MIL-C-26074D Standard

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This specification ie approved for we by all

Departfmnta and Agencie8 of the Oapartmmt of


1.1 -. This specification covers the raquira!mnta for elactreless

(autecat.dytic chemical mxhxtion) deposition of nickel or nickel coatings
on smtal eurfaces.

1.2 Claasif icatio~

1.2.1 Classes The nickel seatings shall be classified in accordance with

the the=hatuent appl id subsequent to plating.

Claas 1 - Ae plated, no subsequent heat treatrmnt. A We for

hydrogen eubrittlenmnt relief is not considered a heat

class 2 - Neat treated ta obtain required hardness. May be used on

al 1 nstals not affected by heating ta S00% and above.

Cleas 3 - Aluminum alloys nonheat-treatable, and beryllium alloys

processed to irqmwve adhesion of the nickel deposit.

Claas 4 - Aluminm alloys, heat-treatable, processed to isprove

adhesion of the nickel deposit.

Sanef icial commnte (recormsindatione, additions, deletions) and any

pertinent data +ich say be of use in inproving this docum nt aheuld
be addressed t.e: ASD/=, Wight-Patterson AFS OH 45433-6503, by
wing the self -addressed Standard ization Osctmmnt Iuproveremt proposal
(DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this documnt or by letter.


gIS1’RISUl’IONS1’ATEhEtW A : Approved for public rele=e, distribution is

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1.2.2 Grades. The nickel coatings shall be of the following grades:

(lrade A - O.0010-inch minimum thickness

Grade B - 0.0005-inch minimum thickness

Grade C - 0.0015-inch minimum thickness


2.1 Government documents

2.1.1 Specifications and standards. The fol lowing specifications and

standards form a part of this documant to the extent specified herein.
Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those listed
in the issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and
Standards (DODISS) and supplement thereto, cited in the solicitation (ace



MIL-I-13165 Shot Peening of Metal Parts



MIL-STD-105 Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by

MIL-STD- 1949 Inspection, Magnetic Particle

(Unless otherwise indicated, copies of the military specifications and

standards are avai lable from the Naval Publications and Forma Center,
(ATTN: NPODS) , 5801 Tabor Avanue, Philadelphia, PA 19120-5099.

2.2 pJon-Government Dubl ications. The fol lowing documents form a part of
this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified,
the issues of the documents which are DoD adopted are those listed in the
issue of the DODISS specified in the solicitation. Unless otherwise
specif iad, the issues of documents not 1isted in the DODISS are the issues
of the documents cited in the solicitation (see 6.2) .


ASTM B487 Measurement of Metal and Oxide Coatings Thickness by

kfiCrOSCODiCal Examination of a Cross Section, Method for
(DoD adopted)
ASTM B499 Standard Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thickness
by the Magnetic Method: Nonmagnetic Coatings on Magnetic
Basis Metals (DoD adopted)

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ASl%f B568 X-REV SpSctreuetry (DoD 13dOptSd)

SIBf E18 Reckwll Nerdness and RocIns311 Superficial Nsrdness of
hbtallic Materials, Test8 for (DsD adopted)
Asru E384-84 Microhardness of Materials, Test t&thod for
Asm FS19 Nhchanical I&iragen Fnbrittlement Testing of Plating
processes and Aircraft !bintaance Chemi&ale (DoD adopted)

(Application for cepies should be addressed to the Ameriaan Socioty

for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103- 1137.)

2.3 Order of Dracad ence. In the event of a conf 1ict betmmen the text of
this decumnt end the references cited herein. the text of tbie dosumnt
takes precedence. Nothing in this d—nt, h-ver, etpersedes appl iaable
la= end regulations unlees a specific exemption hsa been obtained.


3.1 *terials

3.1.1 &lsis Setal. The coating fmy h used on iron, ceppar, alisninum,
nickel, cobalt, beryllium end titanitns Wad alloys.

