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Wi E N 1 7 • R A N F T L G A S S E 17 • AUSTRIA

VIRTUAL MUSEUM Tel. 42 27 55 T e l e x 01-1251
Stem thermostats and
Typ Summary

0-110° C 10-2505 C
Switch 15 A 20 A
15 A 220 V ~ 20 A 220 V ~ 0Ï
rating 220 V ~ 220 V ~
change- CL
Contact on -off change-over on -off o»er on-off

1- 2- 1- sequence 1- 2- 1- 1-
poled poled poled contact poled poled poled poled

T h e r m o s t a t s for incorporation

TMA • 1.10 E

TMR • 1.10 E

TML • 1.10 E

TMU • 1.15 E

TMZ • 1.20 E

TMZL • 1.20 E

TMHR • 1.35 E

TMHL • 1.35 E

TMF • 1.40 E

T h e r m o s t a t s spray-waterproof

TMIW • 1.50 E

TMUW • 1.55 E

TMZW • 1.60 E

Temperature-limiters spray-waterproof

TMGW • 1.75 E

General description for stem thermostats and temperature-limiters overpage.

Richard F o n o v i t s K . G .
71 Wien
tlgasse 17
Postfach 91
Tel, (0 22 2) 42 27 55
Telex 74660 fonokg a
1.00 E
General description for s t e m t h e r m o s t a t s and t e m p e r a t u r e - l i m i t e r s
The basic design of all thermostat types TM is the same. They consist of a thermo-
sensitive element (stem), the transmission mechanism and the switch. The stem
consists of a metal tube with a high coefficient of thermal expansion and a metal
rod with a low coefficient of thermal expansion ; tube and rod are rigidly connected
at one end. The relative movement arising from change of temperature due to the
different expansion of the two metals is transmitted to a micro-switch of our own
All thermostats and temperature-limiters can be supplied with different stem
lengths according to the respective tables.
The differential (sensivity) signifies the difference between making- and breaking-
temperature with the setting unchanged. The differential depends on:
a) the length of the thermostat stem. A longer stem results in smaller differential.
b) the kind of medium in which the thermostat operates. Media with a low heat
transmission coefficient (such as air) cause a sensing time lag, compared with
media with a high heat transmission coefficient (such as water). Such time lag
results in a differential increase of approximately 20 to 30 %.
c) whetherthe said stem dips directly into the medium to be controlled or is inserted
into a separate pocket. The latter causes a response time lag and therefore a
differential increase of approximately 20 to 30 %.
The figures for differential contained in this catalogue relate to direct submersion
of the thermostat stem into liquids.
All thermostats are factory calibrated for breaking temperature values.
Measures are in mm.

D e l i v e r y and sale c o n d i t i o n s :
The "General Delivery Conditions of the Austrian High-Voltage and Low-Voltage
Industries, Edition February 1958" are valid.
The prices are understood ex Vienna, packing not included; packing is charged at
cost prices.
Alteration of prices, dimensions and weights indicated is reserved.

Thermostat type T M F
Description :
Single pole stem thermostat with on-off
switch, for incorporation. If desired, our
thermal cut-out type ZSE can be fitted to
the thermostat head by means of two
screws (Fig. 112).

Application :
Designed for incorporation into electric
heating appliances, as water heaters,
hot-water tanks, etc.

Temperature range: 0-110° c

Contact : Snap switch with high performance contacts. Circuit is
broken when set value is reached.
S w i t c h rating : 15 A 220 V- 10 A 380 V ~ , 8 A 440 V- non-inductive
T e m p e r a t u r e s e t t i n g : Setting disk with temperature scale.
Installation : With fixing angle or, if desired, with clip. For installation
into a screw socket B.S.P.) we refer to the pocket as
shown in Fig. 101 overpage.
Type Differential Stem length Weight
° C L = mm kg
TMA 1 10 100 0.10
TM A 2 6 150 0.12
TMA 4 3 300 0.18
TMA 6 2.3 450 0.24
TMA 8 1.5 600 0.30
Special models:
Type TMR with simplified setting disk and reduced temperature range
/It = 30° C (e.g. 55—85° C). Minimum quantity 100 pieces.
Performance as shown in Fig. 111.
Type T M L , for switch rating 20 A 220 V ~ , 12 A 380 V ~ , 8 A 440
non-inductive load. Performance as shown in Fig. 113.
A p p r o v a l certificate: ÔVE, VDE, KEMA

Richard F o n o v i t s K . G .
1 Wien Postfach 91 Tel. (0 22 2) 42 27 55 1.10 E
ifllgasse 17 Austria Telex 74660 fonokg a
-35,5-] -35,5— -35,5 -1

