Answers To Problem Sets: Est. Time: 01-05

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Chapter 03 - Valuing Bonds

Valuing Bonds

Answers to Problem Sets

1. a. Does not change. The coupon rate is set at time of issuance.

b. Price falls. Market yields and prices are inversely related.

c. Yield rises. Market yields and prices are inversely related.

Est. Time: 01-05

2. a. If the coupon rate is higher than the yield, then investors must be
expecting a decline in the capital value of the bond over its remaining life.
Thus, the bond’s price must be greater than its face value.

b. Conversely, if the yield is greater than the coupon, the price will be below
face value and it will rise over the remaining life of the bond.

Est. Time: 01-05

3. The yield over six months is 2.7/2 = 1.35%.

The six-month coupon payment is $6.25/2 = $3.125.

There are 18 years between today (2012) and 2030; since coupon payments are
listed every six months, there will be 36 payment periods.

Therefore, PV = $3.125 / 1.0135 + $3.125 / (1.0135) 2 + . . . $103.125 / (1.0135)36 =


Est. Time: 01-05

4. Yields to maturity are about 4.3% for the 2% coupon, 4.2% for the 4% coupon,
and 3.9% for the 8% coupon. The 8% bond had the shortest duration (7.65
years), the 2% bond the longest (9.07 years).The 4% bond had a duration of 8.42
  Est. Time: 01-05

5. a. Fall. Example: Assume a one-year, 10% bond. If the interest rate is 10%,
the bond is worth $110/1.1 = $100. If the interest rate rises to 15%, the bond is
worth $110/1.15 = $95.65.

b. Less (e.g., see 5a—if the bond yield is 15% but the coupon rate is lower at

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Chapter 03 - Valuing Bonds

10%, the price of the bond is less than $100).

c. Less (e.g., with r = 5%, one-year 10% bond is worth $110/1.05 = $104.76).

d. Higher (e.g., if r = 10%, one-year 10% bond is worth $110/1.1 = $100,

while one-year 8% bond is worth $108/1.1 = $98.18).

e. No. Low-coupon bonds have longer durations (unless there is only one
period to maturity) and are therefore more volatile (e.g., if r falls from 10%
to 5%, the value of a two-year 10% bond rises from $100 to $109.3 (a rise
of 9.3%). The value of a two-year 5% bond rises from $91.3 to $100 (a
rise of 9.5%).
Est. Time: 01-05

6. a. Spot interest rates. Yield to maturity is a complicated average of the

separate spot rates of interest.

b. Bond prices. The bond price is determined by the bond’s cash flows and the
spot rates of interest. Once you know the bond price and the bond’s cash
flows, it is possible to calculate the yield to maturity.
Est. Time: 01-05

7. a. 4%; each bond will have the same yield to maturity.

b. PV = $80/(1.04) + $1,080/(1.04)2 = $1,075.44.

Est. Time: 01-05

5 105
8. a. PV  1  r  1  r  2
1 2

5 105
b. PV  1  y  1  y  2

c. Less (it is between the one-year and two-year spot rates).

Est. Time: 01-05

9. a. The two-year spot rate is r2 = (100/99.523).5 – 1 = 0.24%.

The three-year spot rate is r3 = (100/98.937).33 – 1 = 0.36%.
The four-year spot rate is r4 = (100/97.904).25 – 1 = 0.53%.
The five-year spot rate is r5 = (100/96.034).2 – 1 = 0.81%.
b. Upward-sloping.

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Chapter 03 - Valuing Bonds

c. Higher (the yield on the bond is a complicated average of the separate

spot rates).
Est. Time: 01-05

10. a. Price today is $108.425; price after one year is $106.930.

b. Return = (8 + 106.930)/108.425 - 1 = .06, or 6%.

c. If a bond’s yield to maturity is unchanged, the return to the bondholder is
equal to the yield.

  Est. Time: 01-05

11. a. False. Duration depends on the coupon as well as the maturity.

b. False. Given the yield to maturity, volatility is proportional to duration.

c. True. A lower coupon rate means longer duration and therefore higher

d. False. A higher interest rate reduces the relative present value of (distant)
principal repayments.

Est. Time: 01-05

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Chapter 03 - Valuing Bonds


Est. Time: 06-10

13. 7.01%; the extra return that you earn for investing for two years rather than one
year is 1.062/1.05 – 1 = .0701.