3.1.2 ‘J’ensi
le stranxth. Al 1 steel parts having en ultimate tensile strength of
220.000 pei, or abeve, shal 1 not be ceated vdthout approval of the procuring

3.2 p-acoatina srocedwes

3.2.1 Qenera 1 raau irements. Unless otherwise specified, parts shall be cleaned, pickled, or

otherwise preheated se necessary. bless approved by the procuring activity, high strength steels

abcwe Rockwell C40 hardness shal 1 not be subjected ta acid pickling. Unless otherwise specified, the coating shel 1 be applied after al 1

basis metal haat treatmnts and umhanical operations * as machining,
brazing, wlding, forming and perforating of the part hava been cenpletad. Xardnese Imasure nmnt. Frior to coating, eteel perta ahal 1 be

-~- for ~eSS in accordance with ASPfd E- 18.

3.2.2 ~trase relief heat treatfmmt. Prior ta cleaning and coating, al 1 steal
parta having a hardness greater than Rockwml 1 C40 shal 1 be given a etress-
relief heat traatmant at a terqmrature that sd 11 produce mxsisun stress rel lef
withc.ut reducing the hardness ta less than the specified minim.m

3.2.3 Shot seenin~. Prior to coating, all steel ~te having a hardness of
Reckl 1 C40, or above, and are designed for unlimited life tier dynamic
loada, shal 1 be shot peanad in acordance with MIL-S-13165. Unless otherwiea

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specified, the shot peening shal 1 be acconpl ished on al 1 surfaces for which
the mating is required and al 1 i-iately adjacent surfaces when they
contain notches, fi1 lets, or other abrupt changes of section size tiere
stresses wi11 be concentrated.

3.3 Coating nrooarties

3.3.1 General rao-uirermnt.a Manufacturers are given latitde in the selection of raw ~terials

for forrmlating the coating bath provided the finish mets the requireumnts of
this specification. F@fpmnt, solutions end process procedures shal 1 be subject t.cthe

approval of the procuring activity.

3.3.2 Thickness. Unless otherwise specified, minins.nnthickness of the

nickel coating shal 1 be 0.0010 (Grade A) for altnninum based al 10YS; 0.005
(Qrade B) for copper, nicke 1, cobalt, titanium and berylliun alloys; and
0.0015 (Grade C) for iron based alloys.

3.3.3 Adhesion. The edhes ion shal 1 be such that *en examined at a
magnification of approximately four dienaters, the nickel coating shal 1 not
show separation from the baeis mtal at the interface *en tested a.especified
in 4.5.2. The interface betuaen the nickel end the basis I&Al is the surface
of the basis uetal before coating. Occtmrence of any defect in the coating
ahich could lead to fai lure of the coating shal 1 be considered as
nonconformance to this specification. Coating should not be acconpl ished on
parts tiich contain defects that muld lead to fai lure of the pert, or
coating, in service.

3.4 Postcoatiru! procedures

3.4.1 Hydrogen etiritt lermnt relief bake. W thin 4 hours after coating,
coated class 1 end claas 2 steel parts v.hichhave a hardness of Rockml 1 C40
or above sha 11 require a hydrogen embri tt 1enmnt re 1ief bake at 375°F ~ 25°F
for not less then 3 hours. V&en tested in accordance with section 4, the
baked parts shal 1 not crack or fracture.

3.4.2 Haat treatmnts Class 2iWdn 8ss coatinfis. Clam 2 coatings shal 1 have a ndninum
hardness of 700 Vickers or equivalent. The mess can be achieved by
heating the ~t per the schedule given in 6.3. CIWS 3 coat itis. Coated nonheat-treatable aluminum parts shal 1 be

heated for 1 to 1 1/2 hours at 375’% L 15% (191°C ~ E°C) tO i~rOve *esiOn
of nickel deposit. Claas 4 coatinus. Coated heat-treatable aluminum al 10YS shal 1 km

heatad betvaen 240°F to 260°F (116°C to 12@C) for 1 to 1 1/2 hours to
inprove adhesion of nickel deposit. (NOTE: These al 10Y types end grades may
undergo ticrostructural changes &en heated to 375%.)

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3.5 Identification nark i~. Vhen specified, the coated parte shal 1 b
marked with a fluid not affected by water and which dial 1 not rub off or
mar during shipxmnt .or storage, end shal 1 carry a tag giving the
following information:

a. Sasis mtul

b. Nmtier of this Specification

c. Clas and grade of coating

3.6 ‘+brlmunehip

3.6.1 Bssie mta~. The basis mtal ehall be free frem defects that will
be detrismntel to the utility, appearance or serviceability of the
finished pr.xhsst or part and coating.

