Assembly-Level Service Guide Counter 53132A

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Agilent 53131A/132A/181A

225 MHz Counters

Service Guide

Manual Part Number 53131-90039

Printed in Malaysia
Agilent 53131A/132A/181A
Assembly-Level Service Guide
This guide describes how to service the Agilent 53131A and Agilent 53132A
Universal Counters, and the Agilent 53181A Frequency Counter.

Agilent 53131A/132A/181A 225 MHz

Copyright 1994 - 2009 Certification and Warranty Before Cleaning Safety Considerations (contd)
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Certification Disconnect the product from WARNING
All Rights Reserved. Reproduction, Agilent Technologies certifies that operating power before cleaning.
adaptation, or translations without this product met its published MAY RESULT FROM
prior written permission is specification at the time of shipment
Warning Symbols That May Be
prohibited, except as allowed under from the factory. Agilent WARNING. DO NOT
the copyright laws. Technologies further certifies that its PROCEED BEYOND A
calibration measurements are WARNING UNTIL THE
March 2009
traceable to the United States INDICATED CONDITIONS
Printed in Malaysia National Institute of Standards and ARE FULLY UNDERSTOOD
Technology (formerly National AND MET.
Manual part number Bureau of Standards), to the extent
53131-90039 allowed by the Institute’s calibration Instruction manual symbol; the
facility, and to the calibration product will be marked with this CAUTION
facilities of other International symbol when it is necessary for the
user to refer to the instruction Damage to equipment, or incorrect
Standards Organization members. measurement data, may result
Warranty from failure to heed a caution. Do
not proceed beyond a CAUTION
Agilent warrants Agilent hardware, until the indicated conditions are
accessories and supplies against fully understood and met.
defects in materials and
workmanship for a period of one year
from date of shipment. If Agilent Safety Earth Ground
receives notice of such defects during An uninterruptible safety earth
the warranty period, Agilent will, at Indicates hazardous voltages. ground must be maintained from the
its option, either repair or replace mains power source to the product’s
products which prove to be defective. ground circuitry.
Replacement products may be either
new or like-new. WARNING
Agilent warrants that Agilent Indicates earth (ground) terminal. WHEN MEASURING POWER
software will not fail to execute its LINE SIGNALS, BE
programming instructions, for the EXTREMELY CAREFUL AND
period specified above, due to ALWAYS USE A
defects in material and workmanship STEP-DOWN ISOLATION
when properly installed and used. If TRANSFORMER WHICH
Agilent receives notice of such or OUTPUT IS COMPATIBLE
defects during the warranty period, WITH THE INPUT
Agilent will replace software media MEASUREMENT
which does not execute its CAPABILITIES OF THIS
programming instructions due to Indicates terminal is connected to PRODUCT. THIS PRODUCT’S
such defects. chassis when such connection is not FRONT AND REAR PANELS
For detailed warranty information, GROUND. THUS, NEVER TRY
see back matter. TO MEASURE AC POWER
Safety Considerations ISOLATION TRANSFORMER.
General Indicates Alternating current.
This product and related For additional safety and acoustic
documentation must be reviewed for noise information, see back matter.
familiarization with this safety
markings and instructions before Indicates Direct current.

Agilent Technologies, Inc. 7.NC.NL.A.11.03.97.R1.P.CW6FC

900 South Taft Avenue
Loveland, Colorado 80537 U.S.A.
Continued from front matter. . .

Warranty (contd) THIS WARRANTY STATEMENT Safety Considerations (contd) Acoustic Noise Emissions
Agilent does not warrant that the EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES. LpA<47 dB at operator position, at
operation of Agilent products will be WARNING normal operation, tested per
uninterrupted or error free. If Agilent IN NO EVENT WILL Agilent OR INSTRUCTIONS FOR EN 27779. All data are the results
is unable, within a reasonable time, ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ADJUSTMENTS WHILE from type test.
to repair or replace any product to a LOSS OF DATA OR FOR DIRECT, COVERS ARE REMOVED
condition as warranted, customer SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, AND FOR SERVICING ARE Geräuschemission
will be entitled to a refund of the CONSEQUENTIAL (INCLUDING FOR USE BY SERVICE-
purchase price upon prompt return of LOST PROFIT OR DATA), OR TRAINED PERSONNEL LpA<47 dB am Arbeits
the product. OTHER DAMAGE, WHETHER ONLY. TO AVOID platz, normaler Betrieb, geprüft nach
Agilent products may contain OTHERWISE. SHOCK, DO NOT PERFORM Die Angagen beruhen auf
remanufactured parts equivalent to SUCH ADJUSTMENTS OR Ergebnissen von Typenprüfungen.
new in performance or may have For consumer transactions in SERVICING UNLESS
been subjected to incidental use. Australia and New Zealand: the QUALIFIED TO DO SO.
warranty terms contained in this
The warranty period begins on the statement, except to the extent
date of delivery or on the date of lawfully permitted, do not exclude, WARNING
installation if installed by Agilent. If restrict or modify and are in addition ANY INTERRUPTION OF THE
customer schedules or delays Agilent to the mandatory statutory rights PROTECTIVE GROUNDING
installation more than 30 days after applicable to the sale of this product CONDUCTOR (INSIDE OR
delivery, warranty begins on the 31st to you.
day from delivery. OUTSIDE THE PRODUCT'S
Assistance CIRCUITRY) OR
Warranty does not apply to defects Product maintenance agreements and PROTECTIVE EARTH
resulting from (a) improper or customer assistance agreements are TERMINAL WILL CAUSE
inadequate maintenance or available for Agilent Technologies
calibration, (b) software, interfacing, A POTENTIAL SHOCK
parts or supplies not supplied by
Agilent, (c) unauthorized RESULT IN PERSONAL
modification or misuse, (d) operation For any assistance, contact your INJURY. (GROUNDING ONE
outside of the published nearest Agilent Technologies Sales CONDUCTOR OF A TWO
environmental specifications for the and Service Office. CONDUCTOR OUTLET IS
product, or (e) improper site NOT SUFFICIENT
preparation or maintenance. PROTECTION.)

TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY Whenever it is likely that the

LOCAL LAW, THE ABOVE protection has been impaired, the
WARRANTIES ARE EXCLUSIVE instrument must be made inoperative
AND NO OTHER WARRANTY OR and be secured against any
CONDITION, WHETHER unintended operation.
Agilent SPECIFICALLY If this instrument is to be energized
DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED via an autotransformer (for voltage
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS reduction) make sure the common
OF MERCHANTABILITY, terminal is connected to the earthed
SATISFACTORY QUALITY, AND pole terminal (neutral) of the power
Instructions for adjustments while
Agilent will be liable for damage to covers are removed and for servicing
tangible property per incident up to are for use by trained-personnel only.
the greater of $300,000 or the actual To avoid dangerous electric shock,
amount paid for the product that is do not perform such adjustments or
the subject of the claim, and for servicing unless qualified to do so.
damages for bodily injury or death,
to the extent that all such damages For continued protection against fire,
are determined by a court of replace the line fuse(s) of the same
competent jurisdiction to have been current rating and type (for example,
directly caused by a defective normal blow, time delay). Do not use
Agilent product. repaired fuses or short circuited

According to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and CEN/CENELEC EN 45014

Manufacturer’s Name: Agilent Technologies, Incorporated

Manufacturer’s Address: Santa Clara Site
5301 Stevens Creek Blvd
Santa Clara, California 95051

Declares, that the product

Product Name: Universal Counter Frequency Counter

Model Number: 53131A, 53132A 53181A
Product Options: This declaration covers all options of the above product.

Conforms with the following European Directives:

The product herewith complies with the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC and the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC
(including 93/68/EEC) and carries the CE Marking accordingly.

EMC Standard Limit

IEC 61326-1:1997+A1:1998 / EN 61326-1:1997+A1:1998
CISPR 11:1990 / EN 55011:1991 Group 1 Class A [1]
IEC 61000-4-2:1995+A1:1998 / EN 61000-4-2:1995 4kV CD, 8kV AD
IEC 61000-4-3:1995 / EN 61000-4-3:1995 3 V/m, 80-1000 MHz
IEC 61000-4-4:1995 / EN 61000-4-4:1995 0.5kV signal lines, 1kV power lines
IEC 61000-4-5:1995 / EN 61000-4-5:1995 0.5 kV line-line, 1 kV line-ground
IEC 61000-4-6:1996 / EN 61000-4-6:1996 3V, 0.15-80 MHz I cycle, 100%
IEC 61000-4-11:1994 / EN 61000-4-11:1994

Canada: ICES-001:1998
Australia/New Zealand: AS/NZS 2064.1

Safety IEC 61010-1:1990+A1:1992+A2:1995 / EN 61010-1:1993+A2:1995

Canada: CSA C22.2 No. 1010.1:1992

Supplemental Information:
The product was tested in a typical configuration with Agilent Technologies test systems.

July 31, 2001

Date Art Nanawa, Product Regulations Manager

For further information, please contact your local Agilent Technologies sales office, agent or distributor.
Authorized EU-representative: Agilent Technologies Deutschland GmbH, Herrenberger Straβ e 130, D 71034 Böblingen, Germany
How to Use This Guide xiii
Repair Strategy xiii
Instrument Identification xiii
Instruments Covered by this Guide xiv
Assembly-Level Service Guide Organization xiv
How to Order Guides xv
Description of the 225 MHz Counters xvi
Options xviii
Hardware xviii
Support xix
Accessories Supplied and Available xix
Accessories Supplied xix
Accessories Available xix
1 Performance Tests
Introduction 1-2
Operational Verification 1-2
Complete Performance Tests 1-3
Optional GPIB Verification 1-3
Recommended Calibration Cycle 1-3
Test Record 1-3
Equipment Required 1-4
Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Operational Verification 1-5
Power-On Self Tests 1-5
Run Self Test 1-8
Termination Check 1-8
External Arm Test (Agilent 53131A/132A Only) 1-10
Equipment 1-10

Assembly-Level Service Guide iii


Counter Setup 1-10

Procedure 1-11
External Timebase Tests 1-12
Equipment 1-12
1 MHz External Timebase Input (Agilent 53131A and Agilent
53181A Only) 1-13
5 MHz External Timebase Input (Agilent 53131A and Agilent
53181A Only) 1-14
10 MHz External Timebase Input (Agilent 53131A and Agilent
53181A Only) 1-14
10 MHz External Timebase Input for the Agilent 53132A 1-15
Agilent 53131A/132A Complete Performance Tests 1-16
Test 1: Time Interval (Agilent 53131A/132A Only) 1-17
Equipment 1-17
Counter Setup 1-17
Procedure 1-18
Test 2: Trigger Level (Agilent 53131A/132A Only) 1-19
Equipment 1-19
Counter Setup 1-19
Procedure 1-20
Test 3: Channels 1 and 2 Frequency Sensitivity (Agilent 53131A/132A
Only) 1-22
Equipment 1-22
Counter Setup 1-22
100 kHz to 100 MHz Sensitivity for Agilent 53131A/132A 1-23
100 MHz to 200 MHz Sensitivity for Agilent 53131A/132A 1-25
200 MHz to 225 MHz Sensitivity for Agilent 53131A/132A 1-26
Test 4: Channels 1 and 2 Frequency Accuracy (Agilent 53131A/132A
Only) 1-27
Equipment 1-27
Counter Setup 1-27
Procedure 1-28

iv Assembly-Level Service Guide


Test 5: Option 030/050/124 Channel 3 Frequency Sensitivity (Agilent

53131A/132A Only) 1-30
Equipment 1-30
Counter Setup 1-30
100 MHz to 2.5 GHz Sensitivity for Agilent 53131A/132A Option
030 only 1-31
2.7 to 3.0 GHz Sensitivity for Option 030 only 1-32
200 MHz to 5.0 GHz Sensitivity for Agilent 53131A/132A (Option
050 only) 1-33
200 MHz to 12.4 GHz Sensitivity for Agilent 53131A/132A (Option
124 only) 1-34
Test 6: Option 030/050/124 Channel 3 Frequency Accuracy
(Agilent 53131A/132A Only) 1-35
Equipment 1-35
Counter Setup 1-35
Procedure 1-35
Test 7: Peak Volts, Channels 1 and 2 (Agilent 53131A/132A
Only) 1-37
Equipment 1-37
Counter Setup 1-37
Volt Peak 1 1-38
Volt Peak 2 1-39
Agilent 53131A/132A GPIB Verification Program (Optional) 1-40
Agilent 53131A/132A Performance Test Record 1-41

Assembly-Level Service Guide v


Agilent 53181A Complete Performance Tests 1-47

Test 1: Trigger Level (Agilent 53181A Only) 1-48
Equipment 1-48
Counter Setup 1-48
Procedure 1-49
Test 2: Channel 1 Frequency Sensitivity (Agilent 53181A
Only) 1-51
Equipment 1-51
Counter Setup 1-51
100 kHz to 100 MHz Sensitivity for Agilent 53181A 1-52
100 MHz to 200 MHz Sensitivity for Agilent 53181A 1-54
200 MHz to 225 MHz Sensitivity for Agilent 53181A 1-54
Test 3: Channel 1 Frequency Accuracy (Agilent 53181A Only) 1-55
Equipment 1-55
Counter Setup 1-55
Procedure 1-56
Test 4: Option 015/030/050/124 Channel 2 Frequency
Sensitivity 1-58
Equipment 1-58
Counter Setup 1-58
100 MHz to 1.5 GHz Sensitivity for Option 015 Only 1-59
100 MHz to 2.7 GHz Sensitivity for Option 030 Only 1-60
2.8 to 3.0 GHz Sensitivity for Option 030 Only 1-61
200 MHz to 5.0 GHz Sensitivity for Option 050 only 1-61
200 MHz to 12.4 GHz Sensitivity for Option 124 only 1-62
Test 5: Option 015/030/050/124 Channel 2 Frequency Accuracy
(Agilent 53181A Only) 1-63
100 MHz to 1.5 GHz Accuracy Test for Option 015 1-63
Equipment 1-63
Counter Setup 1-63
Procedure 1-64
Minimum to Maximum Accuracy Test for Options 030/050/
124 1-65
vi Assembly-Level Service Guide

Equipment 1-65
Counter Setup 1-65
Procedure 1-66
Test 6: Peak Volts, Channel 1 (Agilent 53181A Only) 1-68
Equipment 1-68
Counter Setup 1-68
Procedure 1-69
Agilent 53181A GPIB Verification Program (Optional) 1-70
Agilent 53181A Performance Test Record 1-71

2 Service
Introduction 2-2
Returning the Instrument to Agilent Technologies for Service 2-3
To Provide Repair Information 2-3
To Pack in the Original Packaging Materials 2-4
To Pack in the Commercially Available Materials 2-5
About the Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Menu 2-6
Overview of the Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Menu 2-6
The Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Menu Tree 2-8
To View the Calibration Menu and Security Status 2-9
To Unsecure for Calibration 2-9
To Initiate the Calibration Routines 2-9
To Secure Against Calibration 2-13
To Change to a New Security Code 2-13
To View the Calibration Count 2-14
To Get Help with the Calibration Menu 2-14
The Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Procedures 2-15
First Determine the Counter Firmware Revision 2-15
To Calibrate the Offset for Channels 1 and 2 2-15
To Calibrate the Gain for Channels 1 and 2 2-18
To Calibrate Time Interval 2-19

Assembly-Level Service Guide vii


CAL: TI QUIK? Calibration 2-20

Equipment 2-20
CAL: TI FINE? Calibration 2-21
Equipment 2-21
To Calibrate the Standard Timebase 2-23
To Calibrate the High Stability Timebase Option (Medium, High, or
Ultra-High) 2-24
About the Agilent 53181A Calibration Menu 2-25
Overview of the Agilent 53181A Calibration Menu 2-25
The Agilent 53181A Calibration Menu Tree 2-27
To View the Calibration Menu and Security Status 2-28
To Unsecure for Calibration 2-28
To Initiate the Calibration Routines 2-29
To Secure Against Calibration 2-29
To Change to New the Security Code 2-30
To View the Calibration Count 2-30
To Get Help with the Calibration Menu 2-30
The Agilent 53181A Calibration Procedures 2-31
First Determine the Counter Firmware Revision 2-31
To Calibrate the Offset for Channel 1 2-31
To Calibrate the Gain for Channel 1 2-33
To Calibrate the Standard Timebase 2-34
To Calibrate the High Stability Timebase Option (Medium, High, or
Ultra-High) 2-35
Pre-Troubleshooting Information 2-36
Safety Considerations 2-36
Recommended Test Equipment 2-37
Repair Considerations 2-38
Electrostatic Discharge 2-38
Surface Mount Repair 2-38
Disassembly and Reassembly Specifics 2-38
After Service Considerations 2-39
Product Safety Checks 2-39
viii Assembly-Level Service Guide

Product Performance Checks 2-39

Assembly Identification and Location 2-40
Troubleshooting the Counter 2-45
Power Supply Check 2-45
Overview of the Self-Test Routines 2-47
Diagnosing the Faulty Assembly by Using the Self Tests 2-49
To Run the Test-All Self Test 2-49
To Run the Individual Self Tests 2-50
3 Replacing Assemblies
Introduction 3-2
Tools Required 3-3
Do This First 3-3
To Remove the Cover 3-4
To Remove the Front Bezel 3-6
To Remove A1 Motherboard Assembly 3-9
To Remove the A2 Display Board, Keypads, and Window 3-11
To Remove A3 1.5/3.0/5.0/12.4 GHz Channel Assembly (Option 015/
030/050/124) 3-13
To Remove A4 AC Power Supply Assembly 3-15
To Remove A5 DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002) 3-17
To Remove A6 High Stability Timebase Assembly (Options 001, 010,
and 012) 3-19
To Remove the Rear Terminals (Option 060) 3-21
4 Retrofitting Options
Introduction 4-2
Tools Required 4-2
Do This First 4-2
To Retrofit A3 1.5/3.0/5.0/12.4 GHz Channel Assembly (Option 015/
030/050/124) 4-3
To Retrofit A5 DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002) 4-4
Option 002 DC Power Input Assembly Parts 4-4
Assembly-Level Service Guide ix

Preliminary Procedure 4-4

Retrofitting Procedure 4-5
To Retrofit A6 High Stability Timebase Assembly (Options 001, 010,
and 012) 4-11
Option 001 Medium Stability Timebase Assembly Parts 4-11
Option 010 High Stability Timebase Assembly Parts 4-11
*Option 012 Ultra-High Stability Timebase Assembly Parts 4-11
Procedure 4-12
To Retrofit the Rear Terminals (Option 060) 4-14
Option 060 Rear Terminals Parts 4-14
5 Replaceable Parts
Introduction 5-2
Exchange Assemblies 5-2
Reference Designations 5-3
Replaceable Parts 5-3
How To Order A Part 5-4
Parts Identification 5-4
Contacting Agilent Technologies 5-5
Cabinet Parts and Hardware 5-6
6 Backdating
Introduction 6-2
Manual Changes 6-2
Older Instruments 6-2
Backdating Hardware 6-3
Backdating Firmware 6-8
Backdating Specifications 6-16
7 Agilent 53131A/132A Specifications
Introduction 7-2
Instrument Inputs 7-2
Time Base 7-4
x Assembly-Level Service Guide

Measurement Specifications 7-5

Measurement Definitions 7-12
Measurement Arming and Processing 7-14
General Information 7-16
8 Agilent 53181A Specifications
Introduction 8-2
Instrument Inputs 8-2
Time Base 8-4
Measurement Specifications 8-5
Measurement Definitions 8-9
Measurement Arming and Processing 8-10
General Information 8-11


Assembly-Level Service Guide xi


xii Assembly-Level Service Guide

This guide provides assembly-level service information for the Agilent 53131A and
Agilent 53132A Universal Counters, and the Agilent 53181A Frequency Counter.

How to Use This Guide

Repair Strategy
This service guide is designed to isolate failures to the assembly level only.

The Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Counter can be returned to Agilent Technologies for

all service work, including troubleshooting, and verifying specifications. Contact
your nearest Agilent Technologies Sales and Service Office for more details.

Note: there is an Express Repair/Performance Calibration Service for USA customers

if downtime is critical. You can receive your repaired Counter via overnight shipment.
Just call 800-403-0801 and ask for Express Repair/Performance Calibration Service.
When your Counter is repaired, it will be returned via overnight shipment at no extra

If you decide to service the Counter yourself, use the troubleshooting procedures in
Chapter 2 (Service) and the disassembly and reassembly procedures in Chapter 3
(Replacing Assemblies). Then use the calibration instructions in Chapter 2 to
calibrate the Counter for peak-performance operation, and finally perform the
complete performance tests in Chapter 1 to verify the Counter's specifications.

Instrument Identification
Instrument identification is made from the serial number on the rear panel of the
Counter. Agilent uses a two-part serial number with the first part (prefix) identifying a
series of instruments and the second part (suffix) identifying a particular instrument
within a series. An Agilent-assigned alpha character between the prefix and suffix
identifies the country in which the instrument was manufactured.

Assembly-Level Service Guide xiii


Instruments Covered by this Guide

This guide applies directly to Agilent 53131A, Agilent 53132A, and Agilent 53181A
Counters that have the same serial number prefix(es) shown on the title page. If the
serial number prefix of your Counter differs from that listed on the title page of this
guide, then there may be differences between this guide and your instrument.

Instruments having a higher serial prefix are covered when required by one or more
manual-change sheets included with this guide. If a required change sheet is missing,
contact your nearest Agilent Technologies Sales Office listed at the back of this guide.
Instruments having a serial prefix lower than that listed on the title page are covered
in Chapter 6, “Backdating.”

Assembly-Level Service Guide Organization

This assembly-level service guide consists of a table of contents, preface, eight
chapters and an index. The page running headers identify the chapters and sections of
this manual. The chapter contents are summarized as follows:

Chapter 1, “Performance Tests,” provides procedures that verify the Counter operates
properly and meets the Agilent 53131A/132A or Agilent 53181A specifications given
in Chapter 7, “Agilent 53131A/132A Specifications,” or Chapter 8, “Agilent 53181A
Specifications,” in this guide.

Chapter 2, “Service,” is divided into seven main sections that provide instructions for
returning the Counter to Agilent Technologies for service, calibrating the Counter,
and troubleshooting the assemblies in the Counter.

Chapter 3, “Replacing Assemblies,” provides procedures for replacing defective

assemblies and/or modules in the Counter.

Chapter 4, “Retrofitting Options,” provides field-installation procedures that help you

install options into the Counter.

Chapter 5, “Replaceable Parts,” lists the replaceable parts contained in the Counter,
and explains how to order replacement parts for your Counter.

Chapter 6, “Backdating,” contains information required to adapt this manual for older

xiv Assembly-Level Service Guide


Chapter 7, “Agilent 53131A/132A Specifications,” lists all the specifications and

operating characteristics for the Agilent 53131A/132A Universal Counter.

Chapter 8, “Agilent 53181A Specifications,” lists all the specifications and operating
characteristics for the Agilent 53181A Frequency Counter.

How to Order Guides

The part number for this guide is listed in the Certification and Warranty page
(located on the back of the title page) and on the rear cover of this guide. Preface will
always follow table of contents. Page numbers will be in roman lower case.

Assembly-Level Service Guide xv


Description of the 225 MHz Counters

The Agilent 53131A and Agilent 53132A are universal counters capable of
measuring frequencies to 225 MHz on Channels 1 and 2. With an optional Channel 3,
this frequency is extended to 3.0 GHz (Option 030); 5.0 GHz (Option 050) or 12.4
GHz (Option 124).”

For the Agilent 53131A, frequency and time interval resolutions are 10 digits in one
second and 500 picoseconds, respectively. The Agilent 53131A provides users with
a GPIB measuring speed of 200 measurements per second, and is suitable for bench-
top operation and lower-volume ATE operation. The frequency and time interval
resolutions for the Agilent 53132A are up to 12 digits in one second and 150
picoseconds, respectively. The Agilent 53132A provides users with exceptional
resolution, and is ideal for ATE systems operation.

The Agilent 53131A/132A basic measurement functions include Frequency, Period,

Pulse Width, Duty Cycle, Rise/Fall Time, Time Interval, Frequency Ratio, Totalize,
Phase, and Peak Voltage.

The Agilent 53181A is a frequency counter capable of measuring frequencies to 225

MHz on Channel 1. Depending on which optional Channel 2 the counter contains,
this capability is extended to 1.5 GHz (Option 015) or 3.0 GHz (Option 030). The
Agilent 53181A has a frequency resolution of 10 digits in one second.

The Agilent 53181A provides users with a GPIB measuring speed of

200 measurements per second, and is suitable for bench-top and ATE operation.

The Agilent 53181A basic measurement functions include Frequency, Period, Peak
Voltage, and Frequency Ratio (if Channel 2 is installed).

The Agilent 53131A/132A/181A include additional measurement functions and

features that are designed specifically for manufacturing and service applications:

• 1, 5, 10 MHz external reference capability—to match customer’s house standard

(however, the Agilent 53132A’s external reference capability is 10 MHz only),
• optional ultra-high stability , high stability, or medium stability oven oscillators
for high accuracy needs,

xvi Assembly-Level Service Guide


• external gating,
• statistics,
• automatic limit testing,
• SCPI programming capability, and
• analog display mode limit testing
Programmable control is performed via a GPIB. The GPIB and a talk-only RS-232C
serial port are standard for the Agilent 53131A/132A/181A. The serial port is for
printing measured and analyzed data on serial printers, or for outputting an out-of-
limit signal.

Assembly-Level Service Guide xvii


The options available for the Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Counter are listed
following this paragraph. Specifications for the options are listed in Chapter 7,
“Agilent 53131A/132A Specifications,” and Chapter 8, “Agilent 53181A
Specifications.” If you’ve purchased an option with the initial order, it will be
installed at the factory and ready for operation at delivery. Refer to the “Retrofitting
Options” chapter in this guide for instructions on field installation of the options.

NOTE The “0’s” and “1’s” in the following option numbers are numeric characters (that is,
they are not letters).

• Medium Stability Oven Timebase, Option 001
• DC Power Input, Option 002
• High Stability Oven Timebase, Option 010
• Ultra-High Stability Oven Timebase, Option 012 (Agilent 53132A and
Agilent 53181A Only)
• 1.5 GHz RF Input Channel (Channel 2), Option 015 (Agilent 53181A Only)
• 3.0 GHz RF Input Channel (Channel 3), Option 030
• 5.0 GHz RF Input Channel (Channel 3), Option 050
• 12.4 GHz RF Input Channel (Channel 3), Option 124
• Rear Terminals, Option 060
• Rack Mount Kit, Option 1CM (Agilent part number 5063-9240)

For the Agilent 53131A/132A Option 030, front and rear terminals can exist for Channel 1 and 2. The optional
Channel 3 can be configured as rear terminals only or front terminals only. For the Agilent 53181A, front and rear
terminals can exist for Channel 1. The optional Channel 2 can be configured as rear terminals only or front
terminals only. Option 050 and Option 124 can be configured only as front terminals.

xviii Assembly-Level Service Guide


• 5-year Return to Agilent Technologies for Repair, Option W50
• 5-year Return to Agilent Technologies for Calibration, Option W52

Accessories Supplied and Available

Accessories Supplied
• Power cord, 2.3 meters

Accessories Available
• Agilent 34161A Accessory Pouch
• Printer RS-232 Interface cables, Agilent 24542G or Agilent 24542H
• GPIB cables, Agilent 10833A/B/C/D

Assembly-Level Service Guide xix


xx Assembly-Level Service Guide


Performance Tests
Verifying Specifications
Chapter 1 Performance Tests

This chapter provides procedures to test the electrical performance of the Agilent

53131A/132A Universal Counter and Agilent 53181A Frequency Counter, using the
specifications listed in Chapter 7, “Agilent 53131A/132A Specifications,” and
Chapter 8, “Agilent 53181A Specifications,” of this guide.

Three types of testing are provided:

• Operational Verification
• Complete Performance Tests
• Optional GPIB Verification

This chapter is organized as follows:

• Introduction page 1-2

• Equipment Required page 1-4
• Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Operational Verification page 1-5
• Agilent 53131A/132A Complete Performance Tests page 1-16
• Agilent 53131A/132A GPIB Verification Program (Optional) page 1-40
• Agilent 53131A/132A Performance Test Record (Page 1 of 6) page 1-41
• Agilent 53181A Complete Performance Tests page 1-47
• Agilent 53181A GPIB Verification Program (Optional) page 1-70
• Agilent 53181A Performance Test Record (Page 1 of 4) page 1-71

Operational Verification
The operational verification is an abbreviated series of checks that may be performed
to give a high degree of confidence that the instrument is operating properly without
performing the complete performance tests. An operational verification is useful for
incoming inspection, routine maintenance, and after instrument repair.

1-2 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests

Complete Performance Tests

The complete performance tests verify the specifications listed in Chapter 7, “Agilent
53131A/132A Specifications,” and Chapter 8, “Agilent 53181A Specifications.” All
tests can be performed without accessing the inside of the instrument.

Optional GPIB Verification
The GPIB verification program, described on page 1-40 (Agilent 53131A/132A) or
page 1-70 (Agilent 53181A), exercises the Counter via the GPIB interface. The
program is written for an HP 9000 series 200 or 300 Desktop Computer as the
controller. If the instrument successfully completes all phases of the verification
program, there is a very high probability that the GPIB interface is working properly.

The GPIB program is available on disks as indicated in the following listing:

• For Agilent 53131A/132A Counters—Agilent part number 53131-13501

(3 1/2-inch LIF disk) and Agilent part number 53131-13502 (5 1/4-inch LIF
• For Agilent 53181A Counters—Agilent part number 53181-13501 (3 1/2-inch
LIF disk) and Agilent part number 53131-13502 (5 1/4-inch LIF disk).

Recommended Calibration Cycle

The Counter requires periodic verification of operation. Depending on the use and
environmental conditions, aging, and measurement accuracy required, the Counter
should be checked using the operational verification procedure at least once every
two years.

Test Record
The results of the operational verification, complete performance tests, and GPIB
verification test should be recorded on a copy of the Performance Test Record,
located at the end of each (i.e., Agilent 53131A/132A and Agilent 53181A) complete
performance tests section in this chapter.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-3

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Equipment Required

Equipment Required
Table 1-1. Recommended Test Equipment

Instrument Required Characteristics Recommended Model Use

Synthesizer DC to 13 MHz Agilent 3325B OV, P, T
Synthesized Signal Generator 100 kHz to 2560 MHz Agilent 8663A OV, P, T
Pulse Generator 5 ns pulse width Agilent 8130A or equivalent OV, C
Sweep Oscillator 3.0 GHz Agilent 8340B P, T
Primary Frequency Standard (10 Absolute accuracy >1 x 10-10 Agilent 5071A C
MHz House Standard)
DC Power Supply Adjustable to 5.000V Agilent 6234A C
Digital Voltmeter Microvolt accuracy Agilent 3458A OV, C
Time Interval Calibrator Effective edge repeatability: Agilent 59992A J06 C
<10 ps
Type N-to-BNC Connector — Agilent 1250-0780 OV, P
BNC-to-Dual Banana Plug BNC(m) to banana plug Agilent 11001-60001 OV, P, C T
50Ω Feedthrough (3) — Agilent 10100C OV, P, C
50Ω Coaxial Cable with BNC(m) to BNC(m), 48 inches Agilent 10503A OV, P, C, T
BNC connectors (5)
Coaxial BNC Tee Connector — 1250-0781 P, C
P = Performance Tests Some of this equipment may no longer be available as new. Use an equivalent model number.
OV = Operational Verification
C = Calibration
T = Troubleshooting

1-4 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Operational Verification

Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Operational Verification

The operational verification is an abbreviated series of checks that may be performed

to give a high degree of confidence that the instrument is operating properly without
performing the complete performance tests.

If you are unfamiliar with the operation of the Counter, you should review the
Chapter 1, “Getting Started,” in the Operating Guide. However, the procedures in this
chapter are written so that little experience is necessary. The procedures should be
followed in the order in which they appear.

Power-On Self Tests

1 Inspect the Counter for any damage.

2 Make sure no cables are connected to the input channels (rear and front panels)
of the Counter.

NOTE It is normal for the fan in the Counter to continue to run after the Counter is placed in
Standby mode. Power to the timebase is continuous to maintain long term
measurement reliability, and the fan helps maintain timebase temperature stability.

NOTE The power supply will automatically sense the input voltage; thus, there is no need to
change the ac voltage setting.

3 Connect the power cord to the Counter, and connect the other end of the power
cord to the primary power source.

4 Press POWER key to turn on the Counter.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-5

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Operational Verification

5 Verify that the following happens:

• All segments of the front-panel display light up,

• SELFTST: PASS is displayed,

• GPIB AT n is quickly displayed—where “n” represents the GPIB address (Note

that some earlier versions of the Counter’s firmware did not display the GPIB
address at power-up.), and
• dashes are displayed.
The Counter is now ready to measure frequency of a signal applied to CHANNEL 1
input as indicated by illumination of the Freq and Ch1 annunciators.

If a fail message is displayed, refer to the troubleshooting section in Chapter 2,

“Service,” of this guide.

6 For Agilent 53131A/132A, mark Pass or Fail in the Agilent 53131A/132A

Performance Test Record on page 1-41, Test 1.

6’ For Agilent 53181A, mark Pass or Fail in the Agilent 53181A Performance Test
Record on page 1-71, Test 1.

7 Connect the Counter’s rear-panel 10 MHz Out as shown in Figure 1-1A or

Figure 1-1B, depending on which Counter you are testing.

10 MHz
HP 53131A/132A Out
Counter (rear panel)

Channel 2

Channel 1

Figure 1-1A. Operational Verification Setup for Agilent 53131A/132A

1-6 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Operational Verification

10 MHz
HP 53181A Out
Counter (rear panel)

Channel 1

Figure 1-1B. Operational Verification Setup for Agilent 53181A

8 Depending on which Counter you are testing, verify the appropriate reading as
shown below:

For Agilent 53131A and Agilent 53181A, verify a reading of 10.000,000,00 MHz.

For the Agilent 53132A, verify a reading of 10.000,000,000 MHz.

9 For Agilent 53131A/132A, mark Pass or Fail in the Agilent 53131A/132A

Performance Test Record on page 1-41, Test 2.

9’ For Agilent 53181A, mark Pass or Fail in the Agilent 53181A Performance Test
Record on page 1-71, Test 2.

