Community Health Nursing

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Km. 2, 8400 Surigao City, Philippines


A report on Community Organizing – Participatory Action Research


Purok 1 Bagong Silang Brgy. Washington Surigao City

November 05, 2018 – December 11, 2018

Las Grandes Y Nobles Enfermeras


Joanne Bernadette C. Aguilar

Jeniffer A. Amihan
Enna Paula P. Baltazar
Jade R. Dinolan
Ian Vic C. Luzano
Cheryl P. Alvarado, RN
CHN Instructor
Table of Contents

Our heartfelt thanks to GOD Almighty Father for lending us the gift of wisdom, knowledge and
strength to finish this case presentation.

We would like to say thank you to all our friends and schoolmates who helped us complete the
requirements in preparing all the data and format of making the presentation.

Special thanks to our parents for the unending financial support and encouragements; to all the
member of the group for being cooperative and patient even though the study had only limited
time of preparation, the team would like also to acknowledge the family of our patient for
allowing us to present the case of their child and being cooperative in the time of gathering data.

Thanks to all the clinical instructors for teaching and giving us all the detailed information and
providing us lectures properly, shared clinical expertise, made suggestion and recommendation
for the success of this CP plan and all nurses for sharing to us their thoughts and knowledge.
Your contributions are appreciated


A community is a social group determined by geographical boundaries, living together to

attain certain common goals and sharing the same values and interests ( World Health
Organization )

COPAR is a continuous and sustained process of educating the people to understand and
develop their critical awareness of their existing conditions; working with the people collectively
and efficiently in their immediate and long term problems; and mobilizing the people to develop
their capability and readiness to respond and take action on their immediate needs towards
solving their long term problems.
The significance of COPAR to the community immersion is to apply the concepts of
community organizing in a real community set up. The students will adopt families and learn to
integrate with the whole community. This will be the actual application of the knowledge, skills,
and attitudes in dealing with the family and community as a whole.

The general objectives of COPAR is to further develop the level of consciousness and
sensitivity of the community in relation to the prevailing situation in today’s society that
contributed to the detriment of the people’s health condition.

The group conducted a survey to the 103 households of Purok 1 Bagong Silang, Brgy.
Washington. Collated and organized the data and came up the various health problems of the
community. Then prioritization was made in determining which problem needs an immediate
intervention. Project Proposal was made and followed with the implementation.

The data is presented in the form of graphs and tables summarizing the findings as well
as the analysis and interpretation of the problems.
Brief History of the Barangay

Barangay Washington is the premier Barangay of the City of Surigao, Province of

Surigao del Norte. Its name was derived from the name of the first President of the United States
of America (USA). It is located within the heart of the City, the center of business and
government offices, religious establishments, and of educational institutions.

Creation and history of the barangay encounters arguments and debates as to how and
when it was created. Some people say that it was created in 1945 by virtue of Republic Act 1408.
But elderly people refuted this observation because there was no Republic yet in the year 1945.
The nation is under the Commonwealth period on that particular time, which means that it was
still under the tutelage and authority of the United States of America, and any measures or law
shall be passed through a Commonwealth Act.

Others say that when the government conducted the Cadastral Survey of the whole
Province of Surigao on the year 1927 to 1933, the Barrio of Washington already surfaced and
exists on their cadastral maps. Also there is no exact and accurate record from the Surigaonon
Heritage Foundation as to the real and authentic creation of Barrio or Barangay Washington, and
even on the journal of Congress.

However, because of the difficulty in getting the exact legal basis for its creation,
previous and present administration still uses Republic Act 1408, as the law or legal basis that
creates Barangay Washington.

