^S^rr: I t^: i f^j: i 3*% 1

TTTi I »3TC|I'm I ■arTrT: I trcrTT I 35TT* I II* II

*t wr *g i w*ig i % g*r% i f^tsr gm
u^nt fq^cfq-g i rparinf^r fa^Wfrrarnrawgi 11 i «t% ^ i ^
'sprtai: TT^mr: i ^wMT *r#fg ^Fsftfr g^ra^irafTf^ni^r u MtffiR*<*T$ ^rrafg^ x*%
f^ftra^f *fn Ttffr *rrg: win i ,*ggw n*ng » $5 wtmf^i: i ^fjggrfaanf^*:
5fTjn*TT ^TtW II

^=it XXm Trfa ^fir: i

ftrftrt ^fsfteT: H^t : h?h
i^t: i #nu i ^n i TRHT i *rftr i ^TTS*ft: I i i*^S|[f?T: i
l^rt: I ftfltt' I ^iiw I I ^ft?T: i Tsm i w^i i $s^kt: ii 3 ii
%*rr: ^ ^f^nj jrfg ^srtwr i »unjg i *ir ^fwar$: i wr^Tnm^faj ^
^ *r§faTgj i ^T«rr STfaTT^ ra fSsfjjfrT ^RfTfg^i'vn i ^ ^ i ^rf<j ^ %3T*nfiT^ ^n: ii
^qTSRsnfafa *rg ii rngin fttTT: *rrgrt»rf»p*rr^i(T gfiaj^wr ^rfaTHi:
TT«WWTfa*T: tifft ^g^rT I ^TTOH^frft II SRTj^Sff^ 3I<*J*ff ^F^rfirfg f^SRTTJTT
wmn: fSrenff ^ i ii w ^ ?rt uftwtfTST ’^rT^f^m: g^tXT: gr*T^
^rm i h%*t n %<ffn(Ti«nw^ "

-rm infft fsm^frr: tt i

u^t *n fa ni mwa^ni ^rat ^ *t: 11811

im \ i tto i ^nfiH i i ws^fff: i wm i i *r i ^ i

1T54:1 *H Ifa I fa I ^fil^Rr^l I I fa^ I^R: > ^ I fa^TT I ll^11

*r^t *rag i ijr^rmrf%f»r?Hg i i ^g^ff i nw tww: i

»m ^pj?rrf»t f^srrfM ^nf^T f^t’f^f 'gggfWnrr^f^ *rfa %ffgt«f<ai^: i tt^tt St «^re
^rarannwte^f ^*rpfrng i ^ ^Tf faw^w »n f*r ijrr f*i^
fsT^TSrTt ^T >T%q I TR «T ^afi I <5 T*4 oM vj: || ■q^^Tfg: m g^lfrf nf§T5i: 1
ggi ii ^ ^ t f^% w ^t: vn i fw»
i i3f«<g*ii*m: 11

Wf X^W p I
X^i-»^i ^f: I i i ^tr[ i f^l^TTi: i |I I i

ITT I I TTS^ I TTT I rT^fii: I TIT I pip? I fl1^ I 1 *1*1^1,1,11

irjff: q^q'wran i i ^♦Th'K^: ^rtg m:m
II ^nTRtSTF?*. II ^

i t^r ^ ^rSf*:uarfa *rc i *rmf# *frrcTfvaiT$

^n*u^q^»!fHW<air«^*<iMafti?^w a^fftwa4’W4fa*4,t:
* *n ^5^5 v4 snfm i jvt ii s>f% ffarramwf: i tvf^am^T^-
H«ra: 1*H*m*rem%fn ms mn^t: f*% mr %*r- ^ ftfi
i faaiimm i mn mi ?rmi ^*rf! i mrr 4Ha4r *j4 n 4H fssrtrft n
ufq ^ TTS^n *H Trerff I ^4 AT afTTSsmff I <RT ^ flffw ^TTtT^^mf? i
^i»Kif45fo sm^r: ardrrfar *r *t sfwgf^anfc » wt>T i gtr
f^rgim«t4 sFmra?c ii to \ ajamramm awpanai ~t 4m f^iiflfrf $$% ii m
^4<iRwim4i ^ i ^gT*f« fwws^nm i s®m *rg4T wtfa ii fmm: «4mT
^tju,, m mi mWT i mn ^ Jfaw4: i msf^wm Tf4 aims: i fm £■ ?=>■ i W i
^ m TVTir i afrwr ^mrr#r w f« i fmmrtrait: 14TTf4: vm '
anfiF gt^F H^Tf^antT^i:* »«w »

^rcf nt^T: Rft Rtf^ >

TIHi^f 5g f^H: ffi Wl I^T Ik ^ II If II
35$ i i nfks^^; i i «^ar: i i "Rit i RTf| i ^ i ^1
•hfeN: |-jfw if^rs3^: ilpfftfH i ft isrt hsrt i fftw i irs^Ti fft i h^h ulfii
% ^ tRTn TTPrt «4 arte ’44^4 ^tefamaif 4w^: ^rmrff frnft 4wt 4tar-
t4m ii *re T^nr *3m^mnrnrimf?aifs ^Tfami 4rtrn^ ate ^a4aa ii t?wr ^
m i aft*: TW i % *aa: to* f*3*:■
^ i msTfopfa n 44* anmapum* iK fj* 1 ^ 1^
ngrarmuKit^ . am **&* m ' B^t|^tt: «
i aT° 8- 'i^o. m- i ^afatTT1^ h
VrTffj i|fj|T!TT ^rfH^ ^Trntflf^wTfH^ii I

^Ff ZTiPRf^^t^T ^wfw^T.’ ^’THT^T H$ H

MTWT I ^ITHTUT I I I 41^'• 1 ^IHT^ 1

^1^1 "^Rt I ™ I -^f*‘ I^Tt I ^ I I S^Tr^ll SII

VTfGTt ^WT?rftJ VT7TT ^T flTO

SJ iimt «S«rt wmr: araf4mr^fwTfawtf»mT?i>n arrnT ^rmtwmaTT
^ atrmr war ^ ^ ^ TfH f^inira: i an^

fWJRyreW II IPfW^' ^ ? , an._: =^33,^: » %rf*t-

gnai^irmmrf. i ^aarf i ar4^f n«Ti«*i*awt4t «r4 i rt^rmng i t^<3
vjt^ i tnr» %.1 #

h^: wsntl ?*» ^k w #1 «Wt m wl V' *m

8^ II II

i i *rf|T. i ^ i w^i srfijR i i ^S|tt: i ^sss: i

^:i5i:ii3[SifRiffts^iT|^i^iflTi5T:if5fT^:iTiTl^i^: nbii

fwH^rnnt JRrff^t wfT^t tt ^wtY EorfMwr%Ecranr: q^afaqra: n

^iwk i t?T° ?. vzo. q. i ^ ^narq: n ^t i q^fMsfw ^r®^r*rm:
*gprpr: n ^|Trm: i ^twTf^s qnlftr firfq gaprnr: it t?n t^Y
ifWf% ^ I frt *nj: it w i ^twf% n
wf^gtrcrfr^fT! wwttw ^ it ^Tiwwr ^ pi wi, i *reeg i ^TfsrsH: n ^ifc-
^tw: i fYra^fafYr ftrr.ii '% s^hr fft ^ TTTfw t *3; rt ?r ^Y^^rra i
^rprY 1 rnsii ptfbrrfprr 335*11 pra 1 ^Tiwn*rr 1 wr fpY: i*t ^ w 3[t: 1 ^Tr^nt
qfwrc: 1 wr 11

^ tt: wi ^ 4^fr^ftrwq*re Tfwvq i c

^T ^rif^T 3TR IIQ. 11
^ 1 5t: i ssW: 1 ^sre i f* 1 wiji 1 tsjfas^n 1 ^ 1 ^T*im| i ?tr; i
wr. i^:i n: 1 mi i ^ii 1 ^afiisTpi i ^hr; ii qii
^fi’grNi % ^ram: wr%jq wqg 1 wim *rerj 1 wm^nn: rrspT ^qg 1
f^Tfawrf ?f%f>f: *§3rr ^ irwrwrmgpYm ^tvtp i f^rersrrc f^rnr^Tn: 1 ^
*rwrr ^t ^Tf^an^ *rr rnpr^urpaq^i ^wrt «Wwr: 1 gr^g 1 a^fRipM
%Tnt %fttrrrt 11 wt^t ^1:11 *mr wrtTK^f^Tra «#*mrqYgt ^ *u f% 11
gfe it 11 11 «qo 11
W^|ipni% -^fTf^fTi^ifn prrfsr 1 rre EnpraYf^fa pr %§w 1 he^sY
etw nmqfrt^ifEi: 1 fa-q^Tf^wnrprf ^f%f%ftnra?rr^niR nfrwrcrar^qf sr<It q^Erran
^rat 1 <mr *npti<i 1 *rnrar?r wnrfrr: ut^sY «mrfff frqf<r 11 »raY fgf^fRr: 11

trfl ^ i

ff smijR: h S»

51 I I 1 5Tt 1 ^1 1 I 5T I 1 T^i: I

^ffT I fsrS^TTT I Tf^: | ^Tf^|

f^ i^t i^T^^ftfrt 1 ^ i^i 1 1 ^ if^ i^n^i rit^ 1 Tnftt ii^h

¥ft: Mf^Mi<fq«!i% 1 ?m: irniwr
Err imEiT^^n ?tt f^ 1 n^rEi^n^rm^m ^r^raY ^rarrTW K^ranrf^wr-
Erfwvrrar ett^ 1 *r tf Trr^nrn^nrw^r ?nft wf^i: rw^fa 1 mrr «rr ^r^r-sr-
w^*r fErtramT#^ 1 Ersrft rr^ai f^rww wrarf?r ?mrfEr HT^TWT^fr: ErfTWT'r-
nft H^fTr 1 fTr^Eft^T^raqftfrr 1 ^r»j *?r rrf^frt m\*ur^-
awT^r tEfty: 1 mJ-ranYiwfEtimwwEt: 1 wt^r 1 *r i wnY^nrtSrfir rrer
fErfYnim ffH 1 rnrrrft ft^nftMn f^wr*r^si

^fTf^rem ^RT^IT m^Tsrr f^ra^wR; *rf ^

ft^v: i toi i vrftf* xmf$ i «faRT rvi^H if^a. <*. , tfr „ ,
\ ^ ^nwfrow: mr^i gf^im *mrfro* , ^
S21, S1 ?iVt^_. ^ ^#

ftfttf JT^fTT I *W fl^TO*** HTT%^ Jrf*nrTf*r mf% ftwrfr-

^rTT^f H^yufalW ^^*1 fsjWlfw f%*rPTftafrfw I fairra-
UlMk .
f^T^Trny^ «f* im II mu I ftfeft infa I ft Tmrn^TWTTrr I

wvTT$wr?*rt *mftr<«i«J: it fw?n*TTO*f firare: i gs f<^;, m.*>.,0J. i xfn

ira^: arr^r:* ^ W ^rer *rr ’itapTro stffw ^^^srrwrrTspsjfir <n fsrfaTrert
*?V*V* yffim I *NmgwtaT*T f? ^fSR I TOT ff *mf jnsriro H^J?-
mwTTt ^rr TOftfaiuiiwfoiT xfn to h^t *t Mm
mtJrmHTTr^ ttw ^ xzri: i ipN wt^^ftonnN^fq ^T^- ^ „
f^Tpw ^r: *t%tot mw^w^ * *fr?romlf?T nf?ft\*: t w^i «gfjrf?r
w: n ^rft, STTOTO 3TWTW ct^rmrmr^mfq f^Oim TmOt m
i**'®.<m.<m «nr^f s*T*nmptor t * mrftw
i JTf^r ^%Tj jwH f:TOTTO*nma tfujjn: fgwmfrt, *^fq Ifanftfeanfr 1
^sfffl^rci rix^raf^w n

* *T Hf| ?7 TT^IT ^ WtfrERiH: I

^T^fl^TrT ^UHT H^Hi H^telTOH fcj? ^HTS || 3 ||
*I 1 15T1 wfi 1 ^ 1 Tpart: I 1 ^^1 us%rT: 1
^n^l 3THTH I I Hit I TT^R I H^rfw I f I 3?^! H | T^: ifr* |

;fIf?R^ * na *Mt twh ^Tf 1 «r ^g^T^fn 1 «rg

^ ^ «n#?c Kft H^n^5fwg?(H»n^r Jnftprmwpr K3[T^ftr ^it^ ?RTf 1 *r
^fffTr 1 rff^ ?rf*?wf?T?TT*m^ 1 ht^t: 1 «w irrfw*rt trf^i Ht*r|g^t a#
*rr^ ?r[t *frjrr«T^Tf^i?ftw«rfiT^ 5r*rf^f?r mjimw i
^ 5TOPSST* Tfw ftiTO ipq*n 5^TTTOci rn WJ^TW WTf^fH I Hr^TfwtBr ^rT-
a® ^ ^ «^ff 1 *r ^r tt: Iw-30?.^,1 ^f?t 1
^iwrfV^TW^m: ^rr^r fsr^m w 1 ^ tt^it ^ 1 ^ x;ran n%a: ttot^
^t^c I f^T^witw^Tfl 1 x^rrfYTT^fsft?r*r ^»<n«fr irregri^mTi^rn^: xti:
^ra: jtwtwtti: i ^re| nff iff ^^nfNr^T^VWTt Jraj^f: 1 <3imTrf^fw fn: 1 ^m^-r-
Jn^rrfpi sst^t^
Iran^: 1 sww: ww Tf?r TTf^rff ^tian^f^frr 1 Tn^^inTiflrt
^nr^*n*fl^ 1 inftifT^^ 1 *r^i Tmu^^f^HT^-Rs#^ j^rw: ?m ^t?ts *t
sfnu: 1 ’srmrcft ww’nr: ’tfir to wnpWvwrof*; TmfT’f^rmfjrfTr 1
^wnni: 1 Ttpftf^Brc vrafw rwntr to ^ grorsrcftv xfH wri^x: nnVq% 1 ?nf

* favtaft w^frmwBt *fa ^ arsm: w * wr i fa msfr* *i$ro$«r

^TOraTrrawt gwt frofaRt 3[vr TO^TOfafa^TfaifaT^T^n to jnrfavrc i
TOTgpfa sRpTfafsiTO *r ^Nttoto <rf^vrfTOfTOTOT<T toU»i»»
^sftrorfTO *Tfwwfros vx tot toN gTOTTOTn froVro ifa * «*fafra ffa i totIitoi
g^fTfr mTOT to tovtto <n<yiu$n from ^rror ^wi^nsnftapirrfarart «jMMwfn\qifa-
sRtfrt to *ft ^f^f<r fro*r: i tot? ^rsatrfa i faro ’snfaar ifa ^tvt »mrr i
<tot rjft^PRfam’n'ra^TO^^ it TO*p*JTOfa i m# * ?• to. i Tfa fnfaT
TOfa^ffa *nrfn firt ^*rr iq. * $n.i *fa faqra«nfTOt?ui to TOrfroroT«if wr: unrest
trowl i *jTOraror sifw^nn to tovT n srofa TOTfa fTfwfw*rr d^^Mfro tfrot
tot ’jfasRT'^t totoi i xnfa tott: wwi t TO *rfa s$t<m
TOTfTOr»rpraT nfa cn?n ^fatrsmTi^iwtifa whtTO Tfa to tot ^nat^n*rfa^T?!fafa i
3spjft ^r tototobt ^sfa tototo ifa to ’ft *nrof?r<tv: i ^ i ^<jfa?wl<wtq-
HT%ifq fafror tow >ra ^ TTfTOTfari i to fipnfafii fftw
^rfmql^rpi <ft %^rlfa^% RttfaTOTTOfronT TOhI<**t irfiffa^
tot? TOtTfafa i totrt toitt’to sp£Ii s*rfNr to fiwfajpg
■stTOre i ? to? it ^’Sjprsfafa fa^: ’Rfavnj^ h uro: 11 to TOwfanrot ^iqfqqvft
5j ifat: 1 w# TOflirara faHfa*rfa *to w TO ifa 1 TO= ^wrw%^*S ^rnrf^
oTJTfTc^T’ft ? to%bhJ: 1 ^Rwfarfarr frfrofa f*iwt ? ht?: 11

7TTI 3TI*ftWTWT n^^^fSH%fT ^fr*o* *T#RT |S. I

HTf: I ^Te^l HTTST I ^ I 3PPfl 3mS%rT I flfoc* I I I *5 I
ipg^pt I I ^fr} Sff rl I HT^I W^ftr^l rTR^MrlHI I ^TT^ I TJ^R II ? II
^ ^mTH^rsr Hff to to i towtto ^fafrorai v^^i ^tc*
qjjx^i Tf ^TWnrtffTfat^ Tfa ?nfT fTOT^TO^fawWITOHTTO: I ^Mfa-
xrftfaf^^n 5tM^T^T: Trrcfa <rfa?m t^i^ i to to to i 'wr 1 <ttot
I ^ *?%: TW% ^TOtf<fa ^ TOtITOT Hj^T^SfTTO-
lufrfa f!^ I WgmrTOT^^ l^irqmTO *rTTO«IIV|I«ITO TO *T*P*ft 1 ^
«fri %*rr^?Tfa?T «^fn 1 ^i^k^i-toito*?* »rowwrt ■*r^rfa^TO to
1 sfiK^TTOTmrot^ sRT^grom TOWfa^^TOrr^nfa^r ^ to?I ^TTWT'
i^nm: 1 ^ ^tt% TOfa to^tto ^frfaJ fro% to to^sT* TOTfafa^ry: 1 «^Tf ^
1 TOt mTOJ»f'*TPT ^rqfiTXTj 1 a^iai^ri 1 to: ^ totto? to ■qrro^n
fafro^ to^= 1 to: «$ ^mfa^rr^TOT^ t to TOt: ^^5^
TOT? I TO^flfafa I ^nfaTOHtJTilflfa I ^TO^: I TOlfa TOTOWTO ^lfaj>
fasi% TOifa TOfK^rnrrfa^ TOt ^irnn tottotot frore ^ Trrro^fa ^thtopi i
to to *^1 1 ^fr«lR<r 7rjrr^TOTOn<TTOTOr 1 TOa^«f*f^sS *|^,i.1^o ellV
^far 1 gitfr to ^ TOTOt tot? 1 *rfro iito »nft 1 ^nnf^qs 1^ 11 ri f^wfa «
oRTT%?l TOU^tTOTTOTOT: I ’Slfafa.H TOl^f^ fafa ^TO W^tfftTOfa ^«raijl**g T^l
f7nro% itn°c.^.^.1 rfa ^^T^T^irtTjHTq: ii vnj ^fa^fafa
Hocl0.3Io<n.3«<m.] II OTRtSTO II

wTOngwro mivug tot nh^TOfrorro i wt rmtift

atro?i i nf$ gtfwTO wtot: w^ror^ifq ^farrow? ?am to? i i to TOmTfroftwTg
groin n TOt^rt WTOftronr: n g^n g^««*«'*m w^irftwrom m<iTOTOnftTOfufg?T ?nf??T-
»mfa.» ?VT7*: toWw fwr i ^VTTtff i ^rfwmr rfsr to*: irafror^r u mfoftgg tot%*t
TmTOfrornrori m?Rft creypfaTTT tow: w?arc4Tw1?»rci-TOg wf? to wmaSTOarwn i w i
tow:’erawtrWrTOT^m tototoptotoIito toNi: w^frowt tottortot: ig®TO<T.<r.<>.i tfrrii

s^tawmfa xti: h^r bbt^ i

Hirr irafat sprat ?wtaT ii 8 it
l rll^l 3# I i sraBW I ^ifv I i^: i wi \ ^i 3TK%1
*m: i ^i^if?Ti%: i iipfks^inpfciT ii8n

wfNrro to5t*?ito» tort: gwrrfl totw at? fafrorvwfTOTm to? totost^w

Tf? i w^i?r fwwrosr ^t: tototwto to$?tto TOrf? tow: tottoI? i totottotot i
fwro to%st4: i twrwr faroro to f?i%g%8m to? tow Tf?t i TOra'ri?t:aiWTO 4?fv
TOTOrftfanr wttoto f?w1%ifT:?iT% toi^tt i TOroroWtror^ i ^trornmaiTO^ tot%?t-
fro*r4: i t^totoPt gwiTOr^ tototort i m?? *v<rt TOfror: towto afagfi towtoBtT
vTfwfro m groraw tot wi: tow^?toj to^tor^i ^«rf^3rorwa ^ft1^ tok-
«rNwwT4tt?«r4: i Trmfr ^cfr: wlwifw toIttow to%toto TOrfw fTOrrrpsrm-
tot stoW? w cpfr^rrtzm w itw^ *t4wtotot wf?? fro? i%® to® §■ i ?f? wra^rom-
TOj ?tor %gg? aiTOifTT nrogfror <*4^? tow: totoj^to TOftTOTOTOTTOfaTTOfroirr wrfroft
tf? ??% f»r?iTO TOftro TOfowt gsrr» gm ggfwfrr grftawT g?i n irater fromi n w%n-
TO^fa «tt^f7TTOt ii arefir *rfi?w%iTOT?nt tot% frof??? i frofTORwr i tafawn-
TOwtror^: ii

f^Bt I
pfon « m ii
i fifSBrf: i II wr: I f^[B I t l
pr: S'MT: H8TOFCI H^RTB: l^roB: I ^TI l&wHl BSBfBi I itwHii m 11
TCTWf^aiTanw?i4Tfii ^fg^wtrof? i w^ro %ro ^to^wtot %t*t wfaroroT i 'tr?t-
^f^arfrorr nfitTO^TO ww totob^w ft? totoT wroft "t?: n<n^ <<^14114Hr '^^’^*11^*11-
TOw^4nf R<i4if4^«iaiRTfw tototI Tftrorpj^ wto ^41 f\*t_r*i4^
groro4 ^JiaiHlfa <tto iftw «*iiy?*i to «*i4?flt fronft frojjPT to4Ia, i f*^4|4lf4n,i
^TO*rmi*iTOfM wroaft«ft<u4«ru«TTO 1 to®^.^-\ ?fa yr: 1 *rft^nr Twgg%: w ^tw: 1
trofi 1« to4^: toitot: H farwWTO^mtTOrfr w6| fro?
1 wTftnjt^^Mr^gin^^i^Tt. M TOTfr fa^itflf^ftr ^ •T?T"c> ^c'0^'1 TW’SRTW1 B71*#
VOL. IV. 3 1
it il

W3pr ^rrarnr: wjtt w^rnrrari^ratT^n i%° ^ «».1 H*i«fl^<*u ?nt ^irnnt

?nft ftm^fofaqwwHfawl stwrrafa f^nranptwfasr sHw^ih^ to *<to g^roiwi^tg
<gt*)g KT^THf gS%f*T fa*n'4ft I tp* ifVsf SlWt f^ *wf N*Md tw^: i iw^f i
qrwg *rSf %f^gTTt \?rat ^nS'ufr favtdK: *flnrv<i
tstrt^ ^ wm JTffnm: * ^Tf^R T*rf^ h *f?tcrt fa«i<i<*fl *fn*n ^ i xpf vrarof^:
tr^gr: *pf 3tna|?T *rr*prfro Hftprfarrf^i^w faHT*i wrofrsri: i *r*i5HnJGfa<tt&
Trmfr T^TijpnfW |H»W°C.^.| PTT«I TrfTRT^ i *nr ^r ^tvt i w
fh^ i HtennHtswr^rfr f*rere i jptfn: iraftm hYtrt ’iwwt w^ta; i
HtarmH HftprTO ^iffl wTOf*rai^: 11 fwwr w^T*ri iWM.*e-i *remf*f
j^rrfa: i wrfa ^ 1 xrr° m- 80. i i 'stwrf^fn
^rmsfTiHT^: ii

^ 3T5T ^qipil ^NbRW TOtm <prf 1

*tkch&\ to f^rofkjnwi % U%n

3fi: 15T^T I \W' I HI ft^l frf: iTO^rtrTT I frl: I p I I

sHfan^n: i toi i fasw3R*T i ^ i ^>: i i ^ i ws^jq ii^ii

ttr ^^%tit ufrof^m i ww T«^ra Itot^
ff^fi i *rr ^fs^f^wi%Rr’t f*rawrf«fl^3ni i ^ ^i%fa i ^>* yK*ifaSw
i wr^rtTi i *Rt ^rrfarffa n *\wi i i T*i w^t fwfgf^fw
wfarrf^w srjnrarrTT ^t%*. gw: gin: 3iwm i
wnn^Tm i mf*|m i tjttijtjj ^wrs^t *et *rr fw^r *nj i ^ ^t
wr*T?r: i ,*rrertn ^rj ^ iitpfftsm ^rr? i ^rfnfw i ?«<r?aitg f«rcn&*w
fafav *NW ^(a^’n^HNNl^rr: smi: i ^sji^iht
T3t4: i tranfg>TT% ^ g^«»'raWi ^fs ‘sn1^^: i ^ ^ H^S: JJ3^ ^_
ttpt^ f»rJf»rafn i ’sreH ^f?r ^rfq *r arr^rfH f^rsr i fnrfnfTw: *st *nfl «*j«iif<^ ^*1-
7^ttw ^mTTfw ?m: ^rcwT<fM wvm u

WQJg* ^ ^ ifk. ^ 1

kf zr&mq: rjik *rtwmt %in vt *t ki usn

^ i ■fasqf?: i i ^ts^«5 i ^ i ^T i <$ i ^ i ^T i * i

•*t:i^t^u i^rf^s^r^:r^r^ »fiis^hT5^i^i:i
‘SMrfpsM ff^tTT^ w4 wb i ^sjfirfTr i *nr
nwt^rrant ^ ftf^r wmfirf*™*
^ vn€a ^ *rr m vnr^ \ *r €r ma>^i<\ i vnT^«Q^ ^
vtt^rj *nnfc i T^if vTTf^^mrdMi^ swnn *n^,7P\f
irRTfrr^ fsr i jrerf?psr irf?nfTf5f?rTgiTftvT^ i^i0 r 8. i fft i W i **^^*3?
T&ffi t ^ i Wror 'WWP ’W Wffn^rtwnjrw
^i^ i ^nmt ^nj i *,sT,,w^

Trerfn: tqr»q.*Mo.i cam^winrqf » qqrwwmn w^r^m^m^r q
m«n«nq qft i q qftifq ,i TOfrra: qrqrcjwFr qr qrqsqntfq f% qqqt Him: i mn «
irq’tqT^Tqgq: qw<m srqilq fqfaqtgtfrifq qn qf?[ qT ^ fq^v x£ qf^ q-r q
qqq} i qraf^r «fi[i^R^n^T^rrftr Iwni *|ftfq wis w fq^%» isjsI^i
qfqt niTTJtvm^^w^ <JHiNfi«<*MTq<tfq fqq<fa qfqqm fq^yqY fqvT*r-
inrTqqUfq iqT^n^T^T iTBrft qit i q qfufq i ^iT^rr^rere^r q%qfr fq^n ^
ff wfq: Jifimn: i ^qr qrfq qq qrrqfq q^r^rerrilqT qqrff*n^ %q qi$ar$: i q%q
^nt^ftwrfT^tvm qff qT HflTiq^fimwny qqmrqq mik t^rt ^ wwgqfw i qt
q#fq i qpq JjfWlPiqnai^ qqrft qU^n? iqr. qqq q<q% qqj$ artqq. qtqsnqini
■3BT3iTTrefa*i% gqqnl! I qqT » f^?T Tfq qfaq I %^ftr g«ft'«^4H-
fqtq:« jumanf^rr qqrrfrqqqt^ i qq«rr i q fsqgsflfcfq qqfrrqfTftv:« qtqfq
f«r^W gft I vm: i q?rr i qqftfflw^: i ^mf=T fq^ir q'q§t i ^nqrrqqig-
*<q& i qqqT I qqf?r#pmJ: i qtafa fqqf^r wft fqtqqqTqrqfq i tft
qrrarfq qfqfqq: i qq?l f? qqrjqTtqKqqV. qqi^ 1 q «qq: qrfqrqrfqfqq qfq ^ qfqfq
i^T°q»q.;$. «i. itfq 1 qt qq 1 qqfq qfqrf 1 tflifq *rrq %?r ^rmrfn 1
qf^ qT q q m^Tfir 1 qrt qT^r^fr qTqtaTq; 1 q$q tqr i*q m qfs qrpftqTq; nro
|Tm$: 11 11 <*q 11
q> qq Tft q?r3 fiflte fw Mqmfiiqqqi qqpqqrnf 1 w qqrft fqsTf^fH: 1 qqtfq
%qtfqgrTqTqT qfe: qfaqTqfi 1 qq: qreq^q icvmgnY qUiJ: %q %qm 1 qrotft
i^Tqf^q 1 qqT i qr qq> qq: inwumfr qqm%fq 11 qq*t fqfqqtq: 11

ift ^T ipfcsnf ^wfau^w: I

^C?r ftmft *J n ^t4 h?t 11 <\ 11

i: 1 1 fkm' 1 Hgsfn: 1 hh: i i i ^is^rr: i

^ i ^4ffT 1 tot: 1 ^ 1 s ^|; 1 n 1 ^1 ^ 1 ^ i ?fH 1 1 ^11 ^11

wT fwfr; fq^r: 11
xjqi =q %qstrq 11 q*§ffq y^M^HftfdtfiTtq 11 1 swt ^3 iwlq*jq_
5^3 qffafn 7^fwmiqnq inw^n 1 ^tqm wtqfqqr ^T«5%qranrfw3^
33^: qrrtqi^ ^ 1 *nsrawr*r 1 ?mw: uTw'qw^q ^wfw^qi3f*w
*fVgrf»r: zfi: urimvm: 1 ^*ifgn: 1 mq<qrTWTwmt 1 qqm^rwfqqfTrqTq; 1' ~ 1 f^-'
qwqm wn^: q-ra^jm fq^t ^rr qwfq 1 fq^«^ 1 ^ qjmg: ^ ^roq^q
^3: i^tfq ^ q wi q^tfa 1 wro qr« v&m %tp^i wtipqw *#q 1 qqqTq Mrorqqre^r
fqaa<ai^^q^ wtanm^i M qgqq^ 1 1 qr ?. 8. ?.i Tfq 1 tpsi
gf^ f^Tfq®sff%ftTT^5T; 1 sfsjjiiiyr^^rr.' 1 qwt tfrfq ^3f > * q*nq q^fw wvw.
qqim*mqT*i q qqjq: 1 qq^rri qq% fq^qqi^ fq^ q?qwtqs 1 qtqp^qi
qqnqfiwn^«m > qq^qqi^q q^n ^
- - • -*>: q^<fr fqqmqmt fq^t: 1 q^qnm 1
imr 1 qqiTf^qTfqqq^q , . . . _ . .
afafcrft nwrtnft ftqaKqwiwwtw to qqTqfqqT^q: I q TO fqqfriqn^
tap qqfq » qqi TO* q^qq^l^rq qqqqfqqqqq
4 *" 312
8*b ii ^7^*1 it [w* b. s?° 9. U .
■sEr^f^r ?i $f$3ra nwt f^rg^nn aira% i f*rgsffir n aa fairer aarat
irar^: aarnrr$?afaraaiw afiraTO?!»
^ rTgrT *J*qfN rh% 3lfa *TRi I
sh w$®\ wrutRr 11 * n
1 ^1 i ^rt i ^srfa i iRn \ s?Rt i *ni i^rfw^i
i i ^4m§: i ^ ?Rt i Wt: i sretfa i i rT*kTftr i Wfi^ ii * it
g«na. gaa arf^gaa: wnrfffrTi aar agft i faanrafn i asaTfaw^: i aar a arani i a
naTnf7Pifasr*ra»pr aariK^ataaftfa i aaTnftrEhraaaa aai asag asia^ ara^taTfafn a
i ?rr° m. 'Q. qe.. i a T*a gara. aa a angwarfar i atsafa n anft afaTf^ai: n a tr
gara. wrefHfar'fafa afiu aa f :ai apsifarfafa arai: apWtas: b wnpnnfifmf^rr
»p: aarfaaTa: b aa a fa a% na aaj faaiTTafn i afv: aHwi'Sigai^t b a*fffir4fi <rpn?-
afr»^aftgavTatn: i aai arrfaa?TaTff$aa ii aa*iT TfragararaT mnra?t: amrraraT *a
faaaat |ar. a^: a^a ^aaaawTaga %f: i faaa^#gga faaraaTaaapgj aa a»gga-
i 'snprei a aT*ufa Ta<iu<^*afa% aaata arrna aanfa ffl4<w<jPu far-
atafarftr a$: it
SfntffoWT itfffTTT fsii f^TrRRrqRfy: ^ I
fqwt^ftrii'^n ^t »? n
SfiTIIfSHTIIlfSsHTIRfi1RtS^IW5*fIRfcIwftsfy: I
I wm\rl\
I fa I n^f i faiI ^i^t: i^ i 3f*hifT i fa$f u?h
fqqa^atmaaa namfaai a% a% faaar wrrt faaaaf ^rr faaa^aTa a aaaa-
ftp, i afaiata3t aaaUg?n%#i^a:nTfaat apftaaiTaqar- ai?T$T: wrrefamw wsr.
i t^% *rrwr ^t ^ wRfn*ppm «^t€f ^ n»n iwrof^rm an
I <RT JTfTWT (fPraPfEftPr^f *fNnt fii*iT*i'd I^TT jrfTWT ^a<TT I ¥T ^T *1*3
srrcrfa; i trt Pi^RHTf^aiTTW innfti arer fawrotn; 1 nan®? ^cTfawfw
ffa^r w ^rtret tawreH 1 n*rr afrfv: i afrnt vfPm ara: af^pft ^tf*trt: wtot-
f^pipn; b qRgli^VT^^roa ^t: fasftfn farnwra: i arrman^wwa^ n afr^nr- ai
i ?wt w *npg $%• Piwto^i i to i 'anwara^wr,i1,11,0'
wifi! arr arrant i i^g aaiung^t |%»mr n

^ra: i i ^rt^i \ i i i \
i Ht^l: i i i i fft i i ^I'l^11 ^if
5Erg«rr ftggiBT^: «?TO*jnT manemaa: i areaBTTaarra^^an^arpm i |amg
. ^^oe^o.]
floqo sio II II

i rm a Jtfanftaai i aamftH^iaaa aar^rfa a aaiafarea

f^TTfwftrf aafa^aaTJa^pira .anrft i^a0^. <*. q. 8.1 ^fa | afwimaf fUaafe^aT a?
iJTOnararpafaif tt <rn? aift ?*iaTaTfafa aaai^fai.HjiM^igta u a^r
ai^rrata^ff afa ^a% ^jjp#T^gaTqg*$qaT a ani aamrKaiaa i am g?aaf-
■inrt* aTa aiqg waa, i i mr^r i ffWT arti gfarfarfa aarrarat-
a^siar Tapaf: k

vmt i
ftrai^lHFTHn f^T37 ^T xiT^ir qftHrt Ti^qt: || q a
faSTTZ i f*pTT^W^t: I srfas^: i i fas^i sg i wi: i ;sq?: I
»^T^ I ^rWrft I ^TTI I ^rf | ^T*p I qjtfa: | TT^rf: || i| a

^ mJ!m^T' ^T^r?rr 1 1 fwm *? fama-

i afaqj^^arrfaaaaftaTm^ i aTfaj^a aam?i: i am a ^faTtaa i
’^rat m s art aa^n fa<faafa afajfl <^mrr«rawa <r^r ^j$<ava i^° ao>o. <*. <*. 8-1
Tfa I Wm W I sfaamft 1fa% tm mnft a a*mKfr;mqfr«lfr l
*aT a ftfanctaa 1a fa% |m ?mrr maa^a mraf w$ aTa i3°a° >0. q. <\. q. i tfa i
sarrmtr afaaT arrata: fawTafa ami fasgaafafa ma i am fasaTais;
^fvr: ai ana^ctMalvn< gaag% j^aa i aa ^aarormf i ^rr atjarFia ^ra<ft aarraf-
afaa t^jt: hi^R: i a?° «\o. <>o. $. i am^rra^ftaafar: mr afaa: atm: i aj° =\o. <io. <w. i
Tfn i aaa^: i a^aWr^ast aaaarar aaarsJsaTasaj aaarmarafa. i am^rerrfarwt t$:
*t3 rnfiff aaaUaTmtertf: i aarmat ifraart atm aigfam anfta i an%: arvi aWr
imrntamf: i aaraTaaffisga: KTigw aw ffaTftfk i aa afc^ifa fa: aaaifaafam
gwiHT^ir afamaa: afraaaraa, i qrretom nfiim traq'V<3iq»j-«i
^ ^ ^fw: ti^i % ftwi xi ^
HfrTft^i i%° m« q.. i wraT^t i ^’*ri ^^raw^frt^ri: arrar: w*mi i
faw <*im: ^^amfi^anTW aaiNi awf«3r^: i tf^fw «afw i aqT fa^aff |arr ^a asrrafa
fawanraan^a aTaaiaaa w^wt: aaanftaaiTTT: aanaW: aanrr^TaWfa i a?rtflarrf^-
l^aTfa: af ara^i^lfa an wqif% aiaifa amt laf%af ^aianaTqaf |am ^fa i w^t-
gfaa a i afam aWt parfaf^^rrawfa^t fa% |aT ^aar: ifa0^i
Tfa i ua a-naraafr arsfr^gfaa: i %a aia^af ag^ra aT^it i a^fax; i ^rr: wr aaan, a
ai^fw farrMW^'taiT^ii: i wat ft w. i are c.^. ufa a?a i gwrf^arT^wnaq^:«
^%a a%a af aaq^^faw^f: a

^[qqt ^ ‘5TTH f^TrTTt «TJ I

Trim 7n»q ^r wr^Nh ^ n If 11
p;p | ^ | ^xjq: I I ^q% I WTH I fqwt^ I I »
i Tia? i TTF^n i i jtt^; i ^ i fR i ^ i i ^ 11 % 11
» H [w° b. S, b.
w grffftg gwa faggro graft i fsrg^rf?r n tft fgrgro *nrer
-gftgraft ii
*FfT ^ rPJrT ^TSjf% ipnftr TTr^ 3Tfa *Tli I
^ ^ STHtfa II * II
3*^1 1 «?^1 ^1 ^rfw * i f^r i w?^ i ^sfi i ^fi i i
1^1 ^Ti^:1 ^ I 1^ 1 I ^rmtf^r i i rT^Tf^ir i wrf% u^n
q*<H HTO ^ir<tj^: wrafTM gg w»ft i fTOnrgfg i groTfrortf: i to g armrai i g
TOgfarNggsa fl«H5^Ti«i(^5Hfirn 1 TOgfirfonrero gg gggg 5tgg% waftifaft g
i^si'qvMti 9tft H*n*tire a arsrgtfwfTT 1 glrofa 11 iftgTf^Ts: n gtft
gang. *rft i to %:g gTrofgrflrfg toi: grafatg: u TOTTOgrf^arrfipn
anr: TOfrog: n to g fa g% i to gar fagna;gft i gig: gw^nai^l«TOftMfa *faxj-
*-$<rofa{ m g r «ftg: 1 to agnfTOiTgrf|r#TO n grorr Tfagjj?rrw wmi: mnaHt to
fawgt per. g^: g<ro foggggngqM %f: i fawfartggg fagwgggng gg gggq-
igggg g gTgrfa TTOTr^faftffa gggrg ggng TOrafFj TOTTfg fNqvnjfn far-
gfa^gifar gr$:»

^T^mJRT TtffTOT fi fi^RUTSi fi^iwhqftfa: I

M' fawfcifoNn II ^ II
^»T 1 ^TW^I 17S5RTI itfiirSHT I fi I II fi I tTftsft: |
^>: I ^reftr^l
1 fi 1 ^pft^i h^*t 1 fi 1 i ^iIoit: 1^ i h i fi^ 11311
TOgfro w% g% faw wrfr fagwt ^tt fagg^gTg a gtraro-
frrag i nfgrranfa TOrrUipgft^gTOigTfTOt ^rnftwcggfn: g^Wn TOgraifawTOi xra:
froft 1 gg^r fa% gg gran to ^ gangfaggro g^nfl to gw tot gg-pnfgggT w
gggmafta: i tot gfro gfagrfrolft^g afaft fagfgg *[fa gf?nn i gr g to gw
arr^g i tot fMgrwrtgasTTTii gTajiTtfro to^i x^ faarrtrtg i TTan^
gfgfr to gw fawnaftg i to xrfgfg: i gf^crt vVro gfg to: annangT: totot-
fgfTOTOT: » xtf^TgvntTOTO aft: froarg: i gTgi^n,i|g*lTOg*t # aftro: a
grefnanf: i to to gw arrgarrfgai gg: fawictg 1 tot hto^to i ’imgg<ii*)ag i aro-
WTfti gT wngg i g%g TOTungart |^gT? n
^rfim h \
1 nT^ff 1 w^i 1 ifii^iT 1 *rfim 1 1^1
1 1 I 1 i 1 1 «
ggroT angm^: ariTg^m grrorog i gggjTwrgTq^^Tggrgg i |gmg arSrTfgrog:?
H ^O.^ocj^oc^oJ || || ^
*rr«nft i m\ q Hffpfiqqs i qqnrcftxnmum mntflft q ginn%grt
f*!rfw*^> ,arr*rft iH#q»'o. q. q. #.i ^fq i qfqgy*nqq
«f*W*^* II ZTxj qTfq I*frn*nfqfq ^
qfRT%Wt XfYq T"#: *gon<Sv*lS*il»lSlai?^*f| q qTfct WT^I mmflKqmfl I 7TOT
\wm qT^ gw qnqq. i qvxa i i ffWT qT«5 f^qtftrxfq qqrnqxrt-
q^sr ^®p$: u

ftroto^^Totofa^t&s Hint i
f^ttoTWTRn to*j ftc* q^ir IIMII
toTT? i toreWit: i sato^: i i to^i ^ i w. \ i

f^t^i^T^iirWifti^ni i^^rt: nmi

qrfq q i qfqfqqr i qnfqrmxftq i fqxRiT q^ fqqrq-
wrqfq jwm«1: wnn^rr%7rrfir3i^: i x^rTfqRrilJj: qqqqxp^qqi vrnfl qqtf^qqqqrqfY
mfq^xr wmfih qqmn^roiSiw* i im q 3fqfYq* i
^fr qnrwri qq^jf fq^fwAn nfw^t qq fqgvfe<0 fi?mq q. q. #.1
Tfa i wr fqqrwrfi^qigqfte^ w fq%xr i qfxreqqY i fq% t^T wqift q qqiq^Ksu^q^: i
wr q xtffpftxiqi i z fq% ^?t ^qm qq?ft ^q xrm i$»q<>'Q. q. q. m. i Tt* i
qqrfrTj nfqm qrrata; ftwnfta; qqq fqFgqqfqfq qqtqnffqx; i qm fqwT^q;
qftfM: qi wq\f^tqqq>w< gqq^fcs ^qai i qq Hwrenq^ i ^qr xrqqRqq qq<fr wreY-
xftar t^jt: uxifa: i qi« qo. <>o. $. i qFTRTXpqfxvqfxq: qjr qfxra: am: i qi® qo. <> o- qq. i
xfq i i *$r«Wr^qft qxraqnq qq<q^qxrrqqqr qwrsqxrrqYq. i wsq^RTf^ft xi*:
xm5 m?xfr qqrftjqTqxtanJ: i xr^rfqt tfrqsft vYw ’agfxx** qreYq i *3%: qrt%: xml qWr
{^Tx^tap}: 1 qqmTqqWfgqr: qqpq ifqxjxfYq 1 xrq q?qxfq fq: x&qrfqqfqqT
gmeT^xr xrfqtnqq: qftvjwrqq. 1 qrretaTOT qfqm f# fqs(iqr««iqq1xfq jraxfrx^qgqix
^ fqqwr^5?rr: ^ q^xRrerrftr ^fw: xnqxmi^fq TfWq % fxwx 1;^ fqqq^qWfq q
qf%rN% 1 q° m® ?. qq. e. q-c. 1 xr*nqrrxi^ 1 qqqrer qqrer xiiwiqwT'ifxtwK qnxi: nxnw 1
fqqqf qqq: q^qxnf^qnxqf qq«Ni qRrfxrani: 1 qqiqr «qfq 1 qqr fqqqqt |qr ^q qqtqfq
fqW5TXTqqT#q qwqrqwq cRtsrn q^xnqtqqiTR: qqrq%: xjqrr’sn^rrqllfq l qxfux*nf^-
tqmfir: xt? xrrqqrr^fq xih qe^tfxi qimfq xnfr $^xrnrrsqT^xfr ?qm x;fq 1 w^r-
fqfqfrt ^fqq q 1 qfq: qfqm xrtxfr fwf^qrqwrfq^r fq% ^rm: 1 fq° 3- ^3 1
Tfq 1 ijq qnrrqwt xnftxgf^q: 1 %q q%q^fr xr^qrg qr^^ 1 q^fqx: 1 ^ht: wr qrreq.«
qn^rftr nsnfr tY q: 1 tn* n. q. qc. 1 1 gWrf^TT^q^: 11
*foq qifq xnf 11

