Sharma Riya Awewhssimcf

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The risk assessment identified several electrical, tripping, smoking and fire safety hazards in the office. Controls like maintenance of wiring, clearing of exit routes and a no smoking policy were recommended.

Electrical hazards from exposed wiring and components, tripping hazards from uneven surfaces, health hazards from smoking inside and a fire safety hazard of a blocked exit door were identified.

Recommended controls included regular inspections and repairs of electrical systems, resurfacing of uneven areas, implementation of a no smoking policy and clearing of items blocking the fire exit.

Assessment Task: AWE: WHSSIM – Individual Risk Analysis

Instructions: Conduct a Risk Assessment of the Apex Business Solutions’ office environment by completing a Workplace Health & Safety
Risk Assessment & Control Form.
L – Likelihood EHML – Extreme, High, Moderate, Low
Student ID 302575 Student Name Riya Sharma C – Consequence Risk = Likelihood x Consequence
R – Risk Level

Workplace Health & Safety Risk Assessment & Control Form

Details E
Persons/ Toler-
Hazard of any H able Timeframe
Ref Groups Person to
Description L C R Recommended Control Measures L C R Risk to
Existing M Action
Exposed Implement
Controls Y/N
1. General Office Environment Inspection Conducted: 10 June 2016
1.1 Exposed Staff Preventative 3 5 15 E Regular inspections of all electrical components 1 5 5 Y IT Manager Sep 2016
electrical Maintenance
wiring Programs Replace appliances/equipment with incompatible
electrical connections with those that are
Use appropriate adapters that have an
internationally recognized quality and safety
standard for appliances/equipment that cannot be
Prevent overloading of receptacles and extension
1.2 Exposed Staff, Preventative 2 4 8 H Prevent access to any energised electrical 1 4 4 Y IT Manager Sep 2016
electrical Contractors Maintenance components.
components Programs
leading to Ensure no energised electrical components are
electrical exposed.
shock / burn Replace all broken, frayed or otherwise damaged
electrical wires.
1.3 Uneven Staff, No Control 2 3 6 M Repair or replace broken bricks. 1 3 3 Y Maintenance Nov 2016
surfaces Contractors Measures Manager
leading to trips and Visitors Evident Resurface areas where repair or replacement of
bricks is not possible.

1 | 20171123 v1.0 AWE WHSSIM Individual Risk Analysis © Performance Education 2017
Workplace Health & Safety Risk Assessment & Control Form (Individual)
Risk assessment completed by: Riya Sharma Site: Performance Education

Staff number: sAPEX00079

Document number: Initial Issue date: Current version: Current Version: Next review date:
OHS_RA_01 {Month} {Year} _____________________________ 20160321 v1.2 Issue date July 30, 2019 August 2019

Workplace Health & Safety Risk Assessment & Control Form

Details Toler-
Persons/ H able
Ref. Hazard Description of any Existing Person to Timeframe to
Groups Exposed L C R Recommended Control Measures L C R Risk
M Action Implement

Elimination the food and garbage

Rat eating burger in
the office leading to
biological hazard
No existing Work safety
1.1 Staff/contractors controls 4 4 16 E Administrating control by bringing 1 4 4 No August 2019
up a policy not to allow food in

Cleaning the office regularly

Elimination by removing the bottle

Administration control by bringing
A bleach bottle on the up a policy not leave behind any
No existing Supervisors,
floor leading to chemicals inside the office floors 1 3 3 Yes
1.2 Staff/contractors controls 5 3 15 E Employees, August 2019
potential trip fall
Work Safety
hazard and a
chemical hazard

Workplace Health & Safety Risk Assessment & Control Form
Details E
Hazard Persons/ of any Tolerable
Ref. H Timeframe to
Groups Exposed Existing L C R Recommended Control Measures L C R Risk Person to Action
Description Implement
Controls M
1.3 Employee Staff/contractors No existing 3 3 9 H Administration control by bringing up a 1 3 3 Yes HR/Employees/ August 2019
smoking controls No Smoking policy inside the building. Supervisors
inside the
office may
lead to health

1.4 The Staff/contractors No existing 4 4 16 E Engineering control by installing ducts 1 4 4 No Maintenance August 2019
overloaded controls and providing extra sockets. Manager
socket is high
risk potential
to a electric
leading to
short circuit

3 | 20171123 v1.0 AWE WHSSIM Individual Risk Analysis © Performance Education 2017
1.5 The fire exit Staff/contractors No existing 4 5 20 E Elimination by removing the boxes. 2 5 10 No Work house safety August 2019
door is controls manager/Supervisors
blocked by
heavy boxes
Engineering control by putting keep
leading to
clear signs in front of the door.
safety hazard

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