First (Ability) Excellency - Essence Overwhelming Third (Ability) Excellency - Essence Resurgent Second Excellency - Essence Triumphant

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First (Ability) Excellency – Essence Second Excellency – Essence Triumphant Third (Ability) Excellency – Essence

Overwhelming Exalted, pg 184 Resurgent

Exalted, pg 183 Cost: 2m per success Exalted, pg 185
Cost: 1m per die Mins: (Ability) 1, Essence 1 Cost: 4m
Mins: (Ability) 1, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive (Step 1/Step 2) Mins: (Ability) 1, Essence 1
Type: Reflexive (Step 1/Step 2) Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror Type: Reflexive (Step 4/Step 6)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror Duration: Instant Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror
Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None PC may invoke this Charm when making a roll based Prerequisite Charms: None
PC may invoke this Charm when making a roll based on the relevant Ability. PC spends up to (Attribute + PC may invoke this Charm after making a roll based on
on the relevant Ability. This Charm adds one die to that Ability) motes. This Charm adds one success to a roll the relevant Ability. This Charm allows them to make
roll for each mote spent. PCs are prohibited from for every 2m spent. Each success purchased is the roll again, using the new result if the PC prefers.
increasing a dice pool by more than their (Attribute + equivalent to purchasing two dice with the First When enhancing static values, increase the applicable
Ability). When enhancing static values, PC rolls one Excellency. PC may not add more dice to a pool than DV by half the relevant Ability.
die for each mote spent. Each success on the roll their (Attribute + Ability). When enhancing static
increases an applicable static value by one. This Charm values, each 2m spent increase a static value like a DV
cannot be used to create actions and is incompatible by one. This Charm is incompatible with the Third
with the Third Excellency. Excellency. Fractions of motes are lost.

Infinite (Ability) Mastery Ravening Mouth of (Ability) (Ability) Essence Flow

Exalted, pg 185 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 122 Exalted, pg 187
Cost: 2m+, 1wp Cost: 3m Cost: -
Mins: (Ability) 4, Essence 3 Mins: (Ability) 4, Essence 3 Mins: (Ability) 5, Essence 4
Type: Simple Type: Reflexive Type: Permanent
Keywords: Mirror Keywords: Combo-OK Keywords: Mirror
Duration: One scene Duration: One scene Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Any (Ability) Excellency Prerequisite Charms: Any (Ability) Excellency Prerequisite Charms: Any (Ability) Excellency
Each 2m committed to this Charm reduces the mote PC regains one mote for every level of damage the PC may invoke the first three (Ability) Excellencies as
cost for the first three (Ability) Excellencies of the action or Charm inflicts to sentient beings. PC may innate powers rather than as a Charm use. PC must use
relevant Ability by one, to a minimum of 0. At Essence only use one Ravening Mouth of (Ability) Charm if them in the appropriate manner and obey normal dice
3, PC may spend up to 6m on this Charm. At Essence multiple could apply. Indirect damage also awards pool maximums. PC must have the Excellency in order
4+, PC may spend as many motes as they like. motes, such as health levels paid as part of the costs of to invoke it as an innate power through this Charm.
Discount applies to total expenditures on a given roll. defensive Charms. This Charm only exists for Archery, This Charm is incompatible with any effect that
This Charm and its discount are incompatible with any Martial Arts, Melee and Thrown. PC cannot use this reduces the mote cost of the first three (Ability)
effect that invokes the effects of Excellencies as innate Charm to feed through the effects of spells. Ongoing Excellencies. PCs using these Charms as innate powers
powers rather than as Charms. PC must have the damage after the initial action (such as from poison) cannot benefit from any discount.
Excellency in order to invoke it at a discount through does not award further motes. PC cannot game more
this Charm. than 20m during a single action from any combination
of Charms including this Charm.
Apocalyptic Evolution of (Ability)* Supreme Perfection of (Ability)* Demon-Wracking Shout
DotFA, pg 55 DotFA, pg 55 MoEP: Infernals, pg 147
Cost: - Cost: - Cost: 50m, 5ahl
Mins: (Ability) 5, Essence 5 Mins: (Ability) 5, Essence 5 Mins: Essence 5
Type: Permanent Type: Permanent Type: Simple
Keywords: Native, Mirror (Divine Transcendence of Keywords: Mirror (Supreme Perfection of [Ability]; Keywords: Blasphemy, Compulsion, Obvious
[Ability]; DotFA, pg 55) DotFA, pg 55) Duration: Instant
Duration: Permanent Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: None
Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: (Ability) Essence Flow PC shouts, and demons within a 1 mile radius suffer
All Charms within the appropriate Ability reduce their This Charm alters the cost of Excellencies in the (Essence) levels of unsoakable aggravated damage.
minimum Ability and Essence ratings by 1 when the appropriate Ability. 1st Excellency now costs 1m/2d, Those killed join the scream. 1st circle demons that
PC attempts to learn them. All subsidiary powers also 2nd Excellency now costs 1m/success, and 3rd survive suffer irresistible Compulsion to leave the area
lower their Ability and Essence ratings by 1. Charms Excellency now costs 3m. Fractional values are lost. and not return for five days, treating commands to do
retain their original ratings for all other purposes, such This discount only applies when the Excellencies are so as unacceptable orders. 2nd and 3rd circle demon
as building Combos. Upon achieving (Ability) 10, channeled through (Ability) Essence Flow. This Charm survivors may resist this Compulsion for 5wp. Demons
Essence 10, this Charm vanishes and the PC is is incompatible with any other Charm which provides descended from Adorjan cannot resist. All within the
refunded its cost. cost discounts to the Excellencies such as Infinite radius suffer Crippling deafness though Essence users
(Ability) Mastery. regain hearing at the end of the scene. Souls of non-
Yozi Primordials also suffer unless they are in non-
spirit states of being. This Charm causes Adorjan to
develop an Intimacy of love towards the PC.

Pulse of the Prey Twisting Spiteful Shaft Flawless Archer Discipline

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 122 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 122 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 122
Cost: 3m or 5m Cost: 4m Cost: 1m, 1wp
Mins: Archer 4, Essence 1 Mins: Archery 4, Essence 3 Mins: Archery 5, Essence 3
Type: Supplemental Type: Supplemental Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (There is No Wind; Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Accuracy Without
Exalted, pg 187) Duration: Instant Distance; Exalted, pg 187), Obvious
Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Pulse of the Prey Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Any Archery Excellency This Charm enhances an Archery attack that inflicts Prerequisite Charms: Pulse of the Prey
This Charm negates all penalties to a single Archery Lethal or Aggravated damage. The projectile cannot be PC fires a perfect shot, rolling the attack only to
attack except wound and multiple-action penalties. If removed without a diff 3 (Strength + [Athletics or calculate the amount of damage successes achieved. If
the PC is Essence 3 or higher, they can spend 2m more Medicine]) roll as a miscellaneous action. Energy- it would have missed, it hits with zero attack successes.
and extend the Range of her weapon to their maximum based attacks function the same. Until removed, victim This Charm does not change the rules for valid targets.
visibility range. suffers (Essence) dice of lethal damage on each tick the
victim acts or once every five seconds out of combat.
This damage bypasses soak and hardness from armor.
Victims suffering from multiple activations use the
highest Essence among the archers to determine
damage, adding one die to the damage and one to the
difficulty of removal for each activation after the first.
Piercing Ghost Barb Withering Feathered Maelstrom* Doom Drawn and Imminent*
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 122 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 123 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 123
Cost: 6m, 1wp Cost: 1m or 2m per attack Cost: 3m
Mins: Archery 5, Essence 3 Mins: Archery 3, Essence 2 Mins: Archery 3, Essence 2
Type: Simple Type: Extra Action Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Trance of Keywords: Combo-Basic, Emotion, Martial-ready
Duration: Instant Unhesitating Speed; Exalted, pg 187), Obvious (Martial Arts, Melee, Thrown), Mirror (Flashing
Prerequisite Charms: Pulse of the Prey Duration: Instant Vengeance Draw; Exalted, pg 188)
PC fires a shot that passes through all objects but their Prerequisite Charms: None Duration: Instant
target. If the attack hits, the projectile materializes, This Charm is a magical flurry of two or more Prerequisite Charms: Withering Feathered Maelstrom
otherwise it disappears. This Charm negates all Archery-based attacks. Each attack costs 1m including This Charm instantly draws and loads an Archery
penalties from cover, bypasses all soak except innate the first. PC may buy up to (Essence + 1) attacks weapon either on the PC or stored in Elsewhere. When
soak, and makes the attack unblockable except to regardless of the weapons Rate, without multiple action used during a Join Battle action, all who beat the PC’s
unarmed parries. penalties, and with a DV penalty equal to the highest Join Battle roll suffer a -(Archery) internal penalty on
penalty for any one attack. Weapons with a Rate less all attacks directed at the PC until the PC’s first action.
than 1 spend 2m per shot instead. This Charm need This is Unnatural Mental Influence that costs 3wp to
only be Obvious if the PC exceeds the normal Rate of dismiss.
the weapon.

Elegant Executioner Stance Splinter of the Void Banished Bow Arsenal*

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 123 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 124 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 124
Cost: 5m Cost: 2m Cost: 1m
Mins: Archery 5, Essence 3 Mins: Archery 2, Essence 2 Mins: Archery 3, Essence 2
Type: Simple (Speed 4) Type: Supplemental Type: Simple (Speed 3)
Keywords: Combo-OK Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Essence Arrow Keywords: Combo-OK, Merged (Void Sheath
Duration: One scene Attack; Exalted, pg 188), Obvious Technique; MoEP: Abyssals, pg 129), Mirror
Prerequisite Charms: Withering Feathered Maelstrom Duration: Instant (Summoning the Loyal Bow; Exalted, pg 189)
This Charm draws and loads any Archery weapon Prerequisite Charms: None Duration: Indefinite
available. For the scene, whenever the PC makes an Add (Essence) to raw damage. PC may apply any Prerequisite Charms: Splinter of the Void
Archery attack on a target within 5yds, extra successes effects they know as often as they like for 2m each. PC may hide an Archery weapon in Elsewhere.
on attack rolls count twice for determining raw Additional effects cost 1xp or 2 for 1bp. Separate committed activations may hide multiple
damage. Bloodthirsty Arrow: Add two dice to post-soak damage weapons. Drawing the weapon is a miscellaneous
or reduce target’s DV by 1. This effect stacks, but can’t action.
increase damage or reduce DV by more than (Essence)
Dream-Shattering Spite: Inflict Aggravated damage to
Creatures of the Wyld.
Hundred Paces Bite: If target has an Essence pool, they
lose (Essence)m starting with Personal motes.
Imposition of Agony: Target rolls to resist knockdown.
PC may remove all damage from this attack at will.
Iron Sleet Attack Relic Arrow Method Exquisite Relic Bow
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 125 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 125 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 125
Cost: 4m Cost: - (1m per attack) Cost: 5m, 1wp
Mins: Archery 3, Essence 2 Mins: Archery 3, Essence 2 Mins: Archery 4, Essence 3
Type: Supplemental Type: Permanent Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling Keywords: Mirror (Phantom Arrow Technique; Keywords: Mirror (Immaculate Golden Bow; Exalted,
Duration: Instant Exalted, pg 189), Obvious pg 189), Obvious
Prerequisite Charms: Splinter of the Void Duration: Permanent Duration: One scene
Add (Essence) to the attack’s raw damage. Target loses Prerequisite Charms: Splinter of the Void Prerequisite Charms: Relic Arrow Method
one dot of Dexterity if the attack inflicts any damage. PC creates ammunition out of Essence. Ammunition PC summons a bow or crossbow (if they have seen
Creatures reduced to zero Dexterity cannot move. Lost can take the shape of any without a Resources cost, one) of Essence with the following stats:
dots return at a rate of 1 per minute. This Charm does such as broadhead, fowling, frog crotch or target Spd Acc Dmg Rate Range
not affect automata, the living dead, ghosts and other arrows. This is not considered a Charm activation. 5 + (Ess) +(Ess)L (Ess) 300 (bow)
creatures immune to extreme cold. 5 ?(+0) +(Archeryx2+Ess) (Ess/2) ? (125) (crossbow)

Quiver of Souls Gasp of Dead Gods Howling Shadows of the Void*

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 125 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 125 DotFA, pg 56
Cost: 8m, 1wp Cost: 5m, 1wp Cost: 5m
Mins: Archery 5, Essence 4 Mins: Archery 5, Essence 4 Mins: Archery 5, Essence 4
Type: Simple Type: Simple (Speed 5) Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Inexhaustible Bolts of Keywords: Mirror (Solar Flare Methodology; Exalted, Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Lambent Bolt of
Solar Fire; Exalted, pg 189), Obvious pg 189), Obvious Annihilation; DotFA, pg 56), Obvious
Duration: One scene Duration: One scene Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Relic Arrow Method Prerequisite Charms: Quiver of Souls Prerequisite Charms: Splinter of the Void
PC can produce arrows or firedust charges at will and PC conjures a firewand of Essence. Shots fired from PC’s arrow explodes on successful attack to create a
adds one die to normal damage. PC regains 1m this weapon ignore immunity to flame. Weapon never environmental hazard damage effect within (Essence x
whenever conjured ammunition successfully strikes an needs reloading and has the following stats: 5)yds with the Dmg (Ess)L and Trauma (Ess). Damage
animate being regardless of damage. Spd Acc Dmg Rate Range is doubled on structures and PC is immune. At Essence
5 +(Ess) +16L 2 15 5+, undead PC has personally animated are immune. At
Archery 6+, Damage is (Ess x 2)L. A repurchase at
Archery 7+, Essence 7+ lets PC activate this Charm for
10m and the field is (Ess x 50)yds. At Archery 8+,
Essence 8+ it becomes (Ess x 100)yds.
Uncanny Extermination Instinct* Caught in Oblivion’s Eye* Raiton’s Nimble Perch
DotFA, pg 56 DotFA, pg 56 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 164
Cost: - Cost: - (+9m, 1wp) Cost: 3m
Mins: Archery 5, Essence 5 Mins: Archery 7, Essence 7 Mins: Athletics 1, Essence 2
Type: Permanent Type: Permanent Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Mirror (Golden Artillerist Method; DotFA, Keywords: Mirror (Boundless Arrow of the Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Graceful Crane
pg 56), Obvious Unconquered Sun; DotFA, pg 56), Obvious Stance; Exalted, pg 222)
Duration: Permanent Duration: Instant Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Relic Arrow Method Prerequisite Charms: Flawless Archer Discipline Prerequisite Charms: None
This Charm upgrades its pre-requisite. PC may fire any This Charm upgrades its pre-requisite. PC fires one This Charm lets the Exalt succeed automatically on any
ranged weapon; personal-scale weapons with exotic shot upwards that hits a target wherever they are as valid Athletics action to keep balance. PC may keep
ammunition or ammunition with a resources cost are long as both are under open sky at night. PC may attack footing on any surface at least as strong and wide as
3m per shot, artillery-scale weapons are 3m, 1wp per only once until they see target again. A repurchase at human hair. Treat as a 3 ft wide ledge capable of
shot. If Quiver of Souls is active, such attacks require Archery 9+, Essence 9+ allows PC up to 5 attacks. A supporting 1,000 lbs when determining what
1m per shot or 1m, 1wp per artillery shot. repurchase at Archery 10, Essence 10 allows PC to movement and Athletics actions can be taken and what
attack target if both stand in light no brighter than a penalties apply.
moonless night. This may only be used once without
seeing the target again.

Crouching Gargoyle Stance Effortless Unnatural Grace Mist Over Ice

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 164 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 165 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 165
Cost: 4m Cost: - (1m) Cost: 4m
Mins: Athletics 3, Essence 2 Mins: Athletics 5, Essence 3 Mins: Athletics 4, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive Type: Permanent Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Spider-Foot Style; Keywords: Mirror (Perfect Poise Stance; MoEP: Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Feather-Foot Style;
Exalted, pg 225), Obvious Abyssals, pg 165) Exalted, pg 225)
Duration: One scene Duration: Instant Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Raiton’s Nimble Perch Prerequisite Charms: Raiton’s Nimble Perch Prerequisite Charms: Raiton’s Nimble Perch
PC may stand, walk or run (using Move and Dash This Charm enhances its prerequisite; Raiton’s Nimble PC may run or walk on unstable surfaces using Move
actions) on any surface. This Charm deactivates Perch no longer counts as a Charm use. Whenever it is and Dash actions as though they weigh no more than a
whenever the PC moves normally on a horizontal active, PC may spend 1m to negate all falling damage feather. Stopping and standing on such surfaces
surface. At Essence 4+, they may reflexively spend and automatically succeed on any attempt to arrest a requires success on a diff 2 (Dexterity + Athletics) roll
1m/action to move along a horizontal surface without fall by grabbing onto something unless there is nothing for each action the PC maintains balance.
ending the Charm. to grab.
On Wings of Night Spider Pounce Technique* Earth-Forsaking Stance*
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 165 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 165 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 165
Cost: 4m, 1wp Cost: 3m Cost: 2m
Mins: Athletics 5, Essence 4 Mins: Athletics 1, Essence 2 Mins: Athletics 4, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive Type: Reflexive Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Eagle-Wing Style; Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Monkey Leap Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Soaring Crane Leap;
Exalted, pg 225) Technique; Exalted, pg 223) Exalted, pg 223)
Duration: One scene Duration: One scene Duration: Until next action
Prerequisite Charms: Crouching Gargoyle Stance, Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Spider Pounce Technique
Mist Over Ice For the duration, PC may jump with a Move action For the duration, PC can jump with a Move action
PC’s anima lifts them into the air, flying until the scene instead of a Miscellaneous action. The lengths of all instead of a Miscellaneous action and multiplies the
ends or until they wish to land. They fly at 3x normal jumps are doubled. While this Charm is active, PC may length of all jumps by 5. This is not cumulative with
rates but must move at least half normal Move on every reflexively jump only once per action on their action the bonus of Spider Pounce Technique. This Charm
tick or they will have to land and end the Charm. PC tick. This does not replace their Move action and they enables the PC to make a Jump action reflexively on
must remain within ([Strength + Athletics] x 3) yards may still only Jump once per action. their action tick, not in place of a Move action. PC may
of any surface. This Charm automatically deactivates only Jump once per action.
and cannot be reactivated when the PC is touched by

Corpse-Might Surge* Headstones Flung Like Pebbles* Falling Scythe Attack*

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 165 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 165 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 166
Cost: 3m per point Cost: 3m Cost: 3m, 1wp
Mins: Athletics 3, Essence 2 Mins: Athletics 5, Essence 4 Mins: Athletics 3, Essence 2
Type: Simple Type: Supplemental Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Dusk, Mirror (Increasing Keywords: Combo-OK, Dusk, Mirror (Hill-Hurling Keywords: Combo-OK, Dusk, Mirror (Thunderbolt
Strength Exercise; Exalted, pg 225), Obvious, Might; MoEP: Abyssals, pg 165) Attack Prana; Exalted, pg 223), Obvious
Stackable Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Duration: One scene Prerequisite Charms: Corpse-Might Surge Prerequisite Charms: Any Athletics Excellency
Prerequisite Charms: None This Charm enhances throwing large objects as attacks. This Charm enhances a chosen signature attack move.
PC buys 1 dot of Strength for each 3m spent. No Add +5 to PC’s (Strength + Athletics) total for the If the PC receives mechanical benefits such as extra
combination of Charms that includes this Charm can purposes of determining what can be thrown as a movement from an Athletics action, then it must be
increase the PC’s Strength by more than (Essence). weapon. Multiply the attack’s base Range by 10. included in the current flurry. This Charm grants 1
This bonus is treated as dice granted by Charms. Increase the attack’s Accuracy to +3 instead of -3. If bonus success on the attack in Step 3 and doubles the
the attack hits a being smaller than the projectile, they post-soak damage of the attack in Step 7. This Charm
fall prone beneath it and must lift it as a Miscellaneous is permitted to supplement actions of other Abilities.
action before rising or moving. Target receives full New signature moves may be purchased for 1xp or 2
cover while thus pinned. This Charm may only for 1 bp
supplement Thrown attacks using appropriate
improvised projectiles.
Shadow Races the Light* Stepping Outside Existence Oblivion’s Triumph*
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 166 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 166 DotFA, pg 63
Cost: 3m Cost: 10m, 1wp Cost: 7m
Mins: Athletics 2, Essence 1 Mins: Athletics 5, Essence 4 Mins: Athletics 5, Essence 5
Type: Reflexive Type: Simple (Dramatic Action) Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Dusk, Mirror (Lightning Keywords: Avatar (1), Combo-OK, Mirror (Mountain- Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Unconquered Might;
Speed; Exalted, pg 224) Crossing Leap Technique; Exalted, pg 223), Obvious, DotFA, pg 63), Obvious
Duration: One scene Shaping Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Any Athletics Excellency Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Corpse Might Surge
This Charm increases the distance covered with a Prerequisite Charms: Earth-Forsaking Stance This Charm perfectly supplements a feat of strength to
Move or Dash action by +(Athletics)yds. PC may PC leaps and vanishes into a vortex of darkness. For break an object or shatter an obstruction. At Athletics
increase this further with Athletics Excellencies, 5min, they do not exist and experience the journey 6+, Essence 6+, PC may destroy magical artifacts for
spending motes to increase the static rating of her between 2 points as a ST-controlled Whispers vision +1wp. This Charm then becomes Simple (Spd
(Dexterity + Athletics). showing something they would rather not see. When [Artifact’s rating] Long ticks, DV -3). N/A Artifacts
they re-enter existence, they appear at the desired are immune to this Charm as are indestructible objects.
destination that they have previously observed and that
is within (Essence x 5) miles of where they started.
This Charm does not teleport the PC into solid objects,
but spits them out at the closest permitted point to their
intended destination. This Charm does not work during
the day.

Swifter Than a Scream* Superior Weapon Body Death Draws Near*

DotFA, pg 63 Ink Monkeys, Vol 8 Scroll of Errata, pg 113
Cost: 7m, 1wp Cost: 1 Cost: 3-7m or 8m, 1wp
Mins: Athletics 7, Essence 7 Mins: Athletics 5, Essence 3 Mins: Athletics 5, Essence 5
Type: Simple (Speed 4) Type: Permanent Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Dusk, Mirror (Speed of Light Keywords: Mirror (Glorious Temple Body; Ink Keywords: Combo-OK, Dusk, Mirror (Godspeed
Approach; DotFA, pg 63), Obvious Monkeys, Vol 8) Steps; Scroll of Errata, pg 113), Obvious
Duration: One scene Duration: Permanent Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Death Draws Near Prerequisite Charms: Corpse-Might Surge, Shadow Prerequisite Charms: Shadow Races the Light
This Charm doubles all movement rates so long as the Races the Light, Spider Pounce Technique PC may travel up to (Essence x 10)yds for 3m,
PC moves under their own power. PC is impossible to PC gains the following benefits, none of which are (Essence x 20)yds for 4m, (Essence x 40)yds for 5m,
target while making a Move, Dash or Jump action considered dice added by Charms: (Essence x 60)yds for 6m, (Essence x 100)yds for 7m
unless the attack succeeds at a reflexive (Perception +  Add (Essence) to (Strength + Athletics) total for and up to 1 mile for 8m, 1wp with a normal Move
Awareness) roll, diff (Dexterity). PC may be targeted feats of Strength action. PC must cross the intervening distance. If the
normally during any tick where they take an action  Add (Essence) yds to base movement and dash PC encounters an insurmountable barrier, they are
other than Move, Dash or Jump. A repurchase at  Add (Essence) yds to vertical jump and (Essence x refunded a partial cost for the distance not traveled.
Athletics 7+, Essence 7+ triples the PC’s movement 2) yds to horizontal jump. This Charm may be activated no more than once per
rates and allows Move, Dash and Jump actions to count action.
as opportunities to re-establish surprise.
Nowhere is Safe Superior (Sense) Focus Entropic Awakening of (Sense)
Thousand Correct Actions, pg 87 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 166 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 166
Cost: 3m Cost: 3m Cost: 2m
Mins: Athletics 3, Essence 4 Mins: Awareness 3, Essence 2 Mins: Awareness 5, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive Type: Reflexive Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Flying Faith Legion; Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Keen [Sense] Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Unsurpassed [Sense]
Thousand Correct Actions, pg 87), Obvious, War Technique; Exalted, pg 225) Discipline; Exalted, pg 226)
Duration: One scene Duration: One scene Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Any Athletics Excellency Prerequisite Charms: Any Awareness Excellency Prerequisite Charms: Appropriate Superior (Sense)
PC may activate this Charm up to (Essence + 1) times This Charm is actually 3 Charms, one that heightens Focus
per scene. While active, all Athletics Charms the PC sight, one that heightens hearing and touch, and one This Charm is actually 3 Charms, one that heightens
knows gain the Leader keyword unless the Storyteller that heightens smell and taste. This Charm gives 2 sight, one that heightens hearing and touch, and one
deems that their effects solely relate to qualities a bonus successes on Awareness actions using the that heightens smell and taste. This Charm doubles the
complementary unit lacks. This Charm only works on relevant senses, giving them senses sharper than PC’s successes before subtracting any external
units comprised only of creatures of death. normal humans. penalties. If the PC uses this Charm with the
appropriate Superior (Sense) Focus, it stacks.