Up* I
^4^5% TTrTOT ^SBT rTR? |*T ^f ll^ll
IW1 i TT^t: 1 ^ 1 ^ 1 tot: 1 w> 1 i
i ^ 1 T?to 1 ^stt 1 m^; i ^ i i ^ • ^tow i h €t 11
t$?0 II II

*ffl ?R ^rrfrWr h^sit »ff{*roii

ftwr: ^Tgri i i i T*wVfit *r*i ^ lW ^tvjt ^tt: h^t^: Trmfjprr
n«i^i?t fiT^^pjrnffTBRT ^N q<foi*ii^i^w *nrar i ?n%q

H^rfrn: W^rT: i
Trqfa^ro vfti l^\j$ 5T vxfcl ii«H
Sf S^W l ^15^: l I SfS rim: l ^rpN: IH* l^t: l
x^t'nT I xi^nf i spjs^r l Mkf: l l pzt: l * l rw*fa; II $ ll
f^pq^nf^f*: *f *nfaRT: «f<sTtm: irT^ranf^^^rfH:q&rrcT
•?rt|7i ■^^h'rt: ^fTWT: i nfirnT: trt i <H ^ ^*<ro ^it
TPsrTOt: *htf*H: w ^rrei <iagiret *Wf*R ^rnfr j^rx- ww: ^srr: i w t
jtONh^: *nrfcfr frrn^: *h ^rjtnfr m i Ffaw n?t ^fai
fr^^rt |wt *JT q*ri ^ WIT ^TT \fW(T: «<fUwtf>ft; I
^rg^TnTR<rt<i: i ^rttJbi^ w^tii i twT «f *rt Tftnfr x«R ^wt *taR: TJ»n
X^wfo’gf^aHT^I^W W f%WTTT*^ I ’*S®(TC»* ^ ««RS T^i IPrfciffc
Trq^'tm^Hw^ ^rffraU^rer «^Mra«faar$: ii ii <r ii

^rn ut^ Tfir *rjr€ g<fV?j sr^^h: 3^1 g^fRTPi 1 fiTST: f^r: 1
^gfTqwref^nfr fwr ^31:1 trt i *re w: Tpftffr wfNrfr *rSu«igqjtw
11 mwwT^ftR 1 ffR ^ 1 m^nsrr^# f^T-
cfifi? ^ tifwi^i 1 ^jjt<» c. a. 1 Tfa 11 ^TgNflfrjffM wrf^i wl HiiTOrarT wr Tfc’rrt-
jTTjf^rr 'jpRtaT 1 Tjfqrf ^ 1 ^<t: tjwt ^pt ttr r^ fwr ^rfjrr. i ~ws& i
Ttrr 11 ^43frfq ^ *fmn W 1 ^ 1 ^Ttw^JT:
q^Rp^Tfr^iTfi 'jRrpftftT f^cft^nf^q 1 ^n0^. <\. 1 ^ n

^TTT HT^ t? fW I
^ ^fr ^^T[ rT=f II <\ II
^rct I in^: 1• ^n^t-^: i I i i »
^t4 i i ^nr 1 i ^rarnh i ^ i W i H'sr i i h^"
% ijr jjtw: u^tt^t: '^htw, i wk i^rnl ^rrnTf*n*nJ: 1 »
fwrf^rr HfRT^ 1 ’Rrf^WTfRf^ ^T#m: 1 w*r jqTfqfn 1
qrnu^ iqr°$.R.M^i 11 tj<*«} _
1 trt ^ vtwrfwftTrf^ wfriqw^»:
1 ^rfq 11 1
^TOT: n TRTf^Rft *R^ I TRT ^ ^
■gTV’^RRfq Trf’R 11 wr^r^Tqq^T^^: irft ’g^rnffiiraT 1 ^rrfqffr ^m^taki^Ji
^rfr fq^iW ?rc mT
TTWT *t #
f^RT fk^ I
pSM Hl‘5Rrfr ^ ^ft^T rFRl«[(*h rf urg: n ^„
ff^l W*11 *RS*rT: I *R I f^l Wl#f| I I

psisI wt I ffff I HtstaTfa I if I *f|#: IiTTI ^: ,|^„

. ^ ? j% '■ ^ ^f^rR^rr: w^wt *r f^c i ^sim^dd i ^i1wtiiiln«iua
**?»£. *** sv ™ grf^ *«**«*.<*%*
’M^l'<^-1 t^fT^nwftr gspftffriNl^ftr i $. 8. <r. i ^ „ ti^%gifa^r^%
winii iftaurft i ^^RT^nrtJraTwfn v^r w^f* t ^
^ TTam^^f% trr* I up $. 8. qog. q. i rft %«frmT*:..
twhtwnr i 5 *m»rm wfiKt *rw srotgfw *f*5hrrp?mm
Tww „* ^ ^ *» mg *$rr umm^gffTT ^m.-
gpifa w i tprr gnojflw^^;« 4

*?% ^TTrTHfw #tfT flrf^ I

* Wff fant cfj^rT: || $II

I I IJITB I I 5TI I f%ftr| I ^S>TO^ I

TJ'<hT: l tt i Wsm*! I ftut: i ?i’5S*ft: i ^tti i qtat^n: II3 h
^ ^*r gw*m: 1 wrg*mT ^nsrfsjRrrft othw cwtararm *rnt *
yrrt^lTf^T i *r ff *Rf?r i gw: ?iwz: sfor ^ in?ft?ftsrtf: i ^mfa ^ #>ftg
■HJ4|*i«j «Tift TT W I «T I Ts[^wmwww: I fW ^f^Tt <Tfljj(' JRIfff *TT
r«m *Nifa*Pr *Hsfii«i *tf^4w wng^rra t[fW ?r: i i w^rsnitr’^Twraffi
vww m^TftiarwmT ^w^rnrp? n
^fl^i*i««i grr^fTwt grtgTiwr gqfaSiMi i gfa<i ^ i g?j gxrr*raf%%ffi itjtwt HTtg-
^TWTT 1 Wf* $. ft. I *f?» I)

^r ^Tra*r%TT TTR^FTT^: I f¥w?TT p II $ II

\ I I I ^T^: I I ftsfatniTT I I ^ sftf I
% wf^Tf^fr % gnwt ifwwrwwTW m tnft nwR<'<uO grm gg TTro?rrv-
imflrum*!! mW^r gq g*ri w*n ^nrRTg^igrg^ »rg^T%7mi%igx:
w^g ^iwit^^TrRTi 1 wrsm 11 mfwRT i vi xtpt tWiftia’: wprg i wiri
^wro|?f 1 gnwl Tfn gwurmn wrer
^g<ifl« u
igfwTwmw TTfTWt gwfjr^fn ^rmT i gfR?r w i gwf*R «rn«n i wt°
?• <i-1 11
#3* H H [^°b

sm^rotfa: i
nmtm vtftsr. swift: ntwtf *t it m h
^fst9! i i wPwt i itm i ti i 1 ^1 ^wifa:»
*j^i ^tro i fa i sififa: i swfift: i stwwt i m i i ^Tw^ii M ii
% ts; w fa?rd mmfMdO nsfSre 11 ^rrrr im°q. ^o. i ^ ftg: n ^4torm-
f^sft qrrSi: *4f*iTTsy»*n*nfr 9iw?m ii i ^rg: i s* ^ grm
q^pr t*twt^h Tpflfw: sfarfw arfw 4^rr»if% tt^t ^ ^rejw-
^ft^ g^gnft im ^rwfn^P? i wifrra i Pw? ^m*ri i ^prf^: i wm*: i
arfy ^in( *pft «p? i l^n«r *fa «t«B «
i$: Tgmm wnf sriltfa: fa*fa^ I
^TMrTT W IS** ^*faw Tfifa: WTO II ft II
ii: i ^S’srroi i i ^R:sft: i ^s*pgfa: i i fa^s^T: i
^T^HT I %*: I 3T** I I I tfifan I WTO II If II

TP* ^3R ^jwft *lfslflWTft *5. WTO# wfa I

s w*f tgf ^ro mrf^: TOjwt% iis ii
7TOf I I ^[STOtI I *Tfa*W I wffl I I #TO# I 1
?i«Kf*l^finqf^P^T m.'o. h 1srrenft i wcr% i ^rrm *4*3^*^
53 5*afw u^rg f?*nsj wncrf?w 5 *Cl«wra i ^fr *ni wa
ii *F*rrei i w «iting^«jii5<i3i€r ’Tspffc «\«*\% ^ ^*i 1
53 TnTT %nnrpi« t^tiwnfr ^ipiii'Sfa tTfagfaifa # #ci<iii
l^nfafa g*r# ^ I]* iF*5wr4 fa^iqMiforngn j*ren g fo^wqyg-
fqfomqrc aigmifaift fyfVqqi^^gqreft i f^farrwf wn^faft 1
***ft jfirarftfg^ i fwfan*t faTTfsT «w»^'
fw: 1ttot ^prifi i i?rw np*5<ft *rr^vt ffaT*reg ^if^TfWTOT f^Wtw^imwT wrrem-
fa<.1 I’ll Tfa *fafa*THi: n

tin* iV1 1 1^i i wfa ‘ «s»pftl i
tiiTO 1^ I I srfa I ^ I in II
i ^5^nl ,w^»rt ni*rre f% 55 v’f «n®rt: ¥T jr^fwr 115O 1 1
n«qo.3Ro<n.^oci?*.] H ii

fTrafr i ^ir^fr n
it *r%f^3: wr»r^ i ^Jatflfa wrer^ 11 wr ajf*ro wjqftt iwr%
W Jrare^%i##fr rnrw-vi^ *?ftwr»mf»TONrf7r i ^rfir ^ ^*fr 5T*nf%flqigwnqRi«iiql gun¬
fire** i ^ifimNn: u f$trr»frf%<TO^T^T^ft srr 11

m fwmW VTC^rffl^ift g^^fthTramt 3J3n*fa I

^t: *ita imi
rTTI^TI I MI^fF^rft *fH UTC^sf^rft I *|S^T I ffaiTWft I

?|fr: I ifiTOk l W#: I srfa i FIW i I'Qti: 11 <> 11
% fjrrnrwt fW*wn!Rjfwft i w i ftrfaftft qqgure t vtt^ti:
f^m^fr *T^rr *nfr: ^rwmfWr i gprr gf*srr f«wt g*pirt m m m qmfiHfqwgft-
fim$*r ii sn^ra^rO'w: i w i m^uaratmfyirft mwrat fw*8«i*wi»
^fyflajQvi irrH^^T i f<Tt gjfWri^rft spring *r§ hih'^I TretlifrtNTUfa i gfqfffifam: u
^toVRt jto {ottoth: i tt4 ^r g*t3*nfr: w#: 11 u ?imm *nmT*nrc u
qrdTt: ftwi sjgs1 m^S? ^pff 11 gremuTtf twe yrereraTw*mfw
to i ii i m® c. 5. c's. 1 <pu%: rrm *m 11

3ivt f^§ ^WFTT: I

<?iT =rr nr^tfH\w: n?u
sk i ^1 3 i *irU f^f*kn*f 1 ^it 13&fk 1 fW ikw 1 wn^rT: 1

^ ftr^muft *tt gprwf Rfvrawr vii^n: 1 w»^ 1

*t g*ri 1 f^TcT^^ g fsm fitwufts tw 1 v*roT$im: 1 v’mfH Rw*n«n wfa-
wrUfwrowft *rrm: 1 u ^T^hr: 3>q: 1 w<*p*i«ir?i ^VTgqim^r-
wrer*flxrcr iiwwWIq: 1 v%wp^ i «rarrw wmreT^ rfa 1
fowfafa ♦iry'iiRr* ^t«rtt: u ^rct^wfW 1 t^fffv «wt ^wr»fr "rwt vn
5^sfrt ’jrer ^rnnft ii^wprer +*vnnr v*rrf*i *rfti: *i*<K*t. 1 %«rw*r^fn 1 f*it?j rt*)q
jrsnt 1 1 ^ Tfir ^xtjt: ii gfr «f^5nwf^«i%fn |wr|n: r
’SITftifo pr. 1 ^t® *>. 8- ^ 11
^RrT f^^kT WSJTfk Tjm\ I
Tkw ^T^irn^f^TTT^^ H ^ H
13Ri: 1 \ ^TiT 1 sri: 1 sr 1 Wkr 1 1 1 TT^it 1
ig4x i 1 ^iyq; 1 ?r 1 ^HT^fTT 1 ^kn 1 $np*s^ n ^ *
~ VOL. IV. 3 K
H ii *o.
% ^ Tr*re: i w i to: utot: t m^rfn wjStw irer^nftw^:: i tin
% fir* *fh§*Nit %q*nD>«iR[f«$w »W 33^* >»
iniMi*i r*f ^spr i ti niRuJre% i wr^Ht'Swr*:»% **n w n f*%*t sffof
n~rfn*tt Tr*rrf% i tntt i 55^T *rar*rn i nn t
tmnterer n*rer ^>5t n nvtn: iPrairon. i *j*t ,nra*rct b <{llH*iifn«ifn51
^ ii nw Tf^m: *rrw^iTOpfa^ Trwt^ln#* *t
^Pvt ii 31 f^cMTOTnt i «(^fi*7Ertf^*rr fas*. i *t ^iyi<«itr*aif i<n° *=• *•??•> ifir nw i
wwrnc: ii tin: n nn w*itn%nr*ft»n%*rrf* n *prcl «

^ f|^ fa»trTPffH t
fam^j IIMII
mfaPR[ I g | iTrlr^l miiS^ IT&: I I I f^TS^THT*^ I ffrT I I

I m I ^ I MTif I »T?3 1 1 1 H M II
n’Tin nngwpgj ^f*nfan*n*>SJt nrq srfwr mim<k*»t«j^ *t fipl
nfn fSpprtflpfrRrPi’prr^ f*ra%n Min=eii«nM»mi\: 3S ^ 1
ft*f% i nm* wr^r nn I:Ta w«iJf\w<S: n fw-
riTni f^nrr i nfnwr nft a?l: iisfirerctf i *t*rn *jti i vftffifiMftyh
nqfrdunft** mrare: ii w wrram nfnmg ntn^xg fanig ngg nCl^ifwrr fa*t
nwt *t xnji vrtff ^rrfw fn^rrfn wnrefrt i wr i n^rtrfwnrr n *<ttf‘Kf*j
*fngfifant *wm *r nTmtig firarg ff*^w*nr nrn. vmfir t M'*'"'
fij% **% nr*pj% nfn nKNtftenJ:«

^tf| TqrTTf^frTf^^rTPT I
^of firm f^f^T Tfmft: iitfii
i f| i ptht i safljffl: i f^s-iirm i €r: i ^ i i i 1

i frrxrr i f^nr i ^t: i i iitfii

% m™ f*fnnwt fimTnwt gntff gnnt: ^ to y
»T*fn i ajfir: i *t nftfnftffi i w ’g*rt*i: *nnt ^
n*?tm nT Jjfn: bbbt#b ffWanrr Mf<M«B«t wrmim vrm nt
f?pi*«ffw^:« m»renwft *rfniwm: i wt^ri
firm fmrrfn **m flrft^n > t^nn i it i
wr. w i ^H«i«nn%f7r a^: i nf* n ^c: f^r ^
w^nPra* vtw* *t i furf^ i irnT^nt f*fnrf*sf tw
nnTwi i *t° 'o. 8- 'Q*. i 3*ft n ii

^ fhjTTafWtftej f?T^ *T I
m ^’. wfai ^iw-«««
i % i tow i i fa^i i ^ s^ i

fTTJ I *T* i ^RS^: i i H% \ sa^Ff: i ^sM: I tt% l 11911

\ farrmWt gq f% grr ^JK'mwwn ^cn wqfrprcnTpnf^T
^iq^cpi i #l f^^j: i ’SFerft« am tfH gsafam i qnfrwmi *r i*0#.
^o'o. i T^rrjfr^T^lTr^ gmmt watjhre i ar<gffiwif<«n fg^. i tfcfrtm-
HgT^tnt ^3[f« qftrt araran i w# $. ?. qoe. $. i ^aure: amn^-’ a aft fanrmvft aripaiaft: i
arerfn: wzvti- i qranmnfitwi tp^gf^'^iRgiT; Jrfwr: sjnrql: xr^rr arfiwfgg i g anrwW i
atxrf?T Txj firea; i ’sfafainm n fareatlfemam: i Taftarrrwtat: i w^arrfHin^%aig^r ii
^tfii vi i ^ st^ai w^n%3 afitrraf faret^ai i *np i amfingqwi'n i
jffgsprSr f* TPft farrofai i aft argjfta^s farft^a a wararrfai g$arf?8Rjgg^fHwq wi^i:
*rifffNft a % firaTawt pwri gftvt am ftarifat: arroraft i ^aft i Tfxnft gajg a
impf fare a arafr i <3wrcpsft> smarap^: i g%*mr g*: arcmg-
gT«rt ar% i TfajafUfas i ajihifrjaftift ganfr wrmtifar: arprnft i garmrftgiwat a
jfNT^mi i m» q. 8. *m. i *wfaFtm^T*rcrcn a a *o a
Tft fmfn a-rotf apq*t gait ftwrgw g^m ajrti%t \ aira^: irrarc;: i q^mrc^anct
irarft i fMVqsffi mmriair: i gass^T arfrofar: i anmt fqjg. t <tot ^ngana i art 9 *rt:
^ph: mta><«<fmiMWTaft aprrqsn fagfaft a gtaEfww wsmpn tMta: i gf^ai ^ 1
f%q^%l arff^t wfirt aft aar® HiHaafafa 1 w $. * 1 tfn a aafuft
mWi<»mq% xfr w T^qiT 1 aftg awm^i gffcf ^ 1 aft «*$ HTtraa-
farwaftig^g: i^° an* 4. q. q. itfn a

Wt *4^ I
^tvffafi ’^tf^rTT MrTT^^Plf
wt^rt ^rftr 11 «* 11

TRt I3I I 3T$iT 1 I I I

T&m i f^ \VVjfH 1 <fr*s^»1 i y*s5t 1 1
%fy I ^fj'HT I 'IHfTT I 15SIT^T: I I II ^11
amn 1 gwm ^gaff 1 amf^r grtpr T^mr 9^’ W*’11ai^mmrfTT-
amm: a a;ai'«gm;ft q^nm g gt qr^?r 1 ^ ’wtanr: 55 ^ liar f«imicwy-
?m: tit Tftr a ’^f?r jrpmtf a t£< faW 1 ^9 1 *n^w^ 11
timfstirsfvwKft ftsu. 1 mnara ^«flr awm: a amaj mn%9 4% ^ »
^u?uTrfq 1 tn# $. 9.8*=* 1# fro mrttft wqaaairan-
a^igr^Piga wrf%m Iwm T^ ^TOmrnmsrar fm tpifgv:ar^awm
^ttt vnmt Wttt «mWv 1 wf* wmfg qfWFTfg T*nn a gvj^T^gfiF fm-
9^wrfir*rr «fft- tmnttr: 1 *nm ^an^i^rmm: a *ft gffimarnm^r
^nrmfv «rrmr: grfmim «rr -wm 1 t^^mf. a «n^Tam^rraT
anf*r»rnqr: i m* q. f 'oo.'oa. 1 am gw fa^rmt Vuf^i: 1 ;wta ^a
3K 2
8?St ii n [*i# t.’asrfs.'ar®^.

?? fa^:fa*ifas*rcjfa i
3P*Pjffanfai[ ffasl Tpqfa 1$ rf n?T fat ^STTRf fanTR^fafa 5*lpRl
ssifa ufag II ^11
ft i fa^ i ^fa i mpxj i sreufa i i ssf11
3sra^: 11? i fa^ i ffasf i ^fatr i fas i tt i <st i fat i ^rsnsrf»safari i
tot 1tot»t: i srfa i sfasg 11 * n
^ *5T amamresi: i %^rffncn*rq:
am %snrsm iamTarfn i amr i ’nft*rrarw f<nt ^am ^ima?* gamgx;-
f7mrarf% i wt \ rg; w*rmg: srg^fsiit ^tfsft i mant 11 »r arfat immt{a§rfat airlift
aisgwn fatig-rta^iatt^-mtsi i am^mrrf^^rwr^m: i wrfamawTff-
«Nnt II 7TOT far# apf anai anruffa wsmtaj ant apif% l warf% il wmft I I
*sm TsafTf^mm « m?i! 4«ari qfr *nro$ i ffafTfc ^rfH^Tf?nm i
anftjat T3T& II W** qfcm'at I ^13rm5tT ^fq | xn° £. 8. ^q. I

fa Tf faw ^nfafasfa fafa fa fafa I

^nfafa spfa fa fa # t? ffafafa ST ?f TTfatfas^ farTRafafa
tow fas sfag II? II
fa 13 i fafa: I wfais: i fai: i ^far I I fafa i
wfa ifafci fasifa i i *?: i 1 ffarfafa i ST i ?h farr: 13ft: ifaji
prfari i w^fasT i ^rr^KT: i fay i sfasg ii?ii
fwr: ^mafti^rafrimifaiarat aftiw* STjgan: wr: g gj-fa anf?r i fapwg i
% arg; faro: asaSifw ^jaiaft wt imafari 11 t% aft ^i^nftnrorffT ^gfar^fat ii f^;
^a^aninf amtfa ' ^wrraT%fat gw ii ar$ sm% fMararoaiangvamrrfar i ^rn
wrfn n astg i anfafsmigFt; »at am an ajfavhw^iaitgfar: ii an ^nt i *«t% ftm. i
f^q^arnfar^rNn *fat faim aa^ira u an anfarfg am grf^: i ^mw ^ran amg «
aaifam?ai tf?t 5^: fanmra: 1 at *ftaimftfar <ig^nq®wm: 11 ftranmm«

fa 5+ t^jfafa srfa 1
rffa ffa fa^ffa fafa 3RTfaf^fann^%fa ^t^t ^rfa vfag h^h
l pt: l ?51 ^rffai: l afa: l i ^nsfa?fafa i
wr: sxr^ i w 11.1 ^sfa i fasw: i ^rfa i :i ^rfart i aer^»fa i 3*itw i
^rfa 1 11811
^ ^ artt gaing: i gait fi^tiw?n ^t am ^ arfat ’wfir-
h sreiftsTni: 11

^jfn *f*rcrwr$MT«ifTO^ 11 f^^arerro i *pj: *t: i wrwrer<?iTfa ft??rtarc

qffigrffrfft ^W?nWlWWr% ’St^Ppii: I W^ITHWl^RWI I *1 II TrfwR
*»r»rTO^ m^^rrwrf^*rrn wfv i gr* n faaKTO ggs i ’j’jgtJSfwi rfa
^S: ii *mis* frovT srrfvm wfan ^rrefirtwrtwr I*rrfa i far: tft: h

^ 35TfH3TBf?r WTfroa Orer: i

^ rTFl TO f?TI TOfT ^HrTTTT^lTO WT^iT 3ffa IIMII
n: i *t: i »^rfas^reifw i Hs^rtfa: nr: i^i ftrar: 1
sre i rrei 1 to 1 % 1 1 #: 1 w*k i m*\ 1 wst i 1
uro: 1 srfti1 11 m 11
% tsT TOfa: *WT*nwn w^Ti^rnrf»T^mfn ^TOJfn *ra trot f*rereroTOTgq-
^rf* 11 5n?r^f OrerrofTO* 1 w 8- * <*oa. 1 i^rm^r *ftnl 1 to c. «io<u
*ra 11 wr«nn$w *rfta sfrtffft aftfro fagpt to <to<tot 11 ♦i'^T'jyi^japf
tauaiK^q: 11 *ro»TOr frn: 1 5iff 1 ^r^Tft#*rawfr 1 jmTO^; 11

^rof% Frot: s%ro t*r*r| 1

wnd ?r: to TOftf^rotfa i^m iwwm^f sro wfa ^ iilfii

^ I is I rTTTO I I 3TJ1 w*|1

^jh^4 i w-1 to i rre 1 ^rfw 1 frotfa i ^:s?wi i «t4?tt i 1
**rpRT: i«rfitnF#s$ 11111
^ (amq^miaw i^?fr to *iht<hwt THtfllj i towia^ 1 ’BTO
hww toh?j tot jrpfa 11 ^stpt: 1 ^TTrf’fft^w^n g*n*ir*ii n fro 1 fa wfrfai
fftfiT $famfa g^TOfa xrnnfa *?rorTfa *r wrfn *ra 1 1 totot^ 11

^Rwj $ wfife nt fifa *T ^ vfa ** 5lf?* 1

TffaTO^ 77: fuf^fcnrr xpfcn to 11 $ 11
^Rfwf | ^ | | i& I wi I ft[S[ 1 *1T 1 1 wfH I 1 I
I ifori^l WI IT: I tffdsunj I TOT I I »fc ««»
ttsT ^nt tohiw ^«r: g 1 *%% 1 fsr^^nwh 1 ^ »Wfi% ^
to uft ^ ^ 111&** ^ 1
!RT^ WK fM^i^TO I vng^T: f^ i nt i T'l ^
*MT wft w ifawTTOST «ftron: to5^ to ht ^ fri 1
1 aaw^i trr<fT: ^}Tto: i ii u ^ #
^ !qt^fn 9^ wi g# 1 gTOVjro 1 «n«n^
8?b ii «

m* sRpnffRfi?: i srnft iffis: i firsnr: -^w *rrrtnw: i tjflr ^nn i im anqilti i ^

wvmr ^nrrqtw xtfwtWT marepiT ntvnrsffffft u am: n
iffn arnflf^i^rrmwTarfaft ^if%rei: ufrf*ro: i a* i '3*t arfff ^r *rR
^ro5ir?fr i -"WTr® 'o. 8. i n

Uf5fe Tt^Ht ^TRUT^t^T ^ I

*TftrT T3T ^TSjtaf^ft 5rfN*nft5RW5r 5rfH^ftlR^||«|||
^ I U^l t? I I ^nSTTOT^ I *ws^r I
Hfiw i m i h^t i straf i \\i\ i srfSrft 1 ^nfbR^i *51 i
i <r ii
% tsf ^ ajRTgfar^ *rjw*u«?hri ^ranmajfar ii m ^r% awyiffo: i
wtftft fW n ,3Rt *ar arertm: Ramrr anf arafT^aifn wpt i tf *rft*rt *R«Tr
*RT7Rf*Ri ^4wV*if arganwmft ^iau7ljai.f*is( rt Rf i
wransrtt.« at*r#m§f^ Rf^F wftR ii wr^n srf«rftf*r tr**rafarc?*. ^m: qnaTHT?an w^r
rwrtV uto artm ii ^%#frwr^iTftfw 5*1.1 #im *N fipipnfr f*nrnsi?l 1 w*j
ff?i 'ffV^ii

wi w giwRHt *3tei «t*j% fwi \

rTR^’ *$fa ti ^rf^rfH ^ ^fH^afbn’rasj sifvtei-
*N 1 ^ 1 §:sfRpra: 1 1 a^ff i 'fait 1
w±: s^ 1 h i |i nr: \ wni^ i m sf^&fir i^ft i srftbft i ssntoR^i
vw 15l^Ht 1 s^rta^ii s 11

ffurreafr fiRSf arfer ai^rer ipfr: twt ft apairc afft 1 arcwi_^WW

3R 1 ftfn f^as: 1 * i ft 1 r: nt<.«ii*nR^>lft
f^mrafTi 1 aurpuRR 11

m HIT fWsfa wftI

^ii?ii ~
vri 1 hit: 1 rft: 13$: 1 f^ras^sr: i ssiftRSf^ i
^ff^: i^i^^i^iif^’1^: i^fksf^J 1 ^ i *rf*hft i
>^T 1 ^hft 1 ^ft^c^ll ? 11
% agfir^^iHnmr^rt Tpt <?Rf ’#sT ir^TT^nfir: irfiirfaTTn«ft$: wWT:
it ii ^

■Riit jfifUtnl:»fwAvra'ijiiiqnift ^Tfii «fw^t: i f«r^Tf% ^rftr

r?<«ir»i •qr^T miift: I luror^n^ *rt tfw i gyjftjt f^ *hnmfirf7T vi-
flmfir: ^ntrm^fwt ^rrm: *mfcnr ^, wr™*

roff^TOTOTO *mf*fn tft HfervUg** i $* g pj^r-

^ w^irfa^ fsp^tf^r to4 i

Tf*i *T ^p^TH ^ <jjTfa^ ffffafe's?! STfa’snffacfjj^j SffSfajsffa-
I "^1 I '■^rfs+irli *sf4 ’SJITSsRlft I ^ | fa*$|ifa | I

*$%1 ^1 • *?fa€fa: 1 ^fasfa: i^4t 1 sifa^ft 1 ^refcref^i

*5T I 3lfa4t | $nftTOJJl8l|
_ * ****** ***«H p** *% ^ f$?* h trg 1 ir^ft: *t$vt?f*
I 5jg^5*l Tf* II <N*ii*n*f ^RT^T W fulfil gn^n^gipn ^pj
^9* *****5** i «i*W: i g^T xft «r ^ swi ^ ^Nwimfa-
tfirt jh^t ^nj H^fij i jptjrr^ ii

^ S^Tfawt faM^i^ fpfa: I

^k\ z& 7TrT% wfifareffa*^ srfSfafafa^ n n u
^fa i ^hs?=r 13iftrf: i fa*^i ipT^ i f^sfa: i
$ltoT:SS?* I WTO I fa I STW^I SWI 1*ff?Ht I sfabre^i
*5T i srfifat i ^iffa^im ii
** *rnrn^^f^g TTrfnn: ^pft tt fg^n-
*n^3T vr wg i frog i f<ton r wrn i *rtt ^^RitTr Bvtyjfg tr ginrt fa^prr
i f*if?r42Tfircifti: irgw^wt §nj i f^raT jp^ij i jrtos!^ y

4fa ^r^raif 4^ *jfa fatffa 4<p: i

*wq^T ^ w W TOt’ipft wfrorwfawifsr ^rfaanftw^n^ii
1 fa i 1 w i ^rfai i fatffa i 4^s?t: i
i *ros^( i tt^t i spr: i w i i to i^4t i srfa^ i sfafa^i
>T3T I ^rfa4t I II tf ii
5^*<i««i*ig>ai ¥ftr wt ttw^mjrffit ^ i ^»^^nft ^ftfg
^ n tf%‘? fwf<! i vK«<f% # VRTjnfrw^t: i ?fr
H H [wb. *3.

*psnfirf3rcr«rra%*T 11 % w g^nr g^*rf»r q<toi*l*i kj^t m^<riaiM(i4t

wr ijT^rnn^fTT twt grm^rr iiwrerei ,sm: i srjfa^Riit *^Nr«T*m: i *ins
ipft gpf II *rcnn*Re. II

rrfsfc^iT frRtafa I
t*Rf 11x9 n
5*% I ^n: i i ^k: i ^n i ^rmftr 1*RS^«4 i ^prfa i
xr§f5+: i ^fas^reifft: i i i i wr| mi
% t*rr i^T^r: gmflpu) *rfg>fiHtirf% i m fgwfa fipu: n rrt^ fifrraT %*nf^s: i rftwft-
f^nr Tf7i i^: i Tt^t »rf%: n w^stt: i f^r *fm*rmf« i *itw*: i ^J»tgsT%»T
f«MftygTR: ii W* *N*ar *ntw ^ **t ftfinn# nf?nrn»i g^rttpra w#
<np[Tnf% i tit^pcw i i '*ifa ^ ^%fHi *1%: Mq^nql^: i ’ufxrar^
,*rw ^nrafrrNww i *?irerrf^^^?fM^T^Tfan*n!f'$fwT: «<Sflt T^rnrl i y*q<iq»i-
ii it ^ ii
^Hjifafn ^ wt ^ *m*itw gwi'C^nl i i rrar ’•rrgpiri* i
?rrfr *n*rnnft *n*migs« fwfa »

^5Tl ^t: W i
^ f^qfir: fwr ^ ^fir mi
i i ^STp*T$ l”^: l sfa# l *R: I
I i frofif: l f^rTT i i ^ I Wh li q li
g% i ^nt^wlffit i pqajjwrl ,sftwftm»rafipl i w i i^w^l
5% l 7!T?1Ti?I *J<rej WfftT flfli<^<9q»< «lfai*,«sn*t
nf^regfoNt from %*n<w rrfr*nt rr? g% i ftnratanf: i fwrf^it wr*rmf*roft: ftrr
ii arar%»i snnre* 11 wr Mf^nrrt ^rWr ^nr^RtiTrt^m^i tsn^
f^qsT«T f^^rara: f6r^*f*j Tftri wrrn^ff^ f^rarrensfaftf ^rfn i *ri qrraraft i ^rw
gwret ^«i t^nr wW WTftm: *re w wpsi ^"tw**rm i ww
irfaMT^ i w i gurnet *rm *rf^rreti*i: i ^if?w: *
7m%*r rpim gsT*r i >gwr$ f?r ^ nrr% wf^wt i \Wi
?rf^ ^71 ii i <*i«w*t«iiai*tq^ » ^miWi*^ f^^ rq^rn-

fhrt xrsrrsrf noim«inqtmffoT m^ftmT UTwraprr sef^t vwi: *

%*rfrj i ’srgiFrtr «BT*ratt b

^TTTnt ^bp^ri ^trT qrq^l^T I H^rt 11,11
yrqi^ i ^rs^4h i ^t«T i tq^Rit i i 1 1 1
i %pjf^ i y^r<frt II ^ II

. 3TT^TTrnmTf5,Tr^,f7i ***3™ wmjmmifliiiiuiT btbbt frortrr bott ra wt*

q™T* fBBT g%B b*bb bt fpWJhftgmBTfBfB bit bb
"*****'** 1 ^ ^fra^T i ww ii ^ btbb BBBrt , ^Tf7: „
^ ' ^Ww it *« p^b* ,, ^ iTCrtWR » ^^ib: im^TaT,
TfH ^^rn^vTf II bp , HTTWtmt^rnfftg^^vi r^BTB%BTmrai>m
^TB^mBreri flcft btbbt fB*4 JTI
3%g ^rro^n i bt^bTs fW^Tifn^Wr^f i wft ^fir pp^t-
1 ^V*" 3 ^wrf^r® BTPBB BTBBTBIT BTgfB | BtBTfpB BlfBfW: BftBUHiafa:
BiBfHB inp^ y

* f RR RR RRRPpft: I ^ f^w: UTRRw*rfy frafa h?h

* I fRR I ^ I I ^I r^rti I iTcfestRifrot: I nH I
gwTt ^i^WT b BBtBBfB 1 t gum; BBBfHBBfra: ^n?s i ^m<r-
/BBfBUBBBi BBTfpi BttwftiBT bbi BTpr BBTfB fram: bbb: ttt^ rajtBriBB
v^7{ b tb BB«TgraPt4fqtftB bffl bb 41 «t i «m*rraT3r^?ftfir b tbbbsO: wr btbbib Bnfan-
BiiferfBmBrarTBiTfB fBBfB i TB»jT<tsf% i Bp i Bfr?rrt fBTTT^gtwrfpir: rare: bb:
tpBTBtfStBi B>BBfB I t fBTTB PSTffBBBiB | ^ ^ , tfBBfBBB
rarf ff BiTBBTBT g«BTHBJTBre BB ftiBt I ?»B B BtBWpBTtt H-<U««T»BB pB BTBTBT
BBB: irftTfPBTpffiB I B BffWBi TBBBBUreHB. II BBBtBfl: IBT»^.<*$.| ^fif tBT
BfrarB: II B?^BTBRiS|TBT%BRfBffrefB I HfBTBBB^B IjftaiT’rfB 0

^ fRR RTRif^t tM f^WTPTft I rT RTRF| HT^rTW RfRRf RT*nf^W II8II

*» I fRR i RI wiw: i *41 nrft I rf i rt4 I ^ I m sremr i
r i ?w; i rt^ i ^ns%f ii 8 ii
% gwrr BfB^B: b -gBfwBfvfra tb btbtIb: ramft raiBBBt fB^Bt ^VTfrar: B^qfr
^pfr% BitBTBTBT %BTfBBT BiBBTBT^BfTgTB. I BBfTB pip}: II BB«rr: BTTBBT^ rfB fBB^-
B TBBg BTB I BrarewtBB I BrBrrBTfp&TBr BflB BTfB ^BBTCfBaii BTfB tpfBTBITBf

fRt^n^l %BRir Rf RRT»+Rr^limi

l ^pTjt I ^Sf^fRRf^I I ^»: I fR.‘ I V I ft?r^l fT^I 3TH I
1 BHRS^ff I wt I ^r^ll MII
Vol. IV. 3b
ii II

q: gunrrmnTrm. i i l^fsi at^s fam

*gm.i vpm^rot i «t m *raret wraW nfiwun *tv fwxrtmi
rai: i w 3WTfti^«5^i^«»wi **fn *^-
JJjpj fl*t|«1*jl||4|<if|VJ»144flJlf<^*4ftl^l ^fti^n^i ^ ftwt. *11*1 3*1 lit I ,|f*,<tw,ltt I *1^1 *i
wr marfnrt PiiNaforot *r itrat *w$: i wrc i gim^wr ^iwi:
^arf?rftwraren^ ^ifafn i gwrt *ri ai: fvm^r^ i * afaft i ’waft
f^ncr: ^f?r ^ffgareatsi «yfw i are yfocreraxi r*Ka<tad,ifirftfaft i
wnfaftnna fa^ft^grwTaTtt w*rt MaJ^i^rernn* i wrfanarrat ^uwi^^iqi a a
aarrt at: ftraat aro atianai f^Tft aaT
Hafa I a l^aa II

rfWt ^TthRaTTOrT I tJwflV WrtrT: xpBlf^t^TOl lit?II

| ^4^1 I rTrh I ^?4 1I I ®pi* I ^SITSTTfTt I

xreair^i fafsspM I fH II II
,?r3^5i«KT<iaft a*nr %a iraiKi ftaTagarami gurnet afta ya^naa. aafa aaT
aaaranaTan^aTffafj'ta anaata a%>fa aaaarraat <^+n*i afa%aaT a+H a? af^d=y a %
wmi aarotfa fnmfanf^i i*»m» ?- <n.*=• * i «wi^inOiwwT*nn i ftfto-
feaaifaaifr i gwnfm: ^ gv aararrw aaar »ri afaa^fa aaaaraa: j arfa-
faajaaTata. i araat^taaaftfTTfafa wr?#ra Mftwwf faran! <i<m<gai(fii«,ia’fiqTa am i
faarafra i w i arg^unanaag ^M«m«*wwnifli»HiM<iii^n «afa a<*Knti
aa^anaiiaifar^T^maUa areaiar faarrratTwna aaara fwaiaawiaTan i a^roaa1
gwsrfc: inaaanat gvt ^aaraa wunrt arrwtataa: i arcaamma fo^danfta;i
a^raaa aamaat faraw ainnaT *rtrw <wiiKHtiTlNirt vd4din^a
am i ssnrt fafiia i aaT #?asrct vuif^fusfr a «afa i aiRdiigasiftfaTa **»H^r ™
f^nuTT: aaat a^afr a *r^<fVRr arfaftaiai wrfsJrt: n

^Kyi i
Xtfai ^ maoiTV ns ii
^I TWa I I^T7T57 I *1^1 I
^ \ i vwr^ i ttt3^: i i ^:sfn: i ^Sfri: ii $»
Xi tt ^ wni ii wr%?' rrrftTn^r ft3:«rtw^i
i w i %*r*i w^ri ^ i^ .
iT^nmrt ma^T^i^r ^pJ«m i i w i toSW*i nfm i X*
ftvrw **nt i \t& wtii *wt ^r: rrftyn i ^
i T^t irw i *ifdv*>nt Tfit ^ rratTOTW it **
Hraftfd *w-$*v* i aM4,»i»i^T ^nww^wffw:
Tr*rt ,TT*prm iy»irft armrsnrr ^fn4in^rnr'U$ffl£<4iiiP*: «frwrt rpnt
^fjnrfrrftT # »nft faf^nfni: u
fW ■fttafif d&ft i
%sft TqtfM^ai^ ll <i ii
^ i ssrfti i %*ft i flri i %*ft i forfif i d^fl; i
i M l l ^ i W i ^i WtfM: i mu
%UT: %Wr*ftFT wra: I Wafa: %ftpft{fF$Tg: ffo l ^ FF: i§F?l I Tft*tf»rcjnt:
nssTW*^ ft fFwffi i ffaffr FtFerfa i VTT^fir ft i arrarfF^ ift: fYwf fm: i
« f arrafF^F: ffa ^ ijf f%wff?f^ i fft faa i f^fift?>ff; i F3p* TfF*rf«-
t}&mF wifff^f fanTtf fw| i fft anFT'jftpFTFFiFftF fFFftf i arta f f*ra
arnr w- *nf ff jrf ^tNtftfff aifrfF i aarniFFtertf: i twfthihtf: %3ft Ft ftSUff
am i t% pmT»i F^ami FF«itfaR<3}a i frj *ar& n

jpi^f ^mh^RT: twit ^ ^c*t i

cmT^T^ VTf^ *ifrT ?%wT ^N«T II * II
I ^Trf S^^TR I f^nt I ^ I I
^Tita i ^rg i yTf^f i ^ifir i ^ i \?\& i ^rN^rr ii s ii
fiftfft Fmrtpi^ grr garfRfIT* Ft'S^fiNt *3fFFTFFfFF*pr«j: ftipn M*nfn
arfaapnihfF wr FfaRTfF ftotRt ff?I i n ff -vi^i^ ^t-
Rrar. n i%TH% ^rwt ^Frowt nff^rr «£\«wft: ffURff ^aara^a HTfairF.ii
nar ^srpvrraRrc: a?n t ai«i*lF[<H%a<i( n f^t ?l ftffi FiFttSiRi FfF i
arpaegfF i HTuTtaTFFFT jmpsfaaft ft*|ftf nawT i[<f3: ii

^rf^fn ^nwf ^n ifwm i

^01<wt4 ^ *mrat srfa w^r n? n
i i i i wffcra i 1
SjffcT I ^1 35TWNfi I I -RTtfaR I I I'?11
aftifrr «n ' ^T' *J*
^ f$ mrn: i ff FWMiyranflwiqwiFWT i% *na««i: wr*
%Fwft tof i From, i *nft yrg«t ttott: »

xiwfH f^t I

sjHff[^m i mrfw i i i ^s^Ni^i

^f^: i^sRjjs^nw i i ^rat» %r; h^i'
™ m ^wwi ^Tann ft 7r*swraT ftf: bsa^^wiUf
3 L 2
m ii n [si0 ■*•*»*.

tmfn i i fa gHK i fain fqyrfa *<$Tfa ^nfir ^wmrrfn g*fa*Tm*raTOggfa-

grfercrr ^hwi ttft ^g^rer i fW* Wi FWrerft*-
i wterrfg gfagg: gwtr*t «!®<*ii« i fagnmirtrnrrarts
gri gwri i w gwiggsTtwre fa*: i faff*: w Pro’ll »wfa«

^TrTW’tt -siT^t: I

i%rt: i ^t: i W I *rat fW i^s^h: i I

i **?§ i sn i nni^i^i^i ii m ii
thtto w= i W i qwtTfam *frwT i wrrnc ?sn$: i gm gg
*rrat: wt ftnrgH: grat gift sr ^gProT i^f gfTO*rft»i gTg»rr ^ur %ft*K hth: h gflftt
gtfuftft ggv^nsrf?n?n^i ii tf*fl gft: *Mdi»s ^ftggnwrRTg g4Mt gt fij»tT
4i4j^tg^vt w gft i grfwggseft it fa Piqm*i«n> i ftgr^nrei ggni gft <ft Hg^t i gg
ggjp i gngs^gfW i ggrut: wgsp«
^prwt *hHNrf igxim ^t*o ^rt?t i
%?ta ^n^Rf^ta: ii €f ii
SPRWT I ^ll I *fTOT I ^tist | I
ifigft I %rtel~ I faf!^ I *rat I ^ I Rf^TSrTR: IIin
gim^at ^wtwT gvfnut * tot gro ftsT^fai tottwt
nf^sgt ggrfagrPftTg: ggf gr %toi gjTTOroi H^gifasrrTOi ftgrg. ggT ttM^^rt-
gjSfrro^ wr fggTgfaftgTc^ft wwr. ^nf: grc^ftroT Trrfafrr gwtprrogi: gm
*rf^?pfr nT^fagrot wgft n fti%ft ggrom: 11

^TT^tWT ^nfcrgrfftprf? WT f^RRT I

TOt fatrW RTTO ^^Tf^^TRI H $ II
I 3TW I ^ I ^ I forf* I W I fRRRT I
I l TfTTO I Hr^ I *33^ I I Rf ii$h
%^ft ^Rgfw^B: ggf g?psr g^pfa ngygfa iwi^^nw T3°•«• «■ J
^rgtrtT^t ^nfg: i g? g^rpfr fgg^ i 'a^gisn^wt. # r«mg*»d gnferfirfti
ggt n fgqrg^gi trr%*sr ’rrw^t Tfr*raT%g fggfti ?^rfl
i g?ra ^nf TW’5f^rfg i w i 'gfifwi gtRPrwgfti n^T
grgwF^ 1 %l<nPnwi>TOftr i hwt f^T ff^wfg g^jwfw gw
ggfggii'aivHT ^nhrr »rr«rflwrr mgi ftwtt gr i wvw^gfti wr i
gfiryt ii ^itj*i^: wwrf% wt^R%f?r grt ^ i gnmR^^T^nfr^TW« »*«#

|gntg ^Ff gg»r gwrgf«^

k%w nwMgng: i ttot ’grggrm i gtrfN twi^t s *rff RR4t*i: h
^Nto i ifativn ^5t: II <1 II
i^rr: i ^sNsffw \ ^t: i ^qi q*ro i xjqftfft i ^ i wt: i i
^t: i ^t: i sfcnta i ^Tfcfrj"mu
'ani^1 ^ ^ ^T: i wrfr ^ 1 ^m: ^unfti^TTV mp snm m wr^Twt
Tmr i ^ ^m: t^wt ^ *pn 'wsftwr i f^Hf%*f gi^?r n

STfro "TOT ^TrT w ftrytTT tftprri: |

^ ^ sro ^n ^rt<| *rq*it ^ h*h
fT I TO I ^TWf l ?w. I 3TTI ftNf: I 3TT | TTUS^Crf: I
1^i »sn i ^ i ^rt i SRi: i ^ i *rqi *xt: it * ii
$*wft *t wr fd^Trf: wrsTrrgr fwvHT i mfr^rmunT: i ^
mrmr: «3*nfii *ff f^psi ^wrcterar mw: i n «rr *rfn*N*r«fr: ^rgrrf^i: it
tptfr % ^ft<r: % tpt ^ *p?wt thj i wr*nnj i 'srhj ^tj: trra
mg i ww3 ii

^rhT ■snff *qsi fa ^rtfr ^nf| to: i ^ fa fawiwfaTO? |?t f# 11311

^n 1 to 1 ^jfa 1 ifafa 1 fa 1 to 1 ^qfa 1 ^1 fa: 1 f? 1 fa 1 f^s^hnr: 1
^TOTI|rf: lf?Wll?ll
t mrf m mff i vura i % tht nf% *nf? i
fmwq 1 wfft i w ft tm*rt f*P35Pra: i f*rmf*» SnrarTfa it ^rralft
f%^ wrorfaf* gfo^iwt^TTref 11 tf*Trfta% i mpi 11t^E mft i w*ft
f^mt. fyqTfq^wfiktn^iiigii i f? %fa fmrreprf?ftv: »

sn fanq sjrrtfrffofat fafacrtfafa: 1

fa[ ^ TOT*fa *rq ir^T *pnfa ^ 11811
l RT l TOq l sfafasfa: 1 TOt ?fa I ^rffarftfasfa: 1
far \ ft 1 H51 w 1 qqnt nfa 1 to 1 q^rfq 1 ^ 11811
^ wr WT Wf^: g^^cvlf ^ ^TfT^nTfnfHTf^^T^:^ T^Trmf i ^U’nwr-
g HiqyjRrfog^g im* 8-U ^ i ?ufd«rH#r*i: i nwmr^J^^rfrw n
^ ^jgrerrw?ln*r ^si <wrthtt^i wfT^ img^rnrr^T^N i mrr^ ttt vm tiv ^ vvr
gmftj 1 ft«Hn<ufi« g

^rilfHf ^^T^fT^rTT q^rf! *1^5 I

HT^rTT fW ^rTTfq WTO3T » MII
ii n [qjob.qps.q®^.

