Roman R. Villalon, Jr. For Petitioner LUELCO. Dulcemarie M. Guerrero-Manikan For Interpleader

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G.R. No. 87001 December 4, 1989 Resolution No.

33-02-88 dated February 20, 1988, the authorized

signatories are as follows:
represented by its President and Chairman of the Board MANUEL RESOLVED TO APPROVE, as it hereby APPROVES, to
L. MANGASER, petitioner, revert to the amended Board Policy No. 1 allowing the
vs. General Manager to sign checks and/or disbursements to
HONORABLE BRAULIO D. YARANON, Presiding Judge of RTC- a maximum of P5,000 and that any amount beyond this
Branch 30, San Fernando, La Union and NATIONAL shall be countersigned by both the President and the
ELECTRIFICATION ADMINISTRATION (NEA), respondents. FAR Secretary-Treasurer of the Board and all transactions
EAST BANK & TRUST CO. (La Union Branch) as Interpleader. should be paid in a single check payment whether it is
more or less than P5,000. 1
Roman R. Villalon, Jr. for petitioner LUELCO.
The said Resolution was amended by the LUELCO Board under Board
Dulcemarie M. Guerrero-Manikan for interpleader. Resolution No. 53-03-88 dated March 20, 1988, which reads:

That all checks and disbursements made in any amount

shall bear both the signatures of the Acting General
GANCAYCO, J.: Manager and the President of the Board of Directors of
LUELCO effective immediately. 2
In the herein petition for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus,
petitioner seeks to annul the decision dated January 13, 1989 and the However, the NEA in its letter of April 8, 1988 to the LUELCO Board of
order dated February 10, 1989 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Directors amended Board Resolution No. 33-02-88 in this manner —
San Fernando, La Union in Civil Case No. 4182 and to declare
Presidential Decree No. 269 as amended by Presidential Decree No. This refers to your Board Resolution No. 33-02-88
1645 unconstitutional. authorizing the General Manager to sign checks of
withdrawals or disbursements to a maximum of
Civil Case No. 4182 is an action for interpleader filed by the Far East P5,000.00.
Bank & Trust Company (FEBTC), La Union branch, against the La
Union Electric Cooperative Inc. (LUELCO) and the National Please be informed that such authorization is approved
Electrification Administration (NEA) to determine the proper signatories for the amount of P3,000.00 only for single disbursement
to checks relating to withdrawals and disbursements of LUELCO or withdrawal and that any amount beyond this shall be
deposits with the said bank. It appears that in LUELCO Board counter-signed by either the Coop President or
Treasurer. 3
It is alleged in the interpleader that LUELCO through its President and b) that NEA, pursuant to Section 10 of the
Chairman of the Board insists that the bank should follow Board same law, is "empowered to issue orders,
Resolution No. 53-03-88, LUELCO being the owner of the funds rules and regulations . . . in all matters
deposited, while on the other hand the NEA through its project affecting said electric cooperatives and
supervisor and acting general manager in the LUELCO alleges that borrowers, or supervised or controlled
Board Resolution No. 33-02-88 as amended by the NEA should be entities;"
observed as the NEA has taken over LUELCO and that Board
Resolution No. 53-03-88 was disapproved by said general manager c) that NEA is authorized under Section 5
pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 269, as amended by Presidential (a) of the said decree, to designate an
Decree No. 1645, which empowers the NEA to exercise control and acting general manager and/or project
supervision over electric cooperatives and borrowers. The bank supervisor for a cooperative, under certain
through the interpleader thus sought the resolution of these conflicting circumstances, such as when the interest of
claims. the cooperative and the program so
requires, and for such purpose, "to
LUELCO in its amended answer contended that the power granted to prescribe the functions of said Acting
the NEA pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 1645 is unconstitutional General Manager and/or Project
as it violates the Bill of Rights, that it is an arbritrary exercise of power, Supervisor, which powers shall not be
is confiscatory in character and violates due process; and that it nullified, altered or diminished by any policy
destroys or infringes the autonomous character of the cooperative. or resolution of the Board of Directors of the
LUELCO also asked for damages because it was compelled to litigate. cooperative concerned;"

