Mathematics Form 1

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ISBN 978-983-00-8271-4


Mathematics F1.indd 1 22/11/16 8:09 AM

mendukung cita-cita hendak:

Mencapai perpaduan yang lebih erat dalam kalangan seluruh

Memelihara satu cara hidup demokrasi;
Mencipta satu masyarakat yang adil di mana kemakmuran negara
akan dapat dinikmati bersama secara adil dan saksama;
Menjamin satu cara yang liberal terhadap tradisi-tradisi
kebudayaannya yang kaya dan pelbagai corak;
Membina satu masyarakat progresif yang akan menggunakan sains
dan teknologi moden;

MAKA KAMI, rakyat Malaysia,

berikrar akan menumpukan
seluruh tenaga dan usaha kami untuk mencapai cita-cita tersebut
berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip yang berikut:


(Sumber Jabatan Penerangan Kementerian Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia)

0_i Ikrar.indd 1 10/20/16 11:33 AM



Ooi Soo Huat
Yong Kuan Yeoh
Ng Seng How

Loh Siew Sian

Farhanna Kasman
Lim Ah Hong

Zaidi Sabran
Lim Soon Long


Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.


00 Title pg.indd 1 10/20/16 11:33 AM

Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. wishes to
express our wholehearted appreciation to the
following parties:
• Committee members of Penambahbaikan
KPM 2016 ISBN 978-983-00-8271-4
Pruf Muka Surat, Textbook Division,
First Published 2016 Ministry of Education Malaysia
© MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAYSIA • Committee members of Penyemakan
Pembetulan Pruf Muka Surat, Textbook
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0_ii Acknowledg.indd 2 10/20/16 11:35 AM


Introduction v
Chapter 4 Ratios, Rates and
Symbols and Formulae vii Proportions 74
4.1 Ratios 76
Chapter 1 Rational Numbers 1 4.2 Rates 81
1.1 Integers 2 4.3 Proportions 84
1.2 Basic Arithmetic Operations 4.4 Ratios, Rates and Proportions 87
Involving Integers 7 4.5 Relationship between Ratios,
1.3 Positive and Negative Fractions 14 Rates and Proportions, with
Percentages, Fractions
1.4 Positive and Negative Decimals 19
and Decimals 93
1.5 Rational Numbers 23

Chapter 5 Algebraic Expressions 104

Chapter 2 Factors and Multiples 30
5.1 Variables and
2.1 Factors, Prime Factors and Algebraic Expression 106
Highest Common Factor
5.2 Algebraic Expressions
(HCF) 32
Involving Basic Arithmetic
2.2 Multiples, Common Multiples Operations 113
and Lowest Common Multiple
(LCM) 38

Chapter 6 Linear Equations 122

Chapter 3 Squares, Square Roots, 6.1 Linear Equations in

Cubes and Cube Roots 46 One Variable 124
6.2 Linear Equations in
3.1 Squares and Square Roots 48
Two Variables 132
3.2 Cubes and Cube Roots 58
6.3 Simultaneous Linear
Equations in Two Variables 137


0_iii Content BT Math F1.indd 3 10/21/16 3:29 PM

Chapter 7 Linear Inequalities 148 Chapter 11 Introduction of Set 246

7.1 Inequalities 150 11.1 Set 248

7.2 Linear Inequalities in 11.2 Venn Diagrams, Universal
One Variable 158 Sets, Complement of a Set
and Subsets 254

Chapter 8 Lines and Angles 168

8.1 Lines and Angles 170 Chapter 12 Data Handling 264

8.2 Angles related to
12.1 Data Collection, Organization
Intersecting Lines 185
and Representation Process,
8.3 Angles related to Parallel and Interpretation of
Lines and Transversals 188 Data Representation 266

Chapter 9 Basic Polygons 200

Chapter 13 The Pythagoras’ Theorem
9.1 Polygons 202 292
9.2 Properties of Triangles and
the Interior and Exterior 13.1 The Pythagoras’ Theorem 294
Angles of Triangles 205 13.2 The Converse of
9.3 Properties of Quadrilaterals Pythagoras’ Theorem 300
and the Interior and Exterior
Angles of Quadrilaterals 212 Answers 307
Glossary 325
Chapter 10 Perimeter and Area 224 References 327
10.1 Perimeter 226 Index 328
10.2 Area of Triangles,
Parallelograms, Kites
and Trapeziums 231
10.3 Relationship between
Perimeter and Area 238


0_iii Content BT Math F1.indd 4 10/21/16 3:30 PM

This Form 1 Mathematics Textbook is prepared based on the Dokumen Standard Kurikulum
dan Pentaksiran (DSKP) which incorporates six fundamental strands in the framework of
KSSM, integrating knowledge, skills and values as well as encompassing explicitly of the
21st Century Skills and Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) so as to produce balanced
and harmonious individuals as enshrined in the National Philosophy of Education.
This book contains 13 chapters arranged systematically and presented in an
interesting manner so as to cultivate the students’ interest for mathematics. Every chapter
begins with a stimulating page of interesting photographs and questions to encourage
discussions and understanding among students in the context of daily living.

The special features of this textbook are:

Why study this chapter?

Poses open-ended questions for interaction between
teacher and students.
Recounts the history and development of mathematics
and the contributions of great mathematicians.

Exploration Activity
Individ Pair Group
Prepares various types of activities aimed at involving
students individually, in pairs or in groups inside or

outside the classroom.

Flip Encourages students to explore the learning contents by

Exploration Activity themselves first before the lesson begins and involves

students in active discussions during the lesson.

Self Practice 1.1a

Tests the understanding of the students on the concepts
that they have learnt.
Mastery 1.1 Includes questions to test various skills of students.
Prepares more diversified exercises comprising Test
Yourself, Self Mastery and Challenge Yourself which
incorporate the elements of LOTS and HOTS as well as
the elements of TIMSS and PISA assessment.
Indicates HOTS questions to help in developing
students’ higher order thinking skills.

id now Imparts general knowledge and interesting applications

of mathematics.

0_v Introduction BT Math F1.indd 5 10/20/16 11:36 AM

Enables students to apply mathematical concepts in
real-life context.
Try This Tests the understanding and mastery of students.

Poses questions to test students’ minds.

Provides important and beneficial tips and extra input.

Presents mind-stimulating questions for students to think

Think Smart
critically and creatively.
Poses questions for discussions whereby students share
their ideas.
Develops communication skills in mathematics.
Generates students’ thinking skills to produce creative
ideas and to invent.
Helps students to remember what they have learnt.
Smart Shows the use of scientific calculators in calculations.

Smart Technology
Exposes students to the use of technological tools in the
learning of mathematics.
Introduces careers that involve the concepts of
mathematics that students have learnt.
Enables students to carry out assignments and then present
their completed work in class.
Provides additional activities to effectively enhance
students’ understanding.
Enables students to scan QR Code using mobile devices
to watch videos, perform activities and obtain
extra information.
(Websites in the public domain proposed in this book may
be subject to change from time to time.)

Every chapter ends with a summary in the form of a thinking map or a concept map.
In general, we hope this textbook can be fully used by all students as well as educators.


0_v Introduction BT Math F1.indd 6 10/20/16 11:36 AM



 square root ∆ triangle

 cube root
∠ angle
a:b ratio of a to b { }, f empty set
= is equal to j universal set
≈ is approximately equal to  is an element of
≠ is not equal to  is not an element of
. is greater than  is a subset of
> is greater than or equal to  is not a subset of
, is less than n(A) number of elements of set A
< is less than or equal to A9 complement of set A


Area of a triangle = 1 × length of base × height

Area of a parallelogram = length of base × height

Area of a kite = 1 × product of two diagonals

Area of a trapezium = 1 × sum of two parallel sides × height

SCAN Download the free application from Google Play or other platforms
to your mobile devices. Scan the QR Code using the application or
visit the website as shown on the left to download files of audio
of Word Link, GeoGebra, spreadsheets, and extra questions of
Mastery Q. Then, save the downloaded files in your own folder for
offline use. Note: Students can download the free GeoGebra software
program to open the related files.


0_v Introduction BT Math F1.indd 7 10/20/16 11:36 AM


CHAPTER Rational
What will you learn?
• Integers
• Basic Arithmetic Operations Involving Integers
• Positive and Negative Fractions
• Positive and Negative Decimals
• Rational Numbers

 Why stu
dy t

Numbers play an
important role in business
and commerce, banking,
engineering and others. Discuss
the importance of numbers in
these fields.
The World Climate Summit in Paris in 2015
discussed the issue of global warming. Global
warming has caused the global average
temperature to rise and consequently the glaciers
in the North and South Poles have melted.
Today, the average temperature at the
North and South Poles is below 0°C.

Chapter 1

01 Intro TB Math F1.indd 2 10/20/16 11:38 AM




As early as 200 B.C., the Chinese had

used bamboo rods to represent positive
numbers and negative numbers. They
used red rods to represent positive
numbers and black rods to represent
negative numbers. Negative numbers
did not appear in Europe until the
15th century.
For more information:

Word Link
•  Identity Law •  Hukum Identiti
•  Distributive Law •  Hukum Kalis Agihan
•  Associative Law •  Hukum Kalis Sekutuan
•  Commutative Law •  Hukum Kalis Tukar Tertib
•  integer •  integer
•  rational number •  nombor nisbah
•  fraction •  pecahan
•  decimal •  perpuluhan
•  zero •  sifar

How is the value of temperature

below 0°C represented as a number?
If one day, the temperature at Open the folder downloaded from page vii
the North and South Poles rises until for the audio of Word Link.
0°C, predict the impact on the Earth.

Rational Numbers

01 Intro TB Math F1.indd 3 10/20/16 11:38 AM

1.1 Integers

What are positive numbers and negative numbers?

1 In our daily lives, we often encounter situations involving LEARNING
two opposite changes like moving towards right or towards STANDARDS
left; going up or going down; working with values that are Recognise positive and
more than or less than zero; and adjusting to an increase or negative numbers based
decrease of a value. on real-life situations.

These situations can be represented using positive

numbers and negative numbers. For instance,

2nd floor

1st floor

Ground floor
ground floor

• A lift going up two floors is • The temperature of 45°C at • The temperature of a glacier
written as +2 or 2. a desert is written as +45 which is 10°C below 0°C is
• A lift going down one floor or 45. written as –10.
is written as –1.

Numbers written with the ‘+’ sign or without any sign

–1 is read as
like +2, + 45 or 2, 45 are known as positive numbers. ‘negative one’.
Numbers written with the ‘–’ sign like –1, –10
are known as negative numbers.

Car A moves 40 m towards the right while A
car B moves 50 m towards the left. Represent B
the movements of car A and car B using a
positive number or a negative number.

Assume that moving towards the right is represented by a Think Smart

positive number and moving towards the left is represented Can the movement
by a negative number. towards left be
represented with a
Thus, the movement of car A, 40 m towards the right, positive number whereas
is represented as 40 or + 40; the movement of car B, 50 m the movement towards
towards the left, is represented as –50. right be represented
with a negative number?

Chapter 1

01 TB Math F1.indd 2 10/20/16 11:55 AM


Self Practice
1. For each of the following situations, represent the two opposite changes using a
positive number and a negative number.
(a) (b)
f RM 2 000
i ng a profit o
1 000 m

r ing a
loss o
250 m f RM5

What are integers? LEARNING


Recognise and
describe integers.

Aim:  To recognise and describe integers.

Instruction: Perform the activity in groups of four.

We are
We are We are positive integers.
negative integers. integers too.

We are We are
not integers. not integers.

We are
positive integers.

1. Study the diagrams above carefully.

2. Discuss with your friends and explain how you would describe the meaning
of integers.

From the results of Exploration Activity 1, it is found that integers are groups of numbers
which include positive and negative whole numbers as well as zero.

Rational Numbers

01 TB Math F1.indd 3 10/20/16 11:55 AM


Determine whether each of the following numbers is an integer.

15,   23,   –3. 4,   –76,   0,   1 ,   6,   0. 88,   –  4 ,   301,   –239
1 2 5

Integer:  15, 23, –76, 0, 6, 301, –239 Non-integer:  –3. 4, 1 , 0. 88, –   4
2 5

Self Practice 1.1b

1. In the following table, mark ‘3’ for numbers which are integers and mark ‘7’ for
numbers which are non-integers.
3 – 1
–24 35 6.7 –29 900 – 4.34 72 0
4    2

2. Copy the diagram on the right. Select integers from the

following list of numbers and write them in the diagram.

0. 25,   1 ,   48,   –12,   –2.8,   Integer

–    ,   0,   59,   458,   – 6

How do you represent integers on a number line?

las Represent integers on


Aim: To explore the representation of integers on a number lines and make

connections between the
number line.
values and positions of
Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson the integers with respect
begins and discuss in groups of four during to other integers on the
the lesson. number line.
• Open the folder downloaded from page vii.

1. Open the file Integer number line.ggb using GeoGebra.

2. Click and drag the red point on the number line to define an integer on the
number line.
3. Observe the position of the defined integer on the number line in relation to
the position of zero.

Chapter 1

01 TB Math F1.indd 4 11/1/16 3:42 PM

4. Answer the following questions based on
the information obtained from the screen
(a) Describe the value of integer 10 as 1
compared to zero.
(b) How do you determine the positions
of negative numbers like –1, –2 and
–3 on a number line?
(c) How do you represent 1, 2, 3, –1, –2
and –3 on a number line?

From the results of Exploration Activity 2, it is found that

positive integers are integers more than zero whereas negative On a number line, the
integers are integers less than zero. numbers in the positive
direction are always
If the direction towards right is assumed as positive and the greater than the numbers
direction towards left is assumed as negative, thus we can in the negative direction.
conclude that
(i) for a positive integer, the more the number is greater than 0, the further its position
to the right on the number line and the greater will be its value.
(ii) for a negative integer, the more the number is less than 0, the further its position to
the left on the number line and the lesser will be its value.

–3 means 3 less than 0 3 means 3 more than 0

–2 means 2 less than 0 2 means 2 more than 0
–1 means 1 less than 0 1 means 1 more than 0

–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3

Complete the number line using the following numbers.
–30,   6,   – 6,  –36
id ou now
–12 The lowest temperature
ever recorded was about
–93°C in the Antarctic in
August, 2010.

–36 –30 –12 –6 6

–36, –30, –12 and –6 are negative 6 is a positive integer.

integers. Thus, –36 has the least value Thus, 6 is the furthest
and it is the furthest towards the left. towards the right.

Rational Numbers

01 TB Math F1.indd 5 10/20/16 11:55 AM

Self Practice 1.1c

1. For each of the following, determine and mark the positions of the given integers on
a number line.
1 (a) –5, 5, 1 and –3 (b) 0, –8, 2 and –10
2. Complete each of the following number lines.
–12 –4 4

–48 –32 –24

How do you compare and arrange integers in order?

Based on the positions of integers given on a number LEARNING
line, we can compare the respective values of the integers
Compare and arrange
and hence arrange the integers in ascending order or integers in order.
descending order.

(a) Compare and arrange –3, 4, 2, –5, 6, 0, –1 in
ascending order. A positive number always
(b) Compare and arrange – 4, 3, 2, 5, –2, –1, –5 in has a larger value than a
descending order. negative number.

–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Ascending order: –5, –3, –1, 0, 2, 4, 6
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Descending order: 5, 3, 2, –1, –2, – 4, –5

Self Practice 1.1d

1. Compare and arrange – 4, 3, 1, – 6, 5, 0, –2 in ascending order.
2. Compare and arrange –5, –3, 3, 4, – 4, 2, –1 in descending order.

Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra

  questions of Mastery Q 1.1.

1. (a) If +20 represents 20 m above sea level, then –20 represents .

(b) If +90 represents a movement of 90 m to the north, then –90 represents .

Chapter 1

01 TB Math F1.indd 6 10/20/16 11:55 AM

(c) If +800 represents RM800 being credited into a savings account, then RM800

being debited into a savings account is represented as .
(d) If +1 000 represents a profit of RM1 000, then a loss of RM1 000 is represented
as . 1
2. State the following numbers using ‘+’ or ‘–’.
(a) 80 less than zero (b) 76 more than zero
3. List all integers
(a) from –8 to 4 (b) from –12 to –2
4. Determine whether each of the following numbers is an integer.
–14, 3.9, 12, –26, 85, 0, –2
5. Compare and arrange the following values of temperature in the order beginning
from the coldest temperature.
–3°C, 2°C, – 4°C, 1°C, 4°C

1.2 Basic Arithmetic Operations Involving Integers

How do you add and subtract integers?

Add and subtract

integers using number


Aim: To explore addition and subtraction of integers lines or other appropriate

on a number line. methods. Hence, make
generalisation about
Instruction:  • Explore by yourself before the lesson addition and subtraction
begins and discuss in groups of four of integers.
during the lesson.
  • Open the folder downloaded from page vii.

1. Open the file Add subtract integers.ggb using GeoGebra. The screen shows
the following display.
2. Click and drag the red slider
and the blue point displayed
on the screen.
3. Observe the movement of
other points on the display
in relation to addition and
subtraction of integers.
4. Present and discuss the findings with your friends during the lesson.
5. Make a generalisation regarding the addition and subtraction of integers.

Rational Numbers

01 TB Math F1.indd 7 10/20/16 11:55 AM

From the results of Exploration Activity 3, it is found that on a number line,

(a) addition of (b) subtraction of

(i) positive integers is represented (i) positive integers is represented
1 by moving towards the right by moving towards the left
(ii) negative integers is represented (ii) negative integers is represented
by moving towards the left by moving towards the right
Addition of positive integers Subtraction of positive integers

–2 –1 0 1 2 –2 –1 0 1 2

Addition of negative integers Subtraction of negative integers

Scan the QR Code or

5 visit
Solve q5ogKyt0cYA to learn
about other examples
(a) 8 + (+3) (b) 5 + (–2) of addition and
(c) 2 – (+ 4) (d) –1 – (– 4) subtraction of integers.

(a) 8 + (+3) Move 3 units to the right Addition of positive

=8+3 integers is represented
= 11 8 9 10 11 by moving towards
the right.

(b) 5 + (–2) Move 2 units to the left

Coloured chips method
Addition of negative
=5–2 integers is represented
Yellow chips, + ,
represent positive
=3 3 4 5 by moving towards integers and red chips,
the left. – , represent negative
(c) 2 – (+ 4) Move 4 units to the left For Example 5(b):
Subtraction of positive

integers is represented + –
= –2 –2 –1 0 1 2 by moving towards Represent
the left. zero
+ –
(d) –1 – (– 4) Move 4 units to the right +
= –1 + 4 Subtraction of negative
integers is represented +
=3 –1 0 1 2 3 by moving towards
the right.
Thus, 5 + (–2) = 3
Self Practice 1.2a
1. Solve each of the following:
(a) 6 + (+2) (b) – 4 + (–3) (c) 3 – (+2) (d) –2 – (– 4)
(e) –8 + (–2) (f) 6 – (+3) (g) 9 + (+4) (h) –5 – (–3)

Chapter 1

01 TB Math F1.indd 8 10/20/16 11:55 AM

How do you multiply and divide integers?


Multiply and divide
las integers using various 1

methods. Hence make
Aim: To explore the multiplication and division generalisation about
of integers. multiplication and
Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson division of integers.
begins and discuss in groups of four
during the lesson.
• Open the folder downloaded from page vii.
1. Open and print the file Multiplication of integers table.pdf as shown in the diagram.
2. Complete the purple region for the
multiplication of positive integers that × –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5
–5 0
you have learnt.
–4 0
3. Complete the other regions in the table –3 0
according to the patterns of the numbers –2 0 –8
shown. –1 0 –4 –5
4. Present your findings about the patterns 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
of multiplication of integers shown. 1 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5
2 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 10
5. Discuss with your friends about the 3 0 15
patterns of division of integers. 4 0
6. Make a generalisation regarding the 5 0
multiplication and division of integers.

From the results of Exploration Activity 4, it is found that

Sign of the Sign of the

Operation Operation
product quotient
(+) × (+) + (+) ÷ (+) + Other than addition and
(+) × (–) – (+) ÷ (–) – subtraction of integers,
coloured chips can also
(–) × (+) – (–) ÷ (+) –
be used to perform
(–) × (–) + (–) ÷ (–) + multiplication and
division of integers.
In general, the rules of multiplication and division of Visit the site below for
integers can be summarized as follows. further information.

The product or quotient of two integers with the same

signs is a positive integer.
The product or quotient of two integers with different
signs is a negative integer.

Rational Numbers

01 TB Math F1.indd 9 10/20/16 11:55 AM


Evaluate each of the following:

(a) –5 × (– 4) (b) –6 × 4 (c) 6 ÷ (–2) (d) –12 ÷ (–2)

(a) –5 × (– 4) (b) –6 × 4 (c) 6 ÷ (–2) (d) –12 ÷ (–2)

= +(5 × 4) = –(6 × 4) = –(6 ÷ 2) = +(12 ÷ 2)
= 20 = –24 = –3 = 6

Self Practice 1.2b

1. Solve each of the following:
(a) – 6 × (–3) (b) –7 × 2 (c) 4 × (–8) (d) 8 × (–6)
(e) –12 ÷ 3 (f) –18 ÷ (–6) (g) 15 ÷ (–5) (h) –20 ÷ 4

How do you perform computations involving LEARNING

combined basic arithmetic operations of integer? STANDARDS
Perform computations
When performing a computation involving combined involving combined basic
operations of integers, follow the order of operations below. arithmetic operations of
integers by following the
Brackets (  ) × or ÷ + or – order of operations.

From left to right From left to right

Solve each of the following: Brackets are also a notation
(a) –8 × (–2 + 3) (b) 7 + 2(–3) for multiplication.

(c) 4 – 12 ÷ (–2) + (–1) (d) –12 + (–16)

–22 – (–24)
(a) –8 × (–2 + 3) (b) 7 + 2(–3) For Example 7(a),
= –8 × (1) = 7 + 2 × (–3) press (–) 8 ×
= –8 = 7 + (– 6)

= 7 – 6 (–) 2 + 3 ) =
= 1
For Example 7(d),
(c) 4 – 12 ÷ (–2) + (–1) (d) –12 + (–16) press ( (–) 1 2 +
= 4 – (– 6) – 1 –22 – (–24) (–) 1 6 ) ÷ (
=4+6–1 = –12 – 16 (–) 2 2 – (–) 2 4
=9 –22 + 24 ) =
= –28
= –14

Chapter 1

01 TB Math F1.indd 10 11/1/16 3:42 PM


Self Practice
1. Evaluate each of the following:
(a) –9 × (– 4 + 6) (b) 8 + (– 4) × 8 (c) 4 – 15 ÷ (–3) + (–8)
(d) –14 + (–22) (e) –12 – 15 × (–3) – (– 6) (f) –6 + (–8) × (–5)
–23 – (–35) –27 – (–38)

How do you describe the laws of arithmetic operations?

las Describe the laws of


Aim: To explore the rules of arithmetic operations. arithmetic operations

which are Identity Law,
Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson Commutative Law,
begins and discuss in groups of four Associative Law and
during the lesson. Distributive Law.
• Open the folder downloaded from page vii.

1. Open the file Laws of arithmetic.pdf and print the

printout as shown in the diagram.
2. Complete the given table.
3. Compare your results and discuss with the members
from the other groups.
4. Make a conclusion about the rules of arithmetic

From the results of Exploration Activity 5, it is found that

(i) for all values of a and b, (ii) for all values of a, b and c,
a+b=b+a (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
a×b=b×a (a × b) × c = a × (b × c)
Addition and multiplication are said to Addition and multiplication are said to
obey the Commutative Law. obey the Associative Law.

(iii) for all values of a, b and c, (iv) for all values of a,

a × (b + c) = a × b + a × c a+0=a a + (– a) = 0
a × (b – c) = a × b – a × c a×0=0 a× 1 =1
a×1=a a
Addition and subtraction are said to
obey the Distributive Law. These statements are known as the
Identity Law.

Rational Numbers

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How do you perform computations efficiently?

The laws of arithmetic operations you have just learnt can STANDARDS
be used to perform computations more efficiently. Perform efficient
1 computations using
8 the laws of basic
arithmetic operations.
Solve each of the following using efficient computations.
(a) 29 + 38 + 2 (b) 2 × 24 × 5 (c) 7 × 3 040

(a) 29 + 38 + 2 (b) 2 × 24 × 5
= 29 + (38 + 2) Associative Law = 24 × 2 × 5 Commutative Law
= 29 + 40 = 24 × (2 × 5) Associative Law
= 69 = 24 × 10
= 240
(c) 7 × 3 040
= 7 × (3 000 + 40)
= 7 × 3 000 + 7 × 40 Distributive Law
= 21 000 + 280
= 21 280

Self Practice 1.2d

1. Using laws of arithmetic operations that you have learnt, solve each of the following
using efficient computations.
(a) 356 + 61 + 9 (b) 20 × 567 × 5 (c) 89 × 5 080
(d) 6 × 200 + 6 × 25 + 6 × 5 (e) 26 × 3 – 24 × 3 (f) 899 × 5

How do you solve problems?

Solve problems
Luqman’s credit card account showed a balance of debts of involving integers.
RM230 at one time. He had used his credit card to pay for
three books each costing RM120. A week later, his credit
card account was charged an interest of RM3 and Luqman
made a payment of RM400 to his account. Explain whether Account balance = 230
Luqman had cleared his debts. Total expenses
= 3(120)
Account balance means debt = 360
Total account balance = –230 and is written using the ‘–’ sign. Interest charged = 3
Payment = 400
Total payment for books using credit card = 3 × (–120)
Account balance
= –360 = 230 + 360 + 3 – 400
Interest charged = –3 = RM193
Payment to account = + 400

Chapter 1

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Final credit card account balance = –230 + (–360) + (–3) + 400

= –230 – 360 – 3 + 400
= –193
Luqman had not cleared his debts because his credit card account still showed a balance
of debts of RM193.

Self Practice 1.2e

1. A shop made a profit of RM16 800 in the first year and incurred a loss of RM6 500
each year for the next two consecutive years. In the fourth year, the loss incurred was
twice the loss incurred in the second year. How much was the profit or loss of the
shop at the end of those four years?
2. From 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. of the next day, the temperature in Kuching dropped by
4°C. The temperature then rose by 8°C at 11:00 a.m. and continued rising by 2°C
three hours later. If the temperature in Kuching at 11:00 a.m. was 30°C, calculate the
temperature at
(a) 7:00 p.m. of the first day
(b) 2:00 p.m. of the second day

1.2 Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra
questions of Mastery Q 1.2.

1. Using the following numbers, write five calculations that give an answer of –14.
–12, 6, 2, –3, –2, 8, 11, 5, 15
2. For each of the following, fill in the empty boxes with suitable operations ‘+’, ‘–’,
‘×’ or ‘÷’.
(a) –8 (–6) = –3 × (–6 10) (b) 5 + (–9) 3 = –5 (–7)
3. Complete each of the following number patterns.
(a) –9, –7, , –3, , 1, (b) –2, 4, , 16, –32, ,
4. The temperature in a town at a certain time was 12°C. The temperature dropped until
–6°C. The temperature then rose by 3°C and finally dropped by 8°C. Determine
(a) the change in temperature of the town,
(b) the final temperature of the town.
5. A diver was at 50 m below sea level. The diver swam up 2 m every 5 seconds.
Explain whether the diver would have reached the sea surface after 2 minutes.
6. The current account of Encik Hafidz showed a balance of RM1 238. He signed two
payment cheques of RM890 and RM1 730 respectively.
(a) Determine whether the RM890 cheque or the RM1 730 cheque would bounce
when the cheques were credited.
(b) How much would Encik Hafidz have to top up in his account so that both
cheques that he signed would not bounce when they are credited?

Rational Numbers

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1.3 Positive and Negative Fractions

How do you represent positive and negative Represent positive and
1 fractions on a number line? negative fractions on
number lines.




Aim: To explore the representation of positive and negative fractions on a number

Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson begins and discuss in groups
of four during the lesson.
• Open the folder downloaded from page vii.

1. Open the file Fraction number line.ggb using GeoGebra.

2. Click and drag the slider
‘Numerator’ and ‘Denominator’
to define a fraction.
3. Click at the button ‘Change sign’
to interchange between positive
and negative.
4. Observe the position of the
fraction defined on the number
5. Discuss the methods used to
determine the position of a
fraction on a number line.

Representation of fractions on a number line is the same as that of integers. Positive

fractions are fractions more than zero whereas negative fractions are fractions less
than zero.

–1 12 means 1 12 less than 0 1 12 means 1 12 more than 0

– 1 means 1 less than 0 1 means 1 more than 0

2 2 2 2

–2 –1 12 –1 –1 0 1 1 2
2 2 1 12

Chapter 1

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Represent the following fractions on a number line.
• Positive fractions are on
1  ,   1  ,   – 3  ,   –   1   the right of zero. 1
2 4 4 2 • Negative fractions are
on the left of zero.

–1 –3 –1 0 1 1 1
4 2 4 2

Self Practice 1.3a

1. Represent the following fractions on a number line.
(a) 1  , – 3  ,  1  , – 1   (b) – 1  ,  1  ,  1  , –1 2
10 5 2 5 3 6 2 3

How do you compare and arrange positive and LEARNING

negative fractions in order? Compare and arrange
positive and negative
The values of two or more fractions can be compared by fractions in order.
equating the denominator first. Subsequently the fractions
can be arranged in ascending order or descending order.

Compare and arrange the following fractions in ascending order.
1  ,  –   3 ,  –1 1  ,  1  ,  –1 5   ,  –   3
8 4 4 2 8 8

1  ,  –   3 ,  –1 1 ,   1 ,  –1 5 ,  –   3

8 4 4 2 8 8

1  ,  –   6 ,  –1 2 ,   4 ,  –1 5 ,  –   3
8 8 8 8 8 8

–2 –1 58 –1 28 –1 –6 –3 0 1 4 1
8 8 8 8

–1 14 –3

Hence, the fractions arranged in ascending order are

–1 5 , –1 1 ,  –   3  ,  –   3 ,  1 ,  1
8 4 4 8 8 2

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Self Practice 1.3b

1. Compare and arrange the following fractions in ascending order.

1 (a) –   5 ,  –   1 ,  3 ,  –   5 ,  7 (b) 1 ,  –   5 ,  5 ,  –   2 ,  –   13 ,  –   15
6 4 8 12 24 3 6 8 3 18 24
2. Compare and arrange the following fractions in descending order.
(a) 3 ,  –   7 ,  –   5 ,  –   1 ,  5 (b) –   1 ,  2 ,  –   5 ,  –   7 ,  –   7 ,  11
5 20 12 8 6 2 9 9 12 18 18

How do you perform computations involving

combined basic arithmetic operations of STANDARDS
positive and negative fractions? Perform computations
involving combined basic
11 arithmetic operations of
positive and negative
Solve fractions by following the

(a) 1 2 × 1 2 – 5 2 (b) 5 + 1 1 ÷ 1–   5 2

order of operations.
3 5 6 8 3 6

(a) 1 2 × 1 2 – 5 2 (b) 5 + 1 1 ÷ 1–   5 2 Division is

3 5 6 8 3 6 performed first.

= 5 × 1 12 – 25 2
= 5 + 4 × 1–   6 2
Change ÷
3 30 in the
brackets is 8 31 5 to × and the

= 5 × 1–   13 2
1 reciprocal of
= 5 + 1–   8 2
3 30 first. – 5 is – 6 .
8 5 6 5
= –   13 = 25 – 64
18 40 40 Follow the order of

= – 39
(   )
× or ÷

+ or –

Self Practice 1.3c

1. Evaluate each of the following.

(a) 1 1   × 1 3 + 1 2 (b) –   5 + 1 2   ÷ 1–   3 2 (c) –2 1 ÷ 1–3 1 2 + 1–   1 2

6 4 5 6 3 7 2 3 6
(d) – 6 × 13  2 – 4 1 2 (e) –   1 + 2 5   – 3 × 1 2 (f) –   1 + 1–   4 2 × 2 1 – 5
7 2 3 6 8 3 4 5 6 16

Chapter 1

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How do you solve problems?

Solve problems
involving positive and 1
A mathematics quiz contains 20 questions. A score of 2 negative fractions.
marks is awarded for every correct answer and a score of
–   1 mark is given for every incorrect answer. Mei Ling
participated in the quiz and answered all the questions. Her
score for incorrect answers was – 4. What was the total score
Mei Ling obtained in the quiz?

Understanding the problem Think Smart

• A score of 2 marks is awarded for every correct answer.
– 1 is given for every
• A score of –   1 mark is given for every incorrect answer. 2
2 incorrect answer.
• Score for incorrect answers = – 4 What does it mean
• Find the total score obtained. by – 1 ?

Devising a plan
• +2 represents the score for every correct answer.
• –   1 represents the score for every incorrect answer.
• Find the total number of incorrect answers using division.
• Find the total score using multiplication and addition.

Implementing the Problem-solving steps:

Number of incorrect answers = – 4 ÷ 1–   1 2 Understanding
2 the problem
=8 ↓
Total score = (20 – 8) × 2 + (– 4) Devising a plan
= 12 × 2 – 4 ↓
= 24 – 4 Implementing
= 20 the strategy

Doing reflection Doing reflection
Total score for correct answers = 12 × 2
= 24
Total score for incorrect answers = 8 × 1–   1 2

= –4 2
Total score obtained = 24 + (–4)
= 20

Rational Numbers

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Self Practice

1. A baker usually uses 3 3 cups of sugar to bake a sponge cake. He reduces the amount
of sugar by 1 1 cups for a less-sweet sponge cake. A customer orders 3 sponge cakes
and 5 less-sweet sponge cakes. How many cups of sugar are required to bake the
cakes the customer has ordered?

2. Adam had RM40. Susan gave 1 of her money to Adam. After giving 1 of his money
3 8
to Gopal, Adam still had RM350. Find the total amount Susan had originally.

Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra

  questions of Mastery Q 1.3.

1. Using three different fractions and two different operations (+, –, ×, ÷), write three
calculations which give an answer of –   1 .
2. For each of the following number patterns, complete it using a suitable fraction.

(a) –   1 ,  1 ,   , 1 1

3 6 6

(b) –   5 ,  5 ,  –   5 ,   

8 24 72

3. For each of the following, complete it using a suitable fraction.

(a) –   1  –  5  =  1 × 1   2
3 6 2

(b) – 2 + 5 = 1 ÷ 1   2
3 8 3

4. The water level in a tank was 2 2 m at 4:00 p.m. The water level dropped by 1 m
5 6
every hour for 5 subsequent hours. When it was towards 12:00 midnight, the water
level rose by 1 2 m. Calculate the water level at midnight.
5. Container A contains 60 ml of water. 3 of the water in container B is poured into
container A. 5 of the water in container A is then poured into an empty container C.
If container C contains 45 ml of water now, f ind the volume of water in container B.

Chapter 1

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1.4 Positive and Negative Decimals

How do you represent positive and negative Represent positive and
decimals on a number line? negative decimals on 1
number lines.




Aim: To explore the representation of positive and negative decimals on a number

Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson begins and discuss in groups
of four during the lesson.
• Open the folder downloaded from page vii.

1. Open the file Decimal number line.ggb using GeoGebra.

2. Click and drag the slider ‘Tenth’ and ‘Hundredth’ to define a decimal.
3. Click at the button ‘Change Sign’ to interchange between positive and negative.
4. Observe the position of the decimal defined on the number line.
5. Discuss the position of a decimal on a number line.

Representation of decimals on a number line is the same as that of integers and fractions.
Positive decimals are decimals more than zero whereas negative decimals are decimals
less than zero.
–0.5 means 0.5 less than 0 0.5 means 0.5 more than 0
–0.3 means 0.3 less than 0 0.3 means 0.3 more than 0

–0.5 –0.4 –0.3 –0.2 –0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Rational Numbers

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Represent the following decimals on a number line.

     0.7, –0.5, –0.8, 0.2, –1.3

–2.0 –1.3 –1.0 –0.8 –0.5 0 0.2 0.7 1.0

Self Practice 1.4a

1. For each of the following, represent the decimals on a number line.
(a) 0.6, –0.7, 0.2, –0.3 (b) 0.7, –0. 4, 0.3, –1.3
2. The diagram below shows a straight line of length 10 cm representing a number line.
Copy the diagram and represent the following decimals on the number line.
(a) –1. 46, –1.84, –1.20, –1.62

–2 –1
(b) – 0.25, –0.08, –0.39, –0.17

–0.5 0

How do you compare and arrange positive and

negative decimals in order? STANDARDS
The values of two or more decimals can be compared and Compare and arrange
arranged in ascending order or descending order. positive and negative
decimals in order.

Compare and arrange the following decimals in descending order.
–1.6, 0.5, – 0.3, 1. 4, – 0.7

–2.0 –1.6 –1.0 –0.7 –0.3 0 0.5 1.0 1.4 2.0

The decimals arranged in descending order are 1. 4, 0.5, –0.3, –0.7, –1.6

Self Practice 1.4b

1. Compare and arrange each of the following in ascending order.
(a) –1.23,   –1. 48,   0.34,   –0.034,   1.034
(b) –1. 456,   –1.546,   1. 456,   –1.654,   1.564
2. Compare and arrange each of the following in descending order.
(a) –2.005,   –2.505,   –2.052,   2.522,   2. 452
(b) 0.065,   –0.647,   –0.639,   –0.068,   0.621

Chapter 1

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How do you perform computations involving

combined basic arithmetic operations of STANDARDS
positive and negative decimals? Perform computations
involving combined 1
basic arithmetic
14 operations of positive
Evaluate each of the following: and negative decimals
by following the order
(a) 3.5 – (– 6.5) × 0.2 of operations.
(b) (7.23 + 2.77) ÷ (–0.8)
(c) –3.7 + (4.25 + 2.85) × 0.3

(a) 3.5 – (– 6.5) × 0.2 = 3.5 – (–1.3) Multiplication is

performed first.
Follow the order of
= 3.5 + 1.3 (   )
= 4.8
× or ÷
Calculation in
(b) (7.23 + 2.77) ÷ (– 0.8) = 10.0 ÷ (– 0.8) the brackets is
+ or –
= –12.5 performed first.

Calculation in
the brackets is
(c) –3.7 + (4.25 + 2.85) × 0.3 = –3.7 + (7.1 × 0.3) performed first
= –3.7 + 2.13 followed by
= –1.57 multiplication.

Self Practice 1.4c

1. Evaluate each of the following:
(a) 4.7 – 7.8 × 0.3 (b) (8.36 + 3.89) ÷ (–0.28)
(c) –3. 48 + (7.36 + 1.24) × 0.6 (d) 0.36 – (–8.67) ÷ (– 0.3) + 0.82
(e) –2.65 – 1. 44 + 3.22 (f) 2.34 + 3.1 × (–0.1) + 0.2

How do you solve problems?

Solve problems
involving positive and
The price of the stock of a company was RM2.05 at a certain negative decimals.
time. The price hiked by RM0.32, then subsequently dropped
RM0.28 every hour for the next three hours. Calculate the
final price of the stock.

Rational Numbers

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Understanding the problem

• Price of stock was RM2.05.
1 • Price of stock hiked by RM0.32.
• Price of stock dropped RM0.28 every hour for the next
three hours.
• Calculate the final price of the stock.

Devising a plan
• Increase in price is written as + 0.32. Explain the importance
• Decrease in price is written as – 0.28. of negative numbers in
monetary finance.
• Use multiplication and addition.
Implementing the
The final price of the stock = 2.05 + 0.32 + 3 × (–0.28)
= 2.37 + (– 0.84)
= 2.37 – 0.84
= 1.53
The final price of the stock was RM1.53.

Doing reflection
RM2.05 + RM0.32 – 3 × RM0.28
= RM2.37 – RM0.84
= RM1.53

Self Practice 1.4d

1. Aisah bought a shirt for RM19.90 and two pairs of long trousers of the same price.
When she paid RM55 to the cashier, she was told that the amount was not enough.
Aisah then paid another RM10 and received a change of RM5. 40. Calculate the price
of a pair of long trousers that she bought.
2. The average temperature in Kuala Lumpur was 30.5°C on a certain day. The average
temperature then rose by 1.8°C every day for two consecutive days and then dropped
by 1.3°C every day for another three consecutive days. Calculate the average
temperature in Kuala Lumpur during those five days.

Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra

  questions of Mastery Q 1.4.

1. Using three different decimals and two different operations (+, –, ×, ÷), write three
calculations which each gives an answer of –2.5.

Chapter 1

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2. For each of the following number patterns, complete it using suitable decimals.

(a) –1.2, – 0.9,  , – 0.3,
(b) –2.1, , –8. 4, 16.8,
3. For each of the following, complete it using a suitable decimal.
(a) 3.2 × (–2.1) + 5.8 = 0.5 × 1   2
(b) –5.12 – (–2. 4) ÷ (– 0.5) = 1.6 × 1   2

4. Ramesh bought 63 oranges for RM34.65. The oranges were packed in small packets
with 3 oranges in each packet. Calculate the price Ramesh sold for each packet of
oranges if he had
(a) incurred a loss of RM19.95
(b) made a profit of RM51. 45
after he sold all the oranges.
5. A fish is at 1.34 m below sea level while a bird is at 4.32 m above sea level. A turtle
is below sea level at a vertical distance that is twice the distance between the fish and
the bird. Calculate the vertical distance between the bird and the turtle.

1.5 Rational Numbers LEARNING

What are rational numbers? Recognise and describe
rational numbers.


Aim: To recognise and describe rational numbers.

Instruction: Perform the activity in groups of four.
1. You are given some number cards as follows.
1 –2 2
0.3 –1.25 1 5 –8
    3       5
2. Discuss how you would write these numbers in the form of such that p and
q are integers.
3. What are your conclusions?

Numbers that can be written in fractional form, Think Smart

p Explain why a rational
that is , such that p and q are integers, q ≠ 0, p
q number is subjected
are known as rational numbers. to the condition q ≠ 0.

Rational Numbers

01 TB Math F1.indd 23 10/20/16 11:55 AM


Determine whether 1 4 , 3 , –9 and 3.5 are rational numbers.

5 4

1 4 = 9 ,     3 ,     –9 = –9 ,     3.5 = 3  5 All the numbers

5 5 4 1 10 can be written in
= 3 1
the form of .
= 7
Think Smart
Thus, 1 4 , 3 , –9 and 3.5 are rational numbers. Is 3.141592654… a
5 4 rational number? Explain.

Self Practice 1.5a

1. Determine whether the following numbers are rational numbers. Explain your answer.
–2 ,   8 ,  –1.2 , 7.65,  2 2 ,   – 4.2
4 7 1.5 5

How do you perform computations involving

combined basic arithmetic operations of STANDARDS
rational numbers? Perform computations
involving combined basic
16 arithmetic operations
of rational numbers by
Solve each of the following:
following the order
(a) – 0. 4 + 1 1 × 1–   1 2 (b) 318 × 1–   7 2 + 1.54 ÷ 0.3 of operations.
2 8 12

(a) –0. 4 + 1 1 × 1– 1 2 (b) 318 × 1–   7 2 + 1.5 4 ÷ 0.3

2 8 12

= –   4 + 3 × 1– 1 2 = 3 18 × 1–   7 2 + 3 3
10 2 8 decimals into
1 12 2 4÷ 10
fractions first. 2

= – 4 + 1– 3 2 = 1– 21 + 3 2 ÷ 3
10 16 2 2 10
18 3
= – 32 – 15 Follow the order = –   ÷
80 80 of operations 2 10
= – 47
(   )
= –   9 × 10
80 × or ÷ 1   31
= –30
+ or –

Chapter 1

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Self Practice

1. Evaluate each of the following:

(a) – 0.6 + 3 × 1–1 3 2 (b) 17 1
1–   20 + 0.82 ÷ 1 2 – 1.32 1
4 5

(c) 1.125 + 1 2 – 2 5 × 1–   8 2 (d) –3.25 ÷ 13 – 1–2 1 2 × 0.25

3 6 27 15 6

How do you solve problems? LEARNING

Solve problems involving
rational numbers.

Noriah has a savings of RM120. She donates 3 of her

savings to flood victims. She then buys a pair of school shoes
for RM25.60. Calculate the balance she still has.
An accountant uses
the knowledge of
Amount donated = 3 × RM120.00 rational numbers to do
8 efficient computations.
= RM45.00
Balance she still has = RM120.00 – RM45.00 – RM25.60
= RM49. 40

Self Practice 1.5c

1. A company donates to charity every year as its contribution to society. If the company
makes a profit in that year, 2 of the profit will be allocated for donation.
If the company incurs a loss, the company will also allocate 0.05 of the loss for
donation. If the company makes a profit of RM43.2 million in a certain year and
incurs a loss of RM2.5 million and RM6.5 million respectively in two consecutive
years, calculate the total donations the company would have allocated for charity in
those three years.
2. A roll of ribbon is used to tie 12 gifts which will be given to teachers on Teacher’s
Day. Every gift requires a length of 1.85 m. After tying all the gifts, it was found that
2 of the ribbon had been used. The remaining ribbon was cut into 12 pieces of the
same length. Calculate the length of each piece of ribbon that had been cut.

Rational Numbers

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Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra

  questions of Mastery Q 1.5.
1. Evaluate each of the following.
(a) 2.5 + (–8) ÷ 6 × 3.5 (b) 1 1 + 3.2 × 22 – 15. 4 – 2 ÷ 0.042
5 4 3
2. For each of the following number patterns, complete it using suitable
rational numbers.
(a) – 2. 4, –   7 , – 4.6,  ,   (b) –   1 , –0.25, , –   1 , –0.03125
2 2 16
3. For each of the following, complete it using a suitable rational number.
(a) 6.8 ÷ 2 – 4.62 = × 0.01 (b) 3.76 + 3 × (–4.5) = × 0.5
5 4
4. Ishak, Jia Kang and Suresh went mountain-climbing together. At a certain instance,
Ishak was at a level 1. 45 m higher than Jia Kang while Suresh was at a level 2 1 m
lower than Jia Kang. Ishak, Jia Kang and Suresh had climbed 1.25 m, 0.5 m and
3 3 m respectively. Find the positions of Jia Kang and Suresh now with reference to
the position of Ishak.


Integers Fractions Decimals

• Positive integers • Positive fractions • Positive decimals

1, 2, 3, 4, … Example: 1 , 7 , 1 1 Example: 0.5, 4.3, 3.24
2 4 5
• Zero, 0 • Negative decimals
• Negative fractions
• Negative integers Example: – 0.1, –5.5, –7.65
…, – 4, –3, –2, –1 Example: –   1 , –   9 , – 4 1
3 2 2

Chapter 1

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Very Work
good harder
recognise positive and negative numbers based on real-life situations.
recognise and describe integers and rational numbers.
represent integers, positive fractions, negative fractions, positive decimals and
negative decimals on number lines.
compare and arrange integers, positive fractions, negative fractions, positive
decimals and negative decimals in order.
add and subtract integers using number lines or other appropriate methods. Hence,
make generalisation about addition and subtraction of integers.
multiply and divide integers using various methods. Hence make generalisation
about multiplication and division of integers.
perform computations involving combined basic arithmetic operations of integers,
positive and negative fractions, positive and negative decimals and rational numbers
by following the order of operations.

describe the laws of arithmetic operations which are Identity Law, Commutative
Law, Associative Law and Distributive Law.

perform efficient computations using the laws of basic arithmetic operations.

solve problems involving integers, positive and negative fractions, positive and
negative decimals and rational numbers.

1. From the following, choose the correct calculation step for

5(–3 + 10) × 2. 4 ÷ 3
A 5(–7) × 3.2 C 35 × 2. 4 ×   3
B 35 × 2. 4 × 4 D –35 × 3.2
2. Determine the number with a larger value without making any calculations.
(a) – 1 ,   1 (b) – 4.3,  – 4.5 (c) 2 2 ,  2.5
2 100 5

Rational Numbers

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3. Team Goals scored Goals conceded Goal difference

Tiger 20 17 3
Eagle 16 18
The table shows the number of goals scored and the number of goals conceded for
two soccer teams. Find the goal difference for the Eagle Team.
4. A treasure chest hidden in the year 56 B.C. was found in the year 292 A.D. For how
many years was the treasure chest hidden?

5. When doing charity work, Ali gives rice, sugar and biscuits to 80 fire victims. If each
victim gets 2 kg of rice, 1 kg of sugar and 0. 4 kg of biscuits and these alms are
equally transported using three vans, explain how you would find the mass of alms
transported by a van. Give your answer correct to two decimal places.
6. Fill in the boxes with ‘+’ or ‘–’ so that the answer obtained has the largest value.
(a) 1     – 5   4.3 (b) – 4.2    1     – 4
2 2
7. The temperature of a place at sea level is 8°C. The temperature will drop by 3°C
for every km above sea level. Calculate the temperature of the place at 5 km above
sea level.
8. Sheila was at point O at a certain instance. She moved 1.85 m towards the left and
then moved 4 steps measuring 0.65 m each towards the right. Calculate the position
of Sheila now from point O.

9. Jasmin moves 9.5 m towards east, then she moves 10.7 m towards west and then
6.8 m towards east. Describe the movement of Jasmin so that she can go back to her
original position.
10. A lift was at level H at a certain instance. The lift went up two floors for a height
of 9.8 m. The lift then went down 5 floors. Calculate the distance of the lift from
level H now.
11. In the diagram, numbers in two collinear circles will
multiply to give the product in the collinear middle –30 –60
square box. Complete the empty spaces with suitable
rational numbers.

Chapter 1

01 TB Math F1.indd 28 10/20/16 11:55 AM

Negative numbers are used in the making of glasses to 1
correct eyesight problems. Get information from valid
sources such as conducting interviews with an optician,
referring to reading materials or exploring other suitable
sources. Write a report to explain how negative numbers
are used in making the lenses of glasses.

Do you know that positive and negative numbers can be generated using a spreadsheet
program? Follow the steps as follows to generate a particular list of numbers.

1. Run a suitable spreadsheet program.

2. Type –6 into cell A1, as shown in the diagram.
3. Select cell A2 and type =A1-2.
4. Select cell A2 and drag the fill handle at the lower right corner down.
Describe what you observe.
5. Select cell B1 and type =A1+8.
6. Select cell B1 and drag the fill handle at the lower right corner to the right.
Describe what you observe.
7. Change the number in cell A1 to another number.
Describe what you observe.
8. Explain how you can generate other lists of numbers.

Rational Numbers

01 TB Math F1.indd 29 10/20/16 11:55 AM

Factors and


What will you learn?

•  Factors, Prime Factors and Highest Common
Factor (HCF)
•  Multiples, Common Multiples and Lowest
Common Multiple (LCM)

 Why stud
y thi

Factors and multiples

are used in daily situations
which involve numbers that
are multiplied or numbers that
are obtained from arrangement
of rows or groups. Discuss daily
situations that involve factors
and multiples.

How would the knowledge of highest

common factor help a construction worker
determine the biggest size of square tiles
required to fully cover the entire floor?

Chapter 2

02 TB Math F1.indd 30 11/10/16 12:08 PM


Eratosthenes (276 B.C. – 194 B.C.)
was a Greek mathematician who
introduced the Sieve of Eratosthenes
which is used to filter out all prime
numbers within a given range of

For more information:

Word Link
• factor • faktor
• prime factor • faktor perdana
• common factor • faktor sepunya
• highest common factor/ • faktor sepunya 
  greatest common divisor   terbesar
• multiple • gandaan
• common multiple • gandaan sepunya
• lowest common • gandaan sepunya 
  multiple   terkecil
• prime factorisation • pemfaktoran
How does the knowledge of   perdana
lowest common multiple help a
musician understand the rhythm
of music better? Open the folder downloaded from page vii for
the audio of Word Link.

Factors and Multiples

02 TB Math F1.indd 31 11/10/16 12:08 PM

2.1 Factors, Prime Factors and Highest Common Factor (HCF)

What are factors? LEARNING

2 Determine and list

the factors of whole

numbers, hence
make generalisation
Aim: To identify the factors of a number. about factors.

1. Copy and complete the following boxes.

12 ÷ 1 =   12 ÷ 2 =    12 ÷ 3 =  
12 ÷ 4 =   12 ÷ 6 =   12 ÷ 12 =  

Thus, 12 can be divided completely by  

2. Explain the conclusion you arrive at.

From the results of Exploration Activity 1, it is found that a number can be divided
completely by certain numbers.
For example, 12 can be divided completely by 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12.
Therefore, numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12 are known as factors of 12.
Factors of a number are whole numbers that can divide the number completely.

Determine whether
(a) 12 is a factor of 36. (b) 9 is a factor of 30.

(a) 36 ÷ 12 = 3 (b) 30 cannot be divided completely by 9.

Thus, 12 is a factor of 36. Thus, 9 is not a factor of 30.

List all the factors of 18.

18 = 1 × 18 Thus, 1 and 18 are factors of 18. 1 is a factor of

all numbers.
18 = 2 × 9 Thus, 2 and 9 are factors of 18.
18 = 3 × 6 Thus, 3 and 6 are factors of 18.
Therefore, factors of 18 are 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 18.

Chapter 2

02 TB Math F1.indd 32 11/10/16 12:08 PM

Self Practice 2.1a

1. Determine whether each of the following numbers is a factor of the number
in the brackets.
(a) 12 (40) (b) 5 (50) (c) 8 (24) (d) 6 (90)
(e) 3 (45) (f) 14 (56) (g) 15 (60) (h) 18 (98)
2. List all the factors of each of the following numbers.
(a) 15 (b) 32 (c) 40 (d) 48
(e) 51 (f) 87 (g) 98 (h) 124

What are prime factors?

Determine and list
Which of the following numbers are prime numbers? the prime factors of a
2, 9, 23, 41, 57, 69 whole number, hence
express the number  
Factors of 18 are 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 18. Among these factors, 2 in the form of  
and 3 are prime numbers. Thus, 2 and 3 are known as prime prime factorisation.
factors of 18.
A number can be expressed in the form of prime
factorisation in which the number is written as the product
of its prime factors. Scan the QR Code or
visit https://youtu.
For instance, 18 = 2 × 3 × 3 be/V4tiNgMPYsU to
Prime factorisation of a number can be done by repeated learn about the use of
division by prime numbers or by using a factor tree. Eratosthenes method
in determining  
prime numbers.
Determine whether each of the following numbers is a prime
factor of 84.
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 5

(a) 84 ÷ 2 = 42
2 is a prime number. Thus, 2 is a prime factor of 84.
(b) 84 ÷ 3 = 28
3 is a prime number. Thus, 3 is a prime factor of 84.
(c) 84 ÷ 5 = 16 remainder 4
5 is a prime number but 84 cannot be divided completely by 5.
Thus, 5 is not a prime factor of 84.

Factors and Multiples

02 TB Math F1.indd 33 11/10/16 12:08 PM


List all the prime factors of 72.

1. List all the factors of 72.

2 Factors of 72 are 1, 2 , 3 , 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 72 2. Identify the prime
numbers from the list.
Prime numbers
Thus, prime factors of 72 are 2 and 3.

Express 60 in the form of prime factorisation.

Method of repeated division Scan the QR Code or

visit https://youtu.
2 60 1. Perform division repeatedly be/eJLjA6uMm4g
2 30 by dividing with the smallest to learn more about
3 15 prime number. prime factorisation of
2. Division is continued until the
5  5 quotient is 1.
a number.

Thus, 60 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 5

Method of drawing a factor tree

60 60
60 is written as the product of
2 30 two factors continuously until
4 15 or all the factors at the bottom
2 3 10 level are prime factors.

2 2 3 5 2 3 2 5

Thus, 60 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 5

Self Practice 2.1b

1. Determine whether
(a) 3, 5 and 7 are prime factors of 30.
(b) 3, 5 and 9 are prime factors of 54.
2. List all the prime factors of each of the following numbers.
(a) 36 (b) 48 (c) 58 (d) 99
3. Express each of the following numbers in the form of prime factorisation.
(a) 42 (b) 96 (c) 120 (d) 135

Chapter 2

02 TB Math F1.indd 34 11/10/16 12:08 PM

What are common factors? LEARNING

Explain and determine
the common factors of
whole numbers. 2
Aim: To explain and determine common factors.
Instruction: Perform the activity in pairs.
1. List all the factors of 18 and 24.
2. Are there numbers in the list which are factors of 18 as well as 24?
3. Discuss with your friends and explain the properties of these numbers in
relation to 18 and 24.

From the results of Exploration Activity 2, it is found that 1, 2, 3 and 6 are factors of
both 18 and 24. It means that both 18 and 24 can be divided completely by 1, 2, 3 and 6.
Therefore, 1, 2, 3 and 6 are known as common factors of 18 and 24.
Determine whether
(a) 6 is a common factor of 24 and 36
(b) 4 is a common factor of 30, 40 and 60
(c) 8 is a common factor of 16, 32, 48 and 72
30 cannot
(a) 24 ÷ 6 = 4 24 and 36 can be divided (b) 30 ÷ 4 = 7 remainder 2 be divided
36 ÷ 6 = 6 completely by 6. 40 ÷ 4 = 10 completely
by 4.
Thus, 6 is a common factor of 24 60 ÷ 4 = 15
and 36. Thus, 4 is not a common factor of 30,
40 and 60.
(c) 16 ÷ 8 = 2
32 ÷ 8 = 4 16, 32, 48 and 72 can be
48 ÷ 8 = 6 divided completely by 8.
72 ÷ 8 = 9
Thus, 8 is a common factor of 16, 32, 48 and 72.
List all the common factors of 20, 44, 56 and 64.
1 is a common factor of
all numbers.
Factors of 20 : 1 ,  2 ,  4 , 5, 10, 20
Factors of 44 :  1 ,  2 ,  4 , 11, 22, 44
Factors of 56 : 1 ,  2 ,  4 , 7, 8, 14, 28, 56
Factors of 64 : 1 ,  2 ,  4 , 8, 16, 32, 64
Thus, common factors of 20, 44, 56 and 64 are 1, 2 and 4.

Factors and Multiples

02 TB Math F1.indd 35 11/10/16 12:08 PM

Self Practice 2.1c

1. Determine whether each of the following numbers is a common factor of the list of
numbers in the brackets.
(a) 6 (12, 24, 42) (b) 8 (8, 32, 72) (c) 3 (12, 18, 20)
(d) 12 (48, 96, 120, 144) (e) 7 (28, 35, 91, 105) (f) 9 (18, 36, 108, 119)
2. List all the common factors of each of the following lists of numbers.
(a) 12, 30 (b) 24, 48 (c) 35, 105
(d) 12, 84, 98 (e) 35, 90, 150 (f) 12, 72, 96
(g) 42, 102, 144, 200 (h) 84, 132, 300, 360 (i) 110, 210, 360, 540

What is highest common factor (HCF)? LEARNING

We have learnt that common factors of 20, 44, 56 and 64 are STANDARDS
1, 2 and 4. Among these common factors, 4 is the greatest Determine the HCF of two
number. Therefore, the number 4 is known as the highest and three whole numbers.
common factor (HCF) of 20, 44, 56 and 64.
HCF can be determined by using the methods of
•  listing the common factors    •  repeated division    •  prime factorisation

Determine the highest common factor of
(a) 18 and 24 (b) 36, 60 and 72 (c) 48, 64 and 80

(a) Method of listing the common factors

Factors of 18 : 1 ,  2 ,  3 ,  6 ,   9,  18
Factors of 24 : 1 ,  2 ,  3 ,  4 ,  6 ,  8,  12,  24
Thus, the common factors of 18 and 24 are 1, 2, 3 and 6.
Therefore, the HCF of 18 and 24 is 6.
(b) Method of repeated division
2 36 , 60 , 72 Divide the given numbers by a common
2 18 , 30 , 36 factor repeatedly. Then determine the
3  9 , 15 , 18 HCF by multiplying all the divisors.