NOTE The remaining steps apply to the Agilent 53131A and Agilent 53132A only since
the Agilent 53181A does not have a standard Channel 2 input. For the
Agilent 53181A, proceed to the following “Run Self Test” section.

10 Press Freq & Ratio key until FREQUENCY 2 is displayed to select Channel 2 for
frequency measurements.

For the Agilent 53131A, verify a reading of 10.000,000,00 MHz.

For the Agilent 53132A, verify a reading of 10.000,000,000 MHz.

11 For Agilent 53131A/132A, mark Pass or Fail in the Agilent 53131A/132A

Performance Test Record on page 1-41, Test 3.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-7

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Operational Verification

Run Self Test

1 Disconnect the input signals from the Counter.

2 Power down (turn off the Counter), press and hold Recall (Utility) key, then press

POWER key.

3 Press Recall key until TEST: ALL ? is displayed.

4 Press Enter key.

Observe that ALL: PASS is displayed after the self test is completed.

If ALL: FAIL is displayed or a failure is indicated, refer to the troubleshooting

section in Chapter 2, “Service,” of this guide.

5 For Agilent 53131A/132A, mark Pass or Fail in the Agilent 53131A/132A

Performance Test Record on page 1-41, Test 4.

5’ For Agilent 53181A, mark Pass or Fail in the Agilent 53181A Performance Test
Record on page 1-71, Test 3.

Termination Check
1 Cycle the POWER key to preset the Counter.

2 Connect a digital voltmeter (DVM) to CHANNEL 1 as shown in Figure 1-2, and

set it to measure ohms (set DVM to appropriate Ω range).

HP 3458A BNC - to - Dual

Counter Digital Multimeter Banana Plug

Agilent 53131A/132A is shown in above figure. This setup for the Agilent 53181A requires a connection to
Channel 1 only.

Figure 1-2. Termination Check Setup

1-8 Assembly-Level Service Guide
Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Operational Verification

3 Press Channel 1 50Ω/1MΩ key.

The LED turns on, indicating a 50Ω input impedance for Channel 1.

4 Press Channel 1 DC/AC key.

The LED turns on, indicating DC input coupling for Channel 1.

5 Verify the DVM reads 51.1Ω ± 3Ω.

6 For Agilent 53131A/132A, mark Pass or Fail in the Agilent 53131A/132A

Performance Test Record on page 1-41, Test 5a.

6’ For Agilent 53181A, mark Pass or Fail in the Agilent 53181A Performance Test
Record on page 1-71, Test 4a.

7 Press Channel 1 50Ω/1MΩ key.

The LED turns off, indicating a 1 MΩ input impedance for Channel 1.

8 Verify the DVM reads approximately 1.0000000 MOHM.

9 For Agilent 53131A/132A, mark Pass or Fail in the Agilent 53131A/132A

Performance Test Record on page 1-41, Test 5b.

9’ For Agilent 53181A, mark Pass or Fail in the Agilent 53181A Performance Test
Record on page 1-71, Test 4b.

10 Repeat steps 3 through 9 for Channel 2 for the Agilent 53131A/132A Counter
ONLY since the Agilent 53181A Counter does not have a standard Channel 2.

11 For Agilent 53131A/132A, mark Pass or Fail in the Agilent 53131A/132A

Performance Test Record on page 1-41, Tests 6a and 6b.

12 Disconnect the test setup.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-9

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Operational Verification

External Arm Test (Agilent 53131A/132A Only)

This test verifies the External Arm port of the Agilent 53131A and Agilent 53132A
Counter is operational.

Agilent 8663A Synthesized Signal Generator
Agilent 8130A Pulse Generator (or equivalent)
Agilent 10100C 50Ω Feedthrough
Agilent 10503A BNC Cables (2)
Agilent 1250-0780 N-to-BNC Connector

Counter Setup
1 Cycle the POWER key to preset the Counter.

2 Set the Counter as follows:

Other Meas, TOTALIZE 1


3 Set CHANNEL 1 input conditions to:

Trigger/Sensitivity, AUTO TRG: ON

Trigger/Sensitivity, LEVEL: 50 PCT
50Ω/1MΩ, 50Ω
X10 Attenuator, Off
100kHz Filter, Off

1-10 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Operational Verification

1 Set the Pulse Generator to the following:

PERIOD: 20 µs

WIDTH: 5 µs
High: 3.00 V Low : 0.8 V
Trailing/Leading : 1.0 ns
Input Mode: TRIG

2 Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 1-3.

HP 8130A
Pulse Generator


50Ω HP 8663A
Feedthrough Synthesized Signal Generator
Ext Arm
(rear panel)


Channel 1 Output


Figure 1-3. External Arm Test Setup (Agilent 53131A/132A Only)

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-11

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Operational Verification

3 Set the Agilent 8663A to output a 200 MHz, 100 mV sine wave signal to Channel

4 On the Counter, Press Run key.


5 Send a single pulse by pressing the MAN key on the Agilent 8130A, and observe
that with each press the Gate annunciator flashes.

The Counter should display approximately 1000.

6 For Agilent 53131A/132A, mark Pass or Fail in the Agilent 53131A/132A

Performance Test Record on page 1-41, Test 7.

7 Disconnect the test setup.

External Timebase Tests

These tests verify the External Timebase 1, 5, 10 MHz specifications of the Agilent
53131A and Agilent 53181A Counters by checking that TIMEBASE AUTO allows
the Counter to be synchronized to the external reference.

Note that the Agilent 53132A only operates with the 10 MHz external timebase;
therefore, perform the procedure in the section titled “10 MHz External
Timebase Input for the Agilent 53132A” on page 1-15 to verify that TIMEBASE
AUTO allows the Counter to be synchronized to the external reference.

Agilent 3325B Synthesizers (2)
Agilent 10100C 50W Feedthrough
Agilent 10503 BNC Cables (2)

1-12 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Operational Verification

1 MHz External Timebase Input (Agilent 53131A and 53181A Only)

1 Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 1-4.

HP 3325B
Synthesizer #1

Ref. In
(rear panel)

HP 3325B
Synthesizer #2

Channel 1 Output

Figure 1-4. External Timebase Test Setup

2 Cycle the POWER key to preset the Counter.

3 Set Synthesizer #1 (i.e., the Agilent 3325B connected to the rear-panel Ref In
input of the Counter via a 50Ω feedthrough) to output a 1 MHz, 200 mV rms sine
wave signal.

4 Set Synthesizer #2 (i.e., the Agilent 3325B connected to Channel 1) to output a

2 MHz, 100 mV rms square wave signal.

Verify the Counter displays a reading of approximately 2 MHz and the ExtRef
annunciator is lit.

5 For Agilent 53131A, mark Pass or Fail in the Agilent 53131A/132A Performance
Test Record on page 1-41, Test 8a.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-13

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Operational Verification

5’ For Agilent 53181A, mark Pass or Fail in the Agilent 53181A Performance Test
Record on page 1-71, Test 5a.

5 MHz External Timebase Input (Agilent 53131A and 53181A Only)


1 Change the frequency of Synthesizer # 1, which is connected to the Counter’s

rear-panel Ref In input to 5 MHz.

2 On the Counter, press Run key.

Verify the Counter displays a reading of approximately 2 MHz and the ExtRef
annunciator is lit.

3 For Agilent 53131A, mark Pass or Fail in the Agilent 53131A/132A Performance
Test Record on page 1-41, Test 8b.

3’ For Agilent 53181A, mark Pass or Fail in the Agilent 53181A Performance Test
Record on page 1-71, Test 5b.

10 MHz External Timebase Input (Agilent 53131A and 53181A Only)

1 Change the frequency of Synthesizer #1, which is connected to the Counter’s
rear-panel Ref In input to 10 MHz.

2 On the Counter, press Run key.

Verify the Counter displays a reading of approximately 2 MHz and the ExtRef
annunciator is lit.

3 For Agilent 53131A, mark Pass or Fail in the Agilent 53131A/132A Performance
Test Record on page 1-41, Test 8c.

3’ For Agilent 53181A, mark Pass or Fail in the Agilent 53181A Performance Test
Record on page 1-71, Test 5c.

4 Disconnect the test setup.

This completes the Operational Verification for the Agilent 53131A and
Agilent 53181A.

1-14 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Operational Verification

10 MHz External Timebase Input for the Agilent 53132A

1 Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 1-4.

2 Set Synthesizer #1 (i.e., the Agilent 3325B that is connected to the rear-panel

Ref In input of the Counter via a 50Ω feedthrough) to output a 10 MHz, 200 mV
rms sine wave signal.

3 Set Synthesizer #2 (i.e., the Agilent 3325B that is connected to Channel 1) to

output a 2 MHz, 100 mV rms square wave signal.

Verify the Counter displays a reading of approximately 2 MHz and the ExtRef
annunciator is lit.

4 Mark Pass or Fail in the Agilent 53131A/132A Performance Test Record on

page 1-41, Test 8d.

5 Disconnect the test setup.

This completes the Operational Verification for the Agilent 53132A.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-15

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Agilent 53131A/132A Complete Performance Tests

Agilent 53131A/132A Complete Performance Tests

The specifications of the Agilent 53131A/132A Universal Counter can be verified

by performing the performance tests provided in this section. Table 1-2 lists a
summary of the Agilent 53131A/132A performance tests.

Record the results of the performance tests in the appropriate place on

Agilent 53131A/132A Performance Test Record, which starts on page 1-41.

(Note: the complete performance tests for the Agilent 53181A Frequency Counter
begin on page 1-47 of this chapter.)

NOTE To perform valid testing of the specifications, warm up the Counter and test
equipment for 30 minutes.

Table 1-2. The Agilent 53131A/132A Performance Tests

Page Number Description
page 1-17 Test 1: Time Interval (Agilent 53131A/132A Only)
page 1-19 Test 2: Trigger Level (Agilent 53131A/132A Only)
page 1-22 Test 3: Channels 1 and 2 Frequency Sensitivity (Agilent 53131A/132A
page 1-27 Test 4: Channels 1 and 2 Frequency Accuracy (Agilent 53131A/132A
page 1-30 Test 5: Option 030/050/124 Channel 3 Frequency Sensitivity (Agilent
53131A/132A Only)
page 1-35 Test 6: Option 030/050/124 Channel 3 Frequency Accuracy
(Agilent 53131A/132A Only)
page 1-37 Test 7: Peak Volts, Channels 1 and 2 (Agilent 53131A/132A Only)
page 1-40 Agilent 53131A/132A GPIB Verification Program (Optional)
* Other Counter measurement functions (e.g., Period) are mathematically derived by the microprocessor from
the parameters verified by these performance tests. If the Counter passes the performance tests, the other
measurement functions are functioning to specifications.

1-16 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 1: Time Interval (Agilent 53131A/132A Only)

Test 1: Time Interval (Agilent 53131A/132A Only)

This test verifies the Time Interval specifications between Channels 1 and 2.

Agilent 8130A Pulse Generator (or equivalent)
Agilent 10503A BNC Cable

Counter Setup
1 Cycle the POWER key to preset the Counter.

2 Press Time & Period key until TI 1 TO 2 is displayed.

3 Set CHANNEL 1 input conditions to:

Trigger/Sensitivity, AUTO TRG: OFF

Trigger/Sensitivity, LEVEL: .500V (Enter)
Trigger/Sensitivity, COMMON 1: ON
50Ω/1MΩ, 50Ω
X10 Attenuate, Off
100kHz Filter, Off

4 Set CHANNEL 2 input conditions to:

Trigger/Sensitivity, AUTO TRG: OFF

Trigger/Sensitivity, LEVEL: .500V (Enter)
Trigger/Sensitivity, SLOPE: NEG
50Ω/1MΩ, 50Ω
X10 Attenuate, Off
100kHz Filter, Off

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-17

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 1: Time Interval (Agilent 53131A/132A Only)

1 Connect the pulse generator signal to Channel 1 of the Counter as shown in
Figure 1-5.

HP 8130A
HP53131A/132 Pulse Generator

Channel 1 Output

Figure 1-5. Time Interval (Channel 1 TO 2) Test Setup

2 Set the Pulse Generator to the following:

PERIOD: 10 µs
WIDTH: 150 ns
High: 1.00 V Low : 0.00 V
Input Mode: Normal

3 On the Counter, Press Single/Stop key.

The Agilent 53131A Counter should display 0.1500 µs ±0.0040 µs.

The Agilent 53132A Counter should display 0.1500 µs ±0.0025 µs.

4 Record this value in the appropriate place in the Performance Test Record (Test
1, Line 1 for Agilent 53131A or Test 1, Line 2 for Agilent 53132A).

5 Disconnect the test setup.

1-18 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 2: Trigger Level (Agilent 53131A/132A Only)

Test 2: Trigger Level (Agilent 53131A/132A Only)

This test verifies the Trigger Level accuracy of the Agilent 53131A and

Agilent 53132A Universal Counters.

Agilent 3325B Synthesizer
Agilent 10503A BNC Cable

Counter Setup
1 Cycle the POWER key to preset the Counter.

2 Set CHANNEL 1 input conditions to:

Trigger/Sensitivity, AUTO TRG: OFF

Trigger/Sensitivity, LEVEL: 0.000V
50Ω/1MΩ, 50Ω
X10 Attenuate, Off
100kHz Filter, Off

3 Set CHANNEL 2 input conditions to:

Trigger/Sensitivity, AUTO TRG: OFF

Trigger/Sensitivity, LEVEL: 0.000V
50Ω/1MΩ, 50Ω
X10 Attenuate, Off
100kHz Filter, Off

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-19

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 2: Trigger Level (Agilent 53131A/132A Only)

1 Connect the output of the Agilent 3325B to Channel 1 of the Counter as shown in
Figure 1-6.

HP 3325B
HP 53131A/132A Synthesizer

Channel 1 Channel 2 Output

Figure 1-6. Trigger Level Test Setup

2 Set the Agilent 3325B to output a 1 MHz, 80 mVp-p square wave signal.

3 Set the Agilent 3325B DC OFFSET to −60 mV.

4 On the Counter, press Run key.

5 Now, increment the dc offset on the Agilent 3325B by +1 mV until the Counter’s
Gate annunciator flashes and continue incrementing until the Counter displays
a stable reading of approximately 1 MHz.

Observe the offset value on the display of the Agilent 3325B.

Record the dc offset value__________ mV.

6 Add the upper peak voltage (40 mV) of the 80 mV p-p signal to the offset value in
step 5 (For example, −24 mV + 40 mV = 16 mV).

This is the upper hysteresis level.

Record the upper hysteresis level__________ mV.

1-20 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 2: Trigger Level (Agilent 53131A/132A Only)

7 In the Counter’s Channel 1 Trigger/Sensitivity menu, change the SLOPE to


8 Set the Agilent 3325B DC OFFSET to +60 mV.

9 On the Counter, press Run key.

10 Now, decrement the offset on the Agilent 3325B by −1 mV until the Counter’s
Gate annunciator flashes and continue decrementing until the Counter displays
a stable reading of approximately 1 MHz.

Observe the offset value on the display of the Agilent 3325B.

Record the value__________ mV.

11 Add the lower peak voltage (−40mV) of the 80 mVp-p signal to the offset value in
step 10 (for example, 21 mV −40 mV = −19 mv.)

This result is the lower hysteresis level.

Record the lower hysteresis level __________ mV.

12 Now, add the upper hysteresis value (recorded in step 6) and lower hysteresis
value (recorded in step 11).

This is the trigger level; it should be 0.0 V ±15 mV.

13 Record the trigger level value in the appropriate place in the Performance Test
Record (Test 2, Line 1).

14 Repeat steps 1 through 13 for Channel 2.

15 Record the trigger level value in the appropriate place in the Performance Test
Record (Test 2, Line 2).

16 Disconnect the test setup.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-21

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 3: Channels 1 and 2 Frequency Sensitivity (Agilent 53131A/132A

Test 3: Channels 1 and 2 Frequency Sensitivity

(Agilent 53131A/132A Only)

This set of tests verifies frequency sensitivity specifications of the Agilent 53131A
and 53132A Universal Counters.

Agilent 8663A Synthesized Signal Generator
Agilent 1250-0780 Type N-to-BNC Connector
Agilent 10100C 50Ω Feedthrough
Agilent 10503A BNC Cables (2)

Counter Setup
1 Cycle the POWER key to preset the Counter.

2 Set CHANNEL 1 input conditions to:

Trigger/Sensitivity, AUTO TRG: OFF

Trigger/Sensitivity, LEVEL: 0.000 V
50Ω/1MΩ, 50Ω
X10 Attenuate, Off
100kHz Filter, Off

3 Set CHANNEL 2 input conditions to:

Trigger/Sensitivity, AUTO TRG: OFF

Trigger/Sensitivity, LEVEL: 0.000 V
50Ω/1MΩ, 50Ω
X10 Attenuate, Off
100kHz Filter, Off

1-22 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 3: Channels 1 and 2 Frequency Sensitivity (Agilent 53131A/132A

100 kHz to 100 MHz Sensitivity for Agilent 53131A/132A

1 Connect the timebase output of the unit with the better timebase to the timebase
reference input of the other unit as shown in Figure 1-7.

For this test, make sure you always use the unit (Agilent 53131A/132A or
Agilent 8663A) that contains the better 10 MHz timebase as the output source as
shown in Figure 1-7.

HP 8663A
Synthesized Output
50Ω Signal Generator (rear panel)
Ref. In
HP 53131A/132A (rear panel)

Channel 1 Output


HP 8663A
Synthesized Input
Signal Generator (rear panel)

HP 53131A/132A
Counter 50Ω
10 MHz
(rear panel)
Channel 1 Output

Figure 1-7. Channels 1 and 2 Frequency Sensitivity Test Setup

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-23

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 3: Channels 1 and 2 Frequency Sensitivity (Agilent 53131A/132A

2 Set the Agilent 8663A Signal Generator to output a 100 MHz,

−35.0 dBm sine wave signal (−20.0 dBm for Option 060 Rear Terminals) to the
Counter’s Channel 1 input.

3 On the Counter, press Run key.

4 In 0.1 dB steps, increase the power level until the Counter displays a stable
reading of 100 MHz.

The Counter should display 100 MHz when the signal generator level is ≤−21.0 dBm
(20 mVrms). Counters with Option 060 should display 100 MHz when the signal
generator level is ≤−9.5 dBm (75 mVrms).

5 Sweep the frequency from 100 MHz to 100 kHz. For Option 060, sweep
frequencies from 225 MHz to 100 kHz.

The Counter should read frequencies from 100 MHz to 100 kHz at an input power
level of ≤−21.0 dBm (20 mVrms). Counters with Option 060 should read
frequencies from 225 MHz to 100 kHz at ≤−9.5 dBm (75 mVrms).

6 Record the actual reading in the appropriate place in the Performance Test
Record (Test 3, Line 1).

If you are testing a Counter with front-panel terminals (Standard), record the
reading on Line 1 of the Standard portion of the test record.

If you are testing a Counter with rear terminals (Option 060), record the reading on
Line 1 of the Option 060 portion of the test record.

NOTE DO NOT test the front terminals if rear terminals are installed. The front terminal
performance is not specified when the rear terminals are installed.

7 Connect the Agilent 8663A to Channel 2 of the Counter.

8 On the Counter, press Freq & Ratio key until FREQUENCY 2 is displayed.

9 Repeat steps 2 through 5 for Channel 2.

10 Record the actual reading in the appropriate place in the Performance Test
Record (Test 3, Line 2).

1-24 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 3: Channels 1 and 2 Frequency Sensitivity (Agilent 53131A/132A

If you are testing a Counter with front-panel terminals (Standard), record the
reading on Line 2 of the Standard portion of the test record.

If you are testing a Counter with rear terminals (Option 060), record the reading on
Line 2 of the Option 060 portion of the test record.

NOTE The remaining sensitivity procedures are NOT required for Counters that contain
Option 060 Rear Terminals; thus, this completes the sensitivity portion of the
Frequency Performance Test. Go to the Frequency Accuracy Test on page 1-27.

100 MHz to 200 MHz Sensitivity for Agilent 53131A/132A

1 Leave the signal generator connected to Channel 2. Change the signal generator
settings to 200 MHz at −30 dBm.

2 On the Counter, press Run key.

3 Increase the power level by 0.1 dB steps until the Counter displays a stable 200
MHz reading.

The Counter should display 200 MHz when the input signal level is
≤−17.5 dBm (30 mVrms).

4 Sweep the signal generator frequency from 200 MHz to 100 MHz.

The Counter should read frequencies from 200 MHz to 100 MHz when the input
signal level is ≤−17.5 dBm (30 mVrms).

5 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 3, Line 3).

6 Connect the signal generator to Channel 1.

7 On the Counter, press Freq & Ratio key until Frequency 1 is displayed.

8 Repeat steps 1 through 4 for Channel 1.

9 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 3, Line 4).

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-25

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 3: Channels 1 and 2 Frequency Sensitivity (Agilent 53131A/132A

200 MHz to 225 MHz Sensitivity for Agilent 53131A/132A

1 Leave the signal generator connected to Channel 1. Change the signal generator
settings to 225 MHz at −30 dBm.

2 On the Counter, press Run key.

3 Increase the power level by 0.1 dB steps until the Counter displays a stable
reading of 225 MHz.

The Counter should read 225 MHz when the input signal level is
≤−15.0 dBm (40 mVrms).

4 Sweep the signal generator frequency from 225 MHz to 200 MHz.

The Counter should read frequencies from 225 MHz to 200 MHz when the input
signal level is ≤−15.0 dBm (40 mVrms).

5 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 3, Line 5).

6 Connect the signal generator to Channel 2.

7 On the Counter, press Freq & Ratio key until Frequency 2 is displayed.

8 Repeat steps 1 through 4 for Channel 2.

9 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 3, Line 6).

10 Disconnect the test setup.

1-26 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 4: Channels 1 and 2 Frequency Accuracy (Agilent 53131A/132A

Test 4: Channels 1 and 2 Frequency Accuracy

(Agilent 53131A/132A Only)

This set of tests verifies the frequency accuracy specifications of the Agilent 53131A
and Agilent 53132A Universal Counters.

Agilent 8663A Synthesized Signal Generator
Agilent 1250-0780 Type N-to-BNC Connector
Agilent 10100C 50Ω Feedthrough
Agilent 10503A BNC Cables (2)

Counter Setup
1 Cycle the POWER key to preset the Counter.

2 Using the Gate & ExtArm key, set the gate time to TIME 1.000 s.

3 Set CHANNEL 1 input conditions to:

Trigger/Sensitivity, AUTO TRG: OFF

Trigger/Sensitivity, LEVEL: 0.000 V
50Ω/1MΩ, 50Ω
X10 Attenuate, Off
100kHz Filter, Off

4 Set CHANNEL 2 input conditions to:

Trigger/Sensitivity, AUTO TRG: OFF

Trigger/Sensitivity, LEVEL: 0.000 V
50Ω/1MΩ, 50Ω
X10 Attenuate, Off
100kHz Filter, Off

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-27

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 4: Channels 1 and 2 Frequency Accuracy (Agilent 53131A/132A

1 Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 1-8 with the signal generator
connected to Channel 1 of the Counter.

(rear panel)
Ref. In HP 8663A
(rear panel) Synthesized Signal Generator

HP 53131A/132A

Channel 2

Channel 1 Output


Figure 1-8. Channels 1 and 2 Frequency Accuracy Test Setup

2 Set the Signal Generator to output 1 MHz at −7 dBm.

3 On the Counter, press Run key.

Verify the Agilent 53131A Counter reads 1 MHz ±1 mHz.

Verify the Agilent 53132A Counter reads 1 MHz ±200 µHz.

4 Record the actual reading in the appropriate place in the Performance Test
Record (Test 4, Line 1 for Agilent 53131A or Test 4, Line 3 for Agilent 53132A.

1-28 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 4: Channels 1 and 2 Frequency Accuracy (Agilent 53131A/132A

5 Change the signal generator frequency to 100 MHz.

Verify the Agilent 53131A Counter reads 100 MHz ±70 mHz.

Verify the Agilent 53132A Counter reads 100 MHz ±15 mHz.

6 Record the actual reading in the appropriate place in the Performance Test
Record (Test 4, Line 5 for Agilent 53131A or Test 4, Line 7 for Agilent 53132A).

7 Change the signal generator frequency to 200 MHz.

Verify the Agilent 53131A Counter reads 200 MHz ±130 mHz.

Verify the Agilent 53132A Counter reads 200 MHz ±30 mHz.

8 Record the actual reading in the appropriate place in Performance Test Record
(Test 4, Line 9 for Agilent 53131A or Test 4, Line 11 for Agilent 53132A).

9 Change the signal generator frequency to 225 MHz.

Verify the Agilent 53131A Counter reads 225 MHz ±150 mHz.

Verify the Agilent 53132A Counter reads 225 MHz ±35 mHz.

10 Record the actual reading in the appropriate place in the Performance Test
Record (Test 4, Line 13 for Agilent 53131A or Test 4, Line 15 for Agilent

11 Connect the signal generator to Channel 2.

12 On the Counter, press Freq & Ratio key until Frequency 1 is displayed.

13 Repeat steps 2 through 9 for Channel 2.

14 Record the actual readings in the appropriate places in the Performance Test

15 Disconnect the test setup.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-29

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 5: Option 030/050/124 Channel 3 Frequency Sensitivity (Agilent
53131A/132A Only)

Test 5: Option 030/050/124 Channel 3 Frequency

Sensitivity (Agilent 53131A/132A Only)

This test verifies the frequency range, and sensitivity of the optional 3-GHz and
5-GHz Channel 3 (Option 030/050/124) for the Agilent 53131A and the Agilent
53132A Universal Counters.

Agilent 8663A Synthesized Signal Generator (not needed for Option 050)
Agilent 8340B Sweep Oscillator
Agilent 1250-0780 Type N-to-BNC Connector (not needed for Option 050)
Agilent 10503A BNC Cable(2)
Agilent 10100C 50Ω Feedthrough
Agilent 11500D N-N Cable (Option 050 only)
Agilent 1250-1250 N(M) to SMA(F)
Agilent 1250-0777 N(F) to N(F)

Counter Setup
1 Cycle the POWER key to preset the Counter.

2 Set the Counter as follows:

Freq & Ratio, FREQUENCY 3

1-30 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 5: Option 030/050/124 Channel 3 Frequency Sensitivity (Agilent
53131A/132A Only)

100 MHz to 2.5 GHz Sensitivity for Agilent 53131A/132A Option

030 only
1 Set the Agilent 8663B Synthesized Signal Generator to output a 2500 MHz, −40

dBm sine wave, and connect the signal to Channel 3 of the Counter as shown in
Figure 1-9.

Frequency Standard
HP 8340B (switch set to EXT)
Sweep Oscillator

(rear panel)

HP 8663A
Synthesized Signal Generator

HP 53131A/132A 50Ω
Counter Feedthrough
Ref. In
(rear panel)

Channel 3 Output


Figure 1-9. Option 030/050/124 Channel 3 Frequency Sensitivity and Accuracy Test Setup

2 On the Counter, Press Run key.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-31

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 5: Option 030/050/124 Channel 3 Frequency Sensitivity (Agilent
53131A/132A Only)

3 Increase the power level in 5 dB steps until the Counter displays a stable reading
of approximately 2.5 GHz.

The Counter should display 2.5 GHz at ≤−27.0 dBm (10 mVrms).

4 Sweep the frequencies from 2.5 GHz to 200 MHz.

The Counter should read frequencies from 2.5 GHz to 200 MHz at
≤−27.0 dBm (10 mVrms).

5 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 5, Line 1).

2.7 to 3.0 GHz Sensitivity for Option 030 only

1 Disconnect the Agilent 8663A Synthesized Signal Generator from the Counter
(see Figure 1-9), and connect the Agilent 8340B Sweep Oscillator to Channel 3 of
the Counter.

2 Change the settings of the Sweep Oscillator to 3.0 GHz, −40 dBm.

3 Increase the power level in 1 dB steps until the Counter displays a stable reading
of approximately 3.0 GHz.

The Counter should display 3.0 GHz at ≤−21.0 dBm.

4 Sweep the frequencies from 3.0 GHz to 2.7 GHz.

The Counter should read frequencies from 3.0 to 2.7 GHz at ≤−21.0 dBm.

5 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 5, Line 2).

6 Disconnect the test setup.

1-32 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 5: Option 030/050/124 Channel 3 Frequency Sensitivity (Agilent
53131A/132A Only)

200 MHz to 5.0 GHz Sensitivity for Agilent 53131A/132A (Option

050 only)
1 Connect the 8340B Sweep Oscillator to Channel 3 of the counter.

2 Change the settings of the Sweep Oscillator to 5.0 GHz, −40 dBm.

3 Increase the power level in 1 dB steps until the Counter displays a stable reading
of approximately 5.0 GHz.

The Counter should display 5.0 GHz at ≤−23 dBm.

NOTE Use a power meter and sensor to ensure the accuracy of the power being input.

4 Sweep the frequencies from 200 MHz to 5.0 GHz.

The Counter should read frequencies from 200 MHz to 5.0 GHz at
≤−23 dBm.

5 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 5, Line 3).

6 Disconnect the test setup.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-33

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 5: Option 030/050/124 Channel 3 Frequency Sensitivity (Agilent
53131A/132A Only)

200 MHz to 12.4 GHz Sensitivity for Agilent 53131A/132A (Option

124 only)
1 Connect the 8340B Sweep Oscillator to Channel 3 of the counter.

2 Change the settings of the Sweep Oscillator to 12.4 GHz, −40 dBm.

3 Increase the power level in 1 dB steps until the Counter displays a stable reading
of approximately 12.4 GHz.

The Counter should display 12.4 GHz at ≤−23 dBm.

NOTE Use a power meter and sensor to ensure the accuracy of the power being input.

4 Sweep the frequencies from 200 MHz to 12.4 GHz.

The Counter should read frequencies from 200 MHz to 12.4 GHz
at ≤−3 dBm.

5 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 5, Line 4).

6 Disconnect the test setup.

1-34 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 6: Option 030/050/124 Channel 3 Frequency Accuracy
(Agilent 53131A/132A Only)

Test 6: Option 030/050/124 Channel 3 Frequency

Accuracy (Agilent 53131A/132A Only)

This test verifies the frequency accuracy of the optional 3-GHz or 5-GHz Channel 3
(Option 030).

Agilent 8663A Synthesized Signal Generator (Option 030 only)
Agilent 8340B Sweep Oscillator
Agilent 1250-0780 Type N-to-BNC Connector (Option 030 only)
Agilent 10503A BNC Cable (2)
Agilent 10100C 50Ω Feedthrough
Agilent 11500D N-N Cable (Option 050 only)
Agilent 1250-1250 N(M) to SMA(F)
Agilent 1250-0777 N(F) to N(F)

Counter Setup
1 Cycle the POWER key to preset the Counter.

2 Set the Counter as follows:

Freq & Ratio, FREQUENCY 3

Gate & ExtArm, TIME: TIME 1.000 s

1 Connect equipment as shown in Figure 1-9.

(NOTE: For Options 050 and 124, skip steps 2 through 5. Proceed to step 6.)

2 Set the Agilent 8663A Synthesized Signal Generator to output 100 MHz at −
17.0 dBm.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-35

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 6: Option 030/050/124 Channel 3 Frequency Accuracy
(Agilent 53131A/132A Only)

3 On the Counter, press Run key.

Verify the Agilent 53131A Counter reads 100 MHz ±70 mHz.

Verify the Agilent 53132A Counter reads 100 MHz ±20 mHz.

4 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 6, Line 1 for
Agilent 53131A or Test 6, Line 2 for Agilent 53132A).

5 Disconnect the Agilent 8663A output from Channel 3 of the Counter, and
connect the Agilent 8340B Sweep Oscillator output to Channel 3 of the Counter
as shown in Figure 1-9.

6 Set the Agilent 8340B to output 3.0 GHz at −17.0 dBm.

Verify the Agilent 53131A Counter reads 3.0 GHz ±2 Hz.

Verify the Agilent 53132A Counter reads 3.0 GHz ±0.4 Hz.

7 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 6, Line 3 for
Agilent 53131A or Test 6, Line 4 for Agilent 53132A).

8 Set the Agilent 8340B to output 5.0 GHz at −17 dBm.

Verify the Agilent 53131A Counter reads 5.0 GHz ±3 Hz.

Verify the Agilent 53132A Counter reads 5.0 GHz ±0.7 Hz.

9 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 6, Line 5 for
Agilent 53131A or Test 6, Line 6 for Agilent 53132A).

10 Set the Agilent 8340B to output 12.4 GHz at −17 dBm. (This step is for
Option 124 only.)

Verify the Agilent 53131A Counter reads 12.4 GHz ±8 Hz.

Verify the Agilent 53132A Counter reads 12.4 GHz ±2 Hz.

11 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 6, Line 7 for
Agilent 53131A or Test 6, Line 8 for Agilent 53132A.)

12 Disconnect the test setup.

1-36 Assembly-Level Service Guide
Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 7: Peak Volts, Channels 1 and 2 (Agilent 53131A/132A Only)

Test 7: Peak Volts, Channels 1 and 2

(Agilent 53131A/132A Only)

This test verifies the Peak Volts accuracy specification of the Agilent 53131A and
Agilent 53132A Universal Counters.

Agilent 3325B Synthesizer
Agilent 10100C 50Ω Feedthrough
Agilent 10503A BNC Cable

Counter Setup
1 Cycle the POWER key to preset the Counter.

2 Press Other Meas key until VOLT PEAKS 1 is displayed.

3 Set CHANNEL 1 input to:

50Ω/1MΩ, 50Ω
X10 Attenuate, Off
100kHz Filter, Off

4 Set CHANNEL 2 input to:

50Ω/1MΩ, 50Ω
X10 Attenuate, Off
100kHz Filter, Off

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-37

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 7: Peak Volts, Channels 1 and 2 (Agilent 53131A/132A Only)

Volt Peak 1
1 Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 1-10.

HP 3325B
HP 53131A/132A Synthesizer

Channel 2

Channel 1 Output

Figure 1-10. Peak Volts Test Setup

2 Set the Agilent 3325B to output a 2 MHz, 2 Vp-p sine wave.

The Counter should display −1.00 ±0.12V for the negative peak of the sine wave. This
reading is displayed on the left side of the display.

Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 7, Line 1a).