As for its fiscal information, the barangay has an income generated from the external
source of revenue from the Internal Revenue Allotment(IRA) of about P9,444,970 given by the
National Government annually as its share; while it has generated revenues from local sources,
such as the Real Property Tax share amounting to P2,215,000.00 annually; and from exacting
fees and charges which amounts to P1,146,826.00; or a total of about P12,806,796.00.
In the year 2006, 2007 and 2008, the Lupong Tagapamayapa of Barangay Washington
was adjudged as the Most Outstanding Lupong Tagapamayapa of the Philippines (Component
Cities Category) by the National Board of Judges of the Lupong Tagapamayapa Incentives
Awards, given personally by her Excellency President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, at a ceremony
at Rizal Hall of Malacanang Palace. They achieved the coveted “Hall of Fame Award”.

Present administration of the Local Government Unit of Barangay Washington of the City
of Surigao is managed and administered by Honorable Christopher T. Bonite, a young
professional and entrepreneur from a very prominent family, who serves previously as a City
Councilor of the City Government of Surigao for two(2) terms. His administration focused on
the delivery of basic services for health and sanitation, education, maintenance of peace and
order and eradication of all forms of illegal gambling.

Prominent personalities who were born in this barangay, includes Retired Police Director
(Major General) Christopher A. Laxa (PMA ’82), formerly the Diirector of the Human Resource
and Doctrine Development of the Philippine National Police. His father serves as the Barangay
Captain of Barangay Washington from 1997 to 2007, and his mother serves as a City Councilor
of the City of Surigao for three consecutive terms, and is now an incumbent Barangay Kagawad
of Barangay Washington, this City.
General Topography
Barangay Boundaries:
North : Sea
South : Brgy. Taft
East : Brgy. Taft
West : Surigao River and Barangay San Juan
Total Land Area : 130.1641 hectares
Number of Purok : 40
Distance from City Hall : 1 km
Socio- Political Structure

Brgy. Captain

Hjs Brgy. Treasurer

Brgy. Secretary

Brgy. Councilors


Committee on Education, Culture, and cooperatives

Committee on Peace and Order and Public Safety
Committee on Environmental Protection, Solid Waste Management and
Committee on Finance, Budget, and Appropriations
Committee on Bids and Awards
Committee on Human Rights, Code of Ethics, Ways and Means, Rules and
Committee on Infrastructure and Public Works
Committee on Women, Children, Senior Citizens, Person with Disability and
Social Services
Committee on Health and Sanitation

Purok Officials

Brgy. Captain Hon. Christopher T. Bonite

Brgy. Treasurer Ms. Edna T. Torregoza
Brgy. Secretary Mr. Modesto C. Torcal,Jr.

Brgy. Councilors Hon. Lydia P. Ga

Hon. Francisco C. Zerda
Hon. Isidro C. Carbonilla
Hon. Penaflor A. Laxa
Hon. Nicolas A. Bolonia
Hon. Edna C. Lopez
Hon. Jesirick A. Leyson
Chairman Mrs. Estrella L. Gesta
Vice Chairman Mrs. Virginia B. Villarosa
Secretary Mrs. Glenda O. Emong
Treasurer Mrs. Lucy C. Espinedo
Auditor Mrs. Maricel B. Ledesma
P.I.O. Mr. Jonathan L. Gesta
Mr. Rodrigo A. Ecoben, SR.
Mrs. Marissa S. Tubaon
Sgt. At Arms Mr. Allan Ron A. Basilio
Mr. Disto E. Ga
Purok Councilors Mrs. Carlita S. Catulay
Mrs. Asteria C. Mesias
Mrs. Esterlina Abi-Abi


In collecting the data, the group conducted interviews to the residents with the survey
questionnaires. These data were collated and used as a basis in assessing the community’s
demographic, socio-economic, environmental sanitation, and the health status. Through the
survey, the individual was able to choose on the needs and current situation of the family.


This presents socio-demographic profile, socio-economic profile, environmental and sanitation,

health profile, maternal and child care, morbidity and mortality information, and community
problems in general.


Number of Household Of Purok 1

The total number of household in Purok 1 is 102. The number of household surveyed is 102.