 3 ,  5 ,  6
Thus, the HCF of 36, 60 and 72 is 2 × 2 × 3 = 12
(c) Method of prime factorisation
48 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 Find the prime factorisation of each given
64 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 number. Then determine the HCF by
80 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 5 multiplying all the common prime factors.
Thus, the HCF of 48, 64 and 80 is 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 16

Chapter 2

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Self Practice 2.1d

1. By using a suitable method, find the highest common factor of each of the following
lists of numbers.
(a) 24, 48 (b) 18, 54 (c) 36, 96 (d) 30, 72
(e) 36, 90, 108 (f) 42, 54, 84 (g) 140, 256, 348 (h) 27, 45, 60 2

How do you solve problems? LEARNING

Solve problems
The Boy Scouts of a school held a charity activity. A total of involving HCF.
252 shirts, 180 pairs of trousers and 108 pairs of socks were
donated by members to an orphanage. All the items were divided equally in each pack.
What would be the maximum number of packs that were prepared?

Understanding the Devising Implementing the strategy Doing

problem a plan 252 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 7 reflection
252 shirts, 180 pairs of Find the 180 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 5 252 ÷ 36 = 7
trousers and 108 pairs HCF of 108 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 3 180 ÷ 36 = 5
of socks were divided 252, 180 The HCF of 252, 180 and 108 ÷ 36 = 3
equally in each pack. and 108. 108 is 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 = 36.
Find the maximum The maximum number of
number of packs that packs that were prepared
were prepared. would be 36.

Self Practice 2.1e

1. The Police Cadets in a school donated 60 sacks of rice, 78 bottles of cooking oil and
90 bottles of mineral water to some flood victims in a district. All the things were
divided equally in each box for the flood victims. What would be the maximum
number of boxes that were prepared?
2. At a Hari Raya party, Mak Minah prepared 45 pieces of kuih koci, 75 pieces of kuih
tako and 90 pieces of curry puffs. She wished to serve all the food on some plates.
What would be the maximum number of plates needed if all the food was distributed
equally on all the plates?

Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra

  questions of Mastery Q 2.1.

1. Find the greatest number that is a factor of both 45 and 75.

2. Write the prime factorisation of 1 968 and 4 968. Hence, find the highest common
factor of 1 968 and 4 968.

Factors and Multiples

02 TB Math F1.indd 37 11/10/16 12:08 PM

3. The highest common factor of n and 36 is 4. If n is less than 36, what are the possible
values of n?

4. Three pieces of string have a length of 192 cm, 242 cm and 328 cm respectively.
Aishah wishes to cut the strings so that every piece is cut into the same number of
2 segments with no extra string left. What would be the maximum number of segments
that each piece of string can be cut into?
5. Anita wishes to cut a piece of paper measuring 260 cm in length and 20 cm in width
into several square pieces. What would be the measurement of the square pieces so
that there is no paper left?

2.2 Multiples, Common Multiples and Lowest Common Multiple

What are common multiples? STANDARDS
Explain and determine
Note that 9 × 1 = 9 the common multiples
9 × 2 = 18 of whole numbers.
9 × 3 = 27
The number 9 is multiplied by 1, 2, 3, … to give the products of 9, 18, 27, …
9, 18, 27, … are known as multiples of 9.


Aim: To explain and determine common multiples.

Instruction: Perform the activity in pairs.
1. List the first five multiples of 6 and 8.
2. Are there numbers in the list which are multiples of 6 as well as 8?
3. Discuss with your friends and explain the properties of these numbers in
relation to 6 and 8.

From the results of Exploration Activity 3, it is found that

24 is a multiple of 6 as well as 8. It means that 24 can be
divided completely by 6 and 8. Therefore, the number 24 is How many common
known as a common multiple of 6 and 8. multiples of 6 and 8 can
be written? Discuss with
your friends.
Determine whether
(a) 32 is a common multiple of 2 and 8.
(b) 60 is a common multiple of 5, 15 and 24.
(c) 72 is a common multiple of 8, 9, 18 and 24.

Chapter 2

02 TB Math F1.indd 38 11/10/16 12:08 PM

(a) 32 ÷ 2 = 16

32 can be divided completely by 2 and 8.
32 ÷ 8 = 4
Thus, 32 is a common multiple of 2 and 8.
(b) 60 ÷ 5 = 12 2
60 ÷ 15 = 4
60 ÷ 24 = 2 remainder 12 60 cannot be divided completely by 24.
Thus, 60 is not a common multiple of 5, 15 and 24.
(c) 72 ÷ 8 = 9
72 ÷ 9 = 8 72 can be divided completely
72 ÷ 18 = 4 by 8, 9, 18 and 24.
72 ÷ 24 = 3
Thus, 72 is a common multiple of 8, 9, 18 and 24.


Aim: To explore the relationship between the first common multiple and the
subsequent common multiples.
Instruction: • Perform the activity in groups of four.
• Open the folder downloaded from page vii.
1. Open the file Common multiples.xls with an electronic spreadsheet. The screen
display shows a list of multiples of 3 (red) and a list of multiples of 5 (blue).

2. Observe the lists of multiples displayed, then write the first common multiple
of 3 and 5.
3. Write three subsequent common multiples of 3 and 5.
4. Explain the relationship between the first common multiple and the three
subsequent common multiples.
5. Repeat Steps 2 to 4 by changing the number in the cells A1 and A2
respectively to the following numbers:
(a) 6 and 8 (b) 4 and 10
6. Discuss with your friends and draw a conclusion about common multiples.

From the results of Exploration Activity 4, it is found that the first common multiple of 3
and 5 is 15 and all other common multiples of 3 and 5 are multiples of 15.

Factors and Multiples

02 TB Math F1.indd 39 11/10/16 12:08 PM


List the first five common multiples of 2, 3 and 4.

Determine the first common

2 Multiples of 2 : 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 , 14, … multiple of 2, 3 and 4. Then
Multiples of 3 : 3, 6, 9, 12 , 15, … determine the multiples of
the first common multiple.
Multiples of 4 : 4, 8, 12 , 16, …
The first common multiple of 2, 3 and 4 is 12.
Thus, the first five common multiples of 2, 3 and 4 are 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60.

Self Practice 2.2a

1. Determine whether each of the following numbers is a common multiple of the list
of numbers in the brackets.
(a) 72 (9, 12) (b) 168 (2, 9) (c) 360 (4, 6, 24)
(d) 2 250 (2, 5, 9) (e) 9 720 (4, 5, 10, 20) (f) 16 416 (6, 9, 12, 24, 36)
2. List the first five common multiples of each of the following lists of numbers.
(Use an electronic spreadsheet to help you)
(a) 2, 5 (b) 3, 5 (c) 18, 22 (d) 3, 5, 8
(e) 2, 3, 6, 8 (f) 4, 8, 12, 15 (g) 6, 15, 20, 24 (h) 4, 9, 12, 15, 18

What is lowest common multiple (LCM)? LEARNING

We have learnt that the common multiples of 6 and 8 are Determine the LCM
24, 48, 72, 96, ... . Among these common multiples, the first of two and three
common multiple, 24, is the least number. The number 24 is whole numbers.
known as the lowest common multiple (LCM) of 6 and 8.
LCM can be determined by using the methods of
•  listing the common multiples
•  repeated division Explain how you would
•  prime factorisation use LCM to solve 1 + 1  .
6 8
Determine the lowest common multiple of
(a) 2 and 3 (b) 3, 6 and 9 (c) 3, 8 and 12

(a) Method of listing the common multiples

Multiples of 2 :  2, 4, 6 , 8, 10, … Choose the lowest
Multiples of 3 :  3, 6 , 9, 12, … common multiple.
The lowest common multiple is 6.

Chapter 2

02 TB Math F1.indd 40 11/10/16 12:08 PM

(b) Method of repeated division
1. Divide the numbers repeatedly by a divisor that can

3 3 , 6 , 9 divide completely at least one of the numbers.
2. Numbers that cannot be divided completely by  
2 1 , 2 , 3 the selected divisor are brought down for  
3 1 , 1 , 3 subsequent divisions.
3. Division is continued until all the quotients become 1. 2
1 , 1 , 1

Thus, LCM of 3, 6 and 9 is 3 × 2 × 3 = 18.

(c) Method of prime factorisation

 3 = 3
 8 = 2 × 2 × 2 Find the prime factorisation of
12 = 2 × 2 × 3 each of the given numbers.

2 × 2 × 2 × 3
Thus, LCM of 3, 8 and 12 is 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 = 24.

3, 8, 12 1. Identify the greatest number.

2. List the multiples of the greatest number.

12, 24, 36, … 3. Determine the lowest multiple that can be divided
completely by all the other given numbers.
24 can be divided
completely by 3 and 8.

Thus, LCM of 3, 8 and 12 is 24.

Self Practice 2.2b

1. By using a suitable method, find the lowest common multiple of each of the
following lists of numbers.
(a) 16, 18 (b) 10, 15 (c) 6, 8 (d) 18, 60
(e) 6, 15, 18 (f) 8, 14, 32 (g) 9, 12, 21 (h) 4, 15, 60

How do you solve problems?

Solve problems
Canned coffee is sold in 6 cans per box and canned tea is sold involving LCM.
in 9 cans per box. Ainun wishes to buy the same number of
canned coffee and canned tea for her sister’s birthday party.
What is the minimum number of boxes of each type of canned
drinks she needs to buy?

Factors and Multiples

02 TB Math F1.indd 41 11/10/16 12:08 PM

Understanding Devising a Implementing the strategy Doing

the problem plan Multiples of 6: 6, 12, 18 , 24, 30, … reflection

Number of cans Find the Number
Multiples of 9: 9, 18 , 27, 36, 45, …
2 of coffee LCM of 6 of canned
= 6 cans per box and 9 to Thus, LCM of 6 and 9 = 18 coffee
Number of cans determine the Number of boxes of canned =3×6
of tea same number coffee = 18
= 9 cans per box of cans. Use = 18 ÷ 6 Number of
Find the division =3 canned tea
minimum to find the Number of boxes of canned tea =2×9
number of number of = 18 ÷ 9 = 18
boxes of each boxes of =2
type of canned canned coffee Therefore, the minimum number
drinks Ainun and canned of boxes Ainun needs to buy is
needs to buy. tea. 3 boxes of canned coffee and
2 boxes of canned tea.

Self Practice 2.2c

1. A neon light blinks every 9 seconds whereas another neon light blinks every 12
seconds. If both the lights blink together when the switch is on, after how many
seconds will both the neon lights blink together again?
2. Vijaya wishes to pack some souvenirs consisting of a key chain and a refrigerator
magnet in each pack for her friends. Key chains are sold in 10 pieces per packet
whereas refrigerator magnets are sold in 6 pieces per packet. What is the minimum
number of key chains Vijaya has to buy so that the number of refrigerator magnets
she buys can be packed exactly with all the key chains?

Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra

2.2 questions of Mastery Q 2.2.
1. Find the smallest number that can be divided completely by 8 and 20.
2. The lowest common multiple of n and 6 is 72. Find the value of n.
3. Sharif likes exercising. He goes hill-climbing every 12 days and goes swimming
every 8 days. If he goes hill-climbing and swimming today, how many days later will
he go hill-climbing and swimming on the same day again?
4. Nurul, Hui Ling and Gopal were each given a piece of ribbon of the same length.
They cut their own ribbons into several pieces of the same length. The pieces of
ribbon cut by Nurul, Hui Ling and Gopal measured 15 cm, 25 cm and 30 cm long
respectively. All the ribbons were cut and there were no remainders left. What was
the shortest possible length of the ribbon given to them?

Chapter 2

02 TB Math F1.indd 42 11/10/16 12:08 PM

Factors Multiples 2

Factors of 12: Multiples of 6:

1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, …
Factors of 18: Multiples of 8:
1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, …

Common factors Common multiples

Common factors of 12 and 18: Common multiples of 6 and 8:
1, 2, 3, 6 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, …

Highest common factor Lowest common multiple

Highest common factor Lowest common multiple
of 12 and 18: of 6 and 8:
6 24

Very Work
good harder

determine and list the factors of a whole number, and subsequently make a
generalisation about factors.
determine and list the prime factors of a whole number and subsequently express
the number in the form of prime factorisation.
explain and determine common factors of a whole number.
determine the HCF of two or three whole numbers.
solve problems involving HCF.
explain and determine common multiples of a whole number.
determine the LCM of two or three whole numbers.
solve problems involving LCM.

Factors and Multiples

02 TB Math F1.indd 43 11/10/16 12:08 PM


1. Find the LCM of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

2. Find the HCF of 36, 42, 56, 72 and 96.

3. A number can be divided completely by 12 and 30. What is the smallest value of
the number?
4. The HCF of m and 54 is 6. Find the largest value of m such that the value of m is
less than 54.
5. The LCM of 36, 56 and n is 1 512. What is the smallest value of n?

6. Explain with examples how the LCM of two numbers is the same as the product of
the two numbers.

7. The LCM of two numbers is 60 and the HCF of the two numbers is 6. Find the two
possible numbers.

8. A clock is set to ring every 15 minutes whereas another clock is set to ring every 25
minutes. If both the clocks ring together at 4:00 p.m., find the time at which both
clocks will subsequently ring together again.
9. A room has a measurement of 7.5 m × 9.6 m. If Encik Zaki wishes to lay square tiles
on the floor of the room, what is the biggest size, in cm, of the tiles so that the tiles
will fully cover the entire floor?
10. A cafeteria serves groundnut cakes every 4 days and burgers every 6 days. If
groundnut cakes and burgers are served on Monday, on which day will both types of
food be served on the same day again at the cafeteria?
11. Ai Lin wants to produce a history scrapbook using 24 photographs and 42 newspaper
cuttings. She wishes to use all the photographs and newspaper cuttings such
that every page of the scrapbook contains the same number of photographs and
newspaper cuttings.
(a) What is the maximum number of pages she can have for the scrapbook?
(b) For each page of the scrapbook, how many photographs and newspaper cuttings
will there be?

Chapter 2

02 TB Math F1.indd 44 11/10/16 12:08 PM

A bakery received an order for 7 similar cakes.
The customer requested that the cakes be cut and 2
packed equally in 12 similar small boxes with each
box containing two slices of cake. The shopkeeper
sought help through social media. Write a report
to explain how you would use the knowledge of
factors and multiples to help the shopkeeper solve
the problem.

A The diagram shows three identical adjoining squares. Considering

the common multiples of 3 and 4, explain how you would divide
the three squares into four identical parts.
Open the file Exploring Chapter 2.ggb from the folder downloaded
from page vii for help if needed.

B GeoGebra can help you to determine the LCM, HCF, prime factorisation, listing
of factors and others.
1. Open the software of GeoGebra.
2. Click View → CAS. The following screen is displayed.
3. Type each of the following commands into cell 1 to cell 7 and press Enter in the
CAS view.
(i) PrimeFactors[60]
(ii) DivisorsList[60]
(iii) GCD[12,56]
(iv) LCM[12,56]
(v) A:={8,12,18,20}
(vi) GCD[A]
(vii) LCM[A]
4. Explain what can be observed.
5. Try other numbers.

Factors and Multiples

02 TB Math F1.indd 45 11/10/16 12:08 PM

CHAPTER Squares, Square Roots,
Cubes and Cube Roots

What will you learn?

•  Squares and Square Roots
•  Cubes and Cube Roots

 Why stu
dy t

As the basic knowledge

in fields that require the
concepts of the area of squares
and the volume of cubes. Discuss
the fields that involve both the The national silat squad had won three gold
concepts mentioned. medals in the 2015 SEA Games. The squad
had shown incredible performances when
they defeated the competitors from the
other countries. In the silat competition,
our team performed on a square court with
an area of 100 m2. How do you determine
the length of the sides of the court?

Chapter 3

03 TB Math F1.indd 46 11/10/16 12:09 PM


Christoff Rudolff

René Descartes

In the year 1637, the symbols of squares

and cubes were used by a French
mathematician, René Descartes, in his
book, Geometrie. The symbols of square
roots and cube roots were introduced by a
German mathematician, Christoff Rudolff,
in the year 1525 in his book Die Coss.
For more information:

Word Link
•  estimation •  anggaran
•  square •  kuasa dua
•  perfect square •  kuasa dua sempurna
•  cube •  kuasa tiga
•  perfect cube •  kuasa tiga sempurna
•  square root •  punca kuasa dua
•  cube root •  punca kuasa tiga
Scientists use the idea of volume
to explain the structure of some
cube-shaped crystals. What is the Open the folder downloaded from page vii
relationship between the length of the for the audio of Word Link.
sides of a salt crystal and its volume?

Squares, Square Roots, Cubes and Cube Roots

03 TB Math F1.indd 47 11/10/16 12:09 PM

3.1 Squares and Square Roots
What are squares and perfect squares? STANDARDS
Explain the meaning
of squares and

perfect squares.

About 2 500 years ago, a group of academics created patterns

The area of a square
of numbers in the shape of squares by arranging pebbles in with sides of 1 unit is
equal number of rows and columns. Are you able to determine 1 × 1 = 1 unit2.
the next pattern of square?




Aim: To explore the formation of squares.

Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson begins and discuss in groups
of four during the lesson.
• Open the folder downloaded from page vii.

1. Open the file squares.ggb using GeoGebra. The screen

displayed shows a square with sides of 1 unit.
2. Click and drag the blue slider on the screen displayed
to change the length of the sides of the square and
determine the corresponding area of each square.
3. Copy and complete the table below for the area of the squares.
Length of the sides Area of the square in the form of
Area (unit2)
of a square (unit) repeated multiplication (unit2)
1 1×1

4. What is the relationship between the area of the square and the length of the
sides of the square?

Chapter 3

03 TB Math F1.indd 48 11/10/16 12:09 PM

From the results of Exploration Activity 1, it is found that a square with
a side length of (unit) 1, 2, 3, 4,   …
has an area of (unit2) 1, 4, 9, 16,  …
For example, for a square with a side length of 4 units,
   area = 4 × 4

= 16 unit2
We can state that the square of 4 is 16. 42 is read as
The square of 4 is written as 4­.
2 ‘four squared’ or
Thus, we write 4 = 16.
2 ‘square of four’.


Aim: To explain the meaning of perfect squares.

Instruction: • Perform the activity in groups of four.
• Open the folder downloaded from page vii.
1. Open the file grid.pdf and print the file on a piece of paper.
2. Cut the grid into small pieces of paper with size 1 unit × 1 unit.
3. Arrange the pieces of paper starting from one piece, two pieces, three pieces
and so on to form a square (if possible).
4. Copy and complete the table below.
Number of pieces of paper
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
with size 1 unit × 1 unit
Can the arrangement form a
3 7 7
square? (Mark 3 or 7)

5. Write the numbers that represent the number of pieces of paper with size
1 unit × 1 unit that can be arranged to form a square.
6. What is the relationship between the numbers that represent the number of
pieces of paper and the formation of a square?

From the results of Exploration Activity 2, it is found

that only a certain number of pieces of paper with size
1 unit × 1 unit can be arranged to form a square. Open and print the file
multiplication table.xls  
The numbers of pieces of paper that can form a from the folder
square in this activity are 1, 4, 9, 16, … downloaded from page
vii. Circle all the perfect
The numbers 1,  4,  9,  16,  … are known as squares. Discuss how the
perfect squares. multiplication table can
be used to identify other
Try This State the subsequent perfect squares. perfect squares.

Squares, Square Roots, Cubes and Cube Roots

03 TB Math F1.indd 49 11/10/16 12:09 PM

How do you determine whether a number is a LEARNING
perfect square? STANDARDS
Determine whether
We can use the method of prime factorisation to determine a number is a
whether a number is a perfect square. perfect square.

In this method, if the prime factors can be grouped into

two identical groups, then the number is a perfect square.

Determine whether each of the following numbers is a
perfect square.
(a) 36 (b) 54 Perfect square can be
written as a product of
two equal factors.
(a) 36 For example,
225 = 15 × 15 or 152
225 is a perfect square.
4 9

   2 2 3 3 These prime factors

can be grouped into
36 = 2×3 × 2×3 two identical groups.

Thus, 36 is a perfect square.

(b) 54
Discuss why the prime
factors of a perfect
6 9 square must be grouped
into two identical groups.
   2 3 3 3 These prime factors
54 = 2 × 3 × 3 × 3 cannot be grouped into
two identical groups.
Thus, 54 is not a perfect square.

Self Practice 3.1a

1. Determine whether each of the following numbers is a perfect square.
(a) 45 (b) 100 (c) 214 (d) 324

Chapter 3

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What is the relationship between squares and square roots?

State the relationship


Aim: To state the relationship between squares and between squares and

square roots. square roots.

Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson begins and discuss in groups
of four during the lesson. 3
• Open the folder downloaded from page vii.
1. Open the file squares and square
roots.ggb using GeoGebra. The
screen displayed shows some
squares with different areas.
2. Click and drag the squares to
the scale shown to determine
the length of the sides of the
corresponding squares.
3. Copy and complete the table below.
Area (unit2) 1 4 9 16 25 36
Length of the sides (unit)

4. Based on the results obtained from the table, discuss with your friends the
relationship between the area of each square and the length of its sides.

From the results of Exploration Activity 3, it is found that

a square with an area of (unit2) 1,   4,   9, 16 , 25 , 36
has a side length of (unit) 1,   2,   3, 4 , 5 , 6 Finding the square root
of the area of a square
that is, the area of each square is the square of its side length. is equivalent to finding
For example, for a square with an area of 36 unit2, the the length of the sides
length of its side is 6 units, of the square.
area (unit2) = 36
= 62
We can state that the square of 6 is 36.
Thus, the square root of 36 is 6. 36 is read as
‘square root of
By using the symbol of square root,  , thirty-six’.
we write 36 = 6.
Finding the square and
finding the square root are 6 36
inverse operations. square root

Squares, Square Roots, Cubes and Cube Roots

03 TB Math F1.indd 51 11/10/16 12:09 PM

Complete each of the following: The square root of
(a) 9 × 9 = 81 (b) 322 = 1 024 a number could
Thus  81 = × Thus  1 024 =   be a positive or a

negative value.
= =
(–5) × (–5) = 25
Is 
25 = –5 true?
3 (a) 
81 = 
9 × 9 (b) 
1 024 = 
322 Discuss the  
= 9 = 32 statement above.

Self Practice 3.1b

1. Copy and complete each of the following:
(a) 5 × 5 = 25 (b) 8 × 8 = 64 (c) 242 = 576
Thus, Thus, Thus,
25 =
 ×  64 = × 576 =
= = =

How do you determine the square of a number? LEARNING

We can determine the square of a number by multiplying the STANDARDS
number by itself. Determine the square
of a number with
and without using
technological tools.
Find the value of each of the following without using
a calculator.
1 34 2
(a) 62 (b) (c) (– 0.5)2

(b) 1 3 2 = 3 × 3
(a) 62 = 6 × 6 (c) (– 0.5)2 = (– 0.5) × (– 0.5)
= 36 4 4 4 = 0.25

Find the value of each of the following by using a calculator.
1–   137 2
(a) 432 (b) (c) 2.962

(a) 432 = 1 849 Press 4 3 x2 = Think Smart

(b) 1–   7 2 = 49 Press ( (–) 7 a b c 1 3
What is the largest
) x2 =
13 169 square number that
(c) 2.962 = 8.7616 Press 2 · 9 6 x2 = is less than 200?

Chapter 3

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Self Practice 3.1c
1. Find the value of each of the following without using a calculator.
1–   56 2
(a) 82 (b) (c) 1. 42
2. Find the value of each of the following by using a calculator.

1 119 2
(a) 292 (b) (c) (–15.3)2
How do you determine the square root of a number?
Determine the square
Find the value of each of the following without using
roots of a number
a calculator. without using
(a) 
64 (b) 441
 technological tools.

(a) 
64 = 
8×8 (b)

441 441 = 3 × 3 × 7 × 7
= 8 = 3 × 7 × 3 × 7
9 49 = 21 × 21
441 = 
21 × 21
3 3 7 7 = 21
Find the value of each of the following without using a calculator.
4 7 27
(a) (b)
2 (c) (d) 0.36
25 9 48
Prime factorisation is a
more systematic method
(a) 2 2 4 = 4 4 used to find the square
5 5
25 (a) =
25 25
 root of a larger number.

= 1 2 2 22
5 =
= = 2
(b) 2 7 = Change to improper
99 fraction first.

= 1 5 2
Think Smart
The square root of a
= number is the same as
3 the number itself. What
= 12 is that number?

Squares, Square Roots, Cubes and Cube Roots

03 TB Math F1.indd 53 11/10/16 12:09 PM

27 = 27  9
(c) Simplify the
48 48 16 fraction first.
16 36
(d) 
0.36 =
= 1 3 2

4 6 2
3 = 1 10 2
3 = 6
Express as a square 10
(d) 
0.36 = 
0.62 in terms of other = 0.6
= 0.6 decimal number.

Self Practice 3.1d

1. Find the value of each of the following without using a calculator.
(a) 
81 (b) 49 (c) 121 (d) 900
49 1 50
(e) (f ) 7 (g) (h) 2.25
81 9 128

How do you determine the square root of a positive number using

technological tools?
Calculate the value of each of the following by using a Determine the square
calculator and give your answer correct to two decimal places. roots of a positive
number using
(a) 
89 (b) 154.7 (c)
 6  2 technological tools.

(a) 
89 = 9. 43 (2 d.p.) Press   8 9 =
(b) 
154.7 = 12. 44 (2 d.p.) Press   1 5 4 · 7 =

(c) 6  2 = 2.51 (2 d.p.) Press   6 a b c 2 a b c 7 =


Self Practice 3.1e

1. Find the value of each of the following by using a calculator. Give your answer
correct to two decimal places.
(a) 
43 (b) 37.81 (c) 7 (d) 12 5
15 6

Chapter 3

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How do you estimate the square and square root of a number?
Estimate the value of Estimate
(a) 27.52 (b) 

(i) the square of a number,
(ii) the square roots of a number.

(a) 27.5 is between 20 and 30.

27.52 is between 202 and 302. Scan the QR Code or 3
that is, 27.52 is between 400 and 900. visit
UxjF6c to open the
Thus, 27.52 ≈ 900 file Example 8_pdf
to learn about the
(b) 54 is between perfect squares 49 and 64. estimation using
 54 is between 
49 and 64, number line.
that is, 54 is between 7 and 8.
Thus,  54 ≈ 7

Self Practice 3.1f

1. Estimate the value of each of the following:
(a) 612 (b) 22.52 (c) 8.72 (d) (– 0.188)2 
(e) 
34  (f) 
17.6  (g) 128  (h)
 0.85 

What generalisation can be made when two LEARNING

square roots are multiplied? STANDARDS
Make generalisation

4 about multiplication

(i) square roots of the
Aim: To make a generalisation about multiplication same numbers,
involving square roots. (ii) square roots of
Instruction: • Perform the activity in pairs. different numbers.
• Open the folder downloaded from
page vii.
1. Open the file multiplication of square roots.pdf
and print the file.
2. Complete the boxes for Questions 1 and 2.
3. What can you conclude from the products of
multiplication obtained in Questions 1 and 2?

Squares, Square Roots, Cubes and Cube Roots

03 TB Math F1.indd 55 11/10/16 12:09 PM

From the results of Exploration Activity 4, it is found that
a = a.
a × 
• the product of two equal square root numbers is the number itself, that is, 
• the product of two different square root numbers is the square root of the product of
the two numbers, that is,  b = 
a ×  ab .

How do you solve problems? STANDARDS
Pose and solve problems
3 involving squares and
square roots.
Maslina wishes to paste a photo on a
piece of cardboard. Both the photo and
the cardboard are squares. The length of
the cardboard is 12 cm and the area of the
photo is 90.25 cm2. How should Maslina Given the area of a square
paste the photo such that the photo lies in cardboard is 156.25 cm2
the middle of the cardboard? whereas the area of a
square photo is less than
156.25 cm2 but greater
Length of photo = 
90.25 What is the area of the than 90.25  cm2. Discuss
the possible length of
=  9.5 × 9.5 cardboard that is not
covered by the photo? the photo used if the
= 9.5 cm measurement of its
The remaining length of side of the cardboard length is a whole number.
after the photo is pasted = 12 – 9.5
= 2.5 cm
Scan the QR Code or
Distance of the photo from the side of the cardboard visit https://youtu.
= 2.5 ÷ 2 be/Nsb77HbXcCM
= 1.25 cm to learn about the
application of squares
Thus, the photo has to be pasted at a distance of 1.25 cm and square roots.
from the sides of the cardboard such that the photo lies in the
middle of the cardboard.

Self Practice 3.1g

1. Ai Ling has a piece of square cloth. The area of the cloth is between 6 400 cm2 and
12 100 cm2. She wants to use the cloth to sew a piece of square tablecloth to cover
the surface of a square table. The length of each side of the table is 92 cm.
(a) What is the length of the cloth, in cm, that Ai Ling should sew?
[Assume that the length of the cloth is a whole number.]
(b) Ai Ling plans to decorate the surrounding sides of the tablecloth with white lace
that is 4.5 m long so that the tablecloth will look nice. Is the length of the white
lace enough? Give a reason for your answer.

Chapter 3

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3.1 Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra
questions of Mastery Q 3.1.

1. Determine whether each of the following numbers is a perfect square. Use the prime
factorisation method to support your answer.
(a) 216 (b) 1 000 (c) 1 024

2. The prime factorisation of 100 is 2 × 2 × 5 × 5. Explain how you could find the
square root of 100 by using the prime factorisation method.
3. Copy and complete each of the following based on the relationship between square
and square root.
is equal to 62 as 102 as 142 as 192 as 222
36 100 196 361 484

is equal to 36

4. Find the value of each of the following without using a calculator.

1 27 2 (c) 1– 4  13 2
2 2
(a) (– 6)2 (b) (d) (–8.1)2

(e) 
361 (f) 9 (g)
2 14 (h) 1.21
49 25
5. Calculate the value of each of the following by using a calculator. Give your answers
correct to two decimal places for (e) to (h).
1–2 58 2
(a) 1272 (b) (–34.6)2 (c) 0.0972 (d)

(e) 
76 (f) 108.4 (g)
 11 (h) 23
28 5
6. A pyramid has a square base area of 52 900 m2. Find the length of each side of the
base of the pyramid.
7. Estimate the value of each of the following:
(a) 2972 (b) 51.92 (c) (– 0.038)2  (d) (–8.12)2 
(e) 
14 (f ) 
220 (g) 8. 3 (h)
 0. 5

8. A group of 100 members from a Cultural Club participated in the Malaysia Citrawarna
Parade. They made various formations throughout the parade.
(a) When the members of the cultural group made a formation in the shape of a
square, state the number of members in each row of the square.
(b) At a certain instance, the members of the group formed two squares simultaneously.
Determine the number of members in each row of each square.

Squares, Square Roots, Cubes and Cube Roots

03 TB Math F1.indd 57 11/10/16 12:09 PM

3.2 Cubes and Cube Roots
What are cubes and perfect cubes? LEARNING

Pair Explain the meaning of

cubes and perfect cubes.

Aim: To explore the formation of cubes.

3 Instruction: Perform the activity in pairs.
1. The diagram shows three cubes which are made up of unit cubes. Observe the
three cubes shown.

The number of unit

cubes in a cube is the
volume of the cube.

2. Copy and complete the table below.

Length of the sides of Volume of the cube in the form Number of unit cubes
a cube (unit) of repeated multiplication (unit3) (unit3)
1 1×1×1

3. Discuss with your friends and write the relationship between the number of
unit cubes and the length of the sides of the cube.

From the results of Exploration Activity 5, it is found that a cube with

a side length of (unit) 1, 2, 3,   …
has a number of unit cubes of (unit )
1, 8, 27, …
For example, for a cube with a side length of 2 units,
number of unit cubes = 2 × 2 × 2
= 8 unit3
We can state that the cube of 2 is 8. 23 is read as ‘two cubed’
The cube of 2 is written as 2 .
3 or ‘cube of two’.
Thus, we write 2 = 8.

Chapter 3

03 TB Math F1.indd 58 11/10/16 12:09 PM


Aim:  To explain the meaning of perfect cubes.

Instruction:  Perform the activity in groups of four.

1. Arrange unit blocks beginning with 1 unit
block, followed by 2 unit blocks, 3 unit
blocks and so on to form a cube (if possible).

2. Copy and complete the table below.

Number of unit blocks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Can the arrangement form a
3 7 7
cube? (Mark 3 or 7)

3. Write the numbers that represent the number of unit blocks that can be
arranged to form a cube.
4. What is the relationship between the numbers that represent the number of
unit blocks and the formation of a cube?

From the results of Exploration Activity 6, it is found that

only a certain number of unit blocks can be arranged to form id ou now
a cube. The volume of a table salt
crystal is a perfect cube.
For example,

1 unit block 8 unit blocks 27 unit blocks

The numbers of unit blocks that can form a cube are 1, 8 Think Smart
and 27. Zaiton said,
The numbers 1, 8 and 27 are known as perfect cubes. “23 = 2 × 3 = 6.”
How do you explain
to Zaiton that her
Try This   State the subsequent perfect cubes. statement is false?

Squares, Square Roots, Cubes and Cube Roots

03 TB Math F1.indd 59 11/10/16 12:09 PM

How do you determine whether a number is a LEARNING
perfect cube? STANDARDS
Determine whether
We can also use the method of prime factorisation to determine a number is a
whether a number is a perfect cube. In this method, if the perfect cube.

prime factors can be grouped into three identical groups, then

the number is a perfect cube.
Determine whether each of the following numbers is a
perfect cube. Perfect cube can be
written as a product of
(a) 64 (b) 240 three equal factors.
For example,
64 = 4 × 4 × 4
(a) 64 64 is a perfect cube.

8 8
4 2 4 2

2 2 2 2 2 2 Think Smart
These prime factors This number is a perfect
64 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 can be grouped into square and also a perfect
three identical groups. cube. What is this number?
Thus, 64 is a perfect cube.

(b) 240
12 20
3 4 4 5

3 2 2 2 2 5 Discuss why the prime

These prime
factors of a perfect cube
factors cannot be
240 = 3 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 5 grouped into three must be grouped into
identical groups. three identical groups.
Thus, 240 is not a perfect cube.

Self Practice 3.2a

1. By using the prime factorisation method, determine whether each of the following
numbers is a perfect cube.
(a) 27 (b) 45 (c) 215 (d) 343

Chapter 3

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What is the relationship between cubes and LEARNING
cube roots? State the relationship
between cubes and

cube roots.

Aim:  To state the relationship between cubes and cube roots.
Instruction:  Perform the activity in groups of four. 3
1. Observe cubes A to E in the diagram below.


2. Complete the following table for the length of the sides of each cube.
Cube A B C D E
Volume (unit3) 1 8 27 64 125
Length of the sides (unit)

3. Based on the results from the table, discuss with your friends the relationship
between the volume of each cube and the length of its sides.

From the results of Exploration Activity 7, it is found that

a cube with a volume of (unit3) 1,   8,   27,   64,   125 
has a side length of (unit) 1,   2,   3,   4,   5   Finding the cube root
that is, the volume of each cube is the cube of its side length. of the volume of a
cube is equivalent to
For example, for a cube with a volume of 8 unit3, the finding the length of
length of its side is 2 units, the sides of the cube.
  volume (unit3) = 8
= 23
8 is read as ’cube

We can state that the cube of 2 is 8. root of eight’.

Thus, the cube root of 8 is 2.
By using the symbol of cube root, 3,
we write 3
8 = 2.

Squares, Square Roots, Cubes and Cube Roots

03 TB Math F1.indd 61 11/10/16 12:09 PM

Finding the cube and finding the cube root are inverse operations.
cube Think Smart
2 8 The cube root of a
number is the same
cube root as the number itself.

What is the number?

Complete each of the following:
(a) 4 × 4 × 4 = 64 (b) (– 0.5) × (– 0.5) × (– 0.5) = – 0.125
64 = 3
× × Thus  – 0.125 =
3 3
× ×
= =

(c) 1 1 2 = 1

6 216
Thus  3 1 = 3  

(a) 3
64 = 3
4×4×4 – 0.125 = 3
(b) 3 – 0.5 × (– 0. 
5) × (– 0.5)
=4 = – 0.5
1 =3 1 3
= 1

Self Practice 3.2b

1. Copy and complete each of the following:
(a) 8 × 8 × 8 = 512 (b) 0.3 × 0.3 × 0.3 = 0.027
Thus, 3
512 = 3
× × Thus, 3
0.027 = 3 × ×
= =

(c) 1–   1 2 = – 1

2 8
Thus,  3 –   1 = 3  

Chapter 3

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How do you determine the cube of a number? LEARNING
11 Determine the cube
of a number with
Find the value of each of the following without using and without using

a calculator. technological tools.

(c) 1–   3 2
(a) 43 (b) 0.23

(a) 43 = 4 × 4 × 4
= 64
The cube of a positive
(b) 0.2 = 0.2 × 0.2 × 0.2
3 number is always a
= 0.008 positive value whereas
the cube of a negative
(c) 1–   3 2 = 1–   3 2 × 1–   3 2 × 1–   3 2
3 number is always a
5 5 5 5 negative value.

= – 27

Find the value of each of the following using a calculator.
(b) 1– 4  1 2
(a) 183 (c) (– 6.3)3

(a) 183 = 5 832 Press  1 8 x3 =

(b) 1– 4 1 2 = –91 1

Press  ( (–) 4 a b c 1 a b c 2 ) x3 =
2 8
(c) (– 6.3)3 = –250.047 Press  ( (–) 6 · 3 ) x3 =

Self Practice 3.2c

1. Determine the value of each of the following without using a calculator.

1–   29 2 12 35 2
3 3
(a) 63 (b) (–7)3 (c) (d) (– 0.3)3 (e)

2. Find the value of each of the following using a calculator.

1 103 2 (d) 1–1 117 2 (e) 14 45 2

3 3 3
(a) 263 (b) (–5.1)3 (c)

Squares, Square Roots, Cubes and Cube Roots

03 TB Math F1.indd 63 11/10/16 12:09 PM

How do you determine the cube root of a number?

Find the value of each of the following without using
Determine the cube
a calculator.

root of a number
(a) 3
64 (b) 216
without using
technological tools.
3 ? × ? × ? = 64
(a) 3
64 = 3
43 4 × 4 × 4 = 64
=4 43 = 64

(b) 216
216 = 3 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 2
12 18 = (3 × 2) × (3 × 2) × (3 × 2)
=6×6×6 Prime factorisation is a
more systematic method
3 4 3 6 216 = 3
6×6×6 used to find the cube
=6 root of a larger number.
3 2 2 3 3 2

Find the value of each of the following without using a calculator.
(a) 3 8 (b) 3 –  
81 (c) 33
125 192 8
8 = 3
(a) 3
8 125
(b) 3 –   81 125
(a) 3
125 192
3 3
= 3 3
= 3 2 × 2 × 2 = 3 –   81 5
Simplify the 
5 5 5 192 64 fraction first. 2
= 3 1 2 2 = 3 –   27 5

5 64
= 2 = 3 1–   3 2

5 4
= –   3
(c) 3 3 3 = 3 27   Convert to improper
8 8 fraction first. The cube root of a
= 3 1 3 2
3 positive number is
2 always a positive value

= 3 whereas the cube root

of a negative number is
2 always a negative value.
= 11
Chapter 3

03 TB Math F1.indd 64 11/10/16 12:10 PM

Find the value of each of the following without using (b) 3
– 0.008
a calculator.
= 3 –   8
(a) 3
0.027 (b) 3
– 0.008 1 000

= 3 1–   2 2

(a) 3
0.027 (b)
Express as a cube – 0.008
= –  
=  3
3 in terms of other = 3
(– 0.2)3 10
= 0.3 decimal number. = – 0.2 = − 0.2

Self Practice 3.2d

1. Given 9 261 = 33 × 73, find 3
9 261  without using a calculator.
2. Find 3
2 744  by using the prime factorisation method.
3. Find the value of each of the following without using a calculator.
(a) 3
27 (b) 3
–125 (c) 3
343 (d) –1 000

4. Find the value of each of the following without using a calculator.

8 –   1 (c) 24 61
(a) 3 (b) 3 3 (d) 3 1 ­
125 27 81 64
(e) 
0.001 (f) – 0.064
(g) 
– 0.216 (h) 

How do you determine the cube root of a

number using technological tools? LEARNING
Determine the cube
root of a number using
Calculate the value of each of the following by using a technological tools.
calculator. Give your answer correct to two decimal places.
(a) 3
24 (b) –104.8 (c)
3 3 –1

(a) 3
24  = 2.88 (2 d.p.) Press  3 2 4 =

(b) 3
–104.8  = – 4.71 (2 d.p.) Press  3 (–) 1 0 4 · 8 =

(c) 3 –1 2   = –1.07 (2 d.p.) Press  3 (–) 1 a b c 2 a b c 9 =


Squares, Square Roots, Cubes and Cube Roots

03 TB Math F1.indd 65 11/10/16 12:10 PM

Self Practice 3.2e
1. Find the value of each of the following using a calculator and give your answer
correct to two decimal places.
7 (e) 3 –1
(a) 3
15 (b) 3
–74 (c) 3
164.2 (d) 3

9 5

How do you estimate the cube and cube root of a number?

Estimate the value of (i) the cube of a number,
(a) 4.23 (b) 3
180 (ii) the cube root of  
a number.

(a) 4.2 is between 4 and 5.

4.23 is between 43 and 53, Scan the QR Code or
that is, 4.23 is between 64 and 125. visit
Thus, 4.23 ≈ 64 UxjF6c to open the
file Example 17_pdf
(b) 180 is between perfect cubes 125 and 216. to learn about the
estimation using
180 is between 3
125 and 3
216, number line.
that is, 180 is between 5 and 6.

Thus, 3
180 ≈ 6

Self Practice 3.2f

1. Estimate the value of each of the following:
(a) 2.13 (b) (–9.6)3 (c) 19.73 (d) (– 43.2)3
2. Estimate the value of each of the following:
(a) 3
7 (b) 69 (c)
–118 (d)

How do you solve problems?

A sculptor carves a small cube from a wooden cube block Solve problems involving
that has a side length of 6 cm. If the volume of the remaining cubes and cube roots.
wooden block is 189 cm3, find the length of the small cube
that is being removed.

Chapter 3

03 TB Math F1.indd 66 11/10/16 12:10 PM

Understanding the problem
• Length of the wooden block = 6 cm
• Volume of the remaining wooden block after a small cube
is removed = 189 cm3

• Find the length of the small cube.
6 cm
Devising a plan 3
• Volume of the wooden block = Cube of the length of its side
• Volume of the small cube
= Volume of the – Volume of the remaining
wooden block wooden block Material:
Manila card
• Length of the small cube
= Cube root of the volume of the small cube Task:
Design a closed box to fill
eight ping pong balls by
Implementing the using the least material.
Volume of the wooden block = 63
= 216 cm3
Volume of the small cube
= Volume of the – Volume of the remaining
What is the shape of the
wooden block wooden block box that saves the most
= 216 – 189 amount of material?
= 27 cm3
Length of the small cube = 3
= 3 cm

Doing reflection
Volume of the small cube = 33 Think Smart
= 27 cm3 Amira shapes a cuboid
Volume of the wooden block = 27 + 189 measuring 5 cm, 2 cm
and 5 cm from plasticine.
= 216 cm3 How many identical
Thus, the length of the wooden block = 3
216 cuboids are needed to
= 6 cm form a big cube?

Self Practice 3.2g

1. Malik wants to make a cubic frame using a piece of wire with a length of 150 cm.
If the volume of the cube is 2 197 cm3, is the length of the wire sufficient? Give a
reason for your answer.

Squares, Square Roots, Cubes and Cube Roots

03 TB Math F1.indd 67 11/10/16 12:10 PM

How do you perform computations involving different operations on
squares, square roots, cubes and cube roots?

Perform computations
Find the value of each of the following: involving addition,
(a) 0.52 + 3
1 000 (b) (–3)3 – 
multiplication, division
3 and the combination
(c) 
25 + (– 0.2)2 ÷ 3
0.008 (d)
3 –3
3 × (
36 – 23)2 of those operations on
8 squares, square roots,
cubes and cube roots.

(a) 0.52 + 3

1 000 (b) (–3)3 – 
= 0.25 + 10 = –27 – 8
= 10.25 = –35
Find the value of

(d) 3 –3 3 × (
squares, square roots,
(c) 25 + (– 0.2)2 ÷ 3
 0.008 36 – 23)2 cubes or cube roots.
= 5 + 0.04 ÷ 0.2
= 5 + 0.2 = 3 –   27 × (6 – 8)2 Solve the operation in
Solve the ÷ 8
= 5.2 the brackets.
operation first.
= –   3 × (–2)2
Solve the operations ×
= –   3 × 4
and ÷ from left to right.
= – 6 Solve the operations +
and – from left to right.

Self Practice 3.2h

1. Calculate the value of each of the following:
(a) 
49 + 32 (b) 27 – 1.52 (c)
– 64 × 0.23

(d) (–2)2 ÷  2 1 – 3 15 5 (f)

100 (e) 3
1 × 0.32
4 8 125
÷ 1– 2 2 (h) (–5)2 + 2 7 – 23 16 – 6)2 × 3 –   54
(g) (i) (
27 3 9 128

Chapter 3

03 TB Math F1.indd 68 11/10/16 12:10 PM

Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra
3.2 questions of Mastery Q 3.2.

1. Determine whether each of the following numbers is a perfect cube. Explain how
you could support your answer by using the prime factorisation method.
(a) 128 (b) 343 (c) 1 000

2.    The prime factorisation of 3 375 is 3 × 3 × 3 × 5 × 5 × 5.
Explain how you could find the cube root of 3 375 by using the prime 3
factorisation method.

3. Find the value of each of the following without using a calculator.

1 3
1 45 2 (c)
(a) (−5)3 (b) 1–1 6 2 (d) (–3.2)3

(e) 3
125 (f) 3–512 (g) 3
729 (h) 3
–27 000
8 3 –  
(i) 3 (j) (k) 3
– 0.512 (l) 3
125 343

4. Calculate the value of each of the following using a calculator. Give your answers
correct to two decimal places for (e) to (h).
1–2 37 2
(a) 2023 (b) (−17.6)3 (c) 0.0413 (d)

(e) 3
34.8 (f) 3
215.7 (g) – 0.94
(h) 3 –   7
5. Estimate the value of each of the following:
(a) 2.9 3 (b) (–10.12)3 (c) 14.873 (d) (– 0.88)3
3 8
(e) 3
65 (f) 3
344 (g) 3
–728.9 (h)

6. The photo shows a decorative cubic box. The area of each

face of the box is 2 500 mm2.
(a) Find the length, in mm, of the decorative box.
(b) Write the volume of the decorative box in cubic notation.

7. Find the value of each of the following:

(a) 3
8 + (– 0.3)2 (b) 42 × 3
36 ÷ 12 1 2
(c)  (d) 32 – 3
27 ÷ (–1)3
(e) 52 × 3
–216 ÷ 4 (f)
3 –  
1 × 23 – 2 7  
9 343 1 92

Squares, Square Roots, Cubes and Cube Roots

03 TB Math F1.indd 69 11/10/16 12:10 PM


Square root
3 a×a


Cube root

Very Work
good harder

explain the meaning of squares, perfect squares, cubes and perfect cubes.
determine whether a number is a
– perfect square.
− perfect cube.
state the relationship between squares, square roots, cubes and cube roots.
determine the square and cube of a number with and without using
technological tools.
determine the square root and cube root of a number without using
technological tools.
determine the square root of a positive number and the cube root of a number using
technological tools.
estimate the square, square root, cube and cube root of a number.
make generalisation about multiplication involving
–  square roots of the same numbers.
–  square roots of different numbers.
pose and solve problems involving squares, square roots, cubes and cube roots.
perform computations involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
and the combination of those operations on squares, square roots, cubes and
cube roots.

Chapter 3

03 TB Math F1.indd 70 11/10/16 12:10 PM

1. Mark (3) for the number which is a perfect square.
27 (  ) 32 (  )  18 (  )  4 (  )
81 (  )  8 (  ) 125 (  ) 49 (  )
2. Copy and complete the operation steps below by filling up the empty boxes with
suitable numbers.

1 11 – (– 0.1)3 = – (– 0.1)3
25 25

= – (   )

3. The diagram shows a square drawn by Siti. She claims that

8  units. Show how
the length of the side of the square is 
you would validate Siti’s answer.

A helicopter landing pad is a square and has an area of 400 m2. Use the prime
factorisation method to find the length of the side of the landing pad.
5. 512 = (2 × 2 × 2) × (2 × 2 × 2) × (2 × 2 × 2)
(a) Based on the mathematical statement above, Fong Yee states that 512 is a perfect
cube. Explain how you would support Fong Yee’s answer.
(b) Fong Yee also states that 512 is not a perfect square. Explain the reason Fong
Yee said so.
6. Mohan used a can of paint to paint a square backdrop. A can of paint could cover the
entire backdrop of 38 m2. Estimate the length of the side of the backdrop.
7. A big cube with a side length of 30 cm is cut into 27 small cubes of the same size.
(a) the length of the side of each small cube,
(b) the area of the top surface of each small cube.

Squares, Square Roots, Cubes and Cube Roots

03 TB Math F1.indd 71 11/10/16 12:10 PM

 8. Amirul arranges 20 sen coins in the shapes of squares as shown in the diagram.

(a) Calculate the total value, in RM, of the

(i) fourth square,
(ii) 10th square.
(b) If Amirul has 20 sen coins with an amount of RM60, determine the arrangement
of the 20 sen coins to form the largest square.

Stella wants to beautify the patio of her house
by placing square patio stones on it. Each patio
stone has an area of 1 m2. She makes a sketch 8m
of the layout plan as shown in the diagram.
(a) How many patio stones are needed for
the construction? 14 m
(b) If Stella suggests using the same number of patio stones as in (a) but changes
the layout plan into the shape of a square, is it still possible for Stella to work?
Explain your answer.

Hypatia was an Egyptian mathematician who was
Square numbers:
born in the year 370 A.D. In a finding, Hypatia 1, 4, 9, 16, ...
posed the following problems: 5=1+4
• This number is the sum of two square 52 = 9 + 16
• The square of this number is also the
sum of two square numbers.
One of the numbers that satisfies the constraints posed by Hypatia is 5. Find three
other numbers.

Chapter 3

03 TB Math F1.indd 72 11/10/16 12:10 PM

The photo shows a square boxing ring. Other than
boxing, there are other sports which use square floors

as surfaces.
By conducting research via Internet, reference
books or visiting a library, find out what other sports 3
also use square floors as surfaces. Find out the length
of the side and the area of this square surface. Relate
the rules of this sports in describing the purpose of
having a square floor as its surface.

Chess is played on a square board. The board is made up of 32

light squares and 32 dark squares.
You have a piece of rectangular board with measurements
of 44 cm × 52 cm. You decide to use the board to make your
own chessboard such that
• each square grid on the board has a side length which is a
whole number.
• each chess piece is placed on a square grid with an area of
44 cm
not less than 9 cm2.
Determine all the possible measurements of the chessboard that 52 cm
you can create.


Squares, Square Roots, Cubes and Cube Roots

03 TB Math F1.indd 73 11/10/16 12:10 PM

CHAPTER Ratios, Rates
and Proportions

What will you learn?

• Ratios
• Rates
• Proportions
• Ratios, Rates and Proportions
• Relationship between Ratios, Rates and
Proportions, with Percentages, Fractions
and Decimals

 Why stu
dy t
Ratios, rates and
proportions are involved
in the fields that require
the concept of comparisons.
An astronomer measures the
distance in the solar system by
comparing each distance in the
solar system with the distance from The Hippocampus kuda is a type of seahorse
the Earth to the Sun. A nurse uses found in river estuaries. These seahorses are
the concept of rates when taking a facing extinction and must be conserved
patient’s pulse. Discuss other fields and appreciated. To estimate the seahorse
which involve the concept population at a certain habitat, marine
of comparisons. biologists will tag the first sample of the
seahorses and then release them back to the
original sites where they were collected from.

Chapter 4

04 TB Math F1.indd 74 11/10/16 12:12 PM

Vitruvian Man
The Vitruvian Man, is a drawing by
Leonardo da Vinci around the year 1490
which depicts a human body inscribed
in a circle and a square. In this drawing,
the human body is said to be drawn
based on certain ratios and proportions
which were suggested by a Roman
architect called Vitruvius.

For more information:

Word Link
•  rate •  kadar
•  proportion •  kadaran
•  ratio •  nisbah
•  equivalent ratio •  nisbah setara
•  percentage •  peratusan
After a certain period of time, the
second sample is collected. The marine
biologists will record the number of
tagged seahorses. How do the marine
biologists estimate the population of
the seahorses in the river estuaries by Open the folder downloaded from page vii
using this method? for the audio of Word Link.

Ratios, Rates and Proportions

04 TB Math F1.indd 75 11/10/16 12:12 PM

4.1 Ratios
Note that a ratio
Ratio is used to compare two or more quantities of the same has no units.
kind that are measured in the same unit. For example, the
ratio of 5 000 g to 9 kg can be represented as
5 000 g : 9 kg = 5 kg : 9 kg
=   5 :   9
The ratio of a to b is written as a : b.

How do you represent the relationship of three quantities?

Represent the
relation between
three quantities in
the form of a : b : c.

The picture above shows three photos of different sizes.

How do you represent the relationship of the sizes of these three photos in a ratio?

Represent the ratio of 0.02 m to 3 cm to 4.6 cm in the form of a : b : c.

0.02 m : 3 cm : 4.6 cm = 2 cm : 3 cm : 4.6 cm

= 2 : 3 : 4.6
= 20 : 30 : 46
= 10 : 15 : 23

Self Practice 4.1a

1. Represent the relationship of the following three quantities in the form of a : b : c.
(a) 2 weeks to 16 days to 1 week
(b) 0.1 kg to 50 g to 0.25 kg
(c) 4 minutes to 120 seconds to 1.6 hours
(d) 3 1 m to 480 cm to 6 400 mm
2. Tahir pays RM5.60 for a plate of nasi beriani, RM1.20 for a glass of tea and 30 sen
for a piece of kuih. Represent the relationship of the prices of nasi beriani, tea and
kuih in the form of a : b : c.

Chapter 4

04 TB Math F1.indd 76 11/10/16 12:12 PM

What are equivalent ratios? LEARNING
Observe the equivalent fractions that represent the shaded Identify and determine
parts in the diagram below. the equivalent ratios in
numerical, geometrical or
The areas of the daily situation contexts.
shaded parts
are always of

the same size.
1 2 6
2 4 12
÷  2 ×  3
1 2 6 Equivalent ratios
= = can be found by
2 4 12 writing the ratios as
÷  2 ×  3 equivalent fractions.

These fractions can be expressed in ratios as follows.

÷  2 ×  3

1 : 2 = 2 : 4 = 6 : 12

÷  2 ×  3 Think Smart

1 : 2, 2 : 4 and 6 : 12 are known as equivalent ratios. Are 23 : 46 and 1 : 1
6 3
To find an equivalent ratio, multiply or divide each part of equivalent to 1 : 2?
the ratio by the same whole number.

Which of the following ratios are equivalent to 27 : 45?

  9 : 15    5 : 3    54 : 90    1 : 5
2 6

27 : 45 = 27 × 2 : 45 × 2 27 : 45 = 27 ÷ 9 : 45 ÷ 9
= 54 : 90 =3:5 Ratio 3 : 5 ≠ 5 : 3.

27 : 45 = 27 ÷ 3 : 45 ÷ 3 27 : 45 = 27 × : 45 × 1
54 54
= 9 : 15
= 1 : 5
2 6
Thus, ratios which are equivalent to 27 : 45 are 1 : 5 = 1 × 54 : 5 × 54

9 : 15, 54 : 90 and 1 : 5 .
2 6 2 6
= 27 : 45
2 6

Ratios, Rates and Proportions

04 TB Math F1.indd 77 11/10/16 12:12 PM

Puan Habibah mixed 4 cups of vinegar with 8 cups of water to obtain a natural cleaning
solution to clean the glass window of her house. Identify and determine two possible
equivalent ratios for this cleaning solution.

4 : 8 = 4 × 2 : 8 × 2 4 : 8 = 4 ÷ 2 : 8 ÷ 2
= 8 : 16 =2:4

The two possible equivalent ratios of 4 : 8 are 8 : 16 and 2 : 4.

Self Practice 4.1b

1. Which of the following ratios are equivalent to 18 : 24 : 45?
2 8
3 : 4 : 9    36 : 48 : 90    0.6 : 0.8 : 1.5    : :1
5 15
2. Identify and determine the equivalent ratios of the shaded parts in each of the
following diagrams.
(a) (b)

3. At a construction site, a worker prepares a concrete mixture which acts as the basic
solid foundation of a building. The concrete mixture is obtained by adding 10 parts
of cement to 20 parts of sand and 30 parts of gravel. Identify and determine two
possible equivalent ratios for this mixture.

How do you express ratios in their simplest form?

To express a ratio in its simplest form, divide the quantities by LEARNING
the Highest Common Factor (HCF) or multiply the quantities Express ratios of two
by the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM). and three quantities in
simplest form.
Express each of the following ratios in its simplest form.
(a) 800 g : 1.8 kg (b) 32 : 24 : 20
(c) 3 : 7 (d) 0.04 : 0.12 : 0.56
5 10
Convert to the A ratio of a : b is said to
(a) 800 g : 1.8 kg = 800 g : 1 800 g same unit. be in its simplest form

= 800 : 1 800 if a and b are integers

Divide both
200 200 parts by 200.
with no common
factors other than 1.
= 4 : 9

Chapter 4

04 TB Math F1.indd 78 11/10/16 12:12 PM

(b) 32 : 24 : 20 = 32 : 24 : 20 Divide the three parts by 4, that is,
4 4 4 the HCF of 32, 24 and 20.

(c) 3 : 7 = 3 × 10 : 7 × 10 Multiply both parts by 10, that is,

5 10 5 10 the LCM of 5 and 10.

(d) 0.04 : 0.12 : 0.56 = 0.04 × 100 : 0.12 × 100 : 0.56 × 100 Multiply the three
parts by 100.
= 4 : 12 : 56
= 4 : 12 : 56
Divide the three parts by 4, that
4 4 4 is, the HCF of 4, 12 and 56.
= 1 : 3 : 14

Self Practice 4.1c

1. Express each of the following ratios in its simplest form.
(a) 240 g : 1.6 kg (b) 30 : 42 : 48
(c) 2 : 8 (d) 0.09 : 0.12 : 0.24
5 9

Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra

4.1 questions of Mastery Q 4.1.