Est. Time: 01-05

14. a. Real rate = 1.10/1.05 – 1 = .0476, or 4.76%.

b. The real rate does not change. The nominal rate increases to 1.0476 ×
1.07 – 1 = .1209, or 12.09%.

Est. Time: 01-05

15. With annual coupon payments:

 1 1  100
PV  5    10 
  €92.64
 0.06 0.06  (1.06)  (1.06)10

Est. Time: 01-05

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Chapter 03 - Valuing Bonds

 1 1  10,000
16. a. PV  275    20 
  $10,231.64
 0.026 0.026  (1.026)  (1.026)

Interest PV of PV of
PV of Bond
Rate Interest Face Value
1.0% $5,221.54 $9,050.63 $14,272.17
2.0% 4,962.53 8,195.44 13,157.97
3.0% 4,721.38 7,424.70 12,146.08
4.0% 4,496.64 6,729.71 11,226.36
5.0% 4,287.02 6,102.71 10,389.73
6.0% 4,091.31 5,536.76 9,628.06
7.0% 3,908.41 5,025.66 8,934.07
8.0% 3,737.34 4,563.87 8,301.21
9.0% 3,577.18 4,146.43 7,723.61
10.0% 3,427.11 3,768.89 7,196.00
11.0% 3,286.36 3,427.29 6,713.64
12.0% 3,154.23 3,118.05 6,272.28
13.0% 3,030.09 2,837.97 5,868.06
14.0% 2,913.35 2,584.19 5,497.54
15.0% 2,803.49 2,354.13 5,157.62

Est. Time: 06-10

17. Purchase price for a six-year government bond with 5% annual coupon:
 1 1  1,000
PV  50    6 
  $1,108.34
 0.03 0.03  (1.03)  (1.03) 6

The price one year later is equal to the present value of the remaining five years
of the bond:
 1 1  1,000
PV  50    5 
  $1,091.59
 0.03 0.03  (1.03)  (1.03)

Rate of return = [$50 + ($1,091.59 – $1,108.34)]/$1,108.34 = 3.00%

Price one year later (yield = 2%):
 1 1  1,000
PV  50    5 
  $1,141.40
 0.02 0.02  (1.02)  (1.02) 5

Rate of return = [$50 + ($1,141.40 – $1,108.34)]/$1,108.34 = 7.49%.

Est. Time: 06-10

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Chapter 03 - Valuing Bonds

18. The key here is to find a combination of these two bonds (i.e., a portfolio of
bonds) that has a cash flow only at t = 6. Then, knowing the price of the portfolio
and the cash flow at t = 6, we can calculate the six-year spot rate. We begin by
specifying the cash flows of each bond and using these and their yields to
calculate their current prices:
Investment Yield C1 ... C5 C6 Price
6% bond 12% 60 ... 60 1,060 $753.32
10% bond 8% 100 ... 100 1,100 $1,092.46
From the cash flows in years 1 through 5, we can see that buying two 6% bonds
produces the same annual payments as buying 1.2 of the 10% bonds. To see
the value of a cash flow only in year 6, consider the portfolio of two 6% bonds
minus 1.2 10% bonds. This portfolio costs:
($753.32 × 2) – (1.2  $1,092.46) = $195.68
The cash flow for this portfolio is equal to zero for years 1 through 5 and, for year
6, is equal to:
(1,060 × 2) – (1.2  1,100) = $800

$195.68  (1 + r6)6 = $800
r6 = 0.2645 = 26.45%

Est. Time: 06-10

19. Downward sloping. This is because high-coupon bonds provide a greater

proportion of their cash flows in the early years. In essence, a high-coupon bond
is a “shorter” bond than a low-coupon bond of the same maturity.

Est. Time: 01-05

20. a.
Year Discount Factor Forward Rate
1 1/1.05 = 0.952
2 1/(1.054)2 = 0.900 (1.0542 /1.05) – 1 = 0.0580 = 5.80%
3 1/(1.057)3 = 0.847 (1.0573 /1.0542 ) – 1 = 0.0630 = 6.30%
4 1/(1.059)4 = 0.795 (1.0594 /1.0573 ) – 1 = 0.0650 = 6.50%
5 1/(1.060)5 = 0.747 (1.0605 /1.0594 ) – 1 = 0.0640 = 6.40%

b. i. 5%, two-year bond:

50 1050
PV    $992.79
1.05 (1.054) 2
ii. 5%, five-year bond:

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Chapter 03 - Valuing Bonds

50 50 50 50 1,050
PV   2
 3
 4
  $959.34
1.05 (1.054) (1.057) (1.059) (1.060) 5
iii. 10%, five-year bond:
100 100 100 100 1,100
PV   2
 3
 4
  $1,171.43
1.05 (1.054) (1.057) (1.059) (1.060)5

c. First, we calculate the yield for each of the two bonds. For the 5% bond,
this means solving for r in the following equation:

50 50 50 50 1,050
$959.34     
1  r (1  r) 2
(1  r) 3
(1  r) 4
(1  r) 5

r = 0.05964 = 5.964%
For the 10% bond:
100 100 100 100 1,100
$1,171.43     
1  r (1  r) 2 (1  r)3 (1  r) 4 (1  r)5

r = 0.05937 = 5.937%
The yield depends upon both the coupon payment and the spot rate at the
time of the coupon payment. The 10% bond has a slightly greater proportion
of its total payments coming earlier, when interest rates are low, than does
the 5% bond. Thus, the yield of the 10% bond is slightly lower.

d. The yield to maturity on a five-year zero-coupon bond is the five-year spot

rate, here 6.00%.

e. First, we find the price of the five-year annuity, assuming that the annual
payment is $1:
1 1 1 1 1
PV   2
 3
 4
  $4.2417
1.05 (1.054) (1.057) (1 .059) (1.060)5

Now we find the yield to maturity for this annuity:

1 1 1 1 1
$4.2417     
1  r (1  r) 2
(1  r) 3
(1  r) 4
(1  r)5

r = 0.05745 = 5.745%
f. The yield on the five-year note lies between the yield on a five-year zero-
coupon bond and the yield on a five-year annuity because the cash flows
of the Treasury bond lie between the cash flows of these other two
financial instruments during a period of rising interest rates. That is, the
annuity has fixed, equal payments; the zero-coupon bond has one
payment at the end; and the bond’s payments are a combination of these.
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Chapter 03 - Valuing Bonds

Est. Time: 06-10

21. To calculate the duration, consider the following table similar to Table 3.4:

Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Totals
Payment ($) 30 30 30 30 30 30 1,030
PV(Ct) at 4% ($) 28.846 27.737 26.670 25.644 24.658 23.709 782.715 939.980
Fraction of total value
[PV(Ct)/PV] 0.031 0.030 0.028 0.027 0.026 0.025 0.833 1.000
Year × fraction of total value 0.031 0.059 0.085 0.109 0.131 0.151 5.829
Duration (Years) 6.395

The duration is the sum of the year × fraction of total value column, or 6.395 years.

The modified duration, or volatility, is 6.395/(1 + .04) = 6.15.

The price of the 3% coupon bond at 3.5%, and 4.5% equals $969.43 and $911.64,
respectively. This price difference ($57.82) is 5.93% of the original price, which is very
close to the modified duration.

Est. Time: 06-10

a. If the bond coupon payment changes from 9% as listed in Table 3.4 to 8%,
then the following calculation for duration can be made:

Year 1 2 3 4 5 a. 7 Totals
Payment ($) 80 80 80 80 80 80 1,080
PV(Ct) at 4% ($) 76.923 73.964 71.120 68.384 65.754 63.225 820.711 1,240.082
Fraction of total value
[PV(Ct)/PV] 0.062 0.060 0.057 0.055 0.053 0.051 0.662 1.000
Year × fraction of total value 0.062 0.119 0.172 0.221 0.265 0.306 4.633
Duration (years) 5.778

A decrease in the coupon payment will increase the duration of the bond, as the
duration at an 8% coupon payment is 5.778 years.

The volatility for the bond in Table 3.4 with an 8% coupon payment is: 5.778/
(1.04) = 5.556.The bond therefore becomes less volatile if the coupon payment

b. For a 9% bond whose yield increases from 4% to 6%, the duration can be
calculated as follows:

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Chapter 03 - Valuing Bonds

Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Totals
Payment ($) 90 90 90 90 90 90 1090
PV(Ct) at 6% ($) 84.906 80.100 75.566 71.288 67.253 63.446 724.912 1,167.471
Fraction of total value
[PV(Ct)/PV] 0.073 0.069 0.065 0.058 0.058 0.054 0.621 1.000
Year × fraction of total value 0.07272611 0.13722 0.19418 0.23042 0.288 0.32607 4.346475
Duration (years) 5.595

There is an inverse relationship between the yield to maturity and the duration.
When the yield goes up from 4% to 6%, the duration decreases slightly. The
volatility can be calculated as follows: 5.595/(1.06) = 5.278. This shows that the
volatility decreases as well when the yield increases.