Also, the Counter should display +1.00 ±0.12V for the positive peak of the sine wave.
This reading is displayed on the right side of the display.

Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 7, Line 1b).

1-38 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 7: Peak Volts, Channels 1 and 2 (Agilent 53131A/132A Only)

Volt Peak 2
1 Remove the signal from Channel 1 of the Counter and connect it to Channel 2.

2 Press Other Meas key until VOLT PEAK 2 is displayed.

The Counter should display -1.00 ±0.12V for the negative peak of the sine wave. This
reading is displayed on the left side of the display.

Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 7, Line 2a).

Also, the Counter should display +1.00 ±0.12V for the positive peak of the sine wave.
This reading is displayed on the right side of the display.

Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 7, Line 2b).

3 Disconnect the test setup.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-39

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Agilent 53131A/132A GPIB Verification Program (Optional)

Agilent 53131A/132A GPIB Verification Program


The GPIB Verification program exercises the Agilent 53131A/132A and through
various operating modes via the its GPIB interface. If the Counter successfully
completes all phases of the verification program, there is a high probability that the
GPIB interface is operating correctly. If the Counter fails the verification program,
refer to the troubleshooting section in Chapter 2, “Service,” of this guide.

The GPIB Verification program may be loaded into the HP 9000 series 200 or 300
Desktop Computer from the 3 1/2-inch disk (Agilent P/N 53131-13501) or the 5 1/4-
inch disk (Agilent P/N 53131-13502).

1 To run the program on the disk, insert the disk into the Desktop Computer, load
the program by typing Load “VER31”, and press RUN key on the computer’s

2 Follow the instructions displayed in the computer’s screen.

3 After running this program, record the result (Pass or Fail) on the last page
(page 1-46) of the Agilent 53131A/132A Performance Test Record.

1-40 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Agilent 53131A/132A Performance Test Record (Page 1 of 6)

Agilent 53131A/132A Performance Test Record

(Page 1 of 6)

Agilent Technologies Model 53131A/132A Universal Counter
Serial Number: ___________________________ Repair/Work Order No. ____________________
Test Performed By: _______________________ Temperature: _____________________________
Date: ___________________________________ Relative Humidity: ________________________
Notes: __________________________________________________________________________
Test Number Operational Verification Test Results
Pass Fail
1 Power on Self Test ‰ ‰
2 Channel 1, 10 MHz Test ‰ ‰
3 Channel 2, 10 MHz Test ‰ ‰
4 Run Self Test ‰ ‰
5a Termination Check Ch 1, 50Ω ‰ ‰
5b Termination Check Ch 1, 1MΩ ‰ ‰
6a Termination Check Ch 2, 50Ω ‰ ‰
6b Termination Check Ch 2, 1MΩ ‰ ‰
7 External Arm Test ‰ ‰
8a 1 MHz External Timebase Input Test (Agilent 53131A Only) ‰ ‰
8b 5 MHz External Timebase Input Test (Agilent 53131A Only) ‰ ‰
8c 10 MHz External Timebase Input Test (Agilent 53131A Only) ‰ ‰
8d 10 MHz External Timebase Input Test for the Agilent 53132A ‰ ‰

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-41

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Agilent 53131A/132A Performance Test Record (Page 2 of 6)

Agilent 53131A/132A Performance Test Record

(Page 2 of 6)

Complete Performance Tests

Test Number
Test Description Minimum Actual Reading Maximum
1 Time Interval
(Agilent 53131A/132A
For Agilent 53131A 0.1460 µs 1. __________ 0.1540 µs
For Agilent 53132A 0.1475 µs 2. __________ 0.1525 µs
2 Trigger Level:
Channel 1 −15 mV 1. __________ +15 mV
Channel 2 −15 mV 2. __________ +15 mV
(Agilent 53131A/132A Only)
Test 3: Channels 1 and 2 Frequency Sensitivity (Agilent 53131A/132A Only)
Standard (Front Panel Terminals) Actual Reading Specification
100 kHz–100 MHz, Channel 1 1. __________ ≤−21 dBm (20 mVrms)
100 kHz–100 MHz, Channel 2 2. __________ ≤−21 dBm (20 mVrms)
100 MHz–200 MHz, Channel 2 3. __________ ≤−17.5 dBm (30 mVrms)
100 MHz–200 MHz, Channel 1 4. __________ ≤−17.5 dBm (30 mVrms)
200 MHz–225 MHz, Channel 1 5. __________ ≤−15.0 dBm (40 mVrms)
200 MHz–225 MHz, Channel 2 6. __________ ≤−15.0 dBm (40 mVrms)
Option 060 Rear Terminals Actual Reading Specification
100 kHz–225 MHz, Channel 1 1. __________ ≤−9.5 dBm (75 mVrms)
100 kHz–225 MHz, Channel 2 2. __________ ≤−9.5 dBm (75 mVrms)

1-42 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Agilent 53131A/132A Performance Test Record (Page 3 of 6)

Agilent 53131A/132A Performance Test Record

(Page 3 of 6)

Complete Performance Tests (Continued)
Test Actual Reading
Number Test Description Minimum Maximum
4 Channels 1 and 2
Frequency Accuracy
(Agilent 53131A/132A
1 MHz Test
(Agilent 53131A):
Channel 1
Channel 2 999,999.999 Hz 1. __________ 1,000,000.001 Hz
1 MHz Test 999,999.999 Hz 2. __________ 1,000,000.001 Hz
(Agilent 53132A):
Channel 1
Channel 2 999,999.9998 Hz 3. __________ 1,000,000.0002 Hz
999,999.9998 Hz 4. __________ 1,000,000.0002 Hz
4 100 MHz Test
(Agilent 53131A):
Channel 1 99.999,999,93 MHz 5. __________ 100.000,000,07 MHz
Channel 2 99.999,999,93 MHz 6. __________ 100.000,000,07 MHz
100 MHz Test
(Agilent 53132A):
Channel 1 99.999,999,980 MHz 7. __________ 100.000,000,020 MHz
Channel 2 99.999,999,980 MHz 8. __________ 100.000,000,020 MHz

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-43

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Agilent 53131A/132A Performance Test Record (Page 4 of 6)

Agilent 53131A/132A Performance Test Record

(Page 4 of 6)

Complete Performance Tests (Continued)

Test Actual Reading
Number Test Description Minimum Maximum
4 200 MHz Test
(Agilent 53131A):
Channel 1 199.999,999,87 MHz 9. __________ 200.000,000,13 MHz
Channel 2 199.999,999,87 MHz 10. __________ 200.000,000,13 MHz
200 MHz Test
(Agilent 53132A):
Channel 1 199.999,999,970 MHz 11. __________ 200.000,000,03 MHz
Channel 2 199.999,999,970 MHz 12. __________ 200.000,000,03 MHz
4 225 MHz Test
(Agilent 53131A):
Channel 1 224.999,999,85 MHz 13. __________ 225.000,000,15 MHz
Channel 2 224.999,999,85 MHz 14. __________ 225.000,000,15 MHz
225 MHz Test
(Agilent 53132A):
Channel 1 224.999,999,965 MHz 15. __________ 225.000,000,035 MHz
Channel 2 224.999,999,965 MHz 16. __________ 225.000,000,035 MHz
Test 5: Option 030/050/124 Channel 3 Frequency Sensitivity (Agilent 53131A/132A Only)
Actual Reading Specification
100 MHz–2.5 GHz 1. __________ ≤−27 dBm 10 mV rms
2.7–3.0 GHz 2. __________ ≤−21 dBm 20 mV rms
200 MHz–5.0 GHz 3. __________ ≤−23 dBm 16 mV rms
200 MHz–12.4 GHz 4. __________ ≤−23 dBm 16 mV rms

1-44 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Agilent 53131A/132A Performance Test Record (Page 5 of 6)

Agilent 53131A/132A Performance Test Record

(Page 5 of 6)

Complete Performance Tests (Continued)
Test Actual Reading
Number Test Description Minimum Maximum
6 Option 030 Channel 3
Frequency Accuracy
(Agilent 53131A/132A
100 MHz Test
(Agilent 53131A):
Channel 3
100 MHz Test
(Agilent 53132A): 99.999,999,93 MHz 1. __________ 100.000,000,07 MHz
Channel 3

99.999, 999,980 MHz 2. __________ 100.000,000,020 MHz

6 3.0 GHz Test
(Agilent 53131A):
Channel 3 2,999.999,998 MHz 3. __________ 3,000.000,002 MHz
3.0 GHz Test
(Agilent 53132A):
Channel 3 2,999.999,999,60 MHz 4. __________ 3,000.000, 000,4 MHz
6 5.0 GHz Test
(Agilent 53131A):
Channel 3 4,999.999,997,0 MHz 5. __________ 5,000.000,003,0 MHz
5.0 GHz Test
(Agilent 53132A):
Channel 3 4,999.999,999,3 MHz 6. __________ 5,000.000, 000,7 MHz

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-45

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Agilent 53131A/132A Performance Test Record (Page 6 of 6)

Agilent 53131A/132A Performance Test Record

(Page 6 of 6)

Complete Performance Tests (Continued)

Test Actual Reading
Number Test Description Minimum Maximum
6 12.4 GHz Test
(Agilent 53131A):
Channel 3 12.399.999 992 MHz 7. __________ 12,400.000 008 MHz
12.4 GHz Test
(Agilent 53132A):
Channel 3 12,399.999 998 MHz 8. __________ 12,400.000 002 MHz
6 12.4 GHz Test
(Agilent 53131A):
Channel 3 12,399.999,982,0 MHz 7. __________ 12,400.000 018, MHz
12.4 GHz Test
(Agilent 53132A):
Channel 3 12,399.999,992,0 MHz 8. __________ 12,400.000, 008,0 MHz
7 Peak Volts, Channels
1 and 2
(Agilent 53131A/132A
Volt Peak 1
Channel 1 −1.12 V 1 a.___________ −0.88 V
+0.88 V b.___________ +1.12V
Volt Peak 2
Channel 2 −1.12 V 2 a.___________ −0.88 V
+0.88 V b.___________ +1.12V

Complete Performance Tests (Continued)

GPIB Verification (Optional) Test Results
Pass Fail
‰ ‰

1-46 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Agilent 53181A Complete Performance Tests

Agilent 53181A Complete Performance Tests

The specifications of the Agilent 53181A Frequency Counter can be verified by

performing the performance tests provided in this section. Table 1-3 lists a summary
of the Agilent 53181A performance tests.

Record the results of the performance tests in the appropriate place on

Agilent 53181A Performance Test Record, which starts on page 1-71.

(Note: the complete performance tests for the Agilent 53131A/132A Universal
Counter begin on page 1-16 of this chapter.)

NOTE To perform valid testing of the specifications, warm up the Counter and test
equipment for 30 minutes.

Table 1-3. The Agilent 53181A Performance Tests

Page Number Description
page 1-48 Test 1: Trigger Level (Agilent 53181A Only)
page 1-51 Test 2: Channel 1 Frequency Sensitivity (Agilent 53181A Only)
page 1-55 Test 3: Channel 1 Frequency Accuracy (Agilent 53181A Only)
page 1-58 Test 4: Option 015/030/050/124 Channel 2 Frequency Sensitivity
page 1-63 Test 5: Option 015/030/050/124 Channel 2 Frequency Accuracy
(Agilent 53181A Only)
page 1-68 Test 6: Peak Volts, Channel 1 (Agilent 53181A Only)
page 1-70 Agilent 53181A GPIB Verification Program (Optional)
* Other Counter measurement functions (e.g., Period) are mathematically derived by the microprocessor from
the parameters verified by these performance tests.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-47

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 1: Trigger Level (Agilent 53181A Only)

Test 1: Trigger Level (Agilent 53181A Only)

This test verifies the Trigger Level accuracy of the Agilent 53181A Frequency


Agilent 3325B Synthesizer
Agilent 10503A BNC Cable

Counter Setup
1 Cycle the POWER key to preset the Counter.

2 Set CHANNEL 1 input condition to:

Trigger/Sensitivity, AUTO TRG: OFF

Trigger/Sensitivity, LEVEL: 0.000V
50Ω/1MΩ, 50Ω
X10 Attenuate, Off
100kHz Filter, Off

1-48 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 1: Trigger Level (Agilent 53181A Only)

1 Connect the output of the Agilent 3325B to Channel 1 of the Counter as shown in
Figure 1-11.

HP 3325B
HP 53181A Synthesizer

Channel 1 Output

Figure 1-11. Trigger Level Test Setup

2 Set the Agilent 3325B to output a 1 MHz, 80 mVp-p square wave signal.

3 Set the Agilent 3325B DC OFFSET to −60 mV.

4 On the Counter, press Run key.

5 Now, increment the dc offset on the Agilent 3325B by +1 mV until the Counter’s
Gate annunciator flashes and continue incrementing until the Counter displays
approximately 1 MHz.

Observe the offset value on the display of the Agilent 3325B.

Record the dc offset value__________ mV.

6 Add the upper peak voltage (40 mV) of the 80 mV p-p signal to the offset value in
step 5 (For example, −24 mV + 40 mV = 16 mv).

This is the upper hysteresis level.

Record the upper hysteresis level__________ mV.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-49

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 1: Trigger Level (Agilent 53181A Only)

7 In the Counter’s Channel 1 Trigger/Sensitivity menu, change the SLOPE to


8 On the Counter, press Run key.


9 Set the Agilent 3325B DC OFFSET to +60 mV.

10 Now, decrement the offset on the Agilent 3325B by −1 mV until the Counter’s
Gate annunciator flashes and continue decrementing until the Counter displays
approximately 1 MHz.

Observe the offset value on the display of the Agilent 3325B.

Record the value__________ mV.

11 Add the lower peak voltage (−40mV) of the 80 mVp-p signal to the offset value in
step 10 (for example, 21 mV −40 mV = −19 mV.)

This result is the lower hysteresis level.

Record the lower hysteresis level __________ mV.

12 Now, add the upper hysteresis value (recorded in step 6 )and lower hysteresis
value (recorded in step 11).

This is the trigger level; it should be 0.0 V ±15 mV.

13 Record the trigger level value in the Performance Test Record (Test 1, Line 1).

1-50 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 2: Channel 1 Frequency Sensitivity (Agilent 53181A Only)

Test 2: Channel 1 Frequency Sensitivity

(Agilent 53181A Only)

This set of tests verifies frequency sensitivity specifications of the Agilent 53181A
Frequency Counter.

Agilent 8663A Synthesized Signal Generator
Agilent 1250-0780 Type N-to-BNC Connector
Agilent 10100C 50Ω Feedthrough
Agilent 10503A BNC Cables (2)

Counter Setup
1 Cycle the POWER key to preset the Counter.

2 Set CHANNEL 1 input conditions to:

Trigger/Sensitivity, AUTO TRG: OFF

Trigger/Sensitivity, LEVEL: 0.000 V
50Ω/1MΩ, 50Ω
X10 Attenuate, Off
100kHz Filter, Off

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-51

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 2: Channel 1 Frequency Sensitivity (Agilent 53181A Only)

100 kHz to 100 MHz Sensitivity for Agilent 53181A

1 Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 1-12 with the signal generator
connected to Channel 1 of the Counter.

(rear panel)

HP 8663A
Synthesized Signal Generator
Ref. In
HP 53181A (rear panel)

Channel 1 Output


Figure 1-12. Channels 1 Frequency Sensitivity Test Setup

2 Set the Agilent 8663A Signal Generator to output a 100 kHz, −35.0 dBm sine
wave signal (−20.0 dBm for Option 060) to the Counter’s Channel 1 input.

3 In 0.1 dB steps, increase the power level until the Counter displays a stable
reading of 100 kHz.

The Counter should display 100 kHz when the signal generator level
is ≤−21.0 dBm (20 mVrms). Counters with Option 060 Rear Terminals should display
100 kHz when the signal generator level is ≤−9.5 dBm (75 mVrms).

1-52 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 2: Channel 1 Frequency Sensitivity (Agilent 53181A Only)

4 Sweep the frequency from 100 kHz to 100 MHz. For Option 060, sweep
frequencies from 100 kHz to 225 MHz.

The Counter should read frequencies from 100 kHz to 100 MHz at an input power

level of ≤−21.0 dBm (20 mVrms). Option 060 Counters should read frequencies from
100 kHz to 225 MHz at ≤−9.5 dBm (75 mVrms).

5 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 2, Line 1).

If you are testing a Counter with front-panel terminals (Standard), record the
reading on Line 1 of the Standard portion of the test record.

If you are testing a Counter with rear terminals (Option 060), record the reading on
Line 1 of the Option 060 portion of the test record.

NOTE DO NOT test the front terminals if rear terminals are installed. The front terminal
performance is not specified when the rear terminals are installed.

NOTE The remaining sensitivity procedures are NOT required for Counters that contain
Option 060 Rear Terminals; thus, this completes the sensitivity portion of the
Frequency Performance Test. Go to the Frequency Accuracy Test on page 1-55.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-53

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 2: Channel 1 Frequency Sensitivity (Agilent 53181A Only)

100 MHz to 200 MHz Sensitivity for Agilent 53181A

1 Change the signal generator settings to 110 MHz at −30 dBm.

2 Increase the power level by 0.1 dB steps until the Counter displays a stable 110

MHz reading.

The Counter should read 200 MHz when the input signal level
is ≤−17.5 dBm (30 mVrms).

3 Sweep the signal generator frequency from 100 MHz to 200 MHz.

The Counter should read frequencies from 100 MHz to 200 MHz when the input
signal level is ≤−17.5 dBm (30 mVrms).

4 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 2, Line 2).

200 MHz to 225 MHz Sensitivity for Agilent 53181A

1 Change the signal generator settings to 200 MHz at −30 dBm.

2 Increase the power level by 0.1 dB steps until the Counter displays a stable 200
MHz reading.

The Counter should read 200 MHz when the input signal level is
≤−15.0 dBm (40 mVrms).

3 Sweep the signal generator frequency from 200 MHz to 225 MHz.

The Counter should read frequencies from 200 MHz to 225 MHz when the input
signal level is ≤−15.0 dBm (40 mVrms).

4 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 2, Line 3).

5 Disconnect the test setup.

1-54 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 3: Channel 1 Frequency Accuracy (Agilent 53181A Only)

Test 3: Channel 1 Frequency Accuracy

(Agilent 53181A Only)

This set of tests verifies the frequency accuracy specifications of the Agilent 53181A
Frequency Counter.

Agilent 8663A Synthesized Signal Generator
Agilent 8340B Sweep Oscillator
Agilent 1250-0780 Type N-to-BNC Connector
Agilent 10100C 50Ω Feedthrough
Agilent 10503A BNC Cables (2)

Counter Setup
1 Cycle the POWER key to preset the Counter.

2 Using the Gate & ExtArm key, set gate time to TIME 1.000 s.

3 Set CHANNEL 1 input conditions to:

Trigger/Sensitivity, AUTO TRG: OFF

Trigger/Sensitivity, LEVEL: 0.000 V
50Ω/1MΩ, 50Ω
X10 Attenuate, Off
100kHz Filter, Off

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-55

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 3: Channel 1 Frequency Accuracy (Agilent 53181A Only)

1 Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 1-13 with the signal generator
connected to Channel 1 of the Counter.

Frequency Standard
HP 8340B (switch set to EXT)
Sweep Oscillator

(rear panel)

HP 8663A
Synthesized Signal Generator

HP 53181A
Counter Feedthrough
Ref. In
(rear panel)

Channel 1 Output


Figure 1-13. Channels 1 Frequency Accuracy Test Setup

2 Set the Agilent 8663A Signal Generator to output 1 MHz at −7 dBm.

3 On the Counter, press Run key.

Verify the Counter reads 1 MHz ±1 mHz.

1-56 Assembly-Level Service Guide
Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 3: Channel 1 Frequency Accuracy (Agilent 53181A Only)

4 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 3, Line 1).

5 Change the signal generator frequency to 100 MHz.

Verify the Counter reads 100 MHz ±70 mHz.

6 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 3, Line 2).

7 Change the signal generator frequency to 200 MHz.

Verify the Counter reads 200 MHz ±130 mHz.

8 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 3, Line 3).

9 Change the signal generator frequency to 225 MHz.

Verify the Counter reads 225 MHz ±150 mHz.

10 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 3, Line 4).

11 Disconnect the test setup.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-57

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 4: Option 015/030/050/124 Channel 2 Frequency Sensitivity

Test 4: Option 015/030/050/124 Channel 2

Frequency Sensitivity

This test verifies the frequency range and sensitivity of the optional 1.5-GHz (Option
015), 3-GHz (Option 030), 5.0-GHz (Option 050), or 12.4-GHz (Option 124)
Channel 2 for the Agilent 53181A Frequency Counter.

Agilent 8663A Synthesized Signal Generator (Not needed for Option 050/124)
Agilent 8340B Sweep Oscillator
Agilent 1250-0780 Type N-to-BNC Connector (Not needed for Option 050/124)
Agilent 10503A BNC Cable (2)
Agilent 10100C 50Ω Feedthrough

Counter Setup
1 Cycle the POWER key to preset the Counter.

2 Set the Counter as follows:

Freq & Ratio, FREQUENCY 2

1-58 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 4: Option 015/030/050/124 Channel 2 Frequency Sensitivity

100 MHz to 1.5 GHz Sensitivity for Option 015 Only

1 Set the Agilent 8663B Synthesized Signal Generator to output a 500 MHz, −60
dBm sine wave and connect the signal to Channel 2 of the Counter as shown in
Figure 1-14.

Frequency Standard
HP 8340B (switch set to EXT)
Sweep Oscillator

(rear panel)

HP 8663A
Synthesized Signal Generator

HP 53181A
Counter Feedthrough
Ref. In
(rear panel)

Channel 2 Output


Figure 1-14. Option 015/030/050 Channel 2 Frequency Test

2 On the Counter, Press Run key.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-59

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 4: Option 015/030/050/124 Channel 2 Frequency Sensitivity

3 Increase the power level in 1 dB steps until the Counter reads 500 MHz.

The Counter should display 500 MHz at ≤−27.0 dBm (20 mVrms).

4 Sweep the frequencies from 100 MHz to 1.5 GHz.

The Counter should read frequencies from 100 MHz to 1.5 GHz
at ≤−27.0dBm (20 mVrms).

5 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 4, Line 1).

100 MHz to 2.7 GHz Sensitivity for Option 030 Only

1 Set the Agilent 8663B Synthesized Signal Generator to output a 500 MHz, −60
dBm sine wave, and connect the signal to Channel 3 of the Counter as shown in
Figure 1-14.

2 On the Counter, Press Run key.

3 Increase the power level in 1 dB steps until the Counter reads 500 MHz.

The Counter should display 500 MHz at ≤−27.0 dBm (20 mVrms).

4 Sweep the frequencies from 100 MHz to 2.7 GHz.

The Counter should read frequencies from 100 MHz to 2.7 GHz
at ≤−27.0 dBm (20 mVrms).

5 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 4, Line 2).

1-60 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 4: Option 015/030/050/124 Channel 2 Frequency Sensitivity

2.8 to 3.0 GHz Sensitivity for Option 030 Only

1 Disconnect the Agilent 8663A Synthesized Signal Generator from the Counter
(see Figure 1-14), and connect the Agilent 8340B Sweep Oscillator to Channel 3
of the Counter.

2 Change the settings of the Sweep Oscillator to 3.0 GHz, −40 dBm.

3 Increase the power level in 1 dB steps until the Counter displays 3.0 GHz.

The Counter should display 3.0 GHz at ≤−21.0 dBm.

4 Sweep the frequencies from 3.0 GHz to 2.8 GHz.

The Counter should read frequencies from 3.0 to 2.8 GHz at ≤−21.0 dBm.

5 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 4, Line 3).

6 Disconnect the test setup.

200 MHz to 5.0 GHz Sensitivity for Option 050 only

1 Connect the 8340B Sweep Oscillator to Channel 2 of the counter.

2 Change the settings of the Sweep Oscillator to 5.0 GHz, −30 dBm.

3 Increase the power level in 1 dB steps until the Counter displays a stable reading
of approximately 5.0 GHz.

The Counter should display 5.0 GHz at ≤−23 dBm.

NOTE Use a power meter and sensor to ensure the accuracy of the power being input.

4 Sweep the frequencies from 200 MHz to 5.0 GHz.

The Counter should read frequencies from 200 MHz to 5.0 GHz at ≤−23 dBm.

5 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 4, Line 4).

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-61

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 4: Option 015/030/050/124 Channel 2 Frequency Sensitivity

200 MHz to 12.4 GHz Sensitivity for Option 124 only

1 Connect the 8340B Sweep Oscillator to Channel 2 of the counter.

2 Change the settings of the Sweep Oscillator to 12.4 GHz, −30 dBm.

3 Increase the power level in 1 dB steps until the Counter displays a stable reading
of approximately 12.4 GHz.

The Counter should display 12.4 GHz at ≤−23 dBm.

NOTE Use a power meter and sensor to ensure the accuracy of the power being input.

4 Sweep the frequencies from 200 MHz to 12.4 GHz.

The Counter should read frequencies from 200 MHz to 12.4 GHz
at ≤−23 dBm.

5 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 4, Line 5).

6 Disconnect the test setup.

1-62 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 5: Option 015/030/050/124 Channel 2 Frequency Accuracy (Agilent
53181A Only)

Test 5: Option 015/030/050/124 Channel 2

Frequency Accuracy (Agilent 53181A Only)

This test verifies the frequency accuracy of the optional 1.5-GHz (Option 015),
3-GHz (Option 030), 5.0 GHz (Option 050), or 12.4 GHz (Option 124) Channel 2 for
the Agilent 53181A Frequency Counter.

The tests are organized as follows:

• Option 015 Channel 2 Frequency Accuracy Test, starts on page 1-63

• Option 030 Channel 2 Frequency Accuracy Test, starts on page 1-65
• Option 050 Channel 2 Frequency Accuracy Test, starts on page 1-65
• Option 124 Channel 2 Frequency Accuracy Test, starts on page 1-67

100 MHz to 1.5 GHz Accuracy Test for Option 015

Agilent 8663A Synthesized Signal Generator
Agilent 8340B Sweep Oscillator
Agilent 1250-0780 Type N-to-BNC Connector
Agilent 10503A BNC Cable (2)
Agilent 10100C 50Ω Feedthrough
Agilent 11500D N-N Cable (Option 050 only)
Agilent 1250-1250 N(M) to SMA(F)
Agilent 1250-0777 N(F) to N(F)

Counter Setup
1 Cycle the POWER key to preset the Counter.

2 Set the Counter as follows:


Gate & ExtArm, TIME: TIME 1.000 s

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-63

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 5: Option 015/030/050/124 Channel 2 Frequency Accuracy (Agilent
53181A Only)

1 Connect equipment as shown in Figure 1-15.

Frequency Standard
HP 8340B (switch set to EXT)
Sweep Oscillator

(rear panel)

HP 8663A
Synthesized Signal Generator

HP 53181A 50Ω
Counter Feedthrough
Ref. In
(rear panel)

Channel 2 Output


Figure 1-15. Option 015/030/050/124 Channel 2 Frequency Accuracy Test Setup

2 Set the Agilent 8663A Synthesized Signal Generator to output 100 MHz at −
17.0 dBm.

Verify the Counter reads 100 MHz ±70 mHz.

3 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 5, Line 1).
1-64 Assembly-Level Service Guide
Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 5: Option 015/030/050/124 Channel 2 Frequency Accuracy (Agilent
53181A Only)

4 Change the synthesized signal generator’s frequency to 1.5 GHz.

Verify the Counter reads 1.5 GHz ±1 Hz

5 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test (Test 5, Line 2).

6 Disconnect the test setup.

Minimum to Maximum Accuracy Test for Options 030/050/124

Agilent 8663A Synthesized Signal Generator (not needed for Option 050)
Agilent 8340B Sweep Oscillator
Agilent 1250-0780 Type N-to-BNC Connector (not needed for Option 050)
Agilent 10503A BNC Cable (2)
Agilent 10100C 50Ω Feedthrough
Agilent 11500D N-N Cable (Option 050 only)
Agilent 1250-1250 N(M) to SMA(F)
Agilent 1250-0777 N(F) to N(F)

Counter Setup
1 Cycle the POWER key to preset the Counter.

2 Set the Counter as follows:


Gate & ExtArm, TIME: TIME 1.000 s

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-65

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 5: Option 015/030/050/124 Channel 2 Frequency Accuracy (Agilent
53181A Only)

1 Connect equipment as shown in Figure 1-15.

(NOTE: For Option 050/124, skip steps 2 through 7. Proceed to step 8.)

2 Set the Agilent 8663A Synthesized Signal Generator to output 200 MHz at −17.0

3 On the Counter, press Run key.

Verify the Agilent 53181A Counter reads 100 MHz ±70 mHz.

4 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 5, Line 3).

5 Disconnect the Agilent 8663A output from Channel 2 of the Counter, and
connect the Agilent 8340B Sweep Oscillator output to Channel 2 of the Counter
as shown in Figure 1-15.

6 Set the Agilent 8340B to output 3.0 GHz at −17.0 dBm.

Verify the Agilent 53181A Counter reads 3.0 GHz ±2 Hz.

7 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record. (Test 5, Line 4).

1-66 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 5: Option 015/030/050/124 Channel 2 Frequency Accuracy (Agilent
53181A Only)

(NOTE: For Options 050/124)

8 Set the Agilent 8340B to output 5.0 GHz at −17 dBm.

Verify the Agilent 53181A Counter reads 5.0 GHz ±3 Hz.

9 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 5, Line 5).

(NOTE: For Option 124)

10 Set the Agilent 8340B to output 12.4 GHz at –17 dBm.

Verify the Agilent 53181A Counter reads 12.4 GHz ±8 Hz.

11 Record the actual reading in the Performance Test Record (Test 5, Line 6).

12 Disconnect the test setup.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-67

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 6: Peak Volts, Channel 1 (Agilent 53181A Only)

Test 6: Peak Volts, Channel 1 (Agilent 53181A Only)

This test verifies the Peak Volts accuracy specification of the Agilent 53181A

Frequency Counter.

Agilent 3325B Synthesizer
Agilent 10100C 50Ω Feedthrough
Agilent 10503A BNC Cable

Counter Setup
1 Cycle the POWER key to preset the Counter.

2 Press Other Meas key until VOLT PEAKS 1 is displayed.

3 Set CHANNEL 1 and CHANNEL 2 inputs to:

50Ω/1MΩ, 50Ω
X10 Attenuate, Off
100kHz Filter, Off

1-68 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Test 6: Peak Volts, Channel 1 (Agilent 53181A Only)

1 Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 1-16.

HP 3325B
HP 53181A Synthesizer

Channel 1 Output

Figure 1-16. Peak Volts Test Setup

2 Set the Agilent 3325B to output a 2 MHz, 2 Vp-p sine wave, and connect the
signal to Channel 1 of the Counter.

The Counter should display −1.00 ±0.12V for the negative peak of the sine wave. This
reading is displayed on the left side of the display.

Record the actual readings in the Performance Test Record (Test 6, Line a).

Also, the Counter should display +1.00 ±0.12V for the positive peak of the sine wave.
This reading is displayed on the right side of the display.

Record the actual readings in the Performance Test Record (Test 6, Line b).

3 Disconnect the test setup.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-69

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Agilent 53181A GPIB Verification Program (Optional)

Agilent 53181A GPIB Verification Program


The GPIB Verification program exercises the Agilent 53181A through various
operating modes via the its GPIB interface. If the Counter successfully completes all
phases of the verification program, there is a high probability that the GPIB interface
is operating correctly. If the Counter fails the verification program, refer to the
troubleshooting section in Chapter 2, “Service,” of this guide.

The GPIB Verification program may be loaded into the HP 9000 series 200 or 300
Desktop Computer from the 3 1/2-inch disk (Agilent P/N 53181-13501) or the 5 1/4-
inch disk (Agilent P/N 53181-13501).

1 To run the program on the disk, insert the disk into the Desktop Computer, load
the program by typing Load “VER81”, and press RUN key on the computer’s

2 Follow the instructions displayed in the computer’s screen.

3 After running this program, record the result (Pass or Fail) on the last page
(page 1-74) of the Agilent 53181A Performance Test Record.

