A - Philippine Developmental Plan 2017 - 2022

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Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022 macroeconomic fundamentals, and built on a solid bedrock of safety, peace and
Overall Framework security, infrastructure, and a healthy environment
1. Pillar 1: Enhancing the social fabric (Malasakit):
We are building a future where every Filipino enjoys a matatag, maginhawa, at There will be greater trust in public institutions and across all of society.
panatag na buhay. Just like any building construction, we begin by laying down Government will be people-centered, clean, and efficient. Administration
a strong foundation for more inclusive growth, a high-trust and resilient society, of justice will be swift and fair. There will be greater awareness about and
and a globally-competitive knowledge economy. The impact will be manifested respect for the diversity of our cultures.
in the following outcomes: 2. Pillar 2: Inequality-reducing transformation (Pagbabago):
There will be greater economic opportunities, coming from the domestic
 The Philippines will be an upper middle-income country by 2022. market and the rest of the world. Access to these opportunities will be
 Growth will be more inclusive as manifested by a lower poverty incidence made easier. Special attention will be given to the disadvantaged
in rural areas – from 30 percent in 2015 to 20 percent in 2022. subsectors and people groups.
 The Philippines will have a high level of human development by 2022. 3. Pillar 3: Increasing growth potential (Patuloy na Pag-unlad):
 The unemployment rate will decline from 5.5 percent to 3-5 percent in Many more will adopt modern technology, especially for production.
2022. Innovation will be further encouraged, especially in keeping with the
 There will be greater trust in government and in society. harmonized research and development agenda. And in order to
 Individuals and communities will be more resilient. accelerate economic growth even more in the succeeding Plan periods,
 Filipinos will have greater drive for innovation. interventions to manage population growth will be implemented and
Strategic Outcomes investments for human capital development will be increased.
A matatag, maginhawa, at panatag na buhay by 2040 will be achieved if we are
able to lay down the foundation for inclusive growth, a high-trust and resilient 2. Enhancing the Social Fabric of Malasakit
society, and a globally-competitive knowledge economy by 2022. • there will be greater trust between the people and government. At
This goal will be supported by three pillars - Malasakit, Pagbabago, and Patuloy the same time, key reforms in the justice system will be done to
na Pag-unlad - which are further supported by strategic policies and reduce delays and cost to those who seek justice at all level

 Simplifying the rules and regulations on business registration and

3. Inequality Reducing Transformation licensing, entry and exit, paying taxes, and access to finance.
The government will ensure the sustainability of its efforts to improve the
productivity of the agriculture, forestry, and fisheries (AFF) sector and to Accelerating Human Capital Development
continuously build the capacity of AFF stakeholders. By 2022, Filipinos will have more opportunities to develop their full potential.
 Physically link production areas to markets through road and rail-based They will have better access to health care services and opportunities to
transport, inter-island water transport and logistics system acquire 21st century skills and competencies. At the same time, they will have
 Provide non-farm livelihood options, especially to seasonal farm and easier transition to the workforce.
fishery workers, whose incomes are irregular and who are vulnerable to  Provide quality nutrition and health care interventions at all life stages.
shocks, access to small agricultural insurance, access to affordable formal  Upgrade and equip health facilities, and improve human resources for
credit. health.
 Expand health insurance coverage and improve benefit packages.
Expanding Economic Opportunities in Industry and Services through Trabaho To create a globally-competitive knowledge economy, citizens must be
at Negosyo provided with access to lifelong learning opportunities. These opportunities
By 2022, the Industry and Services (I&S) sector will be globally competitive. will be extended even to the vulnerable sectors and those who cannot be
Economic ties with other countries will be strengthened, leading to free trade reached by formal education.
agreements and other cooperative agreements that can be maximized by local
stakeholders. Citizens will be given access to economic opportunities through  Pursue full implementation of the K to 12 program.
job creation and encouraging entrepreneurship in the country.  Provide income support through an unemployment insurance and
emergency employment.
 Remove restrictions, provide incentives, and promote job-creating
 Fully implementing the Green Jobs Act