1. The diagram shows three squares, A, B and C.

4 cm
3 cm
2 cm


(a) Represent each of the following in the form of a : b : c.

(i) The length of square A to the length of square B to the length of square C.
(ii) The perimeter of square A to the perimeter of square B to the perimeter of
square C.
(iii) The area of square A to the area of square B to the area of square C.
(b) Write the equivalent ratios based on your answers in (a).
(c) What is the relationship between the numbers in the ratio of areas and the
numbers in the ratio of length?

Ratios, Rates and Proportions

04 TB Math F1.indd 79 11/10/16 12:12 PM

2. In a workshop, a mechanic uses a jack with a force of 120 pounds to lift a car with
a mass of 1 350 kg. State the ratio of the mass of the car to the force required to lift
the car. Express the ratio in its simplest form. (1 pound = 0.45 kg)

3. The table shows the number of boys and girls in three Form 1 classes.
Students Class 1 Amanah Class 1 Bestari Class 1 Cekap
Boys 12 9 9

Girls 16 20 12

(a) Which classes have equivalent ratios of the number of girls to the number of
4 boys?
(b) Write the ratio of the number of girls in class 1 Amanah to the number of girls
in class 1 Bestari to the number of girls in class 1 Cekap in the form of a : b : c.
(c) Class 1 Amanah and class 1 Bestari are combined during the Physical Education
and Health Education lesson. Find the ratio of the number of girls to the number
of boys in the combined class. Express your answer in its simplest form.

4. Identify and determine the possible equivalent ratios for each of the following.
is equivalent to 1:5 as 4:9:2 as 37 : 74 as 6:1 as 0.3 : 1.2 : 0.5

5. Identify and determine the equivalent ratios of the shaded parts in each of the
following diagrams.


6. A farmer prepares a soil medium by mixing 3 parts of loamy soil, 2 parts of peat and
1 part of river sand. Identify and determine two possible equivalent ratios for this
soil medium.

Chapter 4

04 TB Math F1.indd 80 11/10/16 12:12 PM

4.2 Rates
What is the relationship between ratios and LEARNING
rates? Determine the
relationship between
ratios and rates.


Aim: To determine the relationship between ratios and rates.
Instruction: Open the folder downloaded from page vii.

1. Open the file ratio and rates.pdf and print the file. 4
2. State the ratio of two quantities for the measurements involved in each of the
situations given.
3. State the quantities involved and also their units of measurement.
Ratio in the Quantities Units of
Situation form a involved measurement
A car travels 285 km in 285 km Distance and
km and hour
3 hours. 3 hours time
A plant grows 24 cm in
4 months.
A baby’s mass increases by
1.3 kg in 60 days.
Karim’s pulse rate is 75 beats
per minute.
The force acting on the
surface area of 1 square metre
is 2 Newtons.

In Exploration Activity 1, we compare two quantities

measured in different units. For example, in the ratio Rate is a special ratio
that compares two
285 km , we compare the distance travelled in km with the quantities with different
3 hours units of measurement.
time taken in hours. The ratio 285 km is known as a rate.
3 hours
Rates show how two quantities with different units are
Whether 1.5 kg or 1.5 kg
related to each other. 3 kg 3g
is a rate? Discuss.

Ratios, Rates and Proportions

04 TB Math F1.indd 81 11/10/16 12:12 PM

State the rate and the two quantities (including the units) involved in each of the following
(a) Fatin buys 2 kg of mangoes at the total price of RM10.
(b) A car consumes 1 litre of petrol for a distance of 12 km.

(a) Rate = RM10 (b) Rate = 12 km


2 kg 1 litre
The two quantities involved are mass The two quantities involved are
(kg) and total amount of money (RM). distance (km) and volume (litre).
Conversion of units of rates
Two stalls sell cherry tomatoes from
Cameron Highlands. Which stall sells
cherry tomatoes at a cheaper price?
To compare the price rates, convert the
units first. Stall A Stall B

The price of cherry tomatoes at stall B = RM8

500 g Try to convert
RM15 per kg to
= 8 × 2 RM per 500 g
500 × 2 and compare
= 16 the price rates.
1 000 1 000 g = 1 kg
= RM16 per kg
Thus, the price of cherry tomatoes at stall A is cheaper than
the price of cherry tomatoes at stall B.

(a) Rajan is riding his bicycle at a speed of 5 m/s. Convert 5 m/s to km/h.
(b) The density of a type of metal is 2 700 kg per m3.
State the density of this metal in g per cm3.
m/s means metre
(a) 5 m/s (b) Density per second.
= 5 m 2 700 kg
1s =
1 m3
= 2 700 × 1 000
1 kg = 1 000 g
= 5 km ÷ h 100 × 100 × 100
1 000 60 × 60 1 m3
5 60 × 60 = 2.7 g/cm3 =1m×1m×1m
= × = 2.7 g per cm3 = 100 cm × 100 cm × 100 cm
1 000 1
= 18 km/h

Chapter 4

04 TB Math F1.indd 82 11/10/16 12:12 PM

Self Practice 4.2a
1. State the rate and the two quantities (including the units) involved in each of the
following situations.
(a) The train fare for two adult passengers travelling from Johor Bahru to Kuala
Lumpur is RM154.
(b) 20 litres of water flow out of a water tank each time the water is pumped.
(c) The tuition fee paid by Haruiri is RM240 for 4 subjects.
(d) The price of the fertiliser used on a 10 hectare farm is RM500.

(e) The shaft of an engine makes 600 revolutions in 3 seconds.
2. The table shows the speeds of two objects, A and B. Object Speed 4
Convert the units of measurement to determine which A 25 m per second
object moves faster.
B 8 km per hour

3. The mass per unit area of a type of metal sheet is 3 kg per m2. State the rate in g
per 100 cm2.
4. An oil palm plantation uses fertiliser at a rate of 350 kg per hectare. State the rate of
fertiliser consumption in g per m2. [1 hectare = 10 000 m2]

4.2 Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra
  questions of Mastery Q 4.2.
1. The mass of a piece of 5 cm3 aluminium is 13.5 g. Find the density of the aluminium
in g per cm3.
2. Orang-utan Mass at birth (kg) Mass after 60 days (kg)
Borneo 0.3 6.3
Sumatera 0.7 7.7
(a) Based on the information in the table above, state
(i) the ratios of the mass at birth to the mass after 60 days for the two species
of orang-utan,
(ii) the rate of growth in kg per 60 days for the two species of orang-utan.
(b) State the two quantities involved for the rate obtained in (a)(ii).
3. Halim wants to buy milk. The cartons of milk are sold in three different sizes as
shown in the diagram.
(a) Write the price rate for each carton of milk.
(b) Determine the price per litre for the 500 ml
carton of milk. Milk

(c) Which carton of milk offers the most


affordable price? Justify your answer.

250 m ml 500 m ml 1l l
l 250 l 500 1

RM2.25 RM4.00 RM7.50

Ratios, Rates and Proportions

04 TB Math F1.indd 83 11/10/16 12:12 PM

4.3 Proportions LEARNING
What is the relationship between ratios and Determine the
proportions? relationship between
ratios and proportions.


Aim: To determine the relationship between ratios and proportions.


Instruction: Perform the activity in pairs.

1. Select a page from a novel to copy. The time allocated for copying is 5 minutes.
4 2. Your friend acts as a timekeeper to tell you the time to begin and the time to
stop copying.
3. Copy at a comfortable rate to minimise spelling mistakes.
4. Stop copying when the time is up. Mark the place you have stopped copying.
5. Count the total number of words copied in 5 minutes.
6. Exchange roles and repeat Steps 1 to 5 to obtain data for your friend. Use the
same page when copying.
7. Copy and record your findings in the following table.
Name of student
Number of words
Time (minutes) 5 5

8. Based on the results in the table, answer the following questions:

(a) What is the rate of copying in 5 minutes for you and your friend?
(b) Convert the rate of copying in 5 minutes to the number of words per
(c) If both of you continued copying at the same rate, how many words could
each person copy in 1 hour?

In Exploration Activity 2, you have used proportion to find

the number of words that you and your friend copied in
1 hour. Based on Exploration
For example, Activity 2, discuss
× 12 the similarities and
differences among ratios,
45 words 540 words rates and proportions.
5 minutes 60 minutes Give an example for
each one.
× 12
Proportion is a relationship that states that the two ratios or two rates are equal.
Proportion can be expressed in the form of fraction.

Chapter 4

04 TB Math F1.indd 84 11/10/16 12:12 PM

Write a proportion for each of the following situations:
(a) If 10 beans have a mass of 17 g, then 30 beans
have a mass of 51 g.
(b) The Le Tour De Langkawi cycling race covers
a distance of 1 180 km which starts from Kedah
and ends in Melaka. On the map, this distance
is 23.6 cm where 1 cm represents 50 km.

17 g 51 g 50 km 1 180 km
(a) = (b) = 4
10 beans 30 beans 1 cm 23.6 cm

Self Practice 4.3a

1. Write a proportion for each of the following situations:
(a) If the price of 3 balls is RM5, then the price of 12 balls is RM20.
(b) The height of four wooden blocks stacked vertically on top of one another is
24 cm. When Raju stacks 13 wooden blocks on top of one another, the height of
the stacked blocks is 78 cm.
(c) There are 13 boys and 15 girls in each classroom at Ria Kindergarten. If there
are 65 boys in the kindergarten, then there are 75 girls.

How do you determine the unknown value in

a proportion? STANDARDS
Determine an unknown
8 value in a proportion.
Electricity costs 43.6 sen for 2 kilowatt-hour (kWh). How
much does 30 kWh cost?

Unitary method Proportion method

The cost of electricity for 2 kWh Let the cost of electricity for 30 kWh be
= 43.6 sen x sen.
The cost of electricity for 1 kWh Then,
× 15
= 43.6 sen 43.6 sen  =  x sen
= 21.8 sen 2 kWh 30 kWh
The cost of electricity for 30 kWh × 15
= 30 × 21.8 x = 43.6 × 15
= 654 sen = 654

Ratios, Rates and Proportions

04 TB Math F1.indd 85 11/10/16 12:12 PM

Cross multiplication method
Let the cost of electricity for 30 kWh be x sen.
43.6 =  x
2 30 If a = c  , then
b d
2 × x =  43.6 × 30 a × d = b × c.
x =  43.6 × 30

=  654
Thus, the cost of electricity consumption for 30 kWh is RM6.54.
Self Practice 4.3b
1. In a sports carnival, there are 200 players in 8 rugby teams. Determine the number of
players in 2 teams if each team has the same number of players.
2. During the SEGAK test in the Physical Education lesson, Amir is able to do 60
push-ups in 3 minutes. How many push-ups can Amir do in 5 minutes?
(Assume that Amir does the push-ups at the same rate.)
3. A farmer plants three chilli plants per 0.5 m2. How many chilli plants can he plant in
an area of 85 m2?

Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra

  questions of Mastery Q 4.3.

1. Write a proportion for each of the following situations. Use a suitable variable to
represent the required information.
(a) Puan Jamilah mixes 175 ml of olive oil and 50 ml of vinegar to make a marinade.
What is the volume of vinegar required if Puan Jamilah uses 300 ml of olive oil
to make the marinade?
(b) A meteorologist used a rain gauge to measure the
amount of rain in a city. He found out that the total
rainfall in the city was 7.8 mm within 3 hours. If the
rainfall continues at the same rate, how long will it
take for the rainfall to reach 11.7 mm?

2. A gear is a simple machine consisting of wheels with teeth. When a large gear rotates
4 times, a small gear will rotate 18 times at the same time. How many times will the
large gear rotate if the small gear rotates 54 times?
3. A gardener spends half an hour to mow and weed the lawn which has a measurement
of 20 m × 15 m. He is paid RM30 per hour. How much is he paid for a lawn which
has a measurement of 40 m × 30 m?

Chapter 4

04 TB Math F1.indd 86 11/10/16 12:12 PM

4.4 Ratios, Rates and Proportions
How do you determine the ratio of three quantities when two or more
ratios of two quantities are given?

If p : q = 7 : 3 and q : r = 3 : 5, find the ratio of p : q : r. Determine the ratio of

three quantities, given
two or more ratios of
p : q = 7 :  3 q : r =  3  : 5 two quantities.
Thus, p : q : r = 7 : 3 : 5.

At the reading corner of Class 1 Jujur, the ratio of the number of storybooks to the
number of reference books is 2 : 5. The ratio of the number of reference books to the
number of magazines is 3 : 2. Find the ratio of the number of storybooks to the number
of reference books to the number of magazines.

Let x = number of storybooks

y = number of reference books Change the value of
z = number of magazines y in both ratios to
the same number by
x : y = 2 : 5 y : z = 3 : 2 determining the LCM
= 2 × 3 : 5 × 3 = 3 × 5 : 2 × 5 of 5 and 3.

= 6 : 15 = 15 : 10
Thus, x : y : z = 6 : 15 : 10, that is, the ratio of the number of
storybooks to the number of reference books to the number
of magazines is 6 : 15 : 10.

Self Practice 4.4a

1. If p : q = 2 : 9 and q : r = 9 : 7, find the ratio of p : q : r.
2. A certain amount of money was donated to three charity organisations P, Q and R.
The ratio of the amount of donation received by P to Q is 2 : 3. The ratio of the
amount of donation received by Q to R is 4 : 1. Find the ratio of the amount of
donation received by organisation P to organisation Q to organisation R.

Ratios, Rates and Proportions

04 TB Math F1.indd 87 11/10/16 12:12 PM

How do you determine the ratio or the related LEARNING
Determine the ratio or
11 the related value given
(i) the ratio of two
Nurin’s mother tries a bread recipe by mixing flour with quantities and the
water. The ratio of the flour to the water is 5 : 3. If Nurin’s value of one quantity.
mother has 480 g of flour, what is the mass of water, in g, (ii) the ratio of three
that is needed?

quantities and the

value of one quantity.

Unitary method Cross multiplication method

Flour : Water Let m = mass of water needed
5 : 3 Flour : Water
480 g : 5 : 3
480 g : m g
5 parts of flour = 480 g
m =  480
1 part of flour = 480 Thus,
5 3 5
= 96 g 5 × m =  3 × 480
Mass of water needed = 3 × 96 g m =  3 × 480
= 288 g
=  288
In funding a bicycle shelter project, the ratio of the donations contributed by the school
canteen operator, Jaya Bookstore and PIBG is 2 : 6 : 5. If the PIBG had donated RM900,
find the amounts donated by the school canteen operator and Jaya Bookstore respectively.

Unitary method
School canteen operator : Jaya Bookstore : PIBG
2 : 6 : 5
: : RM900
5 parts = RM900
1 part = 900
= RM180
School canteen operator Jaya Bookstore
donated 2 parts. donated 6 parts.
Amount donated = 2 × RM180 Amount donated = 6 × RM180
= RM360 = RM1 080
Try This Use cross multiplication method to solve Example 12.

Chapter 4

04 TB Math F1.indd 88 11/10/16 12:12 PM

2 cm
A piece of wire of length 12 cm is divided into three parts. Given that PQ : QR = 3 : 2
and RS = 2 cm, determine PQ : QR : RS.

PR = 12 – 2

= 10 cm
The total ratio of PQ and QR = 3 + 2
=5 4
5 parts = 10 cm
1 part = 10
= 2 cm
PQ = 3 × 2 cm
= 6 cm
QR = 2 × 2 cm
= 4 cm
Thus, PQ : QR : RS = 6 : 4 : 2

Self Practice 4.4b

1. The ratio of the price of a baju kebaya to the price of a baju kurung is 7 : 4. If the
price of the baju kebaya is RM84, find the price of the baju kurung.
2. The ratio of Encik Arif’s mass to his son’s mass is 3 : 2. If his son’s mass is
42 kg, find Encik Arif’s mass.
3. Zanariah, Rusita and Hanifah shared the cost of a birthday present for their mother in
the ratio 5 : 3 : 2. Hanifah paid RM50 for the present. Calculate the total amount of
money Zanariah and Rusita paid.
4. Kadir, Chandran and Ping Wei participated in a Science quiz. The number of questions
they had answered was in the ratio 4 : 6 : 3. Chandran had answered 30 questions.
Calculate the total number of questions Kadir and Ping Wei had answered.
5. 42 students in Class 1 Dedikasi have registered as members of the Computer Club,
Robotics Club and Taekwondo Club. Each student is allowed to register for one club
only. It is given that the number of students who had registered as members of the
Robotics Club is one third of the number of students who had registered as members
of the Computer Club and the number of students who had registered as members
of the Taekwondo Club is 14. Determine the ratio of the number of members of the
Computer Club to the number of members of the Robotics Club to the number of
members of the Taekwondo Club.
Ratios, Rates and Proportions

04 TB Math F1.indd 89 11/10/16 12:12 PM

How do you determine the value related to LEARNING
Determine the value
14 related to a rate.

Mr Tan jogs at a steady rate on a treadmill and his heart beats 420 times in 4 minutes.
Find the number of times his heart will beat if he jogs on the treadmill at the same rate
for 12 minutes.

Heart rate = 420 times

4 minutes
Let the number of heartbeats be x times in 12 minutes.
Proportion method Cross multiplication method
420 times = x times 420 = x

4 minutes 12 minutes 4 12
  × 3 4 × x = 420 × 12
420 times
 =  x times x = 420 × 12
4 minutes 12 minutes 4
x = 1 260
  × 3
x = 1 260
Mr Tan’s heart will beat 1 260 times in 12 minutes.
Try This Use unitary method to solve Example 14.

id ou now
In real-life situations, the heart rate per minute is not constant. This is because the rate varies
according to an individual’s condition at different times.

Self Practice 4.4c

1. A person who walks for exercise burns 2.9 calories of energy per minute. How many
calories does that person burn during a 20-minute walk?
2. Six cartons of lime juice are sold at RM12.25. Determine the price for 24 similar
cartons of lime juice.
3. On Monday, Anis used 8 cups of flour to make 60 pieces of buttermilk biscuits. On
Tuesday, Anis plans to make 15 pieces of buttermilk biscuits. If the rate of the flour
used to make the biscuits remains the same, how many cups of flour should she use?
4. Suppose the exchange rate of USD1 is equivalent to RM3.90. Ahmad goes to the
money changer to change RM200 to US Dollars at this rate. The money changer
gives Ahmad back a change of RM5 together with the US Dollars. How much US
Dollars does Ahmad receive?

Chapter 4

04 TB Math F1.indd 90 11/10/16 12:12 PM

How do you solve problems? LEARNING
15 Solve problems involving
ratios, rates and
A farmer uses the capture, mark, release and recapture proportions, including
method to estimate the population of snails in his vegetable making estimations.
farm. He captures 24 snails and marks on the shell of each of
them. Then, he releases them back into the farm. Two weeks
later, he captures randomly 30 snails and finds that 5 of them

are marked. He uses the following proportion to estimate the
population of snails in the vegetable farm.
Number of marked snails
= Number of snails which are captured and marked
Number of recaptured snails Population of snails in the vegetable farm

Estimate the population of snails in the vegetable farm.

Let the population of snails in the farm = x

Number of marked snails
= Number of snails which are captured and marked
Number of recaptured snails Population of snails in the vegetable farm

5 = 24
30 x
1 5 24
30 x
× 24

1 = 24 How would you find
6 x the value of x if you do
not change 5 in its
× 24 30
simplest form?
x = 6 × 24
= 144
The farmer estimates that there are 144 snails in the vegetable farm.

id ou now
By knowing the pest population in a certain habitat, scientists can estimate the optimum
use of pesticides so that the ecological balance can be maintained without affecting the
survival of other living organisms.

Ratios, Rates and Proportions

04 TB Math F1.indd 91 11/10/16 12:12 PM

Self Practice 4.4d
1. The table shows the results of a study to estimate the population of a type of
freshwater fish that lives in a lake.
Number of fish caught
Marked Unmarked
First 60
Second (After a week) 5 20

Estimate the population of the freshwater fish that live in the lake.
2. A football team played 28 games and won 4 out of every 7 games contested. There
4 were no tie games.
(a) How many games did this football team lose?
(b) Calculate the team’s win-loss ratio.
(c) If this trend continues, estimate the number of losses of the team once they have
won 20 games.

Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra

  questions of Mastery Q 4.4.
1. The scouts are having an annual camp. Every 12 scouts are under the supervision of
a teacher. How many teachers will be involved if there are 90 scouts attending the
annual camp?
2. Akmal, Bakri and Cadin share their mother’s medical expenses which cost RM4 200.
Cadin pays RM2 100 while Akmal pays three quarters of Bakri’s amount. Find the
ratio of the expenses shared by Akmal to Bakri to Cadin.
3. The table shows the prices of four Type of fish Price
types of fish. Siti wants to buy 1 kg Pomfret (Bawal) RM1.50 per 100 g
each of two types of fish and the total
Hardtail scad (Cencaru) RM3.20 per 500 g
amount she is willing to spend is less
One finlet scad (Selar) RM2.70 per 300 g
than RM20. What are the possible
combinations of fish that Siti can buy? Indian mackerel
RM5. 40 per 400 g
Show your calculations.
4. The graph shows the growth rate of bacteria A Bacteria B
Number of cells (× 10 million)

and bacteria B in a culture.
(a) Which bacteria shows the fastest growth Bacteria A
rate in the first minute? State this growth
(b) What is the difference in the number of
cells between bacteria A and bacteria B in
the 4th minute?
(c) Estimate the time when there are equal
numbers of the two types of bacteria. 0 1 2 3 4
Time (minutes)

Chapter 4

04 TB Math F1.indd 92 11/10/16 12:12 PM

5. A 30 kg bag of fertiliser is labelled 15-20-10. These numbers mean that the contents
in this bag of fertiliser contain 15% nitrogen, 20% phosphorus and 10% potassium
by mass. The remaining 55% is made up of micronutrients and other fillers.
(a) Find the ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus to potassium.
(b) Calculate the mass, in kg, of the contents of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium
in the bag.

4.5 Relationship between Ratios, Rates and Proportions, with
Percentages, Fractions and Decimals
What is the relationship between percentages LEARNING
and ratios? STANDARDS
Determine the
relationship between
A percentage is a fraction with a denominator of 100. percentages and ratios.


Aim: To determine the relationship between percentages and ratios.

1. Copy and complete the table below.


The ratio of the

number of shaded The percentage of the The percentage of the
squares to the number shaded squares unshaded squares
of unshaded squares

2. Based on the results in the table above, discuss the relationship between
percentages and ratios.

Ratios, Rates and Proportions

04 TB Math F1.indd 93 11/10/16 12:12 PM

From Exploration Activity 3, it is found that a percentage is
a ratio that describes a part of 100.

For example,  20% = 20

100 ‘Percentage’
‘per 100’.

id ou now

The ratio that compares

The diagram shows 10 marbles. the number of parts
What does the ratio 3 : 7 represent in to 100 parts can be
the diagram? expressed in the form
4 of fraction, decimal
What is the percentage of black marbles
in the diagram? and percentage.

In a class, the ratio of the number of girls to the number of boys is 3 : 2. Find the
percentage of the girls in the class.

The ratio of the number of girls to the total number of students = 3 : 5

= 3

3 = 3 × 20 Change to a fraction
with a denominator
5 5 × 20 of 100. The percentage of the girls
= 60 3
100 =
× 100%
= 60%
Thus, the percentage of the girls in the class is 60%.

Zakaria is thrifty. He saves 30% of his daily pocket money. Find the ratio of his daily
savings to his total daily pocket money received.

The percentage of Zakaria’s daily savings = 30%

= 30
The ratio of his daily savings to his total daily pocket money received = 30 : 100
= 3 : 10

Chapter 4

04 TB Math F1.indd 94 11/10/16 12:12 PM

Self Practice 4.5a
1. In a class, the ratio of the number of students who wear spectacles to the number of
students who do not wear spectacles is 1 : 3. Find the percentage of the students who
do not wear spectacles in the class.
2. It is known that 35% of the hard disk of a computer has been filled with data. Find
the ratio of the capacity that has been filled with data to the capacity that has not
been filled with data.

How do you determine the percentage of a quantity by applying the 4
concept of proportions?

A proportion is a relationship that states that two ratios are equal. STANDARDS
Determine the
percentage of a quantity
by applying the concept
of proportions.

Determine the percentage of each of the following quantities by applying the concept
of proportions.
(a) A box contains 8 ribbons. Two of the ribbons are blue. What is the percentage of blue
ribbons in the box?
(b) Puan Jorana has RM300. She spends RM15 for her transport fee. What is the
percentage of the amount of money she spends?

(a) Let the percentage of blue ribbons in the box be x.

Number of blue ribbons
x = 
Write a proportion
Total number of ribbons
2 x =
8 100
2 × 1008 × x = 
x =  2 × 100
=  25
Thus, 25% of the ribbons in the box are blue.

Ratios, Rates and Proportions

04 TB Math F1.indd 95 11/10/16 12:12 PM

(b) Let the percentage of the amount of money spent be y.
Amount of money spent
= y
Total amount of money 100
÷ 3

15 = y
300 100

÷ 3
y = 5
4 Puan Jorana spends 5% of the total amount of money.

At a sale carnival, Encik Rosli chooses a shirt from a rack which displays ‘45% price
reduction’. The original price of the shirt is RM85. 00. When Encik Rosli scans the price
tag of the shirt, the scanner shows that the price is RM57. 80. By applying the concept
of proportions, determine whether this percentage discount corresponds to the percentage
reduction displayed. Give a reason for your answer.

Let p be the percentage discount of the original price.

Thus, =  Selling price
100 Original price
=  57.80
100 85.00
85p =  5 780
p =  5 780
=  68
The selling price is 68% of the original price.
Percentage discount obtained = 100% – 68%
= 32%
The percentage discount obtained by Encik Rosli is less than the percentage reduction

Chapter 4

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Self Practice 4.5b
1. Determine the percentage of each of the following quantities by applying the concept
of proportions.
(a) 14 out of 56 students completed their homework in 1 hour. What is the percentage
of the students who had completed their homework in 1 hour?
(b) A class has 45 students. 18 of them are girls. What is the percentage of girls in
the class?
(c) The bee hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world. It can weigh as little as

2 grams. The ostrich is the largest bird in the world and it can weigh as much as
150 kilograms. What percent of the mass of a bee hummingbird is the mass of
an ostrich? 4
2. A shoe factory outlet is having a sales promotion in conjunction with the school
holidays. A pair of shoes with an original price of RM45 is sold at a 25% discount.
By applying the concept of proportions, determine the amount a consumer could save
when he buys this pair of shoes during the sales promotion.

How do you solve problems?

Solve problems
The table shows the monthly rental rates and the deposits involving relationship
required when renting apartments in Taman Bukit Damai. between ratios, rates
and proportions with
Type of apartment Two-room Three-room percentages, fractions
and decimals.
Rental rate
450 550
(RM per month)
Deposit 1 month rent 2 months rent

(a) Ben and Farid rent the two-room apartment and the three-room apartment respectively.
Find the ratio of the initial payment made by Ben to the initial payment made
by Farid.
(b) The monthly salaries of Ben and Farid are RM3 750 and RM5 000 respectively. By
applying the concept of proportions, determine the percentage of the monthly rental
spent to the monthly salary of each of them.

(a) Initial payment made by Ben = 450 + 450

= RM900
Initial payment made by Farid = 550 + (2 × 550)
= RM1 650
Ratio of initial payment made by Ben to Farid = 900 : 1 650
= 6 : 11

Ratios, Rates and Proportions

04 TB Math F1.indd 97 11/10/16 12:12 PM

(b) Let x be the percentage of the monthly rental spent to
the monthly salary of Ben.
Chemists use
x = 450 proportions to calculate
100 3 750 the amount of each
pigment required to
x = 450 × 100
produce the appropriate
3 750 colour of paint.
= 12

Ben spends 12% of his monthly salary on rental.

4 Let y be the percentage of the monthly rental spent to the monthly salary of Farid.
= 550
100 5 000

y = 550 × 100

5 000
= 11
Farid spends 11% of his monthly salary on rental.

Self Practice 4.5c

1. There are 40 passengers on a bus. At the next bus stop, 8 passengers get off and 18
passengers get on the bus.
(a) By applying the concept of proportions, determine the percentage of the
passengers who get off the bus compared to the number of passengers originally
on the bus.
(b) What is the ratio of the passengers who get on the bus at the bus stop compared
to the new total number of passengers on the bus?

Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra

  questions of Mastery Q 4.5.

1. In a basket, the ratio of the number of red apples to the number of green apples is
3 : 5.
(a) Write the fraction of the number of red apples over the total number of apples.
Hence, express this fraction in decimal.
(b) What is the percentage of red apples in the basket?

Chapter 4

04 TB Math F1.indd 98 11/10/16 12:12 PM


Original After enlargement
Karim uses a photocopy machine to enlarge the diagram of PQR to 150% of its

original size.
(a) Write the ratio of the length of P9Q9 to the length of PQ.
(b) Is the ratio of the length of P9R9 to the length of PR same as the ratio of the
length of P9Q9 to the length of PQ?
(c) Use your knowledge on ratios and percentages to explain the meaning of ‘enlarge
diagram PQR to 150% of its original size’.
3. A book with an original price of RM25 is sold at a 30% discount in a bookshop. If
the same book is sold online at the original price of RM20, the customers are given
a 15% discount. By applying the concept of proportions, determine which one is the
better choice for buying the book. Justify your choice.

Ratio Rate Proportion

Compares two or three Compares two A relationship that states

quantities measured in quantities measured that two ratios or two rates
the same unit. in different units. are equal.

Can be expressed as Can be expressed as a

a fraction involving fraction.
Written in the form of different units. For example:
a : b or a : b : c. For example: a1 b1
Speed is measured a2 = b2
in km/h. Thus, a is proportional to b.

Can be solved using

Can be expressed as a
Cannot be expressed as the unitary method, the
percentage, a fraction
a percentage. proportion method or the
and a decimal.
cross multiplication method.

Ratios, Rates and Proportions

04 TB Math F1.indd 99 11/10/16 12:12 PM

Very Work
good harder

represent the relation between three quantities in the form of a : b : c.

identify and determine the equivalent ratios in numerical, geometrical or daily
situation contexts.
express the ratios of two and three quantities in simplest form.

determine the relationship between ratios and rates, ratios and proportions.
determine an unknown value in a proportion.
determine the ratio of three quantities, given two or more ratios of two quantities.
determine the ratio or the related value given
(i) the ratio of two quantities and the value of one quantity.
(ii) the ratio of three quantities and the value of one quantity.
determine the value related to a rate.
solve problems involving ratios, rates and proportions, including
making estimations.
determine the relationship between percentages and ratios.
determine the percentage of a quantity by applying the concept of proportions.
solve problems involving relationship between ratios, rates and proportions with
percentages, fractions and decimals.

1. Copy and match the following pairs of equivalent ratios.

6:9 • • 1 : 15

6 : 90 • • 2:3

9 : 60 • • 3 : 20

Chapter 4

04 TB Math F1.indd 100 11/10/16 12:12 PM


Aquarium A Aquarium B
Aquarium A contains 16 goldfish and aquarium B contains 20 goldfish.
(a) State the ratio of the number of goldfish in aquarium A to the number of goldfish

in aquarium B.
(b) A few goldfish are subsequently added into each aquarium such that the ratio in
(a) remains the same. Find the minimum number of goldfish added into each of 4
the aquariums.
3. The information below shows the ratios of the scores obtained by Group P and
Group Q in a quiz.
Ratio of the scores obtained by Ratio of the scores obtained by
Group P Group Q

Chong : Rahim : Hassan
Nurin : Bala : Shanthy
5 : 4 : 7 3 : 2 : 1
The total score obtained by Group P is 144 and the total score obtained by Group Q
is 168.
(a) Find Rahim’s score.
(b) State the ratio of Hassan’s score to Bala’s score.
(c) Who obtained the highest score? What is the score?


950 ml 1.8 l
400 ml

RM6.40 RM14.25 RM21.60

Anis goes to a grocery store to buy her favourite brand of orange juice. She finds that
the orange juice is sold in different volumes and prices. Which bottle of orange juice
offers the most affordable price?
5. Puan Kavitha has a water tank which measures 120 cm in length, 60 cm in width
and 50 cm in height. Water is filled into the tank at a rate of 2.4 litres per minute. If
Puan Kavitha starts to fill the empty tank with water at 0630 hours, at what time will
the water tank be full? (1 l = 1 000 cm3)

Ratios, Rates and Proportions

04 TB Math F1.indd 101 11/10/16 12:12 PM

6. Atong uses the following proportion to estimate the height of
a tree.
Height of the tree Height of the student
Length of the tree’s shadow Length of the student’s shadow

Atong’s height is 1.55 m and one afternoon, he finds that his

shadow is 0.93 m on the ground. Estimate the height of the tree
that casts a 6-m shadow on the ground.

4 7. The table shows the prices of RON 95 petrol on two different days.
Date 29 February 2016 6 March 2016
Price of RON 95 petrol RM1.75 per litre RM1.60 per litre

(a) If Lai Huat pays RM15 every time he fills up his motorcycle fuel tank with RON
95 petrol, what is the difference in volume, in litres, of the petrol filled on 29
February 2016 compared to 6 March 2016?
(b) Lai Huat suggests moving to his new house on 8 March 2016.
Monthly rental (RM) Commuting distance (km)
Current house 300 24
New house 340 18
Lai Huat fills up his motorcycle fuel tank with RON 95 petrol to travel from his
house to the workplace. If the fuel consumption rate for his motorcycle is 20 km
per litre, should Lai Huat move to his new house? Give a reason and show your
calculations. (Assume that Lai Huat works an average of 20 days per month.)

8. The table shows the parking rates at a car park.

Parking rate Monday – Friday (8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.)
First 2 hours or a part thereof RM1.60
Every subsequent hour or a part thereof RM1.00
After 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (per entry) RM2.00
Lost ticket RM20.00

(a) On Wednesday, Puan Zaiton parks her car from 1030 hours to 1400 hours. How
much does Puan Zaiton need to pay?
(b) On Thursday, Mr Ong parks his car at 0800 hours. Upon his return to the car
park at 2000 hours, he finds that he has left his parking ticket in the office on
the 16th floor. Should Mr Ong go back to his office to take the parking ticket or
pay the penalty by reporting the lost ticket? Justify your answer.

Chapter 4

04 TB Math F1.indd 102 11/10/16 12:12 PM

Black glutinous rice porridge is a popular dessert in Malaysia. Look at the black
glutinous rice porridge recipe below. If this recipe serves 6 people, calculate the
quantity of each ingredient that is required to serve all the students in your class or
all your family members at home. Use your knowledge on ratios and rates to prepare
this recipe. Try this recipe in school or at home with the help of your teacher or

family members.

Black Glutinous Rice Porridge Method:

1. Wash and drain the black glutinous 4
rice thoroughly.
2. Place the glutinous rice in a pot filled
with 5 cups of water and the knotted
pandan leaves.
3. Bring the glutinous rice to a boil and
then lower the heat to a simmer until
the rice is cooked and soft. Stir the
glutinous rice occasionally.
4. Meanwhile, add the palm sugar
• 200 g of black glutinous rice (gula melaka) and a cup of water to
(soaked overnight in water)
another pot. Heat up the pot and stir
• 125 g of palm sugar (gula melaka) the mixture on low heat until a thick
• 270 ml of coconut milk (add more syrup is formed.
if you prefer a richer taste) 5. Add the palm sugar (gula melaka)
• 6 cups of water mixture together with coconut milk to
• 3 pieces of pandan leaves, halved the cooked glutinous rice. Stir until
and knotted. the mixture is well blended.
6. Turn off the heat. The black glutinous
rice porridge is ready to be served
warm or chilled.

Leonardo da Vinci (famous for the painting of Mona Lisa),

Michelangelo (an artist, architect and poet of the Italian
Renaissance) and a few other artists studied the relationship of
mathematical ratios on the human body. One of the ratios they
height of head
used was = 2.
height of the whole body 5
Find pictures or photos of people in magazines or newspapers. Measure their entire
body to determine the ratio. Is the ratio always 2 ?

Ratios, Rates and Proportions

04 TB Math F1.indd 103 11/10/16 12:12 PM

CHAPTER Algebraic

What will you learn?
•  Variables and Algebraic Expression
•  Algebraic Expressions Involving Basic
Arithmetic Operations

 Why stu
dy t
In the field of algebra,
you will learn the method
to represent an unknown
value with a letter. Thus, daily
life problems can be represented
in simple mathematical models
by writing the relationship between
the quantities involved in algebraic
language. Discuss daily life problems
which involve unknown values. During the school holidays, a tour
company offers a promotional package
of three days two nights holiday in
Pulau Pangkor. How can you determine
the total cost for the different number of
adults and children?

Chapter 5

05 TB Math F1.indd 104 11/10/16 12:13 PM

Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Musa  

The term ‘algebra’ was derived from the

Arabic word ‘al-jabr’ based on the book 5
entitled ‘al-jabr wa’l Muqabalah’ written
by an Arabic mathematician, Muhammad
Ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi. He is also
known as the ‘Father of Algebra’ for his
contributions in the field of algebra.
For more information:

LET'S H Word Link

ANGKO •  letter •  huruf
R! •  coefficient •  pekali
3 days 2 •  variable •  pemboleh ubah
•  term •  sebutan
for an ad •  algebraic term •  sebutan algebra
*RM280 ult
(12 years
fo r a c hild
•  like terms •  sebutan serupa
old a nd below •  unlike terms •  sebutan tidak serupa
•  algebraic expression •  ungkapan algebra
of transp
and acco ortation,
mmodati meals
Open the folder downloaded from page vii
for the audio of Word Link.

Algebraic Expressions

05 TB Math F1.indd 105 11/10/16 12:13 PM

5.1 Variables and Algebraic Expression
How do you use letters to represent variables?
The amount I donate
I donate RM50 to Every month Use letters to represent
I donate the to YKN every month
Yayasan Kebajikan quantities with unknown
same amount of depends on the
Negara (YKN)   values. Hence, state
money to YKN. profit earned from
every month. the shop. whether the value of the
variable varies or fixed,
with justification.

Mr Lim Encik Azlan Madam Kavitha

Based on the situation above, we know the total amount of

money donated by Mr Lim every month. However, we do • A variable has a fixed
not know the amount of money donated by Encik Azlan value if the represented
and Madam Kavitha. The total amount of money donated quantity is always
by Encik Azlan and Madam Kavitha is a quantity with an constant at any time.
unknown value. The quantity is known as a variable. • A variable has a varied
value if the represented
We can use letters to represent variables. For example: quantity changes  
over time.
Every month, Encik Azlan donates RMx and Madam
Kavitha donates RMy to Yayasan Kebajikan Negara.
Between the variables x and y, which one has a fixed
value and which one has a varied value?

Represent each of the following variables with an appropriate letter. Hence, determine
whether the variable has a fixed value or a varied value. Justify your answers.
(a) The annual interest rate for a fixed deposit offered by a bank.
(b) The travelling time taken by Faizal from his house to the school every day.

(a) k represents the annual interest rate for a fixed deposit.

k has a fixed value because the interest rate for the fixed deposit does not change
throughout the year.

Chapter 5

05 TB Math F1.indd 106 11/10/16 12:13 PM

(b) t represents the travelling time taken by Faizal from his
house to the school every day.
t has a varied value because the travelling time of Faizal The market price for
1 gram of gold is RMy
changes every day.
per day. Is y a variable
with a fixed value or a
Self Practice 5.1a varied value? Discuss
this situation.
1. Represent each of the following variables with an
appropriate letter. Hence, determine whether the variable
has a fixed value or a varied value. Justify your answers.
(a) The mass of each student in your class.
(b) The mark obtained by Zaini in a Mathematics test.

(c) The distance between Arman’s house and his school.
(d) The temperature at the peak of Gunung Kinabalu in a day.
How do you derive an algebraic expression STANDARDS
Derive algebraic
from a situation? expressions based on
arithmetic expressions
Study the situations below where the number of blocks in that represent a situation.
each bag is not known.

Total number of
A bag contains x blocks.

x x

3 blocks are added into

the bag.
x x+3

4 blocks are taken out

from the bag.
x x–4

The blocks in the bag

are divided equally
between 2 students. x x

Algebraic Expressions

05 TB Math F1.indd 107 11/10/16 12:13 PM

Two bags each contains
x blocks respectively.
x x 2 × x = 2x

Two bags each contains

x blocks respectively while
another bag contains y blocks,
x x y 2x + y + 2
and 2 extra blocks are added.

Two bags each contains Total mass of the

x blocks respectively x x blocks in both bags

where the mass of each =2×x×p

block is p gram. = 2xp
5 The total number or the mass of blocks which are written in numbers and variables,
for example,     x,   x + 3,   x – 4,  x ,   2x,   2x + y + 2,   2xp
are called algebraic expressions.
Yusri buys 5 apples which cost x sen each and 8 oranges which cost y sen each. Write an
algebraic expression for the total amount of money that he paid.

The total price of the apples = 5 × x The total price of the oranges = 8 × y
= 5x = 8y
The total payment = 5x + 8y

Self Practice 5.1b

1. Write an algebraic expression for each of the following situations:
(a) Subtract 7 from a number, x.
(b) The sum of y and z is divided by 9.
(c) The total number of people for x tents if each tent can accommodate 4 people.
(d) Madam Neo bought m kg of bream which costs RMp per kilogram and n kg of
hardtail scad which costs RMq per kilogram. What is the total payment?
(e) The age of Nazmi is h years old and Jagjit is k years old whereas the age of Izhar
is twice that of Jagjit. What is the difference in age between Nazmi and Izhar?
How do you determine the values of algebraic STANDARDS
expressions? Determine the values
of algebraic expressions
The value of an algebraic expression can be determined by given the values of
substituting the variables with given values. variables and make
connection with
appropriate situations.

Chapter 5

05 TB Math F1.indd 108 11/10/16 12:13 PM

3 Smart
Given that x = 3 and y = 2, find the value of 8x – 5y + 7. A scientific calculator can
be used to determine the
8x – 5y + 7 = 8(3) – 5(2) + 7 value of an expression.
For instance, in Example 3:
= 24 – 10 + 7 1. Press
= 21 8 ALPHA X – 5
4 Screen displayed
In a class, 1 of the boys are members of Kadet Remaja

2. Enter the given value
Sekolah whereas 9 girls are not members of Kadet Remaja of x.
Sekolah. Press 3 =
(a) Write an expression for the total number of members of Screen displayed
Kadet Remaja Sekolah in the class.  Y?
(b) If there are 12 boys and 16 girls in the class, calculate 3. Enter the given value
the total number of members of Kadet Remaja Sekolah of y.
in the class. Press 2 =
Screen displayed
  8X – 5Y + 7
(a) Let the number of boys = x 21
and the number of girls = y
Thus, the total number of members of Kadet Remaja Sekolah = 1 x + y – 9
(b) When x = 12 and y = 16,
the total number of members of Kadet Remaja Sekolah = 1  (12) + 16 – 9
= 4 + 16 – 9
= 11
Self Practice 5.1c
1. Given that p = 5, q = 2 and r = – 4, find the value for each of the following expressions:
(a) 2p + q (b) 3q – 4r + 8 (c) 5(p – r) (d) r + 7q – 3
2. Encik Adnan and Mr Tan donate rice to the flood victims. Encik Adnan donates 8
bags of rice and each bag has a mass of x kg. Mr Tan donates 4 bags of rice and each
bag has a mass of y kg.
(a) Write an expression for the total mass of rice donated by them.
(b) If x = 5 and y = 10, calculate the total mass of rice donated by them.
3. Jane and Kamalesh buy m and n Hari Raya greeting cards respectively at a price of
RMp for each card. These cards will be given to their Muslim friends.
(a) Write an expression for the difference in the amount of money that they had paid.
(b) If m = 8, n = 6 and p = 1.5, calculate the difference in the amount of money they
had paid.

Algebraic Expressions

05 TB Math F1.indd 109 11/10/16 12:13 PM

What are the terms and the coefficients in an expression?

In an expression, for example, 2x + 3xy, LEARNING

2x is the product of the number 2 and the variable x. STANDARDS
3xy is the product of the number 3 and the variables x and y. Identify the terms in an
algebraic expression.
2 x 3 xy Hence, state the possible
coefficients for the
algebraic terms.
Number Variable Number Variable

2x dan 3xy are known as algebraic terms.


Identify the algebraic terms for each of the following Is x an algebraic term?
algebraic expressions. Explain.
(a) x + 5x (b) x – 7y
(c) pq – 2q + 13 (d) m2 – 2m + n – 6
id ou now
(a) x + 5x The algebraic term that
Algebraic terms are x and 5x. consists of one variable
with the power 1 is called
x a linear algebraic term.
(b) – 7y
8 State the number of
Algebraic terms are x and 7y. terms in each of the
8 expressions.
(c) pq – 2q + 13
Algebraic terms are pq, 2q and 13.
(d) m2 – 2m + n – 6 In an algebraic
expression, a number
Algebraic terms are m2, 2m, n and 6. is also considered as
a term.
An algebraic term can be written as the product of the
variable and its factor. For example,
3x is a factor of the variable y.
3xy = 3x × y So, 3x is the coefficient of the variable y.

= 3y × x 3y is a factor of the variable x.

Think Smart
So, 3y is the coefficient of the variable x.
= 3 × xy Is term xy an algebraic
expression? Give  
your reasons.

   What is the coefficient of the variable xy?

Chapter 5

05 TB Math F1.indd 110 11/10/16 12:13 PM

In the term –3k2mn, state the coefficient of
(a) k2mn (b) – mn (c) 3k2

(a) –3k2mn = –3 × k2mn (b) –3k2mn = 3k2 × (–mn)

The coefficient of k mn is –3. The coefficient of –mn is 3k2.

(c) –3k2mn = –mn × 3k2

The coefficient of 3k2 is –mn.

Self Practice 5.1d
1. Identify all the terms for each of the following algebraic expressions:
(a) 6k + 2k (b) x2 – 9xy
(c) ab + 2a – 5b (d) 4pq – 7x + 8p2q – 1
3 2
2. In the term –8xy2, state the coefficient of
(a) xy2 (b) 8x (c) y 2 (d) –x

What are like terms and unlike terms?

–2m and 3 m and 6.9pq 6ab and 7ba 5k2 and – k2 Identify like and
7 3 unlike terms.
Diagram (a)
Each pair of terms in Diagram (a) has the same variable with
the same power. The pair of terms is known as like terms.

2v and 2w 5xy and –yz 9x2 and 8x 3m2n and 1 mn2

Discuss whether
Diagram (b) xy and 5x are like
Each pair of terms in Diagram (b) does not have the same 2 y
terms or unlike terms.
variable with the same power. The pair of terms is known as
unlike terms.

Identify whether each of the following pairs of terms is like terms or unlike terms:
(a) 4xy, xy (b) 12pq, 12pr (c) 3abc, 0.5bca (d) –7h, 6h2

Algebraic Expressions

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(a) Like terms Same variable xy.
(b) Unlike terms Variables pq and pr are different.

(c) Like terms Variable abc is equal to bca.

(d) Unlike terms The powers of the variable h are different.

Self Practice 5.1e

1. Identify whether each of the following pairs of terms is like terms or unlike terms:
(a) 5k, – 0.1k (b) 4y, y2 (c) 4srt, 11rts (d) 3ab , –8bc

Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra

5.1 questions of Mastery Q 5.1.
1. Mr Gan invests a certain amount of money in Amanah Saham. A dividend is
paid based on a specific rate every year. Represent each variable in this situation
with a suitable letter. Hence, explain whether each variable has a fixed value or a
varied value.
2. A watermelon with a mass of 5 kg and two durians with
the same mass are placed on an electronic balance. If the
reading shown on the balance is m kg, write an expression
for the mass of a durian.

3. The diagram shows a rectangular park. The shaded square 15 m

is planted with flowers. The rest of the area is covered
with bricks. Write an expression for the area covered xm
with bricks.
4. (a) Given that x = 5 and y = –2, find the value of xy + x – 6y.
(b) Given that a = 7, b = 3 and c = – 4, find the value of 3(b – a) – 5ac + 14.
5. Azlan has n coins, consisting of x 10-sen coins, 3x 20-sen coins and the rest are
50-sen coins, in a coin box.
(a) State an expression for the number of 50-sen coins in the coin box.
(b) Find the total amount of money in the coin box if x = 6 and the number of 50-sen
coins is twice the number of 20-sen coins.
6. A ribbon with a length of p cm is cut into three parts. The length of the first part and
the second part are x cm and 2x cm respectively.
(a) Write an expression for the length of the third part.
(b) If x = 10 and the length of the second part is four times the length of the third
part, calculate the value of p.

Chapter 5

05 TB Math F1.indd 112 11/10/16 12:13 PM

7. Copy and complete the table by stating the possible coefficients for the following
algebraic term.
Algebraic term Coefficient Variable


5.2 Algebraic Expressions Involving Basic Arithmetic Operations

How do you add and subtract two or more LEARNING
algebraic expressions? 5
Add and subtract  
When adding and subtracting two or more algebraic two or more  
expressions, gather the like terms first. Then, add or algebraic expressions.
subtract the like terms.
Simplify each of the following.
• When the ‘+’ sign
(a) (3x + 5y) + (8x – y – 9) which lies before the
(b) (12mn – 4p) + (6 + 7p) – (10mn + p – 2) brackets is removed,
the sign for each term
in the brackets remains
(a) (3x + 5y) + (8x – y – 9) unchanged.
= 3x + 5y + 8x – y – 9 • When the ‘–’ sign which
= 3x + 8x + 5y – y – 9 Gather the like terms. lies before the brackets
is removed, the sign
= 11x + 4y – 9 Simplify the like terms. for each term in the
brackets changes from:
(b) (12mn – 4p) + (6 + 7p) – (10mn + p – 2) ‘+ to –’; ‘– to +’.
= 12mn – 4p + 6 + 7p – 10mn – p + 2 When arranging –(a + b) = –a – b
= 12mn – 10mn   – 4p + 7p – p   + 6 + 2 like terms, the –(a – b) = –a + b
–(–a + b) = +a – b
= 2mn + 2p + 8
operation sign
which lies before –(–a – b) = +a + b
the term must
Self Practice 5.2a be transferred
1. Simplify each of the following.
(a) (3x – 2y) + (5x + 9y)
(b) (6ab + 2bc + 10) – (ab + 3bc – 2)
(c) (4xy + 5k) – (–3k + 7) + (13xy – k)
(d) (7p – 8q + 6pq) + (q – 2p + pq) – (10pq – p – 4q)
(e) 2 fg – (9mn – 1 fg) + (3mn – 1 fg)
3 2 6
Algebraic Expressions

05 TB Math F1.indd 113 11/10/16 12:13 PM

What is the product of the repeated LEARNING
multiplication of algebraic expressions? STANDARDS
Make generalisation

about repeated
multiplication of
algebraic expressions.
Aim:  To make a generalisation about the repeated
multiplication of algebraic expressions.
Instruction:  Perform the activity in groups of four.
1. Find the area for each of the following squares in the form of repeated

2 cm a b
2 cm a b

Area = cm × cm Area = × Area = ×

=   cm2 =   =  

2. Find the volume for each of the following cubes in the form of repeated

2 cm a b

2 cm a b
a b
2 cm
Volume Volume Volume
= cm × cm × cm = × × = × ×
=   cm3 =   =  

3. Based on the results above, what generalisations can be made about

(a) a × a × a × a?
(b) a × a × a × a × ... × a, where the multiplication of a is repeated n times?
(c) (i) (a + b) × (a + b)?
(ii) (a + b) × (a + b) × (a + b)?
(iii) (a + b) × (a + b) × (a + b) × (a + b)?
(iv) (a + b) × (a + b) × (a + b) × (a + b) × ... × (a + b),
where the multiplication of (a + b) is repeated n times?

Chapter 5

05 TB Math F1.indd 114 11/10/16 12:13 PM

From the results of Exploration Activity 1, it is found that
 a × a = a2    a × a × a = a3    a × a × a × ... × a = an Power of n

Repeated Repeated Repeated
multiplication multiplication multiplication
of a by 2 times of a by 3 times of a by n times

Hence, generalisations regarding the repeated multiplication of algebraic expressions are
recognised as follows.
(a + b) × (a + b) = (a + b)2
(a + b) × (a + b) × (a + b) = (a + b)3
(a + b) × (a + b) × (a + b) × (a + b) = (a + b)4

In general,
(a + b) × (a + b) × (a + b) × ... × (a + b) = (a + b) n Power of n

Repeated multiplication of the algebraic

expression (a + b) by n times

Simplify each of the following:
(a) m × m × m × m (b) (x + 7) × (x + 7)
(c) (p – 3q) × (p – 3q) × (p – 3q)

(a) m × m × m × m = m4 (b) (x + 7) × (x + 7) = (x + 7)2

Multiplication is repeated 4 times Multiplication is repeated 2 times

(c) (p – 3q) × (p – 3q) × (p – 3q) = (p – 3q)3

Multiplication is repeated 3 times

Write each of the following in the form of repeated multiplication:
(a) (x + 4y)2 (b) (9p – q)3

(a) (x + 4y)2 = (x + 4y)(x + 4y) (b) (9p – q)3 = (9p – q)(9p – q)(9p – q)

Self Practice 5.2b

1. Simplify each of the following:
(a) pq × pq × pq (b) (6a – 1) × (6a – 1)
(c) (8x + 3y) × (8x + 3y) × (8x + 3y)
2. Write each of the following in the form of repeated multiplication:
(a) (2 + 7x)2 (b) (h – 4k)3 (c) (5p + q)4

Algebraic Expressions

05 TB Math F1.indd 115 11/10/16 12:13 PM

How do you multiply and divide algebraic expressions?

To find the product of algebraic expressions with one term, LEARNING

gather all the same variables, and then multiply the number STANDARDS
with number and the variable with variable. Multiply and divide
algebraic expressions
with one term.
Simplify 3ab2 × 4a3b.

3ab2 × 4a3b = 3 × a × b × b × 4 × a × a × a × b

Write as the product of factors.

= 3 × 4 × a × a × a × a × b × b × b Gather the numbers and

the same variables.
5 = 12a4b3

The quotient of algebraic expressions with one term can be obtained by eliminating the
common factors.

Simplify 20m4n2 ÷ 5m2n3.

20m4n2 ÷ 5m2n3 = 20m2 n3

4 2
Write in fraction form. By using a cube with
5m n sides of x cm, discuss
4 how you would show
= 20 × m × m × m × m × n × n the quotient for x3 ÷ x
5×m×m×n×n×n and x3 ÷ x2.
  1 Simplify.
= 4m

Simplify 21xy × 6x ÷ 14y3z.

3 3
21 × x × y × 6 × x
21xy × 6x ÷ 14y z =
14 × y × y × y × z

= 9x2


Chapter 5

05 TB Math F1.indd 116 11/10/16 12:13 PM

Self Practice 5.2c
1. Find the product for each of the following:
(a) 3x × 5x3 (b) – 4mn × 7m2 (c) 2 p4q × 6pr
2. Find the quotient for each of the following:
(a) 8x6y4 ÷ 2xy3 (b) 4ab3 ÷ 6a2b (c) 12p5r ÷ (–10pq)
3. Simplify each of the following:
(a) 2mn × 5m2 ÷ 3n3 (b) 6xy ÷ 20px2 × (–5p6y)

Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra


  questions of Mastery Q 5.2.
1. Simplify each of the following:
(a) (x + pq) – (3y – – 4) + ( 1 x – 5y + 7) 5
2 3
(b) 6ab – 9mn – 2(4mn – 3ab)
2. In the diagram, a rope is cut into
three parts. Write the expression 2d cm
for the length of the rope in terms
of d and y. (d + 2y) cm

(3y – 2d) cm

3. The age of Azhar’s mother was four times the age of Azhar last year. If Azhar is n
years old now, state the age of Azhar’s mother seven years later in terms of n.

4. It is given that (ax + b)(ax + b)(ax + b) = (9x – 2)n, where a, b and n are integers.
Determine the values of a, b and n.
5. Aina makes a cubic model from a manila card. If the volume of the cube is
(2 + 3p)3 cm3, find the total surface area of the cube in terms of p.

6. Simplify each of the following:

18xy × 10y3z 8pq
(a) (b) – × (–3p2q3)
15xz2 12p2q
7. Copy and fill in the boxes with the correct algebraic terms:
(a) × 3pqr = 15p2qr3 (b)
÷ 2xy2z = 7x2yz

8. The area of the rectangle is 12a3b2 cm2. Express the

length of the rectangle in terms of ab. 3ab

Algebraic Expressions

05 TB Math F1.indd 117 11/10/16 12:13 PM

Fixed value
The value of the variable is fixed at any time.
Varied value
The value of the variable varies over time.

Like terms
Contain the same variables with the same power.

Example:  2x and – 3 x
5 terms Unlike terms
EXPRESSIONS Contain different variables or the same variables
with different powers.
Example: • 2x and 6y    • 2x and –7x2

Addition and subtraction

Example: • 5a + 6a = 11a • 12bc – 3bc = 9bc

Multiplication and division 9

Example:  • 5mn × 2n 36pq 36 × p × q

•  =
= 5 × 2 × m × n × n 4p  14 × p

= 10mn2 = 9q

Very Work
good harder

use letters to represent quantities with unknown values. Hence state whether the
value of the variable varies or is fixed with justification.
derive algebraic expressions for a situation.
determine the values of algebraic expressions.
identify the terms in an algebraic expression and hence state the possible coefficients.
identify like and unlike terms.
add and subtract two or more algebraic expressions.
make generalisation about repeated multiplication of algebraic expressions.
multiply and divide algebraic expressions with one term.

Chapter 5

05 TB Math F1.indd 118 11/10/16 12:13 PM

1. It is given that (3x2 + 7y – 1) – (x2 + 2y – 5) + (6x2 – y) = ax2 + by + c, where a, b
and c are integers. Determine the values of a, b and c.
2. Pavathy buys x m of batik cloth which costs RM12 per metre and y m of curtain
which costs RM7 per metre. If she pays RM120 to the cashier, express the balance in
terms of x and y.

3. If p3 + 2q = –5 and 4px = 6, find the value of p3 – (4px – 2q).

4. Kumar buys four pineapples at a price of RMx each. He pays RM20 and receives
80 sen in change. What is the price of a pineapple?
5. In a Mathematics test, Su Lin obtains double the marks of Daud and their total marks
are 3k. If Hafiz obtains 10 marks more than Su Lin, state Hafiz’s marks in terms of k.
6. Zuriana’s mother gives a certain amount of money to Zuriana to buy satay and
otak-otak. Zuriana buys m sticks of satay which costs RMx for 5 sticks and receives a
balance of 80 sen. Then, she buys 2m pieces of otak-otak which costs RMy per piece
and receives a balance of 60 sen.
(a) Write an algebraic expression for the total payment of the satay and otak-otak.
(b) If m = 10, x = 4 and y = 1.2, find the total amount of money that Zuriana
received from her mother.

7. A number is added to 7, and its result is x. If the number is divided by 2, its result
is y. Explain how you would determine the value of x + y if the value of the number
is known.

