Fetal Blood Sampling: 1. Purpose

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Fetal Blood Sampling

1. Purpose
Cardiotocography (CTG) or electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) is the most widely used technique for assessing
fetal wellbeing in labour in the developed world. CTGs have a high degree of sensitivity but a low level of
specificity which means that they are very good at telling us which fetuses are well but are poor at identifying
which fetuses are unwell1. The differences in individual fetal responses to a decrease in oxygen (and therefore
differences in heart rate changes) mean that the positive predictive value of CTG for adverse outcome is low
and the negative predictive value high 2.
The increased intervention rates associated with EFM can be reduced with the use of fetal blood sampling
(FBS) 3. FBS can be performed as an adjunct to an abnormal CTG. The RANZCOG Intrapartum Fetal
Surveillance Clinical Guidelines state that “units employing EFM are strongly encouraged to have access to
fetal blood sampling facilities to assist in the management of labours where the fetus is demonstrating equivocal
CTG changes”.4
Scalp lactate, rather than scalp pH sampling, provides and easier and more affordable adjunct to CTG
This guideline outlines the requirements for fetal scalp lactate sampling to assess acid-base status at the

2. Definitions
FBS: Fetal blood sampling
Lactate: is a measurement of the circulating lactic acid.
Lactate Pro: is the device used at the Women’s.
Lactate measurement: is the preferred method of FBS at the Women’s. Lactate sampling is more likely to be
successful and the result available more quickly than pH sampling. It requires a smaller volume, so has a higher
sampling success rate and is a point of care test. The use of scalp lactate rather than pH measurement
provides an easier and more affordable adjunct to EFM for most units 1.
An abnormal CTG is defined one which contains features which are ‘unlikely to be’, ‘likely to be’ or ‘are
associated’ with significant fetal compromise. Accordingly, a decision to perform lactate sampling must be made
with consideration to the total clinical picture and the severity of the features 4.
Petroleum jelly is also known as soft white paraffin gel.

3. Responsibilities
The Obstetric medical staff are responsible for interpreting and acting upon abnormal CTG patterns, performing
fetal scalp blood sampling, interpreting the result, documenting the procedure and subsequent plan of
The Midwifery staff are responsible for assisting with the procedure, ensuring the Lactate Pro is calibrated and
providing midwifery care to the woman.
Medical and midwifery students under supervision are responsible for providing care to the woman and
assistance to the clinicians.

4. Guideline
4.1 Principles of care
Where there is clear evidence of acute fetal compromise, FBS should not be undertaken and urgent
preparations to expedite birth should be made 14.
Note: the on-duty or on-call consultant obstetrician must be notified when a CTG is interpreted as abnormal or is
of concern and fetal scalp lactate sampling considered necessary. The notification and outcome of the
discussion must be documented in the woman’s medical record.
Ultimately it must always be the decision of the clinician responsible for the woman as to whether FBS is
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Fetal Blood Sampling

All fetal scalp lactate measurements should be interpreted taking into account:
 clinical history
 gestation
 parity
 onset of the labour
 progress of the labour
 presence of meconium stained liquor
 number and type of CTG abnormalities
 previous fetal scalp lactate measurement
4.2 Indications
Suspected fetal compromise suggested by an abnormal CTG pattern 4, 14.

4.3 Contraindications
 clear evidence on continuous EFM of serious, sustained fetal compromise
 fetal bleeding disorders (e.g. suspected fetal thrombocytopaenia, haemophilia)
 face or brow presentation or uncertain presenting part
 maternal infection (eg HIV, hepatitis virus, and herpes simplex virus and suspected intrauterine sepsis)
NB: GBS+ve does not preclude FBS4
 suspected intrauterine sepsis
 gestation less than 34 weeks’ gestation 4

 The effect of gestational age on the development of lactic acidosis due to hypoxia remains to be
 active second stage of labour (see Appendix 2 - Additional Clinical Information: Fetal Scalp Lactate
Relative contraindications (discuss with Consultant Obstetrician)
 Gestation range 34 weeks to 36 weeks and 6 days
 Maternal pyrexia above 380C

When a third FBS is considered necessary, Consultant Obstetric opinion must be sought 4.

