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American Heart Association

Study Guide 2017

BLS for Healthcare Providers

CPR Emphasis as of February 2016 for Healthcare Providers:

 Focus on providing high-quality CPR with special attention to chest compression depth and rate. Permit
complete chest wall recoil with minimal interruptions to compressions. Full chest recoil allows more
blood to refill the heart to adequately refill between chest compressions. Incomplete chest recoil will
reduce the blood flow created by chest compressions. During 2 Rescuer CPR the person at the head can
assist in monitoring chest compressions and offer verbal assistance if necessary. This is accomplished by
taking the weight off your hands and allowing the chest to return to its normal position but keep your
hands in contact with the chest. Appropriate depth of compressions is needed to create blood flow
during compressions.
The lone rescuer should begin CPR with 30 compressions rather than 2 ventilations to reduce delay to
first compression.
 Health-care providers performing 2 rescuer CPR for infants and children should use a 15:2 compression-
to-ratio – switching roles every 2 minutes or 10 cycles
 Compressions are given at a rate of at least 100- 120 per minute with complete relaxation/recoil of
pressure on the chest wall after each compression (allows the heart to adequately refill between
compressions) – minimize interruption of compressions (increases the chance of survival for the victim)
& avoid excess ventilation.
 AED: Remember to utilize the appropriate PADS for your victim. For attempted defibrillation of children
1 to 8 years of age with an AED, the rescuer should use a pediatric dose-attenuator system if one is
available. If the rescuer provides CPR to a child in arrest and does not have an AED with a pediatric dose-
attenuator system, the rescue should use a standard AED. For infants (<1 year of age), an AED with a
pediatric dose-attenuator is desirable but if unavailable an AED without a dose attenuator may be used.
Do not allow pads to touch.
 When 2 or more rescuers are available during CPR, rescuers should rotate the compressor role and utilize
the TEAM Approach.
 During adult CPR you must compress the chest at least 2 inches in depth.
 During child CPR you can use either one or two hands as long as the depth of your compressions remains
at least 1/3 the depth of the victim’s chest or about 2 inches.
 Refinements have been made to recommend that immediate recognition and activation of the
emergency response system based on signs of unresponsiveness as well as initiation of CPR if the victim
is unresponsive with no breathing or no normal breathing (i.e. victim is only gasping).
 For unresponsive child victims, the lone rescuer should provide 5 cycles of CPR before leaving the child
victim to active the EMS. Then the lone rescuer should return to the victim to use the AED as soon as
possible and begin CPR.

AHA Adult Chain of Survival

The AHA adult Chain of Survival symbol depicts the critical action required to treat life-
threatening emergencies, including heart attack, cardiac arrest, stroke and FBAO.

 Early access to the emergency response system in your healthcare community is to ensure that
additional rescuers and those capable of providing advanced life support arrive as quickly as
 Early CPR to support circulation to the heart and brain until normal heart activity is restored.
 Early defibrillation can help terminate an abnormal rhythm and restore a regular heart rhythm
 Early advanced care will be provided by EMS and hospital personnel with additional training
and expertise.
 Integrated post-cardiac care to improve survival for victims of cardiac arrest who are admitted
to a hospital after resuscitation, a comprehensive, structure, integrated multidisciplinary system
of post-cardiac arrest care should be implemented in a consistent manner.

The first link in the treatment of any emergency is to recognize that an emergency exists and
phoning the appropriate emergency response number. ALWAYS ensure the scene is safe prior
to approaching the victim.

You must recognize the warning signs of a heart attack, cardiac arrest, stroke, or FBAO. Anyone
who is unresponsive should receive emergency care.

Often in an emergency you are not alone with the victim. Other rescuers or bystanders are
often nearby. If you find a person who is unresponsive, shout for help to bring other rescuers to
help you, and then check the victim for signs of life as soon as they collapse. Then send another
rescuer to phone the emergency response number while you begin CPR.

The second link is early CPR – a set of actions that the rescuer performs in sequence to evaluate
and support airway, breathing and circulation as needed. CPR is the critical link that buys time
between the first link (early access) and the third link (early defibrillation). CPR Supports delivery
of oxygen to the brain and heart until defibrillation or other advanced care can restore normal
heart action.

