Aci 215 Detail
Aci 215 Detail
Aci 215 Detail
These are some of the benefits that our customers tell us they have received as a result of adopting and implementing a system that meets ISO 14001.The standard
allows: 1. You to become a more consistent competitor in your marketplace. 2. Better manage your resources and reduce waste saving money. 3. Comply with
legislation, reducing the risk of fines and adverse publicity. 4. Improve your corporate responsibility to meet your supply chain requirements. 5. Motivate and
engage staff with more efficient processes. 6 Broaden business opportunities by demonstrating compliance.
Key EMS Benefits: 1. Improved environmental performance. 2. Reduced liability. 3. Competitive advantage. 4. Improved compliance.5. Reduced costs. 6. Fewer
accidents. 7. Employee involvement. 8. Improved public image. 9. Enhanced customer trust. 10. More favorable credit terms. 11. Meet customer requirements
ISO DIS 14001:2015 ISO 14001:2004
EMS Costs and Benefits
Internal • Improved environmental performance
• Staff (manager) time • Enhanced compliance
• Other employee time (Note: Internal labor costs • Prevention of pollution/resource conservation
represent the bulk of the EMS resources expended • New customers / markets
by most organizations) • Increased efficiency / reduced costs
External • Enhanced employee morale
• Potential consulting assistance • Enhanced image with public, regulators, lenders, investors
• Outside training of personnel • Employee awareness of environmental issues and responsibilities
• Quality Policy • Environmental Policy
• Adequate Resources • Adequate Resources
• Responsibilities and Authorities • Responsibilities and Authorities
• Training • Training
• System Documentation • System Documentation
• Process Controls • Operational Controls
• Document Control • Document Control
• System Audits • System Audits
• Management Review • Management Review
So why is it changing?
All ISO management system standards are subject to a regular review under the rules by which they are written. Following a substantial user survey the committee
decided that a review was appropriate and created the following objectives to maintain its relevance in today’s market place and in the future:
Integrate with other management systems
Provide an integrated approach to organizational management
Reflect the increasingly complex environments in which organizations operate
Enhance an organization’s ability to address their environmental impacts.
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation (title only) 4.5.1 Monitoring and measurement
9.1.1 General
9.1.2 Evaluation of compliance 4.5.2 Evaluation of compliance
9.2 Internal audit 4.5.5 Internal audit
9.3 Management review 4.6 Management review
10 Improvement (title only)
10.1 Nonconformity and corrective action 4.5.3 Nonconformity, corrective action and preventive
10.2 Continual improvement
Management Review More detailed requirements relating to inputs and outputs of the review
Clause 4: Context of the organization: This is a new clause that in part addresses the depreciated concept of preventive action and in part establishes the context
for the EMS. It meets these objectives by drawing together relevant external and internal issues (i.e. those that affect the organization’s ability to achieve the
intended outcome(s) of its EMS) in clause 4.1 with the requirements of interested parties in clause 4.2 to help determine, amongst other elements, the scope of the
EMS in clause 4.3.
It should be noted that the term ‘issue’ covers not only problems, which would have been the subject of preventive action in the previous standard, but also
important topics for the EMS to address, such as any market assurance and governance goals that the organization might set for the EMS. Importantly, those issues
should include not only environmental conditions that the organization affects but also those that it is affected by. Some further general guidance on ‘issues’ is
given in clause 5.3 of ISO 31000:2009.
Clause 5: Leadership: This clause places requirements on ‘top management’ which is the person or group of people who directs and controls the organization at
the highest level. Note that if the organization that is the subject of the EMS is part of a larger organization, then the term ‘top management’ refers to the smaller
organization. The purpose of these requirements is to demonstrate leadership and commitment by leading from the top and wherever possible integration of
environmental management into business processes.
A particular responsibility of top management is to establish the environmental policy, and the standard defines the characteristics and properties that the policy is
to include. This can include commitments specific to an organization’s context beyond those directly required, such as the ‘protection of the environment’
Clause 6: Planning: Taken as a whole, Clause 6 probably presents the greatest area of change for users of earlier versions of the standard. It works with Clauses
4.1 and 4.2 to complete the new way of dealing with preventive actions. It focuses the organization on the development and use of a planning process (rather than a
procedure) to address both a range of factors and the risk associated with such factors.
Clause 7: Support: This clause begins with a requirement that organizations shall determine and provide the necessary resources to establish, implement, maintain
and continually improve the EMS. Simply expressed, this is a very powerful requirement covering all EMS resource needs.
The clause continues with requirements for competence, and awareness, which are similar to their counterparts in ISO 14001:2004.
Clause 8: Operation: This clause deals with the execution of the plans and processes that enable the organization to meet their environmental policy and
objectives. There are new, more specific requirements that relate to the control or influence exercised over outsourced processes.