-t 8 3
< o
11" 11z




5,2 5,2

r a
_ r

I ^ ?
- 46 J 46—
Fig.111 Fig. 112
Fig. 110

I 44- Fixing

=j= | ^

Angle Clip

= 90 mm 0.06 kg
= 140 mm 0.07 kg
= 290 mm 0.10 kg
= 440 mm 0.13 kg
= 590 mm 0.16 kg
Twilight-switch type E D S 3
Description :
Automatic on and off switch to operate
any electric light surce in dependence of
natural light conditions.
The switch is actuated by a cold-cathode
tube, which is controlled by a photo-
conductor, the tube circuit including a
thermal relay. The switch circuit includes
a delay factor to avoid operation due to
car headlights, lightning, etc.

sensitivity: Continuously adjustable from 4 to 250 lux by means of a
slotted diaphragm and an additional setting control.
S w i t c h d e l a y for
s w i t c h i n g on and o f f : 1.5 to 2 minutes.
S w i t c h rating : 10 A 220 V ~ , non-inductive load.
P o w e r c o n s u m p t i o n : 6 VA
Housing: Plastic housing, waterproof
Weight: 0.47 kg
Installation : According to instructions for mounting and adjusting over-

A p w o v a l certificate: OVE

Richard F o n o v i t s K . G .
71 Wien Postfach 91 Tel. (0 22 2) 42 27 55 9.10 E
tlgasse 17 Austria Telex 74660 fonokg a
Fig. 910

M o u n t i n g a n d adjusting instructions:
When mounted out of doors, the device should face in the direction from north-east
to north and should suitably be protected from direct sunradiation, rain and snow.
Unit setting is best done at that hour of twilight when artificial light is desired. By
means of a srewdriver or a coin the diaphragm is adjusted to the largest opening.
A lit cold-cathode tube will then be visible through the window in the right part of
the interior of the housing. The diaphragm is then slowly turned in the reverse direc-
tion until the light in the tube goes out. 1.5 to 2 minutes will then pass until the
lighting is switched on.
In addition to the slotted diaphragm, the twilight switch has an adjusting control in
the upper right corner of the interior of the housing. When the switch is supplied,
the control is set so that setting by diaphragm is fully sufficient for normal twilight
threshold values. When it is desired, however, to increase the threshold sensitivity
of the unit so as to switch on the light at values nearer to darkness, the setting
control is to be turned in counter-clockwise direction. Should thethreshold value be
set for great brightness the control is turned clockwise. Such setting is done by a
screwdriver fitting in the control slot.

Thermal cut-out Type D
Description :

Three-pole non-self-resetting thermal

cut-out with bimetal release and a metal
base plate as thermosensitive element.

Application :

Designed for incorporation into electric

heating appliances, as water heaters, hot-
water tanks, etc.

temperatures : Colour coding on the cover:
70±5° C opak 100±5°C yellow
75±5° C blue 105±5°C orange
8 0 ± 5 ° C white 110±5°C red
85±5° C brown 115±5°C grey
9 0 ± 5 ° C black 120±5°C green
9 5 ± 5 ° C pink
Please state your desired temperature when ordering.
Resetting : When temperature has fallen off push the reset tracer all the
way to the stop.
Contact: Silver contacts with snap action.
S w i t c h rating : 20 A 380 V ~ , non-inductive lead. Three-pole.
Connection : Type D 1 — Tabs 6,3
Type D 2 — Pillar terminals M 3,5
Installation : By means of two screws M 3 to plane surface.
Weight: Type D 1 — 0,042 kg
Type D 2 — 0,053 kg

certificate : OVE

Richard F o n o v i t s KG
.1171 Wien Postfach 91 Tel. (0 22 2) 42 27 55 6.50 E
nftlgasse 17 Austria Telex 74660 fonokg a
f—17—i -41

~T EET n E S — r


23,3 - 1 /- 3,3» 23,3 - 3,3*

S I I in t

il lï oo"

-Il II I

1 o3

t 111 r»

1 3Co| fee
J i
\ i
Reset Tracer Reset Tracer

Fig. 650 Fig. 651

Type D 1 Type D 2

Thermal cut-out Type Z
Description :
Double pole non-self-resetting thermal
cut-out with bimetal release and a metal
base plate as thermosensitive element.

Application :
Designed for incorporation into electric
heating appliances, as water heaters, hot-
water tanks, etc.

temperatures : Colour coding on the cover:
70=5°C opak 100±5=C yellow
75±5°C blue 105^5C orange
80 = 5 C C white 110—5=C red
85i5°C brown 115±5;C grey
90±5'C black 120+5'C green
95—5°C pink
Please state your desired temperature when ordering.

