Bring Mann
Bring Mann
Bring Mann
The atroposelective synthesis of axially chiral biaryls via configurationally unstable, lactone-bridged biaryls is reviewed. These key
molecules are easily accessible by regioselective intramolecular cross-coupling of ester-linked, even sterically hindered aromatic
portions and can be cleaved highly atropo-enantio- or -diastereoselectively by three principal options, either (a) by using a wide
range of chiral metalated nucleophiles (usually with external asymmetric induction), (b) after Lewis acid activation of the lactone
C /O function using uncharged chiral or achiral nucleophiles, or (c) with internal asymmetric induction, using the stereoelement of
planar chirality originating from h6-coordination (typically involving Cr or Ru complexes). The resulting ring-opened
configurationally stable biaryls are obtained in mostly excellent chemical and optical yields. By the choice of the respective
enantiomer of the nucleophile, the method allows the atropo-divergent synthesis of both atropisomers from the same immediate
biaryl precursor and, if required, a recycling of the undesired minor atropisomer is possible, too. Such advantages are otherwise
well-known for the stereoselective preparation of centrochiral compounds.
# 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Biaryls; Stereoselective synthesis; Atropisomers; Axial chirality; Ring opening; Dynamic kinetic resolution
0022-328X/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 2 2 - 3 2 8 X ( 0 2 ) 0 1 8 0 4 - 1
32 G. Bringmann et al. / Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 661 (2002) 31 /47
Fig. 1. Structures of the synthetic auxiliary BINAP (1) and the naturally occurring antibiotic vancomycin (2).
The obvious need for efficient procedures that permit that they have to perform two difficult tasks simulta-
the atroposelective construction of axially chiral biaryls, neously: The C /C-bond formation to create the axis
led us to face this challenging problem and to focus on and the introduction of the chiral information. Our idea
the development of a method that fulfills the following was to solve these two problems consecutively, i.e. to
demands: it should provide high chemical and optical achieve a non-stereoselective, but chemically highly
yields and should be broadly applicable, i.a. to the efficient (since intramolecular) coupling reaction leading
regioselective cross coupling even of sterically severely to a stereochemically not yet fixed biaryl, which would
hindered biaryl fragments; it should tolerate virtually subsequently be converted into the axially chiral target
any substitution pattern in the starting materials and molecule of any configuration. The possibility to reverse
should be compatible with usual functional groups. this process would permit the re-use of undesired
Furthermore, it should include the principle of atropo- atropisomers. To reach such a stereochemically unde-
divergence, i.e. the directed preparation of both atropi- fined intermediate, the two aryl moieties had to be
somers from the same immediate precursor, and should forced to lie ‘in plane’, or */at least */to adopt a slightly
provide the option for a recycling of undesired stereo-
distorted and thus chiral arrangement, yet with a low
isomeric by-products possibly likewise formed. With the
isomerization barrier (see below), which can be achieved
‘lactone concept ’ presented in this paper, we have tried
by connecting them by a short bridge. Thus, in contrast
to meet all these requirements [10 /12]. Selected exam-
to many known methods (cp. Fig. 2), our strategy [10]
ples of applications of the strategy in the atroposelective
does not use the bridge as a chiral auxiliary in the
synthesis of axially chiral biaryl auxiliaries and concrete
naturally occurring target molecules will be reviewed in coupling step, but*/besides bringing the coupling
the following article [13]. partners close together */rather as a tool that prevents
the formation of a configurationally stable axis. This
concept was realized as outlined in Scheme 1, with
benzonaphthopyranones of type 11 [14] as the key
2. The basic principle of the ‘lactone concept’ intermediates.
In esters of type 10, easily synthesized from simple
A major problem of most of the known techniques for aromatic compounds like 8 and 9, the two biarylic
the stereoselective biaryl coupling results from the fact portions are prefixed at a short distance to each other */
Fig. 2. A brief selection of methods for the stereoselective construction of axially chiral biaryls [6,7,9].
