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Spontaneous pneumothorax
online version of this article
to obtain certified continuing
medical education credits Oliver Bintcliffe, Nick Maskell

Academic Respiratory Unit, School Pneumothorax describes the presence of gas within the pleu- Secondary pneumothorax is associated with considerably
of Clinical Sciences, University of ral space, between the lung and the chest wall. It remains a more morbidity and mortality than primary pneumothorax,
Bristol, Bristol BS10 5NB, UK globally important health problem, with considerable associ- in part resulting from the reduction in cardiopulmonary
Correspondence to: N Maskell
[email protected] ated morbidity and healthcare costs. Without prompt man- reserve in patients with pre-existing lung disease.
Cite this as: BMJ 2014;348:g2928 agement pneumothorax can, occasionally, be fatal. Current Tension pneumothorax is a life threatening complication
doi: 10.1136/bmj.g2928 research may in the future lead to more patients receiving that requires immediate recognition and urgent treatment.
ambulatory outpatient management. This review explores Tension pneumothorax is caused by the development of a the epidemiology and causes of pneumothorax and dis- valve-like leak in the visceral pleura, such that air escapes
Previous articles in this cusses diagnosis, evidence based management strategies, from the lung during inspiration but cannot re-enter the lung
series and possible future developments. during expiration. This process leads to an increasing pres-
ЖЖManagement of sure of air within the pleural cavity and haemo­dynamic com-
women at high risk of How common is pneumothorax? promise because of impaired venous return and decreased
breast cancer Between 1991 and 1995 annual consultation rates for cardiac output. Treatment is with high flow oxygen and
(BMJ 2014;348:g2756) pneumothorax in England were reported as 24/100 000 emergency needle decompression with a c­annula inserted
ЖЖGallstones for men and 9.8/100 000 for women, and admission rates in the second intercostal space in the midclavicular line. An
(BMJ 2014;348: g2669) were 16.7/100 000 and 5.8/100 000, respectively, in a intercostal drain is then inserted after decompression. Often
ЖЖFirst seizures in adults study analysing three national databases.1 The overall emergency treatment must be based on a clinical diagnosis
(BMJ 2014;348:g2470) incidence represents a rate of one pneumothorax a year of tension pneumothorax before radiological confirmation,
in an average sized general practice population. Across because of life threatening haemodynamic compromise.
the United Kingdom this equates to around 8000 admis- Radiographic features suggesting tension pneumothorax
sions for pneumothorax each year, accounting for 50 000 include cardiomediastinal shift away from the affected side
(BMJ 2014;348:g2183)
bed days given an average length of stay of just under one and, in some cases, inversion of the hemidiaphragm and
ЖЖModern management week.2 These admissions alone have estimated costs of widening of intercostal spaces from the increased pressure
of splenic trauma £13.65m for the National Health Service. Annual costs in within the affected hemithorax.