^RrfT I ^ I \m: | qT4rTT I qqrTT I IRK I

qrom i fq*st i qmfq i qqt i sri i qncm: i q?4q; n m ii

if if^j^ iff ^rrwr*nTT i i ttot *npiT «nsr: *N: *r trttt i ftqrft ^Hrnw-
^nf*r ^ ^frrf% Jjwr<rrf«r ttwt i wrentg i ^rfRTf^wrr »ntncff7ft
H*f7i Tfasrfc ii Tfn qrwrc i «nrr ^F^tfT ’Rgwrrfwgw^^Tr^ i *t$><fcn*ww i
^rrn^r^TTHTf i m° c. <*. 3$. i ifa fwnuwR: n

qnq 4 qqqkTqf qr*ftqqTrMi: i

qnq: ^q*q Sprsfasn^ qqq iiffii
qn4: l ^ I q I ^ i nqsft: I qn4: i qTiftqsqTriift: I
mti: i qf*q i qqsft: i m: i ?H 1 >*qq n^n
i^T ^ ir *a*g *R^t5ftRgm: i g*a|7R: i w i trftw
TWtWRlTnft wrfa n ^wrrsfosrrf^iT i m° 8. q. 30.1 ^qgrir^Tf^K 1 ^r?rf»fffw?;w
^TJ ^TrtffC I «rf% TT II *m Tl^fj: ^ITW^nftJjftr^T7PflT*Tk^T7R?t
Ofamni wnrf^rafr »Rfa 1 w4fMhraBfr 1 f^nrre: inftpnro *1
*irf?row 1 m^rntwr ’srnrft <r w*r wg 1 f^g 11

wwtwrf ^^TT5T«if fq^T qrq: i

— — — _ V3
RT— WT^T— R*4 W’qTufa
^ri*u 1 ^SJTOrat 1 fq^T 1 qjq: 1 ^:sqqt i
^qprfarvjsvqif 1 sq 1 mwn i rq i qq i qpjmfa iisii
^sjuwrwri ijwPjgT nr^inwri <*«<*imt fajrr T^RT *tr:
gfr*nft ht^Tt anft wnrr i *r *r w ’if^Rtwr Hint arrfircH
isr& i wmfasjwif *j«i*uO«<$gwrT ttwt iwrwrt % *?Pr?T: ^rr mgq *pn?rfa i v*my*jw»
*f%: i ^f?r 'cprcfTR: tn^CTSrRT u u II

<r ar if* *1* ^jtj? ffwrpgrciT’i i wr *ngfri* i ttc &

*T»T*f*f* II *<ft ftM’i: II

qq R qfq qjW tNi^tt I

qqf ^praqqf fpi^q: fwtq ^4: mi
f4 ir i qg i i q^q: i q|rf i n^qr: i fq i i q<41
qq i ^Rqq; i qq^: i fiqrq i ^[q: i fqrtq i qpqq; i i q 14^4: iru
1fs;?R*#g ?rf^g ^rmSr^Hfwr wjpfr ^Trrft ffw ’RpfW m tRtf ^
v*rm ^RgumiMT 'wfJTRft i ^nqn. # f
fa?[TT% i i f%w%fn tt$ t W' • ^ ^ ^
T*«qo.3r®q<i.$o«i3t.] ii ii tits

qfqjmrcfr mu* »rof»f *?f% *fn jmro mifo mre w.

mmit i%mT^?rn®r^rrfn n i ^ sif^nft: %*n-
t^ni: i m^m urn? n T^T«ftWu%|w *r gmr: mfrrfii f%mn*rrafm«r$: 11

wrtqai: vw> ^t ttv fm? i

*T*TR ^ ^H^frT^T frRT II S II
I II l fn^ i ^i ^rpr: i ^t: i i i fxr^i i
I I 1 &TOT I I I ^rTS^rtiT^T I f*TO II * II
% t% *ra: i wgfiHNi i miggm mfumms: i mfmrm^rfa i to
f5ifl*j#7rre*m tftmft f%wm ftmm*i fWf?m^mr: i mimlfmra: it ’srfg mft i wrmi-
msrfr «oro w^wr^fiftiiftanwTm i mrprmqif fmrragm^'m^T^irt msm: i m° c. <*c.
m. i *f?t «t^ m<g$q<?« rewmm m*ra^®tTO[ faiifirj Tfn fmnmmm 11 mrr ^rngmir fa%
fsrffrrr m: xi^mi^mrqj^Tsr: i ^wi: i m: qtft^anarr^R fa«J*gfw *rg *r^t
i ’ftmrpifa i *rm i mtwrvmg mg «frmT»rmg ■qmn%: fmrmfts *rg tfinvim-
jrfmr: i fer^fm i mm ^fmft mw>mKpn*i. i w i mrfwg^mrm i mgmmgsi^ i mnfa: i
ffgu^iifrt mfcfa i mcmram i m<i msji mri m*r ?rerr: to fmcr ^rfimsm mm
?(to mimfmmt fm^rft *ft^mai%*r g^: gifm i *mfa Hfifly i w i
^amam fiftfn g*S#r fatmi i mm rm$: i mfw: g$f|K fefa ta imr
1m° ?. <*■ e. q. ii gtfrtsrm m^rf?mfm;^T-

f<* ^rf ^ f^t wffnRRHR: i

*nf*R is* II? II

f<* 11$: l i STf^i V* i i %?U ^ i TffrTS^R 13ipf: i

I fr^wf: I l «T W* I i& I f^ I WWfll l II ? II

f*ft g^yta mat gsi m?f<<srt mi msrrm^i 3jg^?^ i Rywm^ u g%^fsF ^fsnm^wt-
^tr: ii 'grm^ i m^rmifHTi t^r ^rm^ffwrf^ f^T^f nfmn»i
%fm mmfiT i mrofT m i ^r mf^nff mrnf^*ii ii mrnti^m yiirrfyi tjT3T|f-irr-
f^q%tftf«inwimnftnfRjroratigrm?3£Tfafmf*r fmmftr gmftmnrf^^rnnmwl®!
^?rmg m?r y^fa^t sum i aifwi i ftt%wnf^j?m*i i arWtmif^r^: ii ''sg »

T?r%^ gqf ^ ^ »]WR: ^^TDTfroslin n ^ h

^rt^^rifsT i ^f^rw: i f^r i 1 1 1 *
*TOns^i i i i^i i i 1 11 ^11
gfmr: wpri mifmn mr»« mrngi
m «h

arrftrarPii TttrpsrreftiTOSPft*rerofa5»TTO*i: i w i ^rr^ri^iTt: i^rtg^Tfw ^afr

i t^r f*m^f^7rw»rai^ w f»rnT^Tt^rmi VTTf^n-
<q|^^ftfinfr^ya^Pl I ffBTOT Tft^rffo: » «
q^faarrf^rr ?rr^n«r: n *r tot *rrefa$ft*u
^ n w^f?r to i %fw ^Ni * .«ffrt iwe. *to- i tfa vffiv: i TOtim*
■iojjujjiTT^ ii t?ii TO *jtot ^ i t& ii TOt fri^rrerfnfTW «tot ^st»»:
wrgfn: ^wth: to. II TOJ%* ^WSI^: II «1*4! 1<1 fad ««J< I fa WUT fTOtTOT%*
i #
f%^t ^T^hpriTT rprtfa W5T^ I
^ w m ii

^5«H: I f^TS^t I fasfa^m KT^I T^T * ^>

| cfldr^l ^rWr^l ^[f^S^: I H I ^'SWrM ^ I ^flr^l Wt I
ll M ll
frorr f^rr sarr** f^^rwrr M<^TO%3nTO^T*TO%*r: 1 tot 1
f%j^T f^y4l}ft fafTOTTT U^Wrf^f fa^TTTOT TO>W I fTOT 'S’TOI’1. TT^t^Vj r^T 1
1 ^fr^fr to w^r^fsr 11 ^ 1 %*^tto:« g»nfa "Nifw TTgrotfa Tftft 1
7T^frffT 1 wt^ifrfTT 11 fro fTOn«t 11 tot 1 ^Txrrgvrf^ ^ 1 frorf* i^wl-
^rerf?T 1 iTOr^TOfaTO^frot fTOTOronrof ^nroWfti 1 *ftW miftn > TOTOTfa^
fTO%g gig: TftvfTOTfror: httrtto 1 ^uttottfto TO wra^ 1 tot to^tot to
TOfffa n3ra 1 TO ^rcraiTO 11 %?t^ «rnt 11

urn *n ft ^sptfa *r^> iww^raifaN i

Trot f^i^fH^n ^rfa ufa rsraT f^f^N mfw wfv fanT 11 & 11
TTffj I *TT I H I *§*Ttfa I %^F5T I *R^I ^ I ^ 1 *W% 1
■Rmi if^svT^i ^tit: 1 i i rrot i fa sfcte i Mrfa 111 sfM i firm ii^ii
% tz WT TTTfa % 7TB %TOT %TOTf*» ^WTf^ «T\n<*nf^
^w#Tfw 13n*rftaTf*t 1 wft gwrt^ 1 ^ncff^W’^
^ 11 "ft fK«TO»wt: 1 v* mi* 1 1 fafagK3Viyw*n
^M,im^ipg i^^w^ ^Ttwr^TH^^Timn^: 11 tt^tt *rwf wwtmt b ^^21
JTTW?: 1 grf^fwrf^n n *twrt fw»i f^vnnt ^tt
?jf7i tbww ’OT^vt: 1 toth??: 11 f^T^n%: wjzt wimfafn ^fr ^z11 J
twt ftTn wml ^Nfr f=rf»m f^TfTTi f^Tf^i m T^mro?r vn* 1 tn^sTOi^
• trt Trfw^Kf^nm ^ HrfTT 1 wwfn 1 x&m ™
w wrrfif whfiir TftmJreTWTTOf^ «4<miiwflw* # »^«
trr^^ir f* V > ^ ^ ^
^Tnrru. 'Trfftni Tiwi 1 to: HTOgTOg ^fror ^tot i thtt TOITOf
TOrot r<B«i^u«i«n*ft?g#i^ «h**Kn*ni« *nft Wrot^i: 1
ii ^t^s^br: ii ^

^^rtmfarn ^tfw^f 3J3T# I

^ Tt^% ^itffT f^IT?mtrofs^jj g^rrrfir jftqx: || q ||
i irfts^: i ^uwlrti ^f^?n i sirtfH: j 3^1 ^n?r^ i i
TTWI^TIJ[SS%I^Tfw I falT^ IIfarf,ijcRTfal Vtm: IIe|„
=grfwi ^irri^TTr»mt $fa1<*<i''j4 v: *mwm nTTOTtwrot %x: *rafcro?» i
Ttt*r^r « TOto: if$np ^
totthtot m to tin: nftm n$nr %a: htot-
?|t^n fTOTOnrorTr wfrfn%3r ngmn. i totR i '3nrof?r n ^nfHTrfTfimw^T^f^r 1
°QW^ ^r^r 1 nflmnt ^hSntfn ?n?m^ tf* wr ^ 1 wtife fsnufirm myn-
ftra> wstt: 11 TO nfag: ira% HT%J*prr*ri tot *rtmfnm Tfw 5m tfnrafr
5m '5ni^wi nifa 1 wfa Ji-^fg 1 fi« f$n 1 fror frorfn ^r«§Tf5ir yreTfc qrraTWTftr Tnm»r
TOij totchr 11

T^t w unrfNrat^ft 1
* fw^fcfn TpT^flfarU ftirtt ^ %rj IRU
i i f<^: 1 *v\ 1 w# 1 sirafws^ 1 sfff 1 ^rfft^ 1
w-1 fwtf: 1 srfa 1 ^% i ^nnflf: 1 1 ^f i 1^1 11 * 11
?^rr *p*R5TOnR to ffrorpft Tfocrfir: wrnpm tr Ttfror f^fr spitTO to
■^1% 1 frol^Hi 1 fq> 1 0<*H nRTTjfTOmftn TOfron. ^nt^raifRR 11 bt gr% i
WT^i^Pr fnz 1 gvgtm to asgTT^n: 1 n^TOrTTOifnaWiTO: it« ^ ftnriffSwWifi:
^Nrft^: ursanf^w^Tf^fUfir n& 1 TrarrapsrfTr 1 tot ^pirntf* ^tuHnHr^wrf^f%-
^Tf^fri 1 to^ rnnmfrfn totto 11 tot gf gfror
M TTtrrTOVroqt p*rrn niTOTOn nTfn ns 1 11

tt^T spi: w\j^\ ^rtf fW ttc J&nfffir: 1

«f^FTT ^ hw: y?rtot n 311
Tm: 1 I ^sn^: 1 ^*TT 1 1 1 $rfa 1 1 spcftfa: 1
1 1 hsis^t 1 ^ 1 *t i ww 1 #s^: 1 y^hrt ii?ii
Tnfr vto gvt arv««t g^rgrft at ii «Pi<nwif<»n 11 tot
v^rmt toto: TO^f^m Hiqfersrr tin: nfarn nn^nfffnW^nT w ntTfn nnrftr froR-
’n^rrfW T^pJnTmRfH n% 1 nfnqgfft i TOrrofn i nfq a ^ i*TTn ^rfroT nrrot %a:
nsrvntr numfron vimr vKntggn^ at to TUfrft TOfn 1 TOjfr ^ xa \nfrnt
TOT% TORTTR% TO^ I n*l HftrefTT 8
VOL. IV. 3 M
8mo h li

fa^fari st* sifa^ \

ti^tto ^faf xr^fHrq’sjir^ iitfii
fa^SS-^ 1flfa I »pfa I I l Hr^l ^f?fa I fa I I
Hr^l S 3T%I i& I TT?7^: I WflT I nft I I ^TS^fa I ^TO^II&I
t snn *f?q ^ qftosqi m ^ vtwi fqqnqyfrftH *t ii ^thr
^^Twnrrr: n ^nft toMmt Sf’gqfc ictw: n asg: i qfqq^fq #qj qqfc
*in«n<nfMfq ^imTTt i srf* m S^flfq ffoqqf^: n qq^rftyN q%q ^prr amR i
fqfsrawqsqrgstqi: 1qqqwprreqT TXirofr qqfqWsftrwftq. t qRR«m i ggT *r $q *nj:
qfq i^t f&q trt^v^rfxRt vflqqiqi4nqnf^famqw^M»{R i ■qf^ft ictr#

fa^fagrfa apo^ faart wl T.^«t fa^fa: I

*llt *JT WPgt m faw fa^t f^T^t fa* 3# ^TOT: IIMil
fa^S^tg: l srfa I Hr^i !j: l I faar: l *M: I i fas*?fa: I
fqsTqfjfaqr ^{qnqi n^fSr gang i sfippi q-qtg n ^ %*rrf^qi: i tqrf^RTifsr: 11
^fn: i fsrtft f^fq m: ttot T*ra '3^w fqrrnft fq»frm i fas g*RR i *rt * *ra <ag
Tramfqqq qqpfqw qnfarq i wjf^str i *m q fq?r q qrrqfa: qf*ni s^fawvJ: n stq
gg^rrf^rr ^nr^gr qffrrfqqit 11 firs: m^: qarqrwq: i ^ fqsmt ftra: quarts fsRR
tfftq qq^faq. ii f? wt grr q h sqr i fqq: qj«flfi|*uq: qTgqsfuqrrqs fvq T?qnfr#q
grl^q man: i vz 11

sfafafa<;-gt^ ^rrifanT^T i
AWT *mf ^prifa ^ nfit srRT^iffat nffii
sfar i safari i i i s^ut^i <£: i ^is^T?ii i
H 1 ^TflT I I SPpftfa I ^T^l &: I 3*3 I lift I STpTT^I 3T?faf II §II
qflrwfg: wrn qqiw qqqt snra: qrrqf^RTt ii rt Tft% i Rnpmfq Tfn fqpqwq: i
f^fiTqTff^q ii n^rt n^qnR<in«ii*<qt #qrwi%infr%ifRq: i 1
aRMn ^Rqq^Tat i wn antft Wq: i nq srsmtar i w t %^fr ?nft art? fSRRRTR
7iT?#»ri i w rnTtfiu ^qrfgaiqqqlinMqTp^ i vrrfTRR i w i wq fipng
araapftqt RTTPPRRt *tT q^Rr »RrqgqT?fRt wrl TRfaiWirB1# ^
i v?wt i aRMT ,qin^m»rmqf PrfwvnrrR ffr 5TTTWHT-
fufRiqmifqqRi rwrei M^qTwgm^anc^ivqi'P^RiTfa rv^f v^t fqwrg^^
t?: v qtqg i H*«ftfa i qqtj^gsnqifq i jrt i ^qig^qi ira^fttw q^R-
»rq^ %q: i fTRij ai^mflqt %rr1 *r«| qfq arPTR i qfrq: qrtfft arnnfW n ST sqq1^1
%Rnqq: i simTSirq st^it: ii it qs«

rtr fr^ii pt i i ^ifapflr i ritht fRBKRfim-

<»ii'g^^nft i hh fro: «n»nft i c- 8. i *fn Rnroftm: i RR»pft-
sT^siftfn: i ^ f*SR i tot rhihth i Rft TOTfa: to ,sn^i fRgTCMf»f««: Htftfiw
^TTfT,ai^«Trfwftf^ n hitto RirfHHTRTOH* HfrfTOTg^rrtf i tor TjfRTi

^ ^ ^ 3T#4f fiWTTOt I

snfcq ^Tsfrffszrt ^itfa ^ no

$nt 17T=f i ^4: i ^4: i iRf^ i srnsft i 3r#4: i fiwnrat sfrf f4ws3Ht i
*fw ^jtilSHRl i ?j4ht i Tra i ^ssf i ^itfa i <3^ i ^fin n
^ ^ to RHtiw to: TOwto nw i ffaWRiHr tot toh*jr$r hhriwr i
TT$ hIrTW %Sf*T3P$: I % fRHTRtff I M^T ^tfHfRHT I %R R^^N HHT HTf^ RI^Ht
^tFnsft nf? Hiprn »rra% i it hth ^rfr i r^rt^; i h^rt^ri:«t pirnt jfmftlt
Riia^nfigft TfTOfTgwm^ toht HttRftpRBT mro i tot i RRtfr toj: i toW rttor
fffft 3Tttr?i toihthth ^nflr i ^Tfa i TO^fn n

HIW^ *Tsk44t 3?4*T34t 3%f| I

TTTrTTt ^ II * ||
xn^iS^ti: i ^'pRS'^Hh: i 3T^3S34t: i 3Hj i i
33: i wffxji i fas^ 134 isrefa i i ^ i ^ sfif ii^h
qtrrir^i: TflTOftfa: 53RiRRT i ^ Rft tlHTO ht*jrt
Itrotf^HfR i TO^fefti # *e m »mt srtttmfpi: i ^rf4ftwf%wwre%w it h r gn: to httot
Hrprl '<ncmft frocR rwrht% fwi HTTO^RTRfH i TOTOTRiawMiTOfa i toiS* fRrft
grTqTgfq^1 gurfH i i ffror sprtRi j£pi ^ r <jtoh1«j<$: n tpft Ttvrfps: ii

3?3ft vftfrTfStffw: i
^ 4 3TH3trTT: II? II

3$; I rTHTr(j sims^: I 144^r 14tf»rsf4: i %: i

^ i ?4:141 i ijfts^: i fkisimi: 13TT?S3+rTT: ii ? ii
1 ^rft RtrrfTSfiH^r mf$wrc?8nt: ^ ^rwrql ^H<if4c<«ifiT:
fwR^i5l*?<»s i i TiRT ^fnwrfw: fsrTOT^T^nftrrf^lH^w^^n: gffn-
^pt HR | R ^f\Rifa: I r4 RjRRTH I RyfRV^RTfHRtHH: fW fRfH^lfH^fjnSTHt
i H^Hfn i hhhtrt: i w i gftR^H fRrrf^i i w^pfi T44l«^
turn fR^RTHT <Pt*r «
3 M2
8m* ii ii Oi°b. *•$.*•**.

traf i
s fa *tafa TjT»rf^ 11811

Sji*pg; 1 ^ 1 1 injsfa: 1 src* sfa 1 rfa: 1 i

5R: 1 <?n7rei l 1 fa l Tjsrfa 1 Tjrnf^ l SRfa I ^ lltfll
% gjg^iTl: trgfa: ^wia'Hn.w^T grf»u i ais^pTf^: h wj i *r»rf*V
1 1\ tnrt* n
gm ggftfn ^t: u T^ft uroi i fww n Tfw^r^r: ^rt% *ra»%»j
srec. i wf *rr 3n*r^frf%^t*rf?t fwra^rR? »i firaft n « w ^jhforei ^%^r»nrej
fa Traf€ 1 gtffaro ^ft *rr i tf$*r irf^r faifaia 1 ^ 1 Trofa^fawft
qgfafa ^ wrw 1 ^jsf fa Trstfa 1 faWffafa 1 *ra tf* ^rr^rf^f wspfai *ig «ni
guifa 1 wrfjr: I *5%*T TT II

^Ritlt^T^q H^rW Wlri TTWt «*: I

irfw *r^ftre ^itfa *fa 11 mi
1 wzxdt i irs%H 1 1 ti’^R: 1 : 1
TTfw 1 1 gs^nt 1 1 ^ i ^rfa 1 m*j% 1 *fa im 11
fagaftt n sefatfr ^iMfa: it ^w f^r^nftt #gnfat n%?ra wsrsnfa
*?ft JTfTTt TTWt *R3l wwht I ^mfTK^sfi^T I TTfa ^THTt »
Tfa: qtffa farq; 11 tf ir sri gp? tfn Sfa: i *r sr gwri wfamfam ^ »n?ftf*mw sRfti
wm^j *fa *c ^srtfa 1 ?pjTfa 11

^TrTT^fa Ttf%? fa^Tmfa 5Rt: I

Slfa^R rH f*TCI flT^T fm II If II

^frTS^fa I I fa^S^tri I 3rfa I ^psfa I ^fat I ^ I I

^s^r? 1 sifa:s»w 1 raft 1 fau i^ 1 *tt?fit 1 11!? 11
wr^fa sEmrarf *nj*ra *t ii w^fW^trrf^fH ^f«n. n *rf^ *rft*i f«j ^
f%% «r^sHV*I 1 w 1 w ti Af# ftra «,ai«if*rf^ it
tfsprf^i f»srra g^^nf ^rt gft ^f^; 1 grt ^nt 1 *$*3*j:
w 1 gr: gwi^Nn vit^i i vdivH: iraro: 1 ^^^
^Tft: irwrgi 5yi3Ri^: ^ rngit wn5P5R»rf7ni%n wra W f^raiT^wnir
^ ^trt ^Rflpi tfjj nr wt mgm «rrg^rf% uMlcqanfM g^r gmfa g^rrfn
Wt^mR^qTftl filTf *piftf*i # 11 ^ #
vq gw 1 mtwprf^fiTB^rTbTT^ ^n^qwigjH 1 ttot ^rgwtH 1
ftfH 11 »rat 11
rf: tri^: ^vrf ^ i
U rT^ref || «* II
^ i i ^ i p 157:1 irar^ i ?r: 1 g$*rat: 1 h^t 1

m 1 TO i mt^ 1 wts^t: 1 1 h: i r 11 s 11
** TfTf^tr *Pf<*TTOs ^ I finf gf* , 7TOT gy*n:
ifrmwWr to 1^ firroft wnwwm: vmwr. myfiro: nti^mr * to? wf»r g^f*
toto »fuyrpii to^t yflr wit sprrr TOfit n **

tt *7f h h>t: it «[fwfrf: i

H I^T: WtrT fjjrft TPft ^ ?fcl}J II * II
7H *7: 1 *r^7J | ^pmT 1 HI vpf: 1 m \

v 1 ^it: 1 m ^rfi ^jat 1 tfv i Vft 1 ^ 1 *; u ?ii

■g^tOfli fitrortJwr fn^rm ^?r ytigw m to^tj yn i tot to Tpwni^fr
1 fiwfirg STO^g i *ft ^rrg gyyeg i TOTfit y g*pn fjprospmggT
twjf^rr totto* rr?ft TOTfit ytjyiwT y ^rg 11 yrtrofiraTfronr TT^fr fgHfw^rfn it

*nrt5WN7Sfti I
^%nf*r*n gii ^ 11311
#r 1 1 1 siftr 1 *ft:sfa: i pm| 1
i forir 1 35 1 1 ^ 1 11 ? 11
WPi TT^unwNt m TfrTOfii y ’gfnfwro% TTOfif TOPft t yixtuift i n^T-
t^srnif^: ggT^t^gr^fg^ swtw ^ngfTi ffgrfW ^

1 57: *rf ^rf^t |TRT 3^11811

i?^^i^fwfflfi^s^i+ipipmf 1W157:1^1 ^i^i
tfS»THri 1 |S*Rt: i ^^11811
grg^yrr^ 11 toto grot: wfiftyt grot: t ,no §■ ?• =*$• i i tottto: ufifty: i
^nrnsfl ftfii fifty: i ^i^wflHijrei it
fTOifif ^fTif ^rrnt giro it H|rot: 5*TOsfr < m° $■ i * Htfy qTjyy’uft i ^w^rf^T-
11 gt*rr grot g^T’nfiijgT^ ^ttfi)i*^4fi? 1 ouft t
tot *^iyrNt wi Tpr. to to: yrorf Tfipft yw Mint gror yro THrororesPf »tto
TOTiyTyf tot^: it y^NroiTO: it

^runTjj 1
it ^3%^: u [n°

i ^pqfif i i i rttep i
^rra i fow \ i qfom\l t ^ i ^nf^ imu
% gifa: *pn^[RTg *frpj i *gm i trt grt mg f*nsj *rsnff
gsrari *n gfamt ^ ^rtst a

rj ^ ^ 3*fafcnt^ ^ rt I FT ^-airrtire TT*ft ^rfa rtt^H lltrli

rt i w. i ^ i ^rfasft: i ^ i i^i i rt i ?r: i^iswh™ i Tp: i
3Ffta i uf, ii
$ <ggftft^fs#r#T$TfafH: grnS *ft$^tRi ?rp giW *rsj ^ *rtfa nnrr ^ ^
^g?rm^ i ^nH^rrtn^ i gwrtf tt^t v^r a^gro b^rr i ^rant^ a «*<> n
tom T<*ref gg^ai i tit# ^ gf^fg^wnsrr i un^snagt ^frpipRWT-
T^g<j#r prRT ^tw ^5TT: i wf^wt \ smart i ^ 'garerf^^: i <T7fr \ grgg»rr i <rt
^i*j«i«i i pr: wtlN srfrarr ?frw: ^ntr^i: gfafaw^^rmtr smart gTnrg fgjw
Tfa a »nft Wrgtg: a

nfpn $ ^ftr i
^ f^ rf fi*farrrt f^spi ^fu mil
^ftjn i ^ sfrh ssi^i ’srft i q^r: i sfif i ^rf| \ sro^i
i w?h
i ff i ^ i f^s i i ^ i m i fi i^i i i mu
% ?* wfg a apt g^fgfa grr«n: Spnttt: a ^regfq4ft;m i ^f*ni^:
wmrar i wrmft i tr grrwnf i ^ gpn pit gsrer p *rnti*jp3-
JTTfrsi wt% i *r ^ f*ra?t i gm: jtth^ ijarr iroftfR i »r£ grarnii fgg^sr
fggTRi itf apt fi wr% Trrrfgt fsraj?t i vrt sfM fgg^si fgjjfirai ^ wfgt f? i ^
fifoRf ff<jifli«n«Hq-qnqwfX fr fpj fta*rrm*rrarVirt w*n»mi srfM i wjr i fw»
fggrRRi i iffi ?f^«Tg: n

f^rr: ^rr^Nr f^T $4*1 i

H Ufa: IT ^RrT ^ fort: ^^tfrT tT^T 4$ II ^ II
ws^i ^ i ^ i srfH* i f«Tf s^h: i spftsi?n f^t i i fo 1 1
wi ini i^ i fort: i^ i ^ifo i i^nrr.s^r i ^«*"
% ^?r ftrpm; ftg^m H^fir^gTi^i ng grfgw ^ nTf^N ngrcrarg*pjre »Rf?» a ^^T_
Tfrr gfg: a « sf «Rtg v* fwr frorf»r gnrnf*» ^rr^T ^nnf*1
spr% i JWTvrgfa i gaH^d^w^: i W*r «4nnftWT wti’irR f%ra: ^rwrfii wi n 1
n^[ mNt i am amm tjiiTii: i w i mra: i ^*tamm<f i Tntmftm w mrrf* arnfa
wrsit amaiftm fmt tani:. i miat g^aia 3TO a^nam armia atfa i aiaa att i
ipyrr aa am a’jat aTaarr atamr: aTfrfmrmat gwrmatfa afg.«

ofT ^3 trft ^!T% sretefttq I

^3rf fif^TT ^trt^T H^frT ^T ft ffrf rrfW ^WTO II ? II
3ff i % 1sfit»vfi i i^eI^i i srcr i mifNsi i hvts^: i
3TT I f%w: I ^fcfalT I H^fiT i m i ^ i |f?r I rtf^T I ^§nm II? II
t igmat aaiffn. 11 aa actfaffaft: atfranfifa: i gaft a
i ut° §. 8- 'too. i fajamata: i aTwrernsEgftfa ga: afaav:« gfpfgargfraaaj gnjmmg h
atffg aft- ii a# aaga aT arfa arg aft fffa i afta^afa i faaigyfa i a rfa gagi: i
amfa attwr i wren gag g$tr: i mat aafya: a^n: fwr: farm: aTfarfmig atarr
aafa i ?am gim ffa %a: i afaaf mat' t aa tfa faatggm aamt m ^$yi« i ar
?stvaTa i ajfa g ajfafa: amyma ii arfmjaftmffm ft: fatfa tfaftajatfrat faarait i
jfciHtfa mtaSaTaft aft mr ii

fcRHt mik tptT4^ ^rt i

^r ?r ^ ^ n^n8ii
trj ^s^nr: i fks^: i *nf$ i ^rai^i i trfa i i i
ggftfa aamgfaFma faaat atatataragwr^tg t aft aajffmfa a'nfrfa agraf
agtfwatrmfa: aaf^afag: atfa i aaffa i aa fata: i aaftHta %m n afgasimaT ii
^ttTf aagat tnff* tm aaai rnmaataartgaTaiggra: aagt aaifa a fa. i a Tat arga t
aa atfa: ftfri afT afapar%igarfa atgga aatt afr Taa i aa aftt i aa fmi fma
tarttarffai a^a am am arfaat aafa gaafa am ga gfa a aafa i aaiaw gaafa i mt
aa fa:I^Br ffatara: ii

^niRt <^5f ^4 ^ T^t^: i

^ ^T^an^t ^tjlpTW^T ^ IIM II
nfH i i ^nsbi: 1i ^41 i 1 i
i ^i ^ i wgsH^snn: i ^1 i i ^ hm ii

aan^fa: %mft mrmarRa: afa fi% i aftfiat;i“ —aw i ^ ma^iaaia-

aatfa: (% aft m* i mftm^amn i anwt ?^n-
vmf, fffaa^: , 4 m^taaimarg^T^
^arat ff?r fwiaa: u
II ll |>»t.Pl®$.P»3o,

wi prf^n ^ sptjTnPPi Pint: i

p^ppt fp tfg p^pip ptt ppi fpd psN: pig iiin
^i^i^rt:if5T|mi^i^i^R: ipgjThpph tot^i pprt:i
ph ipppt i fp i pp i ppptp*. ii pt im i fppr i p*ip: i pig tiin
1^^ *pn: iftro wraT ^f^rfTit i ^Neg i ft wrf^sfffiretr^g i wnw
^rtnmro i w it ira srpraTTft i wrrrr^ftra^nr't i n^i «TSvng«@( sfft qretWgqwT-
HT4Tfw?r fij^ift n wn*rer *3 wrfiniw ^ftsr »p^t: i
i s ^ ^m*j: i ^*r ^sr^mn^ *nft rfi^: i tf^rrfu; 11 <tot tft
mm i i mm i vroft jpanf^ii mwr^nft i t^Jf sn
^wuTfftp^rrft fft% «P ^nft ^refamfr wnft |ht *nr *r<g i ’sruft^g i irrartg« «|s§wft»i
*ft?r|irTW^: i irftj *nft ^raft^rm ii

PTPTfpi*jip HP5.Pl fpp^P I PRT fi: W HP PTff p3HP?g IISII

PIPT | ^ I fpsppN I PP5PII fpSP^P I I gigsp I *h: I PP? I
hp i PTf| i ppip; i prg n$n
tw ^rft TTfrwfti arftgn*prp: ^rawt x^nu^urpgjg: i t^tcY ^ PP*ro
mHT^r<ll^'csq^ MMM BT'fclft I f«m*Wn*JWBI»f<*T*H sjreft I fftsfft
fftriTt *i*h i thstt *g?*?fr^3 fftftipi gi i w 3^: 1 mvi m
tltlT ^ M SpUlft rNTT ?[T^fpir M JTBf^KP$: I l<I MB'! M l<«B WT WP* VP? ft
Mft srrcjxg 1 f^zr 1 ft«i vm *nn,i*J ^rararra *rrfft 1 11

phpp i ppid gpf dig gfan# 1 ?5^ psd’pnfd pp5P? gn ?p utn

phspipp 1 t* i pttspp?p 1 gpf: 1 dig 1 gfard?: 1 |5i-1 p 1 psdpnfd i
fig5.Pi 1 gii: 1 ip 11111
-sre^nfa ^rfsraro’© ^TfT»ff<Tr nfftBTsjft 11 ^ ^ BTnra% m
W5^rr f%^reg?fr f^r 1 nrtig 1 twt y^r wt^t^rr
^ft^Tfinr B?rrf»f ^ %g ’srram 1 f^i 1 gft
gwT H?ig 1 ^g^T^T^jjfw: ^Tfa^fn »f ^Tf^^ziw^rrt n ^rrfwir^: 1
TnTfw 1 fBT^i^nftfrprra^ ^Ptr^m gui?m^«wiT^^
^<l«nqyT!BHi^%^w»frTTO wt^: ?iTn ’Rg^gimT^m ^rfr^m PSwcni uf^rnm
Tfn 11 11 ?o 11
*^r«Nr spBiT^t Twr tTf f*TTHTi*i i s*#rggfr
rf?r ^^rai<f^'iiqtM<^<^f<^i^H^'^<n<fl^gai*g4i<ii<)'i«iw»>jtv^P ^nwrrnfnr
Orcftft Pa[i^B«nn ^B>wfiwnTtfiiCTTC^ ^rfnfri'Hrro: 11

*TOfa:*fa?i "%^t *rt %^4Ufare ^,

jwf ^ fiwuo $«$*<; it

t*ft* * I *rt It M« * 1MN* , Vm r

* I vfrft *« i*r ** * 43% *rf nm
^I^Tif^q: I srt n c| || "

1Tf^ ^ ^f%Tfat rf PrwwRiiflJt i ^

^nfr^T ifrMfrftii «**t y^>: ufryyiinitaPffl*: „ sfaft: rgrfq *nr«r *?*W 11
w i ^ m^rr^nfVq^r ?rft* ^ H sn; ffa i iiTT#iwn^
’arz IJ|TT ff^TRWTfTcw^T fan; i ■mft: trtnsffasny^ yn:»Wit ?wfa*ivM«n4
^ ™ ^ i ^ pin: nra *j i *wfaym: *n*fa inm-
- W®«IsH^T7!T%wpfr wqnwi^faaifr « *tt nm imn-
'v^v ^l«tm tfagrare: ii *jfa i ^fa %sfa: i guffa* i wi vwrvsro i 11 ’srra^fayifa-
^sn<‘ t^r^Hi^ireTT^ ii Tsryfa+H^jjfa jjyyfa ** ^ qipfc
y: 1 *1* 1 i ^ «r i *tot gfarfag^ afof ^^fwinr *ftfa m n wfa
fas-raw^ i yfa’mij^, i faifatga<4U3q»<<gq: i Tmtf^fr^rRTTnrT-
i wrtfr wfa wfn ^Tfaqyiqis^MkiJjjjiwry: i srfa faftifa faqpcqrafi grefaviggiat
* '*°5- **• w:.<m.i rm T^nffnF TTT ftfaft i fa*n34qifa<flfa fa^mnrfjfaq:«

s? f%^r ^ ^^tfirr i

pi ?r fa *rfasTiT ii * ii

*i i fa?^ i ^Nr i ^ i ^rf%5# i toir: i ^ i ^nfirf i

pi i tfftc i ^ i fa i sm i ^fa i *ifa* i ^t: ii ^h

^^w<,Kt«?V'tff^*<i»||: itwr ^ip3ii' ^rfafursi «rpsrfay *mfa*r$7T «

wfaq«iV*<4^Mvuwfa: n sr favi *nfa iifas yywii m T*r- »
T^wf^raRTjfn ysrfa: ii t* y* *rfawTfa % ^rfaWt fa «m i i yi farmt
y 4fafa^ i w ^rffTfir <Tfa*»^9*> fay^fa wr yyf wyfa*if<gd ia(vprr<w1fMfl«i-
TRfWf: i ^mfafa 4t^«t4«fl(H<KiiRfaF Jffsffa: w<ft«fl*K<afa | arry^tiwr^:» i
^fa’m «r«TTfa Tzfa fa^^irfa^fa'^4v: wT^fa n

^it ftr^Trr W: i

^JT fw ?rif f|% *m ^r; ^ ii?ii

’Wf i ifiim i wi^ i *pA i i fini: i
^ > ff I ^TI %: i TO i fffftfH i i Tf i f?[S^t ii $ it
VOL. IV. 3 N
tfMfc II II [^° t.^°

%ana^%ant% <^aVaaat *j*n iftaarifr isat % 'wf^fr aaajaa^ a*i

nm: anfafa gtfNrr frora i # af n5* u an i w atnf agaTia^a
f%ra: ^pft: nfrfa aT faaraa t anjfa^a i Iftaifantf: n aa am aaaft
qiftfr$T afa aataaafa fil«MHMT^Pn^ aaaa*iaTfaaTa I g$«*Sl*iRn«Hl*ifVi S$afa-
aaiaaf^wRaaiaa^a m^.^.Pn^f^ *tfa famflWW I ^nSa^naaiS-
vrgarrgna^ aat RTqi^iqnata n w gpianta f^a: i ^aatfa aftftfn at: attar i nar
m attat a i nKafit i aita a ^ an •Innafaat at gat gaf$g% i ^naifa WN
afag waatfn *ta:»

rflT $tWRT TTfrT: ^TfatftRT I

^f m: ^ TOH x?fh$t TO Htfll
M I rfr^l ^T I I l «rfviT I
3m ^i ?t: i ^ I ipT I «*i% I l TO IIail
% f^rw ataanaratw^ afaat gafa: ataaT gjfana^tn nfatfM^a a aaarr-
ki i <;nn gqqtfafr trrara aafa» faat amft i wr<aanf3[aaat aft fan i aftna
ift faaftan^ ii aa«u<aiK<niM^ aag$ ?at fW aaft a% an %mw
<ria; q^aa; afaat nrat aT aaugqiaaiffa aftami *nwiiftwg^Wt« a araagn
qalR'Warftfe faaaafafa faa. i aa: nu

p *pg tiqzm x^w. xqtKf^w i ^TTf^nst wfafipreteiT Wr& ffr nmi

’Jp I *pt[ I I ^T I Tato 11cnt I fjfaff I ^TT I W^. I TRflfMS’f^* I
i stw^ i fH ii mi
% afaat ga ’gat ag^ an*t faaa xaa avatar an aft anragy iftna atntfri
Tra^a ga gagaaanfa aafaR: aaflftaffaSft: an aft i waaaat *: i nawa* nan
aaiar Sftnt awamat ar % afaat ar?ft gaat: aaaara aa^ wa i ga^aTa jm «
aO^ta aenat faanm i arfaraa it

»j?H srdw * iitfii

^fi i «tt i i wfsh i i ^ s^«t i
^i^?fHi»piliTOi^‘;fT‘fTl1^:i^; ,'^H _
% tt&wt a<hft a^at aT * an %ant at gat ^ ^a g^^ naTaTfaa aft^r
ngaarafTrcfta yrit aT aat V*%- *&'■ } ytMaJj^^arfaarani^
airaaea i an i aaariaj gaataaRa aaa: i aftraarfa aataa 11 affcn
faa^ at gat gfSl: anS nrr% aana. anar gaa i aRaT^a i^artftiaanai
ajantataw^han«ga aaan« w aaaaan^aaiaagmiiR^n:
mfa aat^t a at^a m i an art*: aat^at«*jm apft aarra^a arlwWafa

Trftnapfca fingflftft snqfrftte: g*j: i foenfialft vbm'. i *fa *rr a

^i iWTft f*r«^irr^t4mi*mg^tf7T ^« as#
’*m ftf?r gfasi an*tf*prcgi apnJNnS wftwt«r?niw *t i titot *mrft
ftpton g^srmgwf arrsntft *ro*ft wftfpft ^ faswf»Tsgfi|$T^an8wft i
vn^Hjfr«Ttt^r ^w i ttot giyuw 11*i ff m*4yf: fwf gumnft gtMwmft *rr«nft
^fwt urareft wftypft fqgMfafUft a »mt fafNta: a

ssre ft * xii# 1mu

«r i ff i ft I snfcii: t i& i *rtf: i * i i <jT5p i fV®5 s^: I wt 11 <\ 11
% t% %q% favr% % g*i Kapfcwwf ipt >af¥f: afPftiwt *r
awwanm* *n«n* i jntffW i i M'«fift.g4>«4T i *r* siapfmi 4Wr %v% favrorar *r^i
i tf: i nffr m*|g$T fwrgf$% sfiHtro wrw: i w i faSumrgaff-
*rrfcg: i wct i wgftwsww i a

znmwiq ^J^ift i zpi ffrnjtkjjvj* m

3r«j i ’ssreRT^j i i i *nfc i ^r^ft i w41 f^TMrfw i i

^ asT^i: ^jsrt«gfiij£ ^g^fsr: ^npirro *iw*rrc w aifli

*rgfn i ^rarr i ^renr **# ^pff i ^rrg XsRf to: gtftnr ^JTO
httot^ jnrfTT i *rft *rr gimq^R *% gflmt f*wf4 i
qtmifn | tto^4 i ^nurwrar ^i*j: t ^ TO *^**1 ^4«ni ^4k to TO TO ^^•■; !,;
torto a

T#fTR #i: I «n* 11 ?11

i[^: i wrM i ^tft i w*j i i 1 ^1 11311
v«i44Rim fhft *n ^ ^niT»wwg ^ gipfantf*: tp^?i
^ rtfmi a l*f ^ spM a frnv aj^raaaiyft
1 i wr-
^i*tr me ^ l^n^pirpfj ^ ^1
gj ^tn§: iii,Rri: ^ri-4* •' ^11
i \ ^sxnS: i xros^’ i 1• w i i i srsb i
: ii 8 ii
»nr Tt^t gwra: gwf i xW ^ wre; i ^ i
ipw* i tmfirfn wir* t a ^ 1
, wmimvn™*-. a *# 'IT.
?fNrf % iwfi.q.^.g.1 Tf* fipM i * i W a
^ anfV«^ iMt g«T^n: mpu ^ ,w.W«iwn a
3 N 2
8ffO ii H

i ?f WRiifa: i
Ttm fa TIRiT^flM JT’TI srtnR ^u?rt II mi
ii i ^ i Hen: i l snpURTI ^ l ^kf^l 3R*si l ^ l sfcfcn l
ttttt i ^ro: i fa i HTfai mi: 13ffa$ i i wthri ^fft iimii
% t% ft g*5 fra: ufaTTsi «t*f i wrarcn?: i wr*rpTT^ spfran^TfTTl i
R* gwf jrwra ’nmxra. m®«. 'too.c,i ^fa faw<tt i «ftfii i 'to ifnra
^ w«#i *iwnflq«<H»iw<l *rr *vrati*rcr wrn fatfnnt i Ttftft»nftn
*t?ra gwj ^ni»t **ft«r <ffa% ;^fan<iiyfffan URTfa i *$lftftft*
**jm ^vprjft wpiTT i ^rrirarfg: «raftft 11 srwftf^fa ftfft to i ’n® $• *»• *=• <*• Ufa
fa$*rawra: n

TF*\ rT% i^TT ffaSRW* Rfa *fa: I

■3RRF «Rt fa HTtrJ: sRRRPHRRT ^rT II If II
^ i ?n^i i& i ^rt \^{ i fa^i *npm* i Rf^ i sfa:«
W i ^fa: i fa i ?rrfa i mi‘ i ^swt sfa i ’sfirtf i sfa i i
^TTI ^rr: II If II
xf^njjfpr iraiffaT ?r¥rWf*n stftffa fmfagt tftg fanning ^ wfa *nrsnfafat
^ifftig t^to *rr vn.*iift i vrmfa i firs: iranrera: 11 sprat wi wrprnin-
firr^feifa ^jt ifl^r toh ^{?rsTg*Pfan ^ fa mfa i w«r vi^fa i gfo^faj: **rc
*fmun Trirpfa ^rraf^nfan gntifag*: i w i w^^m^RTfag#^ *p: Wra: i ftray*-
apsra:« ii ^ it
ysnfafa trr# ^H^ii gflffagrrwr w*? i ^ret sfat: firsT ^rgs*n i ’!sft*T gftra ^ptot Tnra
Hfatrrafa i ^ra n«r grorarfanT *trajn fa*mfr »rafa i wnsfa*rrrasf*R i wt ^n®prra i
th \ fas»TTOfaM«w M(i^ q i wngyi g trasfafafa n tpsi giro fafa4fa*t wiraimra^_^W’
fa(MMdYvT«qfafaifa gfifa: I fa:*|faft: tot qfafa^fa **fa TO«sfa TOrra fa^tunfa
^ffajfa iftnTOT fwtwwtfa i ^tgg a^^l^i^N^ifafai^fa^fa^^t'Ui:1^ ^
f^ifrTpr«T marraiT% wr^«rf H#rt ^fag^faRW»ifaw i ^wt »rafa i
^ i ws® 5° <i. m-«.i ifa i vvntf: i ^iT«ir*rT stst nwt^fv: <ara«n i 1
mitw wfrt ^ifa jtot ^ "

fRT ^HT^t^fa Hfei ^faffRT I

v*ti*nitRfa^Rf?r nil
?Tn I wfa I W^fa I I ^far^SITUt I
^rtl?[S^f|!I^T^HWtlRSfa^f|t7f?f 11*111
t?rmfafv trrarof iraifit wmvft TOtfa i
*rrf*r i *pi3fr i to tw ^rfrot^rr: «t wft i m*TO i w ^ trf?t
wtfrt wh% ii

^rt?7^ I Wftfi $ Hit im qfflf $ Vfc£ ^ || * I,

swtasT^ 1qstf?t iVis^r 15H^rfw i qsqKff i i irct i w i trfif 1
i*l%3Tf*l$q ll*a
1 mnv^il T3wrpf0^rrf»i trcfrft tmftr *nsn: gnn ^rrnrtgaj^ %
\ *nR3Wf*wro*f* tl$ * *rft % m *nraff f^ra htt wn urouro i
vmfH^rfn^ i ttfn *r % ^twwtvttw gm«

^q^fcw i 3?*rf qtrifft *it *raT*iq flTifciwr: 11 3 a

^qsrfcT i q\i i qqsm; i ^s?kr i ^ i ^sririwr: i ^ i qstnsff j
*n i wri i ^itT i *rr\ *nfcp*r: a?n
% to: tn% ^f^roWsTOT g*mr i toto#t srfa *rr TOre*rrt: ?rw*
i^ynO<f 8<fl^ TOwr^Tw^i i wiiri: wn *rr *nreft srorwt ftireiwrUtireTT fro-
ehtt TOg II

qsterr q«mfq *t3f \

tkpnf qtntft' *nrewfa a8a

qff i I *M i i .ft sfrh i Tqft i *8i
xctf i q* i qqs^f i qs^ i qqniqfa a8a
w: swan *rm wRft *rf* y-WTfir i frr ggrtfo i ironf»i i *ft ^rg
stotoU i TONrfTT i *f*r *r m irccfr vjj wrotaTfinpm fc<^ »nroTwf« i
wT<j^mr: i TOf?nj%^T »rir f^rtroerm i^nS:»

ri*tfs ^Tqf^: I
^ qtflfff $ ii m ii
qr^* i sifa? i a^raT i sni i N i qfq i qq% i
q* sft \ sn^rft i qMt I qS^ I q I q^iqf # m n
• ^ ^3Wfv *i w«wm<m*n*nftB i ^ron i*fwfvft *rofw i wft * TOtft *rre-
ff^f% I 7TTO TOf% I TOTT^ HfTOft 'WfWTfT*it ^WT % *TO «U3ft

^ F^SHT ^^TfJTTqf^ i^T I

??mq u ^ iwf «rw m\ alrii
8^ n n [«• fc.w°b. ■*<>#.
<31* I ft I wri I ^T^TT^rt I 3[fa I nCT | ^yf | tfffaTTT |
*T I ^ i h i ft i i i n!:si^ i tipr^ i T^n i ^t:s^ i *itc^ ii^h
% tft * w* «fwrwi ^ptchtt i fxtro wvpi *ftf*r i snfta-
«Tf*wf3rgif^ur suuwi i ,vfwft viT^nfa i ?t xw w$Wt xrm»pTOf si vngi
jn*$rr sfor »r^g i ?tt fa^slqqqygift i ^rtfr^r w sN n^fii tot from nfjftn
rnfro m^*is w wmt ara?fii nro; i f«i<*i!»ra$«iilwpsgtwifttwt n
irfirtrrsft n n ? n
strong TOTOgT5*i frqjfou'j i m<ugmTO»T*ft i «Vnrpfc
ttot ■srrgiiTr i tqgf»rc;wi»fl' ggfttn # »raT ftfHta: h

*rr ifa ^rniffl i

qnn ^ sit 4tfb*r f^i^l n«ni
srfcjgTfft i srtrigTfa i wSl i *n i usicf i i
3TOT I I ?T I t *T I SIT 1 I II <111
^ ’swft i "B'cna^si morfaft *RTf^ft^mwpftfa »lwt: i %ro«wrej fiwcw*ft-
im° 8. <i. 8a.. <u ^rtfn i vwrf^r ^tirpcrtrn sft
*rr# ?r tW TOrf* i w- xrroref i TOft: mfronfr n ^ *rai^t wu^rsfn ttos stsWsi
W i f»rcf% ^ q<Un»reniag'<r intoi% i xrr w to gro *rnr *r *psefs i *ir*r T*% i
f»r m @rr *fW4 *r fagrfw i »i owl f*B i froi «m: i T^r: «Hro*f uf^rr^ *t i to trow i
ottotoitoto tnarrown# TOft xnon^rwti «TOtfTT *rr i TOTO*ft«NTxn*iTOTl i «rrem-
»enfot TOTfa TOrfa to vm *i *i m gftror^ ot ift°
0- ?0. | Tfa II
^ITplTO ^*IF?fft fefow. I
3ntnf?fttfre vre^Tgnfft^frfr irii
^B[ST^t4 I ^ft 1^1 i f?fi^: i
^prrf^fcf: S33 i vpnN; i mmjk- i H^taft ii * h
frocrnr i *prr %wwvf ttt: ipfr w ^aigniv^mg fljWTSH^r w itvtn: i ^nK*
i n#l fm^i^Ki ^ gpfi! fsrfw^Htir^ j^roV ^g«S«i<OMisfW
|HV<.qr« i tnorafn ^t i m fetn: i snw*
fzfyf^et i sw^u’qT toIw: qii^fmn: i mfMiTOfflm<ir^iH«<;iftl
5T^TWTf»r: «i<,<8i»il i gs«% u is(^^«if<ni fKi<n#H.i.Hil.i nwfroWWI'
»ttto: i ?fT^t i^r: i mt xw frogif^iftTWw: i
^tt nTy i ^i^ifs: qpi w
'3rT I »TT^:S^"l 5S^fH I ^ I 1 I ^ I W«l^; 1
mi \ i sr^fir«?«
J*n>r* ^ ^ *rt ^wnncwTOnra(f7T i gnrrf^#, i wrft ^ wrrg-
wrf^ii i ^?ft ^ffv i f*t f\«< *»<.**« i *H *rra ^rrtfaiitt i wn shnirlf i
^nrfn *nim^T$TOTiw*nwKT>^f*r i fircrihrfn i w 1i
*np[W TPRftfw rrm *8 w •«m minify wtemiOm «rw% Treifa^ft i
<r^nrr%%«i t*pt n

»wra w ^rfw <i«^V$t ^fa^i

^relTOBip*n Hpwjjrqfaft ii an
»Tt I #rj I TO I 1 jprfff l ^ l sfa I ^Bfj I ^ i snnft^i
^r % •*rwrf»r tw w<fvfVft srafir >rnn 5*tfa i *rr^r «rre*-
tmivta; i ’vnjfif i n*rr *rra will Tnrrarw’tf *r*n;% flrwirg^it »rnrtf^v *jfa*prr-
f^i ws? *rent; ^ »ft?r: w«nl i ii

7T ^T
^tt$: wtw -mmk mumk fa 11 m ii

?n ^ i TOnnfa: i ?f?r i wn: t ^ i ^i 3*fas*ndifa i

5ETT%: I Ttifa I sptaffa i WS^t4 1 fa I IIMII
^ % *r nrgiwtfowgn^ ift i ftprfct i ^riw^TT^rrfwr^fn i
<rff ^rr^r wnt w^n^: n^rer i f^rterr^ wt i ts*r wfirm *rw f»nre*j^ ^n^i*i
f«r i i ^?f ii wnrcfai^r arfnreffF fast* im#*. 8.3$.1 f^r qjun^w i
wt t nr* «*. 8^. i*fn ^ ii

^jisfanfa ^rfa qji^ra^nfacTi i

mi lying! ^nfa^rifa^fafa^ n$n
W5fas*Tfv i grfa i ^fssrai i ^fas^i i
n 13ff( i syrranf i nnrt i m<WTfa i wfeg 11 $11
'wnm I ^frujppifrrt \ TO ** x* wretTi# ITOTO I^T
M. 8- SI'O. i xfA II ^ Tpr ^ wswf <M%«if^-
fin^mren^nrf i »r«avn«ftft ?nfrwn: wNt: a T^r:w^m^r itn»M. *yt* i
^ im«§.?.^., jfr ft*. »Wqm mtiK *«ifiiAn<«iPi«w*ii<
iniifwt i ^’twrff» »u»
?m i^n iw ^ ft|?H.f»itii gWB1,1 ^ 1
f| i ^ m*. *m fwiffat
^ t *% s^vnwtx i«ifMi^rN<Miif«f^ m*n i w ^ 8-1 ffin
8§<8 II II

^Mifa wmi ?$ f33*M: i

^3 tot ^tFftfijMI f^f?^: nil
^i 3 i i mmmt^ i *pq3 i i mt^i ^ i 33 i f33: \ 3?m: i
^ ^ i ^i ^ i ^h: i i ^ IW i ^t^Hi i f^i
3*f|sM: nil
% t?; *t ?ra *N% ssfnrnj ?frt% it rom gwrw sr^rfa i w n*u<vtfau*i: i nf^i
^rCrf*r i wtm wgprr <*r gwrec^ngi; %v *t *rif %awm. wft: wm w TtaTfm wn
'a^’Btfii w far%: t»t wfa uirora: 1ware iw^q: i ft^wt wrwrjfwaft m mn-
gww wnr: ^ i wgmfininS: i gfaft f^ri gftpftwTrfT^rnr i sftra ftrcft-
jpmftwwft % qmfag ^miTq<(Wra[Mr%^ i ^ 11

3 Trrmfvk^^ra wftti ^stcsjttt 1

snfa^ ^n3 ftt irii
3 i wnfrh i ^srhpsi1 irrfire i i wfcn i ^ i *frt: i
rri i^i i^^i^sife^i^ if¥^i to% nil
% waqgn<mff;i jtji^ ?r *rrf*pi wrarrfaw fw wTwrfwhprrfwi|firfa$^ wawr
w. wirto *nft«T hwt^t: i wf?^: i wfa w wft ^mftifnrwrrfflw^f
afafsg w xrfwfirTTJi7rT»r#iT%g smitg faawg^g i i wr fwrg wfrg i^t-
^rt^TTT^rrg jrpWfarrf^rfeg ^rnrf^ng yntt it

^ MTMifM 'f^rT *|MTOt 3 ^MMiTR^M I

^rffrT 3t3 tt33 Mftftg ^ratm m3 ii?ii
W I ^| I MT%fM I T£;S|fl 1 11MT3:13 II 1 ** 1
3a3f31 3^ i m33 i Mftf^ i ThTsstmi m3331 ^31 m3 »*n
t g'^gTi^ trg gft*^T wrofa i i nffliuro h *»ft ^fflanfriafirj1
qqnw&foftTiq; ii ^ hwwiIit ^ gr^ff gvr*Wftmm$'4*rrcT: w?ft ww >*»rar*g:
mggffTT i ^ w irtreTm ^wift wf| wTfww wwwi wr w 1*^
jfl% g% ?rctr rT?g% pfrfsg ^ftn *wropw%Gaftf v*l ^ i ^
wig gimf^fH: gwwnfhcr^: n

« TIM: Mt ^ fM^TTfir l
mt3 m3 mht ii8h
3Rt I ?jr^| ^ | TIM: I I MTSRr^l ^1 MI I ^ \ t^f I •
ws^m : i tosm^ I ^s^jw: i ircg i w, \ mt3 i *ti3 \ m^ i 111111
* ^ ^ ^wr H** 31 ^Tf^rer TT^fr TO I i t<ni TO * fro
I *"* 1 tif i tft to: i mglwOsm *i ^stroRTOi *3 V. ^Ptm
ftflnrf*i % toto; wtitotot nfTO* <rronft towhI gfwrgfroi-
fwfW^TOT TOT TOTf^l ^TTOW ^ arj Tfhf HT^ | TOl<qffr ft

r* ?T%»TT jjTSJlH ^ ^fll HTRsafhl |

r^ »Tf «T HT*ft fipft *7 f^=RRT II q ||
?71 ^jvfaf i nfipu I *J^0T»T: i ^ i ^rfii i *ros«pr(I *rfhi i tjij: i
^I • f*r*: I I *T IHT*ft I ftTOT I *T I ^JRTI I faSHUT IIMIt
^ EEJ? P1"™ ^tot»i: totpIto tp$ toto wf%j i ftofaf i%
TOTO.y»ft TOfw n irtHr i tow tops i % to» qrcHY^ fwwT faflfTOr TOPrt matron
w trot tots* n fjm?wm arpft wrgw: srefu^w i *r: \ TOfn froUOTfa
5^j%isro?flr» KMR

Ffw tfn top! fro* $w *sW5r£ i appro * i rowra: toto rfir it

TOt fafroto: n

^PTOH i& TGgrf* OT HHOT*fa <jfop5 ^T^r I

OT ^ VTC gf^rT nd OT3FW7I rT^rf H^qm rTtrrf: II <\ II
$HTTHTtf: I 35 i *§Hfa i OT i HHS^rid: i ^ i wfa$;pq i wff i

^n i q: i «rc i gfart i wt i ot^ i wit i ?Rt i ngum i r^Ts^m: mu

% tsf Tprom: *tTOfwgTO;ft to wt ^p*rf% i gjn: i % gftgro towto ror TOgf^iT-
TTTflpTTOPTTT *?TOT«: TOTOTOT TO Wt *$*: I TO TOtoI ^fffW»f gfTO gj OTTO iftTO
TO at gftwHjroi -tfTOT: otptot i tootSIto. i froprrft TOTfn miTwm ^toTOtotolto

qHMf4-j *nc wmt hot: i

»Jft fffi TJ^f H HtH IRII

^tSj: 1 ^ 1 f?1 1 5|IH: 1 ^*‘1 1 1 ^I: 1

»Jft I %T IJJ1T II I I I H I Ht^l IRII
% ’3* Tft'^ray rn^fr m w wt tototo to ?n^: i TOTO^nflnh ^tot
^pcr: i TOrof%i«flPh|: tot: $frn g*Si«*rr tott: i toto: i tot jfT gfrot fro Wfn to
TO ginrrot ^<nmngR.*<«g<^ig TO f*nj» jtotTO f ^frfwjroprf% i tott^ w*rft to^5i
*f*«w. TOnnf i TOfir ^rw fwg^Rr i farapr: i vttot^: r
vol. IV. 3 0
i» H [$t° b.^f0

wrf faropfaii £w ^rfrr ^h>pr: i

ft ^ i# R% II?ll
i ^T i fqt: i 3&fa I ^ i faar^ i ^sjpfari I fail: I i tor: i

ft191mi5*iisl^f:»irtism^41 i wj* n?n

fsst ShCTspfNri ss^fiM prfs ssns: sirnssrst fsyrsnsasf sr smft s sss
% f3[ tuM fsr- sit?|s. spft$r«rs i SHrs-^fwarfspis i srfs s % ss srra sss $
st$w w Tssfs i ssrfs s | Tsta? T$T»sasis it sir sis #*: i vtft ^sts: i
’stsTTtsr ist°$.<i.<>m.i *fs swi n sfrfrssftttesaO 4 r^j i f<fs: srvftWs *atsTfs
g»i «s^3 fspnt 11

\m ^ ^uf *jt sN: i

tHS^ ipntT stt ^ ii # 11

^RTI wd 11? i $41 i ^T: I i ^Ti nN: l
^:iH^i?istg:i^i^T^;i,frn^TTOi>]w: i 3tn^;iitfii

% tsf ts^faTtsifs ptssffs sir sirrftr starts sPtsrfin iffs i snrflrsw i nsft it
suHw gf? 3ns3%sisss n ^ ^t: iMsfasr sr prt sgsrrori »r§ gwr: spsi^-
%wr: ust ss ^t: 1 ?ff i srfs s Ttfssl: ssig: sstssrIt ssTsssfr st hs srtgg sm
srrss% ii sis ^tfgsiifssfsg i wrsr^psrasgi^% sfo fsfs ^silss. i s$4t
g$ss i fsfs st st vrrstft^s ssr n ssits s prs: sftsws^ i stss i ssrfs s srtsj
s ii sstgs f^msjsroTSTsfs srssr n

*§*ft wiftfc. ^ ^rf ## i

m w ^tf3 faiifw ^wt: iimi
i f ^r i i? i ^ i Tprt.* i ^?t i mi i 13j¥: i
W i *n I ^ i i *jtTs3?i i i Sifif: i * i fNi: i ^Rt[ I ^t:«M«
1 Ti?T ?^tsS*i4s sssTSPrs ^f%r i pj i ssTfs s ‘%’ssr %sprsr sstw^: sis% i
^s% ii sfsi sr^ sns^s its; ii s: sftsT fsssg^ssss % ss stfs fssTsgfssrorT: siwrarstfi
II ^ H^tSSTSSt: I WTffsfs SFS W^tsts«t% fS^TTfpftS S
ssfts: II SST I ^SSSSTSfTf^ST ftslfts StfS I pSI^SS, I SSTf? STO 7t W St^fS^fS SSt
ssrsrmifTsrvss: i s^fs s w sstts: ii s^twtifs ^sts Tfs stss.i stwfssiK^i^ 1
sfs ’gst^rf^tsT^sts: ii sr^ifs ss sitni<t fs$: «s5|4 i^r*?st^siss p sT^ 1
^fsfs^siiisifii^sffi i srfsswfs # # $#
SfSST S%Wn MS^^SlfSir sip? ^5« sfsg^sw i srpTs s i
S^SST^TStS|S: STfSSfsfS K SSt fsf^rstsT II
« STCRtSS^i: ||

** IMWtfcsrojtoil dftrar ,
** ^ nn
nfyrt i *%n |MTi *5*5171.1 tow i i st,
I ®fsn;i | ^Rfi^ | ^ | |n|(

wmi ^ *j* *sW^f^,Vfr<rw>Mm-

*nX$T %fMT nfiftit ffinn?qniT.i i g%gT^T*rcrfn t aar a ira afamaA ■

_1 V*'q~ w1 ^f*f ^Mfijnit ?mrf^m?n:T win

tt wf% TnSbfa sg* 5*mxr5R sfam-
1 ^ 1 ^^rf*mr *h*j^ nvmr i ^nfr% ^
1 ^T 11 ^ *ftnaw»«n«^ a to finrati* friwto
5m tfcwftetf: mfTOti «f*TT v%: «f*m i~mj-
TO*gj? <ro*g$ tf* amrmur xft *t sfam xwfemt if%»
10. 9* | tfTHl

^ ^|5: sgR^rir ^triRf^rn trt i

smt ^TT ^fonr ditsflt wnrt^WI ^fa^wi irii
^1 1 i fa i #5^1 ^raf i stott^i srfam i tr! i
^nt: i *j: i ^srrf: i^it: i ^frsiri i i ^Tri: i ^TarhjfV^t ■sfir i ^rcfam irii
^ xmjin*t*<Tft% xrg^: xrg^nffat 5m: ^grfwi: wfwfr ^T^rrt^sr: xr. saf^R f*t^tj
^3% §Rxrf7f ii '3^| i wT^f?^ ?rfxF it % ^nrr *r<rrsJr«jxTwm %g-
^ *N*ft xrfwr frmft fow *rwpt fran^fn i srreim i ^mUqnfo x*fqq#f5rrrx^ i
un fism T^iJiRpi: i Wfa; i iTOTxm a *y«f w^WIwr: i
?*r4yi<»«r wfa: ii amtf^rr^r xrfag^TRm^ vrRT^fxRi4n^<(f i fwtfif wwgwT ii

^flT I
^rcrf ^rw: *r ^ m3 ii?ii
1I 3OTF(J *fa3 I I ^7T I
§sipt: i ^t\ Nifaj: i:rp&{fci i i rttt: r: i^^ i mq\?rg yir ii?ii
TOWftg^nir<jtf5r< ^nrifTt TgT trar^ inm i ^fxr i m0 m. ?. ??. i ffw f*nn-
^ # ^fq'gii<:tiiT*<nx:5tq wi wrx#n i imifa 4xw<fwa*s g^rg ?frw
XRffer*n g?nr g?R ^ '3<^i ^WsnS: i w i ^rarmt
^fT g^rr wir^r gw xreww^ i gw twti wti i ? gwj: ifW’Rirot xiwrwfm-
^mnnfT mwJ: xrf^g.* ^TWT^w^Vr?^: irngm^t wnr: i wmt fWT xrwnmr
^3^ "WTRTPnjvw *nf?t i ^i*uf •cmufi} TRpfNfwfn ^fxrglfx:-
’TT’Wx^r xr ^utotot: ttt??h ?7*r^: i 'a Tfa ^cw:«

xyrsi to 1

xrfHft^" *itWr *rf % f^: sfro fro*k: i»8ii

>tt^: s^«f i i i ^nn^T i i ^gs^^rti i i


*rra ^ 1^15ehrt*t ’rnfr *nw i w ^ fwr^Jnrwtwi-

^fw ii ^ i ^nt^imtflii^fKnl^ft im**.* W**i Tft ^nnft»-nw: i
*T^i qifffiwwiqffiw a S*wt: Tfnwm^iT wrcpatT m3m frrnTrrare
^ gpfcft i qfwft* w w#r *im ^ht^t nDw«f*Hi'*r?t i^t
^jumswg i i *tfn: i f^t ^ftw v*t *t
im Tf^r fawr: s^urta: a

^rfroNt «iPi<*ft ^§? i

TTofT HF&iPft ^jRTH: wfH ^nnTTf IIMII

f^frlgS^gtC I *rfTO I TO I HI I ^pIW I I 1 wftR^ I


1 *fan: ikt* ?rr wwiPK^tlfiny ft<«a^r wh

^ tw3
| m *Pt wtptt wroPi «h*im4« w*
Tim* nfa wmr i *mrf3 11 ^ f**& i^fir^r?
ff<.«9«i^^fr ffr^wro: ^pfr$#fn *rr i *$?' #*rt: i tiPia^n «'PK«t it ^
jftsfqtiq gn^flqMrei q^rrrre: tfi^qo- 33-1 fft a a1®#
f^r srPHi W *Pwr^ ijda*i«(n<«nW 1 ^^m«nyrftgT«gP^
fu^maquw* i ^ff **nft *rr i fm itw i jtot ^rr*pmi i «fwt F5™
^rf%g sii^q «nfrra& 'aMftBiwtfinrft ^nipriwT ^fn a *nit fapraw: a

Hft *r ^n kff mu

tfs^r: i f^i i tos i i 1

snfi *|: i ^jsfa: i *: i ^n i n% i ipfrsk i *: i sn i *!% m"
i ^wt ^iT fPrn «Pnsf^i ^ i
fisfnt: ^Prfi: wfpft I « w^lf^fiK'R™1^^^^: ^ l
ifti’IHTO ^dbl«BT^ ^TPEf 7T<4*l«ll I W I ^<*Tl<fli^nw Hm ^

fR VZfaA TOf T?tTFffl I

l.^TO l**S«nHffei

i f9tt i tfssMpr i ^jra| i ppetari i pp*| h ^ii

% jpnroTfw froni Hfr^»T ■injfi^ q^: qfrq sr ^mir: %^rt*t w^rff i

i% qfirenrrcr »rfret wfr Jipiwr art i i gaefam
jjqnfawwwra «r$^ 9wtai£tiwQ u

FIT*j STTrR^ET f^ltt >J% f^RT I

^1 ^ II? II

r^T I ?fH I jffiTS^T I I I fiPlT I

^I^^I^II^fl^:iflWS^HF(;i^3^r^|fiTiis^rn^[ II? II
$ qft ftwt fa%: «3MritfW smsfa^r ^nrrwf srnnnj mrrm *rr arrg arom
fw qjwrr *r$ 1 qrtf»r n *j ^ Knsrrf^i: 1 enffo^ai: 11 fwerain. twftr smfq qnhftr
%qf mfirr^Twti^tuT *i1 1 w*nti otto i ^mn fOT^awtim ot jtst

ssrftr *ft wfcnw^ 11811

srfti: \\n: t !$w^i s%: 1 srftr i *rg«rf: 1 ^hr: 1 1 ffift i

3»ftf I I V^SHTm I 11% I I V^SSTrTO II8II

^r < m f<*im q»U flufcumfrqt gfrffw: gwrftfrjOTPi 1 tot 1 g-Oftmtaun^-

hto; i to toto: qinmwlqifqqq^i 'fl'fgOT^filqt »^r ottot tocotot: OTftfvft; t
TOlTO'fit 1 qrfq *r *mfq Kfr »rfwt wrnft «iw aroft Win^if 11ws?> 11 fafm-
toto: u tot i TO^ft ottot ^uti<nftf5i«i^: i vro ota3
TOWwrSf J|3ofa *nr *rf *fUfo: qsftfaarfc 11

ssftrcftf *rcstm *rNf%t wM*} w w<&g*T?% i

STftf H M11
i 1 wj(sit*i 1 nftfat 1 n 1 w^i5!: * ***&1 ^*^3 1 ^ns 1
3?fit 1 srffo: i 1 ^tsf^rr. 1 1 ^ssftir: 11 mi
qrf^ tr^yai jrfirfH- W otp^§ q qtiqrmTi% nm i TOTO i aQffw:
Sf“trffiqfafl*iO ftm qflre ^fqrf^f i ’gfirfwTfsqrfn i ^ ^nrnt ^c*Tl<*iq
’^hmr qrr *if gflffir: 3fWT ^qpit wraij i «ca
qi^i q^hfqii j|qiKi*m4 i qrnrqtqwi to qiflPfoi i flqi i
■sifl^T qnrr qiwm1^ qmnrr^jpt fwft * ^«fr fqf»nfnt:»
8s o ii w**!' n

Hfirw* vc&ti fruft ffo i

**ire ajvfir «rht \\v\
i s?fii: i 1fan* i i ^ i ffa: i

^nrt i i 1 ^3bt i ^n i mil

w i <tot «uiiiifM4iiiM«iif<: i *R^r f?
^rrrftnrt^r; "?iT^Trf?nnft grra% g’^j^ffajwpsnrfw *rn*r^T i ff*n ^Oiiiuf^-
?f*t^ 3^ i W«*R3 Trf^nat^ i w i w ’pra sT^n w*?rarrfo: i wigngg-
tjttot: wnrr ^firorf^w H*r??t xat«iY<ra to »£5f* twrj^ tot
^rmf% i ^t*nf: iramui: a »

fire <£*: fW I fipi ^ ^ ^1¥ #* it s n

fij^i^i^:ifir^i^%i^H:i Wi^i^sgi^i^i
iffir irii
^ ^ri^y^yO^isii«0f*i inropft *RTOT«n?f fjRRnftanirsj grs i f^rcnfT R,igf*m<i^
% *% fim g* i *1 wr »?mg «tfg wtRTfl$g vmq ^ ^Kyr^a ffm
wfv i f^ II

swt^n ^raT*iig ^fit* I V3 ^fil II ? II

iret is«rr: i 1 i^ i i i 1 isrerrai

^%rT I ^fil ll?ll
Tj[T5pft;ftfgTg?%g W W ^f?R^ '*PTOf*Rt fTTOT ^wl<<lT«^gRW ^
wnraj »?t%g jftrp *fRrrf^g TOMWTOrqrapifag BgT<*i irrf%
srfv i gwi n

TSCZ7 ^Tf,lt'crr ^Tqfa^ I

w ijc^torfRn Ararat fir^ ^TR ii^ii
i^tt: i ^bn?n* i ^Tgsfifin: i i i
'SET5T 11^*4^ I WS^HIT 1 ^S^l I I llBlI
^T qgWTRT wg^STTR Rrg'R^RT RigilfaT TftTRT *lRT ?t TflfUTT ^<T;
ttpW% i i^wt 1*rtt i^T i a«Mf«iy<nfWT f*w 7 ,,
toit; i gra i^ira wf i ^ni: ^rwr^PRrr Hg^fl«n ^rg to! tori ^ 11

^5T xnwI^rnRi ’wsi i

vzsi hmii
^ I mw: i prof i ^ff, i jft,
I I ftsijfM I I ?5Ir^| Vj^ni I ?g I rf: liq ||

jra^wPTT *tTTreroUfq m^r ^tvnmsrnrat i f?m& $ ^r% »ftiWTf*Tf ^fti m ^raimi i

snrram gra u iiq.ii H<m
i fra ms Traffi mrf irera mfc mrorar rrnfara?jra* i
yptnn^i^: wt *tw* fftii g*ra to* i mm ^ m i *Wft-
^JUMm^iH^tumu: l nr® y ?• cl$.1 ^ffT ll

??an *st srsfrT: i

*T ^ STOT 5T ^ II <\ ||
^jto: i sfstt i i i ^ftnrs^: i i

®711 israt i *r 1sft#i^i^tf mi

trrewsftiffiT^iJ^ qffrftfft $m i $ «s tot *f% t
H^fli i ^rfirwiftTfrornm hiqii mffdi fmmrfmrr totot^?t ’snmSyra Hmtftffr i
wr firayn gw si*t to ^Tf^fq * fsft * fifcft * ^ ^fM: q^fgnft
*nrf7r s ^ to¥ ^wmq:»

^lftj<T ftaj^rffl^^T *rsft l

1^: ^ ^ swNh;: II * II

I ftsr: i Tifpr: i ^SfT i ft s*pi: i i

^ i i ¥51 i #hs¥t: i 11*11

^f%*T: snfrrfTOTrot *tttt f^raroatn: tot: maim: mwfqrn grot yTnrrt irfurr fm
fry*: TOrsqrrft mft mft^i gm qrwnrt *ftw: wtror mm mrfm* t*ti«TOrft
Terror *ranr*roi qs#r toUw« gr tqj 1 grift marg 11
ft K^t ft l|Mf ^ff ft ^^ 1

ft 11 ? II

ft 1 *s(: 1 ft i 1 *rf| 1 ft 1 1 1 1

ft l ^ 1151 1 1 ^fts^w: 11 ? 11

% r»ft rwwid fq grff 1 fmm^f 1 ^v: mrwqiTfrw: ^ f% rff 1 fq^Tqr^i«aT-

?* TOtwHitfl fn 1 Wror gir 1 % fmrfWsi: ’^f^rmfti^ngmrmft froro
^ft^g qfr^rfq fmrnnr 11
t% * r^f?r ^yrer ff^tiyrom 1 ffmr ^ 1 f% *1 yit ^ff yft »i graft
^tffm: im«^. «io. 1 ifn»
n n

fa ^ sift sffar Tjn^cf: i

^rfa^TO^fat TO^IT »n4: II#II

fa I V I i *jif: 1*rft i *$Hr I TO i TP**: i
n: i i ^fas^r^fa i i *pw i h4: iitfiu
% t% ifuw* irff^ i f’prnrs i im yT^: vynrt: %*rr warn
^rrft *pss i 4V-TN*niBg«g ^ ii *•
<3Mwqfa jurat f*rer£ jnfriwrt *TW*ui »r*ra i imro n

frot n^tsv frofawt ?y i


sub 331 fro: iisrii fa^rtaci: i vi i

fa i i i TO i ito i ^ IIMH
% ts[ vWWtw *rf!r i f^rnEnftiWP* q^tiftfiraEnv *ra f^Twn^j
^ grff i iw'r: tPrararorsTBr i *tta wt ft i ^ft mt
srjsm ^ *nra i mra: 3«r5£<s # b <*o b
BfowwMtft t«r4 gn^iVHst f* i ^rrci ^njm tjprmfl »rraffr*T: i im ^nfr
uriri i m«raf*rfab trtfft inn^: W *3 # »*1
t*a*nfkf B[i m frtwM-i tf* b WW wgw b
i& '*nrt*mfaft I ^-sfpTT^: T*fa nil
't^rft: I WTOpt: li^i^pri^i WW*ISjfiproi: i mi
f<g<i<fl4*i>w: qwifcfiiftt iroproUi^frw ^4rar»r b^w
vni i trit^rttn i tfinriraffiii v»i v ^ito: « n«ifii<i^**
wwfr *r4f?t n
^TH #sfci: i ^ nn
fi i ig i TOfcu ssfa i *&: i sn*: i i * » TP*1T^1 **'
srfa nn
% i% ^ ^fu: q^wl+wiywil**^ ^nfuf% i ’Bifa: i
mgmrg^ vmtit *roftw4: i *|btoi *l*t *w i^nrt Stf i rm*w «
BBTliUft I ^ B*T I «*>I*BI**T B
yyyi ^4rrft^rf?n:: i ^Pfar h?h
^1 1 wfa i TP1^1 ^ 1 i ^%S:«i w^!: 1
^t^TI II? II

% w fwrfir i ’JTfWT fm wrftr i *nf^i wurt ^ srfirc: i Tn^iimri^n

i *rt sjtfrti xft%m ^rt^wrr: i i wrvt *r trcrft ?t^M4<naifMWT-

^T#t: i ii 8 ii

?* 1351 l l ftoff’i ^T^t: l ^ 1 ftmto: i #>te?T ii gii

% t?[ ¥sPr*ni «s iftwiwS ^jw wnan^HHqvffllwqT *%»r finrnft Pma^^iHf-

i vurqflt TTgwf wnf n
f^TOft WTrTT^t^T I H fw ^ wfai IIMil
FH 35 l 1 *?% 1 fW i ^TfTTf^ I #5wt i *?: I fa’st: l $4: I

% t% ?* fw *r$Tftr stTmPi srfarifn jjm^rw »prf% i iptt «
<n3*I^w f*rm irtiT^rrf’i n$i<siTii ^rnrPTPro i ^rf*rc!: wifi: h ^ wijft ii mi
vItt gnto ^wrn^gw i fawtft fftm i flimnuprt ^rpm^*rr
H7hnm uf?nrra?i i wra^prpifat • ^n ^Tgini i *t*fr ht^wt^jh f*rf* n iftfa-
^tpi xpn^w i ^ct ^ i *rtw i&wr ''afsrert i w §• qo. i vfn n

^Nr: TF& *TrT$3i I

W^fff HTf^^Tfa TT35rnr^ IISII

I I I ^TT I ^ I I I

ifrq-; | ^ | ITSVT^fW I flT*^1 ^ 1 1 J]^HIr^ II *1II

^swr: %Hrf%r^rg«r: ffar: ^ i 'sw’Pmi graarr^r *rasffi i w »ftw- *nwf«i
i wt ff i iwunfir arm vwr: wr Tfm i&iSj i
i 'aq»nni i^irtf: i tr^rr ^i<*fl *npnj^rr%f>itant i ^jfipsr 1
mm 3WT tf*! ft** ' ^ ^ 1 ^
irasfn i * ^ *n& • ™ w^i ^»ht-
fjp^t mft: gwr Tfw i Trifa^ ni^ltm^T^ % 'ftn w 1 ’"rMJ,'8? 1 Ml^"

rftiJHT % ^ I

*v<t > ^ TOBium*.

