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PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY OF NON METALS – brittle and non lustrous, poor

conductors of heat and electricity

METALLOIDS – found along steplike line,
Ms. Sheryll Maureen D. Tapaoan, RPh
properties are intermediate between metals
and non metals electrical conductors

BASIC CONCEPTS OF CHEMISTRY Most abundant Element in the Earth’s crust:

Matter – anything that occupies space and has EARTH'S CRUST (BY WEIGHT)
All Others
mass Sodium
Calciom3%2% 2%
Properties of matter: Aluminum Oxygen
8% 46%
INTRINSIC – independent of mass or amount

(Density, Specific Gravity, Melting point) Silicon

EXTRINSIC – dependent of mass or amount

(Weight, Volume, Pressure and Heat Content) 1. Oxygen – 46.6%

2. Silicon – 27.7%
Changes that matter undergoes: 3. Aluminum – 8.1%
Physical Changes 4. Iron – 5%
Chemical Changes 5. Calcium – 3.6%

6. Sodium – 2.8%
Evidences of Chemical Change: 7. Potassium – 2.6%
1. evolution of gas 8. Magnesium – 2.1%
2. formation of a precipitate 9. All others – 1.5%
3. emission of light Compound
4. generation of electricity - composed of 2 or more elements
5. production of mechanical energy united chemically in a definite
6. absorption/liberation of heat
Based on Chemical Bond:
IONIC – compound that forms by transfer of
- Simplified form of matter consists electrons
of only one atom
COVALENT – compound that forms by sharing
METALS – heat or electrical conductors, luster of electrons
ductile malleable
Polar Covalent

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Non Polar Covalent Solubility:

METALLIC – formed between 2 atoms of Terms Parts of Solvent

metallic element required for 1 part
Based on Organic and Inorganic
Very soluble <1
INORGANIC – compounds that contain other Freely Soluble 1-10
elements few containing carbon and its salt Soluble 10-30
Sparingly Soluble 30-100
ORGANIC – contain carbon atoms in their Slightly Soluble 100-1000
molecules Very Slightly Soluble 1000-10000
Insoluble >10000

- composed of 2 or more substances

that are not chemically combined General Rules for Solubility of salts in Water:

Nature of Particles: - a rise in temperature favors an

increase in solubility
HETEROGENOUOS - substances that has a high melting
HOMOGENOUS point are more insoluble than those
with low melting point
Size of Particles:
G – All Group 1A salts are soluble
H – All Hallide salts are soluble except:
COLLOID A – All Ammonium salts are soluble
Processes of Separating Component of Mixture: N – All Nitrate salts are soluble

DISTILALTION – used of 2 liquids are mixed but A – All acetates salts are soluble
have different boiling points
SP. CH. Sulfides, Phosphides,
FILTRATION – used by means of filtration set up Carbonates, Hydroxides are insoluble
except: Group 1A salts and Ammonium
CENTRIFUGATION – speeding up of settling
process of a precipitate
Chemical Reactions
DECANTATION – separation by means of
specific gravity or density of the components\ - Occurs when the outermost of valence
electrons around the nucleus interacts
lowering temperature REACTANT – used into chemical reaction

CHROMATOGRAPHY – difference in solvent PRODUCT – formed after chemical reaction


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Laws of Chemical Changes

Types of Chemical Reactions: LAW OF CONSERVATION OF MASS

DIRECT UNION - Antoine Lavoisier

- States that chemical equation has
- A +B → AB to be consistent
- Reaction of 2 or more substances - Fundamental law of balancing
react to form one compound chemical reaction
- Joseph Louis Proust
- AB → A +B - Compound always contains
- One compound decomposes to element in certain definite
form one or more compound proportions, and in no other
Types: combinations
1. Hydrates to anhydrous salt and - Proust Law
2. Chlorates to chlorides and
oxygen - John Dalton
3. Metal oxides to metal and - States that when the two elements
oxygen combine to form more than one
4. Carbonates to oxides and carbon compound or element and which
dioxides combined with a fixed mass of
5. Bicarbonates to oxide, water and other element are in ratio of small
carbon dioxide whole number. Fixed element is
- (AX + B → A + BX) or
𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑𝑠 - Chemical change takes place as a
(AX + Y → AY + X) result of collision of molecules
- Also known as substitution reaction
- Activity series in descending orders RECTION KINETICS

Metals: Li, K, Ba, Ca, Na, Mg, Al, Mn, Zn, - The study of rates of chemical
Cr, Fe, Cd, Ni, Sn, Pb, cu, Bi, Sb, Hg, Ag, reactions
Non metals: F, Cl, Br, I - Chemical Reactions that goes only
DOUBLE DISPLACEMENT in one direction are said to
- Also known as double
decomposition, exchange reaction - Two opposing reactions, the
forward and backward occur at the

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same rate. This system is said to be - Decrease pressure favors the side
in equilibrium with more moles of gas
- Catalyst have an equal rate of both
Chemical Equilibrium
forward and backward reactions
- State in which two opposing but Increase = accelerate reaction
reaction proceed at the same rate rate, Decrease = slow down
reaction rate
Equlibrium Constant
wA + xB ⇔ yC +zD
Kw = (H+) (OH-) = 1 × 1014 at 25oC
[𝐶 ] [𝐷]
Keq = [
𝐴] [𝐵] Acidic Solution = (H+) = >1 × 107

Basic Solution = (H+) = <1 × 107

- concentrations of reactant and Ka = equilibrium constant of weak acid in water
product are raised to the power
corresponding to the coefficients in Kb = equilibrium constant of weak basic in water
a balanced equation is equal to a
Steps in calculating the KEq:
Ksp = KEq of slightly soluble salt
1. write the balanced chemical equation

2. express the chemical equation into

equilibrium constant Computation of pH and pOH

3. write the equilibrium concentrations pH = -log (H+)

in moles/liter pOH = -log (OH-)
4. substitution then compute for the pH + pOH = 14

Interpreting the Equilibrium Constant:

Buffer Equation
- if KEq is greater than 1×102, the
product is present at equilibrium - Henderson-Hassel Bach Equation
- if KEq is less than 1×102 , mostly the
pH = pKa + log ((salt)/(WA))
reactant is present at equilibrium
- if between equilibrium mixture pOH = pKb + log ((WB)/(salt))
contains both reactants and
- Increase in temperature = Increase conc. of reactant, forward otherwise
endothermic, forward, Decrease in backward
temperature = exothermic,
4|P a g e PCI 315
Decrease conc. of product, backward otherwise ISOTOPES – same protons different no. of
forward neutrons

Types of Equilibria: ALLOTROPES – atoms of same element can link

to form substances with different properties
1. Homogenous Equilibria – same state of
matter ISOTONES – same neutrons

2. Heterogenous Equilibria – different state of ISOBARS – same mass no.


s-block (I A & II A)
Antoine – Laurel Lavoisier – first true periodic GROUP B
d-block (I B – VIII B)
Johann Wolfgang Doberginer – introduce law of
triads f-block (Lanthanides and Actinides)

Julian Meyer & Dmitri Mendeleev - father of

modern periodic table of elements, physical and 1. Group according to Electric Configuration
chemical properties of periodic table
- Group A (s&p), Group B (d&f)
Henry Mosley – arranged based on atomic
numbers 2. Group according to Period

ATOMIC RADIUS – half distance between - Horizontal (7 periods)

3. Group according to Family
R – L = increases, T – B = increases
- Vertical (18 families)
Groupings in Periodic Table:
L – R = increases, B – T = increases
IONIZATION POTENTIAL electron configurations are not filled,
R – L = increases, B – T = increases
NOBLE GASES – inactive, inert gases, s & p
ELECTRON AFFINITY sublevels are completely full
R – L = increases, T – B = increases
Terminologies: sublevel full, and is now filling the d sublevel

earth elements is not true cause some are
ATOMIC NUMBER – Protons - Electrons abundant
MASS NUMBER – Protons - Neutrons

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PROPERTIES OF GROUP I – III I. TEST: Flame Test = Carmine Red, Na2HPO4 +
NH3 = White ppt, H2SO4 = No ppt.zaz
GROUP IA The Alkali Metals
Sodium (Na)
AKA: Natrium
- Most reactive of all metals
- Not capable of complex formation CHA: Major extracellular cation
- Salts of this group is more soluble USE: Fluid retention
- High electron positivity and low
electron negativity I. TEST: Flame Test = Carmine Red, Na2HPO4 +
NH3 = White ppt, H2SO4 = No ppt., Zinc Uranyl
Reactions to Water: Acetate = pale yellow ppt,
- Li, when added to water fizzes,
moves slowly across the surface of
water Potassium (K)
- Na, fizzes more than Li, moves
CHA: Predominant intracellular cation, Salts are
quickly more soluble in non polar solvents and are
- K, moves quickly and burns with a deliquescent than sodium salts
lilac flame
- Rb, floats, moves quickly, melts and COMPD/S: Potassium sodium bitartrate = only
ignite with orange flame insoluble potassium salts, Potassium sodium
- Cs, explodes instantly bitartrate + Sodium hydroxide = catharthic