(BMJ 2014;348:g1864) the United States have been estimated at $130m.3
How is pneumothorax diagnosed?
What are the types of pneumothorax? Pneumothorax may be asymptomatic and diagnosed radio-
Pneumothorax is categorised as primary spontaneous, sec- logically or may be suspected on the basis of typical clini-
ondary spontaneous, or traumatic (iatrogenic or ot­herwise). cal features. The most common symptoms are chest pain
Traumatic pneumothorax is out of the remit of this review and breathlessness, characteristically with an acute onset,
and will not be discussed. although these may be subtle or even absent. Patients with
The distinction between primary and secondary pneumo­ secondary pneumothorax tend to have more symptoms than
thoraces is based on the absence or presence of clinically those with primary pneumothorax as a result of co­existent
apparent lung disease. Primary and secondary pneumo­ lung disease. Clinical signs of pneumothorax include a
thoraces are distinct groups regarding morbidity and mortality, reduction in lung expansion, a hyper-resonant percussion
rates of hypoxia at presentation, and recommended manage- note, and diminished breath sounds on the affected side.
ment.4 Although primary pneumothorax is not associated with The presence of hypotension and tachycardia may indicate
known lung disease, most affected patients have unrecognised tension pneumothorax.
lung abnormalities that may predispose to pneumothorax. A In most patients the diagnosis will be confirmed on a
small case-control study found that e­mphysema-like changes standard, inspiratory chest radiograph. Routine expiratory
were identified on computed tomography in 81% of 27 non- films are not recommended routinely as they do not improve
smokers with primary pneumothorax compared with 0% in diagnostic yield, contrary to historical recommendations.4
the control group of 10 healthy volunteers who did not smoke.5 The hallmark of a pneumothorax on a radiograph is a white
visceral pleural line separated from the parietal pleura and
SUMMARY POINTS chest wall by a collection of gas, resulting in a loss of lung
Primary spontaneous pneumothorax is associated with smoking but defined as occurring in markings in this space (fig 1).
the absence of known lung disease Features of pneumothorax may be more subtle on supine
Secondary spontaneous pneumothorax occurs in the presence of known lung disease and is radiographs, with more air needed within the pneumotho-
associated with increased symptoms, morbidity, and rates of tension pneumothorax rax to confidently make a diagnosis. The deep sulcus sign,
Immediate recognition and management of tension pneumothorax is required to prevent death caused by air collecting in the costophrenic sulcus, appar-
Smoking increases the risk of pneumothorax and rates of recurrence, and smoking cessation ently deepening it, may indicate pneumothorax on a supine
is strongly advised radiograph.
Surgical intervention is warranted for patients with recurrent pneumothorax as the risk of Computed tomography provides sensitive and specific
further recurrence is high
imaging for pneumothorax and is particularly useful for

