Inked 2011-02

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CuLTuRe. sTYLe. ART.



bares all

February 2011
display until February 22, 2011

These limited-edition bottles commemorate the 100th birthday of
Norman “Sailor Jerry” Collins, the father of old-school tattooing. Born January
14th in 1911, Sailor Jerry was an innovator and a true independent spirit whose
revered work remains timeless as does the rum that bears his signature.


1 part Sailor Jerry Rum
2 parts cola

Serve in a highball or rocks glass

over ice. Garnish with a lime wedge.

2 parts Sailor Jerry Rum
splash of fresh lime juice
2 dashes of
Angostura® Bitters
ginger beer

Build in a highball or rocks

glass over ice. Garnish with a
lime wedge. Top with ginger beer.

shave &
a haircut
1 part Sailor Jerry Rum
2 parts cola
3 parts stout

Combine the rum and cola

and top off with the stout.
Serve in a highball glass.

1 part Sailor Jerry Rum
1 part orange juice
2 parts light beer

Serve in a beer mug or pint glass.

This is a classic
piece of Sailor Jerry
flash, unmatched in
its attention to
detail. (Check all
the rigging. They’re
correct down to the
last sheet bend.)
Consisting of a
schooner ship–usually a memento of a
successful trip around Cape Horn– surrounded
by two sweetheart-style mermaids and balanced
by two flags, this design harkens back to a time
when “ships were made of wood and the men
were made of iron!”

“Sparrows on his chest,
Anchors on his arm.
Hold your drink close in
hand,This sailor knows
no harm.”
Originally the mark of
choice for mutineers,
the swallow tattoo came to symbolize a
seaman that had traveled 5,000 nautical miles.
The more the sparrows on the sailor, well, the
more the miles. Seen as the “first sign that land
is near,” this little bird was a good luck charm
usually tattooed on a sailor’s chest.

Plying his trade in
the rough and
tumble world of
Hotel Street in
Honolulu, Sailor
Jerry had a steady
stream of rough-
necks and sailors on whom to hone his tattoo
skills. Patriotism was a common theme for these
fighting men, and nothing symbolized this
more than an image of a bald eagle along with a
proud shield. Amuletic in nature, these designs
served to foster strength and power into the
hearts and minds of men ready for war.
©2010 Sailor Jerry Rum, 46% Alc./Vol. William Grant & Sons, Inc. New York, NY.
table of contents


36 68
On the cover: photo by warwick saint; stylist: JOshua seth at; hair:
sean Mikel for frédéric fekkai at; makeup: Garret Gervais for
dior beauty at; retouching: anthOny MOrrOw; location: sMashbOx
2 | INKEDMAG.COM studiOs, culver city, ca. b.tempt’d underwear; roberto coin bracelet.
creative director todd weinberger
editor rocky rakovic
photo editor joshua clutter
digital imaging specialist justin solitrin

contributing editor jennifer goldstein

UT contributing market editor julie chen
contributing copy editor autumn whitefield-madrano

contributing writers
jonah bayer, matt bertz, lani buess, zac clark, charlie connell,
deadmau5, tiffany frasier, brittany ineson, sam jemielity,
marisa kakoulas, gilbert macias, robert mccormick, kara pound,
bryan reesman, melanie rud
LD contributing photographers
kareem black, dermot cleary, jaime demarco, antwan duncan,
jimmy fontaine, chris fortuna, alejandra guerrero, chris jameson, jipsy,
thomas liggett, shane mccauley, tom medvedich,,
ari michelson, bryan miranda, trevor paulhus, amy postle, cool richard,
warwick saint, sean scheidt, diana scheunemann,
dove shore, emily shur, ellen stagg, jack thompson

christine davitt, jaime steiger

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1 2

ink well
3 4
Sex receives a lot of strong reactions, and hopefully at least a phone call
the day after. But tattoos get a lot of strong reactions too. And since this
isn’t a prudish publication, we’re using the following pages to have a
healthy discourse about one of the most fundamentally important aspects of
being a human being.

For a litmus test on sexuality among the INKED crowd, we conducted the
first-ever sex survey focused solely on tattooed Americans. Kareem Black
(3) illustrates the poll with his photographs and also spent the day with us
antiquing with Social Distortion. Yes, you heard me right: Social D took us
to haggle over vintage watches, license plates, and ventriloquist dummies.
Tattoo artist Oliver Peck also tipped us off to his favorite secondhand shop
in Zac Clark’s (4) article on Dallas, this year’s Super Bowl city. Trevor
Paulhus (9) shot the Big D’s Top Chef, Tre Wilcox, for a profile. Over on the
West Coast, Tom Medvedich (2) captured our Icon, Baba Austin, tagging,
and on the other side of the country Melanie Rud (6) profiled INKED Girl
5 6 7 and New Yorker Meredith Devine.

But back to the sex. Evan Seinfeld and his porn star girlfriend, Lupe Fuentes,
re-created the famous John and Yoko photo for Emily Shur (10). In the
corresponding Q&A, Seinfeld reveals even more to Bryan Reesman. Ellen
Stagg (5) took her camera and cocktail waitress Melony into the champagne
room at Scores. Photographer Corporate Vampire captured Brooke Banner
and Andy San Dimas for their tales of auto erotica. During another shoot,
INKED model Ana Stone (1) suggested that Tiffany Frasier (7) profile her
professor Melissa Febos—a writer who paid her way through college by being
a dominatrix. Finally, music producer wunderkind deadmau5 (8) doesn’t like
the bad rep “cat people” get, so he penned a piece for us in which he shares
why it’s better to date friends of the feline rather than “dog people.”
8 9 10
Dogs, cats, birds, bees—we all have sex. And much like tattoos, the more we
put it out there, the more people shed their inhibitions, become educated on
the subject, and perhaps feel a little more alive, more human, in the process.

Rocky Rakovic
[email protected]

iNside THe dark CarNival
Tara molle
Whoop whoop! Great article!

daria Quinzel
Aw man. This is the inside look on
the Gathering I’ve been looking for. I
want to go next time.

Nate Pierce
Hope your crew had a good time
and saw some fucked-up shit go
down. I know I did.

iNked Girl JUsTiNe koNik

Gene Williams
Live long and prosper Justine!

iCoN: roBerT aTkiNsoN

Bigg Jacobsen
reader of
Sweet article about a guy that’s
been there and done that! Thanks!
COuRTNey PeReiRa
Pasadena, Texas
Jason Wilson
Want to be a Reader of the Month?
His style has really grown and E-mail photos to [email protected]
changed, very nice.

Praise from a World aWay with love and respect. I will keep states there is no waiting period for keep their waiting period after being
What’s up, INKED? Just wanted to reading unconditionally with articles tattoos. There is only a one-year wait- tattooed! In this day you’d think tat-
say I love the magazine. I’m currently of such caliber. ing period in states where tattooing is tooing would be universally safe, but
overseas in Kuwait. We don’t get too Natalia Sheridan not regulated. I know that the waiting it’s not. And I totally hate to say that. In
many copies of INKED in, but I usu- Ontario, Canada period on tattoos is bullshit, but it’s the last year, just in my tri-state area
ally am one of the lucky ones to grab not even the American Red Cross— there have been four reported cases
a copy when it comes to us. I love the I really enjoyed the Gathering of the it’s the FDA that sets the rules. of diseases spread in “licensed tat-
pictures, the artwork, and the articles. Juggalos article in the November Red Crossed too shops.” Health regulations are
Oh yeah, I love the ladies too! 2010 issue. I actually was teary- Albany, NY bullshit. Don’t cut the waiting period.
Rik Ortiz eyed that the writer noted the Jugga- Chris Hall
Camp Arifjan, Kuwait los and Juggalettes as very friendly. I have been tattooing since 1992. Puravida Tattoo
Glad he had a great time. Blood transfusions should definitely Somerdale, NJ
iNsaNe CloWN PieCe Brett Tate
Thank you so much for running a Winston-Salem, NC
beautiful article on the Gathering WriTe Us. Got something to say? Send all praise, notes of complaint,
of the Juggalos. As a Juggalo, I am Blood oN oUr HaNds story suggestions, and other comments to [email protected]. All
constantly saddened by the media’s I work for the American Red Cross submissions should include the writer’s name and address. Letters may be edited
depiction of who we are. You have and I wanted to let you know you for clarity, length, and content. also join the party at
outdone yourselves by treating us should do a correction. In regulated

inked life
drink. groom. go.

My First Ink
Name: Kim Nguyen
Occupation: Student, Tattoo Artist
Hometown: Corona, CA
My first tattoo was the phrase "Carpe
Diem," in script on my lower back. I was
only 17 and got it done at a local shop in
town. At the time I was very free-spirited
and just felt like the statement was
appropriate in describing my lifestyle.
Actually, I haven’t changed that much
since then—although I’ve added quite a
bit more to my collection of tattoos. My
family definitely doesn’t like them very
much but they’ve come to accept it as
me being who I am. My aunt actually
wants me to tattoo her! I guess by show-
ing them the beauty of the art, they can
learn to accept and appreciate it.

p h o t o b y b r ya n m i r a n d a

february 2011 | 9
inked life | news

The Girl WiTh A Unicorn TATToo

Lady Gaga wears some ridiculous (and a lot of supercool) stuff, but underneath it all she’s inked just
like us. Her latest addition? Tattooer Becca Roach from North Star Tattoo in New York City recently
put a unicorn head on the pop star’s thigh. The banner around the unicorn’s horn reads “Born This
Way,” which is rumored to be the title of her next album and is also featured in this lyric from of one of
her new tracks: “I’m beautiful in my way, ’cause God makes no mistakes, I’m on the right track, baby, I
was born this way.” Is the new tattoo cooler than her meat outfit? You be the judge.

Be A PlAyer
Game Crush is a new website that
combines chat roulette, gaming
rooms, and video flirting. But most
importantly, the site has a roster
of beautiful tattooed girls you can
play with. It costs some cash, but
if you want to play online computer
games with cute inked ladies, like
gamer “ikillpixels,” above, it’s well
worth it. and if you’re a hot guy
or girl who enjoys webcam gam-
ing, you can also sign up to be a
PlayDate (that’s what players are
called), which earns you some walk-
ing-around money or some dough
toward your next piece.

WhAT A Dick!
Allegedly a man in Austra-
lia named Chester Ives
asked amateur tattoo art-
ist (and then “friend”) Matthew Francis Brady to ink a yin and yang
symbol with dragons on his back, but for some stupid reason Brady
of women wouldn’t rule out
getting a tattoo of their
ladY GaGa, INfpHoTo.Com

apparently tattooed a 40-cm penis and a slogan calling Ives homo- lover’s name, according to a
sexual onto his skin instead. Ives, rightfully, called the authorities poll done by The Frisky,
on Brady, who was subsequently charged with assault occasioning a women’s website.
bodily harm, a charge that was eventually amped up to assault occa-
sioning grievous bodily harm. There is no death penalty in Australia.

inked life | drink


Feeling Rosy
with a
smile. A chat with bubbly Scores
cocktail waitress Melony.

INKED: How would you describe Scores?

MEloNy: It’s New York City’s classiest strip club.
And you don’t strip? That’s not my thing. But along with a
drink and good conversation I can escort someone who will.
Do you like your job? For sure—I get paid to socialize.
Are the tips good? When people come to strip clubs they
expect to spend money.
What types of drinks do most order? We get a lot of
groups of businessmen and bachelor parties, so the groups
normally order bottle service. When ordering on the floor,
groups normally stick with Grey Goose and a few chasers. And
in the private rooms champagne is the popular choice.
Any particular bottle of bubbly popular? We’ve got a
pretty solid list of champagnes, with some even costing
$4,500. But as far as particular champagnes, rosés have been
popular recently.
How do the customers react to your tattoos? Some
nights I wear a sweater that hangs off my shoulders and I
have to constantly take it off because the clientele will keep
asking to check out my ink. It's usually the main topic of
conversation once their drinks have been ordered.
Do you have a favorite tattoo? Probably my Day of the
Dead Virgin Mary with cleavage—my not-so-virgin Mary.