Est. Time: 06-10

23. The duration of a perpetual bond is: [(1 + yield)/yield].

The duration of a perpetual bond with a yield of 5% is:
D5 = 1.05/0.05 = 21 years
The duration of a perpetual bond yielding 10% is:
D10 = 1.10/0.10 = 11 years
Because the duration of a zero-coupon bond is equal to its maturity, the 15-year
zero-coupon bond has a duration of 15 years.
Thus, comparing the 5% perpetual bond and the zero-coupon bond, the 5%
perpetual bond has the longer duration. Comparing the 10% perpetual bond and
the 15-year zero, the zero has a longer duration.

Est. Time: 06-10

24. Answers will differ. Generally, we would expect yield changes to have the
greatest impact on long-maturity and low-coupon bonds.

Est. Time: 06-10

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Chapter 03 - Valuing Bonds

25. The new calculations are shown in the table below:

1 2 3 4 Bond Price (PV) YTM (%)

Spot rates (%) 4.60 4.40 4.20 4

Discount factors 0.9560 0.9175 0.8839 0.8548

Bond A (8% coupon):

Payment (Ct) $80 $1,080
PV(Ct) $76.48 $990.88 $1,067.37 4.407%

Bond B (8% coupon):

Payment (Ct) $80 $80 $1,080
PV(Ct) $76.48 $73.40 $954.60 $1,104.48 4.222%

Bond C (8% coupon):

Payment (Ct) $80 $80 $80 $1,080
PV(Ct) $76.48 $73.40 $70.71 $923.19 $1,143.78 4.036%

26. We will borrow $1,000 at a five-year loan rate of 2.5% and buy a four-year strip
paying 4%. We may not know what interest rates we will earn on the last year
(45), but our $1,000 will come due, and we put it under our mattress earning
0% if necessary to pay off the loan.

Let’s turn to present value calculations: As shown above, the cost of the strip is
$854.80. We will receive proceeds from the 2.5% loan = $1,000/(1.025) 5 =
$883.90. Pocket the difference of $29.10, smile, and repeat.

The minimum sensible value would set the discount factors used in year 5 equal
to that of year 4, which would assume a 0% interest rate from year 4 to 5. We
can solve for the interest rate where 1/(1 + r)5 = 0.8548, which is roughly 3.19%.

Est. Time: 06-10

a. If the expectations theory of term structure is right, then we can determine
the expected future one-year spot rate (at t = 3) as follows: investing $100
in a three-year instrument at 4.2% gives us $100(1 + .042) 3 = 113.136.
Investing $100 in a four-year instrument at 4.0% gives us $100 × (1+.04) 4
= 116.986. This reveals a one-year spot rate from year 3 to 4 of ($116.98 –
113.136)/113.136 = 3.4%.

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Chapter 03 - Valuing Bonds

b. If investing in long-term bonds carries additional risks, then the risk

equivalent of a one-year spot rate in year 3 would be even less (reflecting
the fact that some risk premium must be built into this 3.4% spot rate).

Est. Time: 06-10

a. Your nominal return will be 1.082 -1 = 16.64% over the two years. Your
real return is (1.08/1.03) × (1.08/1.05) - 1 = 7.85%.

b. With the TIPS, the real return will remain at 8% per year, or 16.64% over
two years. The nominal return on the TIPS will equal (1.08 × 1.03) × (1.08
× 1.05) – 1 = 26.15%.

