09 Test Pharmacognosy

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1. Simple choice ..............................................................................................................................2

2. Multiple choice..........................................................................................................................15
3. Grouping....................................................................................................................................30
4. Relation analysis .......................................................................................................................43
5. Answer keys ..............................................................................................................................47


1. S imp le cho ic e

Select the correct answer by marking the appropriate capital letter. There is only one correct

1. The volatile oils are the complex mixture of……….

A) mono- and sesquiterpenes as well as phenyl-propane derivatives.

B) mono- and diterpene alcohols and ethers.
C) sesquiterpenes and other aromatic compounds.
D) monoterpene acids and lactones.
E) monoterpene ethers and aldehydes.

2. Sesquiterpenes are formed of............in the plants.

A) farnezyl-pyrophosphate
B) stress compounds
C) colouring material
D) degraded products of triterpenes
E) pathological products

3. What are known as balsams?

A) resins dissolved in volatile oil

B) a mixture of volatile oils with sesquiterpenes
C) resins dissolved in water
D) polysaccharide mixed with volatile oil
E) juice evaporated to dryness

4. Saponin containing drugs are used as...........

A) laxative.
B) bitter tonic.
C) expectorant.
D) emetic.
E) pain killer.

5. Alkaloids are naturally occurring compounds which contain .............in their molecules.

A) one or more N atom(s)

B) two heterocyclic rings
C) one C15 side chain on the benzene ring
D) one or more N atom(s) originated from amino acids
E) one or more O atoms besides the S atoms


6. How to extract the alkaloids in mineral salt form from plant?

A) Heating with organic solvent.

B) Boiling with ammonium-hydroxide and water.
C) Shaking with water containing mineral acid.
D) Boiling with water and lead acetate.
E) Warming with mineral acid in organic solvent.

7. The volatile oils consist of a mixture of.........

A) oxygen free mono- and diterpenes.

B) aliphatic and cyclic mono- and triterpenes.
C) aliphatic and cyclic mono- and sesquiterpenes and phenyl-propane derivatives.
D) highly oxygenated mono- and diterpenes.
E) oxygen free di- and monoterpenes.

8. The iridoids are:

A) constituents of volatile oils.

B) starting unit of the tannin biogenesis.
C) precursor of biosynthesis of saponins.
D) precursors of the biogenesis of certain alkaloids.
E) constituents of fixed oils.

9. What do you do for getting alkaloids in basis form from the plant material?

A) Adding some ammonium-hydroxide and water to the pulverised drug.

B) Making an extract by mineral acid and organic solvent.
C) Making an extract with some basis and organic solvent.
D) Adding to the powdered drug some mineral acid and water.
E) Making an extract with organic solvent and warm it.

10. Morphin is separable from its side alkaloids because:

A) morphine has a piperidine ring.

B) morphine has two methoxy groups.
C) morphine has phenolic hydroxyl group while the side alkaloids have none.
D) morphine has no phenolic hydroxyl group while the side alkaloid has it.
E) morphine and its side alkaloids are inseparable.

11. Which is the right reagent for the detection of rancidity?

A) concentrated nitric acid

B) phloroglucinol dissolved in diluted HCl
C) antimony-III-chloride
D) concentrated sulphuric acid
E) phloroglucinol dissolved in ether and concentrated HCl


12. Choose the right skeleton for Cinchona alkaloids.

A) cevan
B) tropane
C) isoquinoline
D) rubanol
E) dammarane

13. Choose the right reagent for alkaloids.

A) 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine
B) iron-III-chloride
C) antimony-III-chloride
D) potassium-tetraiodomercurate
E) phloroglucinol in concentrated hydrochloric acid

14. How could be prepared a mucilage extract starting from Linseed?

A) After grinding some water is added to the seed and warm it.
B) The seed is covered with water without grinding and warming.
C) After grinding some alcohol is added to the seed.
D) Without grinding some alcohol is added to the seed.
E) After grinding it is covered with water without warming.

15. Ergot is the......................of the fungus Claviceps purpurea.

A) vegetative form
B) dried sclerotium
C) ascospore
D) conidiospore
E) philamentous hyphae

16. What is the difference between the chemical structure of cotton and starch?

A) Cotton consists of lines α-glucose molecules while the starch has branched
β-glucose residue.
B) Cotton consists of unbranched β-glucose molecules the starch has also unbranched
α- and β-glucose molecules.
C) Cotton is built up of glucose residues united by 1,4-β-D-glucose links, starch has
branched and linear chains of 1,4-α-, and 1,6-α-D-glucose residue.
D) Both consist of branched and linear 1,2-β-D-glucose residues.

17. The haemolytic index shows:

A) the di- and sesquiterpene content of the volatile oils..

B) the saponin content of the drugs.
C) the steroid content of the drugs.
D) the aliphatic monoterpene content of the drugs.
E) the tannin content of the drugs.


18. Which is the right structure for the flavonoids of Silybum marianum?

A) dimer flavan-3,4-diol
B) monomer flavon-3-ol
C) flavanolignan
D) simple flavanonol-glycoside
E) isoflavanon-diglycoside

19. Cocaine is used as...................in the officinal medicine.

A) narcotic
B) emetic
C) sedative
D) local anaesthetic
E) cough suppressant

20. Choose the right test for identification of anthraquinones.

A) Marquis test
B) Froehde test
C) Liebermann-Burchard test
D) Bornträeger test
E) Murexid test

21. How to detect the procyanidins?

A) On heating with diluted NaOH procyanidines show green colour.

B) Procyanidins give yellow colour on concentrated nitric acid.
C) On heating with a mixture of cc. HCl and N BuOH procyanidines show red colour.
D) On heating with resorcinol procyanidins give bluish violet colour.
E) Procyanidins give orange precipitate on Kedde reagent.

22. The anthraquinone content of the drugs tested by ............................

A) warming with glacial acetic acid giving red precipitate.

B) shaking the extract made by organic solvent with diluted ammonium-hydroxide the
water phase gives red or orange colour.
C) extracting with water and precipitate with lead acetate showing blue colour.
D) making a water extract which shows green colour on sulphuric acid.
E) making organic solvent extract which shows yellow precipitate on heating with
dil. HCl and chlorine.

23. What is the right method for making assay for volatile oil content of drugs?

A) water-damp distillation
B) extraction of light petrol
C) distillation by Marcusson’s method
D) determination of loss on drying
E) determination of alcohol extract


24. Which is the right test for the cardioactive glycosides of Foxglove leaf?

A) Murexide
B) Liebermann- Burchard
D) 2,4-dinitro-phenylhydrazine
E) Keller-Kiliani

25. Which of the following compounds makes model for the synthesis of methyl-psoralens?

A) chinine
B) ephedrin
C) tubocurarin
D) xanthotoxin
E) cocaine

26. How to take a sample of plant drug material according to the prescription of

A) 1000g of drug is taken off the upper part of the container.

B) 100 or 200g drug has to be taken the side of the container.
C) The number of sample depends on the number of container (N) or square root of N
(at higher N). The samples has to be taken from different parts of container and the
amount of the sample must be sufficient for the further analysis.
D) Depends on the number of the container and volume of the sample.
E) The amount and number of the sample are determined on the basis of the water
content of the drug.

27. Choose the right shape for the maize starch.

A) oval
B) rounded
C) pentagon with a „V” form fission in the middle of the grain
D) triangular
E) dumb-bell shaped

28. Why can’t use for medical purpose Rheum raponticum instead of Rheum palmatum?

A) Because the emodin content of Rheum raponticum is too much.

B) Because the rhein content of the Rheum raponticum is too low.
C) Because the chrysophanol content of Rheum palmatum is higher than in case of
Rheum raponticum.
D) Because the Rheum raponticum contains a stilben derivative which has undesirable
hormon activity.
E) Because the R. raponticum has gallic acid and the amount of other tannins are too


29. Which of the following compounds transforms to chamazulen on Waterdamp


A) lavandulol
B) farnezol
C) matricine
D) gossypol
E) parthenolid

30. Which compound makes model for the synthesis of petidin?

A) psoralen
B) cocaine
C) hyoscyamine
D) morphin
E) physostigmine

31. Which of the following drug(s) contain(s) citric acid in a large amount?

A) Bearberry leaf
B) Elder flower
C) Herniariae herba
D) Tamarindi fructus
E) Violae odoratae radix

32. How to get fixed oil for medical purpose?

A) by extraction with a cold organic solvent

B) by warm expression
C) by extraction with cold water
D) by cold expression
E) by cooking with water

33. The cake of ricinus seed left after expression is unfit for use as a cattle food since it
contains an extremely poisonous toxin known as ............................ .

