Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen Tsa Lung Sol Dep

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Tsa Lung Söl Dep

I prostrate to the continuity of Kuntu Zangpo.

From the text Dzogchen: The Self-Arising of the Three Enlightened Bodies [by Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen]. Preliminary and
concluding chants for the yogi who engages in the practices of tsa, lung, and tiklé.

First, Expelling Obstacles

Even the word “obstacle” does not exist,
HŪNG. Di nang gyal wé kyil khor la
Here, in the mandala of the Victor’s
Gek zhé ja wa ma chi kyang
All these aspects of lack of realization,
grasping at duality, and delusion,
Ma tok nyi dzin trül pé rik
Vanish into the primordial expanse.
Tam ché dö mé long du déng

༔ ༔
(Think that everything is a realm of intensely blissful
appearances in yourself. Then, go for refuge in the
continuity of the natural state:)

In the empty essence, the bön ku,

In the luminous nature, the dzok ku,
Ngo wo tong pa bön gyi ku In the non-duality of dynamic energy and
appearances, the tülku,
Rang zhin sel wa dzok pé ku In the expanse of innate self-awareness,
I take refuge.
Nyi mé tsel nang trül pé ku

Rang rik long du kyap su chi


This immeasurable realm of pure apparent

Nang si dak par rap jam zhing existence,
Is primordially equal with Kuntu Zangpo,

Dö né kün zang nyam del long the pervasive expanse.

I generate the supreme mind of the great

Ye dröl chen pö sem chok kye

primordial liberation.
May I liberate infinite sentient beings.

Offering the Mandala of the

Ta yé dro wa dröl war ja Actual Tsa and Lung

The vessel of three tsa and five khorlo,

Tsa sum khor lo nga yi nö
Arrayed with the heaps of the light of the
five lung,
Lung ngé ö kyi tsom bu kö
Together with the ornaments of the
sixteen tiklé,
Chu druk tig lé gyen dang ché
I offer [this mandala of] my body to the
realm of the Victorious Ones.
Rang lu gyal wé zhing la bül

(Then, supplication to the masters of the mental,
symbolic, and aural-transmission

[In the] unelaborated space of bön, the
realm of the display of magical
Bön ying drö drel gyu trül röl pé zhing emanations,
Is the primordial teacher, Küntu Zangpo
Yé nyi tön pa kün tu zang po sok and others,
I supplicate the masters of the direct
Gong gyü la ma nam la söl wa dep mind-transmission lineage:
Bless me to realize the single sphere.
Tig lé nyak chik tok par jin gyi lop
In the center of an expanse of a flashing
web of light rays,
Ö zer dra wa trik pé long kyil na
Is the lord of secrets, Takla Mebar, and
Sang wé dak po tak la mé bar sok
I supplicate the masters of the lineage of
Da gyü la ma nam la söl wa dep
Bless me that deluded appearances will
arise as primordial wisdom.
Trül nang yé shé char war jin gyi lop

Within a pure realm that issues forth

Ma ngé trül pa gye pé zhing kham na innumerable emanations,
Is the powerful master Dzutrul Yeshé, and
Dzu trül top den ye shé la ma sok others,
I supplicate the lamas of the aural lineage:
Nyen khung gyü pé la ma la söl wa dep Bless me to recognize appearances and
space as inseparable.
Ying nang du drel mé par jin gyi lop
Within a celestial palace of spirals of
radiant wisdom,
Ye shé dang ö kyil pé zhel ye na
Is the principal knowledge holder, Tong
Gyung Tuchen, and others.
Rik dzin tso wo tong gyung tu chen sok
I supplicate the lineage of translators:
Bless me that appearances of clear light
Dra gyur lo tsé gyü pa la söl wa dep
may increase.