Resetting : When temperature has fallen off push the reset tracer all the
way to the stop.

Contact : Silver contacts with snap action.

S w i t c h rating : 20 A 380 V ~ , non-inductive load. Double pole.

Connection : Type Z 1 — Tabs 6,3

Type Z 2 — Pillar terminals M 3,5

Installation : By means of two screws M 3 to plane surface.

Weight: Type Z 1 — 0,034 kg

Type Z 2 — 0,041 kg

certificate : OVE

Richard F o n o v i t s K G
1171 Wien Postfach 91 Tel. (0 22 2) 42 27 55 6.30 E
ftlgasse 17 Austria Telex 74660 fonokg a

CM -3d~ r •8 S

u „ _ i — 31 —

Fig. 630 Fig. 631

Type Z1 Type Z2

Surface Thermostat type A L
Description :
Single pole surface thermostat with on-off
switch, for incorporation.

Application :
Designed for incorporation into electric
heating appliances, as water heaters,
hot-water tanks, etc.

Temperature range: 35-85° C

Contact : Snap switch with high performance contacts. Circuit is
broken when set value is reached. If desired, at extra cost,
with change-over switch (suffix "U" to type code).
S w i t c h rating : 15 A 220 V ~ , 10 A 380 V ~ , non-inductive load.
Differential : 8° C
T e m p e r a t u r e setting : Setting spindle for mounting of a knob. Spindles of varied
length and form can be manufactured to order, in case of
larger orders. Cost on demand.
Installation : By means of two screws M 3 to plane surface. For best
thermal contact we recommend the application of a heat
conduction paste.
Weight: 0.075 kg

Special models :
T y p e A Lr locating plug engages in a notch for minimum temperature
T y p e A Li without setting spindle. Use screwdriver to alter factory set
value of 85° C. One full turn of screw is equal to 18° C. Per-
formance as shown in Fig. 421. Weight: 0.052 kg

roval certificate: OVE, SEV

Richard F o n o v i t s K.G.
71 Wien Postfach 91 Tel. (0 22 2) 42 27 55 4.20 E
asse 17 Austria Telex 74660 fonokg a
Fig. 420
Surface Thermostat type KSB
Description :
Single pole surface thermostat with on-off
switch (reverse action when required),
with dustproof steel plate cover.

Application :
Designed to control the temperature of
liquids in containers, as temperature
check of bearings, motors, generators,
transformers, etc.

T e m p e r a t u r e ranges: - 1 0 - 40
or 30— 80
or 40— 90
or 50-100
or 70-120
When ordering please quote range desired.
Contact : Snap switch. Circuit is broken when set value is reached.
With reverse action when required (suffix "s" to type code).
S w i t c h rating : 4 A 220 V-—-, non-inductive load.
Differential : Approx. 5° C (assuming temperature variation of 0.5 to 1° C
per minute and good thermal conduction).
T e m p e r a t u r e setting Setting knob.
Installation : By means of two screws M 3 to plane surface. Care must
be taken to ensure good thermal contact between the ther-
mostat's base and the plant to be controlled. For best
thermal contact we recommend the application of a heat
conduction paste.
Weight: 0.05 kg

certificate: ÔVE

Richard F o n o v i t s K . G .
71 Wien Postfach 91 Tel. (0 22 2) 42 27 55 4.10 E
17 Austria Telex 74660 fonokg a

hex 7/16

Fig. 410

Room Thermostat type T C
Description :
Room-thermostat with change-over switch,
in plastic housing.
Supplied in 3 colours.

Application :
Designed to control the temperature of
dry living rooms, workshops, store rooms,

T e m p e r a t u r e range : 5—30" C
Contact: Magnetic change-over switch.
S w i t c h rating : 10 A 220 V ~ , non-inductive load.
Differential : Approximately 1°C (assuming temperature variation of 2
to 3° C per hour).
T e m p e r a t u r e s e t t i n g : Setting disk with temperature scale.
Installation : By means of the mounting bracket located in rear of cover.

Particular v e r s i o n s : Colour code:

Type TC 1 — normal type white
Type TC 2 — normal type ivory
Type TC 4 — normal type grey
Code for accessory fittings:
R — with accelerator heater, differential approx. 0.6; C.
XB — with accelerator heater and night set back heater and
operating lamp
All electrical accessories are rated for 220 V.
Special models: Type TC 1 R 22 — Room-thermostat, white, with accelerator
heater, temperature scale -2—22 : C.
Type TC 1 R 44 — the same, but temperature scale 20—44 C.
0.16 kg
A p p o v a l c e r t i f i c a t e : ÔVE, SEV

iichard Fonovits K.G.