4.4 Management
 Ensure that the Lactate ProTM machine is available, calibrated and functioning.
 The membranes must be ruptured and the cervix at least 3 cm dilated for the procedure to be attempted.
 Other technical considerations include the amount of effacement, station, application of the vertex to the
cervix, volume of amniotic fluid and amount of baby hair
 This procedure may be uncomfortable and intrusive for the woman. It is invasive to the fetus.
 Explain the procedure to the woman and obtain verbal consent.
 Assemble the equipment on the trolley
 Place the woman in the left-lateral position or in lithotomy with a wedge under the right hip to reduce the risk
of supine hypotension.

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Fetal Blood Sampling

 Sampling is performed under direct vision via an amnioscope to avoid contamination with amniotic fluid.
 The incision site is carefully cleaned and a thin layer of petroleum jelly is applied.
 The baby’s fontanelles should be avoided.
 Disposable blades, fixed in a plastic mount are used in a blade holder from which the blade does not
protrude more than 2mm.
 A 2mm fetal scalp incision is made with steady pressure of the blade.
 The blood is collected in pre-heparinised glass capillary tubes.
 Pressure is applied to the incision site with a dry swab until the bleeding stops.
 Discard the blade in the sharps container.
 Document the procedure, the result and the subsequent plan of management.
 Postnatal examination of the baby should include examination of the sampling site.

Every lactate measurement device needs it own reference values. Lactate ProTM is the device used at the
Women’s. The recommended intervention cut of value with the Lactate Pro TM is greater than 4.8mmol/L

Lactate ProTM uses whole blood for analysis.

Lactate analysis of a blood sample collected in a glass capillary should be carried out within ten minutes of
sampling because lactate increases linearly with time 8.
Accuracy with the Lactate ProTM has been tested on fetal blood and it has a between run co-efficient of variation
(CV) of less than 4% 9. A possible source of error in the analysis is contamination with amniotic fluid which
contains high concentrations of lactate but the risk of amniotic fluid contamination is small due to the small
blood sample volume needed.
The recommended intervention cut-off value of 4.8 mmol/L measured with the Lactate ProTM is considerably
higher than the cut-off value of 4.2 mmol/L recommended following an observational Australian study using the
Accusport and highlights the importance of being familiar with the device in use in any unit 15 16.
4.5 Interpretation of values

Fetal blood sample Lactate (mmol/L) pH

Normal ≤ 4.1 ≥ 7.25

Pre-acidotic range 4.2 - 4.8 7.21 - 7.24

Acidotic range > 4.8 ≤ 7.20

The results need to be interpreted as part of the full clinical picture. If the result seems completely out
of keeping with the full clinical picture (lactate either lower or higher than expected) this needs to be
discussed with the Consultant Obstetrician.

Normal range
 if CTG returns to normal there is no need to repeat the fetal scalp lactate
 if abnormalities continue the fetal scalp lactate should be repeated in one hour
 if abnormalities worsen then repeat sooner than an hour.

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Fetal Blood Sampling

Pre-acidotic range
 repeat within 30 minutes to establish a trend in results or deliver if there is significant deterioration from the
previous result
Acidotic range
 the fetus should be delivered immediately by either instrumental delivery or urgent CS
 stop oxytocin infusion if in progress
Call an immediate emergency caesarean section if Lactate > 4.8mmol/l
4.6 Complications
Complications of FBS are very rare and include haemorrhage, infection and breakage of the blade 17. The
incision site should be observed carefully until all bleeding has ceased. If significant bleeding persists the baby
should be delivered. A baby’s blood volume ranges from 70-100mls/kg. Advise the neonatologist and consider
an underlying haematological abnormality 18. Postnatal examination of the baby should include examination of
the sampling site.
4.7 Post Birth
Ensure that paired arterial and venous cord blood samples are collected following the birth of the baby and sent
to the laboratory for blood gas analysis. These results need to be reviewed and added to the clinical notes.

5. Evaluation, monitoring and reporting of compliance to this guideline

Compliance to this guideline will be monitored by incidents reported through VHIMS.

