Test Bank. Chapter 1. Introduction

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  1st  Year   Chapter  1  


1.  What  do  managers  do  that  differentiates  them  from  non-­‐‑managerial  

A.   Managers  organize  the  work  of  other  people.  
B.   Managers  complete  important  paperwork.  
C.   Managers  work  directly  on  providing  the  product  or  service  
that  the  company  sells.  
D.   Managers  have  no  one  reporting  to  them.  

2.  Christine  is  a  manager  at  Body  Beauty  Inc.  Her  responsibilities  include  
developing  a  company-­‐‑wide  marketing  strategy  (long  term  plan  that  
affect  the  entire  organization)  in  order  to  drive  increased  sales.  
Christine  is  considered  a  _____.  
A.   middle  manager  
B.   first-­‐‑line  manager  
C.   top  manager  
D.   non-­‐‑managerial  worker  

3.  _____  is  referred  to  as  "doing  things  right";  _____  is  referred  to  as  "doing  
the  right  things."  
A.   Efficacy;  effectiveness  
B.   Efficiency;  economy  
C.   Efficiency;  effectiveness  
D.   Economy;  efficacy  

4.  Which  of  the  following  is  NOT  one  of  the  four  functions  managers  
A.   Organizing  
B.   Serving  
C.   Controlling  
D.   Planning  
Mr.  KhaliD  KassiM   01005883038  
Management   1st  Year   Chapter  1  

5.  The  universality  of  management  concept  suggests  that  _____.  


A.   management  is  needed  in  all  types  and  sizes  of  organizations  
and  at  all  organizational  levels  
B.   all  managers  play  similar  roles  as  they  manage  people  
C.   technical,  human,  and  conceptual  skills  are  necessary  for  
success  in  management  
D.   most  college  graduates  entering  the  workforce  will  either  
manage  or  be  managed  

6.  Which  of  the  following  is  a  common  myth  about  the  study  of  
management  ?  
A.   Management  is  just  common  sense.  
B.   Managers  need  to  be  well  disciplined  in  all  of  the  business  
C.   Managers  are  found  in  all  types  of  organizations,  large  and  
D.   Many  of  today’s  managers  are  minorities.  

7.  An  organization  is  ________  .  

A.   The  physical  location  where  people  work.  
B.   Any  collection  of  people  who  perform  similar  tasks.  
C.   A  deliberate  arrangement  of  people  to  accomplish  some  
specific  purpose.  
D.   A  group  of  individuals  focused  on  profit-­‐‑making  for  their  

8.  All  organizations  have  ___________  that  define  the  organization’s  purpose  

and  reason  for  existing.  

A.   Limits  
B.   Rules  
C.   Structure  
D.   goals  

Mr.  KhaliD  KassiM   01005883038  
Management   1st  Year   Chapter  1  

9.  one  of  the  common  characteristics  of  all  organizations  is  _________  that  
define  rules,  regulations,  and  values  of  the  organization.  
A.   A  set  of  written  bylaws.  
B.   An  explicit  goal.  
C.   A  systematic  structure.  
D.   A  stated  purpose.    
10.   Which  of  the  following  is  a  key  difference  between  managerial  and  
non-­‐‑managerial  employees  ?  
A.   Managerial  employees  receive  higher  pay  compensation.  
B.   Non-­‐‑managerial  employees  have  less  formal  education.  
C.   Non-­‐‑managerial  employees  do  not  oversee  the  work  of  others.  
D.   Managerial  employees  work  longer  hours.  
11.   The  primary  job  of  a  manager  is  to  ________  .  