On the other hand the NEA alleged: d) that pursuant to its power aforestated,
NEA has taken over the direct control and
a) that the management of LUELCO as an supervision of LUELCO and for such
electric cooperative, is "vested in its Board purpose designated Eufemio C. Genovia,
subject to the supervision and control of one of its own personnel, on February 5,
NEA which shall have the right to be 1988, as Acting General Manager and
represented and to participate in all Board Project Supervisor of the LUELCO with
Meetings and deliberations and to approve powers and duties among which was to
all policies and resolutions of the Board;" by "exercise full control and supervision over
virtue of the provisions of Section 24 of the management and operations of
Presidential Decree No. 269 as amended; LUELCO including functions to review and
approve/disapprove all board resolutions
and policies and to sign/countersign all i) that Resolution No. 33-02-88 was
checks, withdrawal slips and other banking approved with amendment by NEA and is
transactions;" the valid and controlling resolution which
should govern the transactions between
e) that NEA having taken over the direct LUELCO and the petitioner bank, instead of
control and supervision of LUELCO through Resolution no. 53-03-88.
its Acting General Manager/Project
Supervisor, it is the latter, in representation A counterclaim for damages arising from the refusal of petitioner to
of NEA who should be considered to honor Board Resolution No. 33-02-88 was filed with the Answer. 4
properly represent the cooperative and the
representation in the Petition of the The following facts are undisputed as found by the court a quo —
President and Chairman of the board of the
LUELCO as representing LUELCO is There is no dispute that the funds deposited with the
'misplaced, false and improper'; petitioner, pertain to the La Union Electric Cooperative,
Inc., LUELCO an electric cooperative organized and
f) that the said President and Chairman of subsisting pursuant to the provisions of Presidential
the Board of the LUELCO does not have Decree No. 269, as amended.
any lawful and material interest in the
subject matter of the action; It cannot also be disputed that the National Electrification
Administration exercises supervision and control over
g) that the LUELCO board, upon insistence electric cooperatives organized pursuant to Presidential
of the President and Chairman of the Decree No. 269, as amended. NEA is further granted
Board, adopted Board Resolution No. 53- express authority to designate an acting general
03- 88 for no other purpose than to render manager and/or project supervisor for any electric
ineffective the powers of the Acting General cooperative, and for the purpose, "to prescribe the
Manager/Project Supervisor and prevent functions of said officer, which powers shall not be
him from carrying out his program to nullified, altered or diminished by any policy or resolution
rehabilitate the electric cooperative; of the Board of Directors of the cooperative concerned"
(Section 5(a) Presidential Decree 269 as amended by
h) that Board Resolution No. 53-03-88 has Presidential Decree No. 1645).
not been approved by the Acting General
Manager/Project Supervisor of NEA hence The record indicates that under Board Resolution No. 33-
is invalid and of no force and effect; and 02-88 dated February 20, 1988, the general manager
was authorized to sign checks and/or disbursements to a WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, judgment is
maximum of P5,000 and that any amount beyond the hereby rendered, finding the petitioner bank to be bound
same shall be countersigned by both the President and by the communication dated April 8, 1988, of the NEA
the Secretary-Treasurer of the Board and all transactions Director for Cooperatives Development, to the effect that
should be paid in a single check payment whether it is the General Manager (Acting General Manager/Project
more or less than P5,000.00 (Annex "B", Petition). Supervisor) designated by the National Electrification
Administration is authorized to sign checks of
The record further indicates that on March 20, 1988, withdrawals or disbursements only in the amount of
Board Resolution No. 53-03-88, was adopted by the P3,000.00 and beyond which amount the same shall be
LUELCO Board, pursuant to which "all checks and countersigned by either the President or Treasurer of the
disbursements made in any amount should bear both the LUELCO.
signatures of the Acting General Manager and the
President of the Board of Directors, LUELCO effective The counterclaim and crossclaim are dismissed.
immediately" (Annex "A", petition).
No pronouncement will be made as to costs. 6
It is further established by the record that on April 8,
1988, the NEA through Luis O. Cerrafon, NEA Director Not satisfied therewith, LUELCO filed a motion for reconsideration of
for Cooperatives Development modified Board the decision which, however, was denied by the trial court for lack of
Resolution No. 33-02-88, by limiting the authorization to merit in an order dated February 10, 1989. 7
the amount of P3,000.00 only for single disbursement or
withdrawal and that any amount beyond the same shall Hence the herein petition wherein petitioner raises the following issues:
be countersigned by either the Coop President or
Treasurer (Annex "C" Petition). I. Is P.D. 269, as amended by P.D. 1645
violative of the 1987 Philippine Constitution
The Petition itself indicates that Board Resolution No. 53- when it authorized NEA to potentially
03-88 was disapproved by the NEA through its Acting cripple the management of LUELCO by its
General Manager/ Project Supervisor in the LUELCO duly elected Board of Directors and
(petition, par. 6).5 President Manuel Mangaser by insisting in
a letter dated April 8, 1988 of Luis O.
In due course on January 13,1989 a decision was rendered by the Cerrafon Director for Cooperative
RTC the dispositive portion of which provides — Development, that every withdrawal of
LUELCO deposits with Far East Bank (La
Union Branch) in the amount of P3,000.00
by respondent Eufemio Genovia alone is IV. In tearing away LUELCO's resistance to
authorized to the exclusion of LUELCO's respondent Eufemio Genovia's dictatorial
President and not jointly with the LUELCO's take-over by means of LUELCO's own bank
President as stated in LUELCO's Board deposits and trust funds, does P.D. 269, as
Resolution No. 53-03-88 dated March 20, amended by P.D. 1645, have constitutional
1988, amending the questioned Board imprimatur to obliterate the autonomous
Resolution dated February 20, 1988? character of cooperatives declared to be
free of any imposition of any condition that
II. Does LUELCO through its Board of might affect or infringe their autonomy in all
Directors, Chairman and President Manuel government loon assistance extended to
L. Mangaser have the legal personality to them either through original loans or
resist the takeover of LUELCO and its bank relending program? 8
deposits by respondent Eufemio Genovia
as an indispensable step in a concerted The petition is devoid of merit. The Court reproduces with approval the
plan of said Genovia upon orders of NEA disquisition of the trial court on the constitutionality of Presidential
Administration to destroy the very existence Decree No. 269, as amended by Presidential Decree No. 1645, to wit
of a viable electric cooperative as LUELCO —
under the pretext of the assertion of powers
not granted by the Philippine Constitution? The rule is well-settled that the party raising a
constitutional question "... must be able to show direct
III. Is the respondent court (RTC-San injury to or invasion of his constitutional rights arising
Fernando, La Union, Branch XXX) from the operation or enforcement of the questioned act
unjustified in conveniently rejecting the ..." (People vs. Vera, 65 Phil. 56. Massachusetts v.
constitutional objection to the continued Mellon, 262 U.S. 477; cited in Jose P. Laurel on the
existence of an oppressive and utterly void Constitution, by J. Enrique M. Fernando, p. 11).
law as P.D. 269, as amended by P.D. 1645,
on its mere pronouncement that LUELCO LUELCO itself admits that what has been taken over by
through its Chairman and President Manuel the NEA is the management of the cooperative. Indeed
L. Mangaser has no legal standing to raise there is nothing in the record to establish a conclusion
constitutional issues involving the said law that the designation by the NEA of a project supervisor
in question? and acting general manager for the LUELCO for
purposes of management of the electric cooperative, has
resulted in the takeover by the NEA of the business, funds to support electric cooperatives in line with the
properties, and assets of the cooperative itself. national policy objective of total electrification of the
Philippines on an area coverage basis. It is evident,
Takeover of management by the NEA is in effect a considering the requirements of public interest in
change of management. It cannot however be equated safeguarding public funds, that the law-making authority
with a takeover of the business, property, and assets of deemed it wise that "when the interest of the cooperative
the electric cooperative, by the NEA. The ruling made by and the program so requires", the National Electrification
the NEA Director for Cooperatives Development, dated Administration (NEA), is empowered to designate an
April 8, 1988, which authorizes the General Manager to acting general manager and/or project supervisor for an
sign checks or withdrawals or disbursements only in the electric cooperative, with powers and duties which
amount of P3,000.00, and beyond which amount the include control and supervision over the management
same shall be countersigned by either the President or and operations of LUELCO, including functions to review
Treasurer of the LUELCO (Annex "C", Petition), indicates and approve/disapprove all board resolutions and
that the LUELCO funds deposited with the petitioner policies and to sign/countersign all checks, withdrawal
bank, remain as funds of the LUELCO and have not been slips and other banking trans actions . . . (Secs. 5(a), 24,
converted into funds of the NEA. etc., P.D. 269, as amended.)