An electrical shop buys 120 filament lamps at a cost of RMp each and 180 LED
lamps at a cost of RMq each. The shop then sells the lamps with 2 filament
lamps and 3 LED lamps at a price of RM(3h + 4k) during their sales promotion.
If the shop is able to sell all the lamps, express the profits earned in terms of p, q, h
and k.

Algebraic Expressions

05 TB Math F1.indd 119 11/10/16 12:13 PM

The diagram shows a farm owned by (2xy – 1) m
Norhaimi. The rectangular shaded area has not
(xy – x) m
been fertilised. The rest of the area is planted (4x + 3) m
with vegetables. Norhaimi intends to fence up (xy + 7) m
the area planted with vegetables. Express the
length of fence required in terms of x and y.

The temperature in the unit of degree Celsius (°C) can be converted into degree
Fahrenheit (°F) by using the expression 9 T + 32, where T is the temperature in the

unit of degree Celsius. When a type of liquid is heated from 18°C to 33°C, what is
the change in temperature of the liquid in the unit of degree Fahrenheit?

Scan the QR Code or visit the website to get

information regarding the uses of algebraic
expression in our daily lives.
Hence, write a report about the importance ev3Gzs
and the application of algebraic expression in
our daily lives. Present your report in class.

A The GeoGebra software can be used to simplify the algebraic expression involving
basic arithmetic operations.
1. Select on the menu View → CAS.
2. Use the instruction Simplify and type the
expression involving basic arithmetic
operations and then press Enter in the
CAS space. For example,
(i) Simplify [(3x2 – 5xy + 7) – (4x2 + 2xy – 8)]
(ii) Simplify [8x3y2(–3x2y)]
3. Enhance your exploration with other expressions
involving basic arithmetic operations.

Chapter 5

05 TB Math F1.indd 120 11/10/16 12:13 PM

B By following the given instructions and the keys, carry out the following activity.

Think of any positive integer

with a value less than 10 for
the variable x.

Key: Find the value of 2x.

m = your birth month

For example, m is an odd m is an even
January = 1 number. number.
February = 2 5
March = 3
Find the value of Find the value of
and so on.
2x + m. 2x + m + 1.

The value of the algebraic expression

Key: is multiplied by 50.
n = this year
y = your birth year It is still not yet Your birthday
your birthday   is already over
this year.    this year.

Add (n – 1) and Add n and subtract

subtract (y – 50). (y – 50).

Your answer is divided by 100.

Observe the remainder of the quotient.

What is represented by the remainder of the final answer? State your comment.

Algebraic Expressions

05 TB Math F1.indd 121 11/10/16 12:13 PM


What will you learn?

• Linear Equations in One Variable
6 • Linear Equations in Two Variables
• Simultaneous Linear Equations in
Two Variables

 Why stu
dy t

Various problems which

involve daily situations can
be solved by interpreting the
information in a mathematical
21st century learning is one of the
sentence expressed in the form
implementations in the Malaysia Education
of linear equations. Discuss with
Blueprint (PPPM) 2013 - 2025. In the 21st
your teacher the situations or
century classroom, the students are arranged
other f ields that involve solution
in groups to enable them to hold discussions
of linear equations.
and carry out various activities.
For example, a class consisting 30 students
is needed to be arranged in groups to achieve
the goals.

Chapter 6

06 TB Math F1.indd 122 11/10/16 12:14 PM

Diophantus of Alexandria
Diophantus of Alexandria was a

Greek mathematician who contributed
significantly to the knowledge of
solving algebraic equations. He was
known as the Father of Algebra. 6
For more information:

Word Link
• trial and improvement • cuba jaya
• equality • kesamaan
• numerical value • nilai berangka
• working backwards / • pematahbalikan
• variable • pemboleh ubah
• substitution • penggantian
• elimination • penghapusan
• solution • penyelesaian
• linear equation • persamaan linear
• simultaneous linear • persamaan linear
It is given that the number of boys in   equations   serentak
the class is 6 more than the number • root of an equation • punca persamaan
of girls. How do you determine
the number of groups that can be
formed such that each group has
2 girls? Open the folder downloaded from page vii
for the audio of Word Link.

Linear Equations

06 TB Math F1.indd 123 11/10/16 12:14 PM

6.1 Linear Equations in One Variable LEARNING
What are linear equations in one variable? Identify linear
equations in one
variable and describe
the characteristics of
the equations.

Diagram (a) Diagram (b)

Note that the amount of money in Diagram (a) is equal to

id ou now
the amount of money in Diagram (b). This situation can be
written as: The symbol ‘≠’ is
used for relationship
Amount of money = Amount of money that consists of
in Diagram (a) in Diagram (b)

different values.
For example, 2 ≠ 5
The symbol ‘=’ is used to show the relationship between
two quantities that have the same value. The mathematical
6 sentence that involves equality is known as equation.
For example, x + 2 = 5 and y – 7 = 11


Aim:  To identify algebraic expressions and equations.

1. Observe the mathematical sentences written on the cards in the diagram below.
7h + 2 x+5=8 – 10 = 1 k2 + 1 = 6 6p + 4q = 9
x– =7 3n + 1 = 6n 5a3 – 4 3h – 1 = 5k x + 2x
2. Classify the mathematical sentences into expressions and equations. Copy and
complete the circle map below.

Expression Equation

3. Compare your answers with those of your friends.

Chapter 6

06 TB Math F1.indd 124 11/10/16 12:14 PM

Look at the following equations obtained from the results of
Exploration Activity 1.
Discuss why k 2 + 1 = 6 is
x+5=8 – 10 = 1 6p + 4q = 9 a non-linear equation.
x– =7 3n + 1 = 6n 3h – 1 = 5k
3     id ou now
These equations are known as linear equations since the Expressions such as
power of the variables is one. xy, 1 and x are
x y
Among the linear equations, it is found that the non-linear expressions.
following equations have only one variable and the power of
the variable is one.

x+5=8 – 10 = 1 3n + 1 = 6n
The characteristics of a
These equations are known as linear equations in linear equation in one 6
one variable. variable:
•  Has only one variable
Power of x is 1 •  The power of the
variable is one
One variable Equality

Explain whether each of the following equations is a linear
Discuss whether each of
equation in one variable: the following equations
(a) 3x + 2 = 5 (b) p – 4q = 6 is a linear equation in
(c) 2 (k – 7) = k (d) y2 + 3y = 1 one variable.
3 (a) x = 0
(b) +2=6
(a) Yes, because the equation has one variable, x and the (c) x( x – 1) = 9
power of x is 1.
(b) No, because the equation has two variables, p and q.
(c) Yes, because the equation has one variable, k and the power of k is 1.
(d) No, because the highest power of the variable y is 2.

Self Practice 6.1a

1. Explain whether each of the following equations is a linear equation in one variable:
(a) m + 5 = 12 (b) 3(p – 2) = –7 (c) 9x + 8y = 10 (d) k2 – 5k = 4

Linear Equations

06 TB Math F1.indd 125 11/10/16 12:14 PM

How do you form linear equations based on a LEARNING
given situation and vice-versa? STANDARDS
Form linear equations in
one variable based on a
2 statement or a situation,
Form a linear equation in one variable for each of the and vice-versa.
(a) Subtract 8 from a number, its remainder is 2.
(b) Peck Chin bought five pens which cost y sen each and
an exercise book which costs RM3. The total amount
that she paid was RM7.

(a) Let the number be x.


x–8=2 • Each term in a linear

(b) The price of f ive pens = 5 × y equation must have
the same unit.
= 5y • It is unnecessary
5y + 300 = 700 to write the unit
while forming
  RM3 = 300 sen RM7 = 700 sen linear equations.

Write a statement or situation for each of the following equations.
(a) 2x + 5 = 19, where x is a number.
(b) y – 2 = 8, where y is the age of Rajes now.

(a) Twice a number added to 5, the result is 19.

(b) Rajes was 8 years old 2 years ago.

Self Practice 6.1b

1. Form a linear equation in one variable for each of the following:
(a) The quotient of a number and 6 is 12.
(b) The price of chicken is RMy per kilogram. Rozita bought 5 kg of chicken and
made a total payment of RM40.
(c) The perimeter of a rectangle with length 2x cm and width 5 m is 14 m.
2. Write a statement or situation for each of the following equations:
(a) p – 1 = 6, where p is a number.
(b) x + 10 = 78, where x is Edri’s score in a test.
(c) 4m = 50, where m is the mass, in kg, of a pack of rice.

Chapter 6

06 TB Math F1.indd 126 11/10/16 12:14 PM

How do you solve linear equations in one variable?
Two blocks with mass of 6 kg and x kg respectively are LEARNING
placed on the scales as shown in the diagram.
Solve linear equations in
The reading shown by the scales is equal to the total one variable.
mass of both the blocks. Therefore, the linear equation
formed is x + 6 = 10.
If we replace the x kg block with a block of a mass
of 4 kg, the reading on the scales is equal to 10 kg. x kg
This shows that 4 is a numerical value that satisfies the 6 kg
equation x + 6 = 10. This numerical value is known as
the solution of the equation x + 6 = 10.
10 kg
The solution of linear equation is the numerical

value that satisfies the equation.
The linear equation in one variable can be solved by id ou now
using three methods as follows: 6
Solution of linear
(a) Trial and improvement method equation is also known as
(b) Application of equality concept the root of the equation.
(c) Backtracking method

Solve the linear equation 2x + 1 = 7 by using
(a) trial and improvement method (b) application of equality concept
(c) backtracking method

(a) Trial and improvement method

2x + 1 = 7
Value Left hand side
Review Reflection
of x = 2x + 1
1 2(1) + 1 = 3 3 ≠ 7, the value 3 is less Substitute x with a value
than 7. greater than 1.
2 2(2) + 1 = 5 5 ≠ 7, the value 5 is Substitute x with a value
close to 7. greater than 2.
3 2(3) + 1 = 7 Left hand side = 7 x = 3 is the solution.

Thus, x = 3
Linear equation in one variable
has only one solution.

Linear Equations

06 TB Math F1.indd 127 11/10/16 12:14 PM

(b) Application of equality concept
2x + 1 = 7 x x

2x + 1 – 1 = 7 – 1 x x In a linear equation, the

value on the left hand
side is always equal to
the value on the right
2x = 6 x x
hand side. Therefore, the
mathematical operations
performed on both sides
of the linear equation
must be the same

2x = 6 in order to obey the

2 2 x x equality concept.

Thus, x = 3 x

(c) Backtracking method

2x + 1 = 7
Let the initial value = x and the final value = 7.
List the mathematical operations starting from the value The backtracking method
of x to become 7. uses working backwards
strategy and usually is
x ×2 +1 =7 used to solve problems
that have known final
By using backtracking method, we have to consider the value but the initial value
reverse operation so that 7 can become the value of x. is unknown.

x ÷2 –1 =7

So the value of x can be determined by writing

7–1=6 6÷2=3

Thus, x = 3 In the backtracking method,

Is backtracking method
the order of mathematical
operations is very important. appropriate for solving
all the linear equations?

Chapter 6

06 TB Math F1.indd 128 11/10/16 12:14 PM

5 Think Smart
Solve the following equations: Can you solve the
(a) 2x + 13 = 7 (b) 5(x – 4) = x + 16 3(2x + 3) = 6x + 9?
5 Explain.

(a) 2x + 13 = 7
+ 13 × 5 = 7 × 5 Multiply both sides by 5.
Check your answer by
2x + 13 = 35 substituting the value
2x + 13 – 13 = 35 – 13
Subtract 13 from both of the variable obtained
sides of the equation.
into the equation and

2x = 22 then test whether the

2x = 22 Divide both sides by 2.

value on the left hand
side is equal to the value
2 2 on the right hand side. 6
x = 11

(b) 5(x – 4) = x + 16
5x – 20 = x + 16  Expand the equation. Visit
nB5Sq for the
5x – 20 + 20 = x + 16 + 20   Add 20 to both sides. game about solving
5x = x + 36 linear equations in
one variable.
5x – x = x + 36 – x   Subtract x from both
sides of the equation.
4x = 36
4x = 36 Divide both sides by 4.
4 4
x = 9

Self Practice 6.1c

1. Solve the following linear equations:
(a) x – 10 = 3 (b) 4x – 1 = 7 (c) x + 3 = 5
(d) x + 8 = 9 (e) 3(x + 2) = 5x (f) 2x – 4 = x + 1
2 3

Linear Equations

06 TB Math F1.indd 129 11/10/16 12:14 PM

How do you solve problems? LEARNING
Solve problems
involving linear
After 10 years, Jalil’s age will be thrice his age this year. equations in
one variable.
What is Jalil’s age?

Understanding the problem

After 10 years, Jalil’s age is thrice his age this year.
The steps to solve
problems involving
Devising a plan linear equations in
Let Jalil’s current age = x years old one variable:

After 10 years, Jalil’s age = 3 × x

Identify the variable
= 3x in the problem and
Linear equation in one variable that can be formed is represent the variable
x + 10 = 3x. with a letter.

Implementing the Form a linear equation

strategy based on the
x + 10 = 3x information given.
x + 10 – x = 3x – x
Solve the equation
10 = 2x to find the value of
10 = 2x the variable.
2 2
5 = x
Jalil is 5 years old.
Think Smart
Doing reflection The sum of three
consecutive odd
When x = 5, 5 + 10 = 3(5) numbers is 63. What
= 15 are the numbers?

Self Practice 6.1d

1. In a mathematics test, Azmah scored 17 marks more than Yazid while Suzana’s score
is twice of Yazid’s score. If their total score is 161, what is Azmah’s score?
2. The diagram shows a rectangle. If the perimeter of the (2x + 1) cm
rectangle is 66 cm, what is the area of the rectangle?
(x + 5) cm

Chapter 6

06 TB Math F1.indd 130 11/10/16 12:14 PM

Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra
  questions of Mastery Q 6.1.

1. Write the linear equation in one variable for each of the given situations:
(a) The difference between x and 8 is 15, where x is greater than 8.
(b) The price of an exercise book is thrice the price of a pen. Yahya buys 2 exercise
books and 8 pens and makes a total payment of RM42.
(c) Harjit’s age is p years old. He was born when his mother was 34 years old. Now,
his mother’s age is thrice his age.

2. Solve the following equations using the trial and improvement method:
(a) x – 6 = 10 (b) 2x + 3 = 11 (c) 14 – 3x = 8

3. Solve the following equations by applying the equality concept:

(a) 5x + 1 = 3x (b) 2y – 4 = 5y + 8 (c) 2 x – 9 = 7
4. Solve the following equations using the backtracking method: 6
7y – 6
(a) 3x + 2 = 12 (b) 2(x + 4) = 22 (c) =4
5. There are 35 students participating in a community activity to clean up their school.
The number of girls who participated is 5 less than the number of boys. How many
boys participated in the activity?

6. The time spent by Nadia to answer the geography quiz is 30 minutes more than the
time spent to answer the history quiz. The time spent to answer the history quiz is
half the time spent to answer the geography quiz. What is the total time that Nadia
took to answer both quizzes?

Small table
10.6 m
2x m
Large table
16 m

The diagram shows the plan for the arrangement of tables in a room. The distance
between the tables is 1. 5 m and the distance between the tables and the wall is 2 m.
Determine the surface areas of a small table and a large table.

Linear Equations

06 TB Math F1.indd 131 11/10/16 12:14 PM

6.2 Linear Equations in Two Variables
What are linear equations in two variables? LEARNING
Look at the following linear equations obtained from the Identify linear
results in Exploration Activity 1. equations in two
variables and describe
2y the characteristics of
6p + 4q = 9 x– =7 3h – 1 = 5k
the equations.

These linear equations have two variables and the power

of each variable is 1. These equations are known as linear
equations in two variables.
Linear equation in two variables is a linear equation that has two variables and the
power of each variable is one.

Linear equation in two variables can be written in the general form of

ax + by = c   where a and b are non-zero.
6 Which of the following linear equations in two variables is written in the general
6p + 4q = 9 x– =7 3h – 1 = 5k

Explain whether the following equations are linear equations Discuss why xy + 2y = 3
in two variables: 1 1
and + = 5 are
(a) 3p – q = 6 (b) 7x2 + 5y = 9 x y
y not linear equations
(c) 2(k + 8) = 5k (d) + 4 = –2x in two variables.

(a) Yes, because the equation has two variables, p and q, and the power of each variable
is 1.
(b) No, because the power of variable x is 2.
(c) No, because the equation has only one variable.
(d) Yes, because the equation has two variables, x and y, and the power of each variable
is 1.

Self Practice 6.2a

1. Explain whether the following equations are linear equations in two variables:
(a) h – 7k = 6 (b) 3m + 5 = 9m – 1 (c) 2x – 8 = 4y (d) p ( p + 3) = 2q

Chapter 6

06 TB Math F1.indd 132 11/10/16 12:14 PM

How do you form linear equations in two variables?

Form a linear equation in two variables for each of
Form linear equations in
the following: two variables based on a
(a) The difference between two numbers is 18. statement or a situation,
(b) The amount of pocket money saved by Ahmad is and vice-versa.
RMx and the amount of pocket money saved by
Norita is RMy. Their total savings is RM600.
(c) A bus and a van can accommodate m and n passengers respectively. The total number
of passengers for two buses and five vans is 100.

(a) Let the two numbers be p and q respectively.

p – q = 18
(b) Total savings = 600 (c) Total number of passengers = 100
x + y = 600 2m + 5n = 100 6

Write the situation for each of the following linear equations in two variables.
(a) p – q = 6, where p and q represent the number of boys and the number of girls
respectively who participated in an expedition held during the last school holidays.
(b) 4x + 5y = 35, where x and y represent the price, in RM, of a plate of nasi lemak and
a plate of fried noodles respectively.

(a) In an expedition held during the last school holidays, the number of boys is 6 more
than the number of girls.
(b) The total price for 4 plates of nasi lemak and 5 plates of fried noodles is RM35.

Self Practice 6.2b

1. Form a linear equation in two variables for each of the following:
(a) In a long jump event, the total points obtained by Satria team and Perdana team
were 258.
(b) The difference between the largest angle and the smallest angle in a triangle is 15°.
(c) The total price of tickets for a water theme park for eight adults and five children
is RM265.
(d) The total marks for a test paper which consists of Section A and Section B
is 40. Each correct answer in Section A and Section B contributes 1 mark and
2 marks respectively.

Linear Equations

06 TB Math F1.indd 133 11/10/16 12:15 PM

2. Write the situation for each of the following linear equations:
(a) x + y = 465, where x and y represent the number of aluminium cans and the
number of glass bottles collected respectively in a recycling campaign.
(b) p – q = 3, where p and q represent the length and width respectively, in cm, of
a rectangle.

How do you determine the possible solutions

of linear equations in two variables? LEARNING
A novel and 6 Determine and explain
I have read a total of 7 2 novels and
storybooks. 5 storybooks.
possible solutions of
novels and storybooks
linear equations in
this week for the NILAM
two variables.
Programme. Can you
guess the number of

novels and the number of

storybooks I have read?

The equation that can be formed from the situation above Smart
is x + y = 7 and it has a few pairs of different values for x
and y. All the pairs of values of x and y are possible solutions
A scientific calculator can
be used to determine the
for the equation. values of solutions for
A linear equation in two variables has many possible linear equations in
pairs of values of solutions.
two variables.
1. Write equation in the
form y = 6 – 2x.
9 Press
Write three possible pairs of solutions for 2x + y = 6. ALPHA Y ALPHA =
6 – 2 ALPHA X
2x + y = 6 Screen displayed
When x = 0, When x = 1, When x = 2, X?
2(0) + y = 6 2(1) + y = 6 2(2) + y = 6
2. Enter the value x.
y = 6 y = 6 – 2 y = 6 – 4 For example 0.
y = 4 y = 2 Press 0 =
Thus, three possible pairs of solutions are Screen displayed
x = 0, y = 6; x = 1, y = 4 and x = 2, y = 2.   6 – 2X
Thus, y = 6.
3. Press CALC and
enter the different
Each pair of solutions can be writen in the ordered pair (x, y). values of x for the
For example, (0, 6), (1, 4) and (2, 2). other pairs of solutions.

Chapter 6

06 TB Math F1.indd 134 11/10/16 12:15 PM

Osman has bought a total of five jerseys for Harimau Team
The steps to determine
and Kancil Team. What are the possible numbers of jerseys the possible solutions
that can be bought for each team? of linear equations in
two variables:
Choose a value for one
Let the number of jerseys for Harimau Team = x
of the variables.
and the number of jerseys for Kancil Team = y
Thus, x + y = 5 Substitute the value
into the linear equation.
Number of jerseys for Number of jerseys for
Harimau Team Kancil Team
Solve the equation to
x=1 y=4 find the value of the
x=2 y=3

other variable.

x=3 y=2
x=4 y=1

Besides the pairs of solutions listed above, is there any other pair of solutions for the number of
jerseys that Osman bought? Discuss.

Self Practice 6.2c

1. Write three possible pairs of solutions for the following equations:
(a) x – y = 7 (b) y = 1 – 2x (c) 3x – = 6
2. On sports day, Sani won 4 medals all of which were gold and bronze medals. How
many gold and bronze medals did Sani possibly win?

How do you represent graphically linear LEARNING

equations in two variables? STANDARDS
Represent graphically
linear equations in

two variables.


Aim: To represent graphically linear equations in two variables.

Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson begins and discuss in groups
of four during the lesson.
• Open the folder downloaded from page vii.

Linear Equations

06 TB Math F1.indd 135 11/10/16 12:15 PM

1. Open the file linear equation graphically.pdf and print the f ile.
2. Complete the table for each given equation.
(a) x – y = –2 (b) x – 2y = 8
x 0 1 2 3 4 5 x 0 2 4 6 8 10
y 2 y
(x, y) (0, 2) (x, y)
(c) x + y = – 5 (d) 2x + y = 2
x x
y 0 –1 –2 –3 – 4 –5 y 10 8 6 4 2 0
(x, y) (x, y)
3. Based on the ordered pairs obtained from the tables above, plot all the points

on the printed grid paper.

4. Draw a graph by connecting all the points.
6 5. Study the shape of your graphs. What is your observation?
6. Compare the shape of the graphs obtained from the given linear equations.
7. Discuss your findings.

From the results of Exploration Activity 2, it is found y

that straight line graphs are obtained when all the ordered 7 x – y = –2
pairs of the linear equations in two variables are plotted 6
and connected. 5
All the points on the straight line are the solutions 3
of the linear equation. 1
0 1 2 3 4 5

Self Practice 6.2d

1. Which of the following diagrams represent graphically a linear equation in
two variables?
y y y

x x x
0 0 0

Diagram (a) Diagram (b) Diagram (c)

Chapter 6

06 TB Math F1.indd 136 11/10/16 12:15 PM

Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra
  questions of Mastery Q 6.2.
1. Form a linear equation in two variables for each of the following:
(a) The total price of x headscarves at RM30 each is RM8 more than the total price
of y shawls at RM20 each.
(b) The total age of a father and his twin children is 130.
(c) In a school, the number of female teachers is twice the number of male teachers.
2. Write two possible pairs of solutions for each of the following equations:
(a) x + y = 7 (b) y – 2 = 5x
3. Draw graphs to represent each of the following linear equations based on the given
values of x:
(a) x – y = 2; x = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (b) 2x + y = 4; x = –2, –1, 0, 1, 2
(c) y – = 3; x = – 6, – 4, –2, 0, 2

4. A shirt costs RM20 and a pair of pants costs RM10. Find the possible number of
shirts and pants that Sheimah can buy with a total payment of RM80. What is the
maximum number of shirts that Sheimah can buy? 6

5. Pei San saves only 10 sen and 20 sen coins in her coin box. Her total savings is RM5.
Draw a graph to represent the situation.

6.3 Simultaneous Linear Equations in Two Variables

How do you form simultaneous linear equations
and represent them graphically? LEARNING
Faizah rears a total of 7 chickens and ducks in a coop. The Form simultaneous linear
cost of rearing a chicken is RM2 per week whereas the equations based on
cost of rearing a duck is RM1 per week. The total cost for daily situations. Hence,
rearing the chickens and ducks is RM12 per week. How represent graphically
the simultaneous
many chickens and ducks can Faizah rear? linear equations in two
Based on the situation above, let x and y be the number variables and explain the
of chickens and ducks being reared respectively, meaning of simultaneous
linear equations.
x + y = 7  Total number of chickens and ducks is 7.

and 2x + y = 12   Total rearing cost of chickens

and ducks is RM12 per week.

Both the equations formed are linear equations in two variables.

To determine the number of chickens and the number of ducks, we need to find the
values of x and y that satisfy both the linear equations.

Linear Equations

06 TB Math F1.indd 137 11/10/16 12:15 PM




Aim:  To explore simultaneous linear equations.

Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson begins and discuss in groups
of four during the lesson.
• Open the folder downloaded from page vii.

1. Open the file intersecting.ggb using GeoGebra.

2. Click on both the boxes to display the
straight line graph for the equations
x + y = 7 and 2x + y = 12.
3. Observe the two straight lines displayed
and state the point of intersection (x, y)

of both the straight lines.

4. Determine whether the point of intersection (x, y) is the solution for both the
6 linear equations.

From the results of Exploration Activity 3a, it is found that the point of intersection of the
two straight lines is the common pair of solutions for both the linear equations.
Linear equations x + y = 7 and 2x + y = 12 are simultaneous linear equations in
two variables because both the linear equations have two similar variables.
The solution of simultaneous linear equations that has one point of intersection is
known as a unique solution.




Aim:  To explore simultaneous linear equations.

Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson begins and discuss in groups
of four during the lesson.
• Open the folder downloaded from page vii.

1. Open the file parallel.ggb using GeoGebra.

2. Click on both the boxes to display the
straight line graph for the equations
2x – 3y = – 6 and 4x – 6y = 18.
3. Observe the two straight lines displayed.

Chapter 6

06 TB Math F1.indd 138 11/10/16 12:15 PM

4. Open the file overlapping.ggb using
5. Click on both the boxes to display the
straight line graph for the equations
x + y = 4 and 5x + 5y = 20.
6. Observe the two straight lines displayed.
7. Copy and record all your results in the following table.
Linear equations Condition of
Point of intersection
displayed both straight lines
2x – 3y = – 6
4x – 6y = 18

5x + 5y = 20

8. Discuss with your friends your findings. 6

Exploration Activities 3a and 3b show that there are three cases involving solution of
simultaneous linear equations as shown in the table below.

Condition of both straight lines Type of solution

Intersecting Unique solution
Parallel No solution
Overlapping Infinite solutions

Self Practice 6.3a

1. Form simultaneous linear equations for each given daily situation. Hence, represent
graphically the simultaneous linear equations in two variables.
(a) Puan Siti intends to reward her students with 6 Malay dictionaries and English
dictionaries. The prices of a Malay dictionary and an English dictionary are
RM20 and RM40 respectively. Puan Siti buys x Malay dictionaries and y English
dictionaries at a total cost of RM160.
(b) A total of 12 students comprising boys and girls are divided equally into two
groups. The number of boys in each group is 2 more than the number of girls.

Linear Equations

06 TB Math F1.indd 139 11/10/16 12:15 PM

How do you solve simultaneous linear LEARNING
equations in two variables? STANDARDS
The simultaneous linear equations in two variables can be Solve simultaneous
linear equations in
solved by using two variables using
(i) graphical method various methods.
(ii) substitution method
(iii) elimination method

Solve the following simultaneous linear equations by using graphical method.
x + y = 6  and  2x + y = 8

From the graph drawn, the y


point of intersection is (2, 4). 8

Thus, the solution is x = 2 6 2x + y = 8 The steps for solving
and y = 4. simultaneous linear
equations in two
2 variables using
substitution method:
0 2 4 6
Express one of the
12 variables in terms of
Solve the following simultaneous linear equations by using the other variable.
substitution method.
  x – 3y = 7   and  5x + 2y = 1 Substitute the
expression into the
other linear equation.
x – 3y = 7................ 1
5x + 2y = 1................ 2
Solve the linear
From 1, x = 7 + 3y ...... 3 Express x in
equation in
terms of y.
Substitute 3 into 2. one variable.
5(7 + 3y) + 2y = 1
35 + 15y + 2y = 1 Substitute the value
35 + 17y = 1 obtained into the
17y = 1 – 35 expressed equation to
find the value of the
17y = –34 other variable.
y = –34
y = –2
Substitute y = –2 into 3.
x = 7 + 3(–2)
Thus, x = 1 and y = –2.

Chapter 6

06 TB Math F1.indd 140 11/10/16 12:15 PM

Solve the following simultaneous linear equations by using
The steps for solving
elimination method. simultaneous linear
(a) x + 2y = 9 and 3x – 2y = 15 equations in two variables
(b) 2x + 5y = 14 and 3x + 4y = 7 using elimination method:
Multiply one or both
(a) x + 2y = 9  .…… 1 Identify the variable with equations with a
3x – 2y = 15 …… 2 the same coeff icient. number so that the
coefficient of one of
1 + 2 : 4x + 0 = 24   Eliminate the variable y by
adding 1 and 2.
the variables is equal.
4x = 24
x = 6 Add or subtract both
Substitute x = 6 into 1. the equations to
eliminate one of

6 + 2y = 9 the variables.
2y = 9 – 6
2y = 3
Solve the linear
y = 3
equation in
2 one variable.
Thus, x = 6 and y = 3 .
2 Substitute the value
(b) 2x + 5y = 14 …… 1 • Multiply 1 and 2 to
obtained into the
3x + 4y = 7   …… 2 equate the coeff icient
original equation to
find the value of the
1 × 3 : 6x + 15y = 42 …… 3 of x.
other variable.
2 × 2 : 6x + 8y = 14 …… 4 • The LCM for 2 and 3 is 6.

3 – 4 : 0 + 7y = 28 Eliminate the variable x by
7y = 28 subtracting 4 from 3. Scan the QR Code or
y = 4 visit https://youtu.
Substitute y = 4 into 1. to learn about the
2x + 5(4) = 14 solution of Example
2x + 20 = 14 13(b) by using
2x = 14 – 20 scientific calculator.
2x = –  6
x = –3
Thus, x = –3 and y = 4.

Self Practice 6.3b

1. Solve the following simultaneous linear equations:
(a) y = 3x + 1 (b) x + y = 5
x + 2y = 16 2x – y = 22
(c) 4x + 3y = 8 (d) 8x + 3y = – 4
x – 3y = 2 5x + 2y = 6

Linear Equations

06 TB Math F1.indd 141 11/10/16 12:15 PM

How do you solve problems? LEARNING
Solve problems involving
simultaneous linear
equations in two variables.

Yesterday I brought my
wife and three children
who are under 12 years Last week, I brought my wife and a
old to the Zoo Negara, 5-year-old child together with two
and the total cost of of my friends to the Zoo Negara.
tickets was RM97. The total cost of tickets was RM139.

Based on the conversation above, how much is the ticket for an adult and a child?

Understanding the problem

• Total cost of tickets for 2 adults and 3 children is RM97.
• Total cost of tickets for 4 adults and one child is RM139.
Devising a plan
Let the cost of the ticket for an adult = RMx
and the cost of the ticket for a child = RMy
Form two simultaneous linear equations and solve them.
Implementing the strategy
2x + 3y = 97   …… 1
4x + y = 139 …… 2
1 × 2 : 4x + 6y = 194 …… 3
     + y = 139 …… 2
3 – 2 : 0 + 5y = 55
5y = 55
y = 11
Substitute y = 11 into the equation 1.
2x + 3(11) = 97
2x + 33 = 97
2x = 64
x = 32
Thus, the cost of the ticket for an adult is RM32 and the cost of the ticket for a child
is RM11.

Doing reflection
Total cost of tickets for 2 adults and 3 children = 2(32) + 3(11)
= RM97
Total cost of tickets for 4 adults and 1 child = 4(32) + 11
= RM139

Chapter 6

06 TB Math F1.indd 142 11/10/16 12:15 PM

Self Practice 6.3c
1. During the Hari Keusahawanan in a school, 800 booklets of coupons were sold.
The price of each booklet of coupons was RM30 and RM50 respectively. The total
amount collected was RM30 000. How many booklets of RM30 and RM50 coupons
were sold?
2. The length of a rectangular swimming pool is p m and its width is q m. It is given
that the length of the swimming pool is twice its width. If the perimeter of the
swimming pool is 150 m, find the values of p and q.

Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra

6.3 questions of Mastery Q 6.3.

1. Form simultaneous linear equations based on the following statement.

The difference between two numbers is 5. When the larger number
is multiplied by 2, the sum of both the numbers is 7.
Hence, represent graphically the simultaneous linear equations in two variables and 6
state the type of the solution.

2. Solve the following simultaneous linear equations:

(a) x + 4y = 14 (b) 3m – 2n = 19
3x + 2y = 12 5m + 7n = 11
1 p + q = 4 g
(c) (d) f + = 3
3 2 5
= 2 2g – f = 10
3. A wire with a length of 100 cm is cut into three parts. The length of wire for the first
and second parts are the same. The length of the third part of the wire exceeds the
sum of the first two parts by 4 cm. Calculate the length of each part.

4. Lai Yee and Khadijah have 60 stamps. When Lai Yee gives 5 stamps to Khadijah, the
number of Lai Yee’s stamps is twice the number of Khadijah’s stamps. How many
stamps does each of them have at first?

5. After six years, the age of Devaki’s father is thrice the age of Devaki. If the age of
Devaki’s father was seven times the age of Devaki two years ago, what are their ages
this year?

6. Sarah has more money than Hui Chin. If Sarah gives RM10 to Hui Chin, both of
them will have the same amount of money. If Hui Chin gives RM5 to Sarah, Sarah
will have four times the amount of money that Hui Chin has. How much does each
of them have?

Linear Equations

06 TB Math F1.indd 143 11/10/16 12:15 PM

The power of
Have only the variable Have two
one variable. is 1. variables.

Linear Linear
equations in equations in
one variable two variables
ax + b = c Consist ax + by = c
of linear Have many
Have a possible pairs
unique solution. expression
and number. of solutions.

Very Work
good harder

identify linear equations in one variable and describe the characteristics of

the equations.
form linear equations in one variable based on a statement or a situation,
and vice-versa.
solve linear equations in one variable.
solve problems involving linear equations in one variable.
identify linear equations in two variables and describe the characteristics of
the equations.
form linear equations in two variables based on a statement or a situation,
and vice-versa.
determine and explain possible solutions of linear equations in two variables.
represent graphically linear equations in two variables.
form simultaneous linear equations based on daily situations. Hence, represent
graphically the simultaneous linear equations in two variables and explain the
meaning of simultaneous linear equations.
solve simultaneous linear equations in two variables using various methods.
solve problems involving simultaneous linear equations in two variables.

Chapter 6

06 TB Math F1.indd 144 11/10/16 12:15 PM

1. Meena has a packet of sweets. She gives half of the sweets to her brother. After
eating 3 sweets, there are 5 sweets left in the packet. How many sweets were there in
the packet initially?

2. In a cross-country run organized by a school, the students who completed the run
within one hour would obtain 2 points for their team. A total of 280 students managed
to obtain the points. The number of boys who obtained the points was 60 more than
the number of girls. How many points did the girls obtain during the cross-country


3. The total savings of Ella and Zahida was RM2 000. Ella and Zahida each donated
1 and 1 of their savings to an old folks home. The total amount donated by them
4 5
was RM440. What are the balances of Ella’s and Zahida’s savings now?

4. An online dealer sells two types of clothes, baju kurung and baju kebaya. The
profit obtained from a baju kurung is RM10 less than the profit obtained from a
baju kebaya. He earns a profit of RM275 from the sale of 5 baju kurung and 8 baju
kebaya during the first week. In the second week, he sells 9 baju kurung and 7 baju
kebaya. What is his profit in the second week?

5. The perimeter of a rectangle is 56 cm. When its length is reduced by 2 cm and its
width is increased by 4 cm, a square is formed. What is the area of the rectangle?

6. The incomplete receipt shows the expenses of Liza and Sedap Restaurant
Kei Ling at Sedap Restaurant. The price of a cup of
coffee is RM1 more than the price of a piece of curry 2 cups of coffee RM

puff. What are the prices of a cup of coffee and a piece of 4 curry puffs RM
curry puff? Total RM6.80

7. Encik Rizal and his wife brought their children below 12 years old along with
them for a holiday in Pulau Redang. They spent a total amount of RM1 150 for the
package tour. The fees for an adult and a child are RM350 and RM150 respectively.
How many children did he bring with him?

Linear Equations

06 TB Math F1.indd 145 11/10/16 12:15 PM

 8. Asnita : My age is x years more than your age.
Reslynna : I was 13 years old x years ago.
Asnita : My age will be 31 years old after x years.
Based on their conversation, what are the ages of Asnita and Reslynna?

 9. The straight line graph represents the

population of trees planted in the districts Population
P and Q since the year 2010. The linear of trees (n)
equations represented by the straight line
District Q
graphs of districts P and Q are n – 3x = 16
and n – 5x = 10 respectively, where n is District P
the population of trees planted and x is the

number of years after 2010. In which year Number

would the population of trees planted in 0
of years (x)
both the districts be the same? State the
population of the trees in that year.

10. Cikgu Latif recorded the time for a 100  m sprint by three students Amir, Ben and
Ravi. The recorded time of Ben and Ravi is the same. The average time for the three
students is 13.3 s. However, Cikgu Latif noticed that Amir’s time was recorded
wrongly as 15. 3 s instead of 13.5 s. Calculate the actual average time of the three

11. A wholesaler supplies two kinds of fruits, pineapples and watermelons, to stalls A
and B. The mass of the fruits supplied are as shown in the table.
Mass (kg)
Pineapple Watermelon
A 15 40
B 25 60

The total payments received by the wholesaler from stalls A and B are RM90 and
RM140 respectively. Determine the price per kilogram for each kind of fruit.

A company produces two types of pen drive, P and Q. In the year 2015, the profit
earned from both the pen drives was RM350 000. In the year 2016, the profit earned
from type P pen drive increased by 25% while the profit earned from type Q pen
drive decreased by 10%. If the total profit for the year 2016 was RM395 500, find the
profit earned from each type of the pen drive in the year 2016.

Chapter 6

06 TB Math F1.indd 146 11/10/16 12:15 PM

Linear equations are often used to solve various daily problems. Besides that, linear
equations are also used in other fields such as management, finance, computer
knowledge, science, engineering, construction and health.
Carry out a study and write a report about the importance of linear equations in
the stated fields.

Scan the QR Code or visit to explore the usage of linear

equations in various fields.


Linear equations can be used C

to study and solve the traffic
problems. A P S
The diagram shows a road
map with four junctions, P, Q,
R and S, where each road is a
one-way road.

The f low rate of vehicles during the day is given in the table.
Average flow rate of vehicles
(Number of vehicles per hour)
Vehicles from A 110
Vehicles from B 75
Vehicles that move along PQ 35
Vehicles that move along QS 80
Vehicles that move along RS 20

By using the equality concept, form some linear equations from the given information.
Hence, determine the average flow rate of vehicles that travel to C and D.

Linear Equations

06 TB Math F1.indd 147 11/10/16 12:15 PM

What will you learn?
• Inequalities

• Linear Inequalities in One Variable

 Why stu
dy t
As a basic knowledge in
fields that need to apply
the concept of limits. An
architect needs to consider
the height limit of a structure
constructed, an engineer needs
to determine the speed and
weight limit of a vehicle designed, Body Mass Index (BMI) is used to determine
a financial planner uses the idea ideal body weight. A survey carried out by
of limits to calculate the optimum the World Health Organisation in the year
profit of a company based on its 2011 revealed that 44.2% of the population in
operation costs. Discuss other fields Malaysia have BMI more than 25.
that involve the concept of limits. Based on the table given, what is their
body weight classification? What is your body
weight classification?

Chapter 7

07 TB Math F1.indd 148 11/10/16 12:16 PM

Thomas Harriot
The symbols ‘.’ and ‘,’ were introduced
by an English surveyor Thomas Harriot
in his book published in the year 1631.
The inequality symbol is believed to have

originated from the equality symbol ‘=’.

For more information:


Word Link
• inequality • ketaksamaan
• linear inequality • ketaksamaan linear
in one variable dalam satu
Body Weight
BMI pemboleh ubah
• simultaneous linear • ketaksamaan linear
Underweight BMI 18.5 inequalities serentak
Normal weight 18.5 BMI 25. 0 • converse property • sifat akas
Overweight 25.0 BMI 30. 0 • transitive property • sifat transitif
• additive inverse • songsangan terhadap
Obese BMI 30.0 penambahan
• multiplicative inverse • songsangan terhadap
Scan the QR Code to watch the video
about healthy lifestyle practices.
Open the folder downloaded from page vii for the audio of Word Link.

Linear Inequalities

07 TB Math F1.indd 149 11/10/16 12:16 PM

7.1 Inequalities LEARNING
What are inequalities? Compare the values
of numbers, describe
In our daily lives, we often make comparisons between two inequality and hence,
quantities with different values. We compare the quantities in form algebraic inequality.
terms of number, price, temperature, size, height, mass and
so on.
RM1400 RM1600

xg 80 g
50 g


Which smart phone brand is cheaper? Which has a larger mass?


By comparison, we found that

• the price of smart phone brand A is cheaper than brand B. Discuss the relationship
7 • the mass (x + 50) g is greater than 80 g. between two quantities
in real-life situations
The relationship between two quantities that do not have which involve the usage
the same value is known as an inequality. of ‘more than’ or
‘less than’.
Compare the values of numbers
In chapter 1, we have learned how to compare the value of an integer with another integer
based on its position on a number line. In this chapter, we shall write this comparison by
using mathematical symbols.
For example:

–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1

Observe the position of the pair of Observe the position of the pair of
numbers –2 and 3 on the number line. numbers –7 and –2 on the number line.
–2 lies to the left of 3, –2 lies to the right of –7,
therefore –2 is less than 3. therefore –2 is more than –7.
The symbol ‘,’ is used to represent The symbol ‘.’ is used to represent
‘less than’. ‘greater than’.
So, ‘–2 is less than 3’ is written as So, ‘–2 is greater than –7’ is written as
‘–2 , 3’. ‘–2 . –7’.
–2 , 3 and –2 . –7 are inequalities.

Chapter 7

07 TB Math F1.indd 150 11/10/16 12:16 PM

Fill in the boxes with the symbol ‘.’ or ‘,’ so that it becomes a true statement. Hence,
write an inequality for each statement by using ‘is greater than’ or ‘is less than’.
(a) – 5    4 (b) 42   9

Symbol Meaning
(a) – 5   ,  4 (b) 42  .  9 greater than
less than
– 5 is less than 4. 42 is greater than 9.

Self Practice 7.1a

1. Fill in the boxes with the symbol ‘.’ or ‘,’ so that it becomes a true statement.
Hence, write an inequality for each statement by using ‘is greater than’ or
‘is less than’.

(a) – 6   0 (b) 1     1 (c) 0. 42   0.072
7 4
(d) 4.5 4.5
 (e) 10 cm 50 mm (f) 1 200 g 1.6 kg

Describe inequality and form algebraic inequality

Observe the number line below.

4 x

The number line compares 4 with another unknown number, x. We can describe the
relationship between 4 and x in an inequality as ‘x is greater than 4’ and the inequality is
written as ‘x . 4’.

In the number line below, describe the relationship between x and 8 as an inequality by
using ‘is less than’.

x 8
Hence, form an algebraic inequality for the relationship.

x is less than 8.

Linear Inequalities

07 TB Math F1.indd 151 11/10/16 12:16 PM

Self Practice 7.1b

1. Based on the number line, describe the relationship between

y and 12 as an inequality by using ‘is greater than’. Hence, 12
form an algebraic inequality for the relationship.

2. Based on the number line, describe the relationship between

3 and b as an inequality by using ‘is less than’. Hence, form 3 b
an algebraic inequality for the relationship.

Identify relationship
(a) is greater than or equal to
(b) is less than or equal to

The road sign in the diagram shown can be found along the
highway. This road sign reminds drivers that the speed limit km/h
7 of vehicles along the highway must not exceed 110 km/h.

If v represents the speed in km/h, then v = 110 and

v , 110. Both these equality and inequality can be combined
by using the symbol ‘<’ and are written as v < 110. The possible values of
the variable v can be
We can use a number line to represent the inequality an integer, decimal
relationship v < 110 as shown in the diagram below. or fraction.

v  110 State the possible

values of v < 110.

80 90 100 110 120 130

How are we going to use the number line to represent the

speed of the vehicles that do not follow the speed limit along Drive safe,
the highway? What are the risks that would be faced by these save lives.
irresponsible drivers?

Chapter 7

07 TB Math F1.indd 152 11/10/16 12:16 PM

The vehicles that do not follow the road sign have speeds State the possible
greater than 110 km/h and the speeds can be represented on values of v . 110.
the number line as shown in the diagram below.
v  110

80 90 100 110 120 130

Fatimah earns overtime pay when she works at least 9 hours
a day. Symbol Meaning
(a) If t is the number of working hours per day, describe >
greater than
an inequality based on the situation above by using or equal to
‘is greater than or equal to’ or ‘is less than or equal to’. <
less than or
equal to
(b) Represent the inequality on a number line and hence
form an algebraic inequality for the relationship.
Scan the QR Code or

visit https://youtu.
(a) t is greater than or equal to 9. be/xTA_VbuMPME
to learn about
(b) representing linear 7
inequality on a
number line.
6 7 8 9 10 11

The algebraic inequality is t > 9.

Fatimah did not earn any overtime pay.

(a) Describe an inequality based on the situation above by using ‘is greater than’ or ‘is less than’.
(b) Represent the inequality on a number line and hence form an algebraic inequality for
the relationship.

Self Practice 7.1c

1. Describe an inequality based on each of the following situations by using ‘is greater
than or equal to’ or ‘is less than or equal to’:
(a) The road sign shows the load of a lorry, m, that is allowed to

cross the bridge. T
(b) The age, t, to vote is 21 years old.
Represent the inequality on a number line and hence form an
algebraic inequality for the relationship.

Linear Inequalities

07 TB Math F1.indd 153 11/10/16 12:16 PM

What are the properties of inequalities? LEARNING
Make generalisation about
inequality related to
(i) the converse and
transitive properties,
Aim: To explore the converse property and the
additive and
transitive property of inequalities. multiplicative inverse,
Instruction: • Perform the activity in pairs. (ii) basic arithmetic
• Open the folder downloaded from
page vii.
1. Open the file converse and transitive properties.pdf
and print the file.
2. Complete the sentence in (a) for each quiz.
3. Fill in the blanks in (b) using the inequality symbol
‘.’ or ‘,’.

From the results of Exploration Activity 1, it is found that

7 • if a is less than b, then b is greater than a.
Converse property of inequality:  If a , b, then b . a.
• if a is less than b and b is less than c, then a is less than c.
Transitive property of inequality:  If a , b , c, then a , c.

(a) Write the converse property of inequality
(i) 10 , 24, (ii) – 4 . –13.
(b) Write the transitive property of inequality –5 , –1 , 9.

(a) (i) 24 . 10 (ii) –13 , – 4

(b) –5 , 9

Self Practice 7.1d

1. Write the converse property of each of the following inequalities.
(a) 5 , 14 (b) 8 . –8 (c) –23 . –32
(d) 6.7 . 1.5 (e) 1 . 1 (f) –2 . –11.8
13 14
2. Write the transitive property of each of the following inequalities.
(a) –2 , 5 , 10 (b) –15 , –8 , 0 (c) – 4.56 , –1.52 , 2.01
(d) –17 2 , 11 1 , 20 1 (e) 1 , 1 , 1 (f) –8 , – 4.3 , 1
9 5 3 20 14 7 9

Chapter 7

07 TB Math F1.indd 154 11/10/16 12:16 PM

Aim: To make a generalisation about the inequality related to the basic
arithmetic operations.
Instruction: Perform the activity in groups of four.

Subtract 5.

-20 -10 0 10 20

1. Use a rope to represent a number line that shows the integers from –20 to 20.
2. Get two students to participate. Each of them will choose a different positive
even number that is less than 20.
3. Then, the students have to stand at the position of each chosen number on the
number line.
4. Get another student to write down the inequality to compare both the numbers.
Observe the direction of the inequality symbol and determine who has the
greater number.
5. The fourth student will give instructions related to basic arithmetic operations
(+, –, ×, ÷) for the numbers chosen by both the students.
Examples of instructions: add 3, subtract – 4, multiply by –1, divide by 2
6. Both the students will shift their positions to show the results after performing
each of the basic arithmetic operations. Extend the number line on the rope
if necessary.
7. Determine whose number is greater after performing each basic operation.
Write an inequality to compare the two new numbers.
8. Repeat Steps 3 to 7 with the same original numbers chosen but using a different
basic operation.
9. Predict the operation that will retain the direction of the inequality symbol and
the operation that will reverse the direction of the inequality symbol.
10. Make a generalisation about the inequality related to the operations.
11. Repeat the steps with two different negative even numbers.

Linear Inequalities

07 TB Math F1.indd 155 11/10/16 12:16 PM

From the results of the activity, we can conclude that:
• The inequality symbol remains unchanged when adding
or subtracting a positive or negative number to or from If 2 ,  6
both sides of the inequality. then 2 + 3 ,  6 + 3
5 ,  9
If a ,  b, If 2 ,  6
then a + c ,  b + c. then 2 – 3 ,  6 – 3
–1 ,  3
If a ,  b, If 2 ,  6
then a – c ,  b – c. then 2 + (–3) ,  6 + (–3)
–1 ,  3
If a ,  b, If 2 ,  6
then a + (– c) ,  b + (– c). then 2 – (–3) ,  6 – (–3)
5 ,  9
If a ,  b,
then a – (– c) ,  b – (– c).

• (i) The inequality symbol remains unchanged when


multiplying or dividing both sides of the inequality by

a positive number. If 2 ,  6
7 then 2 × 3 ,  6 × 3
If a ,  b, 6 ,  18
then a × c ,  b × c. If 2 ,  6
2 ,  6
If a ,  b, then
2 2
a b. 1 ,  3
then c ,  c

(ii) The direction of the inequality symbol is reversed when

multiplying or dividing both sides of the inequality by
a negative number. If 2 ,  6
then 2 × (–3) .  6 × (–3)
If a ,  b, – 6 .  –18
then a × (– c) .  b × (– c). If 2 ,  6
2 .  6
If a ,  b, then
–2 –2
a b. –1 .  –3
then – c .  – c
• When both sides of the inequality are multiplied by –1, the
direction of the inequality symbol is reversed.
If a ,  b, If 2 ,  6
then – 
a . –b. then 2 × (–1) .  6 × (–1)
–2 .  – 6
It is known as additive inverse.

Chapter 7

07 TB Math F1.indd 156 11/10/16 12:16 PM

• When performing reciprocal of both numbers on both sides of the inequality, the
direction of the inequality symbol is reversed.
If a ,  b,
1 1.
then a .  b
If 2 ,  6
then 1 .  1
It is known as multiplicative inverse. 2 6

Self Practice 7.1e

Fill in each box with the symbol ‘,’ or ‘.’.
1. (a) (i) –8 16 (ii) –8 + 2 16 + 2 (iii) –8 – 2 16 – 2
(b) (i) 8 –16 (ii) 8 + 5 –16 + 5 (iii) 8 – 5 –16 – 5
(c) (i) –8 –16 (ii) –8 + 1 –16 + 1 (iii) –8 – 1 –16 – 1

2. (a) (i) 8 16 (ii) 8 × 2 16 × 2 (iii) 8 ÷ 2 16 ÷ 2

(b) If 8 , 16 and c . 0, then 8c   16c and  8     16 .
c c
 8c and  16     8.
(c) If 16 . 8 and c . 0, then 16c 
c c
3. (a) (i) 6 12 (ii) 6 × (–3) 12 × (–3) (iii) 6 ÷ (–3) 12 ÷ (–3)
(iv) – 
6   –12 (v) 1     1
6 12
(b) If 6 , 12 and d , 0, then 6d   12d and  6     12 .
d d
(c) If 12 . 6 and d , 0, then 12d   6d and  12     6.
d d

7.1 Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra
  questions of Mastery Q 7.1.
1. Fill in the boxes with the symbol ‘.’ or ‘,’ so that each of the following statements
becomes true.
(a) (−5)2    (−6)2 (b) 0.1    3
0.008 (c) 6 + x   8 + x
(d) m + 3    m (e) 10 − k    8 − k (f) 2x + 5   2x − 5

x y
(a) Based on the number line above, describe the relationship between x and y as an
inequality by using ‘is greater than’.
(b) Hence, form an algebraic inequality for the relationship.

Linear Inequalities

07 TB Math F1.indd 157 11/10/16 12:16 PM

3. A minimum deposit of RM100 is required to open a bank account.
(a) Describe an inequality for the minimum deposit required to open a bank account
by using ‘is greater than or equal to’ or ‘is less than or equal to’.
(b) If a is the minimum deposit required to open a bank account, represent the
inequality on a number line and form an algebraic inequality for the relationship.
4. Represent the following inequalities on number lines.
(a) x . 3 (b) x , 15 (c) x > −19 (d) −5 > x
(e) y < 8.3 (f) p > −5.7 (g) x , − 3 (h) 7.8 . q
5. Fill in the boxes with the symbol ‘.’ or ‘,’ so that each of the following statements
becomes true.
(a) If x , y, then y x. (b) If p , q and q , 0, then p 0.
(c) If −2 . x and x . y, then −2 y. (d) If x . y, then x      .
10 10
(e) If x . y, then (−5)x    (−5)y. (f) If u . 0, then (−3)u 0.

7.2 Linear Inequalities in One Variable

7 How do you form linear inequalities based on
the daily life situations and vice-versa? STANDARDS
Form linear inequalities
5 based on daily life
Construct a linear inequality based on each situation below. situations, and vice-versa.
(a) Pak Samad is a gasing uri maker in Kelantan. The time,
t days, Pak Samad spends in making a gasing uri is less
than 42 days.
(b) In a fishing competition, the participants can win a prize
if the length, l cm, of the fish caught is at least 32 cm. Symbol >
(c) Madam Chen bakes a cake that has a mass of not more • At least
than 2 kg. The mass of the cake, x kg, is received by • Not less than
each neighbour, if Madam Chen cuts the cake into 10 • Minimum
equal slices for her neighbours. Symbol <
(d) Mr Mohan is a businessman. He intends to donate 3% • At most
of the profit earned from his business to a local charity • Not more than
every month. The profit, p, in RM, Mr Mohan has to • Maximum
earn each month if his donation is to exceed RM240
per month.

(a) t , 42 (b) l > 32 (c) x < 2 (d) 3 p . 240

10 100

Chapter 7

07 TB Math F1.indd 158 11/10/16 12:16 PM

Write a situation based on each of the linear inequalities given:
(a) h > 110 where h is the height of the passenger, in cm, that is allowed to ride the
roller coaster.
(b) T , −5 where T is the temperature, in °C, of the freezer compartment of a refrigerator.
(c) m . 4 600 where m is Mr Siva’s monthly salary, in RM.

(a) The height of the passenger that is allowed to ride the roller coaster must be at least
110 cm.
(b) The temperature of the freezer compartment of a refrigerator is less than −5°C.
(c) Mr Siva’s monthly salary is more than RM4 600.

Self Practice 7.2a

1. Construct a linear inequality based on each of the following situations:

(a) The price, RMx, of a double-storey terrace house is RM450 000 and above.
(b) The passing mark of a Mathematics test is 50. Hajar obtained y marks and she 7
failed the test.
(c) The total number of participants, k, of 5 debating teams if each team cannot have
more than 6 people for the competition.
(d) Puan Kalsom has a reward points card that
shows one point earned for every RM5 spent.
Puan Kalsom spends RMq and is eligible to
redeem exclusive prizes.

2. Write a situation based on each of the linear inequalities given:

(a) n < 4 where n is the number of passengers in a taxi.
(b) A . 1 000 where A is the area of an apartment in m2.
(c) 4y > 60, where y is the expenditure, in RM, of a customer who patronizes the

How do you solve problems involving linear

inequalities? STANDARDS
Linear inequality in one variable is an unequal relationship Solve problems involving
between a number and a variable with power of one. linear inequalities in
one variable.

Linear Inequalities

07 TB Math F1.indd 159 11/10/16 12:16 PM

For example, the algebraic inequalities such as
  3x , 7 (The power of the variable x is 1)
and y − 4 . 5 + 2y (The power of the variable y is 1)
are known as linear inequalities in one variable.
Solving a linear inequality in x is to find the values of x that satisfy the inequality.
The process of solving linear inequalities is similar to the process of solving linear
equations. However, we need to consider the direction of the inequality symbol when
solving linear inequalities.

Solve each of the following inequalities:
(a) x − 2 < 6 (b) 7x > 28 To solve linear

(c) – x , 9
inequalities that involve
(d) 7 – 4x . 15 multiplication or division,
3 we need to multiply
or divide both sides of

(a) x − 2 < 6 the inequality with an

Add 2 to both sides appropriate number so
x – 2 + 2 < 6 + 2 of the inequality. that the coefficient of the
7 x < 8 variable becomes 1.

(b) 7x > 28
7x 28
> Divide both sides of the
7 7 inequality by 7.
x > 4 What are the possible
solutions for each of the

– x , 9
following inequalities if
(c) x is an integer?
3 Multiply both sides of the (a) x > 3
– × (–3) . 9 × (–3) inequality by −3 and reverse (b) x < –5
3 the inequality symbol.
x . –27

(d) 7 – 4x . 15
Subtract 7 from both sides
7 – 4x – 7 . 15 – 7 of the inequality.
– 4x . 8
– 4x 8 Divide both sides of the Linear inequality in one
– 4 – 4 inequality by −4 and reverse variable has more than
the inequality symbol. one possible solution.
x , –2

Chapter 7

07 TB Math F1.indd 160 11/10/16 12:16 PM

Scan the QR Code or
visit https://youtu.
In conjunction with a reading campaign, a stall is having be/BoCI6rCvoDQ to
a book sales promotion by selling every book at a price of learn about solving
inequality on a
RM12.50. Ghani spends not more than RM80 to buy some number line.
books from the stall. Calculate the maximum number of
books that Ghani can buy.

Understanding the problem

• The price of a book is RM12.50.
• Ghani spends not more than RM80 to buy books.
• Calculate the maximum number of books that can be bought.

Devising a plan
• Write a linear inequality in one variable to represent the situation given.

• Solve the inequality and interpret the solutions.

Implementing the strategy

Let n be the number of books,
then the total expenditure is 12.5n.
So, 12.5n < 80
12.5n < 80 n  6.4 Since n is the number of
12.5 12.5 books, then n must be a
4 5 6 7 8 9
n < 6.4 whole number.

Therefore, the maximum number of books that Ghani can buy is 6.

Doing reflection
When n = 6, 12.5n = 12.5 × 6 When n = 7, 12.5n = 12.5 × 7
= 75 (, 80) = 87.5 (. 80)
Thus, the maximum number of books that can be bought is 6, which is correct.

