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Guion activity 3

What is Business ethics? Well, the same phrase clearly defines the idea
behind Business Ethics, a set of concepts, values, beliefs, which conclude
business behaviors that can be evaluated as good or bad, due or undue. But
that clarity of the idea is misleading and deserves some precisions, which are
the ones that I intend next - all with the purpose of having a reasonable
definition of Business Ethics:
The subject of the ethical rules is not the company, but the people that make
it up: owners, administrators, employees, workers. It is a common mistake to
reduce the field of action of Business Ethics to the actions of its owners and
senior executives, since it applies to all its members.
In this case, the people who make up the company perform a series of acts
that generally have a common goal: to seek the survival of the business and
its success in an economic environment in which there is competition for the
same resources and the same consumers.Miguel As in the case of any other
human behavior, the possibility of improper or reprehensible actions must be
The point of origin of the Business Ethics is the same as that of any ethical
norm: the possibility of reprehensible acts that can be carried out when the
person acts seeking a personal benefit.
Business Ethics is a special case of ethical norms, of a universal nature, that
apply to all people, but here they enter in detail in fields such as tax
payments, dividend distribution, executive compensations, checks and
balances. competition, product quality, monopolistic practices, industrial
espionage, discrimination at work and others related to business and work
For example, Anglo American has also contributed to the Voluntary Principles
on Security and Human Rights. has played an active part in initiatives such as
the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, the United Nations Global
Compact and the Global Reporting Initiative.
These are fields that require an in-depth knowledge of the nature of business
in order to have applicable norms and logic - which, unfortunately, is not
always true, since many of those who propose ethical business standards do
not have that knowledge.
Business Ethics is a good instance that demonstrates the universality of ethics
and its absolute principles -which denies the moral relativism that has been
applied to other human behaviors, but not business. This code sets out
principles and practices for ensuring that a company’s need to ensure the
security of its employees and operations in volatile countries does not
adversely impact upon the local populationMajo
It is unfortunate that it has been distorted and turned into a public
relations instrument - and worse, a tool to attack the company itself by
people who do not have knowledge about the operation of business. But,
we must considerer the goals established by the company Anglo American
as example: working without fatal accidents, increasing diversity in the
workplace, eliminating occupational diseases, increasing the benefits of
mining for local communities, increasing energy efficiency. Etc.
Business Ethics tries to have a larger field of action than the law - it is not
enough to be within the law, but to go beyond it and its small circle of
authority. In general, this has been interpreted as the application of the
principle that states not to do to others what one would not want others to
do to one - and even beyond this, to the more proactive notion of treating
others as one I would like to be treated. For those reasons, a business must
keep in tune with the wishes of the peoples it serves or it runs the risk of
estranging its owners, stakeholders and clients. This company for example,
has to deal with many different levels of interest when setting up a new
project. This includes, for example, the stakeholders of the land and the
individuals and services in the area.
The latter is what has led to the somewhat slippery notion of social
responsibility and that has fallen into the defect of the politically correct
and the bad practice of being used as an instrument of public relations.

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