irt^n i ’l i i^ i i i

rrt: , ^ , ^rfjfiVI "tt^: I rTFt 1 %« ^ ‘ 1 <11

U ^TOtror' iw
f^nr wm «* ^ 1

VOL. IV. 3 *
m M H

T( wfw ^ rb^: I
ii n^awni ii ? ii
^l l HS^1! I *jdw1 % I Ipjsanb l
ill ^T l ^¥S^W* I I faiTJ 1WI I 'pSHlr^ll ? II
irepig i tjw: wr*rn i ’jTre: »H44rtt ^ W* *TTsm-
Itfn i ^ ^ cr^nr: grcKmrt m wwift *rifn i % *rr ^ ^ ^^fwr:
feriw i iTTO#r«t^ stwftprai i ^ R^Td a wfa Jnsjffarfc #

ii f^f ^WT^t^T ^rTT^i: I

fqTnfPtenft *W Alfalfa R^rTT^ II tf II
^VfsrfU ^51 ^wssro: i ^TTS^fa: i i
I rT^H: I TO I rrF( I f^l TO I I# M

% f^% 'g ^ ^tptpj ^ ms *rsr *rr *pa: m pl^i W ^T*

jplfn nmanrarroT gusNnR ft?pi% *m Rra* #

to TOfaT ^rF4 ^t^wt?^ h m ii

| ipr4: I ^ I JTfairofrT 11

^TN; i irteifl' i to i toistot i sift i ap?HTi^ nmi

qgmlgn: gf^rw: 3r=ra: % ^ngnil^w ^tow
tmisjK^rMdiy ig«fl«i'% *ra Rrafl wwfw^ ii ii ^it
iM frit )iw^ flrftftwn*nj5* i wfmrf&rtvi
i m *tm i msrwfc1 ^
fi i vrrfa r^fiR^r *nT;gigfaWre MRigifra arsrwft wr %^nfn » *
fqfjpfm: ii

^rctfa sito ft^fc ftft ^t% i

srtfrwfrhjT TOrerof* mu
srcjfii i ^ i ft s*fc? i ftft i *ra:1 s<sro i

ftftfts^J i *ftsfa: i ?*ft: i *q i STTOprfa11 ^11

% ^Kiiq<ifi»fn ^rf^fvR ^ ^t%

fawn*! *rr % ^r^rg% «<<i^WTftfir ifShifi*^ ^ ^.Tl. ^
vypwr Trfwr: i fl(f<Ra^r i R<j«i<liR'<i i tR r. rinrrfi-n-
sri ^niqT*tft i ^iww: i Rrwrcpnw i W 1 ftfTTTWd
*oe*0.^o«^,jom] n

**** q<qfq: qtffq? Tmfrn «t fqqxwq: i ****** *ftq

fqft q^ n

^TWlT^d: yiTWI^ff l

*c^nn^ 11*11

^ i S»t: i W i i I «T5Tf^ i 1

^q41 srenn: i i cft^os^n i i ?f| h ^ h

flliwI«l *ti I q -<iV ^^TTWfH^TfirlfTr^iTti^TT^ft ytqimTTT fffqTTT VT^Tf |

•qmrsfh q$7 q<Sifq »|WTfq qqqiqTfq qfrrquft qq*Tqgi < i r*n -qx ffjfaxfq^qqxwrqqt
qqfq q<J«i ^Tqfq*tfqqV qf % sT3P!P?rct qWTqfqq^q 1 tftqq’jq xftq*jp*r*|i q$qa<KT-
i qq? 11

5T°fff ftfift: xjfr IRK UTwt II ?II

i ^r i ^ i sNh i ftref: i xn\ i sng§4 i ttt^i w i i

$:s?^ i ^i irki TRrswt ii?ii

^ fqirere^ qfoTqq’gqq fqqxqx ^qqw *f?q q*Tq jpqqq gqqliiqugr ^qqxspftt
ftfvfr: qf* qgfql* srqrt qqqfrqfx: qtf?l q*xq \ $:%q fqqtq ^rrfa *gqqqq %
qffq: qjr t«* i qraq* i i %q ^rqqqw %%^nrreiirf%q qxwifii#i qwtq-
jpqre %qgq qf* q^? ii qrcx; qq? 11 ffqft f:%q ?qq^ qT % qrqfqx fqvt: qf*
qgsqkqnixfqq gqM^f%Rq^t iqrrfr f* ^ q^xxq q*xq ?tw) qT: aqxT q*r$T
th* i qftpxsr i *rfterr q 3q ^tto q*qr*qfqsftq qwN w^jwfnqT $f*qx qxft
^fqfq* qq? n
q%iffq frftqqq% mmn^ftranil qq «iqlf*Slqt i ^fqq q i qstjtrft qq inqV*yuftfq
%?»i qjr° $. i *fq 11

VS HT^k^FTHttf TTfWTfrnfit: I frTT 3&3J *Pfa: W$ II8II

V\\ f i uTrff: i ^4nrT i st: i *i|TSVTfi!!^: i fm: i t&s i sMv: i *rf i
II8 ii
% q^qifiii^%<^^f^iditi^<<iiR:<BFr q^nst qqqr qTTfqqfr qTqqw: qr=» qqf fif-
qp}: i qqrrf?aifq xjmtq ^fq qqtq: i qqt qfq d fffqqft *jq mq\: qqiqqtqsi:
q®qqqqT: qqft qq q^r qqxwqq qq^q h q^fq qqrqqirqq^l qt^q: qq: g: i qqqqqq-
qT%fq qqj qqqx^q: i qq qq fq-rH iqiqT<*jq i ftqwftqt q qqfq n q^rqftq q^ q^qr qqqt
If^qnfq: t qffq q^qtfq qr: i qgqq qqrrqq: i qrq q wqqq qnrq: i ^j<qqiq»0

^qq^ftwrq qqt f qT qqr nm n

tpftirrxMvvTf hmii

i i in i is^qw i nft i i i *m»<! • i ^: i

3 P 2
ii ii [3f°t.fH#b.^oei8.

^ art i auwfiiHvqTHrc^ i ifiinKwn: iSfam i m4*i«i*».i «tpi-

f^: qftHTtrsw,i Witi« *r uft«u^ irr w* mwtft-

i arfwfig rraftfei i 'i arf^rflfw^! it i^«

Tift f^jg * tf* iM tnr* qimfMfWi *r?IT* urt nuivnW 17TOT 'nrym i
%gxi^T qmfafa u mnT^’^rrf^r^wiWrr^ W1 if** ^1 ^ ^3
ii: # i'W0«-^-1 ^ “

^ f&H Ot firo afiNi^ftNififj IW Sta vAvi II 'I II

juwm fw anftftr i?rat irfii i 1M3 i <nni%»Pli4g i>Hg it i
^ «rm iwt: I wf^rg w’g rDwirftri «fri
7T^ I ^mifqMT \RV*t *pf Vi %®T I ^ 8

■qin *tt %®taTCj[ i eft ^ ftr^ ii * ii

*rat i nr: i ,sn s f i h?Ni i srct i ni i i fit i «r: i ftp* i ii * ii
\ v* «? Timmi SHt^tot it w enftm tw *n Tnftg&f
i mrm T*tf:1 mgfii iwi 1 m'
wrwn^w^: 8 _
inng: W ,w% ^<f*iff» 1 tP*fl ^ 1 ^
rnfr *w^l *ft *& i ^° * c- • tf*»
**fat*N II? H
^i^i^ti^i^i^i^s4ffi^N^i^ff i^|^|^i1?11
% Wist it fi ^ filWNW* Tftwn^i ’K^WTIT I
f«m w i i wrra t if* ^t^rm-
X^rgt IT *nfa I TTTf I W I ^T% mfa 8
«$ ?re|vniOT ^ fiffa i ii 8 ii

w% i mW’i wri«sn i ^11W-1 fijfo i W 1 ***'•118_"

an^ntt *cuxm f« ^5*nfl^ f^f^r in ^ l^^TSSr'^L

m^N 8rf%yrf^ ^ if t^rrftf^: i f^ gi»u »w xinn^it «g^gKT4
gt^*i i ewt nW*rt muiuTi *nfn rratrefl ^ 8
^ I %w I'411
l I fw I 58% l I I lW i i
1 qft f%^it iwmt tnr*mn»rt ^ig: ^nnft i tn^rn «qfa i qmqq frrenm: %:
JOT^WXr *T^f% I * W^W^WI% xnjgt fM\^*qV*t | qnp^q qftqqqq.% I f% y^,
T^T g qrfirfq qq# qg gqwiS gqqgqqr ?mmw qr %q^q i q*r
f$<m !**$«: qTgqrm i t*t g gqq iw: qT**qt qi ntqqt Vsr^r %q* *
^httw f«t«fl«^ ^ja^qifflfwr»nf^if«<' xfqqfar i gfq?i q i qnr qrf?
q»i%m g n tfn fqq^Tfarrfq i^«c. ^>.| xfn n q&ifft g?ft% wt snfugNgfqq
1 ^ ^ qgwW i gfqn q i qT$pirNEfqq tttt g * gq»rr
xftqwtfn qq i qr» c. i ^f?u

^ ^ *ftwii^ar Wl ^ \^r\: mi

131 ^ i ^n i tfftrepr i i£: i^i i ^ i^t: mi

f^pnrfq irfWPTrfq gqqT gqqTfq g fqq qftqwr i xmararro: i q'aftgni: i qrfwfq gxqs: i
q$T i T^rrfq q$rfw gq^rmqraw qs g*i €tqqm i qrcqqg u gqqqwq:«t^q fq%
^rrq qpirr ■rftm qinrS qraqg #

^ M ^ TT5TT ^^XTTfrT II9II

^ i ^ i *: i ws| i ^ i TTS^ii i ^ i i i£: ii mi
qtiqrrqi qqj aftfiretaTf^qi qnr tN qrH q wr H-qif<qsf qif<ftTt^nig^T%^: *1
qfcrrq t^q^gqrfn i qpqqg i qtrrfsfqs ^rnrrrq^ qtffg «

*m*0t JJr^rTT ipjflf II ? II

I i& i i i i $»| I ^faflT nn?f •»«

qnf%fl<;f^fqg5f«$qif<fwkfiq qqq: qfipt t^tiqrrqs qgqi xrftTTWt qqxnqt qrfqm
gg i Tfw wqg n

f r^p*t ^rr ‘^^wtfroMnin: 11811

iVit: i ^tr^[i ^i ^ri^i^t: i^sfr i sR^ST^nrcjr: 11811
^rr ts^fr^g<,i|^H'^qi'Off<qT^ fm fqqrar g*q<igg ^u«i^g wrt qtgqg
q^nfr ?\ ^qnr ^qw*<i<inq^gfl^»rfwx^wTWT ^rtwr: x^ftigqq. 1 qrvqiTHtqT^^q
^aifMqqq fwrf: I

Mifflf^TT l< M11

5 W',I I ^ I I I Wit.1 ^r(.l I ?f^TI *?ft I q^*TOR; H^MII
TFftf*: qi^fn: Maq^urm^: qrH HM^ri>i^«iq<qq*u qftmr:
qmg t q^q q»^qfl<,i^fqTt amqifW ^rt g^qi ,4?I^ ^n: qfr^: q^fq 1
qqT 1 x;(M^i*iMunqi qrqt • n«qi^qg 1 ffq^q^qq ^ qlXniifn < * ^ *
11 n [m° 1°

^5 afa iM arm ^aat a^aajamf $^am «n*rt i **t argaria i ^af aa^:
ati{ anaftft ii aiPaavna f€^rrriTW% aHaria *3 f* 1 ift* J* 1
f^a af ai ^mf^<«f^rfar ^rar i^ht° $■ m-i Tfa»^^rre^t: ^aT^raaTT^arfafa m faf a
T&aT i ^fan a i ^jaf at f^aang aat w?*ut aat ar»i%wt: i at0 <t- 8-1 afa*

ijii? ^1 firnwtg *n?rt ^wfitairr I wfit«t: nil

q5fc I I fi>T. F ^ I ^lif: I sHrfftmMlwfe I »t: I nffi«l; n I'll
«-$: s<fc?r %ra: ataatat aT ^at f^at tjattuqjaitarafifrat aanftiarRTTg i Tag i
nrft qr^jai^fTaTarui^taMamgrrM^r^-raag i aaT gfaatarratjfaa arf^at: *jfaarr
atfarfStosr: ag^t atiarrarag h
wrai nftnrM w ft: ®fi «Tt ^fw i tqf? #1 fafr. i*n: mi

Vpt i «ftw: IW l it i ?t; l T*' 1 ’■tfif 1 a*?1 ^ 1 %F*: 1

tmsn: iimi
1 afaa: a$at ga ata i %aat i aat % aa wrt T’bwW <la: aa
aarH^-aai^w^fa at*i wafa i a?T i aaivaifgqTTT gaafa i a at atiarpraan faaawi:
9igf*Katig fanwntnaT f3[3ja: i aaartlaa, i «Tl<wHiaT; atliTTgaTanff i Ta h

an^TT^r: flftrTT ^ ^ xftff: i ^nsphm ^ *- II?II

arej: i 5t: i^r: i sftm i ^rej: i i ^tti xft?r: i ^rej: i *nm i <^r i
m ii?ii
afaaT frrat |at aUanai ag: aarnraiMs^M^TgaT?^ %at ar^vrg i amfa a
a^r t^nar: a^aragtift |at atianai ag^arg i vTar a*at faaTaTfganataaaaa
at {am* agfa^arg«

5Hf ^ ^f##r *sjwi: i « M ft ^ ww ii 8 n

i ;i: i vf? I l I fts^ l S l T 1 IS1 ^ 1T1

atiarras ag% ^flaarfaaanran^f^aTa ag: aamrai agrgaTfas flat %
fa^f? i $a i a?T i a tfa awr^a anaaa n a^ a^iaarra at aw a^ftf^a
w$ \rff i aa^ i ag?atiarrai Tif^aaia^at at fa^H fawrraTa aarnprra af^ta aaro
fa^tff i aa aa aan<aiKmr^*la %aax aa a>i aa<a aaw i aan^rrfr aaa i ta
aara a i fafaa a afaaja s(8i0 aaa n

F?T T* Trfw tJ5 I ft ^W- II mi

I FIT I «F*i I uft I 'TOW I I ft 111JS^*HS II ^(l

^ ^ ga^a gj a^siT wt wt aa afa a^a i aftas ^arrt 1
i iw 15^rtPr prf w^mi, f#w
wfr «ra ftfirsTrm » w <i$«
yf®«g*r ^rmggy i q®frmw ?nft *3imi«wlnmiKi xm: fta i
mr «i3*W i ^ mmarrc ggm»$JTfiTf?r n 11 w-
^ wsitanft f5fw*r xi nrf*r^m.i $aft f? i T&fa ^nHWW^i^ir ^t-
i *j° <>■ o, nfni ^Wtj Tram sreBfbmatf n
35# girf srnT^i *?fest i
rrf^lHT f^TCigff: II <\ II
■3rfJ I gif: I SPlTr^l ^1 I JTTTTS: I I
i rfi^i f^iHT i TcrfiT i srfa i smife i firsggfe h <\ n
^wt s|5 '3^rrfc i ^ inTwn. i *rm5?r n^fr »nrt nspfaftj^ifii^ $$tw-
sft^ri?l i xnj i irmgft w»fr i a$*m ?fcft wrwft ^t
^ wftt fa?®i fa^TOfi?f^ wrfwHfrct sarwraTfsr i ^B«r^i i <3m41frfw 5m: 11
n ^t i fw*f?: trfTWHraTf^t i wfrT*r-
ur«r^ i w wtgfrtfgt ^?t fTSTT^p^fwai^: n

gtr^gm fw^bft i *r^g ^ xrfH: ^sprret 11 s 11

i i ^ i g^T i m i ^ i fis^ttsrI i i ^i ^ i ^ *
xrfH: i gfprrot: i ^rs^rNri^ 11 * 11
^ri %g: ^dfq-=fl- **Nr wnft H^rTfa i m ^5t fire ^ hvrijwt ^ wretf* i
■?t^’fr^T§T ^rsrfsnft »r=rrf»T i qf?i wfa frrcre-
qpfoftarfr i %?nu*n: ^M^^rflfwrfwr ®g *wi gfir trfn: HT*rfam
nmm^Tl i i *rr*rmi tjsrfaf 11

*fe g^rr: srp*ots*rf ^ fed? i

^m^rtfe? *raf g h?h
wi i g^n: i i ?fH i g i |ff«n i f^s^re i
^rn i safer i i igi • ^rtsw*?: h ?h
jf*F^ tj^Htuqi: if|T!it «cisiNi ijrtiO wqffl i wft ® % *T'0^ ftfift
wtw i ^?nft ^rns ^Ntstt i at ^gfw<^Tfi< i
"l^fr: wt *> vxi ^tTR T3^rnwRf?ni^>Frf? »

^ |fW i ^ r^fe^T fejrfg^ n H11

i i fferf i i ssr^Nr^i i ^s«ro: i i ht^i i
^ggRT i h^h
8bo II WZR! ll [w#b.H«b.^b.
Sm to wfrr *r»fai *rafn i tot «paftj qftropi anffin *t i
agTqfW *3t$g?ITO %*t gfTOT TOft 11 ^TCI tfllflK of<< 1 TOTft i tot-
f*TOT i *rt i% *re*n %*cr. 11*»%f* ^a
’wr to «irrwr^f*RnwT f*iw ilfcftm «sn?r»j4 i VJ5 * *

^ff Tivt 11MII

I wmsift I wirft I I

^T i 13?Wif i tK: i TT^i: I IIMII

gKRftmrpr *RTf*r i jtt tor wg i TT’prr to to TO*ft to
^fiwfjrft n i^n tR spf»R i to1! T » tiwwnn
*r#%^r ttvI to ’nfaj i m **mT^pj i t «
spro ?nwTTW ii to s^ttt: jf arpri tot wniq^r pai% ntfartf:a
figK^I<{lq^T fii«ir«1rfll(<*lT TO^: II

^[i I

qqTiTrer ifrs4 firnrifa ^ ii % ii

H I snN I V*V. I 3Tf I ^STTT?ff: I I

irot i i i i fasTratfa i i ^ 11^11

wm\‘. to$R i toitoito i tot ?m TOif^srncroj

q<ft«mr<TO^ *r froTsnfa tttopit »Rif»i i tot *t*i3*tf*i«i1& a a^n

Tftst^ffr TO# *pw ^rfnw ^Tsrernt i tot ^iqayi ijftgaa^TO swf

qqifro ffn a ^afTr^ngt tot* f*J%wf*ffqin*i i ffro n i srt Htto«
ii* fa,i gfro wrarUfq »m4f^ wt TOnr^^roTw i gfog qrorroft #**1
nRiflitTOTOft toi 'cnftfTi *rr«tf^ i^tj*ii. <*.s.i gfa a

rfistFITfai^ W^VUT fa p ^ I

is *n ?*T niwsrrfa ^ fa ^wfa: m n

rffafa i irfasiw: i wm i i ^spiT i i fd sfft i ??1 1

ii MRT 1 r*T I wn^: I l~fa I ^S’pl l I^ I \W\

Otern Tftvm r<iil*i<«ai««i^qTO: i to tshtow ijrfwm m^<V«wito ^
n ftRRgm’ ^ir: TO^nmTwg^ ^ | T,
.TRt fig II 7T?$ ^#TOT ift ■a»janrqtir<««tiiii}l ft
% t* wffri% »qainRTijt «3i*n»ii^n wt ttt P< fHroj frort an Trog i to** <w
fwnf: i to^»4 ^nro: fun in*r%TifrTOwnn»n: €t»rr *
*0<*°^ocK*3?ci$o.] ii ii ^

f*TC? ^T’an ^T sjhtfw I

^pnt firtei ^ nt% tffi| „ o „
3^ i frn: i 1 * sfft i i rri Iftt;: \ : i i g^fir,
^ I ?S1 1 1i fa*tej I felT^ I I xn% i II * II
t *5 9^ 9*t gfgsm: *nf gtai: g^m* Tn:grgfHgtagTg gwrg <*^?frg it
yfm: wnf ii grert: g gp3 nftenrasr: gg<fcmn fSrc: gjfg^n grgg
wftgT i wtggfTi i % ij; wrfgj*gm ri wi mg.-gggrf^* img: %*wT»fr f%w
fwsgrrm <afggTfgpg% gfa grft i ftg«

^ ^rm itww *Rf ^r \^w. i

71 ’tt trrt ^rfa h3u
w. I ^SJrfT I *R*TT I #R I 3TW I *pfSf5T i?^$^|tt: I l^tf# I
* I m: I &: I rT^ I utf I IBTSWI 5^1 ^vk I ^ I fdft ll$ll
J* giprr graggntg g$i^T i i^i ggn ggT i ggqrgfstgT s^g i gro^pg-
mT srstn* 1 i^ggm gggigrr tsjQ ^rarmt ^gfg£ grrggmgt wm: grt gfgg-
wTfw 1 f^gng gggrggr gT g ^tt ^rfg 1 g^r^ni fggrg: i g fgg-rggfg i g# ggrorng
gig sfmg gg gg gggf 1 1 ircfgg^g gg wrfg 1 gftfg h

ST^qft \u^ I
fNtaft *r^t rf ^infa sraWf 11811
1 >Rfo 1 ir: i 1 u: 1 it^r; i ^ 1 i ^ 1

fa: 13spn*rt 1 *ros^t 1 w 1 ^nfa 1 1 ffa 1 ^fa?js%: 11811

ggr g^rnrig T^txgwt 'ffgg’tgfl ggfg gf^wwmn t^rg gtg *pfrfg gfgg-
gftf?r i gggr gg^ra t^tst ggtmw<?#t g% f^grfg ggt^ret vngfg Tfgm gg ^rr
^Tggf^g^gTgwtiTnf^ in mwwlf5^?^ i ffgf% n
^»rrgtf^ gW^Tg ggr^lTTg gftgnt ^i<g<wi«fiiwgiTgigfl t^rr gim 1 r^> gT
T» Tfg %gif%iwTfg ifan gTwr 1 gfg?i g 1 wggt gggt giwr: *pi »gg gggT-
gfg^; rgTo^^o.i gfg 11

*T5tralf ^T5T^iflt f ^t*r| r^tt^TWTr ^ I

Wj^TT^r ^^tJTT ^rfipfe rn ^ IIM II
^[S^Tf: 1 rpam: l ^TpraiT: I l RT1 1 1
^nSJ^frT: I ^ I gSTTWT I I I ?51 «^T I ^ I » MII
8 ^gjgiMgng i gr* g- il- ?’©• t iww s ggwt g? grant i^n: n giKt
vol. xv. 3 Q

fa wsra u F!sfa?fUMV*F3i*N ^TfaF MTOftta: n *rt Tifaifaiifi: i fafa *ft fawft

i ttt-'Q. 3. i i wr^%t^nwr#vrr^^rrr^r^ im fror^rffa
fnfr ftnr ft to:: ftprnt n w: w i «namamw»r tfa i
i Tpjjj«n ft % t% mpiTWT Fnrg **9 i w*n*rt i %%fafn ifo-
wra: i Trfmmfa gFif^fa Ft: HaftTOaqTO’T^Wift^gi n 'a tfn gx^: i ^
% a* TOWfwnrraf Tiwnrt xpnft 'jftwfrraT^ ^jt *rforr»tT: i ^t i
th xrfonm ft prat ?ri ifa* i xrts*i*! u me a
pmftfa Ffa f* iraurfagro qwm'immaiit i xfarTgpfaFflsrg»T: i xprrtft
^r?TT IFTT ’FpriTT I pTfa TTTTOSft W*mi»ft x;raq!83ra«ign»gfafa h ipOmr-
pra ^tFt iftfa i psft ff i ^rfvwrgw wr fet-
yfrmtfFfa srr ifaF sftFrro i w> g« $. 8. ufa»

*pnf*T FfT f fw sN^TO ^RW^TT^fT d^T^HRTi^ I

HlfpIfTf ^ tiT^T rTWt i^X\ If II <111
Thfrfii I rfl l fftret l 3ffa?inf I *\ SfT I TT^SWT^I
^rf^: i 'smt i ^ i ^fT i infrjj ^r i nsit: i isw\ i n f 3*^51 ith in 11
% Fsrrfap tifarofa tot FFfa ffa* m wtotwir i ttftctt*:
ffrfUqrww I aT?m^1*IT»5^Tf*I I fa^FTTfa I fa*fa I sfaTTOT * ’sfaTO? I TX
«sfa fa<rarai«ranxfafawfa: i *nfafn gxra; i wfa ^ xriFrwa i wnxt toit w<W
TTara^R:« Tr^mfampre^rar pfaro: nm*. * ^.n wr^ft set pnfa i*rfa xt
^afararara ft srrfart gp xrrfxFpnffar pw ^ftt to? grfWft tpst ^fttf:
xrannt tgrfat ft it ggw i Trrfm^RT 11

^ fStT^f^ ^T Tf^ ^ ^<ffl4» 5#fT T&t I

rWT ^ClfH W^rt^q IRII

^ i f^H s^: f qf< i ^ i ifTts^jr: i ^ i ipfr: i ^Hwqi i f?i sin: i irq i

H I ^II fTTftl \ f5T:S^: I ^qs^ftr^l I ^TI ^ifS^k^ «^»

*rfgr« fr*nm: ftrmg: ^Tgig^qf?! ^t TOfTiwnsftw?«ncT»nff ^ ^ 1^'
q^TgifTPii fmz ^ftrfr f»nra tttjt ft *raf7» FTgrnrftT ?f gFf f*rri^:
<|gmnr<:WT ^M*!IH^M^tl«IT<T ITT^r I ^T*ITO^TfTT I 'WFhnf«l I *TOW %n UTTHT^W F^'
i v*m ^iflfiT«^ ftfwwwV.»

q|¥T^q| Wf^fT I
FrT ^m*T TTCTfftsJ f^Ff §flrf^l ifTt H?H
\ \ ^rfS^qi I \M f > V* 1
m\ 1 i ^niifk i i& \ fq^q i i h?«
wlnrrR 1 rm
ffqq: qwfcu mm imraqrrv i wi^Wt
ww<: I ipt inT^T ^ TTr^ I,
i^rrrrafirarw * wra ttw tnu^ qw^i ** ^ ,
q^T I ttf \ ftq TOfl^* ^ TOTW Wm *qfw ^T ipuw
ifqqT *W$W IT*W q«*HjflflMltl9 | ft^W | qqT %q Jraiftftq gqrf ^ „
qrwhre^ ^ i wmwrt «raT<()0 fwro q*w tftro 5:^ qrtwwwtw vx^jjm
wrf?i q%c a

^rT 3fN ^*1 ^rf ‘feWT^Mjj I

^Rvm srai^n ff^ifcf ipj§;»a»

w i *rN i *r^: i ^fara: i *ra i t*frrr^ i *m 1sjfft i i

i i&ufi ifti i i ^fWw: i sms^rfipn i fftret i p? i 1§:11811

% ^rwrflfgTir q^rnftifTfrfwfft mih<*w ipf ?ro[: mwwqmmi*^rr:'«gg^Hq i jtput-
*qr^ii s$w«*«>ni<rra f^Wr a qq ^mrq.^Fmfq qfta qqqtq i qnp^: q^r i qfq
WsTT^ t^yrfqq wfam |wq ^rrcf Wilfrid i ^qq qm^n nww<.q-
%g^t*r ffqqT q^amn: ww *w wrq gq|: i tpnqw mf: r

rO^ FT ^7TT»Tt: I

tft' ^ *RHT^ ?*sf^ IIMil

WI I rtt 1 I «MT I I W I 35fit: I ipfiSTO I

S3PT 1 1 fh ^j: 1 tfif 1 1 q[ 1 ^ 13*f^ 11 mi
1 qifqflta wt ?mnn31 fsfr: qqinn<(if!i«ninw iirkr w qmrfq^ i qrwfa i \
gq#q gwrfHqq H»rrnrr: i 3q*war»fiq*rrqqs 11 w%q q«h;fqq$lvlviii % qq qif q^: i
,3wqm5mq; i if%qq»f wqwwfq^ i qaxqTqfqr i ^ qqrgwTqq q q$ wpiwfq^« h s* r
W5imifMn.pl qfqHqn^ii fwwT»R^ i wwfwt twYit qwfS: i qnnrewwtnvTw^mi
w^Twa qfwqTqnwTqi^qwTqtPr^ i qi»pitfw q i wqurr q| wiqfi TqtfT *nfeNrr% mqfqq-
wt^h ftfn r fqPr«Pi<Ti Ri»n?[qwW r

^^fwfrr: t^fT ^fvrTTfjTH: i

^ptfhn *1% ^f^NT^f nil

i wftri i i psj'S^r i ^twtt i pr: i
wfNn n: nil
wfnm JT%m mi wf^TW ^www wTjfr tw^t tw f«ifMnatxwiT?mnwT?TqwTr<4
wnrm i ft*ng i qt TTqRfrx*fhTT ftwqq: ww w*rra% « mtqwr qrrwftq^fferfw
wq'rq: a imflfw i ftw: i wfw: ww. mm ^ ww mMM'tww wurnw w^htw-
’nim ^ WTvmfRWRw:»
3 Q 2
ii ii

to ^iiq ittfifapfl i

^rftre ^ 11 * 11

V* i ^ i *$ i i ^zwjrt i i ^ns*$ i
srfa: i rf i^hsuisiifa: istos^i ^faar^u^ii
to: g5u*H: i a umi m'mfi{»i THwOft totwt i mrog h

TO ifa ^TH^rf fawj W I

^TTcT TO farofa rffaflt fasiTOfa ll?ll

I 7* I ifa I tTH^fT I fasflr^ I W* I I

wrt i ■*!:'i ^ i fatrfsfa i w i ^ff: i ^prurofa ii?ii
1 *frfro. f* to ml'rcft toto wi TOt^qf jN^ t^mtk <rq fwg frotro ^ arf ^r
TTWif^ffTT frof% mft *rrawf«f htjttototo *r ?ft ffir wni ^ng
m$f?«ra ^ to fsrg *ft Trmrrf^fafsfw *ffro: wrowmimqRi i mw*: ii

fa^famTT ^rft I
3tfa ^wutfa? irfafa ^rtsjrofa ii 8 ii
I i* I ^ ifa I fasitfrT I ^ I ?fa ^sxtrft I I
%fa I I ^fT: I 1 rf I frT: I SJTSPimfa II tf II
1 *frfro: % mfr^ Trn^jft *fr mwf^frfa ^nf'BrmrET fafsst qpftft ^mT
^T^rrwt^ rntrom^f ms ^frfrom qfrorn^ fafrot ^nt fo&qiMKqfr i
wmnftm: n f%f w^rr^l w^tf^is: i qifqrorrf^mmqfqw: # ?i mww ii

TOfT ^IrTT ^i|StT ^jtt >|cn fa^^Tl I

inif to fsnifsfa wf^rwt ^ifarofa ii m ii
*?: I p*T 1 Wirt i I ^IT i ^tr: l ^RTI fas^l# I
1TSUT I W I ft I fa^tfflfft Ift I 5H: I *TTO*rfa IIMII
% tftfro. Trwt mm mgmft gm qfmfcfmft m gm *ri from* *rfcmgfH 1
qpTOT mr TOqf?t^ m i TOffift to tot firafqfw i1
- . _ "v» I _ r- r* _ i*\ .
W ^SR W*wT HtlT^rfT rntrent I
TO TO faqfafft TTf^TWr «%*
*° ,0* ***• II n 8bq
IRT I ^fSR I rTfhRT I fti|ftisn 1ftrs’cngft |
w I ^q: I ^ I fsrtjfaft I rf I flrf: I ^TjW?ftf II €f II
% Trwrf^: qwn<mgqt 7mT m m *ttfwr $sm mm
f^ni^ »nhrrm^ 5^^ i ^n*nm it u^o n

^ *5* ***"*5*.1 ftpT toTO i ^nnwiftn

•h^t^ wf^T f*r i ^r*pim ^ i 'srffarf f%|fj n swift ^nitivftft n %ftq?r ftftfro 11

^ ^*qr |
W ft°^Tft a n,,
I ^ I ^Tf^RT^rt I q»4t«ri I f^Tr^l 3*ft |
W I sfftitf I ^ftpsfit^l | ft I | ft m |,
% wpta Wfft ft ffTfa l WTWftf I ft§nen4ftft: « i; ^
^f^^iTTTm^: i * 11 to mf%ro«if wrtfffow ^rort frown *r
^^3*ft1»<gTV:ifonw I 'sftrom; I <*ft ^ ifl^r I ftTft wfr fro IIjft
i % flfift t xn« $. <\. i *f?r i % Trm^^rfrfrfn Trerfn-
HT^iitf^ fft ^ 7m flftrro^ i fir^ftr^ftnft wftfttfr *ftro: i ^nfatguii
T'H»ii*ii‘g *roirrft i wnrofa i g^aO+Ttisif: it ^gr*m ^ft vtg: n

tfhnwrer sftrfftj: qfcfanvq* i

W ^^ei»iri ^Tf^qf ft ^Tfa ^ irii
sfftift: i ^ i i ^Nwt^t: i ^^rftj
W I ^TORf I 1 ^TTf SVCfif | fa | ^rfa | ||?n
^ rofv^Tft s3fts?Twr ^Tfwjf ftrrowr ^rrmwft m ro’gwft fftrwff Jirowt
■«r»mro% ^ w ft ffTfiT i ttot w ft f?Tfa n ^
W’rft i wiTOm Ti*ng: i wsft&U gi ftunTOlfft gif i ftrofro n
^•ft f 3rTOft»ft ftw ii gfroft <ftftsnft*u ftstp^i fronts i g^rosrsftwro ii TOft
*ftff fft ^ Tf^TOwt ^Tywrf ^ ft ffrft i «mr ii

W%«?W Tj^tvqt I
wm ^^T«ri m- 5ttT^ ft ^nftr ?r ii?ii
^rftwt: i ^ i xj?(t*?: i ^ftft: i ^rft i
i jfiftnwri i qfa»: 15nfts«r: i ft i i ^ ii?ii
% WrftgTT ^ ?TO%^: i TOf aO«<aMi«i^ctVT^ i wmftw: wyfr ^nfw-
^T’^fSftsnw: ^ntqigni wgg mwft »nfftrq toutw ft ffTft t »tot ^ftfr:
t^gfftmg m* ft ffTft i '(ift ^ % m *nrerwt i *Wl trptfTOTOr-
II II [sr°

wira'cnaft p?t i Pii *rar: i qfcmr. *rmftfts|«ft «rem i inm « q^ft.

«uf<n qgq^<a toi^: # snfipiUft’qtift wftsftTftrrTtwrq *ri%wrq fr»i ft
ffTft I 'Sftwft II

ft sitfNwf xnf^wn tt^^tvcit i

to urctorastert ~fa ft it g ii
^swrf i ft i mtanswtf i TiTf^swri i nsxfc'Twri i
Wi i >rai^i i fft i ^Tfa i ft 11811
$ qrqr rnfiwnrlftirt qrfwrr q ft firft i hit qrftijwri qTj^rnnTrnnwrt
qq^Twri ms'iqiHrt ■q w ft firft i qrft q qftftrwrf ^nrrwrr q *n*r ft ffTft i qqx
wni^; 1 wfv&ni^i: i nw<rvTjRnfr wqqmrrqrrftqr nq snai ft firft n

W fC ^frfa ^ it mi
^S^tin^l c*Ns*i: I ft I I
I I H1I fa I ^pTffl I ft IIMII
qqqrwrq; i qisi* jrrflt i nfftrrft ftisft %q qqqqiTw i nmqifq'ifrgifr qq
qrftwfr q%«rq irm ft firft i ft qsnrr i nftinflf n w irqrr^q ?i qq
rrftTTft fuft m

WTrt rrafrMfo! I
W fti ft nt? n
^Tt^s^nT^i <?N: s c*ta: 1 snft i T^figst^fisj i
*n$r1 srcwir^i m 351 fft i ^ijfa 1 ft 11 ^ 11
’qqriift, q$#riit»^r wfart «ftr: tfftwni tftftr qfoqqqrqf qrmgf'ft
*rqi ft firft 1 vnii u «vr«
qroftfq qq# qqftri fir t sriftm;^ rftrra qrft i fiftrr ftf^wft qft: i
|qm 1 rm qrfqrrq i qjqfi qq rftrrr f:r?rsrcr qwni ftjsnqftft n %ftq?t ftftqft: n

3$% fRWSftsi* 3TO rrroi I

^rt sn ^r sfalftt *ft: mu
sni i *ff i **ro: i ^ 1 srt i wr 1 vr. i ^ i
vk 1 i $n i 1 ^§*n i sfato i mu
t <amq*na inra: ^rrftq. f:ftKTft^q qftfi i nw »

i f*rfw mx* i ^rmt ng ftfqq i *%qq: i n

1 ^ igfg q fqqtfc qrqfonnSl qr: qwiftmw qi qq* i qq
* tf* qfff I tfqnt qq qift qyvT qywirl; qqfq i qtw% 1*3 frqttro*
q*tf?t 1 qnraflmni* qqrfqq^: r "

^ «it5*^ <f*W l«^hiqi> ifMS} itf: II * It

«5111 ^ 11 ^ 1 ^fa 1 I I 1 ^':, ^ s ^,
3Ntt:i wfc 11*11
^ q’fflq^q qt qwW f :qntfqqrjpsq qw fqpl I qq qqr: qnfqft I qfqq qgq
RfHT*f wqw gqfTf I qr^Pl q I %*H3% fqqqm: 3% q% fqq% *t q^TOrtr q^fqqj
qT^ 1 fiqmTfq^^mtfqnqrT qrom i qjplq ^qfq* qfatqqrrqirqqr q^fwnnfc (
qrqr qyf ff fqq^g ^sfhrrfr qq q*fr «nf?i n

fa:sr#fa^tnfa srFiat xir^rcni: i

<^m*rs|sT*ift: 3TO^n<j a? 11

^1 ^nssmt 1 fk: ssmt i srfassmt i ^ros^rfbr i smfa: i ^i i

^rfa: 1 fxratfa 1 1 |:sfmf# i wftxfk i ^rc i to^i 11 ? 11

qy^qqTRWRiqfrqTfqqftq srnnft qnrwqwrqt qtfqTqr qqgqrfrq qqqwqq: qr qq

q*qq: ^Mtq<gr smpnr qqqqqq: qi 1 nqr fqiqqr fq:qq*q fitfmfqqftqTfqqqTfqqmfq-
qfqrrr q qiriifrqTqqny) qf^qgqrq^gq 1 mfq fqqrfq qfr qjfsrasfaqrqriqTfur qr
I^prrfq ?^jq ^vt<j i qqgiq qnqqg h

*i% **no*n* sfa%i 1 farm tq?fa*: h 811

^ i ?51 ^5:1 nft 1 sifassjw 1 xttafa 1 us3m: 1 *: 1 wfaa: 1

farai i 1 sfa?: iiiiii

* t% % *WWl q^Rq^fr ^Tf Wi ^qqTTH! qTTqfa qrqTTq:

gn$: qqn^fqsftt{i^qiHqflfqfq $q: i qft qffqTqtifqTtfw: qftgtq: qqtvq: q%qr: qqrs-
tnqY qqnrq fqw ^iq^q*fl^ j<*i4M<rAMqi.qiq^^qrFqT31 ^qg i w i fwfqqwq:«
qjfq^qPiO'Piq q^wgfq q: r qqqqwq: 11 qt flqmqfq: qig i ffq q«^ #

„ . ..^ ^T^FTRtnit ^ii

*TTOr^ra: #*^r: xq^t ^ fi^rcsr ^ ^ ^ ^ h m 11

i i 1 ^1 i 1 ^1
I ^TSXRq'r! 1 trw 1 ^ 1 J^ 1 1 I xi: 1 q:»if^ i

8bb li H [w° b.?R0b.^8^.

wfw*T%{%wr i Strenfr ^rftr fwrofUg* i:^T^r i *^n?raroT»T sr i

wMfi! M i m\ qwn^jqwvr^T i amwawTOft: stt. vrm-
qp^q: * wsft ^:^wraprfrr?rr *i ir^ ^ f^w*: xi?^3 i H,{^9 1 *rUqrp$fs i
irnftg n n ^«
{ft ifetf if* fiprfftyrar wqtmwRirf i ,n»p*ra i ^t
Shfr: vfm: «wWfr*rft vwfwn i qratft ^ ^ ftm I
gajft f? i 1 MF^KTF^y t*rr: Tfn arfq ^T^T I^° y?-'®-'9-1 Tfa«

^ct: frefa sfafa fa^spfwt fa#*n I

ffwt ^pIto ^TCRfa fa^jifa 'ST #t fa^fa ^ II ^ II

?>fa: i ^TOtrf: I ffari: I *1^1 i fW-1 fa:s^»n: > ?£»^ns-3*1^ i
rf^[ i ^rtra i ^ofaTi i fa: s^fw i si1 tk i w*J[ i fa s*fa i ^ i 11

% ^rr: tfrnr: mrfr f*n#an: MufenrraT ffaig^T: sufraT

irofr?t 7T# •srnJpTm Trarro^ff^^TJT i gwifam ya«n*r i wft fq*jrfn
uWH qnirqT*? i qftq ifN^ t *tft *«rrt f%qf ^
^ g*§raqj ^ it :ppraj ii

fare: ^refa ifarft fa srewTT IfaT: *Jf ^ i

^faft fafa i^rfT ffafa nft ffn: vftpfl fa to mii^ (

ffa(: l i sfarf: I *T i I ^nrTT^nrT: i Tfap I l ’Jlf I
wfa: i ft i ffarifi ^af if fa: I *: I i |fa: I ifarf i *: I TOIR"
^ |^t: «ft$qnNi ^fferfim: qpfmr^r: ngw ^ fxp: q^vU^rptn
qqnfyiT %vi=4irM"«H{^frN> ffa^w qfrqrf^ra ^tfi g^sreT^Tr'rf^pft wrarn
IfTTf’T^nfg: siwnfr ^rUqrRrfr f*sn$ i ^wqfrwwg i *n qTwrfwsr^: n

|fa: fa^fa ^ ^rf^RIrTT-^rf XT^ I

si fa fafa^g tit nf "ftfafaf X^T; H 3"

|fa: i t^T^i^i fHifwi^^^i^^tixfaif^iwfasyfai

^i?r:ifa4:i^i^w:i^i^i^Ti^:ifa^fai;iflfa^I:,^^: "*{l

qfqwT tr^rn wifrrtlg: qn^Tqro i * ft** i W

M *** 1^
W i ^TjwfgifgwT^ xrqnirwT i Treri i qtfqvr^ ^
VTM «^Hiq^tftint?plr qTvt ifr«qnqiq wqfwwnS:
ir ^ xMTqrqf tmvri xnfb^ i wqg i * ^t: wfw& ^Ta
*° qo.s?° ^t,,] „ „

^t^rl^M>rt: T^RTClt ^tfw I

to |?n nf^w TTrrwr *mpi tjhj^ iign
^i ^^5:1 1 ifcr i inri^i tr^i qnitrt: 1 ti<£ 1 $rcift 1 i
TO* ‘ W'1 I ^1 WI I VRVi I 5T*J: 1^ 1 ^ II8II
J^*1*!* fl'flfW ’SUckl*!*! TfJ^*l ggilfit Tpwfai 1
gnftaqiMiqf^nf?t pir% n<v( wtfn ^ftfn Tp^fri jfhsi fgfftfagj 1 gf**: tfg* ^ qjqftfr
w fTfUgggt ngfa g# gnr «Tgr*i% ggTtfawir: wnfti^j 1 ngg 11
W*n sratw ^rr inifofjre h$t: Tift nt i
Tt4ta4wt ^tjrlTfa frsrerf ffrlT * H xtrTTPqrfM^: IIMII
W I ^R^tH I I *S^I ?4 I *iw. I Tift I Jit | W* I
I |:s?fTTfH 1 f4^ 1 ffriT i h: i ^ 1 n 1 tirt^i Tiffo:»ijH
% t^T: ’H^T *i^*!l guiUHi: wt TPft^ ngi'fto' gff^?N gnitg trf^pq g^Tf 1
WTpn^ra 1 f^T5rr*r^m 1 gsn w^ignf^ffgfiWrcnT gw nt g gfg ipr«41 gfggt
igw irmn 1 fgi gsgg: 1 fwr g$Tf% fftgrfg gi^gtgifgggrTfg «flwnnf% ggtw’r
if^Tfg $%: 1 gft g gfgfufgg^g gfggi wNWgg: gnfrgt ifugngipfora f?w gfgggi
g gmg. 1 ira^ur gg<j 1 ggwTiirqgg» 11 ^ n
^BWfilfn tr^f fw UTliT^f ^HT^TT^ qgjft H1OT IffUtfiff: I IPig-
gruirapiUgf ^rm 1 wm giggrig 1 ^wgwt %gTg: muTt «tt ggsrsrirrgsH ngrcKqg-
ftrf?T 11 ir«rrwi^---gt^i gf%w g i g?w *rr «w*Hrf*i3rfwin>Tg. 1 w°f*. $.<*$. 1 gfg»

^*1 Ht TTTTpnnT Orewff I

frllt ’SJ^T ^^fH Ti^f || t| ||
i jit 1 tfnpfTrri 1 ^STTmt^t i f^swrf^ 1
fmt! ^rirot i ffv i f^s^4 i ntsTtf# i tj^ mu
% ^qsrMTwfwnfafS?' »rt *rr wtt^t^tt *f9rr«rmw^^*n«ri »w
Bfv 1 grg 1 ?tot sjfwi f^nn^ff f^W^wrfHJTfwt f’H 1 tpt ^rrm irensB-
^iRH*<M<fn ?i ^fwr: i ^ irf>srw%rwft irnTf^gwt %ftwt f?rrt f?T«?vrt wfv 1
gig 1 wm farm ttwr gtgfg gt^rrfw g jtt gig 1 g %g^gn ijg gt: gfg ufa
g n^nrrfwr? ggrfirfg 11

35If*t% Tl^lrfTf^ ^Tftft ^ri: I

^[TlrfTt Ti^ft^ 3Tftf4m: II ^ H
W? I irftR I ?[Tii?iSfT I 55‘S^C I I ^«T; I
sw: 1 HSTOt: 1 it 1 1 1 1 ^fnsft4rn: 11 *11
VOL. IV. 3 K
geo u u [Vb.Vb.Wt.