1 Wien Postfach 91 Tel. (0 22 2) 42 27 55 3.11 E
ULT'MHEAT®3"' g a s s e 17 Austria Telex 74660 fonokg a



58 —' 16 —

Wiring diagramm:

5 6 5 6®'

Type TC Type TC-R Type TC-XB

with with accelerator
accelerator heaterand night
heater set back heater
and operating lamp
Thermostat Type K U B
Description :
Single pole capillary thermostat with
change-over switch, for incorporation,
with setting knob.
Capillary tube and feeler are of stainless
steel (A. I. S. I. 304).

Application :
Designed for incorporation into electric
heating appliances, electrically controlled
heating installations, air-conditioning in-
stallations, etc.

Contact : Snap switch with high performance contacts, change-over

S w i t c h rating : 16 A 220 V ~ , 12 A 380 V ~ , 8 A 440 V ~ , non-inductive load.
Connection : Screw terminals M 3
Differential : 5 °C
setting : Fitted on setting knob with temperature scale.
Installation : By means of two screws M 4 and the mounting bracket. The
mounting bracket can be pivoted around 90 degrees angle.
Minimum bending radius for the capillary tube 5 mm.
Weight: 0,15 kg

Type Length of Temperature Type Length of Temperature

capillary tube range capillary tube range
K = mm °C K = mm °C

KUB21 B KUB41 B -5-70

KUB21 C 450 KUB41 C 900 15-90
KUB21 D KUB 41 D 45-120

certificate :

Fonovits KG
Wien Postfach 91 Tel. (0 22 2) 42 27 55 2.35 E
17 Austria Telex 74660 fonokg a
Fig. 235
F =170 mm
D= 6 mm
d = 1 mm

Thermostat Type K U A
Description :
Single pole capillary thermostat with
change-over switch, for incorporation.
Capillary tube and feeler are of stainless
steel (A. I. S.I. 304).

Application :
Designed for incorporation into electric
heating appliances, electrically controlled
heating installations, air-conditioning in-
stallations, etc.

Contact: Snap switch with high performance contacts, change-over

S w i t c h rating : 16 A 220 V ~ , 12 A 380 V- 8 A 440 V ~ , non-inductive load.
Connection : Screw terminals M 3
Differential : 5 =C
setting : Setting spindle with flat to mount a knob with a setting range
of 270 degrees angle. Position of the spindle at minimum tem-
perature see overpage.
Installation : By means of two screws M 4 and the mounting bracket. The
mounting bracket can be pivoted around 90 degrees angle.
Minimum bending radius for the capillary tube 5 mm.
Weight: 0,125 kg

Type Length of Temperature Type Length of Temperature

capillary tube range capillary tube range
K = mm °C K = mm °C

KUA 21 B —5- 70 KUA 41 B -5-70

KUA21 C 450 15- 90 KUA 41 B 900 15-90
KUA 21 D 45- 120 KUA 41 C 45-120
I— 1
Approval certificate: OVE, VDE, SEV

t ^ f ^ j C X ( g ^ j f e f o i c h a r d Fonovits KG
P III B MUlll Wien Postfach 91 Tel. (0 22 2) 42 27 55 2.30 E
Telex 74660 fonokg a
ULTSMHEAT '9asse ^ Austria
Thermostat Type K L B
Description :
Single pole capillary thermostat with
on-off switch, for incorporation, with
setting knob.
Capillary tube and feeler are of stainless
steel (A. I.S.I. 304).

Application :
Designed for incorporation into electric
heating appliances, electrically controlled
heating installations, air-conditioning in-
stallations, etc.

Contact : Snap switch with high performance contacts. Circuit is broken

when set value is reached.
S w i t c h rating : 20 A 220 V ~ , 12 A 380 V—, 8 A 440 V ~ , non-inductive load.
Connection : Tabs 6,3
Differential : 5 °C
setting : Fitted on setting knob with temperature scale.
Installation : By means of two screws M 4 and the mounting bracket. The
mounting bracket can be pivoted around 90 degrees angle.
Minimum bending radius for the capillary tube 5 mm.
Weight: 0,12 kg

Type Length of Temperature Type Length of Temperature

capillary tube range capillary tube range
K = mm °C K = mm °C

KLB21 B -5-70 KLB 41 B -5-70

KLB21 C 450 15-90 KLB41 C 900 15-90
KLB21 D 45-120 KLB 41 D 45-120

roval c e r t i f i c a t e : ÔVE, VDE, SEV

Richard F o n o v i t s K G
1171 Wien Postfach 91 Tel. (0 22 2) 42 27 55 2.05 E
r ftlgasse 17 Austria Telex 74660 fonokg a



Fig. 205
F =170 mm
D= 6 mm
d = 1 mm

Thermostat Type K L A
Description :
Single pole capillary thermostat with
on-off switch, for incorporation.
Capillary tube and feeler are of stainless
steel (A. I. S. I. 304).

