Desamito, Junella F. BSE 1-2 Exercise 2.3 Essay

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BSE 1-2



1. Science and Technology in:

a. Early Civilization
Science and technology plays a big role in our society ever since our ancestors lived in this world.
Useful inventions started from prehistoric period and are now beneficial for all. Inventors from this
age are highly intelligent and resourceful for they can create devices out of woods, clay and other
raw materials unexpectedly. From that I can say that they are more intelligent for they can create
expedient ideas out of a crop. Their materials might not be as advanced as what we have today but
at least they can invent such things that were now a big help in today’s growing economy.
b. Middle Ages
In this age, ancient devices were transformed into advanced form. They started to develop
advanced devices and machine to make the way of living more convenient than ancient times. Mr.
Johann Gutenberg’s invention makes information dissemination faster, which is the Printing Press.
In this age, they often use metal for their machines in combination of woods. In the field of
medicine, paraphernalias are also innovated. From the ancient medication which basically use
herbs for medication to advanced devices that could modify the cause and cure of diseases, one of
the best example was the Microscope. Indeed, the development of the technologies, equipments
and devices are really helpful for the further development of our economy.
c. Modern Era
From the ancient time up to present, we can see the wide ranging effect of science and technology
in our society. Because of the further development of technologies, life becomes easier. From the
machines that they used to manufacture products, specifically the production of our basic
commodities such as, cloths, foods, goods, etc. Moreover communication and information
dissemination is now faster trough the use of smart phones, laptops and computers. Before, it takes
time for you to send a message for someone, but because of the technological advancement,
communication is now convenient, in just one click your message will be seen and replied by your
receiver. Furthermore, the production of goods and services became easier nowadays because of
the technological innovation. Ergo, science and technology has the greatest contribution for the
further development in every sectors of our economy. Indeed, both gives us standard way of living.

2. a. Mesoamerica
Mesoamerica has highly advanced civilization which are the Maya, Aztec and Inca. These civilization was
notable in their incredible achievements in engineering and science because they highly valued education.
Mesoamerica was one of the cradles of civilization in the world. This region gave ride to a series of
developments in agriculture, mathematics, etc. In this region the heliographic writing was developed and
transformed into paper writing system. That’s just one proof of science and technology in Mesoamerica.
b. Asia
This is known as the region of history of innovation. Their contributions in science and technology has a
big impact today. China and India were the ones’ who contributed the most in innovations. India innovated
iron works, such as knives, daggers, swords, etc. which are now useful. Another was their contribution in
Mathematics, they introduced the Hindi numerals and binary numbers. They also innovated machines that
can be used in agricultural sector. Meanwhile, China, also has innumerous contribution in science and
technology. This introduced abacus, a calculating tool in ancient China. Moreover, papermaking, printing,
gunpowder and the compass - the four great inventions of ancient China-are significant contributions of
the Chinese nation to world civilization. China was the first nation to invent paper.

c. Middle East
The Middle East is an area of the world that includes many countries, such as Turkey, Israel, Saudi
Arabia, Iran, and Iraq. Throughout its history, these people have either invented or contributed to the
development of important technologies that have impacted the fields of astronomy, medicine, and much
more. Moreover, Islam was the one of the first world religions to place particular emphasis on bodily
hygiene. They are also know for the surgical innovations.

d. Africa

The contributions of African people through innovation science and technology have helped shape the
modern world. From mathematics, astronomy, metallurgy and tools, architecture and engineering,
medicine and navigation, truly African people are intelligent. People of African descent come from
ancient, rich and elaborate cultures that created a wealth of technologies in many areas.

3. a. Psychoanalytic Theory
This theory is also known as “THE TALKING CURE” therapy that investigates the working and interaction
between conscious and unconscious mind. This theory describes the three different side of person, which is
the ID, EGO and SUPEREGO. Perhaps, yes those dimensions of self can exist on one person, but then it
depends on the person on how will he will choose to predominate over himself. Another was the three
stages of development which is the Anal, oral and phallic stage that more likely infers how does a person
grows well mannered. Well, this theory might have nasty approach for others, but then again it still have a
good side which is the Psychoanalytical Model of Identity which explains the phases of our mind that
contains our persona. This made me realize that, I still don’t know myself because of mu unconscious mind

b. Heliocentrism
Heliocentric universe opposed the idea of Geocentric model which states that the earth is the center of
universe. I agree with Nicolas Copernicus’ idea, because each planet revolves around the sun with their
orbits. And it was proven and supported by the studies and ideas of Johannes Kepler and Galileo Galilei.

Accordingly, Neanderthals are related to our family tree and also in line with Homo Sapiens. We have some the
same traits through DNA structures, the proportion of Neanderthal-inherited genetic material is about 1 to 4 percent
[later refined to 1.5 to 2.1 percent]. It is suggested that 20 percent of Neanderthal DNA survived in modern humans,
notably expressed in the skin, hair and diseases of modern people. Ever since the discovery of the Neanderthal fossils,
expert opinion has been divided as to whether Neanderthals should be considered a separate species (Homo
neanderthalensis) or a subspecies (Homo sapiens neanderthalensis) relative to modern humans. But then again there is
always and an ending in every generation. Moreover, authors have discussed the possibility that Neanderthal extinction
was either precipitated or hastened by violent conflict with Homo sapiens. Violence in early hunter-gatherer societies

usually occurred as a result of resource competition following natural disasters. That is how their generation ended.

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