The foregoing considerations lead to no other conclusion There is thus reasonable basis for the exercise of control
than that the LUELCO has not established by competent and supervision by the NEA over all electric cooperatives
and sufficient proof that the questioned decree as including the defendant LUELCO. At any rate, courts " . .
amended, has caused direct injury to or invasion of its . do not pass upon questions of wisdom, justice or
constitutional rights arising from the operation thereof. expediency of legislation . . . " (Angara v. Electoral
Consequently the attempt to question the validity of P.D. Commission, 63 Phil. 139,158-159). 9
269 as amended, must fail.
Moreover, the reason courts will as much as possible avoid the
It should be noted further that under the 1986 (sic) decision of a constitutional question can be traced to the doctrine of
Constitution, cooperatives and similar collective separation of powers which enjoins on each department a proper
organizations shall have the right to own, establish, and respect for the acts of the other departments. In line with this policy,
operate economic enterprises, subject to the duty of the courts indulge the presumption of constitutionality and go by the maxim
State . . . to intervene when the common good so that "to doubt is to sustain." The theory is that, as the joint act of the
demands. (Sec. 6, Article XII, 1986 [sic] Constitution). legislative and executive authorities, a law is supposed to have been
LUELCO admits, and the Court will take judicial notice, of carefully studied and determined to be constitutional before it was
the fact that the State has issued huge amounts of public finally enacted. Hence, as long as there is some other basis that can
be used by the courts for its decision, the constitutionality of the G.R. Nos. 104216 August 20, 1993
challenged law will not be touched upon and the case will be decided
on other available grounds. 10 TEODORO B. PANGILINAN, petitioner,
As found by the court a quo it is not seriously disputed that the NEA GUILLERMO T. MAGLAYA, THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY,
had taken over the control and supervision of the LUELCO by installing SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND
one of its personnel as acting general manager/project supervisor of COMMUNICATIONS, respondents.
the LUELCO. It is within the power of control and supervision of the
NEA over the LUELCO as an electric cooperative organized and Gancayco Law Office and Moncupa, Torio & Malaya Law Offices for
existing pursuant to Presidential Decree 269 as amended by petitioner.
Presidential Decree 1645 particulary Section 5(a) thereof In view of the
circumstances which, in the interest of the cooperative and the The Solicitor General for respondents.
program of electrification whereby said Acting General Manager
effectively took over the actual supervision and control of the
management and operation of the LUELCO on February 8, 1988, it
was deemed necessary that the matter of disposal of funds deposited CRUZ, J.:
with the FEBTC should be guided by the NEA ruling of April 8, 1988
authorizing the general manager to sign checks of withdrawals and The petitioner complains that he has been removed from office without
disbursement only in the amount of P3,000.00 and beyond which due process and just cause in disregard of his constitutional security of
amount the same shall be counter-signed by either the President or tenure. Worse, his removal was made in bad faith, immediately after
Treasurer of the LUELCO. his expose of certain anomalies in which superiors were involved.

The trial court correctly found that the parties appear to have acted in Teodoro B. Pangilinan joined the government service on July 18, 1966,
utmost good faith in filing their respective pleadings in the case and when he was appointed agent in the National Bureau of Investigation,
consequently the matter of damages was not passed upon. a position for which he had the appropriate civil service eligibility. He
had risen to Supervising Agent when he resigned to accept
The Court finds no need to dispose of the other issues in this petition in appointment as Executive Director of the Land Transportation Office
the light of the foregoing discussion. on July 8, 1987. He assumed office on July 16, 1987.

WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED for lack of merit, with costs The petitioner says that from February 19, 1988 to November 30,
against petitioner. 1988, he was detailed to the Manila International Airport Authority,
where he served as Assistant General Manager in charge of finance
SO ORDERED. and administration and also of security and general services.
Upon his return to the LTO, he was designated as Resident service official. Hence, he could not be, and was not extended a
Ombudsman in addition to his regular duties. As such, he discovered, permanent appointment.
among other anomalies, irregularities in the purchase of motor vehicle
license plates. The license plates ordered were not reflective as The public respondents cite Sec. 5(1) of P.D. 807 which provides that
required by P.D. 98 and B.P. 43. He says he brought this matter to the membership in the career executive service requires:
attention of Asst. Secretary Manuel Sabalza of the Department of
Transportation and Communications and later of Secretary Pete (i) that the official must be included in the register of
Prado. Neither of them took any action. career executive eligibles; and