‘3.6.2 ~ickel coatin& The nickel coating shal 1 be sfwoth, adherent, and free
from vieible blisters, pita, nodules, porosity, cracks and other defects. Al 1
detaile of workmanship ehal 1 conform to the best practices for high quality


4.1 %- nsibilitv for in Srlect iOr& Unless otherwise specified in the

contract or purchase order, the contractor ie reaponeibl e for the
performance of al 1 inspection requirenmts (examinations end tests) as
specified herein. Wcept ae otherwise specified in the contract or purchaae
order, the contractor w use his om or w other faci 1ities suitable for the
perfo-ce of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless
disapproved by the Gcvernuent. The Cfovernnrmt reserves the right to perform
any of the inepectione set forth in the npeci fication vhere such inspections
are deesmd necessary to ensure euppl ies end aerv ices conform to prescribed

4.1.1 Resuena ibilitv for coml ie.nce. All iterm shall met all
raquireunnts of sections 3 and 5. The inspection set forth in this
.ep=ifi=tion ehd 1 becOM3 a part of the contractor’s overal 1 inspection
system or quality program The absence of any inspection requ.irennnte in
the epecif ication ehal 1 not relieve the contractor of the reepeneibil ity of
ensuring that al 1 produte or auppl ies eubmitted h the @vernumt for
acceptance ccmply with al 1 requirermnte of the contract. Sanpling
inspection, as pert of mrwfactwing operations. is an acceptable practice
ta ascertain con fo-ce h requiresant.s, houmver, thie does not autberize
submission of Imovm defective material, either indicated or actuml, nor
does it conmiit the Gsve-nt b accept def active enterial.

4.2 Classification of ineueCtiona. The inspection requirenmnte specified

herein are classified es quality conformance inspection (8ee 4.4) .

4.3 Inem ction conditions. Unless otherwise pified, al 1 inspections

shal 1 be perfomsxf in accordance with the mthods of inspection specified in

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4.3.1 In.elJe
ction lot. A lot shal 1 consist of coated parts of the aanm type
and class, sam basis nmtal, and of approxirmtel y the S- size end shape,
coated under the ssua condi tions and by maria of the sam coating process,
and submitted for acceptance at one tium.

4.3.2 Semr ate sueCimm. When the coated pWtB - of such form as tO be.
not readily adaptable to a test specified herein, or at the discretion of the
inepacter for destrwtive tests for the sanpl ing of emal 1 lot sizes, the test
may be tie by the uae of separate specinkma coated concurrent 1y with the
parts represented. The separate ~iimne Ehal 1 k of a -is Imtal
equivalent to that of the parts represented. “Equivalent” basis mtal
incluies chemical conpowition and finish of surface prior to coating. For
eale. a cold-rol lad steel surface shal 1 not be used ta represent a hot-
rol led steel surface; owing to the iupracticabi 1ity of forging or aaating
separate test spscirmnc, hot-rol led steel specimna mey be ueed to represent
forged and cast steel parte. The separate specimene shal 1 be stripe
aPproxirmtely l-inch wide, 4 inches long, and 0.04-inch thick except those
r-red fOr detertimtion of enbritt lemant relief (see 4.5.4).
These specimna shal 1 be intrcdwsd into a lot at regular intervals prior to
the cleaning operation prel iminery to coating and shal 1 not be separated
therefrom umti 1 after completion of the processing.

4.4 Qual itv conformance inspection. Oual ity conformance inspsctiona ahal 1
consist of ssnpling plans A, B, C and D.

4.4.1 Sanuling Dlen A - Saimling re’ocsdures for visual exandnat ion and
nondestructive tests of coating thickness. Sanples shall be selected from
each lot (see 4.3.1) and acceptance of the lot ahal 1 be determined in
accordance with inspection level II and acceptable quality level (#@L) 1.5 of
MIL-Sl’D-105. Periedic thickness and adhesion tests nay ta perf orrmd te verify
conpsrabl e nondestructive tests so aa to assure proper pr6cess contro 1.

