Ionic 4 (Look Inside)

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Ionic 4+ | Copyright © 2019 by Andreas Dormann

D&D Verlag | Bonn, Germany
ISBN (Print): 978-3-945102-52-7

ISBN (eBook): 978-3-945102-53-4

Book & Cover Design: multimedia & more

1st Edition: October 2019

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For Anna and our children
Table of Contents

How do I get to write this book? ...............................................................................................1
I would like to thank ........................................................................................................................... 2

1 Introduction
1.1 The idea behind Ionic................................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Installations..................................................................................................................................... 15
1.3 How to read this book........................................................................................................... 19
1.4 The book‘s website................................................................................................................... 20
1.5 Our „BoB Tours“ app.............................................................................................................. 21
Summary................................................................................................................................................. 24

2 Angular Essentials
2.1 What is Angular?....................................................................................................................... 25
2.2 Components................................................................................................................................. 27
2.3 Lifecycle Hooks........................................................................................................................... 30
2.4 Dependency Injection............................................................................................................. 34
2.5 Routing and Lazy Loading................................................................................................... 36
2.6 Content Projection.................................................................................................................... 39
2.7 *ngFor.............................................................................................................................................. 40
2.8 Pipes.................................................................................................................................................. 41
2.9 Promises......................................................................................................................................... 44
2.10 Observables.............................................................................................................................. 46
2.11 Async / Await............................................................................................................................. 51
Summary................................................................................................................................................. 54

3 The first app

3.1 ionic start........................................................................................................................................ 55
3.2 ionic serve...................................................................................................................................... 60
3.3 Structure of an Ionic project .............................................................................................. 66
3.4 The side menu app for our book project..................................................................69
Summary................................................................................................................................................. 70

4 Navigation
4.1 Have a plan.................................................................................................................................. 71
4.2 Generate pages.......................................................................................................................... 73
4.3 Routing............................................................................................................................................. 80
4.4 Extract Data from Routes with ActivatedRoute.......................................................83
4.5 Pro Tip - Install the Augury Chrome Plugin..............................................................88
Summary................................................................................................................................................. 89

5 Services & Storage

5.1 Database Backend with Google Firebase....................................................................91
5.2 An HTTPClient Service........................................................................................................... 95
5.3 Place the service in the right place..............................................................................105
5.4 Extend the service ................................................................................................................ 110
5.5 Sorting data with Lodash.................................................................................................... 114
5.6 Filtering data............................................................................................................................... 116
5.7 Using a route parameter................................................................................................... 126
5.8 Local Storage............................................................................................................................ 130
5.9 Ionic Storage.............................................................................................................................. 140
Summary.............................................................................................................................................. 144

6 UI Components
6.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................ 145
6.2 Action Sheet.............................................................................................................................. 147
6.3 Alert................................................................................................................................................ 154
6.4 Badge............................................................................................................................................ 159
6.5 Button........................................................................................................................................... 165
6.6 Card............................................................................................................................................... 166
6.7 Checkbox.................................................................................................................................... 171
6.8 Chip................................................................................................................................................ 176
6.9 Date & Time Pickers............................................................................................................ 179
6.10 Floating Action Button..................................................................................................... 186
6.11 Grid............................................................................................................................................... 190
6.12 Icons............................................................................................................................................ 194
6.13 Images....................................................................................................................................... 199
6.14 Input............................................................................................................................................ 202
6.15 List................................................................................................................................................ 206
6.16 Menu.......................................................................................................................................... 213

6.17 Modal......................................................................................................................................... 216
6.18 Popover.................................................................................................................................... 227
6.19 Progress Indicators............................................................................................................. 234
6.20 Radio.......................................................................................................................................... 238
6.21 Range......................................................................................................................................... 244
6.22 Reorder..................................................................................................................................... 254
6.23 Searchbar................................................................................................................................. 259
6.24 Segment................................................................................................................................... 263
6.25 Select.......................................................................................................................................... 273
6.26 Slides ......................................................................................................................................... 277
6.27 Toast............................................................................................................................................ 287
6.28 Toggle......................................................................................................................................... 290
6.29 Toolbar....................................................................................................................................... 295
Summary.............................................................................................................................................. 298

7 Form validation
7.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................ 299
7.2 Defining our form requirements....................................................................................300
7.3 Implementation........................................................................................................................ 302
Summary.............................................................................................................................................. 321

8 Theming, Styling, Customizing

8.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................ 323
8.2 Simple Theming...................................................................................................................... 324
8.3 Local and global (S)CSS files............................................................................................ 331
8.4 Platform Styles......................................................................................................................... 341
8.5 CSS Utilities................................................................................................................................. 344
8.6 Advanced Theming.............................................................................................................. 348
8.7 Fonts.............................................................................................................................................. 351
8.8 Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)......................................................................................356
8.9 Animations................................................................................................................................. 361
8.10 Dynamic Theming.............................................................................................................. 368
8.11 UI-Design for Tablets (Split Pane Layout)...............................................................374
Summary.............................................................................................................................................. 384

9 Ionic Native
9.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 385
9.2 Geolocation................................................................................................................................ 387
9.3 A map for our app............................................................................................................... 393
9.4 Native Plugins in browsers............................................................................................... 415
Summary.............................................................................................................................................. 416

10 Communication & Messaging

10.1 Mails, SMS & Co................................................................................................................. 417
10.2 Social Sharing........................................................................................................................ 423
10.3 Notifications............................................................................................................................ 429
Summary.............................................................................................................................................. 439

11 Debugging & Testing

11.1 Health Check with Ionic Doctor...................................................................................441
11.2 Strictly Typing!......................................................................................................................... 443
11.3 Browser Debugging............................................................................................................ 452
11.4 Emulator / Simulator........................................................................................................... 478
11.5 Live Device / Remote Debugging..............................................................................486
11.6 Ionic DevApp.......................................................................................................................... 489
11.7 Testing......................................................................................................................................... 492
Summary.............................................................................................................................................. 505

12 Build, Deploy & Publish

12.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................ 507
12.2 The web build process.................................................................................................... 508
12.3 config.xml................................................................................................................................. 515
12.4 Resources: Icons and Splash Screens.....................................................................517
12.5 Deploy & publish for Android....................................................................................519
12.6 Deploy & publish for iOS (on a Mac).....................................................................528
12.7 Deploy & publish for Desktop with Electron.....................................................538
12.8 Deploy & publish Progressive Web Apps...........................................................541
12.9 Ionic Appflow........................................................................................................................ 548
Summary.............................................................................................................................................. 555

Bonus: Ionic and other frameworks
B1. Ionic without any framework........................................................................................... 557
B2. Ionic and Capacitor............................................................................................................... 561
B3. Ionic and React........................................................................................................................ 569
B4. Ionic and Vue............................................................................................................................ 590
Summary.............................................................................................................................................. 626


How do I get to write this book?
“Ionic 4+ - Creating awesome apps for Android, iOS, Desktop and Web” is my
second book about the excellent Ionic framework for developing mobile apps. My
own search for specialized literature on this topic was sobering: the few things there
are to be found in the book trade are outdated. That's when I realized: the book
I'm looking for has yet to be written!
Just like my first book "Ionic 3 - Developing attractive Apps for Android, iOS and
Windows", “Ionic 4+” addresses new or emerging software developers who previ-
ously had little or nothing to do with programming apps or worked with other
tools and frameworks and want to build really cool apps in a simple way. If you
feel addressed, this book is for you!