G. Bringmann et al. / Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 661 (2002) 31 /47 33
an ideal precondition for the following intramolecular helically distorted */severely for R /t Bu and also for
biaryl coupling step (100/11), which proceeds with a R /Me, but even for R /H (Fig. 4).
reliable regioselectivity with respect to the bromine and The optional preparation of either the M - or the P -
the ortho -positions of the phenolic part. Using configured ring opening product from the same lactone
Pd(OAc)2 or, even better, the more temperature-stable can thus only be brought into line with their configura-
palladacycle 13 [15] as catalyst, the desired lactones 11 tional instability. Again in agreement with quantum
are obtained in good to excellent yields (Fig. 3) [16,17]. chemical calculations [18,22], the halflife of this process
In this way, a set of useful, structurally diverse biaryl was determined experimentally by racemization of
lactones 11a/f has been prepared, equipped with steric enantiomerically enriched samples or by DNMR experi-
hindrance at the biaryl axis which ranges from low (11a: ments on derivatives equipped with ethyl or isopropyl
R /H) to very high (11f: R /t Bu). Subsequent cleavage groups as stereochemical probes (Scheme 2) [23]. For
of the lactone function can be performed stereoselec- small substituents R ortho to the axis like H or OMe,
tively, leading to the now axially chiral target biaryls 12. and even for R /Me, the interconversion occurs very
These possess a hydroxy group and a C1-unit next to the rapidly at room temperature (t1/2 B/1 s). The process
axis */a useful structural array found in many naturally slows down with increasing size of R (e.g. R /Et: t1/2 /
occurring axially chiral biaryls [4,10,13], which is, if ca. 1 min, i Pr: t1/2 /ca. 30 min) and is eventually
required, also open for further transformations. (almost) frozen for R /t Bu (t1/2 /2 day). From these
findings, the ring opening of 11 must follow the
principle of a dynamic kinetic resolution, by which the
enantiomer that gets consumed more rapidly, is con-
3. Structure and dynamics of the biaryl lactones stantly provided from the less reactive one, by the fast
equilibrium (M)-11X/(P )-11, while the configuration-
Among the two key steps of the procedure, the C /C- ally stable lactone 11f (R /t Bu) is an excellent substrate
bond formation through intramolecular biaryl coupling for ‘normal’ (i.e. non-dynamic) kinetic resolutions (see
and the ring cleavage reaction, the latter was found to be Section 7.2).
the stereochemically decisive one, since it is usually this
step that establishes the ultimate configuration at the
axis. The simplest explanation for this atropo-diver- 4. Different options for the metal-assisted ring opening of
gence in the ring opening reaction would be that the the lactones
lactones are flat and thus achiral, and that the chiral ring
cleavage reagent, with transient pyramidalization of the For the cleavage of the configurationally unstable
lactone carbonyl function, opens the ring with a defined biaryl lactones (9), with external or internal asymmetric
‘twisting’ at the previously planar-substituted axis. This, induction, three fundamentally different strategies have
however, cannot be the case, because quantum chemical been elaborated (Fig. 5).
calculations [18,19] as well as experimental investiga-
tions like X-ray structure analyses [17,20,21] and NMR 4.1. Method I
[23] clearly show that all of the lactones of type 11 are
Using chiral anionic nucleophiles like metalated
amines, alcohols, hydride transfer reagents etc. for the
cleavage of the lactone bridge of 11; this method
provides the most direct approach to axially chiral
biaryls (see Section 5).
4.2. Method II
Fig. 3. Yields of the PdII-catalyzed coupling 100/11 and structure of By Lewis acid activation of the lactone function of 11,
the binary Pd-catalyst 13 [15]. allowing to perform the ring opening even with un-
Fig. 4. Crystal structures (X-ray) of the helically distorted biaryl lactones 11.