*lethal injection composition: anesthesia, USE; Diuretic, Muscle contraction, Increase

paralytic agent and potassium chloride IV urine outflow

I.TEST: Flame Test = Violet

Hydrogen (H) DIS ASS.: Hypokalemia, Hyperkalemia

CHA: The lightest element, common to all acids

FORM/S: Protium – 0 neutron, most abundant, Rubidium (Rb)

Deuterium – 1 neutron, heavy hydrogen,
CHA: Similar behavior with Potassium, First
Tritium – 2 neutron, radioactive
element to be discovered using spectroscope

Lithium (Li)
Francium (Fr)
CHA: Lightest metal
CHA: Last element to be discovered
USE: DOC for mania, Used in batteries

COMPD/S: Lithium carbonate = mania, Lithium

Ammonia (NH3 )
bromide = antidepressant
CHA: Hypothetical Alkali Metal Element
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USE: Diuretic, Expectorant, Buffer COMPD/S: Aurothioglucose = administer IM,
Gold sodium thiomalate = administer IM,
Auranofin = only compd administer orally
GROUP IB The Coinage Metals
GEN. PROPTY.: Silver (Ag)
- None of these metals dissolve in AKA: Argentum
- Cu & Ag dissolves in HNO3 & H2SO4 USE: Olligodynamic property
- Capable of complex formation COMPD/S: Silver nitrate = treatment of warrts.
- Oxides and hydroxides or feebly Eyewash, Antiseptic, Silver ammonium nitrate =
basic HNO3 = Aqua fortis & H2SO4 = Howe’s solution, dental protective, Silver
Oil of Utriol proteinates (Mild = antiseptic for eye, Strong =
- Solvent of Au: Selenic acid & Aqua germicide for ear, Colloidal = general germicide
I.TEST: With HCl = white curdy ppt
Copper (Cu)

AKA: Cuprum
GROUP IIA The Alkaline Earth Metals
CHA: Only reddish metal, Respiratory pigment =
hemocyanin, cytochrome oxidase GEN. PROPTY.:
DIS. ASS.: Wilson’s Disease, TX: Penicillamin - Show definite metallic properties
- Strong reducing agents
COMPD/S: Copper + Zinc = Brass, Copper + Tin =
Bronze, Copper arsenate = insecticide, Copper
acetate = insecticide, Copper sulfate Beryllium (Be)
pentahydrate = blue vitriol, algaecide, Copper
sulfate + Lime + Water = Bordeaux Mixture CHA: Least metallic of the group, Never
employed in medicine, Metal used in
I.TEST: Flame Test = Green, Potassium fluorescent lamps, Most toxic metal, Unnatural
ferricyanide Test = Greenish ppt. Calcium channel blocker, Cause lung carcinoma
*Potassium cyanide decolorizes Copper solution DIS. ASSOCIATED: Beryllium Toxicity, TX: EDTA

Gold (Au) Magnesium (Mg)

AKA: Aurum, Shining dawn, King of all metal CHA: 2nd most abundant intercellular cation,
Metal component of chlorophyll, 8th most
CHA: Most malleable and ductile of all metals,
abundant element in the earth’s crust
Best conductor of electricity, Can be dissolve in
Selenic Acid and Aqua Regia FORM/S: Carnelite (KMgCl 3), Magnesite
(MgCO3), Dolomite (CaMg(CO3) 2)
DIS. ASS.: Gold Toxicity, TX: Dimercaprol
COMPD/S: Oxides, Carbonates = antacids and
laxatives, Sulfates = anticonvulsant, Stearates =
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Lubricants, Silicate = clarifying and filtering CHA: most reactive element of this group

DIS. ASS.: Hypermagnesemia, TX: Calcium

gluconate GROUP IIB Volatile Metals
I.TEST: Flame Test = Brick red, NaOH Test = Mercury (Hg)
White ppt., P-nitrobenzene azo resorcinol Test AKA: Quicksilver
*components of universal antidote: Magnesium USE: Antiseptic, Treatment of syphilis, Paracidal,
oxide, activated charcoal, tannic acid
Fungicidal, Industrial use (Thermometer &

Calcium (Ca) DIS. ASS.: Minamata Disease, TX: Sodium

formaldehyde sulfoxylate
CHA: 2nd most abundant cation in extracellular
fluid, Cation of hydroxyapatite, Primary I.TEST: Mercurous: with HCl = White ppt, with
elements in bones and teeth, 5th most abundant Ammonia = Black, with KI = Green ppt,
in earth’s crust Mercuric: with HCl = White ppt, with Tannic
chloride = Gray, KI = Red ppt
USE: Blood coagulation, Imporatnt in muscle
contraction, Release of neurotransmitters *Mercury – Hg2

DIS. ASS.: Osteoporosis, Osteomalacia, Ricketts Hg2Cl – Calomel, HgCl 2 – Corrosive sublimate

COMPD/S: Calcium sulfate hemihydrate =

Plaster of Paris, Calcium sulfate dihydrate = Zinc (Zn)
CHA: Metal present in Insulin, Essential
I.TEST: Flame Test = Brick red
component of carbonic anhydrase and other
enzymes, Protective covering of galvanized iron

Strontium (Sr) USE: Astringent, Antiseptic, Protectant,

COMPD/S: Strontium chloride = active
ingredients of Sensodyne DIS. ASS.: Parakeratosis, TX: Topical retinoid,
Keratolyitc agent

I.TEST: with Hydrogen sulfide = White ppt,

Barium (Ba) Potassium ferricyanate = White ppt, Ammonia =
DIS. ASS.: Barritosis, TX: Epsom salt, White ppt.

COMPD/S: Barium sulfate = used in GI imaging Cadmium (Cd)

I.TEST: Flame Test = Blue USE: Astringent, Manufacture of stink bomb

DIS. ASS: Itai-Itai, Ouch-Ouch Disease, It hurts

Radium (Ra) Disease, TX: EDTA

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I.TEST: with Hydrogen sulfide = Yellow ppt, with 210x affinity to hemoglobin than oxygen,
Potassium ferricyanide = White ppt, with Activated charcoal = antidote
Ammonia = White ppt

Silicon (Si)
GROUP IIIA Boron Family CHA: 2nd most abundant element in the earth’s
GEN. PROPTY.: crust, commonly found as Silicon oxide and
silicates in nature, pure silicon is dark gray solid
- The metal of this group readily with the same crystalline structure as diamond,
oxidizes when heated in air, Tetravalent metalloid, Less reactive than its
although they are stable at ordinary analog carbon
DIS. ASS.: Silicosis
FORM/S: Talc = Mg3 (Si 4O10)(OH)2 softest mineral
ELEMENTS known, use as dusting powder, lubricant and
filter aid, Glass = generic term used to identify
GROUP IVA Carbon Family vitreous silicate material prepared by fusing
GEN. PROPTY.: base (Sodium carbonate and Calcium
carbonate) with pure silica, Clays = kaolin –
- Elements of this group exhibits +2 adsorbent, bentonite – suspending agent,
and +4 oxidation state pumice – dental abrasives, Quartz = type of
- Oxides of C and Si, are acidic, other silica that is much harder than other types of
elements of the group are silicates and very high melting point, Feldspar =
amphoteric the most abundant group of minerals in the
Carbon (C) Earth’s crust, Zircon = used as a diamond=like
CHA: Central element to life and natural
intelligences, Basic bonding unit of all organic COMPD/S: Simethicone = anti-flatulence,
compounds, Inorganic Compds: Carbonates, Attapulgite = adsorbent, Silica gels = use as
Acetates, Tartrates and Oxalates, Non metallic, dessicant in pharmaceutical preparations
tetravalent element neither donate or receive
Germanium (Ge)
FORM/S: Crystalline: Diamond = rigid and
transparent form of carbon, extremely hard and CHA: Lustrous hard, silver white metalloid that
chemically inert and cannot conduct electricity, is chemically similar to Tin, A rare element and
Graphite = dull black form, slippery, brittle and occurs in minute quantities in many metal
soft, conduct electricity. Amorphous: sulfide
Anthracite = hard, compact variety of carbon,
highest carbon content and the fewest impurity

COMPD/S:Corbon dioxide = respiratory

stimulant, Acne treatment, Wartz and Eczema, Tin (Sn)
Carbonate = antacid, Carbon monoxide = toxic,
AKA: Stannum
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CHA: A very, malleable poor metal that is not COMPD/S: Titanium dioxide = opacifying agent
easily oxidized in air and resists corrosion, and UV ray protectant
Occurs mainly as Cassiterite where it occurs as
an oxide, It is the classic alloying metal to make
bronze Zirconium (Zr)
USE: Preparation of Tin cans USE: Same as Aluminum but it is banned
COMPD/S: Tannic fluoride = anticariogenic COMPD/S: Zirconium dioxide = antiperspirant
solution, Tannic oxide = germicide for for athlete’s foot, Zirconium silicate = used as
Stahpylococcus infection diamond like gem
I. TEST: with Hydrogen sulfide = Brown ppt., GROUP VA Nitrogen Family
with Mercurous chloride = White ppt., with
Hydrogen sulfide = Yellow ppt., GEN. PROPTY.:

- Compound of this group are usually

Lead (Pb)
- Oxides of P and N are strongly
AKA: Plumbum acidic, As and Sb are amphoteric
and Bi is basic
CHA: A soft heavy, neurotoxic and malleable - All elements combine to hydrogen
poor metal, A bluish white color metal when to form Hydrides
freshly cut but tarnishes to dull gray when
exposed to air, Occurs mainly as PbS in nature, Nitrogen (N)
Has the highest atomic no. of all stable AKA: Mephitic air
CHA: Most abundant gas in air, Prepared mainly
USE: Astringent, Protein precipitant, Acid by fractional distillation of liquid air.
batteries, Bullets and shots
DIS.ASS.: Azotemia
DIS.ASS. Plumbism
COMPD/S: Liquid Nitrogen = used as refrigerant,
I.TEST: Flame Test = Blue, with Potassium
container black, Nitrous oxide = inhalational
chromate = Yellow ppt, with HCl in boiling or anesthetic, container blue, Nitrite = vasodilator
hot water = White ppt
use for cyanide poisoning, Nitrate= meat
preservative, Ammonia = respiratory stimulant

GROUP IVB Titanium Family I.TEST: with Sulfuric acid = Nitrite: Brown Gas,
Nitrate: No reaction, Brown ring Test = Nitrite:
Titanium (Ti) Brown ring, Nitrate: Brown ring

AKA: Titan, Sons of the Earth

CHA: Silvery metal with high strength and Phosphorus (P)

resistant to corrosion
AKA: Light carrier, St. Elmo’s fire
USE: Powerful reducing agent,

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FORM/S: Yellow Phosphorus = volatile, I.TEST: Flame Test = Blue, Hydrogen sulfide =
flammable, toxic, and very reactive, Red Brownish black ppt
Phosphorus = nonvolatile, flammable, nontoxic
and non-reactive

COMPD/S: Phosphate = antacid, cathartic and GROUP VB Vanadium Family

I.TEST: Flame Test: Green, Silver nitrate Test =
- +2 and +5 as oxidation state
Yellow ppt, with Ammonium molybdate = - Oxides of this element are acidic
Yellow ppt
- Hydroxides of this element are
Arsenic (As) basic

AKA: Lewisite metal Vanadium (V)

DIS.ASS. Arsenic poisoning, TX: BAL, DMSA

COMPD/S: Arsenic trioxide = use for chronic Niobium (Nb)

poisoning, insecticide, anti-leukemic agent,
Paris green = insecticide, Fowler’s Solution = 1%
Potassium arsenite, insecticide Tantalum (Ta)

I.TEST: Flame Test = Blue, Nitrate: Silver nitrate CHA: Metal that is not affected by any body
= Chocolate brown ppt. Ammonium fluid, Sheet form is used in repair of bones,
molybdenate = Yellow ppt. nerves, tissues

USE: As Pins, Wires, and plates to strengthen

the broken bone
Antimony (Sb)

USE: Emetic, Expectorant

COMPD/S: Potassium antimony tartrate =
anthelminthic, antischistosomiasis GROUP VIA Chalcogens
I.TEST: Flame Test: Blue, Hydrogen sulfide = GEN. PROPTY.:
orange ppt
- Most electronegative elements in
the periodic table
Bismuth (Bi) - All hydrides of the group gaseous,
highly odoriferous and poisonous
AKA: Beautiful Meadow - Non metal with oxide as gas, with
sulfur is solid
CHA: A stable element because of its long half
life Oxygen (O)
USE: Silvering of mirrors, internal protective for AKA: Dephlogesticated air, Empyreal air
ulcer induced by H. pylori infection

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CHA: Most abundant element in the Earth’s AKA: Selene, Moon
crust, 2nd most electronegative element,
CHA: Promotes absorption of Vit E
Container green
COMPD/S: Selenomethionine = increases the
USE: Treatment of Hypoxia
absorption of Vit E, Selenium sulfide =
FORM/S: Ozone = allotropic form of oxygen that seborrheic dermatitis
protects the earth surface from UV radiation

PREP.: By heating oxygen containing salts, by

Tellurium (Te)
thermal decomposition, Electrolysis of water
and air CHA: Occur much less abundant than Sulfur,
Recovered in some quantity from lead and
copper refining process

Polonium (Po)
Sulfur (S)
CHA: A form of radioisotopes as a result of
AKA: Brimstone, Shubari, and enemy of Copper decay of actinide elements

CHA: Most sulfur compounds have a strong GROUP VIB Chromium Group
USE: Fungicidal, Preservative, Scabicidal,
Treatment of Psoriasis - High melting point
- Great hardness
FORM/S: Monoclinic = 96oC, Mobile = 113oC, - Excellent resistant to corrosion
Viscous = continued heating of mobile sulfur,
Amorphous = viscous cooled rapidly by Chromium (Cr)
immersion, Rhombic
CHA: Most stable oxidation state is +3,
COMPD/S: Flower of Sulfur (Sublimed Sulfur, Dichromate having a +6 is an oxidizing agent,
Precipitated Sulfur), Liver of Sulfur (Sulfurated Steely, gray, lustrous, hard and brittle metal
Potash) = Psoriasis, Sodium metabisulfite = USE: Glucose tolerance factor
DIS.ASS. Hyperglycemia
PREP: Prash Method
COMPD/S: Potassium dichromate
I.TEST: Sulfide: with sulfuric acid = odor of a
rotten egg, Sulfur trioxide: with dilute sulfuric I.TEST: with NaOH = Formation of green
acid = evolution of Sulfur dioxide, with solution, with Barium chloride = Yellow ppt,
potassium permanganate = decolorizes with Silver nitrate = Brownish red ppt.,
solution, Sulfate; with barium chloride = white Perchromic acid Test = Blue ethereal layer
ppt., Disulfur trioxide: with sulfuric acid = yellow
ppt., with potassium permanganate =
decolorizes solution Molybdenum (Mo)

AKA: Molybdos (meaning head)

Selenium (Se) USE: Co factor of flavin dependent enzymes
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COMPD/S: Chlorides = electrolyte replenisher,
Hypochlorites = bleaching agent
Tungsten (W)
I.TEST: with Silver nitrate = white ppt.,
AKA: Tung sten (meaning heavy stone)
Mercurous nitrate = white ppt.
CHA: Hard rare metal with high melting point

Bromine (Br)
Uranium (U)
AKA: Brumos (meaning strong smelling)
CHA: Discovered by Becquerel, Radioactive
CHA: Corrosive and toxic, with sedative and CNS
element used for manufacture of atomic bomb
depressant action
GROUP VIIA Halogens DIS.ASS. Brominism
GEN. PROPTY.: I.TEST: with potassium permanganate, sulfuric
acid and chloroform = orange to brown layer
- Most active family of non metals
- In free state, these elements exist
as diatoms molecules
- React directly with most non metals Iodine (I)
to form covalent compounds CHA: Brown solid at room temperature,
- Union of Halogen with Hydrogen to Elemental Iodine was known as the oldest
form Hydrohalic acids which is a germicides
strong acids except Hydrofluoric
acid USE: Component of thyroxine and
triiodothyroxine, expectorant, germicidal
Fluorine (F)
COMPD/S: Strong Iodine Solution, Povidone
CHA: Pale yellow gas, most electronegative iodine, Iodine tincture, Boulton’s Solution
element of the periodic table
I.TEST: with potassium permanganate, sulfuric
DIS.ASS.: Fluorosis (excessive amount of acid and chloroform = violet layer. with silver
Fluorine in drinking water) nitrate = pale yellow ppt
COMPD/S: Fluorides = anticariogenic, Freon =
refrigerant, aerosol, propellant
Astatine (At)
I.TEST: Etching Test = etches or marking on the
glass upon addition of sulfuric acid CHA: Only radioactive, synthetic, metallic

Chlorine (Cl)
GROUP VIIB Manganese Group
AKA; Dephlogesticated muriatic acid air
CHA: Greenish yellow gas with very suffocating
odors, Discovered by Swedish chemist Carl - Mn, Tc are the product of
Wilhelm Scheele radioactive decay
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Manganese (Mg)

CHA: Metal that resembles iron, compounds Krypton (Kr)

with +2 reducing agents
CHA: has an inhalational anesthetic activity
USE: co – factor in protein synthesis

