Lesson 32 The Seed and Its Part - Docx Final

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Republic of the Philippines School: Diclum Elementary School Grade/Section: IV - C

Department of Education COT Teacher: Lore May P. Carten Learning Area: SCIENCE
Division of Antique PLAN Date: September 19, 2019 Quarter: SECOND
District of Tobias Fornier Time: Checked by:
Diclum Elementary School
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrates understanding of different organisms go through life
cycle which can be affected by their environment.
B. Performance
The learners should be able to construct a prototype model of organism
that has body parts which can survive in a given environment.
C. Learning The learner should be able to compare the stages in the life cycle of organisms..
D. Values Integration  Honesty, patience, cooperation and care and give importance to seeds
and plants.
II. CONTENT Quarter 2: Living Things and Their Environment
Chapter 4: Heredity: Inheritance and Variation
Lesson 32: The Seed and its Parts
 Identify and examine the parts of a seed.
A. References Science Learner’s Material, pp. 126 - 127
Teacher’s Guide pp.143 – 149
B. Other Learning Laptop ; PowerPoint presentation
C. Materials saucers bean seeds (soaked overnight)
magnifying lens nail cutter/scalpel
D. Science Concept Cotyledon is the biggest part of the seed. It is the food storage of the seed. It
provides the young plant or the seed the food it needs for growth.
Seed Coat (Testa) outer covering of the seed. It protects the seed from injuries
and from drying up.
Embryo the young plant or immature plant found inside the seed. It will soon
develop into a plant.
E. Science Processes Observing, discovering describing, analysing, explaining and communicating

Prayer/Greetings/ Setting of Class Rules or Guidelines in This illustrates

A. Engagement observable in
Learning Objective # 5:
Manage learner
 Seat properly constructively by
 Listen attentively applying positive and
 Participate in Class discussion and Group activity non-violent disciple to
ensure learning-
 Ask a question if you can’t understand. focused environment.

1. Drill
Arrange the letters to form a word. This illustrates
observable in
Objective #1: Apply
Seed coat cotyledon embryo Knowledge and
Content Across
2. Review Teaching Areas:
The lesson goes across
the English, Health,
Name the plants and tell whether it is terrestrial EPP, and Mathematics
or aquatic plant. Subject

This illustrates
observable in
Objective #8: Used of
This illustrates
Ask the following question: observable in
Objective #2: Uses a
 Where we can find the terrestrial plants? range of teaching
strategies that
 Can you name some aquatic plants that enhance learner
grow in our barangays? achievement in
 How many aquatic/ terrestrial plants have literacy and
numeracy skills
you seen in the power point presentation?
 What are aquatic plants? This illustrates
observable in
 Why do we call it terrestrial plants? Objective #3:
 Compare the difference between aquatic Teaching Strategy that
and terrestrial plants? develops higher
thinking order skill

This illustrates
observable in
Objective #4:
Manages classroom
structure to engage
learners individually or
in groups, in
exploration, discovery,
and hands-on
activities within a
range of physical

This illustrates observes

in Objective #6: Uses
appropriate learning
experiences to
address learners’
genders, needs,
strengths, interests an

This illustrates
observable in
Objective # 5:
Manage learner
constructively by
Congratulations and Thank you children you give your best applying positive and
non-violent disciple to
and have fun in participating in doing our activity. Get your ensure learning-
award. focused environment

Preparatory Activity This illustrates

observable Objective
# 5: Manage learner
Motivation: Video clips behavior
constructively by
applying positive and
Listen attentively as we watch the video clip non-violent disciple to
ensure learning-
Jack and the Beanstalk focused environment.

Guide Question: This illustrates

1. What are the magical things that jack observable in
traded for their family cow? Objective #1: Apply
Knowledge and
2. In real life have you seen beans? Content Across
3. Did you know that beans are also Curriculum Teaching
called seeds? The lesson goes across
4. How many beans did Jack received the English Subject
from the beggar?
This illustrates
observable in
Objective #2: Uses a
range of teaching
Show to them the picture of a seed and its part. strategies that
enhance learner
achievement in
Cotyledon literacy and
numeracy skills.

