Historical Events of Makkah

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1. PREFACE……………………………………………..
PROPHETHOOD)................. …………………….
4. ISRA AND MIRAAJ…………………………………....
5. MIGRATION TO MADINA…………………………..
6. A GRAND VICTORY…………………........................
7. CONQUEST OF MAKKAH………………………….
The past history of a nation is important to teach people it's strengths and
weaknesses and causes of their successes and failures. The visitors of
Makkah are always busy in fulfilling the obligations of Hajj and Umra with
their soft hearts. It will be very beneficial if they can have a quick review of
some of the historical events which took place in this sacred land. Very few
visitors of Makkah try to buy Islamic history books. Those who buy do not
find time to read the big books. I have tried to give a bird's eye view of some
historical events which took place in and around Makkah. I feel it will
enhance the spirituality of the visitors.

According to most of the scholars, Mohammad (SAS) was born in Makkah
on Monday morning, the 9th of Rabia Al-Awal (20th or 22nd April 571.A.D).
His birth took place fifty or fifty-five days after the event of destruction of
the army of elephant which advanced towards the House of Allah (SWT) in
Makkah. His grandfather gave him name Mohammad (SAS). He belonged to
a respectable tribe called Quraish. His family was, however, very poor. His
father, Abdullah, passed away before his birth.
In accordance with Arab tradition, a group of rural wet nurses visited
Makkah in search of children to suckle. Most of them acquired children of
rich families. No body cared to take Mohammad (SAS) since he was an
orphan and he belonged to a very poor family. Finally, Haleema agreed to
take him hoping that her family may develop a good relationship with
Quraish tribe. On her way back home, many extraordinary things took place.
1. The lean and weak donkey carrying Haleema and baby Mohammad
(SAS) gained strength and speed. It left other travelers in the group far
2. Haleema's breast was without any trace of milk and her own child
was crying for milk since last night. As soon as she took baby Mohammad
(SAS) in her lap she found enough milk in her breast to feed both
Mohammad (SAS) and her own child. After this both went to sleep
3. Haleema's she-camel was also without any milk for several days.
After acquiring this orphan child, Haleema's husband found lot of milk in
their she-camel. Haleema and her husband drank this milk to their fills and
had very peaceful sleep.
4. Their barren land gave rise to plenty of green grass and their animals
had lot to eat. Baby Mohammad (SAS) was full of blessing for them. They
took baby Mohammad (SAS) back to his mother after two years. They

requested Amina, the mother of Mohammad (SAS), to let them keep the
baby in the rural area for another 2-3 years. Amina granted their request.
5. As mentioned in Muslim and narrated by Anas (RA), one day
Mohammad (SAS) was playing with other children. Gibreel (AS) came,
opened the chest of Mohammad (SAS) and took his heart out. He removed a
blood clot from the heart and said, "This was the part of Satan in you."
Gibreel (AS) washed the heart with Zam-Zam water and then placed it back
in Mohammad's (SAS) chest. The playmates informed Haleema that
Mohammad (SAS) is murdered. She rushed to this place and found the child
was doing fine except that he was somewhat pale. After this Haleema got
worried about the welfare of the child. Hence she returned the child to his
Mohammad (SAS) stayed with his mother until he was six years old.
Amina had nothing to feed herself and her baby boy. She went back to her
family in Madina for the bare necessities of life. Amina fell ill in Madina.
After a short while, she passed away and was buried in a village called
Abwa. Baby Mohammad (SAS) became an orphan from both sides. Child
was sad, aloof and declined to play with other children. He lost appetite and
became weaker and weaker every day. The relatives sent the child to his
grand father, Abdul Muttalib ( ‫)عبد الميل بند‬. The grand father died at age of
one hundred and ten. The child was once again left helpless at age of ten.
Now his uncle Abu Talib ( ‫ )أبٔاطام‬took him to his house.
Abu Talib was a good person and leader of Quraish. He was very poor
and even could not support his large family. Mohammad (SAS) was forced
to seek a labor job at an age of ten to feed himself. He started looking after
others cattle in an extremely hot desert of Makkah. He ate from the wild
plants in the desert and drank milk of goat or sheep which he looked after.
He used to spend all day in the desert bare footed with very minimal
clothing. He used to come to his uncle's home at night to hide his head
In the desert, he pondered over the manifestations of nature. Difficulties
of life, loneliness and sense of responsibility made him more mature than his
age. His uncle was a trader and was impressed by the intelligence and
maturity of his nephew. Mohammad (SAS) was twelve years old when Abu
Talib took his nephew with him to a trade trip to Syria.

The trade caravan reached a city called Basra in Greater Syria. A
renowned monk, Bohira (ُ‫)بحير‬, approached Abu Talib and said, "I recognize
that this young man will be appointed as mercy for all the universes. It is
clearly written in our books." Bohira advised Abu Talib to save the young
man from Jews and, for this reason, send him back to Makkah. Abu Talib
followed the advice of this monk.
In Makkah, there was no police or any court system. Each tribe resolved
their problems on their own. When a weak tribe was done wrong by a
member of a powerful tribe, the weak tribe had no say. For example, a rich
man forcefully took away a young daughter of a poor visitor of Makkah.
The father of the girl had no way to recover his daughter. Young man
Mohammad (SAS) did not like this cruel system. He gathered a few other
young men and formed a voluntary organization to fight against the crime.
They provided support to weak and poor tribes. The organization was very
successful in achieving its goals. It was not an ordinary step. It totally
revolutionized the court system in Makkah and the credit went to young man
Mohammad (SAS).
Mohammad's ( SAS ) honesty, good manners, hard work and
intelligence won every body's heart. Most of Quraish were merchants.
Khadija (RAU) was a rich widow. She invited Mohammad (SAS) to take her
merchandise to Syria. Another monk told Mohammad (SAS) that he is going
to wipe out the idol worship and propagate a true religion. Mohammad
(SAS) returned to Makkah with huge profits. Khadija (RAU) sent a similar
trade mission second time and again made enviable profits. Her servant,
Maisarah, (ُ‫ )ىيسدر‬accompanied Mohammad (SAS) in these two trade trips.
He describes many qualities of Mohammad (SAS) to Khadija (RAU).
Mohammad (SAS) was also very attractive young man. At that time,
Khadija (RAU) was forty years old widow while Mohammad (SAS) was
only twenty-five. She was highly impressed by Mohammad (SAS) and
wished to marry him. She sent a message to him through Maisarah who
returned without any conclusions. She sent Nafisa)ِ‫ا(ٍفيسد‬,a closed friend, to
him who motivated Mohammad (SAS) to marry Khadija (RAU). Finally,
Mohammad consented and they got married. After marriage, he took two
important steps.

Mohammad (SAS) wished to help his poor uncle Abu Talib. He took
over the bringing up of his son Ali bin Abi Talib (RA). Secondly, Khadija
(RAU) gave him a slave who was a Christian from Syria. His name was Zaid
bin Haris (RA). Mohammad (SAS) made this slave a free man. Zaid bin
Haris (RA) was so much enchanted by the personality of Mohammad (SAS)
that he refused to go to his parents and chose to spend rest of his life in the
company of Mohammad (SAS).


Mohammad's (SAS) first son was Qasim who passed away in his
childhood. Similarly his two other sons also passed away in their childhood.
They had four daughters, Raqiyya (RAU), Zainab (RAU), Um Kulsoom
(RAU) and Fatima (RAU).
When Mohammad (SAS) was thirty five years old. two mishaps took
place in Makkah. Firstly, Kabah caught fire. Secondly, the flood of rainwater
swept away part of the Kabah. Reconstruction of Kabah was done by
Quraish. A serious dispute erupted among ten tribes of Quraish. Each tribe
wished to have the honor of placing the Black Stone in the wall of Kabah. A
bloody war was about to break out among them to settle this matter. Finally
they unanimously agreed to let Mohammad (SAS) resolve this problem since
he was considered the most honest and fair minded person in Makkah.
Mohammad (SAS) displayed a great deal of intelligence and far sightedness
and solved this problem on the spot. He asked for a sheet of cloth. He
spread the sheet on the ground. He placed the Black Stone on this sheet and
then asked the head of each tribe to lift this sheet. When the Black Stone was
closed to the wall of Kabah, Mohammad (SAS) placed the Black Stone in
the wall by his hands. All the tribes were fully satisfied by this solution.
Mohammad (SAS) used to the meditate in a cave called Hira. When he
was forty years old, an unusual thing happened during his stay in this cave.
Angel Gibreal (AS) came there and asked Mohammad (SAS) to recite (in
Arabic) Iqra. Mohammad (SAS) said, "I cannot recite. " The Angel
squeezed him hard and again said, " Recite. " Mohammad (SAS) said, "I
can not recite." The angel squeezed him again and said to him third time,

"Recite." Mohammad (SAS) was able to recite after angel first five verses of
Surah Al-Alaq. Al-Alaq #1-5
                

       