A) ricinin
B) ricine
C) taxol
D) sinigrine
E) lotaustralin

34. Which of the following alkaloids derived from lysine?

A) emetin
B) chelidonin
C) cinchonidin
D) brucin
E) lobelin


35. Which of the following drugs contains inulin?

A) Cichoriae radix
B) Comfrey root
C) Plantain shoot
D) Foenigraeci semen
E) Tanaceti herba

36. Hasis (hashish) consists ........ of Cannabis sativa.

A) gum of the male flowers

B) resin of the female flowers
C) gum of the male and female flowers
D) pressed juice of the leaves
E) latex of the tops

37. What is Opium?

A) Latex exudate of the unriped incised capsules after air dried.

B) Dried wateric extract of the riped capsules.
C) Dried alcoholic extract of the unriped capsules.
D) Concentrated alcoholic extract of the poppy straw.
E) Wateric extract of the riped seeds.

38. The common base skeleton of physiologically active ergoline alkaloids is:

A) isolysergic acid.
B) clavorubine.
C) lysergic acid.
D) 2-phenylbenzopyrane.
E) elimoclavine.

39. Codeine is:

A) monomethyl ether of morphine.

B) amide of apomorphine.
C) acetyl derivative of morphine.
D) dimethyl ether of papaverine.
E) diethyl ether of morphine.

40. Skeleton of the B-type procyanidines is:

A) flavan-3-ol.
B) flavan-4-on.
C) lignan.
D) flavanolignan.
E) flavanonol.


41. Select the method prescribed for quantitative determination of anthraglycosides in

Pharmacopoeia Hungarica Editio VII.:

A) gravimetry.
B) high pressure liquid chromatography.
C) spectrophotometry.
D) gaschromatography.
E) titrimetry.

42. Select the compound prescribed for quantitative determination on the base of complex
formation in Pharmacopoeia Hungarica Editio VII.:

A) bitter substance.
B) flavonoid.
C) alkaloid.
D) saponin.
E) phenolglycoside.

43. Which of the following physico-chemical characteristics is correct for mucilages?

A) foaming
B) specific colour
C) specific gravity
D) viscosity
E) refractive index

44. Poppy straw is the industrial raw material of morphine production because .……. .

A) poppy straw contains only morphine

B) poppy straw does not contain other alkaloids
C) poppy straw has the maximum morphine content
D) poppy straw is the chiepest available raw material
E) poppy straw contains morphine derivative

45. Definition of vegetable drugs in the Pharmacopoeia:

A) plant part used in medicine.

B) plant part containing the highest content of the bioactive/characteristic compound/s.
C) dried part of the medicinal plant.
D) plant part or its preparations described in the paragraphs of the Pharmacopoeia.
E) dried plant part used in medicine.


46. The whole in toto vegetable drugs of mild activity have to be rejected when ...

A it contains any toxic foreign matter (plant parts).

B) it contains foreign matter (plant parts) more than prescribed in the corresponding
paragraph of the pharmacopoeia.
C) it contains any toxic foreign matter (plant parts) which can not be separated.
D) it contains any foreign matter (plant parts).
E) it contains other parts of the plant more than prescribed in the corresponding
paragraph of the pharmacopoeia.

47. A vegetable drug is considered as one of pharmacopoeial quality, when:

A) it meets both the general requirements of the pharmacopoeia and the requirements
of the corresponding paragraph in the pharmacopoeia.
B) it meets the requirements of the corresponding paragraph in the pharmacopoeia.
C) it meets the requirements of the national Standard I.
D) it meets the general requirements of the pharmacopoeia.
E) it meets both the general requirements of the pharmacopoeia and the requirements
of the national Standard I.

48. Which of the following statement is associated with the name of János KABAY?

A) Isolation of morphine.
B) Structure elucidation of morphine.
C) Industrial production of morphinanes from poppy straw.
D) Industrial production of morphinanes from opium.
E) Industrial production of morphinanes from unriped poppy capsules.

49. Which of the following statement is associated with the name of Miklós BÉKÉSSY?

A) Industrial production of essential oils by steam distillation.

B) Industrial production of poppy alkaloids.
C) Cultivation of ergot.
D) Isolation of morphine.
E) Production of ergot alkaloids by fermentation.

50. Whose name of the followings is associated with the discovery of morphine?

A) Caventou
B) Sertürner
C) Stoll
D) Pelletier
E) Scheele


51. Select the method used for the fixed vegetable oil-preparation of pharmacopoeial

A) solvent extraction.
B) expression.
C) cold-expression.
D) steam distillation.
E) expression and solvent extraction.

52. Quality control of medicinal plants is carried out by authority in Hungary:

A) National Pharmaceutical Institute.

B) any institute for quality control.
C) Herbaria (National Medicinal Plant Trading Company).
D) Hungarian Bureau of Standards.
E) Research Institute for Medicinal Plants.

53. Which of the following vegetable drugs has the highest caffeine content?

A) Mate folium
B) Theae folium
C) Guarana
D) Coffeae semen
E) Colae semen

54. Which of the following cannabinoids is narcotic?

A) cannabichromene
B) tetrahydrocannabinol
C) cannabigerol
D) cannabinol
E) cannabidiol

55. Select the vegetable drug which has the highest alkaloid content!

A) Chinae succirubrae cortex

B) Stramonii folium
C) Ipecacuanhae radix
D) Strychni semen
E) Belladonnae radix

56. Which of the following constituents is not present in Aetheroleum chamomillae?

A) chamazulene
B) matricin
C) spatulenol
D) α-Bisabolol
E) en-in-dicycloethers


57. Which of the following constituents is not present in Chamomillae anthodium?

A) chamazulene
B) matricin
C) spatulenol
D) α-Bisabolol
E) en-in-dicycloethers

58. Which of the followings is true for inulin?

A) arabin
B) pectin
C) galaktane
D) mannan
E) fructosane

59. Number of vegetable drugs which are not subject to restriction in Hungary?

A) less than 50
B) between 50 and 100
C) between 100 and 300
D) between 300 and 500
E) more than 500

60. Which of the followings is correct for the molecular mass of tannins?

A) less than 200

B) between 200 and 500
C) between 500 and 1000
D) between 1000 and 3000
E) more than 3000

61. Which of the following vegetable drugs is carminative?

A) Frangulae cortex
B) Centaurii herba
C) Silybi mariani fructus
D) Foeniculi fructus
E) Graminis rhizoma

62. Which of the following vegetable drugs contains ajoene?

A) Valerianae radix
B) Agrimoniae herba
C) Echinaceae radix
D) Ginseng radix
E) Allii sativi bulbus


63. Which of the following plant constituents can be characterized by reversible

complexation with proteins?

A) alkaloids
B) saponins
C) tannins
D) mucilages
E) anthraglycosides

64. Morphine content in Opium is:

A) less than 0.5 %.

B) between 0.5 and 1.0 %.
C) between 1.0 and 5 %.
D) between 5 and 10 %.
E) between 10 and 15 %.

65. Which of the following vegetable drugs contains aucubin?

A) Marrubii herba
B) Agrimoniae herba
C) Valerianae rhizoma and radix
D) Plantaginis folium
E) Cyani flos

66. Which of the following vegetable drugs is in the category of amara aromatica?

A) Absinthii herba
B) Cardui benedicti herba
C) Gentianae radix
D) Trifolii fibrini folium
E) Centaurii herba

67. Hide powder is used in the traditional method of tannin quantitation because ...

A) hide powder gives a colour reaction with tannin.

B) hide powder reacts with polyphenols.
C) hide powder reduces tannins.
D) hide powder oxidizes polyphenols.
E) hide powder reacts with tannins.

68. What type of compound is arbutin used in urological infections?

A) flavonoid glycoside
B) phenolic glycoside
C) furanocoumarin
D) iridoid glycoside
E) gallotannin


69. How can you extract tertiary alkaloids in the form of salts?

A) Extracting with organic solvent like chloroform.

