Design and Implementation of A Laundry Management

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Design and Implementation of a Laundry Management System

Article · November 2016

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4 authors, including:

Oluwagbemiga Shoewu N. T. Makanjuola

Lagos State University Lagos State University


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Design and Implementation of a Laundry Management System.

O. Shoewu1; N.T. Makanjuola1; D.A. Phillips2; and A. Emmanuel1

Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Lagos State University, Epe Campus, Nigeria.
Department of Computer Engineering, Yaba College of Technology, Lagos, Nigeria.

E-mail: [email protected]*

ABSTRACT personal information and clothing records

history, user information, price of delivery and
We present the design and implementation of a retrieval period, users scheduling as regards
laundry management system (LMS) used in a customers details and dealings in service
laundry establishment. Laundry firms are usually rendered, also our products package waiting list.
faced with difficulties in keeping detailed records All of this information must be managed in an
of customers clothing; this little problem as seen efficient and cost wise fashion so that the
to most laundry firms is highly discouraging as organization resources may be effectively
customers are filled with disappointments, utilized.
arising from issues such as customer clothes
mix-ups and untimely retrieval of clothes. The The goal of laundry management system is to
aim of this application is to determine the automate the management of the laundry firm
number of clothes collected, in relation to their making it more efficient and error free. It aims at
owners, as this also helps the users fix a date standardizing data, consolidating data ensuring
for the collection of their clothes. Also data integrity and reducing inconsistencies,
customer’s information is secured, as a specific through the use of highly computerized process
id is allocated per registration to avoid that is stress free, reliable and quick through the
contrasting information. use of computer programming language
and SQL database application to both the users
(Keywords: customer satisfaction, database, HTML, and the staff in charge of the registration and
laundry, management, SQL) laundry management processes. HTML would
be at the front-end and provide the graphical
user interface that relates with the user, while
INTRODUCTION the SQL database will be at the back-end to
handle the data storage process.
Laundry firms currently use a manual system for
the management and maintenance of critical
information. The current system requires EXISTING SYSTEM
numerous paper forms, with data stores spread
throughout the laundry management Laundry firm currently uses a manual system for
infrastructure. Often information (on forms) is the management and maintenance of
incomplete or does not follow management critical information. The current system requires
standards. Records are often lost in transit numerous paper forms, with data stores spread
during computation requiring a comprehensive throughout the Laundry firm management
auditing process to ensure that no vital infrastructure. Often information (on forms) is
information is lost. Multiple copies of the same incomplete, or does not follow management
information exist in the laundry firm data and standards. Forms are often lost in transit
may lead to inconsistencies in data in various between departments requiring a
data stores. comprehensive auditing process to ensure that
no vital information is lost. This has lead to
A significant part of the operation of any laundry inconsistencies in various data due to large
firm involves the acquisition, management and volume of contrasting customer details leading
timely retrieval of great volumes of information. to mix-up of clothes in the laundry firm which
This information typically involves; customer

The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –197– Volume 17. Number 2. November 2016 (Fall)
thus leads to delay in collecting the clothes challenges faced, technologies used and
back. unresolved problems. This forms the basis for
implementing later versions.

The Laundry Management System is designed SYSTEM
for any Laundry firm to replace their existing
manual, paper based system. The new system The proposed system seeks to simplify the
is in form of an e-registration system to control users operation. The stages involved in the
the following; customer information, products, registration process must be reduced to nearest
services, users, carts and receipt. These minimum if it is to be faster and more
services are to be provided in an efficient, cost convenient. The crude way of registration using
effective manner, with the goal of reducing the paper based processes of registration are time
delay and resources currently required for such consuming and expensive. The customers are
tasks as clothes details are bounded to a rest assured security and availability of their
particular customer with a given id. Since the clothing as at when due, as information are
existing system makes use of tedious protected using a specific Id.
administrative tasks, lots paper work and time, in
which full information cannot be gotten from An increase in the number of customer will
busy customers. obviously mean more paper work and less
efficiency of the existing system. Hence, many
The goal of the laundry management system is Laundry firms are finding the proposed system a
to provide a computerized process that is stress better and more effective way of catering for the
free, reliable and quick through the use of inconvenience and inefficiency of the existing computer programming language and system of registration. The proposed system for
SQL database application to the users and staffs laundry firms plays a vital role in the transition
in charge of the registration of customers and and if effectively implemented, it should be able
laundry management processes. HTML would to:
be at the front-end and provide the graphical Reduce paper work and redundancy
user interface that relates with the user, while thereby improving productivity and
the SQL database will be at the back-end to lowering cost of printing and purchasing
handle the data storage process. registration materials annually. It aids
the administrative in data management
of customers, by allowing the user to
search for any customer with ease.


System Analysis and Design

Figure 1: Diagram of the Front and Back End
Relationship. System analysis is a method of problem-solving
that deals with the breaking down of a system
into components parts in order to study how well
The objective of this work is to implement a the individual parts work and interact to
management system that will streamline accomplish their purpose. It involves the process
registration process, reduce administrative tasks of enumerating the existing problems, analyzing
and paper work so as to improve the registration the proposed system for costs and benefits,
cycle process flow. analyzing the system and user requirements and
considering possible alternative system.
LITETRATURE REVIEW System analysis is important in the design of
subsequent systems. System design consists of
This section takes critical review of existing design activities that produce system
system implemented, the success factors, specifications which satisfy the functional

The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –198– Volume 17. Number 2. November 2016 (Fall)
requirements that have been developed in the colors and fonts. This improves content
system analysis process. System design is accessibility, provides flexibility and control in
basically the structural implementation of system the specification of presentation characteristics,
analysis. The proposed system is being enable multiple pages to share formatting and
designed in such a way that users only need to reduce complexity and repetition in the structural
input their customer data which is then entered content, for instance, allowing tableless web
into a computer database. Customers will be design.
assigned a specific id on registration
CSS can also allow the same markup page to
be presented in different styles for different
TOOLS rendering methods such as on-screen, in print
and on Braille-based, tactile devices. CSS
Graphical User Interface specifies a priority scheme to determine which
style rules apply if more than one rule matches
Hyper-Text Markup Language (HTML)is the against a particular element. Priorities are
basic language used for creating web pages and calculated and assigned to rules, so that the
other information that can be displayed in a web results are predictable.
browser. The purpose of a web browser is to
read HTML documents and compose them into
visible or audible web pages. The browser Client-side Script(JAVASCRIPT)
doesn’t display the HTML tags, but uses the
tags to interpret the concept of the page. JavaScript is a new scripting language for
WebPages. Scripts written with java script can
be embedded into your HTML pages. With java
Hyper-Text Markup Language script you have many possibilities for enhancing
your HTML page with interesting elements. For
HTML elements forms the building blocks of all example you are able to respond to user-
websites, allows images and objects to be initiated events quite easily. Some effects that
embedded and can to be used to create are now possible with java script were some
interactive forms. It provides a means to create time ago only possible with CGI. So you can
structured documents by denoting structural create really sophisticated pages with the helps
semantics for txt such as heading, paragraphs, of java script on the Internet.
lists, links, quotes and so on. It can also embed
scripts written in languages such as JavaScript
which affect the behavior of HTML web pages. SQL(Structured Query Language)

HTML consists of several key components, To work with data in a database, you must use a set
including tags and their attributes, character- of commands and statements (language) defined by
based data types, character references and the DBMS software. There are several different
entity references. An important component is the languages that can be used with relational
document type declaration, which triggers databases; the most common is SQL. Both the
standards mode rendering. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and
the International Standards Organization (ISO) have
defined standards for SQL. Most modern DBMS
Cascading Style Sheets products support the Entry Level of SQL-92, the
latest SQL standard (published in 1992).
CSS is a style sheet language used for
describing the look and formatting of a
document written in a markup language. While SQL Server Features
most often used to style web pages and
interfaces written in HTML and XHTML, the Microsoft SQL Server supports a set of features that
language can be applied to any kind of XML result in the following benefits:
document, including plain XML, SVG and XUL.
CSS is designed basically to enable the  Ease of installation, deployment, and use:
separation of document content from document SQL Server includes a set of administrative and
presentation, including elements such as layout, development tools that improve your ability to

