Satellite Communication Syllabus

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Pre-requisite ECE4001 : Digital Communication Systems Syllabus version
Course Objectives:
1. To have a detailed understanding of satellite orbits and correlate this with satellite applications
and services and reason out the challenges involved.
2. To have a detailed understanding of navigation satellite services
3. To know utilization of digital transmission links and their design for uplink and downlink

Expected Course Outcome:

1. A clear understanding of orbits, launch vehicles and satellites
2. In-depth knowledge of navigation satellite services and the different systems
3. Ability to clearly map applications to satellite systems and then design the same.
4. Ability to compute uplink and down link budgets of the satellite.
5. Ability to understand the applications of digital transmissions in satellite communication.
6. To understand the basics and applications of DBS-TV and GPS

Student Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 17

1. Having an ability to apply mathematics and science in engineering applications
2. Having a clear understanding of the subject related concepts and of contemporary issues
17. Having an ability to use techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Module:1 Elements of Orbital Mechanics 6 hours CO: 1
Overview of satellite communication-Orbital Mechanics - Equations of the orbit - Kepler’s Laws
of Planetary Motion - Orbital elements - Look Angle Determination - Orbital perturbation and

Module:2 Orbital Launchers 3 hours CO: 1

Launches and Launch Vehicles- Launch Vehicle selection Factors-Satellite Positioning into
Geostationary Orbit- Orbital Effects in Communication Systems performance-Doppler Shift-
Range variations - Solar Eclipse and Sun Transit Outage.

Module:3 Elements of Communication Satellite 5 hours CO: 3

Satellite Subsystems- Attitude and Orbit Control Electronics-Telemetry and Tracking-Power
subsystems-Communication Subsystems-Satellite Antennas-Reliability and Redundancy-
Frequency Modulation Techniques

Module:4 Digital Transmission Basics 4 hours CO: 5

Multiple Access Techniques – FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, SDMA, ALOHA and its types – Onboard
Processing- Satellite Switched TDMA –Spread Spectrum Transmission and Reception for Satellite
Module:5 Satellite Link Design 9 hours CO: 4

Basic Transmission Theory – system noise temperature and G/T Ratio- Noise Figure and Noise
Temperature- Calculation of System Noise Temperature – G/T Ratio for Earth Stations- Link
Budgets- Uplink and Downlink Budget calculations - Error control for Digital Satellite Links.
Prediction of Rain Attenuation and propagation impairment countermeasures.

Module:6 VSAT Systems 9 hours CO: 5

Overview of VSAT Systems- Network Architectures –One Way Implementation –Split IP
Implementation –Two Way Implementation – Access Control Protocols –Delay Considerations-
VSAT Earth Station Engineering-System Design Procedure and calculation of Link Margins for
VSAT Network.

Module:7 Direct Broadcast Satellite Television 7 hours CO:2, 6

and GPS
DBS TV System design-Direct Broadcast Satellite Television Transmitters and Receivers - DBS
TV Link Budget.Radio and Satellite Navigation –GPS Position location Principles – GPS
Navigation Messages and Signal Levels- GPS Receivers design – Role of Satellites in Future
Networks – Advanced Error Control Codes for satellite systems.
Module:8 Contemporary Issues 2 hours

Total Lecture Hours: 45 hours

Text Book(s)
1. T. Pratt, C.W. Boastian and Jeremy Allnutt “Satellite Communication”, 2013, 2nd Edition,
John Wiley and Sons, Bangalore, India.
Reference Books
1. Madhavendra Richharia, “Mobile Satellite Communications: Principles and Trends”, 2014,
2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, United Kingdom.
2. D.Roddy, “Satellite Communications”, 2011, 4th Edition (sixth reprint), Tata McGraw Hill,
New York.
3. W.L. Pritchard and H.G Suyderhoud, “Satellite Communication Systems Engineering”, 2011,
2nd Edition, Pearson Education, India.
4. Teresa M. Braun ,”Satellite Communications Payload and System”, 2012, 1st Edition, John
Wiley and Sons, USA
5. Michael Olorunfunmi Kolawole,” Satellite Communication Engineering”, 2013, 2nd Edition,
CRC Press, India.
6. Daniel Minoli, “Innovations in Satellite Communication and Satellite Technology”, 2015, 1st
Edition, Wiley. New Delhi, India.
Mode of Evaluation: Continuous Assessment Test –I (CAT-I), Continuous Assessment Test –II
(CAT-II), Digital Assignments/ Quiz / Completion of MOOC, Final Assessment Test (FAT).
Recommended by Board of Studies DD-MM-YYYY
Approved by Academic Council No. xx Date DD-MM-YYYY
CO – SLO mapping

Module CO SLO

1 CO_01 1,2

2 CO_01 1,17

3 CO_03 1,17

4 CO_05 1,17

5 CO_04 1,2

6 CO_05 1,2

7 CO_02 1,2


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