B) Boiling with aqueous ammonia.
C) Extracting with organic solvent containing alkaline solution.
D) Extracting with organic solvent containing acidic solution.
E) Extracting with an acidic aqueous solution.

70. Ginseng saponins are of the ............... series

A) lupane
B) ursane
C) abietane
D) oleanane
E) dammarane

71. Choose the right compound for the following structure:

A) podophyllotoxin
B) taxifolin
C) silybin
D) hyperoside
E) silychrystine


2. Mu lt ip le Cho ic e
The following questions have one or more correct answers. Use the notations given below:

A: Only answer 1 is correct

B: Only answer 3 is correct
C: Only answers 1 and 5 are correct
D: Only answers 2 and 3 are correct
E: Only answers 2 and 4 are correct

72. Choose the drugs which contain alkaloids derived from ornithine.

1) Hellebori rhyzome
2) Henbane leaf
3) Cocae leaf
4) Ribes nigri leaf
5) Valeriana rhyzome

73. Which statements are correct concerning with proazulens?

1) Proazulens show orange spot on TLC by spraying with cc. ammonium hydroxyde.
2) Proazulens give blue colour with EP reagent on heating.
3) Proazulens give red colour on ninhydrine reagent.
4) The proazulens transform into chamazulene by heating with mineral acid.
5) The proazulens give yellow precipitate with resorcinole.

74. The following properties are characteristic for saponins:

1) They give precipitate by shaking with water.

2) They are diterpenes.
3) They cause haemolysis on erythrocytes.
4) They give negative Keller-Kiliani test.
5) They have usually acetic acid in their molecules.

75. Which of the following properties are characteristic for tannins?

1) They give precipitate on alkaloids.

2) They give yellow or bluish-red color on iron-III-chloride.
3) They are 3-phenylbenzopyrane-derivatives.
4) They give pale pink precipitate on iodine.
5) They transform the hide into leather.

76. Choose the antraquinone containing drugs.

1) Betulae folium
2) Graminis rhyzome
3) Rhei rhizome
4) Herniariae herba
5) Rubi ideae folium


77. Galenicals prepared from Cinchona bark are used as .............. .

1) abortive
2) bitter tonic
3) stomachic
4) cough reliever
5) emetic

78. Pilocarpin the alkaloid of Jaborandi folium has.................... .

1) antagonist effect of atropin

2) agonist effect of atropin
3) sedative effect
4) diuretic activity
5) emetic activity

79. Which of the following compounds are C-glycosides:

1) arbutin.
2) vitexin.
3) gentiopicrine.
4) aloin.
5) hypericine.

80. Choose the drugs containing purine derivatives.

1) Capsicum fuictus
2) Pasta guarana
3) Colae semen
4) Podophylum
5) Pyrethri flos

81. Choose the alkaloids derived from tryptophan.

1) ephedrine
2) chinin
3) vinchrystin
4) tomatidenol
5) protoveratrin A

82. The alkaloids of Ipecacuanha root have.....................effect.

1) expectorant
2) pain killer
3) sedative
4) antipyretic
5) amoebicide


83. Opium is used in the medicine as............................... .

1) tranquillant
2) starting material for morphine production
3) pain killer
4) laxative
5) emetic

84. In the typical alkaloids N atom(s) derived from amino acid is/are present:

1) in heterocyclic ring
2) as ammonium cation
3) as substituent of benzene ring
4) as substituent of pyrane ring
5) in their side chain

85. Choose the plant species which are steroid sources for Industry.

1) Licorice species
2) Dioscorea composita
3) Smilax regelii
4) Ipomea purga
5) Hydrastis canadensis

86. Which are the most frequently occurring special sugars present in the cardioactive

1) cymarose
2) apiose
3) xylose
4) fucose
5) digitoxose

87. Choose the drugs which contain no cardioactive compounds.

1) Thornapple leaf
2) Lily of the valley shoot
3) Oleandri folium
4) Foxglove leaf
5) Allii bulb

88. The presence of alkaloid in plant material can be tested by the following reagents:

1) 3,-dinitrobenzoic acid in NaOH (Kedde reagent).

2) Potassium-mercury iodide solution (Mayer reagent).
3) 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazin solution.
4) potassium bismuth iodine solution (Dragendorff reagent).
5) aluminium trichloride in alcohol.


89. The alkaloids are grouped by the origin and position of nitrogen atom(s) as proto-,
typical, and pseudo-alkaloids respectively. Choose the pseudo-alkaloids from the

1) protoveratrine B.
2) pilocarpine.
3) thebaine.
4) ergocornin.
5) capsaicine.

90. Which statements are characteristic for the pentacyclic triterpenes from the followings:

1) They were formed of farnezyl-pyrophosphate.

2) In their structure(s) can be found usually unit(s) derived from loganine.
3) At the carbon atom number 3 of the base structure has rarely oxo and hydroxyl
groups respectively.
4) They have usually low melting point.
5) The pentacyclic triterpenes frequently occur in glycosidic and esther form as well.

91. The alkaloids are present in plants in the form of........................ .

1) mineral salt
2) free basis
3) salt of organic acid
4) lactones of organic acid
5) esther of mineral acid

92. Choose the alkaloids derived from phenylalanine.

1) tubocurarine
2) toxiferin C
3) theophyllin
4) chinidine
5) narcotine

93. Which ones are correct from the following statements concerning with Opium?

1) Opium is the dried latex obtained by incision from unripe capsule of Opium poppy.
2) Opium is the dried juice of the cutting leaves of Opium poppy.
3) Opium is the dried water extract of the shoot of Opium poppy.
4) Opium with good quality has 1.5 % morphine content.
5) Opium is used in the medicine as diuretics and laxative.

94. Choose the right assay for determination of alkaloid content of drugs.

1) azeotropic distillation
2) photometry (in UV and visible light)
3) gravimetry
4) titration in non-aqueous media
5) titration according to Volchard’s method


95. Choose of the following compounds which the Opium contains.

1) chelidonin
2) narceine
3) hypericine
4) narcotine
5) heroin

96. Which are of the following drugs having high ascorbic acid content?

1) Hippopheae fruit
2) Manna
3) Agar
4) Galliae odorati herba
5) Rosa hips

97. Which properties are characteristic for the starches?

1) They can be dissolved in cold water very well.

2) Starches form a jelly on boiling water.
3) Starches give blue or green product on mineral acids.
4) The starches turn the plane of the light polarization.
5) Starches contain amino acids in a large amount.

98. How to protect the drugs against the undesirable postmortal changing?

1) Dry the plant material so quickly as soon as possible.

2) Moistened the plant material with a calculated amount of water and keep it in a
3) The plants are stored at a cold place in covered container.
4) Put the plant material in a hermetically sealed container and kept it at room
5) Stored the plant material in deep freezer at –18 oC.

99. Which is the right reagent for identification of Ergot alkaloids?

1) van Urk
2) Fehling I and II
3) iron-III-chloride
4) phloroglucinol in hydrochloric acid
5) EP test

100. Choose the type of chemical structure of loganin.

1) iridoid
2) labdan type diterpene
3) pseudoguaianolid
4) abietane
5) clerodan


101. What kind of type of compounds can be detected by Mayer’s reagent?

1) sesterterpenes
2) starches
3) alkaloids
4) procyanidines
5) leucoanthocyanidins

102. What are iridoids?

1) Stress compounds characteristic for Lamiaceae family.

2) Sesterterpenes with acrid taste.
3) The iridoids are monoterpenes with cyclopentan-(c)-pyrane structure.
4) Pseudoalkaloids.
5) Iridoids are constituent of balms since they have a pleasant scent.

103. The senna-emodin aglycones and senna-emodin glycosides are ....................derivatives.

1) tetraterpenes
2) monoterpenes with labdane structure
3) anthraquinones
4) pseudoguaianolides
5) iridoids

104. Which are the right reagents for the detection of cardioactive glycosides?

1) Baljet reagent
2) Hirschson reagent
3) Benzidine in alcohol
4) Froehde reagent
5) Kedde reagent

105. ..........................can be detected by Keller-Kiliani test.

