RBI Circular - TAT and Compensation - Failed Transactions
RBI Circular - TAT and Compensation - Failed Transactions
RBI Circular - TAT and Compensation - Failed Transactions
3. After consultation with various stakeholders, the framework for TAT for failed
transactions and compensation therefor has been finalised which will result in
customer confidence and bring in uniformity in processing of the failed
transactions. The same is enclosed as Annex to this circular.
भुगतान और िनपटान �णाली िवभाग, क� �ीय कायार्लय, 14 वी मंिजल, क� �ीय कायार्लय भवन,शहीद भगत �सह मागर्, फोटर्, मुम्बई - 400001
फोनTel: (91-22) 2264 4995; फै क् सFax: (91-22) 22691557; ई-मेलe-mail : [email protected]
Department of Payment and Settlement Systems, Central Office, 14th Floor, Central Office Building, Shahid Bhagat Singh Marg, Fort, Mumbai - 400001
4. It may be noted that :
• the prescribed TAT is the outer limit for resolution of failed transactions;
• the banks and other operators / system participants shall endeavour
towards quicker resolution of such failed transactions.
6. Customers who do not get the benefit of redress of the failure as defined in the
TAT, can register a complaint to the Banking Ombudsman of Reserve Bank of
7. This directive is issued under Section 10(2) read with Section 18 of the
Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007 (Act 51 of 2007) and shall come into
effect from October 15, 2019.
Yours faithfully
(P. Vasudevan)
Chief General Manager
Encl. : As above
(Annex to Circular DPSS.CO.PD No.629/02.01.014/2019-20 dated September 20, 2019)
2. A ‘failed transaction’ is a transaction which has not been fully completed due to
any reason not attributable to the customer such as failure in communication
links, non-availability of cash in an ATM, time-out of sessions, etc. Failed
transactions shall also include the credits which could not be effected to the
beneficiary account on account of lack of full information or lack of proper
information and delay in initiating a reversal transaction.
3. Terms like, Acquirer, Beneficiary, Issuer, Remitter, etc., have meanings as per
common banking parlance.
5. R is the day on which the reversal is concluded and the funds are received by
the issuer / originator. Reversal should be effected at the issuer / originator
end on the same day when the funds are received from the beneficiary end.
6. The term bank includes non-banks also and applies to them wherever they are
authorised to operate.
7. Domestic transactions i.e., those where both the originator and beneficiary are
within India are covered under this framework.
Harmonisation of Turn Around Time (TAT) and customer compensation for
failed transactions using authorised Payment Systems
a Customer’s account debited but Pro-active reversal (R) of failed ₹ 100/- per day of
cash not dispensed. transaction within a maximum delay beyond T + 5
of T + 5 days. days, to the credit of
the account holder.
2 Card Transaction
a Card to card transfer Transaction to be reversed (R) ₹ 100/- per day of
latest within T + 1 day, if credit delay beyond T + 1
Card account debited but the is not effected to the day.
beneficiary card account not beneficiary account.
b Point of Sale (PoS) (Card Present) Auto-reversal within T + 5 ₹ 100/- per day of
including Cash at PoS days. delay beyond T + 5
Account debited but confirmation
not received at merchant location
i.e., charge-slip not generated.
b Account debited but transaction Auto-reversal within T + 5 ₹100/- per day if delay
confirmation not received at days. is beyond T + 5 days.
merchant location (payment to
Sl. Description of the incident Framework for auto-reversal and compensation
no. Timeline for auto-reversal Compensation
5 Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (including Aadhaar Pay)
a Account debited but transaction Acquirer to initiate “Credit ₹100/- per day if delay
confirmation not received at Adjustment” within T + 5 days. is beyond T + 5 days.
merchant location.
The transaction will ride on UPI, card network, IMPS, etc., as the case may be. The TAT and
compensation rule of respective system shall apply.