SCHramSBerg 2001 reSerVe

Made from 70 percent pinot noir grapes and 30 per-
cent chardonnay, this brut (brut = not sweet, by the
way) can stand up to any pairing. The notes are fruity,
so if your date wants strawberries and whipped

cream for Valentine’s Day, go with this bottle ($80).

Iron HorSe 2005

What’s better than a French toast? Awesome American spirits.
ClaSSIC VIntage Brut
Athletes don’t shower each other with rum after Drapers of the late 19th century boasted that bubbly Iron Horse carefully chooses the grapes that go into
winning a championship; ships aren’t christened by was the table wine of the royalty. Pretty darn soon the this bottle ($33) from Green Valley. Not until harvest do
breaking a bottle of vermouth on the bow; best men emerging middle class started buying magnums en the winemakers determine the fate of each particular
don’t give Four Loko toasts at weddings. The high- masse. In a second wave of ingenuity, champagne grape, choosing the smaller, sugary berries for still wine
lights of life are often paired with champagne. It’s the was marketed to a newly empowered market: ladies. while reserving the larger, tart ones for this sparkling.
tiny bubbles that rise up from the bottom of a cham- So when you pour your girlfriend champagne on Val-
pagne flute like luftballons that signify a superb time. entine’s Day or split a bottle with your new friend in a
Three reasons why: First, you can’t recork a champagne room, be thankful the chartreuse camp SofIa roSé
champagne bottle and you can’t pound sparkling didn’t scoop that demographic. From the Francis Ford Coppola Winery—and named af-
wine. Champagne situations require at least one Now champagnes must come from the Cham- ter Sofia Coppola—this crisp rosé is our go-to at $20.
friend and a leisurely pace. Second, the stuff is pagne region of France, but because we love Knowledge for life: The difference between rosé and
delicious—everybody loves champagne, so why ’Merica we selected our favorite domestic spar- other sparkling wines isn’t the color of the grapes
not toast with it? And third, it’s aspirational. kling wines for your next wonderful evening. And but that the grapes used in rosés ferment for a
Thanks to then-clever marketing way back in remember: Wheaties isn't the breakfast of champi- spell with their skins on, creating the pink tint.
France, in the Champagne region specifically, the Don ons. Mimosas are. —Robert McCormick

12 | INKEDMAG.COM photo by eLLeN STAgg

w w w. a e r i a l 7. c o m
inked life | VIEW

Clockwise from top

left: Playing Koi, El
Wood, Beijing Empire
Strikes Back.

Designing Women
We’re really drawn to Derek Santiago’s
digital dream girls.

Bronx, NY–based illustrator Derek ion Institute of Technology. “I started

Santiago describes his work as my career as a comic colorist,”
“Retro-future-hybrid-multicultural- he remembers of his commercial
urban-figurative pinup art.” We just work. “That’s actually where I got
call it sexy. His designs feature a my beginnings as a digital painter,
menagerie of half-naked, libido- and from there I’ve done illustrations
provoking women swathed in bright for Levi’s, Coors, Heineken, Target,
colors, sharp lines, and sultry ink. and World Wrestling Entertainment.
Santiago’s pieces are mixed Having a passion for all types of art
media—largely digital based—and his and design, I’ve done work for toy
influences range from his Latin heri- companies, movie companies, ad
tage to ’80s Japanese anime to the agencies, and fashion and textile
late fashion artist Antonio Lopez. His houses,” Santiago says. “I was a
process begins with the inspiration of bit all over the place, but right now
a beautiful woman, he explains: “The I’m sticking to my culturally remixed
majority of my work is of women I pinup girls.”
know in real life, fans from around the Many of Santiago’s ladies are
globe, or women from my imagina- adorned with ink—a subject the artist
tion.” Santiago composes the females feels passionate about. “The woman’s
using a digital airbrushing technique, body is the best work of art ever cre-
then outputs it onto canvas and adds ated,” he explains of the female form,
mixed media components. complete with shape, curves, and
A self-described “sensitive nerdy contours. “What looks sexy on one
kid growing up,” Santiago, now 37 lady might look a mess on another.
years old, attended the High School … Those curves can be bulldozed by
of Art and Design in Manhattan and tattoos that collide against the femi-
later received a BFA from the Fash- nine flow.” —Kara Pound

inked life | spend

Put a Put a
ring on it Bullet
in Your
If you adhere—or
even if you don’t—to
the adage that it’s
not the size of the
boat but the motion
of the ocean, get
SITi G: Nine Millimeter
yourself an outboard Earphones ($159, munito.
motor: the LifeStyle’s com) are titanium-coated
Vibrating Ring (four for and perfect for listening
$13, to loud music—especially
death metal.

tHe Sailor
If you’re dating the
Combining land,
right girl, a Whit- air, and sea, the
man’s Sampler won’t Sailor Girl Skateboard
do. Instead, this Deck by Sailor
Valentine’s Day give Jerry and Chapman
her Marini’s Chocolate Skateboards ($58,
Covered Bacon ($11
for half-pound box, does more than just look sleek.

It took you a second,
didn’t it? This brilliant
piece ($420, leah says,
“I’m not uptight” and
“I enjoy visual puns.”
In the wrong company
you can just say, “No,
you pervert, this is
abstract art.”

69 the
hard Way
Badcock makes some of
our favorite T-shirts, and
they utilized the root of the
romantic languages for this
vintage-feeling shirt ($38,


Feet to in the rain

Sometimes Mother Nature can be a

the Fire real mother. Tell her what you think

about precipitation with the Fuck the
Rain umbrella ($52,
These Lee Hale oxi-
dized bronze candle-
holders with talons
$395, eriebasin.
com) are the slickest
candlesticks we’ve
ever seen. The only
issue? No catch for
running wax means
you end up with

Penny Saver
Eyes on the prize: Your next
Mined the ScraP
Marine Mine takes salvaged underwater mines from an abandoned So-
piece isn’t going to pay for itself, viet military facility near Finland and fabricates them into some impact-
so bank your spare change in ful furniture. They create fireplaces (above), armchairs, beds, and even
the I’m Savin’ Up for a New Tattoo! toilets (prices available upon request,
bank ($8,

february 2011 | 17
inked life | play

< EntErtainmEnt < books

Board ShotS
When a drought hit southern Califor-

BooB TuBe
nia in the 1970s, rascal kids took the
streets (and trespassed into neigh-
borhood swimming pools and drain-
through parodies, the porn industry promises you’ll never watch your favorite shows the same way again. age ditches) on their skateboards,
The adult film business makes etration, and Hung Wankenstein. go on at Don Draper’s agency, the which seems far more awkward creating a sport that now hands out
their bread off shock value, and Even Top Chef, Jersey Shore, CSI, adult version can show it all. In than authentic. My 13-year-old gold medals. Photographer Hugh
now that they have pushed the and The Brady Bunch (Ron Jeremy just over 90 minutes, porno-Joan self would hate me for saying Holland jumped fences and ran from
physical bar as high as humanly plays Sam the Butcher) have been shows porno-Peggy the ropes of this but I found the entire thing local dogs in the mid-’70s to docu-
possible they have turned to given the XXX treatment. Inexpli- her new job, Don and Betty Draper to be spectacularly boring, and I ment the skater culture that even-
ream our favorite programs. The cably, there’s also a parody of celebrate a new account, Roger would much rather have watched tually bred Dogtown and Z-Boys. The
porn parody is not a new idea but McHale’s Navy (just a reminder: and Joan have a fling, and Don the actual show. They took some- result was defiant, sun-bleached,
one that the industry has been Father’s Day is a few months has to convince the woman in thing that I love and made it dull and innocent photos now turned

going gangbangers—excuse me, away). Of all these, I decided to charge of an account to stay with and gross. Wait, what’s this? into oversized coffee table book
gangbusters—with recently. give This Isn’t Mad Men a look. the agency. In order to keep char- Texas' Asshole Massacre? I love Locals Only. It’s a striking collec-
A few have clever names like While AMC can only show us so acter, Don keeps his shirt and tie flicks during which people get tion of the scrawny blond outlaws
Face Jam, Sex Trek: The Next Pen- much of the sexual exploits that on and smokes while having sex, gored! —Charlie Connell caught in the act when skating was
still a crime. —Robert McCormick

< moviEs

< dvd

LittLE monstErs
Monsters is an impressive little movie. A NASA
probe with alien life-forms crashes in Central
America. It sounds like the setup of an epic
film, but Monsters centers around two char-
acters who are trying to pass through the
“infected zone,” so the alien threat takes
a backseat. It’s more of a survival film that
drivE anGrY 3d sanCtUm i am nUmbEr FoUr focuses on character, fear, dread, and sus-
Nicolas Cage stars in this action- Producer James Cameron brings I Am Number Four is the sci-fi tale pense—but when the monsters finally appear,
horror-revenge flick about a vengeful us this 3-D action-thriller about about John Smith (Alex Pettyfer), a it’s awesome. Someone needs to give direc-
father who is chasing the people a group of cave divers who are teen with extraordinary powers. He tor Gareth Edwards a shitload of money and
who killed his daughter and kid- trapped in the largest underwater is a humanlike being from the planet see what he can do with it. —G.M.
napped her baby. This looks like one cave system on the planet. With lim- Lorien, which was destroyed by an
of those classic, bat-shit Nic Cage ited supplies and nerves on edge, invading race called Mogadorians.
performances we all love. Director they must work together to find their Nine Lorien children escaped and
Patrick Lussier, who made the bril- way out of the labyrinth and hope- were each given a number. Now an
liant My Bloody Valentine in 3-D, fully make it out alive. This film is alien hunter is pursuing them, kill-
also cowrote the script with partner also shot in true 3-D, not that post- ing them in order. So far, three are
in crime Todd Farmer, so expect a filming conversion crap (we’re talk- dead and John is Number Four. On
high-body-count bloodbath. Amber ing about you, Clash of the Titans). the run and aided by his guardian,
Heard, Billy Burke, William Fichtner, And with Cameron involved, we’re Henri (Timothy Olyphant), the two
and David Morse are also along for sure it’s going to look stunning. Not settle in a small Ohio town—then it
the ride. —Gilbert Macias for the claustrophobic. —G.M. gets crazy. —G.M.

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inked life | play

< video gaMes

by Jonah bayer

Belle & seBastian

“sunday’s pretty icons”
The perfect soundtrack for a lazy Sunday.
“vampire lessons”
Former Jawbreaker frontman Blake Schwarzenbach
proves he’s still got plenty of fury in the tank.
all pigs Must die
“die ignorant”
What do you get when you combine members of
Converge, The Hope Conspiracy, and Bloodhorse?
Total fucking destruction.