Piercing Gaze of the Unmaker Void Stares Back Ominous Portent Method
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 167 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 167 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 167
Cost: 12m, 1wp Cost: 3m (2xp) Cost: -
Mins: Awareness 5, Essence 5 Mins: Awareness 3, Essence 2 Mins: Awareness 5, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive Type: Simple Type: Permanent
Keywords: Avatar (1), Combo-OK, Mirror (Eye of the Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Taint Keywords: Avatar (2), Mirror (Surprise Anticipation
Unconquered Sun; Exalted, pg 226), Obvious Duration: Indefinite Method; Exalted, pg 226)
Duration: One scene Prerequisite Charms: None Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Entropic Awakening of Sight PC’s eyes bleed to black. Enemies who look at their Prerequisite Charms: None
PC can see any location in (Essence) miles by looking eyes see their death. PC can see perfectly in the dark PC hears a warning hiss when in mortal peril; this
directly at it unless it is warded from scrying. The PC’s without any penalties or reduction in visibility. This identifies the threat and warns of an incoming
eyes glow while this Charm is in use. Anybody being Charm has no effect on fog or other visual obstructions. unexpected attack, to avoid sipping from a poisoned
spied on by the PC feels watched if they succeed on a The Taint drawback is that the PC’s eyes become cup or to otherwise escape death by taking a single
reflexive (Perception + Occult) roll at diff 5. painfully sensitive to direct sunlight within Creation, critical action. PC must have a remote possibility of
imposing -1 internal penalty to all non-reflexive actions detecting the threat on their own or they fail to
unless they close their eyes. understand the warning in time. This Charm does not
function while the PC has more than (10 – Essence)
Essence Engorgement Technique* Calculated Avarice Understanding Eloquent Example Inspiration
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 157 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 172 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 172
Cost: - Cost: 1m Cost: 8m
Mins: Bureaucracy 5, Essence 3 Mins: Bureaucracy 1, Essence 1 Mins: Bureaucracy 3, Essence 2
Type: Permanent Type: Supplemental Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Merged (War, Performance Lore, Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Frugal Merchant Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Mirror (Speed the
Larceny), Mirror (Immanent Solar Glory; Exalted, pg Method; Exalted, pg 230) Wheels; Exalted, pg 231), Obvious
218), Native, Obvious Duration: Instant Duration: Varies
Duration: Indefinite Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Any Bureaucracy Excellency
Prerequisite Charms: None This Charm gives the PC a perfect awareness of an PC executes a member of a Magnitude 3+ organization
Each purchase of this Charm grants a secondary pool object’s quality and condition for the purposes of she leads. PC rolls (Manipulation + Bureaucracy +
of 10m of peripheral Essence that can be filled using estimating its monetary value. Add 1 bonus success to Essence) at diff (Magnitude). Success speeds all
the PC’s innate bite attack, by terrorizing or harming a haggling if their opponent is honest (and using projects by x(Bureaucracy) for (successes) days with a
town, army, organization or other social or military Charisma) or 3 bonus successes if the opponent is minimum of 1 day and counts as a scene building an
unit. Every hour spent allows the PC to recover (the dishonest (and using Manipulation). Intimacy of fear of the PC. Failure decreases the
unit’s Magnitude)m. This Essence cannot be Magnitude of the organization by 1 from desertions.
committed to an artifact. This Charm may be purchased Repeated uses impose a -1 cumulative internal penalty
up to (Essence) times. This Charm is available in the to the roll. Each month that goes by reduces this
War, Performance, Lore, and Larceny Abilities. Each penalty by 1 die.
purchase of this Charm counts towards the maximum
of (Essence) purchases.

Accursed Overlord Authority Cunning Subversion Style Caustic Hatred Diatribe

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 173 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 173 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 173
Cost: - Cost: 3m Cost: 3m
Mins: Bureaucracy 4, Essence 3 Mins: Bureaucracy 3, Essence 2 Mins: Bureaucracy 3, Essence 3
Type: Permanent Type: Simple (Dramatic Action) Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Obvious Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Indolent Official Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Foul Air of Argument
Duration: Permanent Method; Exalted, pg 232) Technique; Exalted, pg 232)
Prerequisite Charms: Eloquent Example Inspiration Duration: Indefinite Duration: Instant
PC may make social attacks on unintelligent creatures Prerequisite Charms: Any Bureaucracy Excellency Prerequisite Charms: Cunning Subversion Style
of Death, which respond as though they have This Charm targets an organization with a member the This Charm supplements a deliberate attempt to
Intelligence 1 and share a common language. They PC has interacted with in the last month of Magnitude sabotage an organizations operation. PC rolls
follow the exact wording of the more complex orders (Bureaucracy x 2) or less. PC rolls ([Intelligence or (Manipulation + Bureaucracy) + (Essence) successes
and will not attack the PC unless another magical being Charisma] + Bureaucracy) + (Essence) successes at diff against ([the leader’s Intelligence + Bureaucracy]/2).
directly commands them to do so. 1. If the person in charge of the affected project wants On a success, the organization suffers a permanent
speedy resolution, subtract ([their Intelligence + increase in corruption that imposes -2 internal penalty
Bureaucracy]/2) successes. PC is aware of opposition. on all actions. This can be applied repeatedly to a
On a success, project completion time is multiplied single bureaucracy, but no combination of Charms
x(PC’s Essence +1) to a minimum of (Essence) more including this one can impose more than (Manipulation
hours. If the project has begun, apply –(Essence) + Bureaucracy) internal penalties.
external penalty to attempts to make progress.
Regime-Toppling Lord of Misrule Iron Tyrant Reign Systematic Demolition Exercise
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 174 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 174 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 151
Cost: 8m, 1wp Cost: - Cost: 5m
Mins: Bureaucracy 4, Essence 3 Mins: Bureaucracy 5, Essence 4 Mins: Craft 5, Essence 2
Type: Simple (Dramatic Action) Type: Permanent Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Combo-OK Keywords: Compulsion, Emotion, Obvious Keywords: Comb-OK, Mirror (Shattering Grasp;
Duration: Instant Duration: Permanent Exalted, pg 212)
Prerequisite Charms: Accursed Overlord Authority, Prerequisite Charms: Regime-Toppling Lord of Duration: One scene
Caustic Hatred Diatribe Misrule Prerequisite Charms: Any Craft Excellency
PC interacts with organization, curses with obvious Characters with an Intimacy of fear to the PC can’t This Charm is a dramatic action taken to disassemble
corruption. Roll (Wits + Bureaucracy) at diff (leader’s knowingly take actions that would harm the PC or an object or structure in a harmless or destructive
DMDV + [Magnitude]/2). On success, increase project lessen their fear unless they pay 1wp to overcome this manner (PC’s choice). This takes (8 - Essence) minutes
completion time (x2 1st week, x3 2nd, etc.), impose Charm’s UMI for 1 scene. This Compulsion forces to a minimum of 3 minutes. Add (Craft x 2) to the PC’s
cumulative -1i to make progress on all projects. When characters to resist social attacks with their best mental (Strength + Athletics) pool to determine what they can
multiplier and internal penalty max at (Bureaucracy), defenses if those attacks would make them take break on the Feat of Strength table. PC may take apart
completing tasks takes min (Bureaucracy) hrs. Military prohibited actions. Even if they can take those actions, larger structures in smaller chunks, taking (8 –
units lose Drill (min 0) instead of internal penalty. they are at an internal penalty of (PC’s Essence). Essence) hours to a minimum of 3 hours to do so. PC
Leader can spend Loyalty to force faster work on a cannot demolish anything larger than a castle or village
project: 1pt counters 1 increment of delay and penalty. with a single invocation of this Charm.
Spending ([PC’s Wits + Bureaucracy + Essence]
+Magnitude) Loyalty restores the organization.

All-Consuming Entropy Attack Annihilating Gaze Fault-Finding Scrutiny

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 151 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 151 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 151
Cost: 5m, 1wp Cost: - Cost: 2m
Mins: Craft 5, Essence 3 Mins: Craft 5, Essence 4 Mins: Craft 3, Essence 2
Type: Simple (Speed 4, Dv -1) Type: Permanent Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping, Touch Keywords: None Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant Duration: Permanent Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Systematic Demolition Prerequisite Charms: All-Consuming Entropy Attack Prerequisite Charms: Any Craft Excellency
Exercise This Charm upgrades its prerequisite, allowing it to This Charm supplements a physical attack, letting it
PC touches a non-magical, inanimate object as large as work on objects the PC cannot touch up to (Essence x ignore the soak of non-magical objects or making the
a suit of armor or a sledge. Objects on a person benefit 100) yds with a (Perception + relevant Craft) roll as the attack piercing against a magical target. If the attack
from their DVs. The object dissolves in seconds. attack roll. PC may change the duration of All- already inflicts piercing damage, halve the reduced
Consuming Entropy Attack to Indefinite by committing soak value.
the Essence spent on the attack. This effect delays the
decay until commitment is reflexively withdrawn.
Eternal Embalming Preparation Frenzied Forge Within Soul-Forging Fury
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 151 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 152 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 152
Cost: 3m Cost: 10m, 1wp Cost: 3m
Mins: Craft 3, Essence 2 Mins: Craft 5, Essence 3 Mins: Craft 5, Essence 3
Type: Simple (Speed 6 in long ticks) Type: Supplemental Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch Keywords: Combo-OK, Spectral, Touch Keywords: Avatar (1), Obvious, Touch
Duration: Varies Duration: Varies Duration: Varies
Prerequisite Charms: Fault-Finding Scrutiny Prerequisite Charms: Fault-Finding Scrutiny Prerequisite Charms: Frenzied Forge Within
Targets of this Charm become immune to non-magical PC may accomplish (Essence x 5) hours of work to PC touches a ghost and commits 3m to it. Ghost is then
sources of corrosion, rust, rot, weathering and any build or repair a destructive item in 1 hour. PC needs beaten for ghost’s (Willpower + Essence) minutes
other manifestations of entropy. Targets gain Hardness no tools, broken pieces may be joined seamlessly. without any interruption. Ghost is then hammered into
equal to their soak against magical sources of entropy, soulsteel. Ghost must be corporeal with respect to the
such as pyre flame or Abyssal Charm magic. This is PC during this process. 1 ghost is needed for every 10
permanent for inanimate objects and lasts five successes required for the design of an artifact (round
maintenance cycles on walking dead or war machines. up).
Inactivity of the latter multiplies the time between At Essence 5+, PC may use this Charm to forge gods of
maintenance by 10. This Charm cannot affect the Essence 3 or less into starmetal. This takes god’s
living. (Willpower + Essence) hours and requires the same
amount of gods as it takes ghosts to make soulsteel.

World-Slaying Arsenal Epiphany Flitting Shadow Form Flickering Wisp Technique

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 153 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 168 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 168
Cost: - Cost: 1m Cost: 3m
Mins: Craft 5, Essence 5 Mins: Dodge 3, Essence 1 Mins: Dodge 4, Essence 2
Type: Permanent Type: Reflexive (Step 2) Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Avatar (3), Mirror (Wonder-Forging Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Shadow Over Water; Keywords: Combo-OK, Dusk, Mirror (Seven Shadow
Genius; Oadenol’s Codex, pg 29) Exalted, pg 227) Evasion; Exalted, pg 227), Obvious
Duration: Permanent Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Craft Essence Flow, Frenzied Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Flitting Shadow Form
Forge Within PC ignores all penalties that apply to their DDV when PC activates this Charm in response to an attack that is
This Charm lowers the minimum Craft, Lore, Medicine resolving an attack. Their DDV is still 0 if it is not unexpected. PC unnaturally dissolves out of the
and Occult requirements to build or repair destructive inapplicable. The attack appears to have gone through path of an attack, perfectly dodging that attack. The PC
artifacts by one dot to a minimum of 1 dot for required the PC. appears somewhere within (Essence)yds that they
Traits. This Charm also reduces the total dots needing could have reached through normal movement. This
to be allocated among Craft, Lore and Occult to design Charm has one of the four Flaws of Abyssal
Abyssal manses by 3. This Charm may be repurchased Invulnerability.
Uncanny Impulse Evasion Untouchable Phantom Mien Foe-Shaming Defense
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 168 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 168 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 168
Cost: 1 Resonance Cost: 5m, 1wp Cost: 3m
Mins: Dodge 3, Essence 1 Mins: Dodge 5, Essence 3 Mins: Dodge 3, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive (Step 2) Type: Simple Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Dusk, Mirror (Reflex Sidestep Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Flow Like Blood; Keywords: Combo-OK, Dusk, Counterattack, Mirror
Technique; Exalted, pg 227) Exalted, pg 227), Obvious (Leaping Dodge Method; Exalted, pg 227), Obvious
Duration: Instant Duration: One scene Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Any Dodge Excellency, Prerequisite Charms: Flitting Shadow Form
PC invokes this Charm in response to an unexpected Flickering Wisp Technique, Uncanny Impulse Evasion After using DDV to defend against an attack, this
attack, making that attack no longer unexpected. PC For the duration, PC does not suffer from onslaught or Charm lets the PC leap away from their opponent up to
may use their DDV and if it is applicable. This Charm coordinated attack penalties. ([Strength + Dodge] x 3)yds vertically or twice that
adds a point of Resonance to the PC’s total. horizontally. PC chooses the direction and distance so
long as it is away from the attacker. This Charm is
treated as a counterattack though the jump is not
hostile. It reduces the PC’s DV by 1, can’t be used with
a counterattack, and is resolved in Step 9.

Thousandfold Shadow Dance* Shadow Fades at Dawn* Undying Stagnation Defense

DotFA, pg 64 DotFA, pg 64 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 138
Cost: - (+3m or +3m, 1wp) Cost: - (+4m) Cost: 5m, 1wp
Mins: Dodge 5, Essence 4 Mins: Dodge 5, Essence 5 Mins: Integrity 1, Essence 1
Type: Permanent Type: Permanent Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Dusk, Mirror (Refinement of Flowing Keywords: Dusk, Mirror (Divine Witness of Utter Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Integrity-Protecting
Shadows; DotFA, pg 64) Safety; DotFA, pg 64) Prana; Exalted, pg 199)
Duration: Permanent Duration: Indefinite Duration: One day
Prerequisite Charms: Flickering Wisp Technique Prerequisite Charms: Flickering Wisp Technique, Prerequisite Charms: None
This Charm enhances its prerequisite. PC may pay +3m Foe-Shaming Defense This Charm protects the PC against Shaping effects
to extend Flickering Wisp Technique’s duration to one PC may pay +4m when activating Flickering Wisp that directly alter their mind, body, spirit or traits. This
tick. At Essence 5+, PC may extend the duration of Technique to avoid attacks which damage all with an includes instantaneous Shaping effects and any new
perfect dodging to one action for +3m, 1wp. area of effect. This dodge leaves them at the nearest alterations caused by long-term Shaping effects. This
safe edge of the effect if that is within 50 yds Charm also protects the PC against any undodgeable,
regardless of obstacles. PC may carry out consenting unblockable Shaping attacks. This Charm does not
characters they are protecting with Defend Other protect against miscellaneous dangers of being in the
actions at the time this Charm is activated. At Dodge Wyld.
6+, Essence 6+ PC may carry them as far as necessary
to leave the area of effect.
Eternal Enmity Approach Five Hearts Hatred Blood Before Surrender
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 139 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 139 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 139
Cost: Integrity 3, Essence 1 Cost: 4m, 1wp Cost: 1lhl per 1wp
Mins: Permanent Mins: Integrity 3, Essence 2 Mins: Integrity 4, Essence 2
Type: Mirror (Righteous Lion Defense ; Exalted, pg Type: Simple Type: Reflexive
199) Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Unhesitating Keywords: Mirror (Spirit-Maintaining Maneuver;
Keywords: Permanent Dedication; Exalted, pg 202), Stackable Exalted, pg 201), Social
Duration: None Duration: Indefinite Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Eternal Enmity Approach Prerequisite Charms: Any Integrity Excellency
PC chooses one of their Intimacies of hatred or PC may instantly establish an Intimacy of hate and may PC may pay levels of lethal damage instead of wp to
destruction when purchasing this Charm. Treat mental treat this as an additional Motivation with all the resist mental influence or Virtue compulsions. PC may
influence to work against their desire to destroy this benefits and drawbacks. PC may invoke this Charm mix payment between wp points and hl lost to pay for
Intimacy as an unacceptable order (see Exalted, pg repeatedly but can only benefit from up to (Conviction) resisting. PC gains no Resonance for resisting
180). If the Intimacy is abandoned or becomes additional Motivations unnatural mental influence with hl rather than wp.
obsolete, this Charm stops working until a new story Damage manifests however the PC chooses.
begins and the PC chooses a new Intimacy to apply it
to. Shifting this Charm to a new Intimacy at any time
costs 1xp. This Charm can be repurchased once to
apply to a second Intimacy. If the PC dies, this
Intimacy is carried forward into their next incarnation.

Heart of Darkness Lesser Horrors Scorned Freedom in Slavery Understanding

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 139 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 140 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 140
Cost: 6m Cost: 5m Cost: - (1ahl, variable wp)
Mins: Integrity 2, Essence 1 Mins: Integrity 4, Essence 2 Mins: Integrity 5, Essence 4
Type: Reflexive (Step 2) Type: Reflexive (Step 2) Type: Permanent
Keywords: Avatar (1), Combo-OK, Mirror Keywords: Avatar (1), Combo-OK, Mirror (Elusive Keywords: Avatar (3), Obvious, Social
(Temptation-Resisting Stance; Exalted, pg 200), Social Dream Defense; Exalted, pg 200), Obvious, Social Duration: Instant
Duration: One scene Duration: Instant (Story) Prerequisite Charms: Lesser Horrors Scorned
Prerequisite Charms: Any Integrity Excellency Prerequisite Charms: Heart of Darkness PC may invoke this Charm to free themselves from all
This Charm adds (Whispers) to Dodge MDV. PC perfectly negates any mental influence, their anima Compulsion, Servitude and Illusion effects on them.
briefly flashing with power. Against direct unnatural PC may ignore mental influence that would prevent
mental influence from someone solely targeting and them from using this Charm.
currently interacting with the PC, the attacker suffers a
Resonance eruption of (Essence/2), round down. This
is not an optional effect. Perfect mental defenses can
work against this effect.
Faithful Killer’s Reprieve Immortal Malevolence Enslavement Unconquered Hero’s Faith
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 140 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 140 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 140
Cost: - Cost: - Cost: -
Mins: Integrity 4, Essence 3 Mins: Integrity 5, Essence 5 Mins: Integrity 5, Essence 4
Type: Permanent Type: Permanent Type: Permanent
Keywords: Avatar (1) Keywords: Avatar (5), Obvious Keywords: Mirror (Black Mirror Revelation; Glories:
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant UCS, pg 29)
Prerequisite Charms: Any Integrity Excellency Prerequisite Charms: Faithful Killer’s Reprieve, Duration: Permanent
PC may choose to forfeit willpower regained through Freedom in Slavery Understanding Prerequisite Charms: Integrity Essence Flow
sleep and reduce Resonance by one point per point of PC must have no positive Intimacies and trains under PC may learn Solar Charms as though they were a
wp they forfeit. PC may also use 3 die stunts that the Neverborn to become their direct servant. They Moonshadow. PC may take 1 point of Resonance to
directly further the cause of Oblivion to reduce grow a new Monstrance (the old one is destroyed) and activate the Solar Mirror of any Mirror Charm they
Resonance by 1 point. Eclipse castes cannot learn this lose connection with their Deathlord. They are now know. PC may not have both the Abyssal and Solar
Charm. permanently outside Fate and immortal unless slain versions of the same Charm active at the same time. PC
with a Charm that can permanently destroy spirits. may not use the Solar Mirror if it is a permanent
Instead, their body reforms in the Monstrance with one Charm. PCs who learn this Charm automatically pass
less dot of Essence, though they may still use this into Lethe rather than Oblivion at death.
Charm. PCs reduced to Essence 0 fall into Oblivion.
PCs who learn this Charm can never be redeemed into

Oblivion’s Jowl Postulation Underworld Executioner Stance* Sun-Devouring Void Prophet

Contagion of Law, pg 9 DotFA, pg 58 Glories: UCS, pg 24
Cost: - Cost: - Cost: -
Mins: Integrity 5, Essence 4 Mins: Integrity 5, Essence 4 Mins: Integrity 3, Essence 4
Type: Permanent Type: Permanent Type: Permanent
Keywords: Avatar (3), Mirror (Undaunted Wrath of Keywords: Mirror (Lion’s Roar Recovery; DotFA, pg Keywords: Mirror (Rising Sun Soul; Glories: UCS, pg
the Sun; Contagion of Law, pg 9) 58), Native 24)
Duration: Instant (Story) Duration: Permanent Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Freedom in Slavery Prerequisite Charms: Faithful Killer’s Reprieve Prerequisite Charms: None
Understanding PC’s stunts are upgraded by 1 level when their actions When PC’s anima shines at the 8m+ level, PC suffers
The first time in any story the PC hits a new wound reinforce their role as a world-killing weapon. Stunts no penalties for being rejected by Creation. This radius
penalty level, they gain points of wp equal to that upgraded to 3 pts are not eligible to draw 1xp as a is (Essence) yds and increases at the 11m+ level to 30
penalty. This Charm cannot increase the PC’s reward. Natural 3 pt stunts that are upgraded add yds. Beings within this radius do not benefit from the
Willpower above its permanent rating. Charms that automatic successes rather than dice. If a stunt is light of the sun unless that light is produced by a Holy
increase the PC’s wound penalties do not grant the PC upgraded due to resonance with PC’s Motivation, this source.
more temporary wp. Damage may not be self inflicted. Charm provides no benefit. PC now also suffers no
Resonance gain for fighting creatures of death. This
Charm cannot be learned by Deathlords.
World-Ending Void Apostle* Void King Ascension Soulsteel Reaper Spirit
Glories: UCS, pg 24 Glories: UCS, pg 37 Ink Monkeys, Vol 37
Cost: 2ahl, 1wp Cost: - Cost: -
Mins: Integrity 5, Essence 5 Mins: Integrity 2, Essence 4 Mins: Integrity 1, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive Type: Permanent Type: Permanent
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Glory to the Most Keywords: Mirror (Shedding Infinite Radiance; Keywords: Dusk
High; Glories: UCS, pg 24), Obvious Glories: UCS, pg 37) Duration: Permanent
Duration: One scene Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: None
Prerequisite Charms: Immortal Malevolence Prerequisite Charms: Eternal Enmity Approach If PC has an Overdrive pool, they may divert soulsteel-
Enslavement Dusk: +2 to DVs against all opponents, regardless of drained motes to that pool. If PC directs all motes
PC’s anima flares upon invoking this Charm and Valor. PC’s weapons add 1 to Defense and 2 to Rate. reaped from a single attack to the Overdrive pool, they
recedes normally. PC may spend xp to purchase Traits Midnight: Zombies raised with PC’s anima no longer gain an additional offensive mote.
as though their Essence was one dot higher than it is automatically decay.
for cap purposes. PC may only use these higher ratings Daybreak: At 11m+, halve all necromancy costs to a
while this Charm is active, and gains 10m as with a minimum of 1m. This does not apply to sorcery.
normal Essence raise. This Charm converts to xp when Day: At 11m+ level of anima, all attacks against PC
the PC is old enough to naturally buy Essence 10. suffer -1 external penalty.
Moonshadow: PC instantly knows if an oath is broken
and may inflict Dark Fate on the oath breaker instead
of botches, with (# of botches) successes on the roll.