The book spans from the idea of the popular app framework Ionic and its installa-
tion to the realization of a complete app including its publication in Google Play
and Apple's App Store. It offers you a comprehensive introduction to Ionic. With
in-depth background knowledge, for example, on Angular, Cordova or JavaScript,
I'll hold myself back; there is already good literature about it. A small exception is
the second chapter "Angular Essentials", in which I briefly describe the essential
concepts and structures of Angular 7. The one who would like to know more, I'll
offer further links in suitable places.
For each chapter I dedicate an own aspect of Ionic and gradually add new func-
tionalities to an initially simple app called "BoB Tours". If you accompany me, at the
end of this book, you not only learned to know and use the most important fea-
tures of Ionic, but also understood how it works in context. With that you finally
have the necessary knowledge to be able to develop your own awesome apps
with Ionic.

If you find a chapter less exciting or want to skip for any other reason, you can
download the source code of a chapter from the book's website (see "The book's
website" on page 20) and continue working on the following chapter.

Ionic 4+

I would like to thank ...

... Ben Sperry and Max Lynch, who started their "Drifty Co." business in 2012 with
ambitious goals, but probably didn't even suspect that in 2014 their Ionic frame-
works would be one of the most popular cross-platform mobile development
technology stacks in the world. Without this amazing success story, there wouldn't
be countless awesome apps and even this book.

... Simon Grimm for his great project "Ionic Academy" (,
whose visit I highly recommend to any new Ionite.
... Paul Halliday, Josh Morony, Max Schwarzmüller, Jorge Vegara, Sani Yusuf and all
the other passionate authors of excellent Ionic tutorials.

... the team of the GFU Cyrus AG in Cologne, Germany, which was infected by my
enthusiasm for Ionic and spontaneously integrated me into their seminar program
with this topic.
... my dear friends Bernd Schnur and Harald Sichert for good advice and careful
editing of my first book. It's a pity you didn't have time for this second book... but I
know: You are always busy and, of course, the summer in Germany was too fan-

… the readers of my first book for the precious feedback that motivated me to
stay tuned.
... you and all other readers of this second book. Feel free to give me precious
feedback this time, too.

... finally and emphatically with my loved ones for their patience and consideration
when I worked hours and hours on this book and for their amazing leniency, when
I talked about Ionic, Apps & Co. no less often and always long lectured. What they
have left behind them, you as a reader can now look forward to ;-)

Bonn in October 2019

Andreas Dormann


Ionic 4+

1 Introduction

1 Introduction
1.1 The idea behind Ionic
The creators of Ionic didn't reinvent the wheel. The made it even rounder!
The Ionic framework with its functions and components gives us a clear direction to
a straightforward app development for Android, iOS and the web – and – if you
like it – for the desktop and Windows 10 Universal, too. Ionic itself takes mainly
established and very well proven frameworks and forges it together to a powerful
Software Development Kit (SDK).

Let me shortly introduce the most important frameworks and modules under the
hood of Ionic:

Angular (formerly known as AngularJS) is a JavaScript framework for creating sin-
gle page web applications. It is developed by a community of individuals and
companies, led by Google, and published as open source software.
Angular has data binding as an automatic way of updating the view, controllers to
manage the DOM, directives to establish new HTML syntax, reusable components,
form validation and much more.

Ionic has a specific @ionic/angular package that helps with integration with Angu-
lar. In the chapter "Angular Essentials" (starting on page 25) I describe the most
important concepts of this powerful framework.
More about Angular you can find here:

Ionic 4+


When ionic serve or ionic cordova run are invoked, it ultimately calls Node
Package Manager (npm) scripts. These npm scripts call the @ionic/app-scripts li-
brary to execute the build process.
Out of the box, Ionic starters have been preconfigured with great defaults for
building fast apps, including:

• Multi-core processing tasks in parallel for faster builds

• In-memory file transpiling and bundling
• Transpiling source code to ES5 JavaScript
• Ahead of Time (AoT) template compiling
• Just in Time (JiT) template compiling
• Template inlining for JiT builds
• Bundling modules for faster runtime execution
• Tree-shaking unused components and dead-code removal
• Generating CSS from bundled component Sass files
• Auto-prefixing vendor CSS prefixes
• Minifying JavaScript files
• Compressing CSS files
• Copying src static assets to www
• Linting source files
• Watching source files for live-reloading
Just the bullet list above is a little overwhelming, and each task requires quite a bit
of development time just to get started. Ionic App Script's intention is to make it
easier to complete common tasks so developers can focus on building their app,
rather than building build scripts.




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Ionic 4+

Git is a free and open source distributed version control system for managing
code. It allows development teams to contribute code to the same project without
causing code conflicts.
Git is easy to learn and has a tiny footprint with fast performance. It outclasses
SCM tools like Subversion, CVS, Perforce, and ClearCase with features like cheap
local branching, convenient staging areas, and multiple workflows.

Git works directly with Ionic Appflow (see “12.9 Ionic Appflow“ on page 548).
Appflow uses your code base as the source of truth for Deploy and Package
builds. In order for Appflow to access your code, you can choose to integrate di-
rectly using a hosting service like Github or Bitbucket, or you can push your code
directly to Appflow.

More about Git and related topics you can find here:






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Ionic 4+

Stencil (new)
Stencil is a Web Component compiler built by the Ionic Framework team to help
build faster, more capable components that work across all major frameworks.

Web components are a set of web platform APIs that allow you to create new cus-
tom, reusable, encapsulated HTML tags to use in web pages and web apps. They
are based on existing web standards.
Stencil combines the concepts of popular frameworks into a simple build-time tool.

Stencil takes features such as

• Virtual DOM
• Async rendering (inspired by React Fiber)
• Reactive data-binding
• TypeScript
and then generates standards-based Web Components with these features baked
in. Especially for Progressive Web Apps as a rapidly growing target for web devel-
opers the approach of Web Components leads to a big improvement in
performance, latency and code size. So Ionic apps, based on Web Components,
run well on fast and slow networks, across a diversity of platforms and devices.

More about Stencil you can find here:



1 Introduction

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, which means it gives you JavaScript, along
with a number of extra features such as type declarations and interfaces. Although
Ionic is built with TypeScript, using it to build an Ionic app is completely optional -
but recommended.

