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Classroom Ph: 786-1800: ext. 3227, e-mail: devinev@westottawa.

Webpage: msdevinesclass.com Sept. 27, 2018

Reading/Language Arts
In Language Arts our learning targets this week have included:
*review of the letters Dd, Hh, Ll and Oo and their beginning and ending
Dates to Remember sounds.
*Sight word review
Oct. 3 Field Trip: Crane’s Orchard *blending sounds
Oct. 4 Fun Run during school! *recognizing simple sentences and discriminating when words are not a
Oct. 14 PTA Meeting sentence
Oct. 24 ½ Day Parent Teacher *Realism/Fantasy– identifying what events could really happen and which are
Conferences, 1:00-3:00, 5-8:00 only make believe (would never happen)
Oct. 29 Conferences, 5-8:00 *ABC order (This is hard for many.)
Oct. 21 End of 1st Quarter
In writing this week we have learned about simple sentences! Simple
Nov. 1 No School, Teacher in-
sentences usually have a noun and a verb! We haven’t learned about
service day
imperative sentences yet! We practiced writing simple sentences and
remembering our capital and period! Each day we also do our “Daily Fix-it!”.
In this activity, there are errors that make the sentence wrong. We find them
What’s New:
and correct them! It could be capitals, end marks, or spelling errors! We are
getting better at finding them!
On the website:
*This week’s newsletter
*Calendar Math Science
We have been really busy in math We continue to have fun in
*Spirit Week Picatures
this week. Our learning targets science studying weather and
this week have focused on representing there has been a lot going on
number stories with picture drawings or for us to observe!
circle drawings and writing the equation We made “wind wands” this
Special Notes: week and were able to tell
for the story! In addition, we are
* Help: I could use 1 person Friday building our math vocabulary! We wind direction! We’ve had
morning from 9 – 10:15 to help us know the two small numbers you add calm, breezy, and windy days!
make applesauce and get it cooking! together are called partners, and the big We also had fun observing
If you are available just email and let number at the end is the total! The cloud cover. We got a chance
me know! number sentence we write is the to lay in the grass and draw the
equation! We had fun making up our clouds we observed. ALAINA
*Cranes Field Trip: Just a reminder own stories, drawing a circle drawing discovered in a book that the
our field trip is Thursday. If I emailed for it, writing, an equation, and then ones we saw were CIRRUS
you about your Volunteer Form, you sharing them with a friend! This is clouds! Before the day was
may not go if I don’t get clearance. called Math Talk! We want to be able over more clouds blew in that
If you didn’t hear from me you were to explain and talk about what we do! blanketed the sky, turned it
fine! We will leave WZ at 9:00. You We snagged Mr. Lemmon and pulled dark, and dropped a 10 minute
may follow us or meet us there at him into the room. Several students shower on kids out for recess!
9:30. We will leave the orchard by shared their story, drawings, and By going home time it was
1:30. equations in front of him! They are breezy with some blue sky
doing awesome. again! We are learning the
Thanks for helping with homework! weather is ever changing!

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