34 G. Bringmann et al. / Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 661 (2002) 31 /47
Fig. 5. Three principal options for the metal-assisted ring opening of the biaryl lactones 11.
G. Bringmann et al. / Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 661 (2002) 31 /47 35
The ring cleavage of 11 with chiral O -nucleophiles in ether (Scheme 5, right table) [27]: Not only did the
leads to configurationally stable esters, which are ring opening in this case proceed with a higher degree of
versatile precursors for the construction of functiona- stereo-differentiation, reaching, dr’s of up to 94:6, but it
lized axially chiral biaryls since they offer manifold also provided an inverse asymmetric induction to give
possibilities for further transformations. Moderate to (P ,R )-21b [and (M ,R )-21c] as the major diastereomers!
good asymmetric inductions were achieved in the This is one of the rare cases in which both stereoisomers
alcoholysis of 11b, c, using the alkali menthoxides (R )- can be prepared from a single precursor and with the
20 (Scheme 5, left table) [27]. In this case, the depen- same reagent (even with the same enantiomer) */just by
dence of the diastereomeric ratio on the counter ion was slightly changing the reaction conditions (here: solution
opposite to that observed for the N -nucleophiles (cf. vs. suspension).
Section 5.1), the highest dr of 14:86 being obtained with The best stereocontrol with O -nucleophiles was
the more covalently N -bonded Li as the activating achieved with sodium (R )-8-phenylmenthoxide [Na /
metal ion. (R )/22], in which, compared with sodium (R )-menth-
An unexpected result was achieved if sodium menth- oxide [Na /(R )/20], the isopropyl substituent is replaced
oxide [Na /(R ) /20] was not used in solution, but in by the more bulky dimethylphenyl group (Scheme 6).
suspension as formed by deprotonation of (R )-menthol Alcoholysis of 11 with Na /(R ) /22 gave exclusively the
biaryl ester (M ,R )-23c in 95% yield, the other atropo-
diastereomer not being detectable [27].
A first successful approach to a directly enantioselec-
tive variant of the method was achieved with Seebach’s
(i PrO)2Ti-TADDOLate (24) [28], which serves both as a
chiral Lewis acid and as the O -nucleophile (Scheme 7).
Treatment of 11c with 24 delivered the ester (P )-25c [29],
albeit as yet with a moderate er of 79:21 [30].
Scheme 4. Amidolyses of 11c with the arylethylamides (S )-16 and (S )- Scheme 6. Ring opening of 11c with sodium (R )-8-phenylmenthoxide
17. [(R )-22].
36 G. Bringmann et al. / Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 661 (2002) 31 /47
Scheme 8. Cleavage of 11c with lithiated (S )-26 as a chiral S - Scheme 10. Reduction of 11 with BINAL-H [(M )-32] and with the
nucleophile. CBS-reagent (S )-34.
G. Bringmann et al. / Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 661 (2002) 31 /47 37
with diminished carbonyl reactivities as compared with enantiomers of 34 are commercially available, both
ketones (for which the CBS-system has originally been atropo-enantiomers of 33c can be prepared from 11c
developed), usually three equivalents of (S )-34 are used. atropo-divergently just by using (R )-34 [leading to (P )-
Still, with only slightly smaller asymmetric inductions 33c] or, optionally, (S )-34 [leading to (M )-33c]. The
also reductions of 11c with borane/THF in the presence small amount of nearly racemic alcohol rac -33c as
of 10 mol% (S )-34 are possible, leading to (M )-33c with recovered from the mother liquor after crystallization,
an er of 94:6 */a truly catalytic atropo-enantioselective can be re-used by re-oxidation and recyclization back to
biaryl synthesis [37]. In each case, the biaryl alcohol was the lactone 11c and renewed ring cleavage, following the
obtained in enantiopure form by a single crystallization principle of chiral economy [39]. These two advantages
step. are quite generally applicable to all the biaryls resulting
from the ring opening reactions of 11 and related
lactones (see Section 5).