Read ! In the Name of your Lord Who has created.He has created man
from a clot.Read ! And your Lord is the Most Genrous.Who has taught (the
writing) by pen. He has taught man which he knew not.
The first word of the revelation Iqra' (or read) brings out the importance
of Islamic education and propagation of Islam. Some scholars consider
seeking Islamic education is obligatory for every Muslim.
In many verses of Quran, Allah (SWT) instructs us to learnt the facts
first or acquire knowledge and then practice it with understanding.
Hence, knowledge of Islamic principles must be acquired before its
practice. The practice of Islam with ignorance is not acceptable. Islam is the
only religion which brought out the importance of education and
understanding at the very dawn of this religion. Secondly, a Muslims must
start everything with the name of Allah (SWT). This diverts his attention
and promotes the appreciation of Allah (SWT). For example, when a
Muslims starts his meals with the name of Allah (SWT), he realizes that the
various ingredients of his meal are created, nourished, preserved, and
provided by the benevolence of Allah (SWT). Actually, this action on the
part of a believer distinguishes him from a disbeliever and indicates the
purity and strength of his faith.
Allah (SWT) taught these two important lessons to the Prophet (SAS)
and his followers on the very first day of revelation to Muhammad (SAS).
After the first revelation in cave Hira, Muhammad (SAS) came home
with this unusual experience and he was extremely worried about his
welfare. His wife, Khadija (RAU), consoled him and assured him that Allah
(SWT) would not do any harm to him since he had a very noble character.
She added, "You have good relations with your blood relatives. You help the
weak and the poor and you are very hospitable. You uphold the truth."
Hence Khadija (RAU) was not only a sincere, intelligent and an ideal wife
but she was the first Muslim to accept whole heartedly what was revealed to
Mohammad ( SAS ).

For further consolation, she took him to her cousin, Waraqa bin Naufal,
who practiced true Christianity. After listening to Muhammad (SAS), he
said, "It was the same angel which brought Allah's (SWT) message to
Moses. I wish that I be alive when people will turn you out from your land."
Muhammad (SAS) asked, "Will they really turn me out?" Waraqa said,
"People are always hostile to those who bring message like yours ." A few
days later Waraqa died.
Khadija (RAU) put all her wealth and other resources at the command of
Prophet Muhammad (SAS) to establish Islam. She stood by him through
thick and thin. For example, the idolaters of Makkah did a social and
economic boycott with tribes of Bani Hashim and Bani Al-Mutlib. It lasted
for three years. Hardships were unbearable. The followers of the Prophet
(SAS) had to eat leavers of trees and skin of animals to survive. Children
cried continuously with pangs of hunger. Kahdija (RAU) was a rich woman
and had lived very comfortable life. She spent all these three years with her
husband suffering like other people.
Her two daughters were divorced by idolaters to add salt to her sufferings.
Now her daughter, Ruqiyya, married Usman bin Affan (RA). Both were
tortured even more and hence they migrated to Habsha.
Allah (SWT) loved Khadija's faith, steadfatness and sincerity. As
mentioned in Bukhari and narrated by Abu Hurrairah (RA), one day Gabriel
(AS) was sitting with Prophet Muhammad (SAS). Gabriel (AS) said to
Prophet Muhammad (SAS), " Khadija (RAU) is coming to you with some
food in a container. When she reaches you, convey her Allah's (SWT) and
my salam. Please give her a glade tiding of a house for her in Paradise
which is decorated by precious stones. It is so peaceful that there is no noise
of any kind. She will not experience any hardship or tiredness in her house
in Paradise." How great and honorable lady she was. If Muslim ladies show
similer sincerity and patience to their husband, Allah (SWT) will reward
them in similer way.
As second revelation, the first seven verses of Al- Muddaththir were
revealed. Each verse is small but is very eloquent and carries very deep
meaning.Al-Muddathther #1-7
               

     

1. O you Muhammad (SAS). who is resting comfortably, rise to struggle or
do Jehad to establish the word of Allah.
2. Rise and warn people about consequences of disobedience of Allah
(SWT). Hence the idea of Day of Judgement is built in it.
3. Establish the Greatness of your Lord on this earth. Any opposition to
this mission should be a crushed.
4. Maintain internal, external and spiritual cleanliness which will
automatically attract others to you.
5. Keep away from the idols.
6. Do not expect big reward for your every sacrifice. Rather continue your
struggle with sprit of more sacrifices.
7. Face all the opposition to your mission with patience to please Allah
These verses spelled out short and long-term goals and objectives for this
new movement. It was not just a religious movement but it was also a social
and economic movement as well. Hence Prophet Muhammad (SAS) was to
bring about religious, social and economic revolutions simultaneously.


In spite of extreme torturing of the Muslims by the disbelievers of
Makkah, more and more people were embracing Islam day after day. So
much so that leaders of disbelievers like Omar RA and Hamza (RA)
accepted Islam. The Quraish were frustrated. The prominent leaders of
disbelievers gathered in Masjid-ul-Haram. They also saw Prophet
Mohammad (SAS) sitting all alone in another part of this Masjid. Atbah Bin
Rabiah )‫ (عتبةت نةر ينة ةت‬the leader of the disbelievers said to Quraish, "Look,
Mohammad (SAS) is sitting all alone, I suggest that I talk to him on one to
one basis and make him a few offers. Hopefully he will accept some of
them. If he does, our problem will be solved." The gathering unanimously
agreed and Rabia rose and walk up to the Prophet (SAS) and sat down in
front of him (SAS). Atbah said, "My nephew, you indeed. hold a high
position and great respect in our nation. Now you have initiated a new
movement which has divided our nation. You criticize our gods and our
religion. You call our forefathers disbelievers. Please do listen to me. I shall
make you a few offers. Do ponder over them, may be you like some of

The Prophet (SAS) said, "Go ahead I shall listen to your offers."
Atbah said, "O my nephew, if you intend to gather wealth through your new
religion, we will put so much wealth at your disposal that you will become
the richest person among us. If you are seeking a high status, we will make
you our leader and we will not settle any matter without your approval. If
you wish to be a king, we will make you our king. If some jinn has
overpowered you, we will seek treatment for it, we will spend for this
treatment whatever it takes to make you completely healthy."
The Prophet (SAS) listened this talk patiently and then said to
Atbah, "Are you finished?" He said, "Yes, my nephew." The Prophet (SAS)
said, "Would you like to listen to my answer?" He said, "Yes." The Prophet
(SAS) recited to Atbah first thirty eight verses of Surah Fussilat in order to
answer his questions. There are many lessons in these verses, I shall mention
a summary of them step by step. ( Ibn Ishaq )
1. We start with the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
2. Allah (SWT) describes the mentality of disbelievers of Makkah in next
few verses. Allah (SWT) says, "Quran is revealed in your language. It
has very clear guidance, It gives glad tidings to the believers and warns
the disbelievers about the punishment. You totally turn a deaf ear to it
stating that our ears are not ready to listen to it and our hearths are not
ready to accept it. There is a screen or a barrier between you (SAS) and
us. Do what ever you want to do. Leave us alone." Fussilat #1-5.

               
              

               

           

Ha-Mim. A revelation from, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful. A

book where of the verses are explained in detail- a Quran in Arabic for
people who know. Giving glad tiding and warning, but most of them turn
away, so they hear not. And they say; "Our hearts are under coverings from
that, to which you invite us, and in our ears is deafness, and between us and
you is a screen. So work (on your way), verily, we are working (on our

3. The Prophet (SAS) disregarded their rudeness and ridicule and answered
them in a kind and humble way stating, "I am an only a human being
like you. However, it is revealed to me that there is only and only one
God worth worshiping, Fussilat # 6
           

Say, "I am only a human being like you, it is revealed to me that your God is
one God."
4. In the next three verses the detail of creation of universe is given to
show Oneness of Allah (SWT). For example, Allah (SWT) has put
different food, minerals, fruits and other vegetations in various regions
of the earth to suit the needs of its dwellers. Some where there are
precious minerals, other region have more fruit and still other area may
have more grain. In this way all regions will be sharing, trading and
cooperating with each like an extended family. This allocation of various
provisions was done by the Grand Wisdom of One God. There are also
signs of Oneness of Allah (SWT) in the creation of earth and skies. A
person must be out of his senses if he denies the Oneness of Allah after
pondering over the grand creation of universe by Allah (SWT).
5. There is a warning for the disbelievers if they stick to their stubbornness
after listing to above signs of Allah (SWT), you will be punished like
Aad )‫ (عاد‬and Thamud )‫(مثود‬. Fussilat #13

         

But if they turn away, then say, "I have warned you of a thunderbolt like
which one took Ad And Thamud (people)."
Bazar )‫ (نزاي‬and Baghvi )‫ (نغوي‬reported that when the Prophet (SAS) recited
this verse, Atbah put his hand on the mouth of the Prophet (SAS) and
begged for mercy because of his kinship and requested not to say anything
beyond that.
6. On the Day of Judgment your hearing, eyes and even skin will speak out
as witnesses for you or against you. Hence you cannot hide your sins.
7. The disbelievers try to do another dirty trick. Fussilat #26
           

And those who disbelieve say, "Listen not to this Quran and make noise in
the midst of its (recitation) that you may over come."
We see this even these days in so called civilized western world during
Azan and Salat, Note that here is also a reminder for believers not to talk
during recitation of Quran.
8. Then Prophet (SAS) speech added. Fussilat # 27.
          