Community Plan of Activities

Day 1 – November 05, 2018

Goal and Target Activities In- Charge Resources Evaluation

Before the end of 2:30 – 4:30PM Mrs. Cheryl P. Manpower Camera Courtesy call with
the day, the group - courtesy call with Alvarado Money for Barangay Captain
will be able: Barangay Captain All group members transportation
Hon. Christopher
1. To have a and with the
courtesy call with Barangay Councils T. Bonite, and the
Barangay Captain of the Barangay barangay councils
Hon. Christopher Washington,
of Barangay
T. Bonite , and Surigao City All group members Manpower
barangay councils Camera, Money for Washington was
of Barangay - do the ocular transportation done.
Washington, survey
Secondary data of
Surigao City; Ms. Aguilar Pencils, paper,
-obtain a draft of a Ms. Baltazar manpower Purok 1 were
spot map gathered from the
barangay hall such
2. Be able to do an - communicate Mrs. Cheryl P. Manpower
ocular survey; with the purok Alvarado as the number of
chairman All group members households, total
population, and the
3. Be able to come
barangay structure.
up with a spot
map; Ocular survey was
done. Spot map
4. Be able to talk to
had been started.
the chairman of
Purok 1 Bagong Unfortunately, we
Silang, were able to talk to
Mrs. Estrella L.
the purok chairman
since he is around.
Day 2 – November 06, 2018

Goal and Target Activities In- Charge Resources Evaluation

The group will be 2:30 – 4:30 pm Mrs. Cheryl P. Manpower Money The group started
able to conduct the Survey Alvarado for transportation the community
community survey All group members and survey survey with a total
to about 45 materials: of 45 households
households survey forms, interviewed and to
pencils/pen. be continued the
next day, Mrs.
Alvarado was able
to talk to the Purok
Mrs. Estrella L.
Day 3 – November 12, 2018

Goal and Target Activities In- Charge Resources Evaluation

The group will be 2:30 – 4:30 pm Mrs. Cheryl P. Manpower Money The group
able to conduct the Survey Alvarado for transportation continued the
community survey All group members and survey community survey
to about 52 materials: with a total of 52
households survey forms, households
pencils/pen. interviewed
Day 4 – November 13, 2018

Goal and Target Activities In- Charge Resources Evaluation

The group will be 2:30 – 4:30 pm Mrs. Cheryl P. Manpower Money The group
able to conduct the Survey Alvarado for transportation continued the
community survey All group members and survey community survey
to about 5 materials: with a total of 5
households survey forms, households
pencils/pen. interviewed
Day 5 – November 19, 2018

Goal and Target Activities In- Charge Resources Evaluation

The group will be 2:30 – 4: 30 pm Mrs. Alvarado Manpower Money The group validate
able to validate the Validation Data All group members for transportation the data collected
data collected Collected and survey in a total of 102
materials: households
survey forms, interviewed for
pencils/pen. community health
Day 6 – November 20, 2018

Goal and Target Activities In- Charge Resources Evaluation

The group will be 2;30 – 4:30PM Mrs. Alvarado Manpower Money The group was
able to have a - Health Teaching: All group members for transportation able to conduct the
Feeding (out of 30 1. Hand Washing and snacks, health teaching to
school children ) 2. Germs – the speaker, the children. They
and Validation cause of many microphone and were behaving
Data Collected diseases parlor games most of the time
and participative.
Day 7 - November 26, 2018

Goal and Target Activities In- Charge Resources Evaluation

The group will be 2:30 – 4:30PM Mrs. Alvarado Manpower Money The group was
able to discuss Lecture on the All group members for transportation able to conduct a
about Violence Violence Against and projector, lecture on Violence
Against Women Women and laptop, cloth, Against Women
and Children and Children and HIV speakers, and Children and
HIV( Human (Human microphone and HIV
Immunodeficiency Immunodeficiency snacks (Human
Virus) Virus) Immunodeficiency
Virus). There were
20 participants on
the said activity.
They were very
responsive on the
topics that were
Day 8 – November 27, 2018

