Coca Cola Case Study: Mission
Coca Cola Case Study: Mission
Coca Cola Case Study: Mission
The purpose of this paper is to present a strategic marketing plan to identify and evaluate new business
opportunities for Coca Cola Amatil, a leading beverage manufacturer based in Australia. The analysis will
begin with a brief background of the company including company mission statement and business objectives.
It will be followed by a comprehensive market analysis examining the corporation’s market competitiveness
and structure, market size, projected growth trends, competitors, influencing environmental factors and target
market. The paper will then analyze the anticipated new opportunity and would go on to formulate a marketing
strategy which will seek to explore various significant aspects relating to optimum utilization of the new
business prospect. Break-Even analysis will also be presented of the projected product along with an account
of the changes in the business operations that may be made for incorporating the business requirements for the
new product.
Coca Cola Amatil: Background
Coca Cola Amatil is one of Australia’s leading and oldest business corporations, which was established in
1989 as a result of a grand re-organization of Amatil Limited. The multinational business is mainly based on
manufacturing and distributing alcohol-free beverages and snack foods. With its headquarters in Australia, the
company also operates in New Zealand, Indonesia, South Korea, Papua New Guinea, Fiji and is the largest
producer of Coca Cola trademarked products with primary focus on Asia-Pacific region (About Coca Cola,
n.d.). The company besides producing its own products, manufacture, market and sell the trademarked
products of Coca Cola Company across its targeted region.
To refresh and revitalize the world in mind, body and spirit.
To inspire through our activities and brands, moments of Positivity and hopefulness.
To build value and make a difference wherever we participate (Curd, n.d.).
Coca Cola Company seeks to introduce quality in every aspect of the business. The firm aims to:
Serve as a workplace where individuals are inspired to give in their best.
Create and introduce a range of beverage brands that satisfies customers’ wishes and needs.
Develop a strong and efficient network of customers and suppliers to enhance value.
Optimize enduring returns to shareowners while being attentive of our overall responsibilities as a corporate
Be a highly operative, efficient and fast-growing organization
According to the council of Australian Food Technology association and Institute of Food Science and
Technology (1988, p. 333), the Australian non-alcoholic beverages industry has been growing steadily, with
2.3 percent increase in overall production in the year 2000 which amounts to 2.25 billion liters. However, in
the recent years, sales of customary carbonated soft drinks have dropped as more and more customers become
health conscious and move away from high-calorie sugary drinks. Soft Carbonated drinks and other alcohol
free beverages manufacturers have also sensed the effects of intensifying competition from private-label soft
drink makers. Nevertheless, sales of greater value energy and sports drinks have driven profit generation in the
The Soft Drink and Beverage manufacturing industry is primarily concentrated in the eastern Australian states,
close to the foremost population centres, according to Soft Drink market research report published in IBIS
World (2012). New South Wales alone has 34.6% of such establishments, while Victoria is home to 11.5% and
Queensland to 20.5%. The report shows that Victoria’s share of total beverage producing firms has declined
over the past few years because of enhanced investment in facilities in other regions of the country.
Meanwhile, South Australia’s market share has been growing, as has N.S.W’s share.
Market Size
Coca Cola Amatil is the leading and largest provider of alcohol-free beverages and Coca Cola trademark
products as it covers a huge market segment. The annual revenue at present is $3 Billion and according to the
estimates, the yearly profit is expected to increase by 1.8 percent. (See Appendix 1).The market conditions for
soft drink companies in Australia are encouraging and it still has a huge potential to grow more. The market if
considered in the realm of retail sales industry, has reached an estimated value of $239.5 billion in 2011,
representing a rise of 1.3 percent from 2010 (IBIS World, 2011).
Market Growth
Today, Australia is commercially assisted by both outsized multi-plant companies and by persistent dynamic
and robust regional bottlers that are innovative and manufacturing products for both the domestic and foreign
markets. A forceful and ever changing alcohol-free beverages industry is crucial for both our economic and
social well-being as it provides the extensive range of liquid refreshment that meet people’s nutritive needs and
social occasion. At present, the beverage industry produces a remarkable wide collection of beverages, from
the traditional carbonated soft drinks and fruit juices to sports, energy and other formulated beverages, and a
booming bottled water market (Australian beverages, 2004).
On the other hand, the rapid and stable growth of the retail trade is because of the strong position of the
Australian dollar and encouraging employment conditions. This economic stability has reduced the cost of
retail goods that are imported. Hence improved employment and economic conditions has led to better
purchasing power and positive consumer behavior (IBIS World, 2011).
Key Competitors
Since now Coca Cola Amatil manufactures a number of beverages other than cola such as lemon drinks
(sprite), bottled water (Mount Franklin) and Orange drinks (Fanta). The company faces competition from tea
and coffee offerings by Nestea and from smoothies and juices produced by companies like Boost. Other key
competitors include Monster Beverage Corp, Goodman Fielder Ltd and Metcash Ltd.
Environmental Factors
Internal Rivalry
There is an intense rivalry among the top market players; Coca Cola, Nestle and Pepsi which comprises of a
strong concentration of approximately 43 percent of the market. However, the rest of the market is quite
fragmented. There is a considerable degree of rivalry among these competitors because they operate
internationally with a wide network of bottlers (San Francisco Chronicle, 2012).
Appendix: 1
Revenue generation from 2006 to expected profit in 2013 and 2014.
Appendix: 2