2016 UBCbands Syllabus

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MUSC 150C/550C • UBC CONCERT WINDS (CW) • MW 6:00–8:00 PM


Dr. Robert Taylor Christin Reardon MacLellan
Office: SoM Room 319 Office: SoM Room 314
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Phone: 604.827.5474 (x7-5474)

OFFICE HOURS By appointment

BAND STAFF Teaching Assistants: Imran Amarshi: [email protected]|Jaelem Bhate: [email protected]

Band Librarians: Tommy Vo: [email protected]|Charlotte Tai: [email protected]
Band Stage Managers: Jon Yenta: [email protected]|Jesse Branter [email protected]
Equipment Manager: Tony Taylor: [email protected]
Concert Winds Coaches: Imran Amarshi, woodwinds; TBA, brass; TBA, percussion
A/V Managers: TBA

OBJECTIVES The purpose of this course is:

• To provide familiarity with outstanding wind repertoire through performance,
including masterworks and new music, composed for groups varying in size from
chamber ensemble to full band.
• To establish the highest consistent performance standard and professionalism.
• To enhance the study and practices encouraged in private studios.
• To apply historical and theoretical applications in the development of expression
and interpretation.
• To encourage each individual’s artistic and technical musical development while
working toward goals for the group.
• To provide an outlet for musical expression and creativity.
• To prepare students for future careers as performers, teachers, and scholars.

EVALUATION Grades are based on the following criteria:

• Attendance at all rehearsals, concerts, and events (80%)
• Rehearsal preparedness and ensemble contribution* (10%)
• Listening assignments and coaching sessions (10%)
* Extra credit will be given for students who play concert cycles in more than one large ensemble simultaneously.

All students who are prepared, present, and actively engaged in every rehearsal and
performance will receive 80 points. Students who consistently demonstrate an
exceptional level of rehearsal preparedness and show a clear and significant
contribution to the ensemble will earn up to 10 additional points, as evaluated in
daily rehearsals and determined by the director. An additional 10 points will be
devoted to online listening assignments, mandatory coaching sessions (typically one
of each per concert cycle), and extra credit for special projects.

Grades will be determined using the following scale:

90-100 A+ 76-79 B+ 64-67 C+ 50-54 D
85-89 A 72-75 B 60-63 C 0-49 F
80-84 A- 68-71 B- 55-59 C-
Since no ensemble can properly rehearse without the full attendance of its members, participants are expected to
attend all rehearsals, performances, and sectionals. Excused absences are extremely rare, and only possible as
outlined below.

Excused Absences
Excused absences will only be granted in cases of illness or dire emergency.
• In case of illness, contact the director by email no later than noon on the day of the expected absence. In
your email, state the specific reason for your absence. Whenever possible, provide a sub to cover your parts
and include the sub’s name and contact information in your email.
• In case of emergency, contact the director by email as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours
following the absence. In your email, explain the specific reason for the absence.
• Please DO NOT under any circumstances come to the next scheduled rehearsal without communicating
with the director about your absence.

In order to request an excused absence for unavoidable conflicts (for example, graduate school auditions), you
must submit a completed “Request for Excused Rehearsal” form (available on the Ensemble Notice Board and
on the Connect website). This form must state the specific reason for the absence and should be submitted
directly to the instructor for approval as soon as the conflict is discovered. Requests should be made before the
first rehearsal of the concert cycle in which the absence will occur. In cases where advance notice before the
beginning of the concert cycle is not possible, forms may be accepted up to two weeks preceding the absence.
If the absence is excused, it will be your responsibility to procure a substitute and provide them the necessary
parts. Please schedule all gigs, auditions, travel, medical appointments, and personal/family commitments so
that they do not conflict with rehearsals. Do not ask to miss any part of rehearsal for a gig, unless it is with a
major orchestra or ensemble, and you are prepared to make a strong case.

Unexcused Absences
If you do not follow the procedure for an excused absence in any way, your absence will be unexcused.
Unexcused absences will result in the following deductions from the final grade:
• Each unexcused absence from a rehearsal will result in a 10-percent deduction from the final grade.
• An unexcused absence from a dress rehearsal or performance will result in a failing grade for the course.

Please be seated and warm-up a minimum of 10 minutes prior to the beginning of rehearsal. You are tardy if
you are not ready to play when the tuning pitch sounds. Each tardy will result in a 5-percent deduction from
the final grade.

Each weekend, the rehearsal schedule for the following week will be posted on the Ensembles Notice Board
(third floor of the music building) and emailed to all ensemble members. Please check the schedule every week
to ensure that you are prepared and present for all rehearsals of the works to which you have been assigned.

