Step-by-Step Guide On Transferring Title of Properties

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Step-by-Step Guide on  STEP TO BE TAKEN: Have the BIR representative

compute for the Capital Gains Tax (CGT – BIR

Transferring Title of Properties Form 1706) or Creditable Withholding tax (CWT-
BIR Form 1606) and Documentary Stamp Tax
1. File and secure the documentary requirements (DST – BIR Form 2000), after which three copies
WHERE: Bureau of Internal Revenue Regional of which are to be signed, and filed at the AAB, or
District Office (BIR RDO) the Municipal/ City Treasurer’s Office
STEP TO BE TAKEN: Submit the following
documents to the stated government agency 3. File documents at the BIR for the issuance of
Certificate Authorizing Registration (CAR) or BIR
- Original copy of the notarized Deed of Absolute
Sale (DAS), plus two photocopies
 WHERE: Bureau of Internal Revenue Regional
- Owner’s duplicate copy of the Transfer District Office
Certificate of Title (TCT) or the Condominium  STEP TO BE TAKEN: Claim the Certificate
Certificate of Title (CCT) in case of sale of Authorizing Registration (CAR) at the
condominium units, plus two photocopies or abovementioned government office, along with
Certified true copy from Registry of Deeds the following documents to be released:

- Certified True Copies of the latest Tax - Original copy of the Deed of Absolute Sale
Declaration for land and improvement of the real stamped as received by the BIR
property plus two photocopies. If the property
- Owner’s Duplicate Copy of the TCT or the
sold is a vacant lot or no improvements have
CCT or Certified true copy from Registry of Deeds
been made on it, a Sworn Declaration of No
Improvement by at least one of the transferees - Original copies of the BIR Form 1706 (CGT) and
or Certificate of No Improvement issued by the Form 2000 (DST) stamped as received by the BIR
city or municipal assessor
- Copies of the Tax Declaration for land and
- Tax Identification Numbers (TIN) of the Seller improvement
and Buyer
According to BIR Memorandum Order No. 15-03,
In some cases, additional requirements may need BIR RDOs should release CARs for all One Time
to be submitted, including the following: Transaction (ONETT) within five days of
submitting all documentary requirements.
- Special Power of Attorney (SPA), if the person
signing on the document is not the owner as it 4. Pay the Transfer Taxes and secure the Tax
appears on the TCT or CCT Clearance
WHERE: Local Treasurer’s Office
- Location plan or vicinity map if the zonal value
STEP TO BE TAKEN: Pay the Transfer Tax, and
cannot readily be determined from the
produce the following documents prior to
documents submitted
issuance of Tax Clearance:
- Other requirements as may be required by law,
- Original and one photocopy of the Deed of
rulings, regulations, or other issuances
Absolute Sale
2. Secure assessment of transfer taxes
- Photocopy of the Tax Declaration
 WHERE: Bureau of Internal Revenue Regional
District Office and Authorized Agent Bank (AAB) - Official Receipt of Payment of Real Property Tax
or Municipal or City Treasurer’s Office and Special Education Fund Tax for the current
5. File documents for the issuance of new land title
 WHERE: Registry of Deeds
 STEP TO BE TAKEN: Receive the Owner’s Some assessor’s offices require additional
Duplicate copy of the TCT or CCT in your name documents. For example, the Makati City
after presenting the following documents: Assessor’s office requires the Subdivision Plan, if
the lot is subdivided, and Full-color photos of the
- Original Copy of the Deed of Absolute Sale house, lot, or condominium unit.
stamped as received by the BIR, plus three
photocopies The entire process may take several months and
several trips to different government agencies.
- Seller’s Owner’s Duplicate Copy of the TCT or This proves to be a very tiring, and time-
CCT consuming process. Moreover, failure to
accomplish these steps may result in penalties
- Original Copy of the CAR and further legal problems. It is best to
commission the help of a duly-registered and
- Original Copy of the Tax Clearance
reliable company who can assist in getting this
- Original Copies of Official Receipts of Payments done for your convenience and peace of mind.
of CGT, DST, Tax Clearance Certificate, and
Transfer Fee

- Original Copies of the Current Tax Declaration

for land and improvement issued by the local
assessor’s office

- If the seller or buyer is a corporation, Secretary’s

Certificate authorizing the sale of the real
property; and Certified True Copy of the Articles
of Incorporation and By-Laws of the seller or
buyer corporation

6. File documents for the issuance of new Tax

 WHERE: Municipal or Provincial Assessor’s Office
 STEP TO BE TAKEN: Ensure that the title has been
transferred to your name prior to securing new
Tax Declaration. Below are the requirements:

- Photocopy of the Deed of Absolute Sale

- Photocopy or a Certified true copy of the TCT or

the CCT (registered in the name of new owner)

- Duplicate (Blue copy) of the CAR

- Photocopy of the Transfer Tax Receipt

- Photocopy of the latest Tax Receipt or Tax


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