Make  decisions  that  help  an  organization  grow.  
Tackle  tasks  that  are  too  difficult  for  non-­‐‑managerial  
C.   Coordinate  between  organization  leaders  and  ordinary  
D.   Direct  and  oversee  the  work  of  others.  
12.   The  work  of  a  manager  _________  .  
A.   Is  strictly  limited  to  overseeing  and  monitoring  the  work  of  
B.   May  involve  performing  tasks  that  are  not  related  to  
overseeing  others.  
C.   Involves  only  high-­‐‑level  tasks  that  require  a  sophisticated  skill  
D.   Does  not  involve  interaction  with  non-­‐‑managerial  employees.  
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Management   1st  Year   Chapter  1  

13.   Supervisor  is  another  name  for  which  of  the  following  ?  
A.   Team  leader.  
B.   Middle  manager.  
C.   First-­‐‑line  manager.  
D.   Top  manager.  
14.   Which  of  the  following  types  of  managers  is  responsible  for  making  
organization-­‐‑wide  decisions  and  establishing  the  plans  and  goals  
that  affect  the  entire  organization  ?  
A.   Team  leader.  
B.   Top  manager.  
C.   Department  head.  
D.   Project  leader.  
15.   Which  is  an  important  job  responsibility  for  a  middle  manager  ?  
A.   Defining  the  organization’s  long-­‐‑term  goals.  
B.   Translating  goals  defined  by  top  managers  into  action.  
C.   Helping  top  managers  define  goals.  
D.   Performing  tasks  that  are  not  related  to  long-­‐‑term  goals.  

16.   Another  term  for  efficiency  is  _________  .  


A.   Doing  the  right  things.  

B.   Doing  things  right.  
C.   Making  sure  things  get  done.  
D.   Doing  things  at  the  right  time.  
17.   Which  of  the  following  might  be  an  example  of  increased  efficiency  
in  manufacturing  ?  
A.   Cutting  the  amount  of  labor  required  to  make  the  product.  
B.   Cutting  the  price  of  the  product.  
C.   Increasing  sales  of  the  product.  
D.   Increasing  advertising  for  the  product.  
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Management   1st  Year   Chapter  1  

18.   Agency  head,  plant  manager,  project  leader  and  regional  manager  
are  most  likely  associated  with  _______  .  
A.   Team  leaders.  
B.   Middle  managers.  
C.   Top  managers.  
D.   First-­‐‑line  managers.  
19.   The  lowest  level  of  management  is  a  __________  .  
A.   Non-­‐‑managerial  employee.  
B.   Department  of  research  manager.  
C.   Vice  president.  
D.   First-­‐‑line  manager.  
20.   In  the  past,  Non-­‐‑managerial  employees  were  viewed  as  employees  
who  ________  .  
A.   Reported  to  top  executives.  
B.   Reported  to  middle  managers.  
C.   Supervised  others.  
D.   Had  no  others  reporting  to  them.  
21.   Effectiveness  is  synonymous  with  _________  .  
A.   Cost  minimization.  
B.   Resource  control.  
C.   Goal  attainment.  
D.   Efficiency.  
22.   Wasting  resources  is  considered  to  be  an  example  of  _______  .  
A.   Efficiency.  
B.   Effectiveness.  
C.   Inefficiency.  
D.   Ineffectiveness.  
Mr.  KhaliD  KassiM   01005883038  
Management   1st  Year   Chapter  1  

23.   An  automobile  manufacture  that  increased  the  total  number  of  cars  
produced  at  the  same  cost,  but  with  many  defects,  would  be  _________  .  

A.   Efficient  and  effective.  

B.   Increasing  efficiency.  
C.   Increasing  effectiveness.  
D.   Concerned  with  inputs.  
24.   Which  of  the  following  is  an  example  of  an  efficient  manufacturing  
technique  ?  
A.   Cutting  inventory  levels.  
B.   Increasing  the  amount  of  time  to  manufacture  products.  
C.   Increasing  product  reject  rates.  
D.   Decreasing  product  output.    
25.   The  distinction  between  a  managerial  position  and  a  non-­‐‑
managerial  position  is  _________  .  
A.   Planning  the  work  of  others.  
B.   Coordinating  the  work  of  others.  
C.   Controlling  the  work  of  others.  
D.   Organizing  the  work  of  others.  
26.   ___________  is  the  process  of  getting  activities  completed  efficiently  and  
effectively  with  and  through  other  people.  
A.   Leading.  
B.   Management.  
C.   Supervision.  
D.   Controlling.  
27.   The  process  of  monitoring,  comparing  and  correcting  is  called  ______  .  