Platforms: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC

Shooting a gun is as mundane as taking out the trash in too many action games. Not Bulletstorm. This
bombastic sci-fi shooter couldn’t give a shit that you shoot your enemy; it’s only concerned with how
you shoot your enemy. Bulletstorm rewards creativity on the battlefield, awarding point bonus points for
executing over-the-top skill shots that players can then use to unlock new attacks and upgrade weapons.
Why riddle the baddie with bullets when you can tie him up with chain-linked explosive grenades, kick
him into his squad, and watch limbs fly in the explosive aftermath? The skill shots get even more outland-
ish when you team up with three friends in the co-op Anarchy mode. If you want to do Quentin Tarantino
proud, the four of you can each grab a limb with your electric leash weapons to draw and quarter the poor
bastard. Now that’s pulp fiction. Play if you like: Grindhouse, Firefly, Duke nukem —Matt Bertz

sMoKe or Fire
“Monsters among us”
On their third full-length for Fat Wreck Chords, the
punchers finally strike the perfect balance between
aggression and melody.
“digging for something”
This indie rock institution only gets better with age.
“upside down”
Fronted by The Circle Jerks/Black Flag vocalist Keith
Killzone 3 Marvel vs. CapCoM 3: Fate oF two worlds Morris, Off! carry on L.A.’s punk legacy with help
Platform: PlayStation 3 Platform: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
from members of Hot Snakes and Burning Brides.
In Killzone 2, players disposed of the humanoid Hel- The legendary crossover fighting game returns My CheMiCal roManCe
ghast dictator, severing the head from the snake. after a 10-year hiatus. Marvel vs. Capcom 3 comes “na na na (na na na na na na na na na)”
Game over, right? Not even close. At the start of to the brawl armed with a new cel-shaded look, They channel their inner Stooges with this seduc-
Killzone 3, the hero survivors must fend for them- a three-button control scheme (no more over- tive new single.
selves without military support against a pissed- complicated combos), and a who’s who roster of
Kings oF leon
off mutant army. Though the outlook is dreary, the Marvel and Capcom characters like the Incredible
game brightens up the gloomy atmosphere of its Hulk, Spider-Man, and Ryu. They hired well-known
Kings of Leon retain their rock ‘n’ roll crown with
predecessors as players shoot their way through Iron Man and Wolverine comic book writer Frank
the first single from their latest disc, Come Around
gorgeously realized arctic tundras and jungles. De- Tieri to craft a story about a diabolical tag team
veloper Guerrilla Games also fine-tuned the gun- of Doctor Doom and Albert Wesker. To stop their
play with explosive new weapons like a multimissile nefarious plot to take over both worlds, Marvel and hellogoodBye
launcher, more vehicular combat, and the introduc- Capcom heroes must punch and kick their way “Finding something to do”
tion of jet-pack warfare. The Rocketeer with guns, through a series of three-on-three scraps. Each Writing the perfect pop song isn’t easy, but it sure
multiplayer, and 3-D support? Sign us up. Play if character has its own unique ending. Play if you like: sounds like it when listening to Hellogoodbye’s
you like: resistance: Fall of Man, Avatar —M.B. Street Fighter, Marvel’s Civil War series —M.B. latest effort.

Born from true aesthetic principles and a reBellious spirit to truly live life.
nightrider Jewelry represents more than Just a sculptural piece of wearaBle art. it
is a symBol. it represents the Basic human need, that Boiling desire inherent in all
of us that spans generations past, present, and future. that need is freedom.
inked life | groom

This is our
version of
Tub Girl.

Cleaner Science Petri Dish Soap ($8,

Consider this a reminder of why you want to wash
your hands after using the bathroom. The petri-dish-

mOdeL, sam mae; haIr, eLIZabeTh mOrache usInG shu uemura fOr wOrKGrOup nYc; maKeup, KaTe smITh usInG bObbI brOwn cOsmeTIcs; sTYLIsT, Ken bOrOchOv; LOcaTIOn, shanGrILa sTudIO
shaped, honey-scented soap is modeled after an
image of USDA enemy number one: escherichia coli.

Lush Whoosh Shower Jelly ($6,

Not a Jell-O Jiggler, this wobbly blue bar creates a
refreshing lather with lemon, lime, and grapefruit
juices packed into the formula. One caveat with this
one: You will unavoidably drop the soap.

These Love Lee Soaps Doughnut Soap ($4;
suds are With a chocolate scent and actual sprinkles, visitors

for you. might be tempted to bite into this bar. So warn them in
advance—because no matter how dumb they are, no one
deserves to have their mouth washed out with soap.

Things ThaT are sure in life: You will pay taxes, getting a tattoo will hurt, and your houseguests
will examine everything in your bathroom. To have a little fun with that inevitability, you could stash bedbug
spray under the sink and fill your medicine cabinet with antifungal cream, dandruff shampoo, and Zovirax Aramis Soap on a Rope ($14;
(Google it), but what if the houseguest happens to be someone you’d like to impress? Like a lady, per- Did an ex-convict invent this item? The jury’s hung. We
haps? One option is a basket with back issues of The New Yorker next to the toilet; but really, that’s not do know, however, that this iteration is no gag gift.
fooling anyone. Instead, we suggest replacing the standard stuff in your soap dish with one of these suds The handy soap’s moisturizing formula leaves behind
makers. They’re what we like to call good, clean fun. —Jennifer Goldstein an expensive-smelling patchouli and musk fragrance.

22 | INKEDMAG.COM photo by Kareem bLacK

inked life | go


Oliver Peck shows
you around this year’s
Super Bowl city.

< Best Vintage store

From old cowboy boots to vintage vinyl and old prom dresses,
Dolly Python (1916 N. Haskell Ave.) is where old things come
in hopes of a second life. “It’s a combination vintage store
antique shop with a lot of hipster style,” Peck says. They regu-
larly host seasonal parties, and the shop’s owner, Gretchen
Bell, takes requests; if you need anything from dead animal
skulls to leather biker jackets, she’ll keep an eye out for you.

Oliver Peck has been tat- | Best Diner that time Forgot
tooing and traveling the After a hard night of drinking, nothing does you right like some-
world for the last 18 years, thing to soak up your bad decisions. The Metro Diner (3309
so he knows how to live Gaston Ave.) is Dallas’s best greasy spoon. If you roll in at 4
on the road. Accordingly, a.m., expect a rough-and-tumble crowd but also expect amaz-
we tapped him to play tour ing diner food like blueberry pancakes, breakfast sausage, and
guide for his hometown, the burgers. “When I was 20, I used to eat three meals a day here
Big D. The first place you for about four months!” Peck says.
should stop is the shop he
owns with Dean Williams,
Elm Street Tattoo (2811
Elm St.), in Deep Ellum.
| Best mexican FooD north oF the BorDer
“It’s not just a business;
There are hundreds of Mexican restaurants in Dallas, but
we try to make it a place to
Peck swears by Pepe & Mito’s Mexican Cafe (2911 Elm
hang out,” Peck says. “We
St.). “We eat here a lot, and not just ’cause it’s close,” he
like to make customers
says. “When you leave town you miss the salsa.” Enchila-
and friends feel welcome.
das, fajitas, and tacos—all the staples of Mexican cuisine—
It’s the same atmosphere
are amazing, but the mole and handmade flour tortillas are
that your grandfather’s
known among locals as the best in Dallas.
barbershop had.” After you
get inked, check out these
other spots. —Zac Clark

Best Place to get

artisticallY insPireD -
Standing tall since 1987 in
Waxahachie, the Webb Gal-
lery (209-211 W. Franklin St.) is a haven Best Bar to celeBrate Your new tattoo in -
for self-taught artists and artisans all over With a friendly and heavily tattooed bar staff,
the area. Owners Bruce and Julie Webb well-priced drinks, a stacked jukebox, and elec-
have been scouring Texas for the last 22 tronic poker, July Alley (2809 Elm St.) is a local
years in search of oddities of interest, watering hole for the everyman. “It’s right next
handmade art, and promotional objects door to the shop,” Peck says. “They’re a big part
from yesteryear. “They even sell things like of the Friday the Thirteenth parties we throw.”
circus banners and fraternal order memo- And if that isn’t enough, they also have more
rabilia—it’s a must-see,” Peck raves. than 50 bottles of beer on the wall.

Looking for Mr.
Finish First No
2nd-placers ne
ed not apply.
Sound like you?
Make your move
Still reading—
you're not him.

power play.

Lose the wimpy sugar shot.

Chew on this. No crash. Explosive
energy that lasts. 3 chews in a bag.
Your money and image saved…

Available at:

at selected
inked life | drive

Brooke Banner
(top) and Andy
San Dimas
are backseat

Sex Ever since the first Model T rolled off the assembly line,
cars and love—at least its physical manifestation—have been

linked. “They’re a great place to be spontaneous,” says adult
film star Brooke Banner. “Plus there’s the adrenaline: What if
we get caught? What if someone sees us?” Here, Banner and
fellow adult film star Andy San Dimas take us for a ride.
Women who ANDY: My very first porn scene was in the back of an El
know share Camino. For Dana DeArmond’s Role Modeling we put
deep thoughts a mattress in the back of this olive green El Camino that
on auto erotica. also had chains to hold the gate onto the truck bed. We
were going so hard that we broke one of the chains—I felt
really bad about that. Then my costar carried me from the El
Camino to a Vespa, and we did it there too.
BROOKE: I’m dying to get an old-school Cadillac that has
the bench seat, so I can have sex on it. I’ve already had sex
in a raised, lifted Chevy truck—in the bed and inside—a
Tahoe, my old car, which was a Range Rover, and my cur-
rent car, a Bimmer.
ANDY: My car right now is a Scion xB, which I’m proud of
but I’ve never had sex in. I guess that’s weird for the amount
of sex I have and the amount of time I spend in that car. But
when I was younger I had a military blue GMC Safari. It was
a mega-minivan and I rode my boyfriend reverse cowgirl in
it. It’s a position I never do anymore unless I’m in a movie,


because it’s one of the most uncomfortable; you work mus-
cles you never do any other time. It’s the most popular porno position for a hatchback trunk.
sex position and the most loathed. BROOKE: My fantasy is a tattooed girl driving an old-school
BROOKE: I own a 6-series BMW and I’m tall, so I have to Buick down Ventura Boulevard.
have sex on it, not in it. Recently I was leaving the ArcLight ANDY: I just did Tori Black Is Pretty Filthy 2, and in a scene
theater in Los Angeles and I asked the guy to pull over into that was nominated for an AVN Award I’m with Tori in an old,
a cul-de-sac. We leaned up against the car and did it with red Cadillac convertible. While I drove up and down a can-
the door open. yon she stood up and flashed. The alignment on the car was
ANDY: I dated a guy who drove a Ford Focus SVT, and off, so I was just trying not to veer off a cliff. Then we parked
he was obsessed with this little black hatchback. Some- at the edge of the cliff with a really great view and I fucked
how we got in the trunk of this car; I was the little spoon her in the back of the car. I didn’t put any sunblock on, so I
and he was the big spoon. So I can say that’s a good got sunburned. Always wear protection. —Sam Jemielity

inked people
RockeRs. chef. dominatRix.

“It was kind of

unrockstary to sing
about that stuff.”
—Nathan Willett
of The Cold War
Kids on the band’s
“relationship” songs.
photo by dove shoRe

february 2011 | 29
inked people

The Cold War Kids are growing up yet not growing old. The Long Beach–
based soul-punk outfit began carefree and fun, but now the band—and their
sound—is maturing. “I’m trying to come up with a better term for what this phase
of life is all about,” explains frontman, pianist, guitarist, and lyricist Nathan Willett.
“I think it’s just when people kind of settle into their work, start finding themselves
a bit, and are more likely to get into committed relationships.”
Willett, who is married, is hard at work with his bandmates—Jonnie Rus-
sell (guitar, vocals, percussion), Matt Maust (bass guitar), and Matt Aveiro
(drums)—touring for their just-released third studio album, Mine Is Yours. The
fifth contributor to the new Cold War Kids sound is producer extraordinaire
Jacquire King (Kings of Leon, Norah Jones, Tom Waits). Together they put out
11 tracks featuring Willett waxing poetic about the joys and failures of commit-
ment—the transformation of relationships from “easy and light to really heavy.”
“Lyrically speaking, it didn’t seem like anything I’d ever really heard,” Willett
says. “It was very kind of unrockstary to sing about that stuff. I guess in a way
people want to listen to stuff like Kings of Leon who kind of say, ‘Do whatever
you want, heartbreaks happen and they’re not that bad,’ kind of thing.”
But when it comes to ink, Willett is all rock star. His first tattoo came at
age 18, and it’s been steady ever since. Most of his work is by good friend
and fellow musician Jim Miner, who works at Analog Tattoo in San Jose, CA.
“I’d come home and Jim would be tattooing people in our kitchen every night,”
Willett remembers of the early days. “It was definitely a part of the culture that
was happening at that time.”
Willett’s arsenal of flesh art includes a nearly covered chest featuring a sacred
heart, the sky, angels, and a banner that reads “Salvation.” He’s also got a black
trumpet on his forearm, a crown reminiscent of the work of artist Jean-Michel Bas-
quiat, and the word “Tender” on his arm, which serves as an ode to the tune of the
same name by Blur. “If I were ever to write a list of my favorite songs, that would
be really high up there,” he says. It’s a seemingly perfect anthem for a guy who’s
growing—and from ink to album, Willett and the other Cold War Kids thrust it out
front for their fans going through the same metamorphosis. —Kara Pound


From left:
Nathan Willett, Jonnie
Russell, Matt Aveiro,
and Matt Maust.
inked people

Tomato Foam
You’ve seen foams on television and at fancy restau-
rants, but they’re actually pretty simple to do and can
be both lighter and more flavorful than sauces.