The first publicly available version of TypeScript was released in 2012 after two
years of development by Microsoft in version 0.8. Shortly after the language was
announced, it was praised by Miguel de Icaza. However, he complained that there
were no other development environments apart from Microsoft Visual Studio,
which wasn't available for Linux and MacOS in 2013. Since 2013 there was plug-
in support for Eclipse. Meanwhile, a variety of text editors and development envi-
ronments support TypeScript. These include Emacs, vim, Sublime Text, WebStorm,
Atom and Microsoft's own Visual Studio Code editor. The latter I'll use in this book
to develop Ionic apps.
TypeScript doesn't render JavaScript a static typed language, but allows strong typ-
ing. With this, variables and methods can be typed, whereupon certain errors can
be detected even at compile time.

The basic types in TypeScript are: Any, Array, Boolean, Enum, Never, Null,
Number, Object, String, Tuple, Undefined, Void.

More about TypeScript you can find here:




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Ionic 4+

1.4 The book‘s website

A book like this may become outdated soon. To deal with that I created a website
to this book. There you'll find all source code we write in this book – to every
chapter the respective development progress – always up to date! You can down-
load it and compare it to your own code or use it as a base to start from whatever
chapter you want.

If it happens that you read my book in a few months, install the latest version of
Ionic and notice at some point that the code used here for some reason doesn't
work, take a look at the forum of the website. If necessary, updated hints are given
for each chapter. Otherwise, don't be afraid to post a question in the forum. The
reader community and I will do our best to answer as soon as possible.
Here are web address and code to my book's website:


Scan me

1 Introduction

1.5 Our „BoB Tours“ app

So that you can see what you are doing here, I will describe and show you our
app, how you - after working through all the chapters - will have developed it
yourself at the end of the book.

Our app can be characterized as follows: "BoB Tours" is the app of an imaginary
tourism company called "Best of Bonn Tours GmbH", in short: "BoB Tours", that of-
fers city tours, biking, hiking and segway trips around my beautiful home of Bonn.
In the app, the tour offer can be searched for regions (e.g., "Bonn City" or "Bonn's
Surrounding Areas") and tour types (e.g., “Round Trips” or "Segway Tours") as well
as for a price range. If you have found an interesting tour, you can view their de-
tails together with a photo and save them as a favorite.

Ionic 4+

The starting point and the route from the current location to the starting point of
each tour can be displayed in a map. Finally, you can formulate and send a book-
ing request directly to the tourism company from the app. Of course the form will
be validated.

Our app should make a good impression on a smartphone, in the browser and on
a tablet as well. Therefore, we will also turn to the aspect of "responsibility".
In the user settings, you can finally switch between different color designs.

You see, the whole thing is already a small real life app. In doing so, we will en -
counter a number of typical programming situations, as in the real life of an app


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Ionic 4+

In this chapter, you got to know the idea behind Ionic. You now know that Ionic has
many specialized single frameworks under its hood.

You also did all the installations necessary to work with Ionic: Node and npm, Ionic
CLI, Microsoft Visual Studio Code and Google Chrome with its Dev Tools.
I finally introduced you to the book website and our app "Bob Tours".

2 Angular Essentials

2 Angular Essentials
2.1 What is Angular?

Preliminary remarks
Client-side programming has become extremely complex in recent times. The re-
quirements for a web application are now just as high as for a desktop application
- if not higher. The desire for a framework that enables the developer to cover all
these requirements on the web is thus getting bigger.

Angular is a client-side framework that makes it possible to create web applications.

It helps the developer to bring known and new architectural concepts to the client
and develop complex applications. The work can be aligned not only on the serv -
er, but via JavaScript on the client. The application can fulfill modern architectural
concepts by separating the responsibilities and is thus more maintainable and
Ionic uses Angular since Ionic 2 (and its predecessor AngularJS since Ionic 1).
Therefore, it makes sense to be proficient in Angular to develop good Ionic apps.
We also use Angular with the current Ionic 4 in this book.

It should not go unmentioned that Ionic 4 also cooperates with other frameworks. I
have dedicated this topic to the bonus chapter “Ionic and other frameworks” (start-
ing on page 557).

What can Angular do?

Angular was developed with TypeScript (see “1.1 The idea behind Ionic“ on page
13) and is aligned to a component-based architecture. It combines modern archi-
tectural approaches with the necessary flexibility to master the complex
requirements of web applications. By using TypeScript, Angular has similar type se-
curity as developers know it from other languages like C# or Java. Nevertheless,
Angular isn't tied to TypeScript and allows developers to use JavaScript with ES5
or ES2015/ES6.

Ionic 4+

Angular is designed for component-based architectures. It separates the responsi-

bilities and the view from the logic. The developer can divide an application so that
it becomes maintainable, testable and expandable. The idea is to break the appli-
cation down into small testable pieces so that the developer paradigms "single-
responsibility" and "separation-of-concerns" can be met. Angular helps with many
emerging issues such as creating components, data binding to the UI/HTML, trans-
formation of data against the UI with pipes, outsourcing of "work" in services,
communication with an API, etc.

Angular makes it possible to communicate with components, feed them with data
and receive events from components; it makes components reusable and more
isolated. For example, the flexibility to separately develop the view as HTML allows
different teams to work on logic, architecture, and design.
In order to achieve the greatest possible flexibility and to be broadly positioned,
Angular draws on further projects and their functionality, such as RxJS. The integra-
tion of third-party libraries is therefore simple and simple, which means you can
extend your application to almost any JavaScript library and use its flexibility.

This allows you to create complete applications that are bigger and more powerful
than a "normal" website: A web application that has the same rights and obligations
(architecture, testability, etc.) as an application in a familiar language, such as the
In this chapter I describe the most important concepts and structures of Angular,
which can be useful for you in the realization of your Ionic Apps.

2 Angular Essentials

2.2 Components
With Angular, there is no direct manipulation of the HTML-DOM, but a separation
according to the model-view-controller (MVC) pattern: In the view, the developer
defines so-called templates that connect static HTML tags with dynamic contents
from the controller. This mix allows the framework through custom HTML syntax
elements ("directives").

A custom tag in a page is represented by a component class decorated with

@Component. The selector (see Listing 1) sets the tag name. The template-related
template can be specified directly by the web developer as a string in the template
property, but this is only possible with very short HTML blocks. Otherwise you re-
fer to a .html file with templateUrl (see Listing 2).
A component can also have its own CSS specifications (inline or stand-alone file)
that apply solely to the submission of this component, unless the developer doesn't
explicitly refer to the parent and child components with the additions :host or

In the template for the tour list in Listing 2 you can see a custom tag again with
<TourDetails>. This is a child component that interacts with the parent compo-
nent through properties and events. Using the @Input() and @Output()
decorators, the developer must clearly define which properties and events are ac-
cessible to other components. For event communication Angular offers its own
event emitter.
A component triggers various events throughout its lifecycle that the developer can
hook into. Listing 1 shows this with the example of the event OnInit, which from
the point of view of TypeScript is a class that, like all other types, has to be integrat-
ed with import {OnInit, ...} from '@angular/core'. Other events are related
to data binding (ngOnChanges, ngDoCheck).