COMPD/S: Potassium permanganate = oxidizing

Xenon (Xe)
agent, antiseptic (0.02%), gastric lavage for
alkaloidal poisoning CHA: with investigational anesthetic activity
I.TEST: with Hydrogen sulfide = salmon or flesh Radon (Rn)
colored, Sodium bromate = purple solution
CHA: the synthetic noble gas

USE: treatment of cervical cancer

Technitium (Tc)
CHA: first element produced artificially,
USE: in preparation of radiopharmaceuticals
- All elements are grayish white with
high boiling point and high melting
Rhenium (Re) point
- 1st triad – elements that possesses
CHA: rarest element magnetic properties at room
- 2nd , 3rd triad with Au, Ag, Hg
GROUP VIIIA Noble Gases sometimes called noble metals
because of low activity
- 1st Triad = Fe, Co, Ni, 2nd Triad = Re,
- Elements are inactive Ro, Palladium, 3rd Triad = Os, Pt

Helium (He) Iron (Fe)

CHA: bright yellow spectrum of the CHA: Enhances the absorption of ascorbic acid
chromosphere of the sun, container brown, and Copper, Present in the body as
carrier/diluent of medically important gases Hemoglobin, Transferrin, Ferritin, Cytochrome

USE: Hematinic
Neon (Ne)
DIS. ASS.: Def.: IDA, Tox. GIT Distress and
CHA: use in advertising Cardiac collapse, TX: Defuroxamine

COMPD/S: Fe 2 S = sulfide form, look similar to

Argon (Ar) Gold, Ferrous sulfate, Ferrous gluconate = less
irritating salt, Ferrous fumarate = high
CHA: most abundant of noble gases, by product elemental content, Iron Dextran and Iron
of fractionation of liquid air Sorbitex Inj.
14 | P a g e PCI 315
I.TEST: Fe +2: with K3Fe(CN) 6 = Tambali’s blue, PHARMACEUTICAL AIDS AND
with K4Fe(CN)8 = white ppt., with KCN 5 = No
reaction Fe +3: with K 3Fe(CN)6 = Brown, with
K4Fe(CN) 8 = Prussian blue., with KCN 5 = Blood - Used in preparation, prevention
red and storage
Cobalt (Co) ACIDS
CHA: found associated with arsenical ores, - To produce water soluble
elemental component of Vit. B12
compound by neutralization
USE: Essential in development of Erythrocytes process
and Hemoglobin - Robert Boyle French chemist

DIS.ASS.: Def.: Megaloblastic Anemia Types:

I.TEST: with Ammonium hydroxide = pink ppt., MONOPROTIC – 1 ionizable H

with Potassium nitrite, HAC = yellow ppt Ex. HCl, HBr, HI, HNO3, HClO3 , HClO4

DIPROTIC – 2 ionizable H
Nickel (Ni) Ex. H2 SO4, H2CO3
AKA: Old Nick’s Copper TRIPROTIC – 3 ionizable H
USE: Metal use in fancy jewelry, Ex. H3 BO3, H3 PO4
COMPD/S: Nickel pectinate = treatment of POLYPROTIC – more than 1 ionizable h

I.TEST: with Ammonium hydroxide = green ppt.,

Dimethylglyoxime, Ammonia = red ppt. - Have bitter taste
- Red to Blue in Lithmus paper

Platinum (Pt) Types:

CHA: Catalyst In finely divided steel MONOBASIC – 1 hydroxyl ion

Ex. Potassium hydroxide,

Cisplatinum/Cisdiamminedichloridoplatinum, DIBASIC – 2 hydroxyl ion
Ex. Alkaline Earth metals, Barium
Osmium (Os)
Strong Acids Strong Bases
CHA: Heaviest, Densest metal HCl LiOH
COMPD/S: Osmoric acid, Osmom tetroxide = HI KOH
used in microorganism staining HNO3 RbOH

15 | P a g e PCI 315
HClO4 Ca(OH) 2 decahydrate) = (Na2B4O7 . 10H2O),
H2SO4 Sn(OH) 2 Borocalcite, Colemanite (Ca2B6O11 .
Ba(OH) 2 5H2O), Tincal

USES: Buffer for ophthalmic solution,

*strong base and strong acid dissociate 100% in Eyewash, Suppository base
water, weak base and weak acid dissociate
partially in water.
Hydrochloric Acid (HCl)
Acid – Base Theories
AKA: Muriatic Acid, Spirit of Seal Salt
Theory Definition Acid Base
M.W.: 36.46g/mol
Arrhenius Water H OH
Concept CHA: Sulfur, Arsenic, and Iron are HCl
grade impurities
Bronstead Proton Proton Proton
- Lowry Concept donor acceptor USES: Acidifying agent, form water
of Acid & soluble salts with organic drug molecule
Diluted HCl NF
Lewis Electron Electron Electron
CHA: Exist in the normal gastric juices
Concept acceptor donor
of Acid &
Base DIS.ASS.: Abs.: Achlorhydria, Def.:

USES: Treatment of Achlorhydria

dissolve in 100mL of water
Boric Acid (H3BO3 )
Nitric Acid NF (HNO3)
AKA: Boracic Acid, Hydrogen borate
AKA: Spirit of Nitre, Aqua fortis
M.W.: 61.83g/mol
CHA: highly corrosive, highly irritating
CHA: Found in sea waters, Colorless, odor, produces yellow stain in the
Odorless pearly scale, six scaled triclinic dermal tissue
crystals, White odorless powder which
cannot be use I.TEST: Xanthoproteic Test: Yellow color
of solution
PREP.: Boric Acid at 100oC = Metaboric
USES: Acidifying agent, Use in the
Acid (HBO2), Metaboric Acid at 100oC =
Tetraboric Acid (H2 B4O7 ), Heating preparation of milk of Bismuth for ulcer
greater than 160oC = Boron trioxide cause by H.pylori, Nitrating agent in
(B2O3 ) pyroxylin (pure cotton + HNO 3 + H2SO4 ),
Used in explosives trinitrotoluene
FORM/S: Barosite = (Na2B4 O7 . 4H2 O),
Borax (Sodium tetraborate
16 | P a g e PCI 315
Phosphoric Acid NF (H3 PO4) CHA: slightly soluble in water, increase
in temperature of solvent decreases it
AKA: Orthophosphoric acid, Acido
solubility, soluble in glycerin, insoluble
in alcohol
USES: Acidifying agent, Diluted
PREP.: Slaking Process, Calcium oxide +
phosphoric acid use as tonic and Water
stimulant to the gastric mucous
membrane COMPD/S: Calcium oxide =
caustic/quick lime, Calcium carbonate =
Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4)
precipitated chalk antacid, Diluted
AKA: Oil of vitriol, when conc. Rectified Calcium hydroxide = lime water
oil of vitriol
USES: electrolyte replenisher,
PREP.: Contact Process: having an astringent
advantage of obtaining the desired
Potassium Hydroxide NF (KOH)
strength of sulfuric acid, Catalytic
Process: Vanadium and Silica gel as a AKA: Caustic potash
catalyst, Lead Chamber Process:
USES: saponifying agent, used in
concentrated product of sulfuric acid
standardization of HCl
obtained by this process
*caustic = corrosive, deliquescent =
COMPD/S: Zinc sulfate = white vitriol,
capable to absorb moisture together it
Copper sulfate = blue vitriol, Ferrous
dissolve, hygroscopic = absorb moisture
sulfate = green vitriol
but do not dissolves, potassium
SPEC: NLT 94% NMT 98% hydroxide = soft soap


Strong Ammonia Solution NF AKA: Caustic soda, Soda lye

FORM/S: Aromatic Ammonia Spirit, CHA: less deliquescent, milder, cheaper

Spirit of Harishorn, Ammoniacal Silver compare to KOH
USES: saponifying agent
USES: use in the manufacture of Nitric
*corrosive substances should properly
acid and Sodium bicarbonate, use in the
and greatly handled as it rapidly
preparation of spirit of Harishorn, use in
destroys tissues
the preparation of Howle’s solution
(dental protectant) Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3)

SPEC.: NLT 24% NMT 30% of Ammonia AKA: Soda Ash

Calcium Hydroxide USP (Ca(OH) 2 ) CHA: in 50oC, it is efflorescence, in

100oC it is anhydrous, dissolves in 3mL
AKA: Calcium hydrate, Slaked lime,
water, 1.8mL boiling water and 7mL
Hydrated lime,