Goal and Target Activities In- Charge Resources Evaluation

The group will be 2;30 – 4:30PM Mrs. Alvarado Manpower Money The group was able
able to discuss Lecture on the All group members for transportation to conduct a lecture
on Breastfeeding
about Breastfeeding and and projector,
and Family
Breastfeeding and Family planning laptop, cloth, Planning. There
Family Planning methods: speaker, were 25
participants on the
Artificial: microphone and
said activity.
1. Barriers snacks They were very
2. Hormonal responsive on the
topics that were
3. IUD
4. Surgical
1. Cervical Mucus
2. Lactational
3. Calendar
4. Withdrawal
5. Abstinence
Day 9 – December 03, 2018

Goal and Target Activities In- Charge Resources Evaluation

The group will be 2;30 – 4:30PM Mrs. Alvarado Manpower Money The group was
able to discuss Lecture on the All group members for transportation able to conduct a
about Malnutrition Malnutrition and projector, lecture on
laptop, Malnutrition.
cloth,speaker, There were 15
microphone and participants on the
snacks said activity.
They were very
responsive on the
topics that were
Day 10 – December 04, 2018

Goal and Target Activities In- Charge Resources Evaluation

The group will be 2:30 – 4:30PM Mrs. Alvarado Manpower Money The group had a
able to conduct a Discussion on the All group members for transportation dialogue with
community Identified problems and visual aids. purok officials on
dialogue with in the community. the problems in the
purok officials and community that
collation of data came out of the
gathered during surveys that were
health assessment conducted to 102
Day 11 – December 10, 2018

Goal and Target Activities In- Charge Resources Evaluation

The group will be 2:30 – 4:30PM Mrs. Alvarado Manpower Money The group and the
able to conduct a Project Proposal on All group members for transportation purok officials
Project Proposal on the Priority and visual aids. were able to come
the Priority Problem up a plan for a
Problem project in the
community. Both
agreed on the
priority need that
was identified, the
Garbage Waste
Day 12 - December 11, 2018

Goal and Target Activities In- Charge Resources Evaluation

The group will 2:30 – 4:30 pm Mrs. Alvarado Manpower money The group held a
have a Finale Culmination All group members for transportation, culmination program
activity in the Program: Guests: program at the Purok 1
community Mrs. Adobas preparation and Bagong Silang.
Turn-over of the Mrs. Dawsan snacks. There were 25
Project ( Garbage Purok and Brgy. participants
Waste Disposal) Officials (combined adult and
children). The
Give away of program went well.
toothbrush There were several
intermissions from
the community (
dancing and
singing). It seems
like everyone had a
blast. Mrs. Alvarado
had officially turn-
over the project to
the community. It
was acknowledge by
the purok chairman
Mr. Christopher T.
Bonite. The group
gave away
toothbrush to the
children. Children
were very excited to
get something.
Republic Act No. 9262
o Anti-Violence against
Women and their
Children Act of 2004
Unsa ang VAWC?


 Usa ka diskriminasyon na gipasabot na ang mga babaji ug bata kay mga ubos na klasi sa
 Ginatawag na abuso sa mga babaji ug sa mga anak o bata sa ila mga bana, partner sa
bayay na di pa kasal, o karelasyon. Sanan Ginikinan sa bata na gi abuso .