The third link is early defibrillation – this is because most adult victims of a witnessed sudden
cardiac arrest are in ventricular fibrillation. VF (Ventricular Fibrillation) is an abnormal, chaotic
heart rhythm that prevents the heart from pumping blood. The treatment for VF is defibrillation.
Defibrillation is the delivery of a shock to the heart that stops VF and allows a normal heart
rhythm to resume. When VF occurs, prompt defibrillation will increase the victim’s chance of
survival. With each minute that defibrillation is delayed, the victim’s chance of survival falls by
7% to 10%. If defibrillation is performed within the first 5 minutes of cardiac arrest caused by VF,
the victim’s chance of survival is about 50%. After 10 to 12 minutes of cardiac arrest, there is little
chance of survival unless good, continual CPR has been provided. CPR prolongs the time that
defibrillation can be effective. Do not remove the AED pads once they are placed on patient.
The rhythm could change.

An AED is attached to the victim with 2 adhesive electrode pads. The AED analyzes the rhythm
of the victim’s heart; determines if a shock is needed and then advises the rescuer to press a
SHOCK button to deliver the shock.

The fourth link is the arrival of highly trained EMS personnel to provide advanced care outside the

The fifth link is the integrated in-hospital care management that a person will receive if the victim
is resuscitated.

How to Recognize Life-Threatening Emergencies

Heart Attack:
The most important and most common symptom of a heart attack is chest discomfort, pressure,
or pain. The pain develops in the center of the chest, usually behind the breastbone. The pain
may travel to the neck, jaw, or down the arm (usually left). It usually lasts for more than 3 to 5
minutes. Remember, not all warning signs will occur in all persons. Some may have vague signs
– lightheadedness, faint, shortness of breath or nausea. They may describe heartburn or
indigestion. You may notice them sweating as well.

If you think someone is having a heart attack……immediately activate the emergency response

Many people will not admit that they may be having a heart attack.

Once you make that important phone call to the emergency response number, help the person
into a position that is comfortable and that allows the easiest breathing.

How to Recognize Cardiac Arrest:

In cardiac arrest, blood flow stops and the brain, heart and other organs are deprived of
oxygen. The victim will be unresponsive and will have no adequate breathing, no signs of
circulation, and no pulse. The victim will have no signs of circulation (no adequate breathing,
coughing or movement in response to rescue breaths) – this victim needs high quality CPR.
Healthcare providers should assess the pulse for NO MORE than 10 seconds.

Victims in cardiac arrest often gasp for breath. They may occur early in cardiac arrest, and they
are NOT effective breaths. Ineffective respirations will not maintain oxygenation or ventilation, so
a victim who is gasping is NOT breathing adequately. Your next step will be to begin CPR.

Both healthcare providers and lay rescuers evaluate breathing as a sign of circulation.
Healthcare providers should be able to distinguish between adequate and inadequate
breathing. If a person of any age has an adequate pulse but is not breathing we must give
breaths without chest compressions.

Remember – Immediate CPR provides a flow of oxygen-rich blood to the heart and brain and
“buys time” until defibrillation.

What is a Stroke & How to Recognize a Stroke:

A stroke is the rapid onset of neurological problems. A stroke can develop when either a blood
vessel in the brain becomes blocked so that an area of the brain receives no blood and no
oxygen, or it can develop when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures and bleeds into the brain.
Stroke is a leading cause of death and serious disability among Americans (it knows NO age

Risk factors of a stroke include a prior history of stroke, heredity, gender and untreated high
blood pressure.

Signs of a stroke – facial droop, arm weakness, speech difficulties as well as others. If you think
someone is having a stroke, immediately activate your emergency response number. There are
new and effective treatments for stroke but they must be administered within 3 hours.

How to Recognize FBAO:
Foreign bodies may partially block the airway but still allow adequate air movement. The victim
will be responsive and will cough forcefully. Usually they can speak and their breath sounds may
be noisy. These victims require no immediate action from you, but be prepared to act if the
obstruction becomes severe or complete.

Victims with a severe or complete FBAO will initially be responsive but will not be able to move
enough air to cough forcefully or speak. They may make high-pitched noises when they try to
inhale. If severe or complete FBAO is present, give abdominal thrust to relieve the obstruction.