Bright Days Painted Black Sunlight Bleeding Away Dark Visionary Defense
Ink Monkeys, Vol 37 Ink Monkeys, Vol 37 Ink Monkeys, Vol 38
Cost: - Cost: - Cost: 1m
Mins: Integrity 5, Essence 3 Mins: Integrity 5, Essence 4 Mins: Integrity 3, Essence 2
Type: Permanent Type: Permanent Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Dusk, Native, Overdrive Keywords: Dusk, Native, Overdrive Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Staring at the Sun;
Duration: Permanent Duration: Permanent Ink Monkeys, Vol 38), Social
Prerequisite Charms: Five Hearts Hatred Prerequisite Charms: Eternal Enmity Approach Duration: Instant
PC gains initially empty Overdrive pool of 15m. To fill PC gains an initially empty Overdrive pool of 10m. PC Prerequisite Charms: None
it, PC rolls WP once per scene and gains 2 offensive fills it with 5m whenever the sun sets while they are in PC is immune to any penalties that might be imposed
motes per success when they meet: engagement range of one or more enemy regardless of by the attack’s Appearance rating. At Essence 3+, this
 Sidereal Usurpation participant or re-incarnation whether they are in battle. Each time a non-extra Charm’s duration becomes One action.
 Lunar Usurpation survivor or their Lunar Mate enemy incurs a larger wound penalty as a direct result
 Solar/Infernal former member of circle in past life. of PC’s actions, PC gains (wound penalty x 2)
If < 6m, PC feels urge to kill them. At 6m+, PC rolls offensive motes.
Join Battle, gains 1 offensive mote per action. PC
attacks until target has died or fled, frenzy ends if they
escape. May pay 2WP before WP roll to spare 1 target
1 week. If target is present, PC also rolls WP. If 8m+
gained, PC frenzies but saves spared target for last.
Dark Will Triumphant Crime-Unveiling Wickedness Deception-Piercing Stare
Thousand Correct Actions, pg 78 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 153 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 153
Cost: 5m, 1wp Cost: 5m Cost: 3m
Mins: Integrity 4, Essence 3 Mins: Investigation 3, Essence 2 Mins: Investigation 2, Essence 1
Type: Reflexive Type: Simple Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Invincible Ego Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Crafty Observation Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Judge’s Ear
Shield; Thousand Correct Actions, pg 78) Method; Exalted, pg 213) Technique; Exalted, pg 213)
Duration: One scene Duration: Instant Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Any Integrity Excellency Prerequisite Charms: Any Investigation Excellency Prerequisite Charms: Any Investigation Excellency
This Charm allows the PC to substitute Dodge MDV PC may perform the standard 15 minute Investigation PC may recognize all deliberate lies and half-truths. If
for Dodge DV to defend against a physical attack. All action in a few seconds without the need to ransack the another Charm contests these effects, add (Essence)
current bonuses or penalties that apply to DDV apply scene. The diff of this roll is reduced by 1 if the actions successes to the (Perception + Investigation) roll to
to DMDV being investigated result in harm and adds 1 to the oppose the other Charm.
difficulty otherwise.

Soul-Invading Glance Spider in Society’s Web Unholy Unwitting Impact

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 153 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 154 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 154
Cost: 5m Cost: 3m Cost: 5m, 1wp
Mins: Investigation 4, Essence 2 Mins: Investigation 3, Essence 1 Mins: Investigation 4, Essence 2
Type: Simple (Speed 5 in long ticks) Type: Simple Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion, Social, Spectral Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Courtier’s Eye Keywords: Avatar (1), Combo-OK, Mirror (Know the
Duration: Instant Technique; Exalted, pg 214) Soul’s Price; Exalted, pg 214), Servitude
Prerequisite Charms: Deception-Piercing Stare Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
PC rolls (Perception + Investigation) against DMDV of Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Deception-Piercing Stare,
a target they can see. If successful, PC learns target’s PC targets one person they can sense and rolls Spider in Society’s Web
Motivation. Each threshold success adds knowledge of (Perception + Investigation) with (Essence) automatic PC interacts with and targets one character and rolls
target’s intentions in the scene, Intimacies, and Virtue successes. Subtract (target’s [Manipulation + (Perception + Investigation), diff of target’s
ratings. PC selects how to “spend” successes. Spectral Socialize]/2) as an external penalty if the target is (Temperance) or (Essence), whichever is higher. If
keyword adds +1wp against anyone but the dead. concealing their identity or Resources in any way. If successful, target reveals their price. If PC meets this
Targets feel their mind being invaded and may spend successful, PC learns target’s Resources, Influence, price, target feels dread and becomes loyal to the PC.
2wp to resist this Unnatural Mental Influence, making Backing, Followers, etc. and how many allies they They must spend 1wp per scene to act disloyally. This
them immune to this Charm for the rest of the day. If think they have in the scene. May be invoked for a lasts until the PC betrays the bargain or the target has
wp is not spent or target does not use a perfect defense given target only once per scene. spent 10wp.
against mental influence, this Charm erases the target’s
memory of the intrusion as an Illusion effect.
Corpse Questioning Technique Heart-Rending Cruelty Technique Essence Engorgement Technique*
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 154 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 155 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 157
Cost: 6m, 1wp Cost: 5m, 1wp Cost: -
Mins: Investigation 5, Essence 3 Mins: Investigation 4, Essence 3 Mins: Larceny 5, Essence 3
Type: Simple Type: Simple (Speed 6 in long ticks) Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Social Keywords: Merged (War, Performance, Lore,
Duration: One scene Duration: One scene Bureaucracy), Mirror (Immanent Solar Glory; Exalted,
Prerequisite Charms: Soul-Invading Glance, Crime- Prerequisite Charms: Any Investigation Excellency pg 218), Native, Obvious
Unveiling Wickedness PC threatens to destroy all a target holds dear. After Duration: Indefinite
PC targets one corpse which speaks the languages it doing so where the target can perceive it or showing Prerequisite Charms: None
knew in life. It cannot lie or hide the truth, and evidence of the destruction to the target, target loses Each purchase of this Charm grants a secondary pool
Intelligence drops by 1 dot per week after death to a 3wp and gains 2 Resonance or Limit (if applicable). of 10m of peripheral Essence that can be filled using
minimum of 1. Magic that forestalls decay also Intimacies do not fade automatically. Perfect mental the PC’s innate bite attack, by terrorizing or harming a
preserves the corpses Intelligence. Sijanese embalming defenses may block the effects of this Charm town, army, organization or other social or military
increases the minimum value to 2. PC may imbibe a unit. Every hour spent allows the PC to recover (the
piece of a headless corpse to gain answers, which unit’s Magnitude)m. This Essence cannot be
appear in their mind. committed to an artifact. This Charm may be purchased
up to (Essence) times. This Charm is available in the
War, Performance, Lore and Bureaucracy Abilities.
Each purchase of this Charm counts towards the
maximum of (Essence) purchases.

Unjust Appropriation Method Chains Cannot Hold Reality-Subverting Gesture

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 169 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 169 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 169
Cost: 3m Cost: 3m Cost: 1m
Mins: Larceny 2, Essence 1 Mins: Larceny 3, Essence 1 Mins: Larceny 3, Essence 2
Type: Supplemental Type: Supplemental Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Flawless Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Lock-Opening Touch; Keywords: Avatar (1), Shaping
Pickpocketing Technique; Exalted, pg 228) Exalted, pg 229) Duration: Instant
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Any Larceny Excellency
Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: None This Charm enhances Larceny-based actions to steal
This Charm guarantees success on a roll to pickpocket This Charm enhances a miscellaneous action to pick a objects small enough to carry in 1 hand or to perform
something they can reach and carry away from a lock, making success automatic even without tools feats of prestidigitation such as card tricks or shell
target’s person. PC may not steal things in active use. If (though that makes the Charm Obvious). If this effect games. Target objects can be taken or moved anywhere
another Charm contests this effect, add (Essence) is opposed by another Charm, add (Essence) successes within (Larceny + Essence)yds through teleportation.
successes to the (Dexterity + Larceny) roll off. to the (Dexterity + Larceny) roll off. Non-magical PC may not take an object in use, though they can steal
Characters using ordinary senses can’t spot the theft locks subject to this Charm are destroyed. objects out of locked safes or behind walls if they have
with Awareness. Characters with inhuman sensory some way of accurately perceiving them.
acuity have a +4 difficulty penalty on the roll to catch
the character in the act.
Face-Drinking Bite False Heart Mien Solar Impersonation Style
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 169 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 170 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 170
Cost: 10m, 1wp Cost: - (1wp) Cost: 5m
Mins: Larceny 4, Essence 2 Mins: Larceny 5, Essence 3 Mins: Larceny 4, Essence 3
Type: Supplemental Type: Permanent Type: Simple
Keywords: Illusion Keywords: None Keywords: Illusion, Mirror (Vile Anathema Shroud;
Duration: Indefinite Duration: N/A MoEP: Abyssals, pg 170)
Prerequisite Charms: Any Larceny Excellency Prerequisite Charms: Face-Drinking Bite Duration: One day
This Charm enhances the PC’s innate bite attack so This Charm enhances its prerequisite. Each feature Prerequisite Charms: Face-Drinking Bite
they may absorb the victim’s face. PC gains no motes added raises the cost by 1wp. PC appears to belong to their corresponding Solar
from this attack. PC may choose to take on the victim’s  Essence: Disguise can now fool Essence-based caste, altering their anima banner and caste mark. It
face, clothing, Appearance, and appears to all senses to perception with the normal roll. removes any outward appearance of the Black
be the victim. Targets may spend 4wp to resist this  Intuition: PC knows when they are in the presence Exaltation (such as the Appearance penalty). Onlookers
Illusion for 1 day. It only costs 1wp to see through if of an Intimacy of the victim and the emotional perceive Charm activations to be their Solar Mirror
the skeptic has seen through this disguise before. context. Charms where possible. Mundane senses are always
Targets with Essence-based perception automatically  Kiss: PC can emulate a target without feeding fooled, but Essence-based perceptions see through it.
see through this Charm. The disguise is lost when this from them, by kissing them or their Monstrance. The PC’s Lunar mate or beings of higher Essence may
Charm is deactivated.  Recall: PC may pay 1xp to memorize a disguise roll (Wits + Awareness) at diff (Larceny) to see
so that it isn’t lost when it’s dropped. through it.

Death Claims All Death Dealer’s Chance Malicious Parody Imposter

Ink Monkeys, Vol 20 Ink Monkeys, Vol 29 Ink Monkeys, Vol 29
Cost: 5m Cost: 10m, 1wp Cost: 5m, 1wp
Mins: Larceny 5, Essence 3 Mins: Larceny 5, Essence 3 Mins: Larceny 5, Essence 4
Type: Reflexive (Step 9) Type: Simple (One dramatic action) Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Mirror Keywords: Combo-OK Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion, Obvious, Shaping,
(Reversal of Fortune; Ink Monkeys, Vol 20) Duration: Instant Touch
Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Face-Drinking Bite Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Reality-Subverting Gesture PC disguises a willing target as ghost with Underworld Prerequisite Charms: Face-Drinking Bite, Unjust
PC uses this Charm to respond to any attempt to steal identity and (Essence) Influence. Add (Larceny) dice to Appropriation Method
from him. For 5m, PC becomes aware of all items roll-offs to detect this disguise. Target respires Essence PC makes a (Dexterity + Larceny) roll vs. target’s
capable of being stolen from the target and is also able as creature of death, is immaterial in Creation, etc. highest DV. Essence users add -3 external penalty to
to perfectly steal one item—potentially the one being Target is not a creature of darkness or subject to effects roll. PC swaps victim’s head with a gourd effigy on a
stolen from them. At Essence 4+, PC may use this that work on ghosts. Target gains no Arcanoi and may success. Effigy lives a parody of victim’s life and kills
Charm in response to attacks. This Charm has the same use their powers. Target rolls (Wits + relevant Ability) their loved ones, seeking random victims otherwise.
restrictions on objects which may be stolen as Reality- in 3 games of chance; diff 1 for 1st, diff 2 for 2nd, diff Effigy uses victim’s traits but not Essence powers. All
Subverting Gesture, with the exception of an item 3 for 3rd. Effects above take place on success. If they think effigy is victim (social attack with 10 successes,
being actively stolen from the PC. lose, mortals die, others take (Essence)L levels of costs 3wp to see through), who may watch, talk to the
unsoakable damage. If either forfeit, they lose all wp. PC, use Charms and make social attacks, but nothing
Target may pay 1wp to end disguise (Spd 5, DV -2) or else. Charm ends if victim dies or PC returns head.
wait until the full moon rises.
Blood Calligraphy Technique Scathing Cynic Attitude Mystique-Spoiling Guess
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 174 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 174 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 174
Cost: 4m Cost: 3m Cost: 6m, 1wp
Mins: Linguistics 1, Essence 1 Mins: Linguistics 1, Essence 1 Mins: Linguistics 5, Essence 2
Type: Supplemental Type: Reflexive (Step 2) Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Whirling Brush Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Sagacious Reading of Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Discerning Savant’s
Method; Exalted, pg 232) Intent; Exalted, pg 233), Social Eye; Exalted, pg 232)
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Scathing Cynic Attitude
This Charm enhances a dramatic action to write This Charm grants a one sentence summary of the This Charm lets the PC understand encoded, obscured
something down, allowing the PC to write (Essence x motivation behind a given statement the PC reads or and hidden communication clearly. This Charm may
10) times normal speed. This Charm provides the PC hears, telling them what the person intends to gain. If oppose the concealing effects of Insidious Undertone
with a writing implement and unlimited ink (blood) for invoked against a social attack and the attacker’s Trick and similar Charms. The PC is never surprised by
the effort. purpose is fundamentally hostile to the PC or the PC’s social attacks for the duration.
Motivation, this Charm perfectly negates the attack.

Infinite Blasphemy Glossolalia Screaming in Silence Insidious Undertone Trick

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 174 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 175 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 175
Cost: 3m (8xp) Cost: 5m Cost: 6m
Mins: Linguistics 2, Essence 1 Mins: Linguistics 3, Essence 2 Mins: Linguistics 4, Essence 2
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple
Keywords: Avatar (1), Combo-OK, Mirror (Poetic Keywords: Combo-OK, Stackable Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Letter-Within-a-
Expression Style; Exalted, pg 233), Taint Duration: One scene Letter Technique; Exalted, pg 232)
Duration: One scene Prerequisite Charms: None Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Scathing Cynic Attitude PC may hold telepathic conversations with a target they Prerequisite Charms: Screaming in Silence
PC hears “overdubbing” in their native language when perceive within (Linguistics x 100)yds. Target instantly PC hides a statement within another spoken statement.
a creature of darkness speaks to them. No translation is understands who is talking to them. If target resists, PC Only the intended recipient can perceive it. This may
provided when the speaker isn’t addressing the PC or can roll (Manipulation + Linguistics + Essence) vs. include natural or unnatural mental influence and
speaks of positive emotional concepts. PC may speak their Dodge MDV. Success forces the target to consent constitutes a surprise attack if it does. Add
in a hiss understood by creatures of darkness, though or pay 3wp to deny this UMI for the scene. Once (Linguistics) successes to the Socialize roll to take the
the PC can’t convey positive emotional concepts. contact is established, PC may speak with the target for target by surprise. PC may make any single
Everyone else hears disturbing gibberish unless they the rest of the scene as long as they are in range. This Manipulation-based social attack using any Ability as
have Charms that translate unknown languages. The Charm does not overcome language barriers. This part of the Charm activation. Doing so adds the Social
Taint drawback makes the PC unable to speak any Charm can be activated multiple times, but targets keyword to this Charm and changes the type to Simple
other language unless they spend 1wp per scene and cannot communicate. Using this Charm on a (Speed 6 Long ticks)
can never make a positive emotional statement. Monstrance grants immediate, contact with the
Abyssal, who cannot resist.
Soul-Snaring Tract Voiceless Horror Mastery Language-Absorbing Method
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 176 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 176 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 176
Cost: 6m, 1wp Cost: - Cost: 10m
Mins: Linguistics 4, Essence 2 Mins: Linguistics 4, Essence 3 Mins: Linguistics 3, Essence 3
Type: Supplemental Type: Permanent Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Illusion, Mirror Keywords: None Keywords: Mirror (Excellent Emissary’s Tongue;
(Twisted Words Technique; Exalted, pg 234) Duration: Permanent Exalted, pg 233), Stackable, Training
Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Screaming in Silence Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Insidious Undertone Trick, This Charm enhances its prerequisite, extending the Prerequisite Charms: Infinite Blasphemy Glossolalia,
Blood Calligraphy Technique range to (Linguistics) miles. If the PC has used Screaming in Silence
This Charm enhances a written attempt to compel or Screaming in Silence on a particular creature of Death This Charm enhances PC’s innate bite. PC steals 1 of
deceive making it UMI. Roll (Manipulation + [social before, she does not need to perceive the target to the languages the victim knows, gaining fluency and a
Ability]) to impose a Compulsion or Illusion on readers initiate contact. PC must still roll. Contact fails of the Specialty in the dialect but no dots of Linguistics if the
whose MDV is exceeded. Target spends 3wp to resist target is outside range or the roll fails. PC may still use PC gains motes form the attack. Victim forgets the
or become committed to the intention or belief the PC Screaming in Silence normally to contact beings who language until they spend 3wp, but their Linguistics
wishes to instill. If not, the influence lasts until target are not creatures of Death. rating is not reduced. If target cannot read, PC can’t
breaks the commitment and (1wp per scene to resist). read the language. This Charm may be activated
This Charm loses effectiveness with repeated use, multiple times. PC may learn the stolen language as a
increasing the MDV of the target by 3 if Soul-Snaring diceless miscellaneous action, ending the Charm and
Tract or a similar Charm has been used on them this raising Linguistics as a Training effect. This returns the
story. language to the victim.

Comprehension-Slaying Obscenity Dream-Slaying Defense All Dreams Die

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 176 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 155 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 155
Cost: 8m Cost: 5m Cost: 10m, 1wp
Mins: Linguistics 5, Essence 3 Mins: Lore 4, Essence 3 Mins: Lore 3, Essence 3
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple
Keywords: Avatar (3), Illusion, Obvious Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Chaos-Repelling Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping
Duration: Instant Pattern; Exalted, pg 216), Obvious Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Any Linguistics Excellency, Duration: One hour Prerequisite Charms: Dream-Slaying Defense
Language Absorbing Method Prerequisite Charms: None PC targets a single Fair Folk they can perceive and
PC speaks a word that is aggressively antithetical to PC projects a zone of reality out to (Essence) yds. rolls (Willpower + [Essence or Whispers]) vs. the
understanding, rolling (Manipulation + Linguistics + Inside the zone functions according to the laws of target’s Dodge MDV. If successful, the target can’t use
Essence). Every hearing being within (Linguistics x Creation and shielding everyone inside from Shaping Shaping effects for the story. If target’s Essence is
100)yds whose DMDV is exceeded suffers the UMI. effects. greater than or equal to PC’s, target may make Shaping
They can’t understand any form of communication. actions after succeeding on a reflexive (Willpower +
New orders are unintelligible, but targets may continue Essence) roll for each. At Lore 5, Essence 4, PC may
to follow old orders. PC is not immune. Throwing off target a waypoint they occupy, changing its geography
the effect costs 3wp, which may be paid in for the scene as per Nightmare-Carving Murmur
installments. Once a unit leader pays the cost the rest of (MoEP: Abyssals, pg 157). All within the waypoint
their unit is assumed to have done so. suffer from the effects of this Charm in the scene. After
the scene ends, the terrain reverts to its previous state.
Essence-Draining Touch Will-Feasting Onslaught Breath-Draining Prana
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 156 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 156 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 156
Cost: 3m Cost: 5m, 1wp Cost: 1m
Mins: Lore 2, Essence 1 Mins: Lore 3, Essence 1 Mins: Lore 5, Essence 2
Type: Simple (Speed 4) Type: Simple Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Essence-Lending Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Will-Bolstering Keywords: None
Method; Exalted, pg 217), Obvious, Touch Method; Exalted, pg 217) Duration: Instant
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Will-Feasting Onslaught
Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Essence-Draining Touch PC can feed without breaking their skin up to (Essence
PC transfers up to (Essence x 3)m from a target to PC transfers up to (Essence)wp from a target to x 10)yds away with an unexpected attack using
themself. Target loses exactly as many motes as the PC themself. Target loses exactly as many wp as the PC (Perception + Lore). PC chooses if target loses 1lhl or
gains. These motes do not count towards anima banner gains. These wp do not count against the normal limits 1m per success on the roll, and PC gains 1m per lhl
flare. Motes are transferred to the peripheral pool first on wp expenditure. This Charm cannot increase PC’s inflicted. Damage is soakable only with Stamina.
and cannot increase PC’s mote pool above normal wp past its normal maximum. Target must be willing, Motes stolen directly make this Charm Obvious. Target
maximums. Target must be willing, unconscious or unconscious or otherwise not resisting. feels the attack as a sudden weakness or twinge and can
otherwise not resisting. identify the source of the attack without magical
perception on a reflexive (Wits + Awareness) roll at
diff 5. Success means the target can recognize the PC
as the source of their weakness and this Charm’s
attacks become dodgeable.