Application :
Designed for incorporation into electric
heating appliances, electrically controlled
heating installations, air-conditioning in-
stallations, etc.

Contact: Snap switch with high performance contacts. Circuit is broken

when set value is reached.
S w i t c h rating : 20 A 220 V ~ , 12 A 380 V~ 8 A 440 V ~ , non-inductive load.
Connection : Tabs 6,3
Differential : 5 C
setting : Setting spindle with flat to mount a knob with a setting range
of 270 degrees angle. Position of the spindle at minimum
temperature see overpage.
Installation : By means of two screws M 4 and the mounting bracket. The
mounting bracket can be pivoted around 90 degrees angle.
Minimum bending radius for the capillary tube 5 mm.
Weight: 0,095 kg

Type Length of Temperature Type Length of Temperature

capillary tube range capillary tube range
K = mm °C K = mm °C

KLA21 B -5-70 KLA 41 B —5 - 70

KLA21C 450 15-90 KLA41C 900 15-90
KLA21D 45-120 KLA 41 D 45-120

certificate: ÔVE, VDE, SEV

Fonovits KG
Wien Postfach 91 Tel. (0 22 2) 42 27 55 2.00 E
ULTSMHEAT ^anff gasse 17 Austria Telex 74660 fonokg a

U ©



J / <k » H
k -G 3J{©)lgi
l\i /1"
V :


Fig. 200
F =170 mm
D= 6 mm
d = 1 mm
Temperature limiter type T M G W
Description :
Single pole temperature limiter with
change-over switch for manual resetting,
in sealable spray-waterproof light metal
housing with internal setting scale.

Application :
Designed for oil-burner installations and
other industrial plant.

T e m p e r a t u r e range : 0—110° C
Contact: Snap switch with high performance contacts, change-over
S w i t c h rating : 15 A 220 V - 10 A 380 V ~ , 8 A 440 V- non-inductive
T e m p e r a t u r e s e t t i n g : Internal setting disk with temperature scale. The stopper
closing the bore is reached after the cover has been re-
moved. Setting is done by means of a screwdriver through
the bore and stopper replaced.
Resetting : Press the reset button as soon as temperature has been
reduced by approximately 5° C.
Installation : With fixing lug or, if desired, with clip. For installation into
a screw socket (y2 " B.S.P.) we refer to the pocket as
shown in Fig. 101 overpage.
Type Stem length Weight
L=mm kg

TMGW 1 100 0.28

TMGW 2 150 0.30
TMGW 4 300 0.36
TMGW 6 450 0.42
TMGW 8 600 0.48

A p p r o v a l certificate : ÔVE

Richard F o n o v i t s K . G .
71 Wien Postfach 91 Tel. (0 22 2) 42 27 55 1.75 E
tlgasse 17 Austria Telex 74660 fonokg a

- 32,5 •
Fig. 175

Lug Clip

= 90 mm 0.06 kg
= 140 mm 0.07 kg
= 290 mm 0.10 kg
= 440 mm 0.13 kg
= 590 mm 0.16 kg
Fig. 101

Thermostat type T M Z
Description :
Single pole stem thermostat with change-
over switch for temperatures up to 250° C,
in spray-waterproof light metal housing.

Application :
Designed to control the temperature of
liquids, gases, etc.

T e m p e r a t u r e range : 10—250° C
Contact: Snap switch with high performance contacts, change-over
S w i t c h rating : 15 A 220 V ~ , 10 A 380 V ~ , 8 A 440 V ~ , non-inductive
T e m p e r a t u r e s e t t i n g : Setting disk with temperature scale.
Installation: With fixing lug or, if desired, with clip. For installation
into a screw socket (y2" B.S. P.) we refer to the pocket as
shown in Fig. 101 overpage.
Type Differential Stem length Weight
° C L = mm kg
TMZW 1 10 100 0.29
TMZW 2 6 150 0.31
TMZW 4 3 300 0.37
TMZW 6 3 450 0.43
TMZW 8 3 600 0.49

A p p r o v a l certificate : ÛVE

Richard F o n o v i t s K . G .
71 Wien Postfach 91 Tel. (0 22 2) 42 27 55 1.60 E
Igasse 17 Austria Telex 74660 fonokg a

Fig. 160



Lug Clip

= 90 mm 0.06 kg
= 140 mm 0.07 kg
= 290 mm 0.10 kg
= 440 mm 0.13 kg
= 590 mm 0.16 kg
Thermostat type T M U W
Description :
Single pole stem thermostat with change-
over switch, in spray-waterproof light
metal housing.

