JSA Chainlinkfance

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The document outlines safety procedures and precautions to be followed for different construction activities like excavation work, erecting chain link fencing and night shift work.

Potential hazards during excavation work include collapse of excavation due to unstable soil or accumulation of water, exposure to toxic gases in the soil, damage to underground utilities, falling into the excavation. Proper shoring and sloping of excavated surfaces, barricading, atmospheric testing and permitting of excavation areas are some of the precautions outlined.

Working at heights poses risks of falling from height. The document specifies using scaffolding, wearing full body safety harnesses tied to fixed structures and prohibiting unauthorized personnel from work areas as safety measures.



1 of

Fixing of chainlink fencing angles.

(e.g. P&ID’s, Drawings, Procedures, Work JSA APPROVED BY (Installation / Facility / Site
Instructions, Certificates, Special Tools or Manager):
Task Description Summary - Excavation, Chainlink fance &Housekeeping
JSA Ref No
4. IR 7. RR

1. Activity Description 2. Potential Hazard 3. Hazard Effect 5. Existing Controls & Controls Required Responsible

1. Working without work 1. Illegal operation 1.Strict compliance to the PTW procedure and requirements
permit 2. Clash of activities 2.PTW must be kept visible at work location
2. Performing Authority not available at Site Engineer,
1 Obtain Permit To Work work location 2 1 L 3. Permit issuer and receiver must conduct work site inspection Prior issuing the permit Perfroming 2 1 L

4. Performing Authority must be available at site untill the work is in progress

1. Slippery surface 1.Slip, trip and fall on same 1. Inspection of work location prior starting the job
2. Defective tools level 2. Floor opening should be hard barricaded with scaffold.
3. Floor openings 2. Personal Injury 3 Clear the area and only safe access/egress to be used Site Engineer,
2 Work Area prepration 3. Damage to equipment's 3 2 M 4. no unauthorizsed movement Perfroming 3 1 L
tools & tackles
4. Fall of personnel due to
floor opening
1. Inadequate use of hand tools 1. Finger Caught in between 1.Inspect tools before using
2. Failure to use PPE 2. Personal Injury 2.Use right tools for the job Site Engineer,
3 Use of hand tools 3 2 M Perfroming 3 1 L
3. Using makeshift tools 3. Damage to equipment 3. Use appropriate PPE Authority
4. Do not use any makeshift or damaged tools at site
1. Existing Under ground 1 Damage to under ground 1 GPR should be used to screen under ground utilities
utilities facilities 2. Updated drawing should be used
2. Defective hand tools 2. Fall of personnel into 3. Excavation shall be hard barricaded
3. Toxic atmosphere excvation 4 Warning sign boards shall be installed
4. Soft soil 3. Collapse of excavation 5. shoring and sloping should be done as per soil type
5. Unguarded edges of excavation 4. Electrocution 6. Trail pits shall be made along the proposed area to identify the
6. Piling of spoil soil at the edge 5. Business interruption depth of U/G facilites Site Engineer,
4 Excavation 7. Cave In 6. Exposure to toxic gases 4 2 H 7.If any U/G line found, inform Ops and follow instruction Perfroming 3 1 L
8. Water 7. Accumulation of water 8. No vehicle or equipment maneuvering should be allowed
near excavation from the edge of excavation
9. All excavation shall be inspected daily by competent person
10. Worker shall not enter excavation where water has
accumulated and if a cave in is formed
11. Atmosphere shall be tested before enters an excavation
12. All crew member must be aware of emergency response plan

1. TBT shall be conducted prior starting the job and all associated hazards shall be
discussed with engaged crew
1.Accidental damage to existing 1.Fall of material
underground utilities may lead Electrical 2. Compitant fitter shall be assigned to perform the job
cable cut and gas release. 3.Area should be codron off adequatly Site Engineer,
5 Fixing of chainlink fencing angles. 2.Toxic atmosphere 2.Property damge 2 2 M 4.Vehicle entry permit shall be obtain from operation Performing 2 1 L
3.Damage to existing facilities 5. Scaffolding shall be used for all superstructure erectiion works.
4.Exposure to hazardous gases
5.Business interupption
6.Slip,trip and fall
1. Failure to use PPE 1. Skin exposure to concrete 1. Ensure engaged crew is using PVC gloves and gum boots
2. Heavy equipment moveing T/M 2. Hit to work man & aboveground Utility 2. Use all inspected tools & Equipments.
Site Engineer,
PCC & Concreting Work for fance 3. Spillage of concrete 3. Ground contamination 3. Use appropriate PPE
6 post 2 2 M Perfroming 2 1+K46:AK70 L
4. Hit to person/Damage property 4. Ensure spilled concrete is removed immediately. Authority
5. Reverse alarm is properly working with all vehicle & equipment.

6.TM- Transit Miller are inspected by CIL RTSO deparment with valid inspection tag.
1. Burns to eyes and skin due to hot 1. It will be ensured that working lead and return lead are provided without any breack
1. Effect of lungs
surfaces and molten lead and welding cables holder and earthing holder shall be in good condition
2. Heat / Temperature, Exposure to toxic
fumes 2. Injury to workman/fatality 2. Power circuit shall be maintained properly

3. Shock, Fire & Explosion 3. Fall of personnel 2. Welding should be avoided on wet places or with wet shoes or wet gloves

4. Work at height 3. Power cables of welding shall be inspected for any kind of damage
4. Power cables of welding shall be inspected for any kind of damage
5. Portable tools shall be checked by the user before commencing the work
6. If any deficiency found that should be rectified by electrician.
7. All electrical connections shall be routed through ELCB;s and shall be kept away from
Gas cylinder storage area.