1-70 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Agilent 53181A Performance Test Record (Page 1 of 4)

Agilent 53181A Performance Test Record

(Page 1 of 4)

Agilent Technologies Model 53181A Frequency Counter
Serial Number: ___________________________ Repair/Work Order No. ____________________
Test Performed By: _______________________ Temperature: _____________________________
Date: ___________________________________ Relative Humidity: ________________________
Notes: __________________________________________________________________________
Test Number Operational Verification Test Results
Pass Fail
1 Power on Self Test ‰ ‰
2 Channel 1, 10 MHz Test ‰ ‰
3 Run Self Test ‰ ‰
4a Termination Check Ch 1, 50Ω ‰ ‰
4b Termination Check Ch 1, 1MΩ ‰ ‰
5a 1 MHz External Timebase Input Test ‰ ‰
5b 5 MHz External Timebase Input Test ‰ ‰
5c 10 MHz External Timebase Input Test ‰ ‰

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-71

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Agilent 53181A Performance Test Record (Page 2 of 4)

Agilent 53181A Performance Test Record

(Page 2 of 4)

Complete Performance Tests

Test Number
Test Description Minimum Actual Reading Maximum
1 Trigger Level:
Channel 1 −15 mV 1. __________ +15 mV
−15 mV 2. __________ +15 mV
Test 2: Channel 1 Frequency Sensitivity (Agilent 53181A Only)
Standard (Front Panel Terminals) Actual Reading Specification
100 kHz–100 MHz, Channel 1 1. __________ ≤−21 dBm (20 mVrms)
100 MHz–200 MHz, Channel 1 2. __________ ≤−17.5 dBm (30 mVrms)
200 MHz–225 MHz, Channel 1 3. __________ ≤−15.0 dBm (40 mVrms)
Option 060 Rear Terminals Actual Reading Specification
100 kHz–225 MHz, Channel 1 1. __________ ≤−9.5 dBm (75 mVrms)
Test Actual Reading
Number Test Description Minimum Maximum
3 Channel 1 Frequency
(Agilent 53181A Only)
1 MHz Test
100 MHz Test 999,999.999 Hz 1. __________ 1, 000, 000.001 Hz
200 MHz Test 99.999,999,93 MHz 2. __________ 100.000, 000,07 MHz
225 MHz Test 199.999,999,87 MHz 3. __________ 200.000,000,13 MHz
224.999,999,85 MHz 4. __________ 225.000,000,15 MHz

1-72 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Agilent 53181A Performance Test Record (Page 3 of 4)

Agilent 53181A Performance Test Record

(Page 3 of 4)

Complete Performance Tests
Test 4: Option 015/030/050 Channel 2 Frequency Sensitivity (Agilent 53181A Only)
Actual Reading Specification
100 MHz–1.5 GHz (Option 015 Only) 1. __________ ≤−27 dBm
100 MHz–2.7 GHz (Option 030 Only) 2. __________ ≤−27 dBm
2.8–3.0 GHz (Option 030 Only) 3. __________ ≤−21 dBm
.2–5.0 GHz (Option 050 Only) 4. __________ ≤−23 dBm
.2–12.4 GHz (Option 124 only) 5. __________ ≤−23 dBm
Test Actual Reading
Number Test Description Minimum Maximum
5 Option 015/030 Channel 2
Frequency Accuracy
(Agilent 53181A Only)
100 MHz to 1.5 GHz Test for
Option 015 (Agilent 53181A):
Channel 2 99.999,999,93 MHz 1. __________ 100.000,000,07 MHz
Channel 2 1, 499.999,999 MHz 2. __________ 1,500.000,001 MHz
5 100 MHz to 3.0 GHz Test for
Option 030 (Agilent 53181A):
Channel 2 99.999,999,93 MHz 3. __________ 100.000,000,07 MHz
Channel 2 2,999.999,998 MHz 4. __________ 3, 000.000,002 MHz
5 200 MHz to 5.0 GHz Test for
Option 050: 4,999.999,997 MHz 5. __________ 5,000.000,003 MHz
5 200 MHz to 12.4 GHz Test for
Option 124: 12,399.999,992 6. __________ 12.400.000,008 MHz

Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-73

Chapter 1 Performance Tests
Agilent 53181A Performance Test Record (Page 4 of 4)

Agilent 53181A Performance Test Record

(Page 4 of 4)

Complete Performance Tests

Test Actual Reading
Number Test Description Minimum Maximum
6 Peak Volts, Channel 1
(Agilent 53181A
Channel 1 −1.12 V a. __________ −0.88 V
+0.88 V b. __________ +1.12V
GPIB Verification (Optional) Test Results
Pass Fail
‰ ‰

1-74 Assembly-Level Service Guide


Chapter 2 Service

This chapter provides service information for your Agilent 53131A/132A/181A and
is divided into seven major sections:

• Returning the Instrument to Agilent Technologies for Service (page 2-3).

This section provides you with step-by-step instructions on how to return the
instrument for service.
• About the Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Menu (page 2-6). This section
contains reference information that gives a complete overview of the calibration

menu of the Agilent 53131A/132A.

• The Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Procedures (page 2-15). This section
provides step-by-step procedures for calibrating the Agilent 53131A/132A.
• About the Agilent 53181A Calibration Menu (page 2-25). This section
contains reference information that gives a complete overview of the calibration
menu of the Agilent 53181A.
• The Agilent 53181A Calibration Procedures (page 2-31). This section
provides step-by-step procedures for calibrating the Agilent 53181A.
• Pre-Troubleshooting Information (page 2-36). This section provides you with
pertinent information such as safety considerations, recommended test
equipment, repair and after-service considerations, and assembly identification
and location.
• Troubleshooting the Counter (page 2-45). This section provides you with
troubleshooting procedures that isolate the faulty assembly or module.
If the instrument is under warranty, return the instrument to Agilent Technologies for
service. Refer to the first section of this chapter titled “Returning the Instrument to
Agilent Technologies for Service.” If you decide to troubleshoot the instrument
yourself, refer to the section titled “Troubleshooting the Counter.”

2-2 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 2 Service
Returning the Instrument to Agilent Technologies for Service

Returning the Instrument to Agilent Technologies for

To Provide Repair Information
If you are shipping the instrument to an Agilent Technologies office for service or
repair, call your nearest Agilent Technologies Sales Office to make arrangements.
Then tag and package the Agilent 53131A/132A/181A for shipment.

Note there is an Express Repair/Performance Calibration Service for USA customers

if downtime is critical. You can receive your repaired Counter via overnight shipment.
Just call 800-403-0801 and ask for Express Repair/Performance Calibration Service.
When your Counter is repaired, it will be returned via overnight shipment at no extra

1 Write the following information on a tag:

• Owner’s name and address

• Instrument model number
• Complete serial number
• Description of service required or failure indications
2 Attach the tag to the instrument.

3 Pack the instrument.

If you have the original packaging materials, refer to the following section titled “To
Pack in the Original Packaging Materials.” If the original packaging material are not
available, you can order new materials through an Agilent Technologies Sales Office.
The new materials are identical to those used by the factory when packaging the
instrument. If you want to use commercially available materials, refer to the section
titled “To Pack in the Commercially Available Materials.”

Assembly-Level Service Guide 2-3

Chapter 2 Service
Returning the Instrument to Agilent Technologies for Service

To Pack in the Original Packaging Materials

Whenever possible, repack the instrument in its original packaging for shipment. In
any correspondence, refer to the instrument by the model number and complete serial

1 Disconnect the power cord, probes, cables, or other accessories attached to the

2 Make sure the folded corrugated spacer (which normally contains the manuals)
is in the box to ensure proper fitting.

3 Make sure one of the polystyrene block is in its proper position in the box.

4 Place the instrument, front panel end first, on the polystyrene block.

5 Place the other polystyrene block on top of the rear end of the instrument to
secure it.

6 Do not return the manuals with the instrument. Return an accessory only when
it is a part of the failure symptoms.

7 Seal the shipping container securely.

2-4 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 2 Service
Returning the Instrument to Agilent Technologies for Service

To Pack in the Commercially Available Materials

If the factory packaging materials are not available, you can use commercially
available materials for shipping.

1 Wrap the instrument in heavy paper or plastic.

2 Place the instrument in a strong shipping container.

A double-wall carton made of 350-lb. test material is adequate.

3 Protect the control panel with cardboard.

4 Add a layer of shock-absorbing material.

The shock-absorbing material should be 70 to 100 mm (3 to 4 inches) thick around all

sides of the instrument to prevent movement inside the container.

5 Seal the shipping container securely.

6 Mark the shipping container FRAGILE.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 2-5

Chapter 2 Service
About the Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Menu

About the Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Menu

NOTE If you are familiar with the information provided in this section, proceed to the
section titled “The Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Procedures” on page 2-15 to
calibrate your Counter. This section, “About the Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration
Menu,” can be used as a reference.

NOTE With the exception of the standard timebase oscillator, no adjustments are required for
the Agilent 53131A/132A Counter.

Overview of the Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Menu

The Calibration menu is accessed by holding the Scale & Offset key and cycling the
POWER key. All of the calibration factors and security settings are stored in non-
Scale &
Offset volatile memory, and do not change when power has been off or after a remote
interface reset.
On / Stby

A calibration security code feature allows you to enter a security code (electronic key)
to prevent accidental or unauthorized calibrations of the Counter. The security code is
set to 53131 or 53132 (corresponding to the model) when the Counter is shipped from
the factory. If you forget your security code, you can reset the security code to the
model-number default by resetting all of the non-volatile memory to a default state
(Contact Agilent Technologies for this confidential procedure).

NOTE This menu does not exist in early versions of the Counter. In the early versions
(firmware revisions 3317, 3335, and 3402) of the Agilent 53131A/132A, the CAL:
menu item resides in the Utility menu, and there is no calibration security
capability. See Chapter 6, “Backdating,” in this guide for the correct calibration

2-6 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 2 Service
About the Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Menu

The Calibration menu, illustrated on page 2-8, allows you to:

• view the calibration security status of the Counter (CAL SECURE or CAL
• initiate the Counter’s calibration routines, which can perform automatic
calibration of the voltage offset and gain of the front-end input amplifiers (CAL:
OFFS 1 / 2 ?, GAIN 1 / 2?), of the optional timebase (CAL: TIMEBAS?), and
of the differences in electrical path-length between channels 1 and 2 (CAL: TI
• secure against calibration by entering the security code while the Counter is
unsecured (CODE: )

• unsecure for calibration by entering the security code while the Counter is
secured (CODE: )
• change the security code by entering a new code while the Counter is unsecured
(CODE: )
• view the calibration count, which indicates the number of times that the Counter
has been calibrated (CAL COUNT?). The calibration count increments up to a
maximum of 32,767 after which it wraps around to 1. A calibration count of 0
indicates that the Counter is completely uncalibrated. (The calibration count is
unaffected by interpolator calibration.)
• get Help (HELP: ) with any of the following:
– how to calibrate (CAL?),
– how to secure (SECURE?), and
– how to change the code (CODE?)

NOTE A good precaution is to use a GPIB program (see the programming example titled
“To Read and Store Calibration Data” in Chapter 3 of the Programming Guide) to
read and store the calibration factors prior to initiating any calibration.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 2-7

Chapter 2 Service
About the Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Menu

The Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Menu Tree

NOTE Turn power off, press and hold Scale & Offset key, then press POWER key to access
this menu. This menu does not exist in early versions (firmware revisions 3317,
3335, and 3402) of the Agilent 53131A/132A. In the early versions of the Counter,
the CAL: menu item resides in the Utility menu, and there is no calibration
security capability. See Chapter 6, “Backdating,” in this guide for correct
calibration procedures.


Scale &


On / Stby






This menu item appears and calibration is permitted only if calibration is unsecure. Enter in the correct code
to change calibration to secure.
2 Timebase can be automatically calibrated only if the timebase option is installed.

2-8 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 2 Service
About the Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Menu

To View the Calibration Menu and Security Status

The Calibration menu is accessed by holding the Scale & Offset key and cycling the
POWER key. The first item in the Calibration menu is a message indicating the
calibration security status: CAL SECURE or CAL UNSECURE.

To Unsecure for Calibration

1 Press and hold Scale & Offset key, then cycle POWER key.

CAL SECURE is displayed.

If CAL UNSECURE is displayed, then the Counter is already unsecured for

calibration, and the remaining steps are not applicable.

2 Press Scale & Offset key until CODE: is displayed.

3 Press the appropriate arrow keys to enter the security code “53131”, for example,
if 53131 was the security code set at the factory.

4 Press Enter key.

CAL UNSECURE is displayed.

NOTE If “53131” was NOT the correct security code, the Counter would have displayed

To Initiate the Calibration Routines

1 Press and hold Scale & Offset key, then cycle POWER key.

2 Unsecure for calibration by performing the preceding procedure.

3 Press Scale & Offset key until CAL: OFFS1? is displayed.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 2-9

Chapter 2 Service
About the Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Menu

4 Press any one of the arrow keys until your calibration choice (that is, CAL:
CAL: TIMEBAS?) is displayed.

Note that the timebase choice (CAL: TIMEBAS?) only appears when the Timebase
Option is installed.

5 Press Enter key.

A scrolling message is displayed.

6 Follow the instructions in the scrolling message, and press Enter key to start the


The Counter momentarily displays CALIBRATING, and then displays the calibration
test name and pass/fail status (for example, OFFS 1 PASS ).

When the calibration completes, a pass/fail message will be displayed. If the

calibration failed, then the calibration factors remain unchanged.


CAL:TI QUIK? and CAL:TI FINE? are two different ways to calibrate out the
differences in electrical path length between Channel 1 and Channel 2. When you
provide the calibration signal, the instrument measures how the difference in path
length translates to an average delay between the two channels.

The Quick Time Interval Calibration requires a simple input signal. You provide on
Channel 1 a clean square wave with a rapid rise time and an approximate frequency of
10 MHz. The instrument routes the calibration signal in COMMON to both channels
1 and 2, and measures the average delay between the two channels so configured. The
advantage of the Quick Calibration is that it is easy, quick, and requires little special
equipment. The disadvantage is that the calibration term is best fit for
TI measurements configured COMMON and measured from rising to rising edge; it
leaves uncorrected a small systematic error for all other configurations. The Fine
Time Interval Calibration minimizes systematic error by calibrating the instrument in
each configuration.

2-10 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 2 Service
About the Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Menu

The Fine Time Interval Calibration requires a special calibrator signal source to
provide input—because it produces eight calibration terms, each tailored to a different
combination of input conditions. It requires the synthesizer driving the calibrator to
produce a very accurate 10 MHz waveform—because it calibrates the pulse width
configuration against the 50-nanosecond pulse width so provided. It minimizes
systematic error by calibrating the instrument in each of the eight configurations:
falling to falling edges, falling to rising edges, etc., and both SEPARATE and
COMMON routing.

Notes Pertaining to CAL: TI QUIK?

Advantage: Calibration signal is simple.

Disadvantage: One correction term for all slope and routing configurations.

Input signal: clean square wave, fast rise time, approximately 10 MHz, 1 volt
peak-to-peak, no dc offset (oscillating about 0.0 volts), driving 50Ω.

Timebase: Any external timebase you provide is ignored during calibration.

Procedure: From the front-panel calibration menu, one keypress invokes the

Notes Pertaining to CAL: TI FINE?

Advantage: Calibration minimizes systematic error for any supported

combination of input slope and routing.

Disadvantage: Calibration signal is more complex. If you perform a calibration

that you feel is erroneous and do not feel you can perform the fine calibration,
perform the CAL: TI QUIK? calibration instead, or restore the calibration
factors that you saved prior to starting.

Equipment: Agilent 8130A Pulse Generator or equivalent.

Agilent 59992A J06 Time Interval Calibrator or equivalent.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 2-11

Chapter 2 Service
About the Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Menu

Equipment and Counter Setup: See Figure 2-1.

HP 8130A In A B HP 53131A/132A
Pulse Generator Counter

1 2 3 4

Output Start Stop

HP 59992A J06
Time Interval Calibrator

Figure 2-1. Calibration Setup for CAL: TI FINE?

Out of Agilent 8130A, into Agilent 59992A J06 Calibrator Signal:

PERIOD: 100 ns
WIDTH: 50 ns
High: 0.50 V Low: −0.50 V
Input Mode: Normal

Timebase: Any external timebase you provide is ignored during calibration.

Procedure: From the front-panel calibration menu, one keypress invokes the
calibration. You are prompted to press buttons on the Agilent 59992A J06
Calibrator for each part of a four-part calibration.

Note that CAL: TI FINE? requires the completion of four steps in order.

2-12 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 2 Service
About the Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Menu

To Secure Against Calibration

1 Press and hold Scale & Offset key, then cycle POWER key.

CAL UNSECURE is displayed. If CAL SECURE is displayed, then the Counter is

already secured against calibration and the remaining steps are not applicable.

2 Press Scale & Offset key until CODE: is displayed.

3 Press the appropriate arrow keys to enter the security code, then press Enter key.

CAL SECURE is displayed.

To Change to a New Security Code
1 Press and hold Scale & Offset key, then cycle POWER key.

2 Unsecure for calibration by the using the procedure described in the section
titled “To Unsecure for Calibration.”

3 Press Scale & Offset key until CODE: is displayed.

4 Press the appropriate arrow keys to enter the new or customized security code,
then press Enter key.

A scrolling message will appear, indicating what the new code is. For example, the
Counter displays the NEW CODE IS 5 if you entered “5” as the new code.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 2-13

Chapter 2 Service
About the Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Menu

To View the Calibration Count

1 Press and hold Scale & Offset key, then cycle POWER key.

2 Press Scale & Offset key until CAL COUNT? is displayed.

3 Press any one of the entry keys (arrow, +/-, Enter) to have a scrolling message
appear, indicating what the calibration count is.

Your Counter was calibrated before it left the factory. When you receive your
Counter, read the calibration count to determine its initial value.

To Get Help with the Calibration Menu


1 Press and hold Scale & Offset key, then cycle POWER key.

2 Press Scale & Offset key until HELP: CAL? is displayed.

3 Press any one of the arrow keys until your help choice (that is, HELP: CAL?,
HELP: SECURE?, HELP: CODE?) is displayed.

4 Press Enter key to display the help information.

2-14 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 2 Service
The Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Procedures

The Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Procedures

First Determine the Counter Firmware Revision
Press and hold Recall (Utility) key, then cycle POWER key.

REV: n is displayed; where “n” represents the numeric firmware revision code.

If 3317, 3335, or 3402 is displayed as the firmware revision code, then perform the
calibration procedures in Chapter 6, “Backdating.”

If the Counter’s firmware revision code is higher than the ones in the previous
paragraph, then perform the following procedures in this section.

NOTE After completing the instrument calibration, BE SURE to secure the calibration by
performing the procedure in the section titled “To Secure Against Calibration” on
page 2-13 of this chapter.

To Calibrate the Offset for Channels 1 and 2

1 To access the Calibration menu, power down, and press and hold the Scale &
Offset key, then press POWER key.

The first item in the Calibration menu is a message indicating the calibration security

The Counter calibration must be unsecured to perform calibration.

If CAL UNSECURE is displayed, the Counter is already unsecured for calibration;
go to step 5. However, if CAL SECURE is displayed then perform steps 2 through 4
to unsecure calibration.

2 Press Scale & Offset key until CODE: 0 is displayed.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 2-15

Chapter 2 Service
The Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Procedures

3 Press the appropriate arrow keys to enter the security code “53131”, for
example, if 53131 is the security code by performing the following steps:

a. Press g key four times.

The Counter should display CODE: 00000.

b. Press d key five times.

The Counter should display CODE: 50000.

c. Press g key once, and then press d key three times.

The Counter should display CODE: 53000.

d. Press g key once, and then press d key once.

The Counter should display CODE: 53100.

e. Press g key once, and then press d key three times.

The Counter should display CODE: 53130.

f. Press g key once, and then press d key once.

The Counter should display CODE: 53131.

g. Finally, press Enter key.

CAL UNSECURE is displayed.

NOTE If “53131” is NOT the correct security code, the Counter will display BAD CODE.

4 Press Scale & Offset key until CAL: OFFS 1 ? is displayed.

5 Press Enter key.

A scrolling message on the display will ask you to remove any signals connected to
Channel 1. Follow the instruction.

2-16 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 2 Service
The Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Procedures

6 Press Enter key.

The Counter momentarily displays CALIBRATING, and then it should display


If the fail message is displayed, refer to the troubleshooting section in this chapter.

7 To calibrate Channel 2, press any one of the arrow keys until CAL: OFFS 2 ? is

8 Press Enter key.

A scrolling message on the display will ask you to remove any signals connected to
Channel 2. Follow the instruction.

9 Press Enter key.

The Counter momentarily displays CALIBRATING, and then it should display


If the fail message is displayed, refer to the troubleshooting section in this chapter.

This completes the Offset Calibration procedure. Proceed to the next procedure to
calibrate the gain.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 2-17

Chapter 2 Service
The Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Procedures

To Calibrate the Gain for Channels 1 and 2

1 Press any one of the arrow keys until CAL: GAIN 1 ? is displayed.

2 Press Enter key.

A scrolling message is displayed. Follow the instruction by performing the following


3 Connect a BNC tee connector to Channel 1 of the Counter.

4 Connect the Counter, dc power supply, and digital multimeter as shown in

Figure 2-2.

HP 53131A/132A
DC Power Supply Counter Digital Multimeter

+ - -


Figure 2-2. Gain Calibration Setup

5 Adjust the power supply until the digital multimeter displays

+ 5.000 V ± 0.001 V.

6 Disconnect the digital multimeter from the Counter to prevent noise from being
introduced into the measurement.

7 Press Enter key.

The Counter momentarily displays CALIBRATING, and then it should display GAIN

If the fail message is displayed, refer to the troubleshooting section in this chapter.

2-18 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 2 Service
The Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Procedures

8 To calibrate the gain for Channel 2, connect the input or the BNC Tee to
Channel 2 of the Counter.

9 Press any one of the arrow keys until CAL: GAIN 2 ? is displayed.

10 Press Enter key.

A scrolling message is displayed. (The +5V dc supply should already be connected to

Channel 2 as you were previously instructed to do this in step 8.)

11 Press Enter key again.

The Counter momentarily displays CALIBRATING, and then it should display GAIN

If the fail message is displayed, refer to the troubleshooting section in this chapter.

12 Disconnect the calibration setup.

This completes the Gain Calibration procedure. Proceed to the next procedure to
calibrate the time interval.

To Calibrate Time Interval

Refer to the section titled “INFORMATION ABOUT CAL:TI QUIK? AND
CAL:TI FINE?” (page 2-10 and page 2-11) for details on the differences between
the two time interval calibrations.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 2-19

Chapter 2 Service
The Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Procedures

CAL: TI QUIK? Calibration

1 Press any one of the arrow keys until CAL: TI QUIK? is displayed.

2 Press Enter key.

A scrolling message with instructions appears. Follow the instruction by performing

the following procedure

3 Connect the Agilent 8130A Pulse Generator output to Channel 1 of the Counter
as shown in Figure 2-3.


Agilent 8130A Pulse Generator (or equivalent)

Agilent 10503A BNC Cable

HP 8130A
HP53131A/132A Pulse Generator

Channel 1 Output

Figure 2-3. Calibration Setup for CAL: TI QUIK?

4 Set the Agilent 8130A as follows:

PERIOD: 100 ns
WIDTH: 50 ns
High: 0.50 V Low : −0.50 V
Input Mode: Normal

NOTE Any external timebase connected to the Counter is ignored during this calibration.

2-20 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 2 Service
The Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Procedures

5 Press Enter key.

The Counter displays CALIBRATING, and then it should display TI CAL PASS.

If the fail message is displayed, refer to the troubleshooting section in this chapter.

6 Disconnect the calibration setup.

This completes the TI QUIK? calibration procedures.

Depending on which timebase the Counter contains, proceed to the procedure “To
Calibrate the Standard Timebase” (page 2-23) or the “To Calibrate the High Stability
Timebase Option (Medium, High, or Ultra-High)” procedure (page 2-24) to calibrate

the timebase.

CAL: TI FINE? Calibration

1 Connect the Agilent 8130A Pulse Generator, Agilent 59992A J06 Time Interval
Calibrator, and Agilent 53131A/123A Counter as shown in Figure 2-4.

Agilent 8130A Pulse Generator (or equivalent)
Agilent 59992A J06 Time Interval Calibrator (or equivalent)
Agilent 10503A BNC Cable (3)

HP 8130A In A B HP 53131A/132A
Pulse Generator Counter

1 2 3 4

Output Start Stop

HP 59992A J06
Time Interval Calibrator

Figure 2-4. Calibration Setup for CAL: TI FINE?

Assembly-Level Service Guide 2-21

Chapter 2 Service
The Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Procedures

2 Set the Agilent 8130A as follows:

PERIOD: 100 ns
WIDTH: 50 ns
High: 0.50 V Low : −0.50 V
Input Mode: Normal

NOTE Any external timebase connected to the Counter is ignored during this calibration.

3 Press any one of the arrow keys until CAL: TI FINE? is displayed.

4 Press Enter key.

A scrolling message with instructions appears. Follow the instruction by performing

the following procedure.

Note the Counter display message prompts you to press buttons on the Agilent
59992A J06 Calibrator for each part of a four-part calibration.

Note that CAL: TI FINE? requires the completion of four steps in the proper

5 Press Enter key after each displayed instruction.

The Counter should display CALIBRATING, and then it should display


If the fail message is displayed, refer to the troubleshooting section in this chapter.

This completes the TI FINE? calibration procedures.

Depending on which timebase the Counter contains, proceed to the following

procedure “To Calibrate the Standard Timebase” or the “To Calibrate the High
Stability Timebase Option (Medium, High, or Ultra-High)” procedure (page 2-24) to
calibrate the timebase.

2-22 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 2 Service
The Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Procedures

To Calibrate the Standard Timebase

1 Connect the output of a 10 MHz house standard to Channel 1 of the Counter as
shown in Figure 2-5.

House Standard
10 MHz Reference
HP 53131A/132A

Channel 1

Figure 2-5. Standard Timebase Calibration Setup

2 Cycle the POWER key to preset the Counter.

Allow the counter to warm up for approximately 30 minutes.

3 With an insulated tuning tool, turn the OSC Adjust potentiometer (located on the
rear chassis of the Counter) until the frequency reading in the Counter display is
10.00000000 MHz ± 5 Hz.

The Counter will be calibrated to the house standard.

If you are not able to adjust the frequency correctly, refer to the troubleshooting
section in this chapter.

This completes the Standard Timebase Calibration procedure.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 2-23

Chapter 2 Service
The Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Procedures

To Calibrate the High Stability Timebase Option (Medium, High,

or Ultra-High)
NOTE Allow the Counter to warm up for approximately 24 hours before performing
this calibration. This calibration is unlikely to fail, unless the Counter is not warmed

1 Connect the output of a 10 MHz house standard to Channel 1 of the Counter as

shown in Figure 2-5.

2 Press any one of the arrow keys until CAL: TIMEBAS? is displayed.

Note that the timebase choice (CAL: TIMEBAS?) only appears when the Timebase
Option is installed.

3 Press Enter key and follow the instructions in the scrolling message that appears
in the Counter display.

4 Press Enter key after each instruction.

The Counter displays CALIBRATING, and then it should display TB CAL PASS.

If the fail message is displayed (even after the Counter has been warmed up for 24
hours), refer to the troubleshooting section in this chapter.

This completes the High Stability Timebase Option Calibration procedure.

If all tests passed, the Counter is now calibrated.

2-24 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 2 Service
About the Agilent 53181A Calibration Menu

About the Agilent 53181A Calibration Menu

NOTE If you are familiar with the information provided in this section, proceed to the
section titled “The Agilent 53181A Calibration Procedures” (page 2-31) to calibrate
your Counter. This section, “About the Agilent 53181A Calibration Menu,” can be
used as a reference.

NOTE With the exception of the standard timebase oscillator, no adjustments are required for
the Agilent 53181A Counter.

Overview of the Agilent 53181A Calibration Menu
The Calibration menu is accessed by holding the Scale & Offset key and cycling the
POWER key. All of the calibration factors and security settings are stored in non-
Scale &
Offset volatile memory, and do not change when power has been off or after a remote
interface reset.
On / Stby

A calibration security code feature allows you to enter a security code (electronic key)
to prevent accidental or unauthorized calibrations of the Counter. The security code is
set to 53181 when the Counter is shipped from the factory. If you forget your security
code, you can reset the security code to the model-number default by resetting all of
the non-volatile memory to a default state.

The Calibration menu, illustrated on page 2-27, allows you to:

• view the calibration security status of the Counter (CAL SECURE or CAL
• initiate the Counter’s calibration routines, which can perform automatic
calibration of the voltage offset and gain of the front-end input amplifiers (CAL:
OFFS 1?, GAIN 1?), of the optional timebase (CAL: TIMEBAS?)
• secure against calibration by entering the security code while the Counter is
unsecured (CODE: )
• unsecure for calibration by entering the security code while the Counter is
secured (CODE: )

Assembly-Level Service Guide 2-25

Chapter 2 Service
About the Agilent 53181A Calibration Menu

• change the security code by entering a new code while the Counter is unsecured
(CODE: )
• view the calibration count, which indicates the number of times that the Counter
has been calibrated (CAL COUNT?). The calibration count increments up to a
maximum of 32,767 after which it wraps around to 1. A calibration count of 0
indicates that the Counter is completely uncalibrated. (The calibration count is
unaffected by interpolator calibration.)
• get Help (HELP:) with any of the following:
– how to calibrate (CAL?),
– how to secure (SECURE?), and

– how to change the code (CODE?)

NOTE A good precaution is to use a GPIB program (see the programming example titled
“To Read and Store Calibration Data” in Chapter 3 of the Programming Guide) to
read and store the calibration factors prior to initiating any calibration.

2-26 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 2 Service
About the Agilent 53181A Calibration Menu

The Agilent 53181A Calibration Menu Tree

NOTE Turn power off, press and hold Scale & Offset key, then press POWER key to access
this menu.


Scale &

On / Stby






This menu item appears and calibration is permitted only if calibration is unsecured. Enter in the correct code
to change calibration to secure.
Timebase can be automatically calibrated only if the timebase option is installed.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 2-27

Chapter 2 Service
About the Agilent 53181A Calibration Menu

To View the Calibration Menu and Security Status

The Calibration menu is accessed by holding the Scale & Offset key and cycling the
POWER key. The first item in the Calibration menu is a message indicating the
calibration security status: CAL SECURE or CAL UNSECURE.

To Unsecure for Calibration

1 Press and hold Scale & Offset key, then cycle POWER key.

CAL SECURE is displayed.

If CAL UNSECURE is displayed, then the Counter is already unsecured for


calibration, and the remaining steps are not applicable.

2 Press Scale & Offset key until CODE: is displayed.

3 Press the appropriate arrow keys to enter the security code “53181”, for example,
if 53181 was the security code set at the factory.

4 Press Enter key.

CAL UNSECURE is displayed.

NOTE If “53181” was NOT the correct security code, the Counter would have displayed

2-28 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 2 Service
About the Agilent 53181A Calibration Menu

To Initiate the Calibration Routines

1 Press and hold Scale & Offset key, then cycle POWER key.

2 Unsecure for calibration by performing the preceding procedure.

3 Press Scale & Offset key until CAL: OFFS1? is displayed.

4 Press any one of the arrow keys until your calibration choice (that is, CAL:
GAIN 1?, or CAL: TIMEBAS?) is displayed.

Note that the timebase choice (CAL: TIMEBAS?) only appears when the Timebase
Option is installed.

5 Press Enter key.

A scrolling message is displayed.

6 Follow the instructions in the scrolling message, and press Enter key to start the

The Counter momentarily displays CALIBRATING, and then displays the calibration
test name and pass/fail status (for example, OFFS 1 PASS ).

When the calibration completes, a pass/fail message will be displayed. If the

calibration failed, then the calibration factors remain unchanged.

To Secure Against Calibration

1 Press and hold Scale & Offset key, then cycle POWER key.

CAL UNSECURE is displayed. If CAL SECURE is displayed, then the Counter is

already secured against calibration and the remaining steps are not applicable.

2 Press Scale & Offset key until CODE: is displayed.

3 Press the appropriate arrow keys to enter the security code, then press Enter key.

CAL SECURE is displayed.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 2-29

Chapter 2 Service
About the Agilent 53181A Calibration Menu

To Change to New the Security Code

1 Press and hold Scale & Offset key, then cycle POWER key.

2 Unsecure for calibration by the using the procedure described in the section
titled “To Unsecure for Calibration.”

3 Press Scale & Offset key until CODE: is displayed.

4 Press the appropriate arrow keys to enter the new or customized security code,
then press Enter key.

A scrolling message will appear, indicating what the new code is. For example, the

Counter displays the NEW CODE IS 5 if you entered “5” as the new code.

To View the Calibration Count

1 Press and hold Scale & Offset key, then cycle POWER key.

2 Press Scale & Offset key until CAL COUNT? is displayed.

3 Press any one of the entry keys (arrow, +/-, Enter) to have a scrolling message
appear, indicating what the calibration count is.

Your Counter was calibrated before it left the factory. When you receive your
Counter, read the calibration count to determine its initial value.

To Get Help with the Calibration Menu

1 Press and hold Scale & Offset key, then cycle POWER key.

2 Press Scale & Offset key until HELP: CAL? is displayed.

3 Press any one of the arrow keys until your help choice (that is, HELP: CAL?,
HELP: SECURE?, HELP: CODE?) is displayed.

4 Press Enter key to display the help information.

2-30 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 2 Service
The Agilent 53181A Calibration Procedures

The Agilent 53181A Calibration Procedures

First Determine the Counter Firmware Revision
Press and hold Recall (Utility) key, then cycle POWER key.

REV: n is displayed; where “n” represents the numeric firmware revision code.

NOTE After completing the instrument calibration, BE SURE to secure the calibration by
performing the procedure in the section titled “To Secure Against Calibration” on
page 2-29 of this chapter.

To Calibrate the Offset for Channel 1
1 To access the Calibration menu, power down, and press and hold the Scale &
Offset key, then press POWER key.

The first item in the Calibration menu is a message indicating the calibration security

The Counter calibration must be unsecured to perform calibration.

If CAL UNSECURE is displayed, the Counter is already unsecured for calibration;
go to step 5. However, if CAL SECURE is displayed then perform steps 2 through 4
to unsecure calibration.

2 Press Scale & Offset key until CODE: 0 is displayed.

3 Press the appropriate arrow keys to enter the security code “53181”, for
example, if 53181 is the security code by performing the following steps:

a. Press key four times.

The Counter should display CODE: 00000.

b. Press key five times.

The Counter should display CODE: 50000.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 2-31

Chapter 2 Service
The Agilent 53181A Calibration Procedures

c. Press key once, and then press key three times.

The Counter should display CODE: 53000.

d. Press key once, and then press key once.

The Counter should display CODE: 53100.

e. Press key once, and then press key eight times.

The Counter should display CODE: 53180.

f. Press key once, and then press key once.


The Counter should display CODE: 53181.

g. Finally, press Enter key.

CAL UNSECURE is displayed.

NOTE If “53181” is NOT the correct security code, the Counter will display BAD CODE.

4 Press Scale & Offset key until CAL: OFFS 1 ? is displayed.

5 Press Enter key.

A scrolling message on the display will ask you to remove any signals connected to
Channel 1. Follow the instruction.

6 Press Enter key.

The Counter momentarily displays CALIBRATING, and then it should display


If the fail message is displayed, refer to the troubleshooting section in this chapter.

This completes the Offset Calibration procedure. Proceed to the next procedure to
calibrate the gain.

2-32 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 2 Service
The Agilent 53181A Calibration Procedures

To Calibrate the Gain for Channel 1

1 Press any one of the arrow keys until CAL: GAIN 1 ? is displayed.

2 Press Enter key.

A scrolling message is displayed. Follow the instruction by performing the following


3 Connect a BNC tee connector to Channel 1 of the Agilent 53181A.

4 Connect the Counter, dc power supply, and digital multimeter shown in

Figure 2-6.

HP 53181A
DC Power Supply Counter Digital Multimeter

+ - -


Figure 2-6. Gain Calibration Setup

5 Adjust the power supply until the digital multimeter

+ 5.000 V ± 0.001 V.

6 Disconnect the digital multimeter from the Counter to prevent noise from being
introduced into the measurement.

7 Press Enter key.

The Counter momentarily displays CALIBRATING, and then it should display GAIN

If the fail message is displayed, refer to the troubleshooting section in this chapter.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 2-33

Chapter 2 Service
The Agilent 53181A Calibration Procedures

8 Disconnect the calibration setup.

This completes the Gain Calibration procedure.