On September 27, 1991, the petitioner called a press conference (ii) that the official must have been appointed to an
expose what the media later described as "the license plate mess." He appropriate class in the Career Executive Service.
also announced his intention to file graft charges with the Ombudsman
against Prado, Sabalza and Undersecretary Jose Valdecañas, also of Respondent Augusto B. Araneta, who was later designated to replace
the DOTC. Maglaya, submitted the following certification from the Executive
Director of the Career Executive Service Board:1
The following day, Secretary Prado relieved Pangilinan as Executive
Director of the LTO and replaced him with Guillermo Maglaya as CERTIFICATION
officer-in-charge. However, the petitioner continued receiving his salary
(although his allowances were withheld) until December 31, 1991. This is to certify that the position of Executive Director in
When he asked why his pay had been discontinued, he was informed the Land Transportation Office, Department of
by Asst. Secretary Juan V. Borra, Jr. that Maglaya had already been Transportation and Communications is classified as a
designated as Acting Executive Director of the LTO. position belonging to the Career Executive Service
(CES). This is to certify further that per records of the
In this petition, Pangilinan prays for reinstatement on the ground that Career Executive Service Board (CESB), MR.
no charge has been filed or proved against him to justify his removal. TEODORO B. PANGILINAN, former Executive Director
of said office is not a CES eligible, and was not appointed
Required to comment, the Solicitor General argues that Pangilinan was to a rank in the CES.
validly separated because he was appointed to the disputed position in
an acting capacity only. He does not possess the qualifications This certification is issued upon the request of Atty.
prescribed for the office of Executive Director of the LTO, which is a Augusto B. Araneta for whatever purpose it may serve.
career executive service position for which only a career executive
service official is eligible. The petitioner is not a career executive (Sgd.) ELMOR D. JURIDICO
Executive Director
The respondents also invoke the case of Achacoso once he is called upon to do so by the appointing
v. Macaraig, 2 where this Court declared: authority.

It is settled that a permanent appointment can be issued In his reply Pangilinan submits that the Achacoso case is not
only "to a person who meets all the requirements for the applicable because the petitioner therein was, to begin with, not a civil
position to which he is being appointed, including the service eligible. The petitioner say he is, having passed the board
appropriate eligibility prescribed." Achacoso did not. At examination for certified public accountants. He also argues that his
best, therefore, his appointment could be regarded only appointment must be likened to the provisional appointment under the
as temporary. And being so, it could be withdrawn at will old Civil Service Act before it was replaced by P.D. 807. The
by the appointing authority and "at a moment's notice," provisional appointment enjoyed security of tenure.
conformably to established jurisprudence.
Pangilinan adds that even on the assumption that his appointment was
xxx xxx xxx not permanent, his separation must still be for a valid cause because
Article IX-B, Section 2 (3), of the Constitution applies to all officers and
The mere fact that a position belongs to the Career employees in the civil service without distinction.
Service does not automatically confer security of tenure
on its occupant even if he does not possess the required Invoking the case of Gray v. De Vera,3 Pangilinan likens himself to the
qualifications. Such right will have to depend on the petitioner therein who was summarily relieved when, as the board
nature of his appointment, which in turn depends on his secretary of the People's Homesite and Housing Corporation, he sent
eligibility or lack of it. A person who does not have the a telegram to the President of the Philippines imputing irregularities to
requisite qualifications for the position cannot be the directors. His separation also came the following day. Although
appointed to it in the first place, or, only as an exception Gray was holding a primarily confidential position without any fixed
to the rule, may be appointed to it merely in an acting term, this Court ordered his reinstatement. We held that he had been
capacity in the absence of appropriate eligibles. The denied procedural due process and there was no valid cause for his
appointment extended to him cannot be regarded as removal.
permanent even if it may be so designated.
Also cited by the petitioner are Cariño v. ACCFA, 4 Floreza
The purpose of an acting or temporary appointment is to v. Ongpin 5 and Jocom v. Robredo (not Regalado),6 in all of which
prevent a hiatus in the discharge of official, functions by cases the security of tenure of the dismissed employees was upheld.
authorizing a person to discharge the same pending the
selection of a permanent or another appointee. The The petitioner raises a new issue, to wit, that even if he were
person named in an acting capacity accepts the position considered only an acting appointee, he nevertheless could not be
under the condition that he shall surrender the office replaced except by a person possessing the required qualifications, as
required by PD 807. He has produced certifications,7 also from the Although Gray was holding a highly confidential position, the Court
Executive Director of the Career Executive Service Board, that neither regarded his separation as a removal and so applied the constitutional
Guillermo T. Maglaya nor Augusto B. Araneta is a CES eligible or a prohibition against the suspension or dismissal of an officer or member
career executive service officer. He also argues, belatedly too, that as of the civil service without cause as provided by law. That was rather
a presidential appointee, he could be replaced only by the President of loose interpretation of the term "dismissal," which is defined as the
the Philippines and not by only the Secretary of Transportation and ouster of the incumbent before the expiration of his term. Subsequent
Communications. decisions have made it clear that where a person holds his position at
the pleasure of a superior or subject to some supervening event, his
As required by the Court, the respondents have submitted a separation from office is not a
Compliance manifesting that Juan A. Magarro, Jr., the new appointee removal. 10 It is effected by the will of the superior or by the happening
to the position of Executive Director of the LTO (replacing Guillermo of the contingency, resulting in another and different mode of
Maglaya and Antonio B. Araneta) possesses the prescribed terminating official relations known as expiration of the term.
qualifications for the office.8
Chief Justice Concepcion explained the distinction between removal
They repeat that the applicable case is Achacoso, not Gray. Gray was and expiration of the term in Alajar v. Alba 11thus:
extended a permanent appointment whereas Achacoso, like
Pangilinan, could be appointed only in an acting capacity for lack of the In the case at bar, the term of respondent Alajar as Vice
prescribed qualifications for the office. Mayor of the City of Roxas is not fixed by law. However,
the latter, in effect, vests in the President the power to fix
We must hold for the respondents. such term. When in November 1955, petitioner Alba was
designated as Acting Vice-Mayor of said City, the term of
Gray and the other cases cited by the petitioner involved permanent respondent Alba was, thereby, fixed implicitly by the
appointees who therefore had security of tenure. Pangilinan was only President, in the exercise of his aforementioned
an acting appointee because he did not have the requisite authority. Thus, the term of office of Alajar expired and
qualifications; as such, he could not claim security of tenure. This his right to hold office was extinguished, with the same
Court has repeatedly held that this guaranty is available only to legal effect as if the term had been fixed by Congress
permanent appointees.9 The fact that Pangilinan was qualified for his itself. In other words, Alajar was not removed from office,
initial appointment as agent in the NBI does not mean he was qualified for "to remove an officer is to oust him from office before
for all other positions he might later occupy in the civil service. The law the expiration of his term" (Manalang v. Quitonano et al.,
does not prescribe uniform qualifications for all public positions 50 Off. Gaz., 2515). Alajar merely lost the right to hold
regardless of nature or degree. the office of Vice-Mayor of the City of Roxas by expiration
of his term as such.
The petitioner's invocation of the provisional appointment as appointment could be and had been validly extended beyond the one-
comparable to his position is a grasping at straws. The provisional year limit, that extended term was nevertheless validly terminated with
appointment has long been abolished and has no legal application or the appointment of his qualified replacement.
effect in this case. There are now only two kinds of appointment under
the Administrative Code of 1987, to wit: The petitioner's contention that he could not be relieved by Secretary
Prado but only by the President of the Philippines is also a shot in the
Sec. 27. Employment Statues. — Appointment in the dark. It has long been settled, and does not require further elaboration
career service shall be permanent or temporary. here, that the acts of a Department Secretary, when "performed and
promulgated in the regular course of business" are presumptively the
(1) Permanent status. A permanent appointment shall be acts of the President unless "disapproved or reprobated" by him. This
issued to a person who meets all the requirements for the doctrine dates back to 1939, when it was First laid down by Justice
position to which he is being appointed, including the Laurel in Villena v. Secretary of the Interior, 12 and has been
appropriate eligibility prescribed, in accordance with the consistently observed since then. Parenthetically, the petitioner's own
provisions of law, rules and standards promulgated in appointment to the disputed position was signed not by President
pursuance thereof. Corazon C. Aquino but by Executive Secretary Joker P. Arroyo. 13