Listing 1: Component class for TourList

// Angular library imports
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';

Ionic 4+

// Imports for own classes

import { Tour } from '../Model/Tour'
import { BookingService } from '../Services/BookingService'
import { TourDetails } from '../TourDetails/TourDetails';

selector: 'TourList',
templateUrl: 'App/TourList/TourList.html',
providers: [BookingService]
export class TourList implements OnInit {

// Here we inject BookingService and Router

constructor(private bookingService: BookingService,
private router: Router) {}

status: string;
tours: Tour[];

ngOnInit() {
this.bookingService.getAll(data => { // Callback =;
this.status = + " tours booked.";

Delete(tour: Tour) {
this.bookingService.delete(tour); // Call service
this.status = `Tour ${tour.ID} deleted!`;

Change(tour: Tour) {
let link = ['/edit', tour.ID];

// Event handler for message from child component

onTourDeleted(tour: Tour) {
this.status = `Tour ${tour.ID} deleted!`; =;

2 Angular Essentials

Listing 2: Angular template for TourList

<li *ngFor="let t of tours;
let isEven = even;
let i = index">
<span [ngClass]="{'text-primary': isEven,
'text-info': !isEven}">
<span class="badge">
{{i+1}}: Tour #{{t.ID | fixedLenNumber:3}}
<TourDetails [tour]="t"
<button type="info"
*ngIf="t.FreeSeats > 0"
<button type="warning"
[disabled]="t.FreeSeats <= 0"

Don't worry if this seems very abstract to you. From the next chapter we will cre-
ate many components (pages) ourselves. And with the help of Ionic, the whole
thing will be very easy for you.
Further informations about this topic you can find in the official Angular documen-


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2 Angular Essentials

We distinguish between hooks for the component itself (red and blue) and hooks
for their children (green).

Hooks for a component


This is invoked when Angular creates a component or directive by calling new on

the class.

is invoked every time there is a change in one of the input properties of a compo-


is invoked when a component has been initialized. This hook is only called once af-
ter the first ngOnChanges

is invoked when the change detector of a component is invoked. It allows us to im-
plement our own change detection algorithm for a component.


This method will be invoked just before Angular destroys a component. Use this
hook to unsubscribe Observables (see “2.10 Observables”, starting from page 46)
and detach event handlers to avoid memory leaks.

Hooks for a component's children


is invoked after Angular performs any Projection (see “2.6 Content Projection” on
page 39) into a components view.

is invoked each time the content of the given component has been checked by
the change detection mechanism of Angular.

Ionic 4+

is invoked when a component’s view has been fully initialized.


is invoked each time the view of the given component has been checked by the
change detection mechanism of Angular.

Code example
In this code I show a typical use of the constructor and ngOnInit hook. Both will
be used regularly throughout this book. They're Angular's bread and butter hooks.
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

selector: 'actors-data',
templateUrl: 'actors-data.html',
export class ActorsData {


constructor() {
console.log('constructor – My star is $(this.myStar)');
myStar = 'Julia Roberts';

ngOnInit() {
console.log('ngOnInit – My star is $(this.myStar)');

The following console output would appear in an app:

constructor – My star is undefined
ngOnInit – My star is Julia Roberts

2 Angular Essentials

At the constructor's console log output the property myStar is undefined. The val-
ue is assigned after the console statement. By the time the ngOnInit hook is called
we can see that the property myStar is now set to the given value.

More detailed information about Lifecycle Hooks you can find here:


Ionic 4+

2.4 Dependency Injection

Dependency Injection is a core technique for the development of loosely coupled
systems where the parts of the application are assembled at the start of the appli-

In a component-based system, or when using a service, the client normally instanti-

ates the server/component/service:

class Environment
Client c = new Client();

class Client
public void Operation()
Service d = new Service();

class Service
public void Action()

The disadvantage of this method is

• that the service can't simply be exchanged for another

• that the client can't be tested without the service.
Dependency Injection assumes that the concrete implementation of the service is
variable and is passed from the environment to the client, e.g. into the constructor
or by passing a property, a method call. Either the type of the service, an instance
of the service, or an initialization object describing the service can be passed.

2 Angular Essentials

Example: Injection by constructor and a concrete instance

class Environment
Client c = new Client(new Service());

class Client
Service d;

public Client (Service Service)

d = Service;

public void Operation()


class Service
public void Action()

Further informations about this topic you can find in the official Angular documen-

Ionic 4+

2.5 Routing and Lazy Loading

A route simply defines an URL path and a component to display it's content.
There are three main types of routes that you will use frequently:

• Eager. Routes that point to a single component.

• Lazy. Routes that point to a module.

• Redirect. Routes that redirect to another route.

const routes: Routes = [
// Regular Route
{ path: 'eager', component: MyComponent },

// Lazy Loaded Route (Page)

{ path: 'lazy', loadChildren:
'./lazy/lazy.module#LazyPageModule' },

// Redirect
{ path: 'here', redirectTo: 'there', pathMatch: 'full' }

The root configuration for an Ionic application router lives in the src/app/ap-
p-routing.module.ts file. Here you define your routes. For pages that you
generate with the Ionic CLI ( ionic generate page...) all corresponding routes
are defined automatically. For example see the route for a page named Fa-
path: 'favorites',
loadChildren: './pages/favorites/favorites.module#FavoritesPageModule'

It’s important to understand the code that is generated. Instead of routing to a

component, the route is configured to lazy load a child module (that may contain

2 Angular Essentials

many components). The basic idea of lazy loading is that it breaks your application
down into smaller chunks, and only loads what is necessary at the time. When
your application is first loaded, only the components that are necessary to display
the first screen need to be loaded. This is especially beneficial for Progressive Web
Apps where page load times are critical. This magic is made possible with
Webpack Code Splitting.

With lazy loading, your application can boot much faster because it doesn’t need to
load much – you could have a huge application, with 50 pages, but it could still
load just as fast as an application with just 2 pages.
A lazy loaded route renders the FavoritesPageModule where the so called out-
let is defined in the HTML in the app.component.html:

When you navigate to the /favorites path in the browser, it will render the spe-
cific component in the HTML outlet.
Ionic's own router outlet implementation <ion-router-outlet> (basically, you just
plop the router outlet wherever you want the component for the active route to
be displayed) is mostly the same as Angular’s <router-outlet> except that it will
automatically apply the screen transition animations with a “direction” (e.g. a for-
ward navigation will animate the new screen in from the right).

Angular has an ActivatedRoute to bring data from one page to another. In other
words: an ActivatedRoute contains the information about a route associated with
a component (page) loaded in an outlet.

Example: Data is sent from a calling page e.g. via HTML like
[routerLink]="['/target', data]"

and is received by a by code like this:

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';

selector: 'app-target',

Ionic 4+

templateUrl: './',
styleUrls: ['./'],
export class TargetPage implements OnInit {

incoming_data = null;

constructor(private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute) { }

ngOnInit() {
this.incoming_data = this.activatedRoute.snapshot.params;

The Code is shortly explained: An ActivatedRoute has to be imported from the

@angular/router module. To use it it has to be injected via the constructor of the
page component. In the ngOnInit event we can grab the data e.g. from the snap-
shot.params property of ActivatedRoute to bind it to a component variable
There are more properties available in ActivatedRoute.