Depending on which timebase the Counter contains, proceed to either the following
procedure “To Calibrate the Standard Timebase” or the “To Calibrate the High
Stability Timebase Option (Medium, High, or Ultra-High)”procedure (page 2-35) to
calibrate the timebase.

To Calibrate the Standard Timebase

1 Connect the output of a 10 MHz house standard to Channel 1 of the Counter as
shown in Figure 2-7.

House Standard
10 MHz Reference
HP 53181A

Channel 1

Figure 2-7. Standard Timebase Calibration Setup

2 Cycle the POWER key to preset the Counter.

Allow the counter to warm up for approximately 30 minutes.

3 With an insulated tuning tool, turn the OSC Adjust potentiometer (located on the
rear chassis of the Counter) until the frequency reading in the Counter display is
10.00000000 MHz ± 5 Hz.

The Counter will be calibrated to the house standard.

If you are not able to adjust the frequency correctly, refer to the troubleshooting
section in this chapter.

This completes the Standard Timebase Calibration procedure.

2-34 Assembly-Level Service Guide
Chapter 2 Service
The Agilent 53181A Calibration Procedures

To Calibrate the High Stability Timebase Option (Medium, High,

or Ultra-High)
NOTE Allow the Counter to warm up for approximately 24 hours before performing
this calibration. This calibration is unlikely to fail, unless the Counter is not warmed

1 Connect the output of a 10 MHz house standard to Channel 1 of the Counter as

shown in Figure 2-7.

2 Press any one of the arrow keys until CAL: TIMEBAS? is displayed.

Note that the timebase choice (CAL: TIMEBAS?) only appears when the Timebase
Option is installed.

3 Press Enter key and follow the instructions in the scrolling message that appears
in the Counter display.

4 Press Enter key after each instruction.

The Counter displays CALIBRATING, and then it should display TB CAL PASS.

If the fail message is displayed (even after the Counter has been warmed up for 24
hours), refer to the troubleshooting section in this chapter.

This completes the High Stability Timebase Option Calibration procedure.

If all tests passed, the Counter is now calibrated.

NOTE If the counter has been disconnected from line power for over 24 hours, it may take
up to 30 days for the daily aging rate to be re-attained.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 2-35

Chapter 2 Service
Pre-Troubleshooting Information

Pre-Troubleshooting Information
This section contains the following pertinent troubleshooting information:

• Safety Considerations
• Recommended Test Equipment
• Repair Considerations
• After Service Considerations
• Assembly Identification and Location

Safety Considerations
Although this instrument has been designed in accordance with international safety
standards, this guide contains information, cautions, and warnings which must be
followed to ensure safe operation and to retain the instrument in a safe condition.
Service instructions, and adjustment procedures requiring removal of the instrument
cover, are for use by service-trained personnel only. To avoid dangerous electric
shock, do not perform any servicing or make any adjustments with the cover
removed, unless qualified to do so.

2-36 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 2 Service
Pre-Troubleshooting Information





Any maintenance and repair of the opened instrument under voltage should be
avoided as much as possible and, if necessary, should be carried out only by a skilled
person who is aware of the hazards involved (for example, fire and electric shock).

Recommended Test Equipment

Test equipment recommended for testing and troubleshooting the
Agilent 53131A/132A/181A is listed in Chapter 1, “Performance Tests.”
Substitute equipment may be used if it meets or exceeds the required characteristics
listed in Table 1-1.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 2-37

Chapter 2 Service
Pre-Troubleshooting Information

Repair Considerations
Electrostatic Discharge
Electronic components and assemblies in the Agilent 53131A/132A/181A can be
permanently degraded or damaged by electrostatic discharge. Use the following
precautions when servicing the instrument:

1 ENSURE that static-sensitive devices or assemblies are serviced at static-safe

work stations providing proper grounding for service personnel.

2 ENSURE that static-sensitive devices or assemblies are stored in static shielding

bags or containers.

3 DO NOT wear clothing subject to static-charge buildup, such as wool or

synthetic materials.

4 DO NOT handle components or assemblies in carpeted areas.

5 DO NOT remove an assembly or component from its static shielding protection

until you are ready to install it.

6 AVOID touching component leads. (Handle by packaging only.)

Surface Mount Repair

Surface mount components should only be removed using soldering irons or
desoldering stations expressly designed for surface mount components. Use of
conventional solder removal equipment will almost always result in permanent
damage to the printed circuit board and will void your Agilent Technologies factory

Disassembly and Reassembly Specifics

Refer to the Chapter 3, “Replacing Assemblies,” in this guide for complete
disassembly and reassemble details, and Chapter 5, “Replaceable Parts,” for the
appropriate exploded view of the instrument parts.

2-38 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 2 Service
Pre-Troubleshooting Information

After Service Considerations

Product Safety Checks
The following safety checks must be performed after any troubleshooting and repair
procedures have been completed to ensure the safe operation of the instrument.



1 VISUAL INSPECTION. Visually inspect the interior of the instrument for any signs
of abnormal internally generated heat, such as discolored printed circuit boards or
components, damaged insulation, or evidence of arcing. Determine and remedy the
cause of any such condition.

2 GROUND CONTINUITY TEST. Plug the power cord into the rear-panel power
receptacle. (DO NOT connect the instrument to ac power at this time.) Using a
suitable ohmmeter, check resistance from the instrument’s metallic connection (such
as the rear panel or BNC ground collar) to the ground pin on the power cord plug. The
reading must be less that 1Ω. Flex the power cord while making this measurement to
determine whether intermittent discontinuities exist.

3 Check any indicated front- or rear-panel ground terminals marked, using the above

4 INSULATION RESISTANCE TEST. Tie the line and neutral pins of the power cord
plug together. Measure the resistance from the instrument enclosure (chassis) to the
line and neutral pins of the power cord plug. The minimum acceptable resistance is 2
MΩ. Replace any component which results in a failure.

Product Performance Checks

After replacement of any assembly or module, perform the operational verification
test in Chapter 1, “Performance Tests,” of this guide.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 2-39

Chapter 2 Service
Pre-Troubleshooting Information

Assembly Identification and Location

The assembly number, name and Agilent Technologies part number of the
Agilent 53131A , Agilent 53132A, and Agilent 53181A assemblies are listed in
Table 2-1, Table 2-2, and Table 2-3, respectively. Figure 2-8A, Figure 2-8B, and 5-1
illustrate the replaceable assemblies and cables in the Agilent 53131A/132A/181A.

Table 2-1. Agilent 53131A Assembly Identification

Assembly Name Agilent Part No. Exchange Part No.*

A1 Motherboard (Series 53131-60004** 53131-69004**
Prefix 3705 and above)

A2 Display Board 53131-60002 no exchange

A3 Channel 3 Input Board
Option 030, 1.5 GHz n/a 53132-60003
Option 050, 3 GHz n/a 53132-69211
Option 124, 12.4 GHz n/a 53132-69212
A4 AC Power Supply
Standard 0950-2496 no exchange
Option 002 53132-60207 no exchange
Option 010 and 012 53132-60208 no exchange
A5 DC Power Supply
Option 002 53132-60206 no exchange
A6 Oven Timebase
(Option 001) 53132-60004 or 53132-60008—Support Bd no exchange
1813-0931—Oscillator no exchange
(Option 010) 53132-60016—Support Board no exchange
10811-60160—Oscillator 10811-69160
(Option 012) 53132-60016—Support Board no exchange
10811-60260—Oscillator 10811-69260
* Exchange part availability subject to change without notice. Contact your local Agilent Technologies Sales Office for current information.
** If the Motherboard needs to be replaced in a unit which contains Options 030, 050, or 124, it must be done at an AgilentTechnologies
Service Center.

2-40 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 2 Service
Pre-Troubleshooting Information

Table 2-2. Agilent 53132A Assembly Identification

Assembly Name Agilent Part No. Exchange Part No.*

A1 Motherboard (Series 53132-60014** 53131-69014**
Prefix 3705 and above)
A2 Display Board 53131-60002 no exchange
A3 Channel 3 Input Board
Option 030 n/a 53132-60003
Option 050 n/a 53132-69211
Option 124 n/a 53132-69212

A4 AC Power Supply
Standard 0950-2496 no exchange
Option 002 53132-60207 no exchange
Option 010 and 012 53132-60208 no exchange
A5 DC Power Supply
Option 002 53132-60206 no exchange
A6 Oven Timebase
(Option 001) 53132-60008—Support Board no exchange
1813-0931—Oscillator no exchange
(Option 010) 53132-60016—Support Board no exchange
10811-60160—Oscillator 10811-69160
(Option 012) 53132-60016—Support Board no exchange
10811-60260—Oscillator 10811-69260
* Exchange part availability subject to change without notice. Contact your local Agilent Technologies Sales Office for current
** If the Motherboard needs to be replaced in a unit which contains Options 030, 050, or 124, it must be done at an Agilent Technologies
Service Center.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 2-41

Chapter 2 Service
Pre-Troubleshooting Information

Table 2-3. Agilent 53181A Assembly Identification

Assembly Name Agilent Part No. Exchange Part No.*

A1 Motherboard (Series 53181-60004** 53181-69004**
Prefix 3705 and above)
A2 Display Board 53131-60002 no exchange
A3 Channel 2 Input Board
Option 015/030 n/a 53132-60003
Option 050 n/a 53132-69211
Option 124 n/a 53132-69212

A4 AC Power Supply
Standard 0950-2496 no exchange
Option 002 53132-60207 no exchange
Option 010 and 012 53132-60208 no exchange
A5 DC Power Supply
Option 002 53132-60206 no exchange
A6 Oven Timebase
(Option 001) 53132-60004 or 53132-60008—Support Board no exchange
1813-0931—Oscillator no exchange
(Option 010) 53132-60016—Support Board no exchange
10811-60160—Oscillator 10811-69160
(Option 012) 53132-60016—Support Board no exchange
10811-60260—Oscillator 10811-69260
* Exchange part availability subject to change without notice. Contact your local Agilent Technologies Sales Office for current information.
** If the Motherboard needs to be replaced in a unit which contains Options 030, 050, or 124, it must be done at an Agilent Technologies
Service Center.

2-42 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 2 Service
Pre-Troubleshooting Information

RS-232 10 MHz Out Connector

Connector GPIB Connector
HP-IB Ref In Connector
Ext Arm Connector

J18 Power Supply

Assembly Connector

A4 AC Power Supply
Assembly A3 Option 030/050
Channel 3 Assembly for
HP 53131A/132A
A3 Option 015/030/050
Channel 2 Assembly for
HP 53181A
A1 Motherboard
A6 High Stability A3 Option 015/030/050 Channel
Timebase Assembly Input Board Assembly
Cable (P/O optional channel
input board, Option 015/030 only)

A2 Display Board A3 Option 015/030 Channel

Assembly Input Board Assembly
(Hidden) Coaxial Cable
Front Bezel

A2 Display Board
Assembly Cable Input BNC Connectors
(P/O Display (P/O A1 Motherboard Assembly)
Board Assembly)

Figure 2-8A. Instrument Top Internal View

Assembly-Level Service Guide 2-43

Chapter 2 Service
Pre-Troubleshooting Information

RS-232 10 MHz Out Connector

Connector GPIB Connector
HP-IB Ref In Connector
Ext Arm Connector

XLR (Male)
Jack (P/O A5)

J18 Power Supply A5 DC Power Input

Assembly Connector Assembly

J6 (Hidden)
A4 AC Power Supply
Assembly A3 Option 030
Channel 3 Assembly for
HP 53131A/132A
A3 Option 015/030
Channel 2 Assembly for
HP 53181A
A1 Motherboard
A6 High Stability A3 Option 015/030/050 Channel
Timebase Assembly Input Board Assembly
Cable (P/O optional channel
input board, Option 015/030 only)

A2 Display Board A3 Option 015/030 Channel

Assembly Input Board Assembly
(Hidden) Coaxial Cable
Front Bezel

A2 Display Board
Assembly Cable Input BNC Connectors
(P/O Display (P/O A1 Motherboard Assembly)
Board Assembly)

Figure 2-8B. Instrument Top Internal View (Option 002)

2-44 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 2 Service
Troubleshooting the Counter

Troubleshooting the Counter

Power Supply Check

1 Remove the power cord from the back of the instrument to disconnect the
Counter from the power source.

2 Remove the cover as described in Chapter 3.

NOTE A4 AC Power Supply Assembly is fused for safety reasons. It is assumed that if the
fuses are blown, then damage has occurred to the power supply which will make it
unreliable. Do not attempt to repair the power supply.

3 Connect the Counter to the power source.

The fan should begin to operate as soon as power is supplied. If the fan does not
operate, replace A4 AC Power Supply Assembly.

Refer to Chapter 3, “Replacing Assemblies,” in this service guide if you need to

remove or replace an assembly.

After replacing the power supply assembly, perform the appropriate calibration
procedures in this chapter.

4 Connect the negative lead of a voltmeter to the chassis and verify that the
voltages in Table 2-4 match the voltages measured on connector J18 of A1
Motherboard Assembly. See Figure 2-9 for illustration of J18 viewing from the
bottom of the Counter.

CAUTION BE CAREFUL to NOT short the positive-side lead of the voltmeter to the chassis
when probing at the testpoints shown in Figure 2-9.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 2-45

Chapter 2 Service
Troubleshooting the Counter

/40 Hz

/60 /60
50 50

VA 20 AC

10 MHz Out
600 - 140 V
100 - 2

001 MS Oven

Talk Only
010 HS Oven

To Configure:
Hold Recall during turn-on.

Osc Adjust




RS - 232


Figure 2-9. A4 AC Power Suppy Testpoint Locations on A1 Motherboard

Assembly (Bottom View)

2-46 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 2 Service
Troubleshooting the Counter

Table 2-4 lists A4 power supply voltages, the corresponding wire color, and the

Table 2-4. A4 AC Power Supply Voltages

Wire Color Voltage Tolerance

Red +5.0 V ±0.250 V
Red +5.0 V ±0.250 V
Black 0.0 V ______
Black 0.0 V ______
Yellow +12.0 V ±0.6 V

Black 0.0 V ______
Blue -12.0 V ±1.2 V

5 After verifying the correct voltage and that all calibrations passed, proceed to
the following section.

Overview of the Self-Test Routines

The Utility menu includes the following three self-test menu items:

The Counter includes several self-tests. Some self tests are performed at the power-up
of the Counter. Some of these self tests can also be invoked from the Utility menu.
Other tests can also be invoked from the Utility menu, but a slightly different test is
performed. For example, a power-up self test might work regardless of connections to
the inputs while a Utility menu self test may require a specific signal to be connected.
Some self tests can only be invoked from the Utility menu, for example, the keypad

You can specify that the tests should loop forever (TEST LOOP: ON or OFF) or
until any key is pressed.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 2-47

Chapter 2 Service
Troubleshooting the Counter

You can also specify that failure messages be sent to a printer, the RS-232, and the
GPIB—if in talk-only (TST PRINT: ON or OFF).

There are 13 choices for the TEST: menu item. They are listed and described in the
following text.

TEST: ALL? —run all tests, except display, keypad and printer tests.

DISP? —illuminate the indicators and vacuum-fluorescent display

(VFD) segments. Note, this test is not available if TEST
LOOP: is ON. TEST LOOP: must be OFF.

CPU? —test processor(s).

ROM? —checksum the ROM.

RAM? —test RAM.

EEPROM? —checksum the EEPROM, which is used for non-volatile


HP-IB? —test GPIB chip.

QSPI? —test serial hardware control loops.

FPGA? —internally measure the timebase to test count circuitry.

FR END? —check front end circuits, either by swinging trigger levels

(during power on test and ALL test) or asking you to
connect the timebase output to channels 1 and 2 using a
BNC-T connector to split the signal.

MEAS? —make a measurement, either by swinging trigger levels

(during power on test and ALL test) or asking you to
connect the timebase output to channel 1.

2-48 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 2 Service
Troubleshooting the Counter

INTERP? —test interpolators.

KEYPAD? —request user to press all keys. Note, this test is not available
if TEST LOOP: is ON. TEST LOOP: must be OFF.

PRINT? —send three test lines to a printer via the RS-232. If in talk-
only, also send three test lines to a printer via the GPIB.

NOTE When running the TEST LOOP self-test routine, be sure to connect the Counter to a
serial printer via the RS-232 using a RS-232 printer interface cable (Agilent 24542G
or Agilent 24542H) to receive more specific failure information. If you run the TEST
LOOP test without Counter being connected to a printer, the Counter will only

display pass or fail message.

Diagnosing the Faulty Assembly by Using the Self Tests

To Run the Test-All Self Test
1 Press and hold Recall (Utility) key, then cycle POWER key.

2 Press Recall (Utility) key until TEST: ALL? is displayed.

3 Press Enter key to start the test.

The counter will display the tests as they are being performed. When the tests are
completed the display should show ALL: PASS.

If the fail message is displayed, run the appropriate individual test as described in the
following sub-section. If the individual test fail, use Table 2-5 to determine which
board or assembly you should replace.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 2-49

Chapter 2 Service
Troubleshooting the Counter

To Run the Individual Self Tests

1 Press and hold Recall (Utility) key, then cycle POWER key.

NOTE If power does not cycle or the display does not light, go to the section titled “Power
Supply Check” on page 2-45 of this chapter.

2 Press Recall (Utility) key until TEST LOOP: is displayed.

3 Ensure that TEST LOOP:OFF is displayed.

Note that the DISP? and KEYPAD? tests are not available if TEST LOOP: is ON.

If TEST LOOP: ON is displayed, press any one of the arrow keys to set TEST

4 Press Recall (Utility) key until TEST: ALL? is displayed.

5 Press any one of the arrow keys to select the desired self test (for example, the
DISP? self test).

6 Press Enter key to start the test.

After a test is completed, a pass or fail message will be displayed.

NOTE After the DISP? (Display) test has cycled through each display segment and
annunciator, press the Enter key to stop the test and to display the pass or fail

7 If you are asked to do something, press Enter key when you have completed the
requested task.

After a test is completed, a pass or fail message will be displayed.

2-50 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 2 Service
Troubleshooting the Counter

8 Repeat steps 2 through 5 for each of the self tests.

Note that for the TEST: FR END? test, connect Counter as shown in Figure 2-11A or
Figure 2-11B (depending on which Counter you are testing) and press Enter key.

10 MHz
HP 53131A/132A Out
Counter (rear panel)

Channel 2

Channel 1

Figure 2-11A. Agilent 53131A/132A Self Test Troubleshooting Setup

10 MHz
HP 53181A Out
Counter (rear panel)

Channel 1

Figure 2-11B. Agilent 53181A Self Test Troubleshooting Setup

Assembly-Level Service Guide 2-51

Chapter 2 Service
Troubleshooting the Counter

9 If the FAIL message is displayed for a test, use Table 2-5 to determine which
assembly may need replacing.

Table 2-5. Troubleshooting

Failure Indicator Assembly at Fault

DISP: FAIL A2 Display Board Assembly, or A1 Motherboard Assembly
CPU: FAIL A1 Motherboard Assembly
ROM: FAIL A1 Motherboard Assembly
RAM: FAIL A1 Motherboard Assembly
EEPROM: FAIL A1 Motherboard Assembly

HP-IB: FAIL A1 Motherboard Assembly

QSPI: FAIL A1 Motherboard Assembly, or A2 Display Board Assembly
FPGA: FAIL A1 Motherboard Assembly, or A2 Display Board Assembly
FR END: FAIL A1 Motherboard Assembly, or A4 AC Power Supply Assembly
MEAS: FAIL A1 Motherboard Assembly, or A4 AC Power Supply Assembly
INTERP: FAIL A1 Motherboard Assembly, or A4 AC Power Supply Assembly
KEYPAD: FAIL Keypad, or Front Panel Assembly, or A1 Motherboard Assembly.
PRINT: FAIL A1 Motherboard Assembly

10 Refer to Chapter 3, “Replacing Assemblies,” in this service guide for

dissasembly and reassembly procedures.

NOTE After replacing an assembly, perform the calibration procedures in this chapter.

2-52 Assembly-Level Service Guide


Replacing Assemblies
Disassembly and Reassembly
Chapter 3 Replacing Assemblies

This chapter contains the instructions for removing major assemblies in the
Agilent 53131A/132A/181A. To install an assembly, reverse the removal instructions.

This chapter provides the following disassembly and reassembly procedures:

• To Remove the Cover page 3-4

• To Remove the Front Bezel page 3-6
• To Remove A1 Motherboard Assembly page 3-9
• To Remove the A2 Display Board, Keypads, and Window page 3-11
• To Remove A3 1.5/3.0/5.0/12.4 GHz Channel Assembly (Option page 3-13
• To Remove A4 AC Power Supply Assembly page 3-15
• To Remove A5 DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002) page 3-17

• To Remove A6 High Stability Timebase Assembly (Options 001, page 3-19

010, and 012)
• To Remove the Rear Terminals (Option 060) page 3-21



CAUTION Do not replace assemblies with the instrument turned on. Damage to components can

Refer to Chapter 5, “Replaceable Parts,” for the part number of the assemblies.

3-2 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 3 Replacing Assemblies
Tools Required

Tools Required
The following tools are required for these removal and replacement procedures:

• Hand TORX®‚ 10 screwdriver (T10)

• Hand TORX®‚ 15 screwdriver (T15)
• 7-mm spin tight
• 14-mm deep-socket spin tight
• Soldering iron—for removing Option 060 Rear Terminals
• Small (1 point) Pozidriv screwdriver—for removing Option 010/012 oven
oscillator from A6 Timebase Support Board

Do This First
Before performing any of the removal and replacement procedures, the following

steps must be performed.

1 Turn Counter off.

2 Remove ac line power cord from the rear ac line socket.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 3-3

Chapter 3 Replacing Assemblies
To Remove the Cover

To Remove the Cover

The following steps are for removing the cover. The cover is removed to access the
board and cable assemblies, and all other internal parts.



1 Turn off the Counter and remove power cord.

2 To remove the rear bezel, loosen the captive screws on the sides as shown in
Figure 3-1 using the TORX 15 screwdriver.


1 2
ISM 1-A 92
50/60 Hz
50/60/400 Hz




N 001 MS Oven 010 HS Oven
100 - 120 VAC
200 - 240 VAC

P !
60 VA

T Ext Ref Talk Only

S 10 MHz Out To Configure:
Arm In
Hold Recall during turn-on.
RS - 232
Osc Adjust


Figure 3-1. Rear Bezel Removal

3-4 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 3 Replacing Assemblies
To Remove the Cover

3 Remove the screw (H1) located at the bottom near the rear of the cover (MP3) as
shown in Figure 3-2.



z Ou
Ref MP3

100 - 120 VAC


60 VA
200 - 240 VAC

50/60/400 Hz
Talk Only

50/60 Hz
Osc Adju HP-IB
l durin 001 MS
To Con g turn-on. st Oven
010 HS LIN


Figure 3-2. Bottom View for Cover Removal

4 With one hand gripping the front bezel, pull the cover off with the other hand by
sliding the cover backward.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 3-5

Chapter 3 Replacing Assemblies
To Remove the Front Bezel

To Remove the Front Bezel

1 Remove the cover.

See the section titled “To Remove the Cover” in this chapter.

2 Remove the bail handle (MP7) by rotating it to the vertical position and pull the
ends outward as shown in Figure 3-3.

Figure 3-3. Handle Removal


3 Remove the front rubber bumper (part of MP2), stretch a corner and then slide
it off as shown in Figure 3-4.

Figure 3-4. Front Rubber Bumper Removal

4 Disconnect the front bezel flat-ribbon cable (which is actually A2 Display

Board’s cable) from J6 of A1 Motherboard Assembly as shown in Figure 3-5.

3-6 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 3 Replacing Assemblies
To Remove the Front Bezel

5 Remove the BNC nuts (H3), shown in Figure 3-5, from the front panel using the
14-mm deep-socket spin tight.

P/O A2 Display Board Cable






Figure 3-5. Front Bezel Removal

6 For Counters with the optional 1.5 GHz or 3.0 GHz channel (Option 015 or 030),
pull cable W1 out of the front bezel as shown in Figure 3-5. For the optional 5.0
or 12.4 GHz channel, remove knurled nut.

CAUTION When reassembling A3 (Option 015/030) Assembly, ensure that cable W1 is not
placed or folded on top of the input circuits of A1 Motherboard Assembly or is tucked
behind A3 as the Counter may start reading or measuring noise.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 3-7

Chapter 3 Replacing Assemblies
To Remove the Front Bezel

7 Remove the two screws (H1), located in the sides of the front bezel, using the
TORX 15 screwdriver as shown in Figure 3-5.

8 Loosen the screw (H1), shown in Figure 3-5, that helps secure A1 Motherboard
Assembly to the chassis to make step 9 (the following step) easier.

9 Remove front bezel by pushing inward on the sides of the chassis.


3-8 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 3 Replacing Assemblies
To Remove A1 Motherboard Assembly

To Remove A1 Motherboard Assembly

1 Remove the cover.

See the section titled “To Remove the Cover” in this chapter.

2 Remove the Power Supply Assembly.

See the section titled “To Remove A4 AC Power Supply Assembly” in this chapter.

3 Remove the front bezel.

See the section titled “To Remove the Front Bezel” in this chapter.

4 If the Counter contains Option 015/030/050/124 1.5/3.0/5.0/12.4 GHz Channel,

disconnect the optional channel’s flat-ribbon cable from J7 on A1 Motherboard
Assembly as shown in Figure 3-6.

5 If the Counter contains one of the optional high stability timebase assemblies

(Option 001, 010, 012), disconnect the flat-ribbon cable from J6 of A1
Motherboard as shown in Figure 2-8A (See Chapter 2, “Service.”).

6 If the Counter contains the Option 002 DC Power Input Assembly, remove it.

See the section titled “To Remove A5 DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002)” in
this chapter.

7 Remove the two hex screws (H4), shown in Figure 3-6, on the rear-panel GPIB
connector using the 7-mm spin tight.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 3-9

Chapter 3 Replacing Assemblies
To Remove A1 Motherboard Assembly

H5 H1

J7 H1

H5 A3 1.5/3.0 GHz
Channel Assembly
H1 (Option 015/030)


A1 Motherboard

Figure 3-6. A1 Motherboard Assembly Removal

8 Remove the BNC nuts (H3), shown in Figure 3-6, from the rear of the chassis
using the 14-mm deep-socket spin tight (Opt 015/030 only). Remove knurled nut
for Option 050.

9 Remove the three screws (H1) in A1 Motherboard Assembly as shown in

Figure 3-6.

10 Finally, slide the motherboard assembly forward.

3-10 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 3 Replacing Assemblies
To Remove the A2 Display Board, Keypads, and Window

To Remove the A2 Display Board, Keypads,

and Window
1 Remove the cover.

See the section titled “To Remove the Cover” in this chapter.

2 Remove the front bezel.

See the section titled “To Remove the Front Bezel” in this chapter.

3 Note that A2 Display Board Assembly, shown in Figure 3-7, is held in place by
five tabs (two on top and three on bottom) which are part of the front bezel.

A2 Display Board Assembly

P/O Rubber Keypads (MP6)

Front Bezel (MP4)

BNC Nuts (H3)

(Shown with
Optional Channel 3)

Window (MP5)

P/O Rubber Keypads (MP6)

Figure 3-7. A2 Display Board, Keypad, and Window Removal

Assembly-Level Service Guide 3-11

Chapter 3 Replacing Assemblies
To Remove the A2 Display Board, Keypads, and Window

4 Pull up on the top portion of the front bezel until the top portion of the display
board is free from the top tabs.

5 Pull down on the bottom portion of the front bezel until the display board is free
from the bottom tabs.

If the board is still not free, insert a small flat-blade screw driver or object between
the bottom of the display board and the bezel to gently pry the board loose from the
bottom tabs.

6 Remove A2 Display Assembly from the front bezel.

NOTE When installing A2 Display Board into the front bezel, pull up on the top portion of
the front bezel and press display board into place. Make sure that the board is
positioned all the way into the bezel until the two tabs on top and three on bottom are

7 Now, remove the POWER key cap by gripping and pulling it.

NOTE The cap must be removed to make installation of the A2 Display Board Assembly

8 As shown in Figure 3-7, the rubber keypads (MP6) are now free. Just pull them
out of the bezel.

9 Remove the window (MP5), shown in Figure 3-7, by pressing down on the two
top tabs and sliding the window forward.

3-12 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 3 Replacing Assemblies
To Remove A3 1.5/3.0/5.0/12.4 GHz Channel Assembly (Option

To Remove A3 1.5/3.0/5.0/12.4 GHz Channel

Assembly (Option 015/030/050/124)

NOTE The 1.5 GHz Channel 2 Assembly is available only for the Agilent 53181A
Frequency Counter.

1 Remove the cover.

See the section titled “To Remove the Cover” in this chapter.

2 Using the 14-mm deep-socket spin tight, remove the BNC nut (H3) from the
optional Channel 3 (or Channel 2 for Agilent 53181A) input connector (Options
015/030 only). For Option 050 or 124 remove the knurled nut using a pair of

3 Pull W1, which is the optional channel assembly cable, out of the Channel 3 (or
2) opening in the front panel assembly as shown in Figure 3-8. For the Option

050 or 124, the connector is part of the Option assembly.

CAUTION When reassembling A3 (Option 015/030) Assembly, ensure that cable W1 is not
placed or folded on top of the input circuits of A1 Motherboard Assembly or is tucked
behind A3 as the Counter may start reading or measuring noise.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 3-13

Chapter 3 Replacing Assemblies
To Remove A3 1.5/3.0/5.0/12.4 GHz Channel Assembly (Option

A3 3 GHz
Channel Assembly
(Shown with Option 015/030)




Figure 3-8. Optional Channel Input Assembly Removal

4 Disconnect flat-ribbon cable of the optional channel from connector J7 of A1

Motherboard Assembly as shown in Figure 3-8.

5 Remove the four (two or three for Option 050 or 124) screws (H2) attaching the
optional channel to the chassis as shown in Figure 3-8.

6 Remove the optional channel assembly.

3-14 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 3 Replacing Assemblies
To Remove A4 AC Power Supply Assembly

To Remove A4 AC Power Supply Assembly

1 Remove the cover.

See the section titled “To Remove the Cover” in this chapter.

2 Remove the TORX screw (H1) located in the upper-middle of the chassis using
the TORX 15 screwdriver as shown in Figure 3-9.

A4 AC Power Supply





Figure 3-9. A4 AC Power Supply Assembly Removal

Assembly-Level Service Guide 3-15
Chapter 3 Replacing Assemblies
To Remove A4 AC Power Supply Assembly

3 Remove the two TORX screws (H2) on the rear panel using the TORX 10
screwdriver as shown in Figure 3-9.

4 Lift up A4 AC Power Supply Assembly and disconnect its cable from J18 on A1
Motherboard Assembly to remove the power supply assembly as shown in
Figure 3-9.

NOTE When replacing the power supply, order the rubber foot (0403-0424). Figure 3-10
shows where the rubber foot is located on the defective assembly.

Rubber foot

A4 AC Power
Supply Assembly

Figure 3-10. Location of the Rubber Foot

5 If the Counter contains the Option 002 DC Power Input Assembly, disconnect
A4 AC Power Supply’s other cable from Option 002 as shown in Figure 3-11.

3-16 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 3 Replacing Assemblies
To Remove A5 DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002)

To Remove A5 DC Power Input Assembly

(Option 002)
1 Remove the cover.

See the section titled “To Remove the Cover” in this chapter.

2 Remove the four TORX 10 screws (H2) that attach A5 DC Power Input
Assembly to the side of the chassis as shown in Figure 3-11.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 3-17

Chapter 3 Replacing Assemblies
To Remove A5 DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002)

DC Power Input Assembly
(Option 002)



Figure 3-11. DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002) Removal

3 Lift out A5 DC Power Input Assembly and disconnect cable as shown in

Figure 3-11.

3-18 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 3 Replacing Assemblies
To Remove A6 High Stability Timebase Assembly (Options 001, 010, and

To Remove A6 High Stability Timebase Assembly

(Options 001, 010, and 012)
1 Remove the cover.

See the section titled “To Remove the Cover” in this chapter.

2 Disconnect A6 High Stability Timebase Assembly cable from the J9 connector on

A1 Motherboard Assembly as shown in Figure 3-12.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 3-19

Chapter 3 Replacing Assemblies
To Remove A6 High Stability Timebase Assembly (Options 001, 010, and

A6 High Stability
Timebase Assembly


H2 H2





NS Oven - 23

TIO 0 HS rn
ACL OP 01 ure: rin
g tu
en fig l du
Ov Con ecal t
MS us

50/60 Hz
To R Adj

100 - 120 VAC 50/60/400 Hz

HP y Hol Osc
2 Ta

200 - 240 VAC

60 VA

J9 3

f 10

I In
U Ext
T rm

Figure 3-12. Option 001, 010, and 012 A6 High Stability Timebase
Assembly Removal

3 Disconnect the ac power supply’s two-wire cable from A6 High Stability

Timebase Assembly (if the two-wire cable exists).

4 Remove the three TORX 10 screws (H2) attaching the timebase to the chassis as
shown in Figure 3-12.

5 Remove A6 High Stability Timebase Assembly.

3-20 Assembly-Level Service Guide
Chapter 3 Replacing Assemblies
To Remove the Rear Terminals (Option 060)

To Remove the Rear Terminals (Option 060)

1 Remove the cover.

See the section titled “To Remove the Cover” in this chapter.

2 Unsolder the lead-end of the cables from their appropriate ground and input
pads on the A1 Motherboard Assembly (J16, J17) as shown in Figure 3-13.

For the Agilent 53131A/132A unsolder the rear chassis INPUTS 1 cable to J16 and
INPUTS 2 to J17.

For the Agilent 53181A unsolder the rear chassis INPUTS 1 cable to J17.

NOTE If there are upper or lower shields installed on A1 Motherboard Assembly, cut them
out and then remove Option 060 Rear Terminal cable(s). Replace the front bezel with
the metalized version (53131-40001).