(2) Temporary appointment. In the absence of In view of the foregoing considerations, we hold that Pangilinan has
appropriate eligibles and it becomes necessary in the lost the right to the position of Executive Director of the LTO and so
public interest to fill a vacancy, a temporary appointment, cannot be reinstated therein.
shall be issued to a person who meets all the
requirements for the position to which he is being Shall the Court end here? There is more to be said.
appointed except the appropriate civil service
eligibility: Provided, That such temporary appointment It is not difficult to see that the petitioner was replaced because of his
shall not exceed twelve months, but the appointee may expose and his threat to bring charges against his superiors. His relief
be replaced sooner if a qualified civil service eligible was clearly an act of punishment if not personal vengeance. This is not
becomes available. denied. The respondents, while invoking the law to justify his
separation, have made no effort whatsoever to justify their motives.
Strictly speaking, the petitioner's temporary appointment as Executive
Director of the LTO should have ended twelve months after he In Gray, the Court held that the board secretary, while holding a highly
assumed office, or on July 16, 1988. From that date, his appointment confidential. position, owed his loyalty not to the board but to the
had ceased to be valid even if a qualified replacement was not yet government. In the present case, Pangilinan was not even holding a
available and consequently had to be discontinued pursuant to the similar position. His continued incumbency did not depend upon his
above-quoted provision. Indeed, even on the assumption that his enjoyment of the confidence of his superiors who had no personal
claim to his loyalty. In exposing what he considered the anomalies in accordance with existing law. The Court sees that termination as a
the DOTC, he was, like Gray, manifesting his concern for the punishment.
government whose interests he wanted to protect.
Under the expanded definition of judicial power in Article VIII, Section
It would be a sorry day, indeed, if a civil servant could be summarily 1, of the Constitution, the Court can declare the acts of the public
removed from his position for the "sin" of complaining about the respondents as tainted with grave abuse of discretion and therefore
irregularities of his superiors. This would not only impair the integrity of invalid.
the civil service but also undermine the campaign to encourage the
public, including those in the civil service, to expose and denounce But it is not as simple as that. The obstinate fact is that, regardless of
venality in government. the motives of his superiors, Pangilinan no longer had any right to the
disputed position when he was separated from it in 1991. He ceased to
Pangilinan's denunciation of the non-reflective license plates we not be entitled to it in 1988 upon the lapse of the maximum period for his
the act of a rabble-rouser or a publicity-seeker. The record shows that acting appointment. Obviously, he is not entitled to it now. Even if it be
he quietly brought the matter to the attention of his superiors, giving supposed that the public respondents acted maliciously when they
reasons for his misgivings. They took no action. Feeling frustrated, he relieved him in 1991, his reinstatement is still not possible under the
sought the attention of the media and told them of his objection to the law as it now stands.
non-reflective license plates. He cited the laws that he claimed had
been violated. He narrated his efforts to prevent their violation. He The petitioner warns that the dismissal of his petition would open the
spoke of the indifference of his superiors. In doing all these, he was door to the summary separation of civil servants to the prejudice of the
exercising his right as a citizen, and especially as a civil servant, to integrity and independence of the civil service. He claims that "there
denounce official misconduct and improve the public service. are about 2,067 CESO positions in the entire Philippine civil service. Of
this number only 372 or about 18% are occupied by Career Executive
This is not to say, of course, that Pangilinan's charges are valid. The Service eligibles."14 The rest may be summarily separated as acting
Court is not prepared to do so at this time because the evidence on appointees and are therefore subject to the whims of their superiors.
this matter is not before it. For all we know, there is a satisfactory He suggests that "a ruling by this Honorable Court that would sustain
explanation for the attitude of his superiors; it is possible that it is the position of petitioner would go a long way toward the upliftment of
Pangilinan who has misinterpreted the law or misread the facts. But the morale of the 'ineligibles.'"
true or not, the charges per se, and standing alone, could not be the
basis of Pangilinan's swift and summary replacement. Assuming that the petitioner's statistics are correct, the Court can only
share his trepidation. We can do no more. As judges, we can only
Pangilinan was separated the day immediately following his press interpret and apply the law and, despite our doubts about its wisdom,
conference. The Court sees the action as a retaliation. The public cannot repeal or amend it. In the case at bar, we have no power to
respondents say they were merely terminating his incumbency in give the petitioner the qualifications he does not possess.
Qualifications for public officers are prescribed by the Constitution or Narvasa C.J., Feliciano, Padilla, Bidin, Griño-Aquino, Regalado,
the law, or even by implementing regulations, but not by the decisions Davide, Jr., Nocon, Bellosillo, Melo Quiason and Vitug, JJ., concur.
of courts.

