Greta Thunberg No One Is Too Small To Ma
Greta Thunberg No One Is Too Small To Ma
Greta Thunberg No One Is Too Small To Ma
And that is important. The future has not yet been written and there is time enough to prevent
the chaos that is coming our way. Greta Thunberg is an inspiring vegan and environmental
activist, a leader and a voice the world so desperately needs. This book collects her speeches
to date, and they are all very powerful and convincing. She wants us to panic more than she
wants us to feel hope; she wants us to recognise what is happening so we can act and prevent
anymore destruction. We need to wise up and take greater responsibility for our actions. We
need to become vegans and minimise our environmental impact. We need to start caring.
Language is so important, calling what we face by its true name is the key. This is the
strongest element of her rhetoric; her simple and mature ability to rationalise and address the
problem at hand: the environmental crisis. Because that is exactly what we face. She has
called adults out on their irresponsibility and complete lack of foresight at the European
Economic Social Committee earlier on this year, calling those in attendance irresponsible
children. Her words work towards shaming our so-called leaders and governments that are
tasked with protecting the welfare of their nations. But what is the point of protection if none
of these nations have a future?
It takes the words of a child (the words of the future generation) to get people to listen and
they certainly have had a rippling effect on an international level. She has been nominated for
the noble peace prize this year and if she won, she would be the first vegan to do so which
would be a tremendous victory for the movement. I think she really deserves it for the interest
and attention her words have given the environmental crisis we face. She has a striking ability
to get to the heart of the matter and is without a doubt one of the most influential people of
the 21st century. I also love how she embraces her Asperger’s and celebrates the strengths it
has granted her, calling it a gift rather than a hindrance. In my experience, autistics are
always remarkable people.
So, this is a great little book full of encouraging words and hope, hope that this planet will
one day have a future if the world listens and starts caring. Greta Thunberg does, indeed,
prove the sentiment her book title evokes: No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference.