Safety Management System (SMS) Manual: Cover Page

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Chapter 9: Safety Performance Monitoring and Measurement

Cover Page

Safety Management System (SMS)


Chapter 9: Safety Performance Monitoring and


Issue: 01 Rev.: 00 Page: 1 of 4

Chapter 9: Safety Performance Monitoring and Measurement

9.0 Safety Performance

Safety management requires feedback on safety performance to complete the safety

management cycle. Through feedback, system performance can be evaluated and any
necessary changes effected.
A critical component of our SMS is tracking and analyzing safety data to enhance our
awareness of potentially hazardous situations. This screening and decision process will
evaluate the data for significance and is applied to all incoming data.

Sky Lounge Safety Performance Monitoring and Measurement is compromised of the


 Sky Lounge safety objectives.

 Safety Performance Indicators (SPIs)
 Safety Performance limits / Safety alert level
 Proposed action plan
 Time frame or date by which planned actions should be completed.
 Responsible person for ensuring planned actions should be completed.

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Chapter 9: Safety Performance Monitoring and Measurement

9.1 Develop and maintain safety performance indicators

Safety Performance Indicators (SPIs) provide an early warning, before a failure, that critical controls
are not operating as intends or have deteriorated to an unacceptable level, which may jeopardize
the safety objectives.

Safety Performance Indicators (SPIs) helps to measure the actual safety prevailing in our system so
that we can manage our safety.

Developing SPIs:
 Establish SPI team (SAG SRB)
 Identify key issues of concern
 Define outcomes indicators
 Collect data and report indicators results
 Evaluate and refine SPIs

Safety performance monitoring will be conducted by the Safety Review Board, under the guidance of
the Safety Manager and Safety Action Group level if appropriate.

9.2 Correlation between SPIs and safety objective

Safety performance monitoring is the process by which safety indicators are reviewed in relation to
the safety objectives.

The safety auditing is one of Sky Lounge core safety management activities. Similar to audits,
safety audits provide a means for systematically assessing how well the organization is meeting
its safety objectives. The safety audit program, together with other safety oversight activities
(safety performance monitoring), provides feedback to managers of individual units and senior
management concerning the safety performance of Sky Lounge. This feedback provides evidence
of the level of safety performance being achieved.

9.3 The monitoring the performance of SPIs

The performance of each indicator will be reviewed with respect to the established minimum
acceptable level (alert level) and its safety target (desired level). Safety performance Indicators

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Chapter 9: Safety Performance Monitoring and Measurement

monitoring will be conducted by the Safety Review Board and more frequent monitoring is
required by the concerned departments and the Safety Department.

Any significant abnormal trend or breech of the minimum acceptable level for any of the safety
performance indicators will require appropriate investigation into potential hazards or risks
associated with such deviation.

9.4 Supplementary SMS

Any supplementary SMS shall ongoing by two-way communication process that helps ensure
that personnel benefit from safety lessons learned, see the results of their actions, and continue
to improve their understanding of Sky Lounge SMS meanwhile the monitoring for both ways is

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