This illustrates
Observable #3:
Embryo Seed Coat Teaching Strategy that
develops higher
thinking order skill

Group Activity

B. Exploration 1. Arranged the class according to their designated group.

This illustrates
2. Introduce the Activity. Lesson 12: LM Activity 1: “What observable in
are the parts of the seeds?” Objective #8: Used of
3. Distribute the materials to each group. ICT
4. Give other necessary instructions in doing the activity (e.i
allotted time for the activity, activity sheet to be
accomplished, group presenter/members
role/responsibility, precautionary measures to take, etc.) This illustrates
5. Exercise precaution in performing the activity. observable Objective
# 5: Manage learner
6. Let the pupils do the activity. behavior
7. Supervise the learners while they are doing their activity. constructively by
applying positive and
non-violent disciple to
Guidelines in doing the Group Activity ensure learning-
focused environment.
1. Work as a group, please cooperate and work silently.
2. Select reporter to present your work.
3. Follow the instruction in the activity sheet/card.
4. Finish your group work activity before/on time.
5. Every group receives point based on the scoring rubrics
6. Don’t forget to leave your area uncleansed.
7. Take care in handling the materials used in the activity.
8. Give a signal or yells if your group finished your group



PRESENTATION The task is The task is The task is No

well presented presented presentation
presented and got two and got 1 of output
and correct correct and all
answered answer answer questions
correctly are not

ACCURACY/ Finish given Finish given Finish given Time is not

TIME time task 5-10 task 10-15 use properly
on/before minutes. late minutes late 10 minutes
the time beyond

COOOPERATION All members 1-3 3 and up All of the

of the group members of members group did
cooperate the group did not not
did not cooperate cooperate
Distribution of Group Activity card This illustrates
The pupils will be divided into three group observable in
Objective #2: Uses a
Each group will perform the given task. range of teaching
strategies that
What you need: enhance learner
achievement in
literacy and
saucers bean seeds (soaked overnight) numeracy skills
magnifying lens nail cutter/scalpel
This illustrates
observable in
What to do: Objective #4:
Manages classroom
structure to engage
1. Get the bean seeds. learners individually or
2. Remove the skin of the seeds. in groups, in
3. Using the nail cutter split the seeds open. meaningful
exploration, discovery,
4. Look inside the bean using a magnifying lens and and hands-on
observe. activities within a
range of physical
Guide Task for Group Activity
Group 1 This illustrates
observable in
Answer the following questions: Objective #6: Uses
1. When you looked inside the bean, what have differentiated,
you observe? appropriate learning
2. How many parts of seeds? experiences to
address learners’
genders, needs,
Group 2 strengths, interests an
1. Draw the seed and label the parts.
This illustrates
observable in
Group 3 Objective #1: Apply
Knowledge and
Content Across
1. Make a song, poem or jazz chant about the Curriculum Teaching
different part of a seeds. Areas:
The lesson goes across
the Mathematics,
English, Art, Music

This illustrates
observable in
Objective #2: Uses a
range of teaching
strategies that
enhance learner
achievement in
literacy and
numeracy skills

This illustrates
observation in
Objective #3:
Teaching Strategy that
develops higher
thinking order skill

This illustrates
observation in
Objective #4:
Manages classroom
structure to engage
learners individually or
in groups, in
exploration, discovery,
and hands-on
activities within a
range of physical
C. Explanation
Group Presentation This illustrates
observation in
Objective #6: Uses
Let the group present their output. Presentation of their differentiated,
work based on the given task to each group developmentally
appropriate learning
experiences to
“WOW Great Job! “Congratulations children you give your address learners’
best to present your group activity and most member of the genders, needs,
strengths, interests an
group cooperate. Each member should receive an award.