The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –199– Volume 17. Number 2. November 2016 (Fall)
install, deploy, manage, and use SQL Server User Requirements
across several sites.
To gain access to the laundry management
 Scalability: The same database engine can be system resources, the user would need:
used across platforms ranging from laptop
computers running Microsoft Windows® 95/98 to  A personal computer
large, multiprocessor servers running Microsoft  A username
Windows NT®, Enterprise Edition.  A genuine password

 Data warehousing: SQL Server includes tools

for extracting and analyzing summary data for User-Interface Requirements
online analytical processing (OLAP). SQL
Server also includes tools for visually designing User interfaces are the registration pages
databases and analyzing data using English- developed for the customers and users to
based questions. register and manage the items brought. They
consist of the following:
 System integration with other server
software: SQL Server integrates with e-mail,  login page (Username and password)
the Internet, and Windows.  Product page
 View customers
 View records
System Requirement  Search for customers
 Register a new user
System requirement is a description of the  Print Receipt
needs of a user for an information system. The
unique requirements of a user are identified

Modeling The System

The laundry application flow diagram is shown below:

Figure 1: Flow Chart Diagram.

The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –200– Volume 17. Number 2. November 2016 (Fall)

Figure 2: Laundry Application Flowchart.

Figure 3: System Design and Architecture.

The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –201– Volume 17. Number 2. November 2016 (Fall)

Design implementation refers to the real live running of the designed program. This section consists of
the program modules, showing what they do, and how the system can be deployed.

Figure 4: Login Page. Figure 5: Homepage.

Figure 6: Search Customer Page. Figure 7: Searched Customer Page.

The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –202– Volume 17. Number 2. November 2016 (Fall)
Figure 8: User Registration Page. Figure 9: Customer Registration Page.

Figure 10: Products Page. Figure 11: Product Registration Page.

The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –203– Volume 17. Number 2. November 2016 (Fall)
Figure 12: Receipt Page.

CONCLUSION 2. Phillips, P. 2003. e-Business Strategy. McGraw-

Hill: London, UK.
The package was designed in such a way that 3. Whitten, Bentley, and Dittman. 2004. System
future modifications can be done easily. The Analysis and Design Methods (5th ed). New York,
following conclusion can be deduced from the NY.
development of the project.
4. 2006. “SQL Tutorial,
 Automation of the entire system improves the Database Commands, Beginners Guide, Perl,
Accessed 3rd of February, 2006.
 It provides a friendly graphical user interface
which proves to be better when compared to 5. HTML Elements. W3schools. Retrieved 16 March,
the existing system. 2015. Journals of science of technology

 It provides a friendly graphical user interface 6. CSS Introduction. W3schools. Retrieved 16

which proves to be better when compared to March, 2015.
the existing system.
7. Retrieved on 16 May, 2012.

 It gives appropriate access to the authorized 8. SQL: Project Summary. Black Duck Software.
users depending on their permissions. Retrieved 17 September, 2012. Journals of
Contemporary Mathematical Science.
 It effectively overcomes the delay in
communications. 9. ASP Manual:

10. ASP for Windows: Retrieved 29 October,

 Updating of information becomes so easier. 2013.

 System security, data security and reliability

are the striking features. SUGGESTED CITATION

 The System has adequate scope for Shoewu, O., N.T. Makanjuola, D.A. Phillips, and
modification in future if it is necessary. A. Emmanuel. 2016. “Design and Implementation
of a Laundry Management System”. Pacific
Journal of Science and Technology. 17(2):197-
1. Lawrence, Corbitt, Fisher, and Tidwell. 2000.
Internet Commerce: Digital Models for Business. Pacific Journal of Science and Technology
Wiley: Sidney, Australia.

The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –204– Volume 17. Number 2. November 2016 (Fall)

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