Ö sel nang wa gye par jin gyi lop Within apparent existence, the supreme
realm of mahamudra,
Is the single antidote of 500 [previous
Nang si chak gya chen pö zhing chok na
lives], Drenpa Namkha, and
Nga gyé nyen chik dren pa nam kha sok
I supplicate the lamas who have attained
Dröl top la ma nam la söl wa dep
Bless me to arrive at the state of the
exhaustion of the four
Nang zhi ze sar chin par jin gyi lop

Within a mandala of a fireball of

Yé shé mé pung bar wé kyil khor na
primordial wisdom
Is the enlightened guardian of the
Sang gyé ten sung ye shé wal mo sok
teachings, Yeshé Walmo, and
Bön kyong ter dak nam la söl wa dep
I supplicate the guardians of Bön and
the lords of terma:
Lam gyi bar ché zhi war jin gyi lop
Bless me that obstacles to the path are
In a palace that has many open doors of
profound terma,
Zap ter go gya jé pé po drang na
Is the sovereign lord of the teachings,
Shenchen Luga, and others.
Ten pé nga dak shen chen lu ga sok
I supplicate those who have opened the
door to Bön:
Bön go sel jé nam la söl wa dep
Bless me that the four joys of primordial
wisdom blaze.
Ga zhi ye shé bar war jin gyi lop

In the vast expanse of the inseparable

Ying rik du drel mé pé long yang na space and awareness,

Is the personification of knowledge and
kindness, Gongdzö Chenpo, and
Khyen tsé dak nyi gong dzö chen po sok
I supplicate the yogis and siddhas:
Tok den drup top nam la söl wa dep
Bless me to be steady in the two stages
[of development & completion].
Rim nyi nyel du pep par jin gyi lop

In a supreme place, holding, protecting,

and spreading the teachings
Ten pa dzin kyong pél wé né chok na
Is the second Victor, Nyamé Sherap
Gyaltsen, and others.
Gyal wa nyi pa nyam mé la ma sok
I supplicate the supreme lineage
Gyü dzin chok gyur nam la söl wa dep Bless me to accomplish the great
transference of the rainbow body.
Ja lü po chen drup par jin gyi lop

Above the crown of my head, upon a
Chi tsuk nyi da pé mé den teng na throne of lotus, sun, and moon,
Is the essence of all Victors, my gracious

Gyal kün ngo wo drin chen la ma sok lama, and others.

I supplicate those who have the ability to

Dro drén kyé bu nam la söl wa dep

lead beings out of samsara:
Grant your blessings so that I may
spontaneously accomplish the two
Dön nyi lhun gyi drup par jin gyi lop
aims [of benefitting myself and

Without regard for body and life, I strive

Lu sok tö mé jang chup dön nyer la

for enlightenment.
May the fireball of blissful heat blaze in
my body!
Lü la de drö me pung bar wa dang
May the potency of mantra blaze in my
Ngak la ngak kyi nü pa bar wa dang
May the realization of primordial wisdom
blaze in my mind!
Sem la tok pé ye shé bar war dzö

(The supplicated lamas dissolve into light which
then dissolves down into the crown of my head.
Through that, I obtain all the blessings and
power of enlightened body, speech, and mind.)
(Thus supplicate. Then, engage in lung practice.
[Recite:] Söl wa tap pé la ma nam ö du zhu ne [For the details of practice] look to your own
rang gi chi tsuk ne mar tim pe ku sung tuk kyi texts. )
wang dang chin lap tam che top par sem

Concluding Practice:
Dedication and Aspiration

I dedicate all this perfect virtue of my

three doors,
So that all sentient beings may obtain
Dak gi go sum yang dak ge wa di
unsurpassable enlightenment.
I dedicate this within the blissful space
Dro kün la mé jang chup top pé chir which is free of reference to the
three spheres [of subject, object,
Khor sum mi mik de chen ying su ngo and action].
May all become equal with the primordial
Kün kyang dö mé ngang la nyam gyur chik state!

This was composed spontaneously by Shardza at the request of Geshé Yungdrung Yeshé who has
supreme faith in Bön. Virtue!

Auspiciousness! Victory!
This text is from pages 101 to 104 of Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen’s Dzogchen: The Self-Arising of the
Three Enlightened Bodies, Volume 11 in the modern typeset edition or Volume 282 of the Tengyur
as described on page 112 of A Handlist of the Bonpo Kangyur and Tengyur by Kurt Keutzer and
Kevin O’Neill in RET17:

This translation from Tibetan into English was performed by Kurt Keutzer and Geshe Chaphur
Lhundup and enhanced by comments from Laura Shekerjian. The Tibetan text was entered and the
translation formatted by Kevin O’Neill. We gratefully acknowledge the prior translations of Raven
Cypress Wood and Alejandro Chaoul-Reich. Others are free to copy and use this text as long as
our copyright is retained and respected.
© Kurt Keutzer and Geshe Chaphur Lhundup

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