1) The aglycon of digitalis glycosides

2) The digitoxose of digitalis glycosides
3) The cymarose from the strophanthus glycosides
4) Strophantidine
5) Digitoxigenin

106. Choose the plants which become valuable by fermentation.

1) Calami rhyzome
2) Gentian root and rhyzome
3) Ratanhia root
4) Theae leaf
5) Lime flower


107. Choose the drugs which can quantify by photometry.

1) Gentian root
2) Cinchona bark
3) Alder Buckthorn
4) Nettle root
5) Coriandri fructus

108. Iridoids are highly oxygenated monoterpenes. They were named .............................

1) after their black degradation products.

2) after their blue color in acidic media.
3) after an ant species Iridomirmex humilis since this type of compounds had been
isolated from them.
4) after their pleasant odor (fragrance) similar to Iris germanica.
5) after an Irish scientists who discovered this type of component.

109. The bitter value shows the .................... of an extract made of 1g drug which has just
bitter taste.

1) largest dilution
2) lowest dilution
3) smallest concentration
4) largest concentration
5) highest trituration

110. Choose the volatile oils having higher density than the water.

1) Aetheroleum menthae piperitae

2) Aetheroleum cinnamomi
3) Aetheroleum synapis synthetica
4) Aetheroleum rosae
5) Aetheroleum rosemarini

111. Choose the right reagent for identify of Ipecacuanha root.

1) EP reagent
2) Froehde reagent
3) 0.01N iodine in alcoholic solution
4) chlorogen with diluted hydrochloric acid
5) Behrens reagent

112. Choose the active compounds of Hops.

1) humulon
2) cnicine
3) loganin
4) picrosalvine
5) lupulon


113. Choose the homopolysaccharide containing drugs.

1) Acacia gum
2) Cotton
3) Potato starch
4) Agar
5) Marsmallow leaf and root

114. Choose of the following volatile oils having higher density than the water.

1) Aetheroleum thymi
2) Aetheroleum caryophylli
3) Aetheroleum lavandulae
4) Aetheroleum cinnamomi
5) Aetheroleum pini pumilionis

115. Which of the following alkaloid bases are liquids?

1) morphine
2) nicotine
3) arecoline
4) scopolamine
5) chinine

116. Select the compounds which are terpenoids!

1) iridoids
2) anthocyanins
3) mucilages
4) tannins
5) carotenoids

117. Which of the following alkaloids are bisindols, characteristic in Catharanthi herba?

1) vincamine
2) vincristine
3) vinblastine
4) catharanthine
5) vindoline

118. Which of the following saccharides are dideoxy hexoses, characteristic in cardiac

1) xilose
2) diginose
3) galactose
4) digitoxose
5) glucose


119. Select the vegetable drugs containing pseudoalkaloids!

1) Chinae succirubrae cortex

2) Veratri rhizoma
3) Solani herba
4) Secale cornutum
5) Ephedrae herba

120. Which of the following vegetable drugs contain sesquiterpene-γ-lactones as bitter


1) Absinthii herba
2) Centaurii herba
3) Marrubii herba
4) Gentianae radix
5) Cardui benedicti herba

121. Select the vegetable drugs containing monoterpene bitter compounds!

1) Absinthii herba
2) Centaurii herba
3) Marrubii herba
4) Gentianae radix
5) Cardui benedicti herba

122. Which of the following vegetable drugs contain proazulenogenes?

1) Chamomillae anthodium
2) Coriandri fructus
3) Menthae piperitae folium
4) Melissae folium
5) Cardui benedicti herba

123. Select those essential oils which contain phenylpropanoids!

1) Aetheroleum coriandri
2) Aetheroleum foeniculi
3) Aetheroleum lavandulae
4) Aetheroleum cinnamomi
5) Aetheroleum chamomillae

124. Which of the following compounds are C-glycosides?

1) aloin
2) rutin
3) hyperoside (Hyperin)
4) lanatoside-C
5) vitexin


125. Which of the following vegetable drugs contain galactans (polysaccharides of the

1) Lana gossypii
2) Agar-agar
3) Cichorii radix
4) Carrageen
5) Gummi arabicum

126. Select the vegetable drugs with significant silicon content.

1) Verbasci flos
2) Pulmonariae herba
3) Equiseti herba
4) Lamii folium
5) Tiliae flos

127. Which of the following reactions are specific for alkaloids?

1) Vitali-reaction
2) Bornträger-reaction
3) Kedde-reaction
4) Liebermann-Burchard-reaction
5) Marquis-reaction

128. Which of the following reactions are specific for cardiac glycosides?

1) Kedde-reaction
2) Murexid-reaction
3) Bornträger-reaction
4) Vitali-reaction
5) Legal-test

129. Which of the following reactions are specific linked to the presence of the

1) Liebermann-Burchard reaction
2) Kedde-reaction
3) Keller-Kiliani-reaction
4) Legal test
5) Xanthidrol-reaction

130. Select the lysine-derived alkaloids from the following list!

1) coniine
2) pilocarpine
3) strychnine
4) tropine
5) pseudopelletierine


131. Select the tryptophan-derived alkaloids from the following list!

1) atropine
2) quinine
3) fcgonine
4) strychnine
5) quinolizidine

132. Which of the following alkaloid-drugs play a significant world-wide role in

pharmaceutical industry?

1) Scopoliae herba
2) Catharanthi herba
3) Secale cornutum
4) Vincae minoris herba
5) Chelidonii herba

133. Which of the following vegetable drugs contain cardenolide-glycosides?

1) Crataegi summitas
2) Hellebori rhizoma
3) Convallariae herba
4) Crataegi fructus
5) Scillae bulbus

134. Which of the following vegetable drugs contain bufadienolide-glycosides?

1) Scillae bulbus
2) Convallariae herba
3) Digitalis lanatae folium
4) Oleandri folium
5) Hellebori rhizoma et radix

135. Which of the following alkaloids are quaternary?

1) berberine
2) bhelidonine
3) vincamine
4) brucine
5) C-toxiferine

136. Select the vegetable drugs with significant rutin (rutoside) content!

1) Fagopyri herba
2) Liquiritiae radix
3) Hyperici herba
4) Aurantii pericarpium
5) Sophorae japonicae flos


137. Which of the following natural compounds are non-steroid antiinflammatory agents?

1) azulene
2) arbutin
3) scopoletin
4) primulic acid
5) aescin (escin)

138. What type of compounds are formed through acid catalysed decomposition of

1) flavanone
2) catechin
3) flavonol
4) anthocyanidine
5) chalkone

139. Which of the followings are characteristic for the alkaloid extractor official in
Pharmacopoeia Hungarica Editio VII.?

1) Both solid/liquid and liquid/liquid extraction take place.

2) Extraction takes place at high temperature.
3) It works with organic solvent heavier than water.
4) It works with organic solvent either heavier or lighter than water.
5) It utilizes the differences in solubility of alkaloid bases and their salts in organic and
wateric phases respectively.

140. Which of the following natural substances serve as starting material in the
semisynthesis of pregnenolone acetate?

1) oleanolic acid
2) diosgenin
3) lanatozide-C
4) phytosterols
5) jervine

141. Which of the following methods are not suitable for the detection of matricin in
Chamomillae anthodium?

1) Extraction followed by UV spectroscopy.

2) High pressure liquid chromatography.
3) IR spectroscopy.
4) Extraction – chromatography.
5) Specific test - tube test.


142. Select those vegetable drugs which contain fructosanes!

1) Cichoriae radix
2) Salep tuber
3) Althaeae radix
4) Saponariae albae radix
5) Graminis rhizoma

143. Which of the following medicinal plants are important for pharmaceutical industry?

1) Equisetum arvense
2) Catharanthus roseus
3) Salvia officinalis
4) Papaver somniferum
5) Digitalis purpurea

144. Which of the following vegetable drugs are important for pharmaceutical industry?

1) Digitalis lanatae folium

2) Digitalis purpureae folium
3) Tiliae flos
4) Rutae herba
5) Sophorae japonicae flos

145. Which of the following vegetable drugs are official in the Hungarian Pharmacopoeia
Editio VII.?

1) Secale cornutum
2) Belladonnae folium
3) Melissae folium
4) Digitalis lanatae folium
5) Digitalis purpureae folium

146. Which of the following vegetable drugs are not official in the Hungarian
Pharmacopoeia Editio VII.?

1) Crataegi summitas
2) Catharanthi herba
3) Digitalis lanatae folium
4) Ratanhiae radix
5) Primulae radix

147. Select those vegetable drugs which are used as amara aromatics!

1) Absinthii herba
2) Gentianae radix
3) Tiliae flos
4) Cynarae folium
5) Calami rhizoma


148. Marshmallow root and deadly nightshade root can be distinguished by microscopy on
the base of:

1) the form of Calcium oxalate crystals.