2 medium vine-ripe tomatoes, cored

2 garlic cloves, peeled
1 shallot, peeled and halved
2 tablespoons tomato paste
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 ½ cups water
1 tablespoon lecithin granules, ground
Pinch salt

Place tomatoes, garlic, and shallot in a perforated

pan over a hot charcoal grill and cook for 3 to 4
minutes. Place the contents of the pan in a pot
and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes. Add
tomato paste, chili powder, and cayenne pepper
and continue to cook for 8 to 10 minutes. Next,
place mixture in a blender and blend until smooth.
Strain liquid through a fine mesh strainer and
whisk in the water, lecithin, and salt. Froth liquid
with handheld immersion blender. Remove foam
from top of liquid and serve.

A person’s first job is never supposed to become their career—if that were His vision is a restaurant without borders that will offer up as many cuisines
the case, the number one profession in America would be grocery bagger. So as possible under one roof. Drawing from a broad spectrum of experiences in
when a 16-year-old Tre Wilcox took his work permit to a kitchen, he certainly his life gives a distinct style to both Wilcox’s cooking and his ink. His Christian
didn’t expect to discover that cooking would become the great passion of his faith, his family, Chinese mythology, and his personal ethos are all reflected in
life. “I started working as a short order cook in a little family-owned place just the artwork on his arm. He explains that the apple on his arm represents “two
to make money,” he recalls. “I didn’t really think I was going to put my all into it. loves: a love for JC and a love for food.” Wilcox’s first tattoo was the phrase
And sure enough, I became more intrigued.” “Gotta Have Passion.” When you look at his life and his work, one couldn’t
The more time he spent in the kitchen, the more Wilcox knew that this was think of a more apt way to describe him. It is that passion that has brought him
his calling. By the time he turned 19, cooking had become an obsession. “I great success in and out of the kitchen, including the past season of Top Chef
realized quickly that I loved this shit and that I don’t want to be away from this,” on which he looked to be the chef to beat—something that didn’t quite pan out
he says. “I wanted to learn as much as I could about it.” Instead of going the and that he’s giving another go in Top Chef All-Stars. He calls the experience,
route of getting a formal education through culinary school, Wilcox decided like all of his cooking in other people’s kitchens, a learning process—one that’s
to just go out and work. In order to learn from some of the best chefs in the ongoing. “When you wake up, you spend every one of your days trying to find
country he would work in their kitchens for free, a practice known as staging. out more about what it is that you love,” Wilcox declares. “I won’t ever plateau
He has staged in over 30 restaurants and continues to do so, leading up to him as a chef. Every day I’m aggressive with getting out to learn more.” Lucky for
opening his first place, Marquee Restaurant, in early 2011. our taste buds his first gig wasn’t video store clerk. —Charlie Connell


inked people

“I had always been fascinated by the ability to appear one thing and to be After four years, Melissa decided it was time to hang up her whip. “It’s com-
another,” says Melissa Febos. This curiosity soon became her reality. In her pulsive and you become attached. But you can’t be afraid to listen to yourself
revealing memoir, Whip Smart, Febos shares the realities of her double life as a when it’s right for you to leave,” Febos says. “But I am grateful for the experi-
dominatrix. “I had no idea what I was getting myself into,” Febos recounts of her ence; it made me more open-minded and a better person.”
experience as both a professional dominatrix and a college student. “I got off on After graduating from The New School University and receiving an MFA in
having a secret life, but it’s a lot of work to maintain life in different realms.” writing from Sarah Lawrence College, Febos has taught writing and literature at
During her junior year of college, Melissa became tired of low-paying writ- SUNY Purchase College and New York University. To this day, she uses writing
ing jobs and working in coffee shops making lattes. That all changed when as a way to process the world. “I think best when writing. When something hap-
she responded to an ad offering $75 an hour to act out sexual fantasies in pens that scars us or has a lasting affect, we should document it,” she says.
an upscale S&M house in Manhattan. “On the surface I was working for the Febos has also used this philosophy when selecting her collection of tattoos. “I
money, but I was also interested in the hidden culture. It made me confident try to capture images that signify experiences that changed me,” she says. “Artisti-
and pushed my boundaries. I had such complex motives that I had to write a cally, I always liked black-and-white images that were iconic culturally.” Funny for
whole book to figure out what attracted me to sex work.” a woman whose existence isn’t exactly black and white. —Tiffany Frasier

photo by JIMMY FONTAINE february 2011 | 35

{noT safe for work}
The hoTTesT inked girls on film bare Their TaTToos.
Pornography has done a lot of good—really, it has. The art form helped you
through “the talk” with your parents. Your father, stammering: “Now, son …
when a man and a—” ¶ You: “Yeah, I know, Dad.” ¶ Its stars, like Jenna Jame-
son and Traci Lords, were your first sex-ed instructors. And it made sex less
mysterious and less dirty—more like a fun activity to do with a friend. ¶ Even
post-puberty, if you want to spice things up in your life, you needn’t look
further than one of the millions of films that have examples of tricks to add
to your repertoire. And if you ever feel ashamed of a certain fetish, it takes
five seconds and an internet connection to see that other people share
your turn-on. ¶ At its core, though, porn is entertainment. Like celebrities
of stage and screen, the stars of the adult film industry have tremendous
followings. Headliners range from bushy to siliconed to tattooed to (thanks
to adult “tubes”) literally the girl next door. And when inked guys and dolls
made the jump from alt porn to mainstream X-rated releases, it wasn’t just
a coup for the actors and actresses; it was a sign that tattoos had been
embraced by the masses—considered universally sexy. ¶ To celebrate, we
asked the hottest inked women in the business to take down their hair, slip
off their Lucite heels, and change out of their cheerleading, French maid,
and hot teacher costumes for this stunning pictorial.

photos by warwick saint

This Penthouse Pet of the
Month for January 2009
is a three-time aVn award
winner and star of such
hits as 1 Night in Paris
and Apprentass.

february 2011 | 37
previous page, B.TempT’d Bra and underwear, skinny 18k ring; roBerTo Coin BraCeleT. This page, Jenna leigh Bra and underwear; lisa sTewarT neCklaCe seT; giuseppe ZanoTTi ring
This star of European Vacation and
P.O.V. Punx 4 works part-time as an
assistant manager at a bookstore
and says her favorite tattoos are “the
sinister, pink-haired, Japanese nurse
on my left arm and … the pink kitty
surrounded by rainbows on my right.”

Tori Lux
With tattoos from Psycho City
Tattoo and American Made
Tattoo, this starlet of Carbongirl
and No Panties Allowed 2 tweeted
this about Victoria’s Secret
models: “i know exactly what all
those bitches are thinking: Fuck
man, i am starving!”
EllE MacphErson undErwEar; swarovski crystal nEcklacE; vicini hEEls

february 2011 | 39
AkirA rAine
The San Francisco Giants fan
has manned Queerly Beloved’s
kinky kissing Booth (think
spanking and flogging instead
of just kissing) and starred in
films such as Courtney Trouble
and No Fauxxx.

Cosabella thong; lisa stewart braCelets

Daisy Marie
a runner-up in the reality
competition show Jenna’s
American Sex Star, this actress
of Blown Away 2 and Tic-Tac-
Toes 3 has also lent her talents
to 50 Cent’s video for the song
“Disco inferno.”
EllE MacphErson undErwEar; robErto coin Earrings

february 2011 | 41
Juelz Ventura
this Brazilian bombshell
and star of Jet Fuel, Lex the
Impaler, and Vajazlled says
she’d like to meet … your
mom. “Seriously—moms
like me!” she insists.

EllE MacphErson bra; affinitas intiMatEs undErwEar; robErto coin Earrings; Virgins, saints & angEls banglE; stylist’s own bracElEt

K r y s ta K a o s
the Scurvy Girls 3
headliner participated
in the asbury Park, NJ,
Zombie Walk this past
fall and has posed
for the tattoos and
tentacles art project.
SwARovSki CRyStAl BRACelet; viNtAGe heelS

Stylist: Joshua Seth at

Stylist’s assistant: Sarah Perillo
Hair: Sean Mikel for Frédéric
Fekkai at
Hair assistant: Reyna Soto
Makeup: Garret Gervais for Dior
Beauty at
Makeup assistant: Nikki Star
Retouching: Anthony Morrow
Location: Smashbox Studios, Culver City, CA

febRuaRy 2011 | 43
d-day What does the hard-rocking, hard-living lead of social distortion do in his doWntime?
he goes antiquing. don’t take mike ness for granted. By Rocky Rakovic PhotograPhy By kaReem Black Page 44
man with slicked-back hair, a salt-and-pepper beard, knuckle tattoos,
neck tattoos, and an anchor tattooed on his cheek strides into GiGi’s Antiques
in Red Bank, NJ. One of the old women at the counter, perhaps GiGi herself,
clutches her chest, and the other reaches for the cash register. Respectfully,
Mike Ness takes off his sunglasses and in a sweet and low voice says, “Good
afternoon, ladies.” He looks back to his equally tattooed entourage juxta-
posed next to priceless art, china older than the People’s Republic, and other
antiques, and says, “I never get tired of that reaction.”
By now what the delicate purveyors of the antique shop can best surmise
is that a motorcycle gang of ruffians casing the joint has made its way to the
thimble sets and tapestries. The boldest of the women scampers after the
gang, watching her inventory.
“Excuse me, miss, you wouldn’t happen to have any old watches?” Ness asks.
“We do, but they’re behind glass, so I’ll have to look at them with you,” she
answers, with the emphasis on placing herself in proximity to the product.
The two go to the corner of the store that houses the watches, and Ness
immediately starts identifying them by make, model, year, and quirk—his knowl-
edge and charm shows that he isn’t a scofflaw and puts the woman at ease.
The discussion of art deco watches only interests Ness and the seller, so the
entourage disperses throughout the store to sift through baseball cards, old
magazines, or prewar toys. But word hasn’t gotten around that the guys in
leather jackets are safe, and the boys are met at every shelf with treasures from
bygone years and the steely gazes of octogenarian men—the other woman has
called in the muscle. A stand-down finally occurs when the first woman brings
up a watch from the back to hold at the register for Mr. Ness.
“The great thing about touring is that I have the opportunity to check out
antique stores in places I’ve never been before,” Ness says during the short
walk to the next shop. He still has a few hours before the sound check for
Social Distortion’s concert in central Jersey. Walking into another of the many
Red Bank stores selling secondhand wares, the group is again greeted with
uneasy looks and, this time, a small dog that thinks it’s a pit bull. The tattooed
crew passes the terrier’s sniff test, but the clerks are beyond leery. The man
running the shop lets his curiosity get the best of him and comes over to point
out some of his pieces. Ness meanders around a collection of clocks and
lamps, his eyes landing on a traffic light in the corner.
“You like the traffic light?” the man asks.
Ness gives him an opening: “I think so.”
“I know it comes from the City,” he says, meaning New York City. “I think

