Apiag Vs Cantero 268 SCRA 61

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Apiag vs Cantero 268 SCRA 61

 In Aug. 11, 1947, Judge Esmeraldo Cantero and Maria Apiag got married and had 2
children - Teresita and Glecerio.
 Thereafter, Judge Cantero left the conjugal home without any apparent cause, and
leaving Maria to raise the 2 children.
 Maria and her 2 children suffered a lot after Judge Cantero abandoned them. When
Judge Cantero surfaced at Hinundayan, Southern Leyte, Maria and her children begged
him for support but he ignored them.
 On Sept. 21, 1993, petitioners, through Atty, Gulaya wrote a letter to respondent
demanding for maintenance and support but Candtero did not respond.
 Subsequently, Maria and her children, learned that Judge Cantero had another family
with Nieves Ygay and had 5 children. And that in all public documents that Judge
Cantero filed in the Supreme Court, he misrepresented himself as being married to
 On Nov. 10, 1993, Maria Apiag Cantero together w/ her daughter Teresita and son
Glecerio charged Judge Esmeraldo Cantero with gross misconduct for allegedly having
committed bigamy and falsification of public documents.

Respondent’s Arguments:
 Judge Cantero, in his Comment, explained that his marriage with Apiag is invalid
because such marriage was only dramatized to satisfy the wishes of their parents and
that he did not give his consent freely.
 He contended that he was only called by his parents to go home to attend the
celebration of his sister’s birthday without knowing that he was made to appear in the
marriage. And that they were forced to acknowledge their signatures appearing in the
duly prepared marriage contract.
 That they only got married because Apiag got pregnant and they did not want their
parents to be shamed. And after the said affair, both of them immediately separated
without living together as husband and wife even for a day, nor having established a
conjugal home. From that time respondent and the complainant have never met each
other nor having communicated (with) each other for the last 40 years and he continued
his studies at Cebu City, and eventually became member of the Philippine Bar
 Cantero also contended that Apiag has been living together with another man during her
public service as public school teacher and have begotten a child.
 He did not file any annulment or judicial declaration (of nullity) of the alleged marriage
because it is the contention and honest belief, all the way, that the said marriage was
void from the beginning, and as such nothing is to be voided or nullified, and to do so
will be inconsistent with the stand of the respondent; that this instant case (was) simply
filed for money consideration as reflected in their letter of demand; that as a matter of
fact, respondent and the complainant have already signed a compromised agreement.
 Judge Cantero died on September 27, 1996 while the case was still being deliberated.

1. W/N the first marriage with the Maria Apiag is void (YES)
2. W/N the absence of Maria Apiag for more than 7 years raise the presumption that she is
already dead, that there was no need for any judicial declaration
 Court ruled that “a marriage though void still needs . . . a judicial declaration of such
fact” before any party thereto “can marry again; otherwise, the second marriage will also
be void.” This was expressly provided under Article 40 22 of the Family Code.
 However, the marriage of Judge Cantero to Nieves Ygay took place and all their
children were born before the promulgation of Wiegel vs. Sempio-Diy and before the
effectivity of the Family Code. Hence, the doctrine in Odayat vs. Amante applies in favor
of respondent.
 In the en banc case of Odayat vs. Amante, complainant charged Amante, a clerk of
court, with oppression, immorality and falsification of public document. The complainant
Odayat alleged among others " . . . that respondent is cohabiting with one Beatriz
Jornada, with whom he begot many children, even while his spouse Filomena Abella is
still alive . . . ." In order to rebut the charge of immorality, Amante " . . . presented in
evidence the certification (of the) . . . Local Civil Registrar . . . attesting that . . . Filomena
Abella was married to one Eliseo Portales on February 16, 1948. Respondent's
contention is that his marriage with Filomena Abella was void ab initio because of her
previous marriage with said Eliseo Portales." This Court ruled that "Filomena Abella's
marriage with the respondent was void ab initio under Article 80 [4] of the New Civil
Code, and no judicial decree is necessary to establish the invalidity of void marriages."
 Cantero and Apiag’s marriage was void, following the Civil Code and the doctrine in
Odayat vs. Amante, without the need of any judicial declaration.
 Thus, Judge Cantero cannot be charged with bigamy.
 Case is dismissed.

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