Mga Klasi nan Di maajo(pang-abuso) buhaton sa mga babaji ug bata o anak:

Pisikal na Pang-abuso(sa lawas)

5. Pagsumbag
1. Pangulata 6. Pagpangawat
2. Pagpasakit 7. Pagsipa
3. Pagpatay 8. Pag-bari sa lawas
4. Pagdapay

Emosyonal ug Sikilohikal na pang-abuso


1. Paghadlok na magpaka-matay.
2. Pagpakasipog
3. Grabi na pang-insulto
4. kanunay na pagpanumpa
5. Pagpanikas
6. Pagguba sa mga gamit
7. Pagtutuk ng pusil
8. Pag-priso sa bayay
9. Paghulga na pasakitan ang anak kon dili matuman ang gusto sa bana
10. Panghadlok sa asawa, babaji ug sa mga anak

Sekswal na Pang-abuso


1. Papugos na mag hemo ug mga sekswal na butang.

2. Pagbastos sa babaji ug anak
3. Pag-atake sa babaji ug bata sa lawas
4. Pagpugos na motanaw ug mga bastos na salida

Ekonomik ug Pinansyal na Pag-abuso


1. Dili gitugutan na mangitag-trabaho ang babaji na walay saktong rason

2. Dili ginasuportahan ang babaji ug sanan ang mga anak

Ekonomik ug Pinansyal na Pag-abuso


1. Dili gitugutan na mangitag-trabaho ang babaji na walay saktong rason

2. Dili ginasuportahan ang babaji ug sanan ang mga anak

Kinsa ang Biktima sa kani na RA. 9262:

Ang Biktima :
- asawa( kasal o dili)
- mi aging asawa
- Karelasyon
- mi aging karelasyon
- may anak sa biktima
- mga anak o bata

Kinsa ang pwede mag-reklamo?

 Ang VAWC kay usa ka “publiko na krimen” dili lamang ang bikitima ang pwedi maka
reklamo or e sumbong ug magsampa ng kaso
 Ang social worker, Pulis, Barangay Kagawad, Abogado, Ginikanan o kapamilya,
amigo/amiga, silingan, o kinsay nakakita sa sitwasyon.

Unsa na mga butang ang makita nimo na gi abuso ang babaji ug bata sa RA. 9262?

1. Pagpasakit sa babaji o anak

2. Paghulga na pasakitan ang biktima
3. Pagplano na pasakitan ang biktima
4. Hadlokon na pasakitan sa lawas o pagkulata sa babaji ug anak o bata
5. Tagaan ug mga butang na ipahemo na dili gusto sa babaji o sa bata
6. Pag kontrol sa mga dapat hemoon sa babaji o bata
7. Pasakitan ang kaugalingon para kontrolon ang lihok o desisyon ng biktima
8. Pagpugos na hemoon o buhaton ang mga sekswal na lihok
9. Pag-insulto sa mga babaji o sa mga bata
10. Pagpakauwaw sa uban tawo

Unsa ang mga proseso na dapat hemoon?

 Medical Assistance
 Counseling
 Legal Assistance
Usa sa Dapat mahebaw-an:

Ang Judiciary kay buyag sa Executive ug Legislative Branch sa gobyerno

Ang mga silot or korte kay parti ng Judiciary o supreme court

Ang Prosecutor o Fiscal kay parti ng DOJ

Ang Public Attorney’s Office ay parti sab ng

Unsa ang Protection Order?

Ang Protection Order kay ginahatag para

malikayan ang mga dautan o karahasan
sa mga babaji ug sa mga bata na nakaagi
nan dautan o pang-abuso. Kani sija naka
suyat sa Seksyon 7 na mag hemo
nan mga balaod ug regulasyon
para sa mga nagkina-hanglan
ng tabang sa na biktima.

Kini kay usa ka balaod na gi hemo sa Punong

Barangay o kagawad kon wala ang Punong
Barangay sa ija opisina. Mao kini ang
mga balaod :
1. Bawal ipadayun ang pisikal na pangulata o
pagpasakit sa bikitima
2. Bawal ipadayun ang pang hadlok sa biktima
na pasakitan sa ija pisikal
3. Bawal makig sabot sa biktima.

Kinsa ang pwedi mo kuha sa Protection Order sa Barangay o sa Korte?

Ang pwedi mo kuha sa Protection Order (PO) kay ang mga biktima, ginikanan o
kapamilya, Social Workers ng Kagawad ng Barangay
Kinsa ang pwedi mo kuha sa Protection Order sa Barangay o sa Korte?