Scheme 16. The proposed mechanistic course of the lactone cleavage; for reason of simplicity, metalated species drawn in a purely anionic form.
8. The stereochemical course of the ring opening reaction atropo-diastereomer (P ,R )-40! If both (M ,R )-40 and
(P ,R )-40 open with equal rates, any stereochemical
An intriguing question is where the high asymmetric information initially achieved will be lost and 41 will
inductions obtained by the lactone method come from, be formed as a racemic mixture. Furthermore, if the
i.e. what the stereochemical principle is. The fast product initially formed, e.g. (M)-41, cyclizes back, both
equilibrium between the two lactone enantiomers (M )- to (M ,R )-40 and (M ,S )-40, again a complete loss of the
11 X/(P )-11 (see Section 3) forms the basis for the ring stereochemical input might result via the whole ‘outer
cleavage reaction to proceed according to the principle circle’ (M )-41X/(M ,R )-40 X/(P ,R )-40 X/(P )-41X/
of a dynamic kinetic resolution (Scheme 16). In princi- (P ,S )-40 X/(M ,S )-40X/(M)-41. So, the decisive ques-
ple, each helimer of 11, (M )-11 and (P )-11, can be tion is: Under which conditions or with which type of
attacked in an equatorial or axial fashion, but quantum nucleophile does which pathway prevail?
chemical calculations indicate the latter mode of In the ring cleavage of 11 with metalated O - and N -
approach to be preferred leading to (M,R )-40 and nucleophiles, the intermediates 40 are the (likewise
(P ,S )-40, respectively, [22,53]. A chiral nucleophile deprotonated and metalated) ortho-esters, which indeed
that can differentiate between the atropo-enantiomers will rapidly (and largely irreversibly) burst open, due to
(M )-11 and (P )-11 will thus ideally give only one of the the electron push of the exocyclic heteroatoms. This
four possible intermediates, e.g. only (M ,R )-40, which, process may be further accelerated by the presence of
if it opens immediately, will deliver the target biaryl bulky substituents ortho to the axis as an additional
(M )-41, exclusively. By this way, given the rapid driving force. Thus, in the case of O - and N -nucleo-
interconversion (M )-11 X/(P )-11, the entire racemic philes, an intermediate of type 40, once formed in the
starting material can be converted into a single, stereo- attack on lactone 11, should spontaneously open, with-
chemically uniform product. out any significant isomerization at the biaryl axis, so
This reaction pathway, however, bears the inherent that in this case a direct pathway, e.g. (M )-11 0/(M ,R )-
risk of ‘stereochemical leakage’ [40,42] at the level of 40 0/(M )-41, is pursued without major risk of stereo-
intermediates 40, viz if (M,R )-40 has a sufficient life chemical leakage. Once achieved, high levels of asym-
time or if it gets steadily rebuilt via an equilibrium with metric induction resulting from the initial attack on the
the product (M )-41. As a bridged biaryl, (M,R )-40 lactone 11 will be transmitted to the product. Due to the
might, similar to the lactones 11, helimerize to give its comparably low chemical reactivity of the resulting ester
40 G. Bringmann et al. / Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 661 (2002) 31 /47
and (in particular) of the amide function, the product 35. These protonated analogs of 41 (Nu /H), however,
will not cyclize back and will thus be configurationally gave high asymmetric inductions only for the less
stable. sterically hindered derivative 35a (R /H) (cf. Section
This direct, simple pathway may, however, no longer 7.1), thus indicating that for sterically more hindered
apply if the lactones 11 are cleaved with C - or H - lactones 11 (e.g. with R /OMe, Me) it is the initial
nucleophiles. That is, the initially resulting, far more attack on 11 that establishes the ultimate configuration
reactive intermediate ketone or aldehyde phenolates 41 at the biaryl axis (Section 8.1).