Self Practice 7.2b

1. Solve each of the following inequalities:
(a) x + 3 > 10 (b) −2x , 18 (c) −7 . x (d) 16 − 5x < − 4
2. Fatimah is working part-time as a canned drink seller. She is paid 10 sen for every
canned drink sold. She wants to earn at least RM20 per hour. Calculate the number
of canned drinks that she needs to sell in an hour in order to achieve her target.

Linear Inequalities

07 TB Math F1.indd 161 11/10/16 12:16 PM

3. Sadiah has RM120 in her savings account and she saves RM40 per month. What
is the minimum number of months that Sadiah has to save her money so that her
savings can exceed RM500? (Give your answer to the nearest whole number.)
4. A car rental company offers two types of rental packages:
Package A The basic rental payment is RM40 and an extra payment of RM8 for
every rental hour.
Package B No basic rental payment but RM15 for every rental hour.
What is the maximum time, in hours, of the car rental such that package B will be
cheaper? (Give your answer to the nearest whole number.)

How do you solve simultaneous linear inequalities?

Based on the World Health Report, the daily consumption LEARNING
of sugar is between 25 g and 37.5 g. Solve simultaneous
If m gram represents the quantity of daily sugar linear inequalities in
consumption, then we can write one variable.

m . 25 and m , 37.5
The two inequalities are simultaneous linear inequalities
in one variable. Therefore, the amount of sugar, in grams,
7 an individual consumes, can be any values between 25 and
37.5, such as 27, 32 and 34.8.
These values are the common values of the simultaneous
linear inequalities. The solutions of simultaneous linear
inequalities in one variable are the common values of the
simultaneous linear inequalities.
Solve the following simultaneous linear inequalities:
(a) 2x + 5 , 11 and 3x − 10 , 5 (b) 8x + 5 > 5x − 13 and 3x − 4 . 9x + 20

(a) 2x + 5 , 11 3x − 10 , 5
2x , 11 − 5 Simplify each linear 3x , 5 + 10
2x , 6 3x , inequality to the 15
x , 3 simplest form.
x , 5
x3 Determine the common values
of both the inequalities by
using a number line.
Common 3 5
Since x needs to satisfy x , 3 and x , 5, we find the common region of both
solutions. The solution is x , 3.

Chapter 7

07 TB Math F1.indd 162 11/10/16 12:16 PM

(b) 8x + 5 > 5x – 13 3x − 4 . 9x + 20
8x > 5x − 18 3x . 9x + 24
Actuaries use
3x > –18 – 6x . 24 inequalities to determine
x > – 6 x , – 4 the amount of premium
x  –4 that a client needs to
x  –6 pay in an insurance
policy. They also use
–6 –4 inequalities to predict
Common the total amount of
region money that needs to be
The solution is − 6 < x , − 4. paid when clients make
an insurance claim.

Self Practice 7.2c

1. Solve the following simultaneous linear inequalities:
(a) x + 2 . 4 and 4x . 20 (b) x − 3 < − 6 and 3x − 4 < 5
(c) 2x + 3 . 0 and 9x − 2 < 16 (d) 5x − 3 , 2 and 4x + 6 > x + 3
(e) 5x − 7 , 13 and 7x + 4 , 16 (f) 6x + 5 . 3x + 14 and 13x − 4 > 9x

Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra
  questions of Mastery Q 7.2.
1. The manager of a clothing store has set some goals for his sales staff. Construct a
linear inequality based on each of the following situations:
(a) The minimum total monthly sales in RM, x, is 18 000.
(b) At the end of the month, the total time, t, spent in counting the inventory of the
store is at most 8 hours.
(c) The total daily sales, h, must be more than RM700.
2. Write a situation based on each of the linear inequalities given:
(a) x < 30 where x is the speed of the vehicle, in km/h, when approaching the
school area.
(b) m . 1 100 where m is the mass of a car in kg.
(c) y , 900 where y is the parents’ salary, in RM, of a student who qualifies to apply
for a scholarship.
3. If Mr Tan keeps a daily balance of at least RM1 200 in his current account, the bank
will not impose any service charge to his current account:
(a) Represent the situation on a number line.
(b) If x represents Mr Tan’s daily balance, write an inequality that represents the
possible values of x when the bank does not impose any service charge to his
current account.
4. The salt content in a packet of instant noodles is not more than 800 mg. It is
recommended that the maximum daily intake of salt in food is 2 300 mg. Find the
maximum packets of instant noodles that can be consumed such that the total salt
intake is less than 2 300 mg.

Linear Inequalities

07 TB Math F1.indd 163 11/10/16 12:16 PM

5. Ghanesh has received a restaurant coupon.
(a) Ghanesh buys a set meal which costs RM10.50. If
m is the price of the second set meal, construct a
linear inequality to represent the values of m such
that Ghanesh can use the coupon.
(b) Represent the inequality by using a number line.

6. The maximum capacity of a lift is 960 kg. Assuming that the mass of each boy is
45 kg, find the possible maximum number of boys that could take the lift at any time.
7. Madam Chong’s mass is 72 kg. After participating in a fitness programme, her mass
decreases at a rate of 3 kg per month. Find the minimum number of months that
Madam Chong has to participate in the programme so that her mass becomes less
than 52 kg. (Give your answer to the nearest whole number.)
8. Solve the following simultaneous linear inequalities:
(a) 10 – 3x . 8 – 2x and 14 – 2x , 9 – 8x
(b) x – 1 , 3 and 3x – 2 < x
2 5

(c) x 2
, and 5 – 2x > 1
9 3 7


Inequality Inequality Inequality Inequality

involving involving involving involving
addition subtraction multiplication division

If a , b, If a , b, • If a , b, • If a , b,
then then then a × c , b × c. then a , b .
a + c , b + c. a – c , b – c. • If a , b, c c
then • If a , b,
a × (– c) . b × (–c).
then a . b .
– c – c

Chapter 7

07 TB Math F1.indd 164 11/10/16 12:16 PM

Very Work
good harder

compare the values of numbers, describe inequality and hence, form

algebraic inequality.
make generalisation about inequality related to the converse and transitive
properties, additive and multiplicative inverse, and basic arithmetic operations.
form linear inequalities based on daily life situations, and vice-versa.
solve problems involving linear inequalities in one variable.
solve simultaneous linear inequalities in one variable.

1. Given that p , q. Compare the values of the following pairs of numbers by using the
symbol ‘,’ or ‘.’.
(a) p + 5    q + 5 (b) 1 p    1 q (c) –p   –q
3 3
2. Stella is x years old whereas her son is 18 years old. Construct an inequality that
shows the relationship between their ages
(a) in the current year, (b) after 3 years, (c) 5 years ago.
3. Zain bought x pieces of Hari Raya greeting cards at a price of RM1.20 each. He paid
RM20 and received a balance of more than RM5. Construct an inequality based on
the information given.
4. Mr Koh has three pieces of RM50 notes, two pieces of RM10 notes and n pieces of
RM1 notes in his wallet.
(a) Express, in terms of n, the total amount of money in Mr Koh’s wallet.
(b) If the total amount of money is less than RM178, find the possible values of n
such that n . 0.

5. Solve the following inequalities:

(a) 3x + 7 , 19 (b) 15x − 6 , 8x + 8

Linear Inequalities

07 TB Math F1.indd 165 11/10/16 12:16 PM

6. Yoke Ling has four metal balls. Each ball has the same mass. Diagram (a) and
Diagram (b) show the positions of the balances when Yoke Ling weighs one metal
ball and four metal balls respectively.
10 g 5 g
20 g 20 g
10 g 5 g

Diagram (a) Diagram (b)

Yoke Ling’s friends said that the mass of one metal ball could be 12 g, 13 g,
14 g or 15 g. Which of the given mass could be the mass of one metal ball?

7. The Youth and Sports Complex in a district provides badminton court facilities. The
management of the complex charges an annual membership fee of RM50. The rental
rate per hour of the badminton court for a member and a non-member is shown

in the table. When a person enrols as a new member,

what is the minimum number of hours for the court Rental rate per hour

7 rental in a year so that the total cost paid by the Non-member RM15
member would be more affordable compared to a Member RM12
8. The mass of a metal sphere is 15 g and the mass of a box is 200 g. Chan puts
n metal spheres into the box. If the total mass of the box and the metal spheres is
more than 290 g,
(a) form a linear inequality based on the situation above.
(b) find the smallest value of n.
9. Umang is offered a job as a mobile phone sales agent by two companies.
Satria Company offers wages with a fixed rate of RM50 per day and an extra
commission of 3% from her total sales.
Perdana Company offers wages with a fixed rate of RM35 per day and an extra
commission of 5% from her total sales.
Calculate the minimum total sales, to the nearest RM, that Umang needs to obtain
such that Perdana company is a better choice.
10. Solve the following simultaneous linear inequalities:
(a) 4 − 3x > −5 and 3x + 1 > − 11 (b) 3x − 1 . 3 and 3 − x < 7
(c) 2x – 5 < 3 and 5 – x < 1 (d) – 4 > 2 − x and 3x – 1 , 2
3 2 3 4

Chapter 7

07 TB Math F1.indd 166 11/10/16 12:16 PM

Haze is a phenomenon that happens when small particles exist in large quantities in the
air. These could block the sunlight from reaching the Earth, hence impairing visibility.
Write a report in the form of an essay about the haze
Scan the QR Code and
phenomenon that includes the following. visit http://apims.doe.
• The causes of haze. to help
• The effects of haze. you in preparing
• How does the Air Pollution Index (API) act as a guide the report.
to identify the quality of the air?
• The level of haze that occurred in your area and the
preventive measures taken following that incident.

In an amusement park, fixed revenue is generated from advertising sponsors whereas 7
fixed expenses incurred is the maintenance cost of the machines. Besides that, variable
revenue is the number of visitors who visit the amusement park whereas variable
expenses is the employees’ wages. An operations manager needs to estimate the
operating expenses and revenues to ensure that the amusement park obtains a profit.
The table below shows the daily expenses and revenues estimated by the operations
manager of an amusement park which offers 12 rides. Copy and complete the
information in the table below.
Daily expenses
Total variable operating cost per visitor RM30
Total fixed cost (RM10 000 + RM2 500 per ride)
Daily revenues
Admission ticket per visitor RM76
Food per visitor RM50
Souvenirs per visitor RM30
Parking per visitor RM5
Total variable revenues per visitor
Fixed revenue from sponsors RM8 000
Construct and solve the inequalities to determine the minimum number of visitors
needed to visit the amusement park per day in order to obtain a profit.
Interpret your solutions.

Linear Inequalities

07 TB Math F1.indd 167 11/10/16 12:16 PM

CHAPTER Lines and Angles
What will you learn?
• Lines and Angles
• Angles related to Intersecting Lines
• Angles related to Parallel Lines and

 Why stu
dy t

Lines and angles

constitute the basic
knowledge in geometry
and construction. Discuss the
objects around you that involve
the knowledge of lines and angles.

Lines and angles are used in various fields.

In engineering, lines and angles provide the
visual beauty and stability to the structure
of a building. In visual arts, lines and angles
produce stunning patterns. How are lines and
angles used in photography?

Chapter 8

08 TB Math F1.indd 168 11/10/16 12:16 PM

Euclid of Alexandria
(325 B.C. – 265 B.C.)
was a mathematician
who had contributed
much to geometry.
He wrote a set of books Euclid of Alexandria
entitled ‘The Element’.
In the books, Euclid For more
defined points and lines information:
as the fundamentals
in geometrical

Word Link

• intersecting lines • garis bersilang
• transversal • garis rentas lintang
• parallel lines • garis selari
• perpendicular line • garis serenjang
• congruency • kekongruenan
• perpendicular bisector • pembahagi dua sama
• angle bisector • pembahagi dua sama
• adjacent angles • sudut bersebelahan
• vertically opposite • sudut bertentang
angles   bucu
• angle of elevation • sudut dongak
• conjugate angles • sudut konjugat
• interior angles • sudut pedalaman
• complementary angles • sudut pelengkap
• supplementary angles • sudut penggenap
• reflex angle • sudut refleks
• alternate angles • sudut selang-seli
• corresponding angles • sudut sepadan
• angle of depression • sudut tunduk
• line segment • tembereng garis

Open the folder downloaded from page vii

for the audio of Word Link.

Lines and Angles

08 TB Math F1.indd 169 11/10/16 12:17 PM

8.1 Lines and Angles
Lines and angles exist in our surroundings. For instance,
coconut leaves which resemble lines at certain angles
exhibit the beauty of art in nature.

What are congruency of line segments and LEARNING

congruency of angles? STANDARDS
Determine and explain
the congruency of line

segments and angles.



Aim: To determine congruency of line segments and

congruency of angles.
Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson begins and discuss in groups
of four during the lesson.
• Open the folder downloaded from page vii.

1. Open the file Congruent segments angles.ggb using GeoGebra.


2. Click and drag the points in both explorations displayed.

3. Discuss with your friends what you have observed.

From the results of Exploration Activity 1, it is found that

(i) in Exploration 1, the two line segments displayed always have the same length. Line
segments having the same length are known as congruent line segments.
(ii) in Exploration 2, the two angles displayed always have the same size. Angles having
the same size are known as congruent angles.
A line segment is denoted using capital letters at both ends of the segment. For instance,

6 cm

Thus, PQ = 6 cm.

Chapter 8

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An angle is denoted using the symbol ‘∠’ and capital letters at the vertex and at the ends
of the two arms of the angle. For instance,
Thus, ∠PQR = 40°   or ∠RQP = 40°

or PQ R = 40°   or RQ P = 40°
R or ∠Q = 40°

Self Practice 8.1a

1. Explain whether line segments PQ and RS in each of the following diagrams are
(a) (b) (c) R
3 cm Q P 4.2 cm
3.2 cm Q
R 3.3 cm Q
3 cm 4.2 cm S
2. Explain whether ∠PQR and ∠ABC in each of the following diagrams are congruent:
(a) (b) (c)
R 138°

32° Q B 256°
32° B P 256°
Q C C C 8

How do you estimate and measure the length LEARNING

of a line segment and the size of an angle? STANDARDS
Estimate and measure
The length of a line segment can be estimated by comparing the size of line segments
the length with objects of a known length. For instance, if an and angles, and explain
eraser is known to have a length of 4 cm, then the length of how the estimation
line AB below can be estimated as approximately 10 cm. is obtained.


4 cm 4 cm 2 cm

The length of a line segment can be measured more accurately by using a ruler.

The length of line segment

PQ is exactly 6 cm. 0 cm 1 2 3 4 5 6

Lines and Angles

08 TB Math F1.indd 171 11/10/16 12:17 PM

The size of an angle can be estimated by recognising the right angle first. An angle that
appears more than a right angle has an angle greater than 90°. An angle that appears less
than a right angle has an angle less than 90°. For instance,

Right angle = 90° An angle less than 90° An angle greater than 90°
∠PQR appears slightly less than a right angle.
Thus, ∠PQR can be estimated at about 80°.

From what you have learnt, the size of A

an angle can be measured more accurately
80 100
70 90 110
80 12
60 100 70 0
110 13

using a protractor.
20 60
50 1 0
0 50






Size of ∠ABC is



170 180
180 170

10 0
exactly 135°. C
0 B
Self Practice 8.1b

1. Estimate the length of each of the following line segments. Explain how you would
do the estimation.
8 (a) (b) Q


2. Measure each of the following line segments.

(a) (b)

3. Estimate the size of each of the following angles. Explain how you would do the
(a) (b) (c)

4. Using a protractor, measure each of the following angles accurately:

(a) (b) (c)

Chapter 8

08 TB Math F1.indd 172 11/10/16 12:17 PM

What are the properties of the angle on a straight line, a reflex angle
and the angle of one whole turn? LEARNING
Recognise, compare and
Explain the meanings of an acute angle and an obtuse angle. explain the properties of
angles on a straight line,
reflex angles, and one

whole turn angles.



Aim: To explain the properties of the angle on a straight line, a reflex angle and
the angle of one whole turn.
Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson begins and discuss in groups
of four during the lesson.
• Open the folder downloaded from page vii.

1. Open the file Angles straight line.ggb using GeoGebra.

2. Select ‘Exploration 1’. Click and drag the red point and observe the change of
the angle displayed.
(i) Click and drag the red point so that the angle is on a straight line. What is
the size of the angle displayed?
(ii) Click and drag the red point so that the angle goes through one whole
turn. What is the size of the angle displayed?
3. Click and drag the black points to change the position of the angle for
further exploration.
4. Discuss with your friends, then compare and explain the meanings of the angle
on a straight line, a reflex angle and the angle of one whole turn.
5. Select ‘Exploration 2’.
6. Explain how you would determine the sum of the angles displayed.
7. Click and drag the black points and click on the button displayed on the screen
for further exploration.
8. Select ‘Exploration 3’ and repeat Steps 6 and 7.
9. Discuss with your friends and state all the conclusions that can be made
regarding your explorations.

Lines and Angles

08 TB Math F1.indd 173 11/10/16 12:17 PM

From the results of Exploration Activity 2, it is found that
(i) the angle on a straight line is 180°. Thus, the sum of angles on a straight line is 180°.
(ii) a reflex angle is an angle with a size more than 180° and less than 360°.
(iii) the angle of one whole turn is 360°. Thus, the sum of angles at a point is 360°.

Self Practice 8.1c

1. For each of the following angles, state whether the angle is an angle on a straight
line, a reflex angle or an angle of one whole turn.
(a) (b) (c)

2. Copy each of the following diagrams. Identify and mark (i) the angle on a straight
line, (ii) the reflex angle and (iii) the angle of one whole turn. Explain how you
obtained your answers.
(a) 135° (b)
45° 78°
88° 72°

What are the properties of complementary STANDARDS
8 angles, supplementary angles and conjugate Describe the properties
angles? of complementary angles,
supplementary angles

and conjugate angles.


Aim:   To describe the properties of complementary angles, supplementary angles

and conjugate angles.
Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson begins and discuss in groups
of four during the lesson.
• Open the folder downloaded from page vii.
1. Open the file Complementary angles.ggb using GeoGebra.

Chapter 8

08 TB Math F1.indd 174 11/10/16 12:17 PM

2. Select ‘Exploration 1’. Determine the sum of the two angles displayed. What
do you observe?
3. Click and drag the black points and repeat Step 2. Discuss with your friends
and state a conclusion.
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for ‘Exploration 2’ and ‘Exploration 3’.
5. State the conclusions that you can make.

From the results of Exploration Activity 3, it is found that

(i) in Exploration 1, the sum of the two angles is always 90°.
These angles are known as complementary angles.
(ii) in Exploration 2, the sum of the two angles is always 180°.
These angles are known as supplementary angles.
(iii) in Exploration 3, the sum of the two angles is always 360°.
These angles are known as conjugate angles.

Self Practice 8.1d

1. Explain whether each of the following statements is TRUE or FALSE.
(a) 60° is the complement of 30°.
(b) 125° is the supplement of 45°.

(c) 300° and 60° are conjugate angles.
(d) 142° and 38° are supplementary angles.
(e) If angle A is the conjugate of angle B, then A = 360° – B. 8

How do you solve problems?

Solve problems involving
In the diagram, p and 54° are s 54°
complementary angles,
complementary angles. It is given r p supplementary angles
and conjugate angles.
that p and q are supplementary angles q
and the angle conjugate to r is 260°.
Calculate the values of p, q, r and s.

p + 54° = 90° angles r + 260° = 360° Conjugate angles

Thus, p = 90° – 54° Thus, r = 360° – 260°

= 36° = 100°
The angle
p + q = 180° Supplementary
s + 100° + 144° + 36° + 54° = 360° of one
36° + q = 180° angles
s + 334° = 360° whole turn
Thus, q = 180° – 36° s = 360° – 334°
= 144° = 26°

Lines and Angles

08 TB Math F1.indd 175 11/10/16 12:17 PM

Self Practice 8.1e
1. In the diagram, a and 46° are complementary angles. It is given a
that a and b are supplementary angles and the angle conjugate 46° d
to c is 283°. Calculate the values of a, b, c and d.
2. It is given that p and q are supplementary angles such that p . q. If the difference
between p and q is 52°, calculate the values of p and q.

How do you perform a geometrical construction? STANDARDS
Logos, house plans or technical (i) line segments,
designs are drawings that require (ii) perpendicular
accurate measurements. These bisectors of line
drawings can be done with the segments,
help of compasses and straight (iii) perpendicular line to
a straight line,
edge tools only, any geometrical (iv) parallel lines
tool such as set squares, rulers or and explain the rationale
by using geometry software. of construction steps.
The work of using geometrical tools or geometry

software to do drawings of accurate measurements is known

as a geometrical construction.

8 (i) Line segments Use a sharp pencil while

A section of a straight line with a fixed length is known as a performing geometrical
line segment. construction and
do not erase all
construction lines.
Construct the line segment AB with a length of 8 cm using
only a pair of compasses and a ruler.
Why is the construction
of a line segment using
3 only a ruler less accurate?
1 Explain.

1 Draw a line and mark 2 Measure a distance 3 From point A, with the distance
point A on the line. of 8 cm on the of 8 cm on the compasses,
compasses. mark point B on the line.

Chapter 8

08 TB Math F1.indd 176 11/10/16 12:17 PM

Scan the QR Code or visit to watch the video
of the construction of a line segment. Then, explain the rationale of the
construction steps.

(ii) Perpendicular bisectors A

If line AB is perpendicular to line segment CD and C
divide CD into two parts of equal length, then line AB
is known as the perpendicular bisector of CD. D

Construct the perpendicular bisector of line segment PQ using only a pair of compasses
and a ruler.


3 2

P Q 8

3 2

1 Adjust and set the 2 Construct two arcs 3 Without altering 4 Draw a line joining
compasses to a from P, one above the distance on the points of
distance slightly and one below PQ. the compasses, intersection of the
more than half the construct two arcs arcs constructed in
length of line PQ. from Q, one above Steps 2 and 3.
and one below PQ.

Scan the QR Code or visit to watch the video of

the construction of a perpendicular bisector. Then, explain the rationale of the
construction steps.

Lines and Angles

08 TB Math F1.indd 177 11/10/16 12:17 PM

In the construction of perpendicular bisector, R
(a) if the distance measured on the compasses is less than half the length
of PQ, what will happen? Discuss.
(b)  is the perpendicular bisector of PQ, which is RS, the axis of symmetry
of triangle PQR? Discuss and explain. S

(iii) Perpendicular line to a straight line

If a line is perpendicular
Using only a pair of compasses and a ruler, construct the to line PQ, then the
perpendicular line from point M to the straight line PQ. line is known as
perpendicular line to
line PQ.


Referring to the
M construction of a
perpendicular line in
3 Example 4, what is the
8 S relationship between the
1 Q construction methods of
P 1
a perpendicular line and
a perpendicular bisector?

1 With the same distance on 2 With the same distance 3 Draw a line joining M and
the compasses from M, on the compasses from the point of intersection of
construct two arcs from M R and from S, construct the arcs.
intersecting PQ. Label the an arc from R and from S
two points of intersection respectively so that the
as R and S. arcs intersect.

Scan the QR Code or visit to watch the video of the

construction of a perpendicular line to a straight line passing through a point. Then,
explain the rationale of the construction steps.

Chapter 8

08 TB Math F1.indd 178 11/10/16 12:17 PM

Using only a pair of compasses and a ruler, construct the perpendicular line to PQ
passing through point N.


2 Referring to the
construction of a
perpendicular line in
1 Example 5, what is the
P 1 relationship between the
R construction methods of
SQ a perpendicular line and
3 a perpendicular bisector?
Discuss and explain.


1 With the same distance 2 Widen the compasses to a distance 3 Draw a line joining
on the compasses, more than NR or NS, and with the N and the points of
construct two arcs from N same distance from R and from S on intersection of the arcs
intersecting PQ. Label the the compasses, construct two arcs constructed in Step 2.
two points of intersection above and below PQ respectively
as R and S. so that the arcs intersect.

Scan the QR Code or visit https://youtu. Scan the QR Code or visit
be/FoxcZU8P7JA to watch the video of Kow8PWTwIRM to watch the video of the
the construction of a perpendicular construction of a perpendicular line to a straight
line to a straight line passing through a line using a set square. Hence, construct the
point on the straight line. Then, explain perpendicular line in Example 4 and Example 5
the rationale of the construction steps. by using only a set square and a ruler.

Lines and Angles

08 TB Math F1.indd 179 11/10/16 12:17 PM

(iv) Parallel lines
Lines that will never
Using only a pair of compasses and a ruler, construct the line meet even when they
that is parallel to PQ passing through point R. are extended are known
R as parallel lines.

Q Explain how the

construction of
parallel lines relates
to the construction of
3 parallelogram PQSR.
4 R S
1 2



1 With the distance 2 Keeping the 3 With the distance 4 Draw a line joining
on the compasses same distance on on the compasses R and the point
equals to the the compasses, equals to the of intersection
length of PR, construct an arc length of PQ, constructed in
construct an arc from Q. construct an arc Step 3.
from P passing from R intersecting
through R. the arc constructed
in Step 2.

Scan the QR Code or visit Scan the QR Code or visit https:// to watch
Xwa44YIHcCg to watch the the video of the construction of
video of the construction parallel lines using a set square.
of parallel lines. Then, Hence, construct the parallel lines
explain the rationale of the in Example 6 by using only a set
construction steps. square and a ruler.

Chapter 8

08 TB Math F1.indd 180 11/10/16 12:17 PM

Self Practice 8.1f
1. Construct each of the following line segments:
(a) AB = 6 cm (b) PQ = 5. 4 cm (c) RS = 7.3 cm
2. Copy and construct the perpendicular bisector of each of the following line segments:
(a) (b)

3. For each of the following, copy and construct the perpendicular line to line segment
PQ passing through point M.
(a) (b)

4. For each of the following, copy and construct a line parallel to line PQ passing
through point M.
(a) (b)

Q 8

How do you construct angles and angle bisectors?

(i) Constructing an angle of 60°

Other than using a protractor to construct an angle, an angle Construct angles and
of 60° can be constructed using only a pair of compasses angle bisectors, and
and a ruler based on the concept of interior angles of an explain the rationale
of construction steps.
equilateral triangle. The construction of three line segments
of equal length forms a triangle with interior angles of 60°.

Using only a pair of compasses and a ruler, construct line PQ so that ∠PQR = 60°.


Lines and Angles

08 TB Math F1.indd 181 11/10/16 12:17 PM

P 2


60° R

1 Construct a long arc from 2 Keeping the same distance on 3 Draw a line joining point
Q intersecting QR. Mark the compasses, construct an P and point Q. Thus,
the point of intersection arc from S intersecting the arc ∠PQR = 60°.
as S. constructed in Step 1. Mark the
point of intersection as P.

Scan the QR Code or visit to watch the video of the

8 construction of an angle of 60°. Then, explain the rationale of the construction steps.

(ii) Angle bisectors

If a line divides an angle into two equal angles, the P
line is known as an angle bisector.
For instance, line OS is the angle bisector of ∠POR. 20°

Using only a pair of compasses and a ruler, construct P

the angle bisector of ∠PQR.


Chapter 8

08 TB Math F1.indd 182 11/10/16 12:17 PM

Scan the QR Code or visit https://
P to watch the
video of the construction of an angle
2 3
M bisector. Then, explain the rationale of
S the construction steps.


1 Construct a long arc from 2 With the same distance on 3 Draw a line joining point
Q intersecting both arms the compasses, construct Q and point S. QS is the
QP and QR. Mark the two an arc from M and from N angle bisector of ∠PQR.
points of intersection as M respectively so that the arcs
and N. intersect. Mark the point of
intersection as S.

It is found that ∠PQS = ∠SQR = 30°. We have actually constructed an angle of 30°.
Beginning with the construction of an angle of 60° and the knowledge of an angle
bisector, we can construct other angles accurately using only a pair of compasses and a 8
ruler. For instance,

60° 60° 15°
60° 60° 15°

120° 90° 15°

(a) What is the rationale for the construction of angles of 120°, 90° and 15° as shown above?
(b) Discuss and state other angles that can be constructed by using only a pair of compasses and
a ruler.

Self Practice 8.1g

1. For each of the following angles, explain briefly how you would construct the
angle using only a pair of compasses and a ruler. Then, construct the angle.
(a) 90° (b) 45° (c) 75° (d) 105°

Lines and Angles

08 TB Math F1.indd 183 11/10/16 12:17 PM

Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra
8.1 questions of Mastery Q 8.1.

1. Determine whether each of the following statements is TRUE or FALSE.

(a) A reflex angle is greater than the angle on a straight line.
(b) The sum of an obtuse angle and an acute angle yields a reflex angle.
(c) Two adjacent angles on a straight line are supplementary angles.
(d) The sum of two conjugate angles is the angle of one whole turn.
(e) If m and n are conjugate angles, then either m or n is a reflex angle but not both
of them.
2. It is given that p and q are congruent angles and also complementary angles. State
the values of p and q.
3. It is given that PQ = 7 cm. If PQ and RS are congruent line segments, state the length
of line segment RS.
4. If p and q are supplementary angles and the difference between p and q is 30°, find
the values of p and q such that p . q.
5. If p and q are conjugate angles and the size of q is four times that of p, find the
values of p and q.
6. (a) Using only a ruler and a pair of compasses,

(i) copy the given line segment PQ and construct a triangle PQR beginning
from the line PQ such that QR = 6 cm and ∠RPQ = 60°,
8 (ii) then, construct the perpendicular line to PR passing through point Q.
(b) Based on your construction in (a), measure the perpendicular distance from Q to
line PR.


7. The diagram shows a triangle ABC. Using only a ruler C

and a pair of compasses,
7 cm
(a) copy the given line segment AB and construct
triangle ABC according to the given measurements
beginning from straight line AB. 30°


(b) then, construct the perpendicular bisector of line AC. The perpendicular bisector
intersects line AC at point P and intersects line BC at point Q. Measure ∠PQC.

Chapter 8

08 TB Math F1.indd 184 11/10/16 12:17 PM

8.2 Angles related to Intersecting Lines LEARNING
What are vertically opposite angles and adjacent Identify, explain and
angles at intersecting lines? draw vertically opposite
angles and adjacent
angles at intersecting

lines, including
las perpendicular lines.


Aim:  To explore angles at intersecting lines.

Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson begins and discuss in groups
of four during the lesson.
• Open the folder downloaded from page vii.

1. Open the file Angles intersecting lines.ggb using GeoGebra.

2. Select ‘Exploration 1’. The screen displayed shows two intersecting lines.
3. Click at ‘Show vertically opposite angles’ and ‘Show adjacent angles’.
4. Discuss with your friends and explain the meanings of vertically opposite
angles and adjacent angles at intersecting lines. Then, state another pair of
vertically opposite angles and another pair of adjacent angles.
5. Select ‘Exploration 2’. Click and drag the black points and observe the displayed
6. Discuss with your friends and explain the properties of vertically opposite
angles and adjacent angles at intersecting lines.
7. Select ‘Exploration 3’. The screen displayed shows two lines perpendicular to
each other. What conclusion can you make about the angles at the intersecting
8. Discuss with your friends and make an overall conclusion about angles at
intersecting lines.

Lines and Angles

08 TB Math F1.indd 185 11/10/16 12:17 PM

From the results of Exploration Activity 4, it is found that d
(i) vertically opposite angles at intersecting lines are equal. a c
(ii) the sum of adjacent angles at intersecting lines is 180°. b
∠a = ∠c ∠a + ∠d = 180° ∠c + ∠b = 180°
∠b = ∠d ∠d + ∠c = 180° ∠b + ∠a = 180°
(iii) if two intersecting lines are perpendicular to each other, then all angles at the
intersecting lines have the same size of 90°.

The diagram shows two intersecting lines. Identify and state
(a) the vertically opposite angles. p r
(b) the adjacent angles at the intersecting lines.

(a) Angles p and r are the vertically opposite angles.

(b) Angles p and q, q and r are the adjacent angles at the intersecting lines.

Self Practice 8.2a

1. For each of the following diagrams, identify and state
(i) the vertically opposite angles.

(ii) the adjacent angles at the intersecting lines.

(a) p
(b) (c)
c r
8 r a
q b s

2. Copy each of the following diagrams, mark and label

(i) the angle y if angles x and y are vertically opposite angles.
(ii) the angle z if angles x and z are adjacent angles at the intersecting lines.
(a) (b) (c)

How do you determine the values of the angles at intersecting lines?

In the diagram, PSQ, RSTU and R
x Determine the values
PTV are straight lines. Find the S 62° of angles related to
values of x and y. Q T y U
intersecting lines,
given the values of
V other angles.

Chapter 8

08 TB Math F1.indd 186 11/10/16 12:17 PM

x + 135° = 180° Adjacent angles at intersecting lines
x = 180° – 135°
= 45°
y = 62° Vertically opposite angles

Self Practice 8.2b

1. In the following diagrams, PQ, RS and TU are straight lines. Find the values of x and y.
(a) T (b) Q
P 140° T
32° U
x y
80° y Q R 24° S
R x

How do you solve problems? LEARNING

11 S Solve problems
U involving angles
In the diagram, POR and 60° y related to

P x
TOQ are straight lines. Find y intersecting lines.
O 72°
the values of x and y. R

Q 8
∠QOR and ∠TOR
∠POT = 72° ∠TOR + 72° = 180° are adjacent angles
x + 60° = 72° ∠POT and ∠QOR ∠TOR = 180° – 72° at intersecting lines.
x = 72° – 60° are vertically
= 108°
opposite angles.
= 12° y + y = 108°
2y = 108°
y = 54°
Self Practice 8.2c
1. In the diagram, POR and QOT are 2. In the diagram, QOS and ROU are
straight lines. Find the values of x straight lines. OT is the bisector
and y. of ∠UOS. ∠POQ and ∠QOR are
complementary angles. Find the values
Q of x and y.
84° U
O 38° T
y P y S
P 18° x S x
40° O

Lines and Angles

08 TB Math F1.indd 187 11/10/16 12:17 PM

Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra
8.2 questions of Mastery Q 8.2.

1. In the diagram, POS and UOR are straight lines. U T

OQ is the bisector of ∠POR. ∠POU and ∠UOT are P x
complementary angles. Find the values of x and y. 56°
2. In the diagram, POS, QOT and UOR are straight lines. U
Find the value of y.
5y 2y

3. In the diagram, POS, QOT and ROU are straight lines. U

Find the value of x. P

x O

8.3 Angles related to Parallel Lines and Transversals

What are parallel lines and transversals? LEARNING
Recognise, explain and
Parallel lines can be denoted using draw parallel lines
arrow heads ‘ ’ as shown in the and transversals.
A straight line that intersects two or more straight lines is
known as a transversal. For instance, straight line AB shown in
the photograph is a transversal.

Self Practice 8.3a

1. Copy the following objects. Draw and mark parallel lines on the copied objects.
(a) (b) (c)

Chapter 8

08 TB Math F1.indd 188 11/10/16 12:17 PM

2. Copy each of the following diagrams and label the transversal as AB. Then draw
another transversal and label the line as PQ.
(a) (b) (c)

3. For each of the following diagrams, determine if the line labelled as PQ is a

transversal or not, and make justification.
(a) P (b) (c) P


What are corresponding angles, alternate angles LEARNING

and interior angles? STANDARDS
Recognise, explain and

draw corresponding

angles, alternate angles

and interior angles.
Aim:  To explore angles related to parallel lines.
Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson begins and discuss in groups
of four during the lesson.
• Open the folder downloaded from page vii.
1. Open the file Angles parallel lines.ggb using GeoGebra.
2. Click and drag the points on the screen displayed
and identify the parallel lines and the transversal.
3. Select ‘Show corresponding angles 1’ and ‘Show
corresponding angles 2’ to explore the properties of
corresponding angles.
4. Click at ‘Show sizes of angles’ and drag the points on
the screen displayed if necessary.
5. State another pair of corresponding angles.
6. Discuss with your friends and explain the properties of corresponding angles.
7. Select ‘Show alternate angles’ and ‘Show interior angles’ and continue exploring
alternate angles and interior angles.
8. State another pair of alternate angles and another pair of interior angles.
9. Discuss with your friends and explain the properties of alternate angles and
interior angles.
10. State the conclusions that can be made from your explorations.

Lines and Angles

08 TB Math F1.indd 189 11/10/16 12:17 PM

From the results of Exploration Activity 5, it is found that when a transversal intersects
two or more parallel lines,
(i) the corresponding (ii) the alternate angles (iii) the sum of the interior
angles are equal. are equal. angles is 180°.
c c
b b d

Thus, ∠a = ∠b Thus, ∠b = ∠c Thus, ∠c + ∠d = 180°

Self Practice 8.3b

1. Copy each of the following diagrams. Explain and state whether the two angles
labelled as a and b are corresponding angles, alternate angles or interior angles. Then
label another pair of angles of the same type with c and d.
(a) (b) (c) (d) a
a b
a a b

2. Copy each of the following diagrams and label

(i) angle p if a and p are corresponding angles.
(ii) angle q if b and q are alternate angles.
(iii) angle r if c and r are interior angles.
(a) (b) a

c a b
b c

How do you determine whether two straight

lines are parallel? LEARNING
12 Determine whether
two straight lines are
In each of the following diagrams, determine whether straight parallel based on the
line PQ and straight line RS are parallel. properties of angles
(a) T (b) T
related to transversals.
P 48° P 42°
Q 128° S
R 48°

Chapter 8

08 TB Math F1.indd 190 11/10/16 12:17 PM

(a) PQ and RS are parallel. The corresponding angles, 48°, are equal.

(b) 42° + 128° = 170°

The sum of the interior angles should be
≠ 180°   180° if PQ and RS are parallel.
Thus, PQ and RS are not parallel.

Self Practice 8.3c

1. For each of the following diagrams, determine whether line PQ and line RS are
(a) (b) Q (c) P
P 120°
Q 85° 124°
132° P
132° S R Q
S 85° 124°

How do you determine the values of angles related to parallel lines

and transversals?

A 118° Q Determine the values of
In the diagram, PQ, RS and P angles related to parallel
TU are parallel lines. Find the 60° a S lines and transversals,
values of a, b and c. R
given the values of
other angles.

a = 60°  b = 118° b + c = 180° Interior angles

118° + c = 180°
Alternate angles Corresponding angles
c = 180° – 118°
= 62°

Self Practice 8.3d

1. In the diagram, EF and GH are straight 2. In the diagram, find the values of a
lines. Find the values of a, b, c and d. and b.
a b a b
A c B
76° 110°
C D 42°
d C D

Lines and Angles

08 TB Math F1.indd 191 11/10/16 12:17 PM

What are angles of elevation and depression?
The concept of angles is very
Recognise and represent
important in land surveying. A land angles of elevation and
surveyor uses angles to determine angles of depression in
the distance. The two types of angles real-life situations.
used are the angle of elevation and
the angle of depression.




Aim:  To recognise the angle of elevation and the angle of depression.
Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson begins and discuss in groups
of four during the lesson.
• Open the folder downloaded from page vii.

1. Open the file Angles of elevation and depression.ggb using GeoGebra.


2. Select ‘Angle of elevation’. The screen displayed

shows point A and point B at different levels.
8 3. Click at the button on the screen to explore the
angle of elevation.
4. Observe the animation on the screen and explain
in general the meaning of the angle of elevation.
5. Click and drag point A or point B to different positions and click the button
on the screen for further exploration about the angle of elevation.
6. Select ‘Angle of depression’ and repeat Steps 3 to 5 to explore the angle of
7. Discuss with your friends the angle of elevation and the angle of depression.
(a) How are the positions of A and B related to the angle of elevation and the
angle of depression?
(b) If A is at a higher level than B or vice versa, explain the angle of elevation
or the angle of depression between A and B.
8. Discuss with your friends and state the conclusions that can be made about the
angle of elevation and the angle of depression.

Chapter 8

08 TB Math F1.indd 192 11/10/16 12:17 PM

From the results of Exploration Activity 6, it is found that
(i) When a person sees an object which (ii) When a person sees an object which is
is at a higher level, the angle between at a lower level, the angle between the
the line of sight and the horizontal line line of sight and the horizontal line is
is known as the angle of elevation. known as the angle of depression.

a Horizontal line
Horizontal line b

Angle a is the angle of elevation of Angle b is the angle of depression of

the bird from the sight of Jefri. the cat from the sight of Kim.

When we figure out the angle of elevation and the angle of “The angle of elevation
depression between two objects at different levels, and the angle of
(a) is the angle of elevation always the same as the angle of depression are always

depression? acute angles.”
(b) what is the relation between the angle of elevation and Is this statement true?
the angle of depression? Discuss.
The diagram shows the positions of Devi and Umi at
two buildings on a horizontal ground. Draw and label
(a) angle a to denote the angle of elevation of Umi
from Devi.
(b) angle b to denote the angle of depression of Devi
from Umi. Devi

(a) (b)
Umi Umi

Devi Devi

Lines and Angles

08 TB Math F1.indd 193 11/10/16 12:17 PM

Self Practice 8.3e
1. Jasni is standing on top of a hill observing an Aeroplane
aeroplane and a rock. Represent the situation by
drawing and labelling
(a) angle a which represents the angle of elevation
of the aeroplane from Jasni.
(b) angle b which represents the angle of depression Jasni
of the rock from Jasni. Rock

How do you solve problems?

In the diagram, POT, QOU, PQR and P V Solve problems involving
VOR are straight lines. angles related to parallel
(a) Find the value of x. 110° 75° lines and transversals.
(b) Assuming PV is a horizontal Q U
line and ∠PVO is the angle of
depression of O from V, find the R S T

angle of elevation of P from O.

(a) ∠QOS = ∠PQO Alternate angles
= 110° Photographers and
∠QOR = ∠PVR Corresponding angles videographers use
= 62° the knowledge of
Thus, x = 110° – 62° lines and angles to
= 48° help them capture
photographs and
(b) ∠QOV + 62° = 180° The sum of the interior angles record videos skilfully.
∠QOV = 180° – 62°
= 118°
∠POQ = 118° – 75°
= 43°
Thus, the angle of elevation of P from O is 43°.

Self Practice 8.3f

1. In the diagram, PQR and QTU are straight lines. R W
25° V
(a) Find the values of x and y. x
(b) Assuming WV is a horizontal line, find the Q
angle of elevation of V from T. T U

Chapter 8

08 TB Math F1.indd 194 11/10/16 12:17 PM

Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra
8.3 questions of Mastery Q 8.3.

1. In the diagram, PQR and UTS are straight lines. T S

Find the values of x and y. x y

135° 42°

2. In the diagram, PQRS is a straight line. Find the U T

values of x and y. x 52° y

74° 110°

3. In the diagram, QRST is a straight line. Find the T

values of x and y. U S
125° R

4. The diagram shows a hexagonal wooden frame
PQRSTU resting on a horizontal ground.
(a) State the angle of elevation of Q from O.
(b) State the angle of depression of T from O. 8

5. In the diagram, VUTS and PQR are straight lines. V U T S

(a) Find the values of x and y. 40° y
(b) Find the reflex angle QWU. W 62°
(c) Assuming VUTS is a horizontal line, find the
angle of depression of R from T. 70° x

6. The diagram shows the positions of Kamal,

Cindy, Adila and David in two condominiums.
The angle of elevation of Cindy from David is Kamal
15°, the angle of elevation of Adila from Cindy
is 18° and the angle of depression of Adila from
Kamal is 40°. Find the values of x and y. y Adila
Cindy x

Lines and Angles

08 TB Math F1.indd 195 11/10/16 12:17 PM


Line Perpendicular Perpendicular Parallel Construction Angle

segment bisector line lines of 60° bisector

The angle The angle

Reflex Complementary Supplementary Conjugate
on a straight of one
angle angles angles angles

line whole turn

180° 360° b
a a b a
8 b

Angles related to Angles related to parallel • Angle of elevation

intersecting lines lines and transversals
d Transversal
a c p Angle of
b q r
• Vertically opposite angles
• Angle of depression
∠a = ∠c and ∠b = ∠d
• Corresponding angles
• Adjacent angles at Angle of
∠p = ∠s depression
intersecting lines
• Alternate angles
∠a + ∠d = 180°
∠r = ∠s
∠d + ∠c = 180°
• Interior angles
∠c + ∠b = 180°
∠q + ∠s = 180°
∠b + ∠a = 180°

Chapter 8

08 TB Math F1.indd 196 11/10/16 12:17 PM

Very Work
good harder

determine and explain the congruency of line segments and angles.

estimate and measure the size of line segments and angles.
recognise, compare and explain the properties of angles on a straight line, reflex
angles, and one whole turn angles.
describe the properties and solve problems involving complementary angles,
supplementary angles and conjugate angles.
construct line segments, perpendicular bisectors of line segments, perpendicular
line to a straight line, parallel lines and explain the rationale of construction steps.
construct angles and angle bisectors and explain the rationale of construction steps.
identify, explain and draw vertically opposite angles and adjacent angles at
intersecting lines, including perpendicular lines.
determine the values of angles and solve problems involving angles related to
intersecting lines.
recognise, explain and draw parallel lines, transversals, corresponding angles,

alternate angles and interior angles.
determine whether two straight lines are parallel.
determine the values of angles and solve problems involving angles related to 8
parallel lines and transversals.
recognise and represent angles of elevation and angles of depression in
real-life situations.

1. In the diagram, x and 25° are complementary angles. Find

the values of x and y. x

Lines and Angles

08 TB Math F1.indd 197 11/10/16 12:17 PM

2. The diagram shows a straight line POR. Find the S
values of x and y. 100° x R
T 20° O y
P 96°

3. Using only a pair of compasses and a ruler, construct a line segment AB with a
length of 8 cm. Then construct point C such that ∠ABC = 60° and BC = 5 cm. Then,
construct the perpendicular line from C to AB.

4. TSR is a straight line as shown in the diagram. U

Find the values of x and y. x S R
T 135°
5. If x and y are supplementary angles and x : y = 2 : 3, find the values of x and y.
6. (a) In the diagram, find the values of x and y.

(b) Hence, using only a pair of compasses and a y
ruler, construct the trapezium PQRS such that
105° 120°
8 PQ = 4 cm and PS = 6 cm. T

7. PS and QT are straight lines as shown in the U T

diagram. Find the values of x and y.
y 2x 20° S
P x 3y

8. In the diagram, UTS and PQR are straight lines. V

Find the values of x, y and z. y
132° U z

108° x

9. The diagram shows two straight lines, WOS and V U

ROV. Find the values of x and y. W y
P x
128° O

Chapter 8

08 TB Math F1.indd 198 11/10/16 12:17 PM

10. The diagram shows the positions of three friends. Hui
Li is on a hot-air balloon, Kamala is on a horizontal Hui Li
ground and Rizal is on top of a hill. The angle of
depression of Kamala from Hui Li is 78°. Based on 32°
the information given in the diagram, find 88°
(a) the angle of depression of Rizal from Hui Li. Rizal
(b) the angle of elevation of Rizal from Kamala.

Hafeeza is assigned to take photographs during her elder sister’s wedding. Explain
how the knowledge of lines like parallel lines and perpendicular lines as well as the
knowledge of angles like angle of elevation and angle of depression can help Hafeeza
solve problems like positioning the cameras, choice of lenses, perspective issue
and composition issue of subjects in the photographs and others. Write a report and
present your finding during the lesson.


Open the folder downloaded from page vii. Open the file Angle of 120.ggb using
GeoGebra. The screen displayed shows the construction of 120° using only
in GeoGebra. Explain the rationale behind the construction.

Using only in GeoGebra, and

beginning with a given line segment AB, construct each
of the following:
(a) The perpendicular bisector of AB.
(b) The line perpendicular to AB passing through a given
(c) An angle of 30° such that AB is one of the arms of
the angle.
Present your work in class during the lesson by explaining the rationale behind the
constructions that you have done.

Lines and Angles

08 TB Math F1.indd 199 11/10/16 12:17 PM

CHAPTER Basic Polygons
What will you learn?
• Polygons
• Properties of Triangles and the Interior and
Exterior Angles of Triangles
• Properties of Quadrilaterals and the Interior
and Exterior Angles of Quadrilaterals

 Why stu
dy t
9 ch

As the basic knowledge

about the uses of polygons
in the field of building
construction. Discuss other fields
that involve the use of polygons.

Putra Mosque is one of the main landmarks

in Putrajaya and a tourist attraction because
of the beautiful and magnificent designs.
The combination of the various polygons
exhibits the uniqueness in the artwork.

Chapter 9

09 TB Math F1.indd 200 11/10/16 12:18 PM

Carl Friedrich Gauss
(1777 – 1855) was a
German mathematician
who contributed
much in the field of
mathematics. One of
his major discoveries
was introducing the
techniques to construct
a 17-sided polygon using
only a pair of compasses Carl Friedrich Gauss
and a straight edge.
For more information:

Word Link

•  vertex •  bucu
•  conjecture •  konjektur
•  kite •  lelayang
•  diagonal •  pepenjuru
•  rhombus •  rombus
•  square •  segi empat sama
•  parallelogram •  segi empat selari
•  rectangle •  segi empat tepat
•  triangle •  segi tiga
•  side •  sisi
•  quadrilateral •  sisi empat
•  obtuse angle •  sudut cakah
•  interior angle •  sudut pedalaman
•  exterior angle •  sudut peluaran
•  right angle •  sudut tegak
•  acute angle •  sudut tirus
•  trapezium •  trapezium
How are polygons used in the
artwork of buildings? What types
of polygons are used? Open the folder downloaded from page vii
for the audio of Word Link.

Basic Polygons

09 TB Math F1.indd 201 11/10/16 12:18 PM

9.1 Polygons

Why does the A polygon is an

I am a smart honeycomb have a enclosed figure on a
architect. hexagonal shape? plane bounded by 3 or
more straight sides.

What is the relationship between the number

of sides, vertices and diagonals of a polygon? LEARNING
State the relationship

between the number
las of sides, vertices and

diagonals of polygons.
Aim:  To explore the number of sides, vertices and

diagonals of a polygon.
Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson begins and discuss in groups
of four during the lesson.
9 • Open the folder downloaded from page vii.

1. Open the file Diagonals of polygon.ggb using GeoGebra.

2. Click and drag the slider ‘Number of
Sides’ to change the number of sides of
the polygon displayed.
3. Click at the checkboxes to display the
diagonals of polygon.
4. Record the number of sides, the
number of vertices and the number of
diagonals displayed.

5. Open the spreadsheet file Table of diagonals of polygon.xls and type all the
values obtained in Step 4 in the cells provided.

Chapter 9

09 TB Math F1.indd 202 11/10/16 12:18 PM

6. Based on the table in the spreadsheet, explain the relationship between the
number of sides and the number of vertices of a polygon.
7. Discuss with your friends the relationship between the number of sides and
the number of diagonals of a polygon.
8. Complete the table in the spreadsheet for a polygon of 9 sides and of 10

From the results of Exploration Activity 1, it is found that for a polygon

•  number of vertices = number of sides
•  number of diagonals can be determined according to the following steps.
Identify the Minus 3 from The value m is The value 2m is
number of the number of multiplied by added to all the
sides of sides. Let the 2. Thus we integers with values

the polygon. result be m. get 2m. from less than m to 1.

Find the number of vertices and the number of diagonals of The number of diagonals
a polygon with 10 sides. of a polygon having
n sides can also be
calculated by using the
following formula.
Number of vertices = Number of sides Number of diagonals
= 10 n(n – 3)
10 – 3 = 7 =
Thus, the number of diagonals = 2(7) + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1
= 35
Self Practice 9.1a
1. Find the number of vertices and the number of diagonals of a polygon with
(a) 6 sides, (b) 9 sides, (c) 12 sides, (d) 20 sides.

Basic Polygons

09 TB Math F1.indd 203 11/10/16 12:18 PM

How do you draw, label and name a polygon? LEARNING
Draw polygons, label
A polygon is named according to the number of its sides. vertices of polygons
and name the
polygons based on
the labelled vertices.

Name of
Triangle Quadrilateral Pentagon Hexagon
3 4 5 6
of sides

Name of
Heptagon Octagon Nonagon Decagon
7 8 9 10
of sides

A polygon can be drawn according to the following steps.


Identify the Mark points Join all the points Label the
number of equal in number with straight vertices and
sides of to the number lines to form a name the
the polygon. of sides. closed figure. polygon.

Draw a polygon with six sides. Then label and name
The vertices of a polygon
the polygon.
are usually labelled in
alphabetical order and
the polygon is named
D either clockwise or
C anticlockwise of
E the vertices.

F B Make sure that when

A drawing a polygon, do
Thus, the polygon is a hexagon ABCDEF. not mark two or more
points that can form a
straight line.

Chapter 9

09 TB Math F1.indd 204 11/10/16 12:18 PM

Self Practice 9.1b
1. Draw each of the following polygons according to the given number of sides, then
label and name the polygon.
(a) 5 sides (b) 8 sides (c) 10 sides

Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra

9.1 questions of Mastery Q 9.1.

1. For each of the following, state whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE.
(a) A polygon with 11 sides has 11 vertices.
(b) A polygon with 12 sides has 54 diagonals.
2. Draw a polygon with 8 sides. Then label and name the polygon. Finally, based on the
results from Exploration Activity 1, draw all the diagonals systematically.

9.2 Properties of Triangles and the Interior and Exterior Angles

of Triangles
What are the properties of a triangle? LEARNING

Recognise and list

geometric properties
of various types of


triangles. Hence classify

Aim:  To explore the geometric properties of a triangle.
triangles based on
Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson geometric properties. 9
begins and discuss in groups of four
during the lesson.
• Open the folder downloaded from vii.

1. Open the file Triangles properties of angles.ggb using GeoGebra.

Basic Polygons

09 TB Math F1.indd 205 11/10/16 12:18 PM

2. Click at Triangle 1. Click and drag points A, B and C to change the triangle
displayed. State the properties of the right-angled triangle.
3. Click at Triangle 2. Click and drag points D, E and F to change the triangle
displayed. Observe the change of types of triangle when point F lies in the pink
region or in the white region. State the properties of the acute-angled triangle
and the obtuse-angled triangle.
4. Open the file Triangles properties of sides.ggb using GeoGebra.

5. Click at Triangle 1. Click and drag points A and B to change the triangle
displayed. Observe the change in the length of the sides and the interior angles
of the triangle.
6. Repeat the exploration in Step 5 for Triangle 2 and Triangle 3.

7. State the properties of an equilateral triangle, an isosceles triangle and a scalene

8. Discuss with your friends the properties of the various types of triangles.
9. Open and print the file Triangles axes of symmetry.pdf. Cut out the triangles
in the printout.

10. By folding each of the triangles, or otherwise, explain how you can find the
number of axes of symmetry for each type of triangle.

From the results of Exploration Activity 2, it is found that triangles can be classified
based on the geometric properties of their interior angles or the length of their sides.

Chapter 9

09 TB Math F1.indd 206 11/10/16 12:18 PM

Triangles in Table (a) are classified according to the geometric properties of their sides.
Table (a)
Equilateral triangle Isosceles triangle Scalene triangle

Type of triangle

Number of axes
3 1 None
of symmetry
• All the sides are of • Two of the sides have • All the sides are of
Geometric the same length. the same length. different lengths.
properties • Every interior angle • The two base angles • All the interior angles
is 60°. are of the same size. are of different sizes.

Triangles in Table (b) are classified according to the geometric properties of their angles.
Table (b)
Acute-angled triangle Obtuse-angled triangle Right-angled triangle

Type of triangle

• One of the interior • One of the interior
Geometric • Every interior angle
angles is an angles is a right
properties is an acute angle.
obtuse angle. angle (90°).

Discuss and explain whether each of the following statements is TRUE or FALSE.
(a) An equilateral triangle is also an isosceles triangle.
(b) An isosceles triangle could be an obtuse-angled triangle.
(c) A right-angled triangle could be an isosceles triangle.
(d) A right-angled triangle may have axes of symmetry.

Self Practice 9.2a

1. State the type of triangles for each of the following.
(a) (b) (c) (d)

Basic Polygons

09 TB Math F1.indd 207 11/10/16 12:18 PM

How do you determine the interior angles and LEARNING
exterior angles of a triangle? STANDARDS
Make and verify

conjectures about
(i) the sum of interior

Aim: To explore the interior angles and exterior angles (ii) the sum of interior
of a triangle. angle and adjacent
Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson exterior angle,
(iii) the relation between
begins and discuss in groups of four exterior angle and the
during the lesson. sum of the opposite
• Open the folder downloaded from interior angles
page vii. of a triangle.

1. Copy and complete the following table to make

conjectures about the sum of angles shown in the
diagram. Then continue the exploration to verify
the conjectures.
Sum of angles Conjecture
a d
c a+b+c
b c+d

(Notes: To make a conjecture means to make a guess based on observations.)

2. Open the file Interior and exterior angles of triangle.ggb using GeoGebra.
3. Click and drag the slider ‘Interior
angles’ towards the right. Explain what
you observe.
4. Click at ‘Reset’ or click and drag the
slider back to its original position.
5. Click and drag points A, B or C to
change the shape of the triangle and
repeat Step 3.
6. Discuss with your friends your findings.
7. Repeat Steps 3 to 6 for slider ‘Exterior angles’.
8. Consider the angle on a straight line, explain the relationship between the
interior angle of a triangle (the angle in blue colour) and its adjacent exterior
angle (the angle in yellow colour). Explain all the conclusions arrived at.

Chapter 9

09 TB Math F1.indd 208 11/10/16 12:18 PM

From the results of Exploration Activity 3, it is found that for a triangle,
(i) the sum of all the interior angles is 180°.
(ii) the sum of an interior angle and its adjacent exterior angle is 180°.
(iii) an exterior angle is the sum of two opposite interior angles.

d a + b + c = 180°
c c + d = 180°
The angle on a straight
b d = a + b line is 180°.

Find the value of x in each of the following diagrams.
92° (b) 79° 28°
37° x

The sum of all The exterior

(a) 92° + 37° + x = 180°  the interior (b) x = 79° + 28° angle is the sum
129° + x = 180° = 107°
angles is 180°. of two opposite

x = 180° – 129° interior angles.
= 51°

Self Practice 9.2b

1. Find the value of p in each of the following triangles.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
100° 126° 96°
p p
p p
45° 43°

2. Find the value of x in each of the following diagrams.

(a) (b) (c) (d)
x x
x x 144° 38°

Basic Polygons

09 TB Math F1.indd 209 11/10/16 12:18 PM

How do you solve problems? LEARNING
4 Solve problems
involving triangles.
In the diagram, PQRS is a T
straight line. Calculate the
y 46°
values of x and y.
x 84°

∠RST + 84° + 46° = 180° Sum of the interior angles of ∆RST.

id ou now
∠RST = 180° – 84° – 46° The symbol ∆ is used
to denote a triangle.
= 50°
Angles at the base of
∠TQS = 50° an isosceles triangle.

x + 50° = 180° Sum of the interior angle and

its adjacent exterior angle.
x = 180° – 50°
= 130°
∠QTS + 50° + 50° = 180° Sum of the interior angles of ∆QST.

∠QTS = 180° – 50° – 50°


= 80°
y + 46o = 80o
y = 80° – 46°
= 34°

Self Practice 9.2c

1. In the diagram, PSR is a straight line. Calculate P
the values of x and y. x
y 24°

2. In the diagram, PQR is a straight line. Calculate P

the values of x and y. y

Chapter 9

09 TB Math F1.indd 210 11/10/16 12:18 PM

Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra
9.2 questions of Mastery Q 9.2.

1. For each of the following triangles, state the number of axes of symmetry.
(a) (b) (c) (d)


2. Identify the type of triangle for each of the following triangles.

(a) (b) (c) (d)
134° 55°
70° 35°
60° 40°

3. In the diagram, PQR, SQT and TRU are S U

straight lines. Calculate the values of x
and y. 68°



4. In the diagram, ABCD is a straight line. A B C D 9

Calculate the values of x and y. y x



5. In the diagram, BCDE and ACF are B

straight lines. Calculate the values of x F
and y. y 20°


Basic Polygons

09 TB Math F1.indd 211 11/10/16 12:18 PM

9.3 Properties of Quadrilaterals and the Interior and Exterior
Angles of Quadrilaterals
What are the properties of a quadrilateral? LEARNING
Describe the geometric

properties of various
types of quadrilaterals.


Aim: To explore the geometric properties of a quadrilateral. Hence classify

Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson quadrilaterals based on
the geometric properties.
begins and discuss in groups of four
during the lesson.
• Open the folder downloaded from page vii.

1. Open the file Quadrilaterals geometric properties.ggb using GeoGebra.


2. Click the checkbox for the first type of quadrilateral. Click and drag the
vertices of the quadrilateral to change the dimensions of the quadrilateral.
Explain the properties of the quadrilateral.
3. Repeat the exploration in Step 2 for all the other types of quadrilaterals.
4. Discuss with your friends the geometric properties of the various types of
5. Open and print the file Quadrilaterals axes of symmetry.pdf. Cut out the
quadrilaterals in the printout.

6. By folding each of the quadrilaterals, or otherwise, explain how you can find
the number of axes of symmetry for each type of quadrilateral.

Chapter 9

09 TB Math F1.indd 212 11/10/16 12:18 PM

The following table shows the types of quadrilaterals and their geometric properties.
Type of Number of axes
Geometric properties
quadrilateral of symmetry
Rectangle 2 • The opposite sides are parallel and of equal length.
• All of its interior angles are 90°.
• The diagonals are of equal length and are bisectors
of each other.

Square 4 • All the sides are of equal length.

• The opposite sides are parallel.
• All of its interior angles are 90°.
• The diagonals are of equal length and are
perpendicular bisectors of each other.

Parallelogram None • The opposite sides are parallel and of equal length.
• The opposite angles are equal.
• The diagonals are bisectors of each other.

Rhombus 2 • All the sides are of equal length.

• The opposite sides are parallel.
• The opposite angles are equal.
• The diagonals are perpendicular bisectors of
each other.

Trapezium None • Only one pair of opposite sides is parallel.

Kite 1 • Two pairs of adjacent sides are of equal length.

• One pair of opposite angles is equal.
• One of the diagonals is the perpendicular bisector of
the other.
• One of the diagonals is the angle bisector of the
angles at the vertices.

Self Practice 9.3a

Discuss and explain whether
1. Explain the common properties of a rhombus and each of the following
a square. statements is TRUE or FALSE.
2. Explain the geometric properties of a rectangle (a) A square is also a rhombus.
compared to a parallelogram. (b) A trapezium may have axes
of symmetry.

Basic Polygons

09 TB Math F1.indd 213 11/10/16 12:18 PM

How do you determine the interior angles and LEARNING
the exterior angles of a quadrilateral?
Make and verify the
conjectures about

(i) the sum of interior

las angles of a quadrilateral,


Aim: To explore the interior angles and the exterior (ii) the sum of interior angle
and adjacent exterior
angles of a quadrilateral.
angle of a quadrilateral,
Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson and
begins and discuss in groups of four (iii) the relationship between
during the lesson. the opposite angles in
a parallelogram.
• Open the folder downloaded from
page vii.
1. Copy and complete the following table to make conjectures about quadrilaterals
and parallelograms. Then continue the exploration to verify the conjectures.
(a) (b) r
d s q
b c e p

Sum of angles Conjecture Angles Conjecture

a+b+c+d p and r
c+e q and s

2. Open the file Interior angles of quadrilateral.ggb using GeoGebra.

3. Then, select ‘Quadrilateral’ to display a quadrilateral with its interior and

exterior angles.
4. Click and drag the slider ‘Interior angles’ towards the right. Hence, explain
what you observe.
5. Click at ‘Reset’ or drag the slider back to its original position.
6. Click and drag points A, B, C or D to change the shape of the quadrilateral
and repeat Step 4.
7. Discuss with your friends your findings.

Chapter 9

09 TB Math F1.indd 214 11/10/16 12:18 PM

8. Consider the angle on a straight line, explain the relationship between the
interior angle of a quadrilateral (the angle in blue colour) and its adjacent
exterior angle (the angle in yellow colour).
9. Select ‘Parallelogram’ to display the interior angles of a parallelogram.
10. Click and drag the slider ‘Opposite angles’ towards the right. Explain what
you observe.
11. Click at ‘Reset’ or drag the slider back to its original position.
12. Click and drag points P, Q or S to change the shape of the parallelogram and
repeat Step 10.
13. Explain all the conclusions arrived at.
From the results of Exploration Activity 5, it is found that
(a) the sum of the interior angles of a quadrilateral is 360°.
(b) the sum of an interior angle of a quadrilateral and its adjacent exterior angle is 180°.
(c) the opposite angles in a parallelogram (or rhombus) are equal.
r Scan the QR Code or visit
a s
d to watch a video about the
p sum of the interior angles of a
b c e
a + b + c + d = 360° p=r
c + e = 180° q=s

In each of the following diagrams, PST is a straight line. Calculate the values of x and y.
(a) R (b) 9
y Q Q 42° y
145° x T
x S
T 52° P
Sum of the interior angle and its
(a) x + 100° = 180°  adjacent exterior angle is 180°.
x = 180° – 100°
= 80°
Sum of the interior angles
y + 80° + 52° + 145° = 360°  of a quadrilateral is 360°.
y + 277° = 360°
y = 360° – 277°
= 83°
(b) x = 42°  Opposite angles in a
y + 42° = 180° parallelogram are equal.
y = 180° – 42°
= 138°
Basic Polygons

09 TB Math F1.indd 215 11/10/16 12:18 PM

Self Practice 9.3b
1. 2. C
B y
A 84° 96°
115° 118° D
68° x E

In the diagram, PQT is a straight In the diagram,  ABC and DEF are straight
line. Calculate the value of x. lines. Calculate the values of x and y.

How do you solve problems involving LEARNING

Solve problems
involving quadrilaterals.

y x S

In the diagram, PQRU is a square and QRSV is a parallelogram.
PVR is a straight line. Find the values of x and y.
An architect uses the
knowledge of polygons
∠PQR = 90° dan PQ = QR to design a building.

Thus, ∠QRV = 90 °
x = 45° x = ∠QRV

∠QVS + 72° = 180° V S

∠QVS = 180° – 72° x
= 108°
Therefore, ∠QVR + x = 108°
∠QVR = 108° – 45° Q R
= 63°
Hence, y = 180° – 63°
= 117°

Chapter 9

09 TB Math F1.indd 216 11/10/16 12:18 PM

Self Practice 9.3c
1. S R 2. R
x x
62° V y Q
In the diagram, PQRU is a rectangle In the diagram, PQVU is a rectangle,
and RSTU is a rhombus. SUV is a QRSV is a parallelogram and STUV
straight line. Calculate the values of x is a trapezium. Calculate the values
and y. of x and y.

How do you solve problems involving the

combinations of triangles and quadrilaterals? LEARNING
Solve problems involving
7 the combinations
of triangles
and quadrilaterals.
36° y


In the diagram, QRTU is a parallelogram and PQRS is a straight line. Find the values of 9
x and y.

∠QRT = 112° ∠QRT and 112° are corresponding angles.

x + 112° + 36° = 180° Sum of the interior angles of ∆QRT.

x = 180° – 112° – 36°
= 32° U T
∠TRS + 112° = 180° Sum of the interior angle and
its adjacent exterior angle.
∠TRS = 180° – 112° 112°
= 68° P Q R S
y + 68° + 68° = 180° Sum of the interior angles of ∆RST.
y = 180° – 68° – 68°
= 44°

Basic Polygons

09 TB Math F1.indd 217 11/10/16 12:18 PM

Self Practice 9.3d
1. In the diagram, PQRU is a parallelogram. P U
PTS, QRS and RTU are straight lines. Find y 48°
the values of x and y. x T

2. In the diagram, PQST is a parallelogram. R

x Q
PSR is a straight line. Find the values of 108
x and y. 78°
y P

9.3 Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra
questions of Mastery Q 9.3.
1. State the similarities and differences between the geometric properties of a
parallelogram and a rhombus.
2. Using suitable mathematical notation, copy and denote all the geometric properties
of the following quadrilaterals.

(a) (b)

3. In the diagram, PQRS is a rectangle. Find the P Q

values of x and y. x y

4. In the diagram, PQRT is a rhombus. STUQ and S

PUR are straight lines. Find the values of x and y.

U 24°

Chapter 9

09 TB Math F1.indd 218 11/10/16 12:18 PM


Triangle Quadrilateral Pentagon Hexagon Heptagon Octagon

3 sides 4 sides 5 sides 6 sides 7 sides 8 sides

  a + b + c = 180°
b c


Equilateral Isosceles Scalene Acute-angled Obtuse-angled Right-angled

triangle triangle triangle triangle triangle triangle


60° 60° 9

p   p + q + r + s = 360°
q r


Square Rectangle Parallelogram Rhombus Trapezium

Basic Polygons

09 TB Math F1.indd 219 11/10/16 12:18 PM

Very Work
good harder

state the relationship between the number of sides, vertices and diagonals
of polygons.
draw polygons, label vertices of polygons and name the polygons based on the
labelled vertices.
recognise and list geometric properties of various types of triangles. Hence, classify
triangles based on geometric properties.
make and verify conjectures about
(i) the sum of interior angles,
(ii) the sum of interior angle and adjacent exterior angle,
(iii) the relation between exterior angle and the sum of the opposite interior angles.
of a triangle.
solve problems involving triangles.
describe the geometric properties of various types of quadrilaterals. Hence classify
quadrilaterals based on geometric properties.
make and verify the conjectures about
(i) the sum of interior angles of a quadrilateral,
(ii) the sum of interior angle and adjacent exterior angle of a quadrilateral, and
(iii) the relationship between the opposite angles in a parallelogram.

solve problems involving quadrilaterals.

solve problems involving the combinations of triangles and quadrilaterals.

1. Mark 3 for a TRUE statement and 7 for a FALSE statement.

(a) A right-angled triangle has an axis of symmetry if one of the interior
angles is 45°.
(b) If the axis of symmetry of an equilateral triangle PQR passes through
vertex P, then the axis of symmetry is the angle bisector of the angle
at P.
(c) A diagonal of a rectangle is the perpendicular bisector of the other
(d) A square and a rhombus are quadrilaterals and their diagonals
intersect at right angles.

Chapter 9

09 TB Math F1.indd 220 11/10/16 12:18 PM

2. Determine the types of
(a) quadrilaterals which have two axes of symmetry.
(b) triangles which do not have an axis of symmetry.
(c) quadrilaterals with all the sides having the same length.
(d) quadrilaterals with all the interior angles being 90°.
3. Find the value of x in each of the following diagrams.
(a) (b)

72° 3x

(c) (d)
55° 24°

2x 2x

4. The diagram shows a rhombus. Find the values

of x and y. x


5. A parallelogram is shown in the diagram. Find 4x 2y
the values of x and y.

6. Four angles of a quadrilateral are in the ratio of 3 : 4 : 5 : 6. Explain how you would
calculate the biggest angle of the quadrilateral.

7. In the diagram, PQR is a straight line. Find S

the value of x. x x

Basic Polygons

09 TB Math F1.indd 221 11/10/16 12:18 PM

8. PRS is a straight line as shown in the diagram. P T
Find the values of x and y.
Q x

9. PQR, STU and VTQW are straight lines.
Find the values of x and y. S
P 28° R

10. PRST is a trapezium. PQR and PTU are U V

straight lines. Find the values of x and y.
T x

56° y


9 11. ACEG is a parallelogram. BKD, HJF and G F

CKJG are straight lines. Find the values of x 48°
85° 100°
and y. J

You have been asked to do a study regarding the use of polygons in your school
buildings. Write a report to explain how the use of polygons have enhanced the
visual beauty of your school.

Chapter 9

09 TB Math F1.indd 222 11/10/16 12:18 PM

A The diagram shows a piece of A4-size paper.
Without using any geometrical tools but only by
folding the paper, explain the rationale behind
the folding to obtain an equilateral triangle ABC.
(Hint: The folding lines have been drawn in the C
diagram as a guide.)



In the diagram, four isosceles triangles are inscribed in a right-angled triangle.

Explain how you would find the value of y.
Next, open the file Isosceles triangles inscribed.ggb from the folder
downloaded from page vii using GeoGebra.

Click and drag the slider ‘Number of isosceles triangles’, point A and point B
to change the information displayed. With the help of the information, explain the
relationship between the value of y and the number of isosceles triangles that can
be drawn.

Basic Polygons

09 TB Math F1.indd 223 11/10/16 12:18 PM

CHAPTER Perimeter
and Area
What will you learn?
•  Perimeter
•  Area of Triangles, Parallelograms, Kites  
and Trapeziums
•  Relationship between Perimeter and Area

 Why stu
dy t


Perimeter and area are

essentially basic knowledge of
geometry and its related fields,
hence they are widely used in
agriculture, landscape and graphic
designs. Discuss other fields that use Kedah is well known as Jelapang Padi
perimeter and area. Malaysia because almost the entire western
part of the state is covered with paddy fields.
Besides being the main rice producer in
Malaysia, the scenery of the vast paddy fields
is also one of the main attractions in Kedah.

Chapter 10

10 TB Math F1.indd 224 11/10/16 12:19 PM

Rhind Papyrus
The word ‘perimeter’ is derived from the
Greek word ‘peri’ which means ‘around’
and ‘meter’ which means ‘measure’.
Notes regarding the concept of area
were found in a mathematical document
named Rhind Papyrus around 1650 B.C.
in Egypt. In this document, a mistake
in the formula for finding the area of
quadrilaterals was noted. However, the
formula is still valid for finding the
areas of certain geometric shapes.
For more information:

Word Link

•  conjecture •  konjektur
•  width •  lebar
•  kite •  lelayang
•  area •  luas 10
•  length •  panjang
•  perimeter •  perimeter
•  formula •  rumus
•  square •  segi empat sama
•  parallelogram •  segi empat selari
•  rectangle •  segi empat tepat
•  triangle •  segi tiga
•  height •  tinggi
•  trapezium •  trapezium
•  square unit •  unit persegi
Do you know the total area of all the
paddy fields in Kedah? What is the
perimeter of each paddy field? Open the folder downloaded from page vii for
the audio of Word Link.

Perimeter and Area

10 TB Math F1.indd 225 11/10/16 12:19 PM

10.1 Perimeter
How do you determine the perimeter? STANDARDS
Determine the perimeter
Perimeter is the total length around an enclosed area. For of various shapes when
example, we can determine the perimeter of various shapes the side lengths are
of swimming pools by finding the total length of all the sides given or need to  
of the swimming pool. be measured.

How do you measure

the length of a curved
swimming pool in
Photo (b)?

Photo (a) Photo (b)

Determine the perimeter of each of the following shapes.
(a) R 4 cm S (b) F E
3 cm 3 cm 5 cm
9 cm
9 cm

W V A 6 cm B 4 cm C

(a) Perimeter = PQ + QR + RS + ST + TU + UV + VW + WP VW = PQ + RS + TU
10 = 4 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 4 + 9 + 12 + 9 = 12 cm
= 48 cm
(b) Perimeter = AB + BC + CD + DE + EF + FA CD = AF – GE
=6+4+6+5+6+9 = 6 cm
= 36 cm
Measure the perimeter of the object in the diagram below.


Chapter 10

10 TB Math F1.indd 226 11/10/16 12:19 PM

6 cm

6.3 cm
3 cm 3 cm

1 cm 1 cm Measure the length of the

Perimeter = 1 + 3 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 6.3 curve by using a thread.
= 20.3 cm

Self Practice 10.1a

1. Determine the perimeter of each of the following shapes.
(a) 6 cm (b) (c)
11 cm 10 cm

5 cm

20 cm
6 cm 14 cm

How do you estimate the perimeter accurately? LEARNING

We can use a square grid paper or a graph paper to estimate Estimate the perimeter of
the perimeter of a shape. various shapes, and then

evaluate the accuracy of
estimation by comparing
with the measured value.
Aim: To estimate the perimeter of various shapes.
Instruction: Perform the activity in pairs.
1. Trace the shape of the object on a grid of
equal squares with sides of 1 cm. Guru: Membina Ilmu
Menyempurnakan Akhlak
2. Estimate the perimeter of each shape
based on the grid.
3. Measure the perimeter of each shape
using a ruler or a thread.
4. Record your estimation and measurement.
5. Compare the estimated value with the
measured value to evaluate the accuracy
of your estimation.

Perimeter and Area

10 TB Math F1.indd 227 11/10/16 12:19 PM

The accuracy of estimated perimeter can be evaluated by
comparing the estimated value with the measured value. The
smaller the difference between the values of estimated perimeter Besides using grid
and measured perimeter, the more precise the estimated value. paper or graph paper,
discuss other methods
which can be used to
id ou now estimate the perimeter
Percentage error of a shape.
Difference between estimated value and actual value
= × 100%
Actual value
The smaller the percentage error, the more precise the estimated value.

Self Practice 10.1b

1. Estimate the perimeter of each of the following shapes. Hence, measure the perimeter
of the shape by using a ruler or a thread to evaluate the accuracy of estimation.
(a) (b) 2 cm
1 cm

1 cm
2 cm

How do you solve problems? LEARNING

Solve problems
involving perimeter.
The diagram shows the parking
area in front of a shopping mall. 35 m
The shopping mall management Shopping C D
intends to fence up the entire
parking area, except the main Main A 45 m B
entrance and another side 8m
entrance. If the cost of fencing L 8m
M Parking area E
12 m F
is RM80 per metre, what will
be the cost incurred by the 32 m 30 m
shopping mall? Side entrance
10 m

Chapter 10

10 TB Math F1.indd 228 11/10/16 12:19 PM

Total length of the parking area to be fenced up BC = DE + FG – (AM + LK)
= (AB + BC + CD + DE + EF + FG + GK + KL) – HJ = (35 + 30) – (8 + 32)
= (45 + 25 + 35 + 35 + 12 + 30 + 100 + 32) – 10 = 25 m
= 314 – 10 GK = LM + AB + CD + EF
= 304 m = 8 + 45 + 35 + 12
Total cost to fence up the parking area = 100 m

= 304 × RM80 Total length of fence × RM80

= RM24 320

Perimeter of the enclosed parking area C D

= 2 × [(LM + AB + CD + EF) + (DE + FG)]
= 2 × [(8 + 45 + 35 + 12) + (35 + 30)]
= 2 × (100 + 65) L M F
= 2 × 165
= 330 m K G
Total length of the parking area to be fenced up
KG = LM + AB + CD + EF
= 330 – HJ – LM – MA CB + AM + LK = DE + FG
= 330 – 10 – 8 – 8
= 304 m

Self Practice 10.1c

1. The diagram shows the plan of a swimming pool. 20 m

What is the perimeter of the swimming pool?
5m 13 m


2. The diagram shows the plan of Encik Yahya’s

house. Encik Yahya wants to install colorful LED 8m
lights around his house as decorations to celebrate
10 m
Hari Raya. Calculate the installation cost if the
cost to install LED lights is RM20 per metre. 25 m

3. In the diagram, ABC is an equilateral triangle, A

BCFG is a square and CDEF is a rectangle. The
perimeter of the whole diagram is 65 cm, find the C D
length of GE. B
7 cm


Perimeter and Area

10 TB Math F1.indd 229 11/10/16 12:19 PM

Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra
10.1 questions of Mastery Q 10.1.

1. The perimeter of a rectangular laboratory is 64 m. If the length of the laboratory is

23 m, find the width of the laboratory.

2. 2 cm

8 cm
The diagram shows two squares overlapping each other. Calculate the perimeter of
the whole diagram.

3. 6 cm 3 cm

y cm y cm
5 cm A B
2 cm
x cm x cm
The diagram shows two shapes, A and B. Prove that both of the shapes have equal

4. P 180 m V

52 m
80 m 100 m
10 Q T
60 m R 50 m S
The diagram shows a piece of rectangular land PQTV owned by Mr Rhuben. Parts of
the land in the shapes of triangle PQR and rectangle STUW have been given to his
brother. Mr Rhuben plans to fence up his land. What is the cost of fencing if each
metre of fence costs RM50?

5. A wire with a length of 54 cm is bent to form a shape as

shown in the diagram. What is the length of side AB?
9 cm 12 cm


Chapter 10

10 TB Math F1.indd 230 11/10/16 12:19 PM

10.2 Area of Triangles, Parallelograms, Kites and Trapeziums
How do you estimate the area of various shapes?
Various methods can be used to estimate the area of an STANDARDS
irregular shape. Estimate the area of
various shapes using
various methods.
(i) Using a grid with equal squares of sides 1 unit
✗ ✗
✗ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗
Number of full 1 unit2 squares (3 ) = 44
Number of half full or more than
✗ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

half full squares ( 7 ) = 10

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Hence, the area of the shape is about 44 + 10 = 54 unit2.
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗
✗ ✗

(ii) Drawing lines 1 unit apart

The lines are 1 unit apart from each other. Hence,

we can assume one line as a rectangle with a width
9 of 1 unit.

1 2 3 7
4 5 6

Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Length (unit) 4. 4 6.6 7.2 7.8 8.0 8.0 6. 4 5. 4 2.6
  Area (unit2)
4. 4 6.6 7.2 7.8 8.0 8.0 6. 4 5. 4 2.6
  = Length × 1 unit

Total area = 4. 4 + 6.6 + 7.2 + 7.8 + 8.0 + 8.0 + 6. 4 + 5. 4 + 2.6
= 56. 4 unit2
Hence, the area of the shape is approximately 56. 4 unit2.

Self Practice 10.2a

1. Collect some leaves from your school compound. Sketch the shape of each leaf on a
piece of paper. Then estimate the area of each leaf in cm2, using suitable methods.

Perimeter and Area

10 TB Math F1.indd 231 11/10/16 12:19 PM

How do you derive the formulae for the area of LEARNING
various shapes? STANDARDS
Derive the formulae of
the area of triangles,

parallelograms, kites and

trapeziums based on the
area of rectangles.
Aim: To derive the formula for the area of triangles.
Instruction: Perform the activity in groups of four.
1. Referring to Diagram (a) as shown, D a C
(a) is the area of ∆ ABD the same as the area of
∆ BCD? b
(b) state the area of rectangle ABCD in terms of a
and b.
(c) hence, state the area of ∆ ABD in terms of a A B
and b. Diagram (a)
2. Referring to Diagram (b) as shown, a
(a) state the area of ∆ BFE in terms of b and c D E C
based on rectangle BFEC.
(b) state the area of ∆AFE in terms of b and d b
based on rectangle AFED.
(c) the area of ∆ ABE = + A d F c B

= 1  b 1   2 Diagram (b)

Distributive law

3. Referring to Diagram (c) as shown, D a C E

10 (a) what is the length of DE in terms of a and c?
(b) state the area of ∆AFE in terms of a, b and c b
based on rectangle AFED.
(c) state the area of ∆BFE in terms of b and c
A B c F
based on rectangle BFEC.
Diagram (c)
(d) hence the area of ∆ABE = area of ∆ AFE – area of ∆BFE
= 1  b 1   2 –
= 1  ba + –
Distributive law

Chapter 10

10 TB Math F1.indd 232 11/10/16 12:19 PM

4. Discuss with your friends your findings.
(a) Compare the results of the area obtained in Steps 1, 2 and 3. What can
you conclude?
(b) What is the general formula to calculate the area of a triangle?
5. State all the conclusions that can be made.

From the results of Exploration Activity 2, it is found that

a a a

the area of a triangle with the length of base a and height b

is calculated by Base and height

area of triangle = 1  ab

are always at a
right angle.
In general, the area of a triangle = 1 × length of base × height


Aim : To derive the formula for the area of parallelograms.

Instruction: Perform the activity in groups of four.

D C D F c C E

b 10

A a B A a B
Diagram (a) Diagram (b)

1. Diagram (a) shows a rectangle ABCD with length of base a and height b.
Referring to Diagram (a), state the area of ABCD in terms of a and b.
2. Diagram (b) shows a parallelogram ABEF with the length of base a and height b.
Referring to Diagram (b),
(a) state the length of CE in terms of a and c based on the properties
of parallelogram.
(b) state the length of DF in terms of a and c.
(c) explain your findings.

Perimeter and Area

10 TB Math F1.indd 233 11/10/16 12:19 PM

3. (a) What can you conclude about the area of triangle BCE and triangle ADF?
(b) Is the area of ABCD the same as the area of ABEF?
(c) Hence, state the area of the parallelogram ABEF in terms of a and b.
4. Discuss with your friends and state the conclusions that can be made.

From the results of Exploration Activity 3, it is found that the area of a parallelogram
with the length of base a and height b is calculated by
area of parallelogram = ab
b In general, the area of a parallelogram = length of base × height


Aim: To derive the formula for the area of kites.

Instruction: Perform the activity in groups of four.
1. The diagram shows a kite inscribed in a rectangle D E C
with measurements a and b. Referring to the
diagram, discuss with your friends and complete T
b G H
the following table.

Area of = 1 × area of rectangle ECHT A F B

∆ EHT 2 a
10 Area of = 1 × area of rectangle
∆ ETG 2
Area of = × area of rectangle
Area of = ×
of kite = ×

2. Discuss with your friends and state the conclusions that can be made.

Chapter 10

10 TB Math F1.indd 234 11/10/16 12:19 PM

From the results of Exploration Activity 4, it is found that
the area of a kite with diagonals of lengths a and b is
calculated by The formula for the
area of a parallelogram
and the formula for the
area of kite = 1  ab area of a kite can be
b 2 used to find the area of
a rhombus. Discuss.
In general,
the area of a kite = 1 × product of the lengths of the two diagonals


Aim:  To derive the formula for the area of trapeziums.

Instruction: Perform the activity in groups of four.
B a C B a C B C D A

t t

A b D A b D A D C B
Diagram (a) Diagram (b)
1. Draw two identical trapeziums on a piece of manila card and cut out both
the trapeziums. Then, record the measurements of the trapeziums as shown in
Diagram (a).

2. Rotate one of the trapeziums to a suitable position so that it can be joined to
the other trapezium, as shown in Diagram (b).
3. (a) What is the shape obtained when two trapeziums are joined together? 10
(b) What is the length of the base of the combined shape?
(c) State the area of the combined shape in terms of a, b and t.
(d) Hence, state the area of one trapezium.
4. Discuss with your friends and state the conclusions that can be made.

From the results of Exploration Activity 5, it is found that the area of a trapezium with
lengths of two parallel sides a and b respectively and height t is calculated by
area of trapezium = 1  (a + b)t
In general,
sum of the
the area of a trapezium = 1 × lengths of the two × height
2 1
parallel sides 2
Perimeter and Area

10 TB Math F1.indd 235 11/10/16 12:19 PM

Open the file Area of trapezium.ggb from the folder downloaded from page vii using GeoGebra.
Click and drag the slider ‘Dissect’, the points A, B, C and D to do an exploration. Discuss with your
friends and explain how you would derive the formula for the area of a trapezium based on your
exploration of the GeoGebra file. Present your findings during the lesson.

Self Practice 10.2b

1. Write an expression to represent the area of each of the following shapes.
(a) (b) (c) p (d) s
n t
m k q

How do you solve problems involving STANDARDS
various shapes? Solve problems involving areas
of triangles, parallelograms,
kites, trapeziums and the
3 combinations of these shapes.
Calculate the area of each of the following shapes.
(a) (b) (c) 2 cm (d)
3 cm 3 cm 2c
4 cm

  5 cm 6.2 cm   5.4 cm

(a) Area = 1 × length of base × height (b) Area = length of base × height
2 = 6.2 × 3
= 1 × 5 × 4 = 18.6 cm2
= 10 cm2

(c) Area = 1 × sum of lengths of two parallel sides × height

= 1 × (2 + 5.4) × 3 A housing developer
2 uses the knowledge of

= 1 × 7.4 × 3
perimeter and area to
plan a housing project.
= 11.1 cm2

Chapter 10

10 TB Math F1.indd 236 11/10/16 12:19 PM

(d) Area = 1 × product of the lengths of the two diagonals
= 1 × (3 + 2) × (2 + 2) 1 × length of long diagonal × length of short diagonal
2 2

= 1 × 5 × 4
= 10 cm2

The diagram shows a rectangular plot of land PRTV. The P 4 mQ 12 m R

triangular region PQW and the trapezium-shaped region 5m 5m
UTSX are used for planting banana trees and rambutan W X 3 m
trees respectively. The remaining shaded region is used to
plant papaya trees. Calculate the area of the region used to
plant papaya trees. U 4m

Area of PRTV Area of PQW Area of UTSX

sum of the
= Length × width = 1 × length of base × height = 1 × lengths of the two × height
= (12 + 4) × (5 + 5)
= 16 × 10
2 2 1 parallel sides
= 1 ×4×5 1
= 160 m2 2 = × (3 + 4) × 5
= 10 m2
= 1 ×7×5
= 17.5 m2

Thus, the area of the shaded region = 160 – 10 – 17.5 Area of PRTV – Area of PQW – Area of UTSX
= 132.5 m2
Self Practice 10.2c 10
1. Calculate the area of each of the following shapes.
(a) (b) (c) 2.4 cm (d)
5 cm 5 cm
3.5 cm 4 cm
3 cm
6 cm
6 cm
7 cm
  P 16 m Q
2. A square-shaped exhibition site PQRS is divided into
three regions A, B and C with A being trapezium-shaped 10 m C
and B being rectangular. Find the area of the shaded
region C. B 8m
A 4m
6m R

Perimeter and Area

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Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra
10.2 questions of Mastery Q 10.2.
1. By using a suitable computer program or a pencil, draw an irregular shape. Then,
estimate the area of the shape in cm2, using a suitable method.

2. The diagram shows a playground which is a combination P Q

of three different shapes. TSVU is a square, SRQV is a
trapezium and PQVU is a parallelogram. Calculate the U 40 m
total area of the playground. 20 m

45 m

3. In the diagram, PRST and PQWV are rectangles. Q, V P

and U are midpoints of PR, PU and PT respectively.
Find the area of the shaded region. W
U 10 cm

T 14 cm S

4. In the diagram, VSR is a straight line and PSUV is a kite. U 3 cm T

Calculate the area of the whole diagram. 3.5 cm

7 cm

P 7 cm Q

10.3 Relationship between Perimeter and Area
What is the relationship between perimeter
and area? LEARNING
Kassim has a plot of empty land. He wants to fence up a Make and verify the
region of the land to plant some vegetables. He has a 20 m conjecture about the
length of fence. How should he construct the fencing such relationship between
that he can have a region with the largest area? perimeter and area.

State your conjectures for each of the following.

• How does the area of a rectangle change when its perimeter is fixed?
• How does the perimeter of a rectangle change when its area is fixed?
Then, perform the following activity to verify your conjectures.

Chapter 10

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Aim: To explore the relationship between the perimeter and the area of a rectangle.
Instruction: Explore by yourself before the lesson begins and discuss in groups of
four during the lesson.
A 1. Copy and complete Table (a) by stating the values for the length and
width of a rectangle which has a perimeter of 36 cm.
Table (a)
Length (cm) 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Width (cm) 1.0 2.0
Area (cm2) 17.0 32.0
between length 16.0 14.0
and width (cm)
2. Construct a similar table for a rectangle having each of the following fixed
values of perimeter, beginning with a length equivalent to Perimeter – 1 cm
2 1 2
until 1 cm.
(a) 40 cm (b) 48 cm (c) 56 cm
Open the file Rectangle fixed perimeter.ggb or the file Perimeter and area.xls from the folder
downloaded from page vii for help.
3. Study the number patterns obtained in Table (a).
(a) How does the area of a rectangle change in relation to a fixed perimeter?
(b) When will the area of the rectangle be the biggest?

B 4. Copy and complete Table (b) by stating the values for the length and
width of a rectangle which has an area of 49 cm2.
Table (b)
Length (cm) 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Width (cm) 3.500 3.769
Perimeter (cm) 35.000 33.538
10.500 9.231
length and
width (cm)
5. Construct a similar table for a rectangle having each of the following
fixed values of area, beginning with a length equivalent to an approximate
integer of 2 × 
Area until 1 cm.
(a) 81 cm
(b) 144 cm2 (c) 225 cm2
Open the file Rectangle fixed area.ggb or the file Perimeter and area.xls from the folder
downloaded from page vii for help.

Perimeter and Area

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6. Study the number patterns obtained in Table (b).
(a) How does the perimeter of a rectangle change in relation to a fixed area?
(b) When will the perimeter of the rectangle be the smallest?
7. Discuss with your friends your findings and state all the conclusions that can
be made.

From the results of Exploration Activity 6, it is found that for rectangles with;
(a)  the same perimeter, (b)  the same area,
• the area will decrease if the • the perimeter will increase if the
difference between the length difference between the length
and the width increase. and the width decrease.
• the area will be the largest when • the perimeter will be the smallest
the rectangle is a square. when the rectangle is a square.

Open the file Triangle fixed perimeter.ggb and Triangle fixed area.
ggb from the folder downloaded from page vii using GeoGebra.
Explore the relationship between the perimeter and the area of a
triangle like what was done in Exploration Activity 6 for rectangles.
Discuss with your friends and explain your findings.
(a) How does the area of a triangle change when its perimeter is
(b) How does the perimeter of a triangle change when its area 
is fixed?
(c) Does a triangle show the same pattern of change as a
Present your findings in class during the lesson.

Self Practice 10.3a
1. The rectangles P, Q, R, S and T as shown below have the same perimeter. Arrange
the areas of the rectangles in ascending order. Explain your answer.


2. The rectangles P, Q, R, S and T as shown below have the same area. Arrange the
perimeters of the rectangles in descending order. Explain your answer.


Chapter 10

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How do you solve problems? LEARNING
Solve problems involving
Given the area of a square garden is 500 m , find the perimeter
2 perimeter and area of
of the garden. triangles, rectangles,
squares, parallelograms,
kites, trapeziums and  
Let the length of the side of the garden = x m the combinations of
Then, x2 = 500   Area of the square is 500 m2. these shapes.
Thus, x = 500
= 22.36 2 decimal places
Hence, the perimeter of the garden = 22.36 × 4
= 89. 44 m
5 T S R
The diagram shows a triangle PQS inscribed in a rectangle
PQRT. The perimeter of the rectangle is 42 cm and the length
of the rectangle is twice its width. Find the area of triangle PQS.

Let the length of the rectangle = y cm and the width of the rectangle = x cm
Perimeter = 42 cm
Thus, 2x + 2y = 42 …… 1
y = 2x …… 2 The length is twice its width. Perimeter of the
rectangle PQRT
Substitute 2 into 1, 2x + 2(2x) = 42 = 2(7) + 2(14)
6x = 42 = 14 + 28
x = 42 = 42 cm

= 7
y = 2(7)
= 14 10
Hence, the area of triangle PQS = 1 × 14 × 7
= 49 cm2

Self Practice 10.3b

1. Given the perimeter of the square floor of a hall is 82 m, find the area of the floor of
the hall.
2. The length of a rectangle is 5 cm more than its width. If the perimeter of the rectangle
is 40 cm, find the area of the rectangle.
3. In the diagram, PQTU is a parallelogram with a U T 3 cm S
perimeter of 24 cm and an area of 28 cm . Given that
5 cm
UTS and PQR are straight lines, find the area of the
whole diagram. P Q R

Perimeter and Area

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Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra
10.3 questions of Mastery Q 10.3.
1. The width of a rectangular cardboard is 24 cm and its area is 960 cm2. Find the
perimeter of the cardboard.
2. The perimeter of a rectangle is 48 cm. Explain how you should draw the rectangle so
that the area is the largest. What is the largest area?
3. The diagram shows a piece of rectangular tile
PQRS. A kite shape TUVW is inscribed in the
rectangle. Given that the perimeter of PQRS is
12 cm
120 cm, find the area of TUVW.
P T 28 cm Q
4. A plot of rectangular land is divided into 3 sections, P,
Q and R to plant three types of vegetables. The perimeter P R
of the land is 170 m and the length of the land is 15 m Q
more than its width. Find the area of the largest plot for
planting the vegetables.


Triangles  Parallelograms  Kites  Trapeziums 


a a a a
c b
b b c d
a b b
a b
P=a+b+c P = 2a + 2b P = 2a + 2b P=a+b+c+d

Triangles  Parallelograms  Kites  Trapeziums 

b b a t
a a
A = 1  ab A = ab A = 1  ab A = 1 (a + b)t
2 2 2

Chapter 10

10 TB Math F1.indd 242 11/10/16 12:19 PM

Very Work
good harder

determine the perimeter of various shapes when the side lengths are given or need
to be measured.
estimate the perimeter of various shapes and then evaluate the accuracy
of estimation.
solve problems involving perimeter.
estimate the area of various shapes using various methods.
derive the formulae of the area of triangles, parallelograms, kites and trapeziums
based on the area of rectangles.
solve problems involving areas of various shapes and the combinations of
these shapes.
make and verify the conjecture about the relationship between perimeter and area.
solve problems involving perimeter and area of various shapes and the combinations
of these shapes.

1. In the diagram, the perimeter of the shaded region R 6 cm S

is 25 cm. Find the perimeter of the region which is
5 cm
not shaded. Q 8 cm
V 8 cm U 5 cm T

2. The diagram shows a square PQST, a triangle QRS P Q

5 cm
and a trapezium PTUV. Find the perimeter of the V
whole diagram. 2 cm R
4 cm

3. The diagram shows a triangle SRT and a trapezium P

PQRT. The perimeter of the triangle SRT is 24 cm. T
Find the area of the whole diagram.
10 cm 11 cm

S 6 cm Q
R 6 cm

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4. Based on the information given in the diagram,
6 cm 8 cm
(a) find the area of the triangle. t
(b) find the value of t.
10 cm

5. In the diagram, PQRW is a square, RST is a triangle P Q

and TWVU is a trapezium. Find the area of the
whole diagram. U 8 cm
3 cm W
13 cm
12 cm 5 cm


6. In the diagram, QRU is an equilateral triangle, PQUV V T

and RSTU are two squares. Given the area of PQUV U
is 36 cm2, find the perimeter of the whole diagram.


7. The diagram shows a rhombus PQTU and a trapezium U T 5 cm S

QRST. PQR and UTS are straight lines. Given that the
area of the whole diagram is 46 cm2,
(a) find the height of the rhombus PQTU.
P 5 cm Q 8 cm R
(b) hence, find the perimeter of the whole diagram.

8. In the diagram, PQRS is a parallelogram with an area S R

of 100 cm2. Find the area of triangle TQR.

9. You are given a piece of string of length 30 cm. Explain how you would form a
rectangle with the biggest area.

10. The diagram shows a rectangular plot of land with a 40 m

length of 40 m and a width of 20 m. You are required
to fence up a region on the land with an area of 450 m2. 20 m
Explain how you would fence the land such that you use
the shortest fence. What would be the shortest length of
the fence required?

Chapter 10

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Your school is going to have an exhibition in conjunction with Hari Wawasan. The
Police Cadets will be taking part in the exhibition. You have been assigned to plan the
exhibition site.

Exhibition site
Red ribbon for the Police Cadets Red ribbon
to demarcate the to demarcate the
exhibition site 1m exhibition site
Entrance / Exit
The Police Cadets are given a space beside the wall as their exhibition site. The
exhibition site is demarcated with red ribbon except for a 1 m space as the entrance and
exit for the exhibition site, as shown in the diagram.
You are supplied with a piece of 20 m long red ribbon. Explain how you would
demarcate the exhibition site with the red ribbon so that the exhibition site has the
largest area. Write a report and present it to your teacher who is the advisor of the
Police Cadets.
Open the file Assignment.ggb from the folder downloaded from page vii using GeoGebra to help you.

1. Open the file Mystery area.ggb from the folder downloaded from page vii using


2. Click and drag the slider to the end, towards the right.
3. Observe the movements of the shapes on display.
4. Explain why there is a difference of 1 unit2 of area when the shapes are rearranged
although all the shapes maintain their respective areas.
5. Click and drag the slider towards left and right a few times or click at ‘Show
mystery’ for help.
6. Present the result of your exploration in class during the lesson.

Perimeter and Area

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CHAPTER Introduction
11 of Set

What will you learn?

• Set
• Venn Diagrams, Universal Sets, Complement of
a Set and Subsets

 Why stu
dy t

Learn the methods to

represent a group of objects
with specific characteristics
and hence help us to understand
the relationship between them.
Discuss daily life examples that
involve the classification of objects
according to specific characteristics.
The Ministry of Urban Wellbeing, Housing
and Local Government (UHLG) strives to
improve the quality of the people’s life by
having a clean and healthy environment.

Chapter 11
Georg Cantor
Georg Cantor (1845 – 1918) was a
German mathematician who first
introduced set theory. He published
his first article about set theory in the
year 1874. Set theory became popular
and was recognised as a branch of
mathematics in the late 19th century.
For more information:

Word Link
• Venn diagram • gambar rajah Venn

• complement of a set • pelengkap bagi suatu set
• description • perihalan
• set • set
• empty set • set kosong
• equal sets • set sama
• universal set • set semesta
• subset • subset
• set builder notation • tatatanda pembina set
In line with this goal, UHLG always • set notation • tatatanda set
encourages us to practise the 3R • element • unsur
programme, which means reduce,
reuse and recycle. How can the
classification of solid waste be Open the folder downloaded from page vii
carried out effectively? for the audio of Word Link.

Introduction of Set
11.1 Set
What is set?
In our daily life, we can classify the recyclable materials into STANDARDS
several categories, such as paper, plastic, glass, aluminium, Explain the meaning
fabric and so on. How can these categories of materials be of set.
represented mathematically?


Aim:  To sort and classify objects.

Instruction: Perform the activity in groups of four.

1. Observe each object given below.

2. Classify the objects according to specific groups.

3. What are the common characteristics of each group?

From the results of Exploration Activity 1, the objects which have common characteristics
will be classified into the same group. Each of these groups is known as set.

Self Practice 11.1a

1. Classify the objects in the list below as land, water and air transport.

Car Rocket Sampan

Lorry Aeroplane Boat
Ship Van Ferry
Helicopter Bus Hot-air balloon

Chapter 11
How do you describe sets? LEARNING
Sets can be written by using description, listing Describe sets using:
and set builder notation. (i) description,
(ii) listing, and
For example, we can write the colours of (iii) set builder notation.
Jalur Gemilang in set A as follows.

Set A
Description Listing Set builder notation
A is the set of • Set A can be represented by using • Set A can also be
colours of Jalur set notation, {  }. represented by using set
Gemilang. • A = { red, white, blue, yellow} builder notation.
• A = {x : x is a colour of
Each element in the set
Jalur Gemilang}
  is separated by a comma.
• Each object in the set is known as
an element.

Describe each of the following sets by using description, listing and set builder notation.
(a) Letters in the word ‘MALAYSIA’
(b) Odd numbers which are less than 20

(a) Let the set be represented by P.
Description: P is the set of letters in the word ‘MALAYSIA’. 11

Listing: P = {M, A, L, Y, S, I} The same elements

need not be repeated.

Set builder notation: P = {x : x is a letter in the word ‘MALAYSIA’}

(b) Let the set be represented by Q.

Description: Q is the set of odd numbers which are less than 20.
Listing: Q = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19}
Set builder notation: Q = {x : x is an odd number and x , 20}

Introduction of Set
Empty set
Think Smart
State the month There is no
How many months have
with 32 days. month with
28 days?
32 days!

id ou now
If M represents the set of month with 32 days, then set M • An empty set is also
does not contain any element and is known as an empty set. called a null set.
An empty set can be represented with the symbol f or {  }. • The symbol f is read
as phi.
Thus, M = f or M = {  }.

Self Practice 11.1b

1. Describe each of the following sets by using (i) description, (ii) listing and
(iii) set builder notation.
(a) Colours of the rainbow (b) Multiples of 3 which are less than 25
2. Determine whether each of the following statements is TRUE or FALSE.
(a) If P = {triangles which have diagonals}, then P = f.
(b) If Q = {prime numbers which are also even numbers}, then Q = { }.
(c) If R = {odd numbers which are divisible by 2}, then R = f.
(d) If S = {x : x is a negative integer and x3 , 0}, then S = { }.

What is the element of a set?

The elements of a set are defined according to certain STANDARDS
characteristics. Each of the elements must satisfy the Identify whether an object
11 conditions of the set that is defined. is an element of a set and
represent the relation
For example, set A = {local fruits in Malaysia}. using symbol.
Durian is a local fruit, so durian is an element of set A.
Symbol  is used to represent ‘is an element of’ the set.
Therefore, durian  A.
Apple is not a local fruit, so apple is not an element of
set A. Symbol  is used to represent ‘is not an element of’ id ou now
the set. Symbol  is called
Therefore, apple  A.

Chapter 11
Given that P = {x : x is a prime number and 0 < x < 20}, complete each of the following
using the symbol  or .

(a) 5     P (b) 8    P

(c) 19    P (d) 1    P

P = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19} List all the elements of P.

(a) 5      P (b) 8     P

(c) 19     P (d) 1     P

Self Practice 11.1c

1. Given that A = {states in Malaysia}, complete each of the following using the
symbol  or .

(a) Johor   A (b) Langkawi   A

(c) Putrajaya   A (d) Selangor   A

2. It is given that  P = {x : x is an odd number and 0 , x , 50} and

Q = {x : x is a common multiple of 4 and 6, x , 100}.
Complete each of the following using the symbol  or .

(a) 8     P (b) 17    P (c) 63    P

(d) 84    Q (e) 60    Q (f) 46    Q


How do you determine the number of elements

of a set? STANDARDS
Determine the number
Number of elements in set P can be represented by the of elements of a set and
notation n(P). represent the number of
elements using symbol.
For example, P = {a, b, c, d, e, f}, the number of
elements in set P is 6. Thus, n(P) = 6.

Introduction of Set
Given that P = {letters in the word ‘WAWASAN’} and Can you determine the
Q = {x : x is a two-digit number such that the sum of its number of elements in
digits is 7}, find set A = {x : x is a fraction
(a) n(P) (b) n(Q) and 1 , x , 2}?

(a) P = {W, A, S, N} The number of elements is 4.

Thus, n(P) = 4
(b) Q = {16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61, 70} The number of
elements is 7. List all the elements in a
Thus, n(Q) = 7 set so that the number of
elements in the set can
Self Practice 11.1d be determined.

1. Determine the number of elements in each of the following sets.

(a) A = {cone, cylinder, sphere, pyramid, cube}
(b) B = {consonants in the word ‘KEMAHIRAN’}
(c) C = {colours of the traffic light}
(d) D = {multiples of 11 which are less than 100}
2. P = {integers between –5 and 2} and Q = {x : x , 15 and x is an even number}.
Find (a) n(P) (b)  n(Q)

What is equality of sets? LEARNING

The sets of alphabets in a word are arranged by three students Compare and explain
as follows. whether two or more
Set A = {H, A, R, U, M}, set B = {M, U, R, A, H} and sets are equal and hence,
make generalisation
set C = {R, U, M, A, H} about the equality of sets.
Every element in sets A, B and C are the same. So,

set A, set B and set C are known as equal sets and can be
written as A = B = C.
11 Thus A = B, A = C or B = C.
Generally, if every element in two or more sets are The order of elements in
the same, then all the sets are equal. a set is not important.

Explain whether each of the following pairs of sets are
equal sets.
(a) P = {vowels in the word ‘SEKOLAH’} and Discuss:
Q = {vowels in the word ‘KEJOHANAN’} • If A = B, is n(A) = n(B)?
(b) F = {perfect squares which are less than 50} and • If n(A) = n(B), is A = B?
G = {4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49}

Chapter 11
Elements ‘A’ need Think Smart
(a) P = {E, O, A} and Q = {E, O, A} not be repeated. Given M = f and
Each element in set P is equal to N = { x : x is an integer
each element in set Q. and 1 , x , 2},
Thus, P = Q is M = N?

(b) F = {1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49}

G = {4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49}
1  F but 1  G. Symbol ≠ means
Thus, F ≠ G ‘is not equal to’.

Self Practice 11.1e

1. Determine whether each of the following pairs of sets are equal sets.
(a) G = {letters in the word ‘RAJIN’} and H = {letters in the word ‘JIRAN’}
(b) M = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and N = {whole numbers which are less than 6}
(c) P = {x : x is a multiple of 2 and 25 < x < 45} and Q = {x : x is a number that
has the digit 2 and 25 < x < 45}
(d) A = {national language of Malaysia} and B = {Malay language}

11.1 Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra
questions of Mastery Q 11.1.
1. Describe each of the following sets by using description.
(a) X = {a, e, i, o, u} (b) Y = {1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49}
2. Write each of the following sets by listing.
(a) P is the set of planets in the Solar System.
(b) Q = {prime factors of 30}

3. Write each of the following sets by using set builder notation.
(a) G = {March, May} (b) H = {7, 14, 21, 28, ..., 98}
4. Determine whether 4 is the element of each of the following sets. 11
(a) P = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} (b) Q = {x : x is a multiple of 8}
(c) R = {prime numbers} (d) S = {x : x is a factor of 52}
5. Sets A, B and C are defined as follows.
A = {months that begin with the letter J}
B = {states in Malaysia}
C = {x : x is a two-digit number such that the sum of its digits is 5}
Find n(A), n(B) and n(C).
6. Given that P = {7, 3, 13, x, 11, 5} and Q = {prime numbers which are less than 15},
if P = Q, find the value of x.

Introduction of Set
11.2 Venn Diagrams, Universal Sets, Complement of a Set and
What are universal set and complement of a set? LEARNING
A set that consists of all the elements under discussion is Identify and describe
known as the universal set. universal sets and
complement of a set.
For example, the set below shows the students who
participated in a mathematics quiz.
{Amir, Hazura, Laila, Sandra, Zamri, Dali, Pei San, Yana}
In this case, the 8 students are all the students under discussion. Hence, the set can
be defined as universal set and is denoted by the symbol j.
Thus universal set, j = {Amir, Hazura, Laila, Sandra, Zamri, Dali, Pei San, Yana}
Among the students, Amir, Hazura, Laila, Sandra and Zamri are members of the
Mathematics Society. If set A represents members of the Mathematics Society in the
team, then A = {Amir, Hazura, Laila, Sandra, Zamri}
The other students in the team; Dali, Pei San and Yana are not members of the
Mathematics Society. They are the other students in the universal set and are known as
complement of set A, written as A9.
A9 = {Dali, Pei San, Yana}

Identify whether each of the following sets is the universal set of {2, 3, 5, 7}.
(a) {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
(b) {odd numbers which are less than 10}

(a) {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} Contains all the elements.

Universal set
(b) {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} Does not contain element 2.
Not a universal set

Given that j = {x : x is an integer and 1 < x < 10}, determine Think Smart
the complement of each of the following sets.
What is the complement
(a) P = {perfect squares which are less than 10} of empty set?
(b) Q = {factors of 10}

Chapter 11
j = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
(a) P = {1, 4, 9}
Thus, P9 = {2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10}
(b) Q = {1, 2, 5, 10}
Thus, Q9 = {3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9}

Self Practice 11.2a

1. Identify whether each of the following is the universal set of {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15}:
(a) {whole numbers}
(b) {prime numbers}
(c) {x : x is a positive integer and x < 15}
2. Given that j = {whole numbers which are less than 10}, determine the complement
of each of the following sets:
(a) P = {multiples of 3}
(b) Q = {prime numbers}
How do you represent the universal set and Represent
complement of a set by using Venn diagram? (i) the relation of a set
and universal set, and
Besides description and set notation, a set can also be (ii) complement of a set
represented by an enclosed geometrical diagram which is through Venn diagrams.
known as Venn diagram.
For example,
j = {Amir, Hazura, Laila, Sandra, Zamri, Dali, Pei San, Yana}
A = {Amir, Hazura, Laila, Sandra, Zamri} • A set can be represented

by a circle, an oval, a
A9 = {Dali, Pei San, Yana} rectangle or a triangle.
• The universal set is
The relationship between the sets above can be represented commonly represented
by the following Venn diagram. by a rectangle.

Universal set, ξ is represented ξ

by a rectangle. Amir Set A is represented by
Dali a circle.
Each dot represents an element. Laila
Sandra All the elements of set A
Zamri are written in the circle.
Elements of complement of Pei San
set A lie outside the circle. Yana

Introduction of Set
7 id ou now
Given that j = {x : 10 , x , 20, x is an integer}, John Venn
M = {11, 17} and N = {odd numbers}. (1834 – 1923),
Draw a Venn diagram to represent was an English
(a) set j and M, (b) N9. who used
geometrical diagrams to
illustrate the relationship
j = {11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19} between sets. The Venn
M = {11, 17} diagram is named after him.
N = {11, 13, 15, 17, 19}
(a) ξ 12 19
(b) ξ 12
M N 11 15
11 18 18
The shaded
13 13 17 region is N’.
16 19 16
14 15 14

Self Practice 11.2b

1. Represent the relationship between the following sets by using the Venn diagram.
(a) j = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11}
A = {3, 5, 9}
(b) j = {x : x is an integer and 10 , x , 20}
B = {prime numbers}
2. Represent the complement of each of the following sets by using Venn diagram.
Shade the region that represents the complement of the set.
(a) j = {multiples of 3 which are less than 30}
P = {numbers which are divisible by 6}
(b) j = {letters in the word ‘PENGELASAN’}

Q = {consonants in the word ‘PENGELASAN’}

11 What are subsets?

Identify and describe the
Aim: To identify the subsets of a set. possible subsets of a set.
Instruction: Perform the activity in groups of four.
1. Prepare the number cards labelled 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20.
2. Use two strings to make two circles on a table which represent the following
sets respectively:
A = {multiples of 2}      B = {multiples of 4}

Chapter 11
3. Place the number cards in the correct circle.
4. What do you notice about the positions of both the circles?
5. What is the relationship between set A and set B?

From the results of Exploration Activity 2, it is found that

every element in set B is also an element of set A. Set B is
known as a subset of set A and is written as B , A. Referring to Exploration
Activity 2, if set C
represents multiples of 8,
8 discuss the relationship
between set C and set B,
For each of the following, determine whether set A is a
and the relationship
subset of set B. between set C and set A.
(a) A = {2, 4, 6} and B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
(b) A = {prime numbers which are less than 20} and
B = {odd numbers which are less than 20} Think Smart
What is the relationship
(c) A = {letters in the word ‘SOPAN’} and between P and Q if
B = {letters in the word ‘KESOPANAN’} P , Q and Q , P?

(a) A , B Every element of A is found in B.

(b) A = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19} ‘Is not a subset of’ can
B = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19} Element 2 is
be denoted using the
not in B.
AB symbol . For example,
‘P is not a subset of Q’
(c) A , B Every element of A is found in B. can be written as P  Q.

On the first day of athletics championships, three track events
will be held and they include 100 m, 200 m and 400 m. Each
student can participate in one, two or all the three events.
If set A represents the track events held on the first day
of athletics championships, then A = {100 m, 200 m, 400 m}.
The events that a student may participate in are {100 m},
{200 m}, {400 m}, {100 m, 200 m}, {100 m, 400 m},
{200 m, 400 m}, {100 m, 200 m, 400 m}. The student may
also not participate in any event and it is represented by the • Empty set, f is a subset
of any set.
empty set, {  }. • Set itself is a subset of
Thus, each set of the listed events is a subset of set A. any set.

Introduction of Set
List all the possible subsets of each of the following sets.
If a set contains n
(a) {3, 4} (b) {a, b, c} elements, then the
possible number of
subsets is 2n. For example,
(a) f, {3}, {4}, {3, 4} the number of subsets of
(b) f, {a}, {b}, {c}, {a, b}, {a, c}, {b, c}, {a, b, c} {a, b, c} = 23 = 8.
(Use a scientific calculator
to help you in your
Self Practice 11.2c calculation.)
1. Complete each of the following with the symbol , or . 2 ^ 3 =
(a) A = {a, u} and B = {a, e, i, o, u}
A   B
(b) E = {multiples of 4} and F = {positive integers which are divisible by 2}
E   F
(c) M = {odd numbers which are less than 50} and
N = {multiples of 5 which are less than 50}
N   M
(d) P = {quadrilaterals} and Q = {rectangle, rhombus, pentagon}
Q   P

2. List all the possible subsets of each of the following sets.

(a) {p, q}
(b) {prime numbers which are less than 10}

How do you represent subsets using Venn diagrams?

Given that A = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20} LEARNING
and B = {4, 8, 12, 16, 20}. Represent subsets using
The relationship of B , A can be represented using the Venn Venn diagrams.
diagram as shown below.
A 2
B 18 Think Smart
4 12 If F , G and H , G, is
6 8
F = H? Explain your
16 20
14 answer with the help
10 of a Venn diagram.

Chapter 11
Represent the relationship of each of the following pairs of sets, using Venn diagrams.
(a) A = {p, q, r, s, t} and B = {p, r, s}
(b) P = {whole numbers} and Q = {prime numbers}

(a) (b) P For an infinite set,

A its elements need
p not be written.
r s

Self Practice 11.2d

1. Represent the relationship of each of the following pairs of sets, using Venn diagrams.
(a) A = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70} and B = {20, 40, 60}
(b) M = {letters in the word ‘BIJAK’} and
N = {vowels in the word ‘BIJAK’}

How do you represent the relationships LEARNING

between sets using Venn diagrams? Represent the relations
between sets, subsets,
The relationships between sets, subsets, universal sets universal sets and
and complement of a set can be illustrated clearly by complement of a set
using Venn diagrams. using Venn diagrams.

Represent the relationship between the following sets, using a Venn diagram.

j = {x : x < 10, x is a positive integer}
A = {factors of 10}
B = {numbers which are divisible by 5} 11

j = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
A = {1, 2, 5, 10}
B = {5, 10}
3 9
A 1
4 10 8

6 7

Introduction of Set
Self Practice 11.2e
1. Represent the relationship between the following sets, using a Venn diagram.
j = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h}
P = {a, b, c, d}
Q = {b}
R = {f, g}

11.2 Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra
  questions of Mastery Q 11.2.

1. Given that j = {whole numbers which are less than 10}, A = {factors of 18} and
B = {0, 4, 5, 7, 8}. With the help of a Venn diagram, determine whether A9 = B.
2. Based on the Venn diagram, state the ξ
relationship between Q
(a) P and Q, P R
(b) Q and R.

3. Given that K = {perfect squares which are less than 20},

(a) write all the possible subsets of K.
(b) if L = {1, 2, 3, ..., 20}, draw a Venn diagram to represent the relationship
between K and L.
4. In a class, some of the girls wear spectacles while all of the boys do not wear
spectacles. Sets j, P, Q and R are defined as follows:
j = {students in the class}
P = {girls}
Q = {boys}

R = {students who wear spectacles}

Represent the relationship between sets j, P, Q and R, using a Venn diagram.