Application :
Designed to control the temperature of
liquids, gases, etc.

T e m p e r a t u r e range : 0—110: C
Contact: Snap switch with high performance contacts, change-over
Switch rating: 15 A 220 V ~ , 10 A 380 V ~ , 8 A 440 V ~ , non-inductive
T e m p e r a t u r e s e t t i n g : Setting disk with temperature scale.
Installation: With fixing lug or, if desired, with clip. For installation
into a srew socket B.S.P.) we refer to the pocket as
shown in Fig. 101 overpage.
Type Differential Stem length Weight
= C L = mm kg
TMUW 1 10 100 0.28
TMUW2 6 150 0.30
TMUW 4 3 300 0.36
TMUW 6 2.3 450 0.42
TMUW 8 1.5 600 0.48

.roval c e r t i f i c a t e : ÔVE, SEV

Richard F o n o v i t s K . G .
1 M Wien Postfach 91 Tel. (0 22 2) 42 27 55 1.55 E
tf Igasse 17 Austria Telex 74660 fonokg a



PG11 65

- 14—


Fig. 155



Lug Clip


12,5 Weight
L = 90 mm 0.06 kg
L = 140 mm 0.07 kg
S L = 290 mm 0.10 kg
if> „ L = 440 mm 0.13 kg
-27.5- L = 590 mm 0.16 kg
Fig. 101

Thermostat type T M I W
Description :
Single pole stem thermostat with change-
over switch, in sealable spray-waterproof
light metal housing with internal setting

Application :
Designed to control the temperature of
liquids, gases, etc.

Temperature range: 0—110° C

Contact: Snap switch with high performance contacts, change-over
Switch rating: 15 A 220 V ~ , 10 A 380 V ~ , 8 A 440 V ~ , non-inductive
T e m p e r a t u r e s e t t i n g : Internal setting disk with temperature scale. The stopper
closing the bore is reached after the cover has been re-
moved. Setting is done by means of a screwdriver through
the bore and stopper replaced.
Installation : With fixing lug or, if desired, with clip. For installation into
a screw socket B.S.P.) we refer to the pocket as
shown in Fig. 101 overpage.
Type Differential Stem length Weight
°C L = mm kg
TMIW 1 10 100 0.28
TMIW 2 6 150 0.30
TMIW 4 3 300 0.36
TMIW 6 2.3 450 0.42
TMIW 8 1.5 600 0.48

Approval certificate: ÛVE

Richard F o n o v i t s K . G .
1 Wien Postfach 91 Tel. (0 22 2) 42 27 55 1.50 E
gasse17 Austria Telex 74660 fonokg a


PG11 t- 65


Fig. 150


Lug Clip

L = 90 mm 0.06 kg
L = 140 mm 0.07 kg
L = 290 mm 0.10 kg
L = 440 mm 0.13 kg
L = 590 mm 0.16 kg
Thermostat type T M F
Description :
Stem thermostat for incorporation with
two separate change-over switch units,
operating one after the other as tempera-
ture rises.
Temperature setting for switch 1, acting
as a normal thermostat, is done with the
setting disk. Switch 2 is subservient to
switch 1 and acts within a range of lower
temperatures set (temperature difference
value). Up to set value switch 1 is at rest.
Subservient switch 2, set for lower tem-
perature by external screw, is opposed
until its set temperature is reached.

Application :
Designed for control tasks, in which an
additional contact has to be actuated
before nominal set value is attained.

Temperature range: 0—110° C

Contact: Snap switch with high performance contacts, change-over
S w i t c h rating : 15 A 220 V ~ , 10 A 380 V ~ , 8 A 440 V ~ , non-inductive
load each.
T e m p e r a t u r e s e t t i n g : Switch 1 — Setting disk with temperature scale.
Switch 2 — Adjustment screw below switch 2. Counter-
clockwise operation increases difference value.
Installation: With fixing angle or, if desired, with clip. For installation
into a screw socket B.S.P.) we refer to the pocket as
shown in Fig. 101 overpage.
Type Differential Temperature difference value1 Stem length Weight
° C ° C total ° C one turn L = mm kg
TMF 2 6 100 10 150 0.21
TMF 4 3 50 5 300 0.27
TMF 6 2.3 37 3.8 450 0.33
TMF 8 1.5 25 2.5 600 0.39
1 Preset at 5= C.