(Nu /H or alkyl) can easily atropisomerize ‘chemically’,
via the lactolates 40 [40,41,53,54] and, thus, may ‘fall’
into the stereochemical leakage. The consequence is that 9. Ring opening of biaryl lactones activated by Lewis
any asymmetric information introduced in the primary acids (method II)
attack on 11 gets lost, which is indeed observed in the
ring cleavage of 11c with the chiral C -nucleophile (R )-28
(cf. Section 5.4). This configurational instability of the 9.1. Lactones modified by a chiral rhenium complex
hydroxy aldehydes 35 can in turn be utilized by their fragment
atropo-enantioselective reduction with dynamic kinetic
resolution (cf. Section 7.1). An alternative approach that does not have to rely on
In contrast to the chiral C -nucleophiles, reductive an activation of the nucleophile is the activation of the
cleavage reactions on the lactones 11 deliver excellent lactones 11 themselves, by coordination of a Lewis-
levels of asymmetric induction. Initial attack on 11 acidic transition metal, which in addition can serve as
probably occurs highly stereoselectively as proven at the chiral auxiliary for the ring opening step.
least for the (non-dynamic) kinetic resolution of lactone First experiments in this direction were performed
11f, and as also seen from the configurationally stable with lactone 11c, complexed with the chiral rhenium
hydroxy aldehyde 35f obtained in high optical yield (see fragment Re*Cp(NO)(PPh3) [55] (Scheme 17) [56].
Section 7.2). For the subsequent steps, however, two Reduction of 43c with the achiral hydride K-Selectride
completely different mechanistic explanations are ima- (KsBu3BH) delivered the lactolate 44c, which was ring-
ginable, depending on the degree of steric hinderance opened with CaO to give the aldehyde 45c, yet in a
ortho to the axis: moderate diastereomeric ratio of 75:25. In contrast to
the configurationally unstable free hydroxy aldehydes
8.1. Route a (35) (see Sections 7.1 and 7.2), this metal-‘protected’
derivative was sufficiently configurationally stable such
The lactolate stereoselectively formed, e.g. (M,R )-40 that the reduced and decomplexed alcohol (M)-33c
(Nu /H), immediately bursts open to give the aldehyde could be obtained without considerable loss of atropi-
phenolate (M )-41, which is trapped at once by a rapid someric purity.
second hydride shift. Thus, the asymmetric information
introduced in the first attack on the lactone 11 is fully 9.2. Atropo-diastereoselctive ring opening of chiral
conserved in the resulting configurationally stable thionolactone /ruthenium complexes
diolate (M )-42, without isomerization at the level of
the intermediate species (M ,R )-40 and (M )-41, thus Better results were obtained with the respective
circumventing stereochemical leakage. ruthenium thionolactones of type 46 (Scheme 18) [57],
8.2. Route b
Scheme 18. Synthesis and atropo-diastereomeric equilibrium ratios of the biaryl-thionolactone complexes 50, and, exemplarily for 50c, crystal
structure (hydrogen atoms and the BF4 anion omitted for reason of clarity).
activated and chirally modified by the coordinatively of 48c is perfectly shielded from the si -side by one of the
unsaturated complex fragment {CpRu[(S,S )- phenyl groups of the (S ,S )-CHIRAPHOS ligand. It is
CHIRAPHOS)]} [(S ,S )-CHIRAPHOS /(2S,3S )- thus tempting to hope that nucleophiles will add from
bis(diphenylphosphino)butane)] [58,59]. The key com- the re -side with high diastereoselectivities, provided that
pounds 48a /f were synthesized in excellent yields from the structure in solution resembles that in the solid state.