8. Welder and his helper should positioned opposite site of wind direction to avoied
inhalation of toxic fumes.
7 Welding for fance post 3 3 H 9. All combustible material such as JOIL, Paints, Rags etc. Engineer / 3 2 M
10. Should be cleared of when welding operation are likely to be taken up.

11.The welding transformer shall be kept in well ventilated area to facilitate cooling of the
12. All cable joints shall be rigidly made to avoid any kind of spark causing fire.

13. Fire watcher to be deployed near hot work area.

14. Welding booth should be coversd with fire blanket.
15. Appropriate fire extinguisher shall be kept nearby to avoid fire hazard.

16. Full body safety harness should be worn by personnel working at

height and 100% tie off must be followed
17. Adequate meassures for containment of welding spatters and preventing their fall to
ground level shall be endured.

1. Paint and paint fumes 1.Ingestion, inhalation and skin contact 1. Painting activity should not be permitted near hot work activity
2 Flammable nature of paint with potentially harmful substances 2. Mixing of paint shall be done as per MSDS instruction
3. Spillage of paint 2. Fire and explosion 3. MSDS shall be available at work location for referene in case of
4. Drop object on foot (Paint Container) 3. Slip , trip and fall on same level inhalation ingestion and skin contact.
5. Lack of ventilation 4. Personal Injury 4 Appropriate PPE's as per MSDS shall be used while mixing paint
6. Empty paint containers 5. Eye injury and during application
7. Work at height 6. Environmental damage from spillage 5.Personal to carry paint in small amounts so not to strain or overblance
7. Contanimation of environment with while working at heights.
empty containers 6. Paint shall be in small container to avoid large amount of spillage
8. Asphyxiation 7. Spill should be clean as per MSDS instruction
9. Fall of personnel 8. Fire extinguisher should be in place
Painting inside well pads for 9. Paint shall be applied using brush to reduce the potentail combustible Site Engineer /
8 Chainlinkfance 3 2 M Performing 2 1 L
fumes Authority
10. Ensure all tins have been catalysed and then placed in appropriate
bins as per CIL environment requirements
11. Personnel working inside confined space (cellar pit ) shall use
appropriate respiratory protection
12. Standby man shall be assigned outside confined space
13. Standby man shall be assigned outside confined space
14. All personnel shall be aware of confined space emergency procedure
15. Full body safety harness should be worn by personnel working at
height and 100% tie off must be followed
Site Engineer,
9 Housekeeping & close of work for L Perfroming L
the day 1.Accumulation of debris 1. Tripping /Falling hazard 1. Housekeeping shall be maintined during
2. Non closure of permit the activity and at the end of job
2 1 2 Remove all debris from the site 1 1

3 Permit must be closed and submitted to CIL upon completion of job

1. Extreme weather condition 1 Collapse of individual 1.Evacuation procedure shall be in place
2 Lack of supervision 2 Unvailbility of emergency vehcile 2. Effective TBT, shall include Emergency response Site Engineer,
10 Emergency Response 2 2 M Perfroming 2 1 L
3. Ensure emergency vehicle arrangement is on place Authority

1. Poor communication 1. Working withour extension 1.Ensure enagaged crew is trained in working
2. Inadequate illumination of permit night shift
3. Lack of supervision 2. Human fatigue 2. Ensure adequate lighting arrangement
4. Eating at site 3. Poor Visibility are made.
Site Engineer,
11 Night Shift Work 4. Attracting Live Reptiles 2 2 M 3. Ensure effetice night shift supervision Perfroming 3 1 L
4. Stop work in the even of adverse climate Authority
5. Ensure night shift personnel get enough sleep or rest during day
6. Ensure personnel are trained to meet any emergency that may

occur at night
1. Unvailbility of drinking water 1. Heat related illness 1.Esnure plenty of cool drinking water in available at site
2. Lack of rest adequate rest shed 2.Collapse of workmen 2. Ensure adeqaute rest shelter is available for workmen to take rest Site Engineer,
12 Heat Stress Management 2 2 M Perfroming 2 1 L
3. Failure to follow hear index flag as per procedure and heat index flag system Authority

1. 2. 3. 4.
Minor Moderate Serious Major
No or Minor Off Site Serious Injury More than One
Injury Medical Treatment & LTI LTI

Will Occur in 5 10 15 20
present state
Probability (Likelihood of the Occurance)

More likely to 4 8 12 16
occur than not

Possible 50/50 3 6 9 12

Unlikely Could 2 4 6 8
occur less than
50/50 chance
Very Unlikely
little or no 1 2 3 4
chance of

1-3 Low Risk Managed by routine procedures.May be acceptable,however review

to see if risk can be reduced further

4-6 Modrate Risk Task should only proceed with appropriate management

8-12 High Risk Task needs further review and consultation with specialists and
where possible the task should be re-defined to take account
of the hazards involved or the risk should be reduced to further before
the task is allowed to commence

15-25 Extreme Risk Task should not proceed

Disability and





able,however review

h specialists and
o take account
duced to further before

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