6. References
1. RANZCOG. Fetal surveillance: a practical guide.
2. East CE, Leader LR, Sheehan P, Henshall NE, Colditz PB. Intrapartum fetal scalp lactate sampling for fetal
assessment in the presence of a non-reassuring fetal heart rate trace. Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews 2010, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD006174. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006174.pub2
3. Alfirevic Z, Devane D, Gyte GML. Continuous cardiotocography (CTG) as a form of electronic fetal
monitoring (EFM) for fetal assessment during labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2006,
Issue 3. Art. No.: CD006066. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006066
4. RANZCOG. Intrapartum Fetal Surveillance. Clinical Guidelines - third edition. May 2014
5. Bretscher J, Saling E. pH values in the human fetus during labor. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1967;97:906-11.
6. Westgren M, Kruger K, Ek S, Grunevald C, Kublickas M, Naka K, Wolff K, Persson B. Lactate compared
with pH analysis at fetal scalp blood sampling: a prospective randomized study. BJOG 1998;105:29-33.
7. Nordström L, Ingemarsson I, Persson B, Shimojo N, Westgren M.
8. Lactate in fetal scalp blood and umbilical artery blood measured during normal labor with a test strip
method. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 1994 ;73:250-4.
9. Nordström L, Chua S, Roy A, Alkumaran S. Quality assessment of two lactate test strip methods suitable
for obstetric use. J Perinat Med. 1998;26:83-8.
10. Nordström L, Ingemarsson I, Kublickas M, Persson B, Shimojo N, Westgren M. Scalp blood lactate: a new
test strip method for monitoring fetal wellbeing in labour. Br J Obstet Gynaecol. 1995;102:894-9.
11. Nordström L, Achanna S, Naka K, Arulkumaran S. Fetal and maternal lactate increase during active
second stage of labour. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 2001;108:262-268.
12. Milley JR. Uptake of exogenous substrates during hypoxia in fetal lambs. Am J Physiol. 1988;254(5 Pt
13. Nordström L. Fetal scalp and cord blood lactate. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2004;18:467-76.

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Fetal Blood Sampling

14. Wiberg N, Kallen K, Herbst A, Aberg A, Olofsson P. Lactate concentrations in umbilical cord blood is
gestational age-dependent: a population-based study of 17,867 newborns. BJOG 2008;115:704-709.
15. NICE Clinical Guideline 55- intrapartum care. September 2007.
16. Wiber-Itzel E, Lipponer C, Norman M, Herbst A, Prebensen D, Hansson A, Bryngelsson A-L,
Christoffersson M, Sennström M, Wennerholm U-B, Nordström L. Determination of pH or lactate in fetal
scalp blood in management of intrapartum fetal distress: randomized controlled multicentre trial. BMJ,
17. Allen RM, Bowling FG, Oats JJN. Determining the fetal scalp lactate level that indicates the need for
intervention in labour. ANZJOG 2004;44:549-552.
18. Jaiyesimi RK, Hickey WP. Fetal haemorrhage after fetal scalp blood sampling. Lancet. 1990;336:819-20.
19. Pachydakis A, Belgaumkar P, Sharmah A. Persistent scalp bleeding due to fetal coagulopathy following
fetal blood sampling. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2006;92:69-70.

7. Legislation/Regulations related to this guideline

Not applicable.

8. Appendices
Appendix 1: RWH Procedure: Cord Blood Sampling - Paired
Appendix 2: Additional Clinical Information: Fetal Scalp Lactate Sampling
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The Royal Women's Hospital Clinical Guidelines present statements of 'Best Practice' based on thorough evaluation of
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Whilst appreciable care has been taken in the preparation of clinical guidelines which appear on this web page, the Royal
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Appendix 2