Virtue-Devouring Hunger Teaching Incomprehensible Truths Essence Engorgement Technique*

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 156 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 157 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 157
Cost: - Cost: 1wp Cost: -
Mins: Lore 3, Essence 3 Mins: Lore 5, Essence 3 Mins: Lore 5, Essence 3
Type: Permanent Type: Simple Type: Permanent
Keywords: Mirror Virtue-Donating Grace; MoEP: Keywords: Avatar(1), Touch, Training Keywords: Merged (War, Performance, Larceny,
Abyssals, pg 157) Duration: Varies Bureaucracy), Mirror (Immanent Solar Glory; Exalted,
Duration: N/A Prerequisite Charms: Will-Feasting Onslaught pg 218), Native, Obvious
Prerequisite Charms: Will-Feasting Onslaught PC may train a target with 1 dot of Whispers as a Duration: Indefinite
This Charm upgrades its prerequisite, allowing the PC Training effect. Target loses all remaining wp points Prerequisite Charms: None
to drain Virtue Channels from the target as though they and may spend 3xp to gain 1 dot of Whispers. If target Each purchase of this Charm grants a secondary pool
were points of wp. PC may consume drained channels does not spend xp, they have Whispers for as long as of 10m of peripheral Essence that can be filled using
as wp or use them to refresh their own channels. PC the PC continues paying 1wp per day. Targets need not the PC’s innate bite attack, by terrorizing or harming a
may target multiple Virtues with a single attack and understand, but must not resist or this Charm fails. town, army, organization or other social or military
choose how many channels they absorb as wp or as unit. Every hour spent allows the PC to recover (the
new channels. unit’s Magnitude)m. This Essence cannot be
committed to an artifact. This Charm may be purchased
up to (Essence) times. This Charm is available in the
War, Performance, Larceny and Bureaucracy Abilities.
Each purchase of this Charm counts towards the
maximum of (Essence) purchases.
Nightmare-Carving Murmur Enduring Dead Dreams Rapacious Lamprey Technique
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 157 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 158 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 125
Cost: 20m, 1wp Cost: - Cost: 2m
Mins: Lore 5, Essence 3 Mins: Lore 5, Essence 4 Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2
Type: Simple (Dramatic Action) Type: Permanent Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Wyld-Shaping Keywords: Mirror (Wyld Cauldron Technology; Keywords: Combo-Basic
Technique; Exalted, pg 216), Obvious, Shaping Exalted, pg 217) Duration: Instant
Duration: Instant Duration: N/A Prerequisite Charms: Inescapable Iron Grip
Prerequisite Charms: Any Two Lore Excellencies, Prerequisite Charms: Nightmare-Carving Murmur This Charm is considered an Abyssal Charm and is an
Dream-Slaying Defense Improves prerequisite, goods are solid, immune to sun. expansion of Dark Messiah Style.
Roll (Intelligence + Lore) to shape Underworld, 5 hrs Gain 2 Resonance per roll, suffer immediate eruption. PC triples the post-soak damage dealt with their bite
of work per roll, diff 3 in Labyrinth, 10 in Underworld.  Sacrifice Resources>= grave goods PC is taking. when they drain blood.
Gain 1 Resonance per roll. PC can spend up to 5  Create Artifacts w/ materials from Shadowlands.
successes at any time on effects. Construction can’t be sped by >= 10x.
 Create Abyssal Demesne. Rating= successes spent  Change target social unit Motivation ([Ess] ext.
 Change geography to more frightening/dangerous. penalty for individuals or DMDV + Magnitude) to
Resource value of new land = successes spent. involve harm. Impose (Essence) Mutation pts
 Create Manses/destructive Artifacts. Successes (cause suffering) on target. Target spends 4wp to
spent go towards creation rolls. resist or 2wp to limit scope of mutations.
 Find grave goods. Resources = successes spent.  Labyrinth shapes at diff 1 if PC has Whispers 1+.
Items are material as ghosts, disintegrate in sunlight. Does not add Resonance.

Owl Seizes Mouse Five Knife Fist Writhing Blood Chain Technique
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 126 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 126 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 126
Cost: 3m or 3m, 1wp Cost: 6m, 1wp (4xp) Cost: 8m, 1wp (12xp)
Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2 Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3 Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3
Type: Reflexive (Step 1) Type: Reflexive Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Taint Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious, Stackable, Taint
Duration: Instant Duration: One scene Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Dark Messiah Form Prerequisite Charms: Dark Messiah Form Prerequisite Charms: Five Knife Fist
PC selects a target within (Martial Arts x 5) yds and PC may parry ranged and lethal attacks without a stunt. PC grows chains of blood that give an extra action each
closes the distance instantly as part of an unarmed PC grows bone blades and adds (Essence) to Accuracy action. PC may repurchase this Charm to gain
strike or grapple. If activated as part of a grapple, add and Damage of punches and clinches, which now do additional extra actions. Chains use PC’s traits and may
(Essence) bonus successes to the attack roll and cause lethal damage. These bonuses are considered part of be enhanced with Charms but are not unarmed
the attack to be unblockable and undodgeable except the natural weapon and not dice added by Charms. PC weapons unless chains or whips are in style weapons.
with a perfect defense. suffers -3 internal penalty to Dexterity-based actions This Charm is incompatible with other Extra Action
that require fine motor control including weapon use as Charms. Chains can’t wield weapons; use the following
a Taint drawback. These can be made permanent for stats instead:
4xp or 2bp. At Essence 4+, PC may grow spikes from Spd Acc Dmg Def Rate Range Tags
their body and apply the bonuses to any natural ? (Ess) +(Ess)L +(Ess) (Ess) (Ess) D, N, R
unarmed attack including biting. These bone spurs cost Chains may add -1 external penalty to target’s attempts
4xp or 8bp to become permanent. to control a grapple rather than strike. If PC loses all
Willpower, the chains lash out randomly.
Dark Messiah Style Ravaging Blow Foe-Blinding Jab
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 183 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 184 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 184
This is the natural unarmed combat style for Abyssal Cost: 2m Cost: 3m
Exalted, and it focuses on cruelty and overkill. Non- Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2 Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2
Abyssal Exalts may learn this style as a Celestial Type: Supplemental Type: Supplemental
Martial Art. Expansions to this style are considered Keywords: Combo-OK Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Abyssal Charms and only Abyssals and Deathlords can Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
create such Charms. Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Ravaging Blow
Weapons and Armor: Form weapons are the cestus, This Charm enhances an unarmed attack other than a PC jabs their fingers or a form weapon at the target’s
fighting gauntlet, khatar, tiger claws, razor harness and grapple. If the attack succeeds, count extra successes eyes; if the attack would deal 2+ hl of damage, reduce
their artifact equivalents. Improvised weapons are also twice for determining raw damage. If Dark Messiah the damage to 1 hl and inflict a Crippling effect that
form weapons, but must have a maximum Accuracy of Form is active, add 1 to the attack’s minimum damage. blinds one eye. Repeated use of this Charm causes full
-3 and Rate of 2. blindness. Exalted heal the damage with 1 day of rest,
mortals can’t naturally heal this damage. PC may
choose to cause only temporary blindness for a few
minutes by applying pressure or throwing a handful of
dirt rather than gouging. If so, the Crippling effect
takes place as long as the attack hits, but the strike
deals no damage.

Dead Man’s Grasp Inescapable Iron Grip Dark Messiah Form

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 184 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 185 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 185
Cost: 1m per action Cost: 5m Cost: 6m
Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2 Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2 Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2
Type: Supplemental Type: Supplemental Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK Keywords: Combo-OK Keywords: Form-type
Duration: Until released Duration: Until released Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Dead Man’s Grasp Prerequisite Charms: Foe-Blinding Jab, Inescapable
This Charm supplements a grapple attack causing the This Charm supplements a grapple attack, imposing an Iron Grip
PC to deal lethal damage in a clinch. Add 1 to raw internal penalty equal to the number of actions the PC All unarmed attacks deal piercing damage. PC can
damage for each action the PC maintains control of the has already controlled the grapple. As long as the PC make unarmed Martial Arts parries against ranged and
grapple, to a maximum of (Martial Arts). The Charm controls the grapple, the victim can’t breathe. The lethal attacks without a stunt. Ignore multiple action
ends and the damage bonus resets to +0 if the PC stops (Stamina + Resistance) roll to resist asphyxiation is penalties for the first (Martial Arts/2) round up actions
spending Essence and squeezing to deal damage. always diff 3. The victim can’t cry out or make any in a flurry. At Martial Arts 5, PC can punch 3 times in
other sound. a flurry with no penalty at all. Any actions after the
penalty-free number take the full penalty as though the
Charm had not been active. PC may attune to soulsteel
form weapons and gain all motes stripped from a target
by such weapons. PC may not channel Virtues while
this Charm is active.
Bone-Shattering Blow Grievous Agony Attack Illustrative Overkill Technique
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 185 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 185 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 185
Cost: 1m or 3m Cost: 4m Cost: - (3m, 1wp)
Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3 Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3 Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3
Type: Reflexive (Step 10) Type: Supplemental Type: Permanent
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling Keywords: Emotion, Obvious
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Dark Messiah Form Prerequisite Charms: Dark Messiah Form Prerequisite Charms: Grievous Agony Attack
If an unarmed attack deals 2+ hl, PC may reduce PC strikes with a “dirty tactic” and inflicts debilitating If an unarmed attack would kill or mortally wound an
damage to 1 lhl and inflict an amputation disability, pain. This may be a called shot but incurs no called opponent, Activating this Charm in Step 10 allows the
mangling a limb or organ beyond use instead of shot penalty. If the target suffers any damage, they PC to kill the victim in whatever horrific manner the
severing it. Exalted victims and others with similar immediately drop prone and shift to Inactive status but player finds appropriate. Every enemy witnessing this
healing recover from the Crippling effect after 1 day of is still conscious. This state lasts only 5 ticks, but the execution with a DMDV less than (Martial Arts +
rest during which no other healing is accomplished. lingering pain imposes -1i (a wound penalty) to all Essence) must pay 1wp or be overwhelmed with horror
This Charm costs 3m, 1wp normally, but costs only non-reflexive actions for the scene. as an Emotion effect. Targets suffer an internal penalty
1m if the victim is a mortal extra. of (PC’s Essence) to all non-reflexive actions for the
scene. This Charm doesn’t stack. Units witnessing this
must check for Morale.

Lashing Tempest Palm Void Avatar Prana Agony of the Black Messiah*
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 186 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 186 DotFA, pg 56
Cost: 3m Cost: 1wp (+1m) Cost: -
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3 Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4 Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5
Type: Reflexive Type: Simple (Speed 1, DV -1) Type: Permanent
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Crashing Wave Keywords: Obvious Keywords: Mirror (Solar Hero Supremacy; DotFA, pg
Throw; Exalted, pg 243) Duration: Instant 56), Stackable
Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Bone-Shattering Blow, Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Dark Messiah Form Illustrative Overkill Technique, Lashing Tempest Palm Prerequisite Charms: Ravaging Blow
When ending a clinch by throwing an opponent, PC may activate this Charm immediately after This Charm causes each hit to produce a stackable -2
increase the distance thrown to (Martial Arts x 5)yds assuming Dark Messiah Form, making that a Speed 6 wound penalty that lingers until the PC’s DV refreshes.
upwards or (Martial Arts x 10)yds horizontally. action that costs +1wp. PC can spend 1m to perfectly
Victims thrown over cliffs or high into the air take block to any attack, even unblockable attacks. Any
falling damage normally. Targets that strike hard being touching the PC when they activate this part of
objects take 1 die of damage for each yard they would the Charm suffers (Essence) unsoakable lethal damage.
otherwise have traveled. This damage is typically PC may activate this Charm while making an unarmed
bashing but can be lethal if the target strikes a attack and add this damage. PC’s anima flashes
dangerous object. totemic in that moment and causes a Morale check as
with all Abyssal auras. This Charm carries a Flaw of
Ultimate Inevitability of the Grave Iron Maiden’s Embrace Agony’s Crucible Strike
Glories: UCS, pg 21 Ink Monkeys, Vol 22 Ink Monkeys, Vol 33
Cost: 5m, 1wp Cost: 5m Cost: 1m
Mins: Martial Arts 6, Essence 6 Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3 Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3
Type: Supplemental Type: Supplemental Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Mirror (Iron Talon Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Mirror (Armor- Keywords: Combo-OK, Martial-ready (Archery,
Technique; Glories: UCS, pg 21) Shattering Strike; Glories: UCS, pg 20), Obvious, Melee, Thrown)
Duration: Instant Stackable Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Inescapable Iron Grip Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Ravaging Blow
PC gains an automatic threshold of one success to Prerequisite Charms: Dark Messiah Form Ad PC’s current wound penalty in dice to an attack’s
attempts to maintain control of a grapple. Add PC attacks target’s armor, causing it to buckle inward Accuracy. This bonus does not count as dice added by
(Essence) in extra dice to the roll if another effect as a Crippling effect. Increase mobility penalty by 1, a Charm. If Dark Messiah Form is active, this does not
contradicts this. A second purchase of this Charm at reduce bashing and lethal soak by 3, inflict one count as a Charm activation.
Martial Arts 9+, Essence 9+ allows it to be invoked as additional level of automatic, unsoakable lethal damage
an inherent Ability instead of a Charm activation. in Step 10. Removing damaged armor is a diff 3 Note: Formerly a Mirror of Hewer Sharpened Fist; Ink
(Dexterity + Medicine) roll or rip it free and take 2L Monkeys, Vol 33. Now intended to be a Dark Messiah
levels of damage. expansion Charm.
Mundane armor is permanently damaged, but magical
armor returns to normal one scene after it is removed.
This Charm has no affect against unarmed targets.

Ragged Shade’s Revenge Pitiless Triage Judgment Cannibalistic Renewal Incitement

Ink Monkeys, Vol 33 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 158 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 158
Cost: 1m Cost: 1m Cost: 5m
Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3 Mins: Medicine 1, Essence 1 Mins: Medicine 3, Essence 2
Type: Supplemental Type: Reflexive Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Martial-ready (Archery, Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Flawless Diagnosis Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch
Melee, Thrown) Technique; Exalted, pg 220) Duration: One day
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Pitiless Triage Judgment
Prerequisite Charms: Agony’s Crucible Strike Prerequisite Charms: None PC causes target to smell members of their own species
Add PC’s current wound penalties x 2 to an attack’s PC makes a diagnosis with (Perception + Medicine) at as delicious. Target is not compelled to act, but if they
raw damage. If Dark Messiah Form is active, this does Speed 5 long ticks with no error. PC accurately give in every 3 lhl consumed heals 1 lhl or 2 bhl of
not count as a Charm activation. identifies each condition, its source and effect with their own damage. Target senses return to normal after
enough information. If not enough information is this Charm ends. Exalted are considered humans for
Note: Formerly a Mirror of Bloodied King’s Rebuke; present, PC recognizes key information is missing. this Charm. PC may enchant themself, though they
Ink Monkeys, Vol 33. Now intended to be a Dark gain no motes from hls consumed for healing purposes.
Messiah expansion Charm. Once (Stamina + Essence) hls are healed, they must
wait 1day to digest before feeding again.
Plague-Eating Kiss Pestilence-Bearing Touch Venom-Bleeding Agony
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 158 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 160 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 160
Cost: 1wp Cost: 5m, 1wp Cost: 1m
Mins: Medicine 3, Essence 2 Mins: Medicine 3, Essence 3 Mins: Medicine 3, Essence 2
Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -2) Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -1) Type: Simple
Keywords: Mirror (Ailment-Rectifying Method; Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping, Sickness, Touch Keywords: Mirror (Body-Purifying Admonitions;
Exalted, pg 223), Touch Duration: Instant Exalted, pg 220), Touch
Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Plague-Eating Kiss Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Pitiless Triage Judgment PC touches a target and exposes them to any disease Prerequisite Charms: Pitiless Triage Judgment
PC may pay 1wp when biting a victim and consuming ever gained through Plague-Eating Kiss. Roll PC forces a target to immediately hemorrhage a target
1+ hls from them. This sucks out all Sickness effects (Intelligence + Medicine) at diff (Virulence – 1). Poison effect as a black liquid from their facial orifices.
from the victim. PC must check for exposure if Target rolls (Stamina + Resistance) vs. the Virulence. Patient suffest 1 ahl of unsoakable damage. PC may
necessary. PC may hold on to diseases if they choose Disease behaves normally save that it’s not contagious. treat themself. If PC rolls 5+ successes on a Medicine
so they may spread them by their normal vectors. PC selects 1 disease when buying this Charm they can roll to treat an incurable poison, they may spend 5m to
transmit at will. Extra diseases cost 1xp or 2 for 1bp. banish it from the target.
At Essence 4+, PC can induce supernatural diseases
from the first 2 circles of supernatural disease. At
Essence 5+, PC can learn to induce third circle
supernatural diseases including lesser Great Contagion.

Charnel Chirurgeon Deftness Bone Graft Technique Life-Mocking Assembly

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 160 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 160 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 161
Cost: 2m Cost: 5m Cost: 5m
Mins: Medicine 2, Essence 2 Mins: Medicine 3, Essence 3 Mins: Medicine 3, Essence 3
Type: Simple Type: Simple (Dramatic Action) Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Touch Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Wholeness-Restoring Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Spectral, Touch
Duration: Instant Meditation; Exalted, pg 220), Obvious, Spectral, Touch Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Charnel Chirurgeon Deftness
Repair (Medicine) bhl or lhl on a zombie or corpse Prerequisite Charms: Charnel Chirurgeon Deftness Pc touches a corpse and animates it as a non-extra
automaton. PC must have access to sufficient parts to PC implants undead prosthetics. Operation is 1 hr and zombie. Zombie is obedient, understands simple
replace damage. Stitches or tools are not needed. needs 5 successes on a (Intelligence + Medicine) roll. commands in their native language. Zombie suffers 1
Surgery cures a Crippling effect. Replacement is non- bhl of unsoakable damage per day through decay that
functional for the first day. PC may use this Charm on may be repaired through Charnel Chirurgeon Deftness
themself at diff 7. Appearance of the prosthesis is or arrested with Eternal Embalming Preparation.
chosen by the PC. Mortal targets become creatures of
Death and creatures of darkness if they have more
undead tissue than living tissue.
Ivory Whirlwind Restoration Candle Left Burning The Risen Hunger
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 161 Ink Monkeys, Vol 38 Ink Monkeys, Vol 38
Cost: 5m, 1wp Cost: 1m Cost: - (+2m)
Mins: Medicine 5, Essence 3 Mins: Medicine 4, Essence 3 Mins: Medicine 3, Essence 3
Type: Simple Type: Reflexive Type: Permanent
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious, Shaping Keywords: Combo-OK, Stackable, Touch Keywords: None
Duration: Instant Duration: Indefinite Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Life-Mocking Assembly, Bone Prerequisite Charms: Pestilence-Bearing Touch Prerequisite Charms: Cannibalistic Renewal
Graft Technique PC makes one target fully immune to a disease they are Incitement, Life-Mocking Assembly
PC rips tissue from dead bodies around them to create a capable of bestowing. This can be done more than once PC pays +2m when using Life-Mocking Assembly.
prosthetic cure for Crippling effects. This requires no per target and on multiple targets. Granting immunity Zombies raised are infectious and flesh-hungry. Those
roll and can be used immediately. May be used to to those whose life does not grant direct material they kill rise as flesh-hungry zombie extras in 1-10
replace existing implants or undamaged tissue in a benefit to the PC inflicts one point of Resonance. min, but are not loyal to the PC. Extras “die” after 1
single activation, old tissue is expelled. Total redesign day without feeding. At every raise of Essence, PC
of a character’s body adds (Essence) to the difficulty of PC may also target someone bearing a disease they chooses one bonus effect:
rolls to recognize them. This does not aid have inflicted. This immunizes them and hides their  Extras are loyal to the PC
impersonation, cannot alter sex or core structural symptoms, but leaves them contagious. Attempts to  Extras are infectious and their victims rise as non-
aspects. Height, weight and apparent age are fair game. diagnose the disease of this target are at -3 external infectious, hungry extras. At Essence 6+, every
Appearance may be increased with alterations, penalty. Using the Charm this way never grants wave is also infectious.
bypassing training times but costing xp. Resonance.  Extras persist for 1 day longer. This effect stacks.

Black Heart’s Venom Death’s Black Teeth Savage Shade Style*

Ink Monkeys, Vol 38 Ink Monkeys, Vol 38 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 127
Cost: 3m Cost: - Cost: 1m
Mins: Medicine 3, Essence 3 Mins: Medicine 3, Essence 4 Mins: Melee 2, Essence 1
Type: Reflexive Type: Permanent Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Poison, Taint Keywords: Poison Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Hungry Tiger
Duration: Indefinite Duration: Permanent Technique; Exalted, pg 190)
Prerequisite Charms: Life-Mocking Assembly, Prerequisite Charms: Black Heart’s Venom Duration: Instant
Venom-Bleeding Agony Every zombie the PC raises gains poisonous bite. Prerequisite Charms: None
PC’s blood is poison: (7L/hour, 3, -/-, -2). PC may coat Poison is identical to Black Heart’s Venom but does PC counts extra successes on an attack roll twice for
weapons and dealing lethal damage to deliver a dose. not re-animate those slain by it. Use the following stats the purposes of determining raw damage.
PC may coat one weapon or (Stamina) arrows or small for a zombie’s bite:
throwing weapons with 1L hl of damage to themself. Spd Acc Dmg Def Rate Tags
Any being slain rises as per Life-Mocking Assembly. 5 4 4L 2 2 N
PC may learn this Charm as a Taint. This makes all
bodily fluids permanently poisonous.
Artful Maiming Onslaught Soul-Cleaving Wound Five Shadow Feint
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 127 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 128 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 129
Cost: 3m (+1wp) Cost: 5m, 1wp Cost: 2m per DV
Mins: Melee 3, Essence 1 Mins: Melee 5, Essence 3 Mins: Melee 2, Essence 1
Type: Supplemental Type: Reflexive (Step 10) Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Mirror (Fire and Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Obvious, Stackable Keywords: Combo-OK
Stones Strike; Exalted, pg 190) Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Artful Maiming Onslaught, Prerequisite Charms: Any Melee Excellency
Prerequisite Charms: Savage Shade Style Ravening Mouth of Melee PC spends motes of essence to drop their target’s DVs
Pc makes an attack with an external penalty of If the PC’s attack deals at least one level of damage, against a single attack.
(Essence). If the attack inflicts two or more damage, “wound” a chosen trait instead.
PC may reflexively pay 1wp to amputate a limb. This Essence: Lose 1 Essence, extra motes and Charms.
only works on beings with a lower Essence score. Virtues: Lose 1 of all Virtues except Primary, excess
Beings of equal or greater essence suffer the penalties channels and alter behavior
of a missing limb, but do not actually lose the limb. Willpower: Lose 2 Willpower and excess wp points.
This effect takes a full day of resting to heal during Damage is permanent for mortals and Creatures of the
which no other wounds heal. Amputated limbs require Wyld. Others require 1 day of recovery for each
drastic healing magic to repair activation, cannot respire Essence or heal other
wounds. Activating Transcendent Hero’s Meditation
instantly cancels this and ignites Solar’s anima banner.

Unfurling Iron Lotus* Time-Scything Technique* Thousand Wounds Feinting*

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 129 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 129 MoEP: Abysssals, pg 129
Cost: 3m Cost: 5m, 1wp Cost: -
Mins: Melee 3, Essence 2 Mins: Melee 5, Essence 2 Mins: Melee 5, Essence 4
Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -1) Type: Permanent Type: Permanent
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Peony Blossom Keywords: Mirror (Iron Whirlwind Attack; Exalted, Keywords: Mirror (Invincible Fury of the Dawn;
Attack; Exalted, pg 191), Obvious pg 191), Obvious Exalted, pg 191)
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: N/A
Prerequisite Charms: Five Shadow Feint Prerequisite Charms: Unfurling Iron Lotus Prerequisite Charms: Time-Scything Technique
PC makes a standard Melee attack at full dice pool and This Charm is a magical flurry of Melee-based attacks. This Charm increases the number of attacks granted by
applies it to all enemies within 3 yards; each target PC makes (Dexterity + 1) attacks regardless of the Time Scything Technique by 2. The PC may also use
resolves defense and damage separately. weapon’s Rate, without multiple action penalties, and the attack to inscribe a message on their target, possibly
with a DV penalty equal to the highest penalty for any granting a stunt bonus.
one attack. At Essence 3+, PC may select to use a
minimum of 0 attacks from this Charm and may cancel
their attack prematurely.
Blade-Summoning Gesture* Void Sheath Technique* Resplendent Shadow Blade*
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 129 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 129 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 129
Cost: - (1m) Cost: 1m Cost: 3m, 1wp or 5m, 1wp
Mins: Melee 2, Essence 2 Mins: Melee 3, Essence 2 Mins: Melee 4, Essence 3
Type: Permanent Type: Simple (Speed 3) Type: Simple
Keywords: Merged (Hungry Missile Technique; Keywords: Combo-OK, Merged (Banished Bow Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Mirror (Glorious
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 132), Mirror (Call the Blade; Arsenal; MoEP: Abyssals, pg 124), Mirror Solar Saber; Exalted, pg 192), Obvious
Exalted, pg 191), Obvious (Summoning the Loyal Steel; Exalted, pg 192) Duration: One scene
Duration: Permanent Duration: Indefinite Prerequisite Charms: Blade-Summoning Gesture
Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Blade-Summoning Gesture Creates an Essence weapon; it deals Agg damage to
PC calls their Melee weapon to their hand from up to PC may store a Melee weapon in Elsewhere. Multiple creatures of the Wyld, can be summoned as a Misc.
(Essence x 10) yds away as long as a flight path exists activations of this Charm allow the PC to commit action. PC chooses single or paired basic 1-3 dot close-
between the weapon and their hand. The blade must be multiple weapons to Elsewhere. The weapon can be range, soulsteel artifact weapon. 1 dot pairs or 2 dot
within (Essence x 2) yds in battle. PC must own the drawn from Elsewhere as a miscellaneous action. single weapons are 3m. 2 dot pairs or 3 dot single
weapon. This Charm can be used to reflexively draw a weapons are 5m. No brawling aides. PC has up to
weapon. (Melee) repurchases for new weapons. PCs with
Overdrive can gain 1m (offensive)/action they use it in
battle from only one form at a time. Repurchase grants
all blades Emotion (despair/horror) when damage is
done, drains 1wp unless target spends (Essence)m
Surviving mortal extras cannot defend for the scene.

Thieving Raiton Claws Ebon Lighting Prana Elegant Flowing Deflection*

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 130 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 130 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 130
Cost: 3m Cost: 3m, 1wp Cost: 2m
Mins: Melee 3, Essence 2 Mins: Melee 5, Essence 3 Mins: Melee 2, Essence 1
Type: Simple Type: Simple (Speed 4) Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Obvious, Servitude Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Blazing Solar Bolt; Keywords: Combo-OK, Martial (Martial Arts), Mirror
Duration: Instant Exalted, pg 192) (Dipping Swallow Defense; Exalted, pg 192)
Prerequisite Charms: Blade-Summoning Gesture Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
PC may seize weapons within (Essence x 8) yds from Prerequisite Charms: Thieving Raiton Claws Prerequisite Charms: None
their wielders. If the wielder owns the weapon, roll PC closes with target within (Essence x 10) yds and This Charm allows the PC to ignore all penalties that
(Manipulation + Melee) vs. their (Strength + Melee). strikes with (Dexterity + Melee + Essence) dealing apply to their Parry DV. PDV is still 0 if it’s
PC becomes the new owner if they win and the weapon piercing damage on this unexpected attack. PC does inapplicable.
flies to them. If the PC loses, weapon cannot be not need to have a weapon drawn, but may draw it as a
targeted again for the scene. This Charm cannot target reflexive action. This Charm allows the Abyssal to
attuned artifact weapons or weapons made of Essence. strike first regardless of Join Battle rolls. If someone
else has “go first” magic, roll Join Battle between them
or allow them to go simultaneously, per the ST.
PC may use this Charm to travel long distances
quickly, but must strike a foe on the way past.
Vengeful Riposte* Broken Toys Riposte Eye of the Tempest*
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 130 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 130 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 130
Cost: 3m Cost: Weapon Damage modifier + 1m Cost: 5m, 1wp
Mins: Melee 4, Essence 1 Mins: Melee 3, Essence 2 Mins: Melee 5, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive (Step 9) Type: Reflexive (Step 9) Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Counterattack, Martial- Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Obvious Keywords: Combo-OK, Martial (Martial Arts), Mirror
ready (Archery, Martial Arts, Thrown), Mirror (Solar Duration: Instant (Fivefold Bulwark Stance; Exalted, pg 194)
Counterattack; Exalted, pg 194) Prerequisite Charms: Vengeful Riposte Duration: One scene
Duration: Instant On a successful parry, target’s weapon crumbles to Prerequisite Charms: Vengeful Riposte
Prerequisite Charms: Elegant Flowing Deflection dust. Weapons made of MM or otherwise enchanted This Charm removes the onslaught penalty from the
This Charm gives the PC a counterattack which is survive but are ripped from their wielder’s grasp and PC’s Melee-derived Parry DV. Reduce the defense
resolved in Step 9 of the attack Resolution. hurled (Essence) yds away. penalty imposed by each action the PC takes by one, to
a minimum of zero.

Death-Deflecting Technique* Fluttering Moth Defense* Hundred Razor Circle

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 131 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 131 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 131
Cost: 4m Cost: - Cost: 5m
Mins: Melee 4, Essence 2 Mins: Melee 5, Essence 5 Mins: Melee 4, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive (Step 2) Type: Permanent Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Heavenly Guardian Keywords: Mirror (Protection of Celestial Bliss; Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Defense; Exalted, pg 193), Obvious Exalted, pg 193) Duration: One action
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Vengeful Riposte
Prerequisite Charms: Vengeful Riposte Prerequisite Charms: Death-Deflecting Technique PC may make a reflexive Melee attack against
PC invokes this Charm in response to an attack that is PC may prepare a single evocation of Death-Deflecting everyone who comes within three yards of their
not unexpected and PC must be armed. This Charm is a Technique ahead of time, committing 1m until they location. PC cannot exempt anyone within range, nor
perfect parry that blocks even unblockable attacks. unleash the Charm (which does not count as a Charm can they move farther than one yard, make any other
Mundane weapons break when used with this Charm if use). At the time Death-Deflecting Technique is used, attacks while the Charm is active, of flurry attacks
the attack deals at least 25L raw damage. This Charm PC must pay the remainder of the cost. At Essence 6+, (even with Extra Action Charms) in hopes of striking
has one of the four Flaws of Invulnerability (see PC may prepare up to (Melee) invocations of Death- an enemy more than once. PC can use PDV against
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 147). Deflecting Technique. Reduce the cost to activate that ranged attacks for the Charm’s duration.
PC may pay 2xp to permanently upgrade this Charm Charm to 2m.
and Elegant Flowing Deflection to treat them as the
same Charm for the purpose of Charm activations and
Symphony of the Flayed Legion* Life-Severing Blade* Creation-Slaying Holocaust Blade
DotFA, pg 57 Glories: UCS, pg 22 Glories: UCS, pg 23
Cost: 12m, 1wp Cost: 4m or 6m Cost: 5m, 1wp
Mins: Melee 7, Essence 7 Mins: Melee 5, Essence 4 Mins: Melee 6, Essence 6
Type: Simple Type: Supplemental Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Mirror (Sharp Light of Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Mirror (Rising Sun Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Mirror (World-
Judgement Stance; DotFA, pg 57), Obvious, War Slash; Glories: UCS, pg 22) Scarring Solar Glory; Glories: UCS, pg 23)
Duration: One Action Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Ebon Lightning Prana Prerequisite Charms: Artful Maiming Onslaught Prerequisite Charms: Life-Severing Blade
PC makes Melee attack applying it to all in (Melee x For 4m, the PC selects if their attack becomes Add (Essence) raw damage in Step 7. If post-soak
100)yds (unblockable, undodgeable in mass combat, unblockable or undodgeable. For 6m, it becomes damage exceeds target’s health levels, PC chooses how
damage is (x Essence) in Step 10). Allies are immune. unblockable and undodgeable against any target. many automatic levels of damage to inflict. At Essence
Enemies moving into the zone during duration are 7+, PC may inflict whatever level of damage they want
affected. Reapply the attack every tick to all enemies to nonmagical objects and structures up to the size of a
moving towards PC. Slain mortals rise 1 day later as palace. At Melee 9+, PC pays +5m to choose how
uncontrolled zombies hungry for flesh. If magic many automatic levels of damage to do regardless of
designed to prevent reanimation is used, this effect total dice in Step 8. A second purchase at Melee 8+,
fails. Drop the 1wp cost and double the range every Essence 8+ allows PC to activate this Charm as a
time this Charm is reactivated. miscellaneous action and commit Essence to it to store
it in advance and activate it reflexively. At Essence 9+,
PC may store up to (Essence/2) activations.

Charnel Emperor Stance Elegant Bloodletting Art Blades Well-Blooded

Glories: UCS, pg 23 Ink Monkeys, Vol 29 Ink Monkeys, Vol 32
Cost: 15m, 1wp Cost: - Cost: -
Mins: Melee 7, Essence 7 Mins: Melee 5, Essence 4 Mins: Melee 5, Essence 3
Type: Simple (Speed 7, DV -4) Type: Permanent Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious, Mirror (Immortal Blade Keywords: Mirror (Golden Destruction Cut; Lords of Keywords: Mirror (Perfected Battle Array; Ink
Triumphant; Glories: UCS, pg 23) Creation, pg 56) Monkeys, Vol 32), Native
Duration: One Scene Duration: Permanent Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Death-Deflecting Technique Prerequisite Charms: Savage Shade Style Prerequisite Charms: None
PC may activate Death-Deflecting Technique as an PC counts extra successes on the attack roll three times PC commits Essence to the weapon of the highest
innate ability rather than a Charm use. Duration is rather than twice for the purpose of determining raw attunement, and all additional artifact weapons cost
Instant and may not be applied until after PC’s DV has damage. A second purchase at Melee 6+ counts extra only 1m to attune. PC may attune artifacts up to 2x the
refreshed once. May be used (Essence x 2) times per successes four times rather than three. A third purchase initial attunement cost. PC may use this Charm to
scene. On the last invocation, this Charm automatically at Melee 8+ counts extra successes five times instead reduce the attunement cost of artifact weapons for use
deactivates. This Charm may not be reactivated to re- of four. A fourth purchase at Melee 9+ causes each with combat Abilities other than Melee, but not armor,
stock its supply of defenses while it is already active. extra successes to be counted ten times for the purpose N/A Artifacts or non-weapon Artifacts.
of determining raw damage. At Essence 4+, when PC has attuned enough weapons
to double the initial commitment cost, all additional
artifact weapons are free to attune. At Essence 5+, this
occurs at 50%, round up, of the initial attunement.
Death Well-Remembered Coiled Shadow Attitude Entropic Blade Nature
Ink Monkeys, Vol 32 Ink Monkeys, Vol 32 Ink Monkeys, Vol 32
Cost: - Cost: 3m Cost: -
Mins: Melee 5, Essence 3 Mins: Melee 5, Essence 4 Mins: Melee 5, Essence 5
Type: Permanent Type: Reflexive Type: Permanent
Keywords: Martial-Ready (Martial Arts), Mirror Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Blade Lair Discipline; Keywords: Martial-ready (Archery, Martial Arts,
(Perfect Blade Aegis; Ink Monkeys, Vol 32) Ink Monkeys, Vol 32), Native Thrown), Mirror (Inexorable Swordsman Spirit; Ink
Duration: Permanent Duration: One scene Monkeys, Vol 32), Native
Prerequisite Charms: Elegant Flowing Deflection, Prerequisite Charms: Death Well-Remembered Duration: Permanent
Five-Shadow Feint This Charm imposes a -1 external penalty on all attacks Prerequisite Charms: Coiled Shadow Attitude
PC permanently raises Melee-derived PDV by 2. This made against the PC. Reduce target’s DVs by two on all attacks the PC
counts as dice added by a Charm. makes with their Melee dice pool.

All Blades Cry for Blood Death’s Knight Stance Pinned Moth Tactic
Ink Monkeys, Vol 32 Ink Monkeys, Vol 32 Ink Monkeys, Vol 38
Cost: - Cost: - (+3m or +3m, 1wp) Cost: 2m
Mins: Melee 4, Essence 3 Mins: Melee 5, Essence 4 Mins: Melee 3, Essence 3
Type: Permanent Type: Permanent Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Mirror (Sun-Sword Concentration; Ink Keywords: Mirror (Guardian Sunfire Catechism; Ink Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Martial (Archery,
Monkeys, Vol 32) Monkeys, Vol 32) Martial Arts, Thrown), Obvious
Duration: Permanent Duration: Permanent Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Resplendent Shadow Blade Prerequisite Charms: Death-Deflecting Technique Prerequisite Charms: Savage Shade Style
Any weapon the PC wields now possesses the MM PC pays +3m when activating Death-Deflecting PC makes an attack that does lethal or aggravated
bonuses for soulsteel: +2 Accuracy and drains Technique to extending its duration to One tick. At damage. If the attack inflicts at least one health level of
(Essence)m per attack. This stacks with other MM Essence 5+, PC may extend duration to One action by damage, the target is pinned in place. PC may remove
bonuses, but the motes drained by soulsteel weapons paying +3m, 1wp. In conjunction with a Defend Other their weapon and leave target pinned by a shadow
only increase by 1m. action, PC may activate this Charm multiple times to weapon. Breaking free is an extended (Strength +
cover multiple allies. This Charm may not enhance Athletics) roll to accumulate (Strength + 2) successes.
activations of Death-Deflecting Technique pre-loaded One attempt can be made per action and each attempt
through Fluttering Moth Defense. deals 1L level of damage automatically that ignores
hardness. If target suffers knockback while pinned,
they are ripped free and suffer 3L levels of damage that
ignore hardness
Instant Murder Flash Blood Press Guillotine Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
Ink Monkeys, Vol 38 Ink Monkeys, Vol 38 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 162
Cost: 6m Cost: - (2m, 1wp) Cost: -
Mins: Melee 5, Essence 3 Mins: Melee 5, Essence 4 Mins: Occult 3, Essence 3
Type: Extra Action Type: Permanent Type: Permanent
Keywords: Combo-OK, Martial (Martial Arts), Keywords: Martial (Martial Arts), Obvious, Native Keywords: None
Obvious Duration: Permanent Duration: Instant
Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Instant Murder Flash Prerequisite Charms: None
Prerequisite Charms: Time-Scything Technique If PC has made at least 3 victims inactive with Instant PC can now take Terrestrial Circle Sorcery actions:
PC flurries up to (Dexterity + 3) attacks, one per target. Murder Flash, they may spend 2m, 1wp to attack each Shape Terrestrial Circle Sorcery (Speed 5, DV -2)
Target must be within (Essence x 5) yds of previous Inactive victim a second time at full dice pool. It PC shapes a spell they know, paying 1wp with the
target hit. If PC deals at least one health level of ignores range and adds (Essence) automatic successes. Essence cost of the spell. PC can take the Cast Sorcery
damage, victim is instantly Inactive for the duration of PC may enhance this Charm with offensive Charms action as their next action, releasing the spell and
the tick. Victim returns to normal action count at the fueled by Overdrive. rejoining battle.
start of the next tick. If this Charm ends early, victims Cast Sorcery (Varies, DV -0)
break out of Inactive. PC may not re-apply damage via PC cannot activate Charms or take voluntary reflexive
Charms or use free-reflexive attacks on Inactive actions. This action causes the spell to take effect.
victims. Rejoin battle by rolling Join Battle again and
comparing to the reaction count.

Celestial Circle Sorcery Shadowlands Circle Necromancy Labyrinth Circle Necromancy

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 162 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 162 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 162
Cost: - Cost: - Cost: -
Mins: Occult 4, Essence 4 Mins: Occult 3, Essence 3 Mins: Occult 4, Essence 4
Type: Permanent Type: Permanent Type: Permanent
Keywords: None Keywords: None Keywords: None
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Shadowlands Circle
PC can now take Celestial Circle Sorcery actions. PC can now take Shadowlands Circle Necromancy Necromancy
Shape Celestial Circle Sorcery (2 actions Spd 5, DV -3) actions. PC can now take Labyrinth Circle Necromancy actions.
PC shapes a spell they know, paying 1wp per shaping Shape Shadowlands Circle Necromancy (Spd 5, DV -2) Shape Labyrinth Circle Necromancy (2 actions Spd 5,
action with the Essence cost of the spell. PC can take PC shapes a spell they know, paying 1wp with the DV -3)
the Cast Sorcery action as their next action, releasing Essence cost of the spell. PC can take the Cast PC shapes a spell they know, paying 1wp per shaping
the spell and rejoining battle. Necromancy action as their next action, releasing the action with the Essence cost of the spell. PC can take
Cast Sorcery (Varies, DV -0) spell and rejoining battle. the Cast Necromancy action as their next action,
PC cannot activate Charms or take voluntary reflexive Cast Necromancy (Varies, DV -0) releasing the spell and rejoining battle.
actions. This action causes the spell to take effect. PC cannot activate Charms or take voluntary reflexive Cast Necromancy (Varies, DV -0)
Rejoin battle by rolling Join Battle again and actions. This action causes the spell to take effect. PC cannot activate Charms or take voluntary reflexive
comparing to the reaction count. Rejoin battle by rolling Join Battle again and actions. This action causes the spell to take effect.
comparing to the reaction count. Rejoin battle by rolling Join Battle again and
comparing to the reaction count.
Void Circle Necromancy Spirit-Sensing Meditation Corpus-Rending Blow*
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 162 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 162 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 162
Cost: - Cost: 3m Cost: 1m
Mins: Occult 5, Essence 5 Mins: Occult 2, Essence 2 Mins: Occult 2, Essence 2
Type: Permanent Type: Reflexive (Step 1) Type: Supplemental
Keywords: None Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Spirit-Detecting Keywords: Combo-OK, Dusk, Mirror (Spirit-Cutting
Duration: Instant Glance; Exalted, pg 221) Attack; Exalted, pg 221), Obvious
Prerequisite Charms: Labyrinth Circle Necromancy Duration: One scene Duration: Instant
PC can now take Void Circle Necromancy actions. Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Spirit-Sensing Meditation
Shape Void Circle Necromancy (3 actions Spd 5, DV - This Charm allows the PC to see, hear, smell and feel This Charm enhances an attack and makes it capable of
3) but not touch dematerialized creatures. Such spirits are striking dematerialized creatures. The attack deals
PC shapes a spell they know, paying 1wp per shaping now valid targets for Awareness actions, including aggravated damage to spirits, materialized or not. This
action with the Essence cost of the spell. PC can take reflexive Awareness reactions. Charm is permitted to supplement actions using other
the Cast Necromancy action as their next action, Abilities. If the PC cannot see the spirit, they have a -2
releasing the spell and rejoining battle. external penalty to the attack.
Cast Necromancy (Varies, DV -0)
PC cannot activate Charms or take voluntary reflexive
actions. This action causes the spell to take effect.
Rejoin battle by rolling Join Battle again and
comparing to the reaction count.

God-Slaying Torment* Spirit-Desolating Sphere Through Dead Eyes

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 162 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 163 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 163
Cost: 2m Cost: 10m Cost: 6m
Mins: Occult 4, Essence 3 Mins: Occult 5, Essence 2 Mins: Occult 5, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive (Step 10) Type: Simple Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Dusk, Mirror (Ghost-Eating Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Mirror (Spirit- Keywords: Mirror (All-Encompassing Sorceror’s
Technique; Exalted, pg 221), Obvious Repelling Diagram; Exalted, pg 221), Obvious Sight; Exalted, pg 222)
Duration: Instant Duration: One scene Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Corpus-Rending Blow Prerequisite Charms: Corpus-Rending Blow Prerequisite Charms: Spirit-Sensing Meditation
This Charm is activated after making a successful PC casts out spirits, emanating a zone of darkness in a PC can now see motes, Essence-fueled effects, power
attack that damages or dissipates the spirit. In addition ring with a radius of (Essence)yds around them. This and invisible magical creatures and effects as valid
to the damage of the attack, (PC’s Essence x 2)m are ring is centered on the character for the duration. All targets for visual Awareness rolls. Charms are Obvious
transferred to the PC from the spirit. If the spirit dematerialized creatures who take actions this scene and dematerialized beings are visible for the PC. PC
dissipates, the PC casts it into Oblivion. The spirit suffer a Compulsion not to enter or stay in the ring recognizes Artifacts, Manses, Demesnes and beings
lingers as an inactive but aware dematerialized while dematerialized. Resisting costs (PC’s with Essence 4+ as such. Using Stealth does not
presence for (Spirit’s Essence) ticks. Essence)wp to resist for the duration. automatically reveal others by Charms, Essence Trait
or Artifacts, but grant +(target’s Essence) to pierce
mundane or magical Stealth and disguises. PC may roll
(Intelligence + Occult) to analyze Essence. Identifying
exact Charms is diff 5, gauging Essence or Demesne,
Manse, or Artifact rating is diff 2.
Divinity-Banishing Contempt Oblivion Triumphant Spirit-Chaining Doom
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 163 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 164 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 164
Cost: 5m, 1wp Cost: - Cost: -
Mins: Occult 5, Essence 3 Mins: Occult 5, Essence 3 Mins: Occult 5, Essence 5
Type: Simple Type: Permanent Type: Permanent
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Asserting the Keywords: Obvious Keywords: Mirror (Demon-Binding Redemption;
Mandate; MoEP: Abyssals, pg 163), Knockback, Duration: N/A MoEP: Abyssals, pg 164), Obvious, Servitude
Obvious, Touch Prerequisite Charms: God-Slaying Torment Duration: Instant
Duration: Instant The Charm enhances its prerequisite; Fair Folk are now Prerequisite Charms: God-Slaying Torment
Prerequisite Charms: Spirit-Desolating Sphere valid targets for God Slaying Torment. When used This Charm enhances its prerequisite; the PC may
PC touches a spirit and blasts them backwards (PC’s against humans, this effect may only steal motes from enslave a spirit instead of destroying them. Instead of
Essence x 10)yds, knocking it prone. The spirit is also those who have them and destroy their Hun soul. Their fading away, the spirit heals to its lowest -4 hl and 0
forced into its natural state. At Essence 5+, PC may bodies are left for reanimation and their Po may rise as wp remaining. The spirit must obey the wording of
“touch” spirits up to 100 yds away using an a hungry ghost. At Essence 5+, PC may activate God their killer’s orders without possibility of resistance for
unblockable (but dodgeable) attack with (Charisma + Slaying Torment whenever a valid target dies in 1 yr and 1 day, including unacceptable orders. Actual
Occult). (Essence x 10)yds as an innate power instead of a sorcerous or necromantic binding trumps this Charm
Charm use. This mode does not provide Essence to the and ends its effects. Enslaving a god violates Celestial
PC unless they struck the deathblow. law. PCs who know Oblivion Triumphant may bind
slain Fair Folk as well as spirits, but they can’t bind
those they did not personally kill.