*nj yq^’iT ^totrt irjJJrt imffi i »Rrf*f t i* ffsft wgrfwityfjiftiff wrfft iti'ifiw.
ftfufiifffrpifuw* *r«rtf*i i if ptmprt: toi % *w *nft: m^frpftiw^ff-
ftm ^trcrim »rfg it
^sfa fsjiww ^rnrif* ^ s*rai i
fa ^w*rcj *$ki ^fa; it?ii
^ i t& i i i ^snfa i ^ i 1s*rot i
^rfa: i i f^r i ^ i itrt^: i W i w^\ wkk i ii?ii
1 wum: *R ^tr ^f*ppro sflqTff&q ^ft gwrRftj»nsnf*f i qfimi^iHfiiniOfa
wrt v* i w 3 v*pr: fr<ft ji <ifwf: i % *tr: u^i
lyrenrcnfg i itfffv i w jrarpur wfFvt ffarewt *^R.*fff irar fawner:
gif«S(*i4: n
^afa^flFfa fa^4?N vrot i
3JT -<fa^FT FHFT flfafa <& llgll
^rfas$: i i i wm i fass#fa i ^n*t i
^n 13sr: i fa^f i $n i ^ \ fh i m i i ^ i tfs^fa i <& it g ii
% *rwr: ffsrcwir «jm<5n«ln vtot vh>«! toraT *%n m 5smfaT*m i
WR<u*f<« i 'tnft ft gRTfs f*m im^i^i gisnff i *tfRf $lf irrftwf: i ft g^nf
atf RTfrn ^ i ft q«Kflft m sffff: *hmr: f smpn ^ i m%nf* #
jfrrcfa ^ ^TOTf ^TF^WF '3TT ^ I
JT|cfit IIMil
%Fsefa i m i 1i ygtm i snjsiw i ^n i v i i wwff1
3ro:SF^I HI ^1 ^I I g^BTr^l Ff^t: I^STrlS^ IIMH
% mm: ft f^rrf ft*t%f i wro wi mffcffa: i Ttnret rmj %*t: i ny<q«i<R
gwft plgniqwt: %#r 5jRre i nfr ft gwrf gffrf ftp: Rrcrat i wifai i wi^«nfvf^-
«rftr n tp^ im8^>.q. 80. i ^ tztff faft frt: h wit »t iH*tivt<ti<i<MK<aPPn-
fl[*TRT I ^'Pftntt I ^IST|fePfP[>»: ifJtRT ff«T ff I «RT ft ?tM'
iffw wft^ptwf: i ffirr ’gyrrftfofft a^nftn^FTtfT a
*r?p6f frvf ffi ff^Tftnra^npftrtf wnrn^t i ft»ra Ttti T^tt

wnnt gfRT fffm^nrr i ir t% tpi ^ntr^t g fwtwrra Tff Rnp^nf: » ^

fffffR: #
t?ft fa^ rq U^ffa »
H tfa 5^ ?Ft: trftrwNw; «w
*7° <j0. II II 8q«i

ptf I ff I f£ I trffc I i * i ^rrcai i | nyfo I

^ 1 1 i ffii i ?t: i i pi i mi: i Trftsii^ i wsm: i
^fVfrfft IRI)
\ fsT *n§ «ta*renr g** *rft i wnffa sfv*?hw5rtr frenfwyna
^renpsr xrrarfir i i TnjfflT^^nfrr i *r ^
Tf*r v»i srfa i i ^np^: ^s: i w i i vn gr* *r. %*mfp-
w*f: 1tptt ?r err: Tprewraphpnrut ’rfrirorgrra ^r: prfarsra: i fa?nrr*rf% u

^fiw TTft TT^pTRimt f^faf vft *p* ^rft ^4 I

pi *rgftrf ’iff *jut w irii
^sfsnr i nft 1 ifcpi 1 wkw. 1 1 i snfc 1 ^hpt i ^f i
pi 177: i ^ 1 p 1 1 w 1 »Tff 1 ^i: i w i *ro 1 fjrf 11 * 11
’3ffinqri<Tir ptfer %mt »rf? *nrnw*njt{?rer #ra ht»pt jt^t* ift^rpi n$?i w* ^1-
«*t% wfw?; qmynfngaHftw^fa tjf^ 1 111? vn*n#wistf
*fUw»rf*m <mn^Tfqra$ ^rfM 1 ipra ip^Tufti w*rae 1 w^rmT: ?n%»rr
snpmfiopm «%i«nn wrn ?rr*fta% 1 ^qfarrrfn wft ^rreurt 11

ttm TT^t ^pwipprErT s 1

inT^m h?h
i TTsf: 1 1 tiijfio 1 1 sn^s*ran; i ^ ?fii i ^*(f’!! i
tN 1 3*f 1 spr 1 *pisp7; 1 i virr: i f^iwfifo fasvtrr: i
I 3W3R 11 ? 11
Tnft <ibi4nw HPm *rwa * vtt* ^ 'faimw s*«?Kviwt:
spifisj *nfrrnft{? % Jrafarepft JT^fTtifai 1 %
vmf hwip« ^ $ ftvTTf^hi^ %* 1

^ vart-fi «it nfM ^ «8«

^ 15HT^«i I *rfH1 I ^TTW I *T < flf^1 ^ i ^ 11 ^ ”

% tz vmmvi m*Ui ^ WT ft **

**TT*Hfta* I W*
E 2
to ii *5^: II

at gai irfH ^ *mg$ gSUfitg?! ’fPfa *rfa *n?P ww3m vfrn *rr*i *rft[ *rgr ^%*^rt%
ifirnnr arnraeTfa *T* gat wH fgafastf: n u *m ii
*jT7r%fH ?gaN ^K^sj fw nTn^frwTfw^rernf %§h aTg^rma i wt gigatH i
arwrf»raPr «rr7rra*fr arWiTfn 11 »nfr fafrota: 11
^Tr!^ ^ TrffJRT^ <^3^1 tiH: I
fy^nifR^TOTf^ ^fw ijfwrmu
ctth^i i g i *rff *tr i t*tei i ^3r?( i ijfo i \ i ^H: 1

II ^I^I fag I 11*1 II

TOs anft V, tfwtw irffiTR *nfT35 g f^nr naaffa i w TPftaro:
..,..— ^ ^.. . -~

«*l®l<ia. l faf*ro iK^iqa^g af wmwm^rm »Ni%f7r i »raefn i a a

HIT ^ ^ "~ i « ^.<m i m
• _ *— r' ^ r~ ^_» __£_
sigi<*i'i<gi«<*'w*i»i ajgg aroFraw’awnifrfa ftaa^Tftr f^iarTfii »<y*$4*TTf?T i
Trnfrfn iacftafaagfirarratgaaia.gfterra#afafaaifaia^faiaa liarwrfa
0«a(n^ai II

^Trta fa*T * *fat: I

mfrt: l^s^i 11 * 11
i m ft?* i i ^irta i fa s w: i $n n?^ i ^fa i i ?r i ^fat: i
Hrfrt: i ssTps i *tst4 ifar. i i i fa^ i i ti^rt mn
faar ft^rmf^im: trfaiai aiaai ara’tgggnT a *n?t i *iHii^fa t argtift
a^fwg<3T: aaaa ^apj: i aaa a aarafa^a arg afar aaaffaaf aaaT air *i^ffi i aif«3-
Tarfa: arggi atafra gaawra ara a+uaHa gwrair ^af gfaaiat qigOaft i a^fn n
apft h aai faw a$ar gaaar fgafafaarrraTaf gaaTaar tp*t ^naf aafa i a$T i
«*r«f ^rrr: arrfaai tn arg t^ratifwra?ta i aT^:
gq tga Tfn ii

^?rfl:ii ^ftrfHfhr^T^ ^r f^r i

^rei ^rat h^^tt ^wt^t ^ fw ^n ^35 11 ?»
^rrft^ 1 trfasfrh 1 1 ^ 1 fa \ fas$ 1 ^«t^i ^ i wfftW1
qjref 1 ^ i Tmsrs^rr: 1 ^prs^ri 1 ^ 1 fiFTrfj ^th: 1 frf: 1 *[>& »911
aifrft% *wft fwn^: nr«itt4iiffl3mT»Tt ^i^^xg: wnjnT!^ ^ 1
^fqilfa i fag aa?fa n ^fhr. im°q. ?. <va. i ii afft qim^aMr ^1
argW garT tij tfa i Tiwarr: ^wr: Trrftrwn ggfwu if^inrr ^w^in. ^
f^m, gra ^=rg t?t wttt Br«m: gm: wi ^3ur«6*«n wgg i Tg ^ a^wfW.1 ^
a^mwrs^tfqf^TfHwrr^ a %»rrf*i trrg pn #
I, ^TRlsirs: ,|

^P*T ^ To! ^fir ^ tt^: i

51 ^ TTrTfa ffaqf Wh II8II
'fnwt i^Hl l*phrer I I ^TSej^j i ^cfw Ii i
^«S»U TO»T^t I * I ^ ITT^/, ?Titin I ffW I w* II8II
.____ .. sfrp^isr pinre wf artf**nnr-
^rwfd . i*i ^ 3? ,n!mnf artf* i *<fa i ^rf**irc**if*: aa*
tif^hr ‘i^fa asf^^4ffl: irOt *f*inftsr* ai%a* *4*
***<j*Jf qT^Ni^rr ^frerr n* t ’jant i ^ a*^* g * *iq,m*i* i
*tffic|**3* n^RigaTh* i^nJ: i *# *rmaj *Tai% ?f**T **qK>*nrif<**ui* f*\m i
ift# ii ii ^ ii
^XR^arg^a.** giir *nff*sftw ,ir*wr3 %n af^*« i 'srpmi * i ararYg:
irk: *RT^V®Tcft arerfaaf* n amrraj ** wfwsan»rr an Rrf^fr *Ta*Tarf*rar*T!ft*T: i gf** * i
art: *f?rean*n *ig*i*%* anitg#nft *rf»r «ng*ai *f* *twjt i *rc° g° qo. m. i *f* it
3rf*T ^^Trftd^NkT ft^’rft I
wf ^ 5J35 IISII
rn S% l «lTr|: l I «ITH l wr: i i whft: i m i fNrTT i
trN^nft: i sffasifciT: i i i ^s^r?f i ^51 ^ n ii
*T?fr *rg*Hfg: gw *n*fann arr ’arfn arrg i *ifHar*sg i *t* an*
aRar*trr*aft4**fw gnn«n fKW i ^rfarcr: RTSRg i **t uVuft: *f?n *f*n*n 3ft*T*f
*ngfar*Un* f**g i % *3- RTTf^ftW tt*%* aiff^* **?> *RgwT*T*amnwT* aft^n*
gas i <**^ari j* i an *rq#w4: ii

*n: ^rrofafaftesn ^nrtf^r Mi

5?T ^f5tTT«i: *rff 5T3i II * II
5?t: I flspr: I f^s^qr: I ^s^tn: i wwi 1i i *TRtft \ ^ i
*rr: i sifrfcfl: i rntaTi|f i ^f: i intfii imu
arr an*: up: ami*^*T rr t*^*r f*flaw*5*T *t%*i^*t t^»** *w*i**t *T«i *
at*T *nan41% t%if^TT *an<(\*f\®IT anal* %g*Tf**<? *1*1 if* an* an *lf*K* a****ftraT
*gmfH*ivi%* f**Tarranf%**%%lTf^S^ **: ®***: *Twj: *4T*fr affa^t % *^* arff
g*r **e i *^ff u
*T**f anaj giganai^Tft^T *rgai*%* i ft ■ an ^%g *R^K*%f* * g*i%* i -*i!*n*V
ai%% i w° g° <io. $-'«>. i Kf* »
5n sttrt fW ^nf^5 ^ i
rTT ^r^TWT Xf^i^n f^HFTT: ITafT^WtlT.? ntt II ? II
it ii [«• t. Sft t. ^ t.

1^ i i $t*nr i *nsT i sfa: i frot i ^rnfitl i ,

rn: 13TOR4 i infcn i ftRRRT: i inns^rft: 11 rfts# i „?„
%n arret f %g.«re%i| fl^ifiaTta' arret <q »rer firo *r4rft
^rrfw wmmft Rkiqtft ^raijfujTftr *tnt srrerft qrerereq^i? xt«tot ^hrr
Trfrmr. qm ire iremt: **TfH4NtomaT *t) i% afftiqrfft ffftft i are* „
ft arftfqapft: i wft^rt ftm<ra ^j: a

ixftrt; f^rQ: fmjfif: tjft^pr: i

f^r: «HM nftwTwrof *re wrr sS^r ng h
ircnsttfa: i *rs? i ^m: i i fMlr: i^h i ftnjsft: i tfsfa^R: i
f^T: i wft: i ^ i *: i iwI i wm? i ^ i issprf,
ire reft ft\nm *nn ^rft tfTrr an TTHSi: U Tfts&si*)*i ijTare i qrft^r: ’jyn: jj: |
a t%%: ftgftg «ft<?re "^wrer am: «f^n: ,^t-
wt&ret’jrr ftswv* ft? iregq aitireifftjqs: i qrftg i mst imt iron airfare aft aj
a ar^TTfirft ftrft ftrsqrfli^ a a^a
ft*rrftfrr fm ftarr^rerererft i ’wft ftret sm: i
rofiw^iwwwt^fiMidiff 17TOT angum* I fwffa*^ ^umuTOK^iTr-
ftftaftyrft ft$re*r asrerepr: qitftaj: i fftat ^ i fta*rrpftre;j aft*r jjaj qjft finrer
^ iws4i *ft a nre^{ftftmft*rei fta*Tft£ftr n#
^rrm i ft i ftvtfffftreg fh^r aifreft arren aret Turret i qiT° <>.<>. i Tft n

^tf»TT^fw rFR=rt im: T|W fat tfsffff \\<\ n

, ^i ^s4h! i 3rf^S|ri i
^Trfs^rT: i it: i $rf^s*;^fiT i wri \ Tts-jn: i i|tfor i ipm i f% i trsrffr h R it
fWT^pBrornft fanftm <l«<*u*i: ajqr ffnnjwfffi «t«f ^tiroi irg fq^g i fqi i
i a?: qm^ft qnm nmqifqT M*nrw:
^rewarramr wtfwmxnvwfn i TTf^qaafl qrgii4gnw4^nfq ai«t«Iw i
« iro: gqtq i fwnf^T^q qtarefra I gwr wn ft Traft i fanftqtlftqft q a

^tfTrR 1
^f^Jil l&WMJ] IP II
I ^^1 ^S^ff I I | f^: t | tFfRT 1 Slfftf I
IllWRtsn; H

fwf^rrwm jpst* amrawag aara nr ^aa vfraiSfir

*T*jarr >PTf*m% f?[at <g*tw va% vtt^ $?bri%if5a fafatf awaraasKaftafiffraT-
qmrmrmt gg gagT yimuiifiirat $g g^nqqarfamari <yr«nqwmml ^yp
otto anrenrr ^prarraT agannprrofa arnro tl”£a «*ftf7r: *H Wt i sr^tfafa»

*£ m sqtfrlm ^i
f^^fpft ^5fr |5f ^ 4^ Hf ^tt 11^ II

^i^rti 3$tffrri 1 sstf#: 1 ^shh i ftresfa^i wsfinti ^fan* 1 ^*nj

fatg$*TZ l *pr: [rfi \ $9: ll ^ l1 I#4:1 srajri ll?li
p* *H %a ttwtth «nffrm*i3laf agaaai<OaTafa aftfa: narnp* am gatm-
faarMgw **sr %g >*af3rarw a %g i uaijarfafirnfafn «SfoJ»;
1 arfa a faawiffrara aarrarfamT araPr mwft *rff *nrnfaf ft ^aiata faaft#
agam^ifwTfaa^pi ajfa<ff aafaa isi*ft*^at aw• f^'oKOfa h

ftwirssqtfam ^rtTrnat f^: i

fw >ptap*ini?n ttfrrm 11811

faS^tTW^ I 5^tfH^(T I ^ I W\*&' I 1

ijcj I ;J<RTI f^FSlt I JpM* I aHTS^HT I fN^S^k^OT I f^T^^IS «HTT II8II
% *i ttsm vfi wrfl^raf^WTWif^: **& Ttaa mww- i^i
4»^imi<^t fa^nam I fa^af ^nai m ^aT ^
*t%t<t foWUnft mjmwft fw ^^rrs^rrfST ragarfa
iNfn i me? i gaarmrongm «*m^mfa atfamfa *af* i*a « «*'■
<4 wrf*ft agaN W ^ 1 ***** * 1* HT^ n™_
afafa ii amt fafaata:»
n stfeat T*rfo5 fiirto i ^r11 ^^
* I aj i i'rft I ii I * I I ^s4w: I I 11
% i~g annam: a^rf^ ^ ^'» f^t u a
ufai urn: i m^: i *tf»w ?qHI£,*'*<^‘1
M *wa Mts7* ^ 1 IR" .
^i i i M:«irf > '"PIR"
»^-™™*wi:*wr«w^n twrwmiftiT:
? *i«g^ fsp^rrer ^mur^ vf^nft aura ftn:

ajiaiara: i ^nrara it
8Q.€r II H [sr°

nj 3M i W II9 H
?q I SI I MRF§ I IM1 ^l 1 +M<3$ II ? II
1 TO ar si a aaf aga ^ %aar ga fgaTargvra i wpl aTa astro. i aar garo
TT*r^r% wW^N? ailafaaj$ gir: w^^t: i arffat: i anaaa TO^;»

Ft *rf% ^ TOT ^TW I \^1 Frfwft ^ II tf II

nt I W» I ft I I TOT I tftf I I ffa I^Rlf I farJJ %: I ^ II8II
^ TO ai si gs$aaraa% aar troni aaa gr: ^p^rar% i asftfa ii tor-
aiara: ii a&ia i ^rmt firtfrotfsa f; aa tfa gf#sna art asia ii h ,<>«
an aTftfa aiF&a^sifsT! fawifincw TOtfanSgat^aaTss i aa^Tfa faafaasT
farxa: i tot aTgssra i w Trrff aarf aaai %^fn ii to% ^a^agssT^faai gas i
gfaa a i arr art? aa?ftrr g as aroai *fa tvmgaufa i to ts.'o. ntfs ii assraiUfa fa%aa?
aaa i a%a gfaa i x*° to 4. *• ii
W *ttff ^ *HrT ii «i ii
^T i i i i nra: i toh i i ^i ^sfa: ii «i ii
% to: aaaT aaafta %wr v%a ar^tar art? i totes? i ara aaat anafar a^fa to
aan i %a?l i am%a <3HiaTflapft i aarr ara atafroaafam: agm: i ataT Tartf: i ar aa
tfa aaa: u

^n *itff ^rt ftrai *rf|ft -mvmw. ii^ii

Wl i UTf| I i fvm i *if^: 15fT^s^: i ^T^sfa: ii * ii
1 to: aror miasaT fTOTgafgsrr as^arr afsrr aT aniaT arf? i tops? i a ata:arra:
g<(igfa: iftaa^T^Tgfa: gga*ffi#r aarat ^Tgaa: sra to aTTOTOj: aarraarra aafa n

frmvpt *7 rTHf^R^Rt^: TTffi II ? II

I »T I rT^[ I ?r^l ^S^T?N: I TlffT I I ll?ll .
fag^?ft arwar w^tt to ^Taa: Tfraa^raT aa agfarag fwH^a afa ^ar: i ’^aa
asgaTaa^w arroTa: i ?la a a%a aiga«[ aarrofa a
^ji^iffa aiaigaias to% asaigaY a^firfrorerr: wra tot to argfroiaT i gfaa a i
tot to ggaia tfa aafr fla^t faro# i to c. i ^ta a

^t*t ^tt h ^^frr ^upTHt 11811

i i i rn4: i i ^s^TWHt ii#n
TOTOt: atg^faaiT tt%: aafa aatiaarrTTO a a^ata i TO^a ?laaraaaafa i gaT-
aar gaTasaai<wa: gromra a aiWa to amta a a ?o a
TIT am Tf* wm ftwiftw T|TOTfcTT3§H I Xfmim TTTj: ^7,T ,
7TOT 'STT^ftTt I TIT *TT T^ WTt TTTj: ^fcT^TT^f f^f?T II TTtft f5T*I ST^U»Hf ^TTf«-
>hnif qfrwrtrN i ffini?i tit <3Tyi$*i<rXvftfj! q-qTg^mstin t wy ?.<^.*nfnn

W prffT^RW^fM I
STtt ^T^r| RT tpTgHfv II «| ||
^sn i RT i i ^h: nrfM i p: i I i
fast: \ FIT i *rtt: i 1 *n 1 «pi us 1 ^ 1 in 11
1 w *tt mrn?T^ 1 wgT^r ^TfwftTflN 1 n wmwrg *rer 1 wr 1
vpft f*rm: ^wfw^rrfTnr^i t^r i TT$wfaf?re 1 *$rg frtr: mn^ri
TTWjJ I WfTTWS T^Tf^fiT T!T*l*itJ II TTflf II ^ ^ft: TITtnngTg THRI »TTf«
WPT1 ttt wnsrg 1 *rr fr^w nrg 11 ^ ttki:w* 11

p^fa RFt ^t: prf?fcrrcfc: 1

^ffcfp tt^ vw mu
p 1TR1 ~T?fa 1 TIT i 1 ,%&t: 1 S331 ^rs^Rfn: 1
^:spr 1 p 1 i fire 1 p i vt 1 ^sfir 1 vrp mu
1 TJ3PT ffTftffWT TT*I Xjfa I ^TTfa'&T «^T T^*rT»fr WT I *TR Tj^ST: I Tprepft *TT
^t 1 *rre*m: i T*hr *rar *te#*rtTf?rext T?^JrfTTr^r^rTTffwt »tt i tsf w
p: TTTfin ^ W WTftre I f%rO HT 1 W9 TT? %f 9f^i VT^T I 3 & TwWwm II

pftift «i?{hTO£? ffiret 1

Rtfit ^rfii srpwt ^ R^faorefrf: 11? 11
p I f<£: I ^T^topi 'P 1 fH I f ftwt1
Wp! I fifak | I RRT^I TTW I ^ l 1 T3rf^: H?H
t^+lfclfMTft T^ST ftftR ?fTTT TfBWTO *,s0 Tf* tT5S\*»4'l'*K<t. I VTT^ J I ’iftTHI Jr1®
TTilifV STfT. I Trfvsnftg 1 TTRTTIT'TT I fTW ^ TfW IfT
<n5ra»t ^rarrfvTiT^g 11

" ^°fT TI^TO* ^fTT I

|=i Mfip Tjm II^H
^T I I ^TT I 1 1 ’qmv'11 ,
1 fap^ i 1 sptr^i 1 1 fasri I ^ 11 ^ 11
Tf^TT fWTT HTfw ; sfvtf R T’7 ^ **1* 1 ^ ,W-*IW s*™
VOL. XV. 3 8
iteb n ii

t froro rof $m|q rorofii i trttiroroi f*nri twi rog. gq:

ftsrfr »ryj n

yy ^ TT3n y^yit ^i ^ptffn i

yy* HwM ttt yftyrri ^jy it mi
yy\\i *ryf i ^5:1 *p \\^ 1 1
yyi^l^: lyiSTfa:"l^ITTil VT^rTTl^i IImi
% w % 1TC TOj TTTOT TTSTOT^r ^ fTOK *»TWJ I <I*llf^|*II<jWt
f?r^^ ^srg 1 t^rrfo^rnifq i\ iw xis g* f^ft vt wri 1 tyT^frWroSw gww
fip irofta:»
yy yyyi |fyyjfa ^yrofa i
^yt rT ^5: %yc^fy^t II % II
yy 1 y%y| i f fyyt i y*fa i i iprmfa i
iyt ift 1 ft I ii: 1 yiy<tf: 1W: 1 1 ypji^ii
w%w fwtw ifroror g^unf^T gw wt f%t vTOwfa profit 1 wfwgym: 1 ^wt*t-
*rr»rrof ro^jgfwro: *i <37111*1: 1 w^T ^'m«ir(<*tq’sO fay* *faro ^wtT*tTqTWf;
row ror*t 1 roftg # 11 ?<3 it
’wfayyfa <fa3 gw*iIPK«muifadimwfrngsH 1 y^irogfaSNr 1 w
^Tgroni 1 wtalfa m^t+TM Tfa 11 gftfafl v( gw Trwfa garsr wrowri *tN<fln 1 fspl
ft 1 w$*i *rrrwro*jrorwwfa3 rorrofH t wr°g# ?• <^- 1 *fa b

3T*frafipJ ffw yyft ^fayT^ I frFTTCn^*M<!!W*sfa tTgT^ yify II‘Ml

yifasyWy 1 i y*J i 1 ssfasy^ i ?N i yreny; i yw* i ^1
yifa i uet4 i yyy inn
iM i wf*roropa^ror*Tfa<fc 11 ror% wg i i
nwwqft ro^ro w$. ?• ^.1 ffa frtc. II $s3*w*from *nv3fastrjfaro|S wSwfwronroi
sfa^rotftiwi.% wwl wra TTsti irnprfy rofa i rof*ror*re ii

^rfir^roi ^yiytyfa yT yt ynftry: i wfa ffTyrfa yt ^ IR11

i ^sywrhr i ifa i ^rt: i ^t: »ssrchm: i ^ i 1 1
^fmy: i^: i^c^yf^imi

^ rti ^fyfnf^ ^yV^TTr^ i

* twfn r^T fyyrt ^rTT^^ywf yyT^fe II? II
nvuftsTOn g<»<»

i ftT i^: i nf^in i 3*fa i sH: i ^fr|rTnj

3Tfa | rTT I fW I ijmfH I 3Srf*S^fH: I W I II$II
^ ^rt^nrr m macwnftgwi; i wfirrfag t ’arfSramajg n$ \
atoUTlSnriaig i fwr f*mf»r gmm gf*n?rr^f»r mart* *Ng \ *m %*t Wro
wwfawufa wf*nj: ntfannt *ntf% n tnfr garm*: u

^ftt fftrat i ^ rT^fsR^sn f^Fyt^ 11811

I s£: i ffa^t l <jp^ I STifaf^i I ^S «p?: i i Tfr^i ^fg; i ^ct: i
toto: i fey i ii 8 if
^ ff«raT^tTf^%ar arroftr^: sreft w4w: wrf-m^ gaft i gaj afiTnfcfafr
mi w* Tt^mr ^fjwiarsTawi; fftf t*rr: wfw i wft i w i ipii^ i wr
fwwTgt* i srgrfOTtJ1^ a$ig it

swmsr: fetfff: i
W^iNt ^rTT^n fefefc ^ II q II
^npr: i h^sit i srfastfg: i fewrff: i
«rqt i wi \ w i wttrt i fernrtfa i i ^ ii mi
jTO’gi ajwrari ?rfwf im wn T^Tarosn i wfwwUfHararTS: uTFTrw:
*nt firemff: inwr f^W^wrf»wf^T i am apr iwpwiW fWPtprt arim garm
mftprt ar arewTflrwT^g frcmfar ^^0 amf* ?m wmw fareraffang?-
farsnJ: ii y^a
■*r ar ffn qgatfq ^gfaN gw armi i w$9psr wafom *rmf^: i afm-rfwwfr
armwt i to wrgwtn i *r ^g^g)4^i4MT«a!r>i«l#i<i^fiirfl »arprefp* ijwgife i
gfnr w i w * ae^% * aft ajT*rnn rfrt grpfr: t wr° m. **• itfar i w i gw arre-
i gmt ff i jt arranrcr Tara ww apfoj i wt° m- <\*-1 *f*r ii

h sfeT\w. vhttit i ^5^ ^grr mu

HR_:ixnw:ihPhttif!3*i ^:sgii iiqii
% vrrnB: ^PmTfamT^r: maiwr: apf gtni»Mf«im tlrwt v4uii(jn<)*i vn^m w^ut
T» g*g I wfarsj^%^ig a w1yfi[w: ngai w g4fam*i!n^ Hi^ii^^iRg gswi
gwr am i wtt ggn i wfHfgn «W h

scrraft^t wh ^Rfif 1 11 ^11

^FThu: I I ^f’TT I srtf I PH I |:siff?f I I I ^T5H II ^ ||
% tow f a*uf fi^qiTfwt' ?TWTt uwTare i a ftg nwt« ?wt
3 S 2
qoo n W [^b.5®0 b.'M0^,

*rm %*ra i sg,nprfa bbt h^Hi *rtffaT *rn i it *inOft-

ggt i «Hl»H*i'«»n^fa D

xrrsrNj awNw i ii?h

m#s: i 'Stftg IW i w?H3 i flSWFfcr: l \ ii?ii
mmwt R^ngm: munm: qsrnra: bi iftwtrn: *Nnrr: wft i ,a*rft *rmTfH-
tfq^j sfg^T KiMTjf WT WTft?ft fa^pn I Jf^PPW ,u*®r*r*i I '3kK<$l UfiTg I
ipsrsft i ^mK- fw i fa $3*: i fir *rfa% tfnrra f*si ^ T^: **r^:«

m\w ^ ff \ ^ 11811

^TT^rtTot i ^rf^rirr 1 *31 1 ^th \ vfoiT i ^nr^HTO i 11 {in

^nfagwgw: **fam ^ mw *fr qmwifrmaft^T vtt%*t g fa* g*g i ^rf*ra%
%^Tf[ 1 fanfa 1*pr% qfrnffrw ii3*rr*rra *<ii*i«ntf i ?rer «i«iR^-rr<r T«nfr » »33«
u jfa ’■fafaii fw i '^ti^: ^j4iflfa: i fatffaT faaifar^rigj*: i
^srg^srr fwi *rfaar: i i * f**: fgmfa *rfawnjgw fa^ffar TrwraT-
»Hffir u *rft fafsfafa: ii

V ^ ^HltTT ^3Rt I ^T*T ^ *T WfTt II =1II

H i ^-rsh I ^uri I ^^1 *f*HI ^3Rt i 'qrd I ^ I I 3P?fa[ I

vfrrj i ^r i TqfTtmii
Tpr^tm ^rf i ^jfa^r *t* *fa **wr*fa iroifa g*T ff^yr
sgfsn i q’qm^nfom; i f #m* * wi i M«if?r^f«^T i mr^fa i ^fa^rr wfa i vwv_
gr?fr ^resnl i w* i *j*i4i*ir4<.i<*n*i»fa mO^tu farfamr. i q^r^fqj^n*
iv Rw^reft fwi vtw: *rm Jjfa*m sn^r: n ^ w i
m * I ^ nWnft iTnf^^^rrfaw^i: i w i
^ nronnn: R^wi^ wi: i W i fmf^fa»r
vrrw: i wr- wr Jffawt. up ^ <,n*rfgvu m fwn: i *mrr ^
^ jft w ft*rfa Tnrr i ^ Ttmf^pfaw^i:»
HHfMmrrq^r n ^qfafa fftifraw i ^ i If^ifariwfrm'- sftwl w ^ ^
fv^fq f?rer: i ,wo «»'«>• i Tfa #

fw Htm *Ti#3i I I^T ^T^IRII

U I[\*n I f^T I Htw I 5ITrTS^^T I f^TT I *t} I 11 ’11
? <i«n^jnfw ^rm^rt ^Rmt
»ncn i to^Nt ira i w i *fa *ra7* BT^Wfn <i<r? finrr ^
*^n i w i w fffaT i farm gw i fa --.^Mfafa M 1 „
f^gng^^ng^i i i b fawiwn*rTn
ii q0g

^ * X^Tnt i
T^t ^ ^ffar%rrfw w?ri ii?ii
m i ^ sft i w i n i^s^: i ftni i i ?ffa?* i
t*t: i h \ ^t: i xsfas^fl: i Tjftts^; i ^wftr i wrt«911
wxrg ^r «ti^T^^rn*ift»ra?HnTf7i 11 ^snjsjn^raft ^
TrfTf^a: 11 frm ^«n*n*n£Tm i wi xrpnxi h wtax* i wT?*ptoitir jrfn
■hjrto wten! 1 wfq ^ tf^HT^f: f?r x^t^t 11 wi^xft xmxffxrer wta: it xr xtot
^t^rn^tfrmTn. xftfxfofxmT ff^ri xNrafxim»xfrxtx^wfrjfo ?*m *fw n
w^fft 11 wxtxsSmTxpftfd g^x?r fh5: i x[fij xft:
nwfdxa'<«M 11 T^jHitifxTxanrrann %?rf7T i xp3r^tri§ wT*nfii 11 5r%mi^ji^ci<«»i
f«ii#rc^: 11
SP*fr I \ sffaTrft fW: II 8 II
i : 1 ^*rft 1 spjrrbis^ 1 st4r: 1 r^r: i ft^i r#itr; i
i&: i 1 fw: 11811
^r^nr*fr an«i*iidi«H3^rdfa*rfl*ii<gwffl i xrerr-
3[xjf?i 1 x^grcft TWTdwfd xrrcfi: 1 f*r° M- x?-11 HT^rrfMIrixpnr^i *rsrr wir*WV ***ft wtx?t-
fxnrgnT ^^T^T^Trm i xftwr^Twr i m° q. 8- xmi tsptt^twut ii wft yra ^r: xifxifanu
Xlf v^rw^TTXT I XtWTXpfTK^f XTcWT'TO *Ij5H $<^XfMfl g^S II f:q'^*<Oi,?l^: I XJf^r
sfq xnffa'K ii xiff^rrs^T^tiyffl fa’inffWd f*nft gq> i ^Wd 11
^ft ^fa[Td% gftjRfrlW XTPTTXf ®t!I I 5T5TWT WS- II II ?8 II
xHtnfirffr gw dffif gw srarpxfd’jwwr Mfidxai'f i wtwt wt
Bfdqt3H3 T WifowfXT^ gw I Wflditfl W I ^<Td <IW dHd: JTTWTWt XTHTIX^ ^dWIV^fd H dT«i
jfirsw i gfwd w i dddxrwxxgxxif xrtwxrc wt xr: xigsn i wr° 8- §• i xtfd #

WTRRiR^Rl RR*lt |^T 4^ifw ^r^t f^rfW: I

^nr: cR^^T f% 'JfrfNW h ^ i>
TTffxf | ^f=(; | 1 «|W 11^1 i R^rfH I R^T I f%Ri5f%rr. I
^i iwrfi i ft i ^' wWftt i ^ i Wv «*»«
xtm^f^>ra *r?m- ^rw ^ir*«i* to-
mww . w i xn^fd xr*n^ . *w xM ^ jWi wit* **m ZSLvLUI
mret i^t ii mrxairfiT^i« ^
*g^ , wniHmrvn ** v& ' ******* ^
MMfM Anft « w tf ^ ftfvrmT ^rmx,^
xm . *mmr* ^TOxsnfwwwxrranxi fttrfxpft ^nnfxnn xmxn xm^n xwft
JSS i VIS, *n« "X«* ^
mo* ii H

i wft r ?l tor: wP^fiNt ^tPtot: ^ i «g*: Mx*rm i

to! ^rttorr^i Pi TOfa i fa«i®tfini i toP i^fn(\w<a ^t®
fjTBTWT%v^t fwRTTT% toCHPit gRun mm ’T^rPreRgri yfawsnaR vm 31^ «t-
i naRHifn*!*! WJnft n
qufoSl mft tnr*fY qRPrfa qfl*R®iqmTOT i gfmi R i *wiw<wWmmPi mint
tr nwr PmPf i to® $. i ^fn II

wit wfcn fanfif hi ^tt: i

m itrtrn^T ^ TTfft^T^ti ^ ^nrat fa niffa 11*11
Tjm: | | ifa^T I fa*fit I rTT I farf: I SS^I I I
«TT I gt ifa^T I ^ I *fafrri I I ^ I wl: I fa I TTifir II* II
tm*i: gnf nR totPrt tot tort PrPt i vtrPt i grot f? i mfw: f^Pr
Prefn '*$■. tr^ g?5: i*°m° ?.««.*. <w
ff?T i ttPr mrn ml irfPcm *raf mPunt nrol: i m: nv$: irrtjnTrg: i
TOT^TmfTT I ^fn I $TRPl I WRTnfTft *IVK% TORpl I ft[« 'O. I *Pr mwn I
^TTmRt ^ ^5r f?m m mftm tor IPrY m mfPpri tr^trt tori
nwffiRi gn® m ®Pt torY %rofmr Pi niPr i TOarrmPi Pitot t^tPt i tot i
tran: arm: totottit i * nR tort fmrPf i mPr mPi -MS«n*FlfFi
tort TOiPsrrSrrfTnTT^i mjg*mPi<roit i f? i %^n^«r tot<0 f*i44n
*r|^T *Pl I TOf ffWR 3WT%i7nl45FrRt TOlff ffWT^rt TRTOT^T 1 TTTORTOpTOT»U
^TOR<3 if^UlPlPlgT m TR TOR: TOTOPHt t^T ^TOt TOTOl TOW W< Pi mfil I
Pign trPt n
TO^ifTO%>R® TfRTprSRT I gPni af I TOT® nY^RplTORR s^Tj® |TO° 8.i l TP»

wrm ntTn^wn^HT ^ ^ ^ i
^ >|^^rT: ii?ii

i ^tt i ^fHsuuTnsi i ^it i ^ i ^rd i ^ i tiftisf^: i w i

h: i wfcft: i W’ i I ^it^: I ^11 I ii ? h

«*H<jn7l<R®^Trfly^ll I R- R$8- ?R-1 ’f’Rf »nmfi|fll<.«lf^«RR*S I 1 wj*

«#rtw %fl*im^TO<fi*Rlfl(TO$Tin RlMRpT 1 I ®PRTOTRT|IP}^Tt I * w^j ^R;
w*%: i RprPrcTqiTTiTO?: ^rre to TOTORTOrfrorro »Nr to^rtoI rtt tott
^iurt^ jRfrft: i m^RT flfif^n: ?rwWr Prjro: i totr: ^itu-^i^1-
HTO’iRyftg ^i%®7t4to to i ^h’Rtort 3rotr4% i w i 4Prr
PtTiiMifinRruniuft«IIrai*RPiMW^\ n w toPt^r n r
*fTOR Ttr(¥^ <lA«R 1TOPRW I ®ITO[if H R
w^frop! totPr gw mwhpRTOTfrt%ShcPi ^J»r ttr^tott^ i trt
mPCTOlfiRII^WT^flTfT! R TOf^ttg PpftTOPnSTfig Pl^TOBfWRt
1 rnmvft fir^m^aini tup's. <u ^ a f^f* g
.|wtwin nwwif2ft ff i wr^ficnfVf uuNm: 1^541^,ifTiTlifa
f*f%TO TJTm; I irth iV up 4. 3. 4. n

^*jfT r^rflt T^TT I

5r%%ft=r ^fpTT^nT^ rn^rf^fT mi
Hn^sfrfMgi i^s^H i ass^H I i rMtoi i
1 Tjfpn^f 1 1 ^ng^i 1 m^f i p 11%*? it <* ii
wqji jrftifri wpi gmft 11 %jn%nfw^f% y^u 1
*nf*rrs7faf? 11 mu s><«ir<i surt: wwttw i fi'4jifii!«if 1 uit 1 bt^itit fufe uu%i
n: # ut|y 1 Trfii wroi it t^rf tfpniwtf ifri 111 itn mri: *Nt wg: 1
fysT 1 grftaT 11 i^t i Tftnni ibSutw 1 u^ti
nw: 1 jflfa^i it i fi° <to. 1 yf?r 1 i?tit»t
»nyii it un tji \iHi««i<1ir*ii nmt in# %<nt 1 usr 1 tTPPftur utuT tut: 1
dtn*1*n<f <«!«+!% utu iftaTt 1 uu?t f| 1 ip* ftmsfrBrrouinTftfu iTp m° 8. 40.11 Tniteifu
m f« n** fiui«1^Tgnnfr fiuraiit 1 up s. ?. ^8.11 yft^fSwffftnry 1 w 1
gu 1 ufffimgu 1 uubt 1 uuys^: 1 yfTS%$i?y uui 1 ^iutu xpprnri
ugiJuTUT xrrfyfnt uuufuiTt %mt ut 11 uu Bf<f%uwut: 1 uunf?m 1 iuT^TCTvluTg%
fuw tut! 1 up * 8. q§. 7' 1 tfu bw^htbthtb: 1 uu?I$t ^nrsTEi: 11 urg TftuuTfau y
TTfrTHm^^RT: ^1*7 I
^ff 77 ipft r[^R *?T ^ifl *TT TRff! f^TH II* II
1 TTfrr 1 ^rrs¥t^Ri: \ *(w% i i ^n i ^ i
^ff ^sfrt 1 »r 1 1 ?fH 1 rwlr ^ iw i^t i^ts^t i
7RTT I ^ts?m I II = 11

tsT%y mil rrfi <i«mTwlyiTiT: gi.’HirT^mt *ri mfii itw

iTxmfi ht mrfxTrf hit iti 1 11 mi
11 ^ ic^f ^f«i4^ ifi^ R»ssn^ % iy% nfl^ liwtif^Tt
^ 1 ms?: 1 tufi it *j*nft: m#irpi% irit irnrsft
1 n| it ftmi 1 fftlriT »rr 11 ni^M^wntj-rt^^mri wt% ftn*i 1 1 fiiftfi 1^:
TOftt^rw 11