A.   Controlling.  
B.   Coordinating.  
C.   Leading.  
D.   Organizing.  
Mr.  KhaliD  KassiM   01005883038  
Management   1st  Year   Chapter  1  

28.   A  manager  resolving  conflicts  among  organizational  members  is  

performing  what  function  ?    

A.   Controlling.  
B.   Commanding.  
C.   Directing.  
D.   Leading.  
29.   Organizing  includes  _________  .  
A.   Defining  organizational  goals.  
B.   Hiring  organizational  members.  
C.   Motivating  organizational  members.  
D.   Determining  who  does  what  tasks.  
30.   In  successful  organizations,  __________  .  

A.   Low  efficiency  and  high  effectiveness  go  hand  in  hand.  

B.   High  efficiency  and  low  effectiveness  go  hand  in  hand.  
C.   High  efficiency  and  high  effectiveness  go  hand  in  hand.  
D.   High  efficiency  and  high  quality  go  hand  in  hand.  
31.   Efficiency  refers  to  __________  .  
A.   The  relationship  between  inputs  and  outputs.  
B.   The  additive  relationship  between  costs  and  benefits.  
C.   The  exponential  nature  of  costs  and  outputs.  
D.   Increasing  outputs  regardless  of  cost.  
32.   One  of  the  common  characteristics  of  all  organizations  is  _______  
which  is  typically  expressed  in  terms  of  the  organization’s  goals.  
A.   Its  people.  
B.   Its  goals.  
C.   Its  systematic  structure.  
D.   Its  purpose.    

Mr.  KhaliD  KassiM   01005883038  
Management   1st  Year   Chapter  1  

33.   Writing  an  organizational  strategic  plan  is  an  example  of  the  _______  
management  function.  

A.   Leading.  
B.   Coordinating.  
C.   Planning.  
D.   Organizing.  
34.   Universality  of  management  means  that  _________  .  
A.   All  managers  in  all  organization  perform  the  four  management  
B.   All  managers  in  all  organization  can  perform  their  job  the  same  
C.   All  organizations  can  hire  any  manager  to  perform  the  
management  jobs.  
D.   Any  manager  can  work  in  any  organization  and  perform  any  
management  job.  
35.   One  of  the  common  characteristics  of  all  organizations  is  _______  
which  clarifies  member’s  work  relationships.  
A.   Its  people.  
B.   Its  goals.  
C.   Its  deliberate  structure.  
D.   Its  purpose.  
36.   Managers  with  good  _________  are  able  to  get  the  best  out  of  their  
A.   Human  skills.  
B.   Conceptual  skills.  
C.   Technical  skills.  
D.   Visual  skills.    
Mr.  KhaliD  KassiM   01005883038  
Management   1st  Year   Chapter  1  

37.   Technical  skills  include  _________  .  

A.   A  leadership  and  efficiency  in  a  certain  specialized  field.  
B.   Knowledge  of  and  proficiency  in  a  certain  specialized  field.  
C.   Familiarity  with  interest  in  a  general  field  of  endeavor.  
D.   Skill  and  interest  in  a  general  field  of  endeavor.  
38.   Which  of  the  following  types  of  skills  are  described  with  terms  such  
as  abstract  situations  and  visualization  ?  

A.   Interpersonal.  
B.   Human.  
C.   Technical.  
D.   Conceptual.  
39.   Whereas  ___________  is  concerned  with  the  means  of  getting  things  
done,  ___________  is  concerned  with  the  ends,  or  attainment  of  
organizational  goals.  

A.   Effectiveness  ;  efficiency.  
B.   Efficiency  ;    Effectiveness.  
C.   Effectiveness  ;  goal  attainment.  
D.   goal  attainment  ;  efficiency.  
40.   Someone  who  works  with  and  through  other  people  by  coordinating  
their  work  activities  in  order  to  accomplish  organizational  goals  is  
_________  .  
A.   An  assembly  line  worker.  
B.   A  laborer.  
C.   A  manager.  
D.   A  salesperson.  