Reducing Vulnerability of Individuals and Families strategies that will help in (a) pursuing an efficient population management to
enable its citizens to be productive and engaged in economic activities and (b)
By the end of the planning period, Filipinos will have greater socioeconomic promoting science, technology use, and innovation to drive long-term growth
resiliency of the economy.
A universal and transformative social protection will be provided to all, to the government intends to aggressively manage its population such that people
empower the people and make them capable of preventing, responding to, of working age will comprise the bulk of the population
and recovering from various risks (i.e., economic, governance, and political To reap what is called the demographic dividend from this transition, the
risks, risks from natural hazards and individuals’ inherent vulnerabilities) government will ensure that this workforce will be productive so that it can well
Implement a convergence approach to help the poor and vulnerable become support the dependents comprising the young and old
self-sufficient and self-reliant. To reduce mortality rates
 Enhance the conditional cash transfer program The government will implement a sustained universal health care program
 Reduce child labor by 30 percent specifically addressed to:
 Intensify social protection programs for overseas Filipinos (OFs) and Reduce infant and child deaths; and
their families Reduce maternal deaths
 Improve social pension system To reduce fertility rates
 Expand PhilHealth packages The main strategy will focus on assisting couples and individuals achieve their
desired family size through responsible parenthood and informed choice. In
4. Building Safe and Secure Communities particular, interventions will aim to:
Address unmet demand for family planning and unwanted pregnancies.
By 2022, Filipinos will have access to affordable, adequate, safe, and secure Increase age at first birth.
housing in well-planned communities. Increase birth spacing
To improve the quality of human capital
Increasing growth potential (“patuloy na pag-unlad”)  Increase investments in health initiatives for children, the workforce, and
family members.

 Improve education processes and increase investments in education to Monetary Policy

improve the quality of education.  Maintain a flexible inflation targeting framework through the interest
To reduce youth unemployment rate corridor system to strengthen the framework for monetary policy
 Facilitate job creation in the Agriculture, Industry, and Services sectors, in implementation.
collaboration with the private sector.  Maintain a market-determined exchange rate and sufficient international
 Improve the living wage of young workers, especially those with young reserves to better insulate the economy from external shocks that could
children to support, as part of social protection. disrupt the pace of economic growth.
 Pursue regional and international cooperation to prevent and manage
Vigorously Advancing Science, Technology, and Innovation future financial crisis.
The efficiency and productivity of the agriculture, industry, and services sectors Financial Policy
will be improved. These will be done through maximizing and adopting science,  Promote financial stability through micro-macro prudential measures.
technology and innovation (STI).  Foster capital market development through the promotion of efficiency
in trading, settlement, and delivery of securities.
5. Enabling and supportive economic environment  Strengthen the effectiveness of financial inclusion initiatives through the
efficient delivery of microfinance and micro-insurance products and
Ensuring sound macroeconomic policy and enhancing market competition will services for Filipinos including those who live abroad
provide an enabling and supportive economic environment necessary to
support the implementation of the strategies geared towards Pagbabago and Expand market access and diversify export products and markets
Patuloy na Pag-unlad. Increase the competitiveness of Philippine exports
Enhance trade facilitation and strengthen linkages and connectivity
Improve revenues through reforms in tax policy and administration
To sustain a resilient and inclusive monetary and financial sectors  Review and implement laws, rules and regulations to reduce the cost to
exporters and importers, as well as facilitate and streamline procedures
for engaging in trade.

 Provide adequate infrastructure and logistical support to achieve Accelerating Infrastructure Development
connectivity, ensure efficient flow of goods and services domestically and
internationally, and lower the cost of production and delivery Infrastructure supports the country’s socioeconomic development. Spending on
infrastructure has to be intensified in key sectors like transport, water
6. Foundations for sustainable development resources, energy, information and communications technology (ICT), and
social infrastructure (i.e., housing, education, health, and solid waste
Attaining Just and Lasting Peace - Peace-building initiatives including peace management facilities).
agreements with armed groups in conflict-affected and vulnerable
communities will be vigorously pursued, together with development

Ensuring Security, Public Order, and Safety

To significantly reduce all forms of criminality and illegal drugs
- Intensify law enforcement operations, including military support to fight
criminality, trafficking, and terrorism
- Launch a holistic program to fight criminality, illegal drugs, and
To ensure public safety
- Increase police visibility
To ensure the security and safety of overseas Filipinos (OFs)
- Strengthen border control measures to protect OFs against human and
drug trafficking, through capacity building and effective partnership with
destination countries.

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