«pRTT: ^hfTOT t%# wt ^ 11 ?M

1 f%7^i m 1 'ar^Nn 1 ^ 1 • ,3?: s?^1 i ^r: i wm^t i
H^SHT.’ I ^TrTSTTT' I I tf^: • ^ • ^! * ^ 11^ 1 ^ 1 M?11
Motf u wkz: h

?rr^: ^n*r: ’sftei Tiwraft^r atiwpi Hj<*qH^«3<ri*iwJ»i «w*i fwrftn^

1g w wf^7*ft sftfw^Taf^m ^tnrfr Rwi^Pi i
jt^t: i ^ sret: i vSrf*ni^: i w
tff^jfTi: qpm: wfsranrer vw ^rft wnjft *[ ««rfn i wt ^rwr: W^r ^
m wfn n €*i^: **rY?t$T 3t«ra^%f7i i f%^*^vTi*ii f* <*«a i Mu a » * ’W * ^1*1*
ttt^t ^ *rfn *rt?h % n nvmfn 1 tr isfaj 1 WRtws^ W Wtf* v
fw#Wnftf*U* I *T W if^WTTT ^ f*np* 1 wt
ifti w. *t%*i Tnftan: T^T 5#tf7i^T ^ «*j^<Jtimf»i ^¥^rrf»nrt Wfl«if»i**i«a *n
jrffrfr #*ri 1 M qo. *<».1 Ttn 11 11»
^re^fTt g^nnfair f*mt» 1 Wfawnwn
^ftj: , qrnfNTJTfv1^: im^sft *rm MrhErraT: 1 ^•n »n*r 1 ™
^r^sRtfT I *f?nnMT: niROnFNr: wrfarcr^r: frffT^ ,^IT ^rrgst^T 11
^ w*rr *to*itI v1 wfam? ii"i. <>?• 1 tf*«

wwi^ I TrfH^Twt lit fin wrtnt myrt \m

^ I fr^TT I ^3R I TOH 1 3^3 I *1^ I 1^ «'*[*' 1I

1 ^srairr: 1 11 *\ n
1 ’sgf^i: ’gPngfi 1 1 *fprf*npi 11 1 q-3-«
*t*mrMiiT% nqftiygt »rrt nsrote 'r^mrro^ to* 1 J*
^3»Ki«^ 4f*m ^1 firfa %fir xj^iw nwn ^rarftfomy i *^=5^ ™
JTT»I^: I ^TFTVT TWTft^TrT^ II ^ « «T*i: W ^ I t^l^MI ^ II
^ Wr^r: I jfljflWTf^T lUT'^^W.I ^ #
*nnsnwuw. ?Tft Vim*11 «t*h i w i 11 v? »
^rrf! 1 +jfafl ^ 1
I ^tT» q. q?. I Tfil II

^TTT ff^ fwfe IT OTIT TJTt I

xrft ft^TT rT wTfw W IR II
^rm 1 ffa: i 1 $ i fei it i ^1% i wtt i 13T«rc: 1
% r% T&fte ^rni i m i ’sfNl ^1 Twrfwjrwn^^^^1^
i Tn^nr 1^<^,,lt^_”^LnBn^
jrar»rra 3mr?i 13nrrm.i w ’W# *** wr^.^. ^t
^ wr sri i
*r liin® Tw: T^f **T m^rfn \*m *1^ 5Jfn 1
11M: 1 *nft 1 w?^nmr ^ 1 iht-'o.?.^.) ^ graW*-
*wwt^ra$ Mrt||^jn4 T^T ^M<M»f7f*iFl<« « _ifTiffr
?r|N ’srni *w tSI’tt <4(«u i ff 1 ^rn* ^ «rnr*wn^ro
m»M. <\$.\H
noqo.^oqs.^ocjko.] II ^Rts^: II MOM

TSTH ^ ^7TfWf *prtrT *R| rT^rf |

fntasq pi: fqqfe qf^Fpf^qjqi: II? II
WI I I w I ^ I ^s^iff I UTr^l ^rf I ^q: |
qT^qf^rci I qqq^l i pi: I fqq i 351 qfef; i tj^s^i sjqTqr: 11 ? 11
^tvf’i <?l«^^fl^fq>sr»?+n»8*j ffm mri mufiTfTT ji^t i sn% i g*rg rr^ft
^M(rt tfSF i TqT*ft ijxafl i mr: gwnr gmsfirfri *r^ i ari% i w?r iprf-
mrWr ^rmit irarcirTt w^fir i t ajmni:
TTT«ifq*rer Tr«jf^% «w srmrqT Tftnqj iNfvm qv: 11 m4fq wt 11
?fa: ftw ii n n
n smfmr *fq fmfcfmfmi mwr4 %jh«^ i nm mpiiw i it wrf?n
*rn *f?r ii mr: ii ffmi: it mrrffxi t^tt man i ^fmf ^ i h
wrffq gno??r *TfT q #wr i wt» % §. i Tfn n mrr^fqq q^mit ffrsnpimm
mwT i ffan q i jt wrf?^ p;qrT qf^r^ mfqfirg n5m: iw^'a. i qf?r n |mgm
ffa 4slqirmgmwr i ffmi q i n qrnff^ gqqn 5¥¥r jtst^ iwt0
8- ss- i Tfa ii
q tf*nfj?q ^^|rT *jqT ff TTfat^ I

^h: qtffa qfw: pral^T u <i 11

n1 11?SI^1 1 1 *1 1 ?£1 1 ^1
iii i «^i i qrifqi qfrr: ifth^ri i q*ftr KqwfqT mu

1 pp srartircrqWs; victim: it wrff% I iTmwTfwwqfq i W mr iffm* aw ^h:

mnmra firm* m qqfa i Tfrfqrqrfftr mfiraq q-wmg i w«r wqg i ?rq3 % i$
f%q arafsr q«rr»m ht i wtit i wnra i aw TWrftwf m$w*rrcT frr^rr ^q*iq|arr»rf
•rqV*rt irfTTTf^ i xjTTift araftr u <4|4ht ^s'arfrrfTT tth^ttw i ’T^t *rg4t
^ i\ir^rtfn TT^tqTW ii
x^piqr ffm4t ^arl ^rnxrr i gfw?t ^ i f^r ^ ■5^ Htn: RiRbi:
i wt# so. i *f?r ii
^rft rf ^rt! qtwr: i
qfqfq^ fwnr fq qr^nfnf^ fq ^qf *3^3' 11 ^h

r* i i l fqfTSqqT: I qqsqrf: I qn I i qtwr: I

^ i ^s^Tq i qfi i iz i fipi i $* i ^li 1 fq i ^4: i irii

^:~grfwTTwWmHT: tt^t^ * f4* W 1 i* * *Wt i«*
xtt^it: irwt^fH^ fTT^mqr win i
i itt0 'a. s- $* i ^ wfiftw « mprsr ^ ^rrwqt^ fm»r Tim xrfa w^r
ifrmtem ^ ^r ftr mfiq i Wq mqiri ftunt^w*:.
VOL. IV. 3 T
Mo!, u ii [^bJ°b,v?q,
?rc wnrnl i wqngftfe « wr wnn*?t*5WT»3«p^iwT^ n«s i Wfau

7*ft II? II
i£ i sN i ssfa i i i ^nrtw: i f*w i ^dtart i
^xt i 1 sfI i ^TRS^ i ^ i^wf: i % I^^I 11 ? 11
% ^ wi-straw wra w^ftw^wt wrafwwwrraraw i '3<Mti'Uf% 11 fw wrawt
^ffn: ■qikH'ri ygmumwiw « «tr ^a^Trw u wfiraW i wfww: i*
wrspra arrowy: i mwi: i fwfrnf wtw *sh«u*i&^‘- i wrarnff: i ^rj^:
ii ii ?*=#
ira tf?r <ra frit f* %« i wfire: *w«i wfa: wrrn: i «tw*: w**n<si
wsf*tf|aY*n*n: i 'uftnjjtftaraTt i wt 'n*j«iw i w$w^t: nra^ atRihj flmfl
htw** wtf: rr^T ii w^msw www i ^ i wmt wr wu *remr
8. $. i Tfn ii
ipNj fWt ffa%i
VT^?rf5TTW%^ fwf TW^RT II s II
iM: I ^ i ^ I «sn*i: i ^ I i *lpi s ^5>TW i f M: i ffa: i *fiU
vr^: i ^rfa^i *%: i ^ i f^f: i pj$Ht 1 ***1 1 11
*pg wfawi inft ^rm ^ nwra «rrat »rra w: ’nfl^ wfw wr^wrg-
|x^^n wrat ifwt wtfuawt wt i 'WT?!^rrv5r 4n*i w3[wt i vhj'St-
rfrmgmrerefttra i *i wfag-g fWrgT wrr i wraur i wwra; it wfttf tf* ws i
wwrai ^i fFTro #

srfgfcfr *rfHf*ii vnti to* TO ^1

Vlfj4^T^T%^ ^T ^ IRH
i ^ i ^jfrisffw i ^ i ^irI^i i i vp* i *jft nfiTj
mg: i spri^i I ^I I R^s^tsn i ^i i^i ir ii
?l vr^n^*i<d<r4^n. win ^i|ijWT*i~ng w^i ffw: 4i4au'<<wftfw fnCifgn«ii*Fln:j
fiwr^ wrr® aftfw^n^: vw vrxw *i<Kw
f«iffnfiT#^ n% \mrr^ftiw«n i ««Mmiti|igwm *w* ,«ftTT ^ i
@3^1*1. i wnpmf*wr^> #

^s%*pf|w ^ ^ li-iw l^arm^r i

Vr^rtUwftipg fl#tl »?H
«• so.«• <«*.] n ?re#s**: u HOS
*1 1 *?fen I.^takn: I I I Wm i^sjiu* i
HTg: I qafaig; i«% i ^ i ftajJ: i ^^^ „, „
* 'ny^rt gtam ^tauim: «Wt *pwt ganfi^, tor i f* tr i TOhrov»r
ms TTfgrwwi jr* g^r ^tr ^rmi mfjreTvn i q* vTnTftfw:
^wgimar n *rif vig^n^rrof^f^: fifrtn nrfsn* i wen: i wnfarin
fwn: it n $<i u
f?nrfntrfn gn5twpir gw gmrfn^nai i ffnrfngnntg^T m*rN: t trt nrrgwin i
pnrfnntggyr nrfnntfr mfmwfitfa t *rat fafnnta: n
^wfrm^fTJ fflR: ipEfagq&uq i
^Jrfw TOnmTW ^ %: ii «i ii
1 *PQl1 i %:: \ i %^i ^rasTfarra i i
ftsraft.1 SSTCjfw I wk I |:S^f?T I f?(l 1 ^Tr^l *T5frlT*TT*l is? i ift: mu
gmrfirffnT ^ninr qfn: nrarfanT n n|^<i1: qniTjwtgV’e^nnift: g^Tratnw t*t°§.q. w>.t

n ^nf%rt nng t fln^nfenfn tTRTwwrrng i w^njnTmnnnw«n}*tiajti*ti»ii<t gwn *rw i

n^MuPr unr i ^rnrrgv gnSNn; i *rog n TOftfatm«t: i ftwngfaft ftn: ii wfn
nnrfnw«nifRn irg fnnn; i wn: t $*?fn f§f^ to wn. t nrajg i wront if
ftrorf nun «Mtot TOn n wm. *

^ts^rj TRT% *f ^ I
fopK'siffHflil ^fw f^t *! II *11
qu^: I *: I 3FfiJI I*i rj: i i ^gs^pr: I ^ I
fennel Softer l 1 |:sWf7T l l l TOM qswTTO l ^ l ^t: ll * II
tHg wrotg flpfta: irrot n<.iifn%nTOi: i nfnwtnat ^n?ngTfr nrnrnt n^: sMW
ifantupTnng i Tng i tftMigT%g owag«mt: i nntigTOn: i fsptofrjgroPr nrnin: »
wrgrorer nrnfntifanf nfannqi if gnranfrinj i gmrfflnrnifnr f«t4f^«iff

W^l|^T rftp[ ^ ^ I
^ %: h?ii

7T^:S^T I WITW I I^I I 'Sjt^ I iw^ I ^ ?fH I

13f415**SHffr I I I ^Rp^l WWTTOI'S? I JII9II
nmmnK^ gmnft Tn^r % mfzft trwt: irraRpgtwg t
nmg i ggfiro* t fn^f t irt% nn fifnni Tnnmfvqtn H t wgw^gjt mung
3T 2
Mot H H

q^amftr it ^ f|qiMifr«MiT^faiflwiR^www I Pif^MQg^us^iiuri i

fararafti qs&qfnfa 3R^w: i ^4*^ ^w<<: < ^
5ifl€lfom$<ragi i ^arap^: n 118011
<pr ?rPbi 5gw %« i wrrra'wfS: i ^r: *F**rr*ra#flfl-
qrmrftrq: qfwqif^T: i ’snra^traT: i ttot I «onqi«MNm^^ ^*<l*lM-
<^fnrrf^ Tfa ii unww i ft i TOi ^^rerrsrm ^wnwH% f^farar
qgflr jpffaanurpr i w° a- 1 Tf^T H

FCT TRRT %f^»rfl*T rf4«t 5TpT irtflt U*j I

P *3n% CTfa: n sita?r inpit inn
iiqir I iMT I ^T I ^krTT* I rriw. I ^TTfT I 7PTfl: I faSHH I
sgius^ri i i i t^Nj* i u ii i ^[s^p* mu
% *psotr err *ri ar^an pm i ^if i i qj^Tftr ^ ^rpm?tq#r «0^t-
qpnfrfmm yiwfl w ^p*fniTT^ft<rn^mTf^m w*rafi g#1 wat r%^ ^ith
nwm i t H^^imR g^tiwqflin * watt 3^MHif<yu w*fl
T*^ ttstot u ^nara i TSTf^prcrtrtrw i wr ^rMi<«i<t|vJ: n

FCT ^HflT ^wt^TT ^T^T rT^^r^ ^TPmPTT I


•31W InTT I TptflT I ^fW^T I I I I ^T^RT^T I

^41 t^t i i ^rfa: i ^tct: i u i snro »innit i T*S?5IP 11 ^,(

% qf^ ferret T<mmrra»tarsri ttj <i*rr *rftr ^ti i *rr^wi
I anufgfartr# mtvwt^ ^T^fT*rt m <si «i«i4nqari I *JTi i 'i T**™
g^psfiTiTwr^ *7Tgq iroafrt TiTO arr ?*gwttafrr I ^En: 11 $*«*rt<l*WT'
tfttfw. Trmvng^T^B i <na ^i^: w i qfiwft ixn° ^ 1
^ II ^fH^T ^ TJW vtfn H 9ITW I II ^sft HT1*% I Wft
sn^j: it

*r£fa^pRH*faRi i
TT3TT 3Tqf^ «?H
^i i i i i i • ^frftfrt i
i us^t: i i ^fwr i ^if i ^rfHs**: i i 11 ?11
*i ftrrrn^ v.n-«Tf?B ar^vf i VTWf*i i ^">^rq
arnf \rrwfn i ^ gfw y*ri w: «4i^^i*i^ara i **reTf* |^^T
g^niiaj^aiai i i JrarSfi an*|ai «q«?TirMTiTf
g^qrntWS: # # 8b »
*»• 10. sp <1?. m] II II M0<>
f^Wn j^r FFf^nf I mmrt sm FTFf§: wmfiia^V fFwft i fthfrurc
H» wg«n at 14 PrfFFlF i «Ui Mf «i Ps» n Tft ^fft: i fft FTg*TF i
Jn^TRwt ii %fnBfr tWrsfm:« J

?ret ^xirf^ fq^ i

^T JptTrtfkqTtTT *i$r 7* n II
f^: I qffq l I Fret I fTTTfcf I fq^Tff i
^n i fttaiji ws^fk: i iqmi qSf i ^nw i h mu
%Ft <Ttr*i *r»?TvrwN i Fiftg i ?tet FgqiFFFitjqit ^fff ^mfw
f*n^r^- ^^gwrf«3jfFfTfF firarg i Fprefl«0d n ftm ^ i gFTfggiT%F. n
^ H^WFi fftffTtf ft fFFg i fFftftg i FFmsrS: i vim v*kftI ^fr % ^ %
ff Fit F»h^Fr uRujfi ri|[rft gvrg i f%f fttf^ i FnFFiFmHFFT ft gFfaaiF: n

*t% ilff H^RfFT I

*1% W qrf^ft ^qRT W ^pte^T IIS II
^ I qff I I I qff I tf^rfiT I
3f*t i tti i ^ i sn i w i ^Npcs^rt ii * ii

t fFFtFT^FFT^ Fit ^lff I fFfFW Fit VTTF I % FWfF <F F fafFS Fit VTTF I 1
fFFTfrrapfc ii

%irqq1 wm\ q ffRsmt Srfaqt I

HHHH f^URt? Tttfa II? II
%qqqt ^fit I I q I ftrSfRiT: I qrfW I
tti h i »wf i f^rmf i i ht% i^ n?n
^TW?ft ffWFTTF^ F F^gf^FnfFFTfFFr fF#FF: fFFfFFFFt % FT^ ?t gwj

gttFjFF %%fFfF FFFrara: II II 8^ II

FFTt I grZftt ff I Ft? FtnrrfFFrgF#FFfFFFFf F giFfFifF FFFtfF tFTTTF^ |FF°g®^.

t|0.'Q-c. | ^fF N

Tti% ^TTjrn^S^ ^ I %TW mi

i qhof i i qins| i snsi i i ^ptroj i s^inH i ■q^qfR 11 ^ h
q<*o U
iron ffrror4*«ft w ^ ^ to to wrfvg*rim »rf%
JTf^fr TOTOmmq i ^VmTffrwfq ^ezf* ito if* «». Mf <*i vn^ww i
»rm*mwrf*Jft! to Tr^rro a

^dwr ?ndg i f$f ftgpnfci: irii

%iddi3pni^i*i3^S5i3T^if$if^:i^is^: irii
wrfW jjito i w to ?rtt gi«iffft*[4*gri w5«Effirof wtgmf tout#*
sTOPfarnroro’l f*$ ^ fft i *» a«trot TOft: i ^rt-
VTgy\: fror* k irm^g *n*fg wr^ to 3W froi*ft %s ^
^n%3 *•% a
wr grot 3rf?$: n i sstfr^ajinter h?ii
^ i grot: 131%:»n 1i w*ifa 1i ^fn 13i^r h?h
■w^K^-nm foraTg: ^nre: tpn wafai «*i«n«
aptfafraft sfrl% KWft TO H^TO K »^3II
to ifti ?ri TOfro TORtTOtromi *itto «ii^drt i tot *TTgro i to>
totto TOt TOrafafo n W^t fafroto: u

■smr 3n dg ^3 ^g ^ f% i mq «rcfb^ ii q n
3d: i 3m 3Tg i idd i *isg i g3:sg i g: i i m g: i Wfft i
to* ^iptwii it uro it ng i TOirog i i *nj ft^n^ro
HTifitg »rcfr»j 35TO *r HTif^rg 1 ^fti ^ n mft^ii TOfag a
3fT dif fdnftf 3 3rT ^THtrT g: fld I d *fdd3 1RII
3H i 3th i fdn i srfg i g: i gni ^n«rt i gm g: i sd i w ig:'
d^Trd I gift IRI!
TOfq ^ % to w ifuiro froflr i tott^t wifa i wrft i toit TOf% i TOft ^
*fUnr* 5ereT ^m*naTyt f*ri^ra i« m aftnW «wm wf>* i*

3trT ^ ajl^g%I fgf¥i|f!: I KfH sfalt ll?H

^ 13^: 13Trf i ^ i gl i ^grt^i i fgsft: i f|rT: i id: i g:i|ff i
^ftaK II? ii
1 TO TOt ^ TT1 ^ ,tRrff ^iTOfTOTTOTO PlflT^ f%K ^TTftit 1^
BTiTOTfla^Tiign^w vni ^ftiro t^l»srcrae a a 88 a
*•<*•.*• »mi\vm n
Tfir *ffit i g^r wwhiW i to
i $** ft i
.?* ,?*• ** ^ ?*** •’w*®-^1 xft ii ^rrmi TOm*ntfnro! ^
«m*V* ftfro* i *ftra *, TOft to ft ^fSrantTO^i^c.^.)^!!

urn ^rnWtoi ^ni %itoT» a #: f^? M ^ ,t

n 1ssrcni i ^rHf i i i ftprfai, *r: i st: mt^i i fi#: mu

* ^r *ni ^ i TOT* i «8«iqfli* i RmRri ngmuqi touhiI ^

wra^rt nm i fti ^ i tfufinruTO^rt ^^rfvr i ^rfror^*»

* *rtwi: w^rtfwrt tRtfitfNi* I * xfafr ft* IIoil

1 T*twr: i 1 f?rc: i i 3fjft$thEft 19> i *r: i *h^i ^rf?f i

fitf: mu
xrr*n: if^nrf^mTf^nftn:: i i toto» to TOjfa
t**ftrRn* *fnro TTsrafo i ^t i TOrafT^ i TOiafl* f^xr<j4<ifn0^ *ni
toto* i **TOn. H

I a rf: ft* || 311

*t: l t^ffH i ftrs^fil I i i i W i *: i Sift I

fttf: ii$ii
I*t *ftm *tifa: ^rur f*r^r m ifrRnrr %wr wftr *rro fTOto
ftrft*f*r i ^ff ff*rtf: i »min5Rj; n

% f^wfwr ftnregft $*it ^ thrift i *? * vfcfti ft* 11811

s: i fW i srfa i ftssroft i i i ^ i thrift i a: i i tt*jj
sift ifttf: uyn
*tiftr: ffesmr fw fwrf* *#rftr ^rowRi^a fawftf f%^r%w Ssm i
TOm<i<fl«nft i gro pnfn ^romf% 4 TOn * TO**T»uft ^ i TOfw4 8
*t srw sir: x&v *p*t wftnafoif i h f[: tr^fw fW: imu
xr: i i tn\ i i ^ i «srafanT i i i 1 *rf*t •
«ft^^ii^Rw 'nr '^mR^ ^s- ^jhw? (Mr<5g<^i<«»(( ^4i<w*n nmfqn
^Tf^rfTT * wti*rrf*sp?t^i » #Um»
n ^nfi<yjf ^i; i *11*1^ 1 tot
in yn#i' *nft**af*ft 8 nnK^wRiiTO^Vuft 8

U ^ fa^tW I ^ ^rffTT^ II <\ II

Tii^i^s^i^ifl^i^nfii^i^ I^i^ns^inii
'3TTtTT5n %fgrmt ^rmwrfl[^ *nra *#**41^ *Tf%»i»wW % irwiti^nw:
* f^fra i jftsNpt i w i 'srefjnr gfrrf»r: ii ff amt f?rt ^ i wrsftfc
rr^ys^r g*HH*i«i«nW wsi%w. it i nU*wf^ ^%ra\4jn^ 1 ^T'
#<fcq<«4: ii sran^ TT^sfafTi »

n snw^st faiHkw 'te't: i w^ftWS $ffH irii

^hihi ^mis^: i ftns^TW i *tas* i *sf i f?fiS i gs^fii irii
aiTTrmf %f^gf^Tr^w i fam *mTf*pff wrr*rr fhn: h^t *ren rnfir^
%7jrwi^ff «Ji»flf isfn tftWT gf?i i Swft » ^ *rft i

tit snrr^f^Bt ^nrr i *nfi=bif h?h

irr:i^:i^TrTS^^ i^swni^s'^Tt^ * rnWi i *r* i*isii^»j h?h
*r*fr tTwrt: f^5T i^T ^rrerfn
^*n$wr s,«iif%m ftpforro ^Tum: 11 iw?*ft^T*ri sf*nri *fppr: 1^nrfwt J^fn n *r
&mt *ftr jN#: it *rsr *n*ra™*T i «
wt I Tf^Tf'TII ll^ll
urn 3ftfx;fn ptrerfrii f*i *rnre i smknft ’rmffoT i g4f %fn i wn
^ng^TTt I ^ aft: ^fii » *nwrs W|w 1
^f=ut ^ i w4 *ff: frre: vxrfb wit i w> «• °i$-1 ffit»
^n^q qj: i ftrnt ^ n«
^n I ^R I =TT: I *jfofc1 TOftiU SKfaU I ^ I fartf I ^1 1
Friftfrt mi
irftirofta: tfw: Trre*n$: mr^rr ’ro ’simw^i wnm>u *^rPP* 1
^rai*r * gr: monqfoi f^i w f**MT i 1 J
g^ i ^f^|wtrr:11fq7ri; ***** ^^ ^
^xtu: ^fwwnfr H«ffa i l ft<Tt h4|«i^ II

^rT^TfrT HTTOT^TRcft I f& **W

^rTirfit I ^Tfw I I I HTTOTr^l ^WS^«7rf\ I fa I
TRf|^: i f^f || ^ II
^ ^ trm Ttw^r #tn: I.!^. ‘ ?jffT-
ungTcpi'PiTfl i gignrnn^r tttwt^it: i tt^ titthm *rriTf»ros*4 qi^lMw
amiimwi^iwfl wm m^favn^ag gfafarfa i a w^fafa/laU:
Tig i ^Tf^rr^xfr g^i i ^PM^fn fafa i sig<*j*» *fa wr w^'i-tfa u vji i wifalwT^faqlh
tffaiwig’far ftw Ttwn fffHvafa i iraefn«gw ftft i wg^fafag gwfafafa gw a
fa( gsWt i w ^ iau«n <<ri4^*<i*ia<.«<iw<T\ tutun^fcUgr jrafcift i tggrr ^fan gw: i wtt iw
*Tff^ *nrr*iggf fa**i fl R*i*i4«4 i «*i * m«T| ^ WWfa I faw% | TWITTiqft n q^fa^fftfaq^
i w« s-8$.1 ywWfofgq^Hwq: > wfarr: agog i wfa% gwreifaqgnaiir<«ii §wfag: ii

fasrsra fa tfsrffl tffa^ i ufa TOfcg sjfa: n 3 u

fa^i ut4 ifa 1 uirfa rt^i ipfafa 1 Mfaf* 1 lift 1 1^ i^sfa: ii?ii
Nrprro wnflrfa asrrwTfa 11 gwwwww: # q^Tg^nn\m^iq«qgmfM i wfnfaUw-
VTT% I gfa: g*fa fatfafnaw fa TTWfa I famfa I farefarir fatam U II qsftapi
viangrafa 1 afagn Tfa: M^^Tiig: i qfaTW i tmfa w^iftfa ajfa: g*}: i ?r# gfagm mg
ufa *fafa 1 nfag«si gffa«r: farmt 1 wm 1 wfagfa fawwrfa 1 wfawifawigifafl. 1 fani-
fawn a w«fa4*ifa faforr 11 n^irfa wfa gfafaffafinfat gw? fa TTwfa i fatfaw gfafa i
wfaig wfa mg mftgm wwt g^gmw mimw Ufa vHfa i wfapt i gjm! g$:
gafa: 1 gml fa 1 ^far: #fas fafa ^ t^fa wg^fa fasfa wfa wgr *mfa i?lo3rr,^-ti^a.^.n
t»«[t fafa gw wfamw wraigjfa: ?r^r gwwim grww proN a a ^ a
mwfafa gw mfifaw: g*’mww%grfamggJi i mwfafai *rnmrr
g«nfa«faMfaw<q 1 wif gw wmm fagm i mn m*iwfa i wfa wTg^gfaiwafaaft mgfw-
rnggai fafa a famfafa*ft«rtimnwn a

^JrT ^ mq TUvffaprnft SufamW ITTWt rTTf: sftfa: HSU

^rt ^Irift trsfaT^IH rfrT: sftfaj HSU

gpffafa wwmw 1 wfa *rnre wmafoNrafa mfaw wwfawwni i wWKMUH^aigfa
Tirasflw v^wth «g^t*fa 1 n^fa*r»n^KfartHiff an tfn w®fa ani'HHUwVifa i w r;4^ i
sjxriwro* I I *W?fa <lfa¥W7T I^WT»=. I Tfa I ^S5nfaTWfa*T-
wwaj 1 aw: ig0^^ Tfa gwairfa. a wfa^Tfa^: w^fai fasi i
fammfaaHufaqq: 1 »ifac*iitT Tfa ’fa: 1 Trg^T% M^i<ifaQ®fau:
a w 1 wfar^faw: wnmT*rr?tn7rr^ *u<nfa«iiwqi^T«rgmfai *m ■mgHfaji
wfawfr Hwfa: 1 tn# 8. ?o. 1 afa irefaiTifaprawT a aa^fa^T^T^ i jama^^d^
ifa 1 ’Tfaw T.TpaanTiiai7i a ^fawwianfafa ’fffa. a isTn*i!^*r gw- argfa-
^Twwm 1 wgirifatt*f^fa*fr ifafa*TTr^ TiWTwaint^ifaw faW a w^:
awfaw 1 wt° M- <^o<». $. 1 ifa arawfaft ^jww: aiwfaw a

5R^rmrt ^i^n^rT 1

srlftTOfat fa^ifWw T5^ 11 ^11

^litTrwifai fa?5ufW^I faM^t T'ft 11 ^11

* - - - “ , TT
VOL. IV. 0
II H [«• t.V

toit: gqwTfrwflaw w$: armtjamm i gp ff i ^

f4p: wr ganft: atm* t%°wqo.<*.*i ^fni *%^rtiftrm^nfiwi-
ftmfw atfrftt gmf»i fpp w*m.aWMiagwwfeRwig^’nw i am: w*n% arpn^-
jfBfirari«f*nmt faw artet mfttanrW *nft prr «

yjm f^f ^ Tjfkjfi 11311

vthi w^Tt^r^i f^} ^ ijMt' wflwqift 11311

gfo'n'gwt arrerer M^rpt fp ^ gfpf pafp ^ pr f*gP *<a: i wp*: prarfl i

fpr faprsi 1 pj^m fp 1 <np<*nf vuctt fromT *m gf flfgr«iT%{W53Fp ^remg tt%-
amTfPrfq w# uraifPnftsrtf: n aPa

*i*rf*rfn wrfaif gw #hw^ i *mT*ft P Tf?r pftrr f%pfprf*fl«Ugp: i

WTO wf^nn 1 fwT’rr Pm5* 1 wpr»P i P ’qp* P*»t: ■
ptaT 1 wrgp fsP g4pmpftiBT»rmgp?r u pPfPWr^rfPi: u

*faf*rehr% fpgWi ^n 1 *rfrkro s ^ 4t mi

tfss 1 ^ 1 1 1 ■%$ 1 fWfa 1 sw 1 sn 1 535:1 ^ 1 i

I w-1 I I 3TT1 ht in 11

^ p*CT*nrat Pfap P # w*t: i *no 3. <\. <*03. i ^mrararat

fprfp: 1 ^rg: ^nwnsrrsri i fa° % <\^. i piTfrprm u *r «4 fwP Prf% psrrmfa P a
wptfr^: *rrpr% c- <\- $■ i wraft ff$P 11 rse^Uwrpr i -^r P?rntf gp i f*r-
1 *n§ ?srp pTftr gpTrfTft Wpran’fT aroflfi i *tri ttshS: i f4>%3o ptm:
^jfPrr: ^ wnf wpfp^rfr mn^rr ^rgrTp^taTfSt: i>?rr#«i.^.i rrww i
?t 1 ^ef^fw: t ^ rngwi ’fti’WTW vwrwr ht i a

H ^ ^ 3n?IflT I

^t hth w Tj[f H^n^rprr irii

H I »pI ^ I I ^ I m I *Rlff« I ^TpTrfT I

i vim i iraf 1 ^51 ^s^pn^n: 1 ^rs^n^TH 11 ^ 11

t ^mv- 1 *mm: ^pr n *rat n*«af\wif^*fT «

^^*4 1 ^rp 1 tnTjrt f4frv *nwi aWf «np a wwaTwi «pirt
1 <\. $. gc. 1 *f?i ^<i4iv»q^ 11 4^ prra 5R*rrt% « anwn i *r*rR%**w^i«J*i^»r^g a
4ip«rm*rrKn% 1 m# <\. 3.8$. 1 ffn a gxpwr pr: ^fwTwnn ^taww
ffaaimgmP ?mT^ n*n gpft %*rw P p: a

?7Tn^t ^rftifrT: ^17pr ^ f%*$taT I

wwi »r,5nTf^ ^r: % ffW fftfV? 11311


5R*lpT! I *H: I WS^frfJ I I $T*?T*T I 5Rrh I | f^j I I

I *H 1 3?fa 1 wm 1 IHTTT^ I j |fW 1 ^tfini 3 11
_ 'nftw*: **r<: raw*: 1 ^wfafai^4fa s? BfHHi^fa^ii *r>^rt *t ra:
^fa: wr*rnwT jtpitw *t wtpi TfafraU^j 1 **t *faf*: n
^w*rr*famfa*T 1 y^i“Hl*i|fri«aV<!i *^rra 11 **t **Pf **wna-
*4*:*trw %n **rr*?fafrara^j 1 fra fwra*r trr* **t *? *ff* w*rc$Nrftf3Nft?][-
***j 1 *r? *■ *t ’j'srr* *tn*%*sf%v tfwfn 1 xfafrars ■rasTtfa 1 **r *Y gwfa
ffrar w^ranrrfl^^Tf spftfa 11 gntarr * 1 *t° 3. $. 1
Tf* *i4fa *rnj% g*faT 11 wffrw ifa: *%wr*rtanf: n

1 ^I^frT: HURT m I
ft *T#T W ^frefrT II8II
wnpft 1 *: 1 ws^: 1 wm*i i i *: i
WR?i 1 ^rej 1 ^r: 1 *r: 1 i i gstff i ^rcifrT n811
% *t *p»rrawTff*: rasftivjwrd: wn3fafraU*j i **t *ft *prfa
l^nfa rar*T»fafa*nf* 4g i <t*t *ft *p»rfa rati*:^TW t TrSr*rrfar$ww 1*^fa im-
**raj i «fr gwrfa tfm* rnfra* wif* wr wtwfarasr*: 11 *ysr
w^ftf* inrt fWW ii ii «e. II
*^ng*g rart* **rt it^ fwrra* i

wrofa^ fajfrfa* ii

3 V 2
II ^55 »





Some of the MSS. of the SawhiU-text contain a number of hymns, or .some¬

times single verses, which are not explained by Sayana, and did not form part
of what the BrAhrnans consider the canonical text of the Rig-veda. They are
called ‘ Khila ’ and in some MSS. ‘ Pamishia,’ or ‘ Padasishfa.’ I have never met
with them in the Pada-text of the Rig-veda, and some of the Samliita MSS.
also omit them. Still, some of them may claim a considerable antiquity; and
though they are not included in the index of the hymns ascr ibed to Katyayana,
there can be no doubt that they were known to KAtyayana's predecessor, .S’au-
naka, who was the author of several Anukramanis to the Rig-veda. He mentions
the Khilas in general in the introduction to his Anuvaka-anukramam:

WfftrgrNi g arnpnfM i n
Again, in the third verse of the same Anukrarnaui, between the 13th and 14th
Anuvaka of the first M a/a/ala, S'aunaka states distinctly that he does not
enumerate the Khailika Anuvakas :

gfrigqwref 1 ^ m *f?r: it1

Where the number of the Anuvakas, of the Siiktas, the Vargas, the verses,
the metres, and of the single words in the Rig-veda is given by Saunaka (the
words amount to 153,826), the Khilas are never taken into account. But the
very fact that they were not counted by Saunaka, and that he himself says so,
shows that they existed in his time. The number of hymns in the /Sakala-AikhA
is 10x7, but, as Aaunaka says, exclusive of the Khilas : fafga %f^-
%f^rr ^ Tlie BAshkala-sAkha, according to Saunaka, contained eight
hymns more, but again, as he says, exclusive of Khilas: ^IHT-
^ I ?TT5qTTt ^ fwr: « Another
proof of the antiquity of these Khila-hymns consists in their being quoted in the
Nirukta3. In Paxiini the Khilas are not mentioned except in the GanapfU/ta.

1 This is the original reading, which has afterwards Arshamikramani the Khilas seem to have been

been changed into mentioned.^

The commentary adds, 2 Tf?T U3WW I
Tift Tff! nr. 1. In Saunaka's 3 Cf. Roth, Abhandluugen, p. 31.
M?o II ^fc^iTf?! $15Tfa « [?.
Some of the verses which are Khilas in the Rig-veda occur in the text of the
Atharva?ia. In the Yar/asaneyi-samhita several entire Adhyayas are called
Khila (XXVI-XXXV), and even in the latest works of the Vaidik period, in
the Aranyakas and Upanishads, some portions are still marked as apocryphal.
The 7th and 8th Adhyayas of the Bn'had&ranyaka are called Khila and Parisishfa
in the commentary (p. 948, ed. Roer), and the whole Y%«iki Upanishad is called
by tiie same name. In the epic poem of the Mahabharata the Harivamsa is
reckoned as a Khila.
The Khilas generally occur at the end of Maw&das and Anuvakas, not of
Ashbakas and Adhyayas—another proof of the early date of their insertion.
For the text of the Khilas I have used, besides the Samhitd MSS. (S 1. S 2. S 3.
84), my own MS. of Parisishfas, which I call P. This MS. begins: sfalSjUjUJ ll
^ 11 11 *rr etc. It ends: tfwf ’irg
II II 'rfrfsiBlPl II II «IQ.«m «TT% *TT% *TJT$ II
I have also quoted the more important readings of Prof. Aufrecht’s edition (A),
and of R&yarama .Sastri and Sivarama S&stri’s edition (R), where the Parisishfas
are printed as an appendix to the eighth Ash f aka.
The accents are given in some of the MSS., while in others they are omitted.
Rut even where they are given, as in P, they are mostly placed at random, and
have therefore as a rule been omitted in this reprint. The text, too, is often
corrupt, and has been restored as best it could be, from our MSS., without
attempting any conjectural emendations.

11 11

^ ii h

f^l1 VT3T ftmT w i

cTSl ^ ^fC ^ 11? II
^€Tft r*T f^^!! I
tot? snr ji 311
1. This Khila is given at the end of the ninth not occur in Si. S2. S4, nor in MSS. Bodl.Wilson
Anuvaka of the first Mandala (Rv. I. 50), in S3. It 429> 435. 443. nor >n P and R.

is counted as the 9th Varga, but in order to adjust 1 fa A. S 3.

the numbers the 20th Varga is counted twice. It does 0 TBr. III. 7,6, 22. A. Srff S3.
*•] « tftwnRr SJRlfa H

fwf Trfrofa xrfr; pti xrrfa ^tt: i

vrfa ifar \fararo1 <s^ttt?t nii

*IWIV|f«m'lr)n »ffw *7^; TffTW: nit

IT^3I ^TfTHT%T!! ^ Wfan iriftm: I

iraffam *r^ *?3t ii? ii3

»TTO4 *TTO7# WtfrPi 57 I
^n n^crra5 TOfft ^ srerefa ^m^irt 57 snrrw ^i:» n„

nt:T >75 >75 fT ^ JT35 trtrtot:8 1

5r57^nra° to 11 m 11
^ra^roi wn *r: TOf 5? 1
STrTOT 5$f$l fw|^TRc* w Ilf,II10
srww 5nntu ?rm*n i12
rTTO 5R^TXJ13 ^ »7v5 Tf^TW: II$II15

^rfafw ^ ^ftfrt ^nfa n: to^ 1

f^TT ^T ^ ^T ml *7T% ^!,i II til17

wrfaAimifc *rngfa: i
gf^frafa: to* fssnfor: uq.ii
2. Khila found at the end of the first Mandala, in gwr «r: *rof »i i
Si. S3. S4. It is not given in S2, nor in MSS. *pr«n flnrf^w »
Bodl. Wilson 429, 435. 11 Phas another MS. has 3R-
1 For o?Tf R reads #»rf|f. Of. Av. X. 4, 9. t®(i IQU IWRTfft •
2 For f*n*J«rry# s4 and P read fiwMTy*. 12 Of. MahftbMrata I. 2188:
3 *f?i S 4, which gives only these three *fr skwiwi srnfr srwrTt «tr«nn: i
verses. 13 *rfrpi P. glSTft R. One MS. has ^rfrifa.
4 »r*ral a. 6 *rcrfawr s3. a. Htf*p- ft R, and one MS.
6 *nvfr w jmw *m: deest in S3. 15 This and the following verses (7 to 10) occur only
7 without Yisarga, MSS. in P. R gives our verse 7 as verse 8, and our verBe 10
8 »ifTw; p. r. wrTftm; si. s3. »rcr- as verse 7. The other two verses are not given in R.

ftra a. 9 **w*rei s 3- a. 16 One MS. has *1%^.

10 Verses 3 and 6 occur Mah&bh&rata I. 2190: 17 Cf. Mahibhflrata I. 2189:

^enfrtrcrf *ist ^ *** ^ Tnrrfq^ i *nftfniW m f»fW ,mft v. i

qnfraiqqi *nrfa wr r Uprr *rr *rf?[ vWt m ^i
VOL. IV. 3 x
II KtfamU ^IRTfk II
TO UTfl#R^ fafa I
srats^ ^ ^nff in f^retfrr: non

*5 fOTT^t ^ H5 Wn^fq^H1 nil
*i ^ ^ ’ll! ^ i
^ *£ »w ^ ii * ii

*13*5 «T Hi ^ II ^ II
srcre*? ^rt^: ftm i
3S*ni TOT 3]f II8II
^FRlfa TT^lfa I
^TfjrT^ WWlft HMII
^1^^ 'st^r ^ gnfff fafafa ^r: i
spifuNr f^ §3ki: ii^ii

STPTfii n? »pi% 3R jgfalfffo I
^ ffa: fitfk W ^ to to!1 mi
ipOT^RTTTO? ^sfxr TT I
3. This Khila occurs at the end of the second 8 On Kartari, see Stenzler, Indische Studien, II.
Manrfala. It is given in Si. S3. S4. Wilson 435. P, 159.
the sixth verse (= Rv. II. 43, 3) only in S1. S 2 and 4. This verse is given at the end of hymn V. 44 in
Wilson 429 have not got it, but 82 adds after Varga 11, Si. S2. S3. S4, also in P. Wilson 439 has WPC'
a word occurring so frequently in the MSS. f|pj | jftsif n It is not in Wilson 436.
instead of that I am almost inclined to take 1 Cf R V
it as a synonym of Parisishta. It might mean what * ’ V' ' _
is left out in the Pada. The verses 1, 2, 5, 6 occur ^ ^as I ^ ^
Kausika-sfltra 46, 54. wg<?re<q» giftmwml gitoretn* mr-
1 ^rPt^IW S 3. This verse occurs Nir. IX. 3. Cf. ftTB |. The Samhith MSS.have no Khila afterV. 49-
Roth, Abhandlungen, p. 32, and Notes on Nir. l.c. But see Khila 12.
t- J ii tfcreifir ii
^iTh vr ^ ^ nil

^TtftfWT*TRT ^ ^TfT2 IRII

FlwH rTT^fclfWrfa Hf^rT1 ^fT^T ^rT^TT I

’jprot ^ nn
^ ^ m-^f i

inhruifin: to! h ^ ii*ii


3% h f^Rrefi; f^3t 3wsi fasjri: i

?rerfa^f ii v\

ii ^wii
fitiniw fWf yr^T^wiNt11
^T cT^ft* ^nri^ * sn mu
wrf: i % grm^: i ^rrcTfa M i smnnfr tt i fasm tf* *r i \ si ftK-
w*r% *puNr *r4: wren i ffwt fft^#r i *n i
«m^tt %fw ^^nrrar i g^afc^wsT *jq4*s n gorrfw
g^4Tf»i T^nrrf^ TPri ^P| *rren wrerr i qwitwiKi ymiiftwrewTt i 5^ ^
gaj | '?jni %jj fwmMTfwni i w ^rr^x^TTfnanrg^n i IS ^wtw a^€ 71?Tq~
w31 nf^rTpg^wt nr i m^t ^^wqrnpnMT i itf^rraf^RT *rr i ffT’preff ffT^raw i ftr-
^faroft wt i srw*nft i wwt^urrarr jfjpjl go-1 tji^i ^
*r?j *ni ’?rrs*i i <i^4l*if*iffl *n^: i^iif ftTffa^jSfc n s it
in P. E. A. As Dr. Hall has been so fortunate as to
1 One MS. has ^SPfg^K®.
discover a commentary on this Khila, I reprint the
2 ’trfM *re* ^rm deest in R.
same,as published by him in the Journal of the Asiatic
6. This Khila is given at the end of V. 5 > in the Society of Bengal, vol. xxviii. p. 121. The com¬
Samhiti MSS. It is also in P. E. A. mentary is ascribed to Vidyadhara, to Vidyfttirtha
1 A. 2 A adds n- Mahesvara, and to Vidyttranya Svfimin. Dr. Hall adds,
7. This verse is given in tho Samhitft MSS. at the loc. cit., some valuable extracts and remarks bearing

end of hymn V. 84, also in P. R. A. on the character of this peculiar hymn.