the highly reactive thiophene complex 47a [60] and the An important clue to that comes from the observation
thionolactones 46a /f (Scheme 18), which in turn had of two fairly different 3J (P,C) couplings of the C /S
been obtained from the corresponding ‘standard’ lac- group for the two diastereomeric forms of 48b /f,
tones 11 by treatment with Lawesson’s reagent. indicating that the two dihedral angles C /S /Ru /P
As in the corresponding oxolactones 11, the biaryl remain unequal in solution, too. Furthermore, the M -
axis is configurationally unstable in the ruthenium diastereomer must have a similar structure with a near-
complexes 48a/f, and again, the diastereomerization coplanar arrangement of C, S, Ru, and P. This can be
rate (M )-48 X/(P )-48 depends strongly on the size of the deduced unequivocally from the fact that in the room
substituent R next to the axis (see also Section 3) [57]. temperature NMR spectra of 48a and 48b the 13C signal
The borderline cases are marked by 48a (R/H), which, of the thionolactone group still appears as a doublet of
even at 210 K, exists as a mixture of rapidly equilibrat- doublets with two unequal couplings. If the inversion of
ing atropo-diastereomers, and 48c/f (R /Me, Et, i Pr, the biaryl axis was accompanied by a rotation of the
Bu), whose 31P-NMR spectra up to 380 K exhibit two Ru /S bond such as to expose the si -side for nucleophilic
separate sets of signals for the two rotational diaster- attack, then the two couplings 3J(P,C) of the diaster-
eomers. Biaryl (48b) (R /OMe) shows two sets of eomers should become equal and make the signal at d/
signals at 210 K in a 55:45 ratio, which coalesce at 263 200 appear as a triplet. The conclusion then is that for
K (DG " /11 kcal mol 1). 1H-NMR spectra of 48c and both diastereomers of the thionolactone complexes 48a/
48d, if recorded immediately after dissolution at 253 K, f, re-addition should be strongly favored over a si-
gave distinctly higher diastereomeric ratios, which, attack.
however, decreased within a short time indicating that The stereochemical outcome of the reduction of 48a /f
the atropo-diastereomerization process has a halflife in with lithium triethylborohydride to give the thiolacto-
the range of a few minutes at this temperature. Never- late complexes 49a/f (Scheme 19) was found in perfect
theless, the influence of the stereogenic centers at the agreement with these assumptions. At room tempera-
metal on the atropisomeric ratio in the thermodynamic ture, compounds 49a /f are present as mixtures of two
equilibrium was relatively small. (49a, b) or four (49c /f) diastereomers. The 31P-NMR
An X-ray structure determination of complex 48c spectrum of 49b consists of two broad signals, which
shows that the biarylic thionolactone ligand preferen- upon cooling to 270 K decoalesce into two AX spin
tially adopts the P -configuration in the solid state (vide systems due to a slowed atropisomerization at the biaryl
supra, Scheme 18) [57]. The thiolactone carbonyl atom axis. The X-ray structure determination of the major
42 G. Bringmann et al. / Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 661 (2002) 31 /47
10. Ring opening of h6-complexed planar /chiral biaryl
lactones (Method III) (Section 4.3)
As an alternative to the sequence described above, h6-Complexation of 11b with Cp* /ruthenium, how-
also an achiral ruthenium fragment in combination with ever, led to 64b, with the sterically more demanding
a chiral hydride source can be used. This has been most metal fragment now located on the distal naphthalene
successfully exemplified in the atropo-enantioselective (Scheme 25) [65], i.e. on the sterically better accessible,
yet less electron-rich ring as compared with the phenolic
reduction of the dppe-complex 61c [60] with (M )-
part (which, in turn, had been the site of coordination in
BINAL-H [(M)-32] (Scheme 23). After decomplexation,
the case of the less bulky Cr(CO)3 fragment; vide supra).
the thioether (M )-54c was obtained in almost quantitive
By contrast to the Cr(CO)3 complex 62c, in which the
yield and with an excellent enantiomeric ratio of 92:8
two atropisomers exo -62c X/endo -62c are nearly equally
[62], showing that further investigations along this [(56:44), see above] populated, the corresponding equili-
approach are highly rewarding for the future. brium in the RuCp* complex 64b is entirely pushed
towards the sterically less constrained atropo-diastereo-
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