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BSL Transport Phenomena 2e Revised: Chapter 2 - Problem 2B.

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Problem 2B.10
Incompressible flow in a slightly tapered tube. An incompressible fluid flows through a
tube of circular cross section, for which the tube radius changes linearly from R0 at the tube
entrance to a slightly smaller value RL at the tube exit. Assume that the Hagen-Poiseuille
equation is approximately valid over a differential length, dz, of the tube so that the mass flow
rate is
π[R(z)]4 ρ
w= − (2B.10-1)
8µ dz
This is a differential equation for P as a function of z, but, when the explicit expression for R(z)
is inserted, it is not easily solved.
(a) Write down the expression for R as a function of z.
(b) Change the independent variable in Eq. 2B.10-1 to R, so that it becomes
πR4 ρ
dP RL − R0
w= − (2B.10-2)
8µ dR L

(c) Integrate the equation, and then show that the solution can be rearranged to give
π(P0 − PL )R04 ρ 1 + (RL /R0 ) + (RL /R0 )2 − 3(RL /R0 )3
w= 1− (2B.10-3)
8µL 1 + (RL /R0 ) + (RL /R0 )2
Interpret the result. The approximation used here that a flow between nonparallel surfaces
can be regarded locally as flow between parallel surfaces is sometimes referred to as the
lubrication approximation and is widely used in the theory of lubrication. By making a
careful order-of-magnitude analysis, it can be shown that, for this problem, the lubrication
approximation is valid as long as4
RL 2

1− 1 (2B.10-4)
R0 R0


Part (a)

R needs to be a linear function of z that is equal to R0 at z = 0 and RL at z = L. It has the

general form,
R(z) = mz + b.
Apply the conditions to determine the slope m and slope-intercept b.

At z = 0 : R(0) = m · 0 + b = R0
At z = L : R(L) = m · L + b = RL

Solve this system of equations for m and b.

RL − R0
m= and b = R0
R. B. Bird, R. C. Armstrong, and O. Hassager, Dynamics of Polymeric Liquids, Vol. 1, Wiley-Interscience, New
York, 2nd edition (1987), pp. 16-18.

BSL Transport Phenomena 2e Revised: Chapter 2 - Problem 2B.10 Page 2 of 3

RL − R0
R(z) = z + R0 .
Part (b)

Now that R(z) is determined, the chain rule can be used to write the derivative of P with respect
to R.
dP dP dR
dz dR dz
Take the first derivative of R(z) and plug it in for dR/dz.
dP dP RL − R0
dz dR L
Substitute this result into Eq. 2B.10-1.

π[R(z)]4 ρ
w= −
8µ dz
πR ρ dP RL − R0
= −
8µ dR L
πR4 ρ
dP RL − R0
w= − .
8µ dR L
Part (c)

Solve the differential equation with the method of separation of variables.

dR πρ RL − R0
w = (−dP)
R4 8µ L
Integrate both sides.
ˆ RL ˆ PL  
dR πρ RL − R0
w= (−dP)
R0 R4 P0 8µ L
Proceed with the integration.

w 1 RL
πρ RL − R0
− = − (PL − P0 )
3 R3 R0 8µ L
w 1 1 πρ RL − R0
− 3 = (P0 − PL )
3 R03 RL 8µ L
 3 3   
w RL − R0 πρ RL − R0
= (P0 − PL )
3 R03 RL
3 8µ L
  2 2   
L − R0 )(RL + R0 RL + R0 ) RL−

w  (R  πρ R
3 3 = (P0 − PL ) 
3 R0 RL 8µ L

Multiply both sides by R04 .

2 + R R + R2 ) 
π(P0 − PL )R04 ρ

w R0 (RL 0 L 0
3 =
3 RL 8µL

BSL Transport Phenomena 2e Revised: Chapter 2 - Problem 2B.10 Page 3 of 3

Expand the term in square brackets.

R02 R03 π(P0 − PL )R04 ρ

w R0
+ 2 + 3 =
3 RL RL RL 8µL

Solve this equation for w now.

 
π(P0 − PL )R04 ρ 3
w= 
R02 R03

8µL R0
+ +
RL 2
RL 3
 
π(P0 − PL )R04 ρ 3
=  2

RL R02
+ R0 +1
 
π(P0 − PL )R04 ρ  3 RL3
= RL2

8µL RL
+ R0 + 1
 2
RL 2

π(P0 − PL )R04 ρ  1 + R0 + R02 − 1 − R0 − R02
+ 3 RL3
= R2

8µL 1 + RL + L R0 R02
 2
RL 2

π(P0 − PL )R04 ρ 1+ R0 + R02
−1 − R0 − R02
+ 3 RL3
=  2
+ 2

8µL 1+ RL
+ 1+ RL
R0 R02 R0 R02
R2 R3
 
π(P0 − PL )R04 ρ  1+ R
R0 + R02 − 3 R03

= 1− 2

8µL 1+ RL
+ R0 R02


π(P0 − PL )R04 ρ 1 + (RL /R0 ) + (RL /R0 )2 − 3(RL /R0 )3

w= 1− .
8µL 1 + (RL /R0 ) + (RL /R0 )2

In the event that R0 = RL , there is no taper in the tube, and the formula for w simplifies to the
Hagen-Poiseuille equation. If R0  RL , then the mass flow rate tends to 0. This doesn’t make
sense, though, because as long as RL is big enough, something should flow through the tube exit
regardless of how big R0 is. In the problem statement the assumption was made that RL was only
slightly less than R0 , so R0  RL is not a case we need to consider.


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