Solar Energy: Pergamon PLH S0038-092X (96) 00130-2
Solar Energy: Pergamon PLH S0038-092X (96) 00130-2
Solar Energy: Pergamon PLH S0038-092X (96) 00130-2
Department of Physics, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana
Abstract--A solar drying system designed on the principles of convective heat flow was constructed from
local materials (wood, metals and glass sheets) and used to dry food crops (cassava, pepper, okro,
groundnuts, etc.). The solar collector could transfer 118 W m -~ thermal power to the drying air. The
thermal exchanges within the dryer were determined from a psychometric chart. Ambient air at 32°C and
80% relative humidity (RH) could be heated to 45°C at 40% RH for drying. The crops were dried to a
final moisture content of < 14% and were preserved for a period of one year without deterioration. The
low-temperature drying system ensured the viability of the seeds for planting. The drying process can be
represented by an empirical equation of the form M(t)=Mo exp (-kt) or dM/dt= -kM, where M0 is
the initial moisture content, M(t) is the moisture content at time t, and k is the drying constant. Under
identical conditions, a high value of k was correlated with a shorter drying period. The drying process
takes place in two phases: constant rate and falling rate periods, and the drying equation was solved to
predict the total drying time. The mechanisms for the dehydration are the removal of unbound "free"
water in the cell cavities and of "bound" water (water films) trapped within cells or chemically bound
with solids as water of crystallization. © 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.
10 15 20 T A TC 25 Tp
Enthalpy (h) BTU per pound of dry air
as-received sample. Therefore, to dehydrate densities of ambient and heated air. The density
50kg of cassava at M o = 7 0 % to Mf=14%, difference equation can be written as
mi = 50 kg, then rnw = 32.5 kg.
Since Aw = mw/ma= 0.0048, m a ---6.88 x 103 kg,
Ap=p-p'=P(T21 - T f l ) / R (3)
and the corresponding volume of air required where Tp=318 K, TA= 305 K, P = 1.01
for dehydration, Va = maRTc/P = 6.03 x 103 m 3 x105Pa, R = 2 . 9 x 1 0 2 j k g 1 K - 1 and, there-
(at Tc-- 306.3 K, pressure P = 1.01 x 105 Pa, and fore, A p = 4 . 6 8 x 1 0 - 2 k g m -3. If h=-hx+h2=
gas constant per unit mass of dry air R = 2.9 x 3m, the corresponding pressure difference
102 J kg -~ K - l ) . Alternatively, using eqn (1), because of convection is AP=h(Ap)g=
m , = 7 . 5 2 x 103 kg and ga = 6.59 X 10 3 m 3, 1 . 4 0 N m -2, where g is the acceleration due
which agree with the previously calculated to gravity.
values. Hence, the mean value Va=6.31 X If the total estimated time for drying is 72 h
103m 3. From the psychrometric chart, the when the rock storage system is used, then the
quantity of thermal energy required for the air flow rate within the collector would be
dehydration process is 13.5kJkg -1 and the 0.024 m 3 s-l. Suppose the density of the food
specific volume of dry air required for item (cassava) is 1.5 x 103 kg m -3 and the mass
the heating process is 0.93 m 3 kg-1. is 50 kg, then the volume is 0.033 m 3 (excluding
void fraction). The required rate of air flow
across a unit volume of cassava chips is
3. D E S I G N P R I N C I P L E S A N D P A R A M E T E R S
0.024/0.033 s-1, or 4.4 complete air changes in
The convection of air through the sample bed the food bed per minute. The corresponding
is caused by a pressure drop across it resulting specific air flow rate is 0.029m 3 min -1 kg-l;
from the difference between the density of rela- that is, the dryer containing 50 kg of cassava
tively cool ambient air and the warm air inside chips would be ventilated with an air flow at a
the dryer. In Fig. 2, P1, P2, P3 and P4 are the rate of 1.46 m 3 rain- 1.
pressure levels, while p and p' are the respective The depth of the food bed was chosen to be
Dehydration of food crops 123
Moist Air
Solar Radiation p°
~ Rodiatlon~ . / ~. . . . . . . . . . . . _P2._ [
x ~ 0 . 1 m, so that the resistance to air flow structed using local materials of wood, scrap
would be minimum. Since the cross-sectional metals and glass sheets.
area of the bed is 0.33 m 2, the air flow velocity The solar air heater was constructed using a
~ 4 . 4 m min -1. As the pressure gradient across single layer of glass (of transmittance > 0.7 for
the food bed is very small, the air flow velocity wavelengths in the range 0.2-2.0~tm and
is proportional to the pressure gradient as opaque to wavelengths greater than 4.5 lam) as
observed in natural convection; i.e. v = glazing material. Granite was used as absorber
7(Ap/Ax), where ? = 0 . 3 2 m 4 Nm -1 is the resis- medium since it has a high thermal diffusivity
tance of the sample to air flow. of 1.27× 1 0 - 6 m 2 s -I. Polystyrene of 3 0 m m
Let the total solar energy received be thickness was used for insulation since it has a
30 MJ m-2. If the optical efficiency and thermal low thermal conductivity of 0.03 W m - a °C- 1.
efficiency of the collector glazing material is 85 The structural frame and panels were built from
and 50%, respectively, then the overall opto- well-seasoned odum boards which could with-
thermal efficiency of the single glazing solar stand termite attack. To minimize atmospheric
collector r/~ 30%. The total thermal energy pro- corrosion, the chimney was constructed from
vided by a unit area of the collector during the galvanized iron sheets. The granite chips were
drying period (3 days) is 3 x 0.3 x 30 MJ m -2. placed on a layer of straw to reduce excessive
The total energy required for dehydration is heat losses to the ground. A galvanized wire
33 x 2.7 M J, which is equivalent to the total mesh was placed at the entrance of the air duct
heat available for drying or 3 x 0.3 x 30 x A, in to keep rodents out.
