Physics Lecture
Physics Lecture
Physics Lecture
- in a typical metal each atom contributes one electron to the delocalized electron gas
describing the conduction electrons
- if these electrons would behave like an ideal gas each one would contribute 3/2 kT to the
total energy of the solid
- how come that the specific heat of a solid at high temperatures is well described by the
Dulong Petit law independently of whether the solid is a metal or an insulator
- resolution: electrons are fermions and obey the Fermi-Dirac statistics (instead of the Bose-
Einstein statistics of phonons or any other harmonic oscillators)
- in the high temperature limit both phonons and electrons obey Maxwell-Boltzmann
- BUT the high temperature limits could occur at different temperatures for electrons and
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- to find the number of electrons n(ε) at a certain energy in a metal we need to determine the
number of available states g(ε)
- consider free non-interacting electrons in a box described by 'standing matter waves', i.e. the
same calculation as in the case of photons applies
- we again consider the number of possible quantum numbers jx, jy, jz in one quadrant of a
spherical shell with radius j = (jx2+jy2+jz2)1/2 and thickness dj
- here per set of spatial quantum numbers there are two different spin states ms = ± 1 (spin
up and spin down) similar to the two different polarizations for photons
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Number of Free Electron States in a Metal
- relation between electron matter wave quantum number j2 = (jx, jy, jz)2 and electron
energy ε in a 3D box
- this number of states is independent of the actual shape of the metal and only depends on
its volume, i.e. the density of electrons in the metal
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Fermi Energy
- Fermi energy
- Fermi velocity
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Electron Energy Distribution
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- these average electron energies are very high, if the electrons were classical particles they
would have to be a temperatures of several 10000 K to have these energies
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The Solid State
- most of the matter in the physical world around us (on earth) is in the solid state (which is
not true for the universe as a whole)
- the binding occurs either by covalent, ionic, van der Waals or metallic bonds all of
which are mediated by electromagnetic forces
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Amorphous Solids
melting: - in amorphous solids the bond strengths varies throughout the material
- as a result melting occurs slowly and continuously
- in crystalline solids most of the bonds have equal strengths and thus
melting occurs at a well defined temperature
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Crystal Defects
- large truly perfect crystals hardly exist (they can be pretty good though)
- single crystal Si (purity 1 ppb = part per billion = 1/109), see photograph
- diamond
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- the dislocation may move from inside the crystal towards an edge
(see, b-c) releasing the stress from the crystal lattice
- some solids get harder when they contain many dislocation (work
hardening in cold rolled sheet metal)
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Ionic Crystals
- the cohesive energy is provided by the Coulomb attraction with body centered cubic CsCl
the neighboring ions
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- find the total Coulomb energy Uc between one ion (e.g. Na+) and all its neighbors
- nearest neighbors
- with the Madelung constant α ~ 1.748 for NaCL and all other face centered cubic
(fcc) ionic crystals
- for the body centered cubic (bcc) crystal CsCl the Madelung constant is α ~ 1.763
- all simple crystal structures have Madelung constants α ~ 1.6 - 1.8
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Repulsive Potential
- short range force depending on a large power n ~ 8 - 10 of the separation r between ions
(empirical model)
- total energy
- equilibrium position
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- brittle, due to repulsive forces occurring with next nearest neighbor ions when dislocations
are formed
- ionic crystals dissolve in polar solvents (water) but not in covalent solvents
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