Based on the Venn diagram, write the relationship between sets j, A, B and C.

Chapter 11

Empty set  Equal sets  Universal set, j

ø or {  }  A = {M, A, S, A}
Complement of a set  Subset 
B = {S, A, M, A}
ξ ξ
Set A = Set B  P

• Shaded region is P9.

• Complement of P is P9.  R,Q

Very Work
good harder

explain the meaning of set.

describe sets using description, listing and set builder notation.
identify whether an object is an element of a set and represent the relation

using symbol.
determine the number of elements of a set and represent the number of elements
using symbol. 11
compare and explain whether two or more sets are equal, hence, make generalisation
about the equality of sets.
identify and describe universal sets and complement of a set.
represent the relation of a set and universal set, and complement of a set using
Venn diagrams.
identify and describe the possible subsets of a set.
represent subsets using Venn diagrams.
represent the relations between sets, subsets, universal sets and complement of a
set using Venn diagrams.

Introduction of Set
1. Describe set P = {square, rectangle, trapezium, parallelogram, kite, rhombus} by
using description.
2. A = {x : x is neither a positive integer nor a negative integer}.
What is the element of A?
3. Explain whether each of the following pairs of sets are equal sets.
(a) P = {even numbers}; Q = {multiples of 2}
(b) A = {0}; B = f
(c) E = {factors of 15}; F = {numbers which are divisible by 15}

4. If j = {x : 10 < x < 30, x is an even number} and P = {multiples of 4}, find n(P9).
5. Given that universal set j, A , B and C , A, draw a Venn diagram to represent sets
j, A, B and C.
6. Based on the Venn diagram, ξ
(a) what is the relationship between Q and R? R
(b) what is represented by the shaded region?

7. Set P = {positive integers} and set Q = {prime numbers that are greater than 2}.

(a) Which set is the universal set? Justify your answer.

(b) If Q , R , P, define set R by description.
8. A training centre offers three courses such as cooking, design and computer. If
set K represents the courses offered by the training centre and each possible choice
a student makes is a subset of K, determine the number of possible choices a student
can make.
9. The following is a conversation between Yazid and Mei Li.
Yazid : If the universal set is {students in Class 1 Bakti} and
set A = {female prefects}, what is the complement of set A?
Mei Li : Complement of set A is the girls who are not prefects.
Is the statement made by Mei Li true or not true?
Justify your answer.

Chapter 11
The campaign of separating household solid waste is one of the steps to reduce the
amount of waste generated and delivered to landfills. By practising the classification
of solid waste, we can reduce pollution and hence conserve the natural resources.
The classification of household solid waste involves the classification of solid
waste according to waste composition such as paper, plastic and other recyclable
materials and residues. By using the concept of set and Venn diagram, write a report
regarding the classification of household solid waste.

Scan the QR Code or visit to obtain the information

regarding classification of household solid waste.

Method to prepare the materials
1. Prepare nine cards whereby each card
is drawn with a circle, a triangle and a
rectangle respectively. Each shape has
three types of patterns such as empty,
coloured and striped as shown in the

2. By using the same method, prepare nine similar cards for three different colours
such as blue, green and yellow. Thus, the total number of cards obtained is 36.
Method to play
1. A game for four players.
2. Shuffle all the cards and distribute equally to all the players.
3. The cards for each player should be covered and cannot be seen by other players.
4. Each player picks a card at random from the player on his right.
5. The players need to collect four cards with the same shape or same pattern or same
colour as one set.
6. The player who succeeds in collecting the most sets is the winner.

Introduction of Set
CHAPTER Data Handling
What will you learn?
• Data Collection, Organisation and
Representation Process, and Interpretation
of Data Representation

 Why stu
dy t
As a basic ap
knowledge in te
the field of statistics.
Data handling involves
skills like collecting,
organising, representing,

analysing and interpreting data,

and then communicating the
results of the data. Data handling
is important as it enables us to Malaysia is a multiracial country whereby
understand the usage of data in all the people live together in peace
newspapers, television and higher and harmony. According to the Current
educational institutions as well as in Population Estimates 2014, the total
the careers that we will pursue in the population in Malaysia is 30.6 million;
future. Discuss with your teacher the number of males is 15.8 million and
other daily situations that involve the number of females is 14.8 million.
data handling.

Chapter 12

12 TB Math F1.indd 264 11/10/16 12:21 PM

In ancient times, statistics
were used by rulers to
gather information about
the population during their
reign. However, statistics
were only recorded in printed
form in the 18th century by
an English statistician, John John Graunt
Graunt. Two other English
statisticians who actively contributed to
the early development of statistics were
Karl Pearson (1857 – 1936) and Ronald
Fisher (1890 – 1962).
For more information:

Word Link
• pie chart • carta pai
• bar chart • carta palang
• categorical data • data kategori
• numerical data • data numerik
• line graph • graf garis
• histogram • histogram
• frequency table • jadual kekerapan
• displaying data • memaparkan data

• analysing data • menganalisis data
• classifying data • mengklasifikasikan data
• organising data • mengorganisasikan data
The largest ethnic group is the • collecting data • mengumpulkan data
• interpreting data • mentafsir data
Bumiputera who make up 68.1 percent
• representing data • mewakilkan data
of the total population, followed by • stem-and-leaf plot • plot batang-dan-daun
Chinese (23.8%), Indian (7.15%) and • dot plot • plot titik
others (0.95%).  • frequency polygon • poligon kekerapan
Other than the data above, what • statistical question • soalan statistik
other data can you obtain from the
population distribution in Malaysia? Open the folder downloaded from page vii
How can this data be obtained? for the audio of Word Link.

Data Handling

12 TB Math F1.indd 265 11/10/16 12:21 PM

12.1 Data Collection, Organisation and Representation Process,
and Interpretation of Data Representation
How do you generate statistical questions and LEARNING
collect relevant data?
Generate statistical
To collect relevant data, we must generate statistical questions. questions and collect
What is a statistical question? relevant data.

A statistical question is a question that can be answered

by collecting data and there will be variability or diversity in Information about the
the data related to the question. For example, height of students and
their favourite food are
Statistical question Reason obtained through
data collection.
“How tall are the There is variability in the height of the
students in Class 1 students from that class, for example,
Amanah?” 150 cm, 156 cm, 164 cm and so on.
“What is the There is variability in the types of food
favourite food of chosen by the students from that class,
the students in for example, nasi lemak, fried noodles,
Class 1 Amanah?” laksa and so on.
Is each of the following questions a statistical question?
Explain. Generate statistical
•  “How tall is Rosmee?” questions and collect
•  “Do the students in Class 1 Amanah like nasi lemak more data for each of the
than fried noodles?” following in your class.
• Favourite sports of
After generating the statistical questions, the next step is the students
to determine the method of data collection. Data can be • Modes of transport of
collected by various methods. students to school



Interview Survey Observation Experiment

1. What is your favourite
12 TV programme?

For example, to find For example, to find For example, to count For example, to record
out how the students out the favourite how many cars pass the temperature of hot
travel to school. television programmes through the junction water as it cools down
of the students. every hour. every five minutes.

Chapter 12

12 TB Math F1.indd 266 11/10/16 12:21 PM

Have a discussion with your friends about choosing the most suitable method to collect data. State
the advantages and disadvantages of each method by giving examples to support your answers.

How do you classify data and construct

frequency tables? LEARNING
After collecting the data, the next step is classifying the Classify data as categorical
data. Data can be classified into categorical data and or numerical and construct
numerical data. frequency tables.

Categorical Numerical
• Measures characteristic • Measures quantity
• Cannot be measured • Measured numerically.
numerically but can For example, the number Numerical data
be described. of books read in a consists of
For example, the gender week, the height of the • discrete data that is
of a person, colours of badminton players, the measured in a whole
cars, flavours of sweets, time spent on exercise unit. For example,
blood groups the number of family
members is 6 people.
• continuous data
1 that is measured on a
Classify the following data as categorical data or continuous scale. For
example, the mass of
numerical data: the students are 53 kg,
(a) The body temperature of each student 56.2 kg and 66.5 kg.
(b) The number of trees planted in each district
(c) The causes of road accidents

(a) Numerical data (b) Numerical data (c) Categorical data

Among the numerical data above, which is a discrete data
and which is a continuous data?
Ungrouped data is an
After classifying the data, the next step is to organise the unprocessed raw data. 12
ungrouped data by constructing a frequency table.

The data shows the number of children in each family for 20 families. Organise the data
by constructing a frequency table.
2 0 1 1 2 1 3 0 4 3
2 4 1 0 2 1 0 2 2 3

Data Handling

12 TB Math F1.indd 267 11/10/16 12:21 PM

Number of children Tally Frequency
0 |||| 4
1 |||| 5
2 |||| | 6
3 ||| 3
4 || 2
Total 20

Self Practice 12.1a

1. Classify the following data as categorical data or numerical data:
(a) Number of stamps each student collects
(b) Time spent on the Internet
(c) Ability to play sepak takraw
(d) Colour of cars
(e) Length of earthworms
(f) Number of tourists visiting the National Museum each month
(g) Language spoken at home
(h) Annual income
2. The data shows the T-shirt size of Form 1 Cekal students. Organise the data by
constructing a frequency table.

How do you construct data representations?


Data shown in the form of a table can also be presented
Construct data
graphically to make it easier to read and understand. The representation for
suitability of a data representation depends on the type of ungrouped data
12 data collected and the purpose of acquiring the information. and justify the
The data can be represented by a bar chart, a pie chart, a line appropriateness of a
graph, a dot plot and a stem-and-leaf plot. data representation.

(a) Bar chart

A bar chart is a type of data representation which represents data by using bars. It
is suitable for showing comparisons between categories.

Chapter 12

12 TB Math F1.indd 268 11/10/16 12:21 PM

The frequency table shows the activities during leisure time for Form 1 Bakti students.
Construct a bar chart to represent the data and justify the appropriateness of the data
Activity Frequency
Reading 8
Watching television 9
The bars in a bar chart
Surfing the Internet 7
can be drawn horizontally
Exercising 6 or vertically.
Listening to music 4

Steps to construct a bar chart:

Draw the Choose one of the axes Draw the bars such
horizontal to mark a suitable scale that the height of Write down
and vertical and label the axis with the each bar corresponds the title
axes on number of students. Label to the frequency of of the
a grid. the other axis with types the category bar chart.
of activities. it represents.

Activities During Leisure Time Activities During Leisure Time

10 Listening
to music
Number of students


6 or Surf ing
the Internet
4 Watching

0 2 4 6 8 10
Surf ing
the Internet
to music

Number of students
These bar charts are suitable for comparing the number of When representing data
students with the different leisure activities. using a bar chart:
• the width of each bar
Scan the QR Code or visit and must be uniform.
open the file various bar charts_pdf regarding data • the bars need to be
representation using various types of bar charts. evenly spaced.

Data Handling

12 TB Math F1.indd 269 11/10/16 12:21 PM

The table shows the scores obtained by a group of students in the Science quiz and the
Mathematics quiz. Construct a bar chart to represent these two sets of data.

Science quiz Mathematics quiz
Ai Fen 30 45 Discuss whether a
bar chart is suitable
Haris 35 40 for representing data
that has one or two
Nora 45 40 categories that dominate
Raju 50 35 the findings.

Mathematics Quiz
and Science Quiz Scores

40 A dual bar chart is

suitable for comparing

two sets of data.

For example, the
20 Science performance of
students in two tests,
the price of hotel rooms
0 quiz at normal rate and
Ai Fen Haris Nora Raju during school holidays.

(b) Pie chart

A pie chart is a data representation that uses sectors of a circle to show the portion
of each category of the whole data.

The table shows the number of cars of Dynamic model sold
by a car dealer. Construct a pie chart to represent the data and Discuss whether a pie
justify the appropriateness of the data representation. chart is suitable for
representing data that
has many categories
Colour of cars Red Yellow White Blue or the fraction of each
Number of cars 9 12 10 5 category is fairly equal.

Chapter 12

12 TB Math F1.indd 270 11/10/16 12:21 PM

Steps to construct a pie chart:

Find the angle Draw a circle and Write down

Label each
of sector for divide it into different sectors the title of the
each category. based on the angles calculated. pie chart.

Colour of Number of Fraction of

Angle of the sector
cars cars the circle Angle of the sector
9 9 Frequency of data
Red 9 × 360° = 90° = × 360°
36 36 Total frequency
12 12
Yellow 12 × 360° = 120°
36 36
10 10
White 10 × 360° = 100°
36 36
5 5
Blue 5 × 360° = 50°
36 36
Total 36 1 360°

Sales of Cars of Dynamic Model

White 120°

This pie chart is suitable for comparing each colour of the cars with the total number
of cars.

(c) Line graph
A line graph is a data representation used to display changes of data over a period
of time. The data is represented by points which are connected in a straight line.
The table shows the temperature of a patient over a particular period of time. Construct a
line graph to represent the data and justify the appropriateness of the data representation.
Time (a.m.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
37.8 37.9 38.2 38.4 38.2 37.9 37.9 37.6 37.6 37.5

Data Handling

12 TB Math F1.indd 271 11/10/16 12:21 PM

Steps to construct a line graph:
Plot the
Draw the Choose a suitable and uniform Write
points and
horizontal and scale for both axes. The vertical down the
connect the
vertical axes on axis represents data. The title of the
points in a
a grid. horizontal axis represents time. line graph.
straight line.

Patient’s Body Temperature

For a line graph, the
38.2 horizontal axis usually
Temperature (°C)

represents the time

38.0 duration and the vertical
axis usually represents
37.8 the frequency values.


Discuss whether a line
0 graph is suitable for
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (a.m.) • predicting data trends.
• showing clearly the
This line graph is suitable for displaying changes in a patient’s fluctuations of the
body temperature over a period of 10 hours. data before and after a
certain point of time.
(d) Dot plot
A dot plot shows the distribution of data on a number
line. The data are either clustered around certain values or
spread out evenly on a number line. Dot plot can help us to
visualise data patterns, draw inferences and make decisions. A basketball coach uses
Dot plot can also detect unusual observations, that is, the a dot plot to evaluate
the performance of
extreme values in the data. If there is extreme value in the

each player under

data, we may need to investigate further to find out the cause his supervision.
for the unusual observations.
The duration of dental treatment (in minutes) provided by a dentist to 14 patients is
as shown below. Represent the data in a dot plot and justify the appropriateness of the
data representation.
23 24 21 24 25 24 25
24 22 17 21 23 22 23

Chapter 12

12 TB Math F1.indd 272 11/10/16 12:21 PM

Steps to construct a dot plot:
Draw a horizontal number Plot the individual data with Write down
line that covers the range a dot over their values on the the title of
of the given data. number line. the dot plot.

Duration of Dental Treatment

Discuss whether a dot

plot is suitable for
• illustrating the
data frequency.
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Time (minutes) • displaying a large
amount of data.
This dot plot is suitable for displaying the duration of the • representing
dental treatment which ranged from 17 minutes to 25 minutes. categorical data or
numerical data.

(e) Stem-and-leaf plot

A stem-and-leaf plot is a data representation that
separates the data values into stem and leaf according to their The American
place value. The leaf usually is the last digit of the number. mathematician John
The stem is the remaining digit or digits on the left of the W. Tukey (1915-2000)
number. The plot retains the original data values. Therefore, introduced the
we are able to do arithmetic calculation on these values for stem-and-leaf plot in
the purpose of data analysis. the 1960s. Since then,
the stem-and-leaf plot
has become a popular
8 way of representing
The data shows the Mathematics marks for a class of 20 data for analysis.
students. Represent the data by using a stem-and-leaf plot
and justify the appropriateness of the data representation.

60 56 69 32 63 58 71 86 52 64
50 67 82 63 75 50 69 78 77 59

Steps to construct a stem-and-leaf plot:

Write each data one The last digit Rearrange Write a key and
by one and take the of the number the leaves the title. The key
tens digit of each is written on in ascending indicates the unit for
data value as the leaf. order. the stem and leaf.
the stem.

Data Handling

12 TB Math F1.indd 273 11/10/16 12:21 PM

Mathematics Marks
Tens digit Stem Leaf Units digit Stem Leaf
3 2 3 2 Rearrange
Repeat the
4 4 the digits
Write the same digits
digits on the 5 6 8 2 0 0 9 for the 5 0 0 2 6 8 9 on the ‘leaf’
‘stem’ from 6 0 9 3 4 7 3 9 same data. 6 0 3­ 3 4 7 9 9 from the
the least to 7 1 5 8 7 least to the
7 1 5 7 8
the greatest. greatest.
8 6 2 8 2 6
Key: 3 | 2 means 32 marks.

This stem-and-leaf plot is suitable for displaying the marks

of each student in the class. Discuss whether the
stem-and-leaf plot is
suitable for
Open the folder downloaded from page vii to open the file Bar • displaying large data
Chart.xls for the data representation in Example 3. Hence, continue • representing
your exploration with other types of data representation. categorical data or
numerical data

Self Practice 12.1b

1. A survey was carried out in a class to find out how the students travel to school, and
the results are as shown in the table below. Construct a bar chart to represent the data
and justify the appropriateness of the data representation.
Transportation Car School bus Public bus Bicycle Walk
Frequency 8 10 7 2 5

2. The table shows the prices of four types of accommodation around the Historical
City of Melaka at normal rate and during holiday season. Construct a bar chart
to represent the two sets of data and justify the appropriateness of the data
Type of accommodation Hotel Homestay Budget hotel Hostel

Normal rate (RM) 300 250 150 100

Holiday season (RM) 350 300 200 100
12 3. The table shows the favourite songs of a group of children.
Geylang Lompat
Favourite Rasa Ikan Bangau Oh Dayung
Si Paku Si Katak
song Sayang Kekek Bangau Sampan
Geylang Lompat
Number of
30 40 20 15 10 5
Construct a pie chart to represent the data and justify the appropriateness of the data

Chapter 12

12 TB Math F1.indd 274 11/10/16 12:21 PM

4. The table shows Kamil’s height over a period of six years. Construct a line graph to
represent the data and justify the appropriateness of the data representation.
Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Height (cm) 145 150 153 160 164 167

5. The data shows the number of text messages sent by a group of students on a
particular day. Represent the data by using a dot plot and justify the appropriateness
of the data representation.
3 4 8 7 11
6 5 7 6 3
9 6 5 11 8

6. In a survey, the ages of 24 readers of a magazine are recorded as follows. Represent

the data by using a stem-and-leaf plot and justify the appropriateness of the data
44 53 33 65 51 30 42 34
57 36 51 32 39 44 25 31
58 47 31 22 58 38 60 47

How do you convert a data representation to LEARNING

another representation?
Convert a data
A data representation can be converted to other suitable representation to
other suitable data
representations for further analysis.
with justification.

Prof its of Usaha Tegas Company


The bar chart shows the profits 80
obtained by Usaha Tegas Company
Prof it (million RM)

from 2010 to 2015. Convert the 60

bar chart representation to another 12
suitable representation and justify the 40
conversion for this representation.

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Data Handling

12 TB Math F1.indd 275 11/10/16 12:21 PM

Prof its of Usaha Tegas Company

The bar chart representation
Profit (million RM)

60 is converted to a line graph

representation because the line
40 graph is suitable for displaying data
collected over a certain period, that
20 is, the profit performance of Usaha
Tegas Company over a period of
0 six years.
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

The stem-and-leaf plot shows the results of a survey on the pulse rates per minute of
patients treated at a community polyclinic. Convert the representation to a dot plot and
justify the conversion for this representation.
Pulse Rates Per Minute of Patients
Stem Leaf
4 2
5 5
6 5 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9
7 0 1 2 7
8 9
9 0

Key: 4 | 2 means 42 beats per minute.


Pulse Rates Per Minute of the Patients


40 50 60 70 80 90
Beats per minute

The stem-and-leaf plot is converted to a dot plot because both of these representations are
suitable for displaying numerical data distribution and at the same time retain the original
data values.

Chapter 12

12 TB Math F1.indd 276 11/10/16 12:21 PM

Self Practice 12.1c
1. The bar chart shows the average Average Monthly Rainfall of Impian City
monthly rainfall of Impian City
from July to December 2015.

Average rainfall (mm)

Convert the representation to 300
another suitable data representation
and justify the conversion. 200



No r

De r









2. A blood donation campaign organised by the Malaysian Blood Groups of Donors

Red Crescent has received an overwhelming response B
from the public. The pie chart shows the blood groups 20%
of 25 donors in the first three hours. Convert this
representation to another suitable data representation and O AB
justify the conversion. 36% 16%

How do you interpret data representations? LEARNING

By interpreting data representations, we can obtain Interpret various data
information and hence make inferences and predictions. representations including
making inferences
or predictions.
The line graph shows the mass of Mass of Waste Produced
waste, in thousand tonnes, produced

in a city from 2010 to 2015.
(thousand tonnes)

(a) What is the mass of waste

Mass of waste

produced in 2010?
(b) What can you say about the 1 12
mass of waste produced in 2011
and 2014? 0
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
(c) Find the mean mass of the Year
waste produced over a period of
six years.
(d) State one inference based on the line graph given.
(e) Based on the trend of the line graph, predict the mass of waste produced in 2016.

Data Handling

12 TB Math F1.indd 277 11/10/16 12:21 PM

(a) 1 900 tonnes
(b) The mass of waste produced in 2011 and 2014 are Think and state the
the same. possible reasons for
(c) Total mass of waste produced over a period of 6 years the gradual decrease
in waste production
= 1 900 + 2 100 + 2 900 + 2 600 + 2 100 + 1 600 in a city year by year.
= 13 200 tonnes
Mean mass of waste = 13 200
= 2 200 tonnes
(d) The mass of waste produced decreases each year after the year 2012.
(e) 1 100 tonnes

In a quality control laboratory, the lifespans Lifespans of Dry Cells
(to the nearest hours) of 24 dry cells are
tested. The data obtained is represented by
a dot plot as shown.
(a) State the maximum and minimum
lifespans of the dry cells tested. 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
(b) State one inference based on the data Lifespan (hours)
from the dot plot.
(c) The quality control laboratory has decided that the dry cells with a lifespan of
less than 10 hours will be considered defective and thus will be rejected. Find the
percentage of the dry cells that will be rejected.
(d) It is known that 50% of the dry cells have a lifespan of at least x hours. Find the
value of x.

(a) The maximum lifespan = 20 hours

The minimum lifespan = 8 hours
(b) Most of the dry cells have a lifespan from 13 hours to 20 hours.

(c) Number of dry cells with a lifespan of less than 10 hours = 3

Percentage of dry cells rejected = 3 × 100%
12 = 12.5%
(d) 50% of the number of dry cells
= 50 × 24 Lifespans of Dry Cells
= 12 dry cells 12 dry cells
From the dot plot, there are 12 dry cells
with a lifespan of at least 17 hours.
8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Thus, x = 17 Lifespan (hours)

Chapter 12

12 TB Math F1.indd 278 11/10/16 12:21 PM

A histogram is a data representation that displays grouped data. Grouped data is data that
is collected in intervals.
id ou now
The histogram shows the heights of 50 girls.
• The width of each
Heights of Girls bar in a histogram
represents a specific
interval. For example,

the interval 140 -144

10 covers the range of
heights from 140 cm
0 to 144 cm.




• The height of each
bar represents
Height (cm)
the frequency in
(a) Find the number of girls with heights from 155 cm to each interval.
159 cm.
(b) A girl with a height of 160 cm and above is eligible to
participate in the volleyball team. Find the number of
girls who are eligible to participate in the volleyball
team. • A histogram does not
(c) By observing the shape of the histogram, make an display the actual
values of the data but
inference based on the distribution of the heights of the displays values in a
girls. certain interval.
• A histogram can
provide a display of
(a) 10 girls large data sets because
There are 3 girls with heights
(b) 3 girls of 160 – 164 cm. the data is represented
in class intervals.
(c) Most of the girls have heights of 145 cm to 159 cm.
Frequency polygon
A frequency polygon is a graph formed by joining the midpoint of the top of each bar in

a histogram with straight lines. Based on Example 13, a frequency polygon can be drawn
from the histogram and is shown below.
Heights of Girls Heights of Girls 12
20 20

10 10

0 0













Height (cm) Height (cm)

Data Handling

12 TB Math F1.indd 279 11/10/16 12:21 PM

The frequency polygon shows the time taken by a group of participants to complete the
fun run in a park.
(a) Find the total number of Time of Fun Run for 1 km
participants in the fun run.
(b) Find the number of participants
who recorded a time of 16 minutes

to 20 minutes to complete the run.
(c) By observing the shape of the 10
frequency polygon, make an 0
inference based on the distribution








of time taken by the participants.
Time (minutes)

(a) Total number of participants = 10 + 24 + 30 + 26 + 12 + 8

= 110 participants
(b) 24 participants 24 participants recorded a time of 16 – 20 minutes

(c) Most of the participants recorded a time of 16 minutes to 30 minutes to complete

the run.

Self Practice 12.1d

1. A botanist studies the height of a tree in a tropical rainforest. The line graph shows
the height of the tree over a period of seven years.
Height of a Tree


Height (m)


12 0
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
(a) How tall was this tree initially?
(b) What is the increase in height of the tree over a period of seven years?
(c) In which year will the height of the tree be 12 m?
(d) State an inference based on the line graph given.
(e) Based on the trend of the line graph, predict the height of the tree in 2017.

Chapter 12

12 TB Math F1.indd 280 11/10/16 12:21 PM

2. The stem-and-leaf plot shows the diameters of axles manufactured by a machine.
Diameters of Axles
Stem Leaf
24 5 6 6 8
25 0 1 1 2 3 6
26 0 0 0 1 3 3 4 5 8 9
27 3 4 4 5 7 8 8
28 2 3 6

Key: 24 | 5 means 24.5 mm.

(a) Determine the total number of axles manufactured.

(b) Find the largest and the smallest diameters of the axles manufactured.
(c) A mechanic notices that he has to reduce the axles with diameters exceeding
27.5 mm so that the axles can fit into wheels. Calculate the percentage of axles
that need to have their diameters reduced.
(d) State an inference based on the distribution of the diameters of axles in this
stem-and-leaf plot.

3. Mass of Packed Biscuits

Number of packs











Mass (g)

A quality control supervisor wants to determine whether the batch of biscuits CHAPTER
produced by the packaging department follows the specifications of the standard
mass. The histogram shows the mass of packed biscuits in a few sample tests. 12
(a) How many packs of biscuits are tested in the sample?
(b) How many packs of biscuits have a mass from 236 g to 240 g?
(c) Based on the specifications, if 75% of the sample have mass from 241  g to
260  g, then the batch of biscuits produced would be packaged and sent for
shipment. Does this batch of biscuits produced satisfy the specifications? Show
your calculations.

Data Handling

12 TB Math F1.indd 281 11/10/16 12:21 PM

What is the importance of representing data ethically?

Data representations help us to analyse and interpret data LEARNING

much easier. We need to represent the data ethically to avoid STANDARDS
confusion. Discuss the importance
of representing data
To represent the data ethically, ethically in order to
• the scale used in the representation must be consistent and avoid confusion.
start at 0.
• the data displayed must be accurate.

Football Goalscoring
The bar chart shows the number of goals scored by four

Number of goals
football players in the Permai District Football League. 12
(a) Is the number of goals scored by Adam twice the
number of goals scored by Ravi? Explain your answer.
(b) In your opinion, does this bar chart clearly represent 8
the number of goals scored by the players?




(a) Number of goals scored by Adam = 14 Player
Number of goals scored by Ravi = 10
Thus, the number of goals scored by Adam is not twice the number of goals scored
by Ravi.
(b) No, the information displayed is misleading. The scale in the vertical axis should
start from 0.

The pie chart shows the grades obtained by a group of Students’ Grades in a

students in a Mathematics test. Does this pie chart display Mathematics Test
data accurately? Explain your answer. D
10% A
12 22%
Total percentage = 22 + 36 + 28 + 10 C
= 96
No, because the total percentage in the pie chart is not equal 36%
to 100.

Chapter 12

12 TB Math F1.indd 282 11/10/16 12:21 PM

Self Practice 12.1e
1. Favourite Game
2. Temperature in Mahkota City
Number of students
16 32

Temperature (°C)
12 30
8 28
4 26
0 24








Zurini conducts a survey on 40 students The line graph shows the temperatures
to find out their favourite games. The in Mahkota City from 0800 to 1600.
results of the survey are shown in the Does this line graph clearly display
bar chart. Does this bar chart display the data? Explain your answer.
data accurately? Explain your answer.

12.1 Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra
  questions of Mastery Q 12.1.

1. Temperature at a Ski Resort

Temperature (°C)











The line graph shows the temperatures recorded at a ski resort on a particular day
during the ski season.
(a) Estimate the temperature at 1000.
(b) Predict the temperature at 2100.
(c) At what time was the temperature 0 °C?

Data Handling

12 TB Math F1.indd 283 11/10/16 12:21 PM

2. Animal Cheetah Zebra Lion Horse Deer Ostrich
110 65 80 75 70 95

The frequency table shows the maximum speed, in km/h, of several animals.
(a) Represent the above data in a
(i) bar chart,
(ii) stem-and-leaf plot.
(b) Between the two types of data representations constructed in (a), which
representation is more suitable? Explain your answer.

3. Room Bookings Room Bookings

Booking method
20% Telephone
48% Counter
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Number of bookings

A hotel has received 125 room bookings via three methods on a certain day. The data
is displayed by using a pie chart and a bar chart.
(a) What is the difference between the number of room bookings via the Internet
and the number of room bookings over the counter? Which representation shows
this data more clearly? Explain your answer.
(b) Almost half of the room bookings are made via the Internet. Which representation
shows this data more clearly? Explain your answer.
(c) Which representation clearly shows the number of room bookings made via the
Internet? Justify your answer.
(d) Do you think a line graph is suitable for displaying this data?
Explain your answer.
(e) What other representation is suitable for displaying this data?

4. The data shows the daily allowances (in RM) of a group of factory workers.
12 20 25 21 24 22 23
22 22 23 30 25 22
(a) Represent the data in a dot plot.
(b) Describe briefly
(i) the data distribution for the daily allowances of the group of factory workers,
(ii) the value where most of the data are clustered around,
(iii) whether there is any extreme value in the data.

Chapter 12

12 TB Math F1.indd 284 11/10/16 12:21 PM

5. Diagram (a) and Diagram (b) show two histograms which represent the Science and
Mathematics marks of Form 1 students.

Science Marks of Form 1 Students Mathematics Marks of Form 1 Students

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100
Marks Marks

Diagram (a) Diagram (b)

(a) Find the number of students who obtained more than 80 marks in each test.
(b) Describe briefly the distribution of marks in each test.
(c) Compare the distributions of the Science and Mathematics marks. What inference
can be made?

6. The bar chart shows the number of lamps sold by five shops in a month.
Lamp Sales

Number of lamps



A B C D E 12

(a) What can you say about the number of lamps sold by shop A and shop B?
(b) Shop E claims that the number of lamps it sold is twice the number of lamps sold
by Shop C. Is this claim valid? Explain your answer.

Data Handling

12 TB Math F1.indd 285 11/10/16 12:21 PM


Data  Frequency 

Categorical  Numerical  Frequency table


Pie chart  Line graph  Dot plot  Stem-and-leaf plot

Favourite Game Prof its of Maju Company Training Time for a Basketball Points
Cross-country Run Stem Leaf
Prof it (million RM)

Football 0 2
Handball 16%
24% 1 222558
20 2 0011146678
20% Badminton 3 00
40% 10 52 53 54 55 56
Time (minutes) Key: 1 | 5 means 15 points
2011 2012 2013 2014

Bar chart  Histogram Frequency polygon


Number of Cameras Sold Mass of Old Newspapers Mass of Old Newspapers

Collected Collected
Number of cameras

Number of students

Number of students

8 20 20
12 6
2 10 10
Shop 0 0


Mass (kg) Mass (kg)

Chapter 12

12 TB Math F1.indd 286 11/10/16 12:21 PM

Very Work
good harder

generate statistical questions and collect relevant data.

classify data as categorical or numerical and construct frequency tables.

construct data representation for ungrouped data and justify the appropriateness
of a data representation.

convert a data representation to other suitable data representations

with justification.

interpret various data representations including making inferences or predictions.

discuss the importance of representing data ethically in order to avoid confusion.

1. The line graph shows the initial selling prices of house A and house B and the rate of
increase in prices over a 10-year period.
Prices of Houses A and B

House A
Price (million RM)


House B

100 12

0 2 4 6 8 10

(a) Which house has a higher rate of increase in price?

(b) In which year will the prices of house A and house B be equal?

Data Handling

12 TB Math F1.indd 287 11/10/16 12:21 PM

2. The bar chart shows four types of favourite Favourite Television Programme
television programmes of a group of students.
(a) State the most favourite television

Number of students
programme of the group of students.
(b) Represent all the information on the bar
chart by using a pie chart.




Type of programme

3. In an experiment, Johari measures the height of Height of a Plant

a plant every week over a six-week period. He
then presents the data collected in a line graph.
(a) State which weeks the plant will grow at
the same rate. 8
Height (cm)

(b) Between which two weeks will the plant 6

attain the largest increase in height?
(c) What is the advantage of this representation? 4







4. A survey was conducted to study the waiting time Waiting Time at a Bus Stop
(to the nearest minutes) of a group of passengers
at a bus stop. The data obtained from the survey
12 is represented in a dot plot. Based on the dot plot,
determine whether the following statements are 0 5 10 15 20
TRUE or FALSE: Time (minutes)
(a) 20 passengers were involved in this survey.
(b) The shortest waiting time was 0 minute.
(c) 40% of the passengers faced a waiting time of at least 15 minutes.

Chapter 12

12 TB Math F1.indd 288 11/10/16 12:21 PM

5. The incomplete line graph shows the sales of Number of Laptops Sold
laptops in a computer shop from January to
May. The number of laptops sold in June is

Number of laptops
not shown. 5
(a) The total number of laptops sold from 3
January to June is 24 units. Copy and 2
complete the line graph for June. 1
(b) Convert the line graph to another suitable 0






representation and justify the conversion
of this representation.

6. The bar chart shows the profits of Cekap Company from 2010 to 2014.

Profits of Cekap Company

Profit (million RM)







(a) In which year did Cekap Company obtain maximum profit? What was the
maximum profit?
(b) In which year did Cekap Company start incurring losses? What was the loss in
that year? 12
(c) What was the profit or loss in 2014?
(d) (i) In 2015, given that Cekap Company recorded an increase of RM11 million
in profit compared to 2014. Based on the information, complete the bar
chart for 2015 on the same diagram.
(ii) Hence, calculate the company’s total profits or losses over a six-year period.

Data Handling

12 TB Math F1.indd 289 11/10/16 12:21 PM

7. The time taken (in minutes) by a plumber to fix 30 leaking pipes are shown in the
stem-and-leaf plot below.
Time Taken to Fix Leaking Pipes

Stem Leaf
1 2 5 5 6 7 8
2 1 4 5 7 8
3 0 0 1 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9
4 1 2 3 5 7 8
5 2 6

Key: 1 | 2 means 12 minutes.

(a) List all the data displayed in the stem-and-leaf plot above.
(b) State the shortest time taken by the plumber to fix a leaking pipe.
(c) What inference can you make regarding the times taken to fix the leaking pipes?

8. Ticket Price of Desa Mutiara Theme Park Ticket Price of Desa Mutiara Theme Park

50 100

40 80
Price (RM)
Price (RM)

30 60

20 40

10 20

0 0
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Year Year

Diagram (a) Diagram (b)

The line graphs in Diagram (a) and Diagram (b) display the same data for the ticket
12 prices of Desa Mutiara theme park from 2011 to 2015.
(a) Which line graph shows a higher increase in price over a five-year period?
(b) Which line graph might the theme park manager use to show that the price
increase is not significant? Is this an ethical representation? Explain your

Chapter 12

12 TB Math F1.indd 290 11/10/16 12:21 PM

In this assignment, you are to collect, display, analyse and interpret data regarding the
media channels used to promote a new product among teenagers. The media channels
include newspapers, television, radio, Internet, social media, magazines, catalogues,
pamphlets and others.
Write a report to suggest the media channels that can extensively promote the
new product among teenagers, and predict the media channels that would become
increasingly popular in the future. To support your suggestion, your report must
include questionnaires, frequency tables, suitable data representations using software,
data interpretations and conclusions.

Read the following article and discuss the questions posed.

PUTRAJAYA: The Categor
1 y of Com
Te le plaints
National Consumer c ommunic
ations Number
2 General of comp
Complaints Centre Consume laints
3 r P ro 5
(NCCC) revealed Utility-b
ducts 985
that in the year 2012, 4 Banking 5 764
they had received the 5 Automob 5 568
highest number of 6 Travel an 5 555
complaints from the d Leisure
7 Health a 2 986
telecommunications n d Fitness
8 Housing 2 034
category with 5 985 9
and Prop
e rty 1 839
complaints. The 10 Con
n – Work 1
sumer Se shops 734
second highest source rvices –
Retail 1 695
of complaints was from
the general consumer products
Source: 1 617

category with 5 764 complaints i Pe
by the M ngguna, August
followed by the utility-based and Con
inistry o
fD 2013, join
tly publi
sumerism omestic Trade, C
category with 5 568 complaints. , Malays
o-opera hed
and FOM es 12

1. State the three categories that received the most number of complaints.
2. A statistician commented that “there is a possibility that the general consumer
products category received more complaints than the telecommunications
category”. Discuss why this comment may be true.
Note: You can think of how the data (number of complaints) have been arranged.
3. What can you tell about this data organisation?

Data Handling

12 TB Math F1.indd 291 11/10/16 12:21 PM

CHAPTER The Pythagoras’
What will you learn?
• The Pythagoras’ Theorem
• The Converse of Pythagoras’ Theorem

 Why stu
dy t

As the fundamental
knowledge for solving
problems involving right-angled
triangles. Discuss the f ields that
involve solving problems related to

right-angled triangles.
Right angles exist in many objects around us.
13 In the construction of buildings, how does a
civil engineer ensure that the corners of the
walls of the building are built at right angles?

Chapter 13

13 TB Math F1.indd 292 11/10/16 12:22 PM


Pythagoras (569 B.C. – 475 B.C.) was a

mathematician and also a philosopher
who had contributed substantially to
the development of mathematics today.
He was the first person who proved
the Pythagoras’ theorem.

For more information:

Word Link
• converse of Pythagoras’ • akas teorem
  theorem Pythagoras

• hypotenuse • hipotenus
• Pythagoras’ theorem • teorem Pythagoras

Open the folder downloaded from page vii

for the audio of Word Link.

The Pythagoras’ Theorem

13 TB Math F1.indd 293 11/10/16 12:22 PM

13.1  The Pythagoras’ Theorem
What is a hypotenuse?
Identify and define
the hypotenuse of a
right-angled triangle.

We are often told about the size of the monitor screen of a computer as 19 inches,
21 inches or 24 inches and so forth. The size is measured according to the length of the
monitor diagonally. What is the relationship between the size of the monitor screen and
the length and width of the monitor screen?


Aim:  To identify the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle.

Instruction: • Perform the activity in groups of four.
• Open the folder downloaded from page vii.
1. Open the file Hypotenuse.ggb using GeoGebra.
The screen displayed shows a right-angled triangle
with the length of each side.
2. Identify and record the longest side.
3. Click and drag points A, B or C to change the
shape of the triangle and repeat the exploration in
Step 2.
4. Discuss your findings with your friends.

From the results of Exploration Activity 1, it is found that the longest side of a right-
angled triangle is always the side opposite to the right angle.
The longest side opposite to the right angle is known as the hypotenuse of the right-

angled triangle.

Discuss with your friends and explain why the side labelled as a is not the hypotenuse.

Chapter 13

13 TB Math F1.indd 294 11/10/16 12:22 PM

For each of the following, identify the hypotenuse.
(a) A (b) S


(a) AC is the hypotenuse. The side opposite to the right angle.

(b) PR is the hypotenuse of triangle PSR.

PQ is the hypotenuse of triangle PRQ.

Self Practice 13.1a

1. For each of the following, identify the hypotenuse.
(a) B (b) b (c) R
a c Q
What is the relationship between the sides
of a right-angled triangle? LEARNING
Determine the relationship

between the sides of a

right-angled triangle. Hence,


Aim: To explore and explain the Pythagoras’ theorem. explain the Pythagoras’
Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson theorem by referring to
the relationship.
begins and discuss in groups of four
during the lesson.
• Open the folder downloaded from page vii.
1. Open the f ile Pythagoras.ggb using GeoGebra.
The screen displayed shows a right-angled triangle
ABC with a square drawn on each side of the

2. Click and drag the coloured shapes in the square
on sides AB and BC, and move them into the
square on side AC. Do all the coloured shapes f ill 13
up the square on side AC perfectly?
3. Click and drag the slider ‘Move all’ or click at
the checkboxes ‘Show line guides’ and ‘Move one
by one’ for help.

The Pythagoras’ Theorem

13 TB Math F1.indd 295 11/10/16 12:22 PM

4. Click and drag points A, B and C to change the shape of the right-angled
triangle and repeat your exploration.
5. Discuss your f indings with your friends.
6. Consider the area of a square, state the relationship between sides AB, BC and

From the results of Exploration Activity 2, it is found that the area of the square on the
hypotenuse is equal to the total area of the squares on the other two sides.

A Area of R = Area of P + Area of Q

R AC 2 = AB2 + BC2
This relationship is known as the
C Pythagoras’ theorem.

For each of the following, state the relationship between the lengths of sides of the given
right-angled triangle.
(a) R (b)
P a

(a) PR2 = QR2 + PQ2 (b) c2 = a2 + b2

Self Practice 13.1b

1. For each of the following, state the relationship between the lengths of sides of the
given right-angled triangle.
(a) (b)
B L (c) r (d)
N p y z

How do you determine the length of the LEARNING

unknown side of a right-angled triangle? STANDARDS
13 Pythagoras’ theorem can be used to determine the length Determine the lengths
of the unknown side of
of an unknown side in a right-angled triangle if the lengths (i) a right-angled
of two other sides are given. triangle.
(ii) combined
geometric shapes.

Chapter 13

13 TB Math F1.indd 296 11/10/16 12:22 PM

For each of the following, calculate the value of x.
(a) x cm (b)
x cm 24 cm
12 cm
16 cm 26 cm Smart

The length of the

(a) x = 12 + 16
2 2
(b) 26 = x + 24
2 2 2 2 hypotenuse can be
calculated using the Pol
= 144 + 256 x2 = 262 – 242 function. For instance,
= 400 = 676 – 576 Example 3(a),
x = 
400 = 100 press Pol( 1 2 ,
= 20 100
x = 
= 10 1 6 ) =

Calculate the length of PQ in each of the following diagrams. id ou now
(a) (b) S 8 cm Three numbers a, b and c
R 12 cm R
3 cm Q that satisfy c2 = a2 + b2
6 cm are known as a
15 cm Q Pythagorean triples (or
4 cm
triplets). For example,
P (3, 4, 5), (5, 12, 13),
P (7, 24, 25) and so forth.

(a) PR2 = 32 + 42 (b)

QS2 = 62 + 82
= 9 + 16 = 36 + 64
= 25 = 100
PQ2 = PR2 + RQ2 PS 2 = QS2 + PQ2
= 25 + 122 PQ2 = PS 2 – QS2
= 169 = 152 – 100
PQ = 
169 = 125
= 13 cm PQ =  125
= 11.18 cm (2 decimal places)

Self Practice 13.1c

1. For each of the following, calculate the value of x. Give your answer correct to two
decimal places if necessary. 13
(a) (b) (c) x cm (d) 1.0 m
9 cm
x cm 6 cm xm
x cm
7 cm 25 cm 1.2 m
8 cm
14 cm

The Pythagoras’ Theorem

13 TB Math F1.indd 297 11/10/16 12:22 PM

2. Calculate the length of QS in each of the following diagrams. Give your answer
correct to two decimal places if necessary.
(a) P (b) (c) 24 cm
15 cm

12 cm
13 cm m S 26 cm Q
30 cm

24 cm

How do you solve problems?

Help! Solve problems involving
the Pythagoras’ theorem.
Where is Pythagoras?
Can the ladder We need his help!
reach the f loor
that is on f ire?

A f ireman climbs up a ladder to save a child who is trapped

on the third f loor as shown in the diagram. The third f loor
is 6 m high from the horizontal ground. The base of the
ladder is 4.5 m away from the wall of the building. How long
is the ladder?

Understanding Devising a plan Implementing Doing reflection

the problem • Draw a the strategy 7.52 = 56.25
• Distance of the right-angled R 4. 52 + 62 = 56.25
third f loor from triangle PQR
the horizontal to represent 6m
ground = 6 m the given

• Distance of information. 4.5 m
the base of the PR2 = PQ2 + QR2
• Use
ladder from the = 4.52 + 62
building = 4.5 m = 20.25 + 36
• Find the length = 56.25
of the ladder. PR = 7.5 m
Thus, the length of
the ladder is 7.5 m.

Chapter 13

13 TB Math F1.indd 298 11/10/16 12:22 PM

In the diagram, PVRQ and RUTS are squares. Calculate V
the perimeter of the whole diagram.
12 cm
VU 2 = VR2 + RU 2 Perimeter of the whole diagram R
= 122 + 162 = 20 + 16 + 16 + 16 + 12 + 12 + 12 16 cm
= 400 = 104 cm S T
VU = 
= 20 cm

Self Practice 13.1d

11 cm T
1. In the diagram, PQSU is a rectangle. Calculate the U S
perimeter of the shaded region.
12 cm
4 cm
17 cm

2. Ship A is at 34 km north of ship B. Ship C is at 10 km west of ship A. Calculate the

distance between ship B and ship C, correct to two decimal places.

13.1 Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra
  questions of Mastery Q 13.1.
1. In the diagram, PQR is a straight line. Calculate the S
length of QR.
34 cm 20 cm

P 30 cm Q R

2. In the diagram, PQR and RST are straight lines. 12 cm

Calculate the perimeter of the shaded region. R S T
3 cm
5 cm
Q 13 cm

3. One end of a rope of length 7.2 m is tied to the tip of
a flag pole. The other end of the rope is tied to a spot

on the horizontal ground 4.5 m away from the base 7.2 m

of the flag pole. Calculate the height of the flag pole
and give your answer correct to two decimal places. 13
4.5 m

4. A ship departs from point O and sails towards southwest for a distance of 300 km
and then towards northwest for a distance of 450 km. Calculate the final distance of
the ship from point O and give your answer correct to two decimal places.

The Pythagoras’ Theorem

13 TB Math F1.indd 299 11/10/16 12:22 PM

13.2 The Converse of Pythagoras’ Theorem LEARNING
Determine whether a
How do you determine whether a triangle is a triangle is a right-angled
right-angled triangle? triangle and give
justification based on

the converse of the

las Pythagoras’ theorem.


Aim: To explore the converse of Pythagoras’ theorem.

Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson begins and discuss in groups
of four during the lesson.
• Open the folder downloaded from page vii.
1. Open the file Converse of Pythagoras.ggb using GeoGebra. The screen
displayed shows a triangle ABC with angles at vertex B and vertex C.
2. Click and drag point A towards left or right and observe the change in the
information displayed in red colour. Copy and record your observations in the
following table for a few sets of values. Click and drag point B or C to change
the shape of the triangle if necessary.

Comparative value Size of angle

(red) (red)
AB2  AC2 + BC 2
AB2  AC2 + BC 2
AB2 = AC2 + BC 2

3. Repeat Step 2 for the information displayed in blue colour.

4. Discuss your findings with your friends. • An acute angle is an
angle less than 90°.
5. What are the conclusions that can be made?
• An obtuse angle is an
angle more than 90°
From the results of Exploration Activity 3, it is found that but less than 180°.

b c c c
b b
C a B C B
C a B a
13 If c2 , a2 + b2, then the If c2 . a2 + b2, then the If c2 = a2 + b2, then the
angle opposite to side c angle opposite to side c angle opposite to side c
is an acute angle. is an obtuse angle. is a right angle.
The converse of Pythagoras’ theorem states that:
If c2 = a2 + b2, then the angle opposite to side c is a right angle.

Chapter 13

13 TB Math F1.indd 300 11/10/16 12:22 PM

Determine whether each of the following triangles is a right-angled triangle.
(a) D 24 cm
(b) S
20 cm
12 cm
25 cm 7 cm
18 cm

(a) The longest side = 25 cm (b) The longest side = 20 cm

Thus, 252 = 625 Thus, 202 = 400
242 + 72 = 576 + 49 182 + 122 = 324 + 144
= 625 = 468
Hence, DEF is a right-angled Hence, STU is not a right-angled
triangle. triangle.

Self Practice 13.2a

1. Determine whether each of the following triangles is a right-angled triangle.
(a) 15 cm (b) (c) 32 cm
34 cm
18 cm
17 cm 8 cm 40 cm 24 cm
30 cm

How do you solve problems? LEARNING

Solve problems involving
7 the converse of the
Pythagoras’ theorem.
In the diagram, calculate
the value of x. 28°
29 cm 20 cm
P 21 cm 155°

A housing contractor and

20 cm, 21 cm and 29 cm satisfy c2 = a2 + b2. a civil engineer will use
Thus, ∠PQS = 90° the Pythagoras’ theorem 13
∠SQR = 360° – 90° – 155° to solve problems
= 115° involving right angles
in the construction
x = 180° – 115° – 28° of buildings.
= 37°

The Pythagoras’ Theorem

13 TB Math F1.indd 301 11/10/16 12:22 PM

Sheila is given three straws to form a frame in the shape of a right-angled triangle. The
straws are 15 cm, 20 cm and 25 cm long respectively. Will she be able to form the frame
in the shape of a right-angled triangle?

152 + 202 = 225 + 400

= 625
252 = 625
152 + 202 = 252
Therefore, Sheila will be able to form the frame in the shape of a right-angled triangle.

Self Practice 13.2b

1. A 2.5 m long ladder leans against the wall of a
building. The base of the ladder is 1.5 m away 2.5 m
from the wall. Explain how you would determine
whether the wall is vertical.
1.5 m

2. In the diagram, f ind ∠PQR. 6m Q

10 m

13.2 Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra
  questions of Mastery Q 13.2.
1. Explain whether the lengths of sides in each of the following can form a right-angled
(a) 9 cm, 40 cm, 41 cm (b) 27 m, 45 m, 35 m
(c) 2.5 cm, 6 cm, 6.5 cm (d) 13 m, 84 m, 85 m
2. A carpenter wishes to fix a triangular piece of wood
measuring 12 cm, 16 cm and 20 cm onto a L-shaped

wooden structure, as shown in the diagram. Explain

whether the triangular piece of wood can be fixed
perfectly onto the L-shaped structure.
3. Kanang draws a quadrilateral with measurements as shown 20 cm
in the diagram. What is the name of the quadrilateral he
has drawn? Explain. 15 cm

15 cm

20 cm

Chapter 13

13 TB Math F1.indd 302 11/10/16 12:22 PM

Book Website

• c is the hypotenuse.
• c is the longest side
a c opposite to the right
b • c2 = a2 + b2


a c

If c2 = a2 + b2,
then, ∠ACB = 90°
Discussion Teacher

Very Work
good harder

identify and define the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle.

determine the relationship between the sides of a right-angled triangle. Hence,
explain the Pythagoras’ theorem by referring to the relationship.

determine the lengths of the unknown side of

(i) a right-angled triangle.
(ii) combined geometric shapes.
solve problems involving the Pythagoras’ theorem.
determine whether a triangle is a right-angled triangle and give justif ication based
on the converse of the Pythagoras’ theorem.
solve problems involving the converse of the Pythagoras’ theorem.

The Pythagoras’ Theorem

13 TB Math F1.indd 303 11/10/16 12:22 PM

1. In the diagram, calculate the length of 8 cm
(a) PR (b) SR 26 cm Q
6 cm
2. A car moves up a slope from P to Q. When the car
reaches Q, the horizontal distance and the vertical 2m
distance it has covered are 150 m and 2 m respectively. P 150 m
Explain how you would calculate the actual distance
the car has moved, correct to two decimal places.
P 8 cm Q
9 cm
3. Based on the diagram, R
(a) calculate the length of QS. 17 cm
(b) explain whether PQS is a right-angled triangle. 12 cm

4. In the diagram, PQST is a rhombus and TSR is a
straight line. Calculate the area of the whole diagram. 8 cm

T 10 cm S R

5. The width of a river is 18 m. Imran swims across the

river from point P to point Q, as shown in the diagram. Q R
Due to strong water currents, Imran eventually lands at
point R which is 6 m away from Q. Explain how you
would calculate the actual distance Imran has swum,
correct to two decimal places. P

6. In the diagram, PQRS is a rhombus. PR and SQ are 16 cm

and 30 cm long respectively. Explain how you would

calculate the length of side SR. S R
13 7. In the diagram, PQRS and UVST are squares. Given
TQ = 30 cm, find the area of UVST .
U V 18 cm

Chapter 13

13 TB Math F1.indd 304 11/10/16 12:22 PM

 8. The diagram shows a ladder PQ leaning against the wall. P
The ladder is 2.5 m long and the base of the ladder is hm
0.7 m away from the wall. When the top of the ladder
slides down a distance of h m, the base of the ladder
becomes 1.5 m away from the wall. Find the value
of h. Q
0.7 m
1.5 m

 9. The distance between two poles, PQ and RS, on a S

horizontal ground is 12 m. A piece of 15 m long string 15 m
is tied to both tips of the poles. If the height of pole Q
RS is 20 m, explain how you would f ind the height of 20 m
pole PQ.
P 12 m R
10. Ali wishes to saw a piece of wood into the shape of
a right-angled triangle. The hypotenuse of the wood
must be 35 cm long and the lengths of the two other 35 cm
sides of the wood must be in the ratio 3 : 4. Explain
how you would find the lengths of the other two sides
and hence help Ali saw the wood.
11. A loop of thread is marked with 12 points so that
the adjacent points are of the same distance from one
another. Explain how you would form a right-angled
triangle using the loop of thread.

Making a wooden stool Platform

51 cm
A carpenter wishes to make a wooden stool
according to the design shown in the diagram. Frame 15 cm 15 cm

The wooden stool he wants to make

30 cm
consists of three parts. Part 1 is the frame; part Wooden
2 is the platform top for sitting on while part 3 10 cm
are the supports for the corners of the frame. 13
Each end of the supports is fixed at 15 cm 45 cm
from the corners of the frame, and the other end is fixed at 10 cm from the legs of the
wooden stool. The platform is 51 cm long. Explain how you would use the Pythagoras’
theorem to help the carpenter make the wooden stool.

The Pythagoras’ Theorem

13 TB Math F1.indd 305 11/10/16 12:22 PM

A The lengths of the three sides of a right-angled triangle such as (3, 4, 5) and
(8, 15, 17) are known as Pythagorean triples.
You can explore the Pythagorean triples through the following activity.

Open the folder downloaded from page vii for this activity.

1. Open the file Triples.ggb using GeoGebra.

2. Is the triangle shown a right-angled triangle?
3. Click and drag the slider m and the slider
n and observe the changes on the screen
4. Do the lengths of sides shown constitute a
set of triples?
5. Click and drag the slider m and the slider n
for other combinations.
6. Explain what you have observed.
7. Present your findings in class.

B Constructing a Pythagorean Tree

A Pythagorean tree is a pattern constructed based on right-angled triangles and
squares related to Pythagoras’ theorem. The Pythagorean tree was invented by a Dutch
mathematics teacher in 1942.

Construct your own Pythagorean tree beginning from a right-angled triangle with
squares drawn on each side of the triangle. Then similar triangles are drawn on the
sides of the squares. Then squares are drawn on the sides of the new triangles and
so on.