oval certificate: ÛVE, SEV

Richard F o n o v i t s K . G .
1 Wien Postfach 91 Tel. (0 22 2) 42 2755 1.40 E
ifllgasse 17 Austria Telex 74660 fonokg a


— 39
Fig. 140


Angle Clip


1f Weight
L = 140 mm 0.07 kg
5 L = 290 mm 0.10 kg
L = 440 mm 0.13 kg
-27.5- L = 590 mm 0.16 kg
Fig. 101

Thermostat type T MIW
Description :
Double pole stem thermostat with on-off
switch, for incorporation. The two switch-
es act within a maximum temperature
range of 2.5° C, thus counteracting pos-
sible overheating beyond nominal value.
If desired, two of our thermal cut-outs
type ZSE can be fitted to the thermostat
head by means of two screws each (Fig.

Application :
Designed for incorporation into electric
water heaters, hot-water tanks, etc.

Temperature range: 0-110° C

Contact : Snap switch with high performance contacts. Circuit is
broken when set value is reached.
S w i t c h rating : 15 A 220 V ~ , 10 A 380 V - 8 A 440 V- non-inductive
load. Double pole.
T e m p e r a t u r e s e t t i n g : Setting disk with temperature scale.
Installation: With fixing angle or, if desired, with clip. For installation
into a screw socket (%" B.S.P.) we refer to the pocket as
shown in Fig. 101 overpage.
Differential Stem length Weight
=C L=mm kg

TMHR 2 6 150 0.21

TMHR 4 3 300 0.27
TMHR 6 2.3 450 0.33
TMHR 8 1.5 600 0.39

Special models:
Type T M H L for switch rating 20 A 220 V ~ , 12 A 380 8 A 440 V ~ ,
non-inductive load. Double pole. Performance as shown
in Fig. 137.

A p d r o v a l c e r t i f i c a t e : ÔVE, VDE, KEMA

Richard F o n o v i t s K . G .
71 Wien Postfach 91 Tel. (0 22 2) 42 27 55 1.35 E
tlgasse 17 Austria Telex 74660 fonokg a

5,2 5,2

" c J
i c n
-•-39 -
Fig. 135 Fig. 136


à .

D Angle Clip
Fig. 137


L = 140 mm 0.07 kg
L = 290 mm 0.10 kg
L = 440 mm 0.13 kg
L = 590 mm 0.16 kg
Thermostat type T M Z
Description :
Single pole stem thermostat with change-
over switch for temperatures up to 250: C,
for incorporation.

Application :
Designed for incorporation into electric
heating appliances, to control the tem-
perature of liquids, gases, etc.

4»0V~ 8 A
380 V 10A
220V ~15A

Temperature range: 10-250 C

Contact : Snap switch with high performance contacts, change-over
S w i t c h rating : 15 A 220 V- 10 A 380 V ~ , 8 A 440 V- non-inductive
T e m p e r a t u r e setting Setting disk with temperature scale.
Installation : With fixing lug or, if desired, with clip. For installation into
a screw socket (y2" B.S.P.) we refer to the pocket as
shown in Fig. 101 overpage.
Type Differential Stem length Weight
° C L = mm kg
TMZ 1 10 100 0.12
TMZ 2 6 150 0.14
TMZ 4 3 300 0.20
TMZ 6 3 450 0.26
TMZ 8 3 600 0.32
Special models:
Type T M Z L with on-off switch for switch rating 20 A 220 V ~ , 12 A
380 V ~ , 8 A 440 V ~ , non-inductive load. Performance as
shown in Fig. 121.

A p p r o v a l certificate : OVE

chard F o n o v i t s K . G .
71 Wien Postfach 91 Tel. (0 22 2) 42 27 55 1.20 E
Igasse 17 Austria Telex 74660 fonokg a
Fig. 121


Lug Clip

• I Weight
L = 90 mm 0.06 kg
L = 140 mm o.07kg
L = 290 mm 0.10 kg
L = 440 mm o.13 kg
L = 590 m m 0.16 kg
Fig. 101
Thermostat type T M U
Description :
Single pole stem thermostat with change-
over switch, for incorporation.

Application :
Designed for incorporation into electric
heating appliances, to control the tem-
perature of liquids, gases, etc.

