NSTP 100 Final Examination
NSTP 100 Final Examination
NSTP 100 Final Examination
1. The office that supervises the implementation of the Civic Welfare C. MAPUA-NSTP Office
Training Service (CWTS) and the Reserve Officer Training Corps
2. Man can do whatever he pleases but not to the extent of doing D. FREE
harm to his co-creatures. What characteristics of a person is being
described above?
3. In line with the Institute’s vision, MAPUA-CWTS shall be the B. VALUES EDUCATION
center of excellence in ____.
4. The need for recognition, respect, attention, achievement, D. SELF-ESTEEM
mastery, and confidence.
5. One of the goals of CWTS is to provide capability enhancement D. COMMUNITY SERVICE
programs that will improve skills, knowledge, and attitude towards C. Poor Sector of the Society
the consciousness of _____ in the pursuit of national development.
6. A sharp disagreement or clash of interest or ideas. B. Demands
7. The decision is made by a small group who plan beforehand to get C. THE CLIQUE
their way.
8. “Not to decide – is to decide”. What decision making process is A. The Plop
being described?
9. An acronym was created for the NSTP-CWTS ____, SERVICE. B. DIMENSIONS OF
11. The NSTP Law was enacted on _____. B. JANUARY 2002
12. The ______ provides the base for the expansion of the armed A. RESERVE FORCE
forces of the Philippines in the event of war, invasion or rebellion.
13. The virtue that pertains to the free exercise of dexterity and B. COMPETENCE
intelligence in the completion of tasks.
14. Chemicals that affect a person in such a way as to bring about A. DRUGS
physiological, emotional, or behavioral change.
15. The ____ is the basic social unit in the Philippine society. D. FAMILY
16. The Eight Developmental Stages was developed by this famous C. ERIK ERIKSON
and influential Psychologist and Psychoanalyst.
17. An aggregate of personalities acting and interacting with one D. GROUP
another in the process of living.
18. One CWTS thrusts is to develop each student to possess a high B. SOCIAL AWARENESS
level of _____.
19. What dimension of the human person refers to knowledge, A. INTELLECTUAL
creative and critical thinking?
20. What are the three components of the NSTP? A. RESERVE OFFICERS’
21. Human beings have the same characteristics and physical A. UNIQUE
features, but no two persons are the same because every person has
its own perception, has different sets of values and principles in life.
This refers to what characteristic of a person?
22. Meaning of the acronym EHSDS B. ENGINEERING AND HEALTH
23. In the MU core values DECIR, what does I means? C. INTEGRITY
24. The primary source of reservist officers and enlisted reservist of A. ROTC
the reserve force of the AFP.
25. A classroom-based discussion that encompasses the common D. NSTP100
module phase for all NSTP students.
26. This extends to which members of a group see themselves as D. Perceived Groupness
27. This is created under Section 11 of RA 9163 or the NSTP Act of B. NATIONAL SERVICE RESERVE
2001, composed of graduates of the non-ROTC components: the CORPS
28. As the child reaches the school age, he/she learns skills C. INDUSTRY VS INFERIORITY
necessary for economic survival and the technological skills that will
allow him/her to become a productive member of his/her culture.
What crisis happens in this stage?
29. In line with Mapua University’s vision, the Mapua-CWTS shall be A. VALUES EDUCATION
a center of excellence in ____ through the promotion of civic
consciousness and holistic development of individuals to become
productive members of the society.
30. The MIT Civil Military Training was activated on____. C. JULY 1940
31. The expression of a person’s emotions, attitudes, feelings, C. SEXUAL
actions and thoughts in ______ activity best exemplifies his
uniqueness from animals.
32. Man is _______ in nature because a person is created with body C. PHYSICAL
and faculty that correspond to his relationship with society.
33. A quality of a leader as revealed in his habits of thoughts and D. CHARACTER
expressions, his attitudes and interest, his actions and his personal
philosophy in life.
34. The etymology of the word value means to be strong and C. VALERE
35. According to the theory of person-centered therapy, every D. POSITIVE
person has within him an inherent desire towards a ________
transformation and development of his capacity.
36. Rules that identify and describe appropriate behaviors. A. NORMS
37. Refers to the Filipino’s dependence on the supernatural being D. BAHALA NA
and on fate.
38. A characteristic of a group that describe its reason/s for D. GOALS
39. What is the highest level of the hierarchy of needs which is B. SELF ACTUALIZATION
described as reaching the person’s peak potential?
40. An NSTP-CWTS SERVICE component thatt includes program and D. INDUSTRY AND
activities that is vital to economic growth. CWTS students ENTREPRENEURSHIP
demonstrate technical skills in communities like meat processing,
silkscreen making and how to establish small businesses.
41. An agreement that often involves compromise or combination of C. CONSENSUS
various possibilities after all opinions have been heard.
42. What does NSTP stands for? C. NATIONAL SERVICE
43. A strength of the Filipino character that points to camaraderie A. PAKIKIPAGKAPWA-TAO
and feeling of closeness to one another. It is said to be the
foundation for unity.
44. This area involves disaster preparedness during fire, earthquake D. SAFETY AND SECURITY
and other calamities that needs immediate response from any
trained civilians during emergency situations.
45. One party at a conflict situation seeks to meet individual foals at B. WIN LOSE STYLE
all cost, without concern for the needs of his opponent. What
conflict resolution style is being described here?
46. The _____ is aimed to enhance the civic consciousness and B. NSTP
defense preparedness in the youth by developing ethics of service
and patriotism while undergoing training in any of its components.
47. A characteristic of a person that distinguishes him for all other A. RATIONAL
creatures in the world. The characteristic makes a person free to
think and has the capacity to reason.
48. MAPUA-CWTS Support and Delivery System (SOS) component D. ENGINEERING AND HEALTH
that conducts water potability tests and computer literacy classes to SUPPORT DELIVERY SYSTEM
the adopted communities of the Institute.
50. Another of the goals of CWTS is to promote and integrate values B. YOUTH DEVELOPMENT
education, transformational leadership and sustainable mobilization
for _____ and community building.