4.4.I.1 Visuel insvsction. Ssch of the sanple parts selected in

accordance with 4.4.1 shal 1 bs examined visuel lY for conformance to
requirermnts of 3.6.2. Thickness (nondestrwztive tests). Each of the se.nple ~ts selected

in accordance with 4.4.1 shal 1 be inapectsd and the coating thickness rmasured
in several locations on each part in accordance with The part ahal 1
be cons idersd nonconforming if one or nmre nmacuremnt fai 1 to raet the
specifisd mininum thickness.

4.4.2 E&wlinfi Dlan B - ~liti Drocsdures for evaluetin.e hvdrofien

enkn.ittlemnt relief destructive tests - Classes 1 and 2. A hydrogen
embrittlemnt relief test sh+l 1 be rm once per nmnth, es specified in 4.5.4.

4.4.3 .%nmling Dlarlc-sanQ linffDrecsdure for adhesion tests and

destrwtive tests of coatinfi thickness. A random sanple of four parts shel 1
be selected from each inspection lot (see 4.3.1) or four separat.ely coated
apecimans shsl 1 be prepared in accordance with 4.3.2 to represent each
inspection lot. If the numbsr of parts in an inapaction lot is four or less,
the nunber of parts in the sample shal 1 be determtnad by the procuring
activity OF shal 1 be left to the discretion of the inspector.

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-.. .,

bUL-C-20074D ‘J’hickne#s(destrwtive) teat. 2ach part shall be tistd in

accordance with in several locations. If the coating thickness at any
place en any pert is less than the apacifiad thickness, the lot shall be
rejected. Pdh esiom. The parts used for the thickness tast ( be
uead as epecinxme for the adhesion taste specified in 4.5.2 provided they ara
of Suitable .eize and form Failure of one or mra of the tat spacirmne shall
constitute fai lu.a of the lot.

4.4.4 ~lind DltVl D - %nml inn orecedura for hardnees teet. All CISSS 2
coated parta selected from 4.3.1 ehal 1 be Subjected to a hardrmsa test in
accordance with 4.5.3.

4.5 ~thoda of inepac tiOQ

4.5.1 ~ickneaa teat plicroscepic !mthed. The coating thickness shal 1 be determined in

=ccIti= with W17d B487 . .Inatrunmnt mthod. The inatrwmnt used, its calibration, and its
operation for testing given parts shal 1 be suh that the coating thickness
shall be determined with I1O percent of ita t- thickness: or the
inetrumnt shal 1 be of a type approved by the procuring activity (see 6.4).
The coating thickness ehal 1 be determined in accordance with ASTM B499.

4.5.2 Mhesion tist. The test spacitmn ehal 1 be bent 180 degreae over a
mandrel diamter 4 tirms the thickness (1 cm minisx.anlof the apecinnn and
examlnad at 4X pewar magnification for flaking or separation of the
interface. It shal 1 then ti ispessible to detach any appreciable mae of
the coating with a sharp inetrtare.nton the outside radius ‘of the bent test
specinm. When the coated parts are not raadi ly adaptable to the bent
test, adhesion may be determined on the coated part by cutting the coating
from the -is at the interface in continuous path and examined aa

4.5.3 )f=mdnesa tests. Vickers hardness ue.aememnts shal 1 be in

accordance with ASTM E384 for class 2 coating.e.

4.5.4 ~ittlenmnt relief. Cespliance wfth 3.4.1 shal 1 be determined

with aanples of plated parts. Parte such ae spring pina, leek rings, etc.
vMch are installed in holes or rede, shall be similarly assembled wing
the applicable parts apacif ications or drawing tolerances vhich ispose the .
rmxisus auatainad tensile load on the plated part. The #elected aasples
shal 1 be subjected to a sustained tensile load equal to 115 percent of the
maxim.un design yield load for uhich the part - designed. Testing ahal 1
cenform to AS1’MFS19. Parts edIichrequire special fisturas, ●xtranm loads
b conply with the abeve raqulremmts, or vdiera the nuximm design yield
load is net lmovm, may be represented by eeparate apecisnna. The notched
roles s~l 1 ~ aWected to a sustained tensile load equal to 75 percent
of the U1 timte notch tenai le strength of the satarial. The articles,

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parts or specimens shal 1 be held under load for at least 200 hours and
then examined for cracks or fracture. Inspection of parts for cracks in
the basis metal and the coating shal 1 be in accordance with MIL-STD-1949
using the fluorescent magnetic particle method. The lot shal 1 be rejected
if any coated part develops cracks.