Dancing on the Graves of Giants Black Pariah’s Curse Morbid Fascination Style
Ink Monkeys, Vol 38 Ink Monkeys, Vol. 48 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 141
Cost: - Cost: 1m or 3m Cost: 5m
Mins: Occult 4, Essence 3 Mins: Occult 5, Essence 3 Mins: Performance 3, Essence 2
Type: Permanent Type: Simple Type: Simple (Speed 4 in long ticks)
Keywords: None Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping, Touch Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Mirror (Respect-
Duration: Permanent Duration: Indefinite Commanding Attitude; Exalted, pg 202), Obvious,
Prerequisite Charms: God-Slaying Torment Prerequisite Charms: Corpus-Rending Blow Social
When the PC permanently kills a living being with PC touches target (1m for extra, 3m otherwise), attunes Duration: One scene
Essence 4+, they lose 1 point of Resonance. If the them to the Underworld as a Shaping effect. Target is Prerequisite Charms: None
being had Essence 6+, PC loses an additional point of both material and immaterial at the same time. Ghosts PC makes a Performance roll and everyone who can
Resonance. If the being was a non-Abyssal Exalt, PC can perceive this Charm as an Obvious mark. Ghosts see or hear the PC (if their MDV is not exceeded)
loses one more point of Resonance. Sorcerously bound with an Intimacy towards the target sense the Charm’s suffers a Compulsion to stay and respectfully observe
spirits grant no Resonance loss when executed. activation in any realm of existence. A repurchase at the performance. Targets know they are in the presence
Essence 4+ allows the PC to target ghosts of equal or of a supernaturally terrifying orator. Resisting this
lower Essence than the PC and plasmics for 6m. PC Compulsion for 5 minutes costs 1wp, to a maximum of
may touch the space the ghost should occupy instead of 4wp per scene.
the ghost. Ghosts become both material and immaterial
but do not broadcast this state. Others who perceive
them see this Charm as an Obvious mark.
Inescapable Massacre Technique Haunting Apparition Trick Withering Phantasmagoria
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 141 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 141 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 141
Cost: 5m, 1wp Cost: - Cost: Varies, +1wp
Mins: Performance 3, Essence 2 Mins: Performance 3, Essence 3 Mins: Performance 5, Essence 3
Type: Reflexive Type: Permanent Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Mirror (Face the Keywords: Mirror (Phantom-Conjuring Performance; Keywords: Combo-Basic, Illusion, Mirror (Demon-
Light; MoEP: Abyssals, pg 141), Obvious Exalted, pg 202), Obvious Wracking Glory; MoEP: Abyssals, pg 141), Obvious
Duration: One scene Duration: Varies Duration: Instant (see below)
Prerequisite Charms: Morbid Fascination Style Prerequisite Charms: Any Performance Excellency Prerequisite Charms: Haunting Apparition Trick
PC rolls (Charisma + Performance) and adds (Essence) PC creates illusory effects to enhance a performance Range of this Charm’s prerequisite is (Essence x 100)
successes. Everyone with a Dodge MDV lower than using a Performance Excellency. These effects remain yds. At Essence 6+, it is (Essence – 5) miles. Effects
the successes suffers unnatural Compulsion to stay within (Essence x 10) yds of the PC and cannot be used cause injury to mortals within (Essence x 10) yds. PC
when they attempt to leave or avoid social or physical to confuse or deceive others without a stunt. attacks with a (Charisma + Performance) roll that does:
combat with the PC. Resisting this Compulsion for the  1lhl per 2m spent each action to a maximum of
scene costs 3wp. Fair Folk cannot resist this Charm. (Essence) soakable only with Stamina or soak-
enhancing Charms. Or
Those who must flee and cannot spend the wp collapse
 One victim suffers 1lhl unsoakable damage per
in terror for the duration.
action for 3m per action. Or
 Inflicts up to (Stamina + Essence)L dice (1m per
die) on one target. Dodgeable, but soakable only
with Stamina or soak-enhancing Charms or stunts.

Soul-Desiccating Style Irresistible Succubus Style Lies that Tell Themselves

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 142 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 142 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 143
Cost: 6m Cost: 10m, 1wp Cost: 10m, 1wp
Mins: Performance 4, Essence 2 Mins: Performance 5, Essence 3 Mins: Performance 5, Essence 2
Type: Supplemental Type: Simple (Speed 6 in long ticks) Type: Simple (Speed 5 in long ticks)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Mirror (Heart- Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Mirror (Husband- Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion, Mirror (Memory-
Compelling Method; Exalted, pg 202), Social Seducing Demon Dance; Exalted, pg 203), Obvious, Reweaving Discipline; Exalted, pg 202), Social
Duration: One scene Social Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Any Performance Excellency Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Haunting Apparition Trick,
This Charm instills negative Emotions in the PC’s Prerequisite Charms: Soul-Desiccating Style Soul-Desiccating Style
audience that costs 3wp to resist for the scene. This PC makes a ([Charisma or Manipulation] + This Charm is a Performance-based social attack that
Charm must supplement a successful Performance roll Performance) roll and adds (Appearance) bonus dice. encourages a specific belief. This is Unnatural Mental
to rouse emotion in others. Successful social attacks build an Intimacy of lust to Influence on every valid target of this roll. If their
the PC regardless of sexual orientation. The first time MDV is exceeded, they believe what the PC wants and
in a scene the target has gained this Intimacy that the gain a commitment (see Exalted, pg 201) to that belief.
PC makes a (Manipulation + Presence) social attack to Shaking off the Illusion costs 1wp per scene and this
seduce the target (they must have a lower Essence effect lasts until the commitment is broken.
rating), the attack becomes Unnatural Mental Influence
that costs 3wp to resist.
Elegy for the Fallen Essence Engorgement Technique* Lust and Loathing Stance*
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 143 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 157 Glories: UCS, pg 26
Cost: 3m Cost: - Cost: 6m
Mins: Performance 4, Essence 2 Mins: Performance 5, Essence 3 Mins: Performance 5, Essence 3
Type: Supplemental Type: Permanent Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Social Keywords: Merged (War, Lore, Larceny, Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Mirror (Rose-
Duration: Instant Bureaucracy), Mirror (Immanent Solar Glory; Exalted, Lipped Seduction Style; Glories: UCS, pg 26), Obvious
Prerequisite Charms: Any Performance Excellency pg 218), Native, Obvious Duration: One scene
This Charm adds 10 successes to a prayer action on a Duration: Indefinite Prerequisite Charms: Irresistible Succubus Style
ghost with Essence less than the PC’s. This bonus Prerequisite Charms: None All characters possessing a negative Intimacy or
stacks with Excellencies. Target hears the prayer from Each purchase of this Charm grants a secondary pool Intimacy of lust toward the PC have their MDVs
anywhere in existence and feels a Compulsion to of 10m of peripheral Essence that can be filled using halved against all seduction attempts from the PC.
appear. Resisting costs 1wp. If the target does not the PC’s innate bite attack, by terrorizing or harming a Shaking off this influence costs 1wp per action.
resist, PC may spend 17m to summon the target town, army, organization or other social or military
instantly. PC can use this Charm to ensure a Deathlord unit. Every hour spent allows the PC to recover (the
or the Neverborn hear their message but not to summon unit’s Magnitude)m. This Essence cannot be
them. committed to an artifact. This Charm may be purchased
up to (Essence) times. This Charm is available in the
War, Lore, Larceny and Bureaucracy Abilities. Each
purchase of this Charm counts towards the maximum
of (Essence) purchases.

Poisoning the Will Broken Heart Triumph Lurking Malice Insinuation

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 143 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 143 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 143
Cost: 10m, 1wp Cost: 5m, 1wp Cost: -
Mins: Presence 3, Essence 2 Mins: Presence 4, Essence 3 Mins: Presence 5, Essence 3
Type: Simple Type: Supplemental Type: Permanent
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Mirror Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Mirror (You Can Be Keywords: Mirror (Mind Yields to Glory; MoEP:
(Hypnotic Tongue Technique; Exalted, pg 203) Social, More; MoEP: Abyssals, pg 143), Social Abyssals, pg 143)
Stackable, Touch Duration: Instant Duration: N/A
Duration: (Charisma) days Prerequisite Charms: Poisoning the Will Prerequisite Charms: Poisoning the Will
Prerequisite Charms: Any Presence Excellency This Charm enhances a Presence attack to erode a This Charm increases the duration of its prerequisite to
PC rolls (Manipulation + Presence) against one target, positive Intimacy. If successful, the attack becomes 1 month. At Essence 4+, PC can make it cost 5wp to
whom will be compelled to follow one order given by Unnatural Mental Influence that costs 2wp to resist. If resist the first opportunity to fulfill the order instead of
the PC if the roll exceeds their MDV. Target may the target spends the wp, this Charm cannot be used on 1wp per day. With this option, the Charm ends after
spend 1wp to resist, but must spend this every day they them again this scene. If unresisted, the Intimacy this occurs. At Essence 5+, cost of this Charm is
wish to resist the order. Influence fades when the becomes one of hate or resentment. At Essence 4+, PC (Essence)m.
Charm expires. Target is not aware of the Compulsion, may attack a mortal’s Motivation. If unresisted, the
and must spend 4wp at once to remember it later (they target must choose a new, un-heroic Motivation.
only need to do this once). Recognizing the influence is Heroic mortals become extras. Potential Sidereal Exalts
not resisting it, and targets don’t gain Resonance from are immune to this effect.
doing so.
Dread Lord’s Demeanor Heart-Stopping Mien Killing Words Technique
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 144 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 144 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 144
Cost: 7m Cost: - (1wp) Cost: - (1wp)
Mins: Presence 4, Essence 3 Mins: Presence 5, Essence 3 Mins: Presence 4, Essence 3
Type: Reflexive (Step 2) Type: Permanent Type: Permanent
Keywords: Mirror (Majestic Radiant Presence; Keywords: Obvious, Social Keywords: Combo-OK
Exalted, pg 204), Obvious, Social Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Duration: One scene Prerequisite Charms: Dread Lord’s Demeanor Prerequisite Charms: Dread Lord’s Demeanor
Prerequisite Charms: Any Presence Excellency PC may invoke this Charm’s prerequisite for +1wp to Whenever the PC makes a written or spoken social
This Charm negates any physical or social attack on the cause their attackers to suffer -2 internal penalty and attack or uses a Charm with Unnatural Mental
PC unless the attacker succeeds on a reflexive diff 1 (Essence) dice of unsoakable lethal damage in addition Influence, they may spend +1wp to enhance the effect.
Valor roll or diff 2 Willpower roll (PC’s choice). to the roll to resist. Anyone who spends wp to resist must instead pay
Target need only succeed once per action. This lethal health levels equal to the wp cost. This damage
Unnatural Mental Influence costs 3wp to resist for the cannot be prevented by any effect that does not also
scene result in the victim consenting to the social attack. PC
chooses how the damage manifests.

Soul Flaying Gaze Chaining the Weak Command the Dead

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 144 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 145 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 145
Cost: 3m Cost: 12m, 1wp Cost: 5m + 1m per target
Mins: Presence 5, Essence 3 Mins: Presence 5, Essence 4 Mins: Presence 3, Essence 2
Type: Supplemental Type: Simple (Speed 6 in long ticks) Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Terrifying Apparition Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Worshipful Lackey Keywords: Combo-Basic, Servitude, Social
of Glory; Exalted, pg 204), Social Acquisition; Exalted, pg 205), Obvious, Servitude, Duration: One day
Duration: Instant Social Prerequisite Charms: Any Presence Excellency
Prerequisite Charms: Dread Lord’s Demeanor Duration: (Charisma) days PC rolls (Manipulation + Presence) at a difficulty of
This Charm supplements an attempt at natural mental Prerequisite Charms: Any Presence Excellency the Essence of the mindless undead or the Dodge MDV
influence, rendering the target’s Dodge MDV PC convinces a target of their greatness, roll of the necromancer who controls the creatures. Use the
inapplicable. If Dread Lord’s Demeanor is active, this ([Charisma or Manipulation] + Presence) and highest difficulty for multiple targets. If successful,
Charm costs only 2m to invoke. subtracting the targets MDV as an external penalty. If targets obey the PC until the sun next rises. They treat
successful, the target suffers a Servitude effect to serve all orders as acceptable though comprehension is
the PC loyally. This Unnatural Mental Influence costs limited. Targets have an effective intelligence of 1 for
1wp per day to resist. This Charm creates an instant understanding the PC’s commands.
commitment (see Exalted, pg 201) that cannot be
shaken until the Charm’s effect ends and must be
broken normally afterward.
Heartless Fiend Insinuation Sanity-Eroding Diatribe Insidious Forbidding Command*
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 145 MoEP: Abyssals, 146 DotFA, pg 59
Cost: 2m Cost: 5m, 1wp Cost: 5m
Mins: Presence 1, Essence 3 Mins: Presence 3, Essence 3 Mins: Presence 5, Essence 4
Type: Supplemental Type: Simple (Speed 6 in long ticks) Type: Simple (Speed 6 in Long ticks, DV -1)
Keywords: Avatar (1), Combo-OK, Social Keywords: Avatar (1), Obvious, Social Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Mirror (Mind-
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Blanking Rebuke; DotFA, pg 59), Obvious, Social
Prerequisite Charms: Any Presence Excellency Prerequisite Charms: Any Presence Excellency Duration: Instant
This Charm grants power over targets with PC makes a social attack of ([Charisma or Prerequisite Charms: Dread Lord’s Demeanor
Compassion 1 or those who lack positive Intimacies. Manipulation] + Presence) vs. target’s Dodge MDV. If PC forbids a target to take a certain action, rolling
The target’s MDV is halved against PC’s social attacks successful, every 3 threshold successes cause the target (Charisma + Presence) as a UMI social attack against
using any Ability. to increase their Limit or Resonance by one though the target’s Dodge MDV. On a success, target may not
target may spend 2wp rather than gain the points. Other take this action for the scene. Ban may be no wider
targets instead lose 1wp for every 3 threshold than the scope of a single Ability or Charm, at ST’s
successes. Victims reduce to 0wp by this Charm suffer discretion. Examples including “dodging my attacks,”
the effects of a Solar Limit Break selected by the ST. or “using Seven Shadow Evasion.” PC cannot prevent
Mortals cannot partially control Limit Breaks. Exalts target from resisting this Charm or forbid necessary life
with Limit wipe their Limit track afterward, but function. Cost to resist is 1wp for 1 action or 3wp for 1
Abyssals keep their Resonance points. scene.

Stalking the Shadowed Mind* Eternal Overlord of Dread Attitude* Barrow King’s Authority
DotFA, pg 59 DotFA, pg 59 Ink Monkeys, Vol 29
Cost: - Cost: 5m, 1wp Cost: -
Mins: Presence 5, Essence 5 Mins: Presence 6, Essence 6 Mins: Presence 5, Essence 3
Type: Permanent Type: Simple Type: Permanent
Keywords: Mirror (Searing After-Image Passion; Keywords: Combo-Basic, Compulsion, Emotion, Keywords: Mirror (Shining on Dark Realms; Ink
DotFA, pg 59) Mirror (Eternal Empress of Love Attitude; DotFA, pg Monkeys, Vol 29)
Duration: Permanent 59) Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Sanity-Eroding Diatribe Duration: Indefinite Prerequisite Charms: Dread Lord’s Demeanor
When the PC makes a social attack inspiring a passion Prerequisite Charms: Broken Heart Triumph Any ghost with an Intimacy of loyalty to PC is immune
(a negative emotion, one of their negative Intimacies or Targets possessing an Intimacy of fear towards the PC to being summoned and bound through necromancy or
their Motivation), targets must spend +2wp to resist. may not raise a hand against them while this Charm is sorcery unless by the PC. Mental influence to betray
PC must choose one passion at a time, and may pay active as a UMI effect. Harming the PC in any way the PC suffers -1 external penalty.
1xp to switch to a new passion for this Charm. PC may costs 1wp per action. Spending 3wp over 1 scene
not force a target to spend more than 5wp to resist a negates this Charm for that target. A repurchase at
single instance of mental influence. Presence 7+, Essence 7+ renders mortals incapable of
spending wp to resist this Charm.
Hungry Darkness Prana Light-Devouring Labyrinth Armor-Calling Kata
Ink Monkeys, Vol 29 Ink Monkeys, Vol 29 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 146
Cost: 5m Cost: - Cost: 1m
Mins: Presence 5, Essence 3 Mins: Presence 5, Essence 3 Mins: Resistance 1, Essence 1
Type: Reflexive Type: Permanent Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious Keywords: Illusion, Obvious Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Whirlwind Armor-
Duration: Indefinite Duration: Permanent Donning Prana; Exalted, pg 205), Obvious
Prerequisite Charms: Dread Lord’s Demeanor Prerequisite Charms: Hungry Darkness Prana Duration: Instant
Light dims within (Essence x 100) yds of the PC. This Charm upgrades its prerequisite.All inside find Prerequisite Charms: None
Visibility is reduced to “No moon, grass or leafless their way to the center of the zone – the PC. PC makes 1 minute’s progress of putting on armor in 1
forest (Exalted, pg 135) and it grows cold Attempting to move away from the PC or leave the action. PC normally use this Charm for a number of
(environmental hazard: 1B/minute, Trauma 1). All in zone requires a reflexive (Wits + Awareness) roll once actions equal to the armor’s Mobility penalty to
range suffer -1 external penalty on all hearing based per action at diff (Essence). Success lets them move as completely put on their armor.
Awareness rolls due to ghostly whispers. Zone counts they will. Failure confuses them and draws them in.
as trappings of death. PC is immune to the negative Victims may spend 2wp to ignore this Charm’s
effects of this Charm. Sunlight from a Holy source Unnatural Mental Influence for one day.
negates this Charm.

Void-Banished Mail Inauspicious Inner Aegis Ghost Armor Prana

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 146 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 146 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 146
Cost: 1m Cost: 10m, 1wp or 13m, 1wp Cost: 3m per fatigue/mobility penalty reduction
Mins: Resistance 3, Essence 3 Mins: Resistance 4, Essence 3 Mins: Resistance 4, Essence 1
Type: Simple (Speed 3) Type: Simple Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Hauberk-Lightening Keywords: Mirror (Glorious Solar Plate; Exalted, pg Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Armored Scout’s
Gesture; Exalted, pg 205), Obvious 205), Obvious Invigoration; Exalted, pg 205)
Duration: Indefinite Duration: One scene Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Armor-Calling Kata Prerequisite Charms: Void-Banished Mail Prerequisite Charms: Armor-Calling Kata.
PC puts on a suit of armor they own and has used in PC shapes Essence into medium or heavy armor and it PC spends motes to reduce the Fatigure and/or
battle and then sends it to Elsewhere. PC can summon glows as a 8-10m anima display. This armor is Mobility penalty of their armor to a minimum of 0.
that armor onto their body directly. Doing so takes the incompatible with other armor or warstriders. It has This Charm lasts until the PC removes the armor.
same amount of time putting on the armor normally 10L/10B soak, 5 Hardness, -1 Mobility and no Fatigue.
does. This Charm applies to body armor and shields, PC is instantly fully armored. For an additional 3m,
but not other worn items. this armor can form shields and capes that move on
their own, leaving hands free. Capes provide +1DV
(close)/+1 DV (ranged) protection and are not
cumulative with cover and shields.

Note: Other names for this Charm are Ivory Blossom

Carapace and Crimson Petal Armor.
Injury Absorbing Discipline* Spirit-Hardened Frame* Wounds Mean Nothing*
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 147 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 147 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 147
Cost: 10m Cost: 3m Cost: 4m
Mins: Resistance 1, Essence 1 Mins: Resistance 2, Essence 1 Mins: Resistance 5, Essence 3
Type: Supplemental Type: Reflexive (Step 7) Type: Reflexive (Step 7)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Dusk, Mirror (Body-Mending Keywords: Combo-OK, Dusk, Mirror (Durability of Keywords: Combo-OK, Dusk, Mirror (Adamant Skin
Meditation; Exalted, pg 208) Oak Meditation; Exalted, pg 206) Technique; Exalted, pg 207), Obvious
Duration: Until the night ends Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Any Resistance Excellency,
This action requires 1 hour without a stunt or other PC’s Hardness against a single attack is 8. Injury Absorbing Discipline, Spirit-Hardened Frame
Charm. PC rolls (Stamina + Resistance), with success PC perfectly negates all damage before it is rolled and
speeding healing by 10x or, if the PC prefers, adding after all boosting effects. PC appears to suffer the
successes to a physicians attempt at Wound-Mending damage, but “heals” it back in less than a second. This
Care Technique on them. See Exalted, pg 149 for Charm has one of the four Flaws of Abyssal
natural healing rates. PC may invoke this Charm while Invulnerability.

Restless As the Dead Corpse Needs No Food Breathless Ghost Emulation

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 148 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 148 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 148
Cost: 3m per day (2xp) Cost: 3m per day (4xp) Cost: 4m, 1wp
Mins: Resistance 3, Essence 2 Mins: Resistance 4, Essence 3 Mins: Resistance 5, Essence 3
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple
Keywords: Mirror (Tireless Sentinel Technique; Keywords: Taint Keywords: Obvious
MoEP Abyssals, pg 148), Taint Duration: Indefinite Duration: One day
Duration: Indefinite Prerequisite Charms: Restless as the Dead Prerequisite Charms: Corpse Needs No Food
Prerequisite Charms: None This Charm causes the total penalty for starvation or PC does not need to breathe except to speak.
PC suffers no penalty for sleep deprivation save the thirst never exceeds -1. PC may purchase this Charm as
lost opportunity to recover willpower for up to a Taint to make it permanent and cause them to be
(Stamina + Resistance) days. After this, PC suffers incapable of eating except when consuming others for
1bhl of damage per day without sleep which must be Essence. After eating any other food, roll (Stamina +
healed through rest before this Charm can be activated Resistance) each minute with a diff of (minutes since
again. PC may purchase this Charm as a Taint to make the first bite). Failure causes the PC to vomit the food.
it permanent and never need sleep again.
Cadaverous Torpor Technique Ox-Body Technique Plague Knows its Master
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 148 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 149 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 149
Cost: - Cost: - Cost: 6m, 1wp
Mins: Resistance 1, Essence 1 Mins: Resistance 1, Essence 1 Mins: Resistance 5, Essence 3
Type: Permanent Type: Permanent Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Stackable Keywords: Mirror (Ox-Body Technique; Exalted, pg Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Immunity to
Duration: Permanent 208), Stackable Everything Technique; Exalted, pg 208)
Prerequisite Charms: None Duration: Permanent Duration: One scene
PC gains (current Stamina) Incapacitated health levels. Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Any Resistance Excellency
All vital signs stop while they’re Incapacitated giving PC gains additional health levels and must choose one This Charm stops Poison and Sickness effects for 1
them benefits as Plague Knows Its Master, Corpse of the following packages with every purchase of this scene and prevents the PC from suffering new Poison
Needs No Food and Breathless Ghost Emulation and Charm, up to (Resistance) purchases. or Sickness effects during the scene. PC may also
making them appear dead to all examination. If a  One -0 health level choose to catch the Sickness and not suffer from it,
Charm opposes this effect, add (Essence) bonus  Two -2 health levels allowing them to spread it without risk to themself.
successes to the roll off. PC may purchase this Charm  One -1 health level and two -2 health levels.
up to (Resistance) times. At Essence 3+, PC may act as
though they are Incapacitated before they reach that
health level. PC may specify the series of events which
awaken them.