february 2011 | 47
“Does it work?” Ness asks. the Rolling Stones, and The Ramones. Even non-fans have heard the band’s
The man shows him that it does in fact function, and they discuss the finer rendition of Cash’s “Ring of Fire” and the Stones’ “Under My Thumb.” In Hard
points of traffic lights. Then, when the price is revealed, Ness informs him that Times and Nursery Rhymes you can also hear the echo of Ness’s friend and
he wants the piece, but regretfully he can’t see paying the quoted amount. The fan Bruce Springsteen. “I wanted to write a rock ‘n’ roll album that had parts
man explains that he is actually selling it for a friend of his and if Ness wants to of country, punk rock, blues, and rockabilly all spread equally,” Ness says. The
come back later in the week, he could talk to the owner. “See, I’m only in town result is patently Social D, at times loud and brash and on other tracks brutally
today,” Ness says nicely. “I’m from California.” honest and ballady. “A good portion is autobiographical, but because I don’t
“What brings you here?” the man asks. want to be pigeonholed creatively, some songs are light,” he says. “I wanted
“Me and my band are playing a rock ‘n’ roll show tonight,” Ness explains. a nice variety so after you listen to the album you aren’t sure what happened
Then he throws it out there to see if it rings a bell: “Social Distortion.” but you enjoyed the journey.”
It doesn’t. It’s not like Ness is looking for a handout, but in the antique world Ness is in yet another antique shop scrupulously examining a watchband to
the lead of one of the most prolific rock bands might as well be a janitor. Ness determine if it’s original or a distressed replacement. The fluorescent lights of
takes one last look at the traffic light, tells the owner that if he wants to call the store bounce off the wrinkles in the leather band and illuminate his knuckle
his friend with the offer he may stop back in later, and then leads his crew out tattoos. He has a soft spot for art deco–era watches and ink. Some say that
the door. Is Ness bothered by the way the antique sellers react to him? “If I people who amass as many tattoos as Ness are collectors, picking up a tattoo
really cared about what other people think, I wouldn’t have pursued rock ‘n’ roll here and there to represent that they were here and there physically or emo-
music—I’d still be pushing a mop,” he says. tionally. “In the way that music and the stuff I pick up help me to express myself,
The same dance between Ness and the proprietors occurs at the next den I guess tattoos do as well,” he admits. His favorite is the anchor that he recently
of antiquities. Ness picks up a Virgin Mary statuette and says, “I’m really into got tattooed under his left eye. “It’s very symbolic,” Ness says. “It means that
religious iconography because it seems important to people—the object meant I’m anchored—I’m in a spot where I know who I am. I am anchored spiritually;
something to someone.” He moves on to another area and thumbs a license I’m anchored with my family; and I’m anchored in my place in rock ‘n’ roll.”
plate from the ’30s. “I also really like the Gasoline Alley stuff,” he says. “Back Ness’s future tattoo plans include finishing up his “shirt.” His body of work
then there was a craftsmanship to everything.” is an amalgam of black-and-gray and color with no particular theme, but he’s
By “everything,” Ness means everything. He’s a true craftsman as well— inked himself with symbols that echo his penchant for collecting automotive
someone who puts out only a quality product, be it an album or a performance. antiques and religious iconography. He’s contemplating how to blend the Jesus
Social Distortion’s new release, Hard Times and Nursery Rhymes, is the band’s on his chest with the car motif on the rest of his body. “I don’t suggest doing

first in over six years. It was originally supposed to come out last fall, but Ness what I did and getting a bunch of little tattoos, because then you are stuck try-
wanted to tinker with the record until he was proud of it. “I’m not for deadlines ing to blend them all together,” he says, adding that he doesn’t regret any of the
when it comes to creativity,” he explains. “I’m not going to sing a song a day just ink as he puts one of his sleeves up the business end of a dusty ventriloquist
because I’m on fucking deadline. I remember taking some time away from the dummy. He’s smitten with the little guy, but age has caught up to the dummy’s
studio, and then I came in and absolutely killed ‘Bakersfield’—it was so much clothes, and its mouth doesn’t move with the ease it should. Someone in his
better than the prior version. Luckily I had management and a label that was entourage says it looks a lot like the dummy on the cover of the D album White
100 percent behind me, telling me that I could do what I had to do.” In fact, Light, White Heat, White Trash. Ness turns his head and the dummy’s so they
this album marks the first time Ness has taken control of producing. “I always meet eye to eye and smiles, thinking about the hit record. Then, because some
co-produced Social D’s stuff, but this time I wanted us to do it ourselves,” think the only time a troubadour has something to say they sing it, one of the
he says of the band, whose current lineup includes bassist Brent Harding, entourage asks how Hard Times and Nursery Rhymes follows up from Sex,
new drummer David Hildago, Jr. (who has a wolf tattooed on him in honor of Love and Rock ‘n’ Roll. “As a person and musician, I think you need to reinvent
his father, the singer for Los Lobos), and guitarist and Ness’s longtime friend yourself every time you put out an album,” Ness says. “I don’t see any album
Jonny “2 Bags” Wickersham. Ness emerges from a stack of advertisements as a continuation of the next. I’ve fallen on hard times, and nursery rhymes are
with a schoolboy’s grin and a present for Jonny 2 Bags—a vintage vegetable soothing. At this point I’m not grown up, but I’m not immature.”
crate label from the company Gay Johnny. Ness decides to check in about that traffic light before hauling ass to the
The treasures that Ness keeps for himself are filling up his house in northern concert venue for sound check. Back at the antique shop, he’s greeted by
California and starting to get on his wife’s nerves, so he’s building the “man the dog and clerks with great fanfare; looks like someone Googled “Social
cave of man caves” to house his prized possessions. When asked if it’s the Distortion” over his lunch break. The proprietor already has the light ready to
hunt, the haggle, the acquisition, or filling his space that drives Ness’s antique go and says the owner has agreed on Ness’s price. The leader of the band
collection, he contemplates the question and answers all of the above. “I like pulls out a wad of cash, peels off a few hundred, and hands it over. The mid-
to surround myself with this stuff because it inspires me. It’s another way that day excursion is a success.
I express myself.” Later that evening, as Ness and 2 Bags wail “Road Zombie,” the all-instru-
The primary way he expresses himself is, of course, music. Like his desire to mental track that opens up both Hard Times and Nursery Rhymes and their
dust off old, thoughtfully composed items, Ness draws on truely classic rock concert, the antique traffic light sits stage right, flashing an electric red, yellow,
to inform his sound. Social Distortion is a thoroughly modern band but, as and green glow. Ness turns his back to crowd, marvels at his purchase, and
Ness admits, they draw on the sweet sounds of Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, mouths, “That’s awesome.”

The Social Network
(from left): David
Hildago, Jr., Mike Ness,
Brent Harding, Jonny “2
Bags” Wickersham.

feBruary 2011 | 49
meredith devine

Photos by

Page 51
ow, here’s an argument against the Atkins diet: by my reaction to the freedom I suddenly had being
Nothing makes this Meredith Devine happier than away from my parents, so I got the word ‘Freedom’ tat-
a carb-loaded breakfast. Whether it’s peanut but- tooed across my ass.”
ter banana French toast with a side of home fries or a Despite the negative response from some relatives,
New York bagel, Devine starts her day off strong. And Devine keeps adding to her growing collection. “I want
never one to sit at the table in sweatpants with her hair people to realize that tattoos aren’t ‘low-class and white
pulled back, she’s a sweet breakfast date. trash’—they are expressions of your personality and cre-
“I always like to be well dressed and have my hair and ativity,” she explains. The appointment for her next piece—a
makeup done,” she says. “It makes me feel good.” This affin- tattooed girl in a bathing suit symbolic of Devine’s love of
ity for fashion and beauty inform both her current gig in fash- swimming—is already booked. Her good friend Mina Aoki
ion and her upcoming plans; she’s about to start classes at of Daredevil on Manhattan’s Lower East Side will do that
the Make-Up Designory school to study cinema makeup, one, just as she did the Native American girl on Devine’s
with her ultimate goal being a job where she can work on arm that represents her Cherokee heritage.
movie sets and the runway and travel the world. Waffles in When Meredith does start becoming a world traveler,
Belgium, croissants in France, danish in Denmark.… she also hopes to collect tattoos in the exotic locales she
In fact, it was during a trip to Denmark that she got visits. “I want to make it a tradition to get tattooed every-
her first ink: “I was an exchange student and thought it where I travel. Hopefully the next place I go will be Fiji or
would be a good place to get a first tattoo; it just had to New Zealand.” Wonder if the Fijians have a good local
be hidden and relevant. My Danish friends were excited carbohydrate breakfast? —Melanie Rud

february 2011 | 53
Stylist: Sara Cooper
Hair: Karmela Lozina
for Sahag Workshop
Makeup: Erica Whelan
using Nars Cosmetics

The Lake & Stars charcoal gray

romper. Opposite: La Fée Verte
black chiffon boy shorts and bra;
VPL silver cardigan sweater; vintage
crown necklace; See glasses. Pages
50–51, The Lake & Stars charcoal
gray romper; Shashi stacked
bracelets. Page 52: VPL shimmer
bikini in rust; vintage denim vest;
Shashi stacked bracelets. Page 53:
Levi’s cutoff denim shorts; Shashi
stacked bracelets.


When looking for a

companion, electro-house
musician deadmau5
argues that cat people are
far superior to dog people.
By DeaDmau5
Photos By Dermot Cleary
page 56
The face of electronic music is a mouse. From
underneath his giant costume head, deadmau5
produces tracks that have earned him three
Juno awards, a Grammy nod, and the honor of
being the house DJ for last year’s MTV Video
Music Awards. He also has a nice collection of
ink. His most recognizable tattoo is the Space
Invader on his neck, his favorites are the Zelda
hearts, and he has plans to get more work
from Mario Barth this year. When any track
off newest release 4X4=12 pumps through the
club or house party, the crowd is going to get
up and dance, so find yourself a partner—and
pray she owns a cat. Deadmau5 explains why.
Dogs are territorial. Say after the club you find yourself going home with Dogs need to be trained. Naturally, dogs are douche bags, so you need
someone. When you get in the front door, her dog is going to greet you and to spend time breaking them of that trait. And short of the Dog Whisperer, no
you have to spend at least 15 minutes petting the pooch and pretending to matter how many classes you bring them to, some dogs remain jerks.
like it. If the dog is just an asshole and doesn’t trust you, it’s going to show it
and the mood is killed. All cat people are for real. If someone owns a cat it is because they
enjoy the company of the finest animal to be saved on Noah’s ark (a unicorn
Dogs are voyeurs, and they try to force threesomes. So let’s say would have been dope, though). There are the dog people out there who own
you’ve earned the trust of this dog. Next thing you know it’s on the couch canines simply for the fact that they can buy them accessories. I can’t stand
next to you trying to get a nose in during your make-out session. Or if things the girls who carry around Chihuahuas like they are handbags. Pets aren’t
progress further, the dog will either hop up on the bed or stare at you two fashion statements; they are living things. And there are guys who are guilty
with big, dumb eyes—either way it is mad creepy. of this too. I see punk bitches walking their pit bulls around the tattoo shops
because they think the dogs make them look hard. In the same way people
Cats aren’t into rape. Chances are, at some point during your life a dog who own cars to make their penis feel bigger, these dudes use mean dogs to
has humped your leg. But a cat would never defile your jeans. make it seem like they are hung.

Dogs—and dog people—can be real needy. Cats are choosy about whom Did I mention that dogs are high-maintenance? You can leave food
they approach or let stroke them, but dogs have self-confidence issues. Dogs and water out for a cat and it will be fine; sometimes Professor Meowingtons
need everyone’s adoration. If dogs were people, they would be greeters at Wal- holds down the crib for a week at a time when I’m on the road. Dogs need to
mart. The reason some people get a dog is because they crave constant atten- be walked and fed a few times a day. If you leave out 17 helpings of food, a
tion and unconditional companionship. Think about how dogs bark and whine dog will eat all of it in one furious sitting. And if you don’t let a dog out, he will
when a person leaves the house—that’s a red flag for clingy and insecure. spontaneously combust. Dating a dog owner means that he or she has to be
home twice a day, and they can sneak away whenever they want just by saying
Cats are low-maintenance. You have to bathe a dog, but cats are tidy they have to go home to feed and walk their dogs.
animals—they clean themselves! What’s the cliché term for something that is
absolutely rank? Oh yeah, it “smells like a wet dog.” Cats also go to the bath- Cats don’t fuck with your shit. Here’s what happens when you have a
room in a litter box, whereas a dog will piss on your floor or shit on your pillow. dog: You toss aside clothes on the way to the bedroom, and in your refrac-
Who wants to sleep with someone who would put up with that? tory period you collect your things only to find that the dog ripped your box-
ers to threads and hid your sneakers someplace weird. A cat has no interest
Hitler had a dog. in your Air Jordans.

