Atwood Machine LQ CC NGSS PDF

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Atwood’s Machine
A standard experiment in physics is the Atwood’s machine: Two masses on either side of a pulley
connected by a light string. When released, the heavier mass will accelerate downward while the
lighter one accelerates upward at the same rate. The acceleration depends on the difference in the
two masses as well as the total mass.

In this lab, you will determine the relationship between the two factors that influence the
acceleration of an Atwood’s machine using a Photogate to record the machine’s motion.

40 cm

Figure 1


1. If two objects of equal mass are suspended from either end of a string passing over a light
pulley (an Atwood’s machine), what kind of motion do you expect to occur? Why?

2. For an Atwood’s machine, how would you expect the acceleration to change if you:
 Move mass from one side to the other, keeping the total mass constant?
 Gradually increase the mass of both sides, keeping the difference in mass constant?
3. Why do the two masses have the same acceleration?

4. Draw a free-body diagram of the left side mass. Draw another free-body diagram of the right
side mass. Include all forces acting on each mass.

Physics with Vernier 10 - 1

LabQuest 10

 Use a Photogate to study the acceleration of an Atwood’s machine.
 Determine the relationships between the masses on an Atwood’s machine and the

LabQuest mass set
LabQuest App string
Vernier Photogate with (optional) Logger Pro or graph paper
Ultra Pulley Attachment

Part I Constant Total Mass
For this part of the experiment you will keep the total mass used constant, but move weights
from one side to the other.

1. Set up the Atwood’s machine apparatus as shown in Figure 1. Be sure that the masses can
move at least 40 cm before the heavier mass strikes the floor.
2. Connect the Photogate to DIG 1 of LabQuest and choose New from the File menu
3. Set up LabQuest for a pulley with a string that runs in a groove.
a. On the Meter screen, tap Mode.
b. Select Pulley (10 spoke) in groove.
c. Select OK.
4. Arrange a collection of masses on your Atwood’s machine totaling 200 g for m1 and 180 g for
5. To measure the acceleration of this system, pull the smaller mass down about 40 cm. Steady
the masses so they are not swinging. Start data collection. After a moment, release the smaller
mass, catching the falling mass before it strikes the floor or the other mass strikes the pulley.
6. Display only the velocity vs. time graph by choosing Show Graph ► Graph 2 from the Graph
menu. Examine the graph. The slope represents the acceleration of the masses.

7. Fit a straight line to the velocity vs. time graph.

a. Choose Curve Fit from the Analyze menu.
b. Select Linear as the Fit Equation.
c. Record the slope of the linear curve fit (acceleration) in the data table.
d. Select OK.

8. Remove 10 g from m2 and add it to m1. Note that the total mass remains the same.

9. Repeat Steps 5–7 to determine the acceleration of this new mass combination, recording the
values in the data table.

10 - 2 Physics with Vernier

Atwood’s Machine

10. Continue to move masses from m2 to m1 in 10 g increments, changing the difference between
the masses, but keeping the total constant. Repeat Steps 5–7 for each mass combination.
Record the data in the data table.
Part II Constant Mass Difference
For this part of the experiment you will keep the difference in mass between the two sides of
the Atwood’s machine constant and increase the total mass.

11. Use 120 g for m1 and 100 g for m2.

12. As you did before, collect data and determine the acceleration.

13. Add mass in 20 g increments to both sides, keeping a constant difference of 20 grams.
Record the resulting mass for each combination in the data table. Collect motion data and
determine the acceleration for at least five different mass combinations.


Part I: Constant Total Mass

Trial m1 m2 Acceleration m mT
(g) (g) (m/s2) (g) (g)

1 200 180
2 210 170
3 220 160
4 230 150
5 240 140

Part II: Constant Mass Difference

Trial m1 m2 Acceleration m mT
(g) (g) (m/s2) (g) (g)

1 120 100
2 140 120
3 160 140
4 180 160
5 200 180

1. For each trial, calculate the difference between m1 and m2 in grams. Enter the result in the
column labeled m.
2. For each trial, calculate the total mass in grams. Enter the result in the column labeled mT.

Physics with Vernier 10 - 3

LabQuest 10

3. Using graph paper, plot a graph of acceleration vs. m, using the Part I data. Based on your
analysis of the graph, what is the relationship between the mass difference and the
acceleration of an Atwood’s machine?
4. Similarly construct a graph of acceleration vs. total mass, using the Part II data. Based on
your analysis of the graph, what is the relationship between total mass and the acceleration of
an Atwood’s machine?
5. Develop a single expression for the acceleration of an Atwood’s machine, combining the
results of the previous two steps in the analysis.
1. Draw a free body diagram of m1 and another free body diagram of m2. Using these diagrams,
apply Newton’s second law to each mass. Assume that the tension is the same on each mass
and that they have the same acceleration. From these two equations, find an expression for
the acceleration of m1 in terms of m1, m2, and g. Compare the expression to your result in
Step 5 of Analysis.
2. For each of the experimental runs you made, calculate the expected acceleration using the
expression you found with Newton’s second law of motion and the specific masses used.
Compare these figures with your experimental results. Are the experimental acceleration
values low or high? Why?


3. An unknown mass can be placed on one side of the Atwood’s machine. Using lab
measurements and any necessary calculations, confirm this statement.

4. How does the force exerted upward by the pulley on the string change as the system begins
accelerating? Why? Perform an experiment to determine how this force changes.

5. How does the tension in the string change as the masses start to move? Or does it?


What assumptions did you make during this lab? Are your data close to your calculated values
for acceleration of each block? If they are not close, which one of your assumptions was
most likely to be the cause? Design an experiment to test this assumption.

Using your own words write a conclusion. The conclusion has the following basic format and
should be 2 to 3 paragraphs long:
a. Claim: Restate your hypothesis; was it correct or incorrect?
b. Evidence: What evidence is there in your data to support or not support your
hypothesis? This is very important, as it connects your results to the conclusion.
c. Reasoning: How does your data support the scientific principle explored in this lab?
This is a research section. Use your text as one reference and you will need one
additional reference beyond the text and the notes.
d. Connections to the Real World: Explain how your results are related to something in
the real world or answer questions about this.
Further Experiment: Give an idea for an experiment that tests this concept further. You
may not describe the same experiment with different materials.

10 - 4 Physics with Vernier

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