Mr.  KhaliD  KassiM   01005883038  
Management   1st  Year   Chapter  1  

41.  The  way  a  company  manages  its  people  can  significantly  affect  its  
financial  performance  

•   True  
42.  The  sole  responsibility  of  the  manager  is  to  coordinate  the  work  of  
other  employees.  

•   True  
43.  Managerial  success  is  most  often  due  to  effectiveness  achieved  
through  inefficiency.  

•   True  
•   False  
44.  At  the  end  of  each  week,  Mark  evaluates  the  number  of  outputs  
produced  in  order  to  ascertain  whether  the  factory's  goals  have  been  
met.  This  is  an  example  of  the  organizing  function  of  management.  

•   True  
•   False  
45.  When  managers  engage  in  planning,  they  define  goals,  establish  plans  
for  achieving  those  goals.  

•   True  
•   False  
46.  Colleges,  government  departments,  and  churches  are  all  examples  of  
•   True  
•   False  
47.  Once  they  graduate  from  college  and  begin  their  careers,  most  people  
will  manage,  be  managed,  or  both.  

•   True  
•   False  
Mr.  KhaliD  KassiM   01005883038  
Management   1st  Year   Chapter  1  

48.  Planners  are  organizational  members  who  coordinate  and  integrate  

work  activities  so  that  they  are  completed  efficiently  and  effectively  
with  and  through  people.    

•   True  
•   False  
49.  Efficiency  means  getting  the  most  inputs  from  the  least  outputs.  

•   True  
•   False  
50.  Employees  either  manage  or  are  managed  ,  this  is  what  is  meant  by  
the  universality  of  management.  
•   True  
•   False  
51.  A  manager  does  not  work  directly  on  tasks  for  the  organization.  

•    True  
•    False  
52.  All  organizations  have  a  structure  that  in  some  ways  serves  to  define  
and  limit  the  behavior  of  members  of  the  organization.      
•   True  
•    False  
53.  Directing  and  motivating  are  part  of  the  controlling  function  of  
•   True  
•    False  
54.  A  distinct  purpose  is  important  in  defining  an  organization.  
•   True  
•    False  
55.  Managers  who  are  effective  at  meeting  organizational  goals  always  
act  efficiently.            
Mr.  KhaliD  KassiM   01005883038  
Management   1st  Year   Chapter  1  

1  -­‐‑  A       21  -­‐‑  C   41  -­‐‑  T  

2  -­‐‑  C       22  -­‐‑  C   42  -­‐‑  F  

3  -­‐‑  C   23  -­‐‑  B     43  -­‐‑  F  
4  -­‐‑  B   24  -­‐‑  A   44  -­‐‑  F  
5  -­‐‑  A   25  -­‐‑  B   45  -­‐‑  T  
6  -­‐‑  A   26  -­‐‑  B   46  -­‐‑  T  

7  -­‐‑  C   27  -­‐‑  A   47  -­‐‑  T  

8  -­‐‑  D   28  -­‐‑  D   48  -­‐‑  F  

9  -­‐‑  C   29  -­‐‑  D   49  -­‐‑  F  

10  -­‐‑  C   30  -­‐‑  C   50  -­‐‑  F  

11  -­‐‑  D   31  -­‐‑  A   51  -­‐‑  F  

12  -­‐‑  B   32  -­‐‑  D   52  -­‐‑  T  

13  -­‐‑  C   33  -­‐‑  C   53  -­‐‑  F  

14  -­‐‑  B   34  -­‐‑  A   54  -­‐‑  T  

15  -­‐‑  B   35  -­‐‑  C   55  -­‐‑  F  
16  -­‐‑  B   36  -­‐‑  A  
17  -­‐‑  A     37  -­‐‑  B  

18  -­‐‑  B   38  -­‐‑  D  
19  -­‐‑  D   39  -­‐‑  B  
20  -­‐‑  D   40  -­‐‑  C  
Mr.  KhaliD  KassiM   01005883038  

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