Further informations you can find in the official Angular documentation:


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Ionic 4+

plement this formatting as elegantly as possible, Angular offers the possibility to use
pipes for this purpose. You use a kind of filter for the Content Projection, which
then delivers the result. For this we need a new TypeScript class, which is declared
as a pipe with a decorator:
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

name: 'birthdayFormatPipe'
export class BirthdayFormatPipe implements PipeTransform {

transform(value: Date): any {

let dd = value.getDate();
let MM = value.getMonth() + 1;
let yyyy = value.getFullYear();
let formattedBirthday = `${dd}.${MM}.${yyyy}`;
return formattedBirthday;

Now we have to make the pipe known with our ActorData component module:
import { RouterModule } from '@angular/router';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { ActorData } from './actor-data';
import { BirthdayFormatPipe }
from './../birthday-format.pipe';

imports: [
declarations: [ActorData, BirthdayFormatPipe]
export class ActorDataModule {}

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Ionic 4+

2.9 Promises

Promises - what they are and what they do

To make Promises understandable, let's start with a rough description and then go
into details and concrete applications. If you can't imagine anything at first under
the term Promise, you are not alone. Promises are something like “Callbacks 2.0”,
advanced functions that are given to other functions that take care of their execu-
tion (maybe in the future).
Promise is a pretty apt name. If an asynchronous function returns a Promise, it
gives you a promise that this part of the program will be executed. Either this suc-
ceeds and the promise is held ( resolve) or not (reject). As a result, we have the
opportunity from the outset to simply react to a successful or incorrect execution.

Let's create a simple example with setTimeout to simulate a real Promise (like an
asynchronous database call):
function asyncWriteFanMailToJuliaRoberts() {
var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("Mail sent!");
if (error) {
} else {
}, 1000);
return promise;

Resolve a Promise
But how do we respond to a resolve or a reject? To do this, each Promise ob-
ject has a then function, which means something like: If the asynchrony is finished
or the promise has been resolved (by resolve or reject), then execute. For this
reason, promises are also often called thenables.

This then function can handle two callback functions. The first for the success and
the second for the case of error.

2 Angular Essentials

Our call to asyncWriteFanMailToJuliaRoberts now looks like this:

.then((data) => console.log(data))
.catch((err) => console.error(err));

Real world example

Here is a little code snippet, as we'll use it later in our sample app:
this.getTours().then(data => { = _.sortBy(data, 'Title');
this.all_tours = _.sortBy(data, 'Title');
this.filterTours({lower: 80, upper: 400});

Without the need to understand the code of the function getTours(), you imme-
diately realize that getTours() is a Promise function, right? The little word then
tells it. Once getTours() asynchronously and successfully returns data, some more
functions (inside the curly brackets) are executed here. All these inner functions can
rely on getTours() keeping its promise and delivering valid data.
Further informations about Promises you can find here:

Ionic 4+

2.10 Observables
An observable is an object that emits events (or notifications). An observer is an
object that listens for these events, and does something when an event is received.
Together, they create a pattern that can be used for programming asynchronously.

In other words: An observer keeps an eye on things and reacts to possible

changes. If another part of the application wants to be informed by the observer
about changes to the observable, it can subscribe to it ( subscribe) and also un-
subscribe (unsubscribe).
Observables can be abstractly considered simply as data streams. As a result, they
can also be used flexibly and, for example, several observables can be linked or

The principle is very similar to the Observer pattern and is called Reactive Pro-
gramming. Angular uses the observables of the ReactiveX architecture as a basis.
Through Microsoft's Microsoft Reactive Extensions, there is a very good implemen-
tation in JavaScript and other languages - called RxJS for short.
Let's look at a complete example of how observables in Angular (and Ionic) can be
used. In the following, the individual sections and functions of the following source
code are explained in more detail.

Listing 1: Create an Observable (actors.service.ts)

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
// Import Observable from RxJs
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';

providedIn: 'root'
export class ActorsService {

actors = [{
id: 1,
name: 'Julia Roberts',
birthday: new Date('1967-10-28')

2 Angular Essentials

id: 2,
name: 'Richard Gere',
birthday: new Date('1949-08-31')
id: 3,
name: 'Hector Elizondo',
birthday: new Date('1936-12-22')

constructor() { }

// Create an Observable
public getActors(): any {
const actorsObservable = new Observable(observer => {
setTimeout(() => {;
}, 1000);
return actorsObservable;

Listing 2: Define the subscriber (actors-data.ts)

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { ActorsService } from './services/actors.service';

selector: 'actors-data',
templateUrl: 'actors-data.html',
export class ActorsData {

actors = [];

constructor(private actorsService: ActorsService) {}

Ionic 4+

ngOnInit() {
const actorsObservable = this.actorsService.getActors();
// Define a Subscriber
actorsObservable.subscribe((actorsData) => {
this.actors = actorsData;

Listing 3: Display the actors (actors-data.html)

<div *ngFor="let actor of actors">
<div class="card">
<h5 class="card-title">{{ }}</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle">Actor ID: {{ }}</h6>
<p class="card-text">
Born: {{ actor.birthday | date: 'shortDate' }}

Explanation to Listing 1:
In a service (actors.service.ts) there is an array of actors (this data could also
come from a database):
actors = [{
id: 1,
name: 'Julia Roberts',
birthday: new Date('1967-10-28')
id: 2,
name: 'Richard Gere',
birthday: new Date('1949-08-31')
id: 3,
name: 'Hector Elizondo',

2 Angular Essentials

birthday: new Date('1936-12-22')

The getActors() method creates an observable to read the data.
public getActors(): any {
const actorsObservable = new Observable(observer => {
setTimeout(() => {;
}, 1000);
return actorsObservable;

The Observable calls the next method of its observer object to emit data
(this.actors). To be able to use an Observable, Observable is to be imported
from the ReactiveX library (RxJS):
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';

Explanation to Listing 2:

The component (actors-data.ts) provides an empty array for the actors:

actors = [];

The component imports the service from Listing 1 with:

import { ActorsService } from './services/actors.service';

and injects it via its constructor:

constructor(private actorsService: ActorsService) {}

In ngOnInit the service is called and a subscriber is defined who writes the data
output by the service to the actor array:
ngOnInit() {
const actorsObservable = this.actorsService.getActors();
actorsObservable.subscribe((actorsData) => {
this.actors = actorsData;


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2 Angular Essentials

2.11 Async / Await

async/await is a newer JavaScript syntax to declare an asynchronous function. It
is based on Promises, but is much easier to read.

For a basic explanation of Promises, see section “2.9 Promises” on page 44.
async/await are the JavaScript keywords that greatly simplify asynchronous pro-

• async defines a function as asynchronous.

• await is used to wait for the fulfillment of the promise.
await can only be used within an async function.

In other words: With this concept, you only use a couple of keywords, but your
code will behave as though it is synchronous code. This is a fantastic change. You
get the benefits of async, with the readability of sync (or close to).