But surely, Allah shall cause those who disbelieve to taste a severe
torment, and certainly, Allah shall give them a terrible reward foe their
bad deeds.
9. In next four verses the reward and respect for the practicing believers are
mentioned. For example, Fussilat#33
             

Who is better in speech than he who invites (men) and does righteous
deeds and says, "I am one of the Muslims."
Allah gives glad tidings to the believers. Fussilat # 30-32
              

              

           

Verily, those who says, "Our lord is Allah (alone)," and then they stand firm,
on them the angels will descent (saying), "Fear not, nor grieve! But
receive the glad tidings of Paradise which you have been promised. We
have been your friends in this world and are (so) in the hearth after.
There in you shall have (all) that which your inner selves desire, and
therein you shall have (all) for which you ask. An entertainment from
(Allah), the Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful."
10. Finally note that the day and night and sun and moon are also signs of
Allah (SWT). Do not worship any one of them, you should rather
worship their creator. After reciting verses 37 and 38, The Prophet
(SAS) made a sajda and then said to Atbah, "You have listen to my
speech. Now it is up to you to do what you like."
Atbah rose and walked toward his group. As he approaches near them,
the disbelievers started whispering to each other, "Atbah's (or Abu Walied's)
face is changed." When Atbah sat down among them, they asked, "What

news you have brought?" Atbah said as mentioned in Ibn Katheer, "I never
listened to a speech like this before. I swear it is not the word of a poet. Nor
it is the word of a soothsayer. O my People, please do listen to me and you
better leave this matter to me."
My opinion is that you stop confronting him and torturing him. Leave
him alone with his work since one day his speech is going to be honored.
You better sit tight and simply observe his dealing with the rest of the Arabs.
If rest of the Arabs defeats him, you shall achieve your goal without any
effort on your part. If, however, he overpowers rest of the Arabs and starts
ruling over them, it will be your empire. His honor will be your honor since
he is from Quraish. You will be partners in this success automatically."
The disbelievers said, "O Abu Waleed, obviously Mohammad (SAS) has
changed you with his magical words."
Atbah said, "I firmly stand by my above proposal, you do what you feel like
This dramatic dialogue teaches us how to make dawah to disbelievers.
1. We should start with the name of Allah (SWT) the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful.
2. We should talk to them humbly and gently even if they are rude and
make fun of us and our religion.
3. We should present to them some signs of Allah (SWT) from the creation
of Allah (SWT) as proof His Greatness and Oneness.
4. We should remind them of the fate of arrogant people like Aad and
Thamud who denied the truth.
5. We should also remind them that their doings and deeds are not hidden
from Allah (SWT). So much so that their own ears and eyes and even
skin will be witnesses of their actions on the day of the judgment. Their
various parts of body are like security guards of Allah (SWT).
6. Remind them of the fate of disbelieves in this world and in Hereafter.
7. Last but not the least, there are signs of Allah (SWT) in sun and moon,
day and night and in other creations of Allah (SWT). Do not worship
these creations rather worship the Creator of them i.e. one and one God
only, the Supreme Creator.


Allah (SWT) says in Surah Al-Isra # 1
           

         

Glorified be He Who carried His servant by night from the Inviolable

Place of Worship to the Far Distant Place of Worship the neighborhood
whereof We have blessed, that We might show him of Our tokens! Lo! He,
only He, is the Hearer, the Seer.
This journey of Prophet Mohammad (SAS) consisted of two parts.
The first part consisted of a night journey from Makkah to Jerusalem and is
called Isra. The second part of this journey is an ascension from the Masjid-
al-Aqsa to the heavens and is called the Miraaj. It is necessary to review the
circumstances preceding this journey in order to understand the significance
of Isra and Miraaj.
Many things happened a year and half before this journey. First of all
the disbelievers accelerated their persecution and torture of the believers. At
that time the Muslims were not allowed to fight back even in extreme
circumstances. Allah (SWT) instructed in The Quran: Al-Baqarah #109
     

Forgive and overlook till Allah brings His command.

It so happened that during this period Prophet
Mohammad’s (SAS) uncle Abu Talib died. Abu Talib was a
good worldy protection for Prophet Mohammad (SAS) against
the disbelievers. This made the disbelievers even more bold.
Soon after this, Prophet Mohammad 's (SAS) beloved wife ,
Khadij a (RUA), died. It was a matter of great grief and
sadness for Prophet Mohammad (SAS) . Because of the several
sad events which took place this year it was called “the year
of sadness” ً ‫ عداهالمحد‬. Under these circumstances, Prophet
Mohammad (SAS) decided to go to another town called Taif
for the propagation of Islam. He expected some support from
the leaders of this town since they were distant relatives of his
mother. These leaders gav e a very cold shoulder to Prophet
Mohammad (SAS) on his arrival there. The local leaders let
the children loose on him who inj ured the Prophet badly with
stones. So much so that the shoes of Prophet Mohammad

(SAS) were filled with blood trickling from his head. He took
refuge in a garden in the outer skirts of this town. The owner
of this garden took pity on him and scared off the mischievous
children. It was here that the angel appeared and said to
Prophet Mohammad (SAS) , “Indeed people of this town are
very cruel. If you like we can turn this town upside down and
totally ruin it.” Prophet Mohammad (SAS) replied, “I have
come as a mercy for the whole universe ٌ‫ رحيدتامناداميي‬and not as
a punishment. May be the future generation s of this town will
see the trut h.” As Prophet Mohammad (SAS) came back to
Makkah he was not allowed to enter Makkah any more because
he was now consi dered a non resident of Makkah. After
several attempts and negotiations he was allowed to go into
Makkah provided that he did not preach a nybody in Makkah.
Prophet Mohammad (SAS) preached only to the people in fairs
and festivals held outside Makkah. This explains the difficult
time, the level of patience and steadfastness of Prophet
Mohammad (SAS). Allah (SWT) gave Prophet Mohammad
(SAS) a big reward for this extreme patience and took him to
this j ourney of Isra and Miraaj .
Let us now describe Isra. Angel Gabriel came to Masjid-al-Haram in
Makkah and asked the Prophet (SAS) to do his ablution with Zam Zam. He
took Prophet Mohammad (SAS) on a very fast horse called “Burrak” from
Masjid-al-Haram to Masjid-al-Aqsa in Jerusalem. Prophet Mohammad
(SAS) offered two rakkat salat. Then angel Gabriel offered him a cup of
milk and a cup of wine. Prophet Mohammad (SAS) chose the cup of milk.
Gabriel (AS) said, “You have chosen that which is pure and which is clean.
You are rightly guided and your people too. If you had chosen wine, your
ummah would have been misled.” We know that wine leads to corruption
and is called mother of all evils. Hence, Islam is committed to purity, truth
and goodness.
After this Miraaj took place. Gabriel (AS) took Prophet Mohammad
(SAS) on Burrak upwards to different heavens. There Prophet Mohammad
(SAS) met some other prophets. He saw Prophet Adam (AS) on the first
Heaven, Prophet John (AS) and Prophet Jesus (AS) on the second, Prophet
Joseph (AS) on the third, Prophet Anaq (AS) on fourth, Prophet Aaron (AS)
on fifth, Prophet Moses (AS) on sixth and Prophet Abraham (AS) on the
seventh sky. Prophet Mohammad (SAS) offered salam to all these

At one place, Prophet Mohammad (SAS) saw angel Malek, the
guardian of hellfire. Prophet Mohammad (SAS) requested Gabriel (AS) to
let him view Hell. The Angel Malek lifted the lid. Prophet Mohammad
(SAS) saw roaring flames of fires which will consume everything. Prophet
Mohammad (SAS) was shown the examples of punishments for those who
commit sins.
He (SAS) saw some people whose lips were like camels and they had
fire balls in their hands. He (SAS) saw them thrusting these fireballs in their
mouths and then these balls came out of their posteriors. Angel Gabriel
explained that these were the people who were dishonest in the trust put in
their hands.
He (SAS) saw some people with very big bellies and mad and thirsty
camels were running over them. It was explained that these are the people
who engaged in usury.
He (SAS) also saw some people who had good fresh meals and also
rotten stinking meals lying close to them. They ate rotten meals rather than
good fresh meals. He (SAS) was explained that these were the people who
forsake their lawful spouses.
He (SAS) also saw some women hanging by their breasts. He (SAS)
was explained that these women betrayed their husbands.
During this ascension Prophet Mohammad (SAS) even went beyond
seventh sky where no angel has ever gone. It was there that Prophet
Mohammad (SAS) saw various signs of Allah (SWT) in this unique
environment. Allah described this in Surah An-Najm: # 17,18
             

Neither the eye turned aside nor it became overbold. Verily he saw
the greatest signs of his Lord.
This describes the personality, composure and self control of Prophet
Mohammad (SAS). He saw what he was supposed to see and for as long as
he was intended to see. He was not overbold and unnecessary inquisitive
while he was feasting his eyes with His manifestation.
During this closeness with Allah (SWT) he was given following three
Prophet Mohammad (SAS) was informed that whosoever will recite
Shahada sincerely will eventually go to paradise by the Grace of Allah