A potentially larger change is the new broader requirement to consider certain operational aspects ‘consistent with a life cycle perspective’. This means giving
serious consideration to how actual or potential environmental impacts happening upstream and downstream of an organization’s site are influenced or (where
possible) controlled.
In the light of these changes (including those that relate to planning outputs), users of the standard will obviously want to review their procedures relating to
environmental emergencies. When they do so, they should also refer to the more detailed stipulations in clause 8.2 to ensure they are meeting the full range of
Clause 9: Performance evaluation: This covers much of what was in clause 4.5 of the previous standard.
As a general recommendation, determine what information you need to evaluate the environmental performance and the effectiveness of your EMS. Work
backwards from this ‘information need’ to determine what to measure and monitor, when, who and how.
Organizations should also revisit their audit programme in particular to ensure that it meets the new requirements.
Clause 10: Improvement: Due to the new structure and risk focus of the standard, there are no specific requirements for preventive actions in this clause.
However, there are some new more detailed corrective action requirements. The first is to react to nonconformities and take action, as applicable, to control and
correct the nonconformity and deal with the consequences. The second is to determine whether similar nonconformities exist, or could potentially occur elsewhere
in the organization, leading to appropriate corrective actions across the whole organization if necessary. Although the concept of preventive action has evolved
there is still a need to consider potential nonconformities, albeit as a consequence of an actual nonconformity.
The requirement for continual improvement has been extended to ensure that the suitability and adequacy of the EMS as well as its effectiveness are considered in
the light of enhanced environmental performance.
Higg index
The HIGG Index is a questionnaire based self-assessment tool, tailored to the footwear and apparel sector. The tool assesses a company’s sustainability
management system and performance across the value chain. The tool has three modules based on the user’s interests and needs. Each of these modules focuses
on a different section of the value chain: either assessing a factory/production unit, a whole brand or a product’s environmental and social impacts across its life
Use the HIGG Index assessment tool when you want to:
Identify areas for improvement in your sustainability management system
Asses environmental and social performance of your apparel, textiles or footwear factory, brand or product
Benchmark company performance results against the industry averages (for members).
Purpose: The main purpose of the tool is to support management control. The tool assesses policies, procedures and performance.
Scope: Whole value chain is assessed upstream and downstream. Tool offers individual modules for assessing brand, factory and product. Each of the modules
also covers the extended sections of the value chain that the brand, factory or product development may have an influence on.
Output: Assessment in each module results in individual scores for environmental and social performance. HIGG Index members can also benchmark their score
against industry averages
Requirements: Users can implement the tool on their own in a few weeks, no external consultant support, nor stakeholder engagement is required
Access; Tool is free in the excel format and is available after registration. Access to the online platform comes at a fee. Assessment is anonymous.
Key concept: 1. Holistic self-assesment. 2 Measures environmental and social impacts. 3. Starting place for engagement and understanding. 4. Targets a spectrum
of performance the identified opportunities to improve.
Building Blocks of the Higg Index 2.0: 1. European Outdoor Group. 2. Materials Sustainability Index (MSI) 3. SAI Social Fingerprint. 4. Fair Labor Association
(FLA) Sustainable Compliance Initiative 5. Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) Eco Index 6. Global Social Compliance Program (GSCP) reference tools
Higg Index –A Unified Assessment Tool: 1. Reduce (Sustainability Measurement Redundancy). 2. Benchmark (The Sustainability Performance) 3. Create
(Incentives to strive greater improvements)
Modules of Higg Index: 1. Facility Modules (Environment & Social / Labor) 2. Brand Modules (Environment: Apparel & Footwear, Social / Labor). 3.
Product Tools (Design Tool, Foot printing Tool (~2017)) 4. Retail Modules (Environment, Social / Labor)
Facility module
1 – Management 2 – Energy use /GHG 3 – Water management 4 – Wastewater
Environment 5 – Air Management 6 – Waste Management 7 – Chemical Management
Social 1 – HR / Recruitment 2 – Wages / Benefits 3 – Working Hours 4 – Capacity Planning 5 – Freedom of asso. CB.
6 – Disciplinary Practices 7 – Health & Safety 8 - Management
Key benefits you can expect
1. Comprehensiveness: The tool is very comprehensive and sector specific, where it delves deep into the technicalities of environmental and social
management of the company, its production sites and product life-cycles.
2. Sector specific best practice: The tool is based on the best practice in the apparel and footwear sectors. It allows for scoping of key, sector specific
issues, while indicator weights indicate which practices are considered to be the industry wide measuring stick.
3. Community of users: The tool aims to establish a common baseline for all footwear and apparel value chain participants globally, in order to reduce
the auditing burden and facilitate collaboration. Apparel and footwear industry is labour intensive, which has caused a trend of production moving to
countries with lower labour costs. These countries often also have lower environmental and social standards and weaker regulatory environments,
hence the HIGG index fills in the gap by facilitating the self-regulation of the global apparel and footwear industry.
Implementation steps