Assembly-Level Service Guide 3-21

Chapter 3 Replacing Assemblies
To Remove the Rear Terminals (Option 060)

H6 from
Option 015/030


H3 Remove from J17

Remove from J16


(Channel 2 for HP53131A/132A
Channel 1 for HP 53181A)

(Channel 1
for HP53131A/132A)

Figure 3-13. Rear Terminals (Option 060) Removal

NOTE Options 050 and 124 (5.0 or 12.4 GHz Input) is front panel only.

3-22 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 3 Replacing Assemblies
To Remove the Rear Terminals (Option 060)

3 Loosen and remove the 2940-0256 BNC nuts (H3) that secure the coaxial cable(s)
to the rear chassis, using the 14-mm deep-socket spin tight.

4 Pull W2 and washers (H6) out of the rear INPUTS opening(s).

5 Pull the connector-end of W1 and washer (H6) out of the rear INPUTS opening.

6 Plug opening (s) with MP9 (6960-0159) if you are not going to re-install Option

Assembly-Level Service Guide 3-23

Chapter 3 Replacing Assemblies
To Remove the Rear Terminals (Option 060)

3-24 Assembly-Level Service Guide


Retrofitting Options
Chapter 4 Retrofitting Options

This chapter provides the following retrofit procedures:

• To Retrofit A3 1.5/3.0/5.0/12.4 GHz Channel Assembly (Option page 4-3

• To Retrofit A5 DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002) page 4-4
• To Retrofit A6 High Stability Timebase Assembly (Options 001, page 4-11
010, and 012)
• To Retrofit the Rear Terminals (Option 060) page 4-14

Tools Required
The following tools are required for these retrofitting procedures:

• Hand TORX®‚ 10 screwdriver (T10)

• Hand TORX®‚ 15 screwdriver (T15)
• 7-mm spin tight
• 14-mm deep-socket spin tight
• Soldering iron—for retrofitting Option 060 Rear Terminals
• Small (1 point) Pozidriv screwdriver—for securing Option 010/012 oven
oscillator to A6 Timebase Support Board

• pliers

Do This First
Before performing any of the retrofit procedures, the following steps must be

1 Turn Counter off.

2 Remove ac line power cord from the rear ac line socket.

4-2 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 4 Retrofitting Options
To Retrofit A3 1.5/3.0/5.0/12.4 GHz Channel Assembly (Option

To Retrofit A3 1.5/3.0/5.0/12.4 GHz Channel

Assembly (Option 015/030/050/124)

NOTE Retrofitting to Option 015 (1.5 GHz), Option 030 (3.0 GHz), Option 050 (5.0 GHz),
and Option 124 (12.4 GHz) must be performed by technicians at an Agilent
Technologies Service Center.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 4-3

Chapter 4 Retrofitting Options
To Retrofit A5 DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002)

To Retrofit A5 DC Power Input Assembly (Option

Option 002 DC Power Input Assembly Parts
Item Agilent Part No. Qty.
• Chassis (MP10) 53131-00010 1
• A5 DC Power Input Assembly 53132-60206 1
• A4 AC Power Supply Assembly 53132-60207 1
• Rear label (MP11) 53131-80039 1
• TORX 10 screws (H2) 0515-0430 4

NOTE Option 002 can NOT be installed or combined with Option 060 Rear Terminals.

Preliminary Procedure
1 Remove the cover.

See the section titled “To Remove the Cover” in Chapter 3 of this guide.

2 Remove the front bezel.

See the section titled “To Remove the Front Bezel” in Chapter 3 of this guide.

3 Remove the existing A4 AC Power Supply Assembly.

4 Remove A1 Motherboard Assembly from chassis MP1.

See the section titled “To Remove A1 Motherboard Assembly” in Chapter 3 of this

4-4 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 4 Retrofitting Options
To Retrofit A5 DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002)

Retrofitting Procedure
1 Slide A1 Motherboard Assembly into the new chassis (MP10) as shown in
Figure 4-1A.

H5 H1




A1 Motherboard

Figure 4-1A. DC Power Input Assembly Retrofitting

2 Insert but do not tighten the three TORX 15 screws (H1) that attach A1
Motherboard Assembly to the new chassis (MP10) as shown in Figure 4-1A.

3 Insert and tighten the three BNC nuts (H3) onto the BNC connectors that
protrude from the rear of the chassis using the 14-mm deep-socket spin tight.

4 Insert and tighten the two hex screws (H4) and the lock washers (H5) onto the
GPIB connector that protrudes from the rear of the chassis using the 7-mm spin

Assembly-Level Service Guide 4-5

Chapter 4 Retrofitting Options
To Retrofit A5 DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002)

5 Now, re-install the front bezel by performing the front bezel removal procedure,
in Chapter 3 of this guide, in reverse. Be sure to insert A2 Display Board’s cable
into connector J6 on A1 Motherboard Assembly.

6 Tighten the three H1 screws, shown in Figure 4-1A, to secure the motherboard to
the chassis.

A4 AC Power Supply





Figure 4-1B. DC Power Input Assembly Retrofitting

4-6 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 4 Retrofitting Options
To Retrofit A5 DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002)

7 To install the new A4 AC Power Supply Assembly (53132-60207), connect the ac

power supply’s shorter cable to connector J18 on A1 Motherboard Assembly as
shown in Figure 4-1B.

8 Insert and tighten the two TORX 10 screws (H2) to attach A4 Power Supply
Assembly to the rear of the chassis as shown in Figure 4-1B.

9 Insert and tighten the TORX 15 screw (H1) into the upper-middle of the chassis
as shown in Figure 4-1B.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 4-7

Chapter 4 Retrofitting Options
To Retrofit A5 DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002)

10 Install A5 DC Power Input Assembly (53132-60206) into the chassis by

performing the following:

a. First, connect the other ac power supply cable to the connector on

A5 printed-circuit board as shown in Figure 4-1C.

DC Power Input Assembly
(Option 002)



Figure 4-1C. DC Power Input Assembly Retrofitting

4-8 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 4 Retrofitting Options
To Retrofit A5 DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002)

b. Position A5 Power Input Assembly against the rear of the chassis and align
it with the two appropriate holes in the rear of the chassis.
c. Using the four TORX 10 screws (H2), secure A5 DC Power Input Assembly
to the side of the chassis (MP10) as shown in Figure 4-1C.
11 To install the rear label (MP11), remove the protective seal from the back of it
and press into place making sure to properly align the label with the holes in the
rear of chassis as shown in Figure 4-1D.






: NS - 23
IO rn-o RS
T g tu
AC OP ure: rin
en nfig du
Ov Co call just

50/60 Hz
MS To Re
001 Oven

100 - 120 VAC 50/60/400 Hz

ld c Ad
HS Ho Os
T 010 en
2 US
AL -32
RN 10

200 - 240 VAC



60 VA

Arm !


Figure 4-1D. DC Power Input Assembly Retrofitting

12 Re-install the cover by performing the cover removal procedure, in Chapter 3 of

this guide, in reverse.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 4-9

Chapter 4 Retrofitting Options
To Retrofit A5 DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002)

13 Note that you will have to assemble your own dc power cable using 18 AWG
connecting wires and a three-pin Agilent E9640A XLR (female) connector plug,
shown in Figure 4-1E.

Cable wires
to this end
dc-supply ( ) 2

chassis dc return (ground)

ground ( )
( )

Figure 4-1E. Three-Pin XLR Plug Pinouts (Front View)

14 From the rear of the XLR plug, connect the external power supply’s supply-side
wire to pin 2 of the XLR plug. Connect the external power supply’s return
(ground) wire to pin 1, and the chassis ground wire to pin 3 of the XLR plug.

15 Observing the correct polarity, attach the other ends of the wires to a dc source

(+10 to +32V dc) to operate the Counter.

This completes the DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002) retrofit procedure.

4-10 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 4 Retrofitting Options
To Retrofit A6 High Stability Timebase Assembly (Options 001, 010, and

To Retrofit A6 High Stability Timebase Assembly

(Options 001, 010, and 012)
Option 001 Medium Stability Timebase Assembly Parts
Item Agilent Part No. Qty.
• A6 Timebase Support Board 53132-60016 1
• Oven Oscillator 1813-0931 1
• TORX 10 screws (H2) 0515-0430 3

010 High Stability Timebase Assembly Parts
Item Agilent Part No. Qty.
• A6 Timebase Support Board 53132-60016 1
• Oven Oscillator 10811-60160 1
• TORX 10 screws (H2) 0515-0430 3
• Pozidriv screws (H7) 2360-0331 2

012 Ultra-High Stability Timebase Assembly Parts
Item Agilent Part No. Qty.
• A6 Timebase Support Board 53132-60016 1
• Oven Oscillator 10811-60260 1

• TORX 10 screws (H2) 0515-0430 3
• Pozidriv screws (H7) 2360-0331 2

These options can be installed or retrofitted in Counters that have firmware revisions 3402 and greater only.
Contact your local Agilent Technologies Service Center for more information.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 4-11

Chapter 4 Retrofitting Options
To Retrofit A6 High Stability Timebase Assembly (Options 001, 010, and

1 Turn off the Counter and remove power cord.

2 Remove the cover.

See the section titled “To Remove the Cover” in Chapter 3 of this guide.

3 If you are retrofitting the Option 010 High Stability or Option 012
Ultra-High Stability assembly, go to step 4 below.

If you are retrofitting the Option 001 Medium Stability Timebase

Assembly: Place the oscillator over the outline area of the circuit board
and note which holes align with the pins on the bottom side of the
oscillator. Use a soldering iron and solder sucker to remove the solder
from those holes. Place the oscillator onto the circuit board, with the pins
extending through the corresponding holes such that the main body of the
oscillator is on the same side as other mounted components. Solder the
oscillator in place. Skip step 4 and go to step 5.

4 Plug the oven oscillator into the socket on A6 Timebase Support

Board, and secure the oven oscillator to A6 using the two Pozidriv
screws (H7) as shown in Figure 4-2.

5 If you are retrofitting the Option 001 Medium Stability Timebase,

remove the jumper cap on P1 of A6 Timebase Support Board as
shown in Figure 4-2.

If you are retrofitting the Option 010 High Stability and Option

012 Ultra-High Stability timebases, DO NOT remove the jumper

cap on P1.

6 Mount A6 High Stability Timebase Assembly on the left side using

three TORX 10 screws (H1) as shown in Figure 4-2.

7 Plug the power supply assembly’s two-wire cable into the

three-prong connector (J2) on the high stability timebase
assembly as shown in Figure 4-2 (if the two-wire cable exists).

4-12 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 4 Retrofitting Options
To Retrofit A6 High Stability Timebase Assembly (Options 001, 010, and

8 Connect A6 High Stability Timebase Assembly cable to connector

J9 on A1 Motherboard Assembly as shown in Figure 4-2.


A6 High Stability
Timebase Assembly P1

Jumper cap


H2 H2

Figure 4-2. High Stability Timebase Retrofitting (Option 001, 010, 012)

9 Re-install the cover by performing the cover removal procedure,

in Chapter 3 of this guide, in reverse.

This completes A6 High Stability Timebase Assembly retrofit procedure.

10 Perform the appropriate timebase calibration procedure as found

on page 2-23 and page 2-24.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 4-13

Chapter 4 Retrofitting Options
To Retrofit the Rear Terminals (Option 060)

To Retrofit the Rear Terminals (Option 060)

Option 060 Rear Terminals Parts
Item Agilent Part No. Qty.
• Coaxial cable assembly (W2) 8120-6150 2
• BNC washer (H6) 2190-0068 2
• BNC nut (H3) 2940-0256 2
1 Remove the cover.

See the section titled “To Remove the Cover” in Chapter 3 of this guide.

2 For retrofitting the Agilent 53131A or Agilent 53132A that do NOT contain the
Optional Channel 3 (Option 030), push out INPUTS plugs 1 and 2 (located on
rear of chassis) as shown in Figure 4-3A.

For retrofitting the Agilent 53131A or Agilent 53132A that contain the Optional
Channel 3 (Option 030), push out INPUTS plugs 1, 2, and 3 (located on rear of
chassis) as shown in Figure 4-3A.

For retrofitting Agilent 53181As that do NOT contain the optional Channel 2
(Option 015/030), push out INPUTS plug 1 (located on rear of chassis) as shown
in Figure 4-3A.

For retrofitting the Agilent 53181As that contain the optional Channel 2, push

out INPUTS plugs 1 and 2 (located on rear of chassis) as shown in Figure 4-3A.
See the following NOTE.

NOTE The Agilent 53131A and 53132A front and rear terminals can be in parallel for inputs
1 and 2. However, the optional Channel 3 input (Option 030) can be configured as
rear terminals only or front terminals only. The optional Channel 3 inputs (Option
050 or 124) can be front terminal only (53131A, 53132A, 53181A).

4-14 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 4 Retrofitting Options
To Retrofit the Rear Terminals (Option 060)

NOTE For the Agilent 53181A, the front and rear terminals can exist for Channel 1.
However, Agilent 53181A’s optional Channel 2 input (Option 015/030) can be
configured as rear terminals only or front terminals only.

NOTE If there are upper or lower shields installed on A1 Motherboard Assembly, cut them
out and replace the front bezel with the metallized version (53131-40001).


Plug (MP9)

Figure 4-3A. Plug Removal for Rear Terminals Retrofitting

3 Remove the end of the optional channel (Option 015/030) coaxial cable (W1) that is
connected to the front-panel and insert it through the appropriate rear INPUTS
opening (3 for Agilent 53131A/132A; 2 for Agilent 53181A) as shown in
Figure 4-3B.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 4-15

Chapter 4 Retrofitting Options
To Retrofit the Rear Terminals (Option 060)

H6 from
Option 015/030



MP9 To J17
To J16

(Channel 2 for HP53131A/132A
Channel 1 for HP 53181A)

(Channel 1
for HP53131A/132A)

Figure 4-3B. Rear Terminals Retrofitting

4-16 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 4 Retrofitting Options
To Retrofit the Rear Terminals (Option 060)

4 Insert the connector-end of the W1, with the washers (H6) in place on the
connector, through the appropriate rear INPUTS opening.

5 Insert and tighten the BNC nuts (H3) to secure the coaxial cables to the rear of
the chassis.

6 Solder the lead-end of the cables to their appropriate ground and input pads on
A1 Motherboard Assembly (J16, J17)

For the Agilent 53131A/132A solder the rear chassis INPUTS 1 cable to J16 and
INPUTS 2 to J17. (See Figure 4-3B.)

For the Agilent 53181A solder the rear chassis INPUTS 1 cable to J17.
(See Figure 4-3B.)

7 Re-install the cover by performing the cover removal procedure, in Chapter 3 of

this guide, in reverse.

This completes the Rear Terminals (Option 060) retrofit procedures.

NOTE When using the front terminals of Inputs 1 and 2, the rear terminals should be
terminated with a 50-ohm load (such as part number 1250-0207). When using the rear
terminals, these loads should be placed on the front terminals, or the 50-ohm input
button selected (but not both).

Assembly-Level Service Guide 4-17

Chapter 4 Retrofitting Options
To Retrofit the Rear Terminals (Option 060)

4-18 Assembly-Level Service Guide


Replaceable Parts
Chapter 5 Replaceable Parts

This chapter contains information for ordering parts. Table 5-1 lists the exchange
assemblies. Table 5-2 lists reference designations used in the parts list and throughout
the guide, and Table 5-3 lists all replaceable assemblies and parts for the Agilent
53131A/132A/181A Counter. Table 5-4 is a list of manufacturer’s code numbers
given in the parts list (Table 5-3). It contains the names and addresses corresponding
to the code number of the manufacturer. Figure 5-1 is an exploded view of the
Agilent 53131A/132A/181A.

Exchange Assemblies
Table 5-1 lists assemblies within the Agilent 53131A/132A/181A that may be
replaced on an exchange basis. Factory repaired and tested exchange assemblies are
available only on a trade-in basis. Defective assemblies must be returned for credit.
(Note that the part numbers for the new and exchange assemblies are also listed in
Table 5-3.)

Table 5-1. Exchange Assemblies

Assembly Name Agilent Part No. Exchange Part No.*

A1 Motherboard (Agilent 53131A) 53131-60004 53131-69004
A1 Motherboard (Agilent 53132A) 53132-60014 53132-69014
A1 Motherboard (Agilent 53181A) 53181-60004 53181-69004
A3 Channel 3 Input Board
Option 015, 1.5 GHz n/a 53132-60003
Option 030, 3 GHz n/a 53132-60003
Option 050, 5 GHz n/a 53132-69211
Option 124, 12.4 GHz n/a 53132-69212
A6 High Stability Oven Timebase (Option 010) 10811-60160 10811-69160

A6 Ultra-High Stability Oven Timebase (Option 012) 10811-60260 10811-69260

* Exchange part availability subject to change without notice. Contact your local Agilent Technologies Sales Office for current

5-2 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 5 Replaceable Parts
Reference Designations

Reference Designations
Table 5-2 lists the reference designations used in the parts lists, block diagrams, and
throughout the guide.

Replaceable Parts
Table 5-3 is a list of replaceable parts and is organized as follows:

Electrical assemblies in alphanumerical order by reference designation.

1. Electrical assemblies in alphanumerical order by reference designation.

2. Chassis-mounted electrical parts in alphanumerical order by reference
3. Chassis-mounted mechanical parts in alphanumerical order by reference
The information given for each part consists of the following:

1. Reference designation.
2. Agilent Technologies part number.
3. Part number check digit (CD).
4. Total quantity (QTY) in instrument. The total quantity is given once and at the
first appearance of the part number in the list.
5. Description of the part.
6. Typical manufacturer's part number for the part.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 5-3

Chapter 5 Replaceable Parts
How To Order A Part

How To Order A Part

Agilent Technologies wants to keep your parts ordering process as simple and
efficient as possible. To order parts perform the following steps:

1 Identify the part and the quantity you want.

2 Determine the ordering method to be used and contact Agilent Technologies.

Parts Identification
To identify the part(s) you want, first refer to the exploded view in Figure 5-1 at the
back of this chapter or Figure 2-8A and Figure 2-8B in Chapter 2, “Service.”

When ordering from Agilent Technologies, the important numbers to note from the
Parts List are the Agilent Part Number and part-number check digit (in the “CD”
column), and the quantity of the part you want.

If the part you want is NOT identified in the guide, you can call on Agilent
Technologies for help (see the following section titled “Contacting Agilent
Technologies”). Please have the following information at hand when you contact
Agilent Technologies for help:

• Instrument Model Number (example, “Agilent 53131A”).

• Complete instrument Serial Number (example, “1234A56789”). Information
about where to find the serial number is given in the preface of this guide in the
section titled “How to Use This Guide.”
• Description of the part and its use.
• Quantity of the part required.

5-4 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 5 Replaceable Parts
How To Order A Part

Contacting Agilent Technologies

Depending on where you are in the world, there are one or more ways in which you
can get parts or parts information from Agilent Technologies.

• Outside the United States, contact your local Agilent Technologies sales office.
• Within the United States, we encourage you to order replacement parts or request
parts information directly by telephone or mail from the Agilent Support
Materials Organization, using the telephone numbers or address listed on the next
page. (You can also contact your local Agilent Technologies sales office. Agilent
Technologies sales offices are listed at the back of this package.)
By telephone:
– For Parts Ordering use our toll-free number, (800) 227-8164, Monday
through Friday (except Holidays), 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Pacific Time).
If you need a part in a hurry, an extra-cost Hotline phone ordering service is
available 24 hours a day. Use the toll-free number above at the times
indicated; at other times, use (916) 785-8460.
– For Parts Identification Assistance, call us at (916) 783-0804
Our Parts Identification hours are from Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. to
5 p.m. (Pacific Time).
For mail correspondence, use the address below:
Agilent Technologies
Support Materials Roseville
P. O. Box 1145
Roseville, CA 95661-1145

Assembly-Level Service Guide 5-5

Chapter 5 Replaceable Parts
Cabinet Parts and Hardware

Cabinet Parts and Hardware

To locate and identify miscellaneous cabinet and chassis parts and instrument
hardware, refer to Figure 2-8A, Figure 2-8B, and Figure 5-1. These figures provide
different views of the instrument, with the parts identified by reference designations;
the reference designations correspond with the ones in Table 5-3.

Table 5-2. Reference Designation

A = assembly P/O= part of

H = hardware S = switch
J = electrical connector T = transformer
(stationary portion); jack TP = test point
MP = miscellaneous mechanical part U = integrated circuit; microcircuit
P = electrical connector W = cable; transmission path; wire
(movable portion); plug

5-6 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 5 Replaceable Parts
Cabinet Parts and Hardware

Table 5-3. Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Replaceable Parts

Reference Agilent Part C Qty Description Mfr Mfr Part Number
Designation Number D Code
A1 (Agilent 53131A) 53131-60004 2 1 MOTHERBOARD 28480 53131-60004
53131-69004 0 1 MOTHERBOARD (EXCHANGE RESTORED) 28480 53131-69004
A1 (Agilent 53132A) 53132-60014 8 1 MOTHERBOARD 28480 53132-60014
53132-69014 6 1 MOTHERBOARD (EXCHANGE RESTORED) 28480 53132-69014

A1 (Agilent 53181A) 53181-60004 2 1 MOTHERBOARD 28480 53181-60004

53181-69004 0 1 MOTHERBOARD (EXCHANGE RESTORED) 28480 53181-69004

A3 (Agilent 53181) 53132-60003 5 1 OPTION 015, 1.5 GHz INPUT BOARD (RESTORED) 28480 53132-60003
A3 53132-60003 3 1 OPTION 030, 3 GHz INPUT BOARD (RESTORED) 28480 53132-60003
A3 53132-69211 1 OPTION 050, 5 GHz INPUT BOARD (RESTORED) 28480 53132-69211
A3 53132-69212 1 OPTION 124, 12.4 GHz INPUT BOARD (RESTORD) 28480 53132-69212

A2 53131-60002 3 1 DISPLAY BOARD 28480 53131-60002

A4 (Standard) 0950-2496 7 1 AC POWER SUPPLY (STANDARD) 28480 0950-2496

A4 (Option 002) 53132-60207 1 1 OPTIONAL AC POWER SUPPLY (002) 28480 53132-60207
A4 (Option 010/012) 53132-60208 2 1 OPTIONAL AC POWER SUPPLY (010 OR 012) 28480 53132-60208

A5 (Option 002) 53132-60206 0 1 OPTIONAL DC POWER SUPPLY (002) 28480 53132-60206

H3 2940-0256 4 2 NUT-BNC 00000 ORDER BY DESCRIPTION

MP1 53131-00001 6 1 CHASSIS 28480 53131-00001

MP1 (Option 002) 53131-00010 6 1 CHASSIS, OPTION 002 28480 53131-00010
MP2 34401-86010 1 FRONT/REAR RUBBER BUMPER KIT 28480 34401-86010
p/o MP2 34401-86011 1 FRONT RUBBER BUMPER 28480 34401-86011
p/o MP2 34401-86012 1 REAR RUBBER BUMPER 28480 34401-86012
MP3 53131-00012 9 1 COVER 28480 53131-00012
MP4 53131-40009 8 1 FRONT BEZEL 28480 53131-40009
MP5 (Agilent 53131A) 53131-40015 6 1 WINDOW FOR Agilent 53131A 28480 53131-40015
MP5 (Agilent 53132A) 53132-40003 3 1 WINDOW FOR Agilent 53132A 28480 53132-40003
MP5 (Agilent 53181A) 53181-40013 4 1 WINDOW FOR Agilent 53181A 28480 53181-40013

MP6 53131-40010 1 KEYPADS FOR Agilent 53131/132A 28480 53131-40010

(Agilent 53131A/132A)
MP6 (Agilent 53181A) 53181-40012 3 KEYPADS FOR Agilent 53181A 28480 53181-40012

MP7 34401-45011 1 HANDLE 28480 34401-45011

MP8 53131-80038 7 1 REAR LABEL 28480 53131-80038
MP9 6960-0167 2 3 PLUG, HOLE 0.5-IN DIA 28480 6960-0167
0403-0424 8 1 RUBBER FOOT, BLACK 76381 SJ-5023
5041-0564 4 1 CAP 28480 5041-0564

Assembly-Level Service Guide 5-7

Chapter 5 Replaceable Parts
Cabinet Parts and Hardware

Table 5-3. Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Replaceable Parts (continued)

Reference Agilent Part C Qty Description Mfr Mfr Part Number
Designation Number D Code
34401-88304 3 1 REAR PLASTIC BEZEL 28480 34401-88304


A6 53132-60008 0 1 TIMEBASE SUPPORT BOARD 28480 53131-60008
1813-0931 2 1 OSCILLATOR-OVEN 28480 1813-0931


A5 53132-60206 0 1 DC POWER INPUT ASSY 28480 53132-60206
MP10 53131-00010 7 1 CHASSIS FOR OPT 002 28480 53131-00010
MP11 53131-80039 8 1 REAR LABEL 28480 53131-80039
E9640A 6 1 XLR 3-11 CONNECTOR 05276 5109 3-11


A6 53132-60016 3 OSCILLATOR SUPPORT BOARD 28480 53132-60016
10811-60160 1 OSCILLATOR-OVEN 28480 10811-60160
H7 2360-0331 6 1 SCREW-MACH POZIDR 6-32 0.25-IN-LG 00000 ORDER BY DESCRIPTION


A6 53132-60016 3 OSCILLATOR SUPPORT BOARD 28480 53132-60008
10811-60260 1 OSCILLATOR-OVEN 28480 10811-60211
H7 2360-0331 6 1 SCREW-MACH POZIDR 6-32 0.25-IN-LG 00000 ORDER BY DESCRIPTION


A3 Exchange only 1 1.5 GHz CHANNEL ASSY 28480
8120-6142 7 1 CABLE-COAXIAL INPUT 28480 8120-6142
MP5 (Agilent 53181A 53181-40015 6 1 WINDOW, 1.5 GHz, FOR Agilent 53181A ONLY 28480 53181-40015


A3 53132-60003 1 3.0 GHz CHANNEL ASSY 28480
W1 8120-6142 7 1 CABLE-COAXIAL INPUT 28480 8120-6142
MP5 (Agilent 53181A 53181-40014 5 1 WINDOW, 3.0 GHz, FOR Agilent 53181A ONLY 28480 53131-40014


A3 Exchange only 1 5.0 GHz CHANNEL ASSY 28480
MP4 53131-40016 1 FRONT PANEL, OPT 050 28480 53131-40016
0590-0505 1 1 KNURLED NUT 28480 0590-0505

MP5 (Agilent 53181A 53181-40017 8 1 WINDOW, 5 GHz, FOR Agilent 53181A ONLY 28480 53181-40017
MP2 53131-40014 5 1 BEZEL 28480 53131-40014

5-8 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 5 Replaceable Parts
Cabinet Parts and Hardware



(Option 002)


(MP11 for Option 002)

A2 A6
(Option 001,
010, or 012)


(MP10 for Option 002)
(HP 53181A only)


Figure 5-1. Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Exploded View (Chassis Parts and


Assembly-Level Service Guide 5-9

Chapter 5 Replaceable Parts
Cabinet Parts and Hardware

Table 5-3. Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Replaceable Parts (Continued)

Reference Agilent C Qty Description Mfr Mfr Part Number
Designation Part D Code


W2 8120-6150 7 2 CABLE-COAXIAL ASSY (Only one is needed for the 28480 8120-06150
Agilent 53131A)
H3 2940-0256 4 2 NUT-BNC (Only one is needed for 53181A) 00000 ORDER BY DESCRIPTION


A3 Exchange only 1 12.4 GHz CHANNEL 3 ASSY 28480
MP4 53131-40008 1 FRONT PANEL, OPT 124 28480 53131-40008
MP5 (Agilent 53181A 53181-40009 1 WINDOW, 12.4 GHz, FOR Agilent 53181A ONLY) 28480 53181-40009
H6 0590-0505 1 NUT-KNURLED 28480 0590-0505
MP2 53131-40014 1 BEZEL 28480 53131-40014

Table 5-4. Manufacturer’s Code List.

Mfr Code Manufacturer Name Address Zip Code

76381 3M CO ST PAUL MN 55144

5-10 Assembly-Level Service Guide


Manual Changes
Chapter 6 Backdating

This chapter contains information necessary to adapt this guide to apply to older

The backdating information includes the following:

• Backdating Hardware page 6-3

• Backdating Firmware page 6-8
• Backdating Specifications page 6-16

Manual Changes
This guide applies directly to Counters with the following serial prefixes listed in
Table 6-1.

Table 6-1. Instrument this Guide Directly Applies To

Instrument Serial Prefix Number

Agilent 53131A Universal Counter 3711
Agilent 53132A Universal Counter 3710
Agilent 53181A Frequency Counter 3711

As engineering changes are made, newer instruments may have higher serial prefix
numbers than the one shown on the title page of this guide. The guides for these
instruments will be supplied with “Manual Updating Changes” package containing
the required information. Replace the affected pages or modify existing guide
information as directed in the pages of the Manual Updating Changes package.
Contact the nearest Agilent Technologies Sales and Support Office.

Older Instruments
To adapt this guide to older Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Counters having a serial
prefix lower than 3711, perform the backdating provided in the following sections.

6-2 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 6 Backdating
Backdating Hardware

Backdating Hardware
CHANGE 1 (Below Series Prefix 3711A)

Page 2-40, Table 2-1. Agilent 53131A Assembly Identification:

Change A1 Motherboard part number from 53131-60004 to 53131-60001.

Page 2-42, Table 2-1. Agilent 53181A Assembly Identification:

Change A1 Motherboard part number from 53181-60004 to 53181-60001.

Page 5-7, Table 5-3. Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Replaceable Parts:

53131A—Change A1 Motherboard part number from 53131-60004 to


53181A—Change A1 Motherboard part number from 53181-60004 to 53181-


CHANGE 2 (New A3 5/12.4 GHz Prescaler Assembly)

Page 2-40/Page 2-42, Table 2-1/Table 2-3. Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Assembly

Change A3 Channel 3 Input Board (Option 050) part number from 53132-60212
to 53132-60211; exchange part numbers change from 53132-69212 to 53132-

Page 5-7, Table 5-3. Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Replaceable Parts:

Change A3 Channel 3 Input Board (Option 050) part number from 53132-60212
to 53132-60211; exchange part numbers change from 53132-69212 to 53132-

Assembly-Level Service Guide 6-3

Chapter 6 Backdating
Backdating Hardware

CHANGE 3 (New TCXO boards)

Page 2-47. Troubleshooting the Counter

Add the following as step 4a:


4a If the Counter under test contains Option 010 or 012 High Stability Timebase,
perform the following:

a. Disconnect the power supply’s two-wire cable from J2 of A6 High Stability

Timebase Assembly as shown in Figure 2-10.

High Stability -9V (Wht)
Timebase (Gray)

AC Power Supply



1-A US L

NS en - 23
E FOR PE Ov -on.RS
TIO 0 HS g tu
AC OPen 01 ure: rin
nfig du
Ov Co call just
50/60 Hz

MS To Re
100 - 120 VAC 50/60/400 Hz

ld c Ad
-IB Ho Os
2 Ta
200 - 240 VAC

60 VA

3 ut
I In
U Ext
T rm

Figure 2-10. A4 AC Power Supply -9V Output Check (Option 010/012


6-4 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 6 Backdating
Backdating Hardware

b. Connect the negative lead of a voltmeter to the white wire connection (GND)
on the connector of the two-wire cable, and connect the positive lead to the
gray wire connection (−9V) as shown in Figure 2-10.
Verify a reading of −9.0 ± 0.45 V.

Page 5-7, Table 5-3. Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Replaceable Parts:

Change A6 Options 001, 010, and 012 Timebase Support Board from 53132-
60016 to 53132-60008.

Change A6 Option 010 Oscillator-Oven from 10811-60160 to 10811-60111.

Change A6 Option 012 Oscillator-Oven from 10811-60260 to 10811-60211.

CHANGE 4 (Series 3710A to 3705A)

53132A Only (Firmware Revision 3646A to 3546A)

Page 2-41, Table 2-1. Agilent 53132A Assembly Identification:

Change A1 Motherboard part number from 53132-60014 to 53132-60001.

Page 5-7, Table 5-3. Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Replaceable Parts:

Change A1 Motherboard (53132A) part number from 53132-60014 to 53132-


Assembly-Level Service Guide 6-5

Chapter 6 Backdating
Backdating Hardware

CHANGE 5 (Series 3705A to 3546A, 3548A)

Chassis color change only.

:Page 5-7/Page 5-10, Table 5-3. Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Replaceable Parts:


Reference Designator/ Series 3546A (53131A/132A)

Description Series 3705A Series 3548A (53181A)

MP2 Bumper/Cover Kit 34401-86010 34401-86000

MP3 Cover 53131-00012 53131-00002

MP4 Front Bezel (53131/132A) 53131-40009 53131-40001

MP4 Front Bezel (53181A) 53181-40011 53181-40001

MP5 Window (53131A) 53131-40015 53131-40002

MP5 Window (53132A) 53132-40003 53132-40001
MP5 Window (53181A) 53181-40013 53181-40003

MP6 Keypad 53131-40010 53131-40003

MP7 Handle 34401-45011 34401-45001

MP8 Rear Label 53131-80038 53131-80002

Kit-Rack Mount 5063-9240 5062-3972

Option 002
MP10 Option 002 Rear Label 53131-80039 53131-80013

Option 015
MP5 Window 1.5 GHz (53181A) 53181-40015 53181-40005

Option 030
MP5 Window, 3.0 GHz (53181A) 53181-40014 53181-40004

Option 050
Front Panel, 5 GHz (53131/132A) 53131-40012 53131-40006

Front Panel, 5 GHz (53181A) 53181-40016 53181-40006

MP5 Window, 5 GHz (53181A) 53181-40017 53181-40007

CHANGE 6 (Below Series Prefix 3416A)

This change deleted three unnecessary connectors from the A1 (53131-60001)

6-6 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 6 Backdating
Backdating Hardware

CHANGE 7 (Below Serial Number 3349A01906)

Page 5-7, Table 5-3. Replaceable Parts, under A1 (for the Agilent 53131A):

Add 53131-00004; 9; 1; SHIELD UPPER; 28480; 53131-00004

Add 53131-00005; 0; 1; SHIELD LOWER; 28480; 53131-00005

Add 53131-00008; 3; 1; SHIELD CHASSIS; 28480; 53131-00008

Add 53131-00009; 4: 1; GROUND CONNECTION 28480; 53131-00009

Change A4 (Standard) Agilent Part Number from 0950-2496 to 0950-2139.

