Geriatric Basics
Geriatric Basics
Geriatric Basics
Introduction to Gerontology
NO Old people
NO Old folks
NO Aged
NO Elderly
YES Seniors
YES Elders
YES Older adults
• Health Sciences
e.g., Medicine, Nursing, Occupational Therapy,
Ph i l Therapy,
Physical Th Kinesiology,
Ki i l Public
P bli Health,
H lh
Social Work, etc.
• Social Sciences
e.g., Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology, etc.
-- diversity in the people 65+ by health, income, etc.
-- proportion of older adults with other age groups can
vary in different countries
Median Age
Dependency Ratio
¾ Theoretically, proportion of population earning
money vs those who are not;
¾ >65 years / 20-64 years
¾ Canada: 21/100 (projected to be 31/100 in 2021)
1.Chronological Age
4.Subjective Aging
1. Chronological Age
Young-old 65-74
dd e o d 75-84
75 8
Oldest-old 85 or older
y changes
g effect functioning
Appearance of aging
• Well-elderly
-- healthy and active
• Frail elderly
– mental and physical decline,
may live in residential care
Group of individuals born in the same period,
share the same event at the same time.
Cohort effect:
Something people in the same age cohort
have in common. E.g., experience of living
through World War II, women working full time,
living in the suburbs,….
“The Inception” experience
List of Generations
Canadian lifestyle
magazine for 45+
Life Span
Number of years humans could live under
ideal conditions, estimated -- 120 years
Life expectancy
Average number of years people in a given
population can expect to live
W – 2 “X chromosomes”
M – 1 “X chromosome”
(W – cells more likely to survive)
Community or Institutions?
¾ birth
bi th (fertility)
(f tilit ) rates
¾ higher life expectancy
¾ immigration rates
Fertility Rate
¾ Average number of children born per woman by
the end of their childbearing years
Overall effect is much less than fertility and mortality rates
¾ immigrants
i i post WWII include
i l d mostly
l 30+