All students participating in Symphonic Wind Ensemble or Concert Winds will need to regularly access the
Connect website, which will be the primary resource for course materials, schedules, and announcements. The
website will include reference recordings for each concert cycle, recordings of rehearsals and performances
(including videos posted on CLAS), listening assignments, and more. To access Connect, navigate
connect.ubc.ca, enter your Campus Wide Login (CWL), and click on the “UBC Bands” course. If you
experience technical problems with your username, you may also access the course page by using the guest
access code. [Username: ubcbands, Password: Hooray4band!]
• Option 1: black tux (no tails), white shirt, black bow tie, black cummerbund, black dress shoes, black socks.
• Option 2: Floor-length black skirt, black pants (no denim), or black dress meeting all specifications:
minimum ¾-sleeved black top with conservative neck, black/dark nylons, closed-toed black dress shoes,
simple jewelry. No open-toed shoes, décolletage, bare shoulders, or midriffs.
Check out concertblack.com for ideas!

• Please arrive early, warm-up, and be prepared to start a MINIMUM of 10 minutes before each rehearsal.
• Bring your instrument(s), sheet music, pencil, and all accessories to every rehearsal.
• Do your part to help keep rehearsal spaces clean, organized, and secure.
• No food, cell phones, or text-messaging devices are allowed in rehearsal at any time.
• For the comfort of all participants, please avoid heavy scents in rehearsals and performances.
• By performing in this ensemble, you acknowledge that the University has the right to record, broadcast,
and distribute photos and recordings of rehearsals and performances in which you may be a participant.


Within the Chan Centre, please observe the following guidelines in order to maximize personal safety
and prevent damage to equipment, stage, and other property:

1. All food and beverages (except bottled water) must be consumed outside of the Concert Hall.
2. Please enter the building through the Royal Bank Cinema entrance or the backstage entrance; entry or exit
through the main lobby is not permitted.
3. Dressing rooms are available for warm-up but should not be used as regular practice rooms.
4. When storing cases during rehearsals, please leave all main aisles and doorways clear.
5. There is one washroom behind the Concert Hall, and two upstairs next to the Royal Bank Cinema.
6. Avoid sliding chairs, stands, and other equipment across the stage.
7. Moving any equipment with open-toed shoes or sandals is not permitted.
8. Please do not place anything on the pianos or percussion instruments.
9. Return all equipment to its proper storage location at the end of rehearsal. When an alternate space is used
(e.g., the GPL or RBC), make sure you leave the room clean and configured exactly as you found it.
10. The percussion storage room is to be locked at all times when not being accessed.
11. If you encounter a broken or loose chair/stand, please inform a Chan staff member, stage manager, or
teaching assistant, or put a note on it and leave it in the loading dock.
12. Safety & security are of utmost concern. Never leave valuables unattended, and use your best judgment to
protect instruments, equipment, facilities, and each other.

Each section must meet for a minimum of two required sectional rehearsals during each concert cycle, outside
of regular rehearsal time. Principal players will arrange times based upon availability schedules submitted at the
beginning of the term. Sectional rehearsals may also take place during regular rehearsals in rooms 301, 302, 338,
339, and occasionally in the GPL, Gessler Hall, or Recital Hall. Check the weekly schedule carefully so that you
are aware of any planned sectional rehearsals and can travel to and from the Chan Centre in a timely manner.
The purpose of rehearsal should be to experience great music making while in a community of musicians. This
includes exploration of new concepts, exploration of the composer’s creation, and the development of
ensemble skills. Rehearsal is a musical end in itself: the concert is a byproduct of rehearsal, not the
reason for it.
• The conductor will respect the time and musicianship of the students, providing a schedule for every
rehearsal and adhering to it as closely as possible.
• The conductor will be prepared for every rehearsal, studying scores in-depth to allow a focus on music
making, rather than simply eliminating errors.
• The conductor will choose repertoire with musical and educational value at an appropriate level of
difficulty, and function as the advocate of the composer, setting the highest achievable standards.
• Students will check rehearsal and performance schedules and resolve potential conflicts well in advance.
• Students will warm-up prior to rehearsal and be ready to play when the tuning note sounds.
• Students will be prepared with the requisite technique to MAKE MUSIC at every rehearsal.
• Students will be prepared for rehearsal with all necessary rehearsal tools, including: instruments, sheet
music, pencils, mutes, and other accessories.
• Students will keep rehearsal spaces clean, organized, and secure.
• Purpose of Practicing: To learn YOUR part.
The main focus of your practicing should be to build optimal playing habits – your warm-up routine should
be of paramount concern. The amount of time spent practicing parts will depend upon the student and the
repertoire – you are the judge. Practicing is the time to eliminate ALL technical and rhythmic hindrances to
expressive rehearsing.
• Purpose of Sectionals: To blend your part into the SECTION.
Sectional requirements vary by ensemble. Sectionals are often conducted within one section, but sometimes
include different parts that share musical lines. The main focus of sectionals is to work on blend, balance,
and pitch issues that are not easily addressed in the context of large ensemble rehearsal.
• Purpose of Rehearsals: To learn the parts of EVERYONE ELSE.
The purpose of full rehearsing is to learn ALL of the parts of the work, so that we can understand the
composer’s intention and perform expressively. Rehearsals are successful musically and expressively ONLY
when all students have taken care of their individual preparation responsibilities to the ensemble.
Rehearsals that are built around the acquisition of technique through drilling do a disservice to players,
conductors, composers, and your soul in general.
Principal players will be designated for each section. It is this person’s responsibility to do the following:
• Model the utmost in professional rehearsal participation.
• Communicate regularly with the section and the conductor.
• Organize and oversee sectional rehearsals.
It is the section’s collective responsibility to set up all required equipment prior to each rehearsal. The entire
section is also responsible for strike after rehearsals and performances, as well as the general organization and
security of all percussion equipment at all times.
* Denotes dress rehearsal