An example:
Look at our Promise function from page 44:
function asyncWriteFanMailToJuliaRoberts() {
var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("Mail sent!");
if (error) {
} else {
}, 1000);
return promise;

What if we have more than one Promise before we continue? We can solve it in
two ways - one after the other or at the same time.

Ionic 4+

One after the other

async function() {
let mail = await asyncWriteFanMailToJuliaRoberts();
let answer = await asyncReadAnswerFromJuliaRoberts();
if (answer == 'Hi fan, I want to meet you!') {
let pretty = await asyncMakeMePrettyForWoman();

The function asyncReadAnswerFromJuliaRoberts() can't be executed until the

previous function asyncWriteFanMailToJuliaRoberts() completed successfully.
And only when asyncReadAnswerFromJuliaRoberts() could be completed suc-
cessfully (and Julia wants to meet you), it goes on with the next function and so on.

So the execution time is the sum of the execution times of all promises.. This can
lead to big performance problems. So if the Promises are not dependent on each
other, they should be executed at the same time.

At the same time

async spam_fan_mails() {
let mail_to_amy = asyncWriteFanMailToAmyYasbeck();
let mail_to_julia = asyncWriteFanMailToJuliaRoberts();
let mail_to_laura = asyncWriteFanMailToLauraSanGiacomo();

let amy = await mail_to_amy;

let julia = await mail_to_julia;
let laura = await mail_to_laura;

console.log('Spammed all fan mails!');


Here are three Promises running at the same time and console.log('Spammed
all fan mails!') is waiting for all. The total execution time is the longest execu-
tion time of the promises.

2 Angular Essentials

Optimists who think that all their favorite actresses want to meet with them can
now wait for all answers and finally decide with which woman they want to meet
or arrange to meet them all ;-)

async/await in the real world

In our app we will successively develop the following code:
async initialize() {
const loading = await this.loadingCtrl.create({
message: 'Loading tour data...',
spinner: 'crescent'
await loading.present();
await this.getRegions()
.then(data => this.regions = data);
await this.getTourtypes()
.then(data => this.tourtypes = _.sortBy(data, 'Name'));
await this.getTours()
.then(data => { = _.sortBy(data, 'Title');
this.all_tours = _.sortBy(data, 'Title');
this.filterTours({lower: 80, upper: 400});
await loading.dismiss();

Above you see a function labeled async with a whole series of await commands
in it. This initialize() function is part of a service and gets all data from a data-
base by some sub functions. The sub functions are called one after the other. A
loading component is displayed during the data retrieval and only dismissed after
all data has been loaded.
I hope, you (better) understand this flow logic now.

Ionic 4+

In this chapter you met the most important concepts and structures of Angular,
which can be useful for you in the realization of your Ionic Apps:

Components, Lifecycle Hooks, Dependency Injection, Routing and Lazy Loading,

Content Projection, *ngFor, Pipes, Promises, Observables, Async/Await.
It is particularly important to me that you got to know the concepts of asynchro-
nous data processing. Because they're the backbone of modern apps.

3 The first app

3 The first app

This chapter assumes that you have made all the installations from chapter 1 (see
"1.2 Installations", starting on page 15).
Now it's time to start our first app. And with the start command you actually cre-
ate an Ionic app.

3.1 ionic start

Open the terminal and go to the path where you'll want to put your Ionic projects
in future.
$ cd my/ionic/projects

Then write
$ ionic start first-app tabs

A short explanation of the parameters:

Command for creating a new Ionic app project
Name of a new app project (folder).
Template for a new app (here: a tab based app).

When we execute the command (with Enter), Ionic starts the following procedure:
Preparing directory ./first-app - done!
✔ Downloading and extracting tabs starter – done!

Installing dependencies may take several minutes.


Ionic 4+

Speed up development with the Ionic DevApp, our fast, on-device test-
ing mobile app

- �� Test on iOS and Android without Native SDKs

- �� LiveReload for instant style and JS updates

--> Install DevApp: <--


> npm i

> [email protected] install .../first-app/node_modules/fsevents

> node install

[fsevents] Success: ".../first-

x64/fse.node" is installed via remote

> [email protected] install

> node scripts/install.js

Cached binary found at /Users/andymachack/.npm/node-sass/4.10.0/dar-


> [email protected] postinstall

> node scripts/build.js

Binary found at .../first-app/node_modules/node-sass/vendor/dar-

Testing binary
Binary is fine
npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit
this file.

added 1182 packages from 1208 contributors and audited 51887 packages
in 23.591s

> git init

Initialized empty Git repository in .../first-app/.git/

3 The first app


Supercharge your Ionic development with the Ionic Appflow SDK

- � � Push remote updates and skip the app store queue

Learn more about Ionic Appflow:


? Install the free Ionic Appflow SDK and connect your app? (Y/n)

Perhaps you get a few warnings, e.g. because of deprecated modules. Don't worry.
We can ignore them at the moment.

Answer the last question with n (no). We dont' need the Ionic Appflow SDK now.

The creation process continues:

> git add -A

> git commit -m "Initial commit" --no-gpg-sign
[master (root-commit) 5600745] Initial commit
Committer: [...]
Your name and email address were configured automatically based
on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate.
You can suppress this message by setting them explicitly. Run the
following command and follow the instructions in your editor to edit
your configuration file:

git config --global --edit

After doing this, you may fix the identity used for this commit with:

git commit --amend --reset-author

50 files changed, 12046 insertions(+)

create mode 100644 .gitignore
create mode 100644 angular.json
create mode 100644 e2e/protractor.conf.js
create mode 100644 e2e/src/app.e2e-spec.ts
create mode 100644 e2e/src/app.po.ts
create mode 100644 e2e/tsconfig.e2e.json
create mode 100644 ionic.config.json
create mode 100644 package-lock.json
create mode 100644 package.json

Ionic 4+

create mode 100644 src/app/app-routing.module.ts

create mode 100644 src/app/app.component.html
create mode 100644 src/app/app.component.spec.ts
create mode 100644 src/app/app.component.ts
create mode 100644 src/app/app.module.ts
create mode 100644 src/app/tab1/tab1.module.ts
create mode 100644 src/app/tab1/
create mode 100644 src/app/tab1/
create mode 100644 src/app/tab1/
create mode 100644 src/app/tab1/
create mode 100644 src/app/tab2/tab2.module.ts
create mode 100644 src/app/tab2/
create mode 100644 src/app/tab2/
create mode 100644 src/app/tab2/
create mode 100644 src/app/tab2/
create mode 100644 src/app/tab3/tab3.module.ts
create mode 100644 src/app/tab3/
create mode 100644 src/app/tab3/
create mode 100644 src/app/tab3/
create mode 100644 src/app/tab3/
create mode 100644 src/app/tabs/tabs.module.ts
create mode 100644 src/app/tabs/
create mode 100644 src/app/tabs/
create mode 100644 src/app/tabs/
create mode 100644 src/app/tabs/
create mode 100644 src/app/tabs/tabs.router.module.ts
create mode 100644 src/assets/icon/favicon.png
create mode 100644 src/assets/shapes.svg
create mode 100644 src/environments/
create mode 100644 src/environments/environment.ts
create mode 100644 src/global.scss
create mode 100644 src/index.html
create mode 100644 src/karma.conf.js
create mode 100644 src/main.ts
create mode 100644 src/polyfills.ts
create mode 100644 src/test.ts
create mode 100644 src/theme/variables.scss
create mode 100644 src/
create mode 100644 src/tsconfig.spec.json
create mode 100644 tsconfig.json
create mode 100644 tslint.json

[INFO] Next Steps:

- Go to your newly created project: cd ./first-app

- Run ionic serve within the app directory to see your app


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Ionic 4+

3.2 ionic serve

To run the new app we change into the app folder with
$ cd first-app

and then type

$ ionic serve

Ionic now compiles the project...