17 | P a g e PCI 315
PREP.: Solvay Process: saturation of 2. should not alter solubility of other
concentrated NaCl with NH3 and then components
with CO2 NaHCO3 is undergoes
3. should not form complexes with
calcination = Na2 CO3
active ingredient
USES: use to form water soluble
4. should be stable
Soda Lime NF
5. volatile species must be avoided
PREP.: Mixture of calcium, potassium
Phosphate Buffer system
USES: oxygen therapy, anesthesia,
metabolisms test ADV: contains physiological buffer, non
toxic inside the body
*solution may contain indicator which
will be change color when absorption DIS. ADV.: insolubility of the phosphate
capacity for CO2 of soda lime is salts of such metals Zn, Ag, Al which
exhausted supports microbial growth because they
are slowly contaminated with
BUFFERS microorganism
- Resist in pH upon addition of small EX. Sorensen Phosphate Buffer System
quantities of acid and alkali
Borate Buffer System
Reasons for using buffer:
- External use, For preparations
1. chemical stability
containing metal that would
2. solubility of drug otherwise precipitate in the present
of Phosphate
3. patients comfort
EX. Feldman’s Buffer (pH 7-8.2)
Buffer Pairs:
(Boric acid, NaCl & Na2B4O7)
1. weak acid and some salt of weak acid
and/or its conjugate base Atkins and Pantin Buffer (pH 7.6-11)

2. weak base and some salt at weak (Boric acid, NaCl & Na2CO3)
base or its conjugate acid Gifford Buffer (pH 6-7.8)
Buffer capacity: (Boric acid, KCl & Na2 B4O7)
- Capability of a buffer to resist Sodium Borate:
changes in pH
AKA: Na tetraborate, Na pyroborate
Characteristics of a Buffer:
USES: eyewash, 1-2% use in collyria,
1. should not participate in REDOX emulsifying agent in Rose water
reaction ointment and cold cream

18 | P a g e PCI 315
Sodium Bisulfite NF (NaHSO3 )

AKA: Sodium hydrogen sulfate, Sodium

acid sulfite
- Reducing agents used in
CHA. white or yellowish white crystals
having a odor of sulfur dioxide
- Products easily oxidizable
substances SPEC: NLT 38.5% NMT 67.4%
- Free radical responsible for
oxidizing substances
Sodium Metabisulfite NF
Factors in Choosing Antioxidant:
CHA: most commercial source of
1. Physiologically and Pharmaceutically
inert Sodium bisulfite, one primary
incompatibilities with bisulfites and
2. Both toxicity and reducing agents and sulfites is solubility, only soluble salts
oxidizing agents must be assessed are those of the alkali metals

3. consider compatibility and solubility USES: antioxidants in drug with phenol

in the preparation: or cathecol nucleus, antioxidant in
ascorbic acid injection
Water Soluble:
Nitrogen NF
Sodium ascorbate, Sodium
metabisulfite, Sodium sulfate AKA: Mephitic Air

Lipid Soluble: CHA: non flammable, inert gas,

colorless and odorless
`Alphatocopherol (Vit E), BHA
(Butylated hydroxyl anisole), BHT USES: Antioxidant in COD liver oil, olive
(Butylated hydroxyl toluene), Lecithin oil and multivitamins

INORGANIC ANTIOXIDANTS - High dielectric constant
Hypophosphorus Acid NF - Ability to form Hydrogen bonds
- 70% of the human body
COMPD/S: Sodium hyphophosphate - Solvent of most liquid dosage form
(Na2H2PO2), Ammonia hypophosphate - Universal solvent
(NH4) 3PO2
Types of Naturally occurring Water:
USES: antioxidant in diluted hydroiodic
acid syrup, Ferrous Iodine Syrup NF Mineral Water – with mineral content

Sulfur Dioxide NF Alkaline Water – NaSO4 , MgSO4, Na2CO3

USES: Antioxidant in injectable Carbonated Water – with Carbon

preparations, fumigating grains and
houses Chalybeate – with iron minerals
19 | P a g e PCI 315
Lithia – with Lithium carbonate, Lithium - Obtained by distillation, ion
bromide exchange and reverse osmosis
- Water of choice for
Saline – excessive amount of Sodium
extemporaneous compounding and
preparation of most USP test
Sulfur – with Hydrogen sulfide gas reagents

Siliceous – contains traces of Silicon Water for Injection USP

- Water purified by distillation, these

water passes the pyrogen test
Hardness of Water: - Solvent for the large scale
Temporary – cause by the presence of preparations of parenteral solutions
bicarbonates, this can be removed Bacteriostatic Water for Injection
through boiling or addition of the
source of hydroxides - Sterile water containing a
bacteriostatic agent which is benzyl
Permanent –cause by the presence of alcohol and not intended for infants
sulfates and chlorides, irreversible and as it may cause Grasping Syndrome
cannot remove impurities in water
- Use for extemporaneous
Process of Purification: compounding of Intramuscular
Addition of soluble carbonates – this
will precipitate Ca & Mg as insoluble Sterile Water for Injection
carbonates - Most difficult to prepare
Permutit Process – zeolite process - 100% pure
wherein the hard water passed through - Used in extemporaneous
zeolite column exchange hardening compounding in Intravenous and
cations into Sodium cations (non Intramuscular
hardening form) - Stored in single dose container not
larger than 1200mL
Ionization Process – demineralization,
make use of synthetic resins which is GLASS
capable of removing both anions and
cations from water - Generic term referred to vitreous
materials fusing base (Soda ash,
Phosphate Chelation – widely used in Precipitated chalk) with pure silica
detergent industry
Types of Glass according to USP and NF:
Type I – highly resistant borosilicate
Water USP glass for parenteral

- Official solvent to make solutions, Type II – treated soda lime for

tinctures and extracts parenteral

Purified Water USP Type III – soda lime for parenteral

20 | P a g e PCI 315
Type IV – general soda lime glass for - Fluid Replacement Therapy
non parenteral
*the compendia usually specify the type
of glass container of a suitable buffer if
the drug is base sensitive PROPTY: Most abundant intracellular
Test for Glass: cation, Responsible for Carbon dioxide
transport which maintains proper
Powder Glass Test – determined electrical conduction in skeletal muscle,
leaching potential, titrated with 0.02N Responsible for Acid – Base equilibrium
Sulfuric acid
DEF: Acidosis
Water Attack test – exposure of the
glass to Sulfur dioxide at 121oC DIS.ASS: Hyperkalemia = occurs in
people with kidney failure, Hypokalemia
*the sulfuric acid increases the leaching = Diarrhea, Insulin, Glucose
potential of the glass
Ions added to Glasses:
PROPTY: 2nd major intracellular cation
MnO2 – mask the blue green color of
impurity of iron DEF: Hyperirritability, tremors,
confusion, vasodilation
Borates – increase coefficient of
expansion Phosphorus

KION – render the glass brown PROPTY: Major intracellular anion

Pb – increase refractive index of the DEF: Cardiac arrhythmia, renal ricketts,

glass osteomalacia

Opaque Containers – Titanium dioxide EXTRACELLULAR ELECTROLYTES

repels UV rays, superior light protective Sodium
PROPTY: Major extracellular cation, Anti
Clear Containers – preferred for Diuretic Hormone – Vasopressin,
dispensing Aldosterone
Types: Clear, Colorless, Amber, Blue DEF: Dehydration, Diarrhea, Sodium
depletion diuretics, Hypertension,
Regulatory Mechanism
PROPTY: 99% in bone, 1% in
- pH Balance extracellular fluid, Responsible for
- Ionic Balance blood coagulation, Regulation of
- Osmotic Balance Endocrine functions, Parathyroid
- Hemostasis Hormone – controls Calcium in the

21 | P a g e PCI 315
body, Bones and teeth structural
Calcium Chloride USP
DEF: Hypocalcemia (may be caused by
AKA: Muriate of Lime, Fosforo de
corticosteroids), Osteoporosis,
Oteomalacia, Ricketts and poor growth
PROPTY: a salt composed of white
DIS.ASS: Osteo arthritis, Hypercalcemia
slightly translucent hard fragments of
(may be caused by Thiazide diuretics
granules with a very saline taste and
which increases calcium concentration
very deliquescent
in the body)
USES: electrolyte replenisher,
component of Ringer’s solution and
PROPTY: Major extracellular anion Lactated Ringer’s Solution, Internal
hemorrhage, in certain bone diseases,
DEF: Hypochloremic alkalosis
calcium deficiency
Sodium Chloride USP
- Control system of the body that
AKA: Table salt, Sea salt regulates the physiological pH

PREP: must be purified before use Types of Control System:

USES: Isotonic Solution = use to irrigate Chemical Buffer

body cavities and tissues and as
- 1st line defense against pH shift
injections, Hypotonic Solution =
maintenance therapy for patients (Carbonic acid & Bicarbonates, Phosphate &
unable to take fluids and nutrient orally, Dihydrogen phosphate, Hemoglobin & Proteins)
Hypertonic Solution = use when there is
Physiological Control
an excessive loss of Sodium in the body
- Pulmonary Control System, Renal
Control System
Potassium Chloride USP
AKA: Kalium Chloratum
- The acid level is above normal
PROPTY: This can be administered by
SYMP: headache, hyperkalemia,
oral solutions (well diluted) should be
decrease blood pressure, warm flushed
slow release, Slow IV Infusion and never
administered by a rapid IV infusion skin, muscle twitching, nausea,
vomiting, decrease muscle tone
USES: Electrolyte replenisher, severe reflexes, compensatory
hypokalemia, Meniere’s syndrome, hyperventilation
Antidote for Digoxin intoxication,
CAUSES: increase acid production (DKA,
Administer with thiazide diuretics and
Hypermetabolism), decrease acid
adrenal steroids, Familial periodic
22 | P a g e PCI 315
(Renal Failure), increase bicarbonates poisoning, in hyperacidity, in
elimination (Diarrhea, Fistulas) effervescent tablets and baking
Potassium Bicarbonate USP
- Acid level is below normal
AKA: Potassium acid carbonate