BMJ | 10 MAY 2014 | VOLUME 348 27


Fig 1 | Large right sided to increase with worsening chronic obstructive pulmonary
secondary pneumothorax in disease; around 30% of patients with secondary pneumo-
patient with severe chronic thorax have a forced expiratory volume in one second of
obstructive pulmonary
less than 1 litre.10 Other causes of secondary pneumothorax
disease and acute dyspnoea.
include asthma, Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia related
White arrows indicate
visceral pleura surrounding to HIV infection, cystic fibrosis, lung cancer, tuberculosis,
collapsed lung interstitial lung disease, and endometriosis.
Thoracic endometriosis seems to have been an under-rec-
ognised cause of pneumothorax; a prospective study evalu-
ating 32 women with pneumothorax referred for surgery
found that 25% (n=8) had features suggesting pneumotho-
rax associated with menses and seven of these women had
histopathological confirmation of diaphragmatic endome-
triosis.11 Specifically evaluating women for this possibility
may significantly alter management.

complex disease processes, including pneumothoraces that What predicts recurrence of pneumothorax?
are loculated as a result of areas of lung remaining adherent Primary spontaneous pneumothorax
to parietal pleura, as well as facilitating radiologically guided Smoking cessation is the only proved modifiable risk factor
drain insertion in difficult cases. Additionally, computed for recurrence of primary pneumothorax. In a retrospective
tomography is useful in distinguishing a pneumothorax study of patients with primary pneumothorax, including 99
from large bullae, which may occur in severe emphysema smokers, the absolute risk of recurrent pneumothorax in the
and can mimic the appearance of pneumothorax due to the four year follow-up period was 40% in those who stopped
absence of lung markings within a bulla. Typically, on chest smoking compared with 70% in those who continued to
radiographs bullae are indicated by a concave appearance, smoke.12 Recurrence of primary pneumothorax is also asso-
whereas a pneumothorax is suggested by a visceral pleural ciated with increased height in men12 and is significantly
line running parallel to the chest wall; however, this distinc- reduced by open surgery or video assisted thoracic surgery.13
tion may be made clearly with computed tomography, poten-
tially avoiding the serious complication of inserting a drain Secondary spontaneous pneumothorax
into lung parenchyma. Patients with pre-existing lung disease are more likely to
experience a recurrent pneumothorax than those with pri-
What predisposes to pneumothorax? mary pneumothorax.14  15 In a retrospective study of 182
Primary spontaneous pneumothorax patients, of whom around half had chemical pleurodesis,
The most important risk factor contributing to risk of primary recurrence rates at one year were 15.8% for primary pneu-
pneumothorax is tobacco smoking. A retrospective study mothorax and 31.2% for secondary pneumothorax.15 Rates
over 10 years conducted in Stockholm assessed the smok- of recurrence of secondary pneumothorax are noticeably
ing habits of 138 patients with primary pneumothorax and lowered by thoracic surgery: after video assisted thoracic
compared their rates of smoking with a contemporary ran- surgery or axillary minithoracotomy, recurrence rates of
dom sample of over 15 000 people from the same geographi- around 3% were reported in a study with a mean follow-
cal area. Within this study, 88% of the patients with primary up period of 30 months,13 whereas a separate study, with
pneumothorax smoked. Compared with non-smokers the a similar duration of follow-up, reported recurrence rates
relative risk of a first pneumothorax is increased by ninefold of 43% in a control group of 86 patients with secondary
in women who smoke and by 22-fold in men who smoke.6 In pneumothorax.10
addition this study found a striking dose-response relation
between number of cigarettes smoked a day and risk of pneu- What is the goal of management?
mothorax.6 Cannabis smoking is associated with pneumo- The goal of acute treatment in pneumothorax is to exclude a
thorax, an effect that may be attributed to both parenchymal tension pneumothorax and to relieve any dyspnoea. These
damage from smoke and the longer breath-holds or valsalva goals are reflected by the different treatment algorithms
manoeuvres that may be associated with smoking cannabis.7 in patients with primary or secondary pneumothorax, as
The risk of primary pneumothorax is greater in tall men, patients with the latter are more likely to be symptomatic
which has led to the hypothesis that a greater alveolar stretch and more prone to associated cardiopulmonary compromise,
at the lung apex in tall men contributes to the increased risk.8 in view of pre-existing disease. In contrast, patients with pri-
Pneumothorax as a whole has a biphasic age distribution mary pneumothorax are often asymptomatic and tension
with primary pneumothorax peaking in those between the pneumothorax is uncommon in this population.
ages of 15 and 34 and secondary pneumothorax in those Early studies evaluating treatment of pneumothorax
aged more than 55.1 focused on radiological resolution rather than patient cen-
tred outcomes, and this may have previously resulted in
Secondary spontaneous pneumothorax guidelines focused on intervention to remove air from the
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is the most common pleural space. Goals of treatment in pneumothorax are to
lung disease causing secondary pneumothorax, accounting exclude tension and reduce early morbidity and symp-
for around 57% of cases.9 The risk of pneumothorax seems toms associated with pneumothorax, to limit inpatient