> ng run app:serve --host= --port=8100

[ng] WARNING: This is a simple server for use in testing or debugging
Angular applications
[ng] locally. It hasn't been reviewed for security issues.
[ng] Binding this server to an open connection can result in compro-
mising your application or
[ng] computer. Using a different host than the one passed to the "--
host" flag might result in
[ng] websocket connection issues. You might need to use "--disable-
HostCheck" if that's the
[ng] case.

[INFO] Development server running!

Local: http://localhost:8100

Use Ctrl+C to quit this process

[INFO] Browser window opened to http://localhost:8100!

[ng] ℹ 「wdm」: wait until bundle finished: /

[ng] ℹ 「wdm」: wait until bundle finished: /runtime.js

[ng] ℹ 「wdm」: wait until bundle finished: /polyfills.js

[ng] ℹ 「wdm」: wait until bundle finished: /styles.js

[ng] ℹ 「wdm」: wait until bundle finished: /vendor.js

[ng] ℹ 「wdm」: wait until bundle finished: /main.js

[ng] Date: 2019-03-04T10:18:57.671Z
[ng] Hash: d539c60c7dad035ec108
[ng] Time: 8245ms


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Ionic 4+

First coding and Live Reload

Open the src/app/tab1/ file in VSC and change the code as
shown here in the bold formatted places:
My Tab One

<ion-card class="welcome-card">
<ion-img src="/assets/shapes.svg"></ion-img>
<ion-card-subtitle>Get Started</ion-card-subtitle>
Welcome to my 1st Ionic app
<p>This is my first Ionic app, yeah!</p>
<ion-list lines="none">
<ion-item href="...">
<ion-icon slot="start" color="medium"
<ion-label>Ionic Documentation</ion-label>
<ion-item href="...">
<ion-icon slot="start" color="medium"
<ion-label>Scaffold Out Your App</ion-label>
<ion-item href="...">
<ion-icon slot="start" color="medium"


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3 The first app

In the folder src (source) we will spend most of our development time, as it con-
tains most of the code files that we will be editing. Here we will (soon) also create a
whole series of own code files.

This is the startup folder of an app with the bootstrap file main.ts. Here or in ap-
p.module.ts and app.component.ts you can place initialization code.

tab1, tab2, tab3, tabs

These folders contain the individual components, views or pages of an app. Their
names can of course be completely different than here. The example of tab1
shows that one page consists of several files:

• tab1.module.ts is the module file of the page with all imports of further re-
quired modules.
• contains the HTML code with the visible elements of a page.
• is a Sass file. In short, Sass is syntactically extended CSS and
takes care of style statements for a page.
• is used for test purposes.
• is the code behind the UI and our main playground for pro-

app-routing.module.ts, app.component.html,
app.component.specs.ts, app.component.ts, app.module.ts
These are the top level files of our app. Their meaning basically corresponds to the
individual files on the page level (see tab1 above).

Of particular importance is app-routing.module.ts. We'll deal with it in chapter 4

"Navigation" (starting on page 71).

contains all media files that are delivered with an app.

Ionic 4+

contains predefined or custom information for the build process.

contains central theming and styling files. After initial creation of an app, this folder
contains the file variables.scss. We will get to know these in more detail in
chapter 8 “Theming, Styling, Customizing” (starting on page 323).

imports all global Ionic style files.

is the start file of an app. Typically, metadata and references to external JavaScripts
are put in the header of index.html. In the body tag you can find the app-root
tag, the entry point for every Ionic app.

contains a lot of meta-data about a project. Mostly it will be used for managing de-
pendencies of a project.

All other folders and files that I have not listed here for the sake of clarity, we will
get to know in the further course of this book.


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Ionic 4+

In this chapter you have programmed your first apps. Congratulations!

You now know ionic start and ionic serve and how to set up the Chrome
DevTools to simulate an app-like look.
You also have an overview of the project structure of an Ionic app.


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4 Navigation

4.2 Generate pages

Ionic's code generator

Ionic owns a code generator. We can call it with the command generate or simply
short with g. Let's have a look at the documentation of this command. By typing
$ ionic generate –help

we get the following explanation:

This command uses the Angular CLI to generate features such as pages,
components, directives, services, etc.

- For a full list of available types, use npx ng g --help

- For a list of options for a types, use npx ng g <type> --help

You can specify a path to nest your feature within any number of
subdirectories. For example, specify a name of
"pages/New Page" to generate page files at src/app/pages/new-

To test a generator before file modifications are made, use the

--dry-run option.

$ ionic generate <type> <name>


type ............................ The type of feature (e.g. page,

component, directive, service)
name ............................ The name/path of the feature
being generated


$ ionic generate
$ ionic generate page
$ ionic generate page contact
$ ionic generate component contact/form
$ ionic generate component login-form --change-detection=OnPush
$ ionic generate directive ripple --skip-import
$ ionic generate service api/user

Ionic 4+

All right, generate page sounds very good! Let's try this:
$ ionic g page pages/Favorites

The Ionic CLI generates a page named Favorites:

> ng generate page pages/Favorites

CREATE src/app/pages/favorites/favorites.module.ts (558 bytes)
CREATE src/app/pages/favorites/ (0 bytes)
CREATE src/app/pages/favorites/ (136 bytes)
CREATE src/app/pages/favorites/ (712 bytes)
CREATE src/app/pages/favorites/ (268 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/app-routing.module.ts (566 bytes)
[OK] Generated page!

In a new folder named pages we get a subfolder Favorites with all required page
files in it. We also get an updated app-routing.module.ts. In app-routing.mod-
ule.ts, as described in "2.5 Routing and Lazy Loading" (starting on page 36),
navigation between the pages of an app is organized. We will soon tune this mod-

But now let's create the other pages with:

$ ionic g page pages/Regions
$ ionic g page pages/Tour-Types
$ ionic g page pages/List
$ ionic g page pages/Details
$ ionic g page pages/Request

The following cleanups have to be done:

1. Deleting the unnecessary folders

2. Deleting the unnecessary paths

3. Changing the root path

4. Defining the menu pages

4 Navigation

1. Deleting the unnecessary folders

We don't need the folders (pages) home and list that were generated by the
sidemenu template directly in the app folder. So let's delete them.