2) the position and arrangement of Calcium oxalate crystals.
3) the absence or presence of scleroids.
4) the absence or presence of Calcium oxalate crystals.
5) the absence or presence of bands of fibres.

149. Which of the following vegetable drugs contain active compounds used in cardiac

1) Rauwolfiae radix
2) Crataegi summitas
3) Convallariae herba
4) Chinae cortex
5) Vincae minoris herba

150. Select those vegetable drugs which contain laxative agents!

1) Sennae fructus
2) Hyperici herba
3) Urticae radix
4) Equiseti herba
5) Agrimoniae herba

151. Which of the following vegetable drugs contain indole alkaloids?

1) Veratri rhizoma
2) Colchici semen
3) Catharanthi herba
4) Chinae succirubrae cortex
5) Arecae semen

152. Select those vegetable drugs which have sulphur containing active ingredients!

1) Echinaceae radix
2) Tropeoli herba
3) Ginseng radix
4) Allii sativi bulbus
5) Urticae radix

153. Which of the following vegetable drugs have significant vitamin content?

1) Hippopheae pseudofructus et semen

2) Hippocastani semen
3) Sinapis albae semen
4) Centaurii herba
5) Cynosbati pseudofructus


154. Conii fructus can be distinguished from Anisi vulgaris fructus by microscopy on the
base of:

1) Conii fructus has secretion (essential oil) ducts.

2) there are no trichomes on Conii fructus.
3) Anisi vulgaris fructus has no secretion (essential oil) ducts.
4) Conii fructus has no secretion (essential oil) ducts.
5) non of them contain aleurones.

155. Which of the following vegetable drugs contain carvone in the essential oil?

1) Menthae crispae folium

2) Anisi vulgaris fructus
3) Coriandri fructus
4) Menthae piperitae folium
5) Carvi fructus

156. Select the vegetable drugs with significant carotinoide content!

1) Capsici fructus
2) Papaveris rhoeados flos
3) Cyani flos
4) Malvae flos
5) Hippopheae pseudofructus

157. Which of the following reactions serve as possibilities in the detection of quinoline

1) Vitali reaction
2) Thalleiochin reaction
3) Murexid reaction
4) Vogel reaction
5) Keller-Kiliani reaction


3. G roup ing

158. Mark letter A after the tumor inhibiting and letter B after the bitter tonic containing

1) Marrubii herba
2) Catharanthi herba
3) Podophyllum
4) Colocynthidis fructus
5) Calamus
6) Cinchona bark
7) Centaurii herba
8) Absinthii folium

159. Mark letter A after bufadienolides and letter B after cardenolides containing drug.

1) Foxglove leaf
2) Black Hellebore rhyzome
3) Strophanthus seed
4) Digitalis lanata leaf
5) Oleander leaf
6) Squill
7) Lily of the valley

160. Mark letter A after the active principles of Gentian root and letter B after the active
principles of Valerian rhyzome.

1) swertiamarine
2) valerenic acid
3) didrovaltrate
4) amaropanin
5) sweroside
6) gentianose
7) bornyl-isovalerianate
8) amarogentin

161. Mark letter A after the unsaturated and letter B after the saturated fatty acids.

1) myristic acid
2) arachidic acid
3) oleic acid
4) ricinoleic acid
5) linolenic acid
6) palmitic acid


162. Choose the right medical uses of the following drugs:

1) Kamala A. spasmolytic
2) Ipecacuanha root B. anthelminthic
3) Silybum fruit C. anti-inflammatory
4) Rhubarb D. expectorant
5) Chamomile flowers E. laxative
6) Trifolii fibrini folium F. liver protector

163. Choose the right test for the following alkaloids:

1) Vitali A. morphine
2) Murexide B. strychnine
3) Thalleioquin C. ergotoxine
4) van Urk D. quinine
5) Marquis E. caffeine
F. hyoscyne

164. Complete the following sentence:

Opium is ....................(A), which is obtained by incision of the ................(B) Opium

poppy capsula.

(A) (B)

1) latex A. ripe
2) mucilage B. unripe
3) dried extract C. ripe and unripe
4) dried resine D. turned brown in color
5) dried juice E. turned blue in color

165. Choose the right drug for the following compounds:

1) loganine A. Cannabis indicae herba

2) tetrahydro-cannabinol B. Ergot
3) scopoletin C. Strychi semen
4) clavorubine D. Catharanthi herba
5) vinblastin E. Deadly night shade leaf
6) porfiroxine

166. Choose the hydrolisable A and the condensed B tannin containing drugs:

1) Rhatany root
2) Tormentillae rhyzome and radix
3) Cinchona bark
4) Oak bark
5) Galls
6) Rhubarb
7) Catechu
8) Cotini folium


167. Mark letter A after the active principles of Senna leaf and letter B after the active
compounds of Frangulae cortex.

1) tinnevellin
2) frangulin
3) rheum-emodin
4) palmidin C
5) aloë-emodin
6) glycofrangulin
7) sennidin C
8) hypericin

168. Which are the right test for identification of the following drugs?

1) Frangulae cortex A. Murexide

2) Foxglove leaf B. Vitali
3) Ipecacuanha root C. Bornträeger
4) Acacia gum D. Froehde
5) Deadly night shade leaf E. Baljet
F. Benzidine

169. Choose the right skeleton for the following components:

1) bis-benzyl-isoquinoline A. matricine
2) strychnine B. eugenol
3) purine C. tubocurarine
4) phenyl-propane D. toxiferin C
5) guaianolide E. theobromine
6) steran F. thebain
7) morphinan G. loganin
8) iridoid

170. Choose the right components for the following drugs:

1) Chamomile flower A. linamarine

2) Linseed B. amaropanin
3) Aetheroleum eucalypti C. alpha-bisabolol
4) Gentian root D. cineol
5) Balsamum peruvianum E. cinnameine
6) Cod liver oil

171. What are the right test for identification of these drugs:

1) Bate-Smith test A. Acacia

2) phloroglucinol test B. Rosa hips
3) Fehling test C. Howthorn twig
4) benzidine test D. Foxglove leaf
5) Baljet test E. Benzoe siamese
6) EP test F. Matricaria
7) vanilline detection


172. What are the medical uses of the following drugs?

1) Gentian root A. diaphoretic

2) Balsamum peruvianum B. demulcent
3) Marshmallow root C. antiseptic
4) Lime flower D. laxative
5) Linseed E. antipyretic

173. Group these alkaloids by their parent amino acids.

1) papaverine A. tryptophane
2) ephedrine B. lysine
3) vinblastine C. phenyl-alanine
4) emetin D. ornithine
5) hyoscyne E. thyrosine
6) solanidine F. dopa
7) lobeline

174. Group the following drugs by their medical uses:

1) Matricaria flowers A. expectorant

2) Licorice root B. cardiotonic
3) Lily of the valley shoot C. bitter tonic
4) Colophony D. anti-inflammatory
5) Gentian root E. sedative
6) Valerian rhizome

175. Mark letter A after the pentacyclic and letter B after the tetracyclic (steroidal) saponin
containing drugs.

1) Foxglove leaf
2) Ginseng root
3) Quillaia bark
4) Senegae radix
5) Licorice root
6) Sarsaparillae radix

176. Mark letter A after narcotics and letter B after cardioactive drugs.

1) Squill
2) Khat
3) Indian hemp
4) Strophanthus seeds
5) Poppy capsule
6) Coca leaf
7) Lily of the valley leaf
8) Erysimi herba


177. Mark letter A after the sesquiterpene and letter B after the flavonoid type compounds.

1) achilline
2) apiin
3) bisabolol
4) cnicine
5) luteolin
6) xanthotoxine
7) kempferol
8) silydianine