28 BMJ | 10 MAY 2014 | VOLUME 348


drain insertion. Whereas the British guidelines recommend

Pneumothorax confirmed on chest radiograph aspiration for primary pneumothorax with a large (>2 cm)
pneumothorax, the American consensus statement recom-
Known lung disease or aged >50 with significant smoking history? mends inserting a chest drain or small bore catheter when
No Yes intervention is required. Both the guidelines and consensus
statement discourage the use of large bore “surgical” drains
Primary pneumothorax Secondary pneumothorax
in uncomplicated pneumothorax in view of the similar suc-
cess rate and lower levels of discomfort associated with
Size >2 cm and breathless Requires admission
smaller bore drains inserted with a seldinger technique (in
No Yes which a guidewire is passed through a needle into the pleural
Size <2 cm or breathlessness, or both
Aspiration space and a drain passed over the wire).3  4
with cannula Yes No A randomised controlled trial of 56 patients assessed man-
Success Failure
Aspiration or ual aspiration against intercostal drain insertion in patients
observation with large primary pneumothorax.18 Success and recurrence
Consider discharge and Chest drain Requires observation
early outpatient review insertion for minimum 24 hours rates did not differ between the groups and manual aspira-
Some patients with a large primary pneumothorax but minimal symptoms may also be appropriate for conservative
tion was associated with significantly shorter hospital stays,
management suggesting that this strategy is appropriate in this group. An
Fig 2 | Initial management of pneumothorax. Adapted from British Thoracic Society guidelines,
earlier Cochrane review, limited by the inclusion of only a
MacDuff et al4 single randomised controlled trial, also suggested that aspi-
ration was no different from chest drain insertion in terms of
m­anagement where possible, to reduce the risk of recurrence, early success or success at one year, and was associated with
and to identify patients who would benefit from a definitive a reduction in the number of patients admitted to hospital.19
surgical procedure.
Secondary spontaneous pneumothorax
What are the treatment options? Management of secondary pneumothorax tends to involve
Surprisingly for such a common condition there is consider- a more interventional approach because of the associated
able disparity in societal guidelines and worldwide practice increased morbidity, symptoms, and cardiorespiratory com-
for the management of pneumothorax. Management options promise. In reflection of this, both American College of Chest
range from observation through aspiration or drainage to Physicians and British Thoracic Society guidelines recom-
thoracic surgical intervention. The choice is largely deter- mend admission for all episodes of secondary pneumotho-
mined by symptoms and haemodynamic compromise, the rax.3  4 Oxygen is indicated, but some caution may be required
size and cause of the pneumothorax, whether an episode is for patients at risk of carbon dioxide retention. Although
the first or recurrent, and the success or failure of initial man- most patients may ultimately require an intercostal drain,
agement. Major differences exist between guidelines relating the British guidelines recommend attempting aspiration for
to the management of primary and secondary pneumotho- asymptomatic secondary pneumothorax measuring 1-2 cm
rax, some of which are outlined below.3  4 One key difference at the hilum, whereas the American consensus statement
between guidelines is the method of measuring pneumotho- suggests that this is not appropriate.3  4
rax: the British Th­oracic Society defines a pneumothorax as Air leakage in secondary pneumothorax is less likely
large with a >2 cm measurement from the lung margin to to settle spontaneously than in primary pneumothorax20
chest wall at the level of the hilum, whereas the American and patients with secondary pneumothorax have a longer
College of Chest Physicians define this as ≥3 cm from the lung average length of stay than those with primary pneumotho-
apex to the thoracic cupola. The measurement used within rax: more than 10 days in some series.21 Discussion with a
the British guidelines may have the advantage of identify- thoracic surgeon is advised after 48 hours of persistent air
ing those pneumothoraces for which drain insertion in the leakage, offering an individualised approach to surgical
“triangle of safety” is appropriate. Figure 2 summarises the management dependent on risks of recurrence and surgical
current British Thoracic Society guidelines for the manage- morbidity. Some patients are unfit for a definitive surgical
ment of haemodynamically stable pneumothorax. procedure and may require a longer trial of conservative man-
agement or a less invasive management strategy.
Primary spontaneous pneumothorax
Assuming that air leakage has stopped, a pneumothorax will Suction
gradually resolve as air is reabsorbed into pulmonary capil- The use of suction through chest drains has been employed
laries. The rate of resolution was calculated at 2.2% a day in in patients with persistent air leak or incomplete lung re-
a retrospective study assessing three dimensional estimates expansion in whom the rate of air leakage from the lung
of pneumothorax size based on chest radiographs in patients may be greater than the removal of air from the pleural
treated conservatively.16 The rate of reabsorption is increased space through the drain. This is utilised to increase the air
fourfold when oxygen is administered17 and therefore sup- flow out through the drain in the hope that if the visceral
plemental high flow oxygen is recommended when patients and parietal pleura can be apposed then the defect in the
are admitted for observation.4 A key difference between the visceral pleura may heal more readily. A small randomised
American College of Chest Physicians Delphi consensus study of 23 patients found no significant differences in rates
statement 20013 and the British Thoracic Society guidelines of lung re-expansion and duration of hospital stay between
20104 is the role of aspiration of air, as opposed to intercostal suction and no suction.22 British Thoracic Society guidelines