2. Deleting the unnecessary paths

In app-routing.module.ts we also delete the following lines:
path: 'home',
loadChildren: './home/home.module#HomePageModule'
path: 'list',
loadChildren: './list/list.module#ListPageModule'

Attention: Don't delete the wrong list path – we have two of them! Make sure
you get the right lines.

3. Changing the root path

Then we change the redirectTo value in the root path from home to favorites.

Now the complete code of your modified app-routing.module.ts should look

like this:
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { Routes, RouterModule } from '@angular/router';

const routes: Routes = [

path: '',
redirectTo: 'favorites',
pathMatch: 'full'
path: 'favorites',
loadChildren: './pages/favorites/

Ionic 4+

path: 'regions',
loadChildren: './pages/regions/
path: 'tour-types',
loadChildren: './pages/tour-types/
path: 'list',
loadChildren: './pages/list/
path: 'details',
loadChildren: './pages/details/
path: 'request',
loadChildren: './pages/request/

imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
exports: [RouterModule]
export class AppRoutingModule {}

4 Navigation

4. Defining the menu pages

At last we replace the appPages array elements in app.component.ts with our
own menu pages as follows (see the bold printed code):

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

import { Platform } from '@ionic/angular';
import { SplashScreen }
from '@ionic-native/splash-screen/ngx';
import { StatusBar }
from '@ionic-native/status-bar/ngx';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: 'app.component.html'
export class AppComponent {
public appPages = [
title: 'Favorites',
url: '/favorites',
icon: 'star'
title: 'Regions',
url: '/regions',
icon: 'images'
title: 'Tour-Types',
url: '/tour-types',
icon: 'bus'
private platform: Platform,
private splashScreen: SplashScreen,
private statusBar: StatusBar
) {
initializeApp() {
this.platform.ready().then(() => {


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Ionic 4+

4.3 Routing

The concepts of Routing and Lazy Loading in Angular/Ionic are described in chap-
ter 2 „Angular Essentials“ (see 2.5 Routing and Lazy Loading, starting on page 36).
As we have seen the root configuration for our router lives in the src/app/ap-
p-routing.module.ts file. For all our generated pages the CLI defined the
corresponding routes automatically. For example look at the route for the page
path: 'details',
loadChildren: './pages/details/details.module#DetailsPageModule'

It's a lazy loaded route that renders the DetailsPageModule where the outlet is
defined in the HTML in the app.component.html:
<ion-router-outlet main></ion-router-outlet>

When you navigate to the /favorites path in the browser, it will render the spe-
cific component in the HTML outlet.
A button or link is the most basic way to navigate to one of our defined routes.
Let's say, we want to navigate from Favorites to Details. We can simply create a
button in the file like this one:
<ion-content padding>
<ion-button href="/details">Show details</ion-button>

routerLink / routerDirection
A more advanced and my preferred way to switch to another page is using the
routerLink attribute in combination with the routerDirection attribute:
<ion-content padding>
<ion-button routerLink="/details"

4 Navigation

Show details

In this way we get a smooth forward animation while switching between pages.

Adding back buttons

Of course, to come back from Details to Favorites, we should add a back but-
ton to the header of the file:
<ion-buttons slot="start">

The Ionic back button navigates back in the app's history upon click. <ion-back-
-button> is smart enough to know what to render based on the mode and when
to show based on the navigation stack. When there's no history, the attribute de-
faultHref can be used to define the url to navigate back to by default.

Let's complete our navigation stack by implementing a next route from Details to

Again we add a button in the content area – now in

<ion-content padding>
<ion-button routerLink="/request"
Request a Tour

And in the header of we add another back button:

<ion-buttons slot="start">


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4 Navigation

4.4 Extract Data from Routes with ActivatedRoute

Let's add some data to our app and see, how we can bring them from one page
to another. For this purpose we:

1. Add a few tour objects

2. Create a selectable list of tours

3. Prepare the Details page to get a selected tour

4. Show a selected tour in the Details page title

1. Add a few tour objects

Let's create a little array of tour objects in just above the con-
structor of the component:
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';

selector: 'app-favorites',
templateUrl: './',
styleUrls: ['./'],
export class FavoritesPage implements OnInit {

tours = [
{ ID: 1, Title: 'City walk' },
{ ID: 2, Title: 'On the trails of Beethoven' },
{ ID: 3, Title: 'Villa Hammerschmidt' }

constructor() { }

ngOnInit() {

Ionic 4+

2. Create a selectable list of tours

In we remove the previously built button in the content
area and add an ion-list instead to show our tours on the page:
<ion-content padding>
<ion-item *ngFor="let tour of tours"
[routerLink]="['/details', tour]"
{{ tour.Title }}

As explained in chapter 2 “Angular Essentials” (see "2.7 *ngFor", starting on page

40), *ngFor causes an array (tours) to loop through and an UI element ( ion-
item) to be rendered as many times as there are items (a tour) in the array.

The Title property of every tour is then be displayed as text by Content Projec-
tion (see “2.6 Content Projection”, on page 39).

Look at the line

[routerLink]="['/details', tour]"

more exactly!

Two parameters are passed to routerLink:

1. the path to the next page ('/details') and

2. the tour object selected by the user

We shortly will receive this object on the details page.

3. Prepare the Details page to get a selected tour

In we add the following bold formatted code:
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';

4 Navigation

selector: 'app-details',
templateUrl: './',
styleUrls: ['./'],
export class DetailsPage implements OnInit {

tour = null;

constructor(private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute) { }

ngOnInit() {
this.tour = this.activatedRoute.snapshot.params;

To get data from the calling (previous) page, we can use the ActivatedRoute from
@angular/router. To use it we have to import it with
import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';

and to inject it into the constructor:

constructor(private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute)

We declare a new tour variable and instantiate it with a null value:

tour = null;

This variable will hold the incoming selected tour object.

The exciting data transfer finally takes place in ngOnInit:

this.tour = this.activatedRoute.snapshot.params;

ActivatedRoute has a property snapshot, which in turn provides the tour object
through its params property. This is exactly the tour object, that of the previous
page over
[routerLink]="['/details', tour]"

was passed on.


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4 Navigation

Attention! If we use routerLink with a data parameter, we are relying on send-

ing the data through the URL. So, if we want to pass some object from one
page to another, this isn’t a suitable method to do that. You could send all of the
data for your object through the URL by turning your object into a JSON string,
but it’s not an entirely practical solution in a lot of cases.

Usually, the best way to tackle this situation is to simply pass an id through the
URL, and then use that id to grab the rest of the data through a provider/service.
We will explore this in the next chapter (chapter 5 “Services & Storage”, page 91).
But yet, as a first demonstration of using routerLink, we are satisfied with this sim-
ple solution.

Further informations you'll find in the official Ionic documentation:




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4 Navigation

In this chapter you've used Ionic's code generator to create some pages.

You got to know the app-routing.module.ts file, which defines the routes to the
pages of an app.
You now know how to use ActivatedRoute to transfer data from one app page to
the next.

You've got a pro tip to use the Augury Chrome Plugin to visualize the router tree
of an app.

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