8. The Sriafikta is given at the end of the fifth

1 »^tr;a.
Mandala in the Samhita MSS. (In S3 the leaf con¬
2 JT W P- R- *nn Samhitft MSS. and A.
taining it is bound after the sVh AdhySya.) It is also
3 Something wanting in this sentence.
3 x 2
ii ii

nm fftinr f^ mwq ii 9 ii
wt& i \ ^ i *i nwMTWTOT
maT % mrtht *n i ,w3^r i ’sn^mwiqiftflTOi *wt ff’Fsr gmS m ^g»n$ mfmi
^mn. ^^rp^regmMf wgm 1^1
srogfr* terror if^t^rretfa^iY31
fare ^rai4 ii ? ii
wtsJ: i ^ gfrm m?rrari i imna^mfr g#r pfi^Tfaffr i
Twuri w »r$ wrerr i tPa*n<n^fV<ff iform wnrf gf^N mftflrfT iraw
Tnrcfmff 1i qftwrcNt m i ftra ^rmiftm i l^<n m i mi s*t mM
HWT5% I w# ^fhft MT ^TTt%W #^B

wr}1wt5 fat^ui^reirefT ^NY *prt ire^rft' i

^faqwf rftfaifa fare llBlI
wtf: i m i sspfit mi ^ f ^ »rm jnrra-
fTifrf* gaimaq. i ** Tfa mot miffii tfcnmra i Mtfamt i *r t^T qaimpa farn ft®
?rprt i ^niwiflWf^: i fSW^r gmiN ittott ^rarw Wfi i ffT^RWR
^rnsTT ^lafrtiimimfard m i w£t farm rfiC^wwrof i *zwri m i ^u^tiTrg^-
Hua^Tf^: i w^m twt^I mrr i ^wrapy^* i mrnff wnprmf i pf jftmwfa
m wfenff mrm. i v?ir^rm fawwrtFNf i timrffr mraa#T i rnfaf*
Hfw ftrafatm 5% mfW wmjE^«8 #

XWTflt *TWT *l<4d7 far4 ?*t% *fa^T*J3TTT I

rft XTfanftTff0 tutid U7 4f*S ^TOIrTT SIT ^ntfa8 IIMII ^ II

wp$: i V? a w f^rerrmn^TfJFp^i: mmfpi: i M^i n*»Tmn»it i wref
wstbt wt: mfw^rrerf i ^%wth. i mrm *fa$T ^rmff impf i wfa ’swfa
%fmif i st?rf m i 's^TTf m i trfmff <raim^f i u«n««m
m i tfirfn fmrnfUmfai: i 'H'uam^am i fir° <\- <i-1 Im^qT^gn m i
m fmi wtai ff wfti ^r^nj TfMT a inuflifti i ^rffirfn i mft \ ^ % mnwtr-
#^rf anj imfrg i w?^fT wt pftf* i i g% mtTflfc* ^3pJ hi *
rrrotsfa iqwt ^rreftrer^ ^ts^r fa^: i
rrre TTic^ffa rfWT ^ ^T ^fTTT9 ^T ll$H
1 <a^iT*rm<»nf«<»fY samhita mss. and p. 6 amiftf s i. a. 3.4. a. m^+TT p.
2^3ffP. E. ^ragjlr Samhita MSS. and A. 7 THTlRt M Sa. S3. P. 8g%p. R.
3 P. R. Samhita MSS. * m A. »ITO S i. Hall (but the
and A. 4 P. S4. commentary mentions no MT). «M«lirl<l_ Sa. 3.4'E-

5 S4 accentuates flRTMTfWTf. mmiTT R.

t. <*o.] n ^Tfvr u
’nTFrfxi gjM TO«I4I<1.I -wir^wqof ’Wf^gHa ^ <CW ^5f qtgi^i;
% ^V. ?rar mw: f*rcrmt7fr$wfn: i ’*rg*rr. wr?fr % % wmw. *prr *tm-
I *T <\- S'®, i fro: «pft |^if%rarm: ttti^t: i $n: t
*twt*pi: i trot ww: ^4Jrrf|[fw nwaTmiii i to fairer wf% wrr*
w^nfSi jtot snrwr t *mrr *rrv wt ^r<Xg<w-
^fvn*rerr Twsfrtfsnfr *j^j viq<(g a$i

^ *ri Itarera: aftfifo I

xq^tsft^1 * <&qj ^ IIS II
wrf: i^ ^ra: ^fr vy^vaw wm gj%r: i jptffr* tfidEwiftfl i
f%T^nrraT *ru m *r *ftprr fqmuflmi *ftr«^w »farp*i3i»a bhj 'awaaeg (
wrf^m.Tf^ inf^fTifw i i to*t *rer: *rr ^ft %
»rfr ^1 #'Q it

^ntereff3 srhropiil i
^fw*whjflS ^ «%* ^ aj^tr^ it fcII
toi^: i qf?qqT«wq!^qgwwfq»nraiqii i sfot fyt ^fbrnpwTf*n«nt: i wiqifaEn'BWf
»mt nnrarfa i ^ w^frwqqfti ?m *#nroffiprnf»Tff?r % »ro pT?t Urm,
ftrjfc f%«rr^«i 11^#

TTiiTrrr ^nrir fw«jsT i

t^‘ «%»TpTT rTTfafft 5$ M IIQ.II
to4: i *Nt wuprmft spirt vjt wm wreri i fwfr %»rrft i frogst
f%m f^riin; W s^wt i ^rctfwf w^\
titm i i wvm^n *r i m ^ot f**m
5^ W35% hwt^ n<> n

wfa: wTTTT^frT aq^: qsnFt^flf? i

■q^T^rf ^.Tfrpggl5 *rfa ^ ^farfT H^oil^H8

wr^: i \ *t: »nra: *tw inftifwwra i ’Wffn toI ■er |^: mftfscro to *mmS i
ipjnt arftrffonfori qri i ^*ro i vfflww i ^ w«hiRm-
gfW ^nf^rf? i **?*'' ^ ^ 1 ,i,jM<<ni 1 Wl

1 P. A. “HTfra S3. R. ®gTfl^’S3. »IT# R. •*TOT *WT W'^ff'^T0 P.

•sg^ffftrsi. S4. 4 ?9#T Si. i. 3. 4- P- Cf.TA. X.66.
z^fifP. Si. 2.3-4- A- ^ 6 s 1. Sa. S4.
3 ifrnrRrnWrT Sim ^WrfrtT0 Si- *■ 3- A. 6 Vs. XXXIX. 4; TBr. II. 4, 6, 6.
•mrt afrn vmwtHi0 s/ #*wr
II tfcTOfo ^KTffl II [b.

^iTT ibm1 I

M w41 *qwt ^TBwrf^ff«w h

wn$: i 8«<foT<§n H^Ttr war m wrf wr: «t gqftwri: i arrasi-
if*r ?. %. i gm i wrwu w % anfar w *rf*» ««ff*»»j| w? wro i «wroifaifi
wroarraiwffoflf *TT7Tt *ro wfY faro % am f% aj$ mwi fwrreai a qq a
wm fwvtfa ftntfff ^ i
f*T '#4 W TTTTft: fort ^rcrt ^ ll«|*!l
wro: i w: wrfwrrfwt ^nrr: i fajmnf*T Qigwift anaftfii a*^g t wi^g i w
fltgmTqifffii wro: i % faiwta r*uflm«*[ aftg^ % aro g| a$ wi f*nro i *r ^
amrc f%ro % am gs% f*r wro wsm a^ it
w£t ^irfW5 ^i° fonctf i
^51 snrfo^t ^ ^n 7 ii w
wrtf: i TO^mi^ml i HTOfTOft?rf»r^5wt aaro: i arogTro-
TPTOi: i *rer*nftm¥ M^q/fY i trtotttw an i gfa gwf^rrfaroY t gfins*ri tt i gfs^a!
/rf^ntf?f an^arwrrg; < Ararat fwralT i tremTfraaftfarorrf^ fe»wt u u
3T[?T TOlfifojf *[fo8 fspclt tronfo^' I
^rr <^t7 m n8n9
wrrtf: 1 w^TOT^rot 1 anqrftnfY ajfaw %anpsnfaron$: i i Tnpft ^w-
twf an l ^ an | ajfe 3^agmT I gar#T ^fWW@T I W^rcRTOfipjrawrfspn'-
waft' 1 g#r g^ar^ iranniTO 1 flfiri an i flrow^ a <uj a

m*w srerest WHHlwtwftrt!101

TOT f|tu?r HijrT11 ^IWtS’StN^i U^IFTf IISMII911
wt^: i *gg gfare i arm: an: i ^mn vR^if-w. i wro *ro i ft[?ftaran ra^n
«n«inm i raal ^ fa^q: a «»m a apfc 3 a a Tfn aftgjroroi amm a

w. *jfk: pnmrt »jfrr i

fore:1’ thre^ ^ ^ttt!: ^tth n€fii

1 Wni P. R. WTO S i. 2. 3. 4. A. 7 JTOTarf ST.2.3.4. The same in the next verse.

2 1
s . 8 ar:<tf<nfY aj^Tf p. gwfcf\«fY a.

3 ^rg S2.3.4. p. ^nrfarsi. ft#*rfSH. g^ff^'gfV Si. 2.4 a«»r<#

1 ta\ Ttf S2. s4. p. gf«S3.
’anarfroPf s 2. s3. ararft0 S 4 sec. m. 9 Verse 14 precedes 13 in S1. 2. 3.4. A.
apapf^e s 4 pr. m. 10 TOW S 1.2.4- P- 11 S *• s3-
6g^:'P. A. ai^Si.2. 4. 12 apir S4. R. Or. Hail.
t. *«.] II II

wf^2 i
rT^r *nrfa TRnft?3 hh wtohs m$n

nt^^ft HH^rft4 *^to% i

$ prat5 ^fr H#sfimra ^ $ huh
TJHHNmH TO ^W*T%T% r471

shthI unit8 *nm snprw HKtg Sr9 iisq.ii

irenf^N ht^hh $ht *m ng: i
HHftft ^fwfiriw hhh^10 ii *o h tf h
HHTfcl *ft*T f^R flti ftRg ^TfT I
iti vnw to11 33i»J itfan: mu
71 itiit h ^ ^Tt?r a <£tnt HngHT afa: i
H^frT frT^iniT^T HlTTli 3R?^ II ** II
HltHf# TOJHU12 ^TO*TOSJtH’31
h^rOt antij fH^H«f?rfift;14 u ^ ii it
fc^maY \f( HTHHY HRHflRT i
fwt: fro^T^Y15 ^iwr^rR^HT ii*8n
^TcS^ft16 R f^rat R titaff i
nit H5^ft:18 H it^nr^IRMII
XRimH19 Hfafa HTO wafm20 TT^THHTfeT I
RHTT^Hi ff^22 H fa TO H^ll

HR?;: H^HitHf^lftH23 SH fa^H:24 I

1 tfsrsr* sa. S4. TRT^f^-Sj. p. r. a. 13’3Wh**rr$refl5> p. >3«*»fwTw^ k.

2 ,T?TT^ Sa. S4. P. B. 3 MSlI^ S4. P. 14 <>*ft R.

4 jfRT$ VH^S2. S4. 15 w^ffjRRreFlf^f S3.
^ r. ^ra^nft «j?<i41 vi«ir<i «= . R-
]f. A. 5 W»mt P. Dr. Hall. 16 R. 17 R.

6^ftA. ^PfSi. S2. s4. P.

18 *rfw s4. «fgr s3.
,9*rsrra%s3. 20 xrerr»fts4.
7 fggvrenft: x$: a. 8 *rcfs S3,
2l«^p. 22 *rf*r S3, r.
3 5tr(tHri Si. fliftgWtA.
10 ^njvR^rsi. s^vr«mftms3.S4. 23 w»r^: «s^r: s4.

r. \jn*rej % k. vwf^ii a.
11 ?ntfs2. fiTtsi. 12 ^nrcTD»-.Hai]. 24 faf?m:s4. fafam: p.
it n [b.$s.

^ft?3%irr: ftnn1 2 irsii

hH 4 ^TOTftRWTfonrqrore3 i

vrj Vrt3 4 xp>3 ^rwnrot iRbii

itfT3i* \
W5 ^liWTOlMT tot^ to 11*^11 Mil6 * * 9


fwg* i
srcxd *r j^hu qrsw qRT w mu

sj>it Tiff^( fwsjTHT^l i

fiiR W MitoATO7 TOtS^ ^ IRII

tspjWtot 'srfro xsffafT^TO ft to: ii? ii

UTTtOt foRTOTlfft «i: xiftfTOW: Sfrt I
XTTftgr XJ^TM TOJ TOKtHTf^ fftiTO lltf II


Xf^T^fT »?tf^ TORTTO %5R I

fftwt TOts^ ft mi
fWPJ aftfxjm^T^ i

ntTO JTtf^n? to! to: mi

TOTOHTOnfa *teFrift (h^t) ^ ii 911
1 Instead of ^HTT# f^ ^l I j S 4 has only ^nn:, Vishnu respectively, are given in 8 3 on the margin of

I)r. Hall’s reprint only. In S3 the second line the leaf containing the SrtsOkta. One MS. at Saugor

is left out. has the following lines after the Srisftkta:

2 °in^fTf*R*Tni 82. «*nf«|VITfWT*f S4.

8»nfwT^.’gwrrt Dr. Hail. •wfavi^wni
^ ^ TWTfM JlTWTTfg 1
R. 3 \p| VT^i Si. Sa. S4. R.
* filTO ^ TOT firw^ *
4 ^Tf^o® s 3. 5 Tt*r>f>r«ii0 s 3.
KullQka, in his commentary on Manu III. 232, explains
6 Verses 16 to 29 are given in this order according
to P. S 4 and Dr. Hall’s reprint. The last verse is fturrfa by ^wfWror^fii; aDd rt i8 not
unlikely, therefore, that he knew the Sristtkta as fol¬
omitted in 8 4. In S 1 and 8 2 after 23 only verse 28
lowed by some verses addressed to Siva. Compare also
follows, all the others are omitted. In S3 after verse
23 there follows 26, 24, 25, 27, 29, 28. Medhitithi on Manu l.o., PeHlf®!

9 and 10. These verses, addressed to Siva and

II tfcTOfa II

^ tfvq ^ inwiin^ ^ ^ sjttt i

it W^^FT^t^T f^EPtr^W rT ^RlJJcP || <* ||

TJTO1 ^ ^T| *T§ ^ ftjTO I

ifrnfir *ritf ^iTTftqTrw^Ti^dt ii * ir

^ <*7*1% ^ rfan ^ WtcST ^w*n ^ i

^ <rTT^ ftr^T % rnatftt5 gwri^si ii?ii


7lr5J^T«nm H^H ^Tf^r >ra% *re il

^ *T^ ^T|T II <1 II
^w?i *snn*mt2 n*u

*111*1$% rT1 ljtgf* WZt *pTT I

3i*nt rT2 *mi%ri *1 ^ftrfw nil
HWT%g ^Pji4 WjfoilRriNft: I
5Fr^n^TT5TT PTWT *1 U^fafrT II * II
f^5 f%4 W| HWift4 I
"3% II? II
■pqfrft siOtt: ^ttr ^uTTfwfti i
HT rfl tfUTO «*TRH?: IIXII

11. This Khila occurs at the end of Rv. VI. 44 2 gmi^® 84-
(Ash/aka IV. 7, so) in Si. S a. S3, but not in S4. 13. This Khila occurs in the fifth Ash/aka, in S 2
P has only the first two verses. at the end of the third AdhySya (after Rv. VII. 55), in

1 '3T^^V?JS2- W^i^r.
K 4 at the beginning of the fourth AdhySya (before Rv.
VII. 36), in S 1 it is put at the beginning of the hymn
2 «1*ufn s 3. a.
VII. 35 (end of 27th Varga). It is not in S 3. P has
3 The order of these two verses is inverted in S 3
thfllffti gifamarraffi. R the same. A has
and P.
important various readings in this Khila.
4 fip Si. 6 f^5T T^Tc^p# A. u
12. This verse is found at the end of ltv.VI. 48 “l
1 it si. sj. »^iS^p.
! wrt^si. 3 a^is4. r.
S i and S 4 only. See also Khila 5.
1 u^ivr^ ^pnfsr Sl-
4 irPC’epi s 2. S4. R.
5 5n:wff S4. p. r.
ttrr^t|^*raw^ftTi «jnrrf»i S4.
VOL. IV. 3 Y
II UfoMiTfa ^FFTfVr n [R$.

HWg: ^ ^tfspfcre: I
rTM^MWlSTat $ MTM*RRWMtS?nftr^ II I? II ^ II
^ ^rtt: *Rrre*rFRi ^
STTrRT ^ WTfa ^ MMflt ^ rWMMRtfaTf fRTfa II'SMI
TrrHTfR^t^ ^rT M’Mt $ Mrwrat srjrimijm1
faw rTrqffiffi MMt $ xpRTfa libII

trr ^ S^rrfa h eii

M^vrr^tRRTr^ wmt c^n*Rt|*FR*RT7^1

^tTCTfaRRrr rTr*TTMR*ftf*Kf Tgnfa II Roil

xrRWP5I Mf?R?TT*R: MftfiT flrMTMURVfa^ frTTfa IIRR II

^H*ni Mf^rfMH §?mR i
jhnWf# MTM rTfqT^RT^fH^ II II
sKMfa I
5Ri^r?TRTft| fTrqTW^'VfMTi ^TTfa HR?II
^ftw MTM W^HtS^W I
^RTf^WT^TO^T^TOmT^R^f^TI ^Hlfa HR# II
^jh^i MR f^TOT I
m ^itm: m mtr ^t M^ifa c*Ni ?ifMFRT?ftfrrct
MTMHFft: ^RPFfWfrfa^Kfif *TT^»T I
ipMt^f ^ M^fri II Rl{ II
HFRR4 farf^l^l^fW I
^gMTWWR rTrSjtt IIR® H
MFRR Mt *pfi SRTrR I
1 The metre is frequently wrong, but might easily 3 ^TTTf^PI0 £> 4- P-
be mended here by reading «?l\JtSllTt«giV,SI^- ^n * P- MI<1 *11*0 It.
the next verses, too, the metre is corrupt. 8 P- Vn«J»q^J &4- ^
2 gMpb4|*H° S4. P. R. 6 84. fir^raifa II-
II tfr^Tfa II «??

ftnpareita fwl1 pr^tt huh

^JT^PRpi pt TO % H?f?r TR^ftfW I


^tTOPJTOR3 ■qtcWTrft: tETrTTfH ^ I
i Ptt ^TO4 5^11*011311

pto^2 tot tot: xj^3 xp^r^m: i
*|TO$ TO*! Sfanjita4 P^W TO^pt nil
p^^ft ^frO ^*tt TTTTOTfimr p^pft ptaxjsr: i
TO JT^rT: TO*TT^ pp W1H Xffipt T*fari nil

TO rTrTOT P^. fwTc7T% P#q?t I

^TTPi^fTOP PTP*JrT f PfeTP^t xrfr; TO n ||

PP rTrTOTOT1 JJTnPTPfppfp:2 l
HFWFft3 P % TffP' HP HTHTJTT fPfejPHt Pf* TO II *11
Ttro to p*t5 p wp tot*ih fPfaPHt pfic to 11311
PPTjPT *rfWR: %*OT TOW6 1
tot7 p to foajra wp ptp*ih ^pfop^t pft to 118 ii8
To Tf»7T p p^PT PP PTPt ^TTOTTt I
TO stTOrct^TOP to*ft p* to 11 m n9

^W^lfn%Ii. ’ HTJTTOS,.Wilson 438- “J^s^.p.

2 *rF3PWS4. P.K.A. 3°»B^t%1X84. P.K.A. 2 JJffUmfvi'tfH Si. R. ^TnTT*rf«r<rf7T «2.
4 S4. P. B. * jjmumTvrafxi a. 3 «rrawt% «2. a.
18. This Khila is given after ltv. IX. 86 in S3 and 4 W *Tl4t ^ P. 'Hq A.
Wilson 438. It is not in Si. Sa. S4. Pand Wilson 55T?fTSi. P. 6 «t«HHQIi: S*. 7 82.
432, nor in II and A. ' 8 The order of versen 3 and 4 is inverted in P.
1 fSfa Wilson 438. 2 S3. 9 in 8a and S3 hymn IX. 114 is repeated after this
Wilson 438. 4°# Wilson438. verse. Wilson 438 has only verses r, 2,5. Si places
19. This Khila is given at tho end of the ninth verse 2 after verse 4- Deest iu Wilson 432. S2 gives
Mandala. It is not in 84. tWW^ *• only verses 5, this order).
n qfarwfa fwrfa n

qqifefofflt fa=q qqtff: i

TOJpRrR^^T |% ii M II

faflTfHTt Hft^1 XPT tf*fa2 HSiqrirat P<M*JrMrifa I

^ % r^h fa qsjfa ikni srarot ^aqtw mu

3?faw »TO sfalfa! '57rt tffa f qWTTT I

ifafat ^ ^ xpfosft xjfamn n <\ n
sr?i*ra§xprrfa! *n ^ c?$rj*>faq i
H^T ^ #RX|T far?! >fa*J$iRIW II *11
^ q*PTT ^ tlfaw I
fag^t^n^farft1 srt ii?ii
f *fa’5.Rft fal^T I
XRT jftf rT^flfa II8II
sfa^nqqxn Rrafa^qRfa^rft i
#fa^u w flift ?r*n t?mfa ii mii
ifafa XTtWI Hfa i^RI^Rfa: i
trt w uwrefft # sffa ^TO: wf ii^ii


if *n toi: xjfaraRfa * i
WT qfrT rTH^R^T WJftWT^FMt1 ^ * ^fRII^H
^vt ^rftRT *R?mft$RfT ns*i i
^tn ^rfa^^vT^T^rfaq^THiW^t if ii * h
22. This Khila occurs at the end of Rv. X. Kfl.
20. This verse is given afterRv.X.9 in S 1.3.3. 4-
after Vhe third Adhydya of the eighth Ashiaka. Ci.
It is not in P and B. Of. Av.VI. 23,1.
Weber, Indisehe Studien, V. 194.
21. This verse is inserted after Rv. X.75i5 *n ®1-
«3. s4. yfttn«n3 *4 % P. The same 1 »*rs[^S4.
verse occurs in the MantrasamhitS (p. I07b of my MS.). 23. This Khila occurs at the end of Rv. x 103
Cf. Av. III. 2,6. 1 W»f>nri Wt * 4. K-
'HfttftSt. 2*pftS4. P.
« tfOTfsr II


^rfbr: *Hft *pnr ^ i

^R^R^fT ^rT ^ xmTO IIRII


ii Tpftfftj ii
^T Tifft T3f: fftijwfft1 UTRfft: i
%: wrf* ^frft fft fftsa ^i iftft ^ to iirii

ft ft trfft2 '^^fTr ^RT^t ^f?nt^[ i

sntftfft: TO?r ^ft* ft S* wrfft:4 imi
*Tft¥ tt *ra 5Ri¥ flftwrfftftSRT
fWT fft^U 5PTrfr fTOT5 II $11
riftsmT W* tr^ropraifftFff71
IHRtsi fw TJ^[ ^ Tnwffa^CT TO ll 8 ll
ia>nfa TRftt ftftr^wri ^plw i
<^T alTiTft^ft $TO*f *ft*T II mi8
Sjfaft TltaTrfbTnifftfH: ^TOftrar:9 I
n* fft ^TfrT ft^: IIM
ft rri^fft10 inrafft11 msrcrr i
^fft^n ^t w1* h: ^fft ^Wftr fro ii®n
3?ftnfttT13 *yrt STRi ^ftfft^fft ft fror: i
TTf TTR^rfft14 •Tfft^ ftiu ^rTTRlfft: Util1
24. This verse is givon in It, and said to occur 3 Wirer Av. XIX. 47, 3.

after liv. X. 106 : ^IgflTS^ WTWT^ ftpffaW- 4 mrfft: sa. s4. r. n. wafa ■V
jfl^ ^|i B3Rt. It is not in our MSS. 5 fapnrf s i. s4. p. 6 wwfmff i*.it.

25. This Khila occurs at the end of ltv. X. 127. 7 3Jf® Si. Sa. S4. P.
It haw been printed and discussed in Muir’s Sanskrit 8 Verses S to 8 are wanting iu S i.
Texts, vol. iv. p. 498. 9wgmfW:s4. 1,1 ^ p
” °*fa ? 12 W S4. P. K. A.
1 fagx: mfa s 1. farcing sa. fagc: wig
s4. fa*rc: mg p. b. see vs. xxxiv. 3a; av. 13 31 ^ifM^IifT Sa, S4. P. Ii. 14 WTOT* ?
15 In Wilson 445 portions of a Dnrg&stavn are here
XIX. 47, I; Kir. IX. 39.
2 TTft Si. Sa. S4. P. B
ii RfcrerfR fR ii

f^R Rft RRTR f^T^i% I

RRRifRRTficfr! R^?f^ifluMi RR: 1 mi
^T| f=l^RT| R2 RRT^3 RR1! R I

RtffaRT IF ihf $ 3TRR R RWR 5$*ST RR:3 noil

RT Rf RRT fRRT rrh: H^TT: Rft T^\ RRJ IIW II
rTTRfRR% rTRRT RTc*rff %RR7 I
SRT5R? R RII rR$ RR*. ^fT^fe WI% RR: II <R H
c^TT RHR^ R Rt "Mkfa^ I
R 3R ^WR p?T4 TTRfcTRT WJ R%f^ II

Tift: fftj^R: RTR^t TT^HSRt RTR^ I6

TpffcjRi RRfRR WRiTtR RR RSI^ II Stfll

RTRTRfR^RRwt ^rtr! Rt RtfR*RfR3RfRSi: i

SR Rf RR fR^TTRI fRT1 ^TRt R^R RT nil


w*pi r^ri ^iRtwf^ i1



•fgqgf*ren;ft s4. p.
26. This verse is given in S 4 at the end of Kv. X,
128. Other MSS. give it as the first verse of the next
s^njsa. °3^HNnt»raK%A. *rfa-«TUr*roVft ^ Khila. In S4, however, it is distinctly separated:
r *w it. ; ?
llf^i m 11 $7fc» 1$ # ’snsp*etc- See mIV 7’
af^ and gtgf »w: S4. P. It. A. Verses 10 and
14,4: TBr. II. 4.3. Ji Av. V. 3, ti.
11 wanting in S i.
1 gwft S4. P. It. A.
4gnjp. 5 3to*t^t «>■ 27. This Khila follows immediately after the pre¬
6 ^Tf* jfiP* *ford TrfwPf *rr*nft p. ceding verse, at the end of the tenth Anuvfika.
1 Cf. AsvalSyanasftkhqkta-inantrasarohitS (Bodl.
ttN jftpj ^fVH'Cl TTff#r m i waft TTfwi
•MS.Walker 144). P. *33-
jjTtni s>. TTt^f: ffiUKforft <TfW*t
S3. 84. See Anukr. ltv. X. 137.
2 S4. P. B. See VS. XXXIV. 5°-

fog^Tfrq1 with i
?N nf ^ fxr42 ii?ii
ssrsi ^ fro* ^fafw ^ ^ ^nr i
cT^ft TTgS? ^T ^ rPRT 7nfTT3 tf Tpl II ^ II
wft: usnw ^ srfa **% i

T| IJ*ra^ S *lt fWlf IIM It SII

^ TJ3IT Wit ^R^Trft I
tS *nf^T ^ rF$ 3IT^ H €r II4

WS^rffa ?! fa^ratfa ^IRTOtSi: ITO*3i ^?7Ii^l

% f*wfif ^TTOf^WT5 6 *? S Tl^tJ ^5^

^4*Tg: ii® II
^^nKT^TOnn f^wr sraT-rtaro ^TiFiTn^TT:fi i

rF3 ^T7 wftl ^TT^n^lTl'WT^^^T^8 * libII

^rH^TT VR3R ^ VTTf^ l

^W^t^rcN10 *TX*IW lien

ftra tit firi tit i

ftl^T Jrft%§n Tlfa iH% ^T ^ II ^o II
^TftR5T f^TT^lfrT ^ff *TC f*TO*fir I
fc^* fkumft ^WT^l^ fra* TlfTIM fS II^12IRII


f^RTZI nTT ^TTJ^WT SJTH1 *lft W^HTlf^l I

” s 2. S 4. p. K. S »•
1 fi<.«susn4g4T*tt s». S4. p- b.
10 ^W^W0 A. Av. V. 28, 14; XIX. 33, 2.
3 yvifH«i p. _
11 lff$gSi. S3. P. K.
8^fm^ftp- f^ralfwsi. S4.
12 ^Hp5l S4. Instead of this verse 81 repeats the
A. See Av. XIX. 26,1.
verse ^nh^fSst etc.
4 Cf. Av. V. 25,6; XIX. 26, 4-
28. This Khila is given in S2 and S4 after Kv. X.
8 wni ffT^ Av.L 35>3 4- VS. XXXIV. ^r.
142, at the endof the seventh Adhy8ya. In P it follows
6 htpits* p- b. after the 2Sth Khila: mffmi ^JWlj oft-
7 1WJW Si. VS.XXXIV. 52. Av. 1.35. *•
’jfajljfe o^P? R tflTRR WT etc. In B it is joined
wn A.
with Khila 25, and given as verses 15 to 25.
8 R1HWI.SI. °HTI.or °^H.S4 (nut clear). S!1W
1 flncr^JT^s*-

VOL. IV. 32
II iftOTfa « [>M.
# ff 3t fftsfaSSHT wi I
t^wf^2 ^ 31 »w3 mu

^Mi'H^qqreT f5*i *m irh

<sr ^ ^TTrR^: ’SRTR'R I

*3 ^r ^ h?h

fxprn^ c*Tl spprc! ^31s*$ ^ i

?m\fk ^4 wr^rts *n*R*5t33t *tct iitfn
i^:j ^3 f*Ng i
^31 f3*i3 *rig 3Wr*!0 *rarfcWT H mi
«hfta^rff *fM 1
t^3r TO ii ft II

*ro ^rasm 3ta f*R ^ ^ 3t<^ i

^faiTFsr TH3TT ^ ^ »«»

^■R^T^rfrr i

^n^irg: 5f«fRifw12 rrra^fa sr^n *nr3 iibii

ifa %?t iptoo #t 3fcro314 31^fw i
^T^ffafiT H 3Wff I

urn WrcY *4fa15 *31s*5 3 II mi

m ^ ^ s3*3 ^ «rrcw3 ^ ^ *
TOiqjjRpt19 ^ TJf^: H <*3i *? TO*17 ll^°ll

1 wfrfoo s4. g#i# p. f*r*ftft° e. °tstS2. v?S4.p.k-

- fii^Ai^t s4. p. flnyp A. 10 *wi S2. s4. p. r. w«a. ^ref-

:i S4. fil«flfM# E. See Av.VI. jo6, 3; 11 iiftrar^ s4. fifem* p. •aft «•

VS. XVII. S> TS. IV, 6, x,i. 12 TWWf?I s4.
4 •an.ffty s 2. ®gnraf^ra:s4. °flr»i^T- 13 *P9TT twice in 84.

^:p. °3nrof^i^:E. ®«h*is4it: a. 14 ft*»W!HS4- ffWW’lE- ^*1*11^'.

6 S 2. R. Lacuna in P from ftr*J® to « ^rnt tEnS^sf S2. ^nri; ^ v-

In R this Pftda is put after the last verse.

0 s 2. ipsrft s4. 7 *rfa S2.^s4. 19 TOTft 3* 84.
8 qHafPmjiqPul sa. ^wfiHltUHfriTP. 17 m *$ Wfl?l« »• ^ **
STint S4. P. The other MSS. Jo not give this verse.
smuftnfoBfri r. wtfa *nhi *rpi a.
ii ii

^ri1 wrfaist ^it *ra ^urot i

wnfi75^ifii'*5i toit tn»TT rt2 mu
%t %3 ^ot TT3TT SRHrft I

ft4 Safaif! ^RT UWT ^TOTSTT mil

*it w ^rorrg5 tr^§ i
*it w6 m itrt7 firemffori ii?ii
^ H^RrlT8 1
■fawnr fa 'SJ'HrI Trf^f SR 3H^ ^5Rn *fa*fV° II8II
* fa^!! ^ifjr *vw§fin I

^HOT^ R 3 *TMJ ^fat:13 IIMII


fait ^ faR ^ fanfa1 ^w^T^rffan:1,1 ii Sf ii

^T^TRfff^rf fireffaR 3»TR I flfa falRRTfaR II ^ II17
fa fat WrTT: farTWRl^fa I
wm utrst W fairPfa 18 ii til
29. This Khila occurs after Rv. X. 151, at the end 8W^W84. R. H^Sz.
of the eleventh AnuvAka. 9 °3% S4.
1^*TS4. P. R. 10 Pmiml im *n ^rra

2 ^«rrg ^ S 4. 4<fig % P. a, and Asv. Mantra- sr^nstnfJi^rff S2. f*nrr^fwwf^^^i

samhitA (Bodl. MS. Walker 144), p. 154. 8* etc. S 4. R. The text is given

3 Hf s4. A. from P.
4 % A. Cf. TA. X. 40; VS. XXXII. 15 ; Manlra- n*3*HTS2- #WpTs4- °*»ptp-
samlutA (MS. meum), p. 35“ i Asv.-Gnhy. I. 15, 2 i JnTHT TA. VII. 4, 1. Cf. PAr.-Grihy. III. 16.
PSr.-Giihy. II. 4, 8 ; MantrabrAhmana 1.5,9 (=Go-
12^W*t°S4- 13fT^.S4. P.
tihila II. 7, 21); Apastamba-MantrapAt/ia II. 4, 51
14 p. ^flf «*nrai r.
Hiranyakesi-Grihy. I. 6, 4; 8, 4.
ls%wf*r84. 16 S4. R.
8’vqrnsrt sa. s4.
17 VS. XXXII. 13; Rv. I. 18,6.
0 gan s4.
18 ?TOT 44I*(3f %V8T % %V(f^T"i f8 s 2, irai
1 wm etc. H. %XfT f^npiT? ^ A. **TflT
%vnt^ra 3* s4. irm *n
Apastamba-MantrapAtAa II. 4,6. See TA.
^i(Tf%ngi^P. SeeAv.VI. 108,4; VS. XXXII. t4.
X. 4lj Hiranyakesi-Grihy. I. 8, 4.
Z 2
M?io ii ifoainfa ii [^.q,

§Hrfh»: ^nnwrT: *n*mf?r: §sfa:21

TRm )£TOPl5f3 wfr UQ.il4

t}H tpTTT thr i

^ »7*f*n *iff w tpit^ mi
wi ijftpft ^irsfT nSfcmpI i
^ rf HWlHT TITflT $rf% II * II
f^^nt: ^wwr 5n^t yr^t^rr i
grriri1 ^trt ^JTO «TfH qjf% ||? II

S #: TTt^fiT fl#: II «| II


^WtS^R^ I
HsTRfa^lP,!^ tf^R Hf^tTR^ II <\ II
tf$IR ?: #«n: |
f^ffl^lWig fa ^rT II * II
^sffaRfaifat2 ^rfarsTTfa3 i
Fta faS37 fa^^TTi fj72it HWftsR^ II? II

1 °i vbwt: s4. ihTRfauron p. °^ fRw: n. 31. This Khila is given at the end of Rv. X. 187.
2 °*tct: wingR: s 4. <*»nrrwimft g^r;: p. But P says: i.e. after hymn 188.
3 nfw*j?rre»rfis2. ufwfronlP. R: ^ R3Ft In
4 It adds the following verse, possibly a Khila be¬ S 4, the 46th Varga ends after hymn 187, Khila 30
longing to Rv. X. 163: being counted as Varga 43.
wrcua i 1 32. This Khila occurs at the end of the Samhita.

w wrcrt wnrrfnipnrftpft u It is not given in S 4.

30. This Khila occurs after Rv. X. i84. Cf. Asv.- fc w§«n p. »r%wr: r. w. ^wr: a. cf. TBr.
Gn'hy. I. 14,3; RigvhMnalV, 23; Av.V. 2,3, 3; ioj II. 4, 4, 6; Av. VII. 52,1.
Mantrasamhita (MS. Walker 144), p. 131; Apastamba- 2#«rHh»i»np. em#«nnrR. •rtreNrr^-
Mantrapfttia I. 13, 5 to 7. 3 °MT R. Asv. Mantrasamhita (MS. Walker
1 ygmri p. i44), p.178. #wraf%mA.
h tfarasifa u

H .’sn^wt |
^ f^n *mnnfamfa utfii2
rT^^tTT t\T§ TTTrj l^rT^ I

fsPTTrJ >TO5i sj «?T STCjJ flt^ sj ^ijia^ IIMil3

II ifrT tfcTOft #^%f?T II

1 »WT»rf^ Av.iri. 8, 5. 2 R inserts here nine more versos.


Tig® Atharva-veda Samhita. ^® ITT® Taittiriya Prati.sakhya.

Tig® Sarvanukramani Paribhasha. %® WT® Taittiriya Brahmana.
Tig®5®0 Sarvanukramawi on Rig-veda, Maw- %® II® Taittiriya Samhita.
rfala . , Sukta . . VT® DMtupal/ia, ed. Westergaard.
TIP® Amarakosha. fT® Yaska’s Nirukta, ed. Roth.
TJT® Aavalayana’s Srauta-sutra. f 5® <TT® Nmimha Tapaniya Upanishad.
TIT0 Asvalayana’s Grihya-sutra. %® Naighanluka, ed. Roth.
TIT0 T|® Apastamba’s Paribhashasutrawi, M. M. TTT® Par&sara Dharmasastra.
in Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenl. Nagoyibhalla’s Paribhashendusekhara,
Gesellschaft, vol. ix. pp. xliii seqq. ed. Kielhorn. Bombay, 1868 \
TIPI® Apastambiya Arauta-sfitra. Tp® Panini *.
TIPI® g® Apastambiya Grihya-sutra. ftf® Pingala’s Ji/ianda/i-sAtra, ed. Weber, In-

TUP® The ArynbhaGya, edited by Dr. H. dische Studien, vol. viii.

Kern. Leiden, 1874. £> jft® Gaimini’s Mimamsa-damna.
TP Unadi-sutras, ed. Aufrecht. Bonn, 1859. Rb® Aantanava’s Phif-sutra, ed. Kielhorn.

T|° and Tii%® Rig-veda. Leipzig, 1866.

Tjf^o Rigvidhana, ed. R. Meyer. Berlin, s[® Brihad-devata (Adhyaya and .S'loka), MS.
1878. I°*° Brihad Aranyaka Upanishad.
^® TIT® Aitareya Ararayaka. H® Mahabhashya, ed. Kielhorn1.
Tj® 3T® Aitareya Brahmarea. Manu Smriti.
^i® "3® Ka//ia Upanishad. g®g® Mum/aka Upanishad.

TiT® Kasika1. fp>g® Maitri Upanishad.

TfT®TI® Kaushitaki-Brahmawa Upanishad. TT° #> Vayasaneyi Samhita.
$rf« g® AViandogya Upanishad. Badarayana’s Vedanta-sutras.
%® gp® Gaiminiya Nyaya-mala-vistara, ed. IPT® (WT°) Satapatha Brahmana.
Goldstiicker. London, 1878. fg® Paniniya Siksha for Rig-veda (.S'loka),

gf® Tandya M aha-Brahmana. Indische Studien, vol. iv. pp. 360 seqq.

?t®T!T® Taittiriya Aranyaka. %«g® Svetasvatara Upanishad.

1 Varttikas have been referred to by Tp® with four figures, giving the Sutra in Paniui ami the number
of the Vftrttika in Kielhorn’s edition of the Mahabhashya. P°'has been used instead of TP® when Sayana
does not quote the Vkrttika itself, but Patare/ali’s note on it. When a VSrttiKa does not occur in the
MahkbhSshya, but in the K&sika only, it has been referred to by TiT® with four figures. This does not mean
that Sftyana bad just this or that book iu his mind, but is only meant to facilitate the finding of a quotation.
When references are given to the Parihhkshendusekhara, this does not mean that SHyana knew this book,
hut that the passage referred to will help to (explain Siyana’s meaning. A few grammatical quhtatious
have not been found either in the Mah&bh&shya or in the KftsikS. In these cases the Shtra of Panini has
been given with an * after'it. They will be found in the Siddhanta Kaumudi or in the GauapaiAa, etc.


Varietas Lectionis, p. 39. 1. 15. Read MlUllPg for of®

P. 202. last line. Read

P. 204. 1. 4. Read with the MSS., and see Pda. VIII. 4, 30. (But Rv. Bh. X. 89, 6,
all MSS. give yPTOTHP.)
P. 388. 1. 7. Read |

P. 777. 1. 26. Read


Varietas Lectionis, p. 8,.to p. 142. 1. 23 (III. 4, n). Not only P 2 and "P 3, but also the
other Samhita and Pada MSS. read ^sn^f with the u&atta on the first syllable. See
RV. VII. 2, 11.
Varietas Lectionis, p. 61. 1. 20. Read ‘ S&yaraa mistook am <br ar?f:.’

P. 230. 1. 18. Read f*nn° for f3T:8T°

P. 481. 1. 12. Read ^rfarf for The MS. Ca has ^TOT, but see Rv. Bh. I. 113, 15,
and VI. 28, 3; Asv.VI. 14,17.
P. 487. 1. 28, and p. 879. last line. Read for Tliis is the reading of
the Sayaraa MSS., though the Anukr. has
P. 578. 1. 31. Read ^ I I W I I See Rv. I. 186, 4.
P. ,589. 1. 13. Read for
P. 626. 1, 20. Read I


Varietas Lectionis, p. 14. 1. 11. Read ‘ P. 213, 1. 16. (103, 7

P. 116. 1. 15. Read tun fit |

P. 767. I. 2. Read siinfiwrfin for *nn®. See Pin. IV. 4,1


Varietas Lectionis, p. 20. 1. 9 (to X. 60, 7). See also the extract from the Brihaddevata in
M. M. Hymns of the Gaup&yanas, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, N. S. vol. ii
(1866), p. 445.
P. 33. 1. <5. Read for (ippr«

& a S'* f

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