Two Rescuers

This must be accomplished by working as a TEAM working together to give high quality chest
compressions and breaths.
In 2-rescuer CPR, 1 rescuer is positioned at the victim’s side and performs chest compressions.
The other rescuer remains at the victim’s head, keeps the airway open, monitors the carotid
pulse to assess the effectiveness of chest compressions (if your partner is performing effective
compressions you should feel a pulse with each compression), and provides rescue breathing.

The compression rate for 2-rescuer CPR is at least 100-120 compressions per minute. The
compression-ventilation ratio for 2-rescuer adult CPR is 30:2. This ratio is the number of
compressions (30) and breaths (2) in 1 cycle. The role of the second rescuer at the head during
the cycles of compressions to ventilation is to maintain an open airway and give breaths.

Performing chest compressions is exhausting. The rescuers should change positions every 5th
cycle or approximately 2 minutes. Interrupting chest compressions interrupts circulation. During
CPR blood flow is provided by chest compressions. Rescuers must be sure to provide effective
chest compressions and minimize any interruption of chest compressions.

To determine if the victim has signs of circulation, stop chest compressions for no more than 10
seconds after the first minute of CPR. When chest compressions are stopped, the rescuer at the
victim’s head opens the airway and assesses for adequate breathing or coughing. Both
rescuers look for movement. The rescuer at the victim’s head should also feel for a carotid pulse.
If signs of circulation return, chest compressions are no longer required. Rescue breathing may
still be needed (about 10-12 breaths per minute for the adult, and about 20 breaths per minute
for the pediatric). If no signs of circulation are detected continue chest compressions and
check for signs of circulation every few minutes.

Remember when working as a TEAM – to be aware of your limitations – if you become tired ask
another TEAM members to relieve you.

The TEAM approach is to function smoothly - this occurs when all TEAM members know their roles
and responsibilities.

Recovery Position
If the victim is unresponsive but has a pulse and is breathing adequately, neither cardiac nor
respiratory arrest is present. Such a victim does not need chest compressions or rescue
breathing. If there are no signs of injury, place the victim in a recovery position. A recovery
position keeps the airway open.

To place the victim in a recovery position, kneel beside the victim and straighten the victim’s
legs. Roll the victim toward you onto his or her side. Position the top leg to balance the victim
on his or her side. Tilt the victim’s head to a neutral position to keep the airway open. Continue
to monitor the victim for adequate breathing.

Rescue Breathing
If the victim has Pulse - evaluate breathing, place your ear near the victim’s mouth and nose
while maintaining an open airway. While observing the victim’s chest, (1) assess for chest rise
and fall, (2) assess for airflow moving through the victim’s nose and mouth and (3) feel for the
flow of air. If the chest does not rise and fall and no air is exhaled, the victim is not breathing.
This evaluation procedure should take no more than 10 seconds.

Most victims with cardiac or respiratory arrest have no signs of breathing or exhibit agonal
(dying) respirations. Agonal gasps are not adequate breathing. For this reason, the rescuer
needs to begin CPR In the C-A-B sequence

If the victim has pulse but is not breathing -To provide rescue breaths, hold the victim’s airway
open using the head tilt/Chin lift method (if no suspected neck injury); pinch the nose closed
with your thumb and index finger (using the hand on the forehead); take a deep breath and
seal your lips around the victim’s mouth, creating an airtight seal and give slow breaths – making
sure the victim’s chest rises with each breath (1 breath every 5-6 seconds). (For infant – make a
tight seal of your mouth over the infant’s mouth and nose) See chart included for the
recommended number of breaths per minute for Adults, Children and Infants.

Barrier Devices
AHA recommends that healthcare providers use barrier devices or bag valve mask devices to
provide rescue breathing (no human has ever contracted AIDS or hepatitis through mouth to
mouth contact during CPR). OSHA recommends that “universal precautions” be followed when
there is any exposure to blood or bodily fluids, including saliva. Use of a bag-valve-mask device
is not recommended for use when there is only a single rescuer.

There are several different types of face shields, facemask and bag valve mask devices.
Remember – whatever device you are using - give a breath till you see ‘chest rise’ in the victim
to ensure you are giving adequate ventilation.