Music by Cable, Persichetti, Hanson, Dello Joio, Ives, Mackey
UBC Symphonic Wind Ensemble & Concert Winds: Friday, October 14 at 8:00 p.m. (Chan Shun Concert Hall)
Featuring Allan McMurray, guest conductor
Rehearsals (10): 9/12, 9/14, 9/19, 9/21, 9/26, 9/28, 10/3, 10/5, 10/12*, 10/13*
[No rehearsal 10/10; Dress rehearsal Thurs 10/13, 7:30-9:30 p.m.]
SWE Brass
Howard Cable Triphonic Fanfare (1:00)
Alfred Reed A Little Concert Suite I. Intrada (2:30)
Vincent Persichetti Pageant (8:00)
Charles Ives Old Home Days (10:00)
Howard Hanson Chorale and Alleluia (5:30) – Allan McMurray, conductor [+ SWE brass]
Norman Dello Joio Scenes from the Louvre (12:00) – Allan McMurray, conductor
Ronald Lo Presti Elegy for a Young American (7:00) – Allan McMurray, conductor
Charles Ives/arr. Schuman/trans. Rhoads Variations on “America” (7:30)
John Mackey Aurora Awakes (11:00)


Music by Texidor, Grainger, Holsinger, Gorb, Holst
UBC Concert Winds & Guest Ensemble: Thursday November 10 at 8:00 p.m. (Chan Shun Concert Hall)
Rehearsals (8): 10/17, 10/19, 10/24, 10/26, 10/31, 11/2, 11/7*, 11/9*
Guest Ensemble: Handsworth Secondary School, Dave Bradshaw, conductor
Jaime Texidor arr. Winter Amparito Roca (3:00)
Percy Grainger/ed. Brion & Schissel Country Gardens (2:30) – student conductor
David Holsinger On a Hymnsong of Philip Bliss (4:30)
Adam Gorb Eine Kleine Yiddishe Ragmusik (5:00)
Gustav Holst/ed. Matthews First Suite in Eb (11:00)


Music by resident composer John Corigliano
UBC University Singers, Symphony Orchestra, & Symphonic Wind Ensemble
Saturday, November 19 at 8:00 p.m. (Chan Shun Concert Hall)
Rehearsals (11): 10/17, 10/19, 10/24, 10/26, 10/31, 11/2, 11/7, 11/9, 11/14, 11/16*, 11/17*, 11/18* [Dress rehearsals Thurs
11/17 4:00-7:30pm and Fri 11/18 7:30-10:00 p.m.]
John Corigliano Fern Hill (16:00)
John Corigliano The Red Violin: Chaconne for Violin and Orchestra (15:00) – David Gillham, violin
John Corigliano Symphony No. 3: Circus Maximus (36:30)


Select members of UBC Bands
Tuesday, November 22, HOLD all day and eve (Chan Shun Concert Hall)
Richard Strauss/ed. Taylor Vienna Philharmonic Fanfare (2:30) [other repertoire TBC]