This illustrates
observable in
Facilitate in the discussion, using the following questions. Objective # 5:
 Have you observed that a seed has Manage learner
several parts? constructively by
Answer: Yes, the seed has several parts. applying positive and
non-violent disciple to
ensure learning-
 How many basic parts are there in seeds? focused environment
Answer: There are three basic part are
This illustrates
there in seeds. observation in
 Can you name what those parts are? Objective #3:
Answer: The seed has a seed coat (testa), Teaching Strategy that
develops higher
a cotyledon and an embryo. thinking order skill

 Did you notice the outer covering of the

seeds? Can anyone tell the name of this
part of the seed?
Answer: Yes, we’ve noticed and it’s called
seed coat or testa.

 How important is the seed coat to the

young plant?
Answer: Seed coat protect the seed from
injuries and prevents it from drying up.

 Did you observed the biggest part of the

seed? Can you tell me what it is called?
Answer: Yes, we’ve noticed and it’s called

 How important is the cotyledon?

Answer: It is important because it provides
food for the growth of the young plant.

D. Elaboration This illustrates

Video Clip about the Parts of a seed observation in
Objective #3:
Teaching Strategy that
Have the learners formulate generalization by asking: develops higher
Identify the parts of the seed. thinking order skill
 What part of a seed protects it from injuries
and from drying up?
 What is the biggest part of the seed?
This illustrates
 Which part of a seed will soon develop into
observable in
plant? Objective #8:
. Used of ICT
Values Integration: This illustrates
Observable # 5:
Manage learner
Does the seeds important to us? Why is it important? behavior
Which worker in our community will be benefited most by constructively by
having the knowledge about seeds? applying positive and
non-violent disciple to
ensure learning-
focused environment


This illustrates
A. Direction: Label the parts of the seed. observation in
Objective #3:
Teaching Strategy that
_________ 1. develops higher
thinking order skill

__________ 2. 3. ________ This illustrates

Observable #9:
Designs, selects, and
organizes, a uses
diagnostic, formative
B. Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. and summative
assessment strategies
A. seed coat C. seed consistent with
B. cotyledon D. embryo requirements.

This illustrates
_____ 4. What is the off white and the biggest part of the observable in
seed? Objective #8:
_____ 5.What do you called the outer covering of the Used of ICT


This illustrates
Make a journal of what you have learned for today. You may Observable #4:
begin with the statement. Manages classroom
structure to engage
learners individually or
Now I know that_______________________________ in groups, in
____________________________________________ exploration, discovery,
____________________________________________ and hands-on
activities within a

range of physical

This illustrates Observable #7: Plans, manages and implements developmentally This illustrates
sequenced teaching and learning processes to meet curriculum requirements and observable in

varied teaching contexts. ( This pertains to the lesson plan itself.) Objective #1: Apply
Knowledge and
Content Across
Curriculum Teaching

The lesson goes across
English, Subject

VII. REFLECTIONS Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn?
Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A) No. of learners who
earned 80% in the evaluation ___ of Learners who earned 80% above

B) No. of learners who require

additional activities for ___ of Learners who require additional activities for remediation
remediation who scored
below 80%
C) Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learnerswho ___Yes ___No
have caught up with the
____ of Learners who caught up the lesson

D) No. of learners who

continue to require ___ of Learners who continue to require remediation
E) Which of my teaching Strategies used that work well:
strategies worked well? Why ___ Group collaboration
did these work? ___ Games
___ Power Point Presentation
___ Answering preliminary activities/exercises
___ Discussion
___ Case Method
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
___ Rereading of Paragraphs/Poems/Stories
___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Discovery Method
___ Lecture Method Why?
___ Complete IMs
___ Availability of Materials
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Group member’s Cooperation
F) What difficulties did I __ Bullying among pupils
encounter which my __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude
principal or supervisor can __ Colorful IMs
help me solve?
__ Unavailable Technology
Equipment (AVR/LCD)
__ Science/ Computer/
Internet Lab
__ Additional Clerical works
__Reading Readiness
__Lack of Interest of pupils
G) What innovations or Planned Innovations:
localized materials did I __ Localized Videos
use/discover which I wish to __ Making use big books from views of the locality
share with other teachers?
__ Recycling of plastics to be used as Instructional Materials
__ local poetical composition

Signature over Printed Name of Observer 1 Signature over Printed Name of Observer 2 Signature over Printed Name of Observer 3


Signature over Printed Name of the Teacher

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