Foreign-Body Airway Obstruction

Foreign-body airway obstruction (FBAO), or choking, is an alarming and dramatic emergency.
To confirm a complete FBAO, ask the victim “Are you choking?”. If the victim cannot speak or
can only make weak, high-pitched sounds, perform abdominal thrust until the object is expelled
or the victim becomes unresponsive.
1. Stand behind the victim
2. Make a fist with one hand
3. Place your fist on the victim’s abdomen, slightly above the navel and well below the
4. Grasp your fist with your other hand
5. Deliver quick upward thrusts into the victim’s abdomen
6. Deliver thrusts until the object is expelled or the victim becomes unresponsive

If a choking adult becomes unresponsive while you are doing abdominal thrust - you should
ease the victim to the floor and send someone to activate your emergency response system.
When a choking victim becomes unresponsive, you begin the steps of CPR-starting with
compressions. The only difference is that each time you open the airway – look for the
obstructing object before giving each breath. Remove the object if you see it.


Early defibrillation is critical for victims of sudden cardiac arrest. The sooner defibrillation occurs,
the greater the victim’s chance of survival from cardiac arrest. When ventricular fibrillation is
present, CPR can provide a small amount of blood flow to the heart and brain but cannot
directly restore an organized rhythm. Use of an AED & immediate CPR can restore an irregular
cardiac rhythm. The probability of successful defibrillation decreases quickly over time. They
are very simple to learn to use and are considered “user friendly”.

Notes: If a victim has been submerged in water – remove the victim from the water & wipe the
chest prior to attaching the AED

If using an AED on a person who has a hairy chest – the pads may not stick and fail to deliver a

To use:


2. ATTACH the electrode pads to the victim’s bare chest
3. Clear the victim and ANALYZE the Heart Rhythm
4. Clear the victim and deliver a SHOCK (if indicated)
AED could shock you while it is shocking the victim. (AEDs are sophisticated,
computerized devices that are reliable and simple to operate, allowing lay persons
and healthcare providers to attempt defibrillation safely. If the AED advises a shock,
it will tell you to be sure to clear the victim. This is important to avoid injury to the
rescuer or others near the victim.)

(As soon as the AED give the shock, begin CPR starting with chest compressions.)

5. If the AED does not detect a rhythm requiring a shock, the AED will
prompt you to resume CPR, beginning with chest compressions.
Leave the electrode pads attached on the victim’s chest. The AED
may prompt you to clear the victim to allow analysis in about 2
minutes. Follow the AED voice prompts. After 2 minutes of CPR, the AED will
prompt you to repeat steps 3 and 4.

Remember to utilize the appropriate PADS for your victim. For attempted defibrillation of
children 1 to 8 years of age with an AED, the rescuer should use a pediatric dose-attenuator
system if one is available. If the rescuer provides CPR to a child in arrest and does not have
an AED with a pediatric dose-attenuator system, the rescuer should use a standard AED. For
infants (<1 year of age), an AED with a pediatric dose-attenuator is desirable if unavailable
and the AED without a dose attenuator may be used.

Only adult pads/system should be used on adult – never use child/infant system on an adult.

Children and Infants – Prevention of injuries and Arrest

In the United States the leading cause of death in infants during the first 6 months of life is SIDS. In
older infants, children and young adults, injuries are the leading cause of cardiac arrest and
death. The most common causes of injury and death are motor vehicle crashes, drowning,
burns, smoke inhalation, firearms, poisoning and choking. All of these causes can lead to
breathing emergencies and cardiac arrest in children.

We need to be aware of unsafe conditions involving our children such as:
- Not putting our infants to bed on their stomach – they need to be propped on their
- Place our children in the back seat of the car and buckle them in (that includes our
infants in car seats),
- Our children must wear a helmet when participating in biking or skating,
- Closely supervise our children when we are near water,
- Teach our children not to play with fire and to have smoke detectors in our homes,
- Never leave a firearm within the reach of a child and if you have a firearm in your
home secure it with a ‘trigger lock’,
- Be aware of all types of poisons that we have in our home (medicines, plants,
cleaners, pesticides and petroleum products).

The CAB’s of CPR: Infant and Child CPR and Relief of Choking (FBAO)

After prevention, early CPR is the second link in the AHA Infant/Child Chain of Survival. CPR
steps consist of assessments and the skills needed to support the airway, breathing and

CPR helps to deliver oxygen to the blood and to move that oxygenated blood to the brain and
other vital organs until medical treatment can restore normal heart actions.