SYMP: confusion, dysrhythmia USES: alternative DOC for systemic

(tachycardia from low levels of acidosis, component of effervescent,
Potassium), compensatory Potassium replacement solution
hypoventilation, dizzy and irritability,
Sodium Citrate USP
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, increase
anxiety, decrease serum Calcium in the USES; Anticoagulation used in chronic
body causing tremors, muscle cramps, acidosis
tingling of fingers and toes
Potassium Citrate
Sodium Salts of Bicarbonate, Lactate and
Acetate USES: Anticoagulant, Diaphoretic and
Diuretic, Gastric antacid
- Treatment of metabolic acidosis

Ammonium Salts
- Treatment of metabolic alkalosis
- Retards secretion in the body Types of Combination Therapy

Maintenance Therapy – to supply normal

requirements for water and electrolytes to
ELECTROLYTES USED IN ACID - BASE patients who cannot take them orally
Replacement Therapy – in heavy loss of water
Sodium Acetate USP and electrolytes as in prolonged fever, severe
vomiting and diarrhea
AKA: Acetate of Soda
Official Combination Electrolyte Infusions
USES: Diuretic, Diaphoresis, Metabolic
acidosis, Uremic acidosis, Acute cholera Ringer’s Injection USP (NaCl, KCl, CaCl 2)

Potassium Acetate USP Lactated Ringer’s Injection USP (NaCl, KCl,

CaCl 2 , and Na Lactate)
AKA: Diuretic salt
Oral Electrolytes – intended as soon as intake
USES: Diuretic, Diaphoretic, Cathartic in
of usual foods and fluids is discontinued and
large doses, Systemic alkalinizer
before serious fluid loses or deficit occurs
Sodium Bicarbonate USP

AKA: Baking soda, Bicarbonate of Soda

USES: drug of choice for systemic

acidosis, treatment of methanol
23 | P a g e PCI 315

ESSENTIAL IONS - Glucose tolerance factor,

carbohydrate utilization
- Enhances the absorption of ascorbic
acid and Copper - Constituent of xanthine oxidase and
aldehyde oxidase
- Used as hematinic, Deficiency: IDA,
Toxicity: GIT Distress and Cardiac Selenium
- Constituent of factor 3 that acts
Iodine with Vit. E
- Iodide expectorant NON ESSENTIAL IONS
- Hypothyroidism (Cretinism –
physical and mental retardation, Fluoride
Myexedema), Hyperthyroidism - Anti cariogenic
(Grave’s disease)
- Serves to cause CNS depression in
- Constituent of Insulin, Carbonic small doses (0.2-2g), large doses
anhydrase and Lactic depresses all reflex (4-8g) use for
the treatment of epileptic seizure
- Constituent of proteins,
- Depressant for epilepsy, Treatment
mucopolysaccharides, biotin,
of leukemia, Fowler’s solution = 1%
thiamine and lipoic acid Potassium arsenate
Cobalt Lithium
- Constituent of Vit. B12
- Diuretic
Manganese - Use for manic depressive disorder,
treatment of bipolar disorder
- Co factor for a number of enzymes
like arginase, carboxylase and Gold
- Used in rheumatism and SLE
- Essential for the formations of - Astringent, antiseptic, deodorant
hemoglobin and constituent of
oxides and enzymes Silver

- Antiseptic, astringent, irritant to


24 | P a g e PCI 315
Mercury 6. should inhibit pepsin

- Diuretic, antiseptic, parasiticide, Mechanism of Action

1. neutralization of excess HCl
2. inactivation of proteolytic enzyme in GI tract
- Sedative, Treatment of
3. probably mucosal protection
osteoporosis, dentrifice

Sodium Bicarbonate USP
PROPTY: Water soluble antacid with
- Do not require a prescription which
rapid onset of action and a short
places responsibility to the
duration of action, Found in many
effervescent antacid preparations main
HYPERACIDITY – acid level of digestive system use is to produce effervescent rather
rises above normal, burning like sensation in than antacid
the stomach is the condition develop with
S/E: Flatulence and Belching
Aluminum Hydroxide USP
Gastritis – general inflammation of
gastric mucosa Types:

Peptic Ulcer – circumscribed erosion of Aluminum Hydroxide Gel USP

the GIT
- Suspension dosage form
Esophageal Ulcer – heartburn - It is the palatable form
- The product is permitted to contain
Gastric Ulcer – malignancy and
hemorrhage is common
Dried Aluminum Hydroxide Gel USP
Duodenal Ulcer – perforation is
common - Amorphous powder form
- It is more convenient to use
- White, colorless, tasteless
Criteria for Antacids - Insoluble in water and alcohol
- Soluble in dilute mineral acids and
1. non absorbable
solutions of fixed alkali hydroxide
2. do not cause laxation or constipation - Can be formulated as a gel or
3. have long duration of action
USES: gastric antacid, treatment of
4. do not cause large evolution of gas hyperchlorhydria, intestinal toxemia
5. should buffer in a pH 4-6 and peptic ulcer

25 | P a g e PCI 315
S/E: Constipation AKA: Carbonate of Magnesia, Heavy
Magnesium Carbonate
*both of these Aluminum antacids are assayed
using ANC and their Al 2 O3 content

Calcium Containing Antacids: Magnesium Oxide

- Actions are based upon their basic FORM/S:

Light Magnesium Oxide
- Raise stomach pH to 7
Heavy Magnesium Oxide
S/E: Constipation
USES: antacid, diuretic, laxative
Magnesium Hydroxide
Calcium Carbonate USP
- In high doses, it is used as laxative
- Microcrystalline powder that is
due to the formation of Magnesium
practically insoluble in water and
chloride in the stomach
- Soluble upon addition of Milk of Magnesia USP
Ammonium salts or Carbon dioxide
- Presence of alkali reduces its - Magnesium hydroxide is NLT 7%
and NMT 8%
- One of the most popular antacid Magnesium Trisilicate
- Dissolves with effervescence in
diluted acetic acid, HCl and HNO 3 - Introduced as gastric antacid
especially valuable in peptic ulcer
Calcium Phosphate USP
Magnesium Phosphate USP
- Found abundantly in nature as
Phosphorite, Phosphate rock and - Tertiary magnesium phosphate
Principal Neutralizing Salts Solubility of
- Its action is to produce Phosphate Constituent Capacity Formed Salts
ions that will diminish acid
NaHCO3 High NaCl High
concentration in gastric HCl
CaCO3 Moderate CaCl 2 Moderate
- Does not cause flatulence
Al(OH) 3 High AlCl 3 Low
Magnesium Containing Antacids: Mg(OH) 2 High MgCl 2 Low

- Action is based upon their basic

properties Reasons for combining Antacids:
- Used an antacid except Magnesium
1. there is no single antacid meets all the
criteria of an ideal antacid
S/E: Laxative
2. attempt to balance the side effect of each
Types: antacid

Magnesium Carbonate

26 | P a g e PCI 315
3. to mix an antacid with rapid onset of action Bismuth Subcarbonate USP (BiO2 (CO2.H2O))
and one with longer duration of action
USES: Protective used for the treatment
Examples: of Diarrhea in large doses it renders the
alimentary canal opaque from the X-ray
1. Aluminum hydroxide – Magnesium hydroxide
Milk of Bismuth
2. Aluminum hydroxide – Magnesium trisilicate
PROPTY: combination of Bismuth
4. Magaldrate
hydroxide and Bismuth subcarbonate
5. Alginic acid - Sodium bicarbonate
Kaolin USP (Al 2 O3.2SiO2.2H2O)

CHEM.NAME: Native Hydrated

DIARRHEA- serious condition particularly for the Aluminum silicate
very young and elderly patients, loo of fluids AKA: China Clay, Porcelain Clay
and electrolytes lead to dehydration and
electrolyte imbalances USES: Found with pectin and employed
as a protective and adsorbent in
Acute Diarrhea – caused by bacterial
Diarrheal disorder
toxins, chemical poisons, drugs, allergy
and some diseases 1972 Ama Drug Evaluation States That The
Criteria When Cathartics Are Properly Used:
Chronic Diarrhea – caused by
gastrointestinal surgery, carcinomas, 1. to ease defacation in patients with painful
chronic inflammatory conditions and hemorrhoids or other fecal disorder
various adsorptive defects
2. to avoid potentially hazardous rises in BP
PROTECTIVES & ADSORBENTS – commonly used during defacation in patients with hypertension
for the treatment of mild Diarrhea, most and cerebral arterial diseases
products for the treatment of Diarrhea will
3. to relieve acute constipation
consist of an adsorptive, protective, an anti
diarrheal agent and possibly an antibacterial 4. to removed solid materials from the
agent intestinal tract prior to certain
roentgenographic studies

