Book Review: The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: Why Was This Title Chosen?

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Book Review: The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

Why was this title chosen?

The monk who sold his Ferrari is a deceptive title. The man who sold his Ferrari and became a monk, would have
been more exact. The possibility of a monk driving a Ferrari is to some degree interesting and made me grin.
The story is about Julian Mantle, the fictional, seven-figure-making successful lawyer who owned a Ferrari. But
suddenly he was unhappy due to various reasons so he sold it and ventured into the Himalayan mountains to
become a monk. Hence the title.

It turns out, he didn’t need his Ferrari. He needed wisdom. So after he collapsed from all the stress with a heart
attack, he sold everything and ventured into the Himalayan mountains. There, he found the Sages of Sivana, which
taught him seven virtues, making him promise he’d pass on their teachings.

What is the purpose of this book?

The purpose of the book is to teach some important lessons to lead an enlightened and beautiful life through a
fable. According to the book, if you can correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place. The book throws
light upon how important our mind is and what we can achieve if we cultivate it well.

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