BMJ | 10 MAY 2014 | VOLUME 348 29



at one year in one study15). An earlier smaller randomised
study including participants with primary and secondary
Pneumothorax is associated with a sudden onset of breathlessness and pleuritic chest
pneumothorax compared simple drainage with tetracycline
pain, although in some patients it can be asymptomatic
or talc pleurodesis and found that the rate of recurrence over
The diagnosis can usually be made on chest radiographs, but computed tomography is
sometimes required a mean follow-up period of 4.6 years was only 8% in the talc
Management depends on whether the episode is a primary or secondary pneumothorax pleurodesis group but 36% in the simple drainage group.24
The presence of haemodynamic compromise with pneumothorax may indicate tension British Thoracic Society guidelines suggest that chemical
pneumothorax, which requires urgent decompression with a cannula through the second pleurodesis should be considered only in patients with an
intercostal space in the midclavicular line ongoing air leak who are not fit for surgical intervention,
Smoking cessation reduces the risk of recurrence of primary spontaneous pneumothorax rather than as a primary treatment, in view of the signifi-
After pneumothorax, air travel should be delayed until after definitive intervention or until cantly lower recurrence rates (around 3%) after surgery.13
resolution has been confirmed radiologically—the UK civil aviation authority recommends
delaying air travel until two weeks after resolution What advice do patients need after a pneumothorax?
Given the considerable recurrence rate for pneumothorax
recommend that suction is not routinely employed in the it is important that patients are advised of the symptoms
management of pneumothorax but can be used if the lung that may indicate recurrence and the need to seek medical
fails to re-expand; a pressure of −10 to −20 cm H2O as part advice if this occurs.
of a high-volume low-pressure system is the recommended British Thoracic Society guidelines suggest that all
method.4 Such a system should minimise the risk of increas- patients with a pneumothorax are followed up by a respira-
ing air leak and “air-stealing”—a process by which a large tory physician around 2-4 weeks after the initial episode to
volume of each breath is entrained out of the chest through ensure resolution and to identify and treat underlying lung
the drain. The early application of suction after drainage of disease.4 Patients can be advised to return to work and nor-
a pneumothorax should be avoided because of an increased mal activity after resolution of symptoms, although extreme
risk of re-expansion pulmonary oedema precipitated by the exertion and contact sports should be delayed for longer
rapid reinflation of the collapsed lung. and until full radiological resolution.4
Smoking cessation significantly reduces the recurrence
Surgery rate in patients after an initial primary pneumothorax, with
Axillary minithoracotomy and video assisted thoracic sur- a relative risk reduction of over 40%.12 Therefore patients
gery are both used for the treatment of recurrent pneumo- should be made aware of this and provided with support
thorax. A recent randomised controlled trial of 66 patients to successfully stop smoking. Aside from medical interven-
with primary or secondary pneumothorax allocated to tion, smoking is the only modifiable risk factor predicting
minithoracotomy or to video assisted thoracic surgery recurrence. Unfortunately, smoking cessation rates seem
showed equivalent recurrence rates (2.7% and 3%, respec- to be low after pneumothorax; more than 80% of patients
tively) and postoperative pain.13 Compared with minithora- in a retrospective study of 142 patients with primary pneu-
cotomy, video assisted thoracic surgery was associated with mothorax continued to smoke one year after the episode.25
higher patient satisfaction (assessed by use of the ipsilat- For specific advice on diving and air travel see
eral arm postoperatively) and return to activity, albeit at the
expense of a longer procedure time.13 What new treatments can be expected?
Conservative treatment
Pleurodesis British Thoracic Society guidelines recommend that con-
Pleurodesis is a procedure that precipitates an inflammatory servative management should be considered in patients
process leading to the adherence of parietal and visceral with a small pneumothorax (<2 cm to lung edge at level
pleura, thereby obliterating the pleural space. This can be of hilum) who are not breathless and acknowledge that it
achieved through instillation of an agent such as talc or tetra- may be appropriate in patients with a large pneumotho-
cycline derivatives through a chest drain (medical pleurode- rax and minimal symptoms. An Australian randomised
sis) or by mechanical abrasion of the pleura or instillation of controlled trial is currently recruiting patients with larger
a suitable agent during an operation (surgical pleurodesis). primary pneumothorax to compare conservative manage-
Because of the inflammatory nature of pleurodesis, it can be ment (observation then discharge if clinically stable) with
painful and requires the application of local anaesthesia into standard management (aspiration and chest drain insertion
the pleural space as well as adequate analgesia. if unsuccessful) on lung re-expansion at eight weeks as well
A randomised controlled trial of 214 patients with pri- as the effect on symptoms, complications, and recurrence.27
mary pneumothorax in Taiwan assessed the effect of mino-
cycline pleurodesis on recurrence of pneumothorax at one Quantification of air leak
year. All the patients had pigtail catheters for aspiration of Digital thoracic drainage systems allow a quantification of
their pneumothorax and were randomised to minocycline air leak that is not possible with a conventional underwater
pleurodesis or to no pleurodesis. Recurrence rates were sig- seal. These systems have been studied predominantly in
nificantly lower (P=0.003) in the minocycline pleurodesis patients with air leakage after thoracic surgery, but they
group (29.2%) compared with the control group (49.1%).23 may allow earlier stratification in pneumothorax, distin-
This method of treatment, however, typically necessitated a guishing those patients who are likely to have a persistent
two day hospital stay, and the rate of recurrence in the control air leak from those whose air leak will settle with continued
group was higher than that reported in other studies (33% intercostal tube drainage.