Far Beyond Ruin* Flesh as Marble Stance Resilient Corpse Body

DotFA, pg 60 Glories: UCS, pg 27 Glories: UCS, pg 28
Cost: 5m Cost: - (+1m) Cost: 4m, 1wp
Mins: Resistance 6, Essence 6 Mins: Resistance 4, Essence 3 Mins: Resistance 3, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive (Step 10) Type: Permanent Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Dusk, Mirror (Ruin-Abasing Keywords: Mirror (Armored in Righteousness Stance; Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Iron Kettle Body;
Shrug; DotFA, pg 60) Glories: UCS, pg 27) Exalted, pg 207), Obvious
Duration: Instant Duration: Permanent Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Wounds Mean Nothing Prerequisite Charms: Resilient Corpse Body Prerequisite Charms: Injury-Absorbing Discipline,
This Charm grants a perfect defense with a Flaw of This Charm upgrades its prerequisite, adding (Essence) Spirit-Hardened Frame
Invulnerability. Reduce the final damage inflicted by to the amount of soak provided. For +1m, this becomes This Charm gives the PC +4A/+8L/+8B soak for the
an attack to 0. PCs with 2+ points of Resonance reduce compatible with armor. scene. This soak cannot be used with armor.
the damage only to (Resonance/2), round down. Under
this condition, this Charm loses its Flaw of
Invulnerability. This Charm may not be used in a
Combo with any Charm bearing the Reactor keyword if
it carries a Flaw of Invulnerability. A repurchase at
Essence 7+ extends the duration to One tick for +2m or
One action for +2m, 1wp.
Hope-Slaying Resilience Wound-Eating Invulnerability Soul Reins
Ink Monkeys, Vol 38 Scroll of Exalts, pg 160 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 176
Cost: 2m Cost: - Cost: 5m
Mins: Resistance 3, Essence 2 Mins: Resistance 5, Essence 3 Mins: Ride 1, Essence 1
Type: Reflexive Type: Permanent Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion Keywords: Mirror (Heroes Never Die; Scroll of Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Master Horseman’s
Duration: Indefinite Exalts, pg 160) Techniques; Exalted, pg 234), Obvious, Touch
Prerequisite Charms: Spirit-Hardened Frame Duration: Permanent Duration: One day
When damage is rolled against PC and gains no Prerequisite Charms: Spirit-Hardened Frame Prerequisite Charms: None
successes, attacker suffers -3 internal penalty to all This Charm upgrades its pre-requisite. The Harness PC tames any animal large enough to bear them. If
aggressive actions against the PC for the scene. This raises to (Essence + 5) and lasts One scene for a cost of activated before mounting and PC is within (Ride)yds,
Unnatural Mental Influence costs 3wp to resist for the +6m, 1wp. Injuries prevented with this Charm occur Roll (Dexterity + Ride) at diff (Control Rating). If PC
scene. At Essence 4+, attackers who fail a second time and heal instantly as per Wounds Mean Nothing. is already mounted there is no roll. Mount becomes a
while already suffering from this Charm automatically creature of darkness and has Virtues as per the walking
gain an Intimacy of fear against the PC. This Unnatural dead. Control rating becomes 1 for the PC, who won’t
Mental Influence costs 1wp to throw off. fall off unintentionally. In realms of the dead, mount
knows PC’s location and makes its way there at best
speed when PC summons. Each use of this Charm on a
natural animal permanently increases control rating by
1 (max 6). This does not affect the Charm’s difficulty.
Each month of care reduces the rating by 1.

Spectral Steed Last Ride Glory Primal Terror Spurs

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 177 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 177 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 177
Cost: 10m, 1wp Cost: 5m, 1wp Cost: -
Mins: Ride 5, Essence 3 Mins: Ride 5, Essence 3 Mins: Ride 5, Essence 4
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Permanent
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Phantom Steed; Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Flashing Thunderbolt Keywords: Mirror (Wind-Racing Essence Infusion;
Exalted, pg 236), Obvious Steed; Exalted, pg 236), Touch Exalted, pg 236), Obvious
Duration: One day Duration: (Mounts Stamina) days Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Soul Reins Prerequisite Charms: Any Ride Excellency Prerequisite Charms: Last Ride Glory
PC raises the corpse of a horse as an undead steed or PC’s mount can run all-out without suffering ill effects. This Charm enhances its prerequisite. Mount can now
shapes essence into a black war horse with red eyes and It receives 1 success on any rolls to keep footing or reliably travel ([mount’s Stamina + PC’s Essence] x
fangs. This horse is fearless as per the walking dead jump an obstacle. With this Charm active, a mounted 20) mph in the realms of the dead.
and is a creature of darkness. They are not loyal if the character can reliably cover (the horse’s Stamina x 10)
PC can’t control them. It needs no sleep, rest or food. mph. Any natural animal dies when the Charm ends.
Unholy Mount Warding Wretched Ridden Nightmare Saddled in Epic Monstrosity
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 178 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 178 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 178
Cost: - Cost: 5m, 1wp Cost: -
Mins: Ride 3, Essence 3 Mins: Ride 5, Essence 3 Mins: Ride 5, Essence 4
Type: Permanent Type: Reflexive Type: Permanent
Keywords: Mirror (Worthy Mount Technique; Keywords: Avatar (1), Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping, Keywords: Stackable
Exalted, pg 234) Touch Duration: Permanent
Duration: Instant Duration: One day Prerequisite Charms: Wretched Ridden Nightmare,
Prerequisite Charms: Any Ride Excellency Prerequisite Charms: Unholy Mount Warding Last Ride Glory
PC may use Reflexive Charms to assist their mount for PC warps their mount into a monster. Add 1 Blight, 1 This Charm upgrades its prerequisite with additional
+1m. Charms used this way count as a Charm use and Affliction and 2 Poxes selected by the PC when they Mutations whenever Wretched Ridden Nightmare is
must obey all normal rules. PC may use Reflexive activate the Charm. Mount becomes a creature of activated. PC must choose these Mutations when this
Charms on both themselves and their mount before darkness. All mutations must directly improve the Charm is purchased. This Charm may be purchased up
their DV refreshes. If the PC has a self-invoking animal’s utility as a mount or increase its physical to (Ride) times to have multiple Mutation suites.
Charm, it invokes to protect their mount as well. PC combat power. ST may veto any mutations. Reduce Possible options include: 1 Abomination, 1 Blight and
may reflexively spend 2m to enhance the mount’s cost to 5m when targeting a mount created with 1 Affliction, 1 Blight and 2 Poxes, 3 Afflictions, or 2
Awareness and allow it to shy away form mortal Spectral Steed or a similar Charm. Afflictions and 2 Poxes.

Fell Rider’s Advantages Dark Water Odyssey Deck-Striding Phantom*

Ink Monkeys, Vol 20 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 178 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 179
Cost: - Cost: 5m Cost: 3m
Mins: Ride 3, Essence 3 Mins: Sail 3, Essence 2 Mins: Sail 2, Essence 1
Type: Permanent Type: Simple Type: Reflexive (Step 1 or 2)
Keywords: Mirror (Immortal Rider’s Advantages; Ink Keywords: Avatar (1), Combo-OK, Spectral, Touch Keywords: Combo0OK, Mirror (Salty Dog Method;
Monkeys, Vol 20), Mount (Mundane), Native Duration: Special Exalted, pg 236), Social, War
Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: Any Sail Excellency Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Soul Reins PC may activate this Charm aboard a ship they own Prerequisite Charms: None
Ride Charms don’t count as Charm activations. PC and effects last until they leave the ship or Creation’s This Charm removes up to (Essence) external penalties
may enhance any mount they can perceive or that is sunlight touches the hull. The ship travels at twice max from appropriate battle, social, dramatic and military
within one mile. Mount must be a living or ghostly speed without any need for propulsion, carried by actions aboard a ship. This includes both penalties
animal that belongs to the PC or is their Familiar or currents that leave no wake or sign of passage. Rolls to directly related to the naval environment, such as fog
Spectral Steed. track automatically fail, add (Essence) successes to the and the rolling ship, and unrelated penalties such as
PC gains peripheral mote pool of (Essence + Ride + 5) roll off if contested by another Charm. The ship and all poison.
motes to pay for Ride Charms only which refills by aboard are outside fate during the journey. Used on an
normal means including stunts. A re-purchase at aerial vessel, this Charm does not replace the need for
Essence 4+ doubles the size of the mote pool, and a re- propulsion, but has all other effects.
purchase at Essence 5+ doubles it again.
Ruthless Captain Efficiency Sea-Scanning Glare Mist-Veiled Doldrums Technique
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 179 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 179 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 179
Cost: - Cost: 3m Cost: 15m, 1wp
Mins: Sail 3, Essence 2 Mins: Sail 5, Essence 3 Mins: Sail 5, Essence 3
Type: Permanent Type: Simple Type: Simple
Keywords: Emotion, Mirror (Crew-Inspiring Keywords: Avatar (1), Mirror (Oceanic Omniscience Keywords: Obvious, Spectral
Charisma; MoEP: Abyssals, pg 179) Intuition; MoEP: Abyssals, pg 179), Spectral Duration: One scene
Duration: Permanent Duration: Until disembarking Prerequisite Charms: Sea-Scanning Glare
Prerequisite Charms: Deck-Striding Phantom Prerequisite Charms: Deck-Striding Phantom, Any PC creates supernatural fog out to (Sail) miles centered
Ships the PC command function at full efficiency and Sail Excellency anywhere as long as PC’s ship stays inside it. Fog lasts
with no penalties, even with low crew. Each scene PC can activate this Charm aboard a ship they own; it 1 scene and disperse; they can’t be dismissed. Multiple
spent commanding the crew counts as a scene of ends when they leave for any reason. PC ignores clouds to do not stack penalties but may overlap. PC is
building an Intimacy of submissive fear in crew of visibility limitations or other penalties that inhibit not immune to the effects.
lesser Essence than the PC. Those who develop such navigation, and is aware of the environment out to (Sail  Visibility drops to 5 yds (clear), 15 yds (murky)
Intimacies can’t knowingly take actions that would x 10) miles. PC understands all weather conditions and  -3 to navigation. Failure leads deeper into the fog.
harm the PC or remove them from command while mentally maps all terrain that is not obscured from  Fog hides creatures from sunlight if it harms them.
they’re aboard the ship unless they spend 2wp per day scrying. PC can pinpoint other ships of seaworthy size  No wind blows in the cloud. Magical wind does
to overcome the UMI. and large animals such as whales and siaka unless they not disperse the cloud unless the source has higher
are magically hidden, though they only know the size, Essence than the PC.
speed and bearing of such objects.

Shroud-Crossing Miasma Unhallowed Ghost Ship Hull-Hardening Concentration

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 180 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 180 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 181
Cost: 30m, 1wp Cost: 5m, 1wp Cost: 8m
Mins: Sail 5, Essence 5 Mins: Sail 4, Essence 3 Mins: Sail 5, Essence 3
Type: Simple Type: Simple (Speed 6 in Long ticks) Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Obvious, Spectral Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Ship-Claiming Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Hull-Preserving
Duration: One scene Stance; Exalted, pg 237), Obvious Technique; Exalted, pg 237), Obvious, Touch
Prerequisite Charms: Mist-Veiled Doldrums Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Technique Prerequisite Charms: Any Sail Excellency Prerequisite Charms: Unhallowed Ghost Ship
PC may sail between Creation and the Underworld. PC This charm grants ownership of any Sail-based vessel PC invokes this Charm in response to an attack on a
invokes Mist-Veiled Doldrums at night with a radius of not currently owned by another Essence-user. The ship they have claimed with Unhallowed Ghost Ship.
(Essence x 100) yds. Fog appears in both worlds, and ship’s least god manifests on the deck and is destroyed They must be on the ship. This Charm perfectly
anyone can recognize its nature with a (Intelligence + by the essence of this Charm. The ship takes on a negates the attack, guaranteeing a post-soak damage of
Occult or Sail] + Essence) roll at diff 3. Anything weathered, damaged look though it is unharmed. All 0.
entering the fog crosses the border unless they don’t non-reflexive actions taken onboard by non-creatures
leave before it dissipates. Fog is not actually a of death are at a -1 external penalty. This curse is not
Shadowland, but registers on the Loom of Fate and the removable and its ownership can’t be transferred since
Realm Defense Grid. Heaven is unlikely to investigate its least god is dead.
unless the fog is in a favored location.
Unsinking Derelict Preservation Shadow-Driven Ghost Galleon* Black Fleet Vanguard*
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 181 DotFA, pg 66 DotFA, pg 66
Cost: 4m Cost: 10m Cost: 8m
Mins: Sail 5, Essence 3 Mins: Sail 5, Essence 4 Mins: Sail 5, Essence 5
Type: Reflexive (Step 10) Type: Simple Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Shipwreck-Surviving Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Omnipotent Admiral Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Invincible Solar
Stamina; Exalted, pg 237), Obvious, Stackable, Touch Authority; DotFA, pg 66), Obvious Vessel; DotFA, pg 66), Obvious
Duration: Indefinite Duration: Indefinite Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Hull-Hardening Concentration Prerequisite Charms: Ruthless Captain Efficiency Prerequisite Charms: Hull-Hardening Concentration
The PC invokes this Charm in response to an attack Ships under the effect of this Charm require a crew of 0 The duration of this Charm’s prerequisite becomes one
that would sink or shatter their vessel. This Charm for the duration. PC must remain with (Sail x 100)yds action. Also, any craft the PC is on (and its passengers)
holds the ship together as long as they remain onboard of the ship, but may direct its course as though they becomes immune to Shaping effects. The ship will not
and keeps the Essence committed. If the ship takes were onboard. burn, capsize and is immune to Terrestrial Circle
even 1 hl more damage it falls apart, although the PC Sorcery and Sorcerous Charms of Essence 3 or lower.
may use this Charm again (maintaining multiple PC may declare one environmental hazard that the craft
commitments) or other Charms. is also immune to upon activation.

Fell Captain’s Advantages Treacherous Flag Display Shambling Crew Enlightenment

Ink Monkeys, Vol 20 Ink Monkeys, Vol 20 Scroll of Exalts, pg 160
Cost: - Cost: 7m Cost: -
Mins: Sail 3, Essence 3 Mins: Sail 4, Essence 3 Mins: Sail 3, Essence 3
Type: Permanent Type: Simple Type: Permanent
Keywords: Mirror (Immortal Captain’s Advantages; Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion, Mirror (Flag of All Keywords: Avatar (1)
Ink Monkeys, Vol 20) Nations Method; Ink Monkeys, Vol 20), Obvious Duration: Permanent
Duration: Permanent Duration: Indefinite Prerequisite Charms: Deck-Striding Phantom
Prerequisite Charms: Dark Water Odyssey Prerequisite Charms: Unhallowed Ghost Ship This Charm improves the walking dead crew aboard a
Sail Charms don’t count as Charm activations. PC may PC stands at the center of a vessel they own and veils it ship the PC owns and is also aboard. They have
enhance any ship they can perceive or that is within from hostile eyes. All observers see only a friendly Intelligence 2 and the same Sail rating as the PC.
one mile. Ship must belong to the PC or be under their vessel or one that is not worth harassing. This is
command. PC may apply Dark Water Odyssey to every Unnatural Mental Influence and costs 4wp to see Note: This Charm was developed by the Fallen Wolf of
ship they command with a single activation. through. The ship’s reflection on the waves shows its the Cutting Sea.
PC gains peripheral mote pool of ([Essence + Sail + 5] true nature.
x 2) motes to pay for Sail Charms only which refills by
normal means including stunts. A re-purchase at
Essence 4+ doubles this mote pool and a re-purchase at
Essence 5+ doubles it again.
Voiceless Admiralty Dread Wave-Slicing Keel Method* Exquisite Etiquette Style
Scroll of Exalts, pg 160 Thousand Correct Actions, pg 104 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 181
Cost: 3m Cost: 3m Cost: 1m
Mins: Sail 5, Essence 4 Mins: Sail 3, Essence 2 Mins: Socialize 2, Essence 1
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Reflexive (Step 1 or 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Omnipresent Admiral Keywords: Mirror (Fleet-Outrunning Flagship; Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Master of Small
of Light; Scroll of Exalts, pg 160) Thousand Correct Actions, pg 104) Manners; Exalted, pg 239), Social
Duration: Indefinite Duration: Indefinite Duration: Until next action
Prerequisite Charms: Unhallowed Ghost Ship Prerequisite Charms: Any Sail Excellency Prerequisite Charms: None
PC intuitively knows the location of all ships they’ve PC may double their sailing vehicle’s movement rate Treat Social Combat units as -1 Magnitude (min 0).
claimed with Unhallowed Ghost Ship within (Essence) for the duration, but this Charm cannot cause a ship to Increase affective Appearance by 1 dot. Other
miles. PC can issue telepathic commands to any of move without any propulsion at all. characters are more likely to do small favors and
them, though language is still an issue. All crew provide hospitality than not. PC understands
members hear the orders. No relays are needed to motivations of everyone present in the scene as though
prevent communication failure for units listening to they rolled 3 successes on a mundane Investigation roll
these orders. to estimate their motives.

Note: This Charm was developed by the Fallen Wolf of

the Cutting Sea.

Honey-Tongued Serpent Attack Imprecation of Ill Manners Bitter Sweetness of Betrayal

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 181 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 181 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 181
Cost: 3m, 1wp Cost: 3m per -1 Cost: 8m, 1wp
Mins: Socialize 5, Essence 3 Mins: Socialize 3, Essence 2 Mins: Socialize 4, Essence 3
Type: Supplemental Type: Reflexive (Step 2) Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Heartfelt Honorific Keywords: Combo-OK, Social Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Illusion
Opportunity; MoEP: Abyssals, pg 181), Social Duration: Instant Duration: One week
Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Exquisite Etiquette Style, Any Prerequisite Charms: Imprecation of Ill Manners
Prerequisite Charms: Exquisite Etiquette Style Socialize Excellency PC spends a scene interacting with the target or
This Charm enhances any Manipulation-based social PC twists a social attack they witness, inflicting a -1 someone the target has a positive Intimacy towards. PC
attack making it unexpected. This may benefit actions external penalty for each 3m spent. When an attack rolls (Manipulation + Socialize) + (Essence) successes.
using other Abilities. targeted by this Charm fails, the target suffers a -1 Subtract (target’s Essence) as an external penalty. For
external penalty on all subsequent social attacks for the the duration, the target’s loved ones whose MDVs are
scene against all who observed the failed attack. No exceeded are Compelled to betray them at the first
combination of effects including this Charm may opportunity. PC specifies violent or non-violent
penalize a social attack by more than the PC’s betrayal. If violent, betrayer attacks from surprise, uses
(Socialize). No observer can detect this Charm at work most deadly attacks, and has no mercy. Non-violent
without Essence sight or similar effects. attacks are what the subject believes would be most
hurtful. Resisting the Compulsion is 1wp, but they are
under an Illusion that the betrayal was their own idea
unless they spend 3wp.
Cancerous Dissent Technique Hate-Sowing Bitterness Merciless Dissecting Stare*
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 182 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 182 DotFA, pg 66
Cost: 10m, 1wp Cost: 5m, 1wp Cost: 5m
Mins: Socialize 5, Essence 3 Mins: Socialize 3, Essence 2 Mins: Socialize 5, Essence 5
Type: Supplemental Type: Simple Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Social Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Emotion Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Web-Cutting Eyes;
Duration: Instant Duration: One scene DotFA, pg 66)
Prerequisite Charms: Imprecation of Ill Manners Prerequisite Charms: Any Socialize Excellency Duration: One scene
This Charm enhances any Manipulation-based social For the duration, any attempt to build a negative Prerequisite Charms: Exquisite Etiquette Style
attack against a social unit that instigates infighting and Intimacy or tear down a positive one with a natural All attempts to read the motivation of other characters
chaos. This may benefit actions using other Abilities. social attack becomes UMI that costs 1wp to resist. (see Exalted, pg 131) are at difficulty 1.
PC needs no contact with the organization’s leader, Once a character spends 5wp in a scene resisting such
only any member. Step 2 of attack resolution doesn’t attacks they are immune for the rest of the day. Failure
occur until (Magnitude) days later, hiding the PC’s to resist means the Intimacy forms or dissolves
involvement without a thorough investigation needing immediately as an Emotion effect. Mortals gaining a
(Socialize + Essence) successes. Instead of changing negative Intimacy suffer a Compulsion until the
Policy, the attack drains 1 Loyalty per 2 successes Intimacy erodes completely. They must respond with
above the leader’s MDV. violence to any social attack against the Intimacy
unless they spend 1wp to resist this urge.

Scribing the Old Laws Keeper of the Old Laws Shadow Cloak Technique
Ink Monkeys, Vol 29 Ink Monkeys, Vol 29 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 171
Cost: 3m, 1wp Cost: - Cost: -
Mins: Socialize 3, Essence 2 Mins: Socialize 4, Essence 3 Mins: Stealth 3, Essence 1
Type: Simple (Speed 6 long ticks) Type: Permanent Type: Permanent
Keywords: Avatar (1), Combo-OK, Compulsion, Keywords: Avatar (2) Keywords: Mirror (Easily Overlooked Presence
Mirror (Taboo-Inflicting Diatribe; Exalted, pg 238) Duration: Permanent Method; Exalted, pg 230)
Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Scribing the Old Laws Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None PC knows when and where, but not by whom, an Old Prerequisite Charms: None
PC creates an Old Law as a ([Charisma or Law they have laid down has been broken. PC gains 1 Purchasing this Charm gives the PC an automatic +3
Manipulation] + Socialize) attack on a social unit of automatic success on all attempts to investigate the Stealth Specialty “In Darkness” that is not cumulative
Magnitude 1+. Attack must be made in the presence of violation and determine the identity of the lawbreaker. with normal Specialties. Whenever the specialty
at least 1 member. Difficulty is (leader’s MDV plus ½ PC loses 1 point of Resonance for uncovering and applies, this Charm also doubles all bonus dice and/or
the Magnitude), add -1 external penalty if group is punishing the lawbreaker. successes received from stunts or Stealth Excellencies,
mostly alive and -3 external penalty if the Old Law has although Excellency use remains capped by the usual
nothing to do with death or the dead. It becomes a part limits.
of the group’s Policy until leader spends 10 Loyalty, at
most 1/week, to remove it. Splinter groups (Magnitude
1+) also have this Old Law. This Charm does not affect
individuals except to make those who break it outcasts.
Unseen Wisp Method Atrocity Without Witness Splinter in the Mind’s Eye
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 171 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 171 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 172
Cost: 4m Cost: 5m, 1wp Cost: 10m, 1wp
Mins: Stealth 5, Essence 2 Mins: Stealth 4, Essence 2 Mins: Stealth 5, Essence 3
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple
Keywords: Avatar (1), Combo-Basic, Spectral Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Illusion, Mirror Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Vanishing from
Duration: One hour (Mental Invisibility Technique; Exalted, pg 230) Mind’s Eye Method; Exalted, pg 230)
Prerequisite Charms: Shadow Cloak Technique Duration: One scene Duration: Indefinite
PC becomes invisible to those without Whispers. Prerequisite Charms: Shadow Cloak Technique Prerequisite Charms: Atrocity Without Witness
Invisibility imposes -2 external penalty to any attempt PC does not exist as an Illusion effect. PC rolls PC may apply Stealth retroactively. PC rolls ([Wits or
to notice or attack them. Ranged attacks are impossible (Manipulation + Stealth) adding (Essence) successes Manipulation] + Stealth) + (Essence) successes to veil
without magic or a stunt. The bonus adds 2 successes vs. target’s DMDV. Those whose MDV is exceeded the target’s memories. The first time each day they try
to contested Stealth rolls to avoid notice instead of are Compelled to ignore the PC and any combat they to remember an even involving the PC or attempt to
adding to the onlooker’s difficulty. PC is outside fate are in. Resisting this compulsion costs 2wp for the recognize the PC, they must roll (Wits + Lore) and
for the duration, blessings and curses do not affect scene (1wp if someone calls their attention to the PC), achieve more successes than the PC did. If they fail, the
them, and they see through Resplendent Destinies. PC but if the PC sees the witness doing so they character doesn’t remember or recognize the PC.
may be detected, however. immediately know the witness has perceived them. The
compulsion ends immediately if the PC interacts with a
bystander in any way. Bystanders bury the memories
and must spend 4wp to remember.