178. Choose the right compound for the following drugs:

1) Cinnamon bark A. lobeline

2) Calami rhizome B. cinchonidine
3) Indian tobacco shooth C. acoron
4) Caraway fruit D. dihydro-carveol
5) Cinchona bark E. linalyl-acetate

179. Which drug is used as stomachic A and which one as expectorant B ?

1) Cardui benedicti herba

2) Cowslip root
3) Hederae herba
4) Trifolii fibrini folium
5) Thyme
6) Centaurii herba
7) Absinthii herba
8) Ipecacuanha root

180. Choose the right structure for the following skeleton:

1) vincamine A. benzyl-isoquinoline
2) hesperetin B. flavanone
3) cinchonidine C. pseudo-guaianolide
4) papaverine D. eburnan
5) farnezol E. rubanol

181. Choose the right compounds for the following drugs:

1) Cannabis indicea herba A. cathinon

2) Psylocybe B. THC
3) Khat C. psylocibine
4) Opium D. lysergic acid
5) Ipomeae semen E. mescaline


182. Mark letter A after the drug with narcotic and letter B after the drug with anticancer

1) Myristicae semen
2) Taxus baccata
3) Ipomeae semen
4) Khat
5) Marihuana
6) Catharanthi herba
7) Podophylli rhyzome

183. Mark letter A after the chemical constituents of Rhubarb and letter B after the chemical
constituents of Aloë.

1) aloezine
2) fiscion
3) palmidine
4) epicatechin-gallate
5) barbaloin
6) senna-emodin
7) tinnevellyn

184. Mark letter A after the alkaloids derived from tryptophane and letter B pseudo-alkaloids
containing drugs.

1) Scopolia leaf
2) Comfrey root
3) Vincae minoris herba
4) Ergot
5) Cinchona bark
6) Veratri rhyzome
7) Solani herba

185. Mark letter A after the drugs having blue color on iron-III-chloride and letter B after the
drugs giving green color on the same reagent.

1) Rhubarb rhyzome
2) Agrimoniae herba
3) Galls
4) Rhatany root
5) Horst chest nut
6) Tormentillae rhyzome
7) Catechu
8) Oak bark


186. Choose the right reagent for the identification of the following drugs:

1) EP A. Rosa hips
2) van Urk B. Acacia gum
3) iron-II-sulphate with sodium-hydrocarbonate C. Capsicum
4) phloroglucinol dissolved in ether D. Yarrow herba
5) benzidine in spirits E. Ergot

187. Mark letter A after the chemical constituents of Garlic and letter B after the chemical
constituents of Onion.

1) alliin
2) allicine
3) diallyl-disulphide
4) ajoen
5) cepaen
6) cwibelane

188. Match the vegetable drugs with their medicinal use.

1) Uvae ursi folium A. antirheumatic

2) Rosmarini folium B. antiseptic
3) Balsamum peruvianum C. antipyretic
4) Spireae herba D. urodisinfecting
5) Equiseti herba

189. Mark letter A after the Ginkgo biloba and letter B after the Arnicae flos constituents.

1) bilobetin
2) helenalin
3) bilobalide
4) amentoflavone
5) miricetin-3-rutoside
6) luteolin-7-glucoside
7) cinarin
8) polyacetylene

190. Match the vegetable drugs with their characteristic constituents.

1) 6-hydroxy-musizine A. clove
2) hypericin B. spearmint
3) gossypol C. cotton plant
4) carvone D. senna
5) α and β pinene E. ipecacuanha
6) eugenol F. Saint John's wort


191. Mark letter A after the unsaturated and letter B after the saturated fatty acids.

1) myristic acid
2) erucic acid
3) stearic acid
4) linoleic acid
5) melissic acid
6) arachidonic acid
7) oleic acid

192. Match the vegetable drugs with their reactions.

1) Mate herba A. Bornträger reaction

2) Scopoliae radix B. Carr-Price reaction
3) Senegae radix C. Vitali reaction
4) Oleum jecoris D. Murexid reaction
5) Foliculi sennae E. Liebermann-Burchard reaction
6) Catechin F. Bensidine (alcoholic) reaction

193. Mark letter A after vegetable drugs from which alkaloids are preferably extracted as
salts and letter B after vegetable drugs from which alkaloids are preferably extracted as

1) Strychni semen
2) Chinae cortex
3) Stramonii folium
4) Ipecacuanhae radix
5) Chelidonii herba
6) Secale cornutum

194. Mark letter A after constituents of Lichen islandicus and letter B after constituents of
Echinaceae radix.

1) protocetraric acid
2) cetraric acid
3) echinolone
4) fumarprotocetraric acid
5) protolichesteric acid
6) echinocoside

195. Match the alkaloids with their precursor amino acids.

1) licapsamine A. phenylalanine
2) chelidonine B. tryptophan
3) reserpine C. glycine
4) caffeine D. lysine
5) sparteine E. ornithine
6) aconitine


196. Match the plant constituents with their structures.

1) vincamine A. purine
2) brucine B. strychnane
3) quinidine C. rubanol
4) theophylline D. eburnan
E. lysergol

197. Match the vegetable drugs with their medicinal use.

1) Lupuli strobuli A. laxative

2) Veratri rhizoma B. antidiabetic
3) Phaseoli legumen C. antihypertensive
4) Anserinae herba D. sedative
5) Tilliae flos E. adstringent

198. Mark letter A after the constituents of Gentianae radix and letter B after the constituents
of Silybi mariani fructus.

1) silydianin
2) amaropanin
3) silychristin
4) swertiamarin
5) silyhermine
6) gentiopicroside
7) amaroswerin
8) sinigrine

199. Match the vegetable drugs with their characteristic constituents.

1) lynalyl acetate A. Petasidis folium

2) bisabolol oxide B. Pyrethri flos
3) arciin C. Bardanae radix
4) senkirkine D. Coriandri fructus
5) cinerine I. E. Chamomillae romanae flos

200. Match the Latin names of plant parts with their English names.

1) bulbus A. branch
2) fructus B. fruit
3) stipes C. top
4) summitas D. bulb
5) tuber E. tuber
6) radix


201. Match the Latin names of plant parts with their English names.

1) radix A. resin
2) resina B. wood
3) bractea C. fruit wall
4) lignum D. root
5) pericarpium E. bract
6) fructus

202. Mark letter A after essential oils produced by steam distillation and letter B after
essential oils produced by expression.

1) Aetheroleum citri
2) Aetheroleum eucalypti
3) Aetheroleum foeniculi
4) Aetheroleum menthae piperitae
5) Aetheroleum cinnamomi

203. Match the vegetable drugs with their medicinal use.

1) rubefacient A. Chamomillae anthodium

2) spasmolytic B. Ipecacuanhae radix
3) laxative C. Hyoscyami folium
4) parasympatholitic D. Sennae folium
5) expectorant E. Capsici fructus

204. Match the plant constituents with their specific reactions.

1) quinine A. Marquis reaction

2) scopolamine B. van Urk reaction
3) ergotamine C. Vitali reaction
4) morphine D. Murexid reaction
5) caffeine

205. Match the plant constituents with their specific reactions.

1) quinine A. Keller-Kiliani reaction

2) lanatoside-C B. Bornträger reaction
3) glucofranguline C. Thalleoichin reaction
4) saponine D. Liebermann-Burchard reaction
5) rutin

206. Match the structures with the plant constituents.

1) hellebrigenine A. purine
2) theophylline B. flavonol
3) quercetin C. tropane
4) scopolamine D. bufadienolide
E. cardenolide


207. Match the plant constituents with the structures.

1) apigenin A. purine
2) protoveratrin B. guaianolide
3) caffeine C. flavone
4) matricin D. cevane
E. rubane

208. Match the plant constituents with the structures.

1) papaverine A. tropane
2) narcotine B. morphinane
3) thebaine C. protopine
4) cryptopine D. benzylisoquinoline
E. ftalideisoquinoline

209. Match the pharmaceutical preparations with the vegetable drugs.

1) Vinblastin inj. A. Digitalis lanatae folium

2) Legalon B. Sennae folium
3) Isolanid C. Catharantri herba
4) Tisasen A+B D. Silybi mariani fructus
5) Ergometrin inj. E. Secale cornutum
6) Rutascorbin