Ang pwedi mo kuha sa Protection Order (PO) kay ang mga biktima, ginikanan o
kapamilya, Social Workers ng Kagawad ng Barangay
Unsa ang mga kasagaran o komon na mga aksyon sa Domestic Violence?

 Ang biktima kay pwedi mangayo ug proteksyon or panagang:

 Barangay Protection Order (BPO)

 Temporary Protection Order (TPO)

 Permanent Protection Order (PPO)

Unsa ka dugay ang epektibo ng BPO?

Ang epektibo o bisa ng BPO kay 15 na adlaw lamang.

Unsa ang hemoon kung matapos na ang epektibo o bisa ng BPO?

- Pwedi mo adto sa korte o hukuman para mag-apply o mo sampa sa TPO o PPO

Unsaon pag kuha ng BPO?

-Mo adto sa opisina ng Punong Baranggay o kagawad

-Magdaya ng usa ka suyat na ang naka butang kay ang gisulti sa biktima kung unsay tinood
nahetabo sa ija ug
ija pag panumpa sa ija gi-ingonpara ebidensiya
na tinood kini na reklamo

-Ihatag ng PB o Kagawad ang BPO sa adlaw na nag sampa ng reklamo ang biktima.

Unsaon kung walay kwarta o walay kusog na magkuha ng abogado ang mga
biktima?Unsaon pagsampa ng kinahanglan maka apil sa TPO ug PPO sa korte o

 Pwedi mo adto sa Public na Abogado sa ija opisina (Public Attorney’s Office o PAO) o
kinsa man na opisyal sa DOJ para sa serbisyong legal.

Unsa ang Permanent Protection Order(PPO)?

 Usa ka sugo o balaod na nag sugod sa hukuman o korte na may epektibo o bisa hantod
dili mabawi o mautro ng hukuman

Unsaon man kung tapos na ang epektibo o bisa ng TPO pero wala pa gehapon gihatag ang
PPO ng Hukuman o korte?
 Mapataas ng hukuman o korte ng 30 ka adlaw ang bisa o epektib ng TPO, pwedi kini sija
mapataas ng bag-ong 30 na adlaw kung wala pay PPO na gihatag.

Unsa pa ang lain mahemo ng biktima gikan sa pang-abuso?

 Naa man o walay BPO ang mga biktima pwedi sila maka apil o maka-apply ng TPO
bisan unsa man na hukuman o korte na dool ra sa ila barangay.

Asa man pwedi mag sampa ng Kaso o reklamo?

 Ang mga kagawad ng barangay kay pwedi ubanan ang biktima na magsampa ng reklamo
o kaso sa bisag asa na Family Court na dool ra sa barangay.

Pwedi ba maki apil ang Barangay para magka-uli ang biktima ug ang nakasala?

 Dili ginatugutan ng batas o balaod.

 Ingon sa Local Goverment Code, walay karapatan ang Punong Barangay na maki apil sa
mga kaso ng pang-aabuso laban sa mga babaji ug sa ila mga anak.

Ngano dapat tabangan ang babaji ug anak na gi kulata ?

- Bisan kinsa kay walay sakto na rason para mang-abuso o mangulata ng babaji ug anak o bata.

- Ang tinood na naghegugmaay kay naka basi sa pag nirespetohay, pag-atiman, ug balansi ang
pag trato sa kada usa ninjo na magkarelasyon.
Ang pangulata o pang-abuso sa mga babaji kay dili maayo sanan labag kani sa karapatang-
pantao ng babaji. Sa tabang ng ginikanan ug komunidad, pwedi maka gawas sa niining pangulata
o pang-aabuso na relasyon.

Ang Gusto nako na maka mata og maka huna-huna kita ug manindigan sa ato karapatan.
Ipaglaban ang karapatan ng mga anak o bata ug sa mga Babaji

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