Dogs don’t appreciate music. If you toss on some beats or play something When it comes to cats, less is more. The case for cats may be clear,
nice to set the ambience, the dickhead dog with its sensitive hearing will howl but nobody likes the crazy cat lady. If a girl has more than three cats, then
at a high note. Cats either don’t care what you are playing or just really dig all something is off there; it’s not fair, but it’s true. It’s sort of like tattoos: I love my
music. Felines can hang. For instance, when I crank up my stuff at my place, tattoos and I’m jealous of people who have sleeves (I’m working on it), but if
my cat, Professor Meowingtons (he’s got a Ph.D.), jumps up on my bass someone is completely covered neck to toe, they are crazy wild—which could
blaster—or should I say my huge cat vibrator. be a bad thing or a fantastic thing, depending on your kink.

february 2011 | 59
Jammy Jams
Clockwise, from top: Old
Navy sleep pants, oldnavy.
com; English Laundry robe,; Seize sur
Vingt pajama set (top pictured),
212-625-1620; Gap pajama
pants,; Converse by
John Varvatos henley, select
Saks Fifth Avenue locations;
American Apparel henley,

EvEning WEar
Sleep well, my friend.
PhotoS by thomaS Liggett

Top Drawers
Clockwise from top left: English Laundry
boxers,; Diesel
boxer briefs,; Vans boxers,; Calvin Klein boxer
briefs, Center: Toddland trout

february 2011 | 61
To capTure The zeiTgeisT of carnal
k n o w l e d g e i n o u r c u lT u r e , f o r T h e f i r s T
Time ever we surveyed TaTTooed americans
abouT sex. following are The definiTive
a c T i o n s a n d a T T i T u d e s o f o u r s e x u a l i T y.
photos by kareem black




page 63

previous page: sex Trash bra; bordelle panTies from Journelle; sTylisT’s own shoes. Top righT, vicToria’s secreT bra and panTies; h&m mask; sTylisT’s own gloves and Thigh-highs. boTTom lefT, bordelle panTies from Journelle; h&m mask
of inked
others hAve
When asked if they had to
either give up sex for the
The sexiesT area for
women To be TaTTooed:
Rib cage 33%
chest 17% say that
rest of their lives or never aRm 16% sex
get another tattoo, 14%
UppeR back 14%
LoweR back 1 1%
Leg 6% occurs
said they would become LoweR abdomen 2% after the
neck 1%
celibate for more ink. third date.

67% have had a

one-night stand.
The sexiesT areas for men To be TaTTooed:
shoulder 29% chest 13% torso 2%
forearm 19% Leg 5% face 1%
Upper back 14% knuckles 4%

of those tattooed men and women
who watch porn, 93% never pay for it.

of women have
e-mailed or texted
a nude picture of

when asked what “second

base” means in 2011,
65% answered oral sex.
of tattooed americans only have had
sex partners who also have tattoos.

to wear:
Thong 43%
Panties 32%
Boy Shorts 19%
None 6%
Granny panties 0%
Victoria’s secret bra, panties, and garter belt; H&M Mask; stylist’s own sHoes, gloVes, and tHigH-HigHs

February 2011 | 65
of women
have faked
an orgasm.

Bordelle panties from Journelle

Stylist: Ken Borochov

Hair: elizabeth morache using
shu uemura for Workgroup nYC
Makeup: Kate smith using
Bobbi Brown Cosmetics
Location: shangrila studio
Models: sam mae; talia Brooke

3% have a TaTToo ThaT feaTures The depicTion of a risqué Body parT.

The sexiesT TaTTooed female* celebriTy:

top left, Victoria’s secret chemise and garter belt; bordelle panties from Journelle; stylist’s own thigh-highs. bottom right, mimi holliday panties from Journelle; stylist’s own shoes, thigh-highs, and gloVes

kat VOn D 31% katy perry 10% Jenna JamesOn 4%

megan FOx 22% pInk 6% pamela anDersOn 1%
angelIna JOlIe 19% rIhanna 5% *david Beckham is the sexiest tattooed male celebrity by far.

men say Their favoriTe
have had “TaTTooed look” for
an orgasm women is:
while being Girl nexT door
pinup 22%
tattooed. punk/rocker 19%
hipsTer 10%
When asked if they have ever masturbated,
95% of tattooed american males nerd
answered yes—and the other 5% lied. Biker
cluBBer 2%
GoTh 2%
11% of men have sent a picture of their penis to a woman.

When asked what they
The mosT unusual

27% Only
places where TaTTooed look for most in a partner,
americans have had sex: 12% said awesome ink, have never
In a car of women have
making tattoos more had sex in
In a cemetery 11% “made out ” with
another female.
important than a well-
shaped body (9%) and a
On the beach 8% good-looking face (8%).

23% 65%
at a skate park 6%
On a bus 2%
In a canOe 1% have had a
Other 38% threesome.
of tattooed americans

57% of guys have cheated (3% of have Been filmed or pho-

them claim they would cheat with tographed having sex.
michelle “bombshell” mcgee).

For protection/contraception of tattooed

Americans: 69% use condoms; 13% rely
on birth control pills; 11% pull and pray;
5% use the rhythm method; 2% have
had or have a partner with a vasectomy.

February 2011 | 67

evan seinfeld
We talk sex, drugs, and metal with the tattooed dynamo.

By Bryan reesman Photos By emily shur

evan seinfeld is hard at work. rock star, porn star, reality tV star, emcee—he’s doing it all. once mar- artists or bikers, people I know in renegade punk
ried to porn megastar tera Patrick, he is now dating lupe Fuentes, the hottest new name in adult films. bands or who are gangsters—that are totally shook
While the heavily inked singer and bassist first made his name fronting the socially conscious Brooklyn to their core by the fact that I do porn. I love the
band Biohazard—which merged metal, hardcore, and early rap into its sonic assaults—seinfeld has also outlaw nature of porn, and the shock value makes
reinvented himself as an X-rated star and nightclub impresario, recently hosting the Biggest tattoo it like the new punk. There’s nothing so crazy about
show on earth convention and parties at the King ink lounge at the mirage hotel and Casino in las playing hardcore metal anymore. There are a billion
Vegas. he’s been tattooed by major names like Paul Booth, mike Perfetto, and Fernie andrade, among bands. So what could I do that’s over the edge?
many others. he says his look—plus some people he knew from the neighborhood in Canarsie—led him to
once be detained at JFK airport for 12 hours, being grilled about possible mob connections. he pointed You were married to a porn star, and now you’re
out that as a Jew, the only way he’d be involved with the mob these days was if he were a lawyer. dating a porn star—for a lot of guys that’s a big
Career-wise, he’s also got four reality shows in development, along with a Grindhouse-meets-russ- fantasy. But then the flip side of that is thinking
meyer parody starring tiny lupe as action heroine super Poosey. he does video game voice-overs for about how many other people your significant
rock star Games (including Grand theft auto), is recording a new Biohazard album with their classic other has had sex with. Here’s what I’ll say about
lineup, is working with a new classic rock–style band called the spyderz, and wants to create a major being in the porn business. In Brooklyn, I grew up fist
event combining a car show, chopper show, and porn stars. seriously, the man doesn’t even seem to fighting with people over things like their girlfriends.
sleep; when inKeD chatted with him over three separate nights, it was always around 2 a.m. As you grow up and mature, you learn some things.
First of all, you learn nobody can steal your husband
INKED: How did a nice Jewish boy from a rough and in porn? I’ve always been a hypersexual or your wife or girlfriend or boyfriend. People make up
neighborhood in Brooklyn end up becoming a pervert. Long before I knew anything about porn, their own minds. People make their own decisions. If
cock star? when the band had their first video camera I was your girlfriend fucks some other dude, you ain’t got
EvaN SEINfElD: Let’s talk about the old neighbor- notoriously using it for wrongdoing. There’s always no problem with the other dude, unless he’s your
hood first. Between the gentrification of the genera- something that turned me on mentally and sexu- friend. If your girlfriend fucks some other dude, your
tional New Yorkers—third-generation Jews, Italian, ally about having sex with a girl I don’t know and problem is with your girlfriend. It’s what she wanted
and Irish—all moving to Long Island, New Jersey, and wanting to film it. But I never really thought about to do, for whatever reason. What I’ve learned is that
upstate, I don’t really know the people in New York pursuing a career in it and, to be honest with you, sex is sex. It’s not love, it’s sex. I’ve tried to figure it
anymore. When I come home I feel like an alien. It’s a when I met my ex-wife her life was a fucking mess. out and I think I’ve had sex with 6,000 girls.
bunch of people from other countries—who are wel- I’m like a fixer, I’m a guy who sees a problem and
come in America as far as I’m concerned because fixes it. I woke up one morning, and there I am in the We won’t even try to do the math. How can
that’s what America is, people from other places. Valley shooting porn. I loved it. Long after I fell out you have sex with that many women and not
And it’s a bunch of people from the middle of Amer- of love with my ex-wife, I found that I loved the busi- have your dick fall off? I’m not going to say I’ve
ica going, “This is awesome! Brooklyn represent! I ness and the industry and loved the freedom. I love never had a shot in the ass.
love Williamsburg! We went walking around today.” the fact that I run into people almost every day—
Everybody talks like they’re black even if they’re even people in my own subculture, even a lot of my Well then, on the flip side, does lupe ever get
white; it’s just weird to me. I feel like I don’t belong. friends who are in hardcore bands, who are tattoo jealous? I’m desperately, madly in love with Lupe,