210. Mark number 1 after amides of lysergic acid and number 2 after ergopeptines.

A. ergocristine
B. ergocornine
C. ergotamine
D. ergocryptine
E. ergometrine
F. ergosine

211. Match the plant constituents with their chemical groups.

1) procyanidine B-2 A. flavonoid

2) khelline B. triterpene
3) hyperoside (hyperine) C. γ-chromone
4) oleanolic acid D. flavane
5) scillaren A E. phenylpropane
F. bufadienolide

212. Match the vegetable drugs with their medicinal use.

1) Uvae ursi folium A. laxative

2) Carvi fructus B. immunostimulant
3) Ginseng radix C. carminative
4) Echinaceae radix D. adaptogenic
5) Sennae fructus E. urodisinfecting
6) Gentianae radix


213. Match the alkaloids with their precursor amino acids.

1) caffeine A. histidine
2) brucine B. triptophane
3) colchicines C. phenylalanine
4) scopolamine D. lysine
5) pilocarpine E. ornithin
6) coniine

214. Match the vegetable drugs with their specific reactions.

1) Papaveris fructus A. Murexid reaction

2) Coffeae semen B. Vitali reaction
3) Chinae cortex C. van Urk reaction
4) Secale cornutum D. Thalleiochin reaction
5) Hyoscyami folium E. Marquis reaction
6) Veratri rhizoma

216. Match the structures with their names.

A. flavonol
B. flavone
C. flavanone
D. flavane
E. isoflavone


217. Match the structures with their names.

1) digitoxine

2) lanatoside C

3) purpurea glycoside A

4) digoxine

5) dezacetyl-lanatoside C


4. Re la t ion ana ly s is
Your task is to analyse two sentences. The first is a statement, and the second is an explanation
or a consequence.
You have to decide whether both sentences are true or not, and whether any logical connection
exists between them or not.
Here are five possibilities (A-E) but only one is true.

A. Both the statement and the explanation or consequence are true, and a causal relation
exists between them.
B. Both the statement and the explanation or consequence are true, but there is no logical
relation between them.
C. The statement is true, but the explanation or consequence is false.
D. The statement is false, but the explanation or consequence is true.
E. Both the statement and the explanation or consequence are false.

218. The fats become rancid hardly because fats are triglycerides involving long chain
saturated and the unsaturated acids.

219. The monosaccharides may exist either as a five- or six-members ring, because the
glucose has an aldehyde group while the fructose has a keto group.

220. Dextrose is a sugar usually obtained by the hydrolysis of starch since the starch is built
up from alfa-D-glucopyranose units.

221. The shape of the grain of different starches is characteristic for the plant derived from,
because the starches are secondary metabolites of the plants.

222. The starches can’t be separated completely from the plant material because the starches
are insoluble in cold water.

223. The first name of the plants denotes the genus while the second name denotes the
species because we use the binomial system of Linnaeus.

224. Pharmacognosy may not be defined as an applied science although it deals with the
biologic, biochemical and economic feature of natural drugs and their constituents.

225. Procyanidines consist of trimeric isoflavanon units because the biogenesis of these
compounds take place via geranyl-pyrophosphate route.

226. Anthraquinone derivatives have N atom in their molecule, therefore the anthraquinon
containing drugs are used as expectorant.

227. Kamala is used in veterinary as vermicide since the drug contains tetraterpenes and

228. Quillaia bark is used in the treating of essential hypertension because it contains
ajmalin as chief glycoside.


229. The volatile oil content of the drugs can be determined quickly and correctly by steam
distillation, because the volatile oils distillate by steam.

230. Cassia flask is a very useful tool for assay of cinnamylaldehyde content of Cinnamon
oil, because the Cinnamon oil without eugenol has higher density than the water.

231. The prescriptions of the Pharmacopoeia have to be applied for the examination of drugs
with pharmacopoeial quality, because the drugs with pharmacopoeial quality have to
meet requirements the prescription of Pharmacopoeia in every respect.

232. Volatile oils are the mixture of mono- and sesquiterpenes and phenyl-propane
derivatives and they have pleasant odor so the volatile oils are used for covering up the
unpleasant smells and tastes for this reason.

233. The Myrtilli folium and fructus are used as antidiarrhoeal since the fruit has blackish
blue color and a very pleasant tart taste.

234. The hydrolisable tannins give precipitate with proteins and transform the hide into
leather since the hydrolisable tannins give a blue complex with iron-III-chloride.

235. Ergot contains no water soluble alkaloids therefore the Ergot extract is applied in
migraine treating.

236. Venoruton is a semisynthetic derivative of the routine therefore the Venoruton is used
in treating of gout.

237. The density of Cinnamon oil is higher than the water, if the main constituent the
cinnamyl aldehyde is extracted the density of the volatile oil remains unchanged.

238. The alkaloids of Cinchona bark are so strong basis that they can be quantified by
acidimetry, so the Hungarian Pharmacopoeia Edition VII. prescribes the acidimetry for
assay of alkaloid of Cinchona bark.

239. Podophylli rhyzome contains lignan derivatives therefore the drug is used as

240. The Ergot is the sclerotia of a fungus Claviceps purpurea therefore the drug is stored in
a covered container on a humid place according to the prescription of PH. Hg. VII.

241. The alkaloids are nitrogen free organic compounds which under the vegetation period
attract the noxious insects to the plants.

242. The volatile oils usually have components with unpleasant odor because the volatile
oils occur together with fixed oils.

243. Vegetable drugs containing saponins are used as compresses because saponins are
accumulated in the roots of plants.

244. Vegetable drugs, their decoctions and infusions are used as expectorants because
saponins are desmosides of oleanolic acid and more rarely ursolic acid.


245. Hippophaeae fructus contains citric acid therefore it is used as appetizing in diatetic

246. Starches can be dissolved in diluted methanol by heating because starch consists of
branched α-amylose units.

247. Nitrogen atom of true alkaloids is always part of the side chain, while nitrogen atom of
pseudoalkaloids - derived from amino acids - is part of a hetercyclic ring.

248 Solanaceae leaf contamination in Althaeae folium can be distinguished by chemical

reactions because both vegetable drugs contain alkaloids.

249. Protoalkaloids are not synthetized from amino acids therefore their nitrogen atom is
part of an aliphatic side chain.

250. The true alkaloids as bases are soluble in organic solvents because they are nitrogen
containing heterocyclic compounds synthetised from amino acids.

251. All the alkaloids are synthetized through the nitrogen metabolism because their
precursors are the products of primary metabolism and related to the formation of
nitrogen - heterocyclics.

252. Belladonnae radix contamination in Althaeae radix can not be distinguished by

microscopy because there are calcium oxalate microspheroidal crystals in Belladonnae

253. Conii fructus contamination in Anisi fructus is dangerous because Conii fructus does
not contain essential oil.

254. Adulteration of Tiliae flos with Tiliare argenteae flos can be distinguished by
microscopy because both vegetable drugs contain mucilage.

255. Ornithine is the precursor of scopolamine biosynthesis therefore scopolamine is not a


256. Saponins and sapogenins can be separated by gel chromatography because their
molecular mass are different.

257. The powdered / comminuted vegetable drug contaminated with toxic plant parts has to
be always eliminated because the toxic contamination can not be separated.

258. Oleum ricini of pharmacopoeial quality is prepared by cold expression because this
method is the most economic.

259. Rosmarinic acid is a depside because it has no glycosidic hydroxyl group.

260. Frangulae cortex has to be stored for a year before use because anthranoles are oxidized
to the corresponding anthraquinones during storage and do not cause spasm.


261. Scopolamine is a true alkaloid because the precursor amino acid in scopolamine
biosynthesis is phenylalanine.

262. The ricine toxalbumine is only dissolved in cold oil therefore Oleum ricini is prepared
by cold expression.

263. Solanaceae leaf contamination in Althaeae folium can not be distinguished by chemical
reactions because both vegetable drugs contain alkaloids.

264. Morphine can be separated from the associate alkaloids in alcaline medium (pH 9-9.5)
because the associate alkaloids are dissolved as phenolates.