Prophet Mohammad (SAS) received last two verses of surrah Al-
He (SAS) was initially given fifty prayers to perform per day. It was
reduced to five as a special concession to his ummah. They will, however,
receive the reward of fifty salats per day by performing only five a day.
Allah (SWT) is extremely kind to the ummah of Mohammad (SAS).
( Muslim)
Prophet Mohammad (SAS) said:
‫الصالة م راج املؤمر‬
“Prayer is the Miraaj of a believer.” Prayer is the direct and closest
communication between Allah (SWT) and his obedient servant.
After this unique gift Prophet Mohammad (SAS) came back to Masjid
Al Aqsa. Other Prophets came there too. They all offered salat in a
congregation led by Prophet Mohammad (SAS). This indicated oneness of
the message of all the prophets and distinction of Prophet Mohammad over
other prophets.
After this Angel Gabriel brought Prophet Mohammad
(SAS) to Makkah d uring the same night. Wh en the disbelievers
heard about the j ourney of Prophet Mohammad from Makkah
to Jerusalem and further to the seventh sky and back to
Makkah in the part of a night, they made fun of it. The
disbelievers went to Abu Bakr (RU) and said to him “Do you
see what your friend claims about his night j ourney?” Abu
Bakr inquired. “Did he really say so?” The disbelievers
answered, “Yes.” Abu Bakr remarked, “He is definitely
truthful in his claim.” Prophet Mohammad (SAS) called Abu
Bakr as Siddiq ue from that point onwards.
The first verse of Surah Al-Isra has many lessons for us.
1. Allah (SWT) is using the word Abd‫ )عبد )ا‬or the most obedient servant
for Prophet Mohammad (SAS) instead of any other name for him.
2. It indicates that in spite of such closeness to Allah (SWT) he remains the
most obedient servant and is no way a partner of Allah (SWT). It was to
teach us that we should not make partners of Allah (SWT) as the People
of the Book did.
It also indicates that the journey took place in body and soul because of
the use of the word Al Abd ) ‫ (لمابد‬in this verse. Note that “Al-Abd”
consists of body and soul and not one or the other.

3. It also teaches us that we must love Masjid Al Aqsa whose surrounding is
blessed by Allah (SWT).
4. The word Lailan‫ (مديا)ا‬is a common noun indicating a part of the night
only. Hence the whole journey took place only during part of the night.
5. Allah is indeed Hearer and Seer. He heard the supplications of Prophet
Mohammad (SAS) and saw his extreme patience. Consequently He
(SWT) rewarded him by this unique journey of Isra and Miraaj
indicating that finally he was going to be successful.
I pray to Allah (SWT) that He enables us to understand the true
significance of Isra and Miraaj.Ameen


Several important events took place before migration to Madina.
1. The Jews of Madina were anxiously waiting for Prophet Mohammad
(SAS) generation after generation. They use to tell the powerful tribes of
Madina, Aus and Khazrij, when Prophet Mohammad (SAS) will come
we will crush you down with his help.
2. During the Hajj of eleventh year of Nabawi six persons of Khazrij met
the Prophet (SAS) and embraced Islam. In this way they wished to
punish Jews with the help of the Prophet (SAS).Next year seven
additional persons from Madina accepted Islam. The Prophet (SAS) sent
Musaab bin Umair as his first ambassador and a preacher to Madina.
3. During the 13th year of Nabawi seventy-five persons of Madina invited
the Prophet (SAS) to Madina and pledged to protect him under all
4. Above pledge between the Prophet (SAS) and the visitors of Madina had
a great historical importance since the Muslims found a homeland to
establish them there. Consequently the Prophet (SAS) granted
permission to the Muslims to migrate to Madina.
An Arab is identified only through his link with his tribe. If his link
is broken he becomes a lost person with no importance what so ever. Any

body can kill him without any accountability. Migration meant to cut
yourself from your tribe. This was the greatest sacrifice on the part of the
Prophet (SAS) and his followers since anybody could kill them without any
fear. They made this sacrifice only and only to practice Islam.
The Quraish of Makkah were very upset to see the Muslims with
powerful tribes of Madina. They made the migration as miserable for the
Muslims as they could. For example, as mentioned by Ibni Ishaq, Abu Salma
(RA) tried to migrate from Makkah to Madina with his wife and a child. His
in-laws forcefully took away his wife while his own family took away the
child. He migrated alone. His wife was crying day after day for separation
from her husband and her child. After one year one person of her tribe took
pity on her and got her permission to migrate to Madina along with her
Ibni Hisham mentioned that when Suhaib (RA) tried to migrate, the
Quraish said to him, “When you came here, you were very poor and had no
worldly importance. Now you have become a very rich man. We will not let
you go with your wealth.” Suhaib (RA) said, “If I give you all my wealth,
will you let me go?" They agreed. Suhaib (RA) handed them all his wealth
and migrated to Madina. When the Prophet (SAS) learnt this, he said,
“Suhaib did a profitable bargain. Indeed, Suhaib did a profitable bargain.”
All immigrants had similar experiences. In spite of this most of the
Muslims migrated to Madina. Quraish were very furious to see this. They
stationed one person from each tribe outside the Prophet’s (SAS) home
during the night. All of them were to join hands to kill the Prophet (SAS) as
he (SAS) cames out of his home in the morning. In this way, his tribe will
not be able to take revenge from all the tribes. Al-Anfal: # 30:
              

 

And remember when the disbelievers plotted against you to prison

you, or to kill you, or to get you out (from Makkah); they were plotting and
Allah too was plotting; and Allah is the best of those who plot.
Allah SWT informed the Prophet (SAS) about their dirty plan. The
Prophet (SAS) said to Ali (RA), “Sleep on my bed and migrate to Madina
after distributing the precious belongings (or deposits) of various persons in
my house.”

1. Even the blood thirsty enemies knew that the Prophet (SAS) was the
most trustworthy person and used to deposit their most precious items
with him for security.
2. The Prophet (SAS) made sure that the precious items of his enemies are
returned to them under all circumstances.
3. Ali (RA) was sure that he will remain alive and will be able to do above
difficult assignment since the Prophet (SAS) said so.
4. The Prophet (SAS) valued the talents of Ali (RA) even at Ali’s (RA)
young age.
The Prophet (SAS) came out of his house at night and walked
passed his enemies. The Prophet (SAS) was reciting Ya-Sin #: 9:
            

And we have put a barrier before them, and a barrier behind them,
and We have covered them up, so that they cannot see.
Hence Allah (SWT) restricted their eyesight and they could not see
the Prophet (SAS) even though the Prophet (SAS) put some dust on the head
of each soldier stationed outside his house.


The Prophet (SAS) went to Abu Bakr’s (RA) house and both
jumped out from the back window of his house and walked away in the
darkness of night as planned. They walked about five miles and went into a
cave called “Thur”.
The disbelievers were extremely furious to find Ali (RA) on the
Prophet’s (SAS) bed. They started a big search for the Prophet (SAS) and
announced a reward of one hundred camels for the head of the Prophet

One troop of disbelievers arrived at the mouth of cave Thur. They
noticed a spider’s web on the entrance of this cave. They concluded that the
Prophet (SAS) has not entered this cave otherwise the web should have been
broken. Similarly another troop also arrived at the mouth of this cave and
they found a birdhouse containing eggs of a bird at the very mouth of the

cave. They also concluded that the Prophet (SAS) has not entered this cave
otherwise the web and birdhouse would have been not there.
Note that the enemy was about a yard away but Allah (SWT)
protected His Prophet by His weakest creation i.e. the web of a spider.
Each time Abu Bakr (RA) said, “If the enemy bends down, they will
see us.” The Prophet (SAS) said: “Do not worry Allah’s (SWT) help is with
us. At-Taubah # 40:
               

              

           

If you help him (the Prophet) not for Allah did indeed help him when
the disbelievers drove him out, the second of the two, when they were in the
cave. He said to his companion (Abu Bakr), “Be not sad or afraid surely
Allah is with us”. Then Allah sent down His calmness (peace) upon him and
strengthen him with forces which you saw not, and made the word of those
who disbelieved the lowest, while the word of Allah that became the upper
most and Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise.
It was Allah’s Mercy that he kept them both calm in such a difficult
situation and helped them by his unseen forces.
The Prophet (SAS) and Abu Bakr (RA) stayed in this cave on Friday,
Saturday and Sunday.
1. Abdullah bin Abu Bakr (RA) used to come to cave Thur at night and
informed them about the plans and activities of the disbelievers. He used
to return to Makkah before dawn as if he was always in Makkah.
2. Amer bin Fuhairah used to bring his herd of sheep to this cave during
the night so that both can drink milk of sheep to their fill. He used to
take his herd to Makkah before dawn in such a way that the foot prints
of Abdullah bin Abu Bakr were erased.
3. Abdullah bin Areeqat Laithi, a trustworthy disbeliever and professional
guide, was hired by Abu Bakr (RA). He came to this cave with two
camels of Abu Bakr (RA) after three days.
4. At this time Abu Bakr (RA) offered one camel to the Prophet (SAS) as
gift. The Prophet (SAS) insisted to pay for it. Abu Bakr (RA) sold it for
four hundred dirm. This is the famous camel of the Prophet (SAS) called