The problem posed by the petitioner is a serious threat to the integrity

and independence of the civil service. As demonstrated in this case,
the doctrine announced in Achacoso may be used to muzzle and
punish legitimate complaint and even to persecute "difficult"
subordinates. That doctrine, let it be stressed, is only an interpretation
and application by the Court of the law as enacted by the legislative G.R. No. L-19748 September 13, 1962
and implemented by the executive. That doctrine can change only if
the laws and regulations on which it was based are also changed, not PAULINO J. GARCIA, petitioner,
by this Court but by the political departments. vs.
In Javier v. Commission on Elections, 15 we said: his capacity as Acting Chairman of the National Science
Development Board, respondents.
The Supreme Court is not only the highest arbiter of legal
questions but also the conscience of the government. Claudio Teehankee and Juan T. David for petitioner.
The citizen comes to us in quest of law but we must also Office of the Solicitor General for respondents.
give him justice. The two are not always the same. Enrique M. Fernando as amicus curiae.

Indeed they are not, and sadly so for the petitioner. For ironically, the
law he invokes for the protection of his right has instead denied him the
justice he seeks and deserves. This emphasizes, no less sadly, the
fallacy that for every legal wrong there is a judicial remedy. Untrue, BARRERA, J.:
unfortunately. The Court is not a panacea. There are times,
regrettably, when justice is shackled by the law, and even this Court This is a petition filed by petitioner, Dr. Paulino J. Garcia, Chairman of
cannot break the chains. the National Science Development Board created by Republic Act
2067 otherwise known the "Science Act of 1958" against the
WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED. No costs. respondents Executive Secretary and Juan Salcedo, Jr., the latter in
his capacity as Acting Chairman of the same National Science
SO ORDERED. Development Board, in the form of quo warranto an prohibition with
preliminary injunction, with prayer that the further preventive
suspension of petitioner beyond the maximum period of 60 days, petitioner in writing to explain charges for alleged electioneering based
provided in Section of the Civil Service Act of 1959 (Rep. Act 2260), be on the affidavits of four individuals. On February 15, petitioner
declared illegal and void, and that respondent Juan Salcedo, Jr. be submitted his written explanation denying under oath the said charges
likewise declared guilty of unlawfully holding an exercising the claiming them to be false, malicious and unsubstantial. On the
functions of the office of Chairman of the National Science following day, February 16, respondent Executive Secretary advised
Development Board since April 19, 1962 date of the expiration of the petitioner, by authority of the President, that his explanation was found
said 60-day period. unsatisfactory, and immediately ordered his preventive suspension
from office effective upon receipt of the communication. Thus, the
Succinctly stated, the pertinent facts of this case are as follows: preventive suspension took effect on Monday, February 18, 1962. On
the day previous, or on Sunday, February 17, 1962, the respondent
Upon the enactment on June 13, 1958 of Republic Act 2067, creating Juan Salcedo, Jr. was designated by the President as Acting Chairman
the National Science Development Board for the avowed purpose of of the National Science Development Board.
implementing the declared policy of the State to integrate, coordinate,
promote and intensify scientific and technological research and By Administrative Order No. 5 dated February 17, 1962, an
development and to foster invention and utilize scientific knowledge as investigating committee was created. On February 23, another charge
an effective instrument for the promotion of national progress, of dishonesty in office was filed with the investigating committee
petitioner herein, Dr. Paulino J. Garcia, was appointed by the President against petitioner. On February 27, the investigating committee
of the Philippines, which appointment was duly confirmed by the commenced the investigation of the administrative charges and, after
Commission on Appointments, as the first Chairman of the National some delays caused by the unpreparedness of the prosecution, the
Science Development Board for a fixed term of six years, pursuant to hearing was indefinitely postponed because of the departure for
Section 6 of the Science Act. Accepting such appointment, petitioner abroad, on March 19, 1962, on extended vacation, of one of the
duly qualified, assumed the performance of the functions of the office members of the committee (former Justice Ramon San Jose) who,
on July 15, 1958, and organized and since then built up the Board into before his appointment, apprised the President thereof but was
a real effective instrument for scientific advancement that it is today. advised he could go as the investigation could be postponed during his
As a result of the last national elections held in November, 1961, a
change of administration took place. Shortly thereafter, or on February In view of his indefinite suspension, petitioner, on May 5, 1962, filed
9, 1962, after petitioner declined to heed what respondents admit as the present petition praying in effect that the 60-day period prescribed
the new Assistant Executive Secretary Rodrigo Perez's "friendly in the Civil Service Law for preventive suspension having already
gesture of advising petitioner to resign from his position in order to expired on April 19, 1962, he be reinstated in the service pursuant to
avoid the unpleasant consequences of having to face an administrative Section 35 of the said Act.
action for violation of the Revised Administrative Code on the basis of
evidence then on hand", respondent Executive Secretary required
The clear-cut issue, therefore, before us is the effect and scope of the investigation. This insertion for the first time in our Civil Service Law of
aforementioned Section 35 of the Civil Service Act, which reads: an express provision limiting the duration of preventive suspension is
significant and timely. It indicates realization by Congress of the evils
Sec 35. Lifting of Preventive Suspension Pending Administrative of indefinite suspension during investigation, where the respondent
Investigation. — When the administrative against the officer or employee is deprived in the meantime of his means of livelihood,
employee under preventive suspension not finally decided by without an opportunity to find work elsewhere, lest he be considered to
the Commissioner of Civil Service within the period of sixty (60) have abandoned his office. It is for this reason that it has been truly
