Archetype 1: Limits To Growth
Archetype 1: Limits To Growth
themselves reflective of the underlying structure of the system being studied. The archetypes can
be applied in two ways - diagnostically and prospectively.
Diagnostically, archetypes help managers recognize patterns of behaviour that are already
present in their organizations. They serve as the means for gaining insight into the underlying
systems structures from which the archetypal behaviour emerges. This is the most common use
of the archetype.
Archetypes are effective tools for beginning to answer the question, “Why do we keep seeing the
same problems recur over time?”
Archetypes are also useful prospectively for planning. As managers formulate the means by
which they expect to accomplish their organizational ends, the archetypes can be applied to test
whether policies and structures under consideration may be altering the organizational structure
in such manner as to produce the archetypal behaviour. If managers find this to be the case, they
can take remedial action before the changes are adopted and embedded in the organization’s
. They are one of the tools used by managers to capture patterns and construct credible and
consistent hypotheses about the governing forces of the systems using these patterns. We have
used ten different archetypes to analyse this analysis.
Archetype 1: Limits to Growth
This archetype is made up of a reinforcing loop (growth) running into resource constraints causing
a balancing loop. Initially, this balancing loop serves to stabilize and limit growth, and in some
cases, may even lead to the complete collapse of the system. Typically, most managers react to
limits to growth by trying to push harder. When the rate of growth or improvement slows down,
managers compensate by striving even harder. Unfortunately, the more vigorously you push the
familiar levers (e.g., R&D, innovation, promotions, strategic alliances, recruitment of new and
young talent, borrowing, new debt-equity structures, venture capital, mergers and acquisitions, or
new joint ventures), the more strongly the balancing process resists, and the more futile your efforts
In our analysis, the entire banking industry in order to push the limits of growth gave away loans
without having proper checks and measures in place during the competitive period of 2008-15.
Although this resulted in high growth in the short term but in long term resulted in creation of huge
Non-Performing Assets which ultimately slowed down the growth of the industry.
Archetype 2: Shifting the Burden
This archetype basically deals with symptoms, not the actual problem. It deals with a problem
symptom that prompts someone to intervene and solve it. First, they divert attention away from
the real or fundamental source of the problem. Second, easier solutions only worsen the
symptoms; they leave the underlying problem unaltered or even worse.
RBI in 2016 had cautioned ICICI bank regarding the ownership of the Mauritius based entity, first
land holding, but bank continued to defend her CEO, which resulted in a whistleblower complaint.
This situation could have been avoided by dealing with symptoms at the opportune time.
Archetype 9: “Escalation”
Two groups or organizations, each see their welfare as dependent on a relative advantage over the
other. Whenever, one side get ahead, the other feels threatened, and acts more aggressively to re-
establish its advantage. This situation, in turn, disturbs the other and makes it more aggressive.
The escalation archetype has its roots in the accidental adversaries’ archetype.
The banking industry in India has become such a competitive market that every player is on the
lookout for grabbing that single opportunity which will push them ahead of the others. Sometime
in the course of achieving this the borders of ethics gets surpassed. This was one of the primary
reasons for overlooking the facts during this period. This aggressiveness in the competitive
approaches led to overlooking of the fact that Mrs. Chanda Kochhar was the part of the same credit
committee which was responsible for approving loan to Videocon which was involved in dealing
with her husband. A bit cautious attitude instead of aggressiveness could have been better to all
the concerned parties.
Archetype 10: “Eroding Goals”
The organization shifts the burden by adopting a short-term solution that essentially compromises
its long-term goals and performance standards. The basis of this archetype is to hold the vision;
do not compromise established standards for short-term gains. The short-term gains identified in
this analysis was achieving commercial targets and individual achievements. This was the main
driving factor in providing loans without intensive fact checking and due diligence. The bank could
have lowered their goals on careful assessment of the situation and aligning the short-term goals
with the long-term ones. This would have ensured that their standards were not compromised,
values were not eroded, and performance standards were maintained.