5. They started journey towards Madina under the guidance of Abdullah
bin Areeqat. Amer was also with them.

During their journey from Makkah to Madina they passed near the
tent of Umm Maabad. They enquired, “Do you have some thing to eat or
drink?” She said, “Sorry, nothing at all. Even herd of my sheep is far away
with my husband.” The Prophet (SAS) saw a sheep near the tent and asked
her, “What about this sheep?” Umm Maabad said: “It is extremely weak. It
has no milk whatsoever.” The Prophet (SAS) said, “May I milk it?” She
said, “Help yourself, if you find any milk there.” The Prophet (SAS) touched
this sheep and made a dua and then starting milking it in a container. Umm
Maabad drank it to her fill. Similarly Prophet's companions drank to their
fills. He (SAS) refilled the container with milk and left it with her. Umm
Maabad’s husband returned home and was surprised to see the milk. She
told her husband, “A very pious person visited her." She described his
features. The husband said, “It is the same person which Quraish are looking
for. I wish I can be his companion.” (Zadul Ma'ad).
They continued their journey towards Madina. Suraqa bin Malik
pursued them on his horse and wished to hand over the Prophet (SAS) to
Quraish to win one hundred camels. As he reached near them, his horse fell
down. The feet of his horse were some what buried in the sand. He made
four attempts with same result. Suraqa realized that he was trying to capture
a Prophet (SAS). Suraqa walked up to the Prophet (SAS) and disclosed his
ill intentions. Suraqa requested the Prophet (SAS) to forgive him and his
tribe and do not take revenge from them on the day when he (SAS) will
overpower the Quraish. The Prophet (SAS) most generously granted his
request. Later on, Suraqa embraced Islam. (Zadul Maad).
Buraida Aslami was head of his tribe. He was looking for the
Prophet (SAS) to win the prize offered by Quraish. He spotted them and as
he drew near the Prophet (SAS) and talked to him, the Prophet (SAS) won
his heart. Buraida and seventy of his tribe men embraced Islam there and
then. He made a white flag of his turban and went back announcing loudly
that the Prophet, the king of the peace and justice is traveling. (Rahma-tul-
Alameen by Mohammad Sulaiman).


Residents of Madina and tribes around it used to wait for the Prophet
(SAS) sitting in groups outside their homes. They used to return to their
homes during noon since the sun was unbearable. One day one Jew
happened to go up a hillock during the noon to look for some thing. He saw
the Prophet (SAS) and his companions dressed in white approaching Quba.
He announced this loudly to Arabs. The Muslims of Quba rushed out
decorated with their arms to greet the Prophet (SAS). The Prophet (SAS) sat
down and Abu Bakr (RA) was shaking hand with them one by one. In the
meanwhile, the sunshine appeared on the Prophet's (SAS) face. Abu Bakr
(RA) held a sheet on top of the Prophet (SAS) to protect him from intense
sun. Then they understood who the Prophet was. (Bukhari).
The Jews witness the fulfilling of the prediction in Bible stating
Allah from south and that Quddus (holy person) come from mountain Faran.
After a few days, he built a mosque in Quba as mentioned in
Qur’an.The Prophet (SAS) and all the companions took part in the
construction of this Mosque. All Muslims were equal and were keen to earn
reward of Allah (SWT) After a short stay he (SAS) proceeded towards
Madina on Friday and offered Salat-ul Jum’ah in the community of tribe
Banu Salim Bin Auf. We see a Masjid called Jumah Masjid at this site even

The Prophet's (SWS) camel sat down near the house of Abu Ayyub
Ansari (RA) in Madina and he stayed there till Masjid Nabawi and a hut for
him (SAS) were completed. All companions and the Prophet (SAS) himself
took part in the construction Masjid Nabawi as they did for Mosque Quba.
After a few days, Sauda (RUA), the wife of the Prophet (SAS),
Prophet’s two daughters, Fatima (RAU) and Ummu Kulsum (RUA), Usama
bin Zaid (RA), Aisha (RAU) and Ummu Aiman (RUA) also migrated to
Madina in the company of Abdullah bin Abu Bakr (RA). However,
Prophet’s (SAS) daughter Zainab (RUA) was allowed to migrate to Madina
after the battle of Badar.
The Prophet (SAS) made the following du’a, “O Allah, make us
love Madina as we did Makkah or even more. Please make its climate
healthy for us. Add blessing in our measuring standards and transfer fever of
Madina to Jaahfa.” Allah (SWT) granted his du’a and living in Madina
because very pleasant. (Bukhari).

It had far reaching consequences:
1. This changed the Islamic society into an Islamic Ummah.
Discrimination on the bases of color, creed, rich or poor disappeared. All
Muslim were equal.
2. According to Muslim historians the Prophet arrived in Quba on 16th July
632 A.D. It was month of Muharram and the Hijra calendar was started
from this day.
3. The foundation of an Islamic state was laid down in Madina. The
historic agreements made with Jews and other tribes served as guideline
for all the coming generations.
4. Among all the companions, the Prophet (SAS) chose to migrate in the
company of Abu Bakr (RA). It is also mentioned in Quran in Surah At-
Taubah . It is great honor for Abu Bakr (RA).
5. Any fair minded person can see from this article that the role of Abu
Bakr (RA) during the Hijra was great, indeed. It is unfortunate that some
people talk unfairly about this esteemed companion.

During the 6th Hijra a treaty was made between the idolators of
Makkah and Prophet Mohammad (SAS) at a place called Hudaibia (‫(ح يبيدت‬
which lies outside the city of Makkah. This location is now called Shameesa
(ِ‫)شييسد‬. Many terms of this treaty appeared to be degrading for the Muslims
and confused some companions of the Prophet (SAS). It, however, turned
out to be an extraordinary victory for the Muslims and it proved grand
wisdom and far sightedness of the Prophet (SAS). It also proved the
1. Enemies of Allah (SWT) plan and Allah (SWT) plans. Allah (SWT)
is, indeed, the best planner. Al-Anfal # 30.
‫ا‬      

They were plotting and Allah (SWT) too was plotting and Allah is the
best of those who plot.

2. Prophet Mohammad (SAS) never said anything about religious
matter except what was reveled to him from Allah (SWT). An-Najm
# 3-4
‫ا‬          

Prophet Mohammad (SAS) does not speak of (his own) desire. It is only
a revelation revealed.
3. Allah (SWT) has great respect for the companions of the Prophet
(SAS) since he knew their sincerity and what was in their hearts.
Allah (SWT) infused calmness and tranquility in their hearts in
critical and somewhat confusing moments and made them adhere to
a decent behavior even in critical junctures. Allah (SWT) highly
valued their qualities and gave a verdict about them for all the
coming generations. Al-Fath #26:
‫ا‬    

"And they were well entitled to it and worthy of it"

I am surprised how some people dare to say unbecoming things
about some of the companions of the Prophet (SAS) when Allah (SWT)
praised them in Qur'an so eloquently.
Let us now follow the chain of evens which took place at that time.
The idolaters of Makkah had turned out the Prophet (SAS) and his
companions from their homes in Makkah simply because they worshipped
one God. The idolaters also waged three major wars ( Bader, Uhad and
Ahzab) with the believers to wipe them out from the surface of the earth. In
the meanwhile, the Prophet (SAS) saw a dream that the Prophet (SAS) and
his companions were in Makkah performing an Umra. However, no specific
time was mentioned about this Umra. The Prophet (SAS) told this dream to
his companions in Madina. Since the dreams of the Prophets (SAS) are
always true, the Prophet (SAS) announced to set out for Umra. He even
invited the villagers around Madina to join him. Most of the villagers
declined stating that the Prophet (SAS) intended to pitch a fight between
them and the powerful Quraish of Makkah and he intended to drive them
into to destructions. Al-Fateh # 12:
             

‫ ا‬     

 

The villagers (hypocrites) thought that the Prophet (SAS) and his
companions will never return to their homes. This idea had settled down in
their hearts and they had other similar evil thoughts. They felt that the
Prophet (SAS) and his companions are definitely heading into destruction.
The Prophet (SAS) started his journey from Madina to Makkah for
Umra with about 1400 companions. They put Umra dress (Ihram) and took
their animals for sacrifice with them. When they reached the outer skirts of
Makkah, they found the idolaters with arms to stop them entering Makkah.
For example, Khalid bin Waleed ( ‫( )خنيد البدٌآميد‬who was a disbeliever at that
time) had his troops ready to attack the Muslims and had occupied the area
with water.
The Prophet (SAS) moved away from Khalid bin Waleed (‫خنيد البدٌا‬
‫ )ٓميد‬to an area with no water. The Prophet (SAS) came cross a well with
some traces of water at the bottom. The Prophet (SAS) threw some water
from his mouth into the well and asked to fix one of his arrows in the well.
The companions saw the water rising in the well and it reached its brim. The
Muslims filled their containers with water and offered Dhuar salat. Khalid
bin Waleed ) ‫ )خني ابٌآمي‬said to his soldiers,"We missed a golden opportunity.
We should have attacked the Muslims while they were busy praying. We
will get them during next salat. " In the meanwhile, Allah (SWT) sent a
revelation to guide the Muslims how to offer salat in dangerous situation like
war. It is called Salat-ul-Khauf (‫)صاةالمخٔف‬
Usman (RA) (ً‫ )عثيدا‬was respected a great deal by the believers and
the disbelievers. The Prophet (SAS) sent him to Makkah as his ambassader
to explain the leaders of Quraish that we have come to do Umra and not to
fight with them. The Quraish had decided not to let the Muslims enter
Makkah at all. They, however , allowed Usman (RA) (ً‫ )عثيدا‬to make his
Umra. Usman (RA) said," I will not make Umra unless the Prophet (SAS)
does." The Quraish appointed fifty soldiers very close to the Muslims so that
they attacked the Prophet (SAS) suddenly as soon an opportunity arises.
However, Muhammad bin Muslima (RA), the security guard of the Prophet
(SAS), captured all of them and brought them to the Prophet (SAS). When
Quraish learnt this, they held Usman (RA) (ً‫ )عثيدا‬as hostage along with ten
other Muslims, who had made their way into Makkah. A very tense situation
was created. Each side could have easily killed their hostages. Some rumors