30 BMJ | 10 MAY 2014 | VOLUME 348


Endobronchial valves Ambulatory treatment

Endobronchial valves have been utilised as a non-surgical Heimlich valves are one-way flutter valves that may be
means of achieving a reduction in lung volume in emphy- attached to an intercostal drain in place of an underwater
sema and have also been studied as a treatment for persis- seal. They offer an outpatient treatment option for the man-
tent air leak in pneumothorax. These one-way valves may agement of pneumothorax, which may have an increasing
be inserted during a bronchoscopy, and when placed in seg- role in the future. A randomised controlled trial of 48 patients
mental or subsegmental bronchi allow collapse of the distal with primary pneumothorax presenting to emergency
lung and reduction in air leak while allowing drainage of departments compared Heimlich valves with needle aspira-
secretions from distal airways. Endobronchial valves have tion and detected non-significantly lower rates of admission
been studied in 40 patients with varying causes of ongoing of 44% (n=11) in the valve group compared with 61% (n=14)
air leak, 25 of whom had spontaneous pneumothorax. Of the in the needle aspiration group. At first outpatient review, full
total, 93% (n=37) had a reduction or resolution in air leak, re-expansion of the lung occurred in 24% (n=6) of partici-
with 48% (n=19) achieving a complete resolution of leak.28 pants in the valve group compared with only 4% (n=1) in
This technique may allow a non-surgical method of manag- the needle aspiration group. Both procedures appeared safe,
ing patients who do not respond to conventional treatment, were well tolerated, and the intercostal drain was removed
and prospective trials may help elucidate its role. at a mean of 3.5 days in participants in the valve group.30
A subsequent systematic review (n=1235 cases) assessed
Blood patch available evidence for the use of Heimlich valves.31 Despite
The effect of intrapleural injection of autologous blood being limited by a large proportion of unrandomised data
was assessed in a small randomised controlled trial of 44 with potential sources of bias, the review suggested an
patients with advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary overall success rate of 85.8% with Heimlich valves, with
disease, secondary pneumothorax, and a persistent air successful treatment as an outpatient in 77.9% of cases.
leak after seven days of intercostal tube drainage.29 This This treatment may offer benefits related to comfort and
intervention was associated with a statistically signifi- the avoidance of admissions with acceptable complication
cant reduction in ongoing air leak at 13 days. The air leak rates of 1.7%.31 A larger well designed randomised con-
stopped in 9% (n=1) of those administered placebo and trolled trial evaluating the use of Heimlich valves is required
73% (n=16) administered 1-2 mL/kg of blood, with greater to evaluate the utility of this device.
success rates seen in those with a smaller air leak. Fourteen Contributors: Both authors jointly prepared the manuscript. NM is the
per cent of patients who were administered this dose of guarantor.
blood developed a low grade fever, which in all cases set- Competing interests: We have read and understood the BMJ Group policy
tled quickly with antibiotics. This study suggests that this on declaration of interests and declare the following interests: none.
technique may be useful as an alternative to chemical pleu- Provenance and peer review: Commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
rodesis in patients with a significant risk from surgery.29 References are in the version on

This week our State of the Art review is painful diabetic and its subtypes. The various diagnostic scores and
State of the neuropathy ( surveys used to diagnose painful diabetic neuropathy in
Art reviews: g1799). Diabetic sensorimotor polyneuropathy is the clinical and research settings are summarised.
Painful diabetic most common complication of diabetes and one third of Management of the underlying diabetes is the mainstay
people with it develop painful diabetic neuropathy. of preventing and delaying the progression of neuropathy.
neuropathy Painful diabetic neuropathy is more prevalent in type 2 However, glucose control is more effective in decreasing the
diabetes than in type 1 disease and has a negative impact incidence of neuropathy in patients with type 1 diabetes than
on physical and mental quality of life compared with in those with type 2 disease. The evidence behind the three
painless diabetic neuropathy. main categories of medication—antiepileptic medications,
The review uses the latest evidence and guidelines to antidepressants affecting norepinephrine reuptake, and
discuss the classification of painful diabetic neuropathy non-specific analgesics including opioids— is reviewed.

Patterns of nerve injury in patients with diabetic neuropathy Algorithm for the treatment of diabetic neuropathy

BMJ | 10 MAY 2014 | VOLUME 348 31

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