which case, the calculated collector area The food bed was constructed from a double
A =3.3 m 2. layer of chicken wire mesh with a fairly open
structure to allow drying air to pass through
the food sample, but prevent the pieces of food
items from falling into the plenum chamber.
Access to the drying chamber was via three
Figure 3 shows a general view of the dryer, removable wooden panels made of 1.27 cm ply-
consisting of collector with rock storage system, wood, which overlapped each other to prevent
drying chamber and chimney, which was con- air leakages when closed or inserted. The top
124 A. Ayensu
glazing on the drying chamber provided addi- 100 ' i i , t I ' 1 i ' i '
heated air at very low humidity. Typical dehy- 80 • Open air sun-drying curve
• Absorber temperoture
• Plenum temperoture
| [ L .~"'-t,,.~A j
• Ambient temperature 0
80 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
• Open air sun-drying rote
where da/dt=A-l(dm/dt) is the ratio of mass
flow rate of the transfer fluid to the collector
area, and C is the specific heat capacity of air.
The parameter da/dt=pA-l(dV/dt), where
d V/dt is the volume flow rate and p is the
density of air. Since dV/dt=O.O24m3s-~,
7 A = 3 . 3 m 2, C = l . 0 2 k J k g - l K -1, p = l . 2 2 k g
m -3 and assuming that F i = 5 5 0 W m -z with
25% atmospheric absorption (Ayensu, 1983),
then J~ = 118 W m - 2 and hence r/= 21%. The
natural convection coefficient for heat trans-
fer for the collector H¢=JJ(Tp--Tc)=9.1
W m 2 K -1.
, t ,~
B i , The amount of sensible heat stored by the
20 40 60 80 100 120 rock pile Qs =msC~(AT)=ps V~C,(AT), where
t(h) p~ = 2.7 x 103 kg m - 3 is density, C~= 794 J
Fig. 7. Dehydration rates for cassava leaves. kg-~ °C-~ is the specific heat capacity,
ms=7.43 x 103 kg m -3 is the mass and V~ is the
volume of rock used as the heat storage
food items are shown in Table 1, where Me is medium, and A T = 7 ° C is the mean daily
the critical moisture content, Mr is the free temperature change associated with the rocks.
moisture content, and Mb is the bound moisture The mean stored energy per unit volume
content. Samples with higher k values will take Q ~ = l . 5 x 107Jm -3 or 4 . 1 7 k W h m -3. Since
a shorter time to be dehydrated. the total storage volume is 2.75m 3, the
Detailed analyses of the dehydration equa- maximum stored energy is l l . 5 k W h or
tions have been given elsewhere (Ayensu and 4.13× 10v J, which would be available to
Asiedu-Bondzie, 1986), where it was shown that enhance drying during the night.
for the constant rate period
[M(t)-M¢]/(Mo-M¢)=exp (-kot¢) (4) 7. CONCLUSIONS
and for the falling rate period ( 1) Based on local weather conditions and ther-
mal processes from psychrometric analysis,
[M(t)-Me]/(M¢-Mc)=exp(-kete). (5) a low-cost, low-temperature and simple to
operate solar dryer was constructed to
6. D I S C U S S I O N dehydrate farm produce.
(2) It took nearly two times longer to dehydrate
The performance of the dryer determines the crops by open air sun-drying compared to
total drying time which depends very much on the solar dryer.
the collector and the thermal exchanges. The (3) An empirical drying equation of the form
overall thermal efficiency of the solar collector M(t)=Moexp(-kt) describes the dehy-
is given as rl=JJFi (Weider, 1982), where Jc is dration process fairly well, and can be used
the heating power collected per unit area and to model and simulate drying of common
F~ is the solar flux intercepted by the collector. tropical farm products.
Mo Mc Me Mr Mb tc t, kc ke
Ayensu A., (1983) Analysis and design of a differential
M moisture content sunshine recorder. Solar Energy 31, 5, 517-522.
m mass Killock A. (1966) The Economy o f Ghana. Allen and Union
k drying constant Publications, U.K.
t time ASHRAE (1963) Psychrometric Chart No. 1, Normal Tem-
V volume perature. American Society of Heating and Air-
w humidity ratio conditioning Engineers, U.S.A.
L latent heat of vapourization Ayensu A., Asiedu-Bondzie V., (1986) Solar crop drying
C specific heat capacity with convective self flow and energy storage. Solar Wind
P pressure Technol. 3, 34, 272-278.
Jc heating power collected Weider S. (1982) An Introduction to Solar Energy for Scien-
Fi solar flux tists and Engineers. Wiley, New York.
resistance of food sample to air flow
p density of air
r/ efficiency of collector
relative humidity (RH)