Applied Electricity PHY 222 2.0 Tutorial Number 01
Applied Electricity PHY 222 2.0 Tutorial Number 01
Tutorial Number 01
1. Express in rectangular and polar notations the phasors for the following
a.) i = 10 sin ωt b.) i = 5 sin (ωt +π/3)
c.) v = 40 sin (ωt +π/6) d.) v = 60 sin (ωt +π/4)
Draw the phasor diagram representing the above voltage currents.
4. Define the r.m.s value, peak value and average value of an alternating current.
Explain why r.m.s value is more generally employed in a.c measurements than
either average or the peak value.
6. A single phase motor take 8.3 A at a power factor of 0.866 lagging when
connected to 230V, 50Hz supply. Two similar capacitors are connected in
parallel with each other to form a capacitance bank. This capacitance bank is
now connected in parallel with the motor to raise the power factor to 0.95.
Determine the capacitance of each capacitor.
7. Show by a phasor diagram that the sum of three phase balanced current is zero
and hence no current with flow in the neutral connection of balanced star
connected system.
8. A balanced star-connected load of (8 + j6)Ω per phase is connected to a three-
phase, 230V supply. Find the line current, Power factor, active, reactive and total
10. A load of 20kW (balanced) with 0.7 pf lagging is fed from a 400V, three phase
supply as shown in figure below. Three equal capacitors are connected in delta
across the load to improve the overall pf to 0.85 lagging. Find the resultant
current drawn from the supply and the capacitance of each capacitor.
C 20kW
0.7 pf
B Lagging
11. A delta connected unbalanced loads is arranged as shown in figure below and is
connected to balanced supply voltage of 415V. The phase sequence is RYB.
Calculate the phase and line currents.
12. A three phase load draws a current of 10A at a lagging pf of 0.65 from a 600V,
50Hz source. The line current reduces to 7.2A when a capacitor bank is
connected across in ; a) Star-connected , and b) delta connected. Find the kVAR
rating of the bank in each case.
13. Briefly describe the electrical power generation and distribution using a block