*laxatives should only use for short term

Bismuth Subnitrate (Bi(OH) 2(NO3)4,BiO(OH))
Types of Laxatives:
AKA: White Bismuth
Stimulant Laxatives – act by local irritation on
PROPTY: Basic Bismuth is incompatible the intestinal tract
with tragacanth, precipitate has a hard
Bulk Forming Laxatives – made from
mass in the presence of the salt
substances that swells when wet and with the
USES: remedy for Diarrhea, non irritant increased bulk stimulates peristalsis
intestinal antiseptic and used to treat
27 | P a g e PCI 315
Emollient Laxatives – act either as lubricants AKA: Citrate of Magnesia
and facilitating the passage of compacted fecal
PREP: Is made by reacting Magnesium
carbonate with Citric acid following the
Saline Cathartics – acts by increasing the addition of flavoring agents, Sodium or
osmotic load of GIT Potassium bicarbonate is added

Example; Sodium biphosphate, Sodium USES: cathartic

phosphate, Potassium sodium tartrate,
Magnesium sulfate, Magnesium citrate
Sodium Sulfate
SALINE CATHATTICS – agents that quicken and
increase evacuation from the bowels Potassium Phosphate
Sodium Biphosphate (NaH2PO4 . H2 O) Calomel
AKA: Sodium dihydrogen phosphate,
Sodium acid phosphate, Primary
USES: Official use is as urinary acidifier.
It is also used as cathartic TOPICAL – pertaining to a particular spot
Potassium Sodium Tartrate categories of topical products

1. Protectives
USES: Cathartic, Ingredient of Sedlitz
powder, is the form in which it is 2. Antimicrobial & Astringents
administered as cathartic
TOPICAL PROTECTIVES – usually applied to
Magnesium Sulfate (KNaC4H4O6 . H2 O) areas of the skin which are subject to constant
PREP: irritation due to moisture or friction on areas

1. the mineral magnesite with hot
diluted sulfuric acid 1. insolubility
2. dissolving the mineral kierserite in 2. chemically inert
3. adsorbent property – useful for
3. heating by calcination of dolomite adsorbing moisture from the surface of
then heating with HCl and evaporating the skin
to dryness
4. it should have small particle size,
USES: an active cathartic, parenterally offers smooth substances
used as anticonvulsant, with anti
phlogistic action *caution: if the area to which the protective are
to be applied is abroided and exuding fluid,
Magnesium Citrate adsorbent type protective should not be used

28 | P a g e PCI 315
USES: astringent and antimicrobial,
used as lubricants in manufacture of
Talc (3MgO. 4SiO2. H2O) Titanium Dioxide USP
AKA: French chalk, Soapstone, Piedra PROPTY: white amorphous, odorless,
grassa, Creta gallica
tasteless powder, insoluble in water
PROPTY: Fine powder or Grayish white with HCl, Nitric acid and Sulfuric acid,
crystalline powder Reaction of Titanium dioxide with
Hydrogen peroxide, in dilute Sulfuric
USES: lubricant & protective dusting acid produces Titanium peroxides
powder, filtering aid, used before in
sterile gloves USES: topical protectants, UV Ray
protectant, white pigment in cosmetics
Zinc Oxide USP paint, opacifying agent in manufacture
AKA: Zinc white, Flores de Zinc, Lana o of capsules
Algodon Filosopicos

PREP: By heating strongly in a furnace in INORGANIC ANTIMICROBIALS

a mixture of Zinc mineral, Calamine,
Willemite, Smithsonite, Franklinite, Major Mechanism of Action:
Oxidation: based on the concept that protein
PROPTY: Fine odorless, amorphous has a specific function in the microorganism
white of yellowish white powder, generally non metals and certain types of
gradually absorbs Carbon dioxide from anions
the air, astringent due to the release of
Halogenation: reaction occurring antiseptics of
small amount of zinc ion from
the hypohalite type
Protein Precipitation
USES: Astringent and protective,
Antimicrobial astringent, primary Hydrogen Peroxides (H2 O2)
ingredient of Calamine USP
PROPTY: anhydrous H2 O2 that contains 47% by
Calamine USP weight of available oxygen, pure H2O2 at room
temperature with astringent property, 3%
PROPTY: is Zinc oxide with small
Hydrogen is 10 volumes of solution, 20 volumes
proportions of Ferric oxide
used as hair and fabric bleach it is unstable and
USES: Topical protective, used in easily decomposed
formulating Calamine Lotion, used in
Ways of preventing decomposition of Hydrogen
formulating Phenolated Calamine
Zinc Stearate USP
1. should be kept in a coll place protected from
PROPTY: Zinc compound with a mixture light & dust
of solid organic acids, it contains NLT 2. amber colored bottles are used as containers
12%, NMT 14% of Zinc oxide
29 | P a g e PCI 315
3. preservatives are added USES: antiseptics and irrigation,
effective in bacterial and fungal
4. addition of complexing agents or adsorbents
infections, used to disinfect drinking
USES: mild oxidizing agent, useful for the water (Iodine tincture)
infections caused by anaerobic bacteria, destroy
Povidone Iodine
most pathogenic bacteria, mouthwashes and
gargles PROPTY: An example of iodophors, a
yellowish brown amorphous powder
and has a slight characteristic odor
Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4)
USES: antiseptic, surgical scrubs, vaginal
PROPTY: an odorless, dark purple douche, gargles & mouthwashes
crystalline compound, crystals are
Silver Nitrate
almost opaque in transmitted blue
metallic luster in reflected light, strong AKA: Azotas argentious, Cristales
oxidizing agent both dry state and in lunares
PROPTY: colorless or white crystals
USES: for skin infections, as a wet which become gray or grayish black on
dressing for vesicular stage eczema exposure to light in the presence of
organic matter,can both precipitate
S/E: Brown stain in the skin
human and bacterial protein
Sodium Hypochlorite USP
TOX: Darkening of the skin and
AKA: Chlorinated Soda Solution electrolyte imbalance

PROPTY: clear pale greenish yellow USES: antimicrobial, prophylaxis against

liquid, only suitable as disinfectnts, ophthalmia neonaforum infection,
escharotics and germicide
COMPD/S: Labarraques Solution =
diluted form of Sodium hypochlorite Potassium Antimony Tartrate

USES: laundry disinfectant and bleach, AKA: Tartar emetic

used as disinfectant, as tooth both in
USES: Emetic and Expectorant, DOC in
prevention of athlete’s foot
infections caused by Schistosoma

Iodine USP Sulfur Containing Antimicrobials:

PROPTY: one of the oldest known Sublimed Sulfur USP

germicide in use today, heavy grayish
AKA: Flower of Sulfur
black plates or granules having a
metallic luster and characteristics of PROPTY: fine yellow, crystalline powder
penetrating odor, slightly soluble in having a faint odor and taste
water (1;2950), soluble in alcohol

30 | P a g e PCI 315
PREP: obtained by condensing the 1. styptic
sulfur vapors produced by heating any
2. anti perspirant
form of Sulfur
3. reduce inflammation
Precipitated Sulfur USP
4. removal of unwanted tissues
AKA: Milk of Sulfur

PROPTY: fine yellow amorphous

rhombic powder without odor or taste Alum USP
PREP: by mixing Sulfur with metal PROPTY: colorless crystals, crystalline
hydroxides to form mixtures of metal fragments or as powders sweetish
sulfides and thiosulfates strongly taste
*sulfur can be precipitated by the addition of USES: antiperspirant, styptic, used in
acid the preparation of several biological
USES: as scabicide, keratolytic agent,
anti seborrheic, anti acne , anti psoriasis Aluminum Chloride
Sulfurated Potash USP USES: local astringent and mild
antiseptic, previously used as
AKA: Liver of Sulfur
antiperspirant but already banned
USES: scabicide, pharmaceutical aid as a
Aluminum Containing Astringents:
source of sulfide acid in the preparation
of white lotion Aluminum Sulfate USP
Selenium Sulfide USP Aluminum Acetate Solution USP
SPEC: NLT 52% NMT 53.5% of Selenium Zinc Containing Astringents:
USES: Seborrheic dermatitis Zinc Chloride
Ammoniated Mercury USP (Hg(NH2 )Cl) Zinc Sulfate
PROPTY: inhibition of bacterial
sulfhydryl containing enzymes by the
USES: local anti infectives (ointment), INORGANIC ANTI CARIES
treatment of conjunctiva (ophthalmic
Sodium Fluoride USP (NaF)
PROPTY: white odorless powder,
ASTRINGENTS – these agents are protein
soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol
precipitant able to coagulate protein primarily
on the surface of cells an action that does not USES: dental prophylactic
result in the death of the cells
Stannous Fluoride USP (SnF2)
Main Uses of Astringents:

31 | P a g e PCI 315
PROPTY: white crystalline powder, has a monoxide, Halogens, acids or alkalis
bitter and salty taste, freely soluble in and oxidizing substances
water, insoluble in ether, alcohol and
*green container, with precaution: support
USES: extensively used for topical
Fluoride application, freshly prepared
solution at 6 to 12 months intervals, Anoxic – inadequate supply of Oxygen
requires only one application per because the blood arises at a lower
treatment tension
Pumice Anemic – amount of hemoglobin is
AKA: Pumice stone, Piedra pomez
Stagnant Anoxic – blood circulation is
PROPTY: substances of volcanic origin,
consists chieftly of silicates of
Aluminum, Potassium and Sodium, very Histotoxic – cyanide poisoning
light, hard, rough porous, grayish
masses, odorless and tasteless, stable in Carbon Dioxide USP
air, insoluble in water AKA: Carbonic Acid Gas, Carbonic

1. fine flour or Superfine USES: together with Oxygen air is used

as respiratory stimulant, frozen form
2. fine pumice used in such skin conditions,
carbonated beverages, displace air in
3. coarse pumice
parenteral and topical preparation that
USES: dental abrasive are easily oxidized must be stated on
the label

*gray metallic container

Helium USP
USES: components of artificial air (80%
Oxygen USP He & 20% O)

AKA: Dephlogisticated air, Airo vital, TOX: Donald Duck like sound
Empyreal air, Aire pure
Nitrous Oxide USP
USES: all pathological conditions
AKA: Azole
accompanied by cyanosis and dyspnea,
poisoning by Carbon monoxide, Coal USES: official pharmaceutical air to
gas, Nitrous oxide, Chloroform etc displace air to increase shelf life of
STD PURITY: USP XX requires that is easily oxidized product and must be
indicated in the label
contains 99% by volume of Oxide and
limits the presence of Carbon TOX: Azotemia
32 | P a g e PCI 315
RESPIRATORY STIMULANTS diluted to exactly one liter and filter if
Ammonium Carbonate
USES: expectorant, anti tussive, used
AKA: Preton salt, Sal volatile, Bakeri for asthma, bronchitis, emphysema and
Ammonia Sesquicarbonate sinusitis, antifungal, used to treat goiter
PROPTY: shields between 30% - 34% ANTIDOTES
ammonia without empyreumatic odor,
freely soluble in water, decomposed by - Agent that will counteract the
hot water, only inorganic compounds poison
that still use as respiratory stimulant, a
Mechanism of Action:
strong ammonia solution
PHYSIOLOGICAL – counteracting the effect of
USES: basis of smelling salts, no
poison by producing other effect
valuable in hysterical syncope,
leavening agent Sodium Nitrite USP
Aromatic Ammonia Spirit USP AKA: Natrium, Nitrosum
AKA: Spirit of Hartshorn USES: antidote to cyanide poisoning
PREP: by dissolving ammonia given in the form of 2% solution
administered via IV
USES: respiratory stimulant by inhaling
*sodium nitrite + hemoglobin =
methemoglobin, HCN + Methemoglobin =
EXPECTORANT Cyanomethemoglobin

- Irritate the gastric mucosa to

stimulate respiratory tract secretion
CHEMICAL – changing the chemical nature of
Ammonium Chloride USP the poison

AKA: Sal Ammoniac, Salmiac Sodium Thiosulfate

Ammonium Muriate
USES: inhibits the conversion of cyanide
USES: increases the secretions to penthiocyanide
especially saliva, mucous and sweat,
MECHANICAL – by preventing the absorption of
solution is used in voltaic bakeries, the poison into the body
official category systemic acidifier and
Chloride replenisher, helps the mucous Sodium Thiosulfate
to become less viscous
USES: antifluorosis
Potassium Iodide
Activated Charcoal USP
AKA: Kalium Iodatum
AKA: Carbon Ligni
PREP: prepared in dissolving 1000g of
the salt in 680mL of hot purified water
cooled to room temperature and
33 | P a g e PCI 315
PREP: incomplete combustion of wood PROPTY: light volatile, non greasy powder of
out of contact of air, the residue left extremely fine particle size, it is insoluble in
being composed of almost pure carbon water and in acids

USES: antidote, components of USES: tablet diluent, suspending and thickening

universal antidote agent

*components of universal antidote = 2parts LUBRICANTS

Activated charcoal, 1part Tannic acid, 1part
Magnesium oxide - Used to prevent friction between
the tablets and tableting machine
Cupric Sulfate USP - Most of the lubricants are insoluble
soaps, heavy metals of fatty acids
AKA: Blue vitriol, Blue stone, Copper
sulfate, Capparosa azul, Piedra lipis Official Lubricants:
PROPTY: deep blue triclinic crystals, has Calcium Stearate
a nauseous, metallic taste and
Magnesium Stearate
efflorescence slowly in dry air, its
solution are acid to litmus Bentonite:
USES: Antidote for Phosphorus AKA: Soap clay, Wilkinite, Mineral soap
poisoning, as emetic = 300mg, as an
astringent 10 – 30mg USES: stabilizer, exerts detergent
effects, clarifying agent

- Physiologically inactive ingredient
Calcium Sulfate USP - Particles or waves coming from the
nucleus of the atom
AKA: Gypsum alabaster, Satin spar,
Light spar for the dehydrate Calcium HALF LIFE
- Time required for one half of a
USES: rechargeable laboratory & given atom to decay
industrial dessicant corcrite, tablet
diluent DECAY RATE

Colloidal Silicon Dioxide USP - Time rate of which atoms undergo

radioactive disintegration
PREP: submicroscopic fuse silica
prepared by the vapor – phase hydrolysis of a RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS
silicon tetrachloride at 1100oC

34 | P a g e PCI 315
Radioactive substances used for USES: scintillation and scanning of the
diagnosis of certain diseases kidney or the brain

Desirable properties of Radiopharmaceuticals: Sodium Phosphate P 32 Solution

- Emit beta and gamma particles
- Can be concentrated in a specific USES: treatment of polycythemia vera
organs or cells increase in RBC. Localization of
- Can be eliminated by the body intraocular tumors
Technetium TC 93m Injection
- Should produce low toxicity
USES: brain scanning to determine the
pressure and location of neoplastic
Sodium Chromate A 51 Injection lesion

AKA: Chromitope Sodium, Rachromate Strontium Chloride

AKA: Metastron
USES: diagnostic determination, RBC
USES: for bone palliation associated
mass volume survival time and for
with bone tumors
scanning of the spleen
Thalus Chloride
Gold Au 198 Injection
USES: for diagnosis of MI and Ischemic
AKA: Aurcoloid 198, Aureotope, Heart Failure
Auroscan – 198
Roentology / Radiology
USES: diagnostic preparation for
scintillation/scanning of the liver, USES: involves the use of X-Ray
therapeutic preparation in the
Radiopaque Contrast Media
treatment of disorders secondary to
neoplastic diseases PROPTY: chemical compounds
Sodium Iodide I 125 Solution containing element of high atomic
number that will stop the passage of X-
AKA: Iodotope 1-125, Sodium iodide 1-1 Rays
31, Iodotope 1-131
Radiiopaque Imaging Agents:
USES: diagnostic aid in the study of the
Iopanoic Acid USP
functioning of the thyroid gland and in
the scanning of the thyroid gland to MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
determine the size, position and
possible tumor location, treatment of USES: non invasive method has made
hyperthyroidism medicinal diagnosis simpler and more
Chlormerodin Hg 197 Injection, Chlormerodin
Hg 203 Injection

35 | P a g e PCI 315
RADIOISOTOPES - Has an excellent penetrating power
- X – Capture = process whereby a
- Unstable isotopes which undergo type of radiation similar to gamma
random decomposition or decay rays is seen in emission of X- Ray
with the emission of certain

Factors where in biological effects of

Radioisotopes depends:

- Ability to penetrate tissues

- The energy of radiation
- The particular tissue
- The surface area exposed
- The dose of radiation


- Process in which an unstable atomic

nucleus spontaneously loses energy
by emiiting ionizing particles and

Types of Decay Particles:

Alpha Particles

- Heaviest and slowest of all

radioactive emissions
- Negative charged species having
the mass number of an electron
- Relatively slow speed, averaging
about 0.1 speed of light

Beta Particles

- Sometimes called as Negatrons

- Negative charged species having
the mass number of an electron
- Able to travel 10 – 15mm of water
and penetrate almost 1 inch
thickness of Aluminum

Gamma Rays

- Rays are similar to X-Ray and travel

at the speed of light
- Has no mass and charge but with
high energy

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