5.1 Coated surfaces shal 1 be protected from damage during shipment and


(This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature

that may be helpful, but is not mandatory. )

6.1 Intended uses. The coating is intended for uce when hard and smooth
surfaces are required on coated parts. Excel lent uniform deposits are
produced on irregular parts. Coated parts, such as used in air
compresaorso missi le fuel injector plates, pumps. reciprocating surfaces.
etc., are protected from oxidation, corrosion and waar. With aluminum
electronic devices, not only is product contamination prevented, but the
coated parts faci 1itate soldering. Coated parts of stainless steel
similarly facilitate brazing.

6.2 Acquisition requirements. Acquisition documents should specify the


a. Title, number and date of the specification.

b. Class and grade, and heat treatment or condition (see 1.2 and 3.5).

c. Issue of DODISS to be cited in the solicitation, and if required,

the specific issue of individual documents reference (see 2.1.1 and

d. Method of determining compliance with 4.3.

6.3 Coating hardness

6.3.1 Required hardness on class 2 coating on steel al 10YS may be achieved

by heating per the following baking schedule:

‘F, Temperature W

500 4 or more
550 2 or more
650 1 or more
750 0.5 or more

6.3.2 Coating hardness on nickel , copper, cobal t and titanium based al 10YS
can be achieved hy heating at 650°F i 10°F (343°C i 6°C) fOr 1 to 1-1/2

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6.4 W@ estrut ive thickness mwwrenwn ts. Thickness rmaclnw nmnts of

electroless nickel coatings containing nrxw than 8 percent phocphoroue are
sufficiently nonmagnetic to be fmesured for thickness in accordance with
Whf 6499, Methed of Measurermnt of Coating Thickness by the Magnetic
hlethed: Norms.gnetic Coatings on Wgnetic %eia Metals, if deposited on a
~etic baeis metal. When emesuring heat-treated coatinge containing axme
than 8 percent phosphorous, the inetrumnt should be oal ibrated againet
heat-treated atan&mdc of boem coatinge thickn*ss er equivalent
calibration foils. Heat treatrmnt increases coating nagnotiunb
b43asurenx3ntof electroless nickel coatings containing less than 8 percent
phoaphoroue by a nagnetic IU3thed ia not reoonmmnded.
6.5 Subject term (kev vnrd) 11stin~.

electmless (aut4xatalytic chemioal redution)

6.6 &+cvcled material. It is encouraged that recycled nnterial be wed

ahen practical ea long ea it mete the requiram?mte of the docum nt 4aee
3.1) .

6.7 Changes fmm me v ioue issl.leq.Aateriske (or vertical 1ines) are not
uced in this revision to identify &W&tie: recpect ta the previous
issue du to the extensiveness of

custodians :
Air Force - 11 %elnlri~ activity:
W-MR Air Force - 11

Pm ject No. WFP-0407

Air Force - 63, 84, 99
At-q+ -MI, AR


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- Rfvaze S&j
YIL-C-2607&D Coatings, Elect roless Nickel, rE uirements For
k NAME or ●ueul’mlwo 011+41 U110N a TVM OF OmaAMIEATlONm- -)
VE”oo” ❑
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[email protected] Cre,#b,.u? C*)
MAMuFAmun En

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a Puz N“- d w.,lyl*,

b. ~ W.dine:

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mEMAn Ks

L NAME OP ●US MIWI!R h.+ Pbw& mt) - ~ b. WORK TCLCPMONC NlmDEn (~ Alu
I -) - 0mkn81
*ILIMO AODW!SS (EX’ o-. 8-s. zw c-, . ~ C DATE O* SIMMIRIDN (V~MDD)

I mm ----- . .Aa .— .— —. --------.m ,aM ,

I w &“JY,14zb ME V80L, I!
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