and Lupe
“I love the outlaw nature of porn, and the
shock value makes it like the new punk.”
and when I have sex with another girl it doesn’t mean L.A. The backdrop of the show is the rock ‘n’ roll You’re a rock star, porn star, and biker with
anything to me mentally or emotionally. It’s just fun lifestyle—the motorcycles, fast cars, the jet-set life- tattoos, yet it seems like you lead a pretty
and satisfying in a male conquest, sexual kind of style, being on tour with Biohazard, being on tour Straight-edge lifestyle. I do. I had a lot of prob-
way. She humors me and puts up with my behavior; and in the studio with The Spyderz, backstage at lems with drugs and alcohol as a kid. I started really
she’s confident, and that’s the biggest turn-on in the the strip clubs where Lupe feature dances. We go young. I got deep into it, I never slammed anything,
world. We have sex with girls together. Lupe likes around the world together, and the show is about but I swallowed and smoked and snorted everything
women as much as I do—maybe even more. We’re a love story about two people who are deep into I could get my hands on. And I was often experi-
always on the prowl, and it’s really sexually empow- the porn and rock worlds with an entrepreneurial menting: “If we took some angel dust and some
ering. And then we’re back to our normal life. spirit. Our deal is that we put our relationship first, mescaline and put it in a bong with some coke and
love comes first. We could make twice the money if some weed and then we smoked it, we could take
How is normal life? We’ll be walking through I went on tour in South America and she went on a the residue and swallow it.” I was into some dumb
Walgreens and women my age or in their 30s will strip club tour of the U.S. at the same time. shit. I had a cocaine overdose on Memorial Day, May
look at me and smile. Then Lupe comes around the 31, 1988. I was a kid. I woke up in the hospital, and
corner, and they assume it’s my daughter. Then we How does the new Biohazard album sound? I didn’t know what happened and didn’t know where
start making out, because we make out everywhere, The snare drum sounds like a fucking .45 auto- I was. They said I was very lucky to be alive, and I
and the look on their faces is of horror because our matic in a cement room. It sounds so nasty was basically scared straight. The hardest part was
society is kind of crazy. and abrasive. The album is very metallic. It’s all not stopping getting high, but it was hard for me
tuned down to C and is heavy, heavy. I’ve always to learn how to live. When I first stopped drinking
Why do you think that is? Women are taught wanted to make an album with a big metal sound. and stopped doing drugs, I felt very socially awk-
that if they’re not married by the time they’re 30, We always got caught up—not me personally, ward going out. How could I have fun? How could I
they’re broken and that something is wrong with but the other guys—in doing that hardcore thing. get loose? Pretty quickly I figured out that I was an
them, and that’s not true. Women are beautiful at And hardcore sounds like shit on purpose. The uninhibited person who was going to let it hang out
all ages. Women are beautiful in every phase of new Biohazard album is so fucking heavy and anyway. I went too far in some ways.
their life, and to me there is something beautiful so good. It’s so singalong-able and brutal at the
about every woman. same time. But I don’t think it’s going to get a fair What kind of ink do you like? I’m a fan of all
shake. My producer and my manager think if the kinds of tattooing. I love black-and-gray portrai-
Could you tell us about the crazy number of album was released under a different name, like ture, tribal tattooing, and traditional tattooing. I’ve
projects that you and Lupe are working on? a brand-new band name, it would probably have always loved those East L.A. penitentiary-looking,
She’s starting a clothing line for sexy, petite girls. If 10 times the commercial success. The real fans fine-line tattoos.
you’re 5´2˝ or under, or 100 pounds and under, I’ll are going to love it. The guy who won the most awards in the [Biggest
bet you have a hard time finding clothes and shoes. Tattoo Show on Earth] convention was from a shop
The ideal is to be thin and healthy, but there are What are The Spyderz like? People say it reminds called Ink Slingers in Alhambra, California—a guy
plus-size stores and big and tall men’s shops and them of early Guns N’ Roses or early albums from named Fernie Andrade, and he’s been tattooing me.
nothing for really small girls—especially small, sexy The Cult. It’s got moments that are like AC/DC or We kind of go in phases. When I was a teenager I
girls. They usually buy kids’ clothes, but they’re not early STP. It’s just straight-ahead rock. The main couldn’t wait to be covered in tattoos. Growing up
sexy. So out of her need, she started that. inspiration for it was the Rolling Stones. Maybe it in New York, tattooing was illegal. You had to go
We have a ton of adult properties. I have a porn doesn’t sound like the Rolling Stones, but the ini- out to Long Island to get a tattoo, and it wasn’t legal
site,, where you can see me tial [place it] comes from is the Stones, the Black in the boroughs until ’96 or ’97. I was already cov-
having sex explicitly and unabashedly. Lupe proba- Crowes, and some heavier bands. I hear the harmo- ered in tattoos by then, but [Fernie’s] artwork was
bly has the single hottest website on the Internet for nies from Bad Religion in the background vocals, so inspired that I started getting tattooed again. I
any one porn star, She’s on Howard and I hear the woah woah woahs from The Misfits just got a big portrait of Lupe on my ribs.
Stern—they hit it off, and they think she’s so funny. in the background. Most of the songs are two and
She really is funny, and it’s amazing that they got a half to three minutes and straight to the point. Which spots could possibly be left? You know
it. We’ve gotten a lot of mainstream traction with When I started Biohazard, it embodied my life- what sucks when you get really tattooed? All that’s
her. She writes a column for We just style, which at the time was doing dumb, gangster- left are the spots that really fucking hurt. Tattooing
launched something together called PornstarCam- esque, drug-addict, Brooklyn behavior. It was true hurts, period. Anybody who says tattooing doesn’t
House: We shoot porn in our house and stream it hardcore, and here I am 25 years later living in a hurt is fucking lying. They’re trying to act tougher than
live two or three days a week, all day long. big house with my cars and living a different kind a normal human, but as you get older it hurts more,
of life. I have sex with hundreds of beautiful girls. A too. All I have left are the really, really painful spots—
And you’re doing TV too? We’ve got four main- normal night at my house is me, Lupe, and three or where your lymph nodes are, your rib cage, the top
stream TV shows in development, and probably four girls in the Jacuzzi. My friends will see me put of your feet—places where all the nerve endings are.
the most interesting one is called I Love Lupe. It’s something on Twitter about being in the hot tub with About a year ago I tattooed my whole throat, and that
really about our life, and people will probably find Lupe and mention other girls, and everyone’s like, shit hurt. I got a Jolly Roger [tattoo] because I kind of
it interesting because she’s so hot and so sweet, “Gee, thanks for calling me.” Why would I call you? fancy myself as an urban land pirate, like “the pirate’s
and I’m halfway between being this romantic, sweet I don’t need other dicks here. This is my life, this is life for me” kind of thing. I see what I want and take it.
guy and this abrasive New York asshole living in my party, go create your own. I do whatever I’ve got to do to get my booty.

february 2011 | 71
l E w i s
“I love kissing my
boyfriend's stomach
tattoo—it's so hot!”
photo by chris fortuna




FEBRUARY 2011 | 73
a h u b er
“I think well-done tattoos are
attractive, and someone who
has the guts to display one
shows their confidence, which
is also very attractive.”
photo by Diana Scheunemann
“Any tattoos that
flow with the natural
curves of a woman
are sexy to me.”
photo by ari michelson
r n o v a
ira ch
“The sexiest tattoo for a
partner to have? I guess
matching tattoos would
be quite a nice idea.”
photo by shane mccauley
a n t h a
sam hreys
“I definitely got a
few dates out of my
INKED Girl pictorial.”
photo by ari michelson

february 2011 | 77
inked scene
Icon. ArtIst profIle. shop tAlk.

“Celebs are just like everyone else;

they just want to get tattooed
and be treated like an everyday
fucker. Gill Montie once said,
‘Tattooists are the only people
who rock stars look up to.’”
—Baba Austin
photo by tom medvedIch

february 2011 | 79
inked scene | icon

Baba Austin has a lot of tattoo stories to tell, enough to fill an encyclopedia on
BaBa austin the art. Like a tattooed Homer, he holds court at the many tattoo conventions
he works, sharing epic tales of tattoo gang wars, the wisdom of old salts passed
Vintage tattoo down to him, and the origins of certain tattoo traditions. For this interview, we
5115 York Blvd. asked Austin to tell stories about his own odyssey, like apprenticing under the
Los Angeles, CA
legendary Jonathan Shaw, touring with Vanilla Ice during the musician’s prime,
323-254-6733 and evading cops while executing a graffiti throw-up at the age of 43.
INKED: What was the first experience you way home. We’d go by the shop every day and try
ever had with tattooing? to hang out; we’d slowly sneak in and inch our way
BABA AUSTIN: My brother, Odie, and I used to across the wall so [the tattoo artist] wouldn’t see
hang around the World Famous Emporium in Van us. One day we snuck over to see what he was
By Marisa KaKoulas Nuys when we were around 6 years old. That was doing, and he was tattooing this chick on the inside
Portrait Photos By toM Medvedich about 1973. We went to the elementary school of her thigh, and she was butt-ass naked. It was the
around the corner, and the tattoo shop was on the first time I saw snatch. She was this really, really

“Now that I’m 43, I caN do graffItI aNd a cop caN
roll up aNd say, ‘what’s goINg oN?’ aNd I say, ‘some
kIds were taggINg uNtIl I came out.’ aNd they’ll
go after some kIds. It’s a lot of fuN.”

foxy—back then we used to say “foxy”’—blond girl, that was the only place you could find Tattootime When did you start to learn the craft your-
and I was just in awe. This was the coolest thing. I at the time. Those were Ed Hardy’s five volumes of self? When I wasn’t working, I was at Jonathan’s.
think that was the start of my sex life too. We went books that were really cool. I remembered seeing We basically became friends. I drew some graffiti
back every day—to hopefully see some more. a piece in one of them by [Shaw]. So I open the designs for him. I became Jonathan’s little slave.
Yellow Pages and there he was, right there in the I’d keep asking, “When am I gonna learn to tat-
You’ve had a long life in graffiti as well, on Lower East Side. I called up and made an appoint- too?” and he’d say, “Fuck off. I’m teaching nobody.”
both coasts. Graffiti took me to New York City. ment, which was weird because I never heard of At the same time, he’s teaching me about tattoo
The pinnacle of being a graffiti artist at the time was making appointments to get tattooed before. I met design, placement, and tattoo history. I was just
to have a show there. I had a show in New York. him on the corner of First [Avenue] and First [Street]. learning all this stuff without even realizing it. He
Mark Walk had bought a bunch of my paintings. He told me to call him when I got there. I called, was teaching me how to crawl before I could walk.
I didn’t know it could get any higher, but I didn’t he came out and asked me, “How did you find out I wanted to just run, like anyone else who picks up
feel fulfilled. I got more satisfaction sneaking out at about me? What do you do? Where are you from?” a tattoo machine, but he wasn’t interested in any
night and doing burners on rooftops, or my name He wanted to know about me before I even went to of that. He was interested in keeping the tradition,
where everyone could see it, rather than having his shop. There was this prescreening. So I told him love, and respect alive for tattooing.
my stuff at a gallery. I was lost. That’s why I was a bit, that I work over at Unique Boutique, that I’m a Then around 1990 or 1991, Filip Leu came
airbrushing. I had this airbrushing career going on graffiti artist from L.A. And he said, “Oh, graffiti.” So around and did his spot at Fun City. Filip was the
and hooked up with some pretty famous pop stars we talked about that, and we talked for hours. same age as me but he was already an accom-
and made a lot of money. He did finally let me go to his shop, which was plished tattoo artist. He was doing this amazing
half a block away. The shop was this eclectic, shit already. Now Jonathan had a new pet project
So when did you come back to tattooing? At wrong side of the tracks, scary, gypsy, shipwrecked who actually tattooed. I wasn’t blown off; he just
the time, tattooing was still illegal in New York City. hangout. Everything was there: dead babies in bot- moved on. And I didn’t care because that’s when
This was around 1989. You couldn’t just go into a tles, pictures of old sailors with tattoos, Day of the Vanilla Ice hit me up for airbrushing and said, “Do
shop. I’d go to rock clubs and see these guys with Dead stuff—before it got big. It had that smell, the you want to go all over the world?” Fuck yeah.
tattoos and asked them where they got them. When green soap smell. The magic was all there. I knew
I was at CBGB, I saw some amazing tattoo work, I wanted to be there, and that was the start of me What was that like, going on tour with Vanilla
so I asked, “Who did that?” They said, “Jonathan wanting to be a tattooer. So we talked about my Ice? That was amazing because it was at the
Shaw.” I had heard of him. When airbrushing, I’d tattoo and what I wanted to get, and then I made height of his career. I did the costumes and stage
go to St. Mark’s Comics for reference material, and another appointment. sets for his tours. I worked on his movie. We did

february 2011 | 81
inked scene | icon

“It’s a great honor that people come to the shop and want us to
tattoo them. I belIeve In the sayIng, ‘you’re only as good as the
last tattoo you do.’ I thInk thIs Is the most Important thIng.”

