Jahn-Teller Theorem: Free MCQ Tests Quality Notes

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Jahn-Teller Theorem

www.scifysolution.com February 3, 2019 0

Jahn-Teller Theorem
The Jahn-Teller Theorem was first published in 1937 named after
Hermann Arthur Jahn and Edward Teller and it states that:

"any non-linear molecular system in a degenerate electronic state will

be unstable and will undergo distortion to form a system of lower
symmetry and lower energy thereby removing the degeneracy"

In above theorem we come across term electronic degeneracy, so what

is electronic degeneracy?
An electronically degenerate state represents to the availability of more
than one degenerate orbitals for an electron. Here the degenerate
orbitals are asymmetrically occupied.
E.g. d1 configuration in octahedral symmetry is said to be electronically
degenerate since there are three t2g orbitals with same energy
available for the electron to occupy.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Electronically degenerate state of d1 configuration

Similarly, example of non-degenerate and symmetric orbital is d3

configuration in octahedral symmetry and that is because it is not
possible to put two electrons in one orbital, which is against of Hund's
rule of maximum multiplicity.

__ __ __


In the electronically degenerate state, if the orbitals are asymmetrically
occupied, get more energy. Therefore, this system tries to get rid of this
extra energy by lowering the overall symmetry of the molecule that is
by undergoing distortion, which is known as Jahn Teller distortion.

Jahn Teller distortion is mostly observed in octahedral molecules. The

Jahn Teller distortions depends on whether the orbital is filled
asymmetrically or symmetrically and also whether it is t2g orbitals or eg
Now considering the fact that d3, d8, d10, high spin d5 and low spin d6
are symmetrically distributed there is no Jahn teller distortion
observed in these molecules.

d3 d8 d10 d5 (High Spin) d6 (Low Spin)

Configuration Configuration Configuration Configuration Configuration

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
x2-y2 z2 x2-y2 z2 x2-y2 z2 x2-y2 z2 x2-y2 z2

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
xy xz yz xy xz yz xy xz yz xy xz yz xy xz yz

When t2g orbitals are unevenly occupied, weak Jahn Teller distortions
are observed, since very less energy is gained as t2g sets does not point
directly at ligands.
Examples- d1, d2, low spin d4 & d5, high spin d6 & d7 configurations in
octahedral environment
d1 d2 d4 (Low Spin) d5 (Low Spin) d6 (High Spin) d7 (High Spin)
Configuration Configuration Configuration Configuration Configuration Configuration

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
x2-y2 z2 x2-y2 z2 x2-y2 z2 x2-y2 z2 x2-y2 z2 x2-y2 z2

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
xy xz yz xy xz yz xy xz yz xy xz yz xy xz yz xy xz yz

But when “eg” orbitals are unevenly occupied, strong Jahn Teller
distortions are observed, since more energy is gained as “eg” orbitals
are directly pointed to the ligands.
Examples- d9, high spin d4, low spin d7 configuration in octahedral

d9 d4 (High Spin) d7 (Low Spin)

Configuration Configuration Configuration

__ __ __ __ __ __
x2-y2 z2 x2-y2 z2 x2-y2 z2

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
xy xz yz xy xz yz xy xz yz


As we discussed above, the degeneracy of orbital’s can be removed
by lowering the symmetry of molecule and this can be done either by
octahedral elongation (Z-out distortion) or octahedral elongation (Z-in

Z-out distortion- In this type of distortion, the energies of d-orbital’s

with z factor like dz2, dxz, dyz are lowered by elongating the bonds
along the z-axis. This is the most preferred distortion and occurs when
the degeneracy occurs in eg level.
Example d4(high spin),d7 & d8(Low spin), and d9 configuration in
octahedral symmetry
Even though it is observed that Z-out distortion occurs mostly in eg
Level, theoretically it is impossible to predict type of distortion in eg
Z-in distortion- In this type of distortion, the energies of d-orbital’s
with z factor like dz2, dxz, dyz are increased by elongating the bonds
along the z-axis.