said that Usman (RA) (ً‫ )عثيدا‬and other ten Muslims were killed by the
under a tree and took a pledge from them for fighting with the idolater.
Every Muslim made the pledge by putting his hand over the Prophet's (SAS)
hand one by one. Finally the Prophet (SAS) put his hand on his other hand
stating that this is the hand of Usman (RA) and in this way made pledge on
behalf of Usman (RA).
This is another unique honor for Usman (RA), that the Prophet
(SAS) called his hand, the hand of Usman (RA). In the meanwhile Usman
(RA) came back and he also made pledge personally. Allah (SWT) loved
this pledge by the companions, Al-Fath #18.
              

‫ا‬    

Indeed, Allah was pleased with the believers when they gave the
pledge to you under the tree. He Knew what was in their hearts and He sent
down calmness and tranquility upon them, and he rewarded them with a
near victory.
The participants of Bait-ur-Ridwan are held in great esteem by
Allah(SWT) and His Prophet (SAS). It is narrated by Jaber (RA) that the
Prophet (SAS) said, "You are the best of all people living on the earth." ‫أٍدموا‬
‫( خيراأّلالألارض‬Sahihain)
Umm Bashar (RUA) ‫ أهالمبشدر‬narrated that the Prophet (SAS) said, "Those
who made pledge under this tree will not go to hell." (Muslim)
Hence there in glad tiding of Paradise for the participants of this
pledge just like there is a promise of Paradise by Allah (SWT) for the
participants of Battle of Badr.


Allah (SWT) infused fear in the hearts of Quraish. They sent three
leaders Suhail bin Amr (‫)سْيلابدٌاعيدر‬, Hawaitab ( ‫ )حٔيلد‬and Makraz ( ‫ا)ىكدر‬
to negotiate with the Prophet (SAS). Three leaders said to the Prophet
(SAS), "Usman (RA) and other ten Muslims are not killed. We will hand
them over to you if you return our fifty soldiers." Hence, Allah (SWT) saved
both sides hurting earth other. Al-Fath # 24:

               

‫ ا‬   

He it is Who has withheld their hands from you and your hands from
them in the midest of Makkah. After He had made you victor over them. In
addition, Allah is Ever the All- Seer of what you do.
The visiting leaders of Quraish also observed some extraordinary
scenes of love, respect, devotion of the believers for their Prophet (SAS). On
return to Makkah the leaders of Quraish advised their people that the best
thing for us is to make a truce with Mohammad (SAS) for our face saving. If
the Muslims enter Makkah forcefully, all Arabs will laugh at us. We should
ask them to go back to Madina without Umra now. They may, however,
perform Umra next year and stay in Makkah for three days. The Quraish
accepted this advice of their leaders and they assigned Suhaid bin Umr to go
back to the Prophet (SAS) and make a written agreement with above terms
and conditions. Suhail proposed the following terms of the treaty.
1. The Prophet (SAS) and his companions will not enter Makkah this
year. They may visit Makkah next year for three days.
2. The two sides will not fight with each other for ten years.
3. All other tribes have the freedom to join Muslims group or Quraish
group as their friend.
4. If a man from Quraish runs away and joins the Prophet (SAS), the
Prophet (SAS) will return the person to Quraish. However, if a man
runs away from Mohmmad (SAS) and seeks refuge with Quraish,
the Quraish will not return this man to the Prophet (SAS).
The Prophet (SAS) and Suhail bin Umr agreed about above terms
after heated discussion between the two parties. The Prophet (SAS) called
Ali (RA) and started giving him dictation to put down the following in
The Prophet (SAS) said to Ali (RA), "Write Bismillah Hir Rahma
Ner Rahim‫ " بسدوا المدرحيٌالمدرحيوا‬Suhail objected and said, "We don’t know
Al-Rahman and Al-Rahim. You should write ‫ بسدي المنْدوا‬i.e. O Allah, we start
with your name." The Prophet (SAS) asked Ali (RA) to write down as
Suhail said. The Prophet (SAS) ask Ali to write, "This is an agreement
between Mohammad, the Prophet of Allah and Quraish" Suhail said, "If we

accept you as Prophet of Allah, we would not have stopped you from Umra
nor we would have waged wars with you. You better write Muhammad bin
Abdullah." On listening this the Prophet (SAS) said to Ali (RA), "Write
what Suhail said and erase the wording Prophet (SAS) of Allah ) ‫(رسدٔ ا‬.
Ali (RA) did not erase it. Usaid bin Hudhair (RA) and Saad bin Ibada (RA)
also got hold of the hand of Ali (RA) and said to Ali (RA), " Do not erase
this. If Quraish do not agree then only swords will decide between us."
The Prophet (SAS) was illiterate and never wrote anything by his
hand. The Prophet (SAS) took away the paper from the Ali (RA). Allah
(SWT) gave the Prophet (SAS) the ability to write and he replaced that
wording with Muhammad bin Abdullah as desired by Suhail. The believers
were very upset with this but submitted to the choice of the Prophet (SAS) in
this critical moment.
Now the Prophet (SAS) asked Suhail to let them go around Kabah
this year. Suhail refused flatly stating that the Arabs will laugh at us
considering us weaker than you.
The Muslims, specially Umar (RA), raised loud objection to term #4
of the treaty but the Prophet (SAS) even accepted this term.
When Quraish refused to include Bismillah ( ‫ )بسدوا‬and Rasulullah
( ‫)رسدٔ ا‬, it was very likely that the companions start quarreling among
themselves due to conflicting views. But they calmed down and accepted the
choices made by the Prophet (SAS). This shows their total submission to the
Prophet (SAS) . When the Prophet (SAS) took pledge from them for
fighting, they did it whole heartedly. When the Prophet (SAS) made above
choices to avoid fighting, the companions again submitted to the will and
choice of the Prophet (SAS). Allah (SWT) loved their obedience to the
Prophet (SAS). Al-Fath #26.
             

            

‫ا‬ 

When those who disbelieve had put in their hearts pride and
haughtiness, the pride and haughtiness of time of ignorance, then Allah sent
down His calmness and tranquility upon his messenger and upon the
believers, and made them stick to the word of piety, and they were well
entitled to it and worthy of it. And Allah is the All-Knower of everything.

Abu Jundal (RA) ) ‫(أبدٔانَد‬, son of Suhail bin Umr, had accepted
Islam in Makkah. His father put him in a prison in Makkah and tortured him
daily. Abu Jundal (RA) some how fled from Makkah and arrived where the
treaty was being written. He humbly sought refuge from the Prophet (SAS).
Suhail objected. He said, " It is against the terms of this treaty. If you do not
give him back to me, I shall not sign the treaty." The Prophet (SAS) asked
Suhail again and again to allow Abu Jundal (RA) to stay with the Muslims.
Suhail refused and he slapped on the face of Abu Jundal. Suhail grabbed his
son's shirt and pulled him towards the side of idolaters. The Prophet (SAS)
said to Abu Jundal, " Be patient.Allah will soon make things easy for you
and for other weak Muslims in Makkah. We have made a treaty with
Quraish. We do not like to break our promise."
Finally the treaty was signed. The Prophet (SAS) slaughtered his
animal and removed his Ihram. The companion did the same and started
journey towards Madina after about nineteen days stay in Hudaibia.
When the Muslims reached Esfan on their way to Madina very little
food provisions were left. The Prophet (SAS) spread a large sheet on the
ground and asked his companions to deposit on that sheet whatever little
they had. When left overs were deposited, the Prophet (SAS) made a
supplication and then invited every body to eat from this sheet. One
thousand four hundred companions ate to their fill and also filled their food
containers for the remaining journey. There was still lot of food left on the
sheet.The Prophet (SAS) was very glad to see this Blessing of Allah (SWT).
This treaty had very many far-reaching consequences.
1. Due to this peace treaty the Muslims were able to concentrate on
propagation of Islam far and wide. The Prophet (SAS) sent letters to
King Najashi of Habsha, Kind Maqoqas )‫ (ىقٔقس‬of Egypt, Khusro of
Persia, Qaisar of Rome, Ruler of Behrain, Ruler of Yamama, Ruler of
Damascus and Ruler of Amman.
2. So far Quraish were bent upon totally destroying the Muslims. By
making this peace treaty meant that, in their hearts, they accepted the
superiority of the Muslim power.