If you find an unresponsive child for an unknown reason – 2 min. of assistance prior to calling 911.
If you are aware of the reason for unresponsiveness – such as a blocked airway – perform 2
minutes of assistance to the child before leaving to call 911. If someone else is with you send
that person to phone the emergency response number. If you are performing CPR on an
infant/child with an obstructed airway – remember to look in the mouth for the obstructing
object every time you open the airway to give a breath.

Remember: When checking pulse and respiration - make sure that they are enough to
sustain life – for example – if you had an infant who was not breathing and
checked/found their pulse to be 60 (60 for an infant is not enough to sustain life) & exhibiting
signs of poor perfusion you would want to start chest compressions and breaths. In the same
venue – if you had a child victim with a pulse of more than 60/min but not breathing you would
give breaths without chest compressions.

To perform breaths on pediatric patients:

Infants – cover their mouth and nose with your mouth
Children – pinch their nose and seal your mouth around their mouth
If using a BVM device the rescuer should give breaths at a rate of 1 breath every 3-5 seconds
After providing CPR for about 2 minutes (about 5 cycles of 30 compressions to 2
breaths) you will stop and check for signs of circulation.

This is the point that you will either; go and call the Emergency Response Number or if
a bystander has done so, you will continue to provide the steps of CPR that are

2 Rescuers CPR in Infants

With infants, if there are 2 rescuers present, the 2 thumb-encircling hands technique is the
preferred compression technique. You locate the hand position the same as in 1 rescuer (one
finger width below the nipple line); place your thumbs side-by-side in the middle of the
breastbone and compress at least 1/3 the depth of the infant’s chest. After every 15
compressions, pause briefly for the second rescuer to open the airway with the head tilt-chin lift
and give 2 breaths (the chest should rise with the breath). Coordinate compressions and
ventilations to avoid simultaneous delivery and to ensure adequate ventilation and chest
expansion. Continue compressions and breaths utilizing the ratio of 15:2 switching roles every 2
minutes or 10 cycles.

Foreign-Body Airway Obstruction in Infants and Children

Foreign-body airway obstruction (FBAO) develops when an object becomes lodged in the
airway and blocks the movement of air into and out of the lungs. If the blockage is severe or
complete, the victim will be unable to breathe and oxygenate blood supplying the brain, heart
and other vital organs with adequate oxygen to function normally. If the blockage is not
relieved, the victim will become unresponsive and can die.

Signs of severe or complete FBAO in infants and children include: sudden onset of respiratory
distress associated with weak or silent cough/cry, inability to speak, stridor or increasing
respiratory difficulty.

These signs and symptoms of airway obstruction may also be caused by infections and croup.
Typically with FBAO these signs and symptoms will develop suddenly with no other signs of illness
or infection.

If you suspect a severe (victim not passing air or ineffective cough/cry) or complete FBAO,
follow these steps:

For a Responsive Infant

Pick the infant up from a supine (lying face up) position by lifting the legs with one hand
and sliding the other hand all the way to the infant’s head. Once this is done,
“sandwich” the infant by placing the opposite arm and hand on the infant’s stomach
and face… grasping the infant’s facial cheeks. Supporting the infant – place them face
down on your thigh – make sure the head is lower than the body. Deliver 5 back slaps
with the heel of your free hand between the shoulder blades. “Sandwich” the infant
between your arms once again and turn the infant over so that the infant is lying on their
back along your arm which should be placed on your thigh for support. Deliver 5-chest
thrusts in the same location used for CPR compressions. Alternate 5 back slaps and 5
chest thrusts until the object is expelled or the infant becomes unresponsive. If
unresponsive begin the steps of CPR – in this sequence – every time before you
administer a breath – check the airway for foreign objects.
For a Responsive Child
The steps for FBAO in a child are exactly the same, as you would use with an adult
FBAO victim. Please review previous documentation.

When EMS arrives you may notice them utilize and ‘advanced airway’ (a medical device inserted
through the mouth into the victim’s airway) – in this instance the correct compression and ventilation
rates for 2 rescuer CPR is to compress at a rate of at least 100-120 per minute, with 1 breath every 6


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