Oblivion-Consigned Essence Shade Walker Prana Dark Paths Found

Glories: UCS, pg 32 Ink Monkeys, Vol 38 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 149
Cost: 2wp, 1hl Cost: 4m Cost: 7m
Mins: Stealth 4, Essence 3 Mins: Stealth 4, Essence 3 Mins: Survival 4, Essence 2
Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV -2) Type: Reflexive Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Swallowing the Sun; Keywords: Combo-OK Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Trackless Region
Glories: UCS, pg 32), Obvious Duration: Indefinite Navigation; Exalted, pg 211)
Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Shadow Cloak Technique Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: None When completely unseen, PC may invoke this Charm Prerequisite Charms: Any Survival Excellency
PC snuffs their anima instantly. Further motes spent to hide in the shadow of another. PC may choose to PC travels 10 miles per day across any terrain and 20
from their peripheral pool flare the banner from the launch unexpected attacks from the shadow, adding 3 miles per day across normal wilderness. PC
beginning as though the PC had not spent any automatic successes and ending the Charm. If the PC is automatically succeeds at any valid Survival roll to find
peripheral essence in the scene. spotted, they may be targeted by striking the shadow. A their way, though they must have enough information
repurchase allows the PC to take small actions while in to make this a valid roll. The travel distances are
the shadow without breaking the Charm. Viewers may doubled in the realms of the Dead.
make a (Perception + Awareness) roll vs. (Stealth)
rating to notice.
Infallible Barghest Mien Ghost Leaves No Trail Superior Predator Style
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 149 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 149 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 149
Cost: 8m, 1wp Cost: 5m Cost: 3m (12xp)
Mins: Survival 5, Essence 2 Mins: Survival 5, Essence 3 Mins: Survival 1, Essence 2
Type: Supplemental Type: Supplemental Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Unshakeable Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Traceless Passage; Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Emotion, Taint
Bloodhound Technique; Exalted, pg 211) Exalted, pg 211), Spectral Duration: Indefinite
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Any Survival Excellency
Prerequisite Charms: Dark Paths Found Prerequisite Charms: Infallible Barghest Mien Natural animals flee a zone of (Essence x 2) yds as a
This Charm supplements a roll to track an opponent, This Charm supplements a roll to travel without Compulsion effect. Resistance is impossible, but those
guaranteeing the PC gets at least 1 success more than leaving a trace of the PC. The tracker receives at most that cannot flee cannot attack the PC. This Charm has
the target after taking all penalties into account. If zero successes to track the PC. If another Charm no effect on animals that are magically compelled or
another Charm contests this effect, add (Essence) contests this effect, add (Essence) successes to the roll. supernaturally loyal. This Charm may be activated with
successes to the roll off. If the PC could slip away, they may double back the PC is inactive. This Charm may be purchased as a
instead and ambush their tracker. Add (Survival) bonus Taint which makes this aura permanent.
successes to any Stealth roll against the trackers until
the end of the scene or until they are noticed.

Fetter the Deathless Beast Maelstrom-Weathering Indifference Sheltering Internment Prana

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 150 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 150 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 150
Cost: 10m Cost: 10m Cost: 5m
Mins: Survival 3, Essence 3 Mins: Survival 3, Essence 1 Mins: Survival 5, Essence 3
Type: Simple Type: Reflexive Type: Simple
Keywords: Touch Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Hardship-Surviving Keywords: Spectral
Duration: One day Mendicant Spirit; Exalted, pg 210), Spectral Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Superior Predator Style Duration: Indefinite Prerequisite Charms: Maelstrom-Weathering
PC may force an immaterial familiar to materialize for Prerequisite Charms: None Indifference
1 day. PC may force them back into immateriality with PC negates any environmental external penalties to PC sleeps in the ground for as long as they like or until
a second touch. PC who lacks a Familiar may claim Survival rolls. PC can find food and water easily, the next sunrise. While buried, they do not need to
one whenever they kill a natural animal by paying XP ignores bad weather and suffers no traveling breathe. PC leaves no trace of where they are buried. If
for the Background. The Familiar regenerates within difficulties. This Charm protects against environmental the PC is disturbed or injured while sleeping, they erupt
the PC’s shadow as normal. hazards only while in the realms of he Dead. from the surface, instantly awake.
World-Denying Invincibility Surviving the Sunlit Lands Cannibalistic Empowerment Understanding
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 151 Glories: UCS, pg 28 Ink Monkeys, Vol 29
Cost: - Cost: - Cost: -
Mins: Survival 5, Essence 4 Mins: Survival 5, Essence 3 Mins: Survival 2, Essence 2
Type: Permanent Type: Permanent Type: Permanent
Keywords: Mirror (Eternal Elemental Harmony; Keywords: Mirror (Steadfast Elemental Emperor Keywords: None
Exalted, pg 210), Spectral Stance; Glories: UCS, pg 28) Duration: Permanent
Duration: Permanent Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: None
Prerequisite Charms: Maelstrom-Weathering Prerequisite Charms: Maelstrom-Weathering This Charm allows the PC to gain Essence by eating
Indifference Indifference dead human flesh. It is a Speed 5, DV -2 miscellaneous
This Charm upgrades its prerequisite, reducing its cost This Charm upgrades its prerequisite, which now action to eat 1m worth of flesh and only one such
to 5m and allowing the PC to activate it while they’re renders the PC immune to all environmental damage action can be in a flurry. Once (Stamina + Essence)m
Inactive. At Essence 6+, this Maelstrom-Weathering regardless of origin in the lands of the dead. This have been eaten, PC must wait 1 day to digest before
Indifference can be activated at no cost. Charm fully extends the benefits of Maelstrom- feeding again. 1 adult body is worth 3m, but usually
Weathering Indifference (identical to the effects of has enough left over to make a zombie.
Element-Resisting Prana) to the PC while in Creation.

Pomegranates Full and Fine Wisp Light Summons Aid of Ill Wind*
Ink Monkeys, Vol 29 Ink Monkeys, Vol 38 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 132
Cost: 3m Cost: 5m Cost: 2m
Mins: Survival 5, Essence 2 Mins: Survival 5, Essence 4 Mins: Thrown 2, Essence 2
Type: Simple (Speed 5 in long ticks) Type: Reflexive Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Mirror (Food- Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Mirror (Guiding Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Triple-Distance
Gathering Exercise; Exalted, pg 210) Light Shines On; Lords of Creation, pg 67), Obvious Attack Technique; Exalted, pg 196)
Duration: Instant Duration: Indefinite Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Any Survival Excellency Prerequisite Charms: Dark Paths Found Prerequisite Charms: None
PC forages for food or prepares existing food. This can PC’s anima flares up to (Essence) miles away or up to This Charm triples the range of a thrown weapon for a
feed a unit of (Essence) Magnitude or less (living and (Essence x 5) miles away for a certain class of victim single attack. At Essence 4+, this Charm negates
dead) for 1 day. This works only in the Underworld or the PC specifies. PC rolls (Manipulation + Survival + external penalties from environmental conditions.
Shadowlands and can’t use food from Creation. All but Essence) vs. their Dodge MDV. Those whose DV is
the PC who eat it spend the scene building an Intimacy overcome seek the source of the light or pay 2wp to
to the Underworld and the PC (fascination, awe, fear, resist this Unnatural Mental Influence. Any who see
respect, etc.). Conflicting Intimacies may be eroded the lights and seek the source can find it. At Survival
instead. At Essence 3+, mortals who eat only this food 6+, Essence 6+ the range extends to (Essence x 50)
for 2 weeks are unable to eat food of Creation. This is a miles for 10m.
Shaping effect, treat as a Wyld Mutation for attempts to Astrology used within this range returns only “THE
remove it. VOID HUNGERS.”
Five Birds, One Stone Improvised Assassin’s Trick Hungry Missile Technique*
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 132 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 132 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 132
Cost: 2m per attack Cost: 1m Cost: 1m
Mins: Thrown 5, Essence 2 Mins: Thrown 2, Essence 1 Mins: Thrown 2, Essence 2
Type: Extra Action Type: Reflexive (Step 1) Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Wind Full of Knives; Keywords: Combo-OK Keywords: Merged (Blade Summoning Gesture;
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 132) Duration: Instant MoEP: Abyssals, pg 129), Mirror (Call the Blade;
Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None Exalted, pg 197), Obvious
Prerequisite Charms: Aid of Ill Wind PC may use improvised weapons as projectiles with the Duration: Instant
This Charm is a magical flurry of up to (Thrown) following stats: Prerequisite Charms: Improvised Assassin’s Trick
attacks with no multiple action penalties, regardless of Spd Acc Dmg Rate Range PC summons a throwing weapon to them from up to
Rate and with a DV penalty of the highest for any 5 -2 +0L 3 10 (Essence x 10) yds away if there is a flight path
attack in the flurry. Attacks may be aimed at multiple These weapons also negate the +2 difficulty for making between them. The blade must be within (Essence x 2)
targets in range of the weapons. This Charm can have surprise attacks in plain view unless the target is on yds in battle. PC must own the weapon. This Charm
particularly stunning visual displays when in a Combo guard for improvised weapons. can be used to reflexively draw a weapon.
with Crypt Bolt Attack.

Burrowing Bone Maggot Wicked Darts of Suffering Frozen Prayer Entombment

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 132 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 133 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 133
Cost: - (2m per attack) Cost: 1m per effect Cost: 3m or 3m, 1wp
Mins: Thrown 3, Essence 3 Mins: Thrown 4, Essence 3 Mins: Thrown 5, Essence 3
Type: Permanent Type: Supplemental Type: Simple
Keywords: Avatar (1), Crippling, Mirror (Branding Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Judgement Attack; MoEP: Abyssals, pg 132), Obvious, Duration: Instant Duration: Until Broken
Stackable Prerequisite Charms: Any Thrown Excellency, Prerequisite Charms: Wicked Darts of Suffering
Duration: Indefinite Improvised Assassin’s Trick PC freezes target up to (Essence) yds across in ice with
Prerequisite Charms: Any Thrown Excellency, PC’s attack grazes the target and applies one or more of a B/L soak of the attack’s raw damage. Ice shatters
Improvised Assassin’s Trick the following effects: instantly when its soak is exceeded and target suffers
PC makes a Thrown attack and, if it would do at least Corrosion: Double raw damage vs. inanimate objects minimum damage of the attack. Breaking free is a feat
one level of damage, may commit 2m to the attack and and creatures of the Wyld, roll at least ping damage. of strength miscellaneous action at ice’s soak rating.
dissolve the weapon (this will not even wake a sleeping Destruction: Extras die horrifically. At Essence 4+, PC They do not suffocate and are held as in a clinch. Ice is
victim). PC may drop the commitment from anywhere slays non-extras and consumes a Virtue channel from an environmental hazard with Trauma of (Essence) and
in existence and the damage will be applied Essence users in addition to normal damage. 1B level per action. Victims lose 1m per health level
immediately in a manner the PC chooses. If the PC Infection: Cause a Sickness effect instead of damage. lost. Victims that fall unconscious take no further
dies, the Neverborn choose when to apply the damage. Morbidity is (Essence) and “increases normally.” damage. Ending this Charm restores a victim to
Multiple uses track separately and only the last attack Pain: Double raw damage, make damage bashing, add consciousness and combat readiness. For 3m, PC can
in a flurry may be enhanced with this Charm. Crippling pain effect. Add victim’s (Essence) to soak, create blocks of ice for utilitarian purposes.
they can’t be killed with this attack.
Lightning Clutch of the Raptor Crypt Bolt Attack Eyes Like Daggers Glance
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 133 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 134 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 134
Cost: 4m Cost: 4m Cost: -
Mins: Thrown 4, Essence 2 Mins: Thrown 4, Essence 3 Mins: Thrown 5, Essence 3
Type: Reflexive (Step 2) Type: Reflexive (Step 1) Type: Permanent
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Mirror (Deft Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Spirit Weapons; Keywords: Avatar (1), Mirror (Fiery Solar Chakram;
Hands Deflection; MoEP:Abyssals, pg 133) Exalted, pg 197), Obvious MoEP: Abyssals, pg 134), Obvious
Duration: Instant Duration: One scene Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Hungry Missile Technique Prerequisite Charms: Improvised Assassin’s Trick Prerequisite Charms: Crypt Bolt Attack
This Charm perfectly parries ranged attacks, evening PC creates a weapon of Essence unique to them. PC Add (Whispers) to Accuracy and Damage of the PC’s
unblockable ones so long as PC has a free hand to may enhance a punch by making it lethal or throw Crypt Bolt Attack. Damage is now Aggravated to any
catch the projectile. If the projectile is physical, PC infinite energy bolts with the following stats: individual the PC has an Intimacy of hatred towards.
may catch it and use it. Energy attacks dissolve. At Spd Acc Dmg Range Rate PC may also fire Crypt Bolts from their eyes, leaving
Essence 4+, PC also gains a counterattack if they catch 5 +0 (Ess x 2)L (Thrown x 10) 2 their hands free. Use Manipulation in place of
the weapon. Damage is in the form of decay or corrosion. Using a Dexterity.
hand for anything other than this Charm dissipates it
and PC must activate it again.

Radiant Holocaust Flare Bone-Filled Maelstrom Gust* Stalking the Striker’s Hand
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 135 DotFA, pg 58 Ink Monkeys, Vol 32
Cost: 5m, 1wp Cost: 10m, 1wp Cost: -
Mins: Thrown 5, Essence 4 Mins: Thrown 6, Essence 6 Mins: Thrown 3, Essence 2
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Permanent (Reflexive [Step 2])
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Maelstrom of Keywords: Mirror (Angle Tracing Edge; Ink
Duration: One action Celestial Dominance; DotFA, pg 58), Obvious Monkeys, Vol 32)
Prerequisite Charms: Crypt Bolt Attack Duration: Instant Duration: Permanent
PC levitates and casts multiple Crypt Bolt attacks, Prerequisite Charms: Burrowing Bone Maggot Prerequisite Charms: None
ignoring the normal Rate and adding 2 to the Accuracy PC makes unblockable, undodgeable Thrown attack When the PC is targeted by an attack, this Charm tells
of each blast. Failing to throw a Crypt Bolt with their with a readied weapon that is applied to all within a the range and position of the attacker without seeing
next action wastes the benefits of this Charm. line (Essence x 3)yds wide and (Essence x 2)yds high them. At Essence 3+, PC may differentiate between
and (Thrown) miles long. At Thrown 8+, Essence 8+ multiple unseen attackers and may hone in on a
this extends to (Thrown x 3) miles. A repurchase at particular opponent under changing conditions.
Thrown 7+, Essence 7+ makes the attack scar the world
itself. The scar is an environmental attack lasting for
(Essence)hrs within the zone with the following stats
(PC is not immune):
Dmg Trauma
3L/action 3
Smoldering Devastation Technique Morale-Shattering Method Arise and Slaughter
Scroll of Exalts, pg 160 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 135 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 135
Cost: - Cost: 7m, 1wp Cost: 10m, 1ahl
Mins: Thrown 5, Essence 3 Mins: War 3, Essence 2 Mins: War 3, Essence 3
Type: Permanent Type: Simple (Speed 3 in long ticks) Type: Simple (Speed 5 in long ticks)
Keywords: None Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Mob-Dispersing Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Fury Inciting
Duration: Permanent Rebuke; Exalted, pg 197), Social, War Presence; Exalted, pg 197), Obvious
Prerequisite Charms: Crypt Bolt Attack Duration: Instant Duration: One scene
PC may invoke Crypt Bolt without it counting as a Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Morale-Shattering Method
Charm activation. If used earlier in the scene, Crypt Enemy unit within (Essence x 100) yds must check for PC animates corpses within (War x 100) yds. These
Bolt costs only 1m to use. All unexpected attacks using rout at diff 1 if Magnitude is higher than (Essence) or 2 become unordered unit of zombie extras under the PC’s
Crypt Bolt double their raw damage before soak. otherwise. This Charm may be used socially rather than command like a unit provided by Abyssal Command at
in war, in which case the PC targets a social group or (Essence) dots to a maximum of 5 dots. If PC abandons
Note: This Charm was developed by Meticulous Owl. mob. this unit for more than 15 long ticks or the Charm ends,
zombies “die.” PC may use this as an Avatar (3) effect
to summon hungry ghost extras from the Labyrinth.
These have Whispers 1 and can’t appear in the day.

Hive-Mind Horror Tactics Glorious Carnage Typhoon Allied in Hate Discernment

MoEP: Abyssals, pg 136 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 136 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 137
Cost: 10m, 1wp Cost: 5m, 1wp Cost: 1m
Mins: War 5, Essence 3 Mins: War 3, Essence 3 Mins: War 5, Essence 4
Type: Simple (Speed 6 in long ticks) Type: Supplemental Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, War Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious, War Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (General of the All-
Duration: One scene Duration: Instant Seeing Sun; Exalted, pg 197)
Prerequisite Charms: Arise and Slaughter Prerequisite Charms: Any War Excellency Duration: Instant
Units under the PC’s command composed of creatures PC engages a Magnitude 3+ unit as a solo unit. Negate Prerequisite Charms: Glorious Carnage Typhoon
of Death cannot suffer communication failure and so the DV bonus for superior Magnitude, double raw This Charm detects units within (Essence x 10) miles
need no relays. Drill is raised to (Essence) to a damage or triple raw damage if the unit is in close containing a special character that shares hatred of a
maximum of 5. If the PC dies while this Charm is formation. If target unit loses Magnitude as a result of common foe with the PC, including solo units. This
active, unit checks for rout at diff 6. Units with perfect this Charm, all members lost die rather than escaping. automatically includes all creatures of Death. PC may
Morale make this check as with Morale 5. This prevents remnants from being gathered by a rally sense location, relative position to landmarks, fatigue,
action later in the scene. order and Magnitude. PC may use this information to
map the battlefield. PC also gains awareness of all
major landmarks within 1mile of any loyal units.
At Whispers 3+, PC can also sense units made of any
creatures of darkness.
Hardened Killer Training Style Soul-Numbing Prowess All-Consuming Encirclement
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 137 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 137 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 138
Cost: 10m, 2wp Cost: - Cost: 8m, 1wp
Mins: War 4, Essence 3 Mins: War 5, Essence 4 Mins: War 5, Essence 3
Type: Simple (Dramatic Action) Type: Permanent Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Mirror (Tiger Warrior Training; Exalted, Keywords: Mirror (Legendary Warrior Curriculum; Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, War
pg 198), Obvious, Touch, Training Exalted, pg 198), Obvious Duration: Until disengaged
Duration: One week Duration: One week Prerequisite Charms: Hive-Mind Horror Tactics,
Prerequisite Charms: Arise and Slaughter, Glorious Prerequisite Charms: Hardened Killer Training Style Hardened Killer Training Style
Carnage Typhoon PC may train units in addition traits: Thrown, War, This Charm enhances an enveloping attack for a unit
This Charm requires 5+ hours training in a week. Integrity, Resistance, Survival, relevant Craft, the PC leads. Remove the -2 external penalty, allow
Increase the drill of a unit by one for each week of Medicine, Athletics, Awareness, Stealth, Ride, Sail and envelopment of units of equal Magnitude. Enveloped
training to a maximum of 5. PC picks one of the Willpower (max 7). PC may also train units into target unit must lose (Essence) health levels to attempt
following traits to train and increase by 1 dot: Strength, creatures of Darkness. They fail all Compassion rolls, to disengage. If target unit loses Magnitude as a result
Dexterity, Stamina, Archery, Dodge, Martial Arts or cannot form new positive Intimacies, become immune of this Charm, all members lost die rather than escape.
Melee. PC can train with the unit or as a solo unit and to wound penalties until Incapacitated, and succeed on This prevents rallying later in the scene.
cannot train unit’s traits past their own to a maximum all Valor rolls. This condition lasts until their will is If the PC’s unit is composed of walking dead or hungry
of 4. Walking dead units take 2x as long to train. This broken (see Exalted, pg 174) ghosts and succeeds in enveloping a mortal unit, heal 1
Charm poisons the positive Intimacy that most distracts hl for every 2hl the enveloped unit suffers. This cannot
the trainee, shifting it to contempt or hatred. increase hl above maximum or increase Magnitude.
Units watching check for rout at diff 3.

Omnipresent Overlord Technique Essence Engorgement Technique* Filling the Elephant’s Graveyard*
MoEP: Abyssals, pg 138 MoEP: Abyssals, pg 157 DotFA, pg 58
Cost: 10m, 1wp Cost: - Cost: 7m
Mins: War 5, Essence 5 Mins: War 5, Essence 3 Mins: War 5, Essence 5
Type: Simple (Speed 6 in long ticks) Type: Permanent Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Servitude, War Keywords: Merged (Performance, Lore, Larceny, Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Behemoth-Slaying
Duration: One scene Bureaucracy), Mirror (Immanent Solar Glory; Exalted, Attitude; DotFA, pg 58), War
Prerequisite Charms: Hive-Mind Horror Tactics, pg 218), Native, Obvious Duration: One scene
Allied in Hate Discernment Duration: Indefinite Prerequisite Charms: Morale-Shattering Method
PC takes command of a unit of Magnitude 3+ within Prerequisite Charms: None Any warstrider-sized or larger target suffers -3 external
(Essence x 10) miles they previously sensed with Each purchase of this Charm grants a secondary pool penalty on all attempts to strike the PC. PC’s attacks
Allied in Hate Discernment. Leader must pay 5wp or of 10m of peripheral Essence that can be filled using ignore half the target’s soak and give +2 to minimum
step down and become a special character. PC the PC’s innate bite attack, by terrorizing or harming a damage. PC ignores any Magnitude advantages given
commands from afar, communicating through unit town, army, organization or other social or military to the target that are solo mass combat units due to
members. PC cannot be targeted by called shots or unit. Every hour spent allows the PC to recover (the their size. If facing landscape-scale opponents, PC may
engage in duels. PC falls into a coma while under this unit’s Magnitude)m. This Essence cannot be use their bulk as concealment. At War 6+, Essence 6+
Charm, but can feel pain. If PC ends this Charm or the committed to an artifact. This Charm may be purchased the cost of all Charms that create undodgeable attacks
unit drops below Magnitude 3+, they return to their up to (Essence) times. This Charm is available in the or cause attacks to be undodgeable are reduce by 1 (to
body. Performance, Lore, Larceny and Bureaucracy Abilities. a minimum of 1) as long as those attacks are directed at
Each purchase of this Charm counts towards the the large target.
maximum of (Essence) purchases.
Vermillion Plague Conscription Ash Child’s Requiem Ever-Ready Killer’s Tools
Ink Monkeys, Vol 29 Ink Monkeys, Vol 32 Ink Monkeys, Vol 32
Cost: 10m, 1wp Cost: - Cost: -
Mins: War 5, Essence 4 Mins: War 4, Essence 3 Mins: War 3, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive Type: Permanent Type: Permanent
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious Keywords: Mirror (Dawn King’s Strife; Ink Monkeys, Keywords: Mirror (Elegant Dance of Bow and Blade;
Duration: One scene Vol 32), Native Ink Monkeys, Vol 32)
Prerequisite Charms: Arise and Slaughter Duration: Permanent Duration: Permanent
Whenever PC slays a living mortal, they immediately Prerequisite Charms: Ever-Ready Killer’s Tools Prerequisite Charms: None
rise as a loyal zombie and follows the PC’s orders. PC PC may cross-apply their Archery, Martial Arts, Melee, PC may reflexively change which weapon they have
may create up to (Essence x 5) zombies in this manner Thrown and War Excellencies. This benefit also readied without the need of a miscellaneous
within 1 scene. Zombies retain animation and loyalty applies to PC’s Infinite (Ability) Mastery and (Ability) Draw/Ready Weapon action. Each shift per action after
even after commitment lapses. A re-purchase at Essence Flow Charms for the Abilities mentioned. This the first costs 1m.
Essence 5+ doubles the number of zombies. Charm is incompatible with Apocalyptic Evolution of

Manifold Murder Arts Dread Warlord Stratagem

Ink Monkeys, Vol 32 Thousand Correct Actions, pg 81
Cost: - (1m, 1wp) Cost: -
Mins: War 4, Essence 3 Mins: War 3, Essence 2
Type: Permanent Type: Permanent
Keywords: Mirror (Supreme Martial Instinct; Ink Keywords: Mirror (Shining General Puissance;
Monkeys, Vol 32), Native Thousand Correct Actions, pg 81)
Duration: Permanent Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Ever-Ready Killer’s Tools Prerequisite Charms: Any War Excellency
PC raises their ratings in Archery, Martial Arts, Melee, PC may use their War Excellency to enhance all attack
Thrown and War to the value of the highest rating and defense actions they order a unit of Magnitude of
among any of those five Abilities until their DV 3+ to take regardless of the Ability actually used.
refreshes. This is considered a natural increase, not dice
added by a Charm.

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