Music by Sousa, Copland, Dello Joio, Ewazen, Bennett
UBC Concert Winds: Wednesday, February 1 at 8:00 p.m. (Old Auditorium)
Rehearsals (8): 1/4, 1/9, 1/11, 1/16, 1/18, 1/23, 1/25*, 1/30* [Rehearsals 1/16, 1/18, 1/23, 1/25, 1/30 will be in the Old Aud.]
John Philip Sousa Manhattan Beach March (2:30)
Aaron Copland/arr. Patterson Down a Country Lane (3:00) – student conductor
Norman Dello Joio From Every Horizon (7:30)
Eric Ewazen A Hymn for the Lost and the Living (9:00)
Robert Russell Bennett/ed. Higgins Suite of Old American Dances (selected movements, 12:00)
Music by Bernstein, Copland, Gershwin, Tower
UBC Symphonic Wind Ensemble: Friday, February 10 at 8:00 p.m. (Chan Shun Concert Hall)
Rehearsals (11): 1/4, 1/9, 1/11, 1/16, 1/18, 1/23, 1/25, 1/30, 2/1, 2/6*, 2/8*
[Rehearsals 1/16, 1/18, 1/23, 1/25, 1/30, 2/1 will be in the Old Aud.]
Darius Milhaud La Création du Monde (18:00)
Leonard Bernstein/trans. Grundman Slava! (3:30) [or chamber ensemble TBC]
George Gershwin/arr. Krance Second Prelude from “Three Preludes” (4:30)
George Gershwin Fascinating Rhythm (1:30) – TBA, piano
Joan Tower Fascinating Ribbons (6:00)
Leonard Bernstein/trans. Lavender Symphonic Dances from West Side Story (22:00)
[TBC Chamber Ensembles: Leonard Bernstein Slava (saxophones, 3:30); Steve Reich New York Counterpoint III (clarinets, 3:30)]

Music by Mackey, Bryant, Newman, Shapiro, Whitacre, Bates
UBC Symphonic Wind Ensemble: Friday, March 31 at Noon (Chan Shun Concert Hall)
UBC Symphonic Wind Ensemble & Concert Winds: Saturday, April 1 at 8:00 p.m. (Chan Shun Concert Hall)
Rehearsals (11): 2/15, 2/27, 3/1, 3/6, 3/8, 3/13, 3/15, 3/20, 3/22, 3/27*, 3/29* [No rehearsals 2/13, 2/20, or 2/22]
John Mackey Foundry (4:30)
Steven Bryant Dusk (4:30)
Alex Shapiro Lights Out (4:30) or Paper Cut (5:00)
Eric Whitacre Seal Lullaby (5:00)
Jonathan Newman Single (7:00)
Mason Bates Mothership (8:30)
Eric Whitacre Lux Aurumque (4:00)
Steven Bryant Ecstatic Waters (22:00)
John Mackey Redline Tango (9:30)

Check the WBP Google Calendar for updates! tinyurl.com/ubcwbp
WBP Ensemble Auditions – Sept 6-8 [Assignments posted at 5pm on Fri, Sept 9; SWE/SO folders Fri 9/9; CW folders Tues 9/13]
WBP Division Meeting – Wed, Sept 7, 4-5:30pm
First Rehearsals – SWE (play) Mon, Sept 12, 3-6:00pm; CW (meeting only) Mon, Sept 12, 6-8:00pm, SO Tues, Sept 13, 4-7:00pm
WBP Chamber Music Meeting (MUSC 162ab/562ab) – Tues, Sept 13, 12-1pm (SoM 4th floor)
Instrumental Ensemble Staff Meeting – Tues, Sept 13, 8-9:30pm
Bowling for Bands (all WBP students and faculty) – Sun, Sept 25, 2:00pm (Commodore Lanes)
Windfest (clarinet & saxophone) – Sun, Oct 2 (Coachings/rehearsals Saturday, Oct 1 TBA)
BCMEA Conference – Oct 20-22
UBC Remembrance Day Ceremony – Fri, Nov 11 (select brass players)
John Corigliano Composer Residency – Nov 16–19
UBC President’s Installation – Tues, Nov 22 (select band members: hold all day and evening)
Fall Grad Bands – Nov 23-25 (select band members)
UBC Composer Reading Session(s): Nov 28 & 30 (during SWE Rehearsals, 3-6:00pm)
Brassfest – Sun, Jan 22 (Coachings/rehearsals Sat, Jan 21 TBA)
Concerto Competition: WBP Division Prelims – TBA Late November/Early December | SoM Finals – Sun, Jan 8, 6:00pm
UBC Grad Audition Weekend – Jan 14-15 | UBC Undergrad Audition Weekends – March 4-5 & March 11-12
Woodwind & Brass Chamber Recital: Tues, April 4, 1-3pm (Recital Hall)
Spring Grad Bands – May 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31
UBC Summer Music Institute – July 9-22 | UBC Wind Conducting Symposium – July 27-31

WBP Divisional Recitals – Sept 20, Oct 11, Nov 1, Jan 17, Feb 7, March 7, March 28 (Tues @ Noon, Recital Hall)

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