Note: A4 AC Power Supply Assembly 0950-2496 allows 400 Hz operation from


These shields were needed to reduce susceptibility to EMI. However, the shields are
not needed on A1 Motherboard Assembly if the metalized front bezel is used in the
Counter. Thus, when you order a new A1 Motherboard Assembly (53131-60001,
same part number as the old A1) for your Agilent 53131A Counter, you need to
order a new metalized front bezel (53131-40003, same part number of the old non-
metalized front bezel).

CHANGE 8 (Below Serial Prefix 3404A)

Page 5-7, Table 5-3. Replaceable Parts:

Change, under OPTION 001, A6 Agilent Part Number from 53132-60008 to


Change, under OPTION 001, 1812-0931; OSCILLATOR-OVEN; to 1812-0932;


Change, under OPTION 010, A6 Agilent Part Number from 53132-60008 to


Change, under OPTION 010, 10811-60111; OSCILLATOR-OVEN; to BLILEY


Assembly-Level Service Guide 6-7

Chapter 6 Backdating
Backdating Firmware

Backdating Firmware
CHANGE 1 (Firmware Revisions 3317, 3335, 3402, 3427)

(Note: firmware revision 3413 added the new security menu item and the new
Calibration Menu to the Agilent 53131A Counter.)

(Note: firmware revision 3427 was set up to work with the new FPGA [Xilinx
3042A]; and shortens TI delay from 1 ms to 100ms. This revision is backward

Page 2-6 thru Page 2-15 (“About the Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Menu,” and
“The Agilent 53131A/132A Calibration Procedures” sections).

Replace with the following calibration information and procedures:

About the Agilent 53131A Calibration Menu

POWER The Utility menu is accessed by holding the Recall key and cycling POWER key.

Utility The Utility menu’s calibration items, illustrated on the following page, provide you
Utility Menu:
Hold at power up
with the functions to:

• initiate the Counter’s calibration routines, which can perform automatic

calibration of the voltage offset and gain of the front-end input amplifiers, and
optional timebase
(CAL: OFFS 1 / 2 ?, GAIN 1 / 2 ?, TIMEBAS ?, and TI 1Æ2?).

6-8 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 6 Backdating
About the Agilent 53131A Calibration Menu

CHANGE 1 (Firmware Revisions 3317, 3335, 3402, 3427) (Continued)

The Agilent 53131A Utility/Calibration Menu Tree

NOTE Turn power off, press and hold Recall (Utility) key, then press POWER key to access
this menu.

POWER Utility

On / Stby

HP-IB: 3 TEST: ALL? BAUD: 9600

CAL:TI 1 2?
SHOW 9 AS: 9,0

Timebase can be automatically calibrated only if the timebase option is installed.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 6-9

Chapter 6 Backdating
The Agilent 53131A Calibration Procedures

CHANGE 1 (Firmware Revisions 3317, 3335, 3402, 3427) (Continued)

The Agilent 53131A Calibration Procedures


To Calibrate the Offset for Channels 1 and 2

1 To access the Utility menu, power down, and press and hold the Recall (Utility)
key, then press POWER key.

2 Press Recall (Utility) key until CAL: OFFS 1 ? is displayed.

3 Press Enter key.

The display will ask you to remove any signals connected to Channel 1. Follow the

4 Press Enter key.

The Counter momentarily displays CALIBRATING, and then it should display


If the fail message is displayed, refer to the troubleshooting section in this chapter.

5 To calibrate Channel 2, press any one of the arrow keys until CAL: OFFS 2 ? is

6 Press Enter key.

The display will ask you to remove any signals connected to Channel 2. Follow the

7 Press Enter key.

The Counter momentarily displays CALIBRATING, and then it should display


If the fail message is displayed, refer to the troubleshooting section in this chapter.

This completes the Offset Calibration procedure. Proceed to the next procedure to
calibrate the gain.

6-10 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 6 Backdating
The Agilent 53131A Calibration Procedures

CHANGE 1 (Firmware Revisions 3317, 3335, 3402, 3427) (Continued)

To Calibrate the Gain for Channels 1 and 2

Press any one of the arrow keys until CAL: GAIN 1 ? is displayed.


2 Press Enter key.

A scrolling message is displayed. Follow the instruction by performing the following


3 Connect a BNC tee connector to Channel 1 of the Counter.

4 Connect the Counter, dc power supply, and multimeter as shown in Figure 2-1.

HP 53131A
DC Power Supply Counter Digital Multimeter

+ - -


Figure 2-1. Gain Calibration Setup

5 Adjust the power supply until the multimeter displays + 5.000 V ± 0.001 V.

6 Disconnect the digital multimeter from the Counter to prevent noise from being
introduced into the measurement.

7 Press Enter key.

The Counter momentarily displays CALIBRATING, and then it should display GAIN

If the fail message is displayed, refer to the troubleshooting section in this chapter.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 6-11

Chapter 6 Backdating
The Agilent 53131A Calibration Procedures

CHANGE 1 (Firmware Revisions 3317, 3335, 3402, 3427) (Continued)

8 To calibrate the gain for Channel 2, connect the input or the BNC Tee to
Channel 2 of the Counter.

9 Press any one of the arrow keys until CAL: GAIN 2 ? is displayed.

10 Press Enter key.

A scrolling message is displayed. (The +5V dc supply should already be connected to

Channel 2 as you were previously instructed to do this in step 8.)

11 Press Enter key again.

The Counter momentarily displays CALIBRATING, and then it should display GAIN

If the fail message is displayed, refer to the troubleshooting section in this chapter.

12 Disconnect the calibration setup.

This completes the Gain Calibration procedure. Proceed to the next procedure to
calibrate the time interval.

To Calibrate Time Interval

1 Press any one of the arrow keys until CAL: TI Æ 2? is displayed.

2 Press Enter key.

A scrolling message with instructions appears. Follow the instruction by performing

the following procedure.

3 Connect the Agilent 8130A Pulse Generator output to Channel 1 of the Counter
as shown in Figure 2-3.

6-12 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 6 Backdating
The Agilent 53131A Calibration Procedures

CHANGE 1 (Firmware Revisions 3317, 3335, 3402, 3427) (Continued)

Agilent 8130A Pulse Generator (or equivalent)

Agilent 10503A BNC Cable

HP 8130A
HP53131A Pulse Generator

Channel 1 Output

Figure 2-3. TI Calibration Setup

4 Set the Agilent 8130A as follows:

PERIOD: 100 ns
WIDTH: 50 ns
High: 0.50 VLow : −0.50 V
Input Mode: Normal

NOTE Any external timebase connected to the Counter is ignored during this calibration.

5 Press Enter key.

The Counter displays CALIBRATING, and then it should display TI CAL PASS.
If the fail message is displayed, refer to the troubleshooting section in this chapter.
CHANGE 1 (Firmware Revisions 3317, 3335, 3402, 3427) (Continued)
6 Disconnect the calibration setup.

This completes the TI QUIK? calibration procedures.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 6-13

Chapter 6 Backdating
The Agilent 53131A Calibration Procedures

Depending on which timebase the Counter contains, proceed to the following

procedure “To Calibrate the Standard Timebase” or the “To Calibrate the High
Stability Timebase Option (Medium or High)” procedure to calibrate the timebase.

To Calibrate the Standard Timebase

1 Connect the output of a 10 MHz house standard to Channel 1 of the Counter as
shown in Figure 2-4.

House Standard
10 MHz Reference
HP 53131A

Channel 1

Figure 2-4. Standard Timebase Calibration Setup

2 Cycle the POWER key to preset the Counter.

3 With an insulated tuning tool, turn the OSC Adjust potentiometer (located on the
rear chassis of the Counter) until the frequency reading in the Counter display is
10.00000000 MHz ± 5 Hz.

The Counter will be calibrated to the house standard.

If you are not able to adjust the frequency correctly, refer to the troubleshooting
section in this chapter.

This completes the Standard Timebase Calibration procedure.

6-14 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 6 Backdating
The Agilent 53131A Calibration Procedures

CHANGE 1 (Firmware Revisions 3317, 3335, 3402, 3427) (Continued)

To Calibrate the High Stability Timebase Option (Medium or


NOTE Allow the Counter to warm up for approximately 30 minutes before performing
this calibration. This calibration is unlikely to fail, unless the Counter is not warmed

1 Connect the output of a 10 MHz house standard to Channel 1 of the Counter as

shown in Figure 2-4.

2 Press any one of the arrow keys until CAL: TIMEBAS? is displayed.

Note that the timebase choice (CAL: TIMEBAS?) only appears when the Timebase
Option is installed.

3 Press Enter key and follow the instructions in the scrolling message that appears
in the Counter display.

4 Press Enter key after each instruction.

The Counter displays CALIBRATING, and then it should display TB CAL PASS.

If the fail message is displayed (even after the Counter has been warmed up for 30
minutes), refer to the troubleshooting section in this chapter.

This completes the High Stability Timebase Option Calibration procedure.

If all tests passed, the Counter is now calibrated.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 6-15

Chapter 6 Backdating
Backdating Specifications

Backdating Specifications
CHANGE 1 (53131A, Serial Prefix 3710A and Below)

Page 7-3, External Arm Input Specifications:

Change the Signal Input Range specification

TTL Compatible
High-Level Input: >3.0 V
Low-Level Input: <1.5 V

CHANGE 2 (53132A, Serial Prefix 3546A and Below)

Page 7-3, External Arm Input Specifications:

Change the Signal Input Range specification

TTL Compatible
High-Level Input: >3.0 V
Low-Level Input: <1.5 V

6-16 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 6 Backdating
Backdating Specifications

CHANGE 3 (53181A, Serial Prefix 3711A02841 and Below)

Page 8-3, External Arm Input Specifications:

Change the Signal Input Range specification

TTL Compatible
High-Level Input: >3.0 V
Low-Level Input: <1.5 V

Assembly-Level Service Guide 6-17

Chapter 6 Backdating
Backdating Specifications

6-18 Assembly-Level Service Guide


Agilent 53131A/132A Specifications

Chapter 7 Agilent 53131A/132A Specifications

The specifications of the Agilent 53131A/132A Universal Counter are provided in
this chapter.

Instrument Inputs
Channel 1 & 2 Input Specifications1 Channel 1 & 2 Input Characteristics1
Frequency Range Impedance: 1 MΩ or 50 Ω
DC Coupled: DC to 225 MHz 1 MΩ Capacitance: 30 pF
AC Coupled: 1 MHz to 225 MHz (50 Ω) Coupling: AC or DC
30 Hz to 225 MHz (1 MΩ) Low-Pass Filter: 100 kHz (or disabled)
–20 dB at > 1 MHz

FM Tolerance: 25%
Voltage Range and Sensitivity (Sinusoid)2 Input Sensitivity: Selectable between
Low, Medium, or High (default).
DC to 100 MHz: 20 mVrms to ±5 V ac + dc Low is approximately
(75 mVrms with optional rear connectors)3 2x High Sensitivity.
100 MHz to 200 MHz: 30 mVrms to ±5 V ac + dc
(75 mVrms with optional rear connectors)3
200 MHz to 225 MHz: 40 mVrms to ±5 V ac + dc
(75 mVrms with optional rear connectors)3
Voltage Range and Sensitivity (Single-Shot Pulse)2
4.5 ns to 10 ns Pulse Width: 100 mVpp to 10 Vpp
(150 mVpp with optional rear connectors) 3
>10 ns Pulse Width: 50 mVpp to 10 Vpp
(100 mVpp with optional rear connectors) 3
Trigger Level 2 Trigger Slope: Positive or Negative
Range: ±5.125 V Auto Trigger Level
Accuracy: ±(15 mV + 1% of trigger level) Range: 0 to 100% in 10% steps
Resolution: 5 mV Frequency: > 100 Hz
Damage Level Input Amplitude: > 100 mVpp
50 Ω: 5 Vrms (No amplitude modulation)
0 to 3.5 kHz, 1 MΩ: 350 V dc + ac pk Attenuator
3.5 kHz to 100 kHz, 1 MΩ: 350 V dc + ac pk linearly derated to 5 Vrms Voltage Range: x10
>100 kHz, 1 MΩ: 5 Vrms Trigger Range: x10
1 MΩ
350 Vdc + acpk

5 Vrms

0 Hz 3.5 KHz 100 KHz

Specifications and Characteristics for Channels 1 and 2 are identical for both Common and Separate configurations.
Values shown are for X1 attenuator setting. Multiply all values by 10 (nominal) when using the X10 attenuator setting. Note that it may be
necessary to recalibrate the input offset in the application environment (especially at high temperature) to achieve maximum sensitivity.
When ordered with optional rear terminals, the Channel 1 and 2 inputs are active on both the front and rear of the universal counter though the
specifications provided only apply to the rear terminals. Performance for the front terminals is degraded, but may be improved by terminating
the rear terminals into 50 Ω.

7-2 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 7 Agilent 53131A/132A Specifications
Instrument Inputs (Continued)

Instrument Inputs (Continued)

Channel 3 Input Specifications4, 5 Channel 3 Input Characteristics
Frequency Range Impedance: 50 Ω
Option 030 100 MHz to 3 GHz Coupling: AC
Option 050 200MHz to 5 GHz VSWR: < 2.5:1
Option 124 200 MHz to 12.4 GHz
Power Range and Sensitivity (Sinusoid)
Option 030
100 MHz to 2.7 GHz: –27 dBm to +19 dBm
2.7 GHz to 3 GHz: –21 dBm to +13 dBm
Option 050
200MHz to 5 GHz: –23 dBm to +13 dBm
Option 124

200 MHz to 12.4 GHz –23 dBm to +13 dBm
Damage Level:
Option 030 5 Vrms
Option 050 +25 dBm
Option 124 +25 dBm

External Arm Input Specifications External Arm Input Characteristics

Signal Input Range: Impedance: 1 kΩ
TTL compatible Input Capacitance: 17 pF
Start Slope: Positive or Negative
Timing Restrictions: Stop Slope: Positive or Negative
Pulse Width: > 50 ns
Transition Time: < 250 ns Notes:
Start-to-Stop Time: > 50 ns External Arm is available for all measurements except Peak Volts.
Damage Level: 10 Vrms
External Arm is referred to as External Gate for some
Channel 3 is available as an option.
When ordered with optional rear terminals, the Channel 3 connector on the front panel for Option 030 will be routed to the rear panel (rear
panel only). There is no degradation in specifications for this input. Option 050 and Option 124 input connectors are available on the front
panel only.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 7-3

Chapter 7 Agilent 53131A/132A Specifications
Time Base

Time Base
Internal Time Base Stability

Standard Medium Stability High Stability Oven Ultra High Stability

(0° to 50° C) Oven (Option 001) (Option 010) Oven (Option 012)
Temperature Stability:
(referenced to 25°C) < 5 x 10–6 < 2 x 10–7 < 2.5 x 10–9 < 2.5 x 10–9

Aging Rate Per Day: < 4 x 10–8 < 5 x 10–10 < 1 x 10–10
(after 30 days) Per Month: < 3 x 10–7 < 2 x 10–7 < 1.5 x 10–8 < 3 x 10–9
Per Year: < 2 x 10–8
Turn-on stability vs. time: < 2 x 10–7 < 5 x 10 –9 < 5 x 10 –9

(in 30 minutes) (referenced to 2 hours) (referenced to 24 hours) (referenced to 24 hours)

Calibration: Manual Adjust Electronic Electronic Electronic

Note that power to the time base is maintained when the counter is placed in standby via the front panel switch. The internal fan will continue to
operate under this condition, to maintain long-term instrument reliability.

External Time Base Input Specifications External Time Base Input Characteristics
Voltage Range: 200 mVrms to 10 Vrms Threshold: 0V
Damage Level: 10 Vrms Impedance: 1 kΩ
Input Capacitance: 23 pF
Frequency (53131A): 1 MHz, 5 MHz or 10 MHz
(automatic selection)
Frequency (53132A): 10 MHz
Internal vs. External Time Base Selection:
Manual: Select Internal or External
Automatic: Internal used when External not present

Time Base Output Specifications

Output Frequency: 10 MHz
Voltage: > 1 Vpp into 50 Ω
(centered around 0 V)

7-4 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 7 Agilent 53131A/132A Specifications
Measurement Specifications

Measurement Specifications
Frequency, Period
Channel 1 and 2 Range: 0.1 Hz to 225 MHz 4.44 ns to 10 s
Channel 3 Range:
Option 030 100 MHz to 3 GHz 0.33 ns to 10 ns
Option 050 200 MHz to 5 GHz 0.2 ns to 5 ns
Option 124 200 MHz to 12.4 GHz 80 ps to 5 ns
(Period 2 or 3 selectable only via the GPIB interface)
For Automatic or External Arming: For Time or Digits Arming:
(and signals < 100 Hz using Timed Arming)

LSD Displayed: LSD Displayed:
t re s Frequency  2 2 × t re s t jitt er  Frequency
 ---------------------------
- × or  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + ---------------------------- × or
 Gate Time  Gate Time × Number or Samples Gate Time
Period Period

RMS Resolution: RMS Resolution:

2 2
 t res + ( 2 × Trigger Error ) Frequency t jit ter  Frequency
2 2
 4 × t res + 2 × Trigger Error
 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- × or  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + ---------------------------- x or
 Gate Time  Period  Gate Time × Number or Samples Gate Time Period

Agilent 53131A Agilent 53132A Agilent 53131A Agilent 53132A

tres tres tres tjitter tres tjitter
typical 650 ps 200 ps typical 500 ps 50 ps 225 ps 3 ps
see graphs for worst case resolution performance see graphs for worst case resolution performance
For Automatic Arming: Gate Time = ---------------------------
- Number of Samples =
Gate Time x Frequency (Frequency < 200 kHz)
where N = 1 for Ch1 or Ch2 Frequency < 1 MHz Gate Time x 200,000 (Frequency > 200 kHz)
4 for Ch1 or Ch2 Frequency > 1 MHz
128 for Ch3
t acc  Frequency t ac c  Frequency
Systematic Uncertainty:  ± Time Base Error ± ---------------------- × or Systematic Uncertainty:  ± Time Base Error ± ---------------------- × or
Gate Time Period Gate Time Period
Agilent 53131A Agilent 53132A Agilent 53131A Agilent 53132A
tacc tacc tacc tacc
typical 350 ps 100 ps typical 100 ps 10 ps
worst case 1.25 ns 500 ps worst case 300 ps 100 ps
Trigger: Default setting is Auto Trigger at 50% Trigger: Default setting is Auto Trigger at 50%

The following graphs may also be used to compute errors for Period Measurements. To find the Period error (∆P), calculate the frequency of the
1 ∆F
- ) and find the frequency error (∆F) from the chart. Then, calculate the period error as: ∆P =  ------- × P
input signal ( F = ---
P   F

Assembly-Level Service Guide 7-5

Chapter 7 Agilent 53131A/132A Specifications
Measurement Specifications (Continued)

Measurement Specifications (Continued)

Agilent 53131A—Worst Case RMS Resolution
Automatic or External Arming:

Auto Armed
1E+00 1ms

Frequency Error (Hz)

1E-2 100ms


10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 1E+07 1E+08 1E+09 1E+10
Input Frequency (Hz)

Time or Digit Arming:


Frequency Error (Hz)


10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 1E+07 1E+08 1E+09 1E+10
Input Frequency

The preceding graphs do not reflect the effects of trigger error. To place an upper bound on the added effect of this error term, determine the
frequency error from the appropriate graph and add a trigger error term as follows:
Automatic or External Arming Time or Digit Arming
Frequency Frequency
2 × Trigger Error 4 × 2 × Trigger Error
Frequency Error +  ------------------------------------------------ × or Frequency Error +  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- × or
Gate Time Period Gate Time × Number of Samples Period

7-6 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 7 Agilent 53131A/132A Specifications
Measurement Specifications (Continued)

Measurement Specifications (Continued)

Agilent 53132A—Worst Case RMS Resolution

Automatic or External Arming:


Frequency Error (Hz)

Auto Armed

1E-4 1s



10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 1E+07 1E+08 1E+09 1E+10
Input Frequency (Hz)

Time or Digit Arming:


Frequency Error (Hz)



10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 1E+07 1E+08 1E+09 1E+10
Input Frequency (Hz)

The preceding graphs do not reflect the effects of trigger error. To place an upper bound on the added effect of this error term, determine the
frequency error from the appropriate graph and add a trigger error term as follows:
Time or Digit Arming Automatic or External Arming
Frequency Frequency
4 × 2 × Trigger Error 2 × Trigger Error
Frequency Error +  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- × or Frequency Error +  ------------------------------------------------ × or
 Gate Time × Number of Samples  Gate Time 
Period Period

Assembly-Level Service Guide 7-7

Chapter 7 Agilent 53131A/132A Specifications
Measurement Specifications (Continued)

Measurement Specifications (Continued)

Frequency Measurement Example:
Given an Agilent 53132A with a High Stability Oven that was calibrated 3 days ago, measure a 15 MHz square wave signal (which has
negligible trigger error) with a 1 second gate time. Compute the measurement error to within 2-sigma confidence.

Measurement Error = Systematic Uncertainty ± 2 × RMS Resolution

2 2
 t acc  4 × t r es + ( 2 × Trigger Error ) t ji tter 
=   ± Time Base Error ± ---------------------------- ± 2 ×  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- + ---------------------------
- × Frequency
 Gate Time  Gate Time × Number of Samples Gate Time
Number of Samples = 200,000 since Frequency is greater than 200kHz and gate time equals 1 second
Time Base Error = Temperature Stability + 3 Days × Daily Aging Rate
–9 – 10
= 2.5 × 10 + 3 × ( 5 × 10 )

= 4.0 × 10

 – 9 1 × 10
– 11  4 × ( 225 × 10 – 12 s )2 + ( 2 × 0 ) 3 × 10– 12 s
Measurement Error =   ± 4.0 × 10 ± ---------------------------- ± 2 ×  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + ---------------------------- × 15MHz
 1s  1s × 200, 000 1s 
–9 – 12 – 12
= ( ±4.0 × 10 ± 2 × ( 2.01 × 10 + 3 × 10 ) ) × 15MH z
–9 – 11
= ( ±4.0 × 10 ± 1 × 10 ) × 15MHz
= ±60.2 mHz

Which is to say that the Agilent 53132A would display results in the range 15 MHz ±60.2 mHz. Note however that the dominant error is the
Time Base Error. If an even higher stability time base is available or if the instrument can be source locked to the 15 MHz signal, then this error
term can be substantially reduced. The measurement resolution under these conditions is ±75 µHz (1 sigma) which determines the number of
digits displayed.

7-8 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 7 Agilent 53131A/132A Specifications
Measurement Specifications (Continued)

Measurement Specifications (Continued)

Time Interval
Measurement is specified over the full signal ranges 7 of Channels 1 and 2.

Results Range: –1 ns to 105 s

53131A 53132A-
500 ps 150 ps
2 2 2
RMS Resolution: t res + Start Trigger Error + Stop Trigger Error

53131A 53132A
tres --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
750 ps 300 ps

Systematic Uncertainty: ±(Time Base Error × TI) ± Trigger Level Timing Error ± 1.5 ns Differential Channel Error (Agilent 53131A)

± 900 ps Differential Channel Error (Agilent 53132A)
Time Interval Delay
After a Time Interval Measurement has begun by satisfying the trigger conditions on Channel 1, the instrument will wait for the
user-entered delay time to elapse before the end-of-measurement trigger will be accepted on Channel 2. Please refer to Measurement
Arming for additional information.

Frequency Ratio:1 ⁄ Ch2

C h1
⁄ C h3
⁄ Ch1
⁄ C
Measurement is specified over the full signal range of each input.
Results Range: 10 –10 to 1011
‘Auto’ Gate Time: 100 ms (or sufficient cycles on Channel 2 or 3 to make a valid measurement, whichever is longer)
1 1
Rat io 1⁄ 2 : ------------------------------------------------------------ Rat io 1⁄ 3 : ------------------------------------------------------------
Ch2 Freq × Gate Time Ch3 Freq × Gate Time

Ch2 Freq Ch3 Freq

Rat io 2⁄ 1 : -------------------------------------------------------------------
Rat io 3⁄ 1 : -------------------------------------------------------------------
( Ch1 Freq) × Gate Time ( Ch1 Freq) × Gate Time

RMS Resolution:
2 2
2 × 1 + ( Ch1 Freq × Ch2 Trigger Error ) 2 × 1 + ( Ch1 Freq × Ch3 Trigger Error )
Ratio 1⁄ 2 : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ratio 1⁄ 3 : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ch2 Freq × Gate Time Ch3 Freq × Gate Time

2 × Ch2 Freq × 1 + ( Ch1 Freq × Ch2 Trigger Error ) - 2 × Ch3 Freq × 1 + ( Ch1 Freq × Ch3 Trigger Error ) -
Ratio 2⁄ 1 : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 Ratio 3⁄ 1 : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
( Ch1 Freq ) × Gate Time ( Ch1 Freq ) × Gate Time

To minimize relative phase measurement error, connect the higher frequency signal to Channel 1 when possible.
7 See Specifications for Pulse Width and Rise/Fall Time measurements for additional restrictions on signal timing characteristics.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 7-9

Chapter 7 Agilent 53131A/132A Specifications
Measurement Specifications (Continued)

Measurement Specifications (Continued)

Pulse Width
Measurement is specified over the full signal range of Channel 1. The width of the opposing pulse must be greater than 4 ns (e.g., when
measuring the positive pulse width, the negative pulse width must be greater than 4 ns).
Pulse Selection: Positive or Negative
Trigger: Default setting is Auto Trigger 8 at 50%
Results Range: 5 ns to 105 s
53131A 53132A-
500 ps 150 ps
2 2 2
RMS Resolution: t res + Start Trigger Error + Stop Trigger Error

53131A 53132A
tres --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

750 ps 300 ps
Systematic Uncertainty:
± (Time Base Error × Pulse Width) ± Trigger Level Timing Error±1.5 ns Differential Channel Error (Agilent 53131A)
± 900 ps Differential Channel Error (Agilent 53132A)

Rise/Fall Time
Measurement is specified over the full signal ranges of Channel 1. The interval between the end of one edge and start of a similar edge
must be greater than 4 ns. (e.g., when measuring a rising edge, 4 ns must elapse between the 90% point of one rising edge and the
10% point of the next rising edge).
Edge Selection: Positive or Negative
Trigger: Default setting is Auto Trigger 8 at 10% and 90%
Results Range: 5 ns to 105 s
53131A 53132A
LSD: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
500 ps 150 ps
2 2 2
RMS Resolution: t res + Start Trigger Error + Stop Trigger Error

53131A 53132A-
750 ps 300 ps
Systematic Uncertainty:
± (Time Base Error × Transition Time) ± Trigger Level Timing Error ±1.5 ns Differential Channel Error (Agilent 53131A)
± 900 ps Differential Channel Error (Agilent 53132A)

Measurement is specified over the full signal range of Channels 1 and 2.
Results Range: –180° to +360°
( t r es + ( 2 × Trigger Error ) ) ×  1 +  -----------------  × Frequency × 360°
2 2
RMS Resolution:   360°  

53131A 53132A-
750 ps 300 ps
Systematic Uncertainty: (± Trigger Level Timing Error ± 1.5 ns Differential Channel Error) × Frequency × 360° (Agilent 53131A)
(± Trigger Level Timing Error ± 900 ps Differential Channel Error) × Frequency × 360° (Agilent 53132A)
Restrictions noted on page 7-2 for Auto Trigger apply to the proper operation of these measurements. The Peak Volts measurement is used to
determine the signal amplitude and inaccuracies from this, noted on page 7-11, should be included in calculating theTrigger Level Timing Error.

7-10 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 7 Agilent 53131A/132A Specifications
Measurement Specifications (Continued)

Measurement Specifications (Continued)

Duty Cycle
Measurement is specified over the full signal range of Channel 1. However, both the positive and negative pulse widths must be greater
than 4 ns.
Results Range: 0 to 1 (e.g. 50% duty cycle would be displayed as .5)
2 2 2
RMS Resolution: ( t r es + ( 2 × Trigger Error ) ) × ( 1 + Duty Cycle ) × Frequency

53131A 53132A-
750 ps 300 ps

Measurement is specified over the full signal range of Channel 1.

Results Range: 0 to 1015
Resolution: ± 1 count

Peak Volts
Measurement is specified on Channels 1 and 2 for DC signals; or for AC signals of frequencies between 100 Hz and 30 MHz with peak-to-
peak amplitude greater than 100 mV. (The measurement will continue to operate up to 225 MHz, though results are for indication only.)
Results Range: –5.1 V to +5.1 V
Resolution: 10 mV
Systematic Uncertainty for AC signals: 25 mV + 10% of V
for DC signals: 25 mV + 2% of V
Use of the input attenuator multiplies all voltage specifications (input range, results range, resolution and systematic uncertainty) by a
nominal factor of 10. For example with AC signals, the Systematic Uncertainty becomes: 250 mV + 10% of V.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 7-11

Chapter 7 Agilent 53131A/132A Specifications
Measurement Definitions

Measurement Definitions
Definitions of Systematic Uncertainty Terms
• Trigger Error
External source and input amplifier noise may advance or delay the trigger points that define the beginning and end of a measurement.
The resulting timing uncertainty is a function of the slew rate of the signal and the amplitude of spurious noise spikes (relative to the input
hysteresis band).
The (rms) trigger error associated with a single trigger point is:
2 2
( E i nput ) + ( Esi gnal )
Trigger Error = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (in seconds)
Input Signal Slew Rate at Trigger Point

Einput = RMS noise of the input amplifier: 1 mVrms (350 µVrms typical). Note that the internal measurement algorithms significantly

reduce the contribution of this term.

Esignal = RMS noise of the input signal over a 225 MHz bandwidth (100 kHz bandwidth when the low-pass filter is enabled). Note that
the filter may substantially degrade the signal’s slew rate at the input of the trigger comparator.
For two-trigger-point measurements (e.g. Rise Time, Pulse Width), the Trigger Errors will be referred to independently as Start Trigger Error
and Stop Trigger Error.

• Trigger Level Timing Error

Trigger level timing error results from a deviation of the actual trigger level from the specified (indicated) level. The magnitude of the
measurement timing error depends on several factors, primarily: resolution and accuracy of the trigger level circuit, fidelity of the input
amplifier, slew rate of the input signal at the trigger point, and width of the input hysteresis band (see illustration).
Actual Trigger Point:
Upper Hystersis Limit
0.5 Hysteresis Band
Trigger Level Setting
0.5 Hysteresis Band
Lower Hystersis Limit
Actual Trigger Point:
Time Slope
Trigger Level Timing Errors
Trigger level timing error is associated with Time Interval, Pulse Width, Rise Time, Fall Time, Phase, and Duty Cycle measurements.
The following equations define the general interpretation of its component error terms for a measurement. These should be summed
together to obtain the overall Trigger Level Timing Error.
0.5 × Hysteresis Band 0.5 × Hysteresis Band
Input Hysteresis: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- – ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Input Signal Slew Rate at Start Trigger Point Input Signal Slew Rate at Stop Trigger Point

15 mV ± ( 1% × Start Trigger Level Setting ) 15 mV ± ( 1% × Stop Trigger Level Setting )

Trigger Level Setting: ±--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ± ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Input Signal Slew Rate at Start Trigger Point Input Signal Slew Rate at Stop Trigger Point

7-12 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 7 Agilent 53131A/132A Specifications
Measurement Definitions (Continued)

Measurement Definitions (Continued)

• Fractional Time Base Error
Time base error is the maximum fractional frequency variation of the time base due to aging or fluctuations in ambient temperature or line
∆f ∆f ∆f
Time Base Error =  ----- + ----- + ----- 
 f aging rate f temperature f line voltage 

Multiply this quantity by the measurement result to yield the absolute error for that measurement. Averaging measurements will not reduce
(fractional) time base error. The Agilent 53131A/132A universal counters exhibit negligible sensitivity to line voltage; consequently this term
may be ignored.
• Differential Channel Error
The Differential Channel Error term included in many of the Systematic Uncertainty equations accounts for channel-to-channel mismatch
and internal noise. This error can be substantially reduced by performing the TI Calibration in the temperature environment in which future
measurements are to be made and by careful measurement technique. Calibration is accessible via the Calibration Menu during power-up.

Typical Versus Worst Case Specifications
Specifications identified as “Typical” represent performance of the instrument that the majority of users will perceive under a wide variety of
conditions and signals. The specifications identified as “Worst Case” should be used when the instrument is under extreme environmental
conditions or when the accuracy of the measurement results are critically important.

Time Interval Measurement LSD Definition

For the Time Interval, Pulse Width, and Rise/Fall Time measurements, the LSD is the measurement quantization error. “ t res” is the LSD
plus the effects of certain internal error producing sources.