3. All Arabs were free to send delegations to the Muslims. This was a
defeat of Quraish since they were blocking spreading of Islam to Arab
4. During the process of negotiation of treaty many prominent Quraish
leaders met the Prophet (SAS). It implanted Islamic values in their
hearts and many of them embraced Islam in due course of time including
Suhail bin Umr.
5. Quraish were so far determined not to let the Muslims enter Makkah at
any time. By making this treaty they cancelled this restriction and
suffered an internal defeat.
6. This treaty paved way for the conquest of Makkah which took place
about twenty one months after this treaty. Allah (SWT) announced Al-
Fath #1
‫ا‬     

Verily we gave you (O, Mohammad (SAS)) a clear-cut and grand victory.
7. Many delegations visited Madina and very large number of people
embraced Islam.For example twenty months after this treaty (at the time
of Conquest of Makkah) Muslim army consisted of ten thousand soldiers
as compared with fourteen hundred at the time of Hudaibia.
8. Surah Al-Fath was revealed. There were not only predictions for many
conquests and capturing of large booty but it was announced that Islam
will over power all other religions Al-Fath #28 :
             


He it is Who has sent his Messenger with guidance and religion of truth
(Islam), that he may make it (Islam) superior to all religions. And All-
Sufficient is Allah as a Witness.
9. It is interesting to note that Allah (SWT) said in Al- Fath #29. i.e.
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Hence erasing Rasulullah in the
treaty did not matter. The above verse #29 will be recited till the Day of
Judgment and will be sufficient proof that Mohammad is the Messenger
of Allah.
10. The missed Umra was performed next year. It proved that the Prophet's
(SAS) dream was true. In that dream no specific time was mentioned.
Al-Fath #27.

             

‫ا‬             

Indeed Allah shall fulfill the true vision which He showed to His
Messenger. Certainly you will enter Masjid-Al-Haram, if Allah wills,
secure (some) having your heads shaved, and (some) having your head
hair cut short, having no fear. He knew what you knew not, and He
granted beside that a near victory (i.e Khaiber).
Note that here even Allah (SWT) used word ( ‫ )إًاشدا ا‬InshaAllah‫اا‬
although He knows everything, to teach us a lesson to use it in our
statements, Similar instructions are given in Surah Al-Kahf, Surah Al-
Qalam and Surah As-Saffat.
11. The process of this peace pact increased the level of Iman (Faith) of
companions. Iman means submission to Allah (SWT) and His Prophet
(SAS). The companion demonstrated this submission even they liked
something or not. Al- Fath #4
             

‫ا‬     

He it is Who sent down calmness into the hearts of the

believers, that they may grow in faith along with their (present)
Hence Allah (SWT) loves the companion of the prophet (SAS)
The conquest of Makkah was the most important victory of the
Muslims since the idols and idol worshipper were expelled from the House
of Allah and Allah's(SWT) religion prevailed. New honors were bestowed
on the Prophet of Allah and his followers. Crushing defeat of rich and
arrogant Quraish proved that Islam is a true religion. Many other Arab tribes
also embraced Islam willingly and happily.
Now I shall briefly describe the circumstance leading to this grand
victory, The Quraish of Makkah broke the Treaty of Hudaibia made in
Zulqada 6 H. Their dishonesty made the treaty null and void. They were
afraid of Muslims. They wished to renew the treaty. They sent their leader

Abu Sufyan to Madina to renew the treaty. He first visited his daughter,
Umm Habibah (RAU), the wife of Prophet (SAS). Abu Sufyan was about to
sit on a mat spread on the ground in her home. Umm Habibah removed the
mat and said to her father, "This mat is for the Prophet (SAS). You can not
sit on it since you are an unclear idolater." Abu Sufyan was disappointed
from his daughter. Abu Sufyan also visited Abu Bakar (RA),Umar (RA), Ali
(RA), and Fatimah (RAU) and requested them for help. All of them gave
him cold shoulder. He got frustrated and went back to Makkah.
The Prophet (SAS) started making preparation to invade Makkah
and also made the following supplication, "O Allah, please let not the secret
service people inform the disbelievers of Makkah so that we catch them all
of a sudden."
A few attempts were made to alarm Quraish but Allah (SWT) failed
such attempts. The Muslim troops reached very near Makkah. The Quraish
were scared and worried because of their dishonesty. Their leaders,
including Abu Sufyan, used to wander around Makkah at night to sense any
dangers. One night Abbas (RA), the uncle of Prophet (SAS), came across
Abu Sufyan. Abbas (RA) told Abu Sufyan that the Prophet (SAS) and his
forces are here. Abu Sufyan said, "Quraish are definitely ruined now by this
surprise attack." Abbas (RA) said to him,"If any body see you, he will
definitly kill you. I suggest that you come with me and I shall request the
Prophet (SAS) to give you refuge." Abu Sufyan agreed. The Prophet (SAS)
told Abu Sufyan, "Have you not yet realized that I am the Prophet (SAS) of
Allah (SWT)?" Abbas (RA) adviced Abu Sufyan, "You better embraced
Islam before some body kill you." Abu Sufyan said, "I stand witness that
there is only one God to worship and Mohammad is the Prophet (SAS) of
Allah." Abbas (RA) requested the Prophet (SAS)to award some honor to
Abu Sufyan since he was a prominent leader. The Prophet said, "Any person
who will enter the house of Abu Sufyan, or even his own home or Masjid
Al-Haram will not be harmed in anyway."
Khaled bin Walid (RA) advanced with his troops from the right side,
Zubair bin Awwam (RA) from the left side while Abu Obeida (RA) led the
foot soldiers. The Prophet (SAS) advanced towards House of Allah (SWT)
surrounded by Ansar and Muhajirin. Islamic forces experienced no resistant
except that a few notorious Quraish youth tried to stop Khalid bin Walid
(RA). Eight idolaters were kills and rest of them ran away. Two Muslim

soldiers some how got separated from the troops. They tried to follow a
different route to Kabah. They were killed by the Idolaters.
All The Muslim forces joined the Prophet (SAS) at mountain Safa at
the border of Masjid-ul Haram.
The Prophet (SAS) entered Masjid-ul Haram, kissed the Black Stone
and then went around the House of Allah (SWT) on his camel. There were
three hundred and sixty idols lying on the roof of House of Allah (SWT).
The Prophet (SAS) was holding an arc in his hand. He touched each idol
with his arc while reciting Al-Isra' #81
         

And say," Truth has come and falsehood has vanished, surely the
falsehood is ever bound to vanish."
Each idol fell down on its face as the arc touched it. The Prophet
(SAS) called Usman bin Talha and got hold of key of the House of Allah


The Prophet (SAS) saw pictures inside Kabah including the pictures
of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and Prophet Ismael (AS) holding arrows of lottery
in their hands. All pictures and other similar items were removed from The
House of Allah (SWT).
The Prophet (SAS) closed the door of the House of Allah (SWT).
Bilal (RA) and Usama (RA) were with the Prophet (SAS) inside the House
of Allah (SWT). The Prophet (SAS) offered salat inside the House of Allah
(SWT) and then he walked around in the House, reciting. Allah (SWT) is the
greatest, Allah (SWT) is the greatest.‫ا‬Then he came out of the house of
Allah (SWT) and saw that Quraish were anxiously waiting to see the
Prophet's next move. The Prophet (SAS) held the door of Kabah and
addressed the Quraish.
The Prophet (SAS) said, "There is no other than Allah (SWT)
worthy of worship. He is alone. He has no partners. He fulfilled His promise
and helped His obedient servant, He alone defeated all the opposing
forces…... Allah (SWT) has crushed your arrogance and pride of your
forefathers. All people are from Adam and Adam was made from mud." And
then the Prophet (SAS) recited Al-Hujarat #13.

            

       

”O mankind, We have created you from a male and female, and

made you into nations and tribes that you may know one another. Verily the
most honorable of you with Allah (SWT) is that (believer) who is pious.
Verily Allah (SWT) is All Knowing, All-Aware.
While listening this the Quraish were very worried. All kind of
thoughts went through their minds since they had tortured the Prophet and
his followers, tried to kill them and expelled them from their homeland.
They had also waged three major wars to totally wipe out the Muslims from
the surface of earth. Quraish were thinking that the Prophet (SAS) may order
to kill them all or take over their properties or, at least, make them all slaves.
The Prophet (SAS) said to Quraish:" What do you think how am I
going to treat you today?" They said, "Good, since you are a kind hearted
brother."At this the Prophet (SAS) said to them," I am going to treat you in
the same manner as Prophet Yusuf (AS) treated his brothers." The Prophet
(SAS) announced a grand pardon reciting what Prophet (SAS) Yusuf (AS)
recited. Yusuf #92
    

No reproach on you this day. In other words the Prophet (SAS) said,"
You are totally free. No body will harm you in any way today." There is no
example in human history of grand a pardon like this to blood thirsty
It was now the time for Dhur salat. The Prophet (SAS) said to Bilal
(RA) to make the Adhan (or call for prayer). Bilal (RA) rose on the top of
the roof of the House of Allah (SWT) and made the Adhan. While Bilal
(RA) was making the Adhan, three prominent leaders of Quraish were
whispering to each other sitting in the courtyard of Kabah. Attab bin Aseed
)‫ (عتّاب انر آسةد‬said to Haris bin Hisham (‫)حايث انر هشام‬, "I am glad that my father
has passed away and has not seen this black donkey shouting on the top of
the sacred house. He would have been much grieved to see this scene." Haris
said, "Listen, if I am convinced that he is a true Prophet, I shall become his
follower." Third leader, Abu Sufyan said, "Well, I shall not say anything. If I
utter anything even these pebbles lying around us will inform him about it."