265. Hungarian Pharmacopoeia Editio VII. does not control Sambucus ebulus L. (dwarf
elder) adulteration in Sambucus niger L. because Sambucus ebulus L. is a toxic plant.

266. Atropine and cocaine can not be distinguished by Vitali reaction because both alkaloids
have ecgonine skeleton.

267. Atropine and scopolamine can not be distinguished by Vitali reaction because both
alkaloids have tropic acid in their structure.


5. An s we r k ey s
1.A 19.D 37.A 55.A
2.A 20.D 38.C 56.B
3.A 21.C 39.A 57.A
4.C 22.B 40.A 58.E
5.D 23.A 41.C 59.C
6.C 24.E 42.B 60.D
7.C 25.D 43.D 61.D
8.D 26.C 44.D 62.E
9.C 27.C 45.D 63.C
10.C 28.D 46.C 64.E
11.E 29.C 47.A 65.D
12.D 30.D 48.C 66.A
13.D 31.D 49.C 67.E
14.B 32.D 50.B 68.B
15.B 33.B 51.C 69.E
16.C 34.E 52.E 70.E
17.B 35.A 53.B 71.C
18.C 36.B 54.B

72.D 94.E 116.C 138.E

73.E 95.E 117.D 139.C
74.B 96.C 118.E 140.E
75.C 97.E 119.D 141.A
76.B 98.C 120.C 142.C
77.D 99.A 121.E 143.E
78.A 100.A 122.A 144.C
79.E 101.B 123.E 145.D
80.D 102.B 124.C 146.D
81.D 103.B 125.E 147.C
82.C 104.C 126.D 148.C
83.D 105.D 127.C 149.D
84.A 106.E 128.C 150.A
85.D 107.D 129.E 151.B
86.C 108.B 130.C 152.E
87.C 109.A 131.E 153.C
88.E 110.D 132.D 154.E
89.A 111.E 133.B 155.C
90.C 112.C 134.C 156.C
91.D 113.D 135.C 157.E
92.C 114.E 136.C
93.A 115.D 137.A

158.1.B 159.2.A 160.4.A 161.5.A

158.2.A 159.3.B 160.5.A 161.6.B
158.3.A 159.4.B 160.6.A 162.1.B
158.4.A 159.5.B 160.7.B 162.2.D
158.5.B 159.6.A 160.8.A 162.3.F
158.6.B 159.7.B 161.1.B 162.4.E
158.7.B 160.1.A 161.2.B 162.5.C
158.8.B 160.2.B 161.3.A 162.6. Ø
159.1.B 160.3.B 161.4.A 162. Ø.A

163.1.F 173.1.E 182.3.A 191.6.A
163.2.E 173.2.C 182.4.A 191.7.A
163.3.D 173.3.A 182.5.A 192.1.D
163.4.C 173.4.F 182.6.B 192.2.C
163.5.A 173.5.D 182.7.B 192.3.E
163. Ø.6 173.6. Ø 183.1.B 192.4.B
163. Ø B 173.7.B 183.2.A 192.5.A
164.1.A 174.1.D 183.3.A 192.6. Ø
164.B.B 174.2.A 183.4.A 192.F. Ø
165.1.C 174.3.B 183.5.B 193.1.B
165.2.A 174.4. Ø 183.6.B 193.2.A
165.3.E 174.5.C 183.7. Ø 193.3.A
165.4.B 174.6.E 184.1. Ø 193.4.B
165.5.D 175.1.B 184.2. Ø 193.5.A
165.6. Ø 175.2.B 184.3.A 193.6.A
166.1.B 175.3.A 184.4.A 194.1.A
166.2.B 175.4.A 184.5.A 194.2.A
166.3.B 175.5.A 184.6.B 194.3.B
166.4.A 175.6.B 184.7.B 194.4.A
166.5.A 176.1.B 185.1.A 194.5.A
166.6.A 176.2.A 185.2.B 194.6.B
166.7.B 176.3.A 185.3.A 195.1.E
166.8.A 176.4.B 185.4.B 195.2.A
167.1.A 176.5.A 185.5.B 195.3.B
167.2.B 176.6.A 185.6.B 195.4.C
167.3.B 176.7.B 185.7.B 195.5.D
167.4.A 176.8.B 185.8.A 195.6. Ø
167.5.A 177.1.A 186.1.D 196.1.D
167.6.B 177.2.B 186.2.E 196.2.B
167.7.A 177.3.A 186.3.A 196.3.C
167.8. Ø 177.4.A 186.4. Ø 196.4.A
168.1.C 177.5.B 186.5.B 196. Ø.E
168.2.E 177.6.B 186. Ø.C 197.1.D
168.3.D 177.7.B 187.1.A 197.2.C
168.4.F 177.8.B 187.2.A 197.3.B
168.5.B 178.1. Ø 187.3.A 197.4.E
168. Ø.A 178.2.C 187.4.A 197.5. Ø
169.1.C 178.3.A 187.5.B 197. Ø.E
169.2.D 178.4.D 187.6.B 198.1.B
169.3.E 178.5.B 188.1.D 198.2.A
169.4.B 178. Ø.E 188.2.A 198.3.B
169.5.A 179.1.A 188.3.B 198.4.A
169.6. Ø 179.2.B 188.4.C 198.5.B
169.7.F 179.3.B 188.5. Ø 198.6.A
169.8.G 179.4.A 189.1.A 198.7.A
170.1.C 179.5.B 189.2.B 198.8. Ø
170.2.A 179.6.A 189.3.A 199.1.D
170.3.D 179.7.A 189.4.A 199.3.C
170.4.B 179.8.B 189.5.A 199.4.A
170.5.E 180.1.D 189.6.B 199.5.B
170.6. Ø 180.2.B 189.7.B 199.2. Ø
171.1.C 180.3.E 189.8.B 199. Ø.E
171.2.E 180.4.A 190.1.D 200.1.D
171.3.B 180.5. Ø 190.2.F 200.2.B
171.4.A 180. Ø.C 190.3.C 200.3.C
171.5.D 181.1.B 190.4.B 200.4.A
171.6.F 181.2.C 190.6.A 200.5.A
172.2.C 181.3.A 190. Ø.E 200.6. Ø
172.3.B 181.4. Ø 191.1.B 201.1.D
172.4.A 181.5.D 191.2.A 201.2.A
172.5.D 181. Ø.E 191.3.B 201.3.E
172. Ø.E 182.1.A 191.4.A 201.4.B
172.1. Ø 182.2.B 191.5.B 201.5.C

201.6. Ø 206.1.D 210.2.B 213.5.A
202.1.B 206.2.A 210.2.C 213.6.D
202.2.A 206.3.B 210.2.D 214.1.E
202.3.A 206.4.C 210.1.E 214.2.A
202.4.A 206. Ø.E 210.2.F 214.3.D
202.5.A 207.1.C 211.1.D 214.4.C
203.1.E 207.2.D 211.2.C 214.5.B
203.2.A 207.3.A 211.3.A 214.6. Ø
203.3.D 207.4.B 211.4.B 216.1.B
203.4.C 207. Ø.E 211.5.F 216.2.A
203.5.B 208.1.D 211. Ø.E 216.3.D
204.1. Ø 208.2.E 212.1.E 216.4.C
204.2.C 208.3.B 212.2.C 216.5.E
204.3.B 208.4.C 212.3.D 217.1.E
204.4.A 209.1.C 212.4.B 217.2.C
204.5.D 209.2.D 212.5.A 217.3.A
205.1.C 209.3.A 212.6. Ø 217.4.B
205.2.A 209.4.B 213.1. Ø 217.5.D
205.3.B 209.5.E 213.2.B
205.4.D 209.6. Ø 213.3.C
205.5. Ø 210.2.A 213.4.E

218.D 231.A 244.B 257.A

219.B 232.A 245.E 258.C
220.A 233.B 246.E 259.B
221.C 234.B 247.E 260.A
222.D 235.D 248.C 261.C
223.A 236.C 249.D 262.D
224.D 237.C 250.B 263.E
225.E 238.C 251.A 264.C
226.E 239.C 252.D 265.D
227.C 240.C 253.B 266.C
228.E 241.E 254.B 267.A
229.A 242.E 255.A
230.C 243.D 256.A


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