days after the date of suspension of the respondent, the said that prolonged suspension is worse than removal. And this is
respondent shall be reinstated in service. If the respondent, equally true whether the suspended officer or employee is in the
officer or employee is exonerated, he shall be restored to his classified or unclassified service, or whether he is a presidential
position with full pay for the period of suspension. appointee or not. Having in mind the remedial purpose of the law, is
respondents' contention justifiable that Section 35 of the Civil Service
Contrary to the contention of petitioner that the visions of the above- Act is applicable only to employees whose administrative cases are
quoted section are mandatory Applicable to him, respondents sustain submitted to the Commissioner of Civil Service? Except for the
that the compulsory lifting of the preventive suspension pending insertion of the clause "is not finally decided by the Commissioner of
administrative investigation provided in this section, applies only to Civil Service" (which would presently be discussed), there is nothing in
officers or employees whose administrative cases are to be decided by Section 35 which distinguishes between the preventive suspension of
the Commissioner of Civil Service, and that with respect to any officer an officer appointed by the President and the suspension of
appointed by the President, there is no provision of law regulating the subordinate officer or employee undergoing administrative
duration of the preventive suspension pending investigation of charges investigation. Note that the phrase "officer or employee" used in
against such officer, as is the case of petitioner. In other words, it is Section 35, is not modified by the word "subordinate" as employed in
respondents' contention that Section 35 of the Civil Service Act does Section 34 when speaking of the preventive suspension ordered by the
not apply to officers appointed by the President answering chief of a bureau or office. In fact, the last sentence of Section 35
administrative charges against them. which provides that, "if the respondent officer or employee is
exonerated, he shall be restored to his position with full pay from the
At the outset, let it be said that Section 35 is a new provision in our period of suspension", is undeniably applicable to all officers and
Civil Service Law. In the Revised Administrative Code, in its Article VI employees whether suspended by the President or by the chief of
on "Discipline of Persons in Civil Service", we find the same power of office or bureau, or investigated by the Commissioner of Civil Service,
preventive suspension exercisable by the President and the chief of a or by a presidential investigating committee.1awphîl.nèt
bureau or office with the approval of the proper head of department, as
is now provided in Section 34 of Republic Act 2260, but there is no The first sentence of Section 35 stating that "when the administrative
counterpart in the Administrative Code, of Section 35 of Act 2260 case against the officer or employee under preventive suspension is
regarding the lifting of preventive suspension pending administrative not finally decided by the Commissioner of Civil Service within the
period of 60 days after the date of suspension of the respondent, the classified service. Both are expressly declared to belong to the
respondent shall be reinstated in the service", merely demonstrates, Civil Service; hence, the same rights and privileges should be
we believe, the feeling of Congress that, in line with its policy of accorded to both. Persons in the unclassified service are so
strengthening the Civil Service of the nation and protecting it from the designated because the nature of their work and qualifications
inroads of partisan political considerations, pursuant to the spirit of the are not subject to classification, which is not true of those
Constitution, all disciplinary administrative cases should pass through appointed to the classified service. This can not be a valid
the impartial scrutiny of the Commissioner of Civil Service, even reason for denying privileges to the former that are granted to
though the final decision on the matter may not be his, as an appeal the latter.
from such decision of the Commissioner to the Civil Service, Board of
Appeals is expressly authorized by Section 36 of the same law. So To adopt the theory of respondents that an officer appointed by the
also, it may be conceded without deciding, may the President, in the President, facing administrative charges, can be preventively
exercise of his power of control and supervision over all offices and suspended indefinitely, would be to countenance a situation where the
departments of the executive branch of the government, revise, review, preventive suspension can, in effect, be the penalty itself without a
or revoke the decisions of the Commissioner of Civil Service and of the finding of guilt after due hearing, contrary to the express mandate of
Civil Service Board of Appeals. But this power has nothing to do with the Constitution 1 and the Civil Service law. 2 This, it is believed, is not
the preventive suspension, because this power has not intended to be conducive to the maintenance of a robust, effective and efficient civil
a penalty. As explained by Senator Francisco A. Rodrigo, sponsor of service, the integrity of which has, in this jurisdiction, received
the bill which later became the Civil Service Act of 1959 (Rep. Act constitutional guarantee, as it places in the hands of the Chief
2260), "suspension cannot be more than 60 days — preventive Executive a weapon that could be wielded to undermine the security of
suspension. Even if the case drags on for six months or a year after 60 tenure of public officers. Of course, this is not so in the case of those
days of preventive suspension, the suspended employee is reinstated," officers holding office at the pleasure of the President. But where the
(Senate Congressional Record, Vol. II, No. 69, p. 2001). It may be tenure of office is fixed, as in the case of herein petitioner, which
noted that Senator Rodrigo did not make any distinction between the according to the law he could hold "for 6 years and shall not be
preventive suspension of officers by the President and that by the chief removed therefrom except for cause", to sanction the stand of
of office or bureau, and Section 35 as passed did not contain any such respondents would be to nullify and render useless such specific
distinction. Neither is such distinction justifiable, for there is no cogent condition imposed by the law itself. If he could be preventively
reason — and none has been suggested — why the protection granted suspended indefinitely, until the final determination of the