Additional Considerations for Digits and Time Arming Modes

For sample rates defined below, resolution will be reduced by up to 1 decade. The instruments display detects this condition and displays a
reduced-resolution result. Resolution is reduced in a band about f s, such that

x.y = ------------------- For Example:
where x is any integer, and y is any fraction in the set: 25.25 = -----------------------------
396, 039.6

⁄ 3,
⁄ 3,
⁄ 4,
⁄ 4,
⁄ 4,
⁄ 5,
⁄ 5,
⁄ 5,
x = 25

The width of the band is at most:

y = 0.25 =
⁄ 4
6 × 10 × f input
Gate Time

The value of fs is not available to the user, but the instrument can be queried over GPIB to determine if this condition exists.
After the measurement completes, use the query :DIAGnostic:MEASure:PRESolution? The response is an ASCII text formatted string “Ø”
for normal resolution and “1” for reduced resolution. This command is valid only when making frequency measurements in time or digits
arming and the input frequency is greater than 100 Hz.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 7-13

Chapter 7 Agilent 53131A/132A Specifications
Measurement Arming and Processing

Measurement Arming and Processing

Gate Time Measurement Throughput
Auto Mode, or 1 ms to 1000 s GPIB ASCII: 200 Measurements/s (maximum)
(See examples in the Programming Guide for ways to optimize
measurement throughput)

Measurement Arming
Start Measurement: Free Run, Manual, or External
Stop Measurement: Continuous, Single, External, or Timed
Arming Modes:
(Note that not all arming modes are available for every measurement function.)
Auto Arming: Measurements are initiated immediately and acquired as fast as possible, using a minimum number of signal
edges. Auto arming offers the highest measurement throughput, though measurement resolution may be

Timed Arming: The duration of the measurement is internally timed to a user-specified value (also known as the “gate time”).
This mode should be used when the length of the measurement time must be controlled.
Digits Arming: Measurements are performed to the requested resolution (number of digits) through automatic selection of the
acquisition time. This is the most convenient mode for when a specific measurement resolution is desired.
External Arming: An edge on the External Arm Input enables the start of each measurement. Depending on the measurement
function, Auto Arming, Timed arming modes or another edge on the External Arm Input may be used to complete
the measurement.
Time Interval
Arming Modes: Agilent 53131A
Time Interval Stop Delay Arming: The Stop Measurement condition on Channel 2 is inhibited (trigger hold-off) for
a user specified time following the Start Measurement on Channel 1.
Time Interval Delay Range: 100 µs to 10 s*
Time Interval Delay Resolution: 10 µs from 100 µs to 100 ms
1 ms from 100 ms to 10 s
Agilent 53132A
Time Interval Start Delay Arming: The start of a Time Interval measurement is delayed for a user-specified
amount of time, or number of Channel 2 events, from the Start External Arming edge.
Start Delay TimeRange: 100 ns to 999.9999 ms
Start Delay Time Resolution: 100 ns
Start Delay Event Range: 1 to 99,999,999 Channel 2 events
Start Delay Event Rate: 5 MHz maximum
Start Delay Event Setup Time: 30 ns minimum
Time Interval Stop Delay Arming: The Stop Measurement condition on Channel 2 is inhibited (trigger hold-off) for
a user-specified amount of time, or number of Channel 2 stop events, following the Start Measurement on
Channel 1, or, if enabled, the Stop External Arming edge.
Stop Delay Time Range: 100 ns to 10 s**
Stop Delay Time Resolution: 100 ns from 100 ns to 1 s
1 ms from 1 s to 10 s
Stop Delay Event Range: 1 to 99,999,999 Channel 2 events
Stop Delay Event Rate: 5 MHz maximum
Stop Delay Event Setup Time: 30 ns minimum
* For firmware revisions below 3427 the valid range of delay is 1 ms to 10 s.
** For firmware revisions below 3646 the valid range of delay is 1 ms to 10 s.

7-14 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 7 Agilent 53131A/132A Specifications
Measurement Arming and Processing (Continued)

Measurement Arming and Processing (Continued)

Measurement Statistics
Available Statistics: Mean, Minimum, Maximum, Standard Deviation
Number of Measurements: 2 to 1,000,000. Statistics may be collected on all measurements or on only those which are between the limit
bands. When the Limits function is used in conjunction with Statistics, N (number of measurements) refers to the
number of in-limit measurements. In general, measurement resolution will improve in proportion to N , up to the
numerical processing limits of the instrument.
Measurements: Statistics may be collected for all measurements except Peak Volts and Totalize.

Measurement Limits
Limit Checking: The measurement value is checked against user-specified limits at the end of each measurement.

Display Modes: The measurement result may be displayed as either the traditional numeric value or graphically as an asterisk
moving between two vertical bars. These bars define the upper and lower limits, and the asterisk represents the
current measurement result relative to these limits.
Out-of-Limits Indication: The out-of-limits condition can be indicated by any of the following methods:
• The limits annunciator will light on the front panel display.
• The instrument will generate an SRQ if enabled via GPIB.
• The limits hardware signal provided via the RS-232 connector will go low for the duration of the out-of-limit
condition (see the description of this connector under the General Information section of this specifications
• If the Analog Display mode is enabled, the asterisk appears outside the vertical bars, which define the upper
and lower limits.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 7-15

Chapter 7 Agilent 53131A/132A Specifications
General Information

General Information
Save and Recall: Up to 20 complete instrument setups may be saved and recalled later. These setups are retained when
power is removed from the universal counter.
Rack Dimensions (HxWxD): 88.5 mm x 212.6 mm x 348.3 mm
Weight: 3.5 kg maximum
AC Line Supply DC Supply (Option 002 Only)
Power Supply Voltage: 100 to 120 VAC ±10% - 50, 60 or 400 Hz ±10% 10 to 32 VDC, 3-pin male XLR connector
220 to 240 VAC ±10% - 50 or 60 Hz ±10%
AC Line Voltage Selection: Automatic Option 002 may not be ordered with Option 060
Power Requirements: 170 VA maximum (30 W typical) 4A initial inrush at 10 VDC
3A max, once stabilized
Operating Environment: 0° C to 55° C

Storage Environment: –40° C to 71° C

Remote Interface: GPIB (IEEE 488.1-1987, IEEE 488.2-1987)
GPIB Interface Capabilities: SH1, AH1, T5, TE0, L4, LE0, SR1, RL1, PP0, DC1, DT1, C0, E2
Remote Programming Language: SCPI-1992.0 (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments)
Safety: Designed in compliance with IEC 1010-1, UL 3111-1 (draft), CAN/CSA 1010.1
EMC: CISPR-11, EN50082-1, IEC 801-2, -3, -4
Electrostatic Discharge and Fast Transient/Burst Immunity Testing: When the product is operated at
maximum sensitivity (20 mVrms) and tested with 8kV AD according to IEC801-2 or with 1kV power line
transients according to IEC 801-4, frequency miscounts may occur that will affect measurement data
made during these disturbances.
Radiated Immunity Testing: When the product is operated at maximum sensitivity (20 mVrms) and tested
at 3 V/m according to IEC 801-3, external 100 to 200 MHz electric fields may cause frequency miscounts.
RS-232C: The rear-panel RS-232 connector is a 9-pin connector (DB-9, male). You can connect the universal
counter to any terminal or printer with a properly configured DTE connector (DB-25). You can use a
standard interface cable (Agilent part number 24542G or 24542H). Data is “output only”; the instrument
cannot be programmed via the RS-232 interface.
Note on Pin 4: May be used as either a DTR signal or an indication of measurement in-limit as configured by the Utility menu.
When used as an in-limit indicator, the signal will be high for every measurement within the user set limits.

Pin Number Type Description

1 2 3 4 5 2 Input Receive Data (RxD) (for Xon/Xoff only)
3 Output Transmit Data (TxD)
4 Output Data Terminal Ready (DTR)
Measurement In-Limit Signal
6 7 8 9 5 — Signal Ground
6 Input Data Set Ready (DSR)
* All other pins: no connection

7-16 Assembly-Level Service Guide


Agilent 53181A Specifications

Chapter 8 Agilent 53181A Specifications

The specifications of the Agilent 53181A Frequency Counter are provided in this

Instrument Inputs
Channel 1 Input Specifications Channel 1 Input Characteristics
Frequency Range Impedance: 1 MΩ or 50 Ω
DC Coupled: DC to 225 MHz 1 MΩ Capacitance: 30 pF
AC Coupled: 1 MHz to 225 MHz (50 Ω) Coupling: AC or DC
30 Hz to 225 MHz (1 MΩ) Low-Pass Filter: 100 kHz (or disabled)
FM Tolerance: 25% –20 dB at > 1 MHz
Voltage Range and Sensitivity (Sinusoid)1 Input Sensitivity: Selectable between
Low, Medium, or High (default).
DC to 100 MHz: 20 mVrms to ±5 V ac + dc Low is approximately
(75 mVrms with optional rear connectors)2 2x High Sensitivity.
100 MHz to 200 MHz: 30 mVrms to ±5 V ac + dc
(75 mVrms with optional rear connectors)2
200 MHz to 225 MHz: 40 mVrms to ±5 V ac + dc
(75 mVrms with optional rear connectors)2
Voltage Range and Sensitivity (Single-Shot Pulse)1
4.5 ns to 10 ns Pulse Width: 100 mVpp to 10 Vpp

(150 mVpp with optional rear connectors) 2

>10 ns Pulse Width: 50 mVpp to 10 Vpp
(100 mVpp with optional rear connectors) 2
Trigger Level 2 Trigger Slope: Positive or Negative
Range: ±5.125 V Auto Trigger Level
Accuracy: ±(15 mV + 1% of trigger level) Range: 0 to 100% in 10% steps
Resolution: 5 mV Frequency: > 100 Hz
Damage Level Input Amplitude: > 100 mVpp
50 Ω: 5 Vrms (No amplitude modulation)
0 to 3.5 kHz, 1 MΩ: 350 V dc + ac pk Attenuator
3.5 kHz to 100 kHz, 1 MΩ: 350 V dc + ac pk linearly derated to 5 Vrms Voltage Range: x10
>100 kHz, 1 MΩ: 5 Vrms Trigger Range: x10
1 MΩ
350 Vdc + acpk

5 Vrms

0 Hz 3.5 KHz 100 KHz

Values shown are for X1 attenuator setting. Multiply all values by 10 (nominal) when using the X10 attenuator setting. Note that it may be
necessary to recalibrate the input offset in the application environment (especially at high temperature) to achieve maximum sensitivity.
When ordered with optional rear terminals, the Channel 1 input is active on both the front and rear of the counter though the specifications
provided only apply to the rear terminal. Performance for the front terminal is degraded, but may be improved by terminating the rear terminal
into 50 Ω.

8-2 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 8 Agilent 53181A Specifications
Instrument Inputs (Continued)

Instrument Inputs (Continued)

Channel 2 Input Specifications3, 4 Channel 2 Input Characteristics
Frequency Range Impedance: 50 Ω
Opt. 015 100 Mhz to 1.5 Ghz Coupling: AC
Opt. 030 100 MHz to 3 GHz VSWR: < 2.5:1
Opt. 050 200MHz to 5 GHz
Opt. 124 200 MHz to 12.4 GHz

Power Range and Sensitivity (Sinusoid)

Option 015
100 MHz to 1.5 GHz: –27 dBm to +19 dBm
Option 030
100 MHz to 2.7 GHz: –27 dBm to +19 dBm
2.7 GHz to 3 GHz: –21 dBm to +13 dBm
Option 050
200MHz to 5 GHz: –23 dBm to +13 dBm
Option 124
200MHz to 12.4 GHz: –23 dBm to +13 dBm
Damage Level:
Option 015, 030 5 Vrms
Option 050, 124 +25 dBm

External Arm Input Specifications External Arm Input Characteristics

Signal Input Range: Impedance: 1 kΩ
TTL compatible Input Capacitance: 17 pF
Start Slope: Positive or Negative
Timing Restrictions: Stop Slope: Positive or Negative
Pulse Width: > 50 ns
Transition Time: < 250 ns Notes:
Start-to-Stop Time: > 50 ns External Arm available for all measurements except Peak Volts.
Damage Level: 10 Vrms
External Arm is referred to as External Gate for some
3 Channel 2 is available as an option.
4 When ordered with optional rear terminals, the Channel 2 connector on the front panel for Options 015 or 030 will be removed. There is no
degradation in specifications for this input. Option 050 and Option 124 input connectors are available on the front panel only.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 8-3

Chapter 8 Agilent 53181A Specifications
Time Base

Time Base
Internal Time Base Stability

Standard Medium Stability High Stability Oven Ultra High Stability

(0° to 50° C) Oven (Option 001) (Option 010) Oven (Option 012)
Temperature Stability: < 5 x 10–6 < 2 x 10–7 < 2.5 x 10–9 < 2.5 x 10–9
(referenced to 25°C)
Aging Rate Per Day: < 4 x 10–8 < 5 x 10–10 < 1 x 10–10
(after 30 days) Per Month: < 3 x 10 –7 < 2 x 10–7 < 1.5 x 10–8 < 3 x 10–9
Per Year: < 2 x 10–8
Turn-on stability vs. time: < 2 x 10–7 < 5 x 10 –9 < 5 x 10 –9
(in 30 minutes) (referenced to 2 hours) (referenced to 24 hours) (referenced to 24 hours)

Calibration: Manual Adjust Electronic Electronic Electronic

Note that power to the time base is maintained when the counter is placed in standby via the front panel switch. The internal fan will continue to
operate under this condition, to maintain long-term instrument reliability.

External Time Base Input Specifications External Time Base Input Characteristics
Voltage Range: 200 mVrms to 10 Vrms Threshold: 0V

Damage Level: 10 Vrms Impedance: 1 kΩ

Input Capacitance: 23 pF
Frequency: 1 MHz, 5 MHz or 10 MHz
(automatic selection)
Internal vs. External Time Base Selection:
Manual: Select Internal or External
Automatic: Internal used when External not present
Time Base Output Specifications
Output Frequency: 10 MHz
Voltage: > 1 Vpp into 50 Ω
(centered around 0 V)

8-4 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 8 Agilent 53181A Specifications
Measurement Specifications

Measurement Specifications
Frequency, Period
Channel 1 Range: 0.1 Hz to 225 MHz 4.44 ns to 10 s
Channel 2 Range:
Option 015 100 Mhz to 1.5 Ghz 0.67 ns to 10 ns
Option 030 100 MHz to 3 GHz 0.33 ns to 10 ns
Option 050 200 MHz to 5 GHz 0.2 ns to 5 ns
Option 124 200 MHz to 12.4 GHz 80 ps to 5 ns
(Period 2 selectable only via the GPIB interface)
For Automatic or External Arming: For Time or Digits Arming:
(and signals < 100 Hz using Timed Arming)

LSD Displayed: LSD Displayed:

t re s Frequency  2 2 × t re s t jitt er  Frequency
 ---------------------------
- × or  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + ---------------------------- × or
 Gate Time  Gate Time × Number or Samples Gate Time
Period Period

RMS Resolution: RMS Resolution:

 t res + ( 2 × Trigger Error ) Frequency t jitt er  Frequency
2 2 2 2
 4 × t re s + ( 2 × Trigger Error )
 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- × or  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + ---------------------------- × or
 Gate Time  Period  Gate Time × Number or Samples Gate Time Period

tres: 650 ps typical5 tres: 500 ps typical5

tjitter: 50 ps typical5
For Automatic Arming: Gate Time = ---------------------------
Number of Samples =
where N = 1 for Ch1 Frequency < 1 MHz Gate Time x Frequency (Frequency < 200 kHz)
4 for Ch1 Frequency > 1 MHz Gate Time x 200,000 (Frequency > 200 kHz)
128 for Ch2
t acc  Frequency t ac c  Frequency
Systematic Uncertainty:  ± Time Base Error ± ---------------------- × or Systematic Uncertainty:  ± Time Base Error ± ---------------------- × or
Gate Time Period Gate Time Period
t acc: 350 ps typical tacc: 100 ps typical
1.25 ns worst case 300 ps worst case
Trigger: Default setting is Auto Trigger at 50% Trigger: Default setting is Auto Trigger at 50%

The following graphs may also be used to compute errors for Period Measurements. To find the Period error (∆P), calculate the frequency of the
input signal ( F = --- ) and find the frequency error (∆F) from the chart. Then, calculate the period error as: ∆P =  ∆ F-
× P

Assembly-Level Service Guide 8-5

Chapter 8 Agilent 53181A Specifications
Measurement Specifications (Continued)

Measurement Specifications (Continued)

Worst Case RMS Resolution
Automatic or External Arming:

Auto Armed
1E+00 1ms

Frequency Error (Hz)

1E-2 100ms

10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 1E+07 1E+08 1E+09 1E+10
Input Frequency (Hz)

Time or Digit Arming:



Frequency Error (Hz)


10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 1E+07 1E+08 1E+09 1E+10
Input Frequency

The preceding graphs do not reflect the effects of trigger error. To place an upper bound on the added effect of this error term, determine the
frequency error from the appropriate graph and add a trigger error term as follows:
Automatic or External Arming Time or Digit Arming
Frequency Frequency
2 × Trigger Error 4 × 2 × Trigger Error
Frequency Error +  ------------------------------------------------ × or Frequency Error +  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- × or
 Gate Time   Gate Time × Number of Samples
Period Period

8-6 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 8 Agilent 53181A Specifications
Measurement Specifications (Continued)

Measurement Specifications (Continued)

Frequency Measurement Example:
Given an Agilent 53181A with a High Stability Oven that was calibrated 3 days ago, measure a 15 MHz square wave signal (which has
negligible trigger error) with a 1 second gate time. Compute the measurement error to within 2-sigma confidence.

Measurement Error = Systematic Uncertainty ± 2 × RMS Resolution

2 2
 t acc  4 × t r es + ( 2 × Trigger Error ) t jit ter 
=   ± Time Base Error ± ---------------------------- ± 2 ×  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + ---------------------------- × Frequency
 Gate Time  Gate Time × Number of Samples Gate Time
Number of Samples = 200,000 since Frequency is greater than 200kHz and gate time equals 1 second
Time Base Error = Temperature Stability + 3 Days × Daily Aging Rate
–9 – 10
= 2.5 × 10 + 3 × ( 5 × 10 )
= 4.0 × 10
– 10 2
 – 9 1 × 10  4 × ( 500 × 10 – 12 s ) + ( 2 × 0 ) 50 × 10 – 12 s
Measurement Error =   ± 4.0 × 10 ± ---------------------------- ± 2 ×  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + ------------------------------- × 15MHz
 1s  1s × 200, 000 1s 
–9 – 12 – 12
= ( ±4.1 × 10 ± 2 × ( 4.47 × 10 + 50 × 10 )) × 15MH z
–9 – 10
= ( ±4.1 × 10 ± 1.09 × 10 ) × 15MHz
= ±63.1 mHz

Which is to say that the Agilent 53181A would display results in the range 15 MHz ±63.1 mHz. Note however that the dominant error is the
Time Base Error. If an even higher stability time base is available to the instrument or if the instrument can be source locked to the 15 MHz
signal, then this error term can be substantially reduced. The measurement resolution under these conditions is ±0.8 MHz (1 sigma) which
determines the number of digits displayed.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 8-7

Chapter 8 Agilent 53181A Specifications
Measurement Specifications (Continued)

Measurement Specifications (Continued)

Frequency Ratio:h1 ⁄ Ch2
⁄ Ch
Measurement is specified over the full signal range of each input.

Results Range: 10 –10 to 1011

‘Auto’ Gate Time: 100 ms (or sufficient cycles on Channel 1 to make a valid measurement, whichever is longer)
Rat io 1⁄ 2 : ------------------------------------------------------------
Ch2 Freq × Gate Time

Ch2 Freq
Rat io 2⁄ 1 : -------------------------------------------------------------------
( Ch1 Freq) × Gate Time

RMS Resolution:
2 × 1 + ( Ch1 Freq × Ch2 Trigger Error )
Ratio 1⁄ 2 : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ch2 Freq × Gate Time

2 × Ch2 Freq × 1 + ( Ch1 Freq × Ch2 Trigger Error )
Ratio 2⁄ 1 : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
( Ch1 Freq ) × Gate Time

To minimize relative phase measurement error, connect the higher frequency signal to Channel 1 when possible.

Peak Volts
Measurement is specified on Channels 1 for DC signals; or for AC signals of frequencies between 100 Hz and 30 MHz with peak-to-peak
amplitude greater than 100 mV. (The measurement will continue to operate up to 225 MHz, though results are for indication only.)

Results Range: –5.1 V to +5.1 V

Resolution: 10 mV
Systematic Uncertainty for AC signals: 25 mV + 10% of V
for DC signals: 25 mV + 2% of V

Use of the input attenuator multiplies all voltage specifications (input range, results range, resolution and systematic uncertainty) by a
nominal factor of 10. For example with AC signals, the Systematic Uncertainty becomes: 250 mV + 10% of V.

8-8 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 8 Agilent 53181A Specifications
Measurement Definitions

Measurement Definitions
Definitions of Systematic Uncertainty Terms
• Trigger Error
External source and input amplifier noise may advance or delay the trigger points that define the beginning and end of a measurement.
The resulting timing uncertainty is a function of the slew rate of the signal and the amplitude of spurious noise spikes (relative to the input
hysteresis band).
The (rms) trigger error associated with a single trigger point is:
2 2
( E i nput ) + ( Esi gnal )
Trigger Error = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (in seconds)
Input Signal Slew Rate at Trigger Point
Einput = RMS noise of the input amplifier: 1 mVrms (350 µVrms typical). Note that the internal measurement algorithms significantly
reduce the contribution of this term.
Esignal = RMS noise of the input signal over a 225 MHz bandwidth (100 kHz bandwidth when the low-pass filter is enabled). Note that
the filter may substantially degrade the signal’s slew rate at the input of the trigger comparator.

• Fractional Time Base Error

Time base error is the maximum fractional frequency variation of the time base due to aging or fluctuations in ambient temperature or line
∆f ∆f ∆f
Time Base Error =  ----- + ----- + ----- 
 f aging rate f temperature f line voltage 

Multiply this quantity by the measurement result to yield the absolute error for that measurement. Averaging measurements will not reduce
(fractional) time base error. The Agilent 53181A counters exhibits negligible sensitivity to line voltage; consequently this term may be


Typical Versus Worst Case Specifications

Specifications identified as “Typical” represent performance of the instrument that the majority of users will perceive under a wide variety of
conditions and signals. The specifications identified as “Worst Case” should be used when the instrument is under extreme environmental
conditions or when the accuracy of the measurement results are critically important.

Assembly-Level Service Guide 8-9

Chapter 8 Agilent 53181A Specifications
Measurement Arming and Processing

Measurement Arming and Processing

Gate Time Measurement Throughput
Auto Mode, or 1 ms to 1000 s GPIB ASCII: 200 Measurements/s (maximum)
(See examples in the Programming Guide for ways to optimize
measurement throughput)

Measurement Arming
Start Measurement: Free Run, Manual, or External
Stop Measurement: Continuous, Single, External, or Timed
Arming Modes:
(Note: auto arming is the only mode available for the Peak Volts function.)
Auto Arming: Measurements are initiated immediately and acquired as fast as possible, using a minimum number of signal
edges. Auto arming offers the highest measurement throughput, though measurement resolution may be
Timed Arming: The duration of the measurement is internally timed to a user-specified value (also known as the “gate time”).
This mode should be used when the length of the measurement time must be controlled.
Digits Arming: Measurements are performed to the requested resolution (number of digits) through automatic selection of the
acquisition time. This is the most convenient mode when a specific measurement resolution is desired.
External Arming: An edge on the External Arm Input enables the start of each measurement. Auto Arming, Timed arming modes or
another edge on the External Arm Input may be used to complete the measurement.

Measurement Statistics
Available Statistics: Mean, Minimum, Maximum, Standard Deviation
Number of Measurements: 2 to 1,000,000. Statistics may be collected on all measurements or on only those which are between the limit
bands. When the Limits function is used in conjunction with Statistics, N (number of measurements) refers to the
number of in-limit measurements. In general, measurement resolution will improve in proportion to N , up to the
numerical processing limits of the instrument.
Measurements: Statistics may be collected for all measurements except Peak Volts.

Measurement Limits
Limit Checking: The measurement value is checked against user-specified limits at the end of each measurement.
Display Modes: The measurement result may be displayed as either the traditional numeric value or graphically as an asterisk
moving between two vertical bars. These bars define the upper and lower limits, and the asterisk represents the
current measurement result relative to these limits.
Out-of-Limits Indication: The out-of-limits condition can be indicated by any of the following methods:
• The limits annunciator will light on the front panel display.
• The instrument will generate an SRQ if enabled via GPIB.
• The limits hardware signal provided via the RS-232 connector will go low for the duration of the out-of-limit
condition (see the description of this connector under the General Information section of this specifications
• If the Analog Display mode is enabled, the asterisk appears outside the vertical bars, which define the upper
and lower limits.

8-10 Assembly-Level Service Guide

Chapter 8 Agilent 53181A Specifications
General Information

General Information
Save and Recall: Up to 20 complete instrument setups may be saved and recalled later. These setups are retained when
power is removed from the counter.
Rack Dimensions (HxWxD): 88.5 mm x 212.6 mm x 348.3 mm
Weight: 3.5 kg maximum
AC Line Supply DC Supply (Option 002 Only)
Power Supply Voltage: 100 to 120 VAC ±10% - 50, 60 or 400 Hz ±10% 10 to 32 VDC, 3-pin male XLR connector
220 to 240 VAC ±10% - 50 or 60 Hz ±10%
AC Line Voltage Selection: Automatic Option 002 may not be ordered with Option 060
Power Requirements: 170 VA maximum (30 W typical) 4A initial inrush at 10 VDC
3A max, once stabilized
Operating Environment: 0° C to 55° C
Storage Environment: –40° C to 71° C
Remote Interface: GPIB (IEEE 488.1-1987, IEEE 488.2-1987)
GPIB Interface Capabilities: SH1, AH1, T5, TE0, L4, LE0, SR1, RL1, PP0, DC1, DT1, C0, E2
Remote Programming Language: SCPI-1992.0 (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments)
Safety: Designed in compliance with IEC 1010-1, UL 3111-1 (draft), CAN/CSA 1010.1
EMC: CISPR-11, EN50082-1, IEC 801-2, -3, -4
Electrostatic Discharge and Fast Transient/Burst Immunity Testing: When the product is operated at
maximum sensitivity (20 mVrms) and tested with 8kV AD according to IEC801-2 or with 1kV power line
transients according to IEC 801-4, frequency miscounts may occur that will affect measurement data

made during these disturbances.
Radiated Immunity Testing: When the product is operated at maximum sensitivity (20 mVrms) and tested
at 3 V/m according to IEC 801-3, external 100 to 200 MHz electric fields may cause frequency miscounts.
RS-232C: The rear-panel RS-232 connector is a 9-pin connector (DB-9, male). You can connect the universal
counter to any terminal or printer with a properly configured DTE connector (DB-25). You can use a
standard interface cable (Agilent part number 24542G or 24542H). Data is “output only”; the instrument
can not be programmed via the RS-232 interface.
Note on Pin 4: May be used as either a DTR signal or an indication of measurement in-limit as configured by the Utility menu.
When used as an in-limit indicator, the signal will be high for every measurement within the user set limits.

Pin Number Type Description

1 2 3 4 5 2 Input Receive Data (RxD) (for Xon/Xoff only)
3 Output Transmit Data (TxD)
4 Output Data Terminal Ready (DTR)
Measurement In-Limit Signal
6 7 8 9 5 — Signal Ground
6 Input Data Set Ready (DSR)
* All other pins: no connection

Assembly-Level Service Guide 8-11

Chapter 8 Agilent 53181A Specifications
General Information

8-12 Assembly-Level Service Guide

NUMERICS initiate, 2-9, 2-29
1.5/3.0/5.0/12.4 GHz Channel (Option 015/ new security code, 2-13, 2-30
030/050/124), 3-13 procedures, 2-15
secure against calibration, 2-29
A security status, 2-9, 2-28
A4 AC Power Supply, 3-15 unsecure, 2-9, 2-28
A5 DC Power Input (Option 002), 3-17 calibration cycle, 1-3
A6 High Stability Timebase (Options 001, Calibration Menu
010, 012), 3-19 Agilent 53131A/132A, 2-6
accessories Agilent 53181A, 2-25
available , xix Calibration menu, 2-25
supplied, xix Agilent 53131A/132A, 2-8
accessories available, xix Calibration Menu tree
accessories supplied, xix Agilent 53181A, 2-27
Agilent 5071A assembly identification, 2-40, calibration procedures
2-41, 2-42 Agilent 53131A/132A, 2-15
arming modes Agilent 53181A, 2-31
auto, 8-10 changes, 6-2
digits , 8-10 chassis parts, 5-9
external, 8-10 Check digit, 5-3
time, 8-10 complete performance tests, 1-3
assemblies, exchange, 5-2 Agilent 53131A/132A, 1-16
assembly identification, 2-43, 2-44 Agilent 53181A, 1-47
assembly identification and location, 2-40 contacting Agilent Technologies, 5-5
assembly procedures , 3-2 Corrective maintenance, 2-2
auto arming, 8-10 cover, 3-4
available options, xviii
B description of
backdating , 6-3 self-test routines, 2-47
backdating firmware, 6-8, 6-16 description of counter, xvi
backdating hardware, 6-3 diagnosing the faulty assembly, 2-49
bezel, 3-6 digits arming, 8-10
C disassemble
1.5/3.0/5.0/12.4 GHz Channel (Option
cabinet parts and hardware, 5-6
015/030/050/124), 3-13
CAL SECURE, 2-9, 2-15, 2-28, 2-31
A4 AC Power Supply, 3-15
CAL UNSECURE, 2-9, 2-15, 2-28 , 2-31
A5 DC Power Input (Option 002), 3-17
calibration , 2-6, 2-25
A6 High Stability Timebase (Options 001,
count, 2-14, 2-30
010, 012), 3-19
Help menu , 2-14, 2-30

Assembly-Level Service Guide Index-1


cover , 3-4 I
display board, 3-11 initiating calibration, 2-9, 2-29
front bezel, 3-6 installing options
keypads, 3-11 A3 1.5 GHz Channel 2 (Option 015), 4-3
motherboard , 3-9 A3 3 GHz Channel 3 (Option 030), 4-3
Rear Terminals (Option 060) , 3-21 A3 5 GHz Channel 3 (Option 050), 4-3
window , 3-11 DC Power Input (Option 002), 4-4
disk High Stability Timebase (Option
Agilent 53131A/132A, 1-40 001), 4-11
Agilent 53181A , 1-70 High Stability Timebase (Option
disks program , 1-3 010), 4-11
display board, 3-11 High Stability Timebase (Option
E 012), 4-11
Rear Terminals (Option 060), 4-14
Electrostatic discharge, 2-38
entering a new security code, 2-30
cabinet parts and hardware, 5-6
equipment required , 1-4
defective assemblies, 5-2
example procedure for
identification, xiii
running the self test, 2-49
packing for shipment, 2-4
exchange assemblies , 2-40, 2-41, 2-42, 5-2
parts identification, 5-4
exploded view , 5-9
pre-troubleshooting information, 2-36
Express Repair/Performance Calibration
recommended test equipment, 2-37
Service , xiii
replaceable parts, 5-2
external arming , 8-10
safety considerations, 2-36
F serial and model number, 5-4
fan, 1-5 serial number prefix, xiv
fine time interval calibration, 2-11 Instrument identification, xiii
front bezel, 3-6 Instrument model number, 2-3
front rubber bumper removal, 3-6 Insulation resistance test, 2-39
IPB, 5-9
Ground continuity test , 2-39 K
GPIB program , 1-3 keypads, 3-11
GPIB verification , 1-3
Agilent 53131A/132A, 1-40
list of options, xviii
Agilent 53181A , 1-70
list, replaceable parts, 5-7, 5-10
GPIB verification (optional), 1-3
GPIB verification program , 1-70 M
Agilent 53131A/132A, 1-40 Maintenance, corrective, 2-2
H manual changes, 6-2
model number, 5-4
handle removal, 3-6
motherboard, 3-9

Index-2 Assembly-Level Service Guide


N reassembly procedures, 3-2

new security code entry, 2-13 Recommended test equipment, 2-37
reference designations, 5-3
O removal
older instruments , 6-2 1.5/3.0/5.0/12.4 GHz Channel (Option
operational verification, 1-2, 1-5 015/030/050/124), 3-13
Option 001, 4-11 A4 AC Power Supply, 3-15
Option 002, 4-4 A5 DC Power Input (Option 002), 3-17
Option 010, 4-11 A6 High Stability Timebase (Options 001,
Option 012, 4-11 010, 012), 3-19
Option 015, 4-3 cover, 3-4
Option 030, 4-3 display board, 3-11
Option 050, 4-3 front bezel, 3-6
Option 060, 4-14 front rubber bumper, 3-6
options , xviii handle, 3-6
hardware , xviii keypads, 3-11
support, xix motherboard, 3-9
ordering parts , 5-4 Rear Terminals (Option 060), 3-21
organization of guide, xiv window, 3-11
P repair information, 2-3
repair strategy, xiii
Packing the instrument, 2-4
Replaceable assemblies, 5-2
Part numbers, 5-2
Replaceable parts, 5-2
parts identification, 5-4
replaceable parts list, 5-7, 5-10
parts, chassis, 5-9
retrofitting options
parts, ordering , 5-4
A3 1.5 GHz Channel 2 (Option 015), 4-3
performance test record
A3 3 GHz Channel 3 (Option 030), 4-3
Agilent 53131A/132A, 1-41
A3 5 GHz Channel 3 (Option 050), 4-3
Agilent 53181A , 1-71
DC Power Input (Option 002), 4-4
performance tests , 1-3, 1-16
High Stability Timebase (Option
Agilent 53131A/132A, 1-16
001), 4-11
Agilent 53181A , 1-47
High Stability Timebase (Option
plug removal, 4-15
010), 4-11
plug, XLR , 4-10
High Stability Timebase (Option
power supply check, 2-45
012), 4-11
power supply voltages, 2-47
Rear Terminals (Option 060), 4-14
power-on self tests , 1-5
returning instrument for repair, 2-3
Pre-troubleshooting information, 2-2, 2-36
Returning the instrument to Agilent, 2-2
Product performance checks, 2-39
Returning the instrument to Agilent
Q Technologies, 2-3
quick time interval calibration, 2-10
R Safety considerations, 2-36
Rear Terminals (Option 060) , 3-21 Securing against calibration, 2-13, 2-29
Assembly-Level Service Guide Index-3

security status , 2-9, 2-28 V

self-test routines, 2-47 Visual inspection, 2-39
serial number, 2-3, 5-4
Serial number prefix, xiv W
serial prefix, xiv window, 3-11
Service manual X
organization, xiv
XLR plug, 4-10
specifications, 7-2, 8-2
Agilent 53131A/132A, 7-2
Agilent 53181A , 8-2
dimensions, 7-16
frequency range , 7-2, 8-2
measurement throughput, 7-14
power supply voltage, 7-16, 8-11
RS-232C connector pin assignments , 7-16
time base stability, 7-4, 8-4
voltage range and sensitivity, 7-2
Surface Mount repair, 2-38
TEST , 2-47
test equipment, 1-4
test record , 1-3
Agilent 53131A/132A, 1-41
Agilent 53181A , 1-71
time arming , 8-10
calibration , 2-7, 2-10 , 2-24, 2-29, 2-35,
tools required, 3-3
top Internal view, 2-44
top internal view, 2-43
assembly identification and location, 2-40
disassembly and reassembly , 2-38
electrostatic discharge , 2-38
ground continuity test, 2-39
insulation resistance test, 2-39
product performance checks , 2-39
product safety checks, 2-39
self test, 2-50
visual inspection, 2-39
troubleshooting table , 2-52
troubleshooting the Counter, 2-45
Index-4 Assembly-Level Service Guide

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