Jibreel (AS) informed the Prophet (SAS) about their conversation.
The Prophet (SAS) walked upto three leaders and said, "I know what you
where whispering to each other. " He (SAS) then repeated their
conversation.. Both Haris and Attab said, "We swear that there was no other
person around us who would have informed you of our conversation. We
stand witness that there is only and only one God worth worship and you are
the Prophet (SAS) of Allah (SWT)."
The Prophet (SAS) left Makkah after nineteen days stay there. It is
amazing to note that he appointed Attab bin Aseed as governor of Makkah.
The Prophet (SAS) returned the key of the House of Allah (SWT) to Usman
bin Talha, who was still a disbeliever. Usman bin Talha was surprised to see
this kind behavior of the Prophet (SAS) and hence he embraced Islam. The
Prophet (SAS) announced that the key will stay in the family of Usman bin
Talha until the Day of Judgment.
Ansar said to each other. Makkah is Prophet's (SAS) home town.
This is his birth place.Allah (SWT) has given him victory one this sacred
city. The Prophet (SAS) will most probably choose to stay in his home land.
During this conversation the Prophet (SAS) was busy making a dua
(supplication) at mountain Safa. After dua he called Ansar and said to them,
"What were talking among yourselves?" They hesitated. The Prophet (SAS)
insisted and they revealed their fear to him. At that, the Prophet (SAS) said
to Ansar, "Don't worry, now life and death is with you."The Ansar were very
Hence, the Prophet (SAS) spent rest of his life in Madina even after
the conquest of Makkah. This shows the importance of Madina.
Prophet (SAS) sent Khalid bin Wallid (RA) to destroy Uzza( ّ‫)عةز‬
ِAmmer bin Ass (RA) ( ‫ ) عمر انر عةا‬to destroy Suwwa( ‫ )سةو‬and Sa'ad bin
Zaid (RA) to destroy Manaat)‫ (مناة‬after the conquest of Makkah.
In this way Allah 's religions prevailed in and around Makkah.
Two thousand men and women of Quraish embraced Islam and made a
pledge with the Prophet (SAS) at mountain Safa. Many other tribes were

convinced about the truth of the Prophethood of Muhammad (SAS) but were
reluctant because of Quraish. Now other Arab tribes also embraced Islam is
large groups. Surah An-Nasr #1-3

               

     

When there comes the help of Allah and conquest (of Makkah). And you
will see that the people enter Allah's religion in large crowds. So glorify
Praises of your Lord, and ask His forgiveness. Verily He is the One Who
accepts the repentance and Who forgives.

When the Prophet (SAS) recited these verses the companions were
very pleased, but Abbas (RA) starting crying. The Prophet (SAS) asked him
what made him cry. Abbas (RA) said, "It is an indication of the completion
of your mission and probably Allah (SWT) will call you back in near
future." The Prophet (SAS) agreed with his thinking.

As we know now, this was the last complete Surah revealed to the
Prophet (SAS) and he (SAS) died eighty days after revelation of this Surah..



Prophet Muhammad (SAS) preached Islam for twenty three years
under very difficult circumstances. Now Allah (SWT) wanted to show him
the fruit of his sincere efforts. He performed his last Hajj during 10 H in the
company of one hundred and forty thousand (or 124,000 in other naration)
believers. He made an historic address in Arafat on the 9th of Zul Hajja
standing on Jabl-ur Rahmah before Dhur Salat. Balal (RA) and Rabia bin
Khalf ) ‫ ) ينةت نر خلة‬were repeating the wording of the Prophet (SAS) to the
people standing far away from the Prophet (SAS).

The Prophet (SAS) said, "Please listen to me carefully since it may be my
last meeting with you at this place. If you fear Allah (SWT) and obey Allah
(SWT), He will safeguard your life, your property and your honor until He
calls you back."
At this point, the Prophet (SAS) asked the audience, "Have I fulfilled my
duty as a Messenger to you? O Allah (SWT), have I fulfilled my duty which
you assigned to me?" All The audience answered in one voice, "We stand
witness that you have fulfilled your duty to us."
The Prophet (SAS) added, "Please do that what I tell you. I advise you to
return deposits of people with you in original form and do not betray your
trust knowingly. Do not indulge in interest. Interest of time of ignorance is
forbidden in Islam. You can, however, receive your capital amount. Allah
has only forbidden interest. I, hereby, announce that the interest payable to
my Uncle Abbas (RA) is null and void.
Note that if a person kills another person, the punishment will be death
for the killer. If however, a person kills another person unintentionally, the
killer will have to pay one hundred camels.
At this, the Prophet (SAS) again asked, "Have I fulfilled my duty to you
or not? O Allah, have I fulfilled the duty you assigned to me?". All audience
answered in one voice, "We stand witness that you have fulfilled your duty
to us."
The Prophet (SAS) added, "Satan is very upset since he knows that no
one is left in your land who is willing to listen or follow the Satan. Do not
forget that Satan will pursue you all the time. Satan will try to show you the
path which leads to ignorance. Satan knows that he cannot interfere in your
religious affairs. He will, however, try to interfere, with your other affairs in
the form innovations. Hence you should be alert to safeguard yourself from
Satan. So much so that you should be careful even in petty matters so that
Satan may not poke his nose in even your petty matter in order to destroy the
foundation of your religion."
"Listen, do not try to include a regular month into the sacred month. It is
an innovation. The months of Islam are same which Allah (SWT) has
mentioned in Quran. There are twelve month in a year, out of which four are
sacred which are Rajab, Zulqadah, Zulhajjah and Muharrum."
"Now I would like to advice you about your women. They have rights
over you and you have rights over them. It is their duty to protect your honor
and do not let those persons enter your homes whom you dislike. If they are
not careful in fulfilling their duty to you, you are allowed to slightly beat

them but not severely. If they fulfill their duty to you adequately, you should
provide them good food and suitable clothing. I advise you to behave nicely
with your ladies and be kind and loving to them. They are a trust of Allah
(SWT) with you and you are allowed to marry them as prescribed by Allah
(SWT). I say again to you, beware of Allah (SWT) and behave very nicely
towards your women."
At this the Prophet (SAS) asked, "Have I fulfilled my duty to you? O
Allah (SWT) have I fulfilled my duty you assigned to me?" The audience
answered in one voice, "We stand witness that you have fulfilled your duty
to us."
"Listen carefully. The believers are brothers in Islam. You should respect
and protect each other's wealth. A believer is not allowed to take other's
wealth without the prior permission of the owner. Listen, do not intend to
kill each other after I go away. You should rather hold strongly the rope of
Islamic brotherhood among yourselves. I shall go away from this world and
I shall leave with you the Book of Allah (SWT) and Sunnah of the Prophet
for your guidance. These will prevent you going astray. Have I fulfilled my
duty to you? O Allah, have I completely fulfilled the duty you assigned to
me?" The audience again answered very emotionally in one voice, "We
stand witness that you have fulfilled the duty assigned to you."
"Listen, your Lord is one and your forefather is also one. All are children
of Adam (AS). Adam (AS) was made from mud. In this way, all of you are
also made of mud and nobody is superior to others. In fact, a person with
more fear of Allah (SWT) is superior to others in the eyes of Allah (SWT).
Hence no Arab can claim that he is superior to non Arabs. Superior is the
one who is more pious and God fearing."
At this, the Prophet (SAS) asked the audience the same question and they
gave the same answer in one voice.
The Prophet (SAS) added, "I ask the audience to convey my message to
those who are not present here today so that my message may reach all the
Muslims. My dear brothers in Islam, Allah (SWT) has fixed portion of
inheritance for every survivor which he must receive. Hence do not leave a
will which assigns more part for a survivor than what Allah (SWT) has
fixed. If you wish to leave a will for a stranger, who may not even be your
relative, it should not exceed one third of your total inheritance or

The Prophet (SAS) ended his address with Aslamu 'Alaikum i.e. Peace of
Allah (SWT) be upon. As mentioned in Bukhari, Allah (SWT) revealed the
follow verse as the Prophet (SAS) finished his address. Al-Ma'idah #3
          

Today We have perfected your religion and completed Our blessing on

you and choose Islam for you as your religion .
Ibne Omer (RA) narrated that when Omar (RA) heard this verse, he
broke into tears. The audience ask him what made you cry. He said, "After
every climax there is always anticlimax." (Bukhari)


Frequent mistakes in making wudhu with water.
1- Elbows remain dry.
2- Ankles remain dry.
Note that without proper wudhu salat is not valid.
Frequent mistakes in performing salat.
1- Between two sajoods should sit up properly.
2- Do not raise feet during the sojood even momentarily.
Similarly nose should be touching the ground during the
3- Men should keep elbows raised above the ground during the
4- Do not make any movement before Imam does it.
5- Stand up straight as much as you can after raku.
6- Do not run to join a congregational salat.


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