Example- Octahedral d1 configuration

Z- in distortion No distortion Z- out distortion

(Octahedral compression) (Octahedral elongation)

Eg orbital’s

t2g orbital’s


Solved questions from NET, SET and Gate exams on Jahn Teller


Among the complexes K4[Cr(CN)6] (A), K4[Fe(CN)6](B), K3[Co(CN)6](C),

K4[Mn(CN)6](D), Jahn teller distortion is expected in

1. A, B and C 2. B, C and D

3. A and D 4. B and C

Ans) 3 , complex A and D

Complex A is K4[Cr(CN)6] , the oxidation number on Cr = 4*charge on K+

x (Oxidation no. of Cr) +(charge on cyano group)*6 =0

4(1)+ x+(-1)6=0



x= 6-4=2

Therefore, Cr in +2 oxidation state

Outer electronic configuration of Chromium (Cr) is 4S1 3d5

Outer electronic configuration of Cr +2 is 3d4

CN ligand is strong field ligand and will result in low spin complex,
therefore it is d4 Low spin complex.


It (complex A ) will have weak Jahn teller distortion due to asymmetric
filled t2g orbitals

Complex B is K4[Fe(CN)6] where oxidation no of Fe is +2

Outer electronic configuration of Fe is 4s2, 3d6 and that of Fe+2 is 3d6

It is d6 low spin complex

Since t2g orbital is symmetrically distributed, no Jahn teller distortion.

Complex C is K3[Co(CN)6] and the oxidation no of Co in the complex is


Outer electronic configuration of Co is 4s2, 3d7 and that of Co+3 is 3d6


It is d6 low spin complex because CN is strong field ligand and thus no
Jahn Teller distortion as incase of complex B.

Complex D is K4[Mn(CN)6] and the oxidation state of Mn is +2

Outer electronic configuration of Mn is 4s2, 3d5 and that of Mn+2 is 3d5

It is d5 low spin complex because CN is strong field ligand and has weak
Jahn Teller distortion due to asymmetrically filled t2g orbital.

MHA SET-2018

Jahn-Teller distortion will be exhibited by

(A) [Mn(H2O)6]2+ (B) [Cr(H2O)6]3+

(C) [Ni(H2O)6]2+ (D) [Cu(H2O)6]2+

Ans) D


Complex A is [Mn(H2O)6]2+ , oxidation state of Mn is +2 and the outer
electron of Mn+2 is 3d 5 and H2O is weak field ligand resulting in high
spin complex, therefore complex A is d5(high spin complex).

No Jahn Teller distortion due to symmetrically filed t2g and eg orbital’s

Complex B is [Cr(H2O)6]3+ , oxidation state of Cr is +3 and the outer

electron of Cr+3 is 3d3

No Jahn Teller distortion due to symmetrically filed t2g orbital’s.

Complex C is [Ni(H2O)6]2+ , oxidation state of Ni is +2 and the outer

electron of Ni+2 is 3d8


No Jahn Teller distortion due to symmetrically filed t2g and eg orbital’s

Complex D is [Cu(H2O)6]2+ , oxidation state of Cu is +2 and the outer

electron of Cu+2 is 3d 9

Complex D will exhibit strong Jahn teller distortion due to

asymmetrically filled eg orbital’s

IIT JAM-2017

Jahn-Taller distortion is/are observed in octahedral complexes with d-

electron configuration of :
(A) d5-high spin (B) d5-low spin
(C) d6-high spin (D) d6-low spin

Ans) B and C

A is d5 high spin complex

No Jahn Teller distortion due to symmetrically filed t2g and eg orbital’s

B is d5 low spin complex

Jahn Teller distortion due to asymmetrically filed t2g orbital’s

C is d6 high spin complex.


Jahn Teller distortion due to asymmetrically filed t2g orbital’s

D is d6 low spin complex.

No Jahn Teller distortion due to symmetrically filed t2g orbital’s



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