Est. Time: 01-05

The bond price at a 5.3% yield is:
 1 1  1,000
PV  100    5 
  $1,201.81
 0.053 0.053  (1.053)  (1.053)

If the yield decreases to 5.9%, the price would rise to:

 1 1  1,000
PV  100    5 
  $1,173.18
 0.059 0.059  (1.059)  (1.059) 5

30. Answers will vary by the interest rates chosen.

a. Suppose the YTM on a four-year 3% coupon bond is 2%. The bond is selling
 1 1  1,000
PV  30    4 
  $1,038.08
 0.02 0.02  (1.02)  (1.02) 4

If the YTM stays the same, one year later the bond will sell for:

 1 1  1,000
PV  30    3 
  $1,028.84
 0.02 0.02  (1.02)  (1.02)3

The return over the year is [$30 + (1,028.84 - 1,038.08)]/$1,038.08= 0.02, or 2%.

b. Suppose the YTM on a four-year 3% coupon bond is 4%. The bond is selling

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Chapter 03 - Valuing Bonds

 1 1  1,000
PV  30    4 
  $963.70
 0.04 0.04  (1.04)  (1.04) 4
If the YTM stays the same, one year later the bond will sell for:

 1 1  1,000
PV  30    3 
  $972.25
 0.04 0.04  (1.04)  (1.04) 3

The return over the year is [$30+(972.25-963.70)]/$963.70 = 0.04, or 4%.

Est. Time: 06-10

31. Spreadsheet problem; answers will vary.

Est. Time: 06-10

32. Arbitrage opportunities can be identified by finding situations where the implied
forward rates or spot rates are different.
We begin with the shortest-term bond, Bond G, which has a two-year maturity.
Since G is a zero-coupon bond, we determine the two-year spot rate directly by
finding the yield for Bond G. The yield is 9.5%, so the implied two-year spot rate
(r2) is 9.5%. Using the same approach for Bond A, we find that the three-year
spot rate (r3) is 10.0%.
Next we use Bonds B and D to find the four-year spot rate. The following
position in these bonds provides a cash payoff only in year four: a long position in
two of Bond B and a short position in Bond D.
Cash flows for this position are:
[(–2  $842.30) + $980.57] = –$704.03 today
[(2  $50) – $100] = $0 in years 1, 2 and 3
[(2  $1,050) – $1,100] = $1,000 in year 4
We determine the four-year spot rate from this position as follows:
$704.03 
(1  r4 ) 4

r4 = 0.0917 = 9.17%
Next, we use r2, r3, and r4 with one of the four-year coupon bonds to determine r1.
For Bond C:
120 120 120 1,120 120
$1,065.28       978.74
1 r1 (1.095) 2
(1.100) 3
(1.0917) 4
1 r1

r1 = 0.3867 = 38.67%

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Chapter 03 - Valuing Bonds

Now, in order to determine whether arbitrage opportunities exist, we use these

spot rates to value the remaining two four-year bonds. This produces the
following results: for Bond B, the present value is $854.55, and for Bond D, the
present value is $1,005.07. Since neither of these values equals the current
market price of the respective bonds, arbitrage opportunities exist. Similarly, the
spot rates derived above produce the following values for the three-year bonds:
$1,074.22 for Bond E and $912.77 for Bond F.

Est. Time: 11-15

33. We begin with the definition of duration as applied to a bond with yield r and an
annual payment of C in perpetuity:

1C 2C 3C tC
   
1  r (1  r)2
(1  r)3
(1  r)t
   
1  r (1  r) 2
(1  r)3
(1  r)t

We first simplify by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by C:

1 2 3 t
    
(1  r) (1  r)2
(1  r)3
(1  r)t
1 1 1 1
    
1  r (1  r)2
(1  r)3
(1  r)t

The denominator is the present value of a perpetuity of $1 per year, which is

equal to (1/r). To simplify the numerator, we first denote the numerator S and
then divide S by (1 + r):

S 1 2 3 t
      1
(1  r) (1  r) 2
(1  r)3
(1  r) 4
(1  r)t

Note that this new quantity [S/(1 + r)] is equal to the square of denominator in the
duration formula above, that is:
S  1 1 1 1 
      

(1  r)  1  r (1  r)2
(1  r)3
(1  r)t

S  1 1 r
   S
(1  r)  r  r2

Thus, for a perpetual bond paying C dollars per year:

1 r 1 1 r
DUR  2
 
r (1 / r) r

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Chapter 03 - Valuing Bonds

Est. Time: 06-10

34. We begin with the definition of duration as applied to a common stock with yield r
and dividends that grow at a constant rate g in perpetuity:

1C(1  g) 2C(1  g)2 3C(1  g)3 tC(1  g) t

     
1 r (1  r)2 (1  r)3 (1  r)t
C(1  g) C(1  g)2 C(1  g)3 C(1  g) t
      
1 r (1  r)2 (1  r)3 (1  r)t
We first simplify by dividing each term by [C(1 + g)]:

1 2(1  g) 3(1  g)2 t(1  g)t 1

     
1 r (1  r)2 (1  r)3 (1  r)t
1 1 g (1  g)2 (1  g)t 1
     
1 r (1  r)2 (1  r)3 (1  r)t

The denominator is the present value of a growing perpetuity of $1 per year,

which is equal to [1/(r - g)]. To simplify the numerator, we first denote the
numerator S and then divide S by (1 + r):

S 1 2(1  g) 3(1  g)2 t(1  g)t  2

      
(1  r) (1  r)2 (1  r)3 (1  r)4 (1  r)t  1

Note that this new quantity [S/(1 + r)] is equal to the square of denominator in the
duration formula above, that is:
S  1 1 g (1  g)2 (1  g)t 1 
        
(1  r)  1  r (1  r)2
(1  r)3
(1  r)t

S  1  1 r
   S
(1  r)  
 r  g (r  g)2

Thus, for a perpetual bond paying C dollars per year:

1 r 1 1 r
DUR   
(r  g) 2
[1 / (r  g)] rg

Est. Time: 11-15

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Chapter 03 - Valuing Bonds

35. a. We make use of the one-year Treasury bill information in order to

determine the one-year spot rate as follows:
$93.46 
1  r1

r1 = 0.0700 = 7.00%
The following position provides a cash payoff only in year two: a long
position in 25 two-year bonds and a short position in 1 one-year Treasury
bill. Cash flows for this position are:
[(–25  $94.92) + (1  $93.46)] = –$2,279.54 today
[(25  $4) – (1  $100)] = $0 in year 1
(25  $104) = $2,600 in year 2
We determine the two-year spot rate from this position as follows:
$2,279.54 
(1  r2 ) 2
r2 = 0.0680 = 6.80%
The forward rate f2 is computed as follows:
f2 = [(1.0680)2/1.0700] – 1 = 0.0660 = 6.60%
The following position provides a cash payoff only in year 3:
a long position in the three-year bond and a short position equal to (8/104)
times a package consisting of a one-year Treasury bill and a two-year
Cash flows for this position are:
[(–1  $103.64) + (8/104)  ($93.46 + $94.92)] = –$89.15 today
[(1  $8) – (8/104)  ($100 + $4)] = $0 in year 1
[(1  $8) – (8/104)  $104] = $0 in year 2
1  $108 = $108 in year 3
We determine the three-year spot rate from this position as follows:
$89.15 
(1  r3 ) 3
r3 = 0.0660 = 6.60%
The forward rate f3 is computed as follows:
f3 = [(1.0660)3/(1.0680)2] – 1 = 0.0620 = 6.20%

b. We make use of the spot and forward rates to calculate the price of the
4% coupon bond:

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Chapter 03 - Valuing Bonds

40 40 1040
P    $931.01
(1.07) (1.07) (1.066) (1.07) (1.066) (1.062)

The actual price of the bond ($950) is significantly greater than the price
deduced using the spot and forward rates embedded in the prices of the
other bonds ($931.01). Hence, a profit opportunity exists. In order to take
advantage of this opportunity, one should sell the 4% coupon bond short
and purchase the 8% coupon bond.

Est. Time: 11-15

36. a. We can set up the following three equations using the prices of bonds A,
B, and C:
Using bond A: $1,076.19 = $80/(1+r1) + $1,080/(1+r2)2
Using bond B: $1,084.58 = $80/(1+r1) + $80/(1+r2)2 + $1,080 / (1+r3)3
Using bond C: $1,076.20 = $80/(1+r1) + $80/(1+r2)2 + $80/(1+r3)3 + $1,080/(1+r4)4
We know r4 = 6% so we can substitute that into the last equation. Now we
have three equations and three unknowns and can solve this with variable
substitution or linear programming to get r1 = 3%, r2 = 4%; r3 = 5%, r4 =

b. We will want to invest in the underpriced C and borrow money at the

current spot market rates to construct an offsetting position. For example,
we might borrow $80 at the one-year rate of 3%, $80 at the two-year rate
of 4%, $80 at the three-year rate of 5%, and $1,080 at the four-year rate of
6%. Of course the PV amount we will receive on these loans is $1,076.20.
Now we purchase the discounted bond C at $1,040 and use the proceeds
of this bond to repay our loans as they come due. We can pocket the
difference of $36.20, smile, and repeat.
Est. Time: 11-15

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