Type TMiM
«40 7 - 5 A
380 V ~ -18*S
,:-2-3V~ ISA

Temperature range: 0—110° C

Contact: Snap switch with high performance contacts, change-over
Switch rating: 15 A 220 V ~ , 10 A 380 V ~ , 8 A 440 V ~ , non-inductive
T e m p e r a t u r e s e t t i n g : Setting disk with temperature scale.
Installation: With fixing angle or, if desired, with clip. For installation
into a screw socket (>£" B.S.P.) we refer to the pocket as
shown in Fig. 101 overpage.
Type Differential Stem length Weight
° C L = mm kg
TMU 1 10 100 0.10
TMU 2 6 150 0.12
TMU 4 3 300 0.18
TMU 6 2.3 450 0.24
TMU 8 1.5 600 0.30


Richard F o n o v i t s K . G .
Wien Postfach 91 Tel. (0 22 2) 42 27 55 1.15 E
17 Austria Telex 74660 fonokg a


Wl ft
Angle Clip

L = 90 mm 0.06 kg
L = 140 mm 0.07 kg
L = 290 mm 0.10 kg
L = 440 mm 0.13 kg
L = 590 mm 0.16 kg

/ i r -, S

PREISBLATT Nr.120.E in ôsterreichischen Schillingen

Blatt Type ô. S Blatt Type ô. S

S t a b t e m p e r a t u r r e g l e r und - b e g r e n z e r

1.10 TMA 1 107.— 1.40 TMF 2 210.50

TMA 2 109.50 TMF 4 217.—
TMA 4 \ 116,— TMF 6 223.50
TMA 6 122.50 TMF 8 230.—
TMA 8 129.—
| 1.50 TMIW 1 233.—
TMR 1 97.50 TMIW 2 235.50
TMR 2 100.— TMIW 4 242.—
TMR 4 106.50 TMIW 6 248.50
TMR 6 113.— TMIW 8 255.—
TMR 8 119.50
| 1.55 TMUW 1 233.—
TML 1 111.— TMUW 2 235.50
TML 2 113.50 TMUW 4 242.—
TML 4 120.— TMUW 6 248.50
TML 6 126.50 TMUW 8 255 —
TML 8 133.—
TMUWD 1 242.—
| 1.15 TMU 1 111.— TMUWD 2 244.50
TMUWD 4 251.—
I —
TMU 2 113.50
TMU 4 120.— TMUWD 6 257.50
TMU 6 126.50 TMUWD 8 264.—
TMU 8 133.—
[ 1.60 TMZW „1 276.50
TMUD 1 119.50 TMZW 2 279.—
TMUD 2 122.— TMZW 4 285.50
TMUD 4 128.50 TMZW 6 292.—
TMUD 6 135 — TMZW 8 298.50
TMUD 8 141.50
1.75 TMGW 1 236.50
1.20 TMZ 1 146.— TMGW 2 239.—
TMZ 2 148.50 TMGW 4 245.50
TMZ 4 155.— TMGW 6 252 —
TMZ 6 161.50 TMGW 8 258.50
TMZ 8 168.—
1.80 TA 400 122.50
TMZL 1 146.— TA 600 129.—

) TMZL 2 148.50 TA 800 135.50

TMZL 4 155.—
TMZL 6 161.50 1.83 TE 400 131.50
TMZL 8 168.— TE 600 138 —
TE 800 144.50
1.35 TMHR 2 185.50
TMHR 4 192.— 1.85 TZ 400 140.50
TMHR 6 198.50 TZ 600 147.—
TMHR 8 205.— TZ 800 153.50

TMHL 2 197.—
TMHL 4 203.50

TMHL 8 216.50

Fonovits K.G.
Wien Postfach 91 Tel. (0 22 2) 42 27 55
17 Austria Telex 74660 fonokg a
Blatt Type ô, S Blatt Type ô. S

L = 100, 150 mm 35.— L = 450 mm 45.-
L = 300 mm 40.— L = 600 mm 50.-


2.00 KL A 21. 95.— 2.30 KUA 21. 112.50

KLA 41. 103.— KUA 41. 120.50
2.05 KLB 21. 119.— 2.35 KUB 21. 137.—
KLB 41. 127.— KUB 41. 145.—


3.10 TC 143- TC.XB 208.50

TC.R 160.-


4.10 KSB 211.50

6.30 Z1 67.— 6.50 D1 81.50 CP
Z2 > 80.— D2 101.-
D â m m e r u n g s s c h alter

9.10 EDS 3 668.50

Some of our other products:


Switching Relays
Wiping Contact Relays, Emergency Lighting Relays,
Locking Relays, Stepping Relays,
Current and Voltage Relays,
Flashing Relays, Motor Relays
Time Limit Relays
of various types, with
mercury or dry contacts,
time delays from 1 second to 24 hours

of various types, with
mercury or dry contacts

Self-winding-Time Switches with
spring reserve of winding spring,
Synchronous Time Switches


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