to subordinate employees is not to be applied to more important public administrative charges against him (and under the circumstances, it
officers. As this Court has ruled in the case of Severino Unabia v. The would be the President himself who would decide the same at a time
Hon. City Mayor, et al. (53 O.G., No. 1, pp 133-134) — only he can determine) then the provisions of the law both as to the
fixity of his tenure and the limitation of his removal to only for cause
. . . There is no reason for excluding persons in the unclassified would be meaningless. In the guise of a preventive suspension, his
service from the benefits extended to those belonging to the term of office could be shortened and he could, in effect, be removed
without a finding of a cause duly established after due hearing, in WHEREFORE, decision is hereby rendered holding petitioner Dr.
violation of the Constitution. This would set at naught the laudable Paulino J. Garcia entitled to immediate reinstatement to his position as
purpose of Congress to surround the tenure of office of the Chairman Chairman of the National Science Development Board, without
of the National Science Development Board, which is longer than that prejudice to the final outcome of the investigation of the charges
of the President himself, with all the safeguards compatible with the against him on which no opinion is here expressed. Respondent Juan
purpose of maintaining the office of such officer, considering its highly Salcedo, Jr. is hereby ordered to immediately vacate and cease to
scientific and technological nature, beyond extraneous influences, and exercise the functions of the said office and to deliver the same to
of insuring continuity of research and development activities in an herein petitioner Paulino J. Garcia. No costs. So ordered.
atmosphere of stability and detachment so necessary for the fulfillment
of its mission, uninterrupted by factors other than removal for cause. Bengzon, C.J., Padilla, Bautista Angelo, Labrador, Concepcion, Dizon
and Makalintal, JJ., concur.
Upon these considerations, there is unanimity of opinion among the Paredes and Regala, JJ., took no part.
members of this Court that the preventive suspension in the case of
officers, although appointed by the President but with a fixed term and
removable only for cause, cannot be indefinite. To some of the
members, the provisions of Section 35 limiting the duration to 60 days
is applicable to herein petitioner, as, in their view, it evinces a Separate Opinions
legislative policy that preventive suspension of a public officer is not
lightly to be resorted to, but only after a previous serious and thorough
scrutiny of the charges and that the prompt and continued hear in
thereof should not be hampered, both in justice to the suspended
officer who is without salary during suspension, and in the interest of REYES, J.B.L., J., concurring:
public service to avoid as much as possible the interruption of the
efficient functioning of the office that the suspended official holds. I concur in the opinion penned by Mr. Justice Barrera, but for the main
Other justices, however, are of the opinion that while said period may reason that in this case there has been a denial of procedural due
not apply strictly to cases of presidential appointees facing process in so far as petitioner Garcia is concerned.
administrative charges to be decided by the President, the preventive
suspension shall nevertheless be limited to a reasonable period, and in One of the elementary requisites of due process is that a case should
the circumstances of the present case, they too believe that the further be decided by an impartial tribunal or authority. Willoughby in his
suspension of herein petitioner, who has been under preventive classic on the Constitution of the United States, Vol. 3, p. 1709,
suspension since February 18, 1962, would no longer be reasonable. enumerates the requisites of due process to be —
(1) that he shall have had due notice, which may be actual or the letter of Executive Secretary Amelito R. Mutuc to herein petitioner
constructive, of the institution of the proceedings by which his under date of February 17, 1962, the President, who is to the ultimate
legal rights may be affected; arbiter to decide the administrative case against the petitioner, had
already prejudged the case and made up his mind that the petitioner
(2) that he shall be given a reasonable opportunity to appear had been guilty of electioneering, which is the principal charge against
and defend his rights, including the right himself to testify, to Garcia. While the evidence was heard and the charges tried by a
produce witnesses, and to introduce relevant documents and committee of former magistrates whose impartiality and sense of
other evidence; justice are beyond challenge, the fact is that the committee's powers
are purely recommendatory. The last and final word, under the law,
(3) that the tribunal in or before which his rights are adjudicated pertains to the President, who may set aside the recommendations of
is so constituted as to give reasonable assurance of his honesty the investigating committee, and unfortunately the Chief Executive's
and impartiality; and words and conduct have evidenced an attitude that is difficult to
reconcile with the open mind, soberness, and restraint to be expected
(4) that it is a court of competent jurisdiction. of an impartial judge.

Indeed, all the other requisites of notice and hearing would be The law of the land, as observed by Webster in Dartmouth College vs.
meaningless if the ultimate decision is to come from a partial and Woodward (4 Wheaton 518), is one that "hears before it condemns;
biased judge. Now, the evidence submitted to this Court, particularly which proceeds upon inquiry and renders judgment only after trial".
the photostatic copies of press reports, marked as Annexes G to K, to
the reply, and which have been neither denied or contradicted, show
that from the very beginning the President has insisted in Dr. Garcia's
vacating his office as Chairman of the National Science Development
Board, alleging at first that the position was of a confidential nature,
and later, when confronted with the fact that the tenure of the office
was fixed by statute, by charging openly and publicly that —

The trouble with this official is that he is an active politician who

openly campaigned in his province for the NP candidates."
(Annex J, Reply to Answer, Philippines Herald, January 29,
1962; quoted in the original).

These statements, which were made without qualification, so far as the

record goes, reveal that even before theformal charges were made in

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