Chapter 13

13 TB Math F1.indd 306 11/10/16 12:22 PM

Chapter 1 Rational Numbers Self Practice 1.2a Self Practice 1.3a
1. (a) 8 (b) –7 1. (a)
Self Practice 1.1a
(c) 1 (d) 2
1. (a) +1 000 m, –250 m (e) –10 (f) 3
–1 –3 –1 0 1 1 1
5 5 10 2
(b) +RM2 000, –RM500 (g) 13 (h) –2
Self Practice 1.1b Self Practice 1.2b
–2 –1 –1 0 1 1 1
1. 7 3 3 7 3 3 7 3 7 3 1. (a) 18 (b) –14 3 6 2
(c) –32 (d) – 48
2. 1.3b
(e) – 4 (f) 3 Self Practice
(g) –3 (h) –5
–12 – 6 1. (a) –   5  , –   5  , –   1  , 7  , 3
6 12 4 24 8
Integer Self Practice 1.2c
1. (a) –18 (b) –24 (b) –   , –   , –   , –   15 ,
5 13 2 1, 5
0 458 6 18 3 24 3 8
59 (c) 1 (d) –3
(e) 39 (f) 3 1 2. (a) 5 , 3 , –   1 , –   7 , –   5
11 6 5 8 20 12
(b) , , –   , –   , –   5 ,
11 2 7 1
Self Practice 1.2d
Self Practice
1. (a) 18 9 18 2 9
1. (a) 426 (b) 56 700 7
(c) 452 120 (d) 1 380 –  
–5 –3 1 5 12
(b) (e) 6 (f) 4 495
Self Practice 1.3c
–10 –8 0 2 Self Practice 1.2e
1. A loss of RM9 200 1. (a) 1 13 (b) – 4 13
2. (a) 120 18
2. (a) 26°C (b) 32°C (c) 7 (d) 7 2
–12 –8 –4 0 4 8 12 7

 Mastery 1.2
(b) (e) 1 7 (f) –2 71
8 240
1. –12 + (–2);
–56 –48 –40 –32 –24 –16 6 × (–2) – 2; 1.3d
Self Practice
5 – 11 – 8;
Self Practice 1.1d –2 × (–3) – 15 – 5; 1. 22 1 cups
1. – 6, – 4, –2, 0, 1, 3, 5 8 × (–2) + 2;
2. 4, 3, 2, –1, – 3, – 4, – 5 or other valid answers 2. RM1 080

 Mastery 1.1 2. (a) ×  , –  Mastery 1.3

1. (a) 20 m below sea level (b) ÷  , – 1. 1 – 4 + 1 ;

(b) a movement of 90 m to the 5 5 10
3. (a) –5, –1, 3 3 ÷ 2 × – 2 ;
(c) – 800
(b) –8, 64, –128 10 5 1 3 2
(d) –1 000 4. (a) –23°C 3 ÷ 6 – 13;

(b) –11°C 2 5 4
2. (a) – 80
(b) +76 5. Below sea level = –50 m or other valid answers
After 2 minutes
3. (a) – 8, –7, – 6, –5, – 4, –3, –2, 2. (a) 2 (b) 5
–1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 = –50 + 120 × 2 3 216
(b) –12, –11, –10, – 9, – 8, –7, = –2 m 3. (a) –2 1 (b) –8
– 6, –5, – 4, –3, –2 The diver had not reached the 3
4. Integer: –14, 12, –26, 85, 0, –2 sea surface after 2 minutes. 4. 3 7 m
Not integers: 3.9 6. (a) Cheque valued at RM1 730
5. – 4 °C, –3 °C, 1 °C, 2 °C, 4 °C (b) RM1 382 5. 128 ml


14 Ans Math F1.indd 307 11/10/16 12:23 PM

Self Practice 1.4a (c) 3 409 (d) –3 5 11.
648 24 –10
1. (a)
Self Practice 1.5c –30 –60
–1 –0.7 –0.3 0 0.2 0.6 1
1. RM10.05 million 3 6
2. 0.925 m
–2 –1.3 –0.4 0 0.3 0.7 1 24 3
2. (a)  Mastery 1.5
8 4
–2 –1.84 –1.62 –1.46 –1.20 –1 1. (a) –20 5
(b) 11 or other valid answers
(b) 17  
–0.5 –0.39 –0.25 –0.17 –0.08 0 Chapter 2 Factors and
2. (a) –5.7, –6.8 Multiples
(b) – 1
Self Practice
8 Self Practice 2.1a
1. (a) –1.48, –1.23, – 0.034, 0.34,
1.034 3. (a) 1 238 1. (a) No (b) Yes
(b) –1.654, –1.546, –1.456, (c) Yes (d) Yes
(b) 77
1.456, 1.564 100 (e) Yes (f) Yes
(g) Yes (h) No
2. (a) 2.522, 2.452, –2.005,
4. Jia Kang is at a level 2.2 m 2. (a) 1, 3, 5, 15
–2.052, –2.505
lower than Ishak. (b) 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32
(b) 0.621, 0.065, – 0.068,
Suresh is at a level 1 17 m (c) 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20, 40
– 0.639, – 0.647 60
lower than Ishak. (d) 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 48
Self Practice 1.4c (e) 1, 3, 17, 51
Let’s Practise (f) 1, 3, 29, 87
1. (a) 2.36 (b) – 43.75
1. B (g) 1, 2, 7, 14, 49, 98
(c) 1.68 (d) –27.72
(h) 1, 2, 4, 31, 62, 124
(e) 1.77 (f) 2.23 2. (a) 1
100 Self Practice 2.1b
Self Practice 1.4d (b) – 4.3
1. (a) 3 and 5 are prime factors of 30.
1. RM19.85 (c) 2.5
7 is not a prime factor of 30.
2. 30.2°C 3. –2 (b) 3 is a prime factor of 54.
5 and 9 are not the prime
 Mastery 1.4 4. 348 years factors of 54.
1. 1.2 + 1.5 – 5.2; 5. Mass of alms for each victim 2. (a) 2, 3 (b) 2, 3
0.4 – 2.1 + (– 0.8); = 2 + 1 + 0.4 (c) 2, 29 (d) 3, 11
– 0.2 × 4.5 ÷ 0.36; 2 3. (a) 42 = 2 × 3 × 7
or other valid answers = 29 kg (b) 96 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3
2. (a) – 0.6, 0 (b) 4.2, –33.6 (c) 120 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 5
Mass of alms in three vans (d) 135 = 3 × 3 × 3 × 5
3. (a) –1.84 (b) – 6.2
4. (a) RM0.70 (b) RM4.10 = 80 × 29 2.1c
10 Self Practice
5. 15.64 m = 232 kg 1. (a) Yes (b) Yes
(c) No (d) Yes
Self Practice 1.5a Mass of alms in a van
(e) Yes (f) No
= 232 ÷ 3
1. –2 , 8 , – 12 ,   153 , 12 , –21 = 77.33 kg 2. (a) 1, 2, 3, 6
4 7 15 20 5 5
(b) 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24
–2 8 –1.2 6. (a) –, +
Thus, , , , 7.65, 2 2 , (c) 1, 5, 7, 35
4 7 1.5 5 (b) +, – (d) 1, 2
– 4.2 are rational numbers. 7. –7°C (e) 1, 5
Self Practice 8. 0.75 m towards right of O (f) 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12
(g) 1, 2
1. (a) –1 (b) 1 9. Moves 5.6 m towards west
(h) 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12
5 16 10. 14.7 m below level H (i) 1, 2, 5, 10


14 Ans Math F1.indd 308 11/10/16 12:23 PM

Self Practice 2.1d 4. 48 Self Practice 3.1g
1. (a) 24 (b) 18 5. 27 1. (a) 92 cm to 110 cm
(c) 12 (d) 6 6. These two numbers do not have (b) Enough. It is because the
(e) 18 (f) 6 common factors except 1. For maximum length of the white
(g) 4 (h) 3 instance, 2 and 3. lace needed is 4.4 m
7. 6 and 60
Self Practice 2.1e
8. 5:15 p.m.  Mastery 3.1
1. 6 boxes
9. 30 cm × 30 cm
2. 15 plates 1. (a) No
10. The second Saturday (b) No
 Mastery 2.1 11. (a) 6 pages (c) Yes
(b) 4 photographs and
1. 15 1024: 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2
7 newspaper cuttings.
2. 1 968 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 41 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2
4 968 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 23 Chapter 3 Squares, Square
HCF = 24 2. 100 = 2 × 5 × 2 × 5
Roots, Cubes and
3. 4, 8, 16, 20, 28, 32 100 = 10
Cube Roots
4. 2 segments
3. 6 10 14 19 22
5. 20 cm Self Practice 3.1a
2.2a 1. (a) No (b) Yes 4. (a) 36 (b) 4
Self Practice 49
(c) No (d) Yes (c) 169 (d) 65.61
1. (a) Yes (b) No 9
(c) Yes (d) Yes Self Practice 3.1b (e) 19 (f) 3
(e) Yes (f) Yes 7
1. (a) 
5 × 5  = 5 (g) 8 (h) 1.1
2. (a) 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 5
(b) 15, 30, 45, 60, 75
(b) 8 × 8  = 8
5. (a) 16 129 (b) 1 197.16
(c) 198, 396, 594, 792, 990 (c) 
24   2  = 24
(d) 120, 240, 360, 480, 600 (c) 0.009409 (d) 441
(e) 24, 48, 72, 96, 120 Self Practice 3.1c (e) 8.72 (f) 10.41
(f) 120, 240, 360, 480, 600
1. (a) 64 (b) 25 (g) 0.63 (h) 1.61
(g) 120, 240, 360, 480, 600 36
(h) 180, 360, 540, 720, 900 (c) 1.96 6. Length of side of the base of the
2.2b 2. (a) 841 (b) 81 pyramid
Self Practice 121
(c) 234.09 =  52 900
1. (a) 144 (b) 30 = 230 m
(c) 24 (d) 180 Self Practice 3.1d
(e) 90 (f) 224 7. (a) 90 000 (b) 2 500
1. (a) 9 (b) 7 (c) 0.0016 (d) 64
(g) 252 (h) 60
(c) 11 (d) 30 (e) 4 (f ) 15
(e) 7 (f ) 2 2 (g) 3 (h) 0.7
Self Practice
1. 36 seconds 9 3
8. (a) 10 (b) 6, 8
2. 30 pieces (g) 5 (h) 1.5
8 3.2a
Self Practice
 Mastery 2.2
Self Practice 3.1e 1. (a) 27 = 3 × 3 × 3
1. 40 1. (a) 6.56 (b) 6.15 27 is a perfect cube.
2. 72 (c) 0.68 (d) 3.58 (b) 45 = 3 × 3 × 5
3. 24 days 45 is not a perfect cube.
Self Practice 3.1f
4. 150 cm (c) 215 = 5 × 43
1. (a) 3 600 (b) 400 215 is not a perfect cube.
Let’s Practise (c) 81 (d) 0.04 (d) 343 = 7 × 7 × 7
1. 60 (e) 6 (f) 4 343 is a perfect cube.
2. 2 (g) 11 (h) 0.9
3. 60


14 Ans Math F1.indd 309 11/10/16 12:23 PM

Self Practice 3.2b Self Practice 3.2h 3.

1. (a) 
3 1. (a) 16 (b) 0.75 2
8 × 8 × 8
(c) – 4 (d) 0.4 4
= 8 125
(e) –1 (f) 0.018
(b) 0.3 × 0.3 ×
0.3 9 56
(g) – (h) Area of the square
= 0.3 4 3
(i) –3 =2× 1 ×4×2
1 3 2
3 1–
22  Mastery 3.2 = 8 unit2
1. (a) No Length of side of the square
= – 1 (b) Yes 8 unit
= 
343 = 7 × 7 × 7
Self Practice 3.2c (c) Yes 4. 400 = 2 × 2 × 5 × 2 × 2 × 5
1  000 = 2 × 5 × 2 × 5 × 2 × 5 Length of side = 2 × 2 × 5
1. (a) 216 (b) –343 = 20 m
(c) – 8 (d) –0.027 2. 3 375 = 3 × 5 × 3 × 5 × 3 × 5
729 5. (a) 512 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2
33 375 = 15
(e) 2 197
125 3. (a) –125 (b) 64 × 2 × 2 × 2
2. (a) 17 576 (b) –132.651 (c) – 343 (d) –32.768 Prime factors can be grouped
216 into three identical groups.
(c) 0.027 (d) – 5 832 (e) 5 (f) – 8
1 331 (b) 512
13 824 (g) 9 (h) –30
(e) = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2
125 (i) 2 (j) – 4
5 7 Prime factors cannot be
Self Practice 3.2d (k) – 0.8 (l) 1.1 grouped into two identical
1. 21 4. (a) 8 242 408 groups.
2. 14 (b) –5 451.776 6. 6 m
3. (a) 3 (b) –5 (c) 0.000068921
7. (a) 10 cm
(c) 7 (d) –10 (d) – 4 913
343 (b) 100 cm2
4. (a) 2 (b) – 1 (e) 3.26 (f) 6.00
5 3 8. (a) (i) RM3.20
2 (d) 5 (g) – 0.98 (h) – 0.86
(c) (ii) RM20.00
3 4 5. (a) 27 (b) –1 000 (b) Number of 20 sen coins with
(e) 0.1 (f) – 0.4 (c) 3 375 (d) –1 an amount of RM60
(g) – 0.6 (h) 0.07 (e) 4 (f) 7
(g) –9 (h) 2 = 60
Self Practice 3.2e 0.2
1. (a) 2.47 (b) – 4.20 6. (a) 50 mm (b) 50­3 = 300
(c) 5.48 (d) 0.92 7. (a) 2.09 (b) – 80 300 is between 289 and 324,
(e) –1.12 24 that is,  300 is between
(c) (d) 12
25 289 and 324 .
(f) – 19
Self Practice
(e) –225  300 is between 17 and 18.
1. (a) 8 21
(b) – 1 000 Therefore, the measurement
Let’s Practise
(c) 8 000 of the largest square that can
(d) – 64 000 1. 4, 81, 49 be arranged is 17 × 17.
2. (a) 2 (b) 4 36 9. (a) 112
(c) –5 (d) –3 2. – (– 0.1)3 (b) No.
Self Practice 3.2g
112 is not a perfect square.
= – ( – 0.001  )
1. Not enough. 5 10. 10, 13, 17
The length of the wire needed is
= 1 201
156 cm. 1 000


14 Ans Math F1.indd 310 11/10/16 12:23 PM

Chapter 4 Ratios, Rates and (b) Rate = 20 litres  ;  Mastery 4.3
Proportions 1 time
volume (litre) and number of 1. (a) 175 ml olive oil
times the water is pumped. 50 ml vinegar
Self Practice 4.1a
= 300 ml olive oil
1. (a) 14 : 16 : 7 RM240  ; x ml vinegar
(c) Rate =
(b) 2 : 1 : 5 4 subjects
amount of money (RM) and 7.8 mm = 11.7 mm
(c) 2 : 1 : 48
3 hours t hours
(d) 2 : 3 : 4 number of subjects.
2. 56 : 12 : 3 2. 12 times
(d) Rate = RM500  ;
3. RM60
Self Practice 4.1b 10 hectares
amount of money (RM) and 4.4a
1. 36 : 48 : 90, Self Practice
area (hectare).
0.6 : 0.8 : 1.5, 1. 2 : 9 : 7
2 : 8 :1

5 15 (e) Rate = 600 revolutions  ; 2. 8 : 12 : 3
3 seconds
2. (a) 1 : 3 and 2 : 6 number of revolutions and Self Practice 4.4b
(b) 3 : 8, 6 : 16 and 9 : 24 time (second). 1. RM48
3. 2 : 4 : 6, 1 : 2 : 3 2. Object A 2. 63 kg
or other valid answers. 3. 30 g per 100 cm2 3. RM200
4.1c 4. 35 g per m2 4. 35 questions
Self Practice
5. 3 : 1 : 2
1. (a) 3 : 20 (b) 5 : 7 : 8
(c) 9 : 20 (d) 3 : 4 : 8  Mastery 4.2
Self Practice 4.4c
1. 2.7 g per cm 3
1. 58 calories
 Mastery 4.1
2. (a) (i) 1 : 21; 1 : 11 2. RM49.00
1. (a) (i) 2 : 3 : 4
(ii) 8 : 12 : 16 (ii) 6 kg  ;  7 kg 3. 2 cups
60 days 60 days
(iii) 4 : 9 : 16 4. USD50
(b) mass and time
(b) 2 : 3 : 4 is equivalent to 4.4d
3. (a) RM2.25  , RM4.00 ,
Self Practice
8 : 12 : 16.
250 ml 500 ml 1. 300 fish
(c) The numbers in the ratio
of areas are the squares of RM7.50 2. (a) 12 times
1000 ml (b) 4 : 3
the numbers in the ratio of
lengths. (b) RM8.00 (c) 15 times
2. 25 : 1 (c) 1 l carton of milk. It has
the lowest price compared  Mastery 4.4
3. (a) 1 Amanah and 1 Cekap
to 250 ml carton of milk 1. 8 teachers
(b) 16 : 20 : 12
and 500 ml carton of milk 2. 3 : 4 : 7
(c) 12 : 7
priced at RM9 per litre and
4. 3. Hardtail scad and one f inlet
as as as as RM8 per litre respectively.
scad or hardtail scad and Indian
2:10 12:27:6 1:2 12:2 3:12:5
4.3a mackerel
or other valid answers. Self Practice
Pomfret: RM15/kg
5. (a) 5 : 9 is equivalent to 15 : 27 1. (a) RM5 = RM20 Hardtail scad: RM6.40/kg
(b) 5 : 12 is equivalent to 10 : 24 3 12 One finlet scad: RM9.00/kg
and 15 : 36 (b) 24 cm = 78 cm Indian mackerel: RM13.50/kg
6. 6 : 4 : 2,  18 : 12 : 6 4 13
4. (a) Bacteria A, 40 million per
or other valid answers. (c) 13 boys = 65 boys minute
15 girls 75 girls (b) 20 million
Self Practice 4.2a
4.3b (c) 3.3 minutes
1. (a) Rate = RM154  ; Self Practice
5. (a) 3 : 4 : 2
2 passengers 1. 50 players
(b) Nitrogen: 4.5 kg
amount of money (RM) 2. 100 times Phosphorus: 6 kg
and number of passengers 3. 510 chilli plants Potassium: 3 kg


14 Ans Math F1.indd 311 11/10/16 12:23 PM

Self Practice 4.5a New house: Self Practice 5.1c
Total cost of monthly rental 1. (a) 12 (b) 30
1. 75%
and petrol (c) 45 (d) 9
2. 7 : 13
= RM368.80
Lai Huat should not 2. (a) 8x + 4y
Self Practice 4.5b (b) 80 kg
consider moving to the new
1. (a) 25% house because he can save 3. (a) p(m – n) or p (n – m)
(b) 40% RM30. 40 while staying in (b) RM3
(c) 7 500 000% his current house.
2. RM11.25 Self Practice 5.1d
8. (a) RM3.60
1. (a) 6k and 2k
Self Practice 4.5c (b) Mr Ong should go back to (b) x2 and 9xy
his off ice to get his parking
1. (a) 20% (c) ab , 2a and 5b
ticket. The parking charge is 3
(b) 18 : 50 or 9 : 25
RM10.60 compared to the
(d) 4pq, 7x , 8p2q and 1
lost ticket penalty of RM20. 2
 Mastery 4.5 2. (a) –8 (b) –y2
(c) –8x (d) 8y2
1. (a) 3  ;  0.375 Chapter 5 Algebraic
(b) 37.5% Expressions Self Practice 5.1e
2. (a) 3 : 2 1. (a) Like terms
Self Practice 5.1a (b) Unlike terms
(b) Same
(c) The length of each side of 1. (a) k represents the mass of (c) Like terms
P9Q9R9 is 1. 5 times the each student in the class. (d) Unlike terms
length of the corresponding k has a varied value because
side of PQR. the mass of each student is  Mastery 5.1
3. Buying online is a better choice. different. 1. k is the amount of money
The online price is 50 sen (b) x represents Zaini’s marks invested and d is the dividend
cheaper than the price offered in a Mathematics test. given.
by the bookshop. x has a f ixed value because k has a fixed value because it is
it is Zaini’s score for the the initial amount invested and
Let’s Practise Mathematics test. d has a varied value because the
1. 6 : 9 1 : 15 (c) h represents the distance dividend rate will vary based on
between Arman’s house and economic conditions every year.
6 : 90 2 : 3 his school.
h has a fixed value because 2. 1 m 2– 5 2 kg
9 : 60 3 : 20
the distance between
3. (xy – 225) m2
2. (a) 4 : 5 Arman’s house and his
(b) For aquarium A, add 4 f ish. school is the same for every 4. (a) 4 1 (b) 142
trip. 2
For aquarium B, add 5 f ish. 5. (a) n – 4x
(d) c represents the temperature
3. (a) 36 (b) RM22.20
at the peak of Gunung
(b) 9 : 8
Kinabalu in a day. 6. (a) p – 3x
(c) Nurin, 84
c has a varied value because (b) 35
4. 1.8 l bottle the temperature at the peak
5. 0900 of Gunung Kinabalu is 7. Algebraic
Coefficient Variable
always changing within a term
6. 10 m day. –10ab c
7. (a) 0.804 litre
Self Practice 5.1b –10ac b
(b) Current house: y+z –10abc
Total cost of monthly rental 1. (a) x – 7 (b) –10b ac
and petrol (c) 4x (d) mp + nq –10 abc
= RM338.40 (e) h – 2k or other possible answers.


14 Ans Math F1.indd 312 11/10/16 12:23 PM

Self Practice 5.2a 7. Let n represent a number.  Mastery 6.1
1. (a) 8x + 7y n + 7 = x
1. (a) x – 8 = 15
(b) 5ab – bc + 12 n = y (b) 14y = 42
(c) 17xy + 7k – 7 (c) p + 34 = 3p
(d) 6p – 3q – 3pq x + y = (n + 7) + 1 n 2
2 2. (a) 16 (b) 4 (c) 2
(e) fg – 6mn = n + 7 + n 1
2 3. (a) –   (b) – 4 (c) 24
Self Practice 5.2b x + y = 3 n + 7
2 10
1. (a) (pq) 3 4. (a) (b) 7 (c) 6
(b) (6a – 1)2 8. RM60(3h + 4k – 2p – 3q)
5. 20 boys
(c) (8x + 3y)3 9. (6xy + 8x + 18) m
2. (a) (2 + 7x)(2 + 7x) 6. 1 hour and 30 minutes
10. 27°F
(b) (h – 4k)(h – 4k)(h – 4k) 7. Small table = 2.16 m2
(c) (5p + q)(5p + q)(5p + q)(5p + q) Large table = 4.32 m2
Chapter 6 Linear Equations
Self Practice 5.2c
Self Practice 6.2a
1. (a) 15x4 (b) – 28m3n Self Practice 6.1a
1. (a) Yes, because the equation
(c) 4p5qr 1. (a) Yes, because the equation has two variables, h and
2b2 has one variable m and the k, and the power of each
2. (a) 4x5y (b) power of m is 1.
3a variable is 1.
6p4r (b) Yes, because the equation
(c) – (b) No, because the equation
5q has one variable p and the
has only one variable.
3p5y2 power of p is 1.
3. (a) 10m2
(b) – (c) Yes, because the equation
3n­ 2x (c) No, because the equation
has two variables, x and y. has two variables, x and
 Mastery 5.2 y, and the power of each
(d) No, because the highest
variable is 1.
power of the variable k is 2.
1. (a) 4 x + 3 pq – 8y + 11
3 2 (d) No, because the highest
(b) 8ab – 11mn Self Practice 6.1b power of variable p is 2.
2. (2d + 7y) cm 1. (a) x = 12
6 Self Practice 6.2b
3. 4n + 4
(b) 5y = 40 1. (a) x + y = 258
4. n = 3, a = 9, b = – 2 (c) 4x + 1 000 = 1 400
5. 6(2 + 3p)2 cm2 (b) p – q = 15
2. (a) Subtract 1 from a number, (c) 8x + 5y = 265
12y4 the result is 6.
6. (a) (b) 2pq 3
(d) x + 2y = 40
(b) When Edri’s score is added
7. (a) 5pr 2
(b) 14x3y3z2 to 10, it will be 78. 2. (a) The total number of
aluminium cans and glass
8. 12a b = 4a2b cm (c) The total mass of four packs
3 2

3ab bottles collected during the

of rice is 50 kg.
recycling campaign was 465.
Let’s Practise (b) The difference between
Self Practice 6.1c
1. a = 8, b = 4, c = 4 the length and width of a
1. (a) 13 (b) 2 rectangle is 3 cm.
2. RM(120 – 12x – 7y)
(c) 12 (d) 10
3. –11 (e) 3 (f) –15 Self Practice 6.2c
4. RM4.80
1. (a) (7, 0), (8, 1), (9, 2)
5. 2k + 10 Self Practice 6.1d
(b) (0, 1), (2, –3), (4, –7)
6. (a) mx + 2my 1. 53 marks (c) (2, 0), (6, 24), (1, – 6)
5 2. 266 cm2 or other valid answers
(b) RM33.40


14 Ans Math F1.indd 313 11/10/16 12:23 PM

2. 1 gold medal and 3 bronze Self Practice 6.3a 3. First part of the wire = 24 cm
medals; 1. (a) x + y = 6 Second part of the wire = 24 cm
2 gold medals and 2 bronze 20x + 40y = 160 Third part of the wire = 52 cm
medals; y 4. Lai Yee: 45 stamps
3 gold medals and 1 bronze Khadijah: 15 stamps
medal. 6
5 5. Devaki's father: 30 years old
Self Practice 6.2d 4
Devaki: 6 years old
1. Diagram (a) and Diagram (c). 2 20x + 40y = 160
6. Sarah: RM35
 Mastery 6.2 x Hui Chin: RM15
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Let’s Practise
1. (a) 30x – 20y = 8
(b) 2x + 2y = 12
(b) x + 2y = 130 1. 16 sweets
x – y = 2
(c) x = 2y y 2. 220 points
2. (a) (4, 3), (2, 5)
6 2x + 2y = 12 3. Ella = RM600
(b) (1, 7), (2, 12) 5 Zahida = RM960
or other valid answers 4 x–y=2 4. RM310
3. (a) y 3
2 5. 187 cm2
3 x 6. A cup of coffee: RM1.80
2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 A piece of curry puff: RM0.80
x 7. 3 children
–1 1 2 3 4 5 Self Practice 6.3b
8. Asnita: 25 years old
–2 1. (a) x = 2, y = 7
Reslynna: 19 years old
(b) x= 9, y = – 4
(b) y (c) x= 2, y = 0 9. Year 2013
(d) x= –26, y = 68 Population of trees = 25
7 10. 12.7s
Self Practice 6.3c
6 11. Pineapple: RM2
5 1. 500 booklets of RM30 coupon Watermelon: RM1.50
4 and 300 booklets of RM50
3 12. P : RM287 500
2 Q : RM108 000
1 2. p = 50 m,  q = 25 m
–2–1 0 1 2  Mastery 6.3
Chapter 7 Linear Inequalities
(c) y 1. x – y = 5
2x + y = 7 Self Practice 7.1a
3 y 1. (a) ,
7 –  6 is less than 0.
x 6
2x + y = 7 (b) ,
–6–5–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 5 1 is less than 1 .
4. 1 shirt and 6 pairs of pants; 3 7 4
2 shirts and 4 pairs of pants; 2 (c) .
3 shirts and 2 pairs of pants.
1 0.42 is greater than 0.072.
The maximum number: 3 shirts 0
–1 1 2 3 4 5 (d) .
5. 10x + 20y = 500 –2 4.5 is greater than  4.5.
–3 (e) .
y –4
x–y=5 10 cm is greater than 50 mm.
(f) ,
20 Unique solution. 1 200 g is less than 1.6 kg.
10 2. (a) x = 2, y = 3
5 (b) m = 5, n = –2 Self Practice 7.1b
0 10 20 30 40 50
x (c) p = 9, q = 1 1. 12 is greater than y.
(d) f = 10 , g = 20 12 . y
3 3


14 Ans Math F1.indd 314 11/10/16 12:23 PM

2. 3 is less than b.  Mastery 7.1 (b) The area of an apartment is
3 , b more than 1 000 m2.
1. (a) , (b) , (c) , (c) The total expenditure of four
Self Practice 7.1c (d) . (e) . (f) . customers who patronize the
1. (a) m is less than or equal to 8. 2. (a) y is greater than x. restaurant is at least RM60.
m < 8 (b) y.x
Self Practice 7.2b
m8 3. (a) t = deposit
t is greater than or equal to 1. (a) x > 7
5 6 7 8 9 10 100. (b) x . –9
(c) x , –21
t is greater than or equal to (b) a  100 (d) x>4
t > 21 2. At least 200 canned drinks in an
80 90 100 110 120 130
t  21 a > 100
3. 10 months
4. (a) x3 4. 5 hours
19 20 21 22 23 24

1 2 3 4 5 6 Self Practice 7.2c

Self Practice 7.1d
(b) x  15 1. (a) x . 5
(a) 14 . 5
(b) x < –3
(b) –8 , 8
(c) –32 , –23 12 13 14 15 16 17 (c) – 3 , x < 2
(d) 1.5 , 6.7 (c) x  –19 (d) –1 < x , 1
1 , 1
14 13 (e) x , 15
–21 –20 –19 –18 –17 –16 7
(f) –11.8 , –2 (d) x  –5 (f) x.3
2. (a) –2 , 10
(b) –15 , 0 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2  Mastery 7.2
(c) – 4.56 , 2.01 1. (a) x > 18 000
(d) –17 2 , 20 1
y  8.3
(b) t<8
9 3 (c) h . 700
(e) 1 , 1 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5
20 7 2. (a) The speed of the vehicle
(f) –8 , 1
p  –5.7
should not exceed 30 km/h
9 when approaching the
–5.9 –5.8 –5.7 –5.6 –5.5
Self Practice 7.1e school area.
(g) 3 (b) The mass of a car is greater
1. (a) (i) , (ii) , (iii)
, x –5
than 1 100 kg.
(b) (i) . (ii) . (iii)
–1 – 4 (c) A student whose parents’
(c) (i) . (ii) . (iii)
. –3 –2 –1 salary is less than RM900
5 5 5 5
2. (a) (i) , (ii) , (iii)
, qualifies to apply for a
(h) q  7.8
(b) 8c , 16c scholarship.
8 , 16 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.0 3. (a) x  1 200
c c
(c) 16c . 8c 5. (a) . (b)
, (c)
. 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400
16 . 8 (d) . (e)
, (f)
, (b)
x > 1 200
c c
3. (a) (i) , (ii) . (iii)
. Self Practice 7.2a 4. 2 packets
(iv) . (v) . 1. (a) x > 450 000 5. (a) m < 10.50
(b) 6d . 12d (b) y , 50 (b) m  10.5
(c) k < 30
6 . 12 (d) q > 600
d d 8 9 10 11 12
(c) 12d , 6d 2. (a) The number of passengers
in a taxi should not 6. 21 boys
12 , 6
d d exceed 4. 7. 7 months


14 Ans Math F1.indd 315 11/10/16 12:23 PM

8. (a) x , – 5 (c) Appears much more than a (b) (i)
6 right angle.
(b) –5 < x , 8 Thus, estimated size is
(c) x < –1 78°
about 130°. 72°
Let’s Practise 4. (a) 52° 30°
(b) 115°
1. (a) , (b) , (c) .
(c) 146°
2. (a) x . 18 72 + 30° + 78° = 180°
(b) x + 3 . 21 Self Practice 8.1c (ii)
(c) x – 5 . 13 1. (a) Reflex angle
3. 20 – 1.20x . 5 (b) The angle on a straight line
4. (a) 170 + n (c) The angle of one whole turn 72°
(b) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 2. (a) (i) 30°
5. (a) x , 4 (b) x , 2 135°

6. 14 g 88°
7. 17 hours
8. (a) 15n + 200 . 290 78°
(b) 7 72°
135° + 45° = 180°
9. RM751 (ii) 30°
10. (a) – 4 < x < 3 135°
(b) x. 8 45°
3 88°
(c) 3 < x < 7 78°
(d) 5 <x,3
2 30°
Chapter 8 Lines and Angles
Self Practice 8.1a
1. (a) Congruent; PQ = RS 78°
(b) Not congruent; PQ ≠ RS
135° 78°
(c) Congruent; PQ = RS 30°
2. (a) Congruent; ∠PQR = ∠ABC 88°
(b) Not congruent;

(c) Congruent; ∠PQR = ∠ABC
135° 72°
Self Practice 8.1b
45° 78°
1. (a) 4 cm. Use a 4 cm long 88°
(b) 6 cm. Use a 3 cm long A reflex angle is more
paper clip. A reflex angle is more than 180° and less than
(or other objects of known lengths) than 180° and less than 360°.
2. (a) 4.3 cm
(b) 5.8 cm (iii)
3. (a) Appears slightly more than 135° 78°
a right angle. 45°
88° 78°
Thus, estimated size is 30°
about 100°.

(b) Appears slightly less than a The angle of one whole The angle of one whole
right angle. turn is 360°. turn is 360°.
Thus, estimated size is
about 80°.


14 Ans Math F1.indd 316 11/10/16 12:23 PM

Self Practice 8.1d (b) 7. (a)
1. (a) True (b) False Q
(c) True (d) True M P 7 cm
(e) True P
Self Practice 8.1e
1. a = 44°, b = 136°, c = 77°,
d = 57° (b) 47°
Self Practice 8.1g
2. p = 116°, q = 64°
1. (a) Self Practice 8.2a
Self Practice 8.1f 1. (a) (i) Vertically opposite
The following diagrams are not angles: ∠p, ∠q
drawn to actual scale. (ii) Adjacent angles at
1. (a) intersecting lines:
B ∠q and ∠r; ∠p and ∠r
A 6 cm
(b) (i) Vertically opposite
(b) angles: ∠a, ∠b
P 5.4 cm Q (ii) Adjacent angles at
(c) intersecting lines:
∠a and ∠c; ∠b and ∠c
R 7.3 cm S 45° (c) (i) Vertically opposite
angles: ∠t, ∠r
2. (a) (c) (ii) Adjacent angles at
intersecting lines:
∠t and ∠s; ∠r and ∠s
75° 2. (a) z
y x
(b) (b)
B 105° z

(c) y
3. (a)  Mastery 8.1 z z
1. (a) True (b) False x
(c) True (d) True
(e) True
Self Practice 8.2b
2. p = 45°, q = 45°
M 1. (a) x = 140°, y = 100°
3. 7 cm
(b) (b) x = 24°, y = 148°
4. p = 105°, q = 75°
5. p = 72°, q = 288° Self Practice 8.2c
Q 6. (a) R 1. x = 66°, y = 58°
P 2. x = 90°, y = 25°
6 cm  Mastery 8.2

4. (a) 60° 1. x = 34°, y = 62°

P Q P Q 2. 15°

(b) 5 cm 3. 28°


14 Ans Math F1.indd 317 11/10/16 12:23 PM

Self Practice 8.3a (b) Corresponding angles; 3. x = 125°, y = 100°
∠a = ∠b 4. (a) ∠QOR
1. (a)
(b) ∠TOU
d 5. (a) x = 70°, y = 48°
a (b) 250°
b (c) 70°
(c) Alternate angles; ∠a = ∠b 6. x = 33°, y = 58°
(b) Let’s Practise
b c
da 1. x = 65°, y = 118°
2. x = 60°, y = 84°
(d) Corresponding angles; C
(c) ∠a = ∠b
5 cm
c 60°
A 8 cm B

2. (a) 4. x = 139°, y = 94°

q 5. x = 72°, y = 108°
c a
2. (a)
b 6. (a) x = 75°, y = 45°
p (b)
(b) a
Q p
b q 6 cm
p r
(b) 105° 120°
P 4 cm Q
Self Practice 8.3c 7. x = 64°, y = 32°
1. (a) Parallel 8. x = 72°, y = 120°, z = 60°
B (b) Parallel 9. x = 90°, y = 52°
(c) Not parallel
10. (a) 46° (b) 42°
(c) P Self Practice 8.3d
1. a = 76°, b = 70°, c = 70°, d = 70° Chapter 9 Basic Polygons
2. a = 67°, b = 42° Self Practice 9.1a
B Self Practice 8.3e 1. (a) Number of vertices: 6
B 1. Number of diagonals: 9
(b) Number of vertices: 9
3. (a) Yes a
Number of diagonals: 27
Jasni (c) Number of vertices: 12
(b) Yes b
(c) No Number of diagonals: 54
Rock (d) Number of vertices: 20
Self Practice 8.3b Number of diagonals: 170
1. (a) Interior angles; Self Practice 8.3f Self Practice 9.1b
∠a + ∠b = 180° 1. (a) x = 117°, y = 88° 1. (a) A
(b) 88°
c E B
a d  Mastery 8.3
1. x = 45°, y = 93° D C

2. x = 106°, y = 58° Pentagon ABCDE


14 Ans Math F1.indd 318 11/10/16 12:23 PM

(b) A B Self Practice 9.3a 2. (a)
H C 1. All sides have the same length;
opposite sides are parallel;
diagonals are perpendicular
F E bisectors of each other. (b)
(c) B C 2. Rectangle Parallelogram
A D Opposite sides Opposite sides
are of the same are of the same 3. x = 164°, y = 74°
length and length and
I F 4. x = 34°, y = 66°
H G parallel. parallel.
Decagon ABCDEFGHIJ All of its Opposite Let’s Practise
interior angles angles are 1. (a) 3
 Mastery 9.1 are 90°. equal. (b) 3
1. (a) True (b) True Diagonals Diagonals are (c) 7
2. A B are of equal bisectors of (d) 3
length and are each other. 2. (a) Rectangle, rhombus
H C bisectors of (b) Scalene triangle
each other. (c) Square, rhombus
G D It has two axes It does not (d) Rectangle, square
of symmetry. have any axes 3. (a) 85°
of symmetry. (b) 24°
Name of polygon: octagon (c) 50.5°
Self Practice 9.3b (d) 15°
Number of diagonals: 20
1. 121° 4. x = 53°, y = 53°
Self Practice 9.2a
2. x = 84°, y = 90° 5. x = 15°, y = 60°
1. (a) Obtuse-angled triangle; or
scalene triangle Self Practice 9.3c 6. The largest number in the ratio
(b) Equilateral triangle 1. x = 152°, y = 121° is 6; 120°
(c) Right-angled triangle 2. x = 132°, y = 138° 7. 75°
(d) Acute-angled triangle; or 8. x = 112°, y = 44°
scalene triangle Self Practice 9.3d
9. x = 30°, y = 74°
1. x = 72°, y = 108°
Self Practice 9.2b 10. x = 56°, y = 62°
2. x = 30°, y = 72°
1. (a) 35° (b) 47° 11. x = 53°, y = 127°
(c) 27° (d) 42°  Mastery 9.3
2. (a) 123° (b) 54° Chapter 10 Perimeter and Area
1. Similarities:
(c) 82° (d) 76°
• Opposite sides are of equal
Self Practice 10.1a
Self Practice 9.2c length and parallel.
• Opposite angles are equal. 1. (a) 74 cm
1. x = 56°, y = 32°
(b) 71 cm
2. x = 60°, y = 89° Differences:
(c) 13 cm
 Mastery 9.2 • Opposite sides are of equal 10.1b
Self Practice
1. (a) 1 (b) 3 length.
The estimated answers depend on
(c) 1 (d) 1 • Diagonals are bisectors of
the students.
2. (a) Equilateral triangle each other.
(b) Isosceles triangle • It does not have any axes of 1. (a) Estimation: 10 cm
(c) Obtuse-angled triangle; or symmetry. Perimeter: 9.9 cm
scalene triangle Rhombus The difference between the
(d) Right-angled triangle • All sides have the same length. estimated value and the actual
3. x = 56°, y = 118° • Diagonals are perpendicular value is small, therefore the
4. x = 108°, y = 144° bisectors of each other. estimated value is accurate.
• It has 2 axes of symmetry.
5. x = 160°, y = 62°


14 Ans Math F1.indd 319 11/10/16 12:23 PM

(b) Estimation: 11.5 cm Self Practice 10.3b (ii) Q = {3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18,
Perimeter: 12.3 cm 21, 24}
1. 420.25 m 2
The difference between the (iii) Q = {x : x is a multiple
estimated value and the actual 2. 93.75 cm2
of 3 and x , 25}
value is small, therefore the 3. 48 cm2
2. (a) True
estimated value is accurate. (b) False
 Mastery 10.3
Self Practice 10.1c (c) True
1. 128 cm (d) False
1. 76 m
2. Draw a square with length of
2. RM1 720 Self Practice 11.1c
side of 12 cm. The area is
3. 22 cm 144 cm2. 1. (a)  (b) 
3. 432 cm2
 (d) 
 Mastery 10.1 2. (a)  (b)
4. 875 m2

1. 9 m (c)  (d) 
Let’s Practise (e)
2. 42 cm  (f) 
3. Perimeter of shape A 1. 41 cm Self Practice 11.1d
= x + y + 6 + (y – 5) + (x – 6) + 5 2. 30 cm
1. (a) n(A) = 5 (b) n(B) = 5
= (2x + 2y) cm 3. 81 cm2 (c) n(C) = 3 (d) n(D) = 9
Perimeter of shape B 4. (a) 24 cm2 2. (a) 6 (b) 7
= x + y + 3 + (y – 2) + (x – 3) + 2 (b) 4.8 cm
= (2x + 2y) cm 5. 111.5 cm2 Self Practice 11.1e
Thus, perimeters of both the 6. 42 cm
shapes A and B are equal. 1. (a) Yes (b) No
7. (a) 4 cm (c) No (d) Yes
4. RM24 000 (b) 32 cm
5. 6 cm 8. 25 cm2  Mastery 11.1
10.2b 9. Form a square with length of
Self Practice 1. (a) X is the set of vowels.
side of 7.5 cm.
1. (a) 1  mn (b) tk 10. Fence up a region with a length (b) Y is the set of perfect
2 squares which are less than
1  (p + q)r (d) 1 st of 22.5 m and a width of 20 m;
(c) 50.
2 2 85 m
2. (a) P = {Mercury, Venus,
Self Practice 10.2c Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
1. (a) 15 cm2 (b) 24.5 cm2 Chapter 11 Introduction of Set
Uranus, Neptune}
(c) 16.8 cm2 (d) 24 cm2 Self Practice 11.1a (b) Q = {2, 3, 5}
2. 146 m2 1. Land transport: car, lorry, van, 3. (a) G = {x : x is a month which
bus begins with the letter ‘M’}
 Mastery 10.2
Water transport: sampan, boat, (b) H = {x : x is a multiple of 7
2. 1 550 m2 ship, ferry and 1 < x < 100}
3. 122.5 cm2 Air transport: rocket, aeroplane, 4. (a) Yes
4. 75.25 cm2 helicopter, hot-air balloon (b) No
(c) No
Self Practice 10.3a Self Practice 11.1b
(d) Yes
1. T, S, Q, R, P 1. (a) (i) P is the set of colours
5. n(A) = 3, n(B) = 13, n(C) = 5
The bigger the difference of the rainbow
6. 2
between the length and the (ii) P = {red, orange,
width of the rectangle, the yellow, green, blue, Self Practice 11.2a
smaller the area. indigo, violet}
1. (a) Universal set
2. P, R, T, S, Q (iii) P = {x : x is a colour of
(b) Not a universal set
The bigger the difference the rainbow}
(c) Universal set
between the length and the (b) (i) Q is the set of multiples
width of the rectangle, the 2. (a) P9 = {0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8}
of 3 which are less than
bigger the perimeter. (b) Q9 = {0, 1, 4, 6, 8, 9}


14 Ans Math F1.indd 320 11/10/16 12:23 PM

Self Practice 11.2b  Mastery 11.2 6. (a) R , Q (b) Q9
1. (a) ξ 7. (a) Set P is a universal set. It
1 A 1. ξ is because set P consists
3 5 1 2 0 of all the elements under
9 4 5 discussion.
7 11 3 6
9 7 8 (b) R is the set of odd numbers.
ξ 8. 8
B 18
12 11 13 \ A9 = B 9. Not true. The complement of
2. (a) P , Q set A is the girls who are not
17 19
14 15 (b) R,Q prefects and the boys in Class 1
3. (a) { }, {1}, {4}, {9}, {16},
2. (a) ξ P 27 {1, 4}, {1, 9}, {1, 16},
3 6 12 {4, 9}, {4, 16}, {9, 16}, Chapter 12 Data Handling
18 24
21 {1, 4, 9}, {1, 4, 16}, {1, 9, 16}, 12.1a
Self Practice
9 15 {4, 9, 16}, {1, 4, 9, 16}
1. (a) Numerical data
(b) Numerical data
(b) L 6
7 8 10
ξ Q 3 5 (c) Categorical data
P N 2 K 4 11 (d) Categorical data
E G L 20 1
S 16 12 (e) Numerical data
A 19 9
13 (f) Numerical data
18 17 15 14 (g) Categorical data
Self Practice 11.2c K,L (h) Numerical data
1. (a) , (b) , 4. ξ 2. T-shirt
(c) P Q Tally Frequency
 (d)  R size
2. (a) ø, {p}, {q}, {p, q} S | 1
(b) ø, {2}, {3}, {5}, {7}, {2, 3}, M |||| |||| || 12
{2, 5}, {2, 7}, {3, 5}, {3, 7}, L |||| |||| 9
{5, 7}, {2, 3, 5}, {2, 3, 7},
XL ||||  5
{2, 5, 7}, {3, 5, 7}, {2, 3, 5, 7} 5. C , B , A , j
Total 27
Self Practice 11.2d
Let’s Practise
1. (a) A Self Practice 12.1b
1. P is the set of quadrilaterals.
2. {0} 1. Ways of Travelling to School
10 20 70
40 3. (a) P = {2, 4, 6, 8, …} 10
30 50 Q = {2, 4, 6, 8, …}
Number of students

P = Q 8
(b) Set A has an element ‘0’,
(b) M therefore set A is not an
K empty set. 4
A A ≠ B
I (c) E = {1, 3, 5, 15} 2
J F = {15, 30, 45, 60, …} 0
E ≠ F

School bus

Public bus



Self Practice 11.2e 4. 6

5. ξ
1. ξ
e P B
Way of travelling
R Q a A
f b The bar chart is suitable for
d c comparing the number of
students with how they travel
to school.


14 Ans Math F1.indd 321 11/10/16 12:23 PM

2. Accommodation Around 5. 2.
Number of Text Blood Groups of Donors
Historical City of Melaka Messages Sent
Price (RM)

Number of donors
250 8
150 6
100 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
50 4
0 The dot plot is suitable for



displaying the number of text 2

messages sent by a group of
students. A B AB O
Type of accommodation
Blood Group
6. Ages of Magazine Readers
Normal Holiday The bar chart is suitable as the
Stem Leaf
rate season data of the blood groups of
The dual bar chart is suitable 2 2 5 donors is a categorical data.
3 0 1 1 2 3 4 6 8 9
for comparing different types of 12.1d
4 2 4 4 7 7 Self Practice
accommodation with the normal 5 1 1 3 7 8 8 1. (a) 8 m
and holiday season rates. 6 0 5 (b) 7.5 m
3. Key: 2 | 2 means 22 years old (c) Year 2013
Children’s Favourite Songs (d) The tree has a nearly
Dayung The stem-and-leaf plot is uniform growth rate from
Lompat Sampan suitable for displaying the age 2010 to 2015 or there is
Si Katak of each reader of the magazine no increase in height from
Lompat 15° in the survey. 2015 to 2016.
30° Rasa
(e) 16 m
Si Paku 45°
2. (a) 30
60° Self Practice 12.1c
120° (b) Largest diameter = 28.6 mm
Ikan 1. Average Monthly Smallest diameter = 24.5 mm
Oh Bangau
Kekek Rainfall of Impian City (c) 20%
The pie chart is suitable for (d) The distribution of the
comparing the favourite songs diameters of the axles is
of a group of children. quite symmetric since most
Average rainfall (mm)

300 of the diameters range from

4. Kamil’s Height 26.0 mm to 26.9 mm.
200 3. (a) 120
(b) 12
160 100 (c) Number of tested samples
with the mass of 241 g to
Height (cm)

260 g
150 = 28 + 32 + 24 + 12

= 96
140 Percentage of tested samples
with the mass of 241 g to
Month 260 g
= 96 × 100%

The line graph is suitable for

Year displaying the changes in the
= 80%
average monthly rainfall of
The line graph is suitable Thus, this batch of biscuits
Impian City over a six-month
for displaying the changes in produced satisfies the
Kamil’s height over a period of required specifications.
6 years.


14 Ans Math F1.indd 322 11/10/16 12:23 PM

Self Practice 12.1e 3. (a) 35 bookings. Bar chart. (b) In Diagram (a), most of the
The difference in room taller bars lie in the middle
1. No, because not all the results
bookings can be obtained of the histogram. It shows
of the survey are shown in the
by calculating the difference that most students obtained
bar chart, that is:
in length of the bars for the average marks in the
16 + 6 + 12 + 4 , 40
Internet and counter. Science test.
2. No, because the line graph (b) A pie chart because the pie In Diagram (b), most of the
seems to show a rapid change chart shows 48% of the taller bars lie on the
in the temperature every 2 rooms are booked via the right-hand side of the
hours in the day. The scale on Internet and that is almost histogram. It shows that
the vertical axis should start half of the total room most students obtained
at zero so that the information bookings. higher marks in the
displayed will not be confusing. Mathematics test.
(c) A bar chart because the
number of rooms booked (c) More students obtained
 Mastery 12.1 via the Internet can be read higher marks in the
directly from the length of Mathematics test than in the
1. (a) – 3°C
the bar for the Internet. For Science test.
(b) – 4°C
(c) 1100 and 1700 a pie chart, the number of 6. (a) Shop A and shop B sold
room bookings can only be the same number of lamps,
2. (a) (i) known by calculation. which was 120.
Maximum Speeds Recorded (d) No, it is not suitable as (b) Not valid because shop E
120 the data does not show sold 30 more lamps than
the changes in the number shop C.
of room bookings over a
Speed (km/h)

80 certain period. Let’s Practise

60 (e) Pictogram 1. (a) House A
40 (b) 5th year
4. (a)
Daily Allowances of 2. (a) Dramas
0 Factory Workers (b)

Students’ Favourite
Television Programmes
Sports Documentaries
(ii) Maximum Speed 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Cartoons 54°
Recorded Daily allowance (RM) 144°
Stem Leaf
(b) (i) The distribution of the
6 5
data ranges from 20 to
7 0 5 3. (a) Between the first week
8 0 30.
and the second week, and
9 5 (ii) The data clusters around between the second week
10 22. and the third week.
11 0
(iii) 30 deviates greatly Between the fourth week
Key: 6 | 5 means 65 km/h from other values on and the fifth week, and
the distribution of data, between the fifth week and
(b) A bar chart is more suitable thus this data has one the sixth week.
as the data displayed is a extreme value, that is,
(b) Between the third week and
categorical data. The stem- 30.
the fourth week.
and-leaf plot displays only (c) The line graph can display
5. (a) Science test
the maximum speeds but the changes in height of
= 45 students
does not display the types the plant over the six-week
Mathematics test
of animals. period.
= 75 students


14 Ans Math F1.indd 323 11/10/16 12:23 PM

4. (a) False 39, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 48, Self Practice 13.2b
(b) True 52, 56 1. 1.5 + 2.0 = 2.52
2 2
(c) True (b) 12 minutes Thus, the wall is vertical.
5. (a) Number of (c) Much of the time taken to 2. 160°
Laptops Sold fix the leaking pipes ranges
from 30 minutes to 39  Mastery 13.2
Number of

5 (a) Yes; 9 + 402 = 412


4 8. (a) Diagram (a)

3 (b) No; 272 + 352 ≠ 452
2 (b) Diagram (b). Not ethical.
1 (c) Yes; 2.52 + 62 = 6.52
0 The scale used on the
vertical axis of this line (d) Yes; 132 + 842 = 852



graph is larger. 2. 122 + 162 = 202

Month \ The triangle is a right-angled
Chapter 13 The Pythagoras’ triangle. Therefore, the triangular
(b) Number of Theorem piece of wood can be f ixed
Laptops Sold perfectly onto the L-shaped
Self Practice 13.1a structure.
6 1. (a) AC 3. 152 + 202 = 252
Number of

(b) b

3 All angles at the vertices of the
2 (c) PR is the hypotenuse of quadrilateral are right angles,
1 ∆PQR. thus the quadrilateral is a
ST is the hypotenuse of rectangle.



Self Practice 13.1b Let’s Practise
1. (a) AC = AB + BC2
2 2 1. (a) 10 cm
The bar chart is more (b) 24 cm
(b) LN2 = LM2 + MN2
suitable in representing this
(c) r2 = p2 + q2 2. 
22 + 1502 = 150.01 m
data because the number
(d) z2 = x2 + y2 3. (a) 15 cm
of laptops sold can be read
from the height of the bars. Self Practice 13.1c (b) Right-angled triangle;
1. (a) 10 82 + 152 = 172
6. (a) Year 2010, RM13 million
(b) Year 2012, RM2 million (b) 24 4. 104 cm2
(c) Loss of RM8 million (c) 16.64 5. 
182 + 62 = 18.97 m
(d) (i) (d) 0.66
6. 82 + 152 = 172
Prof its of Cekap Company 2. (a) 14 cm SR = 17 cm
(b) 8 cm
7. 36 cm2
14 (c) 25.63 cm
12 8. 0.4
10 Self Practice 13.1d 9. 20 – 152 – 122 = 11 m
Prof it (million RM)

6 1. 54 cm 10. Using the concept of
2 2. 35.44 km Pythagorean triples, (3, 4, 5)
0 7 × 5 = 35 cm
–2  Mastery 13.1
–4 7 × 3 = 21 cm
–6 1. 12 cm 7 × 4 = 28 cm
–10 2. 28 cm 11. Using the concept of
3. 5.62 m Pythagorean triples,




4. 540.83 km 3 + 4 + 5 = 12

(ii) Profit of RM11 million Self Practice 13.2a

7. (a) 12, 15, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 1. (a) Yes
24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 30, 31, (b) No
33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 37, 38, (c) Yes


14 Ans Math F1.indd 324 11/10/16 12:23 PM


adjacent angles (sudut bersebelahan) Two angles that are next to each other and whose
sum is 180°.
bar chart (carta palang) A type of data representation that uses bars to represent data.
common factor (faktor sepunya) A number that is a factor of a few other numbers.
complement of a set (pelengkap bagi suatu set) The elements in the universal set that are
not the elements of the set.
complementary angles (sudut pelengkap) Two angles with a sum of 90°.
congruent angles (sudut kongruen) Angles having the same size.
congruent line segments (tembereng garis kongruen) Line segments having the
same length.
conjugate angles (sudut konjugat) Two angles with a sum of 360°.
element (unsur) Each object in a set.
empty set (set kosong) A set that contains no elements.
equal sets (set sama) Sets in which every element of the sets are the same.
factor (faktor) A number that divides another number completely.
geometrical construction (pembinaan geometri) Method of using geometric tools or
geometry software to make drawings of accurate measurements.
hypotenuse (hipotenus) The longest side of a right-angled triangle which is opposite to
the right angle.
inequality (ketaksamaan) A relationship between two quantities of different values.
integer (integer) Positive and negative whole numbers including zero.
like terms (sebutan serupa) Terms that have the same variables raised to the same power.
line graph (graf garis) A type of data representation that displays changes of data over
a period of time.
linear inequality in one variable (ketaksamaan linear dalam satu pemboleh ubah)
An unequal relationship between a number and a variable to the power of one.


15 Glosari BT Math F1.indd 325 11/10/16 12:24 PM

negative number (nombor negatif ) A number having a value less than zero which is
written with a negative sign ‘–’. For example, –8, –45, –200.
pie chart  (carta pai)  A type of data representation that uses sectors of a circle to
represent data.
positive number (nombor positif ) A number having a value more than zero which is
written with a positive sign ‘+’ or without a sign. For example, +3, +56, +100 or 3,
56, 100.
prime factorisation (pemfaktoran perdana) Process of expressing a number as the
product of its prime factors.
proportion (kadaran) A relationship that states that two ratios or two rates are equal.
rate (kadar) A special case of ratio that involves two quantities of different units.
rational number (nombor nisbah) A number that can be written in fractional form p ,
where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0.
reflex angle (sudut refleks) An angle whose size is more than 180° but less than 360°.
set (set) A group of objects which have the common characteristics and classified in the
same group.
simultaneous linear equations (persamaan linear serentak) Two linear equations which
have the same two variables.
statistics (statistik) The branch of mathematics that involves collecting, organising,
recording, representing, interpreting and analysing data.
subset of a set (subset bagi suatu set) A set whereby all of its elements are the elements
of another set.
supplementary angles (sudut penggenap) Two angles with a sum of 180°.
transversal (garis rentas lintang) A line that intersects two or more straight lines.
universal set (set semesta) A set that consists of all the elements under discussion.
unlike terms (sebutan tidak serupa) Terms that do not have the same variables raised to
the same power.
Venn diagram (gambar rajah Venn) A geometrical diagram used to represent sets.
vertically opposite angles (sudut bertentang bucu) Two angles opposite to each other at
an intersection of two lines and are equal in size.


15 Glosari BT Math F1.indd 326 11/10/16 12:24 PM


Amanda Bearne, Sharon Bolger, Ian Boote, Greg Byrd, Meryl Carter, Gareth Cole,
Crawford Craig, Jackie Fairchild, Anna Grayson, June Hall, Mark Haslam, Fiona
Mapp, Phil Marshall, Avnee Morjaria, Keith Pledger, Robert Ward-Penny, Angela
Wheeler, 2008. Levels 3-5 Level Up Maths. England: Heinemann.
Chow Wai Keung, 2014. Discovering Mathematics 2A Normal (Academic) (2nd Edition).
Singapore: Star Publishing Pte Ltd.
Deborah Barton, 2012. Cambridge Checkpoint And Beyond Complete Mathematics for
Cambridge Secondary 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Dr Joseph Yeo, Teh Keng Seng, Loh Cheng Yee, Ivy Chow, Neo Chai Meng, Jacinth
Liew, Ong Chan Hong, Jeffrey Phua, 2014. New Syllabus Mathematics Normal
(Academic). Singapore: Shinglee Publishers Pte Ltd.
Greg , Lynn Byrd, 2008. Levels 3-5 Level Up Maths Homework Book. England: Heinemann.
Istilah Matematik untuk Sekolah-sekolah Malaysia, 2003. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa
dan Pustaka.
Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat, 2007. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
M.J. Tipler, K.M. Vickers, 2002. New National Framework Mathematics 7+. United
Kingdom: Nelson Thornes Ltd.
Nicholas Goldberg, Neva Cameron-Edwards, 2010. Oxford Mathematics for the Caribbean
Fifth Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Peter Derych, Kevin Evans, Keith Gordon, Michael Kent, Trevor Senior, Brian Speed,
2014. Maths Frameworking 3rd edition Homework Book 3. London: HarperCollins
Publishers Limited.
Ray Allan, Nina Patel, Martin Williams, 2007. 7A Maths Links. Oxford: Oxford University
Sandra Burns, Shaun Procter-Green, Margaret Thornton, Tony Fisher, June Haighton,
Anne Haworth, Gill Hewlett, Andrew Manning, Ginette McManus, Howard Prior,
David Pritchard, Dave Ridgway, Paul Winters, 2010. AQA Mathematics Unit 3
Foundation. United Kingdom: Nelson Thornes Ltd.
Tay Choon Hung, Mark Riddington, Martin Grier, 2007. New Mathematics Counts
Secondary 1 Normal (Academic) 2nd Edition. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish


15 Glosari BT Math F1.indd 327 11/10/16 12:24 PM


acute angle 207, 300 equivalent ratio 77 Pythagoras’ theorem 295,

additive inverse 156 exterior angle 209, 215 296
adjacent angles 186 factor 32 Pythagorean triples 297
algebraic expression 108, 113 fraction 14 quadrilateral 212
algebraic term 110 frequency polygon 279 rate 81, 82
alternate angles 190 frequency table 267 ratio 76
angle bisector 182 highest common factor 36 rational number 23
angle of depression 193 histogram 279 rectangle 213
angle of elevation 193 hypotenuse 294 reflex angle 174
area 231, 239, 240 Identity Law 11 rhombus 213
Associative Law 11 integer 3 – 10 right angle 207, 300
backtracking 127, 128 interior angle 209, 215 set 248
bar chart 268, 269 intersecting lines 185, 186 set builder notation 249
categorical data 267 kite 213, 235 set notation 249
coefficient 110 like terms 111 simultaneous linear equations
common factor 35 line graph 271, 272 138
common multiple 38 line segment 170, 176 simultaneous linear
Commutative Law 11 linear equation 125 inequalities 162
complement of a set 254, 255 linear inequality in one square 49, 51, 213
complementary angles 175 variable 160 square root 51, 56
congruency 170 lowest common multiple 40 statistical question 266
conjecture 208, 238 multiple 38 stem-and-leaf plot 273, 274
conjugate angles 175 multiplicative inverse 157 subset 256 – 258
converse of Pythagoras’ numerical data 267 substitution 140
theorem 300 numerical value 127 supplementary angles 175
converse property 154 obtuse angle 207, 300 term 110
corresponding angles 190 parallel lines 180, 188 transitive property 154
cube 58, 61–63 parallelogram 213 – 215, 234 transversal 188
cube root 61, 62 percentage 94 trapezium 213, 235
decimal 19 perfect cube 59, 60 trial and improvement 127
description 249 perfect square 49, 50 triangle 205, 233
diagonal 202, 203 perimeter 226, 227, 239, 240 universal set 254, 255
Distributive Law 11 perpendicular bisector 177 unlike terms 111
dot plot 272, 273 perpendicular line 178 variable 106
element 249 – 251 pie chart 270, 271 Venn diagram 255, 258, 259
elimination 140 prime factor 33 vertically opposite angles
empty set 250 prime factorisation 33, 36, 186
equal sets 252 41, 50, 60 vertices 202, 203
equality 127, 128, 252 proportion 84, 85, 90, 95


15 Glosari BT Math F1.indd 328 11/10/16 12:24 PM

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16 skim pinjaman.indd 1 10/20/16 12:44 PM

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