the American Music Awards together, we did the as the last tattoo you do.” I think this is the most ’80s, are now best friends. They share rooms on
Grammys together, we went all over, to Australia, important thing. If you die right after that tattoo, that the road together. We do 12 conventions a year
Singapore, and Japan. All first class, limos, five-star tattoo speaks for your career. with Rick and Dave all over the country. They’re like
hotels. It was amazing. a tag team, like two old ladies.
Tell us about your shop, Vintage Tattoo. Me
And afterward? I walked into the original L.A. Tat- and my brother opened up Vintage Tattoo in 1995, You also have a lot of celebrities coming to
too on Hollywood Boulevard. Around 1994, Mike in Burbank, then moved to Highland Park in 1998. Vintage. Celebs are just like everyone else; they
Brown came to L.A. Tattoo and worked there. And I wanted to make a really old, traditional tattoo just want to get tattooed and be treated like an
now here is my second mentor, because Mike shop. I’ve been an avid collector for 20 years. I everyday fucker. I’ve tattooed rock stars like Dave
Brown was the king of lettering. He gave me an have collections of tattoo machines that go back to Navarro, Phil Varone of Skid Row, Shifty Shellshock
alphabet, and said, “When you’re bored, trace this Charlie Wagner machines. I have 400-something of Crazy Town, John Otto of Limp Bizkit, Howie Pyro
but don’t do that when you’re tattooing. After you machines. I have original flash from Bert Grimm, of Danzig and D Generation, and lots of others. I’ve
trace it, make it your own.” When I stopped trying Bob Shaw, Fat George, Tahiti Felix. I have signs tattooed porn stars Joanna Angel (above), Shyla
to make my stuff look like his, that’s when I started cut out of metal that Bob Shaw did. I made sure Stylez, Alexis Amore, and the model Ivy Levan.
developing my own style. And it came natural. that anybody who has questions on tattooing can Also, actors like Frankie Muniz from Malcolm in the
feel free to come by, and we’re more than happy to Middle; Baywatch’s Nicole Eggert; Dancing With
What defines your lettering style? It’s definitely answer them. And what we don’t know, we want to the Stars’ Lacey Schwimmer; Mollee Gray of High
Mike Brown–influenced L.A. script, mixed with hear. Old-timers come on by and shoot the shit all School Musical; and various Disney actors who
Chicano culture that I grew up in and the way I the time, and we learn more. can’t be named. Gill Montie once said, “Tattooists
used to spray paint. When you tag and you flare are the only people who rock stars look up to.”
your letters, flare your can. You have two living legends working at your
shop as well. What’s it like working with Ten- What do you do when you’re not in the shop?
You also have a diverse portfolio outside of nessee Dave and Rick Walters? Well, here’s a I’m always at my shop. When it’s two in the morning
lettering. At the time I started, the neo-tribal and story. There used to be two [tattoo] camps: One and I can’t sleep, I drive to my shop. The only time
biomechanical stuff was coming into play. You had was the Captain Jim camp. He was very crude, I do anything else really is when I grab a spray can.
guys like Marty Holcomb doing fine-line fantasy, scary, and thug. Then there was Bert Grimm’s I still tag. It’s funny because now that I’m 43, I can
and Ed Hardy was just blowing everyone away. I camp. They were just as thuggish but more artis- do graffiti and a cop can roll up and say, “What’s
saw all of this stuff I liked—I love doing traditional, tic. It was a war between them—shots through the going on?” And I say, “Some kids were tagging until
I love doing fantasy, I love doing floral—I do it all windows and everything. Tennessee Dave was part I came out.” And they’ll go after some kids. Nobody
because what I love is tattooing. It’s a great honor of the Captain Jim family, and Rick Walters ran Bert thinks it’s me. It’s a lot of fun. And I love to spend
that people come to the shop and want us to tattoo Grimm’s shop since the ’70s. So Rick and Dave, time with my wife and kids. There’s my family, then
them. I believe in the saying, “You’re only as good who were sworn enemies all through the ’70s and there’s my shop. My shop is my mistress.

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inked scene | spot

Back row, from left: David Schmoe Ellwanger, Aaron B.C.

Reber, Big Dave Garlitz, Dean Bodily, Jerry Roberts, Ian
“Jonezy” Jones, Jeremy, Anthony Anderson. Seated from left:
Nick James, Sierra K., Miss Amanda, Micaela.

Legend has it that Ogden, UT, a stop along the recognition to the foundation of tattooing.

Lost Art first transcontinental railroad, was too wild for noto-
rious crime boss Al Capone. A perfect example of
While the Ogden shop is visually a jewel, his
Salt Lake City studio, which has survived three

tAttoo & the city’s sordid past is the 25th Street location of
Lost Art Tattoo & Piercing, which is believed to be
relocations, is “where we get down and dirty,” says
Drew. “That’s where the magic happens.” In the

Piercing the former site of a brothel and sits atop under-

ground tunnels that transported booze and broads
basement, pigments are mixed and needles and
machines are made. “I like everyone who works
during the Prohibition era. Though the tunnels have with us to know everything about tattoo machines
109 25th St.
Ogden, UT since been sealed with concrete, Lost Art’s co- and everything about tattooing,” he says. “Now that
owner Nate Drew has a profound respect for the you have people who make needles for you, they
348 South State St.
Salt Lake City, UT old Ogden—and for tattooing. are so cheap. But why do you want them to make
To honor the city’s colorful history, Drew gave needles? Because it’s the history of what we do. I his impressive two-floor, 4,000-square-foot studio think that if you want to learn how to tattoo you’ve
wooden floors, custom-made dark walnut stations, got to learn how to make needles. It’s sort of like a
exposed brick walls, signage with an old-style mechanic knowing every tool of his trade.”
font, and a 110-year-old front door in keeping with Eight years ago Drew cofounded the Salt Lake
the quintessential Western quality. A floor hatch City Tattoo Convention to give local tattooers an
even leads staff into a basement crawl space even broader take on the industry. “I wanted to try
where the underground tunnels once served as a to bring a lot of the European artists to the United
by Lani buess safe haven for the underbelly of society that was States,” says the tattooer. “You can go across
rife with prostitution, gambling, and opium. But Europe and find so many different styles that no
portrait and interior photo Drew’s appreciation for history doesn’t stop at the one has ever seen.”
by chris jameson 10-year-old shop’s decor. As a self-taught artist Back in Utah, a state where conservative Mor-
who’s worked for 19 years, he brings as much mons are the majority, the nine tattoo artists that

Clockwise from top left: tattoo by David Schmoe Ellwanger;
tattoo by Aaron B.C. Reber; interior of Lost Art; tattoo by
Big Dave Garlitz; tattoo by Ian “Jonezy” Jones; tattoo by
Jones; tattoo by Jerry Roberts; tattoo by Miss Amanda.

rotate shifts at both Lost Art shops rely on noncon- the mind-set. “We’re all open, we push ideas and
formists for business. “In big families with 14 or 15 thoughts and opinions on each other so the public
kids, a couple of those are going to split out and be gets a better tattoo. The best thing about tattooing
black sheep, and they’re going to get fully tattooed and art is that everybody has a different viewpoint
and fully pierced,” says Drew, who chose tattoo- on it, and when you can open up and accept all
ing over art school. “And you have the [conserva- those different viewpoints and apply that, it makes
tive] Mormons that you tattoo. I’ve asked them to for a better whole.”
remove their garments when I tattoo them, but they Specializing in anything and everything, from
won’t take them off, they wouldn’t compromise.” portraits to Japanese to traditional, Drew prefers
Neither the type of clientele that enters Lost Art an artistic challenge. “Dare me to do it and I’ll do
nor the style of tattooing matters much to Dean it,” he says. “Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
Bodily, the other co-owner, who started tattoo- Long gone are the days when threats could easily
ing in Ogden 15 years ago. “I specialize in what lead to violence; it’s not the Wild West, but Salt
walks in the door,” he says. What matters most is Lake City is still wild in its own way.

fEBRuARy 2011 | 85
inked scene | profile

Douglas Billian
FROM: Divine Line Tat2

How did you get into tattooing? I was in the military I don’t really have an artsy background but I am
for 10 years. Anyone in the military can tell you how a fast learner and have been fortunate to pick the
much of a tradition tattoos tend to be for many brains of some of the world’s best artists.
servicemen. I got out of the military, for PTSD, so
at that point in my life drawing very much became Who has influenced your work? Mucha, Tony Cia-
therapy for me. Things just fell into place. varro, Jime Litwalk, Nikko Hurtado, Chet Zar, Frank
Lee, David Bolt. Just to name a few.
Do you find being an artist rewarding? The most
rewarding aspect to me is when one of my customers Your portraiture and cartoon tattoos are amazing. Do
gets a tattoo that they love and are proud of. Without you prefer one over the other? I really try to bring an
my customers, I have nothing. Owning a shop next to integration of both to the forefront. I use the best
a military base you have to pretty much be willing to aspects from each to create an almost Pixar-esque
do anything. The military guys will get anything from feel to the tattoo, making the cartoon aspect more
two Ws on their ass cheeks to “normal” stuff. solid and dimensional, giving my artwork that feel-
ing of realism. I think it is different from other stuff
What do you think separates you as a tattoo artist? I you see floating around, and I’m happy to bring
think outside the box. I find myself just having fun. something new to the table.

inked scene | shop TALK

Name: Robyn Joy

Shop maNager at: Naked Art Tattoos,
Odenton, MD
everyone in the shop is awesome and prioritizes
tattooing first and having a good time a close
second. We host parties, have BBQs, attend
local car shows, and hold charity events. We
try to make the shop an active part of the com-
munity, something people can associate tat-
toos with positively rather than thinking “there
goes the neighborhood.”
We keep pretty busy with a steady and always
rotating roster of clients. We’ve tattooed
SWAT team members, military officers, and
people who can’t really tell us what they do or,
you know, they’d have to kill us.
there’s always something new happening at the
shop. On a really windy day the guys were out
back trying to turn things into kites. I offhand-
edly remarked that it was too bad we didn’t
have a parachute, and the owner, Chris,
chimed in that actually, he did. A few minutes
later I walk out back to see my husband, Josh,
dangling a few feet above the ground.

Know a stellar shop

assistant who keeps
the autoclave humming
and the tattoo stations
organized? E-mail us at
[email protected].

88 | INKEDMAG.COM photo by SeAN SCheIDT

l p h ia
ade tion
PhilArts Convehn 2011
Tattoory 4th - 6t nter Hotel
Febru adelphia CitpyhiCa,ePA 19103
a t o n P h i l e St. Philade5l ) 448-2000the
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$20 p w info : 1 (
Tattoo sv i
Marc A r t s Conv lle
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Hyatt R - 20th
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Hotel fferson St .
Ment re Lo
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discou e Tatto (5
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Tattoo A 1 0 t h 2 0 11
April 8th -
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altimore Cit
Sheraton B tte Stre e t. B alt im ore, MD 2120
101 West Faye servation (410) 752-1100
Hote l re r the
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Mention th 9 a nigh
om rate of $12 ekend
disc o u n te d ro e
$40 for the w
$20 per day 1 (800) 541-8239
Show info :
inked scene | EVENTS


As part of their 50th anniversary, Sanrio—the maker of Hello Kitty—installed
a pop-up shop including a retrospective of their products, a candy counter,
and art from Anthony Lister, Shepard Fairey and Mark Mothersbaugh during
Art Basel. They also had Charlie Roberts and Grant Cobb from Spotlight
Tattoos giving free Sanrio flash that the artists drew for the event.
For more photos go to

92 | INKEDMAG.COM photos by JIPSY

every girl
inked scene | EVENTS


Art Basel is considered the Olympics of the art world, where the elite
descend on Miami to show the best in design innovation. Surprise,
surprise—the biggest artists and art fans have tattoos, and for them
INKED and Jack Daniel’s threw “Peep Show,” a party at Louis Bar-
Lounge in the Gansevoort South. Enjoy our exhibition.
For more photos go to

photos by COOL RICHARD

inked scene | sketchbook

Marina inoue
Flyrite Tattoo, 492 Metropolitan Ave., Brooklyn, NY,
“I’ve always drawn. Since I was a kid I’ve never really wanted to do anything else, and I’m very lucky that I was able to learn how to tat-
too,” Marina Inoue says. She’s tempered her artistic eye to the canvas; when she is tattooing she goes traditional or black and gray with
a whip shade, but if she is designing a T-shirt she channels ’80s skater culture. Either way the work is always bold, reflecting the artist.
She got her first tattoo when she was 14, “from a biker on St. Marks [in New York City]. It’s a terribly scarred nautical star on the back of
my neck, but I’ll never get it covered up.” And with that sentiment, if she were designing her gravestone, a permanent marker of herself,
it would be the grim reaper with an inscription that says Goodbye.


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