Executive Summary: A. Creation and Mandated Functions
Executive Summary: A. Creation and Mandated Functions
Executive Summary: A. Creation and Mandated Functions
The Authority is mandated to lead, promote and accelerate the development and
balanced growth of the Laguna de Bay area within the context of national and
regional plans and policies for social and economic development and to carry out
the development of the Laguna de Bay Region with due regard and adequate
provision for environmental management and control, preservation of the quality
of human life and ecological systems, and the prevention of undue ecological
disturbances, deterioration and pollution.
B. Operational Highlights
For 1998, the Authority had undertaken various programs and projects which
were verified and validated on a test basis. The major accomplishments
compared to targets for the year are the following:
A. Environmental Management Program
1. Water Quality Management Ambient
Waters Quality Monitoring & Research
- No. of samplings conducted 410 502
2. Industrial Pollution Control - permitting
and Licensing
- No. of permits/clearances issued 1,565 2,055
- Pollution Control Officer accredited 600 395
3. Monitoring & Surveillance
- No. of inspection made 2,500 2,100
- No. of establishment surveyed 300 531
- No. of Notice of Violations issued 400 396
- No. of Cease and Desist Order
issued 48 31
C. Watershed Management
1. Paete Communal Forest Cooperative
- Nursery establishment, (sq.m.) 600 600
2. Agro-Forestry Nursery Farm
- No. of seedlings produced 30,000 34,309
- No. of seedlings dispersed 25,000 26,662
C. Financial Profile
For 1998, LLDA’s assets, liabilities and capital were P229,685,595 P24,213,709
and P205,471,886 respectively, which showed a consistent increase of 22.45%,
8.84% and 24.16% over that of last year. Revenue and other income for the
year amounting to P117,096,120 represents a 169.35% increase from that of
1997 which turned the deficit of P20,846,481 of last year into a retained earnings
of P16,291,938.
The audit covered the operations of LLDA for 1998. The objectives of the audit
were to ascertain the fairness and reliability of the Department’s financial position
and results of operation, and to determine whether the plans, programs, projects
and activities for the year were attained on an effecient, economical and effective
manner. We also conducted compliance audit and checked the validity and
propriety of transactions selected through sampling.
Other findings and recommendations are discussed in detail in the report. Our
findings and recommendations were submitted to management for discussion
and comments, which it answered with written comments and its commitments to
implement the stated recommendations.
Of the seven (7) audit recommendations contained in the 1997 LLDA Annual
Audit Report, one (1) was implemented, four (4) were partially implemented and
two (2) not implemented.