Additional Clinical Information: Fetal Scalp

Lactate Sampling

Continuous EFM during labour is associated with a reduction in neonatal seizures but no significant differences
in rates of cerebral palsy, perinatal mortality, low Apgar scores, and admission to neonatal intensive care or
hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy 3. This may be because the incidence of these conditions is too low or
conditions such as cerebral palsy occur antenatally rather than intrapartum so that EFM would be unlikely to
have an effect. Continuous EFM is associated with an increase in caesarean section and instrumental vaginal
FBS, based on pH analysis during the first stage of labour was introduced by Saling in 1962 5. 30 to 50
microlitres of blood are required for pH analysis and it has been reported to fail in 20% of cases 6. Owing to the
practical limitations associated with blood sampling for pH measurement, work commenced on developing a
simpler method. The measurement of intrapartum fetal scalp lactate has been studied since the 1970s but
previous methods for lactate measurement required large amounts of blood and laboratory resources and were
therefore not clinically useful.

Lactate in first stage of labour:

The relationship between maternal and fetal lactate concentrations in labour has been studied. No significant
correlation was demonstrated between the duration of the first stage of labour and fetal lactate concentration at
the beginning of the second stage of labour 7, 9. This confirms previous findings suggesting that in the absence
of hypoxia, fetal lactate concentrations are constant during the first stage of labour 8.

Lactate in the second stage of labour:

Maternal lactate concentrations increase significantly during the active phase of the second stage of labour. The
source of this lactate is thought to be maternal skeletal muscles. It is estimated that the maternal lactate
increases by 2mmol/L for every 30 minutes of active pushing 10. The fetal lactate also rises during active
pushing when it is estimated to increase by 1mmol/L for every 30 minutes of active pushing. The question of
whether this lactate rise is driven by fetal hypoxia or derived from the mother has been investigated by studying
the arterio-venous lactate difference at delivery. The results suggest that the main contributor to the fetal
lactate increase is the fetus itself, especially with a prolonged second stage 10. Animal studies support these
results 11.
These findings suggest that a fetal scalp lactate is an appropriate indicator of fetal hypoxia in the passive
second stage, for example whilst awaiting further descent of the presenting part. After the commencement of
active pushing however, lactate will rise as suggested above.

CTG abnormalities during the ACTIVE second stage of labour require consideration of
expedited delivery NOT further assessment by FBS.

Normal (aerobic) metabolism: when the fetus is well oxygenated, the fetus generates energy in the form of
adenosine triphosphate (ATP), from glucose, forming pyruvate. This pyruvate is further metabolised in the
presence of oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water with the release of ATP for cellular metabolism. The
carbon dioxide and water are easily eliminated from the fetus across the placenta.
Abnormal (anaerobic) metabolism: when the fetus is short of oxygen (hypoxic) there is insufficient oxygen for
the aerobic metabolism of pyruvate. Instead pyruvate is converted into a small amount of ATP as well as lactic
acid and hydrogen ions which accumulate resulting in increased lactate levels (metabolic acidosis) 12. Non-
reassuring CTG patterns may reflect the ability of the individual fetus to adapt to decreases in oxygen supply.
Inadequate oxygen supply results in anaerobic metabolism of glucose, which leads to metabolic acidosis 12.
Lactate sampling gives an assessment of metabolic acidosis. Full analysis of acid-base balance including base
deficit is required to discriminate between respiratory and metabolic acidosis.
Umbilical cord blood lactate concentrations in newborns: Umbilical cord blood lactate concentrations in
newborns were studies in order to establish reference ranges 13. 10,169 “vigorous” newborns, presumably
healthy, delivered vaginally either spontaneously or by instrumental delivery were included. Babies with
complicated pregnancies and those delivered by CS were excluded. The variation in lactate values at term
ranged from a mean of 3.5mmol/L at 37 weeks’ gestation to a mean of 4.3mmol/L at 42 weeks’ gestation.
Based on these data, the use of the accepted cut-off value for fetal scalp lactate of 4.8mmol/L would not result
in any unnecessary interventions even in babies at 42 weeks’ gestation.

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Appendix 2

Additional Clinical Information: Fetal Scalp

Lactate Sampling

Lactate values at gestations less than 34 weeks’ gestation: The effect of gestational age on the
development of lactic acidosis due to hypoxia remains to be investigated. In view of the lack of information the
measurement of fetal scalp lactate prior to 34 weeks’ gestation is contraindicated.

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